HomeMy WebLinkAbout020503 PC Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION FEBRUARY 5, 2003 CALL TO ORDER The City of Temecula Planning Commission convened in a regular meeting at 6:00 P.M., on Wednesday, February 5, 2003, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. ALLEGIANCE The audience was led in the Flag salute by Commissioner Mathewson. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Guerriero, Mathewson Olhasso, Telesio, and Chairman Chiniaeff. Absent: None. Also Present: Director of Planning Ubnoske, Assistant City Attorney Curley, Deputy Director of Public Works Parks Battalion Chief McBride, Fire Captain Neuman, Fire Safety Specialist Branaugh, Senior Planner Naaseh, Associate Planner Long, and Minute Clerk Hansen. PUBLIC COMMENTS No comments. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 ARenda RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the Agenda of February 5, 2003. 2 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Approve the Minutes of October 2, 2002. 2.2 Approve the Minutes of October 16, 2002. R: PlanComm/minutes/020503 I 2.3 Approve the Minutes of October 29, 2002. 2.4 Approve the Minutes of October 30, 2002. MOTION: Commissioner Mathewson moved to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 1 and 2. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Telesio and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Guerriero who abstained from Item No. 2.1. COMMISSION BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 3 Planning Application No. PA03-023 A Development Plan for a Substantial Conformance to Planning Application No. PA00-0213 for the Bel Villa.q.qio proiect that includes chan.qes to the square footaqes and the elevations of buiidinqs L, M, N, and O, chan.qin.q the location of Buildin.q O, and changing the exterior material for the trim above the windows for existing and future buildinqs located on the southwest corner of Marqarita Road and North General Kearney Road (APN 921-09-71, 72, and 78), Saied Naaseh, Senior Planner RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Provide direction to staff Senior Planner Naaseh presented the staff report (of record), relaying the following: · That this item had been continued from the January 29, 2003 Planning Commission meeting due to the following reasons: 1) the proposed deletion of the tile from the tower element, as well as a reduction in the size of this element, and 2) the modification of the material for the window trim treatment from a stone veneer to painted concrete; · Noted the applicant's current proposal to restore the tile on the tower element, to simulate the stone veneer for the concrete treatment which appeared pleasing from a distance but not stone-like when in close proximity, relaying the applicant's request that the Planning Commission allow the concrete treatment which has already been installed to remain, agreeing to install the approved material on the future buildings if that was the desire of the Planning Commission; · With respect to staff's recommendation to add additional accent color to the back of the buildings, noted the applicant's willingness to add this treatment, relaying that Commissioner Guerriero had been appointed to determine whether the accent painting was acceptable and if it was not, the paint would go back to the original approved colors; and · Advised that the applicant has requested that if Ethan Allen determines not to be a tenant in the Bel Villaggio Center that the project design revert back to the original approved design. R: PlanComm/rninutes/020503 2 For Commissioner Olhasso, Senior Planner Naaseh specified the locations of the concrete window treatment; and for Commissioner Telesio, relayed that the request to revert back to the original design would encompass deleting the additional treatments added to suit the Ethan Allen tenant, e.g., the enlarged cornices treatments. Mr. Jeffrey Ostomer, Esq., representing the applicant, recapped the revisions to the project, as follows: · Specified the modifications to Building O; · With respect to Buildings L, M, and N, noted that tile has been added to the tower element; · Reiterated the request of the applicant that if Ethan Allen opted not be a tenant, that the applicant would be able to eliminate the items installed for the Ethan Allen use, e.g., the enlarged cornices, the recessed lighting, the blue awnings, the raised landscaped planters, the ceramic tile, and the adjustment of the building footages and to revert back to the previous design with the exception of keeping the tower elements as redesigned; · With respect to the window trim element, advised that the approved material (stone) was modified (to a concrete material) primarily due to liability concerns, in particular the weight of the stone treatments; invited the Planning Commission to visit the site, noting that the faux treatment had the visual appearance of stone; for Chairman Chiniaeff, noted that the archways were stone, and that the window trim treatments were the painted concrete treatment; advised that if the Planning Commission preferred the stone treatment it would be the applicant's desire that the installed treatments remain and the remainder of the buildings be constructed with the stone; noted that if the Planning Commission required the applicant to replace the existing concrete treatment with the stone it was the applicant's desire that a temporary Certificate of Occupancy be granted; and noted his desire to have on the record the applicant's request to be relieved of the requirement to install the stone treatment. With respect to the stone treatment, Chairman Chiniaeff clarified that the Planning Commission approved what the applicant had proposed. With respect to staff's recommendation to add cornices on Buildings M, and N, Mr. Ostomel relayed that it was the applicant's preference to not add this treatment in light of the enlarged cornices on Buildings L. In response to Commissioner Telesio, Mr. Ostomel relayed hopes that if Ethan Allen opted not to be a tenant in this center, that a new tenant would not request revisions, advising that it was possible that a new large use may desire to incorporate corporate design elements; and with respect to the liability issues associated with the installation of the stone treatment, confirmed that if the applicant was required to replace the faux window treatment with the stone material every effort would be made to anchor the stone properly. Commenting on the fact that this center was touted by the applicant as a high-end project, Commissioner Guerriero advised that stone lintels have been placed on buildings for over 200 years; noted that the painted concrete did not have the same R: PlanComm/minutes/020503 3 warm and textured appearance as the stone; and with respect to the tower element, concurred with staff that the tile roof should not be eliminated and that the tower should not be reduced in size. Providing clarification, Commissioner Mathewson relayed that if Ethan Allen opted not to be a tenant in this center and the design reverted back, it would be his desire that it revert back to the original design and that the current design of the tower not be maintained; with respect to the stone treatment, advised that he was not inclined to support a modification regarding that element; with respect to the applicant's request for a temporary Certificate of Occupancy, noted that he could support the request as long as there were assurances that the work would be completed and that future phases of development would be restricted if the work was not done. Concurring with Commissioner Mathewson, Commissioner Telesio relayed that it would be his desire to revert back to the original approved design if Ethan Allen opted not to be a tenant in this area; noted concern regarding the applicant implementing a faux treatment which was not approved, and then requesting that it be retroactively changed, advising that he was opposed to the precedent this would set, noting the importance of approved materials being implemented. While desiring to work together regarding the implementations that the Ethan Allen use was requesting to be incorporated, Commissioner Olhasso relayed that the added tile was proposed was worse than the last proposal; reiterated that her recommendation had been to add additional stone veneer in place of the tower element; and advised that she was disappointed with the design, noting that it did not have "Lifestyle Center' features. With respect to the lintels, Chairman Chiniaeff relayed that the Building Official would not permit an installation to be installed which did not meet Code which would be helpful information for the insurance company, advising that it would be his recommendation that the Certificate of Occupancy in the next few buildings be held until the stone treatment was installed; advised that to have the larger cornice treatments on the Ethan Allen building and smaller treatments on the other buildings would maintain the appearance of the Ethan Allen use being set apart; concurred that if the building design reverted back to the original design, that it should be the design with the approved tower element; and noted that he could accept the tile treatment. For Chairman Chiniaeff, Mr. Ostomel relayed that if the lentils were replaced on the existing building it would constitute the replacement of at least 20 treatments; and that the order time for the stone was 16-18 weeks, and the construction time would be approximately a week per building. Chairman Chiniaeff advised that the faux stone was more appropriately used in Industrial buildings, where it was viewed from a distance. For Commissioner Telesio, Mr. Ostomel relayed that the Ethan Allen representatives were coming to discuss being a tenant on February 18t~. Reiterating her comments, Commissioner Olhasso advised that with respect to the design revisions, more was being lost than gained, recommending that if the Ethan Allen representatives did not approve of the tile treatment, that stone be added to the fa(;ade R: PlanCom m/minutes/020503 4 to raise the level of design; and for Chairman Chiniaeff, specified that by "Lifestyle Center" she was referring to a high-end well-designed center, e.g., the Irvine Spectrum. For informational purposes, Commissioner Guerriero noted that he visited the site to view the concrete treatment, opining that if this was going to be a high-end project as was proposed, the design standards should not be reduced by cutting comers; reiterated that the original tower element was vital and that without this treatment the center would have the appearance of a strip center; and opined that the original tower element was much more pleasing than the revised design. For Commissioner Olhasso, Senior Planner Naaseh specified the rendering which represented the applicant's entitlement, which was the rendering without the second story faux windows. FAILED MOTION: Commissioner Guerriero moved to close the public hearing, and to reject the revisions to the design plan and to revert back to the originally approved plan. Commissioner Olhasso seconded the motion and voice vote reflected a failed motion due to Commissioners Chiniaeff, Telesio, and Mathewson voting no. MOTION: Chairman Chiniaeff moved to close the public hearing; and to approve the presented revised elevations if Ethan Allen opted to be a tenant at this location, subject to installing additional smaller (i.e., smaller than the treatments on the Ethan Allen building) cornice treatments on the remainder of the buildings in this particular row, and that the stone lintel be installed on all buildings, as was originally approved, and that Certificate of Occupancy be withheld on future building (to be determined by staff) until the treatment replacement work had been completed; to approve the added paint accent color on the back of the buildings, as previously discussed; to allow the applicant to revert back to the original approved design if Ethan Allen opted not to be a tenant in this center; and to approve Resolution No. 2003-007 which staff would draft to accurately represent the Planning Commission's direction. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mathewson. (Ultimately this motion passed; see page 7.) Commissioner Olhasso queried whether Chairman Chiniaeff would desire to amend the motion and require that additional stone veneer be added where the rendering indicated a brick color application on Buildings L, M, and N, which would entail adding the treatment at the entries of Buildings M and N, and on the two sides of L (to the cornice.) Reopening the public hearing, Chairman Chiniaeff queried the applicant for input regarding Commissioner Olhasso's recommendation. The applicant's representative relayed that if these changes were made to these buildings, the additional treatment would need to be carried throughout the center to create consistency, additionally noting that the costs associated with adding this treatment would be significant, advising that the applicant would be opposed to the implementation. At the close of the applicant's representative's comments the public hearing was closed once again. R: PlanCom rn/m inures/020503 5 Assistant City Attorney Curley advised that since the applicant had an existing entitlement, imposition of this added recommendation without the agreement of the applicant would most likely not address the matter. At this time voice vote was taken regarding the motion reflecting approval with the exception of Commissioners Guerriero and Olhasso who voted no. 4 Planning Application No. PA02-0643 Desiqn and construction of a 55,809 square foot 99-room, 3-story hotel building on a 2.41-acre vacant parcel located on the east side of Jefferson Avenue approximately 230-feet north of Rancho California Road (APN 921-060-038), Dan Lon.q, Associate Planner RECOMMENDATION 4.1 Adopt a Notice of Exemption for Planning Application No. PA02-0643 pursuant to Section 15332 of the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines; 4.2 Adopt a resolution entitled: PC RESOLUTION NO. 2003-008 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA02-0643 (DEVELOPMENT PLAN - HAMPTON INN SUITES} TO DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT A THREE STORY, 55,809 SQUARE FOOT HOTEL BUILDING ON A 2.41 ACRE VACANT PARCEL, LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF JEFFERSON AVENUE, APPROXIMATELY 230-FEET NORTH OF RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD, KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 921-060-038. Via overheads, Associate Planner Long provided an overview of the proposed project (per agenda material), noting the following: · Highlighted the various changes in the proposal including the color scheme (noting the plan to incorporate a parchment-colored white paint on the trim to provide an accent) and the proposed roundabout-type turning area's conceptual design which would be located at the primary entrance of the site for provision of adequate space for the turning radius for the larger fire trucks; · That a condition should be added requiring the applicant to redesign the private street to the satisfaction of the Public Works, Fire, and Planning Departments prior to the issuance of a building permit, noting that the applicant has indicated that the property owner would not object to the redesign of the entrance and has received a verbal approval, advising that a condition should be added requiring the applicant to obtain written approval for this design; · that Condition Nos. 13 and 14 (regarding landscape) should be deleted since they would no longer be necessary; R: PlanComm/min utes/020503 6 · Noted that the applicant has requested an increase in the Floor Area Ratio (FAR), relaying that staff was able to make the associated findings warranting the increase due to the proposed exceptional landscaping and architectural design, and that staff has prepared a spreadsheet (provided via supplemental agenda material) with all the existing and/or proposed hotels in the City with each respective FAR for the Planning Commission's review; and · That the Public Works Department has added an additional condition regarding the TUMF fee which would be applicable for this particular project if the building permit was not issued by a certain date. For Commissioner Telesio, Associate Planner Long noted that staff would recommend that the parchment-colored white paint color be added to the outriggers and on the trim on the arches; for Commissioner Olhasso, relayed that the trim color would not be a pure white but a subtler white called "Parchment;" for Commissioner Guerriero, noted that the applicant has indicated that the wrought-iron railings would be rounded; and confirmed that the air conditioning units were window-mounted. Chairman Chiniaeff noted that the new hotel use at Disneyland had similar colors and did not add the white accent trim color, resulting in a visually pleasing appearance. For informational purposes, Deputy Director of Public Works Parks relayed that this parcel was part of a parcel map approved for this whole site, advising that the driveways were located to provide access to the entire site, noting staff's opposition to allowing left- turn movements out of these driveways (with the exception of signalized exits) due to the heavy traffic on Jefferson Avenue; advised that this project was conditioned to build a raised median on Jefferson Avenue limiting movements to right-in and right-outs; noted that an alternate option considered was to extend the driveway across the entire site to the Del Rio Road signal, advising that to implement this plan staff would need to work with the developer; for Chairman Chiniaeff, relayed that the bulb turning area would be temporary until the next approval on this site; confirmed that the owner has had a stockpile permit for this area; and noted that the road would not need to be modified to be brought out of the flood plain. Addressing Fire Department access, Battalion Chief McBride relayed that at the main entry there would need to be some shift of the roadway in order to accommodate the Fire Department ladder trucks' turning radius; and specified the fixed access point per the parcel map and the Public Works requirements, specifying the area in which the road would need to shift. For Chairman Chiniaeff, staff provided additional information regarding the private driveway, noting that access to the hotel use would most likely be provided via a reciprocal ingress and egress easement. Mr. Tim Sheid, representing the applicant, introduced the development team who was available for questions of the Planning Commission. Mr. Eric Jacobs, from Hilton Hotels Corporation, representing the applicant, for Chairman Chiniaeff, relayed that of the approximate 1400 Hilton Hotels which have been built across the nation, all of these have included the under the window-mounted R: PlanComm/rninutes/020503 7 Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems, specifying that the window was integrated with the units placed fully inside the guest room. Chairman Chiniaeff noted that it was his understanding that the direction provided at a recent City Council meeting was that the Council was opposed to the window-mounted air conditioning units, concurring with Commissioner Guerriero, that a balcony treatment would aid in screening the units. For Chairman Chiniaeff, the applicant's representative noted agreement to staff's recommendation to highlight the building with a parchment white-colored trim. Mr. Wendel Potratz, project design manager representing the applicant, relayed that Hilton Hotels Corporation maintained a high standard with respect to the exterior appearance of the hotels, advising that most of the existing HVAC units existing in town, project beyond the wall face which creates a negative visual appearance; presented a photograph of a recent Hilton project, noting that the thin louvers were an integral part of the frame, and that at staff's recommendation a protruding faux balcony treatment has been added to every window with the exception of the ground level windows which would be screened with landscaping; for Commissioner Guerriero, noted that the balcony treatment was designed to protrude about six-to-eight inches and that the colonnade treatments would project out two-to-three feet, providing shadowing; provided additional information regarding access issues; for Chairman Chiniaeff, confirmed that the applicant has agreed to install a fountain, and that if the Planning Commission does not find a sewer-pipe fountain desirable, the applicant was willing to work with staff regarding alternate designs; and commended staff for their excellent work and amicable manner with respect to working with the applicant on this project. For informational purposes, Chairman Chiniaeff relayed for the applicant that he had reviewed the plant palette proposed and that a few of the proposed plantings would freeze in this climate, advising that he had provided a list of these particular plantings to Associate Planner Long. Mr. James Bree, prepedy owner for this entire site, for Chairman Chiniaeff, confirmed that he would not be opposed to installation of a temporary road. In response to Chairman Chiniaeff, Director of Planning Ubnoske relayed that although she was not present at the recent City Council meeting when window-mounted HVAC units were discussed, that the City Council's concern was most likely the aesthetics issue, that if the project were conditioned to add a balcony treatment which would further screen the integrated units, the Council would most likely be agreeable, and that if the City Council was not pleased she would receive feedback from the Councilmembers. For Chairman Chiniaeff, Mr. Potratz noted that there would be one satellite dish with a circumference of approximately three feet in diameter, which would be located proximate to the trash enclosure, confirming that it would be screened with the exception of where it was pointed. With respect to the faux balcony treatments, Mr. Potratz relayed the liability issues related to guests mistaking the faux treatment for a functional balcony, noting that guests have accidentally climbed out the window thinking there was a balcony. R: PlanCom m/rnin utes/020503 8 Additional discussion ensued regarding the City Council's direction regarding window- mounted HVAC units as well as regarding the findings qualifying a project for an increase in FAR. For Chairman Chiniaeff, Associate Planner Long relayed that there was no signage proposed along the freeway, that the applicant had opted to install a pylon sign along Jefferson Avenue, and that the Code only permitted one or the other signs. Chairman Chiniaeff recapitulated the issues at hand, i.e., the window-mounted HVAC units, the proposed FAR increase, and the added condition regarding the road issue. Regarding the request for an increase in FAR, Commissioner Guerriero noted that the proposed landscape plan was eight percent (8%) above the requirements, recommending that the fountain be extremely enhanced which would aid in qualifying the project for the proposed FAR. Principal Planner Hazen provided additional information regarding the City Council's concern with respect to the previous hotel project and the suitability of the site, which was located on a different type of parcel. Chairman Chiniaeff noted that the Council also addressed the desire for central air conditioning units and exceptional architectural design. MOTION: Commissioner Olhasso moved to close the public hearing; and to approve the project subject to the following: Modify- That a condition be added requiring the applicant to redesign the private street to the satisfaction of the Public Works, Fire, and Planning Departments prior to the issuance of a building permit; · That a condition be added requiring that this project be subject to TUMF fees if building permits were not issued prior to July of 2004; · That a 24-foot wide all-weather surface be installed over to the Del Rio Road signal; · That the fountain design be extremely enhanced; · That Condition Nos. 13 and 14 (regarding landscaping) be deleted; and · That the faux balcony treatments be designed to bow out in lieu of bellying out. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Telesio and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. COMMISSIONER'S REPORTS A. For Commissioner Olhasso, Director of Planning Ubnoske relayed that staff was in the process of working with the computer consultant to develop screens to input additional detailed Code Enforcement information, noting that this process was anticipated to take approximately two months. R: PlanCom m/min utes/020503 9 B. In response to Chairman Chiniaeff, Director of Planning Ubnoske relayed that staff would insert the updated Development Code information into a three-ringed binder for the Planning Commission. C. For Commissioner Guerdero, Principal Planner Hazen relayed that during the Design Guideline update the Planning Commission would be invited to a field tour in order to provide input as to which existing design elements were pleasing and which were not; and for Commissioner Olhasso, noted that when the City van was made more available staff would plan tours to visit alternate cities. D. In response to Chairman Chiniaeff, Director of Planning Ubnoske advised that Administrative Secretary Mclntyre would provide detailed information to the Planning Commission regarding the upcoming conference. PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT Status update of Development Process streamlinin,q report Director of Planning Ubnoske noted that at the February 19, 2003 Planning Commission meeting, staff would provide the Commission with the detailed staff report regarding the Development Review Process, which would be presented to the City Council on February 25~. Discussion of Floor Area Ratio (FAR) criteria Regarding FAR, Director of Planning Ubnoske noted that staff would be considering changing the Development Code with respect to hotels as it relates to FAR, advising that the criteria which justifies the warranting of a FAR increase could either be modified short-term or modifications could be made when the consultant works with the Design Guidelines; for Commissioner Olhasso, noted the need to develop detailed definitions to address this issue as well as most likely including attached graphics; and invited the Planning Commission to e-mail either her or Principal Planner Hazen with any recommendations regarding this issue. ADJOURNMENT At 7:50 P.M. Chairman Chiniaeff formally adjourned this meeting to the next re,qular meetinR to be held on Wednesday~ February '19, 2003 at 6:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula. ~/..~.~n'is'W;Chi~i~e~f,- -- ~/~,/ Debbie Ubnoske, Chairman ~' Director of Planning R: PlanComm/minutes/020503 10