HomeMy WebLinkAbout121103 PTS Minutes -, MINUTES OF AN ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PUBLICITRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION DECEMBER 11, 2003 CALL TO ORDER The City of Temecula PubliclTraffic Safety Commission convened in an adjourned regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, December 11, 2003, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. FLAG SALUTE Chairman Connerton led the audience in the Flag salute. . ? ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Katan, Ramos, Lanier, and Chairman Connerton Absent: Commissioner Wedel PRESENTATION: Ms. Cathy Zaitz of Southern California Automobile Club - Public Safety Education, provided a brief presentation, commenting as follows: That the Auto Club in cooperation with the'.Highway Patrol and the DMV conduct yearly Vehicle Code Seminar which typicall~ would take place every November; 0 That attendees review legislation that has been enacted the prior year in regards to Vehicle Code sections; 0 That City Managers, Chiefs of Police, and City Engineers are invited to attend these seminars; 0 That the Auto Club distributed.a digest of traffic legislation book to the Commission; 0 That the Auto Club will.be providing a Tipsy Tow Service on New Year's Eve at 6:00 p.m. through 6:00 a.m. on New Year's Day; and that this service will be advertised through the local newspaper. At this time, Ms. Zaitz distributed a digest of traffic legislation book to the Commission. Chairman Connerton requested that the Public Traffic Safety Commission be invited to àttend these seminars. ' Commissioner Ramos thanked Ms. Zaitz for her attendance and presentation and expressed enthusiasm to working with the Auto Clu~. R:\Minutes\PublicTrafficSafetyCommission121103 Chairman Connerton echoed Commissioner Ramos' comments. For Chairman Connerton, Ms. Zaitz relayed that the Auto Club offers safety programs on DUls, child restraints systems, and as well trains and certifies Police Officers on how to install restraint seats. Ms. Zaitz also relayed that she would keep Assistant to the City Manager Yates informed as to any programs with which the Public Traffic Safety Commission could be involved. . Senior Management Analyst Adams presented a brief update on Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) equipment, stating the following: That three (3) months ago, the City received a grant to purchase Auto External Defibrillator (AED) and that this equipment was recently received; 0 That the technology would allow a person to shock a patient in which will result in a normal heart rhythm; 0 That the AED equipment also coaches on CPR; 0 That two (2) AEDs have been installed at City Hall; 0 That training will be provided to City employees, Commissioners, and the City Council; , . 0 That a formal invitation will be sent out to Commissioners and City Council members; 0 That the dates for the AED training will be January 6 and 7, 2004, in the City Council Chambers from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; 0 That there will be no cost for the AED training; 0 That an AED and CPR certification will be distributed with this training; 0 That the remaining five (5) AEDs will be installed at the Community Recreation Center (CRC), Temecula Community Center (TCC), Mary Phillips Senior Center, and the Temecula Library; 0 That in January 2004, a detailed presentation on AEDs will be provided. For Commissioner Katan, Mr. Adams relaÿed that the Guidant Corporation was the first facility to install AEDs. PUBLIC COMMENTS No public comments. R:\Minutes\PublicTrafficSafetyCommission121103 2 COMMISSION CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of November 6, 2003 RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the Minutes of November 6, 2003 MOTION: Commissioner Lanier moved to approve Consent Calendar Item No.1. Commissioner Ramos seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Wedel who was absent. COMMISSION BUSINESS 2. Stop LiQht Abuse Public CampaiQn RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 That the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission consider staffs recommendations for the creation of a specialized public information campaign aimed to discourage red~light running and obedience of traffic laws. Senior Management Analyst Adams presented conceptual ideals to be incorporated into the Stop Light Abuse Program (SLAP), highlighting the following concepts that may be used throughout the community at appropriate venues for marketing and promoting safe driving: Signage at strategic locations at major axis points throughout the City such as "Welcome Home- Please Slow Down and Drive Safely" (see staff report); That locations for such signage be installed (see staff report); That campaign distribution on list of literature relating to the campaign exceeds the prepared list in staff report. Commissioner Ramos congratulated. staff on its excellent work and efforts associated with this matter. Commissioners Lanier, Katan, and Chairman Connerton echoed Commissioner Ramos' comments. . Mr. Adams also noted for the record that the costs associated with the distribution of literature would be at a nominal fee to the City. For Chairman Connerton, Mr. Yates clarified that after the Public Traffic Safety Commissions approval, the item will be forwarded to the City Council for final approval. MOTION: Commissioner Lanier moved to approve staff's recommendation. Commissioner Ramos seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Wedel who was absent. - R:IMinuteslPublicTrafficSafetyCommission121103 3 3. ParkinQ Restrictions - Winchester Business Park RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 That the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission: 1. Recommend that the City Council adopt a resolution establishing parking restrictions on Diaz Road from Winchester Road to Dendy Parkway; and Direct staff to remove the "No Parking" signs on the remainder of the streets within the Westside Business Park area. 2. Seniç¡r Engineer Moghadam presented a report (per staff report), noting the following: That the majority of the streets within the Westside Business Park are posted as No Parking; That the parking restrictions were not established by a City Council Resolution, and therefore, are not legal; That the only enforceable No ParkinQ area is on Winchester Road where parking restrictions were established b~ resolution in June 1997; That there is limited traffic on these streets; That based on the fact that the streets are not arterial streets; that they are not striped for a bike lane; 'and that there is light pedestrian traffic, staff would recommend with the exception of Diaz and Winchester Road, the remaining streets No ParkinQ signs be removed; That the parking restrictions were established as the area was being developed and, at that time, it was a CC&R requirement of the area. , ' For Commissioner Katan, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that the CC&Rs for the development required No on street parking; that there are no reasons, as far as traffic safety is concerned, to not allow parking on some of the streets. Director of Public Works Hughes stated the following: That during the planning process of the industrial park, it was an esthetic issue with the Planning Commission to not allow parking on the streets; That the CC&Rs do not make it. an enforceable parking from a City standpoint, unless a resolution establishing no parking zones were adopted by the City; " That either a No Parking Zone resolution be established by the City Councilor that action be taken by the City to not enforce the CC&Rs; R:IMinuteslPublicTrafficSafetyCommission121103 4 That currently there are businesses/manufacturers within the Business Park that prefer the parking and others that would rather not have the parking and support the position of the Planning Commission; That one developer has been posting No ParkinQ signs without City authorization. It was noted by Commissioner Ramos that the Planning Commission consider waiving the CC&R requirement. For Chairman Connerton, Director of Public Works Hughes noted that the CC&Rs do not have any jurisdiction or authority to establish ParkinQ or No ParkinQ; that at the time the CC&Rs were established, the streets did not exist and the City Council did not have the ability to pass the appropriate resolutions. At this time, the public hearing was opened. Mr. Pete Olhasso, 42430 Winchester Road, Association Manager for Business Center Park, spoke in opposition of removing the. No ParkinQ signs for the following reasons: That the Board of Directors of the West Side Business Park is opposed to the proposed resolution, removing the No ParkinQ signs; That the Architectural Control Committee does require all parking to be on site; That the No ParkinQ is a restriction in the CC&Rs; that the Board of Directors is required to enforce the CC&Rs whether there are No ParkinQ signs or not; That whether there are ParkinQ or No ParkinQ signs, the tenants have agreed to abide by the CC&Rs when the property was purchased within the association; That the CC&Rs were a required condition when the proposal was presented to the County/City; That whether there are signs posted or not, if someone were to park on the street, they would receive a violation notice by letter, that a hearing will take place, that a fine would be assessed for parking on the street; and that whether the signs are posted or not, a viQlation would exist as per in the CC&Rs; That removing the No ParkinQ signs'would potentially lower the value of the property; That the Board of Directors of the Association respectfully would request that the City not remove the No ParkinQ ~igns. . For Mr. Olhasso, Chairman Connerton noted that in his opinion that there should not be a precedence be permitting CC&Rs to govern public streets and that CC&Rs have no jurisdiction into the public right-of-way. . RIMinuteslPublicTrafficSafetyCommission121103 5 At this time, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Katan expressed concern voting against the CC&Rs. For the Commission, Mr. Hughes clarified the following: That the City is not concerned with whether or not ParkinQ or No ParkinQ signs are posted; That the City is not attempting to remove the No ParkinQ signs; but it must clarify by enforcing No ParkinQ or ParkinQ; That CC&Rs do not dictate whether the City may enforce ParkinQ or No ParkinQ; That if the Business Association of the Winchester Business Park were to decide to impose a violation against the property owners within the Business Park, that this would be a private matter between the property owners and the Business Association; That the CC&Rs do not govern City public streets; That the City is responsible for the public right-of-way; That the Business Association may not dictate whether to cite or not to cite; That there is confusion with regard to posted No ParkinQ signs. MOTION: Commissioner Katan moved to approve staff's recommendation. Commissioner Ramos seconded the motion and'voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Wedel who was absent. 4. Commercial Vehicle ParkinQ Fines - Citywide RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 That the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission reviews the City's Municipal Code regarding commercial parking on City streets and makes a recommendation if necessary. Commissioner Lanier requested that the Commission review and make suggestions regarding the Commercial Vehicle Parking Fines Citywide (see report). Commissioner Ramos relayed his opinion that the City consider raising parking fines versus adding more No parking signs and establishing more ordinances. Commissioner Katan concurred with Commissioners Ramos, comments regarding increasing parking fines. R:IMinuteslPublicTrafficSafetyCommissionl21103 6 " Police Chief Domenoe echoed Commissioner Ramos in that there are adequate laws and signs and that it is maybe time to. reevaluate the parking fines; that Mr, Domenoe will have a staff m ember evaluate the parking fees against other Southern California Cities and that a staff report would be brought back to the Commission with recommendations from the Police Department. MOTION: Commissioner Lanier moved to continue this item to the February 26, 2004 meeting, to review the recommendation of the Police Department. Commissioner Ramos seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Wedel who was absent. 5. Election of Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 That the P ubliclTraffic Safety Commission entertain nominations from the Commissioners to elect.a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson to preside until the' end of the 2004 calendar year. Chairman Connerton relayed that it has been his pleasure serving as Chairman for the Public Traffic Safety Commission and expressed interest in continuing acting as Chairman. MOTION: Commissioner Lanier moved to elect Commissioner Katan as Chairman, (There being no second to this motion, it dièd for the lack of a second). MOTION: Commissioner Katan moved to elect Commissioner Lanier as Chairman, (There being no second, it died for a lack of a second). Commissioner Lanier noted that due to work circumstances, he would not be able to serve as Chairman for the year 2004. MOTION: Commissioner Katan moved to re-elect Chairman Connerton as Chairman for the year 2004. Commissioner Ramos seconded the motion a nd voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Wedel who was absent. MOTION: Commissioner Lanier moved to elect Commissioner Ramos as Vice- Chairman. Commissioner Katan seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Ramos who abstained and Commissioner Wedel who was absent. Traffic EnQineer's Report Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that he had no report at this time. Director of Public Works Hughes reported on the following: That the City Council took action to remove the speed bumps and signage on Calle Pina Colada; RIMinuteslPublicTrafficSafetyCommission121103 . 7 That the streets were re-slurry sealed so that were would not be any grinding marks throughout the area; that as a part of that work, the street was restriped with a double yellow line and raised reflectors; that there has been many calls and contacts from property owners indicating that they felt that the restriping was inappropriate; That it was the opinion of the Public Works Department to install double lines; that it was an appropriate solution for this type of street; and that some residents were of the opinion that the striping' was appropriate; That in the near future an issue of the possibility of extending a raised median from Winchester North will be brought to the Commission for consideration. For Chairman Connerton, Mr. Hughes noted that the Commission may visit the Public Works Department anytime during business hours to observe the new camera intersection-monitoring program. . For Commissioner Katan, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that the Public Works Department has not yet heard from Mr. La Marca. Police Chiefs Report Sergeant Pi no presented a brief report relaying the following: That the red light enforcement tickets' are down 7%; That the injury and non-injury property damage accidents are down; That there will be a DUI check. point December 12, 2004; and that the Commission may arrive after 7:00 p.m.; That there are two motor officers undercover video taping violations; That there are a total of four DUI check points scheduled for the month of December; That Calle Pina Colada has been heavily enforced; That new motor officers were selected and they will be attending the academy January 19, 2004; that two motor officers were in house and one was the selection of a traffic officer from the Lake Elsinore Station and Officer Irvin started December 11, 2003. Fire Chiefs Report No Fire report at this time. R:IMinuteslPublicTrafficSafetyCommission 1211 03 8. Commission Reports Commissioner Ramos thanked the Public Works Department for allowing him to attend a workshop on November 8, 2003; in Pomana; that it was very informative and recommended the seminar to the members of the Commission who have not yet had an opportunity to attend. Chairman Connerton thanked the Commission for allowing him to continue as Chairman for the year 2004 and directed staff to put together for the Commission an outline of upcoming public safety topics that will be discussed at each meeting. Chairman Connerton wished everyone a Merry'Christmas and prosperous New Year. ADJOURNMENT At 7:37 P.M. Chairman Connerton formally adjourned this meeting to Thursday, January 22, 2004 at 6:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula. . ~ Chairman Darrell Connerton R:IMinuteslPublicTrafficSafetyCommissionl21103 9 .