HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-005 CC Resolution I I I RESOLUTION NO. 06-05 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA CERTIFYING THE FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT PREPARED FOR THE TEMECULA REGIONAL HOSPITAL AND RELATED ACTIONS, AND ADOPTING THE FINDINGS PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT, A STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS, AND A MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM IN CONNECTION THEREWITH FOR THE TEMECULA REGIONAL HOSPITAL PROJECT, LOCATED APPROXIMATELY 700 FEET WEST OF MARGARITA ROAD," AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NOS. 959..Q80..Q01 THROUGH 959..Q80..Q04 AND 959..Q80..Q07 THROUGH 959..Q80..Q10 (PA04..Q462, PA05..Q302, PA04- 0463, PA04..(571) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY FIND, DETERMINE, AND DECLARE THAT: Section 1. Procedural Findings. The City Council hereby finds and determines that: A. This Resolution constitutes the Statement of Findings of Fact Pursuant to CEQA Guideline Section 15091 for the Temecula Hospital Project described herein. B. The Temecula Regional Hospital Project and related actions ("Project"), initiated and prepared on behalf of the City of Temecula consists of the development of a 35.31-acre planned Regional Medical Center in the City of Temecula. The Project site is located adjacent to and north of State Highway 79 South in the City of Temecula, California, in southwest Riverside County, south of the City of Los Angeles and north of the City of San Diego; from the 1-15, access to the Project site is provided by Highway 79 South; the proposed Project includes a General Plan Amendment (PA04-0462) to remove the Project area from the Future Specific Plan "Z" Overlay District from the Land Use Element of the General Plan which will permit new construction to exceed two- stories in height; a Zone Change (PA05-0302) from PO (Professional Office) and PDO-8 (De Portola Road Planned Development Overlay District - 8) to PDO-9 (Planned Development Overlay District-9) and to create height standards which would allow a maximum building height of 115 feet; a Conditional Use Permit (PA04-0463) for the hospital facility and private helipad; a Development Plan (PA04-0463) to permit the construction of a 408,160 square foot, 320-bed hospital, a helipad, two medical office buildings totaling 140,000 square feet, a 10,000 square foot cancer center and an 8,000 square foot fitness rehabilitation center all totaling 566,160 square feet; and a Tentative Parcel Map (PA04-0571) to consolidate eight (8) lots into one (1) parcel on 35.31 acres, also known as Assessor's Parcel Nos. 959-080-001 through 959-080-004 and 959-080- 007 through 959-080-010. R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 I I I C. Universal Health Services of Rancho Springs, Inc., filed Planning Application Nos. PA04-0462, General Plan Amendment; PA05-0302, Zone Change to PDO-9 (Planned Development Overlay-9); PA04-0463 Conditional Use Permit and Development Plan; and PA04-0571, Tentative Parcel Map in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code, which applications are hereby incorporated by reference, for the property consisting of approximately 35.31 acres generally located on the north side of Highway 79 South, approximately 700 feet west of Margarita Road, known as Assessors Parcel No(s). 959-080-001 through 959-080-004 and 959-080-007 through 959-080-010 ("Project"). D. The Project was processed including, but not limited to, public notice in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law, including the California Environmental Quality Act. E. The Planning Commission considered the Project on April 6, 2005, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, at which time the City staff and interested persons had an opportunity to, and did testify either in support or opposition to this matter. F. The Planning Commission, based on testimony presented by the general public, determined that an Environmental Impact Report would be required for this Project. G. On April 20, 2005, a scoping session was held before the Planning Commission to determine the extent of issues to be addressed in the Environmental Impact Report for the Project. H. Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), the City is the lead agency for the Project as the public agency with both general governmental powers and the principle responsibility for implementing the Project. I. Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report ("Draft EIR") was issued on August 3, 2005, inviting comments from responsible agencies, other regulatory agencies, organizations and individuals pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15082. J. Written statements were received by the City in response to the Notice of Preparation, which assisted the City in narrowing the issues and alternatives for analysis in the Draft EIR. K. Draft EIR was prepared by the City pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15168 to analyze potential adverse environmental impacts of the Project implementation pursuant to CEQA. L. On September 26, 2005 the State Office of Planning and Research approved a 30 day public review period for the Temecula Regional Hospital EIR (SCH#2005030017) for this Project determining that such a review period is consistent with the criteria set forth in the written guidelines of the Office of Planning and Research for shortened reviews, and Section 21091 of the Public Resources Code. R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 2 I I I M. Therefore, upon completion of the Draft EIR dated September 26, 2005, the City initiated a 30-day public comment period by filing a Notice of Completion with the State Office of Planning and Research on September 26, 2005. N. The City also published a Notice of Availability for the Draft EIR in a newspaper of general circulation within the City. Copies of the Draft EIR were sent to public agencies, organizations, and individuals. In addition, the City placed copies of the Draft EIR in public libraries in Riverside County and made copies available for review at City offices. O. Before, during and after the official public review period for the Draft EIR, the City received eighteen (18) written comments, all of which were responded to by the City. Those comments and the responses are included as part of the Final Environmental Impact ReporUResponse to Comments document (Final EIR). P. Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21092.5, the City provided its responses to all commentators on and before November 22, 2005, including those received after the end of the public review period. Responses to public agency commentators were provided on or before November 12, 2005. Q. On April 6, 2005, April 20, 2005, November 16, 2005, and January 5,2006 the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula held duly noticed public hearings on the Project and the Draft EIR at which time all persons interested had the opportunity to present oral and written evidence on the Project and the Draft EIR. R. On January 24, 2006, the City Council of the City of Temecula held duly noticed public hearings on the Project and the Draft EIR at which time all persons interested had the opportunity to present oral and written evidence on the Project and the Draft EIR. S. Section 15091 of the State CEQA Guidelines prevents the City from approving or carrying out a Project for which an EIR has been completed that identifies any significant environmental effects unless the City makes one or more of the following written finding(s) for each of those significant effects accompanied by a brief explanation of the rationale for each finding: 1. Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the Project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects as identified in the Final EIR; or, 2. Such changes or alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of another public agency and not the agency making the finding. Such changes have been adopted by such other agency or can and should be adopted by such other agency; or, R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 3 I I I 3. Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations, including provision of employment opportunities for highly trained workers, make infeasible the mitigation measures or Project alternatives identified in the final EIR. T. Section 15093 of the State CEQA Guidelines requires that if the Project will cause significant unavoidable adverse impacts, the City must adopt a Statement of Overriding Considerations prior to approving the Project. A Statement of Overriding Considerations states that any significant adverse Project effects are acceptable if expected Project benefits outweigh unavoidable adverse environmental impacts. U. Environmental impacts identified in the Final EIR which the City Council finds are less than significant and do not require mitigation are described in Section 3 hereof. V. Environmental impacts identified in the Final EIR as potentially significant, but which the City Council finds can be mitigated to a less than significant level through the imposition of mitigation measures and/or conditions identified in the Final EIR and set forth herein are described in Section 4 hereof. W. Environmental impacts identified in the Final EIR as potentially significant but which the City Council finds cannot be fully mitigated to a less than significant level despite the imposition of all feasible mitigation measures described in Section 5 hereof. X. Alternatives to the Project that might eliminate or reduce significant environmental impacts are described in Section 6. Y. A discussion of the Project benefits identified by City staff and a Statement of Overriding Considerations for the environmental impacts that cannot be fully mitigated to a less than significant level are set forth in Section 6 hereof. Z. Public Resources Code Section 21081.6 requires the City to prepare and adopt a mitigation monitoring and reporting program for any Project for which mitigation measures have been imposed to assure compliance with the adopted mitigation measures; and, AA. Prior to taking action, the City Council has heard, been presented with, reviewed and considered all of the information and data in the administrative record including the Final EIR, and all oral and written testimony presented to it during meetings and hearings. The Final EIR reflects the independent judgment of the City Council and is deemed adequate for purposes of making decisions on the merits of the Project and related actions. No comments or any additional information submitted to the City have produced any substantial new information requiring circulation or additional environmental review of the Final EIR under CEQA, nor do the minor modifications to the Final EIR require additional public review because no new significant environmental impacts were identified, no substantial increase in the severity of any environmental impacts would occur. R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 4 I I I Section 2. Findings Concerning Impacts Identified in the Initial Study as Having Less Than Significant Impact on the Environment. The City Council hereby finds and determines that based on all of the evidence presented, including the Final EIR, written and oral testimony given at meetings and hearings, and submission of testimony from the public, organizations, and regulatory agencies, the environmental impacts associated with the Temecula Regional Hospital will have a less than significant impact through the Initial Study: A. Aaricultural Resources The Project site is not currently in agricultural production. In the recent past (at least 15 to 20 years), the site has not been used for agricultural purposes. The Project site was historically used for agricultural uses as noted in the Historical/Archaeological Resources Survey Report prepared by CRM Tech, September 17, 2004. During the mid-1800s, the Project site was cultivated as an agricultural field. However, the Project site has not been utilized for agricultural purposes for many years and is not considered a valuable agricultural resource. The site is not under a Williamson Act contract nor is it zoned for agricultural uses. This property is not considered prime or unique farmland of statewide or local importance, as identified by the State Department of Conservation and the City of Temecula General Plan. In addition, the Project will not involve changes in the existing environment which would result in the conversion of farmland to non-agricultural uses. No impact is anticipated as a result of the proposed Project. (Initial Study, p. 5) The proposed Project could, because of its regional significance, cause other agricultural farmland to be converted to a non-agricultural use. There are some remaining agricultural uses in the City's sphere of influence (Corona Ranch) and surrounding areas that could be converted to uses other than agricultural; however, the conversion of these lands to uses other than agricultural is not considered a result of the proposed Project. The region of southwest Riverside County and northern portions of San Diego County have experienced a rapid period of growth that precluded the proposed Project. Therefore, the growth of the surrounding area is a result of external economic forces rather than the proposed Project. A less than significant impact is anticipated as a result of the proposed Project. (Initial Study, p. 5) B. Bioloaical Resources A habitat assessment study was prepared for the Project site (Habitat Assessment, AMEC Earth & Environmental, Inc., September 14, 2004). The study identified a man-made flood control channel that parallels the eastern boundary of the Project site, which contains riparian vegetation such as willows and Fremont Cottonwoods. Wetland vegetation, including cattails and bulrushes has also been identified within the man made channel. The Project site is void of any natural riparian forests, coastal sage scrub, and nursery sites. The Project is not within a natural conservation plan or other local regional or state conservation plan, including area identified under the Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP). The Project site has been grubbed and disturbed for many years in order to comply with the City's weed abatement ordinance (Ord. 8.16). There are some grasses on the Project site; however, they are not considered sensitive R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 5 I I I habitat, nor is the site a part of a wildlife corridor. No mature trees are present on the Project site. The proposed Project is not located within a criteria cell of the MSHCP. The Project site is not included in special survey areas for amphibians, mammals, or narrow endemic plants, as stated the study by AMEC (September 14, 2004). However, the MSHCP guidelines recommended that a habitat assessment plan be prepared to assess the Burrowing Owl. A Burrowing Owl survey was conducted by AMEC and the results reported in a report dated August 9, 2005. The survey did not identify the presence of Burrowing Owls on the subject property. C. Cultural Resource A Phase I survey (Historical/Archaeological Resource Survey Report, Temecula Hospital Project, CRM Tech, September 17, 2004) has been prepared for the proposed Project. The survey did not identify any historical resources, as defined in CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5 on the Project site. No impact on historical resources is anticipated as a result of the proposed Project. The Phase I survey did not identify the Project site as a potential site for historical resources, including human remains. Historically, the site has been used for agricultural production, which involved substantial and repeated soil disturbance. The archaeology survey (CRM Tech, 2004) recognizes the fact that the surrounding area is known to contain historical and archaeological resources. Given the known sensitive resources discovered within close proximity of the Project site, conditions of approval are required. The Project site is also a potential site for paleontological resources, and conditions of approval are required. The City will apply standard conditions of approval to the Project to address monitoring during grading operations. The following Conditions of Approval have been required of the proposed Project and shall be imposed as enforceable conditions under the entitlements issued for the Project: 1. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, the applicant must enter into a written pre-excavation agreement with the Pechanga Band of Luiseiio Indians that addresses the treatment and disposition of all cultural resources, human resources, and human remains discovered on-site. 2. The landowner agrees to relinquish ownership of all cultural resources, including archaeological artifacts found on the Project site, to the Pechanga Band of Luiseiio Indians for proper treatment and disposition to the extent authorized by law. 3. The applicant shall provide on-site professional archaeological and paleontological monitoring during all phases of earthmoving activities at the applicant's sole cost. R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 6 I I I 4. If culturally significant sites are discovered during ground disturbing activities, they shall be avoided and preserved consistent with this condition and the pre-excavation agreement referenced in Condition A above. 5. The applicant shall comply with all recommendations in the Historical/Archaeological Resource Paleontological Resources Assessment Report prepared by CRM Tech, dated September 17, 2004 and September 16, 2004, respectively, except as modified by Project Conditions of Approval. 6. Monitoring by a professional qualified paleontological, archaeological, and Pechanga Tribe monitor is required during all ground disturbing activities. The monitor(s) shall each have the authority to temporarily halt and/or divert grading equipment to allow for removal of abundant or large specimens. The monitor shall remove samples of sediments, which are likely to contain remains of fossil invertebrates and vertebrates. 7. Collected samples of sediment shall be washed to recover small invertebrates and vertebrate fossils. Recovered specimens should be prepared so they can be identified and permanently preserved. 8. All specimens shall be identified, curated, and placed into a repository with permanent retrievable storage unless the pre-excavation agreement requires alternative treatment. 9. A report of findings, including an itemized inventory of recovered specimens, should be prepared upon completion of the steps outlined above. The report should include a discussion of the significance of all recovered specimens. The report and inventory, when submitted to the Lead Agency (City of Temecula), would signify completion of the program to mitigate impacts to the palentologic and archaeological resources. 10. If any vertebrate remains are discovered during grading, a paleontologist and the city of Temecula shall be notified immediately. In the event any Pleistocene-age or older sediments/resources are discovered, a program shall be prepared with recommended mitigations to avoid impact to the resources unearthed. (Initial Study, pgs. 14 and 15) D. Geoloav/Soils A Geotechnical Investigation has been prepared for the proposed Project "Geotechnical Exploration Report, Temecula Hospital Temecula, CA," PSI, Inc., May 14, 2004). The Project is located 1.6 miles from the Temecula segment of the Lake Elsinore Fault. The proposed Project will not be subject to fault rupture since there is not a fault located within the boundaries of the Project site. The Lake Elsinore Fault is classified as an active fault and has the potential to produce large magnitude earthquakes (PSI Inc., May 14, 2004). The Project has the potential to be exposed to severe shaking in the event of a major earthquake on this or other nearby R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 7 I I I faults. The site, in its current condition, includes subsurface strata that could experience excessive total and differential settlements under a combination of structural loads and seismically inducted soil liquefaction. Due to the presence of loose surficial soils, the study prepared by PSI, Inc., May 14, 2004, recommends over-excavation and recompaction for support of building slabs and pavements. Native soils may represent a negligible corrosive environment with respect to concrete and a moderately corrosive environment with respect to buried metals. The Project site has a moderate risk for liquefaction and/or seismic settlement. Unless they are structurally supported, floor slabs should be designed to accommodate approximately 3-1/2 inches of settlement due to soil liquefaction and seismically induced consolidation of soil above the groundwater. The following Conditions of Approval have been required as a part of the proposed Project to reduce impacts to a level that is less than significant, and will be established as enforceable conditions on the entitlements: 1. The applicant shall comply with all the recommendations within the Geotechnical Exploration Report prepared by PSI Inc., dated May 14, 2004 and as stated below without deviation. a. All existing pavements, utilities, vegetation, and other deleterious materials should be removed from areas proposed for construction. Stripping operations should extend a minimum of 10 feet beyond the proposed building limits, where practical. Existing near-surface soils shall be removed and replace as properly compacted fill. The depth of over-excavation should extend at least 12 inches below existing grade for slabs-on-grade and pavements, or 24 inches below existing grade if mat foundations are constructed. The exposed subgrade below the removal depth should be saturated, and densified using a heavy vibratory drum roller. The removed soils should be moisture conditioned to slightly above optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method 0157) until design finish grades are reached. This earthwork should extend at least four feet beyond building limits, wherever practical. b. c. The first layer of fill material should be placed in a relatively uniform horizontal lift and be adequately keyed into the stripped and scarified (to at least 12 inches) subgrade soils. Fill materials, including import soils should be free of organic or other deleterious materials, have a maximum particle size of 3 inches or less and should possess an expansion index of less than 20 (UBC 18-2). Most of the on-site sols appear to be reusable as structural fill. During the course of grading operation, oversized material (particles greater than 3 inches) may be generated. These materials should not be placed within the compacted fill. R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 8 I I I Fill should be placed in maximum loose lifts of 8 inches and should be moisture conditioned to slightly above the optimum moisture content and be compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum density. If water must be added, it should be uniformly applied and thoroughly mixed into the soil by disking or scarifying. Each lift of compacted-engineered fill should be tested by a representative of the geotechnical engineer prior to placement of subsequent lifts. The edges of compacted fill should extend 10 feet beyond the edges of buildings prior to sloping. e. Non-structural fill adjacent to structural fill should be placed in unison to provide lateral support. Backfill along building walls must be placed and compacted with care to ensure excessive unbalanced lateral pressure do not develop. The type of fill material placed adjacent to below grade walls must be properly tested by the geotechnical engineer with consideration for the lateral earth pressure used in the wall design. d. f. In pavement areas, the upper 12 inches of finish subgrade should be removed/scarified; moisture conditioned to slightly above optimum moisture and compacted to at least 95 percent relative compaction based on Test Method 01557. The upper 12-inch densification should be performed immediately prior to the placement of base material and not during the initial grading operation. g. As mentioned in the study by PSI, Inc., May 14, 2004, alluvial deposits underlie the site. As such, it is anticipated that shallow to moderate excavations can generally be achieved with conventional earthmoving equipment. h. All grading operations should be performed in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Building Code (1997 edition), PSI's Standard Guidelines for Grading Projects (Appendix E), and City of . Temecula standards. The Project will not result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil. The Project site is relatively flat and will be developed in accordance with City standards, including National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) standards, which require the implementation of erosion control and best management practices (BMP's). The Final Environmental Impact Report for the City of Temecula General Plan does not identify any known landslides or mudslides located on the site or proximate to the site. Less than significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this Project. According to the geotechnical study prepared by PSI Inc., May 14, 2004, the Project is not located on expansive soil, as defined in Table 18-1-B of the Uniform Building Code (1994), and, thus, will not create substantial risks to life or property. The geotechnical exploration prepared by PSI Inc., dated May 14, 2004 also identifies the soils on the R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 9 I I I Project site as "very low expansion potential," as defined in the Uniform Building Code (UBC) Table No. 18-1-B. The Project is required to comply with the recommendations in the investigation report prepared by PSI Inc., dated May 14, 2004. The Project will not utilize septic tanks. A public sewer system is available; approvals from the Department of Environmental Health and/or Eastern Municipal Water District for solid wastes and waste water will be required prior to issuance of a building permit. The Project will be required to connect to the public sewer system. No impacts are anticipated as a result of this Project as the current sewer system and waste treatment facilities are adequate to process the anticipated flow from the proposed facility. (Initial Study, pgs. 16, 17, and 18) E. Hazards and Hazardous Materials The Project could potentially create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transportation, use, or disposal of hazardous materials. The Project consists of medical uses and will include the storage, use, and transportation of hazardous materials. The Project is located within one-auarter mile of an existing elementary school. However, the proposed Project is not anticipated to result in hazardous emissions materials or wastes that would create a significant impact. As a standard condition of approval, the applicant is required to submit to the City an approved hazardous materials storage and transportation plan (Hazardous Materials Management Plan), subject to the approval of the Riverside County Community Health Agency, Department of Environmental Health. A less than significant impact is anticipated as a result of the Project. The Project site is not located on a site which is included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 and therefore would not result in a significant hazard to the public or the environment. No impact is anticipated as a result of the proposed Project. (Initial Study, pgs. 19 and 20) The Project is not located within the French Valley Airport Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP). There are no other airports located near the Project. The Project is not within the vicinity of an existing private airstrip and would not result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the Project area. The Project does include a private helipad that will be used for emergency uses and the transportation of patients to other facilities. As a condition of approval, the flight path will be limited to commercial or highway areas to the extent practical and safe. A less than significant impact is anticipated as a result of the proposed Project. The Project is not located in an area and is not a portion of an emergency response or evacuation plan. Therefore, the Project would not impair the implementation of or physically interfere with an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan. The Project, which is a regional hospital facility, will actually assist in local treatment for the injured, especially in the event of an emergency. No impact is anticipated as a result of the Project. R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 10 I I I The Project is not located in or near a wildland area that would be subject to fire hazards. The location of the Project would not expose people or structures to a significant risk or loss, injury or death involving wildland fires. No impact is anticipated as a result of this Project. The following standard Conditions of Approval have been required of the Project and will be established as an enforceable condition on the entitlements: 1. Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the Applicant shall submit a hazardous materials storage and transportation plan (Hazardous Materials Management Plan) that verifies that the handling, storage and transportation of hazardous materials will comply with county, state, and/or federal regulations. (Initial Study, pgs. 19 and 20) F. Mineral Resources The Project is not located in an area that is known to include minerals that are considered of value to the region and/or the state. The Project will not result in the loss of a locally important mineral resource because the Project site is not identified as an important site known to maintain such resources as shown in the Final EIR for the City of Temecula General Plan. No impact is anticipated as a result of the Project. (Initial Study, p.25) G. Population and Housina The Project is a regional facility that will add additional medical services to the region. As a result, the Project could potentially cause additional growth in the surrounding area. However, the southwest Riverside County region has experienced a rapid rate of growth (residential and commercial) since the mid-1980s without any such regional medical facility. The surrounding community is nearly built out with residential dwellings. The Project, therefore, is not anticipated to induce substantial population beyond the residential growth that has already occurred over the last 10 to 20 years. A less than significant impact is anticipated as a result of the Project. The Project will not induce substantial growth in the area either directly or indirectly. The Project includes a hospital, medical offices, cancer center, and a fitness rehabilitation center; residential uses are not proposed. The Project site is vacant and will not displace substantial numbers of people or remove/replace existing housing. The Project will neither displace housing nor people, necessitating the construction of replacement housing. No impacts are anticipated as a result of this Project. (Initial Study, p. 30) H. Public Services The Project will have a less than significant impact upon, or not result in a need for new or altered fire, police, recreation, or other public facilities. The Project will provide additional public services available to the community and general public. The Project will also provide better emergency medical response and allow for better transport of medical emergencies. R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 11 I I I The Project will contribute fair-share contributions through City Development Impact Fees to be used to provide public facilities and infrastructure. The Project will not have an impact upon nor result in a need for new or altered school facilities. The Project will not cause significant numbers of people to relocate within or to the City. The Project will have a less than significant impact upon the need for new or altered public facilities. The Rancho California Water District and the Riverside Department of Environmental Health have been made aware of this Project. A condition of approval has been placed on this Project that will require the applicant to obtain 'Will Serve" letters from all of the public utilities agencies. Service is currently provided for the surrounding residential and commercial development, so extending service to this site is possible, which would result in less than significant impacts as a result of the Project. The Project may require improvements to public facilities such as sewer line connections. Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) has provided some conceptual analysis concerning sewer flows from the hospital, and the total flow is estimated to be approximately 94,100 gallons per day. Based on the estimated discharge volume, the hospital would not be required or conditioned to install additional sewer capacity, assuming that all hospital flow is discharged to the existing 24" vitrified clay pipe (VCP) sewer in Route 79 South and no hospital flow is discharged to the existing 15" VCP sewer in Margarita Road. As a condition of service, the applicant is responsible for payments of EMWD's sewer connection fees and water supply development fee. Impact is less than significant. (Initial Study, p. 31) I. Recreation The Project is a hospital and medical office Project in a professional office zone. The Project will not displace recreationally zoned lands or remove vacant lands that are used for recreational purposes. The anticipated need to increase the neighborhood or regional parks or other recreational facilities as a result of this Project is not anticipated. No impacts are anticipated as a result of this Project. The Project does not include an open space or recreational aspect. Furthermore, the Project will not require the construction or expansion of additional recreational facilities. No impacts are anticipated as a result of the Project. (Initial Study, p. 32) J. Utilities and Service Systems The Project will not exceed wastewater treatment requirements, require the construction of new treatment facilities, nor affect the capacity of treatment providers. The Project will have an incremental effect upon existing systems. The Project may require improvements to public facilities such as sewer line connections. The applicant is required to consult with the sewer purveyor, EMWD, to determine what, if any, improvements are required. As a condition of approval, the applicant is required to submit a letter from EMWD indicating that current facilities are in place, or a letter stating what improvements are necessary to provide service to the proposed Project. Less than significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this Project because the wastewater and treatment systems are already designed to handle this quantity of wastewater. R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 12 I I I The Project will require on-site storm drains to be constructed. The Project may require various state and federal permits. The Project will include the construction of underground storm drains and drainage swales in various locations within the Project site. No off-site storm drains or expansion of existing facilities will be required as a result of this Project. Less than significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this Project. The Project will not significantly impact existing water supplies nor require expanded water entitlements. According to RCWD's Water Facilities Master Plan and 2000 Urban Water Management Plan, RCWD has an existing and planned combined well, imported, and recycled water production capacity of approximately 150,000 acre-feet. The ultimate annual water demand of the RCWD is estimated to be 129,545 acre-feet, while the existing demand for 2004 was approximately 85,000 acre-feet. Based on the projected water demands for the Temecula Regional Hospital and future demands projected for the Project service area, this Project demand is less than the Water Facilities Master Plan projected demands based on land use for the Project location. The Master Plan projected demands for the Project site are based on use of the site as 30 acres of Business Park/Industrial (1500 gallons per day) and 6 acres of Estate Residential (0.75 acre-feet per acre), resulting in a total of 55 acre-feet for the Project area. Therefore, the 42 acre-feet demand estimated for the Project has been provided for and can be met with existing supply capacities. To accommodate future developments such as the Temecula Regional Hospital, the Rancho California Water District intends to meet supply planning issues through a combination of the following: 1. Continued practice of managing groundwater levels through natural and artificial recharge via groundwater extracted using existing and planned RCWD-owned wells. 2. Annual water purchase of direct imported and replenishment water via Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and from Vail Lake. 3. Orderly implementation of recycled water system use expansion as proposed to be available. 4. Conservation measures. Due to RCWD's access to local groundwater sources, the availability of local groundwater sources, and the ability to purchase imported water and store it within the basin, short-term drought situations have historically had negligible effect on the ability to supply customers. Additionally, if surface water flows are reduced as a result of single or multiple dry, or critically dry years, RCWD has the ability to meet demands by augmenting its supply with increased groundwater extractions, along with implementation of conservation and other measures. RCWD also anticipates that the use of recycled water will increase, thereby reducing the use and reliance of domestic R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 13 I I I water sources, furthering RCWD's ability to supply water during single or multiple dry, or critically dry, years. Therefore, RCWD has concluded that sufficient water supply exists to support the Temecula Regional Hospital development as required by California Water Code Section 10910. (DEIR, p. 4-35 and 4-35) The Project will not result in a need for new landfill capacity. Any potential impacts from solid waste created by this development can be mitigated through participation in Source Reduction and Recycling Programs, which are implemented by the City. Less than significant impacts are anticipated as a result of this Project. (Initial Study, pgs. 35 and 36) Section 3. Findings Concerning Impacts Found in The Draft EIR to Have Less Than Significant Impacts on the Environment. The City Council hereby finds and determines that based on all of the evidence presented, including the Final EIR, written and oral testimony given at meetings and hearings, and submission of testimony from the public, organizations, and regulatory agencies, the environmental impacts associated with the Temecula Regional Hospital Project will have a less than significant impact through the EIR and therefore do not require the imposition of mitigation measures: A. Aesthetics - Scenic Hiahwavs and Visual Character or Qualitv The Project site is not located within the vicinity of a state scenic highway, as designated by the California Department of Transportation.1 According to the City of Temecula General Plan, the Project site does not include any scenic resources, is not known for its visual character, nor does the site contain scenic resources. Development of the Project will result in a less than significant impact. (DEIR, pA-4) The proposed Project will be visible from various residential lots north of the Project site, as illustrated in the photograph in Figure 4-2b in the EIR. However, the views are considered private, are not considered to be of public benefit, and are not protected by any City regulation or policy. While the hospital/medical complex will be apparently taller than surrounding development, it will appear as infill development. As illustrated in Figure 4-2a in the EIR, while the Project site can seen from residential areas to the north, particularly in comparison from the existing view, views of Palomar Mountain will not be blocked by the Project. The elevation of De Portola Road and adjacent residences to the north is greater than the elevation of the pad areas of the Project site. Therefore, the building height will appear slightly lower than the actual height from the residences to the north. To soften views and blend the development with surrounding urbanization, the preliminary landscape plan proposes numerous evergreen trees such as Afghan Pine, Coast Live Oaks, and Silk Trees along the perimeter of the site between the residences and the hospital, which will buffer the visual appearance of the buildings and mask the 1 California Department of Transportation. California Scenic Highway Mapping System. htto:llwww.dot.ca.aov/ha/LandArch/scenic hiahwavsl Date accessed: August 11, 2005. R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 14 I I I development of the site. Incorporation of these Project features will help to reduce viewshed impacts. The proposed height of the hospital towers will continue to obstruct views from nearby locations. However, because the views are considered private, are not considered to be of public benefit, and are not protected by any City regulation or policy, impact will be less than significant. (DEIR, p. 4-5) B. Air Qualitv - Construction Odors and Consistencv with Adopted Plans and Policies The Project has the potential to create objectionable odors during construction. Some odors may be associated with the operation of diesel engines during site preparation. However, these odors are typical of urbanized environments and would be subject to construction and air quality regulations, including proper maintenance of machinery to minimize engine emissions. These emissions are also of short duration and are quickly dispersed into the atmosphere. Therefore, the Project will not create significant objectionable odor impacts during construction. (DEIR, 4-24) With respect to determining Project consistency with SCAQMD and Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) air quality policies, it must be recognized that air quality planning in the South Coast Air Basin focuses on the attainment of the ambient air quality standards at the earliest feasible date. The SCAQMD CEQA emissions thresholds for construction and operational phase emissions are designed to identify those Projects that would result in significant levels of pollutants, as well as promote the attainment of the California ambient air quality standards and national ambient air quality standards. General Plans are used to assist in development of the AQMP, which provides the framework for attainment of the ambient air quality standards and national ambient air quality standards. The Temecula Hospital Project proposes development on the Project site at an intensity greater than the two-story building height limit established in the General Plan Land Use Element for this site. However, the proposed hospital and medical uses involve a total of 566,160 square feet of building area, whereas a commercial office development constructed pursuant to current land use regulations could yield up to 769,059 square feet based on an assumed Floor-Area Ratio of 0.5. The proposed uses would generate up to 65% fewer vehicle trips than the commercial/office uses on the site assumed in the General Plan (see discussion of Alternative 2 in Section 5.0 of the EIR). Finally, Policy 1.8 in the Land Use Element states: "Encourage future development of a community hospital and related services, as well as a community college, major college or university." Therefore, the Project is consistent with goals and policies within the General Plan. As the Project is consistent with the City of Temecula General Plan Land Use and Open Space/Conservation Elements, it is assumed to be consistent with the AQMP, and the development's assumptions are included in the modeling for the AQMP. (DEIR, p. 4-25) C. Hvdroloav and Water Qualitv Storm Water Drainage and Water Quality Compliance with the existing regulations, which require Riverside County Flood Control District review to ensure adeauate flood control capacity, on-site drainage provision, drainage fees payment, and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan preparation, will R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 15 I I I ensure a less than significant impact on storm water drainage and water quality. (DEIR, p.4-33) California Water Code Sections 10910-10915 In compliance with California Water Code Section 10910-10915, all future development Projects pursuant to the General Plan that meet criteria specified in the law are required to determine whether projected water supplies available during normal, single-dry, and multiple-dry water years will be sufficient to satisfy demands of the proposed Project, in addition to existing and planned future uses. No major development Project will be permitted to proceed unless required determinations can be made. Water Code Section 10910 applies to the Project because the proposed hospital and medical office building complex meets the criteria established in California Water Code Section 10912 (a)(1) in square feet and potential employment. The Rancho California Water District (RCWD) owns, operates, and maintains the public water system within which the proposed Project will be located. RCWD will be the water purveyor to the Project. RCWD has prepared a water supply assessment for the proposed Project; this assessment states that the projected water demand for the Temecula Regional Hospital is approximately 42 acre-feet per year. This demand has been anticipated and included in the adopted Urban Water Management Plan and Water Facilities Master Plan for RCWD. Furthermore, based on the projected water demands for the Temecula Regional Hospital and future demands projected for the Project service area, this Project demand is less than the Water Facilities Master Plan projected demands based on land use for the Project location. Therefore, the 42 acre- feet demand estimated for the Project has been provided for and can be met with existing supply capacities. To accommodate future developments such as the Temecula Regional Hospital, the District intends to meet supply planning issues through a combination of the following alternatives: 1. Continued practice of managing groundwater levels through natural and artificial recharge via groundwater extracted using existing and planned RCWD-owned wells. 2. Annual water purchase of direct imported and replenishment water via Metropolitan Water District of Southern California and from Vail Lake. 3. Orderly implementation of recycled water system use expansion as proposed to be available. 4. Conservation measures. Due to RCWD's access to local groundwater sources, the availability of local groundwater sources, and the ability to purchase imported water and store it within the basin, short-term drought situations have historically had negligible effect on the ability R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 16 I I I to supply customers. Additionally, if surface water flows are reduced as a result of single or multiple dry, or critically dry years, RCWD has the ability to meet demands by augmenting its supply with increased groundwater extractions, along with implementation of conservation and other measures. RCWD also anticipates that the use of recycled water will increase, thereby reducing the use and reliance of domestic water sources, furthering RCWD's ability to supply water during single or multiple dry, or critically dry, years. Therefore, RCWD has concluded that sufficient water supply exists to support the Temecula Regional Hospital development as required by California Water Code Section 10910. Impact is less than significant. (DEIR, p. 4-33, 4-34, and 4-35) D. Land Use and Plannina The Professional Office General Plan land use designation will continue to apply to the Project site. The uses proposed are all permitted within this designation. Thus, no conflict with underlying General Plan land use policy will apply. The elimination of the Z2 overlay would eliminate building height restrictions. As a default, the standards of the applicable zone would apply. The PO zoning district has a building height limit of 75 feet. However, the applicant has submitted a PDO application with the zone change application to allow a maximum height of 115 feet for the tower structures. In approving the Project, the City Council has determined that no conflict between General Plan policy and zoning regulations result, and impact is less than significant. (DEIR, p. 4-39) The Project will be a phased development that will allow for efficient implementation of public facilities and services within the Project area. Furthermore, potential jobs will be created through the development and programming of this regional hospital, and the housing for the hospital workers will be accommodated through new housing developments anticipated in the City's General Plan. Therefore, the proposed Project will be consistent with goals and polices of the Growth ManagemenUPublic Facilities Element. Impact is less than significant. (DEIR, p. 4-40) All uses currently permitted in the existing PO zoning district will still be permitted in new PDO-9 zone. Thus, no conflict or impact will result. The primary changes that will occur as a result of the new proposed PDO and the Development Plan will be a change to the building height limit (to allow up to 115 feet) and the establishment of development standards applicable strictly to this site. The PDO document submitted with the application indicates an allowable maximum building height limit of 115 feet. In approving the PDO-9 zone, the City Council has determined that the PDO-9 zone is appropriate land use policy and zoning for the subject property. Therefore, impact will be less than significant. (DEIR, p. 4-40) The hospital, medical office, and related uses are consistent with established and planned development uses and patterns along Highway 79 South, south of De Portola Road. With regard to the residential uses, the site is separated from these uses by, respectively, a six-lane roadway to the south and an approximate 88-foot road right-of- way to the north. Also, the site plan builds in buffers in the form of parking lots and landscaping to ensure compatibility between the uses on the site and residential uses. The uses proposed are considered consistent and compatible with surrounding uses; impact will be less than significant. (DEIR, p. 4-41) R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 17 I I I With regard to intensity of use, the Project will result in a more intense use of the site than is currently allowed under land use regulations due to the proposed increased height standard. The Project will require approval of a planned development permit to provide for the development of the site with the uses, structures, parking, landscaping, and other components of the proposed development, and to provide development standards for the Project. The hospital bed-towers will be set back and located toward the center of the site. The nearest tower will be set back approximately 210 feet from the nearest residentially zoned parcel and approximately 630 feet from De Portola Road. Extensive perimeter landscaping and landscaping adjacent to the buildings will be provided. These Project features will minimize perceived visual effects and ensure compatibility with surrounding uses. Therefore, land use compatibility impacts with regard to development standards are not considered significant. (DEIR, p. 4-41) E. Noise (Construction. Ground-Borne Vibration. Traffic-related Noise. Sirens. Loadina Activities. Parkina Lot Activities. Trash Pickuo. Landscaoina/Maintenance. and Future Exteriorllnterior Noise Environment Construction noise impacts will be less than significant due to compliance with Section 8.32.020 of the Municipal Code. (DEIR, p. 4-64) The proposed Project will not generate excessive ground-borne vibration or ground- borne noise levels. However, ground-borne vibration may be perceptible during the demolition, site clearing and grading phase of the construction when activity occurs very near the property lines. This is not considered to be a significant impact due to the short duration of the activity. (DEIR, p. 4-64) Although siren noise may cause some annoyance at nearby noise-sensitive receptors, noise from emergency vehicles is considered to have a less than significant impact because it will only occur sporadically and for short periods of time, and because sirens are necessary for safety during an emergency. (DEIR, p. 4-58) Traffic noise, parking lot noise, and noise associated with site maintenance will be less than significant. (DEIR, p. 4-64) Activity at the loading docks have the potential to create excessive noise. Assuming that the worst-case 10-minute average noise level at the proposed loading docks will be the same, and allowing for the noise reduction provided by the distance from the loading docks to the nearest occupied home (approximately 845 feet), the estimated 10-minute average noise level at the home due to loading dock activities is approximately 50 dB(A). With four deliveries over a 24-hour period, this equates to a CNEL of 42 dB. This level is below the daytime stationary noise source standards of 65 dB. Measurements indicate that the existing CNEL at the home is about 57 dB, so loading dock activities will not increase the noise level by 3 dB or more. The impact is less than significant. (DEIR, p. 4-61) R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 18 I I I At the office property to the east (a distance of about 285 feet) from the loading docks, the CNEL is expected to be about 51 dB. This is below the City's standard of 70 dB, and will not increase the existing CNEL by 3 dB or more; therefore, the impact is less than significant. (DEIR, p. 4-61) Trash pickup is frequently a cause of complaints from residents living adjacent to commercial uses. Typical noise levels range from 80 to 85 dB(A) at a distance of 50 feet from the source during raising, lowering, and compacting operations. However, this noise is temporary and will not occur on a constant basis. A typical trash pickup lasts only three minutes on average and is a common noise source that exists throughout the community. Therefore, this Project impact will be less than significant. (DEIR, p. 4-63) The exterior noise standard of 70 dB CNEL for a hospital site is exceeded at all exterior locations within 255 feet of the centerline of the nearest lane of Highway 79 South. However, no exterior useable/habitable spaces are located within this envelope. Impact will be less than significant. (DEIR, p. 4-64) The interior noise standard will not be exceeded within any medical office building nor hospital facility given the noise estimates and the noise reduction characteristics of the buildings themselves. The noise levels inside the buildings will comply with the interior CNEL standard of 50 dB. At locations further from the street, the estimated CNEL will be lower than 50 dB. Impact is less than significant. (DEIR, p. 4-64) Section 4. Findings Concerning Potentially Significant Impacts Which Can be Mitigated to Levels of Insignificance. The City Council hereby finds and determines that mitigation measures outlined in the Draft EIR have been incorporated into the Temecula Regional Hospital Project that avoid or substantially lessen the following potentially significant environmental impacts identified in the Project Draft EIR to a less than significant level. The potentially significant Project impacts and the mitigation measures which have been adopted to mitigate them to a less than significant level are as follows: A. Aesthetics - Liaht and Glare 1. Potential Significant Impact The Project will introduce new sources of light and glare typically associated with a hospital and medical office. A minimum of one- foot candle illumination is required in all parking, loading, and circulation areas, and a minimum of two-foot candle illumination is required for the main entries of each building. Lighting is required to be directed down and fully shielded to reduce the amount of glare into the night sky and onto adjacent parcels. The applicant has proposed low-pressure sodium outdoor lighting fixtures, which is consistent with Ordinance 655. The City is requiring the Project applicant to locate all ground-mounted lighting as far away as possible from the residences. All free-standing lighting in the R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 19 I I I parking lot will be consistent with the setbacks set forth in the Development Code and Design Guidelines. The hospital towers have the potential to emit glare from the upper floors. (DEIR, p. 4-14) 2. Findings Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the Project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects as identified in the DEIR. Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce potential aesthetic impacts to a less than significant level: A-1. Prior to issuance of a building permit, City staff shall verify that a photometric plan has been submitted which details the proposed light levels for the entire Project site onto adjacent Project boundaries and vertical fugitive light, including means to mitigate. Corresponding criteria for helicopter/heliport uses and ambulance light use and operations shall also be prepared and include means to mitigate potential light impacts. (DEIR, p. 4-15) A-2. All windows above the second floor of the hospital and/or medical office buildings shall consist of glazed windows and/or tinting (non-reflective glass/windows) to reduce the amount of glare emitted from the upper floors. (DEIR, p. 4- 15) A-3. The applicant/developer shall plant, irrigate as necessary, and replace as necessary mature trees (24-inch or greater) and shrubs (15-gallon or greater) around the perimeter of the Project site. Such landscaping treatment may include decorative walls. The Planning Director shall approve the final design of any walls and/or berming and landscaping. Enhanced landscaping may be required along the northern property line and adjacent to residential parcels. (DEIR, p. 4-15) B. Noise - Ooerational Imoacts (Mechanical Yard. Emeraencv Generators. Mechanical Eauioment Room. Rooftoo Eauioment) 1. Potential Significant Impact R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 20 I I I Mechanical Yard Duty Equipment The mechanical yard duty equipment's noise level for all the equipment is 74 dB(A) at 50 feet. At the worst-case noise-sensitive location, the estimated noise level is 51 dB(A) and, over a 24-hour period, the CNEL will be about 58 dB. This level complies with the City's standard of 65 dB; however, the CNEL at the residence will increase by approximately 4 dB. In addition, the CNEL generated by the duty equipment is estimated to be 71 dB at the nearest office location. This exceeds the City's standard of 70 dB. Therefore, the impact is significant, and mitigation is required. (DEIR, p. 4-62) Mechanical Yard Emergency Generators The emergency generators' estimated noise level for each of the two generators is 86 dB(A) at 52 feet. This level does not include additional noise from the engine exhaust stack, which may increase the noise level by several decibels depending on the quality of the muffler. At the worst- case noise-sensitive location, the estimated noise level is 63 dB(A), without the contribution of the engine exhaust. On a maintenance test day, this equates to a CNEL of at least 41 dB, which complies with the City's standard. However, if the generators run continuously over a 24- hour period, the CNEL will be at least 70 dB. This exceeds the City's 65 dB standard. In addition, the CNEL will be at least 82 dB at the nearest office property if the generators run continuously for 24 hours, which exceeds the City's standard. Therefore, the generator impact is potentially significant at both the worst-case noise-sensitive location and the office location as well. (DEIR, pgs. 4-62 and 4-63) The Mechanical Equipment Room The mechanical equipment room is to be located inside the Phase IB hospital building, adjacent to the mechanical yard. An analysis of the central plant room noise levels is not currently possible, as the construction of the room/building is not known and the details for all the equipment are not available. However, based on the fact that the central plant will contain various mechanical equipment including pumps, chillers, and boilers it is anticipated that it could produce significant impacts at nearby noise-sensitive receivers unless mitigation is incorporated into the design. Therefore, the impact is potentially significant, and mitigation is required. (DEIR, p. 4-63) Rooftop Mechanical Equipment Rooftop mechanical equipment such as air conditioning and refrigeration units and their associated inlet and exhaust systems are potential noise sources. However, structural designs are easily implemented in new R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 21 I I I construction, and it is anticipated that such measures will be included during the final design of the Project to minimize rooftop mechanical equipment noise. (DEIR, p. 4-63) 2. Findings Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the Project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects as identified in the DEIR. Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce potential noise impacts to a less than significant level: N-1 Once the mechanical equipment (including emergency generators) is fully operational upon completion of Project construction, the applicanUpermittee shall conduct continuous, 24-hour noise monitoring for a period of one week. Such monitoring shall be conducted by a certified acoustical engineer. If the noise levels exceed land use/noise compatibility threshold levels set forth in the City of Temecula General Plan or other City-adopted criteria that may be in place at the time, the applicanUpermittee shall implement measures to achieve the thresholds or other adopted criteria. Such measures may include, but not be limited to, noise attenuation barriers, equipment baffling, or other approaches deemed appropriate by a certified acoustical engineer. Once the mitigation has been implemented, the acoustical engineer shall file a report with the City documenting compliance. (DEIR, p. 4-65) N-5 Mechanical ventilation shall be provided for all medical and office buildings on the site to ensure compliance with interior noise standards established in the General Plan. (DEIR, p. 4-65) C. Transportation - Proiect Impacts 1. Potential Significant Impacts The Project will result in the following significant traffic impacts requiring mitigation: Phase 1: Intersections operating at LOS E or F due to Project- related or cumulative impacts: · Highway 79 South/Interstate 15 southbound ramps - both peak hours R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 22 I I I · Highway 79 Southllnterstate 15 northbound ramps - both peak hours · Highway 79 South/La Paz Street - P.M. peak · Highway 79 South/Pechanga Parkway - P.M. peak · Highway 79 South/Red hawk Parkway/Margarita - both peak hours Phase 1: Roadway links operating at LOS E or F due to Project- related or cumulative impacts: · Highway 79 South: west of Pechanga Parkway · Highway 79 South: west of Margarita Road Project at Build-out: Intersections operating at LOS E or F due to Project-related or cumulative impacts: . Highway 79 Southllnterstate 15 southbound ramps - both peak hours Highway 79 South/Interstate 15 northbound ramps - both peak hours Highway 79 South/La Paz Street - P.M. peak Highway 79 South/Pechanga Parkway - P.M. peak Highway 79 South/Project Driveway/Country Glen Way - LOS F at A.M. and P.M. peak hour Margarita Road/Highway 79 South - LOS F at A.M. and P.M. peak hour Highway 79 South/Red hawk Parkway/Margarita - both peak hours . . . . . . Project at Build-out: Roadway links operating at LOS E or F due to Project-related or cumulative impacts: . Highway 79 South: west of Pechanga Parkway . Highway 79 South: west of Margarita Road . Margarita Road: De Portola Road to Dartolo Road . Margarita Road: Dartolo Road to Highway 79 South 2. Findings Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the Project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects as identified in the DEIR. Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce potential transportation - Project impacts to a less than significant level: R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 23 I I I The Project applicanUpermittee will be required to contribute fair- share payments for the following improvements: T-1. Signalize the main Project site access from Highway 79 South opposite Country Glen Way with the following configuration: Westbound: 1 right-turn lane 3 through lanes 1 left-turn lane Eastbound: 2 left-turn lanes 2 through lanes 1 shared through/right lane Northbound: 1 left-tum lane 1 shared through/right lane Southbound: 2 left-turn lanes 1 shared through/right lane (20 feet wide) (DEIR, pA-93) T -4. Improvements on the Project site shall include a driveway onto De Portola Road developed to the specifications of the Public Works Director. (DEIR,4-94) Section 5. Findings Concerning Impacts Which Cannot be Fully Mitigated to a Level of Insignificance. The City Council hereby finds that, despite the incorporation of mitigation measures outlined in the Draft EIR, the following impacts cannot be fully mitigated to a less than significant level, and a Statement of Overriding Considerations is therefore included herein: A. Air Qualitv - Short-term. Lona-term. and Cumulative 1. Potential Significant Impact Short-Term Construction activity will produce daily emissions above the South Coast Air Quality Management District's (SCAQMD) significance thresholds for oxides of nitrogen (NOx) and reactive organic gases (ROG). The NOx emissions are primarily attributable to exhaust from construction vehicles, and the ROG emissions are primarily from the application of architectural coatings. The emissions of these pollutants are considered to produce a significant adverse short-term regional air quality impact because the levels of these R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 24 I I I R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 emissions are projected to exceed SCAQMD air pollutant significance thresholds. (DEIR, p. 4-23) Long-Term and Cumulative Air pollutant emissions associated with Project operations will be generated due to the consumption of electricity and natural gas (so- called stationary sources) and by the operation of on-road vehicles (mobile sources). Because it is not possible to isolate geographically where production of electric power occurs, these emissions are considered to be regional in nature. Emissions of criteria pollutants associated with the production of energy were calculated using emission factors from the SCAQMD's CEQA Air Quality Handbook. (DEIR, p. 4-24) Regional emissions from the operation of the Temecula Regional Hospital are estimated to produce air pollutant emissions above the SCAQMD significance thresholds for carbon monoxide (CO) and ROG. As such, regional emissions associated with the operational phase of the Project will result in a significant adverse air quality impact related to ROG and CO. (DEIR, p. 4-25) 2. Findings Implementing the following mitigation measures will reduce air quality impacts to the extent feasible. AQ-1. The applicanUpermittee shall coordinate with the Riverside Transit Agency (RTA) for a final location, design, and type of staging area (or turn-out) appropriate for the Project site. Written authorization and final approved design plans shall be submitted to the City of Temecula Planning Department. (DEIR, p. 4-26) AQ-2. The applicanUpermittee shall incorporate and encourage Transportation Demand Management (TOM) techniques for reducing vehicle trips during construction, as well as during the daily operations of the hospital facility. TOM techniques shall include but not be limited to the following: encouraging car and van pooling, and offering flex hours and/or flex schedules during the on-going operation of the facility. Written proof of such program shall be submitted to and approved by the Planning Director prior to the issuance of a grading permit for construction activities and prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the operation of the medical offices. (DEIR, p. 4-26) 25 I I I AQ-3. The applicant/permittee shall incorporate energy efficiency standards appropriate for medical facilities and professional office buildings, as defined by State of California regulations. (DEIR, p. 4-26) AQ-4. The applicant/permittee shall submit a final landscape plan for the Project site incorporating native drought-resistant vegetation and mature trees (15 gallon, 24-inch box and 36- inch box). If more than 100 days elapses from the time grading is complete and beginning of construction, the City of Temecula may require temporary landscaping to reduce the amount of dust and to prevent dust and erosion, with such temporary landscaping to be installed at the applicant/permittee's expense. (DEIR, p. 4-26) AQ-5. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit and during the duration of construction activities, the applicant/permittee shall verify in writing (to the Planning Department) that all earth-moving and large equipment are properly tuned and maintained to reduce emissions. In addition, alternative clean-fueled vehicles shall be used where feasible. Construction equipment should be selected and deployed considering the lowest emission factors and highest energy efficiency reasonably possible. (DEIR, p. 4-27) AQ-6. Prior to the issuance of a grading permit, a watering program shall be submitted to the City of Temecula Public Works Department for approval. Said program shall include control of wind-blown dust on site and on adjacent access roadways. The City Public Works Director reserves the right to modify this requirement as necessary based upon the circumstances that present themselves during the Project construction. (DEIR, p. 4-27) AQ-7. The applicant/permittee shall prepare and submit a comprehensive Fugitive Dust Control Plan to the City of Temecula, including compliance with SCAQMD Rule 402 - Nuisance and Rule 403 - Fugitive Dust. The Fugitive Dust Control Plan shall include applicable best available control measures included in Table 1 and Table 2 of Rule 403 during grading and construction such as the following examples listed below: . Soil stabilization methods such as water and environmentally safe dust control materials shall be R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 26 I I I . periodically applied to portions of the construction site inactive for over four days. Establish a vegetative ground cover within 21 days after active operations have ceased. Apply chemical stabilizers within five working days of grading completion. Water all roads used for vehicular traffic at least twice per daily, at least once in the morning and at least once in the afternoon. Restrict vehicle speeds to 15 miles per hour. Apply water or chemical stabilizers to at least 80 percent of the surface area of open storage piles on a daily basis when there is evidence of wind driven fugitive dust or install temporary coverings. Cover haul vehicles prior to exiting the site. Direct construction traffic over established haul routes. . . . . . . The Fugitive Dust Control Plan shall be reviewed and approved by the SCAQMD prior to the commencement of grading and excavation operations. Compliance with The Fugitive Dust Control Plan shall be subject to periodic site monitoring by the City. (DEIR, p. 4-27) AQ-8. During the course of the Project grading and construction, the applicant/permittee shall post signs on the site limiting construction-related traffic and all general traffic to 15 miles per hour or less. (DEIR, p. 4-27) AQ-9. The applicant/permittee shall establish construction equipment and supply staging areas located at least 500 feet from the nearest property line of a residentially improved parcel. (DEIR, p. 4-27) AQ-10. The applicant/permittee shall properly maintain all waste- related enclosures and facilities and comply with the state emission controls to ensure against Project site related odors during construction and subsequent use. (DEIR, p. 4- 28) AQ-11. All trucks exporting and/or importing fill to/from the Project site shall use tarpaulins to fully cover the load in compliance with State Vehicle Code 23114. Material transported in R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 27 I I I trucks off site (to and/or from the site) shall comply with State Vehicle Code 23114, with special attention to Sections 23114(b) (2) (F), (b) (F), (e) (2) and (e) (4) as amended. Material transported on-site shall be sufficiently watered or secured to prevent fugitive dust emissions. Lower portions of the trucks, including the wheels, shall be sprayed with water, which shall be properly managed so as to prevent runoff, to reduce/eliminate soil from the trucks before they leave the construction area. (DEIR, p. 4-28) AQ-12. During the course of the Project grading and construction, the applicant/permittee shall ensure the sweeping of adjacent streets and roads to prevent the placement or accumulation of dirt in the roadway. Sweeping of adjacent streets and roads shall be done as necessary, but not less than once per day, at the end of each day of grading and/or construction. (DEIR, p. 4-28) AQ-13. During periods of high winds (Le., wind speed sufficient to cause fugitive dust to impact adjacent properties, generally wind speeds exceeding 20 miles per hour, averaged over an hour), the applicant/permittee shall curtail all clearing, grading, earth moving and excavation operations as directed by the City Engineer, to the degree necessary to prevent fugitive dust created by on-site activities and operations from being a nuisance or hazard, either off-site or on-site, or as determined by the City Engineer at his sole discretion. (DEIR, p. 4-28) AQ-14. The applicant/permittee shall use zero Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) content architectural coatings during the construction and repainting of the Project to the maximum extent feasible. This measure will reduce VOC (ROG) emissions by 95 percent over convention architectural coatings. The following websites provide lists of manufacturers of zero VOC content coatings: htto:/Ihtto:/Iwww.aamd.aov/ordas/brochures/Suoer- Comoliant AIM.odf htto:/Iwww.delta-institute.ora/oublications/oaints.odf (DE I R, p. 4-28) . AQ-15. The Project site shall be watered down no less than 3 times (not including the morning and evening water down) during construction and/or grading activities to reduce dust. (DEIR, p. 4-28) R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 28 I I I AQ-16. All refuse areas shall be completely enclosed and include a covered roof subject to the approval of the Planning Director. Refuse areas shall be maintained within an enclosed structure and covered at all times, except during pick-up times for off-site removal. (DEIR, p. 4-28) AQ-17. The applicant/permittee shall provide a clear path of travel for pedestrians, including directional signs to/from the public streets (De Portola Road and Highway 79 South) to promote alternative transportation. (DEIR, p. 4-28) 3. Supporting Explanation The proposed Temecula Regional Hospital Project will result in significant air quality impacts during the Project's construction and operational phases. With mitigation, ROG emissions will be less than significant. However, NOx emissions from construction vehicle exhaust will continue to exceed the SCAQMD emissions threshold and result in a significant, unavoidable short-term air quality impact. (DEIR, p. 4-29) Once the hospital and other on-site facilities are in operation, estimated emissions of CO and ROG will exceed the operational phase thresholds established by the SCAQMD. Even with measures to encourage trip reduction and energy efficiency, emissions cannot be mitigated to below a level of significance. Long-term air quality impacts will be significant and unavoidable. (DEIR, p. 4-29) B. Noise Associated with the Maximum Potential Number of Emeraency Helicopter Fliahts 1. Potential Significant Impacts The Project includes a helipad to be used for the emergency evacuation of any patient who cannot be treated at the hospital. The helipad permit to be issued by the California Department of Transportation will have a limit of a maximum six flights per month. The applicant anticipates no more than one flight per month. However, assuming one flight on a "worst-case" day, and that the flight hovers for one minute prior to landing or climbing, the sound exposure level (SEL) would be 94 to 100 dB(A). The estimated annoyance level at the nearest residences ranges from 3 to 4 (on a scale from 0 to 10). If this condition occurred up to six times per month, the level of short-term, periodic impact could be considered R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 29 I I I significant by those persons living closest to the hospital. (DEIR, p. 4-61) 2. Findings Implementing the following mitigation measures will reduce noise impacts to the extent feasible: N-2 Helicopter flights shall be limited to emergency-only circumstances for critical patient transport. The applicant/permittee shall apply for a Special Use Helipad Permit for an Emergency Medical Services Landing Site, as provided for in the California Code of Regulations, Title 21, Section 3527, Airport and Heliport Definitions. This permit allows, over any 12-month period, for no more than an average of 6 landings per month with a patient or patients on the helicopter, except to allow for adequate medical response to a mass casualty event, even if that response causes the site to be used beyond these limits. (DEIR, p. 4- 65) 3. N-3 Helicopter pilots responding to calls for patient transport shall be informed of a preferred approach and departure heading of 1350 southeast. (DEIR, p. 4-65) Supporting Explanation Even with mitigation measures to reduce helicopter flight noise impacts, these impacts cannot be mitigated to below a level of significance because of the uncertainty of the exact number of flights per month due to the unknown number of emergencies that will occur within any given month. Helicopter flight noise impacts will be significant and unavoidable. (DEIR, p.4-66) C. Traffic & Circulation - Cumulative Impacts 1. Potential Significant Impacts New residential, commercial, industrial, and other development occurring throughout the Project area, combined with Project trips, will increase the number of vehicle trips to, through, and from the surrounding area. Vehicle trips from the Project and related Projects are anticipated to create or add to traffic congestion on Highway 79 South, especially near the 1-15 ramps, and at selected roadway segments and intersections. The 21 cumulative Projects generate a total of 160,500 average daily trips with 5,560 trips in the AM R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 30 I I I peak hour and 6,130 trips in the PM peak hour (2,209 inbound and 1,489 outbound). Some vehicle trips would be confined to the area (short trips), while others would travel outside the Project area to surrounding counties and urban centers and affect the regional transportation system. Adverse impacts to the circulation network would occur if roadway improvements and trip reduction measures and programs are not implemented. In accordance with City of Temecula regulations, each development Project will be assessed its fair share for identified roadway improvements. Payment of the City's traffic impact fees will allow the City to fund signalization, roadway widening, and other transportation programs and improvements necessary to maintain acceptable levels of service at local intersections. Increases in traffic generated by new development are generally anticipated to be mitigated to less than significant levels through payment of fair share fees and citywide and Project-level roadway improvements. The proposed Project will not result in any cumulative impacts to intersections, but the following roadway links will continue to operate over capacity: . Highway 79 South west of Pechanga Parkway Highway 79 South west of Margarita Road Margarita Road: De Portola Road to Dartolo Road Margarita Road: Dartolo Road to Highway 79 South . . . Cumulative impacts to these roadway links at Project build-out will be significant and unavoidable. Furthermore, some intersections near 1-15 will continue to experience LOS E and F conditions into the future. Cumulative impacts, as noted in the General Plan EIR, will be significant and unavoidable. (DEIR, p. 6-4) 2. Findings Implementing the following mitigation measures will reduce traffic impacts to the extent feasible. Also, other roadway system enhancements will be pursued over the long term to implement the recently updated General Plan Circulation Element. (DEIR, p. 6-4) T-2. The Project applicant/permittee will pay Riverside County Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fees (TUMF) to mitigate cumulative impacts to the Highway 79 South intersection at 1-15. (DEIR, p. 4-94) R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 31 I I I T -3. The Project applicant/permittee will contribute a fair share toward the provision of the following roadway improvements to address the Project's contribution toward cumulative impacts: Intersection Required Improvements Highway 79 South/I-15 Southbound Ramps Highway 79 South/I-15 Northbound Ramps Highway 79 South/La Paz Road Highway 79 South/Pechanga Parkway Highway 79 South/Project Driveway/Country Glen Way Highway 79 South/Red hawk Parkway/Margarita Road (DEIR, p. 4-94) Additional southbound left-turn lane Additional eastbound through lane, plus convert westbound right lane to free right turn Widen southbound movement to dual left turn lanes and one shared through/right lane Additional northbound left-turn lane, plus eastbound and northbound free right-turn lanes Signalize and provide dual eastbound left-turn lanes and dual southbound left-turn lanes with a shared through/right-turn lane. Provide a dedicated right- turn lane for westbound approach. Provide southbound and eastbound dual left and right-turn traffic signal overlaps. 3. Supporting Explanation Cumulative impacts on these roadway links at Project build-out will be significant and unavoidable. Furthermore, some intersections near 1-15 will continue to experience LOS E and F conditions into the future. Cumulative impacts, as noted in the EIR, will be significant and unavoidable. Section 6. Findings Concerning Alternatives to the Project. The City Council hereby declares that it has considered the alternatives identified in the EIR as described below. CEQA requires that an EIR evaluate a reasonable range of alternatives to a Project, or to the location of a Project, which: (1) offer substantial environmental advantages over the Project proposal, and (2) may be feasibly accomplished in a successful manner within a reasonable period of time considering the economic, environmental, social and technological factors involved. An EIR must only evaluate reasonable alternatives to a Project that could feasibly attain most of the Project objectives, and evaluate the comparative merits of the alternatives. In all cases, the consideration of alternatives is to be judged against a "rule of reason." The lead agency is not required to choose the "environmentally superior" alternative identified in an EIR if the alternative does not provide substantial advantages over a proposed R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 32 I I I Project and (1) through the imposition of mitigation measures the environmental effects of a Project can be reduced to an acceptable level, or (2) there are social, economic, technological or other considerations which make the alternative infeasible. The City's objectives for the proposed Project and the Project area are to: . Encourage future development of a regional hospital and related services . Support development of biomedical, research, and office facilities to diversify Temecula's economic and employment base . Ensure the compatibility of development on the subject site with surrounding uses in terms of the size and configuration of buildings, use of materials and landscaping, the location of access routes, noise impacts, traffic impacts, and other environmental conditions . Provide for superior, easily accessible emergency medical services within the City of T emecula . Incorporate buffers that minimize the impacts of noise, light, visibility of activity, and vehicular traffic on surrounding residential uses . Facilitate construction of a regional hospital facility designed to be an operationally efficient, state-of-the-art facility that provides economic benefits to the City The objectives of Universal Health Services, the Project applicant, for the proposed Project are to: . Provide high-quality health services to the residents of Temecula and surrounding communities . Provide a regional hospital facility that includes standard hospital services, with outpatient care, rehabilitation, and medical offices . Provide a regional hospital facility designed to be an operationally efficient, state- of-the-art facility that meets the needs of the region and hospital doctors . Provide medical offices adjacent to the hospital facility to meet the needs of doctors and patients who need ready access to the hospital for medical procedures . Provide a regional hospital facility that is centrally located, with access from a major roadway, to best serve the medical service needs of local residents and the region R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 33 I I I A. No Project Alternative - No Build 1. Description The "No Project Alternative" alternative assumes that site conditions would remain the same as existing conditions, and no development would occur in the near future. (DEIR, p. 5-4) 2. Finding The City Council finds that the No Project Alternative does not meet any of the Project objectives identified by the City nor the applicant. However, it has fewer environmental impacts than the Project. 3. Supporting Explanation This alternative generally would avoid the significant air quality impacts associated with the Project and would not generate any additional traffic. No new noise sources would be created. Overall impacts associated with the No Project Alternative would be less than those resulting from the Project. While this alternative has fewer environmental impacts than the proposed Project, it meets none of the Project objectives identified by the applicant and the City. (DEIR, p. 5-4) B. No Project - Development Pursuant to Current General Plan 1. Description The "No Project Alternative - Development Pursuant to Current General Plan" alternative assumes that the Project site ultimately would be developed pursuant to current General Plan land use policies, goals and policies, and zoning criteria. The site would be developed pursuant to the standards of the Professional Office (PO) General Plan designation and the applicable zoning of PO and Planned Development Overlay-8 (PDO-8). This development scenario could yield approximately 769,000 square feet of commercial and office development, based on current zoning regulations and an assumed floor-area ratio of 0.5. (DEIR, p. 5-4) 2. Finding The "No Project Alternative - Development Pursuant to Current General Plan" would not attain the City's objective to encourage future development of a regional hospital and related services, or the applicant's objective to provide high-quality health services to the residents of Temecula and surrounding communities. It would R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 34 I I I potentially have greater air quality and traffic impacts, while potentially having reduced land use and planning impacts. 3. Supporting Explanation This alternative could result in potentially greater air quality and traffic impacts. Impacts related to land use and planning would be reduced compared to the Project. Noise impacts associated with helicopter operations would be avoided. However it would not attain the City's objective to encourage future regional hospital and related services nor would it attain the applicant's objective to provide high-quality health services to Temecula or surrounding communities' residents. All other impacts would be comparable to those associated with the proposed hospital Project. (DEIR, p. 5-6) C. Alternative Site - Corona Family Properties R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 1. Description The alternative site considered for this Project includes land now owned by Corona Family L TO Partnership located at the northeast corner of Butterfield Stage Road and Highway 79 South. The site is comprised of three adjacent parcels totaling approximately 39.5 acres (APN 952150003, 9.61 acres; APN 952150001, 9.56 acres; and APN 952150002, 20.34 acres). The two smaller parcels are designated within the General Plan as Community Commercial and are zoned for Community Commercial use. The larger, 20+ acre parcel is not located within the City limits, but rather adjacent to the City within the County of Riverside. The Project site is within the City of Temecula General Plan planning area and is designated Vineyards/Agricultural, with County zoning of A-1-20. All properties would need to be under the applicant's control for the Project to proceed, and a County General Plan amendment, zone change, and annexation would be required for the larger parcel. (DEIR, p.5-7) 2. Finding The "Alternative Site" alternative has the potential to result in similar traffic and air quality as impacts the proposed Project, and could also result in adverse aesthetic, agricultural resource, and land use compatibility impacts. This alternative will not attain the applicant's objectives. However, this alternative would attain the City's objectives. 35 I I I 3. Supporting Explanation This alternative has the potential to result in adverse aesthetic, agricultural resource, and land use compatibility impacts, whereas the Project does not. Also, the alternative site would require annexing a portion of the site into the City of Temecula. Noise impacts of this alternative could be greater due to slightly longer helicopter trips due to the location of the Project site on the eastern boundary of the City, which may require a flight path over more residential neighborhoods. Biological resource impacts are uncertain, as site-specific surveys would need to be performed to determine impacts. All other impacts would be comparable to those associated with the Project. The alternative site would not attain the applicant's objectives because the site is located farther from the broad population to be served City and the site has limited access. The alternative site would attain the Project objectives set forth by the City of T emecula. D. Access from Dartolo Road R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 1. Description The "Access from Dartolo Road" alternative would require the extension of Dartolo Road westward to the Project site and the construction of a bridge across the existing flood channel immediately east of the Project site. For this alternative, no access to De Portola Road would be provided, and those vehicles oriented to/from De Portola Road under the proposed Project have instead been assumed to utilize Dartolo Road as an access point. As with the proposed Project, the access points along Highway 79 South were assigned the majority of the Project trips (63 percent), with a slightly lesser percentage of trips to Dartolo Road (33 percent) and the remaining (4 percent) Project traffic assigned through the reciprocal access to the adjacent development to the west and to Country Glen Way. Utilizing Dartolo Road as an access point would provide direct access to Margarita Road at a signalized intersection. According to City staff, there has been some discussion to remove the traffic signal at the Dartolo Road/Margarita Road intersection. However, currently there are no plans to do so. 2. Finding This alternative has the potential to create greater environmental impacts than those of the proposed Project. The alternative would, 36 I I I R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 however, attain each of the Project objectives set forth by the City of Temecula and the Project applicant. 3. Supporting Explanation Traffic and biological resource impacts of the Access from Dartolo Road alternative could be greater than those associated with the proposed Project. Queues on Margarita Road would negatively impact operations at the Highway 79 South/Margarita Road intersection and would add more delay to traffic on Margarita Road. This queuing would be the result of more vehicles arriving at a signalized intersection than are leaving this intersection, which results in longer wait times for vehicles wishing to go through the intersection; thus, long queues form. If the traffic signal were removed in the future at the Margarita Road/Dartolo Road intersection, only right turns could be allowed to/from Dartolo Road. This would improve operations along the Margarita Road corridor but would make this location much less beneficial in terms of removing traffic from Highway 79 South, as compared to the De Portola Road access scenario. Additionally, the biological impacts of this alternative would be greater than those of the proposed Project, as the Initial Study found that no biological impacts would result from the Project. (DEIR, p. 5-14) This alternative would not eliminate significant adverse air quality or noise impacts associated with construction and operation of the proposed Project. The alternative would, however, attain each of the Project objectives set forth by the City of Temecula and the Project applicant. (DEIR, p. 5-14) 37 I I I E. Access from DePortola Road and Dartolo Road 1. Description The "Access from DePortola Road and Dartolo Road" alternative was conceived as a means of providing a third access to the site in conjunction with the construction of Phase II. The De Portola Road access, as described for the proposed Project, would be provided with Phase I, with access limited to right-turns and inbound left- turns. Outbound left-turns would be prohibited. Upon construction of Phase II, this alternative would require a third access via an extension of Dartolo Road, as described above for Access from Dartolo Road. This alternative would involve the extension of Dartolo Road westward to the Project site and the construction of a bridge across the existing flood channel immediately east of the Project site. (DEIR, p. 5-15) 2. Finding This alternative would not avoid nor eliminate adverse environmental impacts; however, it attains both the City and the applicant's Project objectives. 3. Supporting Explanation This alternative would not avoid the significant traffic impacts associated with the Project. The extension of Dartolo Road as part of Phase II would not substantially divert traffic from the proposed primary entrance on Highway 79 South nor the De Portola secondary entrance. Biological resource impacts associated with this alternative would be greater than those associated with the Project due to construction within a jurisdictional wetland. The Initial Study found that no biological impacts would result from the Project. This alternative would not eliminate significant adverse air quality or noise impacts associated with construction and operation of the Project. The alternative would, however, attain each of the Project objectives set forth by the City of Temecula and the Project applicant. (DEIR, p. 5-20) R;/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 38 I I I F. Construction of Hospital Only 1. Description The "Construction of the Hospital Only" alternative would result in a smaller development with no medical office buildings, cancer center, or fitness rehabilitation center. This alternative was considered as a means to reduce the overall impact of the Project while still providing the community with a regional hospital. (DEIR, p. 5-20) 2. Finding This alternative has the potential to reduce environmental impacts and it meets the City's objectives. This alternative, however, does not attain the Project applicant's objectives. 3. Supporting Explanation The "Construction of Hospital Only" alternative would result in reduced impacts relative to aesthetics, air quality, and transportation since there would be a reduction in the total footprint of development. Therefore, the visual impact, trips generated by the Project, and short- and long-term air quality impacts would be less than those associated with the Project. Noise impacts associated with mechanical equipment could be reduced. While this alternative meets the City's objectives to encourage future development of a regional hospital and related services, and ensure compatibility of the proposed Project with surrounding uses, it fails to meet the City's objective to support development of biomedical, research, and office facilities to diversify Temecula's economic and employment base. Furthermore, it does not meet applicant's objective to provide a regional hospital facility that includes standard hospital services, with outpatient care, rehabilitation, and medical offices since it would result only in construction of the hospital, and would not provide the same levels of rehabilitation or any of the medical office uses stated in the applicant's objectives. (DEIR, p. 5-22) Section 7. Findings Concerning Project Benefits and Statement of Overriding Considerations Pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15093, the City Council must balance the benefits of the Temecula Regional Hospital against any unavoidable environmental impacts in determining whether to recommend approval of the Temecula R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 39 I I I Regional Hospital. If the benefits of the Temecula Regional Hospital outweigh the unavoidable adverse environmental impacts, those impacts may be considered "acceptable." The City Council hereby finds that the Final EIR has identified and discussed significant effects that will occur as a result of the Temecula Regional Hospital. With the implementation of the mitigation measures discussed in the Final EIR, these effects can be mitigated to a less than significant level except for the unavoidable significant impacts as discussed in Section 5 of these Findings. The City Council declares that it has made a reasonable and good faith effort to eliminate or substantially mitigate the potential impacts resulting from the Temecula Regional Hospital. The City Council finds that to the extent any mitigation measures recommended in the Final EIR could not be incorporated, such mitigation measures are infeasible because they would impose restrictions on the Temecula Regional Hospital that would prohibit the realization of specific economic, social, and other benefits, including the provision of employment opportunities for highly trained workers. The City Council further finds that such changes or alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of another public agency and not the City of Temecula. Such changes have been adopted by such other agency or can and should be adopted by such other agency. The City Council declares that, having reduced the adverse significant environmental effects of the Temecula Regional Hospital to the extent feasible by recommending adopting of the proposed mitigation measures, having considered the entire administrative record on the Temecula Regional Hospital, and having weighed the benefits of the Temecula Regional Hospital against its unavoidable adverse impacts after mitigation, the City Council has determined that the following social, economic, and environmental benefits of the Temecula Regional Hospital outweigh the potential unavoidable adverse impacts and render those potential adverse environmental impacts acceptable based upon the following overriding considerations: 1. The proposed Temecula Regional Hospital will provide necessary medical services to the local community, including but not limited to emergency, acute, outpatient, and cancer medical care and physical rehabilitation services. 2. The proposed Temecula Regional Hospital will provide the region with new employment opportunities for highly trained medical and medical services workers. 3. The proposed Temecula Regional Hospital will support the diversification of Temecula's economic and employment base, including but not limited to biomedical, research, and office facilities. R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 40 I I I 4. The Temecula Regional Hospital will be centrally located, with access from a major roadway, to best serve the medical service needs of local residents and the region. The City Council finds that the foregoing benefits provided to the public through approval of the Temecula Regional Hospital outweigh the identified significant adverse environmental impacts of the Temecula Regional Hospital that cannot be mitigated. The City Council further finds that each of the Temecula Regional Hospital benefits outweighs the unavoidable adverse environmental effects identified in the Final EIR and therefore finds those impacts to be acceptable. Each of the benefits listed above, standing alone, is sufficient justification for the City Council to override these unavoidable environmental impacts. Section 8. Review and Independent Judgment of the Council. The City Council finds that it has reviewed and considered the Final EIR in evaluating the Project, that the Final EIR is an accurate and objective statement that fully complies with the CEQA, State CEQA Guidelines and the City's local CEQA Guidelines and that the Final EIR reflects the independent judgment of the Council. Section 9. Certification of EIR. The City Council hereby certifies the Environmental Impact Report based on the following findings and conclusions: A. Finding The following significant environmental impacts have been identified in the Final EIR and will require mitigation as set forth in Section 6 of this Resolution but cannot be mitigated to a level of less than significant: short- term and long-term Project and cumulative air quality impacts, noise impacts associated with the potential number of emergency helicopter flights, and cumulative traffic and circulation impacts. B. Conclusions 1. All significant environmental impacts of the Temecula Regional Hospital's construction and operation have been identified in the Final EIR and, with implementation of the mitigation measures identified, will be mitigated to a level of less than significant, except for those impacts listed in Section 5 of this Resolution. 2. Other reasonable alternatives to the Temecula Regional Hospital that could feasibly achieve the basic objectives of the Temecula Regional Hospital have been considered and rejected in favor of the Temecula Regional Hospital. 3. Environmental, economic, social and other considerations and benefits derived from the development of the Temecula Regional R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 41 I Hospital override and make infeasible any alternatives to the Temecula Regional Hospital or further mitigation measures beyond those incorporated into the Temecula Regional Hospital. Section 10. Adoption of a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. The City Council hereby adopts the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program in Sections 9.0 and 9.1 of the Final EIR and attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A. Exhibit A is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full. In the event of any inconsistencies between the mitigation measures as set forth herein and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program shall control. Section 11. Location of Records. The documents and materials that constitute the record of proceedings on which these Findings have been based are located at the City of Temecula, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California 92590. The custodian for these records is the City of Temecula Planning Director. This information is provided in compliance with Public Resources Code Section 21081.6. Section 12. Certification and Effective Date. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution which shall become effective upon its adoption. I PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED, by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 24th day of January, 2006. Gr=vL: Ron Roberts, Mayor i TTEST: [SEAL] I R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 42 I I I STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, California, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 06-05 was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 24th day of January, 2006 by the following vote: AYES: 4 COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: 0 COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: 1 COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: 0 COUNCIL MEMBERS: R:/Resos 2006/Resos 06-05 Comerchero, Edwards, Naggar, Washington None Roberts None r--.... . Jones, MMC City Clerk 43 I I EXHIBIT A MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM I I I I CITY OF TEMECULA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: File ~ Emery J. Papp, Senior Planner August 10,2006 SUBJECT: Correction to Official File for City Council Resolution 06-05, Adoption of the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Temecula Regional Hospital City Council Resolution No. 06-05 for the Temecula Regional Hospital project contained an attachment (Exhibit A) which incorrectly included mitigation measures for improvements to Dartolo Road. The City Council clearly determined that no improvements would be made to Dartolo Road, which was originally suggested by staff. Staff was directed to remove all references to Improvements to Dartolo Road as related to all applications being processed for the Temecula Regional Hospital project. Staff overlooked the mitigation measures in the Biological section of the Mitigation Monitoring Program adopted for the project. On August 8, 2006, staff corrected the Mitigation Monitoring Program using a Redline Stlikatl'lFellgl:l method to clearly identify the changes. The City Clerk's office has certified the corrected Mitigation Monitoring Program and this memo will serve to explain why the document was modified after the City Council approval dale of January 24, 2006. R:\pappelHospltallssueslReso 06-05 Memo - Corrected MMRP.doc 1 I I '""' \0 o o ~ 00 o --- 00 o '-" ~ ~ p.., Cl ~ p;: g 5 :::E 5 - ~ Cl .~ CI Ul E-< I~ u .... .... It) E <;' Il! It)~ Cl ~~ 0_Q.<::l d:s"C'14 Cl 'Q. c: oo~ c:cnlll- .- 0 cw; C/) 0:1:(0;:' ~.!2~.; 0::1...... :!:~~~ c:E<(~ OGlQ.U .n- ft ~ III N ~ Cl (00 ._ '0:1'(,) ~ 0 :!: ~ o <( Q. ~ c Ui.!! :l III .. .- s:!:: lIl.: ~ III Q. Gl :c 'iij c o c. VI Gl It: "0 VI c 1: t1l Q) g'o>E .- c t:: c.- t1l f;j ~ a. _:lQ) a.cnc "0'0 c t1l ~ '" c C t1l t1l :l -'" Cl.(/)....; .2 :g'~ ..b~Q) Q)oo. E'c 0> 00. C - .- Oc32 .J: CO'- 0.- :> 0..0 :!: 0)(;) E .!: <2 .o:CQ) :>0> (J)=-E >, "0 :> (;j ro :;::; 'c '- ~Q)Q) co""C..c.o E Q) 0"0-= _Qirot1l <<:J.-.J: .J: a...c(l)(I) '" 0> ..... :>. 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