HomeMy WebLinkAbout042706 PTS Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PUBLICfTRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION APRIL 27, 2006 CALL TO ORDER The City of Temecula PublicfTraffic Safety Commission convened in a regular meeting at 6:03 p.m. on Thursday, April 27, 2006, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. FLAG SALUTE .Officer Krug led the audience in the Flag salute. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners: Ramos, Arbogast, Jacobs and Chairman Youmans. Absent: Lanier. PRESENTATIONS: Officer Chris Krug provided the PublicfTraffic Safety Commission with a PowerPoint Presentation with regard to the Zone Deployment Program, and Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving Team, highlighting the following: . Problems . Current Solutions . Proposed Solutions . Community Clean Up . Proposed Dog Park . Proposed Enhancements. Thanking Officer Krug for the efforts he has put forth with the Community Policing and Problem Solving Team, the PublicfTraffic Safety Commission expressed their enthusiasm with the program. . At 6:33 the flag salute was performed. PUBLIC COMMENTS No additional comments. R:IMinutesIPublicTrafficSafetyCommission042706 COMMISSION REPORTS A. Commissioner Arbogast thanked staff and the Commission for the opportunity to attend a Traffic Commissioner's Workshop, which was held on April 1, 2006, advising that it was very informative workshop. Ms. Arbogast also advised that she had an opportunity to visit New Orleans, and informed the Commission of the multitude of problems that New Orleans would currently be facing. Commissioner Arbogast also commended the Police Department for their efforts with the alcohol sweep for minors. B. Commissioner Jacobs thanked the Police Department for their efforts with the Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving Program, as well as the handling of protests at local high schools. Commissioner Jacobs invited fellow Commissioner's to join him on Thursday, May 4, 2006, for Needle Point at the Community Recreation Center, and advised that the Blood Mobile will be taking donations. C. Chairman Youmans stated that it would be the desire of the City Council that each Commission elect a Commissioner to take a proactive approach to community issues that may arise. COMMISSION CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of March 23. 2006 RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the Minutes of March 23, 2006. MOTION: Commissioner Arbogast moved to approve the Consent Calendar. Commissioner Ramos seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval with the exceDtion of Commissioner Jacobs who abstained and Commissioner Lanier who was absent. COMMISSION BUSINESS 2. Old Town Temecula Civic Center Master Plan RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 That the PublicfTraffic Safety Commission review and discuss the Old Town Temecula Civic Center Master Plan. Per PowerPoint Presentation, Deputy City Manager Thomhill provided the PublicfTraffic Safety Commission with brief presentation, highlighting on the following: . Public Opportunities . Old Town Specific Plan R:\MinulesIPublicTrafficSafetyCommission042706 2 . Keyser Marsten Study . Opportunities . Constraints . Public Parking . Parks/Open Space/Plazas The Commission thanked Mr. Thornhill for his presentation. It was the consensus of the PublicfTraffic Safety Commission to receive and file this report. 3. City of Temecula Emeroencv Ooeration Plan RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 That the PublicfTraffic Safety Commission review and approve the updated City of Temecula Emergency Operation Plan. Per PowerPoint Presentation, Assistant to the City Manager Yates and Senior Management Analyst Adams provided an overview of the Emergency Management System, highlighting on the following: . Mitigation . Preparedness . Response . Recovery . Role of the City Council . Role of the Commission . Volunteer Assignments . Event Specific Checklist . Operational Considerations . OES Regional Communications . City Communications . Evacuation Plan . City Emergency Operation Center Locations . EOP Training The PublicfTraffic Safety Commission thanked Mr. Yates and Mr. Adams for their presentation. MOTION: Commissioner Arbogast moved to approve the updated City of Temecula Emergency Operation Plan. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval with the eXC8otion of Commissioner Lanier who was absent. 4. Prooosed Caoitallmorovement Prooram - Fiscal Years 2007-2011 RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 That the PublicfTraffic Safety Commission review and discuss the proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Circulation Projects for Fiscal Years 2007- 2011. R:IMinuteslPublicTrafficSafetyCommission042706 3 Director of Public Works Hughes provided the Commission with a brief update with regard to the proposed CIP circulation projects for Fiscal Years 2007-2011. In response to Commissioner Jacob's query, Director of Public Works Hughes noted that the Pauba Road improvements construction contract had been awarded and is currently under construction, advising that the road improvements will be done by the opening of the new library. It was the consensus of the Commission to receive and file this report. 5. Intersection Lane Use and Turn Restriction - Sianaae RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 That the PublicfTraffic Safety Commission deny the request to replace and/or supplement existing lane use signs with No-U-Tum symbol signs. Principal Engineer Moghadam presented a staff report (of record). MOTION: Commissioner Arbogast moved to approve staff recommendation and denv the request to replace and/or supplement existing lane use signs with No-U-turn symbol signs. Commissioner Ramos seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval with the exceotion of Commissioner Lanier who was absent. 6. Traffic Enaineer's Reoort No report at this time. 7. Police Chiefs Reoort Lieutenant Rile noted the following: . That there has not been a reduction of hours with regard to the Stop Light Abuse Program (SLAP), but rather a redeployment of manpower to other areas of the City . That there would be DUI check points scheduled for the following year . That a Ticket or Click it Program will be enforced in the near future. 8. Fire Chiefs Reoort Battalion Chief Deyo advised that to allow for defensible space from an approaching fire, one should clean up any flammable vegetation or debris around their property. ADJOURNMENT At 8:05 p.m. Chairman Youmans formally adjourned this meeting to Thursday, Ma1f 25. 2006 at 6:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, and Temecula. l)~ ry ~mans g,,4~.."", R:IMinuleslPublicTrafficSafelyCommission042706 4