HomeMy WebLinkAbout101697 PC MinutesMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION October 6, 1997 CA! L TO ORDFR The City of Temecula Planning Commission convened in a regular session at 6:00 P.M., on Monday, October 6, 1997, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. RO! L CA! ! Present: Commissioners Guerriero, Miller, Slaven, and Chairwoman Fahey (arrived at 6:06 P.M.). Absent: Commissioner Soltysiak. Also Present: Planning Manager Ubnoske, Community Development Director Thornhill, Principal Engineer Parks, Attorney Bill Curley, Project Planner Donahoe, Associate Planner Fagan, and Minute Clerk Ballreich. Because Chairwoman Fahey had not yet arrived, Vice Chairwoman Slaven presided over the meeting. PUB! IC COMM!=NTS None. COMMISSION BUSINESS 1. APPROVAL OF AC-!=NDA As per staff's recommendation, Commissioner Miller concurred with continuing Agenda Item No. 5 (ZB Investment) to the October 20, 1997, Planning Commission meeting and offered the following motion. MOTION: Commissioner Miller moved for the approval of the Agenda as amended. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Guerriero and voice vote reflected unanimous approval of those present (Commissioner Soltysiak absent and Chairwoman Fahey absent). DIRFCTOR'S HFARINR UPDATI= As per written material of record; no additional comments. R:~LANCO~\I~AIOO~7.~PD 1/28/98 vSw I FINDINC- OF PURl IC C. ONV!=NIFNC-F nR N!=CF-~glTY FnR nyF C-OLF -~!=RVICF.~. INC. (TFMFKU) RFCOMM!=NnATItlN That the Planning Commission review the information in the staff report and make the appropriate finding. Project Planner Donehoe reviewed the request (as per written material of record); described the proposed findings of support (of record); corrected the staff report, noting that Temeku is one of two golf courses within City limits; and advised that the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control requires an individual be a minimum age of 21 to sell or serve alcoholic beverages. At 6:06 P.M., Chairwoman Fahey arrived. Acknowledging the information provided in the staff report and in light of his own independent knowledge of the Temeku Golf Course, Commissioner Miller viewed the request as a public convenience versus a public necessity and offered the following motion: MOTION: Commissioner Miller moved to make a finding of public convenience (as per staff report). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Slaven and voice vote of those present reflected unanimous approval (Commissioner Soltysiak absent). Chairwoman Fahey assumed the chair and presided over the rest of the meeting. 4~ 4. SPFCIAL EVI=NTS POLICY Referencing the staff report (of record), Planning Manager Ubnoske, in response to Commissioner Miller, noted that staff will be more specific with regard to lead time in which an application for a Special Event must be filed for a major/minor event and advised that the Commission may continue to provide input with regard to the Special Events Handbook after this meeting. Because the proposed policy will ensure equality, Commissioner Slaven spoke in support of clarifying the filing application procedure for special events. P! ANNINR APP! ICATION NO. PA97-0170 (CONDITIONAl US; Pr:RMITI 7B INV!::STMFNT Continued to the October 20, 1997, Planning Commission meeting; see page 2. PLANNINe- APP! ICATION NO. PA 97-0998 [n!=v!=!-OPM!=NT P! AN) T!=V. INC. (TFV BUFFMAN) The construction of · 103,564 square foot, 4,800 seat arena, and associated improvements (hardscape, parking, landscaping, and roadways). I~:~LANCO~\I~AI00~7.V~PD ]~2~ ~ 2 RI=COMM!=NrlATION It is recommended by the Planning Department staff that the Planning Commission approve the request subject to the recommended conditions of approval. By way of overhead projection, Associate Planner Fagan, reviewed the staff report (of record)in detail, highlighting the Site Plan, Landscape Plan, Arena Elevations, and traffic issues; advised that Phase I as proposed, only includes the arena and that any other future development on the subject site will require a Development Plan/Conditional Use Permit as mandated by the Westside Specific Plan. Proceeding with a detailed review of Phase I (4,800 seat arena), Associate Planner Fagan noted the following: that the applicant intends to complete Phase I and II and its associated components at the same time; that typically, landscaping plans, irrigation plans and construction drawings (for slope areas) are submitted to staff prior to the issuance of a building permit, but in order to ensure timely revegetation of the slopes, staff has requested that these plans, drawings and a bond, be posted prior to the issuance of a Grading Permit; that since the Planning Commission Workshop of August 18, 1997, the arena elevations have been refined to ensure sufficient detail; that the elevations have not changed in terms of design; that the highest point of the arena will be 75 feet which complies with the Specific Plan; that the project will comply with the Specific Plan/General Plan standards; that the mitigation measures identified in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) per the original Old Town Project will apply to the proposed project; that the previously approved project, as identified in the EIR, was overall larger in square footage area (including the hotel and arena); that because of changes and additions made to the original project, staff was of the opinion that an addendum to the previously certified EIR would be appropriate. Referencing a letter staff received on October 6, 1997, from Mr. Sam Pratt, Associate Planner Fagan relayed Mr. Pratt's concerns with regard to this project such as traffic, noise/light and consistency with the Specific Plan. Associate Planner Fagan noted that the Specific Plan depicts a 4,800 seat arena. With regard to the recommended Conditions of Approval (per staff report), Associate Planner Fagan noted the following amendments with Principal Engineer Parks providing the following clarification: Condition No. I - that because the applicant has previously paid the Fish and Game Fee of $1,328.00, it is recommended that this condition be modified to require the applicant to pay only the $78.00 County administrative fee; I~:~L-~2~COIVLIVNVI~J'TF~\I997~100697.W~D 1~2~/9~ ~,w 3 Condition No. 93 - that because this is a statement versus a condition, all conditions from this point forward should be renumbered, deleting Condition No. 93. That after a meeting with the applicant, the Public Works Department is requesting the following modifications/deletions: Condition No. 53 e. - "Prior to the iss, mnce of ~ Certific.te of ncc, u~.ncy (add}. a traffic signal at the ..." Condition No. 53 f. - "Affect the (add) full improvements of the Main Street extension ..." Condition No. 53 k. Delete (Undergrounding of proposed utility distribution lines within the road right-of-way) Principal Engineer Parks clarified that this standard condition is not being deleted but that the requirement to bond for it prior to the issuance of a grading permit is being deleted; Condition No. 67 delete ('An Environmental Constraints Sheet [ECS] shall be prepared to delineate identified environmental concerns end shall be permanently filed with the office of the City Engineer...') Principal Engineer Parks advised that a condition of this nature would be attached to a Tract Map or Parcel Map. Condition No. 72 - amend. "Private roads must be designed by the Engineer of record (add), reviewed ...' Condition No. 75 delete (Vehicular access shall be restricted on Vincent Moraga Drive, Western Bypass Corridor, and First Street other than shown on the approved site layout) Principal Engineer Parks advised that a condition of this nature should be imposed on the Tentative Map/Parcel Map, not a Site Development Plan. Condition No. 83 amend. "The Developer shall affect construction of full improvements ..." Principal Engineer Parks clarified that the obligation has not been deleted but that this amendment would permit the Developer to have someone else complete the work. Condition No. 84 - amend. "Sufficient parking for a local transit system ..." Planning Manager Ubnoske informed the Commissioners that the applicant has requested the imposition of one additional condition: 'that if the applicant were to change, the plan shall be readdressed by the City.' Community Development Director Thornhill further clarified that the applicant has requested this condition in order to limit this application to this sole applicant. R?~W-./~TCO~\I997~I00697.V/PD 1/28/98 ~ 4 Attorney Curley recommended the following verbiage: 'that if the applicant who submitted the application ceases to be the project proponent, the project will be returned to the City for review and approval." With regard to Condition No. 82 (the Developer shall complete the following infrastructure improvements prior to issuance of any occupancy ..."), Commissioner Miller expressed concern that the issuance of occupancy is not contingent upon the completion of the lower SR 79 improvements. Principal Engineer Parks clarified that the construction of the Western Bypass Corridor would be included in the County/City joint project (anticipated completion date November/December 1998), which will relocate the intersection of Front Street and SR 79 South, along with widening the interchange on- and off - ramps for Interstate 15 terminus at the proposed southerly extension of Vincent Moraga Drive. He further advised that the applicant proposes to complete the arena and associated components by mid 1999; and that the County/City project does not include widening of the bridge .and, therefore, should be completed within 12 months. In response to Commissioner Slaven, Principal Engineer Parks advised that Phase I has not been conditioned to contribute additional funds, other than the Development Impact Fees, toward the County/City joint project; that the Rancho California Road Bridge improvements are part of the Specific Plan and part of the approved Tentative Tract Map; and that these improvements are out to bid at this time. Community Development Director Thornhill noted that a condition of the Specific Plan requires the applicant to make a contribution toward the permanent improvements. For Commissioner Slaven, Principal Engineer Parks confirmed that the applicant will comply with the recommendation of the Riverside Transit Agency (RTA) to relocate two bus stops. Mr. Zev Buffman, applicant, 40576 Via Herradura, Murrieta, commended Planning Department staff on their efforts associated with this project and briefly reviewed the project, noting that a tremendous amount of interest has been expressed by national tours/attractions for the use of the proposed facility. Mr. Randy Fleming, 43500 Ridge Park Drive, Temecula, Project Engineer, further elaborated on specifics of the proposed project, noting the following: Grading/engineering - heavily landscaped, creating a buffer to residents on Pujol Street; Arena area - flat grades; Driveways - maintained a maximum of 6% slopes; Retaining walls - minimized the design of any retaining walls on site -- four on site (maximum height 25 feet for the retaining wall located northwest of the arena - next to the arena); all walls will be interlocking landscape walls with the exception of the 25 feet wall which will be structural but will be landscaped; Interior driveways - designed as per City of Temecula standards and regulations; driveway width will be constructed as per City of Temecula standards and regulations; I~:'~PLANCO~Ig~JT~100~7.WPD 1/"~/9~ ~ :~ Northern driveway - steepest driveway on the property; staging vehicle parking area will be out of sight of main entrance area; Private driveway - transverses the property; will provide handicapped access ramps, driveway approaches, and proper vertical site distances; Driveway grades - dropped by approximately 20 feet which enabled the applicant to minimize grades, creating safe sight distances and easy traffic circulation; Storm drainage - consistent with original grading plan; Transit stops - modified as per RTA; Landscaping - entire front slope will not be graded but will be landscaped; which, in some areas, exceed the Westside Specific Plan requirements; a 5 feet high landscaped berm, running the entire length of the slope, will be constructed to mitigate visual as well as noise impacts of the arena; Air-conditioned arena - will be enclosed to further lessen potential impacts on view, light, and noise; Lighting - consistent with the Mount Palomar Lighting Ordinance; Access points -- Vincent Moraga Drive, First Street, major entryway, and two secondary access points; that traffic effects resultant from the proposed project on the City's infrastructure have been greatly minimized; ADA requirements - access to Old Town will be achieved by .way of Main Street; In closing, Mr. Fleming concurred with the recommended conditions of approval and expressed appreciation to the Planning Department staff for their efforts with regard to this project. Mr. Sergio Martinez, architect representing the applicant, resonding to Commissioner Slaven, advised that a facility of this size could accommodate a three-to-four day rodeo as it relates to livestock (housing, clean-up, etc). Commissioner Guerriero requested that particular attention be paid to ensure proper concealment of the scaffold lines. With regard to landscaping, Mr. Glenn Schmidt, landscape architect representing the applicant, provided a brief description of the proposed trees; reviewed proposed landscaping for the Western Bypass Corridor slope, commenting on the use of hydroseed mix for a long- term impact in addition to planting one-gallon shrubs every 80 square feet in order to provide a more immediate landscaping impact. Mr. Schmidt advised that without the removal and relocation of the two existing oak trees, they would be destroyed because of grading. In response to Commissioner Guerriero, Mr. Bob Davis, traffic engineer representing the applicant, described the design of the Western Bypass Road; referenced projected project traffic; and commented on the typical rate of arrival time for special events. R:~I..A-'NCO~ 1997~ 100697.V/PD 1/'28/98 Because the widening of Rancho California Road improvements will be completed prior to the completion of Phase I, Principal Engineer Parks, responded to Commissioner Slaven, reiterated that Phase I has not been conditioned to make a contribution toward these improvements. Commissioner Slaven relayed her desire to ensure that the proposed project be required to make the necessary contributions toward the needed improvements. Further reviewing a condition of the Tract Map, Community Development Director Thornhill advised, the applicant shall contribute to the City's improvement project in an amount equal to the cost of the interim improvements. The applicant shall also contribute his share, within 30 days of the City's award of the construction contract, for the ultimate improvements. With regard to a previously recommended condition, Commissioner Miller stated opposition to the installation of a freeway sign directing traffic to the proposed project by way of lower SR 79. Community Development Director Thornhill commented on the difficulty in obtaining Caltrans' approval for the installation of such a sign. For Commissioner Slaven, Traffic Engineer Davis, as per his letter of August 28, 1997(of record), clarified how additional traffic from the proposed project will assist in offsetting added Mall traffic on Rancho California Road at the interchange and Ynez Road. Mr. Buffman further elaborated on the traditional time schedule of shows, noting that traditionally evening shows are scheduled between 7:30 P.M. and 8:30 P.M.; that family attractions are scheduled on Saturday mornings and Saturday evening; that Union regulations do not permit three shows a day and that scheduling of weekday shows will not be consistent week after week. He said the traffic study indicates one show a week (Friday); because Fridays are usually a heavier traffic day, this day was chosen, for study purposes only, in order to reflect the worst- case scenario; and that any manager of such a facility would stay away from scheduling an event during peak hours. Because Phase II of this project, in her opinion, will attract people at all times, Commissioner Slaven requested that the applicant, at the time Phase II will be reviewed, be prepared to address the cumulative affect of Phase I and Phase II. In response to Chairwoman Fahey's concern, Mr. Buffman advised that in light of the anticipated El Nino, grading will probably not commence until March of 1989 and completion of the project would be around April/May 1999. Responding to Commissioner Miller's suggestion to impose a condition requiring the applicant to complete the SR 79 South improvements prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, Mr. Buffman commented on the difficulty in obtaining funding from banks with the imposition of such a condition. Principal Engineer Parks reiterated that the signalization and widening of the on- and off- ramps of Interstate 15 at SR 79 South must be completed prior to Certificate of Occupancy. Having followed this project since 1993, Mr. Dennis Frank, 27475 Ynez Road, recommended approval of the project because of the short- and long-term benefits it provides to the citizens and the City of Temecula. He cited proper economic development of its contribution to marketing the City of Temecula. As well as its direct economic benefit on the Old Town residents. Mr. Frank noted that all issues of concern have been properly addressed. With regard to Mr. Pratt's letter, Mr. Frank questioned the accuracy of Mr. Pratt's studies and noted that Mr. Pratt is not a traffic engineer. R:~PLANCOMM'v'viiNLrl~S\I99'AI00697.WPD 1/2{/9{ ,yEw 7 Having followed this project since 1993, Ms. Joan Sparkman, representing the Temecula Chamber of Commerce and EDC, spoke in support of the project because of the economic and aesthetic values the project will have on the community, she also noted that the proposed conditions of approval address previously noted issues of concern; and confirmed Mr. Buffman's comment with regard to bankers hesitancy to fund a project conditioned on specific road improvements. Having reviewed the staff report with regard to this project, Mr. Nell Cleveland, 28465 Front Street, business and property owner in Old Town, recommended approval based on the imposed conditions of approval and noted that the proposed project would be of long-term benefit to Old Town. At 8:18 P.M., Chairwoman Fahey called a short recess and reconvened the meeting at 8:29 P.M. · Commissioner Slaven pleased with the proposed changes to the arena as well as the entire project but stated she is continuing to express some concern with regard to the potential traffic impact the project will have on the surrounding neighborhoods. She noted that traffic is ever changing and cannot be totally controlled but the recommended conditions of approval address the issues of concern relative to this project Commissioner Slaven stated as the City continues to grow, it is incumbent on the governing body, particularly the City Council, to address City-wide infrastructure problems. Although he does not concur with traffic engineer Bob Davis, traffic engineer, that the level of service under the SR 79 South bridge will rise to a service level of 'C", Commissioner Miller addressed Mr. Pratt's letter and noted considering a recent denial of an appeal initiated by Mr. Pratt, during which similar traffic issues were addressed,he was not interested in readdressing those traffic and environmental issues again. In response to Commissioner Miller's recommendation, Principal Engineer Parks advised, a standard condition of the Erosion Control Plan would impose a condition on the applicant, requiring that any empty undeveloped pad must be hydroseeded or a building must be built prior to occupancy. With regard to a condition noted in the Mitigation Monitoring Program, Commissioner Miller expressed opposition to the City being held responsible for construction of a sound attenuation wall in the event unacceptable noise levels (65dba) occur as a result of this project. He noted that such a condition should be the responsibility of the applicant. Community Development Director Thornhill confirmed that the intent of the condition was for the City to monitor, not construct. He stated the Commission has the authority to amend the condition. It was the consensus of the Commission to amend the condition, requiring the applicant to construct the sound attenuation wall if necessary. The applicant expressed no opposition. With regard to the relocation of the two existing 30 feet oak trees, Community Development Director Thornhill, in response to Commissioner Miller, suggested that an arborist, approved by the City, dictate the exact relocation of these two trees as well as determine a time frame in which it could be determined whether or not these trees would be negatively impacted by the move. Commissioner Miller requested that in the event these two trees die, two 48" box specimen trees should be planted to replace the trees. R:~LANCO~\I997',100697.WPD 1/2g/98 ~w 8 Mr. Buffman informed the Commissioners that a tree could be impacted by such a move as long as 10 years later and voiced no objection to an arborist overseeing the relocation. In closing, Chairwoman Fahey reviewed the amended/deleted conditions as earlier referenced by staff; reiterated the Commission's amendment to the condition, requiring the applicant to construct a noise attenuation wall if necessary; and commented on the Commission's recommendation that an arborist oversee the relocation of the two oak trees; that if these trees were to die, they be replaced with two 48" specimen trees; and that the arborist make a determination as to whether or not the trees were negatively impacted by this move. MOTION: Commissioner Miller moved to adopt an addendum to an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) which was previously certified; to make Findings that a subsequent EIR or Supplemental EIR were not required; to adopt Resolution No. 97-028, approving PA97-0298, based upon analysis and findings contained in the staff report subject to conditions as modified and added. He also moved to close the public hearing. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Guerriero and voice vote of those present reflected unanimous approval (Commissioner Soltysiak absent). P! ANNINR MANAG!=R'S RFPORT As per written material of record, Planning Manager Ubnoske responded to issues which were previously addressed by the Commissioners. Commissioner Siaven expressed appreciation to Planning Manager Ubnoske for addressing the issues and responding to the Commission in a timely manner. P! ANNINR COMMISSION DISCUSSION in response to Commissioner Guerriero's objection to the number of campaign signs placed in the public right-of-way or attached to fences -- locations which violate the Sign Ordinance, Community Development Director Thornhill advised that a letter will be sent to all candidates informing them of this issue and requesting them to comply and warning that all illegal signs will be removed. ADJOURNMFNT Chairwoman Fahey formally adjourned the Planning Commission meeting at 8:50 P.M. to Monday, October 20, 1997, at 6:00 P.M. Planning Manager Ubnoske R:~m,..ANCO~\I99'AI00697.WPD 1/2g/98 ~ 9