HomeMy WebLinkAbout072197 PC MinutesMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THI*~ CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 21, 1997 CALL TO ORDER The City of Temecula Planning Commission convened in a regular session at 6:02 P.M., on Monday, July 21, 1997, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Guerriero, Soltysiak, and Acting Chairman Miller. Absent: Commissioner Slaven and Chairwoman Fahey. Also Present: Planning Manager Ubnoske, Principal Engineer Parks, Attorney Estrada, Senior Planner Hogan, Project Planner De Gange, Project Planner Donahoe, Assistant Planner Anders, and Minute Clerk Ballreich. PUBLIC COMMENTS Acting Chairman Miller called for public comments with regard to non-agenda items. There were no requests to speak. COMMISSION BUSINESS 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Planning Manager Ubnoske requested that Agenda Item No. 6 (Old Town Specific Plan) be continued to a date uncertain and that Agenda Item No. 7 (Adoption of a Comprehensive Sign Ordinance) be continued to the August 4, 1997, Planning Commission meeting. MOTION: Commissioner Guerriero moved for the approval of the Agenda as amended. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Soltysiak and voice vote of those present reflected unanimous approval (Commissioners Fahey and Slaven absent). R APLANCO~\ 1997X7-21-97.WPD 8/28/97 vsw 1 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - July 7, 1997 Acting Chairman Miller requested that page 7, paragraph 1, be amended as follows: "... entrances to the entertainment ... 24" box perimeter trees will be spaced ..." Acting Chairman Miller requested that page 11, last paragraph, be amended as follows: "Planning Manager Ubnoske being absent, Community ..." MOTION: Commissioner Guerdero moved for the approval of the July 7, 1997, Planning Commission minutes as amended. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Soltysiak and voice vote of those present reflected unanimous approval (Commissioners Fahey and Slaven absent). 3. BEST WESTERN SIGNAGE Planning Application No. PA97-0065 - a freestanding freeway-oriented sign for Best Western County Inn, measuring 137 square feet in area and 45 feet in height, located on the west side of Interstate 15, south of Winchester Road (27706 Jefferson Avenue). RECOMMENDATION To approve the request as conditioned. Project Planner Donahoe reviewed the request as per staff report (of record), noting that the visibility of the existing freeway-oriented sign is being impaired because of the height of the existing trees (located in Caltrans right-of-way); that because of the view impairment, the applicant has requested that the sign be increased in height from 33' to 45'; that the proposed sign would be higher than already existing signs in the general area but that it would not exceed the allowable height as per Ordinance No. 348; that the proposed sign will be internally illuminated; and that it will be, compared to the already existing signs, the smallest sign with regard to size but the tallest with regard to height. Project Planner Donahoe informed the Commissioners that Caltrans would permit the topping of the existing Eucalyptus trees (approximately 10') as long as the applicant can show just cause that this action will benefit the visibility of the sign. Ms. Donahoe also noted that the slight bend on the freeway makes it difficult for southbound traffic to see the existing sign. Project Planner Donahoe recommended that the following addition be made to the recommended conditions of approval: that 2.c. be added: The existing AAA sign, (located below the existing sign) be removed and not be considered a part of this application. Project Planner Donahoe advised that the replacement sign will be a pole sign to which Commissioner Soltysiak relayed concern with regard to how this sign will comply with Ordinance No. 348 once it is amended. R:~PLANCOIvlM'LMINIY~S\1997W-21-97.WPD 8/28D7 vsw 2 Acting Chairman Miller noted that the proposed sign would be similar to the existing McDonald's pole sign. Because neither the City Council nor the Planning Commission has taken any action as to amending Ordinance No. 348, Planning Manager Ubnoske recommended that the proposed sign be reviewed under the existing standards of Ordinance No. 348 (maximum allowable height of 45'). Although he has not favored, in the past, signs in excess of 40' high, Acting Chairman Miller spoke in support of the requested 45' sign because of the reduction in elevation which occurs at the freeway which creates a sight visibility problem. Attomey Estrada clarified that because this request has never been discussed as a public hearing, Commissioner Guerriero may vote on the matter. At this time, Acting Chairman Miller opened the public hearing. Ms. Patti Skoglund, Superior Electrical Advertising, representing the applicant, advised that she was present to address any questions/concerns and requested the Commission's approval of the sign. At this time, the public hearing was closed. Clarifying that he has no objection with the proposed sign, Commissioner Soltysiak noted that his only concern pertained to the compliance issue is with regard to the proposed sign once Ordinance No. 348 is amended. MOTION: Commissioner Guerriem moved to approve the request as conditioned by staff, including the addition of Condition No. 2c. (as noted above). The motion was seconded by Commissioner Soltysiak and voice vote of those present reflected unanimous approval (Commissioners Fahey and Slaven absent). PUBLIC HlZ~ARING ITEMS 4. PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA97-0089 (DEVELOPMENT PLAN) Planning Commission consideration of a request to construct and operate the Tuscany Ridge Apartments, a 220-unit apartment complex on 13.8 acres with associated recreation amenities including a pool, weight room, a volleyball court, tot lot, and barbeque areas within the High-Density Residential District. RECOMMENDATION To adopt the Negative Declaration for Planning Application No. PA97-0089; to adopt the Mitigation Monitoring Program for Planning Application No. PA97-0089; and to adopt Resolution No. 97- recommending approval of Planning Application No. PA97-0089 based upon the Analysis and Findings contained in the staff report and subject to Conditions of Approval. R:~PLANCOMMXMINU~S\ 1997W-21-97. W'PD g/2g/97 VgW 3 Project Planner De Gange reviewed the proposed request as per staff report (of record); advised that the applicant, as per staff's request, has included additional trees/plantings long Margarita Road, serving as a buffer to the existing single-family residential units across the street; and recommended that Condition No. 83 be amended as follows: Prior to the issuance of building permits, the developer shall pay $400.00 per unit or the development impact fee whichever is in effect at the time of the issuance of building permits as mitigation for fire protection impacts. For Commissioner Soltysiak, Project Planner De Gange advised that in light of staff discussion with the applicant, the following plan revisions were proposed: creating a buffer, for the existing single-family units, along Margarita Road; altering full access from the eastern-most driveway; placing the active recreational area within an easily accessible and centrally located area; redesigning pedestrian access ways to ensure easy accessibility - handicapped access. In response to Acting Chairman Miller, Principal Engineer Parks advised that the installation of a traffic signal at Solana and Margarita Roads has been designated as a capital improvement budget for this year. In light of Commissioner Guerriero's concern with regard to uncontrolled in and out left-tuming movements at the southerly driveway, Principal Engineer Parks advised that several improvements have been proposed, including the construction of raised landscaped medians. Commissioner Guerriero suggested that the proposed raised median be extended further south then what is currently reflected on the plans. Commissioner Guerriero as well expressed concem with regard to the omission of a left-turn lane for exiting purposes at the main entrance, noting that a left-turn lane has been proposed for westbound traffic. He noted that landscaped medians may present a sight distance problem. It was noted that staff would readdress the issue. For Commissioner Soltysiak, Principal Engineer Parks advised that staff would concur that the median should be extended to the Moraga Road intersection but noted that it would not be fair to place this extra cost on the developer. Mr. Dave Jeffers, Rick Engineering Company, representing the applicant, commended staff on the presentation. In response to Mr. Jeffers' comment, Planning Manager Ubnoske noted that Condition No. 77 (arterial street lighting on Margarita Road shall be dedicated to the City prior to installation of the street lights or issuance of the first building permit, whichever occurs first) will be readdressed for clarification with the Community Services Department. Mr. Jeffers noted that the proposed 220-unit project was approved in 1988 but that the approval had expired, advising that only minor layout modifications have been made from the previously approved plan. Mr. Jeffers stated that once approved, grading permits would be immediately pulled and that construction would begin as soon as possible. R:~PLANCOMM',MlYULITES\I997~7-21-97.WPD g/'28/97 vsw 4 In response to Commissioner Soltysiak, Mr. Jeffers provided additional clarification with regard to the location of the proposed courtyard and advised that the wall to the south is an existing retaining wall to which Commissioner Soltysiak requested that all measures be taken to ensure that this wall will be able to withstand the weight of the slope once completed. Although he would prefer that no apartments be constructed in the immediate area, Mr. Michael Naggar, 43034 Agena Street, owner of property in Rancho Del Sol, advised that after reviewing the staff report, he would concur that the proposed project will be in accordance with the City's General Plan. Therefore, Mr. Nfiggar stated that the applicant should be permitted to construct the project but requested that the following issues be taken into consideration: that in light of the recent approval of the Mall and the development of a future community park in the area, the increased traffic/ pedestrian impact this project would have on Margarita Road, Moraga Road, Rancho California Road, and the school be addressed; that the only access to the school and to the future community park from Rancho Del Sol would be by way of an uncontrolled crosswalk; that this particular area may become a major thoroughfare as a result of the approved Mall; that the proposed project may further impact already decreasing property values; that the construction of apartments may create an undesirable transitory situation; that the General Plan be amended with regard to the property to the east, noting that another project of this size and magnitude could not be sustained in the immediate area considering the construction of the Mall, the existing school, the future community park, etc. In response to Mr. Naggat, Mr. Jeffers advised that because of the distance of the proposed project to the neighboring homeowner associations and because of the limited written and verbal responses to the proposed project, the applicant opted to address any concerns/issues at this evening's Planning Commission meeting versus individually meeting with the homeowner associations. In light of Mr. Naggar's concerns with regard to traffic impact, Mr. Jeffers advised that traffic studies were completed and that these studies support the proposed project, noting that the level of service at Moraga/Margarita Roads intersection and Moraga/Rancho California Roads intersection currently operates at level C which is within standards. For Commissioner Guerriero, Mr. Jeffers reviewed rental fees which ranged from $700 to $1,000 per month. R:~PLANCOMMXMI/qLrI~S\1997k7-21-97. WPD 8/2g/97 vgw 5 Acting Chairman Miller referenced the letter of objection from Robert and Christine Martinelli. Principal Engineer Parks, advised Acting Chairman Miller, that a traffic analysis was prepared, by the applicant, for the subject site; noted that Margarita Road would be widened and that raised landscaped medians are being required; and stated that the level of service at the Moraga/Margarita Roads intersection will increase from level B to level C but that the level of service at the Moraga/Rancho California Roads intersection will remain the same (level C). Advising that the project was posted on June 8, 1997, Project Planner De Gange informed the Commissioners that staff received nominal calls were received with regard to the project, noting those received pertained to traffic congestion and impact on the schools. Planner De Gange noted that the School Board had been apprised of the proposed project and that no concerns were voiced by the Board. At this time, the public hearing was closed. Commenting on the similarities of this project and the one which was previously approved, Commissioner Soltysiak relayed his support of the request. In light of Mrs. Martinelli's concerns (as per the article in the newspaper), Commissioner Guerriero suggested that staff contact Mrs. Martinelli and apprise her of specific improvements which are being proposed in order to mitigate such concerns including the construction of additional schools, etc. In response to Commissioner Guerriero, Mr. Jeffers expressed no concern with regard to security as it relates to the back portion of the project near the existing retaining wall. Attorney Estrada requested that the following amendments be made to the Resolution: Section 3. Environmental Compliance. An Initial ... to the project, and a Mitigated Negative Declaration is hereby approved. Section 4. Conditions. That the City of Temecula Planning Commission hereby adopts the Mitigation Monitoring Program attached hereto as Exhibit B. and approves Planning ... MOTION: Commissioner Soltysiak moved to approve Planning Application No. PA97-0089 as conditioned, including findings of fact set forth by staff, and amending Condition No. 83 (as previously noted), clarifying Condition No. 77, and amending Sections 3 and 4 of the Resolution. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Guerriero and voice vote of those present reflected unanimous approval (Commissioners Fahey and Slaven absent). 5. PLANNING APPI,ICATION NO. PA97-0151(CONDITIONAI, USE, PERM1T) To construct and operate a 7,510 square foot retail tire sales and installation for America's Tire. R:~LANCOM/viLMIlqIYI'ES\ 1997x7-21-97.WPD g/2g/97vgw 6 RECOMMI~,NDATION To adopt the Negative Declaration for Planning Application No. 97-0151; adopt the Mitigation Monitoring Program for Planning Application No. 97-0151; and adopt Resolution No. 97- approving Planning Application No. 97-0151 based upon the Analysis and Findings contained in the Staff Report and subject to the Conditions of Approval. Planning Manager Ubnoske introduced newly hired Assistant Planner Anders to the Commissioners, who, in turn, proceeded with an overview of the request (as per written material of record), advising that because the newly revised landscaping plan adequately addresses the west elevation, staff would recommend the deletion of Condition No. 9 (additional trees shall be added to the planter on the southwest property line to better soften the building elevations along this portion of the project, subject to the review and approval of the City's Landscape Architect. This requirement shall be added to the project's landscape plan and become part of the approve record). Acting Chairman Miller expressed concern with regard to the visual aesthetics of the roll-up doors located closest to Winchester Road. Assistant Planner Anders noted that the temporary asphalt driveway will serve the subject site; that the applicant has secured a reciprocal access agreement from the site to the west; that all Caltrans concerns (as noted in letter dated July 7, 1997) have been or will be addressed by way of the recommended conditions of approval; and that the applicant has provided additional landscaping near the well site. At this time, Acting Chairman Miller opened the public hearing. Mr. Daniel Waynewright, representing America's Tire Company, requested the Commission's approval of the project and briefly reviewed the operations of the business, clarifying that no mechanical work would be performed at the site and that the business would strictly be limited to the sale and replacement of tires. Although a separate lighting plan for the site has not been submitted, Assistant Planner Anders, for Commissioner Guerriero, advised that the exterior lighting above the service bays will comply with the standards of Ordinance No. 655. In response to Commissioner Guerriero's concern, Mr. Waynewright expressed no objection to providing additional plantings along the east side in order to properly screen visual view of the service bays and as well noted no objection in attempting to coordinate landscaping plans with the parcels to the east and west. At this time, Acting Chairman Miller closed the public hearing. Assistant Planner Anders noted that the project to the east would only be reviewed by the Planning Commission if it is larger than 10,000 square feet. R:~PLANCO~S\1997k7-21-97.WPD 8/'2gD7 vgw 7 Commissioner Soltysiak echoed Acting Chairman Miller's earlier comment that additional landscaping be provided near the well site. Principal Engineer Parks recommended that Condition Nos. 49 and 59 (pertaining to written clearance) be amended to include Caltrans as one of the agencies. With regard to Condition No. 9, Assistant Planner Anders recommended the following amendment: Additional trees and shrubs shall be added to the planter on the west side of the Rancho California Water District well site. This requirement shall be added to the project's landscape plan and become part of the approved record. In response to Commissioner Soltysiak, Principal Engineer Parks advised that the purpose of the existing ditch (to the wes0 will be addressed during the Plan Check process. Attorney Estrada requested that the following amendments be made to the Resolution: Section 3. Environmental Compliance. An Initial ... to the project, and a Mitigated Negative Declaration is hereby approved. Section 4. Conditions. That the City of Temecula Planning Commission hereby adopts the Mitigation Monitoring Program attached hereto as Exhibit B. and approves Planning ... MOTION: Commissioner Soltysiak moved to adopt the Negative Declaration, the Mitigation Monitoring Program, and Resolution No. 97-016 (amended; as noted above), approving Planning Application No. 97-0151 based upon the Analysis and Findings contained in the staff report, including the conditions of approval and amending Condition Nos. 9, 49, and 59. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Guerriero and voice vote of those present reflected unanimous approval (Commissioners Fahey and Slaven absent). 6. PLANNING APPIJCATION NO. PA97-0221 A request for approval of an amendment to the Old TownSpecific Plan to allow for the payment of the parking in-lieu fee in place of the required parking spaces. Thin Agenda Item has been continued to a date uncertain. 7. PLANNING APPIJCATION NO. PA95-0127 (SIGN ORDINANCE) Adoption of a Comprehensive Sign Ordinance Thin Agenda Item has been continued to the August 4, 1997, Planning Commition meeting. R:~PLANCOI~OdXMINUTES\ 1997~7-21-97.WPD g/28/97vgw 8 PI,ANNING MANAGER'S REPORT Advising that because the first Monday in September fails on Labor Day (September 1, 1997), Planning Manager Ubnoske stated the meeting would have to be rescheduled. Following some discussion, it was the consensus of those Commissioners present that the meeting be rescheduled to September 8, 1997. It was noted that the Planning Commission would be meeting September 8 and 15, 1997. In response to a concern noted by Commissioner Slaven at the July 7, 1997, Planning Commission meeting, with regard to a Director's hearing approvai of a project aiong Winchester Road Corridor, staff noted that the appeai period has not closed. With regard to this project, Acting Chairman Miller noted opposition to the proposed roof materiais (copper or painted sheet metal), noting that the Architecturai Committee may not permit the use of metal roofs. Commissioner Soltysiak voiced no objection to the project and expressed no desire in appeaiing it. PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION Commissioner Guerriem advised that an Ad Hoc Committee of the Traffic Commission had favorably reviewed the concept of raised medians with left-turn cut outs such as on Jefferson Road (heading toward the City of Murrietta) in an effort to control traffic darting across the left-turn lane but noted that no such medians could be constructed until the completion of the Overland Bridge. Principai Engineer Parks noted that this particular area has been identified as a major area of concern and that the study/review of these medians has been reflected in the Capital Improvement Plan for this year. In order to accurately determine the colors/materiais/etc. for a project, Commissioner Guerriero requested that the sample charts presented to the Commission be increased in size. Planning Manager Ubnoske noted that the request would be agendized for the next Planning Commission meeting. In response to Acting Chairman Miller, Attomey Estrada advised that because it is not a Zoning or Generai Plan issue, it would not be within the Planning Commission's purview to review or determine whether or not an art object placed on someone's property is appropriate or not. Planning Manager Ubnoske advised that the Planning Commission has more control of such issues as it relates to new developments (as per the site plan) but that it would be difficult to control on existing developments/uses. OTHF~R BUSINF. SS None. RAPLANCO~$\1997~7-21-97.WPD 8/28/97 vgw 9 ADJO~NT At 7:45 P.M., Acting Chairman Miller formally adjourned the Planning Commission meeting to Monday, August 4, 1997, at 6:00 P.M. ' Linda Fahey, Cha~ Planning Manager Ubnoske R:~PLANCO~S\1997~7-21-97.WPD g/2g/97 ~ l 0