HomeMy WebLinkAbout070797 PC MinutesMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION JULY 7, 1997 CAIJ~ TO ORDER The City of Temecula Planning Commission convened in a regular session at 6:00 P.M., on Monday, July 7, 1997, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. ROI,I, CAI,L Present: Commissioners Guerriero*, Miller, Slaven, Soltysiak, and Chairwoman Fahey. Absent: None. Also Present: Community Development Director Thornhill, Principal Engineer Parks, Assistant City Attorney Weiner, Senior Planner Hogan, Associate Planner Fagan, and Minute Clerk Ballreich. * - Mr. Guerriero was not duly sworn in, as Planning Commissioner, until after the roll call; see below. PUBIJC COMMENTS Chairwoman Fahey called for public comments with regard to non-agenda items. There were no requests to speak. At this time City Clerk Greek duly swore in Mr. Ron Guerriero as the Commission's newly appointed Planning Commissioner. City Clerk Greek also introduced newly hired Minute Clerk, Michaela Ballreich. RSPLANCO~S\I997~7-7-97.W'PD 7/29/97 vgw 1 Planning Commission July 7, 1997 COMMISSION RU~qlNFAqS 1. APPROVAl, OF AGENDA MOTION: Commissioner Slaven moved for the approval of the Agenda. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Miller and voice vote reflected unanimous approval with the exception of Commissioner Guerriero who abstained. 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTE,q - May ~9, and June 9~, 1997 Commissioner Slaven requested the following correction to page 5, paragraph 1: "Commissioner Slaven stated ... sections pulled for discussion should be reinserted ..." MOTION: Commissioner Miller moved for the approval of the May 29, 1997, Planning Commission minutes as amended. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Slaven and voice vote reflected unanimous approval with the exception of Commissioner Guerriero who abstained. Commissioner Soltysiak requested the following correction to page 3, paragraph 7: "Commissioner Soltysiak asked if it ... the project across the street." MOTION: Commissioner Slaven moved for the approval of the June 2, 1997, Planning Commission minutes as amended. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Miller and voice vote reflected unanimous approval with the exception of Commissioner Guern'ero who abstained. 3. 1MRECTOR'~q HEARING uPrIATF, In response to Commissioner Slaven's comment with regard to the approval of a project on Winchester Road, Community Development Director Thomhill confirmed that because this project will be under 10,000 square feet and that because the project will be categorically exempt, it was approved at a Director's hearing and, therefore, did not require Planning Commission review/approval. Because of the considerable amount of construction which will be taking place at this particular corridor (Winchester Road), Commissioner Slaven noted that she would have liked to have had the opportunity to review the plans for that project. Director Thomhill briefly reviewed the 15-day appeal process to which Commissioner Slaven noted that she had no intention on appealing the project, advising that she was just desirous of reviewing the plans. It was requested that the Commission be apprised of Director approvals within the 15-day appeal period to ensure ample notice for review and input. R:~PLANCO~S\1997~7-7-97.WPD 7/29/97 vgw 2 Planning Commission July 7, 1997 PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 4. PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA97-0118 0)EVELOPMENT PLAN) Planning Commission consideration of a request for approval of a Development Plan for a 1,079,846 square foot regional mall, a 403,000 square foot power center (retail), an 80,000 square foot cinema, and 235,000 square feet of future retail space on 133.5 acres. RECOMMFNDATION To make a Determination of Consistency with a project for which an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was previously certified and Findings that a subsequent EIR is not required; To adopt Resolution No. 97- Approving Planning Application No. PA 97-0118 (Mall and Power Center Site Plan, Mall and Power Center Elevations, Mall and Power Center Landscape Plan, Mall and Power Center Color and Material Boards; Robinsons-May site/Landscape Plan, Robinsons-May elevations and Robinsons-May color and material board) based upon the analysis and findings contained in the staff report subject to Conditions of Approval. Assistant City Attorney Weiner informed the Commissioners that the June 2, 1997, Planning Commission meeting was originally continued to June 16, 1997. Because the June 16, 1997, meeting was canceled, Mr. Weiner advised that this evening's meeting was renoticed as a new hearing and that, therefore, newly appointed Commissioner Guerriero could participate in these proceedings and noted that Mr. Guerriero had attended the June 2, 1997, Planning Commission meeting and is therefore aware of all the information provided to the Commissioners with regard to this request. Briefly reviewing the previously submitted request, Commission comments with regard to this request, and those improvements made in response to the Commission comments, Community Development Director Thornhill noted staff's concurrence with these improvements with the exception of the architectural style of the buildings and advised that Associate Planner Fagan would be providing the staff report in three components - Sears and Sears Auto Center elevations, landscaping of the entire project, and elevations and design elements of the Power Center. SEAR~q AND SEAR~q AUTO CENTER By way of overheads and color renderings, Associate Planner Fagan reviewed the staff report (of record) and proceeded with an explanation of those modifications proposed by the applicant with regard to the Sears building and the Sears Auto Center elevations, highlighting the following: design roof heights colors R:~PI.,ANCOMIvfiMINIY~S\ 1997~7-7-97.WPD 7/29/97 vgw 3 Planning Commission July 7, 1997 For Commissioner Slaven, Planner Fagan provided additional input with regard to the architectural design differences (Sears building) between those plans submitted this evening and those originally submitted, specifically commenting on the changes made to the elevations of the building. At this time, Chairwoman Fahey opened the public hearing. Having met with the Planning Director and the City Manager in a study session in order to review the proposed modifications, Mr. Colm Macken, Forest City Development, reiterated his support of these modifications; commented on their compatibility with the overall Mall; and requested Commission approval. Mr. Chuck May, Senior Director of Real Estate for the Western United States for Sears, clarified that the topography of this particular lot delegates the location of the parcel pick-up/delivery, service department, etc. Mr. May noted that any future expansion to the Sears building would occur at the north elevation. By way of a color rendering, Mr. Les Cooley, architect for Sears, reviewed the newly proposed modifications with regard to color, materials, elevations, and design for the Sears building as well as the Auto Center, noting the compatibility of the Auto Center to the Sears building and advising that the delivery trucks will be shielded from view off Winchester Road. He advised that the Sears tower should be reflected as white in color and that the applicant would be desirous of reviewing, at a later time, the use of granite for the base of the building instead of the currently proposed use to which the Commissioners voiced no objection. With regard to materials, Commissioner Miller relayed his desire that the stucco on the Sears building match the horizontal banding and the square grid pattern as reflected in his photograph. As was noted in the June 2, 1997, Planning Commission minutes, Commissioner Slaven reiterated the Commission's opposition to the proposed back-lit display windows (facing Winchester Road) and noted that she would still oppose the use of such windows, finding them inappropriate. Mr. Cooley reviewed the purpose of these windows to which Commissioner Slaven suggested that they be eliminated and that additional landscaping be provided in lieu of these windows. If the possibility additional landscaping were not feasible, Commissioner Slaven suggested that this space be further recessed and that actual merchandise be displayed in the provided space. At this time, Chairwoman Fahey invited public input to which there was no response. RAPLANCO~S\1997~7-7-~7.WPD 7/29/97 ~ 4 Planning Commission July 7. 1997 In response to Chairwoman Fahey's concern, echoed by Commissioner Soltysiak, with regard to how the proposed display windows relate to the City's Sign Ordinance, extensive discussion ensued with Mr. James Heller, representing KA Architecture, advising that a sign plan for the entire project would be submitted to the Planning Commission at a later date for review and approval. Commissioner Soltysiak voiced no strong objection or preference with regard to the use of such windows. Having seen the proposed back-lit display windows at other locations, Commissioner Guerriero noted his concurrence with the use of this type of window. Having objected to the use of such windows at other facilities in the City, Commissioner Miller noted his objection to the use of them at this particular location. Appreciating the efforts of the applicant with regard to the proposed modifications, Commissioner Soltysiak, echoed by Chairwoman Fahey, commended the applicant on a job well done. Considering the function of the proposed windows, Mr. Macken requested that they be viewed as a window versus actual signage. Mr. Cooley provided additional clarification with regard to a display case window and a hinged window as being proposed. For Commissioner Slaven, Community Development Director Thornhill advised that the approved elevation plan for the Sears building would apply to any future expansion on the north elevation or any elevation and that any deviation from this plan would require Planning Commission review and approval. No objections were raised by the Commission with regard to the newly proposed colors and materials for the Sears building and the Auto Center. Commissioner Miller suggested the imposition of a condition prohibiting outdoor sales areas to which Mr. May voiced no objection as long as such a condition would be imposed on the entire project and not just Sears. Mr. Heller advised that final details for the outside entertainment complex have not been finalized, noting that uniform ldosks will be proposed for outdoor sales. The Commission voiced no concern with regard to the use of uniform kiosks for outdoor sales. LANDSCAPING PLANS FOR SEARS Commissioner Miller viewed the proposed landscaping as inadequate and noted that more lush type of landscaping would be necessary. Because Sears would be following the overall landscaping plan for the entire project as it rclatcs to sizc and spccics of trccs, Mr. CooIcy notcd that thosc apccific.q havc, thcrcforc, not yet been addressed. R:~LANCO~\1997~7-7-97.WPD 7/29/97 vgw 5 Planning Commission July 7, 1997 In light of Mr. Cooley's comment, Chairwoman Fahey suggested that this matter be addressed in conjunction with the landscaping for the entire project. I,ANDSCAPINC. PLAN AND CORNER TREATMENT AT WINCHESTER AND YNEZ ROADS Associate Planner Fagan reviewed the staff report (of record) with regard to the landscaping plan and corner treatments, advising that Commissioners Miller and Soltysiak served on a committee which reviewed landscaping issues/concerns. For comparison purposes, Planner Fagan showed pictures of various landscaping plans (all well below 20%) of other mails; advised that the applicant will not he adhering to 50% parking lot coverage as required in the Specific Plan; but noted that 50% coverage is being proposed for the Power Center. Requesting that this regional Mall not be compared, with regard to landscaping, to other commercial buildings in the City, Mr. Bill Milsap, landscaping architect, informed the Commissioners that the maintenance cost of the parking lot landscaping is an operational issue and is, therefore, distributed to the tenants of the Center, noting that the applicant is attempting to keep common area maintenance charges as low as possible. He advised that the proposed Center would have approximately twice as much landscaping as other regional malls in Southern California. By way of a color rendering, Mr. Milsap proceeded with a detailed explanation of the proposed landscaping for the entire project including the entrances to the entertainment court from a pedestrian/motorist point of view. In addition, Mr. Milsap elaborated on the proposed landscaping for the corner treatment and advised that 24" box perimeter trees will be spaced 60' apart and that the main entrance drives will include a combination of 24" and 36" box trees. Because of the immediate impact the use of Eucalyptus trees has on the overall landscaping appearance, Commissioner Slaven strongly encouraged the use of these fast- growing trees. Speaking from personal experience, Commissioner Slaven cautioned the applicant from the use of pine trees because of associated disease and pest problems. Because of instability and brittleness problems associated with the Eucalyptus trees, Commissioner Soltysiak voiced no objection to the use of Liquidambar and as well favored the use of a smaller box for the Eucalyptus trees to ensure a stronger root base. Viewing this particular intersection as one of the City's focal points, Commissioner Guerrero echoed the need for additional landscaping and suggested the installation of a berm (south and east from the corner of Winchester Road and Ynez Road) for aesthetic purposes. For Commissioner Soltysiak, it was noted by the applicant that, where feasible, there would be no objection to the installation of meandering sidewalks along the public right-of- ways; that crosswalks would only be constructed at controlled locations; and that no acceleration/deceleration lane is being proposed for Margarita Road. R:~PLANCO~S\1997~7-7-97.WPD 7/29/97 vgw 6 Planning Commission July 7, 1997 In response to Commissioner Miller, Mr. Milsap reviewed the location of the proposed outdoor furniture; advised that the overall landscaping plan may be modified upon final construction but that the number of proposed trees/shrubs and location of outdoor furniture would remain the same; voiced no objection to also ensuring that the size of these trees would remain as currently proposed; and clarified that the proposed perimeter hedge will be a compact, non-travel through type of hedge. Chairwoman Fahey invited public input at this time to which there was no response. At 8:31 P.M., Chairwoman Fahey called a short recess and reconvened the meeting at 8:39 P.M. , At this time, the following motion was offered with regard to Agenda Item Nos. 5 and 6: MOTION: Commissioner Miller moved that Agenda Item Nos. 5 and 6 be continued to the July 21, 1997, Planning Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Slaven and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. With regard to the comer treatment at Winchester and Ynez Roads, it was the consensus of the Commission that more landscaping, as well as landscaping larger in scale, be provided and that the Commission would not necessarily be desirous of the installation of a fountain at this particular comer. Commissioner Guerriero suggested that the elevation of this particular comer be raised and reiterated his desire to construct a berm (south and east form the comer of Winchester and Ynez Roads) and to develop landscaped medians both on Winchester and Ynez Roads in order to create the appearance of a landscaped intersection. For Commissioner Slaven, Mr. Milsap reviewed the proposed landscaping for the Winchester/Margarita comer to which Commissioner Slaven requested that this comer treatment be reviewed by the Commission at the time the Winchester/Ynez Roads comer treatment will be reviewed. With regard to the overall landscaping plan, Mr. Milsap advised that the trees would be spaced anywhere from 40' to 100' apart and that the size of trees would range from 15 gallons to 36" boxes. Community Development Director Thornhill recommended that the project be conditioned subject to the resubmittal of a landscaping plan prior to issuance of building permits and review and approval by the Planning Commission. In light of Director Thomhill's suggestion, it was the consensus of the Commission to use a combination of Eucalyptus trees as well as Liquidambar trees, for the comer treatments, to ensure adequate coverage during the winter season and that, at staff's direction, the comer treatments for both intersections be readdressed at the same time and that the proposed monuments be appropriately modified based on any landscaping adjustments. R:WLANCOMMXMINUTES\1997~7-7-97.W'PD 7/29/97 yaw 7 Planning Commission July 7, 1997 PARKING LOT LANDgCAP1NG Advising that the Power Center will be landscaped at 50%, Mr. Milsap noted that the applicant is proposing to landscape the parking lot area at approximately 20% to 30% versus the required 50%. Commissioner Guerriero encouraged the Commission to request that the applicant be required to landscape the parking lot area at a minimum of 30 %. Director Thornhill encouraged the applicant to file an amendment to the Specific Plan for the area within the ring road which will not meet the required 50% landscaping coverage. It was the consensus of the Planning Commission to concur with the proposed parking lot landscaping plan. POWER CENTER FJ,i*,VATIONS By way of a color rendering, Associate Planner Fagan briefly reviewed the staff report (of record) and relayed staff's concurrence with regard to the applicant's newly submitted proposal. Mr. David Rhoads, architect for the Power Center, briefly reviewed those concerns raised by the Planning Commissioners at the June 2, 1997, meeting and highlighted modifications made in order to address those concerns - roof height, design elements/colors, landscaping, etc. Commissioner Slaven, echoed by her fellow Commissioners, commended Mr. Rhoads on a job well done. At this time, Chairwoman Fahey invited public input to which there was no response. gIBEWALK PLAN Associate Planner Fagan reviewed the staff report (of record); recommended approval of the revised sidewalk plan; and clarified that there is no difference between the term sidewalk and trail as noted on the site plan. In response to Mr. Sam Pratt's written communication, Planner Fagan informed the Commissioners that the Public Works staff had met with Mr. Pratt in an attempt to address his concerns with this project and noted that staff is of the opinion that Mr. Pratt's concerns with regard to traffic circulation have been addressed in the previous analysis as well as the current traffic analysis for the project. R:XPLANCOIvfivlxMINLr~ S\ 1997X7-7-97. WPD 7/29/97 vgw 8 Planning Commission July 7, 1997 Mr. Bob Davis, representing Wilbur Smith Associates, provided additional input with regard to the proposed level of service (level of service "C" at grand opening of the project and level UD" at the point of General Plan build out); elaborated on the determination of the levels of service; and advised that associated signal lights would be synchronized to further ensure proper circulation. At this time, Chairwoman Fahey invited public input. Referencing his letter (copy submitted to staff for the record), Mr. Sam Pratt, 40470 Brixton Cove, noted his support for the construction of this Mall but relayed his concern with regard to traffic circulation; advised that, in his opinion, a level of service "E" would be more of a reality; highlighted specifics of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines; and, therefore, requested that an updated traffic report be completed as well as a supplemental Environmental Impact Report (EIR). In response to Chairwoman Fahey, Community Development Director Thornhill advised that a project, such as the one proposed, has been anticipated on this particular site since prior to the incorporation of the City; noted that all issues of concern have been addressed, reviewed, and that mitigation measures have been proposed in the EIR and the Specific Plan; and stated that at the completion of this project, it will exceed all building conditions as identified in the General Plan. In light of Mr. Pratt's written communication, Commissioner Miller advised that he thoroughly addressed his concerns; met with Director Thornhill and Planner Fagan in order to discuss the issues of concern; and, therefore, relayed his support of this project. For Commissioner Miller, Assistant City Attorney Weiner briefly reviewed Finding No. 2 (the overall development of the land is designed ..... public health, safety, and welfare), advising that this is a required finding of the Development Plan approval. With regard to Finding No. G (there have been no subsequent changes to the Project since 10/11/94, which would require major revisions of the previous FEIR and Addendum due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects), Commissioner Slaven noted her hesitancy to concur with this finding, noting that she has not received enough information to substantiate this finding. MOTION: Commissioner Miller moved to make a Determination of Consistency with a project for which an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was previously certified and Findings that a subsequent EIR would not be required. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Guerriero and voice vote reflected unanimous approval with the exception of Commissioner Slaven who abstained. MOTION: Commissioner Miller moved for the approval of Resolution No. 97- as conditioned, including findings of fact set forth by staff; and commenting on the following conditions: R:~PLANCO~S\1997~7-7-97.WPD 7/29/97 vgw 9 Planning Commission July 7, 1997 Comments that no outdoor sales be permitted in the parking lot area; · that the landscaping for the Winchester/Ynez Roads and Margarita/Winchester Roads intersections be reviewed by the Planning Commission prior to the issuance of building permits; · that the proposed color changes be accepted; · that any substantial changes (5 % or more) to the landscaping coverage must be reviewed and approved by the Planning Commission; · that a mixture of Eucalyptus and Liquidambar trees be utilized for the corner treatments; · that the applicant be required to obtain a Specific Plan amendment if required, with regard to allowing a deviation from the 50% parking lot requirement as reflected in the Specific Plan; · that 50% landscaping coverage be provided in the Power Center. Assistant City Attorney Weiner noted that Section 2, paragraph 1, of the Findings be amended to reflect the words "as conditioned." The motion was seconded by Commissioner Soltysiak and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. It was noted for Commissioner Miller that the charging stations for the electrical vehicles will be incorporated in the parking lot plan. 5. PLANNING APPlICANTION NO. PA97-9.9.1 A request for approval of an amendment to the Old Town Specific Plan to allow for the payment of the parking in-lieu fee in place of the required parking spaces. (Continued to the July 21, 1997, Planning Commi.qsion meeting; see page 7.) 6. PA95-0Y17 - SIGN OR1)INANCE A request to adopt a comprehensive Sign Ordinance. (Continued to the July 21, 1997, Planning Commigsion meeting; see page 7.) PLANNING MANAGER'S REPORT Planning Manager Ubnoske's being absent, Community Development Director Thornhill advised that the Joint City Council/Planning Commission meeting which was canceled will be rescheduled and that the Planning Commissioners apprise staff of any topics the Commissioners are desirous of discussing at this meeting. RAPLANCO~S\1997W-7-97.WPD 7/29/97 vgw 10 Pianninl~ Commission July 7, 1997 PI,ANNING COMMISSION BIgCUSgION None. OTHER BUglNI~$g None. Ar}.IOURN-MENT At 10:10 P.M., Chairwoman Fahey formally adjourned the Planning Commission meeting to Monday, July 21, 1997, at 6:00 P.M. Planning Manager Ubnoske R:~LANCO~199T',7-7-97.WPD 7/29/97 v~w 11