HomeMy WebLinkAbout051997 PC MinutesMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION MAY 19, 1997 A regular meeting of the City of Temecula Planning Commission was called to order on Monday, May 19, 1997, 6:01 P.M., at the City of Temecula Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. Chairman Fahey presiding. PRESENT: Fahey, Miller, Slaven, Soltysiak, Webster, ABSENT: None Also present were Principal Engineer Ron Parks, Assistant City Attorney Reuben Weiner, Planning Manager Debbie Ubnoske, Senior Planner Dave Hogan, Associate Planner Saied Naaseh, Project Planner John DeGange, Assistant Engineer Anna Bostre-Le and Minute Clerk Pat Kelley. PUBLIC COMIVIENTS Chairman Fahey called for public comments on non-agenda items. There were no requests to speak. COMMISSION 11USINF~qS 1. Approval of Agenda It was moved by Commissioner Slaveta, and seconded by Commissioner Webster, to approve the agenda. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 5 NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: Miller, Slaven, Soltysiak, Webster, Fahey None None 2. Election of New Chairman and Co-Chair It was moved by Commissioner Slaven, and seconded by Commissioner Soltysiak to reappoint Commissioner Fahey as Chairman. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 4 COMMISSIONERS: Miller, Slaven, Soltysiak, Webster NOES: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None ABSTAIN: 1 COMMISSIONERS: Fahey It was moved by Commissioner Soltysiak, and seconded by Commissioner Webster, to reappoint Commissioner Slaven as Co-Chair. R: \PLANCO~\MINUTES\1997\5-19-97.WPD 7/14/97 v~w I PT,;%NNTNG CO}n(TBBTON N~Y ~9, ,~997 The motion carried as follows: AYES: 4 NOES: 0 ABSTAIN: 1 COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: COMMISSIONERS: 3. &pproval of Minutes a. April 7, 1997 Miller, Soltysiak, Webster, Fahey None Slaven It was moved by Commissioner Slaven, and seconded by Commissioner Webster to approve the minutes of April 7, 1997, with the following amendment: Page 6, last paragraph - end Commissioner Soltysiak's comments at "...relieve this area." and strike "24" boxed trees...catch basin." The motion was unanimously carried. b. May 5, 1997 It was moved by Commissioner Slaven, and seconded by Commissioner Soltysiak to approve the May 5, 1997 minutes with the following amendment: Page 8, 14th paragraph, add "...building is essentially all glass." Page 9, (6) Illumination - Commissioner Miller noted there is no indication of any conclusion taken regarding his suggestion white should also be permissible for a channel letter. Chairman Fahey stated this issue will be revisited when reviewing the final draft ordinance. The motion was carried unanimously. PUBIC I-IEARING ITEMS 4. Planning Application PA97-0087 - Texaco Express l.ube and Goodyour Tire Project Planner John DeGange presented the staff report. Commissioner Slaven asked if the roof color is similar to surrounding roofs or will corporate colors be used. Mr. DeGange replied the roof color will be terra cotta red, which is compatible with surrounding roofs. Commissioner Slaven stated the Goodyear building's tower height dwarfs the other building and asked if a second story office is planned for the tower. Mr. DeGange stated he was unaware of any plan to utilize the space. R: \PLANCOMM\MINUTES\1997\5-19-97.WPD 7/14/97 vgw 2 PT. AlqlqTlqG (~O~,]l~TBBT01~ I~/~Y 19, 1997 Commissioner Webster asked if the existing sign ordinance allows three wall-mounted signs plus a street monument sign. Associate Planner Saied Naaseh replied the proposed signage is allowed under the existing sign ordinance and the proposed sign ordinance permits a total of four (4) signs for each business if they do not have a freeway sign. Commissioner Soltysiak questioned if the trash enclosure was fenced with wrought iron. Mr. DeGange answered the trash enclosure is of solid construction with a metal door as tires are to be screened from public view. Commissioner Slaven asked for an explanation why "Potentially Significant unless Mitigation Incorporated" under 1.c. incompatible with existing land use (Environment Checklist, page 21) was checked. Mr. DeCrange replied although this type of use could potentially have an impact on surrounding uses, it is not addressed in the Mitigation Monitoring Program because measures, such as increased landscaping and architectural enhancements, are incorporated into the project design to mitigate its impact. Commissioner Slaven questioned the intent of Caltrans' statement regarding the City developing policies and procedures to preserve Hwy 79 right of way in their letter dated March 19, 1997. Principal Engineer Ron Parks replied that is a standard condition Caltrans puts on all plot plans and maps for this section of Hwy 79, as well as Hwy 79S, and in regard to their first paragraph regarding the east side driveway, this project's driveway location is in conformance with the MOU between the City and Caltrans and there are no new driveways or points of access proposed for this development. Commissioner Soltysiak asked if this property will be blocking the ditch that runs parallel to the channel almost to Costo as shown on Section A of the Site Plan. Mr. Parks stated the project is conditioned to prepare a precise grading plan and engineering staff will review all drainage patterns to make certain no one's drainage is blocked. Commissioner Soltysiak asked about the 10' setback. Assistant Engineer Anna Bostre-Le replied the 10' is the building setback from the rear property line. Commissioner Miller asked if the medical office developers were given an actual notice of this public hearing. Mr. DeGange stated the developers had been notified by mail, plus there was a posted notice on the property, and he did not receive any input. Chairperson Fahey opened the public hearing comment section at 6:36 P.M. Greg Izor, 3066 Rill Valley Drive, Escondido, representing the applicant, agreed with the Conditions of Approval, and addressed the issues raised during staff's presentation: view between the two buildings - created a narrower center driveway for use as a one-way exit for the lube and tire centers; and provided additional landscaping screening to hide the view between the two buildings. R: \PIJtNC~\MINUTES\1997\5-19-97.WPD 7/14/97 vgw 3 tower height- raised at staff's recommendation; there is no second story office planned as it is not large enough. ditch behind property - temporary left over depression from rough grading and will be filled in; required to drain to Winchester Road. Commissioner Miller asked if the applicant would be willing to lower the height of the Goodyear Tower and Mr. Izor replied the applicant would be agreeable. Commissioner Soltysiak noted the ditch may be draining some of the adjacent properties and asked staff to look into the matter. Commissioner Miller mentioned the trees shown as existing are not really there and the trees shown on the rendering are not shown on the landscape plan. Mr. Izor stated the trees shown are required by Condition 8 and the applicant has no objections to the additional trees requested by the City's landscape architect. Commissioner Webster suggested the discrepancy may be because the landscape plan and the rendering were done at different times and Mr. Izor agreed that was true. Commissioner Webster questioned whether the handicapped parking space located in the back northeast comer is for public or employee parking. Mr. Izor answered it is for either. Chairperson Fahey closed the public comment section at 6:50 P.M. Senior Planner Dave Hogan added Condition 13A, "The applicant shall apply for and pay the appropriate fee for the Director to consider and approve a minor exception for the rear yard setback." Commissioner Miller inquired what is deemed an appropriate fee and Mr. Hogan stated the fee is $190 to pay for staff's time and review of the issue. He explained the rationale for this condition is because existing buildings are closer than 8 ~6' to the property line, and therefore, it seems reasonable to allow the applicant the same condition which will provide more room for circulation around the buildings. The trash enclosure's present location is not a problem. Commissioner Slaven stated the Goodyear Tower dwarfs the other tower significantly and looks out of place and asked why staff recommended the additional height. Mr. DeGange replied although he was not part of that decision, he believes it is a way to break up the monotony and to make some variation of the two buiMings. Chairman Fahey suggested cutting the difference between the two towers in half; Commissioner Webster suggested a range from 5 to 10 feet lower. Commissioner Miller stated the bottle trees proposed behind the building cannot be planted further than 8 1/2' from the building if planted on the property and that particular species has a 30' head. Mr. DeGange suggested the landscape architect revisit that issue with a recommendation made on the final landscape plan. Chairman Fahey miterated staff is to make certain the type of trees proposed will provide adequate screening and clearance. R:\PLANCOI~I\MINUTES\1997\5-19-97.WPD 7/14/97 vgw 4 ~T.Z~i'~1T~G (~O~41~T~STO~ ~4~¥ ~ 9 ~ 1 997 Commissioner Webster suggested moving the one handicap parking space in the back to the front because if it is ever used, a pedestrian problem will be created due to the traffic flow into the lube bays; and since each building's lobby is located in the front, there should be a handicap ramp to each one. Commissioner Miller asked if ADA doesn't require access from the public street and the only place at this site is off the driveway. Mr. Parks stated at the time a precise grading plan is submitted, engineering and building safety staff thoroughly review ADA requirements and the plan is corrected to meet all ADA requirements. He said there is a requirement to provide access from the public right-of-way if there is a landing there for people to stop and since that may not be the case along Winchester Road in front of the building, one may have to drive on site before stopping; and that will be addressed at the time ADA requirements are reviewed. Chairman Fahey reiterated if there is an option between putting a handicap space in the back and having it more accessible in the front, staff should consider it. Commissioner Webster asked the City Attorney if a negative declaration can be adopted tonight if an explanation was not attached to the checklist. Mr. Weiner replied he was not aware of any requirement that a separate written explanation be prepared; there only needs to be something in the record to explain how all the checked items are mitigated. The Commission can continue the item and have staff prepare additional documentation or the Commission files a Notice of Determination off the negative declaration and if it is challenged, the decision can be undone and then redone; the legal risk of adopting the negative declaration is somewhat small. Mr. Weiner stated he needed to add language to the resolution pertaining to the conditional use permit. In Section 2, additional findings to be inserted between Section B and Section C (Sections C and D then become F and G) are: The proposed conditional use is compatible with the nature and condition and development of the adjacent uses, buildings, and structures and the proposed use will not adversely effect the adjacent uses, buildings, or structures. Non-residential uses are adjacent to the site on all sides and conditions have been placed on the development which will insure that adjacent uses, buildings, and structures will not be adversely effected by the proposed use. The site for the proposed conditional use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the project. Staff has review the project and has determined the project is consistent with the standards of the Development Code. The project, as conditioned, is consistent with the standards of the Development Code and an exception shall be obtained prior to the issuance of a building permit. The nature of the proposed conditional use is not detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. The project is consistent with the goals and policies contained within the General Plan and the development standards contained in the Development Code. These documents were adopted by the City Council to insure the projects are not detrimental to the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. Compliance with these documents will assure this is achieved. R:\PLANCOMM\MINUTES\1997\5-19-97.WPD 7/14/97 vgw 5 PT,I~'N~NG COI~TBSTO~ ~Y ~9, ~997 Commissioner Miller stated he is not satisfied this use, as it is conditioned, is compatible with the medical buildings to the west as the lube bays face that building. The other uses would have to be protected by a 6' wall on the western property line to mitigate the considerable amount of noise generated from changing tires. Commissioner Webster commented there may be problems with the footing for a 6' wall if trees are planted per Condition 8. Mr. Parks stated footings are 18" to 1 ~/~' for a 6' wall. Since the Commission is concerned about noise, he suggested requiring an adequate sound barrier along that perimeter. Planning Manager Debbie Ubnoske suggested the project be conditioned to have an acoustical analysis performed and the applicant required to complete the mitigation proposed in the report; another option would be to move the buildings. However, she stated with the distance between the two buildings, the existing Winchester Road noise, and the property landscaped, she is not sure there will be much of a noise problem. Commissioner Webster suggested relocating the customer parking spaces to the west side would provide additional distance between this project and the medical office building. Commissioner Slaven stated the landscaping in the strip could be changed to a hedge-type barrier -- i.e, pivot hedge or oleander -- instead of Indian Hawthorne and Day Lilies as a wall invites graffiti and landscaping is attractive and pleasing to the eye. Chairman Fahey reiterated that if the Commission is concerned about acoustic impact and does not believe it has been adequately mitigated, a condition can be added to require an acoustic analysis and have the impact mitigated by additional landscaping or any other means necessary to prevent any noise impact to the adjacent property. Commissioner Webster commented it does not matter where the cars are parked due to the onsite traffic flow and agreed with the acoustic analysis suggestion. Mr. Weiner mentioned an acoustic report could ovenfide all the other conditions depending upon its recommendations; and suggested another option is to condition the use so that noise levels coming off the property shall not exceed a certain level and then the developer would have to determine how to maintain that level. Mr. Hogan stated staff looked at the General Plan and all these properties are in the 65 db community noise level, so people in the adjacent building should not hear any noise except in the middle of the night with open windows. It was moved by Commissioner Slaven, and seconded by Commission Soltysiak, to adopt the Negative Declaration for Planning Application No. PA97-0060; to adopt the Mitigation Monitoring Program for Planning Application No. PA97-0060; and to adopt Resolution No. 97-NEXT approving Planning Application No. PA97-0060 based upon the Analysis and Findings contained in the Staff Report and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval with the following added conditions: minor exception to the rear yard set back be obtained prior to the issuance of the building permit with applicant paying a reasonable fee for that exception; the GoodYear Tower height to be reduced 5 to 10 feet after a R: \ PLANCOMM\MINUTES\ 1997 \ 5-19- 97. WPD 7/14/97 vgw 6 PT.A.,NNTNG COIJI(TBBTON N~Y ~9, ~997 proportional study is completed; the westerly property line to be landscaped with a hedge to mitigate noise impact and have an aesthetic view; add new C, D and E findings to the resolution; and to close the public heating. Commissioner Soltysiak cautioned there may be a need to coordinate the hedge with the medical office building's landscaping plans and to make certain the proposed landscaping for both sites is compatible. Mr. Hogan stated the hedge will be required for this project as the medical office building has an approved landscaping plan. Ms. Ubnoske stated staff will discuss the issue with both the City's and the applicant's landscape architects and explain the Commission's concern relative to noise and have them design a plan. Commissioner Webster asked for a reading of the explanation of the reasoning behind Environmental Checklist No. 10 Noise being checked as "Less than Significant Impact". Mr. DeGange read the explanation and explained that since the General Plan identified that area as having existing high noise levels, staff did not think this project would significantly increase the level. Commissioner Webster stated he is in favor of this project and an acoustic study as he does not feel competent to determine if a hedge is adequate mitigation. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 3 COMMISSIONERS: Slaven, Soltysiak, Fahey NOES: 2 COMMISSIONERS: Miller, Webster ABSENT: 0 COMMISSIONERS: None Chairman Fahey called a recess at 7:44 P.M. and the meeting was reconvened at 7:52 P.M. 6. PA95-0127 - Sien Ordinance Chairman Fahey suggested the Sign Ordinance (PA95-0127) be continued and a special meeting called to complete discussion of the ordinance. It was moved by Commissioner Slaven, and seconded by Commissioner Miller, to continue the public hearing on PA95-0127, Sign Ordinance, to Thursday, May 29, 1997, 6:00 P.M. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 4 NOES: 1 ABSENT: 0 COMMISSIONERS: Miller, Slaven, Soltysiak, Fahey COMMISSIONERS: Webster COMMISSIONERS: None R:\PLANCOMM~MINUTES\1997\5-19-97.WPD 7/14/97 vgw 7 ~I'.AIq'~TNQ (~OMI~TBBTON M~' 19, ,1997 5. Plsnnirlg Application PA97-0087 (Development Plan - girl' Holdings Senior Planner Dave Hogan presented the staff report and reported two changes to the Conditions of Approval: Condition 7 - change Window System color to white instead of anodized bronze; and add to Condition 4A "All combinations of usage on the site shall comply with the amount of parking, motorcycle and bicycle spaces being provided." which is to ensure that any tenant must fit into the parking set-up. Commissioner Webster asked if there is more than one tenant, does the signage area remain the same. Mr. Hogan replied the signing area would remain the same. Commissioner Slaven asked if landscaping will be such that library patrons are not looking at roll-up doors. Mr. Hogan answered applicant plans to plant aleppo pines at 4' on center, which should create a significant wall. Commissioner Soltysiak inquired about the outdoor employee area. Mr. Hogan stated those details are left until the landscape plan phase, but the area is planned at the top of the slope to provide a pleasant view. Chairperson Fahey opened the public hearing at 8:07 P.M. Ioseph Holasek, 2398 San Diego Avenue, corrected Condition 4a to state 181 parking spaces instead of 188 spaces and stated the remaining conditions are satisfactory. Commissioner Miller asked how many slide up doors were on the library-facing side. Mr. Holasek stated there were three (3) roll-up doors and the rest of the side is tilt up concrete panels. Commissioner Slaven inquired why the green and yellow colors were chosen and Mr. Holasek stated the applicant wanted soft, appealing and timeless colors to complement the tan and white and to accentuate the metal canopy entry structure. Commissioner Webster questioned if the trees by the roll up doors are planned to be 15-gal. trees. Mr. Holasek replied they are 15 gal. along with 24" and larger box trees. Chairman Fahey closed the public comment section at 8:16 P.M. Mr. Hogan stated staff concurred with the parking space correction and would amend Condition 4a to read 181 parking spaces. Commissioner Miller noted the elevations show four or five different signs on the parapet and asked if a single tenant could have four signs. Mr. Hogan replied a single tenant could not have four signs and the applicant is aware of the limitation. R: \PLANCOb~4\MINUTES\1997\S-19-97.WPD 7/14/97 vgw 8 FT.~lq*NTNG COMI~TBBTON M~Y ~9, Commissioner Webster made the following recommendations to the landscaping plan: 1) change California sycamore to London plain tree, which is the same family, but a more appropriate tree for a confined area; and 2) add evergreen shrubs with the pomegranate deciduous ones to provide year-round color. It was moved by Commissioner Miller, and seconded by Commissioner Shaven to adopt the Negative Declaration for Planning Application No. PA97-0087; to adopt the Mitigation Monitoring Program for Planning Application No. PA97-0087; and to adopt Resolution No. 97-NEXT recommending approval of Planning Application No. PA97-0087 based upon the Analysis and Findings contained in the Staff Report; and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval as amended: 4A, changing 188 to 181 and adding "All combinations of usage on the site shall comply with the amount of parking, motorcycle and bicycle spaces being provided."; the change in color in Condition 7; and to close the public hearing. Mr. Hogan stated he heard one commissioner express a comment about the plants, but did not hear any support or opposition. Commissioner Miller stated he had no problem with the plant palette as shown on the plan. Commissioner Shaven stated if the London plain tree is similar in appearance, serves the same aesthetic purpose, and is healthier, it would be wise for the applicant to consider that change. Chairman Fahey stated the landscape architect should consider the sycamore vs the London plain; and Chairman Fahey and Commissioner Shaven expressed their support to include evergreen shrubs with deciduous ones. Commissioner Webster suggested the two trees screening the loading docks should be 24" box rather than 15 gallon. Commissioners Miller and Slaven agreed to amend their motion by adding a condition that the two trees at the loading dock be 24" box. The motion carried as follows: AYES: 5 NOES: 0 ABSENT: 0 COMMISSIONERS: Miller, Slaven, Soltysiak, Webster, Fahey COMMISSIONERS: None COMMISSIONERS: None PLANNING MANAGER'S RFJPORT Ms. Ubnoske stated she had nothing to report. PI,ANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION Commissioner Webster asked if the City Council had approved the Design Guidelines. Ms. Ubnoske replied the Guidelines were approved and have been returned to the consultant for corrections. Commissioner Slaven asked staff to review the Conditions of Approval for the Napa Auto Parts Store as there is a yellow illuminated strip and all of one side of the building is entirely blue and she does not recall either being approved. Mr. Hogan stated staff will looked into the matter. R: \PLANCO~\MINUTES\1997\5-19-97.~D 7/14/97 vgw 9 ~T.~1'~T~G CO~,~TBBTO~ ~ '~ 9, 1997 Chairman Fahey asked when the signal at Margarita Road and Solana Way is to be installed. Mr. Parks stated he will check on it; a temporary signal is being designed, but the apartment complex at that corner is conditioned to install a permanent traffic signal. He reported Public Works is working with the property owner on Margarita Road, south of Solana Way, to widen the entire roadway so there will be a permanent full-motion traffic signal. Chairman Fahey inquired about any plans for a signal at Pauba Road and Margarita Road. Mr. Parks replied that signal is a high priority and will be done either by the City or the developer of the project at that location which was recently approved by the City Council. Commissioner Miller thanked Ms. lYonoske for her help in having more reasonable temperatures in the room. It was moved by Commissioner Slaven, and seconded by Commissioner Miller, to adjourn the meeting at 8:33 PM. The motion was unanimously carried. The next meeting will be held May 29, 1997, at 6:00 P.M. at the Temecula City Hall Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. Debbie Uhnoske, Secretary Linda Fahey, Chairman R:\PLANCOI~q\MINUTES\1997\5-19-97.WPD 7/14/97 vgw 10