HomeMy WebLinkAbout011300 PTS Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PUBLIC/TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION JANUARY 13, 2000 CALL TO ORDER The City of Temecula Public/Traffic Safety Commission convened in a regular meeting at 6:01 P.M., on Thursday, January 13, 2000, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Ddve, Temecula, Califomia. FLAG SALUTE The audience was led in the Flag salute by Commissioner Telesio. ROLLCALL Present: Commissioners Edwards, Katan, Telesio, and Chairman Connerton. Absent: Commissioner Coe. Also Present: Director of Public Works Hughes, Senior Engineer Moghadam, Battalion Chief Ritchey, Police Sergeant DiMaggio, Administrative Secretary Pyle, and Minute Clerk Hansen. Introduction by Police Chief Domenoe Police Chief Domenoe introduced Mr. John Gollogly, relaying that he would serve as the new Temecula Police Lieutenant, overseeing the Police Department's Traffic Program; and provided a bdef overview of Lieutenant Gollogly's background with police work in the City of Temecula and other areas, Lieutenant Gollogly relayed that he looked forward to working once again for the Police Department in the City of Temecula, where he and his family resided. On behalf of the Commission, Chairman Connerton welcomed Lieutenant Gollogly. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Ron Guer~ero, 41510 Chenin Blanc, addressed two issues before the Commission, as follows: Requested that the Commission investigate the feasibility of adding an additional left-turn lane on Margadta Road (southbound to eastbound on Rancho California Road) in order to improve traffic flow. Recommended that there be formation of a Traffic Committee comprised of community residents, relaying that the Committee members could aid in facilitating warnings to traffic violators in cooperation with Law Enforcement (i.e., issuing warnings to violators not stopping for red lights). For Mr. Guerdero, Commissioner Edwards relayed that a Traffic Committee was in the process of being formed in conjunction with the City of Murrieta, noting that the next meeting would be held on February 3, 2000; and relayed that she would request that a member of that Committee contact him. Police Chief Domenoe provided additional information regarding the joint Murrietarremecula Traffic Committee being formed for the purpose of addressing traffic safety issues, and citizen awareness; and relayed that the matter would be brought before the City Council at a future date for Council input. Chairman Connerton recommended that a Commissioner from the Public/Traffic Safety Commission serve on the Committee; and advised that Mr. Guerriere would be a good candidate as a Committee Member due to his extensive traffic background. COMMISSION REPORTS It was the consensus of the Commission to hear the Commission Reports at the end of the meeting. and to change the order of the Agenda from this point forward. (The Commission Reports were heard out of order; see page 7.) COM MISSION CONSENT CALENDAR 1o Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the Minutes of December 9, 1999 Commissioner Edwards indicated that on page 9, under Agenda Item No. 3, the term Co-Chairperson should be replaced with the term Vice Chairperson. MOTION: Commissioner Edwards moved to approve the minutes, as amended. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Katan and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Chairman Coe who was absent. COMMISSION BUSINESS 2. Status Update - North General Kearny Road Sidewalk RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission receive and file the status update regarding the North General Keamy Road sidewalk between Campos Verdes and La Colima Road. Relaying that this matter was previously considered at the October 28, 1999 Public/Traffic Safety meeting, Senior Engineer Moghadam noted that the item was continued pending installation of a sidewalk; and advised that Director of Public Works Hughes would provide an update with respect to the area of discussion. Director of Public Works Hughes relayed the desire of the residents for the City to abandon the proposed plan to install the curbs, gutters, and sidewalks on North General Keamy between Campos Verdes and La Colima Road; apprised the Commission of the results of the meetings held with the residents, and the survey that had been conducted, noting that the proposed project would have necessitated the loss of trees along North General Keamy Road, and portions of the pdvate fences of the property owners due to encroachments issues; advised that the revised project plan would encompass continuing the asphalt berm along North General Keamy Road, removing portions of grass behind the asphalt area in order to install compacted Disintegrated Granite (DG), to create a solid walking surface; and relayed that upon completion of the revised project plan, the bike lane would be continued further east to La Colima, restricting parking in that area. In response to Commissioner Edwards, Director of Public Works Hughes relayed that the previous negative impacts associated with this area appeared to be improving, and that Staff expected greater improvement when the Campos Verdes Project was completed. With respect to Chairman Connerton's quedes regarding the need to provide a maintenance program due to the revised plan to install DG, Director of Public Works Hughes provided additional information, advising that the DG walkway would not require high maintenance. For Commissioner Katan, Director of Public Works Hughes provided additional information regarding the location of the proposed extended bike lane, restricting the parking in that area; for Police Sergeant DiMaggio, specified the location of the berm, relaying that the berm would be continuous from the Campos Verdes Project (at the point where the sidewalk ended) to the east, in order to connect with the existing berm which would then continue to La Colima. Chairman Connerton relayed that the Commission would receive and file the status update regarding the North General Kearny Road sidewalk between Campos Verdes and La Colima Road. 3. LeQislative Ul~date - California Vehicle Code RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission receive and file a presentation on California Vehicle Code Legislation update. Police Sergeant DiMaggio presented a video presentation addressing the year 2000 Legislative updates with respect to the Vehicle Code, which highlighted the following matters: safety belts on newly manufactured school busses, prohibitions with respect to laser pointers, vehicle registration issues, farm labor vehicle standards, the California Motorcyclist's Safety Program, the new Ronald Reagan license plates, yielding laws with respect to transit busses which would be solely applicable in specified areas, air bag standards, truck trailer extensions, school bus red flashing lights, restrictions governing the evasion of police officers, missing persons broadcasting, assault weapons, provisions to govern low-speed vehicles, auto insurance liability issues with respect to damaged child restraint systems, provisions to govern motodzed scooters, ddver's proof of insurance violations, property-damage only collision allowances, liability issues related to the removal of matedais from a highway, and hit-and-run collision issues. Chairman Connerton commended Police Sergeant DiMaggio with respect to the provision of the informative video presentation; and relayed that the Commission would receive and file the Vehicle Code Legislation update. 4. Street Name Skins - Citywide RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 That the Publicrrraffic Safety Commission provide input regarding the design of the proposed street name signs. Via sample model provisions of two street signs. Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that the proposed revisions to the City street signs encompassed the addition of the following elements: block numbers, the City logo, vadant colors, fonts, and border treatments; and queded the Commission for their input. In response to Commissioner Telesio, Senior Engineer Moghadam provided additional information regarding the previously held discussions regarding replacement of old signs by attrition; specified the approximate cost of each sign as $700-$800; and relayed the areas within the City that various Homeowners Associations had replaced signs. Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that he would investigate the Code with respect to a requirement for commercial buildings to display addresses, for Commissioner Telesio. For Chairman Connerton. Senior Engineer Moghadam provided additional information regarding the materials utilized in the new signs. Police Sergeant DiMaggio, echoed by Chairman Connerton, advised that the street sign with the green background, and white lettering, appeared to be more easily read. Battalion Chief Ritchey highly recommended the addition of block numbering which was denoted on the new signage. It was the consensus of the Commission that the sample street sign with the green background and white lettering was the most appropriate design for the proposed street name signs. Senior Engineer Moghadam confirmed that studies had indicated that with a darker- colored background, and lighter-colored lettering, the reflectivity of the sign was increased. 5. Speed Limit - Business Park Drive RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission recommend that the City Council adopt an Ordinance establishing a 35 MPH speed limit on Business Park Drive. Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that due to the request by the Police Department and the City Staff to establish a speed limit on Business Park Drive, this issue was being presented to the Commission; provided an overview of the staff report (of record); and advised that 35 MPH was the recommendation for an established speed limit on Business Park Drive. MOTION: Commissioner Edwards moved to approve Staff Recommendation. Commissioner Telesio seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Coe who was absent. 6. Sweetwater School Site Plan RECOMMENDATION: 6.1 That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission review and provide input on the proposed Sweetwater School site plan. Noting that the school site plan had been provided (via supplemental agenda material), Senior Engineer Moghadam invited the Commission to review and provide input with respect to the Sweetwater School site plan, noting that the comments would be forwarded to the School District for consideration; and via overheads, specified the school site location. Ms. Janet Dixon, representing the School Distdct provided additional specifications regarding the denotations on the map (i.e., roads, parking areas, school site); for Commissioner Telesio, relayed that the access route would be the loop road represented on the map; for Commissioner Edwards, noted that initially there would be provisions for bus transport, advising that at a future point in time it was anticipated that all students would access the school solely by walking; specified the proposed bus drop- off, and parent drop-off areas; for Police Sergeant DiMaggio, relayed that the parent drop-off area would have provisions for single stacking; specified the location of the parking area and the fire lane; in response to Chairman Connerton's quedes with respect to the difference in maps, relayed that the map represented on the overhead was the most current, advising that the only differential appeared to be the addition of the proposed landscaping. Chairman Connerton relayed that although he appreciated the opportunity to provide input regarding the school site, that it would have been his preference to have provisions of the map at an eadier date so that he could visit the site and provide more thorough input. For Chairman Connerton, Ms. Dixon relayed that the bus area would hold a minimum of five school busses; and specified that the capacity of the school would be approximately 1000 students. Senior Engineer Moghadam provided additional information regarding the map scale. Chairman Connerton relayed that it would be helpful to obtain data regarding the anticipated number of children to be bussed, and to be transported via parent drop off, in order for the Commission to accurately provide input regarding the potential traffic impacts in this area, and to ensure that there would be adequate provisions for stacking. In response to Commissioner Edwards' quedes regarding the availability of parking on the loop mad, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that this plan was in the preliminary stages; noted that on-street parking would restdct the placement of bicycle lanes; and advised that if the Commission's desire was to investigate the feasibility of on-street parking, that staff would address the issue with the developer. Chairman Connerton, echoed by Commissioner Katan, relayed the difficulty in providing input since there was no specified definitive development plan for this area; and queried whether the matter could be brought back before the Commission at a future date. Ms. Dixon specified that the construction process would begin as soon as the School District had completed acquisition of the site. Director of Public Works Hughes provided additional information regarding the School District's aggressive time schedule with respect to this project; confirmed that the surrounding development plan and land use map was tentative; advised the Commission to provide general comments (i.e., ensure adequate parking for parents), in order for Staff to incorporate those comments into the review of the development plan. Commissioner Telesio provided an overview of the issues the City and the Commission had needed to address in the past due to the adverse circulation impacts related to the school sites; commended the School District for bringing this matter before the Commission, recommending for future presentations that it would be helpful if the provision of the site plan was provided prior to the meeting date. Chairman Connerton thanked Ms. Dixon and the School District for the opportunity for the Commission to provide input; and summarizing the Commission discussion, relayed the following recommendations and comments: That there be adequate parking provisions. · That there be adequate stacking provisions for the bus drop-off area. · That there be provisions for future expansion. · Commended the design of the parent pick-up area. In response to Commissioner Telesio's comments with respect to the placement of a traffic circle on the site plan, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that this plan was tentative, noting that the Home Depot site would be inclusive of a traffic circle. For Commissioner Telesio, Director of Public Works Hughes relayed that this development plan had not been approved by the Public Works Department; and provided the rationale for the placement of the traffic circle at the Home Depot site. At this time the Commission heard the Commission Reports. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Edwards relayed that she had con'esponded via fax with Mayor Pro Tern Comerchero in response to Mr. Betancourt's negative comments conveyed at the December 14, 1999 City Council meeting regarding the December 9, 1999 PublicJTraffic Safety Commission meeting; and noted that she had sent a copy of the portion of the minutes which accurately depicted the Commissioners comments with respect to the matter. Chairman Connerton noted that he had spoken to Mr. Betancourt, and other community members, since that time, noting that it had been relayed to him that the derogatory statement was a misunderstanding. Due to community expressed concern, Commissioner Katan requested that staff investigate the timing of the signal at the left-turn lane from Winchester Road to Margadta Road. Reiterating Sergeant DiMaggio's comments relayed at a previous Commission meeting with respect to the fact that if there was increased bussing transport of children to schools, the traffic impacts would be reduced dramatically, Commissioner Katan queried whether staff could investigate the issue of employing additional busses in coordination with the School District. Director of Public Works Hughes relayed that staff could forward the comments to the City Council. After additional Commission discussion, it was requested that the matter be agendized for the first Public/Traffic Safety meeting in March. W~th respect to the Temecula Valley High School area, Chairman Connerton relayed the following issues of concern: Relayed that students were parking in the white zone area along Margadta Road for approximately five hours. · Noted that after leaving the white zone, students and other drivers were making unsafe U-turns to Margadta Road. · Relayed that he had witnessed 19 students jaywalking across Margadta Road to access their vehicles at the Sports Park. · Specified that on January 13, 2000, there were five cars parked in the red zone on Rancho Vista Road. Recommended that the School District notice the students (cautioning the students that the above-mentioned violations would be cited), and after a week's time that Police enforcement increase due to the unsafe traffic conditions in this area, specifically with respect to the U-tum violations. Due to the number of drivers running red lights within the City, Chairman Connerton recommended agendizing the Red Light Camera installation issue for the second meeting in March, requesting that the Police Department's input be provided at that meeting; and recommended that the matter of having an independent party oversee the violations be considered. Chairman Connerton relayed that per his request, each Commissioner would be provided with a copy of the Emergency Operation Manual, inclusive of information regarding disaster preparedness; and requested that the Commissioners review the matedal, and that the matter be agendized for a March or April meeting in order for the Commission to provide recommendations for any revisions to the City Council. In light of the potential annexation matter, Chairman Connerton requested that the matter of adding additional Police personnel be agendized for a meeting in April. VVith respect to the timing delay of signals negatively impacting the City, Chairman Connerton specified the following signals that needed addressing: · The let-turn signal at MargaritaNVinchester Roads (northbound to westbound) to W~nchester Road. · The signal at Ovedand Drive/Ynez Road (towards Margadta Road). Chairman Conner~on noted that he had recently been on the scene of a traffic accident on Margarita Road; and commended the Police Department and the Temecula Paramedic Squad for the bur-and-a-half-minute response time (from the time he had made the 9-1-1 call). Commissioner Telesio reiterated that the yellow flashing lights in the school zones are continually flashing, specifically with respect to the Temecula Valley High School area; relayed that ddvers would no longer be alerted to slow down due to children being present, since the lights flash even when school is not in session (i.e., Christmas break); and requested that the issue be addressed. Senior Engineer Moghadam advised that staff would need to revise the timing of the issues to be agendized due to other matters that would need to be addressed by the Commission. Chairman Connerton relayed that the requested items could be agendized per Stafrs Recommendation, but requested that the Police staffing issue be priodtized due to the potential annexation associated with this issue. TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S REPORT With respect to the timing of the left-turn signals previously mentioned by the Commissioners, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that the timing was related to pedestdan activity in conjunction with maintaining a coordinated signal system; and provided additional information regarding the programming for the Caltrans- controlled signals. W~th respect to Mr. Guerdero's comments, requesting the Commission to investigate the feasibility of adding an additional left-turn lane on Margarita Road, Chairman Connerton requested that the issue be agendized for a future date. POLICE CHIEF'S REPORT Relaying that he had visited the Red Light Camere Office in the San Diego area, Police Sergeant DiMaggio noted that he had provision of colored photographs, demonstrating how the camera photographed the violators as they entered the intersection; advised that he had additional data; and relayed that the Red Light Camere Office would be willing to send a representative to provide a presentation to the Commission or Staff. Commissioner Edwards recommended presenting the material at the time the issue was agendized. FIRE CHIEF'S REPORT Battalion Chief Ritchey relayed that there were no significant items to report from New Years Eve, noting that the Y2K issues had not negatively impacted the area. Battalion Chief Ritchey noted that outside the City area (in the De Luz Canyon area), on New Years Day there was a mass casualty accident, requiring the service of four ground ambulances, three engines, one truck company, and two helicopters. With respect to the Commission's comments regarding ddvers not stopping for red lights, Battalion Chief Ritchey noted that the ambulance that was involved in the accident at the intersection of Rancho California Road/Front Street had been caused by a driver running a red light. ADJOURNMENT At 7:50 P.M. Chairman Connerton formally adjourned this meeting to Thursday, January 27. 2000 at 6:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Ddve, Temecula. Chairman Darrell L. Connerton