HomeMy WebLinkAbout021000 PTS Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PUBLIC/TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION FEBRUARY 10~ 2000 CALL TO ORDER The City of Temecula Public/Traffic Safety Commission convened in a regular meeting at 6:01 P.M., on Thursday, February 10, 2000, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Ddve, Temecula, California. FLAG SALUTE The audience was led in the Flag salute by Commissioner Edwards. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners *Coe, Edwards, Katan, and Chairman Connerton. Absent: None. Also Present: Deputy Director of Public Works Parks, Senior Engineer Moghadam, Associate Engineer Gonzalez, Battalion Chief Ritchey, Police Sergeant DiMaggio, Administrative Secretary Pyle, and Minute Clerk Hansen. * (Commissioner Coe left the meeting at 7:00 P.M.) PUBLIC COMMENTS No commeRts. COMMISSION CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of January 27, 2000 RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the Minutes of January 27, 2000. MOTION: Commissioner Edwards moved to approve the minutes, as written. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Coe and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. COMMISSION BUSINESS 2. Evaluation of Traffic Circles - Via Cordoba RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission review the effectiveness of traffic circles and make a recommendation to the City Council. Senior Engineer Moghadam provided a detailed overview of the staff report (of record); relayed that due to the community appeal from the Via Cordoba residents to the City Council on August 24, 1999, the Council had directed staff to conduct a demonstration to evaluate the effectiveness of temporary devices in reducing vehicle speed and volumes over a four-month pedod; noted the subsequent installation of two types of devices, one, for fouRway intersections (traffic circle), and a vadant device installed at the T- intersections (raised median); relayed that the two types of calming devices had been installed at five intersections along Via Cordoba; and via overhead graphs, presented the results of the data, demonstrating that the speed and volumes had not been significantly reduced by the temporary installation of the devices. Via overheads, Senior Engineer Moghadam reviewed the neighborhood response during the evaluation pedod; noted that initially the concern had been regarding the aesthetics of the temporary devices, relaying that staff had clarified that these were temporary devices for evaluation purposes only, noting that if permanent devices were installed the appearance would be aesthetically pleasing; highlighted the alternate residential concerns with respect to the installation of the devices, as follows: illegal left turns, right- of-way issues, restricted access and parking, children playing in the areas where the devices had been installed, difficulty with respect to larger busses and trucks maneuvering around the cimles, and opposition to the number of signs posted in the area; clarified that the Fire Department truck had been able to maneuver around the devices, solely slowing the response time by five to eight seconds; noted that the response from the forty-seven percent (47%) of residents that had responded (out of 240 total letters sent) to the written correspondence revealed that the residential opinion was split approximately fifty/fifty percent in terms of those opposed to, or proponents of, the effectiveness of the calming devices; and relayed that the adjacent communities expressed concern with respect to cut-through traffic in their area due to drivers avoiding the traffic circles. With respect to the estimated costs associated with the installation of permanent devices, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that the cost would be approximately $10,000-$20,000 per traffic circle device, and approximately $5,000-$15,000 per median island device; noted that although the matter was subject to City Council direction, there was a possibility that the residents would participate in the funding of the permanent installations, if installed; and concluded that due to the data presented which revealed that the devices had been ineffective tools for reducing speed, staff had recommended that the temporary installation devices be permanently removed. For Chairman Connerton, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that the traffic surveys had been conducted before and after the temporary installation of the devices; and for Commissioner Coe, clarified that the data revealed that speed did not significantly change with respect to downhill and uphill areas. Commissioner Coe commented that from the intersection of Via Del Coronado to Via Saltio there had been no device installed, noting that since this portion of travel was downhill, it was his opinion that vehicles would travel at higher rates of speed. In response, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that staff could further investigate the matter. Relaying her great disappointment with the outcome of the data, Commissioner Edwards queded whether the survey questioned whether the residents would be in favor of the installation of the devices, if the data proved that the devices were ineffective. In response, Senior Engineer Moghadam confirmed that the survey did not query with respect to that question. The following individuals were in favor of the installation of the traffic circle devices: n Mr. Chades Hankley n MS. Janet Dixon 31745 Via Cordoba 31860 Via Cordoba The above-mentioned residents expressed the following comments: Challenged the results of the data evaluation results. Relayed that the volumes of traffic varied greatly due to special activities held in the area (i.e,, soccer), noting that the data did not take this matter into account. Noted that there had been minimal Police Enforcement since the installation of the devices. Specified that the data had concentrated on the results of the eighty-five percent (85%) range of drivers patterns, noting that the evaluation demonstrated that fifteen percent (15%) of the drivers were driving speeds in excess of 33 MPH. Concurred that the median islands were ineffective calming tools. Via photographs, presented a sample of permanent traffic circles devices, noting the visual pleasing appearance. Relayed that drivers were speeding in between the traffic circles, recommending that additional devices be installed. Recommended installing a modified traffic circle rather than a median island at the T-intersections. Implored the Commission and staff to not give up on seeking solutions to resolve the high volumes and speed on Via Cordoba. For Commissioner Coe, Mr. Hankley clarified that he was in favor of the installation of the traffic circles. The following individuals relayed their opposition to the installation of the traffic calming devices: n Mr. William Kelley n Mr. Robert Garcia n Mr. Mado Carvatal n MS. Candace Whitmore 31542 Via San Carlos 31775 Via Cordoba 31645 Via Cordoba 31795 Via Cordoba The above-mentioned residents expressed the following comments: Relayed difficulty maneuvering around the traffic circles. Noted that the plethora of signs associated with the devices devaluated the community. ,r Relayed that the soccer activities scheduled in the area negatively impacted the volumes of traffic. ,r Noted that Police Officers were diligently citing speed violators in the area. ,r Requested that the City continue to seek solutions to reduce the speed and volumes in the area. ,r Relayed that the survey should have separated the evaluation of the traffic circles versus the median islands. ,/ Noted that if stop signs were installed in conjunction with the traffic circles, they would be more effective. -, Relayed the complete ineffectiveness of the median islands. ., Since residents from the County area utilized this area for travel, recommended closing Loma Linda Road at Via Del Coronado in order to raduca this impact. Thanked the City and the Commission for the provision of a forum to express community comments. ,, Suggested photo radar speed enforcement as an alternative solution. ,/ Relayed that the traffic circles created a hazardous situation, commenting on the numerous near collisions at the sites due to right-of-way issues. · ~Queried the number of citations issued before and after the installation of the devices. ,r Recommended that there be increased enforcement to control speed in the area. ,r Relayed that the devices restricted easy access to residential driveways. Noted that when the surrounding read improvement projects were complete, the volumes and speeds would most likely be significantly reduced. For Chairman Connerton, Mr. Kelley relayed that he was aware that if the devices were installed permanently, the visual appearance would be aesthetically impreved; reiterated concern with regard to the plethora of signage; and clarified that he would be in favor of installing devices that had been proven to be effective in solving the speed and volume impacts. For Mr. Garcia, Commissioner Edwards clarified that photo redar enforcement was currently illegal in California. In response to Chairman Connerton, Ms. Whitmore confirmed that the calming devices had made it difficult for her to access her driveway. The Commission relayed its concludin¢l remarks, as follows: Commissioner Katan relayed that per his visits to the area, it was his opinion that the traffic circles did appear to reduce vehicle speed, concurring that the median islands appeared to be ineffective; and commented that the speed posted at 15 MPH in vadous portions was unreasonably low. In response to Commissioner Katan's comment that if the speed of eighty-five percent (85%) of the vehicles were travelling under 33 MPH after the installation of the devices, it would appear the devices were effectively controlling speed, Senior Engineer Moghadam cladfled that the speed survey conducted before and after the installation of the devices revealed the approximate same results with respect to speed traveled in the area, noting that the devices did not have a significant impact. Commissioner Katan recommended that due to the effectiveness of the devices in alternate cities, that the matter should be further pursued in the City of Temecula. With respect to the survey results, Commissioner Coe relayed the following comments: that the study was flawed, that there should have been additional evaluation periods in additional locations (i.e., the downhill portions), that at the T-intersections a modified traffic circle should have been installed rather than the median islands; relayed that in his opinion, and based on his expedence, the traffic circles would reduce speeds if designed correctly; and noted that if additional traffic circles were installed, the permanent devices would be effective in reducing speeds. It was noted for the record that Commissioner Coe left the meeting at 7:00 P.M. Commissioner Edwards reiterated her dismay with the outcome of the surveys and studies associated with the calming devices; noted that Via Cordoba was one of approximately four streets in the City that have experienced similar preblems due to the configuration of the development; noted the additional ineffectiveness of the installation of stop signs for curving speed impacts; reiterated the close percentage of residents opposed, versus in favor of the calming devices; relayed her previous hopes that the traffic circles would have been proven effective in order for the Commission to be able to present viable solutions to community concerns; relayed that since the devices had been proven ineffective she would be reluctant to recommend installation in light of there being no justification for the associated costs; noted that she was additionally reluctant to dismiss the issue, relaying that perhaps staff could pursue additional concepts to render the devices more effective; and recommended that the matter be forwarded to the City Council for determination. Chairman Connerton relayed that he had visited the area of discussion, and noted the following: 1) on the weekends the vehicle speeds appeared to be higher, and 2) that based on his timing method of surveying speed, the speeds were generally at an average of 33-35 MPH, confirming the results of the traffic data; recommended that the evaluation period be extended, that the data be inclusive of traffic volumes and speeds generated on weekends and weekdays, and that the survey be conducted with respect to traffic traveling in both directions, in light of Commission Coe's comments regarding downhill speed; and recommended that there would be review of alternate temporary devices, and that after additional evaluation, the Commission consider the matter again. For Chairman Connerton, Senior Engineer Moghadam advised that additional speed surveys could be conducted and that the associated data could be presented at the February 24, 2000 Public/Traffic Safety Commission meeting. In light of the City's current budgeting process, Commissioner Edwards recommended that the issue be forwarded to the Council expeditiously with the caveat that additional surveys be conducted for the Council's consideration. Senior Engineer Moghadam provided additional information regarding the timing of the City's budgeting process. For Commissioner Edwards, Senior Engineer Moghadam clarified that the current data reflected studies of the traffic impacts before and after the installation of the devices, noting that all factors remained equal with respect to the before and after evaluation periods (i.e., the same day of week, same hours of evaluation, and same location); advised that based on his engineering experience, it was his opinion that additional studies would reveal similar traffic speeds; noted staff's willingness to conduct additional studies if that was the desire of the Commission, requesting that either a resident, or group of residents work with staff, or that the Commission articulate specified direction as to what the Commission's desire was with respect to the request for additional studies in order for staff to adequately provide the data that the Commission desired. Commissioner Edwards concurred with Senior Engineer Moghadam with respect to the likelihood of additional studies revealing similar data; relayed that the only issue mentioned that would warrant continuing this Agenda Item, rather than passing it to the City Council. was the issue of reconfiguring the design of the T-intersection devices; and noted that in her opinion, the residents would best be served by passing this issue on to the City Council for direction. In response to Commissioner Edwards, Chairman Connerton clarified that his desire was to provide additional specific direction to the Council, reiterating his recommendation to conduct a broader survey. For clarification, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that there would not be an opportunity to evaluate the prior speed and volumes analysis if additional areas were surveyed, noting that there would be no comparison data. In concurrence with Commissioner Edward's comments, Commissioner Katan recommended moving the matter forward to the City Council for consideration at this time; noted that in light of the fact that the data revealed that these particular calming devices were ineffective, his concern was with respect to the lack of any viable solutions provided to offer the numerous residents with concern regarding residential speed and volumes; relayed that in light of the perception that the traffic circles were effective (noting that the data did not support this concept), and that the median islands were ineffective, recommended that additional traffic circles be installed. Senior Engineer Moghadam provided a brief history of the matter, noting the residents original desire for stop signs and the subsequent Council direction to temporarily install the traffic circles for evaluation; noted that the configuration design of the installations had been carefully engineered, clarifying that due to the location of the residential driveways, alternate devices would not be feasible at the T-intersections; and relayed that if it was the desire of the Commission to reconfigure the installation and design of the devices, he would forward those comments to Director of Public Works Hughes and the City Council in order to investigate funding appropriations for the proposal to redesign and install alternate T-intersections devices. Chairman Connerton provided additional clarification regarding his recommendation for additional studies, relaying the benefits of obtaining additional data; and for Commissioner Edwards, clarified that the new data could be compared to the average speed traveled in the area. For Commissioner Katan, Senior Engineer Moghadam reiterated the likelihood of additional surveys revealing very similar data with respect to speeds. MOTION: In light of the survey results, and the response of the residential opinions with respect to this issue, Commissioner Edwards moved to approve staff recommendation and to pass the matter on to the Council for further determination. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Katan and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Coe who was absent. Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that all of the additional information would be forwarded to the Council. 3. Additional Left-Turn Lane - Marqarita Road at Rancho California Road RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission receive and file the report. Senior Engineer Moghadam provided an overview of the staff report (of record); noted that a new traffic study (referencing Exhibit B of the agenda material) had been conducted which revealed increased volumes of traffic in the left-turn lane from Margarita Road to Rancho California Road; and relayed staff's recommendation to install an additional leff-turn lane. MOTION: Commissioner Edwards moved to approve staff recommendation. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Katan and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Coe who was absent. TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S REPORT Senior Engineer Moghadam noted the provision of the supplemental material regarding a vadant criteria standard for installing stop signs; and for Commission Katan, relayed additional information regarding the data. After additional Commission discussion ensued, Chairman Connerton requested that the issue be agendized for future consideration. POLICE CHIEF~S REPORT Police Sergeant DiMaggio relayed that the Police Department was preparing for the Rod Run Event in Old Town Temecula; and specified the street closures associated with the event. For Police Sergeant DiMaggio, Senior Engineer Moghadam noted that the red light camera representative had been scheduled to provide a presentation to the Commission at the March 9, 2000 meeting. In response to Senior Engineer Moghadam's comments, Chairman Connerton clarified that the action the Commission took with respect to the Via Cordoba matter (Agenda Item No. 2) was not inclusive of staff conducting additional studies. FIRE CHIEF'S REPORT No comments. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Katan challenged the residents on Via Cordoba, and Commissioner Coe, who had previously commented on the effectiveness of traffic circles in aitemate cities (i.e., Seattle) to provide the associated data to staff or the Council. In light of the future plans for a Councilmember to visit Temecula's sister City in Japan, Commission Katan recommend that the Councilman take note of any traffic observations in that country, C, At Commissioner Coe's request, and due to his absence, Chairman Connerton relayed that Commissioner Coe had attended the Public Traffic Safety Awareness meeting, noting that the next meeting was scheduled for February 16, 2000 at 3:30 P.M., advising that the Committee would further discuss enhanced traffic violation awareness within the area and prepare a plan with respect to the issue. D= For information purposes, Deputy Director of Public Works Parks relayed that the Pala Road Bddge would be open on February 22, 2000; noted that this would be the first phase of the project; provided additional information regarding the detoured area, and the restricted access points, during the road improvement project period which could last from 30 days to six months; and relayed the notification process. ADJOURNMENT At 7:44 P.M. Chairman Connerton formally adjourned this meeting to Thursday, February 24, 2000 at 6:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula. Administre e Se?etary Anita Pyle