HomeMy WebLinkAbout010500 PC MinutesMINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION JANUARY 5, 2000 CALL TO ORDER The City of Temecula Planning Commission convened in a regular meeting at 6:05 P.M., on Wednesday, January 5, 2000, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. ALLEGIANCE TheaudiencewasledintheFlagsalutebyCommissionerWebster. ROLLCALL Present: Commissioners Fahey, Mathewson, Webster, and Chairman Guerriero. Absent: None. Also Present: Planning Manager Ubnoske, Deputy Director of Public Works Parks, Attomey Curiey, Senior Planner Fagan, Project Planner Gdffin, Project Planner Thomas, and Minute Clerk Hansen. PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr, Bob Lopshire, 40244 Atmore Court, representing the Parent/Teacher Association (PTA) for the Temecula Valley District Council, and Nicholas Valley Elementary School, relayed his desire for the City to adopt a more stringent criteria with respect to the approval process of licensed applications for the sale of alcohol; on behalf of the PTA leadership, applauded the City of Temecula, and the Temecula Police Department for closely monitoring licensed uses that currently sell alcohol, specifically gas station, and convenience store uses; commended the Planning Commission for its decision to deny the findings of Public Convenience or Necessity (PCN) with respect to the AM/PM Convenience store at Winchester Road/Nicholas Road, and the use within the Plaza on Margarita Road, due to the proximity of both uses to local high schools; and relayed support to the Planning Commission with respect to its efforts to restrict the number of additional alcohol establishments within the City of Temecula. COMMISSION BUSlNES-~ A_p_g.~val of Aq. enda RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the Agenda of January 5, 2000. R:~PlanCornm~nin utes\010500 1 MOTION: Commissioner Webster moved to approve the agenda. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Fahey. (This motion ultimately passed. See below.) For Commissioner Webster, Planning Manager Ubnoske provided clarification with respect to a letter included in the agenda packet regarding reconsideration of a Tentative Tract. At this time voice vote was taken reflecting unanimous approval. 2 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Approve the minutes of November 17, 1999. MOTION: Commissioner Webster moved to approve the minutes, amended as follows. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Fahey.(This motion ultimately passed. See below.) Commissioner Webster relayed the following revisions: Indicated that on page 5, under Recommendation, the word deny should be replaced with the word approve. Noted that on page 9, in the 3'a bullet, the phrase rep/acing the vertical circles with tile detail should be replaced with the addition of a roof element; and relayed a desire to add the word *storage to the phrase shopping cart * provisions in order to reflect shopping cart storage provisions; and with respect to the 4th bullet, in the last sentence, indicated that the phrase a Transportation Systems Plan should be added after the phrase a Systems Management Program (in the list of specified concerns). Advised that on page 12, in the 4th paragraph, in the last sentence, the phrase perstaff recommendation be deleted. At this time voice vote was taken reflecting unanimous approval. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 3 Plannin.q Application No. PA99-0345 (Development Plan) - VCL Construction (located at the east side of Jefferson Avenue, approximately 1,000 feet north of Rancho CalifomiR Road - portions of Parcels 1, 2, 3, & 6 of Parcel Map 23882 - Project Planner Steve. Griffin) RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Continue this item to the Planning Commission meeting of January 19, 2000. Senior Planner Fagan relayed that due to the additional time needed to address the concems expressed by the Planning Commission at the December 15, 1999 Planning Commission meeting, staff recommended that this Agenda Item be continued to the January 19, 2000 Planning Commission meeting. MOTION: Commissioner Fahey moved to continue this matter to the January 19, 2000 Planning Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Webster and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. R:~PlanCom m~ninutes~Of 0500 4 Planning Application No. PA99-0379 (Conditional Use Permit)- Willing (Buck) & Lynne Ramsey (located at the south side of Winchester Road, midway between Ynez Road and Margarita Road, on Pad E at the Promenade Mall -APN910-320-028 - Project Planner Thomas Thornsley) RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: PC RESOLUTION NO. 2000- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA0379 A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF A 5,000 SQUARE FOOT COMMERCIAL BUILDING ON 1.2 ACRE AND A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO OPERATE A GAS STATION/CONVENIENCE STORE WITH DRIVE-THRU RESTAURANT SERVICE LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF WINCHESTER ROAD BETWEEN MARGARITA ROAD AND YNEZ ROAD KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 9t0-320-028 AND LOT E OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT PA98-0495 AND PARCEL MERGER PA99- 0007 4.2 Adopt a Notice of Exemption for Planning Application No. PA99-0379 (Conditional Use Permit) pursuant to Section 15332 of the CEQA Guidelines. Mr. Ron Bradley, representing the applicant, requested that this Agenda Item be continued to the January 19, 2000 meeting. MOTION: Commissioner Fahey moved to continue this matter to the January 19, 2000 Planning Commission meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Webster. (This motion was ultimately passed. See below.) In response to Commissioner Webster's comments regarding CEQA issues, Attorney Curley provided clarification. Commissioner Webster recommended that with respect to the staff report, on page 1, under Recommendation No. 2, that in lieu of the recommendation to adopt a Notice of Exemption with respect to the CEQA issues, that staff recommend a Finding of Consistency with the EIR that was completed regarding this project. At this time voice vote was taken reflecting unanimous approval. 5 Planning Application No. PA99-0277 (Development Plan) - Tim Shook Company, Inc. (located generally east of the Jefferson Avenue/Bueckinq Drive intersection on the north side of Buecking Ddve - 41437 Buecking Drive - in the City of Temecula) - Associate Planner Denice Thomas RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: R:~PlanCommVninut es~)10500 PC RESOLUTION NO. 2000-001 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA99-0277, A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, AND OPERATION OF A 13,064 SQUARE FOOT COMMERCIAL SPECULATIVE BUILDING ON 1.01 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BUECKING DRIVE (41437 BUECKING DRIVE) AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 910-272-020-1 5.2 Adopt a Notice of Exemption for Planning Application No. PA99-0277 3ursuant to Section 15332 of the CEQA Guidelines; 5.3 Recommend approval of the Development Plan to the City Council. Via overhead site plans, Project Planner Thomas provided an overview of the project (of record), highlighting the access, parking area, loading area, and landscape plan; specified the enhanced articulation utilized to break up the massing on the building; for Commissioner Mathewson, provided additional information regarding the applicant's odginal proposal to build two identical buildings, and the revisions that had been implemented into this particular project due to staff's recommendation to add elements to render a unique visual appearance from the adjacent building. Mr. Tim Shook, representing the applicant, for Commission Mathewson, provided additional information regarding the modifications to the original project plan in order to implement architectural features to provide a unique appearance between the two buildings; specified the enhanced articulation which had been added, as follows: additional glass elements, inset diamond tiles, crown molding, and a sandblasted treatment; clarified that the smooth recessed wall area would not be utilized for doors, noting that the recessed area was a design element intended to create continuity with the adjacent building; and provided additional information regarding the proposed plan to screen the roof-mounted equipment. For Commissioner Mathewson, Project Planner Thomas relayed that due to the concern regarding the view from Jefferson Avenue, staff was in the process of working with the applicant to develop a revised design plan to totally screen the roof-mounted equipment with architectural elements. The Commissioners relayed their concludin.q remarks, as follows: Commissioner Fahey recommended that the project be conditioned to ensure that the roof- mounted equipment was adequately screened with appropriate architectural modifications. Commissioner Mathewson concurred with Commissioner Fahey's comments; and recommended that the applicant add additional treatments to the recessed wall area (i.e., a trellis) per staff recommendation. Commissioner Webster advised that Condition No. 6 adequately addressed the issue of screening the roof equipment; and relayed no opposition to the addition of a treatment element, such as trelliswork, in the area of the recessed wall. Chairman Guerriero commended the applicant for a job well done with respect to the design of the buildings. R:~PlanCom m~minutes~O 10500 In response to Commission comment, Mr. Shook relayed that the applicant would be agreeable to adding a trellis element to the recessed wall area; and noted that the applicant would work with staff with respect to this particular treatment. MOTION: Commissioner Fahey moved to approve staff recommendation. (This motion was amended.) Planning Manager Ubnoske clarified that the Recommendation reflected on the Agenda (referencing 5.3) should be corrected to indicate the recommendation to approve rather than the recommendation to recommend approval of the Development Plan to the City Council, noting that this action would be the final approval. MOTION: Commissioner Fahey moved to close the public headng; and to approve the project, as proposed, with the following added Condition: Add That the applicant work with staff to incorporate an additional treatment to the arched recessed wall area. Commissioner Mathewson seconded the motion and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. Plannin.q Application No. PA99-0278 (Development Plan) - Tim Shook Company, Inc. (located generally east of Jefferson Avenue/Bueckin.q Ddve intersection, on the north side of Bueckin,q Drive - 41397 Bueckin.q Drive - in the City of Temecula) - Associate Planner Denice Thomas RECOMMENDATION: 6.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: PC RESOLUTION NO. 2000-002 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA99-0278, A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, AND OPERATION OF A 13,064 SQUARE FOOT COMMERCIAL SPECULATIVE BUILDING ON 1.01 ACRES LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF BUECKING DRIVE (41397 BUECKING DRIVE) AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 910-272-021-2 6.2 Adopt a Notice of Exemption for Planning Application No. PA99-0278 pursuant to Section 15332 of the CEQA Guidelines; 6.3 Recommend approval of the Development Plan to the City Council, By way of color renderings, Project Planner Thomas presented the staff report (via agenda material), relaying that this particular project was adjacent to the building that was previously approved, proposed by the same applicant; apprised the Commission of the differentiated architectural elements of this building design in comparison to the adjacent building. R:~PlanComm~minutes~010500 Mr. Tim Shook, representing the applicant, pointed out the architectural treatments which created a unique visual appearance for this particular project, while the building footprint was the same as the adjacent building (the previously approved project); and advised that the applicant would be agreeable to adding trelliswork to the elevation with the archway and the recessed wall. MOTION: Commissioner Fahey moved to close the public hearing; and to approve the project, as proposed, with the following added Condition: Add That the applicant work with staff to incorporate an additional treatment to the arched recessed wall area. Commissioner Webster seconded the motion. (This motion ultimately was passed. See below) In comparison to the adjacent building, Chairman Guerdero commented on the omission of the inset diamond tile treatments on the particular project. At this time voice vote was taken reflecting unanimous approval. PLANNING MANAGER'S REPORT Planning Manager Ubnoske relayed that staff was going to take a tour in Orange County with the Lennar Development representatives on Thursday, January 13, 2000 from approximately 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. to view small lot developments, similar to the proposals in the Sweetwater Specific Plan; and queded whether any of the Commissioners would be interested in attending the tour. Chairman Guerriero relayed an interest in attending the tour. Commissioners Webster, Fahey, and Mathewson noted that they would be unable to attend. For informational purposes, Planning Manager Ubnoske noted that the Agenda format was being revised; provided sample copies of a modified Agenda to the Commission; and relayed that the format would be similar to the City Council Agenda. For Commissioner Mathewson, Planning Manager Ubnoske relayed that she was in the process of obtaining additional information regarding the landscape requirements for auto dealerships. In response to Chairman Guerriero, Planning Manager Ubnoske noted that she would contact the Police Department in order to obtain data regarding the results of the Sting Operations within the City. COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS No comments. R:~lanCornm~min utes~010500 ADJOURNMENT At 6:41 P.M. Chairman Guerriero formally adjourned this meeting to a regular meeting on Wednesday, January 19~ 2000 at 6:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Ddve, Temecula, California. Ron Guerriero, Chairman Debbie Ubnoske, Planning Manager R:~PlanComm~minut es~010500