HomeMy WebLinkAbout041900 PC MinutesCALL TO ORDER MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION APRIL t9, 2000 The City of Temecula Planning Commission convened in a regular meeting at 6:00 P.M., on Wednesday April 19, 2000, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. ALLEGIANCE The audience was led in the Flag salute by Commissioner Telesio. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners *Fahey, Telesio, Webster, and Chairman Guerriere. Absent: .Commissioner Mathewson. Also Present: Deputy Director of Public Works Parks, Attorney Curley, Senior Planner Hogan, Project Planner DeGange, Project Planner Thornsley, and Minute Clerk Hansen. *(Commissioner Fahey arrived at 6:08 P.M.) PUBLIC COMMENTS No comments. CONSENT CALENDAR Senior Planner Hogan recommended that if the Planning Commission was in agreement that Item Nos. 4 and 5 not be considered under Consent Calendar Items, but under Commission Business. 1 Approval of Agenda RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the Agenda of April 19, 2000. 2 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Approve Minutes from February 2, 2000 R: Pla nCornmissionW~in utes\041900 1 3 Director's Hearin.q Update RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Receive and File MOTION: Commissioner Webster moved to approve Consent Calendar Item Nos. 1-3. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Mathewson and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioners Fahey and Mathewson who were absent. COMMISSION BUSINESS 4 A western theme silhouette on the street side elevation of the "On the Border Restaurant", Plannin.q Application No. PA99-0079 (Development Plan), on out lot "K" at the Promenade, Mall on the corner of Winchester Road and Ynez Road. - Thomas Thornsley RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Request input from the Planning Commission. It was noted that Commissioner Fahey arrived at 6:08 P.M. By way of color renderings, Project Planner Thornsley presented the staff report (of record); relayed the proposal of a silhouette-type mural feature with lighting; and for Commissioner Webster, specified the view from Winchester Road. Chairman Guerriero relayed that his concern with the previously proposed mural was the size of the mural, clarifying that with this particular proposal size was his main concern. For Chairman Guerriero, Project Planner Thornsley relayed the size of the silhouette, noting that the tallest feature would be approximately eight feet and the width would be approximately twenty feet. Chairman Guerriero relayed that this proposal would be similar to the arches design feature at the entrance to Old Town. Commissioner Fahey relayed that she could support this proposal. Attorney Curley advised that the purpose of this item being placed on the agenda was for the Commission to provide staff direction in order to proceed with the project. Commissioner Telesio relayed his support of the proposal, relaying that with the revised proposal there would be fewer maintenance issues. Commissioner Webster relayed his support of this particular proposal. In response to Chairman Guerriero, Project Planner Thornsley relayed that the material utilized for the silhouette would be steel. R: PlanComrnissionWlin utes\041900 2 5 Finding of Public Convenience or Necessity for the transfer of a license for off sale consumption of alcoholic beverages for Costco Wholesale located at 26610 Ynez Road. - John DeGange RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Staff recommends the Planning Commission review the information included in this report and make the finding of public convenience or necessity based upon the fact that the applicant will be transferring an existing license along with the relocation of the business. Relaying that the applicant was requesting to transfer a liquor license from the location off of Winchester Road to the new location off of Ynez Road. MOTION: Commissioner Telesio moved to approve the finding of public convenience based upon the fact that the applicant will be transferring an existing license along with the relocation of the business. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Fahey and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Mathewson who was absent. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 6 Planning Application No. PA98-0389 (Tentative Tract Map No. 29133) to subdivide 4.99 acres of land into eiqht (8) residential lots - Thomas Thornsley RECOMMENDATION: 6.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: PC RESOLUTION NO. 2000-0t6 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA 98-0389 FOR TENTATIVE TRACT MAP NO. 29133 (LOT I AND A PORTION OF LOT 7 OF TRACT NO. 8211), LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF YNEZ ROAD 707 FEET SOUTH OF CALLE HALCON AND YNEZ ROAD AND KNOWN AS ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER NO. 945-060-024 6.2 Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration for Planning Application No. PA98-0389 (Tentative Tract Map No. 29133); and 6.3 Adopt the Mitigation Monitoring Program for Planning Application No. PA98-0389 (Tentative Tract Map No. 29133). Relaying that this particular proposal had been revised since it was presented to the Planning Commission on March 15, 2000, Project Planner Thornsley presented the staff report (via agenda material); noted that the site and street alignment had been slightly modified, specifying the reconfiguration which created a ninth parcel which would be dedicated to the City for an open space lot, and would be maintained by TCSD; relayed that three agency letters in the staff report had been updated; for Commissioner Telesio, noted that there would not be a private R: PlanCornmissionWlinutes~041900 3 street as had been previously considered, additionally, noting that there was no sidewalk proposed on one side of the street; for Commissioner Webster, relayed that the public right-of- way adjacent to the ninth parcel would also be maintained by TCSD; and with respect to the street light issue, provided additional information. With respect to page 2 of the Environmental Checklist (per staff report), Commissioner Webster noted that Geologic Problems and Aesthetics had been checked as potentially significantly effecting the environment. In response, Senior Planner Hogan clarified that the impacts had been mitigated to a level of insignificance, referencing page 5 of the document. Commissioner Webster recommended that the items not be checked if there was mitigation for the impacts in light of the proposed Mitigated Negative Declaration. Attorney Curley provided additional information regarding the checked items, relaying that the checks were utilized as a noticing tool for items that required mitigation. In response to Commissioner Webster's querying regarding the Wildomar Earthquake fault, Deputy Director of Public Works Parks relayed that documentation revealed that the fault was located in the street area. With respect to the Growth Management Policy recently adopted, Project Thomsley relayed, for Commissioner Webster, that this project was deemed complete prior to the adoption of the policy. Attorney Curley advised that good faith had been kept regarding this project, Commissioner Telesio relayed that this project would most likely be consistent with the new policy. In response to Chairman Guerriero's queries, Project Planner Thornsley relayed that on page 13 of the environmental data, section 10c should be corrected to indicate the development of 8 single family homes rather than the development of 24 single family homes. In response to Commissioner Fahey, Project Planner Thomsley relayed that the applicant would most likely proceed with the project, if approved. For Mr. Hector Correa, representing the applicant, Project Planner Thornsley relayed that with respect to the updated agency letters there was a revision in the School District's requirements, noting that the $9,000 lot fee would not be required. Mr. Correa relayed that per the applicant's attorney's advisement the road would be public rather than private; and noted that with respect to the light issue, the applicant would conform to the conditions associated with streetlights. Mr. Joe Henson, 29920 Via Serrito, referenced page 16 of the environmental data (per agenda material), section 13. b-c where it was stated that the project would not alter the visual character; noted his concern with respect to future fencing not being consistent, requesting that there be a requirement for continuity; and provided additional information regarding the underground drainage system, noting his concern with future drainage issues. Ms. Karen Amaya, 43781 Campo Rojo, relayed her concern regarding the placement of streefiights which would negatively impact her property located adjacent to the property; R: PlanCommission',Min utes\041900 4 requested that there be a shield placed on the lighting; and noted concern with the placement of landscaping which could impede her view. For Commissioner Webster, Deputy Director of Public Works Parks relayed that typically streetlights were spaced 200-250 feet apart, noting that there would most likely be a light installed at the end of the cul-de-sac; for Commissioner Telesio, relayed that the General Plan standards require streetlights, clarifying the placement of the condition with respect to this particular project; and noted that streetlights were typically 27 feet tall, relaying, for Ms. Amaya, that the light could be shielded. Mr. Correa relayed that the applicant would be willing to place the streetlight at an alternate location. For Chairman Guerriero, Deputy Director of Public Works Parks relayed that if the Commission desired to modify the placement of the streetlights it should be reflected in the Conditions of Approval. In light of the rural characteristics of this area, Commissioner Fahey queried whether there could be differentiated lighting standards. In response, Deputy Director of Public Works Parks relayed that separate standards could be implemented. Commissioner Fahey recommended that the project have rural lighting standards or no lighting at all. Mr. Correa recommended sole placement of a streetlight at the intersection at Ynez Road, and no lighting in the cul-de-sac. For Mr. Henson, Mr. Correa relayed that currently there was no requirement for CC&R's for this particular project which could regulate fencing. The Commission relayed the followin.q conclusionary comment,~' Commissioner Fahey recommended modifying the lighting standards, and that there be CC&R's implemented to address the consistency of the fencing. Commissioner Webster relayed that he would not recommend implementation of CC&R's, recommending that there be an added condition addressing the issue of fencing continuity. Attorney Curley advised that typically a subdivision map would be limited to public design and improvement and not private or on-site design characteristics, relaying that if the applicant was agreeable, deed restrictions could be developed in order to address the fencing issues which could be in the form of CC&R's or an individual covenant and deed restriction. Commissioner Telesio concurred with Commissioner Fahey's comments regarding the lighting issue, recommending that solely one streetlight be placed at the intersection; and recommended the addition of a deed restriction to address the fencing issue. Chairman Guerriero relayed concurrence with the previous Commission comments. With respect to the fencing issues, Mr. Correa recommended that the matter be addressed when the individual lot homes were built. R: PlanCornmission'~,linutes\041900 5 in response to Mr. Correa's comments, Attorney Curley advised that building permits were not conditioned; for Chairman Guerriero, relayed that design standards are best addressed in CC&R's; and noted that imposing a uniform standard would be difficult on a tract of this small size. Via the site plan, Mr. Correa specified the location of the potential future fencing. Commissioner Fahey recommended withdrawing the addressing of the fencing issue; recommended that the project adhere to the Design Guidelines standards due to the small size of the tract; and reiterated her recommendation to allow rura! standards on this particular street for streetlights. MOTION: Commissioner Fahey moved to approve staff's recommendation with the allowance for rural standards for this particular project with respect to the streetlights. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Webster. (This motion ultimately passed; see below.) For clarity, Attorney Curley relayed that Condition No. 15.g would be modified to require that the streetlights be installed along the public streets in accordance with rural standards. For Commissioner Webster, Deputy Director of Public Works Parks relayed that most likely the only streetiight installed would be at the intersection. In response to Commissioner Telesio, Senior Planner Hogan relayed that the rural standard would only apply to the lights. At this time voice vote was taken, reflecting approval with the exception of Commissioner Mathewson who was absent. COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS With respect to the Senior Apartments site located off of Winchester Road and Nicholas Road, Commissioner Webster queried the purpose of the proposed subdivision. In response, Project Planner Thornsley relayed that it was the intent to sell that portion of the property for the development of a care facility use for seniors needing more convalescent care. Chairman Guerriero commended staff for the expeditious onset of installation of the signal light placed south of the Lowe's site on Margarita Road. PLANNING MANAGER'S REPORT Senior Planner Hogan reminded the Commissioners to turn in their expense reports along with the receipts in order for Administrative Secretary Wimberly to process the reimbursements. With respect to Commissioner Webster's previous queries regarding the landscaping at the mall, Senior Planner Hogan relayed that staff was addressing the inconsistencies. Commissioner Webster clarified that his concern was regarding the number of trees placed in the parking lot. Senior Planner Hogan relayed assurance that the approved plan would be implemented. R: PlanComrnission',Min utes\041900 6 With respect to the Growth Management Plan the City Council recently adopted, Senior Planner Hogan relayed that he had provisions of copies for the Commission. In response to Chairman Guerriero's noting that the APA Regional Conference was upcoming, Senior Planner Hogan noted that there were financial provisions for this conference. With respect to the recently adopted Growth Management Plan regarding upcoming projects that have not been finalized, Commissioner Telesio requested additional information. Attorney Curley sited previous cases, relaying that vested rights do not incur until there was a valid building permit and there had been a substantial advancement to onsite development; clarified the risks associated with development projects; and noted that the plan was adopted as a policy, and not as an ordinance, relaying that it was the Commissioner's charge to ensure that the project conformed to the newly adopted policy. Senior Planner Hogan relayed that the policy that was approved requires that a project proposing higher densities than the lowest densities would be required to have provision of amenities. For the record, Chairman Guerriero relayed that the Commission had receipt of a letter from Plan Equipment Inc., addressing their concerns. Senior Planner Hogan relayed that he had no knowledge of the letter and requested that staff be provided a copy in order to address the issues. In response to the receipt of the letter, Attorney Curley advised that per the Brown Act restrictions the Commission should make no decisions regarding the matter outside of a public hearing setting. ADJOURNMENT At 7:26 P.M. Chairman Guerriero formally adjourned this meeting to Wednesday, May 3, 2000 at 6:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula. Ron Guer~e~, Chairman R: PlanCommissionWlinutes~041900 7