P.O. Box 435
Temecula, CA 92390
July 9, 1990
TO: City of Temecula
FROM: Old Town Architectural Committee
ATTN: City Council
SUBJ: Minutes of First Meeting
Please be advised that your newly above named committee held
its first meeting on Monday morning, this date, at 8 a.m. in
the red caboose located at 28816 Pujol Street in Temecula.
Present at the meeting were Dallas Gray, Donald Cummins, Tony
Tobin, Robert Morris, and Bill Harker.
The following covers the matters discussed at this meeting:
Bob Morris reviewed the purpose of the committee ( to
preserve the Circa 1890's architecture in Old Town).
D~n Cummins was appointed Chairman and Bill Harker was
appointed Recording Secretary.
The suggestion voiced by Councilwoman Moore to expand the
historic overlay area was taken under consideration and
it is the feeling of the committee that the northern
boundary should be extended to Moreno Road, the southern
boundary extended to Santiago Road and the present
eastern and western boundaries remain as is.
The com~nittee strongly recoramends that no additional
concrete curbs, gutters, or sidewalks be permitted on
the existing streets right of ways and that all such
improvements now in work or in the future be limited to
black asphalt. This is needed to maintain conformity
throughout old Town with existing curbs, gutters, and
sidewalks. The committee agreed unanimously to request
the City Council to so instruct the City Engineer and
Public Works Director.
The committee should meet with Jon Davidson and the
Planning Commission as soon as possible to acquaint them
with the program for Old Town. It was further suggested
that the committee should be brought in to the picture at
the time plot plans are submitted so they can set down
with the developer and explain what is wanted. It was
Architectural Committee 7/9/90 Meeting pg.2
also recommended that the City provide developers
planning construction in Old Town with a check list that
includes review by the committee.
If the overlay boundaries are expanded as suggested
under Item 3. above it will require a revision to the
current ordinance covering the historic district.
It was suggested that the committee meet with city
officials to explore the need to adopt special zoning
regulations for Old Town.
The committee feels it would be mutuall'y desirable to
develop a procedure with the Planning and Building
Departments on how the committee will be notified of
pending applications, notifications of need to meet,
frequency of meetings, etc.
The committee desires to be in a position of taking
prompt action so as not to hold people up who are
planning developments in old Town.
The committee feels some sort of signage standards and
control are needed in Old Town that would reflect the
type of signs appropriate to the era being depicted.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 a.m.
Next meeting of the Old Town Architectural Control Committee
will be 8:30 a.m. on Friday, July 20, 1990 in Suite 201 of
the Chaparral Building on Front Street in Temecula.
Resp%ctfully submitted
William A. Harker
Recording Secretary