HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019 Candidate Intention Statement �'�yE� •' P � �� � . . CheckOne: VCy 2S '��f� Fao�n��am..ao�y pinifial ❑Amendment ie.v�,�� � n'�LERKS DEPT 1. CandidaM Information: NAMEOFCANOIONTENXfimmmbn�u� DATTIMETELEPMONENUMBEft FP%NUMBER�opWnap EMqIL(op4onal� Mike Naggar � 95t � 551-7730 � � miee@mikenaB9accom STPEETPOIXiE55 LIiV SiAiE ZIPCGOE 445 S. D S7. Perris Ca 925;0 OFFlCESOUGH!(PoSITIONTIRE) AGENCYNAME O�SiRIQNUMBEP.IleOClMeb�c �NCN�P20.TISNNOFGICE Temecula Council Membe� City of Temecula 2 PqRTv pREFERENCE: OFFlCE JURISOICTION (CJnck one Cw,i�app4�'aOb.) ❑Sla�e �fimpaeFena� 0 PRIMAftY/GENEflAL �ciry ❑counry ❑Mwi�caunN- 242� sveciuiauxocc (NameolMulli{ounlyJunsOiCllon) (Ye�mlEKanl ❑ 2.State Candidate Ezpenditure Limit Statement (CelPEFSanJCeI5TR5 ceMltlares,�Wge¢/uCklal cenEWetes,erN ceMlaales/wKKal olfices M nIXmn0leleVert 2) (cn memi� ❑I awept Ihe voluntary expendiWre ceiling br the alec�ion s�ated above. �I tlo nat acc¢pt the voluntary expendiW�a ceiling(or Ne election sta�ed above. Amentlment Q 1 tlid not exceetl�he expentliWre cailing in the pnmary or special election hele on: _^/_./_antl I accept Ihx voluntary ezpentliWre ceiling for the generel or special mn-oH electian. tu.nnwa�eroi ❑ On ��_,I rqnVibutetl personal funtls in excess oflhe expendiWre ceiling for tha eleclion statetl above. 3.Verification: I certity under penalty of perJury undar the lawe of the State of Callfomla that the forpgoing Is true and correct. �em�ed on �ctobe�28,2019 signawre I /� . `rJ`� i,��u.mr.�,� � �c.,eT4µi'"�- FPPCFo�T501 (Augusl/LU38� FPPC Advice:ativice@lfppc.w.gov(fl66/D53)]2� www.tPPaca.6ov ��