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Tract Map 15421 Parcel 2 Islamic Center Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation
1 I i I i GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. ' Soil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Materials Testing, Geology ' April 23, 2012 Project No 11077-01 TO: RAM CAM Engineering Group RECEIVED 670 East Parkndge Avenue Suite 101 AUG 14 2012 Corona California 92879 ' CITY OF TEMECULA ATTENTION Mr Alex Irsheid PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. ' SUBJECT Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation Report, Proposed ICTV Facility, PA08-0241, Southwest Corner of Nicolas Road and Calle Calibri, PM 15421, Parcel 2, City of Temecula, California ' In accordance with your authorization, GeoMat Testing Laboratories. Inc has conducted a ' preliminary geotechnical investigation for the subject site This report should be considered only preliminary in nature, its purpose is to determine the general site characteristics and foundation system for the proposed building described herein The accompanying report presents a summary of our findings, conclusions, recommendations. and limitation of our work ' It you should have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to call our office. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service. ' Submitted for GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc EC G eC%. FRED a.. `. Haytham Nabilsr GE 2375 Fr hill Q Project Engineer l�O�c,PP� ;w Pr e No.2375 '] f CAO *.1 ' °rFCIA I �UFC, Distribution (3]Addressee 1 9980 Indiana Avenue . Suite 14 • Riverside • California • 92503 s Phone (951)688-5400 • Fax (951) 688-5200 www.geomatlabs.com, e-mail: geomatlabsCasbcglobal.net ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 ' City of Temecula, California April 23, 2012 ' ACCOMPANYING MAPS AND APPENDICES ' Figure 1 Site Location Map Figure 2 Regional Topographic Map, 1/100000 Figure 3 Local Topographic Map, 1/24000 ' Figure 4 Local Topographic Map, 1/6000 Figure 5 Aerial Photo, Site Setting Figure 6 Tectonic Map Figure 7 Regional Geologic Map ' Figure 8 Sketch Property Geologic Map Figure g Faults of Southern California with site location Figure 10 Geologic Cross Section 1 , Plate 1 Exploratory Boring Location Map. ' Platen Surficial Stability Plate 3 Soil Bearing Capacity and Settlement Calculations Plate 4 Retaining Wall Backfill and Subdrain Detail ' Plate 5 Surcharge Loads on Retaining Walls Appendix A References Appendix B Geotechnical Boring Logs ' Appendix C Laboratory Test Results Appendix D Slope Stability Analysis ' Appendix E Liquefaction Analysis Appendix F General Earthwork and Grading Specifications Appendix_,G Slope Maintenance Guidelines 1 1 1 1 1 ' GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Page 2 ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 ' City of Temecula, California April 23, 2012 ' SCOPE OF WORK ' • Review soils, groundwater data, and maps in our files. • Exploration of the sites at accessible locations. • Field engineer for logging, observe drilling, and record SPT count. ' • Prepare borehole logs. • Sampling of select soils. ' • Conduct laboratory testing of select soil samples. ' • Prepare CBC seismic'pararrieters. • Prepare,a plan showing the location of exploratory boreholes. ' . Liquefaction Analysis ' • Slope Stability Analysis. • Preparation of a soil investigation report (3 copies) presenting our findings, conclusions, and recommendations for site preparation, overexcavation depth, allowable bearing, foundation ' recommendations, earth pressures, grading specifications, and CBC-seismic parameters. 1 1 1 , GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Page 3 ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 ' City of Temecula;California April 23, 2012 SUMMARY OF SITE CONDITIONS AND PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ' Site Conditions ' The subject site is located on the southwest corner of Nicolas Road and Calle Calibri Road in the City of Temecula, California. Refer to Figure 1 for site location. t The site is bordered from the north by Nicolas Road, the south by a rising hillside with single family home on top of the hill, the east by Calle Calibri Road, and the west by a rural single family home. ' The lot is a vacant land. Topographically, the northern two-third of the site is relatively flat. The southern third of the site rises at an approximate rate of 4H:1 V to a maximum height of approximately 80 feet. A break in slope.was noted near the middle of the slope. The total relief at tthe site, from north to south, is approximately 100 feet. Sheet drainage across the flat portion of the site is directed toward north at a rate less than 2 percent. A low spot in Calle Calibri Road was noted about 155 feet from Nicolas Road. This low area is not maintained and currently ponds irrigation water. Vegetation at the site is limited to dry weeds and grasses. ' Proposed Development ' Building Pad The site is proposed for one large building pad. We understand that the proposed building will be metal stud framed supported on shallow foundation and concrete slab-on-grade. The pad is ' proposed for approximately seven feet of fill grading. A driveway is proposed on the west side of the building. This driveway connects the northern and southern proposed parking areas. ' Structural loads are not known at this time; therefore we assumed the proposed structure is lightly loaded with a maximum column load of 20 to 30 kips and.a maximum wall loading of 3 to 5 kips per linear. These loads are assumed to be dean plus actual live loads. If actual structural loading ' exceeds these assumed values, we would need to reevaluate the give recommendations. The above information is based on the conceptual grading plan prepared by IW Consulting ' Engineers. No precise grading or foundation plans were available for the new pad at the time this work was completed. These items will be reviewed under separate work order. ' Parking Area Two parking lots are proposed for 2 phases for the proposed facility. The parking area north of the building pad is proposed for fill grading. Proposed compacted fill will be ranging from one to ' four feet in thickness. The west side of this parking area will be provided with a retaining wall. The anticipated height of the wall is on the order of 2.5 feet. GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Page 4 1 ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 ' City of Temecula, California April 23, 2012 The second parking area is located south of the proposed building. This parking area will be developed in cut grading. The maximum cut grading is on the order of 23 feet. In order to minimize cut grading, the area will be terraced. The terraces will be supported by retaining walls. t The maximum height of these terrace walls is six feet. The west side of the area will also be provided with retaining walls. The walls range from 2.5 feet to 10 feet in height. The most southern retaining wall and the wall along the west side of parking area south of the building will support 1.51-1:1 V cut slopes. The north facing portion of the slope will be provided with a ten feet wide bench. ' The above information is based on the conceptual site and grading plans prepared RAMCAM Engineering Group. No precise grading or foundation plans were available for the new pad at the time this work was completed. These items will be reviewed under separate work order. 1 1 GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Page 5 1 ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 ' City of Temecula, California April 23, 2012 ' SUMMARY OF GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS Subsurface Exploration ' Five exploratory boreholes were drilled on September 29, 2011, to a maximum depth of 50 feet below existing ground surface utilizing a CME 45 drill rig equipped with 6-inch hollow stem augers. ' Borehole locations were selected randomly at accessible locations (see Borehole Location Map, Plate 1). ' In general, these boreholes revealed the site to be underlain by alluvial soil consisting of interbedded cohesive and cohesionless soils. The surficial soil is classified as firm to very firm and moderately dense sand, silt, and clay. The subsurface soil is classified as medium dense to very dense sandstone. Soil Sampling ' Relatively undisturbed samples were obtained with a California Ring Sampler(ASTM D 1587). This sampler has three inches external diameter, 2.5 inches inside diameter, and is lined with one inch high brass rings, with an inside diameter of 2.41-inches. The sample barrel is driven into the ' ground,at the bottom of the boring with 140-pound hammer with a free fall of approximately 30- inches. Sampler driving resistance, expressed as blows per six inches of penetration, is presented on the boring logs at the respective sampling depths. Ring samples were retained in ' close-fitting, moisture tight canisters for transport to our laboratory for testing. Additional representative samples have been recovered with the.SPT(Standard Penetration Test, ASTM D 1586) sampler. This sampler consists of steel driving shoe and tube that split longitudinally in half, and a coupling at the top. The coupling connects the sampler to the drill rod. The standard split tube has an inside diameter of 1 3/8-inch (1''/a-inch inside diameter without liners) and an outside diameter of 2-inches. Unless noted otherwise, liners are.usually not used. ' The standard driving weight and free fall for this test is similar to California Ring Sampler. Blow counts required to drive.the samplers 18-inches are recorded on the boring logs. The sum of the number of blows for the last 12 inches-on an 18-inch penetration represents the SPT count. This ' data is shown on the boring logs when obtained in the field. Bulk samples were also collected from the auger cuttings during drilling. These samples are ' collected in plastic bags tied and tagged for the location and depth. The geotechnical boring logs are presented in Appendix B and may include a description and ' classification of each stratum, sample locations, blow counts, groundwater conditions encountered during drilling, results from selected types of laboratory tests, and drilling information. ' Each boring, unless noted otherwise, was backfilled with cuttings at the completion of the logging and sampling. The borehole backfill, however, may settle with time, and it is the responsibility of owner to ensure that such settlement does not become a liability. 1 1 GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Page 6 1 1 ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 City of Temecula, California April 23" 2012 ' Laboratory Testing Laboratory tests were performed on select samples obtained from the trenches. The tests consisted primarily of natural moisture content, density, sieve analysis, expansion index, direct shear, sulfate, chloride, resistivity, and pH. The soil classifications are in conformance with the Unified Soil Classifications System (USCS), as outlined in the Classification and Symbols Chart (Appendix B). A summary of our laboratory testing is presented in Appendix C. Groundwater ' Groundwater study is not within the scope of this work. Groundwater was.not encountered within our exploratory boreholes at the time this work was done. Based on California Department of Water Resources, and USGS National Water Information system records, depth to groundwater in'two wells at the intersection'of Nicolas Road and Calle Medusa; one block to the west, and a well located one mile to the northwest is as follows: ' Well This Notes Water Depth to Source Well No. .Date, Ground Elev. Water Site Elev. Elev. ' DWR 7S2W201-001S 1/1/1968 1160 1083 77 1156 One block west DWR 7W2W20P001S. 1/1/1968 1175 1098 77 One block•west USGS 7W2W19C002S ' 1/1/1968 1135 1020 115 One mile northwest ' Groundwater is not anticipated to impact•grading. Probable seasonal seep, run-off from elevated areas (from the south) should not be precluded.. If structures are proposed near the toe of the north facing slope; these structures should be provided with'di*ainage devices in accordance with the project civil engineer. The need for sub-drains is not.anticipated,at this time. ' Geology The subject site is located approximately 3 'Vi miles northeast of Temecula. See attached ' Figures 1 through 5. The property covers an area of roughly 4 acres. It is located adjacent to other church properties in a largely undeveloped part of the Temecula region, refer to Figure 5. Topographically, the property is south adjacent to the Santa Gertrudis drainage. The north half of the property is of low relief to the north. The south half is of moderate relief, roughly 4/1 (H/V) ' in the same direction. The total relief is about 100 feet from elevation 1160 to 1260. The following graphics review the setting and geology. ' 1. Regional Physiographic Setting, —1/100,000 2. Topographic location map, USGS. Scale, —1/24000 ' 3. Local topographic map, —1/6000 4. Site Aerial 5. Tectonic Map 6. Geologic Map GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Page 7 ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 City of Temecula, California April 23, 2012 ' 7. Sketch Property Geologic Map 8. Faults of Southern California with site location ' Regional Geologic Settina The subject property is located in the Peninsular Ranges Province of California (Perris Block portion); an area noted for its pronounced, active, northwest-southeast oriented fault systems. The closest of these major faults is the Elsinore Fault. See Figure 6, Tectonic Map; for local details. ' The property region crosses, north to south, the transition from the Santa Gertrudis drainage terrain to upland terrain. The Santa Gertrudis drainage area is underlain by Holocene alluvium. The upland terrain is underlain by the Pleistocene, Pauba Formation, see Figures 7 and 8. ' Seismically, the design fault for this region 'is'the Elsinore Fault, Glen Ivy Section. Peak ground motions for the immediate region are moderate for southern California. The California ' Geological Survey Website (latitude/longitude input) provides a Pga of nearly 0.5g (0.495g) for alluvial sites, as a figure for expectable earth shaking in a 50 year period (10% probability of being exceeded in 50 years). See Figure 9: . ' Site Geology ' The property straddles, north-south, the change from the Santa Gertrudis terrain, underlain by Holocene alluvium, to the upland slope terrain, underlain by the Pleistocene, Pauba Formation sandstone. In the northern part of the property, the Pauba sandstone is of occurrence at an .approximate depth of 26 feet. 1 The alluvium generally consists of unconsolidated sand, silt and clay. ' The Pauba sandstone is generally described as brown, moderately well indurated, sandstone. It is commonly massive and sparsely conglomeratic. No faults are mapped close to the property in published reports. None were observed in the current work, see Figures 7 through 9. ' Geologic Hazards Active faults ' No active fault zones are mapped in or adjacent to the property. Regardless, a distinct potential exists for a high level of ground shaking during earthquakes. Surface rupture —Active fault lines have not been identified or suggested close to the property borders. Accordingly, surface rupture on the property is not considered a possibility. Tsunamis. Seiches These are not possibilities here. GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Page 8 1 1 ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 ' City of Temecula, California April 23, 2012 ' Global Slope Stability Analysis The property, in the southern part, is underlain by a gently, sloping hillside —3/1 (H/V). The sub ' terrain, here, is comprised of massive, coherent sandstone (Pauba Fm). Accordingly, slope stability is not a hazard. Because the lower portion of the slope is proposed for cur grading, slope stability analysis was ' conducted for global stability. Based on the geologic cross section, Figure 11, no adverse geologic condition is anticipated for the massive sandstone. ' Based on material strength and overall lack of adverse geologic structure, manufactured cut slopes as proposed should also perform satisfactorily if properly designed and constructed. ' The software code GALENA was used for gross stability analysis according to the Modified Bishop method and ordinary Method of Slices for circular slip surfaces. Calculated factors of safety are as follows: Case Static Factor of Safety Pseudostatic Factor of Safety Global Stability 2.15 1.44 ' Lower Portion of Cut Sloe 1 1.87 -1.36 The factors are in excess of minimum needed factor of 1.5 and 1.1 for static and pseudostatic condition. The software output is included in Appendix D. Based on the above and overall lack of adverse geologic structure, natural or proposed manufactured cut or fill slopes should perform satisfactorily. Nuisance sloughing of surficial debris ' should not be precluded. Project architect should consider planning for slope planting. Planting of the slopes as soon as practical is considered essential to enhance surficial stability. Planting or 1andscaping should include drought resistant vegetation specifically suited to the.natural and environment of the site. As al minimum, the slope maintenance guidelines in Appendix G may be used as guidelines. ' Surficial Slope Stability Analysis ' Surficial stability was manually calculated according to Riverside County Transportation and Land Management guidelines for a 4-foot thick saturated zone parallel to the slope surface. Calculated surficial stability factor of safety of 2.0 was obtained for a hypothetical 1-1/2H:1 V ' slope, utilizing shear strength data in this report. Refer to Plate 2. Liquefaction ' Groundwater was not encountered at the site to the maximum depth explored of 50 feet below ground surface. Available depth to groundwater records, for the immediate site vicinity, show water depth at 77 feet in wet season of 1968. No other recent records are available for the ' immediate site vicinity. Considering this depth to water and the proposed seven feet of compacted fill, liquefaction analysis is not warranted. However, because the northern part of the site is located in Nicolas Road liquefaction zone, we have conducted quantitative analysis for ' liquefaction potential considering that water may rise to the existing surface. GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Page 9 1 1 ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 ' City of Temecula, California April-23, 2012 ' Area surrounding Nicolas Road is located within Riverside County Seismic Hazard Zones for Liquefaction. Soil liquefaction is a process by which loose, saturated, granular deposits loose a significant portion of their strength due to pore water pressure buildup resulting from cyclic ' loading, such as that caused by an earthquake. Soil liquefaction can lead to foundation bearing failures and excessive settlements. Liquefaction susceptibility reflects the relative ' resistance of soils to loss of strength when AgoMON-LIGUE IABLe SOIL: subjected to ground shaking. Primarily, physical -<aCOO opnL rrcacro. is • GWU-&3 properties and conditions of soils such as y '° "`m0m "0�"' U-ne ' sediment grain-size distribution, compaction,. >o cementation, saturation, and depth govern the IR „ go 0ft11 PoreamuLV LlOuerweLe wan: degree of resistance. Soils that lack resistance 'myewm(noas mmtb�,�xn ' •(susceptible soils) are typically saturated, loose 10 p{ntlrly bode,Is lass 11m ar'"ho l°. poorly graded sand sediments. Soils resistant to P liquefaction include all soil types that are drier or ° Slumlad no°we cmtml.,•(*1 ' sufficiently dense. Cohesive soils are generally not considered susceptible to liquefaction. The Flrorr 7.Chinn Cdlyde Adopted to AST\I Det(oldooe of 5oa following criteria modified by Finn (1991),Finn et Proprtlla(Pedn,Aontrr sad Pnlut0.IPPP) al (1993) and Perlea et al (1999) is used as a guide to evaluate the onsite clays for liquefaction potential. Based on laboratory test results the onsite clays have the following properties: ' Depth Highest Plasticity Index Note (ft) Consistency Class. LL %Moisture (Boulanger& (see graph above) ' Id anger 20' Very Finn CL 35>33.5 24 <0.87LL 14 >13 Point plot above the line in graph 25' Very Firm CL 1 35>33.5 1 23 <0.87LL 15 >13 Point plot above the line in graph ' From the above, onsite.clays are very firm and does not meet the modified criteria for liquefaction potential. Therefore onsite clays are considered not susceptible to liquefaction. ' Summary of Quantitative Liquefaction Evaluation ' Liquefaction susceptibility using Standard Penetration Test data and laboratory grain size test results were analyzed using LiquefyPro software. Liquefaction analysis performed for this evaluation included: [1] evaluation of soil consistency and compactness influencing liquefaction, ' [2] correction of penetration resistance data to convert measured SPT N-values to standard Neo- values, [3] calculating the earthquake induced stress ratio (CSR), [4] calculating cyclic resistance ratio (CRR), [5] assume that water table rise to existing grade surface [6] evaluation of liquefaction potential by calculating a factor of safety against liquefaction (FS), by dividing CRR by CRS. The t software output is presented in Appendix E. Based on the analysis the anticipated liquefaction potential is low. 1 1 GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Page 10 ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 ' City of Temecula, California April 23, 2012 ' Seismically Induced Settlement Earthquake-induced settlement was estimated using procedures presented by Ishihara and ' Yoshimine for dry/moist soils (above the water table) and saturated sands. Settlements analyses were performed for the same location analyzed for liquefaction potential to estimate the maximum possible cyclic settlement to be expected at the project site. LIQUEFY PRO software was used to calculate cyclic settlements and presents them on a cumulative settlement in ' Appendix E, including settlements above and below historic high ground water depths. Volumetric strains for soils above the water table were estimated using blow count data and ' cyclic shear strain (Ishihara and Yoshimine, 1990). Cyclic settlement was obtained by multiplying the thickness of the soil layer by the calculated volumetric strain. ' Cyclic settlements for saturated sands were estimated using blow count data corrected for fines content .(i.e. blow counts for equivalent clean sand were used) and other factors used for liquefaction analyses (Youd & Idriss/NCEER, 1997 and SCEC, 1999). The referenced procedure applies only to saturated clean sands. ' Volumetric'strain for saturated sands was estimated using the calculated earthquake- induced cyclic shear stress.and corrected blow count (Ishihara, 1993). The cyclic settlement was obtained by multiplying the thickness of the liquefied soil layer by the volumetric_strain. ' The results of computerized cyclic settlement analyses are presented in Appendix E. In this case, actual seismic settlements are expected to be less than '/:-inch. Considering procedural conservatism and the above result, a maximum differential cyclic settlement, if to occur, may be taken ''/: to 3/. of the seismic settlement (SCEC/DMGSPI 17). . tThe above estimated cyclic settlements were computed for saturated and unsaturated sand. Although, not anticipated, intermediate thin, soil layers, not tested, may be subject to,liquefaction. ' This condition are expected to be mitigated by upper non-liquefiable layers (per Ishihara, 1985, procedures), and the settlements at the corresponding depths, although are expected to be insignificant, they should not propagate to the surface owing to the bridging effects from the non- liquefiable layers. Liquefaction Observations/Summary ' 1. The potential for liquefaction and earthquake-induced settlements are expected to be negligible at this site. Reinforced foundation tied with grade beams as recommended in the following sections should mitigate the remote possibility of this seismic hazard. ' 3. Differential settlement, if to occur, is estimated at '/2 to % of total settlement. The total settlement is less than ' a. Even based on the results from the rigorous reconciliation analyses, and per Ishihara's procedures (1985), no potential for surface manifestation (e.g. sand boils or significant ground fissures) as an effect from movement of layer(s) below the historic high groundwater is expected at this site. 1 GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Page I ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 City of Temecula, California April 23, 2012 ' 5. Based on SCEC (1999) guidelines, a potential for loss of bearing capacity due to liquefaction is not expected at the site since there is not an upper potentially liquefiable layer at a depth shallower than the estimated depth where the induced vertical stress in ' the soil is less than 10% of the bearing pressure imposed by the proposed foundation systems. Furthermore, tied foundation systems are designed to dissipate structural loads. Therefore no loss of bearing capacity is expected for grade beams or lightly loaded slabs-on-grade. t6. In significant conformance with Youd, Hanson, and Bartlett (ASCE Geotechnical Jr. April 1995, and Lecture by Youd on July 7, 1999), no lateral spreading due to liquefaction is ' expected at this site due to the following reasons: • Alluvial subsurface soils are essentially horizontally layered. No thick sand layer was ' encountered during the subsurface investigation. • There,is not a free-face toward which liquefied soils could move laterally. • In the liquefaction spreadsheets (a part of the LiquefyPro software results) it can be ' observed that at the:analyzed locations, no saturated liquefiable sand with values of N1(60) <15 exist at the site. If loose sand xists between sampling intervals, their occurrence is expected to be thin and considered to be scattered or have minimal occurrence throughout the site, and,cannot reasonably be connected to form a ' hypothetical "continuous° line of significant length that could reasonably be expected to "exit" on a slope or a free-face, or move significantly below the gentle slope of the site. ' 7. Although it is extremely difficult to predict the overall behavior of any site during seismic shaking, it is our opinion that proper design of foundation can substantially improve the structure's resistance to deformation. This is most commonly accomplished by providing ' adequate lateral connections between all footings with reinforced grade beams and strengthened stem walls. If the owner wishes a higher degree of confidence, then the structures should be designed for higher probable events. ' Please note that foundation design is under the purview of the structural engineer. All foundations should be designed by a qualified structural engineer in accordance with the CBC ' and the latest applicable building codes and structural considerations may govern. Site Class ' The approximate fundamental period, per ASCE 7-05 Section, is less than 0.5 seconds. Accordingly site specific evaluation to determine spectral acceleration for liquefiable soils is not required and therefore the structure need not be designed as if it is Seismic Site Class "F:" ' (exempt under ASCE 7 Section 20.3.1). It is our opinion that structures should be designed in accordance with the current seismic building code as determined by the structural engineer. Considering the Spectral Response Acceleration at short period SDs > 0.50g (2007 CBC Table 1613.5.6(1), and the Spectral Response Acceleration at one second period SD, >0.20g (2007 CBC Table 1613.5.6(2), the subject site is ' located in an estimated Site Class "D" as outlined in CBC Table 1613.5.2 and ASCE 05 Table 20.3-1. GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Page 12 ICTV Facility Project No.•11077-01 ' City of Temecula, California April 23, 2012 ' Present building codes and construction practices, and the recommendations presented in this report are intended to minimize structural damage to buildings and loss of life as a result of a moderate or a major earthquake. They are not intended to totally prevent damage to structures, graded slopes and natural hillsides due to moderate or major earthquakes. While it may be possible to design structures and graded slopes to withstand strong ground motion, the construction costs associated with such designs are usually prohibitive, and the design ' restrictions may be severely limiting. Earthquake insurance is often the only economically feasible form of protection for your property against major earthquake damage. Damage to sidewalks, steps, decks, patios and similar exterior improvements can be expected as these are not normally controlled by the building code. Seismic Desian Parameters: ' The CBC seismic design parameters are presented in the following table. Parameter Design ' Site Class D 0.2 second Spectral Response Acceleration,S. 1.5 ' 1.0 second Spectral Response Acceleration,S, 0.6 Site Coefficient, FA 1.0 ' Site Coefficient, Fv 1.5 Marimum considered earthquake spectral response accelerations for short periods,SMs 1.5 ' Mapmum considered earthquake spectral response_accelerations fort-second periods, SM, 0.9 Design Spectral Response Acceleration at Short Periods,SOS 1.0 ' Design Spectral Response Acceleration at 1-Second Periods,So, 0.6 ' Long-Period Transition Period in Seconds,TL 8 Excavation Characteristics ' Drilling resistance was moderate to hard when utilizing a drill rig equipped with a 6 inch hollow stem augers. In general, overlying silty sand and clayey sand can be excavated with typical heavy grading equipment in good working condition. Shrink-Swell Potential The indurated native material is massive and hard. The expansion potential of surficial soils tested in the laboratory is very low to medium and therefore may be considered to be subject to very low to moderate swell-shrink potential. The classification of the native soil mantle varies from ' silty sand to clayey sand. At this time we do not know how these soils will be mixed and distributed during grading. Swelling can damage adjacent and overlying foundations and other surface improvements. Medium expansion mitigation should be considered in foundation design ' if encountered at building foundation levels. GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Page 13 ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 •' City of Temecula, California April 23, 2012 ' When expansive soils is placed at building foundation levels it is subject to stringent foundation recommendations such as deep footings; thicker slabs, and heavy reinforcement. On the other hand if mixed soils at the conclusion of grading are tested to be. non expansive, the use ' conventional foundation system for building support in lieu of special foundation is warranted. Subsidence ' Soil hydroconsolidation is a phenomenon that results in relatively rapid settlement of soil deposits due to addition of water. This generally occurs in soils having a loose particle structure cemented together with soluble minerals or with small quantities of clay. Water infiltration into such soils can ' break down the interparticle cementation, resulting in collapse of the soil structure. Collapsible soils are found primarily in Holocene alluvial fan deposits. ' Onsite clayey sand in the upper five feet is indurated'and very firm, was tested for in place dry density. The test results show that average in place dry density is 1.15.5 pcf (B-1 and B-5). According to NAVAC, Design,Manual 7.01, Soil Mechanics, September 1986, page 7.1-40, soil ' with in place dry density greater than 110 pcf is not classified as collapsible. Despite the anticipated low potential for soil hydrocollapse; overexcavation,: recompaction, and ' watering has been recommended for the building pad to density the foundation soils. 1 1 GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Page 14 ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 ' City of Temecula, California April 23, 2012 ' CONCLUSIONS ' • Structures, old foundations, buried structures, buried utilitiestirrigation lines/leach lines, and tree roots, etc., if encountered would require removal from the grading area. Seepage pits, if encountered in proposed structures areas should be backfilled with sand-cement slurry. ' Existing vegetations should not be mixed with onsite soils. • The onsite soils exclusive of deleterious materials may be used as compacted fill materials. ' It is anticipated that all earth materials can be excavated by conventional earthmoving equipment in good working condition. ' a Based- on laboratory test results; the expansion potential of the near-surface soils is expected to be, ranging from very low to medium (EI<90). This would require verification subsequent to completion of grading. ' 0 The use of shallow spread footing .foundations appears feasible for the proposed construction provided that the foundation is embedded into compacted fill :or competent ' native soil. • The site is located in a region of generally high seismicity, as is all of southern California.During its design life, the site is expected to experience moderate to strong ground motions ' from earthquakes on regional and/or local causative faults. • Overall, the geologic setting of the property appears favorable for the use intended. • Groundwater was not encountered within our exploratory:borings drilled to a maximum depth of 50 feet below ground surface. The groundwater elevations and conditions, ' however, are expected to vary seasonally and near surface seepage due to landscaping irrigation and/or rainfall should not be precluded and should be considered during site planning, design, and grading. We have no way of predicting future groundwater levels or ' perched water due to increase in surface water infiltration from rainfall or from landscape irrigation. Subdrains, horizontal drains or other devices may be required in future for graded areas that exhibit nuisance groundwater, or areas with potential for future shallow water. 1 1 ' GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Page 15 ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 City of Temecula,California April 23, 2012 ' RECOMMENDATIONS Site Preparation and Gradina tAll grading should be performed in accordance with our General Earthwork and Grading Specifications presented in Appendix F except as modified within the text of this report. ' The site should be cleared of any debris, old foundations, abandoned utility lines, irrigation appurtenances, underground structures, tree roots, vegetable matter, deleterious materials, etc., which should be hauled offsite. Any basements, cess pools, or leach fields found onsite should be removed and the area backfilled in a controlled manner. Seepage pits, if found should be cleaned up from debris and backfilled with soil-cement slung or clean sand if found in proposed ' infiltration area. Any fill at the site associated with previous site use, abandoned structures, and any other fills should be traced and completely removed from grading areas, prior to performing required overexcavations. ' Subsequent to site clearance, the building area (including canopies and exterior columns) should be overexcavated to a depth'of at least 3 feet below original/natural grade. The bottom of overexcavation should be tested for at least 85% relative compaction. The depth of overexcavation should be extended to satisfy the 85% relative compaction criteria. The ' overexcavation should extend to at least ten feet beyond building lines including columns/canopies/walls, etc. Subsequent to field observations and density testing of excavated bottom, the overexcavetion should be scarified to a depth of at least 12-inches, moisture conditioned and recompacted to at ' least 90 percent of the maximum dry density, as determined by ASTM D1557 Test Method; prior to placement of fill. All fills should be compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density. Deeper overexcavations specially to remove unsuitable, soft soils, or clean the bottom, ' may be required depending upon field observations of excavated bottoms by the soil engineer or his representative. In addition to the above recommendations, all foundations should be underlain with at least 24 ' inches of controlled compacted fill. Cut slopes, in the opinion of the engineering geologist, founded on impermeable materials ' should be provided with a heel drain to prevent nuisance water from daylighting on the slope face. Generally, a "burrito-style' drain consisting of perforated plastic pipe encased in free draining aggregate and surrounded by appropriate geotextile filter fabric would be sufficient for t this condition. Specific design details should be developed according to the actual needs assumed from future recommended grading plan review and/or bottom conditions observed during construction. 1 GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Page 16 ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 ' City of Temecula, California April 23, 2012 Compacted Fillslimported Soils Any soil to be placed as fill, whether presently onsite or import should be approved by the soil ' engineer or his representative prior to their placement. All onsite soils to be used as fill should be cleansed of any roots or other deleterious materials. All fills should be placed in six to eight inch loose lifts, thoroughly watered, or aerated to near optimum moisture content, mixed and ' compacted to at least ninety-percent relative compaction. This is relative to the maximum dry density determined by ASTM D1557 Test Method. Any imported soils should be sandy (preferably USCS "SM" or "SW', and very low in expansion ' potential, EI<20) and approved by the soil engineer. The soil engineer or his representative should observe the placement of fill and take sufficient tests to verify the moisture content and the uniformity and degree of compaction obtained. '. Shrinkane/Subsidence Based on laboratory test results, we estimate that shrinkage of alluvial soils should be approximately 5 (t5 percent). Shrinkage is defined as the decrease in volume of soil upon removal and recompaction expressed as a percentage of the in-place volume. This shrinkage is ' exclusive of any losses due to removal of tree roots or any underground structures and is based on an average 92 percent relative compaction. An increase in relative compaction obtained would increase the shrinkage factor. Furthermore, a subsidence of approximately 0.05 (t0.05) foot may also be considered during site preparation. Subsidence due to groundwater withdrawal is not part of this estimate. The estimated shrinkage and subsidence are not absolute values, and should therefore be used with caution. We recommend that an earthwork balance area should be. designated to allow for variations in the indicated shrinkage and subsidence estimates. Tentative Foundation Deslan ' Following site preparation, the use of shallow continuous footings founded in certified compacted fill is feasible. Footing excavations should be observed by the soil engineer before the forms and reinforcement_is set. Maximum allowable bearing values of 2500 psf is tentatively recommended ' for continuous and pad footings. Soil bearing capacity calculation is shown in Plate 3. This bearing pressure has been established based on the assumption that the footings will be embedded in soils at least 18 inches below lowest firm grade (24 inches below lowest adjacent ' firm grade if expansive soils are encountered). The bearing values may be increased by one third for temporary (wind or seismic) loads. Expansion potential of foundation soils should be verified at the conclusion of grading. Footing reinforcement should be determined by the structural engineer, however, minimum reinforcement of two No 5 bar at the top and two No 5 bar at the bottom of continuous footings is recommended. Openings should be tied with grade beams. ' These recommendations should not preclude more restrictive structural requirements. The structural engineer should determine the actual footing sizes and reinforcement to resist vertical, ' horizontal, and uplift forces under static and seismic conditions. GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Page 17 ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 ' City of Temecula, California April 23, 2012 ' Reinforcement and size recommendations presented in this report are considered the minimum necessary for the soil conditions present at foundation level and are not intended to supersede the design of the project structural engineer or criteria of the governing agencies for the project. ' Foundations should be designed by a qualified structural engineer in accordance with the latest applicable building codes. Structural considerations may govern. Foundation design is under ' purview of structural engineer. Settlement ' For footings designed according to the recommendations described in this report, we estimate the static settlement to be less than0.25 inch, refer to Plate 3. ' Dynamic settlement resulting from a moderate seismic event was estimated by Liquefypro software, Appendix E. The anticipated seismic settlement is less than 0.50 inch. ' Total differential settlement may be taken as 2/3 of the above total settlements (static+seismic). Please note that foundation design is under the purview of the structural engineer. Foundation ' should be reviewed/designed by a qualified structural engineer in accordance with the latest applicable building codes and structural considerations may govern. ' Concrete Slabs Subgrade: Slabs-on-grade should have a thickness of at least six inches. Floor slabs should be'reinforced with at least No. 4 rebar at 18 inches on center each way for soils with expansion potential less ' than 20, or No 4 rebar at 12-inches on center each way for soils with expansion potential higher than 20. Floor slab thickness and reinforcement should be evaluated by the structural engineer and designed in compliance with applicable codes for the proposed loading. A modulus of ' subgrade reaction of 200 tdfor compacted fill maybe used in the design of flatworks. Care should be taken by the contractor to insure that reinforcement is placed at slab midheight. ' The use of concrete spacers to maintain proper concrete cover is highly recommended. Slabs- on-grade should be provided with a 10-mil Visqueen moisture barrier properly protected with at least two inches of clean sand above the Visqueen and two inches of compacted clean sand ' below the Visqueen. All concrete flat work including slabs subgrade should be firm, unyielding, compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density, and should be verified to contain 1.2 times the optimum moisture content to a depth of 12 inches prior to placement of slab building materials. Moisture content should be tested in the field by the soil engineer. Portions of the subgrade that will not compact readily when rolled or tamped should be removed and replaced with suitable materials. All utility trenches and structure excavations should be backfilled to finish grade with soils like those surrounding the trench and should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. Excess soils from foundation excavations should not be placed on building pads without proper tmoisture and compaction. GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Page 18 1 1 . ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 ' City of Temecula, California April 23, 2012 ' The joints spacing for concrete slabs should be determined by the project architect. Joints should be laid out to form approximately square panels (equal transverse and longitudinal joint spacings). Rectangular panels, with the long dimension no more than one-and-one-half times the short, may . ' be used when square panels are not feasible. The depth of longitudinal and transverse joints should be one-fourth the depth of the slab thickness. Joint layout should be adjusted so that the joints will line up with the comers of structures, small ' foundations, and other built-in structures. Acute angles or small pieces of slab curves as a result of joints layout should not be permitted. Fresh concrete should be cured by protecting it against loss of moisture, rapid temperature change, and mechanical injury for at least 3 days after placement. Moist curing, waterproof paper, white polyethylene sheeting, white liquid membrane compound, or a combination thereof ' may be used. After finishing operations have been completed, the entire surface of the newly placed concrete should be covered by whatever curing medium is applicable to local conditions and approved by the engineer. The edges of concrete slabs exposed by the removal of forms ' should be protected immediately to provide these surfaces with continuous curing treatment equal to the method selected for curing the slab surfaces. The contractor should have at hand and ready to.install before actual placement begins the equipment needed for adequate curing of the ' concrete. The potential for slab cracking may be lessened by the addition of fiber mesh in the concrete, and ' careful control of water/cement ratios. The use of mechanically compacted low slump concrete (approximately four inches at the time of placement) is recommended. Lateral Earth Pressures The following lateral earth pressures and soil parameters in conjunction with the above- recommended bearing values may be used for design of foundation and retaining walls with free draining compacted backfills. If passive earth pressure and friction are combined to provide required resistance to lateral forces, the value of the passive pressure should be reduced to two- thirds the following recommendations. ' Lateral Pressure Condition Soil Condition Equivalent Fluid Pressure e At Rest Case Drained Level Native Soil 55 Active Case Drained Level Native Soil 37 Passive Case Drained Level Native Soil 220 to a maximum of 2500 Horizontal Coefficient of Friction 0.38 Unit Soil Weight 110 pcf ' For sloping backfill add 1 pcf for every 2 degrees for active case and add 1.5 pcf for every 2 degrees for at rest case ' Retaining Wall Drainage All retaining walls and block wall footings should be founded in compacted or firm native soils and ' should be provided with waterproofing and at least 6 to 18 inches of free board for slough protection in sloping ground condition. An open W"ditch should be placed behind the wall in sloping ground so that all upslope flows are directed around the structure. We recommend tdrainage for retaining walls to be provided in accordance with the attached Plate 4. GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Page 19 ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 ' City of Temecula, California April 23, 2012 ' Drainage pipes and ditches should be connected to an approved drainage device. Maximum precautions should be taken when placing drainage materials and during backfilling. Wall backfill should be properly compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. Onsite soils are suitable for wall backfill. Back-cut distance behind the top of wall should be at least equal to one-third to half of the wall height but not less than 18 inches to facilitate compaction. ' If this cannot be achieved (no sufficient free drainage behind wall), an additional 45 pcf equivalent fluid pressure should be added to the above soil pressures. In this case, the allowable bearing pressure and passive pressure should be reduced by 50 percent and soil friction beneath footing should be neglected. Slope Creep if to occur is the result of poor drainage and water flowing over the slope. Soil creep can be reduced with drainage control. Surcharge Loading The term "-surcharge" refers to an additional loading on the proposed wall. Thus term usually refers to loading that is in proximity to the wall system. Use the Spangler Method of analysis (area load of finite length) or Boussinesq Method of analysis to determine the lateral pressure caused by the surcharge loading. The uniform vertical surcharge is usually given a value of 250 psf or an equivalent height of fill. A uniform surcharge of at least 250 psf is always assumed at the top of a wall that has a level backfill. This should be multiplied with appropriate earth pressure coefficient to determine the resulting horizontal pressure on the wall. Additional static lateral pressures due to other surcharge loadings in the vicinity of the wall can be estimated ' using the guidelines provided in Plate 5. Site Drainage Positive drainage should be provided and maintained for the life of the project around the perimeter of all structures (including slopes and retaining walls) and all foundations toward streets or approved drainage devices to minimize water infiltrating into the underlying natural ' and engineered fill soils, and prevent errosion. In addition,finish subgrade adjacent to exterior footings should be sloped down (at least 5%) and away to facilitate surface drainage. Roof drainage should be collected and directed away from foundations via nonerosive devices. ' Water, either natural or by irrigation, should not be permitted to pond or saturate the foundation soils. Planter areas and large trees adjacent to the foundations are not recommended. All planters and terraces should be provided with drainage devices. A concrete lined brow ditch ' should be constructed along the top of slopes. Internal drainage should be directed to approve drainage collection devices, per the civil engineer recommendations. Over the slope drainage should be prevented. Location of drainage device should be in accordance with the design civil ' engineers drainage and erosion control recommendations. The owner should be made aware of the potential problems, which may develop when drainage is altered through construction of retaining walls, patios and other devices. Ponded water, leaking irrigation systems, over watering or other conditions which could lead to ground saturation should be avoided. Surface ' and subsurface runoff from adjacent properties should be controlled. Area drainage collection should be directed toward the existing street through approved drainage devices. All drainage devices should be properly maintained. ' All slopes should be protected with suitable erosion control measures such as jute matting, hydroseeding, etc. As a minimum, the slope maintenance guidelines in Appendix G should be utilized. GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Page 20 ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 ' City of Temecula, California April 23, 2012 Soil Corrosively To evaluate the corrosion potential of the surficial soils at the site we tested a sample ' collected during our subsurface investigation for soluble sulfate, chloride, pH, and resistivity. The results are shown in Appendix C and summarized below. Depth Sulfate Chloride pH Minimum Estimated Estimated Estimated ' (ft) N N Resistivity Corrosivety Sulfate Chloride (Ohm-cm) Based on Attack on, Attack on Resistivl Concrete Metal 0-2 0.00575 1 0.0072 7.4 1400 severely corrosive negligible negligible Many factors can affect the corrosion potential of soil including soil moisture content, ' resistivity, permeability, and pH, as well as chloride and sulfate concentration. In general, soil resistivity, which is a measure of how easily electrical-current flows through soils, is the most influential factor. Based on test results and the correlation ' table in Appendix c the soils may be classified as severely corrosive. Sulfate ion concentrations, and pH appear to play a roles in affecting corrosion potential. Sulfate ' ions in the soil can lower the soil resistivity and can-be highly aggressive to Portland cement concrete by combining chemically with certain constituents of the concrete, principally tricalcium aluminate. This reaction is accompanied by expansion and eventual disruption of the ' concrete matrix. Potentially high sulfate content could also cause corrosion of the reinforcing steel in concrete. California Building Code (CBC) provides requirements for concrete exposed to sulfate-containing solutions as shown on.the sulfate test form in Appendix C. ' Acidity is an important factor of soil corrosivity. The lower the pH (the more acidic the environment), the higher the soil corrosivity with respect to buried metallic structures. As soil pH increases above 7 (the neutral value), the soil is increasingly more alkaline and less corrosive to buried steel structures due to protective surface films which form on steel in high pH. environments. A pH between 5 and 8.5 is generally considered relatively passive from a ' corrosion standpoint. From the CBC guidelines, sulfate exposure to Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) may be considered negligible for the sampled materials. Accordingly we recommend Type II cement for ' all concrete in contact with earth material. ShorinofTrench Backfill ' Trenches greater than five feet in depth should be shored or sloped at 1:1 (horizontal to vertical) or flatter in compliance with California OSHA requirements. In our opinion the onsite soils may be ' classified in accordance with Cal OSHA as Soil Type W. The project civil engineer should consider The Riverside County Road Improvement Standards t and Specifications as amended by Ordinance 461.10, effective December 20, 2007 in public works designs. This includes but not limited to Standard Details 817 and 818. All utility trenches and retaining wall backfills should be mechanically compacted as indicated in the Riverside ' County Standard Specification 818 to the minimum requirements of at least 90 percent relative compaction. GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Page 21 1 ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 ' City of Temecula, California April 23, 2012 ' Onsite soils derived from trench excavations can be used as trench backfill. Backfills should be placed in thin lifts and compacted by mechanical means. Material with sand equivalent of at least 30 should be utilized for the pipe zone. No jetting, ponding, or flooding should be permitted within ' the building area or where trenches are in zone of influence of footing loads. Excavated material from footing trenches should not be placed in slab-on-grade areas unless properly,compacted and tested. ' Tentative Pavement Design For pavement design recommendations we have [1] sampled soils from the proposed parking ' area, [2] conduct laboratory R-value determination, and [3] analysis and design based on Caltrans Design Guide for California Cities and Counties. ' The sampled soil was visually classified as clayey'sand and silty sand. Based on the visual classification the estimated R-value is on the order of 40. Considering this the recommended tentative pavement sections are outlined as follows: ' AREA TRAFFIC INDEX ASPHALT CLASS 2 estimated CONCRETE AGGREGATE BASE Auto Parking Area 5.0 4" 4- Driveways 6.0 4" 4" ' Subgrade Uniformity Parking area proposed for fill grading should be overexcavated to a'depth of at least 12 below existing grade. The exposed subgrade should be moisture conditioned (dried or moistened) to ' near optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D 1557 prior to placement of fill. ' Parking area.proposed for cut grading should be.overexcavated in the following manner: Proposed Cut Grading Remedial Grading One Foot or Less Overexcavate one foot after reaching proposed grade, scarify, moisture condition and recom act to at least 90% relative compaction After reaching proposed grade, scarify subgrade to at least 12 inches in depth, More than one foot moisture condition, and recompact subgrade to at least 90%relative compaction The subgrade for pavement support must be firm, unyielding, and uniform with no abrupt horizontal changes in degree of support. The subgrade soils should be uniform materials and density. Soft spots should be excavated and recompacted with the same type of soil as found in adjacent subgrade. GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Page 22 1 1 ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 ' City of Temecula, California April 23, 2012 ' Aggregate Base The aggregate base should conform to Caltrans Standard Specifications and should be firm,. unyielding and without pumping conditions prior to placement of concrete. Aggregate base should be compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D1557. Pavement Drainage/Erosion ' Surface drainage should be provided and collected to approved drainage devices. Ponding of water and "bird baths" can result in early deterioration of the pavement and should not be ' permitted. Excessive planter watering should not be permitted in order to prevent water infiltration below the pavements, eroding the subgrade, and/or create subgrade pumping conditions under the wheel loading. ' Foundation/Grading Plan Review ' The recommendations provided in this report are based on preliminary design information and subsurface conditions as interpreted from limited exploratory borings drilled at the site. We should review final foundation and grading plans prior to construction. Additional subsurface work should ' not be precluded. Our preliminary conclusions and recommendations most also be reviewed and verified during site grading, and revised accordingly if exposed geotechnicai conditions vary from our preliminary findings and interpretations. ' Observation and/or Testina GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. should observe and/or test at the following stages of construction. • During site clearance and removal of loose soils and any underground obstructions. ' • During all overexcavations and fill placement. • Following footing excavation and prior to placement of footing materials. • During wetting'of slab subgrade and prior to placement of slab materials. ' • During all trench and wall backfills, subgrade and base compaction prior to paving. When any unusual conditions are encountered. ' Final Report of Compaction During Grading A final report of compaction control should be prepared subsequent to the completion of grading. ' The report should include a summary of work performed, laboratory test results, and the results and locations of field density tests performed during grading. 1 1 GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Page 23 ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 ' City of Temecula, California April 23, 2012 LIMITATION OF INVESTIGATION This report was prepared for the exclusive use of the subject site. The use by others, or for the purposes other than intended, is at the user's sole risk. ' Our investigation was performed using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised, under similar circumstances, by reputable Geotechnical Engineers practicing in this or similar locations ' within the limitations of scope, schedule, and budget. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made as to the conclusions and professional advice included in this report. ' The field and laboratory test data are believed representative of the project site; however, soil conditions can vary significantly. As in most projects, conditions revealed.during grading may be at variance with preliminary findings. If this condition occurs, the possible variations must be evaluated by the Project Geotechnical Engineer and adjusted as required or alternate design ' recommended. This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner, or his ' representative, to ensure that the information and recommendations contained herein are brought to the attention of the architect and engineer for the project and incorporated into the plans, and the necessary steps are taken to see that the contractor and subcontractor carry out such ' recommendations in the field. This firm does not practice or consult in the field of safety engineering. We do not direct the ' contractor's operations, and we cannot be responsible for other than our own personnel on the site; therefore, the safety of others is the responsibility of the contractor. The contractor should notify the owner if he considers any of the recommended actions presented herein to be unsafe. t The findings, conclusions, and recommendations presented herein are based on our understanding of the project and on subsurface conditions observed during our site work, and are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the conditions of a property can occur with the ' passage of time, whether they be due to natural processes or the works of man on this or adjacent properties. In additions, changes in applicable or appropriate standards may occur, whether they result from legislation or the broadening of knowledge. ' The findings of this report are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the conditions of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether they be due to natural processes or the ' works of man on this or adjacent properties. In additions, changes in applicable or appropriate standards may occur, whether they result from legislation or the broadening of knowledge. 1 1 GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Page 24 ' Topo USAP-6.0 HUNTER RD BOREL RD -s SPARROW WAY 1 RIVERPC U" o C a _ g s � COMMERCE CT - I -- O P mS V > fy L - GATLI@_31087 NMI.Rd D i Q a RITA WAY MtCAlA5 A4 NIC�'AS�M s yK vvA s` p $ y 94JPR RiDOE Ct 10 L ¢y CALLE CHAPOS AMOAEA LN <'— cokas�D �P'r 6�L SF"SA 55dd - lV " 3 crcLe sARacozA 3 gq,�, W a f f}O L4 8 8 _ r 1} Rq R Off?.. kWRER(N -'u COROk 2w' KPeWI ) RYA RD LL _ .. I PD Su AVENILA DEL RESO h4 14 ME1114/ _ _ �r 4 J/,` S��FMINOLE Sf'�' k DEL REY RD Ip COR V �y , Ie O` SAN RASS✓UH.RDA v(� :VALLEY .� �C�IOCUS CIRR ''LAUREL:I' Data use subject to license. 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Source:USGS.OFR-03-103 1 N 60 31'W k :V � u am�uurt �ti AN iau � I ••• rlaMP pA�SYJ I . .� Qitl o I al um rr sf"'� I se.3•, veervuue � I ,vs• cuw.• asenoaearn I Sketch Property Geologic MaGeologic Map " 31087 Nicolas Rd., Temecula EXPLANATION Exploration Boring B-2 (see Engineeringfor other Boring locations) Qal-Quaternary Alluvium Contact Figure 8 Qpfs-Pleistocene Pauba Formation sandstone ' ® \ San Clemente Fault Palos Verdes Fault Rose Canyon Fault Newport-Inglewood Fault Whittler Fault ®-• ® ® • J Santa Cruz Fault Malibu Cowl Fault Santa Monica Fault rI r Raymond Hill Fault •� _ �.y � �� Sierra Madre Fault ,R Elsinore Fault Superstition Mountain Fault +' a Superstition Hills Fault �+ •,_ ---�— Imperial Fault SITE ® '� Banning Fault .-AD y, r San Jacinto Fault So.Death Valley Fault 1 7� • Pinto Mountain Fault Panamint Valley Fault Blue Gut Fault Sierra Nevada Fault Ludlow Fault Kern Front Fault 1 Pisgah Fault White Woh Fault Calico Fautt Pteito Fauh \' West Calico Fault 1 Rinconada Fault ® ~ Emerson Fault San Juan Fault �+ Camprock Fault Ozena Fault Lockhart Fault Santa Ynez Fault Lenwood Fault Big Pine Fault Old Woman Springs Pine Mountain Fault Helandale Fault San Cayelano Fault Sierra Frontal Fault San Gabriel Fault 1 San Andreas Fault : Arroyo Pence Fault Harper Fault Oakrklge Fault Blackwatet Fault Santa Susana Faull Garlock Fault ® North Frontal Fault FAULTS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Figure 9 Source:USGS.Websitc. �6 \ 66'6 IDI:L 56 v 2 v B , I it I se 68 Z 38 as1156 �. \ I 55.5 k j. z_ o. 57 59 Scale: H 1'=20' — -- — - -- - Scale: V 1'=20'Qpfs u -------- QPfs QPfs EXPLANATION QPf -_.--_ - Val-Holoc�lunum—c6ie—Qy siFand sand m Qpfs-Pleistocene_Pauba Formation-chiefly massive sandstone .-..f-- QPfs ....... .... Q I attitude of layering, Figure 10 QP s QPfs ....... poorly defined,low dips. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! AM i, LM • W _ ` ♦ 1 ,:1 IIII IIII I IIII III' • h off. � � I I` �� r I,n I I \ <ve. .. • 1 a\ \ '.� I ' �I 'II I1 � I i I♦ .l1'..i�— � ) B�} ♦ I Il IIII I :I I II�:I.I_ I fly ���I � �`�1�'•� _ .♦ �YS j��I).` ti`� (>< '�I•:. � I. ' III I I. I � 11111 } I � ( r � � � • � I I B-2 �w~���yyY1r 6-q rS�S)�'.h ♦` ♦`<�`1 � n IIII I11 I. 5 jl1l I III�II `�1\^ < ' \ .. �) Y VYf y JJ ^♦1,/ti y♦ .< 6 41 / it I I I / II' I �I �II II 'I}I1 II \ I'I IXY M'f NIY1/E 1 ` \\ \\ tT(Np� W '� i�\ 1 I'Ill��il� �11�`� '�,�+ I;�. GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Exploratory Borehole Location Map Plate 1 October 11, 2011 Project No. 11077-01 0 Approximate Location of Borehole 1 - 1 ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 Temecula, Califomia April 19, 2012 1 SURFICIAL STABILITY CALCULATION i 1 " j 1 Saturation Zone (h) = 4' Soil Total Unit Weight (Yt) = 130 pef 1 Soil Buoyant Weight = 62.4 pcf Slope Angle (6)= .350 1 Soil Cohesion (C) = 397 psf 1 Soil Friction Angle (0) = 29.80 1 FS = C + M-62.4 pcf)h x cos"201) x tan(0) 1 Ytxhxcosilxsinf3 FS = 2.0 1 FS>1.5 is desired 1 H =zone of saturation, usually taken as 4', unless In and regions or where GWT is very deep, in that case H = 2' is sufficient 1 1 GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Plate 2 1 ' Shallow Foundation Analysis Organization: GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Project Name: ICTV Facilities Job#: 11077-01 Design by: ' Date: 4/18/2012 geo Bearing Capacity ' Ftng. Shape: Continuous Variable Value Variable Value Ftng. Width(B) 1.00 ft Ftng. Length (L) 1.00 ft Ftng. Depth(Df) 1.50 ft Soil Cohesion (c) 100.0 psf Frill.Angle(phi) 32.0 Deg Unit Weight(gamma) 130.0 pcf ' GWT Depth (Dw) 0.00 ft Safety Factor(F.S.) 3.0 Results t Nc 35.49 Ultimate Bearing Capacity(q uft) 8953 psf Nq 23.18 Allowable Bearing Capacity(q all) 2984 psf Ny 30.21 ' Continuous footings settlement when cohesion > 99 psf ' Depth, D(ft) width, B(ft) gall(psf) %strain (c) Unit wt. y(pcf) Layer 1 1.0 1.00 0 0.01 130.0 Layer 2 0.01 130.0 t Layer 3 0.01 130.0 L1 L2 L3 Total Total Settlement a 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 inches ' References: ' 1. Foundation Design, 2nd Ed, D. Coduto,2000 2. NAVFAC, DM7.2 1986 3. Shallow Foundation Software by SoilStructure.com Plate 3 SUBDRAIN OPTIONS AND BACKFILL WHEN NATIVE MATERIAL HAS EXPANSION INDEX OF 5.50 OPTION 1:PIPE SURROUNDED WITH CLASS 2 PERMEABLE MATERIAL OPTION 2:GRAVEL WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC ' WITH PROPER WITH PROPER SURFACE DRAINAGE SURFACE DRAINAGE SLOPE SLOPE OR LEVEL OR LEVEL ' 12' 12' NATIVE NATIVE WATERPROOFING ' (SEE GENERAL NOTES) GENERPROOFlNG 't��� (SEE GENERAL N07F5) FILTER FABRIC 12'MINIMUM (SEE NOTE 9) CLASS 2 PERMEABLE , 12'MINIMUM ' WEEP HOLE FILTER MATERIAL WEEP HOLE 'A To l�h INa SIZE GRAvD. (SEE NOTE S) (SEE GRADATION) (SEE NOTE 5) WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC 4 INCH DIAMETER LEVEL OR PERFORATED PIPE LEVEL O -01 ' SLOPE (SEE NOTE 3) SLOPE ' Class 2 Filter Permeable Material Gradation Per Calbans Spedfladons Sieve Size Percent Passing ' 1' 100 3/4' 90-100 3/8' 40-100 No.4 25-40 B No.o. 5-15 30 5-15 No.50 0-7 No.200 0-3 ' GENERAL NOTES: *Waterproofing should be provided where moisture nuisance problem through the wall Is undesirable. ' •Water proofing of the walls is not under purview of the geoterhnical engineer *All drains should have a gradient of 1 percent minimum *Outlet portion of the subdraln should have a 4-Inch diameter solid pipe discharged Into a suitable disposal area designed by the project engineer.The subdraln pipe should be accessible for maintenance(rodding) *Other subdraln back ill options are subject to the review by the geotechnlal engineer and modification of design parameters. Notes: 1)Sand should have a sand equivalent of 30 or greater and may be denslfied by water jetting. 2) 1 CAI.R. per ft.of 1/4-to 1 1/2-Inch size gravel wrapped In filter fabric 3)Pipe type should be ASTM D1527 Arryloniblle Butadlene Styrene(ABS)SDR35 or ASTM D1785 Polyvinyl Chloride plastic(PVC),Schedule 40,Armco A2000 PVC,Or approved equivalent. Pipe should be Installed with perforations down. Perforations should be 3/8 Inch In diameter ' placed at the ends of a 120-degree arc In two rows at 3-Inch on center(staggered) 4) Filter fabric should be Mirafl 140NC or approved equivalent. 5)Weephole should be 3-Inch minimum diameter and provided at ID-foot maximum intervals. If exposure Is permitted,weepholes should be located 12 Inches above finished grade. If exposure is not permitted such as for a wall adjacent to a sidewalk/curb,a pipe under the sidewalk ' to be discharged through the curb face or equivalent should be provided. For a basement-type wall,a proper subdraln outlet system should be provided. 6) Retaining wall plans should be reviewed and approved by the geotechnical engineer. 7) Walls over six feet In height are subject to a special review by the geoterhnlal engineer and modifications to the above requirements. ' RETAINING WALL BACKFILL AND SUBDRAIN DETAIL ' FOR WALLS 6 FEET OR LESS IN HEIGHT Plate 4 WHEN NAME MATERIAL HAS EXPANSION INDEX OF <50 1 1 r-X=mH LINE LOAD, Q, STRIP LOAD, q a 0/2 1 For m5O.4: Z=nH M= QL 0.2n H TO.16+rff For m>0.4: 1 H M= QL 1.28mn H 1 6h 6h oh= 2�c (S—SIN P COS 2a) 1 rz (din radians) 1 LINE LOAD PARALLE—LT O WALL STRIP LOAD PARALLEL TO WALL �X=mH POINT LOAD, QP 1 Z=nH 1 ot H t 1 For mS0.4: oh= � 0.28n' ON (0.16+ 1 For m>0.4: a,= QP 1.77rrH 1 X=lmH ,.,e a.=MCOS'(1.10) 1 �1 NOTES: � t. These guidelines apply to rigid walls with YPoisson's ratio assumed to be 0.5 for backfill materials. DISTRIBUTION OF HORIZONTAL PRESSURES 2. Lateral pressures from any combination of 1 VERTICAL POINT LOAD a of superposition.be determined by the principle SURCHARGE INDUCED 1 Plate 5 SCALE: NTS STATIC LATERAL EARTH PRESSURES ICTV Facility 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX A 1 1 1 1 1 1 o MAt,- 1 ' 1 1 ' ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 City of Temecula, California April 23, 2012 ' REFERENCES ' RAMCAM, Site Plan Showing Southern Half of Property and Cross Section for North facing Slope, Plan not Dated. ' RAMCAM, Site Plan Showing whole Site including Building Footprint, and Parking Design, Plan not Dated. ' RAMCAM, Site Plan Showing whole Property including Retaining Walls and their Height and Cross Section for North facing Slope, Plan not Dated. ' Department of the Navy, Design Manual 7.01, Soil Mechanics, September 1986. Department of the Navy, Design Manual 7.02, Foundation and.Earth Structures, September 1986. ' Department of the Army, US Army Corps of Engineers,Engineering and Design, Bearing Capacity of Soils, EM 1110-1-1905. ' Principals of Foundation Design, Braja Das. Foundation Analysis and Design, Ed. 5 by Joseph E. Bowles: Terzaghi, Karl, and others, 1996, Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice, 3d Ed., New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 549p. ' Robert Day; Geotechnical Engineer's Portable.Handbook. ' Robert Day, Geotechnical Foundation Handbook. Soils and Foundations, Chang Liu and Jack B. Evett. ' Geotechnical Engineering Analysis and Evaluation, Roy E. Hunt. ' Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Geotechnical Engineering, Engineering Manual for Retaining Walls and Abutments, SG Kim, RM Baker, JM Duncan, KB Rojiani, May 1991. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Geotechnical Engineering, Engineering Manual tfor Shallow Foundations, CK Tan, RM Baker, JM Duncan, KB Rojiani, May 1991. An Engineering Manual for Settlement Studies by JM Duncan and AL Buchignani, June 1976. ' Holtz, W.G. Expansive Clays, Properties and Problems, Quarterly of the Colorado School of Mines, 54 (4), pp. 89-125. 1 GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc Appendix ' ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 City of Temecula, California April 23, 2012 ' BIBLIOGRAPHY Association of Engineering Geologists,Southern California Section,Special Publication,Geology,Seismicity,and ' Environmental Impact, 1973. Association of Engineering Geologists,Southern California Section,Special Publication 4, Engineering Geology Practice ' in Southern California, 1992. Bell,F.G.(Ed.). 1994, Engineering in Rock Masses:Oxford, London, Boston, Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd(member Reed Elseviergroup),580p. ' CDMG/CGS, Digital images of official maps of Alquist Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones of California,southern region, ' CDMG/CGS, Fault Investigation reports for development sites within Alquist Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones in southern California, 1974-2000, CDMG/CGS, Fault Evaluation reports prepared under the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act Region 2— Southem California, ' CDMG.,Geologic Data Map No,6,Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas, 1994. CDMG. Note'36,Geomorphic Provinces and Some Principal Faults of California, 1§86. ' CDMG. Bull. 146. CDMG/USGS,Preliminary Digital Geologic Map of the Santa Ana 30'x 60'Quadrangle. ' GSA.,Geology of North America,V.G-3,the Cordilleran Orogen:Conterminous U.S., 1992. ' GSA., Memoir 178,the San Andreas Fault System:Displacement, Palinspastic Reconstruction,and Geologic Evolution, 1993. ' International Conference of Building Officials, 1997 UBC,Volumes and Folio. USGS,OFR 03-103(Geol. Map Bachelor Mtn.Quad. Riverside County), ' USGS.Map MF-1964,Map Showing late Quaternary Faults and 1978-84 Seismicity. ' USGS: Open File Report 85-365,Distribution and Geologic Relations of Fault Systems in the Vicinity of the Central Transverse Ranges,southern California, 1985. USGS. Professional Paper 1515,The San Andreas Fault System,Calif, 1990. USGS. Open File Report 96-7061DMG Open-File Report 96-08,Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for the State of California, 1996. ' Websites:CDMG/CGS,USGS, Riverside County GIS GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc Appendix 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX B 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -G-e10 1 Mat,_ 1 1 DRI LLING NOTES ' ■AFEII LEVEL IIIIII1118 M dlWm BYMU mlie Mlgedeb mPalemm i O�ID ep6F Water lamb Mooed an the Iabp bps we WMs rramumd In the borings AS Arpe SanVb bmd aalgllq prooedaa The-W a the urine Mooed in pmnedae maw"the 1 doatl beds may rdbd CS Cedmaa smple raw m -It h b the number d ' dr btxmr d gotsda%w.b bin pmrmh®y with ar amsde dOW inaear DS tlh - 83-NA unless dtmatso wed MM regaed b taNe tm tad I lad of gdundmabtr Iamb Is ed possible Ah wdy dbdiwm alwai8nn NA Had kw (0.3m)of an 18 In.(D.46m)long,2 in. NS H*w Stem kgw (Stm -0m rp G.D.WBd eartpler with a WATER LEVEL OBSERVATION DESIGNATION PA pow Auger 140 b(10 3 kg)bonne blbp a WD. While DrWtg RB Rod Bl damns of 301n.(0.78m).The Standard ' A.B. Afte Baing SS SrPRI-B" Penetration Ted Is Caried ad aomrdog B.C.R. Bdore Crag Raroval ST Sheby Ube-2'blmnlurdestiodummemled b ASM 0.15811(Sm-W Vale belam) A.C.R. After Caseg Fina d WB Wash Bon 21 k. Water bad Want WMft dY 21 lam am baeg mrpblbn CR Caoomb Ring Sampler Y oz..Lined Nth 23'X1'Ringo ' SOIL PROPERTIESDESCRIPTIONS TEUM 101111131011IT1011 Sol desk i,am based an eb Wiwi Sol M iflioton Sydmn WSCS)as maimed In AM DespeIae D-2187 and D24M The USCS gap WM darn an Ott boring ' PARTICLE Siff SAND 8 GRAVEL bps mmspad b tm VW nmm Lined below. 71m dm ilpdm rchd ml owomuw ts. Clay <O=mm (<a002 mm) omishM rddha don t dbr and age apprapl, local tens Goal* Sin CMOs" (11075 111118 Dena %by Dry Wegta dasdbtlm d bedodt elan enauaae0.abo is don in ft d calm. Sand /1 b M Slain (4.7510 0.075 mm) im® <15 ftM 3 In.to lI Sim (75 mm to 4.75 bon) am 15-29 ®TOR BmOL mw IIM 6ROoP amp 11M ' Cobble 12 in.to 3 In. (900 mm b 75 mm) rrDow >30 Boudera >12 h (3D)nun) GW Wall Graded Gnsal CL Lan Clay FINES DR Poorly Graded Grant ML Sin GM Say Gravel OL Organic Day a Sin ' Dec m %pypryWWv GC Ontay(naval CH Fin Clay trace C F- - SW wall Graded Sand Im' Easde Sin am 5.12 SP holy Graded Sad ON Orgarb Otaya Sin medda >12 SIA Say Sand PT Prot SC Cam Send CL-CH Iran to Fa Clay E ERIE itOCf Cohessive Solis CMU3KKfM SM CONSISTENCY UNCONFINEDUNCONFINEDWFPRESSIVE STRENGTH100 PLASTICITY Conslsanary 'N'valuevary son a RELATIVE DENSITY 'If0.VALUE' ' LLvY 1d01 • 0.9 Very Sell < 00 <21) Im J It H Loom 1.- Me 000.1-1000 RA•M Lean 45 to Bmphar) arts Medan Dane 10.29 Medan 1001.2000 Ire•eb1 tan b Fa R b 19% vwwfver, m) ism Dame 30.19 SIM 2D01-40DO (96-192) Fat a 5D% Nand >30 Vey Derso a 50 ' Vey Stiff 10DI,IM 1112.M Hob >8001 (>310) BEDROCK1 ' DESCRIPTIONS ' "'c""m w""n0Ogg" W� Q�IBlIV110111 DESCRIPTION OF FOCI(GUALGY ROD(%) LDAESTONE Vey inch 0.25 Had DdloA to scud WIM leda Poor 25-50 Ibdaalely Had Can wheal wish ludfe bA net with li gent. ' Felt So-75 Soft Can be werJled want bganit. Good 75.90 FMIRM 90-Im SHALE Had Can sQat I wW bib bd not with argenail "ROD b ddned as 0m bud b ngM CO sated me dwa.1 India(102rm)or Wade in Lbdadely Hard Can be sQarI with bparai. brgac closed a a pormape of the tad length oaa.ROD Wmides m adralan d h Sdt Cm be rmolded msly with trga Integrity of the rod mina and M13*0 cam d soma and batting dare SANDSTONE CEM OF aFAf1111912111 Wall Cemented Capable of saatrlerg a Imb blade. Cem®ad Can be svadd with bale. t SIM Wmthaed S9pm dentrpaltm of pm material ki pha and owns. hay Cementad Can be bdm opal easy wim legem Wea9eed weldesakpe0 and deoenpomd ohm and warm HIM VrUseaed Rodr It"dmrptmd,may be aaenidy trtlaL NE1IIIIIIB C11II2ACTEpQna ' f0lIITO A�Y�CD�Rm TUN THGOaESS Tarbes) T)O WESS Imnl Wry TNd Bottled >36 >915 Sold Casino no volds. TNd 8dbd 12.3t M5.915 Wgpy Coandlg and pb or eeita<I?(13mn). Mddm Badtlm 4.12 M-305 hreus COeahig msla in salds Mich may be hdememtled. TNn Bedded 1.4 25-102 ' Cimarron Cantahag adds.Mika a Oat law vary7Nn Betdea 0A.1 10.25 laohrab0 0.1-QI 23.10 When dmlcdm d and mmaiab ho bmh aimaad ban daabad TN"warmand <0.1 <2-5 sarpla,con sanpMs and pmagapib muyd7 may rend ore rod"a Bidding Rme RaaadA7dnp ao kdba bye%ban mam d mdn Avnt Recto bmdtywaallyrmaeto Ye a al eaemwsebtebmdrg. ' Smn AMWbboawgol wemwMadSWdegadwmaahg. GeoMalhsBG9labomtorles,Inc. 1 ' GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOGS Drill Hole No. B-1 .. Date: Seotember29.2011 ProJectNo 11077-01 Drilling Company: GeoMat Type of Rig: CME 45 Hole Diameter: 6" Drive Wei ht: 1401bs. Dro 30" Elevation: Existinq Surface GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ' H y1Y O y= i y y LOGGED BY: HMN 0 f SAMPLED BY: HMN 1 SC CLAYEY SAND: 2 Medium to dark brown, fine to medium grained, indurated, dry ' 3 % Passing No.#200 sieve=50 4 ' S 21 cR Is Z 115 7 6 LL TOTAL DEPTH=5FEET ' NO GROUNDWATER 7 HOLE BACKFILLED B 9 1 10 11 t 12 ' 13 , 14 ' 15 18 t 17 t 19 19 ' 20 21 ' 22 ' 23 24 ' 25 ' GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. ' GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOGS Drill Hole No. B-2 Date: Seotember 29, 2011 I Project No 11077-01 Drilling Company: GeoMat Type of Rig: CME 45 ' Hole Diameter: 6" Drive Weight: 1401bs. Dro : 30" Elevation: Existino Surface >> w GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION = C K ' W W a yy, M z 0= y K y LOGGED BY: HMN O N~ � m WO O �U f SAMPLED BY: HMN ' 1 SC CLAYEY SAND 2 Medium brown,fine to medium grained,dry, indurated ' 3 % Passing No.200 sieve=58 4 ' 5 13 CR e € 9 u LL ' 9 7 B 9 ' 10 14 ss e E (D 3 SWSM WELL GRADED SAND WITH SILT c 11 20 Medium brown,fine to coarse grained,moist i 12 ' 13 14 ' 15 17 Ss a u4)i 4 SW WELL GRADED SAND w0 16 Tan brown, fine to coarse grained. % Passing 200 Sieve=4 ' 17 CL LEAN CLAY WITH SAND ' 18 Dark brown, moist,cohesive 19 ' 20 1$ SS ; j€ 24 LL=35 PL=21 P1=14 21 % Passing No. 200 sieve=81 ' 22 ' 23 24 Z 26 16 SS 7 7 > LL 23 LL=35 PL=20 PI=15 9 ' GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. ' GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOGS Drill Hole No. B-2 Date: September 29, 2011 Project No -11077-01 Drilling Company: GeoMat Type of Rig CME 45 1 Hole Diameter: 6" Drive WeI ht: Auto 140lbs. Dro : 30" Elevation: Existing Surface 21, y = C H H, GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION w h 6 N O y= 2= y y LOGGED BY: HMN m OW � G 7V f SAMPLED BY: HMN ' 26 SM SILTY SAND WITH GRAVEL 27 Medium brown,fine to coarse grained ' 28 29 E d ' c v y 30 22 SS e 20 11 SWSM WELL GRADED SAND WITH SILT 13 ' 31 Tan brown,fine to medium grained, moist 32 ' 33 34 ' 35 24 ss e E d 10 16 M fn c 36 p .Light tan brown,fine to coarse grained, moist 1 37 %passing No 200 sieve=7 ' 38 39 19 ' 40 61 ss 27 14 ' 34 Z 41 > ' 42 43 44 y N t C 45 79 SS 32 o_ 16 SM SILTY SAND 47 a! 46 Medium brown,fine to medium grained 47 ' 48 49 y 2 ' 20 y C 50 s$ SS 25 0 24 TOTAL DEPTH=50 FEET, NO GROUNDWATER, 40 HOLE BACKFILLED ' GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. ' GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOGS Drill Hole No. B-3 Date: September 29,2011 Project No 11077-01 Drilling Company: GeoMat Type of Rig: CME 45 ' Hole Diameter: 6" Drive Wei ht: 1401bs. Drop: 30" Elevation: Existina Surface' _ C GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION o= q y g LOGGED BY: HMN . O y~ 0 iO G O �U >c SAMPLED BY: HMN ' 1 SM SILTY SAND 2 Medium to dark brown, fine to medium grained, INDURATED ' 3 % Passing No.200 Sieve=19 4 ' 5 10 CR e H 101 9 a ( `m 6 O 7 9 9 10 10 SS a E SWSM WELL GRADED SAND WITH SILT e � � v 11 p� Tan brown,fine to Coarse grained 1 r 12 1 17 14 ' S N 16 11 SS 5 7 -% Passing No. 200 Sieve= 7 � O 16 ' 17 CL LEAN CLAY WITH SAND ' 18 Tan,brown, moist,cohesive, slightly sandy,slightly cohesive 19 22 LL=34 PL=22 PI=12 20 16 12 N C � LL 21 ' 22 SM SILTY SAND ' 23 Tan brown, fine to coarse grained, moist 24 E N % Passing No.200 sieve= 17 c ' 25 �g SS e a) O TOTAL DEPTH=25 FEET, NO GROUNDWATER 10 HOLE BACKFILLED ' GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. ' GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOGS Drill Hole No. B-4 ' Date: September 29.2011 Project No 11077-01 Drilling Company: GeoMat Type of Rig: CME45 Hole Diameter. 6" Drive Wei;ht: 140lb . Dro : 30" Elevation: Existina Surface ' W GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION LOGGED BY: HMN a ^ m w 7 SAMPLED BY: HMN ' 1 SC CLATYEY SAND* ' 2 Dark brown,fine to medium grained,moist indurated 3 ' 4 4 s 12 SS e € %Passing No.200 sieve=48 e LL B 7 ' - S 17 CL LEAN CLAY WITH SAND S Dark brown,moist,cohesive ' 10 15 SS e Z LL=37 PL=21 PI=16 w 11 > LL %Passing No.200 sieve=82 12 ' 13 14 ' 1e 12 CR a 101 20 10 LL 18 ' 17 18 TOTAL DEPTH=26.5 FEET ' NO GROUNDWATER 19 HOLE BACKFILLED 20 10 ss 4s € g LL 21 ' 22 SM SILTY SAND: Tan brown,silty fine sand,moist 23 24 E d SW WELL GRADED SAND: Brown,fine to very coarse grained c m 25 16 SS T g r] SM SILTY SAND: Brown,silty fine sand 9 1 GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOGS Drill Hole No. B-5 Date: September 29, 2011 Project No 11077-01 t Drilling Company: GeoMal Type of Rig: CME 45 _ Hole Diameter: 6" Drive Wel ht: 140lbs. Drop: 30" Elevation: Existing Surface F q¢= T W N y, GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 0 C w H fWy 06= �_ !? LOGGED BY: HMN 0 q~ m m Do O �U f SAMPLED BY: HMN ' 1 SM SILTY SAND 2 Medium to dark brown,fine to medium grained, indurated, dry ' 3 4 15 5 43 CR 28 c 116 13 a ' 6 7 TOTAL DEPTH=5FEET NO GROUNDWATER ' 8 HOLE BACKFILLED ' 9 10 11 12 ' 13 14 15 ' 16 17 ' 16 16 ' 20 ' 21 22 23 24 ' 25 tGeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX C 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mat,- 1 ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 City of Temecula, California April 23, 2012 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS 100 go 10 Ca 60OL l .. so + c I I �;1, t a) 40 4t ;III 70 d20 - i} I J .. '.l 1r. ,'1t« 10 0 li ICI 1.0E-3 1.0E-3 1.0E-2 1.0E-1 1.0E-0 1.0E-1 1.0EF2 Particle size (mm) unbnoM Fd •o- Laboratory -- USCS%Clay -- USCS%Sa --- USCS%Sand D10 D30 D5o D6o 0.2463 0.7462 1.2051 1.4816 SAMPLE Cu Cc % % % % PERCENT PASSING LOCATION Clay Silt Sand I Coarse No 200 USCS 4 G-�eonn B-2 @ 15' 6 1.5 1.7 3.0 1 9.0 5.3 ASTM 422-63(2002) SW �aG GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Appendix c ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 City of Temecula, California April 23, 2012 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS ,00 - — eoCD II eo I .N 70So I� I ,1 I a � � I 30 III I a 20 l III I I III I 10 al I I ICI I I I II I I i I :I I 1.0E-4 -1.0E-7 1.0E-2 1.0E-1 1.0E-0 1.0E-1 1.0E+2 Particle size (mm) Unimodal Fit O La0orawy --- USCS%Ctay -- USCS%Silt --- USCS%Sana D10 D30 D50 Doo 0.002 0.1960 1 0.5268 1 0.7308 SAMPLE Cu Cc % °h % % PERCENT PASSING LOCATION Clay' Sift Sand Coarse No 200 USCS i'.';+,+-+I G-eo &2 Q 35' 8.2 1.3 1.3 5 85.8 7.9 gSTM 422-03(2002) SWSM Mat GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Appendix m m m ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 City of Temecula, Califomia April 23, 2012 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Cm so I II I I I II I I 70 I I I III I I I'si I I ; III I 6°aI I I ll I I I I s° I I I I I I fi I :III I 40 I I sll III I a� 30 I I I I I I I I I � 20 I I II II II 10 0 I Iii �,i I I I 1.0E-4 1.0E-3 L0E-2 1.0E-1 -,.0E+0 1.0E+1 1.0E+2 Particle. size (mm) — Umffodal Fff O Labomtwy --- USCS%Clay -- USCS%Sift -- USCS%Sand D10 D3o D50 Deo 0.1657 0.7022 1.0671 1.2477 SAMPLE Cu CC 0/0 % % °k PERCENT PASSING LOCATION Clay Silt Sand Coarse No200 USCS G—eso - &3 @ 15' 7.5 2.4 3.5 3.6 92.1 0.8 SWSM #Mat nsTM 422$3(2002) GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Appendix c MM = M M ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 City of Temecula, Califomia April 23, 2012 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS 60 x 50 C: 40 - +-! 30 U to zo - (0 10 - i 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Liquid limit SAMPLE OCA ON % % (%) USCS I' .' -Ge B 2 @ 2lY 35 o. 21 14 CL lrl i GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Appendix c. ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 City of Temecula, Califomia April 23, 2012 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS 60 X 50 � 40 � 30 U to 20 CU a 10 ■- — i 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Liquid limit SAMPLE LL PL PI LOCATION % a/o (%) USCS - -Geo B-2 @ 25' - 35 20 15 CLMatr GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Appendix c ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 City of Temecula, Califomia April 23, 2012 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS 60 — T- -— 1 50 :k=! 30 V U) 20 —�— ca a 10 -L- ----4i;- -4- 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Liquid limit SAMPLE N LL PL PI I ,{ LOCATIO % % (/o) USCS -G-e_o B-3 @ 20' 34 zz 12 CL 1VXM GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Appendix c ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 City of Temecula, Califomia April 23. 2012 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS 60 — xw — v C: ao ,+_�- 30. U W 20 tB ■ a 10 0 0 10 .20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Liquid limit SAMPLE LL PL PI LOCATION % % (%) USCS I at =Geo ad@ 8' 37 21 18 CL ; GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Appendix c ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 City of Temecula, Califomia April 23, 2012 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS �. ,w a 120 Y_ L 100 C so L40 - ----•.� to I 20 to 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 Net normal stress (kPa) x 1 — Moly-C M Envelope ...... 3 - A 2 — 1 • 3 -- 2 SAMPLE AVERAGE FINAL DRY FRICTION COHESION LOCATION MOISTURE MOISTURE DENSITY' ANGLE (psf) USCS I +l*+F Peak Residual Peak Residual Geo B-3 @ 5- 9.1% 18.9% 101.4 pcf SM Mat- 360 35e 79 102 17l GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Appendix c M M M M M M M =1 M = ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 City of Temecula, Califomia April 23, 2012 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS ca 100 .......... 80 C: 60 40 .2 cc 20 (D U) 0 0 so 100 150 200 250 Net normal stress (kPa). X I Mohr-CwlombEmefope 3 A 2 1 A 3 --- 2 SAMPLE AVERAGE FINAL DRY FRICTION COHESION LOCATION MOISTURE MOISTURE DENSITY ANGLE (Pso USCS B-5 @ 5' 13.2% 19.3% 15.5 pcf Peak Residual Peak Residual SM L 33.8- 29.80' -421 397 f GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Appendix c ICTV Facility Project No.11077-01 City of Temecula, California April 23, 2012 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Expansion Index SAMPLE COMPACTED COMPACTED FINAL EXPANSION EXPANSION MOISTURE DENSITY MOISTURE INDEX POTENTIAL L) IPc l°J�_ _ 113_2 ][ 15.5_ JL--2 Very Low 2 IF 10.7 111.6 20.4 51 Medium Sieve Wash Sample % Passing No. 200 Sieve B-1 @ 05' 50 B-2@ 15' 58 B 2@ 20' 81 B-3@ 05' 19 B-3@ 25' 17 B-4@ 05' 48 B-4@ 08' 82 GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Appendix c 9e0 GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. ' Soil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Materials Testing, Geology RESISTIVITY TEST RESULTS Project Name ICTV Test Date 10/12/11 ' Project No. 11077-01 Date Sampled 9/29/11 Project Location SW of Nicolas and Calle Calibri Road, Temecula Sampled By HMN ' Sample Location B-2 @ 0-2' Sample Type Bulk Sample Classification Clayey sand Tested By HMN Definition Soil Resistivity is a measure of how easily electrical current Bows through soils Sample Preparation Sieve sample through No.8 sieve and split out 2130 for small soil box or 1300grm for large soil box. Sample Weight Sample Weight after Sample Weight Passing ' before Drying 2700 grm Drying(45"C315°) - I No.8 Sieve 130 grn Moist Weight 200 gnn Dry Weight 183.5 grm Initial Moisture Content 9% ' Trial Trial Trial Soil Box Constant cm i i RESISTENCE v5 MOISTURE Water Added ml 15 19 27 Moisture % 19.6 23.4 30 CONTENT Meter Dial Reading 1.5 1.4 1.5 Multiplier Settin Ohm 1000 1000 1000 1600 Resistance Ohms 1500 1400 1500 Min.Resistivity(Ohm-cm) 1400 Temperature(°C) 15°C E Rm us=[Rm T(24.5+T)j/40 = 1500 and 1383 5 Water increment : 100-150 ml for large box and 5-15 ml for g small box Resistivity=Resistance X Soil Box Constant. Large Soil Box Constant=6.67 an 1400 Small Soil Box Constant=1 cm R„m,r.s Corrected Minimum Resistivity to Standard Ground Temperature of 15.5°C Res Soil Conosivness istiv Ohmcm Very Severe Corrosion 0-900 1300 - . Severely Corrosive 900-2300 Moderately Corrosive 2300-5000 15 20 25 30 35 Mildly Corrosive 5000-10,000 Very mi dly Corrosive 10,000-100,000 Moisture Content(%) Reference: ASTM STP 1013 titled "Effects of Soil Characteristics on Corrosion"(February, 1989). ' Comments: Type II cement is recommended ' The information in this form is not intended for corrosion 10/12/2011 engineering design. If corrosion is critical,a corrosion Signature Date ' specialist should be contacted to provide further recommendations. Print Name Title 9980 Indiana Avenue•Suite 14•Riverside•Califomla•92603 a Phone(951)688-5400•Fax(951)688-5200 www.geomatlabs.com,contact:a-mall:geomatlabs@sbcglobal.net 1 1 NO GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Soil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Materials Testing, Geology SOLUBLE SULFATE AND CHLORIDE TEST RESULTS Project Name ICTV facility Test Date 10/12/11 ' Project No. 11077-01 Date Sampled 9/29/11 Project Location SW of Nicolas and Calle Calibri Road, Temecula Sampled By HMN Location in Structure B-2 @ 0-2' Sample Type Bulk Sampled Location Clayey sand Tested By HMN TESTING INFORMATION Sample weight before drying 400 grams Sample weight after drying Not recorded Sample Weight Passing No. 10 Sieve 100 grams ' Mixing Dilution Sulfate Sulfate Chloride Chloride Ratio Factor Reading Content Reading Content pH (ppm) m °k m m ' 3 1 50 50 .015 24 72 0.0072 7.4 Avers a 57.5 0.0002 575 Average 72 0.0072 Avers a 7.4 ' ACI 318-05 Table 4.3.1 Re uirements for Concrete Exposed to Sulfate-Containing Solutions Water-Soluble Sulfate(SO4) Maximum Minimum Design Exposure In Soil, — —' Sulfate Sulfate l, In Water Cement Type w/cm Compressive Strength °k b Mass ppm by Mass fc,MPa(psi) Negligible <0.10 < 150 No Special Type 11 ' Moderate IP(MS), IS(MS), (see water) 0.10 to 0.20 150 to 1500 P(MS), 0.50 28(4000) I(PM)(MS), ISM MS ' Severe 0.20 to 2.00 1500 to 10,000 V 0.45 31 (4500) Very Severe >2.00 >10 000 V+Pozz 0.45 31 4500 ' Calfrans classifies a site as corrosive to structural concrete as an area where soil andfor water contains>500pp chloride,>2000ppm sulfate,or has a pH<5.5. A minimum resistivity of less than 1000 ohm-an indicates the potential for corrosive environment requiring testing for the above criteria. The 2007 CBC Section 1904A references ACI 318 for material selection and mix design for reinforced concrete dependant on the onslfe corrosion potential,soluble chloride content,and soluble sulfate content in soil Comments: 1 ' The information in this form is not intended for corrosion Signature Date engineering design. If corrosion is critical,a corrosion specialist should be contacted to provide further recommendations. Print Name Title ' 9980 Indiana Avenue.Suite 14.Riverside.California.92503.Phone(961)688-6400.Fax 1951)688.6200 www.oeomatlabs.com,contact:e-mail:geomatlabs@sbcglobal.net 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX D 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 Mat,_ 1 GALENA v..w e.00 Silly sand 200 teo 100 50 ,0000 0 Analysis: 1 Multiple Stability Analysis Method: Bishop Simplified Surface: Circular -50 Results Cr N,W(minimum) Factor of Safety: 2.15 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Edded: 16*2012 Processed: le Apr2012 Project: ICTV Facilities Global Analysis File: C:1Data FileslUsers My DocumentslAdministratoAGALENA111077.Cut Slope.gmf GeoMat Testing Laboratories,Inc. GALENA 6.00 Analysis Results Licensee: GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Project: ICTV Facilities File: C:\Data. Files\Users My Documents\Administrator\GALENA\11077.Cut Slope.gmf Processed: 16_ Apr 2012 16:59:22 DATA: Analysis 1 - Global Analysis Material Properties (1 material) ------------------- Material: I (Mohr-Coulomb Isotropic) - Silty Sand Cohesion Phi UnitWeight Ru 350.00 30.0 130.00 0.00 Material Profiles (1 profile) ----------------- .Profile: 1 (2 points) Material beneath: 1 - Silty-Sand 0.00 140.00 350.00 140.00 Slope Surface (9 points) ' ------------- 0.00 0.00 25.00 '0.00 55.00 22.00 60.60 21.00 65.00 22.00 100.00 46.00 165.00 55.00 290.00 102.00 315.00 102.00 Failure Surface --------------- Initial circular surface. for critical search defined by: XL,XR,R Intersects: XL: 25.00 YL: 0.00 XR: 290.00 YR: 102.00 Centre: XC: 41.01 YC: 353.64 Radius: R: 354.00 Variable Restraints ------------------- Parameter descriptor: XL XR R Range of variation: 50.00 '50.00 66.00, _ Trial positions within range: 10 10 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RESULTS: Analysis 1 - Global Analysis Bishop Simplified Method of Analysis - Circular Failure Surface -------------------------------------------------- -------- Critical Failure Circle Search using Multiple Circle. Generation Techniques Factor of Safety for initial failure circle approximation: 2.17 There were: 965 successful analyses from a total of 1001 trial circles 36 analyses terminated due to unacceptable geometry Critical (minimum) Factor of Safety: 2.15 Circle and Results Summary (Lowest 99 Factor of Safety circles) -------------------------- g g circle X-Left Y-Left X-Right ht Y-Right ht X-Centre Y-Centre Radius FoS 1 22.22 0.00 298.33 102.00 36.25 -386.75 397.00 2.153 2 22.22 0.00 303.89 102.00 41.55 386.52 387.00 2.153 3 22.22 0.00 298.33 102.00 39.00 379.30 379.67 2.154 4 22.22 0.00 303.89 102.00 44.27 379.03 379.67 2.155 5 22.22 0.00 298.33 102.00 41.76 .371.82 372.33 2.156 6 16.67 0.00 303.89 102.00 41.23 386.22 387.00 2.156" 7 16.67 0.00 298.33 102.00 36.00 386.52 381.00 2.157 8 22.22 0.00 303.89 102.60 46.99 371.51 372.33 2.157 9 16.67 0.00 303.89 102.00 43.91 378.69 379.67 2.157 10 16.67 0.00 298.33 102.00 38.71 379.03 379.67 2.157 11 22.22 0.00 298.33 102.00 44.53 364.32 365.00 2.158 12 16.67 0.00 298.33 102.00 41.43 371.51 372.33 2-.159 13 11.11 0.00 303-.89 102.00 40.84 385.86 387.00 2.159 14 22.22 0.00 309.44 102.00 46.79 386.22 _ 387.00 _ 2.159 15 16.67 0.00 303.99 102.00 46.59 371.13 312.33 2.159 16 22.22 0.00 292.78 102.00 30.86 386.90 387.00 2.160 17 22.22 0.00 303.89 102.00 49.72 363.96 365.00 2.160 18 11.11 0.00 303.89 102.00 43.48 378.28 379.67 2.160 19 16.67 0.00 298.33 102.00 44.17 363.96 365.00 2.160 20 22.22 0.00 298.33 102.00 47.32 356.79 357.67 2.160 21. 22.22 0.00 292.78 102.00 33.66 379.49' 379.67 2.160 22 11.11 0.00 298.33 102.00 35.68 386.22" 387.00 2.161 23 11.11 0.00 298.33 102.00 38.35 378.69 379.67 2.161 24 16.67 0.00 309.44 102.00 46.40 385.86 387.00 2.161 25 16.67 0.00 303.89 102.00 49.29 363.54 365.00 2.161 26 11.11 0.00 303-.89 102.00 46.13 370.68 372.33 2.161 27 22.22 0.00 292.78 102.00 36.46 372.06 372.33 - 2.161 28 22.22 0.00 309.44 102.00 49.46 378.69 379.67 2.162 29 11.11 0.00 298.33 102.00 41.04 371.13 372.33 2.162 30 5.56 0.00 303.89 102.00 40.38 385.43. 387.00 2.162 31 16.67 0.00 298.33 102.00 .46.91 356.39 357.67 2.162 32 22.22 0.00 292.78 102.00 39.27 364.60 365.00 2.163 33 5.56 0.00 303.89 102.00 42.98 377.82 379.67 2.163 34 11.11 0.00 290.33 102.00 43.73 363.54 365.00 2.163 35 22.22 0.00 303.89 102.00 52.47 356.39 357.67 2.163 36 16.67 0.00 309.44 102.00 49.03 378.28 379.67 2.163 37 22.22 0.00 298.33 102.00 50.11 349.22 350.33 2.163 38 11.11 0.00 309.44 102.00 45.94 385.43 387.00 2.163 39 11.11 0.00 303.89 102.00 48.79 363.05. 365.00 2.163 40 5.56 0.00 303.89 102.00 45.60 370.17 372.33 2.164 41 16.67 0.00 303.89 102.00 51.99 355.92 357.67 2.164 42 5.56 0.00 298.33 102.00 35.28 385.86 387.00 2.164 - 43 5.56 0.00 298.33 102.00 - 37.92 378.28 379.67 2.164 44 22.22 0.00 309.44 102.00 52..15 371.13 372.33 2.164 45 11.11 0.00 298.33 102.00 46.44 355.92 357.67 2.164 46 22.22 0.00 292.78 102.00 42.09 351.11 357.67 2.164 47 16.67 0.00 298.33 102.00 49.67 348.78 350.33 2.165 48 5.56 0.00 298.33 102.00 40.57 370.68 372.33 2.165 49 0.00 0.00 303.89 102.00 39.86 384.94 387.00 2.165 50 11.11 0.00 309.44 102.00 48.54 377.82 - 379.67 2.165 51 -16.67 0.00 292.78 102.00 30.69 386.75 387.00 2.165 52 16.67 0.00 292.78 102.00 - 33.44 379.30 379.67 2.165 53 0.00 0.00 303.89 102.00 42.43 377.29 379.67 2.166 54 16.67 0.00 292.78 102.00 "36.21 371.82 372.33 2.166 55 16.67 0.00 309.44 102.00 51.68 370.68 372.33 2.166 56 5.56 0.00 298.33 102.00 43.23 363.05 365.00 2.166 57 5.56 0.00 303.89 102.00 48.22 362.50 365.00 2.166 58 11.11 0.00 303.89 102.00 - 51.46 355.38 357.67 2.166 59 5.56 0.00 309.44 102.00 45.41 384.94 387.00 2.166 60 .16.67 0.00 292.78 102.00 38.98 364.32 365.00 2.166 61 11.11 0.00 298.33 102.00 49.16. 348.26 350.33 2.161 62 0.00 0.00 303.89 102.00 45.01 369.60 372.33 2.167 63 22.22 0.00 292.78 102.00 44.93 349.60 350.33 2.167 64 22.22 0.00 298.33 102.00 52.92 341.62 343.00 2.167 65 22.22 0.00 303.89 102.00 55.22 348.78 350.33 2.167 66 5.56 0.00 298.33 102.00 45.90 355.38 357.67 2.167 67 11.11 0.00 309.44 :102.00 51.15 370.17 372.33 2.167 6B 16.67 0.00 303.89 102.00 54.71 348.26 350.33 2.167 69 16.67 0.00 292.78 102.00 41:76 356.79 357.67 2.167 70 5.56 0.00 309.44 .102.00 47.9B 377.29 379.67 2.168 71 16.67 0.00 298.33 102.00 52.44 341.13 343.00 2,168 72 0.00 0.00 298.33 102.00 37.43 377.82 379.67 2.168 73 22.22 0.00 309.44 102.00 54.84 363.54 365.00 2.168 74 0.00 0.00 29B.33 102.00 40.04 370.17 372.33 - 2.168 75 0.00 0.00 298.33 102.00 34.83 385.43 387.00 2.168 76 5.56 0.00 303.89 102.00 50.86 354.19 351.67 . 2.168 77 0.00 0.00 303.89 102.00 47.60 361.88 365.00 2.168 78 0.00 0.00 309.44 102.00 44.83 3B4.39 387.00 2.168 79 0.00 0.00 298.33 102.00 42.67 362.50 36T.00 2.169 80 16.67 0.00 309.44 102.00 54.34 363.05 365.00 - 2.169 81 11.11 0.00 303.89 102.00 54.14 347.68 350.33. 2.169 82 5.56 0.00 298.33 102.00 4B.58 347.68 350:33 2.169 83 25.00 0.00 290.00 102.00 41.01 353.64 354.00 2.169 84 16.67 0.00 292.78 102.00 44.55 349.22 350.33 2.169 ' 85 11.11 0.00 298.33 102.00 . 51.89 340.57 343.00 2.169 86 22.22 0.00 292.78 102.00 47.77 342.05 343.00 2.169 87 5.56 0.00 309.44 102.00 50.56 369.60 372.33 2.170 88 11.11 0.00 292.78 102.00 35.88 371.51 372.33 2.170 89 0.00 0.00 298.33 102.00 45.30 354.79 357..67 2.110 90 11.11 0.00 292.78 102.00 33.16 379.03 37.9.67 2.170 91 0.00 0.00 309.44 102.00 47.36 376.70 379:67 2.170 92 11.11- 0.00 292.78 102.00 38.61 363.96 365.00 2.170 93 11.11 0.00 309.44 102.00 53.78 362.50 365.00 2.170 94 22.22 0.00 315.00 102.00 51.95 385.86 387.00 2.170 95 11.11 0.00 292.78 102.00 30.44 386.52 387.00 2.170 96 0.00 0.00 303.89 102.00 50.20 354.13 357.67 2.110 97 22.22 0.00 287.22 100.96 32.16 372.20, 372.33 2.170 98 11.11 0.00 292.78 102.00 41.36 356.39, 357.67 2.171 99 22.22 0.00 298.33 102.00 55.74 333.99 335.67 2.171 Critical Failure Circle ----------------------- intersects: XL: 22.22 YL: 0.00 XR: 298.33 YR: 102.00 Centre: XC: 36.25 YC: 386.75 Radius: R: 387.00 Generated failure surface: (20 points) 22.22 0.00 38.11 -0.25 54.00 0.15 69.85 1.21 85.65 2.91 101.37 5.26 116.97 8.26 132.44 11.89 147.75 16.16 162.87 21.05 177.78 26.55 192.45 32.67 206.85 39.38 220.97 46.68 234.77 54.55 248.24 62.98 261.36 71.95 274.09 81.46 236.42 91.48 296.33, 102.00 Slice Geometry and Properties (42 slices) ----------------------------- Slice X-S ------------------- Base --------------------- PoreWater Normal Test X-Left Area Angle Width Length ,Matl Cohesion Phi Weight Force Stress Factor 1 22.22 0.06 -0.9 2.78 2.78 1 350.00 30.0 7.88 0.00 5.42 -1.00 2 25.00 16.-38 -0.9 6.56 6'56 1 350.00 30.0 2129.70 0.00 329.80 1.00 3 31.56 48.57 -0.9 6.56 6.56 1 350-.00 30.0 6314.68 0.00 969.88 .1.00 4 38.11 100.69 1.5 7.94 7.95 1 , 350.00 30.0 13089.54 0.00 1632.72 0.99 5 46.05 145.36 1.5 7.94 7.95 1- 350.00 30.0 18896.21 0.00 2358.83 0.99 6 54.00 127.54 3.8 6.00 6.02 1 ' 350.00 . 30.0 16580.66 0.00 2703.16 0.98 7 60.00 103.91 3.8 5.00 5.01 1 350.00 30.0 13507.96 0.00 2643.62 0.98 8 65.00 109.77 3.8 4.85 4.86 1 350.00 30.0 14270.03 0.00 2B78.15 0.98 9 69.85 206.51 6.2 1.90 7.95 1 350.00 30.0 27114.30 0.00 3318.76 0.98 _ 10 77.75 244.63 6.2 7.90 7.95 1 350.00 30.0 31801.92 0.00 3895.46 0.98 11 85.65 252.32 8.5 7.17 7.25 1 350.00 30.0 32801.16 0.00 4372.57 0.97 12 92.83 279.90 8.5 7.17 7.25 1 350.00 30.0 36387.52 0.00 4853.20 0.97 13 100.00 56.02 8.5 1.37 1.39 1 350.00 30.0 7282.40 0.00 5092.57 0.97 14 101.37 317.72 10.9 7.80 7.95 1 350.00 30.0 41303.33 0.00 5004.39 0.97 15 109.17 314.46 10.9 7.80 7.95 1. 350.00 30.0 40880.24 0.00 4952.83 0.97 16 116.97 307.22 13.2 7.74 7.95 1 350.00 30.0 39939.10 0.00 4821.50 0.91 17 124.71 301.46 13.2 7.74 7.95 1 350.00 30.0 39189.40 0.00 4730.32 0.97 18 132.44 291.34 15.6 7.65 7.95 1 350.00 30.037873.83 0.00 4562.04 0.97 19 140.10 283.13 15.6 7.65 7.95 .1 350.00 30.0 36806.34 0.00 4432.27 0.97 20 141.75 270.31 17.9 7.56 7.95- 1 350.00 30.0 35139.98 0.00 4228.77 0.97 21 155.31 259.74 17.9 7.56 7.95 1 350.00 30.0 33765.76 0.00 4061.50 0.97 22 162.87 71.08 20.3 2.13 2.27 1 350.00 30.0 - 9240.59- 0.00 3897.35 0.97 23 165.00 212.05 20.3 6.39 6.81 1 350.00 30.0 27566.72 0.00 3870.78 0.97 24 171.39 212.32 20.3 6.39 6.81 1 350.00 30.0 27601.59 0.00 3875.76 0.97 25 177.78 242.76 22.6 7.33 7.95 1 350.00 30.0 31558.54 0.00 3909.44 0.97 26 185.11 240.56 22.6 7.33 7.95 1 350.00 30.0 31272.97 0.00 3774.43 0.97 27 192.45 232.83 25.0 7.20 7.95 1 350.00 30.0. 30268.21 0.00 3668.47 0.98 28 199.65 228.17 25.0 7.20 7..95 1 350.00 30.0 29662.00 0.00 3593.64 0.98 29 206.85 217.82 27.3 7.06 7.95 1 350.00 30.0 28316.37 0.00 3449.48 0.99 30 213.91 210.80 27.3 7.06 7.95 1 350.00 30.0 27403.91 0.00 3335.95 0.99 31 220.97 198.09 29.7 6.90 7.95 1 350.00 30.0 25752.08 0.00 3155.57 1.00 32 227.87 188.85 29.7 6.90 7.95 1 350.00 30.0 24549.96 0.00 3004.51 1.00 33 234.77 174.09 32.0 6.74 7.95 1 350.00 30.0 22631.60 0.00 2790.07 1.01 34 241.51 162.76 32.0 6.74 7.95 1 350.00 30.0 21158.31 0.00 2602.77 1.01 35 248.24 146.29 34.4 6.56 7.95 1 350.00 30.0 19017.70 0.00 2356.60 1.02 36 254.80 133.03 34.4 6.56 7.95 1 350.00 30.0 17293.57 0.00 2134.43 1.02 37 261.36 115.23 36.7 6.37 7.95 1 350.00 30.0 14979.42 0.00 1859.08 1.04 38 267.72 100.20 36.7 6.37 7.95 1 350.00 30.0 13026.55 0.00 1603.52 1.04 39 274.09 81.47 39.1 6.17 7.95 1 350.00 30.0 10591.46 0.00 1301.79 1.06 40 280.26 64.87 39.1 6.17 7.95 1 350.00 30.0 8433.30 0.00 1014.42 1.06 41 286.42 29.57 41.5 3.58 4.77 1 350.00 30.0 3844.47 0.00 752.79 1.08 42 290.00 30.67 41.5 8.33 11.12 1 350.00 30.0 3986.62 0.00 270.67 1.08 -------- ------- ---------- X-S Area: 7332.60 Path Length: 301.93 X-S weight: 953237.88 GALENA ve i 6.00 Silly Sand 200 150 100 50 0 — _. Analysis: 1 Multiple Stability Analysis Method: Bishop Simplified Surface: Circular -50 Results Critical(minimum) Factor of Safety* 1.44 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Edbd MApr2012 Pwsad: 16Apr2012 Proiect: ICTV Facilities Global Analysis File: CAData FileslUsers My DocumentslAdministratorlGALENA111077.Cut Slope Seismic gmf GeoMat Testing Laboratories,Inc. GALENA 6.00 Analysis Results Licensee: GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Project: ICTV Facilities File: C:\Data Files\Users My Documents\Administrator\GALENA\11077.Cut Slope Seismic.gmf Processed: 16 Apr 2012 17:39:46 DATA: Analysis 1 - Global Analysis Material Properties (1 material) ------------------- Material: 1 (Mohr-Coulomb Isotropic) - Silty Sand Cohesion Phi UnitWeight Ru 350.00. 30.0 130.00 0.00 Material Profiles (1 profile) ----------------- Profile: 1 (2 points) Material beneath: 1 - Silty Sand 0.00 140.00 350.00 140.00 Slope Surface (9 points) 0.00 0.00 25.00 -0.00 55.00 22.00 60.00 21.00 65.00 22.00 100.00 46.00 165.00 55.00 290.00 102.00 315.00 102.00 Failure Surface --------------- Initial circular surface for critical search defined by: XL,XR,R Intersects: XL: 22.22 YL: 0.00 XR: -303.89 YR: 102.00 Centre: XC: 41.55 YC: 386.52 - Radius: R: 387:00 Earthquake Force ---------------- Pseudo-static earthquake (seismic) coefficient: 0.150 Variable Restraints ------------------- Parameter descriptor: XL XR R Range of variation: 50.00 50.00. 66.00 Trial positions within range: 10 10 10 --------------------------=--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS: Analysis 1 - Global Analysis Bishop Simplified Method of Analysis - Circular Failure Surface Critical Failure Circle Search using Multiple Circle Generation Techniques Factor of Safety for initial failure circle approximation: 1.46 There were: 965 successful analyses from a total of 1001 trial circles 36 analyses terminated due to unacceptable geometry Critical (minimum) Factor of Safety: 1.44 Circle and Results Summary (Lowest 99 Factor of Safety circles) -------------------------- Circle X-Left Y-Left X-Right Y-Right X-Centre Y-Centre Radius FoS 1 22.22 0.00 303.89, 102.00 41.55 386.52 387.00 1.443 2 22.22 0.00 309.44 102.00 46.79 3B6.22 387.00 1.444 3 22.22 0.00 303.89 102.00 44.27 379.03. 379-.67 1.444 4 22.22 0.00 298.33 102.00 36.25 386.75 387.00 1.445 5 16.67 0.00 303.89 102.00 41.23 386.22 387.00 1.446 6 22.22 0.00 298.33 102.00 39.00 379.30 379.67 1.446 7 22.22 0.00 303.89 102.00 46.99 371.51 '372.33 1.446 8 22.22 0.00 309.44 102.00 49.46 378.69 379.67 1.446 9. 16.67 0.00 309.44 102.00. 46.40 3B5.86 387.00 1.446 10 16.67 0.00 303.89 102.00 43.91 378:69 379.67 1.447 11 22.22 0.00 298.33 102.00.- 41.76 371:82 - 372.33 1.447 - 12 22.22 0.00 303.89 102.00 49.72 363.96 365s00 1.448 13 16.67 0.00 309.44 102.00 49.03 378:28 379.67 1.448 14 22.22 0.00 309.44 102.00 52.15 371.13 '372.33 1.448 15 16.67 0.00 303.89 102.00 46.59 371.13 -372.33 1.448 16 22.22 0.00 315.00 102.00 51.95 385.86 387.00 1.448 17 16.67 0.00 298.33 102.00 36.00 386-.52 387.00 1.448 18 11.11 0.00 303.89 102.00 40.84 385.86 387.00 1.448 19 22.22 0.00 298.33 102.00 44.53 364.32 - 365.00 1.448 20 11.11 0.00 309.44 102.00 45.94 385.43 387.00 1.449 21 16.67 0.00 298.33 102.00. 38.71 379.03 379.67 "1.449 22 11.11 0.00 303.89 102.00 43AB 378.28 _ .379.67 1.449 23 16.67 0.00 298.33 102.00 41.43 371.51 372.33 1.450 24 16.67 0.00 303.89 102.00 49.29 363.54 -365.00 1.450 25 16.67 0.00 309.44 102.00 51.68 370.68 372.33 1.450 26 16.67 0.00 315.00 102.00' 51.49 385.A3 387.00 1.450 27 22.22 0.00 303.89 102.00 52:47 • 356t39 357.67 1.450 28 11.11 0.00 309.44 102.00 48.54 377.82 379.67 1.450 29 22.22 0.00 298.33 102.00 47.32 356.79 357.67 1.450 30 11.11 0.00 303.89 102.00 46.13 370:68 372.33 1.451 31 22.22 0.00 309.44 102.00 54.84 363.54 365.00 1.451 32 22.22 0.00 315.00 '.102.00 - 54.59 378.28 '- 379.67, 1.451 33 16.67 0.00 298.33 102.00 44.17 363.96 365.00 1.451 34 22.22 0.00 292.78 102.00 30.86 386.90 387.'00 1.451 35 5.56 0.00 309.44 102.00 45.41 384`.94 387.00, 1.451 36 5.56 0.00 303.89 '102..00 40.38 • 385.43 387.00 1.451 37 22.22 0.00 292.78 102.00 33.66 379.49 379.67 1.452 38 11.11 0.00 298.33 102.00 35.68 386.22 387.00 1.452 39 11.11 0.00 309.44 102.00 51.15 -370.17 372.33 1.452 40 16.67 0.00 303.89 ..102.00 51.99 355.92 357.67. 1.452 41 11.11 0.00 315.00 102.00 50..97 384.94 387.00 1.452 42 5.56 0.00 303.89 102.00 42.98 377.82 379.67. 1.452 43 11.11 0.00 303.89 102.00' 48.79 363.05 365.00 1.452 44 16.67 0.00 309.44 102.00 - 54.34 363.05 365.00 1.452 45 11.11 0.00 298.33 102.00 38.35 378.69 379.67 1.452 46 16.67 0.00 315.00 102.00 54.09 377.82 379.67 1.452 47 22.22 0.00 292.78 .102.00 36.46 372.06 372.33 1.452 48 22.22 0.00 298.33 :102.00 50.11 349.22 350.33 1.452 49 5.56 0.00 309.44 102.00 47.98 377.29 379.67 1.452 50 16.67 0.00 298.33 102.00 46.91 356.39 357..67 1.452 51 11.11 0.00 298.33 102.00 41.04 371.13 372.33 1.453 52 22.22 0.00 303.89 102.00 55.22 348.78 350.33 1.453 53 5.56 0.00 303.89 102.00 45.60- 370.17 372.33 1.453 54 22.22 0.00 292.78 102.00 39.27 364.60 365.00 1.453 55 22.22 0.00 315.00 102.00 57.24 370.68 372.33 1.453 56 22.22 0.00 309.44 102.00 57.55 355.92 357.67 1.453 57 0.00 0.00 309.44 102.00 44.83 384.39 387.00 1.453 58 11.11 0.00 298.33 102.00 43.73 363.54 365.00 1.454 59 0.00 0.00 303.89 102.00 39.86 384.94 387.00 1.454 60 11.11 0.00 315.00 102.00 53.54 377.29 379.67 1.454 61 11.11 0.00 309.44 102.00 53.78 362.50 365.00 1.454 62 11.11 0.00 303.89 102.00 51.46 355.38 357.67 1.454 63 5.56 0.00 309.44 102.00 50.56 369.60 372.33 1.454 64 5.56 0.00 315.00 102.00 50.38 3B4.39 387.00 1.454 65 22.22 0.00 292.78 102.00 42.09 357.11 357.67 1.454 66 16.67 0.00 303.89 102.00 54.71 348.26 350.33 1.454 67 16.67 0.00 298.33 102.00 49.67 348-.78 350.33 1.454 68 5.56 0.00 303.89 102.00 48.22 362.50 365.00 1.454 69 0.00 0.00 303.89 102.00 42.43 377.29 379.67 1.454 70 16.67 0.00 315.00 102.00 56.71 370.17 372.33 1.454 71 0.00 0.00 309.44 102.00 47.36 376.70 379.67 1.455 72 16.67 0.00 309.44 102.00 57.01 355.38 357.67 1.455 13 27.78 2.04 303.B9 102.00 43.94 388.70 387.00. 1.455 74 22.22 0.00 298.33 102.00 52.92 341.62 343.00 1.455 75 11.11 0.00 298.33 102.00 46.44 355:92 357.67 1.455 76 5.56 0.00 298.33 102.00 35.28 385.86 387-.00 1.455 77 5.56 0.00 298.33 102.00 37.92 378.28, 379.67 1.455 78 0.00 0.00 303.89 102.00. 45.01 369.60 372.33' 1.455 79 27.78 2.04 309.44 102.00 49.21 388.44 387.00 1.455 80 16.67 0.00 292.78 102.00 30.69 386.75 387.00 1.455 81 5.56 0.00 298.33 102.00 40.57 370.68, 372.33 1.455 82 16.67 0.00 292.78 102.00 33.44 379.30 379.67 1.455 83 22.22 0.00 292.78 102.00 44.93 349.60 350.33 1.456 ' 84 22.22 0.00 303.89 102.00 57.99 341.13 - 343.00 1.456 85 16.67 0.00 292.70 102.00 36.21 371.82 372.33 1.456 86 5.56 0.00 315.00 102.00 52.92 376.70 379.67 1.456 87 5.56 0.00 309.44 102.00 53.15 361.88 365.00 1.456 88 11.11 0.00 315.00 102.00 56.12 369.60 372.33 1.456 89 22.22 0.00 315.00 102.00 59.90 363.05 365.00 1.456 90 27.18 2.04 303.89 102.00.- 46.64 381.23, 379.67 1.456 91 5.56 0.00 303.89 102.00 50.86 354.79, 357.67 1.456 92 0.00 0.00 309.44 102.00 49.91 368.97 - 372.33 1.456 93 11.11 0.00 303.89 102.00 54.14 347:68 350.33 1.456 94 0.00 0.00 315.00 102.00 49.74 383.79 387.00 1.456 95 5.56 0.00 298.33 102.00 43.23 363.05 . 365.00 1.456 96 11.11 0.00 309.44 102.00 56.41 354.79 357.67 1.456 97 16.67 0.00 292.78 102.00 38.98 364.32 365.00 1.456 98 22.22 0.00 309.44 102.00 - 60.21 348.26 350.33 1.456 99 11.11 0.00 298.33 102.00 49.16 348.26 350.33 1.456 Critical Failure Circle ----------------------- Intersects: XL: 22.22 YL: 0.00 XR: 303.89 YR: 102.00 Centre: XC: 41.55 YC: 386.52 Radius: R: 387.00 Generated failure surface: (20 points) 22.22 0.00 38.40 -0.47 54.59 -0.26 70.75 0.62, 86.87 2.18 102.90 4.41 118.83 1.31 134.62 10.87 150:25 15.09 165.69 19.96 180.91 25.48 195.88 31.62 - 210.59 38.39 225.00 45.76 239.09 53.73 252.84 62.28 266.21 71.40 279.19 81.07 291.76 91.28 303.89 102.00 Slice Geometry and Properties (42 slices) ----------------------------- Slice X-S ------------------- Base -------------------- PoreWater Normal Test X-Left Area Angle Width Length Matl cohesion Phi Weight Force Stress Factor 1 22.22 0.11 -1.7 2.78 2.78 1 350.00 30.0 14.58 0.00 12.44 1.01 2 25.00 17..66 -1.7 6.70 6.70 1 350.00 30.0 2296.18 0.00 353.78 1.01 3 31.70 51.91 -1.7 6.70 6.70 1 350.00 _ 30.0 6747.86 0.00 1025.84 1.01 4 38.40 106.96 0.7 8.09 8.09 1 350.00 30.0 13904.98 0.00 1706.22 0.99 5 46.50 154.16 0.7 8.09 8.09 1 350.00 30.0 20040.96 0.00 2460.51 0.99 6 54.59 117.15 3.1 5.41 5.42 1 350.00 30.0 15228.91 0.00 2742.13 0.98 7 60.00 106.66 3.1 5.00 5.01 1 350.00 30.0 13865.30 0.00 2700.73 0.98 8 65.00 135.30 3.1 5.75 5.76 1 350.00 30.0 17589.14 0.00 2977.96 0.98 9 70.75 223.16 5.5 8.06 8.09 1 350.00 30.0 29010.31 0.00 3444.06 0.97 10 78.81 261.39 5.5 8.06 8.09 1 350.00 30.0 33980.07 0.00 4037.93 0.97 11 86.87 240.39 7.9 6.57 6.63 1 350.00 30.0 31250.17 0.00 4476.38 0.,96 12 93.43 263.95 7.9 6.57 6.63 1 350.00 30.0 34313.37 0.00 4918.30 0.96 13 100.00 121.85 7.9 2.90 2.93 1 350.00 30.0 15841.05 0.00 5139.14 0.96 14 102.90 333.01 10.3 7.96 8.09 1 350.00 30.0 43290.78 0.00 5026.01 0.95 15 110.87 330.24 10.3 7.96 8.09 1 350.00 30.0 42931.20 0.00 4983.92 0.95 16 118.83 323.35 12.7 7.90 8.09 1 350.00 30.0 42035.14 0.00 4832.77 0.94 17 126.72 317.91 12.7 7.90 8.09 1 350.00 30.0 - 41328.46 0.00 4750.68 0.94 18 134.62 307.93 15.1 7.81 8.09 1 350.00 30.0 40030.25 0.00 4564.06 0.93 19 142.43 299.89 15.1 7.81 8.09 1 350.00 30.0 38985.56 0.00 .4443.41 0.93 20 150.25 274.47 17.5 7.38 7.73 1 350.00 30.0 35680,.69 0.00 4227.20 0.93 21 157.62 264.83 17.5 7.38 7.73 1 350.00 30.0 34428.52 - 0.00 4076.47 0.93 22 165.00 281.07 19.7 7.95 8.45 1 350.00 30.0 36538.89 0.00 3942.30 0.93 23 172.95 281.95 19.9 7.95 8.46 1 350.00 30.0 36652.95 0.00 3948.43 0.93 24 180.91 264.92 22.3 7.49 8.09 1 350.00 30.0 34439.35 0.00 3865.03 0.93 25 188.40 263.00 22.3 7.49 8.09 1 350.00 30.0 34189.91 0.00 3836.42 0.93 26 195.88 255.05 24.7 7.35 8.09 1 350.00 30.0 33155.95 0.00 3713.77 0.93 27 203.24 250.51 24.7 7.35 8.09, 1 350.00 30.0 32565.72 0.00 3645.98 0.93 28 210.59 239.72 27.1 7.21 8.09 1 350.00 30.0 31163.74 0.00 3486.90 0.93 29 217.80 232.68 27.1 7.21 8.09 1 350.00 30.0 30247:97 0.00 3381.41 0.93 30 225.00 219.34 29.5 7.05 8.09 1 350.00 30.0 20514.75 0.00 3188.55 0.94 31 232.05 209.93 29.5 7.05 8.09 1 350.00 30.0 27291.09 0.00 3046.92 -0.94 32 239.09 194.38 31.9 6.87 8.09 1 350.00 30.0 25268.89 0.00 2823.09 0.94 33 245.97 182.75 31.9 6.87 8.09.. 1 350.00 30.0 23757.01 0.00 2646.95 0.94 34 252.84 165.33 34.3 6.69 8.09 1 350.00 30.0 21493.44 0.00 2395.12 0.95 35 259.53 151.66 34.3 6.69 8.09 1 350.00 30.0 19715.16 0.00 2186.22 0.95 36 266.21 132.19 36.7 6.49 8.09 1 350.00 30.0 17262.34 0.00 1909.54 0.96 37 272.70 117.24 36.7 6.49 8.09 1 350.00 30.0 15241.32 0.00 1669.69 0.96 38 279.19 84.75 39.1 5.40 6.96 1 350.00 30.0 11017.45 0.00 1390.42 0.97 39 284.60 72.02 39.1 5.40 6.-96 1 350.00 30.0 .9362.39 0.00 1159.22 0.97 40 290.00 20.14 39.1 1.76 2.27 1' 350.00 30.0 2617.94 0.00 973.47 0.97 41 291.76 48.76 41.5 6.06 8.09 1 350.00 30.0 '6339.34. 0.00 613.82 0.99 42 297.82 16.25 41.5 6.06 8.09 1 350.00 30.0 2113.10 0.00 99.00 0.99 X-S Area: 7936.48 Path Length: 307.58 %-S Weight: 1031742.12 GALENA vemone.00 Sty Sand 200 150 100 50 - Analysis: 1 Multiple Stability Analysis Method: Bishop Simplified Surface: Circular -50 Results Critical(minimum) Factor of Safety: 1.87 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 EOd. 16AR2012 Pooceeaetl: 16AW2012 Project• ICN Facilities Analysis for Lower Portion File: CAData FileslUsers My DocumemsWmmistratonGALENA111077.Cut Slope Lower Part.gmf F GeoMat Testing Laboratories,Inc, GALENA 6.00 Analysis Results Licensee: GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Project: ICTV Facilities File: C:\Data Files\Users My Documents\Administrator\GALENA\11077.CUt Slope LowerPart.gmf Processed: 16Apr 2012 17:33:23 DATA: Analysis 1 - Analysis for Lower Portion Material Properties (1 material) ------------------- Material: 1 (Mohr-Coulomb Isotropic) - Silty Sand, Cohesion Phi UnitWeight Ru 350.00 30.0 130.00 0.00 . Material Profiles (1 profile) ---------------- Profile: 1 (2 points) Material beneath: I - Silty Sand 0.00 140.00 350.00 140.00 Slope Surface (9 points) ------------- 0.00 0.00 25.00 0.00 55.00 22.00 60.00 21.00 65.00 22.00 .100.00 .46.00 165.00 55.00 290.00 102.00 . 315.00 102.00 Failure Surface --------------- Initial circular surface for critical search defined by: XL,XR,R Intersects: XL: 27.78 YL: 2.04 XR: 133.00 YR: 50.57 Centre: XC: 23.12 YC: 150.46 Radius: R: .148.50 Variable Restraints --------------'---- Parameter descriptor: XL XR R Range of variation: 50.00 204.00 59.00 Trial positions within range: 30 10 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------=-------------------------------------------------- RESULTS: Analysis 1 - Analysis for Lower Portion Bishop Simplified Method of Analysis - Circular Failure Surface --------------------------------------------------------------- Critical Failure Circle Search using Multiple Circle Generation Techniques Factor of Safety for initial failure circle approximation: 2.08 There were: 763 successful. analyses from a total of 1001 trial circles 238 analyses terminated due to unacceptable geometry Critical (minimum) Factor of Safety: 1.87 _ Negative normal stresses exist. on the base of one or more .slices examine slice data and consult the GALENA Help utility Circle and Results Summary (Lowest. 99 Factor of Safety circles) -------------------------- Circle X-Left Y-Left X-Right Y-Right X-Centre Y-Centre Radius FoS 1 27.78 2.04 133.00 50.57 23..12 150.46 148.50 1.870 2 27.78 2.04 133.00 50.57 20.15 156.90 155.06 1.873 3 27.78 2.04 133.00 50.57 17.20 163.30 161.61 1.877 4 27.78 2.04 133.00 50.57 14.27 169.66 168.17 1.881 5 27.78 2.04 133.00 50.57 11.35 175.99 174.72 1.886 6- 11.11 0.00 133.00 50.57 21.07 148.17 148.50 1.890 7 27.78 2.04 133.00 50.57' -8.45 182.28 181.28 1.892 8 27.78 2.04 133.00 50.'57 5.55 188.55 187.83 1.898 9 11.11 0.00 133.00 50.57 18.29 154.89 155.06 1.898 10 21.19 2.04 133.00 50.57 2.67 194.80 194.39 •1.904 11 27.78 2.04 133.00 50.57. -0.20 201.02 200..94 1.910 12 5.56 0.00 133.00 50.57 20.69 147.73 148.50 '1.911 13 27.78 2.04 133.00 50.57 -3.06 207.23 '207.50 1.917 14 5.56 0.00 133.00 50.57 17.98 154.56 155.06 . 1.921 15 0.00 0.00 133.00 50.57 20.17 - 147.12 .148.50 1.934 16 0.00 0.00 133.00 50.57 17.54 154.06 '155.06 1.945 17 27.78 2.04 110.33 47.43 1.20 148:14 148.50 1.946 18 0.00 0.00 133.00 50.57 14.93 160.92 161.61 1.957 19 27.78 2.04 110.33 47.43 -2.12 154.18 155.06 1.966 20 33.33 6.11 133.00 50.57 26.90 154.47 148.50 1:966 21 33.33 6.11 -133.00 50.57 24.04 160.89 :155.06 1.972 .22 33.33 6.11 133.00 50.57, 21.20 167.27 161.61 1.979 23 27.78 2.04 110.33 47.43 -5.43 160.20 161.61 1.986 24 33.33 6.11 133.00 50.57 18.37 173.61 168.17, 1.986 25 22.22 0.00 155.67 53.71 26.02 181.22 .181.28 1.989 '26 22.22 0.00 155.67 53.71 29.49 174.57 ' 174.72 1.991 27 22-.22 0.00 155.67 53.71 32.19 167.87 168.17 1.993 - .28 33.33 6.11 133.00 50.57 15.55 179.93 .174.72 1.994 29 22.22 0.00 155.67 53.71 34.91 161.11 161.61 1.997 30 33.33 6.11 133.00 50.57 12.74 186.22. 181.28 2.001 31 22.22 0.00 155.67 53.71 _ 37.66 154.29 155.06 2.003 32 16.67 0.00 155.67 53.71 29.21 174.27 - 174.72 2.004 33 16.67 0.00 155.67 53.71 26.60 181.01 181.28 2.004 34 16.67 0.00 155.67 53.71 31.83 167.48 168.17 2.005 35 27.78 2.04 110.33 47.43 -8.73 166.19 168'.17 2.005 36 16.67 0.00 155.67 53.71 24.02 187.69 187.83 2.006 37 16.67 0.00 155.67 53.71 - - 34.48 160.63 - 161.61 2.007 38 16.67 0.00 155.67 53.71 21.46 194.33 194-.39, 2.008 39 33.33 6.11 133.00 50.57 9.95 192.48 187.83 2.010 40 16.67 0.00 155.67 53.71 37.16 153.70 155.06 - L 012 41 22.22 0.00 155.67 53.71 40.44 147.38 148.50 2.012 42 11.11 0.00 155.67 53.71 31.34 166.95 :168.17 2.015 43 11.11 0.00 155.67 53.71 28.78 173.83 174.72 2.016 44 11.11 0.00 155.67 53.71 33.92 159.99 161.61 2.017 45 11.11 0.00. 155.67 53.71 26.25 180.64 181.28 2.018 46 33.33 6.11 133.00 50.57 7.16 198.73 194.39 2.018 47 16.67 0.00 155.67 53.71' 39.87 146.69 148.50 2.018 48 11.11 0.00 155.67 53.71 36.54 152..96 155.06 - 2.020 49 11.11 0.00 155.67 53.71 23.74 187.41 - 187.83 2.021 50 11.11 0.00 155.67 53.71 21.24 194.12 194.39 2.025 51 27.78 2.04 155.67 53.11 26.27- 189.86, 187.83 2.025 52 27.78 2.04 155.67 53.71 _ 23.64 196.38 194.39 2.025 53 27.78 2.04 110.33 47.43, -12.01 172.17 174-.72 2.025 54 27.78 2.04 155.67 53.7,1 28.92 183.31 - 181.28 2.025 55 27.78 2.04 155.67 53.71 21.02 - 202.87 -200.94 2.026 56 33.33 6.11 133.00 50.57 4.38 204.96 200.94 2.026 57 11.11 0.00 155.67 53.71 '39.19 145.82 148.50 2.027 58 27.78 2.04 155.67 53.71 18.41 209.33 207.50 2:027 59 27.78 2.04 155.67 53.71 31.58 176.72 174.72 2.027 60 5.56 0.00 155.67 53.71 30.73 166.27 168.17 2.027 61 5.56 0.00 155.67 53.71 33.25 159.22 161.61 2.028 62 5.56 0.00 155.67 53.71 28.23 173.24 174.72 2.028 63 11.11 0.00 155.67 53.71 18.76 200.80 200.94 2.029 64 27.78 2.04 155.67 53.71 34.27 170.08 168.17 2.030 65 5.56 0.00 155.67 53.71 25.76 180.15 181.28 2.031 _ 66 5.56 0.00 155.67 53.7,1 35.81 152.08 155.06 2.031 67 27.78 2.04 155.67 53.71 36.97 163.39 161.61 2.034 68 33.33 6.11 133.00 50.57 1.61 211.17 207.50 2.035 69 5.56 0.00 155.67 53.71 23.32 186.99 187.83 2.035 70 5.56 0.00 155.67 53.71 38.40 144.82 148.50 2.038 71 27.78 2.04 155.67 53.71 39.70 156.63 155.06 2.040 72 5.56 0.00 155.67 53.71 20:89 193:78 ;194.39 2.040 73 0.00 0.00 155.67 -53.71 30.01 165.47 IL68.17 2.041 74 0.00 0.00 155-.67 _53.71 27.57 172.53 174.72 - '2.042 75 0.00 0.00 155.67 53.71 32.48 • 158.31 161.61' 2.042 76 27.78 2.04 110.33 - 41.43 -15.29 178.13 .181.28, 2.045 77 0.00 0.00 155.67 53.7.1 25.16 179.52 181.28 _ 2.045 78 0.00 0.00 155.67 53:71 34.98 151.06 _ 155.06 2.046 79 5.56 0.00 155.67 53.71 18,47 200.53 200-.94 - 2.046 80 27.78 2.04 155.67 53.71 42.46 149.81 148.50 2.048 81 0.00 0.00 155.67 53.71 22.77 186.45 187.83 2.050 82 5.56 0.00 155.67 53.71 16.07 207.23 207-50 2.053 83 0.00 0.00 155.67 . - 53.71 37.53 143.68 148.50 2.054 84 0.00 0.00 155.67 53.71 20.40 "193.32 194.39 2.055 85 0.00 0.00 155.67 53.71 18.05 200.,13 200.94 2.062 86 27.78 2.04 110.33 47.43 -10.55 184.07 187.83 2.065 87 0.00 0.00 155.67 -53.71 15.71 206..90 207..50 2.070 88 25.00 0.00 167.00 55.75 37.22 117.58- 178.00 2.017 89 21.18 2.04 110.33 47.43 -21.81 189.99 194.39 2.084 90 38.89 10.19 133.00 50.57 30.98 158.47 148.50 2.085 91 38.89 10.19 133.00 50.57 28.23 164.87. 155.06 2.095 92 27.78 2.04 110.33 47.43 25.07 195.91 200.94 2.103 93 38.89 10.19 133.00 50.57 25.50 171.24 161.61 2.105 94 33.33 6.11 110.33 47.43 4.72 151.83 148.50 2.114 95 38.89 10.19 133.00 50.57 22.78 177.58 168.17 2.116 96 27.78 2.04 110.33 47.43 -28.31 201.91 207.50 2.123 97 38.89 10.19 133.00 50.57 20.07 183.89 174:72 2.127 98 33.33 6.11 155.67 53.71 35.79 180.82 174.72 2.128 99 33.33 6.11 155.67 53.71 33.23 187.39 181.28 2.128 Critical Failure Circle ----------------------- Intersects: XL:. 27.78 YL: 2.04" - XR: 133.00 YR: 50.57 Centre: XC: 23.12 YC: 150.46 Radius: R: "148.-50 Generated failure surface: (20 points) 27.78 2.04 34.03 2.37 40.27 2.96 ., 46.48 3.81 52.64 4.93 58.75 6.30 64.80 7.93 70.78 9.82 76.67 11.95 82.46 14.33 88.15 16.96 93.72 19.82 99.17 22%91 104.48 26.23 109.65 29.78 114.66 33.53 119.51 37.50 124.19 41.66 128.69 46.02 133.00 50.57 Slice Geometry and Properties (41 slices) ----------------------------- Slice X-S ------------------- Base --------------------- PoreWater Normal Test X-Left Area Angle Width Length Marl Cohesion Phi - ' Weight Force Stress .Factor 1 27.78 3.33 3.0 3.13 3.13 1 350.00 30:0 433.01. 0.00 126.55 0.99 2 30.91 9.99 3.0 3.13 3.13 1 350.00 30.0 1299.04 0.00 398.99 0.99 3 34.03 16.39 5.4 3.12 3.13 1 350.00 30.0 2130.15 0.00 646.40 0.98 4 37.15 22.59 5.4 3.12 3.13 1 350.00 30.0 2937.15 0.00 897.82 0-.98 5 40:27 28.44 7.8 3.10 3.13 1 350.00 30.0 3697.10 0.00 1118.13 0.97 6 43.37 34.17 7.8 3.10 3.13 1. 350.00 30.0 4442.68 0.00 1348.61 0.97 7 46.48 39.42 10.3 3.08 3.13 1 350.00 30.0 5124.33 0.00 1542.47 0.96 - 8 49.56 44.67 10.3 3.08 3.13 1 350.00 30.0 5806.54 0.00 1752.09 0.96 9 52.64 37.61 12.7 2.36 2.42 1 350.00 30.0 4888.87 0.00 1898.55 0.96 10 55.00 30.29 12.7 1.88 1.92 1 350.00 30.0 3938.10 0.00 1922.99 0.96 11 56.88 28.80 12.7 1.88 1.92 1 350.00 30.0 3743.59 0.00 1826.07 0.96 12 58.75 18.27 15.1 1.25 1.29 1 350.00 30.0 2375.56 0.00 1712.04 0.96 13 60.00 34.28 15.1 2.40 2.49 1 350.00 30.0 4456.21 0.00 1666.86 0.96 14 62.40 33.88 15.1 2.40 2.49 1 350.00 30.0 4404.00 0.00 1646-.79 0.96 15 65.80 43.27 17.5 2.99 3.13 1 350.00 30.0 5624.52 0.00 1661.94 0.96 16 67.79 46.57 17.5 2.99 3.13 1 350.00 30.0 6054.03 0.00 1792.95 0.96 17 70.78 48.94 19.9 2.94 3.13 1 350.00 30.0 6361.95 0.00 1881.90 0.96 18 73.72 51.74 19.9 2.94 3.13 1 350.00 30.0 6726.30 0.00 1993.17 0.96 19 76.67 53.44 22.3 2.90 3:13 1 350.00 30.0 - 6946.57 0.00 2059.43 0.96 20 79.56 55.74 22.3 2.90 3.13 1 350.00 30.0 7246.32 0.00 2151.24 0.96 21 82.46 56.76 24.8 2.84 3.13 1. 350.00 30.0 7379.41 0.00 2195.42 0.96 22 85.30 58.58 24.8 2.84 3.13 1 350.00 30.0 7615.52 0.00 2268.07 0.96 23 88.15 58.95 27.2 2.79 3.13 1 350.00 30.0 7663.19 0.00 2290.83 0.97 24 90.94 60.29 27.2 2.79 3.13 1 350.00 30.0 7837.05 0.00 2344.69 0.91 25 93.12 60.02 29.6 2.12 3.13 1 350.00 30.0 7802.12 0.00 2346.71 0.98 26 96.45 60.89 29.6 2.72 3.13 1 350.00 30.0. 7915.69' 0.00 2382.18 0.98 27 99.17 18.74 32.0 0.83 0.98 1 350.00 30.0 2435.71 0.00 2358.14 0.99 28 100.00 49.34 32.0 2.24 2.64 1 350.00 30.0 6413.73 0.00 2301.48 0.99 29 102.24 46.89 32.0 2.24 2.64 1 350.00 30.0 6096.16 0.00 2182.66 0.99 30 104.48 50.84 34.4 2.58 3.13 1 350.00 30.0 6609.56 0.00 2005.49 1.00 31 107.06 47.19 34.4 2.58 3.13 1 350.00 30.0 6134.87 0.00 1853.85 1.00 32 109.65 42.09 36.8 2.51 3.13 1 350.00 30.0 5472.29 0.00 1659.00 1.01 33 112.15 38.26 36.8 2.51 3.13 .1 350.00 30.0 4973.30 0.00 1497.34 1.01 34 114.66 33.16 39.3 2.43 3.13 '1 350.00 30.0 4310:72 0.00 1297.10 1.03 35 111.09 29.17 39.3 2.43 3-.13 1 350.00 - 30.0 3791.58 0.00 1126.17 1.03 36 119.51 24.15 41.7 2.34 3.13 1 350.00 30.0 3139.61 0.00 921.94 1:05 37 121.85 20.04 41.7 2.34 3.13 1 350.00 .30.0 2604.66 0.00 742.57 1.05 38 124.19 15:19 44.1 2.25 3.13 1 . 350.00 30.0 1974.16 0.00 535.89 1.07 39 126.44 10.98 44.1 2.25 3.13 1 350.00 30.0 1427.81 0.00 348.94 1.07 40 128.69 6.38 46.5 2.16 3.13 1 - 350.00 30'.0 829:80 - 0.00 141.53 1.10 41 130.84 2.13 46.5 2.16 3.13 1 350.00 30.0 276.60 0.00 -52.08 1.10 X-S Area: 1471 84 Path Length: 119.03 X-S Weight: 191339 53 GALENA vm,e.00 silty sand 200 150 100 50 o Analysis: 1 Multiple Stability Analysis Method: Bishop Simplified Surface: Circular •50 Results Critical(minimum) Factor of Safety: 1.36 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 mod: 1SAV2012 woc md: 16ry,r2012 Project: ICN Facilities Analysis for Lower Portion File: C:Zata ReMUsers My DocumentslAdministrator GALENA111077.Cut Slope Lower Part 04smic.gmf GeAt Testing Laboratories,Inc. GALENA 6.00 Analysis Results Licensee: GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Project: ICTV Facilities File: C:\Data Files\Users My Documents\Administrator\GALENA\11077.Cut Slope Lower Part Seismic.gmf Processed: 16 Apr 2012 17:36:04 DATA: Analysis 1 - Analysis for Lower Portion Material Properties (1 material) ------------------- Material: 1 (Mohr-Coulomb Isotropic) - Silty Sand Cohesion Phi UnitWeight Ru 350.00 30.0 130.00 0.00 Material Profiles (1 profile) ---------------- Profile: 1 (2 points) Material beneath: 1 - Silty Sand 0.00 140.00 350.00 140.00 Slope Surface (9 points) ------------- 0.00 0.00 25.00 0.00 55.00 22.00 60.00 21.00 65.00 22.00 100.00 46.00 165.00 55.00 290.00 102.00 315.00 102.00 Failure Surface --------------- Initial circular surface for critical search defined by: XL,XR,R Intersects: XL: 27.78 YL: 2.04 XR: 132.50 YR: 50.50 Centre: XC: 22.67 YC: 150.45 Radius: R: 148.50 Earthquake Force ---------------- Pseudo-static earthquake (seismic) coefficient: 0.150 Variable Restraints ------------------- Parameter descriptor: XL XR R Range of variation: 50.00 207.00 59.00 Trial positions within range: 10 10 10 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESULTS: Analysis 1 - Analysis for Lower Portion Bishop Simplified Method of Analysis - Circular Failure Surface --------------------------------------------------------------- Critical Failure Circle Search using Multiple Circle Generation Techniques Factor of Safety for initial failure circle approximation: 1.45 There were: 762 successful analyses from a total of 1001 trial circles 239 analyses terminated due to unacceptable geometry Critical (minimum) Factor of Safety: 1.36 Negative normal stresses exist on the base of one or more slices - examine slice data and consult the GALENA Help utility Circle and Results Summary (Lowest 99 Factor of Safety circles) -------------------------- Circle X-Left Y-Left X-Right Y-Right X-Centre Y-Centre Radius FOS 1 27.78 2.04 132.50 50.50 22.67 150.45 148.50 1.362 2 27.78 2.04 132.50 50.50 19.69 156.BB 155.06 1.364 3 27.78, 2.04 132.50 50.50 16.74 163.27 161.61 1.366 4 27.78 2.04 132.50 50.50 13.80 169.62 168.17 1.370 5 27.78 2.04 132.50 50.50 10.87 175.94 174.72 1.373 • 6 27.78 2.04 132.50 50.50 7.96 182.23 181.28 1.377 7 27.78 2.04 132.50 50.50 5.07 188.49 187.83 1.382 8 11.11 0.00 132.50 50.50 20.66 148.19 148.50 1.385 9 27.78 2.04 132.50 50.50 2.18 194.73 194.39 1.386 10 27.78 2.04 132.50 50.50 -0.70 200.95 200.94 1.391 11 27.78 2.04 132.50 50.50 - -3.57 207.16 207.50 1.395 -12 5.56 0.00 132.50 50.50 20.29 147.77 148.50 1.402 13 22.22 0.00 155.50 53.68 26.68 181.22 181.28 1.406 14 22.22 0.00 155.50 53.68 29.35 174.58 174.72 1.408 15 5.56 0.00 132.50 50.50 17.58 154.59 155.06 1.409 16 22.22 0.00 155.50 53.68 32.05 167.88 168.17 1.410 17 22.22 0.00 155.50 53.68 34.77 161.12 161.61 1.414 18 0.00 0.00 132.50 50.50 19.78 147.18 148.50 1.419 19 16.67 0.00 155.50 53.68 26.47 181.01 181.28 1.419 20 16.67 0.00 155.50 53.68 29.07 174.28 174.72 1.419 21 22.22 0.00 155.50 53.68 37.52 154.30. 155.06 1.419 22 16.67 0.00 155.50 53.68 23.BB 187.69 187.83 1.419 23 16.67 0.00 155.50 53.68 31.70 167.49' 168.17 1.420 24 16.67 0.00 155.50. 53.68, 21.32 194.33 194.39� 1.420 25 16.67 0.00 155.50 53.68 '34.35 160.64 161.61 1.423 26 27.7B 2.04 155.50 53.68 23.49 196.38 194.39 1.425 27 27.78 2.04 155.50 53.68 20.87 202.86 200.94 1.425 28 27.78 2.04 155.50 53.68 26.13 189.86 187.83 1.425 ' 29 33.33 6.11 132.50 50.50 26.45 154.45- 148.50 1.425 30 27.78 2.04 155.50 53.68 18.26 209.32 207.50 1.425 31 27.78 2.04 155.50 53.68 28.78 183.31 181.28 1.426 32 22.22 0.00 155.50 53.68 40.30 147.40 148.50 1.426 33 0.00 0.00 132.50 50.50 17-.14 154.11 155.06 1.427 34 16.67 0.00 155.50 53.68 37.02 153.71 155.06 1.427 , 35 27.78 2.04 155.50 53.69 31.44 176.72 174.72 1.427 36 11.11 0.00 155.50 53.68 28.65 173.84 174.72 1.429 37 11.11 0.00 155.50 53.68 31.21 166.96 168.17 1.429 38 11.11 0.00 155.50 53.68 26.12 180.66 . 181-.28 1.429 39 33.33 6.11 132.50 50.50 23.58 160.86 - 155.06 1.430 40 27.78 2.04 155.50 53.68, ,34.13 170.08 168.17 1.430 41 11.11 0.00 155.50 53.68 33.79 160.01 161.61 1.431 42 11.11 0.00 155.50 53.68 23.60 187.42 187.83 1.431 43 16.67 0.00 155.50 53.68 .39.74 146.70 148.50 1.433 44 27.78 2.04 155.50 53.68 36.83 163.39 161.61 1.433 45 11.11 0.00 155.50 53:68 21..11 194.13 194.39 1.433 46 33.33 6.11 132.50 50.50 , 20.73 167.23 161.61 1.434 47 11.11 0.00 155.50 53.68 36.41 152.98 155.06 1.434 48 11.11 0.00 155.50 53.68 18.63 200.80 200.94 1.436 49 0.00 0.00 132.50 50.50 14.53 160.96 161.61 1.436 50 27.78 2.04 155.50 53.68 39.56 156.64 155.06 1.438 51 5.56 0.00 155.50 53.68 30.60 166:29 168.17 1.439 52 5.56 0.00 155.50 53.68 28.11 173.26 174.72 1.439 53 33.33 6.11 132.50 50.50 17.89 173.57 168.17 1.439 54 5.56 0.00 155.50 53..68 25..63 180.16 181.28 1.440 55 5.56 0.00 155.50 53.68 33.12 159.24 161.61 1.440 56 11.11 0.00 155.50 53.68 39.06 145.85 148.50 1.440 57 5.56 0.00 155.50 53.68 23.19 187.00 187.83 1.442 58 5.56 0.00 155.50 53.6B 35.68 152.10 155.06 1.443 59 27.78 2.04 155.50 53.68 42.32 149.82 148.50 1.444 60 33.33 6.11 132.50 50.50 15.07 179.88 174.72 1.445 61 5.56 0.00 155.50 53.68 20.75 193.79 194..39 1.445 62 25.00 0.00 167.00 55.75 37.22 177.58 178`.00 1.447 63 0.00 0.00 155.50 53.68 29.88 165.49 168.17 1.448 64 0.00 0.00 155.50 53.68 27.44 172.55 174.72 1.449 65 5.56 0.00 155.50 53.68 38.28 144.85 148.50 1.449 66 5.56 0.00 155.50 53.68 18.34 200.54 200.94 1.449 67 0.00 0.00 155.50 53.68 32.35 158.34 161.61 1.450 68 0.00 0.00 155.50 53:68 25.03 179.54 181.28 1.450 69 33.33 6.11 132.50 50.50 12.26 186.16 181.28 1.451 70 0.00 0-.00 155.50 53.68 22.64 1B6.46 187.83 1.453 71 5.56 0.00 155.50 53.68 15.94 207.24 207".50 1.454 72 0.00 0.00 155.-50 53.68 34.86 151.09 155.06 1.454 73 0.00 0.00 155.50 53.68 20.27 193.33 194.39 1.457 74 33.33 6.11 132.50 50.50 9.46 192.42 187.83 1.457 75 0.00 0.00 155.50 53.68 37.40 143.71 -148.50 1.460 76 0.00 0.00 155.50 53.60 17.92 200.14 200.94. 1.461 77 33.33 6.11 132.50 50.50 6.66 198.66 194-.39 1.463 78 0.00 0.00 155.50. 53.68 15.58 206.91 207.50 1.466 79 33.33 6.11 132.50 50.50 3.88 204.88 200.94 1.469 80 22.22 0.00 178.50 60.08 32.23 207.26 207.50 1.470 81 22.22 0.00 178.50 60.08 34.81 200.55 200.94, 1.473 82 33.33 6.11 132.50 50.50 1.10 211.09 207.50 1.475 83 22.22 0.00 178.50 60.08 37.41 193.79 194.39 1.476 84 16.67 0.00 178.50 60.08 31.91 206.94 207.50 1.419 85 16.67 0.00 178.50 60.08 34.43 200.16 200.94, 1.480 86 22.22 0.00 178.50 60.08 40.03 186'99 187-.63 1.480 87 27.78 2.04 109.50 47.32, 0.32 147.98 148.50 1.481 88 16.67 0.00 178.50 60.08 36.97 193.33 194.39 1.482 89 11.11 0.00 178.50 60.08 31.47 206.50 207.50 1.485 90 16.67 0.00 178.50 60.08 39.52 186.44 187.83 1.485 91 22.22 0.00 178.50 60.08 42.67 1B0.12 181.28 1.486 92 33.33 6.11 155.50 53.6B 35.65 180.82 174.72. 1.486 93 33.33 6.11 155.50 53.68. 33.09 187.39 181.28' 1.486 94 11.11 0.00 178.50 60.08' 33.93 199.64 200.94- 1.486 95 33.33 6.11 155.50 53.68 30.54. 193.92- 187.83 1.487 96 33.33 6.11 155.50 53.68 38.22 174.21 168.17 1.487 97 11.11 0.00 118.50 60.08 36.41 192.74 194.39 1.488 98 33.33 6.11 155.50 53.68 28.01 200.43 194.39 1.488 99 33.33 6.11 155.50 53.68 40.81 167.55 161.61 1.488 Critical Failure Circle ----------------------- Intersects: XL: 27.78 YL: 2.04 XR: 132.50 YR: 50.50 Centre:. XC: 22.67 YC: 150.45 Radius: R: 148.50 Generated failure surface: (20 points) 27.78 2.04 - 34.01 2.38 40.21 2.99. 46.39 3.86 52.52 4.98 58.61 6.36 64.62 8.00 70.57 9.89 76.43 12.02 82.19 14.40 87.86 17.02 93.40 19.88 98.82 22.96 104.11. 26.27 109.25 .29.80 114.24 33.54 119.07 31.49 123.73 41.64 128.21 45.98 132.50 50.50 Slice Geometry and Properties (41 slices) ---------------------------- Slice X-S ------------------- Base --------------------- PoreWater Normal Test - X-Left Area Angle Width Length Marl Cohesion Phi Weight Force Stress Factor 1 27.78 3.29 3.2 3.11 3.12 1 350.00 .30.0 427.21 0.00 120.12 0.98 2 30.89 9.86 3.2 3.11 3.12 1 350.00 30.0 1281.63 0.00 388.22 0.98 3 34.01 16.16 5.6 3.10 3.12 1 350.00 30.0 2101.33 0.00 625.99 0.96 4 37.11 22.29 5.6 3.10 3.12 1 350.00 30.0 2697.33 0.00 872.25 0.96 5 40.21 28.05 8.0 3.09 3.12 1 350.00 30.0 3646.53 0.00 1080.44 0.95 6 43.30 33.71 8.0 3.09 3.12 1 350.00 30.0 4381.80 0.00 1305.16 0.95 7 46.39 38.87 10.4 3.07 3.12 1 350.00 30.0 ,5053.56 0.00 1484.92 0.94 8 49.46 44.05 10.4 3.07 3.12 1 350.00 30.0 5726.16 ' 0.00 1688.38 0.94 9 52.52 39.19 12.8 2.48 2.54 1 350.00 30.0 , 5095.25. 0.00 1823.84 0.94 10 55.00 28.98 12.8 1.80 1.85 1 350.00 30.0 3767.09 0.00 1852.47 0.94 11 56.80 27.59 12.8 1.80 1.85 1 350.00 30.0 3586.54 0.00 1761.13 0.94 12 58.61 20.33 15.2 1.39 1.44 1 350.00 30.0 2643.33 0.00 1637.75 0.93 13 60.00 32.78 15.2 2.31 2.40 1 350.00 30.0 4261.22 0.00 1589.74 0.93 14 62.31 32.39 15.2 2.31 - 2.40 1 350.00 30.0 4211.29 - 0.00 1570.38 0.93 15 64.62 42.48 17.6 2.97 3.12 1 350.00 30.0 5522.14 0.00 1565.55 0.92 16 67.60 45.73 17.6 2.97 3.12 1 350.00 30.0 5945.06 0.00 1690.96 0.92 17 70.57 48.06 20.0 2.93 3.12 1 350:00 30.0 6248.32 0.00 1766.04 0.92 18 73.50 50.82 20.0 2.93 3.12 1 350.00 30.0 6606.97 0.00 1872.06 0..92 19 76.43 52.49 22.4 2.88 3.12 1 350.00 30.0 6823.92 0.00 1924.45 0.92 20 79.31 54.76 22.4 2.88 3.12 1 350.00 30.0 7118:84 0.00 2011.52 0.92 21 02.19 55.77 24.8 2.83 3.12 1 -350.00 30.0 7250.01. 0.00 2042.13 0.92 22 85.02 57.56 24.8 2.83 3.12 1 350.00 30.0 7482.15 0-.00 2110.70 0.92 23 87,86 57.92 27.2 2.77 3.12 1 350:00 30:0 7529,26 0.00 2120.44 0.92 24 90.63 59.23 27.2 2.77 3.12 1 350.00 30.0 7.700.07 0.00 2171.01 0.92 25 93.40 58.97 29.6 2.71 3.12,- 1 350.00 30.0 7665.92 0.00 2160.82 0.93 26 96.11 59.82 29.6 2.71 3.12 1. 350.00 30.0 7777.24 0.00 2193.90 0.93 27 98.82 26.25 32.1 1:18 1.39 1 350.00 30.0 3412.73 0.00 2160.26 0.93 28 100.00 44.77 32.1 2.05 2.42 1 350.00 30.0 5820.15 0.00 2112.42 0.93 29 102.05 42.71 32.1 2.05 2.42 1 350.00 30.0 5552..76.- 0.00 2009.53 0.93 30 104.11 50.38 34.5 2.57 3.12 1 350.00 30.0 6549.67 0.00 1836.56 0.94 31 106.68 46.76 34.5 2.57 3-.12 1 " 350.00 .30.0 - 6078-.82 0.00 1694.72 0.94 32 109.25 41.71 36.9 2.49 3.12 1 350.00 30.0 5422.48 0.00 1502.89 0.95 33 111.74 37.91 36.9 2.49 3.12 1 350.00 30.0 4927.69 0.00 1352.41 0.95 34 114.24 32.86 39.3 2.41 3.12 �'1. 350.00 30.0 4271.48 0.00 1157.82 0.96 35 116.65 28.90 39.3 2.41 3.12 1 350.00 30.0' 3756.83 0.00 999.52 0.96 36 119.07 23.93 41.7 2.33 3.12 1 350.00 30.0 3111:14 0.00 803.61 0.97 37 121.40 19.85 41.7 2.33 3.12 1 350.00 30.0 '2580.89 0.00 638.34 0.97 38 123.73 15.05 44.1 2.24 3.12 .1 350.00 -30.0 1956.40 0.00 442.68 0.99 39 125.97 10.88 44.1 2.24 3.12 1 350-.00 30.0 1414.90 0.00 271.31 0.99 40 128.21 6.33 46.5 2.15 3.12 -1 350.00 30.0 822.44 0.00 77.65 1.00 41 130.35 2.11 46.5 2.15 3.12 - 1 350.00 30.0 274.15 0.00 -98.89 1.00 X-5 Area: 1451.56 Path Length: 118.50 X-S Weight: 188702.73 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX E 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -G�eo Mat 1 r 1 1 LIQUEFACTION ANALYSIS 1 APN 957-140-012 1 Hole No.=B-1 Water Depth=0 ft Magnitude=7 Acceleration=0.495g Shear Stress Ratio Factor of Safety Settlement Sal Description Raw Unit Fines 1 ovo 0 2 0 1 5 0(in J 1 SP3 Weight 12U 58 t Clayey Sand 1 13 120 58 1 to Well Graded Sand wah Sill - 14 110 7 pom Well Graded Sand 17 110 4 1 Lean Clay with Sand 20 18 120 NoLq 1 16 120 NoLq Silty Sand 1 30 I�. Well Graded Sand witch Sift 22 110 7 i 1 24 110 7 40 62 110 7 1 -- 79 120 20 .: ' Silly Sand 1 50 h1=1 S 0.00 in. 65 120 20 CRR — CSR fsl— Saturated — Silty Sand @ Shaded Zone has Liquefaction Potential Unsaturat — 1 1 60 1 � U a 70 r 1 ' 1 Project No. 11077-01 1 ge0ml GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. 1 LIQUEFACTION ANALYSIS CALCULATION SHEET ' Input File .Name: \\gml-serverl\Users My Documents\Administrator\GEOMAT DATMA'NNUAL REPORTS\2011--REPORTS\11000.General\1100B.City and County ' Huntington Beach\11077-water at surface.liq Title: APN 957-140-012 Subtitle: Project No. 11077-01 Hole No.=B-2 Depth of Hole=50.0 ft water Table during Earthquake- 0.0 ft Water Table during In-Situ Testing= 77.0 ft ' Max. Acceleration-0.5 g Earthquake Magnitude=7.0 ' 1. SPT or BPT Calculation. 2: Settlement Analysis Method: Ishihara / Yoshiminet 3: Fines Correction for Liquefaction: ' Stark/Olson et, al.+ -4 . Fine' Correction for Settlement.: During Liquefaction4,. . 5. Settlement Calculation in: All _zones• 6. Hammer Energy Ratio, Ce = 1.60 . 7. Borehole Diameter, Cb= 1.05 8. Sampling Method, Cs- 1.2 ' 9. User request factor of safety (apply to CSR) User= 1 Plot one CSR curve (fsl=l) 10. Use Curve Smoothing: Yes* ' • Recommended Options In-Situ Test Data: ' Depth SPT gamma Fines ft pcf 8 ' 0.0 13.0 120.0 .58".0 5.0 13.0 126.0 58.0 16.0 14 .0 110.0 7.0 15.0 17.0 110.0 4 .0 20..0 18.0 120.0 NoLiq 25.0 16.0 120.0 NoLiq 30.0 22.0 110.0 7.0 35.0 24 .0 110.0 7.0 40.0 62.0 110.0 7.0 45.0 79.0 120.0 20.0 50.0 65.0 120.0 20.0 Output Results: Settlement of Saturated Sands=0.00 in. Settlement of Unsaturated Sands=0.00 in. Total Settlement of Saturated and Unsaturated Sands=0.00 in. Differential Settlement=0.000 to 0.000 in. 1 r 1 1 ' Depth CRRv CSRm F.S. S_sat. S_dry Sall ft in. in. in. 0.00 2.00 0.32 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 0.61 3.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 ' 2.00 2.00 0.67 3.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.00 2.00 0.67 3.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.00 2.00 0.66 3.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 2.00 0.66 3.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 2.00 0.66 3.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 ' 7.00 2.00 0.66 3.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 2.00 0.66 3.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.00 2.00 0.67 3.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.00 2.00 0.67 3.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 ' 11.00 2.00 0.67 3.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 2.00 0.67 3.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.00 2.00 0.68 3.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 14.00 2.00 0.68 3.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 15.00 2.00 0.68 3.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 ' 16.00 2.00 0.68 3.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 17.00 2.00 0.68 3.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.00 2.00 0.68 3.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.00 2.00 0.67 3.54 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 2.00 0.67 3.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 ' 21.00 2.00 0.67 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.00 2.00 0.66 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.00 2.00 0.66 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 2.00 0.66 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25.00 2.00 0.66 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ' 26.00 2.00 0.65 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.00 2.00 0.65 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.00 2.00 0.65 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29.00 2.00 0.65 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 ' 30.00 2.00 0.65 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 31.00 1.96 0.64 3.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 32.00 1.95 0.64 3.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 33.00 1.94 0.63 3.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 34.00 1.93 0.63 3.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 ' 35.00 1.92 0.63 3.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 36.00 1.91 0.62 3.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.00 1.90 0.62 3.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 38.00 1.89 0.61 3.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 39.00 1.88 0.61 3.70 0.00 0.00 0.00 ' 40.00 1.87 0.60 3.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 41.00 1.86 0.60 3.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 42.00 1.85 0.59 3.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 43.00 1.84 0.58 3.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 44.00 1.83 0.59 3.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 ' 45.00 1.82 0.57 3.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.00 1.81 0.57 3.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 47.00 1.80 0.56 3.85 0.00 0.00 0.00 48.00 1.79 0.55 3.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 ' 49.00 1.78 0.55 3.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 50.00 1.77 0.54 3.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 • F.S.<l, Liquefaction Potential Zone (F.S. is limited to 5, CRR is limited to 2, CSR is limited to 2) ' Units: Depth a ft, Stress or Pressure taf (atm), Unit Weight - pcf, Settlement in. CRRv Cyclic resistance ratio from soils CSRm Cyclic stress ratio induced by a given earthquake (with user request factor of safety) F.S. Factor of Safety against liquefaction, F.S.^CRRv/CSRm S sat Settlement from saturated sands ' S-dry Settlement from Unsaturated Sands S all Total Settlement from Saturated and Unsaturated Sands NOLiq No-Liquefy Soils 1 LIQUEFACTION ANALYSIS CALCULATION SHEET Input File Name: \\gml-server I\Users My Documents\Administ rator\GEOMAT DATA\ANNUAL REPORTS\2011 REPORTS\11077\LIQ File.liq ' Title: APN 957-140-012 Subtitle: Project No. 11077-01 Input Data: Hole No.=B-2 Depth of Hole=50.0 ft Water Table during Earthquake= 0.0 ft Water Table during In-Situ Testing= 77.0 ft Max. Acceleration=0.5 g Earthquake Magnitude=7.0 1. SPT or BPT Calculation. 2. Settlement Analysis Method: Ishihara / Yoshimine• 3. Fines Correction for Liquefaction: Stark/Olson et al. ' 4 . .Fine Correction for Settlement: During Liquefaction! 5. Settlement Calculation in: All zones" 6. Hammer Energy Ratio, Ce = 1. 60 7. Borehole Diameter, Cb= -1.05 8. Samping Method, Cs= 1.2 - ' 9. User request- factor of safety (apply to CSR) User= 1 Plot. one CSR.6urve (fsl=l) ' 10. Use Curve Smoothing: Yes* • Recommended Options In-Situ Test Data: ' Depth SPT Gamma Fines ft pcf % 0.0 13.0 120.0 58.0 ' 5.0 13.0 120.0 58.0 10.0 14.0 110.0 7.0 15.0 17.0 110.0 4 .0 ' 20.0 18.0 126.0 NoLiq 25.0 16.0 120.0 NoLiq 30.0 22.0 110.0 7 .0 35.0 24 .0 110.0 7.0 40.0 62.0 110.0 7.0 45.0 79.0 120.0 20.0 50.0 65.0 120.0 20.0 1 Output Results: Calculation segment, dz=0.050 ft User defined Print Interval, dp=1.00 ft 1 1 1 ' CSR Calculation: Depth gamma sigma ge®e' sigma' rd CSR fal CSRfa ft pcf tsf pcf tsf fsI ' 0.00 57.6 0.000 57.6 0.000 1.00 0.32 1.0 0.32 1.00 120.0 0.060 57.6 0.029 1.00 0.67 1.0 0.67 2.00 120.0 0.120 57.6 0.058 1.00 0.67 1.0 0.67 3.00 120.0 0.111 57.6 0.016 0.99 0.67 1.0 0.67 4.00 120.0 0.240 57.6 0.115 0.99 0.66 1.0 0.66 5.00 120.0 0.300 57.6 0.144 0.99 0.66 1.0 0.66 6.00 118.0 0.360 55.6 0.172 0.99 0.66 1.0 0.66 7.00 116.0 0.418 53.6 0.200 0.98 0.66 1.0 0.66 8.00 114.0 0.476 51.6 0.226 0.98 0.66 1.0 0.66 9.00 112.0 0.532 49.6 0.251 0.98 0.67 1.0 0.67 10.00 110.0 0.588 47.6 0.276 0.98 0.67 1.0 0.67 11.00 110.0 0.643 47.6 0.299 0.97 0.67 1.0 0.67 12.00 110.0 0.698 47.6 0.323 0.97 0.67 1.0 0.67 13.00 110.0 0.753 47.6 0.347 0.97 0.68 1.0 0.68 14.00 110.0 0.808 47.6 0.371 0.97 0.68 1.0 0.68 15.00 110.0 0.863 47.6 0.395 0.97 0.68 1.0 0.68 16.00 112.0 0.918 49.6 0.419 0.96 0.68 1.0 0.68 17.00 114.0 0.975 51.6 0.444 0.96 0.68 1.0 0.68 18.00 116.0 1.032 53.6 0.470 0.96 0.68 1.0 0.68 19.00 118.0 1.091 55.6 0.498 0.96 0.67 1.0 0.67 20.00 120.0 1.150 57.6 0.526 0.95 0.67 1.0 0.67 21.00 120.0 1.210 57.6 0.555 0.95 0.67 1.0 0.67 22.01 120.0 1.270 57.6 0.514 0.95 0.66 1.0 0.66 23.00 120.0 1.330 57.6 0.612 0.95 0.66 1.0 0.66 24.00 120.0 1.390 57.6 0.641 0.94 0.66 1.0 0.66 25.00 120.0 1.450 57.6 0.670 0.94 0.66 1.0 0.66 26.00 118.0 1.510 55.6 0.698 0.94 0.65 1.0 0.65 27.00 116.0 1.568 53.6 0.726 0.94 0.65 1.0 0.65 28.00 114.0 1.626 51.6 0.752 0.93 0.65 1.0 0.65 29.00 112.0 1.682 49.6 0.777 0.93 0.65 1.0 0.65 30.00 110.0 1.138 47.6 0.802 0.93 0.65 1.0 0.65 31.00 110.0 1.793 47.6 0.825 0.92 0.64 1.0 0.64 32.00 110.0 1.848 47.6 0.849 0.91 0.64 1.0 0.64 33.00 110.0 1.903 47.6 0.873 0.91 0.63 1.0 0.63 34.00 110.0 1.958 47.6 0.897 0.90 0.63 1.0 0.63 35.00 110.0 2.013 47.6 0.921 0.89 0.63 1.0 0.63 36.00 110.0 2.068 47.6 0.944 0.88 0.62 1.0 0.62 ' 37.00 110.0 2.123 47.6 0.968 0.87 0.62 1.0 0.62 38.00 110.0 2.178 47.6 0.992 0.86 0.61 1.0 0.61 39.00 110.0 2.233 47.6 1.016 0.86 0.61 1.0 0.61 40.00 11D.0 2.288 47.6 1.040 0.85 0.60 1.0 0.60 ' 11.01 112.0 2.343 49.6 1.064 0.84 0.60 1.0 0.60 42.00 114.0 2.400 51.6 1.089 0.83 0.59 1.0 0.59 43.00 116.0 2.457 53.6 1.115 0.82 0.58 1.0 0.58 44.00 118.0 2.516 55.6 1.143 0.82 0.58 1.0 0.58 45.00 120.0 2.575 57.6 1.171 0.81 0.57 1.0 0.57 46.00 120.0 2.635 57.6 1.200 0.80 0.57 1.0 0.57 47.00 120.0 2.695 57.6 1.229 0.79 0.56 1.0 0.56 48.00 120.0 2.755 57.6 1.257 0.78 0.55 1.0 0.55 49.00 120.0 2.815 57.6 1.286 0.78 0.55 1.0 0.55 50.00 120.0 2.875 57.6 1.315 0.77 0.54 1.0 0.54 ' CSR is based on water table at 0.0 during earthquake 1 ' CRR Calculation from SPT or BPT data: Depth SPT Cebs Cr sig=' Cn )N1)60 Fines d(N1)60 (N1)60f CRR7.5 ft tsf 9 0.00 13.00 2.02 0.75 0.000 1.70 33.42 56.00 7.20 40.62 2.00 1.00 13.00 2.02 0.75 0.060 1.70 33.42 58.00 7.20 40.62 2.00 2.00 13.00 2.02 0.75 0.120 1.70 33.42 58.00 7.20 40.62 2.00 ' 3.01 13.00 2.02 0.71 0.110 1.70 33.42 58.00 7.20 40.62 2.00 4.00 13.00 2.02 0.75 0.240 1.70 33.42 58.00 7.20 40.62 2.00 5.00 13.00 2.02 0.75 0.300 1.70 33.42 58.00 7.20 40.62 2.00 6.00 13.20 2.02 0.75 0.360 1.67 33.29 47.80 7.20 40.49 2.00 7.00 13.40 2.02 0.75 0.418 1.55 31.34 37.60 7.20 38.54 2.00 ' 8.00 13.60 2.02 0.75 0.476 1.45 29.82 27.40 5.38 35.19 2.00 9.00 13.80 2.02 0.85 0.532 1.37 32.42 17.20 2.93 35.35 2.00 10.00 14.00 2.02 0.85 0.588 1.30 31.30 7.00 0.48 31.78 2.00 11.00 14.60 2.02 0.85 0.643 1.25 31.21 6.40 0.34 31.55 2.00 12.00 15.20 2.02 0.85 0.698 1.20 31.18 5.80 0.19 31.38 2.00 ' 13.00 15.80 2.02 0.85 0.753 1.15 31.21 5.20 0.05 31.26 2.00 14.00 16.40 2.02 0.85 0.809 1.11 31.27 4.60 0.00 31.27 2.00 15.00 17.00 2.02 0.95 0.863 1.08 35.06 4.00 0.00 35.06 2.00 16.00 17.20 2.02 0.95 0.918 1.04 34.38 4.00 0.00 34.38 2.00 17.00 17.40 2.02 0.95 0.975 1.01 33.76 4.00 0.00 33.76 2.00 ' 18.00 17.60 2.02 0.95 1.032 0.98 33.18 4.00 0.00 33.18 2.00 19.00 17.80 2.02 0.95 1.091 0.96 32.64 4.00 0.00 32.64 2.00 20.00 18.00 2.02 0.95 1.150 0.93 32.15 4.00 0.00 32.15 2.00 21.00 17.60 2.02 0.95 1.210 0.91 30.64 NoLiq 7.20 37.84 2.00 ' 22.00 17.20 2.02 0.95 1.270 0.89 29.23 NoLiq 7.20 36.43 2.00 23.00 16.80 2.02 0.95 1.330 0.87 27.90 NoLiq 7.20 35.10 2.00 24.00 16.40 2.02 0.95 1.390 0.85 26.64 NoLiq 7.20 33.84 2.00 25.00 16.00 2.02 0.95 1.450 0.83 25.45 NoLiq 7.20 32.65 2.00 26.00 17.20 2.02 0.95 1.510 0.81 26.81 NoLiq 7.20 34.01 2.00 ' 27.00 18.40 2.02 0.95 1.560 0.80 28.14 NoLiq 7.20 35.34 2.00 28.00 19.60 2.02 1.00 1.626 0.76 30.99 NoLiq 7.20 38.19 2.00 29.00 20.80 2.02 1.00 1.682 0.77 32.33 NoLiq 7.20 39.53 2.00 30.00 22.00 2.02 1.00 1.738 0.76 33.65 NoLiq 7.20 40.85 2.00 31.00 22.40 2.02 1.00 1.793 0.75 33.73 7.00 0.48 34.21 2.00 ' 32.00 22.80 2.02 1.00 1.848 0.74 33.82 7.00 0.48 34.30 2.00 33.00 23.20 2.02 1.00 1.903 0.72 33.91 7.00 0.48 34.39 2.00 34.00 23.60 2.02 1.00 1.958 0.71 34.00 7.00 0.48 34.48 2.00 35.00 24.00 2.02 1.00 2.013 0.70 34.10 7.00 0.48 34.58 2.00 36.00 31.60 2.02 1.00 2.068 0.70 44.30 7.00 0.48 44.78 2.00 ' 37.00 39.20 2.02 1.00 2.123 0.69 54.24 7.00 0.48 54.72 2.00 38.00 46.80 2.02 1.00 2.178 0.68 63.93 7.00 0.48 64.41 2.00 39.00 54.40 2.02 1.00 2.233 0.67 73.39 7.00 0.48 73.87 2.00 40.00 62.00 2.02 1.00 2.288 0.66 82.64 7.00 0.48 83.12 2.00 ' 41.00 65.40 2.02 1.00 2.343 0.65 16.13 9.60 1.10 17.24 2.00 42.00 68.80 2.02 1.00 2.400 0.65 89.54 12.20 1.73 91.27 2.00 43.00 72.20 2.02 1.00 2.457 0.64 92.86 14.80 2.35 95.21 2.00 44.00 75.60 2.02 1.00 2.516 0.63 96.09 17.40 2.98 99.07 2.00 45.00 79.00 2.02 1.00 2.575 0.62 99.25 20.00 3.60 102.85 2.00 ' 46.00 76.20 2.02 1.00 2.635 0.62 94.64 20.00 3.60 98.24 2.00 47.00 73.40 2.02 1.00 2.695 0.61 90.14 20.00 3.60 93.74 2.00 48.00 70.60 2.02 1.00 2.755 0.60 85.75 20.00 3.60 89.35 2.00 49.00 67.80 2.02 1.00 2.815 0.60 81.47 20.00 3.60 85.07 2.00 50.00 65.00 2.02 1.00 2.875 0.59 77.28 20.00 3.60 80.88 2.00 CRR is based on water table at 77.0 during In-Situ Testing 1 1 Factor of Safety, - Earthquake Magnitude= 7.0: Depth Bi9c, CRR7.5 Reigme CRRv CSRfs MSF CSRm F.S. ' ft tnf tef tnf tef tnf CRRVICSIIM 0.00 0.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.32 1.19 0.27 5.00 1.00 0.04 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.67 1.19 0.56 3.57 2.00 0.08 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.67 1.19 0.56 3.58 ' 3.00 0.12 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.67 1.19 0.56 3.58 4.00 0.16 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.66 1.19 0.56 3.59 5.00 0.20 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.66 1.19 0.56 3.60 6.00 0.23 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.66 1.19 0.55 3.60 7.00 0.27 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.66 1.19 0.56 3.60 ' 8.00 0.31 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.66 1.19 0.56 3.59 9.00 0.35 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.67 1.19 0.56 3.58 10.00 0.38 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.67 1.19 0.56 3.56 11.00 0.42 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.67 1.19 0.56 3.55 12.00 0.45 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.67 1.19 0.57 3.53 ' 13.00 0.49 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.68 1.19 0.57 3.53 14.00 0.52 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.68 1.19 0.57 3.52 15.00 0.56 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.68 1.19 0.57 3.51 16.00 0.60 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.68 1.19 0.57 3.51 17.00 0.63 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.68 1.19 0.57 3.52 18.00 0.67 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.68 1.19 0.57 3.53 19.00 0.71 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.67 -1.19 0.56 3.54 20.00 0.75 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.67 1.19 0.56 3.56 21.00 0.79 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.67 1.19 0.56 5.00 ' 22.00 0.83 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.66 1.19 0.56 5.06 ^ 23.00 0.86 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.66 1.19 0.55 5.00 " 24.00 0.90 2.00 1.00 2.00 0•.66 1.19 0.55 5.00 25.00 0.94 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.66 1.19 6.55 5.00 26.00 0.98 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.65 1.19 0.55 - 5.00 t 27.00 1.02 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.65 1.19 0.55' 5.00 " 28.00 1.06 2.00 1.00 2.00 0.65 1.19 , 0.55' 5.00 " 29.00 1.09 2.00 0.99 2.00 0.65 1.19 0.54 5.00 " 30.00 1.13 2.00 0.99 2.00 0.65 1.19 0.54 5.00 ^ 31.00 1.17 2.00 0.98 1.96 0.64 1.19 0.54 3.63 ' 32.00 1.20 2.00 0.9B 1.95 0.64 1.19 0.54 3.64 33.00 1.24 2.00 0.97 1.94 0.63. 1.19 0.53 3.64 34.00 1.27 2.00 0.96 1.93 0.63 1.19 0.53 3-.65 35:00 1.31 2.00 0.96 1.92 0.63 1.19 0.52 3.66 ' 36.00 1.34 2.00 0.95 1.91 0.62 1.19 0.52 3.67 37.00 1:38 2.00 0:95 1.90 0.62 1.19 0.52 3.68 38.00 1.42 2.00 0.94 1.99 0.61 1.19 0.51 3.69 39.00 1.45 2.00 0.94 1.88 0.61 1.19 0.51 3.70 40.00 1.49 2.00 0.93 1.87 0.60 1.19 0.50 3.71 ' 41.00 1.52 2.00 0.93 1.86 0.60 1.19 0.50 3.72 42.00 1.56 2.00 0.92 1.85 0.59 1.19 0.49 3.74 43.00 1.60 2.00 0.92 1.84 0.58 1.19 0.49 3.76 44.00 1.64 2.00 0.92 1.83 0.58 1.19 0.48 3.78 45.00 1.67 2.00 0.91 1.82 0.51 1.19 0.48 3.80 46.00 1.71 2.00 0.91 1.81 0.57 1.19 0.47 3.82 47.00 1.75 2.00 0.90 1.80 0.56 1.19 0.47 3.85 48.00 1.79 2.00 0.90 1.79 0.55 1.19 0.46 3.87 49.00 1.83 2.00 0.89 1.78 0.55 1.19 0.46 3.89 50.00 1.87 2.00 0.89 1.77 0.54 1.19 0.45 3.92 ' - F.S.<1: Liquefaction Potential Zone. (If above water table: F.S.=5) ^ No-liquefiable Soils. (F.S, is limited to 5, CRR is limited to 2, CSR is limited to 2) 1 • ' CPT convert to SPT for Settlement Analysis: Fines Correction for Settlement Analysis: ' Depth Ic. qc/N60 qCI (N1)60 Fines d(N1)60 (N1)60s ft tsf 4 0.00- - - 40.62 58.0 0.00 40.62 1.00- - - 40.62 58.0 0.00 40.62 2.00- _ - 40.62 58.0 0.00 40.62 3.00- 40.62 58.0 0.00 40.62 4.00- 40.62 58.0 0.00 40.62 5.00- - - 40.62 58.0 0.00 40.62 6.00- - - 40.49 47.8 0.00 40.49 7.00- _ - 38.54 37.6 0.00 38.54 8.00- 35.19 27.4 0.00 35.19 9.00- 35.35 17.2 0.00 35.35 10.00 - - - 31.78 7.0 0.00 31.78 11.00 - - - 31.55 6.4 0.00 31.55 12.00 - - - 31.38 5.8 0.00 31.38 13.00 - - - 31.26 5.2 0.00 31.26 14.00 - - 31.27 4.6 0.00 31.21 15.00 - - - 35.06 4.0 0.00 35.06 ' 1 .00 - - - 34,31 4.0 0.00 34,31 11.00 33.76: 9.0 0.00 33.7676 18.00 33.18 4.0 0.00 33.18 19.00 - - - 32.64 4.0 0.00 32.64 20.00 - - - 32.15 4.0 0.00 32.15 ' 21.00 - - - 37.94 NoLiq 0.00 37.84 22.00 36.43 NoLiq 0.00 36.43 23.00 35.10 NoLiq 0.00 35.10 24.00 - - - 33.84 NoLiq 0.00 33.84 25.00 - - - 32.65 NoLiq 0.00 32.65 ' 26.00 - - - 34.01 NoLiq 0.00 34.01 27.00 35.34 NoLiq 0.00 35.34 28.00 39.19 NoLiq 0.00 38.19 29.00 - - - 39.53 NoLiq 0.00 39.53 ' 31.00 - - - 34.21 NoLiq 0.00 34.15 21 31.00 34.21 7.0 0.00 79.21 32.00 34.30 7.0 0.00 34.30 .. 33.00 34.39 7.0 0.00 34.39 34.00 - - - 34.48 7.0 0.00 34.48 36.00 - _ - 44.78 7.0 0.00 44.78 36.00 94.78 7.0 0.00 99..78 37.00 54.72. 7.0 0.00 54.72 38.00 - - - 64.41 7.0 0.00 64.41 39.00 - - - 73.87 7.0 0.00 73.87 41.00 - _ - 87.24 9.6 0.00 87.12 24 41.00 87.29 9.6 0.00 � 87.24 42.00 91.21 12.2 0.00 91.27 43.00 - - 95.21 14.8 0.00 95.21 44.00 - - 99.07 17.4 0.00 99.07 ' 45.00 - - - 100.00 20.0 0.00 100.00 46.00 98.24 20.0 0.00 98.24 47.00 93.74 20.0 0.00 93.74 48.00 - - - 89.35 20.0 0.00 B9.35 .' 49.00 _ _ _ 65.07 20.0 0.00 85.07 50.00 80.88 20.0 0.00 80.88 (N1)60s has been fines corrected in liquefaction analysis, therefore d(N1) 60=0. Fines=NoLiq means the soils are not liquefiable. 1 Settlement of Saturated Sands: Settlement Analysis Method: Ishihara / Yoshimine" Depth CSRM F.S. Fines (N1)605 Dr at dsz dsp S ft a 4 4 in. in. in. 49.95 0.45 3.92 20.0 81.09 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 49.00 0.46 3.89 20.0 85.07 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 _ 48.00 0.46 3.87 20.0 89.35 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 47.00 0.47 3.85 20.0 93.74 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 46.00 0.47 3.82 20.0 98.24 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 45.00 0.48 3.80 20.0 100.00 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 44.00 0.48 3.78 17.4 99.07 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 ' 43.00 0.49 3.76 14.8 95.21 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 42.00 0.49 3.74 12.2 91.27 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 41.00 0.50 3.72 9.6 87.24 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 40.00 0.50 3.71 7.0 83.12 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 39.00 0.51 3.70 7.0 73.87 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 38.00 0.51 3.69 7.0 64.41 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 37.00 0.52 3.68 7.0 54.72 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 36.00 0.52 3.67 7.0 44.79 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 35.00 0.52 3.66 7..0 34.58 100.00 0.000 0.OEO 0.000 0.000 ' 34.00 0.53 3.65 7.0 34.48 100.00 0.001 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 33.00 0.-53 3.64 7.0 34.39 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 32.00 0.54 3.64 7.0 34.30 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 31.00 0.54 3.63 7.0 34.21 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 30.00 0.54 5.00NoLiq 40.85 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 29.00 0.54 5.00 NoLiq 39.53 100.00 0.000 0.OEO 0.000. 0.000 '. 28.00 0.55 5.00 NoLiq 38.19 100.00 0.000 0.OEO 0.000 0.000 27.00 0.55 5.00 NoLiq 35.34 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 26.00 0.55 5.00 NoLiq 34.01 99.92 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 25.00 0.55 5.00 NoLiq 32.65 96.37 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 ' 24.00 0.55 5.00 NoLiq 33.84 99.47 0.000 0.OEO 0.000 0.000 23.00 0.55 '5.00 NoLiq 35.10 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000. 22.00 0.56 5.00 NoLiq 36.43 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 21.00 0.56 5.00 NoLiq 37.84 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 20.00 0.56 3.56 CO 32.15 15.12 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 19.00 0.56 3.54 4.0 32.64 96.37 0.000 0.OEO 0.000 0.000 18.00 0.57 3.53 4.0 33.18 97.73 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 17.00 0.57 3.52 4.0 33.76 99.24 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 16.00 0.57 3.51 4.0 34.38 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 ' 15.00 0.57 3.51 4.0 35.06 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 14.00 0.57 3.52 4.6 31.27 93.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 13.00 0.57 3.53 5.2 31.26 92.97 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 12.00 0.57 3.53 5.8 31.38 93.25 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 11.00 0.56 3.55 6.4 31.55 93.66 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 10.00 0.56 3.56 7.0 31.78 94.22 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 9.00 0.56 3.58 17.2 35.35 100.00 0.000 •O.OEO 0.000 0.000 8.00 0.56 3.59 27.4 35.19 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 7.00 0.56 3.60 37.6 38.54 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 6.00 0.55 3.60 47.8 40.49 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 ' 5.00 0.56 3.60 58.0 40.62 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 4.00 0.56 3.59 58.0 40.62 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 3.00 0.56 3.58 58.0 40.62 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 2.00 0.56 3.58 58.0 40.62 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 ' 1.00 0.56 3.57 58.0 40.62 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.27 5.00 58.0 40.62 100.00 0.000 O.OEO 0.000 0.000 Settlement of Saturated Sands=0.000 in. qcl and (N1) 60 is after fines correction in liquefaction analysis ' dsz is per each segment, dz=0.05 ft dsp is per each print interval, dp=1.00 ft S is cumulated settlement at this depth 1 .Settlement of Unsaturated Sands: Depth sigma' sigC' (N1)609 CSRfa Gmax g•Ge/Gm g_eff ec7.5 Cec ec der dsp S ft taf taf taf 9 t in. in. in. 0.0 - - 0.00 1.87 0.00 0.32 0.0 O.OEO 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.0000 O.00EO 0.000 0.000 Settlement of Unsaturated Sands=0.000 in. dsz is per each segment, dz=0.05 ft dsp is per each print interval, dp=1.00 ft S is cumulated settlement at this depth Total Settlement of Saturated and Unsaturated Sands-0.000 in. Differential Settlement=0.000 to 0.000 in. -' Units: Depth - ft, Stress or Pressure = tsf (atm), Unit Weight a pcf, Settlement in. SPT Field date from Standard Penetration Tea[ (SPT) 11" Field data from Becker Penetration Teat (BIT) qc Field data from Cone Penetration Teat (CPT) fa Friction from CPT testing. gamma To[al;uni[ weight of soil ganma Effective unit weight of soil Fines Fines content (U D50 Mean grain size ' or Relative Dimity sigma TotEffective verive icalVert carasa Rs f aigma' Effective vertical stress l S9C• Effective confining pressure (taf) rtl Stress reduction coefficient - CRR7.5 Cyclic resistance ratio' IM-7,.5) ' Kaigma Overburden atresa correction factor for CRR7.5 CRRv CPR alter overburden stress correction, CRRv RR7.5 Kaigma F.S. Calculated factor of safety against liquefaction F.S.-CRRv/CSM User User request factor of safety, which may apply to CSR fol First CSR curve in graphic defined in 19 of Advanced page fe2 Intl CSR curve in graphic defined in 19 of Advanced-page CSR Cyclic stress ratio induced by earthquake CSRfa CSRfa-CSR•fal, fall or User, defined in 19 of Advanced page MSF Magnitude scaling factor for CSR CSRM After magnitude scaling correction CSRRA-CSRfa/MSF Cobs Energy Ratio, Borehole Dia., and Sampling Method Corrections ' Cr Rod Length Corrections Cn Overburden Pressure Correction (N1)60 SPT after corrections, '(NI)60-SPT • Cr • Cn , Cobs d(N1)60 Fines correction OC SPT (Nl)60f (N1)60 after fines correctlons, '(N1)6Of-(N1)60 . d(N1)60 Cq Overburden stress correction factor qcl CPT after Overburden Stress correction' dgcl Fines correction of CPT gclf CPT after Fines and Overburden correction, golf-qcl . dgcl gcln CPT after normalization in Robertson's method Kc Fine correction factor in Robertson's Method gclf CPT after Fines correction in Robertson's Method Ic Soil type index in Suzuki•s and Robertson's Methods (N11603. (N1)60 after settlement fines corrections ec volumetric strain for saturated sands dz Calculation segment, dz-0.050 [t der Settlement in each segment, dz dp User defined print interval dap Settlement in each print interval, dp Gmax .Shear Modulus at law strain g eff gartm_OCC, Effective shear Strain g•Ge/Gm gomma_e Cf • G eff/G max, Strain-modulua ratio 80.5 Vol una[ric Strain.[or magnitude-7.5 Coe Magnitude correction factor for any magnitude ec volumetric strain for unsaturated aands, ec Cec ec7.5 NoLiq No-Liquefy Soils ' References: 1. NCEER Workshop an Evaluation of Liquefaction Resistance of Soils. Youd, T.L., and Idrisa, I.M., ads., Technical Report NCEER 97-0022. SP117. Southern California Earthquake Center. Recommended Procedures for Implementation of DMG Special Publication 117, Guidelines for Analyzing and Mitigating Liquefaction in California. University of Southern California. March 2.. RECENT 2ECE ADVANCES IN SOIL LIQUEFACTION ENGINEERING AND SEISMIC SITE RESPONSE EVALUATION, Paper No. SPL-2, PROCEEDINGS: Fourth International Conference on Recent Advances.in Geo[echnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, San Diego,. CA, March 2001. 3. RECENT ADVANCES IN SOIL LIQUEFACTION.ENGINEERING: A UNIFIED AND CONSISTENT FFURMEWORK, Earthquake Engineering Research Centet,Report No. EERC 2003-06 by"R.B Seed and etc. April 2003. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 APPENDIX F 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Matte 1 1 ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 City of Temecula, California April 1, 2012 GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS -, 1.0 GENERAL INTENT — - _ - _ to firth ground,approved by the consultant 3A Moisture Conditioning These specifications present general procedures and requirements for grading andearthwork as .shown on the Overexcavated and processed soils shall be watered, dried- approved grading plans, including preparation of areas to be back, blended, and/or mixed, as required to attain a.uniform filled, placement of fill, installations of subdrains, and moisture content near optimum. excavations. The recommendations contained in the 3.6 Recomgactlon geoteehnical report are a part of the earthwork and grading I, specifications and shall supersede the provisions contained Overexcavation and processed soils which have been property hereinafter in the case of conflict Evaluations performed by the mixed and moisture-conditioned shall be recempacted to a consultant during the course of grading may result in new minimum relative compaction of 90 percent. recommendations which could supersede these specifications or 3.6 Benching ' the recommendations of the geotechnical report. Where fills are to be placed on ground with slopes steeper than 2.0 EARTHWORK OBSERVATIONS AND TESTING 5:1 (horizontal:vertical),the ground shall be stepped or benched. Prior to the commencement of grading, qualified geotechnical The lowest bench shall be a minimum of 15 feel wide,shall be at ' be consultant (soils engineer and engineering geologist,and their least 2, feet deep, shall expose firth materials, and shall ed representatives)shall be employed for the purpose of observing in firm Ate the consultant. Other benches shall Ground excavated earthwork procedures and testing the fills for conformance with fl firth materials fora minimum verb l) 4 feet. Ground sloping the recommendations of the geotechnical report and these flatter than err (horizontal : vertical) .shall be benched or specifications. It will be necessary that the consultant provide otherwise.overexcavated when considered necessary by the adequate testing and observations so that he may,deternine consultant that the work was accomplished as specified. It shall be the 3.7 Approval responsibility of the,contractor to assist the consultant and keep' All areas'to. receive fill, including processed areas, removal schedule his personnel accordingly. areas and toe-of-fill benches shall be approved by the consultant .prior to fill placement. It shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor to provide adequate equipment and methods to accomplish the work in 4.0 FILL MATERIAL ' accordance with applicable grading codes or agency ordinances, 4.1 General these specifications and approved grading plans. If, in the opinion of the consultant, unsatisfactory conditions, such as Material to be placed as fill shall be free of organic matter and questionable soil, poor moisture conditions, inadequate other deleterious, substances, and shall be approved by the ' compaction, adverse weather, etc., are resulting In a quality of consultant Soils of poor gradation, expansion, or strength work less than required In these specifications, the consultant characteristics shall be placed in areas designated by consultant will be 'empowered to reject'.the work and recommend that or shall be mixed with other soils to serve as satisfactory fill construction be stopped until the unsatisfactory conditions are material. rectified. Maximum dry density tests used to determine the 4.2.Overelze degree of compaction will be performed in accordance with ASTM 61557-00 test method. Oversize materials defined as rock, or other irreducible material 3.0 PREPARATION OF AREAS TO BE FILLED with maximum dimension greater than 12 inches, shall not be buried or placed in fills, unless the location, materials, and 3.1 Clearing and Grubbina disposal methods are specifically approved by the consultant. Oversize disposal operations shall be such that nesting of All brush, vegetation, and debris shall be removed or piled and oversize material does not occur, and such that the oversize otherwise disposed of. material is completely surrounded by compacted or densified fill. 3.2 Processing Oversize material shall not be placed within 10 feet vertically of finish grade or within the range of future utilities or underground The existing ground which is determined to be satisfactory for construction,unless specifically approved by the consultant. support of fill shall be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches. Existing ground which is not satisfactory shall be overexcavated as specified in the following section. Scarification shall continue until the soils are broken down and free of large clay lumps or clods and until the working surface is reasonably uniform and free of uneven features which would inhibit uniform compaction. 3.3 Overexcavation ' Soft, dry, spongy, highly fractured or otherwise unsuitable ground, extending to such depth that surface processing cannot adequately improve the condition, shall be overexcavated down GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Appendix F-1 ' ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 City of Temecula, Califomia April 1,2012 4.31m o grading of cut slopes shall be performed. Where fill-over-cut ' If importing fill material is required for grading; import material slopes are to be graded, unless otherwise approved, the cut shall meet the requirements of Section 4.1. portion o1 the slope-shall-be made-and-approved-by the consultant prior to placement of materials for construction of the 6.0 FILL PLACEMENT and COMPACTION fill portion of the slope. 6.1 Fill Lifts 8.0 TRENCH BACKFILLS Approved fill material shall be placed in areas prepared to Trench excavations for utility pipes shall be baekfilled under receive fill in near-horizontal layers not exceeding 6 inches in engineering supervision. compacted thickness. The consultant may approve thicker lifts if After the utility pipe has been laid, the space under and around testing indicates the grading procedures are such that adequate the pipe shall be backfilled with dean sand or approved granular compaction is being achieved with lifts of greater thickness. soil to a depth of at least one foot over the top of the pipe. The Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly mixed sand backfill shall be uniformly jetted into place before the during.spreading to attain uniformity of material and moisture in controlled backfill is placed over the sand. each layer. 6.2 FIII Moisture The onsite materials, or other soils approved by the soil engineer, shall be watered and mixed as necessary prior to Fill layers_at a moisture content less'than optimum shall be placement in lifts over the sand backfill. watered and mixed, and wet fill layers shall be aerated by The controlled backfill shall be compacted to at least 90 percent scarification or.stiall be blended with drier material.. Moisture of the meximum dry density,as determined by the ASTM D1557- conditioning and mixing of fill layers shall continue unfit the fill OO test method. - malarial is,at a uniform moisture content at or near optimum: the backfill procedures shall 3 Compaction of FIII Field density tests and inspection of 5. ' - 'be made by.the soil engineer during backfiiling to see that proper After each layer has.been evenly spread, moisture-conditioned, moisture content and uniform compaction is being maintained. and mixed, it shall be uniformly compacted.to not less thari.90 The contractor shall provide test holes and exploratory pits as percent of maximum dry density. Compaction equipment shall required by the soil engineer to enable sampling and testing. be adequately sized and shall be either specifically designed for soil compaction or of proven reliability, to efficiently achieve the 9.0 DETAILS specified degree of compaction. Toe of Slope Drain Detail ' 6.4 FIII Slopes ' Compacting of slopes shall be accomplished, in addition to o"'vijeeCa=Wm. P - 9 Pe r,Wta iad5ky4 normal Compacting procedures, by baeuolling of slopes with sheepsfoot rollers at frequent increments of 2,to 3 feet in fill elevation gain,,or by other methods producing satisfactory' results.. At the completion of grading,the relative compaction of MrAtt the slope out to the slope face shall be at least 90 percent. ftm, ' 1. SO!GPC=41diE SP0Peam RMW 6.5 Compaction Testing 'Soo ,r vrara C=91a Cap Z Pan arAW Yry 8101rrWr4Fpdr.FEer Field-tests to check the fill moisture and degree of compaction .I F4t+ip!ies uClae(<htleel will be performed by the consultant. The location and frequency 1 4M80,�. Primal np4 OCR 35m of tests shall be at the consuttsnt's discretion. In general, the 4, Pig*mAW aW g Pa a�I VrrtCcttl I P4>t<-4 ht tests will be taken at intervals not exceeding 2 feet in vertical rise 5. Ceraea urEv+aCaPmehr.nmwor., and/or 1,000 cubic yards of embankment. PVMU011 S*OU-1Pa, PeAmtm mdrW r 6. 5*0xa Ppem04 WACcwJCntope 6.0 SUBDRAIN INSTALLATION Pt11 24,10W D ° elm:...., Subdrain. systems, if required, shall be installed in approved } ground to conform to the approximate alignment and details shown on the plans or herein. The subdrain location or materials shall not be changed or modified without the approval of the consultant. The consultant, however, may recommend and upon approval, direct changes in subdrain line, grade or material. All subdrains should be surveyed for line and grade ' after installation and sufficient time shall be allowed for the surveys,prior to commencement of filling over the subdrain. 7.0 EXCAVATION ' Excavations and cut slopes will be examined during grading. If directed by the consultant, further excavation or overexcavation and refilling of out areas shall be performed, and/or remedial GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. ,appendix F-2 ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 City of Temecula, Califomia April 1,2012 ' FlNISM GRADE _ __ _ _ _ _ _ LaWa s<[•:[ :i- -} --e— .+_.'ram �,___ ____FILL _ __ •�-. _�r__'_v �� SLOPE __.C "3 _ __ _ _ _- _r_- .. r �_•«n..c FACE ____�__ (•r r r _` _ -: -� ,•1=[ _=- _ U Y ___ �_ �l\x�L _ _ I _ Mly Is• uIN. ruoveaaraorE .tM1O' ^�L'Fls-3' o _ r-. ' OVERSIZE WINDROW / •F-Ilnxv i ,I.µ GRANULAR SOIL ' dTo lilt voiby p — p noobfaa PROFILE ALONG WiNDROw ' A6LC1 r\wi 1 IO l - _`-�•vYr1.6! rGCORIPi lurLh4 }�-"y-��i � n u CIS f 0 ' O - ' ' � •. =�1_jam___,. QK.I�.�Qn>r•[IJq Y RO1L. a. dsC ara'w mar D.' rfcom•neneee by Pe yeaacnn..a: cLvcu¢un:VaaaC en nclual 1'nb cnrul�lana ancnurtarel. —WILRAL fJ10YnY / CUr-FS1 LOT IxMV[ T7iL -' - s[c W E¢ TES A . 11 _ -!Lr--ifii?-:_ W: __ ' eOe report _—�;r��-((\\IJw_ _ IlYlancwoc YLa am.•.n W[➢41n M1.rs.,w Pp Cv.yys Ynn rLLl[a YpT[V VA \MIN 6e naLa z �r..an n / rlLi'- F.r[wAl [y:Lyvcrar pn[nKau Q.a4 c[ J S ray.rJ rurulw Ker9\20 n iK 4 IL]/ fl. SI'.<1 pn. rmrCOALY PJf11w1 <mKa C.... e V aY Y u n•'tlm.v e• xM� _ s¢v[ WE er[acun PA Ctw; cvr LOT Y r..ro n1 .• MIN Jl6' .fl - IJU o ♦ 23 . LO rwa rrmw� :-.CfIKI -Y _ __ _ _ _ _ ]LOYwIF 1 ,/L..n Yr.ppw a"report wr[1. Y .r.r r. Rr.y,y ryrUr N.rVYn r\iryyl ____��.:�_-_ � _ •� -1Y--- fIKA.GrKL Wp f[CJrtKr -'� yy�� nQ•r.au uc.i•rraco ca:c. m U4 R � h' r.i.v.<e "L•yQ � =_•'O I-� �avr[rr.nLa LQrt.Ar..n �{t \�rnr. B _ .r . 16N nrren v rmroc `�INc rr.w.n ra -- ..r aon[nv¢Km•Irm rwv armn,E QMLL c rtQtncn ono Laa.Yun „ •r..i •M[AY®iJ Q XCt3-JLn!I I,C nLORM1l14C MW VM GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Appendix F-3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i APPENDIX G 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 +Grteo 1 Mat,_ 1 1 ' ICTV Facility Project No. 11677-01 City of Temecula, California April 1,2012 SLOPE MAINTENANCE GUIDELINES Hillside lots in general, and hillside slopes in particular, need "expensive retaining devices. Undercutting of the bottom of a ' maintenance to continue to function and retain their value. Many slope might possibly lead to slope instability or failure and homeowners are unaware of this and allow deterioration of their should not be undertaken without expert consultation. property. In addition to his own property, the homeowner may be subject to liability for damage occurring to neighboring properties as. (h) If unusual racking, settling, or earth slippage occurs on the a result of his negligence. It is therefore important to familiarize property, the homeowner should consult a qualified soil homeowners with some guidelines for maintenance of their engineer or an engineering geologist immediately. properties and make them aware of the importance of maintenance. (i) The most common causes of slope erosion and shallow slope Nature slowly wears away land, but human activities such as failures are as follows: construction increase the rate of erosion 200,even 2,000 times that amount When we remove vegetation or other objects that hold soil {. Gross negligent of the care and maintenance of the ' in place,we.expose it to the action of wind and water,and increase slopes and drainage devices. its chance,of eroding. 4. Inadequate, and/or improper planting. (Barren areas The following guidelines are provided for the protection of the' should be replanted as soon as possible.)homeowner's investment, and should be employed throughout the . year. Excessive or insufficient irrigation or diversion of runoff (a) Care should be taken that slopes, terraces, berms (ridges at over the slope.. ' crown of slopes), and proper lot drainage are not disturbed. y Fool traffic on slopes destroying vegetation and exposing Surface drainage should be conducted from the rear yard to soil to erosion potential._ the street by a graded swale through the sideyard, or ' alternative approved devices. (j) Homeowners should not let conditions on their property create a problem for their neighbors. Cooperation with neighbors (b) In general, roof and yard runoff should be conducted to either could prevent problems; also increase the aesthetic the street or storm drain by nonerosive devices such as attractiveness of the properly. ' sidewalks, drainage pipes, ground gutters, and driveways. Drainage systems should not be altered,without expert WINTER ALERT consultation. (c) All drains should be kept cleaned and unctogged, including It is.especially important to winterize' your property by mid- gutters and downspouts. Terrace drains or penile ditches September. Don't wait until spring to put in landscaping. You need winter protection. Final landscaping can be done later. Inexpensive should be kept free of debris to allow proper drainage. During measures installed by .mid-September will give you protection ' heavy rain periods,performance of the drainage system should quickly that will last all during the wet season. be inspected. Problems, such as gullying and ponding, if observed,should be corrected as soon as possible. C• Check before storms to see that drains, gutters, downspouts, (d) Any leakage from pools,waterlines,etc.or bypassing of drains and ditches are not dogged by leaves and rubble. should be repaired as soon as possible. :• Check after major storms to be sure drains are clear and (e) Animal burrows should be filled since they may cause diversion vegetation is holding on slopes. Repair as necessary. ' of surface runoff, promote accelerated erosion, and even Spot seed any bare areas. Broadcast seeds or use a trigger shallow soil failures. mechanical seeder. A typical slope or bare areas can be done in less than an hour. ' (Q Slopes should not be altered without expert consultation. Whenever a homeowner plans a significant topographic Give seeds a boost with fertilizer. modification of the lot or slope, a qualified geotechnical consultant should be contacted. + Mulch if you can,with grass clippings and leaves,bark chips or ' straw. (g) If plans for modification of cut fill, or natural slopes within a property are considered, an engineering geologist should be ++ Use netting to hold soil and seeds on sleep slopes. consulted. Any oversteepening may result in a need for ' GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Appendix G-1 1 , ICTV Facility Project No. 11077-01 City of Temecula, California April 1,2012 Check with your landscape architect or local nursery for advice. provide other erosion control services — are listed under landscaping'in the phone book. •? Prepare berms and ditches to drain surface runoff water away from problem areas such as steep,bare slopes. Mats of excelsior,jute netting, and plastic sheets can be effective temporary covers, but they must be in contact with the soil and :• Prepare base areas on slopes for seeding by raking the fastened securely to work effectively. surface to loosen and roughen soil so it will hold seeds. ' Roof drainage can be collected in barrels or storage containers or CONSTRUCTION touted into lawns, planter boxes, and gardens. Be sure to cover stored water so you don't collect mosquitoes. Excessive runoff T Plan construction activities during spring and summer,so that should be directed away from your house. Too much water can emsion control measures can.be in place when the rain comes. damage tress and make foundations unstable. v Examine your'site carefully before building. Be aware of the STRUCTURAL RUNOFF CONTROLS slope,drainage patterns and soil types. Proper site design will ' help you avoid expensive stabilization work. Even with proper timing and,planting, you may need to protect Preserve existing vegetation as much as possible. Vegetation disturbed areas from rainfall until the plants have time to establish will naturally,curb erosion, improve the appearance and value themselves. Or you may need permanent ways to transport water ' of your property,and reduce the cost of landscaping later. across your property so that it doesn't cause erosion. G Use fencing to protect plants from fill material and traffic. If you To keep water from carrying soil from your site and dumping it into ' have to pave near trees, do so with permeable asphalt or nearby lots, streets, streams and channels, you need ways to porous paving blocks. reduce'its volume and speed. Some examples of what you might use are: 6 Minimize the length and steepness of slopes by benching, ' terracing, or constructing diversion structures. Landscape Riprap (rock lining) — to protect channel banks from erosive benched areas to stabilize the slope and improve its water flow. appearance.. :• Sediment trap—to stop runoff carrying sediment and trap the ' As soon as possible after grading a site,plant vegetation on all sediment. areas that are not to be paved or otherwise covered. <• Storm drain outlef.protection.— to reduce the speed of water TEMPORARY MEASURES TO STABILIZE THE SOIL Rowing from a pipe onto open ground or into a natural channel. Grass provides the cheapesl.and most effective short-term erosion rf Diversion dike or perimeter dike— to divert excess water to control. It grows quickly and covers the ground completely. To find places where it can be disposed of property. the best seed mixtures and plants,for,your area, check with your local landscape architect, local nursery, or the U.S. Department of 06, Straw bale dike — to stop and detain sediment from small- Agriculture Soil Conservation Service. Mulches hold soil moisture unprotected areas(a short-term measure). and provide ground protection from rain drainage. They also provide a favorable environment for starting and growing plants. Perimeter swale—to divert runoff from a disturbed area or to Easy-to-obtain mulches are grass clippings, leaves, sawdust, bark contain runoff within a disturbed area. chips,and straw. %% Grade stabilization structure — to carry concentrated runoff ' Straw mulch is nearly 100 percent effective when held in place by down a slope, spraying with an organic glue or wood fiber(tackifiers),by punching it into the soil with a shovel or roller,or by tacking a netting over it. Commercial applications of wood fibers combined with various. seeds and fertilizers(hydraulic mulching)are effective in stabilizing sloped areas. Hydraulic mulching with a tackiller should be done in ' two separate applications; the first composed of seed fertilizer and half the mulch, the second composed of the remaining mulch and tackifier. Commercial hydraulic mulch applicators — who also ' GeoMat Testing Laboratories, Inc. Appendix G-2 1