HomeMy WebLinkAbout022703 PTS Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PUBLIC/TRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION FEBRUARY 27, 2003 CALL TO ORDER The City of Temecula Public/Traffic Safety Commission convened in a regutar meeting at 6:00 P.M., on Thursday, February 27, 2003, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. FLAG SALUTE The audience was led in the Flag salute by Commissioner Ramos. ROLLCALL Present: Commissioners Katan, Lanier, Ramos, *Wedel, and Chairman Connerton. Absent: None. Also Present: Director of Public Works Hughes, Senior Engineer Moghadam, Associate Engineer Gonzalez, Fire Battalion Chief McBride, Police Chief Domenoe, Police Lieutenant Nelson, Police Sergeant Tyler, Administrative Secretary Pyle, and Minute Clerk Hansen. * (Commissioner Wedel arrived at 6:13 P.M.) PRESENTATIONS/PROCLAMATIONS Introduction of the New traffic Police Serqeant and Lieutenant Police Chief Domenoe introduced Police Sergeant Tyler who would serve as the Police Department liaison for the Public/Traffic Safety Commission as well as serving as Sergeant of the Traffic Division; and introduced Police Lieutenant Davis who would be in charge of the Police Patrol and Traffic Programs. In response to Chairman Connerton, Police Chief Domenoe advised that as a result of the additional duty of the Citizen Corps that was added to Police Lieutenant Pingel's responsibilities, it became necessary to re-assign the traffic duties. R:\trafficminutes'~22703 I Chairman Connerton welcomed Police Sergeant Tyler and Police Lieutenant Davis aboard. Fire Paramedic Squad Update and Demonstration of New Rescue Units Fire Captain Greg Adams updated the Public/Traffic Safety Commission regarding Temecula's Paramedic Program, relaying the recently added paramedic unit, the two new Ford 550 paramedic vehicles, and the six additional medics hired; and invited the Public/Traffic Safety Commission to come down to the parking lot at the break or after the meeting to view the paramedic rescue units which were equipped with the Fire Mapping Program. PUBLIC COMMENTS No comments. COMMISSION CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the Minutes of January 23, 2003. MOTION: Commissioner Lanier moved to approve Consent Calendar item No. 1. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Katan and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Wedel who had not yet arrived to the meeting. COMMISSION BUSINESS 2. State Route 79 North (Winchester Road) - Construction Scheduling RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission receive and file the report. Ms. Elaine Johnson, a representative from Supervisor Venable's office, provided an update of County and Caltrans traffic improvements on Highway 79 North (Winchester Road), highlighting the six signals currently scheduled on this roadway, specifying each location and the anticipated timeframe for the completion of each signal; noted the increased enforcement in this area; advised that Highway 79 North was scheduled to be widened to four lanes from Hunter Road to Domenigoni Parkway, noting that ultimately this highway would be improved to six lanes. It is noted that Commissioner Wedel arrived at 6:13 P.M. in response to Chairman Connerton, Ms. Johnson provided additional information regarding the three corridors which would connect Highway 79 North to the 215 Freeway, specifying the location of these corridors and the expected timeframe for each project's process; relayed efforts with San Diego County to identify an additional north/south corridor which would connect from the 10 Freeway over to San Diego County; relayed the planned widening of the 215 Freeway by six lanes and the 1-15 Freeway by four lanes to the San Diego County border, reiterating the importance of working with San Diego County regarding these improvements; noted that at this time there were no immediate scheduled connections for the 1-15 scheduled to connect to the 215 Freeway; and acknowledged that the opening of the Diamond Valley Lake was anticipated to create additional traffic. For Commissioner Katan, Ms. Johnson relayed that Caltrans would most likely start the widening project on the 215 Freeway within the next couple of years. Chairman Connerton thanked Ms. Johnson for the informational update. It is noted that the Public/Traffic Safety Commission received and filed this report. Request for Multi-Way Stop Signs - Butterfield Stage Road and Channel Street/Welton Way RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission recommend that the City Council and the County Board of Supervisors adopt a resolution establishing Multi-Way Stop signs at the intersection of Butterfield Stage Road and Welton Way/Channel Street. Senior Engineer Moghadam provided an overview of the staff report (of record), noting the requests that the City and City Council had received in the past months to establish an all-way stop at the intersection of Butterfield Stage Road and Channel Street/Welton Way, noting the proximate school on Butterfield Stage Road; relayed that since the Public/Traffic Safety Commission reviewed this item in April of 2002 the volumes of traffic on Channel Street and Welton Way have increased, ergo the current analysis now demonstrated that this area warrants installation of a four-way stop; advised that the County Department of Transportation concurred with the recommendation to place an interim stop sign at this location, and would additionally recommend that this intersection be placed on the signal priority list so as in the future when this location meets the warrants it would become a signalized intersection. For Commissioner Katan, Senior Engineer Moghadam noted that in discussions with the County it had been relayed that the developer of the new homes on the east side of this location was not required to fund the installation of a signal, advising that the County collects signal mitigation fees from developers and subsequently prioritizes the need for signals and installs the signals based on those priorities. Mr. Brad Clark, 45818 Corte Carmello, requested that the Public/Traffic Safety Commission recommend approval of this particular stop sign, noting the dangers associated with children crossing at this uncontrolled location. R:\/rafficr~nutes\022703 3 Ms. Cindy Valdivieso, 32502 Corte Zaragoza, presented photographs, by way of overheads, demonstrating the heavy traffic congestion in this area while young teens from the middle school cross at this uncontrolled intersection. The Public/Traffic Safety Commission voiced their concurrence with the recommendation to install a four-way stop at this location. Chairman Connerton relayed his concern regarding Ms. Valdivieso's comment with respect to vehicles being parked two rows out from the curb in this area to pick up and drop off school children, requesting that Police enforcement be increased in this area. MOTION: Commissioner Ramos moved to approve staff's recommendation. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wedel and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. For Chairman Connerton, Senior Engineer Moghadam relayed that on the signal priority list, this location was not denoted as one of the top ten locations. MOTION: Commissioner Katan moved to recommend that on the signal priority list this intersection (Butted'ield Stage Road and Channel Street/Welton Way) be moved up on the signal prioritization list to a Number 11 priority. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lanier (Ultimately this motion was amended.) For informational purposes, Director of Public Works Hughes recommended that the Public/Traffic Safety Commission not place a specific priority number on the installation of this signal since at this time the Public/Traffic Safety Commission did not have data to review regarding the importance of the existing prioritized signals, suggesting that the Public/Traffic Safety Commission request staff to review this intersection and rate it in accordance to its priority with the alternate locations on the list, confirming, for Chairman Connerton, that staff could provide further information regarding the determined priority level in a future Engineer's Report. AMENDED MOTION: Commissioner Katan moved to wait for staff's recommendation to come back to the Commission with the appropriate ranking for the signalization of this intersection. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lanier. (Ultimately this motion failed due to the Public/Traffic Safety Commission opting not to take a voice vote; see below.) Since the Public/Traffic Safety Commission was recommending that staff bring this item back to the Commission, Chairman Connerton relayed that there was no need for the Public/Traffic Safety Commission to take action at this time, ergo voice vote for the motion was not taken. Promenade Chardonnay Hills - Multi-Way Stop Si,qns RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission continue the discussion of the Promenade Chardonnay Hills request for Multi-Way Stop signs. R:\traffic~nutes\022703 4 By way of overhead photographs, Director of Public Works Hughes presented the staff report (per agenda material), reiterating staff's request at the January 23rd Public/Traffic Safety Commission meeting to investigate alternative options with the goal of attempting to reduce the speeds on Promenade Chardonnay Hills down below the 85th percentile of the speeds traveled at this time (which was 30 MPH); relayed that he met with the HOA at the February 6th HOA meeting, receiving additional input, as well as Tuesday, February 25th with two members of the HOA Board to introduce an alternative option for consideration, clarifying that the Board Members desired to get concurrence from the Board prior to proceeding; specified the option being considered whereby street striping would be installed in a test section of the roadway whereupon the striping pattern would designate an eight-foot area for vehicular street parking, a bike lane toward the center lane, and a ten-foot travel lane which would aid in defining a smaller driving area in hopes of slowing the vehicular speeds; with respect to cut-through traffic, advised that a study was conducted by an independent firm which determined that approximately sixteen percent (16%) of vehicles using this road during the peak hours were generated from cut-through movements which totaled under 200 cars a day; relayed that 5300 vehicles per day were traveling on Meadows Parkway which had even greater capacity; advised that it was staff's recommendation that the Public/Traffic Safety Commission discuss the alternate option, provide direction as to whether staff should proceed to implement this striping and signage in a test area in order to evaluate the effectiveness in slowing vehicles, recommending that staff not proceed until after the HOA provides its endorsement as well. Commissioner Wedel commented on the benefits of the study, which confirmed that this area was being utilized by cut-through traffic; with respect to the striping recommendation, relayed that striping in the Temeku Hills area did not prove to reduce vehicular speeds. In response, Director of Public Works Hughes advised that this proposed striping would create lanes which were ten-feet in width rather than fourteen feet as was done in the Temeku Hills area. Relaying kudos to staff, Commissioner Wedel noted the value of gathering data and subsequently making determinations. For Commissioner Katan, Director of Public Works Hughes relayed that although it was well known within the field that narrower streets would slow traffic down, there was no supporting data revealing that installing a striping pattern to define a smaller vehicular path would reduce speeds; and advised that the graph denoting various traffic controls and the associated effectiveness which was presented last month by Commissioner Wedel did not include the narrower street striping pattern on the list of installations. Commending staff, Commissioner Ramos relayed that he was pleased with the manner in which staff addressed the residents' concerns, attending the HOA meetings, listening to their comments; and provided an sample scenario (e.g., a tailgater desiring to travel faster) in which the striping would most likely reduce speeds. In response to Commissioner Lanier, Director of Public Works Hughes relayed that the timeframe for installment of the striping would be approximately four to six weeks due to desiring the HOA's endorsement and City Council approval; advised that staff had not yet determined a test location; and for Chairman Connerton, reiterated that staff had discussed the alternate option with two of the Board Members; that staff had recommended that a Board Member be present at tonight's meeting; and advised that once Butterfield Stage Road improvements were completed that project would most likely relieve some cut-though traffic from this area. Mr. Joseph LaMarca, 41138 Promenade Chardonnay, representing the Chardonnay Hills HOA, reiterated his desire for the HOA to review the alternate option recommended, advising that the next meeting would be March 6th; and for Chairman Connerton, confirmed that it would be his desire that this matter be continued until the next Public/Traffic Safety Commission meeting. Commissioner Ramos concurred with obtaining the endorsement of the HOA prior to proceeding, Commissioner Lanier concurring with Mr. LaMarca's recommendation to continue the item until next month. Commenting regarding the study conducted, Commissioner Wedel relayed that the residents' concerns regarding speeding and cut-through traffic had been confirmed, that vehicles were speeding in this neighborhood, that one in seven vehicles make up the amount of cut-through traffic this area was experiencing; and concurred with continuing this item. Commissioner Katan queried the rationale for continuing this matter, advising that if the HOA concurred with the recommended alternative it would be more effective to direct staff to proceed with the process of implementation. Chairman Connerton relayed that the HOA may desire to implement the striping in the whole neighborhood, advising that he would desire to hear the recommendations of the HOA in order to address the conditions properly. For informational purposes, Director of Public Works Hughes clarified that it was his suggestion that if staff obtained HOA endorsement that the item be moved on to the City Council in order that the striping project could be implemented expeditiously, advising that if the HOA recommended any changes or were opposed to the recommendation, staff would bring the item back to the Public/Traffic Safety Commission; and relayed that it was the Commission's prerogative to determine whether or not to continue this item. For Commissioner Wedel, Mr. LaMarca concurred with Director of Public Works Hughes that it would be advantageous for the residents if this striping project could be implemented without coming back to the Public/Traffic Safety Commission if the HOA endorsed the recommendation. In response to Chairman Connerton, Director of Public Works Hughes confirmed that the location for the test site had not yet been determined. In response, Chairman Connerton opined that the Public/Traffic Safety Commission may have a different opinion as to where the test area should be, advising that unless staff was going to stripe Promenade Chardonnay Hills from La Serena to Rancho California Road he could not support moving forward without the Commission being aware of the specific area. In response, Director of Public Works Hughes advised that staff would opt to implement the striping in an area, which was determined likely to benefit from the implementation, while reiterating that it was the prerogative of the Public/Traffic Safety Commission whether or not this item be continued. Commissioner Wedel concurred with moving the item forward for HOA endorsement subject to the Public/Traffic Safety Commission being updated next month. Commissioner Katan, echoed by Commissioners Ramos and Lanier, concurred with moving the item forward to the HOA and that the item not be continued in order to expedite the process. MOTION: Commissioner Katan moved to have the Chardonnay Hills HOA review the recommendation to implement the street striping pattern in a test area on Promenade Chardonnay Hills, that after HOA endorsement, that Director of Public Works Hughes and an HOA representative meet to determine a test area which would be agreeable to the HOA, and that as soon as there were results available regarding the test sites that that information be provided to the Public/Traffic Safety Commission. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lanier and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. 5. Temecula Citizen Corps Program RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission appoint one Public/Traffic Safety Commissioner to assist each Temecula Citizen Corps area, and appoint the Public/Traffic Safety Commission Chairman to oversee all areas. At the request of the Commisson, Police Chief Domenoe advised as follows: That as a representative from the Public/Traffic Safety Commission, Commissioners would be notified and invited to attend meetings of the Temecula Citizen Corps. That as the Citizen Corps is in its formative stage, a calendar has yet to be established. That the Police Department will oversee the program but the volunteers will be the backbone of the organization. · That the support of the Commission is key to the success of the program. At the request of Chairman Connerton, Public Works Director Hughes provided a list of Citizen Corps training sessions and their dates and times; and Chairman Connerton invited the members of the Commission to mark their calendars and attend the training sessions. Chairman Connerton then assigned an area of the Citizen Corps Program to each of the Commissioners, as foltows: Area #1: Area #2: Area #3: Area Commissioner Ramos Commissioner Wedel Vice Chairman Katan Commissioner Lanier MOTION: Commissioner Ramos moved to appoint one Public/Traffic Safety Commissioner to assist each Temecula Citizen Corps area. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wedel and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. Councilmember Pratt advised that he was elected primarily on the issue of traffic conditions in Temecula; that he had been involved in traffic issues since 1989. Councilmember Pratt advised that he supported the Citizen Corps and commented that this is a major step on the road to making Temecula a safe traffic city and model for Southwest Riverside County. MOTION: Commissioner Lanier moved to appoint the Chairman of the Public/Traffic Safety Commission to oversea all areas of the Citizen Corps. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wedel and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S REPORT There were no further comments made. POLICE CHIEF'S REPORT Chairman Connerton requested that the Public/Traffic Safety Commission be notified of upcoming meetings of the Citizen Corps. commissioner Katan requested that the Public/Traffic Safety Commission recognize the police officers responsible for the outstanding record of DUI arrests. Chairman Connerton requested that a list of traffic accidents and their type be provided to the Public/Traffic Safety Commission. Senior Engineer Moghadam advised that the reports compiled by the Public Works Department are provided to the Commission on a quarterly basis. FIRE CHIEF'S REPORT A new Inspector for the Fire Prevention Bureau has been appointed and will be introduced at next month's meeting. Along with a staff member, attended the California Fire Prevention Officers' Conference. At a future meeting, the Fire Department will update the Public/Traffic Safety Commission on its plans for public education using materials obtained from the conference. Along with several staff members, attended the Fire House World Conference last week. The conference provided an abundance of information as well as equipment demonstrations. Assisting with the development of the Fire Department's portion of the City's website is an employee that is currently on light duty as a result of a work-related injury. A PowerPoint presentation of the department's section of the website is tentatively planned for the next Commission meeting. Last week, the first organizational meeting was held with other City departments regarding the Reverse 911 System. As the system is put into place, the Commission will be updated. Recently acquired paramedic units have enhanced the department's ability to serve the citizens of Temecula and Fire Battalion Chief McBride Invited the Commission to stop by and see the equipment in the City Hall parking lot on their way out. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Wedel commended the City's paramedic units for their high level of care and training. Commissioner Ramos suggesting inviting Sergeant Loman to the next Public/Traffic Safety Commission Meeting in order to recognize him for his duties as the liaison officer for the Police Department. Commissioner Ramos was encouraged and impressed with the turnout of the community at the Citizen Corps meeting that he attended last month, and added that he was excited about its organization and would support the program. Commissioner Lanier thanked the Police and Fire Departments for their assistance at the smoothly run Rod Run Event that was recently held. Commissioner Lanier commented on a recent article from the San Diego Union entitled, "Encinitas is Having a Workshop Aimed at Slowing Neighborhood Cars." Commissioner Lanier explained that the City of Encinitas has invited a Florida- based street-design organization to conduct several workshops involving its citizens in developing solutions, and then ranking those solutions, in their respective neighorborhoods. The objective is to develop a plan to address the issue within the next four to six months. Chairman Connerton commented that he was very impressed with the turnout at the Citizens Corps meetings that he has attended, as well as the quality of the people in attendance and Fire and Police Department staff that are involved in the program's development. Chairman Connerton suggested that the members of the Commission participate in the writing of articles pertaining to traffic and safety issues that would be published in a local newspaper perhaps weekly or bi-monthly; and, further, he requested that members bring a list of suggested topics for the articles to the next meeting of the Public/Traffic Safety Commission. Chairman Connerton's objective would be to elicit more input from the citizens of Temecula. Regarding the issue of red-light cameras, Chairman Connerton requested a timeframe for when the report would be submitted to the Public/Traffic Safety Commission. Public Works Director Hughes advised Chairman Connerton that staff had completed the requested report; however, due to issues of litigation, the item was tabled. With the Chairman's request, Public Works Director Hughes would keep the Commission apprised as to when the issue would be readdressed. ADJOURNMENT At 7:49 P.M. Chairman Connerton formally adjourned this meeting to Thursday, March 27, 2003 at 6:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula. Cl~airman~6"Darrell L. Connerton A~lmini~t~e Se~Tc/~tary Anita Pyle