HomeMy WebLinkAbout03162022 PC Action MinutesACTION MINUTES TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 41000 MAIN STREET TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA MARCH 16, 2022 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER at 6:00 PM: Chair Gary Watts FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Bob Hagel ROLL CALL: Hagel, Ruiz, Telesio (absent), Turley-Trejo, Watts PUBLIC COMMENT - None CONSENT CALENDAR Unless otherwise indicated below, the following pertains to all items on the Consent Calendar. Approved the Staff Recommendation ( 4-0, Telesio absent): Motion by Turley-Trejo, Second by Hagel. The vote reflected unanimous approval with Telesio absent. 1. Minutes Recommendation: Approve the Action Minutes of March 2, 2022 BUSINESS 2 Long Range Planning Project No. LR22-0216, General Plan Consistency Review for an Amendment to the Fiscal Years 2022-26 Capital Improvement Program, Mark Collins Recommendation: Adopt a resolution entitled: PC RESOLUTION NO. 2022-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA MAKING A FINDING OF CONSISTENCY WITH THE GENERAL PLAN FOR THE AMENDMENT OF THE FISCAL YEARS 2022-2026 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ("CIP") TO ADD FIVE PROJECTS TO THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM AND MAKE A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER SECTIONS 15378(8)(4) AND 15061(8)(3) OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT ("CEQA") (LONG RANGE PLANNING PROJECT NO. LR22-0216) 1 A p p ro v ed th e Staff R eco m m en d atio n (4 -0 , T elesio ab sen t): M o tio n b y T u rl ey -T rejo , Seco n d b y R u iz . T h e v ote refl ected u n an im o u s ap p ro v al w ith T elesio ab sen t. PUBLIC HEARI NG 3. Planning Application No. PA21-1442, Home Product Review for Planning Area 31A of the Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan to allow for three (3) unique detached single-family plans with four ( 4) architectural styles consisting of 81 lots, Jaime Cardenas Recommendation: Adopt a resolution entitled: PC RESOLUTION NO. 2022-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA21-1442, HOME PRODUCT REVIEW FOR PLANNING AREA 31A OF THE RORIPAUGH RANCH SPECIFIC PLAN TO ALLOW FOR THREE (3) UNIQUE DETACHED SINGLE-FAMILY PLANS WITH FOUR (4) ARCHITECTURAL STYLES CONSISTING OF 81 LOTS AND MAKING FINDINGS OF CONSISTENCY WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND ADDENDA AND DETERMINING THAT NO FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO SECTION 15162 OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT Approved the Staff Recommendation ( 4-0, Telesio absent): Motion by Hagel, Second by Ruiz. The vote reflected unanimous approval with Telesio absent. 4. Planning Application No. PA21-1470, a Development Plan for the construction of an approximately 38,714 square foot industrial building located on the north side of Avenida Alvarado, approximately 525 feet east of Via Industria (APNs: 909-290-051, 909-290-052), Scott Cooper Recommendation: Continuance off-calendar to a date to be determined. Approved the Staff Recommendation ( 4-0, Telesio absent): Motion by Turley-Trejo, Second by Ruiz. The vote reflected unanimous approval with Telesio absent. 5. Planning Application No. PA21-1471, a Development Plan for the construction of an approximately 19,727 square foot industrial building located on the north side of Avenida Alvarado, approximately 275 feet east of Via Industria (APN: 909-290-050), Scott Cooper Recommendation: Continuance off-calendar to a date to be determined. Approved the Staff Recommendation ( 4-0, Telesio absent): Motion by Turley-Trejo, Second by Ruiz. The vote reflected unanimous approval with Telesio absent. 2 6. Planning Application No. PA21-1472, a Development Plan for the construction of an approximately 9,867 square foot industrial building located on the south side of A venida Alvarado, approximately 600 feet east of Via Industria (APN: 909-290-011), Scott Cooper Recommendation: Continuance off-calendar to a date to be determined. Approved the Staff Recommendation (4-0, Telesio absent): Motion by Turley-Trejo, Second by Ruiz. The vote reflected unanimous approval with Telesio absent. COMMISSIONER REPORTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR REPORT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR REPORT ADJOURNMENT At 6:38 PM, the Planning Commission meeting was formally adjourned to Wednesday, April 6, 2022, at 6:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. ~~ Gary W ;f, hairperson 3