HomeMy WebLinkAbout06012022 PC Action MinutesA C T IO N M IN U T E S T E M E C U L A PL A N N IN G C O M M ISSIO N RE G U L A R M E E T IN G C O U N C IL C H A M B E R S 410 00 M A IN ST RE E T T E M E C U L A , C A L IF O RN IA JU N E 1, 2022 - 6:00 PM C A L L T O O RD E R at 6:00 PM : C hairm an G ary W att s F L A G SA L U T E : C om m issioner A dam R uiz R O L L C A L L : H agel, R uiz , T elesio (absent), Tu rley-T rejo, W atts P U B L IC C O M M E N T The following individual(s) addressed the Commission on agendized item(s): • Joshua Bielecki (Item #2) C O N SE N T C A L E N D A R Unless otherwise indicated below, the following pertains to all items on the Consent Calendar. Approved the Staff Recommendation ( 4-0, Telesio absent): Motion by Hagel, Second by Ruiz. The vote reflected unanimous approval with Telesio absent. 1. Minutes Recommendation: Approve the Action Minutes of May 8, 2022 PU B L IC H E A RI N G 2. Planning Application No. PA20 1371, a Development Plan for a 349 unit apartment community built on 15.1 acres located at the terminus of Date Street approximately 900 feet south of Ynez Road, Scott Cooper Recommendation: Adopt a resolution entitled: PC RESOLUTION NO. 2022-15 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA20 1371, A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR A 349 UNIT APARTMENT COMMUNITY BUILT ON 15.1 ACRES LOCATED AT THE TERMINUS OF DATE STREET, APPROXIMATELY 900 FEET SOUTH OF YNEZ ROAD (APNS: 916 400 042, 916 400 042), AND MAKING A FINDING THAT THE PROJECT IS NOT SUBJECT TO FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW UNDER SECTIONS 15182 1 A N D 15 16 2 O F T H E C A LI F O RN IA E N V IR O N M E N T A L Q U A LI T Y A C T (C E Q A ) A ppro ved the Staff R ecom m endation w ith the rev ision of C on dition of A pp ro v al N o. 118 , and adding a new C ondition regarding reim bur sem ent agreem ent ( 4-0, T elesio absent): M otion by H agel, Second by T url ey-T rejo . T he vote refl ected unanim ou s appro v al w ith T elesio absent. COMMISSIONER REPORTS COMMISSION SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR REPORT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR REPORT ADJOURNMENT At 6:51 PM, the Planning Commission meeting was formally adjourned to Wednesday, June 15, 2022, at 6:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. 2