HomeMy WebLinkAboutTract Map 12318 Parcel 2 Preliminary Geotechnical Study Holdaway Residence7.2 1 EnGEN Preliminary Geotechnical Feasibility Study L1625 Enterprise Circle South, Holdaway Residence B-2,Temecula California 92590 951.296.351 • Parcel 2 of PM 12318 www engencorp.com APN: 955-040-002 Fosse Way, Temecula FChris Smena•Tyrone Woods Seen SWIM.oim OMerry. Ann Smedingof/ Project Number: 4388GFS 1 February 12, 2018 1 1 Prepared for: Paul and Renee Holdaway 42328 Corte Villosa Temecula, CA 92592 1 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.....................................................................................................................1 2.0 SITE/PROJECT DESCRIPTION.........................................................................................................1 2.1 Site Description:..................-........ ...........................................................................................1 2.2 Project Description:..... ........ .......--.............................. ...........................................................2 2.3 Scope of Work: ....... ...... ......... .............................................................. ............................2 2.4 Field Study:......................... ........ ................................................................-...........................2 3.0 FINDINGS....*....*........***...*.....***'*.....****...."****......*...*....*,,**...........*.......*.......... ....................**.....3 3.1 Site Review:..........................................................................-...................................................3 3.2 Subsurface Soil Profile: ..........................................................................----............................3 3.3 Transition Areas:......................................................................................-................................3 4.0 LABORATORY TESTING...................................................................................................................4 4.1 General: ......................... ............ ................................................................. ............................4 4.2 Classification:...............................-............................................................................................4 4.3 Maximum Dry Density/Optimum Moisture Content Relationship Test: .................. ..................4 4.4 Expansion Test:.............................. ............................................................. ............................4 4.5 Soluble Sulfate Test:..................................................................................................................4 4.6 pH/Minimum Resistivity .............................................................................................................4 4.7 Chloride Content........................................................................................................................4 4.8 Direct Shear Test:.............. ............................................................................................. .........4 5.0 GEOLOGY AND SEISMICITY............................................................................................................5 5.1 Geologic Setting: ................................................................................................. ...................5 5.2 Seismic Hazards:.......................-.............................................................. .......... ....................5 5.3 Seismic Design Parameters: .... ......................... ...................................... ......... ...................6 5.4 Surface Fault Rupture:.............. ................................................................................................7 5.5 Liquefaction:................... ...................................................................................... ....................7 5.6 Seismically Induced Landsliding:...............................................................................................7 5.7 Seismically Induced Flooding, Seiches: ....................................................................................7 6.0 EARTH MATERIALS..........................................................................................................................7 6.1 Colluvium/Residual Soils (Coal):................................. ...........................................................7 6.2 Sandstone Bedrock (Qpfs) ........................................................................................................7 7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................................7 7.1 General: ............................................ ........................ ............ . ......................................... ......7 7.2 Earthwork Recommendations (All Areas)..................................................................................7 7.3 Oversize Material:.............. .......................................................................................................8 7.4 Structural Fill:............... ....................................................................................................8 7.5 Soil Expansion Potential:.......................................... ................-.............................................9 7.6 Soil Corrosive Potential: ............................................................................................................9 t8.0 SLOPE STABILITY(GENERAL):.......................................................................................................9 8.1 Cut and Fill Slopes:............... .........-.....................................................-.............................9 8.2 Foundation Design Recommendations: ....................................-..............................................9 8.3 Foundation Size:................................................... .................. ............................................... 10 8.4 Depth of Embedment:........... ...-........--.............................................. ....... .................... 10 8.5 Bearing Capacity: ........................................................... .....................................................-10 8.6 Settlement:..... .............. ..................................................................................................... .... 10 8.7 Lateral Capacity:................... ................................-...... .........-....................................... ......10 8.8 Slab-on-Grade Recommendations: .........................................................................................11 8.9 Exterior Slabs:....... ...........................................-.............................................. .......-............11 8.10 Retaining Wall Recommendations ..........................................................................................11 8.11 Earth Pressures: ............................................................................................... ......................11 8.12 Retaining Wall Design: .... ............................ ..........................................................................12 EnGEN Corporation 8.13 Subdrain:..................................................................................................................................12 8A4 Backfill:.....................................................................................................................................12 8.15 Utility Trench Recommendations:................................ ............................... ...........................13 8.16 Finish Lot Drainage Recommendations: ..................................................... ...........................13 8.17 Planter Recommendations: .....................................................................................................13 8.18 Supplemental Construction Observations and Testing: ..........................................................13 9.0 PLAN REVIEW: ................................................................................................................................14 9.1 Pre-Bid Conference: ................................................................................................................14 9.2 Pre-Grading Conference:.......... ..............................................................................................14 10.0 CLOSURE.........................................................................................................................................14 tAPPENDICES: Appendix 1 -General Technical References 1 EXHIBITS: Exhibit 1 -Laboratory Test Results Exhibit 2-Field Boring Log(s) Exhibit 3-Exploratory Test Pit Log(s) Exhibit 4-Typical Grading Detail Exhibit 5-Surficial Slope Stability Analysis PLATES: Plate 1 -Geotechnical Feasibility Study Plan 1 1 1 EnGEN Corporation S...t> ,.1h Ul 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Vft EnGEN 1 February 12, 2018 Paul and Renee Holdaway 42328 Corte Villosa Temecula, California 92592 Subject: Geotechnical Feasibility Study—Holdaway Residence Lot 2 of PM 12318, Fosse Way, Temecula, CA, 9259, APN: 955-040-002 Project Number: 4388GFS References: 1. Bratene Construction and Engineering, Precise Grading Plan, Holdaway Residence, Lot 2 of PM 12318, Fosse Way, Temecula, CA, 92591, Dated: February 12, 2018 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Holdaway, In accordance with your request and signed authorization, a representative of this firm has visited the subject site on Friday, January 12, 2018 to visually observe the surface conditions of the subject site, perform subsurface exploration and testing and collect samples of representative site earth materials. Laboratory testing was performed on these samples. Recommendations for grading operations and preliminary foundation design are provided in the subsequent sections of this report. 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Feasibility for development: Based on the findings of this study it is our opinion that the subject site is developable from a geotechnical standpoint provided the recommendations of this report are incorporated into the design and construction of the proposed improvement areas within the subject property. Unsuitable Soils and Transition Zones: A portion of the supportive soils within the proposed improvement areas consist of colluvium that is loose and porous and unsuitable to support engineered fills or structures. A transition between native ground and engineered fill trends beneath the building footprint which requires remedial grading. Detailed recommendations for site grading can be found under§7.0 of this report. Expansive Soils: Areas to receive concrete slabs will be supported on soils that have a very low expansion potential. Minimum slab design recommendations are provided under 8.2 of this report: 2.0 SITE/PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Site Description: The subject property is approximately 1.58-acres located east of Fosse Way, in the City of Temecula, California. Topography across the subject site is gently sloping terrain with drainage in general to the southwest as sheet flow. The property is vacant land and to be developed for single family residential use. The subject site is not located in a State designated "Special Studies Zone". However, based on the Riverside County Land Information System, it is situated in a subsidence hazard area. 41625 Enterprise Circle South, B-2,7ennecula California 92590 951..296.351 1 wn ry Paul Holdaway-Holdaway Residence Project Number:4388GFS February 2018 Page 2 2.2 Project Description: The proposed development for the subject site will be a single-family residence. It is represented that the proposed site improvements will include the grading of a building pad area for a future residential structure along with associated hardscape and landscape improvements (see Plate 1). FIGURE 1 -SITE LOCATION MAP Z om P r PASEO GOLETAN IllO RANCHO CALIFORNIA e— A O RANCHO VIS FOSSE WAYTA AO PAUBA RO SITE VICINITY MAP NTS 2.3 Scope of Work: The scope of this study was to provide a preliminary geotechnical assessment of the surface and subsurface conditions within the proposed development area, and to provide recommendations for the development of the site from a geotechnical point of view. The scope included: 1) site reconnaissance and geologic mapping, 2) subsurface exploration and field testing, 3) sampling and laboratory testing of on-site materials, 4) engineering analysis of field and laboratory data, and 5) preparation of this report. 2.4 Field Study: Field reconnaissance, geologic mapping and subsurface exploration was conducted on January 12, 2018. The purpose of the subsurface exploration was to assess the underlying earth materials' existing condition and geotechnical properties as well as the presence of historical groundwater conditions that might affect the geotechnical integrity of the proposed improvements. Exploratory test EnGEN Corporation Paul Holdaway-Holdaway Residence Project Number:4388GFS February 2018 Page 3 pits were excavated within the proposed improvement areas of the subject site (see Plate 1). Soils encountered consisted of silty sands (see Exploratory Logs in the Appendix). The exploratory test pits were excavated utilizing a hand auger. Bulk samples were collected from selected depth intervals of each Exploratory Test Pit. Representative soil samples were subsequently returned to this firm's soils laboratory for verification of field classifications and testing. Selected samples were tested for maximum density, USCS classification, shear strength,and expansion. In addition, soil samples were visually inspected for evidence of corrosive properties that would dictate a formal corrosive analysis of materials that will be in direct contact with the proposed concrete within the improvement areas. The approximate locations of the exploratory test pits are denoted on the Geotechnical Feasibility Study Site Plan (Plate 1). 3.0 FINDINGS 3.1 Site Review: The subject site is an essentially rectangular shaped 1.58-acre lot, sloping in general to the southwest at an average gradient of 5 to 10 percent. At the time of the site reconnaissance, there was a little growth of native grasses and weeds. Based on our site study, the subject property appears to be comprised of colluvium underlain by Pauba Formation Bedrock. The site is not located within a State designated Alquist-Priolo Zone. However, based on the Riverside County Land Information System, it is situated in a subsidence hazard area. 3.2 Subsurface Soil Profile: Based on our field reconnaissance and subsurface excavations performed, the site is underlain by the following earth materials: TABLE 1 -EARTH MATERIALS Earth Materials Range of Depth _ Condition- ColluviumI Surface to approximately 2 feet Porous, loose Pauba Formation Bedrock I From 2 to greater than 10 feet Dense to very dense 1 A mantle of Colluvium covers the natural slopes throughout the site to approximately 2 feet in depth and overlies the Pauba Formation Bedrock (see Plate 1). The exploratory test pit logs of earth materials encountered during the subsurface exploration are included in Appendix C. Further discussion of the on-site earth material is presented in § 4.3 of this report. 3.3 Transition Areas: A transition between cut and fill areas of the pad are identified on the Referenced No. 1 Grading Plan. To guard against potential differential settlement, the future structure should not straddle a transition area between cut and fill on the subject site without remedial grading unless other recommendations are made in writing. EnGEN Corporation 1 Paul Holdaway—Holdaway Residence Project Number:4388GF5 February 2018 Page 4 4.0 LABORATORY TESTING 4A General: The results of laboratory tests performed on samples of earth material obtained during the site visit are presented in the attached Appendix. Following is a listing and brief explanation of the laboratory tests performed. 4.2 Classification: The field classification of soil materials encountered during our site visit were verified in the laboratory in general accordance with the Unified Soils Classification System, ASTM D 2488-00, Standard Practice for Determination and Identification of Soils (Visual-Manual Procedures). 4.3 Maximum Dry Density/Optimum Moisture Content Relationship Test: Maximum dry density/optimum moisture content relationship determinations were performed on samples of near-surface earth material in general accordance with ASTM 1557-12 procedures using a 4.0-inch diameter mold. Samples were prepared at various moisture contents and compacted in five (5) layers using a 10-pound weight dropping 18-inches and with 25 blows per layer. 4.4 Expansion Test: Laboratory expansion tests were performed on samples of near-surface earth material in general accordance with CBC 18-2. In this testing procedure, a remolded sample is compacted in two (2) layers in a 4.0-inch diameter mold to a total compacted thickness of approximately 1.0-inch by using a 5.5-pound weight dropping 12-inches and with 15 blows per layer. The sample should be compacted at a saturation between 49 and 51 percent. After remolding, the sample is Confined under a pressure of 144 pounds per square foot (psf) and allowed to soak for 24 hours. The resulting volume change due to the increase in moisture content within the sample is recorded and the Expansion Index (EI) calculated. 4.5 Soluble Sulfate Test: Samples of the near—surface earth materials were obtained for soluble sulfate testing for the site. The concentration of soluble sulfates was determined in the general conformance with California Test Method 417 procedures. 4.6 pH/Minimum Resistivity Sample(s) of near surface soils were tested for pH and minimum resistivity in general accordance to CTM 643. 4.7 Chloride Content Sample(s)of near surface soils were tested for chloride content in general conformance to CTM 422. 4.8 Direct Shear Test: Direct shear tests were performed on select samples of near-surface earth material in general accordance with ASTM D 3080-03 procedures. The shear machine is of the constant strain type. The shear machine is designed to receive a 1.0-inch high, 2.42-inch diameter ring sample. Specimens from the sample were sheared at various pressures normal to the face of the specimens. EnGEN Corporation 1 Paul Holdaway—Holdaway Residence Project Number:4388GFS February 2018 Page 5 The specimens were tested in a submerged condition. The maximum shear stresses were plotted versus the normal confining stresses to determine the shear strength (cohesion and angle of internal friction). Excavation Characteristics: Excavation in the engineered fill should be moderate to moderately difficult. Based on our experience on similar projects near the subject site, the bedrock is expected to be moderate to difficult ripping within the upper 6 feet. 5.0 GEOLOGY AND SEISMICITY 5.1 Geologic Setting: The site is located in the Northern Peninsular Range on the southern sector of the structural unit known as the Perris Block. The Perris Block is bounded on the northeast by the San Jacinto Fault Zone, on the southwest by the Elsinore Fault Zone, and on the north by the Cucamonga Fault Zone. The southern boundary of the Perris Block is not as distinct, but is believed to coincide with a complex group of faults trending southeast from the Murrieta,California area(Kennedy, 1977). The Peninsular Range is characterized by large Mesozoic age intrusive rock masses flanked by volcanic, metasedimentary, and sedimentary rocks. Various thicknesses of colluvial/alluvial sediments derived from the erosion of the elevated portions of the region fill the low-lying areas. The earth materials encountered on the subject site on the subject site are described in more detail in subsequent sections of this report 5.2 Seismic Hazards: Because the proposed development is located in tectonically active southern California, it will likely experience some effects from earthquakes. The type or severity of seismic hazards affecting the site is mainly dependent upon the distance to the causative fault, the intensity of the seismic event, and the soil characteristics. The seismic hazard may be primary, such as surface rupture and/or ground shaking, or secondary, such as liquefaction or dynamic settlement. The following is a site-specific discussion about ground motion parameters, earthquake induced settlement hazards, and liquefaction. The purpose of this analysis is to identify potential seismic hazards and propose mitigations, if necessary, to an acceptable level of risk. The following seismic hazards discussion is guided by CBC (2016). EnGEN Corporation Paul Holdaway—Holdaway Residence Project Number:4388GFS February 2018 FIGURE 2 Page 6 AC=.GF km--1 ey '4 Y ade F' 9-.^ tJ/( 9'_C(- z 'rW.f 1 41_ lily-J I I( `i1 t j * f tt r son -.—i-..r-'= F c-y" +.M .. a t 1.y2 nl J 1f" ..- -" o- a F€'° 6 -..,.ti-....- 4: , a£y `} h i ',, Ia'cy*$xls r" r Taan. tic fn` / LATY 6nI JG f:j'4 l . x s•ry r'°"'/' ' ,, 1r'` r t,.'R-r; Sca1B 1 t_24,000'. 1 LEGEND QVoa = ven ola ollum.I cn.nnol d.—Ils(Was. Saneabn.M.mb.r(Ple;mlacene and 'K d _aforiroand elouL.Hombhmdoalddl.R.Indocen.) Qpf$f.' PH...a.)Peuba Fomudon Graoomonb Icretacaoual,massive Youop"ial lin nel da—ih(Holmene& Pbylllp(Memomlc),Flaaile black phyllita Blotib-Homblende Tonallb lab Plab1«emn silry.11vulum Kt ,_ (Cmb ceomd,med.to small bodlea 5.3 Seismic Design Parameters: The 2016 California Building Code (CBC) seismic design parameters for the subject site are as follows: Descri"lion 'a- Des( n.Parameters Site Latitude: 33.507377eN Site Longitude: 117.106237OW Site Class: D Spectral Response(Short): 0.2 sec -Ss: 1.856 Spectral Response- 1-Second): 1.0 sec -Sr. 0.746 Short Period Site Coefficient: Fa: 1.0 1-Second Period Site Coefficient: Fv: 1.5 Adjusted Spectral Response: Short Period -0.2 sec-Sms: 1.856 Adjusted Spectral Response: One Sec -SmY. 1.119 Design Spectral Response: '.. Short Period 0.2 sec-Sda: 1.237 Design Spectral Response: One Sec 1.0 sec-Sdt 0.746 EnGEN Corporation 1 Paul Holdaway—Holdaway Residence Project Number:4388GFS February 2018 Page 7 5.4 Surface Fault Rupture: t No known active faults exist on the subject site. Accordingly, the potential for fault surface rupture on the site is considered unlikely. 5.5 Liquefaction: Based on the nature and density of the Pauba Formation bedrock, and the assumed depth to groundwater the potential for hazards associated with liquefaction are considered low. 5.6 Seismically Induced Landsliding: Due to the density and coarse-grained nature of the engineered fill and underlying Pauba Formation bedrock at the subject site, the probability of seismically induced landsliding is considered low. 5.7 Seismically Induced Flooding, Seiches: Due to the lack of a large body of water located above the subject site, the possibility of seismically induced flooding or seiches is considered low. Due to the large distance of the project site to the Pacific Ocean, the possibility for seismically induced tsunamis to impact the site is considered nil. 6.0 EARTH MATERIALS 6A Colluvium/Residual Soils (CQal): Based on the subsurface exploration, colluvial material and residual soils cover the majority of the site and is underlain by Pauba Formation Bedrock (see Plate 1). 6.2 Sandstone Bedrock(Qpfs) The subject site has been mapped within the geologic bedrock formation commonly referred to as the Pauba Formation. The Pauba Formation Bedrock is a sandstone formation comprised of silty and clayey sands to gravelly clean sands that is partially weathered near the surface and becomes dense to very dense at deeper depths. 7.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 General: Based on the findings of this study it is our opinion that the subject site is developable from a geotechnical standpoint provided the recommendations of this report are incorporated into the design and construction of the proposed improvement areas within the subject property. 7.2 Earthwork Recommendations (All Areas) All vegetation should be removed from areas to be graded and not used In fills. 1 All man-made debris material, if any, should be removed from the site and not used in fills. Based on a review of the Referenced No. 1 grading plan there will be a transition between cut and fill within the footprint of the proposed structure (see Plate 1). As a result, over-excavation is required in the building area extending 5' outside of the footing and should extend '/2 the depth of engineered fill or a minimum of 36" (whichever is greater). Removals should expose EnGEN Corporation Paul Holdaway—Holdaway Residence Project Number:4388GFS February 2018 Page 8 competent unweathered bedrock in structural and hardscape areas. The material generated during removals should be cleared of any debris, and may then be placed as engineered fill. tDeeper removals may be required depending upon exposed conditions encountered and foundation dimensions of the proposed structure. All exposed removal and overexcavation bottoms should be inspected by the Geotechnical Engineer's representative prior to placement of any fill. Bottoms should be probed to verify competency and a natural density of 85 percent or greater. The approved exposed bottoms of all removal areas should be scarified 12-inches, brought to near optimum moisture content, and compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction before placement of fill. Structural fill should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction. Maximum dry density and optimum moisture content for compacted materials should be determined according to ASTM D 1557-12 procedures. Any fill or cut slopes should be constructed at slope ratios no steeper than 2:1 (horizontal to vertical). 7.3 Oversize Material: Oversize material is defined as rock, or other irreducible material with a maximum dimension greater than 12-inches. Oversize material shall not be buried or placed in fill unless location, materials, and placement methods are specifically accepted by the Project Geotechnical Engineer. Placement operations shall be such that nesting of oversize material does not occur, and such that oversize material is completely surrounded by compacted fill (windrow). Alternative methods, such as water jetting or wheel rolling with a backhoe may be required to achieve compaction in the fill materials t immediately adjacent to the windrow. Oversize material shall not be placed within ten (10) vertical feet of finish grade, within fifteen (15) lateral feet of a finished slope face, or within two (2) feet of future utilities. 7.4 Structural Fill: All fill material, whether on-site material or import, should be accepted by the Project Geotechnical Engineer and/or his representative before placement. All fill should be free from vegetation, organic material, and other debris. Import fill should be no more expansive than the existing on-site material, unless approved by the Project Geotechnical Engineer. Approved fill material should be placed in horizontal lifts not exceeding 6.0 to 8.0-inches in thickness, and watered or aerated to obtain near- optimum moisture content (within 2.0 percent of optimum). Each lift should be spread evenly and should be thoroughly mixed to ensure uniformity of soil moisture. Structural fill should meet a 1 minimum relative compaction of 90 percent of maximum dry density based upon ASTM D 1557-12 procedures. Moisture content of fill materials should not vary more than 2.0 percent of optimum, unless approved by the Project Geotechnical Engineer. 1 EnGEN Corporation 1 Paul Holdaway-Holdaway Residence Project Number:4388GFS February 2018 Page 9 7.5 Soil Expansion Potential: Preliminary Expansion Index testing was performed, yielding an El of 0-20<. This is classified as a Very Low expansion potential. Import soils or soils used near finish grade may have a different El. Final foundation design parameters should be based on El testing of near-surface soils and be performed at the conclusion of rough grading. Those results should be forwarded and incorporated into the final design by the Project Structural Engineer. 7.6 Soil Corrosive Potential: The highest sulfate (SO4) concentration measured was 20 ppm (mg/kg). Generally, sulfate concentrations greater than 1,500 ppm are considered to be corrosive to metals and concrete. The highest chloride concentrations were 50 ppm. Generally, chloride concentrations greater than 500 ppm are considered to be corrosive to metals and concrete. The soil pH level was 6.4. Generally, a pH level less than 5.5 is considered to be corrosive to metal and concrete. Based on corrosion test results, Type II Concrete may be used for foundation design. Table 3-Summary of Laboratory Corrosion Test Results Minimum.SulfateSampleSampleDeptiiin Chloride Resistivity pH ContentLocationNo. ft) ohm-cm) m Content(ppm) B-2 A2 0-2' 3,000 6.4 20 50 The client may wish to have a corrosion engineer review the test results for design consideration if the concentration levels presented above are such that a more detailed review is deemed necessary. EnGEN Can provide this service upon request. 8.0 SLOPE STABILITY(GENERAL): 8.1 Cut and Fill Slopes: It is our opinion that the proposed Slopes as inclined at a ratio of 2:1 or flatter will possess gross and surficial stability in excess of generally accepted minimum engineering criteria (Factor of Safety at least 1.5) and would be suitable for their intended purpose, provided that proper slope maintenance procedures are maintained. These procedures include but are not limited to installation and maintenance of drainage devices and planting of slope faces to protect from erosion in accordance with County standards. 8.2 Foundation Design Recommendations: Foundations for the proposed structures may consist of conventional column footings and continuous wall footings founded either on Engineered Fill or undisturbed bedrock but not a combination of both. The recommendations presented in the subsequent paragraphs for foundation design and construction are based on geotechnical characteristics and upon a very low expansion potential for the supporting soils and should not preclude more restrictive structural requirements. The Structural Engineer for the project should determine the actual footing width and depth in accordance with the EnGEN Corporation Paul Holdaway-Holdaway Residence Project Number:4388GFS February 2018 Page 10 latest edition of the California Building Code to resist design vertical, horizontal, and uplift forces and should either verify oramend the design based on final expansion testing at the completion of grading, if necessary. 8.3 Foundation Size: Continuous footings should have a minimum width of 12-inches. Continuous footings should be continuously reinforced with a minimum of one (1) No. 4 steel reinforcing bars located near the tap and one(1) No.4 steel reinforcing bars located near the bottom of the footings to minimize the effects of slight differential movements which may occur due to minor variations in the engineering characteristics or seasonal moisture change in the supporting soils. Column footings should have a minimum width of 18-inches by 18-inches and be suitably reinforced, based on structural requirements. A grade beam, founded at the same depths and reinforced the same as the adjacent footings, should be provided across doorway and garage entrances. 8.4 Depth of Embedment: Exterior and interior footings founded in native soils should extend to a minimum depth of 12-inches for single story structures and 18-inches for two story structures below lowest adjacent finish grade. 8.5 Bearing Capacity: Provided the recommendations for site earthwork, minimum footing width, and minimum depth of embedment for footings are incorporated into the project design and construction, the allowable bearing value for design of continuous and column footings, for the residential structure for the total dead plus frequently-applied live loads, is 1,500 psf for footings in competent engineered fill and 2,500 psf when founded on unweathered bedrock. The allowable bearing value has a Factor of Safety of at least 3.0 and may be increased by 33.3 percent for short durations of live and/or dynamic loading such as wind or seismic forces. 8.6 Settlement: Footings designed according to the recommended bearing values and the maximum assumed wall and column loads are not expected to exceed a maximum settlement of 0.75-inch or a differential settlement of 0.50-inch over a distance of 40-feet in compacted fill material under static load conditions. 8.7 Lateral Capacity: Additional foundation design parameters for the residence based on compacted fill for resistance to static lateral forces, are as follows: Allowable Lateral Pressure(Equivalent Fluid Pressure Passive Case Unweathered Pauba Formation Bedrock 300 pcf Engineered Fill 150 pcf Allowable Coeffiai ifit of Friction Unweathered Pauba Formation Bedrock 0.35 En ineered Fill 0.35 Lateral load resistance may be developed by a combination of friction acting on the base of foundations and slabs and passive earth pressure developed on the sides of the footings and stem EnGEN Corporation Paul Holdaway—Holdaway Residence Project Number:4388GFS February 2018 Page 11 walls below grade when in contact with undisturbed, native competent material. The above values are allowable design values and may be used in combination without reduction in evaluating the resistance to lateral loads. The allowable values may be increased by 33.3 percent for short durations of live and/or dynamic loading, such as wind or seismic forces. For the calculation of passive earth resistance, the upper 1.0-foot of material should be neglected unless confined by a concrete slab or pavement. The maximum recommended allowable passive pressure is 5.0 times the recommended design value. 8.8 Slab-on-Grade Recommendations: The recommendations for concrete slabs, both interior and exterior, excluding PCC pavement, are based upon the anticipated building usage and upon a very low expansion potential for the supporting material as determined by Chapter 18 of the California Building Code. Concrete slabs should be designed to minimize cracking as a result of shrinkage. Joints (isolation, contraction, and construction) should be placed in accordance with the American Concrete Institute (ACI) guidelines. Special precautions should be taken during placement and curing of all concrete slabs. Excessive slump(high water/cement ratio)of the concrete and/or improper curing procedures used during either hot or cold weather conditions could result in excessive shrinkage, cracking, or curling in the slabs. It is recommended that all concrete proportioning, placement,and curing be performed in accordance with ACI recommendations and procedures. Slab-on-grade reinforcement and thickness should be provided by the structural engineer based on structural considerations, but as a minimum, it is recommended that concrete floor slabs be at least 4-inches in actual thickness and reinforced with at least No. 3 reinforcing bars placed 24-inches on center, both ways, placed at mid-height of the slab cross-section. 8.9 Exterior Slabs: All exterior concrete slabs cast on finish subgrade(patios, sidewalks, etc., with the exception of PCC pavement) should be a minimum of 4-inches nominal in thickness. Reinforcing in the slabs and the use of a compacted sand or gravel base beneath the slabs should be according to the current local standards. Subgrade soils should be moisture conditioned to at least optimum moisture content to a depth of 12-inches immediately before placing the concrete. 8.10 Retaining Wall Recommendations 8.11 Earth Pressures: Retaining walls backfilled with non-expansive granular soil (EI=O) or very low expansive potential materials (Expansion Index of 20 or less) within a zone extending upward and away from the heel of the footing at a slope of 0.5:1 (horizontal to vertical) or flatter can be designed to resist the following static lateral sail pressures: Condition Levei'Backfilt.- 2:1'Slope Seismic Active 30 pcf 45 pcf Ku=0.2 At Rest 60 pcf EnGEN Corporation Paul Holdaway—Holdaway Residence Project Number:4388GFS February 2018 Page 12 Further expansion testing of potential backfill material should be performed at the time of retaining wall construction to determine suitability. Walls that are free to deflect 0.01 radian at the top may be designed for the above-recommended active condition. Walls that need to be restricted from this amount of movement should be assumed rigid and designed for the at-rest condition. The above values assume well-drained backfill and no buildup of hydrostatic pressure. Surcharge loads, dead and/or live, acting on the backfill behind the wall should also be considered in the design. 8.12 Retaining Wall Design: Retaining wall footings should be founded to the same depths into firm, competent, undisturbed, engineered fill or unweathered bedrock as standard foundations and may be designed for an allowable bearing value of 1,500 psf and 2,500 psf respectively (as long as the resultant force is located in the middle one-third of the footing), and with an allowable static lateral bearing pressure of 150 psf/ft in compacted engineered fill or 300 psf/ft in unweathered bedrock and allowable sliding resistance coefficient of friction of 0.35. When using the allowable lateral pressure and allowable sliding resistance, a Factor of Safety of 1.5 should be achieved. 8.13 Subdrain: A subdrain system should be constructed behind and at the base of retaining walls equal to or in excess of 4-feet in height to allow drainage and to prevent the buildup of excessive hydrostatic pressures.Gravel galleries and/orfilter rock, if not properly designed and graded for the on-site and/or import materials, should be enclosed in a geotextile fabric such as Mirafi 140N, Supac 4NP, or a suitable substitute in order to prevent infiltration of fines and clogging of the system. The perforated pipes should be at least 4.0-inches in diameter. Pipe perforations should be placed downward. Gravel filters should have volume of at least 1.0 cubic foot per lineal foot of pipe. For retaining walls with an overall height of less than 4-feet, subdrains may include weep holes with a continuous gravel gallery, perforated pipe surrounded by filter rock, or some other approved system. Subdrains should maintain a positive flow gradient and have outlets that drain in a non-erosive manner. 8.14 Backfill: Backfill directly behind retaining walls (if backfill width is less than 3 feet) may consist of 0.5 to 0.75- inch diameter, rounded to subrounded gravel enclosed in a geotextile fabric such as Mirafi 140N, Supac 4NP, or a suitable substitute or a clean sand (Sand Equivalent Value greater than 50) water jetted into place to obtain proper compaction. If waterjetting is used, the subdrain system should be in place. Even if water jetting is used, the sand should be densified to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction. If the specified density is not obtained by waterjetting, mechanical methods will be required. If other types of soil or gravel are used for backfill, mechanical compaction methods will be required to obtain a relative compaction of at least 90 percent of maximum dry density. Backfill directly behind retaining walls should not be compacted by wheel, track or other rolling by heavy construction equipment unless the wall is designed for the surcharge loading. If gravel, clean sand or other imported backfill is used behind retaining walls, the upper 18-inches of backfill in unpaved EnGEN Corporation Paul Holdaway—Holdaway Residence Project Number:4388GFS February 2018 Page 13 areas should consist of typical on-site material compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction in order to prevent the influx of surface runoff into the granular backfill and into the subdrain system. Maximum dry density and optimum moisture content for backfill materials should be determined in accordance with ASTM D 1557-12 procedures. 8.15 Utility Trench Recommendations: Utility trenches within the zone of influence of foundations or under building floor slabs, hardscape, and/or pavement areas should be backfilled with properly compacted soil. It is recommended that all utility trenches excavated to depths of 5.0-feet or deeper be cut back to an inclination not steeper than 1:1 (horizontal to vertical)or be adequately shored during construction. Where interior or exterior utility trenches are proposed parallel and/or perpendicular to any building footing, the bottom of the trench should not be located below a 1:1 plane projected downward from the outside bottom edge of the adjacent footing unless the utility lines are designed for the footing surcharge loads. Backfill material should be placed in a liftthickness appropriate for the type of backfill material and compaction equipment used. Backfill material should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction by mechanical means.Jetting of the backfill material will not be considered a satisfactory method for compaction. Maximum dry density and optimum moisture content for backfill material ishould be determined according to ASTM D 1557-12 procedures. 8.16 Finish Lot Drainage Recommendations: Finish lot surface gradients in unpaved areas should be provided next to tops of slopes and buildings to direct surface water away from foundations and slabs and from flowing over the tops of slopes. The surface water should be directed toward suitable drainage facilities. Ponding of surface water should not be allowed next to structures or on pavements. In unpaved areas, a minimum positive gradient of 2.0 percent away from the structures and tops of slopes for a minimum distance of 10.0- feet and a minimum of 1.0 percent pad drainage off the property in a non-erosive manner should be provided. 8.17 Planter Recommendations: Planters around the perimeter of the structure should be designed with proper surface slope to ensure that adequate drainage is maintained and minimal irrigation water is allowed to percolate into the soils underlying the building. 8.18 Supplemental Construction Observations and Testing: Any subsequent grading for development of the subject property should be performed under engineering observation and testing performed by EnGEN Corporation. Subsequent grading Aincludes, but is not limited to, any additional over-excavation of cut and/or cut/fill transitions, fill placement, and excavation of temporary and permanent cut and fill slopes. In addition, EnGEN Corporation should observe all foundation excavations. Observations should be made prior to installation of concrete forms and/or reinforcing steel to verify and/or modify, if necessary, the conclusions and recommendations in this report. Observations of over-excavation cuts, fill EnGEN Corporation Paul Holdaway-Holdaway Residence Project Number:4388GFS February 2018 Page 14 placement, finish grading, utility or other trench backfill, pavement subgrade and base course, retaining wall backfill, slab pre-saturation, or other earthwork completed for the development of subject property should be performed by EnGEN Corporation. If any of the observations and testing to verify site geotechnical conditions are not performed by EnGEN Corporation, liability forthe safety and performance of the development is limited to the actual portions of the project observed and/or tested by EnGEN Corporation. t9.0 PLAN REVIEW: Subsequent to formulation of final plans and specifications for the project but before bids for construction are requested, grading and foundation plans for the proposed development should be reviewed by EnGEN Corporation to verify compatibility with site geotechnical conditions and conformance with the recommendations contained in this report. If EnGEN Corporation is not accorded the opportunity to make the recommended review, we will assume no responsibility for misinterpretation of the recommendations presented in this report. 9.1 Pre-Bid Conference: It is recommended that a pre-bid conference be held with the owner or an authorized representative, the Project Architect, the Project Civil Engineer, the Project Geotechnical Engineer and the proposed contractors present. This conference will provide continuity in the bidding process and clarify questions relative to the supplemental grading and construction requirements of the project. 9.2 Pre-Grading Conference: Before the start of any grading, a conference should be held with the owner or an authorized representative, the contractor, the Project Architect, the Project Civil Engineer, and the Project Geotechnical Engineer present. The purpose of this meeting should be to clarify questions relating to the intent of the supplemental grading recommendations and to verify that the project specifications comply with the recommendations of this geotechnical engineering report. Any special grading procedures and/or difficulties proposed by the contractor can also be discussed at that time. 10.0 CLOSURE This report has been prepared for use by the parties or project named or described in this document. It may or may not contain sufficient information for other parties or purposes. In the event that changes in the assumed nature, design, or location of the proposed structure and/or project as described in this report, are planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report will not be considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and the conclusions and recommendations of this report are modified or verified in writing. This study was conducted in general accordance with the applicable standards of our profession and the accepted soil and foundation engineering principles and practices at the time this report was prepared. No other warranty, implied or expressed beyond the representations of this report, is made. Although every EnGEN Corporation 1 Paul Holdaway-Holdaway Residence Project Number:4388GFS February 2018 Page 15 the site, limitations exist with respect to the knowledge of unknown regional or localized off-site conditions that may have an impact at the site. The recommendations presented in this report are valid as of the date of the report. However, changes in the conditions of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether they are due to natural processes or to the works of man on this and/or adjacent properties. If conditions are observed or information becomes available during the design and construction process that are not reflected in this report, EnGEN Corporation should be notified so that supplemental evaluations can be performed, and the conclusions and recommendations presented in this report can be modified or verified in writing. Changes in applicable or appropriate standards of care or practice occur, whether they result from legislation or the broadening of knowledge and experience. Accordingly, the conclusions and recommendations presented in this report may be invalidated,wholly or in part, by changes outside of the control of EnGEN Corporation which occur in the future. Thank you for the opportunity to provide our services. Often, because of design and construction details which occur on a project, questions arise concerning the geotechnical conditions on the site. If we can be of further service or should you have questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact this office at your convenience. Because of our involvement in the project to date, we would be pleased to discuss engineering testing and observation services that may be applicable on the project. Respectfully submitted, E C ration H.a imb rincipal sbjorn atene, nci I Project Mana r, R PA 467 GE 162 Q OFESSjON1QUOpFNBRgr `FZHWB/OB:pm R1 F2 G z Distribution: (2) Addressee w No. 162 Mcc O c f) 0 TFCHN4, q OF CAOF EnGEN Corporation 1 Paul Holdaway—Holdaway Residence Project Number:4388GFS February 2018 Exhibits Exhibit 1 - Laboratory Test Results 1 1 EnGEN Corporation 1 MAXIMUM DENSITY - OPTIMUM MOISTURE REPORT 132 131 o 130 NN a Nca C 129 128 ZAV for Sp.G. _ 127 2.56 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Water content, % Test specification: ASTM D 1557-00 Method A Modified Elev/Classification Nat. G Depth USCS AASHTO Moist. Sp. .LL PI 4 No.200 0-2' SM 2.5 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Maximum dry density = 130.3 pcf Silty Sand,Brown Optimum moisture = 7.9 % Project No. 4388-GFS Client: Paul Holdaway Remarks: Project: Holdaway Residence SAMPLE#A-1 SAMPLED BY JP o Location: TP2 @ 0-2'Sample Number: A-1 SAMPLED ON 1/]2/18 EnGEN Corporation Figure Tested By: PB Checked By: PB CBC Laboratory Expansion Test Results Job Number: 4388GF5 Job Name: Holdaway Residence Location: Fosse Way Date: 01/17/18 Sample Source: TP1 @ 0-2' Sampled by: JP Lab Technician: PB Sample Descr: Silty sand, brown Sample#: A-1 Wet Compacted Wt.: 615.2 Ring Wt.: 196.8 Dial Change Time Net Wet Wt.: 418.4 Reading 1: 0.100 N/A 12:00 PM Wet Density: 126.4 Reading 2: 0.100 0.000 12:15 PM Wet Soil: 250.2 Reading 3: 0.100 0.000 12:30 PM Dry Soil: 228.7 Reading 4: 0.100 0.000 18-Jan Initial Moisture (%): 9.4% Initial Dry Density: 115.5 Saturation: 55.3% Final Wt. & Ring Wt.: 629.8 Net Final Wt.: 433.0 Dry Wt.: 382.4 Loss: 50.6 Expansion Index: 0 Net Dry Wt.: 379.1 Final Density: 114.5 Adjusted Index:2.1 Saturated Moisture: 13.3% CBC 18-2) EnGEN Corporation 41625 Enterprise Circle South, B-2 Temecula, California 92590 ph.951.296.3511 *fax 951.296.9045 email: engen@engencorp.com-www.engencorp.com 1 3000 2000 I y N 6 d NNN 1000 1 Fail. Ult. C, psf 238 183 deg 38.9 35.909Tan0.61 0.72 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Normal Stress, psf 3000 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 1 1 1Sample No. 1 2 3 Water Content, % 9.0 9.0 9.0 2500 Dry Density, pcf 122.9 80.8 121.5 3 Saturation, % 76.9 23.6 73.3 2000 S Void Ratio 0.3008 0.9782 0.3155 n Diameter, in. 2.42 2.42 2.42 w 2 Hei ht in. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1500 Water Content, % 16.1 15.8 15.5 Dry Density, pcf 122.9 80.8 121.5 U) 1000 W Saturation, % 136.6 41.4 125.8 Void Ratio 0.3008 0.9782 0.3155 Diameter, in. 2.42 2.42 2.42 500 Hei ht in. 1.00 1.00 1.00 Normal Stress, psf 1000 2000 3000EF 0 Fail. Stress, psf 1047 1849 2661 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Displacement, in. 0.06 0.07 0.08 Horiz. Displacement, in. Ult. Stress, psf 880 1682 2328 Displacement, in. 0.14 0.17 0.15 Strain rate, in./min. 0.100 0.100 0.100 Sample Type: REMOLD Client: Paul Holdaway Description: Silty Sand, Brown Project: Holdaway Residence Specific Gravity=2.56 Location: TP2 @ 0-2' Remarks: SAMPLE#A-1 Sample Number: A-1 Depth: 0-2' SAMPLED BY JP Proj. No.: 4388-GFS Date Sampled: 1-12-18 SAMPLED ON 1-11-18 DIRECT SHEAR TEST REPORT Figure EnGEN Cor oration Tested By: JP Checked By: JP 1 MAXIMUM DENSITY - OPTIMUM MOISTURE REPORT 131 1 130 I 129 Ud NCNU 128 127 1 ZAV for 2.60 126 2.60 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Water content, % Test specification: ASTM D 1557-00 Method A Modified Elev/Classification Nat. Depth USCS AASHTO Moist. Sp.G.LL PI 94 No.200 2.5-3'SM 5.1 TEST RESULTS MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Maximum dry density = 129.8 pcf Silty Sand, Brown Optimum moisture= 8.3 Project No. 4388-GFS Client: Paul Holdaway Remarks: Project: Holdaway Residence SAMPLE#A-1 SAMPLED BY JP o Location: TP2 r@i 2.5-3'Sample Number:A-2 SAMPLED ON 1-I 1-18 EnGEN Corporation Figure Tested By: IC Checked By: PB CBC Laboratory Expansion Test Results Job Number: 4388GFS Job Name: Holdaway Residence Location: Fosse Way Date: 01/29/18 Sample Source: TP2 @ 2.5-3' Sampled by: 1P Lab Technician: JP Sample Descr: Silty sand, brown Sample#: A-2 Wet Compacted Wt.: 618.8 Ring Wt.: 194.3 Dial Change Time Net Wet Wt.: 424.5 Reading 1: 0.100 N/A 12:00 PM Wet Density: 128.2 Reading 2: 0.100 0.000 12:15 PM Wet Soil: 242.4 Reading 3: 0.099 -0.001 12:30 PM Dry Soil: 222.3 Reading 4: 0.098 -0.002 30-Jan Initial Moisture 9.0% Initial Dry Density: 117.6 Saturation: 56.4% Final Wt. & Ring WL: 634.8 Net Final Wt.: 440.5 Dry Wt.: 389.3 Loss: 51.2 Expansion Index: 0 Net Dry Wt.: 386.1 Final Density: 116.6 Adjusted Index:2.5 Saturated Moisture: 13.3% CBC 18-2) 1 EnGEN Corporation 41625 Enterprise Circle South, B-2 Temecula, California 92590 ph.951.296.3511 " fax 951.296.9045 email: engen@engencorp.com-www.engencorp.com 1 3000 Fail. Ult. C, psf 290 ill deg 36.8 36.4 Tan 0.75 0.74 1 z000 a co u NN N t 1000 5l i I 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 Normal Stress, psf 3000 Sample No. 1 2 3 k Water Content, % 9.3 9.5 9.5 2500 Dry Density, pcf 122.2 122.1 121.4 3 70Saturation, % 73.9 74.9 73.1 2000 Void Ratio 0.3280 0.3290 0.3373 N Diameter, in. 2.42 2.42 2.42a N 2 Height, in. 1.00 1.00 1.00aNi U) 1500 -Water Content, % 14.9 15.7 14.5 Dry Density, pcf 122.2 122.1 121.4 En 1000 Saturation, % 118.4 123.8 111.4 1 C Void Ratio 0.3280 0.3290 0.3373 Diameter, in. 2.42 2.42 2.42 500 I Height, in. 1.00 1.00 1.00 Normal Stress, psf 1000 2000 3000 0 Fail. Stress, psf 1056 1751 2553 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Displacement, in. 0.07 0.10 0.08 Horiz. Displacement, in. Ult. Stress, psf 831 1624 2308 Displacement, in. 0.19 0.22 0.22 Strain rate, in./min. 0.100 0.100 0.100 Sample Type: REMOLD Client: Paul Holdaway Description: Silty Sand, Brown Project: Holdaway Residence Specific Gravity=2.6 Location: TP2 @ 2.5-3' Remarks: SAMPLE#A-2 Sample Number: A-2 Depth: 2.5-3' SAMPLED BY JP Proj. No.: 4388-GFS Date Sampled: 1-12-18 SAMPLED ON 1-12-18 DIRECT SHEAR TEST REPORT Figure EnGEN Corporation Tested By: JP Checked By: JP 1 S®iIC®r CORROSION&THERMAL SCIENCES 41765 Hawthorn Street Murrieta,CA 92562 ph(951)894-2682 • fx(951)894-2683 Work Order No.: 18A2332 Client: EnGEN Corporation Project No.: 4388-GFS tProject Name: Holdaway / Fosse Way Report Date: February 12, 2018 Laboratory Test(s) Results Summary The subject soil sample was processed in accordance with California Test Method CTM 643 and tested for pH / Minimum Resistivity (CTM 643), Sulfate Content (CTM 417) and Chloride Content (CTM 422). The test results follow: Minimum Sulfate Sulfate Chloride Sample Identification pH Resistivity Content Content Content ohm-cm) (mg/kg) (% by wgt) (ppm) Sample TP-2 @ 0-2 ft 6.4 3,000 20 0.002 50 ND=No Detection We appreciate the opportunity to serve you. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or clarifications regarding these results or procedures. Ahmet K. Kaya, Laboratory Manager Form No. 40-PR www.soilcor.com Rev. 01/17 Paul Holdaway—Holdaway Residence Project Number:4388GFS February 2018 Plates 1 1 Exhibit 2 - Exploratory Boring Log Summaries 1 1 1 1 EnGEN Corporation 1 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Project Number: 4388GFS Project: Holdaway Residence Boring Number: B-1 Surface Elevation: 1284 Date: 1-12-18 Logged By: JP In-Situ OptimumSoiloSampleDryMaximum Description E USCS Blow Count Moisture Moisture w Graphic Depth Density Content Density ContentwN 1284 i Colluvium 0 SM i Medium to fine sand with silt, loose, very moist, i brown(10YR-413) 1283 1 1 1282 Bedrock 2 Coarse to fine sand with silt, moderately dense, slightly moist, yellowish brown(10YR-5/8) 1281 3 BOTTOM OF EXCAVATION PIT NO EVIDENCE OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER 1280 NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED 4 1 1279 5 1 1278 6 1277 7 Notes: EnGEN Corporation 1 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG t Project Number: 4388GFS Project: Holdaway Residence Boring Number: B-2 Surface Elevation: 1287 Date: 1-12-18 Logged By: JP g In-Situ OptimumSoilo- Sample Dry MaximumDescriptionEUSCSBlowCountMoisture Moisture m Graphic toDepth Density Content Density Contentw 1287 Colluvium 0 SM Medium to fine sand with silt, loose,very moist, brown (10YR-4/3) 1286 1 1 1285 l Bedrock 2 Coarse to fine sand with silt, moderately dense, moist,yellowish brown(10YR-5/8) 1284 BOTTOM OF EXCAVATION PIT 3 NO EVIDENCE OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED 1283 4 1 1282 5 1 1281 6 1280 7 Notes: EnGEN Corporation GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG Project Number: 4388GFS Project: Holdaway Residence Boring Number: B-3 Surface Elevation: 1299 Date: 1-12-18 Logged By: JP c In-Situ OptimummSail Description E Sample USCS Blow Count Dry Moisture Maximum Moisture w Graphic m Depth Density Density w a Content Content 1299 Colluvium 0 SM Medium to fine sand with silt, loose,very moist, brown (10YR-4/3) 1298 1 1297 2 Bedrock Coarse to fine sand with silt, moderately dense, slightly moist, yellowish brown(10YR-5/8) 1296 3 tBOTTOM OF EXCAVATION PIT NO EVIDENCE OF HISTORICAL GROUNDWATER 1295 NO GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED 4 1 1294 5 1 1293 6 1 1292 7 Notes: EnGEN Corporation LEGEND - KEY TO SYMBOLS Symbol Description Graphic Representation Descriptions Silty sand Notes: 1. Exploratory excavatons were performed on the dates indicated on the logs. 2. No groundwater was encountered at the time of excavations were made. 3. Locations were taped from existing features. Elevations are from the plans prepared by others 4. Logs are subject to the limitations and recommendations of the report perpared by EnGEN Corporation. 5. Results of tests conducted ------I recovered ma be re orted on the to s. Paul Holdaway—Holdaway Residence Project Number:4388GFS February 2018 Plates Exhibit 3 - Typical Grading Detail 1 1 1 1 1 1 EnGEN Corporation KEY AND BENCHING DETAIL t FILL SLOPE PROJECT ITO 1 LINE FROM TOE OF SLOPE TO COMPETENT MATERIAL EXISTING GROUND SURFACE l==-1= _ REMOVE UNSUITABLE wZ-_ MATERIALl---- 1 BENCH 2'MIN.KEY DEPTH jgy MlN. MIN 5') 1 I p 10'MIN. EQUIPMENT WIDTH) FILL-OVER-CUT SLOPE 1 COMPARED FILL-----------11_—________ EXISTING GROUND SURFACE REMOVE 1------- UNSUITABLE MATERIAL BENCH SURDRgIN - BAC KDRAIN DETAIL 2'MIN.KEY DEPTH --Z%MIN.t—'- "'0: MIN S)WHEN REQUIRED) fff= ospsppuepelosp@ppusosu@p @upupp@lY@ps so@loslueplO'MIN.— L ppplu( EQUIPMENT WIDTH) I psupp= CUT SLOPE9'Minmum Diameter ABS OB PVC @OPieorA( TO BE EXCAVATED PRIOR i pprovedationb teemminimum8'seperation between l/4' TO FILL PLACEMENT) diameter perforations,per linear foot in bottom. Subdrain should daytightto suitable drscharge Note:An approved filter fabric facility per geotechnical engineer's approval. Burnet.)may be wrapped around 3/4"crushed ruck or pea gravel. CUT-OVER-FILL SLOPE PROJECT 1 TO 1 LINE FROM TOE OF SLOPE 77- II CUT SLOPE 70 COMPETENT MATERIAL y-- EXISTING TO BE EXCAVATED PRIOR TO FILL PLACEMENT) GROUND SURFACE II R __ REMOVE COMPAED FILL_ III UNSUITABLE MATERIAL 2'MIN.KEY DEPTH 2%MIN. --i.:'_:. 10'MIN. BENCH En' EN EQUIPMENT WIDTH) I (MIN 5) 41625 Enterprise Circle 5outh,"8-2" 951)296-3511 •FaH:(951)296-3711 Note:Back drain may be recommended by the geotechnical consultant based on actual field conditions www.engencorp.com encountered. Bench dimension recommendations may also be altered on field conditions encountered. 1 GENERAL GRADING RECOMMENDATIONS CUT LOT oRIGIN?'ROUND - I MINIMUM 5'SET54CN Ffl OM STR UCTURE 51Min. 3 MINIMU COMPARED PILL E /!, OVEREXCAVATE AND RECOMPACT IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECOMMENDATIONS GEOTECHNICAL REPORT NOTE DEEPER EXCAVATION MAY BE SUITABLESOILOR REQUIRED BYTHEGEOTECHNICAL GEOLOGIC UNIT ENGINEER IN STEEP TRANSITIONS CUT-FILL LOT (TRANSITION) 1 MINIMUM S'5 ETBAC K FROM STfl UC% 5'Min. 101, y MINIMU COMPACTED FILL OVEREXCAVATE AND RECOM PACT J IN ACCORDANCE WITH RECOMMENDATIONS JS OC. OF THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT SUITABLE SOIL OR O_ F-O / Q5 _P / NOTE : DEEPER EXCAVATION MAYBE GEOLOGIC UNIT O p<i/ REQUIRED BYTHE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER IN STEEP TRANSITIONS lMdE_N 41635 Enterydse Ctde South/6Y 951)396 3511.Fax:(951)2%3711 www.en9ercarP.com Minimum Horizontal Removal Limits BACKCUT INCLINED V HORIZONTAL TO V VERTICAL OR AS DESIGNED BY ENGEN CORPORATION TO MEET CALOSHA REQUIREMENTS MEASURE FROM BOTTOM OF PROPOSED FOOTING 1i 1 j FILL pP aUi gypLU1 1 Py p2 LU LUVIUM- o y i KDROCK OR COMPETENT ALLUVIUM (SOIL) REMOVALS TO EXTEND TO THE HORIZONTAL DISTANCE OUTSIDE OF THE BUILDING LINES EQUAL TO DEPTH OF REMOVAL (LENGTH = HEIGHT) EnGFN 41625 Enterprise Circle South,"13-2" 951)296-3511 • Fax:(951)296-3711 w .engencorpcom tPaul Holdaway—Holdaway Residence Project Number:4388GFS February 2018 Plates 1 1 Plate 1 - Geotechnical Feasibility Study Plan 1 1 1 1 EnGEN Corporation 1 PLATE 1 i H PO PASEO GOLETA 1309HoxL CALIFORNIARANCHO sons T 3 P j V i RANCHO VISTA FOSSE WAV SITE x j // Yi/ r ^usea I PAUSA IN.usi VICINITY MAPIIII NTS i YY\__ 199oo j i \ -( yy\ \ \. 3 g i\ \ — \ \Frrt i/ aegg\ \ \ \ \ FL JJI Iluf FG 2' .' 12895 HPIFL 77 FG PRGPFarv \ 1 LEGEND CQaI = Colluvium overlying Pauba Formation Approximate Location of Exploratory Borings 72sp), i GRAPHIC SCALE BO 20 t80 Geotechnical Feasibility Study Site Planl02040 IJ Project Name: Holdaway Residence I Date: 1/23/18 Project Number: 4388GFS Client: Paul Holdaway 41625 Enterprise Circle South,B-2 -Temecula,California 92590 • 951.296.3511 • engen@engencorp.com www.engencorp.com Legal Description: Parcel 2 of PM 12318 Plate No. 1