HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-90 CC ResolutionRESOLUTION NO.2022-90 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 10 TO THE OLD TOWN SPECIFIC PLAN (SP-5) (LONG RANGE PROJECT NO. LR21-0279) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Procedural Findings. The City Council does hereby find, determine, and declare that: A. The Old Town Specific Plan (SP-5) was approved by the City Council on February 22, 1994, by the adoption of Ordinance No. 94-05. Amendment No. 1 to the Old Town Specific Plan (SP-5) was approved on January 23, 1996, by the adoption of Ordinance No. 96-01. Amendment No. 2 to the Old Town Specific Plan (SP-5) was approved on May 13, 1997, by the adoption of Ordinance No. 97-06. Amendment No. 3 to the Old Town Specific Plan (SP-5) was approved on July 13, 1999, by the adoption of Ordinance No. 99-12. Amendment No. 4 to the Old Town Specific Plan (SP-5) was approved on October 10, 2000, by the adoption of Ordinance No. 00-11. Amendment No. 5 to the Old Town Specific Plan (SP-5) was approved on August 24, 2004, by the adoption of Ordinance No. 04-08. Amendment No. 6 to the Old Town Specific Plan (SP-5) was approved on June 13, 2006, by the adoption of Ordinance No. 06-07. Amendment No. 7 to the Old Town Specific Plan (SP-5) was approved on May 25, 2010, by the adoption of Ordinance No. 10-09. Amendment No. 8 to the Old Town Specific Plan (SP-5) was approved on September 5, 2017, by the adoption of Resolution No. 17.56. Amendment No. 9 to the Old Town Specific Plan (SP-5) was approved May 26, 2020, by the adoption of Resolution No. 2020-32. The Old Town Specific Plan as originally approved and as amended by Amendments Nos. 1-9 shall be referred to in this Resolution as the "Specific Plan". B. The City Council of the City of Temecula certified the Old Town Specific Plan Final Program Environmental Impact report ("FPEIR") on May 11, 2010. C. Addendum No. 1 to the Old Town Specific Plan FPEIR was adopted on May 26, 2020. D. Staff initiated Long Range Project No. LR21-0279, a Specific Plan Amendment, in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and development Code. E. The project was processed including, but not limited to a public notice, in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law. F. On October 19, 2022, the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula held a duly noticed public hearing on the proposed Addendum No. 2 to the Old Town Specific Plan Final Program Environmental Impact report and proposed Amendment No. 10 to the Old Town Specific (SP-5) at which time all persons interested in these actions had the opportunity and did address the Planning Commission. G. After hearing all written and oral testimony by staff and all written comments from the public on the proposed actions and duly considered the comments received, the Planning Commission Adopted Resolution No. 2022-32 recommending to the City Council that the Addendum No. 2 to the Old Town Specific Plan Final Program Environmental Impact report be approved. The Planning Commission also adopted Resolution No. 2022-33 recommending to the City Council that the proposed Amendment No. 10 to the Old Town Specific Plan (SP-5) be approved. Resolution No. 2023-32 and Resolution No. 2023-33 are hereby incorporated herein by this reference as if set forth in full. H. All legal preconditions to the adoption of the Resolution have occurred. Section 2. Further Findings. The City Council, in approving Amendment No. 10 to the Old Town Specific Plan (SP-5) hereby finds, determines and declares that: A. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment is consistent with the General Plan and Development Code. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment conforms to the existing policies within the City of Temecula General Plan. The General Plan Land Use Element, as noted on page LU-26, anticipates that the City will provide comprehensive planning of large areas and identifies the Old Town Specific Plan as a specific plan area. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment is consistent with the General Plan Land Use Element Goal 7 of having "A viable, high quality Old Town Temecula area that enhances the City economically, preserves historic structures, and provides civic, cultural, shopping, and meeting and gathering places for tourists and residents. " The proposed Specific Plan Amendment also complies with all applicable Development Code standards required for Specific Plan amendments including Section 17.16.060 (amendments to approved plans) and Section 17.01.040 (relationship to the General Plan) and is consistent with the City of Temecula General Plan goals, policies and objectives. B. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment would not be detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience or welfare of the City; The proposed Specific Plan Amendment has been reviewed pursuant to the City's General Plan and all applicable State laws and has been found to be consistent with the policies, guidelines, standards and regulations intended to ensure that the development within the Old Town Specific Plan area will be constructed and function in a manner consistent with the public health, safety, and welfare. C. The subject property is physically suitable for the requested land use designations and the anticipated land use developments. The Old Town Specific Plan consists of approximately 153 acres. As outlined in the Land Use Element of the City's General Plan (page LU-32), the purpose of a Specific Plan is to provide a comprehensive planning document for large areas so that a coordinated planning approach is provided for all anticipated land use developments. As such, the entire Specific Plan area has been reviewed based on existing structures and future build out potential and is physically suitable for the land use designations provided by the Amended Old Town Specific Plan. D. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment shall ensure the development of desirable character which will be compatible with existing and proposed development in the surrounding neighborhood. As identified within the City's General Plan Land Use Element (page LU-30), Old Town Temecula is a strong identification point for the City and the City desires to ensure that Old Town remains a focal point for social, cultural, civic, tourist, and economic development activities. The Old Town Specific Plan was originally adopted to support and complement the desirable character of Temecula's downtown and the proposed Amendment to the Old Town Specific Plan further supports its downtown character. The City's General Plan Land Use Element states that the City will continue to implement the Old Town Specific Plan and will modify or amend it as needed to respond to development trends in the area (L U-40). As such, the proposed Amendment to the Old Town Specific Plan provides a means to enhance the area economically while also ensuring the development of a desirable character compatible with existing and proposed development in Old Town and the surrounding area. Section 3. Approval of Amendment No. 10 to the Old Town Specific Plan (SP-5). The City Council of the City of Temecula hereby approves that certain Amendment No. 10 to the Old Town Specific Plan (SP-5) in substantially the form attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Section 4. City Manager Authorization. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to take all steps necessary to implement this Specific Plan Amendment. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 29d' day of November, 2022. Matt Rahn, Mayor ATTE Rands ohl, City Clerk [SEAL] 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2022-90 was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 29th day of November, 2022, by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCIL MEMBERS: Alexander, Edwards, Rahn, Schwank, Stewart NOES: 0 COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: 0 COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCIL MEMBERS: None 4'�� --1) Randi Johl, City Clerk 4 M W. L_A\-D USE A\"D URBAN DEVELOPMIENT ST LN-D.kRDS — DO«1�TOXV CORE ND DOWNTOWN CORE;"HOTEL OVERLAY DISTRICT ,wi. Allowable Building Types and Building Height The table below outlines the allowable building types and building heights in the Downtown Core and Downtown CoreiHotel Overlay district. Additional standards related to Building Types are addressed in Section E of this chapter and shall be applied to all projects in the Downtown Core and Downtown CoreiHotel Overlay district- Sections V.B and V.0 of the Design Guidelines Chapter, also discuss basic building forms and the architectural character that is required to reflect the historical context of Old Town Temecula and shall be applied to all building constructed in the Downtown Core and Downtown Core.,Hotel Overlay district. The Design Guidelines contained in Chapter V shall be used in concert with the urban standards contained in this chapter - I Building Type and Building Frontage Standards shall be applied as required in Section E and F of this chapter. Allowable Building Height in the Hotel Over&y is eight stories equivalent to no more than 100 feet to allow- by right a fall service boutique hotel with food service and conference facilities- 3 Buildings adjacent to a designated historic structure that share a street frontage shall not be constructed more than one story or 25 feet higher than the historic structure, in the adjacent 25 feet of frontage - Table W-8: Allowable Building Types and Building Height in the Downtown Core and Downtown Core/Hotel Overlay District Allowable Building Building Type Permitted Not Permitted Height max. feet/ stories 2�3 Rowhouse X �b S 5 feet maximum height iU_A stories 30 55 feet maximum height in 3 stories-, but up to 3A i5 feet in four stories allowed Courtyard Building X when at least one level is residential, or when one level is office and parking is provided. 55 feet maximum height in 3 stories: but up to 30 55 feet in four stories when at Commercial Block X least one level is residential, or when one level is office and parking is provided. Detached House X Duplex, Tri-plea, Quad- --k plex X Bungalow Courtyard F N A City of Temecula — Old Town Specific Plan IV-20 r M M IV. LAND USE AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS — DONI TOR1 CORE AND DO«:NTOV4:1 COREMOTEL OVERLAY DISTRICT Figures IV-6a, b, c. Conceptual sketches of typical allowable building height scenarios in the Downtown Core and Downtown Core Hotel Overlm District: Elevation at Finished Grade of Sidewalk a. Typical Three -Story Scenario City of Temecula — Old Town Specific Plan Elevation at Finished Grade of Sidewalk , b. Typical Four -Story Scenario e- Typical Eight -Story Scenario AHotelj M M M IS'. LAIND USE AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS - DO«1TOR1 CORE A.\'D DOWNTOWN COREMOTEL OVERLAY DISTRICT IV-6 d: Conceptual sketch ofallowable building height (typical) in relationship to the finished grade of the sidewalk when the building facades are located on a slope. ------------------------------ ■ ■ • �I i � � i � i------------------------------ ■ ------------------- e at Sidewalk r City of Temecula — Old Town Specific Plan IV. LAND USE AND LRBA\ DEVELOP'.% EN-T STAND.A.RDS F. BUILDING FRONTAGE STANDARDS This section identifies the seven frontage types that are allowed within the Old Town Specific Plan area. Each frontage type is subject to the Urban Standards and requirements for each zoning district as outlined in Section rV.D (Urban Standards) of this chapter. The frontage types allowed in Old Town are as follows and are organized and discussed in more detail in the following section: • Shopfront • Arcade • Gallery • Two -Story Gallery • Forecourt • Stoop • Porch • Raised Commercial Porch Additionally, this section includes a discussion of, and provides specific requirements and standards for, all commercial ground floor facades regardless of frontage tape. City of Temecula — Old Town Specific Plan IV. LAND USE AND URBAN DEVELORMENT ST.•kND.s►RDS h Raised Commercial Porch A Raised Commercial Front Porch type is for commercial building types that have a raised first floor porch and entry. Exterior stairs and a raised porch provide access to the commercial uses. The porch landing is positioned at the build-to-Ime, and the stairs and pedestrian pathway to the Porch extend into the area between the Porch landing and the property line (the "Frontage Zone'). The exterior stairs may be perpendicular and or parallel to the sidewalk. The Porch may incorporate all elevations facing the public right -of way. Porch material finish shall be architecturally compatible with the structure- The elevation of the Porch shall be no more than 24 inches above the adjoining sidewalk. City of Temecula — Old Town Specific Plan IV-9t IV. LAND USE AND URBAN DEVELOP&IENT STANDARDS 2. General Requirements for Commercial Ground Floor Facades Except for historic structures or legal nonconforming HARDWARE Corn SI}t Tice/ 2' to 3' structures, all commercial ground floor facades, age regardless of frontage type, are subject to the following general requirements_ ransom _'L' _ j. A minimum of 75 percent of the ground floor shop Awning front facade shall be windows. IT floor to ceiling u_ All windows shall be recessed no less than two Display minimum inches. All ground floor windows shall be framed with Windows molding no less than two inches wide. iii. Entry doors may be recessed a maximum of six feet Bulkhead to create an exterior enemy-way. Door to Doors w/ Glass iv. Aluminum shop front or spandrel panels are not 2nd floor permitted materials fore ball head commercial eround floor facades- v. Awnings may only provide shade along the building frontage and shall not cover the entire fagade. HARDWARE S Cornice 2' to 3' Transom 12' floor Figure IV-56a (above): Shopfront with a taller band to Ceiling above the display windows to accommodate an ! Display minimum awning. Windows Figure IV-56b (belon): Shopfront facade similar to above, but without an awning band above the display Bulkhead windows. Door to Doors w/ Glass 2nd floor City of Temecula — Old Town Specific Plan IV. LAND USE AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT T STANDARDS - DOWNTOWN CORE AND DOWNTOWN COREMOTEL OVERLAY DISTRICT HL Allowable Parking Placement Parking and loading facilities within the Downtown Core and Downtown Core Hotel Overlay district shall be placed on the site in accordance with the following requirements: Table W-5: Parking Placement in the Downtown Core and Downtown CoreJHotel Overla • District (typical lot Parking Surface parking, Subterranean: Facility tuck under Setback parking, alley (behind build- loaded parking, to line):2 structured garage parking3, podium arkin :3 A Front Yard 20 feet from the 0 feet from Setback build -to line along property line (primary street the primary street frontage frontage; 50 feet is and'or recommended' Mumeta Creek B. Side Street 20 feet minimum 0 feet from Setback from the build -to property line (secondary line along the street frontage secondary street on corner lot) frontage; 50 feet is recommended2 C. Side Yard 0 feet from 0 feet from Setback propertylineproperty line D. Rear Yard 5 feet from 0 feet from Setback (no property line property line ail E. Alley Rear 0 feet from 0 feet from Yard Setback property 1: property line Figure IV-4. Allowable parking placement in the DTC and DTCIXO district for lots without urrieta Creek frontage_ CA E a Alley (where occurs) Side Street ' All parking structure upper stories may be built to the build -to line. PParking setbacks apply to the parking level adjacent to the sidewalk. 3%'hen individual detached garages are provided for any building to they shall be located at the rear 25 percent of the site and screened from the street Property Line City of Temecula — Old Town Specific Plan IV. LAND USE AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS — DOWNTOWN CORE AND DOWNTOWN COREIHOTEL OVERLAY DISTRICT Table W-6: Parking Placement in the Downtown Core and Downtown CorelHotel Overlay IiisiutL_ ots with Murrieta Creek frontage) Parking Facitih• Surface, tuck under, Subterranean: Setback alley loaded, (behind build -to _structured garage parkingt, and line):2 podium parking:3 .1L Front Yard 20 feet from the 0 feet from the Setback (primary build -to line along build -to line street frontage the primary street and or'Murneta frontage; 50 feet is Creek) I recommended2 B. Side Street 20 feet minimum 0 feet from the Setback from the build -to line build -to line (secondary street along the secondary frontage on street frontage; 50 comer lot) feet is recommended= C. Side Yard 0 feet from property 0 feet from Setback line property line D. Rear Yard 5 feet from property 0 feet from Setback (no line property line alley E. Alley Rear 0 feet from property 0 feet from Yard Setback line property- line r All parking structure upper stories may be built to the build -to line. ,'Parking setbacks apply to the parking level adjacent to the sidewalk. Figure IV-S. Allowable parking placement in the DTC and DTC HO district for lots with Murrieta Creek frontage. Curb t � B Y ea : 3 i i :J o A 0. D/ 31Vhen individual detached garages are provided for any building t�= they shall be located at the rear 25 percent of the site and screened from the street_ Alley (where occurs) Side Street -Property Line -Build-To Line City of Temecula — Old Town Specific Plan IV-19 V. DESIGN GUIDELINES C. ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN GUIDELLNES The architectural design guidelines for Old Town are organized into four topics: building form, frontage type, architectural style, and materials_ While architectural principles are defined, variety and individual expression within this framework are encouraged. The community desires a character of architecture and streetscape reflecting Temecula Valley's history, natural landscape and climate. 1. Building Form By 1930, the buildings on Main Street provided clear and well-defined edges to the public realm. The building facades were all positioned on the build -to line, and the building forms were strong, simple volumes. Variety on street edges was created through the use_ of various frontage types (galleries, arcades, etc.). Future buildings in Old Town are encouraged to reinforce this historic pattern through the _use o_f simple and clear building massing, enlivened with carious frontage types. Building facades that exceed 50 linear feet should incorporate varying architectural expression, character, and roofiines so as to appear to be made up of various smaller building facades. Figure V-26 illustrates some common examples of two, three and four-story building forms that are encouraged in Old Town. The heavy dashed line is the build -to line on which the facade must be positioned, the heavy solid line is the property line, and the double thin lines represent the curb. The 10-foot wide public sidewalk lies between the property line and the curb, and the 10- foot extension of the sidewalk onto private land lies between the property line and the build -to line. Galleries, arcades, awnings, canopies, signage, etc. are located within the 10 feet between the property line and the facade_ The realm of the streets is the primary public asset in Old Town. The goals for this public realm include clearly defined street edges, architecture with character, and a lively and interesting pedestrian experience. While the private needs of tenants are met within the interior spaces, the public responsibility is to contribute to a clearly defined street providing a pleasant pedestrian experience. The following section focuses on frontage types that may be combined with simple building forms to achieve these goals for the public realm- 2-Story 3-Story 3 Story + 4th Setback 3-Story + Forecourt r. ♦ / VJ`�a CJ` I Figure v 26. Examples of permitted building forms in Old Town City of Temecula - Old Town Specific Plan V-19 f_ Gates that are used in conjunction with the fencing should be of similar color and material as the fencing and should incorporate appropriate hardware to meet Building and Fire code requirements. g. The construction of decorative accent brick or stone pilasters between stretches of fencing is recommended to add interest and variety to the outdoor dining or sidewalk cafe area. This is especially encouraged when the pilasters may be able to appropriately tie in building materials that have been used on the primary structure. h. One pilaster is recommended for every 8 linear feet of fencing. t. The minimum fence height is 36" when alcoholic beverages will be served within the outdoor dining sidewalk cafe area- It is encouraged that all fencing in Old Town be between the heights of 36" and 42". j. Fencing and gates should be able to withstand outdoor use and be continually maintained in good condition, repair and quality at all times. Figure V-122: Example of fencing and landscaping. k- Requirements for Fencing not associated with dining can be found in Section L. 4. Landscape Treatment Guidelines a. The use of potted plants, flower boxes, and hanging plants are encouraged to soften outdoor dining and sidewalk cafes in Old Town- b_ The incorporation of potted landscaping and+or landscape planters into the masonry walls'pilasters of an outdoor dining or sidewalk cafe area is encouraged. Flower boxes are encouraged to be used in combination with barrier fencing. c. If a solid masonry wall is utilized as the barrier to delineate an outdoor dining or sidewalk cafe area, it should be softened with climbing vines or other landscape materials. Figure V-123: Example of landscape planter boxes used as fencing. Figure V-124 (above): Bxamples of landscape treatments that may be appropriate to soften outdoor eating areas or sidewalk cafes. City of Temecula - Old Town Specific Plan V-30 V. DESIGN GUIDELINES L. FENCING NOT ASSOCIATED VVTTH DINLNG Appropriate fencing materials for commercial projects include, but are not limited to, decorative %ought iron; tubular steel, natural woad or materials that resemble natural wood, decorative masonry and landscape planter boxes. Fences should be decorative in nature and enhance the built environment. Other materials may be considered and approved by the Director of Planning on a case -by -case basis, dependent upon the architectural compatibility, overall design and appearance of the fencing materials. b. All proposed fencing shall require the review and approval of a Modification Application and any appropriate building permits. c. One pilaster is required for every 8 linear feet of fencing. d. All fencing in the Downtown Core shall be between 36" and 42". Fencing in the Residential Limited Mixed Use and Neighborhood Residential Districts shall be between 36" and 42" and no higher than 6 feet. e. Fencing and gates shall be able to withstand outdoor use and shall be continually maintained in good condition, repair, and quality at all tunes. £ Chain link fencing material is not permitted. City of Temecula — Old Town Specific Plan V-97 M III. ADMI ISTRATION AND HISTORIC PRESERVATION F. RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER REGULATIONS All construction and development within the Old Town Specific Plan area shall comply with the applicable provisions of the California Building Code and with the various related mechanical, electrical, and plumbing codes, and with the Fire Code. In case a conflict arises between the provisions of the building and fire codes and this Specific Plan, the building and fire codes shall prevail- G. NON- CONFORMING LTSES AND STRUCTURES A'here, at the time of passage of this Specific Plan, a lawful use of land or structure exists which would not be permitted by the regulations imposed by this Specific Plan, such use or structure may be continued indefinitely unless one of the following occurs: • If the non -conforming use vacates the property and the non -conforming, use is not re- established within one year, the use shall not be re-established. • If the non -conforming use voluntarily vacates the property for any reason after the year 2013, then the non -conforming use shall not be re- established. • If more than 500/6 of the non -conforming structure is damaged or destroyed, the structure shall not be re-established. • If more than 25%, but less than 500/a of the non -conforming structure is damaged or destroyed, the structure may be replaced if the exterior of the repaired structure substantially conforms to the approved urban architectural standards and desien euidelines contained Chapter IV and Chapter V of this Specific Plan. • Existing detached single-family residences in the Neighborhood Residential (NR) and Residential./Limited Mixed Use (R/LMU) Districts are not subject to the requirements above and may be expanded subject to the approval of the Director of Planning. City of Temecula — Old Town Specific Plan III_` M M r IA'. LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS a. Utilities ! There shall be no above ground utilities permitted to be located within the 20-foot public alleyway. ii_ There shall be no landscaping within the 20 foot public alleyway, however landscaping may be provided along the building facade adjacent to an alley on private property - in. Utilities shall be placed underground within the public alleyways in Old Town unless proven infeasible by the utility. iv. Utilities shouldLshall be placed in compliance with the Utility and Infrastructure Design Guidelines contained in Section VX of this Specific Plan. v. Above ground utilities =l'^^'d shall be placed on private property adjacent to the public alleyway within parking areas, landscape planters, building "notch outs," or utility rooms as to not encroach or obstruct the required 20 foot public alleyway. vi. All required utility easements shall be obtained and recorded as a condition of approval for development vii. Buildings that are constructed adjacent to the public alleyways in Old Town shall be designed to accommodate trash pickup from the public alleyways whenever feasible. The location of trash enclosures shall be considered in a building's design in.order to accommodate adequate access for waste disposal trucks. viii. The construction of a concrete stress pad shall be required within an alleyway when the location of the trash enclosure dictates that trash trucks access the alleyway on a regular basis. City of Temecula — Old Town Specific Plan Figure IV-109. Rrample of an urban alley_ IV. LAN-D USE A.ND UF%BA_- DEVELOPIIEYT ST.ANMARDS TABLE A'-1: LA*1D USE JLATRIX LIST OF USES Residential -Limited Mixed -Use Downtown Core (DTC)/ Downtown Core -Hotel Overlay (DTC/HO) Neighborhood Residential (NR) Adult Entertainment Businesses Alcoholic Beverage Sales C" C Art Studio with or without a gallery P P - Bar, Cocktail Lounge C' C Beer Tuting Establishment C" - Bed and Breakfast C C Community Care F (6 or Fewer) P Community Care F - (7 to 14) C Day Car hftchool C' C' Day S - (Full Servioe) P' P Drive-thru Businesses (includes eating establishments and banks) Exape Rooms C C Farmers Madret C C Health and fitness, dance, martial arts studio P1 Home Occupation P P P Cigar -Hookah. Club vote member ) C C Hotel P` P' Entertainment See Municipal Code' 14 See Municipal Codes. 14 Massage Facilities Museum P Neighborhood market- grocery store P- P Office-Admmistaa-,•e: ProfessionaLNiedical P' F Performing Arts P Personal Services P P Residential -Attached P P' P Residential - Detached P Residential - LivetWork C C C Restaurnt without Alcohol P' P' Restaurant pith Beer and Wine P, P" — Restaurant with Beer, Wine, and Distilled S hits C C - Restaurant pith Entertainment (not includmg dancing) See Municipal Code' t4 See Municipal Code' '4 - Restnnant with Entatamment and/or Dancing See Mrmicipal Code' 14 See Municipal fie,. u - City of Temecula - Old Town Specific Plan IV. LAND USE AND URBAN DEVELOPMEINT STANDARDS Retail P' P Tattoo Studio Trade Educational Institution P' P: Rine Producing1whao Brewery — (Type 02 ABC License only) P P' Wine Tastine Faciht; ype 02 ABC License only) P, P' Fine Tasting Facility C'° C 10 Except hotel operations, business activities within the ResidentiaULimited Mixed -Use and Neighborhood Residential during the hours of 12:00 am. and 5:00 a.m. shall require a Conditional Use Permit. Any use not explicitly stated above shall require a use determination by the Planning Commission. P Use is permitted by right C Use is permitted with a Conditional Use Permit Use is not permitted 1. Use is limited to ground floor only. 2. These uses are limited to either the second floor (or higher) or to locations that do not front upon or open directly onto either Old Town Front Street or Main Street 3. This use is limited to locations that front Moreno Road. Full service hotel uses with food service and conference facilities at heights greater than three stories but limited to eight stories may be considered under a Conditional Use Permit Subject to the Supplemental Standards for hotels over 3 stories. 4. Full service hotel uses with food service and conference facilities in the Downtown Core -Hotel Overlay (DTC.HO) are allowed eight stories. Subject to the Supplemental Standard and Special Use Standards in Section IV.G of this chapter, for hotels over three stories. 5. Outdoor entertainment is not permitted in Old Town. City sponsored signature events and -or events when the City is the applicant are exempt. Outdoor live entertainment may be considered for private businesses in Old Town with a Temporary Use Permit as appropriately conditioned, limited to one event per quarter per Section IIIN. 6. Ground floor residential not permitted in the Downtown Core area along Old Town Front Street and Main Street 7. Shall include a store front tasting room. Premises with or without the product sale for off -site consumption is limited to a Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control License Type 02 (Winery Winegrower). 9. Premises with or without the product sale for off -site consumption is limited to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control License Type 02 (Winery Winegrower). 9. Outdoor Dining or Sidewalk Cafes are permitted in conjunction with a restaurant subject to the review and approval of a Minor Modification or as approved with a Development Plan application. 10. Premises with or without the product sale for off -site consumption applying for any Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control License type other than a Type 02 (Winery' Winegrower). 11 _ Subject to Chapter 17.10 Supplemental Development Standards of the Development Code. 12_ This use is permitted on either the ground floor or second floor. 13. Premises with or without the product sale for off -site consumption is limited to the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control License Type 23 (Small Beer Manufacturing — Duplicate) 14. Subject to Municipal Code Section 9.10 (Entertainment License) CA,, of Teiuecula — Old Town Specific Plan IV. URBAN DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS iii. Lighting.+Glare: • Lighting shall be located so as to minimithe impact of lighting upon adjacent buildings and properties, especially residential uses. • Any lighting source, including illuminated signs, shall be positioned so that light does not shine directly into residential windows. • No outdoor lights shall be permitted that blink, revolve, flash or change intensity_ 4. Balconies, Patios, and Porches a. Intent Balconies, patios and porches shall be maintained clean, orderly and free of clutter. All furnishings shall be designed for outdoor use only. b. Requirements & No permanent or temporary enclosure including shutters, blinds or partition shall be affixed to any area of the porch, patio or balcony. If any change to the exterior appearance of the porch, balcony or patio is desired, a minor modification shall be submitted to the Planning Department for review and approval. ti. Freestanding spas, hot tubs or similar amenities shall be screened from public view_ The placement of such items on balconies, patios and porches are subject to the review and approval of the Director of Planning. iii. Balconies, patios and porches may not be used for storage_ iv. Clothing, sheets, blankets, laundry, water accessories or rafts, toys and similar objects shall not be hung from or exposed on the balconies, patios or porches. v. Planters containing live, well eroomed plants are permitted provided the plant does not extend beyond the interior of the balcony, patio or porch. No empty planters or planters containing dead, diseased or dying plants may be stored at any time within a balcony, patio or porch_ If it is determined that plants are not being property maintained, the Planning Director shall have the authority to require the property owner to remove or replace the plantings. vi. Hoses on porches, patios and balconies shall be kept in a hose reel or hose hideaway. 5. Bed and Breakfast Establishments a. Intent The purpose of this section is to provide standards for the development and operation of Bed and Breakfast establishments in Old Town. b. Requirements k All Bed and Breakfast Establishments in Old Town shall comply with the provisions contained in Chapter 17.10 of the Temecula Municipal Code, except fen -the c. Supplemental Requirements In addition to the requirements stated above, the following shall also apply to Bed and Breakfast Establishments within the Specific Plan area: t Off-street parking shall be provided at a ratio of one space for each bedroom available for rent in addition to the parking required for the primary dwelling unit_ ii. Signage shall be limited to one on -site sign not to exceed 6 square feet in area_ The sign may not be freestanding. 6. Full Service Hotels a. Intent Full -Service Hotels within Old Town shall provide quality hotel accommodations, with food service and conference facilities. Full -Service Hotels that amenities and quality hotel accommodations with conference facilities and food service in a development that complements commercial and mixed -uses within the Old Town Specific Plan and would attract local and regional visitors including businesses and tourists to the area is encouraged. To assist in providing accommodations for visitors and businesses, fiillunire hotels that provide conference facilities and food services may be considered for heights up to eight stories (maximum 100 feet) at locations that front Moreno Road within the Residential -Limited Mixed - use (RZMU) District, subject to the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. Full Service Hotels with food service and conference facilities within the Downtown Core Hotel Overlay (DTC,HO) District are permitted up to eight stories without a Conditional Use Permit_ All Full Service Hotels shall comply with the design criteria and development standards of its zoning district in addition to the supplemental requirements as follows: City of Temecula — Old Town Specific Plan W-102