HomeMy WebLinkAbout090897 CSC Minutes ." h I , , .. , . . " MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF, TI;IE CITY OF TEMECULA COMMUNlifY SERVICES DEPARTMENT HELD MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1997: A regular meeting ofithe City of Temecula Community Services Commission was held on Monday. September 8;'1997.7:00 P.M. at the Temecula City Hall. 43200 Business Park Drive. Temecula. California. The meeting was called to order'by Chairman Jack Henz. Commissioner Edwards led the flag salute. PRESENT: '4 'COMMISSIONERS: Comerchero. Edwards. Miller. Henz ABSENT: ,1 ; COMMISSIONERS: Nimeshein I Also ~resent were Community Services, Director Shawn Nelson. Deputy Director Herman Parker. Recreation Superintendent Julie Pelletier, Development Services Administrator Phyllis Ruse and Admi,nistrative Secretary Gail Zigler. " ;"; ; i PRESENTATIONS , ;. " )) " , ~ 'I The Community Services Commission' presented a Certificate of Appreciation to: 'il.l,' ,!! , Rick ,and Beverly Christensen, Temecula Trophy , Bruce Hartley PUBLIC COMMENTS' None "'I :1 . ii, DIVISION REPORTS I, : " " " . Deveiopment Servi'ces' Administrator Phyllis Ruse reported the follo~ing: ! .; 'r ", ; , , " : i. ; i Staff held the bid opening for the ADA project. A recommendation will go forward to the City Council on Septembe~ 23, 1997 to award a contract. , I ,i!l The plans ,fo,~, ~argarita ~l1mmunity Park are currently I~ith the California State Architect. Staff anticipates going out to bid in November. ' Staff has revievited' the bids ':for a temperature control system in the Community Recreation Center gymnasium.' A recommendation will go forward to the City Council on September 23. 199'7. ' Staff is currently investigating 'some alternatives for picnic shelters for Rotary Park. ,; r:~\090891.csd '."j :' I, ii i, . Ii . , , I COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES , ' , 'i :, I SEPTEMBER 8. 1997 An RFP was released for the un~er crossing at the Santa Gertrudis Trail. Commissioner Edwards asked for a status report on the Temecula Duck Pond improvement , proje,ct and details,on, the proposed stage area. Phyllis Ruse explained most of the plan check process has been completed, however Public Work's recognized an opportunity to widen Ynez Road south of Rancho California Road. The plan~ were sent back to the civil engineer and we have asked him to re-design the road improvements. Phyllis explained the undeveloped portion is the bulk of Phase 2, which is approximately 2 - 2 'h acres with a grade of 5 to 1, with the band stand located near the parking lot. Phyllis R~se said the band stand will not accommodate a large symphony. '. COMMISSION BUSINESS 'j 1 . ADDroval of th~ Min';'tes "I;:; . It was moved by Commissioner Edwards, seconded by Commissioner Miller to approve the minutes oflttle July 14,'1997 Community Services Commission as prepared. The motion' cairied as foilo';"s:, , I I , , I NOES: ) I. ,COMMISSIONERS: I, i, I COMIVIIS~IONERS: I :: ,~ :. 'I ' ~ . ' : 'I ! Temecula Coirimunitv Center Programs , : 4 ']1 ), "! COMMISSIONERS: Comerchero, Ed\l\(ards. Miller, Henz AYES: o '", None ABSENT: ~ ! :1 Nimeshein 2. Recreation Supervisor Irene ijogers and Senior Recreation Leader Andrea Williams presented thelist~ff report 'al~,ng with a power point presentation on the recreation programs at the reme9ula Community Center. ,1i~ l' . J; : Commissioner Miller, asked if immigration services were being offered at the Temecula . I .11 :' , ," Community Center. " . I I 1 " , f' ' Irene Rogers ~xplained that 'she continues to work on providing this program. She explained 'that the henter dpes offer phone referrals for human services needs. Irene said it has been difficult to b~ing in legal assistance programs, however she is working with the Hisp~hic Lawye'rs Assistance Association to bring forward some services. : . 1 I ~. ,i. ': it i:' Chairman Heriz asked st'affto:get ridership information from RTA on the route which runs between 'the Communi;ty -:~ecreation Center to Pujol Street. " j: ii ii: ! ~ I ' 2 r:'minu1c:s\090897.csd , , "ij I ':,'1 j' , , , ,<,!)i ,I I I"~ I,n : I I " " l:i: 1, '. ;~~ I I " , '!! ! : i , , , . , , ; ,,: :: I' COMMuNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES :j -, ,', .; '~1 ': ': ':' , I . 3. Museum Board: MeetinljJ i ' ,I!. , SEPTEMBER 8. 1997 Commissioner Henry Miller provided the Commission with a status report of the Museum Board Meeting attended by:himself and Commissioner Edwards on July 15, 1997. Commissioner~iIIer outlined ,thE! issues he and Commissioner Edwards brought forward to the board as 'follows: : , 'I' , Ii' ! :);, ,-' , Permanent loss 'of historical information . . . , Dam,age to artifacts, " Los~ of historical landmarks " ! ' ; Alternative sponsors arid funding sources List of criteria for, historical landmarks ;.'. I' i, Commissioner Miller 'said the Board Members agreed to review the list of concerns and would invit~ t~:e~ tp attend, again to go over these issues. i "~'; Eo' ' . ; J.1 Commissioner Edwards said i~e: Board Members were very busy, with a lot of their own '. ~ ! issues to: dis~uss and :did. not want to discuss any of these issues in depth. Commission'er Ed~ards 'said h~ feels their focus is still on historical artifacts that can be placed within the museum. Commissioner Edwards said he does not think the board has the facilities or' the desire to 'focus on landmarks, etc. ,I '!', ' Director Nelsonj said the City'Co'uncil has directed staff to go out with a RFQ to prepare a community\vide 'Cui'turaLArts Master Plan. A portion of that plan would deal with historical preserva,tion. ,Director Nelson said the City Council is willing to fund this and the Community $er~ices C6ininission will playa key role in addressing these issues. Director Nelson said staff will be asking two members of the Commission to serve as , ("..,. . I':! Cultural Arts cOmmittee memllers. "d ~, .:J i Community Services' Director's Renort' 'I; , '. Director Nelson r~rhinjae1 the C~m~i~~ion that next month the Corrimission will be electing a , " ~:j new Chairman and Vice, Chairman.,: !" : ,! Ii ~' II - I: : i :. .'! ::1.1 '. . i ! i"I:1 Community ServIces CommIssIoner Reports : ',.1:: 1_ '11 i.i ,,;r . : I Commissioner Miller,advisedOctobe~ i17, 1997 is 'the City of Temecula's bicentennial. He asked for staff to aSsi~t him with' prepa'ring a proclamation for the first City Council meeting in October. I" , I I,j"i',,! . :; 'r. Wayne Hall, represen~,ingithe membe~ship division of the American Red Cross, addressed the Commission with a p!ea!t'o:recrllit ~e\IVivolunteer personnel for disaster relief. , "1 '., 'I 'Itf: i" " Iii i , r:\minutcs\090897.csd }i I' ., , 3 ,<\ , .iJ I ii I':j) 'I ! I ,;1'1';; :1 I. :' '. I.! ,i I , 'I I,i 'i'ii .' 'It : i I:,' ,!ii, j" I: 1i' I j , !, ~ .. COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION MINUTES " SEPTEMBER 8. 1997 ;-j I II I" ,i !' I ill I ! .: ;i. Chairman Henz declai~d!tt\e meetil')9 adjourned at 8:55 P.M. "; !' 1'\ The next regular meeting of the Community Services Commission will be held on Monday, October 13. 1997. '7:00P.M.. at Temecula City Hall Council Chambers, 43200 I siness Park Drive, Temecula.' :: ' , A<tioumment 'I Secretary , i , .'1 , ,Iii I i'i\ , '::1 ., , , !ii I ! :~ Iii , )!J " 'I : Ij : " i!1 I, I: I " " ,: i u , i I , : < ,.;1 I 1,1 i " : i , , , , ~i Ii } " i j , : .1 ).' I. ,,' , I Iii " ,I " I , , \:. .. , " I I I \ ,i , i i 'i :.; ., ", .... I , ,i I ,.j ~ I t! i I I i.\ I ~; ! i " I 'i I' , : \: r:'minuies\090897.csd , i I, 4 : I, : I , .:' . .~(~ " i