HomeMy WebLinkAbout05172023 PC AgendaIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the office of the City Clerk (951) 694-6444. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to that meeting [28 CFR ADA Title 11]. AGENDA TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 41000 MAIN STREET TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA MAY 17, 2023 - 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER: Chair Lanae Turley-Trejo FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Adam A. Ruiz ROLL CALL: Hagel, Ruiz, Solis, Turley-Trejo, Watts PUBLIC COMMENT A total of 30 minutes is provided for members of the public to address the Commission on matters not listed on the agenda. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the Commission Secretary or by submitting an email to be included into the record. Email comments must be submitted to PlanningCommission@temeculaca.gov. Speaker cards for in -person comments will be called in the order received by the Commission Secretary. Email comments on all matters must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments. All public participation is governed by the Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the Commission request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. A total of 30 minutes is provided for members of the public to address the Commission on items that appear on the Consent Calendar. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the Commission Secretary or by submitting an email to be included into the record. Email comments must be submitted to PlanningCommission@temeculaca.gov. Speaker cards for in -person comments will be called in the order received by the Commission Secretary. Email comments on all matters must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments. All public participation is governed by the Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. 1. Minutes Recommendation: Approve the Action Minutes of May 3, 2023 Attachments: Minutes Page 1 Planning Commission Agenda May 17, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING Any person may submit written comments to the Commission before a public hearing or may appear and be heard in support of or in opposition to the approval of the project(s) at the time of the hearing. If you challenge any of the project(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Commission Secretary at, or prior to, the public hearing. For public hearings each speaker is limited to 5 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the Commission Secretary or by submitting an email to be included into the record. Email comments must be submitted to PlanningCommission@temeculaca.gov. Email comments on all matters, including those not on the agenda, must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments. Any person dissatisfied with a decision of the Commission may file an appeal of the Commission's decision. Said appeal must be filed within 15 calendar days after service of written notice of the decision. The appeal must be filed on the appropriate Community Development Department form and be accompanied by the appropriate filing fee. All public participation is governed by the Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. 2. Planning Application No. PA23-0023, a Modification application to add approximately 1,610 square feet, an Accessory Dwelling Unit (not a part of this application), and exterior modifications to the existing residence located at 42150 Agena Street, Jaime Cardenas Recommendation: Adopt a resolution entitled: PC RESOLUTION NO. 2023- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA23-0023, A MODIFICATION APPLICATION TO ADD APPROXIMATELY 1,610 SQUARE FEET, AN ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT (NOT A PART OF THIS APPLICATION), AND EXTERIOR MODIFICATIONS TO THE EXISTING RESIDENCE LOCATED AT 42150 AGENA STREET AND MAKING A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER SECTION 15301, CLASS 1 OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) Attachments: Agenda Report Aerial Map Draft PC Resolution Exhibit A — Draft Conditions of Annroval Exhibit B — Plan Reductions Exhibit C — 3D Renderings Applicant's Architectural Justification Notice of Exemption Notice of Public Hearing Page 2 Planning Commission Agenda May 17, 2023 3. Planning Application Numbers PA22-0722 a Modification application to allow revisions to an existing commercial site consisting of fagade and site improvements and PA23-0130, a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a drive-thru facility. The project is located at 27425 Ynez Road, Eric Jones Recommendation: Adopt resolutions entitled: PC RESOLUTION NO. 2023- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA22-0722, A MODIFICATION APPLICATION TO ALLOW REVISIONS TO AN EXISTING COMMERCIAL SITE CONSISTING OF FAQADE AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS LOCATED AT 27425 YNEZ ROAD, AND MAKING A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) (APN 921-260-023) PC RESOLUTION NO. 2023- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA23-0130, A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR A DRIVE-THRU FACILITY LOCATED AT 27425 YNEZ ROAD, AND MAKING A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) (APN 921-260-023) Attachments: Agenda Report Vicinity Map PC Resolution (Modification Exhibit A - Draft Conditions of Approval (MOD) Exhibit B - Plan Reductions PC Resolution (Conditional Use Permit) Exhibit A - Draft Conditions of Annroval (CUP) Exhibit B - Statement of Operations Notice of Public Hearing Notice of Exemption COMMISSIONER REPORTS COMMISSION SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR REPORT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR REPORT Page 3 Planning Commission Agenda May 17, 2023 ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission will be held on Wednesday, June 7, 2023, at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers located at 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The full agenda packet (including staff reports and any supplemental material available after the original posting of the agenda), distributed to a majority of the Planning Commission regarding any item on the agenda, will be available for public viewing in the main reception area of the Temecula Civic Center during normal business hours at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. The material will also be available on the City's website at TemeculaCa.gov. and available for review at the respective meeting. If you have questions regarding any item on the agenda, please contact the Community Development Department at (951) 694-6444. Page 4 Item No. 1 ACTION MINUTES TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 41000 MAIN STREET TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA MAY 3, 2023 - 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER at 6:00 PM: Chair Lanae Turley-Trejo FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Fernando Solis ROLL CALL: Hagel, Ruiz (absent), Solis, Turley-Trejo, Watts PUBLIC COMMENT - None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes Recommendation: Approve the Action Minutes of March 15, 2023 Approved the Staff Recommendation (3-0, Watts abstained, Ruiz absent): Motion by Hagel, Second by Solis. The vote reflected unanimous approval with Watts abstaining and Ruiz absent. 2. Director's Hearing Summary Report Recommendation: Receive and File Director's Hearing Summary Report Approved the Staff Recommendation (4-0, Ruiz absent): Motion by Hagel, Second by Watts. The vote reflected unanimous approval with Ruiz absent. PUBLIC HEARING 3. Planning Application Nos. PA23-0071 and PA23-0150, a Conditional Use Permit and Public Convenience or Necessi , for a Type 20 ABC License for off -sale beer and wine at a previously approved gasoline service station and convenience store located at 41480 Sanborn Avenue, Scott Cooper Recommendation: Adopt resolutions entitled: PC RESOLUTION NO. 2023-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA23-0071, A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A TYPE 20 ABC LICENSE FOR OFF -SALE BEER AND WINE AT A PREVIOUSLY APPROVED GASOLINE SERVICE STATION AND CONVENIENCE STORE LOCATED AT 41480 SANBORN AVENUE AND MAKING A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER SECTION 15061(B)(3) OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) PC RESOLUTION NO. 2023-08 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA23-0150, A FINDING OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE OR NECESSITY FOR THE OPERATION OF A GAS STATION AND CONVENIENCE STORE UNDER A TYPE 20 (OFF -SALE BEER AND WINE) ABC LICENSE AT 41480 SANBORN AVENUE AND MAKING A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER SECTION 15061(B)(3) OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) Approved the Staff Recommendation (4-0, Ruiz absent): Motion by Watts, Second by Hagel. The vote reflected unanimous approval with Ruiz absent. COMMISSIONER REPORTS COMMISSION SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR REPORT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR REPORT ADJOURNMENT At 6:41 PM, the Planning Commission meeting was formally adjourned to Wednesday, May 17, 2023, at 6:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. Lanae Turley-Trej o, Chair Luke Watson, Deputy City Manager 2 Item No. 2 STAFF REPORT — PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: May 17, 2023 TO: Planning Commission Chairperson and members of the Planning Commission FROM: Luke Watson, Deputy City Manager PREPARED BY: Jaime Cardenas, Case Planner PROJECT Planning Application No. PA23-0023, a Modification Application to SUMMARY: add approximately 1,610 square feet, an Accessory Dwelling Unit (not a part of this application), and exterior modifications to the existing residence located at 42150 Agena Street. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a Resolution approving the project subject to Conditions of Approval CEQA: Categorically Exempt; 15301, Class 1, Existing Facilities PROJECT DATA SUMMARY Name of Applicant: Fernando Solis General Plan Designation: Low Medium (LM) Zoning Designation: Low Medium (LM) Existing Conditions/ Land Use: Site: Single Family Residential / Low Medium (LM) North: Single Family Residential / Low Medium (LM) South: Agena Street, Single Family Residential / Low Medium (LM) East: Apha Place, Single Family Residential / Low Medium (LM) West: Single Family Residential / Low Medium (LM) Existing/Proposed Min/Max Allowable or Required Lot Area: 8,275 7,200 Minimum Total Floor Area/Ratio: N/A N/A Landscape Area/Coverage: Parking Provided/Required: AFFORDABLE HOUSING N/A (No Landscaping Modifications) 2 N/A 2 Spaces Required Located in Affordable Housing Overlay Zone (AHOZ)? ❑ Yes ❑ No AHOZ Gain/Loss: Not Applicable BACKGROUND SUMMARY On January 9, 2023, Fernando Solis submitted Planning Application PA23-0023, a Modification Application to add approximately 1,610 square feet, an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) (not a part of this application), and exterior modifications to the existing residence located at 42150 Agena Street. Staff has worked with the applicant to ensure that all concerns have been addressed, and the applicant concurs with the recommended Conditions of Approval. ANALYSIS The existing home is located in the Starlight Ridge Community with homes that were constructed from 1979 through the early 1980's. The proposed project involves the expansion of an existing 941 square -foot, single-family, single -story home to a total of 3,051 square feet (including a 500 square foot ADU). Part of the expansion includes the addition of an attached 500 square -foot ADU on the first floor. This ADU is to be reviewed and permitted separately per Chapter 17.23 (Accessory Dwelling Units) of the Temecula Municipal Code. Additionally, per Government Code 65852.2 (3)(A), ADUs shall be considered and approved ministerially without discretionary review or a hearing. As such, there will be no review of this ADU with this Modification Application. For this reason, the floorplans are marked as "Not a Part (NAP) wherever the ADU is shown. The discretionary additions to the first floor include 550 square -feet of living space to the front of the home, a 191 square -foot kitchen expansion at the rear of the residence, and a 60 square - foot entry porch. The home will also be adding a new 869 square -foot second story consisting of a new office, bathroom and primary bedroom with another bathroom, a walk-in closet, and a 52 square foot balcony. The proposed architecture and plotting were reviewed for conformance with the development standards and design guidelines of the Low Medium Density Residential Zoning District. 2 Architecture Staff believes that, with the attached Conditions of Approval, the project meets the intent of the residential district. The proposed elevations achieve a high -quality appearance, is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, and provide variety along the streetscape and within the internal residential area. The Starlight Ridge residential neighborhood was constructed prior to the incorporation of the City of Temecula and its current residential performance standards. Nonetheless, the project, as proposed, encourages quality and compatible building design that promotes and preserves the stability of the city through orderly growth and enhancement of a quality residential living environment. The Starlight Ridge's architectural style is California Ranch and includes one and two-story homes. The applicant has provided specific details that are unique to the proposed architectural style and elevations of the "California Ranch architectural style. The proposed project design includes the primary elements of a California Ranch style home including a porch, large windows along the facade, a low-pitched roof, natural stone, and exterior lighting. LEGAL NOTICING REQUIREMENTS The notice of the public hearing was published in The Press -Enterprise on May 4, 2023 and mailed to the property owners within a 600-foot radius. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the proposed project has been deemed to be categorically exempt from further environmental review per Section 15301, Class 1, Existing Facilities; The proposed modification will be within an existing residential district and is permitted upon the approval of the Modification Application. The structure can accommodate the expansions and continue to utilize existing utilities such as water, sewer, electricity and does not result in an increase of more than 10,000 square feet and is not in an environmentally sensitive area. Conditions of Approval have been implemented to ensure the project does not cause adverse impacts to the surrounding area. FINDINGS Development Plan (Code Section 17.05.0101) The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City. The proposed expansion of a single-family home is permitted in the land use designation standards contained in the General Plan and the City's Development Code. The project is also consistent with the General Plan land use designation of the Low -Medium Density Residential Zoning District. The site is properly planned and zoned and, as conditioned, is physically 3 suitable for the type and density of the residential development proposed. The project, as conditioned, is also consistent with other applicable requirements of State law and local ordinances, including the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Citywide Design Guidelines, and fire and building codes. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare. The overall design of the single-family home, including the site, building, parking, circulation and other associated site improvements, is consistent with, and intended to protect the health and safety of those working in and around the site. The project has been reviewed for and, as conditioned, has been found to be consistent with all applicable policies, guidelines, standards and regulations intended to ensure that the development will be constructed and function in a manner consistent with the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare. ATTACHMENTS 1. Aerial Map 2. Draft PC Resolution 3. Exhibit A — Draft Conditions of Approval 4. Exhibit B — Plan Reductions 5. Exhibit C — 3D Renderings 6. Applicant's Architectural Justification 7. Notice of Exemption 8. Notice of Public Hearing 4 944-273-009 CITY OF TEMECULA PA23-0023 1 inch = 100 feet 1:1,100 • f The lieart of Southern California Date Created: 4/24/2023 Wrne Country The map PA23-0023.mxd Is maintained by City of Temecula GIS. Data and information represented on this map are subject to update and modification. The City of Temecula assumes no warranty or legal responsibility for the information contained on this map This map is not for reprint or resale. Visit the City of Temecula GIS online at https://temeculaca.gov/gis PC RESOLUTION NO. 2023- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA23-0023, A MODIFICATION APPLICATION TO ADD APPROXIMATELY 1,610 SQUARE FEET, AN ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT (NOT A PART OF THIS APPLICATION), AND EXTERIOR MODIFICATIONS TO THE EXISTING RESIDENCE LOCATED AT 42150 AGENA STREET AND MAKING A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER SECTION 15301, CLASS 1 OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) Section 1. Procedural Findings. The Planning Commission of the City of Temecula does hereby find, determine and declare that: A. On January 9, 2023, Fernando Solis filed Planning Application No. PA23-0023, a Modification Application to add approximately 1,610 square feet, an Accessory Dwelling Unit (not a part of this application), and exterior modifications to the existing residence was filed in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code. B. The Application was processed including, but not limited to a public notice, in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law. C. The Planning Commission, at a regular meeting, considered the proposed project and environmental review on May 17, 2023, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, at which time the City staff and interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to this matter. D. At the conclusion of the Planning Commission hearing and after due consideration of the testimony, the Planning Commission approved Planning Application No. PA23-0023, subject to and based upon the findings set forth hereunder. E. All legal preconditions to the adoption of the Resolution have occurred. Section 2. Further Findings. The Planning Commission, in approving the Application hereby finds, determines and declares that: Modifications to an Approved Development Plan, Development Code Section 17.05.010. (F) A. The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City; The proposed expansion of a single-family home is permitted in the land use designation standards contained in the General Plan and the City's Development Code. The project is also consistent with the General Plan land use designation of the Low -Medium Density Residential Zoning District. The site is properly planned and zoned and, as conditioned, is physically suitable for the type and density of the residential development proposed. The project, as conditioned, is also consistent with other applicable requirements of State law and local ordinances, including the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Citywide Design Guidelines, and fire and building codes. B. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare; The overall design of the single-family home, including the site, building, parking, circulation and other associated site improvements, is consistent with, and intended to protect the health and safety of those working in and around the site. The project has been reviewed for and, as conditioned, has been found to be consistent with all applicable policies, guidelines, standards and regulations intended to ensure that the development will be constructed and function in a manner consistent with the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare. Section 3. Environmental Findings. The Planning Commission hereby makes the following environmental findings and determinations in connection with the approval of the Development Plan: A. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the proposed project has been deemed to be categorically exempt from further environmental review pursuant to Section 15301, Class 1 (Existing Facilities) as there is no possibility the proposed project would have a significant impact on the environment. The proposed modification will be within an existing residential district and is permitted upon the approval of the Modification Application. The structure can accommodate the expansions and continue to utilize existing utilities such as water, sewer, electricity and does not result in an increase of more than 10,000 square feet and is not in an environmentally sensitive area. Conditions of Approval have been implemented to ensure the project does not cause adverse impacts to the surrounding area. Section 4. Conditions. The Planning Commission of the City of Temecula approves Planning Application No. PA23-0023, a Modification Application to add approximately 1,610 square feet, an Accessory Dwelling Unit (not a part of this application), and exterior modifications to the existing residence, subject to the Final Conditions of Approval set forth on Exhibit A, Plan Reductions set forth on Exhibit B, and the 3-dimensional renderings set forth on Exhibit C, attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 5. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City of Temecula Planning Commission this 17th day of May, 2023. Lanae Turley-Trej o, Chair ATTEST: Luke Watson Secretary [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE )ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Luke Watson, Secretary of the Temecula Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the forgoing PC Resolution No. 2023-_ was duly and regularly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the 17th day of May, 2023, by the following vote: AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: NOES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Luke Watson Secretary CITY OF TEMECULA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ACCEPTANCE Planning Application Number: PA23-0023 Parcel Number(s): 944-273-009 By signing below, I/we have agreed to the following Conditions of Approval, including (but not limited to) any referenced documents, local state, or federal regulations, statement of operations, hours of operation, floor plans, site plans, and Conditions that may require the payment or reimbursement of fees, as described. I/we have read the attached Conditions of Approval and understand them. I/we also understand that violations or non-compliance with these Conditions of Approval, may delay a project, and/or result in the revocation of a permit in accordance with the Temecula Municipal Code. I/we are also responsible for disclosing these Conditions of Approval to any successive owners/operators. I/we agree and commit to the City of Temecula that I/we will implement and abide by the Conditions of Approval, including any indemnification requirements imposed by those conditions. Property Owner Printed Name Property Owner Signature & Date Applicant Printed Name Applicant Signature & Date EXHIBIT A CITY OF TEMECULA DRAFT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Application No.: PA23-0023 Project Description: Solis Residential Expansion MOD: a Modification Application to add approximately 1,610 square feet, an Accessory Dwelling Unit (not a part of this application), and exterior modifications to the existing residence located at 42150 Agena Street. Assessor's Parcel No.: 944-273-009 MSHCP Category: Exemption: Remodel/Minor Addition (Existing), Exemption: 2nd Dwelling Unit/Guest House DIF Category: N/A (Existing Single -Family Residence) TUMF Category: N/A (Existing Single -Family Residence) Quimby Category: N/A (Existing Single -Family Residence) New Street In -lieu of Fee: N/A (Not Located Within the Uptown Temecula Specific Plan) Approval Date: May 17, 2023 Expiration Date: May 17, 2026 PLANNING DIVISION General Requirements Page 1 of 4 Indemnification of the City. Indemnity, Duty to Defend and Obligation to Pay Judgments and Defense Costs, Including Attorneys' Fees, Incurred by the City. The Applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, volunteers, agents, and those City agents serving as independent contractors in the role of City officials (collectively "Indemnitees") from and against any claims, damages, actions, causes of actions, lawsuits, suits, proceedings, losses, judgments, costs, and expenses (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees or court costs) in any manner arising out of or incident to the Planning Commission's actions, this approval and the City Council's actions, related entitlements, or the City's environmental review thereof. The Applicant shall pay and satisfy any judgment, award or decree that may be rendered against City or the other Indemnitees in any such suit, action, or other legal proceeding. The City shall promptly notify the Applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding and the City shall reasonably cooperate in the defense. If the City fails to promptly notify the Applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding, or if the City fails to reasonably cooperate in the defense, the Applicant shall not thereafter be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City or the Indemnitees. The City shall have the right to select counsel of its choice. The Applicant shall reimburse the City, and the other Indemnitees, for any and all legal expenses and costs incurred by each of them in connection therewith or in enforcing the indemnity herein provided. Nothing in this condition shall be construed to require the Applicant to indemnify Indemnitees for any claim arising from the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnitees. In the event such a legal action is filed challenging the City's determinations herein or the issuance of the approval, the City shall estimate its expenses for the litigation. The Applicant shall deposit said amount with the City or, at the discretion of the City, enter into an agreement with the City to pay such expenses as they become due. 2. Expiration. This approval shall be used within three years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void. Use means the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval within the three-year period, which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion, or the beginning of substantial utilization contemplated by this approval, or use of a property in conformance with a Conditional Use Permit. A modification made to an approved development plan does not affect the original approval date of a development plan. Time Extension. The Director of Community Development may, upon an application being filed prior to expiration, and for good cause, grant a time extension of up to three extensions of time, one year at a time. A modification made to an approved development plan does not affect the original approval date of a development plan. 4. Consistency with Zoning District. This project and all subsequent projects within this site shall be consistent with the Low -Medium Density (LM) Zoning District. Conformance with Approved Plans. The development of the premises shall substantially conform to the approved site plan and elevations contained on file with the Planning Division. Page 2 of 4 6. Water Quality and Drainage. Other than stormwater, it is illegal to allow liquids, gels, powders, sediment, fertilizers, landscape debris, and waste from entering the storm drain system or from leaving the property. To ensure compliance with this Condition of Approval: a. Spills and leaks shall be cleaned up immediately. b. Do not wash, maintain, or repair vehicles onsite. c. Do not hose down parking areas, sidewalks, alleys, or gutters. d. Ensure that all materials and products stored outside are protected from rain. e. Ensure all trash bins are covered at all times. Modifications or Revisions. The developer shall obtain City approval for any modifications or revisions to the approval of this project. HOA Approval. If applicable, it is the responsibility of the applicant or property owner(s) to obtain approval of the proposed project from the Home Owner's Association. Please be advised; if HOA requires changes that affect the exterior of the home, an additional modification application (with a hearing) could be required. HOA Approval Prior to Building Permit Submittal. An approval letter from the Home Owner's Association shall be submitted, on file, with the Planning Department prior to building permit submittals. BUILDING AND SAFETY DIVISION General Requirements 10. Final Building and Safety Conditions. Final Building and Safety conditions will be addressed when building construction plans are submitted to Building and Safety for review. These conditions will be based on occupancy, use, the California Building Code (CBC), and related codes which are enforced at the time of building plan submittal. 11. Compliance with Code. All design components shall comply with applicable provisions of the most current edition of the California Building, Plumbing and Mechanical Codes; California Electrical Code; California Administrative Code, Title 24 Energy Code, California Title 24 Disabled Access Regulations, and Temecula Municipal Code as identified in Title 15 of the Temecula Municipal Code. 12. County of Riverside Mount Palomar Ordinance. Applicant shall submit, at time of plan review, a complete exterior site lighting plan showing compliance with County of Riverside Mount Palomar Ordinance Number 655 for the regulation of light pollution. All streetlights and other outdoor lighting shall be shown on electrical plans submitted to the Building and Safety Division. Any outside lighting shall be hooded and aimed not to shine directly upon adjoining property or public rights -of -way. All exterior LED light fixtures shall be 3,000 kelvin or below. 13. Street Addressing. Applicant must obtain street addressing for all proposed buildings by requesting street addressing and submitting a site plan for commercial or multi -family residential projects or a recorded final map for single-family residential projects. 14. Clearance from TVUSD. A receipt or clearance letter from the Temecula Valley Unified School District shall be submitted to the Building and Safety Department to ensure the payment or exemption from School Mitigation Fees. 15. Obtain Approvals Prior to Construction. Applicant must obtain all building plans and permit approvals prior to commencement of any construction work. Page 3 of 4 16. Hours of Construction. Signage shall be prominently posted at the entrance to the project, indicating the hours of construction, as allowed by the City of Temecula Code Section 9.20.060, for any site within one -quarter mile of an occupied residence. The permitted hours of construction are Monday through Saturday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. No work is permitted on Sundays and nationally recognized Government Holidays. 17. Garage Dimensions. Parking spaces within enclosed garages shall have an interior dimension of at least ten feet wide and twenty feet long. All measurements shall be made from the interior walls and any obstructions (including stem walls) shall not satisfy this requirement. The interior wall dimensions shall be on the plans for each garage. The following notes are required on the plans: -Two car garages shall note, "20' x 20' clear with no obstructions (including stem walls)" -Single car garages shall note, "10' x 20' clear with no obstructions (including stem walls)" FIRE PREVENTION General Requirements 18. Fire Requirement. If the original home is equipped with residential fire sprinklers then the ADU add on will be required to be equipped with residential fire sprinklers and a permit will be required through the fire department. Page 4 of 4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: SCOPE OF WORK 63 SQ, FT. PORCH, 550 SQ. FT. 1ST STORY FRONT ADDITION, 191 SO. FT. 1 ST STORY REAR ADDITION, 98 SO FT COURT YARD, 869 SO, FT 2ND STORY ADDITION, 52 SO. FT. 2ND STORY BALCONY AND SEE SO FT, ADU WITH 29 SQ FT, PORCH BUILDING INFORMATION - CONSTRUCTION TYPE IV OCCUPANCY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCY STORIES 2 ZONING LM EXISTING FLOOR AREAS (SQ. FT.) SINGLE FAMILY UNIT DWELLING 941 SQ. FT. PATIO 156 SQ. FT, EXISTING NON -FAR (SQ, FT.) CAR GARAGE 518 SQ. FT. NEW FLOOR AREA (SQ. FT.). PORCH 60 SQ. FT. 1ST STORY FRONT ADDITION 550 SO. FT. 1ST STORY REAR ADDITION 191 SQ, FT, 2ND STORY ADDITION 669 SQ. FT. 2ND STORY BALCONY 52 SQ. FT. ADU (NOT PART) 500 SQ FT, ADU PORCH 29 SO. FT. TOTAL LIVING AREA (941-550R191R869A500): 3.051 SQ. FT. TOTAL LOT COVERAGE: 2,772 SQ. FT. LEGAL DESCRIPTION SITE ADDRESS 42150 AGENA ST, TEMECULA, CA ZIP CODE 92592 LOT SIZE 8.275 SQ. FT. LOT COVERAGE. 2,792 SQ. FT. / 8,275 SO. FT. = 33% ASSESSOR PARCEL NO, (APN). 944-273.009 SITE PREPARATION EIHOD of cENLING MD sIRPPINc snoulD BE SERIFS av IHE conrMJcioR ] RARATIOUEXCAVADEBRIS A.VOsiRNT FILL LO BE DEMOLI5HE05`WLBE RENOVEOIRON 1NE51lE PRIOR iomvxENgNG SITE PREPARATION ASS AND IONORPLACETRENCHu FILL 'OR FLOOR TRENCHES SHLLL CONSIST OF NATIVE SqL PUCEOFOR SLAB SU�POxi SwLLI BE PLACEDINUVERS NOT E%CE G 1-E_CONPA XF 5 IV PGRi FO SlM SUPPORT SHNL cONslsi OF sAl'fl uRAVEIY sAboR slily sARDMO SNAIL HAVE A E%PMsbN I>AE%OF LE65 iW W J0 SITE NOTES SPECIAL HAZARDS .lJtooEo95IRUCTgN06L1CHAS TO-.- OEP GUY ACC., SCLAR PAS OF EL INSAUS0THE EVEMOF fERW'CE,CME OR OTHER 2 PNOAIDE COLUSIO BMMERSTTH­ FIRE ADE—IF I-PROIECT —I.-METER., REcuuTOR. AND PIPING FOR HAZMOUS ATEE ALS AGE LAVINALLB2 J EAREAS HEI IO SEPAREOMeIANBLFOLA2EMN6,NAll0ERE0uuiEDINREGTNiO MRMCENENI, LOCATION srzE OF PIGS HEIGHT SEPARATIONS AND NWSEKEEPINO MISCELLANEOUS I TIE HALLVERIFY NTEWENsoxs M'D CONDITINSO THE JOB SU EBEFGRE STARLING_M—1 CKMOB=_ RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SANE IHE MC.ITECT SHNL BE NOTIFY OF Arvv O CREPANOE6 vmICH NAY ExIsi ON1RAciOH SHNL GLEE ANY DRAVANGS I NOT SCALE ME OF A GENERAL, NATURE AN A' REFER TO NORXNREH IS NOT REQUIRED THEY ME NOT INTENDED TO 1UPERSECE AW CONTRACTUAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE OLNER MD TFE COMRACIdR. T RACTORINALIFFEC" E 5IPERLARION TO PROPERLY EXECUTE THE PRo3ECIMD TO PRONDEMSIR 1 THE —111IN ONCE NIT. ME PLANS MD SPECIFICATIONS S NL IECESSMv PERMITS BHNL BE SECURED 81 THE CONIRACIOU PMOR 11 11MI ANY CONSTRUCT TON BATH 1. L COVERING SHALL BE CEMENT PLASTER TILE OR APPROVED ED vnlMtry 21 ABovE DRAIN ELEMENTS t0 RE MdSTURE RESISTANT MATERIALS GLASS ELED CATEGORY II SIN. DOOR--D. e NET AREA OLFBIOwER REIEPTOR NOlABE65 THAN 1011- OR WF DIA OR 51 D, 511 Y STOI L DE PRONCEDvnrH VENT FM cMMLEOF NINISO INUMBID S AIRS=VATHOUCFtANc[s PER HR VPARLMEM INIMFAY NIO N1IHN-GRINFROTO.11 LEI AT TILS LwERE COCERNEDFl%ED CONNECTIONS ME OF BRA55 A wTHOUT SUP AOITS I PRO_DE NIECIAMGL vEMA�IIN coNrvEciED tlREcily TOT EOTSIOE GPMLE OF PRONtlNG FIVE AP CHANGES PER TOUR IN WASR CLOT COMPARTxEMS L, ME,'MOMS MD SIMILAR ROARS IF REOLLRED OPENABLEvinM ME OT SHEETINDEX A1,0 PROJECT INFO & PROPOSED SITE PLAN A1.1 EXISTING SITE PLAN & PROPOSED SITE PLAN A2.0 EXISTING FLOOR PLAN A2.1 PROPOSED FIRST STORY FLOOR PLAN A2,2 PROPOSED SECOND STORY FLOOR PLAN A2.3 PROPOSED FIRST STORY ELECTRICAL PLAN A2.4 PROPOSED SECOND STORY ELECTRICAL PLAN A2.5 PROPOSED ROOF PLAN A3,0 EXISTING ELEVATIONS A&I PROPOSED ELEVATIONS A3.2 PROPOSED ELEVATIONS T24-1 TITLE 24 T24-2 TITLE 24 S,1 GENERAL NOTES S.2 FOUNDATION PLAN S.3 2ND FLOOR FRAMING PLAN SA ROOF FRAMING D,1 STRUCTURAL DETAILS 0.2 STRUCTURAL DETAILS Nt NOTES BUILDING CODE NOTES: NS7RUC11NSINLNOTRESTRICTAFIVE� TCEARAFAUNOBITRUCTEDACCE55TOMYWAATTERORPOKEROW RIBU110NFACILITIES(POwER POLE,. PLALBOXE6 TRANSFORMERS VAULTS PUMPS METERS APPURTENANCES, ETGI OF 10 THE IOIN P THE CONSTRICTION SIALL NOT BENT THIN TEN FEET OF ANY POKER LINES-v IIER OR NOT THE LIVES ARE LOCATED ON THE PROPERTY FUTURE IO CUVPLI MAY CAUSE CENEIRLICTIONIMLAYS ANDS R AG0ITIONAL EXPENSES a AN PROVED5E1111C GAS SHUTOFF VALVE ILL BE INSIALLEDON THE FUEL GAS LINE ON THE ONN STREAM SIDE OF TIE UTILITY METERANDIES110L1 CENNECTEl 10 HE Ex1ERN%R OF ME BUlgrvc OIIR-111 GTWIAU A— THE FUEL OAS PIPING PEA ORbM'ANCE 120 156) BNCLUDESCOV MEROAL PEOUTSCIS AND 11 NORK DYER ST. 0001 SEvgagiE PLUMBING PFRND IS REOAREO O BE CNNECiEO TO A IMltARv sEV.ER OR TO M MPRWED SEVAAGE CISPOSAL SYSTEM IF-31 WPIEI SIR K6UU CRIEs05ATITIRs SNDNER6 BIDETS, LAUNDRY TIBs AND WMIRNG MACHINE OrtE1 SHNL BE PROMOED 11I HOT AND COLD AATER MD CONNEcr ED To M APPROVED VIATER SUPPLY RIGS A) MOVE BAT«runs vA1H A sIOWER HEAD AND S.ONER cOMPARJMEMs STALL BE fIUSHEDNITH A RBE LS PFACFTu VINt SURFACE65HALL EXTEND TO A HRIIT OF NOT LESS THAN S FEET ACES THE FLOOR (R302.2) RONDE ULTRA LOW FLUSH VIATER CLOSETS FOR ALL NEW O111RUCTION EESTING SHOUTER HEADS ARD TgLET6 MIST BE ADAPTED Fd LOW LVAIER CHHGI NOW ABSTSEW—T WALL ADJACEIT IO.HGWER AVOAPPROVED SHATTERAESISIAVT MATERIALS FOR SHOVER ENCLOSURE. (1115B I AND 0.3(51 )L BE LMELED By AN Ln CITY MPROVEDLMEtIvc AGENCY SUCH LABEL SHNL SixlE THE APPROVED LABELING AGENCY NAME WATEROF ON ON AND PERFORMANCE GRADE RATING IRESERICH REPORT NOT REQUIRED) WTGIF 1) HEATER MUST BE SLRMPED TO WALL (SEC 5013 UK) ONOED FOR ALL DVIEILING owls INTENDED FOR W VMOCUPMcv, UPON THE ONNER sMPLIGTION FOAL A PERNN FOR ALIERAOS,IREPARs DLL AOtlilONS EXCEEDING OWE IIgUSANI DOLLAR5151,0001 (Rl1A 6 N RK VMERE APERNIL IS REQUIRED FORALERArINs, REPAIRS OR ADb IIgYS EZCEEbNG NEIHOSARDDOLLMs151,000I.EZIbTIxG OAEILINGS OR 6LEEMNGUX151HA1HAVEATTACHEDGARAGESORFIE)BURNNGMK$I SSINt BEPRDVIDEDNITIACNRBNMONOXIDENMVIN ACCOaCH E�ERv1TWAs IONER3151 }lOMONONOEN ISSHNLOMYBEREOUREDINTt SPE FICO IIHGUHTO SLEEMxGTUTFOR NB EVERY SPACEINTENDEDFORHUNANOCWPANCYS.ALLBEPRONDEDNITHNAIURALLIGNI9YMEMSOFEXIEMOR GLAZED WENNGSIN ACCOR0.V.ICESOVERTFEMEAOFIFEROOMATAHEICMOOAJOINOiESA00vETHEFLOORLEVELAIAT"II �OMAVERAGE BLWIxniOau OF6 O ACOPYOFTHEEVNIATIOREPORTANO NOTIONSOFLISTIW'GSI LBEIA EAVNLMLEATTIEJOBOTE FINISH MATERIAL POLLUTANT CONTROL AW E61VE SEAWST, AND DAILK..HAIL MEET OR EXCEED THE STARDARG.H OUTLINED IN SECTION I MM I AHD OMPLI NI1N THE vO UIlls IN IATTLE6 15 W I AND A SOS 2 AS APPLICABLE L MEET OR ExCEEO THE STN%)Mps WiIINED IN SECIIOV A 50A 11 MOCOMPLv MITI THE VO LIVILS IN TABLE R SO T G AERTOSOL PAIN SIAN OAilrvcs sHAll MEET OR EXCEED THE SIMGROS WRINEDIN SECTION I bR 23 D ALL GNPE ULDING IMSHALENG M EOR SHALE MEET THE NESTID PACCUCT RECUEOE O PEM.T60F F HE FOLNG LOVA O INSTITUTES GREEN LMEL PLUS PROG4AV O IL OA RF NA OEPARTMEM OF PUBLIC HEALTH STMDARO MEINODS FOR THE TESTING OF VOC EMIXM WX (SPEC 01-) OR Iv SOENiIFbTHE GOLD LEVEL CA cERTIFIGTIONS SYSTEMS INDOOR ADVANTAGE GOLD EALLOAMEE CUSHGN INSTALLED IN THE BUILDING INTERIOR SNNI MEET TIE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CARPET MD RUG INSTITUTE GREEN LABEL AONESIVESSINLNOTEIC EDAVOLIMITOF5011 (1-31 _32) FAMIUNDMOFlG% FLOURAREARECEIVINGRESILIENTFLO)%GSTALLCOMPLYMATHONEMMOREOFTIEFOLLONING PRODUCTS I 11 PRODUCTS CERTIFIED UNDER D. GREEN GUARD CTO FORMERLY HE GREEN GUARD CHILDREN A SCHOOLS PROGRAM) OR III TIE RFO FLONSCORE PROGRAM OR v MEET IT EICALIFOF.IIA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC TENTH STANDARD MEMO FOR THE TESTING OF VO EMISSIONS (SPEC 01J50) G. POSTE DTHE BIANOA.E ouNll NEDLIWOOD IN TABLE A 5DSPARTICLE VEFTFCRAHN O1. EONMIARCEDON TIE LAIII IIESEEEICTIONS MUST CR RE PROMDEDAl HE FIVE OF INSPECIONOF HE CE VICINITY MAP SITE LOCATION no (tilt ' 0 1., + ter° ry' +w NORTH DESIGNER FIE NANDO SOLIS FS DESIGN GROUP 27403 YNEZ RD,SUITE 102 TEMECULA CA 92591 P 626-8074712 E FERNANDO@FS-DESIGNGROUP.COM STRUCTURAL ENGINEER / TITLE 24 HC DESIGN 10614 PARISE DRIVE WIi1TTIER, CA 90604 P 562.552.5954 E. HCONTRERAS562@GMAILCOM ALL WORK SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING CODES INCLUDING AMENDMENTS- 2022CALIFORNIA RESIDENTIAL CODE 2022 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE 2022 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE 2022 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE 2022 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE 2022 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE. (TITLE 24) 2022 CALIFORNIA GREEN BUILDING STANDARDS CODE CITY OF TEMECULA FIRE COMMENTS I 'IRE DEPARTMENT VEHCULAR ACCESS ROADS MUST BE INSTNLED AUTO MNNTNNED IN A SERNCEABLE NMNER PMOR TQAM1D DURING 'HE TIME OF CTIN B ALL RECTARED PUBLIC FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE INSTALLED TESTED AND ACCEPTED PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION NOXIDE AURTI6,HNLRECEMEr EIRPRINM POWERFROMTHEBUILDINGMIRINGVMERE6UC.VAMNGIs BE D IRON A c0.vNERG& SORLE AID R1WL BE EO%PPED LATE A BATTERY SACKLP. RESIDENTNL CODE R315 S BULOING GONE D. tlNG ADDRESS N1V BEIS BULPNG NUMBERS OR MPROVEO BULLpNG IDENTIFIGRN SHNL BE PB7DEDANO THESIREET FROSTINGOFTHEPOPElIT NUVERS SNXLL GENTRASTI I. DR BAGx XR 'O BE=WUV .ALS OR ALPHABET LETTERS, AND BE A MNIMUM OF I INCHE. HCH III MIWIMN 6TRGXE NOT. OF 0 S INCTIE, MATERIAL CONSERVATION & RESOURCE EFFICIENCY ER OPENINGS IN soLEAR011O PLATES AT E%IERIORw RBNALL BE oI ECTEO AGAINST THE ELECTRIC G PASSAGE OF RODENTS By CLOSING SUCH OPENNOB III CEMENT NORTM, CONCRE IE NASMRY OR III— ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY INTERIOR wSdRENTINl Aw UN- IUMPIIO IAISIOU TSSIRNLSEPROVIOED R HEADS ARD iOEls J ENONEOUSAGLE SPACEHONEUNDER WTERIOR STAIRWAYS .EGLIC MT TIEWEMNGil0 BE NOT OT'MDT'AUTO iTLESINANHANJI ARVnEL EMWTOSR,ANDMMOVEDSH ERRESSTMTNATERINSFORSHOWER. Y ORNLNEVI MUST BE M.MTED FdiTLRw2wnTER CONSWPLION I REQUIRES 1a1WR FIRE REWITME CONSTRICTON ON ENCLOSED SIDE HEIGHT)PROJECTIONSINaLAINGPAUCHAROWME SHALLNOT NICE GOORS TO ALL ACCESSIBLE RODV i6INAL CC—YLOT. 9l 11. PLASTIC51OL.... LS MI IH FIXED LAGER) FOR URE01O BE MOHORED wnT ONCE ACCESS TOEOTHE BOTTOM OF COURT FOR FIEAW'IN 10CURTMORETHANNLOSTORIESINIEIG.TSHALLBEPRONGEDWITHAH-lI S WTHN A DWELLING UNIT VAT. 61 111. 11 EGRESS W1NOM BELOW GRACE M ER.EAIEST MUST BE SIRPED TO WALL' 3 PURPOSE. NTAt NRINTMELNTIAMIMMUVA4EAOF,050FT (t NORTH ARROW NORTH A5.] A57 SECTION MARKER 28 ELEVATION MARKER A5.] 28 DETAIL MARKER A5,7 Q DOOR MARKER O WINDOW MARKER III KEY NOTE CORRECTION# PERMIT NOTES I IRIUG'ICONNCS FOR LMHA YCH NO PERMIT Is ISSUED WIHN 190 DAYS FMLCMSll THE DATE OF AFKICMTON SLL AUTOMATICALLY EXPIRE 2 OSHALLBEcoME UNAUD MESS NORK AUTIIOR12ED11 COVMENCEDVATNIN 160 DAYS AFTER ITS ISSUANCE OR IF THE' A,ED LSPENDCR ABO ANNED FOR A PEMOON OF IN DAYS A SUCCESSFUL INSPECTIMUST BE OBINNED IW12tEONPLANS R1GSSCRC) URED INSPECTIONS SHALL BE DONE A. TIRE DEPARTMENT HILL REQUIRE[LEARANCE MO APPROVAL. SEPARATE PERNI I FDA FIRE DEPARTMENT REWREO BUILDING AND SAFETY Al TIME OF PERMIT ISSUANCE CONTRACTOR SHALL SHOW THEIR VALID NORKERI COMPENSAIIII INSURANCE CERTIFICATE CONFORM 10 ALL RECLNENENII OF ITATE OF CALIFORNIA II1LE IT REGARDLESS OF THE INFORMAIIN INDICATED ON ARS 17 IS INS RESPONSIBILITY OF THE INOM WN SUPERNBING IHE CONSTRUCTION TO ENSURE THAT THE NORK Is DONE IN ACCORDANCE NTH CODE RE WIREMENIS PRIOR TO REOUESTNG INSPECTION EXCESS NCRE tEVAAMSTESo, M UNQL TARHEVDGN BE OTEPOSED111 THE PUBLIC LOF ASSOLID WASTE INTERpRAIrvAGE SYSTEM PRONSINSSHwLt BE NAp SECWE`TllDERIALs NAY xoi BE iMCKEDFROV THE 511E By vEHCIE iRNFIC ME ONSIEWCH0N ENTRANCE ROADSVAYS MISH BE SABUQED SO AS NMIM TOINI SECENT1 FROM BEING DEPOSITED WTI THE PUBLIC w ACCESSITAL UEPOSITIOS MUST BE SNAEPT UP IMMEDIATELY AND MAY NOT BE WASHED OVAT BY RAIN OR OTHER MEANS OTHERCONSTRUCN RELATEDMATERIALSMUSTBEPROJECTEDFROMBEINGTFMS Md DFROMI1E511E BvoiOILE,L EARSOFLN.A'OCRWATER _AUCTIONTRAIN AND RELATED sOIOwMTES MU51 BE CEIMI ED INTO A COVERED RECEPTAGUE TO PREVENT CDNTAVINATION OF MD tl5PER5AL BYSAND LS dLs SOLVENTS AND OTHER TO%Ic NATERIN6 MUST BE STORED IN ACCORDANCE"UT 1NEIR LISTING MD ME NOT TO CONTAMINATE THE ML AND FACE wniER3 ALL APPROVED To COMNWERS ME TO BE PROTECIEO MOM LIE V.EATHER .Plus MusT BE CLEMEO UP IMMEDIATELY MO DISPOSED O IN A PROPER MANNER SPILLS MAv NOT BE wM.ED INTO THE DRAINAGE SvsiEM DESIGN GROUP 27403 YNEZ ROAD, SUITE 102 TEMECULA, CA 92591 626 807 4712 FERNANDO SOLIS- DESIGNER fV 0) Ln fV Ol Q u Q U W 2 LLJ F_ Ln Q Z W (7 Q O Ln L1 (V 0) W ( } Z O❑fO }a ❑ DO Q � W O O Q U LL . Z Ci Ix of N E_O O ODOLLD- F Zw ILL U) U) O c, ci ULL❑0N Q — 2 U)of O W ❑ IN Q ❑ 2 w Q DIE P O co LL aH-❑CS UL Ln Z o LL N CJ 0 aULLLo (cD ciciQ JOB NO DATE 04.11.2023 SCALE 1/811 = 11 - 0" DRAWN BY M.ZEPEDA PROJECT INFO & PROPOSED SITE PLAN A1.0 ` 74.88' rr �R\ I� _ }I L(E) LANDSCAPE I I g.d• (N) ADDITION 191 SQ.FT. I s' o- 9'd• I 4 113.03' (E) CAR GARAGE IEI .ExcE .E,EP I 518 SQ.FT. nw o�xa—I I I'.!o• \ i (E) PATIO 156 SQ.FT. I \ 7 (E) SINGLE FAMILY E \\ .Q (E) SINGLE FAMILY .Q DWELLING < DWELLING \ 941 SQ.FT. 941 SQ.FT. \ I 1g-Ig \ IEl nc unx� \ � (N) POR H _I 15'-I• = jZ (N) COURT YARD Is-e• 98 SQ. FT. (E) CAR GARAGE t 518 SQ. FT. \ ` 5 _E \ I� \ IEIus.6TEP \\ (N) ADU a (N) 1ST FLOOR OT SQ.FT, t1� 11 E�Euniu�Pu.E�—I ❑ 1 ADDITION (NOT A PART) L�7 .'lx-'J`f 550 SQ. FT. 0 19'-r 0 7.77' ° 1 `(E)LANDSCAPE� (N) SOROH u 60 60. FT- -)CONCRETE / o Yoj /p/ 24.29' 75.80' PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY SIDE WALK AGENA STREET BUILDING INFORMATION SUMMARY SFR 2.772 SQ. FT. GARAGE 518 SO. FT ADU(UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT) SOO SQ. FT. PROPOSED SITE PLAN SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"IORTH AGENA STREET 1� EXISTING SITE PLAN SCALE: 1(8" = 1'-O" DESIGN GROUP 27403 YNE2 ROAD, SUITE 102 TEMECU LA, CA 92591 626 807 4712 FERNANDOFERNANDO5O� m �mr Z OQ } o Q m Q O Zoe LL LL O = N L) V) D'~O Q W IL 0- ry u�1ZoLL LD � t: U) �L~LOo N Q — _ Lu U u oWo� Q n >_ } Z =) 0 0 O F-: W w 0 0)J) o 2 F�Oo W LL N O 0 v / OL~LLLUl W Ln �doQ Z Y Lu Y (n O _l Q O O O LJ) w o- rj 0 lzt V) xq KY.— LATE 10P NO LATE 04.11.2023 surf 1/8'. = 1' - 0" L WNPv M.ZEPEDA EXISTING SITE PLAN & PROPOSED SITE PLAN A1.1 SYMBOL LEGEND I (E) WINDOW SCHEDULE SYM. SIZE FUNCTION MATERIAL GLAZING NOTES TO BE OEXIo fA 4'-O'x 4'-0" SLIDING VINYL (LOW E) W E)DUADUAL EXISTINGWALL O B 6-0" x 3'-0" SLIDING VINYL (LOL C 6-0" x 4'41" SLIDING VINYL (LOW E) DUAL NEW FRAME WALLS w1 STUDS ® IF O.D.5m' DR—L 0 INTERIOR A 71F STUCCO C EXTERIOR D 4'-0" SLIDING VINYL (LOW E 3'-7" x V-G' SLIDING VINYL (LOW E) DUAL (E) DOOR SCHEDULE SYM. SIZE TYPE MATERIAL FUNCTION GLAZING NOTES O7 T-O" x 6'-8" SOLID WOOD ENTRY O2 4'-0"x6'-8" SLIDING GLASS ENTRY O3 2'-6' x 6-87 HOLLOW CORE WOOD PASSAGE O4 16-2" x 8'-0" SOLID WOOD GARAGE 4]'-6 W 9 R b b OV Y ti Y EXISTING FLOOR PLAN SCALE' 114" = 1' 0' ]'-<' S-B' O O O ❑ ❑ (E) PATIO O (E) LIVING ROOM (E)BEDROOM O IUUj � (E) BATHROOM ®® (E) DINING ROOM ® (E) KITCHEN I u.E of rel aosE IE) BEDROOM Ot5 M%% I I, I O E)GARAG II / I I'-D' O ifi'-3' J'-J' 1'-5 3'-1 Ii'-]' T-T I5'-9' DESIGN GROUP 27403 YNEZ ROAD, SUITE 102 TEM ECUTA, CA 92591 626 80] 4712 FERNAN00 SOUS -DESIGNERIn Lco Of L FLU CC Lu of - m rn � } Z Oho rya O m � Q j Zp0 OUP W Z p } O N W p�1~i.a Z u) N F oA1f 04.11.2023 DaAwN Br M.ZEPEDA EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING FLOOR PLAN A2.0 SYMBOLLEGEND TO BE DEMO L------� EXISTING WALL O NEW FRAME WALLS W/ STUDS ® 16- O.0 SM- DRYWALL 0 INTERIOR 4 7BE STUCCO 0 EXTERIOR IOA' 3'4- 4'-T n y I� IVING RO ® T (N) KITCHEN Fa s' MUx 9 ®-___ G-0' 3.0' J'-0• (E)BEDROOM (E)BATHROOM ,Hu.EN� O V -, I I IFLIIUEI 4 (E) BEDROOM 13 O (N) COURT YARD (N) (N) PORCH lra0• 65'-t0' CG= 17=0 i MAXIMUM U-FACTOR 021 1 MAXIMUM SHGC 019 (P) WINDOWSCHEDULE NOTE WINDOWS TO BE DOUBLE GLASS SYM. SIZE FUNCTION MATERIAL GLAZING NOTES MIN. U-VALVE = 0,75, ALL WINDOWS SHALL BE DUAL PANEL A 4'.0"X 4'.0" SLIDING VINYL (LOW E)DUAL DEMOLISHED LOW"E", USE SAFETY GLAZING a 5-0" X 3'-0" SLIDING VINYL (LOW E) DUAL DEMOLISHED MATERIAL (TEMPERED GLASS) C 6'.0" X 4'-0" SLIDING VINYL (LOW E) DUAL EXISTING WINDOW NOTES- 0 3-0" x 4'-0" SINGLE HUNG VINYL (LOW E) DUAL EXISTING I THE LOAD RESISTENCE FROM GLASS UNDER UNIFORM LOAD SHALL BE E 3-7" x 1'-6' SLIDING VINYL (LOW E) DUAL EXISTING DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM E 1300 F 3'-6"X5'-O" SLIDING VINYL (LOW E)DUAL NEW G 5'-C" X 5'-0" SLIDING VINYL (LOW E) DUAL NEW 2) HARDWARE INCLUDES LOCK SET AND HINGES AND WEATHER STRIP FOR ry 5-9, % 5'-0" DOUBLE HUNG VINYL (LOW E) DUAL NEW EXTERIOR DOORS). ALL WINDOWS ARE 3'-0" X 5'-0" SINGLE HUNG VINYL (LOW E) DUAL NEW VINYL MILGARD BRAND OR EQUAL UNLESS OTHERVIASE NOTED, HC=HOLLOW CORE, J 4'-6" X 3'-0", SLIDING VINYL (LOW E) DUAL NEW SC=SOLID CORE, XO=HORIZONTAL SLIDER, G=GRIDS, CLR=CLEAR, OBS=OBSCURE K 7-6" x 5'-6' SLIDING VINYL (LOW E) DUAL NEW AL -ALUMINUM, W=VINYL.INS=INSULATED, L 4'40' X 5'-0" SINGLE HUNG VINYL (LOW E) DUAL NEW IT tt• PROVIDE RATED, 3) PROVIDE SAFETY GUSS FOR BATHROOM M 7-0" x S-O" FIXED VINYL (LOW E) DUAL NEW 4'-0' r-]- WINDOWS.PERCRCR30a.4.S N 3'-0'X 2'-G' CASEMENT ANY (LOW E)DU_ NEW O 2'-0" x 3'-0" CASEMENT VINYL (LOW E) DUAL NEW (P) DOOR SCHEDULE SYM. SIZE TYPE MATERIAL FUNCTION GLAZING NOTES Q T-0" x 6-8" SOLID WOOD ENTRY DEMOLISHED O2 4'-0" x 6-8" SLIDING GLASS ENTRY DEMOLISHED (1 2'-6' x 6'-8" HOLLOW CORE WOOD PASSAGE EXISTING 0 16-2"x8'.0' SOLID WOOD GARAGE DEMOLISHED O5 5'-0X T-8" SINGLE FRENCH GLASS ENTRY NEW h 9 © 16-2" X T-7 SOLID WOOD GARAGE NEW O 1U-0"%6'.8" SLIDING GLASS ENTRY NEW OB 5'•0" X 6'.8" DOUBLE FRENCH GLASS PASSAGE NEW O9 2'-6' x 6-8" HOLLOW CORE WOOD PASSAGE NEW 7'-8" SOLID WOOD GARAGE NEW tt X6-8" HOLLOW CORE WOOD PASSAGE NEW t2 3'-6'x T-8" SINGLE FRENCH GLASS PASSAGE NEW 13 1 8'-0' X 6'-8" SLIDING GLASS PASSAGE NEW n Is n (N) N) KITCHEN Lil PORCH O F F n DOOR NOTES 1. NEW DOORS SHALL BE "COLONIST" 6 PANEL REFINISHED AND PREHUNG UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWASE BY THE OWNER 2. GLASS IN INGRESS AND EGRESS DOORS SHALL BE TEMPERED. 3. ALL EXTERIOR DOORS SHALL BE FULLY WEATHER STRIPPED 4. PROVIDE SINGLE CYLINDER DEADBOLT ON EXTERIOR DOORS. 5. INTERIOR DOORS SHALL HAVE ONE PAIR 3 la STANLEY HINGES WITH BRASS FINISH. VERIFY W/ OWNER. 6 EXTERIOR DOORS SHALL HAVE 1 112 PAIR 4' STANLEY RO-741 HINGES WITH BRASS FINISH. VERIFY W/ OWNER. 7. INTERIOR DOOR LATCHES SETS AND TRIM SHALL BE SELECTED BY OWNER. 8. ALL HARDWARE SHALL BE INSTALLED COMPLETE WTH ALL ACCESSORIES I.E. SCREWS. STRIKES ETC, AND DOORS SET TRUE AND SQUARE TO ITS JAMB, 9. ATTIC ACCESS DOOR SHALL HAVE PERMANENTLY ATTACHED INSULATION USING ADHESIVE OR MECHANICAL FASTENERS AND SHALL BE GASKETED TO PREVENT AIR LEAKAGE. PER DEC 150.0(B) 2 10 PROVIDE FIRE SEPARATION BETWEEN THE GARAGE AND THE RESIDENCE, PER CRC R302.5.1 FOR DOOR INTO HOUSE. PROVIDE SELF -CLOSING, SELF LATCHING DOOR. WATER FFFIT'IFNT.Y AND T.nNCFRVATIFIN NOT EXCEED SECTION WATER CLOSETS 118 OPT 4.303.1.1 SINGLE SHOWERHEAD E,8 GPM @ 80 PSI 4,303.1.3 COMBINED SHOWERHEADS 1.8 GPM Q 80 PSI 4.303,1.3 LAVATORY FAUCETS 1.2 GPM @ 60 PSI 4303,1.4 BEECHEN FAUCETS 1.8 GPM Q 60 PSI 4.303A.4 OG ELECTRICAL PLAN KEYNOTES (N) LI ING RO M APPLIANCEBRANCA4 clacMb R TANK LESS WATER ()EATER DEDICATED CIRQITf t5 A22P 1120 V0.r CpLt4EOTIW. 11) WALL RECEPTACLE OR HAND NMED REQUIRES CNLCFF EWTCH A4PRlANCE BpA2KTV DRCURS N01E5 /1 IREOUIREMENTS-vFRIFVELECTRK:AL III O REOLARENENTS OF ALL AFPl1ANCE5KiTi1 UANEfACfLXtERS RELON.EN'DATAT23 2 ROUGHEN- LOCATE ELECTRICN RECEPTACLES ANO CONtEGTgrvS PER V T A PAR- MANLFAGTURERS RECOMMET�ATIDF6 J DOCUMENTS-TIEDGHERq RANISNOTB2TF.N DOH IERWISSENT LUCATIEIESETDi R ❑ EIECTRICNCQA yEN RlC NEEREMgGTE U ERNib R. A EDTOD ANp SElE I" 16 ANY EIECTRICALREQIMEMEMB NOf dRELTLY REL4TEDTOIHE IN:HTIND SHALL E B1' OTMER4 4ENGINEERING-EIECTR C RACTORTOFRONDSELECTRICNO KDESIGNBUILD. 1 (N) ),AA ALLY. RNITOBEPERFORMEDWCONRENILANSMI IANCTH ALLDAPFLICABLECICOES. 7ER BEDROOM ,/ O q � IIL c// I BATHROOM 1 , noaE, ? HTURANDSHONER ECORS WNL6 ABOVE BATHTUBS WTI A SH RHEAD AND SHOE R CovPARIMENTS SMALL BE HMS1EDW7HA ION ABSOiLBENI SURFACE ExLENDNG i0A HEIGHT OF n'011E55 THAN 6 rEET ABOVE THE FLOOR PER RS02 ] IT CLOSET SHALL HAYS IS INCHES iG ANY WALL OR OBSTRUe110N ON EACH SIDE OF ITS CENTERLINE AND ""CH CLEAR SPACE IN FRONT. PER L TITHE FIM6H SHALL BE INSTALLED IN SHOWER AREA AS WELI AS WALL PANELS IN SHOWER AREAS PER CRC RID212 GREEN BOARD SHALL NOTBE OR IUSED. 4 WNERS-1UBSHOAFR CO.BIMTI THE PRESSURE BNANCE IHERVOSIATIC OM&NATION PRESSURE BAVM[ERHERNGSLAi1C.Irin�G DVNYE rvp [OvrORNING�O SSESf0 BIIA5.E AI 12 f01NCSA B125160R ASME E. ED WATER SET TINS OF Ito F 5 rcVNVES AD HS O•VERHEn05 SHNl0E LIXATEOTON THE SIOEYRiN NGFB UHaW'R CO ARDAENT5 OR GIH_AWSE ARRANGED BE THAI THE IY RR EAD DOES NOT DSCHARCE DRECTIY AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE CO-ARVENT SO THAT THE BATHER CAN ADJUST THE VAECE6 BEFORE AE O+u M H W6HNlBEOFSI FII OElTLXIOTHTOACCOVMODATE AMINIVUM 211NCH 1559.M)DOOR. SHONEa OOOp 6WNL OPEN 60 A6 TO NOT LESS 114W A 221NCN ry5B MV I UNOBSTRUCTED OPENING IOR EGRESS ICPC I45) 2 TONAVEA2 HGH DAM THAT MILL PROVIDE A NIMNUM STGAE OF I- PER EWT FRIDAY THE EWE THE CONPARMT.ENI IOWAROS THE PLUMBING I WATER PIPING MATERIALS NITHN A BGILDNG SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE NIT. SEc 61 I OF THE CALIFORNIA PLGMBING CODE. PEX CPVC AD ITIER PLASTIC WATER PIHNG SYSTEM5 SHALL BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE \NTH THE REQUIREMENTS OF SEc 10<GF THE CPC INSTALLATION ST APPEND%I aF 1HE 1111 MANUFACTURERS RECO.MENUABDN ITAGAROb CPYC WATER HPING REOMRES A CERUFILATION OF �A.NCE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC SG, I -ID) OF THE CPC PRIOR TO PERMIT ISSUANCE. HAVE AN APPROVED AISIFIGH DEVICE.ICPC 61357i 3 vERIFv 1HA1 NLTHEPLUN&W AD RE Iry THE UNIT COMPLY WTI BE— 'ILL 107. 3-5- SAG" 17-1 r ELECTRICAL 2 ALL WTOOON LIGHIINGSHALL BE[nNTROILED BY A NAUN ON AN DOFESWTCHTHUTDOESNOI OYFRRIDETOONNNDONOFRE CONTROLLED BY A PHOTOCELL AND NOTION SENSOR PHOTO CONTROL AND ALRONAIIC—)—CONTROL AF RGNOV )CAL 11.E «WKDR ENERGY. AGE.ENT CONTROL SYSTE. AVPERRESISTANTRECEPTALLESFOPNENEV/RECEPTACLEI,PERCEC10 21A1 RECE CTLbCORDCONNECTORS ADATTACHMENTSMALL COVRv N1TH THE FGLLGNING MG REIE'TACLESFAIEPLATEIIIOR_TLO_IDNS NL pLLBEI S AND M PERE� S AID 250PVOELI RECEPTACLES SHALL E LISTED MATHER RESISTS TTYPE 5.2RFACE PROPOSED FIRST STORY FLOOR PLAN aT 15. AND 20 -ERE RECEPTACLES IN OWELUNG6 SHALL BE LISTED TAN.PER-RESISTANT. SCALE! 1/4..=1'-0- HuIITBE TwrnLrNW Ir rONLwvnvc READY AccEsselE LOunGN NORTH T PHOTOCONIRDLA.DADTOYATICIWESWEEHOONIROL DESIGN GROUP 27403 YNEZ ROAD, SUITE 102 TEMECULA, CA 92591 626.907.4712 FERNANDO SOLISO SOLIS� - DESIGNER O O ( } Z Opd0 F } 00 � m Q � D-' 0 z cn D'LLO= LL Z U >_dND_ w In ~ d p 000 LL a) O LL N H Z Ln 0 C'4 C3 Q) LL O Q N Q — _ Uu ci oWo� z gN�Q� 0o¢ Z) () Q F W 01n U)LL Q LU F � z 0 W LL N po _ d LL UL 0 W (n ,o0zz Z 5e V) LLJ Of 3 Q —J o 0 Ln � w 0 V� rj a O 04.11.2023 1/4" = 1' - 0" M,ZEPEDA PROPOSED FIRST STORY FLOOR PLAN A2.1 SYMBOLLEGEND TO BE DEMO L 1 EXISTING WALL O NEWFRAMEWALLSWISTUOSNISDC.SI4.ORYW%U-@ r- INTERIORA AESTUCCOOEXTERIOR PROPOSED SECOND STORY FLOOR PLAN I SCALE: 1/4" = 1' 0" MAXIMUM U-FACTOR 021 1 MAXIMUM SHGC 0-19 NOTE- WNDOWS TO BE DOUBLE GLASS MIN. U-VALVE = 0,75, ALL WINDOWS SHALL BE DUAL PANEL LOW"E USE SAFETY GLAZING MATERIAL (TEMPERED GLASS) WNDOW NOTES 1) THE LOAD RESISTENCE FROM GLASS UNDER UNIFORM LOAD SHALL BE DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WTH ASTM E13M 2) HARDWARE INCLUDES LOCK SET AND HINGES (AND WEATHER STRIP FOR EXTERIOR DOORS). ALL WINDOWS ARE VINYL MILGARD BRAND OR EQUAL UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, HC=HOLLOW CORE. SC=SOLID CORE, XO=HORIZONTAL SLIDER, G=GRIDS, CLR=CLEAR, OBS=OBSCURE, AL=ALUMINUM. W=MNYL.INS=INSULATED, FR=FIRE RATED 3) PROVIDE SAFETY GLASS FOR BATHROOM WNDOWS PERCRCAMB4S, (P) VNNDOW SCHEDULE SYM. SIZE FUNCTION MATERIAL GLAZING NOTES A 4'-0" x 449" SLIDING VINYL (LOW E) DUAL DEMOLISHED B 5'-0" x X-C" SLIDING VINYL (LOW E) DUAL DEMOLISHED C 6-0" x 4'-0' SLIDING VINYL (LOW E) DUAL EXISTING D 3'-W z 4'-D' SINGLE HUNG VINYL (LOW E) DUAL EXISTING E 3'-7" x 1'-6' SLIDING VINYL (LOW E) DUAL EXISTING F S-6" x 5'-0" SLIDING VINYL (LOW E) DUAL NEW G 5-0". 5'-0" SLIDING VINYL (LOW E) DUAL NEW H 5'-B' x 5'-0' DOUBLE HUNG VINYL (LOW E) DUAL NEW 1 3'-0" x 5'-0" SINGLE HUNG VINYL (LOW E) DUAL NEW J 4'-6" x 3'-0" SLIDING VINYL (LOW E) DUAL NEW K 7-6"15'-6' SLIDING VINYL (LOW E)DUAL NEW L 4'-01' x 6-0" SINGLE HUNG VINYL (LOW E) DUAL NEW M 7-0" x T-0" FIXED VINYL (LOW E) DUAL NEW N T-0" x 7-0" CASEMENT VINYL (LOW El DUAL NEW 0 2'-0"xS-0" CASEMENT VINYL (LOW E)DUAL NEW (P) DOOR SCHEDULE SYM. SIZE TYPE MATERIAL FUNCTION GLAZING NOTES Q7 T-01'x6-8" SOLID WOOD ENTRY DEMOLISHED Q 4'-0" x 6'-8" SLIDING GLASS ENTRY DEMOLISHED Q3 2'-6-x6'-8" HOLLOW CORE WOOD PASSAGE EXISTING 04 16'-2"x 8'-0' SOLID WOOD GARAGE DEMOLISHED OS 5-0' x T-8" SINGLE FRENCH GLASS ENTRY NEW © 16'-2"xT-7' SOLID WOOD GARAGE NEW O7 10'-0"x 6'-8" SLIDING GLASS ENTRY NEW OB 5'-0' x 6'-B" DOUBLE FRENCH GLASS PASSAGE NEW O9 2'-6' x T-8" HOLLOW CORE WOOD PASSAGE NEW 10 T-T. T-8" SOLID WOOD GARAGE NEW 11 2'-4" x 6'-8" HOLLOW CORE WOOD PASSAGE NEW t2 3'-6'x T-8" SINGLEFRENCH GLASS PASSAGE NEW 13 8'-0' x 6'-8" SLIDING GLASS PASSAGE NEW DOOR NOTES. 1, NEW DOORS SHALL BE' OLONlST` 6 PANEL REFINISHED AND PREHUNG UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE BY THE OWNER, 2. GLASS IN INGRESS AND EGRESS DOORS SHALL BE TEMPERED, 3, ALL EXTERIOR DOORS SHALL BE FULLY WEATHER STRIPPED 4. PROVIDE SINGLE CYLINDER DEADBOLT ON EXTERIOR DOORS. 5, INTERIOR DOORS SHALL HAVE ONE PAIR 3 12' STANLEY HINGES WTH BRASS FINISH. VERIFY W/ OWNER. 6, EXTERIOR DOORS SHALL HAVE 1 1/2 PAIR 4" STANLEY RD-741 HINGES WITH BRASS FINISH. VERIFY W/ OWNER. 7. INTERIOR DOOR LATCHES SETS AND TRIM SHALL BE SELECTED BY OWMER. 8, ALL HARDWARE SHALL BE INSTALLED COMPLETE WTH ALL ACCESSORIES I.E. SCREWS STRIKES ETC, AND DOORS SET TRUE AND SQUARE TO ITS JAMB 9, ATTIC ACCESS DOOR SHALL HAVE PERMANENTLY ATTACHED INSULATION USING ADHESIVE OR MECHANICAL FASTENERS AND SHALL BE GASKETED TO PREVENT AIR LEAKAGE, PER CEC 150.0(B) 2 10. PROVIDE FIRE SEPARATION BETWEEN THE GARAGE AND THE RESIDENCE, PER CRC R302.5.1 FOR DOOR INTO HOUSE -PROVIDE SELF-CLOSINC- SELF LATCHING DOOR. WATFR FFFICIFNCY ANO r.nNSFRVATION NOT EXCEED SECTION WATER CLOSETS 1.28 GPF 4.303.1.1 SINGLE SHO AERHEAD 1.8 GPM @ 80 PSI 4 03.1.3 COMBINED SHOWERHEADS 1 8 GPM @ 80 PSI 4.303.1.3 LAVATORY FAUCETS 1,2 GPM @ BE PSI 4.303.1,4 KITCHEN FAUCETS 1.8 GPM @ 60 PSI 4.303.1.4 ELECTRICAL PLAN KEYNOTES APPLIANCE BRANCH CIRCIVE, R TANK LESS WATER HEATER DEDICATED CBROIR 15 AMP I IM VOLT CONNECTION - Ill WALL RECEPTACLE OR HARD IMRED REOLIRE60WOFF SNITCH APPLIANCE BRANCH CIRC S NOTES 1—MEWS—RI EECTRI— REO-IREMEM6 OF ALL APPLIANCES—MAMIFACTIMERS RECOMMENDATIONS 3 ROUGH-W- LOCATE ELECTRIC -RECEPTACLES MJD CONNECTIONS PER MANUFACTMERS NECONMEN>DATgNIN DODCUMEMS-THEQGHTNGPLATISNOTINTENDEDTOREPRES ACOMPLETESETOF EIECTRICAL ONAN NGR ExCEPr N1RERE INpGTEDOTiERLMSE. TIE LOCATION AA SELECTIW 6 ANY ISU ICK REOTBRENA RSNOTOIREORYRELATEDTOTHE LIGHHNO &HALL EE BY OTIEAS 4 ENGNEERRJG-EIECRRILA CMiRACTOR TOPROWOE ELECIRN:AL VgRK OESX]J BIILO ALLNxxiKTO BE PERFORMEDN COM0.1AlICE SNTH All CANS AlND AFT;ICABLE NOES BATHROOM ATwue ANDsi NGVA —RENT WATER C OSE' 1-.NsAND1 OVB NATIO Z'a -WEE VA 1aNERHEADE TTPESHOD551 GRAIN PLUMBING OIHER PL1 WMERPLAS IC IAVDAF TIC COV0.1PNa NaSE81T n ELECTRICAL GHEFFIEACY. ] WIDGOR LIGHTING SHAL BE CONTROLLED BY A NA\UA ON AND OFF SWTCH THAI GOES NOT OVERRIDE TO ON ANO ON OF THE FOL AUD Mana+sENwR PIRETro cDNr9a AND Auravnnc svnrol cDNTRa, AsrRavDMIv,L TINE aOCK Oe ENERGv MANAGENEM COviRIX Sv6TEN PGIWDE rAEERREMS,%NECTP DATF ENTSHALCEPIACIESC KYVA1H11EFIX LOVANGI RECEPTACRECEPT�EEs F�IEEPLAlE55 �L BE INSIALED SOAS i0 CO.VPLEIELY COVER THE OPNEING AND SEAT AGNNST THE V WN11N'G 6UNFACE AVPERE 11 EPrACLE66HALL BE USTEDIYEATNER REM6TENL rvPE Ai .VM I uio:oarPereE vecePTACLEsN—THININGS SHALL BE LISTED TANPERRESISTANT. SHALL BE INSTALLED Iv A N—Lv ACCESSISLE —110N NEWo.� aM Au;oM:IC.IM E TONT—HROL DESIGN GROUP 27403 YNEZ ROAD, SUITE 102 TEMECULA, CA 92591 626.907 4712 FERNANDO SOLIS - DESIGNER ED m Do } Z 0 0 x } Q O m H Q j Z00 0Uw W L~i0= L Z U U) N Ir F 0 0mLL-D_ Z Q ILL N H C) U) CN 0 C) ULL O 0 N Q 2 W Q ~ o, Uowa Q ED } O Z =) O0Oa 0 F W 0 Un Un l C) LU 2 DF- LU IL N O r ^ v / ~. 0 I.E. W Ln U)u Dacia Z Y LLj Cr 0 Q 3 —� 0 0 11 a OL N rj -1 1-t 0. u NO PEVKION DATE IOR NO DATE 04.11,2023 suLE 1/4" = 1' - 0" DPAWNBv M. ZEPEDA PROPOSED SECOND STORY FLOOR PLAN A2.2 SYMBOL LEGENd TO BE DE'60 EXISTING WALL O NEWFRAMEWM.LSWISTUDS®16.O,C 516'DRYW G O INTERIOR 6 — STUCCO® EXTERIOR r--------------------- ------------------- En I I I I I I I I I I I I I Ivrna ON I I� N m Im I N (E) SINGLE FAMILY � N DWELLING +ADDITION - - ; 1,132 SQ. FT. I I I - I I I I ! I I I Oa m'� F- I I I � I i - -- 4-12> (N) COURT YARD I (E) CAR G7ARAGE SLOPE 98 SQ.FT. 518 SQ. FT. I I 4:12 I - 4T2 - 1 SLOPE SLOE� 1 I 4r12 . 1 SLOPES I I I I I ! E----1 I 4:12 I 4:12 SLOPE I I SLOPE ➢ I I 412 412 Ori - I <SLOPE SLOPE �% m I - (N) 1ST FLOOR ADDITION _ --- L----------------------{ ! I I-1 I I I I m I - ! 0 I — .I m^'__ I F------------.�-- 4.12 412 ------ SLOPE SLOPE] I� J-I j (N) PO CH 60r- L4'h2 1-4-1 SLOPE SLOPE I II I I I I I I I W -I- � - I I --------------J_ PROPOSED ROOF PLAN SCALE- 1/4"=1'-0" DESIGN GROUP 27403 YNE2 ROAD, SUITE 102 TEMECULA, CA 92591 626.807 A712 FERNANDO SOLISO SOLIS� - DESIGNER �0) Z 0�0 F- y 0 m o Q j ZOO Lu) Leo= } 0 N X ry 0WL~a L U) N Z Q1 �0 LL O Q N ¢-x I=� Uu CI owo� ��QZ d Z T. ow Q O O � W w oU)~ Ln L o 2 W H�ZO LL N O O L l 0 ~~L 0 Q 'Dd0a Z � V) Lu 0 Q J 0 oLn a O r-I Rj ,It O u �RLVI$ION OAIL041[ JOB xO o6TL 04.11.2023 SULL 1/4" = 1' - 0" oRAwN Br M.2EPEDA PROPOSED ROOF PLAN AND DETAILS A2.5 SYMBOLLEGEND (E) 71Y' EXT. STUCCO OVER WIRE FABRIC LATH OVER 2 LAYERS TYPE "D" BUILDING PAPER OVER PLYWOOD (E) ROOF: CLASS A FIRE RESISTANCE CERTAIN TEED 30 YEAR ASPHALT SHINGLES, OVER ONE LAYER OF 30N FELT PAPER OVER 1/7' APPROVED ROOF SHTNG (COX OR OSB) W/ RADIANT BARRIER, W/ BD NAILS Q6,6,12, INSTALLATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS ROOF PITCH 4/ 12 MAX (ICCN ESR-1389) �3 (E) WOOD SIDING -TURQUOISE GREEN MAXIMUM HEIGHT FINISH CEILING I? FINISH FLOOR _ GRADE M 11 Fil 'E) SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE 114" = 1' 0" - MAXIMUM HEIGHT '4 a FINISH CEILING 4 _ FINISH FLOOR GRADE v a (E) EAST ELEVATION SCALE 1/4— V-0" (E) NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/4" = 1' 0" in (E) WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 114" = 1'.0" MAXINIUM HEIGHT FINISH CEILING DESIGN GROUP 27403 YNE2 ROAD, SUITE 102 TEMECUTA, CA 92591 626 807.4712 FERNANDO SOLIS- DESIGNER Go > Z O Of 0 > Q CO Q Ir �00 Z U OEn It LL O 2 LL ZU IY�N F O Q aO LLco LL fV F Z � LL 01 � 0 C! Zm 0) LL 0 N aF= Q Ia W n~ U U ODJO� QnIQ� �>>o Z Z) U p O F W v 0 U) U) W LLI LL N O /� o LL LL W In mbCiZ Q UDu2cpC Z Y V o Q 3 —J o 0 O`j o It u .-I.N DATE IDP x0 DaE 04.11.2023 u 11 1/4" = 1' - 0" DP .1 M. ZEPEDA EXISTING ELEVATIONS A3.0 SYMBOL LEGEND O(E) 7/8" EXT. STUCCO OVER WIRE FABRIC LATH OVER 2 LAYERS TYPE "D" BUILDING PAPER OVER PLYWOOD (El ROOF' CLASS A FIRE RESISTANCE CERTAIN TEED 30 ❑2 YEAR ASPHALT SHINGLES, OVER ONE LAYER OF 30# FELT PAPER OVER 1/2' APPROVED ROOF SHEN& (COX OR OSB) W/ RADIANT BARRIER, W/ 8D NAILS ®6,6,12 , INSTALLATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS ROOF PITCH 4/ 12 MAX (ICC# ESR-1389) R(N) 718" EXT, STUCCO OVER WIRE FABRIC LATH OVER 2 LAYERS TYPE "D" BUILDING PAPER OVER PLYWOOD -REPOSE GRAY SW. E] NEW ROOF CLASS A FIRE RESISTANCE CERTAIN TEED 30 YEAR ASPHALT SHINGLES, OVER ONE LAYER OF 30# FELT PAPER OVER 1/2" APPROVED ROOF SHTNG. (CDX OR OSB) W/ RADIANT BARRIER, W/ 8D NAILS @B6,12. INSTALLATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS ROOF PITCH 4112 MAX TO MATCH EXISTING HOUSE. �6 (N) ELDORADO STONE- WHISPER WHITE RIDGETOP m (N) CLOPAY - CANYON RIDGE 15 FT X 7 FT- BLACK COLOR BLACK METAL TOP RAIL STEEL WIRES BLACK FLAT BAR METAL POSTS 01 HANDRAIL DETAIL A2.5 MAXIMUM HEIGHT 2ND STORY FINISH CEILING_ GRADE FINISH CEILING _ O SOD O� OO 0 0 0 000a ' N 0 Ll ❑ ❑ (P) SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE. 114" = V-0" (P)EAST ELEVATION J SCALE- 114" = 1'-0' DESIGN GROUP 27403 YNEZ ROAD, SUITE 102 TEMECULA, CA 92591 626 807 4712 FERNANDO SOLISDESIGNER � rn m m Y Z owo H Y Q om Q�� zoo U Ln o L O = LL Z U >ONLY m LL OL IL O Co O LL N Z O NO l~LOZO N Q 2 U E— o<F_ oWo� z u w'oo¢ W o°U � o w � CL1-OC3 LA 1 , �2 LL N O N O ll l W Ln ED .O 000a Z Y V) LLJ Of Q 3 -J o 0 Li1 LL O v / ,i rjO ch a L', —'s'.N DATE IOB NO DArz 04.11.2023 suLL 1/4" = 1' - 0" DRAwN Rr M.ZEPEDA PROPOSED ELEVATIONS All SYMBOLLEGEND (E) 7/8" EXT. STUCCO OVER WIRE FABRIC LATH OVER 2 LAYERS TYPE "C)" BUILDING PAPER OVER PLYWOOD (E) ROOFCLASS A FIRE RESISTANCE CERTAIN TEED 30 �2 YEAR ASPHALT SHINGLES, OVER ONE LAYER OF 30# FELT PAPER OVER 1/2" APPROVED ROOF SHTNG. (COX OR OSB) W/ RADIANT BARRIER, W/ BD NAILS @6,6,12, INSTALLATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS ROOF PITCH 4/ 12 MAX (ICCW ESR-1389) (N) 7/e" EXT. STUCCO OVER WIRE FABRIC LATH OVER 2 LAYERS TYPE "0" BUILDING PAPER OVER PLYWOOD -REPOSE GRAY SW. E] NEW ROOF: CLASS A FIRE RESISTANCE CERTAIN TEED 30 YEAR ASPHALT SHINGLES, OVER ONE LAYER OF 30# FELT PAPER OVER 1/2' APPROVED ROOF SHTNG. (CDX OR OSB) W/ RADIANT BARRIER, W/ 8D NAILS @6,6,12 INSTALLATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS ROOF PITCH 4112 MAX TO MATCH EXISTING HOUSE, ❑6 (N) ELDORADO STONE - WHISPER WHITE RIDGETOP n7 (N) CLOPAY - CANYON RIDGE 16 FT X 7 FT - BLACK COLOR 1 ST STORY FINISH FLOOR GRADE (P) WEST ELEVATION SCALE' 1/4" = 1' 0" (P) NORTH ELEVATION I SCALE 1/4" = 1' 0" e 1ST STORY FINISH FLOOR I gx GRADE DESIGN GROUP 27403 YNEZ ROAD, SUITE 102 TEMECULA, CA 92591 626 807 4712 fERNPN00 SOLIS -DESIGNER 0) mmy z OC)o F } ED � m Q CK O z co M U IL Z U d N � O O a0 LL a rn N F Z L 0040 U) Do 0 ) L~i ❑ O N Q — 2 Uu 0i � � F owo� ��``- < Z U 0 O W w cr OLn�� Q 2 0— F- N ^ L / W ILL O 0 Q l~L L~L 0 W Ln cr- Q �In U)ooQ ZLu Y 3 Q J o 0 Ln 0- O a V / Lin NO n1—oN DATE JDB NO DATE 04.11.2023 suLE 1/4" = 1' - 0" DRAWN nr M.ZEPEDA PROPOSED ELEVATIONS A3.2 L.1750 Casement Window System UW� Foil Laminate, The Alternate for Paint and Capstock 1750 Casement Winclow I . tud. 0 Features and Benefits Vinyl main frame with the option of a 1"or a 1 %"naifing flange also available in a retm-fit flange. • Triple weatherseal on the welded sash and frame. • Contemporary style vinyl sash with Internal alummum Ad reinforcement, r 0 Sizes and Shapes New construction/replacement. • The ability to have slacked windows in a single main frame with internal mull bars. 0 Standard Glass Package - • CardinaP" double strength LEE 366®/clear glass with argon. • Warm -edge Super Spacere 0 Optional Glass • Tempemd,laminate.obscure, and custom glass Is available. • SIC Sound glass packages also available. Grid Options y • SOL (Simulated Divided Life) GBG (Grids Between Glass) Hardware • Multi -point locking hardware for added security with a Encore® operator for ease of operation. 0 Extruded Vinyl Colors 71'/ir/v 0 Optional Stocked Colors ■■N 0 Optional • 3750 Black Interior and Exterior Specialty Laminate Fenrm'htg ___ Z K CARRIAGE HOUSE • CHEVRON • LOUVER a MODERN �rela'ns insxom R / Outdoor Lighting / Wall Light / Style M OSY75 u16 rni�fi ui�l �� CARRIAGE HOUSE 5-LAYER CONSTRUCTION • 5-layer, faUz .,00d doors with Intell—re' polyurelhane Insulation. 20A R-value ]� • Mu" 1Pe door designs and window options Many custom designs Nso available. Design 01 r See your Clopay Dealer for more information • insulated glass opts— Include clear, frosted. seeded, rain and obscure. See page 24 for specialty glass options. • Atbectre beveled edge, clip -in window guiles are removable for easy cleaning • Replaceable vinyl bottom weatherseal In a conoslon-resistant retainer helps seal out the elements, • 10-ball nylon rolters for Dual operation. - • Heavy duty 14 gauge steel hinges for long-lasting performance. Design 22 Clopa• bottom's rSafe-bracket 111racketn prevents shear injuryaged that lCouldClosed end . it the bottom Urackel were removeU with the garage door Closed antl order tension. • Comes complete w'nh spade IAt handles and Step plates See page 25 fo' details 0101 IIIIII♦ ri,.>o-.•yv rnAwww+r,.:, •-,ixvrx .+.rva . raa0"rrwvkr ,x,a,+oran nwnnanawuy t �I+ryCP COMPOSITE iDlc':i O OVEflLAY core- © 00 uoraoE A © V © STEEL V-EILICORE O Po YURETNANE INSULATION e� y STEEL v� piIi Design 34 COLORS LI••nl FwM eakrkrti WJIaa Rvar slat4Fklml em,m lii/r Enacm rYmr Beckfe•a' Y,1W air 1Tant4 ab waN �easA.•aw wew�w ems• nrwass n+.am�� 1• A y COLOR BLAST oxor�emr•1•mrotira Toe Inn r.smawrw.ixirl� (qd aaOaMta tpM.la.4 you lvro popay�Ma4 IgaM Wa41YaYm lot a•n IrOrwFatl beMa4 k au)ea ba me.)mr warn? Titan 20" High Mystic Black Outdoor Wall Light -A- * _ 9 Reviews SALE gggss s619= 1 Save 140M 1 Comparable Value n9rl ' I Ends 3/27/23 FREE SHIPPING & FREE RETURNS' Ships Todayl tailors by 2 PM Pacific) • O SAVE Check store AvaOablbtY I Ouestfon'r Ask a Store Assoclate DESIGN GROUP 27403 YNE2 ROAD, SUITE 102 TEMECULA, CA 92591 626807 4712 FERNANDO SOLISO SOLIS� - DESIGNER 0) O) W } Z 0�0 p m Q O Z0 O ED _ M LL Z >_oN� N H Z w - O InU) ~L LN OQ Q Q F S fl ~> LU U U) 10 W O> U z < - > 00aa D o'_: LLJ w o ; w C) 2 [LEZ' IJ..I w r- N O 0 aLLLLo OC Q LD U) U) a ZLLJ Y Of 3 Q J o 0 Lr V w O1 ^ a O v / aLV xm TAIL oar 04.11.2023 1/4"=V-0" oeAwn er M.ZEPEDA NOTES N1 JW I f Ae;•, i ` � `,'i;rtf•'S:i'' of .I�ti•� ° a,.i...n;i` , tar. ,a-„r?ly;;;ill •,i:,} i �. y "�?'�:;<A,:,,r;:r...�':.. ;f+;../: ' +!1°^:�''.`y}o)!.��:;6 :,`�tauiiu�l�\ �i?�i'�Yt :�Ytt",1�•,it;. �,1'�` ';<.i:"��t�;��''t4.1t�' �"W'rt) n�+'J.�t+'��a �i��a.(�.S'•,',. ,i.,�. .:.�;. .+� ° ' ii� .. `r �, 1C1P rS 1�„'t;9�� ; , y,ilP,'.`,.., ., �; �•.,, y�iin�a�n��y.S, s, K ePt Ilk. don all —"NN04 hL -MAN% Law 'J" TI I q, I M 1p iv VIM Vtilg f o mXT A'tj)jlK ol IRKIV —Wpl Mn 1. 4,4:1r. 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Y? •l „t, ,/.'..,•�,,.n'+ 1' (r 6 & •d� ;k' ''r' ri�f;�ir> S.,�Y� '1.:,°;�`�>I<stiyfyr;`�.�•,.��{y7?r•-�..i, .�;;�'(.�i�a��>,+., ',.r,. !. t), f``.tbr'%��iA;�'. {l,�f'r,\ ��dJ'✓i.,4�1'`'Y $'�q�t.`.d,,•I,�ll lt•�,�) ' �:+.�t: r ' ,r , , j't i ,nfYy., m 11W III IT pp, ..... . .... I.: IL 4 6 DESIGN GROUP Application No. PA23-0023 42150 Agena Street City of Temecula Planning Department Dear Jaime Cardenas, March 17, 2023 I'd like to show you the consistency between my proposed project and the current designs that exist at Starlight Ridge. The Starlight Ridge's architectural style is California Ranch which includes one and two story homes. The proposed project design includes the primary, main elements of a California Ranch style home. These elements include a porch, large windows along the facade, a low pitched roof, natural stone, and exterior lighting. The front porch is a primary focal point for the entire facade. The proposed porch includes a gable -style roof wrapped in stone material. The property directly across the street as well as multiple others have natural stone along the front entrance and along the facade. In addition to the natural material, we plan to install high quality lighting fixtures that will accentuate the features of the home. The large window sizes and orientation to the street are also an important design feature specific to the California Ranch style. Almost all homes in the community have sidelight windows at the doors, large windows facing the street and second story windows also facing the street. The proposed project includes multiple large windows along the facade on the first story and second story. The proposed second story design is very similar to all the original second story homes in the community. The second story roof design includes a single gable roof -style with a roof pitch of 4:12. The proposed gable roof would be black, asphalt shingles which also 27403 Ynez Road, Suite 102 Temecula, CA 92591 match the material of the existing home and of the others in the Starlight Ridge community. In conclusion, the proposed project was designed to incorporate the primary elements of a California Ranch Style home. The remodel will match the same roof pitch, finished materials, window styles and overall architectural style. Sincerely, Fernando Solis 27403 Ynez Road, Suite 102 Temecula, CA 92591 Gty of �Temecula Community Development 41000 Main Street - Temecula, CA 92590 Phone (951) 694-6400 - Fax (951) 694-6477 • TemeculaCA.gov VIA -ELECTRONIC SUBMITTAL CEQAProces sina(& asrclkrec. com May 18, 2023 Supervising Legal Certification Clerk County of Riverside P.O. Box 751 Riverside, CA 92501-0751 SUBJECT: Filing of a Notice of Exemption for Planning Application Nos. PA23-0023, Solis Residential Expansion MOD: a Modification Application to add approximately 1,610 square feet, an Accessory Dwelling Unit (not a part of this application), and exterior modifications to the existing residence located at 42150 Agena Street. Dear Sir/Madam: Enclosed is the Notice of Exemption for the above referenced project. In addition, pursuant to Assembly Bill 3158 (Chapter 1706) the Applicant will pay for the County Administrative fee to enable the City to file the Notice of Exemption required under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and 14 California Code Regulations 1507. The payment of the $50.00 filing fee is under protest. It is the opinion of the City that the administrative fee has been increased in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of State Law. Under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and 14 California Code Regulations 1507, the County is entitled to receive a $25.00 filing fee. Also, please email a stamped copy of the Notice of Exemption within five working days after the 30-day posting to the email listed below. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Jaime Cardenas at (951) 240-4215 or at email jaime.cardenas@temeculaca.gov. Sincerely, Luke Watson Deputy City Manager Attachments: Notice of Exemption Form Electronic Payment - Filing Fee Receipt City of Temecula Community Development Planning Division Notice of Exemption TO: County Clerk and Recorders Office FROM: Planning Division County of Riverside City of Temecula P.O. Box 751 41000 Main Street Riverside, CA 92501-0751 Temecula, CA 92590 Project Title: Solis Residential Expansion (PA23-0023) Description of Project: A Modification Application to add approximately 1,610 square feet, an Accessory Dwelling Unit (not a part of this application), and exterior modifications to the existing residence Project Location: 42150 Agena Street Applicant/Proponent: City of Temecula, County of Riverside The Planning Commission approved the above described project on May 17, 2023 and found that the project is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, as amended. Exempt Status: (check one) ❑ Ministerial (Section 21080(b)(1); Section 15268); ❑ Declared Emergency (Section 21080(b)(3); Section 15269(a)); ❑ Emergency Project (Section 21080(b)(4); Section 15269(b)(c)); ❑ Statutory Exemptions (Section Number: ) ❑ Categorical Exemption: (Section Number 15061(b)(3)) ® Other: 15301, Class 1 (Existing Facilities) Statement of Reasons Supporting the Finding that the Project is Exempt: This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as there is no possibility the proposed project would have a significant impact on the environment pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, Class 1 (Existing Facilities). Contact Person/Title: Jaime Cardenas, Assistant Planner Phone Number Signature: Luke Watson Deputy City Manager Date: (951) 240-4215 Notice of Public Hearin THE CITY OF TEMECULA - 41000 Main Street- Temecula, CA 92590 — TemeculaCA.gov A PUBLIC HEARING has been scheduled before the City of Temecula PLANNING COMMISSION to consider the matter described below: Case No.: PA23-0023 Applicant: Fernando Solis Project Location: 42150 Agena Street Proposal: A Modification Application to add approximately 1,610 square feet, an Accessory Dwelling Unit (not a part of this application), and exterior modifications to the existing residence. Environmental Action: In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the proposed project is exempt from further environmental review and a Notice of Exemption will be adopted in compliance with CEQA Section 15301, Class 1 (Existing Facilities) Case Planner: Jaime Cardenas, (951) 240-4215 PLACE OF HEARING: 41000 Main St., Temecula, CA 92590, City of Temecula, Council Chambers DATE OF HEARING: May 17, 2023 TIME OF HEARING: 6:00 PM -V1P � a aupL Project Site Co5N4tC OR -' Q`r r ytilA� SA S �C Q AGENA SY 0 200 400 Feet 1 1 1 1CY Notice of Public Hearing The complete agenda packet (including any supplemental materials) will be available for viewing in the Main Reception area at the Temecula Civic Center (41000 Main Street, Temecula) after 4:00 p.m. the Friday before the Planning Commission Meeting. At that time, the packet may also be accessed on the City's website — TemeculaCA.gov and will be available for public review at the respective meeting. Any writing distributed to a majority of the Commission regarding any item on the Agenda, after the posting of the Agenda, will be available for public review in the Main Reception area at the Temecula Civic Center (41000 Main Street, Temecula), 8:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m. In addition, such material will be made available on the City's website — TemeculaCA.2ov — and will be available for public review at the meeting. Any petition for judicial review of a decision of the Planning Commission shall be filed within time required by, and controlled by, Sections 1094.5 and 1094.6 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. In any such action or proceeding seeking judicial review of, which attacks or seeks to set aside, or void any decision of the Planning Commission shall be limited to those issues raised at the hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to, the public hearing described in this notice. Questions? Please call the Community Development Department at (951) 694-6400. Item No. 3 STAFF REPORT — PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION TO: Planning Commission Chairperson and members of the Planning Commission FROM: Luke Watson, Deputy City Manager DATE OF MEETING: May 17, 2023 PREPARED BY: Eric Jones, Case Planner PROJECT SUMMARY: Planning Application Numbers PA22-0722 a Modification application to allow revisions to an existing commercial site consisting of fagade and site improvements and PA23-0130, a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a drive-thru facility. The project is located at 27425 Ynez Road. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a Resolution approving the project subject to Conditions of Approval CEQA: Categorically Exempt Section 15332, Class 32, Infill Development Projects PROJECT DATA SUMMARY Name of Applicant: Maikel Faragalla General Plan Designation: Community Commercial (CC) Zoning Designation: Community Commercial (CC) Existing Conditions/ Land Use: Site: Existing Vacant Structure / Community Commercial (CC) North: Existing Commercial Structure / Community Commercial (CC) South: Tower Plaza North, Existing Commercial Structure / Community Commercial (CC) East: Ynez Road, Existing Commercial Center / Community Commercial (CC) West: Existing Parking Lot, Existing Commercial Center / Community Commercial (CC) Lot Area: Total Floor Area/Ratio: Landscape Area/Coverage: Parking Provided/Required: BACKGROUND SUMMARY Existing/Proposed 0.62 Acres (Existing) 0.13 0.32 13 Existing (In Addition to Reciprocal Access and Parking Agreement Stalls for Center that meet the minimum parking requirement) Min/Max Allowable or Required 0.68 Acres (Minimum) 0.30 (Maximum) 0.20 (Minimum) 49 Spaces Required On June 29, 2022, Maikel Faragalla, submitted Planning Application No. PA22-0722. The application will allow for modifications to the existing commercial structure so that a coffee shop can operate. On March 28, 2023, Maikel Faragalla submitted Planning Application No. PA23- 0130, a Conditional Use Permit to allow a drive-thru facility for the same coffee shop. Staff has worked with the applicant to ensure that all concerns have been addressed, and the applicant concurs with the recommended Conditions of Approval. ANALYSIS Modification Application The modification will allow site plan and structural revisions on a developed lot that once housed a retail bank, with drive-thru, in order to accommodate a proposed coffee shop. The project site is located within a fully developed commercial center that provides, retail, restaurant, and office uses. Access to the site will remain unchanged as a result of the project. Access to the existing drive- thru will also remain unchanged. Drivers will enter the parking lot once on -site. The project site is part of the Reciprocal Access and Parking Agreement for the entire center thus ensuring the project provides enough parking. An incomplete sidewalk currently exists immediately east of the site along Ynez Road. The project will complete this sidewalk thus improving the pedestrian experience in the area. The modification will allow extensive revisions to the existing structure. First, an approximately 13% reduction in overall square footage will be applied to the structure. This will bring the total square footage to 3,672 square feet. Second, the architecture for the structure will be completely revised. Currently, the structure's aesthetics are dated. The project will incorporate modern materials and overall design to create greater visual interest for the structure. Landscaping for the project will also be modernized so that they complement the proposed architecture. Plant material used will include: • Wilson Olive • Windmill Palm • New Zealand Flax • Rockrose These plants, as well as others used for the project are in conformance with the City's Water Efficiency Ordinance as well as other City requirements. The proposed plant pallet will help soften the structure visually. Conditional Use Permit Application Per the City of Temecula Development Code (Section, drive-thru facilities require the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. It is important to note that the drive-thru already exists on the project site. In addition, no residential uses are located in close proximity to the use. Finally, the drive-thru will allow for the stacking of six vehicles behind the menu board thus meeting this Development Code requirement. LEGAL NOTICING REQUIREMENTS Notice of the public hearing was published in The Press -Enterprise on May 4, 2023 and mailed to the property owners within the required 600-foot radius. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the proposed project has been deemed to be categorically exempt from further environmental review (Section 15332, Class 32, In -Fill Development Projects) The project will allow an existing commercial structure to be converted from a bank to a coffee shop. The site is fully developed and is less than five acres and does not serve as habitat for endangered species. In addition, the site is currently serviced, and will continue to be serviced, by all utility providers. Negative impacts are not anticipated. FINDINGS MODIFICATIONS (SECTION 17.05.030.E) The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City. The proposed project will allow an existing structure previously used as a bank to be converted into a coffee shop. The revisions to the site and structure are in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare. The project has been reviewed and conditioned to ensure compliance with the Building, Development, and Fire Codes. These codes contain provisions designed to provide for the public, health, safety, and general welfare. Negative impacts are not anticipated. CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS (SECTION 17.04.010.E) The proposed conditional use is consistent with the General Plan and the Development Code. The proposed use will be a coffee shop drive-thru. Drive-thru facilities are a permitted use in Community Commercial zoning districts upon the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The project meets all requirements contained is section of the Development Code. In addition, the use is in conformance with the City of Temecula General Plan for Community Commercial Land Use Districts. The proposed conditional use is compatible with the nature, condition and development of adjacent uses, buildings and structures and the proposed conditional use will not adversely affect the adjacent uses, buildings or structures. The drive-thru will be one of several already operational within the center. In addition, drive-thru facilities are common within commercial centers. As conditioned, the proposed drive-thru is compatible with the nature, condition, and development of adjacent uses, buildings and structures and the proposed conditional use is not anticipated to adversely affect the adjacent uses, buildings or structures. The site for a proposed conditional use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the yards, walls, fences, parking and loading facilities, buffer areas, landscaping, and other development features prescribed in this development code and required by the planning commission or council in order to integrate the use with other uses in the neighborhood. The conditional use will allow for a drive-thru that already physically exists and that serviced the previous bank. The drive-thru is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the yards, walls, fences, parking and loading facilities, buffer area, landscaping, and other development features described in the Development Code. As conditioned, the drive-thru is well integrated with other uses in the neighborhood and is anticipated to operate without incident. The nature of the proposed conditional use is not detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of the community. The project has been developed to ensure compliance with the Building, Development, and Fire Codes. These codes contain provisions designed to provide for the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. Negative impacts are not anticipated. That the decision to approve, conditionally approve, or deny the application for a Conditional Use Permit be based on substantial evidence in view of the record as a whole before the Planning Director, Planning Commission, or City Council on appeal. The decision to conditionally approve the application for the Conditional Use Permit will be based on substantial evidence in view of the record as a whole before the Planning Commission or City Council on appeal. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Vicinity Map 2. PC Resolution (Modification) 3. Exhibit A - Draft Conditions of Approval (MOD) 4. Exhibit B — Plan Reductions 5. PC Resolution (Conditional Use Permit) 6. Exhibit A — Draft Conditions of Approval (CUP) 7. Exhibit B — Statement of Operations 8. Notice of Public Hearing 9. Draft Notice of Exemption for County Clerk 921-260-023 CITY OF TEMECULA PA22-0722 Z m N 00 TOWN CENTER N �OwER gL_pJA N Project Site o`N TOWER PLA7Ja'S 1 inch = 150 feet 1:1,800 0 100 200 Feet The Heart of Southern California Date Created: 6/30/2022 Wine Country The map PA22-0722.mxd is maintained by City of Temecula GIS. Data and information represented on this map are subject to update and modification. The City of Temecula assumes no warranty or legal responsibility for the information contained on this map. This map is not for reprint or resale. Visit the City of Temecula GIS online at https://temeculaca.gov/gis PC RESOLUTION NO. 2023- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA22-0722, A MODIFICATION APPLICATION TO ALLOW REVISIONS TO AN EXISTING COMMERCIAL SITE CONSISTING OF FACADE AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS LOCATED AT 27425 YNEZ ROAD, AND MAKING A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) (APN 921-260-023) Section 1. Procedural Findings. The Planning Commission of the City of Temecula does hereby find, determine and declare that: A. On June 29, 2023, Maikel Faragalla, filed Planning Application No. PA22-0722, a Modification Application, in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code. B. The Application was processed including, but not limited to a public notice, in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law. C. The Planning Commission, at a regular meeting, considered the Application and environmental review on May 17, 2023, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, at which time the City staff and interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to this matter. D. At the conclusion of the Planning Commission hearing and after due consideration of the testimony, the Planning Commission approved Planning Application No. PA22-0722 subject to and based upon the findings set forth hereunder. E. All legal preconditions to the adoption of the Resolution have occurred. Section 2. Further Findings. The Planning Commission, in approving the Application hereby finds, determines and declares that: Modifications, Development Code Section 17.05.030.E A. The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City. The proposed project will allow an existing structure previously used as a bank to be converted into a coffee shop. The revisions to the site and structure are in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City. B. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare. The project has been reviewed and conditioned to ensure compliance with the Building, Development, and Fire Codes. These codes contain provisions designed to provide for the public, health, safety, and general welfare. Negative impacts are not anticipated. Section 3. Environmental Findings. The Planning Commission hereby makes the following environmental findings and determinations in connection with the approval of the Major Modification Application: A. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the proposed project has been deemed to be categorically exempt from further environmental review (Section 15332, Class 32, In -Fill Development Projects); The project will allow an existing commercial structure to be converted from a bank to a coffee shop. The site is fully developed is less than five acres and does not serve as habitat for endangered species. In addition, the site is currently serviced, and will continue to be serviced, by all utility providers. Negative impacts are not anticipated. Section 4. Conditions, Statement of Operations, and Plans. The Planning Commission of the City of Temecula approves Planning Application No. PA22-0722, a Major Modification application to allow revisions to an existing commercial site consisting of fagade and site improvements located at 27425 Ynez Road, subject to the Final Conditions of Approval set forth on Exhibit A, and the Plans set forth on Exhibit B, attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City of Temecula Planning Commission this 17th day of May 2023. Lanae Turley-Trejo, Chair ATTEST: Luke Watson Secretary [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE )ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Luke Watson, Secretary of the Temecula Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing PC Resolution No. 2023- was duly and regularly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the 17th day of May, 2023, by the following vote: AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: NOES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Luke Watson Secretary CITY OF TEMECULA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ACCEPTANCE Planning Application Number: PA22-0722 Parcel Number(s): 921-260-023 By signing below, I/we have agreed to the following Conditions of Approval, including (but not limited to) any referenced documents, local state, or federal regulations, statement of operations, hours of operation, floor plans, site plans, and Conditions that may require the payment or reimbursement of fees, as described. I/we have read the attached Conditions of Approval and understand them. I/we also understand that violations or non-compliance with these Conditions of Approval, may delay a project, and/or result in the revocation of a permit in accordance with the Temecula Municipal Code. I/we are also responsible for disclosing these Conditions of Approval to any successive owners/operators. I/we agree and commit to the City of Temecula that I/we will implement and abide by the Conditions of Approval, including any indemnification requirements imposed by those conditions. Property Owner Printed Name Property Owner Signature & Date Applicant Printed Name Applicant Signature & Date EXHIBIT A CITY OF TEMECULA DRAFT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Application No.: PA22-0722 Project Description: Starbucks Ynez Road Modification: A Major Modification application to allow revisions to an existing commercial site. Revisions will include fagade and site improvements. The project is located at 27425 Ynez Road. Assessor's Parcel No.: 921-260-023 MSHCP Category: Commercial DIF Category: N/A (No New Square Footage) TUMF Category: Per WRCOG Requirements Quimby Category: N/A (Non -Residential Project) New Street In -lieu of Fee: N/A (Not Located within the Uptown Temecula Specific Plan) Approval Date: May 17, 2023 Expiration Date: May 17, 2026 PLANNING DIVISION Within 48 Hours of the Approval Page 1 of 13 Applicant Filing Notice of Determination. APPLICANTACTION REQUIRED: The applicant/developer is responsible for filing the Notice of Determination as required under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and California Code of Regulations Section 15062 within 48 hours of the project approval. If within said 48-hour period the applicant/ developer has not filed the Notice of Determination as required above, the approval for the project granted shall be void due to failure of this condition. Failure to submit the Notice of Exemption will result in an extended period of time for legal challenges. FEES: Fees for the Notice of Exemption include the Fifty Dollar County ($50.00) administrative fee. The County of Riverside charges additional fees for credit card transactions. FILING: The City shall provide the applicant with a Notice of Determination within 24 hours of approval via email. If the applicant/developer has not received the Notice of Determination within 24 hours of approval, they shall contact the case Planner immediately. All CEQA documents must be filed online with the Riverside County Assessor — County Clerk- Recorder. A direct link to the CEQA filings page is available at TemeculaCA.gov/CEQA. COPY OF FILINGS: The applicant shall provide the City with a digital copy of the required filings within 48 hours. General Requirements 2. ADA Parking. All ADA parking stalls on the premises shall be marked in accordance with Section 22511.8 of the California Vehicle Code. Indemnification of the City. Indemnity, Duty to Defend and Obligation to Pay Judgments and Defense Costs, Including Attorneys' Fees, Incurred by the City. The Applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, volunteers, agents, and those City agents serving as independent contractors in the role of City officials (collectively "Indemnitees") from and against any claims, damages, actions, causes of actions, lawsuits, suits, proceedings, losses, judgments, costs, and expenses (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees or court costs) in any manner arising out of or incident to the Planning Commission's actions, this approval and the City Council's actions, related entitlements, or the City's environmental review thereof. The Applicant shall pay and satisfy any judgment, award or decree that may be rendered against City or the other Indemnitees in any such suit, action, or other legal proceeding. The City shall promptly notify the Applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding and the City shall reasonably cooperate in the defense. If the City fails to promptly notify the Applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding, or if the City fails to reasonably cooperate in the defense, the Applicant shall not thereafter be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City or the Indemnitees. The City shall have the right to select counsel of its choice. The Applicant shall reimburse the City, and the other Indemnitees, for any and all legal expenses and costs incurred by each of them in connection therewith or in enforcing the indemnity herein provided. Nothing in this condition shall be construed to require the Applicant to indemnify Indemnitees for any claim arising from the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnitees. In the event such a legal action is filed challenging the City's determinations herein or the issuance of the approval, the City shall estimate its expenses for the litigation. The Applicant shall deposit said amount with the City or, at the discretion of the City, enter into an agreement with the City to pay such expenses as they become due. Page 2 of 13 4. Test Bond Language. The developer shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 24, Section 18.24.140 of the Temecula Municipal Code by posting security and entering into an agreement to guarantee the erosion & sediment control improvements." Expiration. This approval shall be used within three years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void. Use means the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval within the two year period, which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion, or the beginning of substantial utilization contemplated by this approval, or use of a property in conformance with a Conditional Use Permit. A modification made to an approved development plan does not affect the original approval date of a development plan. 6. Time Extension. The Director of Community Development may, upon an application being filed prior to expiration, and for good cause, grant a time extension of up to five extensions of time, one year at a time. A modification made to an approved development plan does not affect the original approval date of a development plan. Block Wall Coating. All perimeter constructed block walls in the public view and the drive-thru wall shall be finished with an anti -graffiti coating and shall provide documentation confirming the installation of the coating. Conformance with Approved Plans. The development of the premises shall substantially conform to the approved site plan and elevations contained on file with the Planning Division. Signage Permits. A separate building permit shall be required for all signage. 10. Landscape Maintenance. Landscaping installed for the project shall be continuously maintained to the reasonable satisfaction of the Director of Community Development. If it is determined that the landscaping is not being maintained, the Director of Community Development shall have the authority to require the property owner to bring the landscaping into conformance with the approved landscape plan. The continued maintenance of all landscaped areas shall be the responsibility of the developer or any successors in interest. 11. Water Quality and Drainage. Other than stormwater, it is illegal to allow liquids, gels, powders, sediment, fertilizers, landscape debris, and waste from entering the storm drain system or from leaving the property. To ensure compliance with this Condition of Approval: a. Spills and leaks shall be cleaned up immediately. b. Do not wash, maintain, or repair vehicles onsite. c. Do not hose down parking areas, sidewalks, alleys, or gutters. d. Ensure that all materials and products stored outside are protected from rain. e. Ensure all trash bins are covered at all times. 12. Paint Inspection. The applicant shall paint a three -foot -by -three-foot section of the building for Planning Division inspection, prior to commencing painting of the building. 13. Photographic Prints. The applicant shall submit to the Planning Division for permanent filing two 8" X 10" glossy photographic color prints of the approved color and materials board and the colored architectural elevations. All labels on the color and materials board and elevations shall be readable on the photographic prints. Page 3 of 13 14. Materials and Colors. The Conditions of Approval specified in this resolution, to the extent specific items, materials, equipment, techniques, finishes or similar matters are specified, shall be deemed satisfied by City staff's prior approval of the use or utilization of an item, material, equipment, finish or technique that City staff determines to be the substantial equivalent of that required by the Conditions of Approval. Staff may elect to reject the request to substitute, in which case the real party in interest may appeal, after payment of the regular cost of an appeal, the decision to the Planning Commission for its decision. Side Walls: Fiber Cement Siding By Woodtone #WD0073 Store Front: Aluminum, Arcadia Dark Bronze Roof: Charcoal Gray 15. Modifications or Revisions. The developer shall obtain City approval for any modifications or revisions to the approval of this project. 16. Trash Enclosures. The trash enclosures shall be large enough to accommodate a recycling bin, as well as regular solid waste containers. 17. Trash Enclosures. Trash enclosures shall be provided to house all trash receptacles utilized on the site. These shall be clearly labeled on the site plan. 18. Covered Trash Enclosures. All trash enclosures on site shall include a solid cover and the construction plans shall include all details of the trash enclosures, including the solid cover. 19. Reciprocal Use Agreement. Parking for the project shall be shared across the site, including parking spaces in all lots that are a part of the project. If the project involves multiple lots, the applicant shall submit to the Planning Division a copy of a recorded Reciprocal Use Agreement, which provides for cross -lot access and parking across all lots. 20. Construction and Demolition Debris. The developer shall contact the City's franchised solid waste hauler for disposal of construction and demolition debris and shall provide the Planning Division verification of arrangements made with the City's franchise solid waste hauler for disposal of construction and demolition debris. Only the City's franchisee may haul demolition and construction debris. Prior to Issuance of Grading Permit 21. Placement of Transformer. Provide the Planning Division with a copy of the underground water plans and electrical plans for verification of proper placement of transformer(s) and double detector check valves prior to final agreement with the utility companies. 22. Placement of Double Detector Check Valves. Double detector check valves shall be installed at locations that minimize their visibility from the public right-of-way, subject to review and approval by the Director of Community Development. Page 4 of 13 23. Archaeological/Cultural Resources Grading Note. The following shall be included in the Notes Section of the Grading Plan: "If at any time during excavation/construction of the site, archaeological/cultural resources, or any artifacts or other objects which reasonably appears to be evidence of cultural or archaeological resource are discovered, the property owner shall immediately advise the City of such and the City shall cause all further excavation or other disturbance of the affected area to immediately cease. The Director of Community Development at their sole discretion may require the property owner to deposit a sum of money it deems reasonably necessary to allow the City to consult and/or authorize an independent, fully qualified specialist to inspect the site at no cost to the City, in order to assess the significance of the find. Upon determining that the discovery is not an archaeological/ cultural resource, the Director of Community Development shall notify the property owner of such determination and shall authorize the resumption of work. Upon determining that the discovery is an archaeological/cultural resource, the Director of Community Development shall notify the property owner that no further excavation or development may take place until a mitigation plan or other corrective measures have been approved by the Director of Community Development." 24. Cultural Resources Treatment Agreement. The developer is required to enter into a Cultural Resources Treatment Agreement with the Pechanga Tribe. The agreement shall be in place prior to issuance of a grading permit. To accomplish this, the applicant should contact the Pechanga Tribe no less than 30 days and no more than 60 days prior to issuance of a grading permit. This Agreement will address the treatment and disposition of cultural resources, the designation, responsibilities, and participation of professional Pechanga Tribal monitors during grading, excavation and ground disturbing activities; project grading and development scheduling; terms of compensation for the monitors; and treatment and final disposition of any cultural resources, sacred sites, and human remains discovered onsite. The Pechanga monitor's authority to stop and redirect grading will be exercised in consultation with the project archaeologist in order to evaluate the significance of any potential resources discovered on the property. Pechanga and archaeological monitors shall be allowed to monitor all grading, excavation and groundbreaking activities, and shall also have the limited authority to stop and redirect grading activities should an inadvertent cultural resource be identified. 25. Discovery of Cultural Resources. The following shall be included in the Notes Section of the Grading Plan: "If cultural resources are discovered during the project construction (inadvertent discoveries), all work in the area of the find shall cease, and the qualified archaeologist and the Pechanga monitor shall investigate the find, and make recommendations as to treatment." 26. Archaeological Monitoring Notes. The following shall be included in the Notes Section of the Grading Plan: "A qualified archaeological monitor will be present and will have the authority to stop and redirect grading activities, in consultation with the Pechanga Tribe and their designated monitors, to evaluate the significance of any archaeological resources discovered on the property." 27. Tribal Monitoring Notes. The following shall be included in the Notes Section of the Grading Plan: "A Pechanga Tribal monitor will be present and will have the authority to stop and redirect grading activities, in consultation with the project archaeologist and their designated monitors, to evaluate the significance of any potential resources discovered on the property." 28. Relinquishment of Cultural Resources. The following shall be included in the Notes Section of the Grading Plan: "The landowner agrees to relinquish ownership of all cultural resources, including all archaeological artifacts that are found on the project area, to the Pechanga Tribe for proper treatment and disposition." Page 5 of 13 29. Preservation of Sacred Sites. The following shall be included in the Notes Section of the Grading Plan: "All sacred sites are to be avoided and preserved." 30. Rough Grading Plans. A copy of the Rough Grading Plans shall be submitted and approved by the Planning Division. Prior to Issuance of Building Permit 31. Parking Area Landscaping. The Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall provide a minimum five-foot wide planter to be installed at the perimeter of all parking areas. Curbs, walkways, etc. are not to infringe on this area. 32. Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF). The Western Riverside County of Governments administers and collects the Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF). The City of Temecula adopted an ordinance on March 31, 2003 for a Riverside County area wide Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF). This project is subject to payment of these fees at the time of building permit issuance (paid to WRCOG). The fees are subject to the provisions of Chapter 15.08 of the Temecula Municipal Code and the fee schedule in effect at the time of building permit issuance. Additional information on payment, fees, and points of contact can be found at http://www.wrcog.cog.ca.us/174/TUMF 33. Downspouts. All downspouts shall be internalized. 34. Development Impact Fee (DIF). The developer shall comply with the provisions of Title 15, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code and all its resolutions by paying the appropriate City fee. 35. Photometric Plan. The applicant shall submit a photometric plan, including the parking lot, to the Planning Division, which meets the requirements of the Development Code and the Riverside County Palomar Lighting Ordinance 655. All exterior LED light fixtures shall be 3,000 kelvin or below. The parking lot light standards shall be placed in such a way as to not adversely affect the growth potential of the parking lot trees. 36. Construction Landscaping and Irrigation Plans. Construction Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Division. These plans shall be submitted as a separate submittal, not as part of the building plans or other plan set. These plans shall conform to the approved conceptual landscape plan, or as amended by these conditions. The location, number, height and spread, water usage or KC value, genus, species, and container size of the plants shall be shown. The plans shall be consistent with the Water Efficient Ordinance and Water Storage Contingency Plan per the Rancho California Water District. The plans shall be accompanied by the appropriate filing fee (per the City of Temecula Fee Schedule at time of submittal) and one copy of the approved Grading Plan. Page 6 of 13 37. Landscaping Site Inspections. The Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall include a note stating, "Three landscape site inspections are required. The first inspection will be conducted at installation of irrigation while trenches are open. This will verify that irrigation equipment and layout is per plan specifications and details. Any adjustments or discrepancies in actual conditions will be addressed at this time and will require an approval to continue. Where applicable, a mainline pressure check will also be conducted. This will verify that the irrigation mainline is capable of being pressurized to 150 psi for a minimum period of two hours without loss of pressure. The second inspection will verify that all irrigation systems are operating properly, and to verify that all plantings have been installed consistent with the approved construction landscape plans. The third inspection will verify property landscape maintenance for release of the one-year landscape maintenance bond." The applicant/owner shall contact the Planning Division to schedule inspections. 38. Agronomic Soils Report. The Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall include a note on the plans stating, "The contractor shall provide two copies of an agronomic soils report at the first irrigation inspection." 39. Water Usage Calculations. The Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall include water usage calculations per Chapter 17.32 of the Development Code (Water Efficient Ordinance), the total cost estimate of plantings and irrigation (in accordance with approved plan). Applicant shall use evapotranspiration (ETo) factor of 0.70 for calculating the maximum allowable water budget. 40. Landscape Maintenance Program. A landscape maintenance program shall be submitted to the Planning Division for approval. The landscape maintenance program shall detail the proper maintenance of all proposed plant materials to assure proper growth and landscape development for the long-term esthetics of the property. The approved maintenance program shall be provided to the landscape maintenance contractor who shall be responsible to carry out the detailed program. 41. Specifications of Landscape Maintenance Program. Specifications of the landscape maintenance program shall indicate, "Three landscape site inspections are required. The first inspection will be conducted at installation of irrigation while trenches are open. This will verify that irrigation equipment and layout is per plan specifications and details. Any adjustments or discrepancies in actual conditions will be addressed at this time and will require an approval to continue. Where applicable, a mainline pressure check will also be conducted. This will verify that the irrigation mainline is capable of being pressurized to 150 psi for a minimum period of two hours without loss of pressure. The second inspection will verify that all irrigation systems are operating properly, and to verify that all plantings have been installed consistent with the approved construction landscape plans. The third inspection will verify property landscape maintenance for release of the one-year landscape maintenance bond." The applicant/owner shall contact the Planning Division to schedule inspections. 42. Irrigation. The landscaping plans shall include automatic irrigation for all landscaped areas and complete screening of all ground mounted equipment from view of the public from streets and adjacent property for private common areas; front yards and slopes within individual lots; shrub planting to completely screen perimeter walls adjacent to a public right-of-way equal to 66 feet or larger; and, all landscaping excluding City maintained areas and front yard landscaping which shall include, but may not be limited to, private slopes and common areas. 43. Hardscaping. The landscape plans shall include all hardscaping for equestrian trails and pedestrian trails within private common areas. Page 7 of 13 44. Precise Grading Plans. Precise Grading Plans shall be consistent with the approved rough grading plans including all structural setback measurements. 45. Building Construction Plans for Outdoor Areas. Building Construction Plans shall include detailed outdoor areas (including but not limited to trellises, decorative furniture, fountains, hardscape, etc.) to match the style of the building subject to the approval of the Director of Community Development. 46. WQMP Landscape Compliance. The construction landscape plans shall be consistent with Appendix A, Table 31 of the Low Impact Development (LID) Manual for Southern California for plant materials and treatment facilities, and shall reference the approved precise grading plan for WQMP features. 47. Utility Screening. All utilities shall be screened from public view. Landscape construction drawings shall show and label all utilities and provide appropriate screening. Provide a three-foot clear zone around fire check detectors as required by the Fire Department before starting the screen. Group utilities together in order to reduce intrusion. Screening of utilities is not to look like an after -thought. Plan planting beds and design around utilities. Locate all light poles on plans and ensure that there are no conflicts with trees. 48. Landscape Pre -construction Meeting. Prior to issuance of any Building Permits, a pre -construction landscape meeting shall be held between the project manager, assigned Planner, and the City's landscape consultant. Prior to Release of Power, Building Occupancy or Any Use Allowed by This Permit 49. Screening of Loading Areas. The applicant shall be required to screen all loading areas and roof mounted mechanical equipment from view of all residences and public right-of-ways. If upon final inspection it is determined that any mechanical equipment, roof equipment or backs of building parapet walls are visible from any portion of the public right-of-way adjacent to the project site, the developer shall provide screening by constructing a sloping tile covered mansard roof element or other screening reviewed and approved by the Director of Community Development. 50. Landscape Installation Consistent with Construction Plans. All required landscape planting and irrigation shall have been installed consistent with the approved construction plans and shall be in a condition acceptable to the Director of Community Development. The plants shall be healthy and free of weeds, disease, or pests. The irrigation system shall be properly constructed and in good working order. 51. Performance Securities. Performance securities, in amounts to be determined by the Director of Community Development, to guarantee the maintenance of the plantings in accordance with the approved construction landscape and irrigation plan, shall be filed with the Planning Division for a period of one year from final Certificate of Occupancy. After that year, if the landscaping and irrigation system have been maintained in a condition satisfactory to the Director of Community Development, the bond shall be released upon request by the applicant. 52. Installation of Site Improvements. All site improvements, including but not limited to, parking areas and striping shall be installed. 53. Compliance with Conditions of Approval. All of the foregoing conditions shall be complied with prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this approval. Outside Agencies Page 8 of 13 54. Flood Protection. Flood protection shall be provided in accordance with the Riverside County Flood Control District. The fee is made payable to the Riverside County Flood Control Water District by either a cashier's check or money order, prior to the issuance of a grading permit (unless deferred to a later date by the District), based upon the prevailing area drainage plan fee. 55. Compliance with Dept. of Environmental Health. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth by the County of Riverside Department of Environmental Health. 56. Compliance with EMWD. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth by the Eastern Municipal Water District. 57. Compliance with RCWD. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth by the Rancho California Water District. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT General Requirements 58. Conditions of Approval. The developer shall comply with all Conditions of Approval, the Engineering and Construction Manual and all City codes/standards at no cost to any governmental agency. 59. Entitlement Approval. The developer shall comply with the approved site plan, the conceptual Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) and other relevant documents approved during entitlement. Any significant omission to the representation of site conditions may require the plans to be resubmitted for further review and revision. 60. Precise Grading Permit. A precise grading permit for on site improvements (outside of public right-of-way) shall be obtained from Public Works. 61. Haul Route Permit. A haul route permit may be required when soils are moved on public roadways to or from a grading site. The developer/contractor is to verify if the permit is required. If so, he shall comply with all conditions and requirements per the City's Engineering and Construction Manual and as directed by Public Works. 62. Encroachment Permits. Prior to commencement of any applicable construction, encroachment permit(s) are required and shall be obtained from Public Works for public offsite improvements. 63. Private Drainage Facilities. All onsite drainage and water quality facilities shall be privately maintained. Prior to Issuance of a Grading Permit 64. Environmental Constraint Sheet (ECS). The developer shall comply with all constraints per the recorded ECS with any underlying maps related to the subject property. 65. Grading/Erosion & Sediment Control Plan. The developer shall submit a grading/erosion & sediment control plan(s) to be reviewed and approved by Public Works. All plans shall be coordinated for consistency with adjacent projects and existing improvements contiguous to the site. The approved plan shall include all construction -phase pollution -prevention controls to adequately address non -permitted runoff. Refer to the City's Engineering & Construction Manual at: www.TemeculaCA.gov/ECM 66. Erosion & Sediment Control Securities. The developer shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 18, Section 18.24.140 of the Temecula Municipal Code by posting security and entering into an agreement to guarantee the erosion & sediment control improvements. Page 9 of 13 67. Drainage. All applicable drainage shall be depicted on the grading plan and properly accommodated with onsite drainage improvements and water quality facilities, which shall be privately maintained. Alterations to existing drainage patterns or concentration and/or diverting flows is not allowed unless the developer constructs adequate drainage improvements and obtains the necessary permissions from the downstream property owners. All drainage leaving the site shall be conveyed into a public storm drain system, if possible. The creation of new cross lot drainage is not permitted. 68. Drainage Study. A drainage study shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer and submitted to Public Works with the initial grading plan check in accordance with City, Riverside County and engineering standards. The study shall identify storm water runoff quantities (to mitigate the 10 and 100-year storm event for 24 hour storm duration peak flow) from the development of this site and upstream of the site. It shall identify all existing or proposed offsite or onsite, public or private, drainage facilities intended to discharge this runoff. Runoff shall be conveyed to an adequate outfall capable of receiving the storm water runoff without damage to public or private property. The study shall include a capacity analysis verifying the adequacy of all facilities. Any upgrading or upsizing of drainage facilities necessary to convey the storm water runoff shall be provided as part of development of this project. 69. American Disability Act. The developer shall ensure that all frontage areas to the proposed development within the public right of way are ADA compliant. Any sidewalk within the public right of way found to be non -compliant shall be the responsibility of the property owner to be removed and replaced with ADA compliant sidewalk per the Streets and Highway Code Section 5610. Prior to Issuance of Encroachment Permit(s) 70. Public Utility Agency Work. The developer shall submit all relevant documentation due to encroaching within City right-of-way; and is responsible for any associated costs and for making arrangements with each applicable public utility agency. 71. Traffic Control Plans. A construction area traffic control plan (TCP) will be required for lane closures and detours or other disruptions to traffic circulation; and shall be reviewed and approved by Public Works. The TCP shall be designed by a registered civil or traffic engineer in conformance with the latest edition of the Caltrans Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and City standards. 72. Improvement Plans. All improvement plans (including but not limited to street, storm drain, traffic) shall be reviewed and approved by Public Works. 73. Street Trenching. All street trenches shall conform to City Standard No. 407; refer to the City's Paving Notes. Prior to Issuance of Building Permit(s) 74. Construction of Street Improvements. All street improvement plans shall be approved by Public Works. The developer shall start construction of all public street improvements, as outlined below, in accordance to the City's General Plan/Circulation Element and corresponding City standards. All street improvement designs shall provide adequate right-of-way and pavement transitions per Caltrans' standards to join existing street improvements. a. Ynez Road (Principal Arterial (6 lanes divided) Standard No. 100 — 110' R/W) to include sidewalk, drainage facilities, and utilities (including but not limited to water and sewer) Page 10 of 13 75. Certifications. Certifications are required from the registered civil engineer -of -record certifying the building pad elevation(s) per the approved plans and from the soil's engineer -of -record certifying compaction of the building pad(s). Prior to Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy 76. Completion of Improvements. The developer shall complete all work per the approved plans and Conditions of Approval to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. This includes all on site work (including water quality facilities), public improvements and the executed WQMP Operation and Maintenance agreement. 77. Utility Agency Clearances. The developer shall receive written clearance from applicable utility agencies (i.e., Rancho California and Eastern Municipal Water Districts, etc.) for the completion of their respective facilities and provide to Public Works. 78. Replacement of Damaged Improvements/Monuments. Any appurtenance damaged or broken during development shall be repaired or removed and replaced to the satisfaction of Public Works. Any survey monuments damaged or destroyed shall be reset per City Standards by a qualified professional pursuant to the California Business and Professional Code Section 8771. 79. Certifications. All necessary certifications and clearances from engineers, utility companies and public agencies shall be submitted as required by Public Works. 80. Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Verification. As part of the WQMP approval, the Engineer of Record shall report and certify BMP construction per City of Temecula NPDES requirements. Should the project require alternative compliance, the developer is responsible for execution of an approved Alternative Compliance Agreement. 1Jf4�111!"Mi!I =11 CAI]1V6'iN]LlI General Requirements 81. Final Building and Safety Conditions. Final Building and Safety conditions will be addressed when building construction plans are submitted to Building and Safety for review. These conditions will be based on occupancy, use, the California Building Code (CBC), and related codes which are enforced at the time of building plan submittal. 82. Compliance with Code. All design components shall comply with applicable provisions of the most current edition of the California Building, Plumbing and Mechanical Codes; California Electrical Code; California Administrative Code, Title 24 Energy Code, California Title 24 Disabled Access Regulations, and Temecula Municipal Code as identified in Title 15 of the Temecula Municipal Code. 83. ADA Access. Applicant shall provide details of all applicable disabled access provisions and building setbacks on plans to include: a. Disabled access from the public way to the main entrance of the building. b. Van accessible parking located as close as possible to the main entrance of the building. c. Accessible path of travel from parking to the furthest point of improvement. d. Path of accessibility from parking to furthest point of improvement. e. Accessible path of travel from public right-of-way to all public areas on site, such as trash enclosures, clubhouses, and picnic areas. Page 11 of 13 84. County of Riverside Mount Palomar Ordinance. Applicant shall submit, at time of plan review, a complete exterior site lighting plan showing compliance with County of Riverside Mount Palomar Ordinance Number 655 for the regulation of light pollution. All streetlights and other outdoor lighting shall be shown on electrical plans submitted to the Building and Safety Division. Any outside lighting shall be hooded and aimed not to shine directly upon adjoining property or public rights -of -way. All exterior LED light fixtures shall be 3,000 kelvin or below. 85. Obtain Approvals Prior to Construction. Applicant must obtain all building plans and permit approvals prior to commencement of any construction work. 86. Obtaining Separate Approvals and Permits. Trash enclosures, patio covers, light standards, and any block walls will require separate approvals and permits. Solid covers are required over new and existing trash enclosures. 87. Demolition. Demolition permits require separate approvals and permits. 88. Hours of Construction. Signage shall be prominently posted at the entrance to the project, indicating the hours of construction, as allowed by the City of Temecula Code Section 9.20.060, for any site within one -quarter mile of an occupied residence. The permitted hours of construction are Monday through Saturday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. No work is permitted on Sundays and nationally recognized Government Holidays. FIRE PREVENTION General Requirements 89. Fire Requirement. Based on the proposed plans, the building will be modified to stay under the 3,600 square feet and fire sprinklers would not be required. If the building is to go over 3,600 square feet they will be required to add fire sprinklers and a fire alarm system. At that point a fire sprinkler riser room would also be required to be added to the building to house the equipment. POLICE DEPARTMENT General Requirements 90. Defensible Plants. Applicant shall ensure any landscaping surrounding buildings is kept at a height of no more than three feet, or below the ground floor window sills. Plants, hedges, and shrubbery shall be defensible plants to prevent would-be intruders from breaking into the buildings utilizing lower level windows. 91. Trees. Applicant shall ensure any trees surrounding building rooftops be kept at a distance to prevent roof accessibility by would-be burglars. Since trees also act as a natural ladder, the branches must be pruned to have a six-foot clearance from the buildings. 92. Exterior Building Lighting. All lighting affixed to the exterior of buildings less than 8 feet high shall be vandal resistant. 93. Exterior Door Illumination. All exterior doors shall have a vandal resistant light fixture installed above the door. The doors shall be illuminated with a minimum one -foot candle illumination at ground level, evenly dispersed. 94. Hardware. All doors, windows, locking mechanisms, hinges, and other miscellaneous hardware shall be commercial or institution grade. Page 12 of 13 95. Graffiti. Any graffiti painted or marked upon the buildings or other structures must be removed or painted over within 24 hours of being discovered. Report all such crimes to the Temecula Police 24-hour dispatch Center at (951) 696-HELP 96. Alarm System. Upon completion of construction, each building or business shall have an alarm system that is monitored by a designated private alarm company to notify the Temecula Police Department of any intrusion. All multi -tenant offices/suites/businesses located within a specific building shall each have their own alarm system. This condition is not applicable if the business is open 24/7. 97. Crime Prevention Through Design. Crime prevention through environmental design, as developed by the National Crime Prevention Institute (NCPI), supports the concept that "the proper design and effective use of the built environment can lead to a reduction in the fear and incidence of crime and an improvement in the quality of life." The nine primary strategies that support this concept are included below: 1. Provide clear border definition of controlled space. Examples of border definition may include fences, shrubbery, or signs in exterior areas. Within a building, the arrangement of furniture and color definition can serve as a means of identifying controlled space. 2. Provide clearly marked transitional zones. Persons need to be able to identify when they are moving from public to semi-public to private space. 3. Gathering or congregating areas to be located or designated in locations where there is good surveillance and access control. 4. Place safe activities in unsafe locations. Safe activities attract normal users to a location and subsequently render the location less attractive to abnormal users due to observation and possible intervention. 5. Place unsafe activities in safe locations. Placing unsafe activities in areas of natural surveillance or controlled access will help overcome risk and make the users of the areas feel safer. 6. Redesign the use of space to provide natural barriers. Separate activities that may conflict with each other (outdoor basketball court and children's play area, for example) by distance, natural terrain or other functions to avoid such conflict. 7. Improve scheduling of space. The timing in the use of space can reduce the risk for normal users and cause abnormal users to be of greater risk of surveillance and intervention. 8. Redesign space to increase the perception of natural surveillance. Abnormal users need to be aware of the risk of detection and possible intervention. Windows and clear lines -of -sight serve to provide such a perception of surveillance. 9. Overcome distance and isolation. This strategy may be accomplished through improved communications (portable two-way radios, for example) and design efficiencies, such as the location of restrooms in a public building. 98. Civil Demand Program. Penal Code Section 490.5 affords merchants the opportunity to recover their losses through a civil demand program. The text of this section of the penal code can be found at: http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgi-bin/displaycode?section=pen&group=00001-01000&file=484-50 99. Crime Prevention Training. Employee training regarding credit cards, theft, citizens' arrest procedures, personal safety, business security or any other related crime prevention subject is available free of charge through the Crime Prevention Unit. To schedule an appointment, call (951) 506-5132. 100. Business Security Survey. The Crime Prevention and Plans Unit of the Temecula Police Department offers free business security surveys, to schedule an appointment contact the unit at (951) 506-5132. 101. Contact. Any questions regarding these conditions should be directed to the Temecula Police Department Crime Prevention and Plans Unit at (951) 506-5132. Page 13 of 13 ABBREVIATIONS ARCHITECTURAL SYMBOL LEGEND PROJECT CONTACTS y "I-. (N> STARSUCKS' R"T --T U AT TLC L•,'A6H14C;TOHorm -14 II.-tl E ,�aG- cT— T� E 6111-1 T 1-1 1.1111,14 .14—T.T ".1 AERIAI MAP ]I wwnrnmoovarT� --r _"l rZ E, I 1 1, IEET aRT7 r L,' U-A UKVAN AHCHi rECTS lo 2E o r7 Ak SCOPE OF WORK SITE INFORMATION GENERAL NOTES 14..': 1. 1 - —1— -Fr: - — I - 11111 --E 1—l' 11. 1. 11-- rl" 11: 1 OF I I.E.— Tl m �9-9 J. r-p L:'l 112;'1121 11TED --T-aIJE.-l-- EL T -E 'E", T; El- JL�T —E RE-1 !ELL-11- _R li I I E 11 11 —LIT•11T- 4: 11 11-4 iii.ii—DE -1— MI. 1-1 Z-c r E I X-1: 6 V � L 'Z.R VICINITY MAP B=-4- 1 r4 R W.EN —A!;14: 11: 11- ---G HTH- "- —E I —. a—l-E --V, I—EFEET a-, 11J'A 11 2.- l� T— --l— :T— 1-1 ay F N T-111111 Ll T Trl MI: 41 I — I I j— -11 117 111 IE ­4' LLI z N —Drle EIERIL —P 41.11 NSIBILI I Y LEGEND SITE SURVEY DISCLAIMER 4.1 1!;a IT I i-,n cT i -111 T� -,I1"; 1 1", 1"� 0.1 ITT I EO�l T-�E R - - I F 4.": '_' _ �T rin ',.1 1- 1 11-- T E CR— ­T2 Ln N E SiI�PFN 4-11�9 11, —Em 1. -n. 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LEGEND OCCUPANCY LOAD LEGEND KEYNOTES • Mlry M=- 11--l—EE-1-TIER-1— -E-1 4 T L —1 L-E MM�IMI W11% I —E- ..—E VIA , aEAA­ii ­: lG-%T — ­ D: —E-- 0 1 111-r.Ea. 2' —ATET. B n—Z;� 1 ".T,. .111-1 oA ...... I.- —.—E ��: �tf' — T�H.—' — I u- C, ­"' lb,"MI -11 k N T E%-7F I A i T�', El'�,.r I', I',, I I ! __' . ppw F.m E___., ' "!" I ..... p T" T4 --'E'l 1"I ILC I D M T. -F 1." I "I :lcl TA —E -1-L 111 1 �RTEE..Ll.—ll IT2 13"ll I—E —111 --E.-ITI-1 -E 5 EMT.— -T,- Tr., r 1�1 �'T F —ILL 11-L 17 1:--1 I -.E P.E-r. E ­E. —15 ­ 10T 6, T. I -T -11. 11 IE-1- 1, E— I.A..; I I I NET., q fl—I --c -E =-.11D—EF. o' 3�1 T_ T'E. w. Ir.L I xF "I' Ll�l 1 11-1 M- 1- AID 0 if %L-El I I 1 1. b) RIL11"I'lE 711-TEI, T, u '� -- M— -- — , 7M SFJ ELECTMAL o' F 30- M.T.D.11 152 w OL 0 L 11 OLr 17 UFFIC Rum* 533 GF OL I I- '69 WALTINu AREA u u OL 1. r - - - - - - - - - - Ol-r- am sr rl ri rl M UL 15 - - - - - - - --------- MUTI u -E 6i51- CAMARLET 0 L U n n F�L I . 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FINISH SCHEDULE I HEALTH DEPT PLAN NOTES +.w ca9r..c n.I[ w.n.0 wl�..•ww�u[mm�wc�w ,,...� Ill I. 11.1 �, �q� 14 w-N rrrnW aNTUIi:n,�r: E.o�n..rmo.ea m .•q,,o qq Woc,,2•,o _ .,L. ," M„N-111^1I'll xAN .[-£emu Srro.'".n VrnRirtNian uw.�w•rwua+wI. TA, sc.wtiae.,t„cp9 .., . z. o ILA r wgq.I" E� EFL r n E Eos.s..�. ucow*q.crlot .rF.TirytnKL wEn 'wlHY.w. n Iugau.n �. a..vlu[.,IU MAIMMUM TRAVEL DISTANCE F LAN STARSUCKS3 + LITAH AIDE W 15OUTH Ill I LL, MA lNCiON gal 34 Imo) m o- uis q INP A�] c.a .,"I.I.I9i,... -,.9 ..ff u,r r") N O �L.A fV QJ W.IW, ILLANDRIuA C3 . R A = G emeE I c J e m 7 Tq a 2 2 'n Z w 5 U a ,a a � v N W a Z E N LO } aN � c�i7 STaYE � 69 /fi3 [rrru&CII, wnr-0a, .—.I ems. ���..,�.�.w.• + fj LIFE SAFETY AND ACCESSIBILITY PLAN 0002 B COMPOSITE PLAN GENERAL NOTES ACCESIBILITY KEYNOTES ) „1"."Mw-C,F-r•:rrcyry—n ..f r..n. 1—.1v. EVUP KI�,ally V.,iEi1.4iP0.,-Ji cr,s inr,ii .v.,..6gll —f1lJl--nF=ru,f,i" 111111111 nrrrn 3�PYKN:LL .r Y!}INIyY {-•sq /afG�NVCeeFvlal,►.e0.¢uik n'Exa lr..xrc.<_c..,�.�.cn�c�l+n.F. w,-w•o r _ _ - EFIaEi, u,., rv.,i ]v+I•�c.+,� i111—��_'+i =n - +' rn'1.'u 1+o,�hXA0r F c eµEs1aJI,.w114•iiEe k.v,uux,.aHiry n,Eun.nFxE.-,u ..FF.Iraasc��.+„x•.::., •.� a.., r•.+�o,a .ilaiiH ca.:•,e:sx .aL,i weirri.w• vja IAMAimr1 -K E rawVa. vli-_a_sEa - o.meri E rlvectrnvir,crv, .Iz :]':.'.,�.-...��rv�r ��rv., ra,.-..rmn.•, _=_sva.lir I---E.AFUAFFua.wE=- Nn ..11 Y --„�•��.w,En..�-�wn�r,n,-cr>_,.c.��...r, .h nE. �F.w �,.: n�.F�w=E,. ,va.-s-..r,.H ••I .. nFEEeiriu_i.ai�e.iwi .A.•i+. rr a. e„p:� i,c iri SEE En-'E1Iv-E,En1—Fw N..•: Iry ra —Oc wr�¢nm.,Ei�t�: �-��or:.. n LOd ) .OrvrTOREH H=-EP.F,ES.R,Ei rt.,I11 1 r-li.,e v..l-•, x. .,. .a eYp�EIW'Nkt4 a4Ek�JRne �.]E_ ini .. ,a r+ozn[HHa-ESi =_.¢=rin iu _- IRErl 0- :jarNiwsovra l?rwWrn.a.cr -"1 in..ry Hr e,u �,s.ei. ,/IL—E FEn&1 E:� rvnYll+:rcswM..w zAE�kPM , EU Nry ri.rv. Rry a.i¢a n•., 1EGI",_Ftt,_ ,. 1 •, wr,•U,n irr '.Ex rup llNr'ra, w. He i] N=aOi HE-w s 1i..i i...a II aen I- —E IFOaannot ',: iiu H.[la,14.cE iri r'..Yruuw �:r ii�,y 40[w•cu.=ol4v rn.i�L, uwt.41 ni_HQE i.•neaie. e.'rt., r•,i.n.-ri,-N_Us s.eorva ■ 1 1 1Li • _ _ l 11i,LIWh9 .�� `,YI^.' I171 .. r ' , } � 1 1 i l'=1MEN' 75 iWLR QTJ>00R 1 • LJ WArEFR e. ,.A rT • 1"I i1 --� } L fl I r T1 I-1 ll1 it Ii Il ....— .. -----.._..t 1 STOPAGE _Ez ` I l.ST FLOOR • CQ7ipQ-81 PLAN "W w ��r wu rc. w�nv,r _ = r"•a�i�ina•"vess N Lr. '' � u .Nvxcrlxn�nlnns ..... ..,q,.......�_•.a...... D N Zi I IL M � F W n C N Lo u 'd- N �qE r.N a iy� sz-t �,�mam PROJEc, I e w ..1 e 1:11 - a::.,,.. PLAN G006 LEGEND 171 nf.1 K. 4 •N"ri'�1 ii[' fr✓Ku. �'�• •� c'�'Wl nx Li -4 4­ ABBREVIATCNS r fin 4 _4 r r'l\ 4 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION NOTES BLDG TO 1�'l L'� I WIN � �'� L,1ERD U 41, U"U'11E 1c11e REMAIN 1­ _01 Ji 11. C I-L .1 �1 -1 E—IrD IE C-1, IE-ILI NOTE: SURVEYORS NOTE MX. Ln T"A."AUNI, ZV, Tr V161LO 21 E­ V 0­E -1 1EI-1— I 4, WV n. I= Z11 1_1=1 ..-1 4., 4 TOWER PLAZA N EASEMENT NOTES s=1 n�­ r­T" C' n 1-T 5­ L. Lrz�l 1. 1 1— 111 1 r., 1. n , -1 11q II-1 E­ :L h" Ll I I 1 1.1 iNl", rE �1 I— � ILE 14 1. .1 A—Lu 'E, C,; &?g A7 �a Pl- I.-1- p PE, ­E-11 I-— I ILI ,L, I. I 4g GENERAL NOTES VD -Ell ­11: ­­n I IT, ­111 11-1 IE 0IrJ r Vrr:� In-1 U.T I 1 -1 IL L-1-1 e ­5=1 r.—T­ — D­ ­5 111 T. h uu, ­,r'i, L1111111 Ill m TR, PL11 ­-m U, 1. L ­1L —­ 'N' PNWT� U.—CE. MV �-M 4.g n ­ -E ­_- T Ir U 4 1-11 1. _ _ "n 11I If P CN Z Irl ��V �. 1 '1 tV L t � �49 5 " .1. It: 1;11, 1 1 1 r. IL I'll n , r APN'921.260-0 '_11 lu 11:­ PA22-0722 z O 1 OF @ Lj ----------- 1— I-J. I— I CLM ­' xcx L=ZLI! f n ­rIT ­rrucx IE ­0 1 ..l. ff�l MWWTAl A %TALI, W�e �Aftma _TM r �Alp,� ri rr�x•.,rn.a...wri n, rrn �+ t.. r"... ..- �hn.hn f4w.[sA nn n+ ,rp" wTm74 s =lh AWOUDER it FA APN 2 OF 5 1 I E%ISiINl L 5LDC TO { REMAIN R/w I i k YI HF 1nlia: ii• fiA:I TOWER RI n7A h ' 1 n i�ifl� I'•:NY I'.�. L. _uit bl I•ht.• "iiHffa 1 FRGF C�kEf J `` IIRiI.ifrri+�l AV`11 tl:l]'J_41'i I .Iw find ! 1 AI[F •:.� fin: 1 nk•r BUILDING ll4f L1 fliin! 1i Itn II.: 1 �fi•If1 n! �a{. �I! ... -------ems 1 _� fJI., A SECTION A —A HOR'70NTAL SCALL 1•'-20" VLI:IICAL SCAI-L 1 '=2' '!OWLRf �N J'j JION MAI' "-20' 1 I i i i L i RC i,1•I iI:.I V4A11 Ex BIILCIN:. L6 J F PROP CRB a'IVi -ii Ifk FC F% kF IAIN INC' VIAI L Irjf -1-MF r�kB .,w{NAi F •.NJ Wh1 n i ✓ 11i'=API TOVIfk F'. Ilinl} j^ f•Fi LI A./A. N I + i�� I c1IIL I1n iL. rfi W� r. "1 SECTION O—Ci NOR LON IA_ SCALE 1"-7LY VERTICAI SCAI - "-2' �f P � N 2 O F U LLI N 0 2 1 Y J U r Z } J z L LI z J J LL LLJ O LL hu PRL,Y<=Hi;Y �E8CRIPTION' �❑ �❑�❑�❑ � � ���❑ �� C'���� A ^" ' ❑�❑ ''"' " "• ',�"•..:�•.. •. •-•..z, .,.. CITY OF TEMECULA, COUNTY CF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIq 'TITLE RE PART EXCEPT14N8 CC4NT.7 BV RVEYO R'S NOTES •• 'f17�"E REPORT EXCEPTIQNB -�'. :.� :':::.�.:• .. .... _...... .... ....."...... x�ENERAL NOTES ..... . . ... . ..... t .. . "...r.... .-...". ........ ............., ...... . r' •_r",.. .�,.. r.m. ;• IT _ ... �...,...........,,.,,, "...... _.. - - _L UM - .. FLddL� c�NE PARCEL-. A (P-T R) Pa Ear T.R.) a nt i.."...✓...... ...., .. ..... ......." ........ .. . .. _.. .�.s MONUMENT ANC BOUNDARY EEITA RLIBHMENT NOTF� 1 L Y yV V r. r.- ,......r-. ., . ......,. ., p�° - Orr 'iE 5i1: .L ' �y r• i• II \� y'3 if ff L 4 VIC ICI o�^ MAP APN 921 L11 J Q U U) 0 F- H 2 J Z LU U z LU w w LL LU CK w O LL� F Z 0 ui L.] LU LU uJ ix LY 0 LL n a6�❑ 1.1 ❑ ❑� ❑ ❑ 7o n11°/ �� —'-- ' .�, CITY OF YEMECULA. COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OP CALIFORNIA - pq �•� i ` F 1 F-- z W t E� 4' Q.. ���Lo z 7 I w W o ju .. ��~ � �• { • u_ D w W -.e LL ~ �o � ' C • aun-� Yin � F 7 APN'921-280.02 U) c PA22.0722 5EpF GENERAL NOTES 6rv, nrv..I. 1.1wo,n .1r, ,..1 r11-.,. STARBUCI[S" �Ot Lff. AW HUE i LRH .w._U awx..TE7� vWaurv.,r=•toxxi riui i..n t'T StAI II-�GHMI5N w I.,I VI - = rw nc*osronaricr Errnnus:cu;rA.c ic. H.rv..Ea � TXQ s: EF µaw.t�. voo Ea f ,.EIrIES �Eso.� s a Lll-rH 01.— KEYNOTES p U— ■ •� � •'� + •-• 1 �Yw lr cuuwarrx elrx�w...t.t .or.ra n.n O>I VNt owls E„ P sinHF.nawnaen r:, a=_v.r. M wne minces as '••••°•iwilirr"�ivwv.'xs...�rnww. C mmr. ntvt.' .'v.:� i - Hlcl r T = - --- -F--- co9. e.`Du o T.LE11irvn m jj L-96a'.W p (D - j 'I ❑ d1. Z w 'f n VrrA ''j j EE ,n,.nISHE. —H N I, ;E, NEEt r— JiN 'CIL— 1.%t0Alrww.i...illaus9it�utroewuuNe i o CN I � (Ij 1]� � r ' • �� �[ 7�. „r:ni�:n��„�..w�•..���,,,. u N c�i r n Eli rxlvscr. �} �-..�• -� _ _ �=� _ e—!!'±3.���ri`r r — �i ��14. r,­e,,e: — LEGEND E� c n..��,,.a...i. t'�:f��l']tk .iiii' uearv...s. I:irorcnr`cf-trn� E- I 1.Itn � �•f 1 '//li ocra0.i. r-rt ,ry wi „1i —! —<<— - �f'�•n] �J• 1 LL:J oEM1C M _— FETE, n, • _ S.r1PE 1x,a�t N1�[Y.4Y/IN ❑EMOLITIpN SITE PL,�.N LEGAL INFORMATION 1ST FLOOR- DEMOLITION SITE PLAN ��� -�-�..�� • w Kn• . , J - Iwi.�[i ii".m K111 DQQ, LEGEND GENERAL NOTES T. ac _'EN., 1111 itT To c W r4Cl=gyp •c:um�•%1M,4il.I �� f• f r �A�ru iv r••.I Iri.I,Ni..e,.�epytllyely, YMIW[w EZII�ZTIJJ nruiaveE oa.�-I:ecTo- _ - �nIF, aainneiX LX ur1—L mxll•.:s�•, n vl pwc�ilriwylw i': ••-:v [1 „ 1 1,STA[tsuc9s, i:Ol u rAll AVf+MI sour I, S AME Y,MS IXQIm Pm J. uwrwA....;X A nii t77 CD C%l r' ' . J .F ::13 r , [• [j .n wo: c"�'°u n.e a"•.: u' h PMLI 4411 r■cn �,�`. ���%';'I ^ !� � '.xxy}�, A,. :.:.. ..inn... i.• uLAI� G..-.�.. tit •iIZL` 4f �� i. ra +a•�Yp[.�.a+,Ivv N'•--ti.l :..l: r^` • aeo.�•,,.aow..w_,�. J m •' ! . ..� f .I ,. ; .: �. _ .a-.xo. a_.x.xA.� Io,_.Ir�,x..I.I�II.,..., f, rr, fi F'{7 [-T C L� $ L C} H]K` C}$ : '' . ; .r :, . r• r w� a<y m d / BUILDING AELE& [,j * �. 02k, -XI[7y C�. [•)E)] t7k, w eu„� ,ro,,,aA��., ...v :FIED— z o /. 9 �.wafer..rna�wwa.awx.A.n�n�c[w+..n., KEYNOTES O n II, 6) iu.nu.e+m r..u. r ay L+' f' i L� 'f CJ r e] i 7 D ,y 1 :] L7 was44uamu watts f w xw nrrawk uk.•.. `N A 1 Y :l [)nw�fXwvas,«rrt�na.rwr V N m 3�C f -, r !� - 1 .. (s In:;r,a_a•,I.E—Tc;w..1 .) 'y {� a] { [}w� Ll ,r», 71111 ra N a N 7 ilrle'rit.,1.� Yam.: - _ r ..., ...w4.7G�r..en.,�.EIIax�.. I. �..._a.: r...,.xIT.�:E�.,-»„N.,,�:�I�,.II I, aT+xtf r .Iu� •'•• 4 1. +• r [:ovi.:ii a"�iMui�Rno, u.c nrvuavw.�s xnwtcrr wi, 7. ,. r.I.rr wri'`�= --�-{) -• (I;; III r.K..I I, .,I. E.I,. NI., �.I, Ir ..I I.I » ,.I », n�.Wr.�,,.:::. a., 11Ace:.r£s E 'a =o i.X�:w •� �r, EA s_.wEr [) I.I. QT, aEM.,I r1� A �I=IrEAI,Iv?,R � l" x DEMOLITION FLOOR Euc r=lllra,I�n,.aXE,,,c,n l.ITTE aeT, FLAN ON � [)Fi I.aw ,•„...e w.cswA cenerl�.•cel.ne -. tAIFWo�-We,ai„y PIAn•E.,•uflp,rp 11 4)cel�u f�.":`b.,,a`u`:..'w`.i"wael.,ra r._:..r:KrrI,.»�. A boo ----------- r J--------' ........... it i I — I_ffll h�l .•rfG:rr.�•lrffnlJ.:z.rr�/.'riS/!/rfillF+`JAlll/. rl,.: :•e.:w� �' !f: /.•,^: r: 'J>'!= I Viil-�� ------------—-- ---q - .. r.rr.rn.ur..r.r..ar._.l.�n,n..ar,.rrnn,rf,:..:.s.tn,.u.r.rn,r.,rrrrrr,rrrrrursr:�•r.:rrn.�L� 'I r IST FLOOR - DEMO BUILDING RHO PLRiy �� GENERAL NOTES a �owrrwvr+.c+w ��tFny�arr nnmirr i =.xdne. u.AWOesi ur oir.oia InOs arv., ,irry i R rvi ri,�•i r„ sEinLE w•lswp{1FOr,v6,1r I>Rdli 15&56M KEYNOTES x[IrFn.w�ii hei �x �� _ LL _ FARn==_T'1-, E—ER.R u_viE53,nTr11,F05I"E,_ - Or "- x"E+ - 5 kE EKi ER Fgjg5— _ = P A5 1.1—D SEEELE-- ii-,rn Pi- Fri xzi,,.i i,nry ir. }YPlsl�n1t,:.1e,'wl �i Iu1Y 411:LAFIeNeI� ... �.-. n.x aWi!'.IYlPw fix _i• •w'Ifµcn �n ��I,'^' —111 EEE EnEET r. 0 FIR NCFE IW. T. �1Er'T tSF in+ nio.p Eortev p�E _ _ - - uiu:Eax i T. FEC3i.3llE.1 V.CPt EEE E. a ep."T Ir— o UCA �t•,va:,.r.l .al..l.w x�nn lri i..rlirr 41IYxtaW54+dK+11lC,�S 4wl.Fwu tfn�.al urf�Eir .lvFu.lenF wn� n F.. •" '„�aE4 EA5,EEo D�EI. T R=s,EETF� R o" (]awmpwrFl� Yk+MUlisflrp rfW'!Va _J 4,I---.: M1 aiv'a I -I II111 1. ��„ ED A•Rlyy� l /`r m ` C_3600�1 L a1'L[y co LEGEND Z m z o x e2II� [Ill rwn t�s-o!E ttr.,u�iE� d � W Z�n =Irf srw ¢N aiv� s�nve! nmra 11 1R(F Y' r r .... .. vnN.-�,... „ ., I Yl.s.. �.nww.... OEMGLITIdN R00F PLAN D003 LANDSCAPE PLAN NOTES LANDSCAPE KEYNOTES HARDSCAPE SCHEDULE LANDSCAPE PLAN NOTES EEc.IFn>t cn _ - _ _ - uu. u.s c.�vat N.xi .,x,i.nEF ru.cb �rul.a..❑x..rEn.FiI�N ..w.nnaw as na v.* - :�'.F; :c :u� nc�i _ s TO rnr cc.,.A=E,..rrrs.�FcawE.[e❑nons L 1116 ,f Eea1.l.. iaEE \:I��I �cr.r.::-1 a.ii c I r..l .,ci, {{ jj czf,[w•x[w,+, .w[n •,rg - --ncE III TLEIT-EEBE wW]tLGY ��aN •r.�[Y� ,.[ 1. r if lfltn aCn' ls��'1"'•.ln•�l'.•'I u1• Fiii] +fwluryr.«r w•I• ulgrf ^ccra.�tilNs*iLSiIONIEfn r•nIN3n�tosr-E•i`*.olu,s 'a•xo'luta .e.Hi.Rlluwln W[wv.r�ixa�NTawWC�r'rrrx�rM tra.�ry, . A -aE. Euiu AEn vl"xHl u 11 l wrl.."Irurw 14CI ".L iC ac3., 111 - 3Atiltu MEw lA,iHM1iEtii M1siNaEurEFrint l.+ur la ul 1, .. I. I.au7 r...lnl.11l.lrl riinsi.en�-1 ull.,rl .,I.vr.,r 1 v.,tn•I +cu .'r •.," n.P wn.Y L�III .rr,l, II,I• r.l.. �.I• .�.F �w,"y. a.i .�+-+4 ullLa rf YLY _I•l�n'Ica•1mG G[.nCA,grafdlrwa ❑ca,sin[acici�F - ❑�E,.K n, STARBU E WE SOU1H I- C�II.,3�an_HiD VEI, IN nrs rrs[AEn,ur. in=ED .cc n,i-n I. •VIS..Tl = SCM 1.MSKV HINGTONO961M - �,� , L)=_c ..i _ r.l .;Nl .ulllrl.l °.I..�.N.».Ilr.11cx. .In. In cFlo. T. ramnl..c rrn v:=a ioa nv❑-E.aix i95`"'�aa=ll=_r Iscesa�o-[sis T. .5 u ,tiN L,. , Ill ('D .,"l r.,,IIE_ .iE .I n.l : r.„_ ._ ,w.,❑E, E�a,= "•• SCOPE OF WORK •.xr. I..II - - _ .... 1 L. 1•�,..r., r„I.... rµw❑a.,1—T-:11E,[,. - - - i,.nr,+u - - =E - ,-� . E .I,,.I.I.., ...Ill.l.,r«. r..l��lll I,..I,., , •I I,,.I - - - - E• r,l ,tlti �,. •I_n.n.�ll .a.,. "• .�... •.ri_Or_.lO-TOT-E NCD CIUSiIUY ., TH Eu.lanilu,,. r. ..i arl rr.l wJn.r. E - - _ _ .1".. _. - r ar.. r. ,rr.. u •cmn a.. sry ure G ZlE.h,.tuc".5E IfL4 •• .rlr.en.•.,,•[eI,1l0A[fJre.w W.n❑1-Vaealv[f. M,1wrfriFL•e[L'3Mtwtllf rxs.�wll ~� ^r Y l! ! v M n 1u10. yaMN cll T.. ,x.r,ln r r . rtEN.- E �U. I �nlc�7'cy rc4 _ �Pr, Er„ware,,{�• ®��Sn ` f`. O1or— r r� �� IrSY[J •l.. J �3��/" �.1�1 [ \. _ C7 wi rxMr rac.sal d Ll 4o. 'k {ii.r�� •T.�f '7 ■ - r� a �a�. zrnav[�..ti:�,..�.r..;rr.� c7• `fS� o„ _ t eta 1 u a u[ u❑�i I jr g p � ® � ii kPY ` IFI Pllll nl SrfFnBUC� gEO SCOPE •R^� . ' - - a. 6 ' q 1 •l l 1\� •..� b > O rt V � O■ Iw � ❑ � { F b'tl .- I b� �' ((![r3 4y[S tJ,�ii'br] r7 NJ m 4,1 e ❑ J .�-io LLl V © dY Cl ci n (ri v.:,rll- r�EE r. PE•,r, Gil a u,�..�,,rr�� lilluu Iw dQ y • m . '�- rf""' ❑ n l F] f9 I L!•' �! �'.. .. "'SSSeeelll . Lo a } N k ` iik YL fl — ii,rf[ _ n n o D n f�• o' r•n F r I{' iiiwllllll C7r,.,IN.,.x., �.aw[, I rk w in cir smMD1 '�� o � D ��' �,� `` dp v�.:" _ _ 11 • . . �� r. Li{��,[ _ s.iG� 2 19 I � $ •i w .al. l a., c pp■qor p' .. r] v '1 1 r ■ S .�,•; • d�7o�HAG O , � ' � /1 � 'v.. —- ��•[.LV 9 ®_k 7 / D Y ■ _ ■ �f - _ b [ ,u GOq �'i O �'�'UD�i7 (h' _ _ },•«.EIo..[... 4 Ij� y • C, • 1, L.,.,_ 1❑,.u.,1t RPN (�)Ezl_I r,. i=EE i,•E�.vr - �,�Y, °�_/ V d��r �`�` r rl:auu ''•. "'r �:. I �... �_!. � � "�r � • � --- -r - -+ - �' � LANDSCAPE PLAN Ljr.rr 1u J �l LANDSCAPE L10'1 A14r� •,•v �1 PLANTING NOTES Y I Yr HV WUC tMLr•i� nr.,Innxn.l,rs111.U,n.IIE' s"�aEnllPrnlnnlrlq�..n'ns - i-[[c1n11.io1 s-rr.. rril via=ccu.o,xvc J / ! 11.1NI1 YN 1r f _ n L _ rl y� x :�'a�' '4 5 �• 0h -'i- mil{'•• srn, u[xvnl..E�Il ounnnLr - y 'yu•�c,vv - - _ - = IE Wy ATM: E _a . I,wv nn.°, Ei*rwiveowreils�" STARBUCi[5°, 1 u1 YCFII AIR.1 I, 6 C1, iii 1anK�v.. rl1• PLAN VIEW "� f p„« UAl1LtVM SmiW eM xal:u k.Pkj IJ I[r 1[I •I IfV l:f III [: I�II pit. ..l' AAA. I -+]If if+.Illlr It�i: r..,., -- , °�UI F1l�if111.1` ifl� - nrIn111rine onto IIw-Iarvinnll In vaarl n1 �, _ .. .. . fi ['i .1a.un—.. }�.c`w rL --1 i1 'IIr 1 f. 1L 5 :- .I 1Ir 11 :wrarrLanl tnxL+L CT ,f Ura LCI I11 LYa Km%w1 •.1 rt, ,,, .. rnlFYu r = - 1H- - ,.iEa1Hr = _ _ cEtCE6a•"url9�Bi0WMTO *E E.i*6 ­-711. _ `n cW l�e�1•Hf `. J DTT-_E wa"wTr�Jokiui�mtelvr. yA41C1ed •"rr=••CM1M �rW!'�r1 GS —IS r•'r' _ =LE qr a_urvranr,�aensx Y.n >n5ar I.+wwry �•� `�`- Baer..,. sp r.-eE,E.I—— ­ PC R arnlln. 'u� vlga �'J•.Li s1?'TES [ -EtLV I •. 'c^nwin �(� 1 x Ft[]gil3nl� .1.-1 • .wrrlT� I..I1 na ",11 r��Iwr ..� 1011 r r1r u_, Y..1ryvwlw sr . u. 1{1�Kr: ...I...vvwr• 1n,r, rn 11 .,.. ... H.C• w-x1 q.N,i s �, - %E er ua°ae..rrv.�T cw s°a I— we I%FLTqXrI­ RATE- E N ■x. 3E 16_11 O 6fOalY6C. au,u rw E� a GRdifN� Cg51ER P{lUliltiri SHRL79 PLANTING r 3 1:., a..1e LF/ auren�nn.ns.,ae NF rw _, TE°-C°uA�Tiou a AR" y r _ - _ J NOT 'USED 1L1i41L-11111 _ `'� _•� _. _ - - - _- - m C•3EAOi 7 1 .n 4Z Ii1 ilin Linear Style Planting with OeepRoof Bottlers w Eo "R411 01) °�°aw" Ea=aH non. rr k De1e11nnn Inn rant n.Imxr m panels Io I] Nasl place the Herriar in Ins Ifench wllh Cyr 11n'" W WVr uw f,ypnl4, W plµalr,.eyl�N Nf RL-11 wy_a _ o1a Irnl»1.nrra ePnas carrao. • ve__ nho�Pnss rrPEssHG.rc eE •`•ter un,lw welaM lurswlnl wW'Lw111• cSi Cs used Dependi u wan the equal FI.nIiny the wr.Ul nl s faury Np aW ilia Irse e" Ell«u'«1 DIl•rl'w1 Nr 1Fn Tme LreFr of MulwuC • y {plan] - Ie,yn1W Ilar wr5W man aW IM III, PGargl Vees Inwilved Ilan ellgn In a sualgnl resnlon 11 x helph,l Io �u0 •�v.sw - tinur us_ crtx.iw_rt,ErHuzinni fw.p d f I n of Inearnan er will very MINI es a plate he uv111er pyuinal the hurdaiape ' ••. •r •^• = FED H_,'r � [3 y_'v u°, e p pxwRl rr,Y of exena h1M i�a aNgyyR Use Ina har0seape es a gelds er10 heWAll Ir ��, h C C ew ceriipy die �reler Ulhe floe ar�d and npniml Inn nanlals Ip Rrolnols a clean 1C n1 IIY sa"Pn,iy nil, ,•1... •r•. rH nsi iaax n bi .r rur.rvN n,u w� Li a1 E e 1 feel [61cmf lhla wll MIn ICs Ilplrner of s11r u111 f1I to NIe Ilalnx;Ipe De alto to - ,d e1"]uw•Yr •z lstuu = II xml - u111w a 1 tx i� �5 }� .orals feel Irrr-nary fora loser elyla plenlill(a Nsep Ina aa10efs OwMIle lop edge al Ie eel a n z L �3mi: n1I •na11n. n.....r r....n, n NI � 1 vr,1.ry Irv1I - •.� n1 a+=anm n1.r 1��1 1 "n1lsr"+1 aar•111 rn �' F eppiral1o11 [Spa rnaa eelrm 11y- [13mm! shore Rrsae to snsufs tools on�w11•Is w'[C'-��:�oa, is ific•ni - ai•!r vmi A Clio— the hwl or Innr hail eu the du na,gww Drat lho lop 11'p a'C Ne.ellax cN Ix-z ca tC x.x ue a� 1 wa'v rv1" 1" c nu Inlnclr, Iz1lnr LL1 R. a[pli.el'on Garlera ly Ile slJawalk. pallu or E Plenl ICs 1ree;sl TRe LIIIen1 alyk pllela a 0iJ 1i 1 . nc 1w wzy Is [v Ca Crole.Yad, 16" [9Epa1II U_6 r, mpe nsl•.v roof ng groRh ei ve wIr x xe non orlvaID . e•• •rcu • e.MI n .L. 1."r w,.wti r, . ,a a 1c 101.,4 " Z N � r 1d. is s1,Ir.n, mph w,IN II' 13Ctm] [LP noweraf wJnafan rill end d,.inegu In Inr zV[1u"mI n•u•Ilon ^" `'' ^" v"rr "' "' ^' "N1'sr •p'�OV'N i } N 12-2] as e11 ullelnale rhvue for corAlllona maY e><bl II1 he equal pie H, Try nrllr er. 51nPwnlh - Eir_,,EnTn* F naypfesane• .e W, ruolinp Trees aloe Tmw aps 1v sllsure neelhy arowlN 1 ,` Hcwerer Iw cufMI e1w gullet yrolea en or of 1ne Irce IIIaplanllI Cr 10 wllh +loaf I - u zgresslPa mGe 29"[61 un] [dP 2A-2] i RrCprid for ylallliny Ilps a11d ` f 'N • _ m7'l A f _ _ _ asN- I cT rj d a n N [v s M 1 # 1 ge Ie lily Ihn holler rl,nirF en0allans K. H Dig Ihs Ire Io he deV,, based upun F Ir III,, Ircn[al wJI Ln suLlxr W rn mtunenen 1'_ ^1 - � I. 5 _ 1 L••f fLE nv pairnl4l IaMr�n nyaan work_ as lawn iowiI ofweed11in11r1i11y _ . w e afoul fYOSCrnIM1 hie ndWeNen 41 C In fall the barn h n 97 a W o s Arlort.ar6r iaee ifU1L R'vM:M1a M1v}r■ � .acnrr �nln"..I nx..I n.n llr nle .null II1 ru 1ln.s R _ r��Po� _ram"llrn rq ctgr Iµryx.I nur [a [y [Egl'x ertcgEAE s-uiPG I,sT"ll ]PER OEr"l:r' 51 GPhN E9 f63 "H�,hCI1 B-0l1 l-W1 a E lhH ,.prmaIX _ - ,i Linear pflmafs "ply pu11111e vuploprluk placed a 71d the pasp of young Trees 1a �wip{ina"iluxea _ p IH.vIv Nlsa,.ncu pP.n,niSVTH.1w=_:.n= RIp5 urcPa% - - - nNmber of Canals ou[ul he Wr [Troy rvlln prolad lnern lfonl da111ege ur rre J Iri�Irrels,� .I l -� �'- and sepafela uIarvhler the na 1pm rnµinaiv -rr.,1 - r nn�F - preaeeEfnaledl at awn mnare is en6 smell lwlsNs NORMLtl 12-e, Le 18 2er ryPGralenYyma ll net kllglh hNwn lnsWlling l,esaHwl - -.. Lr D flirt le al burl ors lne IIIIeor]aslholl For e1b11ipvel inNHnaI1o11 yle esn eansull ynn+vr' Ihn 1n T[J 6E 21" DEEP f]N ALL SIGCG Pege reePAno[Hraducl fe 611laeW Hawata.Hpliun nN�nryy nYbrl uM>v,nwrea�.uallaay.uu+aPepiu nrxerM 1 p~w~.r..a Is,•! w N' P� eed to loin lne aapfppnale IIu11Iue1 of gnlarllon eon lode llzli°n 131.d.Ines Fpr,nrumntgn rcaardlnp dlsh0ulore p'c call 1 BW ILV RDOT [A56 i6561 wz1 I,rxrn panels logah¢r Fe, h,dp v,Ih d1ifi iN dreinngr n phar dlHicu.t In-1alI11YPap IinrN pWa call 11 a 1 enr, 1 �I . Deal: t LTe FI1I 1 a'upyo11 e11100 ROOT TER. U61B W15] _- E T-ivr crr_H'LC TH_ ­IIE cn:EWEF sc,1 N* ALL �r _FIR——Ea•1eYe�E9u o0.uvEo Wrrymnuam -- ri-ET 1G E _pvP.wr,n,r,lenu=Ee + u • ` LANDSCAPE DETAILS RROT•HARI ER L201 GENERAL NOTES 4 KEYNOTES .� err .�� .r�.„c,rPT,..• "`. .'�., w ,...�,. f[ I � �.. .. � .�� . r„ � --. � ��.n� r• P< ,u, - �pnera r..0 uw[ru ynlu•. .� ...i.....� �.�.��....� . '[ yc-- r[� EtcE.o.• c-css ElF== L-rr_ T1. xEr.�T.a.[. .nr�o�,i. =ET_ ca—EI ,i) C F =Eu E_ E _ E_s..w-. - iinriE� - -• •i°� :,.. a'"ii w`: ..xa_�a.era.rc.s R,.xr �,a,��=,.�.�+.�.. - .. .��M.��..i..��.....,� �.,� a== 111 11 1 ,a.s, - .n,n_NEi,iF, .l.i ...iL,+...w rw..�y a-� .n.L,•�.. �. [... i.AErn.rrr c.u, ..e.iiii ii,.. ins..-,r.s•. cn yry.w . wt4Cpr p'.MNr+ li, ,.tFw WeLrLL?[TgRM•/I "T"T'Rt.•.,�r .L, L., I .. - , •mil YJrn�rr ., ..�.. .. ,... .n.r. i +.[r LEGEND ® flax OF fri=w k�-� ril-aAEH Enttaa.e=_ Fluwrw� wxTotarwl LJ �_. ET-1 111 ,���.• gn.r�....v.w[w..nssT. 1. FN I:TIY[, PR( PFR1v LINt �� f E) 9111LGING E. I N.I-C Lj EXISTING AROPF RTV LINEAG j. :�Hlrs � i �{l _? (. -)j ;,rf 7 nn PI J � F..cor.o 1 • C1 - 1 {� E.15rlryr c1j ,.l / C) E�Z`",J ikF r+C k1 r l l'rC I '1" I i JN r A IZ f raE�, NI �,i�>t Kea'] 'H I 0 ❑ I[) BUILDING TO RENAIN PRuP OGEO TENANT i •I IAIPROVEN CNT STAR HIJOKf f—, ADUTIEF^RIMTr, {,�, �C: ,. 4] (j' X>C O f - iti ? .r• RELINQUISHED s i �� • I In I 1 I lII''1D YMYTIN[, HI[:HT [iF ivt�i•yU�`� � IIFt]f y ' �f i1 '----_�..-___.. � I., NN • '•1 J - S1 1::1 11j�•j{ •;�11 1 • p J �['] 1 iliiFIFIC %r� f ff 6� S �• + C7 n ! �Y • '�{II -,..r.-----�---------,-----;---___'-=-- -_ i1 _:_.�-�, (a ram` �r,-4. EXISTING PROPERTY LINE l- , ----' •x � /i rl.� • `�� �--_ � . TRnr�nc - - - - - - -TaWER FLA2A N U ti ' - - _ +' `•lam ,. PA210712 - F[iIVEk PI ZR f CT Ri r]PfR —CFHTCGTCE4or f TM OL A. a] 210111TRH All-1F P[AITH I SEAT iLE YMSHING IPY 96,l� 111 •i (20613. F1SlS ' s�wi µ'�wix� R1. ".'tiroca+Is LZA a)uwunwcmrlsls O LppNy i w R 9r •r �n fA = n Z W a J U a m a � � N N ti 2 way W J m 3 } � C Liz } a 13 N .i n n N a N 3TOPEN 6vao f RWECrV 9GtI 9/1�1 l ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLANN3cF A001 GENERALNOTES 11 FEc�F_uEtrs liolto-C FI DF-6IH.-o yI;FI.�+-i-E=R�:<.4-1A- Fq_ E YVK�fr,�lrt i1w11Y4e!k.cTl F ..cE _La•Env iu Ex.EEuEeiry A-L uiiEUTiuM. cETEi I. L o= �xiEiEfs [cxm a l[•.�cry nt. s - 3-E rvNtnitu s^Firantc sciEas alx=� a a.i nnn _ .vr. FO[rit'.rw•w pfv gFyeii w4aa[{o fiFei.ixiwc emu. �; r.uery 4,wn.it .,. ...w ram... r .� ..M H.n..... LEGEND u: 1A1� � nEwe �i v'W �vrw-E u�r,3 irs•�NwowF —�-- rW!•�IF nrnrf fnAAR ' (Pi Rill DING r1IG NOT USED -, if,: I L , T�[ M1• u�r 1 ... ...L1 .� _ .,wit, 4 f 14 A� 15i FLOOR _ARCW TECTIUM BSI LOING PAD STARRUCKS" ND1 UTAH AVENUE 50 UlH SEAMS W SHIIIVTIN 0154 ,Mj S16tSm IT- L. CA CID unrnRnwruAncHluclr o isxnw � ESF,u+, c+ m C_35D04 7 fq 2 Z Z S s C w 0 E N ~ L,J a z r� w>- Loi } N ati a�E sTnRF r c17cv BR-EcTN Wf174W -. n e.•1r.V[ —lam..-aH n041n-I'e.'.[i+ 11LOING PAD A0018 A? s I TRASH ENCLOSURE ROOF FRAMING PLAN 17 NOT USED r 1D% E TRASH ENCLOSURE FOUNOA fION PLAN �RY U STARBUCKV 2M1 UTM AV HUE Soul H 'EATTLE. W SHINGTGN Hl 34 I2a'5 3161575 rr N O L. CA N // QT G UAMN DWELL ARCHITFCT A�1fY E� In 66) 44 — w z i _ u FO>a4li.. � r { a. cUi _ M j w r STORE 1 63i53 PROJECTY 9"71;--1 � / ... v��IL J� w i. ENCLOSURE TRASH ENCLOSURE FLODR CLAN �01 H.Rtl" A010 TRASH rNCL9M89 9jjf.RjQB FINISH SCHEMULF .. .. .. N", U o....... 14, L 1 -4 �l .1 1 IX'T E ARBUCKS' P&) u W i AV[ FAff 56U rit AcAl%f VMllitmte— DUM PSTER irATE HAR13WARE SET ------ LED— .... ...... jml3l&m 5 E • �E xi C—WRkEl o'w.......... ".M."12—TTEMOZIL T.5 '11 T�H�R�3P,�IEEE�EDIN E1141-ITI11,11111T T11 TI dw I ITE— TPASH tffirLOSURE SECTrON 3 T RA5 Fl ENCLOSURE SECT IUN A oi. P.,t oc, c M LMA URIAN DW- "WffEr S 0 — �.j (.j • . .t� 0. m L9 v- rr z -M l�— I IF N, w —11(,,, -j N z < o TRASH ENCLOSURE ELEVATION D 07 4TRASH ENCLOSURE ELEVATION 8 IL cl w E N6USED w N L, L z m 4, E 6ofis I*R, PRt)jp,:T N. 47 MB1 ZM117. �E'-- Ij .. ; ; , � ; baa �EEFo � nE3 � � ! L 11911111� . �. TRASH ENCLOSURE TRAS}l ENCLOSURE 1FLEVAT[OM C TRASH ENCLOSURE ELEVA. 1�1 OR A A01 1 I dNN FI-K w .,•J WN.E*inlw. �IlnflE.a ¢tu^nn er=E u.i, Niie..ai Qrr. J••f�lnerH�+.. v ` sn ,_E.KK.. W— 6 L„xMES M1Eer. N! —RE a-EEr 11NFCR �IN.zIRWI=vw Ini li Nxr.i'il tyr,gN •llrr, IE E 0• AMA Qn== AMA :al uzrt.�[—R ) Vill- E•I* a �wsweo .eso,.xl.oSucaE °M>ti E Foo a� erg -EC E NOT USED . _ �� 1 f ✓\q\�T r FIT GENERAL LEGEND --- •kWYw,.IrnlnrNw M41 f Z, STARSUCKV5 ] l 11 fM1 AWFIM Gaul 11 ,tA 1 RE. Wl5l.X,T011 A. M [lpbl fw 5.5 ', •w' \.' ` r , 01 �rt�Nl oLYEaLA�[XIi[[TS ! I o ercua .r M tYCCtlEROOM J g CL a U C] � � � N o . ,_ •�y�.: lam`/ r •------- l — — — — — _ — _ y l 1 w r v a — — — _ — — ]j xa_.,; (' I amsace 1 'jn•� r•II' r aN acy7 STARER BWIo3 ra y �e O . r ,` ,,DVS :'1Y}•• .• .-. 4� PROJECTS BAT1T-0R1 i � � � � 1 _•r _ [lovF a N� _ .'�, __. _n ._._...- -•_-•- � •J - — �% .. �' Palms __ I I ��. �..... _...� — I .._.-. .. _ (,�iy � l ..� a n... w,�l. I ,•.I C ,f BUILDING FLOOR PLAN 1 ST fLOgR-.AQLIPW FLOOR PLIV'! j` AIflI GENERAL NOTES "CLASS A" ROOFING SYSTEM KEY NOTES c - .R N,.I*1xln_I.Fo9VAiIa, Vt eui •,r• 1 �uiwplq[Rl nryMp Y a.,+vY i+ wIR[rmrlVw.waa.AlEo 0i,n R,..c._c_S. ani[• —11-D ax,9 .1ffYR.urul+r rule.: pYri .I lvo nru n..I.�LA*••-n - E p uvw�DR+Sr AaN rlc. AAnrwrrw rYon aan� Ibr+-rF nliulx uu,.ai uiix+.ilrv.. i.nri. .ei -_ - r„6'A C.iftR �ulHrJ�nilOt ]si9u[Tu9.4u9ANH - E]cER '_i•�ii.. u.ie i.ieer r,....i ri�i i�n�ii n�. - _ _ L S,E�I IcniIONFLR w]Iir.�N.. IIFo.r,11 - _ _ E - �• ....aRA - - .REn - - - .siH. w<9 R—I9Eos E Ea ...S Fn�_rsiEMrl.nEs E<ie�i.�a s�EeiE `In N �..,,,I �.,,.,..�r.++va�,r,r�,..n. .l.w+r.r,anwr: ,n.I �.II.-.�",.�III I,..,. ..,w ,� En_,.p IHy��:��r�_��:�:: vrcao rr,�rRII-,IR=cN.nlu:o,�oivr v w...I •- Ya •„f n.•. Lr�A ,�H.. .N. ar.1\f �+ew ir/,�p __ i9D.ipH 4 cc u+.xeiue rin .�risl¢nin'nE9I�Fu9ruilu-, IF1 uENeaInuE Ro =clw EUFE uwrn.Nw FE; Fam r.=' nrF,EbliicoF rElrt FEIrtRniwi xE=wveill!M_&ems aFo; uoeE I.F[ w1 rx irv--O '`--:--- :i-MEIH arnw11, i.ii.0 rn 1 rvi1 A", LE•Iu �rv1 xrc +Fwim*NREL .r ,. .. - NpN p9AR1�o F� RLu 1-1 ,,Ai.,.r,,.N. n = �, L p � . L STARBUC145 N01 UTAH AVENUE SOUTH ! ,>ry III pll FSFu ,an,Vnvivr.9nrvv •xm. iIVIJL]c,pLr< EAR rNHLLnCi A_ _ _ IT I„ _,1 wla�ngcalrAw.pn pF[rK SEATTL ,MSHIN T 951M LEGEND �r.a aaawiAnArrrw•nere rF. ....H�nm.�..n� .rv.o I, �.� �N• __ ' our►olon .aacyNxY4. '1 • M w±Ys..wwrarAevm wr: Ew9oo Rw.=Er 10 �,� Ll A- —4 SEE �c,. �v-,[,•EEr "n 7 ,SPH.4 .IT-LET-e[A66A "u-- IAsx .i M1EH STAtpN:S.SVRWe it iaeVol ry un� rrn el i]u II vi SFCR i,iASIH`YY'FI,U-14t i eirEi 1HER CF in d rDr naO vsau r�ieirxe i-;n nri D. r�.r r0 n_uN.E -ii u.,—Al e...1 a�Fnr' I�pry wi�.i ae E 6� Al VIZE EE _ pil i llullN io 69 _ ry I 4 N GVNIAP, DWELL AAMff&rS f .r I w ❑. I I. -; . A, r:r,r i q IV j I 3 7 pzb. :I+rl 1 a 0 F LID If" 1; I J N rn N �f 2Sr aN dry? yyff I '• i 1 -� STOREN fiB]61 ! a +-• _- - - -- - .--- - `_ - - ---. J hRWECTN SA]17401 4d-- -- •�- i I I I I I Cl) CA �A HNRrm+= . --NG ROOF PLAN 3 1ST FLOOR-9UILOING %G.Q !LAN / `` A103 EXTERIOR ELEVATION KEYNOTES EXTERIOR FINISH UCHEDULE GENERAL NOTES 71;11 -ET. Ll- -111 7 1— 11 -1-' "�T 3-GI 3—EFIL .. . . .......... ­'7 1 1 1�61 1, _��E" TR IT, I 'T I Aw D "�� Q�ffa L F�l L I T 11 --1 1 o_. ­T1 IT. T- E ­Tl­R ­11T IN R.-Iol 1=1,1LIN, I.E—T. ' i-2, � L'.' 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I _ �— -- -- — ------------------•--- I L / ! r ! / 1 � r I / J E1Li Eli101i NOp iH ELEVAil01'i loci �� STARBUCKV 2M I IJ fAH AVENUE SOU IH SEAT E, WASHINGTON➢5134 12116131615i5 r� VJ 1 ' ^q N 0 n Q♦I UAIM WE,LARCHITECi5 qE -t,.�. a ^ m l c secw z z N J U 4 � O � In N FT W � >- �� uN Ala v E v r V _ a N n 7 JrP�2-01:�TN 9A111-001 ME E BUILDING EXTERIOR A203 -4 ha EXTERIOR ELEVATION KEYNOTES . ..... I . ...... I 1.., .1; :1.1 1.c -OD: TO= ­111 1 �DD: TOI .1­ A!.D ­­ 11 ­­1 ­;K —, ftlw"wod 0�4� us mdl - DIIi �b Al — T. I IN' I'll — 1--11-1711 11E ­­ E EXTERIOR FINISH SCHEDULE GENERAL NOTES 1) FF: IE.L�,.f_ I A N,2 . . . . . . IE — —1- —E. E, ­114 t­ c-im—­ I L. - 111. 1 f .I R�� T ml, LETI=�T .'kElF. IT- I . I I I I L FTE.� T—EL I� �r, 0.1 --- ­R 1 2­­­ D --TIE E� ­­­_ I u--- . [Ol ­ZO—:1— Ill 1, ., .. u'1 'L" ­F YEU ""` I EXTERIOR LIGHTING SCHEDULE D 1-16 11MV &1! ".C�.TD�Flo—'=;I'IE�Ll-,UlL'�DI ­TllE 1. 10 11. .1 C Fl! - C­ ­OT- A, ,E) - ­�.E,! F..-IL I T. 11-1 ­1 1 111— Trl�l El —E. T. w, LEGEND RESPONSIBILITY LEGEND CANOPY SCHEDULE; Vz­ 1 L .j E-r----- ­E-rknCicR MM F I �D MIE_-j NOTE SIG NAGE NOT A PART OF THIS PERMIT, 1NFORMATI 0 N IS PROVIDED FOR REFERENCE AND COORDINATION PURPOSES. - ---------- - -- ----- -------------- — --------- ---- ------ ___ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 F,MNNOIR SAW E�gVk�19N I—I-S k L E VAT I UN - -1 F STARR NDI J r AH AV NUE 500 H SEA�E, MSHINGI ON 98131 12MI 31 1575 12, 1 - It 01 -1 llu ZN Ir: 171 WV 14 Tllc�_l "I I 1-IM .' Ll� N�_, E ­­ 0% —LE Oi N P� _VA A TNRD 'MTI=S � NEE. IN _R —E—T-1 r) I .' l­ I I ­ A I I � U.A* (n Jmy DWI kk AII0V rMS TE.G.1 I ­­ ls� 0 z z IMP r'4 z >_ Lf) uo F CA AfU3 JITOIEI PRGJEGTN 31717�01 A 12, .1— 1., 11 1-11 8i11LDING EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS ;MEET. NEA204 EXI ERIOR SOUTH ELEVATION (09� EE r� A Lr� I N p a7 . [V ■ p Gl rrwwrar M7 xn J EXTERIOR VVEST ELEVATION 03 F -- . m 7 V7 r.� 0 2 a, z ry 4= J C] IL _ 0 M � E F LU Z [V ar a�E wur+ PROACT PFI s EXI WITH TERIOR RENDER Ei E VATI?N EXTERIOR NOHI'H ELEVATION !051 EXTERIOR EAST ELEVATION 0) `"'�""""' A205 i4 % STARRUCK II Ni I Z T 1 LCA 9 CANOPY(03) OVERALL Eo Pi kim w CLEAR uj I t 5 x >1 N >E co N cry I-RDA'C': 0-1 - — - — - — - — - — — - — - Li N — — - — - — - — - — - CANOPY ELEVATION Yl?�N CANOPY SECTION A700 PC RESOLUTION NO. 2023- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA23-0130, A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO ALLOW FOR A DRIVE-THRU FACILITY LOCATED AT 27425 YNEZ ROAD, AND MAKING A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) (APN 921-260- 023) Section 1. Procedural Findings. The Planning Commission of the City of Temecula does hereby find, determine and declare that: A. On March 28, 2023, Maikel Faragalla, filed Planning Application No. PA23-0130, a Conditional Use Permit Application in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code. B. The Application was processed including, but not limited to a public notice, in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law. C. The Planning Commission, at a regular meeting, considered the Application and environmental review on May 17, 2023, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, at which time the City staff and interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to this matter. D. At the conclusion of the Planning Commission hearing and after due consideration of the testimony, the Planning Commission approved Planning Application No. PA23-0130 subject to and based upon the findings set forth hereunder. E. All legal preconditions to the adoption of the Resolution have occurred. Section 2. Further Findings. The Planning Commission, in approving the Application hereby finds, determines and declares that: Conditional Use Permits, Development Code Section A. The proposed conditional use is consistent with the General Plan and the Development Code. The proposed use will be a coffee shop drive-thru. Drive-thru facilities are a permitted use in Community Commercial zoning districts upon the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. The project meets all requirements contained is section of the Development Code. In addition, the use is in conformance with the City of Temecula General Plan for Community Commercial Land Use Districts. B. proposed conditional use is compatible with the nature, condition and development of adjacent uses, buildings and structures and the proposed conditional use will not adversely affect the adjacent uses, buildings or structures. The drive-thru will be one of several already operational within the center. In addition, drive-thru facilities are common within commercial centers. As conditioned, the proposed drive-thru is compatible with the nature, condition, and development of adjacent uses, buildings and structures and the proposed conditional use is not anticipated to adversely affect the adjacent uses, buildings or structures. C. The site for a proposed conditional use is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the yards, walls, fences, parking and loading facilities, buffer areas, landscaping, and other development features prescribed in this development code and required by the planning commission or council in order to integrate the use with other uses in the neighborhood. The conditional use will allow for a drive-thru that already physically exists and that serviced the previous bank. The drive-thru is adequate in size and shape to accommodate the yards, walls, fences, parking and loading facilities, buffer area, landscaping, and other development features described in the Development Code. As conditioned, the drive-thru is well integrated with other uses in the neighborhood and is anticipated to operate without incident. D. The nature of the proposed conditional use is not detrimental to the health, safety and general welfare of the community. The project has been developed to ensure compliance with the Building, Development, and Fire Codes. These codes contain provisions designed to provide for the health, safety, and general welfare of the community. Negative impacts are not anticipated. E. That the decision to approve, conditionally approve, or deny the application for a Conditional Use Permit be based on substantial evidence in view of the record as a whole before the Planning Director, Planning Commission, or City Council on appeal. The decision to conditionally approve the application for the Conditional Use Permit is based on substantial evidence in view of the record as a whole before the Planning Commission or City Council on appeal. Section 3. Environmental Findings. The Planning Commission hereby makes the following environmental findings and determinations in connection with the approval of the Conditional Use Permit Application: A. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the proposed project has been deemed to be categorically exempt from further environmental review (Section 15332, Class 32, In -Fill Development Projects); The project will allow an existing commercial structure to be converted from a bank to a coffee shop. The site is fully developed is less than five acres and does not serve as habitat for endangered species. In addition, the site is currently serviced, and will continue to be serviced, by all utility providers. Negative impacts are not anticipated. Section 4. Conditions, Statement of Operations, and Plans. The Planning Commission of the City of Temecula approves Planning Application No. PA23-0130, a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a drive-thru facility located at 27425 Ynez Road, subject to the Final Conditions of Approval set forth on Exhibit A, and Statement of Operations set forth on Exhibit B, attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City of Temecula Planning Commission this 17th day of May, 2023. Lanae Turley-Trejo, Chair ATTEST: Luke Watson Secretary [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE )ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Luke Watson, Secretary of the Temecula Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing PC Resolution No. 2023- was duly and regularly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the 17th day of May 2023, by the following vote: AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: NOES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Luke Watson Secretary CITY OF TEMECULA CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ACCEPTANCE Planning Application Number: PA23-0130 Parcel Number(s): 921-260-023 By signing below, I/we have agreed to the following Conditions of Approval, including (but not limited to) any referenced documents, local state, or federal regulations, statement of operations, hours of operation, floor plans, site plans, and Conditions that may require the payment or reimbursement of fees, as described. I/we have read the attached Conditions of Approval and understand them. I/we also understand that violations or non-compliance with these Conditions of Approval, may delay a project, and/or result in the revocation of a permit in accordance with the Temecula Municipal Code. I/we are also responsible for disclosing these Conditions of Approval to any successive owners/operators. I/we agree and commit to the City of Temecula that I/we will implement and abide by the Conditions of Approval, including any indemnification requirements imposed by those conditions. Property Owner Printed Name Property Owner Signature & Date Applicant Printed Name Applicant Signature & Date EXHIBIT A CITY OF TEMECULA DRAFT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Application No.: PA23-0130 Project Description: Starbucks Drive-Thru CUP: A Conditional Use Permit to allow for a drive-thru facility at 27425 Ynez Road. (Related application PA22-0722, Starbucks Development Plan). Assessor's Parcel No.: 921-260-023 MSHCP Category: Commercial DIF Category: N/A (No New Square Footage) TUMF Category: Per WRCOG Requirements Quimby Category: N/A (Non -Residential Project) New Street In -lieu of Fee: N/A (Not Located within the Uptown Temecula Specific Plan) Approval Date: May 17, 2023 Expiration Date: May 17, 2026 PLANNING DIVISION Within 48 Hours of the Approval Page 1 of 4 Applicant Filing Notice of Determination. APPLICANT ACTION REQUIRED: The applicant/developer is responsible for filing the Notice of Determination as required under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and California Code of Regulations Section 15062 within 48 hours of the project approval. If within said 48-hour period the applicant/ developer has not filed the Notice of Determination as required above, the approval for the project granted shall be void due to failure of this condition. Failure to submit the Notice of Exemption will result in an extended period of time for legal challenges. FEES: Fees for the Notice of Exemption include the Fifty Dollar ($50.00) County administrative fee. The County of Riverside charges additional fees for credit card transactions. FILING: The City shall provide the applicant with a Notice of Determination within 24 hours of approval via email. If the applicant/developer has not received the Notice of Determination within 24 hours of approval, they shall contact the case Planner immediately. All CEQA documents must be filed online with the Riverside County Assessor —County Clerk- Recorder. A direct link to the CEQA filings page is available at TemeculaCA.gov/CEQA. COPY OF FILINGS: The applicant shall provide the City with a digital copy of the required filings within 48 hours. General Requirements 2. Indemnification of the City. Indemnity, Duty to Defend and Obligation to Pay Judgments and Defense Costs, Including Attorneys' Fees, Incurred by the City. The Applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, volunteers, agents, and those City agents serving as independent contractors in the role of City officials (collectively "Indemnitees") from and against any claims, damages, actions, causes of actions, lawsuits, suits, proceedings, losses, judgments, costs, and expenses (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees or court costs) in any manner arising out of or incident to the Planning Commission's actions, this approval and the City Council's actions, related entitlements, or the City's environmental review thereof. The Applicant shall pay and satisfy any judgment, award or decree that may be rendered against City or the other Indemnitees in any such suit, action, or other legal proceeding. The City shall promptly notify the Applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding and the City shall reasonably cooperate in the defense. If the City fails to promptly notify the Applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding, or if the City fails to reasonably cooperate in the defense, the Applicant shall not thereafter be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City or the Indemnitees. The City shall have the right to select counsel of its choice. The Applicant shall reimburse the City, and the other Indemnitees, for any and all legal expenses and costs incurred by each of them in connection therewith or in enforcing the indemnity herein provided. Nothing in this condition shall be construed to require the Applicant to indemnify Indemnitees for any claim arising from the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnitees. In the event such a legal action is filed challenging the City's determinations herein or the issuance of the approval, the City shall estimate its expenses for the litigation. The Applicant shall deposit said amount with the City or, at the discretion of the City, enter into an agreement with the City to pay such expenses as they become due. Page 2 of 4 Expiration. This approval shall be used within three years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void. Use means the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval within the three-year period, which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion, or the beginning of substantial utilization contemplated by this approval, or use of a property in conformance with a Conditional Use Permit. A modification made to an approved development plan does not affect the original approval date of a development plan. 4. Time Extension. The Director of Community Development may, upon an application being filed prior to expiration, and for good cause, grant a time extension of up to five extensions of time, one year at a time. A modification made to an approved development plan does not affect the original approval date of a development plan. Conformance with Approved Plans. The development of the premises shall substantially conform to the approved site plan and elevations contained on file with the Planning Division. 6. Water Quality and Drainage. Other than stormwater, it is illegal to allow liquids, gels, powders, sediment, fertilizers, landscape debris, and waste from entering the storm drain system or from leaving the property. To ensure compliance with this Condition of Approval: a. Spills and leaks shall be cleaned up immediately. b. Do not wash, maintain, or repair vehicles onsite. c. Do not hose down parking areas, sidewalks, alleys, or gutters. d. Ensure that all materials and products stored outside are protected from rain. e. Ensure all trash bins are covered at all times. Modifications or Revisions. The developer shall obtain City approval for any modifications or revisions to the approval of this project. Revocation of CUP. This Conditional Use Permit may be revoked pursuant to Section 17.03.080 of the City's Development Code. City Review and Modification of CUP. The City, its Director of Community Development, Planning Commission, and City Council retain and reserve the right and jurisdiction to review and modify this Conditional Use Permit (including the Conditions of Approval) based on changed circumstances. Changed circumstances include, but are not limited to, the modification of business, a change in scope, emphasis, size of nature of the business, and the expansion, alteration, reconfiguration or change of use. The reservation of right to review any Conditional Use Permit granted or approved or conditionally approved hereunder by the City, its Director of Community Development, Planning Commission and City Council is in addition to, and not in -lieu of, the right of the City, its Director of Community Development, Planning Commission, and City Council to review, revoke or modify any Conditional Use Permit approved or conditionally approved hereunder for any violations of the conditions imposed on such Conditional Use Permit or for the maintenance of any nuisance condition or other code violation thereon. 10. Display of Conditional Use Permit. The City of Temecula Approval Letter for the Conditional Use Permit shall be displayed on the premises in a conspicuous place so that law enforcement and city staff entering the establishment may readily see the Conditional Use Permit. A copy of the stamped approved floor plan/site plan approved with the Conditional Use Permit and the full set of Conditionals of Approval (including all previous approvals) shall always be kept on the premises and made available at the request of any law enforcement officer, fire marshal, code officer, or deputy fire marshal. Prior to Release of Power, Building Occupancy or Any Use Allowed by This Permit Page 3 of 4 11. Compliance with Conditions of Approval. All of the foregoing conditions shall be complied with prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this approval. Page 4 of 4 43190 Business Park Drive Suite 203 Temecula, CA 92590 714-331-6114 1 info(@urbandwellarchitects.com Date: 06-27-22 Project name: 5tarbucks Ynex RD. Project Address: 27425 Ynex Rd. Temecula, CA 92591 APN: 291-260-023 Section C. Statement of ❑perations/ justification We are writing this statement as an amendment to section C per the city of Temecula planning division modification application. • Proposed modification is a tenant improvement for 5tarbucks coffee shop to an existing building (former bank). Proposed Starbucks will operate as a drive-thru facility and proposed on site indoor and outdoor seating. • Hours and days of operation: proposed 5tarbucks will operate 24 Hours a day on all week days. • Number of employees per shift: 4 employees/ shift • No proposed private security required. • Estimated number of customers: +/- 50 occ. • Total number of parking spaces: 14 stalls (2 ADA, 2 EV ready one of which is ADA) • No food preparation/ cooking on site, all of the proposed food will be prepackaged food heated as required and served to customers. • No Alcohol served on site; proposed facility offers hot/cold non-alcoholic beverages. • No sound entrainment proposed on site. Notice of Public Hearin THE CITY OF TEMECULA - 41000 Main Street- Temecula, CA 92590 — TemeculaCA.gov A PUBLIC HEARING has been scheduled before the PLANNING COMMISSION to consider the matter(s) described below: Case No.: PA22-0722 & PA23-0130 Applicant: Maikel Faragalla Project Location: 27425 Ynez Road Proposal: PA22-0722 a Modification application to allow revisions to an existing commercial site consisting of fagade and site improvements and PA23-0130, a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a drive-thru facility. Environmental Action: In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the proposed project is exempt from further environmental review and a Notice of Exemption will be adopted in compliance with CEQA Section 15332, Class 32, In -Fill Development Projects Case Planner: Eric Jones, 951-506-5115 PLACE OF HEARING: 41000 Main Street, Temecula, CA 92590, City of Temecula, Council Chambers DATE OF HEARING: May 17, 2023 TIME OF HEARING: 6:00 PM X N - X1 P Project Site M 0 200 400 The complete agenda packet (including any supplemental materials) will be available for viewing in the Main Reception area at the Temecula Civic Center (41000 Main Street, Temecula) after 4:00 p.m. the Friday before the Planning Commission Meeting. At that time, the packet may also be accessed on the City's website — TemeculaCA.gov and will be available for public review at the respective meeting. Any writing distributed to a majority of the Commission regarding any item on the Agenda, after the posting of the Agenda, will be available for public review in the Main Reception area at the Temecula Civic Center (41000 Main Street, Temecula), 8:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m. In addition, such material will be made available on the City's website — TemeculaCA.gov — and will be available for public review at the meeting. Any petition for judicial review of a decision of the Planning Commission shall be filed within time required by, and controlled by, Sections 1094.5 and 1094.6 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. In any such action or proceeding seeking judicial review of, which attacks or seeks to set aside, or void any decision of the Planning Commission shall be limited to those issues raised at the hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to, the public hearing described in this notice. Questions? Please call the Community Development Department at (951) 694-6400. City of Temecula Community Development 41000 Main Street • Temecula, CA 92590 Phone (951 ) 694-6400 • TemeculaCA.gov VIA -ELECTRONIC SUBMITTAL CEQAProcessing@asrclkrec.com May 18, 2023 Supervising Legal Certification Clerk County of Riverside P.O. Box 751 Riverside, CA 92501-0751 SUBJECT: Filing of a Notice of Exemption for Planning Application Number PA22-0722 a Modification application to allow revisions to an existing commercial site consisting of faVade and site improvements and PA23-0130, a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a drive-thru facility. The project is located at 27425 Ynez Road. Dear Sir/Madam: Enclosed is the Notice of Exemption for the above referenced project. In addition, pursuant to Assembly Bill 3158 (Chapter 1706) the Applicant will pay for the County Administrative fee to enable the City to file the Notice of Exemption required under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and 14 California Code Regulations 1507. The payment of the $50.00 filing fee is under protest. It is the opinion of the City that the administrative fee has been increased in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of State Law. Under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and 14 California Code Regulations 1507, the County is entitled to receive a $25.00 filing fee. Also, please email a stamped copy of the Notice of Exemption within five working days after the 30-day posting to the email listed below. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Eric Jones at email: eric.jones@TemeculaCA.gov. Sincerely, Luke Watson Deputy City Manager Enclosures: Notice of Exemption Form Electronic Payment - Filing Fee Receipt 1 CD229 C:\USERS\UFC-PROD\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\BCL TECHNOLOGIES\EASYPDF 8\@BCL@642B4E40\@BCL@642B4E40.DOCX City of Temecula Community Development Planning Division Notice of Exemption TO: County Clerk and Recorders Office FROM: Planning Division County of Riverside City of Temecula P.O. Box 751 41000 Main Street Riverside, CA 92501-0751 Temecula, CA 92590 Project Title: Starbucks Modification (PA22-0722) & Conditional Use Permit (PA23-0130) Description of Project: A Modification application to allow revisions to an existing commercial site consisting of fagade and site improvements and a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a drive-thru facility. Project Location: The project is located at 27425 Ynez Road. Applicant/Proponent: Maikel Faragalla The Planning Commission approved the above -described project on May 17, 2023 and found that the project is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, as amended. Exempt Status: (check one) ❑ Ministerial (Section 21080(b)(1); Section 15268); ❑ Statutory Exemptions (Section Number: ) ❑ Declared Emergency (Section 21080(b)(3); Section ® Categorical Exemption: (Section 15332, Class 32, In- 15269(a)); Fill Development Projects) ❑ Emergency Project (Section 21080(b)(4); Section ❑ Other: Section 15061(b)(3) 15269(b)(c)); Statement of Reasons Supporting the Finding that the Project is Exempt: The project will allow an existing commercial structure to be converted from a bank to a coffee shop. The site is fully developed and is less than five acres nor does it serve as habitat for endangered species. In addition, the site is currently serviced, and will continue to be serviced, by all utility providers. Negative impacts are not anticipated. Contact Person/Title: Eric Jones, Associate Planner Telephone Number (951) 506-5115 Signature: Luke Watson, Deputy City Manager Date received for filing at the County Clerk and Recorders Office: Date: 2 CD229 C:\USERS\UFC-PROD\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\BCL TECH NOLOG IES\EASYPDF 8\@BCL@642B4E40\@BCL@642B4E40.DOCX 3 CD229 C:\USERS\UFC-PROD\APPDATA\LOCAL\TEMP\BCL TECH NOLOGIES\EASYPDF 8\@BCL@642B4E40\@BCL@642B4E40.DOCX