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BaJB Ma!AMOpBaVIJ aLlj uI ApnlS oWBJl B BUIlBII!UI JO uOIlBJaPlsuo:) . laaJlS ABM-auo B OJ BpBIO:) BUld allB:) jJaAuo:) . BPBIO:) BUld allB:) uo sapJ!::l ::JI#BJl JO UO!!BIIBISUI . luawasB3 PPlslO JalBM UBl!lodoJlaVIJ aLII 6uOIB pBOJ Mau B pnJjsuo:) . BpBjO:) BU!d allB:) asol:) . :uoIlBJapISUOo S,UOISS!wwo:) aLII JOJ BpBlo:) BUld allB:) JO BaJB aLII uI slUapIsaJ WOJJ slSanbaJ aJB BU!MOIIOJ aLlI . BpBIO:) BUld liB:) UO SjUapISaJ aLII JO ISanbaJ aLlj lB UO!SS!wwo:) AlaJBS O!UBJl/O!lqnd aLII aJoJaq wal! aLll Bupq 01 IPuno:) All:) a4l Aq papaJIP SBM #BlS lB41 . :BUIMOIIOJ aLll6uIlOU '(pJo::JaJ JO) jJodaJ UBlS B LlllM uOIsslwwo:) AlaJBS OIUBJlIOllqnd a4l palUasaJd WBPBLlBoVIJ Jaau!BU3 IBdpuPd 'PBOCl AUJBa)lIBJaua8 LljJON pUB laaJlS BU!lJBlS 'ABM 6UIIJapUBS 'pBO~ BaMLlB)l BUIuado BUIPJBBaJ uo!paJIP apIAOJd 'L pUB :ApnlS OIUBJI MalAMopBaVIJ aLII alB!IIUI 01 ISanbaJ aLll BUIPJBBaJ UBlS 01 UOlpaJIP apIAoJd '9 pUB :BpBIO:) BU!d allB:) asop ollSanbaJ aLII AuaO '9 pUB :laaJlS ABM -auo e OJ BpBlo:) BUld allB:) jJaAUO:J 01 ISanbaJ aLII Auao 'v pUB :BpBIO:) BUld allB:) uo sapJ!::l ::JIUBJl IIBlsul 01 ISanbaJ a4l AuaO '8 pUB ~BPBIO:) BUld allB:) uo suBIS dOlS ABM-!lInW IIBjSUI 01 ISanbaJ aLII AuaO '2: pUB :luawasB3 PIJjSIO JalBM UBl!lodoJlaVIJ aLII BUOIB pBOJ Mau B pnJlSuo::J 01 ISanbaJ a4l AuaO '~ :UOISSIWWO:) AlaJBS OIUBJl/::J!lqnd aLlj lBLlI ~ '8 :NOII\lON3V1JVlJO:)3~ epelo:l eU!d alle:l- SIOJ~uo:l ::J!yeJI JO! ~sanDa~ of: "w"d 00:0 ~ 01 BU!laaW aLII pualxa 01 uOIsslwwo:) aLlj JO snsuasuoo a4l SBM II Director of Public Works Hughes added for clarity that the item before the Public/Traffic Safety Commission Is at the request of the City Council, prompted by residents on Calle Pina Colada; that staff worked hard to address each of the identified possible solutions to the traffic volumes on Calle Pina Colada, Mr. Hughes also noted that staff was directed to explore the possibility of opening other streets to help balance the traffic in the area; that staff is not providing a recommendation one way or another with regards to those requests, For Mr. Hughes, Chairman Jacobs queried if opening Kahwea Road, Sanderling Way, Starling Way and North General Kearny Road would help to balance traffic, For Chairman Jacobs, Mr, Hughes responded that it Is staff's opinion that opening streets help to balance traffic; but that Calle Pina Colada would likely still have considerable high volumes due to it being an attractive route; and that while opening streets would help to remove some trips from Calle Pina Colada, it would not completely resolve Calle Pina Colada residents' situation to their satisfaction, At this time, the Public Hearing was opened, The below mentioned individuals spoke in opposition of the opening of Kahwea Road, Sanderling Way, Starling Street and North General Kearny Road for reasons stated below: . Ms, Gina Perrin Ms, Jenny Strutz . Ms, Sandi Gesswein Mr. Steve Gosset . Mr. Norman Clark, Ms, Toby Leon . Mr. Richard Moriki Ms, Shana Fajardo . Mr, Chuck Washington Ms, Diana Lovett-Webb . Ms, Jan Austin Mr. Michael Spinazzola . That the roads in Meadowview cannot handle any additional traffic . That the streets are too narrow to take on any more traffic congestion . That by adding additional traffic in the area will put children and horses in danger . That adding more traffic into the area will only add to the already high volumes of stop-light violations and speed violations The below mentioned individuals spoke in favor of the opening of Kahwea Road, Sanderling Way, Starling Street and north General Kearny Road for the following reasons: . Ms, Jayme Christian . Ms, Cheryl Huber . Mr. Brett Saunders . Mr, Walt Carpenter Mr. Walt Carpenter Ms, Suzanne Zychowicz Mr, John Zychowicz . That opening the above mentioned streets will help to increase the quality of life for residents throughout Temecula by providing more accessibility . That Calle Pina Colada was designed to be a residential street and is currently being used as a collector street R:\Minutes\PublicTrafficSafetyCommission012705 9 . That opening Kahwea Road, Sanderling Way, Starling Street, and North General Kearny Road will provide a better balance and distribution of local traffic in the area and alleviate traffic congestion at intersections of Margarita Road and Winchester Road, Nicolas Road and Winchester Road, and Margarita Road and North General Road during peak hours . That a no-left-turn sign out of Calle Pina Colada onto La Serena or a no-left-turn onto Calle Pina from La Serena would be a probable solution, . That more Police Officers are needed to enforce the speeders in the area, At 9:59 p,m" the Public Hearing was closed, Commissioner Ramos relayed that due to a conflict of interest he will not be able to vote on this item and excused himself from the dais, Commissioner Arbogast noted that for safety purposes, the residents of Calle Pina Colada may want to consider installing signs that indicate where equestrian trails are located, Commissioner Arbogast also queried the feasibility of conducting a study indicating whether or not a no-left-turn out of Calle Pina Colada onto La Serena would be feasible, For Commissioner Arbogast, Mr. Hughes responded that it would be feasible to install turning movements at Calle Pina Colada and La Serena but is of the opinion that most motorists would not observe the signs unless there was a physical obstruction to keep motorist from making movements, In responding to Commissioner Arbogast's query regarding traffic accidents on Calle Pina Colada and La Serena, Sergeant Pino stated that at this time he does not have that information available, but will e-mail the information to her, In an effort to save time, it was consensus of the Commission to take a motion for each item separately, Chairman Jacobs directed staff to explore the possibility of purchasing a solar/battery- run LED signs that are effective in reducing speeds up to 20 percent. Item No.1 MOTION: Commissioner Youmans moved to deny the request of construction of a new road along the Metropolitan Water District Easement. Commissioner Lanier seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval of the denial with the exception of Commissioner Ramos who abstained, Item No.2 MOTION: Commissioner Lanier moved to deny the request to install multi-way stop signs on Calle Pina Colada, Commissioner Arbogast seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval of the denial with the exception of Commissioner Ramos who abstained, R:\Minutes\PublicTrafficSafetyCommission012705 10 Item No.3 MOTION: Commissioner Lanier moved to deny the request to install traffic circles on Calle Pina Colada, Commissioner Arbogast seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval of the denial with the exception of Commissioner Ramos who abstained, Item Nos. 5. 6, and 7 MOTION: Commissioner Lanier moved that these items be continued to February or March to give staff time to explore the possibility of making Calle Pina Colada a one-way street, that lane narrowing, chicanes road stripping, and other traffic calming measures be provided; that staff provide modeling of what the potential impacts would be if Calle Pina Colada were to be opened; and that no studies be taken for Sanderling Way, Starling Street, and North General Kearny Road, Commissioner Arbogast seconded the motion voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Ramos who abstained and Chairman Jacobs who voted No, Chairman Jacobs suggested adding a traffic study to the motion AMENDED MOTION AS FOLLOWS: Commissioner Lanier moved that these items be continued to February or March to give staff time to explore the possibility of making Calle Pina Colada a one-way street, that lane narrowing, chicanes road stripping, and other traffic calming measures be provided; that staff provide modeling of what the potential impact would be if Calle Pina Colada were to be opened; and that no studies be taken for Sanderling Way, Starling Street, and North General Kearny Road, Commissioner Arbogast seconded the motion voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Ramos who abstained and Chairman Jacobs who voted No. AMENDMENT: Commissioner Lanier moved to add that a traffic study be completed and added to the motion, Commissioner Arbogast seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of Commissioner Ramos who abstained, Item No.4 MOTION: It was the consensus of the Commission to continue this item to the February or March meeting, 4. Public/Traffic Safety Commission Goal Plannina - 2005 RECOMMENDATION: 4,1 That the Public/Traffic Safety Commission engage in a goal planning discussion for the coming year. It was the consensus of the Public/Traffic Safety Commission to continue this Item to the February 24, 2005 meeting, R:\Minutes\PublicTrafficSafetyCommission012705 11 5. Traffic Enqineer's Report No report was provided at this time, 6. Police Chiefs Report Sergeant Pino invited the Public/Traffic Safety Commissioner's to a DUI checkpoint to be held Friday, January 28, 2005 at Pechanga Parkway, 7. Fire Chiefs Report Fire Marshal Mc Bride reported that the Spark of Love Toy Drive was a big success, ADJOURNMENT At 10:35 p,m, Chairman Jacobs formally adjourned this meeting to Thursday, February 24, 2005 at 6:00 P,M" in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, fLi~ Chairman Paul Jacobs ~ R:\Minutes\PublicTrafficSafetyCommissionO 12705 12