HomeMy WebLinkAbout09062023 PC AgendaIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the office of the City Clerk (951) 694-6444. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to that meeting [28 CFR 35 .102.35.104 ADA Title II]. AGENDA TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 41000 MAIN STREET TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA SEPTEMBER 6, 2023 - 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER: Chair Lanae Turley-Trejo FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Bob Hagel ROLL CALL: Hagel, Ruiz, Solis, Turley-Trejo, Watts PUBLIC COMMENT A total of 30 minutes is provided for members of the public to address the Commission on matters not listed on the agenda. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the Commission Secretary. Speaker cards will be called in the order received. Still images may be displayed on the projector. All other audio and visual use is prohibited. Public comments may also be submitted by email for inclusion into the record. Email comments must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments and submitted to PlanningCommission@temeculaca.gov. All public participation is governed by Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No . 2021-54. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the Commission request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. A total of 30 minutes is provided for members of the public to address the Commission on items that appear on the Consent Calendar. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the Commission Secretary. Speaker cards will be called in the order received. Still images may be displayed on the projector. All other audio and visual use is prohibited . Public comments may also be submitted by email for inclusion into the record. Email comments must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments and submitted to PlanningCommission@temeculaca.gov. All public participation is governed by Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No . 2021-54. 1.Minutes Approve the Action Minutes of July 19, 2023Recommendation: MinutesAttachments: Page 1 Planning Commission Agenda September 6, 2023 2.Director's Hearing Summary Report Receive and File Director’s Hearing Summary ReportRecommendation: MemorandumAttachments: PUBLIC HEARING Any person may submit written comments to the Commission before a public hearing or may appear and be heard in support of or in opposition to the approval of the project(s) at the time of the hearing. If you challenge any of the project(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Commission Secretary at, or prior to, the public hearing. For public hearings each speaker is limited to 5 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the Commission Secretary or by submitting an email to be included into the record. Email comments must be submitted to PlanningCommission@temeculaca.gov. Email comments on all matters, including those not on the agenda, must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments. Any person dissatisfied with a decision of the Commission may file an appeal of the Commission's decision. Said appeal must be filed within 15 calendar days after service of written notice of the decision. The appeal must be filed on the appropriate Community Development Department form and be accompanied by the appropriate filing fee. All public participation is governed by the Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No . 2021-54. 3.Planning Application Number PA23-0260, a Planned Development Overlay Amendment to adjust the boundaries of three (3) existing planning areas and the creation of two (2) new sub-areas within Planning Area 1. The project does not propose any development within the Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District, Scott Cooper Adopt a resolution entitled: PC RESOLUTION NO. 2023- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED “AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY AMENDMENT TO THE LINFIELD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY (PDO-7) GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF PAUBA RD., SOUTH OF RANCHO VISTA RD., EAST OF TEMECULA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL, AND WEST OF GREEN TREE RD., AND MAKE A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (APN: 955-020-012, 017, 018, AND 019) (PA23-0260)” Recommendation: Page 2 Planning Commission Agenda September 6, 2023 Agenda Report Aerial PC Resolution Exhibit A - Draft City Council Ordinance Exhibit B – Planned Development Overlay Amendment Planned Development Overlay Amendment (Underline/Strikeout) Notice of Exemption Notice of Public Hearing Attachments: 4.Planning Application No. PA22-0035, a Development Plan for the construction of an approximately 288,269 square foot, 355 room, seven (7) story, 91-foot, full service hotel that includes an approximately 174,382 square foot parking garage, conference facilities /ballrooms, full service spa, restaurants, bars/lounges, retail outlets, workout facility, outdoor pool area, and an outdoor wedding garden; and PA22-0037, a Tentative Parcel Map (TPM 38349) to combine ten existing lots into a single lot. The project is located on the east side of Front Street between First Street and Second Street (APNs: 922-072-005, 007, 010, 011, 013, 016, 018, 020, 021, and 023), Scott Cooper Adopt resolutions entitled: PC RESOLUTION NO. 2023- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DENYING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA22-0035, DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR AN APPROXIMATELY 288,269 SQUARE FOOT, 355 ROOM, SEVEN (7) STORY, 91-FOOT, FULL SERVICE HOTEL THAT INCLUDES AN APPROXIMATELY 174,382 SQUARE FOOT PARKING GARAGE LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF FRONT STREET BETWEEN FIRST STREET AND SECOND STREET AND MAKING A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (APNS: 922-072-005, 007, 010, 011, 013, 016, 018, 020, 021, AND 023) PC RESOLUTION NO. 2023- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DENYING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA22-0037, TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP (TPM 38349) TO COMBINE TEN EXISTING LOTS INTO A SINGLE LOT LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF FRONT STREET BETWEEN FIRST STREET AND SECOND STREET AND MAKING A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (APNS: 922-072-005, 007, 010, 011, 013, 016, 018, 020, 021, AND 023) Recommendation: Page 3 Planning Commission Agenda September 6, 2023 Agenda Report Aerial Map PC Resolution – Development Plan Plan Reductions – Development Plan PC Resolution – Tentative Parcel Map Plan Reductions – Tentative Parcel Map Notice of Public Hearing Attachments: COMMISSIONER REPORTS COMMISSION SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR REPORT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR REPORT ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission will be held on Wednesday, September 20, 2023, at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers located at 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The full agenda packet (including staff reports and any supplemental material available after the original posting of the agenda), distributed to a majority of the Planning Commission regarding any item on the agenda, will be available for public viewing in the main reception area of the Temecula Civic Center during normal business hours at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. The material will also be available on the City's website at TemeculaCa.gov. and available for review at the respective meeting. If you have questions regarding any item on the agenda, please contact the Community Development Department at (951) 694-6444. Page 4 Item No. 1 1 ACTION MINUTES TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 41000 MAIN STREET TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA JULY 19, 2023 - 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER at 6:00 PM: Chair Lanae Turley-Trejo FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Fernando Solis ROLL CALL: Hagel, Ruiz (absent), Solis, Turley-Trejo, Watts PUBLIC COMMENT - None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes Recommendation: Approve the Action Minutes of June 7, 2023 Approved the Staff Recommendation (4-0, Ruiz absent): Motion by Watts, Second by Hagel. The vote reflected unanimous approval with Ruiz absent. PUBLIC HEARING 2. Planning Application Number PA23-0134, a Public Convenience or Necessity Application for a Type 20 (off-sale beer and wine) alcohol license for a new grocery store, Kennedy's Meat Company located at 41269 Margarita Road, Suite C-105, Jaime Cardenas Recommendation: Adopt a resolution entitled: PC RESOLUTION NO. 2023-13 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA23-0134, A PUBLIC CONVENIENCE OR NECESSITY APPLICATION FOR A TYPE 20 (OFF-SALE BEER AND WINE) ALCOHOL LICENSE FOR A NEW SPECIALTY MARKET, KENNEDY'S MEAT COMPANY, LOCATED AT 41269 MARGARITA ROAD, SUITE C-105, AND MAKING A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) (APN: 921-830-003) Approved the Staff Recommendation (4-0, Ruiz absent): Motion by Hagel, Second by Solis. The vote reflected unanimous approval with Ruiz absent. 2 3. Long Range Planning Project Number LR23-0050, Amending Title 5, 8 and 17 of the Temecula Municipal Code as detailed in the proposed Ordinance attached here as Exhibit A, Mark Collins Recommendation: Adopt a resolution entitled: PC RESOLUTION NO. 2023-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED, “AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING TITLES 5, 8, AND 17 OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE TO (1) AMEND MASSAGE ESTABLISHMENT REGULATIONS, (2) ADD DEFINITIONS FOR TOBACCO SHOP, TOBACCO SHOP PERMIT AND UPDATE DEFINITIONS OF TOBACCO PRODUCT AND TOBACCO PARAPHERNALIA, (3) IMPLEMENT A TOBACCO SHOP PERMIT PROGRAM TO INCLUDE STRUCTURAL AND OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS, (4) UPDATE TOBACCO RETAILERS LICENSE PROCESSES, (5) AMEND REGULATIONS ON SMOKING IN HOTEL ROOMS, (6) REMOVE TOBACCO SHOP AS A CONDITIONALLY APPROVED USE IN TABLE 17.08.030, (7) IMPLEMENT TOBACCO SHOP PERMIT REQUIREMENTS IN PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY ZONING DESIGNATIONS 1 AND 4, AND (8) MAKE A FINDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE IS EXEMPT FROM THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) PURSUANT TO CEQA GUIDELINES SECTION 15061 (B)(3).” Approved the Staff Recommendation (4-0, Ruiz absent): Motion by Solis, Second by Hagel. The vote reflected unanimous approval with Ruiz absent. COMMISSIONER REPORTS COMMISSION SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR REPORT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR REPORT ADJOURNMENT At 7:22 PM, the Planning Commission meeting was formally adjourned to Wednesday, August 2, 2023, at 6:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. Lanae Turley-Trejo, Chair Luke Watson, Deputy City Manager Item No. 2 CITY OF TEMECULA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission Chair and members of the Planning Commission FROM: Matt Peters, Assistant Director of Community Development DATE: September 6, 2023 SUBJECT: Director's Hearing Summary Report Community Development Director’s Agenda item(s) for July 2023. Date Case No. Proposal Applicant Action July 6, 2023 PA23-0115 A resolution of the Director of Community Development of the City of Temecula Approving Planning Application No. PA23- 0115, a Conditional Use Permit for a proposed escape room facility within the promenade mall located at 40820 Winchester Road, Suite 590, and making a finding of exemption under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (APN 910-420-030) Aaron Schindehette APPROVED DH RESOLUTION NO. 2023-03 Attachments: Action Agendas ACTION AGENDA ACTION AGENDA TEMECULA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR'S HEARING MEETING TEMECULA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 41000 MAIN STREET TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA JULY 6, 2023 - 1:30 PM CALL TO ORDER at 1:30 PM: Matt Peters, Assistant Director of Community Development PUBLIC COMMENTS: None Item No. 1 1:30 PM Project Number: PA23-0115 Project Type: Conditional Use Permit Project Title: Red Door Escape Room CUP Applicant: Aaron Schindehette Project Description: Planning Application Number PA23-0115, a Conditional Use Permit for a proposed escape room facility within the Promenade Mall. Location: 40820 Winchester Road, Suite 590 Environmental Action: Categorically Exempt Section 15301, Class 1 (Existing Facilities) Project Planner: Jaime Cardenas, Case Planner ACTION: APPROVED ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 1:35 PM Item No. 3 1 STAFF REPORT – PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION TO: Planning Commission Chairperson and members of the Planning Commission FROM: Luke Watson, Deputy City Manager DATE OF MEETING: September 6, 2023 PREPARED BY: Scott Cooper, Case Planner PROJECT SUMMARY: Planning Application Number PA23-0260, a Planned Development Overlay Amendment to adjust the boundaries of three (3) existing planning areas and the creation of two (2) new sub-areas within Planning Area 1. The project does not propose any development within the Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the proposed Planning Commission Resolution recommending the City Council adopt a Planned Development Overlay Amendment CEQA: Categorically Exempt Section 15061(b)(3) Section 15305, Class 5, Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations PROJECT DATA SUMMARY Name of Applicant: Linfield Christian School General Plan Designation: Public Institutional (PI) Zoning Designation: Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay (PDO-7) Existing Conditions/ Land Use: Site: Vacant, Linfield Christian School / Public Institutional (PI) North: Rancho Vista Road, Single Family Residential / Low Medium Density Residential (LM) South: Pauba Road, Single Family Residential, Paloma Elementary School / Low Medium Residential (LM), Public Institutional (PI) East: Single Family Residential / Very Low Density Residential (VL) 2 West: Temecula Valley High School / Public Institutional (PI) Existing/Proposed Min/Max Allowable or Required Lot Area: Area 1A 58.25 Acres Area 1C 5.43 Acres Area 1D 9.39 Acres Area 3A 7.36 Acres Area 3B 5.81 Acres 0.16 Acres Minimum BACKGROUND SUMMARY On September 16, 2003, the Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay (PDO-7) was approved and adopted by the City of Temecula City Council. On June 23, 2023, Linfield Christian School submitted Planning Application PA23-0260, a Planned Development Overlay Amendment to adjust the boundaries of three (3) existing planning areas and the creation of two (2) new sub-areas within Planning Area 1. The project does not propose any development within the Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District. The project is located on the property of Linfield Christian School north of Pauba Rd., south of Rancho Vista Rd., east of Temecula Valley High School, and west of Green Tree Rd. encompassing Assessor Parcel Numbers 955-020-012, 017, 018, and 019. Staff has worked with the applicant to ensure that all concerns have been addressed, and the applicant concurs with the recommended Conditions of Approval. ANALYSIS The Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay (PDO) contains four (4) separate parcels and five (5) separate Planning Areas (PA 1A, PA 1B, PA 2, PA 3A, and PA 3B). The proposed Planned Development Overlay Amendment (PDO-A) is an adjustment to the boundaries of three (3) of the Planning Areas (PA) and the creation of two (2) new sub-areas within Planning Area 1 (PA 1C & PA 1D). PA 1A is the existing main campus of Linfield Christian School, and PAs 3A and 3B are vacant areas within the property. The proposed amendment to PDO-7 will result in the land areas of PA 3A being reduced from 15.58 acres to 7.36 acres and PA 3B reduced from 12.42 to 5.82 acres. The 14.82 acres reduced from those PAs will create the two new sub-areas of PA 1C totaling 5.43 acres and PA 1D totaling 9.39 acres. The new sub-areas of Planning Area 1 will be retained as part of the main campus area for the school in order to meet the future educational and athletic program needs in addition to retain senior housing as a potential land use opportunity. 3 Existing Linfield Christian School PDO Planning Area Map Proposed Linfield Christian School PDO Planning Area Map The proposed amendment will create a more practicable and developable parcel configuration for PAs 3A and 3B, while providing the main Linfield Christian School campus (PA 1A) with additional land area to develop athletic fields and academic programs for the students. The amendment application does not propose any physical development, nor does it propose any new land uses within the existing PDO. No Net Loss Government Code section 63000(b) prohibits a city from changing the zoning of parcel where housing is an allowable use to a less intensive use than what was allowed under the land use designation or zoning ordinances as in effect on January 1, 2018 unless the city concurrently changes the development standards, policies, and conditions applicable to other parcels within the jurisdiction to ensure that there is no net loss in residential capacity. Senior housing is a conditionally permitted use in Planning Area 3 and is not permitted in Planning Area 1. The proposed lot line adjustment will result in a reduction of residential capacity in Planning Area 3 by 14.82 acres. As such, two new sub-areas that total 14.82 acres are proposed to be added to Planning Area 1 that will allow for senior housing with a conditional use permit. Therefore, the 4 housing capacity being lost from Planning Area 3 has been added to Planning Area 1 so that there is no loss in residential capacity for senior housing in the City. LEGAL NOTICING REQUIREMENTS The notice of the public hearing was published in the Press Enterprise on August 24, 2023, and mailed to the property owners within a 600-foot radius. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as there is no possibility the proposed project would have a significant impact on the environment pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) and Section 15305 (Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations) as the average slope of the property is less than 20%, the project does not propose any changes in land use or density and only involves the adjustments to the lot lines of three (3) Planning Areas and the creation of two (2) new sub-areas within Planning Area 1. The lot line adjustment will reduce Planning Area 3, which allows senior housing as a conditionally permitted use. As such, Planning Areas 1C and 1D were added to Planning Area 1 which will allow senior housing at the same density and same acreage as was removed from Planning Area 3. As such, there are no changes in land use or density as a result of the Planned Development Overlay (PDO) amendment. A Notice of Exemption will be prepared and will be filed in accordance with CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines. FINDINGS Zone Change/Planned Development Overlay Amendment The proposed Ordinance is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City; The proposed Planned Development Overlay Amendment Ordinance conforms to the City of Temecula General Plan Land Use Element. Furthermore, the proposed Planned Development Overlay Amendment Ordinance directly responds to Goal 1 Policy LU-1.2 of the General Plan Land Use Element which is to promote the use of innovative site planning techniques that contribute to development of a variety of residential products styles and designs, including housing suitable for the community’s labor force. The proposed project is also consistent with the above General Plan Land Use Element goal and policy in that an integrated mix of residential (including school faculty labor force), commercial, recreational, public, and open space land uses are all provided for within the PDO Schedule of Permitted Uses. ATTACHMENTS 1. Aerial Map 2. PC Resolution 3. Exhibit A - Draft City Council Ordinance 4. Exhibit B – Planned Development Overlay Amendment 5. Planned Development Overlay Amendment (Underline/Strikeout) 6. Notice of Exemption 7. Notice of Public Hearing P A U B A R D MARGARITA RD VI AALHA M ARANCHO VISTA RDVI A RAMI VIACAMPANARIOCALACARR A S C O CORTESALAMANCAAM ARITAW YF O S S E W YCORTERO SARIOVIARICCI C A L L E E S P I N OSAVIASIERRAC O R T E S I E R O VIA LEVANTARCERRITOS WY VIA G A NDI AC A L A R O S S O CALLE CEDRAL CALLEVERONICACORTE MALLORCA CORTEP ACHECOCORTE TUNAS CAMIN O C A S I L L ASCA L L E J EMI NEZCORTEALHAM BRACORTE TALVERAAVENIDADELAREINAGREENTREERDPA S E O G OLETA CORTECABRERAVIAELGRECOCOR TER IM O L A C O R TE C A B ELL O C O R TE ABANILLA CORTE MONTIEL V IA T E L E S IO Project Site City of Temecula PA15-1886 This map was made by the City of Temecula Geographic Information System .The m ap is derived from base data produced by the Riverside County Assessor'sDepartment and the Transportation and Land Managem ent Agency of RiversideCounty. The City of Temecula assumes no warranty or legal responsibility for theinformation contained on this map. Data and information represented on this mapare subject to update and modification. The Geographic Information System andother sources should be queried for the most current information.This map is not for reprint or resale. 0 500250Feet N PC RESOLUTION NO. 2023- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED “AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY AMENDMENT TO THE LINFIELD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY (PDO-7) GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF PAUBA RD., SOUTH OF RANCHO VISTA RD., EAST OF TEMECULA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL, AND WEST OF GREEN TREE RD., AND MAKE A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (APN: 955-020-012, 017, 018, AND 019) (PA23-0260)” Section 1. Procedural Findings. The Planning Commission of the City of Temecula does hereby find, determine and declare that: A. The Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay was approved by the City Council on September 16, 2003 by the adoption of Ordinance No. 03-09. The Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay as approved shall be referred to in this Resolution as the “PDO”. B. On June 23, 2023, Linfield Christian School filed Planning Application No. PA23-0260, a Planned Development Overlay Amendment in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code. C. The Application was processed including, but not limited to a public notice, in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law. D. The Planning Commission, at a regular meeting, considered the Application and environmental review on September 6, 2023, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, at which time the City staff and interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to this matter. E. All legal preconditions to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. Section 2. Further Findings. The Planning Commission, in recommending approval of Zone Change/Planned Development Overlay Amendment Application No. PA23-0260, hereby finds, determines and declares that: Zone Change/Planned Development Overlay Amendment Planning Application No. PA23-0260 is consistent with the General Plan for the City of Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City: A. The proposed Ordinance is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City; The proposed Planned Development Overlay Amendment Ordinance conforms to the City of Temecula General Plan Land Use Element. Furthermore, the proposed Zone Planned Development Overlay Amendment Ordinance directly responds to Goal 1 Policy LU-1.1 and LU-1.2 of the General Plan Land Use Element which is to promote the use of innovative site planning techniques that contribute to development of a variety of residential products styles and designs, including housing suitable for the community’s labor force. The proposed project is also consistent with the above General Plan Land Use Element goal and policy in that an integrated mix of residential (including school faculty labor force), commercial, recreational, public, and open space land uses are all provided for within the PDO Schedule of Permitted Uses. Section 3. No Net Loss Findings. Government Code section 63000(b) prohibits a city from changing the zoning of parcel where housing is an allowable use to a less intensive use than what was allowed under the land use designation or zoning ordinances as in effect on January 1, 2018 unless the city concurrently changes the development standards, policies, and conditions applicable to other parcels within the jurisdiction to ensure that there is no net loss in residential capacity. Senior housing is a conditionally permitted use in Planning Area 3 and is not permitted in Planning Area 1. The proposed lot line adjustment will result in a reduction of residential capacity in Planning Area 3 by 14.82 acres. As such, two new sub-areas that total 14.82 acres are proposed to be added to Planning Area 1 that will allow for senior housing with a conditional use permit. Therefore, the housing capacity being lost from Planning Area 3 has been added to Planning Area 1 so that there is no loss in residential capacity for senior housing in the City. Section 4. Environmental Findings. The Planning Commission hereby makes the following environmental findings and determinations in connection with the approval of the Planned Development Overlay: In Accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the proposed project has been deemed to be categorically exempt from further environmental review pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) as there is no possibility the proposed project would have a significant impact on the environment and Section 15305 as the average slope of the property is less than 20%, the project does not propose any changes in land use or density and only involves the adjustments to the lot lines of three (3) Planning Areas and the creation of two (2) new sub-areas within Planning Area 1. The lot line adjustment will reduce Planning Area 3, which allows senior housing as a conditionally permitted use. As such, Planning Areas 1C and 1D were added to Planning Area 1 which wi ll allow senior housing at the same density and same acreage as was removed from Planning Area 3. As such, there are no changes in land use or density as a result of the PDO amendment. Section 5. Recommendation. The Planning Commission of the City of Temecula recommends that the City Council adopt an Ordinance entitled “AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY AMENDMENT TO THE LINFIELD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY (PDO-7) GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF PAUBA RD., SOUTH OF RANCHO VISTA RD., EAST OF TEMECULA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL, AND WEST OF GREEN TREE RD., AND MAKE A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (APN: 955-020-012, 017, 018, AND 019) (PA23-0260)” in substantially the same form set forth on Exhibit A, and the amended Planned Development Overlay in substantially the same form set forth on Exhibit B, attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference Section 6. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City of Temecula Planning Commission this 6th day of September, 2023. Lanae Turley-Trejo, Chair ATTEST: Luke Watson Secretary [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE )ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Luke Watson, Secretary of the Temecula Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the forgoing PC Resolution No. 2023- was duly and regularly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the 6th day of September, 2023, by the following vote: AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: NOES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Luke Watson Secretary ORDINANCE NO. 2023- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY AMENDMENT TO THE LINFIELD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY (PDO-7) GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF PAUBA RD., SOUTH OF RANCHO VISTA RD., EAST OF TEMECULA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL, AND WEST OF GREEN TREE RD., AND MAKE A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (APN: 955-020-012, 017, 018, AND 019) (PA23-0260) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Procedural Findings. The City Council of the City of Temecula does hereby find, determine and declare that: A. The Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay was approved by the City Council on September 16, 2003 by the adoption of Ordinance No. 03-09. The Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay as approved shall be referred to in this Ordinance as the “PDO”. B. On June 23, 2023, Linfield Christian School filed Planning Application No. PA23-0260, a Planned Development Overlay Amendment in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code. C. This application was filed in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code. D. On September 6, 2023 the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula held a duly noticed public hearing on the proposed Project at which time all persons interested in these actions had the opportunity and did address the Planning Commission. E. Following consideration of the entire record of information received at the public hearings and due consideration of the proposed Project, the Planning Commission adopted Resolution No. 2023-, “A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED “AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING A PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY AMENDMENT TO THE LINFIELD CHRISTIAN SCHOOL PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY (PDO-7) GENERALLY LOCATED NORTH OF PAUBA RD., SOUTH OF RANCHO VISTA RD., EAST OF TEMECULA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL, AND WEST OF GREEN TREE RD., AND MAKE A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (APN: 955-020-012, 017, 018, AND 019) (PA23-0260)” F. On ______________, 2023, the City Council considered the Project at a duly noticed public hearing which time the City staff presented its report, and all interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to the Project. G. All legal preconditions to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. Section 2. Legislative Findings. The City Council in approving the Planned Development Overlay/Zone Change hereby makes the following findings: A. The proposed Ordinance is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City. The proposed Planned Development Overlay Amendment Ordinance conforms to the City of Temecula General Plan Land Use Element. Furthermore, the proposed Zone Planned Development Overlay Amendment Ordinance directly responds to Goal 1 Policy LU -1.1 and LU-1.2 of the General Plan Land Use Element which is to promote the use of innovative site planning techniques that contribute to development of a variety of residential products styles and designs, including housing suitable for the community’s labor force. The proposed project is also consistent with the above General Plan Land Use Element goal and policy in that an integrated mix of residential (including school faculty labor force), commercial, recreational, public, and open space land uses are all provided for within the PDO Schedule of Permitted Uses. B. The adoption of the Ordinance will not result in a loss of residential cap acity in the City. Government Code section 63000(b) prohibits a city from changing the zoning of parcel where housing is an allowable use to a less intensive use than what was allowed under the land use designation or zoning ordinances as in effect on January 1, 2018 unless the city concurrently changes the development standards, policies, and conditions applicable to other parcels within the jurisdiction to ensure that there is no net loss in residential capacity. Senior housing is a conditionally permitted use in Planning Area 3 and is not permitted in Planning Area 1. The proposed lot line adjustment will result in a reduction of residential capacity in Planning Area 3 by 14.82 acres. As such, two new sub-areas that total 14.82 acres are proposed to be added to Planning Area 1 that will allow for senior housing with a conditional use permit. Therefore, the housing capacity being lost from Planning Area 3 has been added to Planning Area 1 so that there is no loss in residential capacity for senior housing in the City. Section 3. CEQA. This Ordinance, which approves an amendment to the Planned Development Overlay, is exempt from CEQA review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility th at the adoption of the Ordinance may have a significant effect on the environment and Section 15305 (Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations) as the average slope of the property is less than 20%, the project does not propose any changes in land use or density and only involves the adjustments to the lot lines of three (3) Planning Areas and the creation of two (2) new sub-areas within Planning Area 1. The lot line adjustment will reduce Planning Area 3, which allows senior housing as a conditionally permitted use. As such, Planning Areas 1C and 1D were added to Planning Area 1 which will allow senior housing at the same density and same acreage as was removed from Planning Area 3. As such, there are no changes in land use or densit y as a result of the PDO amendment. Section 4. Zoning Code Amendment. The City Council hereby amends Chapter 17.22 (PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT (PDO-7)) of Title 17 (Zoning) of the Temecula Municipal Code by amending Article VIII, entitled “Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District 7” to read as provided in Exhibit A, attached to this Ordinance and incorporated herein as thought set forth in full. Section 5. Severability. If any portion, provision, section, paragraph, sentence, or word of this Ordinance is rendered or declared to be invalid by any final court action in a court of competent jurisdiction, or by reason of any preemptive legislation, the remaining portions, provisions, sections, paragraphs, sentences, and words of this Ordinance shall remain in full force and effect and shall be interpreted by the court so as to give effect to such remaining portions of the Ordinance. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect thirty (30) days after its adoption. Section 7. Notice of Adoption. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and cause it to be published in the manner required by law. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this _____ day of _____, 2023 Zak Schwank, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 2023- was duly introduced and placed upon its first reading at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Temecula on the day of , 2023, and that thereafter, said Ordinance was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the _____ day of _______, 2023 by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Randi Johl, City Clerk Temecula Municipal Code Up Previous Next Main Collapse Search Print Title 17 ZONING Chapter 17.22 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT (PDO-) Article VIII. Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District -7 17.22.180 Title. Sections 17.22.180 through 17.22.188 shall be known as “PDO-7” (Linfield Christian School planned development overlay district). (Ord. 17-07 § 3; Ord. 03-09 § 3) 17.22.181 Purpose and intent. The Linfield Christian School planned development overlay district (PDO-7) is intended to create a unique mixed-use area within the city, blending educational, recreational, institutional and residential facilities in a comprehensive master plan that builds upon the existing campus development. PDO-7 allows for the introduction of compatible housing opportunities within the conventional zoning district and serves to implement the objectives of the land use and housing elements of the general plan. Supplemental development standards have been provided to recognize the transition between the existing campus facilities and the new development areas, to promote compatibility with the surrounding land uses, and to insure the long-term design quality of the Linfield Christian School PDO district. (Ord. 17-07 § 3; Ord. 03-09 § 3) 17.22.184 Relationship with the development code and citywide design guidelines. A. The list of permitted, conditionally permitted, and prohibited uses for the Linfield Christian School planned development overlay district is contained in Table 17.22.186B. B. Except as modified by the provisions of Section 17.22.188, the following rules and regulations shall apply to all planning applications in this area. 1. Where this PDO is silent, the development standards of the public institutional (PI) district in the development code shall apply (Chapter 17.12). 2. The development standards in the development code that would apply to the medium density residential district, and are in effect at the time an application is deemed complete, for any proposed residential housing to be located in planning area 2 of PDO-7. The maximum number of residences to be developed in Planning Area 2 is twenty-six. 3. The master plan and design guidelines approved as a part of the Linfield Christian School Master Plan shall apply to Planning Areas 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D of this PDO. Development proposals within Planning Areas 2 and 3A and 3B shall comply with the city of Temecula Citywide Design Guidelines. 4. Senior housing, assisted living, congregate care housing, skilled nursing or memory care facilities shall be permitted pursuant to the standards within Section 17.10.020 of the Temecula Development Code, except as modified by the requirements of Section 17.22.188 of this article. (Ord. 17-07 § 3; Ord. 03-09 § 3) 17.22.186 Use regulations. The list of permitted land uses for the Linfield Christian School planned development overlay district is contained in Table 17.22.186B. PDO-7 contains three different planning areas as shown in Exhibit 17.22.186A. The three planning areas are identified as follows: ► Planning Area 1: Educational/Institutional: identified as (EI) in Table 17.22.186B. Planning Area 1 is further separated into four subareas: Planning Area 1A (58.25 gross acres) is the main Linfield Christian School Campus, and Planning Area 1B (5.82 gross acres) is the existing elementary school campus. Planning Area 1C (5.43 gross acres) is a portion of the northern campus that may include Senior Housing Planning Area 1D (9.39 gross acres) is a portion of the northern campus that may include Senior Housing ► Planning Area 2 (7.58 gross acres): Educational/Residential: identified as (ER) in Table 17.22.186B; and ► Planning Area 3: Public/Institutional: identified as (PI) in Table 17.22.186B. Planning Area 3 is further separated into two subareas: Planning Area 3A (7.36 gross acres); and Planning Area 3B (5.82 gross acres). EXHIBIT 17.22.186A Linfield Christian School Planning Area Map Where indicated with the letter “P” the use shall be a permitted use. A letter “C’’ indicates the use shall be conditionally permitted, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit. Where indicated with a “- ,” the use is prohibited within the planning area. Table 17.22.186B Schedule of Permitted Uses Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District -7 Description of Use Area Description of Use Area 1A, 1B, 1C & 1D (EI) Area 2 (ER) Area 3A & 3B (PI) A Art gallery P P P Auditorium P C C B (Reserved) C Christmas tree lots P P P Churches, temples, religious institutions C C C Communications and microwave installations* Community health clinics – – C Community center P C P Conference center P P P Congregate care housing (including support services) C C P Congregate living health facility C C C Construction trailer (temporary) P P P Convalescent homes C P P D Day care center P P P Day care health center P – P E Educational institution C C C F Food services (for campus and special events) P P P G Garages, public parking C – P Golf courses C – P Golf college or sports training facility C – P Government offices P – P Government services P – P Group home – – – H Helipad or heliport C – C Hospital C – C I—K (Reserved) L Library P P P M Maintenance facility (accessory to primary use only) P C P Modular classrooms (used as interim classroom space) P – P Museum P P P N—O (Reserved) P Parks and recreation P P P Table 17.22.186B Schedule of Permitted Uses Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District -7 Description of Use Area Description of Use Area 1A, 1B, 1C & 1D (EI) Area 2 (ER) Area 3A & 3B (PI) Performing arts, theaters and places of public assembly P – C Police/sheriff station P – P Post office – – P Public utilities C C C Q (Reserved) R Radio and broadcasting studios P – P Recording studios P – P Religious facilities C C C Residential—single-family detached, school superintendent or dean’s home, caretaker home, (accessory to private school use only) P P P Residential—single-family attached or duplex housing for school faculty – P – Residential—multiple-family housing for school faculty – P – Residential—senior housing C** C C Residential—student dorms C C C S Schools, trade or vocational C C C Skilled nursing facility C C C Sports and recreation facilities P P P T Trade or vocational schools C C C U Utility offices and service yards C C C V—Z (Reserved) Notes: *Subject to Chapter 17.40 of the Temecula Municipal Code. ** Senior Housing is allowed in PA 1C and 1D of Planning Area 1 Legend: P = Permitted by right in the district C = Permitted by Conditional Use Permit in the district – = Use is prohibited in the district (EI) = Educational/Institutional: Planning Areas 1A,1B, 1C and 1D (ER) = Educational/Residential: Planning Area 2 (PI) = Public/Institutional: Planning Areas 3A and 3B (Ord. 17-07 § 3; Ord. 08-11 §§ 36—38; Ord. 03-09 § 3) 17.22.188 Supplemental development standards. Permitted and conditionally permitted uses within PDO-7 shall comply with the development standards of the underlying public/institutional zoning district except as modified or augmented by the standards contained in this section. A. General. 1. All new development occurring within Planning Areas 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D shall be in substantial conformance with the Linfield Christian School master plan, provided that modifications of up to twenty percent of the estimated square footage of the individual or combined structures may be approved by the planning director. Minor modifications to the site location or number of new facilities may also be approved by the planning director. Major modifications to the overall scale, intensity or intended land uses within the planning areas shall be referred to the planning commission for approval. 2. All new development within Planning Areas 1A,1B, 1C and 1D deemed to be in compliance with the Linfield master plan and design guidelines shall be subject to the administrative review process, pursuant to Section 17.05.020 of the Temecula Development Code. 3. Development proposals for faculty housing units within Planning Area 2 of PDO-7 shall be subject to the development standards of the medium density residential (M) zoning district, and will require review and approval of a development plan by the planning commission. The maximum number of residences to be developed in Planning Area 2 is twenty-six. 4. Development proposals for senior housing, assisted living, congregate care housing, skilled nursing or memory care facilities shall be permitted up to a maximum density of twenty-four units per acre within Planning Area 3A and adhere to the following minimum requirements: a. The net livable floor area square footage for senior housing units shall be as required in Section 17.10.020 except that assisted living units shall be a minimum of three hundred fifty square feet for studio/efficiency units; and memory care units shall be a minimum of two hundred fifty square feet for private units and three hundred fifty square feet for shared units. b. Senior housing for independent living and assisted living shall provide a minimum of sixty-eight square feet of private open space per unit, excluding units dedicated as guest units for visiting family members or other non-residents, and may be comprised of private outdoor patios, decks, porches, balconies, and yards. The combined common area and private open space shall be a minimum of two hundred square feet per unit and may include plazas, courtyards, gardens, recreational areas, putting greens, decks and patios. c. Single-story attached senior housing units shall provide a minimum of one hundred fifty square feet per unit of private open space which may be comprised of porches, patios, yards, and courtyards within the front and rear yard areas of the units. d. Memory care facilities shall provide a minimum of seventy-five square feet per unit of common area outdoor space. 5. There is no maximum lot coverage or floor area requirement for development projects within PDO-7, provided that the respective development standards for the use are met. B. Setbacks. 1. Landscape setbacks along the Pauba Road and Rancho Vista Road street frontages shall be an average of twenty feet, except for Planning Area 1B which shall be a minimum of five feet, due to the presence of the existing elementary school parking lot. The overall average front setback along either roadway shall be no less than twenty feet. 2. Sidewalks, pedestrian paths, paving, driveways and wrought iron or chain link fencing are permitted to be located within the landscaped setback area. C. Building Height. 1. Structures within Planning Area l shall not exceed two stories, or forty-five feet in height. Architectural projections such as mansards, towers and other design elements shall be permitted to extend an additional ten feet above the height of the building. Structures desi gned as split-level in order to accommodate the existing site grades are permitted up to a height of sixty feet as measured from the lowest grade. Any structures over forty-five feet in height shall be located a minimum of one hundred feet from the nearest exterior property line, and a minimum of two hundred fifty feet from the property line of any single-family residential structure. 2. Single-family residential and multi-family residential structures (with the exception of senior housing developments) shall not exceed two stories, or a maximum of thirty feet in height. 3. Multi-family senior housing, assisted living, congregate care housing, and convalescent housing structures within Planning Area 3A shall not exceed four stories, (excluding parking level) or sixty-five feet in height above the lowest grade, except that elevator shafts and stairwells may extend above the roof height. Any portion of a structure over forty-five feet in height shall be set back a minimum of one hundred and thirty feet from the property line of any single-family residential structure. D. Parking. 1. Parking requirements for assembly facilities within Planning Area 1 shall be considered as shared parking in conjunction with the standard spaces required under the development code for school parking. This determination applies to those assembly or special event facilities primarily used by the student population and faculty during the school day, or those facilities conducting events after school or in the evening hours when regular school parking is available. 2. In order to provide sufficient on-site parking in the case of a special event on campus, and to prevent potential overflow parking on surrounding public streets, temporary, special event parking may be provided on designated outdoor play courts in Planning Area 1. Such temporary parking areas shall be clearly identified, and cease operation at the conclusion of the special event. E. Landscaping and Fencing. 1. Landscaping within parking lot areas shall be consistent with Section 17.24.050(H) of the Temecula Development Code, with the following exceptions: a. Landscaped planters shall not be required within the interior of parking lots except for at the ends of each row of parking spaces, due to the need to insure clear visibility in parking areas for campus security purposes. b. Required trees within the parking lot area shall be limited to the islands at the end of the parking rows, and within the landscaped areas at the perimeter of the parking lot. Trees shall be minimum fifteen-gallon containers, and may be spaced in a linear fashion around the perimeter or clustered. Trees shall be provided at a ratio of one tree for every four required parking spaces. Due to the extensive amount of existing mature trees within the district, and the internal nature of the parking lots within the landscaped setting, existing trees immediately adjacent to parking lots shall be included in the required count of parking lot trees. c. Parking lot landscaping standards shall only apply to new or substantially redeveloped parking lot areas within the district. d. Fencing for school facilities and outdoor recreation areas shall be exempt from the fence height requirements of Section 17.12.050 of the public/institutional district of the Temecula Development Code. Acceptable fencing materials include finished wrought iron or tubular steel, chain link, vinyl and decorative masonry. (Ord. 17-07 § 3; Ord. 03-09 § 3) View the mobile version. Temecula Municipal Code Up Previous Next Main Collapse Search Print Title 17 ZONING Chapter 17.22 PLANNED DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY ZONING DISTRICT (PDO-) PROPOSED PDO-7 AMENDMENT Article VIII. Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District -7 17.22.180 Title. Sections 17.22.180 through 17.22.188 shall be known as “PDO-7” (Linfield Christian School planned development overlay district). (Ord. 17-07 § 3; Ord. 03-09 § 3) 17.22.181 Purpose and intent. The Linfield Christian School planned development overlay district (PDO-7) is intended to create a unique mixed-use area within the city, blending educational, recreational, institutional and residential facilities in a comprehensive master plan that builds upon the existing campus development. PDO-7 allows for the introduction of compatible housing opportunities within the conventional zoning district and serves to implement the objectives of the land use and housing elements of the general plan. Supplemental development standards have been provided to recognize the transition between the existing campus facilities and the new development areas, to promote compatibility with the surrounding land uses, and to insure the long-term design quality of the Linfield Christian School PDO district. (Ord. 17-07 § 3; Ord. 03-09 § 3) 17.22.184 Relationship with the development code and citywide design guidelines. A. The list of permitted, conditionally permitted, and prohibited uses for the Linfield Christian School planned development overlay district is contained in Table 17.22.186B. B. Except as modified by the provisions of Section 17.22.188, the following rules and regulations shall apply to all planning applications in this area. 1. Where this PDO is silent, the development standards of the public institutional (PI) district in the development code shall apply (Chapter 17.12). 2. The development standards in the development code that would apply to the medium density residential district, and are in effect at the time an application is deemed complete, for any proposed residential housing to be located in planning area 2 of PDO-7. The maximum number of residences to be developed in Planning Area 2 is twenty-six. 3. The master plan and design guidelines approved as a part of the Linfield Christian School Master Plan shall apply to Planning Areas 1A, and 1B, 1C and 1D of this PDO. Development proposals within Planning Areas 2 and 3A and 3B shall comply with the city of Temecula Citywide Design Guidelines. 4. Senior housing, assisted living, congregate care housing, skilled nursing or memory care facilities shall be permitted pursuant to the standards within Section 17.10.020 of the Temecula Development Code, except as modified by the requirements of Section 17.22.188 of this article. (Ord. 17-07 § 3; Ord. 03-09 § 3) 17.22.186 Use regulations. The list of permitted land uses for the Linfield Christian School planned development overlay district is contained in Table 17.22.186B. PDO-7 contains three different planning areas as shown in Exhibit 17.22.186A. The three planning areas are identified as follows: ► Planning Area 1: Educational/Institutional: identified as (EI) in Table 17.22.186B. Planning Area 1 is further separated into two four subareas: Planning Area 1A (58.25 73.08 58.25 gross acres) is the main Linfield Christian School Campus, and Planning Area 1B (5.82 gross acres) is the existing elementary school campus. Planning Area 1C (5.43 gross acres) is a portion of the northern campus that may include Senior Housing Planning Area 1D (9.39 gross acres) is a portion of the northern campus that may include Senior Housing ► Planning Area 2 (7.58 gross acres): Educational/Residential: identified as (ER) in Table 17.22.186B; and ► Planning Area 3: Public/Institutional: identified as (PI) in Table 17.22.186B. Planning Area 3 is further separated into two subareas: Planning Area 3A (15.58 7.36 gross acres); and Planning Area 3B (12.42 5.821 gross acres). EXISTING EXHIBIT 17.22.186A (To be replaced with Revised Map below) Linfield Christian School Planning Area Map PROPOSED EXHIBIT 17.22.186A Linfield Christian School Planning Area Map Where indicated with the letter “P” the use shall be a permitted use. A letter “C’’ indicates the use shall be conditionally permitted, subject to the approval of a conditional use permit. Where indicated with a “- ,” the use is prohibited within the planning area. Table 17.22.186B Schedule of Permitted Uses Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District -7 Description of Use Area Description of Use Area 1A &, 1B, 1C & 1D (EI) Area 2 (ER) Area 3A & 3B (PI) A Art gallery P P P Auditorium P C C B (Reserved) C Christmas tree lots P P P Churches, temples, religious institutions C C C Communications and microwave installations1* Community health clinics – – C Community center P C P Conference center P P P Congregate care housing (including support services) C C P Congregate living health facility C C C Construction trailer (temporary) P P P Convalescent homes C P P D Day care center P P P Day care health center P – P E Educational institution C C C Table 17.22.186B Schedule of Permitted Uses Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District -7 Description of Use Area Description of Use Area 1A &, 1B, 1C & 1D (EI) Area 2 (ER) Area 3A & 3B (PI) F Food services (for campus and special events) P P P G Garages, public parking C – P Golf courses C – P Golf college or sports training facility C – P Government offices P – P Government services P – P Group home – – – H Helipad or heliport C – C Hospital C – C I—K (Reserved) L Library P P P M Maintenance facility (accessory to primary use only) P C P Modular classrooms (used as interim classroom space) P – P Museum P P P N—O (Reserved) P Parks and recreation P P P Performing arts, theaters and places of public assembly P – C Police/sheriff station P – P Post office – – P Public utilities C C C Q (Reserved) R Radio and broadcasting studios P – P Recording studios P – P Religious facilities C C C Residential—single-family detached, school superintendent or dean’s home, caretaker home, (accessory to private school use only) P P P Residential—single-family attached or duplex housing for school faculty – P – Residential—multiple-family housing for school faculty – P – Residential—senior housing –C** C C Residential—student dorms C C C S Schools, trade or vocational C C C Skilled nursing facility C C C Sports and recreation facilities P P P T Trade or vocational schools C C C U Utility offices and service yards C C C V—Z (Reserved) Table 17.22.186B Schedule of Permitted Uses Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District -7 Description of Use Area Description of Use Area 1A &, 1B, 1C & 1D (EI) Area 2 (ER) Area 3A & 3B (PI) Notes: 1*. Subject to Chapter 17.40 of the Temecula Municipal Code. ** Senior Housing is allowed in PA 1C and 1D of Planning Area 1 Legend: P = Permitted by right in the district C = Permitted by Conditional Use Permit in the district – = Use is prohibited in the district (EI) = Educational/Institutional: Planning Areas 1A, and 1B, 1C and 1D (ER) = Educational/Residential: Planning Area 2 (PI) = Public/Institutional: Planning Areas 3A and 3B (Ord. 17-07 § 3; Ord. 08-11 §§ 36—38; Ord. 03-09 § 3) 17.22.188 Supplemental development standards. Permitted and conditionally permitted uses within PDO-7 shall comply with the development standards of the underlying public/institutional zoning district except as modified or augmented by the standards contained in this section. A. General. 1. All new development occurring within Planning Areas 1A, and 1B, 1C and 1D shall be in substantial conformance with the Linfield Christian School master plan, provided that modifications of up to twenty percent of the estimated square footage of the individual or combined structures may be approved by the planning director. Minor modifications to the site location or number of new facilities may also be approved by the planning director. Major modifications to the overall scale, intensity or intended land uses within the planning areas shall be referred to the planning commission for approval. 2. All new development within Planning Areas 1A, and 1B, 1C and 1D deemed to be in compliance with the Linfield master plan and design guidelines shall be subject to the administrative review process, pursuant to Section 17.05.020 of the Temecula Development Code. 3. Development proposals for faculty housing units within Planning Area 2 of PDO-7 shall be subject to the development standards of the medium density residential (M) zoning district, and will require review and approval of a development plan by the planning commission. The maximum number of residences to be developed in Planning Area 2 is twenty-six. 4. Development proposals for senior housing, assisted living, congregate care housing, skilled nursing or memory care facilities shall be permitted up to a maximum density of twenty-four units per acre within Planning Area 3A and adhere to the following minimum requirements: a. The net livable floor area square footage for senior housing units shall be as required in Section 17.10.020 except that assisted living units shall be a minimum of three hundred fifty square feet for studio/efficiency units; and memory care units shall be a minimum of two hundred fifty square feet for private units and three hundred fifty square feet for shared units. b. Senior housing for independent living and assisted living shall provide a minimum of sixty-eight square feet of private open space per unit, excluding units dedicated as guest units for visiting family members or other non-residents, and may be comprised of private outdoor patios, decks, porches, balconies, and yards. The combined common area and private open space shall be a minimum of two hundred square feet per unit and may include plazas, courtyards, gardens, recreational areas, putting greens, decks and patios. c. Single-story attached senior housing units shall provide a minimum of one hundred fifty square feet per unit of private open space which may be comprised of porches, patios, yards, and courtyards within the front and rear yard areas of the units. d. Memory care facilities shall provide a minimum of seventy-five square feet per unit of common area outdoor space. 5. There is no maximum lot coverage or floor area requirement for development projects within PDO-7, provided that the respective development standards for the use are met. B. Setbacks. 1. Landscape setbacks along the Pauba Road and Rancho Vista Road street frontages shall be an average of twenty feet, except for Planning Area 1B which shall be a minimum of five feet, due to the presence of the existing elementary school parking lot. The overall average front setback along either roadway shall be no less than twenty feet. 2. Sidewalks, pedestrian paths, paving, driveways and wrought iron or chain link fencing are permitted to be located within the landscaped setback area. C. Building Height. 1. Structures within Planning Area l shall not exceed two stories, or forty-five feet in height. Architectural projections such as mansards, towers and other design elements shall be permitted to extend an additional ten feet above the height of the building. Structures designed as split-level in order to accommodate the existing site grades are permitted up to a height of sixty feet as measured from the lowest grade. Any structures over forty-five feet in height shall be located a minimum of one hundred feet from the nearest exterior property line, and a minimum of two hundred fifty feet from the property line of any single-family residential structure. 2. Single-family residential and multi-family residential structures (with the exception of senior housing developments) shall not exceed two stories, or a maximum of thirty feet in height. 3. Multi-family senior housing, assisted living, congregate care housing, and convalescent housing structures within Planning Area 3A shall not exceed four stories, (excluding parking level) or sixty-five feet in height above the lowest grade, except that elevator shafts and stairwells may extend above the roof height. Any portion of a structure over forty-five feet in height shall be set back a minimum of one hundred and thirty feet from the property line of any single-family residential structure. D. Parking. 1. Parking requirements for assembly facilities within Planning Area 1 shall be considered as shared parking in conjunction with the standard spaces required under the development code for school parking. This determination applies to those assembly or special event facilities primarily used by the student population and faculty during the school day, or those facilities conducting events after school or in the evening hours when regular school parking is available. 2. In order to provide sufficient on-site parking in the case of a special event on campus, and to prevent potential overflow parking on surrounding public streets, temporary, special event parking may be provided on designated outdoor play courts in Planning Area 1. Such temporary parking areas shall be clearly identified, and cease operation at the conclusion of the special event. E. Landscaping and Fencing. 1. Landscaping within parking lot areas shall be consistent with Section 17.24.050(H) of the Temecula Development Code, with the following exceptions: a. Landscaped planters shall not be required within the interior of parking lots except for at the ends of each row of parking spaces, due to the need to insure clear visibility in parking areas for campus security purposes. b. Required trees within the parking lot area shall be limited to the islands at the end of the parking rows, and within the landscaped areas at the perimeter of the parking lot. Trees shall be minimum fifteen-gallon containers, and may be spaced in a linear fashion around the perimeter or clustered. Trees shall be provided at a ratio of one tree for every four required parking spaces. Due to the extensive amount of existing mature trees within the district, and the internal nature of the parking lots within the landscaped setting, existing trees immediately adjacent to parking lots shall be included in the required count of parking lot trees. c. Parking lot landscaping standards shall only apply to new or substantially redeveloped parking lot areas within the district. d. Fencing for school facilities and outdoor recreation areas shall be exempt from the fence height requirements of Section 17.12.050 of the public/institutional district of the Temecula Development Code. Acceptable fencing materials include finished wrought iron or tubular steel, chain link, vinyl and decorative masonry. (Ord. 17-07 § 3; Ord. 03-09 § 3) View the mobile version. VIA-ELECTRONIC SUBMITTAL CEQAProcessing@asrclkrec.com Month Day, 2023 Supervising Legal Certification Clerk County of Riverside P.O. Box 751 Riverside, CA 92501-0751 SUBJECT: Filing of a Notice of Exemption for Planning Application No. PA23-0260, a Planned Development Overlay Amendment to adjust the boundaries of three (3) existing planning areas and the creation of two (2) new sub-areas within Planning Area 1. The project does not propose any development within the Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District. Dear Sir/Madam: Enclosed is the Notice of Exemption for the above referenced project. In addition, pursuant to Assembly Bill 3158 (Chapter 1706) the Applicant will pay for the County Administrative fee to enable the City to file the Notice of Exemption required under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and 14 California Code Regulations 1507. The payment of the $50.00 filing fee is under protest. It is the opinion of the City that the administrative fee has been increased in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of State Law. Under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and 14 California Code Regulations 1507, the County is entitled to receive a $25.00 filing fee. Also, please email a stamped copy of the Notice of Exemption within five working days after the 30-day posting to the email listed below. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Scott Cooper at (951) 506-5137 or at email scott.cooper@TemeculaCA.gov . Sincerely, Luke Watson Deputy City Manager Attachments: Notice of Exemption Form Electronic Payment - Filing Fee Receipt [ T y p e a q u o t e f r o m t h e d o c u m e n t o r t h e s u m m a r y o f a n i n t City of Temecula Community Development 41000 Main Street • Temecula, CA 92590 Phone (951) 694-6400 • Fax (951) 694-6477 • TemeculaCA.gov 1 City of Temecula Community Development Planning Division Notice of Exemption TO: County Clerk and Recorders Office FROM: Planning Division County of Riverside City of Temecula P.O. Box 751 41000 Main Street Riverside, CA 92501-0751 Temecula, CA 92590 Project Title: Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay (PDO-7) Amendment (PA23-0260) Description of Project: Planned Development Overlay Amendment to adjust the boundaries of three (3) existing planning areas and the creation of two (2) new sub-areas within Planning Area 1. The project does not propose any development within the Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District. Project Location: APNs: 955-020-012, 017, 018, and 019 Applicant/Proponent: City of Temecula, County of Riverside The City Council approved the above described project on __________ __, 2023 and found that the project is exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act, as amended. Exempt Status: (check one) Ministerial (Section 21080(b)(1); Section 15268); Declared Emergency (Section 21080(b)(3); Section 15269(a)); Emergency Project (Section 21080(b)(4); Section 15269(b)(c)); Statutory Exemptions (Section Number: ) Categorical Exemption: (Section Number 15061(b)(3), 15305) Other: Statement of Reasons Supporting the Finding that the Project is Exempt: This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as there is no possibility the proposed project would have a significant impact on the environment pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3) and Section 15305 (Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations) as the average slope of the property is less than 20%, the project does not propose any changes in land use or density and only involves the adjustments to the lot lines of three (3) Planning Areas and the creation of two (2) new sub-areas within Planning Area 1. Contact Person/Title: Scott Cooper, Senior Planner Phone Number: (951) 506-5137 Signature: Date: Luke Watson Deputy City Manager Notice of Public Hearing THE CITY OF TEMECULA - 41000 Main Street- Temecula, CA 92590 – TemeculaCA.gov A PUBLIC HEARING has been scheduled before the City of Temecula PLANNING COMMISSION to consider the matter described below: Case No.: PA23-0260 Applicant: Linfield Christian School Project Location: North of Pauba Rd., south of Rancho Vista Rd., east of Temecula Valley High School, and west of Green Tree Rd. (APNs: 955-020-012, 017, 018, and 019) Proposal: Planned Development Overlay Amendment to adjust the boundaries of three (3) existing planning areas and the creation of two (2) new sub-areas within Planning Area 1. The project does not propose any development within the Linfield Christian School Planned Development Overlay District. Environmental Action: In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the proposed project is exempt from further environmental review and a Notice of Exemption will be adopted in compliance with CEQA (Sections 15305, Class 5, Minor Alterations in Land Use Limitations and 15061(b)(3)). Case Planner: Scott Cooper, (951) 506-5137 PLACE OF HEARING: 41000 Main St., Temecula, CA 92590, City of Temecula, Council Chambers DATE OF HEARING: September 6, 2023 TIME OF HEARING: 6:00 PM The complete agenda packet (including any supplemental materials) will be available for viewing in the Main Reception area at the Temecula Civic Center (41000 Main Street, Temecula) after 4:00 p.m. the Friday before the Planning Commission Meeting. At that time, the packet may also be accessed on the City’s website – TemeculaCA.gov and will be available for public review at the respective meeting. Any writing distributed to a majority of the Commission regarding any item on the Agenda, after the posting of the Agenda, will be available for public review in the Main Reception area at the Temecula Civic Center (41000 Main Street, Temecula), 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. In addition, such material will be made available on the City’s website – TemeculaCA.gov – and will be available for public review at the meeting. Any petition for judicial review of a decision of the Planning Commission shall be filed within time required by, and controlled by, Sections 1094.5 and 1094.6 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. In any such action or proceeding seeking judicial review of, which attacks or seeks to set aside, or void any decision of the Planning Commission shall be limited to those issues raised at the hearing or in written correspondence deli vered to the City Clerk at, or prior to, the public hearing described in this notice. Questions? Please call the Community Development Department at (951) 694-6400. Item No. 4 1 STAFF REPORT – PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION TO: Planning Commission Chairperson and members of the Planning Commission FROM: Luke Watson, Deputy City Manager DATE OF MEETING: September 6, 2023 PREPARED BY: Scott Cooper, Case Planner PROJECT SUMMARY: Planning Application No. PA22-0035, a Development Plan for the construction of an approximately 288,269 square foot, 355 room, seven (7) story, 91-foot, full service hotel that includes an approximately 174,382 square foot parking garage, conference facilities/ballrooms, full service spa, restaurants, bars/lounges, retail outlets, workout facility, outdoor pool area, and an outdoor wedding garden; and PA22-0037, a Tentative Parcel Map (TPM 38349) to combine ten existing lots into a single lot. The project is located on the east side of Front Street between First Street and Second Street (APNs: 922-072-005, 007, 010, 011, 013, 016, 018, 020, 021, and 023) RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation of Redesign in Order to Comply with the Development Standards of the Old Town Specific Plan. CEQA: Project is exempt from further environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(4) PROJECT DATA SUMMARY Name of Applicant: Steve Kim General Plan Designation: Specific Plan Implementation (SPI) Zoning Designation: Old Town Specific Plan (SP-5) Existing Conditions/ Land Use: Site: Vacant / Specific Plan Implementation (SPI) North: Interstate 15 / Open Space (OS), Low Medium Density Residential (LM) 2 South: First Street, Old Town Front Street, Commercial Buildings / Specific Plan Implementation (SPI) East: First Street, Interstate 15, Commercial Building / Specific Plan Implementation (SPI) West: Second Street, Commercial Building / Specific Plan Implementation (SPI) Existing/Proposed Min/Max Allowable or Required Lot Area: 2.15 Acres 0.92 Acres Minimum Parking Provided/Required: 395 Parking Spaces 384 Parking Spaces (required) BACKGROUND SUMMARY On January 7, 2022, Steve Kim submitted Planning Application No. PA22-0035, a Development Plan for the construction of an approximately 288,269 square foot, 355 room, seven (7) story, 91-foot, full service hotel that includes an approximately 174,382 square foot parking garage, conference facilities/ballrooms, full service spa, restaurants, bars/lounges, retail outlets, workout facility, outdoor pool area, and an outdoor wedding garden. On January 10, 2022, Steve Kim submitted Planning Application No. PA22-0037, a Tentative Parcel Map (TPM 38349) to combine ten existing lots into a single lot. The project is located on the east side of Front Street between First Street and Second Street On July 26, 2022, the project was presented at a public meeting of the City Council Old Town Steering Committee which consisted of Councilmembers Jessica Alexander and Zak Schwank. A representative of the applicant along with two (2) members of the public were in attendance. There were concerns from the Steering Committee in regard to how the building interacts with Old Town, the “canyon effect” along Second Street, the location of the pool on the eastern and not western side of the building, and the massing of the building. The Steering Committee encouraged the applicant’s representative to listen to staff. On September 27, 2022, the project was presented at a public meeting of the City Council Old Town Steering Committee which consisted of Councilmembers Jessica Alexander and Zak Schwank. The applicant team and one (1) member of the public were in attendance. There were concerns from the Steering Committee in regard to how the building interacts with Old Town, the “canyon effect” along Second Street, the location of the pool on the eastern and not western side of the building and the massing of the building as seen at the southern entrance to Old Town. On October 19, 2022, staff presented the project to the Planning Commission Old Town Temecula Subcommittee which consisted of Planning Commissioners Lanae Turley-Trejo and Gary Watts. The applicant was not present for this meeting and staff did provide the comments from this meeting as part of the fourth project comment letter dated October 24, 2022. There were concerns from the Subcommittee in regard to the massing of the building and lack of building articulation along the streets, the entrance to the hotel should be a grand entrance that draws people into the building, location of the pool adjacent to the freeway as opposed to being 3 located on the western side of the building facing and interacting with Old Town, the outside of the building has to be right and fit in Old Town, and that the project should not move forward to Planning Commission unless every development standard in the Specific Plan has been met. On April 25, 2023, the project was presented at a public meeting of the City Council Old Town Steering Committee which consisted of Mayor Zak Schwank and Councilmember Curtis Brown. The applicant team was in attendance. The concerns from the Steering Committee were not a single item but the “totality” of everything and the applicant team was encouraged to continue to work with staff. When the applicant indicated that he wanted to move on to Planning Commission without addressing outstanding staff comments the Steering Committee said to take it to Planning Commission. On May 23, 2023, the project was presented at a public meeting of the City Council Old Town Steering Committee which consisted of Mayor Zak Schwank and Councilmember Curtis Brown. The applicant team was in attendance. The Steering Committee had concerns that nothing had changed since the project was last presented to the Steering Committee and they have a duty as council members to the residents of the City for the project to comply with the Specific Plan. Staff has made several attempts to work with the applicant to re-design the project so that it meets the development standards set forth in the Old Town Specific Plan. However, several items and development standards remain unaddressed by the applicant. On July 13, 2023 the applicant team acknowledged that they would no longer address written, verbal, or redline comments and therefore requested that staff schedule the project for a Planning Commission hearing. ANALYSIS Site Plan The proposed project entails a seven (7) story, 91-foot, full service hotel connected to a four (4) level parking garage containing one (1) basement level and three (3) above ground levels housing 395 parking spaces. A floor-by-floor breakdown of the programming of the hotel is as follows:  1st Floor (street level): exterior entrance to the hotel from Old Town Front Street, interior entrance to the hotel from the parking garage, registration area, grand ballroom, banquet lounge, family restaurant, offices, and back of house uses.  2nd Floor: junior ballroom, meeting rooms, day spa facilities including treatment rooms, sauna, steam room and lounges, beauty salon, boutique, lounge & pub/restaurant, kids’ room, gym facility, yoga room, and retail outlets.  3rd Floor: guest rooms including five (5) rooms with decks that overlook Second Street, wedding garden overlooking Old Town Front Street, pool/spa area overlooking/adjacent to Interstate 15, and a dog park/run.  4th Floor to 7th Floor: guest rooms The vehicle access to the proposed project is from both First Street and Second Street utilizing the parking garage which includes a drop off area. The project proposes 395 parking spaces 4 which exceeds the required number of 384 parking spaces accounting for the proposed 355 hotel rooms and approximately 8,507 square feet of meeting space, electric vehicle parking spaces, bike racks, and motorcycle parking. Pedestrian access to the lobby of the hotel is from an entrance off of Old Town Front Street which enters into a hallway that guides guests, tourists, and residents down a hallway to the lobby. Access to the lobby is also internally from the parking garage, which offers pedestrian entrances from First Street and Second Street that are separated from the vehicle entrances in order to avoid the pedestrian vs vehicle interaction. An entrance on the corner of Old Town Front Street and First Street offers a direct entrance into the first floor restaurant and a separate entrance on Second Street provides for access to a retail outlet. Architecture The primary architectural style of the proposed project is Neo-Classical Revival which is an allowed architectural style per the Old Town Specific Plan. Style elements included within the design of the project include prominent vertical columns extending from the ground to the top of the first floor and second floor and also from the third floor to the top of the building connecting with the roofline pediments that contain a motif. A decorative horizonal band is utilized between the first and second floors in order to break up the strong massing of the base of the building. A vertical quoin architectural element on the corners of the building assists in the breaking up of the primary stucco element on all building facades. While a shopfront frontage is proposed for the majority of the building utilizing repetitive arched windows, a gallery frontage is proposed along an approximately 155’ portion of the First Street elevation which assists in breaking up the massing of the base of the building and repetition of the windows on the first and second floors. The roof of the gallery also provides for balcony space off the second floor restaurant and lounge which activates the area of First Street below. Landscaping The project will provide the required street trees along with additional shrubs, accent plantings, and trees on the interior of the project including the pool area and wedding garden. All plant materials used will be consistent with the requirements of the Old Town Specific Plan. Downtown Core/Hotel Overlay Zoning District The proposed project is located within the Downtown Core/Hotel Overlay District. On May 25, 2010 the City Council adopted Ordinance 10-09 which, among other things, allows for the development a full service hotel at a greater building height than other buildings in Old Town (up to eight stories and 100 feet in height). This height allowance is an incentive to bring additional economic activity into Old Town including conventions, large meetings, and groups. In order to receive the height incentive and designation of a full service hotel the project is required to meet the design criteria and development standards of the zoning district in addition to the supplemental requirements which include:  Hotel lobbies shall be located along streets, plazas, courtyards or sidewalks to create visual interest for pedestrians.  Hotel rooms shall be accessed from an interior hallway. 5  Hotel shall provide an onsite restaurant with table service provided primarily by waitperson, seating for at least thirty customers, and full menu service offering multiple entrees with on-site food preparation.  Hotel shall provide conference facility space to accommodate a minimum of 1,000 people.  Development shall be designed to create an outdoor pedestrian space(s) featuring amenities such as benches, outdoor dining, public art, gardens, courtyard, forecourt or a plaza.  Building facades shall be articulated with wall offsets, recesses, opening, ornamentation, and colors and materials, to add texture with special detail to the streetscape.  Pool and spa facilities are permitted on patios, balconies, or terraces located on the second floor or above when integrated into the building architecture and design. Old Town Specific Plan Design Standards The Old Town Specific Plan provides development standards for all projects within the Old Town Specific Plan area. The standards are intended to ensure that proposed development within the Old Town area occurs in a manner that is consistent with the community’s vision for building form, massing, architectural character, and the building’s relationship to the street and public realm. All proposed development projects shall be designed in compliance with those standards. The proposed project has been reviewed by staff eight (8) times. Following each of the reviews comments were provided to the applicant detailing where the project was deficient in meeting the development standards. The proposed project was presented to the City Council Old Town Steering Subcommittee at four (4) separate publicly noticed meetings at which time the applicant or the applicant’s representative was present. At those meetings verbal comments were provided to the applicant detailing where the project was deficient in meeting the development standards. The project was also presented to the Planning Commission Old Town Temecula Subcommittee where the applicant was not present but written comments were provided by staff to the applicant. As proposed, the project does not meet the following Design Standards:  Pedestrian Experience and the Building Relationship the Street The Old Town Specific Plan states:  Community Design Goal - To create a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly, walkable downtown destination.  Community Design – Objective 7 of the Specific Plan is to promote a clearly pedestrian atmosphere within the Downtown Core.  Animating the Public Realm – Objective 5 of the Specific Plan is to encourage large at-grade windows and front door entrances to help enliven the streets, provide visual interest for pedestrians, and create synergy within the Downtown Core District.  New development will respect the historical heritage of Old Town and promote a lively pedestrian oriented streetscape by following architectural 6 guidelines related to building form, architecture style, street frontage design, materials, color, and detailing resulting in high quality, well designed buildings.  The realm of the streets is the primary public asset in Old Town. The goals for this public realm include clearly defined street edges, architecture with character, and a lively and interesting pedestrian experience. While the private needs of tenants are met within the interior spaces, the public responsibility is to contribute to a clearly defined street that provides a pleasant pedestrian experience.  Old Town is intended to maintain an environment oriented to the pedestrian. The ambience along the streetscape should meet not only the functional and utilitarian needs of the pedestrians, but also appeal to the pedestrian’s sensory perception and spatial awareness of the built environment. The proposed project does not promote or provide a pedestrian friendly experience, atmosphere, or streetscape, enliven the streets, and does not provide a visual interest for pedestrians along any of the frontages along First Street, Second Street, and Old Town Front Street other than entrances into the building. The building turns its back to the public realm while containing all elements of the project internal to the building and not incorporating pedestrians. The repetitive windows along the first floor of the building do not open up to the street and therefore closes off the building to the outside environment. No patio dining, large doors or windows that can open to the street are provided which would provide a pedestrian atmosphere and synergy between the built and pedestrian environments. A pedestrian walking by the building does not have any interaction with the project until entry is made into the structure. Furthermore, a requirement for a full-service hotel is that a development shall be designed to create an outdoor pedestrian space(s) featuring amenities such as benches, outdoor dining, public art, gardens, courtyard, forecourt or a plaza. The proposed project does not provide for or meet this requirement.  Building Articulation The Old Town Specific Plan states:  No shopfront facing a public street shall be more than 100’ wide without incorporating architectural elements into the façade to convey the appearance of multiple shops rather than one large façade.  Commercial block buildings may be permitted to be composed of one dominant volume but should meet the design guideline criteria for architectural expression and variation in the building façade.  Building facades shall be articulated with wall offsets, recesses, openings, ornamentation, and colors and materials to add texture with special detail to the streetscape. 7  Building facades that exceed 50 linear feet should incorporate varying architectural expression, character, and rooflines so as to appear to be made up of various smaller building facades. The proposed project is a commercial block building with building facades that exceed 50 linear feet on all sides. The applicant proposes non-usable balconies (juliet) and either a 1-foot or 2-foot building articulation every 50’ or less on all sides of the building. This minimal amount of articulation is not appropriate for the massing of a building 91 feet in height. The façade along Second Street provides for an additional 10-foot setback after the first approximately 45 linear feet but then only a 1-foot or 2-foot articulation for the rest of the frontage. The amount of proposed articulation and general flatness to the building does not provide for architectural expression and variation in the building façade. The shopfronts facing First Street, Second Street, and Old Town Front Street all exceed 100’ and do not propose architectural elements into the facades that convey the appearance of multiple shops rather, one large façade as the proposed shopfront incorporates repetitive identical windows that do not contain any character or distinguish from one shop to another. The proposed building is one large façade and does not meet the development standard of appearing to be made up of various smaller building facades. The proposed project, if constructed as proposed, would be the tallest constructed building in the City of Temecula in both number of floors and overall height and should provide articulation that assists in reducing the massing of what would be a transformative project for Old Town and the City as a whole once constructed. Additional Design Concerns While the Specific Plan does not provide Development Standards for all aspects of the project, staff has identified design concerns that have been commented on and discussed with the applicant since the beginning of the entitlement process and the applicant has been unwilling to incorporate them into the design of the project. Those concerns include:  Pool Location The location of the pool facility along and above Interstate 15 has been a concern with staff since the Pre-Application stage of the project. Staff has concerns pertaining to noise, automobile emissions, and the amount of shade that occurs over the location of the pool with a western setting sun. A shade study was requested and provided by the applicant that showed at 3:00 p.m. on the longest day of the year (Summer solstice June 21st) the majority of the pool and pool deck will be located in the shade. Per the Specific Plan pool and spa facilities are permitted on patios, balconies, or terraces located on the second floor or above when integrated into the building architecture and design. As proposed, the pool area is not integrated into the building architecture and design and makes no attempt to integrate and interact with Old Town with the proposed location of the pool on the eastern and not western side of the building.  Corner of Old Town Front Street & First Street The location of this project on the corner of Old Town Front Street and First Street provides for a unique opportunity to incorporate corner architectural elements into 8 the project that are the focus of the building. This is the first building that people will see when entering the arches of Old Town and has the opportunity to make a statement of a transformative project by incorporating appropriate architectural expression and variation that makes the corner of the building stand apart. As proposed that corner of the building is no different than any other portion of the building other than an entrance not into the hotel, but into a restaurant within the hotel.  Second Street Pedestrian Experience The length of the building frontage along Second Street is approximately 195’. As proposed the Second Street pedestrian experience contains an approximately 900 square foot retail outlet with an entrance which spans approximately 52’ of the frontage (27%), pedestrian and vehicle entrances into the building, a storage room, fire sprinkler riser room, electrical room, and transformer room. On the third story are five (5) decks for use by hotel guests staying in those rooms. Approximately 99’ (51%) of the frontage, as proposed, is for “back of the house” uses that do not contribute to the pedestrian experience on a corner in Old Town where, across the street, is a commercial building containing restaurants and retail uses along the first floor. Suggested Solution: The “back of the house” uses should be relocated to locations that allows for additional larger commercial uses on the first floor to activate the street and provide for a true pedestrian experience. The third floor of the southwest corner of the building along Second Street is the preferred location of the pool area in order to provide interaction with the street, views into Old Town, and removing the pool from the shade, noise, and emissions from the freeway as detailed above while taking advantage of the Temecula sun. This can be accomplished by flipping the building and locating the hotel tower along the freeway in place of the pool and moving the pool to the current proposed location of the hotel tower. This would also allow for the massing of the building along Second Street to be setback further from the street and adjacent four-story building across the street. Tentative Parcel Map The Tentative Parcel Map will allow for the conversion of ten existing parcels into a single parcel. The new parcel conforms to the Old Town Specific Plan, the City’s Development Code, the Subdivision Ordinance, and the Subdivision Map Act. The parcel created meets the minimum parcel size requirements of the Old Town Specific Plan. The minimum parcel size allowed in the Downtown Core/Hotel Overlay District is 3,500 square feet (0.08 acres). The proposed parcel is 2.15 acres. LEGAL NOTICING REQUIREMENTS The notice of the public hearing was published in the Press Enterprise on August 24, 2023, and mailed to the property owners within a 600-foot radius. 9 ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), staff has determined that the proposed project is exempt from further environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(4) as a project is exempt from CEQA as staff is recommending that the project be disapproved as currently designed. FINDINGS Development Plan (Code Section 17.05.010.F) The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City. The project is not in conformance with the Old Town Specific Plan development standards as it relates to Pedestrian Experience and the Building Relationship to the Street as well as Building Articulation therefore the project is not in conformance with the General Plan and other Ordinances of the City of Temecula as the Old Town Specific Plan Development Standards were adopted by Ordinance 10-09. The Old Town Specific Plan includes Goals and Objectives designed to promote a pedestrian friendly experience as well the building relationship to the street. Specifically, the Community Design Goal is to create a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly, walkable downtown destination (Page II- 5), and Community Design Objective 7 is to promote a pedestrian atmosphere with the Downtown Core (P. II-6). Animating the Public Realm Objective 5 of the Specific Plan is to encourage large at-grade windows and front door entrances to help enliven the streets, provide visual interest for pedestrians, and create synergy within the Downtown Core District (Page II- 11). New development must respect the historical heritage of Old Town and promote a lively pedestrian oriented streetscape by following architectural guidelines related to building form, architecture style, street frontage design, materials, color, and detailing resulting in high quality, well designed buildings (Page I-8). The realm of the streets is the primary public asset in Old Town. The goals for this public realm include clearly defined street edges, architecture with character, and a lively and interesting pedestrian experience. While the private needs of tenants are met within the interior spaces, the public responsibility is to contribute to a clearly defined street that provides a pleasant pedestrian experience (Page V-19). Old Town is intended to maintain an environment oriented to the pedestrian. The ambience along the streetscape should meet not only the functional and utilitarian needs of the pedestrians, but also appeal to the pedestrian’s sensory perception and spatial awareness of the built environment (Page V-85). The proposed project does not promote or provide a pedestrian friendly experience, atmosphere, or streetscape, enliven the streets, and does not provide a visual interest for pedestrians along any of the frontages along First Street, Second Street, and Old Town Front Street other than entrances into the building. The building turns its back to the public realm while containing all elements of the project internal to the building and not incorporating pedestrians. The repetitive windows along the first floor of the building do not open up to the street and therefore closes off the building to the outside environment. No patio dining, large doors or windows that can open to the street are provided which would provide a pedestrian atmosphere and synergy between the built and pedestrian environments. A pedestrian walking by the building does not have any interaction with the project until entry is made into the structure. Furthermore, a requirement for a full-service hotel is that a development shall be designed to create an outdoor pedestrian 10 space(s) featuring amenities such as benches, outdoor dining, public art, gardens, courtyard, forecourt or a plaza (Page IV-103). The proposed project does not provide for or meet this requirement. The Old Town Specific Plan also includes building articulation standards. Specifically, the Old Town Specific Plan requires that no shopfront facing a public street shall be more than 100’ wide without incorporating architectural elements into the façade to convey the appearance of multiple shops rather than one large façade (Page IV-90). Commercial block buildings may be permitted to be composed of one dominant volume but should meet the design guideline criteria for architectural expression and variation in the building façade (Page IV-71). Building facades shall be articulated with wall offsets, recesses, openings, ornamentation, and colors and materials to add texture with special detail to the streetscape (Page IV-103). Building facades that exceed 50 linear feet should incorporate varying architectural expression, character, and rooflines so as to appear to be made up of various smaller building facades (Page V-19). The proposed project is a commercial block building with building facades that exceed 50 linear feet on all sides. The applicant proposes non-usable balconies (juliet) and either a 1-foot or 2- foot building articulation every 50’ or less on all sides of the building. This mi nimal amount of articulation is not appropriate for the massing of a building 91 feet in height. The façade along Second Street provides for an additional 10-foot setback after the first approximately 45 linear feet but then only a 1-foot or 2-foot articulation for the rest of the frontage. The amount of proposed articulation and general flatness to the building does not provide for architectural expression and variation in the building façade. The shopfronts facing First Street, Second Street, and Old Town Front Street all exceed 100’ and do not propose architectural elements into the facades that convey the appearance of multiple shops rather, one large façade as the proposed shopfront incorporates repetitive identical windows that do not contain any character or distinguish from one shop to another. The proposed building is one large façade and does not meet the development standard of appearing to be made up of various sma ller building facades. The proposed project, if constructed as proposed, would be the tallest constructed building in the City of Temecula in both number of floors and overall height and should provide articulation that assists in reducing the massing of what would be a transformative project for Old Town and the City as a whole once constructed. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare. The overall design of the project, including the site, building, parking, circulation and other associated site improvements, is consistent with, and intended to protect the health and safety of those working and living in and around the site. The project has been reviewed for, and as conditioned, has been found to be consistent with all applicable policies, guidelines, standards and regulations intended to ensure that the devel opment will be constructed and function in a manner consistent with the public health, safety, and welfare. Tentative Maps (Section 16.09.140) The proposed subdivision and the design and improvements of the subdivision are consistent with the Development Code, General Plan, any applicable Specific Plan and the City of Temecula Municipal Code. 11 As set forth above, the project is not in conformance with the Old Town Specific Plan development standards as it relates to Pedestrian Experience and the Building Relationship the Street as well as Building Articulation therefore the project is not in conformance with the General Plan and other Ordinances of the City of Temecula as the Old Town Specific Plan Development Standards were adopted by Ordinance 10-09. The tentative map does not propose to divide land which is subject to a contract entered into pursuant to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965, or the land is subject to a Land Conservation Act contract but the resulting parcels following division of the land will not be too small to sustain their agricultural use. The subject parcel does not propose to divide land which is subject to a contract entered into pursuant to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965. The subject property has not been designated for conservation or agricultural land, and is not subject to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965. The site is physically suitable for the type and proposed density of development proposed by the tentative map. The project consists of a Tentative Parcel Map on vacant property that is suitable and designated for commercial development, which is consistent with the allowable land uses of the Old Town Specific Plan, General Plan, and Development Code. The proposed Tentative Parcel Map would combine ten existing lots into a single lot. The design of the subdivision and the proposed improvements, with Conditions of Approval are not likely to cause significant environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. The project consists of a Tentative Parcel Map on vacant property and does not propose any grading, construction or development. As conditioned, the project is not likely to cause significant environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat as no development is proposed as part of the Tentative Parcel Map. The design of the subdivision and the type of improvements are not likely to cause serious public health problems. The project has been reviewed and conditioned to ensure compliance with the Building, Development, and Fire Codes. These codes contain provisions to ensure projects do not cause serious public health problems. Negative impacts are not anticipated. The design of the subdivision provides for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities in the subdivision to the extent feasible. The project consists of a Tentative Parcel Map on vacant property and does not propose any grading or construction. Any future development on the project site will be in accordance with the requirements of the California Building Code in effect at that time as it relates to heating and cooling. 12 The design of the subdivision and the type of improvements will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision, or the design of the alternate eas ements which are substantially equivalent to those previously acquired by the public will be provided. All required rights-of-way and easements have been provided on the Tentative Map. The City has reviewed these easements and has found no potential conflicts. The subdivision is consistent with the City’s parkland dedication requirements (Quimby). This map is for a non-residential use and will not be subject to Quimby fees. ATTACHMENTS 1. Aerial Map 2. PC Resolution – Development Plan 3. Plan Reductions – Development Plan 4. PC Resolution – Tentative Parcel Map 5. Plan Reductions – Tentative Parcel Map 6. Notice of Public Hearing MERCEDES ST OLD TO W N FRONT STTHIRD STFIRST STSECOND STProject Site CITY O F TEMEC ULA PA22-0035 0 200100 Feet\Date Created: 1/26/2022 1:1,4001 inch = 117 feet 922-072 -005 The map PA22-0035.mxd is maintained by City of Temecula GIS. Data and information represented on this map are subject to updateand modification. The City of Temecula assumes no warranty or legal responsibility for the information contained on thismap. This map is not for reprint or resale. Visit the City of Temecula GIS online at https://temeculaca.gov/gis !"#$15 PC RESOLUTION NO. 2023- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DENYING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA22-0035, DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR AN APPROXIMATELY 288,269 SQUARE FOOT, 355 ROOM, SEVEN (7) STORY, 91-FOOT, FULL SERVICE HOTEL THAT INCLUDES AN APPROXIMATELY 174,382 SQUARE FOOT PARKING GARAGE LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF FRONT STREET BETWEEN FIRST STREET AND SECOND STREET AND MAKING A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (APNS: 922-072-005, 007, 010, 011, 013, 016, 018, 020, 021, AND 023) Section 1. Procedural Findings. The Planning Commission of the City of Temecula does hereby find, determine and declare that: A. On January 7, 2022, Steve Kim filed Planning Application No. PA22-0035 a Development Plan. On January 10, 2022, Steve Kim filed Planning Application No. PA22-0037 a Tentative Parcel Map. These applications (collectively “Project”) were filed in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code. B. The Application was processed including, but not limited to a public notice, in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law. C. The Planning Commission, at a regular meeting, considered the Application and environmental review on September 6, 2023, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, at which time the City staff and interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to this matter. D. At the conclusion of the Planning Commission hearing and after due consideration of the testimony, the Planning Commission denied Planning Application No. PA22-0035, subject to and based upon the findings set forth hereunder. E. All legal preconditions to the adoption of the Resolution have occurred. Section 2. Further Findings. The Planning Commission, in denying the Application hereby finds, determines and declares that the Development Plan Application PA22-0035 is not in accordance with Temecula Municipal Code Section 17.05.010.F (Development Plan): A. The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City. The project is not in conformance with the Old Town Specific Plan development standards as it relates to Pedestrian Experience and the Building Relationship to the Street as well as Building Articulation therefore the project is not in conformance with the General Plan and other Ordinances of the City of Temecula as the Old Town Specific Plan Development Standards were adopted by Ordinance 10-09. The Old Town Specific Plan includes Goals and Objectives designed to promote a pedestrian friendly experience as well the building relationship to the street. Specifically, the Community Design Goal is to create a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly, walkable downtown destination (Page II-5), and Community Design Objective 7 is to promote a pedestrian atmosphere with the Downtown Core (P. II-6). Animating the Public Realm Objective 5 of the Specific Plan is to encourage large at-grade windows and front door entrances to help enliven the streets, provide visual interest for pedestrians, and create synergy within the Downtown Core District (Page II-11). New development must respect the historical heritage of Old Town and promote a lively pedestrian oriented streetscape by following architectural guidelines related to building form, architecture style, street frontage design, materials, color, and detailing resulting in high quality, well designed buildings (Page I- 8). The realm of the streets is the primary public asset in Old Town. The goals for this public realm include clearly defined street edges, architecture with character, and a lively and interesting pedestrian experience. While the private needs of tenants are met within the interior spaces, the public responsibility is to contribute to a clearly defined street that provides a pleasant pedestrian experience (Page V-19). Old Town is intended to maintain an environment oriented to the pedestrian. The ambience along the streetscape should meet not only the functional and utilitarian needs of the pedestrians, but also appeal to the pedestrian’s sensory perception and spatial awareness of the built environment (Page V- 85). The proposed project does not promote or provide a pedestrian friendly experience, atmosphere, or streetscape, enliven the streets, and does not provide a visual interest for pedestrians along any of the frontages along First Street, Second Street, and Old Town Front Street other than entrances into the building. The building turns its back to the public realm while containing all elements of the project internal to the building and not incorporating pedestrians. The repetitive windows along the first floor of the building do not open up to the street and therefore closes off the building to the outside environment. No patio dining, large doors or windows that can open to the street are provided which would provide a pedestrian atmosphere and synergy between the built and pedestrian environments. A pedestrian walking by the building does not have any interaction with the project until entry is made into the structure. Furthermore, a requirement for a full-service hotel is that a development shall be designed to create an outdoor pedestrian space(s) featuring amenities such as benches, outdoor dining, public art, gardens, courtyard, forecourt or a plaza (Page IV-103). The proposed project does not provide for or meet this requirement. The Old Town Specific Plan also includes building articulation standards. Specifically, the Old Town Specific Plan requires that no shopfront facing a public street shall be more than 100’ wide without incorporating architectural elements into the façade to convey the appearance of multiple shops rather than one large façade (Page IV-90). Commercial block buildings may be permitted to be composed of one dominant volume but should meet the design guideline criteria for architectural expression and variation in the building façade (Page IV-71). Building facades shall be articulated with wall offsets, recesses, openings, ornamentation, and colors and materials to add texture with special detail to the streetscape (Page IV-103). Building facades that exceed 50 linear feet should incorporate varying architectural expression, character, and rooflines so as to appear to be made up of various smaller building facades (Page V-19). The proposed project is a commercial block building with building facades that exceed 50 linear feet on all sides. The applicant proposes non-usable balconies (juliet) and either a 1-foot or 2-foot building articulation every 50’ or less on all sides of the building. This minimal amount of articulation is not appropriate for the massing of a building 91 feet in height. The façade along Second Street provides for an additional 10-foot setback after the first approximately 45 linear feet but then only a 1-foot or 2-foot articulation for the rest of the frontage. The amount of proposed articulation and general flatness to the building does not provide for architectural expression and variation in the building façade. The shopfronts facing First Street, Second Street, and Old Town Front Street all exceed 100’ and do not propose architectural elements into the facades that convey the appearance of multiple shops rather, one large façade as the proposed shopfront incorporates repetitive identical windows that do not contain any character or distinguish from one shop to another. The proposed building is one large façade and does not meet the development standard of appearing to be made up of various smaller building facades. The proposed project, if constructed as proposed, would be the tallest constructed building in the City of Temecula in both number of floors and overall height and should provide articulation that assists in reducing the massing of what would be a transformative project for Old Town and the City as a whole once constructed. B. The overall development of the land not designed for the protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare. The overall design of the project, including the site, building, parking, circulation and other associated site improvements, is consistent with, and intended to protect the health and safety of those working and living in and around the site. The project has been reviewed for, and as conditioned, has been found to be consistent with all applicable policies, guidelines, standards and regulations intended to ensure that the development will be constructed and function in a manner consistent with the public health, safety, and welfare. 3. Environmental Findings. The Planning Commission hereby makes the following environmental findings and determinations in connection with the denial of the Development Plan: A. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), staff has determined that the proposed project is exempt from further environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(4) as a project is exempt from CEQA if it is rejected or disapproved by a public agency. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City of Temecula Planning Commission this 6th day of September, 2023. Lanae Turley-Trejo, Chair ATTEST: Luke Watson Secretary [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE )ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Luke Watson, Secretary of the Temecula Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the forgoing PC Resolution No. 2023- was duly and regularly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the 6th day of September, 2023, by the following vote: AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: NOES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Luke Watson Secretary OWNER: STEVE Y. KIM LIVING TRUST 3785 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD #2211 LOS ANGELES, CA 90010. PHONE: (213)700-6883 PROJECT ARCHITECT: ONESTOP DESIGN, INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CA 90010 PHONE: (213) 880-0452 CONTACT: ANDREW H. KIL AIA, LEED AP STRUCTURAL ENGINEER: LEE & LEE STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING INC. 3550 WWILSHIRE BLVD., #480 LOS ANGELES, CA, 90010 PHONE: (213) 351-0034 CONTACT: SANG LEE CIVIL: VALUED ENGINEERING INC. 600 N. MOUNTAIN AVENUE, #C102 UPLAND, CA 91786 Phone: (909) 982-4601 Cell: (909) 927-7347 CONTACT: JEFF MEITER LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE: SQLA INC. 2669 SATURN ST. BREA, CA 92821 PHONE: (562) 905-0800 CONTACT: SERENA SUN MECHANICAL: ONESTOP DESIGN, INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CA 90010 PHONE: (818)913-8520 CONTACT: MRITYUNJOY KUMAR ROY ELECTRICAL: ONESTOP DESIGN, INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CA 90010 (818) 854 2079 CONTACT: MAHBOOBEH ZADEH PLUMBING: ONESTOP DESIGN, INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD. LOS ANGELES, CA 90010 PHONE: (909)631-9291 CONTACT: LEONARD R. ARREDONDO ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE: PA22-0035 & PA22-0037 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISED REVISIONS Drawn By Checked By Job Number Cad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS. 12-23-2022 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED 5-04-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 7 - REVISED 5-26-2023 12" = 1'-0"5/31/2023 2:52:50 PMCOVER SHEET P - A0.1 PROJECT LOCATION SHEET INDEXPROJECT TEAMVICINITY MAP PLANNING SUBMISSION A1 -SITE PLANS & DATA A1.1 SITE PLAN A2 -FLOOR PLANS A2.1 B1 LEVEL BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN A2.2 GROUND FLOOR PLAN (L1/P1) A2.3 2ND FLOOR PLAN ( L2/P2) A2.4 P3 LEVEL PARKING FLOOR PLAN A2.5 3RD FLOOR PLAN ( PODIUM LEVEL) A2.6 TYPICAL FLOOR PLAN (4TH-7TH FLOOR) A2.7 ROOF FLOOR PLAN A3 -BUILDING ELEVATIONS A3.1 EXTERIOR BUILDING ELEVATION -OVERALL A3.2 EXTERIOR BUILDING ELEVATION -OVERALL A4 -BUILDING SECTIONS A4.1 BUILDING SECTIONS A4.2 BUILDING SECTIONS A4.3 BUILDING SECTIONS A5-DETAILS A5.1 ENLARGED DETAILS-1ST AND 2ND STREET A5.2 ENLARGED DETAILS-FRONT STREET A5.3 EXTERIOR WALL OPENING CALCULATION DIAGRAM A6 -RENDERINGS A6.1 3D RENDERINGS A6.2 3D RENDERINGS A6.3 3D RENDERINGS A6.4 3D RENDERINGS A7 -MATERIAL BOARD A7.1 COLORS & MATERIALS A7.2 COLORS & MATERIALS A7.3 COLORS & MATERIALS L 1 -LANDSCAPE L1.1 LANDSCAPE PLAN @ GROUND LEVEL L1.1 L3 (PODIUM) LEVEL LANDSCAPE PLAN DNUPDNUPDNDNUPDNUPSERVING SERVING SERVING BARDNUPUPUPDNWW W W W FW FW LW WW LW DNSITE LOCATION EAST SIDE OF FRONT STREET BETWEEN 1ST STREET AND 2ND STREET LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOTS 1 THRU 24, INCLUSIVE, BLOCK 17, MAP OF TEMECULA PER M.B. 15, PAGE 726, RECORDS OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, INCLUDING VACATED ALLEYWAY, BLOCK 17 AND PORTIONS OF VACATED FRONT STREET AND MERCEDES STREET. APN(PA22-0035) 922-072-005, -007, -010, -011, -013, -016, -018, -020, -021, and -023 OCCUPANCY R-1, S-2, B/M, A-2, A-3 PROPOSED USE HOTEL (355 GUESTROOMS), RETAIL, RESTAURANT, SPA, PARKING ZONING OLD TOWN SPECIFIC PLAN GENERAL PLAN LAND USE SPECIFIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION EXISTING LAND USE VACANT LOT TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION TYPE I-A & TYPE II-A FIRE SPRINKLERS FULLY FIRE SPRINKLERED THROUGHOUT UTILITY PURVEYORS SANITARY SEWER EMWD POTABLE WATER RANCHO WATER ELECTRICITY SOCAL EDISON TELEPHONE FRONTIER LOT DATA TOTAL GROSS AREA: 93,523 SQFT 2.15 ACRES TOTAL NET AREA: 93,022 SQFT 2.14 ACRES TOTAL BLDG AREA: 292,806 SQFT FLOOR AREA RATIO(S): 3.13 LOT COVERAGE SQFT PERCENTAGE BUILDING AREA: 74,682 80% PARKING AREA: 0 0% LANDSCAPING AREA: 0 0% HARDSCAPE: 18,841 20% ** NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHICH THE PROJECT ACCOMODATES FOR CONFERENCE FACILITY SPACE : 8,507 SQ.FT. = 1,215 OCCUPANTS 7 SQ.FT. PER PERSON (OCCUPANCY LOAD FACTOR FOR ASSEMBLY USE) PARKING NO. OF REQUIRED PARKING SPACES:384 1 STALL PER GUEST ROOM X 355 GUEST ROOMS 355 1 STALL PER 300 SF OF MEETING SPACE x 8,507SF 29 TOTAL 384 NO. OF TOTAL PROVIDED PARKING SPACES: 395 LEVEL STD. STALL ACCESSIBLE TANDEM TOTAL P3 82 - 28 110 P2 84 - 14 98 P1 64 9 5 78 B1 82 - 27 109 TOTAL 312 9 74 395 * VALLET SERVICE IS PROVIDED AT ALL TIMES NO. OF REQUARED EV PARKING 139 (PER 2022 CALGREEN CIDE) -EV READY 74 -EV CAPABLE 25 -EV CHARGERS 40 NO. OF PROVIDED EV PARKING 139 LEVEL EV READY/CAPABLE EV CHARGERS( EVCS) TOTAL P3 54 0 54 P2 40 0 40 P1 5 40 45 B1 - - - TOTAL 99 40 139 MOTORCYCLE PARKING SPACES REQUIRED NO. 7 PROVIDED NO. 8 BICYCLE PARKING SPACES REQUIRED NO. 20 PROVIDED NO. 24 STORIES SEVEN STORIES OVER 1 LEVEL BASEMENT (ALLOWABLE NUMBER OF STORIES IS 8 STORIES) BUILDING HEIGHT 91 FEET FROM LOWEST POINT (ALLOWABLE BLDG HEIGHT IS NO MORE THAN 100' PER OLD TOWN SPECIFIC PLAN) MEETING SPACES SQFT GRAND BALLROOM (L1) 2,881 BANQUET LOUNGE (L1) 2,538 JUNIOR BALLROOM (L2) 2,312 MEETING ROOMS (L2) 776 TOTAL 8,507 SQ.FT. FLOOR AREA 7-LEVEL HOTEL LEVEL SQ.FT. L7 46,808 L6 46,808 L5 46,808 L4 46,808 L3 47,262 L2 26,806 L1 26,969 (R-1) TOTAL: 288,269 SQ.FT. TOTAL OF (R-1) & (S-1): 462,651 SQ.FT. 4-LEVEL PARKING LEVEL SQFT P3 39,477 P2 46,347 P1 47,405 B1 41,153 (S-1) TOTAL: 174,382 SQ.FT.MAIN ENTRANCEENTRANCE PEDESTRIANENTRANCEN16°25'27"W 175.20' LO ADIN G /UN LOADIN G AREA 38' - 6" RAMP DOWN 5.20% SL. DNUP UPDN RAMP DOWN 14.39% SL. DN BUILD-TO- LINE `Property Line OLD TOWN FRONT STREET H Y D H Y D H Y D H Y DCAR ENTRANCEN44°28'35"E 129.70'19' - 7"N44' 29'25"E210.36'N45' 31'05"E 150.11'E (OH)E (OH)E (OH)24' - 0"N45°30'07"W 132.65'N 44° 30'16" E 335.46'S 45° 32' 04 "E 143.95' PROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION ZONING: OLD TOWN SPECIFIC PLANLAND USE: DOWNTOWN CORE / HOTEL OVERLAY27' - 9 1/2"10' - 0 3/4"10' - 0 3/4" 10' - 1"32' - 1"10' - 0 1/2"10' - 0 1/2"N85°24'57"E 26.57'ZONING: OLD TOWN SPECIFIC PLANLAND USE: DOWNTOWN CORE / OFFICEZONING: OLD TOWN SPECIFIC PLANLAND USE: DOWNTOWN CORE / VACCANTPEDESTRIAN ENTRANCEZONING: OLD TOWN SPECIFIC PLANLAND USE: DOWNTOWN CORE / AUTOMOTIVE2ND STREET1ST STREETZONING: OLD TOWN SPECIFIC PLANLAND USE: DOWNTOWN CORE / HOTEL OVERLAY, STORERAMP DOWN 5.00% SL.1PTransformer 48"x54"Dumster #1. TRASHDumster #2.RECYCLINGDumster #3. ORGANICS20' - 0". 10' - 0"STAIR-1STAIR 3RAMP DOWN 8.33% SL. RAMP DOWN 8.33% SL.RAMP DOWN8.33% SL.26' - 2 1/2"RAMP DOWN8.33% SL.DNRAMP DOWN8.33% SL.EVCSEVCSVAN VAN EVEVEVEVEVEVEVEVEVEVEVEVEVEV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EVEVEVEVEVEVEVEVEVEVEVEVEV EV EV EV EV H Y D WATER HEATER ROOM TRASH ROOM FIRE SPRINKLER RISER ROOM TRANSFOR MER PAD 10'X12' ELECTRICAL ROOM STORAGE P2 (STREET LEVEL) P1 (STREET LEVEL) P1.5 (STREET LEVEL) L1 (STREET LEVEL) FAMILY RESTAURANT BANQUET LOUNGE GRAND BALLROOM PANTRY OFFICE PREP LUGGAGE COUNTER LUGGAGE STORAGE STORAGE DRY FOOD STORAGE KITCHEN #1 WOMEN'S TOILET MEN'S TOILET REGISTRATION LOBBY LAUNDRY VESTIBULE TRASH & LINEN STORAGE STAIR-5 STAIR-4 29' - 6 1/2" RETAIL 5' - 0"ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE: PA22-0035 & PA22-0037 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISED REVISIONS Drawn By Checked By Job Number Cad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS. 12-23-2022 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED 5-04-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 7 - REVISED 5-26-2023 As indicated 5/31/2023 2:52:56 PMSITE PLAN P - A 1.1 KEYNOTES S01 GTE UTILITY EASEMENT LOCATION. SEE ALTA SURVEY 4 - ALTA EASEMENTS FOR RECORD REFERENCE. S02 LAMAR MEDIA MAINTENANCE EASEMENT LOCATION. SEE ALTA SURVEY 4 - ALTA EASEMENTS FOR RECORD REFERENCE. S03 TREES TO BE IMPLANTED PER OLD TOWN STREET IMPROVEMENT STANDARDS. SEE LANDSCAPING PLAN FOR DETAILS. S04 DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVES BY RANCHO WATER DISTRICT DWG #RW-20. S05 EXISTING POWERPOLE TO BE REMOVED. OVERHEAD LINE TO BE UNDERGROUNDED. S06 NEW STREET LIGHT PER OLD TOWN SPECIFIC PLAN. SEE PHOTOMETRIC STUDY FOR DETAILS. S08 EXISTING BILLBOARD. S09 1-PHASE TRANSFORMER FOR RODEWAY INN S10 EXISTING FIRE HYDRANTS S13 NEW FIRE HYDRANT "SUPER" S14 NEW ROAD SURFACE PER CITY OF TEMECULA STANDARD DETAIL #104. PLEASE SEE GRADING PLAN FOR DETAILS. S15 ADA ROUTE. ACCESSIBLE RAMPS FROM 1ST STREET AND 2ND ST. S16 EXISTING STREET LIGHT S17 EXISTING TEMECULA SIGN S18 EXISTING FLAGPOLE TO BE PROTECTED S19 PROPOSED DROP INLET STRUCTURE WITHIN CITY RIGHT-OF-WAY TO CAPTURE CLATRANS DRAINAGE S20 EXISTING TREEWELL S21 KNOX BOX S22 DOMESTIC WATER METER S24 EXISTING TREE TO BE REMOVED S25 LANDSCAPE WATER METER S26 PROPOSED SCREEN WALL S27 STORM DRAIN BASIN S28 PROPOSED DROP INLET IN RIBBON GUTTER S29 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION (FDC) -WALL MOUNTED S30 BACKFLOW PREVENTOR ABOVE GRADE S05 S06 S08 S09 S13 S14 S15 S06 S16 S01 S02 S17 S16 S18 S10 S03 S03 S16 S10 S10 CALTRANS R/W S05 S05 S19 N S24 S15 SITE PLANA3/64" = 1'-0" S13 S03 S03 S03 S03 S20 S22 S30 S25 S29 S21 S04 S30 UPUPUPUPSTAIR-5 STAIR-6 RAMP UP 4.85% SL. RAMP DOWN 4.85% SL. B1.5 B1 SUMP PITS LOCATION B1 TOTAL (140) PARKINGS STAIR 4 STAIR-3 +993' - 0" +998' - 0" GREASE INTERCEPTOR/SEWER INJECTOR ROOM B1.2 PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE 1 1/2" DIA. 42" HI. RAILINGS (TYP.) 1 1/2" DIA. 42" HI. RAILINGS (TYP.) MECH RM. B002 ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE: PA22-0035 & PA22-0037 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISED REVISIONS Drawn By Checked By Job Number Cad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS. 12-23-2022 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED 5-04-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 7 - REVISED 5-26-2023 1/16" = 1'-0"5/31/2023 2:52:57 PMB1 LEVEL BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN P - A 2.1 0'8'16'32'64'NSCALE 1/16" = 1'-0" FLOOR PLAN - PARKING LEVEL B1 & B1.5A DNUP DN UP DN UP SERVING SERVINGSERVINGBAR DN UP UP DN DNUP UP DNUPPROPERTY LINE MAIN ENTRY MAIN ENTRY MAIN ENTRY GRAND BALLROOM 122 STORAGE 111 OFFICE 118 PEDESTRIAN ENTRY MOTORCYCLE BIKE RACKSPREP 120 PEDESTRIAN ENTRY KITCHEN #1 105 RAMP UP 4.85% SL. L1 L1 P1 P1 P1 B0.5 P1 RAMP DOWN 4.85% SL. RAMP DOWN 4.85% SL.RAMP UP11.22% SL.RAMP DOWN5.00% SL.RAMP DOWN8.33% SL.RAMP DOWN8.33% SL.DN UPDN WOMEN'S TOILET 124 MEN'S TOILET 125 STORAGE 126ADA LIFT #1 RAMP DOWN 8.33% SL. RAMP DOWN 10% SL. TRENCH DRAIN TRENCH DRAIN DROP-OFFRAMP UP5.20% SL.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 UP BANQUET LOUNGE 127 FAMILY RESTAURANT 101 STAIR-1 STAIR-5 STAIR-3 DN RAMP DOWN 8.33% SL. AV ROOM 122A LUGGAGE STORAGE 110 SECURITY 107 TRASH & LINEN 108 MEN'S TOILET 112 +1006' - 6" +1006' - 6" +1008' - 2" +1008' - 0" +1006' - 6" LAUNDRY P108 +1008' - 0 1/4" +1008' - 0" +1006' - 6" +1008' - 0" +1003' - 6" STAIR-4 WOMEN'S TOILET 113 L1 STORAGE P106 LOUNGE 119 DRYER DRYER DRYER WASHER WASHER WASHER FLAT IRONERBEDSHEET FOLDERTOWEL FOLDER10' - 1 1/2"10' - 0 1/2" PANTRY 121 HEATER RM. 125B KITCHEN #2 104 SERVING COUNTER 102 DRY FOOD STORAGE 103 REGISTRATION COUNTER 117 REGISTRATION LOBBY 116 LUGGAGE COUNTER 110A TOILET VESTIBULE 124A TOILET VESTIBULE 125A HALLWAY #1 128 HALLWAY #2 123 HALLWAY #3 114 ELEV-S1 ELEV-P3 ELEV-P2 ELEV-P1 ELEV-P4 HALLWAY #4 115 VESTIBULE 106 STAIR-6 STAGE SERVICE ELEVATOR VESTIBULE 109 MOTORCYCLE & BIKE PARKING P107 CART STATION P109 L1 P101 101D 101B 101A ELEV. LOBBY 115B HALLWAY #5 115A STAIR 2 101C P105 P102 P103 P104 EVCSEVCSVAN VAN EVCSEVEV EVCSEVCS EVCSSTAIR #7 RAMP UPMAX 1:12 SL.PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE MECH. DUCTS MECH. DUCTS MECH. DUCTS FOOD ISLAND FOOD ISLAND DESERT ISLAND PRIVATE DINING BAR RECEPTION 32' - 1" 30' - 6 1/4"EVCS EVCS EVCS EVCS 1 1/2" DIA. 42" HI. RAILINGS (TYP.) 1 1/2" DIA. 42" HI. RAILINGS (TYP.) 1 1/2" DIA. 42" HI. RAILINGS (TYP.) 1 1/2" DIA. 42" HI. RAILINGS (TYP.) 1 1/2" DIA. 42" HI. RAILINGS (TYP.) VOID LINE OF SPA SLAB DROP ABOVE LINE OF SPA SLAB DROP ABOVE 10'-0" x 10'-0" OPENING @ LEVEL L3 FOR TOWER CRANE INSTALLATION EV EV EV EVCS EVCSEVCS EVCS EVCSEVCS EVCS EVCSEVCS EVCS EVCSEVCS EVCS EVCSEVCS EVCS EVCSEVCS EVCS EVCSEVCS EVCS EVCSEVCS EVCS EVCSEVCS EVCS EVCSEVCS 5' - 0"10' - 0 1/2"SECOND STREET FRONT STREETFIRST STREET 7457 SQ FT 495 SQ FT 2837 SQ FT 600 SQ FT 2293 SQ FT 0'8'16'32'64' ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE: PA22-0035 & PA22-0037 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISED REVISIONS Drawn By Checked By Job Number Cad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS. 12-23-2022 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED 5-04-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 7 - REVISED 5-26-2023 1/16" = 1'-0"5/31/2023 2:52:59 PMGROUND FLOOR PLAN (L1/P1) P - A 2.2NSCALE 1/16" = 1'-0" GROUND FLOOR PLAN (L1/P1)A DNUPDNUP DNUP DN UP DN DNDN DN DN UP DN UP WOMEN'S SPA 229 OPEN TO BELOW YOGA 201 SERVICE 238 MEETING RM. 242 LOUNGE 234 PANTRY 239 MEETING RM. 241 MEETING RM. 243 TREAT. 218 SERVICE ENTRYSERVICE PATHTRASH ROOM ENTRYLOADING/UNLOADINGJUNIOR BALLROOM 240 LAUNDRY CHUTE 207 P2 P1.5 P2 RAMP UP 5.34% SL. RAMP DOWN 5.34% SL. RAMP DOWN 5.34% SL. DN UPDN OPEN TO BELOW STAFF BREAKROOM 203 GYM 202 HOT SPA HOT SPA OPEN TO BELOW STAIR-1 STAIR-5 Make-up Make-up WOMAN'S TOILET 208 MEN'S TOILET 209 TREAT. 221 TREAT. 223 TREAT. 224 TREAT. 219 TREAT. 220 LOCKERS 235 HALLWAY 245 SPA LOBBY 236 STAIR-3 WOMEN'S TOILET 230 SCRUB RM. 231 SUNDRY 211 KIDS ROOM 212 BOUTIQUE 210 TREAT. 222 TREAT. 227 Shower STEAM 226 DRY SAUNA 225 STAFF BATHROOM 205 STAFF BATHROOM 204 SECOND STREET10' - 0"20'-0".LOUNGE & PUB / RESTAURANT 206C BUTLER PANTRY 206F MEN'S SPA 217 STOR. 240A STOR. 240CADA LIFT #2 HALLWAY 248 HALLWAY 252 AV ROOM 240B STAGE ELEV-S1 ELEV-P3 ELEV-P1 ELEV-P2 TOILET VESTIBULE 209A STOR. 209B KID'S TOILET 212A STORAGE 254 STAIR 2 STAIR-4 STAIR-6 TRASH ROOM P209 WATER HEATER ROOM P211 TRANSFORMER ROOM P208 ELEC. ROOM P207 RETAIL P206 ELEV-P4 ELEV. LOBBY 254 +1013' - 6" OPEN TO BELOW OPEN TO BELOW EV EV EV EV EV EV L2 +1022' - 10" P201 P202 P203 P204 P205 EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV 206D 206B 206A HALLWAY 246 HALLWAY 244 STAIR #7 206E HALLWAY 249 250 253 247 SERVICE ELEVATOR VESTIBULE 207A BARLOUNGE PUB RESTAURANT ( 58 SEATS) FOOD ISLAND EVL2 206D 206B 206A 206E 247 BARLOUNGE PUB RESTAURANT ( 58 SEATS) FOOD ISLAND DCDA P211 FIRE SPRINKLER RISER ROOM P210Dumster #1. TRASHDumster #2.RECYCLINGDumster #3. ORGANICS6' - 0"6' - 0"1' - 2"6' - 0"1' - 2" TRASHCOMPACTORSTORAGE P249 1 1/2" DIA. 42" HI. RAILINGS (TYP.) 1 1/2" DIA. 42" HI. RAILINGS (TYP.) +1013' - 6" +1018' - 9" +1015' - 1 3/4" +1013' - 6" COLD COLD EV EV EVEVEVEVLOUNGE 214 BEAUTY SALON 237 STEAM 215 MEN'S TOILET 213 LOCKER 213A STAFF BREAKROOM 228 SCRUB 232 SCRUB 233 DRY SAUNA 216 10' - 0 1/2"10' - 0 1/2" 3968 SQ FT 3968 SQ FT 5' - 0"10' - 1"0'8'16'32'64' ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE: PA22-0035 & PA22-0037 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISED REVISIONS Drawn By Checked By Job Number Cad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS. 12-23-2022 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED 5-04-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 7 - REVISED 5-26-2023 1/16" = 1'-0"5/31/2023 2:53:03 PM2ND FLOOR PLAN (L2/P2) P - A 2.3NSCALE 1/16" = 1'-0" 2ND FLOOR PLAN (L2/P2)A DN UP DN UP DNUP DNUPDNUP DNUP DN P3 P2.5 RAMP DOWN 5.34% SL. DN RAMP DOWN 5.34% SL. DN STAIR-6 STAIR-3 ELEV-P3 ELEV-S1 ELEV-P2 ELEV-P1 RAMPSTAIR 4 ELEV-P4 STAIR-1 +1028' - 0" +1023' - 6" EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EVEVP302 P301 P303 P304P305 EV OPEN TO BELOW OPEN TO BELOW OPEN TO BELOW OPEN TO BELOW OPEN TO BELOW 1 1/2" DIA. 42" HI. LOW WALLS (TYP.) 1 1/2" DIA. 42" HI. LOW WALLS (TYP.) LINE OF BLDG. ABOVE LINE OF SWIMMING POOL SLAB DROP ABOVE LINE OF JACUZZI SLAB DROP ABOVE EV EVEV EVEV EV EV EV EV EV EVEV EV EVEV EV 0'8'16'32'64' ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE: PA22-0035 & PA22-0037 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISED REVISIONS Drawn By Checked By Job Number Cad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS. 12-23-2022 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED 5-04-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 7 - REVISED 5-26-2023 1/16" = 1'-0"5/31/2023 2:53:06 PMP3 LEVEL PARKING FLOOR PLAN P - A 2.4NSCALE 1/16" = 1'-0" PARKING LEVEL P3 PLANA DNUP DNUPDN UP DNUPDN 4 5 2 , 3 7 4 52,374 52,37 4 52,37 4 52,37 STAIR-5 STAIR-3 STAIR-1 T1 QUEEN 323 T1 KING 321 T1 QUEEN 319 T1 KING 317 T1 QUEEN 315 T1 KING 313 T1 KING 308 T2 QUEEN 306 T1 KING 312 T2 QUEEN 310 T2 QUEEN 314 T1 KING 316 T2 QUEEN 318 T1 KING 320 T2 QUEEN 322 T1 QUEEN 324 T1 QUEEN 311 T1 KING 309 T1 QUEEN 307 SUITE 1 301 SUITE 2 302 T2 QUEEN 326 T2 QUEEN 331 T2 QUEEN 334 T2 QUEEN 336 T2 QUEEN 338 T2 QUEEN 335 T1 KING 337 T2 QUEEN 339 T1 KING 368 T1 KING 373 SUITE 4 358 ADA RM. 1 329 T1 KING 330 B.O.H. 327 T1 KING 333 T1 QUEEN 370 T1 KING 372SUITE 5 374 T2 QUEEN 371 T1 KING 369 T1 KING 365 T2 QUEEN 363 T1 KING 340 T1 KING 344 T1 KING 348 T2 QUEEN 346 T2 QUEEN 342 SUITE 7 350 CORRIDOR C 303 ADA RM. 3 357 T1 KING 332 SWIMMING POOL UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT JACUZZI UNDER SEPARATE PERMIT MEN'S TOILET 376 WOMAN'S TOILET 375 STORAGE 377 ELEV. LOBBY L 301 T2 QUEEN 345 T2 QUEEN 353 T2 QUEEN 355 T1 KING 356 T1 KING 354 T1 KING 347 T1 QUEEN 325 T1 QUEEN 366 CORRIDOR C301 SERVICE ELEVATOR VESTIBULE 327 B STORAGE 341 SWIMMING POOL AREA WEDDING GARDEN CORRIDOR C302 STAIR 2 DOG PARK T2 QUEEN 367 SUITE 3 328 T2 QUEEN 349 T1 KING 351 LANDSCAPE AREA ELEV-S1 ELEV-P2 ELEV-P1ELEV-P3 T1 KING 304 STAIR-4 PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE ADA RM. 2 343 SUITE 6 359T2 QUEEN 362 T1 KING 364 T1 KING 361 T2 QUEEN 360 T1 KING 305 T2 QUEEN 30311' - 2 1/4"10' - 1 3/4"10' - 5 1/2"10' - 8 1/4"8' - 4"8' - 2 1/2" 11' - 5 1/2" DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK DECK 0'8'16'32'64' ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE: PA22-0035 & PA22-0037 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISED REVISIONS Drawn By Checked By Job Number Cad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS. 12-23-2022 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED 5-04-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 7 - REVISED 5-26-2023 1/16" = 1'-0"7/18/2023 1:16:12 PM3RD FLOOR PLAN (PODIUM LEVEL) P - A 2.5NSCALE 1/16" = 1'-0" 3RD FLOOR PLAN (PODIUM LEVEL)A DNUPDNUPDNUP DNUP4 52,37 4 52,37 4 52,37 4 5 2 , 3 7 4 5 2 ,37 4 52,37 4 52,37 4 5 2 , 3 7 4 52,37 4 52,37 A7.4EA7.4DA7.10CCORRIDOR400A??STORAGE400BSTORAGE442STAIR-3T1 KING433T1 KING427T2 QUEEN425T1 KING411T2 QUEEN409SUITE 1401B.O.H.428ELECTRICALROOM426BSERVICEELEVATORVESTIBULE426ELEV. LOBBYL 400T1 KING437SUITE 4459T1 KING470T1 KING466T1 QUEEN464SUITE 5475T1 KING473T2 QUEEN471T1 KING469T2 QUEEN467T1 KING465T2 QUEEN463T1 KING462T2 QUEEN461SUITE 6460ADA RM. 3458T1 KING449T1 KING445T2 QUEEN447SUITE 7451T2 QUEEN443T2 QUEEN439T2 QUEEN435T2 QUEEN440T2 QUEEN436T1 KING438T1 KING434T1 KING441ADA RM. 1430T1 KING424T2 QUEEN423T1 KING421T2 QUEEN419T2 QUEEN417T1 KING415T2 QUEEN413T1 KING407T2 QUEEN405T1 KING404T1 KING408T1 KING412T1 KING416T1 KING420T2 QUEEN418T2 QUEEN414T2 QUEEN410T2 QUEEN406T2 QUEEN432T2 QUEEN446T1 KING448T2 QUEEN454T1 KING455T2 QUEEN456T1 KING457CORRIDORC 403CORRIDOR400 BADA RM.2444T1 KING431T1 KING452T2 QUEEN450T2 QUEEN472T2 QUEEN484T1 KING474SUITE 3429T2 QUEEN422GFCIGFCIGFCI13' - 0 1/4"13' - 0 3/4"FIREPLACESTAIR-4GFCIGFCIGFCIGFCIGFCIGFCIELEV-S1ELEV-P3ELEV-P1ELEV-P2BIGGER COUCHESSTAIR 2GFCISUITE 2402T2 QUEEN403PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE11' - 2 1/4"10' - 10"10' - 5 1/2"11' - 5 1/2"26' - 3 3/4"30' - 6 1/4"9' - 9 1/2"10' - 10"11' - 10"A7.5F0'8'16'32'64'ONESTOP DESIGN INC.3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE:PA22-0035 & PA22-0037PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISEDREVISIONSDrawn ByChecked ByJob NumberCad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS.12-23-2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED5-04-2023PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 7 - REVISED5-26-20231/16" = 1'-0"7/18/2023 10:32:19 AMTYPICAL FLOORPLAN (4TH TO 7THFLOOR)P - A 2.6NSCALE 1/16" = 1'-0"TYPICAL FLOOR PLAN (4TH TO 7TH FLOOR)A DNUP DNUP STAIR-4 STAIR-1 TOP OF PARAPET TOP OF PARAPET 2 -HR FIRE RATED ELEVATOR SHAFT 2 -HR FIRE RATED ELEVATOR SHAFT SOLAR PANELS 0'8'16'32'64' ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE: PA22-0035 & PA22-0037 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISED REVISIONS Drawn By Checked By Job Number Cad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS. 12-23-2022 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED 5-04-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 7 - REVISED 5-26-2023 1/16" = 1'-0"5/31/2023 2:53:36 PMROOF FLOOR PLAN P - A 2.7NSCALE 1/16" = 1'-0" ROOF FLOOR PLANA COLOR & FINISH MATERIALSEXTERIOR PLASTE FINISHES 2 COATS OF 1/2' THK. EXT. PLASTER 0/ 1-LAYER 60 MIN. GRADE 'D' 6LDG. PAPER & 1-LAYER TYVEK, FASTWALL 300-K, 3 COATS STUCCO ASSEMBLY WITH KRAK-SHIELD ACRYLIC BASE. SMOOT FINISH (TYP) STUCCO MIX 6Y, 'LA HABRA' OR EQUAL CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE FOUR FINlSHES / COLOR SAMPLES ON SITE FOR ARClTECT'S APPROVAL PRIOR TO APPLICATION OF FINISH COAT.STUCCO COLORS & LIMESTONEE1 SW 7005 PURE WHITEE2 SW 7010 WHITE DUCKE3 SW 9108 DOUBLE LATTEE4 LIMESTONE PICARD JAUNE BRUSHEDEXTERIOR WALLS & WINDOWSBLACK ANODIZED ALUMINUM DOOR & WINDOWBY '--------' OR APPROVED EQUAL(SEE DOOR & WINDOW SCHEDULE)L21022' - 10"L31037' - 10"L41047' - 10"L51057' - 10"L61067' - 10"ROOF1087' - 10"L1 @ FRONT ST.1004' - 2"L71077' - 10"TOP OF PARAPET1097' - 10"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"15' - 0"18' - 8"PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE10' - 2 1/4"E2E1E410' - 0 1/2"P11008' - 0"L31037' - 10"L41047' - 10"L51057' - 10"L61067' - 10"ROOF1087' - 10"P21019' - 0"P31028' - 0"L71077' - 10"TOP OF PARAPET1097' - 10"11' - 0"9' - 0"9' - 10"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"E3E2E4E2E1E2E3E1E2PROPERTY LINEPROPERTY LINE32' - 1".10' - 0 1/2"ONESTOP DESIGN INC.3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE:PA22-0035 & PA22-0037PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISEDREVISIONSDrawn ByChecked ByJob NumberCad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS.12-23-2022PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED5-04-2023PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 7 - REVISED5-26-2023As indicated7/17/2023 5:47:37 PMBUILDINGELEVATIONSP - A 3.1BASCALE 1/16" = 1'-0"BUILDING ELEVATION @ FRONT STREETBSCALE 1/16" = 1'-0"BUILDING ELEVATION @ FIRST STREET- PLANNING SUBMITIONA COLOR & FINISH MATERIALS EXTERIOR PLASTE FINISHES 2 COATS OF 1/2' THK. EXT. PLASTER 0/ 1-LAYER 60 MIN. GRADE 'D' 6LDG. PAPER & 1-LAYER TYVEK, FASTWALL 300-K, 3 COATS STUCCO ASSEMBLY WITH KRAK-SHIELD ACRYLIC BASE. SMOOT FINISH (TYP) STUCCO MIX 6Y, 'LA HABRA' OR EQUAL CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE FOUR FINlSHES / COLOR SAMPLES ON SITE FOR ARClTECT'S APPROVAL PRIOR TO APPLICATION OF FINISH COAT. STUCCO COLORS & LIMESTONE E1 SW 7005 PURE WHITE E2 SW 7010 WHITE DUCK E3 SW 9108 DOUBLE LATTE E4 LIMESTONE PICARD JAUNE BRUSHED EXTERIOR WALLS & WINDOWS BLACK ANODIZED ALUMINUM DOOR & WINDOW BY '--------' OR APPROVED EQUAL (SEE DOOR & WINDOW SCHEDULE) L2 1022' - 10" L3 1037' - 10" L4 1047' - 10" L5 1057' - 10" L6 1067' - 10" ROOF 1087' - 10" L1 @ FRONT ST. 1004' - 2" L7 1077' - 10" TOP OF PARAPET 1097' - 10"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"PROPERTY LINE 10' - 0 1/2"15' - 0"18' - 8"PROPERTY LINE 30' - 6". E2 E1E3 E4 E2 E1 L2 1022' - 10" L3 1037' - 10" L4 1047' - 10" L5 1057' - 10" L6 1067' - 10" ROOF 1087' - 10" P3 1028' - 0" L7 1077' - 10" TOP OF PARAPET 1097' - 10" E1 10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"9' - 10"5' - 2"PROPERTY LINE PROPERTY LINE 10' - 2 1/2" E3E2 E4E3 ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE: PA22-0035 & PA22-0037 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISED REVISIONS Drawn By Checked By Job Number Cad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS. 12-23-2022 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED 5-04-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 7 - REVISED 5-26-2023 As indicated 7/18/2023 2:03:03 PMBUILDING ELEVATIONS P - A 3.2 ABSCALE 1/16" = 1'-0" BUILDING ELEVATION @2ND STREETA SCALE 1/16" = 1'-0" BUILDING ELEVATION @ INTERSTATE 15B P1 1008' - 0" L2 1022' - 10" L3 1037' - 10" L4 1047' - 10" L5 1057' - 10" L6 1067' - 10" ROOF 1087' - 10" P2 1019' - 0" B1 998' - 0" L1 @ FRONT ST. 1004' - 0" L7 1077' - 10" TOP OF ROOF 1097' - 10" POOL 1034' - 7"15' - 7"11' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"15' - 0"18' - 10"T2 QUEEN T2 QUEEN T1 KING T1 KING CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR HALLWAY T2 QUEEN T2 QUEEN T1 KING T1 KING T2 QUEEN T2 QUEEN T1 KING T1 KING T2 QUEEN T2 QUEEN T1 KING T1 KING T2 QUEEN T2 QUEEN SUNDRYKIDS ROOM HALLWAY T2 QUEEN T2 QUEEN T2 QUEEN T1 KING T1 KING T1 KING T2 QUEEN T2 QUEEN T2 QUEEN T2 QUEEN T2 QUEEN T2 QUEEN T1 KING T1 KING T1 KING T2 QUEEN T2 QUEEN T2 QUEEN T1 KING T1 KING T1 KING T2 QUEEN T2 QUEEN T2 QUEEN T2 QUEEN T2 QUEEN T2 QUEEN T2 QUEEN T2 QUEEN T1 KING T1 KING T1 KING T1 KING SUITE SUITE SUITE SUITE 2T1 KING SUITE SUITE SUITE SUITE 2 SUITE SUITE T1 KING T1 KING T1 KING T1 KING SPA LOBBY 1HR EXT. WALL ASSEMBLY WITH R 19 EXT. WALL INSULATION 1HR INT. WALL ASSEMBLY WITH R 19 INT. WALL INSULATION 24" MAT FOUNDATION AS PER STRUCT. PLAN 2HR OCCUPANCY SEPARATION SHOCRETE WALL AS PER STRUCT. PLAN 10" CONCRETE WALL AS PER STRUCT. PLAN CONC. COLUMN CAP PER STRUCT. PLANS +1019' - 0" +1008' - 0" +998' - 0" +1004' - 0"MAIN ENTRY B1 PARKING LEVEL P1 PARKING LEVEL P2 PARKING LEVEL P3 PARKING LEVEL +1028' - 0" L1 LEVEL +1022' - 10" L2 LEVEL SOLAR PANELS ROOF PARAPET +1008' - 2"2' - 0"2' - 0"L2 1022' - 10" L3 1037' - 10" L4 1047' - 10" L5 1057' - 10" L6 1067' - 10" ROOF 1087' - 10" L1 @ FRONT ST. 1004' - 0" L7 1077' - 10" TOP OF ROOF 1097' - 10" Grade 1004' - 1"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"15' - 0"18' - 10"FIRE SPRINKLER MAIN PIPE ELECTRICAL & LOW VOLTAGE WIRES LOUNGE & PUB / RESTAURANT T1 KING T2 QUEEN CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR T1 KING T1 KING T2 QUEEN T2 QUEEN T2 QUEEN BOUTIQUE KIDS ROOM HALLWAY JUNIOR BALLROOM GRAND BALLROOM T1 KING T1 KING T1 KING 24" MAT FOUNDATION AS PER STRUCT. PLAN 2HR OCCUPANCY SEPARATION L1 LEVEL L2 LEVEL +1006' - 6"+1007' - 7 1/4" +1022' - 10" WEDDING GARDEN SOLAR PANELS ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE: PA22-0035 & PA22-0037 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISED REVISIONS Drawn By Checked By Job Number Cad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS. 12-23-2022 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED 5-04-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 7 - REVISED 5-26-2023 1/16" = 1'-0"5/31/2023 3:26:32 PMBUILDING SECTIONS P - A 4.1 BBA ASCALE 1/16" = 1'-0" BUILDING SECTION.A SCALE 1/16" = 1'-0" BUILDING SECTIONB P1 1008' - 0" L3 1037' - 10" L4 1047' - 10" L5 1057' - 10" L6 1067' - 10" ROOF 1087' - 10" P1.5 1013' - 6" P2 1019' - 0" P3 1028' - 0" B1 998' - 0" L7 1077' - 10" TOP OF ROOF 1097' - 10" MAIN ENTRY FRONT STREET10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR ADA RM.2 ADA RM.2 ADA RM.2 ADA RM.2 ADA RM. 2 STAIR 3PARKING P1 PARKING B1 B0.5 P1.5 P2.5 PARKING P2 PARKING P3 ROOF PARAPET PARKING RAMP POOL SOLAR PANELS 1HR INT. WALL ASSEMBLY WITH R 19 INT. WALL INSULATION SHOTCRETE WALL AS PER STRUCT. PLAN 10" CONCRETE WALL AS PER STRUCT. PLAN CONC. COLUMN CAP PER STRUCT. PLANS B1.5 WEDDING GARDEN 2HR OCCUPANCY SEPARATION T1 KING T1 KING T1 KING T1 KING T1 KING FOUNDATION CONCRETE PAD FOUNDATION CONCRETE PAD PARKING RAMP +1031' - 6"9' - 0"5' - 6"5' - 6"10' - 0"L3 1037' - 10" L4 1047' - 10" L5 1057' - 10" L6 1067' - 10" ROOF 1087' - 10" P1.5 1013' - 6" P2.5 1023' - 6" L7 1077' - 10" TOP OF ROOF 1097' - 10" DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE FROM 2ND STREET DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE FROM 1ST STREET PARKING P3 PARKING P2 PARKING P1 PARKING B1 CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR SUITE 7 SUITE 6 SUITE 6 SUITE 6 SUITE 6 SUITE 6SUITE 4 SUITE 4 SUITE 4 SUITE 4 SUITE 4 ADA RM. 1 ADA RM. 1 ADA RM. 1 ADA RM. 1 ADA RM. 1 1HR INT. WALL ASSEMBLY WITH R 19 INT. WALL INSULATION 10" CONCRETE WALL AS PER STRUCT. PLAN CONC. COLUMN CAP PER STRUCT. PLANS 2HR OCCUPANCY SEPARATION FOUNDATION CONCRETE PAD 10" CONCRETE WALL AS PER STRUCT. PLAN CONC. COLUMN CAP PER STRUCT. PLANS FOUNDATION CONCRETE PAD SOLAR PANELS ROOF PARAPETHVAC CONDENSOR UNITS 10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"14' - 4"10' - 0"1HR FL / CEILING ASSEMBLY WITH R-11 INSULATION ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE: PA22-0035 & PA22-0037 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISED REVISIONS Drawn By Checked By Job Number Cad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS. 12-23-2022 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED 5-04-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 7 - REVISED 5-26-2023 1/16" = 1'-0"5/31/2023 3:27:00 PMBUILDING SECTIONS P - A 4.2 B B SCALE 1/16" = 1'-0" BUILDING SECTIONB SCALE 1/16" = 1'-0" BUILDING SECTION..A AA P1 1008' - 0" L3 1037' - 10" L4 1047' - 10" L5 1057' - 10" L6 1067' - 10" ROOF 1087' - 10" P3 1028' - 0" B1 998' - 0" L7 1077' - 10" TOP OF ROOF 1097' - 10" MEN'S TOILET WOMAN'S TOILETSTORAGE 10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"9' - 10"20' - 0"PARKING P3 PARKING P2 PARKING B1 PARKING P1 SUITE 5 SUITE 5 SUITE 5 SUITE 5 SUITE 5 T1 KING T1 KING T1 KING T1 KING T1 KING CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR SOLAR PANELS 1HR INT. WALL ASSEMBLY WITH R 19 INT. WALL INSULATION SHOTCRETE WALL AS PER STRUCT. PLAN 10" CONCRETE WALL AS PER STRUCT. PLAN CONC. COLUMN CAP PER STRUCT. PLANS SHOTCRETE WALL AS PER STRUCT. PLAN ROOF PARAPET TRANSFORMER ROOM 2HR OCCUPANCY SEPARATION ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE: PA22-0035 & PA22-0037 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISED REVISIONS Drawn By Checked By Job Number Cad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS. 12-23-2022 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED 5-04-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 7 - REVISED 5-26-2023 1/16" = 1'-0"5/31/2023 3:27:07 PMBUILDING SECTIONS P - A 4.3AASCALE 1/16" = 1'-0" BUILDING SECTIONA DN L2 1022' - 10" L3 1037' - 10" L1 @ FRONT ST. 1004' - 0" PROPERTY LINE Grade 1004' - 1" 1 CP - A 5.1 CP - A 5.1 PROPERTY LINE 10' - 2 1/2"Grade 1004' - 1" A: Height of Bulkhead B: Height of Display Window C: Top of Display Window D: Floor to Ceiling Height E: Width of Display Window G: Height of Arcade H: Width Between Columns J: Width of Covered Walkway K: Column Dimensions L: Balcony Height OLD TOWN SPECIFIC PLAN 3' max. 6' min. 8' min. 12' min. 14' max. 12' min. 14' max. 8' min. 10" min., 24" max. 30" min. PROJECT DESIGN 1' 14' 11' - 8" 16' 10' - 0" 16' - 6" 12' 8' - 7" 2' by 12" 4' - 10" FP - A 5.1 FP - A 5.1 PROPERTY LINE RETAIL 20'-0".ELECTRICAL ROOM TRANSFORMER ROOM 10' - 2 1/4"PROPERTY LINE SECOND STREET EXIT DOOR ELEVATION 1012' - 2 1/2" 17 A: Height of Bulkhead B: Height of Display Window C: Top of Display Window D: Floor to Ceiling Height E: Width of Display Window F: Depth of Recessed Entry OLD TOWN SPECIFIC PLAN 3' max. 6' min. 8' min. 12' min. 14' max. 6' max. PROJECT DESIGN 2' - 0" 8' - 6" 11' - 0" 15' - 4" 6' 2' - 0" SECOND STREET EXIT DOOR ELEVATION 1012' - 2 1/2" ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE: PA22-0035 & PA22-0037 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISED REVISIONS Drawn By Checked By Job Number Cad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS. 12-23-2022 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED 5-04-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 7 - REVISED 5-26-2023 As indicated 5/31/2023 3:28:00 PMENLARGED DETAILS- 1ST AND 2ND STREET P - A 5.1 SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0" SECTION - GALLERY ON 1ST STREETC SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0" FLOOR PLAN - GALLERY ON 1ST STREETB SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0" ELEVATION - GALLERY ON 1ST STREETA SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0" FLOOR PLAN - RETAIL ON 2ND STREETE SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0" SECTION - RETAIL ON 2ND STREETFSCALE 1/8" = 1'-0" ELEVATION - RETAIL ON 2ND STREETD NN UPL3 1037' - 10" L1 @ FRONT ST. 1004' - 0" MAIN ENTRY BANQUET LOUNGE FAMILY RESTAURANT STAIR 1 CP - A5.28' - 0 1/4"L3 1037' - 10" Grade 1004' - 1" A PROPERTY LINE A: Height of Bulkhead B: Height of Display Window C: Top of Display Window D: Floor to Ceiling Height E: Width of Display Window F: Depth of Recessed Entry OLD TOWN SPECIFIC PLAN 3' max. 6' min. 8' min. 12' min. 14' max. 6' max. PROJECT DESIGN 9" TO 2' - 10" (AVG. 1'-11 1/2") 8' - 6" 11' - 0" 15' - 4" 6' 5' - 0" ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE: PA22-0035 & PA22-0037 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISED REVISIONS Drawn By Checked By Job Number Cad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS. 12-23-2022 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED 5-04-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 7 - REVISED 5-26-2023 1/8" = 1'-0"5/31/2023 3:29:01 PMENLARGED DETAILS- FRONT STREET P - A 5.2 SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0" ELEVATION- MAIN ENTRANCE ON FRONT STREETA FLOOR PLAN - FRONT STREET SCALE 1/8" = 1'- 0" B SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0" SECTION- MAIN ENTRANCE ON FRONT STREETC N SERVINGUP UP DN UP155' - 6" GALLERY 10' -0"10' -0"10' -0"10' -0" FLOWER SHOP ELECTRICAL ROOM TRANSFORMER ROOM 3' - 0"31' - 6"9' - 0" 6' - 6"6' - 6"6' - 6"6' - 6"6' - 6"6' - 6"7' - 6" 20' - 6"7' - 6"29' - 6"6' - 6"6' - 6" MAIN ENTRY BANQUET LOUNGE FAMILY RESTAURANT STAIR 1 16' - 6"18' - 6"12' - 6"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0"10' - 0" ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE: PA22-0035 & PA22-0037 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISED REVISIONS Drawn By Checked By Job Number Cad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS. 12-23-2022 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED 5-04-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 7 - REVISED 5-26-2023 1/8" = 1'-0"5/31/2023 3:29:03 PMEXTERIOR WALL OPENING CALCULATION DIAGRAM P - A 5.3 SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0" PARTIAL FLOOR PLAN- FIRST STREETA SCALE 1/8" = 1'-0" PARTIAL FLOOR PLAN - SECOND STREETB CALCULATION - FRONT STREET WALL LENGTH: 115' - 6" OPENINGS: 87' - 8" 76 % OPENINGSPARTIAL FLOOR PLAN- FRONT STREET SCALE 1/8" = 1'- 0" C NNN CALCULATION - SECOND STREET WALL LENGTH: 194' - 6" OPENINGS: 147' - 2" 76 % OPENINGS CALCULATION - FIRST STREET WALL LENGTH: 219' - 6" OPENINGS: 195'-6" 88 % OPENINGS OLD TOWN FRONT STREET & FIRST STREET PERSPECTIVE VIEW PEDIMENT & WINDOWS FRONT & FIRST STREETS BUILDING CORNER ENLARGED VIEW ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE: PA22-0035 & PA22-0037 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISED REVISIONS Drawn By Checked By Job Number Cad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS. 12-23-2022 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED 5-04-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 7 - REVISED 5-26-2023 5/31/2023 3:29:04 PM3D RENDERINGS P - A 6.1 SECOND STREET PERSPECTIVE VIEW RETAIL ENTRANCE ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE: PA22-0035 & PA22-0037 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISED REVISIONS Drawn By Checked By Job Number Cad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS. 12-23-2022 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED 5-04-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 7 - REVISED 5-26-2023 7/18/2023 2:14:24 PM3D RENDERINGS P - A 6.2 QUOIN ENLARGED DETAIL PEDIMENT AND WINDOWS ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE: PA22-0035 & PA22-0037 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISED REVISIONS Drawn By Checked By Job Number Cad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS. 12-23-2022 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED 5-04-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 7 - REVISED 5-26-2023 5/31/2023 3:29:04 PM3D RENDERINGS P - A 6.3 INTERSTATE 15 PERSPECTIVE VIEW MECHANICAL & TRASH ROOMS STAIR TOWER INTERSTATE 15 PERSPECTIVE VIEW ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE: PA22-0035 & PA22-0037 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISED REVISIONS Drawn By Checked By Job Number Cad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS. 12-23-2022 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED 5-04-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 7 - REVISED 5-26-2023 5/31/2023 3:29:04 PM3D RENDERINGS P - A 6.4 PEDIMENT & WINDOWS QUOIN ENLARGED DETAIL ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE: PA22-0035 & PA22-0037 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISED REVISIONS Drawn By Checked By Job Number Cad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS. 12-23-2022 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED 5-04-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 7 - REVISED 5-26-2023 8/8/2023 6:10:18 PMCOLORS & MATERIALS P - A 7.1 FRONT STREET RESTAURANT ENTRANCE BELLY BAND A.2 D.1 CORNICE DETAIL D.2 E.1/A.2 E.4: LIMESTONE - PICARD JAUNE BRUSHED E.2: COLOR -SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW 9108 DOUBLE LATTE COLOR & MATERIALS FRONT STREET WINDOWS A.3PEDIMENT MOTIF E.1/D.1 E.1/A.1 A.1 E.2/D.2 E.1: COLOR -SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW 7005 PURE WHITE E.3: COLOR -SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW 7010 WHITE DUCK E.1/Molding E.2/Stucco E.3/Stucco OLD TOWN FRONT STREET ELEVATION E.5: METAL BALCONY RAILING & METALCANOPY SHERWIN WILLIAMS SW 2808 ROOKWOOD DARK BROWN FRONT STREET MAIN ENTRANCE E.2 E.1/DOOR TRIM E.5 CANOPY E.1/COLUMN E.1 DOOR TRIM E.3 E.1 COLUMN E.3/Molding E.1/Trim E.1/Col.E.3/Stucco E.1/Col. E.4 E.3/Stucco E.4 E.1/Trim E.4 E.1 COLUMN E.3/Molding E.1/Trim E.2/D.2 E.2/Stucco SECOND STREET ELEVATION SECOND STREET GARAGE ENTRANCE ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE: PA22-0035 & PA22-0037 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISED REVISIONS Drawn By Checked By Job Number Cad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS. 12-23-2022 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED 5-04-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 7 - REVISED 5-26-2023 8/8/2023 6:09:10 PMCOLORS & MATERIALS P - A 7.2 RETAIL ENTRANCE E.1/Molding E.2 E.3/Stucco NOTES: FOR FINISH LEGENDS, REFER TO P -A7.1 SHEET. OPEN PATIO E.2/Stucco E.2/Stucco E.1/Col. E.2 E.1/Stucco E.1 E.1 COLUMN E.1/TRIM E.1/Stucco E.3 MOLDING E.1/BALUSTER E.1/DOOR TRIM E.3/MOLDING E.1/Stucco E.3/MOLDING E.1 WINDOW TRIM E.2 COLUMN ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE: PA22-0035 & PA22-0037 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISED REVISIONS Drawn By Checked By Job Number Cad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS. 12-23-2022 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED 5-04-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 7 - REVISED 5-26-2023 5/31/2023 3:29:05 PMCOLORS & MATERIALS P - A 7.3 1ST STREET ELEVATION GALLERY VIEW GARAGE ENTRANCE D.2 E.1 E.2 E.3 A.3 NOTES: FOR FINISH LEGENDS, REFER TO P -A7.1 SHEET. BREA, T. 213-383-1788 (Studio) 380 N. PALM ST. SUITE B CA, 92821 F. 562-905-0880la@sqlainc.com T. 562-905-0800 (Main) www.sqlainc.com SQLA INC Landscape Architects A Signature NO.3249 I Renewal Date SCDN TSO ETA LACF DateGERISU L M D ASETER A YKLE P A R NI OF TTCERCAIK ME NU HIUPUPUPUPUPUPUPSERVING SERVING SERVING BARDNUPENTRANCE Transformer Pad 10'x12' GRAND BALLROOM 122 PANTRY 121 PREP 120 OFFICE 118 SECURITY 107 STORAGE 109 38' - 6" RAMP DOWN 5.20% SL. RAMP DOWN 14.39% SL. KITCHEN #1 105 DN DN H Y D 1P Transformer 48"x54" OLD TOWN FRONT STREET H Y D H Y D H Y D H Y D P1 (STREET LEVEL) P1.5 (STREET LEVEL) L1 (STREET LEVEL) P2 (STREET LEVEL) ZONING: OLD TOWN SPECIFIC PLAN LAND USE: DOWNTOWN CORE / HOTEL OVERLAY2ND STREETFAMILY RESTAURANT101 ? ? STORAGE 126 KITCHEN VEST. 219 OLD TOWN TEMECULA GATEWAY EXISTING STREET TREE PLATANUS ACERIFOLIA 'BLOODGOOD' EXISTING STREET LIGHT PROPOSED COLONNADE LIMITS NEW STREET TREE W/TREE GRATE PLATANUS ACERIFOLIA 'BLOOGOOD' NEW STREET TREE W/TREE GRATE PLATANUS ACERIFOLIA 'BLOOGOOD' N 0'8'16'32'64'SIGHT DISTANCE ZONESIGHT DISTANCE ZONEALL LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE IRRIGATED WITH LOW VOLUME DRIPLINE IRRIGATION IN SHRUB AND GROUNDCOVER AREAS AND BUBBLER IRRIGATION FOR ALL PROPOSED NEW TREES TOTAL SITE SQUARE FOOTAGE: 2.13 ACRES / 93,022 SF LANDSCAPE SQUARE FOOTAGE PROVIDED: 8,086 SF PROVIDED - 8.6% LANDSCAPE SIDEWALK DECORATIVE POLE LIGHT (EXCEPT FROM TEMECULA OLD TOWN SPECIFIC PLAN) ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE: PA22-0035 & PA22-0037 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISED REVISIONS Drawn By Checked By Job Number Cad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS. 12-23-2022 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED 5-04-2023 3/64" = 1'-0"5/4/2023 2:26:29 PMLANDSCAPE PLAN P - L 1.0 2-28-2024 02-16-2022 TREES BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME CONT PF SHRUBS BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME CONT PF SHRUB AREAS BOTANICAL / COMMON NAME CONT PF 2022-03-02 CITY OF TEMECULA REQUIRED FIELD OPERATION: A MINIMUM OF THREE INSPECTIONS WILL BE REQUIRED PER CONSTRUCTION PHASING. THE FIRST IS AN IRRIGATION INSPECTION TO VERIFY PIPE DEPTHS AND IRRIGATION MATERIAL CONFORMANCE. THE SECOND IS A LANDSCAPE INSPECTION TO VERIFY IRRIGATION COVERAGE AND OPERATION, AND TO VERIFY THAT ALL PLANTINGS HAVE BEEN INSTALLED CONSISTENT WITH THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTION PLANS. THE THIRD IS A FINAL INSPECTION ONCE MUCH HAS BEEN LAID AND ALL PLANT MATERIAL AND IRRIGATION SYSTEMS ARE IN PLACE. CONTACT THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO SCHEDULE REQUIRED LANDSCAPE INSPECTIONS. NOTE: 1. 3''DEPTH OF BARK MULCH REQUIRED UNDER ALL PLANT MATERIAL. 1 1/2'' DEPTH OF BARK MULCH CAN BE USED UNDER GROUNDCOVER FROM FLATS. 2. TREES AND SHRUBS SHALL BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF 5' AWAY FROM WATER METER, GAS METER, OR SEWER LATERALS: A MINIMUM OF 10' AWAY FROM UTILITY POLES; A MINIMUM OF 8' AWAY FROM FIRE HYDRANTS AND FIRE DEPARTMENT SPRINKLER AND STANDPIPE CONNECTIONS. 3. SEE CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN (POTTED PLANTS) FOR POTTED PLANTS. QTY REMARKS JUNIPERUS CHINENSIS 'SPARTAN' / SPARTAN JUNIPER 15 GAL L 4 PHOENIX ROEBELENII / PIGMY DATE PALM MULTI-TRUNK 15 GAL L 40 PLATANUS X ACERIFOLIA / LONDON PLANE TREE EXISTING M 1 PLATANUS X ACERIFOLIA 'BLOODGOOD' / BLOODGOOD LONDON PLANE TREE 24"BOX M 3 STREET TREE SYAGRUS ROMANZOFFIANA / QUEEN PALM 36"BOX L 6 QTY REMARKS ALOE STRIATA / CORAL ALOE 5 GAL L 80 DIANELLA REVOLUTA 'VARIEGATED' / VARIEGATED FLAX LILY 1 GAL L 125 MUHLENBERGIA CAPILLARIS / PINK MUHLY GRASS 1 GAL M 37 PENNISETUM SETACEUM 'RUBRUM' / PURPLE FOUNTAIN GRASS 1 GAL M 98 PHORMIUM TENAX 'BRONZE BABY' / BRONZE BABY NEW ZEALAND FLAX 5 GAL M 30 PUNICA GRANATUM 'NANA' / DWARF POMEGRANATE 15 GAL M 22 ROSA FLORIBUNDA 'ICEBERG' / ICEBERG ROSE 5 GAL M 40 SHRUBS & GROUNDCOVERS 4,260 SF AGAPANTHUS AFRICANUS 'QUEEN ANNE' / QUEEN ANNE AFRICAN LILY 1 GAL M 293 SF ANIGOZANTHOS X 'BUSH BLAZE' / BUSH BLAZE KANGAROO PAW 1 GAL M 334 SF ARMERIA MARITIMA / SEA THRIFT 1 GAL M 257 SF COREOPSIS AURICULATA 'NANA' / DWARF TICKSEED 1 GAL L 293 SF COREOPSIS LANCEOLATA / LANCELEAF TICKSEED 1 GAL L 293 SF DUDLEYA PULVERULENTA / CHALK LETTUCE 1 GAL VL 361 SF ECHEVERIA X 'EVENING GLOW' / EVENING GLOW ECHEVERIA 1 GAL L 320 SF ECHEVERIA X 'LIME N' CHILE' / LIME N' CHILE ECHEVERIA 1 GAL L 320 SF ECHEVERIA X 'MORNING LIGHT' / MORNING LIGHT ECHEVERIA 1 GAL L 334 SF HEMEROCALLIS X 'BETTY WOODS' / BETTY WOODS DAYLILY 1 GAL M 334 SF SEDUM SIEBOLDII 'ROSE GLOW' / ROSE GLOW SIEBOLD STONECROP 1 GAL L 334 SF SEDUM X 'PURPLE EMPEROR' / PURPLE EMPEROR STONECROP 1 GAL L 334 SF TEUCRIUM CHAMAEDRYS 'PROSTRATUM' / PROSTRATE GERMANDER 1 GAL L 260 SF QTY BREA, T. 213-383-1788 (Studio) 380 N. PALM ST. SUITE B CA, 92821 F. 562-905-0880la@sqlainc.com T. 562-905-0800 (Main) www.sqlainc.com SQLA INC Landscape Architects A Signature NO.3249 I Renewal Date SCDN TSO ETA LACF DateGERISU L M D ASETER A YKLE P A RNI OF TTCERCAI K ME NU HIDNUPUPUPUPSTAIR-410' - 1 1/4"EQUIPMENT AREA PROPOSED WATER FEATURE LOW PLANTER WITH PERENNIAL FLOWERING SHRUBS AND SUCCULENTS (TYP). PEDESTAL FLOOR MATERIAL WEDDING GARDEN SWIMMING POOL SWIMMING SPA GRASS AREA SWIMMING POOL AREA SYNTHETIC TURF DOG PARK PROPOSED PALM TREE WITH POT PROPOSED OUTDOOR SHOWERS LOW PLANTER WITH PERENNIAL FLOWERING SHRUBS AND SUCCULENTS (TYP). 2'-3' LOW PERENNIAL SHRUBS AND SUCCULENTS GROUNDCOVERS (TYP). N 0'8'16'32'64' ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE IRRIGATED WITH LOW VOLUME DRIPLINE IRRIGATION IN SHRUB AND GROUNDCOVER AREAS AND BUBBLER IRRIGATION FOR ALL PROPOSED NEW TREES TOTAL SITE SQUARE FOOTAGE: 2.13 ACRES / 93,022 SF LANDSCAPE SQUARE FOOTAGE PROVIDED: 8,086 SF PROVIDED - 8.6% LANDSCAPE 2-28-2024 02-16-2022 ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVD #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 TEMECULA RESORT & SPAFRONT STREET, TEMECULA, CA 92592 SCALE: PA22-0035 & PA22-0037 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 5 - REVISED REVISIONS Drawn By Checked By Job Number Cad No.USE OF THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL BE RESTRICTED TO THE ORIGINAL SITE FOR WHICH THEY WERE PREPARED AND PUBLICATION THEREOF IS EXPRESSLY LIMITED TO SUCH USE, REUSE, REPROCTION OR PRODUCTION BY ANY METHOD IN WHOLE OR IN PART IS PROHIBITED. TITLE TO THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS REMAINS WITH Onestop Design INC. WITHOUT PREJUDICE VISUAL CONTACT WITH THESE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS SHALL CONSTITUTE PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE RESTRICTIONS. 12-23-2022 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 1-16-2023 PLANNING SUBMITTAL # 6 - REVISED 5-04-2023 1" = 20'-0"5/4/2023 2:26:44 PMLANDSCAPE PLAN L 3 P - L 1.1 SCALE PROJECT NUMBER DATE PROJECT ARCHITECT SHEET NAME SHEET NUMBER ISSUE MARK DATE DESCRIPTION B A C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 Original Print Size 42" x 30"1 2 3 4 5 6 B A C D E TEMECULA RESORT & SPA ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVE #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 AS INDICATED T.B.D PROPRIETARY NOTICE: CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL JOB SITE CONDITIONS AND NOTIFY OWNER OF ANY DISCREPENCIES WITH THESE DRAWINGS PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR NOTICE: THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT INCORPORATES PROPRIETARY RIGHTS OF ONE STOP- DESIGN. ANY PARTY ACCEPTING THIS DOCUMENT DOES SO IN CONFIDENCE AND AGREES THAT IT SHALL NOT BE DUPLICATED IN WHOLE OR IN PART, NOR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS, WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF ONE STOP DESIGN. COPYRIGHT ONE STOP DESIGN 2021 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.11/4/2021 10:34:00 AMC:\Users\Valued Customer\Documents\Temecula Resort & Spa_without Rodeway Inn_tonycU5E53.rvtOSD-21-02 10/15/21 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN -STREET P100 DEVELOPMENT PLAN 11/05/21 SCALE PROJECT NUMBER DATE PROJECT ARCHITECT SHEET NAME SHEET NUMBER ISSUE MARK DATE DESCRIPTION B A C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 Original Print Size 42" x 30"1 2 3 4 5 6 B A C D E TEMECULA RESORT & SPA ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVE #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 AS INDICATED T.B.D PROPRIETARY NOTICE: CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL JOB SITE CONDITIONS AND NOTIFY OWNER OF ANY DISCREPENCIES WITH THESE DRAWINGS PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR NOTICE: THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT INCORPORATES PROPRIETARY RIGHTS OF ONE STOP- DESIGN. ANY PARTY ACCEPTING THIS DOCUMENT DOES SO IN CONFIDENCE AND AGREES THAT IT SHALL NOT BE DUPLICATED IN WHOLE OR IN PART, NOR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS, WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF ONE STOP DESIGN. COPYRIGHT ONE STOP DESIGN 2021 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.11/4/2021 10:34:05 AMC:\Users\Valued Customer\Documents\Temecula Resort & Spa_without Rodeway Inn_tonycU5E53.rvtOSD-21-02 10/15/21 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN -GARAGE B1 P101 DEVELOPMENT PLAN 11/05/21 SCALE PROJECT NUMBER DATE PROJECT ARCHITECT SHEET NAME SHEET NUMBER ISSUE MARK DATE DESCRIPTION B A C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 Original Print Size 42" x 30"1 2 3 4 5 6 B A C D E TEMECULA RESORT & SPA ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVE #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 AS INDICATED T.B.D PROPRIETARY NOTICE: CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL JOB SITE CONDITIONS AND NOTIFY OWNER OF ANY DISCREPENCIES WITH THESE DRAWINGS PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR NOTICE: THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT INCORPORATES PROPRIETARY RIGHTS OF ONE STOP- DESIGN. ANY PARTY ACCEPTING THIS DOCUMENT DOES SO IN CONFIDENCE AND AGREES THAT IT SHALL NOT BE DUPLICATED IN WHOLE OR IN PART, NOR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS, WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF ONE STOP DESIGN. COPYRIGHT ONE STOP DESIGN 2021 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.11/4/2021 10:34:10 AMC:\Users\Valued Customer\Documents\Temecula Resort & Spa_without Rodeway Inn_tonycU5E53.rvtOSD-21-02 10/15/21 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN -GARAGE B2 P102 DEVELOPMENT PLAN 11/05/21 SCALE PROJECT NUMBER DATE PROJECT ARCHITECT SHEET NAME SHEET NUMBER ISSUE MARK DATE DESCRIPTION B A C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 Original Print Size 42" x 30"1 2 3 4 5 6 B A C D E TEMECULA RESORT & SPA ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVE #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 AS INDICATED T.B.D PROPRIETARY NOTICE: CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL JOB SITE CONDITIONS AND NOTIFY OWNER OF ANY DISCREPENCIES WITH THESE DRAWINGS PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR NOTICE: THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT INCORPORATES PROPRIETARY RIGHTS OF ONE STOP- DESIGN. ANY PARTY ACCEPTING THIS DOCUMENT DOES SO IN CONFIDENCE AND AGREES THAT IT SHALL NOT BE DUPLICATED IN WHOLE OR IN PART, NOR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS, WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF ONE STOP DESIGN. COPYRIGHT ONE STOP DESIGN 2021 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.11/4/2021 10:34:15 AMC:\Users\Valued Customer\Documents\Temecula Resort & Spa_without Rodeway Inn_tonycU5E53.rvtOSD-21-02 10/15/21 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN -GARAGE P1 P103 DEVELOPMENT PLAN 11/05/21 SCALE PROJECT NUMBER DATE PROJECT ARCHITECT SHEET NAME SHEET NUMBER ISSUE MARK DATE DESCRIPTION B A C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 Original Print Size 42" x 30"1 2 3 4 5 6 B A C D E TEMECULA RESORT & SPA ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVE #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 AS INDICATED T.B.D PROPRIETARY NOTICE: CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL JOB SITE CONDITIONS AND NOTIFY OWNER OF ANY DISCREPENCIES WITH THESE DRAWINGS PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR NOTICE: THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT INCORPORATES PROPRIETARY RIGHTS OF ONE STOP- DESIGN. ANY PARTY ACCEPTING THIS DOCUMENT DOES SO IN CONFIDENCE AND AGREES THAT IT SHALL NOT BE DUPLICATED IN WHOLE OR IN PART, NOR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS, WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF ONE STOP DESIGN. COPYRIGHT ONE STOP DESIGN 2021 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.11/4/2021 10:34:19 AMC:\Users\Valued Customer\Documents\Temecula Resort & Spa_without Rodeway Inn_tonycU5E53.rvtOSD-21-02 10/15/21 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN -GARAGE P2 P104 DEVELOPMENT PLAN 11/05/21 SCALE PROJECT NUMBER DATE PROJECT ARCHITECT SHEET NAME SHEET NUMBER ISSUE MARK DATE DESCRIPTION B A C D E 1 2 3 4 5 6 Original Print Size 42" x 30"1 2 3 4 5 6 B A C D E TEMECULA RESORT & SPA ONESTOP DESIGN INC. 3530 WILSHIRE BLVE #310 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 AS INDICATED T.B.D PROPRIETARY NOTICE: CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL JOB SITE CONDITIONS AND NOTIFY OWNER OF ANY DISCREPENCIES WITH THESE DRAWINGS PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION. CONTRACTOR NOTICE: THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DOCUMENT INCORPORATES PROPRIETARY RIGHTS OF ONE STOP- DESIGN. ANY PARTY ACCEPTING THIS DOCUMENT DOES SO IN CONFIDENCE AND AGREES THAT IT SHALL NOT BE DUPLICATED IN WHOLE OR IN PART, NOR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS, WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF ONE STOP DESIGN. COPYRIGHT ONE STOP DESIGN 2021 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.11/4/2021 10:34:24 AMC:\Users\Valued Customer\Documents\Temecula Resort & Spa_without Rodeway Inn_tonycU5E53.rvtOSD-21-02 10/15/21 PHOTOMETRIC PLAN -GARAGE P3 P105 DEVELOPMENT PLAN 11/05/21 PC RESOLUTION NO. 2023- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DENYING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA22-0037, TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP (TPM 38349) TO COMBINE TEN EXISTING LOTS INTO A SINGLE LOT LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF FRONT STREET BETWEEN FIRST STREET AND SECOND STREET AND MAKING A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (APNS: 922-072-005, 007, 010, 011, 013, 016, 018, 020, 021, AND 023) Section 1. Procedural Findings. The Planning Commission of the City of Temecula does hereby find, determine and declare that: A. On January 7, 2022, Steve Kim filed Planning Application No. PA22-0035 a Development Plan. On January 10, 2022, Steve Kim filed Planning Application No. PA22 -0037 a Tentative Parcel Map. These applications (collectively “Project”) were filed in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code. B. The Application was processed including, but not limited to a public notice, in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law. C. The Planning Commission, at a regular meeting, considered the Application and environmental review on September 6, 2023, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, at which time the City staff and interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to this matter. D. At the conclusion of the Planning Commission hearing and after due consideration of the testimony, the Planning Commission denied Planning Application No. PA22-0037, subject to and based upon the findings set forth hereunder. E. All legal preconditions to the adoption of the Resolution have occurred. Section 2. Further Findings. The Planning Commission, in denying the Application hereby finds, determines and declares that the Tentative Parcel Map Application PA22-0037 is not in accordance with Temecula Municipal Code Section 16.03.140 (Tentative Maps): A. The proposed subdivision and the design and improvements of the subdivision are consistent with the Development Code, General Plan and City of Temecula Municipal Code. As set forth above, the project is not in conformance with the Old Town Specific Plan development standards as it relates to Pedestrian Experience and the Building Relationship the Street as well as Building Articulation therefore the project is not in conformance with the General Plan and other Ordinances of the City of Temecula as the Old Town Specific Plan Development Standards were adopted by Ordinance 10-09. B. The Tentative Map does not propose to divide land which is subject to a contract entered into pursuant to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965. The subject parcel does not propose to divide land which is subject to a contract entered into pursuant to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965. The subject property has not been designated for conservation or agricultural land, and is not subject to the California Land Conservation Act of 1965. C. The site is physically suitable for the type and proposed density of development proposed by the Tentative Map. The project consists of a Tentative Parcel Map on vacant property that is suitable and designated for commercial development, which is consistent with the allowable land uses of the Old Town Specific Plan, General Plan, and Development Code. The proposed Tentative Parcel Map would combine ten existing lots into a single lot. D. The design of the subdivision and the proposed improvements, with Conditions of Approval are not likely to cause significant environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat. The project consists of a Tentative Parcel Map on vacant property and does not propose any grading, construction or development. As conditioned, the project is not likely to cause significant environmental damage or substantially and avoidably injure fish or wildlife or their habitat as no development is proposed as part of the Tentative Parcel Map. E. The design of the subdivision and the type of improvements are not likely to cause serious public health problems. The project has been reviewed and conditioned to ensure compliance with the Building, Development, and Fire Codes. These codes contain provisions to ensure projects do not cause serious public health problems. Negative impacts are not anticipated. F. The design of the subdivision provides for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities in the subdivision to the extent feasible. The project consists of a Tentative Parcel Map on vacant property and does not propose any grading or construction. Any future development on the project site will be in accordance with the requirements of the California Building Code in effect at that time as it relates to heating and cooling. G. The design of the subdivision and the type of improvements will not conflict with easements acquired by the public at large for access through or use of property within the proposed subdivision, or the design of the alternate easements which are substantially equivalent to those previously acquired by the public will be provided. All required rights-of-way and easements have been provided on the Tentative Map. The City has reviewed these easements and has found no potential conflicts. H. The subdivision is consistent with the City’s parkland dedication requirements (Quimby). This map is for non-residential use and will not be subject to Quimby fees. Section 3. Environmental Findings. The Planning Commission hereby makes the following environmental findings and determinations in connection with the denial of the Tentative Parcel Map: A. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), staff has determined that the proposed project is exempt from further environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(4) as a project is exempt from CEQA if it is disapproved by a public agency. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City of Temecula Planning Commission this 6th day of September, 2023. Lanae Turley-Trejo, Chair ATTEST: Luke Watson Secretary [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE )ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Luke Watson, Secretary of the Temecula Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the forgoing PC Resolution No. 2023- was duly and regularly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the 6th day of September, 2023, by the following vote: AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: NOES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Luke Watson Secretary Notice of Public Hearing THE CITY OF TEMECULA - 41000 Main Street- Temecula, CA 92590 – TemeculaCA.gov A PUBLIC HEARING has been scheduled before the City of Temecula PLANNING COMMISSION to consider the matter described below: Case No.: PA22-0035, PA22-0037 Applicant: Steve Kim Project Location: East side of Front Street between First Street and Second Street (APNs: 922- 072-005, 007, 010, 011, 013, 016, 018, 020, 021, and 023) Proposal: Development Plan for an approximately 288,269 square foot, 355 room, seven (7) story, 91-foot, full service hotel that includes an approximately 174,382 square foot parking garage, conference facilities/ballrooms, full service spa, restaurants, bars/lounges, retail outlets, workout facility, outdoor pool area, and an outdoor wedding garden and a Tentative Parcel Map (TPM 38349) to combine ten existing lots into a single lot. Environmental Action: As currently designed, staff is not supporting this project and is recommending redesign. As such, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), staff has determined that the proposed project is exempt from further environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(4) Case Planner: Scott Cooper, (951) 506-5137 PLACE OF HEARING: 41000 Main St., Temecula, CA 92590, City of Temecula, Council Chambers DATE OF HEARING: September 6, 2023 TIME OF HEARING: 6:00 PM The complete agenda packet (including any supplemental materials) will be available for viewing in the Main Reception area at the Temecula Civic Center (41000 Main Street, Temecula) after 4:00 p.m. the Friday before the Planning Commission Meeting. At that time, the packet may also be accessed on the City’s website – TemeculaCA.gov and will be available for public review at the respective meeting. Any writing distributed to a majority of the Commission regarding any item on the Agenda, after the posting of the Agenda, will be available for public review in the Main Reception area at the Temecula Civic Center (41000 Main Street, Temecula), 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. In addition, such material will be made available on the City’s website – TemeculaCA.gov – and will be available for public review at the meeting. Any petition for judicial review of a decision of the Planning Commission shall be filed within time required by, and controlled by, Sections 1094.5 and 1094.6 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. In any such action or proceeding seeking judicial review of, which attacks or seeks to set aside, or void any decision of the Planning Commission shall be limited to those issues raised at the hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to, the public hearing described in this notice. Questions? Please call the Community Development Department at (951) 694-6400.