HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-044 CC Resolution I I I RESOLUTION NO. 05-44 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA CERTIFYING THE FINAL PROGRAM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT PREPARED FOR THE TEMECULA GENERAL PLAN UPDATE AND RELATED ACTIONS, AND ADOPTING THE FINDINGS PURSUANT TO THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT, A STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING CONSIDERATIONS, AND A MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM IN CONNECTIO~ THEREWITH FOR THE TEMECULA GENERAL PLAN UPDATE Statement of Findings of Fact Pursuant to CEQA Guideline Section 15091 for the Temecula General Plan Update WHEREAS, the City of Temecula General Plan Update and related actions ("General Plan Update") have been initiated and prepared on behalf of the City of Temecula. The project proposes the adoption and implementation of the City of Temecula General Plan Update. The General Plan Update addresses the seven State mandated general plan elements (land use, housing, circulation, safety, open space, conservation, and noise), as well as other issues that are important to the community, including growth management, economic development, air quality, and community design. The Housing Element was recently updated in 2002 and thus has not been updated as part of the project. The updated General Plan establishes an overall development capacity for the City and surrounding areas, and serves as a policy guide for determining the appropriate physical development and character of the City for the next 20 years. The Land Use Element establishes land use designations to identify the types and nature of future development permitted throughout the Planning Area. The Circulation Element describes how Temecula residents and employees get around using automobiles, public transit, bicycles, airplanes, sidewalks and trails, and railways. In addition, it presents the City's plan for future roadways that provide adequate capacity to accommodate travel needs resulting from development pursuant to the Land Use Element. All of the elements combined establish a vision for the City, emphasizing a family-focused lifestyle and a strong local business community that includes agricultural, technological, and manufacturing industries, with the overarching goal of maintaining Temecula as a vibrant, attractive, and enjoyable place. WHEREAS, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), the City is the lead agency for the General Plan as the public agency with both general governmental powers and the principle responsibility for implementing the General Plan; and WHEREAS, a Notice of Preparation of a Draft Program Environmental Impact Report ("Draft EIR or Draft PEIR") was issued on June 6, 2003, and a public scoping meeting was held on June 25, 2003, inviting comments from responsible agencies, other regulatory agencies, organizations, and individuals pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15082; and WHEREAS, written statements were received by the City in response to the Notice of Preparation, which assisted the City in narrowing the issues and alternatives for analysis in the Draft PEIR; and R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 I I I WHEREAS, a Draft PEIR was prepared by the City pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines section 15168 to analyze potential adverse environmental impacts of General Plan implementation pursuant to CEQA; and WHEREAS, upon completion of the Draft PEIR dated December 17, 2004, the City initiated a 45-day public comment period between December 17, 2004 and January 31, 2005 by filing a Notice of Completion with the State Office of Planning and Research in December 17, 2004; and WHEREAS, the City also published a Notice of Availability for the Draft PEIR in a newspaper of general circulation. Copies of the Draft PEIR were sent to public agencies, organizations, and individuals. In addition, the City placed copies of the Draft PEIR in public libraries in Riverside County and made copies available for review at City offices; and WHEREAS, during and before the official public review period for the Draft EIR, the City received seventeen written comments, all of which were responded to by the City. Those comments and the responses are included as part of the Final Program Environmental Impact Report/Response to Comments document ("Final Program EIR, Final PEIR, or PEIR"); and WHEREAS, the Community Advisory Committee held meetings on January 7, 2002, January 28, 2002, February 25, 2002, April 01, 2002, May 6, 2002, May 15, 2002, May 30, 2002, April 29, 2003, May 20, 2003, June 11, 2003, March 1, 2004, April 26, 2004, May 3, 2004, and July 6, 2004 to consider the current General Plan and to recommend appropriate changes to the Planning Commission and City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council and Planning Commission held a joint workshop to consider the recommendation of the Community Advisory Committee on August 10, 2004 and provided a number of comments and suggestions on the recommended General Plan; and WHEREAS, the Community Services Commission met to consider and provide comments on the proposed General Plan on September 13, 2004; and WHEREAS, the Traffic Safety Commission met to consider and provide comments on the proposed General Plan on September 28, 2004 and January 27, 2005; and WHEREAS, the City held community meetings on December 26, 2001, January 12, 2002, April 4, 2002, and November 4, 2004 to solicit input, comments, and concerns from members of the community; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Public Resources Code section 21092.5, on March 22, 2005, the City provided its responses to all persons, organizations, and agencies who commented on the Draft EIR; and WHEREAS, Section 15091 of the State CEQA Guidelines prevents the City from approving or carrying out a project for which a PEIR has been completed that identifies any significant environmental effects unless the City makes one or more of the following written finding(s) for each of those significant effects accompanied by a brief explanation of the rationale for each finding: (1) Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects as R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 2 I I I identified in the final EIR; or (2) Such changes or alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of another public agency and not the agency making the finding. Such changes have been adopted by such other agency or can and should be adopted by such other agency; or (3) Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations, including provision of employment opportunities for highly trained workers, make infeasible the mitigation measures or project alternatives identified in the final EIR; and WHEREAS, Section 15093 of the State CEQA Guidelines requires that if the General Plan will cause significant unavoidable adverse impacts, the City must adopt a Statement of Overriding Considerations prior to approving the project. A Statement of Overriding Considerations states that any significant adverse project effects are acceptable if expected project benefits outweigh unavoidable adverse environmental impacts; and WHEREAS, environmental impacts identified in the Final PEIR which the Planning <;;ommission finds are less than significant and do not require mitigation are described in Section 2 hereof; and WHEREAS, environmental impacts identified in the Final PEIR as potentially significant, but which the Planning Commission finds can be mitigated to a less than significant level through the imposition of mitigation measures and/or conditions identified in the Final PEIR and General Plan and set forth herein are described in Section 3 hereof; and WHEREAS, environmental impacts identified in the Final PEIR as potentially significant but which the Planning Commission finds cannot be fully mitigated to a less than significant level despite the imposition of all feasible mitigation measures described in Section 4 hereof; and WHEREAS, alternatives to the General Plan that might eliminate or reduce significant environmental impacts are described in Section 5 hereof; and WHEREAS, a discussion of General Plan benefits identified by City staff and a Statement of Overriding Considerations for the environmental impacts that cannot be fully mitigated to a less than significant level are set forth in Section 6 hereof; and WHEREAS, Public Resources Code section 21081.6 requires the City to prepare and adopt a mitigation monitoring and reporting program for any project for which mitigation measures have been imposed to assure compliance with the adopted mitigation measures; and WHEREAS, prior to taking action, the Planning Commission has heard, been presented with, reviewed, and considered all of the information and data in the administrative record, and all oral and written testimony presented to it during meetings and hearings. The Final PEIR reflects the independent judgment of the Planning Commission and is deemed adequate for purposes of making decisions on the merits of the General Plan and related actions. No comments or any additional information submitted to the City have produced any substantial new information requiring circulation or additional environmental review of the Final PEIR under CEQA, nor do the minor modifications to the Final PEIR require additional public review R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 3 I I I because no new significant environmental impacts were identified, no substantial increase in the severity of any environmental impacts would occur. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby determines the following: Section 1. Findings. The City Council of the City of Temecula determined that based on all of the evidence presented, including the Final EIR, written and oral testimony given at meetings and hearings, and submission of testimony from the public, organizations, and regulatory agencies, the environmental impacts associated with the adoption and long-term implementation of the Temecula General Plan Update will have a less than significant impact with regard to the following, as evidenced through the analysis presented in the Initial Study contained in Appendix A of the Final EIR: A. Aesthetics - Scenic resources and vistas; visual character To preserve public views of significant natural resources, all new public and private development projects will be reviewed to ensure that they will not obstruct public views of scenic resources, such as the hillsides, scenic roads, or significant open space areas. During the review of individual projects, the Community Development Department may require site redesign or place height limits on projects that have the potential to block views. New projects will also be reviewed to ensure that the proposed landscaping and tree planting will not obstruct views of significant natural resources. Implementation of the identified policies through this review process will ensure that impact will be less than significant on a project-by-project basis (Initial Study, p. 10). B. Agricultural Resources - Williamson Act contracts No Williamson Act contracts are in effect within the Planning Area (Initial Study, p. 11). C. Air Quality - Compliance with regional plans; odors The Air Quality Element of the General Plan addresses compliance with the current Air Quality Management Plan for the South Coast Air Basin. The Air Quality Element is designed to ensure City land use decisions work to implement and comply with federal, State, and local regulations pertaining to air quality. No conflict with the regional air quality plan will result, and no adverse impact will occur (Initial Study, p. 12). Development anticipated to occur pursuant to the General Plan will be predominantly residential and commercial uses consisting of retail stores, offices, and business parks. Each new development will be required to comply with the South Coast Air Quality Management District's guidelines regarding odor control. Compliance with these existing regulations will ensure that impact will be less than significant (Initial Study, p. 12). R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 4 I I I D. Biological Resources - Conflict with policies, ordinances, or plans All new development will comply with City policies and ordinances protecting biological resources, including tree preservation policies. The updated General Plan provides policies and implementation programs that fully support adopted habitat conservation plans. No impact will result (Initial Study, p. 13). E. Hazards and Hazardous Materials Businesses and operations involving the use, transport, or disposal of hazardous materials will only proceed in strict compliance with federal, State, and local hazardous materials regulations. The General Plan maintains the goal of protecting "the public and environmental resources from hazards related to hazard materials and waste, and nuclear power production" (Goal 2, Public Safety Element). Four policies are included to carry out this goal. Implementation of these policies, together with compliance with existing regulations, will result in a less than significant impact. No sites in Temecula are included on the Department of Toxic Substances Control Hazardous Waste and Substance List, known as the Cortese List (Initial Study, p.17). Temecula has adopted a Multi-Hazard Functional Plan to ensure the effective management of City personnel and resources in responding to emergency situations stemming from natural disasters, technological incidents, and nuclear defense emergencies. Implementation of the Public Safety Element policies, along with the continued implementation of the City's Multi-Hazard Functional Plan, will ensure a less than significant impact with regard to emergency preparedness (Initial Study, p.18). F. Hydrology and Water Quality - Water quality; 1 OO-year flood hazard All new development will be required to comply with existing water quality standards and waste discharge regulations set forth by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego region. Impact will be less than significant. Each new development will be required to comply with stormwater regulations set forth by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego region, including NPDES regulations. Compliance with existing regulations on a project-by-project basis will reduce potential impact to a less than significant level (Initial Study, p. 19). The City participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), which makes flood insurance available to affected property owners within a 100-year floodplain. The City also reviews development plans for projects within floodplains to ensure compliance with City and FEMA floodplain development requirements. No development of any kind will be allowed in the floodway portion of a 1 OO-year floodplain. Implementation of these measures, which represent standard City practice, will reduce the risk from flooding to a less than significant level. The Planning Area is not subject to tsunamis due to its inland location. Seiches have not historically occurred within the Planning Area (Initial Study, p. 20). R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 5 I I I G. Land Use and Planning - Divide community; conflict with habitat conservation plans The majority of undeveloped land within the Planning Area is located north of the Temecula corporate city limits, in the sphere of influence. No physical division would result from development pursuant to the General Plan (Initial Study, p. 21). Temecula is located within the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) planning area. In response to the provisions of the MSHCP, the General Plan Open Space/Conservation Element includes the goal of "conservation of important biological habitats and protection of plant and animal species of concern, wildlife movement corridors, and general biodiversity' (Goal 3, Open Space/Conservation Element). This goal is supported by the policy to "coordinate with the County of Riverside and other relevant agencies in the implementation of the Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan" (Policy 3.3, Open Space/Conservation Element). The General Plan supports applicable habitat conservation plans, and no impact will result (Initial Study, p.21). H. Mineral Resources According to the California Geological Survey, no known mineral resources exist in Temecula. Development pursuant to the General Plan will not result in the loss of a known mineral resource (Initial Study, p. 22). I. Population and Housing - Displacement of people or housing The General Plan will allow the development of a variety of uses on currently undeveloped land. However, this new development will not displace substantial numbers of housing units or people. No impact will result (Initial Study, p. 24). J. Transportation - Air traffic patterns; hazardous design features; emergency access; parking; plans for alternative modes of transportation The French Valley Airport is located within Temecula's sphere of influence. Growth pursuant to the General Plan is not anticipated to change air traffic patterns. The County is planning to update the Comprehensive Land Use Plan for French Valley Airport in response to additional region-wide demand for airport services; as part of this process, the impacts of potential increased airport use will be subsequently analyzed. Impact will be less than significant. The Circulation Element addresses the importance of compatibility between design issues and land use compatibility. However, new development is expected to result in additional roadways. All new roadways will be built in accordance with all requisite City and County design requirements. No significant impact will result. The City has a Multi-Hazard Functional Plan in place. In addition, the Public Safety Element calls for regular reviews by the City to assess response times and incorporate newly developed areas to ensure adequate fire and police protection. Impact will be less than significant. R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 6 I I I All new development pursuant to the General Plan will provide parking in compliance with City standards for the particular use. No significant impact will result. One of the key components of the Circulation Element is to promote the use of alternative transportation modes, including bicycling and walking. Public bus service is provided by the Riverside Transit Agency. The City is committed to ensuring that public transportation becomes a viable alternative to the automobile for residents. The Circulation Element also emphasizes the network of Multi-Use Trails planned for in the City's Multi-Use Trails Master Plan. Impact will be less than significant (Initial Study, p.27). K. Utilities and Service Systems - Wastewater treatment requirements; solid waste The General Plan will not result in development of any use that could exceed established treatment standards. All new development will be required to comply with existing wastewater treatment requirements set forth by the Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Diego region. Impact will be less than significant. Each development approved pursuant to General Plan policy will be required to comply with federal, State, and local statutes and regulations related to the disposal of solid waste. No adverse impact will result (Initial Study, p. 28). Section 2. Findings. The City Council of the City of Temecula determined that based on all of the evidence presented, including the Final EIR, written and oral testimony given at meetings and hearings, and submission of testimony from the public, organizations, and regulatory agencies, the environmental impacts associated with the adoption and implementation of the Temecula General Plan Update will result in a less than significant impact with regard to the following issues, as identified through the analysis presented in the PEIR; therefore, no mitigation measure is required: A. Air Quality - Carbon monoxide hotspots The CALlNE-4 analysis shows that while all study intersections will experience some level of carbon monoxide (CO) concentration, ranging from 0.1 parts per million (ppm) to 1.5 ppm during the 1-hour period, no intersections are anticipated to exceed South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) thresholds for the 1-hour standard. Therefore, implementation of the proposed General Plan will not result in a significant impact with regard to CO hot spots (PEIR, p. 5.3-11). B. Geology and Soils - Seismic groundshaking The City requires geological and geotechnical investigations on properties where new development is proposed and seismic and geologic hazards are of concern. Liquefaction assessment studies are also required in areas identified as susceptible to liquefaction. Compliance with General Plan Safety Element goals and policies and implementation of existing regulations will ensure that impacts can be avoided. Impact will be less than significant through the application of these policies and continued standard permit review and building practices (PEIR, p. 5.6-6). C. Hazards and Hazardous Materials - Hazardous materials; flood hazards; airport proximity; wildland fire hazards R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 7 I I I In accordance with City, State, and federal requirements, any new development that involves contaminated property will necessitate the clean up and/or remediation of the property in accordance with all applicable federal, State, and local requirements and regulations. No construction will be permitted to occur at potentially contaminated sites until a "no further action" or similar determination has been issued by the City's Fire Department, State Department of Toxic Substances Control, State Regional Water Quality Control Board, and/or other responsible agency. Compliance with existing regulations will ensure a level of safety to current standards, and impact will be less than significant (pEIR, p. 5.7-6). The City will continue to enforce disclosure laws that require all users, producers, and transporters of hazardous materials and wastes to clearly identify the materials that they store, use, or transport, and to notify the appropriate City, county, State, and federal agencies in the event of a violation. Compliance with existing regulations will ensure a less than significant impact (pEIR, p. 5.7-6). Currently, the City participates in the National Flood Insurance Program, enforces Development Code (Title 17 of the Municipal Code) regulations regarding development in the floodplain and floodway, and maintains a dam inundation evacuation plan. Compliance with existing federal, State, and local regulations and plans, including the City's Multi-Hazard Functional Plan, will result in a less than significant impact (pEIR, p. 5.7-7). All land use development entitlements within the area of influence must be approved by the Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission; must be consistent with the French Valley Airport ALUCP to protect the publiC health, safety, and welfare; must ensure continued orderly use of the airport; and must prevent the creation of new noise and safety problems. Compliance with the ALUCP, which is supported by numerous policies within the proposed General Plan, will ensure a less than significant impact (pEIR, p. 5.7-7). The General Plan Public Safety Element includes policies and implementation programs that direct the City to reduce the potential for dangerous fires by concentrating development in previously developed areas where the risk of wildland fire is lower; to protect hillside areas from expansion of the urban-wildland interface; to encourage residents to plant and maintain drought-resistant, fire-retardant landscape species on slopes to reduce the risk of brush fire and soil erosion; and to work with the Fire Department to control hazardous vegetation. Stringent application of these policies will reduce impact to a less than significant level (pEIR, p. 5.7-7 and 5.7-8). D. Hydrology and Water Quality - Groundwater Per the 1940 Stipulated Judgment in Santa Margarita v. Vail, the water master determines the safe annual yield based on annual audits of the groundwater basin, including how much water was withdrawn from and recharged to the aquifer. Water service providers must purchase imported water or utilize recycled water supplies based on the water master's yearly determination. Compliance with these existing agreements will ensure a less than significant impact on groundwater resources (pEIR, p. 5.8-4 and 5.8-5). R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 8 I I I E. Land Use and Planning The Regional Comprehensive Plan and Guide (RCPG) prepared by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) contains policies applicable to the General Plan. In particular, the General Plan was compared to the SCAG growth management, Regional Transportation Plan, Air Quality Chapter Core Actions, and the Open Space Chapter Ancillary Policies described in the RCPG. The General Plan is consistent with the Regional Comprehensive Plan and Guide administered by SCAG. Impact is less than significant (pEIR, p. 5.9-23). In compliance with California Water Code Sections 10910-10915, all future development projects pursuant to the proposed General Plan that meet criteria specified in the law are required to determine whether projected water supplies available during normal, single- dry, and multiple-dry water years will be sufficient to satisfy demands of the proposed project, in addition to existing and planned future uses. No major development project will be permitted to proceed unless required determinations can be made. Compliance with existing regulations will minimize the potential for impact (pEIR, p. 5.9-23). F. Noise The General Plan Noise Element includes goals and policies that direct the City to comply with the French Valley ALUCP. Ongoing compliance with the ALUCP and implementation of General Plan policy will ensure a less than significant impact (pEIR, p. 5.10-14). G. Population and Housing Given historical growth patterns and growth management policies contained within the General Plan, implementation of the General Plan will not substantially increase population beyond that already projected to occur within the Planning Area. Furthermore, as described in Section 5.9, Land Use and Planning of the EIR, the General Plan is consistent with SCAG's growth management policies. Impact will be less than significant (pEIR, p. 5.11-3). H. Public Services - Schools Payment of alternative school fees will be used to offset the cost to the Temecula Valley Unified School District (TVUSD) of providing education facilities to future students. The environmental effects of expansion, construction, and operation of additional school facilities will be evaluated by TVUSD in its efforts to plan for construction of new schools or expansion of existing facilities. SB 50 states that for CEQA purposes, payment of fees to the affected school district reduces school facility impacts to a less than significant level (pEIR, p. 5.12-8). R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 9 I I I I. TransportationlTraffic - Specified Intersections The intersection of Old Town Front Street and Rancho California Road currently operates at a deficient LOS E condition. This intersection will continue to operate at LOS E in 2025, although implementation of the General Plan is anticipated to improve the operation of the intersection from 0.96 ICU in 2002 to 0.91 ICU by year 2025. The project does not create a new LOS E condition at this intersection nor worsen its operation to LOS F. Impact to Old Town Front Street at Rancho California Road is therefore less than significant. The SR-79 northbound on-ramp, Winchester Road southbound off-ramp, and Rancho California Road southbound off-ramp all currently operate at a deficient LOS F condition. These ramps will continue to operate at LOS F in 2025. Long-range implementation of the General Plan does not create a new LOS F condition at these ramps. Impact to these ramps is therefore less than significant. J. Utilities and Service Systems - Wastewater and Stormwater Drainage Proposed General Plan goals, policies, and implementation programs address the impact on City storm drain facilities. Implementation Program GM-9 directs the City to maintain an effective, safe, and environmentally compatible flood control system. Compliance with existing regulations and General Plan Implementation Program GM-9 will ensure a less than significant impact (PEIR, p. 5.14-7). K. Cumulative Impacts - Wildland Fire, Hydrology, and Noise Regional jurisdictions that rely upon the Riverside County Fire Department for service will be subject to similar wildland fire hazards requirements as the City of Temecula. Compliance with existing federal, State, and local regulations and plans regarding hazardous materials, flooding, and wildland fire will result in a less than significant cumulative impact (pEIR, p. 7-6). Water service providers must purchase imported water or utilize recycled water supplies based on the water master's yearly determination. Compliance with these existing agreements will ensure a less than significant impact on water supply. Increased development throughout region, especially on currently undeveloped lots, will increase the amount of impervious surfaces, thereby increasing the amount and speed of runoff, which may impact water quality. Developers of new projects are required to provide on-site drainage and pay area drainage fees. Compliance with existing regulations, including NPDES regulations applicable to construction activities and larger developments, will ensure a less than significant cumulative water quality impact (pEIR, p. 7-6 and 7-7). Implementation of City and County noise ordinances, construction of buildings according to State acoustical standards, and implementation of the Land Use Plan that has been designed to avoid land/use noise compatibility conflicts will ensure cumulative noise impacts will be less than significant (PEIR, p. 7-7). Proposed General Plan Land Use Element policies and programs are designed to accommodate City and regional population growth forecast to occur within the Planning R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 10 I I I Area through the year 2025. Given historical growth patterns and the growth management policies contained in the proposed General Plan, implementation of the Plan will not substantially increase population beyond that already projected to occur within the Planning Area. The proposed General Plan will not contribute to significant cumulative population and housing impacts (pEIR, p. 7-7). New development throughout the region must comply with the Rancho California Water District's and/or Eastern Municipal Water District's water and sewer service master plans. Fees will be paid as required to fund infrastructure and thus avoid cumulative impact. All jurisdictions within the region will be required to continue to reduce waste generation and divert materials from regional landfills. Compliance with existing local, county, and State regulations will ensure a less than significant cumulative impact (PEIR, p. 7-8). Section 3. The City Council hereby finds that mitigation measures contained in the PEIR have been incorporated into the Temecula General Plan Update, and that such measures avoid or substantially lessen the following potentially significant environmental impacts identified in the General Plan Update PEIR to a less than significant level. The potentially significant project impacts and the mitigation measures that have been adopted to mitigate the impacts to a less than significant level are as follows: A. Aesthetics / Light and Glare 1. Potential Significant Impact Light levels within the Planning Area will increase as new housing units and commercial, industrial, and institutional projects are developed pursuant to the General Plan. New structures could create glare effects if they incorporate reflective building materials. Depending upon the location and scope of individual development projects, the impact on surrounding uses could be significant (pEIR 5.1-3). The General Plan acknowledges the importance of the Palomar Observatory through policies that continue the City's participation in Palomar Observatory's dark sky conservation requirements. If future development pursuant to the General Plan increases the amount of nighttime lighting within the Planning Area, effectiveness of Palomar Observatory may be reduced. A potential exists for a significant aesthetic impact if the project results in substantial light and glare (PEIR 5.1-3). 2. Findings Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects as identified in the Final PEIR. Implementation of the following mitigation measure will reduce potential aesthetic impacts to a less than significant level: a. The City will ensure that new development projects comply with the City Light Pollution Control Ordinance when building plans are submitted for permits and when projects are field-inspected (General Plan Implementation Program OS-31 and PEIR 5.1-4). R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 11 I I I 3. Supporting Explanation General Plan policies state that the City will work with the County of Riverside and California Institute of Technology to ensure preservation procedures for dark skies are implemented within the City's development review process (PEIR, p. 5.1-3). Future development pursuant to the GEineral Plan shall comply with all applicable codes and standards, including the California Building Code, Uniform Fire Code, etc. Compliance with the City's standards shall assure safe utilization of the facilities at night by the public. With implementation of the above mitigation measure, no significant impact related to aesthetics and light and glare are anticipated (PEIR, p. 5.1-4). B. Agricultural Resources 1. Potential Significant Impact Future development within the Planning Area pursuant to the land use policies of the updated General Plan may result in the conversion of Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, and Farmland of State and Local Importance to non-agricultural use. Of the areas currently identified as Vineyard/Agriculture, approximately four acres may be converted to Rural Residential uses as a result of adoption and implementation of the General Plan. This represents approximately 0.01 percent (one one-hundredth of one percent) of the land currently in agricultural use (pEIR, p. 5.2-5). 2. Findings Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects as identified in the Final PEIR. Implementation of the following mitigation measure will reduce potential agricultural resources impacts to a less than significant level: a. The City will preserve agricultural lands by: . Developing effective zoning regulations or other land use mechanisms that control the expansion of intensive non- agricultural development onto productive or potentially productive agricultural lands. . Recognizing existing agriculture preserve contracts and promoting additional preservation contracts for prime agriculture land. (General Plan Implementation Program OS-28, PEIR, p. 5.2-5) R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 12 I I I 3. Supporting Explanation The proposed project may result in the conversion of four acres of land designated as Vineyard/Agriculture to Rural Residential uses. This represents approximately 0.01 percent (one one-hundredth of one percent) of the land currently in agricultural use within the Planning Area. With regard to areas designated for agricultural use, parallel zoning designations will protect such uses. The City recognizes the importance of agriculture and viticulture in particular to the local economy and tourism base. C. Biological Resources 1. Potential Significant Impacts Impacts to Reaional Sensitive Habitats Development pursuant to implementation and adoption of the General Plan will result in adverse significant impacts if such development results in the modification or removal of regional sensitive habitats within the Planning Area, including: . Coastal Sage Scrub/Riversidean Alluvial Fan Sage Scrub . Vernal Pools/Riparian Scrub, Woodland, and Forest/Open Water, Reservoir, Pond . Coast Live Oak Woodland . Raptor ForaginglWintering Habitat Impacts to non-native grassland and agricultural land will be significant if the habitat is determined to provide high wildlife value for raptor wintering and foraging, or to support federally or State listed, endangered, or threatened species (pEIR, p. 5.4-16). Impacts to Desianated Critical Habitat The Temecula Planning Area encompasses designated critical habitat for the California gnatcatcher and Quino checkerspot butterfly, as determined by United States Fish and Wildlife Service. Critical habitat is primarily located in the northern portion of the Planning Area in French Valley designated for low-medium residential development (PEIR, p. 5.4-16). Impacts to MSHCP Conservation Area/Core Linkaaes The Planning Area encompasses four MSHCP conservation areas and core linkages. Portions of MSHCP conservation areas within French Valley (subunit 5), Pauba. Valley (subunit 2), and Temecula Valley (subunits 1 and 6) will incur permanent, indirect impacts from development-associated increases in the amount of fragmented habitat, artificial nighttime illumination, and human intrusion into natural habitats. In addition, impacts to chaparral will be significant if the habitat is located within a MSHCP conservation, core, or linkage area (e.g., Pauba Valley or Temecula Valley). The General Plan provides for development in these areas; at a Plan level, impact may be significant (pEIR, p. 5.4-17). Rare. Threatened. Endanaered and Sensitive Species R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 13 I I I Development associated with implementation of the General Plan will result in permanent indirect impacts to sensitive flora and fauna species present within the Planning Area where development encroaches into habitat or directly affects the following species: . Munz's onion . Quino checkers pot butterfly . San Die!1\:! ambrosia . Arroyo toad . Nevin's barberry . Southwester willow flycatcher . Vail Lake ceanothus . American peregrine falcon . Slender-horned spineflower . Bald eagle . San Diego button-celery . Coastal California gnatchatcher . Spreading navarretia . Least bell's vireo . California orcutt grass . Stephen's kangaroo rat . San Miguel savory Impacts to federally and State-listed, rare, endangered, and threatened species will be significant and adverse. Mitigation measures are required to reduce adverse impacts to a less than significant level. Impacts to lower-sensitivity species will be significant if it is determined that proposed future development will substantially reduce the species' population stability or conflict with the MSCHP conditions of coverage. Mitigation measures are required to provide further environmental review of individual future development projects (Draft EIR, p. 5.4- 17). 2. Findings Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects as identified in the Final PEIR. Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce potential biological resources impact to a less than significant level: a. The City shall require development proposals in all areas inside or adjacent to sensitive habitat areas, designated critical habitat, and MSCHP conservation areas and core linkages as defined by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the California Department of Fish and Game and the Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan, to provide detailed biological assessments to determine the potentially significant impacts of the project and mitigate significant impacts to a level below significance (General Plan Implementation Program OS- 9, PEIR, p. 5.4-17). b. The City shall require the establishment of open space areas that contain significant water courses, wildlife corridors, and habitats for rare or endangered plant and animal species, with first priority given to the core linkage areas identified in the MSHCP (General Plan Implementation Program OS-10, PEIR, p. 5.4-17). c. The City shall require appropriate resource protection measures to be prepared in conjunction with speCific plans and subsequent development proposals. Such requirements may include the preparation of a Vegetation R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 14 I I I Management Program that addresses landscape maintenance, fuel modification zones, management of passive open space areas, provision of corridor connections for wildlife movement, conservation of water courses, rehabilitation of biological resources displaced in the planning process, and use of project design, engineering, and construction practices that minimize impacts to sensitive species, MSHCP conservation areas, and designated critical habitats (General Plan Implementation Program OS-11, PEIR, p. 5.4-18). d. The City will evaluate and pursue the acquisition of areas with high biological resource significance. Such acquisition mechanisms may include acquiring land by development agreement or gift; dedication of conservation, open space, and scenic easements; joint acquisition with other local agencies; transfer of development rights; lease purchase agreements; State and federal grants; and impact fees/mitigation banking (General Plan Implementation Program OS-12, PEIR, p. 5.4-18). e. The City shall use the resources of national, regional, and local conservation organizations, corporations, associations, and benevolent entities to identify and acquire environmentally sensitive lands, and to protect water courses and wildlife corridors (General Plan Implementation Program OS-13, PEIR, p. 5.4-18). f. The City shall continue to participate in multi-species habitat conservation planning, watershed management planning, and water resource managemen~ planning efforts (General Plan Implementation Program OS-14, PEIR, p. 5.4-18). g. The City shall require project developers to retain coast live oak woodland, including oaks within new development areas, and shall require surveys of all coast live oak trees prior to construction to determine if any raptor nests are present and active. If active nests are observed, postponement of construction activities until the end of the fledgling season is required. The City shall apply the following guidelines adapted from the Riverside County Oak Tree Management Guidelines: . Construction and development activities will be avoided within the root zone (e.g., encompassing an area one-third larger than the drip line of an oak tree . Landscaping, trenching, or irrigation systems will be avoided within the root zone . Land uses that will cause excessive soil compaction within the root zone will be avoided . Manufactured slopes will not be located within the root zone Redirection of surface moisture which alters the soil moisture within the root zone for an extended period of time will be avoided . Filling around the bases of oak trees will be avoided through sedimentation and siltation control . Dying oak trees will be retained in place unless determined to pose a health or safety hazard . Relocation of trees will not constitute mitigation R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 15 I I I . Oak protection will be oriented toward protection of the life cycle of oak trees and woodland (General Plan Implementation Program OS-32, PEIR, p. 5.4- 18). h. The City will require project proponents to minimize impacts to Coastal sage scrub, Riversidean alluvial fan sage scrub, chaparral, and non-native grassland consistent with the MSCHP. Such mitigation measures will include, but are not limited to: on-site preservation, off-site acquisition of mitigation land located within the City and inside MSHCP conservation areas, and habitat restoration of degraded sage scrub vegetation that increases habitat quality and the biological function of the site (General Plan Implementation Program OS-33, PEIR, p. 5.4-19). i. The City shall require project proponents to avoid adverse impacts to Riparian Scrub, Woodland, and Forest and Water vegetations communities to the maximum extent possible. Mitigation consistent with the MSHCP, and future mitigation ratios established by the City will be required, including, but not limited to: wetland creation in upland areas, wetland restoration that re-establishes the habitat functions of a former wetland, and wetland enhancement that improves the self- sustaining habitat functions of an existing wetland. Mitigation measures will be required to achieve "no net loss" of wetland functions and values (General Plan Implementation Program OS-34, PEIR, p. 5.4-19). j. The City shall review development-associated impacts to MSHCP conservation areas for consistency with the MSHCP reserve and buffer development requirements, and shall require compliance with the following MSHCP UrbanlWildlife Interface Guidelines: . Drainage: Proposed developments in proximity to MSHCP conservation areas shall incorporate measures, including measures required through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements, to ensure that the quantity and quality of runoff discharged to the MSHCP conservation areas is not altered in an adverse way when compared to existing conditions. Measures shall be put in place to avoid discharge of untreated surface runoff from developed and paved areas into the MSHCP conservation areas. Stormwater systems shall be designed to prevent the release of toxins, chemicals, petroleum products, exotic plant materials, or other elements that might degrade or harm biological resources or ecosystem processes within the MSHCP conservation areas. This can be accomplished using a variety of methods including natural detention basins, grass swales, or mechanical trapping devices. Regular maintenance shall occur to ensure effective operations of runoff control systems. . Toxics: Land uses proposed in proximity to the MSHCP conservation area that use chemicals or generate byproducts (such as manure) that are potentially toxic or may adversely affect wildlife species, habitat, or water quality shall incorporate measures to ensure that application of such chemicals does not result in discharge to the MSHCP conservation area. Measures such as those employed to address drainage issues shall be implemented. R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 16 I I I . Lighting: Night lighting shall be directed away from the MSHCP conservation area to protect species within the MSHCP conservation area from direct night lighting. Shielding shall be incorporated in project designs to ensure ambient light levels within the MSHCP conservation area do not increase. . Noise: . Proposed noise generating land uses affecting the MSHCP conservation area shall incorporate setbacks, berms, or walls to minimize the effects of noise on MSHCP conservation area resources pursuant to applicable rules, regulations, and guidelines related to land use noise standards. For planning purposes, wildlife within the MSHCP conservation area should not be subject to noise that would exceed residential noise standards. . Invasives: When approving landscape plans for proposed development adjacent to the MSHCP conservation area, the City shall require revisions to landscape plans to avoid the use of invasive species defined within the MSHCP for the portions of development adjacent to the conservation area. . Barriers: Proposed land uses adjacent to the MSHCP conservation area shall incorporate barriers, where appropriate in individual project designs to minimize unauthorized public access, domestic animal predation, illegal trespass, or dumping in the conservation area. Such barriers may include native landscaping, rocks/boulders, fencing, walls, signage and/or other appropriate mechanisms. . Grading/Land Development: Manufactured slopes associated with proposed site development shall not extend into the MSHCP conservation area (General Plan Implementation Program OS-35, PEIR, p. 5.4-19). . k. The City shall require work corridor surveys to identify active nests for projects with the potential to adversely impact nesting migratory birds, as defined under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). Development projects shall avoid active nests and, if necessary, require seasonal timing constraints for riparian habitat clearing and an MBTA SpeCial Purpose permit prior to the removal of active nests of MBTA covered species (General Plan Implementation Program OS-36, PEIR, p. 5.4- 20). 3. Supporting Explanation Implementation of the mitigation measures will reduce the adverse impacts to biological resources associated with adoption and implementation of the proposed General Plan to a less than significant level (Draft EIR, p.5.4-20). D. Cultural Resources 1. Potential Significant Impacts Impacts to Historic Resources Small urban infill development or redevelopment projects that are not subject to discretionary review by the City may occur that could involve the removal or alteration of R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 17 I I I existing structures of historical value or significance. Thus, mitigation is required to minimize potential impacts to historic resources associated with the adoption and implementation of the General Plan (pEIR, p. 5.5-7). Impacts to Archaeoloaical and Paleontoloaical Resources Unknown archaeological sites, structures, and fossils may be unearthed during excavation and grading activities for specific projects. If previously undiscovered artifacts or remains are uncovered during excavation or construction, impact will be significant. Mitigation measures are required to reduce the impact to archaeological and paleontological resources to a less than significant level (PEIR, p. 5.5-7). 2. Findings Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects as identified in the Final PEIR. Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce potential cultural resources impact to a less than significant level: a. The City shall use the development and environmental review process to: . Ensure that appropriate archaeological and paleontological surveying and documentation of findings is provided prior to project approval. . Require effective mitigation where development may affect archaeological or paleontological resources. . Require that an archaeologist or paleontologist be retained to observe grading activities in areas where the probable presence of archaeological or paleontological resources is identified. . Enforce CEQA provisions regarding preservation or salvage of significant archaeological and paleontological sites discovered during construction activities. . Require monitoring of new developments and reporting to the City on completion of mitigation and resource protection measures (General Plan Implementation Program OS-26, PEIR, p. 5.5-7). b. The City shall enter into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Eastern Information Center of the University of California, Riverside to establish procedures for reviewing the archaeological sensitivity of sites proposed for development (General Plan Implementation Program OS-37, PEIR, p. 5.5-8). c. The City shall continue to implement a historic preservation ordinance in the Old Town area to protect historically significant buildings, sites, roads/trails, and other landscape elements, and to encourage their re-use where appropriate. Preservation of other historic resources will also be considered (General Plan Implementation Program OS-27, PEIR, p. 5.5-8). d. The City will encourage owners of local sites to apply for recognition in the State Historic Resources Inventory, as Riverside County Landmarks, as State Points of Historic Interest, as State Landmarks, and as sites R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 18 I I I on the National Register of Historic Places, as deemed necessary (General Plan Implementation Program OS-27, PEIR, p. 5.5-8). 3. Supporting Explanation At the time individual development projects proceed, if such excavation or grading uncovers archaeological resources, developers will be required to comply with CEQA Section 21083.2 and CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.5 regarding the discovery sensitive archaeological resources. Generally, excavation/grading activity will have to be temporarily suspended to allow for an assessment of the resource and appropriate mitigation. Compliance with these existing regulations for individual development projects will result in less than significant impact (pEIR, p. 5.5-8). E. Geology and Soils 1. Potential Significant Impacts Temecula is located in a seismically active area, as is all of Southern California. Projects developed pursuant to General Plan land use policies will expose additional people and structures to groundshaking hazards associated with earthquakes (pEIR, p. 5.6-5). Seismic activity along regional faults creates the potential for groundshaking impacts within the Planning Area. Portions of the Planning Area are underlain with weak, semi- consolidated bedrock and loose, unconsolidated and often saturated alluvial sediments. These soil types have the potential to liquefy or collapse in the event of a major groundshaking event. The fine-grained components of the bedrock units are potentially expansive. The weak soil, combined with steep slopes and saturated drainage channels, make areas of Temecula susceptible to landslides and mudflows (pEIR, p. 5.6-6). 2. Findings Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects as identified in the Final PEIR. Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce potential geology and soils impact to a less than significant level: a. The City shall work with the County of Riverside and California Geological Survey to monitor and compile information on faults located within the Planning Area (General Plan Implementation Program PS-4, PEIR, p. 5.6-6). b. The City shall develop a Land Use Suitability Matrix for Alquist- Priolo Earthquake Fault Zones and County Fault Hazards Zones. The matrix will categorize land uses according to risk and develop restrictions for these uses within the Zones (General Plan Implementation Program PS-4, PEIR, p. 5.6-7). c. The City shall: 1) prepare and adopt hillside development standards for site development and drainage that work to control runoff for erosion control and water quality purposes; 2) implement a Hillside Grading Ordinance; 3) require the use of proper soil management techniques to reduce R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 19 I I I erosion, sedimentation, and other soil-related problems; and 4) implement a grading ordinance to ensure that grading associated with new development projects is conducted in accordance with appropriate geotechnical engineering standards (General Plan Implementation Programs OS-21 , PS-5 and PS-16, PEIR, p. 5.6-7). 3. Supporting Explanation The General Plan Public Safety Element includes goals, policies, and programs that direct the City to identify and mitigate adverse impacts of ground surface rupture at the project level and potential adverse impacts of liquefaction and landslides at the project level; to apply and enforce seismic design standards and building construction codes for new development; to work with property owners to remediate hazardous buildings; and to establish development management techniques to lessen the potential for erosion and landslides and to monitor the potential for seismic events. Impact will be less than significant with implementation of these policies and the implementation programs listed above. The City requires geological and geotechnical investigations on properties where new development is proposed and seismic and geologic hazards are of concern. Liquefaction assessment studies are also required in areas identified as susceptible to liquefaction. Compliance with General Plan Safety Element goals and policies and implementation of existing regulations will ensure that impacts can be avoided. Impact will be less than significant through the application of these policies and continued standard permit review and building practices (pEIR, p.5.6-6). F. Hydrology and Water Quality 1. Potential Significant Impacts New development pursuant to the General Plan will result in approximately 15,800 acre- feet per year (af/yr) of additional water demand, based on the gallons per day per capita average factors reported by EMWD and RCWD (pEIR, p. 5.8-4). New development will result in greater areas of impervious surface such as streets, roofs, sidewalks, and parking lots. The absorption rate for impervious surfaces is less than the rate for natural lands. Instead of being absorbed into the ground, stormwater on impervious surfaces is conveyed into local surface streams and improved channels. Increased runoff volumes and speeds may create nuisance flooding in areas lacking adequate drainage facilities (pEIR, P.5.8-5). 2. Findings Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects as identified in the Final PEIR. Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce potential hydrology and water quality impact to a less than significant level: a. The City will work with the water districts to promote water conservation and ultimately reduce the demand for peak-hour water supply wastewater capacity, review the adopted Uniform Building Code, and require R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 20 I I I water conservation measures to reduce water consumption. Such measures may include, but are not limited to, the use of plumbing fixtures that reduce water use, low-flow toilets, drip irrigation systems, and xeriscape landscaping that maximizes the use of drought-tolerant plant species (General Plan Implementation Program OS-4, PEIR, p. 5.8-6). b. The City shall review individual development projects to ensure that adequate stormwater detention facilities are provided to accommodate surface water runoff generated by the project, and where needed, incorporate detention of stormwater runoff at the point of origin (General Plan Implementation Program OS-6, PEIR, p. 5.8-6). c. The City will require drought-tolerant landscaping in new development and where feasible, will require incorporation of reclaimed water systems within landscape irrigation plans (General Plan Implementation Program OS-7, PEIR, p. 5.8-6). d. The City will implement, where appropriate, Water Resource Management Guidelines drafted by the subcommittee comprised of Eastern Municipal Water District and local jurisdictions (General Plan Implementation Program OS-8, PEIR, p. 5.8-6). e. The City shall prohibit the use of underground storage tanks and conventional septic tanks/subsurface disposal systems in any area designated within Zone A of a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency wellhead protection area (General Plan Implementation Program GM-13, PEIR, p. 5.8-6). f. The City shall require all proposed development projects using septic tanks and subsurface disposal systems for the disposal of wastewater to provide detailed geotechnical analysis of the project site and siting recommendations in accordance with the EPA's Design Manual for On-site Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Systems that will ensure no impact to potable water production wells in any area designated within Zone A of a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency wellhead protection area (General Plan Implementation Program GM-13, PEIR, p. 5.8-6). g. Proposed developments shall incorporate measures, including measures required by the City pursuant to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit, to ensure that the quantity and quality of runoff discharge does not cause or contribute to the violation of water quality standards. Measures shall be required to avoid discharge of untreated surface runoff from developed and paved areas. Stormwater systems shall be designed to prevent the release of toxins, chemicals, petrOleum products, exotic plant materials, or other elements. This can be accomplished using a variety of methods including natural detention basins, grass swales, or mechanical trapping or treatment devices. Regular maintenance shall occur to ensure effective operations of runoff control systems (General Plan Implementation Program OS- 5, PEIR, p. 5.8-7). R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 21 I I I 3. Supporting Explanation To further ensure that groundwater supplies will not be impacted by future development pursuant to implementation of the General Plan, mitigation measures, although not required, are recommended to guarantee that the City work with RCWD and EMWD to investigate additional measures to maintain supply and prevent groundwater depletion (pEIR, p. 5.8-5). Since the General Plan allows for new development within a wellhead protection area designated as a Zone A using criteria of the Environmental Protection Agency, impact could be significant. Mitigation measures have been included that require all proposed development projects using septic tanks and subsurface disposal systems for the disposal of wastewater to provide detailed geotechnical analysis of the project site and siting recommendations that will ensure no impact to potable water production wells ( (pEIR, p. 5.8-5). Temecula participates in the Storm Water Clean Water Protection Program and therefore requires all development project applicants to prepare a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) to mitigate construction-related water quality impacts associated with storm events. In addition, all development proposals must include a Water Quality Management Plan that includes Best Management Practices (BMPs) and outlines how water quality impacts will be minimized during project operation. Compliance with these existing regulations will ensure a less than significant impact on the water quality in surface water bodies. Mitigation measures, although not required, are recommended to maintain adequate stormwater drainage (PEIR, p. 5.8-6). G. Land Use and Planning 1. Potential Significant Impacts Riverside County's Southwest Area Plan (SWAP), as presented in the Riverside County Integrated Plan, envisions substantial amounts of new development surrounding Temecula. The City's General Plan Land Use Policy Map incorporates SWAP- recommended uses for unincorporated areas, and thus no direct conflict between the two plans results. However, development in unincorporated areas pursuant to the SWAP, particularly within the French Valley area, will result in significant impacts with respect to traffic, air quality, and resources that are beyond the City's ability to control. The City has developed a land use plan for the French Valley Area (shown on the proposed Land Use Policy Map) and has designated this area as a Future Growth Area. This part of the land use plan is substantially similar to the County General Plan in this area. The intent of these steps is to ensure that future annexations are beneficial additions to the City, and to minimize impacts of future development in the area on City roads and infrastructure (pEIR, p. 5.9-9). Proposed General Plan land use policy may conflict with provisions of the current City Development Code and the Riverside County Zoning Ordinance, particularly with regard to land use designation/zoning consistency. For example, areas designated on the Land Use Policy Map as Rural Residential or Vineyards/Agricultural conflict with current R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 22 I I I zoning, as these are new designations that do not have corresponding zoning districts within the City's Development Code (pEIR, p. 5.9-9). The General Plan includes three Mixed-Use Overlay Areas, identified within the Land Use Element of the proposed General Plan, that apply within the Temecula Redevelopment Project Area. In some cases, the Overlay Areas provide for the addition of residential units within existing shopping centers. On other properties, new mixed-use projects could be constructed. In both scenarios, residential units will likely be introduced within the Redevelopment Project Area, and development intensity may increase (pEIR, p. 5.9-10). Implementation of General Plan policies and programs will ensure that development pursuant to the General Plan within the French Valley Airport area of influence does not conflict with the current County ALUCP for French Valley Airport. Implementation Program LU-24 is required as a mitigation measure to ensure consistency between the General Plan and ALUCP (pEIR, p. 5.9-14). Development pursuant to the General Plan Land Use Element could be inconsistent with some of the development standards outlined in currently adopted specific plans, particularly those under the jurisdiction of the County of Riverside within the City's sphere of influence (pEIR, p. 5.9-23). 2. Findings Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects as identified in the Final PEIR. Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce potential land use and planning impacts to a less than significant level: a. The City shall require preparation of an annexation plan and fiscal analysis prior to annexation of new areas to the City. Within the annexation plan, applicants must show how adequate levels of public services and facilities will be provided to serve the new development without reducing service levels for currently urbanized areas. The fiscal analysis shall determine the impact that additional development will have on current Temecula neighborhoods and on the community as a whole, including any impact fees necessary to offset public costs caused by the proposed project, and shall include an examination of fiscal and service impacts of the proposed project on roads, water, sewer, storm water runoff, fire, police, schools, libraries and other community facilities (General Plan Implementation Program LU-15, PEIR, p. 5.9-24). b. The City shall review implementation of the General Plan and Land Use Policy Map to ensure consistency is maintained between the General Plan and the Development Code (General Plan Implementation Program LU-1, PEIR, p.5.9-24). c. The City shall review and update the Development Code to ensure consistency with the General Plan (General Plan Implementation Program LU-3, PEIR, p. 5.9-24). R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 23 I I I d. The City shall implement and update as necessary the Redevelopment Plan to establish consistency with the General Plan and amended Development Code (General Plan Implementation Program LU-11, PEIR, p. 5.9-24). e. The City shall ensure consistency with the County Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) for French Valley Airport through the following measures: . The City shall review development projects within the French Valley Airport area of influence, and participate in any future updates to the ALUCP and Master Plan for the Airport, in conjunction with the Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission. . The City shall require project proponents to obtain avigation easements as required by the ALUCP to ensure that landowners acknowledge potential impacts associated with aircraft. (General Plan Implementation Program LU-24, PEIR, p. 5.9-24) f. The City shall review and update the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) on an annual basis to achieve consistency with improvements identified within the General Plan, and to meet changing needs, priorities, and financial conditions (General Plan Implementation Program LU-17, PEIR, p. 5.9-24). g. The City shall cooperate with Riverside County LAFCO and the County of Riverside to direct growth outside the City limits to the French Valley Future Growth Area, on lands that are served or are planned to be served with a full range of urban services, such as public water and sewer, local and regional road networks demonstrating adequate capacity, safety and emergency response services, parks, trails and open spaces (General Plan Implementation Program LU-16, PEIR, p. 5.9-24). h. The City shall continue to implement the procedures, requirements and contents of specific plans contained in the Development Code. Properties under single ownership or multiple ownership which are generally over 100 acres will utilize the specific plan or village center plan as an implementation tool. Private landowners or the City may undertake the preparation or amendment of a specific plan, in accordance with Government Code Section 65450. Specific plans shall include the location of land uses; standards to regulate height, bulk and setback limits; standards for constructing proposed streets; standards for population density and building intensity; standards for conservation and management of natural resources; and implementation provisions to carry out the Open Space/Conservation Element (General Plan Implementation Program LU-5,PEIR, p. 5.9-25). 3. Supporting Explanation Mitigation measures have been included that: 1) describe annexation requirements for surrounding areas, and 2) require the City to cooperate with Riverside County LAFCO and the County of Riverside to direct growth outside the City limits to the French Valley R:/Resos 2005lResos 05-44 24 I I I Future Growth Area, on lands that are served or are planned to be served with a full range of urban services, such as public water and sewer, local and regional road networks demonstrating adequate capacity, safety and emergency response services, parks, trails and open spaces. Impact will be less than significant with implementation of these measures (pEIR, p. 5.9-23). To avoid conflict, mitigation measures are included that: 1) describe annexation requirements for surrounding areas; 2) require the City to periodically review and update the General Plan Land Use Policy Map, and to review and update the Development Code and Specific Plans to be consistent with the updated General Plan; and 3) require the City to continue to implement the procedures, requirements, and contents of specific plans contained in the Development Code. Impact will be less than significant with implementation of these measures (pEIR, p. 5.9-23). H. Noise 1. Potential Significant Impacts Noise Standards Future noise levels along major streets in the City are projected to range from approximately 60 dB(A) to 75 dB(A) CNEL. In some portions of the community, the 60 dB noise contour could expand by as much as 395 feet. Although some roadway segments could experience a decrease, wide-ranging variability exists across the roadway network. As a result, new development pursuant to the proposed General Plan could conflict with adopted noise standards. This is considered a significant impact, and mitigation is required (pEIR, p. 5.10-9). Groundborne Vibration or Noise Long-term implementation of the General Plan could expose persons to excessive ground borne vibration and/or noise. Problems could arise in cases where noise- producing uses are located immediately adjacent to sensitive uses, such as business park areas near residences or schools. Mixed-use projects, such as those encouraged within four Mixed Use Overlay Areas identified in the General Plan Land Use Element, also present unique concerns, such as when restaurants with nighttime entertainment are located close to residential units. In addition, construction-related activities will be short-term sources of groundborne noise that could affect occupants of neighboring uses. These are potentially significant impacts at the project level, and mitigation is required (pEIR, p. 5.10-12). Ambient Noise Levels Transportation-related noise is the strongest contributor to ambient noise levels within the Temecula Planning Area. Future noise levels along major streets within the City are projected to increase due to additional trips on the roadway. New noise levels associated with new transportation facilities shown on the City's Roadway Plan will increase the permanent ambient noise level in the City. These increases in permanent ambient noise levels are considered a significant impact, and mitigation is required. R:/Resos 2005lResos 05-44 25 I I I Long-term implementation of the General Plan creates capacity for additional development within the Planning Area, which could result in substantial temporary or periodic increases in ambient noise levels due to construction activities. Construction equipment generates high levels of intermittent noise ranging from 70 dB(A) to 105 dB(A), and thus will result in a significant impact where noise-sensitive land uses adjoin construction sites. Although construction-related noise will be short term for each specific construction project and will cease upon completion of construction, the cumulative impact over time could be significant at specific locations (pEIR, p. 5.10-12). 2. Findings Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects as identified in the Final PEIR. Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce potential noise impact to a less than significant level: a. The City will review residential and other noise-sensitive development proposals to ensure that noise standards and compatibility criteria are met, and will require incorporation of noise-mitigating features identified in acoustical studies prepared for development projects including, but not limited to, the following measures identified in the Noise Element (General Plan Implementation Programs N-1, N-3, N-5 and N-7). . Use of building setbacks to increase distance between noise sources and receivers . Placing noise tolerant land uses such as parking lots, maintenance facilities, and utility areas between noise sources and receptors. . Orienting or clustering buildings to shield outdoor spaces from noise sources. . Placing bedrooms on the side of a house, facing away from major roadways. . Placement of noise tolerant rooms (e.g. garages, bathrooms and kitchens) to shield noise-sensitive portions of homes. . Use of additional insulation and double-pane windows when bedrooms cannot be located on the side of a house away from a major roadway. . Avoid placement of balconies facing major travel routes. (pEIR, p. 5.10-14) b. Where architectural design treatments described in mitigation measure a above fail to adequately reduce adverse noise levels or will significantly increase the costs of land development, the City will require the combined use of noise barriers and landscaped berms (General Plan Implementation Program N-7, PEIR, p. 5.10-14). c. The City will require all non-emergency construction activity to comply with the limits (maximum noise levels, hours and days of activity) established in State and City noise regulations (Title 24 California Code of Regulations, Temecula Development Code and Chapter 8.32 of the Municipal Code), and will require proposed industrial or commercial projects located near residential areas to demonstrate that the project, when constructed, will meet City noise reduction requirements (General Plan Implementation Program N-2, PEIR, p. 5.10-16). R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 26 I I I d. During review of development applications, the City will consider the noise and vibration impacts of the proposed land use on current or planned adjacent uses (General Plan Implementation Program N-4, PEIR, p. 5.10-16). e. The City will: 1) incorporate noise control measures, such as sound walls and berms, into roadway improvement projects to mitigate impacts to adjacent development; 2) provide noise control for City streets within the Planning Area experiencing unique noise problems; 3) use the ultimate roadway capacity at LOS C and the posted speed limit to estimate maximum future noise impacts; and 4) coordinate with the Riverside County Sheriff's Department and the California Highway Patrol to enforce the California Vehicle Code noise standards for cars, trucks, and motorcycles (General Plan Implementation Program N-8, PEIR, p. 5.10-16). 3. Supporting Explanation With implementation of mitigation measures list above, land/use noise compatibility impacts can be addressed at the project level to avoid impact. Impacts resulting from groundborne vibrations or noise will be reduced to a less than significant level (pEIR, p. 5.10-16). I. Public Services/Recreation 1. Potential Significant Impacts Fire and Police Protection Development projects anticipated to occur pursuant to General Plan policy will result in increased demand for fire and police protection services and facilities, as well as increased demand for water resources for fire protection and other emergencies. This represents a significant impact. The Fire Department conducts final construction plan check reviews and issues certificates of occupancy for all new development projects. Projects within the City limits are also required to pay Development Impact Fees (DIF) to fund the expansion of fire protection and emergency services. Nonetheless, mitigation measures are required to reduce impact to a level below significance (PEIR, p. 5.12-4). Libraries The new Temecula Public Library will have 34,000 square feet of library space and 80,000 volumes. Additional volumes are available through the Library District's branch library system and interlibrary loan agreements. Nevertheless, residential development projects anticipated to occur pursuant to General Plan policy will result in demand for library resources beyond those provided by the new Temecula Public Library. Even with the opening of the new library, new development associated with long-term implementation of the General Plan will require the construction of new or expanded library facilities. Impact will be significant, and mitigation measures have been added to the project (pEIR, p. 5.12-10). R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 27 I I I Parks and Recreation Residential development projects anticipated to occur pursuant to General Plan policy will require the City to provide 204 net new acres of parkland to meet parkland per capita goals. This net new acreage is in addition to the acreage needed to meet an existing 164-acre deficit. Sufficient parkland to meet the needs of existing residents is anticipated to be provided by the year 2013 through the acquisition and dedication of parks and school facilities within identified specific plan areas. However, new development projects pursuant to the General Plan will result in increased use of existing neighborhood and regional parks, other recreational facilities, and trails, and this increased use may cause or accelerate substantial physical deterioration of these facilities. Impact will be significant, and mitigation measures are required (pEIR, p. 5.12- 14). 2. Findings Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects as identified in the Final PEIR. Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce potential public services/recreation impact to a less than significant level: Fire and Police a. The City will periodically evaluate levels of sheriff, fire, and emergency medical services, based on changes in population and development, and will: 1) provide a minimum of one full-time officer per 1,000 residents for police protection services; 2) maintain facilities, staffing, and equipment necessary to maintain a five-minute response time for 90 percent of all emergencies; and 3) implement new programs to meet the changing needs of residents (General Plan Implementation Program GM-4, PEIR, p. 5.12-4). b. As part of the development review process, the City will require new development projects to address fire and police protection proactively, through all-weather access street design, orientation of entryways, siting of structures, landscaping, lighting, and other security features; and will require illuminated addresses on new construction (General Plan Implementation Program GM-5, PEIR, p. 5.12-4). Libraries c. The City will identify and solicit funding from additional sources to supplement library facilities and services. Such funding sources may include State and federal grants and loans, public and private donations, sponsorships by local and national corporations, and other private individuals and groups (General Plan Implementation Program GM-7, PEIR, p. 5.12-10). d. The City will coordinate with the County to determine location, facilities, and services of new branch libraries needed to serve the community (General Plan Implementation Program GM-7, PEIR, p. 5.12-10). R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 28 I I I Parks e. The City will identify potential sites for additional park land, monitor demand for park land and facilities concurrent with development approvals, and prioritize potential parkland acquisitions, expansions, and improvements within the five year Capital Improvement Program, consistent with the adopted Parks and Recreation Master Plan (General Plan Implementation Program OS-1, PEIR, p. 5.12-14). f. The City shall continue to implement a local code that incorporates standards for parkland dedication and development. Specifically the City shall: 1) require the dedication of parkland or the payment of in-lieu fees and the development of recreation facilities for all new development; and 2) require developers of residential projects greater than 200 units to dedicate land based on the park acre standard of five acres of usable parkland to 1,000 residents (General Plan Implementation Program OS-2, PEIR, p. 5.12-14). g. The City shall: 1) implement policies and standards of the Parks and Recreation and Multi-Use Trails and Bikeways Master Plans, including trail classifications, design standards, implementation mechanisms, and capital improvement programming; and 2) ensure that bike routes are provided or reserved concurrent with new development (General Plan Implementation Program OS-29, PEIR, p. 5.12-14). 3. Supporting Explanation The City will continue to collect Development Impact Fees to offset impacts on fire and police protection services, and to require that design features be incorporated into projects to minimize threats to public safety. Adequate mitigation is included and adopted as General Plan implementation programs to expand library services and facilities as demand dictates, and to provide park lands and other recreation facilities for existing and future residents. The implementation/mitigation cited above will reduce impact to less than significant levels (pEIR, pp. 5.12-4, 5.12-10, 5.12-14). J. Utilities and Service Systems 1. Potential Significant Impacts Water Supplv Buildout pursuant to General Plan land use policy will not result in demand for water service that exceeds RCWD's planned future supply in 2020. Impact on the RCWD's ability to provide water will be less than significant. However, increased demand by agriculture and other water users within RCWD's service area could lead to an impact on future water supply (pEIR, p. 5.14-3). Buildout pursuant to General Plan land use policy will not result in demand for water service that exceeds EMWD's planned future supply. Impact on EMWD's ability to provide water will be less than significant. However, increased demand by other water users in the district's service area could lead to an impact on future water supply (pEIR, p. 5.14-3). R:/Resos 2005lResos 05-44 29 I I I Wastewater Estimated future wastewater treatment demand required to support the project is one million gallon per day (mgd) greater than the projected capacity of water treatment facilities currently serving Temecula. Given that future demand is based upon a very long- term buildout horizon, the one mgd difference is not considered significant, although additional mitigation is included in the PEIR to provide for continued monitoring and potentially an update of EMWD's master plan to reflect Temecula's projections (pEIR, p. 5.14-5). Enerav The demand for electricity is anticipated to increase by about 102.1 megawatt hours (mwh) per month. Southern California Edison will construct additional electricity facilities as necessary to meet increased demand. The future energy supply for the Temecula and California is considered a major task for long-range planning. SCE will need to consider the future generation of electricity with careful consideration of the anticipated peak usage within its service areas (PEIR, p. 5.14-9). The demand for natural gas is anticipated to increase by approximately 104.49 million cubic feet (met) per month. The Gas Company will work with the City as new developments are proposed to construct additional natural gas infrastructure as necessary to meet demand. The Gas Company will consider the future gas supply for its service areas with attentive consideration since the majority of gas consumed in California is transported from out-of-state sources (PEIR, p. 5.14-10). Solid Waste Solid waste generation is anticipated to increase by 425,271 pounds per day, for a total of about 876,443 pounds per day at General Plan buildout. The City currently manages a residential recycling program that diverts nearly 50 percent of the solid waste generated. Furthermore, the Riverside County Waste Management Department expects to expand the capacity of both EI Sobrante and Badlands Sanitary Landfills. The City will continue to implement solid waste reduction programs in compliance with Section 40050 et seq. of the California Public Resources Code. Thus, although implementation of the General Plan will result in new development and redevelopment within the Planning Area and related increases in solid waste generation, impact will be less than significant with mitigation (pEIR, p. 5.14-12). 2. Findings Changes or alterations have been required in, or incorporated into, the project which avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effects as identified in the Final PEIR. Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce potential utilities and service systems impact to a less than significant level: Water Suoolv a. The City shall assist the Rancho California and Eastern Municipal Water Districts in the process of updating their urban water management plans to be R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 30 I I I responsive to the population and housing unit capacities established by the General Plan (General Plan Implementation Program GM-8, PEIR, p. 5.14-4). b. The City shall review the adopted Uniform Building Code and require new development projects to include water conservation features to reduce consumption, including, but not limited to: use of reduced-flow plumbing fixtures, low-flow toilets, drip irrigation systems and xeriscape landscaping (General Plan Implementation Program OS-4, PEIR, p. 5.14-4). c. The City shall ensure that discretionary projects implementing the General Plan (Specific Plans, land divisions, development plans and conditional use permits) comply with California Water Code Section 10910, requiring the preparation of a water supply assessment indicating that a long-term water supply for a 20-year time frame is available. Written acknowledgement that water will be provided by a community or public water system with an adopted urban water management plan that includes consideration of the project's water consumption and supply shall constitute compliance with this requirement (General Plan Implementation Program OS-38, PEIR, p. 5.14-4). d. The City shall: 1) continue to require drought-tolerant landscaping in new development projects; 2) where feasible, incorporate reclaimed water systems into landscape irrigation plans; 3) continue to implement a recycled water ordinance in accordance with the requirements of Senate Bill 2095, Water Recycling in Landscaping Act; and 4) convert existing City of Temecula non-domestic water uses to recycled water use in accordance with Sections 13550-13556 of the State Water Code when feasible (General Plan Implementation Program OS-7, PEIR, p. 5.14-4). Wastewater e. The City shall assist the Eastern Municipal Water District in the process of updating its water master plan for projecting wastewater service to be responsive to the population and housing unit capacities established by the General Plan (General Plan Implementation Program GM-8, PEIR, p. 5.14-6). Enerav f. The City shall coordinate with Southern California Edison, the Southern California Gas Company, and other responsible companies to provide for the continued maintenance, development, and expansion of electricity and natural gas systems (General Plan Implementation Program GM-11, PEIR, p. 5.14-9). g. The City shall participate in the formation of regional siting plans and policies for energy facilities (General Plan Implementation Program OS-15, PEIR, p. 5.14-10). h. The City shall implement land use and building controls that require new development to comply with the California State Energy Regulation requirements (General Plan Implementation Program OS-17, PEIR, p. 5.14-10). i. The City shall 1) enforce all current residential and commercial California Energy Commission energy conservation standards, 2) encourage public institutions to use high-efficiency heating and cooling systems, advanced lighting systems, and R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 31 I I I passive solar systems to reduce energy use; and 3) adopt project-related energy conservation guidelines that are incorporated within the development approval process to promote and require conservation strategies as development occurs (General Plan Implementation Program OS-18, PEIR, p. 5.14-10). Solid Waste j. The City will 1) assist the Riverside County Solid Waste Management Department to implement the County's Solid Waste Management Plan, and when feasible and appropriate, assist the County in locating cost effective and environmentally acceptable solid waste sites and facilities; and 2) promote awareness of recycling options for businesses (General Plan Implementation Program GM-10, PEIR, p. 5.14-12). k. The City will require incorporation of recycling as a condition of approval for all multi-family residential, commercial and office projects, and will work with the private sector contractor providing solid waste services to ensure that appropriate recycling containers, procedures, and education are readily available (General Plan Implementation Program GM-14, PEIR, p. 5.14-12). I. The City shall continue to compost green waste collected from landscape and park maintenance (General Plan Implementation Program GM-15, PEIR, p. 5.14- 12). 3. Supporting Explanation The proposed project will create increased demand for utilities and service systems at both the local and regional levels. After mitigation, potential project impacts are reduced to a less than significant level. Section 4. The City Council hereby finds that, despite the incorporation of mitigation measures outlined in the PEIR, the following impacts cannot be fully mitigated to a less than significant level, and a Statement of Overriding Considerations is therefore included herein: A. Air Quality - Short-term Construction Related, Long-term, and Cumulative 1. Potential Significant Impact The proposed project will have a short-term impact on air quality from construction acljvities. While individual development projects will be required to employ construction approaches that minimize pollutant emissions (e.g., watering for dust control, tuning of equipment and limiting truck traffic to non-peak hours), on a cumulative basis over the next 20 years, pOllutant emissions associated with construction activity will be significant, and mitigation is required (pEIR, p. 5.3-9). The proposed project will add emissions to a non-attainment air basin. Levels of PM,o have exceeded State standards regularly in the past and are expected to continue exceeding these standards in the future. Therefore, long-term air quality impacts resulting from adoption and implementation of the proposed General Plan will be significant, and mitigation measures are required (pEIR, p. 5.3-10). R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 32 I I I 2. Findings Implementation of the following mitigation measures will reduce short-term, long-term, and cumulative air quality impacts to the extent feasible: a. The City will support regional transit initiatives and promote development of high-speed rail service connecting Temecula to San Diego and Los Angeles; actively participate in efforts to protect and improve air quality in the region; and attend meetings with the County of Riverside, WRCOG, SCAQMD, SCAG, and other agencies as required to support these objectives and fulfill Temecula's requirements and obligations under the AQMP and Sub-Regional Air Quality Implementation Program (General Plan Implementation Program AQ-1, PEIR, p. 5.3-11). b. The City will continue to involve the general public, environmental groups, the business community, and special interest groups in the formulation and implementation of air quality programs; conduct periodic public outreach efforts; and continue to promote public education as a method of employer compliance with the City Trip Reduction Ordinance (General Plan Implementation Program AQ-2, PEIR, p. 5.3- 11 ). c. The City will adhere to policies and programs of the Land Use Element, including development of mixed-use projects where designated and feasible (General Plan Implementation Program AQ-3, PEIR, p. 5.3-12). d. The City will encourage development and expansion of businesses, and promote development of housing affordable to all segments of the community near job opportunity sites, and within Mixed Use Overlay Areas (General Plan Implementation Program AQ-4, PEIR, p. 5.3-12). e. The City will continue to implement a site development permit process and use the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in the review of proposed development projects. The City shall require individual development projects to comply with the following measures to minimize short-term, construction-related PM10 and NOx emissions, and to minimize off-site impacts: . Water all active construction areas at least twice daily. . Cover all haul trucks or maintain at least two feet of freeboard. . Pave or apply water four times daily to all unpaved parking or staging areas. . Sweep or wash any site access points within 30 minutes of any visible dirt deposition on any public roadway. . Cover or water twice daily anyon-site stockpiles of debris, dirt or other dusty material. . Suspend all operations on any unpaved surface if winds exceed 25 mph. . Hydroseed or otherwise stabilize any cleared area which is to remain in active for more than 96 hours after clearing is completed. . Ensure that all cut and fill slopes are permanently protected from erosion. . Require the construction contractor to ensure that all construction equipment is maintained in peak working order. . Limit allowable idling to 10 minutes for trucks and heavy equipment. . Encourage car pooling for construction workers. . Limit lane closures to off-peak travel periods. R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 33 I I I . Park construction vehicles off traveled roadways. . Wet down or cover dirt hauled off-site. . Wash or sweep away access points daily. . Encourage receipt of materials during non-peak traffic hours. . Sandbag construction sites for erosion control. Approve development that could significantly impact air quality, either individually or cumulatively, only if it is conditioned with all reasonable mitigation measures to avoid, minimize, or offset the impact. (General Plan Implementation Programs LU-4 and AQ-5, PEIR, p. 5.3-12). f. The City will ensure location of new sensitive receptors away from major air pollution sources, and require buffering of sensitive receptors from air pollution sources through the use of landscaping, open space, and other separation techniques (General Plan Implementation Program AQ-6, Draft EIR, p. 5.3-12). g. The City will incorporate strategies into City-wide design guidelines and development standards that promote a pedestrian-scale environment, encourage use of mass transit, and reduce dependence on the automobile (General Plan Implementation Program AQ-7, PEIR, p. 5.3-13). h. The City will promote the use of alternative work weeks, flextime, telecommuting, and work-at-home programs among employers in Temecula, and continue to enforce provisions of the City Trip Reduction Ordinance, including requirements for preparation of Trip Reduction Plans (TRPs) for qualifying development projects and employers (General Plan Implementation Program AQ-8, PEIR, p. 5.3-13). i. The City will require employee rideshare and transit incentives for large employers, consistent with the requirements of the City's Trip Reduction Ordinance, and continue to encourage voluntary compliance with the Ordinance for smaller employers (General Plan Implementation Program AQ-9, Draft EIR, p. 5.3-13). j. The City will require operators of large scale outdoor events to submit a Trip Reduction Plan (TRP) applicable to both patrons and employees during the course of the event, and encourage speCial event operators to advertise and offer discount parking incentives to carpooling patrons, with two or more persons per vehicle, for on- site parking facilities (General Plan Implementation Program AQ-10, PEIR, p. 5.3-13). k. The City will work to achieve local performance goals for vehicle miles traveled (VMT) reduction, consistent with SCAG's Growth Management Plan recommended standards for the Western Riverside County sub-region, and enforce requirements and options within the Trip Reduction Ordinance (General Plan Implementation Program AQ-11, PEIR, p. 5.3-13). I. The City will promote and encourage the use of alternative fuel vehicles and consider the adoption of an ordinance requiring provision of alternative fueling stations at or near major employment locations, shopping centers, public facilities, and mixed-use developments (General Plan Implementation Program AQ-12, PEIR, p. 5.3- 13). R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 34 I I I m. The City will encourage pedestrian and bicycle trips as an alternative to single-occupancy vehicle trips by constructing and maintaining trails and bikeways specified in the Multi-Use Trails and Bikeways Master Plan, and will periodically update the Master Plan as needed to meet resident needs and City objectives (General Plan Implementation Program AQ-13, PEIR, p. 5.3-13). n. The City will work with Caltrans and RTA to identify potential sites for Park and Ride facilities adjacent to key commuting routes within the City, and to prioritize development of such facilities in corridors served by more than one mode of planned transportation (automobile, transit, and/or high-speed rail) (General Plan Implementation Program AQ-14, PEIR, p. 5.3-13). o. The City will require incorporation of energy efficient design elements in residential, commercial, light industrial and mixed-use development projects. Examples may include (but are not limited to) the following. . Site orientation strategies that use shade and windbreak trees to reduce fossil fuel consumption for heating and cooling. . Building designs that maximize use of natural lighting, provide for task lighting, and specific high-efficiency electric lighting (General Plan Implementation Program AQ-15, PEIR, p. 5.3-13). p. The City will improve roadway capacity by restricting on-street parking, improving signal timing, widening intersections, adding through and turn lanes, and other transportation systems management measures (General Plan Implementation Program C-3, PEIR, p. 5.3-14). q. The City will develop and promote park and ride and Transit Oasis facilities, and encourage preferred parking for ride-sharing and low emission vehicles (General Plan Implementation Program C-18, PEIR, p. 5.3-14). r. The City will continue to work with trucking industry representatives to orient trucks to truck routes, and to divert commercial truck traffic to off-peak periods to reduce congestion and diesel emissions (General Plan Implementation Program C-19, PEIR, p. 5.3-14). Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations, including the provision of employment opportunities for highly trained workers, make infeasible the imposition of additional mitigation measures. 3. Supporting Explanation The proposed project is anticipated to exceed SCAQMD's daily threshold emission levels of PM10 for construction activities. Further, the addition of emissions to an air basin designated as non-attainment is considered under CEQA to be a significant impact. Mitigation measures are proposed and will be included as General Plan implementation programs to reduce this impact. The General Plan will facilitate construction of new development throughout the Planning Area over an approximate ten-year period, which will result in air quality impact due to construction activities. The addition of emissions to an air basin designated as non- attainment is considered under CEQA to be a significant impact. The project's R:/Resos 2005lResos 05-44 35 I I I incremental contribution to this impact will be reduced by mitigation measures a through r above. The project's incremental impact, after mitigation, remains significant. With implementation of goals and policies in the General Plan and incorporation of the mitigation measures into the General Plan as implementation programs, air quality impacts will be substantially lessened. However, the degree to which these measures will reduce particulate matter emissions and construction-related emissions cannot be quantified at this time. Air pollutant levels will still continue to exceed the SCAQMD threshold criteria for significance. Impact will be significant and unavoidable (pEIR, p. 5.3-14). Under CEQA Guidelines Section 15093, a Statement of Overriding Considerations would need to be adopted for the air quality impacts, which remain significant and unavoidable after mitigation (pEIR, p. 5.3-14). B. Transportation 1. Potential Significant Impacts Long-range implementation of General Plan land use policy will create new operating deficiencies at the following three intersection locations: . Ynez Road and Winchester Road - LOS E at P.M. peak hour . Ynez Road and Solana Way - LOS E at P.M. peak hour . Ynez Road and Rancho California Road - LOS E at P.M. peak hour Impact will be significant at these intersections. Mitigation measures are required to reduce the level of impact (pEIR, p. 5.13-15). Long-range implementation of General Plan land use policy will create new operating deficiencies at the following six freeway ramps: . Winchester Road Direct northbound on-ramp - LOS F at P.M. peak hour . Winchester Road Loop northbound on-ramp - LOS F P.M. peak hour . Southern Bypass/Anza Road southbound on-ramp - LOS F at A.M. peak hour . Winchester Road northbound off-ramp - LOS F at P.M. peak hour . French Valley Parkway southbound off-ramp - LOS F at A.M. peak hour . Winchester Road southbound off-ramp - LOS F at A.M. and P.M. peak hours Impact will be significant at these freeway ramps. Mitigation measures are required to reduce the level of impact (pEIR, p. 5.13-18). 2. Findings Implementing the following mitigation measures will reduce transportation impacts to the extent feasible: a. The City will: 1) prioritize, secure funding, design, and build new roadways and complete roadway improvements using the established Capital Improvement Plan process to implement the circulation system shown on the proposed Roadway Plan concurrent with land development; and 2) require that new roadways meet roadway classification design specifications and performance criteria established in R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 36 I I I the proposed Circulation Element. Table 1 summarizes new roadways and arterial widening projects required to implement the proposed Roadway Plan 1 (General Plan Implementation Program C-1, PEIR, p. 5.13-18). b. The City will monitor the performance of Principal Intersections on an ongoing basis and ensure that Principal Intersections approaching Level of Service D are prioritized for improvement within the City's Five-Year Capital Improvement Program (General Plan Implementation Program C-3, PEIR, p. 5.13-19). c. The City will: 1) continue to update the Capital Improvement Plan on an annual basis to plan for and fund future improvements to the roadway, pedestrian, and bicycle systems; 2) identify available funding sources and establish a financing plan to guide construction and funding of transportation system improvements, and 3) require new development projects to construct and/or fund in whole or in part necessary traffic improvements associated with the proposed project, through the assessment and collection of traffic impact fees. Such improvements should address both automotive, as well as alternative means of transportation (General Plan Implementation Program C-5, PEIR, p. 5.13-19). d. The City will require additional dedication of right-of-way on all approaches to Principal Intersections. Such right-of-way shall be preserved for future intersection improvements that may be required at these intersections, such as full width auxiliary turn lanes and/or dual-left turn lanes (General Plan Implementation Program C- 4, PEIR, p. 5.13-19). e. The City will implement the following procedures and requirements to minimize impacts of proposed development projects on the City's circulation system, and to encourage increased use of alternative transportation: . Evaluate development proposals for potential impacts to the transportation and infrastructure system. . Require mitigation in the form of physical improvements and/or impact fees for significant impacts prior to or concurrent with project development. . Require dedication of adequate right-of-way along new roadways to permit pedestrian and bicycle facilities. . Require new development to incorporate design features that facilitate transit service and encourage transit ridership, such as bus pullout areas, covered bus stop facilities, efficient trail systems through projects to transit stops, installation of bike lanes, bikeways, and bicycle parking, and incorporation of pedestrian walkways that pass through subdivision boundary walls, as appropriate. . Require new specific plans and other projects to provide an internal system of pathways and trails. Trails should link schools, shopping centers, transit, and other public facilities in residential areas. . Require transportation demand management plans to be submitted for preliminary review at the Specific Plan or Development Plan stage of site development and submitted for final approval prior to issuance of building permits (General Plan Implementation Program C-6, PEIR, p. 5.13-19). 1 The improvements described in Table 1 respond to the likely future operating conditions of the roadway network. Details regarding the configuration of proposed improvements represent the best options available based on current information. Actual improvements, particularly those at intersections, will be established through engineering design. R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-44 37 I I I f. The City will: 1) identify local streets that are currently closed that may benefit citywide circulation if the street was re-opened or construction of the street was completed; 2) assess the feasibility of opening previously closed streets or completing construction of local connecting streets that benefit citywide circulation on a case-by- case basis, providing ample opportunity for both neighborhood residents and the community at-large to comment on such proposals, and 3) establish a review process for the future closing of any local street that requires City Council determination that the closure does not have an adverse affect on citywide circulation (General Plan Implementation Program C-7, PEIR, p. 5.13-22). g. The City will: 1) continue to work with WRCOG, SCAG and others to advocate future commuter or high speed rail service connecting Temecula to Los Angeles, Riverside and San Diego; 2) ensure that any future commuter rail corridor serving Temecula is located on the west side of 1-15 to reduce noise impacts on residential areas; and 3) require new commercial, industrial, or mixed use development in areas surrounding proposed stations to include transit-oriented design amenities (General Plan Implementation Program C-12, PEIR, p. 5.13-22). h. The City will promote the use of alternative work weeks, flextime, telecommuting, and work-at-home programs among employers in Temecula, and continue to enforce provisions of the City's Trip Reduction Program Ordinance, including requirements for preparation of Trip Reduction Plans (TRPs) for qualifying development projects and employers (General Plan Implementation Program C-13, PEIR, p. 5.13-22). i. The City will implement the adopted Multi-Use Trails and Bikeways Master Plan to complete design and construction of a comprehensive alternative transportation network, promote safe use of the trail system, and ensure accessibility of pedestrian facilities to the disabled (General Plan Implementation Program C-15, PEIR, p. 5.13-22). j. The City will continue to improve transit service and encourage ridership through the following actions: . Require transit facilities in major new development and rehabilitation projects. . Coordinate with providers to get more frequent service and broader transit coverage serving employment, shopping, educational, recreational, and residential areas. . Work with providers to identify and receive additional funding sources for additional transit services. 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'" "'0:: 0:: > '" en I~ 0 0 00 fi. & fi. 0 .~ 0 g Ol 0", 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ol Ol 0:: 0:: 0::0:: 0:: ZO:: I~ E i 0 o c: c: O::Qi 0:: .s::; .s::; .s::; .s::; .s::; 0> '" .s::; .s::; g .ill 0:: 0::0 .s::; 'tl .s " " " " " " .... :g " " N N ~ ~ r;j it '" ~ c: c: E '" '0 '0- ~'E c: '" c: c: c: c: c: ri: c: c: Ol Ol N '" 0 ::> ::> 0 c: a; .. _C: c: N '" '" '" '" '" '" ~ ~ c: c: c: c: c: ~ c: 0 Ol Ol 0 0 .s::; c: .c & :; ::> Ol Ol o ::> I!! c: 0:: 0:: 0:: 0:: 0:: CJ) en >- >- >->- >- <C <0 -,...J 0.. 0.. f- ::;) <C <C <C<O <0 00::E u. <C o ... ... :x o '" o ~ ;0 o o N '" o '" ~ <i:: I I I The City will also collaborate with providers to identify needs and provide special transit services beyond fixed-route buses. Potential services include, but are not limited to: . Subscription or dial-a-ride service for lower density residential areas . Offering limited transit service between outlying residential areas and the City's commercial/employment core . Shuttle or trolley service between Old Town and other destinations along the 1-15 commercial corridor, and expanded service to other areas, including the wineries along Rancho California Road, as opportunities arise . Providing bicycle carrying racks on buses. (General Plan Implementation Program C-16, PEIR, p. 5.13-22) k. The City will encourage carpooling and use of public transportation in Temecula through the following measures: . Develop and promote park and ride and Transit Oasis facilities within the City. . Encourage preferred parking for ride sharing and low emission vehicles (General Plan Implementation Program C-18, PEIR, p. 5.13-23). Additional changes or alterations to the regional circulation system are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of another public agency and not the City of Temecula. Such changes have been adopted by such other agency or can and should be adopted by such other agency. Also, specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations, including the provision of employment opportunities for highly trained workers, make infeasible additional mitigation measures. 3. Supporting Explanation Even with implementation of mitigation measures, significantly impacted intersections and freeway ramps cannot be mitigated to a less than significant level. These facilities include: . Ynez Road and Winchester Road (P.M. peak hour) . Ynez Road and Solana Way (P.M. peak hour) . Ynez Road and Rancho California Road (P.M. peak hour) . Winchester Road Direct northbound on-ramp (P.M. peak hour) . Winchester Road Loop northbound on-ramp (P.M. peak hour) . Southern Bypass/Anza Road southbound on-ramp (A.M. peak hour) . Winchester Road northbound off-ramp (P.M. peak hour) . French Valley Parkway southbound off-ramp (A.M. peak hour) . Winchester Road southbound off-ramp (A.M. and P.M. peak hour) Under CEQA Guidelines Section 15093, a Statement of Overriding Considerations would need to be adopted for the air quality impacts, which remain significant and unavoidable after mitigation (pEIR, p. 5.13-23). Section 5. Alternatives to the Project. The City Council hereby declares that it has considered the alternatives identified in the PEIR as described below. CEQA requires that an EIR evaluate a reasonable range of alternatives to a Project, or to the location of the Project, which: (1) offer substantial environmental advantages over the Project proposal, and (2) may be feasibly accomplished in a successful manner within a reasonable period of time considering the economic, environmental, social and technological factors involved. An EIR must only evaluate reasonable alternatives to a Project which could feasibly attain most of the Project R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-04 41 I I I objectives, and evaluate the comparative merits of the alternatives. In all cases, the consideration of alternatives is to be judged against a "rule of reason." The lead agency is not required to choose the "environmentally superior" alternative identified in an EIR if the alternative does not provide substantial advantages over the proposed Project and (1) through the imposition of mitigation measures the environmental effects of a Project can be reduced to an acceptable level, or (2) there are social, economic, technological or other considerations which make the alternative infeasible. A. No Project Alternative - 1993 General Plan 1. Description The No Project Alternative assumes that the 1993 General Plan remains as the adopted long-range planning policy document for the Planning Area. The No Project Alternative represents conditions that would exist in the year 2025 if development with the Planning Area and the region continued to grow at the pace and extent permitted in the 1993 General Plan, and if the 1993 General Plan policies were implemented by the year 2025 (PEIR, p. 6-2). 2. Finding The City Council finds that the No Project Alternative generally would have the same significant unavoidable impacts as the proposed project and would introduce several new significant impacts related to agricultural resources, air quality, land use and planning, noise, population and housing, public services and recreation, transportation, and utilities and service systems. The No Project Alternative would not meet most of the project objectives. Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations, including the provision of employment opportunities for highly trained workers, make this alternative infeasible. 3. Supporting Explanation Development pursuant to the No Project Alternative would not implement the policies and programs of the proposed General Plan Land Use and Circulation Elements. Development would continue pursuant to the policies of the 1993 General Plan. As a result, the local circulation system would not meet the needs of Temecula residents and businesses nor calm traffic in residential neighborhoods and near schools because the existing transportation system is not sufficient to provide for the efficient flow of traffic throughout the Planning Area. The No Project Alternative does not specifically provide for mixed-use areas, but rather designates numerous "village centers" throughout Temecula, several of which have already developed into other more traditional commercial uses. Therefore, concentrated areas adjacent to 1-15 with an appropriate pedestrian-oriented mix of commercial, office, and residential uses would not result under the No Project Alternative. Further, the No Project Alternative would not establish agricultural preservation areas, the lack of which would hinder the City's objective to be a regional historical and viticultural destination. In summary, the No Project Alternative would not meet most of the identified project objectives (PEIR, p. 6-5). R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-04 42 I I I B. Extension of North General Kearney Road Alternative 1. Description This alternative was conceived as a means of reducing traffic/circulation impacts along several roadway segments and at intersections in the northwestern portion of the City. In the Meadowview neighborhood, a number of streets originally planned to provide access into and out of the community are currently closed. The extension of North General Kearney Road from La Colima Road to Nicolas Road would add a roadway connection to an area along Winchester Road where intersection levels of service are close to or worse than LOS D. With this Alternative, all other provisions of the General Plan update would be implemented (PEIR, p. 6-6). 2. Finding The City Council finds that this alternative would not significantly result in reduced environmental impacts relative to circulation. All other impacts would be comparable those associated with the project. Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations, including the potential for significant adverse impacts on the surrounding community, make this alternative infeasible. 3. Supporting Explanation The extension of North General Kearny Road was intended to provide an alternate route for local.residents around two intersections along Winchester Road that are expected to exceed the LOS D criteria in the General Plan in terms of the future projected left turn movements from Nicolas Road to Winchester Road and westbound Winchester Road to southbound Margarita Road. However, the traffic modeling that was prepared for the environmental impact report did not show enough traffic improvements to justify the potential adverse impacts to residents living along the proposed alignment. B. 15 Percent Growth Reduction Alternative 1. Description This alternative was conceived as a means of reducing environmental impacts of the proposed project by reducing development capacity within the Planning Area to levels comparable to projections published by SCAG. The population growth rate between 2005 and 2025 estimated by SCAG is 2.9 percent per year for Riverside County. Therefore, with this Alternative, the City would adopt the proposed General Plan, but modifications would be made to the proposed Land Use Element and map and the Circulation Element Roadway Plan such that net new residential development would be reduced by 15 percent citywide relative to the proposed project. This would result in a total population of approximately 96,407 persons living in 31,141 housing units within the current City limits, and a total of 143,806 persons living in 46,484 housing units within the Planning Area in the year 2025. These figures are more comparable to the adopted SCAG 2025 forecasts for Temecula than the proposed project. All other goals and policies of the proposed project would remain the same, including the establishment of Mixed Use Overlay Areas, Rural Preservation Areas, and the French Valley Future Growth Area,' as well as the introduction of the Vineyards/Agriculture designation (pEIR, p. 6-8). R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-04 43 I I I 2. Finding The City Council finds that this alternative would result in reduced environmental impacts relative to aesthetics, land use and planning, noise, population and housing, public services and recreation, and utilities and service systems. All other impacts would be comparable those associated with the project. However, the alternative would not meet all of the project objectives. Specific economic, legal, social, technological, or other considerations, including the provision of employment opportunities for highly trained workers, make this alternative infeasible. 3. Supporting Explanation Although development in accordance with SCAG population projections would reduce impacts with regard to aesthetics, land use and planning, public facilities and recreation, and utilities and service systems, it would not achieve a number of critical project objectives. This alternative would not fully implement the proposed Circulation Element Roadway Plan, which is intended to ensure that the local circulation system meets the needs of Temecula residents and businesses while calming traffic in residential neighborhoods and near schools; not all identified roadway improvements may be required under the reduced trip generation associated with this alternative. Reduced development may not provided for a greater diversity of housing options to meet the needs of all segments of the community, as residential densities may need to be reduced and housing construction may need to be restricted to ensure that population targets are not exceeded. Both of these actions may lead to higher housing costs and restrict the diversity of housing options available in Temecula for all income ranges. Further, this alternative could compromise the development of a strong business community, quality housing stock, scenic open space, and cultural amenities that make Temecula a desirable place to locate because development would be restricted in such a way that not all aspects of the City would be permitted to grow. The 15 Percent Growth Reduction Alternative would reduce population growth to a level more consistent with SCAG projections. However, it does not achieve many of the most critical project objectives as effectively as the proposed project and therefore has been rejected (pEIR, pgs. 6-10 and 6-11). Section 6. Project Benefits and Statement of Overriding Considerations. Pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines section 15093, the City Council must balance the benefits of the General Plan Update against any unavoidable environmental impacts in determining whether to recommend approval of the Temecula General Plan Update. If the benefits of the General Plan outweigh the unavoidable adverse environmental impacts, those impacts may be considered "acceptable." The City Council hereby finds that the Final PEIR has identified and discussed significant effects that will occur as a result of the General Plan. With the implementation of the mitigation measures discussed in the Final PEIR and General Plan, these effects can be mitigated to a less than significant level except for the unavoidable significant impacts as discussed in Section 4 of these Findings. The City Council declares that it has made a reasonable and good faith effort to eliminate or substantially mitigate the potential, impacts resulting from the Temecula General Plan. R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-04 44 I I I The City Council finds that to the extent any mitigation measures recommended in the Final PEIR and/or General Plan could not be incorporated, such mitigation measures are infeasible because they would impose restrictions on the General Plan that would prohibit the realization of specific economic, social, and other benefits, including the provision of employment opportunities for highly trained workers. The City Council further finds that such changes or alterations are within the responsibility and jurisdiction of another public agency and not the City of Temecula. Such changes have been adopted by such other agency or can and should be adopted by such other agency. The City Council declares that, having reduced the adverse significant environmental effects of the General Plan to the extent feasible by recommending adopting of the proposed mitigation measures, having considered the entire administrative record on the General Plan, and having weighed the benefits of the General Plan against its unavoidable adverse impacts after mitigation, the City Council has determined that the following social, economic, and environmental benefits of the General Plan outweigh the potential unavoidable adverse impacts and render those potential adverse environmental impacts acceptable based upon the following overriding considerations: 1. The General Plan will allow for a diverse mix of land uses, thereby creating a suitable inventory of housing for a range of income groups, a viable commercial and employment base, ample open space and recreational opportunities, adequate public facilities and services, and high-quality urban and rural lifestyles for residents and visitors to enjoy. 2. The General Plan will encourage mixed use development providing opportunities for creative reuse as commercial, residential, office, employment/technology, or mixed use centers. Three Mixed Use Overlay Areas are identified in the Land Use Plan: Jefferson Avenue, Town CenterlTower Plaza, and south of Old Town. Successful completion of high-quality mixed use projects will assist the City in accomplishing multiple housing, circulation, and land use objectives. 3. The General Plan will preserve rural areas, such as large lot/ rural residential/agricultural areas in the community that represent lifestyle and open space characteristics of Temecula. Four areas are designated by the General Plan as Rural Preservation Areas in the Land Use Plan: Nicolas Valley, the winery and agricultural areas of east Temecula, Anza road at SR-79 South, and the Rainbow Canyon and Great Oak Ranch areas. 4. The General Plan will help to manage future growth. Unincorporated areas in the City's northern Sphere of Influence are largely proposed for development through specific plans under the jurisdiction of Riverside County. Temecula has an opportunity to control land uses, phasing of development, project design, and infrastructure improvements by annexing these properties prior to project approval by the County. To achieve these purposes, the City has developed a land use plan for the French Valley area, and has designated this area as a Future Growth Area. The intent of these steps is to ensure that future annexations are beneficial additions to the City, and to minimize impacts of future development in the area on City roads and infrastructure. The City Council finds that the foregoing benefits provided to the public through approval and implementation of the General Plan Update outweigh the identified significant adverse environmental impacts of the General Plan which cannot be mitigated. The City Council further R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-04 45 I I I finds that each of the General Plan Update benefits outweighs the unavoidable adverse environmental effects identified in the Final PEIR and therefore finds those impacts to be acceptable. Each of the benefits listed above, standing alone, is sufficient justification for the City Council to override these unavoidable environmental impacts. The City Council finds that it has reviewed and considered the Final PEIR in evaluating the General Plan Update, that the Final PEIR is an accurate and objective statement that fully complies with the CEQA, State CEQA Guidelines, and the City's CEQA Guidelines, and that the Final PEIR reflects the independent judgment of the Council. The City Council hereby certifies the Environmental Impact Report based on the following findings and conclusions: A. Finding The following significant environmental impacts have been identified in the Final PEIR and will require mitigation as set forth in Section 4 of this Resolution but cannot be mitigated to a level of insignificance: short-term and long-term project and cumulative air quality impacts, and transportation impacts. B. Conclusions 1. All significant environmental impacts from implementation of the General Plan Update have been identified in the Final PEIR and, with implementation of the mitigation measures identified, will be mitigated to a level of insignificance, except for those impacts listed in Section 4. 2. Other reasonable alternatives to the General Plan Update which could feasibly achieve the basic objectives of the General Plan Update have been considered and rejected in favor of the General Plan Update. 3. Environmental, economic, social and other considerations and benefits derived from the development of the General Plan Update override and make infeasible any alternatives to the General Plan Update or further mitigation measures beyond those incorporated into the General Plan Update. Section 7. Adoption of Recommendation for the Adoption of a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. The City Council hereby adopts the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program in Section 8.0 of the Final PEIR and attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A. Exhibit A is attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full. In the event of any inconsistencies between the mitigation measures as set forth herein and the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program shall control. R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-04 46 I I I Section 8. Location of Records. The documents and materials that constitute the record of proceedings on which these Findings have been based are located at the City of Temecula, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California 92590. The custodian for these records is the City of Temecula Planning Director. This information is provided in compliance with Public Resources Code section 21081.6. The proposed comprehensive updates of the Land Use, Circulation, Open Space/Conservation, Growth Management/Public Facilities, Public Safety, Noise, Air Quality, Community Design, and Economic Development Elements of the General Plan for the City of Temecula, as amended. Section 9. Council Member Roberts and Council Member Washington did not participate in the public hearing and Council discussion of the North General Kearney Road extension issues. Both own homes in the Meadowview Community and are part of the Meadowview Homeowners Association. The Association owns the property on which the North General Kearney Road extension would be built as well as property surrounding it; therefore the Fair Political Practices Commission has confirmed that Mayor Pro Tem Roberts and Council Member Washington have a conflict due to their home ownership. Based on this conflict of interest, Mayor pro tem Roberts and Council Member Washington each hereby abstain in the approval of this Resolution and certification of the Environmental Impact Report and the approval of the General Plan as such actions relate to the extension of North General Kearney Road. Section 10. Mayor Comerchero and Councilmember Naggar did not participate in the discussion of the Southern Bypass Road nor the land use designation for property located south of the Morgan Hill Specific Plan. Council Member Naggar has a financial interest in approximately 80 acres of real property in adjacent to Anza Rd and EI Chimisal in the unincorporated portion of Riverside County and he believes that the implementation of the Southern Bypass and the land use designations for property located south of the Morgan Hill SpeCific Plan might have a significant effect on the value of this property. Mayor Comerchero also will not be participating in this matter because he is the President of Rancon and Rancon owns approximately 100 acres of property adjacent to Anza Rd and EI Chimisal in the unincorporated portion of Riverside County and he believes that the implementation of the Southern Bypass Road and the land use designation for property located south of the Morgan Hill Specific Plan might have a significant effect on the value of this property. Based on this conflict of interest, Mayor Comerchero and Council Member Naggar each hereby abstain in the approval of this Resolution and certification of the Environmental Impact Report and the approval of the General Plan as such actions relate to the Southern Bypass Road and the land use designation for property located south of the Morgan Hill Specific Plan. Section 11. Council Member Washington did not participate in the discussion concerning Circulation Element Policies 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8 as he owns a home on a street which could be impacted by this policy. Based on this conflict of interest, Council Member Washington hereby abstains in the approval of this Resolution and certification of the Environmental Impact Report and the approval of the General Plan as such actions relate to Circulation Element Policies 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8. Section 12. Mayor Comerchero did not participate in the discussion of the land use designation for the Callaway Winery property because he is the President of Rancon and Rancon owns approximately 330 acres of property in the unincorporated portion of Riverside County and he believes that the implementation of land use designation for Callaway Winery property might have a significant effect on the value of this property. Based on this conflict of interest, Mayor Comerchero hereby abstains in the approval of this Resolution and certification of the Environmental Impact Report and the approval of the General Plan as such actions relate R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-04 47 I I I to the land use designation for Callaway Winery property. Mayor Comerchero also did not participate in the discussion of the land use designation for Land Use Map Request No.2, 72 acres of property at the corner of Nicholas Road and Via Lobo. Although not a technical conflict, the owner of the 72 acres for Land Use Map Request NO.2 at Nicholas Road and Via Lobo will sponsor a major fund raiser for Mayor Comerchero this and he believes it is only appropriate that he not participate on this matter. Based on this conflict of interest, Mayor Comerchero hereby abstains in the approval of this Resolution and certification of the Environmental Impact Report and the approval of the General Plan as such actions relate to Land Use Map Request NO.2. Section 13. Council Member Naggar did not participate in the discussion concerning Rainbow Canyon Road, Avenida de Missiones Bridge, and Land Use Map Request NO.7 (72 acres at the north side of Loma Linda) because Horton/Continental, owner of the 20.4 acre parcel being developed at the north east corner of Temecula Land and Loma Linda in the City is a source of income to him and he believes that the changes to the road and bridge and the land use designation might have a significant effect on the value of the property. Based on this conflict of interest, Council Member Naggar herby abstains in the approval of this Resolution and certification of the Environmental Impact Report and the approval of the General Plan as such actions relate to Rainbow Canyon Road, Avenida de Missiones Bridge and Land Use Map Request NO.7. Section 14. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution and it shall become effective upon its adoption. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED, by the City 80 cil of the City of Temecula this 12th day of April, 2005. \ ; R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05.Q4 48 I I I STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, CMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, California, do hereby certify that Resolution No. 05-44 was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 12th day of April 2005, by the following vote: AYES: 5 COUNCILMEMBERS: Edwards, Naggar, Roberts, Washington, Comerchero NOES: o COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: o COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: o COUNCILMEMBERS: None R:/Resos 2005/Resos 05-04 49 I I I EXHIBIT A MITIGATION MONITORING AND REPORTING PROGRAM R:/Resos 200S/Resos 05-04 so I I :5 <( a: ~ o a: a. ~ z - I- a: o a.. w a: c z "- <(-E ~ z - a: o I- - Z o :a: z o ~ ~ i= - :a: I z c( ...J a. ...J c( a: ~a: w- ~w ...J c( c( ...J Z ::)- OLL w == w I- w :E: I- '. ~ c:: & oq: 't:I m .... (])C\1 >0> ........ aL: LO l'llCOC\l _(])~O> ~ E ... III (.) 1:: III .- (]) III a.. 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