HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-19 CC ResolutionRESOLUTION NO.2024-19 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA REVISING THE SALARY SCHEDULE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Salary Schedule, attached hereto, is hereby adopted pursuant to Section 45001 of the California Government Code. Such list is attached to this Resolution and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. The Salary Schedule shall become effective July 1, 2024, and may be, thereafter, amended. Section 3. The City Manager shall implement the attached Salary Schedule and has the authority to select and appoint employees and approve Executive Staff employment agreements in accordance with the City of Temecula's Municipal Code and personnel policies. Section 4. In accordance with City of Temecula Municipal Code Section 2.6.030, the City Manager shall administer the City personnel system. This resolution specifically authorizes the City Manager to fix and alter the titles, compensation, and number of positions in the Schedule of Authorized Positions as needed, subject to the total personnel expenditure budget limitations approved by the City Council. Section 5. All prior resolutions and parts of this resolution in conflict with this Resolution are hereby rescinded. Section 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 27t' day of February, 2024. James Stewart, Mayor Zio ,ity Clerk [SEAL] 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2024-19 was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 27th day of February, 2024, by the following vote: AYES: 4 COUNCIL MEMBERS: Alexander, Kalf is, Schwank, Stewart NOES: 0 COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSTAIN: 0 COUNCIL MEMBERS: None ABSENT: 0 COUNCIL MEMBERS: None j Z� Randi Johl, City Clerk 2 CITY OF TEMECULA SALARY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE June 29, 2024 Adopted by CRY Council on February 27, 2024 Cl-Family/Title Level Class Code Time Base ADMINISTRATIVE Executive Assistant 4 951-OD4 Hourly 34.91 3518 36.67 37.59 38.53 39.49 40.4E 41.49 42.53 43,59 44.68 45.80 46.95 48.12 49.32 Monthly 6,051.07 6,20187 6,356.13 6,515.60 6,678.53 6,944,93 7,016.53 7,191.60 7,371,87 7,555.60 7,744.53 7,938.67 8,138JI0 8,340.80 8,548.80 Annually 72,612.80 74,422.40 76,273.60 78,187.20 80,142.40 B2,139.20 94,199,40 86,299.20 88,462,40 90,667.20 92,934.40 95,264.D0 97,656DO 300,089.60 102,585.60 Senior Administrative Assistant 4 952-OD4 Hourly 33,23 34.06 34.91 35.78 36.67 37.59 38.53 39.49 40.48 41,49 42.53 43.59 44.6E 45.80 46.95 Monthly 5,759.27 5,911 6,051.07 6,201.87 6,356.13 6,515.60 6,678.53 6,844.93 7,016.53 7,191,60 7,371.87 7,555.60 7,744,53 7,938.67 8,138.00 An ... 11v 69,118.40 70,844.8D 72,612.80 74,422.40 76,273.60 78,187.20 80,142.40 82,139.20 84,198A0 86,299.20 B8,462.40 901 92,934.40 95,264.00 97,656.00 Administrative Assistant 3 953-003 Hourly 30, 30 30.86 31.62 32.41 33.23 34.06 34,91 35.78 36.67 37.59 38.53 39.49 40.0E 41.49 42.53 Monthly 5,217,33 5,349.07 5,48D.80 5,617.73 5,759.87 5,903.73 6,051.07 5,201.87 6,356.13 6,515.60 6,679.53 6,944.93 7,016,53 7,191.60 7,371.87 Annually 62,609.OD 64,198.80 65,769.60 67,412.80 69,118.40 70,844.80 72,612.90 74,422.40 76,273,60 78,187.20 80,142.40 92,139.20 B4,198.40 86,299.20 98,462.40 Senior Office Specialist 2 954-002 Hourly 27.95 28.64 29.37 30.10 30.86 31.62 32A1 33.23 34.O6 34.91 35.7E 36.67 37.59 38.53 39.49 Monthly 4,111 4,964.27 5,090.BD 5,217.33 5,349.07 5,411OZO 5,617.73 5,759.87 5,903.73 6,051.07 6'201.97 6,356.13 6,525.60 6,679.53 6,844.93 Annually 58,136.00 59,571.20 61,DB9.60 6206D8.00 64,181l 65,769.60 67,412.80 690111i 70,844.80 72,612.80 74,422AD 76,273.60 780187.20 80,142.40 82,139.20 Office Specialist ll 1 955-ool Hourly 25.32 25.95 26.60 27.27 27.95 28.64 29.37 30.10 30.86 31.62 32.41 33.23 34.06 34.91 35.7E Monthly 4,38IIA0 4,498.0D 4,610.67 4,726.80 4,944.67 4,964,27 5,090.80 5,217.33 5,34907 5,480.80 5,617.73 5,759.87 5,903.73 6,051.07 6.201.87 Annually 52,665.60 53,976.00 55,328.00 56,721.60 58,136.00 59,571.20 61,099.60 62,608.00 64,188.80 65,769.60 67,412.8D 69,119.40 70,844.80 72,612.80 74,422.40 Office Specialist 1 1 9564101 Hourly 24.10 24.71 25.32 25.95 26.60 27.27 PAS 2111 29.37 30.10 30.86 31.62 32.41 33.23 34.D6 Monthly 4,177.33 4,293.07 4,399.80 4,498A0 4,610.67 4,726.80 4,844+67 4,964+27 5,090.80 5,217.33 5,349.07 5,480.80 5,617.73 5,759.87 5,903.73 Arrmuilly 50,128.00 51,396.80 52,665.60 53,976.00 55,328.00 56,721.60 58,136A0 59,571+20 61,089.60 62,6olsoo 64,198.80 65,769.60 67,412.80 59,118+40 70,944.80 Office Aide 1 959-001 Hourly 18.83 19.30 19.76 20.2E 20.7E 21.30 21.83 22.3E 22.93 23.51 24.10 24.71 25.32 25.91 26.60 Monthly 3,263.87 3,34533 3,42953 3,515.20 3,601.97 3,692.D0 3,783,87 3,879.20 31974.53 4,071 .1 4,177.33 4,283.07 4,388.80 4,49E+00 161D.67 Annually 39,166.40 40,144.M 41,142.40 42,182.40 43,222.40 44,3D4.00 45,406,40 46,S50A0 47,694.40 48,9D0.80 50,12E+00 51,396.80 52,665.60 53,976.00 55,328.00 ANALYST principal Management Analyst 7 901-007 Hourly 50.56 51.82 53.11 54.44 55.H0 57.20 58.63 60.09 61.60 63A3 64.71 66.33 67,99 69.69 71A3 Monthly 9,763.73 6,982.13 9,205.73 9,436.27 9,672.00 9,914.67 30,162,53 30,415.60 30,677.33 30,942.53 11,216A0 11,497.20 11,784,93 12,079.60 12,381.20 Annually 105,164.90 307,785.6D 110,468.80 113,235+20 116,064.00 118,976.00 121,950AD 124,987.20 128,128.D0 131,330AO 134,596AD 137,966A0 141*419.2D 144,955.20 149,574.40 Senior Management Analyst 6 902-006 Hourly 45.80 46.95 48.12 49.32 50.56 51.82 53.11 54.44 55.90 57,20 58.63 60.09 61.60 63.13 64.71 Monthly 7,938.67 8,138.00 8,340.80 8,548.80 8,763.73 9,982.13 9,205.73 9,436.27 9,672.00 9,914.67 30,162.53 10,415.60 10,677.33 10,942.53 11,216.40 Annually 95,264.00 97,656.00 300,089.6o 102,585+60 105,164.80 107,785.60 110,468.90 113,235.20 116,064.00 118,976.D0 121,950+40 124,987.20 128,128.00 131,310.40 134,596.8D Management Analyst 5 903-005 Hourly 39A9 40.48 41.49 42.53 43.59 44.68 45.90 46.95 48.12 49.32 50.56 51.82 53.11 54.44 55.80 Monthly 6,244.93 7,016.53 7,191.60 7,371+87 7,555.60 7,744.53 7,938.67 8,238.00 8,340,90 8,548. g0 9,763.73 8,982.13 9,205.73 9,436.27 9,672.D0 Annually 82,139.20 94,199.40 86,299.20 99,462.40 1 90,667.20 92,934.40 95,264.00 1 97,656.DD 100,089,60 301,585.60 105,164.90 107,785.60 110,468.80 113,235.20 116064.0D Management Assistant 4 904-004 Hourly 32.41 33.23 34.D6 34.91 35.7E 36.67 37,59 39.53 39.99 40.4E 41.49 42.53 43.59 44.68 45.80 Monthly 5,617.73 5,759.87 5,903.73 6,OS 6,201.87 6,356.13 6,515.60 6,678.53 6,944.93 7,016.53 7,111,10 7,371.87 7,555.60 7,744.53 7,938.67 Annually 67,412.80 69,118.40 70,944.80 72,612.80 74,422.40 76,273.60 78,187.20 80,142.40 92,139,20 B4,198.40 B6,299.20 88,462.40 90,667.20 92,934.40 95,264.00 Management Aide 111 3 905-003 Hourly 29.37 30.10 30.86 31.62 32.41 33.23 34.06 34.91 35.78 36.67 37.59 38.53 39.49 40.48 41.49 M-mly 5,Og0.g0 5,217.33 5,349,07 5,480.80 5,617.73 5,759.87 5,903,73 6,051.07 6,201.87 6,356.13 6,515.60 6,679.53 6,844.93 7,016.53 7,191.60 Annual 61,OB9.60 62,608.00 64,188.80 65,769.60 67,412.8D 69,118+40 70,844.80 72,612.80 74,422A0 76,273.60 78,187.20 80,142.40 82,139.20 B4,198.40 86,299.20 Management Aide ll 2 906-002 Hourly 26.6D 27.27 27.95 28.64 29.37 30.30 30.86 31.62 32.41 33.23 34.06 34.91 35.78 36.67 37.59 Monthly 4,610.67 4,726.80 4,844.67 4,964.27 5,090.80 5,217.33 5,349.07 5,480.80 5,617.73 5,759.87 5,903.73 6,051.07 6,201,87 6,356.13 6,515.60 Annually 55,328.00 56,721.60 56,136A0 59,571.20 61,089.60 62,608.00 64,188.80 65,769+60 67,412.80 69,11IL40 70,B44.80 72,612.80 74,422.40 76,273.60 78,187.20 Management Aide l 1 907-0D1 Hourly 24.10 24.71 25.32 25,95 26.60 27.27 27.95 28.64 29.37 MAD 30.96 31.62 32.41 33.23 34.06 Monthly 4,177.33 4,283.D7 4,388.80 4,498.00 4,610.67 4,726AD 4,844.67 4,964.27 5,D90.80 5,217.33 5,349.07 5,41l 5,617.73 5,759.87 5,903.73 Annually 50,128A0 51,396.90 52,665.60 53,976.00 55,328.00 56,721.60 59136.D0 59,571.20 61,089.60 62,608.00 64,198.80 65,769.60 67,412.80 69,119.40 70,844.80 Intern 1 908-0O1 Hourly 17.92 18.37 18.83 19.30 19.7E 20.2E 20.7E 21.30 21.83 22.38 22.93 Monthly 3,106.13 3,184.13 3,263.87 3,345.33 3,426.53 3,515.20 3,fi01.87 3,692.00 3,793.97 3,879.20 3,974.53 Annually 37,273.60 38,209.60 39,166.40 40,144.00 41,142.40 42,182.40 93,222.40 44,304.00 45,406.40 9b,550.40 47,694.90 i 1OF 12 1 "s er 5 J e 2 F � W Y �gG3 c N W WZ E 1 8 m 8 p m S E 11 z S S Sa S S S 8 4 2 S 8 � � S � 3 S S S S iR 9 S 9 S S 4 Y 8 S d m 8 S S^ S S S 2 T 2 2 8 S m S r S S9 8 2 S 9 8 8 2 S 9 S a & 8 R B 8 3 2 8 8 N m S m N S a S S m S 0 3 9 S S S m 8 8 8 8 N S 3 8 e 2 2 m m S S 8 d $ 2 A 8 S$ 8 S S 8 g S S S S 5 S S S S 8 gg a ss sS Sg 9i S 2 g S 2 m m S m a $ 8 9 p S $ 8 S S S 2 m s 2 R S S S a 9 sg S & S 8s S S S S S ^ S S S S 8 S N 8 8 S S S S sx m � as Asa m 3 M e a ffi 8 R ry ^< $ 8 8 m S w S S a 6 9 6 S R$ 8 S$ e S 8 8 8 9 8 e 8 d 3 R 6 8 m � m S S 8 S 2 m S 2 g p S R 8 S S 82 2 8 2 9 S S m S v m S S 8 3 8 8 B S2 a0 m S$ S S z 2 S S S S 3 8 8 z p $ S S m S 2 T g S S 2 ` g S m S S a d g m 6g$ S $ F S S S S S S 8 $ S 9 8 z m S � � o a 18 $ g $ e $ s $ $ $ 0 $ f O b t Z is C is i o r 0 w, o o t9 N i6S ,2 3 3 R 3 i pp r 5 K 5 E R 5 8 $$ 86,16g jg $ 8 S 8 $ 8 8 8 8 8 s b 8 s s 8 a s 8 R s s t 8 s s s 8 8 g� as"m am a� a "s 9 S S a S a a S 88 t8888846 88 888 $emu tZS s e88G 8Wz8w&88 8w8- 8 t 888 t 8 W .. 6 �� � 8 88 8 8 s �k 88 8 88 8 sa 8 8,8 s 88 s ns a s ss s s ss "smp F W& � v 8��8s�8WRose88�8W�sW 6W48 89 t oseaWk8a8 as "sm e W N S S E R W E N$ S S m b f N 8 8 6 8 8 8 8 s.A s 8 8 88 8 $ 8 888$ $ ss 88 8 88 $ aax� Ea�m��aN �s 8W0B�W8WeSW�8W8$�08$ 08�$988Wa888 $8W88 $"08$ 8 $ o8 $ $ 8 8 8 8 S S 8 s 8 s s 1 CITY OF TEMECULA SALARY SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE June 29, 2024 Adopted bV City Council on February 27, 2024 Class Family/Title level Class Code lime ease CITY MANAGER City Manager Joe, Employment Contract) 9 1D0-D09 Hourly 167.76 Monthly N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 29,078.40 Mnually 348,940.BD Assistant City Manager 8 101-008 Hourly 107.93 110.63 113.40 116.24 119.15 122.12 125.17 128.30 131.52 134.79 138.17 141.63 145.17 14B.80 152.51 Monthly 18.707,87 19,175.87 19,656.00 20,148.27 20,652.67 21,167.47 21,696.13 22,239.67 22,796,90 23,363.60 23,949.47 24,549.20 25,162.80 25,792.DO 26,435.07 Annually 224,494.40 230,110.40 235,872.00 241,779.20 247,932.00 254,OD9.60 260,353.60 266,864.00 273,561,60 280,363.20 287,393.60 294,590.40 301,953.60 309,504.00 317,220.80 Deputy City Manager 8 102-008 Hourly 98,13 100.59 103.09 105.68 109.31 111.02 113.8D 116.64 119.55 122.55 125.61 128.75 131.97 135.27 138.65 Monthly 17,DO9.2D 17,433.87 17,858.93 18,317.87 18,773.73 19,243,47 19,725.33 20,217.60 20,722,00 21,242.00 21,772.40 22,316.67 22,874.80 23,446.80 24,032.67 Annually 204,110.4D 2D9,206.40 214,427.20 219,814.40 225,284.80 230,921.60 236,704.00 242,611,20 248,66400 254,904.01) 261,268.80 267,800A0 274,497.60 281,361.60 288,392.00 Assistant to the City Manager 8 103-008 Hourly 66.33 67.99 69.69 71.43 73.22 75.05 76.92 79.85 80.81 82.83 94.91 87.03 89.21 91.43 93.73 Monthly 11,497.20 11,784.93 12,D79.60 12,381.20 12,691.47 13,008.67 13,332.80 13,667,33 14,007,07 14,3S7.20 14,717.73 15,GB5.2D 15,46307 15,947.97 16,246.53 Annually 137,966.40 142,419.20 144,955.20 148,574.40 152,297.60 156,1D4.00 159,993.60 164,008.00 168,084.80 172,296.40 176,612.80 281,022.40 185,556.60 190,174.40 194,958.40 Economic Deyelopment Manager 6 12D-006 Hourly 6`349 61.60 63.13 64.71 66.33 67.99 69,69 71.43 73.22 75.05 76.92 78.85 80.81 82.93 94.91 Monthly 30,415.60 30,677.33 10,942.53 11,216A0 11,497.20 11,784.93 12,079.60 12,381.20 12,691.47 13,0D8.67 13,332ZE) 13,667.33 14,007.07 14,357,20 14,717.73 Annually 124,987.20 128,128.00 131,310.40 134,596,80 137,966,40 141,419.20 144,955.20 148,574.40 152,297.60 156,104.D0 159,993.60 164,008. DO 168,08480 172,286.40 176,612.80 COmmU SERVICES Director of Community 5ervices 8 6DD-008 Hourly 87.03 89.21 91,43 9373 96.06 98,47 100.93 103.45 306.04 108.68 111.41 114. 11 11711 111,97 122,97 Monthly 15,D85.2D 15,463.07 15,947.97 16,246,53 16,650.40 17,068.13 17,494.53 17,931.33 18,380.27 19,937.87 19,311.07 19,792.93 20,28967 20,794.80 21,314.80 Annually 181,1722.40 185,556.B0 190,174.40 194,958.40 199,804.80 2D4,817.60 209,934.40 215,176.00 220,563.20 226,054.40 231,732.80 237,515.20 243,464.OD 249,537.60 255,777.6D Asst Director of Community Services 7 601-007 Hourly 71,43 73.22 75.05 76.92 78.85 80.81 82.83 B4.91 87.03 $9.21 91.43 93.73 96.06 98.47 10D.93 Monthly 12,381.2D 12,691.47 13,008.67 33,332.80 13,667.33 14,DD7.07 14,357.20 14,717.73 15,DB5.20 15,463.07 15,947.97 16,246.53 16,650.417 17,068.13 17,494.53 Annual 148,574.40 152,297.60 156,104.00 159,993.60 164,01311 168,064.80 172,286.40 176,612.80 181,022.40 185,556.80 19D,174.40 194,958.40 199,804.80 1D4,817.60 209,934.40 Community Services Superintendent 6 602-006 Hourly 64.71 66.33 67.99 69.69 71.43 73.22 75.05 76.92 78.85 80.81 82.83 84.91 87.03 69.21 91.43 Monthly 11,216.40 11,497.20 11,7B4.93 12,079.60 12,381.20 12,691.47 13,008.67 13,332.80 13,667.33 14,007.07 14,357.20 14,717.73 15,085 211 15,463.07 15,847.87 Annually 134.5911 137,966.40 141,419.20 144,955.20 148,574.40 152,297.60 156,10400 159,993.60 164,008.00 169,094.80 172,236.40 176,612.8D 181,022.4D 185,556.80 190,174.40 Community Services Manager 5 603-005 Hourly 58.63 60.09 61.60 63.13 64.71 66.33 67.99 69.69 71.43 7!12. 75.05 76.92 78.85 80.81 82.83 Monthly 10,162.53 1D,415.60 10,677.33 10,942.53 11,216.40 11,497.20 11,794.93 12,D79.60 12,381.20 12,111.47 13,01117 13,332.80 13,667.33 14,007.07 14,357.2D Annual 121,950.40 124,997.20 128,128.00 131310.40 134,196.80 137,966.40 141,419.20 144,955.20 149,574,40 152,297.60 156,304.Do 159,993.60 164,008.00 168,084.80 172,286.40 Community Services Supervisor ll 4 610-004 Hourly 39,49 40.48 41.49 42.53 43.59 44.68 45.g0 46.95 48.12 49.32 50.56 Monthly 6,844.93 7,016.53 7,191.60 7,371.67 7,555.6D 7,744,53 7,938.67 8,138.00 8,340.80 8,548.80 8,763.73 Annually 82,139.20 84,198.40 86,299.20 88,46i.40 90,667.20 92,934.40 95,264.00 97,656.00 100,089.60 102,595.60 105,164.80 Community Services Supervisor l 4 611-004 Hourly 37.59 38.53 39.49 40,48 41.49 42.53 43.59 44.68 45.110 46.95 48.12 Monthly 6,515.60 6,678.53 6.844.93 7,016.53 7,191.60 7,371.87 7,555.60 7,744.53 7,93B.67 8,138AD 8,340.80 Annually 79,187.20 80,142.40 92,139.20 84,198.40 B6,299.2D 88,462.40 90,667.20 92,934.40 95,264.00 97,656.00 300,089.60 Comm unity Services Coordinator ll 3 612-D03 Hourly 34.06 34.91 35.71 36.67 37.59 38.53 39.49 40.48 41.49 42.53 43.59 Monthly 5,903.73 6,051.07 6,201.87 6,356.13 6,515.60 6,678.53 6,844.93 7,016.53 7,191,60 7,371.87 7,555.60 Annually 70,844.80 72,612.81) 74,422.40 76,273.60 78,187.20 80,142.40 82,139.2D 94,198.40 86,299.20 88,462.40 90,667.20 Community Services Coordinator 1 3 613-003 Hourly 32.41 33.23 34.06 34.91 35.72 36.67 37.59 38.53 39.49 40.48 41.49 Monthly 5,617.73 5,759.87 5,903.73 6,051.07 6,201.87 6,356.13 6,515.60 6,679.53 6,844.93 7,016,53 7,191.60 Annually 67,412.110 69,118.40 70,844.80 72,612.80 74,422.40 76,273$0 78,187.20 80,142.40 82,13930 84,191l 96,299.20 Community Services Specialist 11 2 614-D02 Hourly 29.37 30.10 30.86 31.62 32.41 33.23 34.06 34.91 35.78 36.67 37.59 Monthly 5,090.80 5,217.33 5,349.07 5,480.80 5,617.73 5,759.87 5,903.73 6,051.07 6,201,87 6,356,13 6,515.60 Annually 61,089.60 62,608.00 64,188.8D 65,769.60 67,412.80 69,118,40 70,844.BD 72,612.80 74,422.40 76,273.60 78,187.20 Community Services Specialist l 2 615-002 Hourly 27.95 28.64 29.37 30,10 30.86 31.62 32.41 33.23 34.06 34.91 35.78 Monthly 4,844.67 4,964.27 5,D90.80 5,217.33 5,349.07 5,480.80 5,617.73 5,759.87 5,903.73 6,051.07 6,201.87 Annually 58,136.00 59,571.20 61,099.60 62,608.00 64,188.80 65,769.60 67,412,90 69,1111l 70,844.80 72,612.BD 74,422.40 Community Services Assistant 1 616-001 Hourly 26.50 27,27 27.95 28.64 29.37 30.10 30. B6 31.62 3241 33.23 34.06 Monthly 4,610.67 4,726.8D 4,844.67 4,964.27 5,090.80 5,217.33 5,349.07 5,480.80 5,61773 5,759,97 5,903.73 Annually 55,328.00 56,721.60 59,136.00 59,571.20 61,089.60 62,608.00 64,18B.80 65,769.60 67,412.80 69,129.40 70,844.80 PAGE 4 OF 12 B !| E _ 9 k k § �k=k);/t;#�; ■»;)i@ ;,_%!_!§��§;k\�i§.§§= t:�#),�§; =.an.�� ■;,.,�eoa -. !, ; \wg9tt tma9 tmt);t#■ ■, #�|a;t > ae= s.;a=� ! „ s,e�e s P. . 4, §�;k§�kk=\\� )kw§\; §|;e��)i: „ vee,9 96z, t8= .�■;§|�;;;!!>■■�%%�&§¥ s 6o.8=o;9 88 )(. 2 e�e;8m; „ 8 1 ;;a;vn ; a 189 8 t 111 18 8 ; IsZa18 ik■\\�\k�§\, k�;f§� §�;§mEkk�4�;f#Me«;7r� §m;k��§�; k\999t &§;a4;$#�9I;##■k$� t4am|» ; #t annnav E:;s ;as,sn=s;ns=,n; 9 s=; e,=a=, �t-l■+%#;&k; ��:t\; 1.81. 1 1---IM. t©..18 2�r■:��,�.�_ §;�e�; ;;&;§;;G;10— ;[;;;;| ; ! sp _. . p §� k§;k)�§##%§� 2 ;7#� ai;aa�:|�■%,k#�$#�y#! ��;`k�tkr e=,e,, ;§a;■, 88 88 §,§�k$§sk}#)\�§�)$;\� 8 n8t:9 ;_. ;; a.: 2||2[\; ,s:� ;�_;�, ;r■;v;w�ta „ s��l�=aR, 8r;kZT82A lk§�(); /S:2G,kk;)fir¥5�yt,■k# ��,���)�_ s��w;�e�■�s: a�;��: E;�;;w��,;� „ ;,;nese; ;;�t.r;�� u 1 8 8 S S S ffi S 8 8 S 8 8 S S S m 3 3 S S 3 S 8 3 3 3 S S S ��as8o <smasm Tgm 6 8 S m 8 S g S 3 m m 8 m a 3 8 8 3 S S S r e 3 r 3 r 8 3 8 m S m 3 3 3 M. 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Maintenance Worker I - Facilities 1 475-001 Hourly 3046 32.62 32.41 33.23 34.06 39.91 35.]8 36.67 37.59 38.53 39.49 Monthly 5,:49.07 5,480.H0 5,617.73 5, 111.17 5,903.73 fi,051.07 6.201.87 6,356.13 6,515.60 6,678.53 6,844.93 Annwlly 64,188.80 fi5,769.60 67,412.B0 69,118.40 70,844.80 72,612.80 74,422.40 76,273.60 78,187.20 80, 142.40 82,139.20 MU WORKS -TRADES Malntenance5upervisor-Trades 5 482005 Hourly 48.12 49.32 50.56 51.92 53.11 54.44 55.90 57.20 58.63 10.01 51.60 63.11 14.71 66.33 67.99 Monthly 8,340.80 8,548.80 8,763.73 8,982.13 9,205.73 1436.17 9,672.00 9,914.67 30,162.53 10,915.60 10,67].33 30,912.53 11,216.40 11,49].20 11, 784.93 Annuall 100,119,11 102,585.60 305,164.80 307,785.60 110,468.BD 113,235.20 316,064.00 118,976.00 121,950.40 124,987.20 128,128.00 131,330.40 134,596.80 137,9fi6.90 111,419.20 Field Supervise, - Trades 4 483-004 Hourly 93.59 44.68 45.80 %.95 48.12 49.32 50.56 51.82 53.11 54.44 55.80 Monthly 7,555.60 7,]44.53 7,938.6] 8,138.00 8,340.80 6,548.80 8,763.73 8,982.13 9,205.73 9,036.27 9,672.00 Annually 90,667.20 92,934.40 91,264.00 97,656.00 100,089.60 102,585.60 105,164.90 107, 795.60 110,468.90 113,235.20 116,064.00 Lead Maintenanm Worked - Trades 3 484-003 Hourly 39.49 40.% 41.49 42.53 43.59 44.68 45,90 46.95 48,12 49.32 50.56 Monthly 6,844.93 1,016.53 7,191.6D I,371.87 7,555.60 7,744.53 7,938.67 8,138.00 8,340. SO 8,548.80 8,763.73 Annually 92,139.20 84,198.40 86,299.20 88,462.40 90,667.20 92,934.40 95,264.00 97,656.00 100,089. so 102,585.60 105,164.80 Maintenance Worker 11-Trades 2 485-002 Hourly 35.79 36.67 37.59 3453 39.. 40.% 4149 42.53 43.59 44.68 4S.R0 Monthly 6. 01.87 6,356.13 6,515.60 6,678.53 6,844.93 7,016.53 7, 191.60 71371.87 7,555.60 7,744.53 7,938.67 Annually 74,422.40 76,273.60 79,197.20 90,142.40 92,139.20 84,198040 86,299,20 88,462.40 90,667.20 92,934.40 95,264.00 Maintenance Worker I - Trades 1 496-001 Hourly 32.41 33.23 34.06 34.91 35.78 36.67 37,59 38.53 39.49 40.48 41A9 Monthly 5,617.73 5,759.97 5,903.73 6,051.07 6,201.17 6,356.13 6,515.60 6,678.53 6,944.93 7,016.53 7,191.60 Annually 67,412.60 69,118.10 70,.44.80 72,612.80 74, 422.40 76,273.60 78,187.20 80,142.40 82,139.20 84,198.40 86,299.20 PUBLIC WORKS - TRAFFIC SIGNALS Maintena nce5uperviso, Signals 5 453-005 Hourly 5444 55.80 57.20 58.63 60.09 61.60 63.13 64.11 66.33 67.99 69.69 7143 73.22 75.05 76.92 Monthly 9,436.27 9,672.00 9,914.67 10,162.53 W,415.60 10,677.33 30,942.53 11,216.40 11,497.20 11,71IC93 22,079.60 12,391.20 12,691.47 13,00R.67 13,332.80 Mnual 113,235.20 116,064.00 128,976.00 1210950040 124987.20 128,128.00 131,310.40 134,596.40 137,966.40 1410419.20 144,955.20 148.574.40 152,297.so 156,10400 159,993.60 Field Supervisor Signals 4 454-004 Hourly 49.32 50.56 51.82 53,11 54.44 55.80 57.20 58.63 60.09 61.60 63.13 Monthly 8,548.80 8,763.73 1,182,13 9,205.73 9,436.27 9,672.00 9,914.67 10,162.53 30,415.fi0 10,177.33 10,94111 Annually 102,585.60 305,164.80 107,785.60 130,%B.BO 313,135.20 116,064.00 118,976.00 121,950.40 124,987.20 128,128.00 131,330.40 Senior Signal Technician 3 450-003 Hourly 44.68 45.80 46.95 %.12 49.32 50.56 51.82 53.11 54.44 55.80 57.20 Monthly 7,744.53 7'938.67 8,138A0 8,340.80 8,548.80 8,763.73 8,982.13 9,205.73 9,43fi.27 9,672.00 9,914.67 Annually 92,934.00 95,264.00 97,656.00 100,089.60 302,SBS60 105,164.80 107,7R5.60 130,%8.80 113,235.20 116,064.OD 118,976.00 Signal Technician It 2 451-W2 Hourly 40.48 41.49 42.53 13.59 44.68 45.. 4695 %.12 49.32 50,56 51.82 Monthly 7,016.53 7,191.60 7,371.87 7,1:5.60 7,144.53 7,939.67 8,1Am 8,340.80 8,5%.80 8,763.73 8,992.13 Annually 84,198./0 86,299.20 88,%2.00 90,66710 92,934.10 95,264.00 97,656.00 100,089.60 102,585.60 305,164.80 307,785.60 Sign al Technician l 2 45241D2 Hourly, 38,53 39.49 40.48 11.49 42.53 43.59 44.68 45.80 4695 48.12 41,12 Monthly 1678.53 6,IX 93 7,016.53 7,191.60 7,371.87 7,555.60 7,744.538 7,938.67 1:138.00 8,340.80 8,5AS 80 Annually 80,142.40 92, 139.20 84,198.40 86,299.20 R8,%2.40 90,667.20 92,934.40 95,264.00 97,656.M 300,089.60 302,SITS 60 1AAfMRT8ERN0g Support Services Supervisor 4 720-004 Hourly 27.95 28.64 29.37 30.10 30,86 31.62 31A 33.23 34.06 34.91 35.78 Monthly 4,844.67 4,964.27 5,090.80 5,217.33 5,349.07 5,480, 80 5617.73 5,759.87 5'903,73 6,051.07 6,201 V Annwlly 58,13fi.00 59,171.20 61,089.60 62,60B.D0 14,198.80 65,769,60 67,412,80 69,118.40 70,844.80 72,612.80 74,422.40 Senior Support Services Technician 3 721-003 Houdy, 25.32 25.95 26.60 27.27 27.95 28.64 29,37 30.10 WAS 31.62 32.41 Monthly 4,388.90 4,498.00 4,610,17 4,721,81 4,944.67 4,964.27 1,090.80 5,217.33 51349,07 5,480.80 5,617.73 Annually 52,665.60 53,976.00 55,328.00 56,721.60 59,136.00 59.571.20 61,089.60 .2,609.00 64,188.80 65,769.60 67,412.80 Support Services Technician 2 722-002 Hourly 22.93 23.51 24.10 24.71 25.32 25.95 2GAO 27.27 27.95 28.64 29.37 Monthly 3,97453 4,075.07 4, 177.33 4,283.07 4,399.80 4,498.00 4,630.fi7 4,726.80 4,844.67 4,964.27 5,090.80 Annually 47,694.40 48,900.80 50,128.00 51,396.80 52,665.60 53,976.00 55,328.00 56,721.60 58,136.OD 59,571.20 61,089.60 Support Services Assistant 1 723.001 Hourly 20.78 21.SO 21.83 22.311 12.93 11.11 1410 14.71 21.12 25.95 26.60 Monthly 3,601.87 3,592.00 3,783.87 31679.20 3,974.53 4,075.01 /,177.33 41211.07 4,388.50 4,498.00 4,610.67 Ann -]IV 43,222.40 44,304.00 45,406.40 46,550.40 47,694.40 %,900.so 50,12700 51,396.80 52,665.60 53,976.00 55,328.00 PAGE 12 OF 12