HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-27 CC ResolutionRESOLUTION NO.2024-27 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THE 2024-2025 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN AS AN APPLICATION TO THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) FOR FUNDING UNDER THE FEDERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM AND FINDING THAT THE ACTION IS EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW UNDER THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT PURSUANT TO 24 CFR 58.34(A)(1) AND THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) PURSUANT TO CEQA GUIDELINES SECTION 15262 AND 15378(B)(4) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS 10190112&11 Section 1. Procedural Findings. The City Council of the City of Temecula does hereby find, determine and declare that: A. The City of Temecula has participated directly within the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as an entitlement jurisdiction for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds since July 1, 2012; B. The City of Temecula has prepared all documents, notices, and forms required by HUD for participation in the CDBG Program by entitlement jurisdictions; C. The City Council adopted Resolution No. 11-42 on June 14, 2011 initiating the City to obtain entitlement community status from HUD, and authorized the Director of Community Development to prepare and return for City Council approval all documents required for the designation as an Entitlement City, including the Five -Year Consolidated Plan, the Annual Action Plan, and the Citizen Participation Plan; D. The City Council adopted Resolution No. 22-35 on April 26, 2022, approving the updated Citizen Participation Plan that sets forth the City's policies and procedures for citizen participation in the development of its Five -Year Consolidated Plan, Annual Action Plans, Annual Performance Reports, and any substantial amendments deemed necessary for direct administration of federal CDBG funds; E. The City Council adopted Resolution No. 22-35 on April 26, 2022, approving the 2022 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing; F. The City Council adopted Resolution No. 22-35 on April 26, 2022, approving the 2022-26 Five -Year Consolidated Plan and 2022-23 Annual Action Plan; G. The City of Temecula has prepared an Annual Action Plan to implement the third year of the Five -Year Consolidated Plan; H. The Annual Action Plan includes HUD entitlement funding and the proposed use of Federal CDBG funds for the upcoming Fiscal Year 2024-25; I. The 2024-25 Annual Action Plan was processed including, but not limited to a public notice, in the time and manner prescribed by Federal, State, and local law; I The Annual Action Plan is required by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and must be approved by that agency for the City to receive federal CDBG funds each year. K. At the conclusion of the Finance Subcommittee meeting and after due consideration of the testimony, the Finance Subcommittee provided funding recommendations for the 2024-25 Annual Action Plan on February 13, 2024; L. The 2024-25 Annual Action Plan was available for public review between March 25, 2024 and April 23, 2024; M. The City Council, at a regular meeting, considered the 2024-25 Annual Action Plan on April 23, 2024 at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, at which time the City staff and interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to this matter. N. At the conclusion of the City Council hearing and after due consideration of the testimony, the City Council approved the 2024-25 Annual Action Plan, subject to and based upon the findings set forth hereunder. O. All legal preconditions to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. Section 2. Further Findings. The City Council, in approving the Plan hereby finds, determines and declares that: A. Pursuant to Title 24, Housing and Urban Development, of the Code of Federal Regulations, Subtitle A Office of the Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development, Part 91 Consolidated Submissions For Community Planning And Development Programs (24 CFR Part 91) each entitlement jurisdiction must adopt a Five-year Consolidated Plan that states its overall plan to develop a viable urban community by providing for decent housing, a suitable living environment, and expanding economic opportunities, principally for low- and moderate -income persons, and prepare an Annual Action Plan each year describing the activities the jurisdiction will undertake during the next year to address those five-year priority needs and objectives; B. The City Council must adopt a plan that serves the following functions: 1. A planning document for the jurisdiction, which builds on a participatory process among citizens, organizations, businesses, and other stakeholders; 2. A submission for federal funds under HUD's formula grant programs for jurisdictions; 3. A strategy to be followed in carrying out HUD programs; and 4. A management tool for assessing performance and tracking results. Section 3. Environmental Findings. The proposed action on the Annual Action Plan (2024-25) is exempt from National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) pursuant to the provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act and specifically 24 CFR 58.34(a)(1) because the 2024-25 Annual Action Plan is a resource identification study and the development of plans and strategies for the prioritization and funding of proposed programs through CDBG and the proposed action involves the feasibility and planning studies to determine prioritization and CDBG funding to begin the development of certain projects. The potential projects discussed in the proposed actions that might involve physical activity will be reviewed under NEPA or the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) as part of the development of those projects. The proposed action is also exempt from CEQA per CEQA Guidelines Section 15262 and 15378(b)(4). Section 4. Approvals. A. The City Council hereby approves the 2024-25 Annual Action Plan, set forth as Exhibit A attached hereto, and any and all other documents deemed necessary by HUD to obtain the annual CDBG allocation of the federal CDBG funds and authorizes and directs the City Manager, or his designee, to serve as the Certifying Officer for all environmental review procedures associated with the various CDBG projects, and Certifying Officer for the purpose of signing correspondence, agreements, and other required documents. B. The City Council hereby approves an application for CDBG Entitlement funds in the amount of $594,271; the allocation of the CDBG current year program administration of $118,854; the allocation of the CDBG current year program public service activities of $89,140; the allocation of CDBG current year unprogrammed and capital improvement project funds in the amount of $412,295.; Section 5. Certification. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. 1 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 23`d day of April, 2024. James Stewart, Mayor [SEAL] 1 1 1 r. 1 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2024-27 was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 23`d day of April, 2024, by the following vote: AYES: 4 COUNCIL MEMBERS NOES: 0 COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: 0 COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: 0 COUNCIL MEMBERS Alexander, Kalf is, Schwank, Stewart None None None Randi Johl, City Clerk 5 Annual Action Plan FY 2024–2025 Adopted April 23, 2024 TemeculaCA.gov/CDBG 1 This page is intentionally left blank. 2 TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL James Stewart Mayor Brenden Kalfus Mayor Pro Tem Jessica Alexander Councilmember Zak Schwank Councilmember Vacant Councilmember – District 1 3 No. Summary of Annual Action Plan 1 Published Draft for Public Comment: 3/25/24 Sent to HUD for Approval: TBD Conducted Public Hearing: 4/23/24 Approved by HUD: TBD Original 2024-2025 Draft Annual Action Plan reviewed and approved by staff 3/21/2024 Table of Contents Executive Summary ....................................................................................................................................................... 4 AP-05 Executive Summary - 24 CFR 91.200(c), 91.220(b) ......................................................................................... 4 The Process .................................................................................................................................................................. 11 PR-05 Lead & Responsible Agencies 24 CFR 91.200(b) ........................................................................................... 11 AP-10 Consultation - 91.100, 91.200(b), 91.215(l) .................................................................................................. 12 AP-12 Citizen Participation ...................................................................................................................................... 50 AP-15 Expected Resources – 91.220(c)(1,2) ............................................................................................................ 54 AP-20 Annual Goals and Objectives ........................................................................................................................ 58 AP-35 Projects – 91.220(d) ...................................................................................................................................... 62 AP-38 Project Summary .......................................................................................................................................... 64 AP-50 Geographic Distribution – 91.220(f) ............................................................................................................. 71 AP-55 Affordable Housing – 91.220(g) .................................................................................................................... 73 AP-60 Public Housing – 91.220(h) ........................................................................................................................... 75 AP-65 Homeless and Other Special Needs Activities – 91.220(i) ............................................................................ 76 AP-75 Barriers to affordable housing – 91.220(j) .................................................................................................... 79 AP-85 Other Actions – 91.220(k) ............................................................................................................................. 81 AP-90 Program Specific Requirements – 91.220(l)(1,2,4) ....................................................................................... 84 Alternate/Local Data Sources……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Appendix A Citizen Participation and Consultation ..................................................................................................... Appendix B Grantee Unique Appendices .................................................................................................................... Appendix C Map of Eligible Census Block Groups ....................................................................................................... Appendix D Grantee SF-424s and Action Plan Certifications ........................................................................................Appendix E 4 Executive Summary AP-05 Executive Summary - 24 CFR 91.200(c), 91.220(b) 1. Introduction On April 26, 2022, the City Council of the City of Temecula adopted its Five-Year Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) 2022-2026 Consolidated Plan. The Consolidated Plan describes the City’s housing and community development needs, as well as strategies and activities to address those needs over a five-year period using entitlement grant funds provided by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The 2024-2025 Action Plan, which covers July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025, represents the third year in that five-year plan. The City’s grant program is consistent with HUD’s national strategy to provide decent housing opportunities, a suitable living environment and economic opportunities particularly for low - and moderate-income persons. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) The Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 created the CDBG Program. The primary objective of the CDBG Program is the development of viable urban communities by providing decent housing, a suitable living environment, and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low- and moderate-income. CDBG regulations require that each activity meet one of the following national objectives: • Benefit low- and moderate-income persons; • Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums and blight; or • Meeting other community development needs having a particular urgency. Each year, the City certifies with the submission of its Annual Action Plan that it has given maximum feasible priority to activities which meet the first objective above. Additionally, the City certifies that no less than 70 percent of the CDBG funds received, over a three -year certification period, will be designed to benefit low- and moderate-income persons. For Program Year 2024- 2025, 100 percent of the CDBG activities primarily benefit low - and moderate-income persons. 2024-2025 Program Year Funding The City anticipates receiving $594,271 in Community Development Block Grant funds in Fiscal Year 2024-2025. Coupled with an availability of $26,019 from previously closed out programs, the City will have an anticipated total of $620,290 to spend during program year 2024-2025. The proposed breakdown of those funds can be found in the following sections. 5 2024-2025 CDBG Program Public Service Activities Funding Allocated Assistance League of Temecula Valley - Operation School Bell Program $ 7,682 Boys & Girls Club - Before & After School Care for Kids $ 7,682 City of Temecula - Homeless Prevention & Diversion Program $ 7,682 The Empowerment Center - Youth Mental Health Community Worker $ 7,682 Fair Housing of Riverside County - Comprehensive Fair Housing Program $ 20,000 Habitat for Humanity - Brush with Kindness Program $ 7,682 Hospice of the Valleys - Senior Assistance Program $ 7,682 Riverside Area Rape Crisis Center - Crisis Intervention & Support Services $ 7,682 SAFE Family Justice Center - Temecula SAFE & Healthy Families Program $ 7,682 Voices for Children - CASA Program $ 7,682 Capital Improvement Activities Funding Allocated Temecula Public Works Dept. ADA Compliance Project $ 412,295 Program Administration Funding Allocated City of Temecula: CDBG Administration $ 118,854 As of the writing of this Draft Annual Action Plan, HUD has not yet released or notified the City of its official annual allocation of CDBG Funds. As recommended by the Finance Subcommittee at its meeting on February 13, 2024, and City Council approval at the public hearing on April 23, 2024, the Community Development Department will proportionally increase or decrease the project and activity funding budgets to conform with the final allocation amounts and prior year CDBG resources, except that the Comprehensive Fair Housing activity shall receive its determined $20,000. The final Action Plan containing the final adjusted funding allocations to projects and activities will be posted to the City’s CDBG webpage. If additional funds become available during the program year from unanticipated increases in appropriation s, savings from completed projects or dropped projects, City staff will increase the funding of the Capital Improvement Activities included in the 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan. No substantial amendments will be required for such an action. 6 2. Summary of the objectives and outcomes identified in the Plan Needs Assessment Overview HUD’s Community Planning and Development (CPD) Outcome Performance Measurement Framework classifies objectives in three categories: decent housing, a suitable living environment, and economic opportunity. Based on the Needs Assessment and Market Analysis, the Strategic Plan within the Consolidated Plan identifies five high priority needs to be addressed through the implementation of activities aligned with six Strategic Plan goals. The high priority needs and program objectives for the City of Temecula are: • Improve neighborhoods, public facilities, and infrastructure • Preserve the existing housing stock • Provide public services for low- and moderate-income, special needs, seniors, and veteran residents. • Provide public services for the homeless and those at risk of homelessness • Promote development of affordable housing The following six goals are identified in the Strategic Plan: • Public Facilities & Infrastructure Improvements • Affordable Housing Development • Housing Preservation • Services for Low-and moderate income residents • Services for residents with special needs, including seniors and veterans • Services for the homeless and those at risk of homelessness 7 Table 1 - Strategic Plan Summary Goal Name Time Period Category Geographic Area Needs Addressed Funding Goal Outcome Indicator 1. Affordable Housing Development 2022- 2026 Affordable Housing Citywide Promote the development of affordable housing CDBG Rental units constructed 80 housing units Description: Support development of affordable housing by leveraging CDBG to optimize other public and private sources of financing. 2. Housing Preservation 2022- 2026 Affordable Housing Citywide Preserve exiting housing stock CDBG Homeowner housing rehabbed 30 households Description: Preservation of the quality of existing affordable housing stock occupied by low- and moderate-income households, renters, and owners. 3. Services for low- and moderate-income residents 2022- 2026 Public Services Citywide Provide public services for low- and moderate- income, special needs, seniors, and veteran residents CDBG Public service activities other than low- /moderate- income housing benefit 2,000 people assisted Description: Provide lower-income persons with appropriate health, fitness, recreational, educational, and other services, including, but not limited to, childcare, before and after school care and healthcare services to support the well-being of low- and moderate-income families. 4. Services for residents with special needs 2022- 2026 Public Services Citywide Provide public services for low- and moderate- income, special needs, seniors, and veteran residents CDBG Public service activities other than low- /moderate- income housing benefit: 375 people assisted Provide supportive services for residents with special needs, including, but not limited, to those services addressing the needs of residents with disabilities, domestic violence, substance abuse; HIV/AIDS; seniors, and veterans with appropriate supportive services, including, but not limited to, those related to health, fitness, recreational and educational services. 5. Services for the homeless and at risk of homelessness 2022- 2026 Homeless Citywide Provide public services for the homeless and those at risk of homelessness CDBG Public service activities other than low- /moderate- income 8 Goal Name Time Period Category Geographic Area Needs Addressed Funding Goal Outcome Indicator Support a continuum of services in Riverside County to prevent and eliminate homelessness including, but not limited to, supportive services for the homeless and those at-risk of homelessness, including homelessness prevention programs, emergency shelter programs and transitional housing. housing benefit: 325 people assisted 6. Public facilities an infrastructure improvement 2022- 2026 Non-Housing Community Development Citywide Improve neighborhoods, public facilities, and infrastructure CDBG Public facility or infrastructure activities other than low- /moderate- income housing benefit: 20,000 people assisted Improve City of Temecula public facilities and infrastructure to benefit low- and moderate-income residents or those presumed under HUD regulations to be low- and moderate-income such as the elderly and disabled adults. The City anticipated averaging approximately one accessibility activity a year. 7. Administration 2022- 2026 N/A Citywide N/A CDBG N/A Description: Provide for the timely and compliant administration of the CDBG programs in accordance with HUD policy and federal regulations. HUD requires the City to represent Administration funds as a “goal” within the Strategic Plan so that the sources of funds (refer to Section SP-35) are fully allocated to goals 3. Evaluation of past performance The investment of HUD resources during the 2017-2021 Program Years resulted in measurable accomplishments that contributed to positive outcomes for Temecula residents. Together with other federal, state, and local investments, HUD resources allowed the City of Temecula and its partners to: • Promote the development of affordable housing • Preserve the existing housing stock 9 • Ensure equal access to housing opportunities • Provide public services for low- and moderate-income residents • Provide public services for residents with special needs • Provide public services for the homeless and those at risk of homelessness • Provide public services for seniors and veterans • Improve neighborhoods, public facilities, and infrastructure • Promote economic opportunity While the City and its partners were able to successfully implement the activities listed above since July 2017, there are insufficient resources to fully address the level of need identified in the last Consolidated Plan. In June 2011, the State of California passed AB1X2 to eliminate Redevelopment Agencies—a substantial funding source for housing, community, and economic development programs in California—significantly curtailed the City’s ability to implement activities that benefit low- and moderate-income residents. With that, the City of Temecula takes its yearly allocation of CDBG funds and works closely with stakeholders, subrecipients and their programs to make sure their funds are allocated purposefully and meaningfully to impact Temecula residents with quality and meaningful services. 4. Summary of citizen participation process and consultation process The City adopted a Citizen Participation Plan on April 26, 2022, that reflects regulatory changes and process improvements. The adopted Citizen Participation Plan addressed HUD regulations pertaining to the Assessment of Fair Housing requirements for a more robust citizen involvement process. During the 2022-2026 Consolidated Plan preparation process, the City broadened its citizen participation through surveys, community meetings and public hearings. During the preparation of the 2022-2026 Consolidated Plan preparation process, the City made efforts to encourage the participation of minorities and non-English speaking persons, as well as persons with disabilities. The consultation process included representatives of the CoC, PHA, and other specified groups who completed surveys, provided local data, and assisted the City to ensure practical coordination of strategies to maximize impact and to avoid duplication of effort. This broadened process has continued with each Action Plan. On December 5, 2023, the City conducted two in-person technical workshops for agencies interested in applying for CDBG funds, which was also made available to the public to weigh in and comment on the needs, action for affirmatively furthering fair housing, review of program performance, and the development of proposed CDBG activities for the annual action plan. On February 13, 2024, the City’s Finance Committee conducted a public meeting to prepare a CDBG funding recommendation to the City Council. The City published a notice in the local newspaper, 10 which has a general circulation within the City, that the 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan is available for public review and comment. A public hearing was held on April 23, 2024. The stakeholders, who were notified for each hearing, are included in Section AP -10 of this Action Plan. 5. Summary of public comments In the development of the Action Plan, the City solicited applications from City Departments, the local fair housing agency, and the public services agencies. The draft Action Plan was available for public review and comment from March 25, 2024, to April 23, 2024. The City Council convened a public hearing on April 23, 2024, to receive comments on the Action Plan. A summary of public comments can be found in Table 5 and Appendix B. 6. Summary of comments or views not accepted and the reasons for not accepting them There were no comments or views that were not accepted. 7. Summary As the third Annual Action Plan of the City’s Five-Year Consolidated Plan Cycle, the City continues to make progress in meeting the five goals identified in the 2022-2026 Consolidated Plan. The 2024-2025 Action Plan will address all six of the Strategic Plan Goals from the 2022-2026 Consolidated Plan by allocating all anticipated $620,290 of CDBG funds to projects and activities to be implemented from July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025. The City of Temecula has made progress on increasing the supply of affordable housing. Three projects are currently under construction: • Las Haciendas – 77 units • Vine Creek – 60 Units • Rancho Las Bolsas -55 units. And finally, the City currently has an agreement for six ownership units to be built by Habitat for Humanity. Habitat for Humanity – 6 units. The City continues to use remaining Tax Allocation Bond proceeds, the affordable housing overlay zone (AHOZ), and density bonus ordinance to incentivize affordable housing. . 11 The Process PR-05 Lead & Responsible Agencies 24 CFR 91.200(b) 1. Describe agency/entity responsible for preparing the Consolidated Plan and those responsible for administration of each grant program and funding source The following is the agency responsible for preparing the Consolidated Plan and responsible for the administration of CDBG program. Table 2 – Responsible Agencies Agency Role Name Department/Agency CDBG Manager City of Temecula Community Development Department Narrative The Community Development Department is the lead department responsible for the administration of the CDBG program. The City contracted with MDG Associates, Inc. to prepare the 2022-2026 Consolidated Plan and the 2024-2025 Action Plan. In the implementation of the 2022-2026 Consolidated Plan and each of the five Annual Action Plans, the Community Development Department shall be responsible for all grant planning, management, and monitoring duties necessary to comply with HUD regulations and City policy. Consolidated Plan Public Contact Information Brandon Rabidou Principal Management Analyst City of Temecula 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 (951) 506-5142 brandon.rabidou@TemeculaCA.gov 12 AP-10 Consultation - 91.100, 91.200(b), 91.215(l) 1. Introduction In preparing the Consolidated Plan, the City of Temecula consulted with representatives from multiple agencies, groups, and organizations involved in the development of affordable housing, creation of job opportunities for low- and moderate-income residents, and the provision of services to children, seniors, persons with special needs, persons with HIV/AIDS and their families, and homeless persons. To facilitate this consultation, the City solicited feedback through the following methods: • Stakeholder surveys (web-based and paper-surveys) • Individual stakeholder consultations • Community meetings • Public hearings • Receipt of written comments To gather the greatest depth of information, the City consulted with a wide variety of agencies, groups and organizations concerning the housing, community, and economic development needs of the community. The primary agencies, groups or organizations consulted can be found on the following pages. The input received from these consultation partners helped establish the objectives and goals described in the Strategic Plan. Provide a concise summary of the jurisdiction’s activities to enhance coordination between public and assisted housing providers and private and governmental health, mental health, and service agencies (91.215(I)). The City recognizes the importance of coordination and alignment among various service providers to maximize the effectiveness of the CDBG program. As a result, during the development of the Consolidated Plan, the City consulted closely with organizations that provide assisted and public housing, health services and other community-focused programs. Outreach efforts included surveys including specific questions associated with coordination, invitations to community meetings and follow-up in-person interviews where appropriate. The City further recognized the importance of continued coordination and alignment during the preparation of the 2024-2025 Action Plan with these organizations and agencies. The City continues strengthening relationships and alignment among these organizations in the implementation of the NOFA process for CDBG funds and through technical assistance provided to subrecipients of CDBG funds each year. The City monitors its affordable housing units every year to ensure compliance with State and Federal requirements, supports the Housing 13 Authority’s Section 8 program and participates in the County’s Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC) program. Describe coordination with the Continuum of Care and efforts to address the needs of homeless persons (particularly chronically homeless individuals and families, families with children, veterans, and unaccompanied youth) and persons at risk of homelessness. The Continuum of Care of Riverside County (CoC) guides the development of homeless strategies and the implementation of programs to end homelessness throughout the region. The CoC is comprised of a network of public, private, faith-based, for-profit, and nonprofit service providers who utilize several federal, state, and local resources in providing services for homeless persons. The County and its cities, including the City of Temecula, also provide resources for services that assist the homeless and those at risk of becoming homeless. The nonprofit and faith-based community plays a key role in the current CoC system. Hundreds of agencies throughout the County, including the City Departments, provide a variety of programs ranging from feeding the homeless on the street to creating permanent supportive housing opportunities. These services are available to the chronically homeless, homeless families with children as well as single men and women. The nonprofit and faith-based community also serves special needs populations, such as victims of domestic violence, veterans, persons with disabilities and unaccompanied youth. During the Five-Year Consolidated Planning process, the City provided a detailed questionnaire to the CoC to identify the CoC’s perceived needs in the County and it s objectives to address the needs of different homeless populations, specifically chronically homeless families and individuals, families with children, veterans, unaccompanied youth, and persons at risk of homelessness. Following the delivery and response to this questionnaire, the City followed up with the CoC to clarify existing needs and objectives and understand opportunities for collaboration and coordination during the five-year planning process. Describe consultation with the Continuum(s) of Care that serves the jurisdiction's area in determining how to allocate ESG funds, develop performance standards and evaluate outcomes, and develop funding, policies, and procedures for the administration of HMIS. The City is not a direct recipient of ESG funding. However, it is a participating jurisdiction in the COC and works closely with the homeless system to create funding policies and procedures for ESG. Table 3 includes a representative listing of the entities consulted as part of the consultation process. 14 2. Describe Agencies, groups, organizations, and others who participated in the process and describe the jurisdictions consultations with housing, social service agencies and other entities Table 3 – Agencies, groups, organizations who participated 1 Agency/Group/Organization Fund Development Agency/Group/Organization Type Business and Civic Leaders What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Economic Development Market Analysis Anti-poverty Strategy How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 2 Agency/Group/Organization AMCAL Housing Agency/Group/Organization Type Housing What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Housing Need Assessment Public Housing Needs Homelessness Strategy Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless Homeless Needs - Families with children Homelessness Needs - Veterans Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 15 3 Agency/Group/Organization Assistance League of Temecula Valley Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Children What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 4 Agency/Group/Organization Atria Senior Living Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Elderly What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 5 Agency/Group/Organization Autism Society Inland Empire Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Health What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 16 6 Agency/Group/Organization Boys and Girls Club of Southwest County Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Children What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 7 Agency/Group/Organization Bridge Housing Agency/Group/Organization Type Housing, Services-Homeless What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Housing Need Assessment Public Housing Needs Homelessness Strategy Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless Homeless Needs - Families with children Homelessness Needs - Veterans Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 8 Agency/Group/Organization Building Industry Association Agency/Group/Organization Type Housing 17 What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Housing Need Assessment Public Housing Needs Homelessness Strategy Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless Homeless Needs - Families with children Homelessness Needs - Veterans Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 9 Agency/Group/Organization California Apartment Association Inland Empire Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Housing What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Housing Need Assessment Public Housing Needs Homelessness Strategy Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless Homeless Needs - Families with children Homelessness Needs - Veterans Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 10 Agency/Group/Organization California State University San Marcos, Temecula Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Education What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs Economic Development 18 How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 11 Agency/Group/Organization Canine Support Teams Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Persons with Disabilities What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 12 Agency/Group/Organization Catholic Charities Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-homeless What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Homelessness Strategy Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless Homeless Needs - Families with children Homelessness Needs - Veterans Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 13 Agency/Group/Organization Chemo Buddies 4 Life Agency/Group/Organization Type Services - Health 19 What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 14 Agency/Group/Organization Circle of Care Ministries Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Homeless What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Housing Need Assessment Public Housing Needs Homelessness Strategy Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless Homeless Needs - Families with children Homelessness Needs - Veterans Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 15 Agency/Group/Organization City of Murrieta Agency/Group/Organization Type Agency – Managing Flood Prone Areas Agency – Management of Public Lands or Water Resources Other government - Local 20 What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Housing Need Assessment Lead-based Paint Strategy Public Housing Needs Homelessness Strategy Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless Homeless Needs - Families with children Homelessness Needs - Veterans Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth Non-Homeless Special Needs Economic Development Market Analysis Anti-poverty Strategy How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 16 Agency/Group/Organization CityNet Agency/Group/Organization Type Homeless provider What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Housing Need Assessment Public Housing Needs Homelessness Strategy Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless Homeless Needs - Families with children Homelessness Needs - Veterans Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 21 17 Agency/Group/Organization City of Temecula Agency/Group/Organization Type Services – Broadband Internet Service Providers; Agency – Managing Flood Prone Areas; Agency – Management of Public Lands or Water Resources; Agency – Emergency Management- Other government - Local What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Housing Need Assessment Lead-based Paint Strategy Public Housing Needs Homelessness Strategy Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless Homeless Needs - Families with children Homelessness Needs - Veterans Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth Non-Homeless Special Needs Economic Development Market Analysis Anti-poverty Strategy How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 18 Agency/Group/Organization Coachella Valley Housing Coalition Agency/Group/Organization Type Services Housing What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Housing Need Assessment Public Housing Needs Homelessness Strategy Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless Homeless Needs - Families with children Homelessness Needs - Veterans Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth 22 How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 19 Agency/Group/Organization Community Access Center Agency/Group/Organization Type Services- Disabilities What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 20 Agency/Group/Organization Community Mission of Hope Agency/Group/Organization Type Homeless provider What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Housing Need Assessment Public Housing Needs Homelessness Strategy Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless Homeless Needs - Families with children Homelessness Needs - Veterans Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 23 21 Agency/Group/Organization Comprehensive Autism Center Agency/Group/Organization Type Services- Disabilities What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 22 Agency/Group/Organization County of Riverside Behavioral Health Department Agency/Group/Organization Type Health Agency/Facility What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 23 Agency/Group/Organization County of Riverside Economic Development Agency Agency/Group/Organization Type Other Government – County, Regional organization What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Economic Development Market Analysis 24 How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 24 Agency/Group/Organization County of Riverside Health Department Agency/Group/Organization Type Health Agency Other government – County What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Lead-based Paint Strategy Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 25 Agency/Group/Organization Court Appointed Special Advocate of Riverside County Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Children Child Welfare Agency What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 26 Agency/Group/Organization Desert AIDS Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-HIV/AIDS 25 What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 27 Agency/Group/Organization Economic Development of Southwest California Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Employment; Planning organization What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Economic Development Market Analysis Anti-poverty Strategy How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 28 Agency/Group/Organization Fair Housing Council of Riverside County, Inc. Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Fair Housing What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Housing Need Assessment Public Housing Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 29 Agency/Group/Organization Foothill AIDS Agency/Group/Organization Type Services – Persons with HIV/AIDS 26 What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 30 Agency/Group/Organization Go Bananas Agency/Group/Organization Type Services – Persons with disabilities What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 31 Agency/Group/Organization GRID Alternatives Agency/Group/Organization Type Housing What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Housing Need Assessment Public Housing Needs Economic Development Market Analysis How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 32 Agency/Group/Organization Habitat for Humanity Inland Valley Agency/Group/Organization Type Housing 27 What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Housing Need Assessment Public Housing Needs Economic Development Market Analysis Anti-poverty Strategy How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 33 Agency/Group/Organization Hitzke Consulting Agency/Group/Organization Type Housing What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Housing Need Assessment Public Housing Needs Economic Development Market Analysis Anti-poverty Strategy How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 34 Agency/Group/Organization Hospice of the Valleys Agency/Group/Organization Type Healthcare What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs 28 How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 35 Agency/Group/Organization Housing Authority of the County of Riverside Agency/Group/Organization Type PHA What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Housing Need Assessment Public Housing Needs Economic Development Market Analysis Anti-poverty Strategy How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 36 Agency/Group/Organization Iglesia Bautista del Valle de Temecula Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Homeless What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Public Housing Needs Homelessness Strategy Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless Homeless Needs - Families with children Homelessness Needs - Veterans Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 29 37 Agency/Group/Organization Inland Regional Center Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Disabilities What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 38 Agency/Group/Organization John Stewart Company Agency/Group/Organization Type Housing What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Housing Need Assessment Public Housing Needs Economic Development Market Analysis How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 39 Agency/Group/Organization Ken Follis Agency/Group/Organization Type Business Leader What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Economic Development Market Analysis How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 30 40 Agency/Group/Organization League of Women Voters Agency/Group/Organization Type Civic Leaders What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 41 Agency/Group/Organization Love of Christ Fellowship Church Agency/Group/Organization Type Services – Persons with Disabilities What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 42 Agency/Group/Organization Michelle's Place Agency/Group/Organization Type Services - Health What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 31 43 Agency/Group/Organization Mission Village Apartments Agency/Group/Organization Type Housing What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Housing Need Assessment Public Housing Needs Economic Development Market Analysis How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 44 Agency/Group/Organization Mt San Jacinto College Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Education Services – Narrowing the Digital Divide What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 45 Agency/Group/Organization Nu-Way International Christian Ministries Agency/Group/Organization Type Other-Faith Based What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs 32 How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 46 Agency/Group/Organization Our Nicholas Foundation Agency/Group/Organization Type Other-Persons with Special Needs What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 47 Agency/Group/Organization Path of Life Ministries Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Homeless What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Housing Need Assessment Public Housing Needs Homelessness Strategy Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless Homeless Needs - Families with children Homelessness Needs - Veterans Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 33 48 Agency/Group/Organization Pechanga Casino Agency/Group/Organization Type Employer What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Economic Development Market Analysis How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 49 Agency/Group/Organization Project Touch Agency/Group/Organization Type Homeless provider What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Public Housing Needs Homelessness Strategy Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless Homeless Needs - Families with children Homelessness Needs - Veterans Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 50 Agency/Group/Organization Rancho Community Church Agency/Group/Organization Type Other-Faith Based What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs 34 How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 51 Agency/Group/Organization Rancho Damacitas Agency/Group/Organization Type Services - Children What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 52 Agency/Group/Organization Rancho en Espanol Agency/Group/Organization Type Other-Faith Based What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 53 Agency/Group/Organization Riverbank Village Apartments Agency/Group/Organization Type Housing Business Leaders What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Economic Development Market Analysis 35 How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 54 Agency/Group/Organization Riverside Area Rape Crisis Center Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Victims of Domestic Violence What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 55 Agency/Group/Organization Riverside City and County CoC Agency/Group/Organization Type Services – Homeless Publicly Funded Institution/System of Care What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Homelessness Strategy How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 56 Agency/Group/Organization Riverside County Office on Aging Agency/Group/Organization Type Other-Senior services What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs 36 How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 57 Agency/Group/Organization Riverside County Sheriff Agency/Group/Organization Type Publicly Funded Institution/System of Care Agency – Emergency Management What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 58 Agency/Group/Organization Riverside Transit Agency Agency/Group/Organization Type Regional Planning Planning Organization What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs Economic Development Market Analysis How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 59 Agency/Group/Organization Riverside County Veterans Services Agency/Group/Organization Type Services - Homeless Veterans 37 What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Public Housing Needs Homelessness Strategy Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless Homeless Needs - Families with children Homelessness Needs - Veterans How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 60 Agency/Group/Organization Rose Again Foundation Agency/Group/Organization Type Child Welfare Agency What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 61 Agency/Group/Organization SAFE Alternatives for Everyone Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Victims of Domestic Violence What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 38 62 Agency/Group/Organization Safety Research Associates, Inc Agency/Group/Organization Type Special needs senior housing What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 63 Agency/Group/Organization Senior Care Referral Specialists Agency/Group/Organization Type Other-Seniors What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 64 Agency/Group/Organization Solari Enterprises Agency/Group/Organization Type Housing What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Housing Need Assessment Non-Homeless Special Needs Economic Development Market Analysis 39 How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 65 Agency/Group/Organization Southern California Council of Governments Agency/Group/Organization Type State Government Agency – Managing Flood Prone Areas Agency – Management of Public Land or Water Resources Regional organization Planning organization What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Housing Need Assessment Lead-based Paint Strategy Public Housing Needs Homelessness Strategy Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless Homeless Needs - Families with children Homelessness Needs - Veterans Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth Non-Homeless Special Needs Economic Development Market Analysis Anti-poverty Strategy How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 40 66 Agency/Group/Organization Southwest Riverside County Association of Realtors Agency/Group/Organization Type Housing; Business leaders What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Housing Need Assessment Economic Development Market Analysis How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 67 Agency/Group/Organization Southwest Workforce Development Center Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Employment What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs Economic Development Market Analysis How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 68 Agency/Group/Organization St. Catherine's Catholic Church Agency/Group/Organization Type Other-Faith Based What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs 41 How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 69 Agency/Group/Organization State Council on Developmental Disabilities Agency/Group/Organization Type Other government – State; Planning organization What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 70 Agency/Group/Organization State of California Department of Housing and Community Development Agency/Group/Organization Type State Government; Housing What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Housing Need Assessment Lead-based Paint Strategy Public Housing Needs Homelessness Strategy Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless Homeless Needs - Families with children Homelessness Needs - Veterans Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth Non-Homeless Special Needs Economic Development Market Analysis Anti-poverty Strategy 42 How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 71 Agency/Group/Organization Temecula Murrieta Rescue Mission Agency/Group/Organization Type Homeless provider What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Public Housing Needs Homelessness Strategy Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless Homeless Needs - Families with children Homelessness Needs - Veterans Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 72 Agency/Group/Organization Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce Agency/Group/Organization Type Business Community What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Economic Development Market Analysis How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 73 Agency/Group/Organization Temecula Valley Historical Society Agency/Group/Organization Type Planning Organization 43 What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 74 Agency/Group/Organization Temecula Valley Unified School District Agency/Group/Organization Type Services-Education, Narrowing the digital divide What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 75 Agency/Group/Organization Temecula Valley Unified School District Adult Transition Program Agency/Group/Organization Type Services Education What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs, Narrowing the digital divide How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 76 Agency/Group/Organization Temecula Valley Winegrowers Association Agency/Group/Organization Type Business Leader 44 What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Economic Development Market Analysis How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 77 Agency/Group/Organization The Center for Life Change Agency/Group/Organization Type Services - Health What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 78 Agency/Group/Organization U.S. Vets Initiative Agency/Group/Organization Type Homeless Veterans Services; Education; Employment What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Homelessness Needs - Veterans Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 79 Agency/Group/Organization VA Loma Linda Healthcare Agency/Group/Organization Type Health Agency; Other government - Federal 45 What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Homelessness Needs - Veterans Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 80 Agency/Group/Organization Smart Moms Agency/Group/Organization Type Civil leaders What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 81 Agency/Group/Organization Voice of Children Agency/Group/Organization Type Youth Services What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 82 Agency/Group/Organization Wells Fargo Agency/Group/Organization Type Business Community 46 What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Economic Development Market Analysis How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 83 Agency/Group/Organization Western Riverside Council of Governments Agency/Group/Organization Type Other Government – County & Local; Regional and Planning Organization; Agency Managing Flood Prone Areas, Management of Public Land or Water Resources, and Emergency Management What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Housing Need Assessment Lead-based Paint Strategy Public Housing Needs Homelessness Strategy Homeless Needs - Chronically homeless Homeless Needs - Families with children Homelessness Needs - Veterans Homelessness Needs - Unaccompanied youth Non-Homeless Special Needs Economic Development Market Analysis Anti-poverty Strategy How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 84 Agency/Group/Organization Birth Choice Agency/Group/Organization Type Services – Health 47 What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Non-Homeless Special Needs How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. 85 Agency/Group/Organization CA Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) Agency/Group/Organization Type Organizations engaged in narrowing the digital divide What section of the Plan was addressed by Consultation? Economic Development Market Analysis How was the Agency/Group/Organization consulted and what are the anticipated outcomes of the consultation or areas for improved coordination? To obtain a comprehensive assessment of the needs and priorities within the community, the Consolidated Plan process included consultation with residents, service providers and selected departments. Engagement was conducted through surveys, community meetings and interviews. Identify any Agency Types not consulted and provide rationale for not consulting The City maintains a list of agencies, organizations and other stakeholders that have expressed an interest in City’s CDBG program and invited representatives from each entity to participate at multiple points in the planning process. All agencies were strongly encouraged to attend meetings and participate in surveys. There were no agency types that were not consulted. Any agency or organization that was not consulted and would like to be included in the City’s list of stakeholders is encouraged to contact Brandon Rabidou in the Community Development Department at brandon.rabidou@TemeculaCA.gov Other local/regional/state/federal planning efforts considered when preparing the Plan 48 Name of Plan Lead Organization How do the goals of your Strategic Plan overlap with the goals of each plan? Continuum of Care Continuum of Care of Riverside County Strategic Plan goals are consistent with Ten Year Strategy to End Homelessness Housing Element City of Temecula Strategic Plan goals are consistent with Housing Element policies and goals Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice City of Temecula Strategic Plan goals are consistent with Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice 2005 General Plan Update City of Temecula Strategic Plan goals are consistent with the General Plan policies and goals 2030 Quality of Life Management Plan (QLMP) City of Temecula Strategic Plan goals are consistent with the QLMP policies and goals Table 4 – Other local/regional/federal planning efforts Describe cooperation and coordination with other public entities, including the State and any adjacent units of general local government, in the implementation of the Consolidated Plan (91.215(l)) In the development of the 2022-2026 Consolidated Plan and the 2024-2025 Action Plan, the City afforded the following public entities with the opportunity to provide input on the Consolidated Plan. The City welcomes their input concerning the future implementation of project to address the Strategic Plan goals identified in section SP-45 of the Consolidated Plan: • Housing Authority of the County of Riverside • Regional Homeless Alliance • Riverside County Continuum of Care • Riverside County Department of Social Services • Riverside County Office on Aging • Riverside County Economic Development Agency • Riverside County Health Department • Riverside County Veterans Services • Riverside County Behavioral Health Department 49 • Riverside County Sheriff’s Department • Riverside Transit Agency • Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG) • Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) • State of California Department of Housing and Community Development • State of California Department of Employment Development Department • State of California Council on Developmental Disabilities • Southwest Workforce Development Center • Inland Regional Center • U.S. Veterans Administration • Temecula Valley Unified School District • Mt. St. Jacinto College • City of Murrieta 50 AP-12 Citizen Participation 1. Summary of citizen participation process/Efforts made to broaden citizen participation Summarize citizen participation process and how it impacted goal-setting In preparation for the Consolidated Plan the City followed the established processes of the Citizen Participation Plan to ensure broad community engagement. At each step, the City worked to ensure low- and moderate-income residents, members of minority groups, agencies involved in the provision of services to these populations, and others who are directly impacted by the programs and activities supported by the Consolidated Plan programs had the opportunity to be actively involved. The Citizen Participation Plan, Consolidated Plan, Action Plan, Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) and the Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice are posted on the City website at: https://TemeculaCA.gov/CDBG and a hard copy was available for review in the City Community Development Department for 30 days from March 28 to April 26, 2022. To assist in identification of priority needs citizens were engaged through community meetings, surveys, public hearings, and individual meetings. Participants received extensive information about the Consolidated Plan, citizen participation process, HUD requirements for an entitlement City, the amount of funding the City anticipates receiving and how those funds can be used by the City. Residents were given the opportunity to provide City staff with their input on the prioritization of community needs. Each of these efforts, including review of HUD Data and relevant policy documents, assisted the City in its goal setting efforts. During the development of the Annual Action Plan, on December 5, 2023, two virtual community workshops, convened to discuss housing, community and economic development needs and priorities along with request for funding requirements for Temecula. These workshops were interactive, with discussion of a variety of needs. A concerted effort was made to reach out to nonprofit organizations through the community workshops and consultations with area nonprofits and other organizations serving Temecula residents. On February 13, 2024, the City of Temecula Finance Subcommittee conducted a public meeting to consider the CDBG funding recommendations for Fiscal Year 2024-2025. The Finance Subcommittee performs in an advisory capacity to City staff and to the City Council concerning planning, implementing, and assessing CDBG programs and activities. After reviewing all submitted applications, the Finance Committee made their funding recommendation. On March 22, 2024, the City published a notice in the Press Enterprise providing the public a 30- day notice to review and comment on the draft 2024-2025 Action Plan. On April 23, 2024, the City Council considered public testimony regarding the Action Plan and authorized its submission to HUD. 51 Table 5 – Citizen Participation Outreach Sort Order Mode of Outreach Target of Outreach Summary of response / attendance Summary of comments received Summary of comments not accepted and reasons URL (If applicable) 1 Newspaper Ad Minorities Persons with disabilities Non-targeted/ broad community Residents of Public and Assisted Housing Newspaper ad were published on November 14, 2023, in the Press Enterprise announcing two Community Workshops to receive input on the preparation of the City's 2024-2025 Action Plan. The purpose was to explain the application process and to answer questions. All questions were answered; all comments accepted. www.pe.com 2 Internet Outreach Non-targeted/ broad community Notice posted on City website, City Hall, and Library inviting residents to the community workshops at City Hall on November 14, 2023. The purpose was to explain the application process and to answer questions. All questions were answered; all comments accepted. TemeculaCA. gov 52 Sort Order Mode of Outreach Target of Outreach Summary of response / attendance Summary of comments received Summary of comments not accepted and reasons URL (If applicable) 3 Community Workshops Minorities Non-English Speaking - Specify other language: Spanish Persons with disabilities Residents of Public and Assisted Housing Stakeholders attended two in- person Community Workshops held in the morning and evening on December 5, 2023. Residents and stakeholders participated in a presentation concerning the Consolidated Plan and Action Plan. A facilitated discussion of community needs followed the presentation. All comments were accepted. Not applicable. 4 Public Hearing Non-targeted/ broad community A public hearing was held before the City Finance Subcommittee on February 13, 2024, at 2:00 p.m. to receive a presentation concerning the Consolidated Plan and community needs. Persons representing nonprofits and City employees were available to answer questions about City projects. Representatives from 8 service providers were available to speak about their proposed projects and available to answer questions. All comments were considered prior to the Subcommittee making their recommendation. Not applicable. 53 Sort Order Mode of Outreach Target of Outreach Summary of response / attendance Summary of comments received Summary of comments not accepted and reasons URL (If applicable) 5 Newspaper Ad Minorities Persons with Disabilities Non-English Speaking - Specify other language: Spanish Non-targeted/ broad community Notice of the 30-day public review and comment period for the draft 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan was published in the Press Enterprise. The public notice invited interested residents to review the draft document and to provide written comments at the City of Temecula Community Development Department, City of Temecula City Clerk's Office, or online at the CDBG website. Residents were invited to participate at a public hearing to provide oral comments before the Temecula City Council on April 23, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. ___ comments from public hearing will be included here. Also see Appendix B ____ comments from public hearing will be included here. __ Also see Appendix B TemeculaCA.g ov/CDBG 6 Public Hearing Non- targeted/broad community Public hearing for the draft 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan was held before the Temecula City Council on April 23, 2024. comments from public hearing will be included here. Also see Appendix B comments from public hearing will be included here. Also see Appendix B Not applicable. 54 AP-15 Expected Resources – 91.220(c)(1,2) Introduction The projects and activities included in this Action Plan are based on resources that are reasonably anticipated to be available to the City from federal, state, local and private sources for the period of July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025. The actual resources available to support activities during the implementation of the remainder of the Consolidated Plan may vary significantly due to factors outside of the City’s control. For example, HUD formula grant allocations are subject to change each year based on several factors, such as the amount of the national appropriation, changes in ACS population data applied to the CPD grant formulas, statutory changes to the CPD grant formulas, the addition or removal of entitlements receiving a particular CPD grant and the availability of reallocated funds. Additionally, state, local, and private resources will vary significantly depending on economic conditions. For Program Year 2024-2025, the City anticipates to receive $594,271 of CDBG funds from HUD. Coupled with an availability of $26,019 from previously closed out programs, the City will have a total of $620,290 to spend during program year 2024-2025. If additional funds become available during the program year from unanticipated increases in appropriations, savings from completed projects or dropped projects, City staff will increase the funding of the Capital Improvement Activities included in the 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan. No substantial amendments will be required for such an action. 55 Table 6 - Expected Resources – Priority Table Program Source of Funds Uses of Funds Expected Amount Available Year 3 Expected Amount Available Reminder of Con Plan $ Narrative Description Annual Allocation: $ Program Income: $ Prior Year Resources: $ Total: $ CDBG Public- federal Admin and Planning Economic Development Housing Public Improvements Public Services $594,271 $0 $26,019 $620,290 $1,533,872 Based on level funding in subsequent years Explain how federal funds will leverage those additional resources (private, state, and local funds), including a description of how matching requirements will be satisfied Depending on the financing structure of a given activity, it may be advantageous for the City to use CDBG funds to leverage appropriate state, local, and private resources, including but not limited to those listed below. Federal Resources • Continuum of Care (CoC) Program • HUD Veterans Affairs supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) • Supportive Housing for the Elderly (Section 202) • Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities (Section 811) • Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) • Youthbuild • Federal Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program State Resources • State Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program • Building Equity and Growth in Neighborhoods Program (BEGIN) • CalHome Program • State Housing and Community Development Permanent Local Housing Allocation • Multifamily Housing Program (MHP) • Housing Related Parks Grant 56 • CalHFA Single and Multi-Family Program • Mental Health Service Act (MHSA) Funding Local Resources • Riverside County CoC • Housing Authority of Riverside County (HARCO) • Southern California Home Financing Authority (SCHFA) • City of Temecula General Fund • City of Temecula Capital Improvement Program Private Resources • Federal Home Loan Bank, Affordable Housing Program • Community Reinvestment Act Programs • United Way Funding • Private Contributions If appropriate, describe publicly owned land or property located within the jurisdiction that may be used to address the needs identified in the Consolidated Plan On February 1, 2012, the elimination of local Redevelopment Agencies by the State of California resulted in the loss of a crucial resource for the development and preservation of affordable housing. This negatively affected affordable housing and residential investment. While there are mechanisms whereby certain affordable housing assets tied to the former Redevelopment Agencies may be utilized today, the available resources for affordable housing are scarce. The City has selected the developments that will receive a portion of the $12.4 million in Tax Allocation Bond proceeds to construct affordable housing in the City for low - and moderate- income persons. The future developments include the Las Haciendas and Vine Creek apartments located within the City. Both Las Haciendas and Vine Creek are under construction. Any additional land or property necessary to address the needs identified in the Consolidated Plan would need to be acquired using HUD grant funds or other resources. The City of Temecula has made progress on increasing the supply of affordable housing. It has done so by adopting an Affordable Housing Overlay Zone ordinance as an incentive for the construction of affordable housing by the private sector. The City’s density bonus ordinance is another avenue for affordable housing. Additional progress includes three projects that are currently under construction, Las Haciendas with 77 units , ,Rancho Las Bolsas with 55 units, and Vine Creek with 60 units. Lastly, the City currently has an agreement for an additional 6 units 57 through Habitat for Humanity. Discussion The City plans to spend $501,435 of CDBG funds on housing, community development, public facilities, infrastructure, and neighborhood services activities that promote a suitable living environment between July 2024 and June 2025. It is anticipated approximately $412,295 of this will be spent on public facilities, infrastructure, and housing rehab projects and that $89,140 will be spent on neighborhood services. Projects include: • Before and after school programming, • Homeless services, • Housing ownership and financial wellness services, and • ADA modifications. Assuming the continued funding level of the CDBG program, the City may allocate CDBG funds for economic opportunity activities to support the development and expansion of local small businesses during this next Consolidated Planning cycle through its Offic e of Economic Development with its microenterprise assistance program. 58 AP-20 Annual Goals and Objectives Goal Name Time Period Category Geographic Area Needs Addressed Funding Goal Outcome Indicator 1. Affordable Housing Development 2024-2025 Affordable Housing Citywide Promote the development of affordable housing CDBG: $0 Rental units constructed 16 housing units Description: Support development of affordable housing by leveraging CDBG to optimize other public and private sources of financing. 2. Housing Preservation 2024-2025 Affordable Housing Citywide Preserve exiting housing stock CDBG: $0 Homeowner housing rehabbed 0 households Description: Preservation of the quality of existing affordable housing stock occupied by low - and moderate- income households, renters, and owners. 3. Services for low- and moderate-income residents 2024-2025 Public Services Citywide Provide public services for low- and moderate-income, special needs, seniors, and veteran residents CDBG: $50,728 Public service activities other than low-/moderate- income housing benefit 515 people assisted Description: Provide lower-income persons with appropriate health, fitness, recreational, educational, and other services, including, but not limited to, childcare, before and after school care and healthcare services to support the well-being of low- and moderate-income families. 4. Services for residents with special needs, including seniors and veterans. 2024-2025 Public Services Citywide Provide public services for low- and moderate-income, special needs, seniors, and veteran residents CDBG: $30,728 Public service activities other than low-/moderate- income housing benefit: 126 people assisted 59 Goal Name Time Period Category Geographic Area Needs Addressed Funding Goal Outcome Indicator Provide supportive services for residents with special needs, including, but not limited, to those services addressing the needs of residents with disabilities, domestic violence, substance abuse; HIV/AIDS; seniors, and veterans with appropriate supportive services, including, but not limited to, those related to health, fitness, recreational and educational services. 5. Services for the homeless and those at risk of homelessness 2024-2025 Homeless Citywide Provide public services for the homeless and those at risk of homelessness CDBG: $7,682 Public service activities other than low-/moderate- income housing benefit: 32 people assisted Support a continuum of services in Riverside County to prevent and eliminate homelessness including, but not limited to, supportive services for the homeless and those at-risk of homelessness, including homelessness prevention programs, emergency shelter programs and transitional housing. 6. Public facilities an infrastructure improvement 2024-2025 Non-Housing Community Development Citywide Improve neighborhoods, public facilities, and infrastructure CDBG: $412,295 Public facility or infrastructure activities other than low-/moderate- income housing benefit: 7,287 people assisted 60 Goal Name Time Period Category Geographic Area Needs Addressed Funding Goal Outcome Indicator Improve City of Temecula public facilities and infrastructure to benefit low- and moderate-income residents or those presumed under HUD regulations to be low- and moderate-income such as the elderly and disabled adults. The City anticipated averaging approximately one accessibility activity a year. 7. Administration 2024-2025 N/A Citywide N/A CDBG: $118,854 N/A Description: Provide for the timely and compliant administration of the CDBG programs in accordance with HUD policy and federal regulations. HUD requires the City to represent Administration funds as a “goal” within the Strategic Plan so that the sources of funds (refer to Section SP-35) are fully allocated to goals Table 7 – Goals Summary 61 Goal Descriptions 1 Goal Name Affordable Housing Development Goal Description Support development of affordable housing by leveraging CDBG to optimize other public and private sources of financing. 2 Goal Name Housing Preservation Goal Description Preservation of the quality of existing affordable housing stock occupied by low- and moderate-income households, renters, and owners. 3 Goal Name Services for low- and moderate-income residents Goal Description Provide lower-income persons with appropriate health, fitness, recreational, educational, and other services, including, but not limited to, childcare, before and after school care and healthcare services to support the well-being of low- and moderate-income families. 4 Goal Name Services for Residents with Special Needs Goal Description Provide supportive services for residents with special needs, including, but not limited, to those services addressing the needs of residents with disabilities, domestic violence, substance abuse; HIV/AIDS; seniors, and veterans with appropriate supportive services, including, but not limited to, those related to health, fitness, recreational and educational services. 5 Goal Name Services for the Homeless and at risk of homelessness Goal Description Support a continuum of services in Riverside County to prevent and eliminate homelessness including, but not limited to, supportive services for the homeless and those at-risk of homelessness, including homelessness prevention programs, emergency shelter programs and transitional housing. 6 Goal Name Public Facilities and Infrastructure Improvements Goal Description Improve City of Temecula public facilities and infrastructure to benefit low- and moderate-income residents or those presumed under HUD regulations to be low- and moderate-income such as the elderly and disabled adults. The City anticipated averaging approximately one accessibility activity a year. 62 7 Goal Name Program Administration Goal Description Provide for the timely and compliant administration of the CDBG programs in accordance with HUD policy and federal regulations. HUD requires the City to represent Administration funds as a “goal” within the Strategic Plan so that the sources of funds (refer to Section SP -35) are fully allocated to goals AP-35 Projects – 91.220(d) Introduction To address the high priority needs identified in the Strategic Plan to the 2022-2026 Consolidated Plan, the City of Temecula will invest CDBG funds in projects that provide fair housing services; provide services to low- and moderate-income residents; provide services to seniors, veterans, and residents with special needs; prevent homelessness; improve public facilities and infrastructure. Together, these projects will address the housing, community, and economic development needs of Temecula residents, particularly those residents residing in the low - and moderate-income CDBG Target Areas. # Project Name 1 Affordable Housing Development 2 Housing Preservation 3 Services for Low- and Moderate-Income Residents 4 Services for Residents with Special Needs including seniors and veterans 5 Services for the homeless and those at risk of homelessness 6 Public Facilities and Infrastructure Improvements 7 Program Administration Table 8 – Project Information Describe the reasons for allocation priorities and any obstacles to addressing underserved needs Based on the Strategic Plan, the City is allocating 100 percent of its non -administrative CDBG investments for program year 2024-2025 to projects and activities that benefit low- and moderate-income people. The City’s CDBG investments in public facilities and infrastructure improvements activities are directed toward addressing the needs of persons with disabilities. 63 For that reason, the program is not limited to CDBG target areas. The housing and public services activities will also primarily benefiting low- and moderate-income limited clientele on a citywide basis to better address the needs of the underserved . The primary obstacles to meeting the underserved needs of low - and moderate-income people include lack of funding from federal, state, and other local sources, the high cost of housing, and the lack of availability of home improvement financing in the private lending industry. To address these obstacles, the City is investing CDBG funds through the 2024-2025 Action Plan in projects that provide public and neighborhood services to seniors, veterans, persons in foster care, the homeless and other low- and moderate-income people and those with special needs. The City of Temecula has made progress on increasing the supply of affordable housing. It has done so by adopting an Affordable Housing Overlay Zone (AHOZ) ordinance and density bonus ordinance as an incentive for the construction of affordable housing by the private sector. Additional progress includes three projects that are currently under construction, Las Haciendas with 77 units, Vine Creek with 60 units, and Rancho Las Bolsas with 55 units. Lastly, the City currently has an agreement for an additional 6 units through Habitat for Humanity. 64 AP-38 Project Summary Table 9 – Project Summary Information 1 Project Name Affordable Housing Preservation Target Area Citywide Goals Supported Affordable Housing Needs Addressed Promote the development of affordable housing Funding CDBG: $0 Description Support development of affordable housing by leveraging CDBG to optimize other public and private sources of financing. Target Date N/A Estimate the number and type of families that will benefit from the proposed activities Approximately 0 low- and moderate-income households will benefit from the proposed activities during the 2024-2025 program year Location Description N/A Planned Activities No activities during the 2024-2025 program year. Possibility of activities in program years 4-5 of remaining consolidated plan cycle. 65 2 Project Name Housing Preservation Target Area Citywide Goals Supported Affordable Housing Needs Addressed Preserve Existing Housing stock Funding CDBG: $0 Description Preservation of the quality of existing affordable housing stock occupied by low- and moderate-income households, renters, and owners. Target Date N/A Estimate the number and type of families that will benefit from the proposed activities Approximately 0 low and moderate-income people will benefit from the proposed activity during the 2024-2025 program year. Location Description Citywide Planned Activities No activities during the 2024-2025 program year. Possibility of activities in program years 4-5 of remaining consolidated plan cycle. 66 3 Project Name Services for Low- and Moderate-Income Residents Target Area Citywide Goals Supported Public Services Needs Addressed Provide public services for low-income residents Funding CDBG: $50,728 Description Provide lower-income persons with appropriate health, fitness, recreational, educational, and other services, including, but not limited to, childcare, before and after school care and healthcare services to support the well-being of low- and moderate-income families. Target Date 6/30/2025 Estimate the number and type of families that will benefit from the proposed activities Approximately 515 low- and moderate-income people will benefit from the proposed activities. Location Description Citywide Planned Activities Assistance League of Temecula Valley (70 children) CDBG: $7,682 Boys and Girls Club (6 children) CDBG: $7,682 The Empowerment Center – Youth Mental Health Worker Program (50 persons) $7,682 Fair Housing of Riverside County – Comprehensive Program (370 persons) $20,000 Habitat for Humanity – Brush with Kindness Program (19 persons) $7,682 67 4 Project Name Services for Residents with Special Needs Target Area Citywide Goals Supported Public Services Needs Addressed Public services for residents with special needs, seniors, and veteran residents. Funding CDBG: $30,728 Description Provide supportive services for residents with special needs, including, but not limited, to those services addressing the needs of residents with disabilities, domestic violence, substance abuse; HIV/AIDS; seniors, and veterans with appropriate supportive services, including, but not limited to, those related to health, fitness, recreational and educational services. Target Date 6/30/2025 Estimate the number and type of families that will benefit from the proposed activities Approximately 126 special needs and low and moderate- income people will benefit from the proposed activities. Location Description Citywide Planned Activities SAFE Alternatives for Everyone (69 persons) CDBG: $7,682 Voices for Children (CASA) (4 children) CDBG: $7,682 Riverside County Rape Crisis Center (15 persons): $7,682 Hospice of the Valleys – Senior Assistance Program (38 persons) $7,682 68 5 Project Name Services for the Homeless & those at risk of homelessness Target Area Citywide Goals Supported Homeless Needs Addressed Provide public services to the homeless and those at risk of homelessness Funding CDBG: $7,682 Description Support a continuum of services in Riverside County to prevent and eliminate homelessness including, but not limited to, supportive services for the homeless and those at-risk of homelessness, including homelessness prevention programs, emergency shelter programs and transitional housing. Target Date 6/30/2025 Estimate the number and type of families that will benefit from the proposed activities Approximately 32 homeless or at-risk of homelessness people will benefit from the proposed activities. Location Description Citywide Planned Activities Homeless Prevention and Diversion Program (8 persons) $7,682 69 6 Project Name Public Facilities and Infrastructure Improvements Target Area Citywide Goals Supported Non-Housing Community Development Needs Addressed Improve Neighborhoods, Public Facilities, and Infrastructure Funding CDBG: $412,295 Description Improve City of Temecula public facilities and infrastructure to benefit low- and moderate-income residents or those presumed under HUD regulations to be low- and moderate- income such as the elderly and disabled adults. The City anticipated averaging approximately one accessibility activity a year. Target Date 6/30/2025 Estimate the number and type of families that will benefit from the proposed activities 7,805 disabled residents in the City will benefit from the 2024- 2025 CDBG removal of architectural barrier activities. Location Description Citywide Planned Activities Temecula Public Works Dept. – ADA Compliance Program (7,805 persons): $412,295 7 Project Name Program Administration Target Area Citywide Goals Supported All Needs Addressed All Funding CDBG: $118,854 Description Provide for the timely and compliant administration of the CDBG programs in accordance with HUD policy and federal regulations. HUD requires the City to represent Administration funds as a “goal” within the Strategic Plan so that the sources of funds (refer to Section SP-35) are fully allocated to goals Target Date 6/30/2025 70 Estimate the number and type of families that will benefit from the proposed activities Not applicable. Location Description Not applicable. Planned Activities City of Temecula: CDBG Administration $118,854 71 AP-50 Geographic Distribution – 91.220(f) Description of the geographic areas of the entitlement (including areas of low -income and minority concentration) where assistance will be directed The City of Temecula is located along Interstate 15 (I-15) in southwestern Riverside County, just north of the San Diego County line. The City of Temecula will use CDBG funds to address the needs of the 7,805 persons with disabilities in the City by removing architectural barriers in City-owned public improvements and facilities. This will be done by addressing the ADA components and priorities identified in the City’s Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Transition Plan. The City of Temecula is an exception community under the CDBG Program with only four census tracts where at least 51 percent of the residents are of low and moderate income. These scattered tracts (CT 432, 496, 505, 512) are located where there are existing apartment complexes. See Appendix D for a map identifying census tracts with greatest number of low- and moderate-income person. According to the adopted Assessment of Fair Housing, the City remains a diverse and integrated community with no significant concentrations of minorities. The City has no Racially or Ethnically Concentrated Areas of Poverty (R/ECAPs) and the City’s dissimilarity index score and mapping all indicate a highly integrated community. Table 10 - Geographic Distribution Target Area Percentage of Funds CDBG Target Area 0% Citywide 100% Rationale for the priorities for allocating investments geographically The City's primary method of allocating CDBG dollars is to assist low - to moderate-income areas and special needs populations. While 100% of the funds will be used to address the needs of lower income persons, none of the 2024-2025 Program Year funds will be used exclusively in eligible target areas, because the City will be addressing ADA needs in accordance with the AFH. For affordable housing, the City's resources will be allocated in areas where affordable housing is lacking and/or infill areas can accommodate affordable housing, when feasible. During Program Year 3, the City is allocating resources to those activities/programs defined as high priority pursuant to those established within the Consolidated Plan. Activities listed as high priority include facility and infrastructure improvements including accessibility upgrades ; and a 72 provision of services including childcare, clothing, food, fair housing, shelter, health care, victims of domestic violence, assistance to persons with disabilities and other social services. As mentioned in the City’s Strategic Plan, the greatest obstacle to meeting underserved needs is lack of funding. The City has many needs that exceed available funding, including infrastructure maintenance and repair, housing, and services to special needs populations, comprehensive housing, and services to assist persons who are chronically homeless move into supportive housing environments and provision of affordable housing. Both private foundations and public agencies have limited resources available to address social, community, and economic development goals pale in comparison to the recognized needs. For example, the City was able to fund only about 70 percent of the public service requests received from non-profit and government agencies this fiscal year. The City strongly encourages its subrecipients to seek other resources, to forge new partnerships, and to leverage additional funding whenever possible from local, State, Federal, and private sources. The City urges CDBG- funded programs and services to be flexible, while at the same time to be as efficient and effective as possible to achieve expected performance outcomes. Discussion Based on the Strategic Plan, the City is allocating 100 percent of its non -administrative CDBG funds for program year 2024-2025 to projects and activities that benefit low- and moderate- income people. The City does not have any Neighborhood Strategy Areas. 73 AP-55 Affordable Housing – 91.220(g) The 2022-2026 Consolidated Plan provides the framework for investing CDBG funds in the City. Promote the development of affordable housing and preserve the existing housing stocks have been identified as high priority needs. No new affordable housing will be created in program year 2024-2025. Based on evaluation of ACS and CHAS data, there is a high need for additional rental housing units affordable for households earning less than 80 percent of AMI. Of the households earning 0-80 percent of AMI, 10,715 are cost burdened households — meaning households paying more than 30 percent of their income for housing. Furthermore, 4,645 of those households are considered severely cost burdened— meaning they pay more than 50 percent of their income for housing. Within the severely cost burdened households, 2,965 are renters and most of those households (2,150) earn less than 50 percent of AMI and are considered the most at risk of becoming homeless. The age and condition of Temecula’s housing stock is an important indicator of potential rehabilitation needs. Over 90 percent of housing in Temecula has been constructed since 1980. Commonly, housing over 30 years of age needs some form of major rehabilit ation, such as roof replacement, foundation work and plumbing systems. Housing over 20 years of age will generally exhibit deficiencies in terms of paint, weatherization, heating / air-conditioning systems, hot water heaters and finish plumbing fixtures. According to CHAS data showing the year housing units were built categorized by owner and renter tenure: • Built 2000 or later 8,290 or 38 percent of the 21,600 owner-occupied housing units • Built 1980-1999 11,920 or 55 percent of the 21,600-owner occupied housing unit • Built 2000 or later 4,900 or 41 percent of the 12,045 renter-occupied housing units • Built 1980-1999 6,050 or 50 percent of the 12,045 renter occupied housing units Preservation of the physical and functional integrity of existing housing units occupied by low - and moderate-income households is a cost-effective way to invest limited resources to retain existing housing units that are already affordable to low- and moderate-income households in the community One Year Goals for the Number of Households to be Supported Homeless 0 Non-Homeless 8 Special-Needs 0 Total 8 74 Table 11 - One Year Goals for Affordable Housing by Support Requirement One Year Goals for the Number of Households Supported Through Rental Assistance 8 The Production of New Units 0 Rehab of Existing Units 0 Acquisition of Existing Units 0 Total 8 Table 12 - One Year Goals for Affordable Housing by Support Type Discussion In prior annual action plans, the City has funded residential rehabilitation with CDBG funds. Although no application was received for the 2024-2025 program year, applications are anticipated in subsequent program years. This program does not provide adequate to address the need in Temecula. State, other federal, and private resources are necessary to have a greater impact. The City approved Affirmed Housing proposal to re-syndicate and rehabilitate the 76-unit Mission Village apartments to preserve affordable housing in the City. This projects construction was completed in 2021. The City of Temecula has made progress on increasing the supply of affordable housing. It has done so by, adopting an Affordable Housing Overlay Zone and density bonus ordinance as an incentive for the construction of affordable housing by the private sector. Additional progress includes two projects that are currently under construction, Las Haciendas with 77 units , Vine Creek with 60 units and Rancho Las Bolsas with 55 units.. Lastly, the City has an agreement for an additional 6 units through Habitat for Humanity. 75 AP-60 Public Housing – 91.220(h) Introduction There are 184 units of assisted housing in Temecula, 129 of which are Housing Choice Vouchers and 55 of which are Project Based Section 8. As of September 2022, 138 families including 93 of whom have disabilities and some of whom are elderly. There are no public housing developments in Temecula. All public housing programs consist of housing choice and project-based vouchers administered by the Housing Authority of the County of Riverside (HACR). HACR monitors all units to ensure they are in adequate condition, meeting the Section 8 Housing Quality Standards (HQS). Actions planned during the next year to address the needs to public housing There are no public housing developments or units planned for the City of Temecula in the next year. HACR will continue to actively support and assist Temecula residents with Housing Choice Vouchers. Actions to encourage public housing residents to become more involved in management and participate in homeownership HACR maintains active resident councils at all public housing developments and includes resident members on its Board of Directors. HACR constantly seeks feedback from residents on improvements and planning documents to ensure activities are meeting the needs of residents. HACR maintains a home ownership program for current public housing tenants through its Homeownership Program. HACR also links its Homeownership Program with its Family Self - Sufficiency Program to help households save money for a down payment through an esc row account. If the PHA is designated as troubled, describe the manner in which financial assistance will be provided or other assistance Not applicable. HACR is designated as a High Performing PHA. Discussion According to the Housing Authority, there are 138 households receiving tenant-based Section 8 vouchers and 26 project-based Section 8 vouchers in Temecula. 76 AP-65 Homeless and Other Special Needs Activities – 91.220(i) Introduction The City will invest CDBG funds during the 2024-2025 Program Year to address high priority needs identified in the Consolidated Plan including provision of supportive services for the homeless and those at risk of homelessness, low- and moderate income, special needs, senior residents, victims of violence, and persons with disabilities. Homelessness Services The January 2023 Point-In-Time Homeless Count revealed on any given night in Riverside County, approximately 3,725 people are homeless, up from 2,884 counted in a prior effort undertaken in January 2020. In January 2023, 372 people were in shelters and 605 people were without shelter. To address incidences of homelessness in the City and to prevent extremely low -income Temecula families from becoming homeless, the City will place a high priority on programs that work to prevent homelessness or rapidly connect homeless individuals with housing and supportive services. To address this need, in Program Year 2024-2025 the City will support a continuum of services utilizing leveraged funds through the Riverside County CoC to prevent and eliminate homelessness including, but not limited to homelessness prevention and outreach, and subsistence payment programs. The City of Temecula will run these programs. Services for Residents with Special Needs Analysis of available data and consultation with organizations providing services for special needs populations revealed a high need for a range of additional services including, but not limited to those concerned with developmentally disabled adults and victims of violence. To address these needs, the City will allocate CDBG funds for public service activities that will provide services for low-income seniors, victims of violence and children. These projects will be carried out by the Assistance League of Temecula Valley, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Southwest County, the Hospice of the Valley, Riverside Area Rape Crisis Center, SAFE Family Justice Centers, The Empowerment Cetner, and Voices for Children. Describe the jurisdictions one-year goals and actions for reducing and ending homelessness including reaching out to homeless persons (especially unsheltered persons) and assessing their individual needs The City’s one year goal to provide services to the homeless and those at risk of homelessness is one step in ending homelessness. Activities under this goal include outreach and assessment and will be provided through the City of Temecula’s Homeless Prevention and Diversion program’s short term subsistence payments that can go towards rents, security deposits, and or utility payments. 77 Addressing the emergency shelter and transitional housing needs of homeless persons The City of Temecula supports the efforts of the Riverside County Continuum of Care (CoC) and its member organizations that address homelessness. As described earlier, the City supports local nonprofit agencies who provide emergency rental assistance and housing counseling to low- and moderate-income residents to prevent homelessness. The City at this point in time is not funding any of these activities with CDBG funds, however, it should be noted that the City of Temecula's CDBG-CV funds (in the amount of $55,000) are awarded to a Homeless Bridge housing activity for those who have been negatively impacted by COVID-19. it will ensure that transitional housing is provided to this vulnerable population. Helping homeless persons (especially chronically homeless individuals and families, families with children, veterans and their families, and unaccompanied youth) make the transition to permanent housing and independent living, including shortening the peri od of time that individuals and families experience homelessness, facilitating access for homeless individuals and families to affordable housing units, and preventing individuals and families who were recently homeless from becoming homeless again To keep families who are at risk of homelessness due to domestic violence housed, the City will provide CDBG funds to the SAFE Alternatives for Everyone Program to provide victim awareness, case management, and support for victims. In situations where the services for this clientele group comes to receive services, most if not all are also addressing a change to transition to other permanent housing. Whether that is coordination to some type of temporary shelter, other family homes, friends, it ensures that the resident is removed from the situation and housed for their own safety. The types of services and case management have been far more effective when being able to get the victim and their children if they have any out of the situation for which they called in for. Helping low-income individuals and families avoid becoming homeless, especially extremely low-income individuals and families and those who are: being discharged from publicly funded institutions and systems of care (such as health care facilities, mental health facilities, foster care and other youth facilities, and corrections programs and institutions); or, receiving assistance from public or private agencies that address housing, health, social services, employment, education, or youth needs The City participates in the Riverside County CoC. The Riverside County CoC Ten-Year Plan to End Homelessness included a goal to establish County wide protocols and procedures to prevent people from being discharged from public and private institutions of care into homelessness. The CoC is seeking to improve coordination among publicly and privately funded institutions of care 78 and local service agencies to achieve this goal. Discussion With limited CDBG resources available, the City is investing in public service grants. City of Temecula considers working to end and prevent homelessness a high priority and will support CDBG funded activities that help prevent homelessness and that provide a structured path to stable housing for individuals and families who become homeless. The City is inve sting general funds through the Police Department budget to provide HOT Program officers that will connect unsheltered homeless individuals and families with emergency shelter, transitional housing, and permanent housing opportunities, as well as other services to address special needs such as drug and alcohol rehabilitation and mental health services. The City will continue to take a leadership role in the Southwest Riverside County Homeless Alliance team meetings, where homeless providers will collaborate in addressing the homeless needs. 79 AP-75 Barriers to affordable housing – 91.220(j) Introduction: A barrier to affordable housing is a public policy or nongovernmental condition that constrains the development or rehabilitation of affordable housing. Barriers can include land use controls, property taxes, state prevailing wage requirements, environmental protection, cost of land and monetary resources. Barriers to affordable housing are distinguished from impediments to fair housing choice in the sense that barriers are lawful and impediments to fair housing choice are usually unlawful. Based on information gathered during community meetings, the 2022 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice, Consolidated Plan Resident Survey, the 2021-2029 Housing Element and market analysis, the primary barriers to affordable housing in Temecula are • housing affordability, • the lack of monetary resources necessary to develop and sustain affordable housing, • concentrations of racial and ethnic minorities, • access to opportunities and exposure to adverse community factors, and • housing issues. These barriers are interconnected. Demand for affordable housing exceeds the supply, insufficient resources are available to increase the supply of affordable housing resulting in renter households – and to a disproportionate extent Black, Native American, and Hispanic renter households - living in suboptimal housing conditions. Those conditions are housing cost burden, incomplete kitchens, and plumbing, overcrowding, cost burden, inordinately great distances from employment centers, low access to public and affordable transportation, low homeownership rates and high exposure to poverty. As Temecula’s population continues to change it should anticipate meeting the needs of a small and increasing proportion of the population in Temecula has limited English proficiency, an aging population and those posed by increasingly diverse population and degree of segregation trends. The elimination of local Redevelopment Agencies by the State of California resulted in the loss of a crucial resource for the development and preservation of affordable housing. This was the most significant public policy change impacting affordable housing and residential investment. While there are mechanisms whereby certain affordable housing assets tied to the former Redevelopment Agencies may be utilized today, these resources are finite and scarce. Actions it planned to remove or ameliorate the negative effects of public policies that serve as barriers to affordable housing such as land use controls, tax policies affecting land, zoning ordinances, building codes, fees and charges, growth limitations, and policies affecting the 80 return on residential investment To address these barriers the City will work to take the following steps. • Investing CDBG into preservation of affordable housing and continuing to leverage CDBG funds to attract private and other available public resources, • Marketing CDBG-funded programs in high poverty areas in a way that is accessible to low- income residents, • Promoting or targeting CDBG funded non-housing activities to high poverty areas, • Promoting fair housing education for tenants and homebuyers, and landlord and realtors, • Maintaining fair housing resource on the City website and maintaining housing and a community development resources list • Launching a Permit Ready Accessory Dwelling Unit program (completed in 2023) Additionally, the City adopted an Affordable Housing Overlay Zone (AHOZ) ordinance and density bonus ordiannce, which addresses the need for affordable housing in three ways. First it created the conditions for the development of new affordable housing units in a range of sizes including micro units and efficiencies that may be beneficial to developmentally disab led adults. The AHOZ also removed barriers to affordable housing development by allowing multi-family uses at higher densities by right without a conditional use permit. The AHOZ established this zone on at least 100 acres throughout the City to promote inclusive living patterns with respect to the location of affordable housing outside of areas with relatively higher exposure to poverty. The City will continue to work with developers in accessing other funds to address the affordable housing needs. Discussion: Although the City no longer has Redevelopment funding, the City will continue to leverage its local funds to attract private and other available public resources, including land conveyed to the City for affordable housing, to facilitate affordable housing development. This strategy will increase the supply of affordable housing and preserve existing affordable housing in the City. 81 AP-85 Other Actions – 91.220(k) Introduction: The City’s planned investment of CDBG funds through the 2024-2025 Action Plan will address obstacles to fostering development of and maintaining existing affordable housing; evaluating and reducing lead-based paint hazards; reducing the number of families living in at or below the poverty line; developing institutional structure; and enhanced coordination among collaborative agencies and organizations. Additionally, this section will identify obstacles to meeting underserved populations needs and propose action to overcome those obstacles. Actions planned to address obstacles to meeting underserved needs The primary obstacles to meeting the underserved needs of low - and moderate-income people include lack of funding from federal, state, and other local sources, and the high cost of housing. To address this obstacle, at least in part, the City is investing CDBG funds in local nonprofit organizations to address the public service needs of those who are homeless, at risk of homelessness, seniors, and victims of violence. To address underserved needs, the City is allocating 100 percent of its non-administrative CDBG funds in Program Year 2024-2025 to projects and activities that benefit low- and moderate- income people or people presumed under HUD regulations to be low- and moderate-income. Actions planned to foster and maintain affordable housing In the implementation of the 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan, the City will invest Community Reinvestment Program (CRP) funds to preserve and maintain affordable housing through the Habitat for Humanity Critical Homeownership and Financial Wellness courses to ensure that those who are in the process of purchasing a home that they are assisted in the process and are getting into a home that they can afford. Actions planned to reduce lead-based paint hazards The Residential Lead Based Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 (Title X) emphasizes prevention of childhood lead poisoning through housing-based approaches. Because nearly all of the City’s housing stock was built after 1978, it is rare for the City to encounter lead -based paint hazards as part of its housing rehabilitation program. Should a hazard exist, the City will require lead- based paint testing and risk assessments for each property assisted that was built prior to January 1, 1978, and safe work practices or abatement into the scope of work as required to reduce lead - 82 based paint hazards in accordance with 24 CFR Part 35. Actions planned to reduce the number of poverty-level families The implementation of CDBG meeting the goals established in the 2022-2026 Consolidated Plan - Strategic Plan and this Annual Action Plan will help to reduce the number of poverty -level families by: • Supporting activities that preserve the supply of decent housing that is affordable to low - and moderate-income households; • Supporting a continuum of housing and public service programs to prevent and eliminate homelessness; • Supporting housing preservation programs that assure low income households have a safe, decent and appropriate place to live; and • Supporting public services for low- and moderate-income residents including seniors, victims of violence and those with special needs and those at-risk of homelessness offered by nonprofit organizations receiving CDBG public services grants. In addition to these local efforts, mainstream state and federal resources also contribute to reducing the number of individuals and families in poverty. Federal programs such as the Earned Income Tax Credit and Head Start providing pathways out of poverty for families who are ready to pursue employment and educational opportunities. Additionally in California, the primary programs that assist families in poverty are CalWORKS, CalFresh (formerly food stamps) and Medi-Cal. Together, these programs provide individuals and families with employment assistance, subsidy for food, medical care, childcare and cash payments to meet basic needs such as housing, nutrition and transportation. Other services are available to assist persons suffering from substance abuse, domestic violence and mental illness. Actions planned to develop institutional structure The institutional delivery system in Temecula is high-functioning and collaborative—particularly the relationship between local government and the nonprofit sector comprised of a network of capable non-profit organizations that are delivering a full range of services to residents. Strong City departments anchor the administration of HUD grant programs and the housing, community and economic development activities that are implemented by the City to support and enhance this existing institutional structure. Actions planned to enhance coordination between public and private housing and social service agencies Actions planned to enhance coordination between public and private housing and social 83 service agencies To enhance coordination between public and private housing and social service agencies, the City will continue consulting with and inviting the participation of a wide variety of agencies and organizations involved in the delivery of housing and supportive services to low- and moderate- income residents in Temecula—particularly in the CDBG Target Areas. Discussion: In the implementation of the 2024-2025 Action Plan, the City will invest CDBG resources to address obstacles to meeting underserved needs, foster and maintain affordable housing, reduce lead-based paint hazards, reduce the number of poverty-level families, develop institutional structure and enhance coordination between public and private housing and social service agencies. 84 AP-90 Program Specific Requirements – 91.220(l)(1,2,4) Introduction: In the implementation of programs and activities under the 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan, the City of Temecula will follow all HUD regulations concerning the use of program income, forms of investment, overall low- and moderate-income benefit for the CDBG program. Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) Reference 24 CFR 91.220(l)(1) Projects planned with all CDBG funds expected to be available during the year are identified in the Projects Table. The following identifies program income that is available for use that is included in projects to be carried out. 1. The total amount of program income that will have been received before the start of the next program year and that has not yet been reprogrammed $0 2. The amount of proceeds from section 108 loan guarantees that will be used during the year to address the priority needs and specific objectives identified in the grantee's Strategic Plan $0 3. The amount of surplus funds from urban renewal settlements $0 4. The amount of any grant funds returned to the line of credit for which the planned use has not been included in a prior statement or plan. $0 5. The amount of income from float-funded activities $0 Total Program Income $0 Other CDBG Requirements 1. The amount of urgent need activities 0 2. The estimated percentage of CDBG funds that will be used for activities that benefit persons of low and moderate income. Overall Benefit - A consecutive period of three (3) years may be used to determine that a minimum overall benefit of 70% of CDBG funds is used to benefit persons of low and moderate income. Specify the years covered that include this Annual Action Plan. 100%0 Discussion: In the implementation of programs and activities under the 2024-2025 Annual Action Plan, the City of Temecula will follow all HUD regulations concerning the use of program income, forms of investment and overall low- and moderate-income benefit for the CDBG program. Consolidated Plan and Action Plan Appendices Alternate / Local Data Sources ....................................................................................... Appendix A Citizen Participation and Consultation ........................................................................... Appendix B Grantee Unique Appendices ........................................................................................... Appendix C Grantee SF-424s and Action Plan Certifications ............................................................. Appendix D Appendix A Alternate / Local Data Sources 1 Data Source Name Riverside County 2023 Homeless Count Report List the name of the organization or individual who originated the data set. The County of Riverside Department of Public Social Services Homeless Programs Unit Provide a brief summary of the data set. There are 3,725adults and children who are homeless during a point-in-time in the County of Riverside according to the Riverside County 2023 Homeless Count and Subpopulation Survey. This represents a 12%% increase when compared to the number of homeless persons who were counted. What was the purpose for developing this data set? To meet HUD requirements. Provide the year (and optionally month, or month and day) for when the data was collected. The homeless count was conducted on the streets during the hours of 5 a.m. and 9 a.m. in January 2023. The count was also conducted on the same day in shelters and transitional housing programs throughout the county. Briefly describe the methodology for the data collection. Data collection was obtained using HUD-required methods for the conduct of a PIT Count. Describe the total population from which the sample was taken. Per HUD’s instructions, a person was considered homeless, and thus counted, only when he/she fell within the HUD-based definition by residing in places not meant for human habitation, such as cars, parks, sidewalks and abandoned buildings; in an emergency shelter; and In transitional housing for homeless persons. Describe the demographics of the respondents or characteristics of the unit of measure, and the number of respondents or units surveyed. See AP-65 2 Data Source Name 2023 CoC Homeless Program Inventory Point in Time (PIT) Count List the name of the organization or individual who originated the data set. Riverside County Department of Public Social Services (DPSS) Provide a brief summary of the data set. Provides the inventory of emergency, transitional and permanent supportive housing beds. What was the purpose for developing this data set? To monitor the effectiveness of HUD programs in addressing the needs of the homeless population How comprehensive is the coverage of this administrative data? Is data collection concentrated in one geographic area or among a certain population? The PIT covers the entire County’s homeless population including Temecula. What time period (provide the year, and optionally month, or month and day) is covered by this data set? January 2023 What is the status of the data set (complete, in progress, or planned)? Complete. Appendix B Citizen Participation and Consultation NOFA Workshop Notice Finance Committee Public Notice Summary of Public Comments at Public Hearings and Community Meetings Technical Workshop for Notice of Funding Availability December 5, 2023 Staff answered questions regarding application submittal process and eligibility issues. Temecula Finance Committee Meeting Tuesday, February 13, 2024 8 representatives from agencies that submitted applications for CDBG funds during the Notice of Funding Availability period (NOFA) addressed the Committee on agenda items for representation and availability to address any questions they had about their applications . Finance committee convened and determined funding recommendations for City Council to consider. Public Hearing Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Insert comments once meeting is held. Appendix C Grantee Unique Appendices Appendix D City of Temecula Map of Eligible CDBG Areas Appendix E Grantee SF-424s and Action Plan Certifications To be inserted after the Public Hearing on April 23, 2024.