HomeMy WebLinkAbout05142024 CC AgendaIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the office of the City Clerk (951) 694-6444. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to that meeting [28 CFR ADA Title 11]. AGENDA TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 41000 MAIN STREET TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA MAY 14, 2024 - 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER: Mayor James Stewart INVOCATION: Sylvester Scott of Bahai's of Temecula FLAG SALUTE: Mayor James Stewart ROLL CALL: Alexander, Kalfus, Schwank, Stewart PRESENTATIONS Presentation of Certificate of Recognition to Angelyn Miracle -Fowler for "Caught With Your Helmet On Program" Presentation of Proclamation for National Bike Month Presentation Regarding Fiber Optic Communications/Coordinated Traffic Signal Timing Results BOARD / COMMISSION REPORTS Community Services Commission and Traffic Safety Commission PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT County of Riverside, Riverside County Sheriffs Department PUBLIC COMMENTS - NON -AGENDA ITEMS A total of 30 minutes is provided for members of the public to address the City Council on matters not listed on the agenda. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the City Clerk. Speaker cards will be called in the order received. Still images may be displayed on the projector. All other audio and visual use is prohibited. Public comments may also be submitted by email for inclusion into the record. Email comments must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments and submitted to CouncilComments@temeculaca.gov. All public participation is governed by Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. Page 1 City Council Agenda May 14, 2024 CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Reports by the members of the City Council on matters not on the agenda will be made at this time. A total, not to exceed, ten minutes will be devoted to these reports. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the City Council request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. A total of 30 minutes is provided for members of the public to address the City Council on matters on the Consent Calendar. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the City Clerk. Speaker cards will be called in the order received. Still images maybe displayed on the projector. All other audio and visual use is prohibited. Public comments may also be submitted by email for inclusion into the record. Email comments must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments and submitted to CouncilComments@temeculaca.gov. All public participation is governed by Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. 1. Waive Reading of Title and Text of All Ordinances and Resolutions Included in the A _ eg nda Recommendation: That the City Council waive the reading of the title and text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. Attachments: Agenda Report 2. Approve Action Minutes of April 23, 2024 Recommendation: That the City Council approve the action minutes of April 23, 2024. Attachments: Action Minutes 3. Approve List of Demands Recommendation: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: Attachments: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A Agenda Report Resolution List of Demands 4. Approve Financial Statements for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2024 Recommendation: That the City Council: Page 2 City Council Agenda May 14, 2024 5. 6. 7. 1. Receive and file the financial statements for the 3rd quarter ended March 31, 2024; and 2. Approve Fiscal Year 2023-24 budget adjustments identified during the preparation of the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Proposed Annual Operating Budget. Attachments: Agenda Report Financial Statements Approve Agreement for Consultant Services with MDG Associates, Inc. to Provide Community Development Block Grant Administration Services for Fiscal Years 2024-2027 Recommendation: That the City Council approve an agreement for consultant services with MDG Associates, Inc. for a total agreement of $82,000 annually, to provide Community Development Block Grant Administration Services for Fiscal Years 2024-2027, not to exceed $410,000 over the term of the agreement. Attachments: Agenda Report Agreement Approve Consultant Agreement with GHD, Inc. for the De Portola Road/Jedediah Smith Road Roundabout Project, PW23-01 Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Approve a consultant agreement with GHD, Inc., in the amount of $600,020, for the De Portola Road/Jedediah Smith Road Roundabout Project, PW23-01; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to approve extra work authorizations not to exceed the contingency amount of $60,002, which is equal to 10% of the agreement amount. Attachments: Agenda Report Agreement Project Description Approve Minor Maintenance Agreement with Trueline Construction & Surfacing, Inc., for Sport Court Maintenance, Crack -Fill, Resurfacing and Striping Services Recommendation: That the City Council approve a minor maintenance agreement with Trueline Construction & Surfacing, Inc., for sport court maintenance, crack -fill, resurfacing and striping services for Fiscal Years 2025-2029, in the amount of $500,000. Attachments: Agenda Report Agreement Page 3 City Council Agenda May 14, 2024 8. Approve First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with CNS Engineers, Inc., for the Murrieta Creek Bridge at Overland Drive Project, PW 16-05 Recommendation AttarhmPntc That the City Council: 1. Approve the first amendment to the professional services agreement with CNS Engineers, Inc; and 2. Increase the City Manager's Authority to approve extra work by $300,000. Agenda Report Amendment Project Location Map Project Description 9. Approve Second Amendment to Consultant Agreement with T.Y. Lin International for the I-15/French Valley ParkwaLprovements - Phase II, PW 16-01 Recommendation Attachments That the City Council approve the second amendment to the agreement for consultant services with T.Y. Lin International in an amount not to exceed $200,000, to provide continued construction support during construction and prepare the Financial Plan Update for the I-15/French Valley Parkway Improvements - Phase II, PW 16-01. Agenda Report Amendment CIP Project Budget Sheet 10. Award Construction Contract to Beador Construction Company, Inc., for the Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase II - Margarita Road Under -Crossing Project, PW 19-04 Recommendation That the City Council: 1. Approve the appropriation of $1,562,908 from DIF - Open Space & Trails to the Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase II - Margarita Road Under -Crossing Project, PW19-04; and 2. Reject the bid received from Leonida Builders, Inc. for the Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase II - Margarita Road Under -Crossing Project, PW 19-04; and 3. Award a construction contract to Beador Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $3,565,700 for the Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase II - Margarita Road Under -Crossing Project, PW 19-04; and Page 4 City Council Agenda May 14, 2024 11. 12. 4. Authorize the City Manager to approve construction contract change orders up to 10% of the contract amount, $356,570; and 5. Authorize payment of $9,831.95 to the Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority for the Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan fee required for construction of the Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase II - Margarita Road Under -Crossing Project, PW 19-04. Attachments: Agenda Report Contract Project Description Project Location Beador Letter (March 21, 2024) City Letter to Leonida (April 2, 20241 Leonida Email (April 2, 2024) City Letter to Leonida (April 9, 2024� Award Construction Contract to Act 1 PW? 1-()'1 Recommendation: That the City Council: Inc.. for the Pickleball Court Pro 1. Approve the appropriation of $261,000 of DIF - Quimby funds to the Pickleball Court Project, PW21-03; and 2. Award a construction contract to Act 1 Construction, Inc., in the amount of $2,408,434.95 for the Pickleball Court Project, PW21-03; and 3. Authorize the City Manager to approve construction contract change orders up to 10% of the contract amount, $240,843.50; and 4. Make a finding that the Pickleball Courts Project, PW21-03 is exempt from Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan fees. Attachments: Agenda Report Contract Project Description Project Location Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Solicitation of Construction Bids for the Sidewalks - Pauba Road Project, PW 19-20 Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Approve the plans and specifications and authorize the Department of Public Works to solicit construction bids for the Sidewalks - Pauba Road Project, PW19-20; and Page 5 City Council Agenda May 14, 2024 13. 2. Make a finding that this project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Article 19, Categorical Exemption, Section 15301, Existing Facilities, of the CEQA Guidelines. Attachments: Agenda Report Project Description Project Location Adopt List of Projects to be Funded by Senate Bill One (SB1) for Fiscal Year 2024-25 Recommendation: Attachments That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADOPTING A LIST OF PROJECTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 FUNDED BY SB 1: THE ROAD REPAIR AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 2017 Agenda Report Resolution RECESS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TO SCHEDULED MEETINGS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT, THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, THE TEMECULA HOUSING AUTHORITY, AND/OR THE TEMECULA PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY Page 6 City Council Agenda May 14, 2024 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MEETING CALL TO ORDER: President Zak Schwank ROLL CALL: Alexander, Kalfus, Schwank, Stewart CSD PUBLIC COMMENTS - NON -AGENDA ITEMS A total of 30 minutes is provided for members of the public to address the Board of Directors on matters not listed on the agenda. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the City Clerk. Speaker cards will be called in the order received. Still images may be displayed on the projector. All other audio and visual use is prohibited. Public comments may also be submitted by email for inclusion into the record. Email comments must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments and submitted to CouncilComments@temeculaca.gov. All public participation is governed by Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. CSD CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the Community Services District request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. A total of 30 minutes is provided for members of the public to address the Board of Directors on items that appear on the Consent Calendar. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the City Clerk. Speaker cards will be called in the order received. Still images may be displayed on the projector. All other audio and visual use is prohibited. Public comments may also be submitted by email for inclusion into the record. Email comments must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments and submitted to CouncilComments@temeculaca.gov. All public participation is governed by Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. 14. Approve Action Minutes of April 23, 2024 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the action minutes of April 23, 2024. Attachments: Action Minutes 15. Approve Financial Statements for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2024 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the financial statements for the 3rd quarter ended March 31, 2024. Attachments: Agenda Report Financial Statements 16. Approve Multi -Year Agreements and Amendments for Services for Various Events, Classes, Programs and Activities Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the following multi -year agreements Page 7 City Council Agenda May 14, 2024 and amendments for services for various Community Services Department events, classes, programs, and activities: Andrew Stein - $175,000/5-year - Promotional Items Jeffrey Waddleton - $150,000/5-year - DJ & Announcing Services M & J Paul Enterprises - $150,000/5-year - Event Services T & G Global, LLC - $500,000/5-year - Holiday Decor TNT Entertainment Group - $50,000/1-year - Event Services Attachments: Agenda Report Agreement - Andrew Stein dba Parklnk Agreement - Jeffrey L. Waddleton Agreement - M & J Paul Enterprises Agreement - T & G Global, LLC First Amendment - TNT Entertainment Group CSD DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT CSD GENERAL MANAGER REPORT CSD BOARD OF DIRECTOR REPORTS CSD ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Temecula Community Services District will be held on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., for a Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 6:00 p.m., at the Council Chambers located at 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. Page 8 City Council Agenda May 14, 2024 SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CALL TO ORDER: Chair James Stewart ROLL CALL: Alexander, Kalfus, Schwank, Stewart SARDA PUBLIC COMMENTS - NON -AGENDA ITEMS A total of 30 minutes is provided for members of the public to address the Board of Directors on matters not listed on the agenda. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the City Clerk. Speaker cards will be called in the order received. Still images may be displayed on the projector. All other audio and visual use is prohibited. Public comments may also be submitted by email for inclusion into the record. Email comments must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments and submitted to CouncilComments@temeculaca.gov. All public participation is governed by Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. SARDA CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. A total of 30 minutes is provided for members of the public to address the Board of Directors on items that appear on the Consent Calendar. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the City Clerk. Speaker cards will be called in the order received. Still images may be displayed on the projector. All other audio and visual use is prohibited. Public comments may also be submitted by email for inclusion into the record. Email comments must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments and submitted to CouncilComments@temeculaca.gov. All public participation is governed by Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. 17. Approve Financial Statements for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2024 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the financial statements for the 3rd quarter ended March 31, 2024. Attachments: Agenda Report Financial Statements SARDA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT SARDA BOARD OF DIRECTOR REPORTS SARDA ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency will be held on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., for a Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 6:00 p.m., at the Council Chambers located at 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. Page 9 City Council Agenda May 14, 2024 TEMECULA HOUSING AUTHORITY - NO MEETING TEMECULA PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY - NO MEETING RECONVENE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS Any member of the public may address the City Council on items that appear on the Business portion of the agenda. Each speaker is limited to 5 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the City Clerk. Speaker cards will be called in the order received. Still images may be displayed on the projector. All other audio and visual use is prohibited. Public comments may also be submitted by email for inclusion into the record. Email comments must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments and submitted to CouncilComments@temeculaca.gov. All public participation is governed by Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. 18. Receive Presentation Regarding the Annual Report for Calendar Year 2023 for Solid Waste and Recycling Services Recommendation: That the City Council receive a presentation regarding the annual report for calendar year 2023 for solid waste and recycling services provided by CR&R, Inc. Attachments: Agenda Report 19. Approve Recommendations Related to the Acceptance of Certain Streets Into the City -Maintained Street System for Street Maintenance (At the Request of Subcommittee Members Mayor Stewart and Mayor Pro Tem Kalfus) Recommendation: That the City Council approve recommendations by the private -public street maintenance ad hoc subcommittee related to the acceptance of certain streets into the city -maintained street system for street maintenance. Attachments: Agenda Report Diagram of City Standard No. 104 Fiscal Impact - Annual Average Daily Trips DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS (RECEIVE AND FILE) 20. City Council Travel/Conference Report Attachments: Agenda Report Itinerary ITEMS FOR FUTURE CITY COUNCIL AGENDAS Any Council Member, including the Mayor, may request an item be placed on a future agenda. Any Page 10 City Council Agenda May 14, 2024 such request will be discussed under this section. In making the request, a Council Member may briefly describe the topic of the proposed agenda item and any timing associated with the placement of the item on the agenda. This description shall not exceed 3 minutes. No substantive discussion on the subject of the motion may occur. Items may only be placed on the agenda by Council Members pursuant to policy or by the City Manager based on administrative or operational needs of the City. Public comments on the placement of these agenda items shall be limited to a maximum of 30 minutes. Individual comments shall not exceed 3 minutes. All public participation is governed by the Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings and Agenda Placements by Council Members adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. CITY MANAGER REPORT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., for a Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 6:00 p.m., at the Council Chambers located at 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The full agenda packet (including staff reports, public closed session information, and any supplemental material available after the original posting of the agenda), distributed to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on the agenda, will be available for public viewing in the main reception area of the Temecula Civic Center during normal business hours at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. The material will also be available on the City's website at TemeculaCa.gov. and available for review at the respective meeting. If you have questions regarding any item on the agenda, please contact the City Clerk's Department at (951) 694-6444. Page 11 Item No. 1 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Randi Johl, Director of Legislative Affairs/City Clerk DATE: May 14, 2024 SUBJECT: Waive Reading of Title and Text of All Ordinances and Resolutions Included in the Agenda PREPARED BY: Randi Johl, Director of Legislative Affairs/City Clerk RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council waive the reading of the title and text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. BACKGROUND: The City of Temecula is a general law city formed under the laws of the State of California. With respect to adoption of ordinances and resolutions, the City adheres to the requirements set forth in the Government Code. In accordance with Government Code Section 34934, the title of each ordinance is included on the published agenda and a copy of the full ordinance has been available to the public online on the City's website and will be available in print at the meeting prior to the introduction or passage of the ordinance. Unless otherwise required, the full reading of the title and text of all ordinances and resolutions is waived. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: None Item No. 2 ACTION MINUTES TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 41000 MAIN STREET TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA APRIL 23, 2024 - 6:00 PM CLOSED SESSION - 5:00 PM LABOR NEGOTIATIONS — The City Council convened in closed session with its designated representatives to discuss labor negotiations pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6. The City's designated representatives are City Manager Aaron Adams, City Attorney Peter Thorson, Assistant City Manager Kevin Hawkins, Director of Finance Jennifer Hennessy, Director of Human Resources and Risk Management Isaac Garibay, Deputy City Manager Luke Watson and Senior Human Resources Analyst Becky Obmann. The employee organization is the California Teamsters Public, Professional and Medical Employees Union Local 911. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS. The City Council convened in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 regarding the potential acquisition of a fee interest in that certain real property, which is a vacant lot located at the northern terminus of Madison Avenue between Jefferson Avenue and I-15, South of French Valley Parkway Interchange in the City of Temecula identified as Riverside County Tax Assessor's Parcel Number 910-262-003 (Property) for public use in connection with the future potential French Valley Parkway/I-15 Improvements Phase III. The Property is listed for sale on the open market. Negotiators for the City are Patrick Thomas and Amer Attar. The negotiators for the Property are the property owners Hoff Investments, L.P., a California limited partnership, and PMD Investments, L.P., a California limited partnership and Property Owners' Real Estate Representative Michael Strode, MBA, CCIM, SIOR. Under negotiations are price and terms of the acquisition of the Property. CONFERENCE WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATORS. The City Council convened in closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 regarding the potential acquisition of a fee interest in that certain real property, which is a 6 acre vacant parcel located on Business Park Drive southerly of Rancho Way the in the City of Temecula identified as Riverside County Tax Assessor's Parcel Number 921-020-067 (Property). The Property is listed for sale on the open market. Negotiators for the City are Aaron Adams, Kevin Hawkins and Luke Watson. The negotiators for the Property are the property owners Stephen and Tula Carvadias Trust represented by Michal Pappas of Kidder Matthews. Under negotiations are price and terms of the acquisition of the Property. CALL TO ORDER at 6:00 PM: Mayor James Stewart INVOCATION: Deacon John Gabrielle of St. Catherine of Alexandria FLAG SALUTE: Mayor James Stewart ROLL CALL: Alexander, Kalfus, Schwank, Stewart PRESENTATIONS Proclamation for Municipal Clerks Week Proclamation for National Public Works Week Presentation by Anita Ward of Care Solace Regarding Programs and Services BOARD / COMMISSION REPORTS Planning Commission and Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Commission PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT County of Riverside, Fire Department (CAL FIRE) PUBLIC COMMENTS - NON -AGENDA ITEMS The following individual(s) addressed the City Council: • Bob Quaid • Laurel LaMont • Mark Swearngin • Hanon Rickard PUBLIC COMMENTS - AGENDA ITEMS The following individual(s) addressed the City Council: • Sharon Morris (Item # 14) CITY COUNCIL REPORTS CONSENT CALENDAR Unless otherwise indicated below, the following pertains to all items on the Consent Calendar. Approved the Staff Recommendation (4-0): Motion by Schwank, Second by Alexander. The vote reflected unanimous approval. 1. Waive Reading of Title and Text of All Ordinances and Resolutions Included in the Agenda Recommendation: That the City Council waive the reading of the title and text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. 2. Approve Action Minutes of April 9, 2024 Recommendation: That the City Council approve the action minutes of April 9, 2024. 3. Approve List of Demands Recommendation: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 2024-24 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A 2 4. Approve Revised City Council Protocol Manual Policy Regarding Requests for Information and Use of Staff Time Recommendation: That the City Council approve the revised City Council Protocol Manual policy regarding requests for information and use of staff time. 5. Adopt Resolution Supporting Public Higher Education within Southwest Riverside Count and Related Funding at Mt. San Jacinto College Temecula Campus (At the Request of Subcommittee Members Mayor Pro Tern Kalf is and Council Member Schwank) Recommendation: That the City Council adopt the resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 2024-25 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA SUPPORTING THE NEED FOR EXPANDED PUBLIC HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS WITHIN SOUTHWEST RIVERSIDE COUNTY AND TEMECULA VALLEY AND FUNDING OF TENANT IMPROVEMENTS TO CREATE AN EXPANDED PRESENCE FOR CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY SAN MARCOS AT THE MT. SAN JACINTO COLLEGE TEMECULA VALLEY CAMPUS 6. Approve Sponsorship and Economic Development Funding Agreement with Temecula Valley Balloon and Wine Festival Association for the Temecula Vallev Balloon and Wine Festival Recommendation: That the City Council approve a Sponsorship and Economic Development Funding Agreement with the Temecula Valley Balloon and Wine Festival Association for the Temecula Valley Balloon and Wine Festival. 7. Approve Agreement with Department of California Highway Patrol for Construction Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program Services for the I-15 Congestion Relief, PW19-02 Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Approve agreement number 23R685002 with Department of California Highway Patrol, in the amount of $52,621, for Construction Zone Enhanced Enforcement Program services for the I-15 Congestion Relief, Project Number PW19-02; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. 8. Set Public Hearing to Approve Solid Waste and Recycling Rates for Commercial Customers for Fiscal Year 2024-25 Recommendation: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 2024-26 3 9. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA SETTING A TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOLID WASTE AND RECYCLING RATES FOR COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Solicitation of Construction Bids for Rainbow Canyon Pavement Rehabilitation Project, PW22-15 Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Approve the plans and specifications and authorize the Department of Public Works to solicit construction bids for the Rainbow Canyon Pavement Rehabilitation Project, PW22-15; and 2. Make a finding that this project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Article 19, Categorical Exemption, Section 15301, Existing Facilities, of the CEQA Guidelines. Section 15301 states that the repair and maintenance of existing highways, streets, and gutters are Class 1 activities, which are exempt from CEQA. 10. Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Solicitation of Construction Bids for Sidewalks - Old Town Improvements - South Side of Sixth Street (Old Town Front Street to Mercedes Street). PW22-16 Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Approve the plans and specifications and authorize the Department of Public Works to solicit construction bids for Sidewalks - Old Town Improvements - South Side of Sixth Street (Old Town Front Street to Mercedes Street), PW22-16; and 2. Make a finding that this project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Article 19, Categorical Exemption, Section 15301, Existing Facilities, of the CEQA Guidelines. Section 15301 states that the repair and maintenance of existing highways, streets, and gutters are Class 1 activities, which are exempt from CEQA. 11. Accept Improvements and File Notice of Completion for Sidewalks - Old Town Improvements - Additional Streetlights on Moreno Road and Mercedes Street, PW22-17 Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Accept the construction of the Sidewalks - Old Town Improvements - Additional Streetlights on Moreno Road and Mercedes Street, PW22-17, as complete; and 2. Direct the City Clerk to file and record the Notice of Completion, release the Performance Bond, and accept a one-year Maintenance Bond in the amount of 10% of the final contract amount; and 3. Release the Labor and Materials Bond seven months after filing the Notice of Completion if no liens have been filed. RECESS: At 7:16 PM, the City Council recessed and convened as the Temecula Community Services District Meeting and Temecula Public Financing Authority Meeting. At 7:27 PM the City Council resumed with the remainder of the City Council Agenda. RECONVENE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING 14. Approve Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Community Development Block Grant Annual Action Plan Recommendation: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 2024-27 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THE 2024-2025 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN AS AN APPLICATION TO THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT (HUD) FOR FUNDING UNDER THE FEDERAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM AND FINDING THAT THE ACTION IS EXEMPT FROM ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW UNDER THE NATIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY ACT PURSUANT TO 24 CFR 58.34(A)(1) AND THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) PURSUANT TO CEQA GUIDELINES SECTION 15262 AND 15378(B)(4) Approved the Staff Recommendation (4-0): Motion by Schwank, Second by Alexander. The vote reflected unanimous approval. BUSINESS 15. Receive and File Presentation for the Quality_ of Life Master Plan Website and Provide General Recommendations Regarding the Same Recommendation: That the City Council receive and file a presentation for the Quality of Life Master Plan Website and provide general recommendations regarding the same. Receive and file only, no action 5 DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS (RECEIVE AND FILE) 16. Community Development Department Monthly Report 17. Fire Department Monthly Report 18. Police Department Monthly Report 19. Public Works Department Monthly Report ITEMS FOR FUTURE CITY COUNCIL AGENDAS CITY MANAGER REPORT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT The City Attorney reported that two actions were taken in closed session. The Council voted 4-0 to approve the fair market value and authorize an offer for the property identified in the Agenda Title as being owned by Hoff Investments and PMD Investments. The Council also voted 4-0 to direct the Staff to finalize an appraisal and geotechnical testing of the property on Business Park Drive identified in the Agenda Title. No other reportable actions were taken. ADJOURNMENT At 7:44 PM, the City Council meeting was formally adjourned to Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at 5:00 PM for Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 6:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. James Stewart, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] Item No. 3 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Jennifer Hennessy, Director of Finance DATE: May 14, 2024 SUBJECT: Approve List of Demands PREPARED BY: Tricia Hawk, Finance Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A BACKGROUND: All claims and demands are reported and summarized for review and approval by the City Council on a routine basis at each City Council meeting. It was found that the Lists of Demands published in prior City Council agendas included errors and omissions due to the implementation of a new financial software. The attached report is an updated and complete representation of the paid claims and demands from July 1, 2023 through April 30, 2024. FISCAL IMPACT: All claims and demands were paid from appropriated funds or authorized resources of the City and have been recorded in accordance with the City's policies and procedures. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 2. List of Demands RESOLUTION NO.2024- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following claims and demands as set forth in Exhibit A, on file in the office of the City Clerk, has been reviewed by the City Manager's Office and that the same are hereby allowed in the amount of $163,121,670.64. Section 2. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 14th day of May, 2024. James Stewart, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2024- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 14th day of May, 2024, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Randi Johl, City Clerk CITY OF TEMECULA LIST OF DEMANDS 7/1/2023 - 7/31/2023 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 8/1/2023 - 8/31/2023 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 9/1/2023 - 9/30/2023 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 10/1/2023 - 10/31/2023 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 11/1/2023 - 11/30/2023 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 12/1/2023 - 12/31/2023 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 1/1/2024 - 1/31/2024 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 2/1/2024 - 2/29/2024 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 3/1/2024 - 3/31/2024 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 4/1/2024 - 4/30/2024 TOTAL CHECK RUN: TOTAL LIST OF DEMANDS FOR 5/14/2024 COUNCIL MEETING: $ 6,926,442.04 7,015,820.53 19,782,183.32 11,666,025.63 16,736,595.72 8,552,398.20 35,825,708.99 21,019,419.87 10,212,097.83 25,384,978.51 163,121,670.64 7/27/2023 2238 79 FIELD HOCKEY INC 3130.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT Posted 724.50 7/27/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073324 DRINKING WATER SRVCS:IT EFT Posted 28.55 7/27/2023 3122 BEARD RYAN 2225.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT Posted 1,764.00 7/27/2023 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4075.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT Posted 300.30 7/27/2023 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4070.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT Posted 2,821.70 7/27/2023 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4070.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT Posted 1,362.20 7/27/2023 2541 BRIGHTON HILL ACADEMY SPORTS AND LEARNING CENTER 2610.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT Posted 1,960.00 7/27/2023 2622 BROWN JAMAL DEON 2300.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT Posted 1,566.25 7/27/2023 2622 BROWN JAMAL DEON 2360.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT Posted 1,837.50 7/27/2023 2622 BROWN JAMAL DEON 2305.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT Posted 1,449.00 7/27/2023 2622 BROWN JAMAL DEON 2310.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT Posted 1,071.00 7/6/2023 1573 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT BEN34876 SUPPORT PAYMENT Wire 138.92 7/20/2023 1573 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT BEN349318 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT Wire 138.92 7/27/2023 1280 COW LLC KR74990 MISC SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP:IT Printed Check 82.05 7/20/2023 1280 COW LLC KR86110 ADD'L MICROSOFT ENT LICENSES: IT EFT Posted 6,271.50 7/27/2023 1280 COW LLC KQ77391 MISC SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP:IT EFT Posted 384.98 7/27/2023 3138 CHING YUN HU PERF: 03/02/24 DEPOSIT FOR PERFORMANCE 03/02/24 Printed Check 2,750.00 7/27/20231268 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3457 MISC SUPPLIES: MRC, MPSC&SFSP Printed Check 380.79 7/27/20231268 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3452 MISC SUPPLIES: SFSP Printed Check 1,017.58 7/27/20231268 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3453 MISC SUPPLIES: SFSP Printed Check 1,333.77 7/27/2023 2004 COX KRISTI 4160.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT Posted 75.00 7/20/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004606913 PORTABLE RESTROOM: SPECIAL EVENTS: 4TH OF JULY EFT Posted 17,466.10 7/20/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004664557 PORTABLE RESTROOM: SPECIAL EVENTS: 4TH OF JULY EFT Posted 1,347.20 7/20/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL97900 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE DEPT EFT Posted 113.49 7/20/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL97917 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD _ EFT Posted 278.91 7/27/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL97898 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARK MAINT: PW EFT Posted 2,110.25 7/6/2023 3339 EASYTAX EDD BEN348768 EASYTAX EDD Wire 45,801.00 7/20/2023 3339 EASYTAX EDD BEN349308 EASYTAX EDD Wire 54,717.42 7/17/2023 3339 EASYTAX EDD 349666 EASY -FAX EDD Wire 1,426.26 7/26/2023 3339 EASYTAX EDD BEN349666 EASYTAX EDD Wire 7,381.96 7/6/2023 3338 EASYTAXIRS BEN348764 EASYTAXIRS Wire 137,206.38 7/20/2023 3338 EASYTAXIRS BEN349306 EASYTAXIRS Wire 158,741.20 7/20/2023 1649 EE VENDOR H1649 CMPTR LOAN PRGM COMPUTER LOAN PROGRAM Printed Check 2,000.00 7/17/2023 2031 ELITE CLAIMS MANAGEMENT INC WKRS COMP CLAIM 7/17 FUNDS FOR WORKERS COMP CLAIMS Void 30,000.00 7/17/2023 2031 ELITE CLAIMS MANAGEMENT INC WORK COMP CLAIM 7/17 FUNDS FOR WORKERS COMP CLAIMS Wire 30,000.00 7/6/2023 1998 EYEMED VISION CARE BEN348742 EYEMED VISION CARE Wire 2,026.50 7/20/20232067 FRONTIER CALIFORNIA INC VAR JUL FRONTIER VARIOUS JUL INTERNET SVCS _Wire 611.79 7/27/20231497 FULL COMPASS SYSTEMS INCO2376647 SOUND/LIGHTING SUPPLIES:THEATER:TCSD Printed Check 768.05 6/21/2023 2044 GOAT AND VINE THE 24692164F2YHKWARD REFRESHMENTS: LUNCH MEETING O5/22/23 ' Wire 87.43 7/27/2023 2239 GRANICUS LLC 165819 AGENDA MGMT RENEWAL: CITY CLERK Printed Check 64,428.34 7/27/2023 1383 HANCOCK LORENA 0100.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed Check 150.00 7/27/20231791 HELIXSTORM INC 14137 SECURITY SYSTEM SWITCHES SUPPORT: IT Printed Check 14,270.00 7/27/2023 1585 I P C INDUSTRIES INC 01-162239 GOLF CART RENTALS: TCSD EFT Posted 2,572.10 7/27/2023 1585 1 P C INDUSTRIES INC O1-162238 GOLF CART RENTALS: TCSD EFT Posted 978.75 7/13/2023 3213 JOHNSTON DANE REFUND: INV 129541 REFUND: DUPLICATE PAYMENT Wire 84.00 7/13/2023 1337 LOS RANCHITOS HOME OWNERS ASSOC 2062 PROPERTY DUES: APN 922-140-010 Printed Check 25.00 7/27/20231934 MID AMERICA ARTS ALLIANCE BK-060462 TVM EXHIBIT: WALKING IN ANTARTICA _Printed Check 5,250.00 7/27/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 514213-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CRC: PW EFT Posted 249.04 7/27/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 514209-02 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: LIBRARY: PW EFT Posted 67.21 7/27/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 514142-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL: PW EFT Posted 114.19 7/6/2023 2356 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 106474 BEN348770 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 106474 Wire 384.62 7/20/2023 2356 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 106474 BEN349310 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 106474 Wire 384.62 7/6/20231011 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 303355 BEN348772 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 303355 Wire 21,213.22 7/20/20231011 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 303355 BEN349314 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 303355 Wire 18,700.31 7/27/2023 1118 MIYAMOTOJURKOSKY SUSAN 2905.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT Posted 318.50 7/5/2023 2830 MOOD MEDIA NORTH AMERICA HOLDINGS LLC JUL'23 DISH NETWORK SVCS Wire 240.56 7/20/2023 3172 MOORE EDDY 1001 MEALS: 4TH OF JULY STAFF: FIRE Printed Check ' 1,690.00 7/6/20231088 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN348760 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION Wire 15,671.21 7/6/20232086 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN348774 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION Wire _� 427.79 7/6/20231038 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN348778 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 14,152.48 7/20/20231088 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349302 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION Wire ' 15,786.21 7/20/20232086 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349316 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION Wire 427.79 7/20/20231038 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349320 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 14,688.18 7/27/2023 1375 NORTH JEFFERSON BUSINESS PARK 1121810/JUL-SEP JUL-SEP'23 ASSN DUES 1810 #16: FV Printed Check 571.82 7/27/2023 1375 NORTH JEFFERSON BUSINESS PARK 1078329/JUL-SEP JUL-SEP'23 ASSN DUES 8329 N17: FV Printed Check 531.43 7/27/2023 1375 NORTH JEFFERSON BUSINESS PARK 1200155/JUL-SEP JUL-SEP'23 ASSN DUES 0155 #19: FV Printed Check 694.58 7/27/2023 1375 NORTH JEFFERSON BUSINESS PARK 1078358/JUL-SEP JUL-SEP ASSN DUES 8358 #20: FV Printed Check 722.04 7/6/2023 1017 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT BEN348762 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT Wire 150,008.05 7/20/2023 1017 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT BEN349304 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT ' Wire 174,202.14 7/18/2023 1017 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FY23/24 UAL PVT FY23/24 EMPLOYER UAL PAYMENT Void 2,821,406.00 7/18/2023 1017 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FY23/24 UAL FY 23/24 EMPLOYER UAL PAYMENT Wire 2,821,406.00 7/6/2023 1016 PERS HEALTH INSUR PREMIUM BEN348758 PERS HEALTH INSUR PREMIUM Wire 183,899.18 7/1/2023 1016 PERS HEALTH INSUR PREMIUM BEN348047 PERS HEALTH INSUR PREMIUM PD 063023 Wire 0.01 7/27/2023 1835 PROQUEST LLC 70797542 ANCESTRY SOFTWARE RENEWAULIBRARY Printed Check 1,262.58 7/27/2023 1134 RANCHO CALIF BUS PK ASSOC 1077061/JUL-SEP'23 JUL-SEP'23 BUS PK ASSN DUE: DIAZ RD Printed Check 2,236.38 7/27/2023 1134 RANCHO CALIF BUS PK ASSOC 1077171/JUL-SEP'23 JUL-SEP'23 BUS PK ASSN DUE: FOC Printed Check 2,027.49 7/27/2023 1134 RANCHO CALIF BUS PK ASSOC 1077168/JUL-SEP'23 JUL-SEP'23 BUS PK ASSN DUE: TVE2 Printed Check 2,457.55 7/27/2023 1168 SEAWORLD LLC 07/21/23 SUMMER DAY CAMP EXCURSION: TCSD Printed Check 3,058.30 7/14/2023 1061 SMART AND FINAL INC ' 07/07/23 RFRSHMNTS: SUMMER FOOD SVC PRGM: TSCD EFT Posted 339.22 7/27/2023 1061 SMART AND FINAL INC 07/11/23 MISC SUPPLIES: MPSC: TCSD EFT Posted 352.45 7/27/2023 1061 SMART AND FINAL INC 07/18/23 MISC SUPPLIES: SFSP: TCSD EFT Posted 285.75 7/20/2023 1153 SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 4192842 FY 23/24 FLAT FEE: LAST FY EMISSIONS: LIBRARY Printed Check 160.35 7/31/2023 1800 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO 70006638743 JUL 700066386743: 32805 PAUBA RD LS3 Wire 121.75 7/27/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 07/05/23 RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD Printed Check 175.85 7/27/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 07/13/23 RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD Printed Check 215.06 300017 7/27/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 07/03/23 RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD Printed Check 198.64 300017 7/27/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 07/14/23B RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD Printed Check 181.18 300017 7/27/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 07/21/23 RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD Printed Check 206.59 300017 7/27/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 07/06/23 RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD Printed Check 185.94 300017 7/27/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 07/19/23B RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD Printed Check 146.62 300017 7/27/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC - 07/10/23 RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD Printed Check 159.25 300017 7/27/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 07/07/23 RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD Printed Check 172.34 300017 7/27/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 07/20/23 RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD Printed Check 150.93 300018 7/27/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 07/19/23 RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD Printed Check 69.34 300018 7/27/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 07/11/23 RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD Printed Check 76.56 300018 7/27/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 07/18/23 RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD Printed Check 67.74 300018 7/27/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 07/17/23 Ir RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD Printed Check 58.61 300019 7/27/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 07/14/23 RFRSHMNTS: CRC: TCSD Printed Check 285.35 300020 7/27/2023 1453 SUNBELT RENTALS INC 141496378-0001 LIGHT TOWER/ POWER RENTALS: TCSD Printed Check 3,288.01 15390 7/27/2023 1113 TEAMSTERS LOCAL 911 BEN348744 UNION MEMBERSHIP DUES: PAYMENT Wire 5,062.00 15246 7/28/2023 1568 TIME WARNER CABLE VAR JUL SPECTRUM JUL INTERNET SVCS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS Wire 11,261.90 600019 7/27/2023 2089 TORI DANIELS 23503 DJ/MC/SOUND SERVICES: TCSD EFT Posted 4,300.00 300004 7/20/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 025-419920 PERMITTING & LICENSING ONLINE GUIDE SW: IT� Printed Check 5,625.00 300021 7/27/2023 1439 WALMART 07/19/23 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed Check 576.22 300021 7/27/2023 1439 WALMART 07/18/23A MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed Check 152.26 300021 7/27/2023 1439 WALMART 07/11/23 MISC SUPPLIES: WORKFORCE DEV PROGRAM: TCSD Printed Check 376.12 300021 7/27/2023 1439 WALMART 07/19/23A MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed Check 58.33 300021 7/27/2023 1439 WALMART 07/18/23 MISC SUPPLIES: RESPONSIBLE COMPASSION: TCSD Printed Check 483.44 300022 7/27/2023 1439 WALMART 07/12/23 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed Check 684.12 600005 7/20/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 07/06/23 JAZZ @ THE MERC 7/6/23 EFT Posted 497.00 300023 7/27/2023 2069 WONDER SCIENCE 1855.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed Check 4,732.00 300023 7/27/2023 2069 WONDER SCIENCE 1850.207 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed Check 4,620.00 300023 7/27/2023 2069 WONDER SCIENCE 1850.206 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS ' Printed Check 4,816.00 300167 8/24/2023 2435 A LAU LANGUAGE LLC 2029 INTERPRETING SVCS: CITY CLERK Printed 11081.50 300127 8/17/2023 1206 AFLAC PREMIUM HOLDING C O BNB BANK LOCKBOX BEN348748 ACCIDENT INDEMNITY: PAYMENT Printed 3, 145.43 300266 8/31/2023 3275 AGUIRRE GUSTAVO EMb REFUND: SMART PAY REFUND: SMART PAY: LIBRARY Printed 13.99 600145 8/31/2023 1943 AIR EXCHANGE INC 91610065 PLYMOVENT SVCS: FIRE STATIONS EFT 2,926.83 15192 8/14/2023 1278 ALBERTSONS GROCERY STORE ' 8092 SUPPLIES: CLIENT: HELP CTR 50.00 15304 8/14/2023 1278 ALBERTSONS GROCERY STORE 8523 REFRESHMENTS: BOARD & COMMISSION APPRECIATION Wire 27.09 300170 8/24/2023 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT MEM� 1150212 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, STREET MAINTENANCE-PW - Printed 525.79 300170 8/24/2023 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1151906 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, STREET MAINTENANCE-PW Printed 995.58 300170 8/24/2023 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 001 1151076 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, STREET MAINTENANCE- PW WMIE Printed 219.78 300170 8/24/2023 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1153975 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed 693.79 300170 8/24/2023 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1149752 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE MEPrinted670.80 300267 8/31/2023 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1154507 ASPHALT SUPPLI ES/STREET MAINTENANCE: PW Printed 213.78 300287 8/31/2023 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1154506 . ASPHALT SUPPLIES/STREET MAINTENANCE:PW Printed 198.00 300041 8/10/2023 1154 ALL PRO BROADCASTING INC 2390-00106-0000 4TH OF JULY SIMULCAST: TCSD Printed 3,500.00 300042 8/10/2023 3176 ALL THE KINGS FLAGS 27553-3 ` FLAGS: VARIOUS PARKS & FACILITIES Printed 1,663.20 600020 8/3/2023 1512 ALLEGRO MUSICAL VENTURES INC 26846 PIANO SVCS: THEATER TCSD EFT 380.00 300128 8/17/2023 2013 ALTA LANGUAGE SERVICES INC IS666275 LANGUAGE SERVICES: HR Printed 132.00 15222 8/21/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 3554 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: HR Wire 77.68 600046 8/10/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1QQ3-Q3V1-GK3C MISC SUPPLIES: COMM DEV EFT 142.04 600046 8/10/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1M7H-GYQY-LVMG MISC OFC SUPPLIES: ECO DEV EFT 53.27 600046 8/10/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1QQ3-Q3V1-KFFL MISC OFC SUPPLIES: AQUATICS EFT 362.34 600046 8/10/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 14P7-44PH-JV4H MISC OFC SUPPLIES: INFO TECH EFT 31.53 600046 8/10/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1FXH-6C64-KFTL MISC OFC SUPPLIES: TCSD EFT 1,689.54 600046 8/10/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1FGX-9VXT-K9W3 MISCSUPPLES: CITY CLERK EFT 84.64 600077 8/17/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1JTV-P749-KYPT MISC SUPPLIES/EQUIP: PW EFT 251.06 600099 8/24/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 14NY-6WN1-JDK1 MISC SUPPLIES: MPSC & MRC EFT 284.33 600099 8/24/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 174V-9CXM-HLiF MISC OFC SUPPLIES: CITY COUNCIL EFT 47.59 600099 8/24/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1VHC-PYDG-JN44 SUPPLIES: WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT EFT 878.81 600146 8/31/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1QCC-F3W6-GFG4 MISC SUPPLIES: HR EFT 352.36 300171 8/24/2023 1277 AMERICAN BATTERY CORPORATION T 0982217 BATTERIES: PW FACILITY MAINT Printed 249.47 300268 8/31/2023 1277 AMERICAN BATTERY CORPORATION T 098565 BATTERIES: PW FACILITY MAINT FOC Printed 135.10 600100 8/24/2023 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 77706 JUL STANDBY FEE: POLICE EFT 1,485.90 600100 8/24/2023 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 77955 SEP STANDBY FEE: POLICE EFT 1,485.90 600100 8/24/2023 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 77857 AUG STANDBY FEE: POLICE EFT 1,485.90 300269 8/31/2023 1080 AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS AND ITS CONSTITUENT 22616230 STAFF CERTIFICATIONS-TCSD Printed 613.60 15170 8/21/2023 1066 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION 3512 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: PLANNING Wire 672.00 15172 8/21/2023 1066 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION 7833 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: PLANNING Wire 788.00 15272 8/21/2023 1066 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION 0104 MEMBERSHIP DUES: PLANNING Wire 99.00 15268 8/14/2023 3327 AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 0627 REGISTRATION: LEADERSHIP AWARD EVENT Wire 35.00 15226 8/21/2023 2813 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF SAFETY PROFESSIONALS 1734 TRAINING HR Wire 60.00 15201 8/14/2023 2819 AMF BOWLING CENTERS INC "MENEW 8398 EXCURSION: TEEN CAMP: TCSD -- 434.03 15202 8/14/2023 2819 AMF BOWLING CENTERS INC 6300 EXCURSION: DAY CAMP: TCSD Wire 55.24 300172 8/24/2023 2358 ANALYTICAL DESIGN SOLUTIONS INC IME 111982 KIOSK SOFTWARE RENEWALCRC -- 306.00 15161 8/14/2023 1766 APPLE.COM 2008 ADD'L PHONE STORAGE: FIRE DEPT Wire 0.99 15173 JL_ 8/14/2023 1766 APPLE.COM W_ 1355 PAID KEYBOARDS: TCSD: INFO TECH '- 713.70 15328 8/14/2023 1766 APPLE.COM 3832 ADD'L PHONE STORAGE: FIRE DEPT Wire 0.99 300270 -■ 8/31/2023 1000 APPLEONE INC ' 59601507 TEMPORARY STAFFING SVCS: FINANCE EEff Printed 2,555.52 300270 8/31/2023 1000 APPLEONE INC S9601505 TEMPORARY STAFFING: COMM DEV Printed 982.80 300270 r 8/31/2023 1000 APPLEONE INC 59601506 TEMPORARY STAFFING: COMM DEV JME Printed 2,948.40 300271 8/31/2023 1000 APPLEONE INC S9576807 TEMPORARY STAFFING: COMM DEV Printed 4,881.24 300271 8/31/2023 1000 APPLEONE INC S9576808 TEMPORARY STAFFING SVCS: FINANCE - Printed 7,134.16 600047 8/10/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073313 JUL DRINKING W7R SYS MAINT: POLICE EFT 62.53 600078' 8/17/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073327 DRINKING WATER SVCS: POLICE EFT 62.53 600101 8/24/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073735 DRINKING WATER SRVCS: IT EFT 28.55 600101 L_ 8/24/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073328 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: FOC ME EFT 28.55 600101 8/24/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073737 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: MPSC EFT 35.89 600101' 8/24/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073730 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: FACILITIES EFT 29.36 600101 8/24/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073685 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: TCC EFT 28.55 600101 8/24/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073322 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: THEATER EFT 28.55 600101 8/24/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073733 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: THEATER EFT 28.55 600101 8/24/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073736 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: TVM EFT 28.55 600101 8/24/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073325 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: TVM EFT 28.55 600101 8/24/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073329 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: CIVIC CTR EFT 213.97 600102 8/24/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073742 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: FACILITIES EFT 28.55 600102 8/24/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073739 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: FOC EFT 28.55 600147 8/31/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073330 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE: PARKS EFT 69.60 600147 8/31/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073724 DRINKING WATER SERVICES: POLICEMEN EFT 62.53 600147 8/31/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073731 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE: PARKS EFT 28.28 600147 8/31/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073740 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: FACILITIES EFT 213.97 600147 8/31/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073732 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: LIBRARY EFT 28.55 600147 8/31/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073690 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: FACILITIES EFT 69.60 600147 8/31/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073281 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: FACILITIES EFT 69.60 600147 8/31/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073738 DRINKING WATER SERVICES: POLICE EFT 62.53 600147 8/31/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073741 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE: PARKS EFT 69.60 600147 8/31/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073320 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE: PARKS _ EFT 28.28 300173 8/24/2023 1293 AQUA SOURCE INC 403612 POOL SUPPLIES AQUATICS: TCSD Printed 8,541.23 300174 8/24/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 106008540 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES _ Printed 367.34 300174 8/24/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 6869867 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES Printed (61.07) 300174 8/24/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 6778434 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES _ Printed 122.10 300174 8/24/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 106008539 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES Printed 79.13 300174 8/24/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 106011038 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES - Printed 336.82 300174 8/24/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 106011045 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES Printed 1,035.38 300174 8/24/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 3849724 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES Printed 83.93 300272 8/31/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 6945655 RFRSHMNT SVCS: FACILITIES Printed 91.00 600048 8/10/2023 2917 ARJONA GLORIA STTLMNT: 7121/23 BRAZILIAN & LATIN JAZZ 7/21 EFT 779.85 300129 8/17/2023 2502 ARTHUR J GALLAGHER & CO 4780561 FY 23/24 LIABILITY/PROP IS 7/1/2022-0711/2023 Printed 1,671,120.12 300175 8/24/2023 2502 ARTHUR J GALLAGHER &COME 4758264 BROKERAGE FEE Printed 53,000.00 600103 8/24/2023 1170 AUTOPARTSPROS LLC 073154 AUTO PARTS: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 375.00 600103 8/24/2023 1170 AUTOPARTSPROS LLC - 074080 AUTO PARTS: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 34.01 600103 8/24/2023 1170 AUTOPARTSPROS LLC 077302 AUTO PARTS: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 96.17 600148 8/31/2023 1170 AUTOPARTSPROS LLC ■ 104480 MISC AUTO SUPPLIES: STATIONS EFT 336.75 600148 8/31/2023 1170 AUTOPARTSPROS LLC 079297 AUTO PARTS -STREET MAINTENANCE PW EFT 253.68 600148 8/31/2023 1170 AUTOPARTSPROS LLC 078705 AUTO PARTS STREET MAINTENANCE:PW EFT 58.70 15163 8/14/2023 3250 AYERS HOTEL LAGUNA WOODS 3470 LODGING: DUI SEMINAR: POLICE Wire 661.20 300177 8/24/2023 1909 BAMM PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS INC_ 12510 BANNER: HELP CENTER: TCSD Printed 117.45 300274 8/31/2023 1909 BAMM PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS INC 12509 UNIFORMS: BLDG & SAFETY Printed 222.94 600023 -■ 8/3/2023 3122 BEARD RYANIMEM 2225.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,764.00 600023 8/3/2023 3122 BEARD RYAN 2220.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,690.50 600049 8/10/2023 3122 BEARD RYANIMEM 2230.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,960.00 600049 8/10/2023 3122 BEARD RYAN 2202.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,260.00 600049 8/10/2023 3122 BEARD RYAN 2210.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,750.00 600049 8/10/2023 3122 BEARD RYAN 2201.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 840.00 600049 -■ 8/10/2023 3122 BEARD RYAN ' 2203.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS - EFT 1,459.50 600049 8/10/2023 3122 BEARD RYAN 2204.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,260.00 600049 -■ 8/10/2023 3122 BEARD RYAN 2225.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS -IFT 1,666.00 600049 8/10/2023 3122 BEARD RYAN 2205.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 840.00 600049 8/10/2023 3122 BEARD RYAN 2205.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS - EFT 840.00 600049 8/10/2023 3122 BEARD RYAN 2200.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,164.63 600050 8/10/2023 3122 BEARD RYAN 2206.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS - EFT 588.00 600050 8/10/2023 3122 BEARD RYAN 2206.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 756.00 600050 8/10/2023 3122 BEARD RYAN 2201.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 504.00 600050 8/10/2023 3122 BEARD RYAN 2207.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 588.00 600050 8/10/2023 3122 BEARD RYAN 2205.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 756.00 600050 8/10/2023 3122 BEARD RYAN 2202.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 672.00 600050 8/10/2023 3122 BEARD RYAN 2206.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS i EFT 672.00 600050 8/10/2023 3122 BEARD RYAN 2206.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 672.00 600050 `- 8/10/2023 3122 BEARD RYAN 2205.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGSNOMINEE EFT 756.00 300024 8/3/2023 1411 BECK JEANNE M 2023387 MAILING SVCS: THEATER BROCHURE: TCSD Printed 4,413.11 15169 ' 8/21/2023 2194 BEENVERIFIED.COM 0101 DIGITAL SBSCPTN: CODE ENFORCEMENT - Wire 52.45 300131 8/17/2023 3216 BELJAN GERALD 08/03/23 LIABILITY CLAIM SETTLEMENT Printed 261.60 300178 8/24/2023 3190 BENNER SHAYLI PERF: 8/4 PERF: ART NIGHTS MUSIC: 8/4/23. ow- Printed 375.00 300025 8/3/2023 2935 BETTS KENNETH 1925.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 700.00 300025 8/3/2023 2935 BETTS KENNETH 1920.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 700.00 300043 8/10/2023 2935 BETTS KENNETH 1925.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 525.00 300043 8/10/2023 2935 BETTS KENNETH 1915.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 857.50 300043 8/10/2023 2935 BETTS KENNETH 1920.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 612.50 300132 8/17/2023 2935 BETTS KENNETH 1920.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 1,050.00 300132 8/17/2023 2935 BETTS KENNETH 1925.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 612.50 300132 8/17/2023 2935 BETTS KENNETH 1915.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS = Printed 612.50 600022 8/3/2023 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4075.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 273.00 600022 8/3/2023 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4070.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS �EEEMME EFT 1,113,16 600022 8/3/2023 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4065.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 2,720.90 600149 8/31/2023 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4005.201 1ST PMT TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS AMMEEN EFT 1,795.50 600104 8/24/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 03F6705212167 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: TES POOL: PW EFT 11.95 600104 8/24/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 03H6702622575 WATER SERVICES: TVE2 I EFT 140.24 600104 8/24/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 03H0036263176 WATER SERVICE: HELP CTR: PW EFT 131.18 600104 8/24/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 03F0035623057 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: TESC POOL: PW EFT 21.74 600104 8/24/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 13G0028662112 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PBSP: PW EFT 91.58 600150 8/31/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 13H0028910578 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW FO EFT 357.80 600150 8/31/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 031-6707423995 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: FACILITIES EFT 139.89 600105 8/24/2023 2415 BRAUN PETER 3675 JUL PLANTSCAPE SVC: CIVIC CTR EFT 500.00 600105 8/24/2023 2415 BRAUN PETER 3690 JUL PLANTSCAPE SVC: LIBRARY EFT 200.00 600024 8/3/2023 2541 BRIGHTON HILL ACADEMY SPORTS AND LEARNING CENTER 2610.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,764.00 300044 8/10/2023 1201 BROADCAST MUSIC INC 48885466 OLD TOWN MUSIC LICENSE COPYWRIGHT: TCSD Printed 173.00 600025 8/3/2023 2622 BROWN JAMAL DEON 2360.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,260.00 600025 8/3/2023 2622 BROWN JAMAL DEON 2345.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 2,100.00 600051 8/10/2023 2622 BROWN JAMAL DEON 2330.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 455.00 600051 8/10/2023 2622 BROWN JAMAL DEON 2345.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 2,030.00 600079 8/17/2023 2622 BROWN JAMAL DEON 2360.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 997.50 600151 8/31/2023 2622 BROWN JAMAL DEON 2300.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,610.00 600151 8/31/2023 2622 BROWN JAMAL DEON 2310.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 882.00 600151 8/31/2023 2622 BROWN JAMAL DEON 2305.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,564.50 15430 8/14/2023 3301 BRUEGGERS BAGELS 6120 REFRESHMENTS: PARADE VIP TENT: TCSD Wine 1,229.40 600026 8/3/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1401.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 686.00 600026 8/3/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1401.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 588.00 600026 8/3/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1410.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 2,576.00 600026 8/3/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1402.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,008.00 600026 8/3/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1404.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 448.00 600026 -- 8/3/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1402.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,243.20 600026 8/3/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1401.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 735.00 600026 -- 8/3/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT �El _V410.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,680.00 600026 8/3/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1402.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 621.60 600026 r 8/3/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT ANEEMEN 1401,201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 627.20 600027 8/3/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1405.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 327.04 600027 `- 8/3/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1403.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT ' 336.00 600027 8/3/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1403.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 362.60 600027 -- 8/3/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1404.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT- 358.40 300130 8/17/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037687540 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 89.05 300176' 8/24/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037658863 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD -- 9.55 300273 8/31/2023 1669 STAG UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037626733 BOOK COLLECTIONS: LIBRARY: TCSD Printed 23.78 600052 8/10/2023 2399 BUCHER BRET PHILLIP 3511.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600052 8/10/2023 2399 BUCHER BRET PHILLIP 3510.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600052 8/10/2023 2399 BUCHER BRET PHILLIP 3505.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600052 8/10/2023 2399 BUCHER BRET PHILLIP 3500.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600052 8/10/2023 2399 BUCHER BRET PHILLIP 3515.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600052 8/10/2023 2399 BUCHER BRET PHILLIP 3510.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600052 8/10/2023 2399 BUCHER BRET PHILLIP 3520.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600080 8/17/2023 2399 BUCHER BRET PHILLIP 3520.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 300133 8/17/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73727936 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 300133 8/17/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73731324 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 300133 8/17/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73700386 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 300133 8/17/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73712172 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 300133 8/17/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73707266 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 300180 8/24/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73733577 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 300180 8/24/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73735698 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 300181 8/24/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73738647 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 300181 8/24/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73738646 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 300275 8/31/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73749461 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 300276 8/31/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73746660 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 15112 8/3/2023 1573 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT BEN349554 SUPPORT PAYMENT Wire 15124 8/17/2023 1573 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT BEN349640 SUPPORT PAYMENT Wires 15137 8/31/2023 1573 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT BEN349662 SUPPORT PAYMENT Wire 300182 8/24/2023 1612 CALIF DEPT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS E 1986338 SIB 143027 ELEVATOR INSPA1000 MAIN ST S Printed 300182 8/24/2023 1612 CALIF DEPT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS E 1986337 SIB 143026 ELEVATOR INSP:41000 MAIN ST S Printed 300182 8/24/2023 1612 CALIF DEPT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS E 1986341 SIB 143028 ELEVATOR INSPA1000 MAIN ST S Printed 300045 8/10/2023 1291 CALIF NARCOTIC OFFICERS ASSN R88216 STAFF TRAINING: POLICE Printed 300045 8/10/2023 1291 CALIF NARCOTIC OFFICERS ASSN R88215 STAFF TRAINING: POLICE Printed 300183 8/24/2023 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000571101E LEGAL NEWSPAPER PUBLICATIONS: CITY CLERK Printed 300277 8/31/2023 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000571101C BID ADVERTISING: PW21-14: CIP: PW Printed 15446 8/14/2023 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R S 7515 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: TCSD Wire 15236 8/21/2023 3258 CALIF STORMWATER QUALITY ASSOCIATIONMEN 5569 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION: NPDES: PW Wire 15237 8/21/2023 3258 CALIF STORMWATER QUALITY ASSOCIATION 6446 REGISTRATION: CONF: PW Wire 15239 8/21/2023 3258 CALIF STORMWATER QUALITY ASSOCIATION i 2364 REGISTRATION: STORMWATER QUALITY TRAINING Wire 15168 8/21/2023 1051 CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION FOR LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPM 8724 MEMBERSHIP DUES: ECO DEV Wire 300278 8/31/2023 3239 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS COMMISSION --Mllllr— CALIF-SB1473-2022 SB1473-Qi-Q42022 Print 15338 8/14/2023 3367 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE 0055 REGISTRATION: ABC TRAINING COURSE: PD Wire 15339 ' 8/14/2023 3367 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE ■ 0071 REGISTRATION: ABC TRAINING COURSE: PD _- 15329 8/14/2023 1582 CAMPINIS ITALIAN DELI 0452 COMMUNITY EVENT: NAT'L NIGHT OUT 8/1/23: FIRE Wire 300046 1 8/10/2023 1332 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 30915311 11 CANON COPIERS LEASE:TEM PUB LIBRARY _p"rl 300134 8/17/2023 2295 CANTRELL TINA J 4200.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 15440 8/14/2023 2244 CANVA.COM 7409 MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION: TCSD _wire 15238 8/21/2023 2565 CAPRARELLI JOHN ROBERT 8283 SUBSCRIPTION: ADA COMPLIANCE GUIDE Wire 300026 8/3/2023 3178 CARDOSO DENYS C A PERF: CULTURE DAY PERF: CULTURE DAY: 07/07/23 Printed 300047 8/10/2023 3207 CAVENAUGH WILLIAM J 07/06/23 DUI SEMINAR: STAFF TRAINING _jME Printed 300185 r 8/24/2023 2818 CCS SAN DIEGO JANITORIAL INC 607133A JANITORIAL SERVICES: OTSF Printed 300279 8/31/2023 2818 CCS SAN DIEGO JANITORIAL INC 607133 JANITORIAL SERVICES, FACILITIES MAINTENANCE Printed 300048 8/10/2023 1280 COW LLC LB04797 MISC SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP:IT Printed 300048 8/10/2023 1280 CDW LLC LB83088 MISC SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP:IT Printed 300186 -■ 8/24/2023 1280 CDW LLC LH90718 MISC SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP:IT Printed 300186 8/24/2023 1280 CDW LLC LG30167 MISC SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP:IT Printed 300049 -■ 8/10/2023 2373 CELLEBRITE INC —AM Q-324504-1 STAFF TRAINING: POLICE EEEE Printed 300049 8/10/2023 2373 CELLEBRITE INC Q-324508-2 STAFF TRAINING: POLICE Printed 300187 8/24/2023 2373 CELLEBRITE INCME Q-325921-1 STAFF TRAINING Printed 300188 8/24/2023 2153 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST INSTITUTE INV_8304 MEMBERSHIP DUES: BLDG & SAFETY Printed 300188 L� 8/24/2023 2153 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST INSTITUTE INV_8303 MEMBERSHIP DUES: BLDG & SAFETY Printed 15327 8/14/2023 3354 CHEMICAL GUYS 4095 PRESSURE WASHER: ENGINE 95: FIRE Wire 2201 ' 8/14/2023 2201 CHIPOTLE 8028 REFRESHMENTS: CITY COUNCIL MTG Wire 300280 8/31/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406369208 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 300280 `� 8/31/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406369211 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 300280 8/31/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406369206 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 300280' 8/31/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406369209 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 300280 8/31/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406369210 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 300280 `_ 8/31/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 — 8406369207 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 15297 8/14/2023 1077 CITY CLERKS ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA 5854 MEMBERSHIP DUES: CITY CLERK Wire 15164 -` 8/14/2023 3251 CITY OF IRVINE POLICE DEPARTMEM! 0740 REGISTRATION: COMMERCIAL CODE ENFORCEMENT CLASS:PD Wire 600028 8/3/2023 2030 CIVICPLUS LLC 262064 RECREATION MNG SOFTWARE: TCSD EFT 300050. 8/10/2023 2283 CLARIS INTERNATIONAL INC MMMh 5791877 FILEMAKER LICENSING:PUBLIC WORKS Printed 300189 8/24/2023 2144 CODE 5 GROUP LLC 3749 GPS TRACKING SERVICES Printed 600106 8/24/2023 3043 COMMERCIAL CLEANING BY ROGERS 10501 JUL JANITORIAL SERVICES: OTSF AND MALL EFT 300051 8/10/2023 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4069607-0 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: COM DEV Printed 300052 8/10/2023 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4068387-0 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: COM DEV Printed 300052 8/10/2023 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4069607-1 OFFICE SUPPLIES: BLDG & SAFETY Printed 300052 8/10/2023 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4069537-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CODE ENFORCEMENT Printed 300190 8/24/2023 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4070783-0 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: PLANNING Printed 600107 8/24/2023 1046 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS INC 118440A FIRE ALARM MONITORING: FACILITIES EFT 600107 8/24/2023 1046 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS INC 118882 FIRE ALARM SVC CALLS: LIBRARY EFT 600107 8/24/2023 1046 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS INC 118876 FIRE ALARM SVC CALLS: FACILITIES �MEEEE EFT 600107 8/24/2023 1046 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS INC 118866 CHANGE BATTERIES SVC CALLS: FACILITIES EFT 600152 8/31/2023 1046 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS INC 118440B ALARM MONITORING: POLICE RMENEE EFT 600152 8/31/2023 1046 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS INC 118440C FIRE ALARM MONITORING: STA 73 AND STA 95 EFT 300053 8/10/2023 1605 CONSTANT CONTACT INCMMEEE�i1137067076821 CONSTANT CONTACT ANNUAL RENEWAL: I`MME� Printed 15227 8/21/2023 1972 COOPERATIVE PERSONNEL SERVICES 7672 HR ANALYTICAL CLASS: HR Wire 300281 8/31/2023 3269 CORDOVA MEGAN BRENNAN— 08/22/23 REFUND: LIBRARY SMARTPAYMEM Printed 600029 8/3/2023 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1650.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600029 8/3/2023 1771 COSSOU CELINE MEMEL 1655.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGSMEM EFT 600053 8/10/2023 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1685.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600053 8/10/2023 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1655.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600053 8/10/2023 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1650.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600053 8/10/2023 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1655.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600053 8/10/2023 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1665.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600053 8/10/2023 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1685.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT —_ 600053 8/10/2023 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1665.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600081 -■ 8/17/2023 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1655.205 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGSEMEN EFT 600081 8/17/2023 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1685.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600081 -■ 8/17/2023 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1650.205 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 300054 8/10/2023 1849 COSTAR REALTY INFORMATION INC 120377142 COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION Printed 300191 8/24/2023 1849 COSTAR REALTY INFORMATION INC 120402264 AUG'23 WEB SUBSCRIPTION: ECO DEV —1printed 15165 8/21/2023 1098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 5620 RFRSHMNTS: STATE OF THE CITY VIDEO Wire 15278 8/14/2023 1098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 0256 _ REFRESHMENTS: CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS �El Wire 300055 8/10/2023 1098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3454 MISC SUPPLIES: FACS: PW Printed 300192 -■ 8/24/2023 1098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3472 HOSPITALITY/OFFICE SUPPLIES: THEATER: TCSD _ Printed 300027 8/3/2023 1268 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3456 MISC SUPPLIES: MRC MPSC & SFSP Printed 300056 -■ 8/10/2023 1268 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3458 MISC SUPPLIES: SUMMER FOOD PRGM _ Printed 300135 8/17/2023 1268 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3465 MISC SUPPLIES: MRC, MPSC & SFSP Printed 600054 -■ 8/10/2023 2004 COX KRISTI 4100.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600054 8/10/2023 2004 COX KRISTI 4110.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600054 8/10/2023 2004 COX KRISTI 4150.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600054 8/10/2023 2004 COX KRISTI 4210.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600082 8/17/2023 2004 COX KRISTI 4115.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600082 8/17/2023 2004 COX KRISTI 4135.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 300057 8/10/2023 1956 CRASH DATA GROUP INC INV12365 ANNUAL SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION: PD — Printed 300283 8/31/2023 1929 CULTIVATING GOOD INC 73123 REFRESHMENTS WORKFORCE PROGRAMS TCSD Printed 15290 ' 8/14/2023 3306 CUSTOM BURGER 6003 REFRESHMENTS: DC LOBBYING MMM.r: ire 15234 8/21/2023 3245 DAL CANTINA LAREDO 4215 REFRESHMENTS: DC LOBBYING Wire 15263 8/14/2023 3245 DAL CANTINA LAREDO 4173 REFRESHMENTS: DC LOBBYING — Wire 15287 8/14/2023 3245 DAL CANTINA LAREDO 4223 REFRESHMENTS: DC LOBBYING Wire 600055 8/10/2023 1096 DANS FEED AND SEED INC 080274 SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 600083 8/17/2023 1096 DANS FEED AND SEED INC 080279 SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 600083 8/17/2023 1096 DANIS FEED AND SEED INC 080301 SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 15294 8/14/2023 3309 DEVON AND BLAKELY 0627 REFRESHMENTS: DC LOBBYING Wire 600056 8/10/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004778267 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: 30755 AULD RD: PD EFT 600108 8/24/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004794438 PORTABLE RESTROOM RENTALS: PARKS EFT 600108 8/24/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004794441 PORTABLE RESTROOM RENTALS: PARKS EFT 600108 8/24/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004794439 PORTABLE RESTROOM RENTALS: PARKS EFT 600108 8/24/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004794440 PORTABLE RESTROOM RENTALS: PARKS EFT 600030 8/3/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL99332 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD EFT 600030 8/3/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL99310 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARK MAINT EFT 600030 8/3/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL97904 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREETS: PW EFT 600030 8/3/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL99316 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREET MAINT EFT 600030 8/3/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL99317 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: INFO TECH EFT 600057 8/10/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL97901 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 600057 8/10/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL00821 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD EFT 600057 8/10/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL99311 FUELD FOR CITY VEHICLES: LAND DEV: PW EFT 600057 8/10/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL00800 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 600057 8/10/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL97902 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG & SAFETY EFT 600057 8/10/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL99314 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BUILDING & SAFETY EFT 600057 8/10/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL99313 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 600057 8/10/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL99312 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE EFT 600057 8/10/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL97899 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: LAND DEV: PW EFT 600057 8/10/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL00801 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG & SAFETY EFT 600058 8/10/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL00799 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE — EFT 600084 8/17/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL00797 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARKS EFT 600084 8/17/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL00820 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC EFT 600084 8/17/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL00803 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREETS EFT 600084 8/17/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL99331 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC = EFT 600084 8/17/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL97915 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: EOC EFT 600084 8/17/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL98649 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE EFT 600084 8/17/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL00057 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEPT EFT 600084 8/17/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL97269 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEPT EFT 600109 8/24/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL00798 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: LAND DEV EFT 600109 8/24/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL02159 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG INSPECTORS EFT 600109 8/24/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL02177 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD EFT 600109 8/24/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL99315 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP: PW EFT 600109 8/24/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL00802 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP EFT 600109 8/24/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL02176 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC: PW EFT 600109 8/24/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL97903 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP: PW EFT 600109 8/24/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL02161 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 600109 8/24/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL02158 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 600109 -■ 8/24/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL02155 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARKS: PW EFT 600110 8/24/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL02157 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE EFT 600153 8/31/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL03708 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: EOC EFT 600153 8/31/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL03693 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE EFT 600153 ` 8/31/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL00817 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: EOC EFT 600153 8/31/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL02160 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP: PW EFT 600153 8/31/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL03711 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC EFT 600153 8/31/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL03696 —Am FUEL FOR CITY VECHICLES: CIP: PW EFT 600153 �r 8/31/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL03025 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIREMENEM EFT 600153 8/31/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL01488 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEPT EFT 600153 ! 8/31/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL02156 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: LAND DEV: PW EFT 600153 8/31/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL03712 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD EFT 600154 8/31/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL - CL03694 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 55.97 300136 8/17/2023 2689 DS SERVICES OF AMERICA INC 22116432 072823 WATER DELIVERY: CMO Printed 79.13 300284 8/31/2023 2689 DS SERVICES OF AMERICA IN,EEMEE 22116432 060223 WATER DELIVERY: CMO - Printed 68.13 15292 8/14/2023 3257 DUBLINER 0627 REFRESHMENTS: DC LOBBYING Wire 32.10 15291 8/14/2023 3256 DUNKIN DONUTS IIIMEI 9593 REFRESHMENTS: DC LOBBYING �mm� 3.45 15283 8/22/2023 1057 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DIST VAR EMWD JUL VARIOUS JUL WATER SVCS Wire 15,262.93 300058 8/10/2023 1040 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORP OF SW CALIFORNIA EDC 2023-24 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPONSORSHIP FUNDING ,- 30,000.00 600132 8/24/2023 1514 EE VENDOR #1514 07/21/23 REIMB: THEATER SUPPLIES: TCSD EFT 130.85 300077 8/10/2023 1670 EE VENDOR #1670 REIMB ESRI USER CONF REIMB: ESRI USER CONF: INFO TECH 1,727.37 300108 8/14/2023 1670 EE VENDOR #1670 REIMB ESRI USER CONF REIMB: ESRI USER CONF: INFO TECH Printed 1,727.37 300155 8/17/2023 2266 EE VENDOR #2266 REIMB: RFRSHMNTS REFRESHMENTS: PTSC COMMISSION ol§q Printed 65.55 300308 8/31/2023 2266 EE VENDOR #2266 08/16/23 REIMB: RFRSHMNTS: MEETING: PW Printed 72,72 300168 8/24/2023 2371 EE VENDOR#2371 901058 CERTIFICATE RENEWAL: QUALIFIED SWPPP DEVELOPER Printed 125.00 300168 8/24/2023 2371 EE VENDOR #2371 11896167432 RFSHMNTS: COMMUNITY MEETING: CIP: PW Printed 31,96 600042 8/3/2023 2410 EE VENDOR #2410 REIMB: TEAM PACE REIMB: TEAM PACE � EFT 139.84 300032 8/3/2023 2431 EE VENDOR #2431 REIMB: TEAM PACE TEAM PACE PRIZE CLAIM: FINANCE Printed 196.26 300195 8/24/2023 2544 EE VENDOR#2544 08/08/23 RFRSHMNTS: HEARING CONSERVATION TESTING Printed 51.50 600156 8/31/2023 2754 EE VENDOR #2754 REIMB: TEAM PACE REIMB: TEAM PACE EFT 217.07 300224 8/24/2023 2761 EE VENDOR#2761 REIMB: SEMINAR 7/10 REIMB: DUI SEMINAR _Printed 301.76 300294 8/31/2023 2881 EE VENDOR#2881 KD-CKR081723 UNIFORMS: BUILDING&SAFETY Printed 171.89 300303 8/31/2023 2882 EE VENDOR#2882 08/17/23 REIMB: UNIFORMS i Printed 159.23 300062 8/10/2023 3058 EE VENDOR #3058 128373 PE CIVIL COURSE & EXAM Printed 1,210.50 300248 8/24/2023 3079 EE VENDOR #3079 101502487 REIMB: ICC PERMIT TECH CERT: COMM DEV Printed 369.00 300282 8/31/2023 3101 EE VENDOR #3101 07/18/23 REIMB: PEER SUPPORT MTG: FIRE Printed 149.96 300070 8/10/2023 3203 EE VENDOR #3203 REIMB ESRI USER CONF REIMB: ESRI USER CONF: INFO TECH Void 1,395.13 300101 8/14/2023 3203 EE VENDOR #3203 REIMB ESRI USER CONF REIMB: ESRI USER CONF: INFO TECH Printed 1,395.13 300253 8/24/2023 3219 EE VENDOR#3219 REIMB: SEMINAR 7/10 REIMB: DUI SEMINAR Printed 335.35 300203 8/24/2023 3220 EE VENDOR #3220 REIMB: SEMINAR 7/11 REIMB: DUI SEMINAR Printed 216.65 300291 8/31/2023 3220 EE VENDOR #3220 REIMB: IACP CONF REIMB: IACP CONFERENCE: POLICE Printed 303.24 300179 8/24/2023 3221 EE VENDOR #3221 CONFERENCE: 7/24 NATIONAL SCHOOL SAFETY CONFERENCE: POLICE Printed 624.91 300204 8/24/2023 3230 EE VENDOR #3230 REIMB: NAT'L SAFETY REIMB: NAT'L SAFETY SAFETY CONFERENCE Printed 461.76 300258 8/24/2023 3236 EE VENDOR #3236 08/15/23 REIMB: ABC TRAINING: POLICE Printed 159.97 300263 8/24/2023 3240 EE VENDOR #3240 08/15/23 REIMB: UNIFORMS Printed 172.27 300295 8/31/2023 3242 EE VENDOR #3242 08/15/23 REIMB: UNIFORMS Printed 130.46 300296 8/31/2023 3243 EE VENDOR#3243 08/15/23 REIMB: UNIFORMS Printed 52.20 300226 8/24/2023 3249 EE VENDOR #3249 08/10/23 REIMB: ABC TRAINING: TEM SHERIFF Printed 148.66 300293 8/31/2023 3264 EE VENDOR#3264 HC-EXP.R.081723 REIMB7TRAINING CNOA-UNDERCOVER:POLICE Printed 83.79 300312 8/31/2023 3266 EE VENDOR#3266 TC-EXPR081723 REIMB-CNOA UNDERCOVERTRAINING:POLICE Printed 80.30 15266 -■ 8/14/2023 3246 EINSTEIN BROS 0627A REFRESHMENTS: DC LOBBYING NOMINEE. Wire 8.60 15293 8/14/2023 3246 EINSTEIN BROS 0627 REFRESHMENTS: DC LOBBYING Wire 10.47 300028 -■ 8/3/2023 3210 EMH SPORTS USA INC 2710.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 2,730.00 300028 8/3/2023 3210 EMH SPORTS USA INC 2770.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 3,360.00 300028 F 8/3/2023 3210 EMH SPORTS USA INC 2710.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS �EEEMEEE Printed 2,240.00 300059 8/10/2023 3210 EMH SPORTS USA INC 2710.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 1,120.00 300285 8/31/2023 3265 EMPIRE ECONOMICS 07/20/23 CFD 2023-1 ALTAIR-BROOKFIELD PROP DEEEEEEM Printed 16,500.00 600111 8/24/2023 1525 ENNIS FLINT INC 448818 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: PW EFT 3,571.03 15223 8/21/2023 2494 ERGOTRON 0130 SUPPLIES: ERGONOMICS: HR .re 108.75 300137 8/17/2023 3183 EVOLPHIN SOFTWARE INC 3875 DIGITIAL ASSET MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE: IT Printed 44,910.00 15241 8/21/2023 1425 EXPEDIA.COM 9580 LODGING: CASQA CONFERENCE: `'ire 1,213.39 15122 8/3/2023 1998 EYEMED VISION CARE BEN349520 VISION PLAN PAYMENT Wire 2,067.80 300029 8/3/2023 1703 FAITH AUTO GLASS & TINTING 11398 WINDOWSHIELD REPAIR: HUMAN SVCS VAN _ Printed 340.29 300030 8/3/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-199-00966A EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: THEATER: TCSD Printed 13,85 300060 8/10/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-199-00966C EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: FIRE DEPT _ Printed 8.97 300060 8/10/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-199-00966E EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: PLANNING Printed 8.17 300138 8/17/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-199-00966D EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: CIP: PW _ Printed 8.17 300138 8/17/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-206-46564E EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: THEATER: TCSD Printed 11.58 300193 8/24/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-206-46564C EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: CODE ENFORCEMENT Printed 371.91 300193 8/24/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-213-05366E EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: CODE ENFORCEMENT Printed 30.34 300193 8/24/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-206-46564A EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: CIP: PW Printed _ 22.66 300286 8/31/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-178-96862E EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: TCSD Printed 26.57 300286 8/31/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-206-46564B EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: FIRE Printed ■- 24.34 300286 8/31/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-213-05366A EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: FIRE DEPT Printed 8.74 300286 8/31/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 2-180-36297 EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: FIRE DEPT Printed ommEENIM90.85 300286 8/31/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-220-74010 EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: EM Printed 11.13 300286 8/31/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-178-96862A EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: FIRE i Printed ■- 8.42 300286 8/31/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-228-64779A EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: TCSD Printed 66.73 300286 8/31/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-206-46564D + EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: LAND DEV: PVMEE� Printed 36.24 300154 8/24/2023 1151 FESTIVAL FUN PARKS LLC FFP-INV-00002664 SDC TEEN EXCURSION: TCSD Printed 696.64 15442 8/14/2023 3392 FIGURE 53 LLC 3599 MEMBERSHIP: SOUND: THEATER MEMER Wire 650.00 600032 8/3/2023 1219 FINE ARTS NETWORK LITTLE MERMAID ADV TICKET SALES ADVANCE: LITTLE MERMAID EFT 17,000.00 600033 8/3/2023 1219 FINE ARTS NETWORK LITTLE MERMAID ' STTLMNT: DISNEY'S LITTLE MERMAID * EFT 2,608.71 600112 8/24/2023 1219 FINE ARTS NETWORK LITTLE MERMAID 8/6 STTLMNT: LITTLE MERMAID 7/21-8/6 EFT 26,333.25 300061 8/10/2023 1006 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY 07/28/23 IIIIIEM TITLE REPORT FOR EMPIRE CREEK PARCELS APN Printed 1,500,00 300194 8/24/2023 1006 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY 240505 OVERLAND DRIVE WIDENING: PW 20-11 Printed 2'500.00 15210 8/21/2023 3315 FIVERR INC 1E. i 4943 * SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN: BUDGET TALK VIDEO i Wire 18.33 15211 8/21/2023 3315 FIVERR INC 4945 SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN: BUDGET TALK VIDEO Wire 13.05 15213 8/21/2023 3315 FIVERR INC MEN 4943A SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN: BUDGET TALK VIDEOMEEEE� 39.43 15345 8/14/2023 3369 FOUR POINTS BY SHERATON 0425 LODGING: UNDERCOVER OPS FOR FEMALE LAW ENFORCEMENT Wire 615.38 300139-R 8/17/2023 1176 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD BEN349298 ACCOUNT # 57393126 Pdnted 50.00 300139 8/17/2023 1176 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD BEN348754 ACCOUNT#573931267 Printed 50.00 3001400 8/17/2023 1176 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD BEN349532 SUPPORT PAYMENT Printed 50.00 600155 8/31/2023 1875 FREIZE UHLER KIMBERLY 8888HEALTH&WELLT SHIRTS: HEALTH & WELLNESS FAIR: HR EFT 397.11 15381 -! 8/22/2023 2067 FRONTIER CALIFORNIA INC VAR JUL/AUG FRONTIER VARIOUS JUUAUG INTERNET SVCS Wire 11,337.63 300196 8/24/2023 2067 FRONTIER CALIFORNIA INC 951-506-2593-031423- JUL INTERNET SVCS: CIVIC CTR Printed 857.22 3001970 8/24/2023 1497 FULL COMPASS SYSTEMS INCO2388989 SOUND/LIGHTING & MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER Printed 651.38 300197 8/24/2023 1497 FULL COMPASS SYSTEMS INCO2394355 SOUND/LIGHTING & MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER Printed 95,03 300197 8/24/2023 1497 FULL COMPASS SYSTEMS INCO2393556 SOUND/LIGHTING & MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER Printed 155.50 300063 8/10/2023 1932 FUN EXPRESS LLC 72563518501 MISC SUPPLIES: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD Printed 2,605.78 300227 8/24/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0011979456-001 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS Printed 609.32 300227 8/24/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0012239697-001 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS Printed 798.08 600124 -■ 8/24/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0012081232-001 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS - Void 449.48 600124 8/24/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0011853389-001 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS Void 449.48 600124 -■ 8/24/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0011627359-002 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS _Fold 924.81 300198 8/24/2023 1121 GALLS LLC BC1933068 UNIFORMS: TEM SHERIFF Printed 450.40 15355 IF 8/21/2023 3383 GAUCHO GRILL BUENA PARK 7491 REFRESHMENTS: MEETING 07/20/23 IMEFvi" 124.30 15209 8/21/2023 3314 GBS LINENS 1395 TABLE RUNNER: STATE OF THE CITY: ECO DEV Wire 363.53 15216 FF� 8/21/2023 3314 GBS LINENS 4281 TABLE RUNNERS: STATE OF THE CITY: ECO DEV "'ire 120.41 300199 8/24/2023 2374 GEORGE HILLS COMPANY INC INV1025953 CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION: HR Printed 3,811.80 600157 FF� 8/31/2023 2374 GEORGE HILLS COMPANY INC INV1025777 CLAIMS TPA: RM -ET 4,000.00 300287 8/31/2023 3234 GIACOMAZZA JEANNINE 08/14/23 REFUND: PARKING CITATION DISMISSED Printed 305.00 15225 ' 8/21/2023 2395 GIFTCARDS.COM 0623 HEALTH FLEX EMPLOYEE WELLNESS i- 850.05 15229 8/21/2023 2395 GIFTCARDS.COM 2831 HEALTH FLEX: TEAM PACE 219.82 15439 8/14/2023 3391 GILD MINI GOLF � 8087 EXCURSION: TEEN CAMP: TCSD {Wire FFFFFF'rire 850.00 300288 8/31/2023 2482 GLOBAL MUSIC RIGHTS LLC INV-GMR-77288 MUSIC LICENSE: TCSD Printed 2,000.00 15305 8/14/2023 2044GOATANDVINETHE' 6110 REFRESHMENTS: CITY COUNCIL MEETING _Nre 185.29 15353 8/21/2023 2044 GOAT AND VINE THE 0269 REFRESHMENTS: PLANNING COMMISSION MTG Wire 165.29 300141 8/17/2023 1813 GODS FAN CLUB CDBG: MILLER ' CDBG: RENTAL ASSISTANCE: MILLER EEff Printed 2,310.00 300200 8/24/2023 1813 GODS FAN CLUB CDBG: HANKI CDBG: RENTAL ASSISTANCE: MILLER Printed 1,988.00 300201 8/24/2023 1554 GOFORTH AND MARTI 0286674-IN = OFFICE CHAIR REPLACEMENT:IT JME Printed 1,393.96 300064 8/10/2023 1523 GOLDEN VALLEY MUSIC SOCIETY STTLMNT: 7/9 & 7/23 CLASSICS @ THE MERC 7/9 & 7123 Printed 567.00 300202 8/24/2023 1523 GOLDEN VALLEY MUSIC SOCIETY EEEEI� FY 23/24: 1ST PMT FFt PERFORMANCE: THEATER: TCSD Printed 7,600.00 300146 8/17/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1273 HVAC SUPPLES: FACILITY MAINT/SENIOR CENTER Printed 598.06 300209 8/24/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1348 F, HVAC SUPPLES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 717.72 300209 8/24/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1349 HVAC SUPPLIES : FACILITY MAINT Printed 1,520.76 300209 8/24/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I MEN 1334 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 723.14 15153 8/14/2023 1007 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION GFOA 8546 WEBINAR REGISTRATION: FINANCE DEPT Wire 420.00 15154 8/14/2023 1007 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION GFOA 5869 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: FINANCE Wire 150.00 600059 8/10/2023 1905 GOVERNMENTJOBS.COM INC INV-36053 POWER POLICY SUBSCRIPTION HR EFT 9,217.64 600059 8/10/2023 1905 GOVERNMENTJOBS.COM INC INV-24697 USER LICENSE NEOGOV RENEWAL:HR EFT 61,412.33 600158 8/31/2023 1225 GRAINGER 9809909733 MISC STAGE SUPPLIES: THEATER: TCSD EFT 77,92 600158 8/31/2023 1225 GRAINGER 9808152616 MISC STAGE SUPPLIES:THEATER:TCSD EFT 433.76 300289 8/31/2023 2550 GREENPOWER MOTOR COMPANY INC MAT-071823-005 EV VEHICLE REPAIRS: TCSD Printed 645.74 600159 8/31/2023 1197 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY INLAND VALLEY INC 07/31/23 CRITICAL HOME REPAIR PROGRAM EFT 250,000.00 300065 8/10/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 28241JUL MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: SPORTS: TCSD Printed 2,289.96 300065 8/10/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2641/JUL MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: STREETS: PW Printed 888.10 300065 8/10/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2733/JUL MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: TRAFFIC: PW Printed 355.72 300142 8/17/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2646/JUL MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: CRC Printed 153.56 300142 8/17/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2107/JUL MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: THEATER Printed 271.51 300142 8/17/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2734/JUL MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: LIBRARY Printed 113.53 300142 8/17/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2664/JUL MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: MPSC Printed 4.45 300142 8/17/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2706/JUL MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: AQUATICS MMEMIII Printed 212.99 300142 8/17/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2670/JUL MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: TCC Printed 66.79 300142 8/17/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 3001/JUL MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: CIP: PW = Printed 39.08 300290 8/31/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2649 JUL MISC MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES:PARKS:PW Printed 1,276.44 300290 8/31/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2634 JUL MISC MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES:FIRE= Printed 273.26 300292 8/31/2023 2225 HASA INC 899686 POOL SANTIZING CHEMICALS: CITY POOLS Printed 1,048.94 300066 8/10/2023 3202 HAZERIAN ALICIA 1000926801753 REFUND: LIBRARY: TCSD Printed 26.99 600113 8/24/2023 1056 HDL COREN AND CONE SIN030296 JUL-SEP PROPERTY TAX CONSULTING: FINANCE EFT 6,859.34 300169 8/24/2023 1110 HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES CENTER INC E0294692 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PRGM: HR Printed 1,877,10 300169 8/24/2023 1110 HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES CENTER INC E0297281 EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PRGM: HR Printed 1,877.90 600085 8/17/2023 1093 HEALTHPOINTE MEDICAL GROUP INC 42612-4082060 MED EMPLOYMENT SCREENING: HR EFT 100.00 600160 8/31/2023 1093 HEALTHPOINTE MEDICAL GROUP INC 42612-4090555 MED SCREENINGS: HR EFT 250.00 300067 8/10/2023 1791 HELIXSTORM INC 14169 NIMBLE HPE TECH CARE RENEWAL: INFO TECH Void 70,197.42 300067 8/10/2023 1791 HELIXSTORM INC 14173 TERADICI DESKTOP ACCESS: TEM PUB LIB Void 2,250.00 300067 8/10/2023 1791 HELIXSTORM INC 14138 HPE TECH CARE DL360S AND MSA:LIBRARY Void 6,900.00 300098 8/14/2023 1791 HELIXSTORM INC 14169 NIMBLE HPE TECH CARE RENEWAL: INFO TECH Printed 70,197.42 300098 8/14/2023 1791 HELIXSTORM INC 14173 TERADICI DESKTOP ACCESS: TEM PUB LIB Printed 2,250.00 300098 8/14/2023 1791 HELIXSTORM INC 14138 HPE TECH CARE DL360S AND MSA:LIBRARY Printed 6,900.00 15341 8/14/2023 1074 HILTON 4394 LODGING: IMPAIRED DRIVING CONFERENCE: PD Wire 214.34 15342 8/14/2023 1074 HILTON 2856 LODGING: IMPAIRED DRIVING CONFERENCE: PD Wire 428.68 15160 8/14/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 6076 TRAVEL CASE: FIRE DEPT Wire 270.79 1 + 300068 8/10/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 7043369 MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD Void 6.56 300068 1 8/10/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 7522211 MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD Void �05.08 300068 8/10/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 5973812 HARDWARE SUPPLIES: PW Void 199.21 300099 1 8/14/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 7043369 MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD�MMMMIMI Printed ME 6.56 300099 8/14/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 5973812 HARDWARE SUPPLIES: PW Printed 199.21 300099 M■ 8/14/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 7522211 MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD Printed FF Eff 05.08 300144 8/17/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 1045349 SUPPLIES: HISTORY DAY: TVM: TCSD Printed 40.73 300144 -� 8/17/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 0045439 SUPPLIES: ARTWORK: TVM: TCSD Printed ME 23.77 300205 8/24/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 4045911 LIGHTING/SOUND SUPPLIES -THEATER Printed 626.84 15217 ' 8/21/2023 3316 HOT DOG ON A STICK 0929 TEAM PACE EVENT Wire �55.45 600021 8/3/2023 2233 HOWELL ANN MARIE COT _ECONDEV_0723 GRAPHIC DESIGN SVCS: ECO DEV EFT 85.00 15288 8/14/2023 3254 HUDSON GROUP 6448 REFRESHMENTS: DC LOBBYING `'ire 4.24 15233 8/21/2023 3244 HYATT REGENCY 8165 LODGING: DC LOBBYING 69.57 15262 8/14/2023 3244 HYATT REGENCY MEN 1266MEM LODGING: LOBBYING � {Wire FFFFFF'rire 69.57 15285 8/14/2023 3244 HYATT REGENCY 1483 REFRESHMENTS: DC LOBBYING Wire 25.00 15286 8/14/2023 3244 HYATT REGENCY MEN 0515 ME LODGING: DC LOBBYING w _o 69.57 15356 8/21/2023 3384 ICLEI LOCAL GOVERNMENTS FOR SUSTAINABILITY USA 3153 MEMBERSHIP FEE: PLANNING Wire 2,250.00 15357 8/21/2023 3384 ICLEI LOCAL GOVERNMENTS FOR SUSTAINABILITY USA 3793 MEMBERSHIP DUES: PLANNING 08/01/23-07/31/26 _- 3,487.50 300031 8/3/2023 2076 ICMA 424776 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: CITY MGR OFC Printed 1,200.00 15326 8/14/2023 3115 IDEAL PRINT AND COPY 1032 OR CODE STICKERS: FIRE 15162 8/14/2023 2046 IN N OUT BURGER INC 1947 RFRSHMNTS: DUI CHECKPOINT: POLICE Wire 300206 8/24/2023 2786 INDUSTRIAL HEARING & PULMONARY MGT = 77401 mom EMPLOYEE HEARING TESTING: RM Printed 300069 8/10/2023 2353 INLAND EMPIRE FILM SVCS INC 23-0289 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPONSORSHIP FUNDING Void 300100 8/14/2023 2353 INLAND EMPIRE FILM SVCS INC MMME� 23-0289 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPONSORSHIP FUNDING ' Printed 300207 8/24/2023 1533 INLAND VALLEY CLASSICAL BALLET THEATRE STTLMNT: CINDERELLA STTLMNT: CINDERELLA 08/12-08/13 Printed 15115 8/3/2023 1047 INSTATAX EDD MEW BEN349546 _ STATE TAX PAYMENT E�b 15127 8/17/2023 1047 INSTATAX EDD BEN349630 STATE TAX PAYMENT Wire 15140 8/31/2023 1047 INSTATAX EDDMEN BEN349654 _ STATE TAX PAYMENT _- 15116 8/3/2023 10271NSTATAX IRS BEN349542 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT Wire 15128 8/17/2023 10271NSTATAX IRSMEN BEN349628 IMM FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT 15141 8/31/2023 10271NSTATAX IRS BEN349652 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT Wire 300264 8/24/2023 3227 INSTEP MARKETING IMEN C3159 BROCHURES: PW CIPlllllllp� Printed 300145 8/17/2023 3035 INTERFLEX PAYMENT LLC INV634182 FSA/COBRA: HR Printed 300145 8/17/2023 3035 INTERFLEX PAYMENT LLCMEMEN INV641876 FSA/COBRA: HR Printed 300208 8/24/2023 3035 INTERFLEX PAYMENT LLC BEN349544 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT FSA PAYMENT Printed 300208 8/24/2023 3035 INTERFLEX PAYMENT LLC BEN348766 FSA REIMBURSEMENT PAYMENT Printed 15333 8/14/2023 3364 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CHIEFS OF POLICE 1118 REGISTRATION: IMPAIRED DRIVING CONFERENCE: POLICE Wire 600161 8/31/2023 2085 INTERPRETERS UNLIMITED 357580A INTERPRETERS SERVICES:TEM SHERIFF PD -- 15196 8/14/2023 2276 IP ENTERTAINMENT LLC PINS N POCKETS ENTERTAINMENT 6254 EXCURSION: SUMMER DAY CAMP: TCSD Wire 15424 8/14/2023 2276 IP ENTERTAINMENT LLC PINS N POCKETS ENTERTAINMENT 9971 EXCURSION: SUMMER DAY CAMP: TCSD MMW� Wire 15427 8/14/2023 1674 ISTOCK INTL INC 5727 SUBSCRIPTION: PROMO IMAGES: TCSD Wire 600114 8/24/2023 1719 JACOBS HOUSE INC BEN348750 UNITED WAY CONTRIBUTIONS EFT 600114 8/24/2023 1719 JACOBS HOUSE INC BEN349528 UNITED WAY CONTRIBUTIONS EFT 15215 8/21/2023 2663 JAMBA JUICE 2285 TEAM PACE EVENT Wire 600060 8/10/2023 1683 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY S3826250.001 PLUMBING SUPPLIES, FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT 600060 8/10/2023 1683 JOHNSTONE SUPPLY S3838313.001 PLUMBING SUPPLIES, FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT 300071 8/10/2023 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP 68041 BUSINESS CARDS: TCSD Void 300071 8/10/2023 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP i 68037 BUSINESS CARDS: TCSD Void 300102 8/14/2023 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP 68041 BUSINESS CARDS: TCSD Printed 300102 8/14/2023 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP i 68037 BUSINESS CARDS: TCSD Printed 300210 8/24/2023 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP 68054 BUSINESS CARDS: HR Printed 300210 8/24/2023 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP 68058 BUSINESS CARDS: CODE ENFORCEMENT Printed 15148 8/3/2023 1260 JP MORGAN CHASE WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK ANNUAL PLEADE TEM GARDENS ANNUAL PLEDGE FUND PMT Wire 300072 8/10/2023 1933 KELLY SPICERS INC 11366099 MISC PAPER SUPPLIES: CENTRAL SVCS Void 300103 8/14/2023 1933 KELLY SPICERS INC 11366099 MISC PAPER SUPPLIES: CENTRAL SVCS Printed 300073 8/10/2023 2499 KNOWBE4 INC —IMMML INV271656 STAFF TRAININGCITYWIDE ME Void 300104 8/14/2023 2499 KNOWBE4 INC INV271656 STAFF TRAINING:CITYWIDE Printed 600162 8/31/2023 2636 KOEPFLI TRISTAN H --MMEEMF 05.01.23 UNIFORM CUSTOMIZATION: TEM SHERIFF ME EFT 300211 8/24/2023 1975 KRACH BREE B 11517 NAME BADGE CITY CLERK Printed 300211 8/24/2023 1975 KRACH BREE B 11497 WORKFORCE PROGRAM AWARDS:TCSD _ Printed 15195 8/14/2023 2166 LA COCINA BAR AND GRILL 8852 REFRESHMENTS: OUTREACH TEAM Wire 15199 ' 8/14/2023 2166 LA COCINA BAR AND GRILL 3975 REFRESHMENTS: TEAM OUTREACH: TCSD `'ire 300212 8/24/2023 1793 LA JOLLA BOOKING AGENCY 59192358 REFUND: SEC DER THEATER Printed 15438 8/14/2023 1213 LAKE ELSINORE STORM PROF BASEBALL TEAM 0079 TICKETS: FAMILY BASEBALL NIGHT —`'ire 15259 8/14/2023 1788 LAKE ELSINORE VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 0619 REGISTRATION: CHAMBER SALUTE Wire 300074 -■ 8/10/2023 1840 LANAIR GROUP LLC 71038 MITEL CLOUD BACKUP:IT 1pid 300074 8/10/2023 1840 LANAIR GROUP LLC 71037 MITEL ANNUAL PARTNER SUPPORT:IT Void 300105 -■ 8/14/2023 1840 LANAIR GROUP LLC 71038 MITEL CLOUD BACKUP:IT tinted 300105 8/14/2023 1840 LANAIR GROUP LLC 71037 MITEL ANNUAL PARTNER SUPPORT:IT Printed 15302 ' 8/14/2023 2294 LE COFFEE SHOP TEMECULA 1959 REFRESHMENTS: BOARD & COMMISSION APPRECIATION 7Vire� 15258 8/14/2023 1014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 9894 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE Wire 300297 8/31/2023 1050 LEIGHTON CONSULTING INC 58240 GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTING SVCS:PA23-0227 Printed 15158 8/14/2023 2350 LEWIS CLEANERS 0619 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: CITY CLERK Wire 15231 8/21/2023 3259 LONGWORTH CAFE 1195 REFRESHMENTS: DC LOBBYING Wire 300075 8/10/2023 3198 LOOMIS ARMORED US LLC 13282682 ARMORED CAR SVCS: FINANCE Void 300106 8/14/2023 3198 LOOMIS ARMORED US LLC 13282682 ARMORED CAR SVCS: FINANCE Void 15267 8/14/2023 2271 LYFT 0620 TRANSPORTATION: DC LOBBYING Wire 300076 8/10/2023 1302 M AND J PAUL ENTERPRISES INC 070323 JUMPER GAME RENTALS: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD Void 300107 8/14/2023 1302 M AND J PAUL ENTERPRISES INC 070323 JUMPER GAME RENTALS: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD Printed 300214 8/24/2023 1806 M C I COMM SERVICE JUL 7DK90589 JUL 7DK90589 XXX-3046 GEN USAGE Printed 300214 8/24/2023 1806 M C I COMM SERVICE JUL 7DK89878 JUL 7DK89878 XXX-0714 USAGE MALL PD Printed 300215 8/24/2023 3228 MAHABUB ALAM 59335149 REFUND: SEC DEPOSIT&RENTAL Printed 300216 8/24/2023 1224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 42136 VARIOUS SIGNS & SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 300216 8/24/2023 1224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 42137 VARIOUS SIGNS& SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 300216 8/24/2023 1224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 42135 VARIOUS SIGNS & SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 300216 8/24/2023 1224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 42191 VARIOUS SIGNS & SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 300216 8/24/2023 1224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 42129 VARIOUS SIGNS & SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 600115 8/24/2023 1250 MAINTEX INC 1046951-01 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT EFT 600163 8/31/2023 1250 MAINTEX INC 1046951-00 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT EFT 300298 8/31/2023 3241 MAJOR MAE BLANCHE 08/14/23 REFUND: PARKING CITATION OVERPAYMENT Printed 600031 8/3/2023 1243 MANALILI DE VILLA AILEEN 0100.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600061 8/10/2023 1243 MANALILI DE VILLA AILEEN 1205.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600061 8/10/2023 1243 MANALILI DE VILLA AILEEN 1206.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600061 8/10/2023 1243 MANALILI DE VILLA AILEEN 1202.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS IIMMMEMI EFT 600061 8/10/2023 1243 MANALILI DE VILLA AILEEN 1204.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600061 8/10/2023 1243 MANALILI DE VILLA AILEEN 1200.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS MlMlw EFT 15167 8/21/2023 2715 MARCOS PIZZA 5740 RFRSHMNTS: STATE OF THE CITY: ECO DEV Wire 300143 8/17/2023 3102 MARCUS HELEN G 07/31/23 TVM GALLERY TALK PRESENTER ` Printed 15133 8/11/2023 2388 MATRIX TELECOM LLC 1196884605 JUL 800 SERVICES: CIVIC CENTER Wire 300078 8/10/2023 2071 MEMORABLE BITES LLC 2001 REFRESHMENTS: SDC MEAL 7/27 W Void 300109 8/14/2023 2071 MEMORABLE BITES LLC 2001 REFRESHMENTS: SDC MEAL 7/27 Printed 300147 8/17/2023 3201 MENDOZA NOLAN REF: FEES REFUND: FEES FRIENDSHIP PARK FIBER OPTIC Printed 300148 8/17/2023 1185 MET LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY BEN349516 DENTAL HMO: PAYMENT Printed 300148 8/17/2023 1185 MET LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY BEN348738 DENTAL HMO: PAYMENT Printed 600164 8/31/2023 2259 MICHELLE MEDINA 1040.201 1ST PMT TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600086 8/17/2023 1327 MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC 407546 FAB/INSTALL SHELF DIVIDERS: FOC — EFT 600116 8/24/2023 1795 MIKO MOUNTAINLION INC 1183-117 ROCK SLIDE MITIGATION: RAINBOW CANYON EFT 600062 8/10/2023 1681 MIRANDA JULIO CESAR 3605.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EEF EFT 600062 8/10/2023 1681 MIRANDA JULIO CESAR 3600.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600062 8/10/2023 1681 MIRANDA JULIO CESAR 3630.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT —_ 600062 8/10/2023 1681 MIRANDA JULIO CESAR 3610.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600034 -■ 8/3/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 513874-01 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: SENIOR CENTER: PW EFT 600063 8/10/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 514332-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES: PW EFT 600087 WPM 81 7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 514373-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES: PW EFT 600087 8/17/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 514155-02 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES: PW EFT 600087 =, 81 7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 514800-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKSIMEM EFT 600087 8/17/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 513910-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CRC: PW EFT 600087 !f 81 712023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 513842-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: SENIOR CEN. PW EFT 600087 8/17/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 514283-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: THEATER: PW EFT 600087 -h& 81 712023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 513865-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TVE2: PW . EFT 600087 8/17/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 514137-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: LIBRARY: PW EFT 600117 ESE 8/24/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 514554-02 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: EOC AMIMMM EFT 600117 8/24/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 514541-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: THEATER: PW EFT 600117 ■ 8/24/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 514225-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: THEATER: PW EFT 600117 8/24/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 514627-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL: PW EFT 600117 `_ 8/24/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 514628-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TCC = EFT 600117 8/24/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 514495-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TPL: PW EFT 600117 r 8/24/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 514455-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TPL: PW �MIMM EFT 600117 8/24/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 514848-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: HAVESTON LAKE PARK EFT 600165 E6_ 8/31/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 514532-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES:LIBRARY EFT 15113 8/3/2023 2356 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 106474 BEN349548 ICMA-401(A) RETIREMENT PLAN: PAYMENT Wire 15125 ■ 8/17/2023 2356 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 106474 BEN349632 ICMA-401(A) RETIREMENT PLAN: PAYMENIMEEMEN Wire 15138 8/31/2023 2356 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 106474 BEN349656 ICMA-401(A) RETIREMENT PLAN: PAYMENT Wire 15126 ' 8/17/2023 1011 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 303355 BEN349636 ICMA-RC RETIREMENT TRUST 457 PAYMENT Wire 15139 8/31/2023 1011 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 303355 BEN349658 ICMA-RC RETIREMENT TRUST 457 PAYMENT Wire 16002 `- 8/3/2023 1011 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 303355 REISSUE BEN349550 ICMA-RC RETIREMENT TRUST 457 PAYMENT Wire 600035 8/3/2023 1118 MIYAMOTO JURKOSKY SUSAN 2900.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600035 -` 8/3/2023 1118 MIYAMOTO JURKOSKY SUSAN 2900.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNING EFT 15448 8/14/2023 2164 MOBILE MONEY INC 2518 ATM RENTALS: 4TH OF JULY Wire 15244 -■ 8/2/2023 2830 MOOD MEDIA NORTH AMERICA HOLDINGS LLC AUG'23 DISH NETWORK SVCS E� Wire 600036 8/3/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2050.205 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600036 -� 8/3/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 0630.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600036 8/3/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2050.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600036 8/3/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2055.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600036 8/3/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 0100.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600064 �� 8/10/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 07/11/23 COMMUNITY MURAL PROJ: TCSD EFT 600064 8/10/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2050.207 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600064 8/10/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 07/10/23 2ND SAT ART ROOM: TVM IMEEMEEE EFT 600088 8/17/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2047.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600088 �� 8/17/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2055.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNING EFT 600088 8/17/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2055.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600088 8/17/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2040.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600088 8/17/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2050.208 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600088 �� 8/17/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2047.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600118 8/24/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2050.206 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 600166 8/31/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2045.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 15174 8/14/2023 3300 MUNICIPAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS ASSOCIATION OF CALIF 3876 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: INFO TECH Wire 15176 8/14/2023 3300 MUNICIPAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS ASSOCIATION OF CALIF 8832 AWARD APPLICATION FEE: INFO TECH 600065 8/10/2023 2081 MUSIC CONNECTION LLC PERF: 07/08/23 SPEAKEASY @ THE MERC: 07/08 EFT 600119 8/24/2023 2081 MUSIC CONNECTION LLC STTLMNT: 08/12/23 SPEAKEASY @ THE MERC: 08/12 _ EFT 600066 8/10/2023 2268 MUSSON THEATRICAL INC 00467085 SOUND/LIGHTING SUPPLIES: THEATER EFT 600120 8/24/2023 2268 MUSSON THEATRICAL INC 00466529 SOUND/LIGHTING SUPPLIES: THEATER _ EFT 600120 8/24/2023 2268 MUSSON THEATRICAL INC 00467180 SOUND/LIGHTING SUPPLIES: THEATER EFT 300217 8/24/2023 2020 MYTHOS TECHNOLOGY INC MSP-21414 NETWORK MONITORING SVCS: ECO DEV _ Printed 15273 8/14/2023 3248 NALIPOPISH 7069 BALLOON SET UP: STATE OF THE CITY: CC Wire 15117 8/3/2023 1088 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349538 _ NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT PAYMENT NEff Wire 15118 8/3/2023 2086 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349552 NATIONWIDE LOAN REPAYMENT PAYMENT Wire 15119 8/3/2023 1038 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349556 _ OBRA- PROJECT RETIREMENT PAYMENT _ Wire 15129 8/17/2023 1088 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349624 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 15130 8/17/2023 2086 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349638 F NATIONWIDE LOAN REPAYMENT PAYMENT _Wire 15131 8/17/2023 1038 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349642 OBRA- PROJECT RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 15142 8/31/2023 1088 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349648 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT PAYMENT `=ire 15143 8/31/2023 2086 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349660 NATIONWIDE LOAN REPAYMENT PAYMENT Wire 15144 ` 8/31/2023 1038 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349664 ` OBRA- PROJECTRETIREMENTPAYMENT EEEMEEME 15434 8/14/2023 2255 NETFLIX.COM 5859 MONTHLY SVC CHARGE: TEEN ROOM: CRC Wire 300218.E 8/24/2023 3231 NEWTON MELISSA 58235775 r REFUND: USER CREDIT CONVERSION ,- 600089 8/17/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75318 TRASH CLEAN UP FOR 4TH OF JULY EFT 600089 ME 8/17/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75285 IRRIGATION REPAIR AT M-13 8 M-14A PER SO #66696 & 5- 600121 8/24/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75082 JUL LANDSCAPE SVCS: MEDIANS: PW EFT 600121 ! 8/24/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75363 LANDSCAPE MULCH: WOODCREST SLOPE EFT 600121 8/24/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75304 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: PARKS: PW EFT 600121 EL_ 8/24/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75312 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: SLOPES: PW EFT 600121 8/24/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75289 IRRIGATION REPAIRS VARIOUS SITES EFT 600121 8/24/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75302 IRRIGATION REPAIR: BUTTERFIELD MEDIAN: PW EFT 600121 8/24/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75085 JUL LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 600121 E`r 8/24/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75314 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: SLOPES: PW EFT 600121 8/24/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75310 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: SLOPES: PW EFT 600121' 8/24/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75084A JUL LANDSCAPE MAINT SVCS: SLOPES: PW EFT 600122 8/24/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75084B JUL LANDSCAPE MAINT SVCS: SLOPES: PW EFT 600167 8/31/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75311 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: SLOPES: PW EFT 600167 8/31/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75315 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: SLOPES: PW EFT 600167 8/31/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75291 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS SITES: PW EFT 600167 8/31/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75308 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: SLOPES: PW EFT 600167 8/31/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75298 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 600167 8/31/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75081B LANDSCAPE SVCS: FIRE STATIONS EFT 600167 8/31/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75305 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: PARKS: PW dMEEMb EFT 600167 8/31/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75295 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 600167 8/31/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75303 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: PARKS: PW MMEMP EFT 600167 8/31/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75297 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 600168 8/31/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75299 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 600168 8/31/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75292 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: YNEZ RD & BUTTERFIELD STAGE EFT 600168 8/31/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75293 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: YNEZ RD & BUTTERFIELD STAGE EFT 600168 8/31/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75301 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 600168 8/31/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75313 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: SLOPES: PW llll� EFT 600168 8/31/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75309 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: SLOPES: PW EFT 600168 8/31/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75296 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 600168 8/31/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75306 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: SLOPES: PW EFT 600168 8/31/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75316 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: SLOPES: PW EFT 600168 8/31/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75307 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: SLOPES: PW EFT 600169 8/31/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75300 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 15432 8/14/2023 3303 NORAS EMPANADA FACTORY 3717 REFRESHMENTS: CULTURE DAY 07/08 Wire 300219 8/24/2023 2571 NORMAN A TRAUB & ASSOCIATES LLC 23025.2 WORKPLACE INVESTIGATIONS SVCS: AR Printed 300220 8/24/2023 1013 NUTRIEN AG SOLUTIONS INC 52077441 TOOL & EQUIP STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 300220 8/24/2023 1013 NUTRIEN AG SOLUTIONS INC 51976005 i TOOL & EQUIP STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 300221 8/24/2023 1797 CDC PERF: 09123 DEPOSIT PERFORMANCE: THEATER: TCSD Printed 300222 8/24/2023 1564 ODYSSEY POWER CORPORATION 131254 UPS PREVENTATIVE MAINT:LIBRARY: IT Printed 300223 8/24/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 162231 VEHICLEREPAIR/ MAINTENANCE: PD Printed 300223 8/24/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 163496 VEHICLEREPAIR/ MAINTENANCE: PD Printed 300223 8/24/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 163546 VEHICLEREPAIR / MAINTENANCE: PC Printed 300223 8/24/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 163393 VEHICLE REPAIR MAINTENANCE: PD i Printed 600090 8/17/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72047 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 600090 8/17/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 71868 VEHICLE MAINT: STREETS: PW EFT 600090 8/17/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 71864 VEHICLE MAINT: PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 600090 8/17/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72085 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS&FACILITIES EFT 600090 8/17/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 71820 VEHICLE MAINT: PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 600090 8/17/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 71897 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: FIRE ' EFT 600090 8/17/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72076 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 600090 8/17/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 71770 VEHICLE MAINT: PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 600090 8/17/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 71995 VEHICLE MAINT: PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 600090-- 8/17/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72007 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS&FACILITIES EFT 600091 8/17/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72015 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: FIRE EFT 600091 -■ 8/17/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 71924 VEHICLE MAINT: PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 600091 8/17/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72028 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: FIRE EFT 600091 8/17/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72046 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE- STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 600123 8/24/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 71823 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: BUILD & SAFETY EFT 600123 8/24/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72255 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: MAINTENANCE EFT 600123 8/24/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72140 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: PARKS: PW EFT 600123 8/24/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72192 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: BLDG & SAFETY _- 600123 8/24/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72168 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 600123�L 8/24/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72173 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS&FACILITIES EFT 600123 8/24/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72079 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: BUILD & SAFETY EFT 600123 r 8/24/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 71787 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: HOMELESS OUTREACH EFT 600123 8/24/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72203 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 600170 16_ 8/31/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72275 VEHICLE REPAIR/ MAINTENANCE:POLICE EFT 15298 8/14/2023 1404 OLIVE GARDEN 0101 REFRESHMENTS: CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION MTG Wire 15358 ■ 8/21/2023 3385 OMNI HOTEL AND RESORTS 7215 LODGING: STAND-BY SUBPOENA: THE BANK ' Wire 15264 8/14/2023 1400 ONTARIO AIRPORT PARKING LOT 3382 PARKING: DC LOBBYING Wire 15230 8/21/2023 1492 PANERA BREAD 8717 BENEFITS COMMITTEE: AR Wire 15280 8/14/2023 1492 PANERA BREAD 2572 REFRESHMENTS: STATE OF THE CITY: CC Wire 300079 8/10/2023 1492 PANERA BREAD = 60125522496880 REFRESHMENTS: WORKSHOPS: TVE2 _- 300110 8/14/2023 1492 PANERA BREAD 60125522496880 REFRESHMENTS: WORKSHOPS: TVE2 Printed 15155 8/14/2023 1401 PAYPAL 3537 VERISIGN PAYFLOW PRO TRANSACTION _= 15157 8/14/2023 1401 PAYPAL 3952 VERISIGN PAYFLOW PRO TRANSACTION Wire 15428 8/14/2023 1401 PAYPAL 1457 VERISIGN PAYFLOW PRO TRANSACTION �EEE- 15445 8/14/2023 1401 PAYPAL 1411 VERISIGN PAYFLOW PRO TRANSACTION Wire 15447 8/14/2023 1401 PAYPAL 2817 i CATERING: CULTURE DAY: LEITONJ, ALAPE -- 300225 8/24/2023 1214 PECHANGA BAND OF LUISENO MISSION INDIANS 19922 CULTURAL MONITORING SVCS: RAINBOW CNYN SLOPE Printed 15121 8/3/2023 1017 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT IME BEN349540 PER RETIREMENT PAYMENT -- 15132 8/17/2023 1017 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT BEN349626 PERS RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 15145 . 8/31/2023 1017 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT i BEN349650 ` PERS RETIREMENT PAYMENT i- 15120 8/3/2023 1016 PERS HEALTH INSUR PREMIUM BEN349536 PERS HEALTH PAYMENT Wire 15989 -` 8/17/2023 1016 PERS HEALTH INSUR PREMIUIMMEEEMI� BEN349634 PERS HEALTH PAYMENT Yaw 300097 8/11/2023 1018 PETTY CASH 08/03/2023 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT Printed 15429 8/14/2023 3049 PIZZA FACTOR�EEEEEEEEM[7789 REFRESHMENTS: 4TH OF JULY STAFF Wire 300149 8/17/2023 1363 PRE PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC BEN348752 PREPAID LEGAL SVC: PAYMENT Printed 600140' 8/24/2023 1493 PREMIER MARKETING INC � 2957 PERFORMANCE/EVENTS: TCSD EFT 15299 8/14/2023 1020 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC 4971 ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION: CITY CLERK Wire 15300 8/14/2023 1020 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC 8493 ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION: CITY CLER� Wire 300228 8/24/2023 1020 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC SUBSCR: 180905647 NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION: CITY MGR Printed 300213 8/24/2023 3218 PRETI LUCAS 2307C HARD DRIVES STOC VIDEOS - Printed 300150 8/17/2023 3194 PRICE ALLIE 08/03/23 LIABILITY CLAIMS SETTLEMENT PAYMENT Printed 600092 8/17/2023 1721 PRO ACTIVE FIRE DESIGN AND CONSULTING INC 2026 - PLAN CHECKING SVCS: FIRE - EFT 15228 8/21/2023 1526 PUBLIC AGENCY RISK MGMT ASSN PARMA 9441 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: AR Wire 300151 8/17/2023 1526 PUBLIC AGENCY RISK MGMT ASSN PARMA 296 - MEMBERSHIP DUES: HRMEMEMEN Printed 300229 8/24/2023 1526 PUBLIC AGENCY RISK MGMT ASSN PARMA 631 REGIST: PARMA CONFERENCE: RISK Printed 300080 8/10/2023 2461 QLESS INCIMEM 13143 QUEUE MGMT SYS FOR VIRTUAL LINES:COM DEV ' Void 300111 8/14/2023 2461 QLESS INC 13143 QUEUE MGMT SYS FOR VIRTUAL LINES:COM DEV Printed 300081 8/10/2023 2727 QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC PPLN01 07/09/23 POSTAGE SERVICES: PD Void 300112 8/14/2023 2727 QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC PPLN01 07/09/23 POSTAGE SERVICES: PD Printed 300230 8/24/2023 2727 QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC PPLN01 08.09.23 POSTAGE SERVICES: PD Printed 300152 8/17/2023 2064 RADEECAL INC INV-2989 ACCESS POINT WRAPS: OLD TOWN: CIP Printed 300231 8/24/2023 2064 RADEECAL INC INV-2626B DECALS: PUBLIC WORKS — Printed 300231 8/24/2023 2064 RADEECAL INC INV-2550 DECALS: HR Printed 300299 -■ 8/31/2023 2064 RADEECALINC INV-2626A DECALS: INFO TECH Printed 600171 8/31/2023 3136 RAMOS HR CONSULTING INC 1005 PROFESSIONAL SVCS: AR EFT 15384 ' 8/18/2023 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIOUS JUL WATER 2 VARIOUS WATER SVCS JUL BATCH 2 `'ire 15385 8/25/2023 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIOUS JUL WATER 3 VARIOUS WATER SVCS JUL BATCH 3 Wire 15410 8/11/2023 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIUS JUL WATER 1 VARIOUS WATER SVCS JUL BATCH 1 —`Yire 300232 8/24/2023 2535 RANCHO RUNNERS INC 98536 EXP MAIL DLW SVCS: AR Printed 600125 8/24/2023 1076 RANCHO TEMECULA CAR WASH JUL'23ME JUL CAR WASH SVCS: POLICE EFT 600093 8/17/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60167356-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: PARKING GARAGE EFT 600093 FL 8/17/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60167390-00 _ MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: PARKING GARAGE EFT 600093 8/17/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60167398-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: PARKING GARAGE EFT 600093 -■ 8/17/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60167263-00 _ MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR EFT 600093 8/17/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60167461-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR EFT 600093 8/17/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60167399-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: PARKING GARAGE EFT 600093 8/17/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60167375-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: PARKING GARAGE EFT 600126 FL_ 8/24/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60167339-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: PARKING GARAGE EFT 600126 8/24/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60167621-00 HVAC SUPPLIES: PARKING GARAGE EFT 600126 8/24/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60168047-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: TPL EFT 600126 8/24/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60168719-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: TVE EFT 600126 8/24/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60168009-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: TVM - MEAN.. EFT 600126 8/24/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60167703-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CRC EFT 600126 8/24/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60167902-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CRC �MMI EFT 600126 8/24/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60168029-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 600126 8/24/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60167698-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CRC — EFT 600126 8/24/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60168759-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITIES MAINT EFT 600127 `- 8/24/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60168270-00 HVAC SUPPLIES: TCC EFT — 300233 8/24/2023 2365 RENDON CPR INC 07/03/2023 LEADERSHIP ACADEMY- WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Printed 15197 ' 8/14/2023 1393 RICHIES REAL AMERICAN DINER 2274 REFRESHMENTS: OUTREACH TEAM 300082 8/10/2023 1045 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 23-185340 CEQA FILING: PW23-22 Void 300083 -` 8/10/2023 1042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SH0000043798 FY23/24 CAL -ID ASSESSMENT Void 300113 8/14/2023 1045 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 23-185340 CEQA FILING: PW23-22 Printed 300114 8/14/2023 1042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SH0000043798 FY23/24 CAL -ID ASSESSMENT Printed 300153 8/17/2023 1042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY BEN348756 WAGE GARNISHMENT PAYMENT Printed 300153 8/17/2023 1042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY BEN349300 WAGE GARNISHMENT PAYMENT Printed 300154 8/17/2023 1042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY BEN349534 WAGE GARNISHMENT PAYMENT Printed 300234� 8/24/2023 1035 RIVERSIDE COUNTY JUN'23 ! JUN'23 PRKG CITATION ASSESSMENTS Printed 300234 8/24/2023 1035 RIVERSIDE COUNTY MAY'23 MAY'23 PRKG CITATION ASSESSMENTS Printed 300234 8/24/2023 1035 RIVERSIDE COUNTY APR'23 ` APR'23 PRKG CITATION ASSESSMENTS Printed 300235 8/24/2023 1035 RIVERSIDE COUNTY AC0000002010 FY 23/24 LAFCO FEES: PLANNING Printed 300236 8/24/2023 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PE00000011 EMERGENCY RADIO RENTAL: POLICE Printed 300300 8/31/2023 1045 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 23-197507 CEQA FILING: PW17-06: PW Printed 300301 -■ 8/31/2023 1597 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FY 23/24 DEBT SRVC FY 23/24 ANIMAL SHELTER DEBT SERVICE FEE Printed 300302 8/31/2023 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PE0000001153B JUL EMERG RADIO RENTALS: CODE ENF Printed 15444 -� 8/14/2023 1607 RUBIOS RESTAURANTS INC 119fflmm� REFRESHMENTS: STAFF TRAINING: TCSD Wire 300304 8/31/2023 2487 RUSSELL SIGLER INC INV-SDG23001859 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 3003059r 8/31/2023 3267 SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC 9001961983 ENDORSEMENT STAMP: FINANCE Printed 300305 8/31/2023 3267 SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC 9002165708 ENDORSEMENT STAMP: FINANCE Printed 300305 8/31/2023 3267 SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC 9001860031 ENDORSEMENT STAMP: FINANCE Printed 300064 8/10/2023 1552 SANBORN GWYNETH A CO TEMECULA MUSIC ACADEMY PERF: 07/15/23 COUNTRY LIVE! @MERC 07/01/23 Void 300084 8/10/2023 1552 SANBORN GWYNETH A CO TEMECULA MUSIC ACADEMY PERF: 07/01/23 COUNTRY LIVEI @ THE MERC 711/23 Void 300115 8/14/2023 1552 SANBORN GWYNETH A CO TEMECULA MUSIC ACADEMY PERF: 07/01/23 COUNTRY LIVE! @THE MERC 711/23 Printed 300115 8/14/2023 1552 SANBORN GWYNETH A CO TEMECULA MUSIC ACADEMY PERF: 07/15/23 COUNTRY LIVEI @ MERC 07/01/23 Printed 300237 8/24/2023 1552 SANBORN GWYNETH A CO TEMECULA MUSIC ACADEMY PERF: 08/05/23 COUNTRY LIVE! @ THE MERC: 08/05/23 Printed 300237 8/24/2023 1552 SANBORN GWYNETH A CO TEMECULA MUSIC ACADEMY PERF: 08/19/23 COUNTRY LIVEI @ THE MERC 08/19 Printed 300238 8/24/2023 3226 SANCHEZ LUCIA 58188075 REFUND: TINY TOTS: CLASSES: TCSD Printed 300239 8/24/2023 3229 SANCHEZ MARIA OFELIA 59368071 REFUND: SENIOR EXCURSION CORONADO: TCSD Printed 600037 8/3/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 07082023 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: MUSEUM/ACE EFT 600037 8/3/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 070423 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 600037 8/3/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 07072023 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: MUSEUM/ACE EFT 600067 8/10/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 008012023 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES FOR SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 600067 8/10/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 071120023 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: CITY COUNCIL EFT 600067 8/10/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 08012023 PHOTGRAPHYS SVCS: COMMUNITY SUPPORT EFT 600067 8/10/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 07262023 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: TRAILS TEMECULA EFT 600094 -■ 8/17/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 07142023 PHOTGRAPHYS SVCS: MPSC/HUMAN SVCS: TCSD EFT 600094 8/17/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 07272023 PHOTGRAPHYS SVCS: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD EFT 600094 -■ 8/17/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 070620023 PHOTGRAPHYS SVCS: MPSC/HUMAN SVCS: TCSD EFT 600094 8/17/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 07292023 PHOTGRAPHYS SVCS: THEATER: TCSD EFT 600128 -■ 8/24/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 08042023 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: MUSEUM/ACE EFT 600172 8/31/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 08122023 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: ACE/MUSEUM EFT 300306 -■ 8/31/2023 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL495326 MISC POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS TCSD — Printed 300306 8/31/2023 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL494630 MISC POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS TCSD Printed 300306 8/31/2023 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL496476 MISC POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS TCSD jME Printed 300307 8/31/2023 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL499067 POOL EQUIPMENT: TCSD Printed 15336 8/14/2023 3365 SECURE MEASURES 9947 REGISTRATION: VETERAN CULTURE FOR FIRST RESPONDERS 1 Wire 15175 8/14/2023 3253 SERVER SUPPLY 0256 CABLES: TPL: INFO TECH Wire 300085 8/10/2023 1787 SHRED IT US JV LLC 8004330914 SHRED SERVICES: CITYWIDE ,F/oid 300085 8/10/2023 1787 SHRED IT US JV LLC 8004331031 SHRED SERVICES: CITYWIDE Void 300116 8/14/2023 1787 SHRED IT US JV LLC 8004331031 SHRED SERVICES: CITYWIDE 111111h. Printed 23.28 300116 8/14/2023 1787 SHRED IT US JV LLC 8004330914 SHRED SERVICES: CITYWIDE Printed 393.17 300240 8/24/2023 1787 SHRED IT US JV LLC 8004522381 SHRED SERVICES: CITYWIDE Printed 242.17 600069 8/10/2023 2617 SIDI SEBASTIAN 71323 MISC. VIDEOGRAPHY SERVICES: ECO DEV EFT 1,400.00 600038 8/3/2023 1780 SILVERMAN ENTERPRISES INC 1782 SECURITY: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD -iff� 5,731.50 600070 8/10/2023 1780 SILVERMAN ENTERPRISES INC 1797 SECURITY: ROTATING PARKS EFT 5,456.00 300241 8/24/2023 1061 SMART AND FINAL INC . . 775033-81423 POOL PARTY SUPLIES/HIGH HOPES:SENIOR CENTER Printed , 201.17 600039 8/3/2023 1061 SMART AND FINAL INC 07/20/23 MISC SUPPLIES: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD EFT 183.48 600039 8/3/2023 1061 SMART AND FINAL INC 07/21/23 MISC SUPPLIES: SFSP: TCSD EFT 262.58 600095 8/17/2023 1061 SMART AND FINAL INC 08/08/23 MISC SUPPLIES : MPSC EFT 355.65 600095 8/17/2023 1061 SMART AND FINAL INC 7/31/23 MISC SUPPLIES: SUMMER FOOD PRGM: TCSD EFT 398.53 600095 8/17/2023 1061 SMART AND FINAL INC 07/26/23 MISC SUPPLIES: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD EFT 108.56 600095 8/17/2023 1061 SMART AND FINAL INC 08/04/23 MISC SUPPLIES: SUMMER FOOD PRGM: TCSD EFT 202.56 600130 8/24/2023 3170 SMER RESEARCH 1 LLC 50012 JUL SOLAR GENERATION: VARI LOCATIONS EFT 34,304.98 300086 8/10/2023 1070 SO CALIF ASSN OF GOVERNMENTS SCAG FY24 0171 FY 23/24 AGENCY MEMB DUES: CITY MGR Void 13,397.00 300117 8/14/2023 1070 SO CALIF ASSN OF GOVERNMENTS SCAG FY24 0171 FY 23/24 AGENCY MEMB DUES: CITY MGR Printed 13,397.00 15654 8/22/2023 1094 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY VAR SOCALGAS JUL VARIOUS JUL SO CAL GAS SVCS Momm"'i Wire 4,058.78 300309 8/31/2023 1094 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY 4389 FERNANDEZ HOMELESS PREV: 08902394389 FERNANDEZ Printed 1,162.94 600131 8/24/2023 2217 SOCIAL WORK ACTION GROUP 07312023 ■ JUL OUTREACH SERVICES: TCSD EFT 9,166.67 15652 8/31/2023 1800 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO VAR SCE JUL/AUG VARIOUS JUL/AUG SOCAL EDISON SVCS Wire 249,288.16 300156 8/17/2023 1800 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO 7590502214 MM METER & SVC CHANGE PANEL RELOCATION CONSOLIDATION ' Printed 3,482.88 300242 8/24/2023 1704 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 45949230701 JUL GEN USAGE: 0141,0839,0978,0979 Void 529.63 300242 8/24/2023 1704 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 459492308011PW- AUG GEN USAGE: 0141,0839,0978,0979 I"R"- 533.41 15177 8/14/2023 1399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 2917 AIRFARE:MISAC CONFERENCE: INFO TECH Wire 517.96 15212 8/21/2023 1399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 1027 7 AIRFARE: LEAGUE OF CALIF CITIES CONF Wire 486.95 15260 8/14/2023 1399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 0672 AIRFARE: CONFERENCE: CAL CITIES Wire 457.96 15274 8/14/2023 1399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 0359A AIRFARE: CAL CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE: CMO Wire 307.96 15275 8/14/2023 1399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 0367 AIRFARE: CAL CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE: CMO Wire 187.98 15276 8/14/2023 1399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 0375 AIRFARE: CAL CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE: CMO Wire 213.98 15295 8/14/2023 1399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 1357 AIRFARE: LEAGUE OF CALIF CITIES CONF: CC Wire 605.96 15398 8/10/2023 1399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 8868 AIRFARE: CNOA CONFERENCEMEN Wire 466.95 15423 8/14/2023 2928 SQUARE GROVE LLC O6/20 CREDIT: FURNITURE: CRC Wire (34A3) 300243 8/24/2023 2928 SQUARE GROVE LLC INV1551541 CRC DESK MEEii Printed 2,367.49 15166 8/21/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 5666 RFRSHMNTS: WORKSHOP: TVE2 Wire 161.59 15193 8/14/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 8721 REFRESHMENTS: TEAM OUTREACH MEMM" Wire 206.66 15203 8/14/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 5508 REFRESHMENTS: OUTREACH TEAM Wire 69,71 300033 8/3/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 07/30/23 RFRSHMNTS: AQUATICS: TCSD Printed 525.83 300244 8/24/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 08/11/23 RFSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD Printed 37.70 300244 -■ 8/24/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 08/04/23 RFSHMNTS: CRC Printed EEff62.21 300244 8/24/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 08/11/23B RFSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD Printed 21.38 300245 ■ 8/24/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 08/01/23 REFRESHMENTS: WORKFORCE DE Printed �35.67 300245 8/24/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 08/02/23A REFRESHMENTS: WORKFORCE DE Printed 83.51 300245 8/24/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 08/02/23 REFRESHMENTS: WORKFORCE DE 111EEEEE� Printed �57.40 300245 8/24/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 07/28/23 REFRESHMENTS: WORKFORCE DE Printed 145.85 300310 F 8/31/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 082323-73.76 REFRESHMENTS -WORKFORCE PROGRAMS-TCSD Printed _ 73.76 300310 8/31/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 08/04/23B RFRSHMNTS: AQUATICS: TCSD Printed 227.49 300310 IL 8/31/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 082423-04.02 REFRESHMENTS -WORKFORCE DEV:TCSD Printed _ 44.02 300310 8/31/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 082423-36.01 REFRESHMENTS -WORKFORCE DEV:TCSD Printed 36.01 300157 -■ 8/17/2023 1431 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY BEN348740 SHORT TERM DISABILITY: PAYMENT Printed 11,460.34 300158 8/17/2023 1431 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY BEN349518 BASIC LIFE INSURANCE: PAYMENT Printed 11,942.14 300159 -■ 8/17/2023 1431 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY BEN348746 VOLUNTARY SUPP LIFE INSURANCE Pdnted 1,776.63 300160 8/17/2023 1431 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY BEN349524 VOLUNTARY SUPP LIFE INSURANCE: PAYMENT Printed 1,851.63 300034 8/3/2023 1452 STAPLES INC 7902791681-0-1 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: OPERATIONS: TCSD - Printed 225.38 300161 8/17/2023 1452 STAPLES INC 7902752882-0-1 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: LIBRARY Printed 49.35 300161 L� 8/17/2023 1452 STAPLES INC 7902752882-0-2 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: LIBRARY - Printed 57.30 300161 8/17/2023 1452 STAPLES INC 7612639747-0-2 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: PD Printed 37,26 300246' 8/24/2023 1452 STAPLES INC 7612639747-0-1 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: PD Printed 184.91 300246 8/24/2023 1452 STAPLESINC 7903161906-0-1 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES -LIBRARY TCSD Printed 43.97 300246 `� 8/24/2023 1452 STAPLES INC 7612411440-0-1 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: PD Printed 657.06 300246 8/24/2023 1452 STAPLES INC 7613288052-0-1 MISC SUPPLIES: OPERATIONS: TCSD Printed 39,68 300311 -■ 8/31/2023 1452 STAPLES INC = 7613904686-0-1 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed 115.91 300311 8/31/2023 1452 STAPLES INC 7612639747-5-1 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: PD Printed (45.12) 300311' 8/31/2023 1452 STAPLES INC 7613983277-0-1 MISC SUPPLIES: LIBRARY Printed 42.64 300311 8/31/2023 1452 STAPLES INC 7612639747-2-1 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: PD Printed (24.82) 300311 8/31/2023 1452 STAPLES INC 7612639747-ji&IIIIIIIIiMISC OFC SUPPLIES: PD Printed (78.50) 15277 8/14/2023 1535 STARBUCKS CORPORATION 4728 REFRESHMENTS: FIRE STA 95 VIDEO Wire 20,00 15352 -- 8/21/2023 1535 STARBUCKS CORPORATION 8580ME REFRESHMENTS: PUBLIC PRESENTATION MGR Wire 22.00 300087 8/10/2023 3195 STRATEGIC OPERATIONS INC LEO118-002 REGIST: TACTICAL EMERG CASUALTY CARE Void 2,100.00 300118 8/14/2023 3195 STRATEGIC OPERATIONS INC LE0118-002 REGIST: TACTICAL EMERG CASUALTY CARE Printed 2,100.00 15344 8/14/2023 3368 STREET COP TRAINING 4713 REGISTRATION: ANATOMY OF A CRIMINAL VEHICLE Wire 498.00 600071 8/10/2023 1231 STRONG GARY . 07/07/23B INTERIOR PAINTING: MPSC: PW20-13 EFT 4,000.00 600133 8/24/2023 1231 STRONG GARY 07/07/23 PAINT STORAGE CONTAINERS: RRSP: PW EFT 700.00 600133 8/24/2023 1231 STRONG GARY 0S/01/23B INTERIOR PAINTING MPSC: PW20-13: CIP EFT 10,000.00 600133 8/24/2023 1231 STRONG GARY 08/09/23 PAINT SVCS: LIBRARY: PW EFT 500.00 600133 8/24/2023 1231 STRONG GARY 08/01/23 INTERIOR PAINTING MPSC: PW CIP PW20-13 EFT 1,600.00 600133 8/24/2023 1231 STRONG GARY 05/18/23 INTERIOR PAINTING MPSC: PW20-13: CIP EFT 10,000.00 15441 8/14/2023 3393 STRYDER TRANSPORTATION MEN 4357 EXCURSION: WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT Wire 924.00 300035 8/3/2023 1495 STURDIVANT ANGELA P 3220.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 2,352.00 300088 8/10/2023 1495 STURDIVANT ANGELA MMEMM 3220.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Void 2,352.00 300119 8/14/2023 1495 STURDIVANT ANGELA P 3220.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 2,352.00 300036 8/3/2023 1453 SUNBELT RENTALS IN�EEEEEEffll 141492050-0001 LIGHT TOWER/ POWER RENTALS: TCSD Printed 11,761.57 600072 8/10/2023 1429 SWANK MOTIONS PICTURES INC RG 3417281 MOVIES IN THE PK: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD EFT 715.00 300247 8/24/2023 2261 T MOBILE USA INC MEMEL 9541609809 GPS LOCATE: TEM SHERIFF Printed 125.00 15232 8/21/2023 3260 TAXI 2862 TRANSPORTATION: DC LOBBYING Wire 16.87 15265 8/14/2023 3260 TAXI MEMENW!" 0619 TRANSPORTATION: DC LOBBYING MENEM 23.63 15269 8/14/2023 3260 TAXI 0627 TRANSPORTATION: DC LOBBYING Wire 15270 8/14/2023 3260 TAXI 1393 MEMBERSHIP DUES: CITY MGR Wire 300037 8/3/2023 3179 TEMECULA AUTO GLASS INC 18184 WINDSHIELD INSTALL: STREET MAINT: PW Printed 15152 8/14/2023 1054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 5863 REGISTRATION: STATE OF THE CITY: FINANCE Wire 15159 8/14/2023 1054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 0621 REGISTRATION: STATE OF THE CITY Wire 15171 8/21/2023 1054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1044 _ REGISTRATION: STATE OF THE CITY: COMDEV _`'ire 15200 8/14/2023 1054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 0541 REGISTRATION: STATE OF THE CITY Wire 15224 8/21/2023 1054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 6874 _ REGISTRATION: STATE OF THE CITY: HR `fire 15235 8/21/2023 1054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2434 REGISTRATION: STATE OF THE CITY: PW Wire 15240 8/21/2023 1054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1755_ REGISTRATION: STATE OF THE CITY: TRAFFIC: PW 15242 8/21/2023 1054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1880 REGISTRATION: STATE OF THE CITY —am`'ire Wire 15306 8/21/2023 1054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 6878 — REGISTRATION: STATE OF THE CITY: COMMISSION —ffire 15331 8/14/2023 1054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2470 REGISTRATION: STATE OF THE CITY: FIRE Wire 15343 8/14/2023 1054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 7274 — REGISTRATION: STATE OF THE CITY: PD ' i.re 15425 8/14/2023 1054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 3092 REGISTRATION: STATE OF THE CITY: TCSD Wire 15426 8/14/2023 1054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 0082 REGISTRATION: STATE OF THE CITY: TCSD —.re 15435 8/14/2023 1054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 4714 REGISTRATION: STATE OF THE CITY: TCSD Wire 15436 8/14/2023 1054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2702 REGISTRATION: STATE OF THE CITY: TCSD —.re - 15437 8/14/2023 1054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 3261 REGISTRATION: STATE OF THE CITY: TCSD Wire 15443 MI4 8/14/2023 1054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2591 REGISTRATION: STATE OF THE CITY .re , 300089 8/10/2023 1054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1041 Qi FY 23/24 SPONSORSHIP FUNDS: ECO DEV Void 300120W 8/14/2023 1054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1041 Qi FY 23/24 SPONSORSHIP FUNDS: ECO DEV = Printed 300162 8/17/2023 1054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 9131 REGIST: STATE OF THE CITY: ECO DEV Printed 15340 L� 8/14/2023 1183 TEMECULA VALLEY RV SERVICE INC 073123 BATTERY & CORE FEE: PD Wire 600096 8/17/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 53762 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT 600096 8/17/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 53760 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE EFT 600096 8/17/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 53777 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT 600096 8/17/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 53825 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT 600096 8/17/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 53771 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT 600134 8/24/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 53966 LOCKSMITH SVCS: CRC EFT 600134 8/24/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 53914 LOCKSMITH SVCS HARVESTON LAKE PARK: PW EFT 300249 -- 8/24/2023 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 291400-01 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PARK Printed 300249 8/24/2023 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 29045401 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 600097 8/17/2023 1232 TERRYBERRY COMPANY P16851 SERVICE RECOGNITION: HR ! Milmr, EFT 600173 8/31/2023 1232 TERRYBERRY COMPANY P25366 SERVICE RECOGNITION: HR EFT 300090 8/10/2023 3174 THE GRECIAN SOAP COMPANY 6692 PROMOTIONS: CUSTOM SOAP: ECO DEV —Mm 300121 8/14/2023 3174 THE GRECIAN SOAP COMPANY 6692 PROMOTIONS: CUSTOM SOAP: ECO DEV Printed 15198 8/14/2023 3307 THE LOCAL PROVISION 0104 REFRESHMENTS: OUTREACH TEAM —� 15281 8/14/2023 2770 THE PHOTOBOOTH GUY 8275 PHOTO BOOTH: STATE OF THE CITY: CC Wire 300313 -� 8/31/2023 3235 TIAN YULING iiiiiiiMEMEEE REF: 08/14/23 REFUND: PARKING CITATION OVERPAYMENT Prin� 600135 8/24/2023 1936 TIERCE NICHOLAS DATHAN NTOTTCT-2023-08 GRAPHIC DESIGN: THEATER: TCSD EFT 15247 . 8/29/2023 1568 TIME WARNER CABLE — VAR AUG SPECTRUM VARIOUS JUL/AUG INTERNET SVCS Wire 600040 8/3/2023 1063 TIMMY D PRODUCTIONS INC 23554 DJ/MC/SOUND SERVICES: SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 600040 -� 8/3/2023 1063 TIMMY D PRODUCTIONS INC 23573 DJ/MC/SOUND SERVICES: SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 600040 8/3/2023 1063 TIMMY D PRODUCTIONS INC 23586 DJ SVCS: CULTURE DAYS AND ART NIGHTS MUSIC EFT 600073 8/10/2023 1063 TIMMY D PRODUCTIONS INC 22454 DJ/MC/SOUND SERVICES: SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 600136 8/24/2023 1063 TIMMY D PRODUCTIONS INC 23620 CULTURE DAYS & ART NIGHTS MUSIC: TVM EFT 600041 8/3/2023 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC 45547 TITAN RENTALS: CANOPIES & EQUIPMENT: SPECIAL EVEN' EFT 600041 8/3/2023 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC 45544 TITAN RENTALS: CANOPIES & EQUIPMENT: SPECIAL EVENT EFT 300314 8/31/2023 1152 TOP LINE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY LLC 461068 MISC MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: PARKS �- 600074 8/10/2023 2089 TORI DANIELS 23504 DJ/MC/SOUND SVCS: SUMMER CONCERT SERIES EFT 600074 8/10/2023 2089 TORI DANIELS 23505 DJ/MC/SOUND SVCS: SUMMER CONCERT SERIES — EFT 600137 8/24/2023 2413 TOWNSEND PUBLIC AFFAIRS INC 20239 CONSULTING/GRANT WRITING SVCS: CITY CLERK EFT 600137 8/24/2023 2413 TOWNSEND PUBLIC AFFAIRS INC 20105 CONSULTING/GRANT WRITING SVCS: CITY CLERK 1111111M EFT 15301 8/14/2023 3329 TRADER JOES 7960 REFRESHMENTS: BOARD & COMMISSION APPRECIATION Wire 300038 8/3/2023 2827 TRANSPORTATION CHARTER SRVS 57836 SDC TRANSPORTATION 716/23 �MEE Printed 300091 8/10/2023 2827 TRANSPORTATION CHARTER SRVS 57933 TRANSPORTATION: SUMMER CAMP: TCSD Void 300122 8/14/2023 2827 TRANSPORTATION CHARTER SRVS 57933 TRANSPORTATION: SUMMER CAMP: TCSD Printed 300163 8/17/2023 2827 TRANSPORTATION CHARTER SRVS 58050 SDC TRANSPORTATION 7/27/2023 Printed 15337 L 8/14/2023 3366 TROPICANA HOTEL 4879 LODGING: NATIONAL SCHOOL SAFETY CONFERENCE: PD Wire 15433 8/14/2023 1555 TV CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU 8885 REGISTRATION: STATE OF TOURISM VTV Wire 600174'r 8/31/2023 1555 TV CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU JUN'23 JUN'23 BUS. IMPRV DISTRICT ASMNTS i EFT 300250 8/24/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045426048 ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE:FINANCE Printed 15134 8/15/2023 1350 U S BANK SS2 REMITTANCE COUNTY SS2 REMITTANCE �MMMEE Wire 15156 8/14/2023 1350 U S BANK 0810 BANK FEES: RET'D PAYMENT FEE Wire 15178 8/14/2023 1350 U S BANK FEES TO BE CREDITED BANK FEES TO BE REVERSED JEEEME� Wire 15204 8/14/2023 1350 U S BANK RET'D PMT FEE BANK TO REVERSE CHARGES Wire 15205 8/14/2023 1350 U S BANK OVERLIMIT FEE OVERLIMIT FEE—wMMMlMME—Wine 15261 8/14/2023 1350 U S BANK 08/10 RETURNED PAYMENT FEE Wire 15282 8/14/2023 1350 U S BANK 0810A RETURNED PAYMENT FEE — 15296 8/14/2023 1350 U S BANK 08/10A RETURNED PAYMENT FEE Wire 15307 8/14/2023 1350 U S BANK 0810E ' RETURNED PAYMENT FEE —.re 15332 8/14/2023 1350 U S BANK RET'D PMT FEE: 08/10 BANK TO REVERSE CHARGES Wire 15346 8/14/2023 1350 U S BANK RET'D PMT FEE RD' RETURNED BANK FEES: PD �.re 15449 8/14/2023 1350 U S BANK 08/11 TCSD RPF RETURNED PMT FEE: TCSD Wire 15450 8/14/2023 1350 U S BANK OVR LMT FEE 08/1I f OVERLIMIT FEE: TCSD AMM.re 15190 8/14/2023 2561 USER 3783 UBER: CLIENT: RESOURCE CENTER Wire 15431 8/14/2023 3302 UHAUL 4404 RENTALS: 4TH OF JULY EXTRAVAGANZA: TCSD —`fire 300092 8/10/2023 1652 ULINE INC 165954181 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Void 300123 8/14/2023 1652 ULINE INC 165954181 ' MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD 'bol= 600138 8/24/2023 1432 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 23-240424 JUL DIG SAFE BILLABLE TIX: PW EFT 600138 Z6 8/24/2023 1432 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 720230747 JUL DIG SAFE BRD BILLABLE TIX: PW -- 600043 8/3/2023 2142 URBANE CAFE OPERATIONS LLC 98229 RFRSHMNTS: TVM/ACE EVENTS EFT 600043 8/3/2023 2142 URBANE CAFE OPERATIONS LLC 99170 REFRESHMNTS: MEETINGS: TVE2 EFT 600043 8/3/2023 2142 URBANE CAFE OPERATIONS LLC 99592 RFRSHMNTS: WORKSHOPS: TVE2 EFT 600098 8/17/2023 2142 URBANE CAFE OPERATIONS LLC 99790 URBANE CAFE mEFT 368.00 600139 8/24/2023 2142 URBANE CAFE OPERATIONS LLC 99891 REFRESHMENTS: WORKFORCE PROGRAMS EFT 161.38 600139 _- 8/24/2023 2142 URBANE CAFE OPERATIONS LLC 98824 REFRESHMENTS: WORKFORCE PROGRAMS EFT 248.10 600139 8/24/2023 2142 URBANE CAFE OPERATIONS LLC 98471 REFRESHMENTS: WORKFORCE PROGRAMS EFT 303.39 600139 1 8/24/2023 2142 URBANE CAFE OPERATIONS LLC 98495 WORKFORCE PROGRAMS REFRESHMENTS EFT 302.75 600139 8/24/2023 2142 URBANE CAFE OPERATIONS LLC 98496 REFRESHMENTS: WORKFORCE PROGRAMS EFT 757.87 15146 `. 8/30/2023 3284 V3 ELECTRIC INC 130975 REFUND: DUPLICATE PAYMENT Wire 306.40 300093 8/10/2023 1874 VALLEY PRINTING SERVICES INC 26411 CMO LETTERHEAD PAPER SUPPLIES Void 122,89 300124 8/14/2023 1874 VALLEY PRINTING SERVICES INC 26411 CMO LETTERHEAD PAPER SUPPLIES Printed 122.89 300251 8/24/2023 1874 VALLEY PRINTING SERVICES INC 26419 PRINTING SVCS: TVE2 MAGAZINE Printed 448.05 15123 ' 8/8/2023 1845 VERIZON WIRELESS i 9939740272 06/16-07115 CELLULARIBROADBAND: CITYWIDE Wire 10,874.32 300252 8/24/2023 1845 VERIZON WIRELESS 9941694967 07/11-08/10 TASK FORCE TABLETS: POLICE Printed 439.65 600141 8/24/2023 1505 VILLAGE NEWS INC 23932 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL: CITY MGR EFT 69.95 600044 8/3/2023 2077 VILLANUEVA CHRISTOPHER 2100.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,512.00 600044 WM 8/3/2023 2077 VILLANUEVA CHRISTOPHER 2100.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS ON EFT 1,134.00 600044 8/3/2023 2077 VILLANUEVA CHRISTOPHER 2100.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,417.50 600044' 8/3/2023 2077 VILLANUEVA CHRISTOPHER 2100.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGSMENE EFT 850.50 300254 8/24/2023 1413 VINCES SPAGHETTI EXPRESS 0772573 INTERN APPRECIATION LUNCH: TCSD Printed 1,017.46 300094 8/10/2023 2384 VIRTUAL PROJECT MANAGER LLC ' 12-3657 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: CIP: PW 11110111111111` Void 12,000.00 300125 8/14/2023 2384 VIRTUAL PROJECT MANAGER LLC 12-3657 PROJECT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: CIP: PW Printed 12,000.00 600142 8/24/2023 1498 VISION ONE INC INV-73947 TICKETING SERVICES: THEATER: TCSD _- 2,630.60 15303 8/14/2023 1475 VONS 4462 REFRESHMENTS:BOARD& COMMISSION APPRECIATION Wire 50.34 15330 8/14/2023 1475 VONS = 5109 COMMUNITY EVENT: NAIL NIGHT OUT 8/1/23: FIRE l91A- 56.00 300255 8/24/2023 1120 VORTEX INDUSTRIES INC 10-1688935 CRC DOOR REPAIRS: PW Printed 2,847.50 600045 8/3/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 2800.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS _ EFT 1,059.10 600045 8/3/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1160 DJ/MC: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD EFT 525.00 600075 8/10/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1161 DJ/MC SERVICES: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD _ EFT 525.00 600075 8/10/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 2810.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,121.40 600143 8/24/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1159 MC SVCS SKATE PARK JAMS: TCSD JEEEMME EFT 525.00 15354 8/14/2023 2213 WALL STREET JOURNAL 6944 ONLINE MBRSHP SUBSCRIPTION: COMM DEV Wire 4.00 15191 8/14/2023 1439 WALMART 3734 SUPPLIES: HELP CTR Wire 6.82 15194 8/14/2023 1439 WALMART 8058 SUPPLIES: HELP CTR Wire 66.33 15218 ' 8/21/2023 1439 WALMART IMMEF 0136 or SIGN: HR Wire 103.27 300039 8/3/2023 1439 WALMART 07/26/2023 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed 635.51 300039 1 8/3/2023 1439 WALMART 07/27/2023A MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSDMENEM Printed 386.78 300039 8/3/2023 1439 WALMART 07/27/2023B MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed 814.93 300039 1 8/3/2023 1439 WALMART ■ 07/27/2023 ` MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed 26.46 300095 8/10/2023 1439 WALMART 08/07/23 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Void 127.30 300126 1 8/14/2023 1439 WALMART AN.- OB/07/23 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed 127.30 300256 8/24/2023 1439 WALMART 08/14/23 SUPPLIES: RESPONSIBLE COMPASSION Printed 268.30 300257 8/24/2023 1102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 81838210 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: PARKS: PW - Printed 9,075.51 15214 8/21/2023 _IIMEEEE� 1474 WES FLOWERS 0035 FLOWERS: SOTC VENDOR Wire 65.25 15219 8/21/2023 1474 WES FLOWERS �MIMM 0160 SUNSHINE FUND Wire 85.68 300259 8/24/2023 1686 WEST COAST PERFORMING ARTS PRESENTERS 59192656 REIMB: SECURITY DEPOSIT Printed 500.00 300164 r 8/17/2023 1033 WEST PUBLISHING CORPORATION 1111111jr- 848732470 JUL SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION: TEM SHERIFF - Printed 1,179.86 600144 8/24/2023 1782 WESTERN AV 19033 OSC REFLECT SOFTWARE:OLD TOWN SOUND EFT 164.16 300260 8/24/2023 1167 WESTERN OILFIELDS SUPPLY CO 1892864 4TH OF JULY TEMP IRRIGATION: TCSD - Printed 11,486.88 300165 8/17/2023 2322 WEX BANK 90996755 07/07-08/06 FUEL USAGE: POLICE Printed 2,228.22 15289 -■ 8/14/2023 3255 WHATABURGER 6249 ! REFRESHMENTS: DC LOBBYING - Wire 7.45 300261 8/24/2023 2175 WHITE CAP LP 50023243614 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 78.78 300262' 8/24/2023 3233 WILLIAMS ANTONETTE KALIYAH REF: 8/14/231IL6_ REFUND: PARKING CITATION OVER PAYMENT Printed 30.00 600068 8/10/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B FY 23/24 PERFORMANCE: THEATER: TCSD EFT 16,500.00 600068 8/10/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 07/13/23 JAZZ @ THE MERC 07/13/23 EFT 725.00 600068 8/10/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 07/27/23 JAZZ @ THE MERC 7127 EFT 625.00 600068 8/10/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 07/20/23 JAZZ @ THE MERC 7/20 i EFT 800.00 600068 8/10/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 07/29/23 STAND UP COMEDY @ THE MERC 7/29 EFT 1,910.00 600129,1111111111111111` 8/24/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 08/11/23 JAZZ @ THE MERC 8/11123 EFT 1,465.00 600129 8/24/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 08/10/23 JAZZ @ THE MERC 8/10123 EFT 960.00 600129N 8/24/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 08/03/23 JAZZ @ THE MERC 08/03 EFT 392.00 600175 8/31/2023 1069 WINCHAK KRIS R 23,06 ENS PLAN CHECK & REVIEW -LAND DEV:PW EFT 4,550.00 30OD40 8/3/2023 2069 WONDER SCIENCE 1850.205 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS IMENEEN Printed 4,704.00 15220 8/21/2023 2084 YETI COOLERS 8723 HEALTH & WELLNESS FAIR: HR Wire 3,014.55 15221 8/21/2023 2084 YETI COOLERS 8722 HEALTH & WELLNESS FAIR: HR _w Wire 3,014.55 300166 8/17/2023 3224 YOUNG LUPE 57693104 REFUND: SENIOR EXCURSION: MPSC Printed 5.00 300265 8/24/2023 2477 ZOOM VIDEO COMMUNICATIONS INC INV212710234 VIDEO COMMUNICATIONS RENEWAL: IT Printed 10,800.00 300434 9/21/2023 1772 ADAME LANDSCAPE INC 525168 PARKING GARAGE SWEEPING/CLEANING: PW Printed 540.00 300434 9/21/2023 1772 ADAME LANDSCAPE INC 525138 PARKING GARAGE SWEEPING/CLEANING: PW Printed 540.00 300434 9/21/2023 1772 ADAME LANDSCAPE INC - 525153 PARKING GARAGE SWEEPING/CLEANING: PW Printed 540.00 15151 9/8/2023 3298 ALEXANDER MITCH REFUND 131227 REFUND: DUPLICATE PAYMENT Wire 306.40 _ 300435 9/21/20231236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT -1154870, ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 239.78 300435 9/21/20231236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1156566 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 665.80 300518 9/28/20231236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT -1157563 J ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 243.29 600217 9/14/20231512 ALLEGRO MUSICAL VENTURES INC 26954 PIANO TUNING SVCS:THEATER:TCSD EFT 280.00 600217 9/14/2023 1512 ALLEGRO MUSICAL VENTURES INC - 26924 PIANO SVCS: THEATER: TCSD EFT 280.00 600348 9/28/20231512 ALLEGRO MUSICAL VENTURES INC 26948 PIANO TUN I NGS/MAINT:LIBRARY EFT 280.00 600176 9/7/2023 1397 ALLIES PARTY EQUIPMENT RENTAL INC - 1-111010.1.2 BELLY UP/LINEN RENTALS FOR ME RECOGNITION EVENT EFT 319.51 600349 9/28/2023 1397 ALLIES PARTY EQUIPMENT RENTAL INC 1-110638.1.10 WORKFORCE PROGRAMS COLLEGE FAIR RENTALS: TCSD EFT 4,931.97 600350 9/28/2023 1397 ALLIES PARTY EQUIPMENT RENTAL INC - 1-111346.1.3 TABLE/LINEN RENTAL: CM EFT 319.51 300436 9/21/2023 3180 ALTA PLANNING AND DESIGN INC 304.0002023.108-2 BIKE AND TRAIL WAYFINDING (LR23-0167) Printed 10,200.00 300436 9/21/2023 3180 ALTA PLANNING AND DESIGN INC - 304.0002023.108-1 BIKE AND TRAIL WAYFINDING (LR23-0167) Printed 2,310.00 300436 9/21/2023 3180 ALTA PLANNING AND DESIGN INC 304.0002023.108-3 BIKE AND TRAIL WAYFINDING (LR23-0167) Printed 9,590.00 600177 9/7/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1WF3-TQXX-JMXX PHOTOLUMINESCENT EXIT SIGNS: MPSC EFT -_ 491.85 600177 9/7/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 11Y1-791N-HDWK EDEN CR: MISC OFC SUPPLIES: CIP: PW EFT (38.05) 600177 9/7/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1FTD-VWWG-HMMG SPECIAL EVENTSUPPLIES- FIRE PREVENTION:FIRE EFT -_ 476.25 600177 9/7/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1QPW-CIKI-GWTC SPECIAL EVENT SUPPLIES- FIRE PREVENTION:FIRE EFT 328.56 600177 9/7/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1X1G-CX7P-HWMG MISC OFFICE SUPPUES:ECON DEV:COMSP EFT T 213.50 600218 9/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1K34-K3T1-31CM SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: FIRE EFT 864.54 600218 9/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1X3T-TV74-64H7 MISC SUPPLIES TOOLS, EQUP:HR EFT 559.78 600218 9/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 11MV-L9MN-7FRM MISC SUPPLIES:THEATER:TCSD EFT 422.35 600218 9/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1LC3-WVTP-KKDW SUPPLIES: THEATER EFT 320.04 600218 9/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1LCL-HVL3-H4JR MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD EFT 5,248.03 600218 9/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1WFX-GHGN-3WGD MISC SUPPLIES-ECON DEV EFT 325.80 600218 9/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1X7K-CCWL-973K MISC SUPPLIES:THEATER:TCS EFT 390.39 600218 9/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1K34-K3T1-3MYL MISC SUPPLIES/EQUIP:PD EFT 297.89 600218 9/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1DWR-JWRQ-HQ1M SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD EFT 573.22 600218 9/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 114Y-W6PK-6JCW MISC SUPPLIES:MPSC AND MRC:TCSD EFT 644.28 600219 9/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1CKM-M6MJ-9KPV MISC SUPPLIES:CITY CLERK EFT 231.97 600219 9/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 11M4-PT1C-4CMP PHOTOLUMINESCENT EXIT SIGNS: SENIOR CENTER:PW EFT 65.14 600219 9/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1PNK-GGCM-9K3F MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES-COMM DEV EFT 44.61 600219 9/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1KGM-N3WX-7VW7 MISC SUPPLIES:COMM DEV i EFT 47.55 600219 9/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1PQ1-9T3T-7VD3 MISC SUPPUES:SPEC EVENTS:TCSD EFT 43.98 600220 9/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1TQ1-FDLT-H9NL MISC SUPPLIES: CRC � EFT 489.85 600220 9/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1HJM-JWW6-G9N6 MISC SUPPLIES: FACILITIES: PW EFT (67.32) 600220 9/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 19FP-7HRV-L9RJ MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD EFT 15.95 600220 9/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1QPV-77CW-7CC6 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC EFT 76.11 600220 9/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1H4M-DC7Y-K3GW MISC ITEMS: AQUATICS: TC� EFT 1,473.99 600220 9/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1TW7-T3C3-HJ4M MISC SUPPLIES: WORKFORCE DEV EFT 26.07 600220 , 9/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 193V-NXKM-HDH4 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC � EFT 1,237.97 600220 9/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1FXH-6C64-JL9P SUPPLIES: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD EFT 682.18 600220 , 9/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 11MV-L9MN-6PF9 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD EFT 951.24 600220 9/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1KGM-N3WX-6D4H MISC SUPPLIES: CRC EFT 65.14 600274 , 9/21/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1K7P-RNR7-GTWD MISC SUPPLIES/EQUIP: PW� EFT 69.94 600274 9/21/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1W4R-CGM7-6CLF MISC SUPPLIES/EQUIP EFT 158.98 600274 9/21/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1VRK-7V61-47TH MISC SUPPLIES -IT EFT 311.33 600274 9/21/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC AMAZON INV 1XLR-94TN MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES:TRAFFIC:PW EFT 539.07 600274 9/21/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 11LX-1PJR-9V49 lllll� MISC SUPPLIES: FINANCE � EFT 125.20 600275 9/21/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1H4M-DC7Y-J6XT MISCSUPPLIES/EQUIP: PW EFT (25.00) 600275 9/21/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1X7K-CCWL-66G3 = SECURITY SYSTEMMARVESTON LAKE BOATHOUSE:ITSS EFT 1,455.60 600351 9/28/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 11RK-T3CR-4P19 OFFICE SUPPLIES: EM:FIRE EFT 695.57 600351 9/28/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 11MV-L9MN-46N9 MISC SUPPLIES-TVM:TCSD EFT 1,189.19 600351 9/28/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1RP6-R99N-HRM7 MISC SUPPLIES/EQUIP: PW EFT 15.21 600352 9/28/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1JQM-RJFG-66LY OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE EFT 48.23 600352 9/28/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 19GW-VR9M-93YD OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE EFT (16.84) 600352 9/28/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 14NY-OWNI-GRXW OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE EFT 1,503.82 600352 9/28/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1DVP-KV3H-JLQ3 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD EFT 1,500.58 300315 9/7/2023 2481 AMCAL PUJOL FUND LP P-CKR082223 RENTAL ASSISTANCE-HINES-CDBG Printed 2,550.00 600178 9/7/2023 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 78011 DRUG ALCOHOL ANALYSIS:TEM SHERIFF EFT 1,208.97 600178 9/7/2023 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 78010 DRUG ALCOHOL ANALYSIS:TEM SHERIFF EFT 1,121.95 600221 9/14/2023 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 78045 DRUG ALCOHOL ANALYSIS:TEM SHERIFF:PD EFT 430.65 600221 9/14/2023 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC _ 78078 DRUG ALCOHOL ANALYSIS SVCS:PD EFT 129.72 600221 9/14/2023 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 78053 OCT STAND BY FEE:POLICE EFT 1,485.90 600353 9/28/2023 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 78139 DRUG ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: PD EFT 129.72 600353 9/28/2023 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 78136 DRUG ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: PD EFT 748.91 300437 9/21/20231122 AMERIGAS 3154166601 PROPANE FUEL - FIRE STA 92:FIRE Printed 538.29 600179 9/7/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073331 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: TCC EFT 28.55 600179 9/7/2023 180 M, AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073326 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: MPSC EFT 35.89 600179 9/7/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073321 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: TPL EFT 28.55 600222 9/14/2023 18M AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073319C DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: CIP: PW EFT 9.79 600276 9/21/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074145 SEP DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: THEATER EFT 28.55 600276 9/21/2023 18M AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074149 SEP DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: MALL PD EFT 62.53 600276 9/21/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074153 SEP DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: JRC EFT 28.55 600276 , 9/21/2023 18M AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO - 20074144 SEP DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: TPL EFT 28.55 600276 9/21/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074148 SEP DRINKING WTR SYS:MAINT: MPSC EFT 35.89 600276 , 9/21/2023 18M AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074098 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: FACILITIES EFT 69.60 600276 9/21/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074151 DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: CIVIC CTR EFT 213.97 600276 9/21/2023 18M AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074152 SEP DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: SPORTS PARKS EFT 69.60 600276 9/21/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074136. SEP DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: PD EFT 62.53 600276 9/21/2023 18M AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074147 SEP DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT:TVM EFT 28.55 600277 9/21/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073319A DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: LAND DEV EFT 9.79 600277 9/21/2023 18M AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073319E DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: TRAFFIC: PW EFT 9.78 600277 9/21/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074146 SEP DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT:INFO TECH EFT 28.55 600277 9/21/2023 18M AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074093 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: FACILITIES EFT 28.55 600277 9/21/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074143 SEP DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: HARVESTON PARK EFT 28.28 600277 9/21/2023 14 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074142-C SEP DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: CIP EFT 9.78 600277 9/21/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20073276 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: TCC EFT 28.55 600354 9/28/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074150 SEP DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: FOC EFT 28.55 600354 9/28/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074142-A SEP DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: LAND DEV EFT 9.79 600354 9/28/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074142-B SEP DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: TRAFFIC DIV EFT 9.79 300316 9/7/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 7012289 BEVERAGE SERVICES: FACILITIES Printed 114.59 300316 9/7/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 106012638 REFRESHMENTS SERVICES, FACILITIES Printed 78.34 300519 9/28/2023 2401 ARCTIC CIRCLE ENTERPRISES LLC N042736 GIFT SHOP MERCHANDISE: TVM: TCSD Printed 735.63 600223 9/14/2023 2917 ARJONA GLORIA STTLMNT: 08/18/23 STTLMNT: BRAZILIAN & LATIN JAll 8/18 EFT 1,106.95 600355 9/28/2023 2917 ARJONA GLORIA STTLMNT: 09/15/23 STTLMNT: BRAZILIAN & LATIN JAZZ 9/15/23 EFT 961.85 300438 9/21/2023 2502 ARTHUR J GALLAGHER & CO 4796868 LEGAL SVCS: VERIFY INSURANCE RENEWAi Printed 16,506.00 300317 9/7/20231107 ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF TEMECULA VALLEY CSF O8/11/23 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING Printed 45,000.00 600224 9/14/2023 3168 ASTER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES IN 3 OUTDOOR REC AREA: MPSC: CIP EFT 128,413.69 600278 9/21/2023 1170 AUTOPARTSPROS LLC 080401 AUTO PARTS:STREET MAINTENANCE:PW EFT 21.64 600180 9/7/2023 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN 2915 ELECTRICAL LABOR: LIBRARY EFT 2,400.00 600180 9/7/2023 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN 2909 ELECTRICAL LABOR: HARVESTON LAKE EFT 200.00 600356 9/28/2023 2073 AZTEC LANDSCAPING INC J1587 AUG RESTROOM MAINT: PARKS: P� EFT 9,580.39 600356 9/28/2023 2073 AZTEC LANDSCAPING INC J1561 JUL RESTROOM MAINT: PARKS: PW EFT 9,580.39 600358 9/28/2023 1405 B&H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP 216485165 MISC AV EQUIPMENT:PEG:ITSS i EFT 1,960.54 300318 9/7/2023 1745 BACKHAUS DANCE 08/29/23 PERFORMANCE: THEATER: TCSD Printed 7,500.00 1 300318 9/7/20231745 BACKHAUS DANCE 08/28/23 RESIDENCY SCHOLAR: THEATER: Printed 1,200.00 300440 9/21/20231909 BAMM PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS INC 12530 STAFF APPAREL- TVM Printed 880.11 300440 9/21/2023 1909 BAMM PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS INC 12532 MRC BANNER: TCSD Printed 176.18 600359 9/28/2023 1810 BARCODES ACQUISITION INC INV7158254 PROXIMITY CARD SUPPLIES: HELP DESK:IT EFT 472.12 300394 9/14/20232150 BELTZJON 161 MEDIA SERVICES -jMoojF-- Printed 8,000.00 300395 9/14/20233190 BENNER SHAYU 09/06/23 ART NIGHTS MUSICIAN Printed 375.00 300520 9/28/2023 3142 BED MUSIC GROUP LLC PERF: 30/07/23 PERFORMANCE: THEATER: TCSD Printed 4,800.00 300342 9/7/2023 1315 BERNEL INC 9025 FIRE SYSTEM SVCS: MRC: PW Printed 14,764.00 300342 9/7/2023 1315 BERNEL INC 9286 REPLACE FIRE SPRINKLER: SENIOR CENTER: PW Printed 1,080.00 300521 9/28/2023 2935 BETTS KENNETH 1900.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 450.80 300521 9/28/2023 2935 BETTS KENNETH 1900.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 450.80 300521 9/28/2023 2935 BETTS KENNETH 1905.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 708.40 300521 9/28/2023 2935 BETTS KENNETH 1910.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 386.40 300521 9/28/2023 2935 BETTS KENNETH 1910.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 450.80 300521 9/28/2023 2935 BETTS KENNETH 1905.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 708.40 600357 9/28/2023 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4005.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,795.50 600357 9/28/2023 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4005.202 1ST PMT TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 2,646.00 300320 9/7/2023 2922 BIKE TEMECULA VALLEY CORP 09/05/23 FY 23/24 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING Printed 5,000.00 300522 9/28/20232922 BIKE TEMECULA VALLEY CORP FY 23/24 DGF FY 23/24 DISCRETIONARY GRANT FUNDS Printed 2,500.00 300321 9/7/2023 1264 BID TOX LABORATORIES 44733 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed 1,878.45 300321 9/7/2023 1264 BID TOX LABORATORIES 44801 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed 806.80 300321 9/7/2023 1264 BID TOX LABORATORIES 44734 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed 2,832.96 600181 9/7/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 031-16705212167 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: TES POOL: PW EFT 11.95 600181 9/7/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 13H0028662112 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PBSP: PW EFT 103.94 600181 9/7/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 03G6707423995 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: CHAPARRAL HS: PW EFT 20.00 600181 9/7/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 03H0035623057 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: TESC POOL: PW EFT 83.67 600279 9/21/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 0316702622575 WATER DELIVERY SERVICES AT THE TVE2 EFT 21.74 600360 9/28/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 1310028910578 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT 312.10 600182 9/7/2023 2047 BOB CALLAHANS POOL SERVICE 0172 JUL POOL AND FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE EFT 1,200.00 600182 9/7/2023 2047 BOB CALLAHANS POOL SERVICE 0174 AUG POOL AND FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE EFT 1,200.00 600182 9/7/2023 2047 BOB CALLAHANS POOL SERVICE 0171 JUL POOL AND FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE EFT 1,400.00 600182 9/7/2023 2047 BOB CALLAHANS POOL SERVICE 0173 AUG POOL AND FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE EFT 1,400.00 600361 9/28/2023 2047 BOB CALLAHANS POOL SERVICE 0176 SEP POOL MAINT: OLD TOWN FOUNTAIN EFT 1,200.00 600361 9/28/2023 2047 BOB CALLAHANS POOL SERVICE 0175 SEP POOL MAINT: CRC & TES EFT 1,400.00 300322 9/7/2023 1631 BONCOR WATER SYSTEMS LLC 789589 08/16/23 08/17-09/13 WTR FILTER: FIRE STA 73 Printed 330.00 300322 9/7/2023 1631 BONCOR WATER SYSTEMS LLC 789589 06/21/23 06/22-07/19 WTR FILTER: FIRE STA 73 Printed 330.00 300322 9/7/2023 1631 BONCOR WATER SYSTEMS LLC - 78958907/19/23 07/20-08/16 WTR FILTER: FIRE STA 73 Printed 330.00 300523 9/28/2023 1579 BOZONELOS BOB MUSIC PERF:PLEIN AIR MUSIC PERFORMANCE: PLEIN AIR RECEPTION Printed 300.00 600280 9/21/2023 2612 BRAND ASSASSINS 22538 STREET POLE BANNER MAINTENANCE:COMSP EFT 1,909.05 600280 9/21/2023 2612 BRAND ASSASSINS 22382 BANNERWALL PROGRAM MAINTENANCE:COMSP EFT 7,544.53 600362 9/28/2023 2612 BRAND ASSASSINS 22537 OPEN PO MILITARY BANNER PROGRAM IIIII EFT 712.25 600183 9/7/2023 2415 BRAUN PETER 3744 AUG PLANTSCAPE SVC: CIVIC CTR EFT 500.00 600183 9/7/2023 2415 BRAUN PETER 3760 + AUG PLANTSCAPE SVC: LIBRARY EFT 200.00 600281 9/21/2023 2415 BRAUN PETER 3815 SEP PLANT MAINTENANCE: PW FACILITIES EFT 500.00 600281 9/21/2023 2415 BRAUN PETER 3830 SEP PLANT MAINTENANCE: PW FACILITIES EFT 200.00 600225 9/14/2023 1634 BRODART CO B6626915 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL: TCSD EFT 35.74 600226 9/14/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1402.204111h TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,243.20 600226 9/14/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1404.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 448.00 600226 9/14/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1403.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 362.60 600226 9/14/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1405.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 418.60 600226 9/14/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1401.205 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS , EFT 637.00 600226 9/14/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1404.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 448.00 600226 9/14/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1401.208 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 343.00 600226 9/14/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1405.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 414.40 600226 9/14/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1402.205 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,243.20 600226 9/14/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1403.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 362.60 600227 9/14/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT - 1402.206 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 310.80 600227 9/14/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1401.207 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 245.00 300439 , 9/21/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY _ 2037771506 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 195.92 600228 9/14/2023 2399 BUCHER BRET PHILLIP 3505.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 656.60 600228 , 9/14/2023 2399 BUCHER BRET PHILLIP 3510.206 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 677.25 600228 9/14/2023 2399 BUCHER BRET PHILLIP 3500.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 673.40 600228 9/14/2023 2399 BUCHER BRET PHILLIP 3511.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,310.40 600228 9/14/2023 2399 BUCHER BRET PHILLIP 3510.205 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,344.00 300323 9/7/2023 3157 CAHALAN JASON 3680 BAY DOOR REPAIR: STA 92 Printed 550.00 300396 9/14/20231190 CAL MAT 73770798. ASPHALT SUPPLIES:STREET MAINT:PW Printed 300.76 ' 300396 9/14/20231190 CAL MAT 73763795_ ASPHALT SUPPLIES:STREET MAINT:PW Printed 595.52 300396 9/14/20231190 CAL MAT 73763794 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT:PW Printed 2,067.38 300396 9/14/2023119016L CAL MAT -73758678, ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT:PW Printed 499.87 300396 9/14/20231190 CAL MAT 73760906 ASPHALT SUPPLIES:STREET MAINT:PW Printed 1,260.85 300396 `9/14/2023 11� CAL MAT 73760907, ASPHALT SUPPLIES:STREET MAINT:PW -[Printed 2,703.25 300441 9/21/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73772907 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed 219.75 300525 9/28/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73783557 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW �M Printed 461.26 300525 9/28/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73775889 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed 259.26 300525 9/28/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73775890 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed 331.99 300525 9/28/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73780713 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 382.04 300525 9/28/2023 1190 CAL MAT - 73778697 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 577.19 600184 9/7/2023 1085 CALIF BUILDING OFFICIALS CALBO 16698 REGISTRATION: ED WEEK: BUILDING & SAFETY EFT 580.00 600184 9/7/2023 1085 CALIF BUILDING OFFICIALS CALBO - 16727 REGISTRATION: ED WEEK: BUILDING & SAFETY EFT 1,305.00 600184 9/7/2023 1085 CALIF BUILDING OFFICIALS CALBO 16721 REGISTRATION: ED WEEK: BLDG & SAFETY EFT 290.00 15179 9/14/2023 1573 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT BEN349704 SUPPORT PAYMENT Wire 138.92 15249 9/28/2023 1573 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT BEN349726 SUPPORT PAYMENT Wire 138.92 300442 9/21/2023 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000571101A ADVERTISING PUBLIC NOTICES: PLANNING Printed 891.89 300442 9/21/2023 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000572928A ADVERTISING PUBLIC NOTICES: PLANNING Printed 1,424.71 300526 9/28/2023 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000572928E LEGAL NEWSPAPER PUBLICATIONS: CITY CLERK Printed 1,284.86 300397 9/14/2023 1060 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION 1-4TH QTR SMI 2022 2022 1-4TH QTR PMT: STRONG MOTION Printed 20,243.56 300324 9/7/2023 1332 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC i 3107929S AUG COPIERS LEASE: LIBRARY Printed 671.56 300527 9/28/2023 1332 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 31244974 SEP COPIERS LEASE: LIBRARY Printed 671.56 300325 9/7/20232295 CANTRELLTINAI 4200.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 280.00 300528 9/28/2023 2063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0049379 NPDES COMPLIANCE SVCS: PW20-11 Printed 818.25 300428 9/14/2023 2284 CATRON MICHAEL 0001234 r VIDEOGRAPHY SVCS: CM Printed 4,883.40 300326 9/7/2023 1280 CDW LLC LP56749 MISC SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP:IT Printed 294.39 300326 9/7/2023 1280 CDW LLC KK11496 EDEN CR: WORKSTATIONS: CONF ROOM: AV PROJECT Printed (5,664.58) 300326 9/7/2023 1280 CDW LLC LG97740 EQUIPMENT RACK:FRIENDSHIP PARK Printed 7,753.79 300326 9/7/2023 1280 CDW LLC KL72301 EDEN CR: WORKSTATIONS: CONF ROOM: AV PROJECT Printed (976.48) 300443 9/21/2023 1280 CDW LLC KD88925 EDEN CR: WORKSTATIONS: CONF ROOM: AV PROJECT Printed 5,664.58 300529 9/28/2023 1280 CDW LLC MB86509 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH Printed 275.46 300529 9/28/2023 1280 CDW LLC LX24024 MISC SMALL TOOLS &EQUIP: IT Printed 518.35 300529 9/28/2023 1280 CDW LLC LZ09782 MISC SMALL TOOLS &EQUIP: IT Printed 337.65 300398 9/14/2023 2153 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST INSTITUTE 07/25/23 REGIST: WEBINAR: ADA Printed 155.00 300327 9/7/2023 1528 CERTIFION CORP 723EP31197 SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION: PD Printed 200.00 300399 9/14/2023 1528 CERTIFION CORP 823EP31197 AUG ONLINE DATABASE SUBSCR: POLICE Printed 200.00 300328 9/7/2023 2288 CHARGEPOINT INC IN201047 EV SERVICE EQUIPMENT: PW CIP Printed 61,578.20 300444 9/21/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406418219 FIRSTAID KIT MAINT SVCS: RM Printed 127.73 300444 9/21/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406418215 FIRSTAID KIT MAINT SVCS: RM Printed 55.68 300444 9/21/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406418212 FIRSTAID KIT MAINT SVCS: RM Printed 621.87 300444 9/21/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 9ir- 8406418217 FIRST KITAID MAINT SVCS: RM Printed 273.88 300444 9/21/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406418213 FIRSTAID KIT MAINT SVCS: RM Printed 466.19 300444 9/21/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406418218 FIRSTAID KIT MAINT SVCS: RM Printed 160.87 300444 9/21/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406418216 FIRSTAID KIT MAINT SVCS:RM Printed 157.23 300444 9/21/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406418214 FIRSTAID KIT MAINT SVCS: RM Printed 740.29 300445 9/21/2023 1701 CLEAR IMAGE ENTERPRISES INC 18910 WINDOW CLEANING: HISTORY MUSEUM: PW Printed 410.00 300445 9/21/2023 1701 CLEAR IMAGE ENTERPRISES INC 18905 STEAM CLEAN SIDEWALKS: OTSF: PW Printed 375.00 300530 9/28/2023 1701 CLEAR IMAGE ENTERPRISES INC 18919 PATIO DECK CLEANING: CIVIC CENTER: PW Printed 325.00 300530 9/28/2023 1701 CLEAR IMAGE ENTERPRISES INC 18845 BUILDING MAINTENANCE: TEM SHERIFF OTSF Printed 285.00 300329 9/7/2023 2681 CLEARSTAR INC 1452170 PRE -EMPLOYMENT SCREENINGS-HR Printed 207.26 300329 9/7/2023 2681 CLEARSTAR INC 1454943 PRE -EMPLOYMENT SCREENINGS-HR Printed 107.30 300329 9/7/2023 2681 CLEARSTAR INC 1458347 PRE -EMPLOYMENT SCREENINGS-HR Printed 230.46 300446 9/21/2023 2681 CLEARSTAR INC 1459988 PRE -EMPLOYMENT SCREENINGS-HR Printed 545.94 600363 9/28/2023 2681 CLEARSTAR INC 1461998 EMPLOYMENT SCREENINGS-HR EFT 153.38 600185 9/7/2023 3043 COMMERCIAL CLEANING BY ROGERS 10557 i JANITORIAL SERVICES: OTSF AND MALL EFT 814.77 300447 9/21/2023 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4053044-1 EDEN CR: MISC OFC SUPPLIES: FIRE STA 84 Printed 6.22 300447 9/21/2023 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4056907-� EDEN CR: MISC OFC SUPPLIES: BLDG & SAFETY Printed 33.19 300448 9/21/2023 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4078336-0 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES:COMM DEV Printed 20.39 600186 9/7/2023 1046 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS INC 118933 ALARM SERVICE CALLS-HARV COMM ROOM-PARKS:PW EFT 390.00 600186 9/7/2023 1046 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS INC 117082 ALARM SERVICE CALLS:UBRARY-PW EFT 80.00 600230 9/14/2023 1046 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS INC 119461 ALARM SVCS MONITORING: POLICE EFT 225.00 600282 9/21/2023 1046 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS INC 119081 ALARM SVCS MONITORING: FACILITIES EFT 6,000.00 600282 9/21/2023 1046 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS INC 118926 ALARM SERVICE CALL: TCC: PW � EFT 271.61 600364 9/28/2023 1046 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS INC 119460 ALARM SVCS MONITORING:STA 73-95:FIRE EFT 390.00 300330 9/7/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1033384 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES- Printed 17.08 300330 9/7/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1033508 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES Printed 22.87 300330 9/7/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1033234 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES Printed 15.27 300449 9/21/2023 1666 CORELOGIC INC 82185416 AUG SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION: CODE ENF Printed 449.50 300449 9/21/20231666 CORELOGIC INC 82181849 JUL SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION: CODE EP� Printed 350.50 600283 9/21/2023 3262 CORONA CLAY COMPANY 14695 SPECIALTY MIX BRICKDUST:PARKS:PW EFT 6,433.75 600283 9/21/2023 3262 CORONA CLAY COMPANY 14682 SPECIALTY MIX BRICKDUST:PARKS:PW EFT 12,867.50 600231 9/14/2023 3130 CORTEZ GASTELUM MARIA VICTORIA 230805 NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION: MPSC: TCSD EFT 125.00 600365 9/28/2023 3130 CORTEZ GASTELUM MARIA VICTOR 230902 NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION: MPSC: TCSEW EFT 125.00 600232 9/14/2023 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1620.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 420.00 300450 9/21/2023 1849 COSTAR REALTY INFORMATION INC 120426645 COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTIOWCOMSP Printed 1,296.00 300331 9/7/20231098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 INV 3476 REFRESH M ENTS:AVA NIGHTS:TVM: TCSD Printed 116.50 300331 9/7/20231098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3473 REFRESHMENTS -OUTSIDE SVCS:PW Printed 195.49 300400 9/14/20231098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3478 MISC. SUPPLIES: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD Printed 330.12 300451 9/21/20231098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3479 MISC SUPPLIES- WORKFORCE PROGRAMS Printed 224.76 300531 9/28/20231098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3489 HOSPITALITY/OFFICE SUPPLIES:THEATER:TCSD Printed 288.58 300531 9/28/20231098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3484 MISC SUPPLIES- WORKFORCE PROGRAMS Printed 842.40 300531 9/28/20231098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3487 MISC SUPPLIES: AQUATICS: TCSD Printed 392.01 300531 , 9/28/20231098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3485 MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD Printed 235.89 300452 9/21/20231268 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3481 MISC SUPPLIES: MPSC: TCSD Printed 112.11 300453 , 9/21/20231268 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 111955960672 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: TCSD Printed 180.00 600233 9/14/2023 2004 COX KRISTI 4210.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 405.00 600366 9/28/2023 2004 COX KRISTI 4100.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 308.00 600366 9/28/2023 2004 COX KRISTI 4110.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 308.00 600366 9/28/2023 2004 COX KRISTI _ 4150.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 224.00 600366 9/28/2023 2004 COX KRISTI 4115.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 280.00 600366 9/28/2023 2004 COX KRISTI 4135.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 252.00 600284 9/21/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003593 MISC PLUMBING REPLACEMENT AT TVE2: PW EFT 1,140.00 600367 9/28/2023 15921LL CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003683 PLUMBING MAINT SVCS: FIRE ST73 EFT 160.00 600367 9/28/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003587 PLUMBING REPAIR AT CIVIC CENTER EFT 1,326.45 600367 EQ12812023 15g CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC IN ao3610 MISC PLUMBING INSTALLATIONS ATTVE2: PW SET 3,578.00 600367 9/28/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003687 PLUMBING SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 860.00 600367 9/28/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC L30667 DRINKING FOUNTAIN INSTALL: TCC: PW �M EFT 4,800.00 600367 9/28/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003595 MISC REPAIRS HARVESTON COMMUNITY PARK: PW EFT 9,200.00 600367 9/28/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 03470 PLUMBING MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATIONS jjjkb� EFT 2,013.44 600367 9/28/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003617 PLUMBING SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 382.00 600367 9/28/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003618 PLUMBING SVCS: PARKS: PW It EFT 1,196.00 600367 9/28/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003603 PLUMBING SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 380.00 300454 9/21/2023 1929 CULTIVATING GOOD INC 82523 REFRESH MENTS:WORKFORCE PROGRAMS:TCSD Printed 2,376.20 300392 9/12/2023 3287 CURRY MATTHEW 100 EMPLOYEE LUNCHEON CATERING-TIS Printed 8,180.72 300332 9/7/20231096 DANS FEED AND SEED INC 080454 MISC SUPPLIES:STREET MAINTENANCE: PW Printed 52.03 600187 9/7/2023 1096 DANS FEED AND SEED INC 080421 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: PW FACILITIES EFT 24.48 600187 9/7/20231096 DANS FEED AND SEED INC 080405 MISC SUPPLIES:STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 95.37 600188 9/7/20231105 DATA TICKET INC 154972 JULY CITATION PROCESSING:POLICE EFT 1,097.17 600234 9/14/20231105 DATA TICKET INC , 154527 CITATION PROCESSING: POLICE EFT 1,097.17 600368 9/28/2023 1105 DATA TICKET INC 156118 AUG CITATIONS PROCESSING: POLICE EFT 1,292.08 15206 , 9/13/2023 3308 DAVID DOGTEROM TRC-122404-13-09-202 ENERGOV TRANSFER INVOICE 128844 Wire 5,664.60 300455 9/21/2023 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 542410 DIAZ ROAD EXPANSION Printed 19,185.56 300532 9/28/20231699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 542322 CONSTSUPPORT SVCS (MPSC): PW -CIP Printed 377.00 300456 9/21/20231177 DAVID TURCH AND ASSOCIATES JUL'23 JUL FEDERAL LOBBYING SVCS: CITY MGR Void 5,500.00 600216 9/8/2023 1700 DBX INC R698-04 TRAFFIC SIGNAL INSTALLATION: CIP: PW 19-19 EFT 1�33,262.68 300457 9/21/2023 3283 DCH TEMECULA MOTORS LLC 450692 VEHICLE REPAIRS -STREET MAINTENANCE:PW Printed 4,991.78 600285 9/21/2023 2528 DE LA SECU RA INC STP NTC PW17-21 STP NTC: MRC PW 17-21: MORA GLAZING EFT 1�7,123.58) 600285 9/21/2023 2528 DE LA SECURA INC 21007-21 MARGARITA REC CTR DSGN BUILD EFT 672,810.92 300533 9/28/2023 3094 DELCO SERVICE INC , 30963 CLAY VALVE SERVICE Printed 4,216.86 300401 9/14/2023 1491 DEPT OF GENERAL SERVICES DGS 0000001527600B CASE FILING: PERUCHETTI, KEVIN Printed 532.50 300401 9/14/2023 1491 DEPT OF GENERAL SERVICES DGS , 0000001527600A APPEALS: CITY CLERK Printed 2,476.50 300333 9/7/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00083052 MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM:IT Printed 370.00 300333 9/7/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC , IN00084850 MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM:IT Printed ._6,868.00 300333 9/7/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00080331 MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM:IT Printed 1,550.00 600235 9/14/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00084876 MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM: INFO TECH EFT ._1,030.00 600235 9/14/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00077367 MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM:IT EFT 17,198.00 300334 9/7/2023 2581 DH GRAPHICS 17474 ENGINE GRILL WRAP: STATIONS ---W Printed 815.63 600189 9/7/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004853665 PORTABLE RESTROOM RENTALS: GENERAL KEARNY:PARKS:PW EFT 110.88 600189 9/7/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES r 0004853663 PORTABLE RESTROOM RENTALS:LA SERENA W. PARK:PW EFT 110.88 600189 9/7/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004853666 PORTABLE RESTROOM RENTALS: HARMONY LN PARKS:PW EFT 275.71 600189 9/7/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004723227 RESTROOM RENTALS & MAINT SVCS: CRC-PW CIP 111PFW- EFT 3,435.80 600189 9/7/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004853664 PORTABLE RESTROOM RENTALS: RIVERTON LN PARKS:PW EFT 110.88 600189 9/7/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004776210 RESTROOM RENTALS & MAINT SVCS: CRC-PW CIP EFT 6,840.00 600236 9/14/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004897148 PORTABLE RESTROOMS:PD EFT 132.09 600286 9/21/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004839010. FENCE RENTAL: IRC: PW EFT 95.00 600286 9/21/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004899866 FENCE RENTAL: JRC: PW EFT 95.00 600286 9/21/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004781324. FENCE RENTAL: IRC: PW EFT 95.00 600369 9/28/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004911766 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: COLOR RUN EVENT EFT 646.40 600369 , 9/28/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004912329 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: LA SERENA WAY EFT 110.88 600369 9/28/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004912330 PORTABLE RESTROOM RENTALS: PARKS EFT 110.88 600369 , 9/28/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004912331 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: GENERAL KEARNY RD� EFT 110.88 600369 9/28/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004912332 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: HARMONY LN EFT 165.88 600287 ■ 9/21/2023 2137 DIVERSIFIED WATERSCAPES INC 10006741- LAKE AND POND MAINT: PW EFT 7,800.00 600287 9/21/2023 2137 DIVERSIFIED WATERSCAPES INC 10006703 JUL WTR QUALITY MAINT: DUCK POND/HARV:PW EFT 7,800.00 600190 9/7/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL03697 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREETS - EFT 2,130.26 600237 9/14/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL03695 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG & SAFETY EFT 454.45 600237 9/14/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL05220 FUEL -CITY VEHICLES:TCSD EFT 455.56 600237 9/14/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL05216. FUEL -CITY VEHICLES:EOC EFT 105.60 600237 9/14/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL05219. FUEL -CITY VEHICLES:TRAFFIC:PW EFT 784.18 600237 9/14/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL04423 FUEL -CITY VEHICLES:FIRE DEPT EFT 293.86 600237 9/14/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL03692 FUEL FO CITY VEHICLES: PARKS: PW ' EFT 2,144.84 600237 9/14/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL05196 FUEL -CITY VEHICLES:PD EFT 114.12 600237 9/14/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL05200 FUEL -CITY VEHICLES:STREET MAINT:PW EFT 2,189.56 600237 9/14/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL05194 FUEL -CITY VEHICLES: PARKS:PW EFT 3,177.31 600288 9/21/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL05198 FUEL -CITY VEHICLES:BLDSF EFT 477.16 600288 9/21/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL06617 FUEL -CITY VEHICLES:TRAFFIC:PW EFT 155.96 600288 9/21/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL06600 FUEL -CITY VEHICLES:ST MAINT:PW EFT 1,625.90 600288 9/21/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL06596 FUEL -CITY VEHICLES:CODE ENFORCE EFT 104.45 600288 9/21/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL05195 FUEL -CITY VEHICLES:LAND DEV:PW EFT 204.43 600288 9/21/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL06597 FUEL -CITY VEHICLES: BU I LDING&SAFETY EFT 305.28 600288 9/21/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL05197 FUEL -CITY VEHICLES:CODE ENFORCEMENT:BLDSF EFT 175.32 600288 9/21/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL05199B FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES:CIP:PW EFT 218.09 600288 9/21/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL06593 FUEL -CITY VEHICLES:PARK MAINT:PW EFT 1,884.59 600288 9/21/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL06618 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES:TCSD EFT 350.66 600289 9/21/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL06598 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES:CITY MGR EFT 73.53 600289 9/21/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL06595 FUEL -CITY VEHICLES:P000E EFT 22.47 600289 9/21/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL05199A' FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES:LAND DEV:PW EFT 93.24 600370 9/28/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL08016 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE EFT 162.42 600370 9/28/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL -CL06614 IL_ FUEL -CITY VEHICLES:EOC EFT 90.50 600370 9/28/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL08020 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 2,529.40 600370 9/28/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL - CL06594 ! FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES:LAND DEV:PW EFT 61.18 600370 9/28/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL06599 FUEL -CITY VEHICLES:CIP:PW EFT 183.56 600370 , 9/28/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL -CL05939 FUEL -CITY VEHICLES:FIRE i EFT 178.98 600370 9/28/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL08037 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC: PW EFT 756.40 600370 9/28/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL08038 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD EFT 289.69 600370 9/28/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL07351 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEPT EFT 385.82 300335 9/7/20232689 DS SERVICES OF AMERICA INC 22116432082523 WATER DELIVERY SERVICES:CMO Printed 10.00 300458 9/21/2023 1678 DUDEK 202306581 CITYWIDE DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN PW19-16 Printed 20,752.20 600290 9/21/2023 1678 DUDEK 202306458 CONSTRUCTION MGT SVCS: MPSC: PW20-13 EFT 18,540.00 15284 9/25/2023 1057 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DIST VAR EMWD AUG VARIOUS AUG WATER SVCS Wire 9,782.01 600371 9/28/2023 2258 ECONOMIC ALTERNATIVES INC 102680 AUG WTR SYST MAINT: CIVIC CTR EFT 619.55 600371 9/28/2023 2258 ECONOMIC ALTERNATIVES INC 102390 SEP WTR SYST MAINT: CIVIC CTR EFT 619.55 600371 M9/28/202322581M ECONOMIC ALTERNATIVES INC 102099 JUL WTR SYST MAINT: CIVIC CTR EFT 619.55 600229 9/14/2023 1349 EE VENDOR #1349 08/23/23 REIMB: UNIFORMS EFT 172.29 300484 W/21/2023 16� EE VENDOR #1670 - REIMB: TEAM PACE REIMB: TEAM PACE Printed 678.55 600374 9/28/2023 1940 EE VENDOR #1940 REIMB: SUPPLIES REIMB: SUPPLIES: TVM EFT 484.82 600268 9/14/2023 1964 EE VENDOR #1964 08/17/23 REIMB: UNIFORMS EFT 175.96 300382 9/7/2023 2291 EE VENDOR #2291 TC-CKR0S2823 REIMB-CERTIFICATIONS/TRAININGS:BUIDING&SAFETY Printed 355.00 300382 9/7/2023 2291 EE VENDOR #2291 08/23/23 REIMB: UNIFORMS Printed 175.00 300402 9/14/2023 2402 EE VENDOR #2402 08/23/23 REIMB: TEAM PACE Printed 228.98 300459 9/21/2023 2402 EE VENDOR #2402 09/20/23 REIMB: TEAM PACE ' Printed 250.00 600213 9/7/2023 2410 EE VENDOR #2410 08/17/23 REIMB: TEAM PACE EFT 334.67 300538 9/28/2023 2673 EE VENDOR #2673 GC-CKR-090723 TRIANING REIMBURSEMENT:PAPA SEMINAR:PARKS Printed 140.00 600200 9/7/2023 2714 EE VENDOR #2714 08/17/23B REIMB: EMPLOYEE LUNCHEON EFT 216.41 600200 9/7/2023 2714 EE VENDOR #2714 08/17/23 REIMB: EMPLOYEE LUNCHEON EFT 47.37 600240 9/14/2023 2754 EE VENDOR #2754 09/05/23 REIMB: TEAM PACE EFT 250.84 300360 9/7/2023 2851 EE VENDOR #2851 MJ-CKR-08302023 REIMB:9/14 LUNCHEON RAFFLE PRIZE:TEAM PACE:HR Printed 238.16 300345 9/7/20232971 EE VENDOR#2971 GN-EXPR-08112023 REIMB:LIDAR TRAI NING-LODGING: POLICE Printed 565.25 600194 9/7/2023 3005 EE VENDOR #3005 REIMB: MS-ISAC CONF REIMB: MS-ISAC CONFERENCE: INFO TECH EFT 1,117.98 300549 9/28/20233225 EE VENDOR#3225 REIMB: SAFETY CONF REIMB: NATIONAL SCHOOL SAFETY CONFERENCE Printed 309.16 300476 9/21/2023 3242 EE VENDOR #3242 REIMB: TRAINING REIMB: B3 CERTIFICATION: BLDG & SAFETY Printed F 290.00 300534 9/28/2023 2385 EIDE BAILLY LLP E101553061 AUDIT SERVICES: FINANCE Printed 1,550.00 600191 9/7/20232031 ELITE CLAIMS MANAGEMENT INC 2023-655 WRKCOMP TPA: RM EFT 1,250.00 600291 9/21/2023 2031 ELITE CLAIMS MANAGEMENT INC 2023-662 AUG'233RD PARTY CLAIM ADMIN: WC EFT 1,250.00 15189 9/14/2023 1998 EYEMED VISION CARE BEN349674 VISION PLAN PAYMENT Wire 2,131.01 300336 9/7/2023 2116 FALCON ENGINEERING SERVICES 2023-4 CNSTCTN MGMT SVCS: 1-15/FVP IMPROV PH 11 Printed 315,427.60 300433 9/14/2023 2116 FALCON ENGINEERING SERVICES 2023-5 CONSTRUCTION MGMNT SVCS: PW16-01 CIP Printed 377,878.32 300460 9/21/2023 2116 FALCON ENGINEERING SERVICES 2021 - 20 TEM ENV & CULTURAL MONITOR SVCS:PW-CIP, PWOS-04 ON -CAL Printed 8,476.25 300337 9/7/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-235-19914 EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: HR DEPT Printed 22.44 300337 9/7/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-228-64779B EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: RISK Printed 9.66 300403 9/14/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-243-05149-A EXPRESS MAIL SVCS:TCSD Printed 35.37 300461 9/21/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-249-28433 EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: THEATHER:TCSD Printed 50.53 300461 9/21/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-255-64188 EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: FINANCE Printed 8.17 300461 9/21/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-243-05149-B EXPRESS MAIL SVCS:FIRE Printed 21.88 300461 9/21/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-249-28434-A EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: MUSEUM:TCSD = Printed 12.49 300461 9/21/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-249-28434-B EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: COMM DEV Printed 8.74 300462 9/21/2023 3295 FERRAGUT LORENA 60492566 REFUND CPR CLASS FS84:TVUSD DISCOUNT:FIRE Printed 20.00 600292 9/21/2023 1109 FIELDMAN ROLAPP AND ASSOCIATES 28545 ALTAIR CFD FORMATION EFT 2,850.50 15320 9/8/2023 1006 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY RTE-7013575 ESCROW FEES: HABITAT WAY 11 PROJECT Wire 3,555.00 300338 9/7/20231037 FIRST STUDENT CHARTER SF-074702 SDC TRANSPORTATION 8/8/2023:TCSO Printed 1,199.70 300404 9/14/20231037 FIRST STUDENT CHARTER SF-0680� SDC TRANSPORTATION 7/25/2023:TCSD Printed 783.00 300404 9/14/20231037 FIRST STUDENT CHARTER SF-071509 SDC TRANSPORTATION 8/1/2023 CRC:TCSD Printed 798.73 600192 9/7/2023 1871 FLATIRON WEST INC � I-15/FV PKWY IMPROVEMENTS: PH II: CIP EFT 5,813,547.25 600270 9/14/2023 1871 FLATIRON WEST INC 4 I-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IM EFT 5,332,757.23 600238 9/14/2023 2643 FORENSIC NURSING OF SOCAL INC 2269 SART EXAMS SVCS: TE232190001:PD EFT '_ 1,200.00 600238 9/14/2023 2643 FORENSIC NURSING OF SOCAL INC 2266 SART EXAMS SVCS TE232130138:PD EFT 1,200.00 600372 9/28/2023 2643 FORENSIC NURSING OF SOCAL INC 2322 SART EXAMS EFT 1,200.00 600372 9/28/2023 2643 FORENSIC NURSING OF SOCAL INC 2224 SART EXAMS:TE231861003:PD EFT 800.00 600239 9/14/2023 1875 FREIZE UHLER KIMBERLY 8818 HR/RM EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION: HR EFT 745.85 600373 9/28/2023 1875 FREIZE UHLER KIMBERLY 8856-8876 MISC. PROMOTIONAL ITEMS: ECO DEV INCUBATOR EFT 2,596.45 15382 9/20/2023 2067 FRONTIER CALIFORNIA INC VAR AUG/SEP FRONTIER VARIOUS AUG/SEP INTERNET SVCS- Wire 11,310.37 300339 9/7/2023 2067 FRONTIER CALIFORNIA INC AUG 951-506-2593 AUG INTERNET SVCS: CIVIC CTR Printed 899.90 300463 9/21/2023 1497 FULL COMPASS SYSTEMS INCO2402079 SOUND/LIGHTING & MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER:TCSD Printed 198.21 300535 9/28/20231497 FULL COMPASS SYSTEMS INCO2409556 SOUND/LIGHTING& MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER Printed 2,833.15 300340 9/7/2023 1932 FUN EXPRESS U_ 72603896101 MISC SUPPLIES: SPECIAL EVENT MUSEUM:TCSD Printed 998.79 300536 9/28/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0012610121-001 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS Printed 50.00 300536 9/28/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION IN 0012562273-002 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS Printed 1,040.58 600193 9/7/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0011866207-001 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS Void (100.00) 600193 9/7/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0012397262-001 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS Void 729.70 600193 9/7/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0011789911-002 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS Void 585.75 600193 9/7/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0011652280-001 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS Void 50.00 600418 9/28/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0012081232-001 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS EFT 449.48 600418 9/28/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0011627359-002 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS EFT 924.81 600418 9/28/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0011866207-001 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS EFT (100.00) 600418 9/28/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0011652280-001 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS EFT 50.00 600418 9/28/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0011789911-002 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS EFT 585.75 600418 9/28/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0011853389-001 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS EFT 449.48 600418 9/28/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0012397262-001 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS EFT 729.70 300341 9/7/20231577 GAYLORD BROS INC 2826573 MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD Printed 54.40 300464 9/21/2023 2374 GEORGE HILLS COMPANY INC INVIO26186 SUBROGATION RECOVERY FEE:GHC0055546-GHC0058807:RM Printed 2,744.62 300464 9/21/2023 2374 GEORGE HILLS COMPANY INC INVIO26163 CLAIMS TPA: RM printed 4,036.40 300464 9/21/2023 2374 GEORGE HILLS COMPANY INC INVIO26088 SUBROGATION RECOVERY FEE:GHC0053086-GHC0057404:RM Printed 3,077.23 300537 9/28/2023 2722 GEOTAB USA INC IN350128 VEHICLE TELEMATICS:CITY FLEET: IT Mtrinted 1,684.75 300537 9/28/2023 2722 GEOTAB USA INC IN355336 VEHICLE TELEMATICS:CITY FLEET: IT Printed 1,684.75 300465 9/21/2023 1554 GOFORTH AND MARTI 0287991-IN OFFICE CHAIR REPLACEMENT:IT printed 995.75 300343 9/7/2023 1523 GOLDEN VALLEY MUSIC SOCIETY STLM NT: 8/13 & 8/27 CLASSICS ATTHE MERC: 8/13 & 8/27 Printed 535.50 300411 9/14/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1261 HVAC SUPPLIES: TCSD FACILITIES 111111PININ-Printed 65.25 300411 9/14/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1293 HVAC SUPPLIES: TCSD FACILITIES Printed 268.60 300411 9/14/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1333 HVAC SUPPLIES: TCSD FACILITIES Printed 1,544.18 300411 9/14/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1360 HVAC SUPPLIES: TCSD FACILITIES Printed 772.09 300411 9/14/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I - 1374 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: FIRE STATIONS:FIRE Printed 87.00 300411 9/14/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1262 HVAC SUPPLIES: TCSD FACILITIES Printed 43.47 300474 , 9/21/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1387 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT:PW Printed 1,957.50 300474 9/21/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1394. HVAC SUPPLIES MAINT:FACILITIES:PW Printed 152.25 300474 , 9/21/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1386 HVAC SUPPLES: FACILITY MAINT:PW Printed 1,332.08 300544 9/28/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1364 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: FIRE STATIONS Printed 315.38 300544 9/28/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1393 HVAC SUPPLES: FACILITY MAINT Printed p_ 190.31 300405 9/14/2023 2094 GOSCH FORD TEMECULA 3233591 VEHICLE REPAIRS: STREET MAINTENANCE:PW Printed 3,382.16 300466 9/21/2023 2138 GOVCONNECTION INC 74455861 REPLACEMENT WORKSTATION: IT GIS � Printed p_ 4,993.80 300344 9/7/20231108 GOVERNMENT TRAINING AGENCY 17170 EMPLOYMENT CONSORTIUM FEES: FY 23-24 Printed 1,764.00 600195 9/7/2023 1905 GOVERN M ENTJOBS.COM INC INV-36056 EFORMS SOFTWARE: HR: IT EFT '_ 5,648.50 600196 9/7/20231225 GRAINGER 9792033434 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 1,087.12 600196 9/7/2023122a GRAINGER 9821372852 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW ccr '_ 871.89 600375 9/28/2023 1225 GRAINGER 9831221826 MISC SUPPLIES: RON ROBERTS LIBRARY: PW EFT 263.58 300539 9/28/20233UM GUEVARA MARLON J§116 08/30/23 LIABILITY CLAIM SETTLEMENT --_ 310.59 300319 9/7/2023 1383 HANCOCK LORENA 3700.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 504.00 300319 300319 300346 300346 300346 300346 300346 300346 300346 300346 300346 300346 300347 300348 300406 300406 300406 300406 300406 300406 300406 300467 300540 300349 300349 300349 300349 300349 300468 300541 600376 300393 600293 600293 600377 300350 300542 300542 300542 300407 300543 300543 600294 300351 300351 300408 300408 300409 300469 300469 300470 600197 600197 300352 300471 600295 600295 600295 600296 600296 300410 15182 15252 15183 15253 600378 600297 600297 600241 600379 300472 300473 300545 600298 600198 600198 600380 15149 15150 300353 300475 600199 300354 300477 300478 600299 600271 300355 300479 600300 9/7/2023 1383 HANCOCK LORENA 3705.202 9/7/2023 1383 HANCOCK LORENA 3710.202 9/7/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2664 AUG 9/7/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2708 AUG 9/7/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2671 AUG 9/7/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2644JUL 9/7/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2716JUL _ 9/7/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2646 AUG 9/7/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2708JUL' 9/7/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2716 AUG 9/7/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2734 AUG, 9/7/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2702 JUL 9/7/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC - 2670 AUG 9/7/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2702 AUG 9/14/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2634 AUG' 9/14/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2107 AUG 9/14/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2733 AUG` 9/14/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 3001 AUG 9/14/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2641 AUG! 9/14/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2818 AUG 9/14/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2706AUG` 9/21/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2644/AUG 9/28/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2649/AUG 9/7/2023 2225 HASAINC 903785 9/7/2023 2225 HASAINC 901746 9/7/2023 2225 HASAINC 910454 9/7/2023 2225 HASAINC 912354 9/7/2023 2225 HASAINC 908106 9/21/2023 2225 HASAINC 916106 9/28/2023 2225 HASAINC 919213 9/28/2023 1056 HDL COREN AND CONE SIN031731 9/14/2023 1110 HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES CENTER INC E0299739. 9/21/2023 1093 HEALTHPOINTE MEDICAL GROUP INC 42612-4102200 9/21/2023 1093 HEALTHPOINTE MEDICAL GROUP INC 42612-4111176 9/28/2023 1093 HEALTHPOINTE MEDICAL GROUP INC 42612-4120163 9/7/2023 1791 HELXSTORM INC 14330 9/28/2023 1791 HELIXSTORM INC 14445 9/28/2023 1791 HELXSTORM INC 14443 9/28/2023 1791 HELIXSTORM INC 14453 9/14/20231761 HESS JOHN PAUL 1456 9/28/2023 1083 HINDERLITER DE LLAMAS & ASSOC A006iiiiiiii. SIN031122 9/28/20231083 HINDERLITER DE LLAMAS &ASSOC SIN031081 9/21/20232547 HINER DOUGLAS m 2023-JULY.AUGUST 9/7/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT S971469 9/7/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 097242S - 9/14/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT S973814 9/14/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 4033582 9/14/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 6973319 9/21/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 2972918 , 9/21/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 6343199 9/21/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT i 6973316 9/7/2023 2512 IDETAIL SUPPLY CO DWH3 9/7/2023 2512 IDETAIL SUPPLY CO OW9Q 9/7/2023 2786 INDUSTRIAL HEARING & PULMONARY MGT 77406 9/21/2023 1841 INLAND EROSION CONTROL SRVCS Slir- 96788 9/21/2023 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 6237 9/21/2023 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC i 6333 9/21/2023 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 6275 9/21/2023 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 6482 9/21/2023 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 6480 9/14/20232036 INLAND VALLEY BUSINESS AND COMMUNITY FOUNDATION 2023-11 9/14/2023 1047 INSTATAX EDD BEN349696 9/28/2023 1047 INSTATAX EDD BEN349716 9/14/2023 1027 INSTATAX IRS BEN349692 9/28/2023 1027 INSTATAX IRS = BEN349714 9/28/2023 2085 INTERPRETERS UNLIMITED 360284 9/21/2023 2955 INTL LINE BUILDERS INC 902902 9/21/2023 2955 INTL LINE BUILDERS INC 902901 9/14/2023 1757 INTRADO LIFE AND SAFETY INC 6077245 9/28/2023 1719 JACOBS HOUSE INC BEN349680 9/21/2023 2045 JAMES ELLIOTT ENTERTAINMENT PERF: 10/06/23 9/21/2023 2045 JAMES ELLIOTT ENTERTAINMENT PERF: 10/05/23 9/28/2023 3197 JDS VIDEO & MEDIA PRODUCTIONS INC 3584 9/21/20232257 JEFF KATZ ARCHITECTURAL CORP 21876 9/7/2023 1660 JOE RHODES MAINT SERVICE INC B946 9/7/2023 1660 JOE RHODES MAINT SERVICE INC B845 9/28/2023 1660 JOE RHODES MAINT SERVICE INC B931 , 9/7/2023 3297 JOSH BARRETT TRC-122265-07-09-202 9/7/2023 3297 JOSH BARRETT TRC-122266-07-09-202 , 9/7/2023 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP 68055 9/21/2023 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP 68146 , 9/7/2023 1248 JTB SUPPLY COMPANY INC 112338 9/7/2023 1975 KRACH BREE B 11494 9/21/2023 1975 KRACH BREE B 11575 9/21/2023 3291` LAMAS KRISTINA1111111111r- KL-REFUND-60265465 9/21/2023 3111 LAWNSCAPE SYSTEMS INC 441252 9/14/2023 1930_ LDCO INC 4 9/7/2023 3200 LEADSONLINE PARENT LLC 405900 9/21/2023 10� LEIGHTON CONSULTING INC ` 58311 9/21/2023 1050 LEIGHTON CONSULTING INC 58882 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 448.00 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 448.00 MISC SUPPLIES-SMALLTOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT Printed 141.32 MISC SUPPLIES/MAINT: FACILITIES MAINT:PW Printed 33.69 MISC SUPPLIES-SMALLTOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT Printed 36.98 MISC MAINT SUPPUES:FACIUTIES MAINT:PW Printed 3,291.92 MISC MAINTSUPPLIES:FACILITIES MAINT:PW _ Printed 304.47 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP:FACILITIES MAINT:PW Printed 134.90 MISC MAINTSUPPLIES: FACILITIES MAINT:PW , Printed 498.35 MISC SUPPLIES SMALL:TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT Printed 36.50 MISC SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT Printed 191.10 MISC MAINT SUPPLIES:FACILITIES MAINT:PW Printed 129.16 HARDWARE SUPPLIES:PW Printed 28.24 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT:PW Printed 119.12 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP: FIRE Printed 139.80 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP: FACILITIES MAINT:PW Printed 566.22 SUPPLIES:STREETS AND TRAFFIC MAINT:PW Printed 1,320.86 MISC SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP:PW Printed 18.48 MISC-SMALL TOOLS AND EQP STREETS AND TRAFFIC MAINT Printed 1,625.45 MISC SUPPLIES SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT-COMM DEV Printed 113.98 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT:PW Printed 2,037.90 MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR Printed 2,637.90 MAINT SUPPLIES: PARKS: PW Printed 2,738.18 POOL SANTIZING CHEMICALS: CITY POOLS Printed 1,236.74 POOL SANTIZING CHEMICALS: CITY POOLS Printed , 876.86 POOL SANTIZING CHEMICALS: CITY POOLS:PW Printed 626.33 POOL SANTIZING CHEMICALS: CITY POOLS:PW Printed 595.01 POOL SANTIZING CHEMICALS: CITY POOLS:PW Printed 1,095.87 POOL SANTIZING CHEMICALS: CITY POOLS Printed 1,534.25 POOL SANTIZING CHEMICALS: CITY POOLS Printed 884.56 FY 23/24 PROPERTY TAX CONSULTING EFT 95.20 SEP EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PRGM: HR Printed 1,855.65 MEDICAL SCREENINGS: HR M EFT 170.00 MEDICAL SCREENINGS: HR EFT 285.00 MED EMPLOYMENT SCREENING: H= EFT '_ 300.00 PALO ALTO RENEWAL:TRAFFIC(1 & 2) MPSC & THEATER:IT Printed 6,822.01 H PE CAREPACK SVC: IT Printed 214.00 HPE TECH CARE PACK RENEWAL:IT Printed 10,452.00 INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT: IT Printed 1,625.00 VIDEOGRAPHY SERVICES FOR SOTC Printed 7,737.50 QTR1/2023 MEASURES SALES TAX AUDIT 90ME Printed 1,882.38 SALES TAX CONSULTING: FINANCE Printed 5,143.27 ADULT SOFTBALL OFFICIATING SVCS: SPORTS:TCSD EFT 3,780.00 MAINTSUPPUES:FACILITIES:PW Printed 75.89 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES:FACIUTIES:PW Printed 59.56 MISC SUPPLIES: PW Printed 1,947.95 SUPPLIES: THEATER: TCSD Printed 49.93 MISC SUPPLIES/TOOLS:TV2:PW Printed 54.70 MAINT SUPPLIES: IWTCM: PW Wil Printed 320.40 SUPPLIES: FACILITIES MAINT: PW Printed 42.09 MIS SUPPLIES:FACILITIES MAINT:PW i Printed 74.30 DETAIL SUPPLIES: FIRE ENGINES EFT 537.34 DETAIL SUPPLIES: FIRE ENGINES i EFT 265.25 EMPLOYEE HEARING TRAINING/TEST:HR Printed 40.00 EROSION CONTROL SUPPLIES: ST MAINT:PW Printed 660.00 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR, STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 1,994.00 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR, STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 3,138.53 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 7,132.46 VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT REPAIR: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 662.12 VEHICLE& EQUIPMENT REPAIR: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 275.82 GENERAL ADMIN TICKETS: ECO DEV Printed 245.00 STATE TAX PAYMENT Wire 49,928.16 STATE TAX PAYMENT Wire 48,288.88 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT Wire 147,242.80 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT Wire 142,367.67 TRANSLATION SERVICES: PD EFT 15.00 TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROMENADE MALL EFT 47,828.51 TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROMENADE MALL EFT 77,239.18 JUL ENTERPRISES 911 SVC: INFO TECH EFT 300.00 EMPLOYEE CHARITY DONATIONS EFT 40.00 PRESENTER: THEATER: TCSn Printed 3,000.00 PRESENTER: THEATER: TCSD Printed 3,000.00 TRAINING VIDEO: EM:FIRE Printed 5,125.00 COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER SP:PW21-07 EFT 901.50 FUEL PUMP REPAIR: STATION 8� EFT 1,428.18 FUEL PUMP REPAIR: STATION 84 EFT 541.43 FUEL PUMP REPAIR: STATION 84:FIRE EFT 546.73 ENERGOV TRANSFER- INVOICE 117384TO INVOICE 131441 Wire 11,538.00 ENERGOV TRANSFER- INVOICE 117387TO INVOICE 131443 Wire 1�11,031.00 BUSINESS CARDS:TCSD Printed 65.50 BUSINESS CARDS: J. LARUE:FIRE Printed 81.82 TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: PW EFT 2,864.40 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION:AQUATICS-TCSD L Printed 304.50 AWARDS:CARTOON PALOOZA:TCSD Printed 54.38 REFUND/MAMA LAMAS:YOUTH MUSICAL CLASSES:TCSD ifrinted 106.00 HERBICIDE APPLICATION:WEED CONTROL:STREET MAINT:PW EFT 7,990.00 MARY PHILLIPS SENIOR CENTER EN --r 353,027.82 SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION:TEAM SHERIFF Printed 5,145.00 EMERGENCY GEOTECHNICAL SVCS:MAINT:PW -i`2,700.00, MERCEDES GEO REVIEW: PA23-0329 PLANNING EFT 4,590.00 300412 9/14/20231320 U EBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 248440 LEGAL SVCS:TE060-00001 HR Printed 1,278.50 300412 9/14/20231320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 248442 LEGAL SVCS:TE060-00022 HR Printed 1,440.00 _ 600242 9/14/2023 1320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE TE060-1000 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: HR EFT 900.00 600242 9/14/20231320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 244004 MAY HR LEGAL SVCS FOR TE060-00001 EFT 255.00 600381 9/28/20231320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 250023 LEGAL SVCS:TE060-00022:HR EFT 12,726.91 600381 9/28/20231320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 244007 MAY H R LEGAL SVCS TE060-00019 EFT 109.50 600381 9/28/20231320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 244005 MAY H R LEGAL SVCS TE060-00020 EFT 1,232.50 600382 9/28/20231320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 244008 LEGAL SVCS: TE060-00021: HR EFT 6,077.50 300356 9/7/2023 1162 LITELINES INC 19825 LED LIGHT RETROFIT: LIBRARY: PW Printed 2,582.81 300547 9/28/2023 1923 LLOYDS DESIGNS 1253 VARIOUS GRAPHIC DESIGNS: TCSD Printed 3,000.00 300413 9/14/2023 3198 LOOMIS ARMORED US LLC 13302259 ARMORED CAR SVCS: FINANCE Printed 1,341.33 300480 9/21/2023 3198 LOOMIS ARMORED US LLC 13320983 ARMORED CAR SVCS: FINANCE Printed 1,058.68 300357 9/7/2023 1302 M AND J PAUL ENTERPRISES INC 080323 JUMPER/GAME RENTAL EQUIP: SDC CARNIVAL: TCSD Printed 1,495.00 300481 9/21/20231302 M AND J PAUL ENTERPRISES INC 090923 JUMPER GAME RENTALS- SPECIAL EVENTS:TCSD Printed 495.00 300358 9/7/2023 1806 M C I COMM SERVICE - AUG 7DK89878 AUG 7DK89878 XXX-0714 USAGE MALL PD Printed 35.97 300358 9/7/2023 1806 M C I COMM SERVICE AUG 7DK90589 AUG 7DK90589 XXX-3046 GEN USAGE Printed 34.58 300414 9/14/20231224 MAIN STREET SIGNS -42641 VARIOUS SIGNS& SUPPLIES: PARKS:PW Printed 1,824.61 300414 9/14/20231224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 42638 VARIOUS SIGNS& SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT:PW Printed 162.96 300414 9/14/20231224 MAIN STREET SIGNS -42640 VARIOUS SIGNS& SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 190.04 300414 9/14/20231224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 42530 VARIOUS SIGNS& SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT:PW Printed 122.75 300482 9/21/20231224 MAIN STREET SIGNS -42639 VARIOUS SIGNS& SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT:PW� Printed 3,763.08 300482 9/21/20231224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 42642 VARIOUS SIGNS& SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT:PW Printed 1,522.28 600301 9/21/2023 1250 MAI NTEX INC ' 1053307-00 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT EFT 2,652.42 600383 9/28/2023 1243 MANALILI DE VILLA AILEEN 1206.2021ST HALF TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 609.00 600383 9/28/2023 1243 MANALILI DE VILLA AILEEN ' 1204.202 1ST HALF TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 315.00 600383 9/28/2023 1243 MANALILI DE VILLA AILEEN 1205.2021ST HALF TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 294.00 600383 9/28/2023 1243 MANALILI DE VILLA AILEEN 1200.2021ST HALF TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS , EFT 294.00 600383 9/28/2023 1243 MANALILI DE VILLA AILEEN 1202.2021ST HALF TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 357.00 300359 9/7/20231924 MARABOTTO JAMES L 08/28/231111111F- PRESENTER:THEATER:TCSD Printed 5,000.00 600201 9/7/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3030 TREE TRIMMING SVCS:PW EFT 2,044.80 600201 9/7/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3021 TREE TRIMMING SVCS ANNUAL: PW EFT 847.00 600201 9/7/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3027 EMERGENCYTREE SVCS: RIVERTON PK EFT 2,007.32 600201 9/7/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3024 TREE TRIMMING SVCS-ANNUAL:PW EFT 692.78 600201 9/7/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3022 TREE TRIMMING SVCS ANNUAL: PW EFT 62.99 600201 9/7/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3029 TREE MAINTENANCE: RAINBOW CANYON RD EFT 19,500.00 600201 9/7/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3023 TREE REMOVAL SVCS: SP-08 EFT 1,016.40 600302 9/21/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3028 ANNUAL TREE TRIMMING: RIGHTOFWAY:PW i EFT 2,094.74 600384 9/28/2023 2619 MARIPOSATREE MANAGEMENTINC 3026 ANNUALTREE REMOVALSVCS: PARKS;PW EFT 2,493.75 600384 9/28/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3025 TREE AND STUMP REMOVAL SVCS: PARKS:PW EFT 719.95 300548 9/28/20232376 MARK THOMAS AND COMPANY INC 48364 CHERRY ST EXT/MURR CREEK:ENGINEERING SVCS PW19-15 Printed 1,368.50 600385 9/28/2023 2376 MARKTHOMAS AND COMPANY INC 48336 DSGN & ENVIRO SVCS: CONG RELIEF: PW19-02 EFT 26,006.50 300483 9/21/20233270 MARSHALLSHARON S9899961 REFUND: YOUTH MUSICALTHEATER Printed 600.00 300369 9/7/2023 3173 MATA ENTERPRISES INC AT-INV-003859 SQUAD VIN VERIFICATION: STA 84 AND STA 92 i Printed 145.00 300492 9/21/2023 3173 MATA ENTERPRISES INC AT-INV-004276 DMV REGISTRATION SVCS: FIRE Printed 255.00 15207 9/12/2023 2388 MATRIX TELECOM LLC 1197021519 AUG 800 SERVICES: CIVIC CENTER Wire 67.26 600243 9/14/2023 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 17776 JUL ADA LABOR COMPLIANCE SVCS: PW20-13 EFT 2,933.13 600303 , 9/21/2023 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 17774 L CDBG ADMINISTRATION SVCS: COMM DEV EFT 6,538.75 600303 9/21/2023 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 17775 JUL ADA LABOR COMPLIANCE SVCS: PW18-16 EFT 51.25 15248 9/18/2023 2165 MEDLINE INDUSTRIES LP CIE 06/30/23 �11 CIE JUN 2023 SALES TAX PHS Wire 345,614.00 600386 9/28/2023 2259 MICHELLE MEDINA 1040.201 2ND HALF TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 770.00 300550 9/28/2023 1354 MICHELLES PLACE CANCER RESOURCE CENTER FY 23/24 CSF FY 23/24 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING Printed 10,000.00 600387 9/28/2023 1327 MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC 407520 BASEBALL BASE PEG TOOL: SPORTS: TCSD EFT 340.00 600387 9/28/2023 1327 MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC 407622 SCORE BOARD INSTALL:RONALD REAGAN SPORTS PARK:PW EFT 12,800.00 600387 9/28/2023 1327 MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC 407544. WELDING SERVICES, BASEBALL DRIVER ANCHORS- PARKS EFT 340.00 600304 9/21/20232367 MILLER ARCHITECTURAL CORP 2000063.RA - 10 ARCHITECTURAL SVCS: CIVIC CTR MODIFICATIONS EFT 2,431.43 600304 9/21/20232367 MILLER ARCHITECTURAL CORP 2000063.RA - 11 ARCHITECTURAL SVCS: MPSC RENOVATION EFT 3,850.00 600244 9/14/2023 1681 MIRANDA JULIO CESAR 3610.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 184.80 600244 9/14/2023 1681 MIRANDA JULIO CESAR 3630.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 218.40 600244 9/14/2023 1681 MIRANDA JULIO CESAR 3600.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 739.20 600244 9/14/2023 1681 MIRANDA JULIO CESAR 3605.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 436.80 600202 9/7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 515320-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 166.13 600202 9/7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 515285-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS: PW EFT 955.82 600202 9/7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 514808-02 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES-CRC:PW = EFT 4,493.55 600202 9/7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 514219-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 462.42 600202 9/7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 515264-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES:PARKS:PW � EFT 406.99 600202 9/7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 515189-01 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 992.58 600202 9/7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 513012-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPUES:CRC EFT 1,793.85 600202 9/7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 515189-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 352.09 600202 9/7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 515351-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, FACILITIES TVE2:PW EFT 379.69 600202 9/7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 515317-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES EFT 827.74 600203 9/7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 515359-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 4.57 600203 9/7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 513992-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 96.11 600203 9/7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 515491-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS:PW � EFT 47.25 600203 9/7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 514376-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 51.10 600203 9/7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 514607-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: THEATER: PW EFT 73.73 600203 9/7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 515359-01 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 43.91 600203 9/7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 515351-01 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, FACILITIES TVE2:PW EFT 16.91 600245 9/14/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 515712-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES:FACIUTIES:PW EFT 33.58 600245 9/14/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 515626-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES:FACIUTIES:PW EFT 76.95 600245 9/14/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 514911-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: HARVESTON PARK EFT 1,192.75 600305 9/21/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 515519-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES:FACIUTIES:PW EFT 152.04 600305 9/21/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 515530-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 413.25 600305 9/21/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 515056-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES:PW EFT 3,011.82 600305 9/21/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 515643-02 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACIUTIES:PW EFT 142.89 600388 9/28/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516152-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: MPSC: PW EFT 32.69 600388 9/28/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516068-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 18.42 600388 9/28/20231240 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516017-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT _ 440.41 15180 9/14/2023 2356 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 106474 BEN349698 ICMA-401(A) RETIREMENT PLAN PAYMENT Wire 384.62 15250 1&/28/2023 23SM MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 106474 BEN349718 ICMA-401(A) RETIREMENT PLAN PAYMENT Wji_ 384.62 15181 9/14/20231011 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 303355 BEN349700 ICMA-RC RETIREMENT TRUST 457 PAYMENT Wire 21,288.22 15251 9/28/20231011 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 3033SS BEN349722 ICMA-RC RETIREMENT TRUST 457 PAYMENT Wire 18,231.18 15245 9/5/2023 2830 MOOD MEDIA NORTH AMERICA HOLDINGS LLC SEP'23 DISH NETWORK SVCS Wire 240.56 _ 600246 9/14/20231240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2040.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 539.00 600246 9/14/20231240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2070.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 224.00 600246 9/14/20231240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2065.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 560.00 600246 9/14/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J INV 08.16.23 SIGNAGE WELCOME CENTER: TCSD EFT 600.00 600246 9/14/20231240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 08.16.23-2 ART EVENTS & MURALS:TCSD EFT 400.00 600306 9/21/2023 2248 MURRIETA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 42861 FRANCHISE EXPO SPONSORSHIP EFT 1,000.00 600389 9/28/2023 2081 MUSIC CONNECTION LLC STTLMNT: 09/09/23 SPEAKEASY @ THE MERC: 09/09/23 EFT 592.20 600247 9/14/2023 2268 MUSSON THEATRICAL INC 00467088 SOUND/LIGHTING SUPPLIES: THEATER:TCSD EFT 716.00 600307 9/21/20232268 MUSSON THEATRICAL INC wr 00467621 SOUND/LIGHTING SUPPLIES: THEATER:T� EFT 372.30 300361 9/7/2023 2450 NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE LLC MK595183-HAL VENT LOCKER FURNITURE: CRC: TCSD Printed 1,648.42 300362 9/7/2023 3280 NATIONAL CHARITY LEAGUE INC 60181185 REFUND: CRC: TCSD Printed 200.00 300551 9/28/2023 3280 NATIONAL CHARITY LEAGUE INC 09/15/23 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING: REINVESTMENT Printed 4,775.00 300485 9/21/2023 1065 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSN LEADS ETC INC 8576496Y SUPPLIES: FIRE PREVENTION WEEK Printed 4,589.29 300363 9/7/20232032 NATIONAL SAFETY COMPLIANCE INC 94827 DOT-RISK/HR Printed 108.00 300486 9/21/20232032 NATIONAL SAFETY COMPLIANCE INC 95166 DOT TESTING: HR = Printed 671.75 15184 9/14/20231088 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349688 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 16,846.21 15185 9/14/2023 2086 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349702 NATIONWIDE LOAN REPAYMENT PAYMEI� Wire 427.79 15186 9/14/20231038 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349706 OBRA- PROJECT RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 5,681.00 15254 9/28/20231088 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349710 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 16,846.21 15255 9/28/20232086 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349724 NATIONWIDE LOAN REPAYMENT PAYMENT Wire 427.79 15256 9/28/20231038 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349728 OBRA- PROJECT RETIREMENT PAYMENT � Wire 6,391.28 600204 9/7/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75288 IRRIGATION REPAIRS AT RANCHO CALIFORNIA MEDIANS EFT 114.37 600204 9/7/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 75290 IRRIGATION REPAIRS VARIOUS SITES EFT 339.71 600204 9/7/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75286 IRRIGATION REPAIR AT M-13 & M-14A PER SO #66696 & EFT 227.85 600204 9/7/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 75287 IRRIGATION REPAIRS AT RANCHO CALIFORNIA MEDIANS EFT 114.37 600248 9/14/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75421 LANDSCAPE SVCS: HARVESTON LAKE EFT 4,031.00 600248 9/14/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 75081A LANDSCAPE MAINT SVCS: FACILITIES EFT 11,245.00 600248 9/14/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75083 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS EFT 56,141.00 600308 9/21/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 75359 LANDSCAPE SVCS: VARI LOCATIONS: PW EFT 3,836.00 600308 9/21/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75362 LANDSCAPE SVCS: S-08 VILLAGE GROVE: PW EFT 5,075.00 600390 9/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 75365 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS: SLOPES: PW EFT 4,316.00 600390 9/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75552 LANDSCAPE SVCS: FIRE STATIONS EFT 2,068.00 600390 9/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 7 75364 LANDSCAPE SVCS: VARI LOCATIONS: PW EFT 4,949.90 600390 9/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75361 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS: SLOPES: PW EFT 5,289.00 600390 9/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC ' 75551 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES LEVEL C SLOPES EFT 106.00 600390 9/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75294 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS EFT 232.40 600390 9/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75242 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SVCS: FACILITIES EFT 11,245.00 300487 9/21/2023 2571 NORMAN ATRAUB &ASSOCIATES LLC 23055 WRKPLACE INVESTIGATIONS: HR Printed 1,584.16 300552 9/28/2023 1375 NORTH JEFFERSON BUSINESS PARK 1200155/OCT-DEC OCT- DEC'23 ASSN DUES 01S5 #19: FV Printed 770.99 300552 9/28/2023 1375 NORTH JEFFERSON BUSINESS PARK 1078358/OCF-DEC OCT- DEC'23 ASSN DUES 8358 #20: FV Printed 801.46 300552 9/28/2023 1375 NORTH JEFFERSON BUSINESS PARK 1121810/OCT-DEC OCT- DEC'23 ASSN DUES 1810 #16: FV Printed 634.72 300552 9/28/2023 1375 NORTH JEFFERSON BUSINESS PARK 1078329/OCT-DEC OCT- DEC'23 ASSN DUES 8329 #17: FV Printed 589.88 600249 9/14/2023 1511 NVS INC 346511 MARGARITA RECREATION CENTER EFT 32,SS0.93 300364 9/7/20231797 CDC 08.28.23 PERFORMANCE: THEATER: TCSD Printed 7,500.00 300553 9/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 164147 VEHICLE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE Printed 1,463.66 300553 9/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 164904 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE Printed 770.11 ■ 300553 9/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 165546 ' VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE Printed 1,399.43 300553 9/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 164350 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE Printed 464.32 300553 9/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 164924 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE Printed 1,399.43 300553 9/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 165524 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE Printed 1,136.67 300553 9/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 165161 VEHICLE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE Printed 395.33 300553 9/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 164348 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE Printed 1,403.03 300553 9/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 165536 VEHICLE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE Printed 1,449.79 300553 9/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 165000 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE Printed 589.81 300554 9/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 165073 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE i Printed 84.50 300554 9/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 165088 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE Printed 329.51 300554 9/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 163871 VEHICLE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE Printed 95.22 300554 9/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 166860 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE Printed 252.61 300554 9/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON �w_ VEHICLE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE Printed 84.50 300554 9/28/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 165788 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE Printed 297.38 �6002SO 9/14/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72408 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: EM:FIRE EFT 268.67 600250 9/14/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72273 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACIUTIES:PW EFT 301.42 600250 9/14/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC _72464. VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: FIRE EFT 183.61 600250 9/14/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72318 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 239.38 600250 9/14/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC _72328 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS&FACILITIES:PW EFT 204.51 600309 9/21/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72441 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS&FACILITIES:PW EFT 104.40 600391 9/28/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC -72567 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS&FACILITIES EFT 479.30 600391 9/28/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72421 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS&FACILITIES EFT 51.26 600391 9/28/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC -72542 VEHICLE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE EFT 391.86 600251 9/14/2023 3089 OMB ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS INC 912307083 ADDITIONAL STREETLIGHTS ON MOR EFT 60.00 300488 9/21/20233299 ONATE DAVID -OD-CKR-09122023 RELEASE AND SETTLEMENT OF CLAIM Printed 243.65 300365 9/7/2023 1438 ONEIL SOFTWARE INC INV3127 LICENCE RENEWAL:BAR CODING SW:CITYCLERK Printed 1,639.98 300489 9/21/20233286 OSHIMAADAM 08/31/23 LIABILITY CLAIM SETTLEMENT Printed 254.33 600252 9/14/2023 1164 P V P COMMUNICATIONS INC 133390 MOTOR HELMET COMMUNICATION SUPPLIES:PD EFT 1,659.87 300555 9/28/2023 2048 PACIFIC PRODUCTS & SERVICE LLC 32553 MISC STREET MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES - Printed 1,967.25 300366 9/7/2023 1214 PECHANGA BAND OF LUISENO MISSION INDIANS 19897 PRE -EXCAVATION AGREEMENT: PW16-01 Printed 14,541.80 300556 9/28/20231775 PENWORTHY COMPANY THE 0593769-IN MISC BOOKS _ Printed 1,974.14 15188 9/14/2023 1017 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT BEN349690 PERS RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 174,287.37 15187 9/14/2023 1016 PERS HEALTH INSUR PREMIUM BEN349686 PERS HEALTH PAYMENT E Wire 1�16,330.64 300367 9/7/20231018 PETTY CASH 09/06/23 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT Printed 489.60 300557 9/28/20233279 PHI ALPHA CONTRACT SOLUTIONS ` 20240678 SPECIAL EVENT SUPPLIES: EEr Printed 1_2,550.00 300368 9/7/2023 3276 PORTOFINO DEVELOPMENT LP 08/29/23 RENTAL ASSISTANCE: CDBG Printed 3,290.00 600214 9/7/2023 1493 PREMIER MARKETING INC 3131 SDC FACE PAINTING: TCSD EFT '_ 290.00 300415 9/14/2023 3218 PRETI LUCAS 2307A VIDEOGRAPHY SVCS: STATE OF THE CITY: CM Printed 8,000.00 300415 9/14/2023 3218 PRETI LUCAS 2307E VIDEOGRAPHY SVCS: STATE OF THE CITY: CM Printed 9,460.00 300490 9/21/2023 1721 PRO ACTIVE FIRE DESIGN AND CONSULTING INC 2035 PLAN CHECKING SVCS: FIRE Printed 3,439.70 600310 9/21/202313� PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 1322016S6A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT F 66.08 600310 9/21/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132205344A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 134.25 600310 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132209012 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE �M EFT 66.32 600310 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132204125E UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 174.30 600310 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132201653 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 79.51 600310 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132210229 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 79.97 600310 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132207789A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 136.78 600310 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132207790 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 63.89 600310 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132197966E UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 344.53 600310 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132202899A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 63.96 600311 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132206563 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 63.89 600311 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132202896 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 63.75 600311 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132199201A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 59.25 600311 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132210228A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 63.87 600311 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132200424A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 61.53 600311 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132205345 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 63.53 600311 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132204124A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 61.68 600311 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132209011A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 63.87 600311 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132206562A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 61.45 600311 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132204125A UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 60.36 600312 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132199737 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 600312 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132209541 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 600312 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132203428 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 600312 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132202201 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 600312 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132199198A UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 52.44 600312 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132200421A UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 52.44 600312 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132204659 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 600312 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132197963A UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 52.44 600312 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132198504 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 600312 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132205875 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 600313 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132199728 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 24.52 600313 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132208312 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 600313 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132207086 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 600313 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132203429 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 600313 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132209524 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 24.52 600313 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132202192 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 24.52 600313 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132207069 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 24.52 600313 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132199732 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 22.73 600313 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132198505 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 600313 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132204641 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 24.52 600314 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132207085 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 600314 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132199738 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 600314 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132205876 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 600314 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132207087 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 600314 , 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY _-132209542 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 600314 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132202202 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 600314 , 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132208311 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 600314 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132208313 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 600314 , 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132200959 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 600314 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132204660 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 600315 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY -132205874 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 600315 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132198501 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 600315 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132200954 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 600315 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132202198 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 600315 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY '132203424 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 600315 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132199734 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 600315 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132209540 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 600315 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132199735 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 600315 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY '132204658 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 600315 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132198500 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 600316 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 13220707E FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 600316 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132205862 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 600316 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132209530 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 600316 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132204124E UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 10.29 600316 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132202199 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 600316 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132197966A UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 10.29 600316 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132203425 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 600316 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132200955 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 600316 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132204648 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 600316 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132208299 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 600317 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132199199 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 600317 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132201656E UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 10.29 600317 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132200424B UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE _ EFT 10.29 600317 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132201654 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 600317 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132199201E UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE 0- EFT 10.29 600317 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132200422 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 600317 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132197964 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 600317 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132202899E UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 10.29 600317 , 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132202897 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 600317 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132204126 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 600318 , 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132208300 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 600318 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132207791 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 600318 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132210230 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 600318 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132206564 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 600318 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132205863 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 600318 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132209013 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 600318 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132207076 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 600318 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132203423 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 600318 9/21/20231336ME.L PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132205346 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES 10.28 600318 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132209531 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 600319 9/21/202313�pRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPL 132200953 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES 9.89 600319 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132202197 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 600319 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY i 132210228B UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE �M EFT 5.67 600319 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132207789E UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 600319 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY '132198499 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 600319 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132204649 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 600319 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132199733 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 600319 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132206562E UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 600319 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132209011E UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 600319 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132205344E UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 600320 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132199198E UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 4.62 600320 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132200421E UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 4.62 600320 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132197963B UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 4.62 600321 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132210746 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 600321 , 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132210747 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 600321 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132210734 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 600321 , 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132210733 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 600321 9/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132210745 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 600392 9/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132211951 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 600392 9/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 131016798 CM: FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT (29.51) 600392 9/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132211438A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 63.87 600392 9/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132211945 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 24.52 600392 9/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132211952 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 600392 9/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132211961 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 600392 9/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132211440 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 600392 9/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132211963 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 600392 9/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132211439 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 215.72 600392 9/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132211962 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 600393 9/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY - 132211438B UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 300491 9/21/20232464 PURCOLOURINC PC1420 COLOR RUN POWDER SUPPLIES:CRC: TCSD Printed 1,162.08 300558 9/28/2023 2727 QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC PPLN03 09/08/23 POSTAGE SERVICES: PD Printed 260.28 300559 9/28/2023 1837 QUADIENT LEASING USA INC N10069510 POSTAGE METER LEASE:CENTRAL SERVICES Printed 4,870.86 300493 9/21/2023 2169 QUINN COMPANY WOG00016910 GENERATOR PM SVCS: FACILITIES Printed 558.87 300493 9/21/2023 2169 QUINN COMPANY WOG00016938 GENERATOR PM SVCS: FACILITIES Printed 558.87 300560 9/28/2023 2169 QUINN COMPANY WOG00016937 GENERATOR PM SVCS: FACILITIES r� Printed 558.87 300560 9/28/2023 2169 QUINN COMPANY WOG00016909 GENERATOR PM SVCS: FACILITIES Printed 558.87 300560 9/28/2023 2169 QUINN COMPANY WOG00016939 GENERATOR PM SVCS: FACILITIES Printed 558.87 300370 9/7/20231103 R C P BLOCK AND BRICK INC 32939151 MISC MASONRY SUPPLIES:PARKS:PW Printed 38.34 300494 9/21/2023 2243 RADIANT GLOBAL LOGISTICS INC - D44MCI 286404111 TVM ANTARTICA EXHIBIT TRANSPORT FEE: TCSD Printed 1,536.76 600322 9/21/2023 3136 RAMOS HR CONSULTING INC 1007 CONSULTANT SVCS:HR EFT 12,950.00 15386 9/22/2023 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT - VARIOUS AUG WATER 2 VARIOUS WATER SVCS AUG BATCH 2 Wire 17,927.72 15387 9/29/2023 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIOUS AUG WATER 3 VARIOUS WATER SVCS AUG BATCH 3 Wire 23,332.69 15694 9/15/2023 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIOUS AUG WATER 1 VARIOUS WATER SVCS AUG BATCH 1 Wire 71,957.83 600323 9/21/2023 1076 RANCHO TEMECULA CAR WASH AUG'23 AUG CAR WASH SVCS: POLICE EFT 51.98 600324 , 9/21/2023 1537 RANDALL MANAGEMENT GROUP 30895 PUBLIC NOTICE SIGN POSTING SERVICES FY2023-24 EFT 213.75 600324 9/21/2023 1537 RANDALL MANAGEMENT GROUP 31143 PUBLIC NOTICE SIGN POSTING SERVICES FY2023-24 EFT 1,249.00 600324 , 9/21/2023 1537 RANDALL MANAGEMENT GROUP 31151 PUBLIC NOTICE SIGN POSTING SERVICES FY2023-24 EFT 312.25 600324 9/21/2023 1537 RANDALL MANAGEMENT GROUP 31192 PUBLIC NOTICE SIGN POSTING SERVICES FY2023-24 EFT 312.25 600324 ■ 9/21/2023 1537 RANDALL MANAGEMENT GROUP 31025 PUBLIC NOTICE SIGN POSTING SERVICES FY2023-24 EFT 609.00 600324 9/21/2023 1537 RANDALL MANAGEMENT GROUP 31150 PUBLIC NOTICE SIGN POSTING SERVICES FY2023-24 EFT 936.75 600324 9/21/2023 1537 RANDALL MANAGEMENT GROUP 31195 PUBLIC NOTICE SIGN POSTING SERVICES FY2023-24 EFT 312.25 600205 9/7/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60168441-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CITY HALL EFT (292.29) 600205 9/7/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60168815-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: TVE2 EFT 62.51 600205 9/7/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60168975-00 MISC SUPPLIES-MAINT:FACILITIES EFT 59.35 600205 9/7/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60168981-00 MISC SUPPLIES-MAINT:FACILITIES EFT 24.25 600205 9/7/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60168667-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: TVE EFT 1,484.45 600205 9/7/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60169003-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: TVE EFT 39.72 600325 9/21/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60168029-01 MISC SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 75.00 600325 9/21/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60169601-00 MISC MAINTSUPPLIES: CHILDRENS MUSEUM EFT 39.28 600394 9/28/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60168962-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: TVE EFT 1,167.88 600394 9/28/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60169748-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: THEATER EFT 138.52 600253 9/14/2023 2203 REMOTE SATELLITE SYSTEMS INTL 00123836 SATELLITE PHONE SERVICE: EM EFT 349.15 600253 9/14/2023 2203 REMOTE SATELLITE SYSTEMS INTL 00124250 SATELLITE PHONE SERVICE: EM EFT 349.15 600395 9/28/2023 2203 REMOTE SATELLITE SYSTEMS INTL 00124437 SATELLITE PHONE SERVICE: EM EFT 379.24 600395 9/28/2023 2203 REMOTE SATELLITE SYSTEMS INTL 00124649 SATELLITE PHONE SERVICE: EM EFT 349.15 300495 9/21/2023 2532 REVZILLA MOTORSPORTS LLC 42947456 UNIFORMS: TEM SHERIFF:PD Printed 1,064.35 600254 9/14/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243660 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 14,325.82 600254 9/14/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243662 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 6,877.61 600254 9/14/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243657 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 22,000.23 600254 9/14/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243663 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 376.00 600254 9/14/2023 115� RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 11jr- 243666 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,500.00 600254 9/14/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243664 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 780.00 600254 9/14/2023 11M RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON Jill&, 243658 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 9,856.68 600254 9/14/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243674 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,110.00 600326 9/21/2023 11M RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON llipw 243695 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 4,097.50 600326 9/21/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243699 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 3,106.56 600326 _ 9/21/2023 11M RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243701 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,531.50 600326 9/21/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243684 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,564.61 600326 , 9/21/2023 11M RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243708 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 7,500.50 600326 9/21/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243691 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 6,462.50 600326 , 9/21/2023 11M RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243688 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 7,504.02 600326 9/21/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243681 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 13,206.50 600326 9/21/2023 11M RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243679 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 12,457.20 600326 9/21/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243672 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 6,712.92 600327 9/21/2023 11M RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON jjjjkn� 243687 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 999.86 600327 9/21/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243668 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 480.00 600327 9/21/2023 11M RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243697 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,443.78 600327 9/21/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243682 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,789.00 600327 9/21/2023 11M RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243698 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES &7 1,685.00 600327 9/21/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243683 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,097.50 600327 9/21/2023 11M RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243694 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES �M 1,577.50 600327 9/21/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243693 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,459.81 600327 9/21/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243696 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES �M EFT 527.50 600327 9/21/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243678 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 910.00 600328 9/21/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243676 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 420.00 600328 9/21/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243670 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 330.00 600396 9/28/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243690 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 657.00 600396 9/28/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243675 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 360.00 600396 9/28/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243685 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 267.00 600396 9/28/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243692 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,933.00 600396 9/28/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243700 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,210.50 600396 9/28/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243661 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 117.50 600396 9/28/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON _ 243686 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT ' 4,254.00 300371 9/7/2023 1045 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 23-209521 CEQA FILING: PW23-16 Printed 50.00 300371 9/7/2023 1045 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 23-192251 CEQA FILING: PW18-16 Printed 50.00 300372 9/7/20231043 RIVERSIDE COUNTY D1232080S ADDT DEP REQ: MURRIETA CRK CHANNEL: PW17-25 Printed 1,000.00 300372 9/7/2023 1043 RIVERSIDE COUNTY D12320807 ADDT DEP REQ: SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK: PW19-04 Printed 5,000.00 300373 9/7/2023 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PE0000001153A JUL EMERG RADIO RENTALS: EOC Printed 102.62 300416 9/14/20231597 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 2024-01TEM JUL-SEP ANIMAL SHELTER OPERATIONS Printed 1�8,890.00 300561 9/28/2023 1104 RIVERSIDE COUNTY IN0488895 PERMIT RENEWAL: CRC Printed 763.00 300562 9/28/2023 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PE0000001222 EMERGENCY RADIO RENTAL Printed 1,669.33 300563 9/28/2023 1042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SH0000044173 07/01-08/31 YOUTH COURT SVCS Printed 404.71 300564 9/28/20231042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SH0000044098 SHERIFF PATROL SVCS:PD Printed 1�5,751.51 300565 9/28/2023 1304 RIVERSIDE TRANSIT AGENCY 86730 TROLLEY ROUTE 55 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES Printed 2,375.80 300496 9/21/2023 1960 ROW TRAFFIC SAFETY INC 17862 ARROW BOARD CONTROL BOXES Printed 957.49 300496 9/21/2023 1960 ROW TRAFFIC SAFETY INC 17863 ARROW BOARD CONTROL BOXES Printed 1,050.73 600397 9/28/20233293 RUGGED SOLUTIONS AMERICA LLC 54385 COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT: TEM SHERIFF EFT 7_1,941.71 300374 9/7/2023 2487 RUSSELL SIGLER INC INV-SND23007959 A/C UNITS: MPSC: PW Printed 30,019.35 300497 9/21/2023 2460 SAFEGUARD ACQUISITIONS INC VINV43640 PRINTING SERVICES:PARKING CITATIONS:TEM SHERIFF Printed 1,220.40 300498 9/21/2023 3199 SAMAHAN FILIPINO AMERICAN PERFORMING ARTS 09/13/23 MUSIC AND DANCE PERFORMANCE: TCSD Printed 1,250.00 300417 9/14/20231552 SANBORN GWYNETH A CO TEMECULA MUSIC ACADEMY= PERF: 09/03/23 COUNTRY LIVE@ THE MERC 09.02.23 Printed 538.25 300566 9/28/20231552 SANBORN GWYNETH A CO TEMECULA MUSIC ACADEMY PERF: 09/16/23 COUNTRY LIVE @THE MERC 09/16/23 Printed 462.50 300567 9/28/2023 3311 SANCHEZ PAIRIS FLOR 09/19/23 REFUND: PERMIT FEES Printed 31.00 300546 9/28/20231581 SAPINKOPF LISA PERF:10/07/23 PRESENTOR: THEATER: TCSD Printed 1,200.00 600206 9/7/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 08222023 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES -CITY COUNCIL EFT 600.00 600206 9/7/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 08192023 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES - CITY MANAGER EFT 230.00 600206 9/7/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 08102023 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES -CITY COUNCIL EFT 675.00 600206 9/7/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 08182023 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES-BROLL ECO DEV EFT 225.00 600255 9/14/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 08242023111W PHOTOGRAPHY: THEATER: TCSD EFT 130.00 600255 9/14/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 08302023 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS:HEALTH AND SAFETY FORUM:TCSD EFT 275.00 600255 , 9/14/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 07122020 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS-ACE MUSEUM:TCSO 1� EFT 200.00 600255 9/14/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 090723 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES MPSC/SENIOR DAY:TCSD EFT 250.00 600255 , 9/14/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 08072020 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS/ACE:MUSEUM EFT 600.00 600329 9/21/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 09122023 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES -CITY COUNCIL EFT 600.00 600329 , 9/21/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 090923 � PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES -CITY COUNCIL- EFT 200.00 600398 9/28/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 09142023 PHOTO/VIDEO SVCS: REDI COMMISSION: CITY CLERK EFT 325.00 600398 , 9/28/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 00090920 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: MUSEUM/ACE EFT 275.00 600398 9/28/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 09012023 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS:MUSEUM/ACE:TCSD EFT 275.00 600398 , 9/28/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 0090923 � PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES FOR SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 275.00 600398 9/28/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 09112023 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES FOR SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 275.00 600398 9/28/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 008102023 PHOTO/VIDEO SVCS: REDI COMMISSION: CITY CLERK i EFT 50.00 600399 9/28/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 08022023 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: WORKFORCE PROGRAMS: TCSD EFT 275.00 600399 9/28/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 092423 i COLOR RUN PHOTOGRAPHY: TCSD EFT 450.00 600399 9/28/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 07312023 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: WORKFORCE PROGRAMS: TCSD EFT 275.00 600399 9/28/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 0063023 � PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: WORKFORCE PROGRAMS: TCSD EFT 275.00 600399 9/28/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 007262023 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: WORKFORCE PROGRAMS: TCSD EFT 300.00 300375 9/7/2023 2360 SB&O INC 723027 ENGINEERING, SURVEY AND ENVIRO: PW22-16 Printed 3,260.00 300499 9/21/2023 2360 SB&O INC 723024 ENGINEEIRNG & SURVEY SVCS: PWSW02-02 Printed 6,928.45 300568 9/28/2023 2360 SB&O INC ' 823025 ENGINEEIRNG & SURVEY SVCS: PWSW02-02, ON -CALL AGRM Printed 3,463.10 300568 9/28/2023 2360 SB&O INC 823028 ENGINEERING & SURVEY SVCS: CIP, PW22-16 Printed 2,337.75 300568 9/28/2023 2360 SB&O INC ' 823027 ENGINEERING & LAND SURVEY SVCS: PW - CIP Printed 1,872.00 300568 9/28/2023 2360 SB&O INC 723026 ENGINEERING & LAND SURVEY SVCS: CIP: PW18-16 Printed 2,892.40 300568 9/28/2023 2360 SB&O INC 923129 ENGINEERING & LAND SURVEY SVCS: PW - CIP Printed 3,386.80 300568 9/28/2023 2360 SB&O INC 923127 ENGINEEIRNG & SURVEY SVCS: PWSW02-02 Printed 5,443.38 300418 9/14/2023 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL495114 POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS Printed (150.00) 300418 9/14/2023 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL501831 POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS Printed 115.55 300418 9/14/2023 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC 29320533 POOL EQUIPMENT: TCSD i Printed 188.60 300418 9/14/2023 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL499351 POOL EQUIPMENT: TCSD Printed (150.00) 300418 9/14/2023 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC NJ719994 POOL EQUIPMENT: TCSD Printed 16.31 300418 9/14/2023 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC CM 29301194 PO POOL EQUIPMENT: TCSD Printed (43.98) 300418 9/14/2023 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL501088 POOL EQUIPMENT: TCSD Printed (200.00) 300418 9/14/2023 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL487179 EDEN CR: POOL EQUIPMENT: AQUATICS: TCSD Printed (170.00) 300418 9/14/2023 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL496889 POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS Printed (100.00) 300418 9/14/2023 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL500917 POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS Printed 795.98 300500 9/21/2023 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC _ 35056918 POOL EQUIPMENT: TCSD Printed 3,936.71 300500 9/21/2023 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL503083 POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS Printed (150.00) 300500 9/21/2023 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL502661 POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS Printed 109.13 300500 9/21/2023 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL502812 POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS Printed 795.98 300376 9/7/2023 2929 SEAVCO INC 83538093 MOTORCYCLE: TEM SHERIFF Z Printed 30,766.48 300501 9/21/2023 1770 SECURITY SIGNAL DEVICES INC 5-01108259 LIBRARY FIRE ALARM SVC: PW Printed 1,641.68 300501 9/21/2023 1770 SECURITY SIGNAL DEVICES INC_ S01105415 LIBRARY FIRE ALARM SVC: PW Printed 390.00 300502 9/21/20231787 SHRED IT US JV LLC 8004522488 DOCUMENT SHREDDING: PD Printed 46.57 300569 9/28/2023 1787 SHRED IT US JV LLC 8004709784 SHRED SERVICES: CITYWIDE Printed 266.84 600331 9/21/2023 2617 SIDI SEBASTIAN 81023 MISC VIDEOGRAPHY SERVICES: ECO DEV EFT 1,200.00 600331 9/21/2023 2617 SIDI SEBASTIAN 82223 MISC. VIDEOGRAPHY SERVICES: ECO DEV EFT 1,100.00 600331 9/21/2023 2617 SIDI SEBASTIAN 9523 MISC. VIDEOGRAPHY SERVICES: ECO DEV EFT 200.00 600207 9/7/2023 2425 SIEMENS MOBILITY INC 5620043404 TRAFFIC POLE REPLACE: MEADOWS/LEENA EFT 7,282.63 600207 9/7/2023 2425 SIEMENS MOBILITY INC 5620043660 REPLACEMENT TRAFFIC POLE: PW EFT 4,837.56 600401 _ 9/28/2023 2425MILL SIEMENS MOBILITY INC 5610284495 STREET LIGHT REMOVAL: PW - CIP EFT 7,556.70 600257 9/14/2023 1780 SILVERMAN ENTERPRISES INC 1808 SECURITY SVCS: ROTATION PARKS EFT 5,456.00 600402 lllk(Z8/2023 17f ILVERMAN ENTERPRISES INC 1833 SECURITY SVCS: ROTATION PARKS - EFT 3,054.75 600402 9/28/2023 1780 SILVERMAN ENTERPRISES INC 1832 SECURITY SVCS: ROTATION PARKS EFT 768.00 600402 9/28/2023 1780 SILVERMAN ENTERPRISES INC 1842 SECURITY SVCS: ROTATION PARKS �M EFT 2,252.80 600208 9/7/2023 2510 SINGH GROUP INC 42201 ENCAMPMENT CLEAN UP: TCSD EFT 7,227.00 600208 9/7/2023 2510 SINGH GROUP INC 42200 ENCAMPMENT CLEANUP: TCSD EFT 7,202.00 600258 9/14/2023 2510 SINGH GROUP INC 42205 HOMELES ENCAMPMENT CLEAN UP: TCSD EFT 7,227.00 300570 9/28/2023 1915 SJ LINKING SYSTEMS LLC 2023151 AL COLLEGE FAIR & HEALTH FAIR WALKIES: TCSD Printed 432.00 300503 9/21/2023 1870 SKYFIT TECH INC 2023000508 GENERAL: MAI NTENANCE:RM Printed 723.85 300571 9/28/2023 1870 SKYFIT TECH INC 2023000256 lilbn_, GENERAL: MAI NTENANCE:RM Printed 185.00 600332 9/21/20231061 SMART AND FINAL INC 09122023-304.63 REFRESHMENTS:HIGH HOPES:MRC-MPSC-SFSP:TCSD EFT 304.63 600333 9/21/2023 3170 SMER RESEARCH 1 LLC 50015 AUG SOLAR GENERATION: VARI LOCATIONS EFT 33,280.09 15746 9/25/2023 1094 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY VAR SOCALGAS AUG VARIOUS AUG SO CAL GAS SVCS Wire 2,525.53 300504 9/21/2023 2217 SOCIAL WORK ACTION GROUP 08312023 AUG OUTREACH SERVICES: TCSD Printed 9,166.67 600209 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286533. PEST CONTROL SVCS:UBRARY: PW EFT 90.00 600209 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286340 PEST CONTROL SVCS: FACILITIES: PW EFT 123.00 600209 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0285349 PEST CONTROL SVCS:TM CMTHEATHER:TCSD FACILITIES EFT 90.00 600209 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286339 PEST CONTROL: CRC:TCSD EFT 90.00 600209 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 028533S PEST CONTROL SVCS: CIVIC CTR:FACILITIES EFT 120.00 600209 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0285347 PEST CONTROL SVCS: TM CMCTR:TCSD i EFT 123.00 600209 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286419 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS:FIRE EFT 80.00 600209 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0285544 PEST CONTROL: LIBRARY:FACILITIES EFT 90.00 600209 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0285420 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATION&FIRE EFT 80.00 600209 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286333 PEST CONTROL:TM CV CTR:FACILITIES: PW EFT 120.00 600210 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286119 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATION&FIRE EFT 74.00 600210 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286415 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS:FIRE EFT 42.00 600210 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0284368 PEST CONTROL SVCS:TVE2:TCSD FACILITIES EFT 56.00 600210 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0285421 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 42.00 600210 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286413 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS:FIRE EFT 68.00 600210 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286331 PEST CONTROL:TVE2: FACILITIES: PW EFT 56.00 600210 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0285128 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS:FIRE EFT 74.00 600210 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0285424 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATION EFT 80.00 600210 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0284458 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS:FIRE EFT 80.00 600210 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0285333 PEST CONTROL SVCS: FACILITIES --Mlllp- EFT 56.00 600211 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286552 PEST CONTROL SVCS: FACILITIES: PW EFT 40.00 600211 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0284366 PEST CONTROL: CHILDREN'S M:TCSD EFT 36.00 600211 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286324 PEST CONTROL SVCS:WEDDING CH:TCSD EFT 32.00 600211 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0285332 PEST CONTROL SVCS: CHILDREN'S M:TCSD FACILITIES EFT 36.00 600211 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0285565 PEST CONTROL SVCS: FACILITIES: PW EFT 40.00 600211 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286329 PEST CONTROL: CHILDREN'S M:TCSD EFT 36.00 600211 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286712 PEST CONTROL SVCS:SENIOR C:TCSD EFT 29.00 600211 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0285705 PEST CONTROL SVCS:SENIOR C:TCSD EFT 29.00 600211 9/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0285326 PEST CONTROL SVCS:WEDDING CH:TCSD FACILITIES EFT 32.00 600259 9/14/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286076 EMERGENCY PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 94.00 600259 9/14/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287005 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FACILITIES: PW EFT 124.00 600259 , 9/14/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286077 JJFM PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FACILITIES: PW EFT 118.00 600259 9/14/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286047 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FACILITIES: PW EFT 94.00 600259 , 9/14/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0285953 , EMERGENCY PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 94.00 600259 9/14/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286046 EMERGENCY PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 94.00 600259 , 9/14/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286111 ` EMERGENCY PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 94.00 600259 9/14/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286040 EMERGENCY PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 94.00 600334 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0285972 PEST CONTROL SVCS: SLOPES i EFT 94.00 600334 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 028534S ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 90.00 600334 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287695 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 493.00 600334 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287929 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 94.00 600334 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286646 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 493.00 600334 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286073 PEST CONTROL SVCS: SLOPES EFT 94.00 600334 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0285651 , ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW m EFT 90.00 600334 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0285473 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 95.00 600334 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0285652 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 493.00 600334 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286465 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 95.00 600335 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286342 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 90.00 600335 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286562 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 49.00 600335 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287365 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 90.00 600335 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286269 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 70.00 600335 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286198 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 52.00 600335 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0285511 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 74.00 600335 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0285286 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 70.00 600335 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286776 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 59.00 600335 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0285381 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 49.00 600335 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0285771 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 59.00 600336 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287647 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PNi EFT 42.00 600336 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286865 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 49.00 600336 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0285835 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 49.00 600336 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287403 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 49.00 600336 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0285606 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW _ EFT 42.00 600336 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0285573 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 49.00 600336 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286377 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 49.00 600336 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287344 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 32.00 600336 , 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286605 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW _ EFT 42.00 600337 9/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287533 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 74.00 600403 , 9/28/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287893 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 49.00 600403 9/28/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0286169 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 48.00 600404 9/28/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287369 Ir ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 90.00 600404 9/28/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287439 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 42.00 600404 9/28/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287957 IL BEE SERVICE: CHILDRENS MUSEUM: PW EFT 94.00 600404 9/28/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287303 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 70.00 600404 9/28/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287918 EMERGENCY PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 94.00 600404 9/28/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287117 EMERGENCY PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 94.00 15743 9/27/2023 1800` SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO VAR SCE AUG VARIOUS AUG SOCAL EDISON SVCS 235,117.62 300377 9/7/2023 1800 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO 08/29/23 HOMELESS PREV: 700515147442 FERNANDEZ Printed 1,750.27 300572 9/28/2023 17��OUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY i,CM45949230901 CREDIT: GEN USAGE: 0141,0839,0978,0979 (630.90) 300572 9/28/2023 1704 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 45949230801 AUG GEN USAGE: 0141,0839,0978,0979 Void 533.41 300572 9/28/20231704 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 45949230701 JUL GEN USAGE: 0141,0839,0978,0979 Void 529.63 300505 9/21/2023 2279 SPRUCE AND GANDER INC 3182-DEP05IT SOLE SOURCE - TREE GRATES, PWOT-03-01 Printed 11,886.53 300378 9/7/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC O8/16/23 RRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD Printed S7.3S 300379 9/7/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 8302023-58.10 REFRESHMENTS -WORKFORCE DEV:TCSD Printed 58.10 300419 9/14/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 0962023-120-11 REFRESH MENTS:WORKFORCE DEV:TCSD Printed 120.11 300420 9/14/2023 1452 STAPLES INC 7378307260-0-1 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: OPERATIONS: TCSD Printed 172.91 300420 9/14/2023 1452 STAPLES INC 7612639747-4-1 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: PD Printed (36.47) 300420 9/14/2023 1452 STAPLES INC 7612639747-1-1 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: PD Printed (37.26) 300420 9/14/2023 1452 STAPLESINC i _7903242671-0-1 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: LIBRARY: TCSD Printed 39.06 300421 9/14/2023 1125 STAR WAY PRODUCTIONS 163730 TELEPROMPTER SVCS:REHERSAL SOTC Printed 1,320.00 600260 9/14/2023 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 677442 BLOOD/ ALCOHOL ANALYSIS:PD EFT 630.00 600338 9/21/2023 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 673167 JUL BLOOD & ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: PD EFT 3,725.00 600338 , 9/21/2023 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 683609 AUG BLOOD & ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: PD EFT 1,085.00 600339 9/21/2023 1146 STEAM SUPERIOR CARPET CLEANING 17778 CARPET CLEANING SVCS:CIVIC CENTER: PW EFT 4,800.00 600339 , 9/21/2023 1146 STEAM SUPERIOR CARPET CLEANING 11777 CARPET CLEANING SVCS:CONFERENCE CTR: PW EFT ._ 825.00 600339 9/21/2023 1146 STEAM SUPERIOR CARPET CLEANING 11772 CARPET CLEANING SVCS:TV2: PW EFT 2,400.00 300573 9/28/2023 3292 STEEL MOON GLACIER -IN6 100 REVISED RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE PROGRAMS: TCSD Printed , 2,446.75 600405 9/28/2023 1376 STENO SOLUTIONS TRANSCRIPTION SERVICES INC 43681 TRANSCRIPTION SVCS: TEM SHERIFF EFT 209.79 300506 9/21/2023 3296 STEVENSON DANIEL 09/06/23 REFUND: LIBRARY SMARTPAY Printed 38.88 300507 9/21/20231112 STRAIGHT LINE GLASS AND MIRROR COMPANY INC 250029 REPLACE WINDOW GLASS, CRC Printed 1,367.50 600261 9/14/20231495 STURDIVANT ANGELA 3200.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,058.40 600406 9/28/20231495 STURDIVANT ANGELA P 3205.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 492.10 300380 9/7/2023 2059 SUPERIOR READY MIX LP 358245 CONCRETE MATERIALS: STREET MAINT: PW Printed 1,515.84 600407 9/28/20231081 SWARCO MCCAIN INC INV0275052 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIP:TRAFFIC:PW EFT 4,220.61 600408 9/28/2023 1081 SWARCO MCCAIN INC INV0275275 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT EFT '_ 979.06 300508 9/21/20233106 SWCA INCORPORATED 172963 SWAC ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS(LR-21-1331) Printed 2,255.75 300508 9/21/2023 3106 SWCA INCORPORATED 175110 SWAC ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS (LR-21-1331) Printed )_3,622.25 300509 9/21/2023 2521 TAND G GLOBAL LLC INV-2814 TREE INSTALL/REMOVAL & HOLIDAY DECOR: TCSD Printed 25,112.50 300422 9/14/2023 2261 , T MOBILE USA INC 9544115330 GPS LOCATE: TEM SHERIFF Printed M_ 25.00 300423 9/14/2023 1212 TY LIN INTERNATIONAL 102308123 1-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROV: PW19-03 Printed 39,727.00 300423 9/14/2023 1212 , TY LIN INTERNATIONAL 102308136 I-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROV: PW16-01 Printed ----22,824.10 300510 9/21/2023 1212 TY LIN INTERNATIONAL 102309260 1-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROV: PW19-03 Printed 54,623.00 300574 9/28/2023 1212 TY LIN INTERNATIONAL 102309279 I-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROV Printed 11,834.68 600272 9/14/2023 1113 TEAMSTERS LOCAL 911 BEN349522 UNION MEMBERSHIP DUES: PAYMENT EFT 5,133.00 600409 9/28/2023 1113 TEAMSTERS LOCAL 911 BEN349676 UNION DUES PAYABLE = EFT 5,251.00 600262 9/14/2023 2372 TELECOM LAW FIRM PC 15762 WIRELESS PLANNING SUPPORT SVCS: COMM DEV EFT 834.00 600262 9/14/2023 2372 TELECOM LAW FIRM PC 15660 WIRELESS PLANNING SUPPORT SVCS: COMM DEV EFT 1,138.80 300511 9/21/2023 1914 TEMECULA VALLEY BACKFLOW INC 45362 BACKFLOW TESTING: FIRE STATIONS Printed 1,102.00 300512 9/21/20231054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 9129 STATE OF THE CITY SEATS Printed 420.00 300513 9/21/20232202 TEMECULA VALLEY CONSERVATORY OF THE ARTS 09/08/23 COMMUNITY SERVICES FUNDING - REINVESTMENT Printed 12,000.00 300524 9/28/2023 1371 TEMECULA VALLEY PLAYHOUSE PERF: 09/1-09/17 STTLMNT: LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS 9/1-9/17 Printed ._2,522.73 300524 9/28/20231371 TEMECULA VALLEY PLAYHOUSE 09/18/23 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING: REINVESTMENT Printed 13,000.00 600212 9/7/20231265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54079 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT -_ 51.22 600263 9/14/20231265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 53725 LOCKSMITH SERVICES:TVE2 EFT 7,461.96 600340 , 9/21/20231265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54203 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT '! 114.77 600410 9/28/20231265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 53835 LOCKSMITH SVCS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS EFT 97.38 600410 ■ 9/28/20231265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54094 LOCKSMITH SVCS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS ! EFT 203.32 600410 9/28/20231265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54177 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT 214.00 600410 9/28/20231265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54085 - LOCKSMITH SVCS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS EFT 91.89 300381 9/7/2023 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 29069801 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PW FACILITIES Printed 3,772.07 300381 9/7/2023 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 292207� PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PW FACILITIES Printed 18.82 300381 9/7/2023 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 29065801 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PW FACILITIES Printed 63.66 300381 9/7/2023 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 292061CW PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PW FACILITIES Printed 91.96 300381 9/7/2023 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 29221601 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PW FACILITIES Printed 45.11 ■ 300381 9/7/2023 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 292189 O� PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PW FACILITIES Printed 141.24 300424 9/14/2023 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 29334501 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 28.64 300575 9/28/2023 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 293669 ON PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PW FACILITIES Printed 257.03 600264 9/14/2023 1232 TERRYBERRY COMPANY P33537 SERVICE RECOGNITION: HR EFT 85.73 600341 9/21/2023 1232 TERRYBERRY COMPANY P39011 � SERVICE RECOGNITION: HR EFT 78.70 600411 9/28/2023 1936 TIERCE NICHOLAS DATHAN NTOTTCT-2023-09 GRAPHIC DESIGN: THEATER: TCSD EFT 5,340.00 15744 9/29/20231568 TIME WARNER CABLE , VAR SEP SPECTRUM VARIOUS AUG/SEP INTERNET SVCS ' Wire 19,051.11 600412 9/28/20231063 TIMMY D PRODUCTIONS INC 23621 MUSIC SVCS:CULTURE DAYS AND ART NIGHTS:TCSD EFT 425.00 600413 9/28/2023 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC L 45549 CANOPIES & EQUIP RENTAL: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD EFT 629.45 600413 9/28/2023 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC 47060 GENERAL:EVENT RENTALS:TEAM PACE EFT 1,333.65 600413 9/28/2023 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC 7 45551 CANOPIES & EQUIP RENTAL: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD EFT 7,940.39 300383 9/7/2023 3135 TK CONSULTING INC 2 YNEZ ROAD IMPROVEMENTS -PHASE 1: PW23-02 Printed 19,707.16 300514 9/21/2023 2101 TLK ICE INC 001839 REFRESHMENTS: COLOR RUN: TCSD Printed 2,145.00 300514 9/21/2023 2101 TLK ICE INC 002127 REFRESHMENTS: COLOR RUN: TCSD Printed 250.00 600414 9/28/2023 2413 TOWNSEND PUBLIC AFFAIRS INC 20385 CONSULTING/GRANT WRITING SVCS: CITY CLERK EFT 6,000.00 300576 9/28/20231430 TOYOTA OF TEMECULA VALLEY 08/31/23 REFUND: LD20-0541COMPLETE: PW Printed 41,000.00 600342 9/21/2023 2562 TRAFFIC LOGIX CORPORATION SIN1410 TRAFFIC CALMING: PW TRAFFIC _ EFT 20,436.30 300384 9/7/2023 2827 TRANSPORTATION CHARTER SRVS 57928 SDC TRANSPORTATION 7/12/2023 Printed 1,160.99 300515 9/21/2023 2827 TRANSPORTATION CHARTER SRVS 57996 TRANSPORTATION SDC 7/20/23:TCSD Printed 5,165.07 300425 9/14/2023 1982 TRI POINTE HOMES INC 08/29/23 REFUND: ENG DEPOSIT LD20-1118: PW Void 22,500.00 300425 9/14/2023 1982 TRI POINTE HOMES INC 08/29/23B REFUND: ENG DEPOSIT LD19-1461: PW I Void 7,500.00 300426 9/14/2023 1982 TRI POINTE HOMES INC TP-CKR-83023 REFUND ESCROW TRUST5071:RANCHO SOLENO: COM DEV Printed 7,960.82 600415 , 9/28/2023 1555 TV CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU JUL'23 JUL'23 BUS. IMPRV DISTRICT ASMNTS � EFT 253,294.93 600415 9/28/2023 1555 TV CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU 6246 SPONSORSHIP & ECONOMIC FUNDING EFT 40,000.00 300577 , 9/28/20231003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 025-434840 ENERGOV, CASHIERING AND SOCRATA SONWARE RENEWAL-W Printed 17,088.75 300427 9/14/2023 1350 U S BANK 13842693 ACCOUNT ANALYSIS: FINANCE Printed 875.00 300578 9/28/2023 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1520 JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT , Printed (2,195.48) 300578 9/28/2023 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1505E JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT Printed 881.21 300578 9/28/2023 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1508C JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT Printed 719.83 300578 9/28/2023 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1505C JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT Printed 719.83 300578 9/28/2023 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1508E JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT Printed 881.21 600343 9/21/2023 1432 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 23-240819 AUG DIG SAFE BILLABLE TIX: PW EFT 87.04 600343 9/21/20231432 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 820230744 AUG DIG SAGE BRD BILLAGE TIX: PW EFT 255.00 300516 9/21/2023 1131 UNITED RENTALS NORTH AMERICA INC 222689116-001 EQUIPMENT RENTALS, STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 1,211.59 600265 `9/14/2023 21M URBANE CAFE OPERATIONS LLC ' 101442 REFRESHMENTS: TVM/ACE:TCSD EFT 427.81 600265 9/14/2023 2142 URBANE CAFE OPERATIONS LLC 102138 TVE2 ORDERS FOR WORKSHOPS/MEETINGS EFT 36.43 600344 9/21/2023 2142 URBANE CAFE OPERATIONS LLC 102832 TVE2 ORDERS FOR WORKSHOPS/MEETINGS EFT 89.45 600273 9/14/20232941 VAN OTTERLOO INC 178311 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE -STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 2,273.07 600273 9/14/20232941 VAN OTTERLOO INC 178278 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE- STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 879.89 600273 9/14/20232941 VAN OTTERLOO INC 178235 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE -STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 1,918.43 600273 9/14/20232941 VAN OTTERLOO INC 178304 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE- STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 776.25 600273 9/14/20232941 VAN OTTERLOO INC 178226 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE -STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 2,082.49 15208 9/6/20231845 VERIZON WIRELESS 9942130817 07/16-08/15 CELLULAR/BROADBAND: CITYWIDE Wire 11,476.36 300579 9/28/2023 1845 VERIZON WIRELESS 9944095069 08/11-09/10 TASK FORCE TABLETS: POLICE Printed 438.25 300517 9/21/2023 2629 VERSA PRODUCTS INC 4188543 EROGONOMIC SUPPLIES: HR Printed 3,754.24 600215 9/7/2023 2629 VERSA PRODUCTS INC 4188064 EROGONOMIC SUPPLIES: HR EFT 455.60 300385 9/7/2023 1619 VERTIGIS NORTH AMERICA LTD IN-SO-VGNA-00005002 GEOCORTEX MAINT:GIS:IT Printed 6,016.00 600416 9/28/2023 1498 VISION ONE INC INV-74181 AUG SHFWARE TICKETING SVCS: THEATER EFT 3,133.90 300386 9/7/2023 1120 VORTEX INDUSTRIES INC 30-1686521 DOOR REPAIRS: CIVIC CENTER: P Printed 4,253.75 600266 9/14/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1162 HIGH HOPES DJ SVCS: TCSD EFT 525.00 600266 9/14/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1163 DJ/MC SVCS SKATE PARKJAMS: TCSD EFT 525.00 600417 9/28/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1170 COLOR RUN DJ SERVICES: TCSD EFT 1,400.00 600417 9/28/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1165 JEFF WADDLETON DJ/MC- SPECIAL EVENTS ! EFT 1,975.00 600417 9/28/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1166 DJ/MC- SPECIAL EVENT:NTL PREPAREDNESS FAIR:TCSD EFT 700.00 600417 9/28/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 2800.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,121.40 600417 9/28/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1164 DJ/EMCEE SVCS- SP EVENT 9/11 REMEMBRANCE:TCSD EFT 525.00 600417 9/28/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 2810.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 996.80 600345 9/21/2023 2183 WALLACE AND ASSOCIATES CONSULTING LLC W800961 CONSTRUCTION MGMT SVCS: PW -TRAFFIC EFT 1,152.00 600345 9/21/2023 2183 WALLACE AND ASSOCIATES CONSULTING LLC W800888 CONSTRUCTION MGMT SVCS: PW -TRAFFIC _-%OO EFT 7_ 4,940.00 600345 9/21/2023 2183 WALLACE AND ASSOCIATES CONSULTING LLC 16138 CONSTRUCTION MGMT SVCS: PW -TRAFFIC EFT 1,236.00 300387 9/7/2023 1439 WALMART 090123-117.17 MISC REC SUPPLIES-CLASSES:FACILITIES:TCSD 001 Printed 117.17 300387 9/7/20231439 WALMART 08/28/23 TCSD-MISC SUPPLIES/EQUIP Printed 165.72 300387 9/7/20231439 WALMART 08/22/23 TCSD-MISC SUPPLIES/EQUIP Printed 441.15 300429 9/14/20231439 WALMART 08312023-150.55 MISC SUPPLIES-CRC-TCSD Printed 150.55 300429 9/14/20231439 WALMART 08042023-50.041110- MISC SUPPLIES-CRC-TCSD = Printed 50.00 300429 9/14/20231439 WALMART 09052023-76.80 MISC SUPPLIES-CRC-TCSD- Printed 76.80 300429 9/14/20231439 WALMART 09012023-37.8# MISC SUPPLIES-CRC-TCSD Printed 37.85 300429 9/14/20231439 WALMART 08022023-577.31 MISC SUPPLIES-CRC-TCSD Printed 577.31 300429 9/14/20231439 WALMART 090723-408.5411lipw MISC SUPPLIES:HELP CENTER:TCSD Printed 408.54 300429 9/14/20231439 WALMART 08112023-158.79 MISC SUPPLIES-CRC-TCSD Printed 158.79 300429 9/14/20231439 WALMART Nor- 090823-330.72- MISC SUPPLIES-THEATER:TCSD Printed 330.72 300580 9/28/20231439 WALMART 09/18/23 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed 222.39 300580 9/28/20231439 WALMART 09/22/23 MISC SUPPLIES: TCC Printed 254.15 300580 9/28/20231439 WALMART 09/21/23 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed 739.24 300580 9/28/20231439 WALMART 09/19/23 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed 777.95 300580 9/28/20231439 WALMART 09/21/23B MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed 393.86 300388 9/7/2023 1102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 81851001 JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITY MAINT: PW Printed 1,308.39 300388 9/7/2023 1102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 81850923 JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITY MAINT: PW Printed 1,149.71 300430 9/14/2023 1102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 81948916 JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITY MAINT: PW Printed 2,391.68 300430 9/14/2023 1102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 81941949 JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITY MAINT: PW Printed 1,576.88 ■ 300431 9/14/2023 1474 WES FLOWERS 405392/1 SUNSHINE FUND Printed 101.99 300431 9/14/2023 1474 WES FLOWERS 405489/1 SUNSHINE FUND Printed 101.99 300581 ■ 9/28/2023 1033 WEST PUBLISHING CORPORATION 848888749 SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION Printed 1,179.86 600267 9/14/2023 1782 WESTERN AV 18244 AV EQUIP:LIBRARY:ITSS EFT 1,687.40 300582 9/28/2023 2322 WEX BANK 91657517 08/07-09/06 FUEL USAGE: POLICE Printed 3,117.21 300389 9/7/20232175 WHITE CAP LP 50023476805 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 114.80 300389 9/7/2023 2175 WHITE CAP LP 50023458935 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 57.40 300583 9/28/20232175 WHITE CAP LP 50023780530 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 25.22 600346 9/21/2023 1034 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES INC 00626155 TRAFFIC ENG SRVCS: TRAFFIC: PW EFT 647.50 600256 9/14/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 08/24/23 JAZZ @ THE MERC O8/24/23 EFT 545.00 600256 9/14/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF:08/17/23 JAZZ @ THE MERC O8/17/23 EFT 660.00 600256 9/14/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 08/26/23 STAND UP COMEDY @ THE MERC EFT 1,435.00 600330 9/21/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF:09/07/23 JAZZ @ THE MERC: 09/07 EFT 700.00 600400 9/28/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 08.31.23 JAZZ @ THE MERC 08/31/23 EFT 700.00 600400 9/28/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF:09/14/23 JAZZ @ THE MERC 09/14/23 EFT 710.00 300432 9/14/2023 1973 WOHLFORD CHAD TYLER 15 COST ALLOCATION PLAN & USER FEE Printed 2,900.00 300390 9/7/2023 1178 WSP USA INC 1336324 CLIMATE ACTION PLAN LR23-0083-E-PW21-02 Printed 1,591.04 300391 9/7/2023 1178 WSP USA INC 1326696 CLIMATE ACTION PLAN LR23-0083-E-PW21-02 Printed 2,649.04 600347 9/21/2023 2289 YANES BLANCAA 0198.0 JULY LANDSCAPE PLAN CHECK AND INSPECTION SERVICES EFT 10,020.00 600347 9/21/2023 2289 YANES BLANCAA 0198.0 JUNE LANDSCAPE PLAN CHECK AND INSPECTION SERVICES EFT 6,740.00 300719 10/26/2023 1288 2 HOT UNIFORMS INC 6520 UINFORMS: TEM SHERIFF Printed 192.38 600455 10/12/2023 2238 79 FIELD HOCKEY INC 3110.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 900.90 15621 10/11/2023 3489 ACE PARKING � 8437 PARKING: PWX CONFERENCE Wire J� 20.00 600580 10/26/2023 2948 ACT 1 CONSTRUCTION INC 7 COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER RE EFT 125,164.40 300720 10/26/2023 1772 ADAME LANDSCAPE INC S25184 PARKING GARAGE SWEEPING/CLEANING: PW j Printed 1- 540.00 300584 10/5/2023 1206 AFLAC PREMIUM HOLDING C 0 BNB BANK LOCKBOX BEN349526 AFLAC ACCIDENT INDEMNITY PAYMENT Printed 3,145.43 300584 30/5/2023 1206 AFLAC PREMIUM HOLDING C 0 BNB BANK LOCKBOX BEN349678 AFLAC ACCIDENT INDEMNITY PAYMENT Printed 3,145.43 300673 10/19/2023 1206 AFLAC PREMIUM HOLDING C 0 BNB BANK LOCKBOX BEN349741 AFLAC ACCIDENT INDEMNITY: PAYMENT Printed 3,125.51 15413 10/11/20231278 ALBERTSONS GROCERY STORE 1224 REFRESHMENTS: MEETINGS: CITY CLERK Wire 21.98 300585 10/5/2023 1236 ALLAMERICAN ASPHALT 203914 RETENTION RELEASE: PVMNT REHAB PRGM: PW21-10 Printed 228,531.95 300721 10/26/2023 1236 ALLAMERICAN ASPHALT 1161401 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PV� Printed 614.79 300721 10/26/2023 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1162116 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW Printed 666.79 600581 10/26/20231512 ALLEGRO MUSICALVENTURES INC 27039 MPSC PIANOTUNING: TCSD EFT 480.00 300674 10/19/2023 2013 ALTA LANGUAGE SERVICES INC IS676608 SERVICES-LANGUAGE-HR Printed 132.00 15567 10/11/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 7537 SUPPLIES, TOOLS, EQUIP: HR Wire _ 86.99 15571 10/11/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 3217 TEAM PACE Wire 200.00 600420 10/5/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1MC9-NFW-W9RW MISC SUPPLIES: FINANCE or EFT 222.45 600420 10/5/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1P6P-LT7R-3F3X MISC SUPPLIES: COM DEV EFT (13.04) 600456 10/12/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 13WV-X3RG-WN6V MISC SUPPLIES: SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 7.56 600456 10/12/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1YRJ-PRKH-1G31 MISC SUPPLIES: HR EFT 792.70 600456 10/12/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1MC9-NFW-W9WN MISC SUPPLIES: HR EFT (26.09) 600456 10/12/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1QFP-4MJQ-XKHG MISC SUPPLIES: COM DEV EFT 94.27 600456 10/12/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1NPP-YHR3-WFNY MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD = EFT 638.14 600456 10/12/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 133V-VNFM-WYWX EXIT SIGNS NEEDED FOR PENNY PICKLES MUSEUM EFT 673.20 600456 10/12/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC IYRD-MC7Q-W3QH SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: FIRE EFT 495.68 600456 10/12/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 13YM-9VNV-3DF1 OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE EFT (99.19) 600520 10/19/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1H3P-MK6M-XFK3 MISC SUPPLIES: INFO TECH EFT 41.08 600520 10/19/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1D6W-JDGN-36JW MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER: TCSD EFT 151.79 600520 10/19/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1M9T-WPCK-HJJL MISC SUPPLIES: ECO DEV i EFT (40.77) 600520 10/19/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1F7D-1FG1-XX6J MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER: TCSD EFT (383.40) 600520 10/19/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1WMY-W411-XHF9 MISCSUPPLIES/EQUIP: PW I EFT 131.19 600520 10/19/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1HXW-4NJX-XJDD MISC SUPPLIES: SPORTS: TCSD EFT 264.11 600521 10/19/2023 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 78165 NOV STAND BY FEE: POLICE EFT 1,485.90 600521 10/19/2023 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 78190 DRUG/ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: TEM SHERIFF EFT 401.24 600522 10/19/2023 1080 AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS AND ITS CONSTITUENT 22625406 LIFEGUARD STAFF CERTIFICATIONS:TCSD EFT 874.00 600522 10/19/2023 1080 AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS AND ITS CONSTITUENT 22628216 WATER SAFETY INSTRUCTOR CERTIFICATIONS:TCSD EFT 287.00 15308 30/5/20233341 AMY HODGSON TRC-123001-05-30-202 ENERGOV TRANSFER REQUEST INV 00130302 TO 0013219; Wire 3,372.40 15476 10/11/2023 1766 APPLE.COM 6368 ADDT PHONE STORAGE: SOCIAL MEDIA: ECON Wire 9.99 15489 10/11/2023 1766 APPLE.COM 5264 ADDT PHONE STORAGE: SOCIAL MEDIA: ECON Wire 9.99 15546 10/11/2023 1766 APPLE.COM 7743 ADDT PHONE STORAGE: FIRE DEPT Wire 0.99 15548 10/11/2023 1766 APPLE.COM 1294 ADDT PHONE STORAGE: FIRE DEPT Wire 0.99 15667 10/11/2023 1766 APPLE.COM 5087 COMPUTER SUPPLIES: INFO TECH Wire 388.54 15620 10/11/2023 3488 APWA PWX 0034 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE Wire 50.00 600523 10/19/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074562 OCT DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: IT EFT 28.55 600524 10/19/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074556 OCT DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: PUBLIC LIBRARY EFT 28.55 600524 10/19/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074506 OCT DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: TCC EFT 28.55 600524 10/19/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074548 OCT DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: AULD: POLICE EFT 62.53 600524 10/19/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074564 OCT DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: MPSC EFT 35.89 600524 10/19/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074553 OCT DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: CIVIC CTR EFT 213.97 600524 10/19/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074555 OCT DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: SPORTSPARK EFT 69.60 600524 10/19/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074563 JUN DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: JRC EFT 28.55 600524 10/19/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074565 OCT DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: THEATER EFT 28.55 600524 10/19/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074561 OCT DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: MALL PlIrr-- EFT 62.53 600524 10/19/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074558 OCT DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: TVM EFT 28.55 600525 10/19/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074568 OCT DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: AQUATICS EFT 28.28 600525 10/19/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074554 OCT DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: FOC EFT 28.55 600582 10/26/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074511 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: CRC AQUATICS EFT 69.60 600582 10/26/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074557 OCT DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: LAND DEV/TRAFFIC/CIP EFT 29.36 300586 30/5/20231293 AQUA SOURCE INC 403893 � POOL SUPPLIES AQUATICS: TCSD Printed 2,740.50 300587 10/5/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 106015738 REFRESHMENT SVCS: FACILITIES Printed 152.77 300587 30/5/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 7306342 _ REFRESHMENT SVCS: FACILITIES Printed 111.00 300675 10/19/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 106015740 REFRESHMENT SVCS: FACILITIES Printed 297.64 300675 10/19/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 7606342 REFRESHMENT SVCS: FACILITIES = Printed 111.00 300675 10/19/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 3657118 REFRESHMENT SVCS: FACILITIES Printed 89.78 300634 10/12/20232401 ARCTIC CIRCLE ENTERPRISES LLC N042760 GIFTSHOP MERCHANDISE: TVM: TCSD Printed 505.89 300722 10/26/2023 2401 ARCTIC CIRCLE ENTERPRISES LLC N042863 GIFT SHOP MERCHANDISE: TVM: TCSD Printed 897.95 15407 10/11/20233396 ARMITAGE TACTICAL 4844 REGISTRATION: COUNTER AMBUSH HANDGUN TACTICS Wire 250.00 15637 10/11/2023 2053 ARTINA GROUP INC THE 7805 PRINTING SVCS: CHECKS: FINANCE Wire 230.56 300676 10/19/2023 2442 ASCENT ENVIRONMENTAL INC 202201� AUG CEQA ADV SVCS FY 23-24: COMM DEV Printed 1,790.01 300676 10/19/2023 2442 ASCENT ENVIRONMENTAL INC 20210169.02-16 SEIR: TEM VLY HOSPITAL: PA22-0105 Printed 540.00 15525 10/11/2023 3415 ASSOC OF AQUATIC PROFESSIONALS 0968 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: TCSD Wire 434.00 15526 10/11/2023 3415 ASSOC OF AQUATIC PROFESSIONALS 8428 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: TCSD Wire 180.00 15527 10/11/2023 3415 ASSOC OF AQUATIC PROFESSIONALS 5833 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: TCSD Wire 868.00 15581 10/11/2023 3415 ASSOC OF AQUATIC PROFESSIONALS 0930 JOB POSTING: AQUATICS COORDINATOR: HR Wire 75.00 15582 10/11/2023 3415 ASSOC OF AQUATIC PROFESSIONALS 1725 JOB POSTING: AQUATICS SUPERVISOR: HR Wire 75.00 600583 10/26/2023 1170 AUTOPARTSPROS LLC 087194 AUTO PARTS FOR PW STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 12.75 15523 10/11/2023 3447 AV NOW 9870 AUDIO EQUIPMENT: THEATER: TCSD Wire 428.66 600457 10/12/2023 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN 2907 ELECTRICAL LABOR: SENIOR CENTER EFT 800.00 600584 10/26/2023 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN 2918 ELECTRICALSVCS: VARIOUS CITY FACILITIES: PW EFT 800.00 600584 10/26/2023 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN 2922 ELECTRICAL SVCS: VARIOUS CITY FACILITIES: PW EFT 1,500.00 600584 10/26/2023 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN 2916 ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATIONS EFT 1- 800.00 600458 10/12/2023 2073 AZTEC LANDSCAPING INC L3501 SEP RESTROOM MAINT: PARKS: PW EFT 9,580.39 300723 10/26/20231745 BACKHAUS DANCE m CK ADV: 11/18 PERF. PERFORMANCE: THEATER: TCSD' Printed 1�,500.00 600526 10/19/2029 2828 BAUD SOFTWARE US INC 2433 AFFORDABLE HOUSING COMPLIANCE-FY24 EFT 6,960.00 300588 30/5/2023 1909 BAMM PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS INC 12531 UNIFORMS: BUILDING & SAFETY � Printed 1! 125.06 300588 10/5/2023 1909 BAMM PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS INC 12547 STAFF TSHIRTS: TCSD Printed 1,740.00 300637 10/12/2023 1909 BAMM PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS INC 12540 PARK ATTENDANTS UNIFORMS: PW Printed Niiiiiiiiiiiiii1,052.55 300637 10/12/2023 1909 BAMM PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS INC 12552 STAFF APPAREL: TCSD Printed 345.41 300637 10/12/2023 1909 BAMM PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS INC 12548 MPSC BANNER: TCSD Printed 176.18 300725 10/26/2023 1909 BAMM PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS INC 12553 r'1'S STAFF APPAREL: TCSD Printed 662.00 300725 10/26/2023 1909 BAMM PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS INC 12564 STAFF APPAREL- TVM Printed 698.18 15631 10/11/2023 2194 BEENVERIFIED.COM 6162 DIGITAL SBSCPTN: CODE ENFORCEMENT Wire 52.45 600586 10/26/20232524 BEHAVIORAL ANALYSIS TRAINING INC IV03109 STAFF TRAINING: TEM SHERIFF EFT 575.00 600586 10/26/20232524 BEHAVIORAL ANALYSIS TRAINING INC IV03103 STAFF TRAINING: TEM SHERIFF EFT 575.00 300726 10/26/20231917 BEISTLE COMPANYTHE 115834 SPECIAL EVENT SUPPLIES - FIRE PREVENTION Printed 2,283.76 300727 10/26/2023 2935 BETTS KENNETH 1900.203-1910.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 3,751.30 600585 10/26/2023 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4005.202 2ND PVT TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT _2,898.00 600585 10/26/2023 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4005.203 1ST HALF TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 3,024.00 600585 10/26/2023 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4030.201-4040.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT _3,650.50 300728 10/26/2023 3187 BILLEN PAMELA INV0001 FOOD SERVICES FOR SPECIAL EVENTS Printed 1,200.00 300638 10/12/20231264 BID TOX LABORATORIES = 44874 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed 704.45 300638 10/12/20231264 BIO TOX LABORATORIES 44938 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed 711.08 300677 10/19/20231264 BID TOX LABORATORIES 44875 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed _3,783.60 15534 10/11/2023 1355 BIRTH CHOICE CENTERS INC 9810 REGISTRATION: FUNDRAISER EVENT Wire 125.00 15418 10/11/2023 1524 BJS RESTAURANTS INC 1666 REFRESHMENTS: CITY COUNCIL MTG Wire 221.23 15696 10/11/2023 1524 BJS RESTAURANTS INC 1382 REFRESHMENTS: OUTREACH MTG Wire 148.22 15600 10/11/2023 3458 BLACK BEAR DINER 3737 ` REFRESHMENTS: CAL CITIES ANNUAL CONF: CMO Wire 28.16 15528 10/11/20233443 BLACK MARKET BREWING 0134 DEPOSIT: DEPARTMENT PARTY Wire 200.00 600421 10/5/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 131002866211� WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT 168.86 600459 10/12/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 0310035623057 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: TESC POOL: PW EFT 21.74 600459 10/12/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 031670521216- WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT 31.95 600527 10/19/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 0316702622575 WATER DELIVERY SERVICES AT THE TVE2 EFT 98.90 600527 10/19/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 031003626317� HELP CENTER WATER SERVICE �Eii EFT 2.60 600587 10/26/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 13J0028910578 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT 319.74 600588 10/26/2023 2047 BOB CALLAHANS POOL SERVI 0177 POOL AND FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE EFT 1,400.00 600588 10/26/2023 2047 BOB CALLAHANS POOL SERVICE 0178 POOL AND FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE EFT 1,200.00 15572 10/11/2023 3472 BOLERO RESTAURANTE 3248 REFRESHMENTS: TEAM BUILDING: HR Wire 454.68 300729 10/26/2023 1631 BONCOR WATER SYSTEMS LLC 789589 09.13.23 WATER FILTER REPLACEMENT: STATION 73 Printed 330.00 300729 10/26/2023 1631 BONCOR WATER SYSTEMS LLC - 78958910/11/23 WATER FILTER REPLACEMENT: STATION 73 Printed 330.00 15536 10/11/2023 1181 BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF SOUTHWEST COUNTY 6024 REGISTRATION: KIDS ROCK GALA & FUNDRAISER Wire 175.00 15589 10/11/2023 1181 BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF SOUTHWEST COUNTY 4942 REGISTRATION: OUR KIDS ROCK GALA & FUNDRAISER Wire 175.00 300678 10/19/2023 3182 BRAGG INVESTMENT COMPANY INC 230749 CRANE SERVICES: THEATER: PW Printed 1,282.60 300730 10/26/2023 3182 BRAGG INVESTMENT COMPANY INC 232376 CRANE SVCS: SENIOR CENTER PW Printed 2,025.65 15565 10/11/2023 2612 BRAND ASSASSINS 5095 BANNER: COLLEGE FAIR Wire 232.44 600589 10/26/2023 2415 BRAUN PETER 3899 PLANT MAINTENANCE: PW FACILITIES EFT 200.00 600589 10/26/2023 2415 BRAUN PETER 3884 PLANT MAINTENANCE: PW FACILITIES EFT 500.00 600528 10/19/2023 2541 BRIGHTON HILLACADEMY SPORTS AND LEARNING CENTER 2600.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 931.00 600590 10/26/2023 2541 BRIGHTON HILL ACADEMY SPORTS AND LEARNING CENTER 2600.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 864.50 600460 10/12/2023 1634 BRODART CO B6645380 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL: TCSD EFT 43.06 600591 10/26/2023 2622 BROWN JAMAL DEON 2300.203-2310.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 3,222.66 600592 10/26/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1401-210-1405.206 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS i EFT 7,159.60 300635 10/12/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037642367 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 53.51 300635 10/12/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037674103 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 19.55 300635 10/12/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 0003284119 EDEN CR: BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTL: TCSD Printed (85.65) 300635 10/12/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037806552 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 51.87 300724 10/26/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037847435 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 186.53 300724 10/26/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037847434 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 1,159.09 300724 10/26/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037848869 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 64.39 300724 10/26/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037848868 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 300.60 300724 10/26/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037780287 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 1,630.60 300724 10/26/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037798413 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCS� Printed 512.18 600461 10/12/2023 2399 BUCHER BRET PHILLIP 3500.204-3511.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 2,357.60 600593 10/26/2023 2399 BUCHER BRET PHILLIP 3510.207-3515.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 2,591.40 15610 10/11/2023 3484 BYTEMARK.CO 1710 TRANSPORTATION: CAL CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE Wire 2.50 300639 10/12/2023 3157 CAHALAN JASON 3737 DOOR REPAIR: CIVIC CENTER: PW � Printed 220.00 300731 10/26/2023 3157 CAHALAN JASON 3736 BAY DOOR MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATIONS Printed 772.13 300731 10/26/2023 3157 CAHALAN JASON 3741 BAY DOOR MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATIONS Printed 487.44 300731 10/26/2023 3157 CAHALAN JASON 3740 BAY DOOR MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATIONS Printed 812.25 300589 10/5/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73786466 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 662.29 300679 10/19/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73795055 ASPHALT SUPPLIES:STREET MAINT:PW Printed 204.13 600594 10/26/2023 1085 CALIF BUILDING OFFICIALS CALBO 17043 WEBINAR: ED WEEK: BLDG & SAFETY EFT 290.00 600594 10/26/2023 1085 CALIF BUILDING OFFICIALS CALBO 17048 WEBINAR: ED WEEK: BLDG & SAFETY EFT 145.00 15309 10/12/2023 1573 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT BEN349765 SUPPORT PAYMENT Wire 138.92 15359 10/26/20231573 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT BEN349785 SUPPORT PAYMENT Wire 138.92 15634 10/11/2023 1041 CALIF MUNI TREASURERS ASSN 1321 MEMBERSHIP DUES: FINANCE Wire 95.00 15671 10/11/2023 1041 CALIF MUNI TREASURERS ASSN 1251 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: FINANCE Wire 95.00 300732 10/26/2023 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000574838E LEGAL NEWSPAPER PUBLICATIONS: CITY CLERK Printed 1,179.60 300732 10/26/2023 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000574838D BID ADVERTISING: PW -CIP, PW22-17 Printed 933.37 300732 10/26/2023 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000574838 BID ADVERTISING: PW -CIP, PW23-16 Printed 897.48 300732 10/26/2023 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000574838A ADVERTISING PUBLIC NOTICES: PLANNING Printed 1,714.43 15504 10/11/2023 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R S 3023 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: MPSC: TCSD Wire 145.00 15505 10/11/2023 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R S 6173 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: TCSD Wire 145.00 15506 10/11/2023 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R S 7791 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: TCSD Wire 145.00 15507 10/11/2023 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R S 8849 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: TCSD Wire 145.00 15579 10/11/2023 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R S 1397 JOB POSTING: AQUATICS COORDINATOR: HR Wire 75.00 15580 10/11/2023 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R S 3674 JOB POSTING: AQUATICS SUPERVISOR: HR Wire 75.00 300590 10/5/2023 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R S 139784 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: PARKS: PW Printed 700.00 300590 30/5/2023 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R S 145728 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: TCSD Printed 145.00 300590 10/5/2023 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R S , 145785 MEMBERSHIP:TCSD = Printed 145.00 15638 10/11/2023 3388 CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT 1665 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: FINANCE Wire 495.00 300680 10/19/20233336 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 240017611 COOP 08-1726 EA 08-43272 �E" Printed 392.30 15607 10/11/2023 3483 CAMELLIA COFFEE ROASTERS 2313 REFRESHMENTS: CAL CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE Wire 17.19 15708 10/11/2023 1582 CAMPINIS ITALIAN DELI 0447 , REFRESHMENTS: OUTREACH MTG Wire 181.69 300681 10/19/2023 2295 CANTRELL TINAJ 4200.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 245.00 300591 10/5/2023 2063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0049550, MISC ENGINEERING SVS: PW -CIP ' Printed 311.50 300733 10/26/2023 2063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0049662 ENVRIONMENTAL REVIEW TTM 38924 (PA22-0047) Printed 3,712.34 300733 10/26/2023 2063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0049561, NPDES COMMERCIAL& INDUSTRIAL INSPECTIONS Printed 1- 745.00 300733 10/26/2023 2063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0049423 ENVRIONMENTAL REVIEW TTM 38924 (PA22-0047) Printed 4,282.50 300593 10/5/2023 1280 CDW LLC MD95740 MISC SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP:IT Printed 369.92 300640 10/12/2023 1280 CDW LLC MF48541 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH Printed 330.39 300640 10/12/2023 1280 CDW LLC MG90892 SWITCH LIFECYCLE REPLACEMENT:IT Printed 38,214.51 300640 10/12/2023 1280 CDW LLC MF79962 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH Printed 337.65 300640 10/12/2023 1280 CDW LLC ' MF65771 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH Printed 55.09 600595 10/26/2023 1280 CDW LLC MK56175 NETWORKING EQUIPMENT:MRC -CIP PW17-21 EFT 1,952.91 600595 10/26/2023 1280 CDW LLC ML06196 DISPLAYS AND MOUNTS: MRC PW CIP � EFT 1,342.92 600595 10/26/2023 1280 CDW LLC ML57393 NETWORKING EQUIPMENT:MRC -CIP PW17-21 EFT 17,262.27 600595 10/26/2023 1280 CDW LLC MN58961 MISC SMALL TOOLS &EQUIP: IT EFT JEEJEJ369.92) 600595 10/26/2023 1280 CDW LLC ML08757 DISPLAYS AND MOUNTS:MRC PW CIP EFT 2,362.74 600595 10/26/2023 1280 CDW LLC MM26161 DISPLAYS AND MOUNTS: MRC PW CIP EFT 1-960.99 600595 10/26/2023 1280 CDW LLC ML02936 NETWORKING EQUIPMENT:MRC -CIP PW17-21 EFT 1,665.23 600595 10/26/2023 1280 CDW LLC ML03568 DISPLAYS AND MOUNTS: MRC PW CIP � EFT 1-512.85 600595 10/26/2023 1280 CDW LLC MK08692 PERSONAL COMPUTERS:MRC CIP PW 17-21 EFT 13,739.24 600595 10/26/2023 1280 CDW LLC MK39888 MISC SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP:IT EFT '-303.41 600596 10/26/2023 1280 CDW LLC MK23453 MISC SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP:IT EFT 259.91 600596 10/26/2023 1280 CDW LLC MM38474 MISC SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP:IT = EFT 87.30 600596 10/26/2023 1280 CDW LLC MM58631 NETWORKING EQUIPMENT:MRC -CIP PW17-21 EFT 297.61 600596 10/26/2023 1280 CDW LLC E MH60230 MISC SMALL TOOLS&EQUIP:IT EFT 110.25 300682 10/19/2023 1528 CERTIFION CORP 923EP31197 SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION: PD Printed 200.00 600462 10/12/2023 1994 CHAMBER MARKETING PARTNERS INC 319-8781 THEATER GUIDE: TCSD EFT 1,200.00 15585 10/11/2023 2043 CHARITY FOR CHARITY 0196 REGISTRATION: CHARITY WAY OUT WEST FUNDRAISER Wire 75.00 15588 10/11/20232043 CHARITY FOR CHARITY 3122 REGISTRATION: WAY OUT WEST FUNDRAISER � Wire 75.00 15393 10/11/2023 1570 CHICK FILA INC 3855 REFRESHMENTS: VOLUNTEERS: DUI CHECKPOINT Wire 89.61 15605 10/11/20231570 CHICK FILA INC 6333 REFRESHMENTS: CAL CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE Wire 12.24 15700 10/11/2023 3428 CHILIS 4822 REFRESHMENTS: SWAG TEAM Wire 155.60 300734 10/26/2023 1942 CHRISTIAN STITCHERY INC 14494 COLOR RUN RACING BIBS: TCSD Printed 2,536.63 300734 10/26/2023 1942 CHRISTIAN STITCHERY INC 14446 COLOR RUN TEES: TCSD Printed 3,632.41 300683 10/19/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 9406465061 FIRSTAID SERVICES: RM Printed 112.81 300683 10/19/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406465064 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 85.24 300683 10/19/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 9406465063 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 115.14 300683 10/19/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406465062 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 67.53 300683 10/19/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 9406465066 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 177.62 300683 10/19/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406465065 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 583.40 300735 10/26/2023 1626 CITY OF VISTA C0TTDC80823 SUMMER DAY CAMP TEEN EXCURSION 8/8/23 Printed 613.00 15395 10/11/2023 3398 CLASS MOTORCYCLE SCHOOLS 0650 REGISTRATION: MOTOR OFFICER TRAINING: PD Wire 1,875.00 15396 10/11/2023 3398 CLASS MOTORCYCLE SCHOOLS 2424 REGISTRATION: MOTOR OFFICER TRAINING: PD Wire 2,250.00 300736 10/26/2023 1701 CLEAR IMAGE ENTERPRISES INC 18940 PRESSURE WASHING: SENIOR CENTER: PW Printed 250.00 600597 10/26/2023 2681 CLEARSTAR INC 1464794 OPEN PO-EMPLOYMENTSCREENINGS-HR EFT �E 94.72 300641 10/12/2023 3147 CLEM TYLER J INV0195 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES: COMM DEV Printed 10,000.00 600529 10/19/2023 3278 COAST BIOMEDICAL EQUIPMENT LLC 0021425-IN EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT: EM PURCHASE OF STAIRCHAIRS EFT 14,397.25 600422 10/5/2023 1239 COAST RECREATION INC 15346 GRILLS FOR CITY PARKS: PW EFT 11,218.00 600423 10/5/2023 3043 COMMERCIAL CLEANING BY ROGERS 10651 JANITORIAL SERVICES: OTSF AND MALL EFT 814.77 15537 10/11/2023 3373 COMMUNITY MISSION OF HOPE 9383 REGISTRATION: ANNUAL GALA FUNDRAISER Wire 88.06 15539 10/11/2023 3373 COMMUNITY MISSION OF HOPE 3630 DONATION: CHARITY: TO BE REFUNDED Wire 530.00 600424 10/5/2023 1276 COMMUNITY WORKS DESIGN GROUP LLC 15182 DSGN CONSULTANT SVCS: RRSP SKATE PARK EFT 1,948.75 300642 .10/12/2023 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC C4053044-0 EDEN CR: MISC OFC SUPPLIES: FIRE STA 84 Printed (121.15) 300642 10/12/2023 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4082417-C OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE Printed 213.06 300594 , 30/5/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTOR 8750-1034401 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: MPSC Printed ' 138.57 300737 10/26/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1035404 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES Printed 25.12 600425 , 10/5/2023 3262 CORONA CLAY COMPANY 14720 SPECIALTY MIX BRICKDUST: PARKS: PW EFT _9,650.63 600425 10/5/2023 3262 CORONA CLAY COMPANY 14716 SPECIALTY MIX BRICKDUST: PARKS: PW EFT 3,216.88 600463 110/12/2023 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1640.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 442.40 600599 10/26/2023 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1625.201-1635.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,380.40 600599 110/26/2023 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1620.202 1111PW TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 273.00 600599 10/26/2023 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1600.201-1630.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 520.80 300738 110/26/2023 1849 COSTAR REALTY INFORMATION INC 120451650 M 0CT'23 WEB SUBSCRIPTION: ECO DEV Printed J�,296.00 15479 10/11/20231098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3441 REFRESHMENTS/SU PPLI ES: WORKSHOPS: TVE2 Wire 625.97 15541 110/11/20231098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 8375 M FLOWERS: CONGRATULATIONS: FIRE Wire 59.25 15542 10/11/20231098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 5301 FLOWERS: SYMPATHY: FIRE Wire 47.84 15574 110/11/20231098 C0STC0 TEMECULA 491 0967 r REFRESHMENTS: E0Q 3RD QTR Wire 388.48 300595 10/5/20231098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3486 MISCSUPPLIES: INFOTECH Printed 295.27 300739 10/26/20231098 COSTC0TEMECULA 491 3494 SPECIAL EVENT SUPPLIES -FIRE Printed 234.53 300739 10/26/20231098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3498 ADULT CERT CLASS SUPPLIES:TCC Printed 1,191.19 300740 10/26/20231098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3497 OPEN PO-PW-OUTSIDE SVCS Printed 58.85 300740 10/26/2023 1098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3499 MISC. SUPPLIES: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD Printed 279.64 300740 10/26/20231098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3501A SMALL TOOLS& EQUIPMENT: FIRE Printed 110.00 300740 10/26/20231098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3501B SPECIAL EVENT SUPPLIES -FIRE Printed 434.11 300596 30/5/20231268 C0STC0 TEM ECU LA 491 3491 MISCSUPPLIES: MRC, MPSCANDSFSP Printed 621.82 300684 10/19/20231268 C0STC0 TEMECULA 491 3496 MISC SUPPLIES: COMMUNITY SVCS: TCSD Printed 364.03 600464 10/12/2023 1160 COUNTS UNLIMITED INC 23471 TRAFFIC COUNT DATA COLLECTION: PW CIP EFT 16,650.00 600465 10/12/2023 2004 COX KRISTI 4170.201 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 200.00 600600 10/26/2023 2004 COX KRISTI 4210.204 = TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 315.00 600600 10/26/2023 2004 COX KRISTI 4100.204-4150.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,407.00 600426 10/5/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003680 PLUMBING REPAIR, PALOMA DEL SOL PARK EFT 1_r2,715.00 600466 10/12/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003681 MAINTENANCE SVCS: CRC: PW EFT 2,032.00 600466 10/12/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003686 MAINTENANCE SVCS: THEATER: PW EFT __ 932.00 600466 10/12/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC L30668 INSTALL DRINKING FOUNTAIN: SENIOR CENTER: PW EFT 8,800.00 600466 10/12/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003679 MAINTENANCE SVCS: CHILDREN'S MUSEUM: PW EFT 90M�,642.00 600530 10/19/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003692 MISC WORK: VARIOUS CITY FACILITIES: PW EFT 740.00 600530 10/19/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 03487 MISC WORK: VARIOUS CITY FACILITIES: PW EFT L! 299.00 600601 10/26/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003693 PLUMBING MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATIONS EFT 2,814.77 600601 10/26/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003690 MISC WORK: VARIOUS CITY FACILITIES: PW EFT 7,264.00 15568 10/11/2023 3424 CREATIVE CATERING 8102 REFRESHMENTS: HR/ADMIN SVCS EVENT Wire 2,480.00 15576 10/11/2023 3424 CREATIVE CATERING 9935 REFRESHMENTS: WELLNESS FAIR Wire 2,320.00 15639 10/11/2023 1002 CSMFO 3309 MEMBERSHIP DUES: FINANCE Wire 50.00 15642 10/11/2023 1002 CSMFO 9470 AWARD APPLICATION FEE: FINANCE Wire 150.00 15643 10/11/2023 1002 CSMFO 2326 AWARD APPLICATION FEE: FINANCE Wire 150.00 15645 10/11/2023 1002 CSMFO 5027 REGISTRATION: WEBINAR: ADV SPECIALTY TOPIC -PENSION Wire 50.00 300741 10/26/2023 1002 CSMFO 200019154 r'1'S REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: FINANCE Printed 515.00 15695 10/11/2023 2281 CVS PHARMACY 0789 GIFT CARDS: HOMELESS CLIENTS Wire 100.00 15549 10/11/2023 1659 DALESIO INC 0034 TOOL SCABBARD: ENGINE 12: FIRE Wire 116.39 600531 10/19/2023 1096 DANS FEED AND SEED INC 080568 SUPPLIES FOR PW STREET MAINTENANCE: OPEN PO EFT 33.16 300685 10/19/2023 3209 DATA PROCESSING DESIGN INC EGOLD-12044088 CLOUD FAXING SERVICE:ITSS Printed 49.99 300685 10/19/2023 3209 DATA PROCESSING DESIGN INC EGOLD-12045171 CLOUD FAXING SERVICE:ITSS Printed , 89.49 300685 10/19/2023 3209 DATA PROCESSING DESIGN INC EGOLD-12047358 CLOUD FAXING SERVICE:ITSS Printed 69.49 300597 30/5/2023 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 542321 ENG SVCS: PICKLEBALL COURTS: PW21-03 Printed ---15,433.00 300686 10/19/2023 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 544309 AUG DSGN SVCS: DIAZ RD PROJ: PW17-25 Printed 14,579.75 300742 10/26/2023 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 546922= CONSTSUPPORT SVCS(MPSC): PW -CIP Printed 769.50 600532 10/19/2023 1700 DBX INC R698-RETA RETENTION RELEASE: TRAFFIC SIGNAL: RANCHO CALIF RD EFT 22,401.08 600532 10/19/2023 1700 DBX INC R698-RETB CONTRACT WITHHOLDING: 2022-176E � EFT --1,750.67 600602 10/26/2023 1700 DBX INC R702-01 CONDUIT INSTALLATION:CITYWIDE SECURITY: IT EFT 30,950.00 600533 10/19/2023 2528 DE LA SECURA INC 21007-22R MARGARITA REC CTR DSGN BUILD EFT 311,153.33 600533 10/19/2023 2528 DE LA SECURA INC REL STP NTC PW17-21 STP NTC: MRC PW 17-21: MORA GLAZING EFT 27,123.58 600467 10/12/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00099235 ' MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM: INFO TECH EFT 1,280.00 600534 10/19/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00099378 SECURITY SYSTEM:FRIENDSHIP PARK -CIP PW17-01 EFT 58,829.13 600603 10/26/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2INC ' IN00099135 CARD READER & CAMERAADD:6TH ST RESTROOM: IT EFT 7,237.92 600603 10/26/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00098875 MAINT AND REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM: IT EFT 1,110.00 600603 10/26/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00099936 TRAFFIC CAMERAS:CIP PW17-01 " EFT 6,413.51 600603 10/26/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00098874 MAINT AND REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM: IT EFT 1,580.00 600603 10/26/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC ' IN00098880B MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM:IT EFT 1,046.00 600603 10/26/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00098880A MAINT AND REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM: IT EFT 647.90 600603 10/26/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00098883 MAINT AND REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM: IT EFT 960.00 600603 10/26/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2INC IN00099985 VIEWING STATIONS: PD SW STATION EFT 5,361.97 600603 10/26/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC ' IN00100021 TRAFFIC INTERSECTION CAMERA ADD:IT CIP PW17-01 EFT 5,280.00 600603 10/26/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00099198 MAINT AND REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM: IT EFT 5,668.00 600427 10/5/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004835714 TEMPORARY ADA RESTROOMS: TES POOL EFT 325.76 600468 10/12/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004776209 TEMPORARY ADA RESTROOMS: TES POOL EFT 325.76 600468 10/12/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES ' 0004895220 TEMPORARY ADA RESTROOMS: TES POOL EFT 325.76 600535 10/19/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004926886 TEMPORARY ADA RESTROOMS: TES POOL EFT 325.76 600535 10/19/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004928839 PORTABLE RESTROOM SVCS: SHERIFF:PD EFT 136.50 600535 10/19/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004932957 FENCE RENTAL: JRC: PW EFT 95.00 600604 10/26/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004971633 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: GENERAL KEARNY RD EFT 110.88 600604 10/26/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004971631 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: LA SERENA WAY EFT 110.88 600604 10/26/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004971634 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: HARMONY LN EFT 165.88 600604 10/26/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004971632 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: RIVERTON UN EFT 110.88 15666 10/11/20232573 DIGICERT INC 1425 GEOTRUSTWILDCARD: INFO TECH Wire 3,278.00 600469 10/12/2023 2137 DIVERSIFIED WATERSCAPES INC 10006778 SEP WTR QUALITY MAINT: DUCK POND/HARV EFT 7,800.00 600428 10/5/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL08017- FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 129.25 600428 10/5/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL08018 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG DEPT EFT 529.11 600428 10/5/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL08014 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARK MAINT: PW EFT 2,678.76 600428 10/5/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL08021 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: INFO TECH EFT 36.67 600470 10/12/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL09528 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES:BLDG&SAFETY EFT 381.05 600470 10/12/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL09547 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC:PW EFT 556.74 600470 10/12/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL08019 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP: PWEEEEIIII�iiiiiii EFT 383.29 600470 10/12/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL08015 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: LAND DEV: PW EFT 139.48 600470 10/12/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL09526 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES:P000E - EFT 31.49 600470 10/12/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL09530 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREET MAINT:PW EFT 1,840.72 600471 10/12/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL09524 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARK MAINT: I- EFT 2,697.34 600471 10/12/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL08791 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEPT EFT 303.91 600536 10/19/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL09544 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: EOC EFT 143.52 600536 10/19/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL09548 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD EFT 251.25 600537 10/19/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL10848 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 2,044.58 600537 10/19/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL10863 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC: PW EFT 397.81 600537 10/19/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL09527 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 117.78 600537 10/19/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL10846 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BUILDING INSPECTORS EFT 315.44 600537 10/19/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL10845 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 46.69 600537 10/19/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL10844 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE EFT 133.28 600537 10/19/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL10864 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD i EFT 279.81 600537 10/19/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL10842 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARK MAINT: PW EFT 2,660.29 600605 10/26/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL10860 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: EOC EFT 108.21 600605 10/26/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL09529 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP: PW EFT 330.58 600605 10/26/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL09525 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: LAND DEV: PW EFT 92.57 600605 10/26/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL10847 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP: PW EFT 279.28 600605 10/26/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL10188 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEPT EFT 266.35 600605 10/26/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL10843 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: LAND DEV: PW EFT 170.52 600606 10/26/2023 1678 DUDEK 202307684 CITYWIDE DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN EFT 19,196.51 15379 10/23/2023 1057 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DIST VAR EMWD SEP VAR SEP WATER SVCS Wire 10,219.22 15350 10/11/2023 3363 EASYID SOLUTIONS INC 1406 ID CARDS: FIRE: TCC Wire 273.00 600450 10/5/2023 1514 EE VENDOR #1514 09/23/23 REIMB: TES ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES EFT 61.83 600509 10/12/2023 1514 EE VENDOR #1514 09/28/23 REIMB: COMPUTER DISPLAY @ THE MERC EFT 357.79 600640 10/26/2023 1571 EE VENDOR #1571 10/11/23 REIMB: SHAW BOOTCAMP CONF 10/2-10/5 EFT 178.34 300696 10/19/2023 1868 EE VENDOR #1868 REIMB: DC LOBBYING REIMB: DC LOBBYING: CMO Printed 1,505.19 300755 10/26/20231868 EE VENDOR#1868 REIMB: CAL CITIES REIMB: CAL CITIES CONFERENCE: CM Printed 245.30 600614 10/26/2023 1940 EE VENDOR #1940 REIMB: CULTURE DAY REIMB: CULTURE DAY KOREA EFT 626.87 600613 10/26/2023 1978 EE VENDOR #1978 REIMB: ISA DUES REIMB: MEMBERSHIP: ISA: PW EFT 280.00 600540 10/19/2023 2265 EE VENDOR #2265 REIMB: HEALTH & WELL REIMB: HEALTH & WELLNESS FAIR EFT 388.13 600502 10/12/2023 2266 EE VENDOR #2266 09/28/23 REIMB: RFRSHMNTS: PTSC COMMISSION EFT 83.06 600502 10/12/2023 2266 EE VENDOR #2266 09/26/23 REIMB: RFRSHMNT NICOLAS/CALLE GIRASOL MTG EFT 50.17 600656 10/26/2023 2266 EE VENDOR #2266 10/09/23 REIMB: RFRSHMNTS NICOLAS/CALLE GIRASOL MTG EFT 41.27 300756 10/26/2023 2489 EE VENDOR #2489 REIMB: CONFERENCE REIMB: FOCUS ON THE FUTURE 2023 CONFERENCE Printed 1,413.74 600611 10/26/2023 2544 EE VENDOR #2544 REIMB: CONFERENCE REIMB: SHAW CONF: B0OT CAMP EFT 154.58 600566 10/19/2023 2604 EE VENDOR #2604 09/28/23 REIMB: STAGE LIGHTING/SOUND SUPPLIES EFT 160.91 600598 10/26/2023 2627 EE VENDOR #2627 REIMB: CONFERENCE REIMB: SHAW CONF: B0OT CAMP EFT 184.17 300693 10/19/2023 2881 EE VENDOR #2881 REIMB: ICC CERT REIMB: ICC CERTIFICATION: BLDG Printed 230.00 600542 10/19/2023 3005 EE VENDOR #3005 REIMB: MISAC CONF REIMB: MISAC'23 CONFERENCE EFT 464.86 300592 30/5/2023 3066 EE VENDOR #3066 REIMB: EDUCATION REIMB: ICC CERTIFICATION Printed 369.00 300606 10/5/2023 3324 EE VENDOR #3324 REIMB: 09/20/23 REIMB: REFRESHMENTS: PLANNING COMMISSION Printed 65.02 300746 10/26/2023 3350 EE VENDOR #3350 REIMB: LODGING REIMB: LODGING: SHAW CONF: HR Printed 3,137.70 600607 10/26/20231962 EHS INTERNATIONAL INC 3-20264 CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SVCS:PW-CIP, PW19-07 EFT 3,720.00 600607 10/26/2023 1962 EHS INTERNATIONAL INC i 3-20223 GENERAL:MOLD INSPECTION:RISK EFT 3,625.00 600608 10/26/2023 2385 EIDE BAILLY LLP E10568555 AUDIT SERVICES: FINANCE EFT 2,000.00 600609 10/26/2023 2031 ELITE CLAIMS MANAGEMENT INC 2023-670 SEP'23 3RD PARTY CLAIM ADMIN: WC EFT 1,250.00 15624 10/11/20231171 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS RESEARCH INSTITUTE INC 94570490 REGISTRATION: INFRASTRUCTURE MGMT GIS CONF Wire 250.00 15570 10/11/2023 1958 EUROPA VILLAGE LLC ! 9951 DEPOSIT: TEAM BLDG: HR Wire jbb� 500.00 15414 10/11/2023 1911 EVENTBRITE.COM 2854 REGISTRATION: FUNRAISER EVENT Wire 92.55 15603 10/11/2023 1911 EVENTBRITE.COM i 1991 REGISTRATION: MURR-TEM ALUMNAE CHAPTER MTG Wire 92.55 300643 10/12/2023 2469 EXP US SERVICES INC 131624 SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK PHASE II Printed 7,963.48 15619 10/11/2023 1425 EXPEDIA.COM 5009 LODGING: CASQA CONFERENCE: PW Wire A� (437.77) 15707 10/11/2023 2749 EXTENDED STAY AMERICA 9288 LODGING: EMERGENCY HOTEL FOR HOMELESS CLIENT Wire 437.22 15319 10/12/2023 1998 EYEMED VISION CARE BEN349735 VISION PLAN PAYMENT mommkill- Wire �2,096.43 300598 10/5/2023 1892 FAIR HOUSING COUNCIL OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY INC #1 JUL'23 JUL SUB -RECIPIENT: FAIR HOUSING SVCS Printed 1,205.28 15419 10/11/2023 2012 FEAST CALIFORNIA CAFE LLC 1221 REFRESHMENTS: CITY CNCL WORKSHOP MTG Wire 318.06 300644 10/12/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-263-54941A EXPRESS MAILING SERVICES: HR Printed 25.44 300687 10/19/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-263-54941B EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: CIP: PW Printed 8.17 300743 10/26/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-263-54941C EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: PW Printed 8.17 600472 10/12/2023 1109 FIELDMAN ROLAPP AND ASSOCIATES 28635 CFD NO 16-01 ANNEXATION AGREEM EFT 2,483.00 600538 10/19/2023 1109 FIELDMAN ROLAPP AND ASSOCIATES 28634 ALTAIR CFD FORMATION EFT 829.00 600539 10/19/2023 1219 FINE ARTS NETWORK ADVANCE TICKET SALES ADV TICKET SALES: CATCH ME IF YOU CAN 10/13-10/29 EFT 14,000.00 15478 10/11/20233315 FIVERR INC 4943B SOCIAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN: BUDGETTALK VIDEO Wire 39.43 600610 10/26/2023 1871 FLATIRON WEST INC 5 1-15/FV PKWY IMPROVEMENTS: PH II: CIP EFT 2,097,155.84 300645 10/12/2023 2079 FLEETCREW INC 5482 DIESEL VEHICLE MAINT SVCS: PW STREET MAINT Printed 2,432.50 300744 10/26/2023 2079 FLEETCREW INC 12767 BAL DUE: DIESEL VEHICLE MAINT SVCS: PW STREET MAIN Printed 16.31 600541 10/19/2023 2643 FORENSIC NURSING OF SOCAL INC 2342 SART EXAMS:TE232730112: POLICE EFT 1,200.00 600612 10/26/2023 2643 FORENSIC NURSING OF SOCAL INC 2349 SART EXAMS EFT 800.00 300599 10/5/20231176 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD BEN349620 ACCOUNT#573931267 Printed 50.00 300599 30/5/20231176 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD BEN349694 _ ACCOUNT#573931267 Printed 50.00 300599 10/5/20231176 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD BEN349708 ACCOUNT # 573931267 Printed 50.00 300599 10/5/20231176 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD BEN349646 ACCOUNT#573931267 Printed 50.00 15383 10/20/2023 2067 FRONTIER CALIFORNIA INC VAR SEP/OCi FRONTIER VARIOUS SEP/OCT INTERNET SVCS Wire 12,451.65 300646 10/12/20231497 FULL COMPASS SYSTEMS INCO2414280 - SOUND/LIGHTING& MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER Printed 708.29 300745 10/26/2023 1497 FULL COMPASS SYSTEMS INCO2420715 SOUND/LIGHTING & MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER Printed 140.22 600429 10/5/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0012878984-001 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS EFT 1,025.38 600615 10/26/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0013098960-002 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS EFT 819.50 600615 10/26/2023 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0012025612-001 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS EFT 894.93 600616 10/26/2023 1121 GALLS LLC BC1970895 UNIFORMS: TEM SHERIFF EFT 87.84 600617 10/26/2023 2374 GEORGE HILLS COMPANY INC INV1026480 CLAIMS TPA: RM EFT ' 3,402.00 300688 10/19/2023 2722 GEOTAB USA INC IN359226 VEHICLE TELEMATICS:CITY FLEET: IT Printed 1,684.75 600430 10/5/2023 2359 GILLIS AND PANICHAPAN ARCHITECTS INC 108567J ARCHITIECTURAL SVCS: PW-CIP, PW19-14 EFT _1,361.00 600473 10/12/2023 2359 GILLIS AND PANICHAPAN ARCHITECTS INC 108565J EXTERIOR ADA IMPROV'T ARCH SVCS: PW-CIP, ON -CALL EFT 191.00 600473 10/12/2023 2359 GILLIS AND PANICHAPAN ARCHITECTS INC 108586J ARCHITECTURAL SVCS: PW-CIP,PW19-07,ON-CALL EFT _5,745.00 600473 10/12/2023 2359 GILLIS AND PANICHAPAN ARCHITECTS INC 108566J ARCHITECTURAL SVCS, PW-CIP, PW19-07, ON -CALL EFT 6,000.00 15630 10/11/2023 2044 GOATAND VINETHE 0782 REFRESHMENTS: PLANNING COMMISSION MTG Wire 199.23 300600 10/5/2023 1813 GODS FAN CLUB CDBG: ORTIZ CDBG: RENTAL ASSISTANCE: ORTIZ Printed 1,825.00 600618 10/26/2023 1554 GOFORTH AND MARTI 0289111-IN_Ila_ COMM DEV DESK CHAIRS: HR . EFT ' 5,002.46 300601 10/5/2023 1523 GOLDEN VALLEY MUSIC SOCIETY STTLM NT: 9/3 & 9/24 CLASSICS @ THE MERC 9/3 & 9/24 Printed 336.00 300607 10/5/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1409 HVAC SUPPLES: FACILITY MAINT IF Printed 358.86 300751 10/26/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1421 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 174.00 300751 10/26/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1412 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 62.60 300751 10/26/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1411 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 928.22 300602 10/5/2023 2138 GOVCONNECTION INC 74484264 HPI DESKTOP REPLACEMENTS:TEM PUBLIC LIBRARY: IT Printed 21,868.86 300602 10/5/2023 2138 GOVCONNECTION INC 74523580 REPLACEMENT WORKSTATION: IT (GIS) Printed 4,993.80 15636 10/11/20231007 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION GFOA 4875 AWARD SUBMISSION FEE: FINANCE Wire 665.00 15672 10/11/20231007 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION GFOA 9233 REGISTRATION: WEBINAR: FINANCE Wire 85.00 15640 10/11/20233389 GOVERNMENT TAX SEMINARS LLC 8070 REGISTRATION: WEBINAR: GOV'T TAX m Wire 495.00 15641 10/11/20233389 GOVERNMENT TAX SEMINARS LLC 3071 REGISTRATION: WEBINAR: GOV'T TAX Wire 495.00 15480 10/11/2023 3456 GOVT SOCIAL MEDIA 2955 REGISTRATION: SOCIAL MEDIA CONFERENCE Wire 699.00 300603 10/5/20233128 GREEN ACRES INTERACTIVE THERAPY CSF FY23/24 COMMUNITY SVC FUNDING: REINVEST IN TEMECULA Printed 7,400.00 600543 10/19/2023 1197 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY INLAND VALLEY INC , CDBG FY22/23 CDBG FY 22/23 MACHADO & STEEN EFT 24,133.63 300636 10/12/2023 1383 HANCOCK LORENA 3700.203-3710.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 1,029.00 300647 10/12/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC , 2646/SEP MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: CRC: PW Printed 145.84 300647 10/12/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2716/SEP MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: IWTCM: PW Printed 766.75 300647 10/12/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2664/SEP MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: MPSC: PW Printed 275.57 300647 10/12/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2708/SEP MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: OLD TOWN: PW Printed 48.68 300647 10/12/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2649/SEP MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: PARKS: PW i Printed 4,084.25 300647 10/12/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2107/SEP MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: THEATER Printed 490.22 300647 10/12/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2733/SEP MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: TRAFFIC: PW ' Printed 258.55 300647 10/12/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2734/SEP MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: LIBRARY Printed 43.23 300647 10/12/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2702/SEP MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: TVM: PW Printed 75.00 300647 10/12/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2641/SEP MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: STREETS &TRAFFIC: PW Printed 210.60 300648 10/12/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2671/SEP MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: FOC Printed 4.33 300648 10/12/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2729/SEP MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: HARVESTON LAKE Printed 5.97 300689 10/19/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2644/SEP-A MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR � Printed 1,366.39 300689 10/19/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2818/SEP MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: CODE ENFORCEMENT Printed 19.56 300747 10/26/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2644/SEP-B MISC HARDWARE SUPPLIES: FIRE DEPT r Printed 76.69 300747 10/26/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2634/SEP-A SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP: FIRE Printed 130.47 300748 10/26/2023 2225 HASA INC '� , 924054 POOL SANTIZING CHEMICALS: CITY POOL Printed ' 853.24 300604 10/5/2023 1791 HELXSTORM INC 14456 HPE CAREPACK: IT Printed 1,284.00 300690 10/19/2023 1791 HELIXSTORM INC 14576 VEEAM RENEWAL:IT Printed 1�,814.80 600474 10/12/2023 2235 HICKS AND HARTWICK INC 8227 ENG PLAN CHECK SRVCS:PW - LAND DEV EFT 6,370.00 15599 10/11/20231074 HILTON 5333 LODGING: CAL CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE Wire 1- 414.56 600544 10/19/2023 2547 HINER DOUGLAS 2023-SEPTEMBER UMPIRE OFFICIATING SVCS: CITY ADULT SOFTBALL:TCSD EFT 3,528.00 300605 30/5/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT = 3293310 MPSC GARDEN SUPPLIES: HUMAN SERVICES: TCSD Printed 1-154.29 300605 10/5/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 7973996 HARDWARE SUPPLIES: FACILITIES: PW Printed 1,895.51 300691 10/19/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 0974467 FACILITIES MAINT:PW ' Printed 28.47 300691 10/19/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 6974652 HARDWARE SUPPLIES Printed 97.40 300691 10/19/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 6974653 HARDWARE SUPPLIES Printed -124.12 300691 10/19/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 0974466 FACILITIES MAINT:PW Printed 32.59 15477 10/11/2023 3316 HOT DOG ON A STICK 4552 REFRESHMENTS: SUMMER CARNIVAL: FINAL PAYMENT Wire 1,755.45 300749 10/26/2023 3319 HOUSTON AND HARRIS PCS INC 23-25471 EMERGENCY STORM DRAIN INSPECTION Printed 2,305.00 600619 10/26/2023 2233 HOWELLANN MARIE COT_COMSERV_0923 MILITARY BANNER PROGRAM mmom EFT 318.75 15609 10/11/20233254 HUDSON GROUP 9655 REFRESHMENTS: CAL CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE Wire 4.54 15468 10/11/20233244 HYATTREGENCY 2897 LODGING: CAL CITIES CONFERENCE Wire 749.46 15469 10/11/20233244 HYATT REGENCY 1517 LODGING: CAL CITIES CONFERENCE Wire 749.46 15470 10/11/20233244 HYATTREGENCY 3574 REFRESHMENTS: CAL CITIES CONFERENCE Wire 30.10 15485 10/11/2023 3244 HYATT REGENCY 1585 REFRESHMENTS: CAL CITIES CONFERENCE Wire 30.66 15488 10/11/20233244 HYATTREGENCY 9550 REFRESHMENTS: CAL CITIES CONFERENCE Wire 51.59 15490 10/11/20233244 HYATT REGENCY 2747 LODGING: CAL CITIES CONFERENCE Wire 749.46 15593 10/11/20233244 HYATTREGENCY 0674 REFRESHMENTS: CAL CITIES CONFERENCE Wire 70.90 15616 10/11/20233244 HYATT REGENCY 0691 LODGING: CAL CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE Wire 749.46 600475 10/12/2023 1585 1 P C INDUSTRIES INC O1-182704 GOLF CART RENTALS: COLOR RUN: TCSD EFT 2,879.63 15492 10/11/20233455 IE PSHRA 8990 REGISTRATION: TRAINING WEBINAR Wire 40.00 15493 10/11/2023 3455 IE PSHRA 2340 REGISTRATION: TRAINING WEBINAR Wire 80.00 600431 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40216 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV EFT 2,180.00 600431 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40200 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 1,552.00 600431 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40202 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV EFT 4,824.50 600431 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40125 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 3,062.00 600431 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40104 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 2,357.00 600431 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40116 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 2,112.00 600431 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40215 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV EFT 3,598.00 600431 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40097 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 2,392.00 600431 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40103 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 1,462.00 600431 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40098 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 4,107.00 600432 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40126 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 589.50 600432 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40114 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 962.00 600432 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40214 WEED ABATEMENT SVCS: COMM DEV EFT 512.00 600432 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40120 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 797.00 600432 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40199 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 622.15 600432 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40124 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 672.00 600432 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40122 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 892.00 600432 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40095 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 997.00 600432 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40123 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 452.00 600432 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40102 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 532.00 600433 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40045 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 377.00 600433 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40117 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 342.00 600433 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40051 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 377.00 600433 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40119 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 452.00 600433 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40118 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 342.00 600433 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40046 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 349.50 600433 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40048 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 377.00 600433 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40201 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 415.59 600433 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40100 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 377.00 600433 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40049 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 349.50 600434 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40101 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 222.00 600434 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40054 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 197.00 600434 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40099 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 277.00 600434 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40090 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 222.00 600434 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40053 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 197.00 600434 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40096 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT A 322.00 600434 10/5/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40055 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES - WEED ABATEMENT EFT 197.00 600620 10/26/2023 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40217 ENCAMPMENT CLEAN UPS: TCSD: HOMELESS OUTREACH EFT 1111M,027.25 300750 10/26/2023 1841 INLAND EROSION CONTROL SRVCS 97258 EROSION CONTROL SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 660.00 600476 10/12/2023 1396 INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS 253219 JUL COPIER MAINT/REPAIR/USAGE: LIBRARY EFT 890.84 600476 10/12/2023 1396 INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS 253218 JULCOPIER MAINT/REPAIR/USAGE: CITYWIDE EFT 6,260.92 15566 10/11/2023 2245 INSTACART.COM 8840 POP UP EVENT: TEAM PACE Wire 1- 151.87 15312 10/12/2023 1047 INSTATAX EDD BEN349757 STATE TAX PAYMENT Wire 49,696.76 15362 10/26/2023 1047 INSTATAX EDD BEN349771 STATE TAX PAYMENT Wire dj�,649.91 16020 10/16/2023 1047 INSTATAX EDD BEN101223 STATE TAX PAYMENT Wire 889.81 16317 10/27/2023 1047 INSTATAX EDD BEN350105 3RD QTR 2023 UI & ETT PAYMENT Wire 14,972.37 15313 10/12/2023 1027 INSTATAX IRS BEN349753 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT Wire 146,061.57 15363 10/26/2023 1027 INSTATAX IRS BEN349771 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT Wire 140,362.14 16019 10/13/2023 1027 INSTATAX IRS BEN1012232 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT Wire 2,667.11 300649 10/12/2023 3035 INTERFLEX PAYMENT LLC BEN349694 CHILD CARE, MEDICAL REIMBURSEMENT FSA Printed 26,179.95 300692 10/19/2023 3035 INTERFLEX PAYMENT LLC BEN349755 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT FSA: PAYMENT Printed 25,925.79 15481 10/11/2023 1012 INTL COUNCIL OF SHOPPING CENTERS INC T 2670 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: ECO DEV Wire 125.00 600621 10/26/2023 2955 INTL LINE BUILDERS INC 902903 TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROMENADE MALL EFT 177,648.03 600435 10/5/20231757 INTRADO LIFE AND SAFETY INC Z 6078264 AUG ENTERPRISES 911 SVC: INFO TECH EFT 300.00 15496 10/11/20231674 ISTOCK INTL INC 6511 SUBSCRIPTION: PROMO IMAGES: TCSD Wire 120.00 15521 10/11/20231674 ISTOCK INTL INC 8293 SUBSCRIPTION: PROMO IMAGES: TCSD Wire 120.00 600545 10/19/2023 1719 JACOBS HOUSE INC BEN349743 EMPLOYEE CHARITY DONATIONS: PAYMENT EFT 40.00 600622 10/26/2023 1660 JOE RHODES MAINT SERVICE INC ' B1144 FUEL PUMP REPAIR: STATION 84 EFT 1,080.68 300752 10/26/2023 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP 68247 BUS LIC RENEWLAS: FINANCE Printed 2,413.70 600477 10/12/2023 3261 KENNEDY COURT REPORTERS INC 39503 COURT REPORTING SVCS: OAH HEARING: COMM DEV EFT 243.95 600436 10/5/2023 1090 KEYSER MARSTON ASSOCIATES INC 0038006 ON CALL CONSULTANT SVCS: PLANNING EFT 1,043.75 15516 10/11/2023 3442 KOALA KARE PRODUCTS 3209 REPLACEMENT STRAP: CHANGING TABLE: CRC Wire 27.75 15491 10/11/2023 3454 KOMA MASSAGE 5072 HEALTH & WELLNESS FAIR Wire 600.00 15697 10/11/2023 2166 LA COCINA BAR AND GRILL 5022 REFRESHMENTS: OUTREACH MTG Wire 213.50 300694 10/19/20231136 LAKE ELSINORE ANIMAL FRIENDS JUL'23 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES Printed 10,762.50 300694 10/19/20231136 LAKE ELSINORE ANIMAL FRIENDS SEP'23 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES Printed 10,762.50 300695 10/19/20231136 LAKE ELSINORE ANIMAL FRIENDS AUG'23 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES Printed 10,762.50 15473 10/11/2023 1788 LAKE ELSINORE VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 8543 REGISTRATION: STATE OF THE CITY Wire 200.00 15538 10/11/2023 1788 LAKE ELSINORE VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 3197 REGISTRATION: STATE OF THE CITY Wire 100.00 15618 10/11/2023 1788 LAKE ELSINORE VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1746 REGISTRATION: STATE OF THE CITY Wire 100.00 300753 10/26/20231840 LANAIR GROUP LLC 72046 MITEL PHONES:MRC CIP PW I7-21 Printed 5,582.46 600623 10/26/2023 1930 LDCO INC _ LD-10-04-23 COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER RE EFT 35,828.58 15533 10/11/2023 1014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 0620 CREDIT: REGISTRATION: CAL CITIES CONF Wire (575.00) 600437 10/5/2023 1050 LEIGHTON CONSULTING INC 58884 GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW: COMM DEV ! EFT 3,831.00 600478 10/12/20231050 LEIGHTON CONSULTING INC 59056 EMERGENCY GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES: MAINT:PW EFT 1,633.87 15511 10/11/2023 3439 LETLET BAKES AND CATERING LLC 0245 REFRESHMENTS: CULTURE DAY: TVM Wire 220.54 15412 10/11/20232350 LEWIS CLEANERS 9437 LAUNDRY SVCS: TABLE LINENS: CITY CLERK Wire 137.25 15459 10/11/20232350 LEWIS CLEANERS 4041 LAUNDRY SVCS: LINENS Wire 96.50 300650 10/12/20231162 LITELINES INC 19827 LIGHT POLES, OLD TOWN Printed 42,499.50 300754 10/26/2023 3198 LOOMIS ARMORED US LLC 13341360 ARMORED CAR SVCS: FINANCE Printed 1,034.35 600624 10/26/20231864 LOTA RAYMOND ARTHUR 2023-10-27 CARNIVAL PHOTOBOOTH: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD EFT 750.00 15462 10/11/2023 2271 LYFT 2657 TRANSPORTATION: CAL CITIES CONFERENCE jjjjb� Wire 27.22 15471 10/11/2023 2271 LYFT 4525 TRANSPORTATION: CAL CITIES CONFERENCE Wire 29.99 15472 10/11/2023 2271 LYFT 7171 TRANSPORTATION: CAL CITIES CONFERENCE Wire 7.50 15590 10/11/2023 2271 LYFT 6575 TRANSPORTATION: CAL CITIES CONFERENCE Wire 8.98 15591 10/11/2023 2271 LYFT 5787 TRANSPORTATION: CAL CITIES CONFERENCE Wire 30.96 15592 10/11/2023 2271 LYFT 5121 TRANSPORTATION: CAL CITIES CONFERENCE Wire 24.10 15594 10/11/2023 2271 LYFT 6260 TRANSPORTATION: CAL CITIES CONFERENCE Wire 19.67 15595 10/11/2023 2271 LYFT 3743 TRANSPORTATION: CAL CITIES CONFERENCE Wire 41.25 15596 10/11/2023 2271 LYFT 7284 TRANSPORTATION: CAL CITIES CONFERENCE Wire 33.30 15597 10/11/2023 2271 LYFT 6880 TRANSPORTATION: CAL CITIES CONFERENCE Wire 17.94 300651 10/12/2023 1302 M AND J PAUL ENTERPRISES INC 082423 JUMPER GAME RENTALS -TEAM PACE Printed 175.00 300652 10/12/2023 1302 MANDJ PAUL ENTERPRISES INC 091523 CITY OF TEMEC JUMPER GAME RENTALS -SPECIAL EVENTS Printed 1,795.00 300652 10/12/2023 1302 M AND J PAUL ENTERPRISES INC 092423 CITY OF TEMEC JUMPER/GENERATOR RENTALS: COLOR RUN: TCSD Printed 1�,940.00 300652 10/12/2023 1302 M AND J PAUL ENTERPRISES INC 093023 CITY OF TEMEC MISC EVENT SVCS: TCSD Printed 1,845.00 300608 10/5/2023 1806 M C I COMM SERVICE SEP 7DK89878 SEP 7DK89878 XXX-0714 USAGE MALL PD _ Printed 36.26 300608 10/5/2023 1806 M C I COMM SERVICE SEP 7DK90589 SEP 7DK90589 XXX-3046 GEN USAGE Printed 34.58 600546 10/19/2023 1243 MANALILI DE VILLA AILEEN 1200.202 2ND HALF TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,866.38 600625 10/26/20232619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3083R EMERGENCY SLOPE TREE SERVICES EFT 3,898.72 600625 10/26/20232619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3080 EMERGENCY TREE TRIMMING: STA 84 EFT 997.49 600625 10/26/20232619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3079R ANNUALTREE TRIM MI NG,REMOVALS& PLANTING AT PARKS EFT 9,446.97 600625 10/26/20232619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC- 3151 TREE TRIMMING: WINCHESTER CREEK SLOPE: PW � EFT 935.56 600625 10/26/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3081R ANNUAL RIGHT OF WAY TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLAN EFT 3,244.16 600480 10/12/2023 2376 MARK THOMAS AND COMPANY INC 48691 I-15 CONGENSTION RELIEF EFT _2,415.25 15420 10/11/20231097 MARRIOTT HOTEL 9447 LODGING: ICMA ANNUAL CONFERENCE Wire 1,364.32 300653 10/12/2023 1996 MATCHETTVIVIAN , 1320.201-1320.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 548.80 15324 10/11/2023 2388 MATRIX TELECOM LLC 1197158164 SEP 800 SERVICES: CIVIC CENTER Wire 69.32 300697 10/19/2023 3337 MATTHIES FRANK H , DEMO: BLACKSMITH PERFORMING ARTS AGREEMENT: BLACKSMITH IF Printed J- 400.00 600438 10/5/2023 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 17844 CDBG ADMINISTRATION SVCS: COMM DEV EFT 6,356.38 600481 10/12/2023 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 17845 AUG ADA LABOR COMPLIANCE SVCS: PW18-16 _ EFT 1-179.38 600481 10/12/2023 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 17846 AUG ADA LABOR COMPLIANCE SVCS: PW20-13 EFT 1,777.50 600547 10/19/2023 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 17847 AUG ADA LABOR COMPLIANCE: PW22-08 , EFT 1-824.38 600626 10/26/2023 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 17777 JULADA LABOR COMPLIANCE: PW22-08 EFT 1,216.88 15474 10/11/2023 2071 MEMORABLE BITES LLC 1134 REFRESHMENTS: COUNCIL/PLANNING COMM VORKSHOP Wire JJ- 511.83 300609 10/5/20231185 MET LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY BEN349670 DENTAL PAYMENT Printed 14,914.23 300698 10/19/2023 1185 MET LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY BEN349731 DENTAL PAYMENT Printed ___9_4,819.69 600627 10/26/2023 2042 MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL 1190751 ENGR & SURVEY SERVICES - CIP, PW17-28, ON -CALL EFT 8,542.00 15455 10/11/2023 1111 MICHAELS STORES INC 9650 PICTURE FRAMES: PUBLIC RECOGNITION PROCLAMATION Wire 67.43 600482 10/12/2023 2259 MICHELLE MEDINA 1040.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,120.00 600628 10/26/2023 2259 MICHELLE MEDINA 1040.202 2ND HALF TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT F 1,120.00 15575 10/11/2023 1354 MICHELLES PLACE CANCER RESOURCE CENTER 1836 REGISTRATIONS: WALK OF HOPE Wire 314.15 600483 10/12/2023 1327 MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC now- 407414 WELDING SERVICES:FOC: PW EFT 375.00 600483 10/12/2023 1327 MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC 407467 WELDING SERVICES: LIBRARY: PW EFT 465.00 600548 10/19/2023 1327 MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC 407609 WELDING SERVICE: OLD TOWN MAINT: PW EFT 150.00 600548 10/19/2023 1327 MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC 407616 WELDING SERVICES: PW PARKS EFT 180.00 600548 10/19/2023 1327 MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC 407617 WELDING SERVICES: PW PARKS EFT 240.00 600484 10/12/2023 1795 MIKO MOUNTAINLION INC 1183-121 REPLACE GUARDRAIL: HWY 795: PW EFT 9,572.00 600485 10/12/20231681 MIRANDAJULIO CESAR 3600.204-3630.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,440.60 600439 10/5/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516107-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR EFT 312.38 600439 10/5/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 5160070-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 620.77 600439 10/5/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516343 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT (293.61) 600439 10/5/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516201-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TPL: PW EFT 707.96 600439 10/5/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 515740-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, FACILITIES OPEN PO EFT 756.46 600439 10/5/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516199-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR EFT 943.95 600439 10/5/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516200-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CRC: PW EFT 707.96 600486 10/12/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516070-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 620.77 600549 10/19/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516421-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES:LIBRARY:PW EFT 203.61 600549 10/19/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516149-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS:PW EFT 379.06 600550 10/19/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516573-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, FACILITIES OPEN PO EFT 718.04 600550 10/19/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516530-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: SENIOR CENTER EFT 462.14 600550 10/19/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516239-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, FACILITIES OPEN PO EFT 47.18 600550 10/19/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516468-01 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, FACILITIES OPEN PO EFT 110.71 600550 10/19/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516303-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 880.84 600550 10/19/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516695-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: LIBRARY EFT 737.65 600550 10/19/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516880-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 110.62 600550 10/19/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516649-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: IWTCM EFT 1.63 600550 10/19/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516793-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: SENIOR CENTER EFT 576.73 600550 10/19/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516701-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CRC: PW EFT 179.20 600629 10/26/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517108-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 60.36 600630 10/26/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516816-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL EFT 50.18 600630 10/26/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516982-04 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 2,285.49 600630 10/26/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516602-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TPL 111111pl- EFT 174.00 600630 10/26/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517101-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 148.29 600630 10/26/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516695-01 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TPL EFT 326.69 600630 10/26/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 515595-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: IWTCM EFT 75.82 600630 10/26/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516736-01 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL EFT 961.35 600630 10/26/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC CM 516070-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT (620.77) 15310 10/12/2023 2356 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 106474 BEN349759 ICMA-401(A) RETIREMENT PLAN PAYMENT Wire 384.62 15360 10/26/20232356 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 106474 BEN349777 ICMA- 401(A) RETIREMENT PLAN PAYMENT Wire 384.62 15311 10/12/20231011 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 303355 BEN349761 ICMA-RC RETIREMENT TRUST 457 PAYMENT Wire 1�1,688.22 15361 10/26/20231011 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 303355 BEN349781 ICMA-RC RETIREMENT TRUST 457 PAYMENT Wire 18,175.31 600631 10/26/20231118 MIYAMOTO JURKOSKY SUSAN 2900.203-2905.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1- 994.93 15325 10/3/2023 2830 MOOD MEDIA NORTH AMERICA HOLDINGS LLC OCT'23 OCT'23 - DISH NETWORK SVCS Wire 240.56 600632 10/26/2023 1287 MOORE FENCE COMPANY INC 23-7918 FENCE INSTALL: CIVIC CENTER PARKING GARAGE: PW EFT 59,805.00 600440 10/5/20231240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2047.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 75.60 600487 10/12/20231240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2040.204-2045.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 791.00 600551 10/19/20231240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 09/23/23B WELCOME CENTER SIGNAGE: TCSD EFT 600.00 600551 10/19/20231240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J i 09/23/23A VARIOUS ART/EVENT ENTERTAINMENT/WORKSHOPS EFT 5,000.00 600633 10/26/20231240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2074.205 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 63.00 600479 10/12/2023 1567 MTGL INC 0069151 INSPECTION & TESTING SVCS: PW-CIP, PWPR-01-01 EFT 9,555.00 15670 10/11/20233300 MUNICIPAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS ASSOCIATION OF CALIF 0485 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: INFO TECH Wire 675.00 15483 10/11/2023 2248 MURRIETA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1303 REGISTRATION: STATE OF THE CITY Wire 90.00 600634 10/26/20232268 MUSSON THEATRICAL INC 00466834 SOUND/LIGHTING SUPPLIES: THEATER EFT 11,563.43 600634 10/26/20232268 MUSSON THEATRICAL INC 00467702 SOUND/LIGHTING SUPPLIES: THEATER EFT 1,133.97 600634 10/26/20232268 MUSSON THEATRICAL INC 00468063 SOUND/LIGHTING SUPPLIES: THEATER EFT 265.44 300699 10/19/2023 2020 MYTHOS TECHNOLOGY INC MSP-21709 OCT-DEC MONITORING SVCS: TVE2 Printed 450.00 15453 10/11/2023 3248 NALIPOPISH 4809 DECORATIONS: BALLOON ARCH: COUNCIL RECOGNITION Wire 300.00 300610 10/5/2023 2450 NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE LLC r MK595716-TDQ NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE- AQUATICS Printed 1�,109.14 300757 10/26/2023 2032 NATIONAL SAFETY COMPLIANCE INC 95506 OPEN PO-DOT-RISK/HR Printed 106.95 15314 10/12/20231088 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349749 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire J�,346.21 15315 10/12/2023 2086 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349763 NATIONWIDE LOAN REPAYMENT PAYMENT Wire 427.79 15316 10/12/20231038 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349767 OBRA- PROJECT RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire E�506.58 15364 10/26/20231088 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349773 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 16,615.73 15365 10/26/20232086 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349783 NATIONWIDE LOAN REPAYMENT PAYMENT Wire %-427.79 15366 10/26/20231038 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349787 OBRA- PROJECT RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 5,756.06 300611 10/5/2023 2105 NELSON BARBARA 09/25/23 PLEIN AIR ART PAINTING DEMONSTRATION Printed 200.00 15495 10/11/2023 2255 NETFUX.COM 2524 MONTHLY SVC CHARGE: TEEN ROOM: CRC Wire 9.99 15513 10/11/2023 2255 NETFLIX.COM 8598 MONTHLY SVC CHARGE: TEEN ROOM: CRC Wire ,R 9.99 600441 10/5/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75245 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES LEVEL C SLOPES EFT 62,010.00 600488 10/12/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75491 LANDSCAPE SVCS: FIRE STATIONS EFT 2,068.00 600488 10/12/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75497 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES LEVEL C SLOPES EFT 106.00 600488 10/12/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75498 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS AND MEDIANS EFT 77,622.00 600488 10/12/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75493 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS AND MEDIANS EFT 23,159.00 600488 10/12/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75492 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SVCS: FACILITIES ! EFT 11,245.00 600488 10/12/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75496 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES LEVEL C SLOPES EFT 62,010.00 600488 10/12/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75495 LANDSCAPE SVCS: HARVESTON LAKE lll� EFT -4,031.00 600488 10/12/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75494 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS AND MEDIANS EFT 56,141.00 600635 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75791 MISC LANDSCAPE WORK ATVARIOUS LOCATIONS J EFT �_ 395.44 600635 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75745 MISC REPAIRS AT PARK & RIDE AND REDHAWK DOG PARK EFT 356.13 600635 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75244 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS AND MEDIANS EFT 1111111�_6,141.00 600635 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75246 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS AND MEDIANS EFT 77,622.00 600635 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75427 LANDSCAPE SVCS: HARVESTON LAKE EFT 1�,031.00 600635 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75243 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS AND MEDIANS EFT 23,159.00 600635 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75790 MISC LANDSCAPE WORK ATVARIOUS LOCATIONS EFT479.58 600635 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75750 IRRIGATION REPAIR: CROWNE HILL SLOPE EFT 426.92 600635 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75765 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 650.00 600635 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75764 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 650.00 600636 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75766 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 234.54 600636 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75758 IRRIGATION REPAIRS VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 282.54 600636 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75743 MISC REPAIRS AT PARK & RIDE AND REDHAWK DOG PARK EFT 220.79 600636 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75754 IRRIGATION REPAIRS VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 312.16 600636 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75753 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS SLOPES: PW EFT 227.95 600636 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75759 IRRIGATION REPAIRS VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 259.91 600636 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75768 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 280.76 600636 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75742 IRRIGATION REPAIR - STATION 84 EFT 333.24 600636 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75767 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 265.07 600636 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75789 MISC LANDSCAPE WORK ATVARIOUS LOCATIONS EFT 286.08 600637 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75748 IRRIGATION REPAIRS AT REDHAWK MEDIAN EFT 180.80 600637 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75747 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS MEDIANS: PW EFT 182.33 600637 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75744 MISC REPAIRS AT PARK & RIDE AND REDHAWK DOG PARK EFT 191.57 600637 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75788 MISC LANDSCAPE WORK ATVARIOUS LOCATIONS EFT 131.40 600637 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75755 IRRIGATION REPAIRS VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 115.49 600637 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75770 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 139.88 600637 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75757 IRRIGATION REPAIRS VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 115.49 600637 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75792 MISC LANDSCAPE WORK ATVARIOUS LOCATIONS EFT 115.49 600637 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75746 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS MEDIANS: PW EFT 126.35 600637 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75793 MISC LANDSCAPE WORK ATVARIOUS LOCATIONS EFT 115.49 600638 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75752 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS SLOPES: PW EFT 91.68 600638 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75772 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 104.91 600638 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75756 IRRIGATION REPAIRS VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 115.49 600638 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75771 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 104.91 600638 10/26/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75769 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 114.37 15458 10/11/20232327 NOTHING BUNDT CAKES 8720 REFRESHMENTS: FORMER COUNCIL RECOGNITION Wire 120.00 15578 10/11/2023 2327 NOTHING BUNDT CAKES 6598 REFRESHMENTS: BENEFITS COMMITTEE Wire 64.00 600442 10/5/2023 1819 NPG INC 1122182 PUMP TRACK SLURRY: RRSP: PW EFT 8,970.00 600639 10/26/2023 1819 NPG INC 24777 MISC ITEMS FOR STENCILING: PW STREETS EFT 2,131.50 15402 10/11/2023 3395 NUGGET CASINO RESORT 5041 LODGING: CNOA CONFERENCE: PD Wire 128.26 15402 10/11/2023 3395 NUGGET CASINO RESORT 1974 LODGING: CNOA CONFERENCE Wire 128.26 15403 10/11/2023 3395 NUGGET CASINO RESORT 4366 LODGING: CNOA CONFERENCE: PD Wire 128.26 300758 10/26/2023 1013 NUTRIEN AG SOLUTIONS INC 52555181 TOOL & EQUIP STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 106.55 600489 10/12/2023 1511 NVS INC 351492 MARGARITA RECREATION CENTER EFT 41,029.57 15535 10/11/2023 1654 OAK GROVE INSTITUTE FOUNDATION 6276 REGISTRATION: FUNDRAISER EVENT: CIAO Wire 101.00 300612 30/5/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 167489 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE Printed 428.86 300759 10/26/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 167092 VEHICLE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE Printed 221.88 300759 10/26/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 166431 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE Printed 50.70 300759 10/26/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON, 167352 VEHICLE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE Printed L495.20 300759 10/26/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 141241 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE Printed 733.93 300759 10/26/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON L 166491 VEHICLE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE Printed 462.57 300759 10/26/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 165866 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE Printed 3,729.90 300759 10/26/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 167091 VEHICLE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE Printed 1-263.58 300759 10/26/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 166106 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE Printed 3,283.86 300759 10/26/20233040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 166445 VEHICLE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE Printed 1,828.29 300759 10/26/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 165854 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE Printed 245.36 600443 10/5/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72616 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 226.99 600443 10/5/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72639 VEHICLE MAINT: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 51.01 600443 10/5/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72399 BUILDING INSPECTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE EFT 491.54 600443 10/5/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72641 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 107.24 600443 10/5/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72554 BUILDING INSPECTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE EFT 188.71 600444 10/5/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72691 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 325.55 600490 10/12/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72772 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE -STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 97.13 600490 10/12/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72738 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE -STREET MAINTENANCE:PW EFT 164.19 600491 10/12/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72702 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: TCC EFT 438.17 600491 10/12/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72708 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: TCC EFT 54.88 600491 10/12/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72624 VEHICLE MAINT: PW LAND DEV EFT 99.50 600491 10/12/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72628 VEHICLE MAINT: PW -CIP EFT 51.01 600491 10/12/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72651 VEHICLE MAINT: PW - CIP EFT 99.50 600491 10/12/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72718 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: TCC EFT 51.86 600491 10/12/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72760 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 138.99 600552 10/19/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72741 VEHICLE MAINT: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 146.88 600641 10/26/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72726 BUILDING INSPECTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCES EFT 697.70 600641 10/26/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72539 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE- HOMELESS OUTREACH: TCSD EFT 529.24 600641 10/26/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72942 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 115.40 600641 10/26/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72719 VEHICLE MAINT: LAND DEV:PW EFT 51.75 600641 10/26/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72924 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 394.56 600642 10/26/2023 3089 OMB ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS INC 912308233 ADDITIONAL STREETLIGHTS ON MOR EFT 225.00 15626 10/11/2023 3385 OMNI HOTEL AND RESORTS 8833 LODGING: STAND-BY SUBPOENA: THE BANK Wire (368.95) 15613 10/11/20231400 ONTARIO AIRPORT PARKING LOT 0422 PARKING: AIRPORT FEE: CAL CITIES ANNUAL CONF Wire 72.00 300760 10/26/2023 3294 ORANGE TREE EMPLOYMENT SCREENING LLC 58012 TVE2 BACKGROUND CHECKS Printed 244.00 15614 10/11/2023 3485 OSAKA SUSHI 9495 REFRESHMENTS: CAL CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE Wire 20.40 600553 10/19/20231166 PACIFIC STRIPING INC 1 CITYWIDE TRAFFIC STRIPING: PW EFT 248,838.84 15411 10/11/2023 2895 PANDA EXPRESS 5448 REFRESHMENTS: CITY CNCL CLOSED SESSION MTG Wire 183.07 15628 10/11/2023 3053 PAPA FETA 6904 REFRESHMENTS: PLANNING COMMISSION MT4W Wire 326.75 15629 10/11/2023 3053 PAPA FETA 6414 REFRESHMENTS: PLANNING COMMISSION MTG Wire 54.36 15622 10/11/2023 3490 PARADISE POINT RESORT 4513 LODGING: CASQA CONFERENCE Wire 774.96 600492 10/12/2023 2216 PARKHOUSE TIRE SERVICES INC 3020275193 TIRE SVCS: PW STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 396.11 600492 10/12/2023 2216 PARKHOUSE TIRE SERVICES INC 3020275735 TIRE SVCS: PW STREET MAINTENANCE: PW or EFT 270.02 15514 10/11/2023 3440 PARKING CONCEPTS INC 9110 PARKING: SENIOR EXCURSION: MPSC Wire 75.00 15460 10/11/2023 3023 PARTY CITY 2359 TABLE CENTERPIECE: COUNCIL RECOGNITION: CM Wire 23.49 15461 10/11/2023 3023 PARTY CITY 2367 TABLE CENTERPIECE: COUNCIL RECOGNITION: CM Wire 10.77 15394 10/11/2023 1401 PAYPAL 4070 REGISTRATION: MOTOR RODEO: POLICE Wire 449.43 15508 10/11/2023 1401 PAYPAL 1387 VERISIGN PAYFLOW PRO TRANSACTION Wire 355.70 15530 10/11/2023 1401 PAYPAL 1290 VERISIGN PAYFLOW PRO TRANSACTION , Wire 273.80 15635 10/11/2023 1401 PAYPAL 3313 VERISIGN PAYFLOW PRO TRANSACTION Wire 25.00 15644 10/11/2023 1401 PAYPAL 2938 VERISIGN PAYFLOW PRO TRANSACTION , Wire 25.00 300761 10/26/2023 2155 PECHANGA BAND OF INDIANS 0718 BOOKS FOR GIFT SHOP: TCSD Printed 542.79 300613 30/5/2023 1214 PECHANGA BAND OF LUISENO MISSION INDIANS 20110 I-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROV Printed 13,003.73 300700 10/19/2023 1214 PECHANGA BAND OF LUISENO MISSION INDIANS 20376 I-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROV Printed 11,771.88 15617 10/11/20233486 PEETS COFFEE 4206 REFRESHMENTS: CAL CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE Wire 7.07 15487 10/11/2023 3453 PENNISIS DELI 1623 REFRESHMENTS: CAL CITIES CONFERENCE Wire 62.54 15611 10/11/20233453 PENNISIS DELI 1896 REFRESHMENTS: CAL CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE Wire 18.97 300654 10/12/2023 3323 PEREZ KORRIN 09/26/23 CLAIMS: SETTLEMENT Printed 300.00 15257 30/3/2023 1017 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT BEN349712 PERS RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 174,386.52 15318 10/12/2023 1017 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT BEN349751 PERS RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 174,700.60 15367 10/26/2023 1017 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT BEN349775 PERS RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 174,702.13 15317 10/12/2023 1016 PERS HEALTH INSUR PREMIUM BEN349747 PERS HEALTH PAYMENT Wire 188,591.88 15376 10/26/2023 1016 PERS HEALTH INSUR PREMIUM BEN349779 PERS HEALTH PAYMENT Wire 0.01 300701 10/19/20231018 PETTY CASH 10/13/23 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENTS Printed 759.42 15517 10/11/2023 3049 PIZZA FACTORY 1983 REFRESHMENTS: ART EXHIBITORS: TCSD Wire _ 271.04 600493 10/12/2023 2468 PLACEWORKS INC 82727 OLD TOWN PARKLETS PROGRAM: PLANNING Void 10,952.10 600554 10/19/2023 2468 PLACEWORKS INC 82727 OLD TOWN PARKLETS PROGRAM: PLANNING EFT 10,952.10 600643 10/26/2023 2468 PLACEWORKS INC 89384 OLD TOWN PARKLETS PROGRAM: PLANNING EFT 2,012.50 300614 30/5/2023 1363 PRE PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC BEN349682 PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES Printed 293.90 300614 10/5/2023 1363 PRE PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC BEN349530 PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES PAYMENT Printed 299.50 300702 10/19/2023 1363 PRE PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC BEN349745 PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES: PAYMENT Printed 273.65 300655 10/12/2023 3305 PREDICTIVE INDEX LLC SI-266 GENERAL:TEAMBUILDING:HR Printed 2,902.50 600515 10/12/2023 1493 PREMIER MARKETING INC 3156 HEALTH FAIR BALLOON ARCH: TCSD EFT 1-490.00 600515 10/12/2023 1493 PREMIER MARKETING INC 3140 ENTERTAINMENT: COLOR RUN: TCSD EFT 6,052.45 600579 10/19/2023 1493 PREMIER MARKETING INC 3121 PERFORMANCE/EVENTS: TCSD EFT '-975.00 600671 10/26/2023 1493 PREMIER MARKETING INC 3122 PERFORMANCE/EVENTS: TCSD EFT 170.00 15415 10/11/2023 1020 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC 5187 ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION: CITY CLERK Wire 14.00 15417 10/11/2023 1020 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC 0682 ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION: CITY CLERK Wire 14.00 15501 10/11/2023 1020 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC 9794 MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION: TCSD Wire 35.36 15502 10/11/2023 1020 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC 3035 MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION: TCSD Wire 18.00 15522 10/11/2023 1020 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC 4626 MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION: TCSD Wire 18.00 15515 10/11/2023 3441 PRINTMOZ 3563 POSTER: COLLEGE FAIR Wire 94.93 600644 10/26/2023 1721 PRO ACTIVE FIRE DESIGN AND CONSULTING INC , 2039 PLAN CHECKING SVCS: FIRE EFT 9,942.70 600555 10/19/2023 3169 PROJECT POWER INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS LLC INV00143096 CONTRACTOR MGMT ACCT FEE: RISK EFT 50,000.00 300762 10/26/2023 2466 PROPAC INC 381787 SHELTER SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT: EM Printed 14,623.44 600445 10/5/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132212812 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 79.82 600445 10/5/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY- 132212811E UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 600445 10/5/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132212811A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 79.65 600494 10/12/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132214093E UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 600494 10/12/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132213340 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 600494 10/12/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132213351 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 600494 10/12/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132213352 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 600494 10/12/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132213353 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 600494 10/12/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132214095 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 600494 10/12/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132212813 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 600494 10/12/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132214094 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 63.89 600494 10/12/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132213339 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 600494 10/12/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132214093A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 212.11 600645 10/26/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132215360 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 600645 10/26/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 131016828 CM: UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT (171.19) 600645 10/26/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132215359 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 63.89 600645 10/26/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132215358A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 117.88 600645 10/26/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132215358B UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 600646 10/26/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132215866 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 600646 10/26/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132214604 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 600646 10/26/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132215853 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 600646 10/26/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY _ 132215868 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 600646 10/26/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132217154 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 600646 10/26/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132217135 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 24.52 600646 10/26/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132217141 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 600646 10/26/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132217152 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 600646 10/26/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132214587 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 24.52 600646 10/26/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132214606 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 600647 10/26/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132214593 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 600647 10/26/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132216625B UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 600647 10/26/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132215854 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 600647 10/26/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY ' CM 13816-00 OPEN CREDIT ON ACCT 13816-00 EFT (10.92) 600647 10/26/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132216627 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 600647 10/26/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY- 132214594 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 600647 10/26/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132217142 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 600556 10/19/2023 2015 PSG BXN PURCHASER INC 055563 - VISITOR INSIGHTS AND SCOUT SOL EFT 1�,000.00 300703 10/19/20232290 QUESTICA LTD INV118611 BUDGET SOFTWARE ANNUAL SU BSCRI PTION:FINANCE Printed 50,900.19 15347 10/11/2023 3370 QUIROZ TACOS 2205 REFRESHMENTS: PREPARDNESS FAIR: 09/09/23 Wire 114.75 300656 10/12/2023 1847 RAND R CONTROLS INC 24823 ASSIST HVAC INSTALL, MARGARITA REC CENTER Printed 765.00 300657 10/12/2023 1103 R C P BLOCK AND BRICK INC 3296455M MISC MASONRY SUPPLIES: PW PARKS - Printed 36.74 300763 10/26/20231496 RADAR SHOP INC THE 15140E EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE: TEM SHERIFF Printed 1,293.00 15388 10/20/2023 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIOUS SEP WATER 2 VARIOUS WATER SVCS SEP BATCH 2 ! Wire 17,539.56 15389 10/27/2023 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIOUS SEP WATER 3 VARIOUS WATER SVCS SEP BATCH 3 Wire 19,401.56 15745 10/13/2023 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIOUS SEP WATER 1 VARIOUS WATER SVCS SEP BATCH 1 r Wire 56,390.32 15698 10/11/2023 1765 RANCHO DONUTS 0668 REFRESHMENTS: MTG AT RESOURCE CENTER Wire 19.55 600557 10/19/2023 1537 RANDALL MANAGEMENT GROUP 31286 PUBLIC NOTICE SIGN POSTING SERVICES FY2023-24 EFT 1,561.25 600557 10/19/2023 1537 RANDALL MANAGEMENT GROUP 31287 PUBLIC NOTICE SIGN POSTING SERVICES FY2023-24 EFT 1,988.50 15606 10/11/2023 3482 RARETEA DOWNTOWN SACRAMENTO , 5436 REFRESHMENTS: CAL CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE Wire 7.00 600495 10/12/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60168697-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITIES EFT 112.53 600495 10/12/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR ` 60170028-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CRC llll� EFT 32.43 600558 10/19/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60169577-00 ICE MACHINE MAINT: FIRE STATIONS EFT 71.20 600558 10/19/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60169668-00 ICE MACHINE MAINT: FIRE STATIONS EFT 34.17 600558 10/19/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60169632-00 ICE MACHINE MAINT: FIRE STATIONS EFT 50.02 600558 10/19/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60169478-00 ICE MACHINE MAINT: FIRE STATIONS EFT 90.78 600558 10/19/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60169749-00 ICE MACHINE MAINT: FIRE STATIONS EFT 40.37 600648 10/26/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60170340-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: MPSC EFT 226.58 15500 10/11/2023 2181 REYES NICOLE 5761 LAUNDRY SVCS: TABLE LINENS: TCSD Wire 286.75 15531 10/11/2023 2181 REYES NICOLE 4796 LAUNDRY SVCS: TABLE LINENS: TCSD Wire 159.25 300615 10/5/2023 2181 REYES NICOLE 34675795 LAUNDRY SVCS: HUMAN SERVICES/MPSC Printed 296.00 600446 10/5/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243669 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 7,376.10 600496 10/12/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243673 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 90.00 600497 10/12/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244328 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES: RM EFT 2,716.00 600497 10/12/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244324 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 13,801.35 600497 10/12/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244327 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES: RM EFT 2,587.00 600497 10/12/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244330 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES: RM EFT 2,322.00 600497 10/12/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244349 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,677.80 600497 10/12/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244353 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 16,372.77 600497 10/12/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 243677 JUL 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,405.14 600497 10/12/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244331 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES: RM EFT 4,394.30 600497 10/12/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244329 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES: RM EFT 5,753.40 600497 10/12/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244336 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES: RM EFT 5,574.50 600498 10/12/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244351 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 658.00 600498 10/12/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244348 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,320.00 600498 10/12/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244335 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES: RM EFT 392.50 600498 10/12/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244347 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES: RM EFT 270.00 600498 10/12/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244352 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 399.50 600498 10/12/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244361 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 480.00 600498 10/12/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244360 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 240.00 600498 10/12/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244344 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES: RM EFT 279.59 600498 10/12/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244359 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 376.00 600498 10/12/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244345 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 402.50 600499 10/12/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244356 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 120.00 600499 10/12/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244332 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 141.50 600499 10/12/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244355 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 120.00 600499 10/12/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244368 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 30.00 600559 10/19/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244325 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,400.60 600559 10/19/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244350 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 11,335.90 600559 10/19/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244338 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 7,579.08 600559 10/19/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244337 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 8,407.50 600559 10/19/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244358 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 4,116.50 600559 10/19/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244472 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES: RM EFT 15,320.00 600559 10/19/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244334 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES: RM EFT ... J3,506.02 600559 10/19/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244333 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 3,177.95 600559 10/19/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244362 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT _2,911.00 600559 10/19/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244346 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,900.95 600560 10/19/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244342 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 875.10 600560 10/19/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244339 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,525.00 600560 10/19/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244553 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 480.00 600560 10/19/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244592 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 412.50 600560 10/19/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244343 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,222.50 600560 10/19/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244558 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 482.00 600560 10/19/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244369 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 522.00 600560 10/19/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244371 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,065.00 600560 10/19/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244580 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 800.00 600560 10/19/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244591 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 647.50 600561 10/19/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244593 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 210.00 600561 10/19/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244589 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 60.00 600561 10/19/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244584 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 150.00 600561 10/19/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244366 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 90.00 600561 10/19/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244578 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 240.00 600649 10/26/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244549 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 3,717.86 600649 10/26/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244575 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES: RM EFT '�,610.26 600649 10/26/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244565 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,827.50 600649 10/26/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244354 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT __��,017.00 600649 10/26/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244552 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 5,948.90 600649 10/26/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244550 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT J�,748.34 600649 10/26/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244326 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES: RM EFT 12,939.47 600649 10/26/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244579 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES: RM EFT 1�,409.00 600649 10/26/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244581 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES: RM EFT 5,704.40 600649 10/26/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244548 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1�1,583.87 600650 10/26/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244561 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 510.00 600650 10/26/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244559 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 330.00 600650 10/26/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244574 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES: RM EFT 1,027.50 600650 10/26/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244564 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES � EFT 1-390.00 600650 10/26/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244572 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES: RM EFT 1,153.50 600650 10/26/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244567 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES: RM EFT 945.00 600650 10/26/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244556 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 320.00 600650 10/26/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244568 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,517.08 600650 10/26/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244555 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,470.00 600650 10/26/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244551 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,762.50 600651 10/26/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244573 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES: RM EFT 221.00 600651 10/26/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244367 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 300.00 600651 10/26/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244370 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 30.00 600651 10/26/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244569 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES: RM EFT 27.00 600651 10/26/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244576 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES: RM EFT 181.50 15550 10/11/2023 2366 RING.COM 1578 SUBSCRIPTION: OVERLAND TRAIL: FIRE Wire 100.00 15499 10/11/2023 3438 RIVERSIDE ART MUSEUM 7050 ADMISSION TICKETS: SENIOR EXCURSION Wire 442.30 15497 10/11/2023 1104 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 5957 HEALTH PERMIT: NAT'L PREPAREDNESS FAIR: TCSD Wire 207.00 15498 10/11/2023 1104 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 6575 HEALTH PERMIT: NAT'L PREPAREDNESS FAIR: TCSD Wire 4.91 15509 10/11/2023 1104 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 7856 HEALTH PERMIT: ROCKTOBER EVENT Wire 102.00 15510 10/11/2023 1104 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 8532 HEALTH PERMIT: ROCKTOBER EVENT Wire 2.42 300616 10/5/2023 1045 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 23-243303 CEQA FILINGS: PWUG-04-01 Printed 50.00 300616 10/5/2023 1045 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 23-234659 CEQA FILINGS: PW23-16 Printed 50.00 300616 , 30/5/2023 1045 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 23-238684 CEQA FILINGS: LR23-0050 , Printed 50.00 300616 10/5/2023 1045 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 23-214658 CEQA FILINGS: PW23-17 Printed 50.00 300617 30/5/2023 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PE0000001223B AUG EMERG RADIO RENTALS: CO� Printed 513.10 300618 10/5/20231042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY BEN349622 WAGE GARNISHMENT- LEVYING OFFICER 2023202849 Printed 637.59 300658 10/12/2023 1104 RIVERSIDE COUNTY IN0490111 PERMIT RENEWAL: CRC Printed 933.00 300659 10/12/2023 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PE0000001223A AUG EMERG RADIO RENTALS: EOC Printed 102.62 300764 10/26/2023 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PE0000001287 EMERGENCY RADIO RENTAL Printed 1,395.67 300764 10/26/2023 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PE0000001288A SEP EMERG RADIO RENTALS: EOC Printed 102.62 300764 10/26/2023 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY OE0000001288B SEP EMERG RADIO RENTALS: CODE ENF - Printed 513.10 300765 10/26/2023 1042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SH0000044201 07/27/23-08/23/23 LAW ENFORCEMENT Printed 2,954,546.44 600562 10/19/2023 1022 RIVERSIDE COUNTY i 235130 PARAMEDIC SQUAD VEHICLES: FIRE EFT 400,776.84 15397 10/11/2023 2961 RIVERSIDE POLICE FOUNDATION 5340 RIVERSIDE POLICE EXPLORER COMPETITION: PD Wire 1,120.00 15547 10/11/20231379 ROSAS CAFE AND TORTILLA FACTORY 9706 REFRESHMENTS: PEER SUPPORT Wire 69.87 15601 10/11/20231903 SAN DIEGO AIRPORT PARKING 8075 PARKING: CAL CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE Wire 190.00 600653 10/26/2023 3263 SAN DIEGO KOREAN PUNGMUL INSTITUTE= 10/16/23 PERFORMING ARTS AGREEMENT 10-1 EFT _1,000.00 600654 10/26/2023 1552 SANBORN GWYNETH A CO TEMECULA MUSIC ACADEMY PERF: 10/07/23 COUNTRY LIVE @ THE MERC 10/07/23 EFT 766.25 600447 10/5/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 09192023 MISC. PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES - EFT 300.00 600501 10/12/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 09152023 MPSC/HUMAN SERVICES PHOTOGRAPHY EFT 275.00 600501 10/12/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 09252023 PHOTOGRAPHY: THEATER: TCSD = EFT 440.00 600501 10/12/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 09162023 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES FOR SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 400.00 600501 10/12/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 09222023 OPEN PO MUSEUM/ACE PHOTOGRAPHY EFT 325.00 600564 10/19/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 09302023 MPSC/HUMAN SERVICES PHOTOGRAPHY EFT 400.00 600655 10/26/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON = 10062023 OPEN PO MUSEUM/ACE PHOTOGRAPHY EFT '-275.00 600655 10/26/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 10112023 PHOTOGRAPHY: THEATER: TCSD EFT 1,030.00 600655 10/26/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 09232023 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: WORKFORCE PROGRAMS: TCSD EFT '-300.00 600655 10/26/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 10072023 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES FOR SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 300.00 300619 10/5/2023 2360 SB&O INC 923131 ENGINEERING &SURVEY SVCS: PW-CIP, PW22-15 Printed 1�,565.60 300619 10/5/2023 2360 SB&O INC 823029 ENGINEERING &SURVEY SVCS: CIP, PW22-15 Printed 10,333.50 300660 10/12/2023 2360 SB&O INC 823026 DESIGN, ENVIRO & SURVEY SVS: PW-CIP, ON -CALL AGRM Printed - 226.00 300660 10/12/2023 2360 SB&O INC 723028 ENGINEERING & SURVEY SVCS: CIP, PW22-15 Printed 20,763.60 300660 10/12/2023 2360 SB&O INC 923130 ENGINEERING &SURVEY SVCS: PW-CIP, PW22-16 Printed �,292.00 300660 10/12/2023 2360 SB&O INC 723025 DESIGN, ENVIRO & SURVEY SVS: CIP: PW22-05 Printed 6,050.01 300660 10/12/2023 2360 SB&O INC 923128 DESIGN, ENVIRO & SURVEY SVS: PW-CIP Printed 1�1,422.65 300766 10/26/2029 1974 SCHOLASTIC INC EDUCATION 51921336 MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD Printed 1,142.72 15668 10/11/20233149 SCRIBE 1946 SOFTWARE: INFO TECH Wire 1- 78.86 15544 10/11/20232507 SEEK THERMAL 9727 REPAIRS: SEEK TIC Wire 300.00 300661 10/12/2023 2448 SHADE STRUCTURES IN 85499-02 RONALD REAGAN SPORTS PARK PUMP Printed 1�000.00 300704 10/19/2023 1787 SHRED IT US JV LLC 8004924927 MEDIA DESTRUCTION: IT Printed 2,429.65 300704 10/19/2023 1787 SHRED IT US JV LLC 8004709894 DOCUMENT SHREDDING Printed '- 46.58 300767 10/26/2023 1787 SHRED IT US JV LLC 8005032015 SHRED SERVICES: CITYWIDE Printed 269.54 15503 10/11/20231750 SHURE INCORPORATED 6866 MISC STAGE SUPPLIES:THEATER:TCSD Wire 257.73 15512 10/11/20232958 SIGNUPGENIUS.COM 5331 SUBSCRIPTION: VOLUNTEER SIGNUPS Wire 107.89 600448 10/5/2023 1780 SILVERMAN ENTERPRISES INC 1843 BAS SECURITY FOR COLOR RUN- CRC EFT 457.60 600504 10/12/2023 1780 SILVERMAN ENTERPRISES INC 1807 HEALTH FAIR SECURITY: TCSD EFT 470.40 600658 10/26/2023 1780 SILVERMAN ENTERPRISES INC 1856 SECURITY SVCS: ROTATION PARKS EFT 4,928.00 600505 10/12/2023 2510 SINGH GROUP INC 42277 ENCAMPMENT CLEAN UP: TCSD EFT 7,227.00 600505 10/12/2023 2510 SINGH GROUP INC 42278 ENCAMPMENT CLEAN UP: TCSD EFT 7,227.00 600659 10/26/2023 2510 SINGH GROUP INC 42381 ENCAMPMENT CLEAN UP: TCSD EFT 6,010.00 600567 10/19/2023 1061 SMARTAND FINAL INC 10/10/23 OPEN PO-MRC, MPSC, AND SFSP EFT 318.57 600660 10/26/2023 1061 SMART AND FINAL INC 10/18/23 MISC SUPPLIES: MRC, MPSC, AND SFSP EFT 267.67 600661 10/26/2023 3170 SMER RESEARCH 1 U_ 50020 SEP SOLAR GENERATION: VARI LOCATIONS J11pl"r EFT 26,378.08 600662 10/26/2023 1888 SMOKE GUARD CALIFORNIA INC 139.24 SMOKE GUARD INSPECTION: CIVIC CENTER: PW EFT 1,650.00 15669 10/11/2023 3011 SMUG MUG 9935 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL: INFO TECH i Wire 1- 110.00 15748 10/24/2023 1094 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY VAR SOCALGAS SEP VARIOUS SEP SO CAL GAS SVCS Wire 3,356.07 300662 10/12/2023 3340 SOARESTONY 9MEMENEW 09/27/23 PERFORMING ARTS AGREEMENT Printed �� 500.00 600449 10/5/2023 2217 SOCIAL WORK ACTION GROUP 08312023E AUG HOMELESS/STREET OUTREACH: TCS EFT 34,307.65 600663 10/26/2023 2217 SOCIAL WORK ACTION GROUP 09302023 OUTREACH SERVICES EFT 31,240.00 300768 10/26/2023 1153 SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 4235333 FY 23/24 FLAT EMISSIONS FEE: STA 84 Printed 160.35 300768 10/26/2023 1153 SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT ) 4232221 LIQUID FUEL DISPENSING SYSTEM: STA Printed 149.25 600506 10/12/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287573 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 90.00 600506 10/12/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287597 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PN EFT 40.00 600506 10/12/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287443 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 80.00 600506 10/12/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287605 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW � EFT 49.00 600506 10/12/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287367 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 123.00 600506 10/12/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287822 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PV& EFT 59.00 600506 10/12/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287141 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 74.00 600506 10/12/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287438 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATION EFT 80.00 600506 10/12/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287352 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 56.00 600506 10/12/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287354 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: P� EFT 120.00 600507 10/12/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287351 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 36.00 600568 10/19/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0287491 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 95.00 600569 10/19/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288428 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 95.00 600569 10/19/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288277 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PN EFT 32.00 600569 10/19/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288292 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 90.00 600569 10/19/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288604 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: P� EFT 90.00 600569 10/19/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288375 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 68.00 600569 10/19/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288329 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 49.00 600569 10/19/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288566 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 42.00 600664 10/26/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288064 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATION EFT 74.00 600664 10/26/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288856 CALL -OUT PEST CONTROL SERVICES, FACILITIES EFT 94.00 600664 10/26/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288377 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS F EFT 42.00 600664 10/26/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288819 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 49.00 600664 10/26/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288877 EMERGENCY PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW , EFT 94.00 600664 10/26/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288884 CALL -OUT PEST CONTROL SERVICES, FACILITIES EFT 118.00 600664 10/26/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288056 EMERGENCY PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW , EFT 188.00 600664 10/26/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288220 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 70.00 600664 10/26/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288380 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONSi EFT 80.00 15747 10/31/2023 1800 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO VAR SCE SEP VARIOUS SEP SOCAL EDISON SVCS Wire 171,423.30 300620 10/5/2023 1704 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 45949230901 SEP GEN USAGE: 0141,0839,0978,0975 Printed 283.61 300620 30/5/2023 1704 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY CM45949230901 CREDIT: GEN USAGE: 0141,0839,0978,0979 Printed (630.90) 300620 10/5/2023 1704 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 45949230801 AUG GEN USAGE: 0141,0839,0978,0979 Printed 533.41 300620 30/5/2023 1704 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 45949230701 JUL GEN USAGE: 0141,0839,0978,0975 Printed 529.63 300705 10/19/2023 1704 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 45949231001 OCT GEN USAGE: 0141,0839,0978,0979 Printed 283.61 15399 10/11/20231399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 8876 AIRFARE: CNOA CONFERENCE Wire 466.95 15400 10/11/20231399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 8884 AIRFARE: CNOA CONFERENCE i Wire 466.95 15405 10/11/20231399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 5454 AIRFARE: CNOA CONFERENCE: POLICE Wire 446.96 15405 10/11/20231399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 8850 AIRFARE: CNOA CONFERENCE Wire 466.95 15604 10/11/20231399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 8218 AIRFARE: CAL CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE Wire (50.00) 15699 10/11/20233427 SO, INTERNATIONAL 5066 STAFF TRAINING: TCSD Wire 99.00 15569 10/11/2023 2928 SQUARE GROVE LLC 5349 EQUIPMENT: ERGONOMIC EQUIPMENT: HR Wire 1,324.58 300621 30/5/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 09/26/23 RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV - Printed 183.48 300621 30/5/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 09/30/23 HUMAN SERVICES SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD Printed 190.38 300663 10/12/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 09/27/23 RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV Printed 159.91 300769 10/26/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 10/18/23 RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV Printed 183.55 300769 10/26/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 10/11/23 HUMAN SERVICES SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD Printed 185.14 300769 10/26/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 10/04/23B RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV Printed 144.78 300769 10/26/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC ! 10/04/23 RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV Printed 147.83 300622 30/5/2023 1431 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY BEN349672 LIFE INSURANCE Printed 12,010.01 300623 10/5/2023 1431 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY BEN349668 VOLUNTARY SUPP LIFE INSURANCE Printed 1,811.63 300706 10/19/2023 1431 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY BEN349739 VOLUNTARY SUPP LIFE INSURANCE: PAYMENT Printed 1,806.38 15702 10/11/2023 1452 STAPLES INC 4733 _.Mlnba_. MISC OFC SUPPLIES: RESOURCE CENTER, Wire 60.87 300624 10/5/2023 1452 STAPLES INC 7903565311-0-1 MISC SUPPLIES: PW Printed 66.49 300624 10/5/2023 1452 STAPLES INC 7378341653-0-1 MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER: TCSD � Printed 203.80 300624 30/5/2023 1452 STAPLES INC 7615918337-0-1 MISC SUPPLIES: PD-SUBSTATIONS Printed 38.14 300624 10/5/2023 1452 STAPLES INC 7615823653-0-1 MISC SUPPLIES: LIBRARY: TCSD Printed 54.96 300624 10/5/2023 1452 STAPLESINC 7902791681-1-1 MISC SUPPLIES: OPERATIONS: TCSD Printed (98.75) 300770 10/26/2023 1125 STAR WAY PRODUCTIONS 163690 LED SCENIC EQUIPMENT FOR SOTC: CM Printed 7,500.00 15465 10/11/2023 1535 STARBUCKS CORPORATION 9236 REFRESHMENTS: CAL CITIES CONFERECE Wire 18.12 15466 10/11/20231535 STARBUCKS CORPORATION 6231 REFRESHMENTS: CAL CITIES CONFERECE Wire 29.64 15612 10/11/20231535 STARBUCKS CORPORATION 5230 REFRESHMENTS: CAL CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE Wire 7.14 15615 10/11/20231535 STARBUCKS CORPORATION 0233 REFRESHMENTS: CAL CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE Wire 7.14 15519 10/11/2023 1983 STATEFOODSAFETY.COM 3374 FOOD HANDLERS VOUCHERS: MPSC Wire 135.00 600508 10/12/2023 1146 STEAM SUPERIOR CARPET CLEANING 11780 CARPET CLEANING AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 4,800.00 600665 10/26/2023 1146 STEAM SUPERIOR CARPET CLEANING 11782 CARPET CLEANING AT CIVIC CENTER EFT 5,750.00 300707 10/19/2023 1912 STEIN ANDREW 29157 TOTES FOR COLOR RUN:TCSD Printed 830.29 300707 10/19/2023 1912 STEIN ANDREW 29117 GIVEAWAYS COLOR RUN : TCSD Printed 5,743.12 300708 10/19/2023 3193 STOCKS KATHLEEN M 10/16/23 PERF: ART NIGHTS MUSICIAN Printed 250.00 600510 10/12/2023 1231 STRONG GARY 09/19/23 PAINTING SVCS: CHILDRENS MUSEUM: PW EFT 500.00 300771 10/26/20231712 STUART JENNIFER 3400-34501ST PVT TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 12,240.00 15529 10/11/2023 3019 SUBWAY 6888 REFRESHMENTS: HEALTH FAIR VENDORS: TCSD Wire 2,373.36 300772 10/26/2023 2059 SUPERIOR READY MIX LP 379013 CONCRETE MATERIALS, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 2,258.82 300772 10/26/2023 2059 SUPERIOR READY MIX LP 379012 CONCRETE MATERIALS, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 7,143.80 600570 10/19/20231081 SWARCO MCCAIN INC INV0275421 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIPMENT EFT 1,642.24 600666 10/26/2023 1081 SWARCO MCCAIN INC INV0275711 TRAFFIC POLE REPAIRS: PW EFT 506.14 600666 10/26/20231081 SWARCO MCCAIN INC INV0275054 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIP ENHANCE PROG-CITYWIDE:PW-TRA EFT 3,740.83 600666 10/26/20231081 SWARCO MCCAIN INC INV0274668 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIP ENHANCE FROG-CITYWIDE:PW-TRA EFT 206,831.07 600666 10/26/20231081 SWARCO MCCAIN INC INV0274871 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQU I P ENHANCE FROG-CITYWIDE:PW-TRA EFT j3,804.65 15577 10/11/20233166 SWEETART COOKIE CO 7113 REFRESHMNETS: HR REGIONAL EVENT Wire 150.00 15706 10/11/2023 1414 SWING INN CAFE 4672 REFRESHMENTS: OUTREACH MTG Wire J 183.16 600511 10/12/2023 1611 T AND D COMMUNICATIONS INC 2-230181 12 STRAND FIBER PULL:MRC CIP 17-21 EFT 9,121.00 300625 10/5/2023 2521 TAND G GLOBAL LLC INV-2774 TREE INSTALL/REMOVAL & HOLIDAY DECOR: TCSD Printed 61,540.54 300664 10/12/2023 2521 T AND G GLOBAL LLC INV-2751 TREE INSTALL/REMOVAL & HOLIDAY DECOR: TCSD Printed 70,687.50 300773 10/26/2023 2521 T AND G GLOBAL LLC INV-2836 LIGHT INSTALL: HARVESTON LAKE: PW Printed 5,755.59 600571 10/19/2023 1113 TEAMSTERS LOCAL 911 BEN349737 UNION MEMBERSHIP DUESPAYMENT EFT 5,369.00 600572 10/19/2023 2372 TELECOM LAW FIRM PC 16076 WIRELESS PLANNING SUPPORT SVCS: COMM DEV EFT 762.00 300774 10/26/2023 1877 TEMECULA CATERING E06046 CATERING SERVICES 11-2-23 Printed 2,548.01 600573 10/19/2023 1257 TEMECULA SUNRISE ROTARY FOUNDATION 09/30/23 BUS BENCH PLACEMENT & MAINT: PW EFT-_2,030.62 300709 10/19/20231946 TEMECULA VALLEY ALAND CLUB FY 23/24 CSF COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING REINVESTMENT Printed 5,000.00 300627 30/5/2023 1054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1042 Q2 FY 23/24 SPONSORSHIP FUNDS: ECO DEV Printed _0,000.00 300626 10/5/20233312 TEMECULA VALLEY CULTURAL CENTER 60890360 REFUND: SECURITY DEPOSIT Printed 200.00 600574 10/19/2023 1030 TEMECULA VALLEY PIPE AND SUPPLY 630924 IRRIGATION AND PLUMBING SUPPLIES, PW PARKS EFT �� 43.01 600451 10/5/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54016 LOCKSMITH SERVICES, SENIOR CENTER EFT 2,238.48 600451 10/5/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54215 LOCKSMITH SVCS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS EFT 203.32 600500 10/12/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54260 LOCKSMITH SVCS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS EFT 203.32 600563 10/19/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54252 MISC HARDWARE REPLACEMENT: PHBSP: PW EFT 3,020.00 600563 10/19/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54279 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT 230.10 600652 10/26/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54380 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT 38.06 600652 10/26/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54399 LOCKSMITH SVCS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS EFT 79.38 300665 10/12/2023 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 29369601 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PW FACILITIES Printed 147.66 300710 10/19/2023 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 29477001 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 70.70 300710 10/19/2023 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 29526601 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PW FACILITIES Printed 27.11 300710 10/19/2029 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 29526301 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PW FACILITIES Printed 320.95 300710 10/19/2023 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 29539201 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PW FACILITIES Printed 142.44 300711 10/19/2023 2339 TEMECULA YOUTH SPORTS LEAGUES 4700.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 1,650.00 15464 10/11/2023 3430 TEQUILA MUSED MAYAHUEL 6182 REFRESHMENTS: CAL CITIES CONFERENCE mill.- Wire 26.89 15484 10/11/2023 3430 TEQUILA MUSED MAYAHUEL 6349 REFRESHMENTS: CAL CITIES CONFERENCE Wire 27.94 15598 10/11/2023 3430 TEQUILA MUSED MAYAHUEL 9371 REFRESHMENTS: CAL CITIES CONFERENCE Wire 25.10 15608 10/11/2023 3430 TEQUILA MUSED MAYAHUEL 6422 REFRESHMENTS: CAL CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE Wire 48.55 600667 10/26/2023 1232 TERRYBERRY COMPANY P52492 SERVICE RECOGNITION: HR EFT 95.54 15416 10/11/20233426 THE RAGLA GROUP LLC 0129 REFRESHMENTS: CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION Wire 276.84 600575 10/19/2023 1936 TIERCE NICHOLAS DATHAN NTOTTCT-2023-10 GRAPHIC DESIGN: THEATER: TCSD EFT ` 2,640.00 15941 10/30/20231568 TIME WARNER CABLE VAR OCT SPECTRUM VARIOUS SEP/OCT INTERNET SVCS Wire 18,886.85 600576 10/19/2023 1063 TIMMY D PRODUCTIONS INC 23652 OPEN PO CULTURE DAYS AND ART NIGHTS EFT 425.00 600668 10/26/2023 1063 TIMMY D PRODUCTIONS INC 23653 DJ/MC/SOUND SERVICES: SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 3,500.00 600452 10/5/2023 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC 47419 ADA RAMP RENTAL:CIP CRC: E-PW19-07:PW JW EFT _2,321.55 600452 10/5/2023 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC 46741 ADA RAMP RENTAL: PW - CIP EFT 3,482.33 600577 10/19/2023 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC 45553 HEALTH FAIR EQUIPMENT RENTALS: TCSD * EFT _3,024.76 600669 10/26/2023 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC 47607 ADA RAMP RENTAL: PW - CIP EFT 2,321.55 300712 10/19/2023 3135 TK CONSULTING INC 09/25/23 YNEZ ROAD IMPROVEMENTS -PHASE I Void .�7,755.38 600512 10/12/2023 1995 TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION 5002228399 ELEVATOR CALL OUT SVCS: CIVIC CENTER: PW EFT 355.44 600512 10/12/2023 1995 TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION 3007363877 ELEVATOR MAINT SVCS: FACILITIES: PW EFT r 5,824.20 600453 10/5/2023 1152 TOP LINE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY LLC 462538 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 95.00 600670 10/26/20231152 TOP LINE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY LLC 462613 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 566.53 600513 10/12/2023 2375 TR DESIGN GROUP INC 4773 ARCHITECTURAL SVCS: PW - CIP EFT 4,839.23 300628 30/5/2023 2827 TRANSPORTATION CHARTER SRVS 58478 SDC TRANSPORTATION 8/10/202� Printed 5,151.42 300775 10/26/2023 2827 TRANSPORTATION CHARTER SRVS 57683 SDC TRANSPORTATION:CRC 6/29/23 Printed 5,130.63 300775 10/26/2023 2827 TRANSPORTATION CHARTER SRVS 57837 1111Pw SDC TRANSPORTATION: TCSD Printed 5,255.31 300666 10/12/2023 2647 TRINH JOYCE 10/02/23 AWARD: PLEIN AIR ART CITY Printed 500.00 15701 10/11/2023 2899 T-SHIRT MART 0030 M APPAREL: RESOURCE CENTER Wire 130.99 300776 10/26/2023 3348 TURNER CRAIG 10/10/23 REIMB: MISC SUPPLIES: FIRE Printed 124.55 15454 10/11/2023 1555 TV CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU 3008 REGISTRATION: STATE OF TOURISM Wire 400.00 15463 10/11/2023 1555 TV CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU 0463 REGISTRATION: TABLE FOR STATE OF 3RD DISTRICT Wire 500.00 15520 10/11/2023 1555 TV CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU 0999 REGISTRATION: STATE OF THE DISTRICTTABLE j Wire 500.00 300629 10/5/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-429598 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE Printed 11,200.00 300629 30/5/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC ' 045-437688 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE Printed 4,511.13 300629 10/5/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 025-434841 ENERGOV, CASHIERING AND SOCRATA SOFTWARE RENEWAL Printed 109,096.O6 300629 30/5/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-431547 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE Printed 1,400.00 300629 10/5/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-430743 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE Printed 4,900.00 300629 30/5/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-431548 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE Printed 9,800.00 300629 10/5/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-433206 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE Printed 2,100.00 300629 30/5/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-436219 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE Printed 2,305.89 300629 10/5/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-432491 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE Printed 2,800.00 300629 30/5/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-435334 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE Printed 1,400.00 300630 10/5/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-436816 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE Printed 700.00 300777 10/26/2023 2551 U GYM LLC 10/11/23 MEMBERSHIP: ENG 12: FIRE Printed 999.00 15348 10/11/2023 1350 U S BANK 09/11A LATE PVT FEE: RISK Wire 39.00 15349 10/11/2023 1350 U S BANK 09/13A INTEREST CHARGE: RISK Wire 4.43 15351 10/11/2023 1350 U S BANK 10/05A RET'D PVT FEE: RISK Wire 35.00 15404 10/11/2023 1350 U S BANK CREDIT 9/10 CREDIT: BANK FEES Wire (35.00) 15482 10/11/2023 1350 U S BANK 09/11/23A RET'D PVT FEE: ECO DEV Wire 35.00 15494 10/11/2023 1350 U S BANK 10/05/23 RET'D PVT FEE: ECO DEV Wire 35.00 15532 10/11/2023 1350 U S BANK CREDIT:OVERLIMIT FEE CREDIT: OVER LIMIT FEE Wire (39.00) 15540 10/11/2023 1350 U S BANK now- RET'D PMT FEE: CMO RET'D PAYMENT FEE: CITY COUCIL Wire 35.00 15573 10/11/2023 1350 U S BANK RET'D PMT FEE: HR RETURNED PAYMENT FEE: HR Wire 35.00 15584 10/11/2023 1350 U S BANK RET'D PMT FEE:HR RETURNED PAYMENT FEE: HR Wire 35.00 15586 10/11/2023 1350 U S BANK RET'D PMT FEE CIAO RETURNED PAYMENT FEE: CMO Wire 35.00 15623 10/11/2023 1350 U S BANK 1059 PAYMENT REVERSAL: CIP: PW Wire 35.00 15625 10/11/2023 1350 U S BANK RET'D PMT FEE 10/05 PAYMENT REVERSAL: CIP: PW Wire 35.00 15633 10/11/2023 1350 U S BANK RET'D BANK FEE: PLAN RET'D PVT FEE: COMDEV Wire 35.00 15673 10/11/2023 1350 U S BANK RET'D PMT FEE: FIN RETURNED PVT FEE: FINANCE Wire 35.00 15705 10/11/2023 1350 U S BANK OVER LIMIT REVERSAL REVERSAL OVER THE LIMIT FEE: TCSD Wire (39.00) 15704 10/11/2023 3429 UAV COACH 1991 DRONE PILOT: TCSD Wire 299.00 15709 10/11/2023 2561 UBER 3886 TRANSPORTATION: HOMELESS OUTREACH Wire 77.14 15524 10/11/2023 3302 UHAUL 2720 RENTAL: COLOR RUN EVENT Wire 145.89 15545 10/11/20233371 UL STANDARDS AND ENGAGEMENT 0620 CONTROL UNITS& ACCESSORIES: FIRE Wire 653.55 300631 10/5/2023 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1508A r'1'S JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT Printed 25,655.73 300667 10/12/2023 3222 ULTRA SH I NE INC 1505A JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT Printed 27,851.21 300713 10/19/2023 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1573B JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT Printed 881.21 600514 10/12/2023 1432 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 920230743 SEP DIG SAFE BRD BILLABLE TIX: PW EFT 239.25 600514 10/12/2023 1432 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 23-241210 SEP DIG SAFE BILLABLE TIX: PW EFT 87.04 300714 10/19/2023 1131 UNITED RENTALS NORTH AMERICA INC 224477206-001 LIFT RENTAL: CIVIC CENTER: PW Printed 1,088.69 15710 10/11/2023 2142 URBANE CAFE OPERATIONS LLC 0787 REFRESHMENTS: OUTREACH MTG Wire 146.32 600454 10/5/2023 2142 URBANE CAFE OPERATIONS Lja 102735 URBANE CAFE EFT 313.63 600578 10/19/2023 2142 URBANE CAFE OPERATIONS LLC 102197 URBANE CAFE EFT 233.81 300778 10/26/2023 1135 US POSTAL SERVICE 10/23/23 POSTAGE: ACTIVITY GUIDE = Printed 8,730.65 300779 10/26/20231467 VALLEY OF THE MIST QUILTERS 202301 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPONSORSHIP FUNDING Printed 1,800.00 600516 10/12/2023 2941 VAN OTTERLOO INC 178328 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE -STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 4,537.08 600672 10/26/2023 2941 VAN OTTERLOO INC 178317 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE -STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 2,253.48 15942 10/6/2023 1845 VERIZON WIRELESS = 9944533859 08/16-09/15 CELLULAR/BROADBAND: CITYWIDE Wire 14,426.51 15518 10/11/2023 2676 VEROS MEXICAN & SEA FOOD 9309 REFRESHMENTS: HOSPITALITY MEAL: THEATER Wire 250.36 600673 10/26/2023 2629 VERSA PRODUCTS INC 4193112 GEN ERAL:ERGONOM ICS:RM EFT 861.63 15475 10/11/2023 1505 VILLAGE NEWS INC 0051 SUBSCRIPTION: CMO Wire 69.95 600674 10/26/20231498 VISION ONE INC INV-74427 SEP TICKETING SERVICES: THEATER: TCSD EFT 2,456.30 600517 10/12/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1169 HIGH HOPES DJ SVCS: TCSD EFT 525.00 15627 10/11/2023 2213 WALL STREET JOURNAL 9252 ONLINE MBRSHP SUBSCRIPTION: COMM DEV Wire 4.00 15632 10/11/20232213 WALL STREET JOURNAL 8626 ONLINE MBRSHP SUBSCRIPTION: COMM DEV Wire 4.00 15457 10/11/20231439 WALMART 41.23 REFRESHMENTS: FORMER COUNCIL RECOGNITION Wire 41.23 300632 10/5/20231439 WALMART 09/26/23 MISC SUPPLIES/EQUIP: TCSD Printed 578.38 300668 10/12/20231439 WALMART 09/28/23 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed 365.00 300668 10/12/20231439 WALMART 09/28/23C MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed 288.08 300668 10/12/20231439 WALMART 10/02/23 MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER: TCSD Printed 96.10 300668 10/12/20231439 WALMART 09/19/23A MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed (280.58) 300668 10/12/20231439 WALMART 09/28/23B MISC SUPPLIES: RESPONSIBLE COMPASSION Printed 323.23 300715 10/19/20231439 WALMART 10/06/23 MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER: TCSD Printed 108.06 300715 10/19/20231439 WALMART 10/11/23 MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD` Printed 19.12 300715 10/19/20231439 WALMART 10/06/23B MISC SUPPLIES: CLASSES: TCSD Printed 96.45 300669 10/12/20231102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 81988464 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES Printed �4,148.12 300669 10/12/20231102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 81997933 JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITY MAINT: PW Printed 1,860.82 15543 10/11/2023 1474 WES FLOWERS 0047 � FLOWERS: SYMPATHY: FIRE Wire EEEEmd� 647.65 300716 10/19/20231033 WEST PUBLISHING CORPORATION 849047856 SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION Printed 1,179.86 600518 10/12/2023 1782 WESTERN AV 18714 CONFERENCE ROOM AV EQUIP: I� EFT 43,829.70 600675 10/26/2023 1454 WESTERN RIVERSIDE CO REG CONSERVATION AUTHORITY JUL'23 JUL'23 MSCHP PAYMENT EFT 5,991.25 300717 10/19/20231059 WESTERN RIVERSIDE COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS- 1556 FELLOWSHIP PRGM 22/23 Printed 2,385.49 300718 10/19/2023 2322 WEX BANK 92364611 09/07-10/06 FUEL USAGE: POLICE Printed 2,838.04 300670 10/12/2023 2175 WHITE CAP LP 50023885908 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 545.36 300670 10/12/2023 2175 WHITE CAP LP 50023890862 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 305.14 600676 10/26/2023 2390 WHOOSTER INC i 10002007860 COMPUTER SUPPLIES: TEM SHERIFF EFT 4,000.00 600519 10/12/2023 1034 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES INC 00626284 TRAFFIC ENG SRVCS: PW-TRAFFIC EFT 1,915.26 600503 10/12/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B i PERF: 09/21/23 JAZZ @ THE MERC 09/21/23 EFT 416.50 600503 10/12/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF:09/23/23 STAND UP COMEDY 09/23/23 EFT 2,085.00 600565 10/19/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 09/28/23 JAZZ @ THE MERC 09/28/23 EFT 520.00 600657 10/26/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 10/15/23 LIFENOTE CHARITY CONCERT 10/15/23 EFT 357.00 600657 10/26/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 10/13/23 STAND UP COMEDY GRADUATION SHOW 10/13/23 EFT 1,185.00 600657 10/26/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 10/05/23 JAll @ THE MERC 10/05/23 EFT 630.00 600657 10/26/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 10/12/23 JAZZ @ THE MERC 10/12/23 EFT 730.00 600657 10/26/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 10/08/23 SHERRY WILLIAMS & FRIENDS 10/08/23 EFT 3,748.21 15583 10/11/20232846 WINE COUNTRY CATERING 4957 REFRESHMENTS: HR ROUNDTABLE ` Wire 994.16 15703 10/11/20233071 WINGS NTHINGS 1687 REFRESHMENTS: OUTREACH MTG Wire 195.05 300780 10/26/20233146 WI NSU PPLY VISTA CA CO 12749602 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: MPSC Printed 432.24 300633 10/5/2023 1973 WOHLFORD CHAD TYLER 16 COST ALLOCATION PLAN & USER FEE Printed 1,450.00 300671 10/12/2023 1178 WSP USA INC i 1348131 CLIMATE ACTION PLAN LR23-0083 Printed �_ 972.96 600677 10/26/2023 2289 YANES BLANCAA 0201.0 LANDSCAPE PLAN CHECK AND INSPECTION SERVICES EFT 10,019.58 600677 10/26/2023 2289 YANES BLANCA °` 0200.0 LANDSCAPE PLAN CHECK AND INSPECTION SERVICES EFT MM�,874.58 15467 10/11/2023 3431 YARD HOUSE 1533 REFRESHMENTS: CAL CITIES CONFERENCE Wire 22.18 15486 10/11/2023 3431 YARD HOUSE 1497 REFRESHMENTS: CAL CITIES CONFERENCE Wire 33.92 300781 10/26/20231223 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION GPO 3813333 AED'S AND SUPPLIES: MEDIC Printed 19,718.97 300672 10/12/20231340 ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF SANDIEGO 40944 DAY CAMP MEAL: TCSD Printed 1,326.50 300887 11/16/2023 1288 2 HOT UNIFORMS INC 5913 UNIFORMS: TCC: FIRE Printed 332.21 300887 11/16/2023 1288 2 HOT UNIFORMS INC 5909 UNIFORMS: TCC: FIRE Printed 143.01 300887 11/16/2023 1288 2 HOT UNIFORMS INC 5189 UNIFORMS: TCC: FIRE Printed 435.00 600678 11/2/2023 2937 72 HOUR LLC WF8563 TRUCK PURCHASE: PARKS EFT 79,633.12 600728 11/9/2023 2238 79 FIELD HOCKEY INC 3110.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,039.50 300954 11/21/2023 1772 ADAME LANDSCAPE INC 525198 PARKING GARAGE SWEEPING/CLEANING: PW Printed 540.00 300888 11/16/2023 1206 AFLAC PREMIUM HOLDING C 0 BNB BANK LOCKBOX BEN349799 AFLAC ACCIDENT INDEMNITY PAYMENT ' Printed 3,063.79 300783 11/2/2023 1236 ALLAMERICAN ASPHALT 1161400 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW Printed 625.79 300889 11/16/2023 1236 ALLAMERICAN ASPHALT 1164082 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PN4§ Printed 445.78 300889 11/16/2023 1236 ALLAMERICAN ASPHALT 1162337 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed 523.79 300889 11/16/2023 1236 ALLAMERICAN ASPHALT 1163289 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PN4§ Printed 236.78 300889 11/16/2023 1236 ALLAMERICAN ASPHALT 1161250 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed 632.79 300889 11/16/2023 1236 ALLAMERICAN ASPHALT 1163954 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: P\A11h Printed 247.50 300889 11/16/2023 1236 ALLAMERICAN ASPHALT 1162913 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 422.79 300889 11/16/2023 1236 ALLAMERICAN ASPHALT 1163955 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: P� Printed 473.79 300889 11/16/2023 1236 ALLAMERICAN ASPHALT 1161251 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed 631.79 300889 11/16/2023 1236 ALLAMERICAN ASPHALT 1162814 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed 231.78 300890 11/16/2023 1236 ALLAMERICAN ASPHALT 204211 RETENTION RELEASE: MEADOWVIEW/PALOMA DEL SOL Printed 240,379.15 300971 11/30/2023 1236 ALLAMERICAN ASPHALT - 1166121 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 610.79 300971 11/30/2023 1236 ALLAMERICAN ASPHALT 1165677 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed 466.78 300971 11/30/2023 1236 ALLAMERICAN ASPHALT - 1165541 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: P� Printed 372.78 600679 11/2/20231512 ALLEGRO MUSICALVENTURES INC 27071 PIANO SVCS:THEATER:TCSD EFT 625.00 600871 11/22/2023 1512 ALLEGRO MUSICAL VENTURES INC - 27109 PIANO SVCS:THEATER:TCSD EFT 280.00 300891 11/16/20233180 ALTA PLANNING AND DESIGN INC 304.0002023.108 - 4 BIKE AND TRAIL WAYFINDING(LR23-0167) Printed 10,322.5C 600921 11/30/2023 3223 AM SIGNAL LLC - M28143 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIP ENHANCE FROG EFT 447.30 600729 11/9/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 197V-HRU-XK7R SUPPLIES: COM DEV EFT 7.38 600729 , 11/9/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC -1DN7-lGJK-9JGV_ MISC SUPPLIES: CITY CLERK EFT 181.03 600729 11/9/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 113R-GDR3-6QND OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE EFT 18.48 600729 , 11/9/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC -1JDL-YCGR-7XLFI MISC SUPPLIES: FINANCE L &6 EFT 116.49 600729 11/9/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1TYD-MTIQ-9CU ENGINE WASHING AND DETAIL SUPPLIES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 203.85 600729 , 11/9/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC -16DY-HKDN-6FCQ OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE EFT 76.07 600729 11/9/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1FGX-9VXT-K9W3-B ADDT PMT DUE -SHORT PAID ORIGINAL EFT 2.00 600729 , 11/9/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC -1CRW-F43G-9QY3 MISC SUPPLIES: ECO DEV EFT 23.02 600729 11/9/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1VPP-7NH3-61FG REFRESHMENT SUPPLIES: CITY HALL & FOC: PW EFT 351.24 600804 11/16/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC -1W7C-NC4N-7VNR SUPPLIES: MPSC&MRC EFT 1,515.06 600804 11/16/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1FFK-R6CF-WTWN MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD EFT 3,352.18 600804 11/16/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC ' 1G6C-YNFT-3N66 SUPPLIES: LIBRARY EFT 159.22 600804 11/16/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1MF6-1C9Q-6CHX MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD EFT 355.04 600804 11/16/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 11LF-7M1M-D4J1 MISC SUPPLIES: WORKFORCE DEV EFT 315.65 600804 11/16/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1KV1-6VRQ-4CFG MISC HARDWARE SUPPLIES: TVM EFT (678.24) 600804 11/16/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC ' 16PH-174K-7N7Y OFC SUPPLIES: HR EFT 235.76 600804 11/16/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1PML-MNL4-76RL SUPPLIES: POLICE EFT 672.73 600804 11/16/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC -1JYJ-VKLK-96WY SUPPLIES: SPORTS: TCSD EFT 407.80 600804 11/16/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1JTY-MLWD-7KWK SUPPLIES: TVM EFT 279.10 600805 11/16/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC -11KJ-1WY1-64VN MISC SUPPLIES: INFO TECH EFT 77.86 600805 11/16/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1N9K-lJLR-4RM1 SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT: PW - LAND DEV EFT 152.31 600872 11/22/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC -1LCX-YFIK-1PD1 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: CITY CLERK 1111iff' EFT 130.18 600872 11/22/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1N9K-lJLR-6H69 MISC SUPPLIES: PW EFT 476.96 600872 11/22/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC - 196V-13G9-7PF68 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: FIRE EFT 810.00 600872 11/22/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1JNL-6JFL-7QD7 MISC SUPPLIES: COMM DEV EFT 40.11 600872 11/22/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC -1TQP-MLM4-4KFQ MISC SUPPLIES: CITY MGR EFT 156.60 600872 11/22/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1MGK-NJQ4-9YQ3 MISC. SUPPLIES: TCSD: HOMELESS OUTREACH EFT 877.71 600872 11/22/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC -196V-13G9-7PF6A ENGINE WASHING AND DETAIL SUPPLIES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 533.00 600872 11/22/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1QXR-WWMR-1TXG MISC SUPPLIES: MPSC: TCSD EFT 868.57 600922 11/30/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC -1WCY-4FXK-FCKV MISC SUPPLIES: AQUATICS] EFT 7.38 600922 11/30/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1N46-THWD-N7RY MISC SUPPLIES: SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 160.11 600922 11/30/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC -196V-13G9-7WP9 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC � EFT 128.98 600922 11/30/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 17TH-PIXC-XYDW MISC SUPPLIES: CITY CLERK EFT 49.97 600922 11/30/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC -1XQK-FPCX-4PGT MISC SUPPLIES: CRC � EFT 65.32 600922 11/30/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC lYM1-YMHP-QWMC MISC SUPPLIES: AQUATICS EFT 558.28 600922 11/30/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC ' 1QQ7-PGNK-1KPC MISC OFC SUPPLIES: TCSD EFT 11.41 600806 11/16/2023 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 78273 DRUG ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: PD EFT 64.86 600806 11/16/2023 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 78247 DEC STAND BY FEE:P000E EFT 1,485.90 600923 11/30/2023 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 78310 DRUG ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: POLICE EFT 583.74 600923 11/30/2023 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 78309 DRUG ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: POLICE EFT 2,411.90 600807 11/16/2023 1080 AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS AND ITS CONSTITUENT 22632447 STAFF CERTIFICATIONS:TCSD EFT 632.00 15939 11/16/2023 3587 AMERICORPS ' 0220 CERTIFICATES: VOLUNTEERS: EOC Wire 113.61 600680 11/2/2023 3217 ANTHOLOGY INSTITUTE PERF: 02/08/24 PERFORMING ARTS AGREEMENT 2-8-24 EFT 4,000.00 300892 111/16/2023 1000 APPLEONE INC S9661040 TEMPORARY STAFFING SVCS: FINANCE Printed 5,217.52 300972 11/30/2023 1000 APPLEONE INC 59661039 TEMPORARY STAFFING: COMM DEV Printed 3,783.78 600730 , 11/9/2023 1725 APPLIED DEVELOPMENT ECONOMIC 9231244 COMP GENERAL PLAN UPDATE-QLMP EFT 3,680.00 600730 11/9/2023 1725 APPLIED DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS 7231244 COMP GENERAL PLAN UPDATE-QLMP EFT 893.75 600730 , 11/9/2023 1725 APPLIED DEVELOPMENT ECONOMIC 10231244 COMP GENERAL PLAN UPDATE-QLMP EFT 810.00 600731 11/9/2023 3272 APPLIED SATELLITE TECHNOLOGY SYSTEMS LLC 30991 SMARTPHONE ACCESS DEVICE: FIRE EFT 843.51 600808 �11/16/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074979 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: MPSC EFT 35.89 600808 11/16/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074980 NOV DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: MALL PD EFT 62.53 600808 11/16/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074978 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: TVM EFT 28.55 600873 11/22/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074976 DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: THEATER EFT 28.55 600873 11/22/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074921 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: TCC' EFT 28.55 600873 11/22/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074983 DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: SPORTS PARK: PW EFT 69.60 600873 11/22/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074984 DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: JRC � EFT 28.55 600873 11/22/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074974 DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: HARVESTON PARK EFT 28.28 600873 11/22/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO - 20074981 DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: FOC - EFT 28.55 600873 11/22/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074982 DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: CIVIC CTR EFT 213.97 600873 11/22/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO - 20074975 DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: TPL � EFT 28.55 600873 11/22/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20074926 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: CRC AQUATICS EFT 69.60 600873 11/22/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO - 20074965 DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: AULD: POLICE EFT 62.53 300893 11/16/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 106017837 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES Printed 220.19 300893 11/16/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC - 7529422 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES Printed 111.00 300893 11/16/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 106017839 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES Printed 173.43 300893 11/16/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 300675 BEVERAGE SERVICES: FACILITIES Printed (111.00) 300893 11/16/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 3591652 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES Printed 54.38 300893 11/16/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 106017838 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES i Printed 1,452.50 300955 11/21/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 003566165 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES Printed 91.24 300784 11/2/20232401 ARCTIC CIRCLE ENTERPRISES LLC N042907 GIFT SHOP MERCHANDISE: TVM: TCSD Printed 1,129.35 600681 11/2/2023 2917 ARIONA GLORIA PERF: 10/20/23 STTLMNT: BRAZILIAN AND LATIN JAZZ 10/20/23 EFT 824.50 600924 11/30/2023 2917 AR10NA GLORIA PERF: 11/17/23 BRAZILIAN & LATIN JAZZ 11/17/23 EFT 1,089.05 300894 11/16/2023 2442 ASCENT ENVIRONMENTAL INC 20210169.02 - 17 PA22-0105 TEMECULA VALLEY HOSP Printed 487.50 300973 11/30/2023 2442 ASCENT ENVIRONMENTAL IN� 20210169.02 - 18 PA22-0105 TEMECULA VALLEY HOSP = Printed 325.00 600682 11/2/2023 3168 ASTER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC 4 OUTDOOR REC AREA: MPSC: CIP EFT 157,868.09 300895 11/16/2023 2242 AT&T 484615 LOCATION/ACTIVATION FEES: POLICE Printed 250.00 600732 11/9/2023 1170 AUTOPARTSPROS LLC 087191 AUTO PARTS FOR PW STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 168.92 600874 11/22/2023 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN 2929 ELECTRICAL WORK AT VARIOUS CITY FACILITIES: PW EFT '_ 600.00 600874 11/22/2023 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN 2926 ELECTRICAL WORK AT VARIOUS CITY FACILITIES: PW EFT 5,100.00 600925 11/30/2023 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN 2928 ELECTRICAL WORK AT VARIOUS CITY FACILITIES: PW EFT 1�,200.00 600875 11/22/2023 2073 AZTEC LANDSCAPING INC J1628 OCT RESTROOM MAINTENANCE SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 9,580.39 300898 11/16/2023 1909 BAMM PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS INC ' 12582 STAFF APPAREL: TCSD Printed ,_ 734.58 300975 11/30/20231909 BAMM PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS INC 12591 UNIFORMS: ITSS Printed 2,077.67 600683 11/2/2023 1717 BARRETT ENGINEERED PUMPS _ 130858 i PURCHASE OF PUMP, TES POOL EFT 1�,862.94 600810 11/16/2023 3122 BEARD RYAN 2200.203-2210.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 13,188.00 600877 11/22/20232524 BEHAVIORAL ANALYSIS TRAINING INC �IV03298� STAFF TRAINING: TEM SHERIFF EFT I_ 575.00 300976 11/30/2023 2935 BETTS KENNETH 1900.206-1910.20E TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 2,254.00 600809 11/16/2023 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4005.203 2ND HALF TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS * EFT I_3,024.00 600876 11/22/2023 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4005.20415T PMT TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 3,307.50 600926 11/30/2023 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4045.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT I_ 354.90 600684 11/2/2023 1827 BIBLIOTHECA LLC INV-US69645 EQUIP MAINT/ANNULSUPPORT:TEM PUB LIBRARY: IT EFT 22,227.27 300899 011/16/2023 1095 BIG EAR AUDIO LLC INV-05038 ROCKTOBER AUDIO EQUIPMENT: TCSD Printed IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl3,000.00 300785 11/2/20232529 BIKE SHOP OF TEMECULA THE 857 BICYCLE MAINTENANCE: TEM SHERIFF Printed 365.63 300785 11/2/2023 2529 BIKE SHOP OF TEMECULA THE 858A BICYCLE MAINTENANCE: TEM SHERIFF Printed 378.23 600878 11/22/20232529 BIKE SHOP OF TEMECULA THE 858E BICYCLE MAINTENANCE: TEM SHERIFF EFT 1,401.15 300900 11/16/20231264 BID TOX LABORATORIES 45004 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed 372.69 300900 11/16/20231264 BID TOX LABORATORIES 45065 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed 448.83 300900 11/16/20231264 BID TOX LABORATORIES 45005 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed 2,185.60 600685 11/2/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 13JO028662112 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT 73.85 600733 11/9/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 03JO035623057 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT 21.74 600733 11/9/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 0316705212167 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT 11.95 600811 11/16/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 03JO036263176 HELP CENTER WATER SERVICE , EFT 2.60 600811 11/16/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 03K6702622575 WATER DELIVERY SERVICES AT THE TVE2 EFT 124.20 600879 11/22/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC ` 131<0028910578i WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW ` EFT 357.80 600880 11/22/2023 2047 BOB CALLAHANS POOL SERVICE 0180 NOV POOL AND FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE EFT 1,200.00 600880 11/22/2023 2047 BOB CALLAHANS POOL SERVI� 0179 i NOV POOL AND FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE EFT 1,400.00 600927 11/30/2023 1579 BOZONELOS BOB ART NIGHTS 11/3/23 MUSIC PERFORMANCE: ART NIGHTS: TCSD EFT 300.00 600881 11/22/2023 2612 BRAND ASSASSINS * . 22575 � OPEN PO MILITARY BANNER PROGRAM EFT 297.40 600734 11/9/2023 2622 BROWN JAMAL DEON 2300.204-2310.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 2,866.50 300896 11/16/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 20378777-95 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 84.10 300896 11/16/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037877753 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 53.85 300896 11/16/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY r 2037857771 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 92.47 300896 11/16/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037877754 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 184.70 300896 11/16/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037857772 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 1,236.68 300974 11/30/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037934437 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 12.54 300974 11/30/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY r 2037835231 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 238.17 300974 11/30/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037908459 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 122.49 300974 11/30/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037908461 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 222.37 300974 11/30/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037934440 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 22.26 300974 11/30/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY r 2037908460 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 13.97 300974 11/30/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037934438 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 10.27 300974 11/30/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037908458 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 11.42 300974 11/30/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037913145 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 91.29 300974 11/30/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037934439 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 126.66 600735 11/9/2023 2399 BUCHER BRET PHILLIP 3500.205-3515.205 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 4,170.60 15408 , 11/9/2023 3397 CA NARC OFFICERS ASSN 1050 REGISTRATION: CNOA CONFERENCE: POLICE Wire 675.00 300786 11/2/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73814533 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed 550.87 300787 , 11/2/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73819314 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed 405.19 300787 11/2/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73806888 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 1,143.21 300788 , 11/2/2023 1190 CAL MAT m 73797386 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 870.59 300832 11/8/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73828302 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 207.06 300832 , 11/8/2023 1190 CAL MAT 73822163 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed 654.04 300902 11/16/20231342 CALIF ASSOC OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS 300018536 MEMBERSHIP DUES: CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Printed 100.00 300902 11/16/20231342 CALIF ASSOC OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS 300018593 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Printed 100.00 300902 11/16/20231342 CALIF ASSOC OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS 300018603 MEMBERSHIP DUES: CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Printed 100.00 300902 11/16/20231342 CALIF ASSOC OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS 300018585 MEMBERSHIP DUES: CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER Printed 100.00 300977 11/30/2023 1342 CALIF ASSOC OF CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS 200027367 APPLICATION FEE: CODE ENF Printed 210.00 15368 _ 11/9/2023 1573 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT BEN349823 SUPPORT PAYMENT Wire 138.92 16038 11/22/20231573 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT BEN349843 SUPPORT PAYMENT Wire 608.76 300903 11/16/2023 1062 CALIF DEPT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS LIC RENEWAL 59602 LICENSE RENEWAL: CIP: PW Printed 180.00 300903 11/16/2023 1062 CALIF DEPT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS LIC RENEWAL 7933 LICENSE RENEWAL: LAND DEV: PW Printed 180.00 300903 11/16/2023 1062 CALIF DEPT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS LIC RENEWAL 74638 LICENSE RENEWAL: CIP: PW Printed 180.00 300903 11/16/2023 1062 CALIF DEPT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS LIC RENEWAL: 74667 LICENSE RENEWAL: TRAFFIC: PW Printed 180.00 300833 11/8/2023 1262 CALIF DEPT OF STATE ARCHITECT QE SEP 2023 AB1379 REMITTANCE OF AB1379 - CIE SEP 2023 Printed 250.80 300789 11/2/2023 1291 CALIF NARCOTIC OFFICERS ASSN R89927 STAFF TRAINING: POLICE Printed 225.00 300789 , 11/2/2023 1291 CALIF NARCOTIC OFFICERS ASSN R89932 STAFF TRAINING: POLICE Printed 225.00 300789 11/2/2023 1291 CALIF NARCOTIC OFFICERS ASSN R89930 STAFF TRAINING: POLICE Printed 225.00 300789 , 11/2/2023 1291 CALIF NARCOTIC OFFICERS ASSN R89919 STAFF TRAINING: POLICE Printed 225.00 300834 11/8/2023 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000574838E BID ADVERTISING: PW -CIP, PW23-17 Printed 945.83 300904 111/16/2023 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000576673D BID ADVERTISING: PW -CIP, PW19-04 Printed 1,879.20 300904 11/16/2023 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000576673B ADVERTISING PUBLIC NOTICES: PLANNING Printed 1,745.04 300904 11/16/2023 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000576673C LEGAL NEWSPAPER PUBLICATIONS: CITY CLERK Printed 1,645.85 300904 11/16/2023 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000576673A BID ADVERTISING: PW -CIP Printed 945.83 300904 11/16/2023 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 11111INF- 0000576673E BID ADVERTISING: PW -CIP, PW21-07 Printed 970.77 300905 11/16/2023 3394 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY SAN MARCOS RA026168 SENIOR EXPERIENCE PROJECT: ECO DEV Printed 1,200.00 300791 11/2/20231332 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 31415175 OCT COPIERS LEASE: LIBRARY Printed 671.56 300978 11/30/2023 1332 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 31589253 NOV COPIERS LEASE: LIBRARY Printed 671.56 300835 , 11/8/2023 2295 CANTRELL TINAJ 4200.205 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 280.00 300792 11/2/2023 2063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0049752 MISC ENGINEERING SVS: PW -CIP Printed 630.00 300792 , 11/2/2023 2063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0049378 ENGINEERING SERVICES: PW LD&TRAFFIC Printed 185.00 300836 11/8/2023 2063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0049818 ENVRIONMENTAL REVIEW TTM 38924 (PA22-0047) Printed 745.00 300906 11/16/2023 2063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0049761 NPDES COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL Printed 165.00 300906 11/16/2023 2063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0049402 NPDES COMMERCIAL& INDUSTRIAL INSPECTIONS Printed 4,345.00 300906 11/16/2023 2063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0049817 ENGINEERING SVCS: NPDES CATCH BASIN DEVICE Printed i 97.50 300979 11/30/2023 2063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0049942 ENGINEERING SERVICES: PW LD &TRAFFIC Printed 277.50 300979 _11/30/2023 2063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0049985, NPDES COMMERCIALAND INDUSTRIA Printed .",132.50 600686 11/2/2023 1280 CDW LLC MP85403 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 291.02 600686 , 11/2/2023 1280 CDW LLC MR32669 MISC SMALLTOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT '_ 143.44 600736 11/9/2023 1280 CDW LLC MR70508 NETWORKING EQUIPMENT:MRC- CIP PW17-21 EFT 12,738.17 600736 , 11/9/2023 1280 CDW LLC MS61434, NETWORKING EQUIPMENT:MRC-CIP PW17-21 EFT '_758.07 600736 11/9/2023 1280 CDW LLC MV96373 MISC SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP:IT EFT (184.96) 600812 111/16/20231280 CDW LLC MW589701 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT '_ 64.01 600812 11/16/2023 1280 CDW LLC MW23417 MISC SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP: IT EFT 184.96 600812 11/16/2023 1280 CDW LLC MWO00081 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 232.16 600812 11/16/2023 1280 CDW LLC MT30592 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 203.06 600812 11/16/2023 1280 CDW LLC MV54832, MISC SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP:IT EFT 185.42 600812 11/16/2023 1280 CDW LLC MW68329 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 196.04 600928 11/30/2023 1280 CDW LLC MX64739 WIRELESS HARDWARE:FRIENDSHIP PAA�L EFT 16,730.48 300907 11/16/2023 1528 CERTIFION CORP 1023EP31197 SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION: PD Printed 200.00 600687 11/2/2023 1100 CES HOLDINGS LLC - 197164 POOL SUPPLIES & SVCS: PW AQUATICS EFT 477.00 600687 11/2/2023 1100 CES HOLDINGS LLC 204922 POOL SUPPLIES & SVCS: PW AQUATICS EFT 2,706.73 600687 , 11/2/2023 1100 CES HOLDINGS LLC ' 197703 POOL SUPPLIES: SPLASH PAD: PW EFT 2,322.95 300980 11/30/2023 3433 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS HOLDINGS LLC 23-231563 INVESTIGATION SERVICES: PD Printed 50.00 300980 111/30/2023 3433 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS HOLDINGS LLC 23-205699 INVESTIGATION SERVICES: PD Printed 100.00 300837 11/8/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 9406511327 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 216.21 300837 , 11/8/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 9406511330 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 73.35 300837 11/8/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406511331 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 123.44 300837 , 11/8/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 9406511325 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 74.41 300837 11/8/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406511332 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 66.72 300837 , 11/8/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 9406511329 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 84.14 300837 11/8/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406511328 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 129.39 300837 , 11/8/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 9406511333 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 326.03 300837 11/8/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406511326 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 48.64 600737 , 11/9/2023 2681 CLEARSTAR INC - 1467711 EMPLOYMENT SCREENINGS: HR EFT 117.64 600688 11/2/2023 2316 CNS ENGINEERS INC 18025-23 07/O1-08/25 ENG SVCS: OVRLND BR PW16-05 EFT 72,217.53 600738 , 11/9/2023 1239 COAST RECREATION INC 15355 BENCHES: LIBRARY: PW EFT 6,809.30 600813 11/16/20233043 COMMERCIAL CLEANING BY ROGERS 10704 JANITORIAL SERVICES: OTSF AND MALL EFT 814.77 600929 111/30/2023 1276 COMMUNITY WORKS DESIGN GROUP LLC - 15263 RONALD REAGAN SPORTS PARK SKATE EFT 21,941.75 300838 11/8/2023 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4093339-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CODE ENFORCEMENT Printed 43.39 300838 , 11/8/2023 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4093123-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES: PLANNING -mom Printed 163.48 300838 11/8/2023 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4093123-1 OFFICE SUPPLIES: PLANNING Printed 89.66 300838 , 11/8/2023 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4090382-0 OFC SUPPLIES: PLANNING AL Printed 92.73 300838 11/8/2023 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4095996-C OFC SUPPLIES: BLDG & SAFETY Printed 98.18 300908 111/16/2023 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC _ 4097232-0 OFC SUPPLIES: BLDG & SAFETY Printed 6.51 600689 11/2/20231543 COMPRISE TECHNOLOGIES INC 2023-420 SOFTWARE RENEWAL:TEMECULA PUBLIC LIBRARY EFT 15,559.8C 300793 , 11/2/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-10347O6 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES Printed 50.03 300793 11/2/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1035603 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 49.21 ' 300839 , 11/8/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 20240571 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL Printed 86.34 300839 11/8/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1036033 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL Printed 172.34 300839 , 11/8/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1035984 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TVE2 -9m Printed 7.99 300840 11/8/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1035767 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES Printed 55.73 300840 11/8/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1035732 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES = Printed 5.30 300956 11/21/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1036257 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CRC Printed 259.50 300956 11/21/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1036168 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL Printed 153.41 300956 11/21/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1036199 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL Printed 15.00 300956 11/21/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1035970 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TPL Printed 504.48 300956 11/21/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1036115 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL Printed 86.34 300956 11/21/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1036341 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CRC Printed 158.70 300956 11/21/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1036342 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CRC Printed (255.70) 300956 11/21/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1036369 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TVE2 Printed 7.07 300957 11/21/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1035941 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES Printed 6.51 300981 111/30/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC _ 8750-1036613 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES Printed 119.12 300981 11/30/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1036559 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES Printed 3.55 300982 -11/30/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 1069-1044498 REPLACEMENT TRAFFIC LIGHTING: PW Printed 510.02 600814 11/16/2023 2352 COOKE AARON 041217-3427 COLOR RUN BANNER & STICKERS EFT 913.07 300844 11/8/2023 1972 COOPERATIVE PERSONNEL SERVICES OE-0005917 REGIST: MASTERING THE BASICS Printed 125.00 600690 11/2/2023 1666 CORELOGIC INC 82189792 SEP SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 350.50 600815 11/16/2023 1666 CORELOGIC INC 82193004 OCT SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION: CODE ENF EFT 400.00 600691 11/2/2023 3130 CORTEZ GASTELUM MARIA VICTORIA 230930 NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION: MPSC: TCSD EFT 125.00 600882 11/22/2023 3130 CORTEZ GASTELUM MARIA VICTORIA _ 231028 NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION: MPSC: TCSD EFT 125.00 600740 11/9/2023 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1600.203-1625.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 620.20 600816 11/16/2023 1771 COSSOU CELINE - 1600.202-1620.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 529.20 600930 11/30/2023 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1600.204-1640.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 748.30 300841 , 11/8/2023 1849 COSTAR REALTY INFORMATION INC 120474828 NOV'23 WEB SUBSCRIPTION: ECO DEV Printed 1,296.00 300794 11/2/20231098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3502 MISC SUPPLIES- WORKFORCE PROGRAMS Printed 589.09 300842 , 11/8/20231098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3509 TEEN CERT CLASS SUPPLIES: TCC Printed 953.10 300842 11/8/20231098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3507 SPECIAL EVENT SUPPLIES -FIRE Printed 132.04 300842 , 11/8/20231098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3508 MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD Printed 95.43 300909 11/16/20231098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3512 MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD Printed 95.75 300983 11/30/20231098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3516 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: PWLANDDEV Printed 98.80 300983 11/30/20231098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3522 MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD Printed 240.07 300983 11/30/20231098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3521 MISC SUPPLIES- WORKFORCE PROGRAMS Printed 53.98 300983 11/30/20231098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3518 HOSPITALITY/OFFICE SUPPLIES:THEATER:TCSD Printed 291.69 300983 11/30/20231098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3523 MISC SUPPLIES: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD Printed 345.80 300843 11/8/20231268 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3510 SUPPLIES:MRC, MPSCANDSFSP Printed 225.66 300910 11/16/20231268 COSTCO TEM ECU LA 491 = 3511 SUPPLIES: MRC, MPSC AND SFSP Printed 626.90 300984 11/30/20231268 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3514 MISCSUPPLIES: MPSC:TCSD Printed 282.74 600817 11/16/2023 2004 COX KRISTI 4210.205 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 270.00 600931 11/30/2023 2004 COX KRISTI 4100.205-4150.205 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 525.00 600931 -11/30/2023 2004 COX KRISTI = 4115.205-4135.205 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 504.00 600692 11/2/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 03468 PLUMBING REPAIRS, RONALD REAGAN SPORTS PARK EFT 1,149.68 600741 11/9/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003638 PLUMBING WORK AT SENIOR CENTER & LIBRARY EFT 300.00 600818 11/16/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 119474 SERVICE CALLS, PW CITY FACILITIES EFT 90.00 600818 11/16/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003633 PLUMBING WORK AT SENIOR CENTER & LIBRARY EFT 475.00 600818 11/16/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 119467 SERVICE CALLS, PW CITY FACILITIES EFT 90.00 600818 11/16/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 119473 SERVICE CALLS, PW CITY FACILITIES EFT I_ 90.00 600818 11/16/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003699 PLUMBING SERVICES: PW FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT 1,681.00 600818 11/16/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003700 PLUMBING SERVICES: PW FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT I_ 490.00 600883 11/22/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 03500 PLUMBING SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 2,551.43 600883 11/22/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 03499 PLUMBING SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT I_ 461.50 300985 11/30/2023 3452 CREATIVE MAD SYSTEMS INC 4172 CHILDRENS MUSEUM ENHANCEMENT Printed 20,607.74 300958 11/21/2023 1929 CULTIVATING GOOD INC 1262023 WORKFORCE PROGRAMS CATERING Printed 1"""""""""3,262.50 600742 11/9/2023 1096 DANS FEED AND SEED INC 080686 SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 191.27 300986 11/30/2023 1359 DATA BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC 140618 W2 FORMS AND ENVELOPES: FINANCE Printed 512.38 300795 11/2/2023 3209 DATA PROCESSING DESIGN INC EGOLD-12049695 CLOUD FAXING SERVICE:ITSS Printed 69.49 300987 11/30/2023 3209 DATA PROCESSING DESIGN INC EGOLD-12052469 CLOUD FAXING SERVICE: ITSS ' Printed 69.49 600693 11/2/20231105 DATA TICKET INC 157236 CITATION PROCESSING EFT 851.87 300796 , 11/2/2023 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 536826R CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SERVICES:PVMIP, PW21-04 Printed 210.00 300796 11/2/2023 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 546921 ENG SVCS: PICKLEBALL COURTS: PW21-03 Printed 12,539.50 300945 , 11/8/2023 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 544705 ENGINEERING SVCS: PW CIP Printed 20,917.00 300911 11/16/2023 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 547067 DIAZ ROAD EXPANSION Printed 22,985.50 300988 11/30/2023 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 547895 DOG PARK RENOVATION: PW - CIP Printed 1�,169.50 300959 11/21/20231177 DAVID TURCH AND ASSOCIATES AUG'23 FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE CONSULTANT SVCS: CM Printed 5,500.00 300959 11/21/20231177 DAVID TURCH AND ASSOCIATES SEP'23 FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE CONSULTANT SVCS: CIA Printed 1�,500.00 600694 11/2/2023 2528 DE LA SECURA INC 21007-023 MARGARITA REC CTR DSGN BUILD EFT 288,125.96 300797 , 11/2/2023 3326 DEARMOND SUSAN 1§§N� PLAIN AIR 3RD PLACE PLEIN AIR COMPETITION 3RD PRIZE: TCSD Printed 75.00 300846 11/8/2023 1491 DEPT OF GENERAL SERVICES DGS 00000015361748 CASE FILINGS: CODE ENFORCEMENT Printed 93.25 300946 , 11/8/2023 1491 DEPT OF GENERAL SERVICES DGS 0000001536174A CASE FILINGS: MASSAGE: CITY CLERK Printed 1�,226.75 300846 11/8/2023 1491 DEPT OF GENERAL SERVICES DGS 0000001536959 CASE FILINGS: MASSAGE Printed 11,290.00 600695 , 11/2/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00108472 MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM:IT EFT d�,858.00 600695 11/2/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2INC IN00108483 MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM:IT EFT 1,335.00 600695 , 11/2/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00109220 MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM:IT EFT 1�,089.72 600743 11/9/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2INC IN00100126 ACCESS CONTROL:MPSC CIP PW17-01: IT EFT 5,019.00 600696 , 11/2/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004991255 FENCE RENTAL: JRC: PW � = EFT J� 95.00 600744 11/9/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004988412 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: POLICE EFT 141.32 600819 11/16/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004837740 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: POLICE DEPT EFT 132.09 600884 11/22/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004895221 RESTROOM RENTALS & MAINT SVCS: PW CIP EFT 8,660.00 600884 11/22/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005031039 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: RIVERTON LN � EFT 110.88 600884 11/22/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005022041 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: STEPHEN LINEN PARK EFT 160.88 600884 11/22/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005031040 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: GENERAL KEARNY RD EFT 110.88 600884 11/22/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005031038 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: LA SERENA WAY EFT 110.88 600884 11/22/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005031041 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: HARMONY LN EFT 'i 165.88 600884 11/22/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004835715 RESTROOM RENTALS & MAINT SVCS: PW CIP EFT 8,660.00 600884 011/22/2023 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004784328 RESTROOM RENTALS & MAINT SVCS: PW CIP EFT '_1,365.00 15771 11/7/2023 2394 DISCOUNTMUGS.COM 8211 PROMO ITEMS: PECHANGA PU'ESKA EVENT Wire 1,280.88 600745 11/9/2023 2137 DIVERSIFIED WATERSCAPES INC 10006814 OCT WTR QUALITY MAINT: DUCK POND/HARV EFT '_7,800.00 600932 11/30/2023 2137 DIVERSIFIED WATERSCAPES INC EWO 6699 PUMP REPAIR: HARVESTON LAKE EFT 2,366.00 600933 111/30/2023 2137 DIVERSIFIED WATERSCAPES INC EWO 6755 FOUNTAIN REPAIR AT HARVESTON LAKE PARK: PW EFT I_2,183.00 600697 11/2/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL12383 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE EFT 90.14 600697 , 11/2/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL � CL12387 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREETS: PW EFT J�'001.80 600697 11/2/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL12385 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG INSPECTORS EFT 476.39 600697 , 11/2/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL - CL12404 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC: PW � EFT '_ 385.48 600697 11/2/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL12384 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 126.53 600697 , 11/2/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL12405 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD EFT 452.61 600746 11/9/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL13099 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEPT EFT 184.94 600746 , 11/9/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL12381 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARKS: PW EFT 2,189.28 600746 11/9/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL11704 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE EFT 272.63 600746 , 11/9/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL13882 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC: PW EFT 471.66 600746 11/9/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL13863 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 177.84 600746 , 11/9/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL13866 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREET MAINT: PW 111hiiiii. EFT 1,625.37 600746 11/9/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL13860 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARK MAINT: PW EFT 1,617.25 600746 , 11/9/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL13864 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG INSPECTORS EFT 286.68 600820 11/16/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL13861 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: LAND DEV: PW EFT 61.17 600820 11/16/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL13862 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE DEPT EFT 56.63 600820 11/16/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL12382 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: LAND DEV: PW EFT 51.96 600820 11/16/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL13865 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP: PW EFT 267.86 600820 11/16/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL13883 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD EFT 352.03 600820 11/16/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL13867 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: INFO TECH EFT 97.27 600820 11/16/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL12386 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP: PW EFT 221.93 600885 11/22/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL15326 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE EFT 83.56 600885 11/22/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL15324 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARK MAINT: PW EFT 2,175.89 600885 11/22/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL12401 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: EOC EFT 77.01 600885 11/22/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL14641 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEPT EFT 144.31 600885 11/22/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL15327 F FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT � 98.71 600885 11/22/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL15344 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC: PW EFT 432.45 600885 11/22/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL - CL15345 , FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD EFT '_ 394.30 600885 11/22/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL15330 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 1,761.72 600885 11/22/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL -CL13879 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: EOC EFT __R� 104.93 600934 11/30/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL16698 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARK MAINT: PW EFT 2,076.94 600934 11/30/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL - CL16719 ! FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC: PW' EFT __ 305.98 600934 11/30/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL16704 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 1,382.69 600934 11/30/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL =CL16720= FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD EFT 374.82 300798 11/2/2023 2689 DS SERVICES OF AMERICA INC 22116432 102023 CC WATER DELIVERY SERVICES Printed 69.13 600747 11/9/2023 1678 DUDEK 202307275 ' CONSTRUCTION MGT SVCS: PW-CIP, PW20-13, ON -CALL EFT 19,980.00 600821 11/16/2023 1678 DUDEK 202308449 CITYWIDE DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN EFT 20,974.O6 600886 11/22/2023 1678 DUDEK 202308337 CONSTRUCTION MGT SVCS: PW-CIP, PW20-13, ON -CALL EFT 23,040.00 15749 11/21/2023 1057 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DIST VAR EMWD OCT VAR OCT WATER SVCS Wire 7,897.74 600748 _ 11/9/2023 2258 ECONOMIC ALTERNATIVES INC 9w, 103866 WATER SYSTEMS MONITORING FOR HVAC EQUIPMENT EFT 619.55 600935 11/30/2023 2258 ECONOMIC ALTERNATIVES INC 104488 WATER SYSTEMS MONITORING FOR HVAC EQUIPMENT EFT 619.55 300901 111/16/2023 1440 EE VENDOR #1440 REIMB: CASQA CONF REIMB: CASQA CONFERENCE Printed 107.68 600912 11/22/2023 1514 EE VENDOR #1514 11/09/23 REIMB: THEATER SUPPLIES EFT 88.11 600778 , 11/9/2023 1571 EE VENDOR #1571 REIMB: NEOGOV CONS REIMB: NEOGOV CONFERENCE EFT 97.12 301001 11/30/2023 2041 EE VENDOR #2041 REIMB: SUPPLIES REIMB: SUPPLIES Printed 65.10 600752 , 11/9/2023 2132 EE VENDOR #2132 REIMB: CYBER EVENT 0 REIMB: CYBER CHALLENGE EFT 477.00 600823 11/16/2023 2265 EE VENDOR #2265 REIMB: NEOGOV CONF REIMB: NEOGOV CONFERENCE EFT 64.47 600849 111/16/2023 2266 EE VENDOR #2266 10/26/23 RFRSHMNTS: PTSC COMMISSION EFT 79.19 300790 11/2/2023 2285 EE VENDOR #2285 REIMB: NEOGOV CONF REIMB: NEOGOV CONFERENCE Printed 93.65 300825 , 11/2/2023 2410 EE VENDOR #2410 _ TEAM PACE 10/31/2R REIMB: TEAM PACE EVENT 10/31/23 Printed 820.85 600864 11/16/2023 2410 EE VENDOR #2410 11/13/23 REIMB: TEAM PACE EFT 150.00 600785 , 11/9/2023 2492 EE VENDOR #2492 REIMB: NEOGOV CONF REIMB: NEOGOV CONFERENCE EFT 235.84 600751 11/9/2023 2544 EE VENDOR #2544 REIMB: NEOGOV CONF REIMB: NEOGOV CONFERENCE EFT 198.67 600739 , 11/9/2023 2627 EE VENDOR #2627 REIMB: NEOGOV CONF REIMB: NEOGOV CONFERENCE EFT 148.08 600948 11/30/2023 2714 EE VENDOR #2714 11/27/23 REIMB: EMPLOYEE LUNCHEON EFT 339.60 300864 , 11/8/2023 2851 EE VENDOR #2851 REIMB: TEAM PACE REIMB: TEAM PACE EVENT: HALLOWEEN Printed 669.90 300851 11/8/2023 3350 EE VENDOR #3350 REIMB: NEOGOV REIMB: NEOGOV CONFERENCE Printed 4,030.10 301019 11/30/20233414 EE VENDOR#3414 REIMB: CALCITIES REIMB: CALCITIES CONFERENCE Printed 25.52 600887 11/22/20232385 EIDE BAILLY LLP E101584866 OCTAUDITSVCS: 2023 FINANCIAL STATEMENT AUDIT EFT 31,600.00 600936 11/30/2023 2031 ELITE CLAIMS MANAGEMENT INC 2023-678 WRKCOMP TPA: RM EFT 1,250.00 600749 11/9/2023 3265 EMPIRE ECONOMICS 10/19/23 COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. 2023-1 (ALTAIR) EFT 14,900.00 600698 , 11/2/20231156 ENGINEERING RESOURCES OF SOUTHERN CA INC 59501 ENGINEERING CONSULTSVCS:PW-CIP,PW19-11, ON -CALL EFT 31,266.99 600750 11/9/2023 1156 ENGINEERING RESOURCES OF SOUTHERN CA INC 59459 DESIGN ENGINEERING SVCS: PW - CIP EFT 3,572.50 600888 111/22/20231156 ENGINEERING RESOURCES OF SOUTHERN CA INC 59665 ENG CONSULTANT SVCS: OVERLAND WIDENING EFT 61,106.82 300799 11/2/2023 1004 ESGIL LLC 90789 AUG PLAN CK SVCS: COMDEV Printed 22,168.26 300799 , 11/2/2023 1004 ESGIL LLC _mL 90096 REVISED JUL PLAN CK SVCS: COMDEV Printed 13,718.92 300847 11/8/2023 1366 EXHIBIT ENVOY EXHIBIT: MUSEUM BLACK & WHITE IN BLACK & WHITE Printed 675.00 15378 11/14/2023 1998 EYEMED VISION CARE BEN349793 VISION PLAN PAYMENT Wire 2,115.89 300989 11/30/2023 1892 FAIR HOUSING COUNCIL OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY INC AUG-OCT '23 AUG-OCT'23 SUB -RECIPIENT: FAIR HOUSING SVCS Printed 4,128.94 300912 11/16/2023 2116 FALCON ENGINEERING SERVICES 2023-6 CONSTRUCTION MGMNT SVCS: PW16-01 CIP Printed 474,944.61 300990 11/30/2023 2116 FALCON ENGINEERING SERVICES 2023-7 1-15/FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMP Printed 362,580.80 7 300800 , 11/2/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-292-05300A EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: INFO TECH Printed 9.16 300800 11/2/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-292-05300B EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: ECO DEV Printed 6.82 300848 , 11/8/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-300-06865 EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: FINANCE Printed 6.82 300848 11/8/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-300-06865B EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: CODE ENFORCEMENT Printed 28.64 300848 , 11/8/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-285-13688 EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: SPEC EVENTS: TCSD Printed 15.34 300848 11/8/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-300-06865D EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: CIP: PW04-08 Printed 13.85 300913 11/16/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC = 8-300-06865A EXPRESS MAILINGS SVCS: FIRE Printed 9.03 300913 11/16/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-307-25621 EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: TCSD Printed 18.21 300960 11/21/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-292-05299 EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: FACILITIES Printed 8.28 300960 11/21/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-314-02002B EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: THEATER: TCSD Printed 13.67 300991 11/30/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-321-41778 EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: LAND DEV: PW Printed 9.73 300991 11/30/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-314-02002C EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: CIP: PW Printed 9.73 300991 11/30/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC ' 8-314-02002A EXPRESS MAILINGS SVCS: LAND DEV: PW Printed 8.17 300991 11/30/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-314-02001 EXP MAILINGS SVCS: HR Printed 27.58 600822 11/16/2023 1219 FINE ARTS NETWORK CATCH ME IF YOU CAN STTLMNT: CATCH ME IF YOU CAN 10/13-10/29 EFT 16,123.05 600937 11/30/2023 1219 FINE ARTS NETWORK PERF: 11/18/23 THE PRINCESSES IN CONCERT 11/18/23 EFT 1,565.60 15323 11/2/20231006 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY ' RTE-7019584 LAND ACQUISITION: 31249 INDIAN SUMMER RD Wire , 172,609.00 300914 11/16/2023 1006 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY 11/14/23 TITLE: TEMECULA BIKE TRAILS Printed 500.00 600938 11/30/2023 1871 FLATIRON WEST INC 1-15/FV PKWY IMPROVEMENTS: PH II: CIP EFT ` 2,442,545.73 300849 11/8/2023 3359 FOLLANSBEE TROI DEP: MRC FRAME CREATION/INSTALLATION OF MOSAIC Printed 6,000.00 600824 11/16/2023 2643 FORENSIC NURSING OF SOCAL INC ; 2399 SART EXAMS EFT 550.00 600824 11/16/2023 2643 FORENSIC NURSING OF SOCAL INC 2392 SART EXAMS EFT 1,200.00 300992 11/30/2023 3406 FREEDOM FOREVER REFUND: B23-1743 REFUND: BUILDING PERMIT: 623-1743_j�­ Printed I_ 147.36 600825 11/16/2023 1875 FREIZE UHLER KIMBERLY 8937 TISSUE PAPER MISC. PROMOTIONAL ITEMS: ECO DEV INCUBATOR EFT 352.67 600939 11/30/2023 1875 FREIZE UHLER KIMBERLY= 8911 STRAW HAT GENERAL:STRAW HATS: RM _mmmmmmljjW EFT I_2,214.05 15946 11/21/2023 2067 FRONTIER CALIFORNIA INC VAR OCT/NOV FRONTIER VARIOUS OCT/NOV INTERNET SVCS Wire 12,638.16 300850 11/8/20231497 FULL COMPASS SYSTEMS INCO2427817 ' SOUND/LIGHTING& MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER Printed I_ 33.56 300993 11/30/2023 1497 FULL COMPASS SYSTEMS INCO2431319 SOUND/LIGHTING & MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER Printed 99.09 300993 011/30/20231497 FULL COMPASS SYSTEMS INCO2432225 r SOUND/LIGHTING& MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER Printed 22.36 600753 11/9/2023 2374 GEORGE HILLS COMPANY INC INV1026510 SUBROGATION RECOVERY FEE:GHC0060210: RM EFT 594.84 600826 111/16/2023 2374 GEORGE HILLS COMPANY INC INV1026740 CLAIMS TPA: RM EFT 2,028.50 300915 11/16/2023 2722 GEOTAB USA INC IN362483 VEHICLE TELEMATICS:CITY FLEET: IT Printed 1,678.75 600754 , 11/9/2023 2359 GILLIS AND PANICHAPAN ARCHITECTS INC - 108623J ARCHITECTURAL SVCS: PW-CIP, PW19-07, ON -CALL EFT 2,130.00 600754 11/9/2023 2359 GILLIS AND PANICHAPAN ARCHITECTS INC 108624J ARCHITIECTURAL SVCS: PW-CIP, PW19-14, ON -CALL ARGM EFT 3,365.00 600754 , 11/9/2023 2359 GILLIS AND PANICHAPAN ARCHITECTS INC - - - - - 108604J ARCHITECTURAL SVCS:PW-CIP, PW19-07, ON -CALL EFT 1,785.30 600755 11/9/2023 2359 GILLIS AND PANICHAPAN ARCHITECTS INC 108605J ARCHITECTURAL SVCS: PW-CIP, PW19-07 EFT 4,900.00 600755 , 11/9/2023 2359 GILLIS AND PANICHAPAN ARCHITECTS INC 108606J- ARCHITIECTURAL SVCS: PW-CIP, PW19-14 EFT 1,920.00 300801 11/2/2023 1523 GOLDEN VALLEY MUSIC SOCIETY STTLM NT 10/8 & 10/22 CLASSICS @ THE MERC 10/8 & 10/22 Printed 507.50 300856 , 11/8/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1404 HVAC SUPPLIES: SENIOR CENTER CIP Printed 261.00 300856 11/8/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1438 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 103.30 300856 , 11/8/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1425 HVAC SUPPLIES: SENIOR CENTER CIP Printed 65.24 300856 11/8/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1440 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 32.46 300856 , 11/8/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1434 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 1,088.58 300856 11/8/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1427 HVAC SUPPLIES: SENIOR CENTER CIP Printed 162.04 300856 11/8/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I - 1426 HVAC SUPPLIES: SENIOR CENTER CIP Printed 190.31 300920 11/16/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1442 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 448.03 300920 11/16/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I - 1443 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 51.11 301000 11/30/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1458 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 766.67 301000 11/30/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I - 1456 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 157.69 301000 11/30/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1461 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 247.95 300802 11/2/2023 2138 GOVCONNECTION INC 74561835 ADOBE AND CREATIVE CLOUD LICENSES:IT Printed 13,497.40 300916 11/16/2023 2138 GOVCONNECTION INC 74620850 REPLACEMENT COMPUTERS:TEM PUB LIBRARY Printed 22,229.92 300803 11/2/20231108 GOVERNMENT TRAINING AGENCY 10/20/23 REGIST: ICI MGMTAND SUPERVISION TRAINING Printed 576.00 600699 11/2/2023 1225 GRAINGER 9874725527 PET WASTE CONTAINERS FOR VARIOUS LOCATIONS EFT 583.09 600889 11/22/2023 1225 GRAINGER 9900959140 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 1,000.98 600889 11/22/2023 1225 GRAINGER 852588615 MISC PARK SUPPLIES: PARKS: PW EFT 190.10 300897 11/16/2023 1383 HANCOCK LORENA 3700.204-3730.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 1,540.00 300852 11/8/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2734/OCT MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: LIBRARY Printed 232.16 300852 11/8/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2733/OCT MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: TRAFFIC: PW Printed 177.04 300852 11/8/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2634/SEP-B SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: TCC Printed 134.80 300917 11/16/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2706/OCT MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: AQUATICS: PW Printed 215.84 300917 11/16/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2708/OCT MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: OLD TOWN Printed 514.31 300917 11/16/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2634/OCT SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP: FIRE Printed 298.77 300917 11/16/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2641/OCT MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: STREETS: PW Printed 1,462.15 300917 11/16/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2716/OCT MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: IWTCM Printed 100.98 300917 11/16/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2107/OCT MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: THEATER Printed 44.64 300917 11/16/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2670/OCT MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: TCC Printed 57.63 300917 11/16/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2646/OCT MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: CRC Printed 222.13 300917 11/16/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2671/OCT MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: FOC Printed 65.17 300917 11/16/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2644/OCT MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR Printed 2,353.55 300961 11/21/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2649/OCT MAINT SUPPLIES: PARKS: PW Printed 3,369.68 300994 11/30/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2664/OCT-B HARDWARE SUPPLIES, SENIOR CENTER REHAB Printed 195.75 300994 11/30/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2664/OCT-A MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: MPSC Printed 2,218.87 300804 11/2/2023 2225 HASA INC 926754 POOL SANTIZING CHEMICALS: CITY POOLS Printed 892.31 300995 11/30/2023 2225 HASA INC 930161 POOL SANTIZING CHEMICALS: CITY POOLS Printed 814.07 600756 11/9/2023 1056 HDL COREN AND CONE SIN033010 OCT-DEC FY23-24 PROPERTY TAX CONSULTING EFT 6,859.34 300782 , 11/2/2023 1110 HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES CENTER INC E0301812 OCT EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PRGM: HR Printed 1,864.55 300970 11/30/2023 1110 HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES CENTER INC E0304085 NOV EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PRGM: HR Printed 1,864.55 600757 , 11/9/2023 1093 HEALTHPOINTE MEDICAL GROUP INC 42612-4141746 MED EMPLOYMENT SCREENING: HR EFT 200.00 600827 11/16/2023 1093 HEALTHPOINTE MEDICAL GROUP INC 42612-4150978 VIED EMPLOYMENT SCREENING: HR EFT 50.00 600940 11/30/2023 1093 HEALTHPOINTE MEDICAL GROUP INC 42612-4159535 MED EMPLOYMENT SCREENING: HR EFT 170.00 600828 11/16/2023 2235 HICKS AND HARTWICK INC 8244 ENG PLAN CHECK SRVCS:PW - LAND DEV EFT 4,838.75 ■ 600828 11/16/2023 2235 HICKS AND HARTWICK INC 8256 ` ENG PLAN CHECK SRVCS:PW - LAND DE� EFT 1� 245.00 600890 11/22/20232547 HINER DOUGLAS 2023-OCTOBER UMPIRE OFFICIATING SVCS: CITY ADULTSOFTBALL EFT 3,654.00 300853 11/8/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 1680356 SUPPLIES: FACILITIES MAINT: PW i Printed ,_ 971.99 300853 11/8/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 5974775 MISC SUPPLIES: FACILITIES MAINT: PW Printed 94.57 300962 11/21/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT - 3972337 MAINT SUPPLIES: CRC: PW Printed * 266.64 300962 11/21/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 9023213 MISC SUPPLIES: PARKS: PW Printed 18.47 300996 11/30/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 7972665 , MISC HRDWR SUPPLIES: FOC: PW Printed 284.47 300996 11/30/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 9972540 MISC HRDWR SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR: PW Printed 46.09 300996 11/30/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 9971872 ` MISC HRDWR SUPPLIES: MTC YARD Printed 541.58 300996 11/30/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 3370485 WINDOW BLINDS, TVE2 PW Printed 3,446.92 300996 11/30/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 8032583 MISC HRDWR SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR: PW Printed 194.45 300996 11/30/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 0973033 MISC SUPPLIES: CIVIC CENTER: PW Printed 254.15 ■ 300997 11/30/20231620 HOSPICE OF THE VALLEYS SC CK REQJUL-SEP'23 CDBG-SENIOR ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Printed 3,576.67 600758 11/9/2023 1990 HOUSE OF AUTOMATION INC 791803 SWING GATE REPAIR: CIVIC CENTER: PW EFT 1,210.33 600941 11/30/20232233 HOWELLANN MARIE COT_ECONDEV_1123 BANNER STAND: HR EFT 734.25 600759 11/9/2023 3320 HUFF VICTORIA PLEIN AIR 2ND PLACE PLEIN AIR COMPETITION 2ND PRIZE: TCSD EFT 100.00 600942 11/30/2023 1593 ICC GENERAL CODE INC GCO0123358 MUNICIPAL CODE SERVICES: CITY CLERK EFT 1,480.00 600760 11/9/20232512 IDETAIL SUPPLY CO NNM7 DETAIL SUPPLIES: FIRE ENGINES EFT 251.71 300854 11/8/20231841 INLAND EROSION CONTROL SRVCS 97437 EROSION CONTROL SUPPLIES: ST MAINT:PW � Printed 720.00 600891 11/22/2023 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 6561 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR, STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 501.33 600891 011/22/2023 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 6698 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR, STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 500.44 600891 11/22/2023 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 6481 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR, STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 1,592.02 600891 111/22/2023 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 6555 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR, STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 2,622.24 600943 11/30/2023 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 6746 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR, STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 230.01 600943 111/30/2023 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 6744 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR, STREET MAINTENANCE EFT r� 274.37 600943 11/30/2023 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 6745 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR, STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 221.32 600829 111/16/2023 1595 INLAND VALLEY SYMPHONY INC 111-2023 PERFORMING ARTS AGREEMENT EFT ..J_5,000.00 600700 11/2/2023 1396 INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS 254167 AUG COPIER MAINT/REPAIR/USAGE: CITYWIDE EFT 8,951.74 600700 , 11/2/2023 1396 INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS 254921 SEP COPIER MAINT/REPAIR/USAGE: LIBRARY ]o EFT I_ 462.06 600700 11/2/2023 1396 INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS 254920 SEP COPIER MAINT/REPAIR/USAGE: CITYWIDE EFT 2,563.20 600700 , 11/2/2023 1396 INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS 254168 AUG COPIER MAINT/REPAIR/USAGE: CITYWIDE EFT _Aa_ 472.90 15371 11/9/2023 1047 INSTATAX EDD BEN349815 STATE TAX PAYMENT Wire 48,385.09 16041 11/22/2023 1047 INSTATAX EDD BEN349833 STATE TAX PAYMENT Wire 48,929.73 16240 11/27/2023 1047 INSTATAX EDD BEN349850 STATE TAX PAYMENT Wire 8.30 16357 11/30/2023 1047 INSTATAX EDD BEN349854 STATE TAX PAYMENT Wire 24,144.90 15372 11/9/2023 1027 INSTATAX IRS BEN349811 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT Wire 142,407.04 16042 11/22/2023 1027 INSTATAX IRS BEN349829 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT = Wire 143,447.66 16241 11/27/2023 1027 INSTATAX IRS BEN349848 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT Wire 114.62 600830 11/16/2023 3227 INSTEP MARKETING C3215 BROCHURES: PW - CIP EFT 2,760.00 300918 11/16/2023 3035 INTERFLEX PAYMENT LLC BEN349813 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT FSA: PAYMENT Printed 25,675.79 300919 11/16/2023 3035 INTERFLEX PAYMENT LLC INV656907 FSA/COBRA: HR Printed 450.50 300919 11/16/2023 3035 INTERFLEX PAYMENT LLC INV649522 FSA/COBRA: HR Printed 457.00 300998 11/30/2023 3035 INTERFLEX PAYMENT LLC INV664968 FSA/COBRA: HR Printed 450.50 600701 11/2/2023 2085 INTERPRETERS UNLIMITED 363977 TRANSLATION SERVICES: PD EFT 87.00 600944 11/30/2023 2085 INTERPRETERS UNLIMITED 351132 TRANSLATION SERVICES: PD EFT 9.00 600945 11/30/2023 2085 INTERPRETERS UNLIMITED 43696 TRANSLATION SERVICES: PD EFT 134.28 300999 11/30/20231196 INTL CODE COUNCIL Q35.000013890 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: BLDG&SAFETY Printed 292.00 300855 11/8/2023 1053 INTL INSTITUTE OF MUNICIPAL CLERKS 1995510.03.23 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: CITY CLERK Printed 250.00 600831 11/16/2023 1719 JACOBS HOUSE INC BEN349801 EMPLOYEE CHARITY DONATIONS: PAYMENT EFT 40.00 300857 11/8/2023 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP 68312 BUSINESS CARDS: J. LARUE:FIRE Printed 81.82 300857 11/8/2023 2475 1P HANDMADE CORP ' 68220 TCSD - BUSINESS CARDS Printed 131.00 300857 11/8/2023 2475 1P HANDMADE CORP 68191 BUSINESS CARDS: MAINT: PW Printed 81.82 600761 , 11/9/2023 2475 1P HANDMADE CORP 68330 BUSINESS CARDS: PREVENTION EFT 97.88 600892 11/22/2023 2475 1P HANDMADE CORP 68385 WHITE ENVELOPES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 354.50 600946 111/30/2023 1248 1TB SUPPLY COMPANY INC 112731 LED LIGHTS, TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE EFT 3,543.00 15421 11/20/2023 3436 KAUR HARMEET REF: DUPLICATE PVT REFUND: CSS DUPLICATE PAYMENT Wire 643.00 300805 , 11/2/2023 1933 KELLY SPICERS INC 11405402_ MISC PAPER SUPPLIES:CENTRAL SERVICES Printed 1,278.57 300805 11/2/2023 1933 KELLY SPICERS INC 11414386 MISC PAPER SUPPLIES:CENTRAL SERVICES Printed (921.15) 300805 11/2/2023 1933 KELLY SPICERS INC 11414387 MISC PAPER SUPPLIES:CENTRAL SERVICES Printed 452.87 600762 11/9/2023 1090 KEYSER MARSTON ASSOCIATES INC 0038178 LAND USE ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY STUDY UPDATE EFT 2,205.00 600762 , 11/9/2023 1090 KEYSER MARSTON ASSOCIATES INC 0037998 LAND USE ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY STUDY UPDATE EFT 19,807.50 600762 11/9/2023 1090 KEYSER MARSTON ASSOCIATES INC 0038100 LAND USE ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY STUDY UPDATE EFT 11,145.00 600947 111/30/2023 1090 KEYSER MARSTON ASSOCIATES INC 0038263 SB-9 FISCAL ANALYSIS: LR22-0158 EFT 9,254.38 300858 11/8/2023 3304 KOSMONT REAL ESTATE SERVICES 2308.2-001 SURPLUS LAND ACT CONSULTING SV Printed 364.00 600949 11/30/2023 1975 KRACH BREE B 200009 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION:HR EFT 63.62 600949 11/30/2023 1975 KRACH BREE B 200058 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONMR EFT 53.29 600949 11/30/2023 1975 KRACH BREE B 200027 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITIONMR = EFT '_ 108.75 300921 11/16/20231136 LAKE ELSINORE ANIMAL FRIENDS OCT'23 OCT'23 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES Printed 10,762.50 300922 _11/16/2023 3402 LANGUAGERS INC _ OB13C1F4-0003 INTERPRETATION SVCS: CITY CLERK Printed '_ 238.00 600702 11/2/2023 3111 LAWNSCAPE SYSTEMS INC 441297 WEED ABATMENT AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 29,600.00 600702 , 11/2/20233111 LAWNSCAPE SYSTEMS INC 441971 HERBICIDE APPLICATION: MEADOWVIEW: PV;IllllL_ EFT 1�,995.00 15772 11/7/2023 1014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 4688 REGISTRATION: CAL CITIES CITY MGRS CONFERENCE Wire 750.00 15773 , 11/7/2023 1014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 6303 REGISTRATION: CAL CITIES CITY MGRS CONFERENCE Wire 750.00 15783 11/7/2023 1014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 5842 REGISTRATION: CAL CITIES CITY MGRS CONFERENCE Wire 750.00 300806 , 11/2/2023 1014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 2807 REGIST: CAL CITIES ANNUAL CONFERENCE Printed _J_ 250.00 600763 11/9/2023 1050 LEIGHTON CONSULTING INC 60149 GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTING (PA23-0197) EFT 4,590.00 600893 11/22/2023 1050 LEIGHTON CONSULTING INC 60350 GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTING (PA23-0341) EFT ,_4,590.00 600950 11/30/2023 1050 LEIGHTON CONSULTING INC 60343 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES, CIP-PW, PW22-11, ON -CALL AG EFT 4,850.00 600832 11/16/2023 2278 LESO PAMELA 8891 CRIME PREVENTION MATERIALS EFT I_ 675.00 600832 11/16/2023 2278 LESO PAMELA 8895 CRIME PREVENTION MATERIALS EFT 1,331.07 600832 11/16/2023 2278 LESO PAMELA 8892 CRIME PREVENTION MATERIALS EFT I_ 813.32 600832 11/16/2023 2278 LESO PAMELA 8893 CRIME PREVENTION MATERIALS EFT 375.81 300859 11/8/20232912 LIBRARY IDEAS LLC -102806 MISC BOOKS - RHRTPL -TCSD = Printed I_ 515.27 600833 11/16/20231320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 252522 HR LEGAL SVCS FOR TE060-00022 EFT 16,673.00 600833 E11/16/20231320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE -253002 HR LEGAL SVCS FOR TE060-00001 EFT I_2,220.00 600764 11/9/2023 1216 LIFE ASSIST INC 1377128 CPR PROGRAM SUPPLIES: MEDIC EFT 281.45 600764 , 11/9/2023 1216 LIFE ASSIST INC - 1376760 CPR PROGRAM SUPPLIES: MEDIC:FIRE EFT 425.10 600894 11/22/2023 1216 LIFE ASSIST INC 1379680 CPR PROGRAM SUPPLIES: MEDIC EFT 224.36 300807 , 11/2/2023 2082 LILLIG REBECCA _ 000778 YOUNG WOMEN'S CAREER CONFERENCE COOKIES: TCSD Printed 1,000.00 300963 11/21/2023 3405 LOCKLIN LISA REFUND: CLASSES REFUND: CLASSES: TCSD Printed 50.00 300923 11/16/2023 3198 LOOMIS ARMORED US LLC 1 ARMORED CAR SVCS: FINANCE Printed 1,081.06 600895 11/22/2023 3344 LOVE PRODUCTIONS RECORDS LLC CK REQ 11/09/23 PERFORMING ARTS AGREEMENT 2-10 EFT 1,441.50 600834 11/16/2023 1979 LUXOTTICA OF AMERICA INC i 6900004766 UNIFORMS: TEM SHERIFF EFT 1,439.84 300860 11/8/2023 1302 M AND J PAUL ENTERPRISES INC 102723 CITY OF TEMEC JUMPER GAME RENTALS- SPECIAL EVENTS Printed 5,995.00 300924 11/16/2023 1806 M C I COMM SERVICE OCT 7DK89878 JW OCT 7DK89878 XXX-0714 USAGE MALL PD Printed 37.97 300924 11/16/2023 1806 M C I COMM SERVICE OCT 7DK90589 OCT 7DK90589 XXX-3046 GEN USAGE Printed 35.99 301002 11/30/20231224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 43234 VARIOUS SUPPLIES AND SIGNS: PW PARKS Printed 337.07 301002 11/30/20231224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 43232 VARIOUS SIGNS& SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 5,996.91 301002 11/30/20231224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 43230 VARIOUS SIGNS& SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 3,829.31 301002 11/30/20231224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 43233 VARIOUS SIGNS& SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 760.87 301002 11/30/20231224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 43231 VARIOUS SIGNS& SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 652.17 600835 11/16/20231250 MAINTEX INC 1059959-00 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT EFT 3,064.84 600835 11/16/20231250 MAINTEX INC -1059959-01 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT EFT 640.26 600765 11/9/2023 1243 MANALILI DE VILLA AILEEN 1200-1206.203 2N0 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,540.00 600896 11/22/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC _3122 11111r' ANNUALTREE TRIM MING,REMOVALS& PLANTING AT PARKS EFT 24,263.20 600896 11/22/2023 2619 MARIPOSATREE MANAGEMENT INC 3120 ANNUALTREE TRIM MI NG,REMOVALS& PLANTING AT PARKS EFT 6,729.30 600896 11/22/2023 2619 MARIPOSATREE MANAGEMENTINC _3138 ANNUALTREE TRIM MING,REMOVALS& PLANTING AT PARKS EFT 3,244.16 600896 11/22/2023 2619 MARIPOSATREE MANAGEMENT INC 3137 TREETRIMMING: VILLAGES SLOPE: PW EFT 1,622.08 600951 11/30/2023 2619 MARIPOSATREE MANAGEMENTINC 3133 TREETRIMMING: VINTAGE HILLS: PW EFT 1,622.08 600951 11/30/2023 2619 MARIPOSATREE MANAGEMENT INC 3128 ANNUAL RIGHT OF WAYTREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLAN EFT 503.55 600951 11/30/2023 2619 MARIPOSATREE MANAGEMENTINC 3123 ANNUAL RIGHT OF WAY TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLAN EFT 963.55 600951 11/30/2023 2619 MARIPOSATREE MANAGEMENT INC 3121 ANNUALTREE TRIM MI NG,REMOVALS& PLANTING AT PARKS EFT 8,536.64 600951 11/30/2023 2619 MARIPOSATREE MANAGEMENTINC 3125 ANNUALTREE TRIM MING,REMOVALS& PLANTING AT PARKS EFT I_6,418.38 600951 11/30/2023 2619 MARIPOSATREE MANAGEMENT INC 3139 EMERGENCY SLOPETREE SERVICES EFT 608.28 600951 11/30/2023 2619 MARIPOSATREE MANAGEMENTINC 3124 ANNUAL RIGHTOFWAYTREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLAN EFT I_1,824.56 600951 11/30/2023 2619 MARIPOSATREE MANAGEMENT INC 2577.20 ANNUALTREE TRIM MI NG,REMOVALS& PLANTING AT PARKS EFT 2,577.20 600951 11/30/2023 2619 MARIPOSATREE MANAGEMENTINC 3132 TREE REMOVALS: TRADEWINDS SLOPE: PW - EFT I_2,297.72 600951 11/30/2023 2619 MARIPOSATREE MANAGEMENT INC 3134 ANNUALTREE TRIM MI NG,REMOVALS& PLANTING AT PARKS EFT 4,013.19 600952 11/30/2023 2619 MARIPOSATREE MANAGEMENTINC 3127 ANNUALTREE TRIM MING,REMOVALS& PLANTING AT PARKS EFT 272.64 600952 11/30/2023 2619 MARIPOSATREE MANAGEMENT INC 3135 EMERGENCY SLOPETREE SERVICES EFT 405.52 600952 11/30/2023 2619 MARIPOSATREE MANAGEMENTINC 3130 TREETRIMMING: RANCHO HIGHLANDS: PW EFT 279.75 600952 11/30/2023 2619 MARIPOSATREE MANAGEMENT INC 3126 TREETRIMMING: VILLAGES SLOPE: PW EFT 405.22 600952 11/30/2023 2619 MARIPOSATREE MANAGEMENTINC 3136 TREETRIMMING: SIGNETSERIES: PW EFT 405.52 600703 11/2/2023 2376 MARK THOMAS AND COMPANY INC 48553 CHERRY STREET EXTENSION & MURR EFT 11,569.75 600836 11/16/2023 2376 MARK THOMAS AND COMPANY INC 49016 I-15 CONGENSTION RELIEF EFT 1,553.00 300861 11/8/2023 1996 MATCHETTVIVIAN 1320.203-1320.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 548.80 15451 111/14/2023 2388 MATRIX TELECOM LLC i , , 1197294370 OCT 800 SERVICES: CIVIC CENTER Wire 70.41 600766 11/9/2023 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 17923 MARY PHILLIPS SENIOR CENTER ENHANCEMENT & RENOV EFT 970.63 600766 , 11/9/2023 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 17921 SEP CDBG ADMINISTRATION SVCS: COMM DEV EFT 6,198.13 600766 11/9/2023 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 17922 SEP CDBG ADMINISTRATION SVCS: COMM DEV EFT 290.13 600766 , 11/9/2023 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 17924 MARY PHILLIPS SENIOR CENTER OUTDOOR AREA EFT 970.01 300862 11/8/2023 3361 MEDICAL COST CONTAINMENT SERVICES INC 10067A GENERAL: HR: ACA REPORTING Printed 6,364.00 300925 11/16/20232297 MGT OF AMERICA LLC 53644 MANDATED COST SB 90 Printed 11,000.00 600767 11/9/2023 2259 MICHELLE MEDINA 1040.203 1ST HALF TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,050.00 600953 11/30/2023 2259 MICHELLE MEDINA 1040.203 2ND PMT TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS ' EFT __1,050.00 301003 11/30/2023 1354 MICHELLES PLACE CANCER RESOURCE CENTER FY 23/24 CSF PMT 4 FY 23/24 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING Printed 9,715.00 300863 , 11/8/20231777 MIDWESTTAPE LLC 504481873 BOOKS ON TAPE Printed "M_ 214.80 600704 11/2/2023 1327 MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC 407701 WELDING SERVICES: PW PARKS EFT 570.00 600704 11/2/2023 1327 MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC 407724 GUARDRAIL INSTALL: RON ROBERT LIBRARY FOUNTAIN: PW EFT I_5,556.00 600954 11/30/2023 1327 MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC 407623 BRONZE HORSE REPAIR: PW EFT 10,360.00 600955 11/30/2023 1327 MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC illiff� 407699 WELDING SERVICES: PW PARKS EFT 320.00 600768 11/9/20231681 MIRANDA JULIO CESAR 3600.205-3630.205 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,499.40 600956 111/30/20231681 MIRANDAJULIO CESAR 3600.206-3630.206 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 999.60 600705 11/2/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517207-OC ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 278.26 600769 , 11/9/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517274-01 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 81.71 600769 11/9/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517733 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT (1,615.98) 600769 , 11/9/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517736-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 106.70 600769 11/9/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 515878-02 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 1,763.69 600770 , 1 1/9/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517164-03 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: SENIOR CENTER EFT 1,098.93 600770 11/9/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 513173-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES EFT 1,234.24 600770 , 11/9/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517525-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL , EFT 390.41 600770 11/9/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516671-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: SENIOR CENTER EFT 319.57 600770 , 11/9/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517525-02 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL Emor- EFT 905.76 600770 11/9/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516705-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: SENIOR CENTER EFT 860.97 600770 , 11/9/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517543-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 376.46 600770 11/9/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516948-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: SENIOR CENTER EFT 369.27 600770 , 11/9/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517274-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 1,525.68 600770 11/9/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517525-03 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL EFT 390.41 600771 , 11/9/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516692-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: SENIOR CENTER EFT 119.18 600771 11/9/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517078-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: SENIOR CENTER EFT 37.78 600771 , 11/9/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517279-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: SENIOR CENTER EFT 154.80 600771 11/9/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517633-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: SENIOR CENTER EFT 27.67 600771 , 11/9/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517572-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: SENIOR CENTER EFT 29.90 600837 11/16/20231241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517523-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TPL EFT 1,303.98 600838 11/16/20231241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517832-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: MPSC EFT 20.72 600838 11/16/20231241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517524-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CRC EFT 1,303.98 600838 11/16/20231241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516602-01 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TPL EFT 39.34 600838 11/16/20231241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517712-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: MPSC EFT 30.78 600838 11/16/20231241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517043-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: SENIOR CENTER EFT I_1,507.35 600897 11/22/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517158-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES EFT 255.67 600897 11/22/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516930-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES EFT 81.79 600897 11/22/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516736-02 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES EFT 169.65 600897 11/22/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517834-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES EFT 948.52 600897 11/22/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517970-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 72.00 600897 11/22/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 515486-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES- EFT 820.55 600897 11/22/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517241-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES EFT 1,339.80 600898 11/22/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517320-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 804.17 600898 11/22/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517901-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: SENIOR CENTER EFT 198.32 600898 11/22/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517778-00 OPEN PO: ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 168.73 600898 11/22/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517901-02 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: SENIOR CENTER EFT 53.72 600957 11/30/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517779-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 902.93 600957 11/30/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518028-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 2,074.39 600957 11/30/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518118-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 402.06 600957 11/30/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518122-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 1,490.85 600957 11/30/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517848-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 772.97 15369 11/9/20232356 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 106474 BEN349817 ICMA- 401(A) RETIREMENT PLAN PAYMENT Wire 384.62 16039 11/22/2023 2356 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 106474 BEN349835 ICMA-401(A) RETIREMENT PLAN PAYMENT Wire 384.62 15370 11/9/20231011 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 303355 BEN349819 ICMA-RC RETIREMENT TRUST 457 PAYMENT Wire 21,388.22 16040 11/22/20231011 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 303355 i BEN349839 ICMA-RC RETIREMENT TRUST 457 PAYMENT Wire 18,825.31 16356 11/30/20231011 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 303355 BEN349856 ICMA-RC RETIREMENT TRUST 457 PAYMENT Wire 14,705.18 301004 11/30/2023 3027 MONSIDO LLC INV-26347 WEBSITE SCANNING SOFTWARE: IT Printed 1�4,300.00 15452 11/2/2023 2830 MOOD MEDIA NORTH AMERICA HOLDINGS LLC NOV'23 NOV'23 - DISH NETWORK SVCS Wire 240.56 300865 , 11/8/2023 3382 MOORE CHRISTOPHER PERF: THE MERC STTLMNT: PERFORMANCE AT THE MERC 10/27/23 Printed I_1,589.70 600958 11/30/2023 1287 MOORE FENCE COMPANY INC 23-7955 REPAIR AND INSTALL CONCRETE RAIL FENCE: PW EFT 9,869.09 600772 , 11/9/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 10/17/23B ART EVENTS & MURALS: WINDOW PAINTING: TVM EFT I_ 400.00 600772 11/9/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2040.205-2070.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,246.00 600839 11/16/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 10/17/23A ART EVENTS & MURALS: 2ND SAT EVENT: S KOREA EFT + ■� 400.00 600839 11/16/20231240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 10/24/23 GRAPHIC DESIGN WORK: TCSD EFT 1,100.00 600959 11/30/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2040.206-2065.204 INSTRUCTOR EFT '_ 875.00 600773 11/9/20231904 MSDSONLINE INC 293949 GENERAL:CHEMICAL MANAGEMENT:RM EFT 2,866.67 600706 m 11/2/20231567 MTGL INC 0069353 INSPECTION&TESTING SVCS: PW-CIP, PWPR-01-01 EFT '_ 438.38 600707 11/2/2023 2081 MUSIC CONNECTION LLC STTLMNT: 10/14/23 SPEAKEASY @ THE MERC: 10/14/23 EFT 469.00 600960 111/30/2023 2081 MUSIC CONNECTION LLC PERF: 11/11/23 SPEAKEASY @ THE MERC 11/11/23 EFT 520.80 600961 11/30/20232268 MUSSON THEATRICAL INC 00446669 SOUND/LIGHTING SUPPLIES: THEATER EFT (36.36) 600961 111/30/20232268 MUSSON THEATRICAL INC 00468686 m SOUND/LIGHTING SUPPLIES: THEATER EFT 356.11 600961 11/30/20232268 MUSSON THEATRICAL INC 00446380 SOUND/LIGHTING SUPPLIES: THEATER EFT (2.00) 15373 , 11/9/20231088 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349807 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 16,886.21 15374 11/9/2023 2086 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349821 NATIONWIDE LOAN REPAYMENT: PAYMENT Wire 427.79 15375 , 11/9/20231038 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349825 OBRA- PROJECT RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire ,-5,544.46 16043 11/22/20231088 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349827 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 16,861.21 16044 111/22/20232086 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349841 NATIONWIDE LOAN REPAYMENT PAYMENT Wire I_ 427.79 16045 11/22/20231038 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349845 OBRA- PROJECT RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 5,041.54 300808 , 11/2/20233343 NAVY LEAGUE OF THE UNITED STATES INLAND EMPIRE FY 23/24 CSF 1ST COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING REINVESTMENT Printed I_5,000.00 301005 11/30/20232500 NETWRIX CORPORATION #INV-NW99089 DATA CLASSIFICATION SOFTWARE RENEWAL Printed 15,774.70 600774 , 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75776 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS SPORT PARKS: PW EFT 460.78 600774 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75779 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS SPORT PARKS: PW EFT 355.73 600774 , 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75662 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS AND MEDIANS EFT 23,159.00 600774 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75783 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARI LOCATIONS: PW EFT 762.77 600774 , 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75740 LANDSCAPE SVCS: I-15 OFF RAMP PW CIP EFT 6,338.25 600774 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75787 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARI LOCATIONS: PW EFT 390.49 600774 , 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75660 LANDSCAPE SVCS: FIRE STATIONS EFT 2,068.00 600774 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75786 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARI LOCATIONS: PW EFT 418.57 600774 , 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 75741 REMEDIAL LANDSCAPE SVCS: RON ROBERTS LIBRARY: PW EFT 1,788.00 600774 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75739 REMEDIAL LANDSCAPE SERVICE: RRSP: PW EFT 2,875.00 600775 , 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 75760 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS MEDIANS: PW EFT 199.55 600775 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75784 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARI LOCATIONS: PW EFT 343.70 600775 , 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75749 IRRIGATION REPAIR AT SENIOR CENTER = EFT 199.55 600775 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75775 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS SPORT PARKS: PW EFT 327.46 600775 , 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75751 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: RON ROBERTS LIBRARY:' EFT 182.33 600775 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75763 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS MEDIANS: PW EFT 199.55 600775 , 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 75780 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS SPORT PARKS: FIF EFT 217.79 600775 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75785 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARI LOCATIONS: PW EFT 176.30 600775 , 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 75773 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS SPORT PARKS: Fft._ EFT 167.69 600775 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75761 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS MEDIANS: PW EFT 167.69 600776 , 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 75777 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS SPORT PARKS: PW EFT 114.37 600776 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75666 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES LEVEL C SLOPES EFT 106.00 600776 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75781 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS SPORT PARKS: PW EFT 166.39 600776 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75762 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS MEDIANS: PW EFT 96.45 600776 , 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75782 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS SPORT PARKS: PW EFT 148.09 600776 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75774 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS SPORT PARKS: PW EFT 114.37 600776 , 11/9/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75778 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS SPORT PARKS: PW EFT 103.79 600899 11/22/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75663 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS AND MEDIANS EFT 56,141.00 600899 11/22/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75665 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES LEVEL C SLOPES EFT 62,010.00 600899 11/22/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75661 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SVCS: FACILITIES EFT 11,245.00 600899 11/22/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75738 REMEDIAL LANDSCAPE SVCS: RONALD REGAN SP: PW EFT 2,300.00 600899 11/22/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75664 LANDSCAPE SVCS: HARVESTON LAKE EFT 4,031.00 600899 11/22/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75667 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS AND MEDIANS EFT 77,622.00 15456 11/29/20232327 NOTHING BUNDT CAKES 0054 REFRESHMENTS: FORMER COUNCIL RECOGNITION Wire 180.00 600708 11/2/2023 1819 NPG INC - 1122317 ASPHALT REPAIR: REDHAWK PARKWAY EFT 69,980.00 600777 11/9/2023 1819 NPG INC 1122326 SEAL COAT/STRIPE SENIOR CENTER PARKING LOT: PW EFT 15,980.00 600840 11/16/2023 1819 NPG INC ' 1122404 SEAL & STRIPE HISTORY MUSUEM PARKING EFT 11,800.00 600900 11/22/2023 1819 NPG INC 25329 MISC SUPPLIES: PARKS: PW EFT 991.80 300866 11/8/2023 1013 NUTRIEN AG SOLUTIONS INC - 52764120 TOOL & EQUIP STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 72.10 600709 11/2/2023 1511 NV51NC 355432 MARGARITA RECREATION CENTER EFT 41,363.13 301006 11/30/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON - 27841 VEHICLE REPAIR/ MAINTENANCE Printed 1,075.27 301006 11/30/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 27823 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE Printed 924.06 301006 11/30/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON i27474 VEHICLE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE Printed 731.28 301006 11/30/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 27754 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE Printed 495.20 301006 11/30/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON - 27686 VEHICLE REPAIR/ MAINTENANCE Printed 1,338.20 301006 11/30/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 27682 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE Printed 1,226.47 301006 11/30/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON -27625 VEHICLE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE Printed 1,557.40 301006 11/30/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 27432 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE Printed 994.62 301006 11/30/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON -27822 VEHICLE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE Printed 453.96 301006 11/30/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 27540 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE Printed 1,324.66 301007 11/30/2023 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON _27810 VEHICLE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE Printed __ 358.74 600710 11/2/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73008 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE EFT 445.51 600710 , 11/2/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC _ 72943 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT I_ 89.01 600710 11/2/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72938 INSTALLTRAUCK STEP BOARDS, PW PARKS EFT 1,357.93 600779 , 11/9/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC + 73024 VEHICLE MAINT: PW - CIP ' EFT I_ 48.78 600779 11/9/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72975 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 1,166.31 600962 11/30/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC '73220 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE- STREET MAINTENAN(L EFT lir 48.78 600962 11/30/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73331 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE EFT 321.47 600962 11/30/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC _ 73247 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE- PARKS & FACILITIES ' EFT 57.46 600962 11/30/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73176 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE -STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 260.71 600962 11/30/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC _ 73222 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE- PARKS & FACILITIES ` EFT 57.46 600962 11/30/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73260 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE -STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 60.09 15391 11/14/2023 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV ' TRC-124775-14-11-202 DEPT TRANSFER REQUEST EG INV 133508 Wire 18,522.00 15392 11/14/2023100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV TRC-124796-14-11-202 DEPT TRANSFER REQUEST EG INV 114628 Wire 4,345.00 15409 11/16/2023 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV TRC-124876-16-11-202 DEPT TRANSFER REQUEST EG INVOICE 134064-� Wire 2,705.95 600780 11/9/2023 3294 ORANGE TREE EMPLOYMENT SCREENING LLC 58693 TVE2 BACKGROUND CHECKS EFT 444.00 600711 , 11/2/2023 2216 PARKHOUSE TIRE SERVICES INC 3020276607 TIRE SVCS: PW STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 3,727.47 301008 11/30/2023 1214 PECHANGA BAND OF LUISENO MISSION INDIANS 20527 1-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROV Printed 13,182.55 300867 , 11/8/2023 2392 PENFOLDS CAFE INC 007 HOLIDAYTURKEY FOR NOVEMBER EVENTS: TCSD Printed 498.08 301009 11/30/2023 3446 PENNINGTON ANNE 11/21/23 REFUND: LIVE SCAN FEE Printed 49.00 15377 111/27/2023 1017 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT BEN349809 PERS RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 174,658.57 16046 11/22/2023 1017 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT BEN349831 PERS RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 175,741.38 16323 11/9/2023 1016 PERS HEALTH INSUR PREMIUM BEN349805 PERS HEALTH PAYMENT Wire 190,448.93 600841 11/16/2023 2468 PLACEWORKS INC 83075 OLD TOWN PARKLETS PROGRAM: PLANNING EFT 9,543.35 301010 11/30/2023 3435 PORTER KENT 7 11/20/23 _ REFUND: LD18-1631: TRACT MAP 9833 LOT 9 Printed I_3,000.00 600963 11/30/2023 3352 POWERLAND EQUIPMENT INC O1-250064 PW PARKS VEHICLE REPAIR EFT 5,038.86 600901 11/22/2023 3271 POWERSPORTS UNLIMITED INC - 46667 jlr- VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT: TEM SHERIFF EFT 916.54 300927 11/16/2023 1363 PRE PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC BEN349803 PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES PAYMENT Printed 246.95 600712 11/2/2023 1493 PREMIER MARKETING INC 3185 = MPSC GRAND REOPENING BALLOON ARCHES: TCSD EFT 950.00 600781 11/9/2023 1493 PREMIER MARKETING INC 3201 ESPRESSO CHAUFFEUR SERVICES 11 EFT 750.00 301011 11/30/2023 1020 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC SUBSCR: 1809056568 NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION: PW , Printed 205.88 301011 11/30/2023 1020 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC SUBSCR: 180905656C NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION: PW Printed 205.88 301011 11/30/2023 1020 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC SUBSCR: 180905656D NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION: PW Printed 205.87 600902 11/22/2023 1721 PRO ACTIVE FIRE DESIGN AND CONSULTING INC 2046 PLAN CHECKING SVCS: FIRE EFT 3,621.30 600842 11/16/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132219684 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 600842 11/16/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132220937 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 600842 11/16/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132219673 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 600842 11/16/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132218418 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 600842 11/16/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132219686 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 600842 11/16/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132218416 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 600842 11/16/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132219667 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 24.52 600842 11/16/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132218403 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 600842 11/16/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY -132220952 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 600842 11/16/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132220950 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 600843 11/16/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132219162 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 600843 11/16/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132218404 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 600843 11/16/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY '132219674 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 600843 11/16/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132217909E UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 600843 11/16/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY - 132220424B UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 600843 11/16/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132220938 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 600843 11/16/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132217911 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 600843 11/16/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132219160E UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 600843 11/16/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132220426 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 600903 11/22/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132220951 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 600903 11/22/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY -132219685 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 600903 11/22/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132220424A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 63.21 600903 11/22/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY CM 13816-OIA OPEN CREDITS ON ACCT 13816-01 EFT (334.63) 600903 11/22/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132221749E UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 600903 11/22/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY ' 132221751 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 68.17 600903 11/22/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132219161 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 68.17 600903 11/22/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY -132221749A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 65.64 600903 11/22/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132220425 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 68.17 600903 11/22/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132221752 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 600964 11/30/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132217910 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 68.17 600964 11/30/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY -132214605 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 600964 11/30/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132215867 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 600964 11/30/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY '132219160A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 63.21 600964 11/30/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132217153 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 600964 11/30/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132218417 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 600964 11/30/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY CM 13816-01B OPEN CREDITS ON ACCT 13816-01 EFT (334.62) 600964 11/30/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132216625A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 60.78 600964 11/30/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132217909A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 63.21 600964 11/30/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY - 132216626 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 63.89 300809 11/2/2023 2727 QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC PPLN0110/09/23 POSTAGE SERVICES: PI) Printed 300.61 301012 11/30/2023 2727 QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC - PPNO111/08/23 POSTAGE SERVICES: PD Printed 264.15 600782 11/9/2023 3136 RAMOS HR CONSULTING INC 1009 CONSULTANT SVCS:HR EFT 5,735.00 600965 11/30/2023 3136 RAMOS HR CONSULTING INC ' 1010 , PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: HR EFT 7,400.00 300868 11/8/2023 1134 RANCHO CALIF BUS PK ASSOC 3077168/OCT-DEC'23 OCT-DEC'23 BUS PK ASSN DUES: TVE2 Printed 2,479.89 300868 11/8/2023 1134 RANCHO CALIF BUS PK ASSOC - 1077171/OCT-DEC'23 , OCT-DEC 23 BUS PK ASSN DUES: FOC Printed 2,045.92 300928 11/16/2023 1134 RANCHO CALIF BUS PK ASSOC 3077061/OCT-DEC'23 OCT-DEC'23 BUS PK ASSN DUES: DIAZ RD Printed 2,256.71 15750 11/17/2023 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIUS OCT WATER 1 a VARIOUS WATER SVCS OCT BATCH 1 Wire 48,869.09 15751 11/24/2023 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIOUS OCT WATER 2 VARIOUS WATER SVCS OCT BATCH 2 Wire 21,422.36 301013 11/30/2023 1970 REACH SPORTS MARKETING GROUP 89686 PLAYER LICENSE RENEWAL Printed 728.00 600783 11/9/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60170811-OC MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: FAC: PW EFT 155.33 600783 , 11/9/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60170441-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: FAC: PW EFT 209.37 600844 11/16/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60170903-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR EFT 61.33 600844 011/16/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60171098-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CITY HALL EFT 30.70 600904 11/22/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60171154-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CITY HALL EFT 155.03 600904 11/22/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60170876-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: SENIOR CENTER EFT 168.98 600904 11/22/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60170342-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITIES EFT 674.64 600904 11/22/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60170938-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CRC Im EFT 164.05 600904 11/22/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60171241-OC MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: TVE2 EFT (961.34) 600904 11/22/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60170904-00 MISC HVAV SUPPLIES: CITY HALL EFT 245.35 600966 11/30/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60171097-OC MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CITY HALL EFT 115.86 600966 11/30/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60171240-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR EFT (18.29) 600966 11/30/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60170902-OC MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: PARKING GARAGE EFT 338.49 600905 11/22/2023 2203 REMOTE SATELLITE SYSTEMS INTL 00125070 SATELLITE PHONE SERVICE: EM EFT 505.05 600905 11/22/2023 2203 REMOTE SATELLITE SYSTEMS INTL 00125492 PHONE SERVICE FOR EOC EFT 505.05 600713 , 11/2/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244583 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES t EFT 1,497.50 600713 11/2/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244557 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 70.60 600713 , 11/2/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244582 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES llll� EFT 1,883.77 600713 11/2/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244562 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,430.50 600713 , 11/2/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244577 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,362.50 600713 11/2/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244571 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES: RM EFT 23,582.74 600713 , 11/2/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244570 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES: RM EFT 30,003.02 600713 11/2/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244588 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 7,052.50 600713 , 11/2/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244357 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT di 165.00 600784 11/9/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244590 GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES: RM EFT 8,935.53 600845 111/16/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245063 2023 OCT LEGAL SERVICES EFT '_ 465.00 600845 11/16/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245016 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 18,564.95 600845 11/16/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244365 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES - EFT 1�,510.00 600845 11/16/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244340 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,837.81 600845 11/16/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244587 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1�,397.50 600845 11/16/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244341 AUG 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 5,768.16 600845 11/16/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244563 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1�,320.00 600845 11/16/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245021 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 300.00 600845 11/16/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON ` 245042 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1�,090.86 600845 11/16/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245053 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 420.00 600846 11/16/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245029 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT '_ 30.00 600846 11/16/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244586 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 210.00 600846 11/16/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON r 245059 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT '_ 120.00 600846 11/16/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245061 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 150.00 600846 11/16/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 244560 SEP 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 120.00 600906 11/22/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245028 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,089.39 600906 11/22/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON r 245045 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT __2,110.30 600906 11/22/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245050 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 3,000.00 600906 11/22/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245054 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,190.50 600906 11/22/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245024 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,847.54 600906 11/22/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245031 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 3,468.76 600906 11/22/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245034 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,300.00 600906 11/22/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245033 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,525.45 600906 11/22/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245032 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 4,064.01 600906 11/22/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON _ 245025 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 3,036.10 600907 11/22/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245043 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,151.50 600907 11/22/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245047 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 360.00 600907 11/22/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245058 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 390.00 600907 11/22/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245020 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,152.50 600907 11/22/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245044 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 423.00 600907 11/22/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245049 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,200.00 600967 11/30/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245038 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,658.75 600967 11/30/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245036 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 9,557.89 600967 11/30/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245017 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,122.90 600967 11/30/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245052 2023 OCT LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,140.00 600967 11/30/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245062 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,383.45 600967 11/30/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245040 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 121,178.19 600967 11/30/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245030 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 693.66 600967 11/30/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON i 245023 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,640.50 600967 11/30/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245018 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 8,586.75 600967 11/30/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245039 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 11,243.35 600968 11/30/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245026 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 161.50 600968 11/30/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON - 245019 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES �-2111111111 EFT 255.00 600968 11/30/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245056 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 450.00 600968 11/30/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245022 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT jb� 28.50 300810 1 1/2/2023 1597 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 2024-02TEM OCT-DEC ANIMAL SHELTER OPERATIONS Printed 54,921.00 300929 11/16/20231042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SH0000044441 09/01-10/31 YOUTH COURT SVCS ' Printed '_ 457.22 300930 11/16/2023 1042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SH0000043248 07/O1/22-04/05/23 RATE ADJ LAW ENFORCEMENT Printed 508,512.05 301014 11/30/2023 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY _ PE0000001355 EMERGENCY RADIO RENTAL Printed 'JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJI.,395.67 301014 11/30/2023 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PE0000001356A OCT EMERG RADIO RENTALS: CODE ENF Printed 513.10 301015 _ 11/30/20231042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SH0000044365 08/24/23-09/20/23 LAW ENFORCEMENT Printed 2,862,646.66 300811 11/2/2023 1304 RIVERSIDE TRANSIT AGENCY 86858 TROLLEY ROUTE 55 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES Printed 2,375.80 300812 , 11/2/2023 1091 ROADLINE PRODUCTS INC - 19114 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES, PW Printed 857.71 300812 11/2/2023 1091 ROADLINE PRODUCTS INC 19198 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES, PW Printed 551.31 301016 111/30/2023 1091 ROADLINE PRODUCTS INC - 19387 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES, PW Printed 806.38 300813 11/2/2023 3321 ROHDE HERBERT BERNARD 10/12/23 PLEIN AIR PRIZE WINNER Printed 75.00 300869 , 11/8/20231960 ROW TRAFFIC SAFETY INC _41330 MISC STREET MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: PW Printed 4,155.30 300931 11/16/2023 2705 RTA RANCHO HIGHLANDS LLC 11/08/23 YNEZ ROAD REIMBURSEMENT Printed 87,755.38 300814 , 11/2/2023 3267 SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC 9002773089 ENDORSEMENT STAMPER: FINANCE Printed 1,031.75 300814 11/2/2023 3267 SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC 9002810384 DEPOSIT TICKET: FINANCE Printed 367.27 600715 , 11/2/2023 1552 SANBORN GWYNETH A CO TEMECULA MUSIC ACADEMY PERF: 10/21/23 COUNTRY LIVE @ THE MERC 10/21/23 EFT 560.00 600848 11/16/2023 1552 SANBORN GWYNETH A CO TEMECULA MUSIC ACADEMY PERF: 11/04/23 COUNTRY LIVE @ THE MERC 11/04/23 EFT 563.75 600970 11/30/2023 1552 SANBORN GWYNETH A CO TEMECULA MUSIC ACADEMY PERF: 11/18/23 COUNTRY LIVE! @ THE MERC 11/18/23 EFT 675.00 301017 11/30/2023 3437 SANCHEZ EVELYN 11/20/23A REFUND: DUPLICATE PAYMENT Void 963.00 600716 11/2/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON , 10192023 MPSC/HUMAN SERVICES PHOTOGRAPHY EFT 275.00 600716 11/2/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 010142023 MPSC/HUMAN SERVICES PHOTOGRAPHY EFT 225.00 600716 , 11/2/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 10122023 PHOTOS FOR RIBBON CUTTINGS/OPENINGS: TCSD EFT 300.00 600716 11/2/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 10212023 MPSC/HUMAN SERVICES PHOTOGRAPHY EFT 275.00 600716 , 11/2/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 10202023 MPSC/HUMAN SERVICES PHOTOGRAPHY EFT 275.00 600716 11/2/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 10142023 MUSEUM/ACE PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS EFT 275.00 600716 , 11/2/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON ' 10262023 MISC. PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES EFT 300.00 600787 11/9/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 10242023 PHOTOGRAPHY: FIRE SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 225.00 600787 , 11/9/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 10102023 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES -CITY COUNCIL EFT 180.00 600909 11/22/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 0010312023 MISC. PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES EFT 300.00 600909 11/22/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON - 10272023 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES FOR SPECIAL EVENTS jM EFT 450.00 600909 11/22/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 11082023 PHOTOS FOR RIBBON CUTTINGS/OPENINGS: TCSD EFT 275.00 600909 11/22/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 011062023 MISC. PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES EFT 300.00 600909 11/22/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 10282023 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: WORKFORCE PROGRAMS: TCSD EFT 450.00 600909 11/22/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 010312023 MISC. PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES EFT 300.00 600909 11/22/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 10092023 MPSC/HUMAN SERVICES PHOTOGRAPHY EFT 225.00 600909 11/22/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 11062023 MISC. PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES EFT 300.00 600971 11/30/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 011152023 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES -CITY COUNCIL EFT 350.00 600971 11/30/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON - 11022023 MPSC/HUMAN SERVICES PHOTOGRAPHY EFT 275.00 600971 11/30/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 11182023 PHOTOGRAPHY: THEATER: TCSD EFT 440.00 600971 11/30/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON - 11032023 MUSEUM/ACE PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS EFT 275.00 600971 11/30/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 0011082023 MPSC/HUMAN SERVICES PHOTOGRAPHY EFT 275.00 600971 11/30/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON ' 11092023 MPSC/HUMAN SERVICES PHOTOGRAPHY EFT 275.00 600971 11/30/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 11112023 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES FOR SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 350.00 600971 11/30/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON _ 01109202� PHOTO/VIDEO SVCS: REDI COMMISSION: CITY CLERK EFT 300.00 300870 11/8/2023 2360 SB&O INC 1023026 ENGINEERING CONSULTANT SVCS: PW21-13 Printed 5,960.60 300870 , 11/8/2023 2360 SB&O INC - 1023027 ENGINEEIRNG &SURVEY SVCS: PWSW02-02 Printed 1,911.75 300870 11/8/2023 2360 SB&O INC 1023022 DESIGN, ENVIRO & SURVEY SVS: PW-CIP Printed 4,053.30 300870 11/8/2023 2360 SB&O INC - 1023024 ENGINEERING &SURVEY SVCS: PW-CIP, PW22-16 Printed 3,191.80 300932 11/16/2023 2360 SB&O INC 1023023 ENGINEERING & LAND SURVEY SVCS: PW -CIP Printed 3,584.00 301018 11/30/2023 2360 SB&O INC - 1023025 ENGINEERING &SURVEY SVCS: PW-CIP, PW22-15 Printed 12,813.60 300871 11/8/2023 1974 SCHOLASTIC INC EDUCATION 52724726 MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD Printed 32.11 300815 , 11/2/2023 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC - AL506869 POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS Printed 795.98 300815 11/2/2023 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL505003 POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS Printed (150.00) ' 300815 , 11/2/2023 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC - AL505759, POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS Printed-128.67 300815 11/2/2023 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL507114 POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS Printed (150.00) 300815 11/2/2023 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC - AL504616 IL POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS Printed '_ 795.98 301020 11/30/2023 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL508993 POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS Printed 795.98 301020 11/30/2023 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL509079 POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS Printed (150.00) 300872 11/8/2023 1896 SEASIDE ICE LLC 1796 SKATING RINK IN OLD TOWN Printed 38,085.00 300933 11/16/2023 3403 SHEARER CHRISTINA REF: LIBRARY REFUND: LIBRARY FINES Printed Jr- 66.00 300934 11/16/20231787 SHRED IT US JV LLC 8005032191 DOCUMENT SHREDDING Printed 46.58 301021 11/30/2023 1787 SHRED IT US JV LLC 8005342029 SHRED SERVICES: CITYWIDE Printed 269.54 600851 11/16/2023 2425 SIEMENS MOBILITY INC 5610000448 TRAFFIC LOOPS: TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE EFT 8,588.00 600852 11/16/2023 1780 SILVERMAN ENTERPRISES INC 1878 SECURITY SVCS: ROTATION PARKS EFT 5,456.00 600973 11/30/2023 1780 SILVERMAN ENTERPRISES INC 1890 SECURITY SVCS: ROTATION PARKS EFT 2,702.75 300873 11/8/2023 1870 SKYFIT TECH INC 2023000507 GEN ERAL:MAINTENANCE:RM Printed 185.00 600718 11/2/20231061 SMART AND FINAL INC 10/25/23 MISC SUPPLIES: MPSC: TCSD EFT 108.30 600853 11/16/20231061 SMART AND FINAL INC 11/06/23 MISC SUPPLIES: MRC, MPSC, AND SFSP EFT 85.79 600853 11/16/20231061 SMART AND FINAL INC 11/O1/23 MISC SUPPLIES: MPSC: TCSD EFT 184.76 600910 11/22/20231061 SMART AND FINAL INC 11/14/23 MISC SUPPLIES: MRC, MPSC, AND SFSP EFT 113.55 15840 11/28/2023 1094 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY VAR SOCALGAS OCT VARIOUS OCT SO CAL GAS SVCS Wire 5,660.08 600788 11/9/2023 2217 SOCIAL WORK ACTION GROUP 07312023E OUTREACH SERVICES EFT 30,248.20 600854 11/16/2023 2217 SOCIAL WORK ACTION GROUP 09302023E OUTREACH SERVICES EFT 5,957.61 600854 11/16/2023 2217 SOCIAL WORK ACTION GROUP 10312023E OUTREACH SERVICES EFT 31,932.10 600854 11/16/2023 2217 SOCIAL WORK ACTION GROUP 10312023A OUTREACH SERVICES EFT 9,166.67 600854 11/16/2023 2217 SOCIAL WORK ACTION GROUP 09302023A BRIDGE HOUSING:TCSD: HOMELESS OUTREACH EFT 3,209.06 600719 11/2/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288515 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 40.00 600719 , 11/2/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC- 0288293 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 123.00 600719 11/2/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288284 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 56.00 600719 , 11/2/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288495 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 90.00 600789 11/9/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288669 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 29.00 600789 , 11/9/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288734 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 59.00 600789 11/9/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288978 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 74.00 600789 , 11/9/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288286 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 120.00 600789 11/9/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288282 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 36.00 600789 , 11/9/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288295 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 90.00 600789 11/9/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288149 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 52.00 600789 11/9/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288117 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 48.00 600855 11/16/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0289204 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 123.00 600855 11/16/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC- 0289484 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 42.00 600855 11/16/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0289374 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 74.00 600855 11/16/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC JJPW 0289182 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 32.00 600855 11/16/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0289202 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 90.00 600911 11/22/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0289136 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 70.00 600911 11/22/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0289241 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 49.00 600911 11/22/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0289333 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 95.00 600911 11/22/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0289282 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 42.00 600911 11/22/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0289286 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 80.00 600911 11/22/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0289192 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 120.00 600911 11/22/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0289730 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 49.00 600911 11/22/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0288524 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 49.00 15752 11/29/2023 1800 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO VAR SCE OCT VARIOUS OCT SOCAL EDISON SVC� Wire 147,134.13 300935 11/16/2023 1704 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 45949231101 NOV GEN USAGE: 0141,0839,0978,097E Printed 283.61 301022 11/30/2023 1513 SOUTHWEST WOMENS CHORUS PERF: 11/19/23 FALL FOLLIES 11/19/23 Printed 2,296.64 300816 11/2/2023 3342 SPEECH AND LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT CENTER INC FY 23/24 CSF COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING REINVESTMENT Printed 5,000.00 600856 11/16/2023 1971 SPERO VINEYARDS INC 10/25/23 VITICULTURE FIELD EXCURSIONS: TCSD � EFT - 500.00 301023 11/30/2023 3310 SPORTS FACILITIES GROUP INC A16281 SCOREBOARD REPAIR AT BIRDSALL SPORTS PARK: PW Printed 675.00 600974 11/30/2023 2279 SPRUCE AND GANDER INC 3182-DEPOSIT PMT 2 SOLE SOURCE -TREE GRATES, PWOT-03-01 EFT 11,886.53 300874 11/8/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 10/18/23B RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD Printed 97.77 300874 , 11/8/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 10/24/23 RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD Printed 53.26 300874 11/8/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 10/25/23 RFRSHMNTS: CRC: TCSD Printed 91.27 0 300874 , 11/8/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 10/28/23 RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD i Printed 211.52 300874 11/8/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 10/20/23 HUMAN SERVICES SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD Printed 365.85 300874 , 11/8/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 09/26/23B RFRSHMNTS: ECO DEV Printed 71.18 300936 11/16/2023 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 11/08/23 RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD Printed 121.88 300937 11/16/2023 1431 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY BEN349791 BASIC LIFE INSURANCE PAYMENT Printed 12,026.33 300937 11/16/2023 1431 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY BEN349733 BASIC LIFE INSURANCE PAYMENT Printed 11,978.71 300938 11/16/2023 1708 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY BEN349797 VOLUNTARY SUPP LIFE INSURANCE PAYMENT Printed 1,806.38 300817 11/2/2023 1452 STAPLESINC 7617406363-0-1 MISC SUPPLIES: OPERATIONS: TCSD Printed 174.73 300817 11/2/2023 1452 STAPLES INC - 7617490058-0-1 MISC SUPPLIES: PW 000000� Printed 153.07 300875 11/8/2023 1452 STAPLESINC 7617490058-0-2 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: PW Printed 17.39 300939 11/16/2023 1452 STAPLES INC ' 7617538566-0-1 OFFICE SUPPLIES: PW - LAND DEV Printed 42.86 301024 11/30/2023 1452 STAPLESINC 7619447924-0-2 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: MPSC: TCSD Printed 194.40 301024 11/30/2023 1452 STAPLES INC _ 7619447924-0-3 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: MPSC: TCSD Printed 20.00 301024 11/30/2023 1452 STAPLESINC 7619512096-0-1 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: LIBRARY: TCSD Printed 74.54 301024 11/30/2023 1452 STAPLES INC -7619447924-0-1 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: MPSC: TCSD Printed 1,106.93 301024 11/30/2023 1452 STAPLES INC 7617490058-1-1 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: PW Printed (56.76) 600720 , 11/2/2023 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 686549B LIVE SCANS:TCSD; ADMIN SERVICES: TCSD EFT 49.00 600720 11/2/2023 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 690830 JUN BLOOD & ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: PD EFT 210.00 600720 , 11/2/2023 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 690717 SEP BLOOD & ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: PD EFT 770.00 600720 11/2/2023 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 686549E FINGERPRINTING SERVICES: PD EFT 4,595.00 600790 , 11/9/2023 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 686549C FINGERPRINTING SVCS: HIR I EFT 49.00 600857 11/16/2023 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 686549 LIVE SCANS:TCSD; CONTRACT CLASSES: TCSD EFT 49.00 600857 111/16/2023 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 686549D SEP FINGERPRINTING SVCS: CUSTODIAL CONTRACT EFT 49.00 600857 11/16/2023 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 679422B LIVE SCANS:TCSD; ADMIN SERVICES: TCSD EFT 373.00 600857 11/16/2023 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 679422C FINGERPRINTING SVCS: HR I EFT 490.00 600857 11/16/2023 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 679422A LIVE SCANS:TCSD; CONTRACT CLASSES: TCSD EFT 98.00 600857 11/16/2023 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 679422E FINGERPRINTING SVCS: PID r EFT I_4,280.00 600857 11/16/2023 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 679422D AUG FINGERPRINTING SVCS: CUSTODIAL CONTRACT EFT 343.00 600975 11/30/2023 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 697537 JUL BLOOD & ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: PD EFT I_ 105.00 300818 11/2/20232016 STC TRAFFIC INC 6533 FIBER OPTIC COMMUNICATIONS SYS Printed 9,330.00 300940 11/16/20232016 STCTRAFFIC INC 6431A ON -CALL TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SERVICES:PW- TRAFFIC Printed I_2,480.00 300940 11/16/2023 2016 STC TRAFFIC INC 6371 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SVCS: PW -TRAFFIC Printed 3,082.50 300940 11/16/20232016 STC TRAFFIC INC 6431E TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SVCS: PW- TRAFFIC Printed 1_(,787.50 300819 11/2/20231912 STEIN ANDREW 29272 MISC MERCHANDISE SPECIAL EVENTS Printed 3,672.36 300876 11/8/2023 1912 STEIN ANDREW 29166 COLOR RUN TOTES: TCSD Printed 1�,900.34 301025 11/30/20231912 STEIN ANDREW 29333 CRC STAFF FANNY PACKS Printed 459.16 300941 111/16/2023 1112 STRAIGHT LINE GLASS AND MIRROR COMPANY INC 250048 GLASS INSTALLATION: MARGARITA REC CENTER Printed 764.40 301026 11/30/20231112 STRAIGHT LINE GLASS AND MIRROR COMPANY INC 250230 SERVICE WINDOW INSTALL AT COMMUNITY REC CENTER Printed 2,902.40 600791 , 11/9/2023 1231 STRONG GARY 10/16/23- PAINTING AT SENIOR CENTER: PW EFT 1�,400.00 600913 11/22/20231712 STUART JENNIFER 3400.201-3450.201#2 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 12,240.00 600792 , 11/9/20231495 STURDIVANT ANGELA P 3200.202-3205.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1�,043.70 600976 11/30/2023 1495 STURDIVANT ANGELA P 3205.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 310.80 300877 , 11/8/20231453 SUNBELT RENTALS INC 146473086-0001 LIGHTTOWER/ POWER RENTALS: TCSD Printed 1,582.87 300877 11/8/2023 1453 SUNBELT RENTALS INC 133554126-OO1C EDEN CR: TOWER/POWER RENTALS: SPEC EVENTS: TCSD Printed (173.10) 300878 , 11/8/2023 2080 SUNRUN INSTALLATION SRVCS INC 10/19/23 REFUND: DUPLICATE PAYMENT Printed 192.60 15938 11/16/2023 1899 SURVEYMONKEY.COM 4471 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL: EOC Wire 468.00 600793 , 11/9/20231081 SWARCO MCCAIN INC INV0275970 TRAFFIC SIGNAL EQUIP ENHANCE FROG-CITYWIDE:PW-TRA EFT 452.14 300820 11/2/2023 3106 SWCA INCORPORATED 176850 SWAC ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS (LR-21-1331) Void 15,795.00 301027 111/30/20233106 SWCA INCORPORATED 176850 SWAC ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS(LR-21-1331) Printed 15,795.00 301027 11/30/2023 3106 SWCA INCORPORATED 181979 SWAC ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS (LR-21-1331) Printed 19,355.01 300821 11/2/2023 3205 SYXSENSE INC - VS12727 MANAGE AND SECURE ENDPOINT DEVICES SOFTWARE:IT Printed 20,000.00 300942 11/16/2023 2261 T MOBILE USA INC 9550070635 GPS LOCATE: TEM SHERIFF Printed 125.00 _ 300942 11/16/2023 2261 T MOBILE USA INC 9550429039 GPS LOCATE: TEM SHERIFF Printed 125.00 300964 11/21/2023 2261 T MOBILE USA INC 9551107974 AREA DUMP: PD Printed 75.00 300964 11/21/2023 2261 T MOBILE USA INC 9551394088 TIMING ADVANCE: PD Printed 25.00 300964 11/21/2023 2261 T MOBILE USA INC 9551394089 TIMING ADVANCE: PD Printed 50.00 300822 11/2/2023 1212 T Y LIN INTERNATIONAL 102310236 1-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROV Printed 16,203.20 300823 11/2/2023 3379 TCC ROASTERS INC 1001 MISC SUPPLIES: BROKERS EVENT: ECO DEV Printed 250.00 600858 §11/16/20231113 TEAMSTERS LOCAL 911 BEN3497% UNION MEMBERSHIP DUES: PAYMENT EFT 5,192.00 600859 11/16/2023 3355 TECH DATA CORPORATION 51628996 AEC SOFTWARE RENEWAL:PW EFT 12,767.88 600794 , 11/9/2023 2372 TELECOM LAW FIRM PC 16241 WIRELESS PLANNING SUPPORT SVCS: COMM EFT 1,842.60 300824 11/2/2023 1832 TEMECULA LITTLE LEAGUE 61828951 REFUND: SECURITY DEPOSIT Printed 200.00 300943 111/16/2023 1215 TEMECULA MOTORSPORTS LLC 60506 MEDIC CART: FIRE dm Printed 37,500.00 300879 11/8/2023 1557 TEMECULA OLIVE OIL COMPANY 592673 YOUNG WOMEN'S CAREER CONFERENCE GIFTS Printed 251.90 301028 11/30/20231546 TEMECULA PERFORMING ARTS CO PERF: 11/4-11/12 NUTCRACKER THE MOUSICAL 11/4-11/12 Printed 9,316.42 600721 11/2/2023 1914 TEMECULA VALLEY BACKFLOW INC 45361 REV BACKFLOW TESTING & REPAIRS - VARIOUS FACILITIES EFT 3,157.50 600721 11/2/2023 1914 TEMECULA VALLEY BACKFLOW INC 45356 BACKFLOW TESTING & REPAIRS - VARIOUS MEDIANS EFT 490.00 600721 11/2/2023 1914 TEMECULA VALLEY BACKFLOW INC 45360 BACKFLOW SVCS: VARI LOCATIONS: PW EFT 1,647.00 600914 11/22/2023 1914 TEMECULA VALLEY BACKFLOW INC 46219 BACKFLOW TESTING: FIRE STATIONS EFT 2,493.00 600914 11/22/2023 1914 TEMECULA VALLEY BACKFLOW INC 46224 BACKFLOW TEST: CITY FACILITIES: PW EFT 210.00 600914 11/22/2023 1914 TEMECULA VALLEY BACKFLOW INC 46223 BACKFLOW TEST: CITY FACILITIES: PW EFT 4,187.00 600914 11/22/2023 1914 TEMECULA VALLEY BACKFLOW INC 46222REV BACKFLOW TEST: CITY FACILITIES: PW EFT 4,156.50 600914 11/22/2023 1914 TEMECULA VALLEY BACKFLOW INC 46221 BACKFLOW TESTING: FIRE STATIONS EFT 487.50 600914 11/22/2023 1914 TEMECULA VALLEY BACKFLOW INC 46299 BACKFLOW TESTING: FIRE STATIONS EFT 140.00 600977 _11/30/2023 1914 TEMECULA VALLEY BACKFLOW INC 46323 BACKFLOW TESTING AT HARVESTON SPORTS PARK EFT _�,300.00 600977 11/30/2023 1914 TEMECULA VALLEY BACKFLOW INC 45359 BACKFLOW REPAIRS AT VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 3,950.50 600714 11/2/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54387 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT 7 ■_ 46.22 600786 11/9/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54275 LOCKSMITH SERVICES, SENIOR CENTER EFT 2,329.43 600847 _11/16/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54376 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT 368.75 600847 11/16/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54468 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT 188.40 600908 11/22/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54375 LOCKSMITH SERVICES, SENIOR CENTER EFT 1,228.75 600908 11/22/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54383 LOCKSMITH SVCS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS EFT 406.64 600969 11/30/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54505 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: PI) EFT 1,255.00 300880 11/8/2023 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 29620201 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 369.64 300944 11/16/2023 1234 ,TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY - 29539101 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PW FACILITIES Printed 550.06 300965 11/21/2023 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 29736501 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PW FACILITIES Printed 35.15 300965 11/21/2023 1234 ,TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY _ 29734601 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 68.30 301029 11/30/2023 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 29797301 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PW FACILITIES Printed 189.49 ` 600795 , 11/9/2023 1232 TERRYBERRY COMPANY P55971 SERVICE RECOGNITION: HR EFT 119.00 600860 11/16/2023 1232 TERRYBERRY COMPANY P64677 SERVICE RECOGNITION: HR EFT 148.62 600861 11/16/2023 3189 THE SALVATION ARMY ' FY 23/24 CSF COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING REINVESTMENT EFT 13,500.00 600862 11/16/2023 1936 TIERCE NICHOLAS DATHAN NTOTTCi-2023-11 GRAPHIC DESIGN: THEATER: TCSD EFT 2,520.00 15975 11/29/2023 1568 TIME WARNER CABLE - VAR NOV SPECTRUM VARIOUS OCT/NOV INTERNET SVCS Wire 11,410.07 600915 11/22/2023 1063 TIMMY D PRODUCTIONS INC 23656 CULTURE DAYS AND ART NIGHTS MUSIC EFT 425.00 600722 , 11/2/2023 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC - 47335 CANOPIES & EQUIP RENTAL: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD EFT 1,313.23 600722 11/2/2023 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC 46955 CANOPIES & EQUIP RENTAL: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD EFT 1,517.69 600863 11/16/2023 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC - 47347 CANOPIES & EQUIP RENTAL: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD EFT 733.00 600863 11/16/2023 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC 45554 CANOPIES & EQUIP RENTAL: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD EFT 2,209.75 301030 11/30/2023 3135 TK CONSULTING INC - 09/25/23 YNEZ ROAD IMPROVEMENTS -PHASE I Printed 87,755.38 600796 11/9/2023 3135 TK CONSULTING INC 3 YNEZ ROAD IMPROVEMENTS -PHASE I EFT 39,970.00 600796 , 11/9/2023 3135 TK CONSULTING INC 4 YNEZ ROAD IMPROVEMENTS -PHASE I EFT 9,484.73 600797 11/9/2023 1995 TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION 6000682308 ELEVATOR CALL OUT SERVICE: CIVIC CENTER EFT 4,021.86 600916 111/22/2023 1995 TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION - 3007506508 ELEVATOR MAINT SVCS: FACILITIES: PW EFT 5,824.20 600798 11/9/2023 1068 TOMAR ELECTRONICS INC 040447 VEHICLE LIGHTS FOR NEW TRUCK: PW PARKS EFT 1,833.20 600723 , 11/2/2023 2413 TOWNSEND PUBLIC AFFAIRS INC - 20523 CONSULTING/GRANT WRITING SVCS: CITY CLERK EFT 6,000.00 600865 11/16/2023 2413 TOWNSEND PUBLIC AFFAIRS INC 20660 CONSULTING/GRANT WRITING SVCS: CITY CLERK EFT 6,000.00 600799 , 11/9/2023 2375 TR DESIGN GROUP INC 4790 ARCHITECTURAL SVCS, CIP-PW, PW19-13, ON-CALLAGRMT EFT jjW 7,470.75 300926 11/16/2023 1143 TRANSYSTEMS CORPORATION 4226297 ACQUISITION SERVICES: PW - LD Printed 5,838.00 600917 111/22/2023 1632 TRITECH SOFTWARE SYSTEMS ' 383909 ASSET MANAGEMENT RENEWAL:IT EFT � 24,572.26 300945 11/16/2023 1647 TSI INCORPORATED 91591655 EQUIP REPAIR & MAINT: CODE ENF Printed 485.09 600724 , 11/2/2023 1555 TV CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU _ AUG'23 AUG'23 BUS. IMPRV DISTRICT ASMNTS EFT 195,604.25 300826 11/2/20232340 TWOS COMPANY INC 2401881 MISC SUPPLIES: GIFT SHOP: TCSD Printed 98.70 300826 , 11/2/20232340 TWOS COMPANY INC 2400864 MISC SUPPLIES: GIFT SHOP: TCSD Printed 1,619.15 300881 11/8/20232340 TWOS COMPANY INC 2403470 MISC SUPPLIES: GIFT SHOP: TCSD Printed 296.10 300882 11/8/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-442849 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE Void 5,890.84 600866 11/16/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-443924 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE EFT (245.00) 600866 11/16/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-443751 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE EFT 3,500.00 600866 11/16/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-441096 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE EFT 3,190.42 600978 11/30/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-442849A FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE EFT 5,890.84 15684 11/9/2023 1350 U S BANK REVERSAL FIRE REVERSAL OF RET'D PMT: FIRE Wire (35.00) 15713 , 11/9/2023 1350 U S BANK IL CREDIT:RET'D PMT FEE RETURNED PMT FEE Wire (35.00) 15739 11/28/20231350 USBANK 2017 TAX ALLOC BONDS '17 TAX ALLOCATION BONDS DEBT SRVC Wire 4,196,973.18 15774 , 11/7/2023 1350 U S BANK CREDIT: CITY MGR CREDIT: REVERSAL OF RET'D PMT FEE Wire (35.00) 15784 11/7/2023 1350 U S BANK CREDIT: ECO DEV CREDIT: REVERSAL OF RET'D PMT FEE Wire (70.00) 15943 11/16/2023 1350 U S BANK CREDIT: 4511 REVERSAL: LATE PMT FEE: EOC Wire (39.00) 15944 11/16/2023 1350 U S BANK CREDIT: 4513 REVERSAL: RET'D PMT FEE: EOC Wire (35.00) 15945 11/16/2023 1350 U S BANK CREDIT: 4512 REVERSAL: INTEREST CHARGE: EOC Wire (4.43) 300946 11/16/2023 1350 U S BANK 7071258 TRUSTEE ADMIN FEES: 16-01 RORIPAUGH Printed 5,357.50 300946 11/16/2023 1350 U S BANK 7071984 TRUSTEE ADMIN FEES: CFD 03-06 HARV II Printed 2,590.50 300966 11/21/2023 1350 U S BANK 13979420 ACCOUNT ANALYSIS: FINANCE Printed 875.00 15711 , 11/9/2023 2561 UBER 5331 TRANSPORTATION: HOMELESS CLIENT Wire 36.24 15712 11/9/20232561 UBER 0256 TRANSPORTATION: HOMELESS CLIENT Wire 7.24 300827 11/2/2023 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1573C JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT Printed 719.83 300883 11/8/2023 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1573A JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT Printed 25,655.73 300947 11/16/2023 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1628E JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT Printed 881.21 301031 11/30/2023 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1632 JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT Printed 480.66 301031 11/30/2023 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC , 1631 JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT Printed 827.80 600800 11/9/2023 1432 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 23-241602 OCT DIG SAFE BILLABLE TIX: PW EFT 87.04 600800 11/9/2023 1432 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA , 1020230751 OCT DIG SAFE BRD BILLABLE TIX: djpIIIIII­- EFT 272.50 300967 11/21/20231947 UNIVERSITY ENTERPRISES CORP AT CSUSB SP0012577 MOU-INLAND EMPIRE SMALL BUSINESS Printed 7,500.00 600918 11/22/2023 2142 URBANE CAFE OPERATIONS LLC ` , 102199 URBANE CAFE EFT 308.63 300828 11/2/2023 2484 US AIR CONDITIONING DISTRIBUTORS LLC 6473287 HVAC SUPPLIES, FACILITY MAINTENANCE Printed 208.21 300948 11/16/2023 1135 US POSTAL SERVICE _ 2023571 POSTAGE: BUSINESS LICENSE RENEWAL MAILINGS Printed 3,555.27 600725 11/2/2023 2941 VAN OTTERLOO INC 178382 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE -STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 3,429.55 600867 11/16/2023 2941 VAN OTTERLOO INC 178400 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE -STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 4,002.30 600919 11/22/2023 2941 VAN OTTERLOO INC 178411 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE -STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 1,485.00 600979 11/30/2023 2941 VAN OTTERLOO INC 178439 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE -STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 3,429.81 15976 11/7/2023 1845 VERIZON WIRELESS 9946961552 09/16-10/15 CELLULAR/BROADBAND: CITYWIDE Wire 10,961.97 300949 111/16/2023 1845 VERIZON WIRELESS 9946518315 09/11-10/10 TASK FORCE TABLETS: POLICE Printed 444.32 301032 11/30/2023 1845 VERIZON WIRELESS 9948957823 10/11-11/10 TASK FORCE TABLETS: POLICE Printed 444.32 15714 , 11/9/2023 2676 VEROS MEXICAN & SEA FOOD 3338-A - REFRESHMENTS: HOSPITALITY: THEATER Wire 10.00 600920 11/22/2023 1498 VISION ONE INC INV-74667 TICKETING SERVICES: THEATER: TCSD EFT 2,925.00 15683 , 11/9/2023 1475 VONS 0569 REFRESHMENTS: APPRECIATION EVENT Wire 63.29 600801 11/9/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1174 HIGH HOPES DJ SVCS: TCSD EFT 525.00 600801 11/9/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 2800.203-2810.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,931.30 600868 11/16/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1177 HIGH HOPES DJ SVCS: TCSD EFT 525.00 600868 11/16/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1172 TEEN ZONE MOVIE NIGHT DJ: TCSD EFT 525.00 600868 11/16/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1171 HIGH HOPES DJ SVCS: TCSD EFT 525.00 600868 11/16/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1176 JEFF WADDLETON DJ/MC- SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 525.00 600980 11/30/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1179 MC SVCS SKATE PARK JAMS: TCSD EFT 525.00 300829 , 11/2/20231439 WALMART 10/25/23 MISC SUPPLIES: TCSD: SPECIAL EVENTS Printed 180.00 300829 11/2/20231439 WALMART 10/18/23 MISC SUPPLIES: TCC: TCSD Printed 81.64 300829 , 11/2/20231439 WALMART 10/23/23 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed 157.02 300884 11/8/20231439 WALMART 11/O1/23 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed 105.76 301033 11/30/20231439 WALMART 11/16/23 MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER: TCSD Printed 404.30 301033 11/30/20231439 WALMART 11/20/23 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed 130.75 301033 11/30/20231439 WALMART 11/13/23 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed 120.20 301033 11/30/20231439 WALMART 11/14/23 MISC SUPPLIES: TCC: TCSD Printed 55.75 300830 11/2/2023 1102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 82019732 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES Printed 897.19 300830 11/2/2023 1102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 82057213 JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITY MAINT: PW Printed 6,155.69 300968 11/21/20231102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 82060162 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 1,299.76 301034 11/30/2023 1102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 82118617 JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITY MAINT: PW Printed 117.45 301034 11/30/2023 1102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 82118722 JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITY MAINT: PW Printed 1,913.35 300885 11/8/2023 2230 WEBB MUNICIPAL FINANCE LLC ARIV0000018 TCSD ANNUAL MAILINGS Printed 20,160.00 300950 11/16/2023 2230 WEBB MUNICIPAL FINANCE LLC ARIV0000054 ASSESSMENT ENGINEERING & CFD A Printed 13,285.06 301035 11/30/2023 2230 WEBB MUNICIPAL FINANCE LLC ARIV0000032 ANNEXATION SVCS (SOMMERS BEND): PW Printed 5,000.00 301035 11/30/2023 2230 WEBB MUNICIPAL FINANCE LLC _ ARIV0000041 ANNEXATION SVCS (SOMMERS BEND): PW Printed 1,432.32 301036 11/30/2023 1474 WES FLOWERS 408028/1 SUNSHINE FUND Printed 97.86 300951 11/16/20231033 WEST PUBLISHING CORPORATION 849214286 SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION Printed 1,179.86 600802 11/9/2023 1782 WESTERN AV 19504 AV EQUIP:OLD TOWN & VARIOUS FACILITIES-CIP IT20-01 EFT 6,898.01 600726 11/2/2023 1454 WESTERN RIVERSIDE CO REG CONSERVATION AUTHORITY SEP'23 SEP'23 MSHCP PAYMENT EFT 203,060.00 301037 11/30/20231059 WESTERN RIVERSIDE COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS 1631 FY 23/24 AGENCY MEMBERSHIP DUES Printed 13,424.45 300952 11/16/2023 2322 WEX BANK 93004075 10/07-11/06 FUEL USAGE: POLICE Printed 2,981.08 300886 11/8/20232175 WHITE CAP LP 50024192252 MISC SUPPLIES: TVE2 Printed 623.44 600869 11/16/2023 1034 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES 00626458 TRAFFIC ENG SRVCS: PW-TRAFFIC EFT 679.00 600717 11/2/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 10/19/23 JAll @ THE MERC 10/19/23 EFT 500.50 600850 11/16/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF:10/29/23 LIFENOTE CHARITY CONCERT 10/29/23 EFT 755.00 600850 11/16/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 10/26/23 JAll @ THE MERC 10/26/23 EFT 840.00 600850 11/16/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 11/02/23 JAZZ @ THE MERC 11/02/23 EFT 423.50 600972 11/30/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 11/16/23 JAll @ THE MERC 11/16/23 EFT 493.50 600972 11/30/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 11/09/23 JAZZ @ THE MERC 11/09/23 EFT 775.00 600972 11/30/2023 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF:11/10/23 STAND UP COMEDY 11/10/23 EFT 1,235.00 600870 11/16/2023 1069 WINCHAK KRIS R 23.07 i ENG PLAN CHECK & REVIEW: PW LAND DEV EFT 3,150.00 300953 11/16/20233146 WINSUPPLY VISTA CA CO 13341402 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 104.73 300969 11/21/20233146 WI NSU PPLY VISTA CA CO -1338830i ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 104.73 301038 11/30/20233146 WINSUPPLY VISTA CA CO 13279001 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, SENIOR CENTER Printed 1,115.83 300831 11/2/2023 1178 WSP USA INC - 1357260 CLIMATE ACTION PLAN LR23-0083 Printed 3,323.21 301039 11/30/2023 1178 WSP USA INC 1367569 CLIMATE ACTION PLAN LR23-0083 Printed 5,899.91 601105 301060 301135 301135 301061 301136 601031 15674 15675 15676 301062 301062 301062 600981 601106 601032 301063 600982 600982 600982 600982 600982 600982 600982 600982 600982 600982 600983 600983 600983 600983 600983 600983 600983 600983 600983 600983 601033 601033 601033 601033 601033 601033 601033 601033 601033 601033 601034 601034 601034 601034 601034 601034 601034 601034 601034 601034 601107 601107 601107 601107 601107 601107 601107 601107 601107 601107 601108 601167 601167 601167 601167 601167 601035 601168 601109 601169 601036 601110 15662 15679 15860 601037 600984 600984 601111 ■ 601111 601111 601111 601111 12/21/2023 2238 79 FIELD HOCKEY INC 12/14/2023 3450 A & C RESTAURANTS GROUP LLC 12/20/2023 2435 A LAU LANGUAGE LLC 12/20/2023 2435 A LAU LANGUAGE LLC 12/14/2023 1783 ADVANTAGE MAILING LLC 12/20/2023 1206 AFLAC PREMIUM HOLDING C 0 BNB BANK LOCKBOX 12/14/2023 1943 AIR EXCHANGE INC 12/11/2023 1278 ALBERTSONS GROCERY STORE 12/11/2023 1278 ALBERTSONS GROCERY STORE 12/11/2023 1278 ALBERTSONS GROCERY STORE 12/14/20231236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 12/14/20231236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 12/14/20231236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 12/7/2023 1512 ALLEGRO MUSICAL VENTURES INC 12/21/2023 1512 ALLEGRO MUSICAL VENTURES INC - 12/14/2023 1609 ALLIED TRAFFIC AND EQUIPMENT RENTALS INC 12/14/2023 3180 ALTA PLANNING AND DESIGN INC - 12/7/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/7/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/7/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/7/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/7/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/7/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/7/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/7/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/7/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/7/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/7/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/7/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/7/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/7/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/7/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/7/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/7/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/7/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/7/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/7/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/14/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/21/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/21/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/21/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/21/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/21/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/21/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/21/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/21/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/21/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/21/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/21/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/28/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/28/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/28/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/28/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/28/2023 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 12/14/2023 1277 AMERICAN BATTERY CORPORATION 12/28/2023 1277 AMERICAN BATTERY CORPORATION 12/21/2023 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 12/28/2023 2485 AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION INC 12/14/2023 1080 AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS AND ITS CONSTITUENT 12/21/2023 1080 AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS AND ITS CONSTITUENT 12/7/2023 2813 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF SAFETY PROFESSIONALS 12/11/20231766 APPLE.COM 12/7/20231766 APPLE.COM 12/14/2023 1000 APPLEONE INC 12/7/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 12/7/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 12/21/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 12/21/2023 1805EML AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 12/21/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO L2/21/2023 18� AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 12/21/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 3110.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 900.90 11/28/23 RFRSHMNTS: CERTCLASS: FIRE Printed 1,415.05 2037 INTERPRETING SVCS: CITY CLERK Printed 602.50 2038 INTERPRETING SVCS: CITY CLERK Printed 670.00 195433 CONTRACT CLASSES- TCSD ACTIVITY GUIDE Printed 36,541.93 BEN349872 AFLAC ACCIDENT INDEMNITY PAYMENT Printed 3,043.87 91610917 PLYMOVENT SVCS: FIRE STATIONS EFT 3,748.84 3333 REFRESHMENTS: APPRECIATION EVENT Wire 46.66 1220 REFRESHMENTS: APPRECIATION EVENT: FIRE Wire 109.98 2095 REFRESHMENTS: CERTTRAINING: FIRE DEPT Wire 154.97 1166387 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 274.53 1166898 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW Printed 251.78 1167247 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 474.79 27129 PIANOTUNINGS: LIBRARY EFT 280.00 27189 PIANO SVCS:THEATER:TCSD EFT 480.00 91472 LIGHT TOWER RENTALS EFT 460.00 304.0002023.108 - 5 BIKE AND TRAIL WAYFINDING(LR23-0167) Printed 6,627.50 16HL-RDQY-9YDD REFRESHMENT SUPPLIES: CITY HALL& FOC: PW EFT 144.49 1K7G-RTPP-K7M1 MISC SUPPLIES: TVM EFT 170.80 1XXL-T43F-llP7 OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE EFT 558.72 1MVM-MJD6-KNGF MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER dmmmr- EFT 264.26 14RH-6RT6-C17G ENGINE WASHING AND DETAIL SUPPLIES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 235.08 16HJ-TQVV-FVJD SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT: POLICE ' EFT 380.78 1HT1-XPK1-7KHQ SMALL TOOLS& EQUIPMENT: FIRE EFT 228.40 11HH-QVNP-MWTT SMALL TOOLS& EQUIPMENT: FIRE EFT 303.41 1QRG-L9Y6-CHVF SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: FIRE EFT 261.00 1MLR-QRGM-JJHT MISC SUPPLIES: TVM EFT 120.38 1NFX-RTK7-HF9P MISC SUPPLIES: FINANCE EFT 111.93 1WCY-4FXK-TKR6 MISC SUPPLIES: TVM EFT 17.93 1HHH-7XNQ-1Q9Y MISC OFC SUPPLIES: BLDG&SAFETY EFT 21.74 167K-YGGM-1FFG MISC SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT: PW = EFT 102.99 llHH-QVNP-9VGK SMALL TOOLS& EQUIPMENT: FIRE EFT 5.85 13GF-V9RC-C9DW SUPPLIES, TOOLS, EQUIPMENT: HR EFT 27.13 1KRK-F44J-DQRC MISC SUPPLIES: TVM EFT 52.04 1NCC-7GC6-PYCJ SMALL TOOLS& EQUIPMENT: FIRE ' EFT 15.81 1JVG-WCWF-CV7N MISC SUPPLIES: TVM EFT 42.40 1HYH-19HY-MGKM OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE ' EFT 55.88 1H3P-11QW-KG6V BOOKS: LIBRARY EFT 744.88 19DT-JPMR-CGGC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIPMENT: FIRE EFT (365.35) 1FGP-HPGV-43RH ENGINE WASHING AND DETAIL SUPPLIES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 238.16 lYFF-JL49-9T3X OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE EFT 217.48 11QL-JMYW-7XLD MISC SUPPLIES: LIBRARY EFT 909.80 1T6T-PFYM-DJ1W MISC SUPPLIES: PD EFT 3,006.20 1P3K-TK3R-QFMT SMALL TOOLS& EQUIPMENT: FIRE EFT (228.40) 19D1-R1DH-CVL9 MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD EFT 230.28 1JNF-6XPH-14JY MISC SUPPLIES: TVM EFT 1,255.07 1361-N776-D9TX MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD EFT 557.08 1NVN-GIG7-GNDH MISC SUPPLIES: HR EFT 155.63 17XF-H9HT-9GTL MISC OFC SUPPLIES: LAND DEV: PW EFT 23.20 1LH6-KNP3-D4G1 SMALL TOOLS& EQUIPMENT: FIRE EFT 55.38 1GKP-TF4N-PTFF MISC SUPPLIES: ECON DEV i EFT 199.74 13GF-V9RC-DQ9J OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE EFT 27.68 1HV9-J6XT-J9LQ MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD i EFT 148.70 1WWM-Y6VK-MC11 MISC SUPPLIES: MRC&MPSC EFT 76.10 1VKQ-K6DC-WWWY MISC SUPPLIES: ECO DEV EFT 146.40 1JCX-3JJ7-C93Q MISC SUPPLIES: TCSD: HOMELESS OUTREACH EFT 29.35 1VQT-CKDR-DQDQ MISC SUPPLIES: INFO TECH EFT 98.15 1V4M-1TCP-4YFP SUPPLIES, TOOLS, EQUIP: HR EFT 70.24 1FV7-KHXP-9FPP MISC SUPPLIES: CITY CLERK EFT 32.60 1T3K-6RRX-4WCN MISC SUPPLIES: SPEC EVENTS: TCSD EFT 63.03 1PFW-C7CP-PDQV MISC SUPPLIES: ECON DEV EFT 22.83 lYFF-JL49-93G1 MISC SUPPLIES: CITY CLERK EFT (31.53) 19DT-JPMR-YP37 MISC SUPPLIES: CITY CLERK EFT 370.14 1JYN-JJ4Q-CMQ7 MISC SUPPLIES: CITY CLERK EFT 47.14 1T9P-KMQG-MRNH MISC SUPPLIES: LIBRARY EFT 61.94 1H3P-11QW-KC6V MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD EFT 744.88 1NCG-7TMH-1L19 MISC SUPPLIES: TVM = EFT 25.99 1H3P-11QW-934W OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE EFT 13.58 1KRH-MG9L-LDTY MISC SUPPLIES: FINANCE EFT 190.97 1HXT-7Y7X-9NN3 MISC SUPPLIES: SPORTS: TCSD EFT 3,262.00 176F-1067-Y793 MISC SUPPLIES: SPORTS: TCSD- EFT 3,705.90 1Y16-VQ3Y-FR9Q MISC SUPPLIES: TVM EFT 80.34 1DQW-XLIP-4KD3 MISC SUPPLIES: INFO TECH EFT 59.64 T 099730 BATTERIES: PW FACILITY MAINT EFT 129.66 T 100048 BATTERIES: PW FACILITY MAINT EFT 485.77 78371 JAN STAND BY FEE: POLICE EFT 1,485.90 SCPR148899 CPR PROGRAM SUPPLIES: MEDIC EFT 3,332.00 22645056 STAFF CERTIFICATIONS: AQUATICS: TCSD EFT 437.00 22643211 STAFF/LIFEGUARDS CERTS: AQUATICS EFT 205.00 3868 MEMBERSHIP DUES: RISK MGMT Wire 240.00 8404 ADD'L PHONE STORAGE: FIRE DEPT Wire 0.99 5312 ADD'L PHONE STORAGE: SOCIAL MEDIA: ECON Wire 9.99 59692261 TEMPORARY STAFFING SVCS: FINANCE EFT 4,685.12 20074973 DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: LAND DEV/TRAFFIC/CIP EFT 29.36 20074977 DRINKING WATER SRVCS: INFO TECH EFT 28.55 20075396 DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: JRC EFT 28.55 20075392 DEC DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: MALL PD EFT - 20075376 DEC DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: AULD: POLICE EFT 62.53 20075391 _�IDRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: MPSC EFT - 20075377 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: MARGARITA EFT 258.28 601111 601111 601111 601111 601111 601112 ■ 601112 601112 601170 601170 601170 301064 301064 301064 600985 600986 301065 301065 601113 601038 301067 15780 15852 15853 601039 601030 15854 601114 601114 301068 301069 601057 301138 601115 601115 301070 301070 301070 15793 600987 600987 601040 601040 601171 601171 301041 301182 301071 601041 600988 600988 600989 601116 301066 301066 301066 301066 301137 301137 301137 301137 301137 301137 301137 301137 301137 601042 15554 15902 301139 301139 301139 15841 15842 15847 15848 15731 301072 15843 15844 15845 15846 301073 301074 15735 601043 601117 600990 600990 600990 12/21/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 12/21/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 12/21/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 12/21/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 12/21/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 12/21/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 12/21/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 12/21/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 12/28/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 12/28/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 12/28/2023 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 12/14/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 12/14/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 12/14/2023 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 12/7/2023 1107 ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF TEMECULA VALLEY 12/7/2023 3168 ASTER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC 12/14/2023 2242 AT&T 12/14/2023 2242 AT&T 12/21/2023 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN 12/14/2023 2073 AZTEC LANDSCAPING INC 12/14/2023 1909 BAMM PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS INC 12/7/2023 2409 BATTER UP BAKERY TEMECULA 12/11/2023 3542 BBS NARCOTICS ENFORCEMENT 12/11/2023 3542 BBS NARCOTICS ENFORCEMENT 12/14/2023 3122 BEARD RYAN 12/14/2023 1411 BECKJEANNE M 12/11/20232524 BEHAVIORAL ANALYSIS TRAINING INC 12/21/20232524 BEHAVIORAL ANALYSIS TRAINING INC 12/21/20232524 BEHAVIORAL ANALYSIS TRAINING INC 12/14/20231917 BEISTLE COMPANY THE 12/14/2023 2150 BELTZJON 12/14/2023 1315 BERNELINC 12/20/2023 2935 BETTS KENNETH 12/21/2023 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 12/21/2023 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 12/14/20231264 BID TOX LABORATORIES 12/14/20231264 BID TOX LABORATORIES 12/14/20231264 BID TOX LABORATORIES 112/11/2023 1524 BJS RESTAURANTS INC 12/7/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 12/7/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 12/14/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 12/14/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 12/28/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 12/28/2023 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC - 12/7/2023 1631 BONCOR WATER SYSTEMS LLC 12/28/2023 1631 BONCOR WATER SYSTEMS LLC- 12/14/2023 1181 BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF SOUTHWEST COUNTY 12/14/2023 2612 BRAND ASSASSINS 12/7/2023 2415 BRAUN PETER 12/7/2023 2415 BRAUN PETER 12/7/20232622 BROWN JAMAL DEON 12/21/2023 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 12/14/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 12/14/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 12/14/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 12/14/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 12/20/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 12/20/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 12/20/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 12/20/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 12/20/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 12/20/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 12/20/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 12/20/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 12/20/2023 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 12/14/2023 2399 BUCHER BRET PHILLIP 12/7/20231573 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT 12/21/2023 1573 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT 12/20/2023 3407 CALIF DEPT OF HIGHWAY PATROL 12/20/2023 3407 CALIF DEPT OF HIGHWAY PATROL 12/20/2023 3407 CALIF DEPT OF HIGHWAY PATROL 12/11/20231291 CALIF NARCOTIC OFFICERS ASSN 12/11/20231291 CALIF NARCOTIC OFFICERS ASSN 12/11/20231291 CALIF NARCOTIC OFFICERS ASSN 12/11/20231291 CALIF NARCOTIC OFFICERS ASSN 12/11/2023 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R 5 12/14/2023 1051 CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION FOR LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPM 12/11/2023 3059 CALIFORNIA ROBBERY INVESTIGATORS ASSOCIATION CRIA 12/11/2023 3059 CALIFORNIA ROBBERY INVESTIGATORS ASSOCIATION CRIA 12/11/2023 3059 CALIFORNIA ROBBERY INVESTIGATORS ASSOCIATION CRIA 12/11/2023 3059 CALIFORNIA ROBBERY INVESTIGATORS ASSOCIATION CRIA 12/14/2023 3059 CALIFORNIA ROBBERY INVESTIGATORS ASSOCIATION CRIA 12/14/2023 2295 CANTRELLTINAJ 12/11/2023 2244 CANVA.COM 12/14/2023 3413 CCHINCORPORATED 12/21/2023 192811111111111111111111111111CDCE INC 12/7/2023 1280 CDW LLC 12/7/2023 12�61)W LLQ� 12/7/2023 1280 CDW LLC 20075336 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: CRC AQUATICS EFT 69.60 20075394 DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: CIVIC CTR EFT 213.97 20075331 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: TCC EFT 28.55 20075390 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: TVM EFT 28.55 20075385 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: LAND DEV/TRAFFIC/CIP EFT 29.36 20075388 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: THEATER EFT 28.55 20075387 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: LIBRARY EFT 28.55 20075393 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: FOC EFT 28.55 20075395 OCT DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: SPORTS PARK EFT 69.60 20075386 DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: HARVESTON PARK EFT 28.28 20075389 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: INFO TECH EFT , 28.55 7726984 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES Printed 111.00 106019938 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES Printed, 355.03 106019939 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES Printed 236.53 11/21/23 CDBG-OPERATION SCHOOL BELL FROG EFT 7,236.00 5 REVISED CONST CONTRACT SVCS: MPSC OUTDOOR REC AREA EFT 187,164.25 487277 LOCATION/ACTIVATION FEES: POLICE Printed 250.00 487945 LOCATION/ACTIVATION FEES: POLICE Printed 1,000.00 2927 ELECTRICAL WORK: BIRDSALL PARK: PW EFT 400.00 J1656 NOV RESTROOM MAINT: PARKS: PW EFT 9,580.39 12612 HOMELESS OUTREACH DIVISION REC SUPPLIES Printed 804.38 3364 REFRESHMENTS: PECHANGAPU'ESKA EVENT Wire 365.00 8488 REGISTRATION: SHOOTING CLASS: PD Wire 630.00 2035 REGISTRATION: SHOOTING CLASS: PD Wire 105.00 2225.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 532.00 2023578 PRINTING & MAILING SVCS: BUS LIC RENEWALS EFT 2,957.86 8846 REGISTRATION: OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE GANGS: PD Wire 125.00 IV03483 STAFF TRAINING: TEM SHERIFF EFT 575.00 IV03486 STAFF TRAINING: TEM SHERIFF EFT 575.00 116398 SPECIAL EVENT SUPPLIES: FIRE PREVENTION & STATIONS Printed 1,767.20 163 MISC VIDEOGRAPHY SERVICES: CITY MANAGER Printed 2,500.00 13201 FIRE SPRINKLER REPAIR: TCC: PW EFT 950.00 1900.205-1905.205 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 1,561.70 4030-4040.2012ND TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 3,605.80 4005.204 2ND HALF TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 3,307.50 45201 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed 240.00 45139, PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed 2,472.14 45140 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed 3,625.84 8754 REFRESHMENTS: CITY COUNCIL MTG Wire (221.23) 03K6705212167 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT 11.95 03KO035623057 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW ! EFT 21.74 031-6702622575 WATER DELIVERY SERVICES AT THE TVE2 EFT 21.74 03KO036263176 _ HELP CENTER WATER SERVICE EFT 2.60 13KO028662112 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT 83.94 13L0028910578 ` WATER DELIVERY SVCS: FOC EFT 230.88 78958911/08/23 WATER FILTER REPLACEMENT: STATION 73 Printed 330.00 78958912/06/23 WATER FILTER REPLACEMENT: STATION 73 Printed 330.00 CSF CK REQ 12/01/23 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING REINVEST IN TEMECULA Printed 13,488.10 22655FY 23-24 BANNER PROGRAM MAINTENANCE/NEW BANNERS EFT 1,909.05 3976 PLANT MAINTENANCE: PW FACILITIES EFT 200.00 3969 PLANT MAINTENANCE: PW FACILITIES EFT 500.00 2300.205-2310.205 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 2,142.00 1401.213-1405.207 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 3,353.00 2037916609 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 191.65 2037881090 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 555.40 2037903380 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 398.91 2037916610 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 1,671.11 2037975640 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 10.17 2037965426 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 130.56 2037607768 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 36.40 2037975639 r BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 11.41 2037975642 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 115.47 2037965427 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 28.60 2037965424 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 21.69 2037965425 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 8.27 2037975638 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 11.42 3510.211-3515.206 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS jmmm� EFT 2,122.40 BEN349896 SUPPORT PAYMENT Wire 521.99 BEN349917 SUPPORT PAYMENT Wire 521.99 0000001551976 1-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS Printed 11,662.73 0000001551981 1-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS Printed 4,873.23 0000001551724 1-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS Printed 9,136.25 1250 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: POLICE Wire 675.00 0851 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: POLICE Wire 675.00 9192 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: POLICE Wire 675.00 4364 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: POLICE Wire 675.00 4649 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: TCSD Wire 150.00 300004835 DUES & MEMBERSHIP: ECO DEV Printed 1,138.26 9786 MEMBERSHIP DUES: POLICE Wire 20.00 9794 MEMBERSHIP DUES: POLICE Wire 20.00 9802 MEMBERSHIP DUES: POLICE ir Wire 20.00 9810 MEMBERSHIP DUES: POLICE Wire 20.00 TRAINING CONF REGISTRATION:INT'L CRIMINAL INVESTIGAT&TRAINING Printed 1,200.00 4200.206 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 210.00 3566 MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION: THEATER: TCSD i Wire 119.99 5414777658 PAPERLESS WORKFLOW SOFTWARE TOOL: FINANCE EFT 720.00 142097 INSTALL SAFETY LIGHTS, PARKS TRUCK PW - EFT 1,450.00 MX99594 MICROSOFT ENT LICENSE RENEWAL: INFO TECH EFT 250,200.49 MZ89739 ' MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 397.80 ND65752 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 443.53 600990 12/7/2023 1280 CDW LLC NB03550 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 181.36 600990 12/7/2023 1280 CDW LLC NB90156 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 86.52 600990 , 12/7/2023 1280 CDW LLC MP43197 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 184.96 600990 12/7/2023 1280 CDW LLC NC89881 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 58.01 601118 , 12/21/2023 1280 CDW LLC MW69063 PERSONAL COMPUTERS:MRC CIP PW 17-21 EFT 10,624.01 601172 12/28/2023 1280 CDW LLC NM85672 GENARC05 STORAGE EXPANSION: IT EFT 1,342.15 601172 12/28/2023 1280 CDW LLC NN31759 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 318.78 601172 12/28/2023 1280 CDW LLC NM09254 MISC SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP:IT EFT 189.44 601172 12/28/2023 1280 CDW LLC NN88653 COMPUTERS FOR MRC: CIP PW 17-21 EFT 5,581.27 601172 12/28/2023 1280 CDW LLC NN71852 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 92.71 601172 12/28/2023 1280 CDW LLC NK39868 MISC SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP:IT EFT 1,146.02 601172 12/28/2023 1280 CDW LLC NN17743 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 1,591.94 601172 12/28/2023 1280 CDW LLC NN56436 KEYBOARD & MOUSE REPLACEMENT: INFO TECH EFT 892.02 601172 12/28/2023 1280 CDW LLC NM07651 GENARC05 STORAGE EXPANSION: IT EFT 335.54 301075 12/14/20232153 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST INSTITUTE INV_8588 REGISTRATION: ONLINE COURSE Printed 155.00 301075 12/14/20232153 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST INSTITUTE INV_8587 REGISTRATION: ONLINE COURSE Printed 155.00 301183 12/28/2023 1528 CERTIFION CORP 1123EP31197 SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION: PD Aw Printed 200.00 601044 12/14/2023 1100 CES HOLDINGS LLC SI245891 REPAIR PUMP: TEMECULA ELEM SCHOOL POOL PW EFT 3,520.19 301140 12/20/2023 1942 CHRISTIAN STITCHERY INC 14586 AWARDS: SPORTS DIVISION Printed 170.09 301140 12/20/2023 1942 CHRISTIAN STITCHERY INC 14587 AWARDS: SPORTS DIVISION Printed 310.81 301076 12/14/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406559660 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 82.88 301076 12/14/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406559662 FIRSTAID SERVICES: RM Printed 102.40 301076 12/14/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406559663 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 105.99 301076 12/14/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406559666 FIRSTAID SERVICES: RM Printed 54.43 301076 12/14/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406559665 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 503.35 301076 12/14/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406559664 FIRSTAID SERVICES: RM Printed 106.29 301141 12/20/2023 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406559667 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 69.94 601045 12/14/2023 2681 CLEARSTAR INC 1479483 EMPLOYMENT SCREENINGS-HR EFT 165.96 601119 12/21/2023 3147 CLEM TYLER 1 INV0207 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES: COMM DEV EFT 10,000.00 601173 12/28/2023 3278 COAST BIOMEDICAL EQUIPMENT LLC 0022335-IN EQUIPMENT REPAIR: STAIRCHAIRS: EM EFT 645.74 601120 12/21/2023 3043 COMMERCIAL CLEANING BY ROGERS� 10771 JANITORIAL SERVICES: OTSF AND MALL EFT 814.77 601174 12/28/2023 1276 COMMUNITY WORKS DESIGN GROUP LLC 15319 RONALD REAGAN SPORTS PARK SKATE PARK EFT 5,558.74 601121 12/21/2023 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4095836-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE EFT 181.47 601121 12/21/2023 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4093339-1 OFFICE SUPPLIES: COMM DEV EFT 25.00 601175 ,12/28/2023 1046 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS INC 119635 FIRE ALARM MONITORING: FACILITIES EFT 6,000.00 601175 12/28/2023 1046 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS INC 119545 ALARM MONITORING: PD EFT 225.00 601175 �12/28/2023 1046 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS INC 119505 FIRE ALARM MONITORING: STA 73 AND STA 95 EFT 390.00 601046 12/14/2023 2100 COMTRONIX COMMUNICATIONS INC 48523 CART 12 EQUIPMENT: EMS CAN AM SIREN AND LIGHTENING EFT 4,755.51 301042 12/7/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 1069-1026740 LIGHTGRID SOFTWARE RENEWAL: STREET LIGHTS: IT Printed 25,327.88 301042 12/7/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1036171 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FIRE STATIONS Printed 182.70 301077 12/14/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1036558 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CRC Printed 170.99 301077 12/14/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1036685 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: JRC Printed 31.54 301077 12/14/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1036726 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TPL Printed 106.28 301077 12/14/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1036922 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES Printed 17.08 301077 12/14/2023 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1036681 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TPL Printed 241.49 15681 12/11/2023 3419 CONSTRUCTION EXAM CENTER 5188 REGISTRATION: FIRE MARSHALL TRAINING CLASS Wire 795.00 301184 12/28/2023 1666 CORELOGIC INC � 82194212 NOV SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION: CODE ENFORCEMENT Printed 378.00 601047 12/14/2023 3130 CORTEZ GASTELUM MARIA VICTORIA 231125 NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION: MPSC: TCSD EFT 118.75 15691 12/11/2023 3510 COSMO PROF 4305 � SUPPLIES: RESOURCE CENTER Wire 33.15 301078 12/14/2023 1849 COSTAR REALTY INFORMATION INC 120502522 DEC'23 WEB SUBSCRIPTION: ECO DEV Printed 1,296.00 15776 12/7/2023 1098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 7894- REFRESHMENTS: CITY COUNCIL MTGS Wire 76.14 15849 12/11/2023 1098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 9572 REFRESHMENTS: CHECKPOINT: VOLUNTEERS Wire 51.97 15850 12/11/2023 1098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3116 REFRESHMENTS: CHECKPOINT: VOLUNTEERS Wire 10.82 15851 12/11/2023 1098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3132 REFRESHMENTS: CHECKPOINT: VOLUNTEERS Wire 97.39 301054 12/12/20231098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3526 RECREATION AND BUILDING SUPPLIES- CONTRACT CLASSES Printed 479.58 301054 12/12/20231098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3524 SMALL TOOLS& EQUIPMENT: FIRE Printed 335.24 301055 12/12/20231268 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3525 SUPPLIES: MRC,MPSCANDSFSP Printed 628.10 301143 12/20/20231268 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3534 SUPPLIES: MRC,MPSCANDSFSP Printed 390.34 301079 12/14/2023 1916 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 23ME0160 FORENSIC SERVICES: TEM SHERIFF Void 1,031.00 601048 12/14/2023 2004 COX KRISTI 4210.206 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 315.00 601048 12/14/2023 2004 COX KRISTI 4110.205 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 168.00 301080 12/14/20233449 COX SUBSCRIPTIONS INC 3130315 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS: RHRTPL: TCSD Printed 1,112.54 301080 12/14/2023 3449 COX SUBSCRIPTIONS INC 3130316 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS: RHRTPL: TCSD Printed 887.27 600991 12/7/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003647 PLUMBING SERVICE: MPSC: PW EFT 1,288.21 601122 12/21/2023 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003695 AC WORKAT SENIOR CENTER: PW EFT 47,215.99 15767 12/11/2023 1002 CSMFO 8024 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE Wire 515.00 15970 12/29/20231002 CSMFO 8595 WEBINAR: SALES TAX: FINANCE Wire 25.00 15971 12/29/2023 1002 CSMFO 0463 WEBINAR: FUNDAMENTALS OF MUNI REVENUE Wire 260.00 15972 _ 12/29/20231002 CSMFO 0752 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: FINANCE Wire 135.00 15973 12/29/20231002 CSMFO 9372 WEBINAR: FUNDAMENTALS OF MUNI REVENUE Wire 200.00 15974 ,12/29/2023 1002 CSMFO 9380 MEMBERSHIP: FINANCE Wire 55.00 301151 12/20/2023 3477 CVS PHARMACY INC CK REQ 12/07/23 PUBLIC UTILITY & TEMP CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT Printed 14,300.00 15859 , 12/7/20233335 DA COCONUT CAFE INC 6723� ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EVENT CATERING Wire 1,811.51 600992 12/7/2023 1096 DANS FEED AND SEED INC 080766 SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 51.00 600992 , 12/7/2023 1096 DANS FEED AND SEED INC 08075� SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW r EFT 36.21 601123 12/21/20231105 DATA TICKET INC 158334 OCT CITATIONS PROCESSING: POLICE EFT 1,398.44 301043 , 12/7/2023 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 54907- ENGINEERING SVCS: PW CIP -.m Printed 423.00 15663 12/7/2023 3501 DAVINCI MEETING ROOM 1391 ROOM RENTAL: INVESTIGATION: HR Wire 127.00 15665 , 12/7/2023 3501 DAVINCI MEETING ROOM 3060 -qlllb_ ROOM RENTAL: INVESTIGATION: HR - Wire 195.00 601124 12/21/2023 2528 DE LA SECURA INC 21007-024 MARGARITA RECREATION CENTER EFT 255,837.05 600993 , 12/7/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00121230 - PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE FOR SECUR�, EFT 18,576.00 600993 12/7/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2INC RETENTION RELEASE CONTRACT WITHHOLDING: 18-078 EFT 3,130.37 600993 , 12/7/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00118709 ACCESS CONTROUMPSC CIP PW17-01: IT EFT 5,019.00 600993 12/7/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00121248 PREVENTATIVE MAINTENCE FOR SECURITY SYSTEM EFT 100,432.00 600993 , 12/7/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00118807 T SECURITY CAMERA SYSTEM LICENSING: IT - EFT 23,239.00 600993 12/7/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00118781 MAINT& REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM: INFO TECH EFT 764.50 600993 , 12/7/2023 2227` DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00121529 MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM:IT � EFT 1,190.00 600993 12/7/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2INC IN00118726 SECURITY CAMERA PURCHASE AND INSTALUDUCK POND EFT 6,414.50 601049 ,12/14/2023 22�pG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2INC IN00124511 �&MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM:IT � EFT 1,528.00 601049 12/14/2023 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00124517 MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM:IT EFT 3,065.00 600994 12/7/20231235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005049995 FENCE RENTAL: JRC: PW EFT 95.00 601050 12/14/20231235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005047176 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: POLICE EFT 136.50 601125 12/21/20231235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005089802 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: HARMONY LN EFT 165.88 601125 12/21/20231235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005089801 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: HARMONY LN EFT 110.88 601125 _ 12/21/20231235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005089800 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: RIVERTON UN EFT 110.88 601125 12/21/20231235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005089799 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: LA SERENA WY EFT 110.88 601051 112/14/2023 2137 DIVERSIFIED WATERSCAPES INC 10006852 NOV WTR QUALITY MAINT: DUCK POND/HARV EFT 7,800.00 15766 12/11/2023 3522 DLR RESORT 8033 LODGING: CSMFO CONFERENCE Wire 308.88 15768 112/11/2023 3522 DLR RESORT 8037 LODGING: CSMFO CONFERENCE _ Wire 308.88 600995 12/7/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL18154 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC: PW EFT 362.96 600995 , 12/7/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL16055 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEPT lj& EFT 182.46 600995 12/7/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL16702 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG INSPECTORS EFT 312.58 600995 , 12/7/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL18133 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARKS: PW EFT 1,480.48 600995 12/7/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL16699 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: LAND DEV: PW EFT 127.44 600995 , 12/7/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL15328 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG & SAFETY EFT 278.20 600995 12/7/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL16703 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP: PW EFT 206.51 600995 , 12/7/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL15329 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP: PW EFT 146.04 600995 12/7/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL16701 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 138.80 600995 , 12/7/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL18139 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREETS: PW EFT 1,066.49 600996 12/7/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL16700 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE DEPT EFT 91.89 600996 12/7/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL15325 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: LAND DEV EFT 123.22 601052 12/14/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL17390 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEPT EFT 163.20 601052 12/14/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL18138 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP: PW EFT 120.11 601052 12/14/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL18135 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE EFT 82.30 601052 12/14/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL18136 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT + EFT 107.68 601052 12/14/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL18137 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG INSPECTORS EFT 302.36 601052 12/14/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL18155 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD EFT 429.71 601126 12/21/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL19518 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE EFT 100.93 601126 12/21/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL19516 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARKS: PW' EFT 2,310.84 601126 12/21/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL19519 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 102.16 601126 12/21/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL19520 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG INSPECTORS EFT 209.45 601126 12/21/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL19536 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD EFT 86.08 601126 12/21/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL19522 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 1,622.28 601126 12/21/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL19521 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP: PW EFT 189.16 601126 12/21/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL19517 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: LAND DEV: PW EFT 62.57 601126 12/21/2023 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL18867 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEPT EFT 170.86 601176 12/28/2023 1254 DOWNSENERGYFUEL CL16716 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: EMERGENCY j EFT 98.68 301081 12/14/2023 2689 DS SERVICES OF AMERICA INC 22116432 111723 CC WATER DELIVERY SERVICES Printed 75.13 601053 ,12/14/2023 1678 DUDEK 202309954 CITYWIDE DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN EFT 19,715.78 601177 12/28/2023 1678 DUDEK 202309387 CONSTRUCTION MGT SVCS: PW-CIP, PW20-13, ON -CALL EFT 14,580.00 600997 , 12/7/20233362 DUNN EDWARDS CORPORATION 2054530568 PAINT SUPPLIES: SENIOR CENTER EFT 30.41 600998 12/7/20233362 DUNN EDWARDS CORPORATION 2054530562 PAINT SUPPLIES: SENIOR CENTER EFT 404.10 600999 , 12/7/2023 3362 DUNN EDWARDS CORPORATION 2054530566' PAINT SUPPLIES: SENIOR CENTER EFT 45.61 15858 12/26/2023 1057 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DIST VAR EMWD NOV VAR NOV WATER SVCS Wire 4,674.20 601178 012/28/2023 2258 ECONOMIC ALTERNATIVES INC 105069 WATER SYSTEMS MONITORING FOR HVAC EQUIPMENT EFT 619.55 601202 12/28/20231353 EE VENDOR#1353 12/14/23 REIMB: UNIFORMS EFT 63.03 601195 12/28/2023 1589 EE VENDOR #1589 12/11/23 REIMB: MISC SUPPLIES: PW EFT 120.16 601128 12/21/20231940 EE VENDOR#1940 REIMB: 12/08/23 REIMBURSEMENT: SUPPLIES EFT 148.39 601084 12/14/2023 2266 EE VENDOR #2266 12/07/23 REIMB: PRSC COMMISSION EFT 85.00 301052 12/7/2023 2410 EE VENDOR #2410 12/05/23 REIMB: TEAM PACE Printed 750.00 ■ 601101 12/14/2023 2410 EE VENDOR #2410 12/06/23B REIMB: TEAM PACE i EFT 29.20 601101 12/14/2023 2410 EE VENDOR #2410 12/06/23C REIMB: STAFF EVENT EFT 21.74 601101 12/14/2023 2410 EE VENDOR #2410 12/06/23A REIMB: TEAM PACE EFT 200.00 601138 12/21/2023 2714 EE VENDOR #2714 TEAM PACE 12/14/23 REIMB: TEAM PACE 12/14/23 EFT 250.00 601129 12/21/2023 2754 EE VENDOR #2754 TEAM PACE 12/14/23 REIMB: TEAM PACE 12/14/23 EFT 250.00 301088 12/14/2023 3264 EE VENDOR #3264 REIMB: CNOACONF REIMB: CNOA TRAINING CONF: 11/17-11/21: PD Printed 277.08 301126 12/14/2023 3266 EE VENDOR #3266 REIMB: 11/21/23 REIMB: CNOA TRAINING CONF: 11/17-11/21: PD Printed 446.47 301114 12/14/2023 3461 EE VENDOR #3461 REIMB: 11/21/23 REIMB: CNOA TRAINING CONF: 11/17-11/21: PD Printed 261.59 301096 12/14/2023 3467 EE VENDOR #3461 REIMB: CONF 11/17/23 REIMB: CNOA CONFERENCE Printed 312.23 301181 12/28/2023 3478 EE VENDOR #3478 CMPTR LOAN COMPUTER LOAN PRGM: PW Printed 1,367.35 301142 12/20/2023 3487 EE VENDOR #348 12142023 INTEREST PAYMENT = Printed 272.56 601179 12/28/20232385 EIDE BAILLY LLP EI01597592 AUDIT SERVICES EFT 10,000.00 601179 12/28/2023 2385 EIDE BAILLY LLP EI01597156 AUDIT SERVICES: FINANCE EFT 2,800.00 601127 12/21/2023 2031 ELITE CLAIMS MANAGEMENT INC 2023-683 NOV'23 3RD PARTY CLAIM ADMIN: WC EFT 1,250.00 301044 12/7/2023 2659 ELLIS BRENDA JEAN = PERF: RUG HOOKING PERF: RUG HOOKING DEMONSTRATION Printed 200.00 601000 12/7/2023 3265 EMPIRE ECONOMICS 10/31/23 PRICE POINT STUDY SVCS- CFD 20 EFT 3,725.00 301144 12/20/2023 3460 ENGSTROM LIPSCOMB & LACK SETTLEMENT SETTLEMENT OF CLAIM PER AGREEMENT Printed 350,000.00 301082 12/14/2023 1004 ESGIL LLC 128554 REVISED SEP PLAN CK SVCS: COMDEV Printed 16,047.18 15649 _ 12/11/2023 1911 EVENTBRITE.COM 6407 REGISTRATION: CODE ENFORCEMENT Wire 135.23 15650 12/11/2023 1911 EVENTBRITE.COM 6631 REGISTRATION: CODE ENFORCEMENT Wire 108.55 15741 112/11/2023 1911 EVENTBRITE.COM 0440 REGIST: CANYON LAKE STATE OF THE CITY Wire 45.00 15742 12/11/2023 1911 EVENTBRITE.COM 4139 REGISTRATION: ADVOCACY DAY CONFERENCE Wire 250.00 15775 , 12/7/2023 1911 EVENTBRITE.COM 7387 REGISTRATION: STATE OF THE CITY: CANYON LAKE Wire 45.00 301145 12/20/2023 2469 EXP US SERVICES INC 134781 SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK PHASE II Printed 10,804.25 15564 12/12/2023 1998 EYEMED VISION CARE BEN349866 VISION PLAN PAYMENT Wire 2,151.31 15723 12/11/2023 2012 FEAST CALIFORNIA CAFE LLC 1401 REFRESHMENTS: SENIOR CTR RIBBON CUTTING Wire 877.64 301083 12/14/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-334-33247 EXPRESS MAILING: THEATER: TCSD Printed 12.85 301083 12/14/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-327-59653 EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: CIP: PW Printed 8.17 301185 12/28/2023 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-342-04544 EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: INFO TECH Printed 9.13 601001 12/7/20231600 FEHR AND PEERS 168523 OLD TOWN TECHNOLOGY BASED PARKING DATA COLLECTION EFT 1,890.00 301045 12/7/20231219 FINE ARTS NETWORK ADVTIX: NUTCRACKER ADVANCE TICKET SALES: NUTCRACKER Printed 20,000.00 601002 12/7/20231219 FINE ARTS NETWORK ADVTIX: MEAN GIRLS ADVANCE TIX SALES: MEAN GIRLS HS EFT 3,500.00 601002 12/7/20231219 FINE ARTS NETWORK ADV TIX: LEGALLY BUD ADV TICKETS: LEGALLY BLONDE EFT 4,200.00 601054 12/14/20231219 FINE ARTS NETWORK CSF: GRANT PRGM CSF: PUMP UP THE VOLUME EFT 10,000.00 601180 12/28/2023 1219 FINE ARTS NETWORK STTLMNT: 12/2-12/9 STTLMNT: MEAN GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL EDITION EFT 6,626.43 301084 12/14/20231037 FIRST STUDENT CHARTER SF-055738 SDC TRANSPORTATION Printed 859.70 301056 12/12/2023 3417 FORE GREEN DEVELOPMENT LLC REFUND: PA23-0057 REFUND: COMDEV APPLICATION WITHDRAWL Printed 8,923.50 601055 12/14/2023 2643 FORENSIC NURSING OF SOCAL INC 2425 SART EXAMS EFT 1,200.00 601055 ,12/14/2023 26� FORENSIC NURSING OF SOCAL INC 2424 _ SART EXAMS EFT 1,200.00 601181 12/28/2023 2643 FORENSIC NURSING OF SOCAL INC 2446 SART EXAMS: POLICE EFT 1,200.00 15795 12/11/20231351 FRONT STREET BAR&GRILL 3828 REFRESHMENTS: CITY CLOSED MTG 10/24 Wire 304.50 15977 12/20/20232067 FRONTIER CALIFORNIA INC VAR NOV/DEC FRONTIER VARIOUS NOV/DEC INTERNET SVCS Wire 12,653.47 301085 12/14/20231497 FULL COMPASS SYSTEMS = INCO2439944 SOUND/LIGHTING& MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER Printed 460.11 601056 12/14/20232374 GEORGE HILLS COMPANY INC INV1027081 CLAIMSTPA: RM EFT 2,466.20 301186 12/28/2023 2722 GEOTAB USA INC IN365285 VEHICLE TELEMATICS:CITY FLEET: IT Printed 1,678.75 15779 12/7/20233525 GLORIETTA BAY INN 2941 LODGING: MMASC CONFERENCE Wire 388.09 15647 112/11/2023 2044 GOATAND VINE THE 4467 REFRESHMENTS: PLANNING COMMISSION MTG Wire 158.78 301146 12/20/20231523 GOLDEN VALLEY MUSIC SOCIETY STTLMNT: 12/11/23 STTLMNT: CANDLELIGHT CLASSICS: TCSD Printed 1,008.00 301146 ,12/20/2023 1523 GOLDEN VALLEY MUSIC SOCIETY STTLMNT: 11/12 CLASSICS @ THE MERC 11/12/23 Printed 175.00 301047 12/7/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1452 HVACSUPPLES: FACILITYMAINT Printed 146.80 301047 12/7/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1447 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 107.23 301092 12/14/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1472 HVACSUPPLES: FACILITYMAINT Printed 79.58 301092 12/14/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1451 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 62.80 301092 12/14/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1466 SMALL TOOLS& EQUIPMENT: FIRE STATIONS Printed 216.85 301092 12/14/2023 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1467 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 59.64 301086 12/14/20232138 GOVCONNECTION INC 20240827 TRAFFICSWITCHES: INFOTECH Printed 11,938.21 15769 12/11/2023 1007 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION GFOA 0957 REGISTRATION: WEBINAR Wire 135.00 601058 12/14/2023 1225 GRAINGER 9919240037 MISC PARK SUPPLIES: PARKS: PW EFT 219.37 301147 12/20/2023 1457 GREAT OAK HIGH SCHOOL 12/14/23 TRANSPORTATION STIPEND Printed 200.00 301127 12/14/2023 1383 HANCOCK LORENA 3700.205-3710.205 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 1,316.00 301046 12/7/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2702/OCT MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: TVM Printed 38.53 301046 12/7/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2702/OCT-B SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP: TVM Printed 913.43 301087 12/14/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2716/NOV SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT Printed 164.79 301087 12/14/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2107/NOV SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT Printed 4.34 301087 12/14/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2664/NOV SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT Printed 328.52 301087 12/14/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2702/NOV SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT Printed 187.03 301148 12/20/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2670/NOV-B SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT: TCC Printed 299.06 301148 12/20/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2734/NOV SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP: LIBRARY Printed 227.49 301148 12/20/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2641/NOV-A SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT: STREET MAINT Printed 464.91 301148 12/20/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2733/NOV MISC SUPPLIES: TRAFFIC MAINT: PW Printed 137.04 301148 12/20/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2708/NOV SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT: OLD TOW Printed 490.37 301148 12/20/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2706/NOV SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT: AQUATICS Printed 1,147.55 301148 12/20/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2641/NOV-B SUPPLIES: STREETS AND TRAFFIC MAINT Printed 1,152.13 301187 12/28/2023 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2634/NOV SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP: FIRE Printed 337.85 301149 , 12/20/20232225 HASA INC 813.9711111111h., POOL SANTIZING CHEMICALS: CITY POOLS A Printed 813.97 601059 12/14/20231093 HEALTHPOINTE MEDICAL GROUP INC 42612-4179856 VIED EMPLOYMENT SCREENING: HR EFT 50.00 601003 , 12/7/2023 2235 HICKS AND HARTWICK INC 8271 = ENG PLAN CHECK SRVCS: PRADO: LAND DEV 7 EFT 1,519.00 301089 12/14/2023 1083 HINDERLITER DE LLAMAS & ASSOC SIN033575 OCT-DEC SALES TAX & RECOVERY SVCS Printed 9,147.15 601060 , 12/14/20232547 HINER DOUGLAS 2023-NOVEMBER UMPIRE OFFICIATING SVCS: CITY ADULT SOFTBALL EFT 1,890.00 15680 12/11/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 1785 MICROWAVES: FIRE STATION 73 Wire 606.83 301090 ,12/14/2023 1192 HOME DEPOT 1972482 CONSTRUCTION SVCS:PW-CIP, PW17-21 MRC Printed 3,161.36 601061 12/14/20232233 HOWELL ANN MARIE COT_CMO_1123 GRAPHIC DESIGN SERVICES: CM EFT 825.00 601182 ,12/28/2023 2233 HOWELL ANN MARIE COT_CDD_1123 TIMELINE IMAGES CONVERSION: PLANNING EFT 127.50 601062 12/14/2023 1585 I PC INDUSTRIES INC O1-170015 GOLF CART RENTALS: TCSD EFT 6,958.69 15658 , 12/7/2023 2742 IMOVR 3968 ERGONOMIC SUPPLIES: HR Wire 810.00 601130 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40113 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 1,182.00 601130 , 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40083 ` WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 1,152.00 601130 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40121 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 1,137.00 ■ 601130 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40218 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 2,532.00 601130 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 2023105 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 4,417.00 601130 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40109 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 1,182.00 601130 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40107 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 1,447.00 601130 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40106 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 862.00 601130 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40110 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 842.00 601130 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40115 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 2,087.00 601131 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40057 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 487.00 601131 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40079 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 687.00 601131 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40091 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 532.00 601131 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40056 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 714.50 601131 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40059 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 842.00 601131 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40093 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 607.00 601131 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40058 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 642.00 601131 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40087 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 477.00 601131 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40105 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 597.00 601131 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40111 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 687.00 601132 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40061 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 377.00 601132 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40084 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 322.00 601132 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40062 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 377.00 601132 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40063 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 349.50 601132 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40077 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 377.00 601132 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40112 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 287.00 601132 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40080 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 322.00 601132 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40108 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 300.75 601132 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40092 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 377.00 601132 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40047 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 377.00 601133 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40081 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 197.00 601133 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40042 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 197.00 601133 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40221 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 259.50 601133 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40082 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 208.25 601133 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40041 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 197.00 601133 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40044 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 197.00 601133 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40086 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 222.00 601133 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40078 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 222.00 601133 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40076 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 222.00 601133 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40052 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 222.00 601134 12/21/20231352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40043 WEED ABATEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 197.00 301091 12/14/2023 1533 INLAND VALLEY CLASSICAL BALLET THEATRE STTLMNT: NUTCRACKER TICKET SALES SETTLEMENT "NUTCRACKER" 11/24-11/26 Printed 27,559.23 601004 12/7/20231396 INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS 255616 OCT COPIER MAINT/REPAIR/USAGE: CITYWIDE EFT 577.73 601004 , 12/7/20231396 , INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS 253�IREPLACEMENT COPIER:TVM EFT 6,581M 601004 12/7/20231396 INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS 255625 OCT COPIER MAINT/REPAIR/USAGE: CITYWIDE EFT 5,378.52 15732 12/11/20231921 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC 1733 REGISTRATION: CUSTOMER SERVICE WORKSHOP Wire 185.00 15557 12/7/20231047 INSTATAX EDD BEN349888 STATE TAX PAYMENT Wire 47,874.31 15905 12/21/20231047 INSTATAX EDD BEN349907 STATE TAX PAYMENT Wire 47,654.55 15922 12/21/20231047 INSTATAX EDD BEN349923 STATE TAX PAYMENT Wire 324.76 16383 _ 12/6/20231047 INSTATAX EDD BEN349860 STATE TAX PAYMENT _ Wire 804.43 15558 12/7/2023 1027 INSTATAX IRS BEN349882 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT Wire 141,679.78 15906 , 12/21/2023 1027 INSTATAX IRS BEN349903 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT Wire 141,255.50 15923 12/21/2023 1027 INSTATAX IRS BEN349921 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT Wire 750.10 16403 , 12/6/20231027 INSTATAX IRS ! BEN349858 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT Wire 3,039.91 301150 12/20/2023 3035 INTERFLEX PAYMENT LLC BEN349886 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT FSA PAYMENT Printed 25,675.79 301157 , 12/20/20231072 INTERNATIONAL PUBLIC MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION FOR INV-78897-T2D2C9 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: HR - Printed 1,137.00 15861 12/7/2023 1012 INTL COUNCIL OF SHOPPING CENTERS INC 1917 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: ECO DEV Wire 125.00 601005 , 12/7/2023 2955 INTL LINE BUILDERS INC 902904R RETENTION RELEASE: CONTRACT WITHHOLDING: 2022-222 EFT 21,379.47 15791 12/7/20231407 INTL RIGHT OF WAY ASSN 0464 REFRESHMENTS: INTL RIGHT OF WAY Wire 250.00 15792 , 12/7/20231407 INTL RIGHT OF WAY ASSN 0320 STAFF TRAINING: LAND DEV: PW Wire 415.00 601006 12/7/2023 1757 INTRADO LIFE AND SAFETY INC 6079787 SEP ENTERPRISES 911 SVC: INFO TECH EFT 300.00 601063 12/14/2023 1757 INTRADO LIFE AND SAFETY INC 6080517 OCT ENTERPRISES 911 SVC: INFO TECH EFT 300.00 15728 12/11/20231674 ISTOCK INTL INC 5615 SUBSCRIPTION: PROMO IMAGES: TCSD Wire 120.00 601135 12/21/20233377 ITERIS INC 164730 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE: PW- TRAFFIC EFT 3,806.25 601136 12/21/2023 3377 ITERIS INC 164649 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE: PW -TRAFFIC EFT 9,602.63 601064 12/14/2023 1719 JACOBS HOUSE INC BEN349874 EMPLOYEE CHARITY DONATIONS: PAYMENT EFT 40.00 301093 12/14/2023 3197 JDS VIDEO & MEDIA PRODUCTIONS INC 3630 PROMOTIONAL VIDEOGRAPHY SERVICES: CM Printed 3,500.00 301093 12/14/2023 3197 JDS VIDEO & MEDIA PRODUCTIONS INC 3610 PROMOTIONAL VIDEOGRAPHY SERVICES: CM Printed, 500.00 301093 12/14/2023 3197 JDS VIDEO & MEDIA PRODUCTIONS INC 3587 PROMOTIONAL VIDEOGRAPHY SERVICES: CM Printed 500.00 601183 12/28/20232257 JEFF KATZ ARCHITECTURAL CORP 22016- COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER SP EFT L 4,507.50 601137 12/21/2023 2498 JETE PRODUCTS LLC STTLMNT: NUTCRACKER STTLMNT: THE NUTCRACKER BALLETAT EUROPA VILLAGE EFT 1,213.90 15677 12/11/20233418 JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT doommor- 7593 - PARKING: CHAPLIN CONFERENCE Wire 106.00 301188 12/28/2023 3409 JOURNAL OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT EM3390 SUBSCRIPTION: EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: EM Printed 560.00 601007 , 12/7/2023 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP 68388 � BUSINESS CARDS: PW - LAND DEV EFT 81.82 601065 12/14/2023 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP 68441 BUSINESS CARDS-HR EFT 206.54 601184 ,12/28/2023 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP 68424 BUSINESS CARDS: PW - LAND DEV EFT 154.26 15758 12/11/2023 3519 KARINNAS SECRET GARDEN LLC 8039 REGISTRATION: FUNDRAISER: CC Wire 150.00 601008 , 12/7/2023 1975 KRACH BREE B i 200015 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION: CITY CNL EFT 71.23 15690 12/11/20232166 LA COCINA BAR AND GRILL 3908 REFRESHMENTS: OUTREACH MTG Wire 120.91 15664 , 12/7/2023 1630 LABOR LAW CENTER LLC- 0306 POSTERS: LABOR: HR = Wire 1,455.51 301094 12/14/20231136 LAKE ELSINORE ANIMAL FRIENDS NOV'23 NOV'23 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES Printed 10,762.50 15888 12/11/20233432 LALA TACOS LLC 7891 REFRESHMENTS: CITY COUNCIL MTG 10/10/23 Wire 220.22 301057 12/12/2023 2654 LAMB GREG 1846 DECEMBER EMPLOYEE LUNCHEON Printed 7,464.00 301189 12/28/2023 2177 LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES INC INV-137823A PLAYGROUND EQUIP ENHANCEMENT -LONG CANYON PRK Printed 209,311.68 15863 12/7/2023 2294 LE COFFEE SHOP TEMECULA 5966 REFRESHMENTS: BROKER BREAKFAST EVENT: ECO DEV Wire 56.38 15646 112/11/2023 1014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 6141 REGISTRATION: 2023 CITY MANAGER'S CONFERENCE Wire 750.00 15782 12/7/2023 1014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 3032 REGISTRATION: CAL CITIES CITY MGRS CONFERENCE Wire (675.00) 15874 , 12/7/2023 1014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 1917 CREDIT: REGISTRATION: 23 CITY MANAGER'S CONFERENCE Wire (675.00) 601139 12/21/2023 1050 LEIGHTON CONSULTING INC 60511 GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTING (PA23-0321) EFT 4,590.00 15862 , 12/7/20232350 LEWIS CLEANERS 9841 LAUNDRY SVCS: TABLECLOTHS: EVENTS Wire 36.75 301095 12/14/2023 1923 LLOYDS DESIGNS 1260 VARIOUS GRAPHIC DESIGNS: TCSD Printed 3,000.00 15777 , 12/7/2023 3523 LOEWS CORONADO BA� 0166 PARKING: MMASC CONFERENCE Wire . 10.00 301097 12/14/2023 1806 M C I COMM SERVICE NOV 7DK90589 NOV 7DK90589 XXX-3046 GEN USAGE Printed 35.99 301097 ,12/14/2023 1806 M C I COMM SERVICE NOV 7DK89878 NOV 7DK89878 XXX-0714 USAGE MALL PD Printed. 37.30 301098 12/14/2023 3423 MAGIC FAST FOODS CORP REFUND: PA22-1012 REFUND: PLANNING APPLICATION CANCELLATION Printed 2,124.00 15736 112/11/20233504 MAHA KALI INC � 0083 � REFRESHMENTS: CULTURE DAY: TVM Wire 364.90 301099 12/14/20231224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 41396 VARIOUS SUPPLIES AND SIGNS: PW PARKS Printed 626.13 601009 12/7/2023 3031 MAKELELE SYSTEMS LANDSCAPE & MAINTENANCE INC 2649-REV � RCWD RECYCLED WATER ACCELERATE EFT 4,560.00 601010 12/7/2023 1243 MANALILI DE VILLA AILEEN 1200-1206.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,577.10 601066 12/14/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3177 ANNUAL RIGHT OF WAY TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLAN EFT 272.64 601066 12/14/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3186 ANNUAL RIGHT OF WAY TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLAN EFT 405.52 601066 12/14/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3182 i ANNUAL RIGHT OF WAY TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLAN EFT 316.96 601066 12/14/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3183 ANNUAL RIGHT OF WAY TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLAN EFT 792.40 601140 12/21/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3178 TREE TRIMMING: HARVESTON LAKE PARK: PW EFT 6,913.56 601140 12/21/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3189 ANNUALTREE TRIMMING,REMOVALS& PLANTING AT PARKS EFT 3,649.26 601140 12/21/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3190 TREE TRIMMING: VINTAGE HILLS: PW EFT 9,629.79 601140 12/21/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3131 ANNUAL RIGHT OF WAY TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLAN EFT 7,333.93 601140 12/21/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3181 ANNUALTREE TRIMMING,REMOVALS & PLANTING AT PARKS EFT 9,454.77 601140 12/21/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3180 ANNUAL TREE TRIMMING,REMOVALS& PLANTING AT PARKS EFT 1,790.87 601140 12/21/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3184 ANNUAL RIGHT OF WAY TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLAN EFT 1,013.80 601140 12/21/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3179 ANNUAL TREE TRIMMING,REMOVALS& PLANTING AT PARKS EFT 541.85 601140 12/21/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3185 TREE TRIMMING: VILLAGES SLOPE: PW EFT 608.28 601140 12/21/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3187 ANNUAL TREE TRIMMING,REMOVALS& PLANTING AT PARKS EFT 1,013.80 601141 12/21/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3188 TREE TRIMMING: RANCHO HIGHLANDS: PW EFT 405.52 601185 12/28/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3230 ANNUALTREE TRIMMING,REMOVALS& PLANTING AT PARKS EFT 456.21 601185 12/28/2023 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3229 ANNUAL RIGHT OF WAY TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLAN EFT 679.42 601011 12/7/20232376 MARK THOMAS AND COMPANY INC 49071 CHERRY STREET EXTENSION & MURRIETA EFT 24,951.65 601186 12/28/2023 2376 MARK THOMAS AND COMPANY INC 49199 CHERRY STREET EXTENSION & MURRIETA EFT 14,435.25 301152 12/20/2023 1996 MATCHETT VIVIAN 1320.205-1320.206 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 548.80 15978 12/11/2023 2388 MATRIX TELECOM LLC 1197429420 NOV 800 SERVICES: CIVIC CENTER Wire 69.63 601067 12/14/2023 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 18008 OCT ADA LABOR COMPLIANCE: PW22-08 MPSC EFT 1,131.88 601142 12/21/2023 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 18005 CDBG ADMINISTRATION SVCS: COMM DEq111111b EFT 5,747.13 601143 12/21/2023 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 18006 OCTADA LABOR COMPLIANCE SVCS: PW18-16 EFT 358.75 601187 12/28/2023 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 18007 OCTADA LABOR COMPLIANCE: MPSC EFT 693.14 15655 12/20/2023 2165 MEDLINE INDUSTRIES LP CIE SEP'23 QE SEP 2023 SALES TAX PHS Wire 355,372.00 15553 12/6/2023 3468 MELTZER MELINDA REFUND: BL047115 REFUND: HOME OCC FEE = Wire 20.00 15763 12/11/2023 2071 MEMORABLE BITES LLC 2986 TRAINING: CFD: STAFF & CONSULTING TEAM Wire 510.58 301153 12/20/2023 1185 MET LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY BEN349862 DENTAL PAYMENT Printed 15,074.68 301153 12/20/2023 1185 MET LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY BEN349789 DENTAL PAYMENT Printed 15,065.40 601068 12/14/2023 2259M MICHELLE MEDINA 1040.20415T PVT TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 892.50 601144 12/21/2023 2259 MICHELLE MEDINA 1040.204 2ND HALF TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 892.50 601069 12/14/2023 132A MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC 407702 WELDING REPAIRS, FACILITY MAINT P- EFT 380.00 601069 12/14/2023 1327 MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC 407700 WELDING REPAIRS, FACILITY MAINT PW EFT 360.00 `601069 112/14/2023 14JEL MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC 407786 WELDING SERVICES: PW PARKS EFT 500.00 601188 12/28/2023 1327 MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC 407832 TRASH ENCLOSURE SCREENS: MRC: PW EFT 7,750.00 301100 �12/14/2023 1082 MIRACLE RECREATION EQUIPMENT 867520 NATURE BRIDGE REPLACEMENT: VAIL RANCH PARK: PW Printed 2,703.90 601012 12/7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517714-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVICCTR EFT 155.53 _ 601012 , 12/7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517886-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TVE2: PW EFT 712.31 601012 12/7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517614-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: LIBRARY EFT 276.01 601012 , 12/7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518370-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR EFT 307.59 601012 12/7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518364-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVICCTR EFT 32.59 601012 , 12/7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518196-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR EFT 1,537.94 601012 12/7/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 517684-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVICCTR EFT 195.75 601070 12/14/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518601-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 68.65 601070 12/14/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518540-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 43.54 601070 12/14/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518450-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 33.75 601070 12/14/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518447-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 97.80 601145 12/21/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518403-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR EFT 286.45 601145 12/21/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518711-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVICCTR EFT 16.85 601145 12/21/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518852-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR EFT 142.13 601145 12/21/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518538-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TPL EFT 108.32 601145 12/21/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518640 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TV2 EFT (63.48) 601145 12/21/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518779-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CRC EFT 59.96 601145 12/21/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518766-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CRC EFT 160.08 601145 12/21/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518668-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVICCTR EFT 16.63 601145 12/21/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518536-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CRC EFT 98.93 601145 12/21/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518535-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TVE2: PW EFT 63.48 601146 12/21/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518554-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR EFT 3.94 601146 12/21/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518852-01 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVICCTR EFT 6.88 601189 12/28/2023 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519060-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 24.65 15555 12/7/2023 2356 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 106474 BEN349890 ICMA-401(A) RETIREMENT PLAN PAYMENT Wire 384.62 15903 12/21/2023 2356 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 106474 BEN349909 ICMA-401(A) RETIREMENT PLAN PAYMENT Wire 384.50 15556 12/7/20231011 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 3033SS BEN349892 ICMA-RC RETIREMENTTRUST 457 PAYMENT Wire 21,463.28 15904 12/21/20231011 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 303355 BEN349913 ICMA-RC RETIREMENTTRUST 457 PAYMENT Wire 18,933.47 601147 12/21/2023 1118 MIYAMOTO JURKOSKY SUSAN 2900.205-2905.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,046.50 15979 12/4/20232830 MOOD MEDIA NORTH AMERICA HOLDINGS LLC DEC'23 ` DEC'23- DISH NETWORK SVCS Wire 240.56 601013 12/7/2023 1287 MOORE FENCE COMPANY INC 23-7956 DOUBLE SIDED GATES: SENIOR CENTER: PW EFT 3,987.08 601071 12/14/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONYJ 11/17/23 ART EVENTS & MURALS EFT 400.00 601071 12/14/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J COMM MURAL PROJ ART EVENTS & MURALS: TCSD EFT 948.00 601190 12/28/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 12/10/2023 -ART EVENTS & MURALS: TCSD EFT 400.00 601190 12/28/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONYJ 12/13/2023 ART EVENTS & MURALS: TCSD EFT 400.00 601191 12/28/2023 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2047.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 88.20 15687 12/11/20233509 MOTEL 1963 LODGING: HOMELESS CLIENT Wire 79.66 15856 12/11/2023 3543 MURRIETA POLICE 7182 REGISTRATION: EXPLORERS: POLICE Wire 1,275.00 601148 12/21/2023 2081 MUSIC CONNECTION LLC STTLMNT: 12/09/23 SPEAKEASY @ THE MERC: 12/09/23 EFT 572.60 15716 12/11/20233445 MVP MEDIA NETWORK 0777 = REGISTRATION: SOCIAL MEDIA SUMMIT Wire 449.00 301101 12/14/2023 2450 NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE LLC MK599785-TDQ NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE -AQUATICS Printed 1,171.93 301102 12/14/20232032 NATIONALSAFETY COMPLIANCE INC 96127� DOT-RISK/HR Printed 299.80 15559 12/7/20231088 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349880 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 15,683.21 15560 12/7/20232086 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349894 NATIONWIDE LOAN REPAYMENT PAYMENT Wire 427.79 15561 12/7/20231038 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349898 OBRA- PROJECT RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 4,943.20 15907 12/21/20231088 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349901 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 16,832.87 15908 12/21/20232086 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349915 NATIONWIDE LOAN REPAYMENT PAYMENT Wire 427.79 15909 12/21/20231038 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349919 OBRA- PROJECT RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 5,268.74 15717 12/11/20232255 NETFLIX.COM 0443 MONTHLY SVC CHARGE: TEEN ROOM: CRC Wire 9.99 601072 12/14/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75959 LANDSCAPE SVCS: FIRE STATIONS * EFT 2,068.00 601072 12/14/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75960 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SVCS: FACILITIES EFT 11,245.00 601149 12/21/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75965 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES LEVEL C SLOPES EFT 106.00 601149 12/21/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75962 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS AND MEDIANS EFT 56,141.00 601149 12/21/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75966 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS AND MEDIANS = EFT 77,622.00 601149 12/21/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75964 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES LEVEL C SLOPES EFT 62,010.00 601149 12/21/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75963 LANDSCAPE SVCS: HARVESTON LAKE EFT 4,031.00 601149 12/21/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 75961 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS AND MEDIANS EFT 23,159.00 601192 12/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76548 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARI SLOPES: PW r EFT 452.29 601192 12/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76552 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARI SLOPES: PW EFT 307.32 601192 12/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76547 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARI SLOPES: PW EFT 258.73 601192 12/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76551 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARI SLOPES: PW EFT 535.65 601192 12/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76549 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARI SLOPES: PW EFT 284.06 601192 12/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76550 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARI SLOPES: PW EFT 309.64 601192 12/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76555 IRRIGATION REPAIRS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS EFT 324.56 601192 12/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76559 IRRIGATION REPAIRS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS EFT 302.96 601192 12/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76558 IRRIGATION REPAIRS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS EFT 380.70 601192 12/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76557 IRRIGATION REPAIRS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS EFT 230.59 601193 12/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76556 IRRIGATION REPAIRS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS EFT 208.69 601193 12/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76546 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARI SLOPES: PW EFT 228.34 601193 12/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76553 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARI SLOPES: PW EFT 135.55 601193 12/28/2023 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76554 IRRIGATION REPAIRS AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS EFT 138.77 301103 12/14/2023 2571 NORMAN A TRAUB & ASSOCIATES LLC 23100 WRKPLACE INVESTIGATIONS: HR Printed 2,921.92 301103 12/14/2023 2571 NORMAN A TRAUB & ASSOCIATES LLC 23070.2 WRKPLACE INVESTIGATIONS: HR Printed 2,702.50 301103 12/14/2023 2571 NORMAN A TRAUB & ASSOCIATES LLC 23070.1 WRKPLACE INVESTIGATIONS: HR _ Printed 4,272.08 301058 12/12/2023 1375 NORTH JEFFERSON BUSINESS PARK 1200155/JAN-MAR JAN-MAR'24 ASSN DUES 0155 #19: FV Printed 618.17 301058 12/12/2023 1375 NORTH JEFFERSON BUSINESS PARK 1078358/JAN-MAR , JAN-MAR'24 ASSN DUES 8358 A20: FV Printed 642.62 301058 12/12/2023 1375 NORTH JEFFERSON BUSINESS PARK 1121810/JAN-MAR JAN-MAR'24 ASSN DUES 1810 #16: FV Printed 571.82 301058 12/12/2023 1375 NORTH JEFFERSON BUSINESS PARK 1078329/JAN-MAR JAN-MAR'24 ASSN DUES 8329 #17: FV E- Printed 531.43 15857 12/11/20233395 NUGGET CASINO RESORT 7672 LODGING: CNOA ANNUAL TRAINING CONFERENCE: PD Wire 397.73 601150 12/21/2023 1511 NVSINC 361908 MARGARITA RECREATION CENTER -wL EFT 42,556.25 601014 12/7/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73232 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS&FACILITIES EFT 125.38 601014 12/7/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73341 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE- STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 348.94 601014 12/7/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73324 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 263.99 601014 12/7/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73273 SERVICE TO BUS & VAN: MPSC EFT 57.99 601073 12/14/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73427 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 382.16 601073 �12/14/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73377 SERVICE TO BUS & VAN: MPSC EFT 311.90 601073 12/14/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73447 VEHICLE MAINT: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 26.75 601073 ,12/14/2023 2496 _apLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 7344�NEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT _�6 601074 12/14/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73366 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 185.18 601074 12/14/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73294 BUILDING INSPECTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE EFT 268.49 601074 12/14/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73153 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: TCC EFT 1,342.14 601074 12/14/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73314 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 1,386.45 601074 12/14/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73279 BUILDING INSPECTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE EFT 87.98 601074 12/14/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 71848 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: FIRE EFT 62.96 601074 12/14/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73213 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE- STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 1,124.65 601074 12/14/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73383 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: FIRE EFT 193.07 601074 12/14/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 71791 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 1,075.34 601194 12/28/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73472 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE- STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 232.93 601194 12/28/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73507 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS&FACILITIES EFT 1,594.48 601194 12/28/2023 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73510 - VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 1,489.08 15587 12/11/2023100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV TRC-126570-11-12-202 DEPTTRANSFER REQUEST EG INV 130794 T0135610 Wire 673.00 15602 12/12/2023100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV TRC-126845-12-12-202 DEPTTRANSFER REQUEST EG INV 130942 T0136202 Wire 268.00 15661 12/7/2023 1400 ONTARIO AIRPORT PARKING LOT 0339 PARKING: NEOGOV CONFERENCE Wire 100.00 601151 12/21/2023 1164 P V P COMMUNICATIONS INC 133928 MOTOR HELMET COMMUNICATION: PD EFT 322.18 15737 12/11/2023 1387 PAINTED EARTH 3207 SUPPLIES: CERAMIC CRAFT: TEEN ZONE Wire 189.22 301154 12/20/2023 1412 PALOMA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL 12/14/23 TRANSPORTATION STIPEND Printed 200.00 15864 12/7/2023 1492 PANERA BREAD 8617 REFRESHMENTS: ECO DEV COALITION FAM TOUR Wire 17.49 301155 12/20/20231492 PAN ERA BREAD 60125523557486 TVE2 ORDERS FOR WORKSHOPS/MEETINGS Printed 204.44 15651 12/11/2023 3053 PAPA FETA 4298 REFRESHMENTS: PLANNING COMMISSION MTG Wire 239.75 301104 12/14/20232206 PARKING LOGIX INC SIN02171 ANNUAL CLOUD FEE FOR OLD TOWN PARKING:PW Printed 3,960.00 15733 12/11/20231401 PAYPAL 1387A VERISIGN PAYFLOW PRO TRANSACTION: TCSD Wire 95.70 15760 12/11/20231401 PAYPAL 4822 LABEL IT: TAGS: ASSETS: INFO TECH Wire 224.54 15770 12/11/2023 1401 PAYPAL 2396 VERISIGN PAYFLOW PRO TRANSACTION Wire 25.00 15764 12/11/2023 3521 PAYROLLORG 5838 MEMBERSHIP: FINANCE Wire 333.00 15765 12/11/2023 3521 PAYROLLORG 5911 MEMBERSHIP: FINANCE Wire 333.00 301105 12/14/2023 1214 PECHANGA BAND OF LUISENO MISSION INDIANS 20554 I-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROV Printed 9,848.90 301106 12/14/2023 2392 PENFOLDS CAFE INC 083 HOLIDAY HAM: DECEMBER EVENTS: TCSD Printed 495.90 301107 12/14/2023 3448 PERLMUTTER MARK J N120123-8 EQUIPMENT: TEM SHERIFF Printed 5,999.31 15563 12/7/20231017 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT BEN349884 PERS RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 171,918.53 15910 12/21/2023 1017 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT_ BEN349905 PERS RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 171,466.73 15562 12/7/20231016 PERS HEALTH INSUR PREMIUM BEN349878 PERS HEALTH PAYMENT Wire 194,571.16 301040 , 12/4/20231018 PETTY CASH r 11/22/23 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENTS Printed 705.07 15729 12/11/2023 3049 PIZZA FACTORY 2092 REFRESHMENTS: HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL Wire 252.13 301048 , 12/7/2023 2179 PLAYCORE WISCONSIN INC PJI-0219943 PLAYGROUND EQUIP ENHANCEMENTS: REDHAWK'Ilp"W Printed 81,953.35 301048 12/7/2023 2179 PLAYCORE WISCONSIN INC PJI-0219942 PLAYGROUND EQUIP ENHANCEMENTS: REDHAWK Printed 449,749.23 15719 112/11/2023 2648 POLAR ENGRAVING CORPORATION 9140 ENGRAVING SVCS: REMEMBERANCE TREE PGM Wire 238.83 601152 12/21/2023 2893 POS SUPPLY SOLUTIONS INC 220216 THERMAL PRINT PAPER: TEM SHERIFF EFT 702.95 601196 ,12/28/2023 3271 POWERSPORTS UNLIMITED INC 46877 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT: TEM SHERIFF EFT 1,394.93 601196 12/28/2023 3271 POWERSPORTS UNLIMITED INC 46844 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT: TEM SHERIFF EFT 1,285.96 301156 ,12/20/2023 1363 PRE PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC BEN349876 PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES: PAYMENT , Printed 246.95 601075 12/14/2023 1493 PREMIER MARKETING INC 2950 PERFORMANCE/EVENTS: TCSD EFT 425.00 601075 ,12/14/2023 1493 PREMIER MARKETING INC 3057 ' PERFORMANCE/EVENTS: TCSD EFT 437.50 15727 12/11/2023 1020 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC 4227 SUBSCRIPTIONS: TCSD Wire 18.00 15794 112/11/2023 1020 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC 8754 ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION: CITY CLERK Wire 14.00 301108 12/14/2023 1020 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC SUBSCR: 180905656A NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION: PW Printed 205.88 601015 , 12/7/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132222210 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 24.52 601015 12/7/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132223460 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 14.32 601015 , 12/7/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132222228 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 601015 12/7/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132222914A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 65.64 ■ 601015 , 12/7/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132224179 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 68.17 601015 12/7/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132224177A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 65.64 601015 , 12/7/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132222916 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 68.17 601015 12/7/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132222229 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 601015 , 12/7/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132223461 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 601015 12/7/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132223462 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 601016 , 12/7/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132224177E UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE = EFT 5.67 601016 12/7/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132222227 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 601016 , 12/7/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132223448 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 601016 12/7/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132224180 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 601016 , 12/7/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132222914E UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE = EFT 5.67 601016 12/7/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132222217 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 601016 , 12/7/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132222216 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 601016 12/7/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132222917 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 10.28 601016 , 12/7/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132223447 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 601076 12/14/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132225425A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 65.64 601076 12/14/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132224721 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 601076 12/14/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132224702 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 24.52 601076 12/14/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132225427 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 68.17 601076 12/14/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132224709 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 601076 12/14/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132224708 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 601076 12/14/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132225425B UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 601076 12/14/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132224720 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 601076 12/14/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132225428 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 10.28 601076 12/14/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132224719 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 601153 12/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132225970 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 14.32 601153 12/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132225957 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 601153 12/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132226678E UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 601153 12/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132226678A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 65.64 601153 12/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132225958 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 601153 12/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132225972 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 601153 12/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132225971 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 601153 12/21/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132226680 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE _ EFT 68.17 601197 12/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132227224 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 601197 12/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132227926A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 67.92 601197 12/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132227212 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 601197 12/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132227928 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT -= G8.17 601197 12/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132226681 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 10.28 601197 112/28/2023133bl1bgM PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132227213 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT =�.89 601197 12/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132227223 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 601197 12/28/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132227929 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES JL EFT 10.28 601197 12/28/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132227206 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 24.52 601197 12/28/20231336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132227225 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES jm� EFT i 19.88 601198 12/28/2023 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132227926B UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 15726 12/11/2023 3502 PSAT TICKETING PARKING 8688 TICKETS: SENIOR EXCURSION: TCSD Wire 111hi., 1,085.00 301190 12/28/2023 2124 QUICKSERIES PUBLISHING INC 108120 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS SUPPLIES: EM SPECIAL EVENTS Printed 3,227.57 301109 12/14/2023 2064 RADEECAL INC INV-3152 __IM DECALS: PUBLIC WORKS Printed- 165.06 301109 12/14/2023 2064 RADEECAL INC INV-3136 CART WRAP: EVENT CART 12: FIRE Printed 1,805.00 15762 12/11/2023 3520 RALPHS _ 3797 = REFRESHMENTS m Wire or 46.12 301059 12/12/2023 1134 RANCHO CALIF BUS PK ASSOC 1077171/JAN-MAR'24 JAN-MAR'24 BUS PK ASSN DUES: FOC Printed 2,064.35 301059 12/12/2023 1134 RANCHO CALIF BUS PK ASSOC 1077061/JAN-MAR'24 JAN-MAR'24 BUS PK ASSN DUES: DIAZ RD Printed 2,033.07 301158 12/20/2023 1134 RANCHO CALIF BUS PK ASSOC 1077168/JAN-MAR'24 JAN-MAR'24 BUS PK ASSN DUES: TVE2 Printed 2,234.14 15933 12/1/2023 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIOUS OCT WATER 3 VARIOUS WATER SVCS OCT BATCH 3 Wire 21,994.44 15935 12/15/2023 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIUS NOV WATER 1 VARIOUS WATER SVCS NOV BATCH 1 Wire 38,154.27 15936 12/22/2023 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIOUS NOV WATER 2 VARIOUS WATER SVCS NOV BATCH 2 Wire 13,913.91 15937 12/29/2023 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIOUS NOV WATER 3 VARIOUS WATER SVCS NOV BATCH 3 Wire 15,317.39 301191 12/28/2023 2535 RANCHO RUNNERS INC 98495 EXP MAIL DLVY SVCS: FIRE Printed 45.00 601017 12/7/2023 1076 RANCHO TEMECULA CAR WASH OCT'23 OCT CAR WASH SVCS: POLICE EFT 34.02 601077 12/14/2023 1076 RANCHO TEMECULA CAR WASH NOV'23 NOV CAR WASH SVCS: POLICE ' EFT 18.01 601078 12/14/2023 1537 RANDALL MANAGEMENT GROUP 31371 BANNER PATCHES FOR CITYWIDE CLEAN UP EVENT, PW EFT 63.56 601154 12/21/20231537 RANDALL MANAGEMENT GROUP 31673 MISC SIGNAGE: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD EFT 58.07 601018 12/7/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60171481-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR EFT 79.43 601018 , 12/7/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60171590-00 ICE MACHINE MAINT: FIRE STATIONS EFT 59.76 601018 12/7/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60171472-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CITY HALL EFT 593.98 601018 12/7/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60171480-DO MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CITY HALL EFT 75.00 601079 12/14/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60171768-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: MRC: PW EFT 105.56 601155 12/21/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60171954-DO ICE MACHINE MAINT: FIRE STATIONS = EFT 71.20 601199 12/28/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60172050-00 ICE MACHINE MAINT: FIRE STATIONS EFT 49.65 601199 12/28/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60172170-DO MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: TCC: TCSD EFT 9.83 601199 12/28/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60172161-00 ICE MACHINE MAINT: FIRE STATIONS EFT 40.37 601199 �12/28/2023 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60172162-00 ICE MACHINE MAINT: FIRE STATIONS EFT 26.84 601200 12/28/2023 2203 REMOTE SATELLITE SYSTEMS INTL 00125863 PHONE SERVICE FOR EOC EFT 505.05 15790 , 12/7/2023 1408 RENAISSANCE HOTELS 5065 LODGING: IMGIS CONF: LAND DEV Wire 561.14 15725 12/11/2023 2181 REYES NICOLE 1824 LAUNDRY SVCS: EVENTS LINENS Wire 200.50 601019 , 12/7/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245060 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 54.00 601019 12/7/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245041 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 6,510.00 601019 , 12/7/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245051 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 608.00 601019 12/7/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245035 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 14,515.00 601019 , 12/7/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245055 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,950.00 601080 12/14/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245464 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 75.50 601080 12/14/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245459 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 102.50 601080 12/14/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245471 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 30.00 601080 12/14/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245474 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 12.00 601080 12/14/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245473 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 30.00 601080 12/14/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245470 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 317.50 601080 12/14/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245454 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 90.00 601156 12/21/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245460 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 867.00 601156 12/21/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245462 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 701.36 601201 12/28/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245439 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,170.00 601201 12/28/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245442 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,290.00 601201 12/28/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245466 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,144.46 601201 12/28/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245441 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 3,540.00 601201 12/28/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245438 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,395.50 601201 12/28/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245437 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 361.00 601201 12/28/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245451 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 390.00 601201 12/28/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245435 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 17,105.88 601201 12/28/2023 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245453 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 90.00 301110 12/14/2023 1966 RIGHTWAY SITE SERVICES INC 365544 PORTABLE RESTROOM RENTALS: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD Printed 8,162.00 15720 12/11/2023 1104 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 7940 = HEALTH PERMITS: HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL Wire 207.00 15721 12/11/2023 1104 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 8385 HEALTH PERMITS: HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL Wire 4.91 301111 12/14/2023 1104 RIVERSIDE COUNTY IN0493408 i JUL-SEP'23 VECTOR CNTRL SVC: CODE ENF * Printed 7,351.78 301112 12/14/20231042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SH0000044488 SHERIFF PATROL SVCS: PD Printed 2,755,355.42 301159 12/20/2023 2533 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 3936 � PRINTING SERVICES: PD Printed 24.24 301192 12/28/2023 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PE0000001356B OCT EMERG RADIO RENTALS: EOC Printed 102.62 301113 12/14/2023 1304 RIVERSIDE TRANSIT AGENCY 87021 'Jillrff- TROLLEY ROUTE 55 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES Printed 2,375.80 301160 12/20/2023 1737 ROTARY CLUB OF OLD TOWN TEMECULA 12/11/23 POINSETTIAS: CITY HALL Printed 585.00 601082 12/14/20231552 SANBORN GWYNETH A CO TEMECULA MUSIC ACADEMY PERF:12/02/23 USER LICENSE AGREEMENT: COUNTRY LIVE@THE MERC 12/2 EFT 708.75 301049 12/7/2023 3437 SANCHEZ EVELYN 11/20/23B REFUND: DUPLICATE PAYMENT Void 534.00 301161 12/20/2023 1581 SAPINKOPF LISA CK REQ 12/11/23 PRESENTER: THEATER: TCSD Printed 1,600.00 601021 12/7/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 11152023 PHOTOS FOR RIBBON CUTTINGS/OPENINGS: TCSD EFT 275.00 601083 12/14/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 1122023 MISC. PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES: ECO DEV� EFT 300.00 601083 12/14/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 11272023 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES FOR SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 400.00 601158 12/21/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 011082023 MUSEUM/ACE PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS EFT 275.00 601158 12/21/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 11302023 MUSEUM/ACE PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS EFT 275.00 601158 12/21/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 12132023 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES FOR SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 300.00 601158 12/21/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 10312023 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: TEAM PACE EFT 275.00 601158 12/21/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 011112023 MUSEUM/ACE PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS EFT 275.00 601203 12/28/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 012132023 MPSC/HUMAN SERVICES PHOTOGRAPHY EFT 275.00 601203 12/28/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 12062023 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: WORKFORCE PROGRAMS: TCSD EFT 375.00 601203 12/28/2023 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 12162023 MISC. PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES EFT 300.00 301115 12/14/2023 2360 SB&O INC 1123029 ENGINEERING CONSULTANT SVCS: PW21-13 Printed 2,681.28 301115 12/14/2023 2360 SB&O INC 1123026 ENGINEERING & LAND SURVEY SVCS: PW -CIP Printed 1,644.25 301115 12/14/2023 2360 SB&O INC L 1123027 ENGINEERING & SURVEY SVCS: PW-CIP, PW22-16 Printed 104.00 301162 12/20/2023 2360 SB&O INC 1123031 ENGINEEIRNG & SURVEY SVCS: PWSW02-02 Printed 427.25 301162 12/20/2023 2360 SB&O INC 1123030 DESIGN, ENVIRO & SURVEY SVS: PW-CIP Printed 1,346.00 301116 12/14/2023 1896 SEASIDE ICE LLC 1797 SKATING RINK IN OLD TOWN Printed 19,042.50 301117 12/14/2023 2929MIILL SEAVCO INC 20230801 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINTENANCE: TEM SHERIFF Printed 875.56 15678 12/11/2023 2507 SEEKTHERMAL 5619 REPAIR SVCS: FIRE DEPT Wire 130.00 15682 ,12/11/2023 3�,SHARK NINJA Emprw 2827 i REPLACEMENT PLUG: VACCUUM: FIRE STA 92 Wire 31.69 301118 12/14/2023 1787 SHRED IT US JV LLC 8005342225 DOCUMENT SHREDDING: PD Printed 46.58 601086 12/14/2023 2425 SIEMENS MOBILITY INC 5610000682 LIGHT POLE REPLACEMENT: PW EFT 1,819.30 601087 12/14/2023 1780 SILVERMAN ENTERPRISES INC 1891 SECURITY SVCS: ROTATION PARKS EFT 668.80 601159 12/21/2023 1780 SILVERMAN ENTERPRISES INC 1901 SECURITY SVCS: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD EFT 350.40 601159 12/21/2023 1780 SILVERMAN ENTERPRISES INC 1902 SECURITY SVCS: ROTATION PARKS EFT 5,644.25 601088 12/14/2023 2510 SINGH GROUP INC 42422 ENCAMPMENT CLEAN UP: TCSD EFT 6,010.00 601088 12/14/2023 2510 SINGH GROUP INC 42423 ENCAMPMENT CLEANUP TCSD EFT 6,035.00 601205 12/28/2023 1061 SMARTAND FINAL INC 12/18/23 MISC SUPPLIES: MRC, MPSC, AND SFSP: TCSD EFT 272.60 601022 12/7/2023 3170 SMER RESEARCH 1 LLC 50023 OCT SOLAR GENERATION: VARI LOCATIONS EFT 31,590.68 15940 12/26/2023 1094 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY ` VAR SOCALGAS NOV VARIOUS NOV SO CAL GAS SVCS Wire 11,208.73 601089 12/14/2023 2217 SOCIAL WORK ACTION GROUP 11302023B OUTREACH SERVICES EFT 9,166.67 601089 12/14/2023 2217 SOCIAL WORK ACTION GROUP 11302023A OUTREACH SERVICES , EFT 30,370.00 301119 12/14/2023 1153 SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 4265015 FY23/24 FLAT EMISSIONS FEE: FOC Printed 160.35 301119 12/14/2023 1153 SOUTH COASTAIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 4261793 FY 23/24 OPERATING FEES: FOC Printed 504.91 601023 12/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0289206 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 90.00 601023 ■ 12/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0289281 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 80.00 601023 12/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0289436 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 40.00 601023 , 12/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0289532 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 49.00 601023 12/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0289413 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 90.00 601023 , 12/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0289190 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 56.00 601023 12/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0289189 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 36.00 601023 ■ 12/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0289840 BEE SERVICE, SENIOR CENTER PW EFT 94.00 601023 12/7/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0289589 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 29.00 601090 12/14/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0290225 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 80.00 601090 12/14/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0289897 EMERGENCY PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 94.00 601090 12/14/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0290273 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 95.00 601090 12/14/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0290074 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 70.00 601090 12/14/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0290674 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 49.00 601090 12/14/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0289913 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRESTATIONS EFT 74.00 601090 12/14/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0290220 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 68.00 601090 12/14/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0290145 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 123.00 601090 12/14/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0289659 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 59.00 601090 12/14/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0290144 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 90.00 601091 12/14/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0290180 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 49.00 601091 12/14/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0290128 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 32.00 601091 12/14/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0290419 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 42.00 601091 12/14/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0290222 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRESTATIONS EFT 42.00 601160 12/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0290370 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 40.00 601160 12/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0290135 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 56.00 601160 12/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0290346 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 90.00 601160 12/21/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0290137 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 120.00 601206 12/28/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0289901 BEE REMOVAL SVCS: CRC: PW EFT 94.00 601206 12/28/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0289967 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 48.00 601206 12/28/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0290133 JIM[_ ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 36.00 601206 12/28/2023 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0290147 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 90.00 15796 12/28/2023 1800 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO = VAR SCE NOt� VARIOUS NOV SOCAL EDISON SVCS - Wire 132,933.10 301120 12/14/2023 1704 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 45949231201 DEC GEN USAGE: 0141,0839,0978,0979 Printed 283.61 15660 12/7/2023 1399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 1604 � AIRFARE: NEOGOV CONFERENCE Wire 129.03 301163 12/20/2023 1513 SOUTHWEST WOM ENS CHORUS 12/18/23 PERFORMING ARTS AGREEMENT 12-9: CULTURE DAY PERF Printed 200.00 301164 12/20/20233211 SPANISH BRASS PERF: 01/13/24 PERFORMANCE: THEATER: TCSD Printed 6,400.00 601092 12/14/2023 1971 SPERO VINEYARDS INC FY 23/24 CSF COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING REINVESTMENT EFT 37,000.00 301165 12/20/2023 1431 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY BEN349864 BASIC LIFE INSURANCE PAYMENT = Printed 12,168.15 301166 12/20/2023 1708 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY BEN349870 VOLUNTARY SUPP LIFE INSURANCE PAYMENT Printed 1,806.38 301121 12/14/2023 1452 STAPLES INC 7620455096-0-1 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: PW Printed 40.53 301121 12/14/2023 1452 STAPLES INC 7620313465-0-1 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: MPSC: TCSD Printed 117.62 301121 12/14/2023 1452 STAPLES INC 7620683450-0-1 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: MPSC: TCSD' Printed 46.01 601024 12/7/20231263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 697423 BLOOD/ ALCOHOL ANALYSIS EFT 910.00 301050 0 12/7/2023 1179 STATE WATER RESOURCE CONTROL BOARD* SW-0274404 STORM WATER PERMIT: NPDES: PW Printed 44,169.00 301167 12/20/2023 2391 STATEWIDE TRAFFIC SAFETY AND SIGNS INC 13010088 MESSAGE BOARDS FOR PARADE: TCSD Printed 6,400.00 301122 112/14/2023 2016 STC TRAFFIC INC miiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 6611 FIBER OPTIC COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS Printed 16,645.00 601161 12/21/2023 1376 STENO SOLUTIONS TRANSCRIPTION SERVICES INC 43696 TRANSCRIPTION SVCS: TEM SHERIFF EFT 134.28 601093 112/14/2023 1231 STRONG GARY 12/06/23 PAINTING CODE ENF OFC SPACE: PW EFT 2,500.00 301123 12/14/2023 1445 SUN CITY GRANITE INC 27619 PATH OF HONOR ENGRAVING AT TEMECULA DUCK POND Printed 3,623.55 301124 112/14/20231453 SUNBELT RENTALS INC 147828006-0001 LIGHTTOWER/ POWER RENTALS: TCSD = Printed 4,275.00 301124 12/14/20231453 SUNBELT RENTALS INC 147761708-0001 LIGHT TOWER/ POWER RENTALS: TCSD Printed 2,975.25 301124 12/14/20231453 SUNBELT RENTALS INC 147809238-0001 LIGHTTOWER/ POWER RENTALS: TCSD ' Printed 892.64 301124 12/14/20231453 SUNBELT RENTALS INC 147779635-0001 LIGHTTOWER/ POWER RENTALS: TCSD Printed 3,401.63 301124 12/14/20231453 SUNBELT RENTALS INC 147758497-0001 LIGHTTOWER/ POWER RENTALS: TCSD Printed 5,608.14 301168 12/20/20231453 SUNBELT RENTALS INC 147777666-0001 LIGHT TOWER/ POWER RENTALS: TCSD Printed 2,288.71 301168 _ 12/20/20231453 SUNBELT RENTALS INC 147814614-0001 LIGHTTOWER/ POWER RENTALS: TCSD Printed 2,185.86 301168 12/20/20231453 SUNBELT RENTALS INC 147825807-0001 LIGHT TOWER/ POWER RENTALS: TCSD Printed 1,373.82 301168 112/20/20231453 SUNBELT RENTALS INC 147825926-0001 LIGHTTOWER/ POWER RENTALS: TCSD Printed 1,373.82 301169 12/20/2023 3480 SUTTON CHRISTOPHER 63374419 REFUND: SECURITY DEPOSIT Printed 200.00 601025 , 12/7/2023 1081 SWARCO MCCAIN INC INV0276651 TRAFFIC CABINET, PW TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE EFT 13,767.79 601094 12/14/2023 1081 SWARCO MCCAIN INC INV0276876 TRAFFIC SIGNAL PARTS: PW EFT 2,863.42 301170 12/20/2023 3106 SWCA INCORPORATED 184057 SWAC ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS (LR-21-1331) Printed 20,559.39 301125 12/14/2023 2261 T MOBILE USA INC 9552416688 GPS LOCATE: TEM SHERIFF Printed 100.00 301125 12/14/2023 2261 T MOBILE USA INC 9552416689 GPS LOCATE: TEM SHERIFF Printed 125.00 301125 12/14/2023 2261 T MOBILE USA INC 9552544856 TIMING ADVANCE: TEM SHERIFF Printed 75.00 301051 12/7/2023 1212 TY LIN INTERNATIONAL 102311201 I-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROV Printed 32,050.72 601095 12/14/2023 1113 TEAMSTERS LOCAL 911 BEN349868 UNION MEMBERSHIP DUES: PAYMENT EFT 5,074.00 601207 12/28/2023 2372 TELECOM LAW FIRM PC 16435 WIRELESS PLANNING SUPPORTSVCS: COMM DEV EFT 623.10 15781 12/7/20231877 TEMECULA CATERING 0012 REFRESHMENTS: PECHANGAPUTSKA EVENT Wire 2,035.80 301128 12/14/2023 1215 TEMECULA MOTORSPORTS LLC 2084536 CART 12 EQUIPMENT: RACK Printed 547.14 301128 12/14/2023 1215 TEMECULA MOTORSPORTS LLC 2084537 CART 12 EQUIPMENT: RACK Printed 1,589.90 301171 12/20/2023 1356 TEMECULA VALLEY GARDEN CLUB 63405859 REFUND: SECURITY DEPOSIT Printed 200.00 301172 12/20/20231371 TEMECULA VALLEY PLAYHOUSE PERF: 11/30-12/10/23 TICKET SERVICES AGREEMENT: CHRISTMASCAROL Printed 58,156.65 601020 ■ 12/7/2023 1265 TEM ECU LA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54480 - LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT 1,139.36 601081 12/14/2023 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54575 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT 483.19 601081 ,12/14/202312�TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTEP111111pr­ 54565-JLOCKSMITH SVCS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS EFT 18.00 601157 12/21/20231265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54582 LOCKSMITH SVCS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS EFT 30.45 601096 12/14/2023 1232 TERRYBERRY COMPANY P69366 SERVICE RECOGNITION: HR EFT 2,707.00 15778 12/7/20233524 THETAVERN 1795 REFRESHMENTS: MMASC CONFERENCE Wire 26.94 301173 12/20/20231434 THESSALONIKA FAMILY SERVICES 23/24 CDF COMMUNITY DISCRETIONARY FUNDS Printed 1,000.00 601097 12/14/2023 1936 TIERCE NICHOLAS DATHAN NTOTTCT-2023-12 GRAPHIC DESIGN: THEATER: TCSD EFT 3,300.00 15984 12/29/2023 1568 TIME WARNER CABLE VAR NOV/DEC SPECTRUM VARIOUS NOV/DEC INTERNET SVCS Wire 14,533.95 601098 12/14/2023 1063 TIMMY D PRODUCTIONS INC 23661 DJ/MC/SOUND SERVICES: SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 6,135.00 601099 12/14/2023 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC 45557 CANOPIES & EQUIP RENTAL: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD EFT 1,220.03 601099 12/14/2023 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC 45558 CANOPIES & EQUIP RENTAL: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD EFT 7,770.00 601099 12/14/2023 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC 45555 CANOPIES & EQUIP RENTAL: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD EFT 646.97 601099 12/14/2023 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC 45556 CANOPIES & EQUIP RENTAL: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD EFT 6,432.90 601162 12/21/2023 3135 TK CONSULTING INC 5 - YNEZ ROAD IMPROVEMENTS -PHASE IMPROV EFT 34,779.45 601100 12/14/2023 1995 TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION 5002294190 CALL OUT SERVICE, CIVIC CENTER ELEVATOR, PW EFT 856.10 601208 12/28/2023 1152 TOP LINE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY LLC 46420� MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 262.57 601163 12/21/2023 2413 TOWNSEND PUBLIC AFFAIRS INC 20807 CONSULTING/GRANT WRITING SVCS: CITY CLERK EFT 6,000.00 601164 12/21/2023 2375 TR DESIGN GROUP INC 4796 ARCHITECTURAL SVCS, CIP-PW, PW19-13, ON-CALLAGRMT EFT , 51,298.65 301193 12/28/2023 1647 TSI INCORPORATED 91702003 SOUND METER CALIBRATION: CODE ENFORCEMENT Printed 288.07 301053 12/7/2023 2508 TURBOSCAPE INC 13781 MISC PLAYGROUND WORK AT VARIOUS PARKS: PW Printed, 11,280.00 301194 12/28/2023 2508 TURBOSCAPE INC 13844 MISC PLAYGROUND WORK AT VARIOUS PARKS: PW Printed 22,560.00 601026 12/7/20231555 TV CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU SEP'23 SEP'23 BUS. IMPRV DISTRICT ASMN EFT , 211,269.75 601027 12/7/20231003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 025-445654 CITY PUBLIC MOBILE APP:IT EFT 7,293.04 601102 12/14/2023 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-448096 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE EFT 1,400.00 15656 12/7/2023 1350 U S BANK REVERSAL HR 10/09A REVERSAL OF RET'D PMT: HR Wire (35.00) 15657 12/7/2023 1350 U S BANK REVERSAL HR 10/09B REVERSAL OF RET'D PMT: HR Wire (35.00) 15685 12/11/2023 1350 USBANK REVERSAL PLANNING REVERSAL OF RET'DPMT: HR Wire (35.00) 15718 12/11/2023 1350 U S BANK RET'D PMT FEE: TCSD RETURNED PVT FEE: TCSD Wire (35.00) 15738 12/11/2023 1350 U SBANK 11/10 INTEREST: TCSD INTEREST CHARGE: TCSD Wire 50.41 15740 12/11/2023 1350 U S BANK REV PMT FEE: CMO , REVERSAL OF RETURNED PMT: CMO Wire (35.00) 15756 12/11/2023 1350 U S BANK CREDIT: LATE FEE LATE FEE RETURN Wire (13.94) 15757 12/11/2023 1350 U S BANK CREDIT: CMO RET'D PAYMENT FEE: CITY COUCIL Wire (35.00) 15759 12/11/2023 1350 U S BANK CREDIT: INFO TECH CREDIT: REVERSAL OF RET'D PVT FEE: INFO TECH Wire (35.00) 15761 12/11/2023 1350 U S BANK CREDIT: FINANCE REVERSAL OF RET'D PMT: FINANCE Wire (35.00) 15789 12/7/2023 1350 U S BANK CREDIT: 10/09A CREDIT: REVERSAL OF RET'D PVT: CIP Wire (35.00) 15789 12/7/2023 1350 U S BANK CREDIT: 10/09B CREDIT: REVERSAL OF RET'D PMT: CIP or Wire (35.00) 15969 12/29/2023 1350 U S BANK CREDIT: FIN DEPT CREDIT: REVERSAL OF RET'D PVT FEE: FINANCE Wire (35.00) 301174 12/20/2023 1350 USBANK 7129372 TRUSTEE ADMIN FEES: CFD 01-2 HARVESTON Printed 2,365.00 301174 12/20/2023 1350 U S BANK 7129430 TRUSTEE ADMIN FEES: CFD 03-02 RORIPAUGH Printed 2,670.00 15688 12/11/2023 2561 UBER 4961 TRANPORTATION: HOMELESS CLIENT Wire 39.97 15693 12/11/2023 2561 UBER 4172 TRANPORTATION: HOMELESS CLIENT Wire 69.94 15724 12/11/2023 3302 UHAUL 8266 TRANSPORTATION: ERLE STANLEY GARNER Wire 159.86 15734 12/11/20231652 UUNE INC 1885 FRAME: GOLF GLASSES SIGNAGE Wire 141.20 301129 12/14/2023 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1689B JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT: PD Printed 881.21 301175 12/20/2023 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1628C JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT Printed 719.83 301175 12/20/2023 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1628A JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT Printed 25,655.73 601103 12/14/2023 1432 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 1120230736 NOV DIG SAFE BRD BILLABLE TIX: PW EFT 325.00 601103 12/14/20231432 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 23-241988 NOV DIG SAFE BILLABLE TIX: PW EFT 87.04 301130 12/14/2023 1131 UNITED RENTALS NORTH AMERICA INC 226666421-002 FORKLIFT RENTAL, PARKING GARAGE Printed 1,354.30 15659 12/7/20233500 UPLIFT DESK ' 7804 ERGONOMIC SUPPLIES: HR Wire 650.33 15730 12/11/20233503 US MASTERS SWIMMING 4873 MEMBERSHIP DUES: AQUATICS: TCSD Wire 70.00 15855 12/11/2023 1135 US POSTAL SERVICE 5807 �111 RENEWAL: PO BOX: PD � Wire 516.00 301176 12/20/2023 1467 VALLEY OF THE MIST QUILTERS 63405827 REFUND: SECURITY DEPOSIT Printed 200.00 601165 12/21/20232941 VAN OTTERLOO INC 178456 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE- STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 350.67 15985 12/6/2023 1845 VERIZON WIRELESS 9949400793 10/16-11/15 CELLULAR/BROADBAND: CITYWIDE Wire 15,552.32 15715 112/11/2023 2676 VEROS MEXICAN & SEA FOOD 3338 REFRESHMENTS: HOSPITALITY: THEATER � Wire 46.07 301177 12/20/20232060 VETERANS SUPPLEMENTAL SUPPORT NETWORK FY 23/24 CSF COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING REINVESTMENT Printed 5,000.00 601028 12/7/2023 2197 VOICES FOR CHILDREN JUL-SEP'23 CDBG REIMBURSEMENT: JUL-SEP'23 � EFT 1,595.00 15722 12/11/2023 2111 VOLGISTICS INC 3730 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL: MUSEUM VOLUNTEER SFTWR Wire 204.00 601104 012/14/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1180 JEFF WADDLETON DJ/MC-SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 525.00 601104 12/14/2023 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1181 JEFF WADDLETON DJ/MC- SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 1,125.00 15648 112/11/2023 2213 WALL STREETJOURNAL 9103 ONLINE MBRSHP SUBSCRIPTION: COMM DEEM Wire 4.00 15686 12/11/2023 1439 WALMART 4653 SUPPLIES: RESOURCE CENTER Wire 213.25 15689 112/11/2023 1439 WALMART 8456 SUPPLIES: RESOURCE CENTER Wire 136.44 15692 12/11/2023 1439 WALMART 4922 SUPPLIES: RESOURCE CENTER Wire 88.58 301131 , 12/14/2023 1439 WALMART 12/04/23 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD JIM_ Printed 118.19 301131 12/14/2023 1439 WALMART 12/06/23 MISC SUPPLIES: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD Printed 80.00 301131 12/14/2023 1439 WALMART 12/07/23B MISC SUPPLIES: RESPONSIBLE COMPASSION: TCSD Printed 261.68 301131 12/14/2023 1439 WALMART 12/07/23 MISC SUPPLIES/EQUIP: MRC: TCSD Printed 537.58 301178 12/20/2023 1439 WALMART 12/15/23 MISC SUPPLIES: TCC: TCSD Printed 60.85 301178 12/20/2023 1439 WALMART 12/13/23B MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD Printed 89.46 301178 12/20/2023 1439 WALMART 12/13/23 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed 127.85 301132 12/14/20231102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 82102767 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 7,051.19 601166 12/21/2023 3318 WEILAND DESIGN GROUP INC 23-050 #1 LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN/DESIGN: PARKS: PW EFT 1,155.00 301133 12/14/2023 1033 WEST PUBLISHING CORPORATION 849362242 SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION: PD Printed 1,179.86 301179 12/20/2023 1059 WESTERN RIVERSIDE COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS 1611 FY 23/24 AB939 DUES/SOLID WASTE CO-OP Printed 12,332.22 301134 12/14/2023 2322 WEX BANK 93724239 11/07-12/06 FUEL USAGE: POLICE Printed 2,358.65 601029 12/7/2023 1034 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES INC 00626665 TRAFFIC ENG SRVCS: PW-TRAFFIC EFT 388.00 601085 12/14/20231509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 11/30/23 TICKET SERVICES AGREEMENT:JAZZ@THE MERC 11/30/23 EFT 273.00 601204 12/28/20231509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF:12/07/23 TICKET SERVICES AGREEMENT:JAZZ@THE MERC I2/7/23 ' EFT 685.00 301180 12/20/2023 1973 WOHLFORD CHAD TYLER 17 USER FEE STUDY Printed 1,450.00 601305 1/18/2024 2948 ACT 1 CONSTRUCTION INC -- COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER RENOVATIONS -PHASE I EFT 127,830.96 301247 1/11/2024 1772 ADAME LANDSCAPE INC S25214 PARKING GARAGE SWEEPING/CLEANING: PW Printed 540.00 601258 , 1/11/20243387 AGUILERA EMMANUEL '00005 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: TCSD EFT 315.00 601259 1/11/2024 2555 AIRWAVE COMMUNICATIONS ENTERPRISES 11975 EMPG GRANT: RADIO EQUIPMENT EFT 24,867.29 15823 , 1/9/2024 1278 ALBERTSONS GROCERY STORE i 9147 SUPPLIES: DAISEN SISTER CITY Wire 48.93 301195 1/4/20241236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1168035 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 669.80 301195 1/4/20241236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1168034 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 49.50 301195 1/4/20241236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1167405 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 529.79 301249 1/11/20241236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1169917 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 216.78 601306 1/18/2024 1512 ALLEGRO MUSICAL VENTURES INC 27231 PIANO SVCS: THEATER: TCSD EFT 560.00 601307 1/18/20241609 ALLIED TRAFFIC AND EQUIPMENT RENTALS INC 91764 LIGHT TOWER RENTALS: TCSD EFT 460.00 601209 1/4/2024 1397 ALLIES PARTY EQUIPMENT RENTAL INC 1-112563.1.5 CHRISTMAS DINNER SUPPLIES: HUMAN SERVICES: TCSD EFT 416.00 601209 1/4/2024 1397 ALLIES PARTY EQUIPMENT RENTAL INC 1-110638.1.12 RENTAL EQUIPMENT FOR COLLEGE FAIR EFT 404.07 601210 1/4/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 191F-4HLQ-F7RR MISC SUPPLIES: SPORTS: TCSD EFT (326.20) 601210 1/4/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1PDM-GlCG-77TH MISC SUPPLIES: HOMELESS OUTREACH: TCSD EFT 29.35 601210 1/4/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 136J-N776-H9YF MISC SUPPLIES: WORKFORCE DEV EFT 185.02 601210 1/4/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1H3P-11QW-KC6V DUP DUPLICATE PAYMENT MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD EFT (744.88) 601210 1/4/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 141W-01GP-K9VV MISC SUPPLIES: TVM EFT 77.49 601210 1/4/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 13JK-C6MH-QNL4 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC EFT 30.40 601210 1/4/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1P7N-MYXR-69WF SUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT: POLICE EFT 40.41 601210 1/4/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1L6R-MHV4-FJMQ SUPPLIES: MPSC & MRC _11111ho_ EFT 284.39 601210 1/4/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1YV9-WYQP-99GW MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD EFT 498.85 601260 , 1/11/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC -1FKV-139R-FCXW MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD- EFT 106.25 601260 1/11/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1MHK-KCNM-T6JC OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE EFT 130.49 601260 , 1/11/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC '16F7-XLVM-W4DW MISC SUPPLIES: LIBRARY EFT 67.67 601260 1/11/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 11GY-JT3X-FDCP MISC SUPPLIES: SPORTS: TCSD EFT (326.20) 601260 , 1/11/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 11CC-YVCH-GWTD MISC SUPPLIES: WORKFORCE DEV _ EFT 125.98 601260 1/11/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1KPT-6FC9-RHTJ MISC SUPPLIES: MPSC AND MRC: TCSD EFT 222.30 601260 , 1/11/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC ' 1VTG-YLRG-CK4M MISC SUPPLIES: PD 0 EFT 96.37 601260 1/11/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 193C-DMTF-7GPC MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD EFT 300.55 601260 , 1/11/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1HQQ-K9F4-DXOJ MISC SUPPLIES: SPORTS: TCSD 0 EFT (326.20) 601260 1/11/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1QJT-N6YP-FH1J MISC SUPPLIES: SPORTS: TCSD EFT (326.20) 601261 , 1/11/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 14MP-KMQV-MNPX MISC SUPPLIES: INFO TECH _1111=16 EFT 40.18 601261 1/11/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1XRQ-1F34-HYHQ MISC SUPPLIES: CRC EFT 10.86 601261 , 1/11/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC '1WGC-H4CR-QHVG MISC SUPPLIES: FINANCE EFT 63.48 601308 1/18/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1G1L-HTV3-HLKD REFRESHMENT SUPPLIES: CITY HALL & FOC: PW EFT 34.99 601308 , 1/18/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC - 1LXQ-4YFI-CRPJ OFFICE SUPPLIES/EQUIP: PD EFT 39.54 601308 1/18/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 17R1-LP7J-1FCW MISC SUPPLIES: AQUATICS: TCSD EFT 185.28 601308 , 1/18/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC - 1H6L-NFJL-G1J3 MISC SUPPLIES: SPORTS: TCSD EFT (326.20) 601308 1/18/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 171G-K1V3-G7RD MISC SUPPLIES: SPORTS: TCSD EFT (326.20) 601308 , 1/18/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1F3R-1VWG-MMJ6 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC EFT 149.88 601308 1/18/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 13QV-1DKH-PJK3 REFRESHMENT SUPPLIES: CITY HALL & FOC: PW EFT 297.56 601308 , 1/18/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1GJ-6WWH-KT1W MISC SUPPLIES: COMM DEV EFT 118.44 601389 1/25/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1LR4-3YJM-F9DV OFFICE SUPPLIES: COMDEV EFT 22.82 601389 , 1/25/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC ' 19FG-VTCY-GT37 MISC SUPPLIES: COMSP EFT 86.99 601389 1/25/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1NHM-PF9Y-DTGR MISC SUPPLIES: LIBRARY EFT 13.85 601389 , 1/25/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC - 1KQX-JTLY-J6XH OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE EFT 539.84 601389 1/25/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1P33-3FL9-FQY6 SMALLTOOLS & EQUIPMENT: FIRE EFT 36.43 601389 , 1/25/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 16XD-CCPC-QPRP MISC SUPPLIES/EQUIP: PW EFT 266.19 601309 1/18/20241334 AMERICAN ASPHALT SOUTH INC 2023-1482 CITYWIDE SLURRY SEAL EFT 115,096.06 601309 , 1/18/20241334 AMERICAN ASPHALT SOUTH INC _2023-1518 CITYWIDE SLURRY SEAL EFT 343,534.17 601211 1/4/2024 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 78393 DRUG ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: PD EFT 1,303.24 601211 1/4/2024 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 78394 DRUG ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: PD EFT I_ 129.72 601310 1/18/2024 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 78397 FEB STAND BY FEE: POLICE EFT 1,485.90 601390 1/25/2024 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC , 78420 DRUG ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: PD EFT I_1,432.96 601212 1/4/2024 1080 AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS AND ITS CONSTITUENT 22647414 STAFF CERTIFICATIONS: AQUATICS: TCSD EFT 792.00 601391 1/25/2024 1080 AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS AND ITS CONSTITUENT 22652575 STAFF/LIFEGUARDS CERTS: AQUATICS 1111pilill' EFT 897.60 15787 1/8/20241766 APPLE.COM 1593 ADD'L PHONE STORAGE: SOCIAL MEDIA: ECON Wire 9.99 15953 1/9/20241766 APPLE.COM 3323 SUPPLIES: KEYBOARDS: INFO TECH Wire 759.08 15960 1/9/20241766 APPLE.COM 2406 ADD'L PHONE STORAGE: FIRE DEPT Wire 0.99 601311 1/18/2024 1000 APPLEONE INC S9719547 TEMPORARY STAFFING: COMM DEV EFT 4,324.32 601311 1/18/2024 1000 APPLEONE INC S9633090 TEMPORARY STAFFING SVCS: FINANCE EFT 5,483.72 601311 , 1/18/2024 1000 APPLEONE INC S9719548 TEMPORARY STAFFING SVCS: FINANCE EFT 5,962.88 601311 1/18/2024 1000 APPLEONE INC S9692260 TEMPORARY STAFFING: COMM DEV EFT 1,998.36 601311 , 1/18/2024 1000 APPLEONE INC S9633089 TEMPORARY STAFFING: COMM DEV EFT 1,392.30 601311 1/18/2024 1000 APPLEONE INC S9692259 TEMPORARY STAFFING: COMM DEV EFT 1,998.36 601312 , 1/18/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20075717 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE: PARKS EFT 156.56 601312 1/18/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20075785 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: TVM EFT 28.55 601312 , 1/18/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20075789 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: CIVIC CTR EFT 213.97 601312 1/18/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20075723 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: TCC EFT 28.55 601312 , 1/18/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO - 2007574� DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE: PARKS EFT 96.52 601312 1/18/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20075790 DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: SPORTS PARK EFT 69.60 601312 , 1/18/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO - 20075782111PW DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: LIBRARY EFT 28.55 601312 1/18/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20075773 JAN DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: AULD: POLICE EFT 62.53 601312 , 1/18/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO - 20075720 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: AQUATICS: CRC EFT 69.60 601312 1/18/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20075783 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: THEATER EFT 28.55 601313 , 1/18/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20075784L DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: FOC EFT 28.55 601313 1/18/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20075791 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: JRC EFT 28.55 601313 , 1/18/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO - 20075781 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE: PARKS EFT 28.28 601392 1/25/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20075787 JAN DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: MALL PD EFT 62.53 301250 , 1/11/2024 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC - 8008901 i BEVERAGE SERVICES: FACILITIES � Printed 111.00 601213 1/4/2024 2917 AR10NA GLORIA STTLMNT: 12/15/23 STTLMNT: BRAZILIAN & LATIN JAZZ 12/15/23 EFT 473.75 15890 m 1/9/2024 3551 ARMA INTERNATIONAL 2608 MEMBERSHIP DUES: RECORDS MGMT: CLERK Wire 175.00 301306 1/18/2024 2502 ARTHUR J GALLAGHER & CO 4963130 BROKER FEE: RISK Printed 2,015.91 301307 1/18/20242442 ASCENT ENVIRONMENTAL INC 20210169.02- PA22-0105 TEMECULA VALLEY HOSP Printed 540.00 301308 1/18/2024 2242 AT&T 489741 LOCATION/ACTIVATION FEES: POLICE Printed 300.00 15785 1/8/2024 3250 AYERS HOTEL LAGUNA WOODS 5571 . LAUNDRY SVCS: TABLECLOTHS FOR EVENTS Wire 167.25 601314 1/18/2024 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN 2937 ELECTRICAL LABOR: SENIOR CENTER EFT 500.00 601314 1/18/2024 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN 2945 SCOREBOARD ELECTRICAL: RRSP: PW EFT 100.00 601314 1/18/2024 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN 2942 ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATIONS EFT 300.00 601315 , 1/18/2024 2073 AZTEC LANDSCAPING INC J1675 DEC RESTROOM MAINT: PARKS: PW EFT 9,580.39 601262 1/11/2024 1405 B&H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP 219731152 MISC AV EQUIPMENT:PEG EFT 977.72 301310 , 1/18/2024 1909 BAMM PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS INC i 12630 UNIFORM: CRC: TCSD Printed 664.98 301310 1/18/2024 1909 BAMM PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS INC 12625 UNIFORMS: CODE ENFORCEMENT Printed 228.38 301252 , 1/11/2024 2224 BATTERY SYSTEMS INC 28592312181326 TRAFFIC EQUIP BATTERIES: PW Printed 11,482.53 601263 1/11/2024 3122 BEARD RYAN 2220.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 840.00 601316 1/18/2024 3122 BEARD RYAN 2225.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 672.00 301311 1/18/2024 3516 BENNECKE ADAM TE231520246 BALANCE ADJ FOR OVERPAYMENT Printed 1,000.00 601214 1/4/2024 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4075.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT '_ 273.00 601317 1/18/2024 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4005-4010.1011ST TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 3,074.40 601393 1/25/2024 1980 BGP RECREATION INC Nr 4045.102-4045.103 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT )_ 191.10 301198 1/4/20241264 BID TOX LABORATORIES 45331 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed 682.30 301198 1/4/20241264 BIO TOX LABORATORIES 45270 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed 9M�,087.16 301198 1/4/20241264 BIO TOX LABORATORIES 45271 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed 2,884.13 15797 , 1/9/2024 3443 BLACK MARKET BREWING D472 CREDIT: DEPOSIT: DEPARTMENT PARTY Wire '_ (200.00) 601264 1/11/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 03L0036263176 HELP CENTER WATER SERVICE EFT 2.60 601264 , 1/11/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 03L6705212167 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT ,! 11.95 601264 1/11/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 03L0035623057 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT 21.74 601264 , 1/11/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 13L0028662112 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT 111.58 15883 1/9/2024 2773 BOARD AND BREW 2117 REFRESHMENTS: PLANNING COMMISSION MTG 11/15 Wire 266.44 601215 0 1/4/2024 2047 BOB CALLAHANS POOL SERVICE 0182 DEC POOL AND FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE EFT I_1,200.00 601318 1/18/2024 2047 BOB CALLAHANS POOL SERVICE 0184 JAN POOL AND FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE EFT 1,200.00 601318 1/18/2024 2047 BOB CALLAHANS POOL SERVICE 0181 ` DEC POOL AND FOUNTAIN MAINTENAN� EFT I_1,610.00 601318 1/18/2024 2047 BOB CALLAHANS POOL SERVICE 0183 JAN POOL AND FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE EFT 1,400.00 15835 1/9/2024 2743 BOOT BARN 5945 ' SUPPLIES: STAFF Wire I_ 690.47 301253 1/11/2024 1181 BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB OF SOUTHWEST COUNTY CSF CK REQ 12/21/23 CSF: REINVEST IN TEMECULA PRGM Printed 36,511.90 301312 1/18/2024 3182 BRAGG INVESTMENT COMPANY INC - 237869 NYE GRAPE DROP CRANE: TCSD � Printed I_7,692.30 601319 1/18/20242612 BRAND ASSASSINS 22705 WALL OF RECOGNITION PHOTO TILE: CC EFT 80.19 601216 1/4/2024 2415 BRAUN PETER 4031 N• PLANT MAINTENANCE: FACILITIES: PW EFT 500.00 601265 1/11/2024 2415 BRAUN PETER 4076 PLANT MAINTENANCE: FACILITIES: PW EFT 200.00 601320 1/18/2024 2415 BRAUN PETER 4101 PLANT MAINTENANCE: PW FACILITIES EFT 500.00 601217 1/4/2024 2541 BRIGHTON HILL ACADEMY SPORTS AND LEARNING CENTER 2600.203 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 105.00 601321 , 1/18/20242541 BRIGHTON HILL ACADEMY SPORTS AND LEARNING CENTER 12/28/23i CSF: REINVESTMENT IN TEMECULA EFT 42,709.89 601266 1/11/2024 2622 BROWN JAMAL DEON 2300.101-2360.101 TCSD INSTURCTOR EARNING EFT 3,742.90 601322 , 1/18/2024 2622 BROWN JAMAL DEON 2345.101 � TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,400.07 601267 1/11/2024 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1401.215-1405.20E TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 4,012.68 301197 1/4/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY ! 2037981999 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 101.03 301197 1/4/20241669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037983477 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 666.08 301197 1/4/20241669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY. 2037960977 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 22.41 301197 1/4/20241669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037983476 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 20.11 301197 1/4/20241669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY NI 2037938991 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 45.89 301197 1/4/20241669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037981998 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 44.78 301197 1/4/20241669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY r 2037960978 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 334.66 301197 1/4/20241669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037938992 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 102.45 301197 1/4/20241669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY NI 2037975641 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 255.21 301197 1/4/20241669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037938993 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 351.96 301251 , 1/11/20241669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY r 2038000975 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 88.61 301251 1/11/20241669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038000976 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 94.64 301251 , 1/11/20241669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY NI 2038000974 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 22.27 301309 1/18/20241669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038014540 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 65.33 301309 , 1/18/20241669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY r 2038014537 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 10.84 301309 1/18/20241669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038014538 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 12.73 301309 , 1/18/20241669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY Nf 2038014539 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD ' Printed 15.41 301366 1/25/20241669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037998363 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 189.03 301366 1/25/20241669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2037998362 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 240.87 601218 1/4/2024 2399 BUCHER BRET PHILLIP 3500.206-3511.206 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 2,435.30 15982 1/30/2024 1084 C R AND R INC JUL- DEC'23 JUL- DEC'23 TRASH HAULING SVCS Wire 5,162,721.12 301254 1/11/2024 3157 CAHALAN JASON 3833 BAY DOOR MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATIONS Printed 2,874.00 301254 1/11/2024 3157 CAHALAN JASON 3846 BAY DOOR MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATION Printed 3,735.20 301199 1/4/2024 1190 CAL MAT 73861458 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 206.08 301199 1/4/2024 1190 CAL MAT 73871034 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 304.66 301199 1/4/2024 1190 CAL MAT 73877186 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed 252.52 301199 1/4/2024 1190 CAL MAT 73861459 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 427.64 301199 1/4/2024 1190 CAL MAT 73877185 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed 204.13 301255 1/11/2024 1190 CAL MAT _ 73881352 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed 205.10 301255 1/11/2024 1190 CAL MAT 73879867 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed 378.13 15911 1/4/2024 1573 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT BEN349961 SUPPORT PAYMENT Wire 521.99 15924 1/18/20241573 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT BEN349981 SUPPORT PAYMENT Wire 521.99 301200 1/4/2024 3407 CALIF DEPT OF HIGHWAY PATROL 0000001551720 I-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS Printed 30,549.89 301201 1/4/2024 1612 CALIF DEPT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS OSIP 71304 GENERAL: OSIP REPORT:RM Printed 4,923.13 16082 , 1/29/20241209 CALIF DEPT OF TAX AND FEE ADMINISTRATION JAN-DEC'23 JAN-DEC'23 SALES &USE TAX RETURN Wire 4,690.00 301313 1/18/2024 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000578449B LEGAL NEWSPAPER PUBLICATIONS: CITY CLERK Printed 4,105.84 301313 , 1/18/2024 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000578449A ADVERTISING PUBLIC NOTICES: PLANNING Printed 1,347.18 301367 1/25/2024 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000580158A LEGAL NEWSPAPER PUBLICATIONS: CITY CLERK Printed 3,838.55 15869 , 1/9/2024 3546 CALIFORNIA PEACE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION 0047 REGISTRATION: CAPITALTO COMMUNITIES: PD Wire 375.00 15967 1/9/2024 3597 CALIFORNIA RANCH COMPANY 9999 REGISTRATION: CHARITY FUNDRAISER Wire 175.00 301256 1/11/2024 1332 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 31755795 11 CANON COPIERS LEASE:TEM PUB LIBRARY Printed 671.56 301202 1/4/2024 2295 CANTRELL TINAJ 4200.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 210.00 15882 1/8/2024 2244 CANVA.COM 6153 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL: HR Wire 119.40 301203 1/4/2024 2063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0050263 NPDES COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL Printed 1,242.50 301203 1/4/2024 2063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0050162 F ENGINEERING SERVICES: PW LD & TRAFFIC Printed 370.00 301203 1/4/2024 2063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0050151 ENGINEERING SVCS: NPDES CATCH BASIN DEVICE Printed 427.00 301203 1/4/2024 2063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0050153 ENGINEERING SVCS: PW-CIP, PW35-07, ON -CALL Printed 900.00 301257 1/11/2024 2063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0050150 MISC ENGINEERING SVS: PW - CIP Printed 270.00 601268 1/11/20241280 CDW LLC NP33327 MISC SMALL TOOLS &EQUIP:IT EFT 110.49 601268 1/11/20241280 CDW LLC NR66070 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT (203.06) 601268 , 1/11/2024 1280 CDW LLC NV89061 KEYBOARD & MOUSE REPLACEMENT: INFO TECH EFT 993.72 601268 1/11/20241280 CDW LLC NN21346 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 104.17 601268 1/11/20241280 CDW LLC NV37882 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 653.73 601268 1/11/20241280 CDW LLC NW66802 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 956.88 601268 , 1/11/20241280 CDW LLC NW10744 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 276.23 301368 1/25/2024 1528 CERTIFION CORP 1223EP31197 SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION: PD Printed 200.00 301204 1/4/2024 1222 CHAPARRAL HIGH SCHOOL 12/14/23 TRANSPORTATION: SANTA PARADE Printed 200.00 301315 1/18/20241942 CHRISTIAN STITCHERY INC COT 83 CRC STAFF SWEATSHIRTS AND CAPS Printed 1,725.59 301316 _ 1/18/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 9406608163 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 116.87 301316 1/18/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406608162 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 121.96 301316 , 1/18/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 9406608166 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 219.59 301316 1/18/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406608164 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 229.17 301316 , 1/18/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 9406608167 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 959.50 301316 1/18/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406608165 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 136.32 301316 , 1/18/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 9406608161 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 61.49 301317 1/18/2024 1701 CLEAR IMAGE ENTERPRISES INC 18937 WINDOW CLEANING: MPSC Printed 550.00 301317 , 1/18/2024 1701 CLEAR IMAGE ENTERPRISES INC 18972 WINDOW CLEANING: CITY FACILITIES: PW Printed 585.00 301369 1/25/2024 1701 CLEAR IMAGE ENTERPRISES INC 18969 WINDOW PAINT REMOVAL: TVM: TCSD Printed 195.00 601269 , 1/11/2024 2681 CLEARSTAR INC 1481023 EMPLOYMENT SCREENINGS-HR EFT 229.36 601323 1/18/2024 2681 CLEARSTAR INC 1482120 EMPLOYMENT SCREENINGS: HR EFT 27.48 15956 1/23/2024 3557 CLICK SEND 7286 TEXTING SOLUTION FOR TCSD Wire 200.00 15958 1/9/2024 3557 CLICK SEND 7286A TEXTING SOLUTION FOR TCSD Wire 6.00 601324 1/18/2024 2316 CNS ENGINEERS INC 18025-24 MURRIETA CREEK BRIDGE AT OVERLAND EFT 73,758.67 601219 1/4/20243043 COMMERCIAL CLEANING BY ROGERS 10829 JANITORIAL SERVICES: OTSF AND MALL EFT 814.77 601271 1/11/2024 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4108304-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE _jm EFT 27.49 601394 1/25/2024 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4107679-1 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: PLANNING EFT 10.74 601394 , 1/25/2024 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4103897-0 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: PLANNIN� EFT 111.63 601394 1/25/2024 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4109890-C MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: PLANNING EFT 4.39 601394 , 1/25/2024 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC ' 4112152-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES: COMM DEV EFT 21.70 601394 1/25/2024 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4104781-0 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: PLANNING EFT 314.23 601394 1/25/2024 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC ' 4107679-0 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: PLANNING EFT 68.16 301205 1/4/2024 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1037463 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PENNY PICKLE Printed 39.74 7 301205 1/4/2024 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1036957 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: JRC: FACILITIES Printed 80.48 301205 1/4/2024 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1037091 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES Printed 21.04 301205 1/4/2024 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1037629 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TVE2 Printed 26.92 301318 1/18/2024 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1037873 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: IWTCM Printed 104.68 601325 1/18/2024 1666 CORELOGIC INC 82197395 DEC SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 400.00 601220 1/4/2024 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1620.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 392.00 601326 1/18/2024 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1650.101-1665.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS _ EFT 1,662.50 301319 1/18/2024 1849 COSTAR REALTY INFORMATION INC 120555561 JAN'24 WEB SUBSCRIPTION: ECO DEV Printed 1,296.00 15948 1/8/20241098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 8173 REFRESHMENTS: PECHANGA PU'ESKA EVENT: CC__" Wire 102.12 301206 1/4/2024 1098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 12/20/23 MISC. SUPPLIES: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD Printed 261.39 301258 1/11/20241098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3540 SUPPLIES: AQUATICS: TCSD Printed 155.77 301370 1/25/20241098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3545 RECREATION& BUILDING SUPPLIES- CONTRACT CLASSES Printed 76.68 301259 , 1/11/20241268 COSTCO TEM ECU LA 491 3542 i MISCSUPPLIES: MRC,MPSCANDSFSP Printed 154.56 301259 1/11/20241268 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3539 SUPPLIES: MRC, MPSC &SFSP Printed 196.76 301371 , 1/25/20241268 COSTCO TEM ECU LA 491 3544 SUPPLIES: MRC, MPSC AND SFSP Printed , 120.72 601221 1/4/2024 2004 COX KRISTI 4100.101-4150.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,008.00 601221 1/4/2024 2004 COX KRISTI 4210.1011111111PP'- TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 225.00 15885 1/9/2024 3544 CP & DR 2746 RENEWAL: SUBSCRIPTION: COMM DEV Wire 238.00 601327 1/18/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003716 A/C UNITS FOR PARKING GARAGE AND POLICE SUBSTATION EFT 1_0,413.03 601327 1/18/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003803 PLUMBING SVCS: CRC: PW EFT 6,847.00 601327 1/18/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC , 003654 SVC CALLS: CIVIC CTR EFT I_ (270.00) 15875 1/9/2024 1002 CSMFO 0430 REGISTRATION: WEBINAR: FINANCE Wire 200.00 601272 1/11/20241195 DAISYECO INC _4064544 PRINTER AND PLOTTER SUPPLIES: INFOTECH EFT I_4,066.86 15893 1/9/2024 3553 DAPHNES 5606 REFRESHMENTS: CITY COUNCIL MTG 11/28/23 Wire 263.75 601328 1/18/20241105 DATATICKET INC 159209 NOV'23 CITATION PROCESSING: PD EFT I_1,322.19 301260 1/11/20241699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 551438 ENGINERING SERVICES:PW- CIP, PW08-04 Printed 32.50 301260 , 1/11/2024 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 551437 DIAZ ROAD EXPANSION: CIP Printed I_3,940.25 301261 1/11/20241177 DAVID TU RCH AND ASSOCIATES NOV'23 FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE CONSULTANT SVCS: CM Printed 5,500.00 301261 1/11/20241177 DAVID TURCH AND ASSOCIATES OCT'23 FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE CONSULTANT SVCS: CM Printed 5,500.00 15878 1/8/2024 3501 DAVINCI MEETING ROOM 8449 MEETING ROOM RENTAL: HR Wire 235.00 601329 1/18/2024 2528 DE LA SECURA INC 21007-025 MARGARITA REC CTR DSGN BUILD EFT 316,153.53 601329 1/18/2024 2528 DE LA SECURA INC STP NTC: CONCRETE PL STP NTC: CONCRETE PLACEMENT INC EFT (7,594.71) 601395 , 1/25/2024 1586 DEERE & COMPANY 117561430 - GATOR UTILITY CART: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 14,281.83 301320 1/18/20241491 DEPT OF GENERAL SERVICES DGS 0000001549771 CASE FILINGS: MASSAGE: CITY CLERK Printed 11,599.75 601273 , 1/11/20242227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00133394 MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM:IT EFT 1,282.50 601396 1/25/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2INC IN00133907 AUTOMATIC DOOR OPENER CONNECTION: PW-CIP EFT 2,463.33 601396 , 1/25/20242227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00135447 ' ACCESS CONTROL& CAMERAS: M RC Cl P PW I7-21 EFT 70,882.94 601222 1/4/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005108439 FENCE RENTAL: JRC: PW EFT 95.00 601222 , 1/4/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 500334 FENCE RENTAL: JRC: PW EFT (50.00) 601330 1/18/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005146731 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: RIVERTON LN EFT 110.88 601330 , 1/18/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005146732 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: N GENERAL KEARNY RD EFT 110.88 601330 1/18/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES CREDIT 0004960597 TEMPORARY ADA RESTROOMS: TES POOL EFT (279.21) 601330 , 1/18/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005146730 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: LA SERENA WY EFT 110.88 601331 1/18/2024 2137 DIVERSIFIED WATERSCAPES INC 1006889 DEC WTR QUALITY MAINT: DUCK POND/HARV EFT 7,800.00 601274 , 1/11/2024 2040 DOKKEN ENGINEERING _ 44994 DSGN SVCS: SOUTHSIDE PARKING LOT RECONFIRGURATION EFT 17,137.50 15965 1/9/2024 1252 DOMINOS PIZZA 2248 REFRESHMENTS: CHRISTMAS PARADE: FIRE STAFF Wire 243.44 301207 1/4/2024 1803 DOROTHY MCELHINNEY MIDDLE SCHOOL BAND 12/14/23 TRANSPORATION: SANTA PARADE Printed 200.00 601223 1/4/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL20908 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP: PW EFT 216.52 601223 1/4/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL20904 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: LAND DEV: PW EFT 151.31 601223 1/4/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL20905 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE EFT 65.81 601223 1/4/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL18134 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: LAND DEV: PW EFT I_ 66.14 601223 1/4/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL20903 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARK MAINT: PW EFT 1,990.O6 601223 1/4/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL20924 , FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD EFT A_ 379.58 601223 1/4/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL20909 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 1,737.25 601223 1/4/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL20246 , FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEPT EFT 345.44 601223 1/4/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL20923 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC: PW EFT 367.67 601275 1/11/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL22129 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE DEPT EFT 11 26.94 601275 1/11/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL22148 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD EFT 94.84 601275 1/11/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL22147 , FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC: PW EFT 193.24 601275 1/11/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL20910 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: INFO TECH EFT 27.62 601275 , 1/11/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL20906 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: COMDV EFT 77.27 601275 1/11/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL19535 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC: PW EFT 183.81 601275 , 1/11/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL21532 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEPT EFT 67.35 601275 1/11/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL22132 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREET MAINT EFT 482.52 601332 , 1/18/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL22131 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG & SAFETY EFT 69.14 601332 1/18/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL23589 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 125.23 601332 , 1/18/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL22130 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 74.86 601332 1/18/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL23588 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE EFT 11.43 601332 , 1/18/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL - CL20907 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARK MAINT: BLDG & SAFETY EFT 358.74 601332 1/18/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL22128 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARK MAINT: PW EFT 1,456.33 601332 , 1/18/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL - CL23586 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARK MAINT: PW EFT 1,824.43 601397 1/25/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL22949 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEPT EFT 199.68 601397 , 1/25/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL -CL23608 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD EFT 88.88 601397 1/25/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL23605 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: EOC EFT 83.15 601397 , 1/25/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL23591 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CITY MGR EFT 62.99 601397 1/25/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL23592 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP: PW EFT 298.22 301262 , 1/11/2024 2689 DS SERVICES OF AMERICA INC i 22116432 121523 CC WATER DELIVERY SERVICES: CMO Printed 'L 75.13 601333 1/18/2024 1678 DUDEK 202310605 CITYWIDE DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN EFT 30,312.50 601333 , 1/18/2024 1678 DUDEK 202310367 CONSTRUCTION MGT SVCS: PW-CIP, PW20-13, ON -CALL EFT ��,680.00 15986 1/23/2024 1057 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DIST VAR EMWD DEC VAR DEC WATER SVCS Wire 3,746.12 601270 , 1/11/2024 1345 EE VENDOR #1345 REIMB: 11/28/23 REIMB: UNIFORMS: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT '_ 133.99 601278 1/11/2024 1664 EE VENDOR #1664 REIMB: 12/11/23 REIMB: UNIFORMS: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 147.64 601339 0 1/18/2024 1978 EE VENDOR #1978 REIMB: O1/15/24 REIMB: HELI THREAD KIT: PW EFT 70.68 601339 1/18/2024 1978 EE VENDOR #1978 REIMB: TRAINING REIMB: STAFF TRAINING & EDUCATION EFT 750.00 301196 1/4/2024 2135 EE VENDOR #2135 REIMB: 11/28/23 REIMB: UNIFORMS Printed 147.06 301314 1/18/2024 2285 EE VENDOR #2285 REIMB DEPT TEAM BLDG REIMB: HR HOLIDAYTEAM BLDG Printed 48.04 601385 1/18/2024 2410 EE VENDOR #2410 REIMB: 10/26-10/27 REIMB: CCAC CONF: 10/26-10/27/2- EFT 601.10 301374 1/25/2024 2882 EE VENDOR #2882 01/08/24 REIMB: ICC CERTIFICATION Printed 330.00 301216 1/4/20243471 EE VENDOR#3471 REIMB: TRAINING CONF REIMB: ANNUALTRAINING INSTITUTE Printed 468.64 301226 1/4/2024 3479 EE VENDOR #3479 12/04/23 REIMB: UNIFORMS Printed 155.39 301293 1/11/2024 3491 EE VENDOR #3491 12/14/23 REIMB: PROMOTIONAL PROGRAM - Printed 54.74 301211 1/4/2024 3494 EE VENDOR #3494 REIMB: SUPPLIES REIMB: SUPPLIES: TEAM BLDG: FINANCE Printed 170.00 301300 1/11/2024 3498 EE VENDOR #3498 12/18/23 ' REFUND: RFRSHMNTS: COM DEV - Printed 340.00 301212 1/4/2024 3499 EE VENDOR #3499 REIMB: 12/10-12/14 REIMB: ICI MGMT & SUPERVISION CLASS Printed 189.74 301272 1/11/2024 3517 EE VENDOR #3517 ! COMPTR LOAN PRGM 7 a COMPUTER LOAN PROGRAM Printed d5000.00 301375 1/25/2024 3596 EE VENDOR #3596 COMPUTER LOAN PRGM COMPUTER LOAN PROGRAM Printed 1,812.71 601398 1/25/2024 2385 EIDE BAILLY LLP EI01607431 i AUDIT SERVICES: DEC'23: FINANCE EFT 15500.00 15753 1/2/2024 2031 ELITE CLAIMS MANAGEMENT INC WKRS COMP 01/02 FUNDS FOR WORKERS COMP CLAIMS Wire 30,000.00 601334 1/18/2024 2031 ELITE CLAIMS MANAGEMENT INC 2023-69� DEC'23 3RD PARTY CLAIM ADMIN: WC EFT 1�250.00 601224 1/4/20243265 EMPIRE ECONOMICS 12/20/23 PRICE POINT STUDY SVCS- CFD 23-02(PRADO) EFT 8,250.00 601335 1/18/20241156 ENGINEERING RESOURCES OF SOUTHERN CA INC 59729 ENGINEERING CONSULTANT SVCS: PW-Cm�llllllllllll EFT d�,832.90 301263 1/11/2024 1338 ENTERPRISE HOLDINGS INC 2PYT3S RENTAL CAR FEES FOR SISTER CITY VISIT Printed 696.61 301321 1/18/2024 1004 ESGIL LLC 139228 REVISED OCT PLAN REVIEW SVCS: BLDG & SAFETY Printed §�,446.56 15817 1/9/2024 1958 EUROPA VILLAGE LLC 5609 REFRESHMENTS: DAISEN SISTER CITY Wire 47.61 15895 1/9/20241911 EVENTBRITE.CO� -0867 REGISTRATION: HABITAT FOR HUMANITY ANNUAL ADVOCACY Wire '_ 175.00 301264 1/11/2024 1366 EXHIBIT ENVOY 1409B BLACK & WHITE IN BLACK & WHITE Printed 2,025.00 301265 1/11/2024 2469 EXP US SERVICES INC - 135977 SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK PHASE II Printed 1�,478.69 15921 1/4/2024 1998 EYEMED VISION CARE BEN349931 VISION PLAN PAYMENT Wire 2,215.99 15879 1/8/2024 3070 EZCATERCINNABON 7713 REFRESHMENTS: TEAM PACE EVENT Wire M-719.53 301208 1/4/2024 2116 FALCON ENGINEERING SERVICES 2023-8 I-15/FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMP Printed 368,292.27 15818 1/9/2024 2012 FEAST CALIFORNIA CAFE LLC 5329 REFRESHMENTS: SISTER CITY mmou� Wire 'r 724.86 15950 1/8/20242012 FEAST CALIFORNIA CAFE LLC 6950 REFRESHMENTS: TREE TRIMMING EVENT: HR Wire 925.36 301266 , 1/11/2024 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-363-07080B EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: CIP Printed 11.55 301266 1/11/2024 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-356-17508 EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: CIP: PW Printed 7.18 301322 , 1/18/2024 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-363-07080A EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: HR IN Printed 8.17 301322 1/18/2024 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-369-95448A EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: CODE ENFORCEMENT Printed 20.68 301322 , 1/18/2024 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-369-95448B EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: TCSD Printed 7.32 601336 1/18/20241600 FEHR AND PEERS 170374 COMPLETE STREETS POLICY: PLANNING EFT 4,988.79 601336 , 1/18/20241600 FEHR AND PEERS 167771 COMPLETE STREETS POLICY: PLANNING EFT 8,683.52 601336 1/18/20241600 FEHR AND PEERS 166939 COMPLETE STREETS POLICY: PLANNING EFT 8,154.41 601336 , 1/18/20241600 FEHR AND PEERS 168540 COMPLETE STREETS POLICY: PLANNING EFT 5,833.14 601336 1/18/20241600 FEHR AND PEERS 170675 COMPLETE STREETS POLICY: PLANNING EFT 2,299.88 601337 , 1/18/2024 1600 FEHR AND PEERS 170663 OLD TOWN TECHNOLOGY BASED PARKING DATA COLLECTION EFT 210.00 301323 1/18/20243507 FICK RITA REFUND: 12/23/23 REFUND: TICKETING: THEATER Printed 108.00 601225 , 1/4/2024 1219 FINE ARTS NETWORK NUTCRACKER BALLET STTLMNT: THE NUTCRACKER BALLET 12/15-12/23 EFT 71,252.16 601226 1/4/2024 1871 FLATIRON WEST INC 7 REVISED I-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IM EFT 4,136,024.42 601227 1/4/2024 3359 FOLLANSBEE TRO1 12/16/23 CREATION/INSTALLATION OF MOSAI EFT 6,000.00 601338 1/18/2024 2643 FORENSIC NURSING OF SOCAL INC 2463 SART EXAMS: PI) EFT 800.00 15987 1/22/2024 2067 FRONTIER CALIFORNIA INC = VAR DEC/JAN FRONTIER VARIOUS DEC/JAN INTERNET SVCS Wire 12,788.22 301324 1/18/2024 1932 FUN EXPRESS LLC 72918501901 MISC SUPPLIES SPECIAL EVENTS Printed 7,367.27 _ 601276 , 1/11/2024 2374 GEORGE HILLS COMPANY INC INV1027030 CLAIMS TPA: RM EFT d� 68.50 601340 1/18/2024 2374 GEORGE HILLS COMPANY INC INV1027103 SUBROGATION RECOVERY FEE:GHC0052956/61428/63442 EFT 2,721.18 601340 , 1/18/2024 2374 GEORGE HILLS COMPANY INC INV1027286 CLAIMS TPA: RM EFT M-388.00 601399 1/25/2024 2374 GEORGE HILLS COMPANY INC INV1027164 SUBROGATION RECOVERY FEE:GHC0061006: RM EFT 2,520.25 601277 , 1/11/20242359 GILLIS AND PANICHAPAN ARCHITECTS INC 108649J ARCHITIECiURAL SVCS: PW-CIP, PW19-14, ON -CALL ARGM EFT M5670.00 601400 1/25/2024 2359 GILLIS AND PANICHAPAN ARCHITECTS INC 108675J ARCHITIECTURAL SVCS: PW-CIP, PW19-14 EFT 640.00 15819 , 1/9/20242044 GOATANDVINETHE 1495 REFRESHMENTS: DAISEN SISTER CITY Wire _1'206.80 15952 1/9/2024 1468 GODADDY.COM INC 4826 DOMAIN RENEWAL: TEMECULAPRESENTS Wire 46.34 301267 1/11/2024 1813 GODS FAN CLUB FY 23/24 CSF COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING REINVESTMENT Printed 9W8,679.11 15954 1/9/2024 3556 GOHARDDRIVE 0415 SUPPLIES: HARD DRIVE TRAY CADDY: ITSS Wire 38.23 301325 1/18/20241523 GOLDEN VALLEY MUSIC SOCIETY PROCUREMENT PROCUREMENT OF MUSICAL SERVICE Printed 7,600.00 301271 1/11/2024 3095 GONZALEZ IAVIER I 1476 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 179.44 301271 , 1/11/2024 3095 GONZALEZ IAVIER I 1487 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 271.88 301271 1/11/2024 3095 GONZALEZ IAVIER I 3494 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 265.33 301271 , 1/11/2024 3095 GONZALEZ IAVIER I -1495 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 2,302.90 301333 1/18/2024 3095 GONZALEZ IAVIER I 1506 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 28.66 301209 1/4/2024 1007 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION GFOA _ 0252440 MEMBERSHIP DUES: FINANCE Printed 150.00 601341 1/18/20241225 GRAINGER 9949118179 MISC SMALL TOOLS: PW PARKS EFT 405.15 15824 1/9/2024 3538 GRIFFITH OBSERVATORY - 1894 ' REFRESHMENTS: DAISEN SISTER CITY VISIT Wire 88.35 601342 1/18/2024 3345 HAAKER EQUIPMENT COMPANY M1AOG7 PRESSURE WASHER: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 18,840.94 15968 1/9/2024 3592 HAMPTON INN _ 5045 REFUND: LODGING: PD Wire (160.00) 601251 1/4/2024 1383 HANCOCK LORENA 3700.101-3710.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 756.00 301210 1/4/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2644/NOV Wr SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT: CIVIC CTR Printed 1,751.12 301210 1/4/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2646/NOV SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP: CRC Printed 875.86 301210 1/4/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2649/NOV HARDWARE SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 1,647.84 301268 1/11/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2670/NOV-A FLAGPOLE: MRC Printed 4,143.13 301326 _ 1/18/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2634/DEC-B SMALLTOOLS & EQUIPMENT: TCC Printed 171.75 301326 1/18/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2734/DEC SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP: TPL Printed 58.23 301326 , 1/18/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC - 2671/DEC SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP: M FAC 0000him- Printed 184.16 301326 1/18/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2716/DEC SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP: CHILDREN'S MUSEUM Printed 78.61 301326 , 1/18/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC ' 2649/DEC HARDWARE SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 1,852.47 301326 1/18/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2646/DEC SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP: CRC & MRC Printed 353.61 301326 , 1/18/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC - 2644/DEC-A SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP: CIVIC CTR & MRC Printed 2,150.93 301326 1/18/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2706/DEC SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP: AQUATICS Printed 108.74 301326 , 1/18/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2641/DEC SUPPPLIES: STREETS&TRAFFIC MAINT Printed 363.34 301326 1/18/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2634/DEC-A SMALLTOOLS & EQUIP: FIRE Printed 92.83 301327 , 1/18/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC - 2702/DEC SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP: MUSEUM Printed 15.09 301327 1/18/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2648/DEC HARDWARE SUPPLIES: COMM DEV Printed 28.55 15814 1/9/2024 3534 HARBOR TOUR 0950 ADMISSION: DAISEN SISTER CITY VISIT Wire 85.00 301269 1/11/2024 2225 HASA INC 934811 POOL SANTIZING CHEMICALS: CITY POOLS Printed 547.88 301328 1/18/2024 2225 HASA INC 936164 ' POOL SANTIZING CHEMICALS: CITY POOLS Printed 860.95 601228 1/4/2024 1382 HAZ MAT TRANS INC HMT2311140 HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 4,775.20 301248 1/11/2024 1110 HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES CENTER INC E030580 EAP-HR-BENEFITS Printed I_1,864.55 601343 1/18/2024 1093 HEALTHPOINTE MEDICAL GROUP INC 42612-4200380 MED EMPLOYMENT SCREENING: HR EFT 165.00 601229 1/4/2024 2235 HICKS AND HARTWICK INC 8279 ENG PLAN CHECK SRVCS:PW - LAND DEV EFT 1,666.00 601229 1/4/2024 2235 HICKS AND HARTWICK INC 8280 ENG PLAN CHECK SRVCS:PW - LAND DEV EFT 1,225.00 15836 1/9/20241074 HILTON _ 7302 LODGING: CPRS CONFERENCE Wire 268.96 15837 1/9/20241074 HILTON 7310 LODGING: CPRS CONFERENCE Wire 268.96 15838 1/9/20241074 HILTON -7898 LODGING: CPRS CONFERENCE Wire 268.96 15839 1/9/20241074 HILTON 7906 LODGING: CPRS CONFERENCE Wire 268.96 301329 1/18/2024 1083 HINDERLITER DE LLAMAS & ASSOC - SIN034662 SALES TAX CONSULTING: TRANSACTION TAX (OCT-DEC) Printed 300.00 601230 1/4/2024 2547 HINER DOUGLAS 2023-DECEMBER UMPIRE OFFICIATING SVCS: CITY ADULT SOFTBALL EFT 1,764.00 301213 , 1/4/2024 1192 HOME DEPOT 9020530 MISC SUPPLIES: PARKS MAINT: PW Printed 17.73 301330 1/18/2024 1192 HOME DEPOT 0294324 SUPPLIES: TRAFFIC & STREETS: PW Printed 364.95 301330 , 1/18/2024 1192 HOME DEPOT 3973500 SUPPLIES: FACILITIES MAINT: PW Printed 86.66 301330 1/18/2024 1192 HOME DEPOT 4354608 MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER: TCSD Printed 194.66 301331 1/18/20241593 ICC GENERAL CODE INC -PG000034864 MUNICIPAL CODE SERVICES: CITY CLERK Printed 2,503.00 15872 1/9/2024 2046 IN N OUT BURGER INC 8588 REFRESHMENTS: CHECKPOINT: VOLUNTEERS Wire 57.26 601344 1/18/2024 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC - 6874 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR, STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 233.88 301270 1/11/2024 1921 INSIGHT PUBLIC SECTOR INC 1101113865 TV REPLACEMENT: CITY HALL Printed 7,102.94 15880 1/8/2024 2245 INSTACART.COM 1561 REFRESHMENTS: RECRUITMENTS: HR Wire 88.69 15914 1/4/2024 1047 INSTATAX EDD BEN349953 STATE TAX PAYMENT Wire 44,806.21 15927 1/18/2024 1047 INSTATAX EDD BEN349971 STATE TAX PAYMENT Wire 45,427.82 16318 1/23/2024 1047 INSTATAX EDD BEN350106 4TH QTR 2023 UI & ETT PAYMENT Wire 2,147.55 15915 1/4/2024 1027 INSTATAX IRS BEN349947 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT F Wire 131,044.76 15928 1/18/20241027 INSTATAX IRS BEN349967 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT Wire 133,130.49 16358 1/11/20241027 INSTATAX IRS BEN349852 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT Wire 93,134.07 301214 1/4/2024 3035 INTERFLEX PAYMENT LLC INV672667 FSA/COBRA: HR Printed 450.50 301332 1/18/2024 3035 INTERFLEX PAYMENT L BEN349951 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT FSA PAYMENT Printed 24,164.65 15788 1/8/2024 1407 INTL RIGHT OF WAYASSN 0456 MEMBERSHIP DUES: LAND DEV: PW Wire 255.00 15957 1/9/2024 3558 IRFANVIEW 1233 SW FOR HR TO CONVERT LIVE PHOTOSTO STILL Wire 120.00 15804 1/9/20241674 ISTOCK INTL INC 4820 SUBSCRIPTION: PROMO IMAGES: TCSD Wire 120.00 601345 1/18/2024 1719 JACOBS HOUSE INC BEN349939 EMPLOYEE CHARITY DONATIONS EL EFT 40.00 15801 1/9/2024 3529 JERSEY MIKES 0028 REFRESHMENTS: VETERANS DAY EVENT Wire 719.55 601279 1/11/2024 1660 JOE RHODES MAINT SERVICE B1348 FUEL PUMP REPAIR: STATION 92 EFT 706.43 601401 1/25/2024 1660 JOE RHODES MAINT SERVICE INC CO26 FUEL PUMP REPAIR: STATION 84 EFT 359.80 301334 , 1/18/2024 3513 JORDAN SHEREEN NOR- REFUND: 63940076 REFUND: WATER SAFETY: TCSD = Printed 150.00 601346 1/18/2024 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP 68529 BUSINESS CARDS: PW LAND DEV EFT 154.26 601346 , 1/18/2024 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP = 68528 BUSINESS CARDS: PW LAND DEV EFT I_ 87.14 601346 1/18/2024 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP 68572 CC BUSINESS CARDS: CM EFT 111.21 601347 1/18/2024 1090 KEYSER MARSTON ASSOCIATES INC 0038335 KMA SB-9 FISCAL ANALYSIS: LR22-0158 EFT I_7,611.25 601402 1/25/2024 1090 KEYSER MARSTON ASSOCIATES INC 0038409 KMA SB-9 FISCAL ANALYSIS: LR22-0158 EFT 2,235.00 15949 1/8/2024 3593 KIMPTON HOTELS 4022 LODGING: CCMF BOARD MTG: CITY MGR Wire I_ 458.37 15800 1/9/2024 1975 KRACH BREE B 2982 PLAQUE: CONTRACT INSTUCTOR Wire 102.23 601403 1/25/2024 1975 KRACH BREE B 200139 KAREL LINDEMANS MEMORIAL BRIDGE SIGN: PW EFT 2,390.33 601403 1/25/2024 1975 KRACH BREE B 200136 SIGN/PLAQUE: CITY CNL EFT 479.59 301335 , 1/18/20241136 LAKE ELSINORE ANIMAL FRIENDS DEC'23 DEC'23 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES Printed 10,762.50 301336 1/18/2024 2177 LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES INC INV-137823E PLAYGROUND EQUIP ENHANCEMENT -LONG CANYON PRK Printed 228,736.00 601348 , 1/18/2024 1050 LEIGHTON CONSULTING INC 60907 GEOTECHNICAL SVCS: CRC GW TESTING � EFT 4,800.00 15894 1/9/20242350 LEWIS CLEANERS 4268 LAUNDRY SVCS: TABLE LINEN: CITY CLERK Wire 106.75 15881 , 1/8/20241320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 71932 REGISTRATION: STAFF TRAINING: HR Wire I_ 75.00 601349 1/18/20241320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 254045 ATTORNEY SERVICES: HR EFT 13,762.50 601349 , 1/18/2024 1320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE - 253574 r ATTORNEY SERVICES: HR = EFT I_1,020.00 601280 1/11/2024 1216 LIFE ASSIST INC 1385203 CPR PROGRAM SUPPLIES: MEDIC EFT 1,748.49 601280 , 1/11/2024 1216 LIFE ASSIST INC - 1389711 , PARAMEDIC PROGRAM SUPPLIES: MEDIC EFT I_ 802.90 601280 1/11/2024 1216 LIFE ASSIST INC 1385302 PARAMEDIC PROGRAM SUPPLIES: MEDIC EFT 1,163.08 601280 , 1/11/2024 1216 LIFE ASSIST INC - 1389710 PARAMEDIC PROGRAM SUPPLIES: MEDIC EFT I_1,888.88 601350 1/18/2024 3353 LOAMIC BUILDERS INC 1 PW22-17 ADD'L STREETLIGHTS: MORENO & MERCEDES ST EFT 96,596.00 601351 1/18/2024 3353 LOAMIC BUILDERS INC 1 PW23-1-j CITYWIDE CONCRETE REPAIRS EFT I_7,599.70 301215 1/4/2024 3198 LOOMIS ARMORED US LLC 13379517 ARMORED CAR SVCS: FINANCE Printed 1,133.55 301372 1/25/2024 3198 LOOMIS ARMORED US LLC ' 13399948 ARMORED CAR SVCS: FINANCE A Printed I_1,150.54 301372 1/25/2024 3198 LOOMIS ARMORED US LLC 13408381 ARMORED CAR SVCS: FINANCE Printed 46.09 301337 1/18/2024 3344 LOVE PRODUCTIONS RECORDS LLC CK REQ O1/08/24 PERFORMING ARTS AGREEMENT 2-10 qp Printed IriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiII7,440.00 15900 1/9/2024 1722 LUCILLES BBQ 8784 REFRESHMENTS: CITY COUNCIL MTG 12/12/23 Wire 315.36 301273 1/11/2024 1302 M AND J PAUL ENTERPRISES INC 123123 CITY OF TEMEC JUMPER GAME RENTALS -SPECIAL EVENTS Printed 995.00 301274 1/11/2024 1806 M C I COMM SERVICE DEC 7DK89878 DEC 7DK89878 XXX-0714 USAGE MALL PD Printed 37.22 301274 1/11/2024 1806 M C I COMM SERVICE DEC 7DK90589 DEC 7DK90589 XXX-3046 GEN USAGE Printed 35.99 601352 1/18/20243313 MAHMOOD MADIHA 12/27/23 PERFORMING ARTS AGREEMENT EFT 300.00 301338 , 1/18/2024 1224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 43529 VARIOUS SIGNS & SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 1,734.56 301338 1/18/2024 1224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 43527 VARIOUS SIGNS & SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 717.10 301338 , 1/18/2024 1224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 43524 VARIOUS SIGNS & SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 734.06 301338 1/18/2024 1224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 43523 VARIOUS SIGNS & SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 358.71 301338 , 1/18/2024 1224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 43528 VARIOUS SIGNS & SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 325.43 301338 1/18/2024 1224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 43531 VARIOUS SIGNS & SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 3,257.06 301338 , 1/18/2024 1224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 43525 VARIOUS SIGNS & SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 1� 163.07 301338 1/18/2024 1224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 43530 MISC SIGNS: FACILITIES: PW Printed 3,365.81 301338 , 1/18/2024 1224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 43526 VARIOUS SIGNS & SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed '_1,130.46 601353 1/18/2024 3031 MAKELELE SYSTEMS LANDSCAPE & MAINTENANCE INC 2772 RCWD RECYCLED WATER ACCELERATE EFT 8,170.00 601281 , 1/11/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3228 TREE TRIMMING AND REMOVAL: STA 84 & STA 92 EFT 1�,913.58 601281 1/11/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3227 TREE TRIMMING AND REMOVAL: STA 84 & STA 92 EFT 3,654.36 601354 , 1/18/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC ' 3226 ANNUAL TREE TRIMMING,REMOVALS& PLANTING AT PARKS EFT _�,083.70 601354 1/18/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3232 ANNUAL RIGHT OF WAY TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLAN EFT 4,009.87 601354 1/18/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3231 ANNUAL TREE TRIMMING,REMOVALS& PLANTING AT PARKS EFT MW�,622.08 601354 1/18/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3176 TREE TRIMMING: SENIOR CENTER: PW EFT 2,425.98 601231 1/4/2024 2376 MARK THOMAS AND COMPANY INC 49268 I-15 CONGENSTION RELIEF - EFT M-271.00 601231 1/4/2024 2376 MARK THOMAS AND COMPANY INC 49468 CHERRY STREET EXTENSION & MURRIETA EFT 645.00 601355 1/18/2024 2376 MARK THOMAS AND COMPANY INC 49730 I-15 CONGESTION RELIEF EFT M5097.58 601355 1/18/2024 2376 MARK THOMAS AND COMPANY INC 49267 I-15 CONGESTION RELIEF EFT 3,546.95 15988 1/11/20242388 MATRIX TELECOM LLC 1197563846 DEC 800 SERVICES: CIVIC CENTER Wire 68.99 601232 1/4/2024 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 18085 MARY PHILLIPS SENIOR CENTER OUTDOOR AREA EFT 928.75 601282 1/11/2024 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC ' 18083 AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES AC� EFT 538.13 601282 1/11/2024 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 18084 MARY PHILLIPS SENIOR CENTER ENHANCEMENT EFT 485.63 601356 , 1/18/2024 20-97 MDG ASSOCIATES INC - 18082 CDBG ADMINISTRATION SVCS: COMM DEV EFT 316.50 601356 1/18/2024 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 18081 CDBG ADMINISTRATION SVCS: COMM DEV EFT 5,420.13 301275 , 1/11/2024 1185 MET LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY - BEN349921 DENTAL PAYMENT Printed 15,674.57 15934 1/18/2024 3594 MEXISOL BOUTIQUE LLC REFUND: 138601 REFUND: DUPLICATE PAYMENT FOR INV# 138601 Wire 39.00 601283 , 1/11/2024 2042 MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL -1199181 ENGR&SURVEY SERVICES -CIP, PW17-28, ON -CALL EFT 2,280.00 601283 1/11/2024 2042 MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL 1198890 TRAFFIC SIGNAL- PARK & RIDE ACCESS EFT 7,800.00 601283 ■ 1/11/2024 2042 MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL - 1193159 TRAFFIC SIGNAL- PARK & RIDE AC � EFT 4,666.00 15947 1/8/2024 1111 MICHAELS STORES INC 9777 SUPPLIES: FRAME MATTES FOR PROCLOMATION Wire 87.00 601357 1/18/2024 2259 MICHELLE MEDINA 1040.1011ST HALF TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,483.49 301217 1/4/2024 1777 MIDWESTTAPE LLC 504676689 BOOKS ON TAPE: LIBRARY Printed 28.57 301339 1/18/20241082 MIRACLE RECREATION EQUIPMENT 869700 � WINCHESTER CREEK PARK IMPROVEMEN- Printed 1,951.18 601233 1/4/20241681 MIRANDA JULIO CESAR 3600.101-3630.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,264.20 601234 1/4/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518953-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PENNY PICKLE EFT 31.46 601234 1/4/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518933-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: MRC EFT 16.07 601234 1/4/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516695-02 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TPL EFT 774.82 601358 1/18/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518252-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL EFT 480.36 601358 ■ 1/18/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518978-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PENNY PICKLE EFT 20.26 601358 1/18/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519019-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TPL EFT 33.48 601358 , 1/18/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518810-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TVE2- EFT 922.77 601358 1/18/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518774-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PENNY PICKLE EFT 558.80 601358 , 1/18/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518907-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PENNY PICKLE EFT 227.92 601359 1/18/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519467-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: DUCK POND: PW EFT 2,963.85 601359 , 1/18/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519324-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES, FACILITIES: PW EFT 59.15 601404 1/25/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519610-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CHILDREN'S MUSEUM EFT 22.84 601404 , 1/25/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519582-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CHILDREN'S MUSEUM EFT 35.67 601404 1/25/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519359-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CHILDREN'S MUSEUM EFT 925.87 601404 , 1/25/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 516661-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS � EFT 1,448.94 601405 1/25/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519316-00 ELECTRIC SUPPLIES: RANCHO HIGHLANDS SLOPE: PW EFT 13.40 15912 1/4/2024 2356 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 106474 BEN349955 ICMA-401(A) RETIREMENT PLAN PAYMENT Wire 384.62 15925 1/18/2024 2356 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 106474 BEN349975 ICMA-401(A) RETIREMENT PLAN PAYMENT Wire 384.62 15913 1/4/2024 1011 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 303355 BEN349957 ICMA-RC RETIREMENTTRUST 457 PAYMENT Wire 21,753.26 15926 1/18/20241011 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 303355 BEN349977 ICMA-RC RETIREMENTTRUST 457 PAYMENT Wire 19,290.35 16023 1/2/2024 2830 MOOD MEDIA NORTH AMERICA HOLDINGS LLC JAN'24 JAN'24 DISH NETWORK SVCS Wire 240.56 601235 1/4/2024 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 12/12/23 ART EVENTS & MURALS EFT 1,500.00 601284 1/11/2024 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J �2050.101� TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS i EFT 1,302.00 601360 1/18/2024 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2050.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 759.50 15786 1/8/20242248 MURRIETA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 7737 REGISTRATION: ECONOMIC OUTLOOK Wire 350.00 601285 1/11/2024 2020 MYTHOS TECHNOLOGY INC MSP-21998 JAN-MAR MONITORING SVCS: TVE2 EFT 450.00 301276 1/11/2024 2450 NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE LLC MK599785-LES NATIONAL BUSINESS FURNITURE -AQUATICS Printed 981.55 15868 1/9/2024 3545 NATIONAL TACTICAL OFFICERS ASSOCIATION 5688 REGISTRATION: CRITICAL RESPONSE FOR SUPERVISION Wire 311.00 15916 1/4/20241088 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349945 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 18,593.01 15917 1/4/20242086 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349959 NATIONWIDE LOAN REPAYMENT PAYMENT Wire 427.79 15918 1/4/20241038 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349963 OBRA- PROJECT RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 4,251.08 15929 1/18/20241088 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349965 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 18,593.01 15930 1/18/20242086 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349979 NATIONWIDE LOAN REPAYMENT PAYMENT Wire 427.79 15931 1/18/20241038 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN349983 OBRA- PROJECT RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 4,647.68 601361 1/18/2024 3343 NAVY LEAGUE OF THE UNITED STATES INLAND EMPIRE FY 23/24 CSF 2ND COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING REINVESTMENT EFT 5,000.00 15830 1/9/2024 3541 NEPALI EATS 1080 REFRESHMENTS: DAISEN SISTER CITY VISIT Wire 380.62 15798 1/9/2024 2255 NETFLIX.COM 5472 MONTHLY SVC CHARGE: TEEN ROOM: CRC Wire 9.99 15832 1/9/2024 2255 NETFUX.COM 9110 MONTHLY SVC CHARGE: TEEN ROOM: CRC Wire 11.99 301218 1/4/2024 1760 NEW TANGRAM LLC 676935 OFFICE FURNITURE FOR CIVIC CENTER: CODE EN� Printed 11,840.35 601236 1/4/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76473 LANDSCAPE SVCS: HARVESTON LAKE EFT 4,031.00 _ 601236 _ 1/4/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76470 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SVCS: FACILITIES 1111111" EFT 11,245.00 601236 1/4/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76540 TRASH CLEANUP FOR SANTA'S ELECTRIC LIGHT PARADE EFT 6,268.24 601286 , 1/11/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76474 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES LEVEL C SLOPES EFT 62,010.00 601286 1/11/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76469 LANDSCAPE SVCS: FIRE STATIONS EFT 2,068.00 601286 , 1/11/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 76471 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS AND MEDIANS EFT 23,159.00 601286 1/11/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76472 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS AND MEDIANS EFT 56,141.00 601286 , 1/11/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 76476 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS AND MEDIANS EFT 77,622.00 601362 1/18/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76536 REMEDIAL LANDSCAPE SVCS: HARVESTON LAKE PARK: PW EFT 4,600.00 601362 , 1/18/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 76542 DRAIN INSTALLATION AT TVE2 EFT 4,008.75 601362 1/18/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76534 REMEDIAL LANDSCAPE SVCS: VARIOUS MEDIANS: PW EFT 8,760.00 601362 , 1/18/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 76539 MEMORIAL TREE INSTALL: VARIOUS PARKS: P� EFT 1,000.00 601362 1/18/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76538 REMEDIAL LANDSCAPE SERVICES AT SENIOR CENTER: PW EFT 2,654.00 601362 1/18/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76541 LANDSCAPE IMPROVEMENTS AT MURRIETA CREEK TRAIL EFT 2,215.00 601362 1/18/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76535 LANDSCAPE ENHANCEMENT AT CIVIC CENTER EFT 3,877.50 601362 , 1/18/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76544 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS EFT 1,801.25 601362 1/18/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76533 REMEDIAL LANDSCAPE SERVICES AT DUCK POND EFT 5,898.00 601362 , 1/18/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76543 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS EFT 1,842.72 601363 1/18/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76526 LANDSCAPE REPAIR: PW EFT 975.00 601363 , 1/18/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76475 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES LEVEL C SLOPES EFT 106.00 601363 1/18/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76537 IRRIGATION MODIFICATIONS: SENIOR CNTR GARDEN: PW EFT 891.45 15806 , 1/9/2024 3303 NORAS EMPANADA FACTORY 0176 REFRESHMENTS: CULTURE DAY Wire 188.56 15901 1/9/2024 2327 NOTHING BUNDT CAKES 2166 REFRESHMENTS: CITY COUNCIL MTG 12/12/23 Wire 291.00 601364 1/18/2024 1819 NPG INC 1122519 ASPHALT REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 42,805.00 601364 1/18/2024 1819 NPG INC 1122520 ASPHALT REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 36,625.00 601364 1/18/2024 1819 NPG INC 25769 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: PW EFT _ 3,066.75 15866 1/9/2024 3395 NUGGET CASINO RESORT 7830 LODGING: CNOA ANNUAL TRAINING CONFERENCE: PD Wire 397.73 15867 1/9/20243395 NUGGET CASINO RESORT 2509 LODGING: CNOA ANNUAL TRAINING CONFERENCE: PdW Wire_ 397.73 301340 1/18/20241013 NUTRIEN AG SOLUTIONS INC 53072704 TOOL& EQUIP STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 3,572.13 601365 1/18/2024 1511 NVSINC j 365906 MARGARITA RECREATION CENTER 0 EFT-_8,375.79 301219 1/4/2024 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 170558 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE: PD Printed 358.74 301219 1/4/2024 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON' 171582 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE: PD 0 Printed 352.73 301219 1/4/2024 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 171341 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE: PD Printed 655.69 301219 1/4/2024 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON - 170040 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE: PD Printed 287.30 301341 1/18/2024 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 172439 VEHICLE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE Printed 245.36 301341 1/18/2024 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON-172784 VEHICLE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE Printed 81.79 601237 1/4/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73406 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE- STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 67.16 601237 1/4/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC - 73684 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE: PD -1006. EFT 57.46 601366 1/18/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73537 VEHICLE MAINT: PW - CIP EFT 73.78 601366 1/18/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73525 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS&FACILITIES EFT 426.75 601366 1/18/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73586 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 861.41 601366 , 1/18/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC -73448 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS&FACILITIES EFT 1,213.18 601406 1/25/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73725 BUILDING INSPECTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE EFT 48.78 601406 , 1/25/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC ' 73735 , VEHICLE MAINT: PW - CIP EFT 566.23 15754 1/10/2024100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV TRC-128652-10-01-202 DEPTTRANSFER REQUEST EG INV 132331 Wire 4,437.16 15755 , 1/10/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV _ TRC-128700-10-03-202, DEPTTRANSFER REQUEST EG INV 11789C Wire I_8,026.50 301220 1/4/2024 100 ONETIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV TRC-124591-08-11-202 LD22-2236 REFUNDABLE ENGINEERING DEPOSIT -A Printed 26,735.00 301221 1/4/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV _ TRC-124592-08-11-202 LD22-2236 REFUNDABLE ENGINEERING DEPOSIT-B Printed 7,035.00 301222 1/4/2024 3492 ORLEANS AIDA 63402799 REFUND: EXCURSION: MPSC Printed 40.00 601238 1/4/2024 1164 P V P COMMUNICATIONS INC ' 134010 MOTOR HELMET COMMUNICATION EFT 3,964.09 301223 1/4/2024 3476 PALADIN HOLDINGS TEMECULA LLC 12/11/23 REFUND: FEES B22-4482 Printed 48,519.58 15822 1/9/2024 3492 PANERA BREAD 7997 REFRESHMENTS: SANTA PARADE Wire 1,424.65 301342 1/18/20241492 PANERA BREAD 60125523748809 REFRESHMENTS:WORKSHOPS/MEETINGS: TVE2 Printed 184.44 15827 1/9/20241401 PAYPAL '1310 11111lip- VERISIGN PAYFLOW PRO TRANSACTION: TCSD Wire 191.40 15877 1/9/2024 1401 PAYPAL 2007 VERISIGN PAYFLOW PRO TRANSACTION Wire 25.00 15876 1/9/2024 3521 PAYROLLORG - 4791 REGISTRATION: PAYTRAIN: FINANCE Wire 837.38 301343 1/18/2024 3462 PECHANGA RESORTS INCORPORATED 1700.101-1705.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 840.00 15920 1/4/2024 1017 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT BEN349949 PERS RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 166,860.67 15980 1/25/2024 1017 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT UNFUNDED LIABILITY PAY DOWN UNFUNDED LIABILITY (UAL) Wire 14,538,003.00 15981 1/25/2024 1017 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT OPEB LIAB 1/25/24 OPEB LIABILITY CERBT CONTRIBUTION Wire 3,254,000.00 16422 1/11/2024 1017 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT BEN350168 PERS RETIREMENT PAYMENT RBF Wire 80,248.68 15919 1/4/2024 1016 PERS HEALTH INSUR PREMIBEN349943 PERS HEALTH PAYMENT Wire 215,361.59 15826 1/9/2024 3540 PETERSEN AUTOMOTIVE MUSEUM 0464 ADMISSIONS: DAISEN SISTER CITY VISIT Wire 21.00 601239 1/4/2024 2468 PLACEWORKS INC 82975 OLD TOWN PARKLETS PROGRAM: PLANNING EFT 15,060.11 301344 1/18/2024 2179 PLAYCORE WISCONSIN INC PJI-0225599 PLAYGROUND EQUIP ENHANCEMENTS: CALLE ARAGON Printed 1,130.00 601287 1/11/2024 3457 PONDER JACKIE L 20455 TRANSMISSION REPAIR: STREET MAINTENANCE PW EFT - 7,081.85 301373 1/25/2024 1363 PRE PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC BEN349941 PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES: PAYMENT Printed 206.45 601240 1/4/2024 1493 PREMIER MARKETING INC - 3106 PERFORMANCE/EVENTS: TCSD EFT 4,500.00 15802 1/9/2024 1020 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC 7062 SUBSCRIPTIONS: TCSD Wire 18.00 15891 1/9/2024 1020 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC 1098 = ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION: CITY CLERK Wire 14.00 15951 1/8/2024 1020 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC 5810 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL: CMO Wire 98.97 601367 1/18/2024 3218 PRETI LUCAS 2401A VIDEOGRAPHY PRODUCTION EFT 20,200.00 15961 1/9/2024 3560 PREVENT TRAINING SOLUTIONS 6079 TRAINING: BLDG PLAN REVIEW: FIRE Wire 389.50 15962 1/9/2024 3560 PREVENT TRAINING SOLUTIONS _ 7077 TRAINING: FIRE PROTECTION & LIFE: FIRE DEPT Wire 389.50 15963 1/9/2024 3560 PREVENT TRAINING SOLUTIONS 3071 TRAINING: HAZARDS &SPEC OPS: FIRE Wire 492.00 601288 1/11/2024 1721 PRO ACTIVE FIRE DESIGN AND CONSULTING INC 2053 PLAN CHECKING SVCS: FIRE = EFT 12,917.40 601407 1/25/2024 1721 PRO ACTIVE FIRE DESIGN AND CONSULTING INC 2054 PLAN CHECKING SVCS: FIRE EFT 1,775.10 601368 , 1/18/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 13223O465A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 65.64 601368 1/18/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132228498 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 601368 , 1/18/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132229731 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 24.52 601368 1/18/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132229223 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 68.17 601368 , 1/18/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132229749 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 601368 1/18/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132231002 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 601368 , 1/18/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY -132229750 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 601368 1/18/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132230467 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 73.02 601368 , 1/18/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY -132229221A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 65.64 601368 1/18/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132228497 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 601369 , 1/18/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132229737 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 601369 1/18/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132230988 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 601369 , 1/18/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY -132230989 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 601369 1/18/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132229748 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 601369 , 1/18/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132228496 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 601369 1/18/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132229738 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 601369 , 1/18/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132228483 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 601369 1/18/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132228484 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 601369 , 1/18/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY -132229224 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 601369 1/18/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132230468 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 601370 0 1/18/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132230465E UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 601370 1/18/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 13229221E UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 301224 1/4/2024 2727 QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC PPLN0112/10/23 POSTAGE SERVICES: PD Printed 261.78 301277 1/11/20241837 QUADIENT LEASING USA INC Q1107141 CERTIFIED MAIL SOLUTION:CENTRAL SERVICES Printed 1,399.97 301225 1/4/2024 1103 R C P BLOCK AND BRICK INC 33016168 MISC MASONRY SUPPLIES: PARKS: PW Printed 130.72 601371 1/18/2024 3136 RAMOS HR CONSULTING INC 1012 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: HR EFT 9,250.00 16037 , 1/12/2024 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIOUS DEC WATER 1 VARIOUS WATER SVCS DEC BATCH 1 Wire 33,636.03 16047 1/19/2024 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIOUS DEC WATER 2 VARIOUS WATER SVCS DEC BATCH 2 Wire 9,031.84 16074 1/26/2024 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIOUS DEC WATER 3 VARIOUS WATER SVCS DEC BATCH 3 Wire 8,552.61 601241 1/4/2024 1076 RANCHO TEMECULA CAR WASH DEC'23 DEC CAR WASH SVCS: POLICE EFT 18.01 601372 1/18/2024 1537 RANDALL MANAGEMENT GROUP 31460 PUBLIC NOTICE SIGN POSTING SERVICES FY2023-24 EFT 312.25 601372 1/18/2024 1537 RANDALL MANAGEMENT GROUP 31520 PUBLIC NOTICE SIGN POSTING SERVICES FY2023-24 EFT 624.50 601372 , 1/18/2024 1537 RANDALL MANAGEMENT GROUP 31380 PUBLIC NOTICE SIGN POSTING SERVICES FY2023-24 EFT )` 565.50 601372 1/18/2024 1537 RANDALL MANAGEMENT GROUP 31544 PUBLIC NOTICE SIGN POSTING SERVICES FY2023-24 EFT 312.25 301278 1/11/2024 3171 RAYMOND ALLYN BUSINESS SUPPLIES INC TK4580 CRC LOBBY CHAIRS: TCSD Printed 9111111M�1,864.98 601242 1/4/2024 3349 RECREONICS INC 0013628143-001 6" ANTIWAVE LANE LINES: TCSD EFT 4,995.79 601373 1/18/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60172431-01 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: TVE: PW EFT '_ 243.24 601373 1/18/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60172567-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: TVE2: PW EFT (147.01) 601373 , 1/18/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60172071.00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITIES: PW EFT '_ 34.17 601373 1/18/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60172431-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: TVE EFT 1,713.01 601408 , 1/25/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60172621-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: TVE2: PW EFT 1�,542.42 601408 1/25/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60172862-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CRC: PW EFT 54.54 601408 1/25/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60172669-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: TVE2: PW EFT 71.24 601409 1/25/2024 2203 REMOTE SATELLITE SYSTEMS INTL 00126263 PHONE SERVICE FOR EOC EFT 505.05 15820 1/9/2024 3537 RESTAURANTATTHE GETTY 6826 REFRESHMENTS: DAISEN SISTER CITY VISIT Wire 279.72 15803 1/9/2024 2181 REYES NICOLE 8500 LAUNDRY SVCS: SAFETY VEST Wire 40.00 601243 1/4/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245444 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT '_ 660.00 601243 1/4/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245465 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,322.50 601243 1/4/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245449 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT '_ 420.00 601243 1/4/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245456 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 9,092.90 601243 1/4/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245440 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT __ 240.00 601243 1/4/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245458 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,835.00 601243 1/4/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245455 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 243.00 601243 1/4/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245436 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 987.00 601243 1/4/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245057 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1�1,555.00 601243 1/4/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245434 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 5,873.05 601244 1/4/2024 11-90 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON . 245448 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT '_ 120.00 601244 1/4/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245443 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 64.00 601289 , 1/11/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON i 245461 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1�1,892.30 601289 1/11/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245433 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 14,386.69 601289 , 1/11/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245445 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1�,363.00 601289 1/11/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245472 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 3,258.50 601289 , 1/11/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245478 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1�,730.85 601374 1/18/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245880 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 15,096.11 601374 , 1/18/2024 11-90 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245477 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1�,435.45 601374 1/18/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245479 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 3,460.00 601374 , 1/18/2024 11-90 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON . 245463 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1�,142.50 601374 1/18/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245881 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 3,821.00 601374 , 1/18/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245882 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1�,142.28 601374 1/18/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245476 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 7,335.10 601374 , 1/18/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245889 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1�,050.00 601374 1/18/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245475 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,811.30 601374 , 1/18/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245885 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1�,798.98 601375 1/18/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245892 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 240.00 601375 , 1/18/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245901 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 333.50 601375 1/18/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245467 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 904.02 601375 , 1/18/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245890 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 27.50 601410 1/25/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245896 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,770.00 601410 , 1/25/2024 11-90 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245884 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 329.00 601410 1/25/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245883 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 376.00 601410 , 1/25/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245887 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 210.00 601410 1/25/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245898 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 810.00 601410 1/25/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245891 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 210.00 15821 1/9/20241393 RICHIES REAL AMERICAN DINER 7462 REFRESHMENTS: DAISEN SISTER CITY Wire 126.91 601290 1/11/20243464 RIGHT HAND CYBER SECURITY INC INV-COTEM001 E-MAIL SECURITY TRAINING: IT ' EFT 6,750.00 15808 1/9/20241104 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 9410 HEALTH PERMIT: WINTERFEST: TCSD Wire 678.00 15809 1/9/20241104 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 9972 HEALTH PERMIT: WINTERFEST: TCSD Wire 16.07 301227 1/4/2024 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PE0000001421 EMERGENCY RADIO RENTAL: PD Printed 1,395.67 301228 1/4/2024 1042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SH0000044675 SHERIFF PATROL SVCS: PD = Printed 2,842,386.34 301279 1/11/2024 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PE0000001422B NOV EMERG RADIO RENTALS: EOC Printed 102.62 301280 1/11/20241042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SH0000044283 07/01/23-09/30/23 TOWING SVCS: POLI� Printed ,�2,799.99 301345 1/18/2024 1045 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 23-326338 CECA FILLINGS: PLANNING Printed 50.00 301345 , 1/18/2024 1045 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 23-327645 CECLA FILINGS: PLANNING Printed I_ 50.00 301346 1/18/20241597 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 2024-03TEM JAN-MAR'24 ANIMAL SHELTER OPERATIONS Printed 54,921.00 301347 , 1/18/2024 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PE0000001422A NOV EMERG RADIO RENTALS: CODE ENF JhIIIIIIIII, Printed 513.10 301348 1/18/20241042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SH0000044771 09/01/23-12/31/23 TOWING SVCS: POLICE Printed 1,126.98 301365 , 1/25/2024 1035 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SEP'23 SEP'23 PRKG CITATION ASSESSMENTS Printed 5,062.50 301365 1/25/2024 1035 RIVERSIDE COUNTY AUG'23 AUG'23 PRKG CITATION ASSESSMENTS Printed 6,602.00 301365 , 1/25/2024 1035 RIVERSIDE COUNTY JUL'23 JUL'23 PRKG CITATION ASSESSMENTS = Printed 4,601.00 301365 1/25/2024 1035 RIVERSIDE COUNTY OCT'23 OCT'23 PRKG CITATION ASSESSMENTS Printed 4,976.00 301365 , 1/25/2024 1035 RIVERSIDE COUNTY NOV'23 NOV'23 PRKG CITATION ASSESSMENTS Printed 5,187.50 301281 1/11/2024 1304 RIVERSIDE TRANSIT AGENCY 87169 TROLLEY ROUTE 55 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES Printed 2,375.80 15815 , 1/9/2024 3535 RUBYS DINER 7363 REFRESHMENTS: DAISEN SISTER CITY VISIT -'Illlbl_L Wire 110.34 15889 1/9/2024 2476 S THAI FOOD CORPORATION 2314 REFRESHMENTS: CITY COUNCIL MTG 11/14/23 Wire 220.37 301229 1/4/2024 1025 SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE 10093646469B 2024 SUBSCR: PW 10093646469 ! Printed 259.60 301229 1/4/2024 1025 SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE 10093646469A 2024 SUBSCR: PW 10093646469 Printed 259.60 301282 1/11/2024 1025 SAN DIEGO UNION TRIBUNE 10093646469C 2024 SUBSCR: PW 10093646469 Printed 259.59 601245 1/4/2024 1552 SANBORN GWYNETH A CO TEMECULA MUSIC ACADEMY PERF: 12/16/23 USER LICENSE AGREEMENT: COUNTRY LIVE! 12/16/23 EFT 741.00 601412 1/25/2024 1552 SANBORN GWYNETH A CO TEMECULA MUSIC ACADEMY' PERF: O1/06/24 USER LICENSE AGREEMENT: COUNTRY LIVE O1/06/24 EFT 461.25 601246 1/4/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 012142023 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: TEAM PACE EFT 300.00 601246 1/4/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 12092023 MUSEUM/ACE PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS EFT 275.00 601246 1/4/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 13122023 MUSEUM/ACE PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS EFT 275.00 601292 1/11/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 12122023 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES -CITY COUNCIL EFT 275.00 601292 1/11/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 11282023 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES -CITY COUNCIL EFT 275.00 601292 1/11/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON - 12312023 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES FOR SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 400.00 601413 1/25/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 01092024 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES: CITY MANAGER EFT 275.00 301230 1/4/2024 2360 SB&O INC 1123028 ENGINEERING & SURVEY SVCS: PW-CIP, PW22-15 Printed 18,334.90 301283 1/11/2024 2360 SB&O INC 1223021 ENGINEERING CONSULTANT SVCS: PW21-13 Printed 189.25 301283 1/11/2024 2360 SB&O INC - 1223020 ENGINEERING & SURVEY SVCS: PW-CIP, PW22-15 Printed 6,104.00 301283 1/11/2024 2360 SB&O INC 1223023 DESIGN, ENVIRO & SURVEY SVS: PW-CIP Printed 924.04 301283 , 1/11/2024 2360 SB&O INC 1223022 ENGINEERING & SURVEY SVCS: PW-CIP, PW23-24 Printed 3,151.00 301283 1/11/2024 2360 SB&O INC 1223019 ENGINEERING & SURVEY SVCS: PW-CIP, PW22-16 Printed 1,074.00 301349 , 1/18/2024 2360 SB&O INC - 1223018 ENGINEERING & LAND SURVEY SVCS: PW - CIP Printed 9,829.00 301349 1/18/2024 2360 SB&O INC 1223024 ENGINEEIRNG & SURVEY SVCS: PWSW02-02 Printed 2,240.75 301284 , 1/11/2024 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL510518 POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS Printed 795.98 301284 1/11/2024 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL510519 POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS Printed 61.99 301284 , 1/11/2024 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL510664 POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS Printed (200.00) 301350 1/18/2024 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL511563 POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS Printed 533.91 301350 , 1/18/2024 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL511750 POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS Printed (100.00) 301285 1/11/2024 1896 SEASIDE ICE LLC 1798 SKATING RINK IN OLD TOWN Printed 19,042.50 301231 , 1/4/2024 3177 SELECT ELECTRIC INC 3597-01 TRAFFIC SIGNAL -SYSTEM UPGRADE Printed 34,003.23 301232 1/4/2024 1202 SHIVELA MIDDLE SCHOOL BAND 12/14/23 TRANSPORTATION STIPEND Printed 200.00 301351 , 1/18/2024 1787 SHRED IT USJV LLC 8005654997 SHRED SERVICES: CITYWIDE Printed 269.54 301351 1/18/20241787 SHRED IT US JV LLC 8005655101 DOCUMENT SHREDDING: PD Printed 46.58 601294 , 1/11/2024 2617 SIDI SEBASTIAN � ` 111923 2024 PROMOTIONAL VIDEOS: ED EFT 1,600.00 601415 1/25/2024 1780 SILVERMAN ENTERPRISES INC 1924 SECURITY SVCS: ROTATION PARKS EFT 5,795.00 301233 1/4/2024 1870 SKYFIT TECH INC _ 2023000509-DEPOSIT FITNESS EQUIPMENT: FOC GYM Printed 2,037.20 601416 1/25/20241061 SMART AND FINAL INC O1/16/24 MISC EVENT SUPPLIES: MPSC: TCSD EFT 173.63 601248 1/4/2024 3170 SMER RESEARCH 1 LLC _ 50026 NOV SOLAR GENERATION: VARI LOCATIONS EFT 26,703.93 601417 1/25/2024 3170 SMER RESEARCH 1 LLC 50028 DEC SOLAR GENERATION: VARI LOCATIONS EFT 24,565.74 16089 1/25/2024 1094 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY _ VAR SOCALGAS DEC VARIOUS DEC SO CAL GAS SVCS _ Wire 16,220.22 601418 1/25/2024 2217 SOCIAL WORK ACTION GROUP 12312023B OUTREACH SERVICES EFT 9,166.67 601418 , 1/25/2024 2217 SOCIAL WORK ACTION GROUP , 12312023A OUTREACH SERVICES EFT 38,230.60 301286 1/11/2024 1153 SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 4277725 FY 23/24 FLAT FEE: LAST FY EMISSIONS: TPL Printed 160.35 301286 , 1/11/2024 1153 SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT , 4275508 FY 23/241 C E ELEC GEN DIESEL: TPL Printed 504.91 601295 1/11/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0290589 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 59.00 601295 , 1/11/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0290001 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW - EFT 52.00 601295 1/11/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0290815 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 74.00 601295 , 1/11/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC i 0290525 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 29.00 601377 1/18/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291566 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 49.00 601377 , 1/18/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC- 0290975 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW , EFT 70.00 601377 1/18/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0290773 EMERGENCY PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 94.00 601377 , 1/18/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291210 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 74.00 601377 1/18/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291368 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 90.00 601377 , 1/18/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291043 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 90.00 601377 1/18/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0290462 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 49.00 601377 , 1/18/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC Elk., 0291325 , ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 42.00 601377 1/18/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291045 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 123.00 601377 , 1/18/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC F 0291033 ` ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 120.00 601378 1/18/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291023 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 32.00 601419 , 1/25/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291129 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 80.00 15983 1/31/2024 1800 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO VAR SCE DEC VARIOUS DEC SOCAL EDISON SVCS Wire 151,692.O6 301287 , 1/11/2024 1704 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 45949240101 JAN GEN USAGE: 0141,0839,0978,0979 Printed 343.90 301234 1/4/2024 3211 SPANISH BRASS 12/14/23 HOSPITALITY THEATER CONTRACTS: TCSD Printed 100.00 15896 1/9/2024 3554 SPICE AND TEA MERCHANTS 0878 MISC ITEMS: BOARD & COMMISSION APPRECIATION Wire 20.65 15899 1/9/2024 3554 SPICE AND TEA MERCHANTS 5247 MISC ITEMS: BOARD & COMMISSION APPRECIATION Wire 867.51 15833 1/9/2024 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 4860 REFRESHMENTS: OUTREACH MTG Wire 57.20 301235 1/4/2024 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 12/13/23 WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD Printed 68.01 301288 1/11/2024 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 1148 RFRSHMNTS: MTG: ECON DEV Printed 598.74 301289 1/11/2024 1431 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY BEN349929 BASIC LIFE INSURANCE PAYMENT Printed 12,064.13 301290 1/11/2024 1708 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY BEN349935 VOLUNTARY SUPP LIFE INSURANCE PAYMENT Printed 2,006.63 301236 1/4/2024 1452 STAPLES INC 7905148090-0-1 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: THEATER: TCSD Printed 105.48 301291 1/11/2024 1452 STAPLES INC _ 7620281028-0-1 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: PW Printed 137.39 601249 1/4/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 703939 SEP BLOOD & ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: PD EFT 35.00 601249 1/4/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE _ 703832 NOV BLOOD & ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: PD EFT 350.00 601379 1/18/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 693429B OCT FINGERPRINTING SVCS: CONTRACT CLASSES: TCSD EFT 49.00 601379 1/18/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 693429A OCT FINGERPRINTING SVCS: VOLUNTEERS: TCSD EFT 343.00 601379 1/18/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OFJUSTICE 693429C OCT FINGERPRINTING SVCS: POLICE EFT 4,015.00 15870 1/9/2024 3547 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DMV 6507 REGISTRATION: POLARIS: PD Wire 1.50 15871 1/9/2024 3547 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DMV 5741 REGISTRATION: POLARIS: PD Wire 77.00 301352 1/18/2024 1179 STATE WATER RESOURCE CONTROL BOARD WD-0263174 STORM WATER PERMIT: I15/FVP: PW16-01 Printed 2,509.00 301376 1/25/2024 1179 STATE WATER RESOURCE CONTROL BOARD WD-0263216 STORM WATER PERMIT: SANTA GERTRUDIS: PWO8-04 Printed 2,509.00 301376 , 1/25/2024 1179 STATE WATER RESOURCE CONTROL BOARD WD-0263012 STORM WATER PERMIT: NICOLAS-CALLE GIRASOL Printed 2,509.00 301376 1/25/2024 1179 STATE WATER RESOURCE CONTROL BOARD WD-0263178 STORM WATER PERMIT: DIAZ ROAD IMPROVEMENT: PW17-25 Printed 1,935.00 301376 , 1/25/2024 1179 STATE WATER RESOURCE CONTROL BOARD SW-0286987 STORM WATER PERMIT: MARGARITA REC CTR: PW17-21 Printed 548.00 301353 1/18/2024 1912 STEIN ANDREW 29232 MISC MARKETING MERCHANDISE Printed 3,198.91 601380 , 1/18/20241376 STENO SOLUTIONS TRANSCRIPTION SERVICES INC 43706 TRANSCRIPTION SVCS: TEM SHERIlM EFT 49.14 601381 1/18/2024 1231 STRONG GARY 12/14/23 PAINTING SVCS: STREET CLOSURE GATES: PW EFT 1,800.00 601382 , 1/18/2024 1712 STUART JENNIFER 3400-3450.2013RD TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT -'-I_2,240.00 601250 1/4/20241495 STURDIVANT ANGELA P 3200.101-3205.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 487.20 15812 1/9/2024 3533 SUGAR N SPICE 400� 4921 DAISEN SISTER CITY VISIT Wire r� 13.47 301354 1/18/2024 1445 SUN CITY GRANITE INC 27770 PLAQUE: MRC: PW Printed 724.39 301355 1/18/2024 3528 SUNSHINE HEALTH 01/05/24 REFUND: APPEAL FEE DEPOSIT Printed 2,719.00 301237 1/4/2024 2521 T AND G GLOBAL LLC INV-2814 PMT 2 TREE INSTALL/REMOVAL & HOLIDAY DECOR: TCSD Printed 25,112.50 301238 1/4/2024 2261_T MOBILE USA INC 9553461081 TIMING ADVANCE: TEM SHERIFF Printed 25.00 301238 1/4/2024 2261 T MOBILE USA INC 9554167844 TIMING ADVANCE: TEM SHERIFF Printed 75.00 301292 1/11/2024 2261_T MOBILE USA INC 9555495115 GPS LOCATE: TEM SHERIFF Printed 100.00 301292 1/11/2024 2261 T MOBILE USA INC 9556031033 TIMING ADVANCE: TEM SHERIFF Printed 25.00 301356 1/18/2024 2261 T MOBILE USA INC 9556234871 GPS LOCATE: TEM SHERIFF W IIM Printed 50.00 301239 1/4/2024 1212 T Y LIN INTERNATIONAL 102312147 1-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROV Printed 58,794.O6 15816 1/9/2024 3536 TARGET ININIP� 9652 SUPPLIES: DAISEN SISTER CITY VISIT Wire 69.80 15959 1/9/2024 3559 TEAM PLUS BULLET LINER 1828 BUMPER SPRAY: EVENT CART 12 Wire 163.13 15964 1/9/2024 3559 TEAM PLUS BULLET LINER 8091 BUMPER SPRAY: EVENT CART 12 Wire 108.75 601420 1/25/2024 1113 TEAMSTERS LOCAL 911 5015.00 UNION MEMBERSHIP DUES PAYMENT EFT 5,015.00 601296 1/11/2024 3355 TECH DATA CORPORATION SI636613 AUTOCAD RENEWAL:PUBLIC WORKS ' EFT 7,182.26 15811 1/9/2024 3532 TEMECULA FUELS CORP 8354 DAISEN SISTER CITY VISIT Wire 13.01 15813 1/9/2024 3532 TEMECULA FUELS CORP 1956 DAISEN SISTER CITY VISIT Wire 73.49 15829 1/9/2024 3532 TEMECULA FUELS CORP 3215 REFRESHMENTS: DAISEN SISTER CITY VISIT Wire 61.49 15810 1/9/2024 2292 TEMECULA LAVENDER COMPANY 1497 DAISEN SISTER CITY VISIT Wire 90.72 15807 1/9/2024 1557 TEMECULA OLIVE OIL COMPANY 9619 REFRESHMENTS: DAISEN SISTER CITY Wire 43.96 601383 1/18/2024 1257 TEMECULA SUNRISE ROTARY FOUNDATION O1/02/24 BUS BENCH PLACEMENT & MAINT: PW = EFT 2,030.62 301240 1/4/2024 1031 TEMECULA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL 12/14/23 TRANSPORTATION STIPEND Printed 200.00 601291 1/11/20241265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54682 SAFE: MPSC: TCSD EFT 977.66 601376 1/18/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54669 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT 46.22 601411 , 1/25/20241265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54686 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT 241.43 301294 1/11/2024 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 30017501 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 169.53 301294 , 1/11/2024 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 29991101 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 1,137.80 301294 1/11/2024 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 30050501 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PW FACILITIES Printed 46.01 301357 , 1/18/2024 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 30124301 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 220.02 15828 1/9/2024 1199 TEMECULA, CITY OF 2149 SUPPLIES: DAISEN SISTER CITY VISIT Wire 104.18 15865 1/9/2024 1199 TEMECULA, CITY OF 1447 BUSINESS LICENSE: EXPLORERS: PD Wire 4.00 15897 1/9/2024 3555 THE GARDENERS COTTAG 7278 MISC ITEMS: BOARD & COMMISSION APPRECIATION Wire 263.54 15825 1/9/2024 3539 THE GETTY PARKING 1609 PARKING: DAISEN SISTER CITY VISIT � Wire 15.00 301295 1/11/2024 2668 THE MEADOWS INC 12/13/23 VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION DINNER: TEM SHERIFF Printed 4,428.00 15799 1/9/2024 3530 THE RUSH COFFEE TEMECULA 8235 REFRESHMENTS: CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING EVENI Wire 948.75 601297 1/11/2024 3351 THEATER FOUNDATION THE FY 23/24 CSF 2ND PMT COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING REINVESTMENT EFT 16,250.00 301296 1/11/20241434 THESSALONIKA FAMILY SERVICES FY 23/24 CSF � COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING REINVESTMENT Printed 45,000.00 301241 1/4/2024 1203 THOMPSON MIDDLE SCHOOL 12/14/23 TRANSPORTATION STIPEND Printed 200.00 601298 1/11/2024 1936 TIERCE NICHOLAS DATHAN NTOTTCCT-2024-01 ' GRAPHIC DESIGN: THEATER: TCSD ' EFT 4,980.00 16084 1/29/20241568 TIME WARNER CABLE VAR IAN SPECTRUM VARIOUS IAN INTERNET SVCS Wire 10,130.31 601299 , 1/11/2024 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC 47680 GENERAL: EVENT RENTALS: TEAM PACE EFT 2,646.39 601421 1/25/2024 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC 47179 CANOPIES & EQUIP RENTAL: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD EFT 959.35 601384 , 1/18/2024 1152 TOP LINE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY LLC - 464622 ' MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 92.89 601252 1/4/2024 2089 TORI DANIELS 23639 DJ/MC/SOUND SERVICES: SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 7,745.00 ■ 601300 , 1/11/2024 2089 TORI DANIELS - 23667 DJ/MC/SOUND SERVICES: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD EFT 22,000.00 301358 1/18/2024 1362 TORRES BENJAMIN 10/20/23 VAN UPHOLSTERY REPAIR: PW FACILITIES Printed 595.12 301297 , 1/11/2024 2006 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT INC - 1064750 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND CONTROL PLAN: TCSD Printed 1,000.00 301297 1/11/2024 2006 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT INC 1067425 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND CONTROL PLAN: TCSD Printed 30,906.75 301297 1/11/2024 2006 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT INC - 1066304 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND CONTROL PLAN: TCSD Printed 12,400.00 301297 1/11/2024 2006 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT INC 1050432 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND CONTROL PLAN: TCSD Printed 8,400.00 ■ 601253 1/4/2024 1555 TV CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU OCT'23 OCT'23 BUS. IMPRV DISTRICT ASMNTS � EFT 235,354.10 601422 1/25/2024 1555 TV CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU NOV'23 NOV'23 BUS. IMPRV DISTRICT ASMNTS EFT 204,099.94 601254 1/4/2024 1876 TWM ROOFING INC 12/14/23 ROOF PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE: FACILITIES PW EFT 13,840.00 601301 1/11/2024 1876 TWM ROOFING INC 12/14/23 FIRE ROOF MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATIONS EFT 12,850.00 601255 1/4/20242340 TWOS COMPANY INC 2405501 MISC SUPPLIES: GIFT SHOP: TCSD EFT 287.64 601302 1/11/20242340 TWOS COMPANY INC 2409403 MISC SUPPLIES GIFT SHOP: TCSD EFT 282.00 601303 1/11/2024 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC i 045-449898 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE EFT 1,400.00 15966 1/9/2024 1350 U S BANK CREDIT: 5833 CREDIT: MISC CHARGES: FIRE Wire (4.37) 301298 1/11/2024 1350 U S BANK 7164758 TRUSTEE ADMIN FEES:'17 BONDS i Printed 3,880.00 15831 1/9/2024 2561 UBER 913212/09 TRANSPORTATION: HOMELESS CLIENT Wire 81.93 601256 1/4/2024 1652 ULINE INC 17167155� STORAGE CABINET: TCSD � EFT 1,107.14 301359 1/18/2024 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1750B JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT Printed 881.21 301359 1/18/2024 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1689A JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT Printed 26,483.53 301359 1/18/2024 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1695 CLEANING SVCS: SENIOR CENTER: PW Printed 3,735.00 301359 1/18/2024 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1689C JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT: PARKS Printed 719.83 15892 1/9/2024 3552 UNDER THE WILLOW 1664 MISC ITEMS: BOARD & COMMISSION APPRECIATION Wire 17.62 15898 1/9/2024 3552 UNDER THE WILLOW 3122 MISC ITEMS: BOARD & COMMISSION APPRECIATION Wire 657.72 601386 1/18/2024 1432 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 1220230743 DEC DIG SAFE BIRD BILLABLE TIX: PW EFT 230.50 601386 1/18/2024 1432 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 23-242371 DEC DIG SAFE BILLABLE TIX: PW = EFT 87.04 301299 1/11/2024 1131 UNITED RENTALS NORTH AMERICA INC 226666421-001 FORKLIFT RENTAL, PARKING GARAGE: PW Printed 14.31 301360 1/18/2024 1131 UNITED RENTALS NORTH AMERICA INC 228621157-001 LIGHTTOWERS FOR PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 31,657.13 15805 1/9/2024 3531 US PATENT TRADEMARK 9568 TRADEMARK LICENSE: CHILDREN'S MUSEUM Wire 225.00 301242 1/4/2024 3495 VALENCIA MARIA 12/18/23 REFUND: DUPLICATE PAYMENT Printed 39.00 601387 1/18/2024 2941 VAN OTTERLOO INC 178484 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 215.85 15955 1/9/2024 2128 VERIATO INC 0791 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL: ITSS Wire r� 150.00 16090 1/8/2024 1845 VERIZON WIRELESS 9951860898 11/16-12/15 CELLULAR/BROADBAND: CITYWIDE Wire 11,974.81 301243 1/4/2024 1845 VERIZON WIRELESS 9951411502 11/11-12/10 TASK FORCE TABLETS: POCK- Printed Ji 416.55 601423 1/25/2024 1498 VISION ONE INC INV-75064 TICKETING SERVICES: THEATER: TCSD EFT 3,781.60 301244 1/4/2024 3493 VISTA VERDE MIDDLE SCHOOL COUGAR MARCHING BAND 12/14/23 _MAMM.._ TRANSPORTATION STIPEND Printed '_ 200.00 601257 1/4/2024 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 2800.204-2810.204 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 2,333.80 601257 1/4/2024 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1186 TEEN ZONE MOVIE NIGHT DJ: TCSD EFT " 525.00 601304 1/11/2024 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1184 HIGH HOPES DJ SVCS: TCSD EFT 525.00 601304 1/11/2024 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1183 , HIGH HOPES DJ SVCS: TCSD EFT 525.00 601304 1/11/2024 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1178 HIGH HOPES DJ SVCS: TCSD EFT 525.00 15884 1/9/2024 2213 WALL STREET JOURNAL 6995 ONLINE MBRSHP SUBSCRIPTION: COMM DEV Wire 4.00 15886 1/9/2024 2213 WALL STREET JOURNAL 513.74 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION: COM DEV Wire 513.74 15887 _ 1/9/2024 2213 WALL STREET JOURNAL 8776 ONLINE MBRSHP SUBSCRIPTION: COMM DEV Wire (2.00) 15834 1/9/2024 1439 WALMART 7621 SUPPLIES: STAFF Wire 75.76 301301 , 1/11/2024 1439 WALMART 12/06/23B MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed 217.28 301301 1/11/2024 1439 WALMART O1/03/24 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed 97.77 301361 , 1/18/2024 1439 WALMART O1/05/24 MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD Printed 93.24 301361 1/18/2024 1439 WALMART O1/12/24 HOSPITALITY SUPPLIES: THEATER: TCSD Printed 237.47 601424 1/25/20241119 WATER SAFETY PRODUCTS INC F3304531 CPR SUPPLIES: AQUATICS: TCSD � EFT 1,148.41 301245 1/4/2024 1102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 82157736 JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITY MAINT: PW Printed 3,174.85 301245 1/4/2024 1102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 82157344 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: PARKS: PW � Printed 1,545.66 301362 1/18/2024 1102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 82184534 JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITY MAINT: PW Printed 190.53 301302 1/11/2024 2230 WEBB MUNICIPAL FINANCE LLC ARIV0000086 QTR 1 FY 23/24 CFD ADMIN SVCS � Printed 13,415.86 601388 1/18/2024 3318 WEILAND DESIGN GROUP INC 23-050#3 LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN/DESIGN: PARKS: PW EFT 90.30 301303 , 1/11/2024 1033 WEST PUBLISHING CORPORATION , 849517490 SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION: PD Printed 1,179.86 601425 1/25/20241782 WESTERN AV 19994 AV EQUIP:OLD TOWN& VARIOUS FACILITIES-CIP IT20-01 EFT 1,572.53 601426 , 1/25/20241782 WESTERN AV -19960 PURCHASE AND INSTALLTV IN CLASSROOM AT MRC -CIP EFT 6,045.84 301304 1/11/2024 2322 WEX BANK 94369921 12/07-01/06 FUEL USAGE: POLICE Printed 2,378.42 301363 1/18/2024 2175 WHITE CAP LP 50024970481 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 510.02 601247 1/4/2024 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 12/14/23 TICKET SERVICES AGREEMENT: JAZZ@THE MERC 12/14/23 EFT 360.50 601247 1/4/2024 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 12/21/23 TICKETSERVICES AGREEMENT:JAZZ@THE MERC 12/21/23 EFT 740.00 601293 1/11/2024 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 12/28/23 TICKET SERVICES AGREEMENT: JAZZ@THE MERC 12/28/23 EFT 695.00 601414 1/25/20241509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 01/04/24 TICKETSERVICES AGREEMENT:JAZZ@THE MERC I/4/24 EFT 665.00 301305 1/11/2024 2069 WONDER SCIENCE 1850.101-1850.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 1,568.00 301364 1/18/2024 2069 WONDER SCIENCE 1850.103-1850.104 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 4,060.00 301246 1/4/2024 1178 WSP USA INC 1379966 CLIMATE ACTION PLAN LR23-0083 Printed 4,163.89 601579 2/15/2024 3325 1-800-BOLLARDS INC - AR001668 BOLLARDS: CITY HALL PERIMETER: PW EFT 24,762.38 301377 2/l/2024 1288 2 HOT UNIFORMS INC 7099 UNIFORMS: EM Printed 209.34 301604 2/29/2024 1288 2 HOT UNIFORMS INC 7316 UNIFORMS: TCC: FIRE Printed 374.64 601580 2/15/2024 2238 79 FIELD HOCKEY INC 3110.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 945.00 601481 2/8/2024 3518 ACROVISTA LLC 2526 MULTICAST SOFTWARE: LIBRARY: IT EFT 148.50 301378 2/l/2024 1772 ADAME LANDSCAPE INC 525230 PARKING GARAGE SWEEPING/CLEANING: PW Printed 540.00 301549 2/22/2024 1772 ADAME LANDSCAPE IN� -nor 525245 PARKING GARAGE SWEEPING/CLEANING: PW Printed 540.00 301605 2/29/2024 1842 AFFORDABLE INC 45242 WINDOW SHADE: CIVICCENTER: PW Printed 650.00 601581 2/15/2024 1943 AIR EXCHANGE INC 91611367 PLYMOVENT SVCS: FIRE STATIONS EFT 944.53 601676 2/29/2024 1943 AIR EXCHANGE INC 91611472 PLYMOVENT SVCS: FIRE STATIONS EFT 679.84 301439 2/8/2024 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1172373 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed , 462.79 301439 2/8/2024 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1172225 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 327.79 301507 2/15/2024 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1172616 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed , 476.78 301507 2/15/2024 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1173117 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 436.79 301606 2/29/2024 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1173905 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed L 649.80 301606 2/29/2024 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1173386 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 685.80 601482 2/8/2024 1512 ALLEGRO MUSICAL VENTURES INC 27304 PIANO SVCS:THEATER:TCSD EFT 280.00 601677 2/29/20241512 ALLEGRO MUSICAL VENTURES INC 27306 PIANO SVCS: THEATER: TCSD EFT 560.00 301607 2/29/2024 2056 ALLEN ALLYSON CK REQ 02/21/24 HISTORY IN QUILTS PRESENTATION: TVM Printed 500.00 601427 2/l/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1CJM-9GPY-LMN6 SUPPLIES: AQUATICS EFT 687.20 601427 2/l/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1TJF-3WCL-9YC4 MISC SUPPLIES: TVM EFT 137.46 601427 2/l/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1FHF-H4V7-7GQL MISCSUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD EFT 851.97 601427 2/l/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC - 1NG7-lJ6L-QKDP MISC SUPPLIES: SPORTS: TCSD EFT (370.59) 601427 2/l/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1W6L-Q3R4-3GQD SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: FIRE EFT 17.38 601427 2/l/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC - 1RD1-QRC4-46MG MISC OFC SUPPLIES: CITY MGR EFT 108.40 601427 2/l/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC lY6H-JPX6-F4LX MISCSUPPLIES: SPORTS: TCSD EFT (326.20) 601427 2/l/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC -1V47-RQ4D-FWND MISC SUPPLIES: SPORTS: TCSD EFT (326.20) 601427 2/l/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 191M-YK33-QHG4 OPEN PO -SPORTS EFT (370.59) 601427 2/l/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1KT1-YHK3-FLCQ MISC SUPPLIES: SPORTS: TCSD EFT (326.20) 601483 2/8/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1PDH-HQ1M-99YN MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD EFT 238.55 601483 2/8/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 161X-3WMG-YNG4 MISC SUPPLIES: SPORTS: TCSD EFT 2,201.08 601483 2/8/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 193D-DMQ6-3LPP MISCOFCSUPPLIES: CITYCLERK EFT 86.43 601483 2/8/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1YYM-WHMJ-DMN7 MISC SUPPLIES: FINANCE EFT 115.11 601483 2/8/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1H3Y-W17D-1GCC MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD EFT 453.55 601483 2/8/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1KYX-lNNQ-6CYL MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD EFT 98.37 601483 2/8/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1LHL-T3GR-1MWL SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT: FOC EFT 269.60 601483 2/8/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1DLC-DTY3-1NTQ OFFICE SUPPLIES: EM = EFT 609.51 601483 2/8/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 16M4-NQLX-4YHM MISCSUPPLIES: SPORTS: TCSD EFT (370.59) 601483 2/8/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1G19-GMYM-JTDF MISC SUPPLIES: SPORTS: TCSD EFT 1,641.23 601484 2/8/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1MWY-6Q4R-FRN4 MISC SUPPLIES COM DEV EFT 52.78 601484 2/8/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1WMY-FYT7-CVYC MISC SUPPLIES: INFO TECH EFT 41.08 601484 2/8/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1CRJ-Rll9-NCFT MISCSUPPLIES: TVM EFT 43.49 601484 2/8/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1XMG-3C3H-YQRJ MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD EFT 61.98 601484 2/8/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC lTNW-QW73-FHXG MISCOFC SUPPLIES: COMDEV EFT 70.66 601484 2/8/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1X4H-FTP9-PYVH MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: CIP: PW EFT 82.21 601484 2/8/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1CW1-YCCM-V7YV MISC SUPPLIES: TVM EFT 76.34 601484 2/8/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1GHC-RHPW-L44Y SUPPLIES: HR EFT 65.18 601484 2/8/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 17G4-CFWX-7JJR MISC OFC SUPPLIES: COM DEV EFT 69.48 601484 2/8/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1VWN-WRJQ-R6W6 MISC SUPPLIES: POLICE EFT 40.93 601485 2/8/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1RHM-L6PK-H4XX MISCSUPPLIES: OPERATIONS:TCSD EFT 17.39 601485 2/8/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 19DT-CK73-4WLW MISC SUPPLIES: FINANCE EFT 25.98 601485 2/8/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1LK3-4QV7-9VRV MISCOFC SUPPLIES: COMSP EFT 9.75 601485 2/8/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 14HN-NYTY-13GV MISC SUPPLIES: WORKFORCE DEV EFT 17.10 601582 2/15/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1R17-WMFY-MVRK MISCSUPPLIES/EQUIP: PW EFT 160.94 601582 2/15/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1XQN-W43P-L4MY MISC SUPPLIES: CALRECYCLE SB1383 GRANT: PW EFT 462.97 601582 2/15/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 174M-7K7Y-L39G MISCSUPPLIES: COMDEV EFT 60.63 601582 2/15/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1KX6-KKDY-J9TP MISC SUPPLIES, TOOLS, EQUIP: HR = EFT 500.10 601582 2/15/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1NQM-XL13-T3CQ SUPPLIES: MPSC AND MRC SUPPLIES EFT 900.20 601582 2/15/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1XQK-PCVJ-LHF6 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CRC EFT 87.04 601582 2/15/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1113-6RVN-YN4Y MISC SUPPLIES: CALRECYCLE SB1383 GRANT: PW EFT 92.43 601582 2/15/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1VTQ-43RJ-FWVG MISC SUPPLIES: CALRECYCLE SB1383 GRANT: PV EFT (85.46) 601582 2/15/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1NY4-6M7C-T733 OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE EFT (44.58) 601582 2/15/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1QP4-7DHL-M1D3 OFFICE SUPPLIES: EM r EFT 78.27 601583 2/15/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1W93-RFF4-9MFG MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD EFT 34.24 601583 2/15/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1V97-GKY7-F6RW MISCSUPPLIES/EQUIP: PW i EFT 43.49 601583 2/15/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC lYFY-3G4Y-XQ37 MISC SUPPLIES PW CIP PW19-02 EFT 30.44 601583 2/15/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1VRH-P3M7-VNRL MISCSUPPLIES/EQUIP: PW r EFT 25.99 601583 2/15/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 116Q-9L7G-QNVM MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD EFT 33.04 601637 2/22/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1NH1-TJ3K-3DC1 MISC SUPPLIES: WORKFORCE DEV EFT 222.93 601637 2/22/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1WNV-NN1J-97GD MISCSUPPLIES/EQUIP: PD EFT (40.93) 601637 2/22/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1KHC-HNWF-H4DF MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD EFT 531.01 601637 2/22/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1R44-HJ7C-DJNT MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD EFT 162.15 601637 2/22/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1R9J-WNYP-1RXQ MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD EFT 114.05 601637 2/22/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1J4R-PIYD-NRNP MISCSUPPLIES: TVM EFT 55.77 601637 2/22/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC -19XV-6TQM-QPTC MISC SUPPLIES: MPSC &MRC: TCSD EFT 516.45 601637 2/22/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 117T-XY3D-P6Y9 MISCSUPPLIES: TCC EFT 288.44 601637 2/22/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC - 114P-Y6QC-NJ99 MISC SUPPUES:ECO DEV EFT 642.71 601637 2/22/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1XT7-WWJD-VXF6 SUPPLIES: MPSC & MRC EFT (46.22) 601638 2/22/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC _ 1QMX-7QHN-17TW SUPPLIES, TOOLS, EQUIP: HR EFT 16.48 601638 2/22/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1DF9-L936-3GMN SUPPLIES/EQUIP: PD EFT 39.86 601638 2/22/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1DQD-KHIQ-FMDY MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD EFT (1.73) 601638 2/22/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1KTW-K4QP-3RYY SUPPLIES/EQUIP: POLICE EFT 18.02 601678 2/29/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 13GY-J7KX-DJXD MISC OFC SUPPLIES: TCSD EFT 13.49 601678 2/29/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1GQF-J7IR-WLFl SUPPLIES, TOOLS, EQUIP : HR EFT 20.65 601678 2/29/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC _ 1YRL-KHD7-44LG MISC OFC SUPPLIES: ECO DEV EFT 61.44 601678 2/29/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1MD4-P9RR-TP6F MISCSUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD EFT 413.85 601678 2/29/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC _ 1W4X-4J6W-3ND1 OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE EFT 97.38 601678 2/29/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1X1H-KCVV-R9X9 MISC SUPPLIES: CALRECYCLE SB1383 GRANT: PW EFT (50.01) 601678 2/29/2024 1418 JjAMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC -1XHD-41V4-PR6N MISC SUPPLIES: TCC: TCSD EFT (119.61) 601678 2/29/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1QXN-VMP6-7LQP MISC OFC SUPPLIES: ECO DEV EFT 26.08 601486 2/8/2024 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 78486 MAR STAND BY FEE: POLICE EFT 1,485.90 601486 2/8/2024 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 78445 DRUG ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: PD EFT 359.75 601584 2/15/2024 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 78505 DRUG ALCOHOL ANALYSIS EFT 324.30 301608 2/29/2024 3616 AMERICAN GRANT WRITERS ASSOCIATION INC REGIST: GRANT WRITER REGISTRATION: STREETS: PW Printed 499.00 _ 601487 2/8/2024 2485 AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION INC � SCPR156456 � CPR PROGRAM SUPPLIES: MEDIC EFT 955.60 601488 2/8/2024 1080 AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS AND ITS CONSTITUENT 22656646 STAFF/LIFEGUARDS CERTS: AQUATICS EFT 296.40 601679 2/29/2024 1080 AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS AND ITS CONSTITUENT r 22637081 JW STAFF CERTIFICATIONS: AQUATICS: TCSD EFT 524.40 601679 2/29/2024 1080 AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS AND ITS CONSTITUENT 22655723 STAFF CERTIFICATIONS: AQUATICS: TCSD EFT 1,095.40 601679 2/29/2024 1080 AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS AND ITS CONSTITUENT 22660805 STAFF CERTIFICATIONS: AQUATICS: TCSD EFT 46.00 601679 2/29/2024 1080 AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS AND ITS CONSTITUENT 22664136 STAFF CERTIFICATIONS: AQUATICS: TCSD EFT 414.00 301508 2/15/2024 2195 AMERICAN PATRIOT MUSIC PROJECT CSF GRANT PRGM CSF GRANT PROGRAM Printed 5,000.00 301440 2/8/2024 3217 ANTHOLOGY INSTITUTE PERF: 02/08/24B PERFORMING ARTS AGREEMENT Printed 6,000.00 16008 2/7/2024 1766 APPLE.COM 9783 ADD'L PHONE STORAGE: SOCIAL MEDIA: ECON Wire 9.99 16054 2/9/2024 1766 APPLE.COM 6211 ADDT PHONE STORAGE: FIRE DEPT Wire 0.99 16005 2/7/2024 3488 APWA PWX 0527 PARKING: APWA CONFERENCE: PW Wire 30.00 16005 2/7/2024 3488 APWA PWX 2440 REGISTRATION: APWA CONFERENCE Wire 321.25 601428 2/1/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20075786 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: MPSC EFT 35.89 601489 2/8/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20075784 DRINKING WATER SRVCS:IT EFT 28.55 601585 2/15/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076128 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: TCC EFT 28.55 601639 2/22/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076178 FEB DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: AULD RD: PD EFT 62.53 601639 2/22/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076194 DRINKING WATER SRVCS:IT EFT 28.55 601639 2/22/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076197 FEB DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: MALL PD EFT 62.53 601680 2/29/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076186 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: CIVIC CTR EFT 213.97 601680 2/29/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076188 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: JRC EFT 28.55 601680 2/29/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO - 20076195 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: TVM EFT 28.55 601680 2/29/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076187 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE: PARKS EFT 69.60 601680 2/29/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO - 20076198 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: FOC - EFT 28.55 601680 2/29/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076192 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: LIBRARY EFT 28.55 601680 2/29/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 7 20076196 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: MPSC � EFT 35.89 601680 2/29/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076193 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: THEATER EFT 28.55 601490 2/8/20241293 AQUA SOURCE INC 404197 POOL SUPPLIES AQUATICS: TCSD EFT 2,740.50 301441 2/8/2024 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 3413896 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES Printed 89.78 301441 2/8/2024 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 106024944 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES Printed 572.51 301441 2/8/2024 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 8269309 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES Printed 111.00 301609 2/29/2024 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES IN 106027638 BEVERAGE SERVICES: FACILITIES Printed 231.77 301609 2/29/2024 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 106027637 BEVERAGE SERVICES: FACILITIES Printed 962.25 601429 2/1/20242917 ARIONA GLORIA STTLMNT: 01/19/24 TICKET SERVICES AGREEMENT-BRAZILIAN & JAZZ EFT 1,124.95 601681 2/29/2024 2917 ARJONA GLORIA STTLMNT: 02/16/24 STTLMNT: BRAZILIAN & LATIN JAZZ 02/16 EFT 626.15 301380 2/1/20242502 ARTHUR J GALLAGHER &CO 49807809�1!" ANNUAL SERVICES AGREEMENT � Printed 7,606.00 301550 2/22/2024 2442 ASCENT ENVIRONMENTAL INC 20220121.01-6 CEQA ADV SVCS FY 23-24: COMM DEV Printed 390.00 601640 2/22/2024 1107 ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF TEMECULA VALLEY _ CSF 02/05/24 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING GRANT PRGM' EFT 5,000.00 601491 2/8/2024 3168 ASTER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC 6 MARY PHILLIPS SENIOR CENTER OUTDOOR REC AREA EFT 32,856.70 301381 2/1/2024 2242 AT&T ' 491658 * LOCATION/ACTIVATION FEES: POLICE Printed 175.00 301551 2/22/2024 2242 AT&T 494465 LOCATION/ACTIVATION FEES: POLICE Printed 175.00 301610 2/29/2024 2242 AT&T 495564 LOCATION/ACTIVATION FEES: POLICE Printed 195.00 601430 2/1/2024 1170 AUTOPARTSPROS LLC 093719 AUTO PARTS FOR PW STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 395.48 601430 2/1/2024 1170 AUTOPARTSPROS LLC 096030 AUTO PARTS FOR PW STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 41.29 601430 2/1/2024 1170 AUTOPARTSPROS LLC 094488 AUTO PARTS FOR PW STREET MAINTENANCE EFT (58.73) 601430 2/1/2024 1170 AUTOPARTSPROS LLC 096012 AUTO PARTS FOR PW STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 13.04 601431 2/1/2024 1369 AYERS DISTRIBUTING COMPANY 1940 PLASTIC EGGS FOR EASTER: TCSD EFT 3,069.00 601492 2/8/2024 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN 2950 LIGHTING R&R: LIBRARY STORY ROOM: PW EFT 1,600.00 601492 2/8/2024 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN 2935 ELECTRICAL SVCS: TOWN SQUARE LIGHTING SYSTEM: PW EFT 700.00 601492 2/8/2024 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN 2947 ELECTRICAL SVCS: TOWN SQUARE LIGHTING SYSTEM: EFT 350.00 601492 2/8/2024 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN 2936 ELECTRICAL SVCS: HARVESTON LAKE PUMP: PW EFT 300.00 601586 2/15/2024 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN 2934 , ELECTRICAL SVCS: CITY FACILITIES: PW EFT 5,500.00 601493 2/8/2024 1405 B&H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP 220519549 MISC AV EQUIPMENT:PEG EFT 1,470.58 601641 2/22/2024 1405 B&H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP 221098031]kIIIIIIIIIIIIII� SOUND SYSTEM: TCSD = EFT 837.90 601494 2/8/2024 1717 BARRETT ENGINEERED PUMPS 131785 MISC PARTS: CITY FACILITIES: PW EFT 4,999.85 301382 2/1/2024 2953 BIDS TACTICAL GEAR 20447 , UNIFORMS: TEM SHERIFF i Printed 565.69 16051 2/9/2024 2194 BEENVERIFIED.COM 7512 DIGITAL SBSCPTN: CODE ENFORCEMENT Wire 52.45 301444 2/8/2024 2935 BETTS KENNETH 1900.101-1910.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 2,469.60 601495 2/8/2024 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4005-4010 2ND HALF TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 3,225.60 601682 2/29/2024 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4005-4040.1011ST TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 6,670.30 601682 2/29/2024 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4075.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 163.80 301445 2/8/2024 1095 BIG EAR AUDIO LLC - INV-05144 PLATFORM FOR OLD TOWN CHRISTMAS TREE Printed 3,000.00 301383 2/1/20241264 BID TOX LABORATORIES 45464 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed 530.00 301383 2/1/2024 1264 BID TOX LABORATORIES 45398 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed 752.80 301383 2/1/20241264 BID TOX LABORATORIES 45399 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed 3,704.45 301611 2/29/2024 1264 BIO TOX LABORATORIES - 45528 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed 279.43 301611 2/29/2024 1264 BID TOX LABORATORIES 45529 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed 2,484.60 301611 2/29/2024 1264 BID TOX LABORATORIES - 45589 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed 560.00 601496 2/8/2024 2037 BLUEBEAM INC 1802993 SOFTWARE RENEWAL: BLDG & SAFETY EFT 6,591.00 601432 2/1/20241101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 04A6702622575 WATER DELIVERY SERVICES ATTHE TVE2 EFT 146.79 601432 2/1/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 14A0028910578 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT 224.14 601432 2/1/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 04A0036263176 HELP CENTER WATER SERVICE EFT 136.16 601497 2/8/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 04A0035623057 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT 21.74 601497 2/8/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 04A6705212167 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT 11.95 601497 2/8/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 14A0028662112 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT 85.94 601683 2/29/2024 2047 BOB CALLAHANS POOL SERVICE 0185 POOL AND FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE EFT 1,400.00 601683 2/29/2024 2047 BOB CALLAHANS POOL SERVICE 0186 POOL AND FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE EFT 1,200.00 301384 2/1/2024 1631 BONCOR WATER SYSTEMS LLC 789589 01/03/24 WATER FILTER REPLACEMENT: STATION 73 Printed 330.00 601642 2/22/20241579 BOZONELOS BOB MUSIC PERF: 02/05/24 PERFORMING ARTS AGREEMENT EFT 300.00 601433 2/1/2024 2415 BRAUN PETER _ 4118 PLANT MAINTENANCE: PW FACILITIES EFT 200.00 601684 2/29/2024 2622 BROWN JAMAL DEON 2300.102-2310.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 2,730.00 601685 2/29/2024 2836 BRYANT ROBERT _ 1401.101-1405.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 4,669.56 301442 2/8/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038026269 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 28.56 301442 2/8/20241669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY _2038018306 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 275.14 301442 2/8/20241669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038026271 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 749.10 301442 2/8/2024166� BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY �I2038026270 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL T� Printed EL 231A 301442 2/8/20241669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038039033 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 367.08 301442 2/8/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038039032 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD- Printed 41.91 301442 2/8/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038060594 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 149.73 301442 2/8/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038036851 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD_ Printed 102.11 301442 2/8/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038018305 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 172.01 301442 2/8/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038036853 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD_ Printed 59.93 301443 2/8/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038060595 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 10.27 301443 2/8/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038039031 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD, Printed 21.22 301443 2/8/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038036852 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 15.90 301552 2/22/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038085725 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD, Printed 46.11 301552 2/22/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038050539 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 346.96 301552 2/22/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038085723 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 257.21 301552 2/22/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038050538 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 94.94 301552 2/22/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038050537 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD r Printed 20.11 301552 2/22/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038085724 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 8.27 601588 2/15/2024 2399 BUCHER BRET PHILLIP 3500.101-3511.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS lt- EFT ! 3,618.16 301510 2/15/2024 3157 CAHALAN JASON 3869 DOOR REPAIR: COUNCIL CHAMBERS: PW Printed 1,880.78 301612 2/29/2024 3157 CAHALAN JASON 3852 DOOR REPAIR SVCS: TVE2: PW Printed 680.61 301511 2/15/2024 1190 CAL MAT 73902246 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 216.96 301511 2/15/2024 1190 CAL MAT 73907053 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 394.87 301511 2/15/2024 1190 CAL MAT 73900419 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 628.09 301511 2/15/2024 1190 CAL MAT - 73904242 _ ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed F 434.37 301553 2/22/2024 1190 CAL MAT 73911555 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 217.99 301553 2/22/2024 1190 CAL MAT - 73915920 _ ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 509.71 301554 2/22/2024 1190 CAL MAT 73913296 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 214.90 601498 2/8/2024 1085 CALIF BUILDING OFFICIALS CALBO - 17169 r MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: BLDG DEPT EFT 325.00 601589 2/15/2024 1085 CALIF BUILDING OFFICIALS CALBO 17234 REGISTRATION: WEBINAR: ADA EFT 80.00 601589 2/15/2024 1085 CALIF BUILDING OFFICIALS CALBO 17232 REGISTRATION: WEBINAR: ADA EFT 80.00 601589 2/15/2024 1085 CALIF BUILDING OFFICIALS CALBO 17233 REGISTRATION: WEBINAR: ADA EFT 80.00 601589 2/15/2024 1085 CALIF BUILDING OFFICIALS CALBO 17236 REGISTRATION: WEBINAR: ADA EFT 80.00 15990 2/1/20241573 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT BEN350019 SUPPORT PAYMENT Wire 521.99 16196 2/29/20241573 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT BEN350061 SUPPORT PAYMENT Wire 521.99 301385 2/1/2024 1612 CALIF DEPT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS E 2025526 SB 115265 ELEVATOR INSP: 28314 MERCEDES ST Printed 225.00 301386 2/1/2024 1262 CALIF DEPT OF STATE ARCHITECT QE DEC 2023 AB1379 REMITTANCE OF AB1379 - QE DEC 2023 Printed 1,362.80 16120 2/16/2024 2540 CALIF EMERGENCY SERVICES ASSOC 5826 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: EM Wire 75.00 301555 2/22/20242540 CALIF EMERGENCY SERVICES ASSOC 1182 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE Printed 724.00 301387 2/1/2024 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000580158B BID ADVERTISING: PW18-16: CIP Printed 2,976.02 301556 2/22/2024 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000581621A LEGAL NEWSPAPER PUBLICATIONS: CITY CLERK Printed 581.18 301613 2/29/2024 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000581621B ADVERTISING PUBLIC NOTICES: PW16-05 Printed 454.97 16024 2/9/2024 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R S 8895 AWARD SUBMITTAL: TCSD Wire 85.00 16025 2/9/2024 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R S 0880 AWARD SUBMITTAL: TCSD Wire 85.00 16026 2/9/2024 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R S 0252 AWARD SUBMITTAL: TCSD Wire 85.00 16033 2/9/2024 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R 5 0359 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: TCSD Wire 95.00 301557 2/22/2024 2219 CALLYO 2009 CORP R19082 4/1/24-3/31/25 SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION: INFO TECH Printed 3,888.00 301512 2/15/2024 1332 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 31918720 JAN COPIERS LEASE: LIBRARY Printed 671.56 301614 2/29/2024 1332 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC J11111111F 32086765 11 CANON COPIERS LEASE:TEM PUB LIBRARY Printed 671.56 601590 2/15/2024 2295 CANTRELLTINAJ 4200.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 175.00 16007 2/7/2024 2244 CANVA.COM 7714 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL: ECO DEV Wire 119.40 301388 2/1/20242063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0050493 NPDES COMMERCIALAND INDUSTRIAL Printed 5,012.50 301513 2/15/2024 2063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0050439 MISC ENGINEERING SVS: PW - CIP Printed 180.00 301615 2/29/20242063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0050578 NPDES COMMERCIALAND INDUSTRIAL Printed 5,487.50 601499 2/8/20241280 CDW LLC NX22795 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 78.30 601499 2/8/20241280 CDW LLC PD94195 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 92.00 601499 2/8/20241280 CDW LLC NZ97479 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 58.08 601499 2/8/20241280 CDW LLC PC93702 MISC SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP:IT EFT 922.53 601499 2/8/20241280 CDW LLC PB64429 REPLACEMENT TV'S:TEM PUBLIC LIBRARY: IT EFT 855.97 601499 2/8/20241280 CDW LLC PF21497 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 830.27 601499 2/8/20241280 CDW LLC PH91873 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 230.79 601499 2/8/20241280 CDW LLC NZ10956 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 47.39 601591 2/15/20241280 CDW LLC PJ66169 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: I NFO TECH EFT 157.38 601591 2/15/20241280 CDW LLC PL59812 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 191.40 601591 2/15/20241280 CDW LLC PK11822 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 830.80 301514 2/15/2024 1528 CERTIFION CORP 124EP31197 SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION: PD Printed 200.00 601500 2/8/2024 1100 CES HOLDINGS LLC 219550 POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS: PW = ` EFT ` 333.62 16048 2/9/2024 2043 CHARITY FOR CHARITY 9472 REGISTRATION: VALLEY GALA FUNDRAISER Wire 150.00 301446 2/8/2024 3334 CHARLES M SCHULZ MUSEUM AND RESEARCH CENTER EXHIBITION RENTAL EXHIBIT: MERRY CHRISTMAS CHARLIE BROWN Printed , 3,750.00 301558 2/22/2024 3138 CHING YUN HU 02/08/24 PERFORMANCE: THEATER: TCSD Printed 2,750.00 301447 2/8/2024 1942 CHRISTIAN STITCHERY INC COT 85 AWARDS: SPORTS DIVISION r ■ Printed ` 4,455.72 301515 2/15/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406662854 FI RST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 262.34 301515 2/15/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406662853 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed , 249.60 301515 2/15/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406662856 FI RST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 100.17 301515 2/15/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406662848 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 129.18 301515 2/15/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406662857 FI RST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 10.55 301515 2/15/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406662851 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 531.84 301515 2/15/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406662850 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 152.57 301515 2/15/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406662847 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 13.35 601592 2/15/2024 2205 CLARITAS HOLDINGS INC 2727362 DEMOGRAPHIC REPORT: ECO DEV EFT 1,350.00 301448 2/8/2024 1701 CLEAR IMAGE ENTERPRISES INC 18984 WINDOW CLEANING: CITY FACITILIES: PW Printed 348.00 301448 2/8/2024 1701 CLEAR IMAGE ENTERPRISES INC 18987 WINDOW CLEANING: TVE2: PW Printed 600.00 301448 2/8/2024 1701 CLEAR IMAGE ENTERPRISES INC 18989 WINDOW PAINT REMOVAL: TVM: TCSD Printed 200.00 601643 2/22/2024 2681 CLEARSTAR INC 1486293 EMPLOYMENT SCREENINGS-HR EFT 114.68 301516 2/15/2024 3147 CLEM TYLER J INVO216 CONSTRUCTION SVCS: CIVIC CENTER: PW- Printed 6,000.00 601501 2/8/2024 1239 COAST RECREATION INC 15546 MISC PLAYGROUND HARDWARE: VARIOUS PARKS EFT 756.42 601502 2/8/2024 3043 COMMERCIAL CLEANING BY ROGERS 10897 JANITORIAL SERVICES: OTSF AND MALL EFT 814.77 601593 2/15/2024 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4110969-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE EFT 66.53 601593 2/15/2024 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC - 4116211-0_ OFFICE SUPPLIES: COMM DEV EFT 78.04 601593 2/15/2024 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4120446-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES: INFO TECH EFT 36.37 601503 2/8/2024 1046111111111111111111111 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS INC - 120032 i ALARM INSTALL: MARGARITA REC CENTER, PW17-21 EFT 5,582.00 601687 2/29/2024 1666 CORELOGIC INC 82201882 JAN SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 416.50 601434 2/1/2024 313� fORTEZ GASTELUM MARIA VICTORIA - 231223 NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION: MPSC: TCSD EFT 125.00 601435 2/1/2024 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1630.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 140.00 601504 2/8/2024 1771 COSSOU CELINE - 1620.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 343.00 601594 2/15/2024 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1635.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 442.40 601688 2/29/2024 1771 COSSOU CELINE - 1600.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 462.00 601688 2/29/2024 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1600.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 378.00 301517 2/15/2024 1849 COSTAR REALTY INFORMATION INC - 120589255 COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION Printed _ 1,296.00 16012 2/7/20241098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 6022 REFRESHMENTS: TEAM PACE Wire 402.26 301449 2/8/20241098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3547 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: CIP PW Printed j 99.68 301559 2/22/20241098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3549 HOSPITALITY/OFFICE SUPPLIES:THEATER:TCSD Printed 333.51 301559 2/22/20241098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3550 MISC SUPPLIES- WORKFORCE PROGRAM Printed 342.15 301450 2/8/20241268 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3546 MISCSUPPLIES: MRC,MPSCANDSFSP Printed 440.90 301560 2/22/20241268 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3552 SUPPLIES: MRC,MPSC&SFSP ! Printed, 450.49 301561 2/22/20241268 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 000111833460256 FY24 AGENCY MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL Printed 180.00 301616 2/29/2024 1916 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES - 496949 - EQUIPMENT CALIBRATION: TEM SHERIFF Printed IL 126.99 601505 2/8/2024 2004 COX KRISTI 4100.102-4150.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,484.00 601595 2/15/2024 2004 COX KRISTI 4210.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 360.00 601436 2/1/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003805 POOL DECK SHOWER REPARIR: CRC: PW EFT 1,947.00 601506 2/8/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003730 PLUMBING SVCS: HARVESTON LAKE PARK: PW EFT 690.00 601506 2/8/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003729 GARBAGE DISPOSAL INSTALL: SENIOR CENTER: PW EFT 4,748.00 601506 2/8/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003816 CONSTRUCTION SVCS: PW CIP PW22-16 EFT 890.00 601596 2/15/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003813 PLUMBING SRVCS: COMMUNITY REC CENTER: PW EFT 881.00 601596 2/15/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC L30669 WATER HEATER INSTALL: RON ROBERT LIBRARY: PW EFT 8,946.00 301451 2/8/2024 2646 CRISP ENTERPRISES INC 457469 REPROGRAPHIC SVCS: PW CIP PW21-07 Printed 442.94 301518 2/15/2024 3607 CROWN CASTLE INC 1491095 FIBER SVCS: 44900 TEMECULA LANE Printed F 1,118.33 301617 2/29/2024 3607 CROWN CASTLE INC 1511376 FIBER SVCS: 44900 TEMECULA LANE Printed 566.77 301452 2/8/2024 2002 CRST SPECIALIZED TRANSPORTATION INC DU072400 SHIPPING CHARGES: EXHIBIT: TVM Printed , 727.97 301562 2/22/2024 1002 CSMFO MEMB RENEWAL: FIN MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: FINANCE Printed 135.00 301562 2/22/2024 1002 CSMFO MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: FINANCE Printed 135.00 301390 2/1/2024 1207 D F M ASSOCIATES '24 ELECTRIONS CODE 2024 CA ELECTIONS CODE BOOK: CITY CLERK Printed 76.13 301391 2/1/2024 3209 DATA PROCESSING DESIGN INC EGOLD-12054848 CLOUD FAXING SERVICE: INFO TECH Printed 75.99 301391 2/1/2024 3209 DATA PROCESSING DESIGN INC EGOLD-12057110 CLOUD FAXING SERVICE:ITSS Printed 75.99 301618 2/29/2024 3209 DATA PROCESSING DESIGN INC EGOLD-12059957 CLOUD FAXING SERVICE: ITSS Printed 75.99 601507 2/8/2024 1105 DATA TICKET INC 160628 CITATION PROCESSING: POLICE EFT 1,525.62 601508 2/8/2024 1105 DATA TICKET INC 149946 MAR'23 CITATION PROCESSING: TEM SHERIFF EFT 787.86 601508 2/8/2024 1105 DATA TICKET INC 160180 DEC'23 CITATION PROCESSING: TEM SHERIFF EFT 200.00 601508 2/8/2024 1105 DATA TICKET INC 159818 NOV'23 CITATION PROCESSING: TEM SHERIFF EFT 200.00 601508 2/8/2024 1105 DATA TICKET INC 157878 OCT'23 CITATION PROCESSING: TEM SHERIFF EFT 200.00 601508 2/8/2024 1105 DATA TICKET INC 155639 AUG'23 CITATION PROCESSING: TEM SHERIFF EFT 200.00 601508 2/8/2024 1105 DATA TICKET INC 152237 MAY'23 CITATION PROCESSING: TEM SHERIFF EFT 200.00 601508 2/8/2024 1105 DATA TICKET INC 153318 JUN'23 CITATION PROCESSING: TEM SHERIFF EFT 200.00 601508 2/8/2024 1105 DATA TICKET INC 148835 FEB'23 CITATION PROCESSING: TEM SHERIFF EFT 200.00 601508 2/8/2024 1105 DATA TICKET INC 151067 APR'23 CITATION PROCESSING: TEM SHERIFF EFT 200.00 601508 2/8/2024 1105 DATA TICKET INC 156789 SEP'23 CITATION PROCESSING: TEM SHERIFF EFT 200.00 601509 2/8/2024 1105 DATA TICKET INC 147938 JAN'23 CITATION PROCESSING: TEM SHERIFF EFT 102.83 301392 2/1/2024 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 549230 DIAZ ROAD EXPANSION Printed 11,104.64 301453 2/8/2024 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 553831 ENG SVCS: PICKLEBALL COURTS: RRSP Printed 966.00 301519 2/15/2024 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 553966 DIAZ ROAD EXPANSION Printed 10,341.75 301563 2/22/2024 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 549231 ENGINERING SERVICES: PW - CIP, PWOB-� Void 1,237.00 301619 2/29/2024 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 555438 ENGINEERING SVCS: PICKLEBALL COURTS RRSP: PW21-03 Printed 4,451.00 301620 2/29/2024 1177 DAVID TURCH AND ASSOCIATES DEC -23 DEC FEDERAL LOBBYING SVCS: CITY MGR- Printed 5,500.00 601644 2/22/2024 2528 DE LA SECURA INC REL NTC: CONCRETE PL REL NTC: CONCRETE PLACEMENT INC EFT 7,594.71 601644 2/22/2024 2528 DE LA SECURA INC 21007-0� MARGARITA REC CTR DSGN BUILD EFT 364,637.96 301454 2/8/2024 2192 DE NOVO PLANNING GROUP 4066 CEQA REVIEW: PARADISE CHEVROLET Printed 15,275.00 301520 2/15/2024 2192 DE NOVO PLANNING GROUP 4114 BEDFORD CT PLANNED DEVELOPMENT Printed 835.00 601510 2/8/20241578 DEMCO INC 7428579 MISC SUPPLIES: RHRTPL: TCSD EFT 132.43 301393 2/1/2024 1491 DEPT OF GENERAL SERVICES DGS 0000001552270 CASE FILINGS: MASSAGE Printed 1,778.50 601511 2/8/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00135782 MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM:IT EFT 1,560.00 601511 2/8/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00135796 MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM:IT - EFT 800.00 601511 2/8/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00146279 MAINT& REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM: INFO TECH EFT 828.88 601511 2/8/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00133861 MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM:IT _ EFT 1,965.00 601511 2/8/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2INC IN00138998 TRAFFIC CAMERAS CIP PW17-01 EFT 7,696.22 601511 2/8/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00139790 ■ MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM:IT ` EFT 1,050.00 601511 2/8/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00135501 MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM:IT EFT 9,898.00 601511 2/8/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00135505 MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM:IT EFT 2,798.00 601511 2/8/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00135500 MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM:IT EFT 4,968.00 601511 2/8/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00146303 MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM: IT EFT 1,856.69 601512 2/8/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00135799 MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM:IT EFT 620.00 601512 2/8/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00146287 MAINT& REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM: INFO TECH EFT 727.50 601512 2/8/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00135791 MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM:IT EFT 720.00 601645 2/22/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2INC IN00151371 VIEWING STATIONS: SW STATION: PD _ EFT 5,361.97 601437 2/1/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005111283 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: STEPHEN LINEN PARK EFT 160.88 601437 2/1/20241235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005166133 FENCE RENTAL: JRC: PW EFT 95.00 601437 2/1/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0004960430 PORTABLE RESTROOM RENTAL: CITYWIDE CLEAN-UP: PW EFT 135.20 601437 2/1/20241235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005146733 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: HARMONY LN � EFT 165.88 601437 2/1/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005080822 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: STEPHEN LINEN PARK EFT 160.88 601513 2/8/2024 2137 DIVERSIFIED WATERSCAPES INC 10006926 JAN WTR QUALITY MAINT: DUCK POND/HARV EFT 7,800.00 601514 2/8/2024 2040 DOKKEN ENGINEERING 45157 DSGN SVCS: SOUTHSIDE PARKING LOT RECON FIRGU RATION EFT 5,160.00 601689 2/29/2024 2040 DOKKEN ENGINEERING 45439 DSGN SVCS: SOUTHSIDE PARKING LOT RECON FIRGU RATION EFT 3,035.00 601438 2/1/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL25052 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC: PW EFT 293.83 601438 2/1/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL23593 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 1,563.16 601438 2/1/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL25032 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARKS: PW EFT 1,557.14 601438 2/1/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL25036 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG INSPECTORS EFT 142.59 601438 2/1/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL25033 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: LAND DEV: PW EFT 109.63 601438 2/1/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL25038 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREETS: PW EFT 1,267.24 601438 2/1/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL25037 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP: PW EFT 204.03 601438 2/1/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL24387 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEP� EFT 117.16 601438 2/1/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL25035 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 95.00 601438 2/1/20241254M DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL23607 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC - EFT 250.88 601439 2/1/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL23587 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: LAND DEV: PW EFT 56.13 601439 2/1/2024 12; J)OWNS ENERGY FUEL - CL25050 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: EOC EFT - 601439 2/1/20241254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL25053 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD EFT 60.14 601515 2/8/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL25034 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE EFT 63.38 601516 2/8/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL23590 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG INSPECTORS EFT 304.68 601516 2/8/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL26466 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE EFT 113.91 601597 2/15/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL25722 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEPT EFT 314.70 601597 2/15/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL26465 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: LAND DEV: PW EFT 133.97 601597 2/15/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL26485 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD EFT 217.26 601597 2/15/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL26464 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARKS: PW EFT 2,069.86 601597 2/15/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL26484 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC: PW EFT 412.40 601597 2/15/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL26470 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 1,919.18 601646 2/22/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL27178 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEPT EFT 172.79 601647 2/22/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL26468 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG INSPECTORS EFT 351.07 601647 2/22/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL27776 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE DEPT EFT 73.62 601647 2/22/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL27778 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG INSPECTORS EFT 299.02 601647 2/22/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL27777 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 117.66 601647 2/22/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL26467 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 159.55 601647 2/22/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL27791 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: EOC EFT 91.28 601690 2/29/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL27779 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP: PW EFT 195.54 601690 2/29/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL27780 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 1,578.46 601690 2/29/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL29131 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE � EFT 75.61 601690 2/29/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL27775 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: LAND DEV: PW EFT 59.81 601690 2/29/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL28482 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE EFT 244.02 601690 2/29/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL27793 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC: PW EFT 431.61 601690 2/29/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL - CL27774 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARK MAINT: P1111111111jr- EFT 2,011.21 601598 2/15/2024 1678 DUDEK 202311425 CONSTRUCTION MGT SVCS: PW-CIP, PW2D-13, ON -CALL EFT 1,440.00 601598 2/15/2024 1678 DUDEK - 202311636 CITYWIDE DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN i EFT 60,021.95 601599 2/15/2024 3362 DUNN EDWARDS CORPORATION 2054A05253 PAINT SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 163.84 16242 2/23/2024 1057 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DIST - VAR EMWD JAN VAR JAN WATER SVCS Wire 1,865.88 16117 2/16/2024 3363 EASYID SOLUTIONS INC 5970 IDENTIFICATION CARDS: TEMECULA CITIZEN CORPS Wire 278.50 601517 2/8/2024 2258 ECONOMIC ALTERNATIVES INC 105782 WATER SYSTEMS MONITORING FOR HVAC EQUIPMENT EFT 619.55 601704 2/29/2024 1571 EE VENDOR #1571 REIMB: LCW CONF REIMB: LCW CONF 02/07/24-02/09/24 EFT 296.61 301632 2/29/2024 1670 EE VENDOR #1670 REIMB: 02/27/24 REIMB: TEAM PACE Printed 530.90 301486 2/8/2024 1769 EE VENDOR #1769 REIMB: TEAM BLDG REIMB: TCSD TEAM BLDG EVENT: 12/08/23 Printed 1,460.00 301645 2/29/2024 2107 EE VENDOR #2107 02/20/24 REIMB: CRIA INTL TRAINING CONF: 02/12-02/15/24 Printed 275.82 601663 2/22/2024 2266 EE VENDOR #2266 02/O1/24 REIMB: PTSC COMMISSION EFT 67.50 601474 2/1/2024 2410 EE VENDOR #2410 01/24/24 . REIMB: TEAM PACE EFT 150.00 601669 2/22/2024 2410 EE VENDOR #2410 REIMB: TEAM PACE 2/7 REIMBURSEMENT: TEAM PACE EVENT EFT 250.00 301475 2/8/2024 2489 EE VENDOR #2489 REIMB: O1/22/24 . REIMB: LAND DEV MTG Printed 127.67 301634 2/29/2024 2489 EE VENDOR #2489 ADV PMT: CON F/HOTEL REGISTRATION/LODGING: LEAGUE OF CAL CITIES Printed 1,376.29 601686 2/29/2024 2627 EE VENDOR #2627 REIMB: CSMFO'24 ' REIMB: CSMFO CONFERENCE: HR EFT 62.66 601694 2/29/2024 2754 EE VENDOR #2754 REIMB TEAM PACE 2/14 REIMB: TEAM PACE 2/14/24 EFT 250.00 601587 2/15/2024 2805 EE VENDOR #2805 REIMB: CSMFO'24 0 REIMB: CSMFO 2024 CONFERENCE EFT 781.22 601587 2/15/2024 2805 EE VENDOR #2805 REIMB: MILEAGE REIMB: MILEAGE 10/19/23-12/16/23 EFT 39.42 301633 2/29/2024 2851 EE VENDOR #2851 REIMB TEAM PACE 2/10 REIMB: TEAM PACE 2/15 1� Printed 237.75 301527 2/15/2024 3098 EE VENDOR #3098 REIMB: CSMFO CONF REIMB: CSMFO CONFERENCE Printed 902.44 301644 2/29/2024 3112 EE VENDOR #3112 02/20/24 REIMB: CRIA INTL TRAINING CON F: 02/12-02/15/24 ' Printed , 320.70 301647 2/29/2024 3236 EE VENDOR #3236 02/20/24 REIMB: CRIA INTL TRAINING CONF: 02/12-02/15/24 Printed 305.07 301566 2/22/2024 3499 EE VENDOR #3499 REIMB: CRIA CONF REIMB: CRIA INT'LTRAINING CONFERENCE: PD � Printed DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 587.15 301489 2/8/2024 3563 EE VENDOR #3563 REIMB: EDUCATION REIMB: CIVIL WATER RESOURCES & ENVIRONMENTAL CLASS Printed 2,398.75 301395 2/1/2024 3603 EE VENDOR #3603 REIMB: CONF & LODGE REIMB: PARKS TRAINING CONFERENCE & LODGING Printed , 514.86 301401 2/1/2024 3604 EE VENDOR #3604 REIMB: CONF & LODGE REIMB: PARKS TRAINING CONFERENCE & LODGING Printed 514.86 301463 2/8/2024 3608 EE VENDOR #3608 REIMB: CONF & LODGE REIMB: PARKSTRAINING CONFERENCE & LODGING Printed EIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 514.86 301568 2/22/20243611 EE VENDOR#3611 REIMB: TRAINING 4/22 REGISTRATION: LASERFICHE EMPOWER CONFERENCE Printed 1,750.00 301509 2/15/2024 3623 EE VENDOR #362� CMPTR LOAN PRGM 2/8 COMPUTER LOAN PROGRAM 02/08/24 i Printed , 1,700.00 601648 2/22/2024 2385 EIDE BAILLY LLP E101625297 JAN AUDIT SVCS: ERP IMPLEMENTATION EFT 13,200.00 16036 2/9/20241482 EL POLLO LOCO 1994 REFRESHMENTS: HOSPITALITY MEAL Wire 72.79 601691 2/29/2024 2031 ELITE CLAIMS MANAGEMENT INC 2024-695 JAN'24 3RD PARTY CLAIM ADMIN: WC EFT 1,250.00 601440 2/1/2024 1156 ENGINEERING RESOURCES OF SOUTHERN CA INC 59701 ENGINEERING SVCS: CIP-PW, PW22-13, ON -CALL EFT 1,572.50 601518 2/8/2024 1525 ENNIS FLINT INC 280008 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: PW EFT 1,055.12 601600 2/15/20241525 ENNIS FLINT INC = 455910 = MISC SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 6,257.10 601519 2/8/2024 3515 ENSURITY MOBILE CORP 24790 GPS TRACKING DEVICES: TEM SHERIFF EFT 6,166.20 16049 2/9/20243252 ENVATO 1413 AV SOFTWARE: INFO TECH Wire 198.00 301455 2/8/2024 1004 ESGIL LLC 128354 REVISED SEP PLAN REVIEW SVCS: BLDG & SAFETY Printed 16,047.18 301521 2/15/2024 1004 ESGIL LLC 152700 ! NOV PLAN CK SVCS: COMDEV Printed 24,287.92 16013 2/7/2024 2121 EVERNOTE CORPORATION 7064 SUBSCRIPTION RENEWAL: HR Wire 97.49 601601 2/15/2024 3601 EWC EVENTS LLCM 2734 ' REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: RISK EFT 399.00 301456 2/8/2024 1366 EXHIBIT ENVOY 1410 NEWEST AMERICANS EXHIBIT Printed 562.50 16000 2/1/2024 1998 _ EYEMED VISION CARE BEN349991 VISION PLAN PAYMENT Wire 2,173.08 601520 2/8/2024 2116 FALCON ENGINEERING SERVICES 2023-9 1-15/FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS EFT 255,571.09 16011 2/7/2024 2012 , FEAST CALIFORNIA CAFE LLC 3893 REFRESHMENTS: VOLUNTEERS: CITY PROMO VIDEO Wire 361.47 16027 2/9/2024 2012 FEAST CALIFORNIA CAFE LLC 4836 REFRESHMENTS: MRC RIBBON CUTTING EVENT Wire 417.58 301396 2/1/20241005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-363-07079 EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: INFO TECH Printed Ilia_ 8.31 301457 2/8/2024 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-389-70511C EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: HR Printed 24.14 301457 2/8/2024 1005_ FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-389-70511B EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: FINANCE Printed -- 7.32 301457 2/8/2024 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-389-70511A EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: FIRE DEPT Printed 28.57 301522 2/15/2024 1005_ FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-396-88994 EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: FINANCE Printed -- 0.90 301565 2/22/2024 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-404-36285B EXPRESS MAILINGS: COMDEV Printed 77.02 301565 2/22/2024 1005_ FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-411-43764 EXPRESS MAILING SRVCS: POLICE Printed 19.69 301565 2/22/2024 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-404-36285A EXPRESS MAILINGS: FINANCE Printed 31.35 301565 2/22/2024 1005_ FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-404-36284 EXPRESS MAILINGS: FIRE DEPT Printed , 145.92 601692 2/29/20241600 FEHRAND PEERS 167765 OLD TOWN TECHNOLOGY BASED PARKING DATACOLLECFION EFT 1,018.88 601692 2/29/2024 1600_ FEHR AND PEERS 171883 COMPLETE STREETS POLICY: PLANNING ! EFT 4,420.11 601521 2/8/2024 1109 FIELDMAN ROLAPP AND ASSOCIATES 28810 PRADO CFD NO 16-01 AGREEMENT NO 22217 EFT 1,584.50 601521 2/8/202411091 FIELDMAN ROLAPP AND ASSOCIATES, 28809 ALTAIR CFD FORMATION EFT 4,902.00 601521 2/8/2024 1109 FIELDMAN ROLAPP AND ASSOCIATES 28922 ALTAIR CFD FORMATION EFT 3,701.00 601521 2/8/202411091 FIELDMAN ROLAPP AND ASSOCIATES 28923 PRADO CFD NO I6-01 AGREEMENT NO 22217 EFT 3,036.50 301397 2/1/2024 1961 FIELDTURF USA INC 709678 FIELDTURF MAINTENANCE AT VARIOUS PARKS Printed 19,500.00 601522 2/8/2024 18711 _FLATIRON WEST INC 8 1-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS EFT 4,147,905.89 601602 2/15/2024 1871 FLATIRON WEST INC 9 1-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS EFT 1,869,403.93 601441 2/1/2024 258 FLOCK GROUP INC LICENSE PLATE RECOGINITION CAMERA EFT 380.63 601693 2/29/2024 2643 FORENSIC NURSING OF SOCAL INC 2518 SART EXAMS: POLICE EFT 1,200.00 601693 2/29/2024 2643 FORENSIC NURSING OF SOCAL INC 2516 SART EXAMS: POLICE EFT 1,200.00 16295 2/21/20242067 FRONTIER CALIFORNIA INC VAR JAN/FEB FRONTIER VARIOUS JAN/FEB INTERNET SVCS Wire 14,083.90 301458 2/8/20241497 FULL COMPASS SYSTEMS INCO2467459 ' SOUND/LIGHTING& MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER Printed 195.70 601442 2/1/20242374 GEORGE HILLS COMPANY INC INV1027352 CLAIMSTPA: RM EFT 241.50 601603 2/15/2024 2374 GEORGE HILLS COMPANY INC INV1027541 CLAIMS TPA: RM EFT 3,830.50 601649 2/22/2024 2374 GEORGE HILLS COMPANY INC INV1027358 SUBROGATION RECOVERY FEE:GHC0061006: RM EFT 1,013.28 301398 2/1/2024 2722 GEOTAB USA INC IN368054 VEHICLE TELEMATICS: CITY FLEET: IT Printed 1,678.75 301399 2/1/20243595 GFWC TEMECULA VALLEY WOMANS CLUB FY 23/24 CSF PMT1 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING REINVESTMENT Printed 16,916.21 601523 2/8/2024 3332 GIFTCRAFT INC INV13349 MW GIFT SHOP ITEMS: TVM: TCSD EFT 598.87 601523 2/8/2024 3332 GIFTCRAFT INC INV17111 GIFT SHOP ITEMS: TVM: TCSD EFT 51.21 601523 2/8/2024 3332 GIFTCRAFT INC INV20746 7 GIFT SHOP ITEMS: TVM: TCSD EFT 313.01 601650 2/22/2024 3527 GOLDEN STATE COMMUNICATIONS INC R129037 RADIOS & ACCESSORIES RENTAL: TEM SHERIFF EFT 700.00 601650 2/22/2024 3527 GOLDEN STATE COMMUNICATIONS INC S106929 RADIOS & ACCESSORIES RENTAL: TEM SHERIFF EFT 351.25 601650 2/22/2024 3527 GOLDEN STATE COMMUNICATIONS INC 5106951 RADIOS & ACCESSORIES RENTAL: TEM SHERIFF EFT 163.13 301459 2/8/2024 1523 GOLDEN VALLEY MUSIC SOCIETY STTLMNT: 1/14 & 1/28 CLASSICS @ THE MERC 1/14 & 1/28 Printed F 329.00 301467 2/8/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1515 HVACSUPPLES: FACILITYMAINT Printed 2,421.86 301467 2/8/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1512 HVAC SUPPLES: FACILITY MAINT Printed , 48.94 301467 2/8/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1545 HVACSUPPLES: FACILITYMAINT Printed 200.64 301467 2/8/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1511 HVAC SUPPLES: FACILITY MAINT Printed L 519.83 301467 2/8/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1513 HVACSUPPLES: FACILITYMAINT Printed 275.14 301623 2/29/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1556 HVAC SUPPLES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 195.74 16075 2/9/2024 1007 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION GFOA 3259 REGIST: PREPARE ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE FIN REPORT Wire 420.00 16076 2/9/2024 1007 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION GFOA 5993 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: FINANCE Wire 150.00 16077 2/9/2024 1007 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION GFOA 6074 REGISTRATION: ACCOUNTING FOR CAPITAL ASSETS Wire 280.00 16078 2/9/2024 1007 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION GFOA 6157 REGIST: PREPARE ANNUAL COMPREHENSIVE FIN REPORT Wire 420.00 16079 2/9/2024 1007 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION GFOA 0895 COA REVIEW: FINANCE Wire 760.00 601604 2/15/2024 1225 GRAINGER - _�I` 90094351� MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 223.94 301460 2/8/2024 3128 GREEN ACRES INTERACTIVE THERAPY CSF: GRANT PGM O1/29 CSF GRANT PROGRAM Printed 2,500.00 16073 2/9/20243589 GUADALAJARA MEXICAN GRILLAND CANTINA 9305 REFRESHMENTS: CITY COUNCIL MTG Wire 225.05 301625 2/29/2024 3622 GUTIERREZAND SONS 000020 REFRESHMENTS: 1-15 CONGESTION RELIEF (ONSITE) Printed 1,631.25 601524 2/8/2024 1197 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY INLAND VALLEY INC CSF: REINVEST IN TEM COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING REINVESTMENT IN TEMECULA EFT 45,000.00 601651 2/22/20241197 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY INLAND VALLEY INC CK REQ 02/07/24 REFUND: BUSINESS LICENSE FEE EFT 35.00 601695 2/29/2024 2428 HAKIM KAWTHER N 1800.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 928.20 16062 2/9/2024 3592 HAMPTON INN 5040 LODGING: ICI MGMT & SUPERVISION OF DETECTIVE UNITS Wire 411.15 16063 2/9/2024 3592 HAMPTON INN 5046 LODGING: ICI MGMT & SUPERVISION OF DETECTIVE UNITS Wire 500.00 601565 2/8/2024 1383 HANCOCK LORENA 3700.102-3710.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 756.00 301400 2/1/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2644/DEC-B HARDWARE SUPPLIES, MARGARITA REC CENTER PW Printed 848.25 301400 2/1/20241009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2708/DEC HARDWARE SUPPLIES, OLD TOWN MAINT PW Printed 41.30 301400 2/1/20241009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2733/DEC MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: STREETS AND TRAFFIC MAINT Printed 192.39 301400 2/1/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2664/DEC SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT: MPSC Printed 67.35 301461 2/8/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2644/JAN-A SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT: PW Printed 1,731.50 301461 2/8/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2824/JAN MISC HARDWARE SUPPLIES: SPORTS: TCSD Printed 93.58 301461 2/8/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2702/JAN-B SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP:TVM:TCSD Printed 61.87 301461 2/8/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2634/JAN SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP: FIRE Printed 117.27 301461 2/8/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2644/JAN-B SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP: FIRE Printed 174.20 301523 2/15/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2670/JAN SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT Printed 169.63 301523 2/15/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2664/JAN SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT Printed 101.00 301523 2/15/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2641 MISC MAINTSUPPLIES: STREETS: PW Printed 1,003.35 301523 2/15/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2716/JAN SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT Printed 94.99 301523 2/15/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2671/JAN SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT Printed 776.89 301523 2/15/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2708/JAN SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT Printed 152.32 301523 2/15/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2646/JAN SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT Printed 103.04 301523 2/15/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2649/JAN-A MISC HARDWARE SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed , 1,481.85 301523 2/15/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2734/JAN SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT Printed 118.73 301523 2/15/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2649/JAN-B MISC HARDWARE SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed Ohl= 1,038.69 301524 2/15/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2729/JAN HARDWARE SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 73.93 301524 2/15/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2107/JAN SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT: THEATER Printed 12.23 301524 2/15/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2702/JAN-A SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT Printed 91.20 301462 2/8/2024 2225 HASA INC 939264 POOL SANTIZING CHEMICALS: CITY POOLS Printed 1,002.53 301525 2/15/2024 2225 HASA INC 940932 POOL SANTIZING CHEMICALS: CITY POOLS Printed 485.40 301621 2/29/2024 2225 HASA INC 942950 POOL SANTIZING CHEMICALS: CITY POOLS Printed 939.24 601443 2/1/20241056 HDL COREN AND CONE SIN035466 JAN-MAR FY23-24 PROPERTY TAX CONSULTING EFT 6,859.34 301379 2/1/2024 1110 HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES CENTER INC E0307808 EAP-HR-BENEFITS = Printed , 1,517.45 601675 2/29/2024 1110 HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES CENTER INC E0310238 FEB EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PRGM: HR EFT 1,526.35 601652 2/22/20241093 HEALTHPOINTE MEDICAL GROUP INC 42612-4224695 VIED EMPLOYMENT SCREENING: HR EFT 490.00 301402 2/1/2024 1791 HELIXSTORM INC 14986 DATA CENTER FIREWALL REPLACEMENT: IT Printed 40,165.56 301526 2/15/20241791 HELIXSTORM INC 15015 FIREWALL RENEWAL: IT Printed 2,040.00 601605 2/15/20241761 HESS JOHN PAUL 1508 PROMOTIONAL VIDEOGRAPHY SERVICES EFT 687.50 601444 2/1/2024 2235 HICKS AND HARTWICK INC 8303 ENG PLAN CHECK SRVCS:PW - LAND DEV EFT 906.50 301635 2/29/2024 3610 HILL & SMITH GROUP HOLDINGS INC 0046741-IN MISC SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW Printed 641.08 16056 2/9/20241074 HILTON 3112 LODGING: CPRS CONFERENCE Wire 268.96 16061 2/9/20241074 HILTON 8482 LODGING: CPRS CONFERENCE Wire 268.96 301403 2/1/2024 1192 HOME DEPOT 4974996 HARDWARE SUPPLIES: MARGARITA Printed , 303.41 301403 2/1/2024 1192 HOME DEPOT 5971066 MISC MAINT SUPPLIES: FACILITIES Printed 244.35 301403 2/1/2024 1192 HOME DEPOT 7598312 HARDWARE SUPPLIES: FACILITIES Printed , 1,086.41 301567 2/22/2024 1620 HOSPICE OF THE VALLEYS SC OCT-DEC'23 FY 23/24 CDBG SENIOR ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Printed 2,846.72 601445 2/1/2024 2233 HOWELL ANN MARIE COT_ECONDEV_1123A CHRISTMAS BANNER DESIGN: ED EFT L 1,170.25 601606 2/15/20242233 HOWELL ANN MARIE COT _ECONDEV_0224 GRAPHIC DESIGN SERVICES: CM EFT 85.00 601653 2/22/20242233 HOWELL ANN MARIE COT_COMSERV_0224 MILITARY BANNER PROGRAM EFT 297.50 601525 2/8/2024 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 6977 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR, STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 2,699.42 601607 2/15/2024 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC _ 6991 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR, STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 837.98 601607 2/15/2024 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 6954 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR, STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 735.08 601607 2/15/2024 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC , 6992 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR, STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 933.41 601607 2/15/2024 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 6973 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR, STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 820.83 601526 2/8/2024 1396 INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS, 256461 NOV COPIER MAINT/REPAIR/USAGE: CITYWIDE EFT 308.24 601526 2/8/2024 1396 INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS 257161 COPIER MAINT/REPAIR/USAGE:CITYWIDE EFT 4,298.20 601526 2/8/2024 1396 INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT SOLUTION 256460 NOV COPIER MAINT/REPAIR/USAGE: CITYWIDE EFT 5,113.01 601526 2/8/2024 1396 INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS 257162 COPIER MAINT/REPAIR/USAGE:CITYWIDE EFT 195.24 15993 2/1/202410�L4STATAX EDD BEN350011 STATE TAX PAYMENT Wire 46,644.72 16199 2/29/20241047 INSTATAX EDD BEN350053 STATE TAX PAYMENT Wire 43,282.10 16209 2/15/20241047 INSTATAX EDD BEN350031 STATE TAX PAYMENT Wire 45,201.21 15994 2/1/20241027 INSTATAX IRS BEN350005 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT Wire 137,035.87 16200 2/29/20241027 INSTATAX IRS BEN350049 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT Wire _ 131,927.06 16210 2/15/20241027 INSTATAX IRS BEN350027 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT Wire 133,872.73 301464 2/8/2024 3035 INTERFLEX PAYMENT LLC BEN350009 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT FSA: PAYMENT Printed 24,455.55 301622 2/29/2024 3035 INTERFLEX PAYMENT LLC INV691030 FSA/COBRA: HR Printed 453.75 301622 2/29/2024 3035 INTERFLEX PAYMENT LLC INV701052 FSA/COBRA: HR Printed 457.00 301465 2/8/2024 3108 INTERNATIONAL CHRISTIAN ADOPTIONS CSF: GRANT PGM O1/29 CSF GRANT PROGRAM Printed 5,000.00 301466 2/8/20241398 INTERNATIONAL MUNICIPAL SIGNAL ASSOCIATION INC 74977 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: TRAFFIC DIV: PW Printed 510.00 16009 2/7/2024 1012 INTL COUNCIL OF SHOPPING CENTERS INC 2665 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: ECO DEV Wire 850.00 16010 2/7/20241012 INTL COUNCIL OF SHOPPING CENTERS INC )7975 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: ECO DEV Wire 850.00 301404 2/1/20241053 INTL INSTITUTE OF MUNICIPAL CLERKS 3716001/10/24 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: CITY CLERK Printed 125.00 601527 2/8/2024 1757 INTRADO LIFE AND SAFETY INC 6081666 NOV ENTERPRISES 911 SVC: INFO TECH EFT 300.00 601608 2/15/2024 1757 INTRADO LIFE AND SAFETY INC 6082607 DEC ENTERPRISES 911 SVC: INFO TECH EFT 322.50 16030 2/9/20241674 ISTOCK INTL INC 3882 SUBSCRIPTION: PROMO IMAGES: TCSD Wire 120.00 16060 2/9/2024 3591 JACK IN THE BOX 1531 REFRESHMENTS: HOMELESS CLIENT Wire 39.29 601446 2/1/2024 1719 JACOBS HOUSE INC CSF GRANT PRGM COMMUNITY SVC FUNDING GRANT PRGM EFT 5,000.00 601609 2/15/2024 1719 JACOBS HOUSE INC BEN349997 EMPLOYEE CHARITY DONATIONS PAYMENT EFT 40.00 301468 2/8/2024 2045 JAMES ELLIOTT ENTERTAINMENT STTLMNT: 01/12/24 STTLMNT: NEVER A DULL MOMENT: ROD STEWART Printed 4,781.55 301468 2/8/2024 2045 JAMES ELLIOTT ENTERTAINMENT STTLMNT: 01/10/24 STTLMNT: BRITAIN'S 1ST COMPLETE BEATLES EXPERIENCE Printed 5,270.17 301468 2/8/2024 2045 JAMES ELLIOTT ENTERTAINMENT STTLMNT: 01/11/24 STTLMNT: KENNY CETERA'S CHICAGO EXPERIENCE Printed 4,948.36 601447 2/1/2024 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP 68601 PRINTING SERVICES: ECO DEV EFT 87.14 601447 2/1/2024 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP 68602 BUSINESS CARDS: BUILDING AND SAFETY EFT 87.14 601528 2/8/2024 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP 68598 PRINTING SERVICES: TEM SHERIFF EFT 196.17 301469 2/8/20241933 KELLY SPICERS INC-11504911 MISC PAPER SUPPLIES:CENTRAL SERVICES Printed 2,234.60 301469 2/8/20241933 KELLY SPICERS INC 11502728 WHITE COPY PAPER: CENTRAL SERVICES Printed 2,650.78 301405 2/1/2024 3304 KOSMONT REAL ESTATE SERVICES ' 2308.2-002 SURPLUS LAND ACT CONSULTING SVCS LR23-0225 Printed 416.00 301405 2/1/2024 3304 KOSMONT REAL ESTATE SERVICES 2308.2-003 SURPLUS LAND ACT CONSULTING SV Printed 1,183.00 16087 2/20/2024 3633 KOTA CONSTRUCTION REFUND: B23-5355 REFUND: PERMIT B23-5355: BLDG Wire 154.08 301624 2/29/2024 3633 KOTA CONSTRUCTION REFUND: B23-3741 REFUND: PERMIT B23-3741: BLDG Printed 147.36 601448 2/1/2024 1975 KRACH BREE B 200133 1111111p"mr RECOGNITION AWARDS: TCC EFT 249.04 601448 2/1/2024 1975 KRACH BREE B 200132 RECOGNITION AWARDS: TCC EFT 343.65 601529 2/8/2024 1975 KRACH BREE B = 200148 'MOM PLAQUE: PLANNING COMMISSION EFT 112.01 601610 2/15/2024 1975 KRACH BREE B 200140 BRONZE PLAQUE: MRC: PW EFT 2,555.63 601610 2/15/2024 1975 KRACH BREE B mmm� 200206 9r PLAQUE/ENGRAVING SVCS: I-15 CONGESTION RELIEF EFT 179.44 601610 2/15/2024 1975 KRACH BREE B 200209 NAMEPLATE CITY CNL EFT 43.50 601610 2/15/2024 1975 KRACH BREE B 200175 ENGRAVING SVCS: CITY CNL EFT 16.31 601654 2/22/2024 1975 KRACH BREE B 200216 PLAQUE ENGRAVING SVCS: CITY CLERK EFT 81.56 601655 2/22/2024 3375 KUSTOM SIGNALS INC 609440 LIDAR CABLES: TEM SHERIFF MmmmmW 0 EFT 44.19 301569 2/22/20241793 LA JOLLA BOOKING AGENCY STTLMNT: 02/16/24 STTLMNT: SCOTT BRUCE'S TRIBUTE TO ELVIS Printed 5,871.02 301569 2/22/20241793 LA JOLLA BOOKING AGENCY STTLMNT: 02/18/24 STTLMNT: A TRIBUTE TO TIM MCGRAW - Printed, 1,756.90 301569 2/22/20241793 LA JOLLA BOOKING AGENCY STTLMNT: 02/17/24 STTLMNT: AMORPROHIBIDO: SELENATRIBUTE Printed 8,101.70 301406 2/1/20241136 LAKE ELSINORE ANIMAL FRIENDS ` JAN'24 � JAN'24 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES Printed 10,762.50 301626 2/29/20241136 LAKE ELSINORE ANIMAL FRIENDS FEB'24 FEB'24 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES Printed 10,762.50 301627 2/29/2024 3091 LASTPASS US LP INV-811-3023316139 PASSWORD PROTECTION RENEWAL: IT Printed , 10,000.00 601449 2/1/20241930 LDCO INC 3400 FABRICATE AND INSTALL SIGN: MRC EFT 12,364.28 601449 2/1/2024 1930 LDCO INC 3398 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES: TVE2: PW EFT ` 1,480.00 601530 2/8/20241930 LDCO INC 6PW20-13 MARY PHILLIPS SENIOR CENTER ENHANCEMENT EFT 233,762.60 601530 2/8/20241930 LDCO INC 5PW20-13 MARY PHILLIPS SENIOR CENTER ENHANCEMENT EFT 96,508.22 601530 2/8/20241930 LDCO INC 7PW20-13 MARY PHILLIPS SENIOR CENTER ENHANCEMENT EFT 55,047.51 601611 2/15/20241930 LDCO INC 3399 FABRICATE& INSTALL SIGNS: PW FACILITIES EFT 12,498.28 16071 2/9/20241014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 3821 REGISTRATION: MTG/TOUR 01/08/24 Wire 45.00 301407 2/1/2024 1014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES INV-12046-R1R8J7 '24 MEMBERSHIP DUES: CITY MGR Printed 30,959.00 301570 2/22/20241014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 2838 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: CC Printed 100.00 601696 2/29/2024 1050 LEIGHTON CONSULTING INC 61421 GEOTECHNICAL SVCS: PA23-0497: COMM DEV EFT 4,590.00 601450 2/1/2024 2278 LESO PAMELA 8894 CRIME PREVENTION MATERIALS: PD EFT 775.15 16014 2/7/20241320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 9282 REGISTRATION: TRAINING: HR Wire 100.00 16016 2/7/20241320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 7531 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: HR Wire 3,330.00 601531 2/8/20241320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 256321 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 5,992.00 601531 2/8/20241320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 256981 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 8,939.50 601697 2/29/20241320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 258209 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 8,722.50 601697 2/29/20241320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 257803 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,682.00 301571 2/22/20241162 LITELINES INC 19849 OLD TOWN STREETLIGHTS: PW22-16 Printed 25,143.00 301628 2/29/20241162 LITELINES INC 19852 LIGHT PRODUCTS: CITY FACILITIES: PW Printed 435.00 301470 2/8/2024 3198 LOOMIS ARMORED US LLC 13282682 ARMORED CAR SVCS: FINANCE Printed 1,124.51 301572 2/22/2024 3198 LOOMIS ARMORED US LLC 13428174 ARMORED CAR SVCS: FINANCE Printed 1,235.35 301408 2/1/2024 1806 M C I COMM SERVICE JAN 7DK90589 JAN 7DK90589 XXX-3046 GEN USAGE Printed 36.13 301408 2/1/2024 1806 M C I COMM SERVICE JAN 7DK89878 JAN 7DK89878 XXX-0714 USAGE MALL PD Printed 37.77 301629 2/29/2024 1806 M C I COMM SERVICE FEB 7DK90589 FEB 7DK90589 XXX-3046 GEN USAGE ' Printed 36.13 301629 2/29/2024 1806 M C I COMM SERVICE FEB 7DK89878 FEB 7DK89878 XXX-0714 USAGE MALL PD Printed 35.92 16031 2/9/20241410 MACARONI GRILL 9765 REFRESHMENTS: STAFF Wire 244.69 301471 2/8/20241224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 43709 VARIOUS SUPPLIES AND SIGNS: PW PARKS Printed 83.20 301471 2/8/2024 1224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 43700 SIGNS & SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 851.99 301630 2/29/20241224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 43862 SIGNS& SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 841.99 301409 2/1/20241039 MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT ASSOCIATION _ MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: STREETS: PW Printed 180.00 301573 2/22/2024 1924 MARABOTTO JAMES L 02/09/24 PRESENTER: THEATER: TCSD Printed 5,000.00 601451 2/1/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3285 TREE TRIMMING: VAIL RANCH SLOPE: PW EFT 608.28 601451 2/1/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3281 TREE TRIMMING: VINTAGE HILLS: PW EFT 625.70 601451 2/1/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3280 TREE TRIMMING: RANCHO HIGHLANDS: PW EFT 4,976.90 601451 2/1/20242619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3278 TREETRIMMING: CROWNEHILLSLOPE: PW EFT 408.96 601451 2/1/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3286 ANNUAL TREE TRIMMING,REMOVALS & PLANTING AT PARKS EFT 202.76 601452 2/1/20242619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3225 TREE TRIMMING: VILLAGES SLOPE: PW EFT 10,995.61 601452 2/1/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3233 ANNUAL RIGHT OF WAY TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLAN EFT 15,746.66 601532 2/8/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3275 EMERGENCY SLOPE TREE SERVICES EFT 7,589.40 601532 2/8/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3274 TREE TRIMMING: HARVESTON SLOPE: PW EFT 39,918.52 601532 2/8/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3273 EMERGENCY SLOPE TREE SERVICES EFT 1,824.66 601532 2/8/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3283 ANNUAL TREE TRIMMING,REMOVALS & PLANTING AT PARKS EFT 2,433.1. 601532 2/8/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3277 ANNUAL RIGHT OF WAY TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLAN EFT 1,726.72 601532 2/8/2024 26JIM_ MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC , 3284 ANNUAL TREE TRIMMING,REMOVALS & PLANTING AT PARKS EFT 1,721A 601532 2/8/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3272 ANNUAL TREE TRIMMING,REMOVALS & PLANTING AT PARKS EFT 405.52 601532 2/8/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3287 TREE TRIMMING: VILLAGES SLOPE: PW EFT 946.12 601532 2/8/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3282 EMERGENCY SLOPE TREE SERVICES EFT 1,363.20 601698 2/29/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3276 ANNUAL TREE TRIMMING,REMOVALS & PLANTING AT PARKS EFT 5,697.49 601533 2/8/2024 2376 MARK THOMAS AND COMPANY INC 49835 CHERRY STREET EXTENSION & MURRIETA CREEK LOW FLO EFT 5,109.00 601533 2/8/2024 2376 MARK THOMAS AND COMPANY INC 49867 1-15 CONGENSTION RELIEF EFT 1,339.50 301472 2/8/2024 1996 MATCHETT VIVIAN 1320.101-1320.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 798.00 301631 2/29/2024 1996 MATCHETT VIVIAN 1320.103-1320.104 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 630.00 16270 2/13/2024 2388 MATRIX TELECOM LLC 1197697330 JAN 800 SERVICES: CIVIC CENTER Wire 68.97 16153 2/29/2024 3665 MAZZOLA CARLENE REFUND: FEDCHEX REFUND: ADD'L RETURN CHECK FEE Wire 15.00 601534 2/8/2024 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 18167 CDBG ADMINISTRATION SVCS: COMM DEV EFT 5,668.00 601535 2/8/2024 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 18170 MPSC OUTDOOR RECREATION AREA PROJECT EFT 1,401.89 601612 2/15/2024 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 18168 DEC ADA LABOR COMPLIANCE SVCS: PW18-16 EFT 543.00 601612 2/15/2024 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 18169 DEC ADA LABOR COMPLIANCE SVCS: PW20-13 EFT 647.50 301528 2/15/20241185 MET LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY BEN349987 DENTAL PAYMENT Printed 15,270.59 601453 2/1/2024 2042 MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL 1200590 CONSULTANT & SURVEY SVCS: PW-CIP EFT 3,800.00 601536 2/8/2024 2042 MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL 1201949 I-15/STATE ROUTE 79 SOUTH INTERCHANGE EFT 13,704.00 601537 2/8/2024 2259 MICHELLE MEDINA 1040.1012ND HALF TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,483.49 601699 2/29/2024 2259 MICHELLE MEDINA 1040.1021ST HALF TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,215.20 301410 2/1/2024 1354 MICHELLES PLACE CANCER RESOURCE CENTER CSF GRANT PGM COMMUNITY SRVC FUNDING GRANT PRGM Printed ) 5,000.00 301529 2/15/20241354 MICHELLES PLACE CANCER RESOURCE CENTER FY 23/24 CSF PVT FY 23/24 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING Printed 7,285.00 301473 2/8/20241934 MID AMERICA ARTS ALLIANCE BK-060056 EXHIBIT- ALIENTO ATEQUILA Printed 1,387.50 301474 2/8/20241777 MI DWEST TAPE LLC 504900689 BOOKS ON TAPE Printed 390.92 301574 2/22/20241777 MIDWEST TAPE LLC 504966235 BOOKS ON TAPE Printed 589.40 301574 2/22/20241777 MI DWEST TAPE LLC 504993385 BOOKS ON TAPE Printed 44.89 601538 2/8/2024 1327 MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC _ 407838 , TRASH SCREEN COVERS: MRC: PW EFT 150.00 601613 2/15/2024 1327 MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC 407895 PROTECTIVE CAGE: MRC: PW EFT 2,880.00 601454 2/1/2024 1795 MIKO MOUNTAINLION INC 1183-130 EXCAVATION SVCS: VALLEJO & YNEZ: PW EFT 19,510.00 601539 2/8/2024 1795 MIKO MOUNTAINLION INC 1183-131 REPLACE GUARD RAIL: HWY 79 S: PW EFT 19,144.00 601540 2/8/2024 1681 MIRANDA JULIO CESAR 3600.102-3605.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,332.80 601455 2/1/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519198-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 97.42 601455 2/1/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518568-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FIRE LANE EFT 1,783.66 601455 2/1/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519734-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR EFT 526.35 601455 2/1/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519198-01 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 385.47 601455 2/1/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519264-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR EFT 706.53 601455 2/1/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519114-01 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 232.67 601455 2/1/20241241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 520024-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 61.55 601455 2/1/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 515530-01 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 413.25 601455 2/1/20241241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518774-01 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CHILDREN'S MUSEUM EFT 229.13 601455 2/1/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519140-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 731.32 601456 2/1/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 520009-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR EFT 3.05 601456 2/1/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 520034-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 30.94 601456 2/1/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519991-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR EFT 29.28 601456 2/1/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519061-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 5.59 601456 2/1/20241241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 518902-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 11.42 601456 2/1/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519694-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 22.88 601457 2/1/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519586-00 LED LIGHT FITURES: PARKS: PW EFT 446.44 601541 2/8/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519467-01 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: DUCK POND: PW EFT 1,798.01 601541 2/8/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 520072-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 22.62 601541 2/8/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519533-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 2,075.42 601541 2/8/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519734-01 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL EFT 6.95 601541 2/8/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519853-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TPL EFT 403.95 601541 2/8/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519734-02 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL EFT 55.59 601541 2/8/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519873-01 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 297.63 601541 2/8/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519630-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: OLDTOWN EFT 8.78 15991 2/1/2024 2356 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 106474 BEN350013 ICMA-401(A) RETIREMENT PLAN PAYMENT Wire 384.62 16197 2/29/2024 2356 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 106474 BEN350055 ICMA-401(A) RETIREMENT PLAN PAYMENT Wire 384.62 16207 2/15/2024 2356 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 106474 BEN350035 ICMA-401(A) RETIREMENT PLAN PAYMENT + Wire 384.62 15992 2/1/20241011 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 303355 BEN350015 ICMA-RC RETIREMENTTRUST 457 PAYMENT Wire 21,403.26 16198 2/29/20241011 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 303355 BEN350057 ICMA-RC RETIREMENTTRUST 457 PAYMENT Wire 18,815.35 16208 2/15/20241011 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 303355 BEN350037 ICMA-RC RETIREMENTTRUST 457 PAYMENT Wire 18,890.35 16311 2/2/2024 2830 MOOD MEDIA NORTH AMERICA HOLDINGS LLC FEB'24 FEB'24 DISH NETWORK SVCS Wire 240.56 301575 2/22/2024 1616 MOORE IACOFANO GOLTSMAN INC 0084734 QLMP DIGITAL DASHBOARD SOFTWARE MAINT. (LR21-0021) Printed 2,085.00 601458 2/1/20241240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2047.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 88.20 601542 2/8/20241240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J O1/15/24 ART EVENTS&MURALS: TVM EFT 750.00 601614 2/15/20241240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J _2040.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 637.00 601700 2/29/20241240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 02/13/23 ART EVENTS&MURALS: TVM EFT 400.00 601701 2/29/20241240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J .. TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,979.60 16034 2/9/2024 3509 MOTEL 6 3167 EMERGENCY PLACEMENT: HOMELESS CLIENT Wire 375.62 601543 2/8/2024 3475 MSW CONSULTANTS INC - 779 _ SB 1383 SUPPORT SERVICES EFT 8,400.00 601544 2/8/2024 2081 MUSIC CONNECTION LLC STTLMNT: 01/13/24 SPEAKEASY @ THE MERC: 01/13/24 EFT 641.20 601702 2/29/2024 2081 MUSIC CONNECTION LLC STTLMNT: 02/12/24 SPEAKEASY @ THE MERC: 02/10/24 EFT 652.40 301411 2/1/20241071 NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES 187396 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: CITY COUNCIL Printed 9,988.00 301530 2/15/2024 2032 NATIONALSAFETY COMPLIANCE INC 96822 DOT-RISK/HR Printed 548.75 15995 2/1/20241088 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN350003 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 18,603.01 15996 2/1/20242086 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN350017 NATIONWIDE LOAN REPAYMENT PAYMENT Wire 427.79 15997 2/1/20241038 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN350021 OBRA- PROJECT RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 4,698.90 16201 2/29/20241088 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN350047 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 18,603.01 16202 2/29/20242086 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN350059 NATIONWIDE LOAN REPAYMENT PAYMENT Wire 427.79 16203 2/29/20241038 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN350063 OBRA- PROJECT RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 5,018.46 16211 2/15/20241088 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN350025 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 18,603.01 16212 2/15/20242086 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN350039 NATIONWIDE LOAN REPAYMENT PAYMENT Wire 427.79 16213 2/15/20241038 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN350043 OBRA- PROJECT RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 4,711.46 601703 2/29/2024 3087 NEARMAP US INC INV01221982 AERIAL IMAGERY: GIS: IT EFT 12,500.00 301576 2/22/2024 2188 NETFILE INC 9093 CAMPAIGN E-FILING & ADMIN SYSTEM: CITY CLERK Printed 9,300.00 601545 2/8/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76687 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SVCS: FACILITIES: PW _M EFT 11,245.00 601545 2/8/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76690 LANDSCAPE SVCS: HARVESTON LAKE EFT 4,031.00 601545 2/8/2024 2578MILL NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76686 LANDSCAPE SVCS: FIRE STATIONS EFT 2,068.00 601545 2/8/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76692 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES LEVEL C SLOPES: PW EFT 106.00 601615 2/15/2024 2%j� NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76626 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: PHBSP ' EFT 476.79 601615 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76688 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS AND MEDIANS: PW EFT 23,159.00 601615 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76610 IRRIGATION REPAIR & PLANT REPLACEMENT -VARIOUS PARK EFT 435.71 601615 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76909 REMEDIAL LANDSCAPE SERVICES: ROW TREE PLANTING EFT 870.00 601615 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76616 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARI LOCATIONS: PW EFT 499.26 601615 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76689 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS AND MEDIANS: PW EFT 56,141.00 601615 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76620 IRRIGTAION/TREE REPLACEMENTAT VARIOUS PARKS EFT 471.86 601615 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76691 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES LEVEL C SLOPES: PW EFT 62,010.00 601615 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76625 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: PHBSP EFT 601.83 601615 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76693 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS AND MEDIANS: PW EFT 77,622.00 601616 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76624 LANDSCAPE SVCS: REDHAWK PARK DOG PEN EFT 412.68 601616 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76627 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: PHBSP EFT 433.27 601616 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76615 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARI LOCATIONS: PW EFT 298.48 601616 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76617 IRRIGATION REPAIRS AT VARIOUS SLOPES EFT 373.43 601616 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76906 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VAIL RANCH SLOPE EFT 256.22 601616 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76896 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS SLOPES: PW EFT 333.58 601616 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 76901 GARDEN RENOVATIONS: SENIOR CENTER - EFT 325.00 601616 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76619 IRRIGTAION/TREE REPLACEMENTAT VARIOUS PARKS EFT 302.84 601616 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 76908 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VAIL RANCH SLOPE EFT 304.99 601616 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76904 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: RONALD REGAN SPORTS PARK EFT 384.69 601617 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 76612 IRRIGATION REPAIRS AT VARIOUS MEDIANS EFT 172.53 601617 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76907 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VAIL RANCH SLOPE EFT 185.79 601617 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 76897 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS SLOPES: PW EFT 228.68 601617 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76893 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS SLOPES: PW EFT 225.22 601617 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 76900 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: REDHAWK MEDIAN: PW EFT 180.80 601617 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76902 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: WOODCREST SLOPE EFT 227.96 601617 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 76613 IRRIGATION REPAIRS AT VARIOUS MEDIANS EFT 172.53 601617 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76905 PLANTING: YNEZ ROAD MEDIANS EFT 240.00 601617 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 76894 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS SLOPES: PW EFT 219.65 601617 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76898 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS SLOPES: PW EFT 180.80 601618 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 76903 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: RONALD REGAN SPORTS PARK EFT 148.94 601618 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76621 IRRIGTAION/TREE REPLACEMENTAT VARIOUS PARKS EFT 120.00 601618 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76614 IRRIGATION REPAIRS AT VARIOUS MEDIANS ` EFT 131.67 601618 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76611 IRRIGATION REPAIR & PLANT REPLACEMENT -VARIOUS PARK EFT 120.00 601618 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76618 IRRIGATION REPAIRS AT VARIOUS SLOPES JEEP- EFT 153.27 601618 2/15/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76895 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS SLOPES: PW EFT 115.49 301531 2/15/2024 2571 NORMAN A TRAUB & ASSOCIATES LLC 23070.3 WRKPLACE INVESTIGATIONS: HR 900000OF'- Printed 10,440.83 601619 2/15/2024 1819 NPG INC 1122532 CONCRETE WORK: MRC: PW EFT 68,400.00 301476 2/8/2024 1013 NUTRIEN AG SOLUTIONS INC 53237457 EQUIPMENT REPAIR SUPPLIES: FIRE STATIONS Printed 126.14 301532 2/15/2024 1013 NUTRIEN AG SOLUTIONS INC 53171047 TOOL & EQUIP STREET MAINTENANCE: PW Printed 97.84 601656 2/22/2024 1511 NV5 INC ' 369037 MARGARITA RECREATION CENTER � EFT 23,915.66 301577 2/22/20241654 OAK GROVE INSTITUTE FOUNDATION FY 23/24 CSF FY 23/24 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING Printed 5,000.00 301578 2/22/2024 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSOf� 28488 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE: PD Printed 52.97 301578 2/22/2024 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON - 28614 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE: PD Printed 1,549.74 301578 2/22/2024 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSOf� 28424 VEHICLE REPAIR/ MAINTENANCE: PD Printed 1,224.25 301578 2/22/2024 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON jjjF' 28542 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE: PD Printed 648.16 301578 2/22/2024 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSO' 28694 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE: PD Printed 1,250.83 301578 2/22/2024 3040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 111k., 28436 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE: PD Printed 496.95 601459 2/1/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC � 73834 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 458.26 601459 2/1/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73786 VEHICLE MAINT: PW - CIP EFT 329.02 ■ 601459 2/1/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC - 73797 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 53.99 601459 2/1/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC . 73893 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 48.78 601459 2/1/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73884 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 503.66 601459 2/1/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73872 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: TCC: FIRE EFT 523.67 601546 2/8/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC _ 73833 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 174.82 601547 2/8/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73899 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: PARKS: PW EFT 274.50 601547 2/8/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC _ 73783 HOMELESS OUTREACH VEHICLE MAINTENANCE EFT 77.33 601547 2/8/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73836 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: CM EFT 51.81 601547 2/8/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC i 73890 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: PARKS: PW = EFT 831.42 601620 2/15/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74035 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: FIRE EFT 48.78 601657 2/22/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC - 74133 VEHICLE REPAIR / MAINTENANCE: PD EFT 87.98 601705 2/29/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73480 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: PARKS & FACILITIES: PW EFT 373.38 16001 2/6/2024100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV TRC-130839-06-02-202 DEPT TRANSFER EG INVOICE 137338 Wire 243.60 16017 2/7/2024100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV TRC-130920-07-02-202 DEPT TRANSFER EG INVOICE 129946 Wire 21,478.00 16018 2/7/2024100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV TRC-130918-07-02-202 DEPT TRANSFER EG INVOICE 129946 ' Wire 1,505.00 16022 2/7/2024100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV TRC-130924-07-02-202 DEPT TRANSFER EG INVOICE 115507 Wire 858.00 16088 2/15/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV TRC-131342-15-02-202 DEPT TRANSFER REQUEST EG INVOICE 124493 Wire 1,331.00 301477 2/8/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV 65064063 REFUND: SENIOR EXCURSION Printed 15.00 301478 2/8/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV 65168098 _ REFUND: SENIOR EXCURSION Printed 15.00 301479 2/8/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV O1/31/24 REFUND: DUPLICATE PAYMENT Printed 39.00 301533 2/15/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV 65063829 ` REFUND: SENIOR EXCURSION Printed 15.00 301534 2/15/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV 65063757 REFUND: SENIOR EXCURSION Printed 15.00 301579 2/22/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV B23-6440 REFUND: 80% PERMIT FEES Printed 158.40 301580 2/22/2024 100 ONE TIME PAYVENDOR-ENERGOV REFUND: B22-5468 REFUND: PERMIT B22-5468: BLDG Printed 147.36 301581 2/22/2024 100 ONE TIME PAYVENDOR-ENERGOV REFUND: PERMITS REFUND: PERMIT B23-1873/B23-2475/B23-0740 Printed 442.08 301582 2/22/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV 65063873 REFUND: EXCURSION: TCSD Printed 15.00 301583 2/22/2024 100 , ONE TIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV REFUND: B23-2272 REFUND: PERMIT B23-2272: BLDG Printed 147.36 301584 2/22/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV REFUND: B22-4737 REFUND: PERMIT B22-4737: BLDG Printed 76.00 301585 2/22/2024 100 ONE TIME PAYVENDOR-ENERGOV REFUND: B23-0049 REFUND: B23-0049 PERMIT Printed 64.90 301586 2/22/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV REFUND: B23-0113 REFUND: BLDG PERMIT 23-0113 Printed 147.36 301587 2/22/2024 100 ONE TIME PAYVENDOR-ENERGOV REFUND: B23-3643 REFUND: B23-3643 PERMIT Printed 147.36 301588 2/22/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV REFUND: SUNRUN BLDG REFUND: BLDG PERMITS Printed 1,147.68 301589 2/22/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV REF: PERMIT SUNRUN REFUND: PERMIT B23-2926/B23-1317/B23-4298/B23-1437 Printed 589.44 301590 2/22/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV 65315812 REFUND: DEPOSIT Printed 400.00 301591 2/22/2024 100 ONETIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV REFUND: B23-3610 REFUND: BLDG PERMIT B23-3610 Printed 121.60 301636 2/29/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV 65781423 REFUND: AMERICAN RED CROSS WATER SAFETY Printed 75.00 301637 2/29/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV REFUND: SUNRUN PLAN REFUND: B23-6615 FIRE BLDG PLAN CHECK Printed 142.40 301480 2/8/2024 2048 PACIFIC PRODUCTS & SERVICE LLC 33208 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: PW Printed 4,501.66 601706 2/29/2024 2216` PARKHOUSE TIRE SERVICES INC 3020280263 TIRE SVCS: PW STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 2,996.00 601548 2/8/20241922 PASTPERFECT SOFTWARE INC 2024PPWE-40376 SFTWR SUPPORT RENEWAL: TVM: TCSD EFT 1,245.00 16032 2/9/2024 140� PAYPAL - 1450 �""` VERISIGN PAYFLOW PRO TRANSACTION: TCSD Wire 123.20 16080 2/9/20241401 PAYPAL 1596 VERISIGN PAYFLOW PRO TRANSACTION Wire 25.00 301412 2/1/2024 2155 PECHANGA BAND OF INDIANS 0733 --mm EDUCATIONAL BOOKS: CITY COUNCIL Printed 166.69 301413 2/1/2024 1214 PECHANGA BAND OF LUISENO MISSION INDIANS 20947 1-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROVEMENT: PW Printed 751.80 301638 2/29/2024 1214 PECHANGA BAND OF LUISENO MISSION INDIANS 21081 1111ILL_ 1-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROVEMENT Printed 1,469.50 301481 2/8/2024 3462 PECHANGA RESORTS INCORPORATED 1700.102-1705.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 1,190.00 15932 2/13/20241017 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT BEN349969 PERS RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 173,218.08 15999 2/1/20241017 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT BEN350007 PERS RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 174,639.80 16204 2/29/20241017 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT BEN350051 PERS RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 174,403.22 16214 2/15/20241017 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT BEN350029 PERS RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 173,769.19 16417 2/21/20241017 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT BEN350166 PERS RETIREMENT PAYMENT -ARREARS Wire 1,397.32 15998 2/1/20241016 PERS HEALTH INSUR PREMIUM BEN350001 PERS HEALTH PAYMENT Wire 212,389.73 16450 2/1/2024 1016 PERS HEALTH INSUR PREMIUM BEN349973 CALPERS HEALTH PAYMENT Wire 0.01 16021 2/9/20241018 PETTY CASH 02/07/24 PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT Wire 699.53 601549 2/8/2024 2468 PLACEWORKS INC 82995 OLD TOWN PARKLETS PROGRAM: PLANNING EFT 2,140.51 601460 2/1/2024 3271 POWERSPORTS UNLIMITED INC 46897 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT: TEM SHERIFF EFT 1,782.24 601460 2/1/2024 3271 POWERSPORTS UNLIMITED INC 46630 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT: TEM SHERIFF EFT 1,412.83 601460 2/1/2024 3271 POWERSPORTS UNLIMITED INC 47084 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT: TEM SHERIFF EFT 249.11 601460 2/1/2024 3271 POWERSPORTS UNLIMITED INC - 47016 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT: TEM SHERIFF EFT 606.00 601460 2/1/2024 3271 POWERSPORTS UNLIMITED INC 47053 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT: TEM SHERIFF EFT 259.20 601621 2/15/2024 3271 POWERSPORTS UNLIMITED INC - 47114 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT: TEM SHERIFF EFT 259.20 601658 2/22/2024 3271 POWERSPORTS UNLIMITED INC 47162 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT: TEM SHERIFF EFT 270.45 601707 2/29/2024 3271 POWERSPORTS UNLIMITED INC _ 47178 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT: TEM SHERIFF EFT 270.45 301639 2/29/2024 1363 PRE PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC BEN349999 PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES PAYMENT Printed 206.45 16028 2/9/2024 1020 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC _ 8354 SUBSCRIPTIONS: TCSD ' Wire 18.00 16070 2/9/20241020 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC 2795 ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION: CITY CLERK Wire 14.00 601659 2/22/2024 1721 PRO ACTIVE FIRE DESIGN AND CONSULTING INC _ 2064 PLAN CHECKING SVCS: FIRE EFT 2,960.20 601461 2/1/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132232247 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 24.52 601461 2/1/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY -132231728A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 65.64 601461 2/1/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132232265 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 601461 2/1/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132231730 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE = EFT 68.83 601461 2/1/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132231003 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 19.88 601461 2/1/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132232264 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 601461 2/1/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132233512 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 12.74 601461 2/1/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132233526 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 601461 2/1/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132233525 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 14.32 601461 2/1/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132231001 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 601462 2/1/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132231731 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 10.28 601462 2/1/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132231728E UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 601462 2/1/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132233513 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 9.89 601462 2/1/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132232989 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 601462 2/1/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132232254 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 9.89 601462 2/1/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132232253 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 601550 2/8/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132235500E UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 601550 2/8/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132232987A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES ' EFT 65.64 601550 2/8/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132234217B UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 601550 2/8/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132232987B UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 601550 2/8/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132234219 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 601550 2/8/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132235501 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 68.83 601550 2/8/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132234217A UNIFORM: PARKSAND FACILITIES EFT 65.64 601550 2/8/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132235500A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES * EFT 63.21 601550 2/8/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132234218 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 68.83 601708 2/29/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132234750 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 601708 2/29/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132233527 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 19.88 601708 2/29/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132234751 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 601708 2/29/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132237292 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 14.32 601708 2/29/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132232266 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 601708 2/29/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132234763 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 19.88 601708 2/29/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132235502 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 601708 2/29/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132234744 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 24.52 601708 2/29/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132234761 is FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 601708 2/29/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132236768 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 10.28 16053 2/9/2024 2679 QR CODE GENERATOR 3138 � QR CODE GENERATOS: TCC MEMBERS Wire 197.63 301415 2/1/2024 2727 QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC PPLN0101/09/24 POSTAGE SERVICES: PD Printed 257.48 301416 2/1/2024 2169 QUINN COMPANY WOG00018697 GENERATOR MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATIONS Printed 666.93 301416 2/1/2024 2169 QUINN COMPANY WOG00018696 GENERATOR MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATIONS Printed 895.68 301482 2/8/2024 2169 QUINN COMPANY WOG00018695 GENERATOR MAINT SVCS: FACILITIES: PW Printed 1,120.46 301482 2/8/2024 2169 QUINN COMPANY WOF00018718 GENERATOR MAINT SVCS: FACILITIES: PW Printed 1,318.94 301482 2/8/2024 2169 QUINN COMPANY WOG00018719 GENERATOR MAINT SVCS: FACILITIES: PW Printed , 1,033.37 301482 2/8/2024 2169 QUINN COMPANY WOG00018694 GENERATOR MAINT SVCS: FACILITIES: PW Printed 986.08 301482 2/8/2024 2169 QUINN COMPANY WOG00018720 GENERATOR MAINT SVCS: FACILITIES: PW Printed , 1,668.23 301483 2/8/20241847 RANDRCONTROLS INC 24893 MISCSUPPLIES: FACILITIES: PW Printed 610.00 301483 2/8/20241847 RAND R CONTROLS INC 24899 MISC SUPPLIES: FACILITIES: PW Printed 375.00 301535 2/15/20241847 RANDRCONTROLS INC 24901 MISCSUPPLIES: FACILITIES: PW Printed 574.10 301535 2/15/20241847 RANDRCONTROLS INC 24900 MISC SUPPLIES: FACILITIES: PW i Printed , 1,264.09 301536 2/15/2024 1103 R C P BLOCK AND BRICK INC 33038686 MISC MASONRY SUPPLIES: PARKS: PW Printed 529.77 301536 2/15/2024 1103 R C P BLOCK AND BRICK INC 33044435 MISC MASONRY SUPPLIES: PARKS: PW Printed L (32.63) 301417 2/1/2024 1473 R M F CONTRACTING INC RM5065 SECURITY LIGHT FIXTURES: RR SPORTS PARK: PW Printed 33,250.00 16254 2/16/2024 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIOUS JAN WATER 1 VARIOUS WATER SVCS JAN BATCH 1 Wire 16,224.83 16255 2/23/2024 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIOUS JAN WATER 2 VARIOUS WATER SVCS JAN BATCH 2 Wire 6,327.48 301484 2/8/2024 2535 RANCHO RUNNERS INC 99179 EXP MAIL DLVY SVCS: HR Printed 45.00 601622 2/15/2024 1076 RANCHO TEMECULA CAR WASH JAN'24 CAR WASH SVCS: POLICE EFT 18.01 601551 2/8/2024 3514 REEP FIRE PROTECTION INC 2998 FIRE SPRINKLER SVCS: CIVIC CENTER: PW EFT 3,800.00 16052 2/9/2024 2504 REFLECTIVE APPAREL FACTORY INC 1846 APPAREL: RAIN JACKET: FIRE DEPT Wire 94.81 601552 2/8/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60172590-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: TVE: PW EFT 23.88 601552 2/8/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60172564-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: TVE: PW EFT 1,337.08 601552 2/8/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60172981-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: TVE: PW EFT (447.26) 601660 2/22/2024 2203 REMOTE SATELLITE SYSTEMS INTL 00126628 PHONE SERVICE FOR EOC EFT 505.05 301418 2/1/2024 2532MIL, REVZILLA MOTORSPORTS LLC - 44376634 UNIFORMS: TEM SHERIFF Printed 741.70 301537 2/15/2024 2532 REVZILLA MOTORSPORTS LLC 44540428 UNIFORMS: TEM SHERIFF Printed 456.97 601463 2/1/2024 115� RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON � 245926 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 4,128.00 601463 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245927 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 6,150.00 601463 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245925 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 7,608.35 601463 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245469 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 4,510.11 601463 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245904 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 16,397.08 601463 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245037 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 4,160.60 601463 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245909 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 20,185.74 601463 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245905 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 8,327.00 601463 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245924 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 8,322.50 601463 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245468 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 4,513.61 601464 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245912 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 3,827.00 601464 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245928 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 3,975.00 601464 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245027 OCT 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 3,726.60 601464 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245910 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,519.50 601464 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245450 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 3,133.00 601464 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245893 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 3,031.00 601464 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245914 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,405.00 601464 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245919 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,000.73 601464 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245915 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,413.13 601464 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245922 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,902.01 601465 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245457 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,296.00 601465 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245899 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,050.00 601465 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245906 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,058.00 601465 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245908 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 408.00 601465 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245911 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 511.30 601465 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245447 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 900.00 601465 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON ' 245902 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 600.00 601465 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245907 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,098.85 601465 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON - 245923 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,371.39 601465 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245894 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 360.00 601466 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245446 NOV 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 60.00 601466 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245920 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 8.42 601466 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245918 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 327.50 601466 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245913 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 279.50 601466 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245921 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 94.50 601466 2/1/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245903 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 216.00 601623 2/15/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245916 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 3,472.50 601623 2/15/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245897 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 3,967.50 601623 2/15/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245895 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 330.00 601623 2/15/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 245917 DEC 2023 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 3,047.50 601661 2/22/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246375 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 138.00 601661 2/22/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246374 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,250.00 601661 2/22/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246368 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,250.00 601661 2/22/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246373 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 3,210.00 601661 2/22/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246365 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 26.00 601661 2/22/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246357 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 15,811.62 601661 2/22/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246398 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 464.81 601709 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246399 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 9,219.00 601709 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246391 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 7,812.00 601709 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246358 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 4,080.88 601709 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246377 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 12,316.55 601709 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246384 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 3,497.61 601709 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246395 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 6,373.70 601709 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246360 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,566.00 601709 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246372 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 5,342.50 601709 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246359 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 17,656.20 601709 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246381 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 10,168.71 601710 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246382 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,556.75 601710 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246383 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 670.00 601710 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246367 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,093.00 601710 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246386 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,634.95 601710 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246397 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,512.00 601710 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246385 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,176.05 601710 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246396 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,502.00 601710 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246392 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,722.90 601710 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246378 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,480.00 601710 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246394 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,219.47 601711 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246364 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 224.00 601711 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246369 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 300.00 601711 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246400 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 360.00 601711 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246376 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 192.50 601711 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246380 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 96.00 601711 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246379 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 284.00 601711 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246393 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 560.00 601711 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246387 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 287.50 601711 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246362 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 570.00 601711 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246361 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 301.00 601712 2/29/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246390 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 27.50 601713 2/29/2024 1184 RIVERSIDE AREA RAPE CRISIS CFR JUL-SEP'23 FY 23/24 CDBG SUBRECIPIENT CRISIS EFT 1,869.41 601713 2/29/2024 1184 RIVERSIDE AREA RAPE CRISIS CTR OCT-DEC'23 FY 23/24 CDBG SUBRECIPIENT CRISIS EFT 2,252.97 301389 2/1/2024 1045 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 23-336872 CEQA FILING: PLANNING Printed 50.00 301394 2/1/2024 1104 RIVERSIDE COUNTY IN0500949 PERMIT RENEWAL: FOC Printed 1,838.00 301394 2/1/2024 1104 RIVERSIDE COUNTY IN0500574 PERMIT RENEWAL: MARG SPLASH PAD: PW Printed 422.00 301394 2/1/2024 1104 RIVERSIDE COUNTY IN0497290 PERMIT RENEWAL: SPORTS RANCH CONCESSION BLDG: PW Printed 156.00 301414 2/1/2024 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PE0000001487A EMERGENCY RADIO RENTAL: CODE ENF mmmml6 Printed 513.10 301414 2/1/2024 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PE0000001486 EMERGENCY RADIO RENTAL: PD Printed 1,122.01 301414 2/1/2024 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PE0000001487B EMERGENCY RADIO RENTAL: EOC Printed 102.62 301419 2/1/2024 1042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SH0000044832 11/01-12/31 YOUTH COURT SVCS Printed 460.51 301420 2/1/2024 1042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SH0000044844 11/16/23-12/13/23 LAW ENFORCEMENT Printed 2,940,448.86 301420 2/1/2024 1042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SH0000044292 EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: TEM SHERIFF Printed 82.67 301421 2/1/20241807� RIVERSIDE COUNTY 2024-111 BOOTH SPACE -ICSC CONFERENCE Printed , 4,000.00 301538 2/15/2024 1042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SH0000044552 MISC EQUIPMENT: TEM SHERIFF Printed 9,094.77 301538 2/15/2024 1042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SH0000044729 MISC SUPPLIES: TEM SHERIFF Printed 10,417.35 301564 2/22/2024 1104 RIVERSIDE COUNTY IN0501674 OCT-DEC'23 VECTOR CNTRL SVC: CODE ENF Printed 3,248.52 301592 2/22/2024 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PE0000001554B EMERGENCY RADIO RENTAL: EOC Printed 102.62 301592 2/22/2024 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PE0000001553 EMERGENCY RADIO RENTAL: PD Printed 1,122.01 301592 2/22/2024 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PE0000001554A EMERGENCY RADIO RENTAL: CODE ENF Printed 513.10 601553 2/8/2024 1022 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 235240 FPARC-TM: FY 23/24 JUL-SEP Ql EFT 2,045,099.21 601553 2/8/20241022 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 235215 REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE: FIRE EFT 6,984.17 16068 2/9/2024 1697 RIVERSIDE COUNTY GANG INVESTIGATORS ASSOCIATION 2913 REGISTRATION: INLAND EMPIRE GANG CONFERENCE Wire 240.00 301422 2/l/2024 1304 RIVERSIDE TRANSIT AGENCY 87221 TROLLEY ROUTE 55 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES Printed 2,375.80 601714 2/29/2024 3321 ROHDE HERBERT BERNARD 02/09/24 ART PURCHASE AGREEMENT EFT 500.00 16086 2/20/2024 3658 ROOMS & COVERS REFUND: B23-6069 REFUND: B23-6069 Wire 286.08 16006 2/7/2024 3621 ROSATIS PIZZA TEMECULA 4979 REFRESHMENTS: SW CALIF MFG COUNCIL MTG Wire 466.92 601554 2/8/2024 2005 ROSEN AND ROSEN INDUSTRIES INC T 661075 STREET MAINTENANCE UNIFORMS: PW EFT 2,865.27 301423 2/l/20241941 ROTARY CLUB OF TEMECULA FOUNDATION FY 23/24 CSF FY 23/24 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING Printed 5,000.00 301485 2/8/2024 2487 RUSSELL SIGLER INC INV-SDG24001115 HVAC SUPPLIES: VARIOUS FACILITIES: PW Printed 137.72 16069 2/9/2024 3588 SAN DIEGO MISSION BAY RESORT 6141 REGISTRATION: NEW LAW & ELECTIONS SEMINAR: CLERK Wire 426.00 601556 2/8/2024 1552 SANBORN GWYNETH A CO TEMECULA MUSIC ACADEMY PERF: Ol/20/24 COUNTRY LIVE O1/20/24 EFT 1,221.75 601625 2/15/2024 1552 SANBORN GWYNETH A CO TEMECULA MUSIC ACADEMY PERF: 02/03/24 AGREEMENT: COUNTRY LIVE @ THE MERC EFT 753.75 601716 2/29/2024 1552 SANBORN GWYNETH A CO TEMECULA MUSIC ACADEMY PERF: 02/17/24 AGREEMENT: COUNTRY LIVE@THE MERC 2/17 _w EFT 945.00 601468 2/l/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 01112024 MPSC/HUMAN SERVICES PHOTOGRAPHY: TCSD EFT 275.00 601468 2/l/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 01242024 MISC PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES: ECO DEV EFT 400.00 601557 2/8/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 02022024 MUSEUM/ACE PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: TCSD EFT 275.00 601557 2/8/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 101012024 PHOTOGRAPHY: THEATER: TCSD EFT 1,520.00 601626 2/15/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 01192024 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: YOUTH MUSICALTHEATER PROGRAM EFT 360.00 601662 2/22/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 0202082024 MPSC/HUMAN SERVICES PHOTOGRAPHY EFT 275.00 601662 2/22/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 0302082024 PHOTO/VIDEO SVCS: REDI COMMISSION: CITY CLERK EFT 300.00 601662 2/22/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 0102082024 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES FOR SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 275.00 601662 2/22/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 02102024 MUSEUM/ACE PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: TCSD EFT 275.00 601717 2/29/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 02132024 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES -CITY COUNCIL EFT 275.00 301487 2/8/20243600 SAVAGE TUKKIE 64669184 REFUND: SWIM LESSONS: TCSD Printed 55.00 301488 2/8/2024 2360 SB&O INC , 124017 ENGINEERING & SURVEY SVCS: PW-CIP, PW23-24 Printed , 1,249.00 301488 2/8/2024 2360 SB&O INC 124019 DESIGN, ENVIRO & SURVEY SVS: PW22-05: CIP Printed 681.00 301488 2/8/2024 2360 SB&O INC ` 124020 ENGINEEIRNG &SURVEY SVCS: PWSW02-02 Printed 740.00 301488 2/8/2024 2360 SB&O INC 124015 ENGINEERING & SURVEY SVCS: PW-CIP, PW22-16 Printed 4,032.00 301539 2/15/2024 2360 SB&O INC 124018 ENGINEERING & LAND SURVEY SVCS: CIP: PW Printed 872.00 301640 2/29/2024 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC ALS14814 POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS Printed 155.50 301490 2/8/20241920 SESAC 10704576 BROADCAST MUSIC LIC FEE: OLD TOWN: TCSD Printed 131.00 301424 2/l/2024 1787 SHRED IT US JV LLC 8005936552 SHRED SERVICES: CITYWIDE Printed 150.02 301491 2/8/2024 1787 SHRED IT US 1V LLC 8005936712 DOCUMENT SHREDDING: PD Printed 69.87 301641 2/29/2024 1787 SHRED IT US JV LLC 8006268647 SHRED SERVICES: CITYWIDE Printed 263.99 601470 2/l/2024 2617 SIDI SEBASTIAN 12424 VIDE0GRAPHY SERVICES: TVE2 EFT 900.00 601628 2/15/2024 2425 SIEMENS MOBILITY INC 5610001261 STREET LIGHT POLE REPLACE: PW EFT 2,096.00 601719 2/29/2024 2425 SIEMENS MOBILITY INC 5610000983 TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 160.00 601719 2/29/2024 2425 SIEMENS MOBILITY INC 5610000982 STREET LIGHT POLE REPLACE: YNEZ/DATE: PW EFT 4,837.56 601720 2/29/2024 1780 SILVERMAN ENTERPRISES INC 1953 SECURITY SVCS: ROTATION PARKS EFT 5,365.00 301642 2/29/2024 1870 SKYFIT TECH INC 2023000509 FITNESS EQUIPMENT: FOC GYM Printed 2,037.19 301642 2/29/2024 1870 SKYFIT TECH INC 2023000727 GENERAL: MAINTENANCE: RM Printed 185.00 601559 2/8/20241061 SMARTAND FINAL INC O1/30/24 MISCSUPPLIES: MRC: TCSD EFT 309.26 601629 2/15/2024 1061 SMARTAND FINAL INC 02/07/24 MISC SUPPLIES: MPSC: TCS EFT 256.98 601721 2/29/20241061 SMARTAND FINAL INC 02/13/24 MISC SUPPLIES: MRC, MPSC, AND SFSP: TCSD EFT 197.35 601560 2/8/2024 3170 SMER RESEARCH 1 LLC 50030 JAN SOLAR GENERATION: VARI LOCATIONS EFT 17,552.07 16269 2/26/2024 1094 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY VAR SOCALGAS JAN VARIOUS JAN SO CAL GAS SVCS Wire 18,676.34 601722 2/29/2024 2217 SOCIAL WORK ACTION GROUP 01312024A OUTREACH SERVICES * EFT 54,120.10 601722 2/29/2024 2217 SOCIAL WORK ACTION GROUP 01312024B OUTREACH SERVICES EFT 9,166.67 301492 2/8/2024 1153 SOUTH COASTAIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 4290885� FY 23/24 FLAT EMISSION FEE: TVE2 Printed 160.35 301492 2/8/2024 1153 SOUTH COASTAIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 4288505 FY 23/241 C E ELEC GEN DIESEL: TVE2 Printed 504.91 601471 2/l/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291078 ' PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 49.00 601471 2/l/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291172 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 95.00 601471 2/l/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291030 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 36.00 601471 2/l/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291123 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 80.00 601471 2/l/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291047 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 90.00 601471 2/l/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291031 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 56.00 601471 2/l/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0290693 EMERGENCY PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 94.00 601471 2/l/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0290744 BEE SERVICE: CIVIC CENTER: PW EFT 94.00 601471 2/l/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291427 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW = EFT 29.00 601561 2/8/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291247 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 90.00 601561 2/8/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291125 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 42.00 601561 2/8/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291274 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 40.00 601561 2/8/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291370 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW � EFT 49.00 601630 2/15/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291493 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 59.00 601664 2/22/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291964 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 68.00 601664 2/22/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291662 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 74.00 601723 2/29/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291888 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 123.00 601723 2/29/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0292432 BEE REMOVAL SVCS: CROWNE HILL SLOPE: PW EFT 94.00 16239 2/28/2024 1800 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO VAR SCE JAN VARIOUS JAN SOCAL EDISON SVCS Wire 117,911.05 301540 2/15/20241704 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 45949240201 FEB GEN USAGE: 0141,0839,0978,0979 Printed 343.90 601665 2/22/20243356 SOUTHSTAR ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC COT-1-15CR-01 I-15 CONGESTION RELIEF EFT 1,614.00 16050 2/9/20241399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 7219 AIRFARE: ADVOCACY DAY CONFERENCE Wire 327.95 16065 2/9/20241399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 5536 AIRFARE: CRI INTERNATIONAL Wire 349.81 16066 2/9/20241399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 5544 AIRFARE: CRI INTERNATIONAL Wire 349.81 16067 2/9/20241399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 5551 AIRFARE: CRI INTERNATIONAL Wire 349.81 16072 2/9/20241399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 7193 AIRFARE: ANNUAL ADVOCACY DAY: HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Wire 332.96 16085 2/20/2024 3657 SOUTHWEST SIGN MAINTENANCE REFUND: B23-6211 REFUND: PERMIT B23-6211 Wire r 251.97 301493 2/8/2024 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC O1/24/24 RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD Printed 127.74 301593 2/22/2024 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 02/07/24 RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD -w- Printed IL 118.90 301593 2/22/2024 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 02/14/24 RFRSHMNTS: CRC: TCSD Printed 64.82 301425 2/l/2024170811111111111111111111111111 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY BEN349995 VOLUNTARY SUPP LIFE INSURANCE: PAYMENT , Printed 2,006.63 301594 2/22/2024 1431 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY BEN349989 BASIC LIFE INSURANCE PAYMENT Printed 12,018.08 301426 2/l/202414� STAPLES INC 7622992398-0-1 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: OPERATIONS: TCSD A Printed 7 41.28 301426 2/l/2024 1452 STAPLES INC 7624234276-0-1 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: OPERATIONS: TCSD Printed 69.03 301426 2/1/20241452 STAPLES INC 7622984571-0-1 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: OPERATIONS: TCSD Printed 95.38 301494 2/8/2024 1452 STAPLES INC 7624572801-0-2 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: OPERATIONS: TCSD Printed 10.59 301494 2/8/2024 1452 STAPLES INC 7624572801-0-1 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: OPERATIONS: TCSD Printed 96.66 301494 2/8/2024 1452 STAPLES INC 7905504122-0-1 MISCSUPPLIES: RHRTPL: TCSD Printed 90.92 _ 601562 2/8/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 710465 BLOOD/ ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: POLICE EFT 1,085.00 601666 2/22/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 712851D JAN FINGERPRINTING SVCS: PD EFT 4,607.00 601666 2/22/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE _ 700085-C FINGERPRINTING SERVICES: CONTRACT CLASSES: TCSD EFT 147.00 601666 2/22/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 700085-D FINGERPRINTING SERVICES: TEM SHERIFF EFT 2,798.00 601666 2/22/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE _700085-A FINGERPRINTING SERVICES: TCSD EFT 520.00 601666 2/22/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 716953 JAN BLOOD & ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: PD EFT 560.00 601666 2/22/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE _706256-C FINGERPRINTING SERVICES: POLICE EFT 1,978.00 601666 2/22/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 700085 FINGERPRINTING SERVICES: HR EFT 49.00 601724 2/29/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE _706256-A FINGERPRINTING SERVICES: HR EFT 147.00 601724 2/29/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 706256-B FINGERPRINTING SERVICES: INTERNS: TCSD EFT 49.00 601724 2/29/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE _712851A JAN FINGERPRINTING SVCS: INTERNS/VOLUNTEERS: TCSD EFT 211.00 601724 2/29/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 712851C JAN FINGERPRINTING SVCS: CUSTODIAL: PW EFT 98.00 601724 2/29/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE _700085-8 FINGERPRINTING SERVICES: CUSTODIAL EFT 98.00 601724 2/29/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 7158S1B JAN FINGERPRINTING SVCS: HR EFT 686.00 301495 2/8/2024 2299 STATE STREET BALLET _ PERF: 04/27/24 PERFORMANCE: THEATER: TCSD Printed 5,000.00 301427 2/1/2024 1179 STATE WATER RESOURCE CONTROL BOARD WD-0263261 STORM WATER PERMIT: PW Printed 399.00 301428 2/1/2024 2016 STC TRAFFIC INC _ 6695 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING SVCS: TRAFFIC: PW Printed 16,000.00 601472 2/1/20241146 STEAM SUPERIOR CARPET CLEANING 11791 CARPETCLEANING: CITYFACILITIES: PW EFT 825.00 601472 2/1/20241146 STEAM SUPERIOR CARPET CLEANING 11790 CARPET CLEANING: CITY FACILITIES: PW EFT 1,375.00 601472 2/1/20241146 STEAM SUPERIOR CARPET CLEANING 11786 CARPET CLEANING CITY FACILITIES: PW EFT 250.00 601563 2/8/20241146 STEAM SUPERIOR CARPET CLEANING 11793 CARPET CLEANING: CITY FACILITIES: PW111111111pr- EFT 775.00 601564 2/8/20241747 STOVER JEFFREY PAUL PERF: 01/14/24 PERFORMING ARTS AGREEMENT: RAT PACK 01/14/24 EFT 7,288.57 601725 2/29/20241712 STUARTJENNIFER 3400.202-3450.202 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS �Eii EFT 3,880.00 301429 2/1/20241763 STUDENT OF THE MONTH PRGM INC O1/18/24 FY 23/24 COMMUNITY SERVICE GRANT PRGM Printed 1,000.00 601726 2/29/2024 1495 STURDIVANT ANGELA P 3205.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 207.20 301541 2/15/2024 2059 SUPERIOR READY MIX LP 402940 CONCRETE MATERIALS: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW Printed 5,295.87 301430 2/1/2024 2261 T MOBILE USA INC 9557994695 TIMING ADVANCE: TEM SHERIFF Imr Printed 25.00 301430 2/1/2024 2261 T MOBILE USA INC 9557994696 TIMING ADVANCE: TEM SHERIFF Printed 25.00 301430 2/1/2024 2261 T MOBILE USA INC 9557994694 TIMING ADVANCE: TEM SHERIFF - - - - Printed 25.00 301496 2/8/2024 2261 T MOBILE USA INC 9558634069 TIMING ADVANCE: TEM SHERIFF Printed 25.00 301542 2/15/2024 2261 T MOBILE USA INC 9558735955 GPS LOCATE: TEM SHERIFF = Printed 75.00 301595 2/22/2024 2261 T MOBILE USA INC 9559178573 TIMING ADVANCE: TEM SHERIFF Printed 25.00 301497 2/8/2024 1212 TY LIN INTERNATIONAL 102401175 1-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS Printed r 46,581.72 16003 2/7/20243536 TARGET 6679 REFRESHMENTS: CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS Wire 31.85 601631 2/15/2024 1113 TEAMSTERS LOCAL 911 BEN349993 UNION MEMBERSHIP DUES PAYMENT EFT 4,897.00 601667 2/22/2024 2372 TELECOM LAW FIRM PC 16728 WIRELESS PLANNING SUPPORT SVCS: COMM DEV EFT 60.60 601668 2/22/2024 2372 TELECOM LAW FIRM PC 16574 WIRELESS PLANNING SUPPORTSVCS: COMM DEV EFT 678.00 601727 2/29/2024 2372 TELECOM LAW FIRM PC 16936 WIRELESS PLANNING SUPPORT SVCS: COMM DEV EFT 636.30 301431 2/1/2024 1877 TEMECULA CATERING E06074 TEMECULA CITIZEN CORPS RECOGNITION: FIRE Printed 4,189.05 601566 2/8/2024 1914 TEMECULA VALLEY BACKFLOW INC 46920 BACKFLOW SVCS: PW PARKS EFT 2,975.50 601566 2/8/2024 1914 TEMECULA VALLEY BACKFLOW INC 46918 BACKFLOW TESTING: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 480.00 601566 2/8/2024 1914 TEMECULA VALLEY BACKFLOW INC 46919 BACKFLOW SVCS: PW PARKS EFT 4,062.00 601566 2/8/2024 1914 TEMECULA VALLEY BACKFLOW INC 46916 BACKFLOW TESTING: VARIOUS FACILITIES: PW EFT 630.00 601728 2/29/2024 1914 TEMECULA VALLEY BACKFLOW INC 47104 BACKFLOW SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 7,723.00 601567 2/8/2024 1054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1043 r FY 23-24 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPONSORSHIP FUNDING EFT 50,000.00 301543 2/15/20243614 TEMECULA VALLEY POSSE FY 23/24 CSF FY 23/24 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING Printed 5,000.00 601467 2/1/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54798 ` LOCKSMITH SVCS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PARKS EFT 148.93 601467 2/1/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54805 LOCKSMITH SVCS: VARIOUS PARK LOCATIONS: PW EFT 16.20 601467 2/1/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54807 LOCKSMITH SVCS: VARIOUS PARK LOCATIONS: PW EFT 61.46 601467 2/1/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54799 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE: CITY HAL EFT 32.36 601467 2/1/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54740 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE: CITY HAL EFT 677.50 601555 2/8/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54880 LOCKSMITH SVCS: VARIOUS PARKS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 60.36 601555 2/8/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54884 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT 36.89 601555 2/8/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54806 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 21.37 601555 2/8/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54589 LOCKSMITH SVCS: STATION 92 EFT 8.80 601624 2/15/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54888 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT 63.21 601624 2/15/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54891 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT 30.77 601624 2/15/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54639 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: MRC&TVE2: PW EFT 5,267.50 601624 2/15/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54702 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: MRC & TVE2: PW EFT 1,054.38 601624 2/15/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54809 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT 71.15 601715 2/29/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54904 LOCKSMITH SVCS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS EFT 58.83 301498 2/8/2024 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 30219301 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 136.33 301498 2/8/2024 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 30260401 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PW FACILITIES Printed 71.89 301498 2/8/2024 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 30188101 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PW FACILITIES Printed 74.98 301544 2/15/2024 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 30265501 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PARKS: PW Printed 140.42 301544 2/15/2024 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 30188301 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PW FACILITIES Printed 3,302.17 301544 2/15/2024 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 30188001 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: FACILITIES: PW Printed 550.36 301643 2/29/2024 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 30295501 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: FACILITIES: PW Printed 52.00 601473 2/1/2024 1232 TERRYBERRY COMPANY P92970 SERVICE RECOGNITION: HR EFT , 239.42 601473 2/1/2024 1232 TERRYBERRY COMPANY P92971 SERVICE RECOGNITION: HR EFT 139.82 601473 2/1/2024 1232 TERRYBERRY COMPANY - P92969 SERVICE RECOGNITION: HR IL_ EFT 79.64 601568 2/8/2024 1232 TERRYBERRY COMPANY P99409 SERVICE RECOGNITION: HR EFT 198.80 601729 2/29/2024 1232 TERRYBERRY COMPANY - Q08026 SERVICE RECOGNITION: HR EFT 114.40 601569 2/8/2024 1936 TIERCE NICHOLAS DATHAN NTOTTCT-2024-02 GRAPHIC DESIGN: THEATER: TCSD EFT 5,160.00 16310 2/29/20241568 TIME WARNER CABLE � VAR JAN/FEB SPECTRUM VARIOUS JAN/FEB INTERNET SVCS Wire 12,016.09 601632 2/15/2024 1063 TIMMY D PRODUCTIONS INC 248002 CULTURE DAYS AND ART NIGHTS MUSIC EFT 425.00 601570 2/8/2024 3135 TK CONSULTING INC 6 YNEZ ROAD IMPROVEMENTS -PHASE IMPROV EFT 10,884.06 601570 2/8/2024 3135 TK CONSULTING INC 7 YNEZ ROAD IMPROVEMENTS -PHASE IMPROV EFT 18,793.05 601730 2/29/2024 1995 TK ELEVATOR CORPORATION 3007682125 ELEVATOR MAINT SVCS: FACILITIES: PW EFT 5,824.20 601633 2/15/2024 1152 TOP LINE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY LLC 465746 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: FACILITIES: PW EFT 284.76 601475 2/1/2024 2413 TOWNSEND PUBLIC AFFAIRS INC 20947 CONSULTING/GRANT WRITING SVCS: CITY CLERK, EFT 6,000.00 601670 2/22/2024 2413 TOWNSEND PUBLIC AFFAIRS INC 21086 CONSULTING/GRANT WRITING SVCS: CITY CLERK EFT 6,000.00 601571 2/8/2024 2375 TR DESIGN GROUP INC 4803 ARCHITECTURAL SVCS: PW19-13: CIP: PW , EFT 50,551.20 601671 2/22/2024 2375 TR DESIGN GROUP INC 4813 ARCHITECTURAL SVCS, CIP-PW, PW19-13 EFT 50,551.20 301499 2/8/2024 2006 ,TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT INC , 1067798 TRAFFIC ENGINEERING AND CONTROL PLAN: TCSD Printed 7,063.63 601672 2/22/2024 2148 TRAUMA INTERVENTION PROGRAMS OF SW RIVERSIDE CO 2324-T B SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT: TRAUMA INTERVENTION PROGRAM EFT 5,000.00 601731 2/29/2024 2148 TRAUMA INTERVENTION PROGRAMS OF SW RIVERSIDE CO 2324-TA SPONSORSHIP AGREEMENT: TRAUMA INTERVENTION PROGRAM EFT 5,000.00 16029 2/9/2024 3630 TRUSTED TOURS AND ATTRACTIONS LLC 6214 EXCURSION: SENIORS: MPSC Wire 768.80 301545 2/15/2024 2508 TURBOSCAPE INC , 13990 MISC PLAYGROUND WORK AT VARIOUS PARKS: PW Printed 22,560.00 601476 2/1/2024 2249 TVEYESINC 2024-L1164 MEDIA MONITORING: 3/1/24-2/28/25 EFT 1,500.00 601572 2/8/2024 2340 TWOS COMPANY INC ■ J 7805415 SUPPLIES FOR GIFT SHOP: TCSD _ EFT (108.00) 601572 2/8/20242340 TWOS COMPANY INC 2413732 SUPPLIES: GIFTSHOP: TCSD EFT 108.10 16081 2/9/2024 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 8777 OFFICE SUPPLIES: TAX FORMS: FINANCE Wire 314.33 601732 2/29/2024 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-449974 EXECUTI ME TIME &ATTENDANCE LICENSES: FINANCE: IT EFT 17,275.00 16083 2/13/20241350 USBANK SSI REMIT 02/16/24 COUNTY SSI REMITTANCE Wire 4,340,426.19 16118 2/16/2024 1350 U S BANK 02/09 EOC LATE FEE LATE FEE: EOC Wire 19.00 16119 2/16/20241350 USBANK IL_ 02/12 EOC INT CHRG INTEREST CHARGE: FIRE Wire 2.91 301432 2/1/20241350 USBANK 7172207 TRUSTEE ADMIN FEES: CFD 03-1 CROWNE HILL Printed 3,830.00 301596 2/22/2024 1350 U S BANK F 14105535 ACCOUNT ANALYSIS: FINANCE Printed 875.00 16055 2/9/2024 2561 UBER 0118 TRANSPORTATION: HOMELESS CLIENT Wire 118.34 301500 2/8/2024 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC , 1814B JANITORIAL SVCS MAINT: PD Printed 881.21 601573 2/8/2024 1432 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 23-2424474 JAN DIG SAFE BILLABLE TIX: PW EFT 87.04 601573 2/8/2024 1432 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA , 120240737 JAN DIG SAFE BRD BILLABLE TIX: PW EFT 270.75 301433 2/1/2024 1131 UNITED RENTALS NORTH AMERICA INC 228816566-001 TRENCHER RENTAL: PENNYPICKLE LIGHT POLE: PW Printed 295.92 601574 2/8/2024 3526 UNITED TOWING SERVICE INC _ 63179 TOWING SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 125.00 601733 2/29/2024 3526 UNITED TOWING SERVICE INC 63835 TOWING SERVICES: FIRE EFT 55.00 601477 2/1/2024 2142 URBANE CAFE OPERATIONS LLC _ 110082 TVE2 ORDERS FOR WORKSHOPS/MEETING EFT 126.15 601634 2/15/2024 2142 URBANE CAFE OPERATIONS LLC 110680 TVE2 ORDERS FOR WORKSHOPS/MEETINGS EFT 515.78 601734 2/29/2024 2142 URBANE CAFE OPERATIONS LLC _ 110563 RFRSHMNTS: TVM/ACE EVENTS: TCSD EFT 318.63 301597 2/22/2024 1135 US POSTAL SERVICE 02/20/24 POSTAGE: CITYWIDE POSTCARD MAILING Printed 8,166.25 301434 2/1/2024 1163 USPS POC, ACCOUNT 8089685 NOV'23 NOV'23 POSTAGE METER DEPOSIT Printed 1,868.49 301434 2/1/2024 1163 USPS POC, ACCOUNT 8089685 JUL'23 JUL'23 POSTAGE METER DEPOSIT Printed 1,416.31 301434 2/1/2024 1163 USPS POC, ACCOUNT 8089685 DEC'23 DEC'23 POSTAGE METER DEPOSIT Printed 2,288.85 301434 2/1/2024 1163 USPS POC, ACCOUNT 8089685 AUG'23 AUG'23 POSTAGE METER DEPOSIT Printed 1,970.77 301434 2/1/2024 1163 USPS POC, ACCOUNT 8089685 OCT'23 OCT'23 POSTAGE METER DEPOSIT Printed 2,187.57 301434 2/1/2024 1163 USPS POC, ACCOUNT 8089685 SEP'23 SEP'23 POSTAGE METER DEPOSIT Printed 1,700.89 16271 2/6/2024 1845 VERIZON WIRELESS 9954332871 12/16-01/15 CELLULAR/BROADBAND: CITYWIDE Wire 11,149.43 301435 2/1/2024 1845 VERIZON WIRELESS 9953884147 12/11-01/10 TASK FORCE TABLETS: POLICE Printed 418.50 301598 2/22/2024 1845 VERIZON WIRELESS 9956347389 01/11-02/10 TASK FORCE TABLETS: POLICE Printed 430.12 16035 2/9/2024 2676 VEROS MEXICAN & SEA FOOD 8308 REFRESHMENTS: HOSPITALITY: THEATER Wire 94.55 601635 2/15/2024 3473 VICTOR STANLEY LLC SI54449 BIKE BENCHES: CRC: PW 1 ' EFT 2,106.60 601478 2/1/20241498 VISION ONE INC INV-75003 TICKETING SERVICES EQUIPMENT: THEATER: TCSD EFT 2,781.35 601575 2/8/2024 1498 VISION ONE INC INV-74897 TICKETING SERVICES: THEATER: TCSD EFT 7,000.20 601673 2/22/20241498 VISION ONE INC INV-75321 TICKETING SERVICES: THEATER: TCSD EFT 2,428.00 601735 2/29/2024 2197 VOICES FOR CHILDREN OCT-DEC'23 CDBG REIMBURSEMENT: OCT-DEC'23 EFT 2,031.45 16004 2/7/20241475 VONS 2277 REFRESHMENTS: CITY COUNCIL MEETINGS Wire 15.18 601736 2/29/2024 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 2800.101-2810.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 2,492.00 601636 2/15/2024 2183 WALLACE AND ASSOCIATES CONSULTING LLC 21649 CONSTRUCTION MGMT SVCS: PW19-07 EFT 8,748.00 601636 2/15/2024 2183 WALLACE AND ASSOCIATES CONSULTING LLC 21647 CONSTRUCTION MGMT SVCS: PW19-07 EFT 14,092.00 601636 2/15/2024 2183 WALLACE AND ASSOCIATES CONSULTING LLC 21651 CONSTRUCTION MGMT SVCS: PW19-07 EFT 4,598.00 601636 2/15/2024 2183 WALLACE AND ASSOCIATES CONSULTING LLC 21652 CONSTRUCTION MGMT SVCS: PW19-07 EFT 3,618.00 601636 2/15/2024 2183 WALLACE AND ASSOCIATES CONSULTING LLC 18693 CONSTRUCTION MGMT SVCS: PW19-07 EFT 16,675.00 601636 2/15/2024 2183 WALLACE AND ASSOCIATES CONSULTING LLC 21648 CONSTRUCTION MGMT SVCS: PW19-07 EFT 9,770.00 16057 2/9/2024 1439 WALMART 3421 SUPPLIES: RESOURCE CENTER Wire 175.41 16059 2/9/2024 1439 WALMART 6772 SUPPLIES: RESOURCE CENTER Wire 24.67 301436 2/1/20241439 WALMART O1/24/24 MISCSUPPLIES: TCC: TCSD Printed 163.36 301501 2/8/2024 1439 WALMART O1/25/24 MISC SUPPLIES: RESPONSIBLE COMPASSION Printed 209.77 301501 2/8/2024 1439 WALMART 02/O1/24 MISCSUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed 443.72 301501 2/8/2024 1439 WALMART O1/22/24 BUILDING SUPPLIES: CLASSES: TCSD Printed 56.14 301501 2/8/2024 1439 WALMART 02/02/24 MISCSUPPLIES: MRC: TCSD Printed 164.55 301546 2/15/2024 1439 WALMART 02/07/24 MISC SUPPKLIES: RIBBON CUTTING EVENT: TCSD Printed , 158.34 301599 2/22/2024 1439 WALMART 02/07/24A MISCSUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed 70.00 301599 2/22/2024 1439 WALMART 02/13/24 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD = Printed , 68.77 301599 2/22/2024 1439 WALMART 02/14/24 MISCSUPPLIES/EQUIP: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD Printed 145.60 301599 2/22/2024 1439 WALMART 02/07/24 B MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed ` 206.67 301646 2/29/2024 1439 WALMART 02/21/24 MISCSUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed 70.12 301502 2/8/2024 1102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 82207050 JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITY MAINT: PW = Printed 5,240.01 301502 2/8/2024 1102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 82256742 RESTROOM CLEANING EQUIPMENT: PARKS: PW Printed 4,513.06 301502 2/8/2024 1102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 82250489 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: PARKS: PW Printed 5,328.78 301600 2/22/2024 1102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 82272031 JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITY MAINT: PW Printed 2,788.49 301600 2/22/2024 1102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 82262877 JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITY MAINT: PW Printed 1,117.67 301600 2/22/2024 1102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 82210768 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: PARKS: PW Printed 190.53 301503 2/8/2024 2230 WEBB MUNICIPAL FINANCE LLC ARIV0000105 QTR 2 FY 23/24 CFD ADMIN SVCS Printed 13,415.86 301601 2/22/2024 2230 WEBB MUNICIPAL FINANCE LLC ARIV0000106 ENGINEERING & CFD: TAX ADMIN: TCSD SVC LEVELS Printed 10,285.04 601576 2/8/2024 3318 WEILAND DESIGN GROUP INC 23-050 #4 LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN/DESIGN: PARKS: PVv EFT 92.20 601737 2/29/2024 3318 WEILAND DESIGN GROUP INC 23-050 #2 LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN/DESIGN: PARKS: PW EFT 1,357.50 601737 2/29/2024 3318 WEILAND DESIGN GROUP INC 23-050 #5 LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN/DESIGN: PARKS: PWjjL_ EFT 1,155.00 16015 2/7/20241474 WES FLOWERS 0049 SUNSHINE FUND Wire 96.55 301547 2/15/2024 1686 WEST COAST PERFORMING ARTS PRESENTERS PERF: 02/03/24 AGREEMENT: THE QUEEN CONCERT 2/3/24 Printed F 15,057.10 301547 2/15/20241686 WEST COAST PERFORMING ARTS PRESENTERS PERF: 02/02/24 AGREEMENT: FLEETWOOD MAC CONCERT Printed 12,044.80 301547 2/15/20241686 WEST COAST PERFORMING ARTS PRESENTERS _PERF: 02/04/24 AGREEMENT: ABBA CONCERT 2/4/24 w Printed 13,225.81 301504 2/8/2024 1033 WEST PUBLISHING CORPORATION 849669853 SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION: PD Printed 1,179.86 601674 2/22/2024 1782 WESTERN AV 18549 AV EQUIP:OLD TOWN & VARIOUS FACILITIES-CIP IT20-01 EFT 23,878.05 601479 2/1/20241358 WESTERN EAGLE FOUNDATION FY 23/24 CSF FY 23/24 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING EFT 5,000.00 301602 2/22/2024 2322 WEX BANK 95002336 01/07-02/06 FUEL USAGE: POLICE Printed 1,709.92 301437 2/1/2024 2175 WHITE CAP LP 50025162498 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed 117.44 301437 2/1/2024 2175 WHITE CAP LP 50024998509 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: TCSD FACILITIES: PW Printed 18.81 301505 2/8/2024 2175 WHITE CAP LP 50025069419 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 227.23 301648 2/29/2024 2175 WHITE CAP LP 50025303107 MISC SUPPLIES & SM TOOLS & EQUIP: PARKS: PW Printed 293.60 301548 2/15/2024 3612 WILDLANDS SLR HOLDINGS I LLC SLRMB-433 DIAZ ROAD EXPANSION- NO. 119-20 Printed 18,450.00 601469 2/1/20241509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 01/18/24 ` TICKET SERVICES AGREEMENT:JAZZ@THE MERC 01/18/24 EFT 332.50 601469 2/1/20241509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 01/11/24 TICKET SERVICES AGREEMENT:JAZZ@THE MERC 1/11/24 EFT 550.00 601558 2/8/2024 1509) WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 01/27/24 wr PERF: STAND UP COMEDY: O1/27/24 EFT 1,860.00 601558 2/8/2024 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: O1/25/24 PERF: JAZZ @ THE MERC O1/25/24 EFT 700.00 601627 2/15/202415gM WILLIAMS SHERRY PERF: 02/O1/24 j TICKET SERVICES AGREEMENT: GREAT OAKS JAZZ EFT 1,907.50 601718 2/29/20241509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 02/15/24 TICKET SERVICES AGREEMENT:JAZZ@THE MERC 02/15/24 EFT 705.00 601718 2/29/20241509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 02/08/24 TICKET SERVICES AGREEMENT:JAZZ@THE MERC 2/8/24 EFT 483.00 601480 2/1/2024 1069 WINCHAK KRIS R 24.01 ENG PLAN CHECK & REVIEW: PW LAND DEV EFT 1,190.00 301438 2/1/20241991 WOMEN ORGANIZING WOMEN INC FY 23/24 CSF FY 23/24 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING GRANT Printed 5,000.00 601577 2/8/2024 1178 WSP USA INC 1389991 CLIMATE ACTION PLAN LR23-0083 EFT 74.83 601578 2/8/2024 2289 YANES BLANCA A 0203.01 LANDSCAPE PLAN CHECK AND INSPECTION SERVICES EFT 13,905.00 601578 2/8/2024 2289 YANES BLANCA A 0204.0 LANDSCAPE PLAN CHECK AND INSPECTION SERVICES EFT 7,730.00 601578 2/8/2024 2289 YANES BLANCA A 0202.0 LANDSCAPE PLAN CHECK AND INSPECTION SERVICES EFT 5,950.00 301603 2/22/2024 1223 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION GPO 3909756 PARAMEDIC PROGRAM SUPPLIES: MEDIC Printed 1,644.95 301506 2/8/2024 2477 ZOOM VIDEO COMMUNICATIONS INC 0,2394655 ZOOM PHONE CONNECTION FOR SOUND SYSTEM:IT Printed 118.52 301650 3/7/2024 1288 2 HOT UNIFORMS INC 7303 UINFORMS: TEM SHERIFF Printed 156.49 601941 3/28/2024 2238 79 FIELD HOCKEY INC 3115.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,336.61 16154 3/11/2024 3638 ACCESS FLOOR SYSTEMS 0263 FLOOR TILES: DATA CTR FIREWALL REPLACEMENT: ITSS Wire 3,353.77 601738 3/7/2024 2948 ACT 1 CONSTRUCTION INC 9 COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER RENOVATIONS -PHASE I EFT 78,445.98 301777 3/28/2024 1772 ADAME LANDSCAPE INC 525260 PARKING GARAGE SWEEPING/CLEANING: PW Printed 540.00 301742 3/21/20241206 AFLAC PREMIUM HOLDING C O BNB BANK LOCKBOX BEN349937 AFLAC ACCIDENT INDEMNITY PAYMENT Printed 3,043.76 301742 3/21/20241206 AFLAC PREMIUM HOLDING C O BNB BANK LOCKBM BEN349985 AFLAC ACCIDENT INDEMNITY PAYMENT Printed 3,976.30 601942 3/28/2024 3625 AIRGAS INC 9147730874 OXYGEN TANK REFILLS: AQUATICS: TCSD EFT 355.90 16101 3/7/20241435 ALASKAAIRLINES 9893 AIRFARE: DC LOBBYING: PW Wire 346.20 16105 3/7/20241435 ALASKA AIRLINES 8525 AIRFARE: DCLOBBYING: PW Wire 346.20 16275 3/11/20241435 ALASKAAIRLINES 2209 AIRFARE: DC LOBBYING: CC Wire 346.20 16288 3/11/20241435 ALASKAAIRUNES 5008 AIRFARE: DCLOBBYING: CMO Wire 346.20 16289 3/11/20241435 ALASKAAIRLINES 0363 AIRFARE: DC LOBBYING: CMO Wire 346.20 301651 3/7/20241236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1174625 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 569.79 301705 3/14/20241236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1175051 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 618.79 301705 3/14/20241236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1174754 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 1,195.67 301705 3/14/20241236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1175182 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 310.79 301705 3/14/20241236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1174847 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 1,406.99 301743 3/21/20241236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1175285 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 273.78 301778 3/28/20241236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1175730 ASPHALTSUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW Printed 465.79 301778 3/28/20241236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1176063 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 473.79 301778 3/28/20241236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1176205 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 515.79 301778 3/28/20241236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1175642 ASPHALT SUPPLIES, PW STREET MAINTENANCE Printed 633.80 601845 3/14/2024 1512 ALLEGRO MUSICAL VENTURES INC 27327 PIANO SVCS:THEATER :TCSD EFT 560.00 601897 3/21/2024 1512 ALLEGRO MUSICAL VENTURES INC 27347 PIANO TUNINGS: LIBRARY EFT 280.00 601897 3/21/2024 1512 ALLEGRO MUSICAL VENTURES INC 27342 PIANO SVCS:THEATER :TCSD EFT 315.00 601739 3/7/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1HCV-CF3R-DGMH MISC SUPPLIES: CALRECYCLE SB1383 GRANT: PW EFT 171.93 601739 3/7/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1VFD-FJLR-KX7X MISC SUPPLIES/EQUIP: PW EFT 439.68 601739 3/7/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1DTT-7VH3-LKQ7 MISC SUPPLIES: AQUATICS EFT 1,645.76 601739 3/7/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1XQK-YM61-9QDN BACKFLOW CAGE: VAIL RANCH SLOPE: PW EFT 520.92 601739 3/7/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 117T-XY3D-ML9K MISC SUPPLIES: AQUATICS EFT 705.26 601739 3/7/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1K6Q-3RKP-RD9R MISC SUPPLIES: SPEC EVENTS EFT 551.78 601739 3/7/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1VVP-XYM9-WWDD SUPPLIES: MPSC&MRC EFT 547.10 601739 3/7/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1WGD-9V3P-976C SUPPLIES: MPSC & MRC EFT 1,115.76 601739 3/7/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 13K1-KTPV-WLMF MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD EFT 656.25 601739 3/7/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1WDX-H39T-MTC3 MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD EFT 690.57 601740 3/7/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1JV1-RTY3-RQ37 MISC SUPPLIES: TCC EFT 119.61 601740 3/7/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 16MW-LN6N-QJTN UNIFORMS: TRAFFIC ENGINEERING: PW EFT 107.63 601740 3/7/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1FQF-GPPK-QWCR MISC SUPPLIES: TVM ' EFT 110.61 601740 3/7/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1X1V-TKN7-J3LM MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: PW -CIP EFT 74.70 601740 3/7/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1HVW-KJNl-GM7L MISC SUPPLIES: CRC EFT 121.12 601740 3/7/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1WC7-L9PG-46J7 MISC SUPPLIES: FINANCE EFT 111.41 601740 3/7/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1WQ1-JHQH-JDFM MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: PW - LAND DEV EFT 49.80 601740 3/7/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1NYT-31Y6-C7V4 SUPPLIES/EQUIP: POLICE EFT 48.06 601740 3/7/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1WR6-C34V-33KR MISC SUPPLIES: TVM EFT 160.40 601740 3/7/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1DQD-KHIQ-F1L1 MISC SUPPLIES & EQUIP: FACILITIES: PW EFT 92.20 601741 3/7/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1M1D-MMQN-VV7G MISC SUPPLIES/EQUIP: PW EFT 26.04 601741 3/7/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 19XY-VP16-19NY MISC SUPPLIES: ECON DEV EFT 38.15 601741 3/7/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 13QC-M7RG-3WCK MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD EFT 26.01 601741 3/7/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1VGK-1JJ1-3GGW MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: PW - CIP EFT 40.17 601846 3/14/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1Y13-HP9C-CQFY MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER: TCSD- EFT 318.69 601846 3/14/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1R3C-GY17-4HHN MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD EFT 158.07 601846 3/14/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1TPP-GD9Q-63LM MISC SUPPLIES: FINANCE EFT 109.39 601846 3/14/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 16RV-D9PT-CT61 SUPPLIES/EQUIP: PD EFT 41.91 601846 3/14/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1C9F-TWG1-VWNW SUPPLIES, TOOLS, EQUIP: HR EFT 81.55 601846 3/14/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1VXD-7Y7W-6CGC MISCOFCSUPPLIES: INFOTECH EFT 101.28 601846 3/14/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1N3X-6DQG-6996 REFRESHMENT SUPPLIES: CITY HALL & FOC: PW EFT 118.38 601943 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1RCF-QLH4-HVNL SMALLTOOLS & EQUIPMENT: FIRE EFT (303.41) 601943 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1RVD-RCPT-WLDG MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD EFT 664.46 601943 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1MCY-XR67-1PDP SUPPLIES: MPSC & MRC EFT 840.88 601943 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1RCF-QLH4-6MlP MISCOFCSUPPLIES-COMMDEV EFT 238.04 601943 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1PHH-P3P9-YJC7 MISC SUPPLIES: CRC TCSD EFT 968.89 601943 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 177F-9NCX-X3KR MISCSUPLIES: SPEC EVENTS EFT 547.21 601943 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1FPP-VYDG-6RPN ENGINE WASHING AND DETAIL SUPPLIES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 445.28 601943 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 13QD-FN9N-M9YK SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: FIRE ' EFT 322.25 601943 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1V3G-C14P-TTLV MISC SUPPLES: SPORTS: TCSD EFT 2,947.92 601943 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1F7D-WWNY-DXJQ MISC SUPPLIES: SPORTS _ EFT (326.20) 601944 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1CWP-D4R7-4V9K SUPPLIES, TOOLS, EQUIP: HR EFT 70.69 601944 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1V9J-J7HJ-9W3L OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE EFT 174.89 601944 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1PN9-CCYD-3Y7J MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD EFT 225.39 601944 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1W13-GVPT-DMK6 MISC SUPPLIES: ECO DEV EFT 98.72 601944 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1Q1V-NNLC-1WPX MISC SUPPLIES: ITSS EFT 73.35 601944 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1LMN-FRYL-6RNH MISC SUPPLIES: WORKFORCE DEV EFT 119.46 601944 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1VNF-7MYX-CYRR MISC SUPPLIES: AQUATICS EFT 131.31 601944 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 16NJ-4Q19-613T SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: FIRE EFT 67.28 601944 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1QL3-Q4PM-RGQC SUPPLIES: MPSC & MRC EFT 50.17 601944 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1J1T-QT44-H6GL MISC SUPPLIES: OPERATIONS EFT 55.96 601945 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 13Y6-Y1QQ-1JFN MISC SUPPLIES: ECON DEV EFT (42.88) 601945 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1WC4-TYH7-67FW SUPPLIES, TOOLS, EQUIP: HR EFT 17.36 601945 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1L9M-4CHK-9GTD OFFICE SUPPLIES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 42.40 601945 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC lYGC-9JNF-4J6P OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE EFT (49.57) 601945 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1GK6-VJY1-4KWH OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE EFT (47.81) 601945 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1NFX-JKCP-DR3T MISC SUPPLIES: OPERATIONS EFT 26.79 601945 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1D3L-7LWP-19XP OFFICE SUPPLIES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 27.18 601945 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1VYH-9TXW-H9NK SUPPLIES/EQUIP: POLICE EFT 41.91 601945 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1D9D-R96M-R7F3 MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD EFT 20.56 601945 3/28/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1CW1-CP4R-XHRM MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD EFT (4.351 601742 3/7/20241334 AMERICAN ASPHALT SOUTH INC 2023-1578 CITYWIDE SLURRY SEAL EFT 304,625.75 601898 3/21/2024 13�AMERICAN ASPHALTSOUTH INC 2024-1633 CITYWIDE SLURRY SEAL: CIP: PW EFT 610,335.861 301652 3/7/2024 1228 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR STATE AND LOCAL HISTORY 39305284'24 MEMBERSHIP DUES: TVM Printed 76.00 601847 3/14/2024 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 78552 DRUG ALCOHOLANALYSIS EFT 1,073.21 601847 3/14/2024 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 78570 DRUG ALCOHOLANALYSIS EFT 259.44 601847 3/14/2024 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 78531 STAND BY FEE: APRIL --mm EFT 1,485.90 16399 3/11/20241066 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION 9981 REGISTRATION: NATIONAL APA CONFERENCE: PLANNING Wire 350.00 16401 3/11/2024 1066 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION 9528 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: PLANNING DEPT Wire 748.00 16096 3/7/2024 1766 APPLE.COM 5177 ADDT PHONE STORAGE: SOCIAL MEDIA: ECON DEV Wire 9.99 16113 3/11/2024 1766 APPLE.COM F 7929 ADDT PHONE STORAGE: FIRE DEPT Wire 0.99 16158 3/11/2024 1766 APPLE.COM 3007 IPHONE 15 PRO: HR Wire 1,681.66 16223 3/7/2024 1766 APPLE.COM 8308 PHONE ACCESSORIES: HR Wire 107.61 601743 3/7/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076190 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: PW EFT 29.36 601743 3/7/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076129 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: AQUATICS EFT 69.60 601743 3/7/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20075780 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: PW EFT 29.36 601848 3/14/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076150 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: FACILITIES EFT 96.52 601848 3/14/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076585 DRINKING WATER SRVCS: IT EFT 28.55 601848 3/14/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076588 MAR DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: MALL PD EFT 62.53 601848 3/14/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076191 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE: PARKS EFT 28.28 601848 3/14/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076574 MAR DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: AULD RD: PD EFT 62.53 601899 3/21/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076521 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: TCC EFT 28.55 601899 3/21/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076522 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: AQUATICS: CRC EFT 69.60 301653 3/7/2024 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 3327869 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES Printed 91.24 301653 3/7/2024 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 8520201 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES Printed 111.00 301653 3/7/2024 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 106028037 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES Printed 88.78 301779 3/28/2024 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 106029942 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES Printed 129.27 301779 3/28/2024 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 106030238 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES Printed 67.42 301779 3/28/2024 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 106029837 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES Printed 942.09 301779 3/28/2024 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 106029836 BEVERAGE SERVICES, FACILITIES Printed 85.35 601744 3/7/2024 3168 ASTER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC 7-RETENTION -A RETENTION RELEASE: CONTRACT WITHHOLDING: 2023-167E EFT 11,580.05 601849 3/14/2024 3168 ASTER CONSTRUCTION SERVICES INC 7-RETENTION - B RETENTION RELEASE: CONTRACT WITHHOLDING: 2023-167 EFT 17,690.16 601745 3/7/2024 1170 AUTOPARTSPROS LLC OC-2087056 AUTO PARTS FOR PW STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 3.12 601745 3/7/2024 1170 AUTOPARTSPROS LLC 101683 AUTO PARTS FOR PW STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 143.51 16155 3/11/2024 3041 AVTECH SOFTWARE IN� 0138 RENEWAL: ROOM ALERT: TEMP SENSORS Wire 349.95 601746 3/7/2024 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN 2959 ELECTRICAL SVCS: CITY FACILITIES: PW EFT 500.00 601850 3/14/2024 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN 2940 ELECTRICAL SVCS: PW EFT 150.00 601900 3/21/2024 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN 2938 ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATIONS EFT 250.00 601946 3/28/2024 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN = 2944 SCOREBOARD ELECTRICAL: RRSP: PW EFT 3,100.00 601747 3/7/2024 2073 AZTEC LANDSCAPING INC J1701 JAN RESTROOM MAINT: PARKS: PW EFT 9,580.39 601901 3/21/2024 2073 AZTEC LANDSCAPING INC J1716 FEB RESTROOM MAINT: PARKS: PW EFT 9,580.39 601947 3/28/2024 1405 B&H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP 222268739 TV CASE & STAND: PEG: IT EFT 6,942.87 601947 3/28/2024 1405 B&H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP momp"m 222080991 DRONE REPLACEMENT: PEG: IT EFT 3,817.19 601947 3/28/2024 1405 B&H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP 222268741 AV EQUIP:CHILDRENS MUSEUM: IT EFT 317.12 301656 3/7/2024 1909 BAMM PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS IN� 12658 STAFF UNIFORMS: TCSD Printed 909.50 301782 3/28/2024 1909 BAMM PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS INC 12631 UNIFORMS: COMM DEV Printed 1,911.26 601948 3/28/2024 1810 BARCODES ACQUISITION INC INV7271632 PROXIMITY CARD SUPPUES:IT HELP DESK EFT 1,777.05 16227 3/7/2024 3675 BART 0147 TRANSPORTATION: LCW CONFERENCE: HR Wire 15.00 16228 3/7/2024 3675 BART 0154 � TRANSPORTATION: LCW CONFERENCE: HR Wire 15.00 601851 3/14/2024 3122 BEARD RYAN 2200.101-2210.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 11,830.00 16180 3/11/2024 2524 BEHAVIORAL ANALYSIS TRAINING INC 0143 REGISTRATION: INVESTIGATIVE INTERVIEW & INTERROGAT Wire 575.00 301706 3/14/2024 2935 BETTS KENNETH 1900.103-1910.104 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 2,620.80 601748 3/7/2024 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4005-4010.102 FINAL TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 3,654.00 601902 3/21/2024 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4005-40101ST PVT TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 3,099.60 601902 3/21/2024 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4030-4040 2ND HALF TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 3,016.30 601949 3/28/2024 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4005-4010.103 2ND TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 3,099.60 301657 3/7/2024 1355 BIRTH CHOICE CENTERS INC CSF: REINVEST TEM COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING REINVEST IN TEMECULA Printed 10,111.45 16140 3/11/2024 1524 BJS RESTAURANTS INC 8795 REFRESHMENTS: CLASSES MTG: TCSD Wire 145.26 16321 3/11/2024 1524 BJS RESTAURANTS INC 2102 REFRESHMENTS: CLASSES MTG: TCSD Wire (145.26) 16322 3/11/2024 1524 BJS RESTAURANTS INC 2110 REFRESHMENTS: CLASSES MTG: TCSD Wire (145.26) 601749 3/7/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 1480028910578 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT 253.88 601750 3/7/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 04B6705212167 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT 14.02 601750 3/7/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 0486702622575 WATER DELIVERY SERVICES ATTHE TVE2 EFT 121.15 601750 3/7/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 04B0035623057 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT 21.74 601852 3/14/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 1480028662112 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT 93.44 601852 3/14/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 04B0036263176 HELP CENTER WATER SERVICE EFT 2.60 301783 3/28/2024 1631 BONCOR WATER SYSTEMS LLC 789589 02/28/24 WATER FILTER REPLACEMENT: STATION 73 Printed 345.20 601751 3/7/2024 2612 BRAND ASSASSINS 22759 MILITARY BANNER PROGRAM EFT 1,056.25 601752 3/7/2024 2612 BRAND ASSASSINS 22634 AUTO MALL WAYFINDING SIGNS EFT 12,500.00 601853 3/14/2024 2415 BRAUN PETER 4189 PLANT MAINTENANCE: FACILITIES: PW EFT 200.00 601853 3/14/2024 2415 BRAUN PETER = 4172 PLANT MAINTENANCE: FACILITIES: PW EFT 500.00 601950 3/28/2024 2541 BRIGHTON HILLACADEMY SPORTS AND LEARNING CENTER 2600.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,330.00 601951 3/28/20241634 BRODARTCO B6756236 BOOK COLLECTIONS EFT 36.93 601952 3/28/20242622 BROWN JAMAL DEON 2300.103-2310.103 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 3,273.90 601953 3/28/2024 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1401.103-1405.103 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 5,985.00 601753 3/7/2024 1032 BSN SPORTS LLC 924705382 MISC PARKS SPORTS EQUIPMENT: PW EFT 3,186.68 301655 3/7/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038063098 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 313.77 301655 3/7/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038063096 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 14.96 301655 3/7/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038063097 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD ' Printed 20.70 301781 3/28/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038140348 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 49.59 301781 3/28/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038140347 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 59.92 301781 3/28/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038133309 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSD Printed 488.43 601854 3/14/2024 2399 BUCHER BRET PHILLIP 3500.102-3511.103 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS ! EFT 1,360.31 16303 3/11/2024 3689 BYT SACRT 5194 REFRESHMENTS: ADVOCACY DAY 2024 CONFERENCE Wire 2.50 301658 3/7/2024 3157 CAHALAN JASON 3891 BAY DOOR MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATIONS i Printed 564.13 301708 3/14/20241190 CAL MAT 73931419 ASPHALTSUPPLIES: PWSTREETMAINT Printed 676.52 301784 3/28/20241190 CAL MAT 73940310 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT ! Printed 221.08 16206 3/5/20241573 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT BEN350041 SUPPORT PAYMENT Wire 521.99 16256 3/14/20241573 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT BEN350099 SUPPORT PAYMENT Wire 521.99 301785 3/28/2024 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000583297A BIDADVERTISING: PW CIP PW21-14 Printed 2,570.90 301785 3/28/20242465111111111111111111111 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000583297E LEGAL NEWSPAPER PUBLICATIONS: CITY CLERK Printed 603.04 301785 3/28/2024 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000583297D BIDADVERTISING: PW19-04 Printed 927.14 16123 3/11/2024 100�,CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R 5 im 1238 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: TCSD i Wire 165.2M 16124 3/11/20241001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R S 2640 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: TCSD Wire 565.00 16125 3/11/2024 1001 MIF CALIF- PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R 5 7688 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: TCSD Wire 165.00 16126 3/11/2024 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R S 9719 REGISTRATION & MEMBER RENEWAL: CONFERENCE: TCSD Wire 730.00 16132 3/11/2024 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R 5 6215 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: TCSD Wire 565.00 16133 3/11/2024 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R S 5430 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: TCSD Wire 565.00 16136 3/11/2024 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R 5 6587 MEMBERSHIP: COMM OUTREACH DIV: TCSD Wire 145.00 16137 3/11/2024 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R S 2294 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: CRC: TCSD Wire 590.00 16138 3/11/2024 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R 5 9438 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: CRC: TCSD Wire 590.00 16139 3/11/2024 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R S 8669 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: CRC: TCSD Wire 590.00 16146 3/11/2024 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R 5 3201 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: TCSD Wire 460.00 16147 3/11/2024 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R S 3383 MEMBERSHIP: TCSD Wire 145.00 16148 3/11/2024 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R 5 8664 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: TCSD Wire 320.00 16149 3/11/2024 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R S 6828 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: TCSD Wire 460.00 16352 3/29/2024 3388 CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION OF PUBLIC PROCUREMENT 7561 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: ECO DEV Wire 950.00 16171 3/11/2024 3059 CALIFORNIA ROBBERY INVESTIGATORS ASSOCIATION CRIA 3911 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: POLICE Wire 20.00 301786 3/28/2024 1332 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 32258299 11 CANON COPIERS LEASE:TEM PUB LIBRARY Printed 671.56 601754 3/7/2024 2295 CANTRELLTINAI 4200.103 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 245.00 301659 3/7/2024 2063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0050528 ENGINEERING SVCS: PW- CIP, PW15-07, ON -CALL Printed 540.00 301659 3/7/20242063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0050438 NPDES COMPLIANCE SVCS, PW-CIP Printed 555.00 301849 3/28/2024 2294 CATRON MICHAEL 0001258 PROMOTIONAL VIDEOGRAPHY SERVICES: CM Printed 7,594.20 601755 3/7/2024 1280 CDW LLC PS67040 MR18 WIFI REPLACEMENT: IT EFT 5,583.61 601755 3/7/2024 1280 CDW LLC PQ230376 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 805.87 601755 3/7/2024 1280 CDW LLC PQ31463 DESKTOP SCANNERS: COMM DEV EFT 2,753.22 601755 3/7/2024 1280 CDW LLC PQ38130 REPLACEMENT LAPTOPS: MPSC: IT EFT 3,458.81 601755 3/7/2024 1280 CDW LLC PS67969 MISC SMALL TOOLS &EQUIP: IT EFT 215.72 601855 3/14/2024 1280 CDW LLC PW39042 MISC SMALL TOOLS &EQUIP: IT EFT 107.79 601855 3/14/2024 1280 CDW LLC PW35442 MISC SMALL TOOLS &EQUIP: IT EFT 41.43 601855 3/14/2024 1280 CDW LLC PW48799 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 277.55 601954 3/28/2024 1280 CDW LLC QD43317 MISC SMALL TOOLS& EQUIP: INFO TECH EFT 431.43 601954 3/28/2024 1280 CDW LLC QH4323� KEYBOARD & MOUSE REPLACEMENT:IT EFT 1,048.09 301787 3/28/2024 1528 CERTIFION CORP 224EP31197 SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION: PD Printed 200.00 16299 3/11/2024 2043 CHARITY FOR CHARITY 2591 REGISTRATION: VALLEY GALA FUNDRAISER Wire 150.00 16220 3/7/2024 3673 CHEESECAKE FACTORY 0107 REFRESHMENTS: HR MANAGER LUNCHEON Wire 116.60 301746 3/21/2024 1942 CHRISTIAN STITCHERY INC COT85A UNIFORMS: AQUATIC STAFF: TCSD Printed 2,151.95 301788 3/28/2024 1942 CHRISTIAN STITCHERY INC COT 88 AWARDS: SPORTS DIVISION Printed 556.26 301788 3/28/2024 1942 CHRISTIAN STITCHERY INC COT 87 AWARDS: SPORTS DIVISION Printed 1,309.30 301709 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 020D583622 FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTIONS: THEATER Printed 177.72 301709 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 020D583694 FIRE EXTI NG UISHER INSPECTIONS: J RC/MRC/TES Printed 105.47 301709 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 020D583623 FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTIONS: TVM Printed 74.54 301709 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 020D583470 FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTIONS: WEST WING Printed 69.32 301709 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO2 020DS83624 FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTIONS: MPSC Printed 64.10 301709 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 020D583472 FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTIONS: CIVIC CTR Printed 822.19 301709 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 020D583471 FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTIONS: TVE2 Printed 185.72 301709 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 020D583368 FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTIONS: PARKS: PW Printed 294.12 301709 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO2 020DS83469 FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTIONS: FOC Printed 95.42 301709 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 020D583616 FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTIONS: CHILDREN'S MUSEUM Printed 69.32 301710 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 020DS83445 EXTINGUISHER ANNUAL INSPECTION:BLDG&SAFETY Printed 38.00 301710 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 020D583446 FIRE EXTINGUISHER MAINT: CODE ENF: COMM DEV Printed 48.44 301710 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 020DS83437 FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTION: CMO Printed 38.00 301710 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 020D583521 FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTIONS: TC� Printed 43.22 301710 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 020D583531 FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTIONS: SAFEHOUSE Printed 43.22 301710 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO2 020D583613 FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTIONS: TESC POC� Printed 43.22 301710 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 020DS83557 FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTIONS: TCC Printed 48.44 301711 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406710688 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 112.95 301711 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406710682 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 87.66 301711 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406710686 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 293.79 301711 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406710681 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 314.33 301711 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406710680 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 167.04 301711 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406710684 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 128.76 301711 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406710683 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 80.65 301711 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406710687 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 101.78 301711 3/14/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406710685 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 156.35 301747 3/21/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 020D583695 FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTIONS: PARKS Printed 38.00 301747 3/21/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 020D583520 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SVCS: OTSF: TEM SHERIF� Printed 48.44 301789 3/28/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 020D583370 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SVCS: FIRE PREVENTION Printed 69.32 301789 3/28/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 020D583876 FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTIONS: MRC Printed 69.32 301789 3/28/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 020DS83438 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SVCS: HOMELESS OUTREACH: TCSD Printed 58.88 301789 3/28/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 020D053173 FIRE EXTINGUISHER SVCS: BLDG & SAFETY Printed 66.97 16247 3/11/2024 1077 CITY CLERKS ASSOCIATION OF CALIFORNIA 7059 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: CLERK Wire 695.00 301790 3/28/2024 1701 CLEAR IMAGE ENTERPRISES INC 18822 WINDOW CLEANING: HARVESTON PARK: PW Printed 265.00 601955 3/28/2024 3147 CLEM TYLER J INV0206 CONSTRUCTION SERVICES: COMM DEV EFT 9,594.00 16232 3/7/2024 3676 CLIPPER SERVICE 5438 - TRANSPORTATION: LCW CONFERENCE: HR Wire 20.00 301748 3/21/2024 2316 CNS ENGINEERS INC 18025-25 ENG SVCS: MURRIETA CRK BRIDGE AT OVERLAND PROJECT Printed 91,478.90 601856 3/14/2024 3043 COMMERCIAL CLEANING BY ROGERS 10963 JANITORIAL SERVICES: OTSF AND MALL EFT 814.77 601857 3/14/2024 1276 COMMUNITY WORKS DESIGN GROUP LLC 15473 RONALD REAGAN SPORTS PARK SKATE EFT 675.30 601858 3/14/2024 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4127320-0 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: COM DEV EFT 161.16 601858 3/14/2024 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4126637-0 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: PLANNING EFT 206.17 601956 3/28/2024 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4132318-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES: COMM DEV EFT 91.26 601956 3/28/2024 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4132328-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES: BUILDING & SAFETY EFT 137.20 601956 3/28/2024 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4131073-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES: BUILDING & SAFETY EFT 95.19 601903 3/21/2024 1046 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS INC 120099 ALARM MONITORING: PD EFT 225.00 601957 3/28/2024 1046 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS INC 120060 FIRE ALARM MONITORING: STA 73 AND STA 95 EFT 390.00 601958 3/28/2024 1046 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS INC 120044 SECURITY ALARM SVCS: TCC: PW EFT 271.61 301661 3/7/2024 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1039622 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES Printed 41.87 301661 3/7/2024 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1036115 CM ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES Printed (86.34) 301661 3/7/2024 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1039510 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES Printed 549.86 301661 3/7/2024 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1039691 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FACILITIES Printed 121.56 301749 3/21/2024 2338111111111111111111111 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1040011 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed (102.23) 301749 3/21/2024 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1039965 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 358.88 301749 3/21/2024 23�,CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1039894 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 45.68 301792 3/28/2024 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1040113 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 61.47 301792 3/28/2024 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1040559 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: JRC Printed 225.44 301792 3/28/2024 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1039968 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 614.71 301792 3/28/2024 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1040018 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 1,275.64 301792 3/28/2024 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1040054 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 107.66 301792 3/28/2024 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1040009 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 1,240.21 301663 3/7/2024 1972 COOPERATIVE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0012364 CLASSIFICATION: HR Printed 2,183.75 601904 3/21/2024 1666 CORELOGIC INC 82205196 FEB SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 328.50 601756 3/7/20243130 CORTEZ GASTELUM MARIAVICTORIA 240217 NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION: MPSC: TCSD EFT 125.00 601756 3/7/20243130 CORTEZ GASTELUM MARIAVICTORIA, 240120 NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION: MPSC: TCSD EFT 112.50 601757 3/7/2024 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1620.103 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 245.00 601905 3/21/2024 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1630.102-1640.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,112.30 601959 3/28/2024 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1600.104-1620.104 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 472.50 301713 3/14/2024 1849 COSTAR REALTY INFORMATION INC 120629464 MAR'24 WEB SUBSCRIPTION: ECO DEV Printed 1,296.00 16097 3/7/2024 1098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 1020 REFRESHMENTS: BUSINESS WORKSHOPS Wire 768.15 16098 3/7/2024 1098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 5598 REFRESHMENTS: AUX LANE GROUDBREAKING CEREMONY Wire 101.31 16116 3/11/2024 1098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3177 SUPPLIES: PREVENTION: FIRE DEPT Wire 130.25 301662 3/7/2024 1098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3555 MISC SUPPLIES: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD Printed 239.32 301662 3/7/2024 1098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3554 MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD Printed 192.43 301662 3/7/2024 1098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3557 MISC SUPPLIES: TCC Printed 169.68 301750 3/21/2024 1098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3558 ADULT CERT CLASS SUPPLIES: TCC Printed 774.46 301793 3/28/2024 1098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3560 MISC SUPPLIES: EVENTS: TCSD Printed 2,103.62 301793 3/28/2024 1098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3563 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: CIPPW Printed 281.95 301793 3/28/2024 1098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3558-A ADULT CERT CLASS SUPPLIES:TCC Printed 11.13 301751 3/21/20241268 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3562 SUPPLIES: MRC, MPSC AND SFSP Printed 155.29 301794 3/28/2024 1916 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 23ME0160 FORENSIC SERVICES: TEM SHERIFF Printed 1,031.00 601758 3/7/2024 2004 COX KRISTI 4100.103-4150.103 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,540.00 601758 3/7/2024 2004 COX KRISTI 4210.103 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 270.00 601859 3/14/2024 2004 COX KRISTI 4115.104 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 273.00 601960 3/28/2024 2004 COX KRISTI 4100.104-4150.104 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 805.00 601759 3/7/2024 3617 CRAFCOINC 9403117049 MISC SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 483.23 601760 3/7/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC L30670 MISC REPAIRS: VARIOUS CITY FACILITIES: PW EFT 1,250.00 601760 3/7/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003838 PLUMBING SVCS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 7,000.00 601760 3/7/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003830 PLUMBING SVCS: SIXTH STREET RESTROOM: PW EFT 712.50 601860 3/14/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 20241498 PLUMBING SVCS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 1,284.00 601906 3/21/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003831 PLUMBING SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 344.00 601961 3/28/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003788 PLUMBING MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATIONS EFT 320.00 601962 3/28/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003796 MAINTENANCE SVCS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW FACILITIES EFT 495.00 601962 3/28/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003791 MAINTENANCE SVCS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW FACILITIES EFT 533.24 601962 3/28/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003835 HVAC REPAIR: LIBRARY: PW EFT 1,895.00 601962 3/28/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003778 MAINTENANCE SVCS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW FACILITIES EFT 310.00 601963 3/28/20243607 CROWN CASTLE INC 1521891 FIBER SVCS: 44900 TEMECULA LANE EFT 566.77 16160 3/11/2024 1002 CSMFO 7361 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: FINANCE Wire 135.00 16161 3/11/2024 1002 CSMFO 0216 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: FINANCE Wire 135.00 16102 3/7/2024 3634 CYBERSOURCE 0923 REGISTRATION: TRAFFIC SIGNAL COURSE Wire 675.00 601761 3/7/20241195 DAISYECO INC 4066929 PRINTER AND PLOTTER SUPPLIES: IT EFT 1,910.60 16129 3/11/2024 3553 DAPHNES 4930 REFRESHMENTS: HOSPITALITY: THEATER Wire 78.71 16320 3/11/20243553 DAPHNES 5710 HOSPITALITY: THEATER Wire (90.20) 601762 3/7/2024 1105 DATA TICKET INC 161789 CITATION PROCESSING: POLICE EFT 1,556.05 601763 3/7/20241105 DATA TICKET INC 161342 JAN'24 CITATION PROCESSING: TEM SHERIFF EFT 200.00 301664 3/7/20241699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 555576 ENGINERING SERVICES:PW- CIP, PW08-04 Printed 482.00 301664 3/7/2024 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 555575 DIAZ ROAD EXPANSION Printed 6,893.28 601764 3/7/2024 2528 DE LA SECURA INC 21007-027 MARGARITA RECREATION CENTER EFT 464,509.05 601764 3/7/2024 2528 DE LA SECURA INC + i STP NTC: PRECISION C STOP NOTICE: PRECISION CONTRACTORS INC. EFT (81,560.33) 301752 3/21/2024 2192 DE NOVO PLANNING GROUP 4185 BEDFORD CT PLANNED DEVELOPMENT Printed 2,750.00 16279 3/11/2024 3688 DELTAAIRLINES 3139 AIRFARE: DC LOBBYING: CC Wire 346.20 601765 3/7/2024 1578 DEMCO INC 7443649 MISC SUPPLIES: RHRTPL: TCSD EFT 290.62 301796 3/28/20241491 DEPT OF GENERAL SERVICES DGS 0000001561174 CASE FILINGS: MASSAGE Printed 2,785.00 601766 3/7/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00151373 SECURITY SYSTEM:FRIENDSHIP PARK -CIP PWI7-01 EFT 61,925.40 601766 3/7/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2INC IN00151364 TRAFFIC INTERSECTION CAMERAADD:IT CIP PW17-01 EFT 10,560.00 601766 3/7/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2INC IN00152221 ACCESS CONTROL: CIVIC CENTER: IT EFT 10,297.00 601766 3/7/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00150379 CITYWIDE SECURITY SYSTEM:IT CIP PWI7-01 EFT 2,844.02 601862 3/14/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00157681 MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM IT EFT 4,748.00 601907 3/21/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00160953 TRAFFIC CAMERA:DUCK POND INTERSECTION: INFO TECH EFT 3,307.00 601964 3/28/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00150012 MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM: INFO TECH EFT 2,150.00 601964 3/28/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00164870 MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM: IT EFT 3,780.00 601964 3/28/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00160589 MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM: INFO TECH EFT 13,738.00 601964 3/28/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00161237 MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM: INFO TECH EFT 3,768.00 601767 3/7/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005204816 PORTABLE RESTROOM RENTALS: HARMONY LN EFT 165.88 601767 3/7/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005223485 FENCE RENTAL: JRC: PW EFT 95.00 601767 3/7/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005204813 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: LA SERENA WAY EFT 110.88 601767 3/7/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005204815 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: GENERAL KEARNY RD EFT 110.88 601767 3/7/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005169575 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: STEPHEN LINEN PARK EFT 160.88 601767 3/7/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005204814 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: RIVERTON LN EFT 110.88 601767 3/7/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005226547 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: STEPHEN LINEN PARK EFT 160.88 601908 3/21/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005236182 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: RIVERTON LN EFT 110.88 601908 3/21/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005236184 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: HARMONY LN EFT 165.88 601908 3/21/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005236183 PORTABLE RESTROOM: GENERAL KEARNY RD EFT 110.88 601908 3/21/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005236181 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: LA SERENA WAY EFT 110.88 16205 3/6/2024 3672 DIAZ KARLA REFUND: 141246 REFUND: DOUBLE PMT IN ENERGOV Wire 39.00 601768 3/7/2024 2137 DIVERSIFIED WATERSCAPES INC 10006963 FEB WTR QUALITY MAINT: DUCK POND/HARV EFT 7,800.00 601769 3/7/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL30543 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG INSPECTORS EFT 420.49 601769 3/7/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL26469 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP EFT 321.36 601769 3/7/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL ' CL29129 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARKS EFT 1,593.24 601769 3/7/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL30539 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARK MAINT EFT 1,987.02 601769 3/7/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL29133 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP EFT 298.83 601769 3/7/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL30563 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD EFT 296.60 601769 3/7/20241254ML_ DOWNSENERGYFUEL CL30562 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC: PW EFT 360.68 601769 3/7/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL29146 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC EFT 363.05 601769 3/7/2024 12; DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL30546 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 1,777.70 601769 3/7/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL29134 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREETS EFT 1,812.38 601770 3/7/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL29147 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD EFT 66.62 601770 3/7/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL30540 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: LAND DEV: PW EFT 127.75 601770 3/7/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL29144 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: EOC EFT 79.17 601770 3/7/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL29130 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: LAND DEV EFT 109.53 601770 3/7/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL29132 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG & SAFETY EFT 229.73 601770 3/7/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL30545 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP: PW EFT 142.29 601863 3/14/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL30544 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CITY MGR EFT 35.30 601863 3/14/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL30560 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: EOC EFT 87.54 601863 3/14/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL30542 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 170.77 601863 3/14/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL30541 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE DEPT EFT 18.32 601863 3/14/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL29147B FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD EFT 210.67 601863 3/14/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL29817 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEPT EFT 207.13 601909 3/21/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL31916 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 168.12 601909 3/21/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL31917 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG INSPECTORS EFT 185.98 601909 3/21/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL31915 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE EFT 87.90 601909 3/21/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL31931 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD EFT 82.98 601909 3/21/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL31914 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARK MAINT: PW EFT 1,835.18 601909 3/21/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL31918 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP: PW EFT 245.84 601909 3/21/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL31264 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEPT EFT 198.80 601909 3/21/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL31930 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC: PW EFT 314.37 601909 3/21/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL31919 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 1,303.51 601965 3/28/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL33305 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREETS: PW EFT 2,082.18 601965 3/28/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL33301 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE i EFT 93.29 601965 3/28/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL33303 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG INSPECTORS EFT 365.56 601965 3/28/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL33318 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: EOC --Mllffr- EFT 101.15 601965 3/28/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL33321 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREETS: TCSD EFT 361.97 601965 3/28/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL32628 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEPT EFT 448.70 601965 3/28/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL33299 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARKS: PW EFT 2,567.67 601965 3/28/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL33302 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 201.61 301714 3/14/20242689 DS SERVICES OF AMERICA INC 22116432020924 CC WATER DELIVERY SERVICES Printed 75.13 301753 3/21/2024 2689 DS SERVICES OF AMERICA INC 22116432 03/08 CC WATER DELIVERY SERVICES: CMO Printed 150.26 601910 3/21/20241678 DUDEK 202400950 CITYWIDE DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN EFT 12,165.00 601910 3/21/2024 1678 DUDEK 202400110 CONSTRUCTION MGT SVCS: PW-CIP, PW20-13, ON -CALL EFT 720.00 16325 3/25/2024 1057 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DIST VAR EMWD FEB VAR FEB WATER SVCS Wire 1,364.93 601771 3/7/2024 2258 ECONOMIC ALTERNATIVES INC 106218 WATER SYSTEMS MONITORING FOR HVAC EQUIPMENT EFT 619.55 301797 3/28/2024 1300 ECS IMAGING INC 18595 LASERFICHE ANNUAL RENEWAL: CITY CLERK Printed 32,631.00 301850 3/28/2024 1381 EE VENDOR #1381 REIMB: CPRS CONF , REIMB: CPRS CONF 02/28/24-03/O1/24 Printed 244.42 301680 3/7/2024 1868 EE VENDOR #1868 REIMB CALCITIES CONF REIMB: CAL CITIES CITY MGR'S CONFERENCE Printed 553.16 601914 3/21/2024 1978 EE VENDOR #1978 REIMB: SUPPLIES 3/5 1 REIMB: SUPPLIES: RRSP EFT 166.09 601972 3/28/20241978 EE VENDOR#1978 REIMB:WC/SA CONF'24 REIMB:WC/SA CONFERENCE 04/29/2024-05/02/2024 EFT 919.53 301679 3/7/2024 2041 EE VENDOR #2041 03/04/24 REIMB: SUPPLIES: INFO TECH = Printed 261.66 601865 3/14/2024 2265 EE VENDOR #2265 REIMB: WELLNESS 2/26 REIMB: WELLNESS EFT 362.00 601911 3/21/2024 2265 EE VENDOR #2265 REIMB: HEALTHY CHALL REIMB: HEALTHY CHALLENGE EFT 50.00 601970 3/28/2024 2265 EE VENDOR #2265 REIMB: PARMA CONF'24 REIMB: PARMA CONFERENCE'24 EFT 121.97 601970 3/28/2024 2265 EE VENDOR #2265 REIMB: LCW CONF'24 REIMB: LCW CONFERENCE: HR EFT 264.26 601826 3/7/2024 2266 EE VENDOR #2266 REIMB: 02/27/24 REIMB: PTSC COMMISSION EFT 104.25 301725 3/14/2024 2323 EE VENDOR #2323 REIMB: AOAP CONF'24 REIMB: ASSOC OF AQUATICS PROFESSIONALS CONF Printed 1,650.47 601840 3/7/2024 2410 EE VENDOR #2410 REIMB: 02/27/24 REIMB: TEAM PACE EFT 222.92 601840 3/7/2024 2410 EE VENDOR #2410 REIMB: CIVIC REIMB: CIVIC SERIES 100: CITY VIGO EFT 983.67 601893 3/14/2024 2410 EE VENDOR #2410 REIMB: 03/05/24 REIMB: MTG SUPPLIES: CITYCNL EFT 125.31 601934 3/21/2024 2410 EE VENDOR #2410 REIMB:TEAM PACE 3/5 REIMB: TEAM PACE 03/05/24 EFT 195.74 602022 3/28/2024 2410 EE VENDOR #2410 REIMB: 03/18/24B REIMB: EMPLOYEE WELLNESS EFT 200.00 602022 3/28/2024 2410 EE VENDOR #2410 REIMB: 03/18/24C REIMB: TEAM PACE EFT 82.43 602022 3/28/2024 2410 EE VENDOR #2410 REIMB: 03/18/24A REIMB: TEAM PACE EFT 200.00 301745 3/21/2024 2628 EE VENDOR #2628 REIMB: CPRS CONF'24 REIMB: CPRS CONFERENCE 2024 Printed 87.64 301672 3/7/2024 2673 EE VENDOR #2673 REIMB: 02/20/24 REIMB: PESTICIDE APPLICATORS PROF ASSC Printed 260.00 601987 3/28/2024 2714 EE VENDOR #2714 REIMB TEAM PACE 3/18 REIMB: TEAM PACE EFT 250.00 601775 3/7/2024 2754 EE VENDOR #2754 REIMB: 02/27/24 REIMB: TEAM PACE EFT 93.94 601975 3/28/2024 2754 EE VENDOR #2754 REIMB:TEAM PACE 3/15 REIMB: TEAM PACE EFT 100.00 301761 3/21/2024 2851 EE VENDOR #2851 REIMB: 03/11/24 REIMB: TEAM PACE Printed 378.41 301804 3/28/2024 2971 EE VENDOR #2971 REIMB: MOTOR INST 1 REIMB: MOTOR INSTRUCTOR COURSE 2/25-3/1 Printed 333.52 301804 3/28/2024 2971 EE VENDOR #2971 REIMB: MOTOR INST 2 REIMB: MOTOR INSTRUCTOR COURSE 2/25-3/1 Printed 378.16 301795 3/28/2024 3114 EE VENDOR #3114 REIMB: TRAFFIC CLASS REIMB: TRAFFIC SIGNALTRAINING CLASS: PW Printed 101.07 301698 3/7/2024 3643 EE VENDOR #3643 REIMB: ATP WORKSHOP REIMB: ATP WORKSHOP Printed 61.21 301741 3/21/2024 3664 EE VENDOR #3664 REIMB: CPRS CONF'24 REIMB: CPRS CONFERENCE 2024 Printed 561.78 301762 3/21/2024 3666 EE VENDOR #3666 REIMB: CPRS CONF'24 REIMB: CPRS CONFERENCE 2024 Printed 515.39 301707 3/14/2024 3667 EE VENDOR #3667 REIMB: CPRS CONF'24 REIMB: CPRS CONFERENCE 2024 Printed 646.66 301768 3/21/2024 3668 EE VENDOR #3668 REIMB: CPRS CONF'24 REIMB: CPRS CONFERENCE 2024 Printed 68.28 601991 3/28/2024 3669 EE VENDOR #3669 REIMB: CPRS CONF'24 REIMB: CPRS CONFERENCE 2024 EFT 575.07 301744 3/21/2024 3671 EE VENDOR #3671 REIMB: CPRS CONF'24 REIMB: CPRS CONFERENCE 2024 Printed 1,646.94 301728 3/14/2024 3678 EE VENDOR #3678 342024 COMPUTER PURCHASE PROGRAM Printed 2,000.00 301845 3/28/2024 3679 EE VENDOR #3679 REIMB: CPRS CONF REIMB: CPRS CONF 02/28/24-03/O1/24 Printed 454.04 301780 3/28/2024 3693 EE VENDOR #3693 REIMB: AAPC CONF'24 REIMB: ASSOC OF AQUATICS PROFESSIONAL CONF Printed 90.96 301818 3/28/2024 3697 EE VENDOR #3697 REIMB:TEAM PACE 3/12 REIMB: TEAM PACE Printed 250.00 601966 3/28/20242385 EIDE BAILLY LLP E101637825 FEB'24 AUDIT SERVICES EFT 10,800.00 601772 3/7/2024 2133 EJK CORPORATION 388 PET WASTE BAGS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 3,901.44 601772 3/7/2024 2133 EIK CORPORATION 390 PET WASTE BAGS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 3,730.92 601967 3/28/2024 2031 ELITE CLAIMS MANAGEMENT INC 2024-706 FEB'24 3RD PARTY CLAIM ADMIN: WC EFT 1,250.00 301665 3/7/2024 3100 EMERGENCY SERVICE MARKETING CORP INC 23-41665 SUBSCRIPTION: FIRE DEPT ' Printed 305.00 601773 3/7/2024 1156 ENGINEERING RESOURCES OF SOUTHERN CA INC 59866 ENGINEERING SVCS: CIP-PW, PW22-13, ON -CALL EFT 4,347.50 301666 3/7/2024 1004 ESGIL LLC 175615 REVISED DEC PLAN REVIEW SVCS: BLDG & SAFETY - Printed 23,932.94 16300 3/11/2024 1911 EVENTBRITE.COM 3317 REGISTRATION: CANYON LAKE STATE OF THE CITY Wire 45.00 16266 3/14/2024 1998 EYEMED VISION CARE BEN350071 VISION PLAN PAYMENT . Wire 2,087.19 601774 3/7/2024 2116 FALCON ENGINEERING SERVICES 2024-1 I-15/FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY EFT 406,942.38 301799 3/28/2024 3699 FAMILY SERVICE ASSOCIATION DGF (JA) 03/15/24 DISCRETIONARY GRANT FUNDS: CC Printed 1,500.00 16150 3/11/2024 2012 FEAST CALIFORNIA CAFE LLC 6076 REFRESHMENTS: HOSPITALITY: THEATER Wire 191.22 16152 3/11/2024 2012 FEAST CALIFORNIA CAFE LLC 4690 REFRESHMENTS: HOSPITALITY: THEATER Wire 170.84 16253 3/11/2024 2012 FEAST CALIFORNIA CAFE LLC 0558 REFRESHMENTS: CITY CNCL/PLAN COMMISSION WORKSHOP Wire 318.53 16294 3/11/2024 201AM FEAST CALIFORNIA CAFE LLC 4692 REFRESHMENTS: CNCL/PLAN COMMISSION WORKSHOP Wire 512jE 301667 3/7/2024 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-417-61820 EXPRESS MAILING SRVCS: CIP: PW Printed 17.56 301715 3/14/2024 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-411-18809 EXPRESS MAILING SRVCS: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Printed 16.10 301800 3/28/2024 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-432-76459A EXP MAIL SVCS: ITSS Printed 9.22 301800 3/28/2024 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-432-76459B EXP MAIL SVCS: CIP: PW Printed 10.45 301800 3/28/2024 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-446-13383 EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: RESOURCE CENTER Printed 19.46 601968 3/28/2024 1600 FEHR AND PEERS 169538 COMPLETE STREETS POLICY: PLANNING _ EFT 11,177.25 601969 3/28/2024 1219 FINE ARTS NETWORK TIX ADV 3/8-3/21 ADV PAYMENT: LEGALLY BLONDE: 3/8-3/21 EFT 20,000.00 16115 3/11/2024 3641 FIRE ETC 9996 TOOL REPLACEMENT: FIRE AL Wire 202.57 601864 3/14/2024 1871 FLATIRON WEST INC 10 I-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS EFT 1,428,748.79 601912 3/21/2024 2582 FLOCK GROUP INC INV-34795 LICENSE PLATE RECOGINITION CAMERAS = EFT 211,700.00 601971 3/28/2024 2582 FLOCK GROUP INC INV-34712 FLOCK SAFETY FLACON: POLICE EFT 14,246.58 16221 3/7/2024 2539 FMCSA D&A CLEARINGHOUSE 0842 QUERY PLAN SVC: RISK MGMT Wire 12.50 601866 3/14/2024 2643 FORENSIC NURSING OF SOCAL INC 2531 SART EXAMS: POLICE EFT 1,200.00 601913 3/21/2024 2643 FORENSIC NURSING OF SOCAL INC 2539 SART EXAMS EFT 1,200.00 301669 3/7/2024 1176 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD SEP-DEC 2023 SEP-DEC 33038649 FORM 592 Printed 228.15 601973 3/28/2024 1875 FREIZE UHLER KIMBERLY 9098 TVE2 STEPREPEAT MISC PROMOTIONAL ITEMS: ECO DEV INCUBATOR EFT 490.93 16326 3/20/20242067 FRONTIER CALIFORNIA INC VAR FEB/MAR FRONTIER VARIOUS FEB/MAR INTERNET SVCS Wire 11,644.93 601974 3/28/20241121 GALLS LLC 027402855 UNIFORMS: TEM SHERIFF EFT 11.08 301754 3/21/2024 1577 GAYLORD BROS INC 2856039 MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD Printed 362.32 301801 3/28/20241577 GAYLORD BROS INC 2856439 MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD Printed 465.84 601867 3/14/2024 2374 GEORGE HILLS COMPANY INC INV1027745 CLAIMS TPA: RM EFT 2,358.00 601976 3/28/2024 2374 GEORGE HILLS COMPANY INC INV1027660 COST RECOVERY SVCS , EFT 2,871.60 601776 3/7/2024 2722 GEOTAB USA INC IN371254 VEHICLE TELEMATICS:CITY FLEET: IT EFT 1,678.75 601977 3/28/2024 2722 GEOTAB USA IN IN374677 VEHICLE TELEMATICS: CITY FLEET: IT EFT 1,678.75 16222 3/7/2024 2395 GIFTCARDS.COM 4105 TEAM PACE RECOGNITION CARDS Wire 111.88 601778 3/7/2024 3332 GIFTCRAFT INC INV26833 SUPPLIES: GIFT SHOP ITEMS EFT 51.98 601978 3/28/20242359 GILLIS AND PANICHAPAN ARCHITECTS INC 108725J ARCHITECTURAL SVCS: PW-CIP, PW19-07, ON -CALL EFT 5,100.00 16402 3/11/2024 2044 GOAT AND VINE THE 3455 REFRESHMENTS: PLAN COMMISSION MTG 02/07/2M Wire 197.92 16297 3/11/2024 1813 GODS FAN CLUB 9710 REGISTRATION: SHELTER FROM THE STORM FUNDRAISER Wire 150.00 301802 3/28/2024 1813 GODS FAN CLUB DGF (JS) 03/15/24 DISCRETIONARY GRANT FUNDS Printed 2,000.00 601779 3/7/2024 3527 GOLDEN STATE COMMUNICATIONS INC S106978 RADIOS & ACCESSORIES RENTAL: TEM SHERIFF EFT 467.63 601979 3/28/2024 3527 GOLDEN STATE COMMUNICATIONS INC R129506 RADIOS & ACCESSORIES RENTAL: TEM SHERIFF EFT 1,050.00 301670 3/7/2024 1523 GOLDEN VALLEY MUSIC SOCIETY STTLM NT 02/11 & 2/25 CLASSICS @ THE MERC 2/11 & 2/25 Printed 462.00 301677 3/7/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1529 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 14.14 301677 3/7/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1570 HVAC SUPPLIES : FACILITY MAINT Printed 519.83 301677 3/7/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 # 1550 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT T Printed 128.33 301756 3/21/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1528 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 62.80 301756 3/21/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1578 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 114.64 301756 3/21/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1583 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 1,076.63 301756 3/21/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1531 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 52.42 301756 3/21/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1542 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 239.25 301756 3/21/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1541 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 43.48 301756 3/21/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1588 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 446.75 301756 3/21/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1597 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 15.12 301756 3/21/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1530 HVAC SUPPLIES : FACILITY MAINT Printed 35.34 301756 3/21/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1540 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 53.83 301810 3/28/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1615 HVAC SUPPLES: CRC Printed 47.31 301810 3/28/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1604 HVAC SUPPLIES: CRC Printed 232.81 301810 3/28/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1601 HVAC SUPPLIES : FACILITY MAINT Printed 43.49 301810 3/28/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1612 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 125.12 301810 3/28/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1548 HVACSUPPLES: TPL Printed 266.98 301810 3/28/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1602 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 175.36 301803 3/28/20242138 GOVCONNECTION INC 75081331 CISCO SWITCHES: TRAFFIC Printed 5,384.10 16163 3/11/2024 1007 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION GFOA 7125 � REGISTRATION: WEBINAR: FINANCE Wire 280.00 301671 3/7/2024 2239 GRANICUS LLC 180311 PUBLIC RECORDS SOFTWARE RENEWAL: IT Printed 9,341.15 601980 3/28/2024 1197 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY INLAND VALLEY INC CSF FY23/24 COMMUNITY SRV FUNDING GRANT PROGRAM EFT 5,000.00 601868 3/14/2024 2428 HAKIM KAWTHER N 1800.102-1805.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 991.20 601835 3/7/2024 1383 HANCOCK LORENA 3700.103-3710.103 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,008.00 602018 3/28/2024 1383 HANCOCK LORENA 3700.104-3710.104 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,008.00 301673 3/7/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2107/FEB SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT: THEATER Printed 5.74 301716 3/14/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2716/FEB SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT: IWTCM Printed 43.48 301716 3/14/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2706/JAN SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT Printed 1,708.50 301716 3/14/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2646/FEB SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP: CRC Printed 157.63 301716 3/14/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2671/FEB SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP: M FAC Printed 787.80 301716 3/14/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2670/FEB SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP: TCC: PW Printed 6.08 301716 3/14/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2708/FEB SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP: OLD TOWN Printed 123.88 301716 3/14/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2634/FEB SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP: FIRE Printed 232.07 301805 3/28/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2733/JAN SUPPLIES: STREETS AND TRAFFIC MAINT Printed 207.47 301805 3/28/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2644/FEB-B SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP: FIRE Printed 31.71 301805 3/28/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2641/FEB SUPPLIES: STREETS AND TRAFFIC MAINT Printed 808.29 301755 3/21/2024 2225 HASA INC 945124 POOL SANTIZING CHEMICALS: CITY POOLS Printed 919.73 301806 3/28/2024 2225 HASA INC 946225 POOL SANTIZING CHEMICALS: CITY POOLS Printed 641.73 601844 3/14/2024 1110 HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES CENTER INC E0312481 MAR EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PRGM: HR EFT 1,504.10 601981 3/28/20241093 HEALTHPOINTE MEDICAL GROUP INC 42612-4244887 MED EMPLOYMENT SCREENING: HR EFT 2,155.00 601981 3/28/20241093 HEALTHPOINTE MEDICAL GROUP INC 42612-4255013 VIED EMPLOYMENT SCREENING: HR EFT 200.00 601777 3/7/2024 2408 HEATH HEATHER nook- DEPOSIT: 020724 ROD RUN MERCHANDISE: TCSD EFT 9,584.00 301674 3/7/2024 1791 HEUXSTORM INC 15012 FIREWALL LICENSE & SUPPORT: IT Printed 5,446.17 601869 3/14/20243404 HERNANDEZCAROL BAMBI now, 02/26/24 PERFORMING ARTS AGREEMENT 2/4 EFT 3,990.00 16164 3/11/2024 3652 HERTZ CREDIT 02/14 CAR RENTAL: CRIA TRAINING CONFERENCE: POLICE Wire (106.91) 16172 3/11/2024 3652 HERTZ 3979 CAR RENTAL: CRIA TRAINING CONFERENCE: POLICE Wire 206.91 601870 3/14/20241761 HESS JOHN PAUL 1517 PROMOTIONAL VIDEOGRAPHY SERVICES EFT 687.50 601780 3/7/2024 2235 HICKS AND HARTWICK INC 8316 ENG PLAN CHECK SRVCS: PRADO: PW EFT 4,017.50 301675 3/7/20241083 HINDERLITER DE LLAMAS&ASSOC SIN036120 TRANSACTIONS TAX AUDIT & INFORMATION Printed 5,134.94 301807 3/28/2024 1083 HINDERLITER DE LLAMAS & ASSOC SIN036189 SALES TAX CONSULTING: FINANCE Printed 5,121.41 16226 3/7/2024 3674 HOG ISLAND OYSTER CO 0507 REFRESHMENTS: LCW CONFERENCE: HR Wire 63.56 16103 3/7/2024 3635 HOLIDAY INN 9618 LODGING: DC LOBBYING: PW Wire 886.22 16249 3/11/2024 3635 HOLIDAY INN 2255 LODGING: HABITAT FOR HUMANITY ADVOCACY DAY: CLERK Wire 225.42 16277 3/11/2024 3635` HOLIDAY INN 1396 LODGING: DC LOBBYING: CC Wire 886.22_ 16291 3/11/2024 3635 HOLIDAY INN 6205 LODGING: DC LOBBYING: CIVIC Wire 886.22 16291 3/11/2024 363� HOLIDAY INN 8921 LODGING: DC LOBBYING: CIVIC, Wire 88WE 16308 3/11/2024 3635 HOLIDAY INN 8686 LODGING: HABITAT FOR HUMANITY ADVOCACY DAY: CC Wire 225.42 16225 3/7/2024 1192 HOME DEPOT 0187 CENTER FANS: FITNESS CENTER Wire 432.83 301676 3/7/20241620 HOSPICE OF THE VALLEYS SC CSF-REINVEST COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING REINVEST IN TEMECULA Printed 45,000.00 16104 3/7/2024 3636 HOTEL BOOKING SERVICE FEE 7983 LODGING: DC LOBBYING: PW Wire 15.99 16276 3/11/2024 3636 HOTEL BOOKING SERVICE FEE 6425 LODGING: DC LOBBYING: CC Wire 15.99 601985 3/28/2024 3663 HTA 1 SUBS LLC 01-000786-01-689794 REFRESHMENTS: ADULT CERT CLASS: TCC _ EFT 1,452.00 16233 3/7/2024 3244 HYATT REGENCY 0034 LODGING: LCW CONFERENCE: HR Wire 2,053.65 16234 3/7/2024 3244 HYATT REGENCY 0977 LODGING: LCW CONFERENCE: HR Wire 1,524.62 16235 3/7/2024 3244 HYATT REGENCY 7563 LODGING: LCW CONFERENCE: HR Wire 1,524.62 16236 3/7/2024 3244 HYATT REGENCY ! 6800 LODGING: LCW CONFERENCE: HR Wire 2,151.52 601782 3/7/2024 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 7028 VEHICLE& EQUIPMENT REPAIR: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 843.80 601782 3/7/2024 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 7120 VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT REPAIR: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 766.85 601782 3/7/2024 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 7121 VEHICLE& EQUIPMENT REPAIR: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 694.30 601782 3/7/2024 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 7122 VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT REPAIR: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 183.75 601783 3/7/20241595 INLAND VALLEY SYMPHONY INC CSF GRANT PRGM CSF GRANT PROGRAM EFT 2,500.00 601871 3/14/2024 1396 INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS 258054 COPIER MAI NT/REPAIR/USAGE:CITYWIDE EFT 5,861.30 601982 3/28/2024 1396 INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS 258055 COPIER MAI NT/REPAIR/USAGE:CITYWIDE EFT 224.17 601982 3/28/2024 1396 INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS 258866 ' COPIER MAI NT/REPAIR/USAGE:CITYWIDE EFT 805.07 601982 3/28/2024 1396 INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS 258865 COPIER MAI NT/REPAIR/USAGE:CITYWIDE EFT 5,404.67 16259 3/14/20241047 INSTATAX EDD BEN350091 STATE TAX PAYMENT Wire 46,673.57 16260 3/14/20241027 INSTATAX IRS BEN350085 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT Wire 139,476.51 301808 3/28/2024 3035 INTERFLEX PAYMENT LLC BEN350089 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT FSA PAYMENT Printed 24,038.89 301809 3/28/2024 3035 INTERFLEX PAYMENT LLC INV714797 FSA/COBRA: HR Printed 457.00 601781 3/7/2024 3481 INTERNATIONAL CYBERNETICS COMPANY LP 240131-9 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM UPDATE: PW EFT 57,126.00 601983 3/28/2024 2085 INTERPRETERS UNLIMITED 380839 TRANSLATION SERVICES: PD EFT 21.00 601983 3/28/2024 2085 INTERPRETERS UNLIMITED 380499 TRANSLATION SERVICES: PD EFT 89.25 601983 3/28/2024 2085 INTERPRETERS UNLIMITED 370715 TRANSLATION SERVICES: PD EFT 12.75 16110 3/11/2024 1196 INTL CODE COUNCIL 0089 BOOKS: FIRE MARSHALL TRAINING CLASS: FIRE Wire 610.90 16112 3/11/20241196 INTL CODE COUNCIL 4651 REGISTRATION: 2024EDUCODE CLASS: FIRE Wire 150.00 16280 3/11/20241012 INTL COUNCIL OF SHOPPING CENTERS INC 2005 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: CC Wire 975.00 601984 3/28/2024 1757 INTRADO LIFE AND SAFETY INC 6083452 JAN ENTERPRISES 911 SVC: INFO TECH EFT 322.50 16135 3/11/2024 1674 ISTOCK INTL INC 2874 SUBSCRIPTION: PROMO IMAGES: TCSD Wire 120.00 601915 3/21/2024 1719 JACOBS HOUSE INC BEN350077 EMPLOYEE CHARITY DONATIONS PAYMENT EFT 40.00 301678 3/7/2024 2045 JAMES ELLIOTT ENTERTAINMENT PERF: 02/24/24 STTLMNT: STRANGE DAYS: DOORS TRIBUTE 02/24 Printed 2,795.67 301717 3/14/2024 2045 JAMES ELLIOTT ENTERTAINMENT STTLMNT: 02/29/24 STTLMNT: BEE GEES GOLD (BEE GEE TRIBUTE) 02/29/24 Printed 5,634.38 301717 3/14/2024 2045 JAMES ELLIOTT ENTERTAINMENT STTLMNT: 03/O1/24 STTLMNT: THE LONG RUN: EAGLES TRIBUTE: 03/O1/24 Printed 5,624.85 301718 3/14/2024 2045 JAMES ELLIOTT ENTERTAINMENT CK REQ 02/24/24A THIRD PARTY PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT: DEEPEST PURPLE Printed 2,500.00 301719 3/14/2024 2045 JAMES ELLIOTT ENTERTAINMENT CK REQ02/26/24B i THIRD PARTY PERFORMANCE AGREEMENT: BONFIRE Printed 2,500.00 301757 3/21/2024 3197 JDS VIDEO & MEDIA PRODUCTIONS INC CSF GRANT PGM 3/4/24 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING GRANT PROGRAM Void 5,000.00 301811 3/28/2024 3197 JDS VIDEO & MEDIA PRODUCTIONS INC 3668 PROMOTIONAL VIDEOGRAPHY SERVICES: CM Printed 2,500.00 601986 3/28/2024 1660 JOE RHODES MAINT SERVICE INC C150 FUEL PUMP REPAIR: STATION 84 EFT 438.90 16165 3/11/20243651 JONSTOWING � 1183 0�1" TOWING SVCS: POLICE � Wire 162.00 601784 3/7/2024 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP 68726 ENVELOPES: BUS LIC RENEWALS: FINANCE EFT 963.36 601784 3/7/2024 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP A 68462 0 ENVELOPES: CITY CLERK EFT 188.92 601872 3/14/2024 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP 68636 ENVELOPES: COMM DEV EFT 725.33 601916 3/21/2024 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP 68696 BUSINESS CARDS: PREVENTION EFT 401.97 601917 3/21/2024 3288 KEISTER DOUGLAS RAY CK REQ O1/22/24 PERFORMING ARTS AGREEMENT 1-20 EFT 500.00 301812 3/28/20241933 KELLY SPICERS INC 11556951 WHITE COPY PAPER:CENTRAL SERVICES i Printed 2,344.43 16400 3/11/2024 2247 KEURIG GREEN MOUNTAIN 7967 COFFEE MAKER FOR PLANNING DEPARTMENT Wire 152.24 601785 3/7/2024 1090 KEYSER MARSTON ASSOCIATES INC i 0038484 KMA SB-9 FISCAL ANALYSIS: LR22-0158 EFT 2,382.50 301720 3/14/2024 3304 KOSMONT REAL ESTATE SERVICES 2308.2-004 SURPLUS LAND ACT CONSULTING SVCS LR23-0225 Printed 1,911.00 601873 3/14/2024 1975 KRACH BREE B 200293 EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION:HR EFT 53.29 601918 3/21/2024 1975 KRACH BREE B 200276 AWARDS: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD EFT 734.06 16293 3/11/2024 2166 LA COCINA BAR AND GRILL 1951 REFRESHMENTS: MEETING WITH TVUSD Wire 71.64 301758 3/21/20241136 LAKE ELSINORE ANIMAL FRIENDS CSF GRANT PRGM 3/8 COMMUNITY SVC GRANT FUNDING PROGRAM Printed 5,000.00 16157 3/11/2024 3640 LASERFICHE 8485 REGISTRATION: LF EMPOWER'24 CONFERENCE: ITSS Wire 1,750.00 16245 3/11/2024 3685 LAUTZENHISERS STATIONERY INC 0021 SUPPLIES: ACID FREE PERMANENT RECORD PAPER: CLERK Wire 881.88 16181 3/11/2024 3655 LCI SERVICES 1329 REGISTRATION: ROLLING SURVEILLANCE: PD Wire 595.00 601787 3/7/20241930 LDCO INC 8RET REL PW2D-13 CONTRACT WITHHOLDING: 2023-029 EFT 79,349.48 16195 3/11/2024 1014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 1777 REGISTRATION: CITY LEADERS SUMMIT 4/17-4/19 Wire 650.00 16250 3/11/2024 1014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 9565 REGISTRATION: 2024 LEADER SUMMIT: CLERK Wire 650.00 16273 3/11/2024 1014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 0308 REGISTRATION: CITY LEADERS SUMMIT 04/17-04/19 Wire 650.00 16278 3/11/2024 1014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 4772 REGISTRATION: CITY LEADERS SUMMIT 04/17-04/19 Wire 650.00 16290 3/11/2024 1014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 8899 REGISTRATION: CITY LEADERS SUMMIT 04/17-04/19 Wire 650.00 16298 3/11/2024 1014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 9483 REGISTRATION: CAL CITIES RIVERSIDE DIVISION MTG Wire 45.00 16309 3/11/2024 1014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 6851 REGISTRATION: CITY LEADERS SUMMIT 04/17-04/19 Wire 650.00 16395 3/11/2024 1014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 8492 REGISTRATION: PLANNING COMMISSIONER'S ACADEMY Wire 675.00 16396 3/11/2024 1014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 9615 REGISTRATION: PLANNING COMMISSIONER'S ACADEMY Wire 675.00 16397 3/11/2024 1014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 9727 REGISTRATION: PLANNING COMMISSIONER'S ACADEMY Wire 675.00 16398 3/11/2024 1014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 1202 REGISTRATION: PLANNING COMMISSIONER'S ACADEMY _ Wire 675.00 16252 3/11/20242350 LEWIS CLEANERS 0879 DRYCLEANINGSVCS: LINENS: CITYCC Wire 61.00 16283 3/11/2024 2350 LEWIS CLEANERS 7974 DRY CLEANING SVCS: LINEN PRESSING: CM Wire 213.50 16091 3/7/2024 2082 LILLIG REBECCA 5496 REFRESHMENTS: ENTREPRENEURIAL RESOURCE CTR OPENING Wire 540.00 301813 3/28/2024 1162 LITELINES INC 19858 LIGHT PRODUCTS: CITY FACILITIES: PW Printed 2,283.75 301814 3/28/2024 1923 LLOYDS DESIGNS 1268 VARIOUS GRAPHIC DESIGNS: TCSD Printed 3,000.00 601788 3/7/2024 3353 LOAMIC BUILDERS INC 2 PW23-17 CITYWIDE CONCRETE REPAIRS EFT 54,915.51 601988 3/28/2024 3353 LOAMIC BUILDERS INC 002 PW22-17 ADDITIONAL STREETLIGHTS: MORENO RD & MERCEDES ST EFT 44,422.00 301759 3/21/2024 3198 LOOMIS ARMORED US LLC 13445844 ARMORED CAR SVCS: FINANCE Printed 1,255.57 301815 3/28/20241302 M AND J PAUL ENTERPRISES INC 031624 CITY OF TEMEC JUMPER GAME RENTALS -SPECIAL EVENTS Printed 1,625.00 301816 3/28/2024 1806 M C I COMM SERVICE MAR 71)1<9058- MAR 7DK90589 XXX-3046 GEN USAGE Printed 36.13 301816 3/28/2024 1806 M C I COMM SERVICE MAR 7DK89878 MAR 7DK89878 XXX-0714 USAGE MALL PD Printed 36.70 16095 3/7/2024 3648 M&MS 4074 wr EVENT FAVORS: AUX LANE GROUDBREAKING CEREMONY Wire 304.96 601789 3/7/20241250 MAINTEX INC 1073749-00 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT EFT 2,890.04 601790 3/7/2024 30M MAKELELE SYSTEMS LANDSCAPE & MAINTENANCE INC 3124 REVISED RCWD RECYCLED WATER ACCELERATE EFT 3,100.00 601919 3/21/2024 3031 MAKELELE SYSTEMS LANDSCAPE & MAINTENANCE INC 3007 REVISED CONTRACT WITHHOLDING: 2022-303 EFT 4,571.00 601791 3/7/2024 12M MANALILI DE VILLA AILEEN 1204.101-1206.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,029.00 601989 3/28/2024 1243 MANALILI DE VILLA AILEEN 1204.102-1206.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 676.20 301819 3/28/2024 19M MARABOTTO JAMES L 03/15/24 PRESENTER: THEATER: TCSD Printed 5,000.00 601792 3/7/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3324B TREETRIMMING: RANCHO HIGHLANDS: PW EFT 2,167.40 601792 3/7/202426JM MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3323 ANNUAL TREE TRIMMING,REMOVALS& PLANTING AT PARKS EFT 758.59 601792 3/7/20242619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3322 ANNUAL TREE TRIMMING,REMOVALS& PLANTING AT PARKS EFT 202.76 601792 3/7/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3326 TREE TRIMMING: VAIL RANCH SLOPE: PW EFT 28,730.66 601792 3/7/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 33324A EMERGENCY SLOPE TREE SERVICES EFT 1,592.77 601792 3/7/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3325 ANNUAL RIGHT OF WAY TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLAN EFT 3,143.64 601792 3/7/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3327 TREETRIMMING: CROWNE HILLSLOPE: PW EFT 25,633.71 601920 3/21/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3371 ANNUAL TREE TRIMMING,REMOVALS & PLANTING AT PARKS EFT 772.48 601920 3/21/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3370 TREE REMOVAL: CIP PW23-17 EFT 772.48 601990 3/28/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3367 ANNUAL TREE TRIMMING,REMOVALS& PLANTING AT PARKS EFT 7,474.06 601990 3/28/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3369 ANNUAL TREE TRIMMING,REMOVALS& PLANTING AT PARKS EFT 7,438.44 601990 3/28/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3372 TREE TRIMMING: PRESLEY SLOPE: PW EFT 2,384.14 601990 3/28/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3366 EMERGENCY SLOPE TREE SERVICES EFT 4,443.17 601793 3/7/2024 2376 MARK THOMAS AND COMPANY INC 50297 I-15 CONGESTION RELIEF: CIP EFT 381.71 601793 3/7/2024 2376 MARK THOMAS AND COMPANY INC 50222 CHERRY STREET EXTENSION & MURRIETA EFT 3,378.00 301817 3/28/2024 1996 MATCHETTVIVIAN 1320.105-1320.106 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS ' Printed 840.00 16246 3/11/20242424 MCA DIRECT 5515 MUNICIPAL ELECTION HANDBOOK: CLERK Wire 327.20 601794 3/7/2024 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 18248 JAN ADA LABOR COMPLIANCE: PW22-08 EFT 2,939.00 601794 3/7/2024 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 18246 JAN CDBG ADMINISTRATION SVCS: COMM DEV EFT 4,905.75 601874 3/14/2024 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 18247 JAN ADA LABOR COMPLIANCE SVCS: PW18-16 EFT 1,450.25 16316 3/15/2024 2165 MEDLINE INDUSTRIES LP CIE DEC'23 CIE DEC 2023 SALES TAX PHS Wire 405,522.00 301760 3/21/2024 1185 MET LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY BEN350067 DENTAL PAYMENT Printed 14,902.60 301721 3/14/20243380 MGG TECHNOLOGIES INC 0001 - 00001192 HELP DESK TICKETING& ASSET MANAGEMENT SW: IT Printed 11,400.00 16099 3/7/2024 3647 MGM GRAND 4870 LODGING: ICSC CONFERENCE: ECON DEV Wire 395.70 16100 3/7/2024 3647 MGM GRAND 5208 LODGING: ICSC CONFERENCE: ECON DEV Wire 395.70 16281 3/11/2024 3647 MGM GRAND 4623 LODGING: CONFERENCE: CC Wire 395.70 601795 3/7/2024 2259 MICHELLE MEDINA 1040.1022ND HALF TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,215.20 601875 3/14/2024 2259 MICHELLE MEDINA 1040.103 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS , EFT 1,161.30 601992 3/28/2024 2259 MICHELLE MEDINA 1040.1032ND PVT TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,161.30 301820 3/28/2024 1354 MICHELLES PLACE CANCER RESOURCE CENTER DGF (ZS) 03/15/24 DISCRETIONARY GRANT FUNDS: CC Printed 1,000.00 301681 3/7/20241777 MIDWEST TAPE LLC 505083488 BOOKS ON TAPE Printed 115.22 301681 3/7/2024 1777 MIDWEST TAPE LLC 505061359 BOOKS ON TAPE Printed 147.07 301821 3/28/20241777 MIDWEST TAPE LLC 505125262 BOOKS ON TAPE Printed 27.17 601876 3/14/2024 1327 MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC 407920 WELDING SERVICES: PW PARKS EFT 975.00 601796 3/7/2024 1795 MIKO MOUNTAINLION INC 1183-133 STORM DAMAGE REPAIR: TEMECULA CREEK TRAIL PARK: PW EFT 12,615.12 601796 3/7/2024 1795 MIKO MOUNTAINLION INC 1183-132 REPAIR STORM DAMAGE: DEL RIO BRIDGE: PW EFT 17,990.00 601921 3/21/20242367 MILLER ARCHITECTURAL CORP 2300003.11A-4 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES: PW-CIP EFT 3,350.00 601921 3/21/20242367 MILLER ARCHITECTURAL CORP 2300003.RA-3 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES: PW -CIP EFT 3,350.00 601797 3/7/20241681 MIRANDA JULIO CESAR 3610.103-3630.103 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 333.20 601797 3/7/20241681 MIRANDA JULIO CESAR 3600.103-3605.103 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,293.60 601993 3/28/20241681 MIRANDA JULIO CESAR 3610.104-3630.104 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 279.30 601798 3/7/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519725-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: MRC EFT 1,838.25 601798 3/7/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 520250-05 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL EFT 985.59 601798 3/7/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 521056-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CRC EFT 586.43 601798 3/7/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519974-001 PATHWAY LIGHTS: MIKE NAGGAR PARK: PW EFT 20,508.08 601798 3/7/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 520014-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FOC EFT 789.98 601798 3/7/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 521055-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: LIBRARY EFT 586.43 601798 3/7/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 520449-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: THEATER EFT 556.71 601798 3/7/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519974-00 PATHWAY LIGHTS: MIKE NAGGAR PARK: PW EFT 18,726.75 601798 3/7/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 521057-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL EFT 781.91 601798 3/7/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 520467-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL EFT 828.69 601799 3/7/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 520126-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL EFT 205.97 601799 3/7/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 520968-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CRC EFT 258.60 601799 3/7/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519651-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: MRC EFT 49.96 601799 3/7/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 520501-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL EFT 383.02 601799 3/7/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 520433-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 6TH STREET EFT 182.38 601799 3/7/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 520354-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TVE2 EFT 37.82 601799 3/7/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 520650-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 96.99 601799 3/7/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519650-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: MARGARITACENTER EFT 49.96 601799 3/7/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 521081 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL EFT (40.85) 601799 3/7/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 520612-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CRC EFT 218.98 601800 3/7/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 520667-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR EFT 35.24 601800 3/7/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 520175-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: OLD TOWN EFT 9.76 601800 3/7/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 520022-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: THEATER EFT 25.90 601877 3/14/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 521117-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 77.71 601922 3/21/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 520802-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 783.00 16257 3/14/20242356 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 106474 BEN350093 ICMA- 401(A) RETIREMENT PLAN PAYMENT Wire 384.62 16258 3/14/20241011 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 303355 BEN350095 ICMA-RC RETIREMENTTRUST 457 PAYMENT Wire 21,103.26 601801 3/7/20241118 MIYAMOTO JURKOSKY SUSAN 2900.101-2905.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,183.00 16314 3/3/2024 2830 MOOD MEDIA NORTH AMERICA HOLDINGS LLC MAR'24 MAR'24 DISH NETWORK SVCS Wire 243.81 601878 3/14/2024 1287 MOORE FENCE COMPANY INC 24-8111 CHAIN LINK FENCE: RRSP: PW EFT 6,821.18 301722 3/14/2024 1616 MOORE IACOFANO GOLTSMAN INC 0085043 QLMP DIGITAL DASHBOARD SOFTWARE MAINT. (LR21-0021) Printed 142.50 601802 3/7/20241240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2040.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,078.00 601923 3/21/20241240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2047.104 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 138.60 301763 3/21/20241953 MOTHERS AGAINST DRUNK DRIVING DGF(JA)03/O1/24 DISCRETIONARY GRANT FUNDS Printed 3,500.00 601803 3/7/2024 3475 MSW CONSULTANTS INC 788 SB 1383 SUPPORT SERVICES EFT 1,165.50 601879 3/14/2024 3475 MSW CONSULTANTS INC 814 SB 1383 SUPPORT SERVICES EFT 2,310.00 601804 3/7/2024 2081 MUSIC CONNECTION LLC STTLMNT: 02/26/24 STTLMNT: SPEAKEASY @ THE MERC EFT 5,310.20 601994 3/28/2024 2081 MUSIC CONNECTION LLC STTLMNT: 03/09/24 STTLMNT: SPEAKEASY @ THE MERC EFT 616.00 16094 3/7/2024 3248 NALIPOPISH 8002 EVENT DECOR: AUX LANE GROUDBREAKING CEREMONY Wire 900.00 16111 3/11/2024 1065 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSN LEADS ETC INC 0167 BOOKS: FIRE MARSHALL TRAINING CLASS: FIRE Wire 167.06 16261 3/14/20241088 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION T BEN350083 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 18,603.01 16262 3/14/20242086 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION BEN350097 NATIONWIDE LOAN REPAYMENT PAYMENT Wire 427.79 16263 3/14/20241038 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION L BEN350101 OBRA- PROJECT RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 5,763.42 16128 3/11/2024 2255 NETFUX.COM 1313 MONTHLY SVC CHARGE: TEEN ROOM: CRC Wire 11.99 16151 3/11/2024 2255 NETFUX.COM r 6466 MONTHLY SVC CHARGE: TEEN ROOM: CRC Wire 11.99 601805 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76846 LANDSCAPE SVCS: HARVESTON LAKE EFT 4,031.00 601805 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76849 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS AND MEDIANS EFT 77,622.00 601805 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76844 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS AND MEDIANS EFT 23,159.00 601805 3/7/2024 2578EML NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76845 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS AND MEDIANS EFT 56,141.00 601805 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76994 LANDSCAPE SVCS: DUCK POND EFT 6,665.00 601805 3/7/2024 2%j� NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76843 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SVCS: FACILITIES EFT 11,245.00 601805 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77058 LANDSCAPE SVCS: CROWNE HILL SLOPE: PW EFT 5,087.00 601805 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76847 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES LEVEL C SLOPES EFT 62,010.00 601805 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76995 LANDSCAPE SVCS: LONG CANYON CREEK PK: PW EFT 5,193.00 601805 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76623 LANDSCAPE SVCS: REDHAWK PARK EFT 5,540.00 601806 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77059 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PRESLEY SLOPE: PW EFT 1,600.00 601806 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77062 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW _ EFT 598.43 601806 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77027 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 618.30 601806 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76842 LANDSCAPE SVCS: FIRE STATIONS EFT 2,068.00 601806 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77066 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: PASEO DEL SOL MEDIAN: PW EFT 588.76 601806 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77097 MULCH INSTALLATION: RON ROBERTS LIBRARY: PW EFT 650.00 601806 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76899 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS/SPORT PARKS EFT 2,638.80 601806 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77101 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 745.02 601806 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76996 LANDSCAPE SVCS: SENIOR CENTER EFT 1,605.00 601806 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77010 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VAIL RANCH SLOPE: PW EFT 580.06 601807 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77081 LANDSCAPE SVCS: HARVESTON LAKE PARK: PW EFT 480.00 601807 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77004 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: WOLF CREEK: PW EFT 479.94 601807 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77067 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 495.51 601807 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77065 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 536.64 601807 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77084 LANDSCAPE SVCS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 501.88 601807 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77096 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: EFT 556.69 601807 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77064 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 533.93 601807 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77069 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: EFT 511.06 601807 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77094 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 557.18 601807 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77020 TURF REPAIR: WOLF CREEK SLOPE: PW EFT 521.13 601808 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77009 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VAIL RANCH SLOPE: PW EFT 412.61 601808 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77063 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 450.07 601808 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77087 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 405.31 601808 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77104 LANDSCAPE SVCS: REDHAWK PARK DOG PEN: PW EFT 466.12 601808 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77026 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 440.77 601808 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77068 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 401.98 601808 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77011 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VAIL RANCH SLOPE: PW EFT 476.91 601808 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77023 TREE PLANTING: VARIOUS PARKS: PW � EFT 420.00 601808 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77024 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 420.85 601808 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77103 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW = EFT 455.75 601809 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77005 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS SLOPES: PW EFT 365.89 601809 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77002 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 389.27 601809 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77073 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 381.91 601809 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77102 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 398.82 601809 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76999 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 392.23 601809 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77100 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 368.49 601809 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76997 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: CIVIC CENTER: PW EFT 382.44 601809 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76998 LANDSCAPE SVCS: REDHAWK PARK: PW EFT 375.00 601809 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77086 LANDSCAPE SVCS: TVE2: PW EFT 386.00 601809 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77098 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 380.01 601810 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77003 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: WOLF CREEK: PW EFT 350.23 601810 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77077 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 317.85 601810 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77071 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 344.70 601810 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77095 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 345.19 601810 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77075 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 334.27 601810 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77078 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 323.88 601810 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77074 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 337.77 601810 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77099 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 333.44 601810 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77076 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 317.85 601810 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77105 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: TEMECULA PARKWAY MEDIAN: PW EFT 329.29 601811 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77088 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 255.74 601811 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77090 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 297.78 601811 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77000 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 246.37 601811 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77025 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 288.91 601811 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77091 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 299.09 601811 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77092 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 255.74 601811 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77001 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 305.77 601811 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77083 LANDSCAPE SVCS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 315.30 601811 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77006 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS SLOPES: PW EFT 262.08 601811 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77106 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: SADDLEWOOD SLOPE: PW EFT 310.94 601812 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77080 LANDSCAPE SVCS: HARVESTON LAKE PARK: PW EFT 197.95 601812 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77008 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VAIL RANCH SLOPE: PW EFT 184.10 601812 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77082 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: HARVESTON MEDIAN: PW EFT 197.95 601812 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77061 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 236.52 601812 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76622 LANDSCAPE SVCS: REDHAWK PARK EFT 246.13 601812 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77007 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VAIL RANCH SLOPE: PW EFT 246.03 601812 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77089 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 211.01 601812 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77093 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 200.74 601812 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77060 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 232.04 601812 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77085 LANDSCAPE SVCS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 225.00 601813 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77022 TREE PLANTING: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 140.00 601813 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 76848 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES LEVEL C SLOPES EFT 106.00 601813 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77021 TREE PLANTING: VARIOUS PARKS: PW EFT 140.00 601813 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77072 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 157.04 601813 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77070 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 180.16 601813 3/7/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77079 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS: PW EFT 64.55 301822 3/28/2024 2571 NORMAN A TRAUB & ASSOCIATES LLC 23064.2 WORKPLACE INVESTIGATIONS: HR Printed 2,947.74 301822 3/28/2024 2571 NORMAN A TRAUB & ASSOCIATES LLC_ 23064.1 WORKPLACE INVESTIGATIONS: HR Printed 3,678.93 301822 3/28/2024 2571 NORMAN A TRAUB & ASSOCIATES LLC 23070.4 WORKPLACE INVESTIGATIONS: HR Printed 5,833.41 301823 3/28/2024 1375 NORTH JEFFERSON BUSINESS PARK 1078358/APR-JUN APR-JUN'24 ASSN DUES 8358 #20: FV Printed 722.04 301823 3/28/2024 1375 NORTH JEFFERSON BUSINESS PARK 1121810/APR-JUN APR-JUN'24 ASSN DUES 1810 #16: FV Printed 571.82 301823 3/28/2024 1375 NORTH JEFFERSON BUSINESS PARK 107839/APR-JUN APR-JUN'24 ASSN DUES 8329 #17: FV Printed 531.43 301823 3/28/2024 1375 NORTH JEFFERSON BUSINESS PARK 1200155/APR-JUN APR-JUN'24 ASSN DUES 0155#19: FV Printed 694.58 16141 3/11/2024 3650 NRPA 0157 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: TCSD Wire 180.00 601814 3/7/2024 1511 NVS INC 374363 JAN PROJ MGMT SVCS: MRC: PW17-21 EFT 27,623.31 301764 3/21/20243040 _MkLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 29047 VEHICLE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE Printed 245.36 301764 3/21/20243040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 28898 VEHICLE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE Printed 766.82 301764 3/21/20243040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 28904 VEHICLE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE Printed 927.56 301764 3/21/20243040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 29045 VEHICLE REPAIR/MAINTENANCE Printed 430.61 301824 3/28/20243040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON r CM-0 VEHICLE REPAIR/ MAINTENANCE: PI) Printed (84.50) 301824 3/28/20243040 OLD TOWN TEMECULA HARLEY DAVIDSON 28959 VEHICLE REPAIR/ MAINTENANCE: PD Printed 1,166.77 _ 601815 3/7/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC , 74245 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS&FACILITIES EFT 464.18 601815 3/7/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74281 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE- STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 169.29 601816 3/7/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74095 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 81.66 601816 3/7/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74131 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: PARKS & FACILITIES: PW EFT 97.55 ■ 601816 3/7/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74213 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: FIRE EFT 115.40 601816 3/7/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74039 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: PARKS: PW EFT 301.86 601816 3/7/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74232 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES _ EFT 648.86 601880 3/14/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74347 VEHICLE MAINT: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 68.45 601880 3/14/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74061 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: TRAFFIC: PW EFT 694.08 601880 3/14/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74244 VEHICLE MAINT: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 96.78 601995 3/28/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 71858 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: PARKS: PW EFT 62.72 601995 3/28/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73987 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 48.78 601995 3/28/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73759 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: FIRE EFT 266.41 601995 3/28/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73719 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 51.75 601995 3/28/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72794 BUILDING INSPECTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE EFT 113.03 601995 3/28/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73925 BUILDING INSPECTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE EFT 48.78 601995 3/28/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72884 VEHICLE MAINT: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 87.98 601995 3/28/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73965 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE -PARKS&FACILITIES EFT 574.57 601995 3/28/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73054 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: PARKS: PW EFT 391.10 601995 3/28/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72804 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: PARKS: PW EFT 114.31 601996 3/28/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73993 , VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: FIRE EFT 26.75 601996 3/28/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73963 VEHICLE MAINT: PW-CIP EFT 48.78 16238 3/18/2024100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV TRC-131952-06-03-20J DEPT TRANSFER REQUEST EG I� Wire 3,172.00 16268 3/5/2024100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV TRC-131890-05-03-202 DEPT TRANSFER REQUEST EG INV 130409 Wire 2,524.20 301682 3/7/2024100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV REFUND: DEPOSIT , REFUND: SECURITY DEPOSIT Printed 20,000.00 301683 3/7/2024100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV 1000926081018 REFUND: LIBRARYSMARTPAY Printed 17.99 301723 3/14/2024100 ONETIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV 64915316 REFUND: DBL CHARGE OPEN EDGE: TCSD Printed 35.00 301825 3/28/2024100 ONETIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV REFUND: LD18-1898 REFUND: LD18-1898 Printed 104,000.00 301826 3/28/2024100 ONETIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV 66302726 11lF'r' REFUND: SECURITY DEPOSIT Printed 200.00 301827 3/28/2024100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV 64669183 REFUND: SWIM LESSONS Printed 55.00 16237 3/7/2024 1400 ONTARIO AIRPORT PARKING LOT 8414 10 PARKING: LCW CONFERENCE: HR Wire 120.00 301740 3/21/2024 3619 OROZCO NICHOLAS 03/21/24 RFRSHMNTS: TEAM PACE EMPLOYEE LUNCH Void 2,750.00 301843 3/28/2024 3619 OROZCO NICHOLAS 03/21/24 RFRSHMNTS: TEAM PACE EMPLOYEE LUNCH Printed 2,750.00 601997 3/28/2024 1164 P V P COMMUNICATIONS INC 134011 MOTOR HELMET COMMUNICATION EFT 3,894.09 16282 3/11/2024 3687 PARADISEAWARDS 3808 CITY SEAL TILE PLAQUE: DISPLAY: CMO Wire 134.40 16287 3/11/20243687 PARADISEAWARDS 7599 CITY SEAL TILE PLAQUE: DISPLAY: CMO Wire 134.40 16114 3/11/2024 1401 PAYPAL 9276 REGISTRATION: CODE OFFICER SAFETY SPECIALIST CLASS Wire 250.00 16142 3/11/2024 1401 PAYPAL 1380 VERISIGN PAYFLOW PRO TRANSACTION: TCSD Wire 73.30 16162 3/11/2024 1401 PAYPAL 1285 VERISIGN PAYFLOW PRO TRANSACTION Wire 25.00 601786 3/7/2024 3628 PDQ EQUIPMENT LLC TCT62534-01 MISC STREET MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: PW EFT 21.75 301684 3/7/2024 2155 PECHANGA BAND OF INDIANS 0749 EDUCATIONAL BOOKS: CITY COUNCIL- Printed 166.69 301724 3/14/2024 3462 PECHANGA RESORTS INCORPORATED 1700.103-1705.103 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 1,050.00 301828 3/28/2024 3462 PECHANGA RESORTS INCORPORATED 1700.104-1705.104 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed 945.00 16306 3/11/2024 3486 PEETS COFFEE 0190 REFRESHMENTS: ADVOCACY DAY 2024 CONFERENCE Wire 5.87 16192 3/11/2024 3654 PEPPERMILL RENO 4003 LODGING: CRIA CONFERENCE Wire 412.80 16193 3/11/2024 3654 PEPPERMILL RENO 4011 LODGING: CRIA CONFERENCE Wire 345.00 16194 3/11/2024 3654 PEPPERMILL RENO 4029 LODGING: CRIA CONFERENCE Wire 345.00 16134 3/11/2024 3649 PHO HA 0235 REFRESHMENTS: CULTURE DAY: VIETNAM Wire 391.50 16156 3/11/2024 3639 PIPE AND DRAPE ONLINE 7298 DRAPE FOR AV EQUIP: PEG EQUIP: ITSS Wire 446.69 601817 3/7/2024 2468 PLACEWORKS INC 83108 OLDTOWN PARKLETS PROGRAM: PLANNING EFT 1,050.00 301685 3/7/2024 2179 PLAYCORE WISCONSIN INC PJI-0217783 PLAYGROUND EQUIP ENHANCEMENT Printed 34,833.82 301829 3/28/2024 2179 PLAYCORE WISCONSIN INC PJI-0229711 BENCHES FOR TEMECULA CREEK PARK: PW Printed 5,383.09 601818 3/7/2024 3271 POWERSPORTS UNLIMITED INC 47194 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT: TEM SHERIFF EFT 499.79 601818 3/7/2024 3271 POWERSPORTS UNLIMITED INC 47192 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT: TEM SHERIFF EFT 1,173.77 ■ 601881 3/14/2024 3271 POWERSPORTS UNLIMITED INC 47231 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT: TEM SHERIFF EFT 269.06 601881 3/14/2024 3271 POWERSPORTS UNLIMITED INC 47145 VEHICLE REPAIR& MAINT: TEM SHERIFF EFT 2,406.83 601998 3/28/2024 3271 POWERSPORTS UNLIMITED INC 47292 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT: TEM SHERIFF EFT 834.69 601998 3/28/2024 3271 POWERSPORTS UNLIMITED INC 47291 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT: TEM SHERIFF EFT 765.60 301765 3/21/2024 1363 PRE PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC BEN350079 PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES PAYMENT Printed 206.45 601999 3/28/2024 1493 PREMIER MARKETING INC 3364 EASTER BUNNY & FACE PAINTING FOR SKIP EASTER EFT 562.50 16130 3/11/2024 1020 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC 7109 SUBSCRIPTIONS: TCSD Wire 18.00 16243 3/11/20241020 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC 4322 ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION: CITY CLERK Wire 14.00 602000 3/28/2024 1721 PRO ACTIVE FIRE DESIGN AND CONSULTING INC 2075 PLAN CHECKING SVCS: FIRE W EFT 7,901.50 601819 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132239191A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 68.36 601819 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132239674 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 24.52 601819 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132236767 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 68.83 601819 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132237293 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES _ EFT 31.45 601819 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132236011 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 601819 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132237976A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 88.83 601819 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132237275 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 24.52 601819 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132237977 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE ' EFT 88.85 601819 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132239692 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 23.43 601819 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132238502 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 21.43 601820 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132236012 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 19.88 601820 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132239693 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 601820 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132238488 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 12.74 601820 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 1325237294 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 601820 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132238501 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 14.32 601820 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132236010 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 601820 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132238503 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 19.88 601820 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132239680 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 601820 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132237281 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 12.74 601820 3/7/20241336` PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132239691 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 601821 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132238489 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 601821 3/7/202413351= PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132239191B UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE � EFT -W- 601821 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132240374 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 601821 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132236766E UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 601821 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132237978 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 601821 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132237282 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 601821 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132239193 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 10.28 601821 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132239681 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 601821 3/7/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132237976B UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 601882 3/14/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132234762 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 31.45 601882 3/14/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132235997 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 12.74 601882 3/14/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132240874 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 601882 3/14/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132240373 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 61.55 601882 3/14/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132240859 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 601882 3/14/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132241540 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 601882 3/14/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132240873 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 21.43 601882 3/14/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132240872 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 14.32 601882 3/14/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132241539 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 61.55 601882 3/14/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132240372A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 66.08 601883 3/14/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132240372E UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 601883 3/14/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132241538B UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 601883 3/14/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132235998 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 601883 3/14/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132240860 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS FACILITIES EFT 9.89 301686 3/7/2024 2303 PUBLIC ADVERTISING AGENCY INC 19606 WINDOW CLING: MAYOR'S OFFICE DOOR Printed 85.79 301687 3/7/2024 2727 QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC PPLN0102/07/24 POSTAGE SERVICES: PD Printed 255.66 301831 3/28/2024 2727 QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC PPLN0103/10/24 POSTAGE SERVICES: PD _ Printed 256.45 301832 3/28/2024 2169 QUINN COMPANY WOG00018706 GENERATOR MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATIONS Printed 658.08 301832 3/28/2024 2169 QUINN COMPANY WOG00019127 GENERATOR REPAIRS: CRC: PW Printed 3,073.48 301832 3/28/2024 2169 QUINN COMPANY WOG00018705 GENERATOR MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATIONS Printed 658.08 301726 3/14/20241496 RADAR SHOP INC THE RS-12977 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE: TEM SHERIFF Printed 808.28 602001 3/28/2024 3136 RAMOS HR CONSULTING INC 1015 PROF CONSULTING SERV - HR EFT 4,460.00 301688 3/7/2024 1134 RANCHO CALIF BUS PK ASSOC 1077168/APR-JUN'24 APR-JUN'24 BUS PK ASSN DUES: TVE2 Printed 2,234.14 301688 3/7/2024 1134 RANCHO CALIF BUS PK ASSOC 1077171 APR-JUN'24 APR-JUN'24 BUS PK ASSN DUES: FOC Printed 1,843.17 301727 3/14/2024 1134 RANCHO CALIF BUS PK ASSOC 1077061 APR-JUN'24 APR-JUN'24 BUS PK ASSN DUES: DIAZ RD Printed 2,033.07 16267 3/1/2024 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIOUS JAN WATER 3 VARIOUS WATER SVCS JAN BATCH 3 Wire 7,627.44 16315 3/15/2024 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIOUS FEB WATER 1 VARIOUS WATER SVCS FEB BATCH 1 Wire 15,867.31 16324 3/22/2024 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIOUS FEB WATER 2 VARIOUS WATER SVCS FEB BATCH 2 Wire 5,599.94 16327 3/29/2024 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIOUS FEB WATER 3 VARIOUS WATER SVCS FEB BATCH 3 Wire 6,791.48 601884 3/14/2024 1537 RANDALL MANAGEMENT GROUP 31972 PUBLIC NOTICE SIGN POSTING SERVICES FY2023-24 EFT 312.25 601884 3/14/2024 1537 RANDALL MANAGEMENT GROUP 31958 PUBLIC NOTICE SIGN POSTING SERVICES FY2023-24 EFT 624.50 601884 3/14/2024 1537 RANDALL MANAGEMENT GROUP 31966 PUBLIC NOTICE SIGN POSTING SERVICES FY2023-24 EFT 624.50 602002 3/28/2024 3514 REEP FIRE PROTECTION INC 3112 FIRE SYSTEM REPAIRS: CRC: PW EFT 9,612.97 601822 3/7/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60173459-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CITY HALL EFT 95.33 601885 3/14/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60173691-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CITY HALL: PW EFT 102.10 601885 3/14/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60173822-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CITY HALL: PW EFT 185.48 601885 3/14/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60173592-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CITY HALL: PW EFT 159.78 601885 3/14/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60173856-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CITY HALL: PW EFT 769.89 301729 3/14/2024 1574 REGAL CINEMAS INC E-109115-N91<31<9 DAY CAMP EXCURSION: TCSD * Printed 3,114.25 16284 3/11/2024 1408 RENAISSANCE HOTELS 0174 PARKING: CCMF BOARD MEETING Wire 25.00 16285 3/11/2024 1408 RENAISSANCE HOTELS 3496 LODGING: CCMF BOARD MEETING Wire 310.93 16106 3/7/2024 3637 RESERVATION COUNTER 4384 AIRFARE: DC LOBBYING: PW Wire 1,031.94 301730 3/14/2024 2532 REVZILLA MOTORSPORTS LLC 44941447 UNIFORMS: TEM SHERIF Printed 549.91 16143 3/11/2024 2181 REYES NICOLE 9161 LAUNDRY SVCS: LINENS: TVM: TCSD Wire 219.50 601823 3/7/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246363 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 180.00 601823 3/7/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246371 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,871.75 601823 3/7/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246388 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 7,051.00 601823 3/7/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246366 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 540.00 601823 3/7/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246370 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 750.00 601823 3/7/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246389 JAN 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 4,958.53 602003 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246849 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 3,190.00 602003 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246870 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 4,368.66 602003 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246824 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 19,088.98 602003 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246859 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,728.75 602003 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246850 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 8,359.18 602003 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246826 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 5,084.86 602003 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246854 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 13,977.36 602003 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246858 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,701.00 602003 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246828 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 19,927.75 602003 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246866 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 3,195.00 602004 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246855 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 538.50 602004 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246851 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,438.00 602004 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246863 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,095.25 602004 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246865 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,510.00 602004 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246853 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,757.00 602004 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246847 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 930.00 602004 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246848 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 480.00 602004 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246860 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,532.50 602004 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246830 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,551.00 602004 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246840 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,070.00 602005 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246831 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 192.50 602005 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246833 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 150.00 602005 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246871 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 110.00 602005 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246869 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 275.00 602005 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246825 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 365.00 602005 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246852 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 455.86 602005 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246834 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 360.00 602005 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246868 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 391.00 602005 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246856 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 265.00 602005 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246829 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 218.86 602006 3/28/2024 11501 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246835 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 30.00 602006 3/28/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246867 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 86.50 602006 3/28/2024 11M RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246864 , FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 27.50 301654 3/7/2024 1035 RIVERSIDE COUNTY DEC'23 DEC'23 PRKG CITATION ASSESSMENTS Printed 5,952.00 301654 3/7/20241035 RIVERSIDE COUNTY JAN'24 JAN'24 PRKG CITATION ASSESSMENTS Printed 6,625.50 301660 3/7/2024 1045 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 24-16369 CEQA FILINGS: PW23-13 Printed 50.00 301660 3/7/2024 1045 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 24-16400 CECA FILINGS: PW23-10 _ Printed 50.00 301660 3/7/2024 1045 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 24-16418 CEQA FILINGS: PW23-11 Printed 50.00 301660 3/7/2024 1045 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 24-16504 i CECA FILINGS: PW23-12 Printed 50.00 301668 3/7/2024 1043 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FCO20294 SN GERTRUDIS CK EP CHRGS 12/23: PW19-04 Printed 336.26 301668 3/7/2024 1043 RIVERSIDE COUNTY DI2402543 SN GERTRUDIS CK AD REQ: PW19-04 ' Printed 2,000.00 301689 3/7/2024 1042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SH0000045075 12/14/23-01/10/24 LAW ENFORCEMENT Printed 2,839,735.32 301712 3/14/2024 1045 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 23-57216 W CEQA FILINGS: PLANNING Void 50.00 301766 3/21/20241042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SH0000045185 01/01-02/29 YOUTH COURT SVCS Printed 744.20 301791 3/28/2024 1045 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 23-57216 CEQA FILINGS: PLANNING Printed 50.00 301791 3/28/2024 1045 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 24-10190 CEQA FILINGS: PW22-16 Printed 50.00 301798 3/28/2024 1104 RIVERSIDE COUNTY IN0505092 PERMIT RENEW: CRC: PW Printed 844.00 301830 3/28/2024 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PE0000001618 EMERGENCY RADIO RENTAL Printed 985.18 301833 3/28/20241807 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 2024-13 STAFFING: LIBRARY Printed 34,580.00 301833 3/28/20241807 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 2024-09 STAFFING: LIBRARY Printed 34,580.00 16166 3/11/2024 2961 RIVERSIDE POLICE FOUNDATION 5841 REGISTRATION: RIV CNTY GANG CONFERENCE: POLICE Wire 240.00 16167 3/11/2024 2961 RIVERSIDE POLICE FOUNDATION 9492 REGISTRATION: RIV CNTY GANG CONFERENCE: POLICE Wire 240.00 16168 3/11/2024 2961 RIVERSIDE POLICE FOUNDATION 6315 REGISTRATION: RIV CNTY GANG CONFERENCE: POLICE Wire 240.00 16169 3/11/2024 2961 RIVERSIDE POLICE FOUNDATION 5910 REGISTRATION: RIV CNTY GANG CONFERENCE: POLICE Wire 240.00 16170 3/11/2024 2961 RIVERSIDE POLICE FOUNDATION 6579 REGISTRATION: RIV CNTY GANG CONFERENCE: POLICE Wire 240.00 16187 3/11/2024 2961 RIVERSIDE POLICE FOUNDATION 1322 REGISTRATION: RIV CNTY GANG CONFERENCE: POLICE Wire 240.00 16188 3/11/2024 2961 RIVERSIDE POLICE FOUNDATION 9043 REGISTRATION: RIV CNTY GANG CONFERENCE: POLICE Wire 240.00 16189 3/11/2024 2961 RIVERSIDE POLICE FOUNDATION 4608 REGISTRATION: RIV CNTY GANG CONFERENCE: POLICE Wire 240.00 16190 3/11/2024 2961 RIVERSIDE POLICE FOUNDATION 5124 REGISTRATION: RIV CNTY GANG CONFERENCE: POLICE Wire 240.00 602007 3/28/2024 3469 ROGERS BENJAMIN 03/13/24 REPTILE SHOW: TVM: 03/09/24 EFT 950.00 301690 3/7/20243267 SAFEGUARD BUSINESS SYSTEMS INC 9003991556 DEPOSIT TICKET: FINANCE Printed 545.85 16248 3/11/2024 1903 SAN DIEGO AIRPORT PARKING 3761 PARKING: HABITAT FOR HUMANITY ADVOCACY DAY Wire 76.00 16307 3/11/2024 1903 SAN DIEGO AIRPORT PARKING 4082 PARKING: HABITAT FOR HUMANITY ADVOCACY DAY Wire 76.00 601925 3/21/20241552 SANBORN GWYNETH A CO TEMECULA MUSIC ACADEMY PERF:03/02/24 AGREEMENT: COUNTRY LIVE 03/02/24 EFT 726.75 602008 3/28/20241552 SANBORN GWYNETH A CO TEMECULA MUSIC ACADEMY PERF: 03/16/24 AGREEMENT TIX: COUNTRY LIVE@THE MERC EFT 720.00 601825 3/7/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 02212024 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES FOR SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 275.00 601825 3/7/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 02152024 MPSC/HUMAN SERVICES PHOTOGRAPHY EFT 275.00 601825 3/7/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 02162024 MPSC/HUMAN SERVICES PHOTOGRAPHY EFT 275.00 601886 3/14/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 00292024 MUSEUM/ACE PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: TCSD EFT 275.00 601886 3/14/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 022924 PHOTOGRAPHY: THEATER: TCSD EFT 2,060.00 601926 3/21/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 03112024 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES FOR SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 275.00 601926 3/21/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 0302132024 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES - CITY MANAGER EFT 150.00 601926 3/21/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 021424 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: CIP PW19-02 ' EFT 400.00 602009 3/28/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 03162024 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES FOR SPECIAL EVENTS: GAMES EFT 300.00 602009 3/28/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 03202024 MPSC/HUMAN SERVICES PHOTOGRAPHY i EFT 275.00 602009 3/28/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 03142024 MPSC/HUMAN SERVICES PHOTOGRAPHY: ST PATRICKS DAY EFT 275.00 602009 3/28/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 0102132024 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES -CITY COUNCIL EFT 660.00 602009 3/28/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 03122024 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES -CITY COUNCIL EFT 275.00 602009 3/28/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 0202132024 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: HR EFT 75.00 301691 3/7/2024 2360 SB&O INC 124016 ENGINEERING CONSULTANT SVCS: PW21-13 Printed 104.00 301731 3/14/2024 2360 SB&O INC 224015 ENGINEERING & SURVEY SVCS: PW-CIP: PW22-16 7 Printed 4,095.20 301731 3/14/2024 2360 SB&O INC 224016 ENGINEEIRNG & SURVEY SVCS: PWSW02-02 Printed 195.00 301731 3/14/2024 2360 SB&O INC 224018 ENGINEERING & SURVEY SVCS: PW-CIP: PW23-24 Printed 4,052.00 301767 3/21/2024 2360 SB&O INC 224014 DESIGN, ENVIRO & SURVEY SVS: PW-CIP Printed 1,963.25 301767 3/21/2024 2360 SB&O INC 224017 ENGINEERING & SURVEY SVCS: PW-CIP: PW22-15 Printed 15,411.60 301834 3/28/2024 1974 SCHOLASTIC INC EDUCATION 57616394 MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD Printed 1,114.59 601861 3/14/2024 1663 SCI FRANCHISE HOLDINGS INC 233 BIOHAZARDOUS CLEANUP: TEM SHERIFF EFT 850.00 301692 3/7/2024 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC ALS15132 POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS Printed 165.87 301835 3/28/2024 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL516919 POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS Printed 208.18 301732 3/14/2024 1787 SHRED IT US JV LLC 8006268786 DOCUMENT SHREDDING: TEMECULA POLICE STOREFRONTS Printed 46.58 301836 3/28/2024 1787 SHRED IT US 1V LLC 8006577165 SHRED SERVICES: CITYWIDE Printed 265.80 601828 3/7/2024 2425 SIEMENS MOBILITY INC 5610001260 TRAFFIC SERVICE CABINET REPLACEMENT: PW EFT 8,729.56 601927 3/21/2024 2425 SIEMENS MOBILITY INC 90001564 REPLACE DECORATIVE POLE: WOLF VALLEY/COTTONWOOD EFT 14,811.10 602011 3/28/2024 2425 SIEMENS MOBILITY INC 5610001482 STREET LIGHT REPLACEMENT: PW EFT 5,190.00 602012 3/28/2024 1780 SILVERMAN ENTERPRISES INC 1966 i SECURITY SVCS: ROTATION PARKS EFT 5,735.00 602013 3/28/20241061 SMARTAND FINAL INC 03/13/24 MISC SUPPLIES: MPSC:TCSD EFT 213.80 601888 3/14/2024 3170 SMER RESEARCH 1 LLC 50032 11111% FEB SOLAR GENERATION: VARI LOCATIONS EFT 11,531.44 16328 3/26/2024 1094 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY VAR SOCALGAS FEB VARIOUS FEB SO CAL GAS SVCS Wire 19,775.06 601928 3/21/2024 2217 SOCIAL WORK ACTION GROUP 0229202413 , OUTREACH SERVICES EFT 9,166.67 602014 3/28/2024 2217 SOCIAL WORK ACTION GROUP 02292024A OUTREACH SERVICES EFT 46,210.55 301733 3/14/2024 1153 SOUTH COASTAIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 4304855 FY23/24 FLAT FEE: LAST FY EMISSIONS Printed 160.35 301733 3/14/2024 1153 SOUTH COASTAIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 4302341 LIQUID FUEL DISPENSING SYSTEM: RORIPAUGH Printed 654.16 301769 3/21/2024 1153 SOUTH COASTAIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 4311886 FY23/24 FLAT EMISSIONS FEE: CIVIC CTR Printed 160.35 301769 3/21/2024 1153 SOUTH COASTAIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 4309242 FY 23/24I C E ELEC GEN DIESEL: CIVIC CTR Printed 504.91 601829 3/7/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291716 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 48.00 601829 3/7/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291970 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 80.00 601829 3/7/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291822 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 70.00 601829 3/7/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0292015 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 95.00 601829 3/7/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291967 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 42.00 601829 3/7/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291752 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 52.00 601889 3/14/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291872 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 32.00 601889 3/14/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291881 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 120.00 601889 3/14/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291877 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 36.00 601889 3/14/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0292162 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 42.00 601889 3/14/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0292111 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 40.00 601889 3/14/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0292269 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 29.00 601889 3/14/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 029180 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 90.00 601889 3/14/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291887 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 90.00 601889 3/14/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291879 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 56.00 601889 3/14/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0292088 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 90.00 601929 3/21/2024 1055` SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0292335 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 59.00 602015 3/28/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0291924 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 49.00 602015 3/28/2024105 ,SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0292419 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW ; EFT 49.00 602015 3/28/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0292206 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 49.00 16329 3/27/2024 1800 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO VAR SCE FEB VARIOUS FEB SOCAL EDISON SVCS ! Wire 143,554.35 301837 3/28/2024 1704 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 45949240301 MAR GEN USAGE: 0141,0839,0978,0979 Printed 343.90 601830 3/7/2024 3356 SOUTHSTAR ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC COT-1-15CR-02 I-15 CONGESTION RELIEF EFT 16,889.00 16107 3/7/2024 1399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 3921 AIRFARE: TRAFFIC SIGNAL COURSE: PW Wire 252.99 16108 3/7/2024 1399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 3939 AIRFARE: TRAFFIC SIGNAL COURSE: PVW Wire 252.99 16109 3/7/2024 1399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 3947 AIRFARE: TRAFFIC SIGNAL COURSE: PW Wire 252.99 16173 3/11/2024 1399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 0901 AIRFARE: CRIATRAINING CONFERENCE: POLICE Wire 279.97 16215 3/7/2024 1399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 9918 AIRFARE: LCW CONFERENCE: HR Wire 236.00 16216 3/7/2024 1399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 9926 AIRFARE: LCW CONFERENCE: HR Wire 236.00 16217 3/7/2024 1399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 9934 AIRFARE: LCW CONFERENCE: HR Wire 236.00 16218 3/7/2024 1399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 9942 AIRFARE: LCW CONFERENCE: HR Wire 236.00 16224 3/7/2024 1399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 2573 AIRFARE: LCW CONFERENCE: HR Wire 199.00 16251 3/11/2024 1399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 6852 AIRFARE: LEAGUE OF CA CITIES 2024 LEADER SUMMIT Wire 272.96 16092 3/7/2024 3645 SOUTHWEST RIVERSIDE COUNTY ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS 8029 REFRESHMENTS: SW RIV CNTY ASSOC OF REALTORS MTG Wire 165.00 16274 3/11/2024 3645 SOUTHWEST RIVERSIDE COUNTY ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS 2597 REGISTRATION: BREAKFAST WITH CITY MANAGERS EVENT Wire 55.00 16286 3/11/2024 3645 SOUTHWEST RIVERSIDE COUNTY ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS 3645 REGISTRATION: BREAKFAST WITH CITY MANAGERS EVENT Wire 110.00 16305 3/11/2024 3645 SOUTHWEST RIVERSIDE COUNTY ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS 2894 REGISTRATION: BREAKFAST WITH CITY MANAGERS EVENT Wire 55.00 301838 3/28/2024 3496 SPEARS TRAVIS 2483 BEE SERVICE: PARKS: PW Printed 395.00 301838 3/28/2024 3496 SPEARS TRAVIS 2489 BEE SERVICE: PARKS: PW Printed 395.00 301693 3/7/2024 3310 SPORTS FACILITIES GROUP INC A16467 SCOREBOARD SVC: PHBSP: PW Printed 2,068.56 16244 3/11/2024 3684 SPUNTINO PIZZERIA 2531 REFRESHMENTS: CITY COUNCIL MTG O1/23 Wire 197.92 301694 3/7/2024 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 1-0125 RFRSHMNTS: ECON DEV Printed 145.02 301770 3/21/2024 1028 STADIUM PIZZA INC 03/06/24 RFRSHMNTS: WORKFORCE DEV: TCSD Printed 103.39 301771 3/21/2024 1431 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY BEN350069 BASIC LIFE INSURANCE: PAYMENT Printed 12,067.57 301772 3/21/20241708 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY BEN350075 VOLUNTARY SUPP LIFE INSURANCE PAYMENT Printed 2,005.03 601831 3/7/2024 1452 STAPLES INC 6000509614 MISC SUPPLIES: LIBRARY: TCSD EFT 88.59 601831 3/7/20241452 STAPLES INC 6000509616 MISC OFC SUPPLIES: MPSC: TCSD EFT 800.97 301649 3/4/20241179 STATE WATER RESOURCE CONTROL BOARD 570485 PERMIT REGISTRATION: PW19-02 Printed 600.00 16131 3/11/20241983 STATEFOODSAFETY.COM 4104 FOOD HANDLER'S CARDS: STAFF: TCSD Wire 162.00 16144 3/11/20241983 STATEFOODSAFETY.COM 7213 FOOD HANDLER'S CARDS: CRC STAFF: TCSD Wire 547.50 16145 3/11/20241983 STATEFOODSAFETY.COM 8658 FOOD HANDLER'S CARDS: CRC STAFF: TCSD Wire 37.00 301695 3/7/20242016 STC TRAFFIC INC 6715 TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEM UPGRADE: PW 19-09 Printed 275.00 301839 3/28/20242016 STC TRAFFIC INC 6858 FIBER OPTIC COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM: PW22-03 Printed 4,757.50 301839 3/28/20242016 STC TRAFFIC INC 6859 TRAFFIC SIGNAL -SYSTEM UPGRADE: PW19-09 Printed 200.00 301734 3/14/20241912 STEIN ANDREW 29411 MISC MERCHANDISE SPECIAL EVENTS Printed 3,831.82 602016 3/28/2024 1376 STENO SOLUTIONS TRANSCRIPTION SERVICES INC 43713 TRANSCRIPTION SVCS: TEM SHERIFF EFT 98.10 601832 3/7/2024 1231 STRONG GARY 02/28/24 PAINTING SVCS: HARVESTON LAKE BOATHOUSE: PW EFT 2,000.00 601890 3/14/2024 1712 STUARTJENNIFER 3400-3450.1011ST TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 14,840.00 601833 3/7/2024 1495 STURDIVANT ANGELA P 3200.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 313.60 602017 3/28/20241495 STURDIVANT ANGELA P 3205.103 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 181.30 301696 3/7/2024 1445 SUN CITY GRANITE INC SS-23226 GRANITE ENGRAVING: PARKS: PW Printed 95.00 301840 3/28/2024 2059 SUPERIOR READY MIX LP 410241 CONCRETE MATERIALS: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW Printed 3,103.52 601930 3/21/2024 1081 SWARCO MCCAIN INC INV0278108 TRAFFIC SIGNAL PARTS: PW EFT 27.19 601834 3/7/20243106 SWCA INCORPORATED 187744 SWAC ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS(LR-21-1331) EFT 42,874.25 601834 3/7/20243106 SWCA INCORPORATED 185961 SWAC ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS(LR-21-1331) EFT 29,367.20 601891 3/14/2024 3205 SYXSENSE INC SYXUS13656 SOFTWARE RENEWAL: IT EFT 21,000.00 301841 3/28/2024 2521 TAND G GLOBAL LLC INV-3086 OLD TOWN CHRISTMAS DECOR DEPOSIT: TCSD Printed 2,400.00 301697 3/7/2024 2261 T MOBILE USA INC 9560698989 TIMING ADVANCE: TEM SHERIFF Printed 25.00 301842 3/28/20242261 TMOBILE USA INC 9562731222 TIMING ADVANCE: PD Printed 25.00 301735 3/14/2024 1212 TY LIN INTERNATIONAL 102402143 1-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS Printed 29,450.90 601931 3/21/2024 1113 TEAMSTERS LOCAL 911 BEN350073 UNION MEMBERSHIP DUES PAYMENT EFT 4,956.00 601836 3/7/2024 1914 TEMECULA VALLEY BACKFLOW INC 47236 BACKFLOW SVCS: PBSP: PW EFT 5,084.00 601932 3/21/2024 1914 TEMECULA VALLEY BACKFLOW INC 47432 BACKFLOW TESTING: VARIOUS FACILITIES: PW EFT 784.50 601932 3/21/2024 1914 TEMECULA VALLEY BACKFLOW INC 47434 BACKFLOW TESTING: WOLF CREEK TRAIL PARK: PW EFT 70.00 602019 3/28/2024 1914 TEMECULA VALLEY BACKFLOW INC 47433 BACKFLOW TESTING: STATION 92 i EFT 210.00 601837 3/7/2024 1030 TEMECULA VALLEY PIPE AND SUPPLY 633617 IRRIGATION AND PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PARKS: PW EFT 146.33 601837 3/7/2024 1030 TEMECULA VALLEY PIPE AND SUPPLY = 633619 IRRIGATION AND PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PARKS: PW EFT 47.73 601837 3/7/2024 1030 TEMECULA VALLEY PIPE AND SUPPLY 633615 IRRIGATION AND PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PARKS: PW EFT 51.92 601837 3/7/2024 1030 TEMECULA VALLEY PIPE AND SUPPLY 633613 IRRIGATION AND PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PARKS: PW EFT 46.55 601824 3/7/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54738 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT 182.84 601824 3/7/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54833 LOCKSMITH SRVS: SENIOR CENTER: PW EFT 1,828.88 601824 3/7/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 54913 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT 46.22 301699 3/7/2024 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 30319201 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PW FACILITIES Printed 180.20 301844 3/28/20241234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 30522301 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 125.56 16191 3/11/2024 3653 THE DANA ON MISSION BAY 8740 LODGING: MOTORCYCLE INSTRUCTOR TRAINING: POLICE Wire 1,151.21 16301 3/11/20241434 THESSALONIKA FAMILY SERVICES 3585 CREDIT: DONATION: CHARITY Wire (530.00) _ 601892 3/14/2024 1936 TIERCE NICHOLAS DATHAN NTOTTCT-2024-03 GRAPHIC DESIGN: THEATER: TCSD EFT 2,460.00 16339 3/29/2024 1568 TIME WARNER CABLE VAR FEB/MAR SPECTRUM VARIOUS FEB/MAR INTERNET SVCS Wire 12,089.02 601933 3/21/2024 1063 TIMMY D PRODUCTIONS INC i 24803 CULTURE DAYS AND ART NIGHTS MUSIC EFT 425.00 601838 3/7/2024 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC 48112 EQUIPMENT RENTAL: PW19-02: CIP: PW EFT 3,342.92 602020 3/28/2024 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC 48076 CANOPIES & EQUIP RENTAL: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD EFT 402.43 602021 3/28/2024 3135 TK CONSULTING INC 8 YNEZ ROAD IMPROVEMENTS -PHASE IMPROV EFT 10,485.13 301846 3/28/2024 2101 TLK ICE INC 002193 KONA ICE: WDSD & AUTISM AWARENESS EVENTS: TCSD Printed 500.00 601839 3/7/2024 1152 TOP LINE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY LLC 466458 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 25.67 601894 3/14/20242413 TOWNSEND PUBLIC AFFAIRS INC 21235 CONSULTING/GRANT WRITING SVCS: CITY CLERK EFT 6,000.00 16302 3/11/2024 2148 TRAUMA INTERVENTION PROGRAMS OF SW RIVERSIDE CO 3402 REGISTRATION: FUNDRAISER: HEROES WITH HEARTS Wire 80.00 16174 3/11/2024 3680 TRI STATE INTELLIGENCE ASSOCIATION 4072 REGISTRATION: OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE GANG TRAINING: PD Wire 40.00 16175 3/11/2024 3680 TRI STATE INTELLIGENCE ASSOCIATION 8077 REGISTRATION: OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE GANG TRAINING: PD Wire 40.00 16176 3/11/2024 3680 TRI STATE INTELLIGENCE ASSOCIATION 7072 REGISTRATION: OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE GANG TRAINING: PD Wire 40.00 16177 3/11/2024 3680 TRI STATE INTELLIGENCE ASSOCIATION 9070 REGISTRATION: OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE GANG TRAINING: PD Wire 40.00 16178 3/11/2024 3680 TRI STATE INTELLIGENCE ASSOCIATION our" 8074 REGISTRATION: OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE GANG TRAINING: PD Wire 40.00 16179 3/11/2024 3680 TRI STATE INTELLIGENCE ASSOCIATION 7073 REGISTRATION: OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE GANG TRAINING: PD Wire 40.00 16182 3/11/2024 3680 TRI STATE INTELLIGENCE ASSOCIATION 8072 REGISTRATION: OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE GANG TRAINING: PD Wire 40.00 16183 3/11/2024 3680 TRI STATE INTELLIGENCE ASSOCIATION 7073A REGISTRATION: OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE GANG TRAINING: PD Wire 40.00 16184 3/11/2024 3680 TRI STATE INTELLIGENCE ASSOCIATION 1071 REGISTRATION: OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE GANG TRAINING: PD Wire 40.00 16185 3/11/2024 3680 TRI STATE INTELLIGENCE ASSOCIATION 2073 REGISTRATION: OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE GANG TRAINING: PD Wire 40.00 16186 3/11/2024 3680 TRI STATE INTELLIGENCE ASSOCIATION 1071A REGISTRATION: OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE GANG TRAINING: PD Wire 40.00 301700 3/7/2024 2508 TURBOSCAPE INC 14044 MULCH: VARIOUS MEDIANS: PW Printed 7,440.00 601841 3/7/2024 155�TV CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU DEC'23 DEC'23 BUS. IMPRV DISTRICT ASMNTS EFT 175,065.59 16159 3/11/20241003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 7931 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CHECK STOCK: FINANCE Wire 230.56 601842 3/7/2024 1003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-456640 FINANCIAL SOFTWARE UPGRADE: FINANCE EFT 750.00 602023 3/28/20241003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-459270 FINANCE SOFTWARE TRAINING EFT 1,200.00 16296 3/11/2024 1350 U S BANK CREDIT: CC 10/09 CREDIT: REVERSAL OF RET'D PMT FEE: CC Wire (35.00) 16312 3/11/2024 1350 U S BANK CFD 20-01 TAX BONDS CFD 20-01: HEIRLOOM FARMS SPECIAL TAXES Wire 120,953.97 16122 3/11/2024 2561 UBER 3117 TRASPORTATION: HOMELESS OUTREACH: TCSD Wire 78.93 16127 3/11/2024 2561 UBER 0716 TRASPORTATION: HOMELESS OUTREACH: TCSD Wire 82.86 16229 3/7/2024 2561 UBER 5997 TRANSPORTATION: LCW CONFERENCE: HR Wire 36.31 16230 3/7/2024 2561 UBER 1874 TRANSPORTATION: LCW CONFERENCE: HR Wire 81.67 16231 3/7/2024 2561 UBER 3950 TRANSPORTATION: LCW CONFERENCE: HR Wire 86.97 301701 3/7/2024 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1814C JANITORIAL SVCS MAINT: PARKS Printed 719.83 301701 3/7/2024 3222 ULTRA SHINE IN� 1750A JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT Printed 27,851.21 301701 3/7/2024 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1816 JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT Printed (652.38) 301701 3/7/2024 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1817 JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT jm_ Printed (978.57) 301701 3/7/2024 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1818 JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT Printed (1,367.68) 301736 3/14/2024 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1814A JANITORIAL SVCS MAINT: FACILITIES Printed 27,851.21 301773 3/21/2024 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1824 POST CONSTRUCTION CLEAN: MARGARITA REC CTR Printed 762.50 301773 3/21/2024 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1877E JANITORIAL SVCS: PD Printed 881.21 301847 3/28/2024 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1750C JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT Printed 719.83 301737 3/14/2024 1131 UNITED RENTALS NORTH AMERICA INC 230637336-001 MISC SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW Printed 173.41 16121 3/11/2024 2142 URBANE CAFE OPERATIONS LLC 0870 REFRESHMENTS: OUTREACH MTG Wire 65.09 602024 3/28/2024 2142 URBANE CAFE OPERATIONS LLC 114636 WORKFORCE PROGRAMS CATERING EFT 81.02 301702 3/7/2024 1874 VALLEY PRINTING SERVICES INC 26957 ELECTION INFO POSTCARD: CITY CLERK Printed 6,526.47 601895 3/14/2024 3400 VERIFIED FIRST LLC INV-000461661 EMPLOYMENT SCREENINGS: HR EFT 94.00 602025 3/28/2024 3400 VERIFIED FIRST LLC INV-000466746 EMPLOYMENT SCREENINGS: HR EFT 13.00 602025 3/28/2024 3400 VERIFIED FIRST LLC INV-000467658 EMPLOYMENT SCREENINGS: HR EFT 5.00 16272 3/6/20241845 VERIZON WIRELESS 9956793973 01/16-02/15 CELLULAR/BROADBAND: CITYWIDE Wire 22,622.03 301774 3/21/2024 1845 VERIZON WIRELESS 9022345767 01/18-02/15 CELLULAR/BROADBAND: PD Printed 245.00 301848 3/28/2024 1845 VERIZON WIRELESS 9958815363 02/11-03/10 TASK FORCE TABLETS: POLICE Printed 421.25 602026 3/28/2024 1498 VISION ONE INC INV-75565 TICKETING SERVICES: THEATER: TCSD J11111op- EFT 2,296.00 601935 3/21/2024 2197 VOICES FOR CHILDREN FY 23/24 CSF FY 23/24 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING EFT 2,500.00 601843 3/7/2024 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1185 HIGH HOPES DJ SVCS: TCSD jjjjjjjjjp� EFT 525.00 601936 3/21/2024 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1189 MC SVCS SKATE PARK JAMS: TCSD EFT 525.00 602027 3/28/2024 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1188 HIGH HOPES DJ SVCS: TCSD = EFT 525.00 602027 3/28/2024 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 2820.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 495.60 602027 3/28/2024 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1190 JEFF WADDLETON DJ/MC-SPECIAL EVENTS: GREAT OAK HS EFT 525.00 601896 3/14/2024 2183 WALLACE AND ASSOCIATES CONSULTING LLC 22631 DOG PARK RENOVATION: CIP: PW EFT 1,357.50 601896 3/14/2024 2183 WALLACE AND ASSOCIATES CONSULTING LLC 20922 DOG PARK RENOVATION: CIP: PW EFT 1,180.00 601937 3/21/2024 2183 WALLACE AND ASSOCIATES CONSULTING LLC 22435 CONSTRUCTION MGMT SVCS: PW19-07 EFT 2,989.00 301738 3/14/2024 1439 WALMART 02/21/24-A TCSD-CRC Printed 33.38 301738 3/14/2024 1439 WALMART 02/22/24 SUPPLIES -CLASSES Printed 71.39 301738 3/14/2024 1439 WALMART 02/29/24 SUPPLIES-TCSD-CRC Printed 153.74 301775 3/21/2024 1439 WALMART 03/06/24 MISC SUPPLIES: TCSD: SPECIAL EVENTS Printed 719.69 301775 3/21/2024 1439 WALMART 03/06/24B MISC SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD ll� Printed 89.88 301775 3/21/2024 1439 WALMART 03/05/24 MISC SUPPLIES: TCSD: SPECIAL EVENTS Printed 930.00 301851 3/28/2024 1439 WALMART 03/18/24-A RESPONSIBLE COMPASSION: TCSD SUPPLIES RESOURCE CEN Printed 387.91 301851 3/28/2024 1439 WALMART 03/13/24A MISC SUPPLIES: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD Printed 527.79 301851 3/28/2024 1439 WALMART 02/28/24 MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER Printed 228.27 301851 3/28/2024 1439 WALMART 03/18/24 TCSD-MISC SUPPLIES/EQUIP: MRC OPEN HOUSE Printed 160.11 301851 3/28/2024 1439 WALMART 03/13/24 MISC SUPPLIES: TCSD-CRC Printed 136.55 301851 3/28/2024 1439 WALMART 03/14/24A WORKFORCE PRGMS- SUPPLIES JR STEM CAMP Printed 249.68 301703 3/7/2024 3661 WARD JOHN CMPTR LOAN PRGM COMPUTER LOAN PROGRAM Printed 1,762.35 301704 3/7/2024 3642 WAVES PROJECT INC FY 23/24 CSF FY 23/24 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING Printed 5,000.00 301852 3/28/2024 2230 WEBB MUNICIPAL FINANCE LLCM ARIV0000154 CFD 23-02 FORMATION Printed 30,000.00 601938 3/21/2024 3318 WEILAND DESIGN GROUP INC 23-050 #6 LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN/DESIGN, PW PARKS EFT 1,357.50 16219 3/7/20241474 WES FLOWERS � 0241 SUNSHINE FUND Wire 101.99 301739 3/14/20241033 WEST PUBLISHING CORPORATION 849820818 SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION Printed 1,179.86 301776 3/21/2024 2322 WEX BANK 95638806 02/07-03/06 FUEL USAGE: POLICE Printed 2,041.49 601939 3/21/2024 1034 WILLDAN ASSOCIATES INC 00627200 TRAFFIC ENG SRVCS: PW-TRAFFIC EFT 6,690.24 601827 3/7/2024 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF:02/24/24 TICKETSERVICES AGREEMENT: STAND UP COMEDY - EFT 2,135.00 601827 3/7/2024 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 02/22/24 TICKET SERVICES AGREEMENT: JAZZ@THE MERC 2/22/24 EFT 745.00 601827 3/7/2024 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 02/10/24 STTLMNT: BHM CROSS THAT RIVER: 02/10/24 EFT 1,487.50 601887 3/14/2024 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF:02/29/24 TICKET SERVICES AGREEMENT:JAZZ@THE MERC 02/29/24 EFT 252.00 602010 3/28/2024 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 03/07/24 TICKET SERVICES AGREEMENT: JAZZ@THE MERC 03/07/24W EFT 555.00 602010 3/28/2024 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 03/15/24 TICKET SERVICES AGREEMENT: JAZZ @ THE MERC 3/14/24 EFT 690.00 601924 3/21/20243154 WILSON SHARON DENYSE 03/04/24 FY 23/24 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING EFT 5,000.00 601940 3/21/2024 1069 WINCHAK KRIS R 24.02 ENG PLAN CHECK & REVIEW: PW LAND DEV EFT 10,010.00 16304 3/11/2024 3690 WT COFFEE ROASTER 4443 REFRESHMENTS: ADVOCACY DAY 2024 CONFERENCE Wire 19.55 16093 3/7/2024 3646 ZAZZLE 3157 RECOGNITION: TRAFFIC RELIEF CONGESTION PROJECT Wire 41.24 301915 4/11/20241288 2 HOT UNIFORMS INC 7643 - UINFORMS: TEM SHERIFF Printed 86.95 301915 4/11/2024 1288 2 HOT UNIFORMS INC 7556 UNIFORMS: TCC: FIRE Printed 339.83 602029 4/4/2024 3683 AA BEEKEEPER INC 9274 BEE SVCS: CODE ENFORCEMENT: COMM DEV EFT 1,850.00 602030 4/4/2024 2948 ACT 1 CONSTRUCTION INC 10 CONTRACT WITHHOLDING: 2022-253 EFT 199,084.35 301968 4/18/20241772 ADAME LANDSCAPE INC 525279 - PARKING GARAGE SWEEPING/CLEANING: PW Printed 540.00 302034 4/25/20241783 ADVANTAGE MAILING LLC 205497 CONTRACT CLASSES: TCSD ACTIVITY GUIDE Printed 42,630.63 301969 4/18/2024 1206 AFLAC PREMIUM HOLDING C O BNB BANK LOCKBOX BEN350065 AFLAC ACCIDENT INDEMNITY PAYMENT Printed 3,990.34 302035 4/25/2024 1206 AFLAC PREMIUM HOLDING C 0 BNB BANK LOCKBOX BEN350139 AFLAC ACCIDENT INDEMNITY PAYMENT Printed 3,345.07 16371 4/8/2024 3725 ALADDIN AIRPORT PARKING 8708 TRANSP: DC LOBBYING: CMO # Wire 90.00 301970 4/18/2024 1236 ALLAMERICAN ASPHALT 1177675 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW Printed 237.78 301970 4/18/2024 1236 ALLAMERICAN ASPHALT 1177846 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed 319.78 602172 4/18/2024 1512 ALLEGRO MUSICAL VENTURES INC 27435 PIANO SVCS: THEATER: TCSD EFT 280.00 301853 4/4/2024 1538 ALTEC INC 51311129 VEHICLE MAINT SVCS: PW TRAFFIC Printed 1,219.71 301853 4/4/2024 1538 ALTEC INC 51310961 VEHICLE MAINT SVCS: PW TRAFFIC Printed 1,232.24 301853 4/4/2024 1538 ALTEC INC 51284681 _ VEHICLE MAINT SVCS: PW TRAFFIC ; Printed 608.96 16393 4/8/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 3594 SUPPLIES: HR Wire 216.41 602031 4/4/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1LP1-JTVK-G19L UNIFORMS: TRAFFIC ENGINEERING: PW EFT 76.11 602031 4/4/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1361-F34H-7FG1 MISC SUPPLIES: LIBRARY EFT 18.48 602031 4/4/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC - 1X6M-7FMQ-DXRN ' OFFICE SUPPLIES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT (27.18) 602031 4/4/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1F13-N79H-1NYV MISC SUPPLIES: ITSS EFT 39.15 602031 4/4/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC - 1XDP-LRC3-6G4N SUPPLIES, TOOLS, EQUIP: HR EFT 132.60 602106 4/11/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1RG9-RHPT-94C7 MISC SUPPLIES/EQUIP: PW EFT 31.39 602106 4/11/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC - IYRL-TT6K-4JJC OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE EFT 197.57 602106 4/11/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 11LD-F9J9-641T MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD EFT 93.50 602106 4/11/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC ' 1NWJ-1D63-DNFP MISC SUPPLIES: CALRECYCLE SB1383 GRANT: PW EFT 85.74 602106 4/11/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 19W1-FJ7L-6CC1 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: CIP: PW EFT 10.84 602106 4/11/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1LX7-TDXK-9CDW OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE EFT 32.56 602106 4/11/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1PTY-VTTC-3XTR MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD EFT 412.48 602106 4/11/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC '1K7M-HIJK-DXDC MISCSUPPLIES/EQUIP: PW EFT 30.19 602173 4/18/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 13MH-3DXJ-DJXQ SUPPLIES, TOOLS, EQUIP: HR EFT 167.54 602173 4/18/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1N4C-FIRV-YY6R MISC SUPPLIES: CITY MANAGER EFT 87.82 602173 4/18/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1PLQ-364Q-LCDJ MISC SUPPLIES: TVM EFT 76.87 602173 4/18/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1HTG-LQIP-CFHH ' MISC OFC SUPPLIES: CITY CLERK EFT 579.04 602173 4/18/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1NWJ-V41C-P36H MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD EFT 657.63 602173 4/18/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC '164X-MFYC-MMVL , MISC SUPPLIES, TOOLS, EQUIP: HR EFT 70.68 602173 4/18/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 146L-J943-KRQL MISC SUPPLIES: COM DEV EFT 63.67 602173 4/18/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC -11NW-RPVK-3MYT , MISC SUPPLIES: CRC EFT 129.36 602173 4/18/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 19FD-JJ4R-NPVW MISC SUPPLIES: MPSC & MRC EFT 629.69 602173 4/18/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC - 1MY3-XK9K-QQLV , MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD EFT 75.15 602174 4/18/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1HFV-PVCW-91K3 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 42.40 602174 4/18/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1MG7-NMY3-93K6 , MISC OFC SUPPLIES: COM DEV EFT 17.39 602174 4/18/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1PR1-CQK9-TPK1 MISC SUPPLIES: CITY CLERK EFT 9.28 602174 4/18/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 14WM-743J-NTTW ) MISC SUPPLIES: COM DEV EFT 46.12 602264 4/25/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC lY4N-XPL6-JC7Y MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD EFT 643.67 602264 4/25/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC '1W37-FCXN-QlTG SUPPLIES, TOOLS, EQUIP: HR EFT 126.11 602264 4/25/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1VCD-613N-3CY6 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: LAND DEV: PW EFT 10.84 602264 4/25/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC - 11Y7-M1F9-Q6WH MISC SUPPLIES: TVM _jlllllllP' EFT 740.31 602264 4/25/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1HGF-CG3N-CQKP MISC SUPPLIES: CITY MANAGER EFT (23.60) 602264 4/25/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC -1GF3-DFNJ-67CI MISC SUPPLIES: ITSS EFT 353.40 602264 4/25/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC lYC3-GJQF-3TD3 REFRESHMENT SUPPLIES: CITY HALL & FOC: PW EFT 224.25 602264 4/25/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC lY9N-XXHK-C�i REFRESHMENT SUPPLIES: CITY HALL & FOC: PW EFT 82.57 602032 4/4/2024 1277 AMERICAN BATTERY CORPORATION T 101087 � PW FACILITY MAINT EFT 413.69 602032 4/4/2024 1277 AMERICAN BATTERY CORPORATION 1B,ATTERIES: T 100316 �PATTERIES: PW FACILITY MAINT EFT 50.36 602032 4/4/2024 1277 AMERICAN BATTERY CORPORATION T 100055 . BATTERIES: PW FACILITY MAINT EFT (60.00) 602032 4/4/2024 1277 AMERICAN BATTERY CORPORATION , T 101086 9EW BATTERIES: PW FACILITY MAINT EFT 508.08 602107 4/11/2024 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 78598 STAND BY FEE: MAY EFT 1,485.90 602175 4/18/2024 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC , 78621 DRUG ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: P� EFT 1,114.70 602033 4/4/2024 1080 AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS AND ITS CONSTITUENT 22675004 STAFF CERTIFICATIONS: AQUATICS: TCSD EFT 790.40 602176 4/18/2024 1080 AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS AND ITS CONSTITUENT 22676558 CERTIFICATIONS: STAFF EFT 387.00 602177 4/18/2024 1000 APPLEONE INC S9798357 TEMPORARY STAFFING SVCS: CITY CLERK EFT 1,916.46 602177 4/18/2024 1000 APPLEONE INC S9798359 TEMPORARY STAFFING SVCS: FINANCE EFT 5,190.90 602177 4/18/2024 1000 APPLEONE INC S9798368 TEMPORARY STAFFING SVCS: FINANCE EFT 6,147.39 602177 4/18/2024 1000 APPLEONE INC S9745033 TEMPORARY STAFFING SVCS: FINANCE EFT 3,753.42 602177 4/18/2024 1000 APPLEONE INC S9798365 TEMPORARY STAFFING SVCS: CITY CLERK EFT 2,096.64 602265 4/25/2024 1000 APPLEONE INC S9798366 TEMPORARY STAFFING SERVICES: FIRE EFT 4,300.50 602265 4/25/2024 1000 APPLEONE INC S9798360 TEMPORARY STAFFING SERVICES: FIRE EFT 895.94 16394 4/8/2024 2840 AIRS SINGH LLC 9864 REFRESHMENTS: DEPOSIT: Q2 EDO Wire 500.00 602034 4/4/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076583 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: TPL EFT 28.55 602034 4/4/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO - 20076589 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: FOC EFT 28.55 602034 4/4/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076592 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: JRC EFT 28.55 602034 4/4/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 7 20076581-bRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT:CIP/LAND DEV/TRAFFIC EFT 29.36 602034 4/4/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076542 ' DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: MRC EFT 96.52 602034 4/4/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO - 20076590 KING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: CITY HALL EFT 213.97 602034 4/4/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO _.�bRIN 20076587 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: TVM EFT 35.89 602034 4/4/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO _M� - 20076584 'bRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: THEATER EFT 28.55 602034 4/4/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076586 = DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: TVM EFT 28.55 602034 4/4/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO - 20076591 _�bRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE: PARKS EFT 69.60 602035 4/4/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076582 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE: PARKS EFT 28.28 602178 4/18/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO _.MM 20076934 �bRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE: MRC EFT 96.52 602178 4/18/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076966 APR DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: AULD RD: PD EFT 62.53 602178 4/18/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO - 20076979 APR DRINKING WTR SYS MAINT: MALL PD EFT 62.53 602266 4/25/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076976 DRINKING WATER SRVCS:IT EFT 28.55 301916 4/11/2024 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 8741278 BEVERAGE SERVICES: FACILITIES Printed 111.00 602036 4/4/20242917 ARJONA GLORIA PERF:03/15/24 TICKET SERVICES AGREEMENT-BRAZILIAN & LATIN JAZZ EFT 721.55 301855 4/4/2024 2442 ASCENT ENVIRONMENTAL INC 20210169.02 - 7 PA22-0105 TEMECULA VALLEY HOSPITAL Printed 210.00 301855 4/4/2024 2442 ASCENT ENVIRONMENTAL INC 20220121.01- 6 CEQA ADV SVCS FY 23-24: COMM DEV Printed 1,582.50 602037 4/4/2024 1170 AUTOPARTSPROS LLC 106204 AUTO PARTS: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW - EFT 33.16 602037 4/4/2024 1170 AUTOPARTSPROS LLC 105578 AUTO PARTS: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 65.78 602037 4/4/2024 1170 AUTOPARTSPROS LLC 105683 AUTO PARTS: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW - EFT 197.35 602037 4/4/2024 1170 AUTOPARTSPROS LLC 107768 AUTO PARTS FOR PW STREET MAINTENANCE - OPEN PO EFT 5.38 602037 4/4/2024 1170 AUTOPARTSPROS LLC 105599 AUTO PARTS: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 242.48 602179 4/18/2024 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN 2976 SPORTS LIGHTING ELECTRICAL REPAIR: RRSP: PW EFT 4,900.00 602267 4/25/2024 2073 AZTEC LANDSCAPING INC J1741 MAR RESTROOM MAINT: PARKS: PW EFT 9,580.39 602180 4/18/2024 1405 B&H FOTO & ELECTRONICS CORP 222908999 LARGE EVENT MEDIA DISPLAY: IT EFT 16,778.46 301918 4/11/2024 2430 BALBOA PARK CULTURAL PARTNERSHIP 452573 SDC EXCURSION: TCSD Printed 6,379.00 301972 4/18/2024 1909 BAMM PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS INC 12692 STAFF APPAREL: TVM Printed 1,044.25 302037 4/25/2024 1909 BAMM PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS INC imalmi. 12700 STAFF APPAREL: TVM: TCSD Printed I_ 230.51 602181 4/18/2024 3421 BEADOR CONSTRUCTION COMPANY INC 01 1-15 CONGESTION RELIEF EFT 635,166.25 602182 4/18/2024 3122 BEARD RYAN 2220.102-2225.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT IIIIIIIIII■2,604.00 602182 4/18/2024 3122 BEARD RYAN 2220.103-2225.103 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 2,940.00 301856 4/4/2024 2935 BETTS KENNETH 1900.105-1910.105 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS IL Printed I_4,233.60 602183 4/18/2024 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4005-4010.1041ST TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 4,032.00 602183 4/18/2024 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4050.101�TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS IIIIIIIIIII■ EFT IIIIIIIIII■1,593.90 301857 4/4/20241264 BIO TOX LABORATORIES 455649 Z PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed 1,254.50 301857 4/4/20241264 BID TOX LABORATORIES 45704 �IPHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD IIIIIIIIIII■ Printed IIIIIIIIII■ 980.05 301857 4/4/20241264 BID TOX LABORATORIES 45650 � PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed 3,524.28 16364 4/8/2024 1524 BJS RESTAURANTS INC 6488-pEFRESHMENTS: CITY CNCL MTG: 02/27/211PPM Wire IIIIIIIIII■ 244.52 16365 4/8/2024 1524 BJS RESTAURANTS INC 6496 -W REFRESHMENTS: CITY CNCL MTG: 02/27/24 Wire 28.22 E 16378 4/8/2024 1524 BJS RESTAURANTS INC 0921 -'REFRESHMENTS: SWAG MTG 02/11/24 , Wire 1� 250.98 602038 4/4/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 04C6702622575 WATER DELIVERY SERVICES ATTHE TVE2 EFT 21.74 II, 602039 4/4/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 140028910578IIIIIIIIIIII! WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT 249.83 602108 4/11/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 04C0035623057 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT 21.74 II, 602108 4/11/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 04C67052121670 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT 14.02 602108 4/11/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 14C0028662112 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT 98.61 II, 602184 4/18/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 041)0036263171� HELP CENTER WATER SERVICE EFT 5.20 602184 4/18/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 04D6702622575 WATER DELIVERY SERVICES AT THE TVE2 EFT 113.07 II, 602268 4/25/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 141)0028910578 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW � EFT 273.34 602040 4/4/2024 2047 BOB CALLAHANS POOL SERVICE 0187 MAR POOL AND FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE EFT 2,300.00 II, 602040 4/4/2024 2047 BOB CALLAHANS POOL SERVICE 0188 ' MAR POOLAND FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE EFT 1,200.00 602109 4/11/2024 2047 BOB CALLAHANS POOL SERVICE 0190 APR POOLAND FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE EFT 1,200.00 II, 602109 4/11/2024 2047 BOB CALLAHANS POOL SERVI� 0189 APR POOLAND FOUNTAIN MAINTENANCE EFT 2,400.00 301919 4/11/2024 1631 BONCOR WATER SYSTEMS LLC 789589 03/27/24 WATER FILTER REPLACEMENT: STATION 73 Printed 345.20 II, 602185 4/18/2024 1579 BOZONELOS BOB MUSIC PERF: 04/05/24 PERFORMING ARTS AGREEMENT 04/05/24 EFT 300.00 602110 4/11/20241653 BPS TACTICAL INC 24010574 EQUIPMENT MAINT: POLICE EFT 74.35 II, 602041 4/4/2024 2612 BRAND ASSASSINS 22834 MtY 23-24 BANNER PROGRAM MAINTENANCE/NEW BANNERS EFT 1,909.05 602269 4/25/2024 2612 BRAND ASSASSINS 22835 M FLAGS: CIVIC CENTER & TVE2: PW EFT 518.68 II, 602111 4/11/2024 2415 BRAUN PETER 4240 -PLANT MAINTENANCE: FACILITIES: PW EFT 500.00 602111 4/11/2024 2415 BRAUN PETER 4256 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, PLANT MAINTENANCE: FACILITIES: PW EFT 200.00 II, 602270 4/25/2024 2415 BRAUN PETER 4324 ipLANT MAINTENANCE: PW FACILITIES EFT 200.00 602270 4/25/2024 2415 BRAUN PETER 4310 PLANT MAINTENANCE: PW FACILITIES EFT 500.00 II, 602186 4/18/2024 2541 BRIGHTON HILLACADEMY SPORTS AND LEARNING CENTER 2610.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 583.38 602187 4/18/2024 2622 BROWN JAMAL DEON 2360.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,470.00 602187 4/18/2024 2622 BROWN JAMAL DEON 2345.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 2,100.00 602188 4/18/2024 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1410.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,487.50 602188 4/18/2024 2836 BRYANT ROBERT mmawmm� 1410.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 700.06 301917 4/11/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038171865 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 37.63 301917 4/11/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII` 2038171864 MPOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSDIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII' Printed 140.31 302036 4/25/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038208946 0 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 57.08 302036 4/25/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY IIII( 2038144953 =�OOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSDE Printed 506.58 302036 4/25/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038201239 0 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 10.17 302036 4/25/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038170443 =�OOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSDIIIIIIIIIIII` Printed 99.01 302036 4/25/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038201238 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed 112.70 302036 4/25/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038201237 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPLTCSDm Printed 10.84 602189 4/18/2024 2399 BUCHER BRET PHILLIP 3520.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 554.40 602189 4/18/2024 2399 BUCHER BRET PHILLIP 3500.103-3511.105 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS mft� EFT 3,077.20 301920 4/11/2024 3157 CAHALAN JASON 3933 BAY DOOR MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATIONS Printed 285.00 301920 4/11/2024 3157 CAHALAN JASON 3939 BAY DOOR MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATIONS Printed 3,825.00 301859 4/4/2024 1190 CAL MAT 73947494 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 992.13 301859 4/4/2024 1190 CAL MAT 73944672 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 352.60 301975 4/18/2024 1190 CAL MAT 73963660 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed 656.85 301975 4/18/2024 1190 CAL MAT - 73961569 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed 570.73 301975 4/18/2024 1190 CAL MAT 73961568 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed 628.21 602112 4/11/2024 1085 CALIF BUILDING OFFICIALS CALBO IIIIIIIIIII■ 17397 STAFF TRAINING & EDUCATION: BLDG EFT 1,860.00 301861 4/4/2024 1044 CALIF DEPT OF FISH & WILDLIFE 49479 ENVIRONMENTAL PERMIT SUBMITTAL: YNEZ ROAD WIDENING Printed 6,580.00 302038 4/25/2024 1044 CALIF DEPT OF FISH & WILDLIFE IIIIIIIIIII■ 49479B ENVIRONMENTAL PERMIT SUBMITTAL: YNEZ ROAD WIDENI 0 Printed 0.50 301976 4/18/2024 1262 CALIF DEPT OF STATE ARCHITECT CIE MAR 2024 AB1379 REMITTANCE OF AB1379 - CIE MAR 2024 Printed 1,347.60 301862 4/4/2024 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP IIIIIIIIIII■ 0000583297CADVERTISING PUBLIC NOTICES: PLANNING Printed 1,489.55 301977 4/18/2024 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000587075B LEGAL NEWSPAPER PUBLICATIONS: CITY CLERK Printed 1,095.41 301977 4/18/2024 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000587075A BID ADVERTISING: PW21-03 Printed 1,059.52 302039 4/25/2024 2465 CALIF NEWSPAPERS PARTNERSHIP 0000587075C ADVERTISING PUBLIC NOTICES: PLANNING Printed 832.80 602190 4/18/2024 2295 CANTRELL TINAJ 4200.104 _ TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 280.00 301978 4/18/2024 2785 CAREERS IN GOVERNMENT INC 11-15817 MEMBERSHIP DUES: HR Printed 3,300.00 301863 4/4/20242063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0050809 , NPDES COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL IIIIIIIIIIII( Printed 4,367.50 301979 4/18/2024 2063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0050752 ENGINEERING SVCS: NPDES CATCH BASIN DEVICE Printed 97.50 _ 602271 4/25/2024 3572 CAVCO ENTERPRISES INC COMM REINV PRG 4/1CI COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT-TEMECULA GRANT PROGRAM EFT 20,000.00 602113 4/11/2024 1280 CDW LLC QK53298 MISC SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP:IT EFT 290.54 II, 602191 4/18/2024 1280 CDW LLC QK42077 , MISC SMALL TOOLS &EQUIP: IT EFT 25.75 602191 4/18/2024 1280 CDW LLC QL82334 MONITOR REPLACEMENT:IT EFT 2,550.21 II, 602191 4/18/2024 1280 CDW LLC QN09166 _M MISC SMALL TOOLS &EQUIP: ITSS EFT 528.11 602272 4/25/2024 1280 CDW LLC QP52055 MISC SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP: ITSS EFT 228.77 602272 4/25/2024 1280 CDW LLC IIIIIIIIIIIIIII■ - QP83434 IIIIIIIIIII■ MISC SMALL TOOLS &EQUIP: ITSS EFT 246.12 301980 4/18/2024 1528 CERTIFION CORP 324EP31197 SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION: PD Printed 200.00 302040 4/25/2024 1942 CHRISTIAN STITCHERY INC - COT 89 � PROMO ITEMS: HIKE BIKE GROUND BREAKING: PW19-04 Printed 3,996.56 301864 4/4/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 020D053175 � FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTIONS: STREETS & TRAFFIC Printed 402.35 301864 4/4/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 02013583693 --�II=IRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTIONS: TPL: PW Printed 84.98 301922 4/11/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 020D583371 * FIRE EXTINGUISHERS INSPECTION: ITSS Printed 43.22 301922 4/11/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 020D583367 FIRE EXTINGUISHER INSPECTIONS: FACILITIES: PW Printed 125.75 301923 4/11/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406753644 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 117.86 301923 4/11/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 9406753649 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 141.06 301923 4/11/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406753648 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 146.90 301923 4/11/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 IIIIIIIIIII■ 9406753645 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 329.29 301923 4/11/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406753647 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 70.33 301923 4/11/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 IIIIIIIIIII■ 9406753650 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed 306.38 602042 4/4/2024 3278 COAST BIOMEDICAL EQUIPMENT LLC 0024701-IN STORAGE SUPPLIES: EM EFT 2,702.82 602114 4/11/2024 3278 COAST BIOMEDICAL EQUIPMENT LLC IIIIIIIIIII■ 0025002-IN STORAGE SUPPLIES: EM EFT 1,858.47 602043 4/4/2024 1239 COAST RECREATION INC 15707 MISC REPAIRS: SUNSET PARK: PW EFT 2,751.19 602274 4/25/2024 1239 COAST RECREATION INC IIIIIIIIIII■ 15734 PARK BENCHES: SENIOR CENTER: PW EFT 9,828.25 602192 4/18/2024 3043 COMMERCIAL CLEANING BY ROGERS 11033 JANITORIAL SERVICES: OTSF AND MALL EFT 814.77 301925 4/11/2024 2440 COMMERCIAL TRANSPORTATION SERVICES INC IIIIIIIIIII■ 3937 ONSITE TRAINING FOR CDL CLASS Printed 4,963.56 602193 4/18/2024 1276 COMMUNITY WORKS DESIGN GROUP LLC 15536 RONALD REAGAN SPORTS SKATE PARK EFT 3,032.25 602115 4/11/2024 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC IIIIIIIIIII■ 4131030-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 41.49 602115 4/11/2024 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4129412-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES: TCC: FIRE EFT 267.91 602194 4/18/2024 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4135651-1 OFFICE SUPPLIES: BUILDING & SAFETY EFT 12.23 602194 4/18/2024 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4135651-C OFFICE SUPPLIES: BUILDING & SAFETY EFT 151.90 602116 4/11/2024 1046 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS INC IIIIIIIIIII■ 120188-A REVISED FIRE ALARM MONITORING: FACILITIES EFT 6,000.00 602117 4/11/2024 1046 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS INC 12018-B FIRE ALARM MONITORING: FACILITIES EFT 375.00 602117 4/11/2024 1046 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS INC 120547 SECURITY ALARM INSTALL: MRC: PW EFT 1,732.00 602275 4/25/2024 1046 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS INC 120548 FIRE ALARM MONITORING: FACILITIES EFT 240.00 602276 4/25/2024 1046 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS INC - 120557 ALARM SVC: CRC: PW EFT 195.49 301926 4/11/2024 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1039583 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CRC Printed 607.95 301926 4/11/2024 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC IIIIIIIIIII■ 8750-1039692 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 469.54 301982 4/18/2024 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1041008 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR Printed 133.61 602118 4/11/2024 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 1069-1049447 , ELECTRICAL PARTS: TRAFFIC: PW ' EFT J 508.59 J 602195 4/18/2024 2352 COOKE AARON 041217-3441 HIKE BIKE TEMECULA CANOPY: PLANNING EFT 1,029.14 301929 4/11/2024 1972 COOPERATIVE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0012692 CLASSIFICATION SVCS: HR ammmmob-- Printed IIIIIIIIII■1,912.50 602196 4/18/2024 3130 CORTEZ GASTELUM MARIA VICTORIA 240316 NEWSPAPER SUBSCRIPTION: MPSC: TCSD EFT 125.00 602197 4/18/2024 1771 COSSOU CELINE IIIIIIIIIII■ 1615.103-1630.104 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT IIIIIIIIII■ 234.50 602197 4/18/2024 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1665.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,575.00 301983 4/18/2024 1849 COSTAR REALTY INFORMATION INC IIIIIIIIIII■ 120669760 APR'24 WEB SUBSCRIPTION: ECO DEV -1111111L Printed IIIIIIIIII■1,296.00 16389 4/8/20241098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 5787 REFRESHMENTS: TEAM PACE Wire 250.12 301927 4/11/20241098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 - 3567 HOSPITALITY/OFFICE SUPPLIES:THEAT Printed , 258.15 301984 4/18/20241098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3570 TEEN CERT CLASS SUPPLIES: TCC Printed 119.03 301984 4/18/20241098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3569 TEEN CERT CLASS SUPPLIES: TCC Printed 410.37 302042 4/25/20241098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3582 RECREATION& BLDG SUPPLIES: CONTRACT CLASSES Printed 489.73 302042 4/25/20241098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3580 MISC SUPPLIES: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD Mllllll6 Printed 316.32 302042 4/25/20241098 COSTCOTEMECULA 491 3579 MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD Printed 222.66 I♦ 301928 4/11/20241268 COSTCO TEM ECU LA 491 3571 SUPPLIES: MRC, MPSC&SFSP Printed 158.40 301985 4/18/20241268 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3572 MISCSUPPLIES: MRC, MPSC&SFSP Printed 368.55 I♦ 302043 4/25/20241268 COSTCO TEM ECU LA 491 3581 MISCSUPPLIES/EQUIPMENT Printed 982.56 602198 4/18/2024 2004 COX KRISTI 4210.104 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 270.00 II, 602044 4/4/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003880 PLUMBING SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 564.26 602044 4/4/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003876 PLUMBING SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 566.09 II, 602044 4/4/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003851 _ PLUMBING MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATIOI� EFT 822.00 602045 4/4/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC L30671 BOATHOUSE IMPROVEMENTS: HARVESTON: PW EFT 21,800.00 II, 602045 4/4/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC L30672 ARBOR REPAIR: LIBRARY: PW EFT 7,856.00 602045 4/4/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003836 NEW FAUCET INSTALL: HARVESTON BOATHOUSE: PW EFT 189.00 II, 602045 4/4/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003873 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII■ PLUMBING SVCS: SENIOR CENTER: PW EFT 390.00 602119 4/11/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003847 PLUMBING REPAIRS: CRC: PW EFT 3,081.00 II, 602199 4/18/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003852 PLUMBING SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 520.00 602277 4/25/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003858 PLUMBING SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 472.00 602277 4/25/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003892 PLUMBING SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT JIIIIIIIII■ 387.50 301986 4/18/20241485 CROSSTOWN ELECTRICAL&DATA 5146-001 SPLICING AND TESTING FIBER CABLES:PW Printed 3,000.00 602278 4/25/2024 3607 CROWN CASTLE INC 9m 1542339 1111IF'- FIBER SVCS: 44900 TEMECULA LANE EFT -I_ 550.00 602279 4/25/2024 2735 CUBIC ITS INC 90167815 SOFTWARE RENEWAL: TRAFFIC: PW EFT 3,726.00 602046 4/4/2024 1096 DANS FEED AND SEED INC 081176 = SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW ' EFT IIIIIIIIII■ 23.46 602120 4/11/2024 1096 DANS FEED AND SEED INC 081229 SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 46.93 301930 4/11/2024 3209 DATA PROCESSING DESIGN INC EGOLD-12062461 CLOUD FAXING SERVICE:ITSS = Printed 75.99 602121 4/11/2024 1105 DATATICKET INC 162909 CITATION PROCESSING: PD EFT 817.19 602122 4/11/2024 1105 DATATICKET INC 162382 CITATION PROCESSING: TEM SHERIFF EFT 200.00 301866 4/4/2024 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 558182 DIAZ ROAD EXPANSION Printed 19,972.51 301866 4/4/2024 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 549231 ENGINERING SERVICES: PW - CIP, PWO8-04 Printed 1,237.00 301867 4/4/20241177 DAVID TU RCH AND ASSOCIATES JUL'23 JUL FEDERAL LOBBYING SVCS: CITY MGR Printed 5,500.00 602047 4/4/2024 2528 DE LA SECURA INC 21007-028 MARGARITA REC CTR DSGN BUILD EFT 36,531.57 602047 4/4/2024 2528 DE LA SECURA INC REL STP NTC: PRECISI RELEASE STOP NOTICE: PRECISION CONTRACTORS INC. EFT 81,560.33 602048 4/4/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2INC IN00168986 MAINT & REPAIR: SECURITY SYSTEM: IT EFT 1,410.00 602048 4/4/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00164771 ACCESS CONTROL:CRC- CIP PW I9-07 EFT 23,031.69 602048 4/4/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2INC IN00169117 MAINT & REPAIR: SECURITY SYSTEM: IT EFT 10,261.27 602048 4/4/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2INC IN0016909C MAINT & REPAIR: SECURITY SYSTEM: IT EFT 2,438.00 602048 4/4/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00165339 I♦ MAINT & REPAIR: SECURITY SYSTEM: IT ' EFT 3,075.00 602048 4/4/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00168434 MAINT & REPAIR: SECURITY SYSTEM: IT EFT 5,918.00 602048 4/4/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00164873 I♦ MAINT & REPAIR: SECURITY SYSTEM: IT I, EFT 1,265.00 602048 4/4/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00169000 MAINT & REPAIR: SECURITY SYSTEM: IT EFT 2,293.50 602048 4/4/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00167058 IIIr MAINT & REPAIR: SECURITY SYSTEM: IT EFT 4,000.00 602048 4/4/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00169019 SECURITY CAMERA PURCHASE AND INSTALUDUCK POND EFT 19,243.5C 602049 4/4/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00168811 MAINT & REPAIR: SECURITY SYSTEM: IT EFT 1,110.00 602049 4/4/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2INC IN00165349 MAINT & REPAIR: SECURITY SYSTEM: IT EFT 1,240.00 602280 4/25/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2INC IN00172809 , MAINT & REPAIR: SECURITY SYSTEM: IT EFT 5,918.00 602280 4/25/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2INC IN00175023 MAINT & REPAIR: SECURITY SYSTEM: IT EFT 5,958.00 602280 4/25/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2INC CM00022737 , MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM:IT EFT (3,780.00) 602280 4/25/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2INC IN00158821 MAINT & REPAIR: SECURITY SYSTEM: IT EFT 4,622.77 602280 4/25/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2INC IN00173671 ; MAINT & REPAIR OF SECURITY SYSTEM:IT EFT 3,400.98 602050 4/4/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005281883 0 FENCE RENTAL: JRC: PW EFT 95.00 602050 4/4/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005285089 =PORTABLE RESTROOMS: STEPHEN LINEN PARK EFT 160.88 602123 4/11/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005293909 ■ PORTABLE RESTROOMS: HARMONY UN EFT 165.88 602123 4/11/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005293907 W�ORTABLE RESTROOMS: RIVERTON UN jw EFT 110.88 602123 4/11/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005293908 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: N GENERAL KEARNY RD EFT 110.88 602123 4/11/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 00052939906 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: LA SERENA WAY EFT 110.88 602281 4/25/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005341203 FENCE RENTAL: JRC: PW EFT 95.00 602124 4/11/2024 2137 DIVERSIFIED WATERSCAPES INC 7 10007001 MAR WTR QUALITY MAINT: DUCK POND/HARV EFT 7,800.00 602051 4/4/2024 2040 DOKKEN ENGINEERING 45720-B DESIGN SERVICES: PW-CIP, PW15-07, ON CALL EFT 660.00 II, 602051 4/4/2024 2040 DOKKEN ENGINEERING - 45720-A-pESIGN SERVICES: PW-CIP, PW15-07, ON CALL EFT 90.00 602052 4/4/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL33300 'M FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: LAND DEV: PW EFT 190.70 II, 602052 4/4/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL -CL33304 -FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP PW EFT 354.95 602125 4/11/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL33995 � FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEPT EFT 483.94 II, 602125 4/11/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL -CL34774 -FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 1,381.52 602125 4/11/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL34790 'M FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD EFT 248.57 II, 602125 4/11/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL -CL34770 -FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE EFT 205.13 602125 4/11/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL34789 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC: PW EFT 353.37 II, 602125 4/11/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL _� - CL33320 -FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC: PW EFT 474.36 602125 4/11/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL34775 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: INFO TECH EFT 65.50 II, 602125 4/11/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL -CL34771 �fkUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 151.79 602200 4/18/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL36111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD EFT 577.20 II, 602200 4/18/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL �CL36095 -FkUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 51.34 602200 4/18/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL36093 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARK MAINT: PW EFT 2,396.57 II, 602200 4/18/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL36110 -FkUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC: PW ! EFT 501.32 602200 4/18/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL34772 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII■ FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG INSPECTORS EFT 309.36 II, 602200 4/18/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL , CL36098 -FkUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREETS: PW IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII■ EFT 1,989.42 602282 4/25/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL34773 ' FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP: PW EFT 191.47 II, 602282 4/25/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL 'CL36097 -FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP: PW IIIIIIIIIIIIIII■ EFT 276.91 602282 4/25/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL37570 9= FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 1,545.89 II, 602282 4/25/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL -CL35427 -FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEPT IIIIIIIIIIIIIII■ EFT 170.91 602282 4/25/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL37583 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC DIV: PW EFT 492.35 II, 602282 4/25/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL _.M -CL36108 -FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: EMERGENCY �Ell EFT IL 93.22 602282 4/25/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL34768 "M FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARK MAINT: PW EFT 2,557.86 II, 602282 4/25/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL 4FUEL - CL34769 -FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: LAND DEV: PW * EFT 122.25 602126 4/11/2024 1678 DUDEK 202401715 CITYWIDE DRAINAGE MASTER PLAN EFT 2,127.50 602053 4/4/2024 2258 ECONOMIC ALTERNATIVES INC - 106743 11PENEEN1 WATER SYSTEMS MONITORING FOR HVAC EQUIPMENT EFT IIIIIIIIII■ 619.55 301914 4/4/20241339 EE VENDOR#1339 REIMB: 2/8-2/16 REIMB: ASSOC AQUATIC PROF CONF: 02/08-02/16 Printed 3,327.03 301974 4/18/20241440 EE VENDOR#1440 REIMB:IMGIS CONF'23, REIM B: I MGIS CON FERENCE'23 � Printed EMMIIIIIIIII■ 152.56 301868 4/4/2024 1449 EE VENDOR #1449 '24 AQUATICS CONF REIMB: ASSOC OF AQUATICS PROFESSIONAL CONF Printed 1,037.51 301943 4/11/2024 1868 EE VENDOR #1868 REIMB: 03/04-03/06 , REIMB: FEDERAL LOBBYING Printed 68.47 301942 4/11/2024 2041 EE VENDOR #2041 REIMB: SUPPLIES 3/27 REIMB: MRC WAC & CISCO SWITCH SUPPLIES Printed 61.77 602318 4/25/2024 2266 EE VENDOR #2266 04/08/24 REFRESHMENTS FOR TSC: MARCH 2O24 � EFT 89.69 301860 4/4/20242280 EE VENDOR#2280 REIMB: TRAFFIC CLASS REIMB: TRAFFIC SIGNAL TRAINING CLASS: PW Printed 100.75 302033 4/25/2024 2371 EE VENDOR #2371 REIMB: SAFETY BOOTS, REIMB: SAFETY WORK BOOTS � Printed 102.52 602101 4/4/2024 2410 EE VENDOR #2410 REIMB: 03/28/24 REIMB: TEAM PACE EFT 242.42 602252 4/18/20242410 EE VENDOR#2410 REIMB: CCAC CONF REIMB: CCAC ANNUAL CONF: 04/02-04/04/24 EFT -' 1,611.56 301890 4/4/2024 2489 EE VENDOR #2489 REIMB: 03/14/24 REIMB: LAND DEV MTG: STAFF/EDUCATION Printed 32.50 602286 4/25/20242544 EE VENDOR#2544 REIMB: EWCR CONF'24 REIMB: EWCR CONFERENCE 4/3/24-4/5/24 EFT 795.72 602075 4/4/2024 2587 EE VENDOR #2587 REIMB: MUSEUM CONF REIMB: CA ASSOC OF MUSEUMS CONFERENCE EFT 203.58 301959 4/11/2024 2739 EE VENDOR #2739 CMPTR LOAN 4/3/24 COMPUTER LOAN PRGM: 04/03/2� Printed 2,000.00 602309 4/25/2024 3006 EE VENDOR #3006 REIMB: WORK BOOTS REIMB: WORK BOOTS 04/03/24 EFT 185.00 301973 4/18/2024 3478 EE VENDOR #3478 REIMB: IMSA'24 CERT , REIMB: RE -CERTIFICATION FOR IMSA Printed 1,136.55 301869 4/4/2024 3603 EE VENDOR #3603 REIMB: CONF 3/5-3/6 REIMB: PARK RANGERS ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE Printed 32.15 301881 4/4/2024 3604 EE VENDOR #3604 REIMB: CONF 3/5-3/6 + REIMB: PARK RANGERS ASSOC CONFERENCE: PVl Printed 78.32 301882 4/4/2024 3682 EE VENDOR #3682 REIMB: CPRS CONF'24 REIMB: CPRS CONFERENCE 2024 Printed 408.15 301858 4/4/2024 3698 EE VENDOR #3698 REIMB: 03/12/2� REIMB: POOL OPERATORS LICENSE Printed 237.76 301854 4/4/2024 3708 EE VENDOR #3708 REIMB: SUPPLIES REIMB: VITICULTURE GARDEN SUPPLIES: TCSD Printed 255.91 301880 4/4/2024 3710 EE VENDOR #3710 REIMB: MUSEUM CONE REIMB: CALIF ASSOC OF MUSEUMS CONFERENCE Printed 723.58 301963 4/11/2024 3713 EE VENDOR #3713 REIMB: 03/04-03/05 REIMB: LEGISLATOR MTG: 03/04-03/05 Printed 13.87 302013 4/18/20243714 EE VENDOR#3714 REIMB: POOL SCHOOL 0 REIMB: POOL SCHOOL 03/11-03/13 + Printed 277.40 301944 4/11/2024 3718 EE VENDOR #3718 CMPTR LOAN 04/08/24_ COMPUTER LOAN PRGM: 04/08/24 Printed 439.99 302019 4/18/2024 3721 EE VENDOR #3721 REIMB: 04/04/24=MItEIMB: FEDERAL LOBBYING: 04/04/24 Printed 12.14 301993 4/18/2024 3735 EE VENDOR #3735 4112024 M EMPLOYEE CMPTR PURCHASE LOAN PRGM Printed 1,217.54 602330 4/25/2024 3737 EE VENDOR #3737 01/29/24 . 'iEFUND FOR USPS EFT In 10.40 302053 4/25/2024 3742 EE VENDOR #3742 REIMB: CONF'24 T REIMB: CA ASSOC OF MUSEUMS CONFERENCE 3/11-3/13/24 Printed 121.87 302049 4/25/2024 3752 EE VENDOR #3752 4162024 IIIIIIIIIII■ EMPLOYEE CMPTR PURCHASE LOAN PRGM Printed 910.00 602201 4/18/20242385 EIDE BAILLY LLP EI01653715 AUDIT SERVICES: SINGLE AUDIT: FINANCE EFT 14,900.00 16381 4/8/2024 3727 EL PATIO PALM SPRINGS 0987 , REFRESHMENTS: CPRS CONFERENCE Illllllllllllllllllllr Wire IIIIIIIIII■ 309.40 602283 4/25/20242031 ELITE CLAIMS MANAGEMENT INC 2024-713 MAR'243RD PARTY CLAIM ADMIN: WC EFT 1,250.00 602054 4/4/2024 1156 ENGINEERING RESOURCES OF SOUTHERN CA INC 59993 I♦ ENGINEERING CONSULTANT SVCS: PW -CIP EFT _____d IIII■9,110.72 602055 4/4/2024 1156 ENGINEERING RESOURCES OF SOUTHERN CA INC 59994 ENGINEERING CONSULT SVCS: PW-CIP,PW19-11, ON -CALL EFT 5,891.71 602055 4/4/2024 1156 ENGINEERING RESOURCES OF SOUTHERN CA INC 59977 ENGINEERING SVCS: CIP-PW, PW22-13, ON -CAL EFT-IIIIIIIII■2,035.00 301870 4/4/2024 1004 ESGIL LLC 331499 REVISED JAN PLAN CK SVCS: COMDEV Printed 18,460.56 602284 4/25/2024 1305 EWING IRRIGATION PRODUCTS INC 17792386 IIIIIIIIr IRRIGATION EQPMNT: HARVESTON PARK ' EFT IIIIIIIIIII■ 8,057.46 302044 4/25/2024 2469 EXP US SERVICES INC 138784 SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK PHASE II Printed 779.65 301871 4/4/2024 1892 FAIR HOUSING COUNCIL OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY INC #7 JAN'24 JAN SUB -RECIPIENT: FAIR HOUSING SVCS Printed 1,247.84 301871 4/4/2024 1892 FAIR HOUSING COUNCIL OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY INC #6 DEC'23 DEC SUB -RECIPIENT: FAIR HOUSING SVCS Printed 1,081.72 301871 4/4/2024 1892 FAIR HOUSING COUNCIL OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY INC #8 FEB'24 FEB'24 SUB -RECIPIENT: FAIR HOUSING SVCS Printed 1,099.98 301871 4/4/2024 1892 FAIR HOUSING COUNCIL OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY INC #5 NOV'23 NOV SUB -RECIPIENT: FAIR HOUSING SVCS Printed 1,106.32 602056 4/4/2024 2116 FALCON ENGINEERING SERVICES 2024-2 �J-15/FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS EFT 280,242.30 602202 4/18/2024 2116 FALCON ENGINEERING SERVICES 2024-3 9111 I-15/FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS EFT 301,118.09 301872 4/4/2024 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-425-26344 �tXP MAIL SVCS: CIP: PW Printed 8.78 301932 4/11/2024 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-453-90379 0 EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: CIP: PW Printed 8.78 301988 4/18/2024 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-460-40474 =tXP MAIL SVCS: THEATER Printed 9.00 302045 4/25/2024 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-467-79765E * EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: FIRE Printed 17.51 301921 4/11/2024 1151 FESTIVAL FUN PARKS LLC EVENT DATE: 07/03/21W SUMMER DAY CAMP TEEN EXCURSION: TCSD Printed 717.64 602285 4/25/2024 1109 FIELDMAN ROLAPP AND ASSOCIATES 29031 PROFESSIONAL SVCS: PRADO CFD FORMATION EFT 4,905.48 602285 4/25/2024 1109 FIELDMAN ROLAPP AND ASSOCIA� 28939 , PROFESSIONAL SVCS CONTRACT -PROJECT NO 23100 EFT 2,998.50 602285 4/25/2024 1109 FIELDMAN ROLAPP AND ASSOCIATES 29030 PROFESSIONAL SVCS CONTRACT- PROJECT NO 23100 EFT 6,201.50 II, 602285 4/25/2024 1109 FIELDMAN ROLAPP AND ASSOCIATE 28940 PROFESSIONAL SVCS: PRADO CFD FORMATION EFT 4,339.00 602285 4/25/2024 1109 FIELDMAN ROLAPP AND ASSOCIATES 29211 PROFESSIONAL SVCS: PRADO CFD FORMATION EFT 7,427.50 602285 4/25/2024 1109 FIELDMAN ROLAPP AND ASSOCIATE 29210 i PROFESSIONAL SVCS CONTRACT- PROJECT NO 23100 EFT 2,778.00 302046 4/25/2024 3755 FIGAUEROA JESUS CDBG RENTAL ASSIST -A CDBG RENTAL ASSISTANCE: CRIPE Printed 749.00 302046 4/25/20243755 FIGAUEROA JESUS CDBG RENTAL ASSIST-W CDBG RENTAL ASSISTANCE: CRIPE Printed 1,651.00 301873 4/4/2024 1219 FINE ARTS NETWORK PERF: 3/8-3/24/24 STTLMNT: LEGALLY BLONDE 3/8-3/24/24 Printed 28,988.35 602203 4/18/2024 1871 FLATIRON WEST INC IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIr _- 1-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS EFT 5,412,798.30 602287 4/25/2024 2643 FORENSIC NURSING OF SOCAL INC 2574 SART EXAMS: PD EFT 1,200.00 302047 4/25/2024 3046 FOSTER & FOSTER CONSULTING ACTUARIES INC IIIIIIIIIII■ 30492 ACTUARIAL VALUATION REPORT SVCS: FINANCE Printed 15,000.00 301933 4/11/20241176 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD JAN-MAR 2024 AP WITHHOLDING: NON-RESIDENT Printed 1,108.60 602128 4/11/2024 1875 FREIZE UHLER KIMBERLY IIIIIIIIIII■ 8786 TABLECLOTHS PROMOTIONAL ITEMS: WORKFORCE PROGRAMS: TCSD EFT 476.83 602128 4/11/2024 1875 FREIZE UHLER KIMBERLY 9188 YOUTH INNOV T PROMOTIONAL ITEMS: WORKFORCE PROGRAMS: TCSD EFT 520.58 301934 4/11/20241497 FULL COMPASS SYSTEMS INCO2497019 SOUND/LIGHTING& MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER Printed 65.58 301989 4/18/20241497 FULL COMPASS SYSTEMS INCO2501576 SOUND/LIGHTING& MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER Printed 157.64 301990 4/18/20241932 FUN EXPRESS LLC 73060714001 MISC SUPPLIES: SPECIAL EVENTS Printed 1,312.36 602057 4/4/2024 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0014498288-002 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS EFT 1,644.52 602129 4/11/2024 1572 FWEP ACQUISITION INC 0014779312-001 SPLASH PAD CHEMICALS: PW PARKS EFT 584.82 301874 4/4/2024 2021 GARDEN STATE FIREWORKS INC 03272024.1 FIREWORKS DISPLAY: TCSD Printed 21,750.00 301875 4/4/20241577 GAYLORD BROS INC 2857794 MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD Printed I_ 115.05 301876 4/4/20241673 GEOCON WEST INC 723070419 GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW: ALTAIR T2652-22-19 Printed 2,203.50 301876 4/4/20241673 GEOCON WEST INC 724020419 GEOTECHNICAL SVCS: PW19-13 CIP Printed 13,980.00 602204 4/18/2024 2374 GEORGE HILLS COMPANY INC INV1027888 SUBROGATION RECOVERY COSTS: RISK EFT 2,657.31 602204 4/18/2024 2374 GEORGE HILLS COMPANY INC INV1028037 CLAIMS TPA: RM EFT 4,163.00 602288 4/25/2024 2722 GEOTAB USA INC IN378377 VEHICLE TELEMATICS:CITY FLEET: IT EFT 1,655.29 301991 4/18/2024 1813 GODS FAN CLUB 04/02/24 _fijjjjkL._ COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING GRANT PROGRAM 2023-2024 Printed 5,000.00 301877 4/4/2024 1523 GOLDEN VALLEY MUSIC SOCIETY PERF: 03/10 & 03/24 AGREEMENT -CA CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Printed 469.00 301884 4/4/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1603 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIr HVAC PARTS: CIVIC CENTER: PWFR-11 Printed 3,893.25 301939 4/11/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER I 1626 HVAC SUPPLIES: MPSC Printed 115.06 301939 4/11/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1627 SMALLTOOLS & EQUIPMENT: FIRE STATIONS Printed 47.74 301939 4/11/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1620 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: FIRE STATIONS Printed 72.75 301939 4/11/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1632 I♦ SMALLTOOLS & EQUIPMENT: FIRE STATIONS _ Printed 108.60 301939 4/11/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1630 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: FIRE STATIONS Printed 58.90 301996 4/18/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 - 1653 jib_ HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed 7.94 301878 4/4/2024 2138 GOVCONNECTION INC 75039446 CISCO SWITCHES: TRAFFIC Printed 59,691.15 301935 4/11/2024 2138 GOVCONNECTION INC 75085728 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII■ MINI PC REPLACEMENT: TEM PUB LIBRARY: IT Printed 14,822.85 602273 4/25/2024 2438 GRACE JAMES ENTERPRISES LLC COMM REINV PRG 4/10 COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT-TEMECULA GRANT PROGRAM EFT 20,000.00 602058 4/4/2024 1225 GRAINGER 9050129494 IIIIIIIIIIIII■ MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW IIIIIIIIIIIIIII■ EFT 272.69 602130 4/11/2024 1225 GRAINGER 9064506448 METERING PUMP: PARK MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 1,548.77 II, 602059 4/4/2024 1197 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY INLAND VALLEY 1� 2023-4 IIIIIIIIr CDBG SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT EFT JIIIIIIIII■1,473.28 602060 4/4/2024 3357 HALLPASS CAPITAL INC 7557 SOLAR LED LIGHTS & POLES: PW - CIP, PW21-16 EFT 397,057.81 I♦ 301879 4/4/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC - 2716/MAR r MISC HARDWARE SUPPLIES: IWTCM: PW - Printed 711IIIIIIIII■ 58.40 301879 4/4/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2644/FEB-C SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT Printed 2,729.63 I♦ 301879 4/4/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC - 2664/MAR MISC HARDWARE SUPPLIES: MPSC: PW Printed for 33.69 301879 4/4/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2733/MAR MISC HARDWARE SUPPLIES: STREETS & TRAFFIC MAINT Printed 174.54 I♦ 301879 4/4/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC - 2646/MAR MISC HARDWARE SUPPLIES: CRC: PW Printed 114.42 301936 4/11/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2702/MAR MISC HARDWARE SUPPLIES: TVM: PW Printed 230.68 7 301936 4/11/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC -2708/MAR MISC HARDWARE SUPPLIES: OLD TOWN Printed 517.39 301936 4/11/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2706/MAR MISC HARDWARE SUPPLIES: AQUATICS: PW Printed 160.73 301936 4/11/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC - 2815/MAR MISC HARDWARE SUPPLIES: PARKING: PW Printed 143.77 301936 4/11/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2671/MAR MISC HARDWARE SUPPLIES: M FAC: PW Printed 256.08 301936 4/11/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2634/MAR MISC HARDWARE SUPPLIES: FIRE Printed 5,217.56 301936 4/11/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2644/FEB-A HARDWARE SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 54.35 301936 4/11/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC - 2734/MAR MISC HARDWARE SUPPLIES: TPL Printed 144.74 301992 4/18/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2641/MAR MISC HARDWARE SUPPLIES: STREETS & TRAFFIC MAINT Printed 3,098.01 301992 4/18/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC - 2648/MAR 11pl"r- SMALLTOOLS & EQUIP: BUILDING & SAFETY ilillffr- Printed 27.18 301992 4/18/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2818/MAR MISC HARDWARE SUPPLIES: COM DEV Printed 175.45 302048 4/25/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2644/MAR-C L SMALL TOOLS & EQUIP: FIRE Printed 474.61 602171 4/18/2024 1110 HEALTH AND HUMAN RESOURCES CENTER INC E0314201 EAP BENEFITS: HR EFT 1,606.45 602205 4/18/2024 1093 HEALTHPOINTE MEDICAL GROUP INC ' 42612-4269894 VIED EMPLOYMENT SCREENING: HR EFT 120.00 602289 4/25/2024 2408 HEATH HEATHER 020724 BALANCE ROD RUN MERCHANDISE: TCSD EFT 22,431.00 301883 4/4/2024 1791 HELIXSTORM INC 15310 CORTEX ANTIVIRUS RENEWAL: IT Printed 56,182.28 301937 4/11/2024 1791 HELXSTORM INC 15315 HPE SUPPORT RENEWAL: SOMMERS BEND: IT Printed 3,287.00 602206 4/18/20241761 HESSJOHN PAUL 1527 = _ PROMOTIONAL VIDEOGRAPHY SVCS: COMSP_JlllpM- EFT IIIIIIIIII■ 187.50 602131 4/11/20243497 HEWLETT PACKARD FINANCIAL SERVICES COMPANY 601052010 i DATA CENTER TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCUTRE:IT EFT 475,258.33 602290 4/25/2024 2235 HICKS AND HARTWICK INC 8321 IIIIIIIII tNG PLAN CHECK SRVCS: PRADO: PW EFT IIIIIIIIII■2,817.50 602290 4/25/2024 2235 HICKS AND HARTWICK INC 8322 ■ ENG PLAN CHECK SRVCS: ALTAIR: PW EFT 3,307.50 602207 4/18/2024 2547 HINER DOUGLAS FEB & MARCH 2O24 IW UMPIRE OFFICIATING SVCS: CITY ADULT SOFTBALL EFT IIIIIIIIII■3,570.00 16344 4/8/2024 3635 HOLIDAY INN 2784 REFRESHMENTS: WASHINGTON DC LOBBYING: CC Wire 6.38 602295 4/25/2024 3663 HTA 1 SUBS LLC 01-000786-01-693996 TEEN CERT CLASS MEALS: TCC: FIRE EFT IF-1,380.00 602132 4/11/2024 1352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40060 WEED ABATEMENT: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 797.00 602132 4/11/20241352 INLAND EMPIRE PROPERTY SERVICES INC 40453 WEED ABATEMENT: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT I' 452.00 602061 4/4/2024 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 7192 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR, STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 369.00 602061 4/4/2024 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 7191 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR, STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 441.00 602061 4/4/2024 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 7124 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR, STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 621.21 602061 4/4/2024 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 7186 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR, STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 192.44 602061 4/4/2024 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 7146 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR, STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 1,819.81 602061 4/4/2024 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC - 7183 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR, STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 294.00 602061 4/4/2024 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 7185 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR, STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 192.44 602061 4/4/2024 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC - - - 7184 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR, STREET MAINTENANCE EFT IIIIIIIIII■ 75.00 602133 4/11/2024 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 7187 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR, STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 192.44 602208 4/18/2024 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC IIIIIIIIIII■ 7301 BACKHOE REPAIRS: PW EFT --IIIIIIIIII■8,384.54 602062 4/4/2024 1396 INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS 259015 PLOTTER/COPIER SUPPLIES:CENTRAL SERVICES EFT 106.58 602062 4/4/2024 1396 INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS - 256484 IIIII` CANON COPIERS: MRC CIP 17-21 91PEEEE� EFT IIIIIIIIII■4,356.46 602292 4/25/2024 1396 INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS 259672 MAR COPIER MAINT/REPAIR/USAGE: CITYWIDE EFT 6,577.13 602292 4/25/2024 1396 INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS 259673 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII■ MAR COPIER MAINT/REPAIR/USAGE: CITYWIDE or EFT IIIIIIIIII■ 443.20 16392 4/8/2024 2245 INSTACART.COM 2964 REFRESHMENTS: RECRUITMENTS: HR Wire 57.29 602293 4/25/2024 3227 INSTEP MARKETING IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL C3291 BROCHURES: CIP: PW19-04 EFT I"""""""""""`2,760.00 301938 4/11/2024 3035 INTERFLEX PAYMENT LLC INV722803 FSA & COBRA ADMIN FEES: HR Printed 460.25 302050 4/25/2024 3035 INTERFLEX PAYMENT LLC BEN350153 CHILD CARE REIMBURSEMENT FSA PAYMENT Printed 24,038.89 302051 4/25/2024 3751 INTERINSURANCE EXCHANGE OF THE AUTOMOBILE CLUB 04/18/24 RELEASE & SETTLEMENT OF CLAIM: RISK Printed 5,565.62 602291 4/25/2024 3481 INTERNATIONAL CYBERNETICS COMPANY LP - 240331-15 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM UPDATE EFT 4,396.80 602134 4/11/2024 1253 INTERNATIONAL E Z UP INC INV0606457 EZ UP'S: CERT PROGRAM: EM EFT 3,964.81 301994 4/18/20241053 INTL INSTITUTE OF MUNICIPAL CLERKS 4787204/02/24 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: CITY CLERfl Printed 125.00 602135 4/11/2024 1757 INTRADO LIFE AND SAFETY INC 6084336 FEB ENTERPRISES 911 SVC: INFO TECH EFT 322.50 301995 4/18/2024 2276 IP ENTERTAINMENT LLC PINS N POCKETS ENTERTAINMENT 04/15/24 SDC TEEN EXCURSION 7/23/24 Printed 985.28 16342 4/8/2024 3104 ISC2 5880 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: ITSS Wire 125.00 602294 4/25/2024 1719 JACOBS HOUSE INC BEN350141 EMPLOYEE CHARITY DONATIONS PAYMENT EFT 40.00 302052 4/25/2024 2045 JAMES ELLIOTT ENTERTAINMENT PERF: 03/29/24 STTLMNT: PRINCE AGAIN 03/29/24 Printed 5,500.41 301885 4/4/2024 2149 JDS CREATIVE ACADEMY CSF GRANT PRGM COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING GRANT PROGRAM Printed 5,000.00 602136 4/11/2024 2257 JEFF KATZ ARCHITECTURAL CORP 22189 COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER SPLASH PAD EFT 1,617.75 602136 4/11/2024 2257 JEFF KATZ ARCH ITECTU RAL CORP 22158 COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER SPLASH PAD i EFT 1,617.75 301940 4/11/20241812 11MNI SYSTEMS INC 37118 ANNUAL SERVICE AND INSPECTION: PUMP STATIONS: PW Printed 10,628.13 602137 4/11/2024 3704 JOLT SOFTWARE INC INV-231686 SCHEDULING SOFTWARE: TCSD EFT 2,589.58 602138 4/11/2024 2475 1P HANDMADE CORP 68737 BUSINESS CARDS: BUILDING AND SAFETY EFT 370.31 602138 4/11/2024 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP 68813 a PRINT MATERIALS FOR EVENTS: TCSD EFT 331.69 602209 4/18/2024 2475 1P HANDMADE CORP 68809 BUSINESS CARDS: TCSD EFT 322.87 301941 4/11/2024 1933 KELLY SPICERS INC 11580540 MISC PAPER SUPPLIES: CENTRAL SVCS Printed 1,539.11 602063 4/4/2024 1090 KEYSER MARSTON ASSOCIATES INC 0038575 COMP GENERAL PLAN UPDATE EFT 9,208.75 602139 4/11/2024 1090 KEYSER MARSTON ASSOCIATES INC 4 0038577 KMA SB-9 FISCAL ANALYSIS: LR22-0158 EFT 11,245.00 602296 4/25/2024 1090 KEYSER MARSTON ASSOCIATES INC 0038657 COMP GENERAL PLAN UPDATE EFT 8,276.25 301886 4/4/2024 3304 KOSMONT REAL ESTATE SERVICES 2308.2-00�0!" SURPLUS LAND ACT CONSULTING SVCS Printed 3,185.00 301997 4/18/2024 3304 KOSMONT REAL ESTATE SERVICES 2308.2-006 SURPLUS LAND ACT CONSULTING SV Printed 2,111.20 602210 4/18/2024 1975 KRACH BREE B 200358 LITTLE LENDING LIBRARY PLATES: TCSD EFT 56.55 301887 4/4/20241136 LAKE ELSINORE ANIMAL FRIENDS MAR'24 MAR ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES Printed 10,762.50 301888 4/4/2024 2177 LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES INC INV-142093 ' PLAYGROUND EQUIP ENHANCEM� Printed 2,693.00 16345 4/8/2024 1014 LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA CITIES 9027 REGISTRATION FEE: CAL CITIES MTG Wire 45.00 602140 4/11/2024 1050 LEIGHTON CONSULTING INC 61933 - GEOTECH SVCS: PA24-0066 � EFT 4,590.00 602140 4/11/2024 1050 LEIGHTON CONSULTING INC 61909 MATERIALS TESTING, PW-CIP, PW23-16 EFT 14,637.50 602140 4/11/2024 1050 LEIGHTON CONSULTING INC 61326 MATERIALS TESTING, PW-CIP, PW23-16 EFT 34,846.00 602211 4/18/2024 2278 LESO PAMELA 8918 CRIME PREVENTION MATERIALS EFT 1,384.38 16363 4/8/20242350 LEWIS CLEANERS 5930 DRY CLEANING SVCS: LINENS: CITY COUNCIL Wire 85.75 302054 4/25/2024 2912 LIBRARY IDEAS LLC 110924 MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD Printed 463.99 16391 4/8/2024 1320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 3440 REGISTRATION: WORKPLACE VIOLENCE PREVENTION Wire 3,500.00 602064 4/4/20241320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 260329 ATTORNEY SERVICES: TE060-0001 EFT 3,660.00 602064 4/4/20241320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE _ 260328 * ATTORNEY SERVICES: TE060-00020 EFT 3,664.00 602212 4/18/20241320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 261903 ATTORNEY SERVICES: TE060-00001 EFT 2,925.00 602212 4/18/20241320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 262386 ATTORNEY SERVICES: HR EFT 5,849.50 16384 4/8/20241216 LIFE ASSIST INC 6418 SUPPLIES: AED ITEMS Wire 865.65 16388 4/8/20241216 LIFE ASSIST INC � i 3788 SUPPLIES: AED ITEMS Wire 86.78 602213 4/18/20243695 LIFELOC TECHNOLOGIES INC 396999 SMALL TOOLS: EPAS SUPPLIES: TEM SHERIFF EFT 2,716.26 301998 4/18/2024 3701 LITCHNEY MARIA REFUND: LIVESCAN REFUND: LIVESCAN: HR Printed 118.00 602297 4/25/20243734 LITTLE SPROUTS SPEECH THERAPY CENTER COMM REINV PRG 4/16 COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT-TEMECULA GRANT PROGRAM EFT 20,000.00 602065 4/4/2024 3353 LOAMIC BUILDERS INC 3 PW23-1111111111� CITYWIDE CONCRETE REPAIRS EFT 198,532.60 602066 4/4/2024 3353 LOAMIC BUILDERS INC 3 PW22-17 ADDITIONAL STREETLIGHTS: MORENO RD & MERCEDES ST EFT 10,139.85 602141 4/11/20243160 LOCT ASSOCIATES LLC 20240322-1 COVERT ENTRY SPECIALIST TRAINING: TEM SHERIFF � EFT 900.00 602214 4/18/2024 3198 LOOMIS ARMORED US LLC 13467787 ARMORED CAR SVCS: FINANCE EFT 1,238.85 602298 4/25/2024 3723 LUCKEY FITNESS INC COMM REINV PRG 4/10 COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT-TEMECULA GRANT PROGRAM EFT 20,000.00 16369 4/8/2024 2271 LYFT 8832 TRANSPORTATION: DC LOBBYING: CMO Wire 13.99 16370 4/8/2024 2271 LYFT 3923 TRANSPORTATION: DC LOBBYING: CMO Wire 38.33 301889 4/4/20241302 M AND J PAUL ENTERPRISES INC 032324 CITY OF TEMEC JUMPER GAME RENTALS: SPECIAL EVENTS Printed 1,100.00 302055 4/25/2024 1302 M AND J PAUL ENTERPRISES INC D42024 CITY OF TEMEC JUMPER GAME RENTALS: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD Printed 349.00 602067 4/4/2024 3609 MAIN ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY LLC 9782577 MISC SUPPLIES: FACILITIES: PW EFT 112.58 602068 4/4/2024 3609 MAIN ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY LLC 9795604 STRING LIGHTS: OLD TOWN: PW EFT 3,379.78 602142 4/11/2024 3609 MAIN ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY LLC 9790174 STRING LIGHTS: OLD TOWN: PW EFT 2,467.27 602142 4/11/2024 3609 MAIN ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY LLC 9793442 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: OLD TOWN MAINT: PW EFT 48.22 602142 4/11/2024 3609 MAIN ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY LLC 9793443 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: OLD TOWN MAINT: PW EFT 1,566.36 301945 4/11/20241224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 44167 VARIOUS SIGNS& SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 720.87 301999 4/18/2024 1224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 44166 VARIOUS SIGNS & SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed 77.81 602215 4/18/20241250 MAI NTEX INC 1077044-00 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT + EFT 1,824.72 602299 4/25/2024 1250 MAINTEX INC 1081278-01 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT EFT 223.16 602299 4/25/20241250 MAI NTEX INC 1081278-OC JANITORIAL SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT EFT 2,857.63 302056 4/25/2024 1924 MARABOTTO JAMES L 04/O1/24 TEMECULA PRESENTS: MAKAHA SONS 3/27/24 Printed 323.75 602069 4/4/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3373 TREE TRIMMING: WOLF CREEK SLOPE: PW EFT 23,306.55 602143 4/11/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3279 ANNUAL TREE TRIM MI NG,REMOVALS& PLANTING AT PARKS EFT 9,273.04 602143 4/11/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3368 TREE TRIMMING: TEMEKU HILLS SLOPE: PW EFT 8,966.76 602300 4/25/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3432 TREE TRIMMING: CRC: PARKS: PW EFT 2,059.03 602300 4/25/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3428 RIGHT OF WAY TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLANTING EFT 2,703.60 602300 4/25/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3430 TREE TRIMMING: CAMPOS VERDE SLOPE: PW EFT 4,980.39 602300 4/25/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3429R �jiIGHT OF WAY TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLANTING EFT 1,629.05 602300 4/25/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3420 - RIGHT OF WAY TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLANTING EFT 1,378.58 602300 4/25/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3431-tMERGENCY SLOPE TREE SERVICES: PW = EFT 7,371.53 602300 4/25/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3421 - RIGHT OF WAY TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLANTING EFT 4,795.42 602300 4/25/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3422 -MIGHT OF WAY TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLANTING EFT 11,423.97 602300 4/25/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3417 - RIGHT OF WAY TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLANTING EFT 2,693.18 602300 4/25/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3423 -MIGHT OF WAY TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLANTING EFT 4,864.44 602301 4/25/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3424 - RIGHT OF WAY TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLANTING EFT 1,089.62 602301 4/25/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3427-tMERGENCY SLOPE TREE SERVICES: PW = EFT 541.85 602301 4/25/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3425 - RIGHT OF WAY TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLANTING EFT 237.72 602301 4/25/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3416 -MIGHT OF WAY TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLANTING EFT 1,158.36 602301 4/25/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3418 - RIGHT OF WAY TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLANTING EFT 427.70 602301 4/25/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3419 -MIGHT OF WAY TREE TRIMMING, REMOVALS & PLANTING EFT 1,089.62 602070 4/4/2024 2376 MARK THOMAS AND COMPANY INC 50640 - 1-15 CONGESTION RELIEF EFT 3,383.48 602070 4/4/2024 2376 MARK THOMAS AND COMPANY INC 50526 -1-15 CONGENSTION RELIEF EFT 1,785.00 602071 4/4/2024 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 18328 � FEB CDBG ADMINISTRATION SVCS: COMM DEV EFT 6,158.88 602072 4/4/2024 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 18329 -�tEB ADA LABOR COMPLIANCE SVCS: PW18-16 EFT 410.00 602072 4/4/2024 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 18330 FEB ADA LABOR COMPLIANCE: PW22-08 EFT 153.75 16407 4/11/2024 2584 MERITAGE HOMES OF CALIFORNIA INC DIF REIMB 20-014/11 HEIRLOOM FARMS 20-01 DIF REIMBURSEMENT Wire 3,670,251.31 16451 4/18/2024 2584 MERITAGE HOMES OF CALIFORNIA INC DIF REIMB 20-014/18 HEIRLOOM FARMS 20-01 DIF REIMBURSEMENT Wire 412,977.45 302000 4/18/2024 1185 MET LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY BEN350129 DENTAL PAYMENT Printed 15,089.47 602216 4/18/2024 2259 MICHELLE MEDINA 1040.1041ST HALF TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,890.00 602216 4/18/2024 2259 MICHELLE MEDINA 1050.101 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 952.00 602217 4/18/2024 2367 MILLER ARCHITECTURAL CORP 2300003.RA- 5 REV'D ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES: HARVESTON COMM PARK: CIP EFT 1,400.00 602217 4/18/2024 2367 MILLER ARCHITECTURAL CORP 2300003.RA-7 REV'D ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES: HARVESTON COMM PARK: CIP EFT 12,920.00 602217 4/18/2024 2367 MILLER ARCHITECTURAL CORP 2300003.RA- 6 REV'D ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES: HARVESTON COMM PARK: CIP EFT 1,400.00 602302 4/25/20242367 M I LLER ARCHITECTURAL CORP 2300003.RA-8 REV'D ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES: HARVESTON COMM PARK: CIP EFT 19,380.00 301946 4/11/2024 1082 MIRACLE RECREATION EQUIPMENT 873073 BELT LATCH KIT: VAIL RANCH PARK: PW Printed 228.66 602218 4/18/20241681 MIRANDAJULIO CESAR 3600.104-3605.104 &LTCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,215.20 602073 4/4/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 521690-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR EFT 461.27 602073 4/4/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 521404-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 1,887.40 602073 4/4/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 521519-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 606.99 602073 4/4/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 122366 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: MRC EFT (49.96) 602073 4/4/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 519651-01 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: MRC EFT 3,720.45 602073 4/4/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 521525-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT aIIIIIIIIIII■ 792.31 602073 4/4/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 521417-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 2,622.01 602073 4/4/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 521587 _ �t ECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT __ (75.95) 602073 4/4/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 521498 - ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT (500.40) 602073 4/4/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 521586 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII,II:LECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 602144 4/11/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 521936-00 9� ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS __�_(253.17) EFT 72.20 602144 4/11/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 522226-00 �t ECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 26.08 602144 4/11/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 521404-01 , ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 247.99 602144 4/11/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 522279 �t ECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL EFT (141.92) 602144 4/11/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 521107-00 � ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL EFT 184.44 602144 4/11/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 520802-01 _ It ECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 22.82 602144 4/11/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 522318-00 ■ ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL EFT 246.04 II, 602144 4/11/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 521558-00 IIIIIIIII tLECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR: PW EFT 141.92 602144 4/11/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 521910-00 ■ ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 200.43 II, 602219 4/18/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 522152-00 IIIIIIIII tLECTRICAL SUPPLIES: JRC EFT 32.86 602219 4/18/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 522069-00 ■ ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: JRC EFT 86.76 II, 602303 4/25/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 522129-00 IIIIIIIII tLECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS IIIIIIIIIIII( EFT 8.06 602303 4/25/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 522166-00 * ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: HARVESTON BOATHOUSE EFT 931.20 602303 4/25/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC _ 522478-00 MISC ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: BOAT HOUSE IMPROVEMENT EFT 281.42 602303 4/25/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 522555-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 35.17 602303 4/25/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 522469-02 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CITY HALL: PW EFT 293.23 602303 4/25/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 522182-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 67.57 602303 4/25/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 521581-00 STRING LIGHT PARTS: OLD TOWN: PW EFT 1,461.80 16340 4/2/2024 2830 MOOD MEDIA NORTH AMERICA HOLDINGS LLC APR'24 APR'24 DISH NETWORK SVCS Wire 243.81 602074 4/4/2024 1287 MOORE FENCE COMPANY INC i 24-8115 FENCE MAINTENANCE: MIKE NAGGAR PARK: PW EFT 12,833.40 602076 4/4/2024 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 03/20/24 ART EVENTS & MURALS: TVM: TCSD EFT 400.00 602076 4/4/2024 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 03/21/24 ART EVENTS & MURALS: TVM: TCSD EFT 750.00 602220 4/18/2024 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 03/29/24 GRAPHIC DESIGN WORK: TCSD EFT 1,400.00 602220 4/18/2024 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2040.103-2050.103 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 2,936.50 602220 4/18/2024 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2050.104 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 976.50 16379 4/8/2024 3509 MOTEL 6 1248 LODGING: HOMELESS CLIENT Wire 134.54 602304 4/25/2024 1846 MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS INC 8230452921 RAVE ALERT WIRELESS DATA: EOC PUBLIC SAFETY: IT EFT 8,800.00 602305 4/25/2024 3475 MSW CONSULTANTS INC - 825 SB 1383 SUPPORT SERVICES , EFT 8,940.00 302001 4/18/20241283 MULLIGAN FUN INC 21692 SDC TEEN EXCURSION: TCSD Printed 852.07 301891 4/4/2024 2019 MURRIETA PARTNERSHIP - 1246 MONTHLY AGENCY PARTNER DUES: ECO DEV Printed 1,000.00 301891 4/4/2024 2019 MURRIETA PARTNERSHIP 1228 RIV CNN ICSC MIXER Printed 1,000.00 602221 4/18/20242020 MYTHOS TECHNOLOGY INC -MSP-22300B NETWORK MONITORING SVCS EFT 300.00 602306 4/25/20242020 MYTHOS TECHNOLOGY INC MSP-22300A NETWORK MONITORING SVCS EFT 150.00 602077 4/4/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC ' 77260 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PW EFT I' 635.00 602077 4/4/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77259 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VAIL RANCH SLOPE: PW EFT 1,495.31 602077 4/4/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77261 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII■LANDSCAPE SVCS: JEFFERSON REC CENTER: PW EFT 3,380.00 602077 4/4/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77258 LANDSCAPE SVCS: TEMECULA VILLAGE TRAIL: PW EFT 880.00 602222 4/18/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 77360 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII■ IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VARIOUS MEDIANS: PW EFT 285.45 602222 4/18/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77327 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: VAIL RANCH PARK: PW EFT 486.56 602222 4/18/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 77173 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII■ LANDSCAPE SVCS: FIRE STATIONS EFT IIIIIIIIII■2,068.00 602222 4/18/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77174 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SVCS: FACILITIES EFT 11,245.00 II, 602222 4/18/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77328 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII■ MULCH INSTALLATION: TEMECULA CREEK PARK: PW EFT IIIIIIII■IIIIIIIII■ 975.00 602222 4/18/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77321 LANDSCAPE SVCS: WOLF CREEK SLOPE: PW EFT 3,990.00 602222 4/18/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77177 LANDSCAPE SVCS: HARVESTON LAKE EFT --]IIIIIIIII■4,031.00 602222 4/18/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77330 LANDSCAPE SVCS: MARGARITA ROAD: PW EFT 5,075.00 602222 4/18/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 77320 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII■ LANDSCAPE SVCS: MEADOWS MEDIAN: PW EFT 3,348.68 602222 4/18/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77329 LANDSCAPE SVCS: CRC: PW EFT 435.00 602223 4/18/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC - 77359 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII■ IRRIGATION REPAIRS: YNEZ ROAD MEDIAN: PW EFT 269.33 602307 4/25/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77180 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS AND MEDIANS EFT 77,622.00 602307 4/25/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77179 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII■ LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES LEVEL C SLOPES `OP EFT 106.00 602307 4/25/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77176 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS AND MEDIANS EFT 56,141.00 602307 4/25/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77178 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII■ LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES LEVEL C SLOPES EFT 62,010.00 602307 4/25/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77175 LANDSCAPE SVCS: PARKS AND MEDIANS EFT 23,159.00 602078 4/4/2024 1819 NPG INC 26523 ' PAVING MAINT: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 90.51 301947 4/11/20241013 NUTRIEN AG SOLUTIONS INC 53530653 EQUIPMENT REPAIR SUPPLIES: FIRE STATIONS Printed 1,078.04 602079 4/4/2024 1511 NVSINC 378783 MARGARITA RECREATION CENTER EFT 19,774.62 301892 4/4/2024 1237 OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS SVS DIV 359487983001 MISC SUPPLIES FINANCE Printed 21.24 301892 4/4/2024 1237 OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS SVS DIV -359485645001 9W MISC SUPPLIES FINANCE E"r Printed 65.62 301892 4/4/2024 1237 OFFICE DEPOT BUSINESS SVS DIV 359487982001 MISC SUPPLIES FINANCE Printed 39.35 602080 4/4/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC - 74428 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE -STREET MAINTENANCO EFT IIIIIIIIII■ 42.16 602081 4/4/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74507 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE -STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 1,644.66 602081 4/4/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC - 74530 VEHICLE MAINT & REPAIR: PW TRAFFIC EFT IIIIIIIIII■ 401.42 602081 4/4/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 73032 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: PARKS: PW EFT 1,042.91 602081 4/4/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC - 74516 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES IIIIIIIIW EFT IIIIIIIIII■ 57.46 602145 4/11/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74287 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: TRAFFIC: PW EFT 318.29 602145 4/11/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC - 74368 VEHICLE BACK-UP ALARMS: PW r EFT IIIIIIIIII■1,391.54 602145 4/11/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74578 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 82.46 602145 4/11/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC - 74586 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT I� 82.46 602145 4/11/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74576 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 288.97 602145 4/11/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 72030 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 25.00 602224 4/18/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74577 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT 1,979.30 602224 4/18/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC IIIIIIIIIII■ 74454 , VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: TRAFFIC: PW 0 EFT 4,197.37 602224 4/18/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74702 HOMELESS OUTREACH VEHICLE MAINTENANCE EFT 311.52 602308 4/25/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC IIIIIIIIIII■ 74813 VEHICLE MAINT: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 112.62 16338 4/1/2024100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV TRC-132644-01-04-202 DEPT TRANSFER EG INVOICE 129348 Wire 1,250.00 16404 4/10/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV IIIIIIIIIII■ TRC-132883-10-04-202, DEPT TRANSFER REQUEST EG INV 124926 IIIIIIIIIII■ Wire 28,979.00 301893 4/4/2024 100 ONETIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV REFUND: B24-02111kbM REFUND: PERMIT B24-0325 Printed 174.00 301894 4/4/2024 100 ONETIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV 66064833 �pEFUND: CIVIC CENTER CONF CENTER Printed 780.00 301895 4/4/2024 100 ONETIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV REFUND: B23-5232 7 REFUND: PERMIT B23-5232 Printed 57.00 301948 4/11/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV REFUND: J427277 =pEFUND: BALANCE ADJUSTMENT FOR OVERPAYMENT Printed 153.00 301949 4/11/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV REFUND 354447 M REFUND: BALANCE ADJUSTMENT FOR VIOLATION DISMISSED Printed 305.00 301950 4/11/2024 100 ONETIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV REFUND 357468 ''REFUND: BALANCE ADJUSTMENT FOR VIOLATION DISMISSED Printed 50.00 301951 4/11/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR-ENERGOV REFUND 359201 REFUND: BALANCE ADJUSTMENT FOR VIOLATION DISMISSED Printed 50.00 302057 4/25/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV REIMB: COLLEGE FAIR , REIMB: COLLEGE FAIR MILEAGE Printed , 188.64 301896 4/4/2024 2048 PACIFIC PRODUCTS & SERVICE LLC 33471 MISC SUPPLIES: PARKS MAINTENANCE: PW Printed 3,931.86 301952 4/11/2024 2048 PACIFIC PRODUCTS & SERVICE LLC 33613 , MISC SUPPLIES: PARKS MAINTENANCE: PW -911111PO' Printed I_ 113.10 302066 4/29/2024 1048 PARADISE CHEVROLET CADILLAC 1GCGSBEC5R1130015 VEHICLE PURCHASE: VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS Printed 33,395.00 302066 4/29/2024 1048 PARADISE CHEVROLET CADILLAC 1GCGSBEC7R1129996 , VEHICLE PURCHASE: VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS 1 Printed I_3,395.00 16372 4/8/2024 1401 PAYPAL 0921 VERISIGN PAYFLOW PRO TRANSACTION Wire 25.00 301897 4/4/20241775 PENWORTHY COMPANY THE 0598074-IN ' MISC BOOKS: TEMECULA LIBRARY 1 Printed IIIIIIIIII■1,986.89 16354 4/5/2024 1017 PERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT GASB 04/04/24 GASB REPORTING SVCS FEE Wire 2,250.00 16355 4/5/20241018 PETTY CASH D4/05/24 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII■ PETTY CASH REIMBURSEMENT Wire IIIIIIIIII■ 743.21 602082 4/4/20242468 PLACEWORKS INC 83144 LR23-0490 OBJECTIVE DESIGN STANDARDS AMENDMENT EFT 1,017.50 302003 4/18/2024 2648 POLAR ENGRAVING CORPORATION 32739 ENGRAVING SVCS: PW PARKS Printed 288.00 602146 4/11/2024 3271 POWERSPORTS UNLIMITED INC 47371 VEHICLE REPAIR & MAINT: TEM SHERIFF EFT 167.41 302058 4/25/2024 1363 PRE PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC BEN350143 PREPAID LEGAL SERVICES PAYMENT Printed 206.45 602083 4/4/2024 1493 PREMIER MARKETING INC 3351 PERFORMANCE/EVENTS: TCSD EFT 875.00 602225 4/18/2024 1493 PREMIER MARKETING INC 3151 PERFORMANCE/EVENTS: TCSD EFT 1,095.00 16361 4/8/20241020 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC 3989 ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION: CITY CLERK Wire 14.00 I. 16366 4/8/20241020 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC 7964 ) ONLINE SUBSCRIPTION: CITY CLERK 1 Wire 14.00 602226 4/18/2024 3218 PRETI LUCAS 2403A VIDEOGRAPHY PRODUCTION: CM EFT 8,900.00 II, 602310 4/25/2024 1721 PRO ACTIVE FIRE DESIGN AND CONSULTING INC ' 2086 PLAN CHECKING SVCS: FIRE EFT 3,609.30 602084 4/4/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132242750 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 80.08 II, 602084 4/4/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY IIIIIIIIIII■ 132242749A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 68.36 602084 4/4/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132244453 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 21.43 II, 602084 4/4/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132242068 MtLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 21.43 602084 4/4/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132243258 ■ FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 21.43 II, 602084 4/4/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY -132244454 -PLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 602084 4/4/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132244435 M FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 24.52 II, 602084 4/4/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY -132242050 = FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 24.52 602084 4/4/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132243950 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 61.55 II, 602084 4/4/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY -132241538A j UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES I EFT 66.08 602085 4/4/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132242751 J FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 II, 602085 4/4/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY -132243257 llll�t!-OOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 602085 4/4/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132243244 90 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 II, 602085 4/4/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY -132242056 MtLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 602085 4/4/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132244452 ■ FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 II, 602085 4/4/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY i132244441 -kOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 602085 4/4/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132243245 ■ FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 II, 602085 4/4/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY -132243951 MtLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 602085 4/4/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132242069 ■ FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 II, 602085 4/4/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132242067 MtLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 602086 4/4/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132244442 m FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 II, 602086 4/4/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY - 132242749B T UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 602086 4/4/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132242057 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 II, 602147 4/11/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132245135A , UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES - EFT 68.50 602147 4/11/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132246829 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 21.43 II, 602147 4/11/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY -132244455 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 65.28 602147 4/11/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132246325 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 61.55 II, 602147 4/11/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132245605 MbLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 76.88 602147 4/11/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132246810 a FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 24.52 II, 602147 4/11/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY -132245637 �JLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 21.43 602147 4/11/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132246796 - FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 76.88 II, 602147 4/11/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY -132245638 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 602147 4/11/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132245136 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 61.55 II, 602148 4/11/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132243259 MWOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 602148 4/11/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132245623 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 II, 602148 4/11/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132245137 _M �JLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 602148 4/11/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132246817 "M FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 II, 602148 4/11/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY '132246828 - IJLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 602148 4/11/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132246830 0 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 II, 602148 4/11/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132246816 -IIIILOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 602148 4/11/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132245624 0 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 II, 602148 4/11/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY '132245636 MtLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 602148 4/11/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132246326 T FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 II, 602149 4/11/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132243949E W11NIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 602149 4/11/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132245135E UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 II, 602227 4/18/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY ' 132245639 I♦ FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 70.98 602227 4/18/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132243949A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 63.65 II, 602227 4/18/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132246831 MELOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 65.28 602311 4/25/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132247970 0 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 II, 602311 4/25/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132247971 -IIIILOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES i EFT 9.89 602311 4/25/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132247985 9r FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 II, 602311 4/25/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132247465A UNIFORM: PARKS AND FACILITIES EFT 68.50 602311 4/25/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132247467 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 II, 602311 4/25/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132247952 3fLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 76.88 602311 4/25/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132247988 0 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 65.28 II, 602311 4/25/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132247987 -IIIILOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 19.88 602311 4/25/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132247986 * FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 21.43 II, 602311 4/25/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132248707 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 602312 4/25/20241336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132247465E UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 302005 4/18/2024 2727 QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC - PPLN0104/08/2� POSTAGE SERVICES: PD - 7800044080993086 Printed 328.81 301898 4/4/2024 1837 QUADIENT LEASING USA INC 17285372 E-CERTIFY ENVELOPES: CODE ENFORCEMENT Printed 425.65 302059 4/25/2024 2169 QUINN COMPANY - WOG00019538 IIIIIIIIIII■ GENERATOR MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATIONS Printed 1,462.94 602150 4/11/20241675 QUINT AND THIMMIG LLP 03/19/24 FORMATION COUNSEL SERVICES:23-02 PRADO EFT 30,000.00 602263 4/19/20241675 QUINT AND TH I MMIG LLP 04/09/24 FORMATION COUNSEL SERVICES:23-01 ALTAIR EFT 35,000.00 302006 4/18/2024 1103 R C P BLOCK AND BRICK INC 33079369 MISC MASONRY SUPPLIES: PW PARKS Printed 159.10 16452 4/16/2024 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIOUS MAR WATER 1 VARIOUS WATER SVCS MAR BATCH 1 Wire 15,939.61 16543 4/19/2024 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIOUS MAR WATER 2 VARIOUS WATER SVCS MAR BATCH 2 Wire 15,319.86 602151 4/11/2024 1076 RANCHO TEMECULA CAR WASH MAR'24 y MAR CAR WASH SVCS: POLICE EFT 28.00 602087 4/4/2024 1537 RANDALL MANAGEMENT GROUP 32074 PUBLIC NOTICE SIGN POSTING SERVICES FY2023-24 EFT 624.50 602228 4/18/2024 1537 RANDALL MANAGEMENT GROUP 32199 PUBLIC NOTICE SIGN POSTING SERVICES FY2023-24 EFT 312.25 602228 4/18/2024 1537 RANDALL MANAGEMENT GROUP 32198 MISC SIGNAGE EFT 167.38 602228 4/18/2024 1537 RANDALL MANAGEMENT GROUP 32200 PUBLIC NOTICE SIGN POSTING SERVICES FY2023-24 EFT 312.25 602228 4/18/2024 1537 RANDALL MANAGEMENT GROUP 32122 PUBLIC NOTICE SIGN POSTING SERVICES FY2023-24 EFT 624.50 16362 4/8/2024 3724 RED PINE CAFE 1914 - REFRESHMENTS: CITY CNCL MTG 02/13/24 Wire 220.22 602088 4/4/2024 3514 REEP FIRE PROTECTION INC 3136 FIRE SYSTEM INSPECTIONS: FACILITIES: PW EFT 5,250.00 602313 4/25/2024 3514 REEP FIRE PROTECTION INC 3134 ' FIRE SYSTEM REPAIR: STATION 84: FIRE EFT 2,987.23 602089 4/4/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60174105-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CITY HALL: PW EFT 128.31 602089 4/4/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60174156-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: TVM: PW EFT 40.42 602089 4/4/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60174430-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CRC EFT 142.30 602089 4/4/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60174415-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR EFT 95.41 602089 4/4/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60174580-00 MISC HVAC SUPPLIES: CRC EFT 30.49 602152 4/11/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60174769-00 ICE MACHINE MAINT: FIRE STATIONS EFT 38.46 602152 4/11/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60174840-00 ICE MACHINE MAINT: FIRE STATIONS EFT 30.83 602229 4/18/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60175035-00 ; ICE MACHINE MAINT: FIRE STATIONS EFT 366.38 602229 4/18/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60175000-00 ICE MACHINE MAINT: FIRE STATIONS EFT 5.22 602229 4/18/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60175011-00 - ICE MACHINE MAINT: FIRE STATIONS EFT 93.15 602314 4/25/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60174999-00 HARVESTON BOATHOUSE SUPPLIES: PW EFT 1,327.56 602314 4/25/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60175394-00 HARVESTON BOATHOUSE SUPPLIES: PW EFT 31.26 602090 4/4/2024 2203 REMOTE SATELLITE SYSTEMS INTL 00126991 PHONE SERVICE FOR EOC EFT 534.00 16385 4/8/2024 1408 RENAISSANCE HOTELS 6645 LODGING: PARMA CONFERENCE: HR Wire 915.48 16386 4/8/2024 1408 RENAISSANCE HOTELS 6652 LODGING: PARMA CONFERENCE: HR Wire 915.48 16387 4/8/2024 1408 RENAISSANCE HOTELS 6678 LODGING: PARMA CONFERENCE: HR Wire I' 915.48 301953 4/11/2024 2181 REYES NICOLE 34676826 LAUNDRY SVCS: HUMAN SERVICES/MPSC Printed 168.00 602230 4/18/2024 2181 REYES NICOLE 34676318 LAUNDRY SVCS: HUMAN SERVICES: MPSC EFT I' 174.00 602091 4/4/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246846 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 5,102.50 602091 4/4/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246845 - FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,355.78 602091 4/4/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246836 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 224.00 602091 4/4/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246837 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 305.50 602091 4/4/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246857 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 23,556.62 602091 4/4/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246843 - FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 10,469.52 602153 4/11/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247016 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 900.00 602153 4/11/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246838 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT __ 120.00 602315 4/25/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246861 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 14,303.55 602315 4/25/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247015 - FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT _9_ 180.00 602315 4/25/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 246862 FEB 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 16,817.15 602231 4/18/2024 1992 RISE INTERPRETING INC 429910 SIGN LANGUAGE SVCS: TCSD EFT 247.50 301865 4/4/2024 1045 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 24-49423 CEQA FILINGS: PA23-0450 CONDINITIONAL USE PERMIT Printed 50.00 7 301900 4/4/2024 2533 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 5353 - PRINTING SERVICES: PD Printed 16.16 301924 4/11/2024 1045 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 24-84337 CEQA FILINGS: PW23-08 Printed 50.00 301931 4/11/20241104 RIVERSIDE COUNTY ! 572.00' PERMIT RENEW: THEATER Printed 572.00 301954 4/11/2024 1042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SH0000045300 01/11-02/07 LAW ENFORCEMENT Printed 2,904,842.48 301971 4/18/2024 1035 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FEB'24 FEB'24 PRKG CITATION ASSESSMENTS mll"r Printed 4,329.00 301981 4/18/2024 1045 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 24-86688 CEQA FILINGS: PW22-15 Printed 50.00 301981 4/18/2024 1045 RIVERSIDE COUNTY , 24-96973 CEQA FILINGS: PW23-19 Printed 50.00 301987 4/18/20241597 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 2024-04TEM APR-JUN'24 ANIMAL SHELTER OPERATIONS Printed 54,921.00 302004 4/18/2024 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PE00000016198 - EMERGENCY RADIO RENTAL: EOC - Printed 102.62 302004 4/18/2024 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PE0000001619A EMERGENCY RADIO RENTAL: CODE ENF Printed 513.10 302007 4/18/2024 1042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY . SH000004540302/08-03/06 LAW ENFORCEMENT Printed 2,882,985.75 302041 4/25/2024 1045 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 24-37882 CEQA FILINGS: PW23-02 Printed 50.00 602232 4/18/20241022 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 235304 FPARC-TM: FY 23/24 OCT-DEC Q2 EFT 2,530,784.64 602316 4/25/2024 1022 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 235114 FPARC-TM: FY 22/23 APR-JUN Q4 EFT 2,014,432.63 16373 4/8/20241697 RIVERSIDE COUNTY GANG INVESTIGATORS ASSOCIATION 9460 -REGISTRATION: INLAND EMPIRE GANG CONFERENCE Wire 240.00 302008 4/18/2024 1304 RIVERSIDE TRANSIT AGENCY 87538 TROLLEY ROUTE 55 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES Printed 2,375.80 302008 4/18/20241304 RIVERSIDE TRANSIT AGENCY 87367 111WTROLLEY ROUTE 55 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES Printed 2,375.80 302009 4/18/2024 1091 ROADLINE PRODUCTS INC 19738 STREET MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES, PW Printed 195.75 302009 4/18/2024 1091 ROADLINE PRODUCTS INC ]bILL 19739 ` MISC SUPPLIES: PW STREET MAINT Printed 924.34 302010 4/18/2024 2487 RUSSELL SIGLER INC INV-SDG24004242 HVAC SUPPLIES: VARIOUS FACILITIES: PW Printed 265.87 602127 4/11/2024 3677 SAIZ MICHAEL ROBERT i CSF 03/22/24 - COMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING GRANT PROGRAM EFT 2,500.00 602233 4/18/2024 1552 SANBORN GWYNETH A CO TEMECULA MUSIC ACADEMY PERF: 04/07/24 TIX: COUNTRY LIVE! @ THE MERC 04/06/24 EFT 686.25 301955 4/11/2024 3437 SANCHEZ EVELYN 9 111/20/23B 'm� REFUND: DUPLICATE PAYMENT , Printed 534.00 301955 4/11/2024 3437 SANCHEZ EVELYN 11/20/23A REFUND: DUPLICATE PAYMENT Printed 963.00 602154 4/11/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 03312024 ' PHOTOGRAPHY: THEATER: TCSD now- EFT 900.00 602234 4/18/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 0041124 PHOTO/VIDEO SVCS: REDI COMMISSION: CITY CLERK EFT 250.00 602234 4/18/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 04032024 MPSC/HUMAN SERVICES PHOTOGRAPHY EFT 275.00 602234 4/18/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 04092024 PHOTOGRAPHY SERVICES -CITY COUNCIL EFT 275.00 602234 4/18/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 04052024 MUSEUM/ACE PHOTOGRAPHY EFT 250.00 602234 4/18/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 032124 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: LIBRARY PROJECT PHOTOS EFT 750.00 602234 4/18/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 0502132024 a PHOTO/VIDEO SVCS: REDI COMMISSION: CITY CLERK EFT 75.00 602317 4/25/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 0402132024 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: HEADSHOTS ERICA RUSSO EFT 75.00 602317 4/25/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 041124 ' MPSC/HUMAN SERVICES PHOTO: SPRING BONNET LUNCHEON EFT 275.00 602317 4/25/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 0602132024 PHOTOGRAPHY SVCS: HEADSHOTS LACY SISLER EFT 75.00 602317 4/25/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 0313202� MUSEUM/ACE STUDENT MURAL PROJECT PHOTOS 03/13/24 EFT 275.00 602317 4/25/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 04132024 MUSEUM CULTURE DAYS SAUDI ARABIA PHOTOS 4/13/24 EFT 375.00 16376 4/8/20242944 SAVAGE TRAINING GROUP 3136 i REGISTRATION: CRITICAL INCIDENT RESPONSE TRAINING Wire 459.00 301899 4/4/2024 2360 SB&O INC 324015 ENGINEERING & SURVEY SVCS: PW-CIP, PW22-15, ON -CAL Printed 11,340.00 301899 4/4/2024 2360 SB&O INC 324013 �bESIGN, ENVIRO & SURVEY SVS: PW-CIP, ON -CALL AGRM Printed 622.00 301899 4/4/2024 2360 SB&O INC 324014 - ENGINEERING & SURVEY SVCS: PW-CIP, PW22-16, ON -CAL Printed 3,637.60 301956 4/11/2024 2360 SB&O INC 324016 �tNGINEERING &SURVEY SVCS: PW-CIP, PW23-24, ON -CAL Printed 4,528.00 302011 4/18/2024 2360 SB&O INC 324017 7 ENGINEERING & SURVEY SVCS: PW-CIP, PW22-15, ON -CAL Printed 8.50 301957 4/11/2024 1974 SCHOLASTIC INC EDUCATION 58620090 WfNISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD Printed 101.94 301957 4/11/2024 1974 SCHOLASTIC INC EDUCATION 58584644 MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD Printed 32.61 302060 4/25/2024 1974 SCHOLASTIC INC EDUCATION 58991855 MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD -LIBRARY Printed 16.30 302012 4/18/2024 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL518575 POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS Printed 248.80 302012 4/18/2024 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL518410POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS mmmml"r Printed 248.80 602093 4/4/2024 1421 SDSU RESEARCH FOUNDATION F902410B ' RADIO COMMUNICATION TOWER LEASE: IT EFT 7,492.68 301958 4/11/2024 1787 SHRED IT US JV LLC 111111p"" 8006577305 lW DOCUMENT SHREDDING = Printed 46.58 602236 4/18/2024 2617 SIDI SEBASTIAN 32824 2024 PROMOTIONAL VIDEOS: ED EFT 3,200.00 602156 4/11/2024 2425 SIEMENS MOBILITY INC 5610001632 REPLACE TRAFFIC LOOPS: TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE PW EFT 18,310.00 602237 4/18/2024 1780 SILVERMAN ENTERPRISES INC 1992 SECURITY SVCS: ROTATION PARKS EFT 5,610.00 602238 4/18/20242510 SINGH GROUP INC Illir 42628 ENCAMPMENT CLEAN UP: TCSD EFT 6,035.00 602238 4/18/2024 2510 SINGH GROUP INC 42630 ENCAMPMENT CLEAN UP: TCSD EFT 6,135.00 602319 4/25/2024 3659 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY HOLDING LLC 138705048-01 ) IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT: RRSP: PW EFT 9,940.72 602239 4/18/2024 1061 SMART AND FINAL INC 04/08/24 MRC, MPSC,SFS: SKIP & COMPLETION CEREMONY SUPPLIES EFT 153.25 602239 4/18/2024 1061 SMARTAND FINAL INC 03/29/24 SPECIAL EVENTS: COM SERV SUPPLIES EASTER EGG HUNT EFT 214.39 602320 4/25/2024 1061 SMART AND FINAL INC 04/17/24 MRC, MPSC, AND SFSP: SOK HOP SUPPLIES EFT 156.93 602157 4/11/2024 3170 SMER RESEARCH 1 LLC ` ' 50034 MAR SOLAR GENERATION: VARI LOCATIONS EFT 16,323.63 602158 4/11/20241888 SMOKE GUARD CALIFORNIA INC 139.25 SMOKE GUARD SEMI-ANNUAL SVCTEST: PW EFT 2,000.00 602240 4/18/2024 2537 SOCAL WAX SHOP INC � 66292 Illillp"" VEHICLE MAINT SUPPLIES: TEM SHERIFF i EFT 1,303.77 602241 4/18/2024 2217 SOCIAL WORK ACTION GROUP 03312024A OUTREACH SERVICES: MONTHLY FEE - 20120 GUSTIN RD EFT 9,166.67 602321 4/25/2024 2217 SOCIAL WORK ACTION GROUP 03312024 � OUTREACH SERVICES EFT 47,224.20 602095 4/4/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0293301 L ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 70.00 602095 4/4/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0292807 -PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW 10000001F� EFT 49.00 602095 4/4/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0292774 _W ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 123.00 602095 4/4/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0292976-POUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW LIBRARY , EFT 90.00 602095 4/4/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0292895 .M PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 95.00 602095 4/4/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0293285 -PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW , EFT 49.00 602095 4/4/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0293351 'M EMERGENCY PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 174.00 602159 4/11/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0292938-POUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW � EFT 74.00 602159 4/11/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0292762 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 120.00 602159 4/11/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC __M 0292711 -PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 70.00 602159 4/11/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0292760 'M ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 56.00 602159 4/11/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0292852 -PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 80.00 602159 4/11/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0292772 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 90.00 602159 4/11/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC __M 0292776-POUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 90.00 602159 4/11/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0292847 'M PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 80.00 602159 4/11/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC- 0292557 -PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 74.00 602159 4/11/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0293212 _j= ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 59.00 602160 4/11/2024 10-95 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0292759-POUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 36.00 602160 4/11/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0292998 "M ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 40.00 602160 4/11/2024 10-95 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0292752-POUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 32.00 602160 4/11/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0292848 _,= PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 42.00 602160 4/11/2024 10-95 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0293042-POUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 42.00 602242 4/18/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0293464 '� PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 48.00 602322 4/25/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC , 0293639-POUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 90.00 602322 4/25/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0293721 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 68.00 602322 4/25/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC DIIIIIIIIIIIII 0293640-POUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 123.00 602322 4/25/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0293943 W ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 90.00 602322 4/25/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0293633-�OUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT 120.00 602322 4/25/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0293676 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT 49.00 301960 4/11/2024 3700 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA RAILWAY MUSEUM 03/28/24 _ SUMMER DAY CAMP TEEN EXCURSION: TCSD Printed 150.00 302014 4/18/2024 1704 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TELEPHONE COMPANY 45949240401 APR GEN USAGE: 0141,0839,0978,0979 Printed 343.90 16343 4/8/20241399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 7593 AIRFARE: CAL CITIES LEADERS SUMMIT CONFERENCE Wire 395.96 16346 4/8/20241399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 3914 AIRFARE: CAL CITIES LEADERS SUMMIT CONFERENCE Wire 351.96 16350 4/8/20241399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 3211 AIRFARE: CAL CITIES LEADERS SUMMIT CONFERENCE Wire 429.96 16351 4/8/20241399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 2452 AIRFARE: CAL CITIES LEADERS SUMMIT CONFERENCE Wire 375.95 16367 4/8/20241399 SOUTHWEST AIRLINES 2619 AIRFARE: CAL CITIES LEADERS SUMMIT CONFERENCE Wire 351.96 602243 4/18/2024 1971 SPERO VINEYARDS INC 04/03/24 VITICULTURE FIELD EXCURSIONS: TCSD EFT 500.00 302015 4/18/2024 1431 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY BEN350131 BASIC LIFE INSURANCE: PAYMENT Printed 12,065.14 302016 4/18/2024 1708 STANDARD INSURANCE COMPANY BEN350137 VOLUNTARY SUPP LIFE INSURANCE PAYMENT Printed 2,005.03 602161 4/11/2024 1452 STAPLES INC 6000814748 PW- OFFICE SUPPLIES EFT 106.76 602244 4/18/2024 1452 STAPLESINC 6000814754 THEATER -OFFICE SUPPLIES EFT 217.48 602244 4/18/2024 14-92 STAPLES INC 6000814753 THEATER -OFFICE SUPPLIES EFT 232.73 602244 4/18/2024 1452 STAPLES INC 6000814751 THEATER -OFFICE SUPPLIES EFT 13.06 602244 4/18/2024 14-92 STAPLES INC 6000814750 THEATER -OFFICE SUPPLIES , EFT 217.48 602244 4/18/2024 1452 STAPLES INC 04/10/24 RSO OFFICE SUPPLIES EFT 151.70 602244 4/18/2024 14-92 STAPLES INC 6000814749 OPERATIONS -OFFICE SUPPLIES EFT 388.84 602244 4/18/2024 1452 STAPLES INC 6000814755 THEATER -OFFICE SUPPLIES EFT 232.73 602244 4/18/2024 14-92 STAPLES INC 6000814747 LIBRARY -OFFICE SUPPLIES EFT 113.48 602244 4/18/2024 1452 STAPLES INC 6000814752 THEATER -OFFICE SUPPLIES EFT 29.03 602096 4/4/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 723730 BLOOD / ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: PD EFT 35.00 602096 4/4/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 723618 BLOOD / ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: PD EFT 840.00 602245 4/18/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 719525-B FEB FINGERPRINTING SVCS: CONTRACT CLASSES: TCSD EFT 49.00 602245 4/18/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 710574 BLOOD / ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: POLICE EFT 35.00 602245 4/18/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 719525-D FEB FINGERPRINTING SVCS: POLICE EFT 3,525.00 602245 4/18/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 719525-C FEB FINGERPRINTING SVCS: HR EFT 441.00 602323 4/25/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 726304E MAR FINGERPRINTING SVCS: CUSTODIAL CONTRACT _ EFT 49.00 602323 4/25/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 726304C MAR FINGERPRINTING SVCS: HR EFT 392.00 301961 4/11/2024 2299 STATE STREET BALLET PERF: 04/27/24B PERFORMANCE: THEATER: TCSD Printed 10,000.00 302017 4/18/2024 1179 STATE WATER RESOURCE CONTROL BOARD SW-0294478 1-15 FRENCH VALLEY PHASE 2:PW16-01 INDEX NO 604720 Printed 2,680.00 301901 4/4/2024 2016 STCTRAFFIC INC 6900 TRAFFIC SIGNAL -SAFETY LIGHTS A � Printed 18,960.00 301901 4/4/20242016 STC TRAFFIC INC 6860 TRAFFIC SIGNAL -SAFETY LIGHTS/SIGNAL COMMUNICATION Printed 7,782.50 302018 4/18/20241912 STEINANDREW , 29451 COLOR RUN FLYERS: TCSD Printed 1,323.74 602162 4/11/20241747 STOVER JEFFREY PAUL PERF: 04/01/24 TICKET SERVICES AGREEMENT: ANNUALJAZZ FESTIVAL EFT 2,110.17 302020 4/18/2024 1112 STRAIGHT LINE GLASS AND MIRROR COMPANY INC 250439 GLASS REPLACEMENT: HISTORY MUSEUM: PW = Printed 344.63 301902 4/4/2024 2059 SUPERIOR READY MIX LP 406533 CONCRETE SUPPLIES: PARKS IMPROVEMENT: PW Printed 3,304.88 602163 4/11/2024 3506 SURFACE SYSTEMS & INSTRUMENTS INC 2312194R1 DISTANCE MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENTS: PW EFT 6,214.26 602164 4/11/2024 1081 SWARCO MCCAIN INC INVO278895 TRAFFIC MAINT EQUIPMENT: PW EFT 4,111.60 602164 4/11/2024 1081 SWARCO MCCAIN INC PB3196 TRAFFIC SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE RENEWAL: PW EFT 11,325.00 602164 4/11/2024 1081 SWARCO MCCAIN INC INVO278896 TRAFFIC EQUIPMENT: PW EFT 1,415.93 602097 4/4/2024 3106 SWCA INCORPORATED 189911 SWAC ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS (LR-21-1331) EFT 29,935.08 602097 4/4/2024 3106 SWCA INCORPORATED 189963 SWAC ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTANTS (LR-21-1331) EFT 6,145.00 301903 4/4/20242261 TMOBILE USA INC 9563719550 TIMING ADVANCE: TEM SHERIFF Printed 25.00 301904 4/4/2024 1212 T Y LIN INTERNATIONAL 102403115 1-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS Printed 41,923.29 16380 4/8/2024 3536 TARGET 5241 SUPPLIES: RESOURCE CENTER Wire 173.00 16382 4/8/2024 3536 TARGET 5997 SUPPLIES: RESOURCE CENTER Wire 73.23 602324 4/25/2024 1113 TEAMSTERS LOCAL 911 BEN350135 UNION MEMBERSHIP DUES PAYMENT EFT 4,956.00 602325 4/25/2024 2372 TELECOM LAW FIRM PC 17138 WIRELESS PLANNING SUPPORT SVCS: COMM DEV EFT 242.40 602325 4/25/2024 2372 TELECOM LAW FIRM PC 17323 WIRELESS PLANNING SUPPORT SVCS: COMM DEV EFT 757.50 302061 4/25/2024 3739 TEMECULA QUALITY PLATING INC 04/17/24 GRANT: COMM/REINVEST-TEMECULA: ON JOB TRAIN 23/24 Printed 20,000.00 602246 4/18/2024 1257 TEMECULA SUNRISE ROTARY FOUNDATION 04/01/24 - BUS BENCH PLACEMENT & MAINT: PW EFT 2,030.62 602098 4/4/2024 1914 TEMECULA VALLEY BACKFLOW INC 47533 BACKFLOW REPAIRS: TCC: PW EFT 859.00 302021 4/18/2024 1075 TEMECULA VALLEY BALLOON & WINE FESTIVAL ASSN 03/14/24 RIVERSIDE COUNTY POLLUTION PREVENTION INITIATIVE Printed 750.00 302062 4/25/20241054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 04/16/24 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: TCC Printed 355.00 602247 4/18/2024 1054 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1044A IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII■ FY 23-24 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPONSORSHIP FUNDING EFT 50,000.00 602092 4/4/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 55088 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT 11.42 602092 4/4/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 55096 LOCKSMITH SVCS: VARIOUS LOCATIONS EFT 27.19 602092 4/4/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 55036 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: CRC: PW EFT 53.83 602092 4/4/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 55041 - LOCKSMITH SVCS: MRC: PW EFT 4,623.73 301905 4/4/2024 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 30559501 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: FACILITIES: PW Printed 186.56 301962 4/11/2024 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 304727 0� KITCHEN SINK BAR FAUCET: STATION 84 Printed 222.55 302022 4/18/2024 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 30690201 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed 387.28 302022 4/18/2024 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY - 3056990� PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PW FACILITIES Printed 48.29 602165 4/11/2024 1232 TERRYBERRY COMPANY Q25708 SERVICE RECOGNITION: HR EFT 95.26 16374 4/8/2024 3653 THE DANA ON MISSION BAY - 2799 LODGING: MOTORCYCLE INSTRUCTOR TRAINING Wire 1,261.12 301906 4/4/20241434 THESSALONIKA FAMILY SERVICES JUL-SEP'23 CDBG SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT Printed 3,200.00 301906 4/4/20241434 THESSALONIKA FAMILY SERVICES -OCT-DEC' CDBG SUBRECIPIENT AGREEMENT = Printed 4,036.00 302023 4/18/2024 1434 THESSALONIKA FAMILY SERVICES 04/02/24 COMMUNITY SERVICE FUNDING GRANT PGM:2023-2024 Printed 5,000.00 602248 4/18/2024 1936 TIERCE NICHOLAS DATHAN IIIIIIIIIII■ NTOTTCT-2024-04 GRAPHIC DESIGN: THEATER: TCSD EFT 2,760.00 602249 4/18/20241063 TIMMY D PRODUCTIONS INC 24853 CULTURE DAYS AND ART NIGHTS MUSIC EFT 425.00 602250 4/18/2024 1063 TIMMY D PRODUCTIONS INC 24864 DJ/MC/SOUND SERVICES: SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 800.00 602099 4/4/2024 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC 48079 CANOPIES & EQUIP RENTAL: SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD EFT 362.08 602166 4/11/2024 2421 TITAN RENTAL GROUP INC - 48233 GENERAL:EVENT RENTALS:TEAM PACE EFT I' 1,402.56 602251 4/18/2024 3135 TK CONSULTING INC 9 YNEZ ROAD IMPROVEMENTS -PHASE I EFT 16,480.00 301907 4/4/2024 2101 TLK ICE INC - 03/28/24 SUMMER DAY CAMP SHAVE ICE: TCSD Printed IIIIIIIIII■3,375.00 602167 4/11/2024 1068 TOMAR ELECTRONICS INC 043193 LIGHT BARS FOR NEW VEHICLES: PW EFT 8,214.57 II, 602100 4/4/2024 1152 TOP LINE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY LLC 466527 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: PARKS: PW EFT IIIIIIIIII■ 201.98 602168 4/11/2024 1152 TOP LINE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY LLC 466561 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT 385.73 302024 4/18/2024 1362 TORRES BENJAMIN 03/21/24 UPHOLSTERY REPAIR: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW Printed 1,914.75 602253 4/18/2024 2413 TOWNSEND PUBLIC AFFAIRS INC 21381 CONSULTING/GRANT WRITING SVCS: CITY CLERK EFT 6,000.00 302002 4/18/2024 1143 TRANSYSTEMS CORPORATION 4412248 ACQUISITION SERVICES: LID: PW Printed 2,883.20 16375 4/8/2024 3680 TRI STATE INTELLIGENCE ASSOCIATION 5077 REGISTRATION: OUTLAW MOTORCYCLE GANG TRAINING Wire 40.00 302025 4/18/2024 1647 TSI INCORPORATED 91753020 SOUND METER CALIBRATION: CODE ENFORCEMENT Printed 266.75 301964 4/11/2024 2508 TURBOSCAPE INC 14170 MULCH: VARIOUS PARKS: PW Printed 9,021.00 302026 4/18/2024 2508 TURBOSCAPE INC ! 14169 IIIIIIIIIII■ MULCH: VARIOUS MEDIANS: PW Printed 1,240.00 302026 4/18/2024 2508 TURBOSCAPE INC 14171 LANDSCAPE SVCS: VARIOUS SITES: PW Printed 15,779.00 302027 4/18/2024 3716 TURLEY TREJO LANAE REIMB: 03/05-03IIIIIIIIIII■ REIMB: 2024 PLANNING COMM ACADEMY: 03/04-03/07/24 Printed 321.15 602169 4/11/2024 1555 TV CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU O1/31/24 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS JAN 2024 EFT 158,426.69 602326 4/25/20241003 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES INC 045-460163 , TIME AND ATTENDANCE SOFTWARE RENEWAL:FINANCE EFT 4,409.56 602254 4/18/20241652 UUNE INC 176118187 UTILITY CART: MRC: TCSD EFT 178.88 302028 4/18/2024 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1877C , JANITORIAL SVCS: PARKS ; Printed 719.83 302028 4/18/2024 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1946B JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITIES MAINT Printed 881.21 302063 4/25/2024 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC , 1877A JANITORIAL SVCS: FACILITIES IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII( Printed 27,851.21 602102 4/4/2024 1432 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 220240742 FEB DIG SAFE BRD BILLABLE TIX: PW EFT 241.00 602102 4/4/2024 1432 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA , 23-2424856 FEB DIG SAFE BILLABLE TIX: PW EFT IL 87.04 602327 4/25/2024 1432 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 320240744 MAR DIG SAFE BRD BILLABLE TIX:PW EFT 323.25 302029 4/18/2024 1131 UNITED RENTALS NORTH AMERICA INC - 231886907-001 BACKHOE RENTAL, PW Printed 1�,492.21 302029 4/18/2024 1131 UNITED RENTALS NORTH AMERICA INC 230923716-001 BACKHOE RENTAL: PW Printed 2,855.98 302029 4/18/2024 1131 UNITED RENTALS NORTH AMERICA INC - 230923716-002 IIIIIIIIIII■ MISC SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW Printed 28.47 602103 4/4/2024 2142 URBANE CAFE OPERATIONS LLC 110565 REFRESHMENTS: TCSD EFT 313.63 602255 4/18/2024 2142 URBANE CAFE OPERATIONS LLC - 110566 IIIIIIIIIII■ URBANE CAFE: MISC. FOOD FOR TVM/ACE EVENTS EFT 313.63 301908 4/4/2024 2287 US NATIONAL CORP 0112769 PAINTING SVCS: PATRICIA BIRDSALL SPORTS PARK Printed 49,200.00 301909 4/4/20241135 US POSTAL SERVICE 03/28/24 IIIIIIIIIII■ POSTAGE FOR ACTIVITY GUIDE/BROCHURES Printed 10,735.28 602170 4/11/2024 2941 VAN OTTERLOO INC 178739 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE -STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 405.00 602256 4/18/2024 2941 VAN OTTERLOO INC 178726 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE -STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 1,086.12 602257 4/18/2024 3400 VERIFIED FIRST LLC INV-000471044 EMPLOYMENT SCREENINGS: HR EFT 375.00 16419 4/8/20241845 VERIZON WIRELESS ' 9959270494 02/16-03/15 CELLULAR/BROADBAND: CITYWIDE Wire 14,696.23 602258 4/18/2024 1498 VISION ONE INC INV-75804 TICKETING SERVICES: THEATER: TCSD EFT 2,557.60 16368 4/8/2024 1475 VONS 7011 I ff__ REFRESHMENTS: CITY CNCL & EXEC STAFF MTGS Wire'mmmmm'qIIIIIIIIIII■ 74.49 301910 4/4/2024 1120 VORTEX INDUSTRIES INC 10-1706315 DOOR OPERATOR SETUP: SENIOR CENTER: PW Printed 9,625.52 602104 4/4/2024 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1191 JEFF WADDLETON DJ/MC- SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 'IIIIIIIIIII■ 525.00 602104 4/4/2024 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1192 JEFF WADDLETON DJ/MC- SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 525.00 602259 4/18/2024 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 2800.102-2810.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 9000mirG,180.50 602259 4/18/2024 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1194 JEFF WADDLETON DJ/MC- SPECIAL EVENTS EFT 590.00 602105 4/4/2024 2183 WALLACE AND ASSOCIATES CONSULTING LLC IIIIIIIIIII■ 22872 DOG PARK RENOVATION: CIP: PW � EFT 440.00 602328 4/25/2024 2183 WALLACE AND ASSOCIATES CONSULTING LLC 23453 CONSTRUCTION MGT SVCS: PW 19-09 EFT 880.00 602328 4/25/2024 2183 WALLACE AND ASSOCIATES CONSULTING LLC 23452 DOG PARK RENOVATION: PW -CIP� EFT 1,430.00 302030 4/18/2024 1439 WALMART 04/11/24 TVM: MUSEUM SUPPLIES Printed 131.68 302030 4/18/2024 1439 WALMART 04/08/24 MISCSUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed 35.49 302064 4/25/2024 1439 WALMART 04/11/24A SUPPLIES FOR RESOURCE CTR: TCSD Printed 418.75 302064 4/25/2024 1439 WALMART 03/28/24 SUPPLIES: TCSD-CRC � Printed 115.40 301911 4/4/20243661 WARDJOHN REIMB: 03/06-03/07 REIMB: TRAFFIC SIGNAL TRAINING 03/06/24-03/07/24 Printed 289.32 302031 4/18/20242141 WATTS GARY IIIIIIIIIII■ REIMB: 03/05-03/07 REIMB: PLANNING COMMISS ACADEMY 03/05-03/07 Printed 216.85 301912 4/4/20241102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 82336888 JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITY MAINT: PW Printed 1,905.30 301912 4/4/20241102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC IIIIIIIIIII■ 8232718EM JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITY MAINT: PW Printed 1,679.32 301965 4/11/2024 1102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 82369223 CLEANING SUPPLIES: PARKS RESTROOMS: PW Printed 1,467.15 302032 4/18/20241102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 8236126� JANITORIAL SUPPLIES Printed 4,021.59 302032 4/18/20241102 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC 82396436 JANITORIAL SVCS FACILITY MAINT: PW Printed 4,826.11 16390 4/8/2024 1474 WES FLOWERS 0141 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! SUNSHINE FUND Wire �il 85.68 301966 4/11/20241033 WEST PUBLISHING CORPORATION 849967917 SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION Printed 1,179.86 602329 4/25/2024 1454 WESTERN RIVERSIDE CO REG CONSERVATION AUTHORITY DEC'23 0 DEC'23 MSHCP PAYMENT EFT IIIIIIIIIII■ 4,236.00 16341 4/8/20242455 WETRANSFER 5037 FILE TRANSFER: ITSS Wire 120.00 301967 4/11/2024 2322 WEX BANK 96279936 03/07-04/06 FUEL USAGE: POLICE Printed 2,116.94 301913 4/4/2024 2175 WHITE CAP LP 50025833676 MISC SUPPLIES & SM TOOLS & EQUIP: PARKS: PW Printed 467.06 302065 4/25/20243730 WILLIAMS SANDRA L 04/15/24 . RELEASE AND SETTLEMENT OF CLAIM Printed , 855.00 602094 4/4/20241509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 03/25/24-A TICKET SERVICES AGREEMENT: STAND UP COMEDY 3/23/24 EFT 1,535.00 602094 4/4/20241509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF:03/25/24 TICKET SERVICES AGREEMENT: JAZZ @ THE MERC 3/21/24 EFT I_ 665.00 602155 4/11/20241509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 04/O1/24A TICKET SERVICES AGREEMENT: STAND UP COMEDY 3/21/24 EFT 1,385.00 602155 4/11/20241509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 04/O1/24 TICKET SERVICES AGREEMENT: JAZZ @ THE MERC 3/21/24 EFT Ipr— 437.50 602235 4/18/20241509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 04/07/24 TICKET SERVICES AGREEMENT: JAll @ THE MERC4/04/24 EFT 540.00 602260 4/18/2024 1178 WSP USA INC 40012410 CLIMATE ACTION PLAN LR23-0083 EFT 185.16 602261 4/18/2024 2289 YANES BLANCAA 0206.0 LANDSCAPE PLAN CHECK AND INSPECTION SERVICES EFT 4,240.00 602261 4/18/2024 2289 YANES BLANCA A� 0205.0 LANDSCAPE PLAN CHECK AND INSPECTION SERVICES * EFT 3,200.00 602261 4/18/2024 2289 YANES BLANCA A 0207.0 LANDSCAPE PLAN CHECK AND INSPECTION SERVICES EFT 4,814.58 Item No. 4 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Jennifer Hennessy, Director of Finance DATE: May 14, 2024 SUBJECT: Approve Financial Statements for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2024 PREPARED BY: Jennifer Hennessy, Director of Finance RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Receive and file the financial statements for the 3rd quarter ended March 31, 2024; and 2. Approve Fiscal Year 2023-24 budget adjustments identified during the preparation of the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Proposed Annual Operating Budget. SUMMARY: As part of the Annual Operating Budget process, the current year revenues and expenditures are reevaluated to identify any changes that may be necessary to reflect current trends in the economy, projects or programs that will be deferred to the next fiscal year, or expenditures that may not occur as originally planned. Below is a list of adjustments identified for FY 2023-24, which will be reflected in the FY 2024-25 Proposed Annual Operating Budget. General Fund Adjustments: a. Decrease Sales Tax Revenues ( by $1,800,000 to reflect the current trend in Sales Tax activity. b. Reduce various Departments' Operating Expenditures by $21,497, to reflect Departments' needs for the fiscal year. c. Reduce Finance Department's Capital Outlay (001.140.999.5610) by $25,000, for the expansion of the conference room as it has been deferred to next Fiscal Year. Measure S Fund Adiustments: a. Reduce Measure S Sales Tax Revenues ( by $1,500,000, to reflect the current trend in Measure S activity. b. Increase Measure S Investment Interest Revenue ( by $249,998, to reflect positive gains in the City's investments. c. Reduce Measure S Transfer Out to CIP Fund (002.199.999.7210) by $530,914, to reflect the deferral of capital projects to future years. Other Fund Adjustments: a. Reduce NPDES Capital Outlay (105.199.999.5610) by $500,000, to reflect the deferral of the installation of storm drain filter to next fiscal year. b. Reduce CRP Community Grant Expenditures ( by $20,937, to reflect the deferral of the program to the next fiscal year. c. Reduce the CRP Transfer Out to CIP Fund (110. 199.192.72 10) by $115,000, to reflect the deferral of the capital project to next fiscal year. d. Increase the DIF Fund Transfer Out to CIP Fund (120.199.999.7210) by $1,495,468, to reflect the net adjustment to capital projects funded with DIF revenue. e. Reduce the PEG Fund Capital Outlay (125.199.999.5610) by $105,000 for the creation of a replacement fund for PEG equipment, as this reserve is available in fund balance instead. f. Increase Community Development Block Grant Revenue ( by $44,149, to reflect the anticipate reimbursement for CDBG activity in FY23-24. g. Increase Community Development Block Grant Expenditures (140.199.999.5250) by $41,486, to reflect the extension of a consultant agreement. h. Increase the CDBG Transfer Out to CIP Fund (140.199.999.7210) by $2,663, to reflect the change in funding amount for CDBG-funded capital projects. i. Increase Affordable Housing Fund Revenue by $3,789,640, to reflect the transfer in of SARDA Bond Proceeds to support Affordable Housing Capital Projects, and reduce Revenue by $750,000 to reflect the deferral of the Motor Car Parkway capital project. j. Reduce Affordable Housing Other Outside Services Expenditures (165.199.999.5250) by $810,000, to reflect the deferral of the Motor Car Parkway capital project and other operating expenses to next fiscal year. k. Reduce the Vehicle Replacement Expenditures (310.199.999.5610) by $150,000, to reflect the deferral of the purchase of a replacement Dump Truck to the next fiscal year. 1. Reduce Capital Improvement Program Fund Revenue by $1,345,064, to reflect the deferral of capital projects to the next fiscal year. in. Reduce Capital Improvement Program Fund Expenditures by $3,813,259, to reflect the deferral of capital projects to the next fiscal year. BACKGROUND: The attached Financial Statements reflect the unaudited activity of the City for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2024. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: City Fund Summaries (Financial Statements) Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country FUND: 001 - GENERAL FUND City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Taxes and Franchises Property Tax Sales Tax Sales Tax Sharing Agreement Franchise Fees Transient Occupancy Tax Special Tax (Measure C) Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Charges For Services Business Licenses Land Development Parks Maintenance Building Planning Police Fire Development Fees Fines and Forfeitures Fines & Forfeitures Use of Money and Property Investment Interest Lease/Rental Income Other Intergovernmental Revenues Property Tax In Lieu Of VLF Vehicle License Fees Grants Reimbursements Capital Improvement Program Pechanga IGA Other Reimbursements Operating Transfers In Operating Transfers In Contribution From Measure S Miscellaneous Miscellaneous Total Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures by Category Salaries & Benefits Operations & Maintenance Internal Service Fund Allocations Capital Outlay Transfers 10,452,986 10,735,507 6,516,957 10,735,507 0 0.0 48,776,216 48,781,000 27,447,546 46,981,000 (1,800,000) -3.7 % (1,348,016) (1,407,S49) (760,894) (1,407,S49) 0 0.0 4,299,244 4,396,972 2,356,692 4,397,000 28 0.0 % 4,679,141 5,142,549 3,089,402 5,142,549 0 0.0 % 1,908,127 1,916,505 1,034,059 1,916,505 0 0.0 2,240 2,550 185 2,550 0 0.0 284,420 275,400 2S2,486 275,400 0 0.0 2,869,845 1,329,320 1,272,575 1,329,320 0 0.0 0 1S,316 1S,316 1S,316 0 0.0 % 3,4S3,890 3,00S,275 2,088,105 3,00S,275 0 0.0 % 568,138 649,859 446,614 649,859 0 0.0 213,631 73,324 70,025 73,324 0 0.0 1,810,575 1,141,260 930,833 1,141,260 0 0.0 165,487 140,090 64,999 140,090 0 0.0 S80,203 403,390 378,324 403,390 0 0.0 % 749,599 85,958 757,771 85,958 0 0.0 % 216,246 222,255 195,344 222,255 0 0.0 % 103,108 232,169 37,861 232,169 0 0.0 9,897,474 10,S49,227 5,266,099 10,S49,227 0 0.0 112,676 122,400 135,651 122,400 0 0.0 % 13,045 42,000 61,512 42,000 0 0.0 % 3,046,862 3,248,971 1,541,485 3,248,971 0 0.0 % 374,107 401,057 0 401,057 0 0.0 % 1,161,683 1,022,234 644,075 1,022,234 0 0.0 15,331,107 10,255,187 5,000,000 10,255,187 5,543,353 5,230,205 4,865,103 5,230,205 34,960 15,802 19,782 15,802 0 0.0 % 0 0.0 % 0 0.0 % 115,300,348 108,028,233 63,727,907 106,228,261 (1,799,972) -1.7 % 21,079,681 21,987,012 16,525,816 21,987,012 0 0.0 59,751,752 65,325,413 36,899,111 65,303,916 (21,497) 0.0 6,775,621 8,614,715 6,403,502 8,614,715 0 0.0 463,576 499,042 438,248 474,042 (25,000) -5.0 % 36,953,675 22,058,446 15,288,003 22,058,446 0 0.0 % Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country FUND: 001 - GENERAL FUND City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 125,024,306 118,484,629 75,554,680 118,438,132 (46,497) Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (9,723,958) (10,456,396) (11,826,772) (12,209,871) (1,753,475) 0.0 16.8 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 56,026,337 46,302,379 46,302,379 Fund Balance, End of Year 46,302,379 35,845,983 34,092,508 Fund Description The General Fund is the main operating fund for the City of Temecula. It is used to account for all financial resources for the City that are not restricted to a special purpose and otherwise required to be accounted for in another fund. The General fund provides the resources necessary to sustain the day-to-day activities and pays for all administrative and operating expenditures. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 002 - MEASURE S FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Taxes and Franchises Transactions And Use Tax 38,311,796 39,418,000 22,284,755 37,918,000 (1,500,000) -3.8 % Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 781,117 423,800 1,075,805 673,798 249,998 59.0 Total Revenues and Other Sources 39,092,913 39,841,800 23,360,560 38,591,798 (1,250,002) -3.1 % Expenditures by Category Transfers 27,776,347 69,267,368 14,887,901 68,736,454 (530,914) -0.8 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 27,776,347 69,267,368 14,887,901 68,736,454 (530,914) -0.8 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 11,316,566 (29,425,568) 8,472,659 (30,144,656) (719,088) 2.4 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 34,675,773 45,992,339 45,992,339 Fund Balance, End of Year 45,992,339 16,566,771 15,847,683 Fund Description Measure 5, approved by the voters on November 8, 2016, established a one -cent Transactions and Use Tax for the City. The measure was approved based on the commitment to maintain 9-1-1 emergency response times, prevent cuts to local paramedic/police/fire protection, school safety patrols, youth/after-school, senior and disabled services; improve freeway interchanges/reduce traffic and provide for other general services. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 006 - FIRE FACILITY ACQUISITION FUND Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 29,523 23,119 66,477 23,119 0 0.0 % Operating Transfers In Operating Transfers In 1,500,000 1,500,000 750,000 1,500,000 0 0.0 Total Revenues and Other Sources 1,529,523 1,523,119 816,477 1,523,119 0 0.0 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 1,529,523 1,523,119 816,477 1,523,119 0 0.0 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 1,500,000 3,029,523 3,029,523 Fund Balance, End of Year 3,029,523 4,552,642 4,552,642 Fund Description This fund was established to accumulate resources necessary to acquire property for a future Fire Station, construct new Fire Station or refurbish existing Fire Stations. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 108 - ARPA Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Intergovernmental Revenues Grants 7,039,754 0 0 0 0 0.0 Total Revenues and Other Sources 7,039,754 0 0 0 0 0.0 Expenditures by Category Transfers 7,039,754 0 0 0 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 7,039,754 0 0 0 0 0.0 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 0 0 0 Fund Balance, End of Year 0 0 0 Fund Description This fund was established to account for the receipt of Federal 2021-22 American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country FUND: 100 -GAS TAX FUND City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Taxes and Franchises Gas Tax 2,792,342 2,969,567 1,769,188 2,969,567 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 33,264 5,583 24,330 5,583 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 2,825,606 2,975,150 1,793,517 2,975,150 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Transfers 2,825,606 2,975,150 0 2,975,150 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 2,825,606 2,975,150 0 2,975,150 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 0 0 1,793,517 0 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 0 0 0 Fund Balance, End of Year 0 0 0 Fund Description This fund was established to account for the tax per gallon on the purchase of motor vehicle fuel imposed by the State of California. A portion is allocated to the City of Temecula as specified in the California Streets and Highways Code (SHC) (Sections 2013, 2105, 2107 and 2107.5). Gas Tax monies are restricted to the repair, maintenance and upkeep of City streets and roads, and the purchase of equipment used to maintain roads. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 102 - ROAD MAINTENANCE REHABILITATION ACCOUNT (RMRA) FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Taxes and Franchises Gas Tax 2,428,080 2,629,273 1,814,609 2,629,273 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 54,376 9,728 34,703 9,728 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 2,482,456 2,639,001 1,849,312 2,639,001 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Transfers 3,005,103 3,408,732 0 3,408,732 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 3,005,103 3,408,732 0 3,408,732 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (522,647) (769,731) 1,849,312 (769,731) 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 1,561,337 1,038,689 1,038,689 Fund Balance, End of Year 1,038,689 268,958 268,958 Fund Description This fund is to account for gasoline and vehicle registration taxes pursuant to the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (SB1 Beall). Monies are collected by the State of California and allocated to local agencies for streets and roads projects and other transportation uses. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 103 - STREET MAINTENANCE FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 117,536 29,981 86,311 29,981 0 0.0 % Operating Transfers In Contribution From Measure S 2,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 2,000,000 0 0.0 Total Revenues and Other Sources 2,117,S36 2,029,981 1,086,311 2,029,981 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Transfers 3,600,000 0 0 0 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 3,600,000 0 0 0 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (1,482,464) 2,029,981 1,086,311 2,029,981 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 5,424,001 3,941,537 3,941,537 Fund Balance, End of Year 3,941,537 5,971,518 5,971,518 Fund Description This fund was established to accumulate resources for the future replacement of streets and roads throughout the City Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 105 - NPDES IN LIEU FEES FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Development Fees 599,063 0 0 0 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 2,012 4,605 13,042 4,605 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 601,076 4,605 13,042 4,605 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Capital Outlay 0 500,000 0 0 (500,000) -100.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 0 500,000 0 0 (500,000) -100.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 601,076 (495,395) 13,042 4,605 500,000 -100.9 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 1,940 603,016 603,016 Fund Balance, End of Year 603,016 107,621 607,621 Fund Description This fund was established to account for the collection of In Lieu fees associated with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 106 - UPTOWN TEMECULA NEW STREETS IN -LIEU FEES % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Development Impact Fees 0 664,482 424,218 664,482 0 0.0 % Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 16,999 8,481 26,071 8,481 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 16,999 672,963 450,290 672,963 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Transfers 0 500,857 0 500,857 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 0 500,857 0 500,857 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 16,999 172,106 450,290 172,106 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 888,761 905,760 905,760 Fund Balance, End of Year 905,760 1,077,866 1,077,866 Fund Description This fund was established in conjunction with the adoption of the Uptown Temecula Specific Plan New Streets In -Lieu Fee. The Specific Plan requires developers to dedicate right-of-way and construct new street improvements adjacent to or through their development sites. Developers within the Specific Plan who cannot contribute right-of-way and/or build new streets will be charged a new streets in -lieu fee. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 110 - COVID-19 PANDEMIC COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT PROGRAM % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 0 84,249 234,614 84,249 0 0.0 % Operating Transfers In Operating Transfers In 7,040,000 37,706 0 37,706 0 0.0 Total Revenues and Other Sources 7,040,000 121,955 234,614 121,955 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Salaries & Benefits 30,205 (2) 2,394 0 2 -100.0 Operations & Maintenance 2,398,739 3,333,065 2,212,560 3,312,128 (20,937) -0.6 Capital Outlay 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 % Transfers 500,000 6,425,000 0 6,310,000 (115,000) -1.8 % Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 2,928,944 9,758,063 2,214,954 9,622,128 (135,935) -1.4 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 4,111,056 (9,636,108) (1,980,340) (9,500,173) 135,935 -1.4 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 7,034,894 11,145,950 11,145,950 Fund Balance, End of Year 11,145,950 1,509,843 1,645,778 Fund Description This fund was established in Fiscal Year 2021-22 to provide various community grants to support the local economy in its recovery from the COVID-19 global pandemic. Available General Fund balance was transferred into this fund to establish this new program Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 120 - DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Development Impact Fees 8,057,121 6,283,683 2,897,153 6,283,683 0 0.0 % Quimby Fees 2,238,980 466,269 12,958 466,269 0 0.0 % Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 223,188 93,834 281,908 93,834 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 10,519,288 6,843,786 3,192,019 6,843,786 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Transfers 6,814,690 10,174,809 0 11,670,277 1,495,468 14.7 % Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 6,814,690 10,174,809 0 11,670,277 1,495,468 14.7 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 3,704,598 (3,331,023) 3,192,019 (4,826,491) (1,495,468) 44.9 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 7,654,742 11,359,340 11,359,340 Fund Balance, End of Year 11,359,340 8,028,316 6,532,849 Fund Description This fund accounts for the development impact fees received as a result of development activity within the City. The fees are primarily used to fund Capital Improvement Projects designed to mitigate the impacts of development projects. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 125 - PUBLIC EDUCATION & GOVERNMENT (PEG) FUND Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Taxes and Franchises Peg Fees 175,292 179,000 76,080 179,000 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 15,254 6,620 19,279 6,620 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 190,546 185,620 95,359 185,620 0 0.0 Expenditures by Category Capital Outlay 21,895 165,000 13,934 60,000 (105,000) -63.6 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 21,895 165,000 13,934 60,000 (105,000) -63.6 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 168,652 20,620 81,425 125,620 105,000 509.2 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 710,672 879,324 879,324 Fund Balance, End of Year 879,324 899,944 1,004,944 Fund Description This fund was established to account for Public Education and Government (PEG) fees. Fees received from local cable operators for the sole purpose of supporting the access facilities and activities within the City. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 140 - COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Intergovernmental Revenues Community Development Block Grant 376,702 1,563,269 1,618,166 1,607,418 44,149 2.8 CDBG - CV2 GRANTS 1S,184 662,675 0 662,675 0 0.0 Total Revenues and Other Sources 391,885 2,225,944 1,618,166 2,270,093 44,149 2.0 % Expenditures by Category Salaries & Benefits 38,179 42,724 29,225 42,724 0 0.0 Operations & Maintenance 251,691 168,480 209,620 209,965 41,486 24.6 Transfers 163,722 2,061,583 0 2,064,246 2,663 0.1 % Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 453,593 2,272,786 238,844 2,316,935 44,149 1.9 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (61,707) (46,842) 1,379,322 (46,842) 0 0.0 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 108,549 46,842 46,842 Fund Balance, End of Year 46,842 0 0 Fund Description This fund was established to account for grants received from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The grants are used for the redevelopment of a viable community by providing decent housing, a suitable living environment, and for expanding opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate income. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 145 - TEMECULA ENERGY EFFICIENCY ASSET (TEAM) FUND Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 16,572 5,592 15,848 5,592 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 16,572 5,592 15,848 5,592 0 0.0 Expenditures by Category Transfers 115,807 683,122 0 683,122 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 115,807 683,122 0 683,122 0 0.0 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (99,235) (677,530) 15,848 (677,530) 0 0.0 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 833,528 734,293 734,293 Fund Balance, End of Year 734,293 56,763 56,763 Fund Description This fund was established to capture energy efficiency rebates and reimbursements as well as expenditure savings resulting from energy efficiency projects completed at various City facilities. Revenue collected in this fund will be utilized on future energy efficiency projects. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 150 - AB 2766 MOTOR VEHICLE SUBVENTION FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 6,371 2,857 8,334 2,857 0 0.0 % Intergovernmental Revenues AB2766 Motor Vehicle Subvention 182,197 142,977 72,023 152,977 10,000 7.0 Operating Transfers In Operating Transfers In 0 10,000 0 0 (10,000) -100.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 188,568 155,834 80,357 155,834 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance 10,000 10,000 0 10,000 0 0.0 % Transfers 38,044 534,419 2,760 534,419 0 0.0 % Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 48,044 544,419 2,760 544,419 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 140,524 (388,585) 77,597 (388,585) 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 250,531 391,055 391,055 Fund Balance, End of Year 391,055 2,470 2,470 Fund Description This fund was established to account for subvention funds that are used to implement programs and projects that reduce air pollution from motor vehicles. AB2766 Funds are derived from a Motor Vehicle Registration fee surcharge. Local governments are allocated $1.60 for every eligible vehicle registered within the South Coast Air Quality Management District. Funds are disbursed based on the City's population as a percentage of the total population within the District. This fund is used for Capital projects and the City's share of WRCOG's Clean Cities Coalition. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 160 - SUPPLEMENTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 2,722 37 167 37 0 0.0 % Intergovernmental Revenues SLESF Grant 282,541 280,000 196,279 280,000 0 0.0 Total Revenues and Other Sources 285,263 280,037 196,445 280,037 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Transfers 285,263 280,037 0 280,037 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 285,263 280,037 0 280,037 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 0 0 196,445 0 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 0 0 0 Fund Balance, End of Year 0 0 0 Fund Description This fund was established to account for the Supplemental Law Enforcement Services grant monies from the State of California which are provided to assist cities in delivering front line law enforcement services. These monies supplement existing services and may not be used to supplant any existing funding for law enforcement services provided by the City. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 165 - AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Taxes and Franchises Redevelopment Property Tax Fund 2,450,971 900,000 0 900,000 0 0.0 Distribution Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 105,750 48,298 131,869 48,298 0 0.0 % Lease/Rental Income 12,600 44,100 56,700 44,100 0 0.0 % Other 6,153 12,674 12,674 12,674 0 0.0 Intergovernmental Revenues Agency Trust Contribution 250,000 250,000 125,000 250,000 0 0.0 Reimbursements Capital Improvement Program 0 0 0 3,789,640 3,789,640 100.0 % Other Reimbursements 13,898 0 0 0 0 0.0 Operating Transfers In Operating Transfers In 0 750,000 0 0 (750,000) -100.0 % Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 0 114,269 114,268 114,269 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 2,839,371 2,119,341 440,511 5,158,981 3,039,640 143.4 % Expenditures by Category Salaries & Benefits 223,488 363,126 267,720 363,126 0 0.0 % Operations & Maintenance 88,359 267,823 40,574 207,823 (60,000) -22.4 % Internal Service Fund Allocations 36,787 55,592 48,755 55,592 0 0.0 % Transfers 2,450,971 5,841,359 0 5,091,359 (750,000) -12.8 % Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 2,799,604 6,527,900 357,048 5,717,900 (810,000) -12.4 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 39,767 (4,408,559) 83,462 (558,919) 3,849,640 -87.3 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 11,964,611 12,004,378 12,004,378 Fund Balance, End of Year 12,004,378 7,595,819 11,445,459 Fund Description The Affordable Housing fund contains the assets as well as loan and rental income which have been transferred to the City of Temecula from the former Redevelopment Agency. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 170 - MEASURE A FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 166,036 55,868 167,296 55,868 0 0.0 % Intergovernmental Revenues Measure A 4,503,516 4,354,000 2,900,988 4,354,000 0 0.0 Total Revenues and Other Sources 4,669,552 4,409,868 3,068,285 4,409,868 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance 2,729,188 2,941,169 2,822,441 2,941,169 0 0.0 Transfers 3,907,518 5,818,512 1,000 5,818,512 0 0.0 % Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 6,636,706 8,759,681 2,823,441 8,759,681 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (1,967,154) (4,349,813) 244,844 (4,349,813) 0 0.0 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 9,063,242 7,096,089 7,096,089 Fund Balance, End of Year 7,096,089 2,746,275 2,746,275 Fund Description This fund was established to account for the City's allocation of the County of Riverside's additional one-half percent sales tax for transportation. These monies are restricted for use on local streets. In 2002, Measure A was extended by Riverside County voters. Measure A will continue to fund transportation improvements through 2039. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 198 - PUBLIC ART FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Public Art 95,599 6,100 31,007 6,100 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 3,463 1,843 5,343 1,843 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 99,062 7,943 36,350 7,943 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance 4,630 80,370 0 80,370 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 4,630 80,370 0 80,370 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 94,432 (72,427) 36,350 (72,427) 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 131,995 226,427 226,427 Fund Balance, End of Year 226,427 154,000 154,000 Fund Description This fund was established pursuant to Temecula Municipal Code Section 5.08.040, whereby the fund serves a a depository for the fees paid in lieu of art as well as monetary donations for public art. The Public Art In Lieu fee is one -tenth of one percent of an eligible development project in excess of $100,000. Eligible uses of this fund include the design, acquisition, installation, improvement, maintenance and insurance of public artwork; offering of performing arts programs on City property for the community; and art education programs on City property for the community. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 210 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Development Impact Fees 4,319,145 5,354,264 0 7,859,714 2,505,450 46.8 % Quimby Fees 2,320,029 3,810,563 0 3,810,563 0 0.0 % Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 0 0 185,374 0 0 0.0 % Intergovernmental Revenues Grants 310,000 3,811,656 2,309 4,924,056 1,112,400 29.2 % Reimbursements Capital Improvement Program 14,356,352 147,497,793 40,742,326 143,847,574 (3,650,219) -2.5 % Pechanga IGA 1,700,000 1,400,000 0 8S0,000 (550,000) -39.3 % Other Reimbursements 1,725,490 0 0 0 0 0.0 % Operating Transfers In Operating Transfers In 4,237,944 43,231,291 3,760 43,029,609 (201,681) -0.5 % Contribution From Measure S 7,001,860 45,144,776 0 44,583,762 (561,014) -1.2 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 35,970,820 250,250,342 40,933,769 248,905,278 (1,345,064) -0.5 % Expenditures by Category CIP 40,651,364 255,066,774 113,151,436 251,253,515 (3,813,259) -1.5 % Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 40,651,364 255,066,774 113,151,436 251,253,515 (3,813,259) -1.5 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (4,680,544) (4,816,432) (72,217,666) (2,348,237) 2,468,195 -51.2 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 11,383,259 6,702,714 6,702,714 Fund Balance, End of Year 6,702,714 1,886,283 4,354,477 Fund Description This fund was established to account for the City's Capital Improvement Program revenues and expenditures. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country FUND: 300 - INSURANCE FUND City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Charges For Services 1,944,246 2,328,809 2,753,990 2,328,809 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 28,392 3,273 5,648 3,273 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 1,972,638 2,332,082 2,759,638 2,332,082 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Salaries & Benefits 176,376 205,073 157,393 205,073 0 0.0 Operations & Maintenance 1,850,294 2,723,736 2,613,966 2,723,736 0 0.0 % Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 2,026,669 2,928,809 2,771,359 2,928,809 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (54,031) (596,727) (11,721) (596,727) 0 0.0 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 810,122 756,091 756,091 Fund Balance, End of Year 756,091 159,364 159,364 Fund Description The Insurance Fund was established to account for the City's liability and property insurance costs. Fund Balance is a combination of both spendable and non spendable assets. These costs are allocated to each department based on the total number of Full Time Equivalent positions assigned to those departments. The City has a Self -Insured Retention (SIR) of $500,000 per incident, and strives to maintain a fund balance equal to three times the SIR. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 305 - WORKERS' COMPENSATION FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Charges For Services 370,908 0 0 0 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 27,413 10,605 28,798 10,605 0 0.0 % Reimbursements Other Reimbursements 2,137 0 0 0 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 400,458 10,605 28,798 10,605 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Salaries & Benefits 176,375 205,583 157,392 205,583 0 0.0 % Operations & Maintenance 401,729 344,782 256,731 344,782 0 0.0 % Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 578,104 550,365 414,123 550,365 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (177,646) (539,760) (385,325) (539,760) 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 1,677,621 1,499,975 1,499,975 Fund Balance, End of Year 1,499,975 960,215 960,215 Fund Description The Workers' Compensation Fund was established in Fiscal Year 2014-15 as the City transitions to a self -insured status for Workers' Compensation liabilities. Departments are charged based on each position allocated on a Full Time Equivalent basis, with a cost assigned to each position based on job duties and potential for risk. The desired Net Position for this fund is $1.5 million, which represents three -times the City's Self -Insured Retention amount of $500,000. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country FUND: 310 - VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT FUND City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Charges For Services 348,495 467,241 213,016 467,241 0 0.0 % Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 62,796 25,838 70,114 25,838 0 0.0 % Operating Transfers In Contribution From Measure S 500,000 0 0 0 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 911,291 493,079 283,130 493,079 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance 380,695 0 0 0 0 0.0 % Capital Outlay 600 871,879 645,593 721,879 (150,000) -17.2 % Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 381,295 871,879 645,593 721,879 (150,000) -17.2 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 529,997 (378,800) (362,462) (228,800) 150,000 -39.6 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 4,719,293 5,249,290 5,249,290 Fund Balance, End of Year 5,249,290 4,870,490 5,020,490 Fund Description The Vehicles and Equipment Fund was established to account for the depreciation of vehicles and capital equipment over their estimated useful lives, and to accumulate resources for the purchase of future replacement vehicles and equipment. Fund Balance is a combination of both spendable and non spendable assets. Departments are charged based on the replacement costs for each asset benefitting the department. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 320 - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Charges For Services 4,812,964 6,137,244 4,051,376 6,137,244 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 31,691 7,950 13,352 7,950 0 0.0 % Operating Transfers In Contribution From Measure S 300,000 300,000 150,000 300,000 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 5,144,655 6,445,194 4,214,728 6,445,194 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Salaries & Benefits 2,633,369 2,905,041 2,104,208 2,905,041 0 0.0 % Operations & Maintenance 2,141,528 3,464,629 2,804,175 3,464,629 0 0.0 % Internal Service Fund Allocations 2,660 2,660 1,330 2,660 0 0.0 % Capital Outlay 23,360 125,000 104,459 125,000 0 0.0 % Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 4,800,917 6,497,331 5,014,172 6,497,331 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 343,738 (52,137) (799,444) (52,137) 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 1,449,014 1,792,752 1,792,752 Fund Balance, End of Year 1,792,752 1,740,615 1,740,615 Fund Description The Information Technology Fund was established to fund and account for computer and telephone system operating and maintenance expenses. Fund Balance is a combination of both spendable and non spendable assets. Adjustments are made to Fund Balance to include additional spendable resources available for expenditure. Departments are charged based on the number of electronic devices assigned. The Ronald H. Roberts Temecula Public Library facility is charged directly for all IT expenditures and personnel costs related to the facility. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 325 - TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Charges For Services 177,577 228,616 66,592 228,616 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 48,810 21,351 59,529 21,351 0 0.0 % Operating Transfers In Contribution From Measure S 500,000 0 0 0 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 726,387 249,967 126,121 249,967 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance 164,887 0 0 0 0 0.0 % Capital Outlay 6,061 680,000 476,923 680,000 0 0.0 % Transfers 0 763,534 0 763,534 0 0.0 % Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 170,949 1,443,534 476,923 1,443,534 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 555,438 (1,193,567) (350,802) (1,193,567) 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 2,471,172 3,026,610 3,026,610 Fund Balance, End of Year 3,026,610 1,833,043 1,833,043 Fund Description The Technology Replacement Fund was established in Fiscal Year 2014-15 in order to accumulate resources for computer and telephone equipment and software to fund future equipment replacement. Fund Balance is a combination of both spendable and non spendable assets. Contributions to this fund are made by departments utilizing the assets in an amount equivalent to the estimated cost to replace the item at the end of its useful life. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 330 - SUPPORT SERVICES FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Charges For Services 383,989 393,432 250,162 393,432 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 552 147 303 147 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 384,541 393,579 250,465 393,579 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Salaries & Benefits 269,472 279,388 192,597 279,388 0 0.0 Operations & Maintenance 104,681 114,044 82,405 114,044 0 0.0 % Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 374,153 393,432 275,002 393,432 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 10,389 147 (24,537) 147 0 0.0 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 3,422 13,811 13,811 Fund Balance, End of Year 13,811 13,958 13,958 Fund Description The Support Services Fund was established as a cost center for the City's central receptionist, duplicating, printing, and mailing activities. It is also used to depreciate all related copying and mailing equipment over their useful lives, and to accumulate resources for the purchase of future equipment. Fund Balance is a combination of both spendable and non spendable assets. Departments are charged based on a count of copies made in the previous fiscal year. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 335 - SUPPORT SERVICES REPLACEMENT FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Charges For Services 41,424 25,529 16,551 25,529 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 6,718 2,568 7,213 2,568 0 0.0 % Lease/Rental Income 300 0 0 0 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 48,441 28,097 23,764 28,097 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance 58,943 0 0 0 0 0.0 % Capital Outlay 0 10,000 6,589 10,000 0 0.0 % Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 58,943 10,000 6,589 10,000 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (10,502) 18,097 17,175 18,097 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 389,403 378,901 378,901 Fund Balance, End of Year 378,901 396,998 396,998 Fund Description The Support Services Replacement Fund was established to accumulate resources for the future replacement of the City's duplicating equipment. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country FUND: 340 - FACILITIES FUND City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Charges For Services 1,634,859 1,953,364 1,223,621 1,953,364 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 10,391 4,219 7,104 4,219 0 0.0 % Reimbursements Other Reimbursements 0 24,000 24,000 24,000 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 1,645,250 1,981,583 1,254,725 1,981,583 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Salaries & Benefits 490,954 580,921 383,120 580,921 0 0.0 % Operations & Maintenance 1,149,586 1,101,404 987,640 1,101,404 0 0.0 % Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 1,640,540 1,682,325 1,370,760 1,682,325 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 4,709 299,258 (116,035) 299,258 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 577,617 582,326 582,326 Fund Balance, End of Year 582,326 881,585 881,585 Fund Description The Facilities Fund was established to account for the cost of the Civic Center, Former City Hall Facility, City Maintenance Facility, Field Operations Center, and Civic Center Parking Structure operations and maintenance. Fund Balance is a combination of both spendable and non spendable assets. Departments are charged based on square footage allotted as well as full time staff equivalents assigned. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 350 - FACILITY REPLACEMENT FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Charges For Services 73,632 98,663 43,366 98,663 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 14,402 2,456 8,249 2,456 0 0.0 % Operating Transfers In Contribution From Measure S 660,000 2,550,000 1,275,000 2,550,000 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 748,034 2,651,119 1,326,615 2,651,119 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance 89,084 0 0 0 0 0.0 % Capital Outlay 0 158,125 74,896 158,125 0 0.0 % Transfers 752,924 1,527,128 0 1,527,128 0 0.0 % Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 842,008 1,685,253 74,896 1,685,253 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (93,974) 965,866 1,251,719 965,866 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 746,107 652,133 652,133 Fund Balance, End of Year 652,133 1,617,999 1,617,999 Fund Description The Facility Replacement Fund was established to accumulate resources for the future replacement of equipment, systems and fixtures within City -owned facilities. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 395 - 2018 FINANCING LEASE (CIVIC CENTER) FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Operating Transfers In Operating Transfers In 13,425,327 0 0 0 0 0.0 Total Revenues and Other Sources 13,425,327 0 0 0 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance 13,425,327 0 0 0 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 13,425,327 0 0 0 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 0 0 0 Fund Balance, End of Year 0 0 0 Fund Description This fund was established to account for the payment of interest and principal of the refunding of the 2001 and 2008 Certificates of Participation (COPs). The 2001 COPS were originally issued to finance the construction of the Community Recreation Center and the 2008 COPS were originally issued to finance the construction of the Civic Center. In Fiscal Year 2018-19, the terms of the lease were refinanced, lowering the interest rate from 3.75% to 3.42%. The term of the lease expires September 1, 2033. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 396 - 2018 FINANCING LEASE (MRC) FUND Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Operating Transfers In Operating Transfers In 5,316,429 0 0 0 0 0.0 Total Revenues and Other Sources 5,316,429 0 0 0 0 0.0 Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance 5,316,429 0 0 0 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 5,316,429 0 0 0 0 0.0 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 0 0 0 Fund Balance, End of Year 0 0 0 Fund Description This fund was established to account for the payments of interest and principal related to the financing of the rehabilitation of the Margarita Recreation Center (MRC). The Lease Agreement, dated August 1, 2018, generated $6.5 million in proceeds at an interest rate of 3.42%. The Term of the lease expires September 1, 2033, Item No. 5 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Luke Watson, Deputy City Manager DATE: May 14, 2024 SUBJECT: Approve Agreement for Consultant Services with MDG Associates, Inc. to Provide Community Development Block Grant Administration Services for Fiscal Years 2024-2027 PREPARED BY: Brandon Rabidou, Principal Management Analyst RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve an agreement for consultant services with MDG Associates, Inc. for a total agreement of $82,000 annually, to provide Community Development Block Grant Administration Services for Fiscal Years 2024-2027, not to exceed $410,000 over the term of the agreement. BACKGROUND: As experts in the field, MDG Associates, Inc. provide technical assistance for the administration and implement of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program and work with City staff to determine project eligibility, monitor projects, and ensure compliance with all Federal, State, and local reporting requirements. MDG also completed the day-to-day requirements of the program including: • Preparing reports, such as the Annual Action Plan and Comprehensive Annual Performance Evaluation Report • Processing invoices and agreements • Preparation of environmental review forms for CDBG projects • Monitor CDBG related Capital Improvement Projects • Prepare and maintain files and contracts for CDBG funded activities • Work with staff to prepare funding plans for CDBG resources This agreement will enable MDG Associates to complete CDBG administrative services for fiscal years 2024-2027. Additionally, the agreement allows the City Manager to extend the term of the agreement by two additional years, based on the performance of the consultant. FISCAL IMPACT: There are sufficient funds to cover the costs of the agreement in the CDBG budget. ATTACHMENTS: Agreement AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES BETWEEN CITY OF TEMECULA AND MDG ASSOCIATES, INC. THIS AGREEMENT is made and effective as of July 1, 2024, between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and MDG Associates, Inc. a Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Consultant"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: TERM This Agreement shall commence on July 1, 2024, and shall remain and continue in effect until tasks described herein are completed, but in no event later than July 1, 2027, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. The City may, upon mutual agreement, extend the contract for two (2) additional one (1) year terms. In no event shall the contract be extended beyond July 1, 2029. 2. SERVICES Consultant shall perform the services and tasks described and set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. Consultant shall complete the tasks according to the schedule of performance which is also set forth in Exhibit A. 3. PERFORMANCE Consultant shall faithfully and competently exercise the ordinary skill and competence of members of their profession. Consultant shall employ all generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services as are required of Consultant hereunder in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 4. PAYMENT a. The City agrees to pay Consultant monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and terms and the schedule of payment as set forth in Exhibit B, Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. Any terms in Exhibit B, other than the payment rates and schedule of payment, are null and void. This amount shall not exceed Eighty - Two Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents ($82,000.00) for each fiscal year, not to exceed Four Hundred Ten Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents ($410,000.00), unless additional payment is approved as provided in this Agreement. b. Consultant shall not be compensated for any services rendered in connection with its performance of this Agreement which are in addition to those set forth herein, unless such additional services are authorized in advance and in writing by the City Manager . Consultant shall be compensated for any additional services in the amounts and in the manner as agreed to by City Manager and Consultant at the time City's written authorization is given to Consultant for the performance of said services. C. Consultant will submit invoices monthly for actual services performed. Invoices shall be submitted between the first and fifteenth business day of each month, for services provided in the previous month. Payment shall be made within thirty (30) days of receipt 08/09/2021 of each invoice as to all non -disputed fees. If the City disputes any of Consultant's fees, it shall give written notice to Consultant within thirty (30) days of receipt of an invoice of any disputed fees set forth on the invoice. For all reimbursements authorized by this Agreement, Consultant shall provide receipts on all reimbursable expenses in excess of Fifty Dollars ($50) in such form as approved by the Director of Finance. 5. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT WITHOUT CAUSE a. The City may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the Consultant at least ten (10) days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Consultant shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. If the City suspends or terminates a portion of this Agreement such suspension or termination shall not make void or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement. b. In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section, the City shall pay to Consultant the actual value of the work performed up to the time of termination, provided that the work performed is of value to the City. Upon termination of the Agreement pursuant to this Section, the Consultant will submit an invoice to the City, pursuant to Section entitled "PAYMENT" herein. 6. DEFAULT OF CONSULTANT a. The Consultant's failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute a default. In the event that Consultant is in default for cause under the terms of this Agreement, City shall have no obligation or duty to continue compensating Consultant for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the Consultant. If such failure by the Consultant to make progress in the performance of work hereunder arises out of causes beyond the Consultant's control, and without fault or negligence of the Consultant, it shall not be considered a default. b. If the City Manager or his delegate determines that the Consultant is in default in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, it shall serve the Consultant with written notice of the default. The Consultant shall have ten (10) days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the Consultant fails to cure its default within such period of time, the City shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law, in equity or under this Agreement. 7. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS a. Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to sales, costs, expenses, receipts and other such information required by City that relate to the performance of services under this Agreement. Consultant shall maintain adequate records of services provided in sufficient detail to permit an evaluation of services. All such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. Consultant shall provide free access to the representatives of City or its designees at reasonable times to such books and records, shall give City the right to examine and audit said books and records, shall permit City to make transcripts there from as necessary, and shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings and activities 08/09/2021 related to this Agreement. Such records, together with supporting documents, shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years after receipt of final payment. b. Upon completion of, or in the event of termination or suspension of this Agreement, all original documents, designs, drawings, maps, models, computer files containing data generated for the work, surveys, notes, and other documents prepared in the course of providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall become the sole property of the City and may be used, reused or otherwise disposed of by the City without the permission of the Consultant. With respect to computer files containing data generated for the work, Consultant shall make available to the City, upon reasonable written request by the City, the necessary computer software and hardware for purposes of accessing, compiling, transferring and printing computer files. 8. INDEMNIFICATION The Consultant agrees to defend, indemnify, protect and hold harmless the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, defense costs or expenses, including attorney fees and expert witness fees, or liability of any kind or nature which the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, agents, employees or volunteers may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property arising out of Consultant's negligent or wrongful acts or omissions arising out of or in any way related to the performance or non- performance of this Agreement, excepting only liability arising out of the negligence of the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency. 9. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS a. Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property, which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Consultant, its agents, representatives, or employees. b. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as: 1) Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability form No. CG 00 01 11 85 or 88. 2) Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 06 92 covering Automobile Liability, code 1 (any auto). If the Consultant owns no automobiles, a non -owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy described above is acceptable. 3) Worker's Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. If the Consultant has no employees while performing under this Agreement, worker's compensation insurance is not required, but Consultant shall execute a declaration that it has no employees. 4) Professional Liability Insurance shall be written on a policy form providing professional liability for the Consultant's profession. C. Limits of Insurance. Consultant shall maintain limits no less than: 08/09/2021 1) General Liability: One Million ($1,000,000) per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. 2) Automobile Liability: One Million ($1,000,000) accident for bodily injury and property damage. 3) Worker's Compensation as required by the State of California; Employer's Liability: One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per accident for bodily injury or disease. 4) Professional Liability Coverage: One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per claim and in aggregate. d. Deductibles and Self -Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self -insured retentions shall not exceed Twenty Five Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($25,000). e. Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: 1) The City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insured's, as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Consultant; products and completed operations of the Consultant; premises owned, occupied or used by the Consultant; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Consultant. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 2) For any claims related to this project, the Consultant's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self -insured maintained by the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of the Consultant's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 3) Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, and the Successor Agency to the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 4) The Consultant's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. 5) Each insurance policy required by this agreement shall be endorsed to state in substantial conformance to the following: If the policy will be canceled before the expiration date the insurer will notify in writing to the City of such cancellation not less than thirty (30) days' prior to the cancellation effective date. 6) If insurance coverage is canceled or, reduced in coverage or in limits the Consultant shall within two (2) business days of notice from insurer phone, fax, and/or 08/09/2021 notify the City via certified mail, return receipt requested of the changes to or cancellation of the policy. f. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of A-:VII or better, unless otherwise acceptable to the City. Self insurance shall not be considered to comply with these insurance requirements. g. Verification of Coverage. Consultant shall furnish the City with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The endorsements are to be on forms provided by the City. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. As an alternative to the City's forms, the Consultant's insurer may provide complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements affecting the coverage required by these specifications. 10. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR a. Consultant is and shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive direction and control. Neither City nor any of its officers, employees, agents, or volunteers shall have control over the conduct of Consultant or any of Consultant's officers, employees, or agents except as set forth in this Agreement. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner officers, employees or agents of the City. Consultant shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. b. No employee benefits shall be available to Consultant in connection with the performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to Consultant as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Consultant for performing services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Consultant for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 11. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES The Consultant shall keep itself informed of all local, State and Federal ordinances, laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its service pursuant to this Agreement. The Consultant shall at all times observe and comply with all such ordinances, laws and regulations. The City, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Consultant to comply with this section. 12. RELEASE OF INFORMATION a. All information gained by Consultant in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential and shall not be released by Consultant without City's prior written authorization. Consultant, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors, shall not without written authorization from the City Manager or unless requested by the City Attorney, voluntarily provide declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories or other information concerning the work performed under this Agreement or relating to any project or property located within the City. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered "voluntary" provided Consultant gives City notice of such court order or subpoena. 08/09/2021 b. Consultant shall promptly notify City should Consultant, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions or other discovery request, court order or subpoena from any party regarding this Agreement and the work performed there under or with respect to any project or property located within the City. City retains the right, .but has no obligation, to represent Consultant and/or be present at any deposition, hearing or similar proceeding. Consultant agrees to cooperate fully with City and to provide City with the opportunity to review any response to discovery requests provided by Consultant. However, City's right to review any such response does not imply or mean the right by City to control, direct, or rewrite said response. 13. NOTICES Any notices which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Agreement must be in writing and may be given either by (i) personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) mailing in the United States Mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by Notice. Notice shall be effective upon delivery to the addresses specified below or on the third business day following deposit with the document delivery service or United States Mail as provided above. Mailing Address: City of Temecula Attn: City Manager 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 To Consultant: MDG Associates, Inc. Attn: Rudy Munoz 10722 Arrow Route Suite 822 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 14. ASSIGNMENT The Consultant shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without prior written consent of the City. Upon termination of this Agreement, Consultant's sole compensation shall be payment for actual services performed up to, and including, the date of termination or as may be otherwise agreed to in writing between the City Council and the Consultant. 15. LICENSES At all times during the term of this Agreement, Consultant shall have in full force and effect, all licenses required of it by law for the performance of the services described in this Agreement. 16. GOVERNING LAW The City and Consultant understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the municipal, superior, or federal district court with geographic jurisdiction over the City of Temecula. In the event such litigation is filed by one party against the other to enforce its rights 08/09/2021 under this Agreement, the prevailing party, as determined by the Court's judgment, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and litigation expenses for the relief granted. 17. PROHIBITED INTEREST No officer, or employee of the City of Temecula that has participated in the development of this agreement or its approval shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, the proceeds thereof, the Consultant, or Consultant's sub -contractors for this project, during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter. The Consultant hereby warrants and represents to the City that no officer or employee of the City of Temecula that has participated in the development of this agreement or its approval has any interest, whether contractual, non - contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, the proceeds thereof, or in the business of the Consultant or Consultant's sub -contractors on this project. Consultant further agrees to notify the City in the event any such interest is discovered whether or not such interest is prohibited by law or this Agreement. 18. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations and statements, oral or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. 19. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Consultant warrants and represents that he or she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Consultant and has the authority to bind Consultant to the performance of its obligations hereunder. The City Manager is authorized to enter into an amendment on behalf of the City to make the following non -substantive modifications to the agreement: (a) name changes; (b) extension of time; (c) non -monetary changes in scope of work; (d) agreement termination. 08/09/2021 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF TEMECULA By: James Stewart, Mayor ATTEST: By (Two Signatures of corporate officers required unless corporate documents authorize only one person to sign the agreement on behalf of the corporation.) By: By: Randi Johl, City Clerk Guadalupe Munoz, Chief Financial Officer APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney CONSULTANT MDG Associates, Inc. Attn: Rudy Munoz 10722 Arrow Route Suite 822 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 rmunoz@mdg-Idm.com City Purchasing Mgr. Initials and Date: 8 08/09/2021 EXHIBIT A Tasks to be Performed All tasks to be performed are per the proposal provided by the Consultant attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. 08/09/2021 MOG Associates, Inc. City of Temecula [,.:19]all. � Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Administration February 23, 2024 Corporate Headquarters 10722 Arrow Route, Suite 822 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 Telephone o (909) 476 - 9696 Fax ro, (909) 476 — 6086 February 23, 2024 nn o o City of Temecula Aeeocieeee,lnc Community Development Department 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 Subject: Proposal to Provide Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Administration Consulting Services Dear Sir/Madam: MDG Associates, Inc. (MDG) is pleased to submit a proposal to provide Community Development Block Grant Program Administration consulting services. MDG, along with its affiliate LDM Associates, Inc. (LDM), has been providing high -quality community development consulting services to municipal agencies and private clients for over 33 years. MDG specializes in the provision of grant management services with an emphasis on the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Planning and Development (CPD) funded programs. In addition to grants management services, MDG also provides administration and implementation services of housing and commercial rehabilitation programs, labor compliance monitoring, housing programs, and project management services. Our consulting team is made up of highly qualified professional staff with expertise in all aspects of HUD's CPD Programs including, but not limited to, Community Development Block Grant [CDBG], HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), Community Development Block Grant -Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) and Community Development Block Grant CARES Act (CDBG-CV). This includes the development of associated documents such as the Five -Year Consolidated Plan, One -Year Action Plans, Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Reports (CAPERS), Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing (Al), and grant level policies and procedures. The following is the information of the official authorized person to bind the firm: MDG Associates, Inc. Rudy E. Munoz, President 10722 Arrow Route, Suite 822 Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730 (909) 476-9696 rmunozPmdg-Idm.com You may conta" at your convenience should you have any questions regarding this proposal. President Enclosure: Proposal 10722 Arrow Route it Suite 822 P Rancho Cucamonga ■ California 91730 (909) 476-9696 in Fax (909) 476-6086 CITY OF TEMECULA PROPOSAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION TABLE OF CONTENTS Section I. Description of Firm, Qualifications and Experience Section II. Assigned Staff and Project Organization .................................. Section III. Firm's Methodology, Approach and Scope of Work....................................................................................................... 9 Section IV. References..................................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Section V. Fee Schedule Proposal Resumes of Key Personnel 13 SECTION I. DESCRIPTION OF FIRM, QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE MDG Associates, Inc. [MDG] was established in 1991 and has undergone steady growth since its inception. MDG is a corporation registered in the State of California. MDG is a registered Minority Business Enterprise [MBE] and Small Business [SB] with the State of California. In response to our clients' needs, MDG and its affiliate LDM Associates, Inc. (LDM] provide a wide variety of Community Development consulting services including, but not limited to: Grants Management; Project Management; Construction Management; Architectural Design; Urban Planning; and Labor Compliance Monitoring. MDG Associates, Inc. is comprised of individuals with a wide variety of expertise including the services specifically requested by the City. Currently, MDG is comprised of 38 staff members. Of these staff members, 23 are knowledgeable and experienced in the administration and implementation of CDBG, HOME, ESG, and CalHome grants as well as one-time HUD grants such as Neighborhood Stabilization Programs [NSP], Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Rehousing Program [HPRP], CDBG-CV and ESG-CV under the CARES Act and HOME -ARP under the American Rescue Plan Act. The balance of our staff members are specialists in the programs and activities that utilize grant funds, such as housing/commercial rehabilitation programs, economic development programs, and labor compliance and project management for capital improvement projects. MDG has eight (8) staff members that are knowledgeable and experienced in the administration of housing and commercial rehabilitation programs utilizing the funding mentioned above sources in addition to CalHome funds through the California Department of Housing and Community Development. We provide administrative and management services to cities and counties that are seeking a consultant that can act as an extension of their staff and look after their best interest. Grants Management: MDG currently provides administration and implementation services for the Community Development Block Grant [CDBG], HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG), Community Development Block Grant -Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR], and current one-time HUD grants such as CDBG-CV and ESG-CV under the CARES Act and HOME -ARP under the American Rescue Plan Act. In addition, MDG implements activities funded under the aforementioned programs such as Residential Rehabilitation, Commercial Rehabilitation, and First -Time Homebuyer, Capital Improvement Project Management, and Labor Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement. The firm maintains an excellent relationship with the local HUD field offices as well as at the headquarters level (Washington D.C.). MDG has been providing training to grantees throughout the country on behalf of HUD Headquarters. The training has been in the areas of "Basically CDBG," Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH), Disaster Recovery Grant Reporting [DRGR), eCon Planning Suite, CPD Maps, and the Integrated Disbursement Information System [IDIS]. Our staff currently assists grantees with regulatory compliance questions through the HUD Resource Exchange Ask a Question (AAQ) portal in the areas of CDBG, HOME, DRGR, CDBG-CV, and HOME -ARP. LDM's affiliate [MDG] is currently providing technical assistance [TA] to grantees throughoutthe country on behalf of HUD Headquarters in conjunction with the CPD Programs as well as HUD's reporting systems, the IDIS and DRGR systems. MDG and its affiliate LDM are currently under direct contract with 26 cities and two (2) counties with HUD CPD funds totaling approximately $80.5 million. Our services include the day-to-day implementation of their CPD grants and programs funded with the aforementioned grant funds. In addition, we provide services to other cities and counties on specific tasks such as IDIS input, subrecipient monitoring, federal labor standards (Davis -Bacon) compliance, monitoring CDBG, HOME and ESG grants, the preparation of HUD 1 I Pa -e Section 108 Loan Guarantee applications, preparation of Consolidated Plans, Annual Action Plans, and Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Reports (CAPER). In the past year, MDG has assisted more than 15 local jurisdictions to design and implement over $50m of CDBGCV and ESG-CV resources. Further, MDG has led HUD -funded national technical assistance efforts in both programs. MDG is also a leader in disaster response and recovery technical assistance and is currently supporting the State of California (wildfires) and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (hurricanes) to implement their CDBG-DR programs. Our staff is knowledgeable in several computer programs including all of the Microsoft Office software, Microsoft Project, Adobe programs and HUD's online reporting databases. These include the Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS), Disaster Recovery Grant Reporting System (DRGR), Recovery Act Management and Performance System (RAMPS), Performance and Accountability for Grants in Energy System (PAGE), HUD Environmental Review Online System (HERDS), and Federal Reporting.gov. Housing Rehabilitation: MDG along with its affiliate LDM is currently under contract with 17 cities throughout Southern California for the management and implementation of their housing rehabilitation programs, including single-family detached dwellings, condominium units, and mobile homes. During the last year, the firm processed and completed the rehabilitation of approximately 225 residential single-family dwellings, condominium units, and mobile homes. The funds utilized for the implementation of the rehabilitation programs included U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds such as CDBG and HOME funds as well as California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) funds such as State HOME and CalHome funds. Through the years, MDG has developed program guidelines and systems for different types of programs including, but not limited to, emergency repair programs, rental rehabilitation programs, owner -occupied - single family rehabilitation program, and mobile home repair programs. Our typical scope of work and responsibilities under these programs includes, but is not limited to, the overall administration of the program; reviewing applications for eligibility; preparing the environmental review record and associated clearances; loan underwriting and loan document preparation for loan -based programs; initial, progress, and final inspections; responding to contractor questions during the bidding process; construction management and oversight; reviewing and processing contractor payment requests; and preparing regulatory reports to HUD and HCD on behalf of our clients. Commercial Rehabilitation During the past 16 years, our firm has been assisting cities in the day-to-day administration and implementation of their Commercial Rehabilitation programs. During the past five (5) years, we have assisted eight [8) cities with the rehabilitation of approximately 55 commercial buildings. In addition, we are in the process of setting up two (2) new programs for the Cities of Upland and the City of Hesperia. The level of service requested by each city differs, however in most cases we provide the overall administration and implementation services. These include inspection, design services, project management and Davis -Bacon Compliance monitoring. Labor Compliance (Davis -Bacon Act): We are currently under contractto provide Labor Compliance services to 14 cities in Southern California. Our typical scope of work includes preparation and review of bid documents for compliance with Federal labor standards and requirements including Davis -Bacon and Related Acts, Section 3, and DOL 21 Page regulations; attend pre -construction meeting and present information on Davis -Bacon and Section 3 requirements; review submitted bid documents for compliance; establish and maintain contractor and subcontractor labor files; conduct employee field interviews and document posting compliance; reconcile weekly certified payroll reports and supporting documentation; monitor contractors for Section 3 accomplishments; schedule labor compliance file reviews prior to release of retention funds; and address and resolve any underpayment or deficiency issues. Section 3: Our staff is experienced in the implementation of Section 3 employment, contracting and training requirements under the 2020 Final Rule (24 CFR Part 75). Currently, we monitor labor compliance activities on 15 projects with a combined construction value of over $12.5 million. Of these projects, ten (10) are Section 3-covered projects assisted with $200,000 or more of federal housing and community development assistance. Neighborhood Stabilization Program MDG is currently working with a number of Cities throughoutthe U.S. under direct contractwith HUD and under HUD's Technical Assistance program for the closeout and technical assistance of their Neighborhood Stabilization Program grants. MDG staff is currently working with HUD on conducting training and workshops on both closeout and NSP post closeout to inform recipient of the funds as to its obligations post closeout of the grant. This includes reporting, monitoring affordability, and the reuse of program income funds. In addition, MDG staff is currently providing technical assistance for HUD and is part of the NSP "Ask a Question" portal where grantees submit questions regarding the program. CARES Act (CDBG-CV) Program Administration MDG is currently working with the State of California's CARES Act (CDBG-CV) programs as well as a number of Cities throughout southern California to establish and implementthe administrative functions of the program. Duties include the preparation of the Action Plan amendments, preparation of subrecipient agreements, processing payment requests and monitoring agencies for compliance. In addition, MDG staff is currently working with HUD to provide on -call technical assistance and is also part of the CARES Act (CDBG-CV) "Ask a Question" portal for grantees to submit questions regarding the program. Design Services MDG has vast experience in the needs of Cities implementing federally, State or locallyfunded Commercial Rehabilitation programs and the multitude of requirements that affect the implementation of these programs. These requirements include, but are not limited to, CDBG requirements that are specific as to the eligible improvements and the Davis -Bacon requirements which add a substantial cost increase to projects thereby requiring the designs to be more cost-effective. The table on the following page represents the prior experience performing similar services for municipalities. 3 1 P a g e Public Agencies Provided Services in Last 5 Years with Most Recent within Last 2 Years. Services Prui4dedia ;Cast 2'Years Aeple Valley,CA X X X X X Azusa CA X Baldwin Park,CA X X Carson CA X X X Commerce CA X X Commonwealth of Puerto Rico X* X X Corona, CA X X X X X County of Allegheny,PA X Coun of Henrico VA X* X* County of Imperial, CA X County of Los Angeles, CA X X Coun of Orange, CA X County of San Bernardino CA X X Dallas, TX X X Downey,CA X X X X X Duarte, CA X X Fontana, CA X X X X X Fresno CA X X Hawthorne, CA X X X X X Hesperia, CA X X X X X X Irvine CA X X X X X X La Canada Flintrid e, CA X X X La Habra CA X X X X Los Angeles, CA X X New York City X Palmdale CA X X X X X X Paramount CA X X X X X X Rancho Cucamonga, CA X X X X X San Dimas CA X X San Juan, PR X* V Santa Ana CA X X X X Seattle, WA X* X* State of California X X X State of Iowa X* X* X* State of New Mexico X X State of North Dakota X* X* Temecula CA X X X X X Tucson AZ X* X* Upland, CA X X X X X X Walnut CA X X X S e ry i cis iPndefi% Lag 5 Vem Albuquerque, NM X X X Arecibo, PR X* X* County of Harris TX X Coun of Santa Barbara, CA X X Detroit, MI X* X* Houston, TX X Kansas City, KS X* County of Riverside, CA X Simi Valley, CA X* X* X* State of Utah X* X* Tulsa, OK X* X* *Conducted on behalf of HUD 41 Page SECTION II. ASSIGNED STAFF AND PROJECT ORGANIZATION The members of our consulting group proposed to provide direct CDBG Program Administration support services include Rudy E. Munoz, Clint Whited, and Frank Perez. Rudy Munoz, President - Mr. Munoz is the authorized signatory for contracts on behalf of MDG Associates, Inc. and will support the assigned consultant team as -needed. Clint Whited, Senior Vice President - Mr. Whited will oversee the assigned staff and provide subject matter expert (SME) support as needed to complete the scope of work assigned by the City. Frank Perez, Manager - Mr. Perez will be the project manager and the City's direct point of contact for the day-to-day administration of the CDBG program. Key deliverable tasks to be completed by Mr. Perez or by other MDG staff support individuals include preparation or review of federal funding requirements, requests for proposals, monitoring reports, public notices; preparation of all reports as required by HUD such as the Action Plan and Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER); quarterly cash on hand reports; preparation of necessary environmental review forms; setup and maintenance of IDIS records; review of draw down requests for reimbursement; and coordination with HUD field office staff, other City staff, and various CDBG related constituencies. Mr. Perez will also be responsible for preparing the annual Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA), executing the technical workshops and associated technical assistance/eligibility review process, and working with City staff to prepare a funding plan for the recommended subrecipients. Mr. Perez will then prepare contracts and provide services necessary to professionally administer the CDBG grant and document compliance with program requirements. Frank will be assisted by other MDG staff on as needed basis. PROJECT TEAM BIOGRAPHIES: Rudy Munoz, President - Rudy Munoz is the President and founder of MDG Associates, Inc. With more than 37 years of experience in the community development field, Mr. Munoz' primary focus is on assisting municipalities with all aspects of the administration and implementation of their HUD -funded CPD Programs. These include, but are not limited to, the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership Act (HOME), Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP), Community Development Block Grant - CARES Act (CDBG-CV) and Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) programs. Rudy works hand -in -hand with municipalities on the development of implementation strategies and tools that facilitate the management of their CPD programs, providing training for the HUD CPD Programs, and at times implementing the day-to-day functions of the programs. These functions include all phases of the program implementation from the initial development of Consolidated Plans and Action Plans for the various programs up to the programmatic and financial closeout of projects and grants. He assists grantees in developing HUD mandated Policies and Procedures for the overall management and oversight of the various CPD Programs as well as individual activities funded underthese programs such as Housing Rehabilitation, Commercial Rehabilitation, and Homebuyer Programs. Rudy is a Certified HOME Specialist and is a subcontractor to national Technical Assistance (TA) providers through HUD's OneCPD and communities throughout the U.S. in CDBG, HOME, NSP, and CDBG-Disaster Recovery Programs. He currently provides training atthe national level in "Basically CDBG", Assessmentto Fair Housing (AFH), Integrated Disbursement and Information Systems (IDIS), and the Disaster Recovery Grant Reporting System (DRGR). He is a beta tester for HUD on the Disaster Recovery Grant Reporting system. Because of his fluency in Spanish, he has provided many of the aforementioned training in Spanish for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and its municipalities. 51Pa-e Prior to his time with MDG, Rudy worked for several municipalities in Southern California. Mr. Munoz received a Bachelor of Architecture (Barch - 5-yr degree) from California Polytechnic University in Pomona. Clint Whited, Senior Vice President - Clint Whited joined MDG Associates, Inc. in 20D6 and currently serves as Senior Vice -President. With more than 20 years of experience in the planning and implementation of federal grants including those offered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development - Office of Community Planning and Development, Mr. Whited assists municipalities with all aspects of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG], HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) and Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) management. Clint focuses on strategic community investment in affordable housing, development of infrastructure and coordinating the supportive services necessary to achieve local goals and to affirmatively further fair housing choice. His work in these areas includes over 52 Consolidated Plans, 200 Annual Action Plans, 34 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice, and two Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH] documents. He is a Certified HOME Specialist (Regulations) and is a national technical assistance provider through HUD's OneCPO technical assistance initiative. Before joining MDG, Clint was a Contract Compliance Specialist for the Los Angeles County Community Development Commission - the second largest Urban County CDBG program in the nation. His responsibilities included contract development, monitoring the implementation of CDBG funded activities implemented by participating cities and non-profit organizations. His work with the Urban County included the development of labor standards policies and procedures covering the Davis -Bacon Act, Minority and Women's Business Enterprise and Section 3 of the Housing and Community Development Act. Clint received a Bachelor of Science in Public Policy and Management from the University of Southern California's School of Policy, Planning and Development, with an emphasis on organizational management and public sector accounting. Frank Perez, Manager - Frank Perez joined MDG Associates, Inc. in 2011 and is a Manager on the Grants Management Team. With more than 12 years of experience in the planning and implementation of federal grants including those offered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development - Office of Community Planning and Development, Mr. Perez assists municipalities with all aspects of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG] program. Mr. Perez focuses on the day-to-day aspects of CPD program administration and compliance, including Consolidated Plan and Action Plan development and implementation, Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS) functionality and management, labor standards enforcement, subrecipient management, monitoring, and capacity building, compliance with federal reporting requirements including the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER), and all other aspects of program administration, implementation and compliance. Mr. Perez also manages MDG's Labor Compliance Team. Frank received a Bachelor of Business Economics from the University of California, Riverside. The resumes of the staff members are included in the Resume of Key Personnel section of this document. MDG acknowledges that the key personnel proposed will be available to the extent for the duration of the project and any key personnel shall not be removed or replaced without the prior written consent of the City. 6 1 P a g e Organizational Chart: As requested in the City's RFO, MDG's organizational chart is in the following page. 71Page US T 1 a7 C N Q C U cc C U C U Q LT-cn • ■ ■ N O_ C co 7 d L N Y m n 0 • • • SECTION III. FIRM'S METHODOLOGY, APPROACH AND SCOPE OF WORK METHODOLOGY MDG implements a team approach for the administration of the HUD entitlement grant programs. This approach allows us to control costs to the City by having lower level staff complete tasks that do not require a senior level staff member to complete. This team approach also allows us to assign individuals with expertise in certain areas to complete those tasks. The work program for each City varies depending on the City's needs. MDG performs a majority of the tasks from our offices whenever possible with tasks requiring our presence at the City being performed at City Hall during scheduled office hours as needed. MDG has established systems for the administration of CDBG Program. The key to the systems is establishing a detailed calendar used in the implementation of the programs. The schedule includes a start date, due date, item description, reference to the established Policy and Procedure Manual section and the assigned consultant. As a result of the successful systems that we have developed for the administration of CPD Programs, we have been selected by HUD headquarters as part of a workgroup through the Community Compass Technical Assistance Program to establish systems that will assist grantees in their administration of CPD Programs. Our philosophy is that it is our responsibility to provide training and technical assistance to subrecipients receiving CDBG funds from the City to achieve their goal to implement successful programs that benefit the low- and moderate -income residents of the City. APPROACH MDG proposes to provide services from our offices and on -site at City Hall as needed by the City. We anticipate becoming an extension of City staff and would provide flexible scheduling which meets the needs of the City. In addition, we would make ourselves available to attend City Council meetings as requested by staff. We will make ourselves available during non-scheduled hours should the need arise by providing staff with our cell phone numbers. Based on prior experience, we anticipate providing in -person services on site at City Hall one day every other week or as needed to successfully administer the program. SCOPE OF WORK In the administration and implementation of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) CDBG entitlement grant program, MDG proposes to provide staffing and other resources as required to perform the scope of work requested by the City, but not limited to: A. General administration of the CDBG program for the upcoming three fiscal years [2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027) including: B. Coordination with City staff in the identification, management, and completion of all CDBG funded projects including preparation or review of federal funding requirements, requests for proposals, monitoring reports, public notices, etc. C. Preparation of all reports as required by HUD including, but not limited to a one-year Action Plan and annual grant funding application, Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report (CAPER) document, quarterly financial reports, etc. D. Preparation of necessary environmental review forms and documents for CDBG projects. E. Setup and maintenance of IDIS records including preparation of requested reports. 9 1 P a g e F. Preparation and/or review of draw down requests for reimbursement of expended funds on a quarterly basis or as directed. G. Coordination with HUD field office staff, other City staff, and various CDBG related constituencies. H. Any such other activities as required to properly administer the CDBG Program. I. Administration of sub -recipient contracts including: i. Prepare a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFAJ on an annual basis for social service funding. Work with City staff to prepare a funding plan for the recommended social service providers. ii. In coordination with the NOFA, prepare and hold two technical workshops for prospective applicants. iii. Hold a technical workshop for sub -recipients in July of each program year to review obligations and compliance requirements. iv. Prepare files and contracts for each of the funded social service and fair housing service providers and provide technical guidance to sub -recipients as necessaryto ensure proper data collection and program compliance as mandated by HUD. v. Review and process all sub -recipient invoices. vi. Monitor all sub -recipients on an annual basis or sooner as necessary. J. Administration of Supplemental CDBG Funding Programs i. Administration of supplemental programs, such as CDBG-CV, and other similar type programs that currently exist or may exist in the future. In addition, MDG proposes to provide advice and strategies to assistthe Citywith achieving its housing and community development goals in a manner fully compliant with HUD regulations and requirements. Anticipated Program Year Schedule The following schedule represents an anticipated program year schedule to assistthe Grant Coordinator with annual implementation of the CDBG Program. l01Page PROGRAM YEAR SCHEDULE ANTICIPATED PROGRAM YEAR SCHEDULE Publish Notice of Funding Availability to City Departments (and to third -party non -profits in years the Consolidated Plan is developed) Early November Early December Notice of Funding Availability Workshops and Application Application Due Date Prior to holidays in December Eligibility Review Due to Staff January February Finance Subcommittee Meeting Publish Public Hearing Notice and Public Review of Action Plan Early March City Council: Public Hearing and Adoption of the Action Plan Late April Mid -May Submit Action Plan to HUD Environmental Reviews and Contracts Early/Mid-June Early July Program Year Begins Quarterly Reports October, January, April, July Draft CAPER for most recent completed program year July - August Public Notice - 15-day public review of CAPER Late August Public Hearing and acceptance of the CAPER (Consent item if Mid -September two public hearing requirement is already met CAPER submission to HUD Late September 111Page SECTION IV. REFERENCES The following list represents our client list for whom we have provided similar services. HUD Entitlement Cities: City of Fontana - Valerie Gonzales, Housing Manager Services Provided: CDBG/HOME/CDBG-R/NSP Program TA; Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing (AI]; Consolidated Plan/Action Plan/CAPER preparation; Davis-Bacon/Section 3 Compliance; Policies and Procedures for FTHB and Hosing Rehabilitation Programs. Date of Contract: 2009 to Present Contact Person: Phone Number: (909) 350-6625; email address: vgonzales@fontana.org City of Irvine - Keri Bullock, Neighborhood Services Administrator / Acting Housing Manager Services Provided: CDBG/ ESG/ HOME/ CDBG-CV/ESG-CV Program Administration and Technical Assistance; Irvine Recovery Plan (ARPA) grant program administration and implementation; CDBG and HOME funded Residential Rehabilitation Program implementation; Onelrvine Home Improvement Loan Program implementation; Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing (Al): Five -Year Consolidated Plan/Action Plan/CAPER preparation; Davis -Bacon and Section 3 Compliance. Date of Contract: 2001 to Present Phone Number: [949) 724-6430; email address: kbullock@cityofiryine.org City of Corona - Cynthia Lara, Administrative Services Manager Services Provided: CDBG Program Administration and HOME Technical Assistance including all aspects of the CDBG Program as well as assistance with affordable housing projects and Davis -Bacon Compliance Monitoring, Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing (AI); Consolidated Plan/Action Plan/CAPER preparation. Date of Contract: 2010 to Present Phone Number: (951 ) 739-4963; email address: Cynthia.Lara@CoronaCA.gov City of Hawthorne - Kimberly Mack, Director of Housing Services Provided: CDBG/HOME Program Administration and Technical Assistance; CDBG and HOME funded Housing Rehabilitation Program Implementation; RDA funded Commercial Rehabilitation Program Implementation; Community Project Fund (CPF) administration; Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing [AI]; Consolidated Plan/Action Plan/CAPER preparation. Date of Contract: 2002 to 2010 and 2014 to Present Phone Number: (310) 349-1603; email address: kmack@cityofhawthorne.org City of Upland - Robert Dalquest, Development Services Director Services Provided: CDBG Program Technical Assistance: CalHome and RDA funded Housing Rehabilitation Program Implementation (4 separate programs); RDA funded Commercial Rehabilitation Program Implementation; CalHome and RDA funded Homebuyer Assistance Program: Project/Construction Management; Davis -Bacon and Section 3 Compliance: Analysis of Impediments: Planning Services: Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing [AI]; Consolidated Plan/Action Plan/CAPER preparation; affordable housing monitoring. Date of Contract: 2004 to Present Phone Number: (909) 931-4148; email address: ralquest@ci.upland.ca.us 121Pae SECTION V. FEE PROPOSAL We propose to perform the services related to the general administration of the CDBG program and administration of sub -recipient contracts on an hourly basis in accordance with the rate schedule in Exhibit "A". Based on our experience, we anticipate having one Manager (Frank Perez) provide 12 hours of service per week, with as -needed support from other MDG staff members. MDG proposes to provide Davis -Bacon and Section 3 labor standards monitoring services for a fixed -fee based on project characteristics. For each project prime contract, a flat project initiation fee of $10,000 will be due upon issuance of the Notice to Proceed to address bid document reviews, pre -bid and pre - construction advisory services, wage decision lock -in, technical assistance to contractors, and project setup under MDG's subscription to LCPtrackeffm. Subsequently, the construction -period payroll monitoring, employee field interviews, labor violation resolution, Section 3 monitoring, technical assistance and reporting for all contractors and subcontractors on the project will be billed lump sum in an amount that totals 1.5 percent of the final prime construction contract amount. We propose to have Mr. Perez in attendance on -site one day every other week to complete any of the functions requiring in -person meetings or in -person processing. Mr. Perez would be in attendance as necessary to go over all the higher level administrative needs and as requested by City Staff. Additional subject matter expert staff members would be available to the City as requested. This would include Labor Compliance, Section 3, IDIS, and environmental experts that would assist as necessary. The following additional information to the Line Item Pricing is being submitted as part of our proposal. MDG proposes to perform the Scope of Services on an hourly basis, billed in quarter-hour increments based on the billing rates listed on the attached Rate Schedule (See Exhibit "A") that are effective July 1, 2024. Should the City choose to extend the agreement for additional years beyond the first year, the Rate Schedule below provides the effective rates through June 2029. LITIGATION STATEMENT: As requested in the RFP, MDG does not have any past or current litigations. 131Page EXHIBIT "A" MDG Associates, Inc. SCHEDULE OF HOURLY BILLING RATES Rates effective as of July 1, 2024 Title PY 2024-2025 PY 2025-2026 PY 2026-2027 PY 2027-2028 PY 2028-2029 PresidenVSenior Vice President $131 $134 $138 $141 $145 Vice President $125 $128 $131 $135 $138 Director $120 $123 $126 $130 $134 -Manager $115 $118 $121 $124 $127 Senior Associate $108 $111 $114 $1 17 $120 Associate $98 $100 $103 $106 $109 Senior Project Assistant $80 $82 $84 $86 $89 Pro'ect Assistant $75 $77 $79 $81 $83 Secrets $53 $54 $56 $58 $60 REIMBURSABLE ITEMS Project Supplies At Cost plus 10% surcharge (if applicable) Prints/Reproductions At Cost plus 10% surcharge (if applicable) Postage and Delivery At Cost plus 10% surcharge (if applicable) 141Page RESUMES OF KEY PERSONNEL M 0G Associates, Inc. Rudy Munoz serves as President and founder of MDG Associates, Inc. Over the past 33 years, he has assisted cities and counties with the design, administration, and implementation of their HUD -funded CPD Programs, including, but not limited to the CDBG, HOME, NSP and CDBG-DR programs. Rudy works with government agencies on the development of implementation strategies and tools that facilitate the management of their programs. He has been involved in HUD Disaster Recovery Programs since the 1994 Northridge Earthquake, where he directed the rehabilitation of over 300 homes for two cities in Los Angeles County. Rudy works as a subcontractor to several national Technical Assistance (TA) providers through HUD's Community Compass initiatives. He has provided classroom training on behalf of HUD including Basically CDBG, Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH), CPD Maps, eCon Planning Suite, and the Disaster Recovery Grant Reporting (DRGR) system. Due to his Spanish fluency, he has also provided all of the aforementioned training in Spanish for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and its municipalities. State of California - Disaster Recovery and Mitigation Grant Financial Management, Data, and Reporting Subject Matter Expert — Team Co -lead I November 2019 - Current Rudy is the working group co -lead for the implementation of the 2017, 2018, and 2020 disaster recovery and mitigation grants financial management, data, and reporting (FDR) unit of the State of California Housing and Community Development (HCD) Disaster Recovery unit. In total, he is working with seven disaster recovery and mitigation grants totaling approximately $1.5 billion. Building on the basic framework of the CDBG program regulations, CDBG-DR Federal Register Notices, and the 2 CFR Part 200 regulations, Rudy has led the preparation of financial management policies and procedures, the development of standard operating procedures (SOPs), workflows, forms and documents, checklists, and system tools to assist HCD-DR staff in the fiscal management aspects of the disaster recovery and mitigation grants. He is assisting in conducting regularly scheduled reconciliations of their labor costs as well as the reconciliation across the three different program level systems (DRGR, Fi$Cal, and Grants Network) and one project level system (eGrants). Rudy also provides technical assistance and training to new staff assigned to the disaster recovery program and regularly provides training for subrecipients in matters related to financial management. Programs: CDBG-DR I CDBG-MIT 1 2 CFR Part 200 Client: Wendy Nelson, Section Chief — Fiscal Compliance, California HCD 2020 W. El Camino Avenue, Suite 200, Sacramento, CA 95833 wendyp.nelson@hcd.ca.gov (916) 841-8996 Rehabilitation Programs (multiple agencies) Program Manager / President 1 1985 - Current Rudy has provided residential and commercial rehabilitation program administration services to the City of Upland in addition to approximately 40 other grantees / participating jurisdictions in the last 30 years. Rudy's services to Upland have supported improvements to residential and commercial structures in the low- and moderate -income sections of the community. Rudy has designed and implemented housing rehabilitation programs utilizing a variety of grants including, but not limited to, CDBG, HOME, state, and local redevelopment funds that resulted in the rehabilitation of over 1,000 residential dwellings. In addition, he has designed and implemented commercial rehabilitation programs utilizing CDBG and local funds that has resulted in the renovation of over 200 commercial buildings in commercial districts that serve the low- and moderate -income community. In this role, Rudy has developed program guidelines, policies and procedures, implementation forms and documents, and tracking and monitoring systems for these programs. Rudy is currently overseeing MDG program staff implementing these programs in cities across Southern California. Programs: CDBG I HOME I Housing Rehabilitation I Commercial Rehabilitation Client: Liz Chavez, Development Services Manager, City of Upland 460 N. Euclid Avenue, Upland, CA 91786 Ichavez@ci.upland.ca.us (909) 931-4146 City of Paramount (plus various other cities), HUD CPD Programs Administration/Housing & Commercial Rehabilitation Administration Program Manager / President 12001 - Current Rudy has provided program administration services to the City of Paramount in addition to 30 other grantees / participating jurisdictions during the last 20 years. Rudy's services to Paramount have supported improvements to a number of community facilities and infrastructure projects in the low- and moderate -income sections of the community. Rudy has designed and implemented a housing rehabilitation program utilizing HOME program funds that resulted in the rehabilitation of over 350 homes. In addition, he has designed and implemented a commercial rehabilitation program utilizing CDBG funds that has resulted in the renovation of over 60 commercial buildings in the City's core commercial district that serves the low- and moderate -income community. In this role, Rudy has developed program guidelines, supporting forms and documents, and tracking and monitoring systems for all of these programs to ensure compliance with CDBG and HOME regulations. Rudy is currently overseeing MDG program staff implementing these programs in cities across Southern California. Programs: CDBG I HOME I Housing Rehabilitation I Commercial Rehabilitation Client: John Carver, Community Development Director, City of Paramount 16400 Colorado Avenue, Paramount, CA 91723 jcarver@paramountcity.com (562) 220-2048 "Basically CDBG" Curriculum Trainer / TA Subject Matter Expert /Co -Lead Trainer 12010 - Current Rudy was a co -trainer under contract to Enterprise Advisors and ICF for HUD's live in -person Basically CDBG Trainings from 2010 to 2017, which culminated in a recorded session in Atlanta, GA that was subsequently edited and used as part of HUD's Basically CDBG Online e-learning curriculum that is available to the public on the HUD Exchange. info website. Rudy also worked with Enterprise and HUD Headquarters staff to produce the Basically CDBG Online e-learning curriculum that is currently posted to the HUDExchange.info website (2019-2020). Specifically, Rudy assisted in writing the content for the topical capacity building modules, made recommendations for edits to the live video recordings and reviewed all content for consistency with current HUD policy and guidance. Rudy assisted in the translation of the Basically CDBG training slide deck and manual into Spanish and provided the training in Spanish for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. Programs: CDBG I Federal Crosscutting Client: Diane Lobasso, Senior Advisor, HUD Office of DAS for Grants Programs 451 71h St. SW, Washington, D.C., 20410 Diane.L.Lobasso@hud.gov (202) 402-2191 HUD CPD Program Trainings Subject Matter Expert / Trainer 12010 - Current Rudy has provided a number of live in -person trainings on behalf of HUD through multiple service providers such as Enterprise Advisors, Cloudburst Group, ICF and NALCAB. Rudy has provided in -class training and technical assistance for grantees in two of HUDs reporting systems: the Integrated Disbursement and Information Systems (IDIS), and the Disaster Recovery Grant Reporting System (DRGR). He has assisted HUD Headquarters as a beta tester for the updates to the DRGR system as well as being a drafter/reviewer on the Ask A Question (AAQ) pool. Rudy was also selected as a trainer for the Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) Final Rule and has also trained Financial Management Systems (2 CFR Part 200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements), eCon Planning Suite (for the development of Consolidated Plans and Action Plans); and CPD Maps. Rudy has provided all of the aforementioned training in English and in Spanish for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. In 2020, Rudy presented the CDBG-CV National Objectives training. Programs: CDBG I Federal Crosscutting I AFH I IDIS I eCon Planning Suite Client: HUD Office for Grants Programs 451 71h St. SW, Washington, D.C., 20410 Diane.L.Lobasso@hud.gov (202) 402-2191 Over the past 20 years, Clint has assisted hundreds of states and cities in the design and implementation of housing and community development programs — primarily through HUD CPD Programs. Clint focuses on strategic community investment in affordable housing, development and coordinating the supportive services necessary to achieve local goals and to affirmatively further fair housing choice. Areas of specialization include grants planning, grantee capacity building, compliance monitoring, HUD CPD technical assistance, and the implementation of housing programs including all phases of acquisition, rehabilitation and/or development, ownership or rental. State of California Department of Housing and Community Development Division of Federal Financial Assistance - Disaster Recovery Multifamily Housing Program Subject Matter Expert I November 2019 - Current Clint is the working group lead for implementation of the 2017, 2018, and 2020 disaster recovery multifamily housing programs. Building on the basic framework of the CDBG program regulations and Federal Register Notices, Clint developed program policies, procedures, and underwriting standards in early 2020 and has since guided the commitment of over $285M to 26 California cities and counties to develop over 2,000 housing units to replace those lost to the wildfires. In this capacity, Clint led the preparation of standard operating procedures, supporting forms and documents, checklists, and tracking systems. Clint provides technical assistance and training to new staff assigned to the disaster recovery program and regularly provides training for subrecipients and developers. Programs: CDBG-DR Client: Stacy Rodgers, CDBG-DR Section Chief, HCD 2020 West El Camino Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95833 stacy.rodgers@hcd.ca.gov (916) 841-6268 City of Irvine (plus various other cities), CDBG-CV and ESG-CV Programs/ Rental, Mortgage, and Business Assistance Program Administration Program Manager/Senior Vice President I April 2020 - Current Clint has provided program administration services to the City of Irvine and nine other cities to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on housing and business markets and assisted these cities in designing and implementing CDBG-CV, ESG-CV, and U.S. Treasury Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery funded housing, vulnerable populations, and business assistance programs. In this capacity, Clint helped to program over $50M in CDBG-CV and ESG-CV resources in the period between July 1 and December 31, 2020. Clint developed program guidelines, supporting forms and documents, and tracking and monitoring systems. Clint provided training locally and under subcontract for HUD TA to help grantees and subrecipients understand eligible activities, national objectives, COVID-19 tieback, and duplication of benefits. Clint is currently overseeing MDG staff implementing these programs in cities across Southern California. Programs: CDBG Admin. I HOME Admin. I Housing Rehab Admin. I CDBG-CV Client: Lisa Varon, Housing Manager, City of Irvine 1 Civic Center Plaza, Irvine, CA 92606 LVaron@cityofirvine.org (949) 724-6612 City of Palmdale (plus various other cities), HOME Program Administration and Implementation Lead Consultant/Senior Vice President j June 2008 - Current Clint provides HOME program administration and implementation services to the City of Palmdale and eight other participating jurisdictions. Clint's advisory services to Palmdale supported the development of eight multifamily apartment communities totaling 565 housing units for seniors, chronically homeless, and families. Clint has designed and implemented an acquisition, rehabilitation, resale program, tenant -based rental assistance programs, homeowner rehabilitation programs, homebuyer assistance programs, and provided technical assistance to build the capacity of a YouthBuild chapter to become a certified Community Housing Development Organization. In this role, Clint developed program guidelines, supporting forms and documents, and tracking and monitoring systems to ensure compliance with HOME regulations. Clint is currently advising the City in the development of its HOME - ARP Allocation Plan and early program design. Programs: HOME I HOME -ARP I Successor Housing Agency Client: Sophia Reyes, Housing Manager, City of Palmdale 38250 Sierra Highway, Palmdale, CA 93550 SReyes@cityofpalmdale.org (661) 267-5164 U.S. HUD Technical Assistance — Basically CDBG Training Trainer j March 2017 —Current Clint was a co -trainer under contract to Enterprise Advisors for HUD's live in -person Basically CDBG Trainings in New Orleans, Milwaukee, and Seattle (2017). Clint also worked with Enterprise and HUD Headquarters staff to produce the Basically CDBG Online e-learning curriculum that is currently posted to the H U DExchange. info website (2019-2020). Specifically, Clint wrote the content for the topical capacity building modules that followed the live video recordings and reviewed all content for consistency with current HUD policy and guidance. In 2020, Clint prepared CDBG-CV slide deck materials for HUD Headquarters to present during the initial round of CDBG-CV webinars. More recently, Clint presented the Basically CDBG-CV Public Services, National Objectives, and Other Federal Requirements virtual sessions during the 2022 HUD CARES Act Virtual Training Conference. Programs: CDBG I CDBG-CV Client: Diane Lobasso, Senior Advisor, HUD Office of DAS for Grants Programs 451 7th St. SW, Washington, D.C., 20410 Diane.L.Lobasso@hud.gov (202) 402-2191 Assessment of Fair Housing, Cities of Paramount and Temecula Lead Consultant/Senior Vice President I January 2016 — June 2017 Clint prepared Assessment of Fair Housing documents for the Cities of Paramount and Temecula, California using HUD's new planning framework designed to ensure that HUD grant recipients take meaningful actions, in addition to combating discrimination, that overcome patterns of segregation and foster inclusive communities free from barriers that restrict access to opportunity based on protected characteristics. This work included an analysis of fair housing data, an assessment of fair housing issues and contributing factors, and an identification of fair housing priorities and goals. Clint facilitated robust citizen and stakeholder engagement through community meetings, focus groups, surveys, individual consultations with protected class representatives and advocacy groups. The resultant AFH documents were accepted by HUD and incorporated into each City's 5-year Consolidated Plan and other local plans. Concurrent with this work, Clint also supported HUD Technical Assistance efforts through a subcontract with the National Association for Latino Community Asset Builders whereby Clint provided training and technical assistance to several other cities and counties similarly engaged in the development of AFH documents for the first time. Programs: CDBG I HOME I Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Client: Luke Watson, Deputy City Manager, City of Temecula 41000 Main Street, Temecula, CA 92590 Luke.Watson@temeculaca.gov (951) 694-6400 Over the past 13 years, Frank has assisted eight cities with planning, administering, and monitoring housing and community development programs — primarily through HUD CPD grant programs. Frank focuses on developing and implementing strategies to assist low- and moderate -income people through public services, community infrastructure improvements, and affirmatively furthering fair housing choice. Areas of specialization include Consolidated Plan and Action Plan development and implementation, Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS) functionality and management, labor standards enforcement, subrecipient management, monitoring, and capacity building, compliance with federal reporting requirements including the CAPER, and all other aspects of program administration, implementation and compliance. Frank is a Subject Matter Expert in contract and labor compliance, Davis -Bacon, Minority and Women Owned Business, and Section 3. City of Temecula, CDBG and CDBG-CV Program Administration Lead Consultant/Manager I November 2015 - Current Frank provided program administration services to the City of Temecula and assisted with seven other cities to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on housing availability and business retention and has assisted these cities to design, implement, and monitor CDBG-CV funded housing and business assistance programs. Frank helped to program over $35M in CDBG- CV U.S. Treasury resources in the period between July 2020-June 2021. Frank developed program guidelines, supporting forms and documents, and tracking and monitoring systems to support rental assistance programs, business grant programs, and microenterprise assistance programs. Frank guided a team of consultants and staff through the implementation process for each program, including program marketing, intake, income determination, verification of no duplication of benefits, non -debarment, fiscal disbursement processing, programmatic verification, program reporting in IDIS, and closeout. Programs: CDBG I CDBG-CV I U.S. Treasury SLRF Client: Luke Watson, Deputy City Manager, City of Temecula 41000 Main St, Temecula, CA Luke.Watson@temeculaca.gov (951) 694-6400 City of Santa Ana, Subrecipient Monitoring Team Lead/Senior Associate I January 2015 — June 2017 Frank led a team of MDG staff members tasked with monitoring 16-20 CDBG, ESG, and Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act subrecipients each year. The scope of work includes risk assessment, contract and performance reviews, development and update of monitoring checklists, facilitation of monitoring procedures, entrance conference presentations, review of programmatic and financial documents, exit conference facilitation, preparation or review of monitoring reports, and follow-up on corrective actions to close out each monitoring review. This work also includes direct technical assistance on an as -needed basis to improve subrecipient capacity to implement CDBG, ESG, and WIOA activities in compliance with applicable program regulations and the subrecipient agreement. Frank ensures that the team's approach to each monitoring engagement is to impart knowledge and help subrecipients improve the effectiveness and compliance of their programs. Programs: CDBG I ESG I Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act Client: Judson Brown, Housing Manager, City of Santa Ana 20 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701 1 JBrown@santa-ana.org (714) 667-2241 City of Corona, CDBG and HOME Program Administration Consultant/Manager) July 2021 —Current Frank provides the city with day-to-day administration of the CDBG and HOME programs, including oversight of public service, public facilities and infrastructure improvements, affordable housing development, homeowner rehabilitation, and tenant -based rental assistance activities. This work includes development and implementation of the Notice of Funding Availability process, application eligibility reviews, facilitation of committee meetings, preparation of the Action Plan and associated approval documents, IDIS setup and management, performance and financial processing and monitoring, labor standards enforcement, subrecipient management, monitoring, capacity building, and preparation of the CAPER. Programs: CDBG I HOME Client: Cynthia Lara, Administrative Services Manager, City of Corona 400 S. Vicentia Avenue, Corona, CA 92882 1 Cynthia.Lara@CoronaCA.gov (951) 739-4963 City of Irvine, CDBG and ESG Program Administration Team Lead / Manager I April 2018 — Current Frank provides the city with day-to-day administration of the CDBG and ESG programs, including oversight of public facilities and infrastructure improvements, homeowner rehabilitation, homelessness prevention, and rapid re -housing activities. This includes development of the annual Notice of Funding Availability, review of 20-25 program applications for CDBG or ESG eligibility and consistency with the Consolidated Plan, staff support for three commission meetings and for commissioner reading and scoring, preparation of the Action Plan and associated approval documents, IDIS setup and management, performance and financial processing and monitoring, labor standards enforcement, subrecipient management, monitoring, capacity building, and preparation of the CAPER. Programs: CDBG I ESG Client: Keri Bullock, Housing Manager, City of Irvine 1 Civic Center Plaza, Irvine, CA 92606 1 KBullock@cityofirvine.org (949) 724-6430 EXHIBIT B Payment Rates and Schedule Cost for services shall be as per Consultant's proposal attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full but in no event shall the total cost of services exceed $410,000.00 for the total term of the Agreement unless additional payment is approved as provided in the Payment section of this Agreement. 10 08/09/2021 EXHIBIT "B" MDG Associates, Inc. SCHEDULE OF HOURLY BILLING RATES Rates effective as of July 1, 2024 Title PY 2024-2025 PY 2025-2026 PY 2026-2027 PY 2027-2028 PY 2028-2029 President/Senior Vice President $131 $134 $138 $141 $145 Vice President $125 $128 $131 $135 $138 Director $120 $123 $126 $130 $134 Manager $115 $118 $121 $124 $127 Senior Associate $108 $1 1 1 $114 $117 $120 Associate $98 $100 $103 $106 $109 Senior Project Assistant $80 $82 $84 $86 $89 Project Assistant $75 $77 $79 $81 $83 Secrets $53 $54 $56 $58 $60 REIMBURSABLE ITEMS Project Supplies At Cost plus 10% surcharge (if applicable) Prints/Reproductions At Cost plus 10% surcharge (if applicable) Postage and Delivery At Cost plus 10% surcharge (if applicable) Item No. 6 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Patrick Thomas, Director of Public Works / City Engineer DATE: May 14, 2024 SUBJECT: Approve Consultant Agreement with GHD, Inc. for the De Portola Road/Jedediah Smith Road Roundabout Project, PW23-01 PREPARED BY: Nick Minicilli, Senior Civil Engineer Julie Tarrant, Principal Management Analyst RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Approve a consultant agreement with GHD, Inc., in the amount of $600,020, for the De Portola Road/Jedediah Smith Road Roundabout Project, PW23-01; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to approve extra work authorizations not to exceed the contingency amount of $60,002, which is equal to 10% of the agreement amount. BACKGROUND: On January 23, 2023, the City was awarded a FY 2023 Community Project Funding for $800,000 for the construction of the De Portola Road/Jedediah Smith Road Roundabout. In the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (the FY 2023 Act), (Public Law 117- 328), Congress made funding available of $2,982,285,641 for grants for the Economic Development Initiative (EDI) for the purposes, and in amounts, specified for Community Project Funding/Congressionally Directed Spending. These Community Project Funding (CPF) awards are administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). On November 28, 2023, Council approved and adopted Resolution 2023-088 which approved the grant agreement between the City and HUD for CPF funding. The De Portola Road/Jedediah Smith Road Roundabout Project, PW23-01, includes the design and construction of a traffic circle at this intersection to construct a single lane vehicular roundabout to improve traffic congestion and reduce delays, enhance traffic safety, and maintain the natural beauty and rural character of the surrounding community. On October 31, 2023, the Department of Public Works publicly posted on the City's online bidding service, Planet Bids, Request for Proposal No. 279 to solicit design consultant proposals for the Project. The design consultant solicitation was publicly advertised between October 31, 2023, and December 5, 2023, and the City received nine (9) proposals. City staff panel members reviewed each proponent's proposal, excluding cost proposals, which were submitted under separate file and concealed until full review was conducted. After panel review and discussion of proposals, City staff interviewed the top 4 qualified firms. The proponents were ranked as follows: 1. GHD, Inc. 2. Dokken Engineering 3. Kimley Horn & Associates, Inc. 4. Wood Rodgers, Inc. 5. David Evans & Associates Inc. 6. MNS Engineering, Inc. 7. Nasland Engineering 8. Michael Baker International 9. Interwest Consulting Group GHD, Inc., provides transportation engineering, environmental advisory, digital, utility, and construction services to public clients throughout California. GHD, Inc., has successfully designed numerous roundabouts throughout California. Following the selection and ranking process, staff reviewed the GHD, Inc. fee proposal and entered into negotiations. Staff finalized the terms of the proposal and negotiated a not -to -exceed fee of $600,020 for engineering design services. Staff recommends the approval of the agreement with GHD Inc., in the amount of $600,020, with a contingency amount of $60,002 for engineering design services. The combined total fee for the overall scope of work, including contingency, is $660,022. FISCAL IMPACT: The De Portola Road and Jedediah Smith Roundabout Project is identified in the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget for Fiscal Years 2024-2028. It is funded with CPF Grant Funding, DIF-Street Improvements, and Measure A. Adequate funds are available in the project account for the engineering design services agreement in the amount of $600,020, plus the $60,002 contingency, for a total encumbrance of $660,022. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Agreement 2. Project Description AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES BETWEEN CITY OF TEMECULA AND GHD INC. DE PORTOLA ROAD/JEDEDIAH SMITH ROAD ROUNDABOUT PROJECT PROJECT NO. PW23-01 FY2023 Community Project Funding (CPF) Grant Agreement No. B-23-CP-CA-0140 THIS AGREEMENT is made and effective as of May 14, 2024, between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and GHD Inc., a Corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "Consultant"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: TERM This Agreement shall commence on May 14, 2024, and shall remain and continue in effect until tasks described herein are completed, but in no event later than June 30, 2027, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 2. SERVICES Consultant shall perform the services and tasks described and set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. Consultant shall complete the tasks according to the schedule of performance which is also set forth in Exhibit A. 3. PERFORMANCE Consultant shall competently exercise the ordinary skill and competence of members of their profession. Consultant shall employ all generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services as are required of Consultant hereunder in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 4. PAYMENT a. The City agrees to pay Consultant monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and terms and the schedule of payment as set forth in Exhibit B, Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. Any terms in Exhibit B, other than the payment rates and schedule of payment, are null and void. This amount shall not exceed Six Hundred Thousand Twenty Dollars and Zero Cents ($600,020.00), for the total term of this agreement. b. Consultant shall not be compensated for any services rendered in connection with its performance of this Agreement which are in addition to those set forth herein, unless such additional services are authorized in advance and in writing by the City Manager . Consultant shall be compensated for any additional services in the amounts and in the manner as agreed to by City Manager and Consultant at the time City's written authorization is given to Consultant for the performance of said services. C. Consultant will submit invoices monthly for actual services performed. Invoices shall be submitted between the first and fifteenth business day of each month, for 03/14/2024 services provided in the previous month. Payment shall be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of each invoice as to all non -disputed fees. If the City disputes any of Consultant's fees, it shall give written notice to Consultant within thirty (30) days of receipt of an invoice of any disputed fees set forth on the invoice. For all reimbursements authorized by this Agreement, Consultant shall provide receipts on all reimbursable expenses in excess of Fifty Dollars ($50) in such form as approved by the Director of Finance. 5. PREVAILING WAGES Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has obtained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general rate for holiday and overtime work in this locality for each craft, classification, or type of workman needed to execute this Agreement from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. Copies may be obtained from the California Department of Industrial Relations Internet website at htlp://www,dir.ca.gov. Consultant shall provide a copy of prevailing wage rates to any staff or sub -Consultant hired, and shall pay the adopted prevailing wage rates as a minimum. Consultant shall comply with the provisions of Sections 1720, 1725.5, 1771.1(a), 1773.8, 1775, 1776, 1777.5, 1777.6, and 1813 of the Labor Code. Pursuant to the provisions of 1775 of the Labor Code, Consultant shall forfeit to the City, as a penalty, the sum of $200.00 for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each laborer, worker, or mechanic employed, paid less than the stipulated prevailing rates for any work done under this Agreement, by him or by any subconsultant under him, in violation of the provisions of the Agreement. This project, work, or service will be subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) pursuant to Labor Code Section 1771.4. 6. REGISTRATION WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Registration with the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) is mandatory as a condition for bidding, providing certain services, and working on a public works project as specified in Labor Code Section 1771.1(a). Consultant and any subcontractors must be registered with the Department of Industrial Relations to be qualified to bid, or provide a proposal and/or time and material quote or be listed in a bid, proposal or quote, subject to the requirements of Public Contract Code Section 4104; or engage in the performance of any contract that is subject to Labor Code Section 1720 et seq., unless currently registered and qualified to perform public work pursuant to Labor Code Section 1725.5. Consultant and subcontractors will be required to provide proof of registration with the DIR. For more information regarding registration with the Department of Industrial Relations, refer to http://www.dir.ca.gov/Public-Works/PublicWorks.html 7. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT WITHOUT CAUSE a. The City may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the Consultant at least ten (10) days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Consultant shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. If the City suspends or terminates a portion of this Agreement such suspension or termination shall not make void or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement. b. In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section, the City shall pay to Consultant the actual value of the work performed up to the time of termination, provided that the work performed is of value to the City. Upon termination of the Agreement 03/14/2024 pursuant to this Section, the Consultant will submit an invoice to the City, pursuant to Section entitled "PAYMENT" herein. 8. DEFAULT OF CONSULTANT a. The Consultant's failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute a default. In the event that Consultant is in default for cause under the terms of this Agreement, City shall have no obligation or duty to continue compensating Consultant for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the Consultant. If such failure by the Consultant to make progress in the performance of work hereunder arises out of causes beyond the Consultant's control, and without fault or negligence of the Consultant, it shall not be considered a default. b. If the City Manager or his delegate determines that the Consultant is in default in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, it shall serve the Consultant with written notice of the default. The Consultant shall have ten (10) days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the Consultant fails to cure its default within such period of time, the City shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law, in equity or under this Agreement. 9. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS a. Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to sales, costs, expenses, receipts and other such information required by City that relate to the performance of services under this Agreement. Consultant shall maintain adequate records of services provided in sufficient detail to permit an evaluation of services. All such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. Consultant shall provide free access to the representatives of City or its designees at reasonable times to such books and records, shall give City the right to examine and audit said books and records, shall permit City to make transcripts there from as necessary, and shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings and activities related to this Agreement. Such records, together with supporting documents, shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years after receipt of final payment. b. Upon completion of, or in the event of termination or suspension of this Agreement, all original documents, designs, drawings, maps, models, computer files containing data generated for the work, surreys, notes, and other documents prepared in the course of providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall become the sole property of the City and may be used, reused or otherwise disposed of by the City without the permission of the Consultant. With respect to computer files containing data generated for the work, Consultant shall make available to the City, upon reasonable written request by the City, the necessary computer software and hardware for purposes of accessing, compiling, transferring and printing computer files. 10. INDEMNIFICATION — Indemnity for Design Professional Services A. In the connection with its professional design services, as defined in Civil Code Section 2782.8, Consultant shall hold harmless and indemnify the City, Temecula Community Services District, Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, and their elected officials, directors, officers, and employees (collectively, "Indemnified Parties"), 03/14/2024 from any claim, demand, damage, liability, loss, cost or expense (collectively, "claims"), including but not limited to death or injury to any person and injury to any property, arising out of, pertaining to, or relating to the negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct of Consultant or any of its officers, employees, subconsultants, or agents in the performance of its professional services under this Agreement. In no event shall the cost to defend charged to the Consultant exceed the Consultant's proportionate percentage of fault as set forth in, and subject to, California Civil Code 2782.8. B. Other Indemnities. In connection with all claims not covered by Paragraph A, Consultant shall defend, hold harmless and indemnify the Indemnified Parties, from any claim, demand, damage, liability, loss, cost or expense (collectively, "claims"), including but not limited to death or injury to any person and injury to any property, arising out of, pertaining to, or relating to Consultant's performance of this Agreement. Consultant shall defend Indemnitees in any action or actions filed in connection with any such claims with counsel acceptable to City , and shall pay all costs and expenses, including actual attorney's fees, incurred in connection with such defense. 11. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons and/or damages to property, which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Consultant, its agents, representatives, or employees. a. Minimum Scope and Limits of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as and shall maintain limits no less than: Commercial General Liability: One Million ($1,000,000) per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. Automobile Liability: One Million ($1,000,000) per occurrence for bodily injury, including death, of one or more persons, property damage and personal injury. Providing coverage for owned, non -owned, and hired autos on an occurrence basis. If the Consultant owns no automobiles, a non -owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy described above is acceptable. iii. Workers' Compensation insurance with limits of not less than One million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence. In accordance with the provisions of Labor Code Section 3700, every contractor will be required to secure the payment of compensation to his employees. Pursuant to Labor Code Section 1861, Consultant must submit to City the following certification before beginning any work on the Improvements: I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which require every employer to be insured against liability for worker's compensation or to undertake self- 03/14/2024 insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this contract. By executing this Agreement, Consultant is submitting the certification required above. The policy must contain a waiver of subrogation in favor of the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees or volunteers. iv. Professional Liability Coverage: One million ($1,000,000) per occurrence and in aggregate. Professional Liability Insurance shall be written on a policy form providing professional liability for the Consultant's profession. b. Deductibles and Self -Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self -insured retentions must be declared and approved by the Risk Manager. c. Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions in addition to the insuring provisions: The City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as additional insured's, as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Consultant's products and completed operations of the Consultant; premises owned, occupied or used by the Consultant; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Consultant. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees or volunteers. For any claims related to this project, the Consultant insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self -insured maintained by the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of the Consultant's insurance and shall not contribute with it. iii. Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 03/14/2024 iv. The Consultant's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. v. Each insurance policy required by this agreement shall be endorsed to state: should the policy be canceled before the expiration date the issuing insurer will endeavor to mail thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the City. vi. If insurance coverage is canceled or, reduced in coverage or in limits the Consultant shall within two (2) business days of notice from insurer phone, fax, and/or notify the City via certified mail, return receipt requested of the changes to or cancellation of the policy. vii. Unless otherwise approved by City, if any part of the Services and Tasks is subcontracted, the Minimum Insurance Requirements must be provided by, or on behalf of, all subcontractors even if city has approved lesser insurance requirements for Consultant, and all subcontractors must agree in writing to be bound by the provisions of this section. d. Acceptability of insurers. Insurance required above, except for workers' compensation insurance, must be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of A- VII or better, unless otherwise acceptable to the City. Self-insurance shall not be considered to comply with these insurance requirements. e. Verification of Coverage. Consultant shall furnish the City with original endorsements affecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. 12. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR a. Consultant is and shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive direction and control. Neither City nor any of its officers, employees, agents, or volunteers shall have control over the conduct of Consultant or any of Consultant's officers, employees, or agents except as set forth in this Agreement. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner officers, employees or agents of the City. Consultant shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. b. No employee benefits shall be available to Consultant in connection with the performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to Consultant as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Consultant for performing services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Consultant for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 03/14/2024 13. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES The Consultant shall keep itself informed of all local, State and Federal ordinances, laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its service pursuant to this Agreement. The Consultant shall at all times observe and comply with all such ordinances, laws and regulations. The City, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Consultant to comply with this section. 14. RELEASE OF INFORMATION a. All information gained by Consultant in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential and shall not be released by Consultant without City's prior written authorization. Consultant, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors, shall not without written authorization from the City Manager or unless requested by the City Attorney, voluntarily provide declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories or other information concerning the work performed under this Agreement or relating to any project or property located within the City. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered "voluntary" provided Consultant gives City notice of such court order or subpoena. b. Consultant shall promptly notify City should Consultant, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions or other discovery request, court order or subpoena from any party regarding this Agreement and the work performed there under or with respect to any project or property located within the City. City retains the right, but has no obligation, to represent Consultant and/or be present at any deposition, hearing or similar proceeding. Consultant agrees to cooperate fully with City and to provide City with the opportunity to review any response to discovery requests provided by Consultant. However, City's right to review any such response does not imply or mean the right by City to control, direct, or rewrite said response. 15. NOTICES Any notices which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Agreement must be in writing and may be given either by (i) personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) mailing in the United States Mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by Notice. Notice shall be effective upon delivery to the addresses specified below or on the third business day following deposit with the document delivery service or United States Mail as provided above. Mailing Address: City of Temecula Attn: City Manager 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 To Consultant: GHD Inc. Attn: Thomas Conti 1101 Monterey Street, Suite 120 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 03/14/2024 16. ASSIGNMENT The Consultant shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without prior written consent of the City. Upon termination of this Agreement, Consultant's sole compensation shall be payment for actual services performed up to, and including, the date of termination or as may be otherwise agreed to in writing between the City Council and the Consultant. 17. LICENSES At all times during the term of this Agreement, Consultant shall have in full force and effect, all licenses required of it by law for the performance of the services described in this Agreement. 18. GOVERNING LAW The City and Consultant understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the municipal, superior, or federal district court with geographic jurisdiction over the City of Temecula. In the event such litigation is filed by one party against the other to enforce its rights under this Agreement, the prevailing party, as determined by the Court's judgment, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and litigation expenses for the relief granted. 19. PROHIBITED INTEREST No officer, or employee of the City of Temecula that has participated in the development of this agreement or its approval shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, the proceeds thereof, the Consultant, or Consultant's sub -contractors for this project, during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter. The Consultant hereby warrants and represents to the City that no officer or employee of the City of Temecula that has participated in the development of this agreement or its approval has any interest, whether contractual, non - contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, the proceeds thereof, or in the business of the Consultant or Consultant's sub -contractors on this project. Consultant further agrees to notify the City in the event any such interest is discovered whether or not such interest is prohibited by law or this Agreement. 20. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations and statements, oral or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. 21. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Consultant warrants and represents that he or she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the 03/14/2024 Consultant and has the authority to bind Consultant to the performance of its obligations hereunder. The City Manager is authorized to enter into an amendment on behalf of the City to make the following non -substantive modifications to the agreement: (a) name changes; (b) extension of time; (c) non -monetary changes in scope of work; (d) agreement termination. 03/14/2024 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF TEMECULA By: James Stewart, Mayor ATTEST: By Randi Johl, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney GHD Inc. (Two Signatures of corporate officers required unless corporate documents authorize only one person to sign the agreement on behalf of the corporation.) By: . l Michael W. 6 raks, PE / Vice President A By: �7,n Duncan Findlay, Secretary CONSULTANT GHD Inc. Attn: Thomas Conti 1101 Monterey Street, Suite 120 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 (805) 242-0453 _ Thomas.Conti@ghd.com 03/14/2024 EXHIBIT A Tasks to be Performed All tasks to be performed are per the proposal provided by the Consultant attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. 03/14/2024 SCHEDULE RISKS We recognize the city expects the project design to be completed in approximately a years' time. GHD has created a schedule at the City's request that anticipates completion within 15 months. There are risks involved with this ass umplJon specific to utility and right of way actions that are outside of GHD's control. • Utility coordination is primarily a city task but considered a schedule risk. The city and GHD believe there are few conflicting underground utilities within the project limits. Utilities companies in conflict will he required to provide relocation plans. We assume that the utility companies will cooperate with requests for information and relocation plans required by project construction. ■ Right of Way acquisition is primarily a GHD task but is considered a schedule risk. Based on the CPF Grant Guide that states, `You may not commit or spend ANY project funds (HUD or non - HUD funds) on hard costs or take any choice limiting actions until the project completes an environmental review Examples of choice limiting actions include_ but are not limited to, purchasing land, entering into contracts for property acquisition or construction, or physical work on the project.' The schedule risk is that environmental review will not be completed in time to allow furl nght of way acquisition. • The federal procurement of real property recommendation is to allow 16 months in process in case condemnation becomes necessary. As such if the schedule slips because of causes outside of GHD's control we reserve the nght to negotiate an amendment for the extension of the contract duration and possible additional costs to complete tasks described in the schedule. ASSUMPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS PAED 1. We assume stakeholders will participate proactively throughout the course of the project and that the preyect will proceed uninterrupted. 2. We assume that the City will assist in ensuring that we will have access to properties around the project rf necessary. 3. Project Meetings: Meetings will be virtuat. The figure shown in the Fee Estimate is a budget figure based on the project schedule at the time of the kickoff which schedules the design to be completed in springrs•ummer of 2025. 4. City "red lines' will be organized in a single set of redline plans for GHD's use. 5. GHD's concept design will focus on the geometrics of the roundabout. The concept plan will be geometric approval drawings for city review and approval on one plan sheet focusing on the roadway and its pavement delineation. 8. We assume the city will route the plans through the various departments, such as the Building Department and the Planning Department as part of the individual reviews and that these departments will interact with city staff, providing one set of unified comments for GHD. 7. Lot Tie Agreement and Lot Line Adjustment efforts are excluded from this quote. 8. Legal description(s) and exhibit(s) will be prepared for real property but will not include utility ded icationsleasements_ 03/14/2024 9. The city will provide the Preliminary Title Reports for the parcels surrounding the project in accordance with our needs. 10. Mo effort is included for 'hydrology and hydraulics'. This project focuses on roadway reconfiguration matching existing grade to existing drainage facilities on site_ 11. No cultural resources will be identified within the Project area. 12. This scope of work does not include recordation, test excavations„ or formal evaluation of archaeological resources or historic,age elements of the built environment for eligibility to the CRHR or NRHP. If those services are required, a separate scope of work and cost estimate will be provided based on the level of effort needed_ 13. This scope of work does not include consultation with Native American groups under Section 106 of the NHPA or Assembly Bill 52, or Section 106 consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO). If those services are required, a separate scope of work and cost estimate will be provided based on the level of effort needed_ 14. City staff will lead public hearings on CEQA at the Planning Commission andrar the City Council. 15. City staff will complete the CEGA noticing to the Clearinghouse and locally for public review. 16. The project assumes the project wil receive a CEQA exemption determination and NEPA categorical exclusion. Preparation of an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration is excluded, as it is not anticipated_ 17. The city well prepare all notices for the CEGA document review and notices. 18. The 60% design document submittal will be based on two-dimensional geometry concept plan previously approved by the city_ At 60% and further submittals we do not anticipate any geometric modifications and have budgeted effort accordingly. 19. The city wall provide public outreach and community engagement coordination such as public notifications, scheduling and securing venue, assist with presenting. GHD will support with exhibits for the meetings and fielding technical questions. 20. Effort for rendering and exhibits as part of the public outreach and community engagement is a budget figure. ROW & UTILITIES 21. Our right of way services assumes budgeting for 4 property actions_ ,additional properties will need additional budget. 22. The city will lead ut Iity coordination to obtain mapping and reiocatons. GHD has effort budgeted for attending meetings for technical support and creation of a conflict map for city use. 23. Utility Relocation does not include design other than the city drainage infrastructure if necessary; we assume any other relocation work will be designed by others as a separate document to be referenced on the plan set and included in the specification. 24. We assume utilities are under franchise rights or similar rights where utility relocation costs are 100% on the subject utility owner. Any utility agreements necessary will be city task. 03/14/2024 PSE 25. The project footprint is a well -traveled rural area where accommodations for landscaping is limited by avai[ability of space. Therefore, we assume limited landscaping opportunities. 26. Project will be developed utilizing the City of Temecula, Greenbook and Galtrans current standards at the 60% submittal. No update to standards will be made following this submittal. 27. Electrical design for the RRFB will be solar with no points of electrical connection_ 28. Specifications: Effort shown in the Fee Estimate is for GHD's work to create the 'Technical Specification' with the city template (Greenbook-format contract) with associated appendices and combined with the city bodefplate. Effort for proofreading the city boilerplate, is not included. 29. We assume the project will be designed primarily within the standard plans and specifications or the city boiler plate technical specifications. Therefore, our technical specification effort is minimized. 30. Erosion control plans will not be included in the plans. The preparation of Storm water Pollution Protection Plan will be included as a construction contract item and is not part of the 'design"_ 31t.ID measures are excluded and will oe offset on other city projects per NPDES M 5 4 Permit approved by the San Diego R eg iona I. IN ater 0uaAty Control Board. 32 City will provide traffic handling and staged construction plan sheets. 33. Reproduction and scanning of the Construction Bid Documents will be perfomied by the city. 34 We assume the final PSE set will not have significant plan modifications beside sealing the documents by the engineer of record. 35. Design exceptions will be submitted to the State by the city, if applicable. 36. hazardous material rem ediation for contaminated soils, 0 present, is excluded_ 37. The City contract mentions they will, provide reimbursement for reasonable pre -approved travel including airfare and hotel reimbursement only. Proponents submitting expense reimbursement requests to the City shall include on their invoices detailed information including desenpfion, date of the expense. business purpose and amount. Travel related expenses (including hotels) shall be reimbursed a direct cost. These costs are budgeted in the fee as other direct costs. 39. Fees Schedule: Gur fee schedule is based on a project design of 12 to 16 monft. 03/14/2024 % § ; - 1 -' f ■ I ,| ■- E & .,|,- ■ i � � & � � I » � # ■ � Of | k to | 2 } §F |� w . k U � k | 2 - e 2 � a 2 \ � ! | � k E ! ! a 2 $ Ri' Ulf \-��)��d)! | k§ 2 !�`��Ik/k�49 ��k\ |�®��&$'�■■� a|i7 %!f!! !,.% „ !! ) �, �si� 11 ■s |■, �f■«�2 f�@■||2 ■# ■■ a a tag !!! $z!! ■ �! � � u§:=s �§���o ���.=a ,fxln aM11 EXHIBIT B Payment Rates and Schedule Cost for services shall be as per Contractors proposal attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full but in no event shall the total cost of services exceed $600,020.00 for the total term of the Agreement unless additional payment is approved as provided in the Payment section of this Agreement. Task1 MJPmq/ct Management Project Management Project Meetings Stakeholder Outreach Task2 utility Coordinatlon Utility Coordination Utility Meetings Task3 Topographic Survey Topographic Survey Field Topographic Survey Office Task4 Concept Plans Concept Design Task6 Environmental Services Preliminary CEQA-NEPA Assessment Technical Studies CEOA Documentation NEPA HUD Documentation Task6 Geotechnical Services Geotechnical Services Task7 Drainage Drainage Task8 Right of Way Study Right of Way Exhibits Right of Way Services Task9 Engineering Design Plans Engineering Design 60% Engineering Design 90% Engineering Design Final Task10 Specifications and Costs Estimates 'Cost Estimate 60% _ Cost Estimate 90% Cost Estimate Final Specifications 90% Specifications Final Other Direct Costs 22 8 12 12 1: JAE 4 4 3 18 IC 'I E 2 1401 100: 48 8� 2 601 60 32 32! 10 4 2 21 2 8 16 24 8 16 2 6 6 4 12 4 1� 16 16 8 E 8 E 78 112 1 8 1 4 2 12 1 03/ 14/2024 03/14/2024 03/14/2024 604 $127,605 150 $33,257 196 $48,062 258 $46,286 44 $7,538 32 $4,863 12 $2,675 40 $5,592 $20,700 20 $2,620 $20,700 20 $2,972 198 $34,902 19 $34,902 336 $74,038 $19,220 52 $9,889 '122 $29,864 $19,220 34 $6,921 128 $27,363 8 $1,783 8 $1,783 68 $10,852 68 $10,852 32 $7,133 $13,200 16 $3,567 $131200 16 $3,567 883 $143,025 45 $72,797 295 $48,532 136 $21,695 283 $45,916 82 $13,227 51 $8,267 24 $3,825 98 $15,801 2811 $4,797 $17,750 $17,750 $44, 600 $44.500 $18,265 $18,265 $127,605 $33,257 $48,062 $46,286 $7,538 $4,863 $2,675 $26,292 $23,320 $2,972 $34,902 $34,902 $111,008 $9,889 $66,834 $6,921 $27,363 $20,048 $20,048 $10,862 $10,852 $64, 633 $16767 $48:067 $143,025 $72,797 $48,532 1I $21,695 545, 916 $13,227 $8,267 $3,825 $15,801 $4,797 $8, 000 03/14/2024 Ak The Heart of Southern Caiiforni; Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Years 2024-28 Capital Improvement Program DE PORTOLA ROAD / JEDEDIAH SMITH ROAD ROUNDABOUT PROJECT Circulation Project Project Description: This project includes the design and construction of a traffic circle, roundabout, on Ynez / De Portola Road at the intersection of Jedediah Smith Road. The improvements include the construction of a raised traffic circle with desert style hardscape inside the circle. Benefit: This project maintains the natural beauty of the community and improves traffic safety at this intersection. Core Value: Healthy and Livable City Project Status: This is a new project Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.265.999.5800.PW23-01 / 797 Level: I Project Cost: Prior Years Actuals 2023-24 2022-23 Adopted 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 Adjusted Budget Projected Projected Projected Projected Total Project Cost 5801-Administration 50,000 107,000 157,000 5804-Construction 800,000 210,000 1,010,000 5805-Construction Engineering 20,000 25,000 45,000 5802-Design & Environmental 130,000 57,500 187,500 5806-MSHCP 50,500 50,500 Total Expenditures 1,000,000 450,000 1,450,000 Source of Funds: 4242-DIF-Street Improvements 4025-Grants 200,000 450,000 800,000 650,000 800,000 Total Funding - 1,000,000 450,000 1,450,000 Future Operating & Maintenance Costs: Total Operating Costs Notes : 1. Economic Development Initiative / Community Project Funding (EDI/CPF) for Federal Fiscal Year2023 - Federal Omnibus Bill 2023 signed into law on 12/29/2023. 67 Item No. 7 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Pat Thomas, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: May 14, 2024 SUBJECT: Approve Minor Maintenance Agreement with Trueline Construction & Surfacing, Inc., for Sport Court Maintenance, Crack -Fill, Resurfacing and Striping Services PREPARED BY: Julie Tarrant, Principal Management Analyst Stacey Biddle, Management Assistant RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve a minor maintenance agreement with Trueline Construction & Surfacing, Inc., for sport court maintenance, crack -fill, resurfacing and striping services for Fiscal Years 2025-2029, in the amount of $500,000. BACKGROUND: On March 12, 2024, the Department of Public Works Maintenance Division posted a Request for Proposal (RFP) No. 282 on the City of Temecula's online bidding service, Planet Bids, requesting proposals from qualified firms or individuals for sport court maintenance, crack -fill, resurfacing and striping services. The Public Works Department received two (2) electronic proposals. Selected panel members reviewed each proponent's submittals and collectively determined that Trueline Construction & Surfacing, Inc, to be the most qualified and competitively priced vendor to provide sport court maintenance services. These services will provide for the annual maintenance, resurfacing, and repair of tennis, hockey, pickleball, and basketball court surfaces, as needed, throughout the city. Staff hereby recommends the approval of an Agreement with Trueline Construction & Surfacing, Inc., for annual maintenance services for Fiscal Years 2025-2029. FISCAL IMPACT: Adequate funds will be available in the Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Year 2024-2025, upon approval by City Council at their regular meeting of May 28, 2024. ATTACHMENTS: Agreement AGREEMENT FOR MINOR MAINTENANCE SERVICES BETWEEN CITY OF TEMECULA AND TRUELINE CONSTRUCTION & SURFACING, INC. SPORTS COURT MAINTENANCE, CRACK -FILL, RESURFACING & STRIPING THIS AGREEMENT is made and effective as of May 14, 2024, between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and Trueline Construction & Surfacing, Inc., a Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Contractor"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: TERM This Agreement shall commence on July 1, 2024, and shall remain and continue in effect until tasks described herein are completed, but in no event later than June 30, 2029, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. The agreement price shall be adjusted at the beginning of each fiscal year in accordance with the changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for all Urban Consumers for the Riverside - San Bernardino -Ontario Core Based Statistical Area using the most recently published month annual percentage change. 2. SCOPE OF WORK Contractor shall perform all of the work described in the Scope of Work, attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A. ("Work"), and shall provide and furnish all the labor, materials, necessary tools, expendable equipment, and all utility and transportation services required for the Work. All of said Work to be performed and materials to be furnished for the Work shall be in strict accordance with the specifications set forth in the Scope of Work, Exhibit A. For any work requested by the Director of Public Works that exceeds twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), the Contractor shall post a payment bond as required by Civil Code Section 9550. 3. PAYMENT a. The City agrees to pay Contractor monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and terms and the schedule of payment as set forth in Exhibit B, Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. Any terms in Exhibit B, other than the payment rates and schedule of payment, are null and void. This amount shall not exceed Five Hundred Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($500,000.00) for the total term of this agreement unless additional payment is approved as provided in this Agreement. b. Contractor shall not be compensated for any services rendered in connection with its performance of this Agreement which are in addition to those set forth herein, unless such additional services are authorized in advance and in writing by the City Manager. Contractor shall be compensated for any additional services in the amounts and in the manner as agreed to by City Manager and Contractor at the time City's written authorization is given to Contractor for the performance of said services. C. Contractor will submit invoices monthly for actual services performed. Invoices shall be submitted between the first and fifteenth business day of each month, for services provided in the previous month. Payment shall be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of each invoice as to all non -disputed fees. If the City disputes any of Contractor's fees, it shall give written notice to Contractor within thirty (30) days of receipt of an invoice of any disputed 08/06/2021 fees set forth on the invoice. For all reimbursements authorized by this Agreement, Contractor shall provide receipts on all reimbursable expenses in excess of fifty dollars ($50) in such form as approved by the Director of Finance. 4. PERFORMANCE Contractor shall faithfully and competently exercise the ordinary skill and competence of members of their profession. Contractor shall employ all generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services as are required of Contractor hereunder in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 5. CITY APPROVAL All labor, materials, tools, equipment, and services shall be furnished and work performed and completed subject to the approval of City or its authorized representatives. 6. WAIVER OF CLAIMS On or before making final request for payment under Paragraph 3 above, Contractor shall submit to City, in writing, all claims for compensation under or arising out of this Agreement. The acceptance by Contractor of the final payment shall constitute a waiver of all claims against City under or arising out of this Agreement, except those previously made in writing and request for payment. Contractor shall be required to execute an affidavit, release and indemnify Agreement with each claim for payment. 7. PREVAILING WAGES Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has obtained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general rate for holiday and overtime work in this locality for each craft, classification, or type of workman needed to execute this Agreement from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. Copies may be obtained from the California Department of Industrial Relations Internet website at http://www.dir.ca.gov. Contractor shall provide a copy of prevailing wage rates to any staff or sub -contractor hired, and shall pay the adopted prevailing wage rates as a minimum. Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Sections 1720, 1725.5, 1771.1(a), 1773.8, 1775, 1776, 1777.5, 1777.6, and 1813 of the Labor Code. Pursuant to the provisions of 1775 of the Labor Code, Contractor shall forfeit to the City, as a penalty, the sum of $200.00 for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each laborer, worker, or mechanic employed, paid less than the stipulated prevailing rates for any work done under this Agreement, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of the Agreement. This project, work, or service will be subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) pursuant to Labor Code Section 1771.4. 8. REGISTRATION WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Registration with the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) is mandatory as a condition for bidding, providing certain services, and working on a public works project as specified in Labor Code Section 1771.1(a). Contractor and any subcontractors must be registered with the Department of Industrial Relations to be qualified to bid, or provide a proposal and/or time and material quote or be listed in a bid, proposal or quote, subject to the requirements of Public Contract Code Section 4104; or engage in the performance of any contract that is subject to Labor 08/06/2021 Code Section 1720 et seq., unless currently registered and qualified to perform public work pursuant to Labor Code Section 1725.5. Contractor and subcontractors will be required to provide proof of registration with the DIR. For more information regarding registration with the Department of Industrial Relations, refer to http://www.dir.ca.gov/Public-Works/PublicWorks_htmi 9. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT WITHOUT CAUSE a. The City may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the Contractor at least ten (10) days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Contractor shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. If the City suspends or terminates a portion of this Agreement such suspension or termination shall not make void or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement. b. In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section, the City shall pay to Contractor the actual value of the work performed up to the time of termination, provided that the work performed is of value to the City. Upon termination of the Agreement pursuant to this Section, the Contractor will submit an invoice to the City, pursuant to Section entitled "PAYMENT" herein. 10. DEFAULT OF CONTRACTOR a. The Contractor's failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute a default. In the event that Contractor is in default for cause under the terms of this Agreement, City shall have no obligation or duty to continue compensating Contractor for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the Contractor. If such failure by the Contractor to make progress in the performance of work hereunder arises out of causes beyond the Contractor's control, and without fault or negligence of the Contractor, it shall not be considered a default. b. If the City Manager or his delegate determines that the Contractor is in default in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, it shall serve the Contractor with written notice of the default. The Contractor shall have ten (10) days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the Contractor fails to cure its default within such period of time, the City shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law, in equity or under this Agreement. 11. INDEMNIFICATION The Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify, protect and hold harmless the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, defense costs or expenses, including attorney fees and expert witness fees, or liability of any kind or nature which the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, agents, employees or volunteers may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property arising out of Contractor's negligent or wrongful acts or omissions arising out of or in any way related to the performance or non- performance of this Agreement, excepting only liability arising out of the negligence of the City of 08/06/2021 Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency. 12. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS A. Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons and/or damages to property, which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, its agents, representatives, or employees. a. Minimum Scove and Limits of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as and shall maintain limits no less than: i. Commercial General Liability: One Million ($1,000,000) per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. ii. Automobile Liability: One Million ($1,000,000) per occurrence for bodily injury, including death, of one or more persons, property damage and personal injury. Providing coverage for owned, non -owned, and hired autos on an occurrence basis. If the Contractor owns no automobiles, a non - owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy described above is acceptable. iii. Workers' Compensation insurance with limits of not less than One million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence. In accordance with the provisions of Labor Code Section 3700, every contractor will be required to secure the payment of compensation to his employees. Pursuant to Labor Code Section 1861, Contractor must submit to City the following certification before beginning any work on the Improvements: I am aware of the provisions of Section 3700 of the Labor Code which require every employer to be insured against liability for worker's compensation or to undertake self-insurance in accordance with the provisions of that code, and I will comply with such provisions before commencing the performance of the work of this contract. By executing this Agreement, Contractor is submitting the certification required above. 4 08/06/2021 The policy must contain a waiver of subrogation in favor of the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees or volunteers. iv. Professional Liability Coverage: One million ($1,000,000) per occurrence and in aggregate. Professional Liability Insurance shall be written on a policy form providing professional liability for the Contractor's profession. b. Deductibles and Self -Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self -insured retentions must be declared and approved by the Risk Manager. c. Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions in addition to the insuring provisions: The City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insured's, as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor's products and completed operations of the Contractor; premises owned, occupied or used by the Contractor; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Contractor. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees or volunteers. ii. For any claims related to this project, the Contractor insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees, and volunteers. Any insurance or self -insured maintained by the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees, or volunteers shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. iii. Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 08/06/2021 iv. The Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. v. Each insurance policy required by this agreement shall be endorsed to state: should the policy be canceled before the expiration date the issuing insurer will endeavor to mail thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the City. vi. If insurance coverage is canceled or, reduced in coverage or in limits the Contractor shall within two (2) business days of notice from insurer phone, fax, and/or notify the City via certified mail, return receipt requested of the changes to or cancellation of the policy. vii. Unless otherwise approved by City, if any part of the Services and Tasks is subcontracted, the Minimum Insurance Requirements must be provided by, or on behalf of, all subcontractors even if city has approved lesser insurance requirements for Contractor, and all subcontractors must agree in writing to be bound by the provisions of this section. Acceptabilily of Insurers. Insurance required above, except for workers' compensation insurance, must be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of A- VII or better, unless otherwise acceptable to the City. Self-insurance shall not be considered to comply with these insurance requirements. e. Verification of Coverage. Contractor shall furnish the City with original endorsements affecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. 13. TIME OF THE ESSENCE Time is of the essence in this Agreement. 14. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR a. Contractor is and shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Contractor shall at all times be under Contractor's exclusive direction and control. Neither City nor any of its officers, employees, agents, or volunteers shall have control over the conduct of Contractor or any of Contractor's officers, employees, or agents except as set forth in this Agreement. Contractor shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner officers, employees or agents of the City. Contractor shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. 08/06/2021 b. No employee benefits shall be available to Contractor in connection with the performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to Contractor as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Contractor for performing services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Contractor for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 15. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES The Contractor shall keep itself informed of all local, State and Federal ordinances, laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its service pursuant to this Agreement. The Contractor shall at all times observe and comply with all such ordinances, laws and regulations. The City, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Contractor to comply with this section. 16. CONTRACTOR'S INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION No plea of ignorance of conditions that exist or that may hereafter exist or of conditions of difficulties that may be encountered in the execution of the work under this Agreement, as a result of failure to make the necessary independent examinations and investigations, and no plea of reliance on initial investigations or reports prepared by City for purposes of letting this Agreement out to proposal will be accepted as an excuse for any failure or omission on the part of the Contractor to fulfill in every detail all requirements of this Agreement. Nor will such reasons be accepted as a basis for any claims whatsoever for extra compensation or for an extension of time. 17. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT After the completion of the Work contemplated by this Agreement, Contractor shall file an affidavit with the City Manager stating that all workmen and persons employed, all firms supplying materials, and all subcontractors on the Work have been paid in full, and that there are no claims outstanding against the project for either labor or materials, except certain items, if any, to be set forth in an affidavit covering disputed claims or items in connection with a Stop Notice which has been filed under the provisions of the laws of the State of California. 18. PROHIBITED INTEREST No officer, or employee of the City of Temecula that has participated in the development of this agreement or its approval shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, the proceeds thereof, the Contractor, or Contractor's sub -contractors for this project, during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter. The Contractor hereby warrants and represents to the City that no officer or employee of the City of Temecula that has participated in the development of this agreement or its approval has any interest, whether contractual, non - contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, the proceeds thereof, or in the business of the Contractor or Contractor's sub -contractors on this project. Contractor further agrees to notify the City in the event any such interest is discovered whether or not such interest is prohibited by law or this Agreement. 08/06/2021 19. BOOKS AND RECORDS Contractor's books, records, and plans or such part thereof as may be engaged in the performance of this Agreement, shall at all reasonable times be subject to inspection and audit by any authorized representative of the City. 20. UTILITY LOCATION City acknowledges its responsibilities with respect to locating utility facilities pursuant to California Government Code Section 4215. 21. REGIONAL NOTIFICATION CENTERS Contractor agrees to contact the appropriate regional notification center in accordance with Government Code Section 4215. 22. DISCRIMINATION Contractor represents that it has not, and agrees that it will not, discriminate in its employment practices on the basis of race, creed, religion, national origin, color, sex, age, or handicap. 23. WRITTEN NOTICE Any notices which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Agreement must be in writing and may be given either by (i) personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) mailing in the United States Mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by Notice. Notice shall be effective upon delivery to the addresses specified below or on the third business day following deposit with the document delivery service or United States Mail as provided above. Mailing Address: City of Temecula Attn: City Manager 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 To Contractor: Trueline Construction & Surfacing, Inc Attn: Edward Kruse 1651 Market St. #B Corona, CA 92880 24. ASSIGNMENT The Contractor shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without prior written consent of the City. Upon termination of this Agreement, Contractor's sole compensation shall be payment for actual services performed up to, and including, the date of termination or as may be otherwise agreed to in writing between the City Council and the Contractor. 08/06/2021 26. LICENSES At all times during the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall have in full force and effect, all licenses required of it by law for the performance of the services described in this Agreement. 26. GOVERNING LAW The City and Contractor understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the municipal, superior, or federal district court with geographic jurisdiction over the City of Temecula. In the event such litigation is filed by one party against the other to enforce its rights under this Agreement, the prevailing party, as determined by the Court's judgment, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and litigation expenses for the relief granted. 27. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations and statements, oral or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. 28. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Contractor warrants and represents that he or she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Contractor and has the authority to bind Contractor to the performance of its obligations hereunder. The City Manager is authorized to enter into an amendment on behalf of the City to make the following non -substantive modifications to the agreement: (a) name changes; (b) extension of time; (c) non - monetary changes in scope of work; (d) agreement termination. 08/06/2021 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF TEMECULA Trueline Construction & Surfacing, Inc. (Two Signatures of corporate officers required unless corporate documents authorize only one person to sign the agreement on behalf of the corporation.) By: James Stewart, Mayor ATTEST: By: Randi Johl, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: i y• -- Edward Kruse, President Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney CONTRACTOR Trueline Construction & Surfacinq, Inc. Attn: Edward Kruse &80- Phone Number: (951) 817-0777 Fax Number: (951) 817-0770 Trueline40@outlook.com 12,:;0 3 10 08/06/2021 EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF WORK Contractor recognizes and agrees that this Agreement is for the purpose of establishing a contractual relationship between the City of Temecula and the Contractor, for the future repairs, and maintenance of Sports Courts at the various locations upon real and personal property of the City. Work will include maintenance services, and emergency call -out. The procedure for assigning work is set forth as follows: 1. The City Manager or his designee shall submit to Contractor a written "Request for Work". The Request for Work shall include a description of the work to be completed, the time for completion of the work, and the plans and specifications, if any, work. 2. Within five (5) business days of the date of the Request for Work, Contractor shall respond in writing to the Request for Work and advise the City Manager whether it can perform the work and specify the cost of material which will be required and the estimated cost of labor and equipment necessary to complete the work in accordance with the labor and equipment rates set forth in Exhibit "B" to this Agreement. 3. In the event emergency work is required, the City Manager may transmit the Request for Work orally to the Contractor. As soon as practical following the emergency, the Contractor and Director shall in good faith confirm in writing the scope of the emergency work undertaken. 4. Upon acceptance of the Contractor's response by the City Manager, the Contractor shall proceed with the work. The performance of the work shall be pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. 4 On -Call and Routine Sport Court Maintenance, Crack -Fill, Resurfacing, and Striping is 08/06/2021 EXHIBIT "B" PAYMENT RATES AND SCHEDULE Patricia H, Birdsall 1 Sports Park Basketball Court Resurfacing Friendship Park 2 Tennis Court Resurfacin 3 Friendship Park Basketball Court Resurfacin Great Oak High School 4 Tennis Court Resurfacing Temecula Valley High 5 School Tennis Court Resurfacing, _ _ Ronald Reagan Sports 6 Park Hockey Rink Resurfacin Mike Naggar 7 Community Park Tennis Court Resurfacing Mike Naggar 8 Community Park Hockey Rink Resurf'acin Winchester Creek Park 9 Basketball Court Resurfacing 10 Ronald Reagan Sports Park Pickleball Courts" EXHIBIT A FEE SCHEDULE (COST FILE) Unit Of Aeasure Quantity Unit Price $10,840,00 EA 4 $12,880.00 EA 2 $14,830.00 EA 2 $13,480.00 EA 8 $13,840.00 EA 8 $18,430.00 EA 1 1$13,840.00 EA 2 $18,430.00 EA 1 1 EA 1.5 $12,880.00 EA 17 $5,870.00 Vice President Title Extended Price $43,360.00 $25, 760.00 $29,660.00 $107,840.00 $110,720.00 $18,430.00 $27,680.00 $18,430,00 $19,320,00 $99,790.00 4/1/2024 Date 12 08/06/2021 TrueLine cONMMIU ON & SUIISFACrnI Atl4AME CBUR'f SItR!'AL'Nlti +i xnntasat�wE Date: 4/1/2024 For: Project Name ! Location Sport Court Resurfacing .-1- Multiple Parks c N rs Janet gangs, Vice Avsdenf fnrefina40@o0oak, com CONTRACTOR AND OWNER AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Contractors's License No. 662625 (A & C32) DIR No.1000006579 Trueline is a member of ASSA, CARS, CASBO & USTA PROPOSAL/ CONTRACT NO. 9493 Trueline is an approved applicalor of Plaxipave, Sportmaster, Guardian Crack Repair System and Armor Crack Repair System BIRDSALL PARK Resurface Basketball Court (s).Powerwash basketball court(s) (owner to provide water to cont raotor at no charge) Patch cracks and spalls Grind displaced areas on cracks so both sides are fairly level. We cannot guarantee against the occurrence of any new spalls or pop outs. 'Note' Cracks in Concrete and Asphalt will Return, A crack can be repaired, but it might come back. Structural cracks or hairline cracks will always come track and coosI of the time immediately. These can be repaired temporarily, but wilf ultimately come hack. Cracks are formed due to the movement of the slab, expanding and contracting if there Es a weak point in the slab itself. Even when the correct method of repair is done, the crack could re -appear the next day or never, as every court reacts differently in the movement of the slab itself. Apply primer to bare areas Apply Sportmaster black acry I[a resurfacer coat, 100% fat ex acrylic, mixed with #60 silica to smooth out surface and provide a superior base for color Apply two coats of Sportmaster cc [or, (two tone includes!. Additional fee for a Ihird color) 100% lalex acrylic, mixed with #90 silica sand for a medium speed of play Stripe to specifications Lines to be white latex acrylic lire paint unless otherwise specified. Squeegee marks, lines or swirls are always visible in the application process, but will fade over time. Please be aware that your quote includes a total of two (2) color choice(s), not Including the Bright Red or Tournament Purple. These are Premium Colors and would require an additional fee. **Does not included logo unless otherwise rsot,-d— FRIENDSHIP PARK The provisions set forth upon the second and third pages hereof and any other attached pages hereto are hereby incorporated in and made a part of this. CONTRACT. I have bean notified that i Rave the right to cancel within 3 days of signing this contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this CONTRACT the day and year set forth below. Date Signature QTY RATE TOTAL —I— J 10,840.00 P.O, Box 70269 Riverside, CA 92513.0269 13 [rI:1LrT:i/�TiY�il Tiro Line COHSTSUC £110K 8r SCIRFACTNG Ar.L OMIF 000KT RMMCM MAP f, IAnr�SC4Ef iJ6 s. Date: 4/1 /2024 For: Project Name J Location Sport Court Resurfacing ..-r- Multiple Parks Cps$ = MA& Janet Bangs, Vwe President truslinsd4@ouuook, corn CONTRACTOR AND OWNER AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Resurface Tennis Court(s) Power Wash Tennis Court (owner to provide water to contractor at no charge) Patch cracks and spalls. We cannot guarantee against the occurrence of any new spalls or pop outs. Grind displaced areas on cracks so both sides are fairly level. Contractors's Liowss No. 662625 (A $ 032) DI R No.1000006579 Trueline is a member of ASBA, CPRS, CASBO & USTA PROPOSAL/ CONTRACT NO. 9493 Trueline is an approved applicator of Plexlpave, Sportmaster, Guardian Crack Repair System and Armor Crack Repair System "Note* Cracks in Concrete and Asphalt will Return. A crack can be repaired, but it might come back. Structural cracks or hairline cracks will always come back and most of the time immediately. These can be repaired temporarily, but will ultimately come back, Cracks are formed due to the movement of the slab, expanding and contracting if there is a weak point in the slab itself. Even when the correct method of repair is done, the crack could re -appear the next day or never, as every court reacts differently in the movement of the slab itself. Apply Sportmaster black resurfacer coat,1008/a latex acrylic, mixed with 960 silica to smooth out surface and provide a superior base for color coating Apply two coats of Spartmaster color System, (two tone Included) 100% latex acrylic, mixed with #90 silica sand for a medium speed of play Stripe Play Lines, Sharp and Accurate to ASBA specs Lines to be white Latex Acrylic line paint, unless otherwise specified. Squeegee marks, lines or swirls are always visible in the application process, but will fade over time. Please be aware that your quote includes a total of two (2) color choice(s), not including the Bright Red or Tournament Purple, These are Premium Colors and would require an additional fee. The provisions set forth upon the second and third pages hereof and any other attached pages hereto are hereby incorporated In and made a part of T�a� this CONTRACT- I have been notified that I have tha right to cancel within 3 days of signing this contrail IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this CONTRACT the day and year sat forth below. Date Signature OTY RATE TOTAL 12, 880, 00 j25, 760.00 P.O. Box 70269 Riverside, CA 92513-0269 14 08/06/2021 TrueLxne_ CONSTRtiC11ON & SURFACING Ail GAME CCIIIRT SURFACING Date: 411/2024 For; Project Name 1 Location Sport Court Resurfacing �~ Multiple Parks cp'rs Janet Bangs, Vice Resident trueJine90�oc+flook, com CONTRACTOR AND OWNER AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Contractors's License No. 662625 (A & C32) DIR No.1000006579 Trueline is a member of ASSA, CPRS, CASBO & USTA PROPOSAL/ CONTRACT NO. 9493 Trueline Is an approved applicator of Plaxipave, Sportmaster, Guardian Crack Repair System and Armor Crack Repair System Resurface Basketball Court (s).Power wash basketball court(s) (owner to provide water to contractor at no charge) Patch cracks and spalls Grind displaced areas Uri cracks so both sides are fairly level. We cannot guarantee against the occurrence of any new spells or pap outs. 'Note' Cracks in Concrete and Asphalt will Return. A crack can he repaired, but It might came bads. Structural cracks or hairline cracks will always come back and most of the time immediately. These can be repaired temporarily, but will ultimately come back. Cracks are formed dole to the movement of the slab, expanding acid contracting if there is a weak paint in the stah itself. Even when the correct method of repair is done, the crack could re -appear the next day or never, as every court reacts differently in the movement of the slab Itself. Apply primer to bare areas Apply Sportmaster black acrylic resurfacer coat, 100% latex acrylic, mixed with #60 silica to smooth out surface and provide a superior base for color Apply two coats of Sportmaster color, (two tone included. Additional fee for a third color) 100% latex acrylic, mixed with A90 silica sand for a medium speed of play Stripe to specifications Lines to be white latex acrylic line paint unless otherwise specified. Squeagse marks, IIaes or swirls are always visible in the application process, but will fade aver time. Please be aware that your quote includes a total of two (2) color choicsGs), not including the Bright Red or Tournament Purple. These are Premium Colors and would require an additional fee. "Does not included logo unless otherwise noted*" GREAT OAK HIGH SCHOOL OTY RATE TOTAL 2 14, 830. 00.29,660. C The provialons act forth upon the aBcond and third "9us hereof and any ahar attached pages hereto are hereby Incorporated in and made a part of I Total this CONTRACT. I have been noted that I have the right to cancel within 3 days of signing this contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this CONTRACT the day and year set forth below. P.O. Box 70269 Riverside, CA 92613.0269 Date Signature 15 08/06/2021 TrueLiue —la", CONSTRUCTION & SURFACING Au aaµr COURTSCREllRPll[IN a wrNoscRr^n�s ,� Date: 4J1 f2024 For: Project Name 1 Location Sport Court Resurfacing n Multiple Parks G rs Janet Bangs, vice President 1ruefkw40@outlaok, cam CONTRACTOR AND OWNER AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Resurface Tennis Court(s) Power Wash Tennis Court (owner to provide water to contractor at no charge) Patch cracks and spalls. We cannot guarantee against the occurrence of any new spalls or pop outs. Grind displaced areas on cracks so both sides are fairly level. Contractors's License No. 662625 (A & C32) DIR No,1000006579 Trueline is a member of ASSA, CPRS, CAS80 & USTA PROPOSAL/ CONTRACT NO. 9493 Trueltne is an approved applicator of PleApave, Sportmaster, Guardian Crack Repair System and Armor Crack Repair System *Note* Cracks in Concrete and Asphalt will Return. A crack can be repaired, but if might come back. Structural cracks or hairline cracks will always come back and most of the time immediately. These can be repaired temporarily, but wilt ultimately come back. Cracks are formed due to the movement of the slab, expanding and contracting if there is a weak point In the slab itself. Even when the correct method of repair is done, the crack could re -appear thee next day or never, as every court reacts differently in the movement of the slab itself. Apply 5podmaster black resurfacer coat, 100% latex acrylic, mixed with #60 silica to smooth out surface and provide a superior base for color coating Apply two coats of 6podmaster color System, (two tone included) 100%a latex acrylic, mixed with #90 silica sand for a medium speed or play Stripe Play Lines, Sharp and Accurate to AS BA specs Lines to be white Latex Acrylic IFne paint, unless otherwise specified. Squeegee marks, lines or swirls are always visible in the application process, but will fade over time. Please he aware that your quote includes a total of two (2) color choice(s), not including the Bright Red or Tournament Purple. These are Premium Colors and would require an additional fee_ TEMECULA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL The provisions set forth upon the second and third pages hereof and any other attached pages hereto are hereby incorporated in and made a part of this CONTRACT. I have been notified that t have the right to cancel within 3 days of signing this contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this CONTRACT the day and year set forth below. Date Signature Page 4 Total CITY RATE i TOTAL 13,480.00 i C7840.00 P.O. Box 70269 Riverside, CA 9251 M269 m X-TIfZ:Tf' IM TrueLineNip CON5TRUCrION & SURFACING' AUL GAME COURT SURFACING i 1HINDS0131600000 Date: 411 /2024 For. Project Name] Location Sport Court Resurfacing Multiple Parks cprs Janet Bangs, Vice President truetins4U@outtook.com Contractors's License No. 662625 (A & C32) DIR Na.1000006579 Truelina is a member of ASBA, CPRS, CASBO A USIA PROPOSAL/ CONTRACT NO. 9493 Trueline is an approved applicator of Plexipave, Spartmaster, Guardian Crack Repair System and Armor Crack Repair System CONTRACTOR AND OWNER AGREE AS FOLLOWS: CITY Resurface Tennis Ceurt(s) Power Wash Tennis Court (owner to provide waterto contractor at no charge) Patch cracks and spells. We cannot guarantee againstthe occurrence of any new spalls or pop outs. Grind displaced areas on cracks so both sides are fairly level. 'Nate' Cracks in Concrete and Asphalt will Return. A crack can be repaired, but it might come back. Structural cracks or hairline cracks will always come back and most of the time Immediately. These can be repaired temporarily, but will ultimately come back. Cracks are formed due to the movement of the slab, expanding and contracting if there is a weak paint in the slab itself. Even when the correct method of repair is done, the crack could re -appear the next day or never, as every court reacts differently in the movement of the slab itself. Apply 8portmaster black resurfacar coat, 100'A latex acrylic, mixed with #/60 silica to smooth out surface and provide a superior base for color coating Apply two coats of Sportmaster color System, (two tone included) 100% fat ex acrylic, mixed with nO silica sand far a mediurn speed of play Stnpe Play Lines, Sharp and Accurale to AS BA specs Lines to be while Latex Acrylic line paint, unless otherwise specified. Squeegae marks, lines a swirls are always visible In the application process, but will fade over time. Please be aware that your quote includes a total of two (2) color choice(s), not including the Bright Red or-foumament Purple. These are Premium Colors and would require an additional fee. RONALD REAGAN SPORTS PARK The provisions set forth upon the second and third pages hereof and any other attached pages hereto are hereby incorporated in and made a part of Total this CONTRACT. I have been notified that I have the right to cancel within 3 days of signing this contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this CONTRACT the day and year set forth below. Date Signature RATE TOTAL 13,$40.00110720A0 P.O, Box 70269 Riverside, CA 92513-0289 17 08/06/2021 TrueLine CONSTRUCTION & stmACB+TG ,- AU GAME COURT ftIRIVSpNG Date: 411/2024 For: Project Name! Location Sport Court Resurfacing - Multiple Parks cprs Janat Bangs, Vice President b(&iin e40@o uttook. corn CONTRACTOR AND OWNER AGREE AS FOLLOWS: ContractoWs License No, 662525 (A & C32) DIR No.1000006579 Trueline is a member of ASBA, CPRS, CASBO & USTA PROPOSAL/ CONTRACT NO. Trueline is an approved applicator of Plexipave, 5portmaster, Guardian Crack Repair System and Armor Crack Repair System Resurface Roller Hockey Rink. Power Wash Rink towner to provide water to contractor at no charge) Patch cracks and spells. We cannot guarantee against the occurrence of any new spalls or pop cuts. Grind displaced areas on cracks so both sides are fairly level. `Note" Cracks in Concrete and Asphalt will Return. A crack can be repaired, but it might come back. Structural cracks or hairline cracks will always come back and most of the time immediately. These can be repaired temporarily, but will ultimately come back. Cracks are formed due to the movement of the slab, exparnding and contracting if there is a weak point in the slab itself, Even when the correc! method of repair is done, the crack could re -appear the next day or never, as every court reacts differently in the movement of the slab itself, Apply Sportmaster black resurfacer coat,100% latex acrylic, smooth out surface and provide a superior base for color coating Apply two coats of Sportrnaster color System, (two tone included) 100% latex acrylic Stripe Play Lines, Sharp and Accurate Lines to be white Latex Acrylic line paint, unless otherwise specified. Squeegee marks, lines or swirls are always visible in the application process, but will fade over time. Please be aware that your quote includes a total of two (2) color choice(s), not including the Bright Red or Toumament Purple. These eire Premium Colors and would require an additional fee. MIKE NAGGAR MARGARITA PARK The provisions set forth upon the second and third pages hereof and any other attached pages hereto are hereby incorporated in and made a part of Total this CONTRACT. I have been notified that I have the right to cancel within 3 days of signing this contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this CONTRACT the day and year set forth below. Date Signature QTY RATE TOTAL 18,430.00;18,430.00 PA. Box 70269 Riverside, CA 92513.0269 18 08/06/2021 TrueLineON CONSTRUCTION 8r SURFACING ALL 6AMi CIMT SMACir4p A WNDKMN6 Date: 411 /2024 For: Project Name / Location Sport Court resurfacing Cof Multiple Parks Janet Bangs, Vices Presklent trunfirrc4(Yc40u iX*.com CONTRACTOR AND OWNER AGREE AS FOLLOWS Cordractors's License No. 662625 (A & C32) DIR No.1000006579 Trueline is a member of ASBA, CPRS, CASBO & USTA PROPOSAL/ CONTRACT NO. 9493 Trueline is an approved applicator of Plexipave, Sportmaster, Guardian Crack Repair System and Armor Crack Repair System Resurface Roller Hockey Rink. Power Wash Rink (owner to provide water to contractor at no charge) Patch cracks and spells, We cannot guarantee against the occurrence of any new spells or pop outs. Grind displaced areas on cracks so both sides are fairly level. 'Note' Cracks in Concrete and Asphalt will Return. A crack can be repaired, but it might come Wekk. Structural cracks or hairline cracks will always come back and most of the time immediately. These can be repaired temporarily, but will ultimately come back, Cracks are formed due to the movement or the stab, expanding and contracting if there is a weak point in the slab itself. Even when the correct method of repair is done, the crack could re -appear the next day or never, as every court reacts differently in the movement of the slab itself. Apply Sportmaster black resurfacer coat, 100% latex acrylic, smooth out surface and provide a superior base for color coating Apply two coats of Sportmaster color System, (two tone included) 100% latex acrylic Stripe Play Lines, Sharp and Accurate Lines to be white Latex Acrylic line paint, unless otherwise specified. Squeegee marks, lines or swirls are always visible in the application process, h ut will fade over time. Please be aware that your quote includes a total of two (2) color choice(s), not including the Bright Red or Tournament Purple. These are Premium Colors and would require an additional fee. The provisions set forth upon the second and third pages hereof and any other attached pages hereto are hereby incorporated in and made a part of Total this CONTRACT. I have been notified that I have the right to cancel within 3 — days of signing this contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this CONTRACT the day and year set forth below. Date Signature QTY RATE I TOTAL 1 18,430.0018,430,00 f P.O. Box 70269 Riverside, CA 92513-0269 19 08/06/2021 TrueUne CONSTRUCHON & BURFA£.f NG A LL DAM E C DO RT SUVAC IN4 A 111MDSCREM Date: 4/112024 For: Project Name / Location Sport Court Resurfacing - Multiple Parks c p r$ Janet Bangs, Wise President 1rrtei0a44ou1;ook.com CONTRACTOR AND OWNER AGREE AS FOLLOWS: Resurface Tennis Court(s) Power Wash Tennis Court (owner to provide water to contractor at no charge) Patch cracks and spells. We cannot guarantee against the occurrence of any new spalls or pop outs. Grind displaced areas on cracks so both sides are fairly level. Contractors's License No. 662625 (A & G32) DIR No.1000006579 Trueline is a member of ASBA, CPRS, CAS60 & USTA PROPOSAL/ CONTRACT NO. 9493 Trueline is an approved applicator of Plexipave, Sportmaster, Guardian Crack Repair System and Armor Crack Repair System QTY RATE TOTAL 2 f 13,840,00 �7,680.00 'Note' Cracks in Concrete and Asphalt will Return. A crack can be repaired, but it might come back. Structural cracks or hairline cracks will always come back and most of the time immediately. These can be repaired temporarily, but will ultimately come back. Cracks are formed due to the movement of the slab, expanding and contracting if there is a weak point in the slab itself. Even when the correct method of repair is done, the crack could re -appear the next day or never, as every court reacts differently 1n the movement of the slab itself. Apply Sportmaster black resurfacer coat, 100% latex acrylic, mrxed with #6D silica to smooth out surface and provide a superior base for color coating Apply two coats of Sportmaster color Systern, (two tone; included) 100% latex acrylic, mixed with #90 silica sand for a medium speed of play Stripe Play Lines, Sharp and Accurate to ASBA specs Lines to be white Latex Acrylic line paint, unless otherwise specified. Squeegee marks, lines or swirls are always visible in the application process, but will fade over time. Please be aware that your quote includes a total of two (2) color choice(s), not including the Bright Red or Tournament Purple. These are Premium Colors and would require an additional fee. WINCHESTER CREEK PARK The provisions set forth upon the second and third pages hereof and any other attached pages hereto are hereby incorporated in and made a part of Total this CONTRACT. I have been notified that 1 have the right to cancel within 3 days of signing this contract. iN WITNESS WHEREOF, tite parties hereto have executed this CONTRACT the day and year set forth below. Date Signature P.O. Box 70269 Riverside, CA 02513.0269 20 08/06/2021 TrueLine 044, CONswucrim & sURFAC12+iG Mi0 MECowuUSUJRMMM ■ wrra Date: 4/112024 For: Project Name 1 Location Sport Court Resurfacing Multiple Parks c N rS Janet &Rgs, Vke Ptesddent fruelitte40@ouflook.com Contractors's License No. 662625 (A & C32) DIR No.1000006579 Truellne is a member of ASBA, CPRS, CASBO & USTA PROPOSAL/ CONTRACT NO. 9493 Tnteline is an approved applicator of Piexipave, Sportmaster, Guardian Crack Repair System and Armor Crack Repair System CONTRACTOR AND OWNER AGREE AS FOLLOWS I QTY Resurface Basketball Court (s).Power wash basketball court(s) (owner to provide water 1.5 to contractor at no charge) Patch cracks and spalis Grind displaced areas on cracks so both sides are fairly level- We cannot guarantee against the occurrence of any now spalls or pop cuts. 'Note` Cracks in Concrete and Asphalt wlli Return. A crack can be repaired, bul it might come back. Structural cranks or hairline cracks will always come hack and most of the time immediately. These can be repaired temporarily, but wilt ultimately come back. Cracks are formed due to the movement of the stab, expanding and contracting if there is a weak point in the slab itself. Even when the correct method of repair is done, the crack could re -appear the next clay or never, as every court reacls differently in the movement of the slab itself. Apply primer to bare areas Apply Sportmaster black acrylic resurfacer coat, 100% latex acrylic, mixed with #430 silica to smooth out surface and provide a superior base for color Apply two coats of 5portmaster color, (two tone included. AddilionaI fen for a third color) 100% latex acrylic, mixed with 49a silica sand for a medium speed of play Stripe to specifications Lines to be white latex acrylic line paint unless otherwise specified. Squeegee marks, lines of swirls are always visible In the applicalion process, but will lade over time. Please be aware that your quote includes a total of two (2) color choica(s), not including the Bright lied or Tournament Purple. These are Premium Colors and would require an additional fee- —Does not included logo unless otherwise noted" RONALD REAGAN SPORTS PARK PICKLE BALL COURTS The provisions set forth upon the second and third pages hereof and any other attached pages hereto are hereby incorporated in and made a part of , Total this CONTRACT, l have been notified that I have the right to cancel within 3 I days of signing this contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this CONTRACT the day and year set forth below. Date S6 nature RATE I TOTAL�� 12,880,0019,320.00 P.O.8ox 70269 Riverside, CA M1U269 21 08/06/2021 TrueLine CON'T9 MUC7`10N 8t SURP>Gs ALLCUM Mr CW T WUACING i 1NN�5CIl�MS I. Matte: 4/1 /2024 For: Project Name I Location Sport Court Resurfacing Cn S Multiple Parks N Janet Bangs, Nice president twelina Moutlook.com CONTRACTOR AND OWNER AGREE AS FOLLOWS Contractors's License No. 662625 (A & C32) DIR No.1000006579 Trudine is a member of ASBA, CPRS, CASSO & USTA PROPOSAL/ CONTRACT NO. Nz . Trueline is an approved applicator of Plexipave, Sporlmaster, Guardian Crack Repair System and Armor Crack Repair System Resurface Existing Pickleball Court(s) Power Wash Tennis Court (owner to provide water to contractor at no charge) Patch cracks and spells. We cannot guarantee against the occurrence of any new spalls or pop outs. Grind displaced areas on cracks so both sides are fairly level. 'Note' Cracks in concrete and Asphalt will Return. A crack can be repaired, but it might come back. Structure[ cracks or hairline cracks will always come back and most of the time immediately. These can be repaired temporarily. but will ultimately come back. Cracks are formed due to the movement of the slab, expanding and contracting if there is a weak point In the slab itself. Even when the correct method of repair is done, the crack could re -appear the next day or never, as every court reacts differently in the movement of the slab itself. Apply Sportmaster black resurfooer coat, 100% latex acrylic, mixed with #t60 silica to smooth out surface and provide a superior base for color coating Apply two coats of Sportmaster color System, (two tone included) 10011A latex acrylic, mixed with 990 silica sand for a medium speed of play Stripe Play Lines, Sharp and Accurate to ASBA specs Lines to be white Latex Acrylic line paint, unless otherwise specified. Squeegee marks, lines or swirls are always visible in the application process, but will fade over time. Please be aware that your quote includes a total of two (2) color choice(s), not including the Bright Red or Tournament Purple. These are Premium Colors and would require an additional fee. The provisions set forth upon the second and third pages hereof and any other attached pages hereto are hereby incorporated in and made a part of this CONTRACT. [ have been notified that I have the right to cancel within 3 days of signing this contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this CONTRACT the day and year set forth below. Date Signature Page 10 OTY RATE TOTAL 17 1 5,870.00 99,790,00 Total $500,990.00 P.O-� �ergi"[Ie, CA 22 08/06/2021 Item No. 8 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Patrick Thomas, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: May 14, 2024 SUBJECT: Approve First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with CNS Engineers, Inc., for the Murrieta Creek Bridge at Overland Drive Project, PW16- 05 PREPARED BY: Amer Attar, Engineering Manager Nino Abad, Senior Civil Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Approve the first amendment to the professional services agreement with CNS Engineers, Inc; and 2. Increase the City Manager's Authority to approve extra work by $300,000. BACKGROUND: The Murrieta Creek Bridge at Overland Drive Project, PW16-05 (also referred to as Avenida Alvarado Over Murrieta Creek Federal Project No. BR-NBIL 543 for federal grant administration purposes) is a capital improvement project to construct a bridge structure over Murrieta Creek. The project will extend Overland Drive from Enterprise Circle West on the east side of the creek to Avenida Alvarado at Diaz Road to the west. The roadway and bridge will include two travel lanes in each direction, painted medians, turn pockets, sidewalk on one side of the bridge, three new traffic signals (Overland at Diaz, at Enterprise Circle West, and at Commerce Center Drive) and roadway transitions consistent with the Collector Road standard shown in the Circulation Element of the General Plan. The bridge project is partially funded with federal Highway Bridge Program (HBP) funds and will serve as a replacement of the low water crossing along Via Montezuma through Murrieta Creek between Del Rio Rd and Diaz Rd. This project is among the last projects approved under the HBP program to construct a new bridge as a low water crossing replacement as the program no longer accepts new applications for this type of project. On March 12, 2019 the City Council approved an agreement for consultant services with CNS Engineer's, Inc in the amount of $1,534,794.03 for the design and environmental studies required for the project. The City Manager was also authorized to approve extra work up to a contingency amount of $153,479.40. The term of the current agreement is set to expire on July 1, 2024. At this time, it is necessary to both extend the term of the agreement and increase the City Manager's authorized contingency to complete the design, environmental permitting, mitigation bank design, right of way acquisition, and other project oversite tasks as required by the Federal HBP Grant. Staff recommends approval of the First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement which would extend the term to July 1, 2028, and increase the City Manager's authority to approve extra work by $300,000, for a total authorized contingency amount of $453,479.40. FISCAL IMPACT: Murrieta Creek Bridge at Overland Drive, PW 16-05 is included in the City's 2024-2028 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget and is funded with Developer Impact Fees (DIF), Federal Highway Bridge Program (HBP), and Measure S. There are sufficient funds in the authorized project accounts for the requested $300,000 increase in contingency. ATTACHMENTS: 1. First Amendment 2. Project Location Map 3. Project Description FIRST AMENDMENT TO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF TEMECULA AND CNS ENGINEERS, INC FOR THE MURRIETA CREEK BRIDGE AT OVERLAND DRIVE PROJECT PW-16-05 [AVENIDA ALVARADO OVER MURRIETA CREEK, FEDERAL AID PROJECT NO. BR-NBIL(543)] THIS FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of May 14, 2024, by and between the City of Temecula ("CITY"), and CNS Engineers, Inc, a California "S" Corporation ("CONSULTANT"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Recitals: This First Amendment to Agreement is made for the purposes of and with respect the following facts which each parties agrees are true and correct: A. On March 12, 2019, the parties entered into that certain Agreement entitled "Professional Services Agreement between City of Temecula and CNS Engineers, Inc. for the Murrieta Creek Bridge at Overland Drive Project PW-16-05 [Avenida Alvarado Over Murrieta Creek, Federal Aid Project No. BR-NBIL(543)]" ("Agreement"). B. The parties now desire to extend the term of the Agreement. 2. Extension of Term. Subsection A, of ARTICLE IV PERFORMANCE PERIOD, is hereby amended to read as follows: "A. This contract shall go into effect on March 12, 2019, contingent upon approval by CITY, and CONSULTANT shall commence work after notification to proceed by CITY'S Contract Administrator. The contract shall end on July 1, 2028 unless extended by contract amendment." 3. Authority. The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Contractor warrants and represents that he or she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Contractor and has the authority to bind Contractor to the performance of its obligations hereunder. 4. No Other Changes. Except for the changes specifically set forth herein, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. -1- 11086-0166\2944324v l . doc IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this First Amendment to Agreement to be signed and executed personally or on its behalf by its duly authorized representative. CONSULTANT CNS ENGINEERS, INC. By: Name: James J. Lu Title: President By: _ Name Title: : Hui -Min Huang CFO [NOTE: If the Owner is a corporation, it must be represented by two individuals who shall execute this Agreement on behalf of the corporation as follows: (A) one from the corporation's "Operational Group" (Chair of the Board, President, or a Vice -President) and; (B) one from the corporation's "Financial Group" (Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer). A resolution of the Board of Directors designating one individual to sign the agreement on behalf of the corporation will be accepted. See California Corporations Code section 313.] -2- 11086-0166\2944324v l . doc CITY CITY OF TEMECULA, A California Municipal Corporation James Stewart Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, JD, MMC City Clerk Peter M. Thorson City Attorney -3- 11086-0166\2944324v l . doc FPN: BR-NBIL (543) CITY PROJECT NO: PW-16-05 MURRIETA CREEK BRIDGE AT OVERLAND DRIVE 1. Location Maps 1UP (Regional Map) W�E N S Road 11Page Ak The Heart of Southern California Wine Country MURRIETA CREEK BRIDGE AT OVERLAND Circulation Project Project Description: This project includes the design and construction of a new bridge crossing over Murrieta Creek between Rancho California Road and Winchester Road. This project also includes environmental studies, mitigation, acquisition of right-of-way, and installation of new traffic signals at Overland Drive intersections with Diaz Road and Enterprise Circle West and Commerce. Benefit: This project improves traffic circulation and access to Overland Drive freeway over -crossing. Core Value: Transportation Mobility and Connectivity Project Status: This project is currently in design and is partially funded by the Federal Highway Bridge Program (HBP). During design phase staff will continue seeking additional programming and allocation of more HBP funds for the project. Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.265.999.5800.PW16-05 / 648 Level: I City of Temecula Fiscal Years 2024-28 Capital Improvement Program Project Cost: Prior Years Actuals 2022-23 Adjusted 2023-24 Adopted Budget 2024-25 Projected 2025-26 2026-27 Projected Projected 2027-28 Projected Total Project Cost 5801-Administration 251,384 160,017 100,000 100,000 110,000 721,401 5804-Construction 16,122,000 16,122,000 5805-Construction Engineering 2,051,000 2,051,000 5802-Design & Environmental 763,390 1,968,028 2,731,419 5700-Land Acquisition 3,584,000 31584,000 5806-MSHCP 739,140 66,960 806,100 Total Expenditures 1 1,014,775 6,451,185 166,960 100,000 18,283,000 26,015,920 Source of Funds: 4242-DIF-Street Improvements 2,010,960 166,960 100,000 3,152,655 5,430,575 4417-HBP-Highway Bridge Program 331,242 4,123,758 15,130,345 19,585,345 4002-Measure S 1,000,000 1,000,000 Total Funding 2,342,202 5,123,758 166,960 100,000 18,283,000 26,015,920 Future Operating & Maintenance Costs: Total Operating Costs 79 Ak --- The Heart of Southern California Wine Country MURRIETA CREEK BRIDGE AT OVERLAND Circulation Project City of Temecula Fiscal Years 2024-28 Capital Improvement Program 2023-24 Prior Years 2022-23 Adopted 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 Total Project Project Cost: I Actuals I Adjusted Budget Projected Projected Projected Projected I Cost Notes : 1. Highway Bridge Program (HBP) Funding is 88.53% of participating items only. 2. DIF Street Improvements funding covers 11.47% of participating items and 100% of non -participating items. 3. HBP funding is authorized for reimbursement by Caltrans in a piecemeal fashion based on project progress, available funding in any given year, and the progress of other projects in the program. 4. When HBP funds are authorized for reimbursement by Caltrans, the reimbursable fiscal year may or may not be identified. 5. While the HBP recognizes the total project cost, it does not program its funds into the future. 80 Item No. 9 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Patrick Thomas, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: May 14, 2024 SUBJECT: Approve Second Amendment to Consultant Agreement with T.Y. Lin International for the I-15/French Valley Parkway Improvements —Phase II, PW16-01 PREPARED BY: Amer Attar, Engineering Manager Avlin R. Odviar, Principal Civil Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the second amendment to the agreement for consultant services with T.Y. Lin International in an amount not to exceed $200,000, to provide continued construction support during construction and prepare the Financial Plan Update for the I-15/French Valley Parkway Improvements — Phase II, PW 16-01. BACKGROUND: On August 23, 2022, the City Council approved the agreement for construction support services on a time and materials basis in the amount of $350,000 and subsequently approved the first amendment for continued services in the amount of $150,000. The agreement amount, as amended, is $500,000. This Second Amendment to the agreement adds capacity for continued engineering support and preparation of the project Financial Plan Update, in the amount of $200,000, for an amended total agreement amount of $700,000. Construction of the project has continued to require extensive coordination and engineering support from T.Y. Lin International in evaluating and responding to Requests For Information (RFI), performing structural calculations and analyses of construction alternatives, evaluating traffic handling alternatives and staging, and assisting with the preparation of contract change orders (CCO). Additionally, as the author of the project's Initial Financial Plan (project document required by Caltrans), T.Y. Lin International will prepare the annual Financial Plan Update (FPU) under this agreement. To date, nearly 100% of the contract amount has been expended. Additional contract funds are necessary for continued engineering support and preparation of the FPU. FISCAL IMPACT: The I-15/French Valley Parkway Improvements — Phase II project is included in the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget FY 2024-28. Project costs are supported by numerous sources of funds as shown in the attached CIP Project Budget sheet. There are sufficient funds available to cover the cost of this amendment, $200,000. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Second Amendment 2. CIP Project Budget Sheet SECOND AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF TEMECULA AND T.Y. LIN INTERNATIONAL 1-1 5/FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS — PHASE II, PW16-01 THIS SECOND AMENDMENT is made and entered into as of May 14, 2024 by and between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and T.Y. Lin International, a Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Consultant'). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: This Amendment is made with the respect to the following facts and purposes: a. On August 23, 2022, the City and Consultant entered into that certain Agreement entitled "Agreement for Consultant Services Between City of Temecula and T.Y. Lin International, 1-1 5/French Valley Parkway Improvements — Phase II, PW16-01," in the amount of $350,00.00. b. On January 9, 2024, the City and Consultant entered into the First Amendment to the Agreement, in the amount of $150,000.00. C. The parties now desire to add scope of work, increase the payment in the amount of $200,000.00, and to amend the Agreement as set forth in this Amendment. 2. Section 6 of the Agreement entitled "PAYMENT" at paragraph "a" is hereby amended to read as follows: The City agrees to pay Consultant monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and schedules and terms set forth in Exhibit B, Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. Any terms in Exhibit B, other than the payment rates and schedule of payment, are null and void. The SECOND Amendment amount shall not exceed Two Hundred Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($ 200,000.00), for additional engineering support and preparation of the project Financial Plan Update for a total Agreement amount of Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($700,00.00). 3. Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B" to the Agreement is hereby amended by adding thereto the items set forth on Attachment "A" to this Amendment, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. 4. Except for the changes specifically set forth herein, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. O8/09/2021 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF TEMECULA By: James Stewart, Mayor ATTEST: By: Randi Johl, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: T.Y. LIN INTERNATIONAL (Two Signatures of corporate officers required unless corporate documents authorize only one person to sign the agreement on behalf of the corporation.) By: Y/, James t rr, Vice President Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney CONSULTANT T.Y. Lin International Attn: Rodrigo Gonzalez 3633 East Inland Empire Blvd., Suite 700 Ontario CA 91764 909-912.6903 Rodri o.Gonzalex t iin.com City Purchasing Mgr. Initials and Date: 2 08/09/2021 ATTACHMENT A EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK This scope of work shall be added to Exhibit A of the Agreement, as amended. TASK 3 - FINANCIAL PLAN UPDATE TYLin will assist the City of Temecula with the preparation and submittal of a comprehensive Financial Plan Annual Update (FPAU) to the Initial Financial Plan (IFP) in accordance with the requirements of 23 U.S.C. §106 (h)(1) and (3), the Financial Plan annual updates guidance issued by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA Guidance), and a "Preferred Practices" template provided by Martha Santana, Acting Office Chief, Caltrans District 8, on 3/11/2024 (FPAU Template). If acceptable, we can submit the draft FPAU within 20 working days after receiving Notice to Proceed (NTP) and required data from the City, and the final FPAU within 10 working days after receiving review comments on the draft FPAU from the City. ASSUMPTIONS: ■ City will provide all historical data (actual costs and schedules and funding, from April 2022, IFP date, to present, Q1 2024, for Phase II and III) and projected data (tentative costs and schedules and funding, from Q1 2024 to end of Phase II and Phase III projected completion dates) to update the IFP tables, narrative and cash flow analysis. SUB TASKS: Project Management. This includes administrative tasks for project set-up, tracking, monitoring progress, meeting with the City and coordination through the duration of the work. Also included under this task is the QC review of all components of the FPAU. Deliverable: Meeting minutes Preparation of Financial Plan Annual Update. In general, the FPAU will be a stand-alone plan, including any changes since the IFP was certified in April 2022 (i.e., two-year update). For both Phase II and Phase III, the FPAU will present current historical data (actual costs and schedules and funding, from April 2022, IFP date, to present, Q1 2024) and projected data (tentative costs and schedules and funding, from Q1 2024 to end of Phase II and Phase III projected completion dates), and financial resources to be utilized to fund the remaining portions of the project. Per FHWA Guidance (23 U.S.C. 106(h)(1) and (3)), the report contents will follow the FPAU Template format: Preface: i. Cover Page (will update) ii. Certification Letter (will update) iii. Executive Summary (will update) 08/09/2021 iv. Document (Review) History (will update) v. Table of Contents (will update) Chapters: 1. Project Description (minor updates) 2. Schedule (will update) 3. Project Cost (will update) 4. Project Funds (will update) 5, Financing Issues (will include, but explain no financing proposed) 6. Cash Flow (will update) 7. P3 Assessment (will include, but explain not a P3 procurement project) 8. Risk and Response Strategies (will update) 9. Annual Update Cycle (will provide) 10. Summary of Cost Changes (will provide) 11. Summary of Schedule Changes (will provide) 12. Appendices (will provide) Preface/Letter of Certification/Project Description. This section will update the preface, TOC,2.4 and project description sections of the report. The Letter of Certification will be updated and also describe this is the initial FPAU report and provide reason why 2023 FPAU was not provided within 90 days after 4/12/2023 (first FPAU due date). Per FHWA Guidance, financial plans must be updated annually and submitted to FHWA no later than 90 days after the end of each reporting period. Project Schedules. This section will update the delivery milestones in schedules (Phase II and Phase III) including actual and targeted dates; providing matching Gantt charts. Per FHWA Guidance, this section will explain changes in the FPAU estimated schedule from IFP (number of months and main contributing factor(s)) and discuss any trends impacting planned implementation schedule. Updated IFP Tables Include: Table 1: Phase II Schedule including project delivery milestones dates, actual (from April 2022, IFP date, to present, Q1 2024), and targeted (from Q1 2024 to end of projected completion). Table 2: Phase II Project Schedule Gantt Chart (matching dates above) including narrative of events completed since IFP, and reasons why targeted schedule dates changed, if any, since IFP. New Comparison: Per FHWA Guidance, the Gantt Chart will include both IFP and current schedules to show a comparison of the schedules, even if there are no or minor changes in current schedule. New Table: Phase III Schedule including targeted project delivery milestones dates from Q1 2024 through estimated completion date. IFP estimated Phase III to begin in Fiscal Year (FY) 2025. Table will show targeted schedule FY 2025 through FY 2028, assuming 3 years of construction. ■ New Table: Phase III Project Schedule Gantt Chart (matching dates above). Comparison: Per FHWA Guidance, the Gantt Chart will include both IFP and current schedules to show a comparison of the schedules, even if there are no or minor changes in current schedule. 08/09/2021 Project Costs. Provide updated Project cost elements for completing the Project in year, stating costs are provided in year -of -expenditure dollars (YOE). Summarize the costs incurred to date by fiscal year since the IFP. Per FHWA Guidance, provide cost changes since IFP with explanation/s of contributing factors and document actions taken to monitor and control cost growth. Updated IFP Tables Include: • Table 3: Phase I Project Cost Summary (no change) Table 4: Phase II Project Cost Summary (Actual Expenditures at end of Q1 2024 and Expected Future Spending through FY 2026 or completion date) where spending timeline matches Phase II schedule. Table 5: Phase III Project Cost Summary (Actual Expenditures as of Q1 2024 and Expected Future Spending FY 2025 through completion, assuming 2 years of construction) where spending timeline matches Phase III schedule. • New Table/Narrative: Per FHWA Guidance, compare current estimated costs with those reported in IFP (e.g., Phase II and Phase III), even if there are no or minor changes in current costs, show percent change, and explain any changes. Per FHWA Guidance, use YOE dollars and describe assumptions used to arrive at YOE estimates and describe how estimates were developed. Project Funds. Per FHWA Guidance, describe all project funding sources and availability/commitments of funds required to Project completion, including city, state, federal, and other funds (current and future). Update project funding sources dedicated to Project, and any changes since IFP (timing of funds availability, additional expenditures not previously anticipated). • Per FHWA Guidance, summarize project funding by source and amount (in a table and a chart (e.g. pie chart). • Per FHWA Guidance, if any, show federal obligated funds and date expended. • Per FHWA Guidance, discuss any new trends impacting project funding (source) and costs (use of funds) and describe and explain any changes in funding since the IFP. • Provide actual excerpted pages of FTIP in the appendix, with relevant numbers highlighted. Updated IFP Tables Include: Table 8: Phase II Project Funding Sources overtime (Update Funding Sources received as Q4 2023, and dates obligated/received or expected) (Actual Use of Funds expended by source as of Q1 2024 and Expected Future Use of Funds through FY 2026 or completion date). • Table 9: Phase III Project Funding Sources overtime (Update Funding Sources and dates obligated/received) received as Q1 2024, and Actual Use of Funds expended by source as of Q1 2024 and Expected Use of Funds extending FY 2025 through completion, assuming 2 years of construction). 06/09/2021 New Table: Federal Obligations and Expenditures Table, by Federal Project Number or Name and date obligated and expended (SAFETEA-LU, etc.). Financial Issues. Report will include this section and explain Project financing is not required or proposed. Cash Flow Analyses, Per FHWA Guidance, show fund availability versus expenditures by State Fiscal Year (FY) (cash in versus cash out). Provide an updated annual construction cash flow schedule for the Project with an overview of the planned sources of funds, given availability of data. Note: Ensure Phase II and III schedules matches up with respective funding and expenditures, see below. , Updated IFP Tables Include: • Table 10: Phase II Project Source and Use of Funds Cash Flow Analysis • Table 11: Phase III Project Source and Use of Funds, 2024 and beyond Cash Flow Analysis. • New: Per FHWA Guidance, compare cash flow displayed in IFP to updated cash flow [narrative should explain significant deviations from the IFP]. Discuss changes in estimated timing of fund availability (cash in) and/or expenditures (cash out) since IFP [narrative should explain significant deviations from the IFP]. • New Graph (Phase II): Per FHWA Guidance, include a graph of cumulative revenues vs cumulative costs, reflecting IFP projections and current conditions. • New Graph (Phase III): Per Guidance, include a graph of cumulative revenues vs cumulative costs, reflecting IFP projections and current conditions. P3 Assessment. Report will include this section and explain a P3 Assessment is not required or proposed. P3s are defined as contractual agreements between a public agency and a private entity that allow for private sector participation in the delivery and financing of transportation projects. Risks and Response Strategies. Provide summary of funding and/or scheduling constraints/obstacles since IFP (e.g., increased costs, changed funding availability, scheduling changes), if applicable, with discussion of proposed mitigation measures (e.g., new, or increased funding sources, modified project timelines to manage cash flows, strategies for acquisition of future funds, etc.). Per FHWA Guidance, discuss the status of existing risk(s) and identify new risk(s) in each FPAU. Annual Update Cycle. New, per FHWA Guidance, designate the annual reporting period for the next FPAU. Summary of Cost Changes. New, per FHWA Guidance: • Provide an explanation of the change in total cost from last year's financial plan [identify the primary reason(s) for the change — Identify any scope changes contributed to this change] • Document actions taken to monitor and control cost growth. 08/09/2021 ■ Discuss trends impacting project costs and funding [Discussion should include the probable reasons for these trends and assess the implications for the remainder of the project— If applicable, indicate that no trends were identified]. Summary of Schedule Changes. New, per FHWA Guidance, • Provide an explanation of the change in the estimated completion date from last year's financial plan (number of months and main contributing factor(s)) [clearly identify the primary reason(s) for the change — Identify any scope changes that have contributed to this change] Document actions taken to monitor and control schedule growth. Discuss trends impacting project schedule [Discussion should include the probable reasons for these trends and assess the implications for the remainder of the project — If applicable, indicate that no trends were identified]. Appendices. This section will provide most recent actual excerpted pages (year 2023) from the FTIP, with relevant numbers highlighted. Phase II https://scag.ca.gov/sites/main/files/file- attachments/21-06—conformitydeterminationcomparisonreport. pdf?1625285022 Phase III https://scag.ca.gov/sites/main/files/file-attachments/23-ftip-state-amend-23-0121- riv. pdf? 1704920835 Deliverable: Draft and final FPAU in both Word and pdf formats. SCHEDULE: Submit draft FPAU within 20 working days after receiving NTP and the required data from the City. Submit final FPAU within 10 working days after receiving review comments on draft FPAU from the City. 08/09/2021 EXHIBIT B PAYMENT RATES AND SCHEDULE GENERAL The tasks described in the Scope of Work (Exhibit A) will be performed on a time and materials basis at the direction of the City or its delegate. It is understood that the actual work effort is not known and will be a function of the extent of inquiries, changes, and clarifications that arise as a result of the construction of the project. Actual cost shall not exceed the Total Fee without prior authorization from the City. Fee (Original Agreement)................................................................$ 350,000.00 Fee (FIRST Amendment)................................................................ 150,000.00 Fee (SECOND Amendment) .............................................. ----.---..... 200 ]" Total Fee.....................................................................................$ 700,000.00 08/09/2021 T.Y. LIN INTERNATIONAL CORPORATE AUTHORIZATION I hereby certify that James Barr, Vice President of T.Y. Lin International a California corporation (the "Corporation'), is a duly elected and appointed officer of the Corporation and holds full corporate authority to enter into project related contracts and proposals and execute and deliver such contracts, proposals, and any supplements related thereto, for and on behalf of the Corporation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have caused this instrument to be executed and the corporate seal of the Corporation to be hereunto affixed on the 3rd day of March 2022. T.Y. LIN INTERNATIONAL David S. By: Tingley David Tingley Vice President and Assistant Secretary Digitally signed by David S. Tingley Date: 2022.03.04 10:51:08-05'00' Aft t he Heat of Saut Cu farni, Wile•Cu.:-.ir.: City of Temecula Fiscal Years 2024-28 Capital Improvement Program 1-15 / FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS - PHASE II Circulation Project Project Description: This project includes the design and construction of the two lane northbound collector/distributer road system beginning north of the Winchester Road Interchange on -ramps and ending just north of the 1-15/1-215 junction with connectors to 1-15 and 1-215. Benefit: This project will address and improve traffic circulation in the City's northern area by providing the northbound collector/distributer road system. Core Value: Transportation Mobility and Connectivity Project Status: Construction May 2023 through February 2025. Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.265.999.5800.PW16-01 / 726 Level: I Project Cost: Prior Years Actuals 2022-23 Adjusted 2023-24 Adopted Budget 2024-25 2025-26 Projected Projected 2026-27 2027-28 Projected Projected Total Project Cost 5801-Administration 3,064,343 366,456 300,000 170,000 3,900,799 5804-Construction 89,940,000 15,000 89,955,000 5805-Construction Engineering 33,033 10,867,967 10,901,000 5802-Design & Environmental 19,346,698 122,605 19,469,303 5700-Land Acquisition 13,806,538 716,714 14,523,251 5240-Utilities 1,993 1,993 Total Expenditures 36,252,605 102,013,741 315,000 170,000 138,751,346 Source of Funds: 4271-CFD 01-02 (Harveston) 1,005,840 1,005,840 4242-DIF-Street Improvements 75,360 75,360 4001-General Fund 4,236,174 41236,174 4668-INFRA Grant 50,000,000 50,000,000 4170-Measure A 1,627,914 1,627,914 4002-Measure S 3,761,973 1,799,612 300,000 170,000 6,031,585 4438-Reimbursements 6,023,000 61023,000 4465-SAFETEA-LU 1,602,360 1,602,360 4426-STIP-Surface Transportation 47,600,000 47,600,000 Improvement Program 4473-TUMF (CETAP/RCTC) 472,841 999,668 1,472,509 4474-TUMF (RCTC) 2,343,000 2,343,000 4472-TUMF (WRCOG) 1 13,406,3901 3,327,214 1 16,733,604 Total Funding 32,952,492 105,328,854 300,000 170,000 138,751,346 Future Operating & Maintenance Costs: 71 Aft WhC'n..,I City of Temecula Fiscal Years 2024-28 Capital Improvement Program 1-15 / FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS - PHASE II Circulation Project 2023-24 Prior Years 2022-23 Adopted 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 Total Project Project Cost: Actuals Adjusted Budget Projected Projected Projected Projected Cost Total Operating Costs Notes : 1. General Fund Includes Required Contribution match for TUMF (CETAP/RCTC) funds. 2. State Transportation Improvement Program 2014 RCTC Call for projects as approved by the Commission on November 13, 2013 ($10,000,000). 3. TUMF (RCTC)- Regional funding is pursuant to RCTC Agreement No.06-72-048-00 for a total of $7,517,000 ($5,517,000-ROW; $2,000,000-PS&E). $200,000 City Match, Phase I expended $3,174,000-ROW; $2,000,000 PS&E; $200,000 City Match. Phase II expended $2,343,000 ROW. 4. TUMF (WRCOG) - TUMF Zone funding is pursuant to WRCOG Agreement No. 06-SW-TEM-1079 for a total of $11,575,000 reduced to $11,451,875 ($975,752-PA&ED; $8,801,875-PS&E; $1,674,248-ROW) for Phase I and Phase II. 5. TUMF (WRCOG) - TUMF Zone funding is pursuant to WRCOG Agreement No. 05-SW-TEM-1064 for $4,078,000 reduced to $4,043,000 ($108,724 PA&ED;3,934,296 PS&E) for Phase I and Phase 11. 6. TUMF (WRCOG) - TUMF Zone Funding is pursuant to WRCOG Agreement No. 05-SW-TEM-1064 for $1,925,000-ROW. No expenditures for Phase 1. 7. TUMF (CETAP/RCTC) - Funding is pursuant to the RCTC Agreement No.17-73-007-00 in the amount of $1,472,509 ($673,562 ROW; $798,947 DESIGN; $106,603 City Match). 72 Item No. 10 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Patrick Thomas, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: May 14, 2024 SUBJECT: Award Construction Contract to Beador Construction Company, Inc., for the Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase II — Margarita Road Under -Crossing Project, PW19- 04 PREPARED BY: Avlin R. Odviar, Principal Civil Engineer William Becerra, Associate Engineer II RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Approve the appropriation of $1,562,908 from DIF — Open Space & Trails to the Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase II — Margarita Road Under -Crossing Project, PW 19-04; and 2. Reject the bid received from Leonida Builders, Inc. for the Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase II — Margarita Road Under -Crossing Project, PW19-04; and 3. Award a construction contract to Beador Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $3,565,700 for the Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase II — Margarita Road Under - Crossing Project, PW19-04; and 4. Authorize the City Manager to approve construction contract change orders up to 10% of the contract amount, $356,570; and 5. Authorize payment of $9,831.95 to the Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority for the Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan fee required for construction of the Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase II — Margarita Road Under -Crossing Project, PW19-04. BACKGROUND: The Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase II — Margarita Road Under - Crossing, PW19-04; includes the design, environmental clearance, and construction of the Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail under Margarita Road. The under -crossing will provide a continuous paved path beneath Margarita Road along the Santa Gertrudis Creek allowing users to pass under Margarita Road at this location. On October 10, 2023, City Council approved the plans and specifications and authorized the Department of Public Works to solicit construction bids. The construction contract was publicly advertised between October 12, 2023, and November 16, 2023. On December 12, 2023, the City Council approved the withdrawal of bid by Leonida Builders, Inc., rejected all construction bids, and authorized the Department of Public Works to re -advertise the project allowing time for staff to explore additional funding opportunities and revisit the bid package. The construction contract was readvertised publicly between February 12, 2024, and March 21, 2024. Three (3) bids were received and publicly opened on Thursday, March 21, 2024. The results were as follows: Rank Bidder Bid Amount 1. Beador Construction Company Inc. $3,565,700 2. KEC Engineering $3,859,999 -- Leonida Builders, Inc. ------------- On March 21, 2024, Beador Construction Company, Inc. submitted a protest letter, attached, on the basis that Leonida Builders, Inc. is barred from bidding the contract per California Public Contract Code PCC § 5105, which states that a bidder who claims a mistake or who forfeits his or her bid security shall be prohibited from participating in further bidding on the project on which the mistake was claimed or security forfeited. On April 2, 2024, with guidance from the City Attorney, the City sent a letter, attached, to Leonida Builders, Inc. that stated the City's intent to reject Leonida's construction bid on the basis of California Public Contract Code PCC § 5105. Later that same day, Leonida Builders, Inc. sent an email correspondence, attached, that acknowledged California Public Contract Code PCC § 5105, however, Leonida Builders, Inc. asserted that there is applicable case law that would allow Leonida Builders, Inc. to submit a bid for the project on the basis that the rebid project is substantially different from the originally bid project. After thorough review, the City responded to Leonida in a letter, attached, dated April 9, 2024. This letter specifies various factors and conditions that deem the original project to be considered the same as the rebid project, thereby barring Leonida from rebidding the project. Beador Construction Company, Inc., of Costa Mesa, California, is the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Beador Construction Company, Inc. has public contracting experience and has successfully completed similar public projects for the City. The Engineer's Estimate of construction cost was $3,860,000. The construction contract allows for 120 working days (approximately 6 months) to construct the Project. The Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) is an element of the Riverside County Integrated Project (RCIP) to conserve open space, nature preserves and wildlife to be set aside in some areas. It is designed to protect over 150 species and conserve over 500,000 acres in Western Riverside County. The City of Temecula is a permittee to the MSHCP and as such is required to abide by the Regional Conservation Authority's (RCA) MSHCP Mitigation Fee Implementation Manual adopted by Resolution 2020-013 on December 7, 2020. The RCA is a joint regional authority formed by the County and the Cities to provide primary policy direction for implementation of the MSHCP. Since July 1, 2008, the RCA has required that locally funded Capital Improvement Projects contribute applicable MSHCP fees within 90 days of construction contract award. Fees outside the public right-of-way are calculated on a cost per acre of disturbed area basis. In this case, the fee for the Project is $9,831.95, which is calculated based on a project site area of 0.51568 acres at $19,066 per acre. FISCAL IMPACT: The Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase II — Margarita Road Under - Crossing Project, PW19-04 is included in the City's Capital Improvement Program, Fiscal Years 2024-28, and is funded with Measure S and Senate Bill 1. With the additional appropriation of $1,562,908 from DIF — Open Space & Trails, adequate funds will be available in the project account to cover the contract amount of $3,565,700 plus the 10% contingency amount of $356,570 for a total encumbrance of $3,922,270. Existing project funds will cover the $9,831.95 MSHCP fee payment. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Contract 2. Project Description 3. Project Location 4. Beador Letter dated March 21, 2024 5. City Letter to Leonida dated April 2, 2024 6. Leonida Email dated April 2, 2024 7. City Letter to Leonida dated April 9, 2024 CITY OF TEMECULA, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT for SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK TRAIL PHASE II - MARGARITA RD UNDER -CROSSING (REBID) PROJECT NO. PW19-04 THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into the 14th day of May, 2024 by and between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City", Beador Construction Company, Inc., hereinafter referred to as "Contractor." WITNESSETH: That City and Contractor, for the consideration hereinafter named, mutually agree as follows: CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The complete Contract includes all of the Contract Documents, to wit: Notice Inviting Bids, Instructions to Bidders, Proposal, Performance Bond, Labor and Materials Bond, Plans and Specifications entitled SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK TRAIL PHASE II - MARGARITA RD UNDER -CROSSING (REBID), PROJECT NO. PW19-04, Insurance Forms, this Contract, and all modifications and amendments thereto, the State of California Standard Plans and Specifications, (latest edition), issued by the California Department of Transportation, where specifically referenced in the Plans, Special Provisions, and Technical Specifications, and the latest version of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, including all supplements as written and promulgated by Public Works Standards, Inc. (hereinafter, "Standard Specifications") as amended by the General Specifications, Special Provisions, and Technical Specifications for SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK TRAIL PHASE II - MARGARITA RD UNDER - CROSSING (REBID), PROJECT NO. PW19-04. Copies of these Standard Specifications are available from the publisher: BNi Building News Division of BNi Publications, Inc. 990 Park Center Drive, Suite E Vista, CA 92081 (760) 734-1113 The Standard Specifications will control the general provisions, construction materials, and construction methods for this Contract except as amended by the General Specifications, Special Provisions, and Technical Specifications for SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK TRAIL PHASE II - MARGARITA RD UNDER -CROSSING (REBID), PROJECT NO. PW19-04. In case of conflict between the Standard Specifications and the other Contract Documents, the other Contract Documents shall take precedence over, and be used in lieu of, such conflicting portions. Where the Contract Documents describe portions of the work in general terms, but not in complete detail, it is understood that the item is to be furnished and installed completed CONTRACT C-1 and in place and that only the best general practice is to be used. Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and do all the work involved in executing the Contract. The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is called for by anyone shall be as binding as if called for by all. Any conflict between this Contract and any other Contract Document shall be resolved in favor of this Contract. 2. SCOPE OF WORK Contractor shall perform everything required to be performed, shall provide and furnish all the labor, materials, necessary tools, expendable equipment, and all utility and transportation services required for the following: SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK TRAIL PHASE II - MARGARITA RD UNDER -CROSSING (REBID), PROJECT NO. PW19-04. All of said work to be performed and materials to be furnished shall be in strict accordance with the Drawings and Specifications and the provisions of the Contract Documents hereinabove enumerated and adopted by City. 3. CITY APPROVAL All labor, materials, tools, equipment, and services shall be furnished and work performed and completed under the direction and supervision, and subject to the approval of City or its authorized representatives. 4. CONTRACT AMOUNT AND SCHEDULE The City agrees to pay, and Contractor agrees to accept, in full payment for, the work agreed to be done, the sum of: THREE MILLION FIVE HUNDRED SIXTY-FIVE THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS ($3,565,700.00), the total amount of the base bid. Contractor agrees to complete the work in a period not to exceed One Hundred Twenty (120) working days, commencing with delivery of a Notice to Proceed by City. Construction shall not commence until bonds and insurance are approved by City. 5. CHANGE ORDERS All change orders shall be approved by the City Council, except that the City Manager is hereby authorized by the City Council to make, by written order, changes or additions to the work in an amount not to exceed the contingency as established by the City Council. 6. PAYMENTS a. Lump Sum Bid Schedule: Before submittal of the first payment request, the Contractor shall submit to the Director of Public Works a schedule of values allocated to the various portions of the work, prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the Director of Public Works may require. This schedule, as approved by the Director of Public Works, shall be used as the basis for reviewing the Contractor's payment requests. b. Unit Price Bid Schedule: Pursuant to Section 20104.50 of the Public Contract Code, within 30 days after submission of a payment request to the City, the Contractor shall be paid a sum equal to 95% of the value of the work completed according to the bid schedule. Payment request forms shall be submitted on or CONTRACT C-2 about the 30th day of each successive month as the work progresses. The final payment, if unencumbered, or any part thereof unencumbered, shall be made 60 days after acceptance of final payment and the Contractor filing a one-year Warranty and an Affidavit of Final Release with the City on forms provided by the City. C. Payment for Work Performed: Payments shall be made on demands drawn in the manner required by law, accompanied by a certificate signed by the City Manager, stating that the work for which payment is demanded has been performed in accordance with the terms of the Contract, and that the amount stated in the certificate is due under the terms of the Contract. Partial payments on the Contract price shall not be considered as an acceptance of any part of the work. d. Payment of Interest_: Interest shall be paid on all undisputed payment requests not paid within 30 days pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20104.50. Public Contract Code Section 7107 is hereby incorporated by reference. 7. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES / EXTENSION OF TIME a. Liquidated Damages: In accordance with Government Code Section 53069.85, Contractor agrees to forfeit and pay to City the sum of $1,000 per day for each calendar day completion is delayed beyond the time allowed pursuant to Paragraph 4 of this Contract. Such sum shall be deducted from any payments due to or to become due to Contractor. b. Extension of Time; Contractor will be granted an extension of time and will not be assessed liquidated damages for unforeseeable delays beyond the control of, and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, including delays caused by City. Within ten calendar days of the occurrence of such delay, Contractor shall give written notice to City. Within 30 calendar days of the occurrence of the delay, Contractor shall provide written documentation sufficient to support its delay claim to City. Contractor's failure to provide such notice and documentation shall constitute Contractor's waiver, discharge, and release of such delay claims against City. 8. WAIVER OF CLAIMS On or before making each request for payment under Paragraph 6 above, Contractor shall submit to City, in writing, all claims for compensation as to work related to the payment. Unless the Contractor has disputed the amount of the payment, the acceptance by Contractor of each payment shall constitute a release of all claims against the City related to the payment. Contractor shall be required to execute an affidavit, release, and indemnity agreement with each claim for payment. 9. PREVAILING WAGES Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has obtained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general rate for holiday and overtime work in this locality for each craft, classification, or type of workman needed to execute this Contract from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. Copies may be obtained from the California Department of Industrial Relations Internet website at htt2://www.dir.ca._q . Contractor shall provide a copy of prevailing wage rates to any staff or subcontractor hired, and shall pay the adopted prevailing wage rates as a minimum. Contractor shall comply with the provisions of CONTRACT C-3 Sections 1720, 1720.9, 1725.5, 1771.1(a), 1773.8, 1775, 1776, 1777.5, 1777.6, and 1813 of the Labor Code. Pursuant to the provisions of 1775 of the Labor Code, Contractor shall forfeit to the City, as a penalty, the sum of $200.00 for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each laborer, worker, or mechanic employed, paid less than the stipulated prevailing rates for any work done under this Contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of the Contract. This project, work, or service will be subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) pursuant to Labor Code Section 1771.4. 10. TIME OF THE ESSENCE Time is of the essence in this contract. 11. INDEMNIFICATION All work covered by this Contract done at the site of construction or in preparing or delivering materials to the site shall be at the risk of Contractor alone. Contractor agrees to save, indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, employees, and agents, against any and all liability, injuries, or death of persons (Contractor's employees included), and damage to property, arising directly or indirectly out of the obligations herein undertaken or out of the operations conducted by Contractor, save and except claims or litigations arising through the sole active negligence or sole willful misconduct of the City. The Contractor shall indemnify and be responsible for reimbursing the City for any and all costs incurred by the City as a result of Stop Notices filed against the project. The City shall deduct such costs from progress payments or final payments due to the Contractor. 12 GRATUITIES Contractor warrants that neither it nor any of its employees, agents, or representatives has offered or given any gratuities or promises to City's employees, agents, or representatives with a view toward securing this Contract or securing favorable treatment with respect thereto. 13. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Contractor warrants that none of its partners, members or shareholders are related by blood or marriage to any employee of the City who has participated in the development of the specifications or approval of this project or who will administer this project nor are they in any way financially associated with any City officer or employee, or any architect, engineer, or other preparers of the Drawings and Specifications for this project. Contractor further warrants that no person in its employ nor any person with an ownership interest in the Contractor has been employed by the City within one year of the date of the Notice Inviting Bids. 14. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT After the completion of the work contemplated by this Contract, Contractor shall file with the City Manager, its affidavit stating that all workmen and persons employed, all firms supplying materials, and all subcontractors upon the Project have been paid in full, and that there are no claims outstanding against the Project for either labor or materials, except certain items, if any, to be set forth in an affidavit covering disputed claims or items in CONTRACT C-4 connection with a Stop Notice which has been filed under the provisions of the laws of the State of California. 15. NOTICE TO CITY OF LABOR DISPUTES Whenever the Contractor has knowledge that any actual or potential labor dispute is delaying or threatens to delay the timely performance of the Contract, Contractor shall immediately give notice thereof, including all relevant information with respect thereto, to City. 16. BOOKS AND RECORDS Contractor's books, records, and plans or such part thereof as may be engaged in the performance of this Contract, shall at all reasonable times be subject to inspection and audit by any authorized representative of the City. 17. INSPECTION The work shall be subject to inspection and testing by City and its authorized representatives during manufacture and construction and all other times and places, including without limitation, the plants of Contractor and any of its suppliers. Contractor shall provide all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safety and convenience of inspectors. All inspections and tests shall be performed in such manner as to not unduly delay the work. The work shall be subject to final inspection and acceptance notwithstanding any payments or other prior inspections. Such final inspection shall be made within a reasonable time after completion of the work. 18. DISCRIMINATION Contractor represents that it has not, and agrees that it will not, discriminate in its employment practices on the basis of race, creed, religion, national origin, color, sex, age, or handicap. 19. GOVERNING LAW The City and Contractor understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Contract and also govern the interpretation of this Contract. 20. PROHIBITED INTEREST No member, officer, or employee of the City of Temecula or of a local public body who has participated in the development of the specifications or approval of this project or will administer this project shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in the Contract or the proceeds thereof during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter. Furthermore, the Contractor covenants and agrees to their knowledge that no board member, officer or employee of the City of Temecula has any interest, whether contractual, non -contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, or in the business of the contracting party other than the City of Temecula, and that if any such interest comes to the knowledge of either party at any time, a full and complete disclosure of all such information will be made, in writing, to the other party or parties, even if such interest would not be considered a conflict of interest under Article 4 (commencing with Section 1090) or Article 4.6 (commencing with Section 1220) of Division 4 of Title I of the Government Code of the State of California. CONTRACT C-5 21 22 23. ADA REQUIREMENTS By signing this Contract, Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in total compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Public Law 101-336, as amended. WRITTEN NOTICE Any written notice required to be given in any part of the Contract Documents shall be performed by depositing the same in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, directed to the address of the Contractor as set forth in the Contract Documents, and to the City addressed as follows: Mailing and Delivery Address: Patrick A. Thomas, PE Director of Public Works / City Engineer City of Temecula 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 INSURANCE. The Contractor shall procure and maintain, for the duration of the Contract, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work by the Contractor, its agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. Minimum Scope of Insurance: Coverage shall be at least as broad as: 1. Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability Form No. CG 00 01 11 85 or 88. 2. Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 06 92 covering Automobile Liability, code 1 (any auto). If the Contractor owns no automobiles, a non -owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy described above is acceptable. 3. Worker's' Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. If the Contractor has no employees while performing under this Contract, worker's compensation insurance is not required, but Contractor shall execute a declaration that it has no employees. Minimum Limits of Insurance: The Contractor shall maintain limits no less than: General Liability: Two Million Dollars $2,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. 2. Automobile Liability: One Million Dollars $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage. CONTRACT C-6 3. Worker's Compensation as required by the State of California; Employer's Liability: One Million Dollars $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury or disease. Deductibles and Self -Insured Retentions: Any deductibles or self-insurance retentions shall not exceed Twenty -Five Thousand Dollars $25,000. Other Insurance Provisions: The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: 1. The City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees, and volunteers are to be covered as insureds as respects to liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor; products and completed operations of the Contractor; premises owned, occupied or used by the Contractor; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Contractor. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees, agents or volunteers. 2. For any claims related to this project, the Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 3. Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers. 4. The Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. 5. Each insurance policy required by this Contract shall be endorsed to state in substantial conformance to the following: If the policy will be cancelled before the expiration date the insurer will notify in writing to the City of such cancellation not less than 30 days prior to the cancellation effective date. 6. If insurance coverage is cancelled or reduced in coverage or in limits, the Contractor shall within two business days of notice from the insurer, phone, fax, and/or notify the City via certified mail, return receipt requested of the changes to or cancellation of the policy. Acceptability of Insurers: Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A-, VII or better, unless otherwise acceptable to the City. Self- insurance shall not be considered to comply with these insurance requirements. CONTRACT C-7 Verification of Coverage: Contractor shall furnish the City with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The endorsements are to be on forms provided by the City. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. As an alternative to the City's forms, the Contractor's insurer may provide complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements affecting the coverage required by these specifications. Subcontractors: Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. 24. RECOVERED MATERIALS AND SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL ACT Contractor agrees to comply with all requirements of Section 6002 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 6962), including but not limited to the regulatory provisions of 40 CFR Part 247, and Executive Order 12873, as they apply to the procurement of the items designated in Subpart B of 40 CFR Part 247. 25. TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SERVICES OR EQUIPMENT Contractor shall not procure or obtain, extend or renew a contract to procure or obtain, or enter into a contract to procure or obtain equipment, services, or systems that use covered telecommunications equipment or services as a substantial or essential component of any system, or as critical technology as part of any system. As described in Public Law 115- 232, section 889, covered telecommunications equipment is telecommunications equipment produced by Huawei Technologies Company or ZTE Corporation, or any subsidiary or affiliate of such entities. Covered equipment also includes video surveillance and telecommunications equipment or services provided by Hytera Communications Corporation, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company, Dahua Technology Company, any subsidiary or affiliate of such entities, and any entity that the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Director of the National Intelligence or the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, reasonably believes to be an entity owned or controlled by, or otherwise connected to, the government of a covered foreign country. 26. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, State and local laws, ordinances, codes and regulations in force at the time the Contractor performs pursuant to the Contract Documents, and shall comply with all grant or funding terms and conditions applicable to the Contract and/or the work. 27. CLAIM DISPUTE RESOLUTION In the event of any dispute or controversy with the City over any matter whatsoever, the Contractor shall not cause any delay or cessation in or of work, but shall proceed with the performance of the work in dispute. The Contractor shall retain any and all rights provided that pertain to the resolution of disputes and protests between the parties. The disputed work will be categorized as an "unresolved dispute" and payment, if any, shall be as later determined by mutual agreement or a court of law. The Contractor shall keep accurate, detailed records of all disputed work, claims and other disputed matters. All claims arising out of or related to the Contract or this project, and the consideration and payment of such claims, are subject to the Government Claims Act (Government Code CONTRACT C-8 Section 810 et seq.) with regard to filing claims. All such claims are also subject to Public Contract Code Section 9204 and Public Contract Code Section 20104 et seq. (Article 1.5), where applicable. This Contract hereby incorporates those provisions as though fully set forth herein. Thus, the Contractor or any Subcontractor must present a claim in accordance with the Government Claims Act as a prerequisite to prosecuting any claim against the City. The filing or prosecution of a claim in compliance with Section 9204 and/or Article 1.5 (if applicable) does not in any way obviate the need to timely present a claim under the Government Claims Act, or in any toll the expiration of any limitations period for the timely presentation of a claim under the Government Claims Act. CONTRACT C-9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed on the date first above written. DATED: CONTRACTOR: Beador Construction Company, Inc. 2900 Bristol Street, Suite D204 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 uavia tieaaor Print or type NAME Secretary, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Execu k e ❑fter Print 4 typ Tl LE* By: Print or type NAME 07 aS ^+- Print or type TITLE* (*Signatures of two corporate officers reauirec! for Corporations) DATED' ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF TEMECULA By: James Stewart, Mayor Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney CONTRACT C-10 SEp:FTs. STATE OF CALIFORNIA Office of the Secretary of State ;w m` STATEMENT OF INFORMATION o; CORPORATION ' California Secretary of State 'CgLTF_Wgk %" 1500 11th Street Sacramento, California 95814 (916) 653-3516 For Office Use Only -FILED - File No.: BA20230998071 Date Filed: 6/21/2023 Entity Details Corporation Name BEADOR CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. Entity No. 2106117 Formed In CALIFORNIA Street Address of Principal Office of Corporation Principal Address Mailing Address of Corporation Mailing Address Attention Street Address of California Office of Corporation Street Address of California Office Officers 2900 BRISTOL STREET D204 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 2900 BRISTOL STREET D204 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 2900 BRISTOL STREET D204 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 Officer Name Officer Address Position(s) 0 David A Beador 2900 BRISTOL STREET D204 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 Secretary, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Executive Officer Additional Officers Officer Name Officer Address Position Stated Position None Entered Directors Director Name Director Address 0 David A Beador 2900 BRISTOL STREET D204 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 The number of vacancies on Board of Directors is: 0 Agent for Service of Process Agent Name Agent Address DAVID A BEADOR 2900 BRISTOL STREET D204 COSTA MESA, CA 92626 Type of Business Type of Business HEAVY HWY CONSTRUCTION Email Notifications Opt -in Email Notifications Yes, I opt -in to receive entity notifications via email. Labor Judgment No Officer or Director of this Corporation has an outstanding final judgment issued by the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement or a court of law, for which no appeal therefrom is pending, for the violation of any wage order or provision of the Labor Code. Page 1 of 2 Electronic Signature ® By signing, I affirm that the information herein is true and correct and that I am authorized by California law to sign. David A Beador 0612112023 Signature Date J Cn O O ri O rt ri O M rt rt O Page 2 of 2 f Adk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Years 2024-28 Capital Improvement Program SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK PHASE II - MARGARITA UNDER -CROSSING Infrastructure Project Project Description: This project includes the design, environmental, and construction of the under -crossing in Santa Gertrudis Creek at Margarita Road to connect to the pedestrian/bicycle trail. The under -crossing at Margarita Road will provide a continuous paved trail along the Santa Gertrudis Creek at this location. Benefit: The project provides a safe pedestrian and bicycle trail connection for the community. Core Value: Transportation Mobility and Connectivity Project Status: Project is anticipated to be completed in Fiscal Year2023-24. Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.265.999.732 / PW19-04 Level: I Project Cost: Prior Years Actuals 2023-24 2022-23 Proposed 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 Adjusted Budget Projected Projected Projected Projected Total Project Cost Administration 172,512 275,488 448,000 Construction 1,631,179 819,663 2,450,842 Construction Engineering 370,000 370,000 Design & Environmental 380,596 253,368 31,350 665,314 Land Acquisition 21,500 21,500 MSHCP 81,559 81,559 Total Expenditures 553,108 2,633,094 851,013 4,037,215 Source of Funds: Measure S Senate Bill 1 553,108 1,131,094 851,013 1,502,000 2,535,215 1,502,000 Total Funding 553,108 2,633,094 851,013 - 4,037,215 Future Operating & Maintenance Costs: Total Operating Costs Notes : 1. California Transportation Commission (CTC) adopted the2019 Active Transportation Program Augmentation on January30 - 31, 2019. 148 Santa Gertrudis Creek Phase II - Margarita Under -Crossing, PW19-04 ", . Q01iLaCiC�Ct y `4 _ RV h, S a w� fx 4 .rsp :� t•` n •rst: a� � �p�"+- <%ter � y� ' O� r or 4.0 41fl 15 r 'IIT°pcS ae 411 i2.3 0 376.17 752.3 Feet This map is a user generated static output from an Internet mapping site e is for reference only. Data layers that appear on this map may or may not GS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere accurate, current, or otherwise reliat Latitude Geographics Group Ltd. THIS MAP IS NOT TO BE USED FOR NAVIGATIC OF TENjtG G o�ti Coo 'Ro 1989 �- Legend City of Temecula Boundary Parcels Street Names Highways HWY d INTERCHANGE . INTERSTATE OFFRAMP ONRAMP . USHWY Creeks [l Cities Streets <Null> PAVED -- PROPOSED -- UNPAVED Notes Beador Construction Company, Inc. March 21, 2024 City of Temecula Office of the City Clerk 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 Attention: City Clerk RE: Beador Construction Company Inc. Bid Protest — Leonida Builder's Bid City of Temecula Project No. PW19-04 Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase II — Margarita Rd Under -Crossing (Rebid) Bid Submitted March 21, 2024 City Clerk: Beador Construction Company Inc. hereby protests Leonida Builders bid submission. Leonida is barred from bidding this contract per California Public Contract Code, PCC § 5105. California Code, Public Contract Code - PCC § 5105 Current as of January 01, 2023 1 Updated by A bidder who claims a mistake or who forfeits his or her bid security shall be prohibited from participating in further bidding on the project on which the mistake was claimed or security forfeited. Leonida bid the first time the project bid at $2,380,235.00 and, as we were informed, requested bid relief for that and their bid. Leonida is barred from further bidding on the project thus pursuant to PCC § 5105. It is interesting and noted they submitted a bid the 2nd time over $1,000,000 higher (150% higher) but just under the first bid submission by Beador. Beador is not in business to provide other Contractors the presumably correct pricing they should be using in their bid submission. Leonida Builders is not the "lowest responsible bid" as they are not allowed to bid the project. The City must reject Leonida's bid and award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, which appears to be Beador Construction Company, Inc. Should you have questions or comments, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Beador Constru io ompany, Inc. David A. Beador President 26320 Lester Circle Corona, CA 92883 ■(951) 674-7352 ■ (951) 674-7495 Fax . License #720483 City of Temecula 41000 Main Street • Temecula, California 92590 Phone (951) 694-6411 • temeculaca.gov April 2, 2024 VIA EMAIL ONLY: PanikoskLeonidabuilders.com Panagiotis Leonida, President Leonida Builders, Inc. 32023 Crown Valley Acton, CA 94510 Re: Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase 2 - Margarita Road Under -Crossing PW 19-04 (Rebid) The City of Temecula has received a bid protest from Beador Construction Company, Inc., dated March 21, 2024. A copy of that bid protest letter is enclosed, which essentially posits that Leonida cannot bid on this project as it had previously successfully withdraw its bid, i.e., the City had accepted Leonida's bid withdrawal request, and subsequently rejected all bids and had rebid this project. Beador's bid protest letter cites Public Contract Code Section 5105 which states: "A bidder who claims a mistake or who forfeits his or her bid security shall be prohibited from participating in further bidding on the project on which the mistake was claimed or security forfeited." (Underline added). By operation of the clear and plain meaning of this statute, the City intends to reject Leonida's bid that was submitted on the rebid of this project. If Leonida has contrary controlling legal authority, we request that it be provided to the City within three (3) business days of the date of this letter. Sincerely, William Becerra Associate Engineer II - CIP cc: Patrick A. Thomas — Director of Public Works / City Engineer Avlin R. Odviar — Principal Civil Engineer — CIP Randi Johl — City Clerk Jennifer Hennessy — Director of Finance B. Tilden Kim — City Attorney Beador Construction Company, Inc. March 21, 2024 City of Temecula Office of the City Clerk 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 Attention: City Clerk RE: Beador Construction Company Inc. Bid Protest — Leonida Builder's Bid City of Temecula Project No. PW19-04 Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase II — Margarita Rd Under -Crossing (Rebid) Bid Submitted March 21, 2024 City Clerk: Beador Construction Company Inc. hereby protests Leonida Builders bid submission. Leonida is barred from bidding this contract per California Public Contract Code, PCC § 5105. California Code, Public Contract Code - PCC § 5105 Current as of January 01, 2023 1 Updated by A bidder who claims a mistake or who forfeits his or her bid security shall be prohibited from participating in further bidding on the project on which the mistake was claimed or security forfeited. Leonida bid the first time the project bid at $2,380,235.00 and, as we were informed, requested bid relief for that and their bid. Leonida is barred from further bidding on the project thus pursuant to PCC § 5105. It is interesting and noted they submitted a bid the 2nd time over $1,000,000 higher (150% higher) but just under the first bid submission by Beador. Beador is not in business to provide other Contractors the presumably correct pricing they should be using in their bid submission. Leonida Builders is not the "lowest responsible bid" as they are not allowed to bid the project. The City must reject Leonida's bid and award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, which appears to be Beador Construction Company, Inc. Should you have questions or comments, please feel free to call. Sincerely, Beador Constru io ompany, Inc. David A. Beador President 26320 Lester Circle Corona, CA 92883 ■(951) 674-7352 ■ (951) 674-7495 Fax . License #720483 From: Panikos Leonida To: Will Becerra Jr Cc: Patrick Thomas; Avlin Odviar; Randi Johl; Jennifer Hennessy; Tilden Kim - Richards I Watson I Gershon (TKim(&rwolaw.com) Subject: RE: Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase 2 - Margarita Road Under -Crossing PW 19-04 (Rebid) Date: Tuesday, April 2, 2024 2:31:21 PM CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Resent with typos corrected. Good afternoon, Mr. Becerra: We acknowledge receipt of Beador Construction Company, Inc.'s (hereinafter referred to "Beador") bid protest dated March 21, 2024, received by Leonida Builders Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Leonida") via email on April 2, 2024. We have thoroughly reviewed Beador's bid protest pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 5105 wherein "A bidder who claims mistake or who forfeits his or her bid security shall be prohibited from participating in further bidding on the project on which the mistake was claimed or security forfeited." [Emphasis added.] It is true that Leonida submitted a bid withdrawal based on mistake pursuant to California Public Contract Code Section 5103 for the project named Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase 2- Margarita Road Under -Crossing PW 19-04 in which Leonida was the lowest bidder and said withdrawal was accepted by the City of Temecula. However, this does not categorically prevent Leonida from rebid a project by the same name, but not the same project in which the mistake was claimed. In the case of Colombo Construction Co. v. Panama Union School Dist., 136 Cal. App. 3d 868, 875-77 (1982), the Court found that the contractor was prevented from bidding on the rebid because it was substantially similar to the original bid. The changes made on the rebid in Colombo where deferments, matters that were originally planned, but subsequently dropped to reduce the cost of the project, and said changes did not result in financing or plan changes. Conversely, the City of Temecula's rebid is substantially different from the original bid. The City of Temecula's original Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase 2- Margarita Road Under -Crossing PW 19-04 bid solicitation included an engineer's estimate of $2,130,000 based on plans approved by the City on October 10, 2023. The Rebid, however, was based on an engineer's estimate of $3,860,000 based revised, resubmitted, and recently approved plans dated January 24, 2024. Therefore, the City of Temecula's REBID for the Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase 2- Margarita Road Under -Crossing PW 19-04 was substantially different from the original bid based on the financing/budgetary increase and plan changes that had to be made, submitted, and approved by the City. For the aforementioned reasons, Leonida is not prevented from bidding on this current REBID because the project was substantially different from the original bid solicitation. As such, Leonida requests that the City proceed with awarding the project to Leonida as the lowest, responsible bidder. Thank you for your attention to this matter and consideration of our response to Beador's protest. Respectfully, Panikos Leonida President of Leonida Builders Inc. From: Panikos Leonida Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2024 2:21 PM To: Will Becerra Jr <will.becerra@temeculaca.gov> Cc: Patrick Thomas <Patrick.Thomas@temeculaca.gov>; Avlin Odviar <Avlin.Odviar@temeculaca.gov>; Randi Johl <randi.johl@temeculaca.gov>; Jennifer Hennessy <jennifer.hen nessy@temeculaca.gov>; Tilden Kim - Richards I Watson I Gershon (TKim@rwglaw.com) <TKim@rwglaw.com> Subject: RE: Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase 2 - Margarita Road Under -Crossing PW 19-04 (Rebid) Good afternoon, Mr. Becerra: We acknowledge receipt of Beador Construction Company, Inc.'s (hereinafter referred to "Beador") bid protest dated March 21, 2024, received by Leonida Builders Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "Leonida") via email on April 2, 2024. We have thoroughly reviewed Beador's bid protest pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 5105 wherein "A bidder who claims mistake or who forfeits his or her bid security shall be prohibited from participating in further bidding on the project on which the mistake was claimed or security forfeited." [Emphasis added.] It is true that Leonida submitted a bid withdrawal based on mistake pursuant to California Public Contract Code Section 5103 for the project named Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase 2- Margarita Road Under -Crossing PW 19-04 in which Leonida was the lowest bidder and said withdrawal was accepted by the City of Temecula. However, this does not categorically prevent Leonida from rebid a project by the same name, but not the same project in which the mistake was claimed. In the case of Colombo Construction Co. v. Panama Union School Dist., 136 Cal. App. 3d 868, 875-77 (1982), the Court found that the contractor was prevented from bidding on the rebid because it was substantially similar to the original bid. The changes made on the rebid in Colombo where deferments, matters that were originally planned, but subsequently dropped to reduce the cost of the project, and said changes did not result in financing or plan changes. Conversely, the City of Temecula's rebid is substantially different from the original bid. The City of Temecula's original Santa Gertrudis Creet Trail Phase 2- Margarita Road Under -Crossing PW 19-04 bid solicitation included an engineer's estimate of $2,130,000 based on plans approved by the City on October 10, 2023. The Rebid, however, was based on an engineer's estimate of $3,860,000 based revised, resubmitted, and recently approved plans dated January 24, 2024. Therefore, the City of Temecula's REBID for the Santa Gertrudis Creet Trail Phase 2- Margarita Road Under -Crossing PW 19-04 was substantially different from the original bid based on the financing/budgetary increase and plan changes that had to be made, submitted, and approved by the City. For the aforementioned reasons, Leonida is not prevented from bidding on this current REBID because the project was substantially different from the original bid solicitation. As such, Leonida requests that the City proceed with awarding the project to Leonida as the lowest, responsible bidder. Thank you for your attention to this matter and consideration of our response to Beador's protect. Respectfully, Panikos Leonida President of Leonida Builders Inc. From: Will Becerra Jr <will.becerral@temeculaca.gov> Sent: Tuesday, April 2, 2024 9:29 AM To: Panikos Leonida <aanikos(@Ieonidabuilders.com> Cc: Patrick Thomas<Patrick.Thomas(@temeculaca.gov>; Avlin Odviar <Avlin.Odviar(@temeculaca.gov>; Randi Johl <randi.iohl(@temeculaca.gov>; Jennifer Hennessy <iennifer.hennessy(@temeculaca.gov>; Tilden Kim - Richards I Watson I Gershon (TKim(@rwglaw.com) <TKiml@rwglaw.com> Subject: Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase 2 - Margarita Road Under -Crossing PW 19-04 (Rebid) Good morning Mr. Leonida, Please reference attached correspondence. Regards, Will Becerra Jr Associate Engineer II City of Temecula (951) 693-3963 will. becerra(a)TemeculaCA.gov 41000 Main St, Temecula, CA 92590 our Website Please note that email correspondence with the City of Temecula, along with attachments, may be subject to the California Public Records Act, and therefore may be subject to disclosure unless otherwise exempt. City of Temecula 41000 Main Street • Temecula, California 92590 Phone (951) 694-6411 • temeculaca.gov April 9, 2024 VIA EMAIL ONLY: PanikoskLeonidabuilders.com Panagiotis Leonida, President Leonida Builders, Inc. 32023 Crown Valley Acton, CA 94510 RE: SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK TRAIL PHASE II — MARGARITA ROAD UNDER - CROSSING (REBID) — PROJECT NO. PW19-04 (the "Project") The City of Temecula ("City") has reviewed and considered Leonida's email dated April 2, 2024, sent at 2:31 p.m. ("resent with typos corrected"). Leonida cited Colombo Construction Co. v. Panama Union School Dist., 136 Cal. App. 3d 868, 875-77 (1982), where the Court found that the contractor was prevented from bidding on the rebid because it was substantially similar to the original bid. Contrary to Leonida's position, and consistent with Colombo, the City concludes that virtually the same Project was the subject to rebid, and thus, Leonida is barred from rebidding on the Project as it sought and was granted relief from bid due to a claimed clerical error on the original bid. In Colombo, the court noted in relevant part: "[W]e do not feel that every change will necessarily transform a project into a different project. This is borne out by the evidence where witnesses for each side agreed the seven addenda to the original bid did not make the project a new project and were not unusual for a project of this size. We must therefore look to the nature of the change in the plans and specifications between the bids. Most of the changes were `deferments' — matters which had originally been planned but dropped for the time being to reduce the cost of the project. These "deferments" included chain link fencing with mow strip, electrical changes, landscaping and a sprinkler system, and a burglar alarm. The only major structural change was the flooring on the relocatable classrooms, a difference in price of approximately $65,000. While the cost may have been affected, we do not believe the deletion of the "deferments" changed the identi . of the project. Appellant used basically the same figures for his second bid to work from, and merely deleted these items. As to the relocatable classrooms, the change in the dollar figure on the bids was less than 4 percent of the total cost of the bid. Indeed, the project remained virtually the same. The location and number of rooms, square footage and the architect were all identical. The financing and the plans and specifications for the buildings (with the exception of the relocatable classrooms) were unchanged. Reapprovals were not required for the project from the state building fund, the Department of Education, or the Office of Local Assistance. It was not necessary to obtain a new environmental impact report or geological reports. In the opinion of the architect, the job was the same." (underline added). The same factors and considerations apply to the Project to conclude that -- for the purposes of Public Contract Code § 5105 -- the original and rebid did not constitute different projects, and thus, Leonida is barred from rebidding on the Project: First, the length, width and location of the bike/ped trail is identical in both bids. Second, additional appropriation of funds will be implemented to award the contract. There is no "financing" required for the Project. Third, no re -approvals were required from outside agencies to rebid the Project. The City Council previously rejected all bids and authorized rebidding of the Project. Fourth, no new environmental reports or technical studies were needed/performed. Fifth, attached is a letter dated April 8, 2024, from the Engineer of Record detailing why the rebid Project is virtually the same as the originally bid Project. Finally, Leonida's reliance on the difference in the Engineer's Estimate from the original advertisement and rebid is misplaced. On the original advertisement, all valid bids received were significantly higher than the Engineer's Estimate as well as the Project's construction budget. The City exercised its discretion to reject all bids on so that it could (1) re -review the contract documents; (2) re -assess the Engineer's Estimate; and (3) research additional funds that might be necessary to construct the Project, without materially changing the nature and the scope of the Project. Thank you for your interest in the Project. The City wishes you the best in all your future endeavors. Truly, I&YL I William Becerra Associate Engineer II - CIP cc: Patrick A. Thomas — Director of Public Works / City Engineer Ron Moreno, Assistant Director of Public Works Amer Attar, Engineering Manager Avlin R. Odviar — Principal Civil Engineer — CIP B. Tilden Kim, City Attorney Beador Construction "ex P* April 8, 2024 Will Becerra Jr. Associate Engineer II City of Temecula 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 SUBJECT: CONSTRUCTION SCOPE CONFIRMATION — SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK TRAIL PHASE II — MARGARITA ROAD UNDERCROSSING (REBID) — PROJECT NO. PW19- 04 Dear Mr. Becerra: EXP U.S. Services Inc. (EXP) is writing to confirm that the construction scope of work for the Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase II — Margarita Road Undercrossing remained the same between the original bids opened on November 16, 2023 and the rebids opened on March 21, 2024. The scope and quantities of the following major improvement items remained unchanged: IMPROVEMENT ORIGINAL BID QUANTITY REBID QUANTITY New Trail 608 LF 608 LF Articulating Concrete Block 4,965 SF 4,965 SF Slope Paving 1,700 SF 1,700 SF Retaining Wall 588 LF 588 LF Tie -Back Wall 133 LF 133 LF 20" Welded Steel CML&C Pie 97 LF 97 LF In addition, new approvals from third party agencies including Rancho California Water District and Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District were not required for the rebid, and the approved Environmental Document dated March 2022 and associated regulatory permits did not require any updates and/or revisions. Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 909.239.6249. Sincerely, EXP U.S. SERVIC NC. abrie Rod i uez, 6 I Project Manager Item No. 11 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Patrick A. Thomas, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: May 14, 2024 SUBJECT: Award Construction Contract to Act 1 Construction, Inc., for the Pickleball Court Project, PW21-03 PREPARED BY: Avlin Odviar, Principal Civil Engineer Samantha Preciado, Assistant Engineer II RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Approve the appropriation of $261,000 of DIF -Quimby funds to the Pickleball Court Project, PW21-03; and 2. Award a construction contract to Act 1 Construction, Inc., in the amount of $2,408,434.95 for the Pickleball Court Project, PW21-03; and 3. Authorize the City Manager to approve construction contract change orders up to 10% of the contract amount, $240,843.50; and 4. Make a finding that the Pickleball Court Project, PW21-03 is exempt from Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan fees. BACKGROUND: On February 27, 2024, the City Council approved the plans and specifications and authorized the Department of Public Works to solicit construction bids for the Pickleball Court Project, PW21-03. The Pickleball Courts Project is a parks/recreation project that will include the construction of a 17-court pickleball facility to replace the existing turf soccer field, also known as "The Pit", at Ronald Reagan Sports Park. Base Bid - Includes seventeen (17) dedicated concrete pickleball courts (16 standard and 1 championship/ADA) with colored court surfacing, surrounded by a 10-ft-high chain link fence with windscreen. The facility also includes 3.5-ft-high interior chain link fencing to separate courts and contain ball play, outdoor amenities such as a prefabricated shade structure, spectator area, outdoor furniture, and a designated area for portable restrooms with a hand -washing station. Four existing Musco lights will be protected in place and re- focused to light the new facility. The facility will be ADA accessible and comply with current ADA standards. The parking lots will consist of gravel surfacing with solar - powered security lights. Additive Alternative No. 1 - Modifies the Base Bid by replacing the westerly parking lot surfacing with asphalt concrete and installing additional solar -powered security lights. Additive Alternative No. 2 - Modifies the Base Bid by replacing the easterly parking lot surfacing with asphalt concrete and installing additional solar -powered security lights. The construction contract was publicly advertised March 25, 2024, through April 23, 2024. Eight (8) bids were received and publicly opened on Tuesday, April 23, 2024. The results were as follows: Rank Bidder Base Bid Amount 1. Act 1 Construction $1,937,230.95 2. Bogh Engineering $1,939,330.54 3. CS Legacy Construction, Inc. $2,097,997.03 4. Wheeler Paving Inc. $2,113,623.00 5. Urban Habitat $2,125,946.25 6. Los Angeles Engineering Inc. $2,459,000.00 7. Tovey/Shultz Construction, Inc. $2,783,030.25 Hellas Construction Non -Responsive Hellas Construction, Inc. has been deemed non -responsive as they did not meet the 50% minimum requirement for work needed to be performed by the prime contractor. Staff has reviewed the bid proposals and found Act 1 Construction, Inc., of Norco, California to be the lowest responsible bidder. Act 1 Construction, Inc., has public contracting experience and has successfully completed similar projects for the City and other public entities. The recommended Contract amount of $2,408,434.96 includes the Base Bid ($1,937,230.95), Additive Alternate No. 1 ($228,343.00), and Additive Alternate No. 2 ($242,861.00). The Engineer's Estimate of construction cost was $1,980,000.00 for the Base Bid, $226,000.00 for Additive Alternate #1, and $244,000.00 for Additive Alternate #2, for a total of $2,450,000.00. The construction duration is estimated to be 85 working days (approximately 4 months). The Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP) is an element of the Riverside County Intergraded Project (RCIP) to conserve open space, nature preserves and wildlife to be set aside in some areas. It is designed to protect over 150 species and conserve over 500,000 acres in Western Riverside County. The City of Temecula is a permittee to the MSHCP and as such is required to abide by the Regional Conservation Authority's (RCA) MSHCP Mitigation Fee Implementation Manual adopted by Resolution 2020-013 on December 7, 2020. The RCA is a joint regional authority formed by the County and the Cities to provide primary policy direction for implementation of the MSHCP. Since July 1, 2008, the RCA has required that locally funded Capital Improvement Projects contribute applicable MSHCP fees within 90 days of construction contract award. Fees outside the public right-of-way are calculated on a cost per acre of disturbed area basis, while fees for typical right-of-way improvement projects are 5% of construction costs. In this case, the Project is a rehabilitation to an existing development project that does not result in additional usable area and as such, it is exempt from MSHCP fees. FISCAL IMPACT: The Pickleball Court Project, PW21-03 is included in the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget for Fiscal Years 2024-28. The source of funds are Measure S and Developer Impact Fees (DIF). With approval of the appropriation of $261,000.00 in DIF — Quimby funds, there will be sufficient funds to cover the contract amount of $2,408,434.95 plus 10% contingency of $240,843.50, for a total amount of $2,649,278.45. There are sufficient funds in Quimby — Park Improvement Program project for the transfer. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Contract 2. Project Description 3. Project Location CITY OF TEMECULA, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT for PICKLEBALL COURTS PROJECT NO. PW21-03 THIS CONTRACT, made and entered into the 14" day of May, 2024, by and between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "City", and Act 1 Construction, Inc., hereinafter referred to as "Contractor." WITNESSETH: That City and Contractor, for the consideration hereinafter named, mutually agree as follows: CONTRACT DOCUMENTS The complete Contract includes all of the Contract Documents, to wit: Notice Inviting Bids, Instructions to Bidders, Proposal, Performance Bond, Labor and Materials Bond, Plans and Specifications entitled PICKLEBALL COURTS, PROJECT NO. PW21-03, Insurance Forms, this Contract, and all modifications and amendments thereto, the State of California Standard Plans and Specifications, (latest edition), issued by the California Department of Transportation, where specifically referenced in the Plans, Special Provisions, and Technical Specifications, and the latest version of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, including all supplements as written and promulgated by Public Works Standards, Inc. (hereinafter, "Standard Specifications") as amended by the General Specifications, Special Provisions, and Technical Specifications for PICKLEBALL COURTS PROJECT NO. PW21-03. Copies of these Standard Specifications are available from the publisher: BNi Building News Division of BNi Publications, Inc. 990 Park Center Drive, Suite E Vista, CA 92081 (760) 734-1113 The Standard Specifications will control the general provisions, construction materials, and construction methods for this Contract except as amended by the General Specifications, Special Provisions, and Technical Specifications for PICKLEBALL COURTS, PROJECT NO. PW21-03. In case of conflict between the Standard Specifications and the other Contract Documents, the other Contract Documents shall take precedence over, and be used in lieu of, such conflicting portions. Where the Contract Documents describe portions of the work in general terms, but not in complete detail, it is understood that the item is to be furnished and installed completed and in place and that only the best general practice is to be used. Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidentals, and do all the work involved in executing the Contract. CONTRACT C-1 The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is called for by anyone shall be as binding as if called for by all. Any conflict between this Contract and any other Contract Document shall be resolved in favor of this Contract. 2. SCOPE OF WORK Contractor shall perform everything required to be performed, shall provide and furnish all the labor, materials, necessary tools, expendable equipment, and all utility and transportation services required for the following: PICKLEBALL COURTS, PROJECT NO. PW21-03 All of said work to be performed and materials to be furnished shall be in strict accordance with the Drawings and Specifications and the provisions of the Contract Documents hereinabove enumerated and adopted by City. 3. CITY APPROVAL All labor, materials, tools, equipment, and services shall be furnished and work performed and completed under the direction and supervision, and subject to the approval of City or its authorized representatives. 4. CONTRACT AMOUNT AND SCHEDULE The City agrees to pay, and Contractor agrees to accept, in full payment for, the work agreed to be done, the sum of: TWO MILLION FOUR HUNDRED EIGHT THOUSAND FOUR HUNRED THIRTY-FOUR DOLLARS AND NINETY-FIVE CENTS ($2,408,434.95), the total amount of the base bid. Contractor agrees to complete the work in a period not to exceed Eighty -Five (85) working days, commencing with delivery of a Notice to Proceed by City. Construction shall not commence until bonds and insurance are approved by City. 5. CHANGE ORDERS All change orders shall be approved by the City Council, except that the City Manager is hereby authorized by the City Council to make, by written order, changes or additions to the work in an amount not to exceed the contingency as established by the City Council. 6. PAYMENTS a. Lump Sum Bid Schedule: Before submittal of the first payment request, the Contractor shall submit to the Director of Public Works a schedule of values allocated to the various portions of the work, prepared in such form and supported by such data to substantiate its accuracy as the Director of Public Works may require. This schedule, as approved by the Director of Public Works, shall be used as the basis for reviewing the Contractor's payment requests. b. Unit Price Bid Schedule: Pursuant to Section 20104.50 of the Public Contract Code, within 30 days after submission of a payment request to the City, the Contractor shall be paid a sum equal to 95% of the value of the work' completed according to the bid schedule. Payment request forms shall be submitted on or about the 30th day of each successive month as the work progresses. The final payment, if unencumbered, or any part thereof unencumbered, shall be made 60 days after acceptance of final payment and the Contractor filing a one-year CONTRACT C-2 Warranty and an Affidavit of Final Release with the City on forms provided by the City. C. Payment for Work Performed: Payments shall be made on demands drawn in the manner required by law, accompanied by a certificate signed by the City Manager, stating that the work for which payment is demanded has been performed in accordance with the terms of the Contract, and that the amount stated in the certificate is due under the terms of the Contract. Partial payments on the Contract price shall not be considered as an acceptance of any part of the work. d. Payment of Interest: Interest shall be paid on all undisputed payment requests not paid within 30 days pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 20104.50. Public Contract Code Section 7107 is hereby incorporated by reference. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES / EXTENSION OF TIME a. Liquidated Damaqes: In accordance with Government Code Section 53069.85, Contractor agrees to forfeit and pay to City the sum of $1,000 per day for each calendar day completion is delayed beyond the time allowed pursuant to Paragraph 4 of this Contract. Such sum shall be deducted from any payments due to or to become due to Contractor. b. Extension of Time: Contractor will be granted an extension of time and will not be assessed liquidated damages for unforeseeable delays beyond the control of, and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, including delays caused by City. Within ten calendar days of the occurrence of such delay, Contractor shall give written notice to City. Within 30 calendar days of the occurrence of the delay, Contractor shall provide written documentation sufficient to support its delay claim to City. Contractor's failure to provide such notice and documentation shall constitute Contractor's waiver, discharge, and release of such delay claims against City. B. WAIVER OF CLAIMS On or before making each request for payment under Paragraph 6 above, Contractor shall submit to City, in writing, all claims for compensation as to work related to the payment. Unless the Contractor has disputed the amount of the payment, the acceptance by Contractor of each payment shall constitute a release of all claims against the City related to the payment. Contractor shall be required to execute an affidavit, release, and indemnity agreement with each claim for payment. 9. PREVAILING WAGES Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the City Council has obtained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general rate for holiday and overtime work in this locality for each craft, classification, or type of workman needed to execute this Contract from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. Copies may be obtained from the California Department of Industrial Relations Internet website at http://www.dir.ca.clov. Contractor shall provide a copy of prevailing wage rates to any staff or subcontractor hired, and shall pay the adopted prevailing wage rates as a minimum. Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Sections 1720, 1720.9, 1725.5, 1771.1(a), 1773.8, 1775, 1776, 1777.5, 1777.6, and 1813 of the Labor Code. Pursuant to the provisions of 1775 of the Labor Code, Contractor shall forfeit to the City, as a penalty, the sum of $200.00 for each calendar day, or portion CONTRACT C-3 thereof, for each laborer, worker, or mechanic employed, paid less than the stipulated prevailing rates for any work done under this Contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of the Contract. This project, work, or service will be subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) pursuant to Labor Code Section 1771.4. 10. TIME OF THE ESSENCE Time is of the essence in this contract. 11. INDEMNIFICATION All work covered by this Contract done at the site of construction or in preparing or delivering materials to the site shall be at the risk of Contractor alone. Contractor agrees to save, indemnify, hold harmless and defend the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, employees, and agents, against any and all liability, injuries, or death of persons (Contractor's employees included), and damage to property, arising directly or indirectly out of the obligations herein undertaken or out of the operations conducted by Contractor, save and except claims or litigations arising through the sole active negligence or sole willful misconduct of the City. The Contractor shall indemnify and be responsible for reimbursing the City for any and all costs incurred by the City as a result of Stop Notices filed against the project. The City shall deduct such costs from progress payments or final payments due to the Contractor. 12. GRATUITIES Contractor warrants that neither it nor any of its employees, agents, or representatives has offered or given any gratuities or promises to City's employees, agents, or representatives with a view toward securing this Contract or securing favorable treatment with respect thereto. 13. CONFLICT OF INTEREST Contractor warrants that none of its partners, members or shareholders are related by blood or marriage to any employee of the City who has participated in the development of the specifications or approval of this project or who will administer this project nor are they in any way financially associated with any City officer or employee, or any architect, engineer, or other preparers of the Drawings and Specifications for this project. Contractor further warrants that no person in its employ nor any person with an ownership interest in the Contractor has been employed by the City within one year of the date of the Notice Inviting Bids. 14. CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT After the completion of the work contemplated by this Contract, Contractor shall file with the City Manager, its affidavit stating that all workmen and persons employed, all firms supplying materials, and all subcontractors upon the Project have been paid in full, and that there are no claims outstanding against the Project for either labor or materials, except certain items, if any, to be set forth in an affidavit covering disputed claims or items in connection with a Stop Notice which has been filed under the provisions of the laws of the State of California. 15. NOTICE TO CITY OF LABOR DISPUTES CONTRACT CA Whenever the Contractor has knowledge that any actual or potential labor dispute is delaying or threatens to delay the timely performance of the Contract, Contractor shall immediately give notice thereof, including all relevant information with respect thereto, to City. 16. BOOKS AND RECORDS Contractor's books, records, and plans or such part thereof as may be engaged in the performance of this Contract, shall at all reasonable times be subject to inspection and audit by any authorized representative of the City. 17. INSPECTION The work shall be subject to inspection and testing by City and its authorized representatives during manufacture and construction and all other times and places, including without limitation, the plants of Contractor and any of its suppliers. Contractor shall provide all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safety and convenience of inspectors. All inspections and tests shall be performed in such manner as to not unduly delay the work. The work shall be subject to final inspection and acceptance notwithstanding any payments or other prior inspections. Such final inspection shall be made within a reasonable time after completion of the work. 18. DISCRIMINATION Contractor represents that it has not, and agrees that it will not, discriminate in its employment practices on the basis of race, creed, religion, national origin, color, sex, age, or handicap. 19. GOVERNING LAW The City and Contractor understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Contract and also govern the interpretation of this Contract. 20. PROHIBITED INTEREST No member, officer, or employee of the City of Temecula or of a local public body who has participated in the development of the specifications or approval of this project or will administer this project shall have any interest, direct or indirect, in the Contract or the proceeds thereof during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter. Furthermore, the Contractor covenants and agrees to their knowledge that no board member, officer or employee of the City of Temecula has any interest, whether contractual, non -contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, or in the business of the contracting party other than the City of Temecula, and that if any such interest comes to the knowledge of either party at any time, a full and complete disclosure of all such information will be made, in writing, to the other party or parties, even if such interest would not be considered a conflict of interest under Article 4 (commencing with Section 1090) or Article 4.6 (commencing with Section 1220) of Division 4 of Title I of the Government Code of the State of California. 21. ADA REQUIREMENTS By signing this Contract, Contractor certifies that the Contractor is in total compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Public Law 101-336, as amended. CONTRACT C5 22. 23. WRITTEN NOTICE Any written notice required to be given in any part of the Contract Documents shall be performed by depositing the same in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, directed to the address of the Contractor as set forth in the Contract Documents, and to the City addressed as follows: Mailing and Delivery Address: Patrick A. Thomas, PE Director of Public Works / City Engineer City of Temecula 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 INSURANCE. The Contractor shall procure and maintain, for the duration of the Contract, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work by the Contractor, its agents, representatives, employees or subcontractors. Minimum Scope of Insurance: Coverage shall be at least as broad as: Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability Form No. CG 00 01 11 85 or 88. 2. Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 06 92 covering Automobile Liability, code 1 (any auto). If the Contractor owns no automobiles, a non -owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy described above is acceptable. 3. Worker's' Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. If the Contractor has no employees while performing under this Contract, worker's compensation insurance is not required, but Contractor shall execute a declaration that it has no employees. Minimum Limits of Insurance: The Contractor shall maintain limits no less than: General Liability: Two Million Dollars $2,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. 2. Automobile Liability: One Million Dollars $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 3. Worker's Compensation as required by the State of California; Employer's Liability: One Million Dollars $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury or disease. Deductibles and Self -Insured Retentions: Any deductibles or self-insurance retentions shall not exceed Twenty -Five Thousand Dollars $25,000. Other Insurance Provisions: The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: CONTRACT CE 1. The City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees, and volunteers are to be covered as insureds as respects to liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor; products and completed operations of the Contractor; premises owned, occupied or used by the Contractor; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Contractor. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees, agents or volunteers. 2. For any claims related to this project, the Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 3. Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers. 4. The Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. 5. Each insurance policy required by this Contract shall be endorsed to state in substantial conformance to the following: If the policy will be cancelled before the expiration date the insurer will notify in writing to the City of such cancellation not less than 30 days prior to the cancellation effective date. 6. If insurance coverage is cancelled or reduced in coverage or in limits, the Contractor shall within two business days of notice from the insurer, phone, fax, and/or notify the City via certified mail, return receipt requested of the changes to or cancellation of the policy. Acceptability of Insurers: Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A-, VII or better, unless otherwise acceptable to the City. Self- insurance shall not be considered to comply with these insurance requirements. Verification of Coverage: Contractor shall furnish the City with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The endorsements are to be on forms provided by the City. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. As an alternative to the City's forms, the Contractor's insurer may provide complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements affecting the coverage required by these specifications. CONTRACT C-7 Subcontractors: Contractor shall include all subcontractors as insureds under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements for each subcontractor. All coverages for subcontractors shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. 24. RECOVERED MATERIALS AND SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL ACT Contractor agrees to comply with all requirements of Section 6002 of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), as amended (42 U.S.C. 6962), including but not limited to the regulatory provisions of 40 CFR Part 247, and Executive Order 12873, as they apply to the procurement of the items designated in Subpart B of 40 CFR Part 247. 25. TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND VIDEO SURVEILLANCE SERVICES OR EQUIPMENT Contractor shall not procure or obtain, extend or renew a contract to procure or obtain, or enter into a contract to procure or obtain equipment, services, or systems that use covered telecommunications equipment or services as a substantial or essential component of any system, or as critical technology as part of any system. As described in Public Law 115- 232, section 889, covered telecommunications equipment is telecommunications equipment produced by Huawei Technologies Company or ZTE Corporation, or any subsidiary or affiliate of such entities. Covered equipment also includes video surveillance and telecommunications equipment or services provided by Hytera Communications Corporation, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Company, Dahua Technology Company, any subsidiary or affiliate of such entities, and any entity that the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Director of the National Intelligence or the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, reasonably believes to be an entity owned or controlled by, or otherwise connected to, the government of a covered foreign country. 26. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS The Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal, State and local laws, ordinances, codes and regulations in force at the time the Contractor performs pursuant to the Contract Documents, and shall comply with all grant or funding terms and conditions applicable to the Contract and/or the work. 27, CLAIM DISPUTE RESOLUTION In the event of any dispute or controversy with the City over any matter whatsoever, the Contractor shall not cause any delay or cessation in or of work, but shall proceed with the performance of the work in dispute. The Contractor shall retain any and all rights provided that pertain to the resolution of disputes and protests between the parties. The disputed work will be categorized as an "unresolved dispute' and payment, if any, shall be as later determined by mutual agreement or a court of law. The Contractor shall keep accurate, detailed records of all disputed work, claims and other disputed matters. All claims arising out of or related to the Contract or this project, and the consideration and payment of such claims, are subject to the Government Claims Act (Government Code Section 810 et seq.) with regard to filing claims. All such claims are also subject to Public Contract Code Section 9204 and Public Contract Code Section 20104 et seq. (Article 1.5), where applicable. This Contract hereby incorporates those provisions as though fully set forth herein. Thus, the Contractor or any Subcontractor must present a claim in accordance with the Government Claims Act as a prerequisite to prosecuting any claim against the City. The filing or prosecution of a claim in compliance with Section 9204 and/or Article 1.5 (if applicable) does not in any way obviate the need to timely present a CONTRACT CA claim under the Government Claims Act, or in any toll the expiration of any limitations period for the timely presentation of a claim under the Government Claims Act. CONTRACT C-9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed on the date first above written. /l ✓ �l DATED: ' /14 DATED: ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk CONTRACTOR: Act 1 Construction, Inc. 444 Sixth St. Norco, CA 92860 951-735-1184 don@act1const.com I By: ; — Don Trenholm Print or type NAME President Print or type TITLE* 1. t� By: Tiffanv Trenho1mc- Print or type NAME Vice President/Secretary Print or type TITLE* (*Signatures of two corporate officers required for Corporations) APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF TEMECULA m James Stewart, Mayor Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney CONTRACT C-10 Ak The Heart of Southern California Wine Country PICKLEBALL COURTS Parks/Recreation Project Project Description: Design and construct new dedicated pickleball courts at Ronald Reagan Sports Park. Benefit: This project will provide City residents with an additional popular amenity for enhanced recreational opportunities. Core Value: Healthy and Livable City Project Status: Project development, design, and environmental through Fiscal Year2023-24. Construction in Fiscal Year2024-25. Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.265.999.5800.PW21-03 / 787 Level: I City of Temecula Fiscal Years 2024-28 Capital Improvement Program Project Cost: Prior Years Actuals 2023-24 2022-23 Adopted 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 Adjusted Budget Projected Projected Projected Projected Total Project Cost 5801-Administration 31,479 78,521 248,418 358,418 5804-Construction 1,800,000 602,460 2,402,460 5805-Construction Engineering 50,000 50,000 5802-Design & Environmental 67,268 222,732 290,000 5809-Information Technology 200,000 200,000 Total Expenditures 1 98,7471 2,101,253 1,100,878 3,300,878 Source of Funds: 4244-DIF-Park & Rec Improvements 4002-Measure S 1,450,000 750,000 1,100,878 1,450,000 1,850,878 Total Funding - 2,200,000 1,100,878 3,300,878 Future Operating & Maintenance Costs: Total Operating Costs 174 Item No. 12 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Patrick Thomas, Director of Public Works / City Engineer DATE: May 14, 2024 SUBJECT: Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Solicitation of Construction Bids for the Sidewalks - Pauba Road Project, PW19-20 PREPARED BY: Nino Abad, Senior Civil Engineer Chris White, Associate Engineer II RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Approve the plans and specifications and authorize the Department of Public Works to solicit construction bids for the Sidewalks - Pauba Road Project, PW19-20; and 2. Make a finding that this project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Article 19, Categorical Exemption, Section 15301, Existing Facilities, of the CEQA Guidelines. BACKGROUND: The Sidewalks - Pauba Road Project, PW19-20 will include the widening of Pauba Road and construction of sidewalks on the south side of the roadway between Elinda Road and Showalter Road. The project also includes ADA-compliant access ramps, cross gutter, spandrel, relocation of storm drain and streetlights, installation of new Southern California Edison (SCE) pedestal, landscaping and irrigation modification, and utility relocation and/or adjustments. The plans and specifications are complete, and the project is ready to be advertised for construction bids. The contract documents are available for review in the Director of Public Works' office. The Engineer's Construction Cost Estimate is $369,795 and construction duration is estimated to be 60 working days (approximately 3 months). This project is exempt from the CEQA requirements pursuant to Article 19, Categorical Exemption, Section 15301, Existing Facilities, of the CEQA Guidelines. Section 15301 states that the repairs and maintenance of existing highways and streets are Class 1 activities which are exempt from CEQA. FISCAL IMPACT: The Sidewalks — Pauba Road is identified in the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) budget for Fiscal Years 2024-2028 and is funded with Measure S and SB 821. Adequate funds are available in the project accounts to construct this project. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Project Description 2. Project Location c7" The Heart of Southern California Wine Country SIDEWALKS - PAUBA ROAD Infrastructure Project Project Description: This project will include the construction of sidewalks along Pauba Road from Elinda Road to Showalter Road. Benefit: This project will provide walking surfaces for pedestrians. Core Value: Transportation Mobility and Connectivity Project Status: This section Pauba Road was identified in the City's Sidewalk Gap Study. Construction is anticipated to commence in Fiscal Year 2023-2024. Department: Public Works - Account No. 210.265.999.PW19-20 Level: I City of Temecula Fiscal Years 2024-28 Capital Improvement Program 2023-24 Prior Years 2022-23 Amended 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 Total Project Project Cost: Actuals Adjusted Budget Projected Projected Projected Projected Cost Administration 75,000 75,000 Construction 752,124 752,124 Construction Engineering 60,000 60,000 Design & Environmental 70,000 70,000 Total Expenditures 957,124 957,124 SB 821 Funds Measure S I I 594,524 I 594,524 Future Operating & Maintenance Costs: Total Operating Costs Item No. 13 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Patrick A. Thomas, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: May 14, 2024 SUBJECT: Adopt List of Projects to be Funded by Senate Bill One (SB 1) for Fiscal Year 2024-25 PREPARED BY: Amer Attar, Engineering Manager Emalee Sena, Engineering Technician II RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADOPTING A LIST OF PROJECTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 FUNDED BY SB 1: THE ROAD REPAIR AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 2017 BACKGROUND: Senate Bill One (SB 1), the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (Chapter 5, Statutes of 2017) was passed by the legislature and signed into law by the Governor in April 2017 in order to address the significant multi -modal transportation funding shortfalls statewide. The City of Temecula has been receiving SB-1 revenue from the newly created Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA) since Fiscal Year 2017-18. The City is set to receive $2,629,273 for Fiscal Year 2023-24 and $2,810,553 for Fiscal Year 2024-25 based on the latest estimate. The City intends to use SB 1 revenues to supplement the City's pavement rehabilitation program. On March 24, 2021, the California Transportation Commission (CTC) adopted the Local Streets and Roads Funding Program 2021 Reporting Guidelines. Section IV, Project List Submittal, Subsection 9, Content and Format of Project List, of the guidelines states: "Prior to receiving an apportionment of RMRA funds from the Controller in a f scal year (funds collected from July I to June 30 and apportioned September I to August 31), a city or county must submit to the Commission a list of projects proposed to be funded with these funds pursuant to an adopted resolution by the city council or county board ofsupervisors at a regular public meeting. Each year, a city or county must adopt and submit to the Commission a project list resolution for the upcoming fiscal year's funds to comply with the eligibility requirements for that fiscal year's apportionment. " For Fiscal Year 2018-19 and subsequent years, in order for an agency to receive SB 1 funds, a list of proposed projects must be submitted to the CTC by May 1, 2018, and every year thereafter pursuant to an annually adopted resolution. In 2021, the CTC extended the deadlines for the submittal of the list of projects to July 1 st. The City does have the ability to change projects from the ones on the list submitted to the CTC. Having this flexibility would enable the City to designate projects that are ready for construction to receive SB 1 RMRA funds. The City completed the update to the Pavement Management Program (PMP) in 2018. Utilizing the PMP, staff have developed a list of projects that will rehabilitate a number of streets in the next few years. This list will be included in the upcoming Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget for Fiscal Years 2025-29. An assessment of City streets to update the Pavement Management Program is underway. The results of the new assessment will be used to schedule future road rehabilitations. Updated priority rehabilitation list will be included in future CIP Budgets. As projects are ready for construction, staff will designate sufficient number of projects to exhaust the SB 1 RMRA funds the City is set to receive annually. FISCAL IMPACT: According to the Local Streets and Roads Funding Program 2021 Reporting Guidelines adopted by the CTC on March 24, 2021, in order to receive SB 1 funds, the City must submit a list of projects for Fiscal Year 2024-25 to the CTC by July 1, 2024. By submitting the list of projects to the CTC by the specified deadline, the City is set to receive approximately $2,810,553 for Fiscal Year 2024-25 from the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA) funded by SB 1. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution RESOLUTION NO.2024- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADOPTING A LIST OF PROJECTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 FUNDED BY SB 1: THE ROAD REPAIR AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 2017 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Recitals. The City Council hereby finds, determines and declares that: A. Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (Chapter 5, Statutes of 2017) was passed by the Legislature and Signed into law by the Governor in April 2017 in order to address the significant multi -modal transportation funding shortfalls statewide; and B. SB 1 includes accountability and transparency provisions that will ensure the residents of the City of Temecula are aware of the projects proposed for funding in our community and which projects have been completed each fiscal year; and C. The City of Temecula must adopt by resolution a list of projects proposed to receive fiscal year funding from the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA), created by SB 1, which must include a description and the location of each proposed project, a proposed schedule for the project's completion, and the estimated useful life of the improvement; and D. The City of Temecula will receive an estimated $2,810,553 in RMRA funding in Fiscal Year 2024-25 from SB 1; and E. This is the eighth year in which the City of Temecula is receiving SB 1 funding and will enable the City to continue essential road maintenance and rehabilitation projects, that would not have otherwise been possible without SB 1; and F. The City of Temecula used a Pavement Management Program (PMP) to develop the SB 1 project list to ensure revenues are being used on the most high -priority and cost-effective projects that also meet the community's priorities for transportation investment; and G. The funding from SB 1 will help the City of Temecula maintain and rehabilitate two major -streets/roads in the City this year and a number of similar projects into the future; and H. The 2021 California Statewide Local Streets and Roads Needs Assessment found that the City of Temecula streets and roads are in an "good" condition and this revenue will help the City increase the overall quality of our road system and bring "at risk" streets/roads into "good" condition over the next decade; and I. The SB 1 project list and overall investment in our local streets and roads infrastructure with a focus on basic maintenance and safety, investing in complete streets infrastructure, and using cutting -edge technology, materials and practices, will have significant positive co -benefits statewide. Section 2. Adoption of the SB 1 Project List for Fiscal Year 2024-25 A. The foregoing recitals are true and correct. B. The following list of newly proposed projects will be funded in -part or solely with Fiscal Year 2024-25 Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account revenues: 1. Project Title: Pavement Rehabilitation Program — Citywide Project Description: The roadway rehabilitation shall generally consist of 2 to 4 inches of cold milling and placement of 2 to 4 inches of asphalt concrete. The project also includes the removal and replacement of existing roadway striping, pavement markings, and traffic signal loops, the removal and reconstruction of existing pedestrian ramps in order to comply with current ADA standards, and adjustment of existing utilities to grade. Project Location: Roadway rehabilitation of the full width of Pechanga Parkway between Temecula Parkway to 400 feet south of Via Gilberto. Estimated Project Schedule: Start (07/2024) — Completion (10/2024) based on the component being funded with RMRA funds Estimated Project Useful Life: 10-20 years 2. Project Title: Pavement Rehabilitation Program — Citywide Project Description: The roadway rehabilitation shall generally consist of 2 to 4 inches of cold milling and placement of 2 to 4 inches of asphalt concrete. The project also includes the removal and replacement of existing roadway striping, pavement markings, and traffic signal loops, the removal and reconstruction of existing pedestrian ramps in order to comply with current ADA standards, and adjustment of existing utilities to grade. Project Location: Roadway rehabilitation of the full width of Butterfield Stage Road between Temecula Parkway to the southern City Limit. Estimated Project Schedule: Start (07/2024) — Completion (10/2024) based on the component being funded with RMRA funds Estimated Project Useful Life: 10-20 years Section 3. Certification. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 14th day of May 2024. James Stewart, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2024- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 14th day of May, 2024, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Randi Johl, City Clerk Item No. 14 ACTION MINUTES TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 41000 MAIN STREET TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA APRIL 23, 2024 CALL TO ORDER at 7:16 PM: President Zak Schwank ROLL CALL: Alexander, Kalfus, Schwank, Stewart CSD PUBLIC COMMENTS - NON -AGENDA ITEMS The following individual(s) addressed the Board of Directors: • Mark Swearngin CSD CONSENT CALENDAR Unless otherwise indicated below, the following pertains to all items on the Consent Calendar. Approved the Staff Recommendation (4-0): Motion by Stewart, Second by Kalfus. The vote reflected unanimous approval. 12. Approve Action Minutes of April 9, 2024 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the action minutes of April 9, 2024. CSD DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT CSD GENERAL MANAGER REPORT CSD BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTS CSD ADJOURNMENT At 7:22 PM, the Community Services District meeting was formally adjourned to Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 5:00 PM for a Closed Session, with a regular session commencing at 6:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. Zak Schwank, President ATTEST: Randi Johl, Secretary [SEAL] Item No. 15 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: General Manager/Board of Directors FROM: Jennifer Hennessy, Director of Finance DATE: May 14, 2024 SUBJECT: Approve Financial Statements for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2024 PREPARED BY: Jennifer Hennessy, Director of Finance RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the financial statements for the 3rd quarter ended March 31, 2024. BACKGROUND: The attached Financial Statements reflect the unaudited activity of the Temecula Community Services District for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2024. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: TCSD Fund Summaries (Financial Statements) Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 190 - TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Taxes and Franchises Special Tax (Measure C) 1,928,969 1,916,505 1,034,059 1,916,505 0 0.0 Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Contract Classes 961,966 1,200,000 860,279 1,200,000 0 0.0 Classes/Activities 64,186 67,640 52,540 67,640 0 0.0 % Facility Rentals 480,329 373,650 338,662 373,650 0 0.0 % Aquatics 201,975 222,966 128,833 222,966 0 0.0 Museum Admissions 96,876 94,335 78,833 94,335 0 0.0 % Theater Admissions 314,583 295,000 229,802 295,000 0 0.0 Sports Leagues & Tournaments 226,819 239,243 210,213 239,243 0 0.0 Day Camps 127,288 116,721 12,379 116,721 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 36,449 3,947 9,960 3,947 0 0.0 % Other 0 0 3,117 0 0 0.0 Reimbursements Other Reimbursements 123,042 93,077 18,077 93,077 0 0.0 Operating Transfers In Operating Transfers In 500,000 0 0 0 0 0.0 Contribution From Measure S 10,295,571 13,254,402 7,152,116 13,254,402 0 0.0 % Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 105,371 74,851 58,810 74,851 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 15,463,424 17,952,337 10,187,679 17,952,337 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Salaries & Benefits 9,574,969 11,074,092 7,575,211 11,074,092 0 0.0 Operations & Maintenance 4,272,065 5,221,241 3,964,340 5,221,241 0 0.0 Internal Service Fund Allocations 2,272,868 2,398,367 1,875,301 2,398,367 0 0.0 % Transfers 0 37,706 0 37,706 0 0.0 Capital Outlay 0 37,926 0 37,926 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 16,119,901 18,769,332 13,414,851 18,769,332 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (656,477) (816,995) (3,227,173) (816,995) 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 1,573,476 916,999 916,999 Fund Balance, End of Year 916,999 100,004 100,004 Fund Description Citywide Operations reflects the collection of the Special Tax (Measure C) charged to households for recreation programs as well as fees for classes and activities. Accounts for facility operations, maintenance, and community recreation programs. Measure C was approved by residents in 1997 at a rate of $74.44 per parcel for the purpose of maintaining the City's parks, recreation facilities, arterial street lighting and traffic signals. The Special Tax revenue is allocated equally between TCSD and the General Fund to fund both recreation programs and parks maintenance. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 191 - TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "B" STREETLIGHT REPLACEMENT FUND Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 16,786 8,155 23,108 8,155 0 0.0 % Operating Transfers In Operating Transfers In 200,000 200,000 0 200,000 0 0.0 Total Revenues and Other Sources 216,786 208,155 23,108 208,155 0 0.0 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 216,786 208,155 23,108 208,155 0 0.0 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 852,843 1,069,628 1,069,628 Fund Balance, End of Year 1,069,628 1,277,783 1,277,783 Fund Description This fund was established to accumulate resources for the replacement of street light equipment, poles and lightbulbs, as the City has acquired street lights from Southern California Edison, and to install new street lights as needed throughout the City. Each year, $200,000 is transferred to this fund from the TCSD Service Level "B" Street Lights Fund (Fund 192). Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 192 - TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "B" STREET LIGHTS FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments 639,690 654,763 350,152 654,763 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 6,657 3,018 7,168 3,018 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 646,347 657,781 357,320 657,781 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Transfers 200,000 200,000 0 200,000 0 0.0 Operations & Maintenance 312,080 472,000 232,169 472,000 0 0.0 % Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 512,080 672,000 232,169 672,000 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 134,267 (14,219) 125,152 (14,219) 0 0.0 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 257,367 391,634 391,634 Fund Balance, End of Year 391,634 377,415 377,415 Fund Description Service Level B reflects the collection of benefit assessments charged to property owners. Service Level B includes only those parcels within residential subdivisions that receive residential street lighting services. This service level includes operational, administrative, maintenance and utility costs of residential street lights. Each year, $200,000 is transferred from this fund to the TCSD Service Level "B" Streetlight Replacement Fund (Fund 191) to accommodate these costs. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 194 - TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "D" REFUSE/RECYCLING FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments 9,532,420 10,442,107 5,592,349 10,442,107 0 0.0 Recycling Program 28,008 5,000 5,000 5,000 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 22,609 7,207 13,855 7,207 0 0.0 % Intergovernmental Revenues Grants 159,957 0 0 0 0 0.0 Total Revenues and Other Sources 9,742,995 10,454,314 5,611,204 10,454,314 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Salaries & Benefits 78,663 79,985 57,874 79,985 0 0.0 % Operations & Maintenance 9,363,712 10,559,761 5,239,395 10,559,761 0 0.0 % Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 9,442,375 10,639,746 5,297,269 10,639,746 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 300,620 (185,432) 313,935 (185,432) 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 279,743 580,363 580,363 Fund Balance, End of Year 580,363 394,931 394,931 Fund Description Service Level D Fund is used to collect benefit assessments charged to property owners for the purpose of providing refuse collection, recycling, and street sweeping throughout the City, which is provided by CR&R. In addition, Service Level D has received grants to increase recycling efforts Citywide. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 195 - TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "R" STREET/ROAD MAINT FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments 5,302 5,532 3,256 5,532 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 579 253 715 253 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 5,881 5,785 3,971 5,785 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance 107 10,200 107 10,200 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 107 10,200 107 10,200 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 5,774 (4,415) 3,863 (4,415) 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 27,281 33,055 33,055 Fund Balance, End of Year 33,055 28,640 28,640 Fund Description Service Level R Fund reflects the operational, administrative, construction and maintenance costs for certain unpaved roads that become inaccessible after inclement weather. Zone R-1 provides service in the Nicolas/Liefer Road area. The maximum rate that can be charged for Zone R-1 for an improved parcel is $115.26 and for an unimproved parcel is $57.62. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 196 - TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "L" LAKE PARK MAINT. FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments 251,292 254,208 132,911 254,208 0 0.0 Harveston Lake Boat Revenue 5,035 4,284 2,325 4,284 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 7,436 2,839 7,092 2,839 0 0.0 % Other 0 176 176 176 0 0.0 % Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 27,930 4,635 3,743 4,635 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 291,693 266,142 146,247 266,142 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Salaries & Benefits 12,863 13,805 9,618 13,805 0 0.0 % Operations & Maintenance 295,365 275,200 232,788 275,200 0 0.0 % Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 308,228 289,005 242,406 289,005 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (16,535) (22,863) (96,159) (22,863) 0 0.0 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 377,291 360,756 360,756 Fund Balance, End of Year 360,756 337,893 337,893 Fund Description Service Level L Fund reflects the benefit assessments charged to property owners for the purpose of maintaining the Harveston Lake Park. Expenditures include operational, administrative and maintenance costs. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 197 - TEMECULA LIBRARY FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Printing & Copies 9,967 8,919 7,338 8,919 0 0.0 Fines and Forfeitures Fines & Forfeitures 32,636 25,446 24,281 25,446 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 10,167 4,055 9,307 4,055 0 0.0 % Lease/Rental Income 18,192 14,620 12,308 14,620 0 0.0 % Reimbursements Other Reimbursements 70 0 0 0 0 0.0 % Operating Transfers In Contribution From Measure S 975,563 818,085 445,682 818,085 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 1,046,594 871,125 498,915 871,125 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Salaries & Benefits 209,877 225,739 161,731 225,739 0 0.0 % Operations & Maintenance 498,265 621,366 381,021 621,366 0 0.0 % Internal Service Fund Allocations 329,860 427,521 289,786 427,521 0 0.0 % Capital Outlay 30,829 0 0 0 0 0.0 % Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 1,068,832 1,274,626 832,538 1,274,626 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (22,238) (403,501) (333,623) (403,501) 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 525,740 503,501 503,501 Fund Balance, End of Year 503,501 100,000 100,000 Fund Description The Library Fund is used to account for the maintenance and operations of the Ronald H. Roberts Temecula Public Library on Pauba Road. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 501 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 1 SADDLEWOOD FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments 37,526 37,932 19,569 37,932 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 188 118 228 118 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 37,714 38,050 19,797 38,050 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance 32,531 37,591 31,427 37,591 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 32,531 37,591 31,427 37,591 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 5,183 459 (11,630) 459 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 13,018 18,201 18,201 Fund Balance, End of Year 18,201 18,660 18,660 Fund Description Service Level C Fund reflects the collection of benefit assessments charged to property owners for the purpose of providing perimeter landscaping and slope maintenance throughout the City. Service Level C assesses only those parcels within residential subdivisions receiving TCSD perimeter landscaping and slope maintenance and are separated into 32 zones. The rate levels for Zones 6 and 29, are subject to a Consumer Price Index -Urban Consumers (CPI-U) annual inflator while all other rate levels will not increase. Zones 30-32 will not be assessed, as the property owners have elected to have the landscaping maintained by the respective Homeowner's Associations (HOAs). Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 502 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 2 WINCHESTER CREEK FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments Use of Money and Property Investment Interest Total Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Fund Balance, Beginning of Year Fund Balance, End of Year Fund Description 42,545 2,319 42,542 911 22,274 2,471 42,542 911 0 0 0.0 0.0 44,863 43,4S3 24,746 43,4S3 0 0.0 % 40,110 44,881 33,127 44,881 0 0.0 40,110 44,881 33,127 44,881 0 0.0 % 4,753 (1,428) (8,381) (1,428) 0 0.0 % 116,764 121,517 121,517 121,517 120,090 120,090 Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 503 - SERVICE LEVEL" C"ZONE 3 RANCHO HIGHLANDS FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments Use of Money and Property Investment Interest Total Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Fund Balance, Beginning of Year Fund Balance, End of Year Fund Description 47,414 1,070 47,328 490 25,471 1,265 47,328 490 0 0 0.0 0.0 48,484 47,818 26,737 47,818 0 0.0 % 40,284 45,738 36,672 45,738 0 0.0 40,284 45,738 36,672 45,738 0 0.0 % 8,200 2,080 (9,936) 2,080 0 0.0 % 58,079 66,278 66,278 66,278 68,359 68,359 Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 504 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 4 THE VINEYARDS FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments Use of Money and Property Investment Interest Total Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Fund Balance, Beginning of Year Fund Balance, End of Year Fund Description 6,348 105 6,394 52 3,409 127 6,394 52 0 0 0.0 0.0 6,453 6,446 3,537 6,446 0 0.0 % 5,181 6,568 5,186 6,568 0 0.0 5,181 6,568 5,186 6,568 0 0.0 % 1,272 (122) (1,649) (122) 0 0.0 % 5,812 7,084 7,084 7,084 6,962 6,962 Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 505 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 5 SIGNET SERIES FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments 39,025 39,025 21,088 39,025 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 396 226 520 226 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 39,421 39,251 21,608 39,251 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance 29,065 38,908 31,482 38,908 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 29,065 38,908 31,482 38,908 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 10,356 343 (9,874) 343 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 21,922 32,278 32,278 Fund Balance, End of Year 32,278 32,621 32,621 Fund Description Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 506 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 6 WOODCREST COUNTRY FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments 28,625 30,054 16,011 30,054 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 826 363 895 363 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 29,451 30,417 16,907 30,417 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance 15,015 34,923 32,771 34,923 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 15,015 34,923 32,771 34,923 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 14,435 (4,506) (15,865) (4,506) 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 39,787 54,222 54,222 Fund Balance, End of Year 54,222 49,716 49,716 Fund Description Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 507 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 7 RIDGEVIEW FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments Use of Money and Property Investment Interest Total Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Fund Balance, Beginning of Year Fund Balance, End of Year Fund Description 15,308 141 15,308 90 8,322 214 15,308 90 0 0 0.0 0.0 15,449 15,398 8,535 15,398 0 0.0 % 10,786 15,040 9,237 15,040 0 0.0 10,786 15,040 9,237 15,040 0 0.0 % 4,663 358 (702) 358 0 0.0 % 7,478 12,141 12,141 12,141 12,499 12,499 Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 508 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 8 VILLAGE GROVE FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments 136,500 137,025 73,404 137,025 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 1,989 891 2,127 891 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 138,489 137,916 75,531 137,916 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance 129,826 140,922 124,335 140,922 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 129,826 140,922 124,335 140,922 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 8,663 (3,006) (48,804) (3,006) 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 117,729 126,392 126,392 Fund Balance, End of Year 126,392 123,386 123,386 Fund Description Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 509 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 9 RANCHO SOLANA FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments 5,057 5,106 2,859 5,106 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 588 225 609 225 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 5,645 5,331 3,468 5,331 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance 6,899 8,404 7,249 8,404 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 6,899 8,404 7,249 8,404 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (1,254) (3,073) (3,781) (3,073) 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 32,146 30,892 30,892 Fund Balance, End of Year 30,892 27,819 27,819 Fund Description Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 510 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 10 MARTINIQUE FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments 9,744 9,744 5,220 9,744 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 281 122 314 122 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 10,025 9,866 5,534 9,866 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance 8,446 9,615 7,703 9,615 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 8,446 9,615 7,703 9,615 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 1,579 251 (2,169) 251 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 14,294 15,873 15,873 Fund Balance, End of Year 15,873 16,124 16,124 Fund Description Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 511 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 11 MEADOWVIEW FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments Use of Money and Property Investment Interest Total Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Fund Balance, Beginning of Year Fund Balance, End of Year Fund Description 2,450 63 2,450 31 1,400 77 2,450 31 0 0 0.0 0.0 2,513 2,481 1,477 2,481 0 0.0 % 2,015 2,422 1,556 2,422 0 0.0 2,015 2,422 1,556 2,422 0 0.0 % 498 59 (79) 59 0 0.0 % 3,488 3,986 3,986 3,986 4,045 4,045 Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 512 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 12 VINTAGE HILLS FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments Use of Money and Property Investment Interest Total Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Fund Balance, Beginning of Year Fund Balance, End of Year Fund Description 96,036 1,435 96,396 655 52,055 1,552 96,396 655 0 0 0.0 0.0 97,471 97,051 53,607 97,051 0 0.0 % 94,468 101,509 85,778 101,509 0 0.0 94,468 101,509 85,778 101,509 0 0.0 % 3,004 (4,458) (32,171) (4,458) 0 0.0 % 86,202 89,206 89,206 89,206 84,748 84,748 Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 513 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 13 PRESLEY DEVELOP FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments Use of Money and Property Investment Interest Total Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Fund Balance, Beginning of Year Fund Balance, End of Year Fund Description 34,100 609 34,224 249 18,209 606 34,224 249 0 0 0.0 0.0 34,709 34,473 18,815 34,473 0 0.0 % 35,454 33,470 26,758 33,470 0 0.0 35,454 33,470 26,758 33,470 0 0.0 % (744) 1,003 (7,943) 1,003 0 0.0 % 34,678 33,933 33,933 33,933 34,936 34,936 Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 514 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 14 MORRISON HOMES FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments Use of Money and Property Investment Interest Total Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Fund Balance, Beginning of Year Fund Balance, End of Year Fund Description 14,368 208 14,774 98 8,029 231 14,774 98 0 0 0.0 0.0 14,577 14,872 8,260 14,872 0 0.0 % 13,495 16,304 9,330 16,304 0 0.0 13,495 16,304 9,330 16,304 0 0.0 % 1,081 (1,432) (1,070) (1,432) 0 0.0 % 12,182 13,263 13,263 13,263 11,831 11,831 Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 515 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 15 BARCLAY ESTATES FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments Use of Money and Property Investment Interest Total Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Fund Balance, Beginning of Year Fund Balance, End of Year Fund Description 9,800 231 9,800 112 4,900 289 9,800 112 0 0 0.0 0.0 10,031 9,912 5,189 9,912 0 0.0 % 6,698 9,523 7,597 9,523 0 0.0 6,698 9,523 7,597 9,523 0 0.0 % 3,333 389 (2,408) 389 0 0.0 % 11,733 15,065 15,065 15,065 15,454 15,454 Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 516 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 16 TRADEWINDS FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments Use of Money and Property Investment Interest Total Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Fund Balance, Beginning of Year Fund Balance, End of Year Fund Description 37,625 1,647 37,800 655 20,184 1,703 37,800 655 0 0 0.0 0.0 39,272 38,455 21,887 38,455 0 0.0 % 36,670 33,801 28,041 33,801 0 0.0 36,670 33,801 28,041 33,801 0 0.0 % 2,602 4,654 (6,154) 4,654 0 0.0 % 82,090 84,692 84,692 84,692 89,346 89,346 Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 517 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 17 MONTE VISTA FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments Use of Money and Property Investment Interest Total Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Fund Balance, Beginning of Year Fund Balance, End of Year Fund Description 2,070 48 2,116 23 1,182 56 2,116 23 0 0 0.0 0.0 2,118 2,139 1,237 2,139 0 0.0 % 1,634 2,085 1,692 2,085 0 0.0 1,634 2,085 1,692 2,085 0 0.0 % 484 54 (455) 54 0 0.0 % 2,566 3,050 3,050 3,050 3,104 3,104 Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 518 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 18 TEMEKU HILLS FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments 92,941 94,010 51,448 94,010 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 957 532 1,305 532 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 93,898 94,542 52,753 94,542 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance 71,359 88,002 71,461 88,002 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 71,359 88,002 71,461 88,002 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 22,539 6,540 (18,708) 6,540 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 52,256 74,795 74,795 Fund Balance, End of Year 74,795 81,335 81,335 Fund Description Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 519 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 19 CHANTEMAR FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments 54,485 54,450 29,506 54,450 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 1,576 615 1,586 615 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 56,061 55,065 31,092 55,065 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance 60,021 53,429 44,469 53,429 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 60,021 53,429 44,469 53,429 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (3,960) 1,636 (13,377) 1,636 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 87,872 83,912 83,912 Fund Balance, End of Year 83,912 85,548 85,548 Fund Description Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 520 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 20 CROWNE HILL FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments 177,987 177,975 93,906 177,975 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 4,973 2,048 5,414 2,048 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 182,960 180,023 99,321 180,023 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance 163,508 176,025 134,086 176,025 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 163,508 176,025 134,086 176,025 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 19,452 3,998 (34,765) 3,998 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 255,750 275,202 275,202 Fund Balance, End of Year 275,202 279,200 279,200 Fund Description Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 521 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 21 VAIL RANCH FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments 227,139 228,201 123,148 228,201 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 3,099 1,440 3,524 1,440 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 230,238 229,641 126,672 229,641 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance 214,011 229,409 196,200 229,409 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 214,011 229,409 196,200 229,409 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 16,227 232 (69,528) 232 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 185,223 201,451 201,451 Fund Balance, End of Year 201,451 201,683 201,683 Fund Description Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 522 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 22 SUTTON PLACE FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments Use of Money and Property Investment Interest Total Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Fund Balance, Beginning of Year Fund Balance, End of Year Fund Description 4,408 213 4,408 93 2,320 249 4,408 93 0 0 0.0 0.0 4,621 4,501 2,569 4,501 0 0.0 % 3,558 4,419 2,996 4,419 0 0.0 3,558 4,419 2,996 4,419 0 0.0 % 1,063 82 (428) 82 0 0.0 % 11,241 12,304 12,304 12,304 12,386 12,386 Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 523 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 23 PHEASENT RUN % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments 8,470 8,400 4,363 8,400 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 544 223 615 223 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 9,014 8,623 4,979 8,623 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance 6,864 8,423 6,995 8,423 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 6,864 8,423 6,995 8,423 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 2,150 200 (2,016) 200 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 27,387 29,537 29,537 Fund Balance, End of Year 29,537 29,737 29,737 Fund Description Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 524 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 24 HARVESTON FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments 161,473 162,100 87,633 162,100 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 850 453 899 453 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 162,324 162,553 88,531 162,553 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance 146,351 159,848 133,907 159,848 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 146,351 159,848 133,907 159,848 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 15,972 2,705 (45,376) 2,705 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 50,836 66,809 66,809 Fund Balance, End of Year 66,809 69,514 69,514 Fund Description Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 525 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 25 SERENA HILLS FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments Use of Money and Property Investment Interest Total Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Fund Balance, Beginning of Year Fund Balance, End of Year Fund Description 43,700 1,361 44,000 590 24,013 1,571 44,000 590 0 0 0.0 0.0 45,061 44,590 25,584 44,590 0 0.0 % 36,506 43,989 27,006 43,989 0 0.0 36,506 43,989 27,006 43,989 0 0.0 % 8,555 601 (1,421) 601 0 0.0 % 70,912 79,467 79,467 79,467 80,068 80,068 Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 526 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 26 GALLERY TRADITION FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments Use of Money and Property Investment Interest Total Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Fund Balance, Beginning of Year Fund Balance, End of Year Fund Description 2,160 38 2,160 20 1,215 48 2,160 20 0 0 0.0 0.0 2,198 2,180 1,263 2,180 0 0.0 % 1,638 2,147 1,522 2,147 0 0.0 1,638 2,147 1,522 2,147 0 0.0 % 560 33 (259) 33 0 0.0 % 2,001 2,561 2,561 2,561 2,594 2,594 Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 527 - SERVICE LEVEL" C"ZONE 27 AVONDALE FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments Use of Money and Property Investment Interest Total Revenues and Other Sources Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Fund Balance, Beginning of Year Fund Balance, End of Year Fund Description 8,995 180 9,100 82 4,800 200 9,100 82 0 0 0.0 0.0 9,175 9,182 4,999 9,182 0 0.0 % 7,624 9,120 6,039 9,120 0 0.0 7,624 9,120 6,039 9,120 0 0.0 % 1,551 62 (1,040) 62 0 0.0 % 9,632 11,183 11,183 11,183 11,245 11,245 Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 528 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 28 WOLF CREEK FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments 232,567 232,974 124,332 232,974 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 7,581 2,613 6,724 2,613 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 240,148 235,587 131,056 235,587 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Transfers 19,954 451,700 0 451,700 0 0.0 Operations & Maintenance 201,755 231,021 189,378 231,021 0 0.0 % Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 221,709 682,721 189,378 682,721 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 18,440 (447,134) (58,322) (447,134) 0 0.0 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 615,190 633,630 633,630 Fund Balance, End of Year 633,630 186,496 186,496 Fund Description Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 529 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 29 GALLERY PORTRAIT FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Licenses, Permits and Service Charges Assessments 4,239 4,685 2,367 4,685 0 0.0 Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 160 72 195 72 0 0.0 % Total Revenues and Other Sources 4,398 4,757 2,561 4,757 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance 3,078 3,937 2,002 3,937 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 3,078 3,937 2,002 3,937 0 0.0 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 1,321 820 560 820 0 0.0 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 8,241 9,562 9,562 Fund Balance, End of Year 9,562 10,382 10,382 Fund Description IL f Adk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 530 - SERVICE LEVEL"C"ZONE 30 FUTURE ZONES FUND Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Use of Money and Property Investment Interest Total Revenues and Other Sources Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Fund Balance, Beginning of Year Fund Balance, End of Year Fund Description 0 277 784 277 0 0.0 0 277 784 277 0 0.0 0 277 784 277 0 0.0 36,062 36,062 36,062 36,062 36,339 36,339 Item No. 16 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: General Manager/Board of Directors FROM: Erica Russo, Director of Community Services DATE: May 14, 2024 SUBJECT: Approve Multi -Year Agreements and Amendments for Services for Various Events, Classes, Programs and Activities PREPARED BY: Dawn Adamiak, Community Services Superintendent RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors approve the following multi -year agreements and amendments for services for various Community Services Department events, classes, programs, and activities: Andrew Stein $175,000/5-year Event/program promotional items Jeffrey Waddleton $150,000/5-year Event/program DJ & announcing services M & J Paul Enterprises $150,000/5-year Event/program services T & G Global, LLC $500,000/5-year Holiday Decor install/removal/refurbishment TNT Entertainment Group $50,00011-year Entertainment/technical services BACKGROUND: The Community Services Department is committed to providing high quality events, classes, programs and activities for Temecula citizens and visitors. Dependable professional vendors play an essential role in supporting the Department in providing second -to -none services. These vendors have proved to be reliable, dedicated and responsive in assisting staff throughout the year and over the past eight plus years. FISCAL IMPACT: Adequate funds have been requested as part of the Fiscal Year 2024- 25 Annual Operating Budget for these agreement amounts. Funds for future fiscal years will be requested as part of the normal annual budget process. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Agreement - Andrew Stein dba ParkInk 2. Agreement - Jeffrey L. Waddleton 3. Agreement - M & J Paul Enterprises, Inc. dba Jolly Jumps 4. Agreement - T & G Global, LLC dba St. Nick's 5. First Amendment TNT Entertainment Group, LLC NON-EXCLUSIVE COMMODITY AGREEMENT BETWEEN TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AND ANDREW STEIN DBA PARKINK PROMOTIONAL ITEMS THIS AGREEMENT is made and effective as of May 14, 2024, between the Temecula Community Services District, a community services district (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and Andrew Stein dba Parklnk, an Individual Person (hereinafter referred to as "Vendor"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. TERM This Agreement shall commence on June 1, 2024, and shall remain and continue in effect until tasks described herein are completed, but in no event later than July 31, 2029, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 2. PURCHASE OF GOODS Vendor recognizes and agrees that this Agreement is for the purpose of establishing a contractual relationship between the City and the Vendor for the non-exclusive procurement of retail goods as specified on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. The Vendor understands this Agreement is non-exclusive and the City reserves the right to purchase similar goods from other Vendors. 3. PURCHASE PRICE The City agrees to pay the Vendor for merchandise ordered and received in the amount of One Hundred Seventy -Five Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($175,000.00) as outlined in Exhibit B for for the total term of this agreement unless additional payment is approved as provided in this Agreement. Vendor will submit invoices for actual merchandise ordered and received. Payment will be made within thirty (30) business days following the receipt of invoice as to all non -disputed fees. The not to exceed purchase amount listed herein is an estimated expenditure and this Agreement does not guarantee Vendor this amount in purchases. 4. REPRESENTATION AND WARRANTIES OF VENDOR Vendor makes the following representations and warranties to City: a. Authority and Consents. Vendor has the right, power, legal capacity and authority to enter into and perform its obligations under this Agreement. No approvals or consents of any persons are necessary in connection with Vendor's execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement, except for such as have been obtained on or prior to the date hereof. The execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement by Vendor have been duly authorized by all necessary action on the part of Vendor and constitute the legal, valid and binding obligations of Vendor, enforceable against Vendor in accordance with their respective terms. 08/06/2021 b. Title License and Operating Condition. Vendor has good and marketable title to all of the merchandise. All of the merchandise are free and clear of any restrictions on or mortgages, liens, pledges, charges, encumbrances, equities, claims, covenants, conditions, and restrictions except for such as may be created or granted by City. All of the merchandise is in good condition, free of any defects, and are in conformity with the specifications, descriptions, representations and warranties set forth in the Vendor's catalog, website, retail store, quote or in the Agreement Documents that may be attached hereto or incorporated herein. C. Full Disclosure. None of the representations and warranties made by Vendor in this Agreement contains or will contain any untrue statements of a material fact, or omits to state a material fact necessary to make the statements made, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading. S. TIME OF DELIVERY The date and time of delivery of the merchandise shall be stated at time of order. The merchandise shall be delivered to the City location as stated on the purchase order or at time of merchandise order. 6. RISK OF LOSS Risk of loss, damage and destruction of the merchandise shall remain with the Vendor until after inspection and acceptance of the merchandise by City. 7. INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCE City shall inspect the merchandise at the time and place of delivery. Such inspection may include reasonable review by City. If in the determination of the City, the merchandise fails to conform to the Agreement IN ANY MANNER OR RESPECT, City shall so notify Vendor within ten (10) days of delivery of the merchandise to City. Failing such notice, the merchandise shall be deemed accepted by City as of the date of receipt. 8. REJECTION In the event of such notice of non -conformity by City pursuant to the section entitled "Inspection and Acceptance" above, City may, at its option, (1) reject the whole of the Merchandise, (2) accept the whole of the Merchandise, or (3) accept any commercial unit or units/portions of the Merchandise and reject the remainder. The exercise of any of the above options shall be "without prejudice" and with full reservation of any rights and remedies of City attendant upon a breach. In the event of such notice and election by City, City agrees to comply with all reasonable instructions of Vendor and, in the event that expenses are incurred by City in following such instructions, Vendor shall indemnify City in full for such expenses. 9. NO REPLACEMENTS OF CURE This Agreement calls for strict compliance. Vendor expressly agrees that both the Merchandise tendered and the tender itself will conform fully to the terms and conditions of the Agreement on the original tender. In the event of rejection by City of the whole of the Merchandise or any part thereof pursuant to the section entitled "Rejection" above, City may, but is not required to, accept any substitute performance from Vendor or engage in subsequent efforts to affect a cure of the original tender by Vendor. 10. NON -ASSIGNABILITY The Vendor shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without prior written consent of the City. 11. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The Vendor is and shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent contractor. The personnel performing the Work under this Agreement on behalf of the Vendor shall at all times be under Vendor's exclusive direction and control. 12. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES The Vendor shall keep itself informed of State and Federal laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its service pursuant to this Agreement. The Vendor shall at all times observe and comply with all such laws and regulations. The City, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Vendor to comply with this section. 13. INDEMNIFICATION Vendor agrees to defend, indemnify, protect, and hold harmless, the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, and its officers, officials, employees, agents, and volunteers, from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, defense costs or expenses, actions, liability or damages of any kind and nature which the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, agents, employees, and volunteers may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property arising out of Vendor's negligent or wrongful acts or omissions arising out of or in any way related to the Work or the Vendor's performance or non-performance of this Agreement, excepting only liability out of the sole negligence of the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency. 14. TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION This Agreement may be terminated or suspended at any time, for any reason, with or without cause at the sole and exclusive discretion of the Director of Community Services, without default or breach of this Agreement by the City. 15. SURVIVAL OF REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES All representations, warranties, covenants and agreements of the parties contained in this Agreement shall survive the execution, delivery and performance of this Agreement. 16. REMEDIES The remedies and rights conferred on the City by this Agreement are in addition to and cumulative with all other remedies and rights accorded the City under law or equity. 08/06/2021 17. SEVERABILITY If any provision of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable by any court of final jurisdiction, it is the intent of the parties that all other provisions of this Agreement be construed to remain fully valid, enforceable, and binding on the parties. 18. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with, and governed by, the laws of the State of California as applied to contracts that are executed and performed entirely in California. The City and Vendor understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties, and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the municipal, superior, or federal district court with geographic jurisdiction over the City of Temecula. In the event such litigation is filed by one party against the other to enforce its rights under this Agreement, the prevailing party, as determined by the court's judgment, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and litigation expenses for the relief granted. 19. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This is the entire agreement between the parties regarding the commodities purchased by this Agreement. Any modification or amendment of this Agreement shall not be effective unless in writing and assigned by the parties to this Agreement. 20. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of the Vendor warrants and represents that he or she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Vendor and has the authority to bind the Vendor to the performance of its obligation hereunder. The Director of Community Services is authorized to enter into an amendment on behalf of the City to make the following non -substantive modifications to the agreement: (a) name changes; (b) extension of time; (c) non -monetary changes in scope of work; (d) agreement termination. 08/06/2021 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT By Zak Schwank, TCSD President ATTEST: By Randi Johl, Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: ANDREW STEIN dba PARKINK (Two Signatures of corporate officers required unless corporate documents authorize only one person to sign the agreement on behalf of the corporation.) A n By: Andrewl Stein. Owner Peter M. Thorson, General VENDOR Counsel Parklnk Attn: Andrew Stein 7040 Avenida Encinas, Ste. 104 Carlsbad, CA 92011 andy(aD-parkink.us City Purchasing Mgr. Initials and Date: 5 08/06/2021 EXHIBIT A Scope of Work / Outline Of Order or Service Procedure Vendor recognizes and agrees that this Agreement is for the purpose of establishing a contractual relationship between the Temecula Community Services District and the Vendor, for the purchase of goods or services. The procedure for ordering goods or requesting services is set forth as follows: A. Ordering Process 1. The Director of Community Services or his designee shall submit to Vendor a written "Request for Order/Services". The Request for Order/Services shall include a description of the items to be purchased or the services to be completed, the time for delivery or completion of the services, and the plans and specifications for goods and equipment, if any. 2. Within five (5) business days of the date of the Request for Order/Services, Vendor shall respond in writing to the Request for Order/Services and advise the Director of Community Services or his designee whether the goods are available or services can be performed, along with the cost and estimated delivery or start of services. 3. In the event an emergency or service is required, the Director of Community Services or his designee may transmit the Request for Order/Services orally to the Vendor. As soon as practical following the emergency, the Vendor and City designee shall in good faith confirm in writing the scope of the emergency order submitted or services undertaken. 4. Upon acceptance of the Vendor's response by the Director of Community Services or his designee the Vendor shall proceed with the order or begin services. The acceptance of the goods and/or performance of the services shall be pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. B. Type of promotional items being procured, but not limited to: 1. Apparel 2. Towels 3. Glassware 4. Other miscellaneous items used for various City events, programs and activities 08/06/2021 EXHIBIT B PAYMENT RATES AND SCHEDULE Vendor will provide a quote for merchandise as requested by the City. Cost shall be as per the vendor quote provided for each order requested and approved by the City. In any event, the cost of such services or purchase, while not guaranteed per Section 3 of this Agreement, shall not exceed $175,000.00 for the total term of the Agreement. 08/06/2021 NON-EXCLUSIVE SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AND JEFFREY L. WADDLETON DJ AND ANNOUNCING SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is made and effective as of May 14, 2024, between the Temecula Community Services District, a community services district (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and Jeffrey L. Waddleton, an Individual Person (hereinafter referred to as "Vendor"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: TERM This Agreement shall commence on July 1, 2024, and shall remain and continue in effect until tasks described herein are completed, but in no event later than July 31, 2029, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 2. SERVICES Vendor shall perform the services and tasks described and set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. Vendor shall complete the tasks according to the schedule of performance which is also set forth in Exhibit A. 3. PERFORMANCE Vendor shall faithfully and competently exercise the ordinary skill and competence of members of their profession. Vendor shall employ all generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services as are required of Vendor hereunder in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 4. LOCATION AND REALIABILiTY OF PERFORMANCE The date, time, and location of Vendors performance shall be determined at the time of City's request for "Event Price Quote/Agreement". All entertainment shall be provided within City limits. Time and reliability are of the essence in this Agreement. 5. PAYMENT a. The City agrees to pay Vendor, in accordance with the payment rates and terms and the schedule of payment as set forth in Exhibit B, Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. Any terms in Exhibit B, other than the payment rates and schedule of payment, are null and void. This amount shall not exceed One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($150,000.00) for the total term of this agreement unless additional payment is approved as provided in this Agreement. b. Vendor will submit invoices for actual services performed. Payment shall be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of each invoice as to all non -disputed fees. If the City disputes any of Vendor's fees, it shall give written notice to Vendor within thirty (30) days of receipt of an invoice of any disputed fees set forth on the invoice. For all reimbursements authorized by this Agreement, Vendor shall provide receipts on all reimbursable expenses in excess of fifty dollars ($50) in such form as approved by the Director of Finance. 08/06/2021 6. NON-EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT Vendor understands this is a non-exclusive Agreement between the City and Vendor and no guarantee of work or cost as outlined in Sections 2 and 5 is given or implied. 7. EQUIPMENT/MATERIALS Vendor(s) shall provide their own sound equipment and any other special equipment and materials that are required for the performance, unless other arrangements are made in writing and approved with the City prior to the performance. Sound equipment shall be adequate for the size of the anticipated audience and location of the performance. The City reserves the right to inspect all equipment and/or materials being used for any performance. 8. USE OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL The Vendor shall be fully responsible for paying any legally required royalties of fees for the use by the Vendor of copyrighted material and shall comply at all times with all applicable copyright laws. 9. ASSIGNMENT The Vendor shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without prior written consent of the City. Upon termination of this Agreement, Vendors sole compensation shall be payment for actual services performed up to, and including, the date of termination or as may be otherwise agreed to in writing between the City and Vendor. 10. SUSPENSION, TERMINATION, OR CANCELLATION OF PERFORMANCE AND AGREEMENT WITHOUT CAUSE a. A performance may be cancelled, terminated, or suspended at any time, with or without cause, at the sole discretion of the Director of Community Services or his delegate without default or breach of this Agreement by the City. The City may also at any time, for any reason, with or without cause suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the Vendor at least ten (10) days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Vendor shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. If the City suspends or terminates this Agreement, or a portion of this Agreement, such suspension or termination shall not make void or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement. b. In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section, the City shall pay to Vendor the actual value of the work performed up to the time of termination, provided that the work performed is of value to the City. Upon termination of the Agreement pursuant to this Section, the Vendor will submit an invoice to the City, pursuant to Section entitled "PAYMENT" herein. 11. DEFAULT OF VENDOR a. The Vendor's failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute a default. In the event that Vendor is in default for cause under the terms of this Agreement, City shall have no obligation or duty to continue compensating Vendor for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the Vendor. If such failure by the Vendor to make progress in the performance of work hereunder arises out of causes beyond the Vendor's control, and without fault or negligence of the Vendor, it shall not be considered a default. b. If the Director of Community Services or his delegate determines that the Vendor is in default in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, it shall serve the Vendor with written notice of the default. The Vendor shall have ten (10) days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the Vendor fails to cure its default within such period of time, the City shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law, in equity or under this Agreement. 12. INDEMNIFICATION The Vendor agrees to defend, indemnify, protect and hold harmless the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, defense costs or expenses, including attorney fees and expert witness fees, or liability of any kind or nature which the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, agents, employees or volunteers may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property arising out of Vendor's negligent or wrongful acts or omissions arising out of or in any way related to the performance or non- performance of this Agreement, excepting only liability arising out of the negligence of the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency. 13. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Vendor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property, which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Vendor, its agents, representatives, or employees. a. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as: 1) Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability form No. CG 00 01 11 85 or 88. 2) Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 06 92 covering Automobile Liability, code 1 (any auto). If the Vendor owns no automobiles, a non -owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy described above is acceptable. 3) Worker's Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. If the Vendor has no employees while performing under this Agreement, worker's compensation insurance is not required, but Vendor shall execute a declaration that it has no employees. b. Minimum Limits of Insurance. Vendor shall maintain limits no less than: 1) General Liability: One million ($1,000,000) per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. 2) Automobile Liability: One million ($1,000,000) per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 3) Worker's Compensation insurance is required only if Vendor employs any employees. Vendor warrants and represents to the City of Temecula, Temecula 08/06/2021 Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency that it has no employees and that it will obtain the required Worker's Compensation Insurance upon the hiring of any employees. C. Deductibles and Self -Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self -insured retentions shall not exceed Twenty Five Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($25,000). d. Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: 1) The Vendor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. 2) Each insurance policy required by this agreement shall be endorsed to state: should the policy be canceled before the expiration date the issuing insurer will endeavor to mail thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the City. 3) If insurance coverage is canceled or, reduced in coverage or in limits the Vendor shall within two (2) business days of notice from insurer phone, fax, and/or notify the City via certified mail, return receipt requested of the changes to or cancellation of the policy. e. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of A-:VII or better, unless otherwise acceptable to the City. Self insurance shall not be considered to comply with these insurance requirements. f. Verification of Coverage. Vendor shall furnish the City with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The endorsements are to be on forms provided by the City. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. As an alternative to the City's forms, the Vendor's insurer may provide complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements affecting the coverage required by these specifications. 14. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR a. Vendor is and shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Vendor shall at all times be under Vendor's exclusive direction and control. Neither City nor any of its officers, employees, agents, or volunteers shall have control over the conduct of Vendor or any of Vendor's officers, employees, or agents except as set forth in this Agreement. Vendor shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner officers, employees or agents of the City. Vendor shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. b. No employee benefits shall be available to Vendor in connection with the performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to Vendor as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Vendor for performing services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Vendor for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 15. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES The Vendor shall keep itself informed of all local, State and Federal ordinances, laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its service pursuant to this Agreement. The Vendor shall at all times observe and comply with 08/06/2021 all such ordinances, laws and regulations. The City, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Vendor to comply with this section. 16. RELEASE OF INFORMATION a. All information gained by Vendor in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential and shall not be released by Vendor without City's prior written authorization. Vendor, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors, shall not without written authorization from the Director of Community Services or unless requested by the City Attorney, voluntarily provide declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories or other information concerning the work performed under this Agreement or relating to any project or property located within the City. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered "voluntary" provided Vendor gives City notice of such court order or subpoena. b. Vendor shall promptly notify City should Vendor, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions or other discovery request, court order or subpoena from any party regarding this Agreement and the work performed there under or with respect to any project or property located within the City. City retains the right, but has no obligation, to represent Vendor and/or be present at any deposition, hearing or similar proceeding. Vendor agrees to cooperate fully with City and to provide City with the opportunity to review any response to discovery requests provided by Vendor. However, City's right to review any such response does not imply or mean the right by City to control, direct, or rewrite said response. 17. NOTICES Any notices which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Agreement must be in writing and may be given either by (i) personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) mailing in the United States Mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by Notice. Notice shall be effective upon delivery to the addresses specified below or on the third business day following deposit with the document delivery service or United States Mail as provided above. Mailing Address: City of Temecula Attn: General Manager 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 To Consultant: Jeffrey L. Waddleton PO Box 1752 Temecula, CA 92593 18. LICENSES At all times during the term of this Agreement, Vendor shall have in full force and effect, all licenses required of it by law for the performance of the services described in this Agreement. 19. GOVERNING LAW The City and Vendor understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern 08/06/2021 the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the municipal, superior, or federal district court with geographic jurisdiction over the City of Temecula. In the event such litigation is filed by one party against the other to enforce its rights under this Agreement, the prevailing party, as determined by the Court's judgment, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and litigation expenses for the relief granted. 20. PROHIBITED INTEREST No officer, or employee of the City of Temecula that has participated in the development of this agreement or its approval shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, the proceeds thereof, the Vendor, or Vendor's sub -contractors for this project, during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter. The Vendor hereby warrants and represents to the City that no officer or employee of the City of Temecula that has participated in the development of this agreement or its approval has any interest, whether contractual, non -contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, the proceeds thereof, or in the business of the Vendor or Vendor's sub -contractors on this project. Vendor further agrees to notify the City in the event any such interest is discovered whether or not such interest is prohibited by law or this Agreement. 21. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations and statements, oral or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. 22. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Vendor warrants and represents that he or she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Vendor and has the authority to bind Vendor to the performance of its obligations hereunder. The Director of Community Services is authorized to enter into an amendment on behalf of the City to make the following non -substantive modifications to the agreement: (a) name changes; (b) extension of time; (c) non -monetary changes in scope of work; (d) agreement termination. 08/06/2021 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT By: Zak Schwank, TCSD President ATTEST: By: Randi Johl, Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: By JEFFREY L. WADDLETON (Two Signatures of corporate officers required unless corporate documents authorize only one person to sign the agreement on behalf of the corporation.) By: Peter M. Thorson, General VENDOR Counsel Jeffrey L. Waddleton PO Box 1752 Temecula, CA 92593 ieffd-)-waddleton.com City Purchasing Mgr. Initials and Date: 08/06/2021 EXHIBIT A TASKS TO BE PERFORMED Vendor recognizes and agrees that this Agreement is for the purpose of establishing a contractual relationship between the City and the Vendor for future DJ and announcing services at City events and recreational activities. The procedure for assigning work is set forth as follows: The Director of Community Services or their designee's shall submit to the Vendor a written or verbal request for performance. The type of event, location, date, and time shall be described or conveyed to the Vendor. 2. Within five (5) business days of the date of the written or verbal request for performance, the Vendor shall respond in writing with an event price quote/Agreement. 3. Upon acceptance of the Vendors response by the Director of Community Services or their designee's, the Vendor shall proceed to "book" the event. The Vendors performance or the performance of any sub -contractors of any event shall be pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. Services include but may not be limited to: 1. DJ Services 2. Event Announcing Services O8/06/2021 EXHIBIT B PAYMENT RATES AND SCHEDULE Exhibit B shall be the Event quote/Agreement as provided by the Vendor for each individual performance as requested by the City. In any event, the cost of such services, while not guaranteed as per Section 5 of this Agreement, shall not exceed a total of $150,000.00 for the total term of this Agreement. 08/06/2021 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT NON-EXCLUSIVE EVENT SERVICE PROVIDER AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of May 14, 2024, by and between Temecula Community Services District, a community services district (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and M & J Paul Enterprises, Inc. dba Jolly Jumps, a Corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "Provider"). In consideration of the promises and mutual agreements herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: TERM This Agreement shall commence on July 1, 2024, and shall remain and continue in effect until such taskes described herein are completed, but in no event later than August 1, 2029, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement 2. SERVICES Provider shall perform the services and tasks described and set forth in Exhibit A, Scope of Services, attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. Vendor recognizes and agrees that this Agreement is for the purpose of establishing a contractual relationship between the City and the Vendor for the non-exclusive procurement of services outlined on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. The Vendor understands this Agreement is non-exclusive and the City reserves the right to purchase similar services from other Vendors. 3. PERFORMANCE Provider shall at all times faithfully and competently exercise the ordinary skill and competence of members of their profession. Provider shall employ generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services as are required of Provider hereunder in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. No pyrotechnics or special effects of any kind shall be allowed as any part of the services for the City by the Provider, its employees, agents, group members, fellow Providers or any third party without the prior written consent of the Director of Community Services or authorized designee. 4. LOCATION AND RELIABILITY OF PERFORMANCE The date, time, and location of Provider's event services shall be determined at the time of City's request for "Request for Event Services." All event services shall be provided within City limits. Time and reliability are of the essence in this Agreement. 5. EQUIPMENT Provider shall provide its own equipment that it requires for the Event, unless other arrangements are made in writing with the City before the Event. The City reserves the right to inspect all equipment and/or materials being used for any Event. 08/09/2021 6. PAYMENT a. The City agrees to pay the Provider an amount that shall not exceed the payment amount for conducting Events, in accordance with the payment rates and terms and the schedule of payment as set forth in Exhibit B, Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. Any terms in Exhibit B, other than the payment rates and schedule of payment, are null and void. This amount shall not exceed One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($150,000.00) for the total term of this agreement unless additional payment is approved as provided in this Agreement. The City shall withhold from this sum appropriate taxes if so directed by the California Franchise Tax Board. The not to exceed payment amount listed herein is an estimated expenditure and this Agreement does not guarantee Vendor this amount in purchases. b. Provider shall not be compensated for any services rendered in connection with its performance of this Agreement which are in addition to those set forth herein, unless such additional services are authorized in advance and in writing by the Director of Community Services. Provider shall be compensated for any additional services in the amounts and in the manner as agreed to by Director of Community Services and Provider at the time City's written authorization is given to Provider for the performance of said services. 7. USE OF COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL The Provider shall be fully responsible for paying any legally required royalties of fees for the use by the Provider of copyrighted material and shall comply at all times with all applicable copyright laws. 8. NON -ASSIGNABILITY It is understood that this is a personal services agreement between the City and Provider, and that Provider is required to personally provide the required Event. Neither this Agreement nor any rights, title, interest, duties or obligations under this Agreement may be assigned, transferred, conveyed or otherwise disposed of by Provider without the prior written consent of the City. 9. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR The Provider is and shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent contractor. Neither the City nor any of its officers, employees, or agents, shall have control over the conduct of the Provider or any of the officers, employees, or agents of the Provider, except as herein set forth. Personnel providing the Event Services under this Agreement with or on behalf of the Provider shall at all times be under the Provider exclusive direction and control. Provider shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its employees, agents, group members, or fellow Providers are in any manner officers, employees, or agents of the City. Provider shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation, or liability whatsoever against the City or bind the City in any manner. 10. INDEMNIFICATION Provider agree(s) to defend, indemnify, protect, and hold harmless, the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or Successor Agency of the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, and its officers, officials, employees, agents and volunteers, from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, defense costs or expenses, actions, liability or damages of any kind and nature which the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services 08/09/2021 District, and/or Successor Agency of the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, agents, employees, and volunteers may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property arising out of Provider's negligent or wrongful acts or omissions arising out of or in any way related to the performance or non-performance of this Agreement, excepting only liability arising out of the negligence of the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency. 11. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Provider shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Agreement insurance with an A.M. Best rating of A-:VII or better, against claims for injuries to persons, or damages to property, which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the services by the Provider, its agents, representative, or employees: a. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as: 1) Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability form No. CG 00 01 11 85 or 88. 2) Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 06 92 covering Automobile Liability, code 1 (any auto). If the Provider owns no automobiles, a non - owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy described above is acceptable. 3) Worker's Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. b. Minimum Limits of Insurance. Provider shall maintain limits no less than: 1) General Liability: One Million ($1,000,000) per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. 2) Automobile Liability: One Million ($1,000,000) per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 3) Worker's Compensation as required by the State of California; Employer's Liability: One million dollars ($1,000,000) per accident for bodily injury or disease. C. Deductibles and Self -Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self -insured retentions shall not exceed Twenty Five Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($25,000). d. Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: 1) The City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency of the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insured's, as respects: liability arising out of activities performed 'by or on behalf of the Provider; products and completed operations of the Provider; premises owned, occupied or used by the Provider; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Provider. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, Successor Agency of the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 2) For any claims related to this project, the Provider's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community 08/09/2021 Services District, Successor Agency of the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self -insured maintained by the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or Successor Agency of the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of the Provider's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 3) Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, and the Successor Agency of the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 4) The Provider's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. 5) Each insurance policy required by this agreement shall be endorsed to state: should the policy be canceled before the expiration date the issuing insurer will endeavor to mail thirty (30) days' prior written notice to the City. 6) If insurance coverage is canceled or, reduced in coverage or in limits the Provider shall within two (2) business days of notice from insurer phone, fax, and/or notify the City via certified mail, return receipt requested of the changes to or cancellation of the policy. e. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of A-:VII or better, unless otherwise acceptable to the City. Self insurance shall not be considered to comply with these insurance requirements. f. Verification of Coverage. Provider shall furnish the City with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The endorsements are to be on forms provided by the City. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before the services commence. As an alternative to the City's forms, the Provider's insurer may provide complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements affecting the coverage required by these specifications. 12. TERMINATION OR SUSPENSION This Agreement may be terminated or suspended and the Event or Events canceled at any time, with or without cause, at the sole and exclusive discretion of the Director of Community Services, without default or breach of this Agreement by the City. 13. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES The Provider shall keep itself informed of all local, State and Federal ordinances, laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its service pursuant to this Agreement. The Provider shall at all times observe and comply with all such ordinances, laws and regulations. The City, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Provider to comply with this section. 14. LICENSES At all times during the term of this Agreement, Provider shall have in full force and effect, all licenses required of it by law for the performance of the services described in this Agreement. 08/09/2021 15. GOVERNING LAW The City and Provider understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the municipal, superior, or federal district court with geographic jurisdiction over the City of Temecula. In the event such litigation is filed by one party against the other to enforce its rights under this Agreement, the prevailing party, as determined by the Court's judgment, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and litigation expenses for the relief granted. 16. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations and statements, oral or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. 16. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Provider warrants and represents that he or she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Provider and has the authority to bind Provider to the performance of its obligations hereunder. The Director of Community Services is authorized to enter into an amendment on behalf of the City to make the following non -substantive modifications to the agreement: (a) name changes; (b) extension of time; (c) non -monetary changes in scope of services; (d) agreement termination. 08/09/2021 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT By Zak Schwank, TCSD President ATTEST: By Randi Johl, Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: Peter M. Thorson, General Counsel M & J PAUL ENTERPRISES, INC. dba JOLLY JUMPS By: JoyGaul, CEO By: PROVIDER M&J Paul Enterprises dba Jolly Jumps Attn: Joy Paul 43153 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590 info a(�jollyjumps.net 6 City Purchasing Mgr. Initials and Date: 08/09/2021 EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF SERVICES Provider recognizes and agrees that this Agreement is for the purpose of establishing a contractual relationship between Temecula Community Services District and the Provider, for inflatables and similar type of event services for the City of Temecula for City events and programs. Event services shall include jolly jumps and similar type inflatables, carnival games, game booths, face painting, body art, water slides and obstacles courses. The procedure for requesting and assigning services is set forth as follows: 1. The Director of Community Services or his designee shall submit to Provider a written "Request for Event Services." The date, time, and location of Provider's performance shall be determined at the time of City's Request for Services. The Request for Event Services shall include a description of the services to be completed, the date requested or the time for completion of the services, and any other relevant information necessary to provide the services. 2. Within five (5) business days of the date of the Request for Services, Provider shall respond in writing to the Request for Services and advise the Director of Community Services whether it can perform the services and specify the cost of service in accordance with the rates set forth in Exhibit "B" to this Agreement. 3. Upon the Director of Community Services written acceptance of the Provider's response, the Provider shall proceed with the services on the date requested The performance of the services shall be pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. Services will include: Jolly Jumps/Bounce Houses and similar type inflatables Carnival Games ■ Game Booths ■ Face Painting/ Body Art • Water Slides • Obstacle Courses 08/09/2021 EXHIBIT "B" PAYMENT RATES AND SCHEDULE Quotes shall be provided as requested by City staff for each service requested. Cost of services shall be as quoted, but in no event shall the total Agreement amount exceed $150,000.00 as outlined in Section 6 of this Agreement. The not to exceed payment amount listed herein is an estimated expenditure and this Agreement does not guarantee Vendor this amount in purchases. 08/09/2021 AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACTOR SERVICES BETWEEN TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AND T & G GLOBAL, LLC DBA ST. NICK'S DECORATIVE LIGHTING AND HOLIDAY DECOR INSTALL & REMOVAL AND DECOR REFURBISHMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and effective as of May 14, 2024, between the Temecula Community Services District, a community services district (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and T & G Global, LLC dba St. Nick's, a Corporation, (hereinafter referred to as "Contractor"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: TERM This Agreement shall commence on July 1, 2024, and shall remain and continue in effect until tasks described herein are completed, but in no event later than June 30, 2029, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 2. SERVICES Contractor shall perform the services and tasks described and set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. Contractor shall complete the tasks according to the schedule of performance which is also set forth in Exhibit A. 3. PERFORMANCE Contractor shall faithfully and competently exercise the ordinary skill and competence of members of their profession. Contractor shall employ all generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services as are required of Contractor hereunder in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 4. PAYMENT a. The City agrees to pay Contractor, in accordance with the payment rates and terms and the schedule of payment as set forth in Exhibit B, Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. Any terms in Exhibit B, other than the payment rates and schedule of payment, are null and void. This amount shall not exceed Five Hundred Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($500,000) for the total term of the agreement unless additional payment is approved as provided in this Agreement. b. Contractor shall not be compensated for any services rendered in connection with its performance of this Agreement which are in addition to those set forth herein, unless such additional services are authorized in advance and in writing by the Director of Community Services. Contractor shall be compensated for any additional services in the amounts and in the manner as agreed to by General Manager and Contractor at the time City's written authorization is given to Contractor for the performance of said services. C. Contractor will submit invoices for actual services performed. Payment shall be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of each invoice as to all non -disputed fees. 08/09/2021 d. If the City disputes any of Contractor's fees, it shall give written notice to Contractor within thirty (30) days of receipt of an invoice of any disputed fees set forth on the invoice. For all reimbursements authorized by this Agreement, Contractor shall provide receipts on all reimbursable expenses in excess of fifty dollars ($50) in such form as approved by the Director of Finance. 5. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT WITHOUT CAUSE a. The City may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the Contractor at least ten (10) days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Contractor shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. If the City suspends or terminates a portion of this Agreement such suspension or termination shall not make void or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement. b. In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section, the City shall pay to Contractor the actual value of the work performed up to the time of termination, provided that the work performed is of value to the City. Upon termination of the Agreement pursuant to this Section, the Contractor will submit an invoice to the City, pursuant to Section entitled "PAYMENT" herein. 6. DEFAULT OF CONTRACTOR a. The Contractor's failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute a default. In the event that Contractor is in default for cause under the terms of this Agreement, City shall have no obligation or duty to continue compensating Contractor for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the Contractor. If such failure by the Contractor to make progress in the performance of work hereunder arises out of causes beyond the Contractor's control, and without fault or negligence of the Contractor, it shall not be considered a default. b. If the Director of Community Services or his delegate determines that the Contractor is in default in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, it shall serve the Contractor with written notice of the default. The Contractor shall have ten (10) days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the Contractor fails to cure its default within such period of time, the City shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law, in equity or under this Agreement. 7. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS a. Contractor shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to sales, costs, expenses, receipts and other such information required by City that relate to the performance of services under this Agreement. Contractor shall maintain adequate records of services provided in sufficient detail to permit an evaluation of services. All such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. Contractor shall provide free access to the representatives of City or its designees at reasonable times to such books and records, shall give City the right to examine and audit said books and records, shall permit City to make transcripts there from as necessary, and shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings and activities related to this Agreement. Such records, together with supporting documents, shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years after receipt of final payment. 08/09/2021 b. Upon completion of, or in the event of termination or suspension of this Agreement, all original documents, designs, drawings, maps, models, computer files containing data generated for the work, surveys, notes, and other documents prepared in the course of providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall become the sole property of the City and may be used, reused or otherwise disposed of by the City without the permission of the Contractor. With respect to computer files containing data generated for the work, Contractor shall make available to the City, upon reasonable written request by the City, the necessary computer software and hardware for purposes of accessing, compiling, transferring and printing computer files. 8. INDEMNIFICATION The Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify, protect and hold harmless the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, defense costs or expenses, including attorney fees and expert witness fees, or liability of any kind or nature which the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, agents, employees or volunteers may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property arising out of Contractor's negligent or wrongful acts or omissions arising out of or in any way related to the performance or non- performance of this Agreement, excepting only liability arising out of the negligence of the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency. 9. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property, which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, its agents, representatives, or employees. a. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as: 1) Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability form No. CG 00 01 11 85 or 88. 2) Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 06 92 covering Automobile Liability, code 1 (any auto). If the Contractor owns no automobiles, a non -owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy described above is acceptable. 3) Worker's Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. Minimum Limits of Insurance. Contractor shall maintain limits no less than: 4) General Liability: One Million ($1,000,000) per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. 5) Automobile Liability: One Million ($1,000,000) per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 08/09/2021 6) Worker's Compensation as required by the State of California; Employer's Liability: One million dollars ($1,000,000) per accident for bodily injury or disease. b. Deductibles and Self -Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self -insured retentions shall not exceed Twenty -Five Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($25,000). C. Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: 1) The City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insured's, as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor; products and completed operations of the Contractor; premises owned, occupied or used by the Contractor; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Contractor. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 2) For any claims related to this project, the Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self -insured maintained by the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 3) Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, and the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 4) The Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. 5) Each insurance policy required by this agreement shall be endorsed to state in substantial conformance to the following: If the policy will be canceled before the expiration date the insurer will notify in writing to the City of such cancellation not less than thirty (30) days' prior to the cancellation effective date. 6) If insurance coverage is canceled or, reduced in coverage or in limits the Contractor shall within two (2) business days of notice from insurer phone, fax, and/or notify the City via certified mail, return receipt requested of the changes to or cancellation of the policy. d. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of A-:VII or better, unless otherwise acceptable to the City. Self- insurance shall not be considered to comply with these insurance requirements. e. Verification of Coverage. Contractor shall furnish the City with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The endorsements are to be on forms provided by the City. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. As an alternative to the City's forms, the Contractor's insurer may provide complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements affecting the coverage required by these specifications. 08/09/2021 10. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR a. Contractor is and shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Contractor shall at all times be under Contractor's exclusive direction and control. Neither City nor any of its officers, employees, agents, or volunteers shall have control over the conduct of Contractor or any of Contractor's officers, employees, or agents except as set forth in this Agreement. Contractor shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner officers, employees or agents of the City. Contractor shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. b. No employee benefits shall be available to Contractor in connection with the performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to Contractor as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Contractor for performing services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Contractor for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 11. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES The Contractor shall keep itself informed of all local, State and Federal ordinances, laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its service pursuant to this Agreement. The Contractor shall at all times observe and comply with all such ordinances, laws and regulations. The City, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Contractor to comply with this section. 12. RELEASE OF INFORMATION a. All information gained by Contractor in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential and shall not be released by Contractor without City's prior written authorization. Contractor, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors, shall not without written authorization from the Director of Community Services or unless requested by the City Attorney, voluntarily provide declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories or other information concerning the work performed under this Agreement or relating to any project or property located within the City. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered "voluntary" provided Contractor gives City notice of such court order or subpoena. b. Contractor shall promptly notify City should Contractor, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions or other discovery request, court order or subpoena from any party regarding this Agreement and the work performed there under or with respect to any project or property located within the City. City retains the right, but has no obligation, to represent Contractor and/or be present at any deposition, hearing or similar proceeding. Contractor agrees to cooperate fully with City and to provide City with the opportunity to review any response to discovery requests provided by Contractor. However, City's right to review any such response does not imply or mean the right by City to control, direct, or rewrite said response. 08/09/2021 13. NOTICES Any notices which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Agreement must be in writing and may be given either by (i) personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) mailing in the United States Mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by Notice. Notice shall be effective upon delivery to the addresses specified below or on the third business day following deposit with the document delivery service or United States Mail as provided above. Mailing Address: City of Temecula Attn: General Manager 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 To Contractor: T & G Global LLC dba St. Nick's Attn: Daniel Christenson 6861 Walker Street La Palma, CA 90623 14. ASSIGNMENT The Contractor shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without prior written consent of the City. Upon termination of this Agreement, Contractor's sole compensation shall be payment for actual services performed up to, and including, the date of termination or as may be otherwise agreed to in writing between the City Council and the Contractor. 15. LICENSES At all times during the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall have in full force and effect, all licenses required of it by law for the performance of the services described in this Agreement. 16. GOVERNING LAW The City and Contractor understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the municipal, superior, or federal district court with geographic jurisdiction over the City of Temecula. In the event such litigation is filed by one party against the other to enforce its rights under this Agreement, the prevailing party, as determined by the Court's judgment, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and litigation expenses for the relief granted. 17. PROHIBITED INTEREST No officer, or employee of the City of Temecula that has participated in the development of this agreement or its approval shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, the proceeds thereof, the Contractor, or Contractor's sub -contractors for this project, during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter. The Contractor hereby warrants and represents to the City that no officer or employee of the City of Temecula that has participated in the development of this agreement or its approval has any interest, whether contractual, non- 08/09/2021 contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, the proceeds thereof, or in the business of the Contractor or Contractor's sub -contractors on this project. Contractor further agrees to notify the City in the event any such interest is discovered whether or not such interest is prohibited by law or this Agreement. 18. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations and statements, oral or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. 19. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Contractor warrants and represents that he or she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Contractor and has the authority to bind Contractor to the performance of its obligations hereunder. The Director of Community Services is authorized to enter into an amendment on behalf of the City to make the following non -substantive modifications to the agreement: (a) name changes; (b) extension of time; (c) non -monetary changes in scope of work; (d) agreement termination. 08/09/2021 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES T & G GLOBAL, LLC dba ST. NICK'S DISTRICT (Two Signatures of corporate officers required unless corporate documents authorize only one person to sign the agreement on behalf of the corporation.) By: Zak Schwank, TCSD President ATTEST: By: Randi Johl, Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: By By: -3C_'_ - de Francis, Managing Member r ¢' l By:r Daniel Christenson, Director of Sales Peter M. Thorson, General CONTRACTOR Counsel T & G Global, LLC dba St. Nick's Attn: Daniel Christenson 6861 Walker Street La Palma, CA 90623 _ danie! st-nicks.com City Purchasing Initials and Date: Mgr. 8 08/09/2021 EXHIBIT A Tasks to be Performed The specific elements (scope of work) of this service include: ■ The purchase, and/or installation, and/or removal, and refurbishment of the following: o Decorations o Decorative Lighting o Light Displays o Christmas Tree o Ornaments o Photo Ops o String Lights o Snowflakes o Signage o LED Lights Contractor shall coordinate with the City on scheduling the Equipment installation and removal along with arranging for any traffic safety requirements during installation and removal. ■ City will provide a sufficient electrical source. 08/09/2021 EXHIBIT B Payment Rates and Schedule Quotes shall be provided as requested by City staff for each service requested. Cost of services shall be as quoted, but in no event shall the total Agreement amount exceed $500,000.00 as outlined in Section 4 of this Agreement. The not to exceed payment amount listed herein is an estimated expenditure and this Agreement does not guarantee Contractor this amount in services. 10 08/09/2021 FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AND TNT ENTERTAINMENT GROUP, LLC ENTERTAINMENT AND TECHNICAL SERVICES THIS FIRST AMENDMENT is made and entered into as of May 14, 2024, by and between the Temecula Community Services District, a community services district (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and TNT Entertainment Group, LLC, a Limited Liability Company (hereinafter referred to as "Entertainer"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: This Amendment is made with the respect to the following facts and purposes a. On June 14, 2022, the City and Entertainer entered into that certain Agreement entitled "Agreement for Non -Exclusive Entertainment Services," in the amount of $200,000.00. b. The parties now desire to extend the term of the agreement to June 30, 2025, increase the payment in the amount of $50,000.00, and to amend the Agreement as set forth in this Amendment. 2. Section 1 of the Agreement entitled "TERM" is hereby amended to read as follows: This Agreement shall remain and continue in effect until tasks herein are completed, but in no event later than June 30, 2025, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 3. Section 5 of the Agreement entitled "PAYMENT" at paragraph "a" is hereby amended to read as follows: follows: The City agrees to pay Entertainer in accordance with the payment rates and schedules and terms set forth in Exhibit B, Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. Any terms in Exhibit B, other than the payment rates and schedule of payment, are null and void. The FIRST Amendment amount shall not exceed Fifty Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($50,000.00) for additional entertainment services for a total Agreement amount of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($250,000.00). 4. Section 17 of the Agreement entitled "NOTICES" is hereby amended to read as "Any notices which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Agreement must be in writing and may be given either by (i) personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) mailing in the United States Mail, certified mail, 08/09/2021 postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by Notice. Notice shall be effective upon delivery to the addresses specified below or on the third business day following deposit with the document delivery service or United States Mail as provided above. Mailing Address: City of Temecula Attn: General Manager 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 To Entertainer: TNT Entertainment Services Attn: Tori Daniels 40345 Calle Torcida Temecula, CA 92591 5. Exhibit "B" to the Agreement is hereby amended by adding thereto the items set forth on Attachment "A" to this Amendment, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. 6. Except for the changes specifically set forth herein, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 08/09/2021 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT By: Zak Schwank, TCSD President ATTEST: By: Randi Johl, Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: By: TNT ENTERTAINMENT GROUP, LLC (Two Signatures of corporate officers required unless corporate documents authorize only one person to sign the agreement on behalf of the corporation.) By: Tori M. Daniels, President Peter M. Thorson, General ENTERTAINER Counsel TNT Entertainment Group, LLC Attn: Tod Daniels 40345 Calle Torcida Temecula, CA 92591 torimdaniels(a)-yahoo.com 3 City Purchasing Mgr. Initials and Date: 08/09/2021 ATTACHMENT A EXHIBIT B PAYMENT RATES AND SCHEDULE Quotes shall be provided as requested by City staff,for each service requested. Costs of services shall be as quoted, but in no event shall the total Agreement amount exceed $250,000.00 as outlined in Section 3 of this First Amendment. The not to exceed payment amount listed herein is an estimated expenditure and this First Amendment does not guarantee Entertainer this amount in services. 08/09/2021 Item No. 17 THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA REPORT TO: Executive Director/Board of Directors FROM: Jennifer Hennessy, Director of Finance DATE: May 14, 2024 SUBJECT: Approve Financial Statements for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2024 PREPARED BY: Jennifer Hennessy, Director of Finance RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receive and file the financial statements for the 3rd. quarter ended March 31, 2024. BACKGROUND: The attached Financial Statements reflect the unaudited activity of the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2024. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: SARDA Fund Summaries (Financial Statements) Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 380 - SARDA DEBT SERVICE FUND % Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Taxes and Franchises Redevelopment Property Tax Fund 0 7,115,813 0 7,115,813 0 0.0 Distribution Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 217,374 164,113 124,325 164,113 0 0.0 % Operating Transfers In Operating Transfers In 6,843,276 0 0 0 0 0.0 Total Revenues and Other Sources 7,060,650 7,279,926 124,325 7,279,926 0 0.0 % Expenditures by Category Operations & Maintenance 1,570,747 299,255 177,072 299,255 0 0.0 Debt Service - Principal 0 2,740,000 2,740,000 2,740,000 0 0.0 Debt Service - Interest 2,975,694 2,867,313 1,461,691 2,867,313 0 0.0 Transfers 2,702,005 750,000 5,196,691 0 (750,000) -100.0 % Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 7,248,446 6,656,568 9,575,454 5,906,568 (750,000) -11.3 % Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (187,796) 623,358 (9,451,129) 1,373,358 750,000 120.3 % Fund Balance, Beginning of Year (36,192,682) (36,380,478) (36,380,478) Fund Balance, End of Year (36,380,478) (35,757,120) (35,007,120) Fund Description The Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency (SARDA) Debt Service Fund was established to account for payment obligations of the Successor Agency as a result of the State's dissolution of Redevelopment Agencies. This is a private -purpose trust fund that is used to account for resources held and administered by the SARDA acting in a fiduciary capacity for other governments. Alk The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2023-24 Quarterly Budget Report FUND: 381 - REDEVELOPMENT PROPERTY TAX TRUST FUND Change 2023-24 Year to Date 2023-24 Q3 from 2022-23 Current Actuals Revised Requested Current Description Actuals Budget 3-31-2024 Budget Adjustments Budget Revenues by Source Taxes and Franchises Redevelopment Property Tax Fund 6,905,309 0 3,410,622 0 0 0.0 Distribution Use of Money and Property Investment Interest 4,287 1,631 7,078 1,631 0 0.0 % Operating Transfers In Operating Transfers In 1,035 450,000 450,000 450,000 0 0.0 Total Revenues and Other Sources 6,910,631 451,631 3,867,700 451,631 0 0.0 Expenditures by Category Transfers 6,843,276 0 41621,691 0 0 0.0 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 6,843,276 0 4,621,691 0 0 0.0 Excess of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 67,355 451,631 (753,991) 451,631 0 0.0 Fund Balance, Beginning of Year 149,098 216,453 216,453 Fund Balance, End of Year 216,453 668,084 668,084 Fund Description Item No. 18 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Pat Thomas, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: May 14, 2024 SUBJECT: Receive Presentation Regarding the Annual Report for Calendar Year 2023 for Solid Waste and Recycling Services PREPARED BY: Julie Tarrant, Principal Management Analyst Rebecca Kiser, Senior Office Specialist RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council receive a presentation regarding the annual report for calendar year 2023 for solid waste and recycling services provided by CR&R, Inc. BACKGROUND: In accordance with the Franchise Agreement between the City of Temecula and CR&R, Inc., for Solid Waste and Recycling Services, CR&R is to provide an Annual Report to the City. The Annual Report is to include, but is not limited to, a review of performance and quality of service, the number of customers for each class of service, any services which began or were discontinued for the reporting year, systems or service updates, new initiatives or regulatory developments, and an overall summary of customer service in regard to complaints, remedies, satisfactory outcomes, or actions implemented to maintain quality and efficiencies of service. The Annual Report is to also include an update of CR&R's progress to ensure the City meets and continues to maintain compliance with goals and objectives under SB 1383. ATTACHMENTS: None Item No. 19 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Patrick Thomas, Director of Public Works DATE: May 14, 2024 SUBJECT: Approve Recommendations Related to the Acceptance of Certain Streets Into the City -Maintained Street System for Street Maintenance (At the Request of Subcommittee Members Mayor Stewart and Mayor Pro Tem Kalfus) PREPARED BY: Ron Moreno, Assistant Director of Public Works Betsy Lowrey, Assistant to the City Manager Annie Bostre-Le, Stormwater Program Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve recommendations by the Private - Public Street Maintenance Ad Hoc Subcommittee related to the acceptance of certain streets into the city -maintained street system for street maintenance, BACKGROUND: On February 13, 2024, the City Council voted, at the request of Mayor Pro Tern Kalfus, to place the creation of an ad hoc Subcommittee to discuss issues related to the acceptance of streets into the City maintained street system for street maintenance. On February 27, 2024, the City Council voted to form a Private -Public Street Maintenance Ad Hoc Subcommittee, and Mayor Stewart and Mayor Pro Tern Kalfus were appointed to the Ad Hoc Subcommittee. The Ad Hoc Subcommittee met with Public Works Department staff, City Manager Department staff and legal counsel on March 12, 2024, March 26, 2024, April 9, 2024, and April 23, 2024. Additionally, staff accompanied the Ad Hoc Subcommittee to view certain streets on April 11, 2024. For informational purposes, staff also accompanied the balance of the council (Council Member Alexander and Council Member Schwank) to view the same streets on April 24, 2024. Public/Private Street Definitions/Street Standards. During the Ad Hoc Subcommittee meetings, staff discussed the differences between private and public roads, and the methods by which streets are developed and gain acceptance into the City's maintained street system. For reference, City staff also provided a diagram of City Standard No. 104 (Urban and Rural City Street Standards) which is the current roadway standard that the City requires for residential streets to be constructed. (See Attachment 1.) Under California Streets and Highways Code section 1806, a city is not "held liable for failure to maintain any road until it has been accepted into the city street system in accordance with subdivision (b) or (c)." Streets that are dedicated to the City and are constructed to City standards may become a city street if the City Council adopts a resolution accepting the street into the maintained system pursuant to Streets and Highways Code section 1806(b). Street Criteria. Staff provided the Ad Hoc Subcommittee with a citywide draft map of all streets within the City that have not been accepted for maintenance. This gave the Ad Hoc Subcommittee a starting point and an overall understanding of which streets are maintained by the City and which streets are not publicly maintained. With this understanding, the Ad Hoc Subcommittee expressed concern with residential streets that have not yet been accepted by the City for maintenance but are frequently used by the public and/or built to city standards, and requested an updated list of streets that meet all the following criteria: 1. Residential only. (Excluded non-residential streets.) a. Street that has two points of access; one of which connects to a paved street within the City's accepted street maintenance program. (Excluded streets that only service a few homes, such as 3-4 or less.) AND/OR b. Street is constructed/paved (in accordance with city street standards required by the City) and connects to a paved street that has been accepted by the City. (Excluded all dirt and gravel roads.) 2. Street is dedicated for public use by the property owner for public use. 3. Street has not been accepted by a City Council Resolution for maintenance. 4. There is no property association or homeowners association along the street to implement a funding mechanism for street maintenance. 5. The street is not in an area subject to a community facilities district or assessment district to fund street maintenance. 6. Excluded streets that will be improved by a development project. (Staff will pursue acceptance by the City Council for street maintenance in the future, after construction of street to city standards.) As a result, the following streets were identified with varying recommendations by the Ad Hoc Subcommittee as follows: 1. Calle Medusa (Nicolas Road to Enfield Lane). Recommended to be accepted as -is into the City's street maintenance system. 2. Green Tree Road (Pauba Road to Deodar Lane). Recommended to be accepted as -is into the City's street maintenance system. 3. Deodar Lane (Green Tree Road to end of cul-de-sac). Tract Map 26521, filed with the County Recorder on August 17, 2000, designates Deodar Lane as a "Private Street." The Ad Hoc Subcommittee suggests that if all Deodar Lane homeowners request their street to be part of the City's maintenance system in the future and Green Tree Road is already accepted into the system, the City should agree. This is because Deodar Lane meets the City's street standards and connects to Green Tree Road, which is set to be maintained by the City if accepted. Homeowners will have to provide documentation, such as an updated Tract Map and revised CC&Rs if applicable, to make this request. 4. Ormsby Road (Santiago Road to Estero Road). A segment of Ormsby Road has not yet been dedicated for public use by the property owner. Upon dedication of said segment for public use by the property owner, Ormsby Road is recommended to be accepted into the City's street maintenance system as -is. 5. Via El Delora (Ormsby Road to the end of cul-de-sac). Upon acceptance of Ormsby Road, the recommendation is for Via El Delora to also be accepted into the City's street maintenance system as -is. This recommendation is because Via El Delora was constructed in accordance with street standards required by the City and connects to a paved street that will be accepted for maintenance by the City if the recommendation to accept Ormsby Road is approved. City staff updated the status of five streets, out of a total of 3,580 streets assessed citywide, within the City's mapping tool to reflect that these streets were already "accepted" into the City's street maintenance system. These streets included Calle Girasol, Calle Chapos, Alhezon Circle, Cresta Verde, and Dahlia Way. Joseph Road and Via La Vida were also assessed but excluded from immediate acceptance based on criteria outlined above because these streets will undergo improvements through development projects. Once these development projects are completed, city staff will seek approval from the City Council for the inclusion of these streets in the street maintenance program. When the City Council adopts a resolution accepting streets into the City's maintained system, they become City -public maintained streets according to the Streets and Highways Code section 1806. Should the City Council agree with the recommendations of the Ad Hoc Subcommittee, staff will present resolutions and legal documents for approval at a subsequent meeting. Upon adoption of such resolutions, the streets specified will be integrated into the pavement management system and citywide roster of streets for maintenance. FISCAL IMPACT: See Attachment 2. ATTACHMENT: 1) Diagram of City Standard No. 104 (Urban and Rural City Street Standards) 2) Fiscal Impact and Annual Average Daily Trips (AADT) R/W R/W 60' 40' /0' 20' 20' /0, 2' I 6, 6, I 2, I Mq� 2% A.C. PVMT A,CaPVMT 2% -�-------� 2% I 2%FT- �— MPX CONC.—I CONC. SIDEWALK BASE COURSE SIDEWALK CONC. CURB COMPACTEG� & GUTTER SUBGRADE URBAN CONC. CURB &GUTTER SECTION 'A" R/W R/W 60' 40' l0' 20' 20' /0' 2, I I 2, I ASPHALT ASPHALT 2% Dll(E A VMT. i A. VMT. DIKE 2% R—� COURSE COMPACTED SUBGRADE RURAL SEC TION "B NO TES: COMBINED THICKNESS OF BASE AND SURFACE MA TER/AL TO BE DETERMINED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATIONS. SEE STANDARD NOS. //J & 115 FOR PAVEMENT DESIGN REQUIREMENTS AND GENERAL NOTES. ALL CURB AND GUTTER SHALL BE TYPE 'A-6" PER C. 0. T STD. 200 UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. ALL A. C. DIKE SHALL BE PER C. 0. T STD. 2/4, APPROVED BY.- zmt-sl� OCTOBER 12, 20H F4,CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS GREG BUTLER, G CTO OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER DATE �. R.C.E. N0. 47/04LOCAL STREET 1 REVISIONS REV. BY. APPR'D DATE REV. BY. APPR'D DATE I0198, I2106 I 4 2 1 1 #:15 STANDARD NO. /04 3 6 1 14 Public dedicated but not accepted streets Last updated: 5/1/24 FISCAL IMPACT and Annual Average Daily Trips (AADT) Street Name Estimated 2022 AADT Street segment (from) Street Segment (to) Improved width (FT) Length (FT) Roadway (SF) Annual Maintenance cost CALLE MEDUSA 3582 Nicolas Road 786' south of Nicolas Road 40 786.00 31,440 $ 6,288.00 786' south of Nicolas Road Enfield 36 800.80 28,829 $ 5,765.76 Calle Medusa annual maintenance cost $ 12,053.76 GREEN TREE RD 443 Pauba Road Deodar Lane 28 2345 65,660 $ 13,132.00 Green Tree Road annual maintenance cost $ 13,132.00 ORMSBY RD 484 Santiago Road Via El Delora 30 280.31 8,409 $ 1,681.85 Via El Delora 312.56' N/O Via El Delora 30 312.56 9,377 $ 1,875.36 312.56' N/0 Via El Delora Tract Map 18583 southerly boundary 28 348 9,754 $ 1,950.77 Tract Map 18583 southerly boundary Estero Road 32 233.78 7,481 $ 1,496.19 VIA EL DELORA 112 Ormsby End of cul-de-sac 28 317.00 8,876 $ 1,775.20 Ormsby Road & Via El Delora annual maintenance cost $ 8,779.37 Street classification: Not accepted, publicly dedicated Total length (LF): 5,424 Total length (Miles): 1.03 Total Cost for Annual Maintenance: $33,965.13 Total Cost for Upgrade/Replacement (low): $1,698,256.56 Total Cost for Upgrade/Replacement (high): $3,396,513.13 Unit Cost Maintenance ($) $0.20 Replacement ($) Low $10.00 Replacement ($) High $20.00 Page 1 Not Accepted streets with costs & AADT 050124.xlsx Item No. 20 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Council FROM: Aaron Adams, City Manager DATE: May 14, 2024 SUBJECT: City Council Travel/Conference Report PREPARED BY: Luisa Tovar, Executive Assistant RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file City Council Travel/Conference report. On April 17, 18, 19, 2024, Mayor James Stewart, Mayor Pro Tem Brenden Kalf is, Council Member Zak Schwank, and Council Member Jessica Alexander traveled to Sacramento, CA to attend the Cal Cities City Leaders Summit Conference. Included in this conference was advocacy/lobbying briefing with State officials on City priorities as well as meetings with State officials in Housing and Transportation. ATTACHMENTS: Itinerary 'EARS 1898-2023 City Leaders SUMMIT NOTES Find session materials, including presentation slides, online at www.calcities.org/CLS WiFi Network: Cal Cities Passcode: Cityleaders24 League of California Cities ii 2024 City Leaders Summit WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17 8:30a.m. - 5:3o p.m. Registration Open Ballroom A Pre -Function Note: If you are arriving early, you are invited to attend a rally and press conference in opposition to the Taxpayer Deception Act. Contact your Regional Public Affairs Manager for information. This is a campaign activity. Please refrain from using public resources for campaign activities. 11:00a.m.-12:15p.m. Opening General Session Ballroom A7-Al 1 Day one of the conference focuses on legislative advocacy. Join Cal Cities leadership and lobbyists for an update on high priority legislation that you will want to advocate on when you meet with legislative officers later in the day. Opening Remarks: Daniel Parra, President, League of California Cities and Mayor, Fowler Carolyn Coleman, Executive Director and CEO, League of California Cities Moderator: Jason Rhine, Director of Legislative Affairs, League of California Cities Speakers: League of California Cities Advocacy Team 12:15 - 2:00 p.m. Lunch on Your Own/Meetings with Legislators For your convenience, lunch will be available for purchase at a food truck in the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center Plaza. League of California Cities Executive Committee President, Daniel Parra, Mayor, Fowler First Vice President, Lynne Kennedy, Mayor Pro Tem, Rancho Cucamonga Second Vice President, Gabe Quinto, Council Member, El Cerrito Immediate Past President, Ali Sajjad Taj, Mayor Pro Tem, Artesia Executive Director and CEO, Carolyn Coleman, League of California Cities League of California Cities 1 2024 City Leaders Summit 2:00 - 5:00 p.m. 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17 Legislative Sessions Ballroom A7-Al 1 Due to scheduling constraints of speakers, panels may be presented in a different order than pubiished Updates will be provided during the session. Tackling Retail Theft in Local Communities A spike in retail theft and violent smash-and-grab robberies have generated renewed interest by the Legislature in helping local governments keep their communities safe. This panel will focus on pending legislation that seeks to address organized retail theft, repeat offenders, sentencing enhancements, and aggregation of multiple incidents of theft. Additionally, possible reforms to Proposition 47 will be discussed. Addressing Homelessness: The Case for Permanent Ongoing Funding This panel will review the results of the Cal Cities 2024 homelessness survey that underscores the need for the state to invest $3 billion in ongoing, permanent funding to prevent and reduce homelessness and boost affordable housing. Hear from local leaders as they share their unique perspectives. From innovative housing initiatives to comprehensive support services, these leaders will offer valuable insights into what has worked effectively, and the lessons learned along the way. Threats to Local Fiscal Sustainability, and What You Need to Know This panel will feature leading experts discussing recent developments and threats to California city revenues. Learn about legal developments, ballot measures, and pending legislation that will affect your agency's finances. Legislative Reception sponsored by < CAL CITIES PARTNER Cafeteria 15L, 1 116 15th Street In partnership with the California State Association of Counties, please join us for an evening reception. Relax and enjoy some light hors d'oeuvres and refreshments while networking with your city and county colleagues. Take advantage of Visit Sacramento's Badge Pass program to receive discounts at local restaurants and attractions : . :••:.• ••:::•: .... . ••■■ •■ ..... ... . . lot ..... . ... . .. ... ..I.X. .. ............. • ••• •••••• •• ..... ...... . .... .. •• • • J. BADGE •. •••••••• • • . .........so .... ..... . . ..... ■• • . •• ••••• . . . . .•. •■• . • •• ■• ■ ... ...... ..... . • • • .. .. .. .. . . •• • ■■• ■■■•■ ■ ■■■■•■ •1 •• • • •• 11. 11 • 11 League of California Cities 2024 City Leaders Summit THURSDAY, APRIL 18 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Registration Open Ballroom A Pre -Function 7:00 - 8:15 a.m. 8:30 - 10:00 a.m. Networking Breakfast Ballroom A Pre -Function General Session Ballroom A7-Al 1 Opening Remarks: Melissa Hunt, President, Mayors and Council Members Department and Vice Mayor, Anderson National League of Cities Federal Update: Irma Esparza Diggs, Senior Executive and Director, Federal Advocacy, National League of Cities Adjust Your Attitude - Resolve Communication Complications Communication skills are our most important yet least trained professional skill. Artificial intelligence, social media, and automated technologies may never replace the interpersonal components of leadership, influence, and engagement. Unfortunately, today, we are experiencing fewer positive experiences when we engage with people who have personalities colder than a laptop cover left outside in the winter. The art of communication mastery must be reshaped and revisited. Don't assume there is one communication style that fits all. To be successful, we must stop treating others how we want to be treated. We must learn how to treat others the way they want to be treated. "Adjust Your Attitude" will give you the fuel and tools to impact how interpersonal communication skills positively influence relationships and results. Keynote Speaker. Vincent Phipps, CEO/Owner, Communication VIP Training and Coaching 10:15-11:30a.m. AB 764 Changed the Rules (Again): Prepare Now for Districting and Redistricting Concurrent Session Ballroom A7-A]1 2023's AB 764 expanded the state FAIR MAPS Act, making the time-consuming and often difficult process of districting even more complex. The new law imposes significant outreach requirements, new reporting requirements, restrictive mapping criteria, new definitions of "communities of interest," and a major increase in legal liability. Join experts from National Demographics Corporation, Nielsen Merksamer and Tripepi Smith as they share their experiences helping cities through the districting and redistricting process while navigating complicated state requirements. Attendees will also learn more about the legal, demographic and outreach nuances of AB 764, and how early preparation will be vital for a successful districting process, whether in response to California Voting Rights Act demands or the upcoming 2031 redistricting process. Moderator: Ryder Todd Smith, President, Tripepi Smith Speakers: Douglas Mark Johnson, President, National Demographics Corporation Christopher E. Skinnell, Partner, Nielsen Merksamer Parrinello Gross & Leoni, LLP 10:15-11:30a.m. An Irregular Meeting of the City Council of Dysfunction Junction: The Do's and Don'ts Concurrent Session of Conducting a Public Meeting Ballroom A2-A5 Enjoy a popular depiction of a city council meeting gone awry and learn from its mistakes. Facilitators: Christi Hogin, Of Counsel, Best Best & Krieger, LLP Michael Jenkins, Of Counsel, Best Best & Krieger, LLP League of California Cities 3 2024 City Leaders Summit 11:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. 12:45 - 2:00 p.m. Concurrent Session 12:45 - 2:00 p.m. Concurrent Session THURSDAY, APRIL 18 Networking Lunch Ballroom A Pre -Function A Collaborative Framework to Addressing Homelessness: Solano County and its Seven Cities, United Through a Regional Homelessness Policy Board Ballroom A7-A] 1 In an unprecedented move, Solana County and its constituent cities have forged a unified front, establishing a regional policy board that includes county supervisors and city elected officials, with the support of technical staff, dedicated to combating homelessness through collective action. This collaborative effort aims to consolidate resources, expertise, and strategies to implement a comprehensive regional homelessness strategic plan. Through this unified voice, Solana County seeks to garner the resources necessary to address the multifaceted issues contributing to homelessness. Panelists will share insights into the development of the regional policy board, the formulation of a comprehensive homelessness strategic plan, advocacy efforts for increased funding, the establishment of a homeless navigation center, and the utilization of advanced software for data tracking. Discover how this collaborative approach can provide a blueprint for other regions grappling with similar challenges. Moderator: Alma Hernandez, Mayor, Suisun City Speakers: Mitch Mashburn, Supervisor, Solana County Rozzana Verder-Aliga, CAP Solana JPA Board, Council Member, Vallejo A Look into the Future with HF&H Consultants Ballroom A2-A5 For over 30 years, HF&H has helped more than 400 local governments have successful solid waste, water, and wastewater programs. To continue this practice, HF&H tracks key legislative developments, industry changes, and anticipated horizon issues. Some of the most pressing questions facing the solid waste and recycling industry and cities today include: What are the downstream impacts of SB 54 (extended producer responsibility) on franchises and what relief might ratepayers see? What will the transition to zero emissions fleets look like and what strategy should local agencies use for implementation? How will clean tech and Al impact the solid waste and recycling system? How do we create sustainable government funding in the face of pending litigation surrounding Prop 218 and 26? This session will answer these questions and focus on the impact to local solid waste systems from the continued march of court decisions and ballot measures that are tightening up Propositions 218 and 26. Moderator and Speaker. Rob Hilton, President, HF&H Consultants, LLC Speakers: Felisia Castoi5eda, Project Manager, HF&H Consultants, LLC Philip Mainolfi, Sr. Project Manager, HF&H Consultants, LLC 2023 - 2024 Mayors and Council Members Department Officers President, Melissa Hunt, Vice Mayor, Anderson First Vice President, Debbie S. Baker, Council Member, La Palma Second Vice President, Kuldip Thusu, Council Member, Dinuba Department Director, Lori Ogorchock, Council Member, Antioch Immediate Past President, Susannah Meyer, Vice Mayor, Brentwood League of California Cities 4 2024 City Leaders Summit THURSDAY, APRIL 18 2:15 - 3:30 p.m. How Cities Can Fight Crime with Civil Litigation Concurrent Session Ballroom A7-Al1 This session will explain how cities can leverage Neighborhood Law Programs to recruit cost- effective legal professionals adept in civil litigation. These attorneys can effectively employ strategies such as receivership, drug abatement, and red light abatement to mitigate crime and bolster city revenue. Moderator and Speaker. Ryan Griffith, Attorney and Receiver, Bay Area Receivership Group Speaker: John A. Russo, President and Founder, Synchronicity Associates 2:15 - 3:30 p.m. Speed Sessions Concurrent Session Ballroom A2-A5 Moderator: Debbie S. Baker, First Vice President, Mayors and Council Members Department and Council Member, La Palma Creating Social Connection (275-2,55p.m) This session aims to convene mayors and council members across California to discuss ways to foster social connection and address social isolation and loneliness in our communities. Hear from the City of Irvine on how it has been combatting the issue with its youth and seniors. Speaker: Farrah N. Khan, Mayor, Irvine Small Town, Big Aspirations: Leveraging Interagency Collaborations to Address Complex Infrastructure Challenges (240 - 300 p.m.) Navigating the world of local government can seem daunting, especially when it comes to transportation planning. While many communities have the funds to fill a pothole, small communities often lack the staff or resources to tackle increasingly expensive public infrastructure maintenance and repair on their own. Based on a recent case study in the Town of Fairfax, this session designed for newly elected officials unpacks the critical role interagency collaborations can have in surmounting seemingly intractable infrastructure challenges. Speaker. Chance Cutrano, Council Member, Fairfax Attaining Equity Through Inclusive Engagement (305-325p.m.) This session will cover ways city leaders can support inclusive engagement efforts. The speaker will discuss current best practices and ways leaders can support staff and provide an opportunity for leaders to ask pressing questions about how to promote DEI in engagement efforts and think through challenges. Speaker. Ruben Abrica, Council Member, East Palo Alto SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS! Send us your feedback on the summit by scanning this QR code. League of California Cities 5 2024 City Leaders Summit 3:45 - 5:00 p.m. Concurrent Session 3:45 - 5:00 p.m. Concurrent Session THURSDAY, APRIL 18 California - Leading the Way on Generative Al in Local Government Ballroom A7-Al 1 This session aims to explore the rapidly evolving landscape of generative artificial intelligence (GenAl) and its implications for subnational governments, including cities, states, and provinces. Drawing from the `Carnegie Endowment for International Peace's California Working Guide on Subnational Practices in Al Policy,' the session will delve into the challenges and opportunities presented by GenAl and Large Language Models in policymaking. It will explicate how California cities collaborate with international local governments, facilitated by Carnegie. Participants will discover how cities are actively using Al and will have the opportunity to learn, contribute to, and engage in the development of an international working guide for the local government use of artificial intelligence. Moderator: David Graham, Chief Innovation Officer, Carlsbad Speaker. Ian Klaus, Founding Director, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace The Vital Importance of Local Enforcement in the Cannabis Industry Ballroom A2-A5 Regulatory compliance is a vital component of virtually every aspect of the cannabis industry. Enforcing cannabis regulation is not just important for the safety and security of the community, it also helps protect the nascent cannabis industry. Under California's local - control system, cannabis operators are required to obtain and maintain licenses at two separate levels -state and local - each with their own set of regulations. Creating regulations and enforcing them requires specialized training and dedicated staff. Understanding the nuances of compliance with applicable cannabis regulation is a vital component in creating code compliance for the cannabis industry. Moderator and Speaker. Zachary Scalzo, Of Counsel, Best Best & Krieger, LLP Speakers: Veronica E. Goedhart, Director, Palm Springs Denise Marie Hansen, Partner and Director of Municipal Code Enforcement, Best Best & Krieger, LLP Mitchell Nabhan, Code Supervisor, Palm Springs Save The Dates: 2024 ANNUAL CONFERENCE AND EXPO OCT. 16-18 1 LONG BEACH CONVENTION CENTER 2025 (Nor Cap MAYORS AND COUNCIL MEMBERS ACADEMY JAN. 22-24 1 SACRAMENTO 2025 (So Cap MAYORS AND COUNCIL MEMBERS ACADEMY JAN. 29-31 1 GARDEN GROVE 2025 CITY LEADERS SUMMIT APRIL 22-24 1 SACRAMENTO League of California Cities 0 2024 City Leaders Summit FRIDAY, APRIL 19 7:30 - 11:00 a.m. I Registration Open Ballroom A Pre -Function 7:45 - 8:45 a.m. Networking Breakfast Ballroom A Pre -Function 9:00 - 10:15 a.m. Community Engagement as a DEI Strategy Concurrent Session Ballroom A7-Al1 Learn how Livermore has leveraged a rich history of community engagement and coordination between agencies (specifically, the city, school district, and parks and recreation district) to reach those in the community who have traditionally been harder to engage. To advance diversity, equity and inclusion objectives, rethink your city's engagement strategies by meeting people at a time and place most comfortable to them and promoting healthy dialogue. Learn how to best deploy tools including online education, community academies, youth and senior outreach, translation, subject specific town hall meetings, bilingual publications and videos, as well as social media posts to highlight community partnerships, local businesses, projects, and employees. Moderator. Stephanie Egidio, Assistant to the City Manager, Livermore Speakers: Mat Fuzie, General Manager, Livermore Area Recreation and Park District Marianna Marysheva, City Manager, Livermore Chris Van Schaack, Superintendent, Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District 9:00 - 10:15 a.m. Interim Housing Solutions Concurrent Session Ballroom A2-A5 The impacts of living in unsheltered conditions are devastating to individuals and families. Interim housing is a critical tool that gives unhoused people shelter and stability while waiting for the permanent housing supply to catch up with the need. This session will focus on new, urgently needed non-congregant interim housing solutions. Come learn about options that can be fast and cost-effective in helping address your city's immediate needs to bring people indoors and save lives. Moderator and Speaker: Stuart Kasdin, Council Member, Goleta Speakers: Lucille Boss, Encampment Response Coordinator, County of Santa Barbara Elizabeth Funk, Founder and CEO, DignityMoves 10:30 a.m. - noon Closing General Session: Ballroom A7-Al 1 Mastering Your Memory The human brain possesses an incredible amount of power to store and recall information. Unfortunately, most people are never taught how to fully access this ability. In this fun and highly engaging keynote, attendees will learn unique and exciting methods to increase their memory skills to extraordinary levels. Most importantly, this session will teach you how to use these concepts in daily life. Instantly recalling people's names, giving presentations without notes, increased focus, and improved mental organization are just a few of the practical benefits attendees will take away from this session. Closing Remarks: Debbie S. Baker, First Vice President, Mayors and Council Members Department and Council Member, La Palma Keynote Speaker. Tyler Enslin, Professional Speaker, Business Owner, Tyler Enslin International League of California Cities 7 2024 City Leaders Summit REQUEST TO SPEAK FORMS, ELECTRONIC COMMENTS AND DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED FOR THE RECORD Public Comment: Non -Agenda Item: 9 Item Description or Item No. REQUEST TO SPEAK CITY OF TEMECULA Date: Agenda Item: ❑ C Request to Speak forms for Public Comments or items listed on the Consent Calendar may be submitted to the City Clerk rior to the City Council commencing the Public Comment period. For all Public Hearing or Council Business items on the Agenda, a Request to Speak form may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council addressing that item. Once the speaker is called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name for the record. Name:. l Phon umber: Address: _r �T6�, Email address: l' you are representing an or anization or group, please give the name: Please note that all information presented at a City Council meeting becomes public record. All information provided is optional. Public Comment: Non -Agenda Item: Item Description or Item No. REQUEST TO SPEAK CITY OF TEMECULA Agenda Item: ❑ Date: Request to Speak forms for Public Comments or items listed on the Consent Calendar may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council commencing the Public Comment period. For all Public Hearing or Council Business items on the Agenda, a Request to Speak form may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council addressing that item. Once the speaker is called to spec , please come forward to the podium and state your name for the record. Name: `�� � Phone Number: Address:. Email address: If you are representing an organization or group, 4ase give the name: Please note that all information presented at a City Council meeting becomes public record. All information provided is optional. REQUEST TO SPEAK CITY OF TEMECULA 9N9 Date: 5� l y 2U Public Comment: Non -Agenda Item: 0 Agenda Item: ❑ Item Description or Item No. Ij Request to Speak forms for Public Comments or items listed on the Consent Calendar may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council commencing the Public Comment period. For all Public Hearing or Council Business items on the Agenda, a Request to Speak form may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council addressing that item. Once the speaker is called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name for the record. 1/�,� Address: C'�_)U" CV�- '1'5�' Email address: If you are representing an organization or group, please give the name: Please note that all information presented at a City Council meeting becomes public record. All information provided is optional. REQUEST TO SPEAK CITY OF TEMECULA 1989 Date:- Public Comment: Non -Agenda Item: S1 Agenda Item:El , Item Description or Item No. I `tilE C vA'A.- C i Request to Speak forms for Public Comments or items listed on the Consent Calendar may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council commencing the Public Comment period. For all Public Hearing or Council Business items on the Agenda, a Request to Speak form may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council addressing that item. Once the speaker is called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name for the recor Name: K, � C ,JC Phone Number:- �, i Email le If you are representing an organization or group, lease give the name: Please note that all information presented at a City Council meeting becomes public record. All information provided is optional. Public Comment: Non -Agenda Item: Item Description or Item No. REQUEST TO SPEAK CITY OF TEMECULA Agenda Item: ❑ i Date: "J Request to Speak forms for Public Comments or items listed on the Consent Calendar may be submitted to the City Clerk rp for to the City Council commencing the Public Comment period. For all Public Hearing or Council Business items on the Agenda, a Request to Speak form may be submitted to the City Clerk rp for to the City Council addressing that item. Once the speaker is called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name for the reco//r��d.�� j��% Name: ❑tJIJV 1 WpV-nt Phone Number: Address Email address: If you are representing an organization or group., please give the name: Please note that all information presented at a City Council meeting becomes public record. All information provided is optional. 0 Public Comment: Non -Agenda Item: Item Description or Item No. REQUEST TO SPEAK CITY OF TEMECULA Agenda Item: ❑ Date: Request to Speak forms for Public Comments or items listed on the Consent Calendar may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council commencing the Public Comment period. For all Public Hearing or Council Business items on the Agenda, a Request to Speak form may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council addressing that item. Once the speaker is called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name for the re r Name: Ny4wlat5 Phone Number: Address: Email address: If you are representing an organization or group, please give the name: Please note that all information presented at a City Council meeting becomes public record. All information provided is optional. Public Comment: Non -Agenda Item: Item Description or Item No. REQUEST TO SPEAK CITY OF TEMECULA Agenda Item: ❑ Date: % [ 1l Request to Speak forms for Public Comments or items listed on the Consent Calendar may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council commencing the Public Comment period. For all Public Hearing or Council Business items on the Agenda, a Request to Speak form may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council addressing that item. Once the speaker is called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name for the recor Name:VDew r t Phone Number: Address: Email address: If you are representing an organization or group, please give the name: Please note that all information presented at a City Council meeting becomes public record. All information provided is optional. REQUEST TO SPEAK CITY OF TEMECULA 00 1989 Date: J Public Comment: Non -Agenda Item: Agenda Item: ❑ Item Description or Item No. Request to Speak forms for Public Comments or items listed on the Consent Calendar may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council commencing the Public Comment period. For all Public Hearing or Council Business items on the Agenda, a Request to Speak form may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council addressing that item. Once the speaker is called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name for the rec rd. / ZOName: JU;✓l, Phone Number. ! ��� Address Email address: '/� If you_W�e fepres~n organization or group, please give the name: Please note that all information presented at a City Council meeting becomes public record. All information provided is optional. REQUEST TO SPEAK CITY OF TEMECULA �1 1989 Public Comment: Non -Agenda Item: FV Agenda Item: ❑ Item Description or Item No Date: _5 ' Request to Speak forms for Public Comments or items listed on the Consent Calendar may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council commencing the Public Comment period. For all Public Hearing or Council Business items on the Agenda, a Request to Speak form may be submitted to the City Clerk rp for to the City Council addressing that item. Once the speaker is called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name for the record. / Name: 1 f n CC, •� `� �C � / Phone Number: Address: ��'� Email address: If you are representing an organization or group, please give the name: Please note that all information presented at a City Council meeting becomes public record. All information provided is optional. Public Comment: Non -Agenda Item: A1Gi I Item Description or Item No. REQUEST TO SPEAK CITY OF TEMECULA Agenda Item: ❑ Date: i� Request to Speak forms for Public Comments or items listed on the Consent Calendar may be submitted to the City Clerk rp for to the City Council commencing the Public Comment period. For all Public Hearing or Council Business items on the Agenda, a Request to Speak form may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council addressing that item. Once the speaker is called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name for the record Name: � /a -C Phone Number: Address: Email address: If you are representing an organization or group, please give the name: Please note that all information presented at a City Council meeting becomes public record. All information provided is optional. REQUEST TO SPEAK CITY OF TEMECULA Date: I Public Comment: Non -Agenda Item: ❑ Agenda Item: Item Descri tion or Item No G% ' V- �l C C �Gj e 14 °" e Pa Al � Ljededt' ' 4 Sm r�//�� p 2o1S Request to Speak forms for Public Comments or items listed on the Consent Calendar may be submitted to the City Clerk rp for to the City Council commencing the Public Comment period. For all Public Hearing or Council Business items on the Agenda, a Request to Speak form may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council addressing that item. Once the speaker is called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name for the record. Name: M Q Y' tiTouoeak Phone Number: / �w�C'CV( Email address: If you are representing an organization or group, please give the name: Please note that all information presented at a City Council meeting becomes public record. All information provided is optional. REQUEST TO SPEAK r CITY OF TEMECULA 1989 Date: / Public Comment: Non -Agenda Item: ❑ Agenda Item: Item Description or Item No. �5 d'e P. , o � 2ou✓��� ("os� Request to Speak forms for Public Comments or items listed on the Consent Calendar may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council commencing the Public Comment period. For all Public Hearing or Council Business items on the Agenda, a Request to Speak form may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council addressing that item. Once the speaker is called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name for the record. Name: L6j►'s� Phone Number: Address: ; > �% ��,^.s' �G� VA CA Email address: `— If you are representing an organization orgfoup, please give the name: L E_ 4 c-A, *-- SeAIt Please note that all information presented at a City Council meeting becomes public record. All information provided is optional. REQUEST TO SPEAK CITY OF TEMECULA 1989 Date: Public Comment: Non -Agenda Item: ❑ Agenda Item: Item Description or Item No. 1 ) C 1<6 E 6Ae-& )ymPY2U Request to Speak forms for Public Comments or items listed on the Consent Calendar may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council commencing the Public Comment period. For all Public Hearing or Council Business items on the Agenda, a Request to Speak form may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council addressing that item. Once the speaker is called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name for the record. Name: , o E (,�ILS��� Phone Number. Address Email address: If you are representing an organization or group, please give the name: Please note that all information presented at a City Council meeting becomes public record. All information provided is optional. REQUEST TO SPEAK CITY OF TEMECULA 1989 C> \ (Y\ to n (Pfvi ceS C Public Comment: Non -Agenda Item: DQ Agenda Item: ❑ Item Description or Item No. Date: / (I i' ' Request to Speak forms for Public Comments or items listed on the Consent Calendar may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council commencing the Public Comment period. For all Public Hearing or Council Business items on the Agenda, a Request to Speak form may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council addressing that item. Once the speaker is called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name for the record. /� '—� [ �-� 1+ ! address: 2iz ' If you are representing an organization or group, please give the name: Please note that all information presented at a City Council meeting becomes public record. All information provided is optional. Public Comment: Non -Agenda Item: Item Description or Item No. REQUEST TO SPEAK CITY OF TEMECULA Agenda Item: ❑ Date: Request to Speak forms for Public Comments or items listed on the Consent Calendar may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council commencing the Public Comment period. For all Public Hearing or Council Business items on the Agenda, a Request to Speak form may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council addressing that item. Once the speaker is called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name for the r cord. / Name: Phone Number: few CC4'1J.cA C1_� 1 t z5li L Email address: If you @re repripsentigg an n or group, please give the name: Please note that all information presented at a City Council meeting becomes public record. All information provided is optional. Public Comment: Non -Agenda Item: 9 Item Description or Item No. REQUEST TO SPEAK CITY OF TEMECULA Agenda Item: Request to Speak forms for Public Comments or items listed on the Consent Calendar may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council commencing the Public Comment period. For all Public Hearing or Council Business items on the Agenda, a Request to Speak form may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council addressing that item. Once the speaker is called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name for the record. Name Addres Email address: If you are representing an organization o roup, please give the name: h)C► (11 h �n d uruA 7_�,' Please note that all information presented at a City Council meeting becomes public record. All information provided is optional. REQUEST TO SPEAK r' CITY OF TEMECULA 1989 Public Comment: Non -Agenda Item: IV] Agenda Item: ❑ Item Description or Item No. Date: E 1//— 2 G a 1) Request to Speak forms for Public Comments or items listed on the Consent Calendar may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council commencing the Public Comment period. For all Public Hearing or Council Business items on the Agenda, a Request to Speak form may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council addressing that item. Once the speaker is called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name for the record. �% / `/ Address: Email address: If you are representing an organization or group, please give the name: Please note that all information presented at a City Council meeting becomes public record. All information provided is optional. Subject: FW: Skate Parks From: Kelly Kollar<kellylkollar@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, May 14, 2024 2:52 PM To:Council Comments<CouncilComments@TemeculaCA.gov> Subject:Skate Parks CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. I'd like to express my enthusiasm with the Council's continued commitment to Temecula Valley's action sports community. I have three young boys who have learned so much from being able to go to the skatepark. From knowing it's okay to fail to the confidence boost they get after trying a trick a thousand times and finally getting it. I'd love for the action sports community to continue to be one that is looked at when considering expansions locally and commend the Council on their current skatepark path. 1 Subject: FW: New Pickleball Facility - Consent Agenda -----Original Message ----- From: Tiffany < Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2024 2:55 PM To: Randi Johl < Subject: New Pickleball Facility - Consent Agenda CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Hi Randi- I saw on the consent agenda that the City Council will be voting on awarding the contract for the new picklbeball facility tonight. While I am unable to make the meeting tonight, I was hoping you could read my comments during the appropriate portion of the agenda... Dear City Council, I am so excited to see that the contract for the new Pickleball Facility is being awarded tonight. I know that it has been a long process - one that started 6 years ago- and has included many starts and stops along the way but I wanted to THANK everyone who has been involved in this process. As a longtime community member who caught the Pickleball bug over 3 years ago, this new complex will be a great addition to the City. I appreciate all the time spent listening to the community, working on the details, and of course funding the project. I think that I can speak for much of the Temecula Pickleball Community that we are so excited for this facility. Pickleball is truly a sport that welcomes anyone and everyone and will be a great representation of this town. Again please know that we are so very thankful that this project is funded, awarded, and getting ready to be built. Can't wait for the Grand Opening. Sincerely, Tiffany Richter Subject: FW: May 14, 2024 Agenda Packet Ready - City Council From: Lanae Turley-Trejo < Sent: Tuesday, May 14, 2024 4:52 PM To: Randi Johl < Subject: Re: May 14, 2024 Agenda Packet Ready - City Council CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. City council and city staff, My husband, cachi, and I would like to express our appreciation for to you for making the pickle ball complex in Temecula happen. We started having conversations with the executive staff six plus years ago. There was a concern from the city that if money was spent on pickle ball courts, the pb movement might end. After understanding the need , two tennis courts at margarita were converted to 4 pb courts, along with pb lines on the second tennis court. Pb lines were also put on the tennis courts at the friendship park. As a pb community those efforts have been outgrown. On any given morning or evening there are 60-80 pickle batters waiting for a spot to play. The city has listened and is improving on Temecula's healthy, livable community. Pickleball is a sport that is all inclusive; all ages and abilities. Families can play together. As my husband says, "Pickleball is easy to learn, but difficult to master." Hence, the challenge and fun for everyone who wants to be active, social, and competitive. Thank you to the city of Temecula for making this pickteball complex happen. This will be the best complex in the region. The "Temecula way". See you at the courts. Cachi and Lanae Trejo Sent from my Phone Subject: FW: Feedback regarding Jedediah Smith round-about(05/14/24 Council Meeting) From: Lee R<leerosu@gmail.com> Sent:Tuesday, May 14, 2024 5:47 PM To:Council Comments<CouncilComments@TemeculaCA.gov> Subject: Feedback regarding Jedediah Smith round-about (05/14/24 Council Meeting) CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. To City of Temecula Council Members, I am unable to attend tonight's meeting and wanted to express my concerns with the construction of another round-about at Jedediah Smiths&Ynez Rd. I believe it would make more sense to "repair"the existing round-about, at La Paz&Ynez Rd , before constructing another round-about and potentially, having 2 round-abouts in our community, looking like a war zone. Again, please "fix" the La Paz round-about before constructing another one, in our community! Thank you! Respectfully, Lee Rosu 30451 De Portola Rd, Temecula, CA 92592 O Virus-free.www.avast.com 1 4tr I jr BECOME A HOMESTAY HOST FAMILY! The Temecula Sister City Association (TSCA) is seeking host families for 6 students and 3 teachers from our Sister City Daisen, Japan. These students travel to Temecula to learn about our history, culture, and traditions as swell as sharing theirs with your family. TSCA welcomes families with middle/high school students that would like to host one of our visiting students from JUL 24 through AUG 1, 2024. Activities are planned for most days. The Temecula Sister City Association is a non-profit organization. ram~ - xA . If PREPARATION MEETING. WHEN: TUE, JUN 11, 2024 at 6 PM WHERE: Temecula Valley Museum (28314 Mercedes Street) PEACE THROUGH PEOPLE TEMECULA SISTER CITY ASSOCIATION ® (760)815-6011 1 (:) rdscottfamily@yahoo.com