HomeMy WebLinkAbout05282024 CC AgendaIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the office of the City Clerk (951) 694-6444. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to that meeting [28 CFR ADA Title 11]. AGENDA TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 41000 MAIN STREET TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA MAY 28, 2024 - 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER: Mayor James Stewart INVOCATION: Pastor Zachary Elliot of Fusion Christian Church FLAG SALUTE: Mayor James Stewart ROLL CALL: Alexander, Kalfus, Schwank, Stewart PRESENTATIONS Presentation of Proclamation for Mental Health Awareness Month Presentation of Hero's Medal and Pin to Deputy Richard Schweitzer BOARD / COMMISSION REPORTS Planning Commission and Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Commission PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT County of Riverside, Fire Department (CAL FIRE) PUBLIC COMMENTS - NON -AGENDA ITEMS A total of 30 minutes is provided for members of the public to address the City Council on matters not listed on the agenda. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the City Clerk. Speaker cards will be called in the order received. Still images may be displayed on the projector. All other audio and visual use is prohibited. Public comments may also be submitted by email for inclusion into the record. Email comments must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments and submitted to CouncilComments@temeculaca.gov. All public participation is governed by Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Reports by the members of the City Council on matters not on the agenda will be made at this time. A total, not to exceed, ten minutes will be devoted to these reports. Page 1 City Council Agenda May 28, 2024 CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the City Council request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. A total of 30 minutes is provided for members of the public to address the City Council on matters on the Consent Calendar. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the City Clerk. Speaker cards will be called in the order received. Still images maybe displayed on the projector. All other audio and visual use is prohibited. Public comments may also be submitted by email for inclusion into the record. Email comments must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments and submitted to CouncilComments@temeculaca.gov. All public participation is governed by Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. 1. Waive Reading of Title and Text of All Ordinances and Resolutions Included in the Agenda 2. 3. Recommendation: That the City Council waive the reading of the title and text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. Attachments: Agenda Report Approve Action Minutes of May 9 and May 14, 2024 Recommendation: Attachments That the City Council approve the action minutes of May 9 and May 14, 2024. 05/09/2024 Action Minutes 05/14/2024 Action Minutes Approve List of Demands Recommendation: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A Attachments: Agenda Report Resolution List of Demands 4. Approve City Treasurer's Report for the Period of July 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024 Recommendation: That the City Council approve and file the City Treasurer's Report for the period of July 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024. Attachments: Agenda Report Treasurer's Report Page 2 City Council Agenda May 28, 2024 5. Adopt Resolution Approving the Statement of Investment Policy and Delegating Investment Authority to the City Treasurer 6. 7. 8. Recommendation Attachments That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY AND DELEGATING INVESTMENT AUTHORITY TO THE CITY TREASURER Agenda Report Resolution Exhibit A - Policy Approve Agreement with Chaffin and Reeves, Inc. dba Pedal Port for Boat Rental Services at Harveston Lake Park Recommendation: That the City Council approve the agreement with Chaffin and Reeves, Inc. dba Pedal Port for boat rental services at Harveston Lake Park. Attachments: Agenda Report Agreement Approve Fourth Amendment to the Minor Maintenance Aereement with Nieves Landscape. Inc. for Landscape Maintenance Services for Fiscal Year 2024-25 Recommendation: That the City Council approve the fourth amendment to the minor maintenance agreement with Nieves Landscape, Inc., for landscape maintenance services for Fiscal Year 2024-25, in the amount of $2,918,844.96, and approve contingency for extra work in the amount of $583,768.99, which is 20% of the Fiscal Year 2024-25 agreement amount. Attachments: Agenda Report Amendment Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Solicitation of Construction Bids for the Pedestrian Ramp Upgrades - Citywide Project, PW23-11 Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Approve the plans and specifications and authorize the Department of Public Works to solicit construction bids for the Pedestrian Ramp Upgrades - Citywide Project, PW23-11; and 2. Make a finding that this project is exempt from California Page 3 City Council Agenda May 28, 2024 9. Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Article 19, Categorical Exemption, Section 15301, Existing Facilities, of the CEQA Guidelines. Attachments: Agenda Report Project Description Project Location Map Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Solicitation of Construction Bids for the Traffic Signal - Pedestrian Signal Equipment Upgrade Phase 2 - Citywide Project, PW23-12 Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Approve the plans and specifications and authorize the Department of Public Works to solicit construction bids for the Traffic Signal - Pedestrian Signal Equipment Upgrade Phase 2 - Citywide Project, PW23-12; and 2. Make a finding that this project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Article 19, Categorical Exemption, Section 15301, Existing Facilities, of the CEQA Guidelines. Attachments: Agenda Report Project Description Project Location Map RECESS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TO SCHEDULED MEETINGS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT, THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, THE TEMECULA HOUSING AUTHORITY, AND/OR THE TEMECULA PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY Page 4 City Council Agenda May 28, 2024 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MEETING CALL TO ORDER: President Zak Schwank ROLL CALL: Alexander, Kalfus, Schwank, Stewart CSD PUBLIC COMMENTS - NON -AGENDA ITEMS A total of 30 minutes is provided for members of the public to address the Board of Directors on matters not listed on the agenda. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the City Clerk. Speaker cards will be called in the order received. Still images may be displayed on the projector. All other audio and visual use is prohibited. Public comments may also be submitted by email for inclusion into the record. Email comments must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments and submitted to CouncilComments@temeculaca.gov. All public participation is governed by Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. CSD CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the Community Services District request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. A total of 30 minutes is provided for members of the public to address the Board of Directors on items that appear on the Consent Calendar. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the City Clerk. Speaker cards will be called in the order received. Still images may be displayed on the projector. All other audio and visual use is prohibited. Public comments may also be submitted by email for inclusion into the record. Email comments must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments and submitted to CouncilComments@temeculaca.gov. All public participation is governed by Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. 10. Approve Action Minutes of May 14, 2024 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the action minutes of May 14, 2024. Attachments: Action Minutes 11. Set Public Hearing to Approve TCSD Proposed Rates and Charges for Fiscal Year 2024-25 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. CSD A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ACKNOWLEDGING THE FILING OF A REPORT WITH RESPECT TO THE PROPOSED RATES AND CHARGES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 AND SETTING A TIME AND PLACE FOR A Page 5 City Council Agenda May 28, 2024 PUBLIC HEARING IN CONNECTION THEREWITH Attachments: Agenda Report Resolution Preliminary Engineer's Report CSD DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT CSD GENERAL MANAGER REPORT CSD BOARD OF DIRECTOR REPORTS CSD ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Temecula Community Services District will be held on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., for a Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 6:00 p.m., at the Council Chambers located at 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. Page 6 City Council Agenda May 28, 2024 SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY CALL TO ORDER: Chair James Stewart ROLL CALL: Alexander, Kalfus, Schwank, Stewart SARDA PUBLIC COMMENTS - NON -AGENDA ITEMS A total of 30 minutes is provided for members of the public to address the Board of Directors on matters not listed on the agenda. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the City Clerk. Speaker cards will be called in the order received. Still images may be displayed on the projector. All other audio and visual use is prohibited. Public comments may also be submitted by email for inclusion into the record. Email comments must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments and submitted to CouncilComments@temeculaca.gov. All public participation is governed by Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. SARDA CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. A total of 30 minutes is provided for members of the public to address the Board of Directors on items that appear on the Consent Calendar. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the City Clerk. Speaker cards will be called in the order received. Still images may be displayed on the projector. All other audio and visual use is prohibited. Public comments may also be submitted by email for inclusion into the record. Email comments must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments and submitted to CouncilComments@temeculaca.gov. All public participation is governed by Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. 12. Approve Action Minutes of May 14, 2024 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the action minutes of May 14, 2024. Attachments: Action Minutes SARDA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT SARDA BOARD OF DIRECTOR REPORTS SARDA ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency will be held on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., for a Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 6:00 p.m., at the Council Chambers located at 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. Page 7 City Council Agenda May 28, 2024 TEMECULA HOUSING AUTHORITY - NO MEETING TEMECULA PUBLIC FINANCING AUTHORITY - NO MEETING RECONVENE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL JOINT MEETING - CITY COUNCIL, COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT, SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY JOINT PUBLIC HEARING Any person may submit written comments to the City Council before a public hearing or may appear and be heard in support of or in opposition to the approval of a project at the time of the hearing. If you challenge a project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at or prior to the public hearing. For public hearings each speaker is limited to 5 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the City Clerk or by submitting an email to be included into the record. Email comments must be submitted to CouncilComments@temeculaca.gov. Email comments on all matters, including those not on the agenda, must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments. At public hearings involving land use matters, the property owner and/or applicant has the burden of proof and, therefore, shall be allowed 15 minutes for an initial presentation, and an additional 10 minutes for rebuttal by its development team following other comments on the matter. An appellant, other than the property owner and/or applicant, and the spokesperson for an organized group of residents residing within the noticed area of the property, which is the subject of the public hearing, shall be allowed 15 minutes to present the appellant's position to the Council. The Mayor may allow more time if required to provide due process for the property owner, applicant or appellant. All other members of the public may speak during the public hearing for a maximum period of 5 minutes each. Deferral of one speaker's time to another is not permitted. In the event of a large number of speakers, the Mayor may reduce the maximum time limit for members of the public to speak. All public participation is governed by the Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. 13. Approve Fiscal Years 2025-29 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Adopt Fiscal Year 2024-25 CIP and Annual Operating Budgets for the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District and the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency Recommendation: That the City Council/Board of Directors adopt the following resolutions entitled: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEARS 2025-29 AND ADOPTING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 Page 8 City Council Agenda May 28, 2024 RESOLUTION NO. CSD A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 PRELIMINARY ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET AND ESTABLISHING CONTROLS ON CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS RESOLUTION NO. SARDA A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEARS 2025-29, ADOPTING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25, ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET AND ESTABLISHING CONTROLS ON CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET, ESTABLISHING CONTROLS ON CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS, ESTABLISHING CONTRACT AUTHORITY OF CITY MANAGER, ESTABLISHING AUTHORITY OF CITY MANAGER TO WAIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENTS IN EMERGENCY AND AUTHORIZE EMERGENCY WORK PURSUANT TO PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECTION 22050, ESTABLISHING LAWSUIT SETTLEMENT AUTHORITY OF CITY MANAGER RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA REVISING THE SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ESTABLISHING THE APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 Page 9 City Council Agenda May 28, 2024 Attachments: Agenda Report Transmittal Message Resolution - City CIP & AOB Resolution - TCSD AOB Resolution - SARDA CIP & AOB Resolution - Cites Resolution - Schedule of Authorized Positions Schedule of Authorized Positions Resolution - Appropriations Limit GANN Appropriations Limit BUSINESS Any member of the public may address the City Council on items that appear on the Business portion of the agenda. Each speaker is limited to 5 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the City Clerk. Speaker cards will be called in the order received. Still images may be displayed on the projector. All other audio and visual use is prohibited. Public comments may also be submitted by email for inclusion into the record. Email comments must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments and submitted to CouncilComments@temeculaca.gov. All public participation is governed by Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. 14. Approve Employment Agreement with Ronnie Moreno for the Position of Public Works Director/City Engineer Recommendation: That the City Council approve the employment agreement with Ronnie Moreno for the position of Public Works Director/City Engineer. Attachments: Agenda Report Employment Agreement 15. Receive and File Presentation Regarding Supportive Housiniz (At the Reauest of Council Member Schwank) Recommendation: That the City Council receive and file a presentation regarding housing as previously provided to the Supportive Housing Ad Hoc Subcommittee. Attachments: Agenda Report DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS (RECEIVE AND FILE) 16. Community Development Department Monthly Report Attachments: Agenda Report Planning Activity Report 17. Fire Department Monthly Report Page 10 City Council Agenda May 28, 2024 Attachments: Agenda Report Monthly Report 18. Police Department Monthly Report Attachments: Agenda Report 19. Public Works Department Monthly Report Attachments: Agenda Report Project Status Report ITEMS FOR FUTURE CITY COUNCIL AGENDAS Any Council Member, including the Mayor, may request an item be placed on a future agenda. Any such request will be discussed under this section. In making the request, a Council Member may briefly describe the topic of the proposed agenda item and any timing associated with the placement of the item on the agenda. This description shall not exceed 3 minutes. No substantive discussion on the subject of the motion may occur. Items may only be placed on the agenda by Council Members pursuant to policy or by the City Manager based on administrative or operational needs of the City. Public comments on the placement of these agenda items shall be limited to a maximum of 30 minutes. Individual comments shall not exceed 3 minutes. All public participation is governed by the Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings and Agenda Placements by Council Members adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. CITY MANAGER REPORT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on Tuesday, June 11, 2024, at 5:00 p.m., for a Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 6:00 p.m., at the Council Chambers located at 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The full agenda packet (including staff reports, public closed session information, and any supplemental material available after the original posting of the agenda), distributed to a majority of the City Council regarding any item on the agenda, will be available for public viewing in the main reception area of the Temecula Civic Center during normal business hours at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. The material will also be available on the City's website at TemeculaCa.gov. and available for review at the respective meeting. If you have questions regarding any item on the agenda, please contact the City Clerk's Department at (951) 694-6444. Page 11 Item No. 1 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Randi Johl, Director of Legislative Affairs/City Clerk DATE: May 28, 2024 SUBJECT: Waive Reading of Title and Text of All Ordinances and Resolutions Included in the Agenda PREPARED BY: Randi Johl, Director of Legislative Affairs/City Clerk RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council waive the reading of the title and text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. BACKGROUND: The City of Temecula is a general law city formed under the laws of the State of California. With respect to adoption of ordinances and resolutions, the City adheres to the requirements set forth in the Government Code. In accordance with Government Code Section 34934, the title of each ordinance is included on the published agenda and a copy of the full ordinance has been available to the public online on the City's website and will be available in print at the meeting prior to the introduction or passage of the ordinance. Unless otherwise required, the full reading of the title and text of all ordinances and resolutions is waived. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: None Item No. 2 ACTION MINUTES TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL BUDGET WORKSHOP CONFERENCE CENTER 41000 MAIN STREET TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA MAY 9, 2024 - 9:00 AM CALL TO ORDER at 9:00 AM: Mayor James Stewart FLAG SALUTE: Mayor James Stewart ROLL CALL: Alexander, Kalfus, Schwank, Stewart PUBLIC COMMENTS - None JOINT MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL, TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AND SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BUSINESS Review and Discuss Proposed Fiscal Years 2025-29 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Fiscal Year 2024-25 CIP Budget and Annual Operating Budgets for the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District and the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency Recommendation: That the City Council/Board of Directors review and discuss the Proposed Fiscal Years 2025-29 Capital Improvement Program and Fiscal Year 2024-25 CIP Budget and Annual Operating Budgets for the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District and the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency. Workshop with discussion and general direction only; no action taken. ADJOURNMENT At 10:35 AM, the City Council meeting was formally adjourned to Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at 5:00 PM for Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 6:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. James Stewart, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 41000 MAIN STREET TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA MAY 14, 2024 - 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER at 6:00 PM: Mayor James Stewart INVOCATION: Aaron Adams, City Manager FLAG SALUTE: Mayor James Stewart ROLL CALL: Alexander, Kalfus, Schwank, Stewart PRESENTATIONS Presentation of Certificate of Recognition to Angelyn Miracle -Fowler for "Caught With Your Helmet On Program" Presentation of Proclamation for National Bike Month Presentation Regarding Fiber Optic Communications/Coordinated Traffic Signal Timing Results BOARD / COMMISSION REPORTS Community Services Commission and Traffic Safety Commission PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT County of Riverside, Riverside County Sheriffs Department PUBLIC COMMENTS - NON -AGENDA ITEMS The following individual(s) addressed the City Council: • Mark Swearngin • Melissa Bourbonnais • Rio Robles -Richmond • Rachele Dennis • Ashley Melvin • Cory M. Robinson • Richard Scott • Hanon Rickard • Laurel LaMont • Alisha Gregory PUBLIC COMMENTS - AGENDA ITEMS The following individual(s) addressed the City Council: • Mark LeTourneau (Item #6) • Joe Wilson (Item #11) • Louis Todd (Item #6) All electronic comments received were made a part of the record of the meeting. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS CONSENT CALENDAR Unless otherwise indicated below, the following pertains to all items on the Consent Calendar. Approved the Staff Recommendation (4-0): Motion by Schwank, Second by Alexander. The vote reflected unanimous approval. 1. Waive Reading of Title and Text of All Ordinances and Resolutions Included in the Agenda Recommendation: That the City Council waive the reading of the title and text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. 2. Approve Action Minutes of April 23, 2024 Recommendation: That the City Council approve the action minutes of April 23, 2024. 3. Approve List of Demands Recommendation: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 2024-28 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A 4. Approve Financial Statements for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2024 Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Receive and file the financial statements for the 3rd quarter ended March 31, 2024; and 2. Approve Fiscal Year 2023-24 budget adjustments identified during the preparation of the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Proposed Annual Operating Budget. 5. Approve Agreement for Consultant Services with MDG Associates, Inc. to Provide Community Development Block Grant Administration Services for Fiscal Years 2024-2027 Recommendation: That the City Council approve an agreement for consultant services with MDG Associates, Inc. for a total agreement of $82,000 annually, to provide Community Development Block Grant Administration Services for Fiscal Years 2024-2027, not to exceed $410,000 over the term of the agreement. 2 6. Approve Consultant Agreement with GHD, Inc. for the De Portola Road/Jedediah Smith Road Roundabout Project, PW23-01 7. Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Approve a consultant agreement with GHD, Inc., in the amount of $600,020, for the De Portola Road/Jedediah Smith Road Roundabout Project, PW23-01; and 2. Authorize the City Manager to approve extra work authorizations not to exceed the contingency amount of $60,002, which is equal to 10% of the agreement amount. Approved the Staff Recommendation (4-0): Motion by Schwank, Second by Kalfus. The vote reflected unanimous approval. Approve Minor Maintenance Agreement with Trueline Construction & Surfacing, Inc., for Sport Court Maintenance, Crack -Fill, Resurfacing and Striping Services Recommendation: That the City Council approve a minor maintenance agreement with Trueline Construction & Surfacing, Inc., for sport court maintenance, crack -fill, resurfacing and striping services for Fiscal Years 2025-2029, in the amount of $500,000. 8. Approve First Amendment to the Professional Services Agreement with CNS Engineers, Inc., for the Murrieta Creek Bridge at Overland Drive Project, PW16-05 9. 10. Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Approve the first amendment to the professional services agreement with CNS Engineers, Inc; and 2. Increase the City Manager's Authority to approve extra work by $300,000. Approve Second Amendment to Consultant Agreement with T.Y. Lin International for the I-I5/French Valley Parkway Improvements - Phase II, PW16-01 Recommendation: That the City Council approve the second amendment to the agreement for consultant services with T.Y. Lin International in an amount not to exceed $200,000, to provide continued construction support during construction and prepare the Financial Plan Update for the I-15/French Valley Parkway Improvements - Phase II, PW 16-01. Award Construction Contract to Beador Construction Company, Inc., for the Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase II - Margarita Road Under -Crossing Project, PW19-04 Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Approve the appropriation of $1,562,908 from DIF - Open Space & Trails to the Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase II - Margarita Road Under -Crossing Project, PW19-04; and 2. Reject the bid received from Leonida Builders, Inc. for the Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase II - Margarita Road Under -Crossing Project, PW 19-04; and 3. Award a construction contract to Beador Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $3,565,700 for the Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase II - Margarita Road Under -Crossing Project, PW19-04; and 4. Authorize the City Manager to approve construction contract change orders up to 10% of the contract amount, $356,570; and 5. Authorize payment of $9,831.95 to the Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority for the Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan fee required for construction of the Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail Phase II - Margarita Road Under -Crossing Project, PW 19-04. 11. Award Construction Contract to Act 1 Construction, Inc., for the Pickleball Court Project, PW21-03 Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Approve the appropriation of $261,000 of DIF - Quimby funds to the Pickleball Court Project, PW21-03; and 2. Award a construction contract to Act 1 Construction, Inc., in the amount of $2,408,434.95 for the Pickleball Court Project, PW21-03; and 3. Authorize the City Manager to approve construction contract change orders up to 10% of the contract amount, $240,843.50; and 4. Make a finding that the Pickleball Courts Project, PW21-03 is exempt from Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan fees. 12. Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Solicitation of Construction Bids for the Sidewalks - Pauba Road Project, PW19-20 Recommendation: That the City Council: 1. Approve the plans and specifications and authorize the Department of Public Works to solicit construction bids for the Sidewalks - Pauba Road Project, PW19-20; and 2. Make a finding that this project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Article 19, Categorical Exemption, Section 15301, Existing Facilities, of the CEQA Guidelines. 13. Adopt List of Projects to be Funded by Senate Bill One (SB1) for Fiscal Year 2024-25 Recommendation: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 2024-29 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADOPTING A LIST OF PROJECTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 FUNDED BY SB 1: THE ROAD REPAIR AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT OF 2017 RECESS: At 7:30 PM, the City Council recessed and convened as the Temecula Community Services District Meeting and Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency. At 7:43 PM the City Council resumed with the remainder of the City Council Agenda. RECONVENE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL BUSINESS 18. Receive Presentation Regarding the Annual Report for Calendar Year 2023 for Solid Waste and Recycling Services Recommendation: That the City Council receive a presentation regarding the annual report for calendar year 2023 for solid waste and recycling services provided by CR&R, Inc. Receive and file only, no action. 19. Approve Recommendations Related to the Acceptance of Certain Streets Into the City -Maintained Street System for Street Maintenance (At the Request of Subcommittee Members Mayor Stewart and Mayor Pro Tern Kalfus) Recommendation: That the City Council approve recommendations by the private -public street maintenance ad hoc subcommittee related to the acceptance of certain streets into the city -maintained street system for street maintenance. Motion to approve the Staff Recommendation and to bring back to the Subcommittee to look into additional streets for review (3-1): Motion by Kalf is, Second by Alexander. The vote reflected unanimous approval with Schwank opposing. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS (RECEIVE AND FILE) 20. City Council Travel/Conference Report ITEMS FOR FUTURE CITY COUNCIL AGENDAS The City Council approved the placement of the following item on a future agenda: 1. Presentation Regarding Supportive Housing (4-0): Motion by Schwank, Second by Alexander. The vote reflected unanimous approval. CITY MANAGER REPORT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT ADJOURNMENT At 9:18 PM, the City Council meeting was formally adjourned to Tuesday, May 28, 2024, at 5:00 PM for Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 6:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. James Stewart, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] Item No. 3 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Jennifer Hennessy, Director of Finance DATE: May 28, 2024 SUBJECT: Approve List of Demands PREPARED BY: Tricia Hawk, Finance Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A BACKGROUND: All claims and demands are reported and summarized for review and approval by the City Council on a routine basis at each City Council meeting. The attached claims represent the paid claims and demands since the last City Council meeting. FISCAL IMPACT: All claims and demands were paid from appropriated funds or authorized resources of the City and have been recorded in accordance with the City's policies and procedures. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 2. List of Demands RESOLUTION NO.2024- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following claims and demands as set forth in Exhibit A, on file in the office of the City Clerk, has been reviewed by the City Manager's Office and that the same are hereby allowed in the amount of $6,998,611.05. Section 2. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 28th day of May, 2024. James Stewart, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2024- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 28th day of May, 2024, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Randi Johl, City Clerk CITY OF TEMECULA LIST OF DEMANDS 5/1/2024 - 5/11/2024 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 4/11/2024 TOTAL PAYROLL RUN: 4/25/2024 TOTAL PAYROLL RUN: 5/9/2024 TOTAL PAYROLL RUN: 4,595,495.85 816,418.18 754,152.42 832,544.60 TOTAL LIST OF DEMANDS FOR 5/28/2024 COUNCIL MEETING: $ 6,998,611.05 Check # Check Date Vendor # Vendor Name Invoice Description Payment Type Invoice Net 602413 5/9/2024 3753 100 CHIROPRACTIC PUNGHORST INC Comm Reinv Prg 04118 COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT-TEMECULA GRANT PROGRAM EFT Posted 20,000.00 302067 5/2/2024 1288 2 HOT UNIFORMS INC 7764 UINFORMS: TEM SHERIFF Printed Check 86.95 302067 5/2/2024 1288 2 HOT UNIFORMS INC 7760 UINFORMS: TEM SHERIFF Printed Check 86.96 302067 5/2/2024 1288 2 HOT UNIFORMS INC 7755 UNIFORMS: TCC: FIRE Printed Check 345.27 302067 5/2/2024 1288 2 HOT UNIFORMS INC 7778 UNIFORMS: TCC: FIRE Printed Check 306.13 602414 5/9/2024 3624 ACE CAPITAL ENGINEERING 1 PW18-16 AMERICAN WITH DISABILITIES ACT EFT Posted 129,708.36 302068 5/2/2024 2444 ALIVE SOLUTIONS INC 1144 INSERVICE LEADER ONLINE TRAINING COURSES: TCSD Printed Check 605.60 302069 5/2/2024 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1179680 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed Check 415.79 302069 5/2/2024 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1178696 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed Check 719.79 302069 5/2/2024 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1179085 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed Check 99.00 302069 5/2/2024 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1179243 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed Check 269.78 302069 5/2/2024 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1179086 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed Check 429.78 302069 5/2/2024 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1178967 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed Check 323.79 302114 5/9/2024 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1180926 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW Printed Check 418.80 302114 5/9/2024 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1180518 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW Printed Check 523.79 302114 5/9/2024 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1180101 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW Printed Check 49.50 302114 5/9/2024 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1180102 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW Printed Check 279.78 302114 5/9/2024 1236 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT 1180100 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW Printed Check 462.79 16428 3/29/2024 3719 ALL NIPPON AIRWAYS 8331 AIRFARE: DIGNITARY & STAFF: SISTER CITY Wire 13,832.70 602332 5/2/2024 1154 ALL PRO BROADCASTING INC 2390-00108 RADIO PROMOS AND SIMULCAST: JULY 4TH: TCSD EFT 3,500.00 602415 5/9/2024 3738 ALLTRACK PERFORMING RIGHTS LLC 07F9E898-0003 MUSIC LICENSE ANNUAL RENEWAL: TCSD EFT Posted 1,143.00 602416 5/9/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1RJY-QNQW-F139 MISC SUPPLIES/EQUIP: PW EFT Posted 89.56 602416 5/9/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1V1C-P7GV-QGY1 OFFICE SUPPLIES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT Posted 13.04 602416 5/9/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 13VD-9LHW-43TJ MISC SUPPLIES: COMM DEV EFT Posted 38.83 602416 5/9/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1N4J-YQ70-4JKG SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT: LAND DEV: PW EFT Posted 152.22 602416 5/9/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1KWW-VH7M-L3PC SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT: FACILITIES: PW EFT Posted 22.39 602416 5/9/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1HHR-QMMH-CT6T MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: NPDES: PW EFT Posted 130.60 602416 5/9/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1196-WW63-GKL6 MISC BOOKS: RHRTPL: TCSD EFT Posted 352.21 602416 5/9/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 19H9-W1WX-XQT3 MISC SUPPLIES: WORKFORCE DEV EFT Posted 2.16 602333 5/2/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1G3H-XKN3-QDD4 ENGINE WASHING & DETAIL SUPPLIES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 554.23 602333 5/2/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1MTJ-RV6V-P4M9 MISC SUPPLIES: TVM: TCSD EFT 508.87 602333 5/2/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1R3R-NTYL-1V7P MISC SUPPLIES: FINANCE EFT 409.39 602333 5/2/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1DKR-G7JG-HK9Y OFFICE SUPPLIES: EM EFT 284.66 602333 5/2/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1NTD-RNTJ-J6JC SMALL TOOLS/EQUIPMENT: CIP: PW EFT 274.02 602333 5/2/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1G3F-V4R3-FWRR MISC SUPPLIES: WORKFORCE DEV EFT 192.40 602333 5/2/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1PNQ-3CN9-KYKJ SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: FIRE EFT 173.22 602333 5/2/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 19H6-FFQL-FFT9 SMALL TOOLS & EQUIPMENT: FIRE EFT 143.67 602333 5/2/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 19D9-X7KT-PQX7 MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE EFT 84.81 602333 5/2/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1MXP-1M9V-PWMM MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE EFT 55.36 602334 5/2/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1NPV-N9XK-11QV MISC SUPPLIES: ITSS EFT 48.90 602334 5/2/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1PQ3-WYP9-D3NM MISC SUPPLIES: SPORTS: TCSD EFT 40.87 602334 5/2/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1MXW-QKRK-DKYN MISC OFC SUPPLIES: CITY MANAGER EFT 38.05 602334 5/2/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1LGR-YYJL-LR9D MISC SUPPLIES: ITSS EFT 33.29 602334 5/2/2024 1418 AMAZON CAPITAL SERVICES INC 1JDR-NJCX-9HCQ MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES: FIRE EFT (11.61) 602417 5/9/2024 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 78692 STAND BY FEE: JUNE EFT Posted 1,485.90 602335 5/2/2024 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 78635 DRUG ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: PD EFT 1,951.84 602335 5/2/2024 1261 AMERICAN FORENSIC NURSES INC 78641 DRUG ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: PD EFT 778.32 602336 5/2/2024 1080 AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS AND ITS CONSTITL 22679069 STAFF CERTIFICATIONS: AQUATICS: TCSD EFT 920.00 602336 5/2/2024 1080 AMERICAN NATIONAL RED CROSS AND ITS CONSTITL 22681118 STAFF CERTIFICATIONS: AQUATICS: TCSD EFT 75.00 16424 4/8/2024 1766 APPLE.COM 8619 ADD'L PHONE STORAGE: FIRE DEPT Wire 0.99 602418 5/9/2024 1000 APPLEONE INC S9798358 TEMPORARY STAFFING: COMM DEV EFT Posted 3,931.20 602418 5/9/2024 1000 APPLEONE INC S9745032 TEMPORARY STAFFING: COMM DEV EFT Posted 3,177.72 602418 5/9/2024 1000 APPLEONE INC S9798367 TEMPORARY STAFFING: COMM DEV EFT Posted 2,948.40 602337 5/2/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076981 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: CIVIC CTR EFT 213.97 602337 5/2/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076982 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: MRC EFT 69.60 602337 5/2/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076978 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: MPSC EFT 35.89 602337 5/2/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076972 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: PW EFT 29.36 602337 5/2/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076977 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: TVM EFT 28.55 602337 5/2/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076980 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: FOC EFT 28.55 602337 5/2/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076983 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: JRC EFT 28.55 602337 5/2/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076975 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINT: THEATER EFT 28.55 602337 5/2/2024 1805 AQUA CHILL OF SAN DIEGO 20076973 DRINKING WATER SYSTEM MAINTENANCE: HARVESTON EFT 28.28 302070 5/2/2024 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 9050587 BEVERAGE SERVICES: FACILITIES: PW Printed Check 116.56 302070 5/2/2024 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 106032237 BEVERAGE SERVICES: FACILITIES: PW Printed Check 152.77 302070 5/2/2024 2777 ARAMARK SERVICES INC 106032136 BEVERAGE SERVICES: FACILITIES: PW Printed Check 698.42 602338 5/2/2024 2318 ARCADIA PUBLISHING INC 24834927 GIFT SHOP BOOKS: TCSD EFT 705.30 602419 5/9/2024 2917 ARJONA GLORIA Per: 04/19/24 STTLMNT: BRAZILIAN & LATIN JAZZ 04/19 EFT Posted 611.75 16445 4/8/2024 2386 ARLO TECHNOLOGIES 2630 SUBSCRIPTION: VIDEO APPLICATION: THEATER: TCSD Wire 12.99 16446 4/8/2024 2386 ARLO TECHNOLOGIES 3512 SUBSCRIPTION: VIDEO APPLICATION: THEATER: TCSD Wire 137.00 16438 4/8/2024 3706 ASCAP 9397 LICENSING: TCSD Wire 1,389.00 602420 5/9/2024 1170 AUTOPARTSPROS LLC 112752 AUTO PARTS: STREET MAINT: PW EFT Posted (11.38) 602420 5/9/2024 1170 AUTOPARTSPROS LLC 112664 AUTO PARTS: STREET MAINT: PW EFT Posted 64.08 602421 5/9/2024 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN 2989 ELECTRICAL SVCS: HARVESTON BOAT HOUSE: PW EFT Posted 900.00 602421 5/9/2024 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN 2990 ELECTRICAL SVCS: CIVIC CENTER: PW EFT Posted 1,400.00 602339 5/2/2024 2381 AYERS WILLIAM BRIAN 2992 FIRE ALARM WIRING: CHILDRENS MUSEUM: PW EFT 300.00 302115 5/9/2024 3779 B&D LAW GROUP APLC Sttlmnt of Claim RELEASE & SETTLEMENT OF CLAIM Printed Check 15,000.00 302072 5/2/2024 1909 BAMM PROMOTIONAL PRODUCTS INC 12721 UNIFORMS: ITSS Printed Check 297.93 602340 5/2/2024 1810 BARCODES ACQUISITION INC INV7290812 PROXIMITY CARD SUPPLIES: HELP DESK: INFO TECH EFT 406.12 602340 5/2/2024 1810 BARCODES ACQUISITION INC INV7295167 PROXIMITY CARD SUPPLIES:IT HELP DESK EFT 300.15 602422 5/9/2024 3122 BEARD RYAN 2250.101-2260.101 INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS/SPEC. NEEDS SOCCER: TCSD EFT Posted 2,900.00 302073 5/2/2024 2935 BETTS KENNETH 1900.107-1910.107 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed Check 4,200.00 602341 5/2/2024 1980 BGP RECREATION INC 4075.103 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 655.20 302117 5/9/2024 3772 BILINGUAL DICTIONARIES INC Comm Reinv Prg 5/02 COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT-TEMECULA GRANT PROGRAM Printed Check 20,000.00 302150 5/9/2024 3187 BILLEN PAMELA INV0001 FOOD SERVICES FOR SPECIAL EVENTS Printed Check 1,200.00 302074 5/2/2024 1264 BID TOX LABORATORIES 45837 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed Check 560.00 302074 5/2/2024 1264 BID TOX LABORATORIES 45781 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed Check 1,893.74 302074 5/2/2024 1264 BID TOX LABORATORIES 45782 PHLEBOTOMY SERVICES: PD Printed Check 3,238.45 16432 4/8/2024 1524 BJS RESTAURANTS INC 7819 REFRESHMENTS: CLASSES STAFF MEETING: TCSD Wire 190.00 602423 5/9/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 14D0028662112 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT Posted 34.67 602342 5/2/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 04D0035623057 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT 21.74 602342 5/2/2024 1101 BLUETRITON BRANDS INC 04D6705212167 WATER DELIVERY SVCS: PW EFT 14.02 16410 4/11/2024 3744 BONDAR ORION Refund: 142273 REFUND: DUPLICATE PAYMENT EG INV 142273 Wire 20.00 Check # Check Date Vendor # Vendor Name Invoice Description Payment Type Invoice Net 602424 5/9/2024 1918 BOYER WAYNE 1799 UNIFORMS: POLICE EFT Posted 746.88 602425 5/9/2024 2622 BROWN JAMAL DEON 2300.104-2310.104 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT Posted 2,826.60 602426 5/9/2024 2836 BRYANT ROBERT 1401.105-1405.105 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT Posted 6,514.20 302071 5/2/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038223435 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL: TCSD Printed Check 20.35 302071 5/2/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038223437 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL: TCSD Printed Check 319.88 302071 5/2/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038223436 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL: TCSD Printed Check 43.95 302116 5/9/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038256107 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed Check 15.41 302116 5/9/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038256106 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed Check 33.10 302116 5/9/2024 1669 BTAC UNITED ACQUISITION HOLDING COMPANY 2038256108 BOOK COLLECTIONS: RHRTPL TCSD Printed Check 114.75 602427 5/9/2024 2399 BUCHER BRET PHILLIP 3511.107 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT Posted 1,428.70 302075 5/2/2024 3157 CAHALAN JASON 3956 BAY DOOR MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATIONS Printed Check 1,384.44 302118 5/9/2024 3157 CAHALAN JASON 3965 DOOR MAINTENANCE SVCS: VARIOUS CITY FACILITIES: PW Printed Check 2,482.78 16331 3/28/2024 1573 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT Ben350125 SUPPORT PAYMENT Wire 521.99 16377 4/11/2024 1573 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT Ben350163 SUPPORT PAYMENT Wire 475.84 16456 4/25/2024 1573 CALIF DEPT OF CHILD SUPPORT Ben350187 SUPPORT PAYMENT Wire 475.84 302119 5/9/2024 1062 CALIF DEPT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS Lic Renewal 75551 LICENSE RENEWAL: CIP: PW Printed Check 180.00 302119 5/9/2024 1062 CALIF DEPT OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS Lic Renewal 54853 LICENSE RENEWAL: CIP: PW Printed Check 180.00 302076 5/2/2024 1612 CALIF DEPT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS E 2050592 SB 157049 ELEVATOR INSP: PARKING GARAGE Printed Check 225.00 302076 5/2/2024 1612 CALIF DEPT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS E 2050601 SB 157047 ELEVATOR INSP:28690 MERCEDES Printed Check 225.00 302076 5/2/2024 1612 CALIF DEPT OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS E 2050600 SB 157048 ELEVATOR INSP:28690 MERCEDES Printed Check 225.00 16431 4/8/2024 1001 CALIF PARKS AND RECREATION SOC C P R S 9915 REGISTRATION: CONFERENCE: TCSD Wire 590.00 302077 5/2/2024 3239 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS COMMISSION CALIF SB1473 2023 SB 1473 01-Q4 2023 Printed Check 7,861.00 302120 5/9/2024 3239 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS COMMISSION fat Qtr SB1473 2024 1ST QTR PAYMENT OF SB1473 2024 Printed Check 711.00 602343 5/2/2024 3602 CALIFORNIA WATERS DEVELOPMENT INC 1 PW21-07 COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTER SPLASH PAD EFT 427,600.70 302121 5/9/2024 2393 CAMPBELL BRITTANY Perf: Anastasia STUDENT -LED MUSICAL THEATHER INTERNSHIP Printed Check 11,100.00 16426 4/8/2024 1582 CAMPINIS ITALIAN DELI 0138 REFRESHMENTS: PARAMEDIC CAPTAIN RECRUITMENT Wire 60.41 302078 5/2/2024 1332 CANON FINANCIAL SERVICES INC 32426461 CANON COPIERS LEASE:TEM PUB LIBRARY Printed Check 671.56 302079 5/2/2024 2063 CASC ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING INC 0051019 NPDES COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL Printed Check 5,817.50 602344 5/2/2024 1280 CDW LLC QX66005 KEYBOARD & MOUSE REPLACEMENT:IT EFT 252.84 302122 5/9/2024 2153 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST INSTITUTE INV_8805 REGISTRATION: BLDG & SAFETY Printed Check 75.00 302123 5/9/2024 2288 CHARGEPOINT INC IN263502 CHARGING STATION CLOUD ACCESS RENEWAL: PW Printed Check 14,691.30 602345 5/2/2024 3644 CHOMPFF DAVID 04/17/24 PERFORMING ARTS AGREEMENT 4-13 EFT 650.00 302124 5/9/2024 1942 CHRISTIAN STITCHERY INC COT 92 STAFF UNIFORMS: SPORTS: TCSD Printed Check 1,193.29 302124 5/9/2024 1942 CHRISTIAN STITCHERY INC 14884 UNIFORMS: AQUATIC STAFF: TCSD Printed Check 96.00 302125 5/9/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406801161 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed Check 272.11 302125 5/9/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406801163 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed Check 88.02 302125 5/9/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406801166 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed Check 176.86 302125 5/9/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406801167 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed Check 276.93 302125 5/9/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406801165 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed Check 162.41 302125 5/9/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406801168 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed Check 72.09 302125 5/9/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406801164 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed Check 191.43 302125 5/9/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406801160 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed Check 132.87 302125 5/9/2024 1347 CINTAS CORPORATION NO 2 8406801162 FIRST AID SERVICES: RM Printed Check 73.22 16470 4/24/2024 3758 COCK) KEISHA Refund: Dup Pmt REFUND: DUPLICATE PAYMENT INV 142706 Wire 39.00 602428 5/9/2024 3043 COMMERCIAL CLEANING BY ROGERS 11095 JANITORIAL SERVICES: OTSF AND MALL EFT Posted 814.77 602429 5/9/2024 1276 COMMUNITY WORKS DESIGN GROUP LLC 15613 RONALD REAGAN SPORTS PARK SKATE EFT Posted 26,625.30 602430 5/9/2024 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4139969-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES: COMM DEV EFT Posted 36.87 602430 5/9/2024 3060 COMPLETE OFFICE LLC 4143927-0 OFFICE SUPPLIES: COMM DEV EFT Posted 32.35 302080 5/2/2024 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1037895 LIGHTING COMPONENTS: CIVIC CENTER: PW Printed Check 43,228.13 302080 5/2/2024 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1041433 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS Printed Check 761.25 302126 5/9/2024 2338 CONSOLIDATED ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTORS INC 8750-1040454 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR: PW Printed Check 30.43 602431 5/9/2024 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1615.104-1635.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT Posted 564.90 602346 5/2/2024 1771 COSSOU CELINE 1600.105 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 189.00 302081 5/2/2024 1098 COSTCO TEMECULA 491 3584 RECREATION & BUILDING SUPPLIES: CONTRACT CLASSES Printed Check 82.66 602432 5/9/2024 3726 COURTESY CHEVROLET CENTER 171203 VEHICLE PURCHASE: TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE: PW EFT Posted 62,025.99 602433 5/9/2024 2004 COX KRISTI 4100.105-4150.105 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT Posted 1,169.00 602434 5/9/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003899 PLUMBING SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT Posted 288.66 602434 5/9/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC L30673 PLUMBING SVCS: SIXTH STREET RESTROOM: PW EFT Posted 3,227.00 602348 5/2/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003855 CONSTRUCTION SVCS: PW22-18 EFT 1,581.00 602348 5/2/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003861 MAINTENANCE SVCS: OLD CITY HALL: PW EFT 1,460.00 602347 5/2/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003898 PLUMBING MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATIONS EFT 633.51 602348 5/2/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003859 MAINTENANCE SVCS: TPL: PW EFT 493.00 602347 5/2/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003893 PLUMBING MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATIONS EFT 322.50 602347 5/2/2024 1592 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC INC 003864 PLUMBING MAINTENANCE: FIRE STATIONS EFT 140.00 302127 5/9/2024 2002 CRST SPECIALIZED TRANSPORTATION INC DU193300 SHIPPING CHARGES: EXHIBIT: TVM Printed Check 742.42 16435 4/8/2024 3553 DAPHNES 2138 REFRESHMENTS: HOSPITALITY: THEATER Wire 90.20 302082 5/2/2024 3209 DATA PROCESSING DESIGN INC EGOLD-12065380 CLOUD FAXING SERVICE: ITSS Printed Check 75.99 602349 5/2/2024 1105 DATA TICKET INC 164080 CITATION PROCESSING: PD EFT 1,347.85 602349 5/2/2024 1105 DATA TICKET INC 163619 CITATION PROCESSING: TEM SHERIFF EFT 200.00 602435 5/9/2024 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 560076 DIAZ ROAD EXPANSION: CIP: PW EFT Posted 13,631.50 602435 5/9/2024 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 560421 CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SVCS: PW21-03 EFT Posted 593.50 602435 5/9/2024 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 560077 ENGINERING SERVICES: PW08-04: CIP: PW EFT Posted 2,639.00 602435 5/9/2024 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 559293 ENGINEERING SVCS: PICKLEBALL COURTS RRSP: PW21-03 EFT Posted 2,275.00 602350 5/2/2024 1699 DAVID EVANS AND ASSOCIATES INC 559709 CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT SVCS: PW21-04: CIP EFT 3,680.00 302128 5/9/2024 2192 DE NOVO PLANNING GROUP 4115 PA22-1124 PARADISE CHEVROLET CEQA REVIEW Printed Check 6,476.00 302128 5/9/2024 2192 DE NOVO PLANNING GROUP 4242 BEDFORD CT PLANNED DEVELOPMENT Printed Check 10,810.00 302129 5/9/2024 1491 DEPT OF GENERAL SERVICES DGS 0000001565428 OFFICE ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS: CLERK Printed Check 11,779.50 302129 5/9/2024 1491 DEPT OF GENERAL SERVICES DGS 0000001569004 OAH SERVICES: CODE ENFORCEMENT Printed Check 265.25 302129 5/9/2024 1491 DEPT OF GENERAL SERVICES DGS 0000001570861 OAH SERVICES: CODE ENFORCEMENT Printed Check 8,049.50 602436 5/9/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00183646 SECURITY CAMERA PURCHASE & INSTALL: DUCK POND EFT Posted 4,128.58 602351 5/2/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00183679 SECURITY SYSTEM AT OTSF: TEM SHERIFF EFT 10,753.50 602351 5/2/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00169268 SECURITY SYSTEM AT OTSF: TEM SHERIFF EFT 3,584.50 602351 5/2/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00175021 MAINT & REPAIR: SECURITY SYSTEM: IT EFT 3,360.00 602351 5/2/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00175022 MAINT & REPAIR: SECURITY SYSTEM: IT EFT 3,200.00 602351 5/2/2024 2227 DG INVESTMENT INTERMEDIATE HOLDINGS 2 INC IN00174566 MAINT & REPAIR: SECURITY SYSTEM: IT EFT 635.00 602437 5/9/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005354069 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: LA SERENA WAY EFT Posted 110.88 602437 5/9/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005354070 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: RIVERTON LN EFT Posted 110.88 602437 5/9/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005354072 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: HARMONY LN EFT Posted 165.88 602437 5/9/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005344549 PORTABLE RESTROOMS: STEPHEN LINEN PARK EFT Posted 160.88 602437 5/9/2024 1235 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 0005354071 PORTABLE RESTROOM RENTALS: PARKS EFT Posted 110.88 16443 4/8/2024 3075 DOORDASH 8910 REFRESHMENTS: HOSPITALITY: THEATER Wire 23.63 602438 5/9/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL39024 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE EFT Posted 95.60 Check # Check Date Vendor # Vendor Name Invoice Description Payment Type Invoice Net 602438 5/9/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL39027 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CITY MGR EFT Posted 58.53 602438 5/9/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL39025 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT Posted 82.07 602438 5/9/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL39026 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG & SAFETY EFT Posted 291.48 602438 5/9/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL39022 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARK MAINT: PW EFT Posted 2,431.53 602438 5/9/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL39029 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: STREET MAINT: PW EFT Posted 928.15 602438 5/9/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL36096 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG INSPECTORS EFT Posted 245.26 602438 5/9/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL37568 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: BLDG INSPECTORS EFT Posted 420.32 602438 5/9/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL39044 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TRAFFIC: PW EFT Posted 439.09 602352 5/2/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL37564 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: PARK MAINT: PW EFT 2,360.56 602352 5/2/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL36901 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: FIRE DEPT EFT 382.31 602352 5/2/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL37569 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CIP: PW EFT 270.73 602352 5/2/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL37567 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 226.53 602352 5/2/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL37566 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: POLICE DEPT EFT 173.34 602352 5/2/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL37584 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: TCSD EFT 157.75 602352 5/2/2024 1254 DOWNS ENERGY FUEL CL36094 FUEL FOR CITY VEHICLES: LAND DEV EFT 138.27 16472 4/22/2024 1057 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DIST VAR EMWD MAR VAR MAR WATER SVCS Wire 2,622.73 602439 5/9/2024 2258 ECONOMIC ALTERNATIVES INC 107716 BOILER REPAIR PARTS: CIVIC CENTER: PW EFT Posted 419.78 602353 5/2/2024 2258 ECONOMIC ALTERNATIVES INC 107426 APR WTR SYST MAINT: CIVIC CTR EFT 619.55 602331 5/2/2024 1604 EE VENDOR # 1604 REIMB: 4TH OF JULY REIMB: DEPOSIT FOR ATM: 4TH OF JULY EXTRAVAGANZA EFT 1,950.00 302096 5/2/2024 1670 EE VENDOR # 1670 Reimb:Team Pace 4/22 REIMB: TEAM PACE: HR Printed Check 209.64 602446 5/9/2024 2714 EE VENDOR # 2714 Reimb: 04/24 REIMB: CALRECYCLE GRANT FUNDS EFT Posted 138.78 302090 5/2/2024 3608 EE VENDOR # 3608 Reimb: 03/05-03/06 REIMB: PARK RANGERS ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE: PW Printed Check 46.53 302093 5/2/2024 3756 EE VENDOR # 3756 Reimb: 04/17/24 REIMB: LEAGUE OF CALIF CITIES SUMMIT: CITY CLERK Printed Check 142.99 602354 5/2/2024 1484 EMPHASYS COMPUTER SOLUTIONS INC TDM-01588 SYMPRO SOFTWARE RENEWAL: FINANCE EFT 8,123.44 602355 5/2/2024 1156 ENGINEERING RESOURCES OF SOUTHERN CA INC 60095 ENGINEERING CONSULTANT SVCS: CIP: PW EFT 1,847.60 302084 5/2/2024 1366 EXHIBIT ENVOY 1410B NEWEST AMERICANS EXHIBIT: TVM: TCSD Printed Check 1,687.50 16411 4/11/2024 1998 EYEMED VISION CARE Ben350133 VISION PLAN PAYMENT Wire 2,123.38 302131 5/9/2024 1892 FAIR HOUSING COUNCIL OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY INC #9 Mar'24 MAR SUB -RECIPIENT: FAIR HOUSING SVCS Printed Check 1,212.62 302085 5/2/2024 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-467-79765a EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: PARKS: PW Printed Check 12.02 302085 5/2/2024 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-474-57321 EXPRESS MAIL SVCS: FINANCE Printed Check 12.02 302085 5/2/2024 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-474-57322a EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: CODE ENFORCEMENT Printed Check 18.91 302085 5/2/2024 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-474-57322b EXPRESS MAILING SVCS: PLANNING Printed Check 56.96 302132 5/9/2024 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-489-64279 EXP MAIL SVCS: HR Printed Check 12.02 302132 5/9/2024 1005 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC 8-482-57530 EXP MAIL SVCS: FINANCE Printed Check 9.59 602356 5/2/2024 2643 FORENSIC NURSING OF SOCAL INC 2585 SART EXAMS: POLICE DEPT EFT 1,400.00 602440 5/9/2024 1875 FRIEZE UHLER KIMBERLY 9205-9216 Promo Item PROMOTIONAL ITEMS: CITY EVENTS: TCSD EFT Posted 6,264.96 602440 5/9/2024 1875 FRIEZE UHLER KIMBERLY 9201 HR Polo UNIFORM: STAFF: HR EFT Posted 42.09 602357 5/2/2024 1875 FRIEZE UHLER KIMBERLY 9129 APPAREL EXPLORER POST APPAREL: FIRE EFT 2,115.69 602357 5/2/2024 1875 FRIEZE UHLER KIMBERLY 9196 STICKERS HIKE BIKE TEMECULA STICKERS: COMM DEV EFT 149.38 16474 4/23/2024 2067 FRONTIER CALIFORNIA INC VAR MAR/APR FRONTIER VARIOUS MARIAPR INTERNET SVCS Wire 12,937.92 302086 5/2/2024 3595 GFWC TEMECULA VALLEY WOMANS CLUB Comm Reinv Prg 04/22 COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT-TEMECULA GRANT PROGRAM Void 8,083.79 16448 4/8/2024 3391 GLO MINI GOLF 4601 EXCURSION: SUMMER DAY CAMP: TCSD Wire 912.00 302133 5/9/2024 3761 GNAU & TAMEZ LAW GROUP LLP Sttlmnt of Claim RELEASE & SETTLEMENT OF CLAIM Printed Check 87,000.00 302134 5/9/2024 1523 GOLDEN VALLEY MUSIC SOCIETY STTLMNT 10/8 & 10/22 CLASSICS @ THE MERC 10/8 & 10/22 Printed Check 507.50 302135 5/9/2024 1523 GOLDEN VALLEY MUSIC SOCIETY Sttlmnt: 4/14 & 4/28 CLASSICS @ THE MERC 4/14 & 4/28 Printed Check 497.00 302092 5/2/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1670 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed Check 272.58 302092 5/2/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1665 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed Check 521.98 302139 5/9/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1672 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed Check 516.56 302139 5/9/2024 3095 GONZALEZ JAVIER 1 1671 HVAC SUPPLIES: FACILITY MAINT Printed Check 630.75 16427 3/29/2024 1007 GOVERNMENT FINANCE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION 7208 REGISTRATION: ACCOUNTING FOR CAPITAL ASSETS: FIN Wire 280.00 602358 5/2/2024 1225 GRAINGER 9089085998 PLUNGERS: PARKS: PW EFT 88.61 602441 5/9/2024 2428 HAKIM KAWTHER N 1800.103-1805.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT Posted 630.00 602481 5/9/2024 1383 HANCOCK LORENA 3700.105-3710.105 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT Posted 1,575.00 302087 5/2/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2644/Mar-a HARDWARE SUPPLIES: PARKS: PW Printed Check 21.17 302087 5/2/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2644/Mar-d SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP FACILITIES MAINT: PW Printed Check 32.60 302136 5/9/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2641/Apr MISC HRDWR SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed Check 468.25 302136 5/9/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2648/Apr MISC HRDWR SUPPLIES: BLDG & SAFETY Printed Check 45.40 302136 5/9/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2702/Apr MISC SMALL TOOLS/EQUIP: TVM: TCSD Printed Check 158.52 302136 5/9/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2649/Feb HARDWARE SUPPLIES: PARKS: PW Printed Check 5,046.25 302136 5/9/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2734/Apr MISC HRDWR SUPPLIES: LIBRARY: PW Printed Check 395.42 302136 5/9/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2644/Mar-B MISC HRDWR SUPPLIES: FACILITIES: PW Printed Check 2,367.34 302136 5/9/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 2716/Apr MISC HRDWR SUPPLIES: IWTCM: PW Printed Check 11.93 302136 5/9/2024 1009 HANKS HARDWARE INC 3001/Apr MISC HRDWR SUPPLIES: CIP: PW Printed Check 8.03 302088 5/2/2024 2225 HASA INC 948743 POOL SANTIZING CHEMICALS: CITY POOLS Printed Check 1,532.85 302088 5/2/2024 2225 HASA INC 952848 POOL SANTIZING CHEMICALS: CITY POOLS Printed Check 1,294.08 302088 5/2/2024 2225 HASA INC 948740 POOL SANTIZING CHEMICALS: CITY POOLS Printed Check 1,111.48 302137 5/9/2024 2225 HASA INC 955808 POOL SANTIZING CHEMICALS: CITY POOLS Printed Check 801.06 602442 5/9/2024 1056 HDL COREN AND CONE SIN038262 APR-JUN 24 PROPERTY TAX CONSULTING EFT Posted 6,859.34 602443 5/9/2024 1093 HEALTHPOINTE MEDICAL GROUP INC 42612-4292966 MED EMPLOYMENT SCREENING: HR EFT Posted 1,215.00 302089 5/2/2024 1791 HELIXSTORM INC 15455 ATMOSPHERE CONFERENCE REGISTRATION & HOTEL: IT Printed Check 8,740.00 302138 5/9/2024 1791 HELIXSTORM INC 15482 VMWARE ANNUAL RENEWAL: IT Printed Check 83,832.00 302091 5/2/2024 3319 HOUSTON AND HARRIS PCS INC 24-25978 VIDEO PIPE INSPECTION: CALLE BAJA VISTA: PW Printed Check 1,781.00 602359 5/2/2024 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 7365 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 817.28 602359 5/2/2024 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 7356 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 753.53 602359 5/2/2024 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 7364 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 589.67 602359 5/2/2024 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 7389 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 369.00 602359 5/2/2024 2564 INLAND FLEET SOLUTIONS INC 7368 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT REPAIR: STREET MAINT: PW EFT 294.00 602360 5/2/2024 1396 INNOVATIVE DOCUMENT SOLUTIONS 259936 PLOTTER/COPIER SUPPLIES:CENTRAL SERVICES EFT 2,382.25 16335 3/28/2024 1047 INSTATAX EDD Ben350115 STATE TAX PAYMENT Wire 46,522.16 16406 4/11/2024 1047 INSTATAX EDD Ben350155 STATE TAX PAYMENT Wire 47,285.94 16460 4/25/2024 1047 INSTATAX EDD Ben350179 STATE TAX PAYMENT Wire 46,885.35 16336 3/28/2024 1027 INSTATAX IRS Ben350111 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT Wire 138,285.45 16405 4/11/2024 1027 INSTATAX IRS Ben350149 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT Wire 140,411.03 16454 4/10/2024 1027 INSTATAX IRS Ben350169 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT Wire 9,374.21 16461 4/25/2024 1027 INSTATAX IRS Ben350175 FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT Wire 140,213.87 602361 5/2/2024 2085 INTERPRETERS UNLIMITED 383663 TRANSLATION SERVICES: PD EFT 169.50 602362 5/2/2024 2085 INTERPRETERS UNLIMITED 367457 TRANSLATION SERVICES: PD EFT 63.75 602362 5/2/2024 2085 INTERPRETERS UNLIMITED 376933 TRANSLATION SERVICES: PD EFT 36.00 16434 4/8/2024 1674 ISTOCK INTL INC 7356 SUBSCRIPTION: PROMO IMAGES: TCSD Wire 120.00 602444 5/9/2024 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP 68865 PRINTING SERVICES: TEM SHERIFF EFT Posted 1,493.36 602363 5/2/2024 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP 68866 PRINT MATERIALS FOR EVENTS: TCSD EFT 617.45 602363 5/2/2024 2475 JP HANDMADE CORP 68885 BUSINESS CARDS: EM EFT 154.70 Check # Check Date Vendor # Vendor Name Invoice Description Payment Type Invoice Net 302140 5/9/2024 3760 KANALEY ROBERT J Sttlmnt of Claim RELEASE & SETTLEMENT OF CLAIM Printed Check 300.00 302141 5/9/2024 3750 KANEKO YUKO ADV PMT: JAPAN TRIP ADV PMT: ADMISSION & TRANSPORATION FEE: TCSD Printed Check 2,564.00 302094 5/2/2024 1933 KELLY SPICERS INC 11602266 COPY PAPER: CENTRAL SERVICES Printed Check 2,966.50 602364 5/2/2024 2664 KEY BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC 22245827 PACKAGE TRACKING:CENTRAL SERVICES EFT 2,595.00 602445 5/9/2024 1090 KEYSER MARSTON ASSOCIATES INC 0038621 KMA SB-9 FISCAL ANALYSIS: LR22-0158 EFT Posted 3,541.25 602447 5/9/2024 1975 KRACH BREE B 200403 MISC SUPPLIES: THEATER:TCSD EFT Posted 65.25 602447 5/9/2024 1975 KRACH BREE B 200414 NAME PLATES: FACILITIES: PW EFT Posted 21.75 602365 5/2/2024 1975 KRACH BREE B 200389 MISC SUPPLIES ACE/SISTER CITY/TVM: TCSD EFT 54.83 602366 5/2/2024 1975 KRACH BREE B 200404 RECOGNITION AWARDS: TCC EFT 81.56 602367 5/2/2024 3375 KUSTOM SIGNALS INC 611056 LIDARS: TEM SHERIFF EFT 5,324.21 302142 5/9/2024 1136 LAKE ELSINORE ANIMAL FRIENDS Apr'24 APR ANIMAL CONTROL SVCS: TEMECULA Printed Check 10,762.50 602368 5/2/2024 3715 LAND FORMS LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION INC 573-04-2300 DOG PARK RENOVATION: CIP: PW EFT 22,040.00 602448 5/9/2024 3111 LAWNSCAPE SYSTEMS INC 445386 APPLICATION OF PRE -POST EMERGENT: RIGHT OF WAY: PW EFT Posted 32,600.00 602369 5/2/2024 3733 LEIGH ENTERPRISES LLC COMM REINV PRG 04/16 COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT-TEMECULA GRANT PROGRAM EFT 20,000.00 602449 5/9/2024 1050 LEIGHTON CONSULTING INC 62179 CONSULTANT SVC: TRAFFIC SIGNAL SYS UPGRADE PW19-09 EFT Posted 1,281.00 602449 5/9/2024 1050 LEIGHTON CONSULTING INC 62126 MATERIALS TESTING: CITY SLURRY SEAL PW23-16 EFT Posted 17,950.25 602370 5/2/2024 1050 LEIGHTON CONSULTING INC 62081 CONSULTANT SVCS: PW21-07 EFT 1,134.11 602450 5/9/2024 1320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 265670 MAR HR LEGAL SVCS FOR TE060-00001 EFT Posted 1,181.20 602450 5/9/2024 1320 LIEBERT CASSIDY WHITMORE 265677 MAR HR LEGAL SVCS FOR TE060-00022 EFT Posted 12,825.50 602371 5/2/2024 1216 LIFE ASSIST INC 1429544 PARAMEDIC PROGRAM SUPPLIES: MEDIC EFT 898.20 16436 4/8/2024 2212 LUNA GRILL 3107 REFRESHMENTS: HOSPITALITY: THEATER Wire 81.09 16441 4/8/2024 2212 LUNA GRILL 8166 REFRESHMENTS: HOSPITALITY: THEATER Wire 117.52 16442 4/8/2024 1410 MACARONI GRILL 5056 REFRESHMENTS: HOSPITALITY: THEATER Wire 70.69 602372 5/2/2024 3609 MAIN ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY LLC 9818206 MISC SUPPLIES: FACILITIES: PW EFT 11.84 302143 5/9/2024 1224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 44426 VARIOUS SIGNS & SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT Printed Check 10,925.30 302143 5/9/2024 1224 MAIN STREET SIGNS 44265 CITY STREET NAME SIGN: HR Printed Check 77.81 602451 5/9/2024 1243 MANALILI DE VILLA AILEEN 1204.103-1206.103 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT Posted 735.00 602373 5/2/2024 2619 MARIPOSA TREE MANAGEMENT INC 3426 TREE TRIMMING & REMOVAL: STA B4 & STA 92 EFT 3,335.78 602374 5/2/2024 2376 MARK THOMAS AND COMPANY INC 50979 ENG & CONSTRUCTION SVC: CONGESTION RELIEF: PW19-02 EFT 6,542.22 302095 5/2/2024 1996 MATCHETT VIVIAN 1320.107-1320.108 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed Check 714.00 16473 4/29/2024 2388 MATRIX TELECOM LLC 1197961912 FEB/MAR 800 SERVICES: CIVIC CENTER Wire 146.78 602452 5/9/2024 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 18386 MAR ADA LABOR COMPLIANCE SVCS: PW18-16 EFT Posted 433.88 602375 5/2/2024 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 18385 MAR CDBG ADMINISTRATION SVCS: COMM DEV EFT 4,9B4.88 602376 5/2/2024 2057 MDG ASSOCIATES INC 18387 MAR ADA LABOR COMPLIANCE: PW22-08 EFT 281.88 302144 5/9/2024 1777 MIDWEST TAPE LLC 505382723 BOOKS ON TAPE: LIBRARY: TCSD Printed Check 97.85 602453 5/9/2024 1327 MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC 407951 WELDING SVCS: CRC: PW EFT Posted 2,610.00 602377 5/2/2024 1327 MIKES PRECISION WELDING INC 408076 WELDING SERVICES: PARKS: PW EFT 785.00 602378 5/2/2024 2367 MILLER ARCHITECTURAL CORP 2200077.RA - 4 ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES: CIP PW22-04 EFT 1,900.00 16433 4/8/2024 2262 MINDTRAP ADVENTURES LLC 2390 EXCURSION: TEEN CAMP: TCSD Wire 525.00 16439 4/8/2024 2262 MINDTRAP ADVENTURES LLC 3091 EXCURSION: TEEN CAMP: TCSD Wire 840.00 602454 5/9/2024 1681 MIRANDA JULIO CESAR 3610.105-3630.105 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT Posted 396.90 602455 5/9/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 522120-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: TPL EFT Posted 409.15 602455 5/9/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 521436-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR EFT Posted 141.92 602455 5/9/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 522865-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT Posted 21.89 602455 5/9/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 522808-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: CIVIC CTR EFT Posted 49.32 602455 5/9/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 522877-00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES: PARKS EFT Posted 50.54 602379 5/2/2024 1241 MISSION ELECTRIC SUPPLY INC 522719-00 MISC ELECTRICAL PARTS: UPS REPLACEMENT: IT EFT 652.50 16334 3/28/2024 2356 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 106474 Ben350119 ICMA-401(A) RETIREMENT PLAN PAYMENT Wire 384.62 16409 4/11/2024 2356 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 106474 Ben350157 ICMA-401(A) RETIREMENT PLAN PAYMENT Wire 2,153.85 16457 4/25/2024 2356 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 106474 Ben350171 ICMA-401(A) RETIREMENT PLAN PAYMENT Wire 2,153.85 16333 3/28/2024 1011 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 303355 Ben350121 ICMA-RC RETIREMENT TRUST 457 PAYMENT Wire 18,590.35 16408 4/11/2024 1011 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 303355 Ben350159 ICMA-RC RETIREMENT TRUST 457 PAYMENT Wire 21,103.26 16459 4/25/2024 1011 MISSIONSQUARE RETIREMENT 303355 Ben350183 ICMA-RC RETIREMENT TRUST 457 PAYMENT Wire 19,040.35 602456 5/9/2024 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2040.104-2047.105 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT Posted 750.05 602381 5/2/2024 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 2065.102-2070.102 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT 1,288.00 602380 5/2/2024 1240 MORAMARCO ANTHONY J 04/23/24 ART EVENTS & MURALS: TVM: TCSD EFT 400.00 602457 5/9/2024 3475 MSW CONSULTANTS INC 836 SIB 1383 SUPPORT SERVICES EFT Posted 6,720.60 602382 5/2/2024 1281 MUSCO SPORTS LIGHTING LLC 422960 LIGHTING RELAMPING: VARIOUS SCHOOL SITES: PW EFT 26,745.12 602382 5/2/2024 1281 MUSCO SPORTS LIGHTING LLC 423178 LIGHTING RELAMPING: VARIOUS SCHOOL SITES: PW EFT 14,963.63 602383 5/2/2024 2081 MUSIC CONNECTION LLC STTLMNT: 04/13/24 SPEAKEASY @ THE MERC 04/13/24 EFT 586.60 16423 4/8/2024 1065 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSN LEADS ETC INC 7601 MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL: FIRE Wire 175.00 16425 4/8/2024 1065 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSN LEADS ETC INC 6488 REGISTRATION: ALARM & SIGNALING CODE COURSE: FIRE Wire 313.00 16319 3/19/2024 1038 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION Ben350107 OBRA- PROJECT RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 670.98 16330 3/28/2024 1038 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION Ben350127 OBRA- PROJECT RETIREMENT: PAYMENT Wire 5,834.62 16332 3/28/2024 2086 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION Ben350123 NATIONWIDE LOAN REPAYMENT PAYMENT Wire 427.79 16337 3/28/2024 1088 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION Ben350109 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 18,923.01 16413 4/11/2024 2086 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION Ben350161 NATIONWIDE LOAN REPAYMENT PAYMENT Wire 427.79 16414 4/11/2024 1038 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION Ben350165 OBRA- PROJECT RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 5,549.22 16415 4/11/2024 1088 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION Ben350147 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 17,749.93 16462 4/25/2024 1038 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION Ben350189 OBRA- PROJECT RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 5,571.90 16463 4/25/2024 1088 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION Ben350173 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 17,799.93 16464 4/25/2024 2086 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT SOLUTION Ben350185 NATIONWIDE LOAN REPAYMENT PAYMENT Wire 427.79 16449 4/8/2024 2255 NETFLIX.COM 8084 MONTHLY SVC CHARGE: TEEN ROOM: CRC Wire 11.99 302097 5/2/2024 1760 NEW TANGRAM LLC 682636 CUBICLE RECONFIGURATION CIVIC CENTER: FACILITIES Printed Check 9,465.64 602458 5/9/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77409 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES LEVEL C SLOPES EFT Posted 62,010.00 602384 5/2/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77485 LANDSCAPE SVCS: VAIL RANCH: PW EFT 5,980.00 602384 5/2/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77482 LANDSCAPE SVCS: WOLF CREEK TRAIL PARK: PW EFT 5,959.00 602384 5/2/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77489 LANDSCAPE SVCS: HARVESTON PARK: PW EFT 5,394.00 602384 5/2/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77483 LANDSCAPE SVCS: WOODCREST SLOPE: PW EFT 4,366.00 602384 5/2/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77490 LANDSCAPE SVCS: MEADOWS MEDIAN: PW EFT 2,625.00 602384 5/2/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77488 LANDSCAPE SVCS: MARGARITA MEDIAN: PW EFT 2,153.00 602384 5/2/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77494 LANDSCAPE SVCS: HARVESTON LAKE PARK: PW EFT 1,524.27 602384 5/2/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77484 DRAIN INSTALLATION: RRSP: PWPI-14 EFT 1,080.00 602384 5/2/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77491 LANDSCAPE SVCS: LONG CANYON CREEK PK: PW EFT 392.01 602384 5/2/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77492 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: HARVESTON MEDIANS: PW EFT 197.95 602385 5/2/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77495 TREE PLANTING: PBSP: PW EFT 145.00 602385 5/2/2024 2578 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC 77493 IRRIGATION REPAIRS: TOWN SQUARE PARK: PW EFT 102.81 602459 5/9/2024 1819 NPG INC 1122700 ASPHALT PAVING SVCS: CIP PW15-07 EFT Posted 59,990.00 602460 5/9/2024 1511 NV5 INC 384423 PROJ MGMT SVCS: MAR 2024 MRC: PW17-21 EFT Posted 9,807.85 602461 5/9/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74939 VEHICLE MAINT: BUILDING INSPECTOR EFT Posted 48.78 602461 5/9/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74933 VEHICLE MAINT: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT Posted 884.92 602462 5/9/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74925 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - PARKS & FACILITIES EFT Posted 443.67 Check # Check Date Vendor # Vendor Name Invoice Description Payment Type Invoice Net 602462 5/9/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74938 VEHICLE MAINT: PW - CIP EFT Posted 48.78 602386 5/2/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74731 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 1,893.54 602386 5/2/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74799 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 1,311.46 602386 5/2/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74880 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: FIRE EFT 119.86 602386 5/2/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74861 VEHICLE MAINT: CODE ENFORCEMENT EFT 113.50 602386 5/2/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74837 VEHICLE MAINT: CIP-PW EFT 102.73 602386 5/2/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74805 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE - STREET MAINTENANCE:PW EFT 79.34 602386 5/2/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74948 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE: FIRE EFT 48.78 602386 5/2/2024 2496 OLD TOWN TIRE AND SERVICE INC 74850 VEHICLE MAINT: CIP-PW EFT 36.75 16421 4/16/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV TRC-133043-16-04-202 DEPT TRANSFER REQUEST Wire 3,715.60 16469 4/24/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV TRC-133296-24-04-202 DEPT TRANSFER REQUEST Wire 6,242.08 16479 5/1/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV TRC-133480-01-05-202 DEPT TRANSFER REQUEST Wire 1,470.00 16480 5/1/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV TRC-133501-01-05-202 DEPT TRANSFER REQUEST Wire 14,897.00 302098 5/2/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV Refund: LD23-3051 REFUND: ENGINEERING DEPOSIT: PW Printed Check 3,000.00 302145 5/9/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV 68727011 REFUND SOLD OUT ROD RUN PARKING SPACE Printed Check 35.00 302146 5/9/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV 68341981 REFUND: ROD RUN Printed Check 50.00 302147 5/9/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV 68272302 REFUND CLASS Printed Check 42.00 302148 5/9/2024 100 ONE TIME PAY VENDOR- ENERGOV 68272303 REFUND/CLASS Printed Check 36.00 602387 5/2/2024 1166 PACIFIC STRIPING INC 2 CITYWIDE TRAFFIC STRIPING: RESTRIPE STREETS: PW EFT 232,289.63 602388 5/2/2024 2216 PARKHOUSE TIRE SERVICES INC 3020281944 TIRE SVCS: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 672.30 602388 5/2/2024 2216 PARKHOUSE TIRE SERVICES INC 3020283324 TIRE SVCS: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 608.36 602389 5/2/2024 3281 PATTON CAMERON 101 ADULT BASKETBALL REFEREE ASSIGNOR: TCSD EFT 530.00 16444 4/8/2024 1401 PAYPAL 1207 VERISIGN PAYFLOW PRO TRANSACTION: TCSD Wire 64.80 302099 5/2/2024 1214 PECHANGA BAND OF LUISENO MISSION INDIANS 21507 1-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS PW16-01 Printed Check 6,262.80 302099 5/2/2024 1214 PECHANGA BAND OF LUISENO MISSION INDIANS 21532 1-15 CONGESTION RELIEF PROJECT: PW19-02 Printed Check 2,930.20 302149 5/9/2024 3462 PECHANGA RESORTS INCORPORATED 1700.105-1705.105 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS Printed Check 1,190.00 16265 3/14/2024 1017 PIERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT Ben350087 PIERS RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 175,063.77 16416 3/28/2024 1017 PIERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT Ben350113 PIERS RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 174,316.52 16418 3/8/2024 1017 PIERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT Ben350167 PIERS RETIREMENT PAYMENT Wire 200.00 16420 4/11/2024 1017 PIERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT Ben350151 SPECIAL COMPENSATION PAYMENT Wire 174,536.10 16471 4/25/2024 1017 PIERS EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT Ben350192 PIERS RETIREMENT PAYMENT RBF Wire 5,572.98 16264 3/8/2024 1016 PIERS HEALTH INSUR PREMIUM Ben350081 PIERS HEALTH PAYMENT Wire 205,903.95 16440 4/8/2024 2441 PHILS BBQ OF TEMECULA INC 9189 REFRESHMENTS: CULTURE DAY: TVM Wire 406.49 602463 5/9/2024 1714 PLANETBIDS LLC 1023423 ONLINE BID SYSTEM RENEWAL: FINANCE EFT Posted 25,391.79 602390 5/2/2024 2179 PLAYCORE WISCONSIN INC PJI-0220823 PLAYGROUND EQUIP ENHANCEMENT-TEM CRK TRAIL PARK EFT 294,681.34 16430 4/8/2024 1020 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC 0944 SUBSCRIPTIONS: TCSD Wire 18.00 16447 4/8/2024 1020 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY INC 9761 SUBSCRIPTIONS: TCSD Wire 18.00 602391 5/2/2024 3218 PRETI LUCAS 2404A VIDEOGRAPHY PRODUCTION: WESTERN MOVIE: COMSP EFT 2,910.00 602464 5/9/2024 1458 PRO AUTO COLLISION INC a8dc2c3b VEHICLE REPAIRS: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT Posted 1,473.54 602465 5/9/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132250382 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: CRC EFT Posted 21.43 602465 5/9/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132250349 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: MRC EFT Posted 76.88 602465 5/9/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132250367 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: MUSEUM EFT Posted 12.74 602465 5/9/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132249197 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT Posted 19.88 602465 5/9/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132250368 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: THEATER EFT Posted 9.89 602465 5/9/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132250383 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: LIBRARY EFT Posted 19.88 602465 5/9/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132250384 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT Posted 65.28 602465 5/9/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132251054 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT Posted 10.28 602465 5/9/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132237294 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT Posted 19.88 602465 5/9/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132250381 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: TCC EFT Posted 14.32 602466 5/9/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132251052B UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT Posted 5.67 602392 5/2/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132249860 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 102.48 602392 5/2/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132247466 UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 100.23 602392 5/2/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132249163 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 76.88 602392 5/2/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132249198 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 65.28 602392 5/2/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132249177 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 24.52 602392 5/2/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132249196 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 21.43 602392 5/2/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132249195 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 14.32 602392 5/2/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132249183 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 12.74 602392 5/2/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132249861 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 10.28 602392 5/2/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132249184 FLOOR MATS AND TOWEL RENTALS: FACILITIES EFT 9.89 602393 5/2/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132249859B UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE EFT 5.67 602393 5/2/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132248705B UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 5.67 602393 5/2/2024 1336 PRUDENTIAL OVERALL SUPPLY 132246324B UNIFORMS: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 5.67 302100 5/2/2024 2303 PUBLIC ADVERTISING AGENCY INC 19833 TEMECULA MAGAZINE PRINT & DESIGN: ECONOMIC Printed Check 2,500.00 302152 5/9/2024 1847 RAND R CONTROLS INC 24920 REMOTE ASSISTANCE: FACILITIES: PW Printed Check 210.00 16475 4/26/2024 1021 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT VARIOUS MAR WATER 3 VARIOUS WATER SVCS MAR BATCH 3 Wire 7,969.71 602394 5/2/2024 3514 REEP FIRE PROTECTION INC 3182 FIRE SYSTEM REPAIRS: CHILDRENS MUSEUM: TCSD EFT 5,498.87 602394 5/2/2024 3514 REEP FIRE PROTECTION INC 3181 FIRE SYSTEM REPAIRS: THEATER EFT 4,531.34 602395 5/2/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60175459-00 FACILITIES MAINT: CIVIC CENTER EFT 289.12 602395 5/2/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60175468-00 MISC SUPPLIES: FACILITIES MAINT FY 23/24 EFT 192.08 602395 5/2/2024 2552 REFRIGERATION SUPPLIES DISTRIBUTOR 60175552-00 MISC SUPPLIES: FACILITIES MAINT FY 23/24 EFT 75.00 602396 5/2/2024 2203 REMOTE SATELLITE SYSTEMS INTL 00127389 PHONE SERVICE FOR EOC EFT 534.00 602397 5/2/2024 2181 REYES NICOLE 34676934 LAUNDRY SVCS: HUMAN SERVICES: MPSC EFT 140.00 602467 5/9/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247355 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT Posted 6,718.00 602467 5/9/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247347 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT Posted 3,154.42 602467 5/9/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247345 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT Posted 1,456.00 602467 5/9/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247330 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT Posted 1,436.50 602467 5/9/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247350 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT Posted 1,767.00 602467 5/9/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247348 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT Posted 1,356.20 602467 5/9/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247359 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT Posted 1,899.80 602467 5/9/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247326 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT Posted 4,283.69 602467 5/9/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247363 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT Posted 24,000.85 602467 5/9/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247362 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT Posted 2,971.75 602468 5/9/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247344 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT Posted 100.61 602468 5/9/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247346 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT Posted 840.88 602468 5/9/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247332 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT Posted 60.00 602468 5/9/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247364 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT Posted 1,172.24 602468 5/9/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247337 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT Posted 60.00 602398 5/2/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247323 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 18,592.00 602398 5/2/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247322 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 17,428.19 602398 5/2/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247320 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 13,384.80 602398 5/2/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247321 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 7,288.20 Check # Check Date Vendor # Vendor Name Invoice Description Payment Type Invoice Net 602398 5/2/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247338 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 6,917.50 602398 5/2/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247334 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 6,063.00 602398 5/2/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247360 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,940.00 602398 5/2/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247358 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 2,915.00 602398 5/2/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247357 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,479.90 602398 5/2/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247351 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,332.29 602399 5/2/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247324 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 1,212.00 602399 5/2/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247340 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 930.00 602399 5/2/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247339 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 900.00 602399 5/2/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247352 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 627.50 602399 5/2/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247335 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 390.00 602399 5/2/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247325 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 255.00 602399 5/2/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247349 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 177.50 602399 5/2/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247342 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 150.00 602399 5/2/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247328 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 150.00 602399 5/2/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247343 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 120.00 602400 5/2/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247356 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 90.00 602400 5/2/2024 1150 RICHARDS WATSON AND GERSHON 247331 MAR 2024 LEGAL SERVICES EFT 55.00 302083 5/2/2024 1104 RIVERSIDE COUNTY IN0508311 PERMIT RENEW: CITY HALL Printed Check 943.00 302101 5/2/2024 1042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SH0000045440 TOWING SVCS 01/01/24 - 01/31/24: POLICE Printed Check 2,881.20 302101 5/2/2024 1042 RIVERSIDE COUNTY SH0000045439 RUHS SART EXAM: JAN 2024: PD Printed Check 3,600.00 302130 5/9/2024 1104 RIVERSIDE COUNTY IN0508963 JAN - MAR'24 VECTOR CNTRL SVC: CODE ENF Printed Check 690.64 302151 5/9/2024 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PE0000001687A EMERGENCY RADIO RENTAL: CODE ENF Printed Check 513.10 302151 5/9/2024 2635 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PE0000001686 EMERGENCY RADIO RENTAL: POLICE Printed Check 985.18 302102 5/2/2024 1304 RIVERSIDE TRANSIT AGENCY 87603 TROLLEY ROUTE 55 TRANSPORTATION SERV: MARCH 2O24 Printed Check 2,375.80 302153 5/9/2024 1091 ROADLINE PRODUCTS INC 19886 PAINT TRUCK ACCESSORIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed Check 974.38 302154 5/9/2024 2487 RUSSELL SIGLER INC INV-SDG24005043 HVAC SUPPLIES: VARIOUS FACILITIES: PW Printed Check 137.72 302154 5/9/2024 2487 RUSSELL SIGLER INC INV-SDG24005042 HVAC SUPPLIES: VARIOUS FACILITIES: PW Printed Check 167.78 602470 5/9/2024 1552 SANBORN GWYNETH A CO TEMECULA MUSIC PERF: 04/20/24 COUNTRY LIVE AT THE MERC: THEATRE EFT Posted 525.75 602471 5/9/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 003142024 PHOTO/VIDEO SVCS: REDI COMMISSION: CITY CLERK EFT Posted 325.00 602402 5/2/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 04172024 MUSEUM/PHOTOS: ARAB AMERICAN HERITAGE 04/17/24 EFT 275.00 602402 5/2/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 03092024 MUSEUM PHOTOS/AUSTRALIA CULTURE DAY 03/09/24 EFT 275.00 602402 5/2/2024 2008 SARNOWSKI SHAWNA PRESTON 042024 PHOTOGRAPHY SPECIAL EVENTS: EARTH & ARBOR DAY EFT 275.00 302155 5/9/2024 2360 SB&O INC 424108 ENGINEEIRNG & SURVEY SVCS: PWSW02-02, ON -CALL Printed Check 1,093.05 602472 5/9/2024 3731 SCHUMACHER BLAINE 1234 NUTRITION PRESENTATION: HR EFT Posted 75.00 302156 5/9/2024 2817 SCP DISTRIBUTORS LLC AL521532 POOL SUPPLIES: AQUATICS Printed Check 223.43 302103 5/2/2024 1787 SHRED IT US JV LLC 8006874417 SHRED SERVICES: CITYWIDE: CITY CLERK Printed Check 388.03 302157 5/9/2024 1787 SHRED IT US JV LLC 8006874537 DOCUMENT SHREDDING: PD Printed Check 46.58 602474 5/9/2024 2510 SINGH GROUP INC 42614 ENCAMPMENT CLEAN UP: TCSD EFT Posted 6,010.00 602474 5/9/2024 2510 SINGH GROUP INC 42615 ENCAMPMENT CLEAN UP: TCSD EFT Posted 12,120.00 602475 5/9/2024 3659 SITEONE LANDSCAPE SUPPLY HOLDING LLC 139500874-001 IRRIGATION EQUIPMENT: MARGARITA MEDIAN: PWPI-14 EFT Posted 3,900.13 302158 5/9/2024 1870 SKYFIT TECH INC 2024000157 GENERAL: MAINTENANCE: RM Printed Check 185.00 16476 4/23/2024 1094 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY VAR SOCALGAS MAR VARIOUS MAR SO CAL GAS SVCS Wire 18,235.01 302159 5/9/2024 1153 SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 4331712 I C E ELEC GEN DIESEL: MPSC: TCSD Printed Check 504.91 302159 5/9/2024 1153 SOUTH COAST AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 4335713 FLAT EMISSIONS FEE: MPSC: TCSD Printed Check 160.35 602476 5/9/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0293856 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT Posted 40.00 602476 5/9/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0293905 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT Posted 42.00 602476 5/9/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0293503 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT Posted 52.00 602476 5/9/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0294147 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT Posted 49.00 602476 5/9/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0294066 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT Posted 59.00 602476 5/9/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0293945 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT Posted 49.00 602476 5/9/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0293837 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT Posted 90.00 602476 5/9/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0293631 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT Posted 56.00 602476 5/9/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0293574 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: PW EFT Posted 70.00 602476 5/9/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0293642 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT Posted 90.00 602477 5/9/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0293624 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT Posted 32.00 602477 5/9/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0294004 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES SNR CENTER: PW EFT Posted 29.00 602477 5/9/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0293629 ROUTINE PEST CONTROL: FACILITIES: PW EFT Posted 36.00 602403 5/2/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0293770 PEST CONTROL SVCS: PARKS: HARVESTON PARK EFT 95.00 602403 5/2/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0293727 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 80.00 602403 5/2/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0293413 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 74.00 602403 5/2/2024 1055 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL INC 0293724 PEST CONTROL SERVICES: FIRE STATIONS EFT 42.00 16478 4/30/2024 1800 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO VAR SCE MAR VARIOUS MAR SOCAL EDISON SVCS Wire 133,790.03 602478 5/9/2024 1452 STAPLES INC 6001621820 OFFICE SUPPLIES: PW EFT Posted 38.06 602478 5/9/2024 1452 STAPLES INC 6001621814 OFFICE SUPPLIES: FINANCE EFT Posted 174.36 602405 5/2/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 726304D MAR FINGERPRINTING SVCS: PD EFT 4,565.00 602404 5/2/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 730386 BLOOD / ALCOHOL ANALYSIS: PD EFT 1,610.00 602405 5/2/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 726304A MAR FINGERPRINTING SVCS: TCSD VOLUNTEERS EFT 471.00 602405 5/2/2024 1263 STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 726304B MAR FINGERPRINTING SVCS: CONTRACT CLASSES EFT 147.00 302104 5/2/2024 2016 STC TRAFFIC INC 6991 TRAFFIC SIGNAL -SAFETY LIGHTS UPGRADE: PW23-13 Printed Check 11,040.00 302104 5/2/2024 2016 STC TRAFFIC INC 6992 TRAFFIC SIGNAL - SYSTEM UPGRADE: PW19-09 Printed Check 10,000.00 602479 5/9/2024 1712 STUART JENNIFER 3400-3450.101 2nd TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT Posted 14,853.33 602480 5/9/2024 1495 STURDIVANT ANGELA P 3200.103 TCSD INSTRUCTOR EARNINGS EFT Posted 627.20 16429 3/29/2024 1899 SURVEYMONKEY.COM 7017 MISC SVCS: FINANCE Wire 99.00 302105 5/2/2024 2261 T MOBILE USA INC 9566240894 TIMING ADVANCE: PD Printed Check 165.00 302105 5/2/2024 2261 T MOBILE USA INC 9565588838 TIMING ADVANCE & GPS LOCATE: TEM SHERIFF Printed Check 165.00 302105 5/2/2024 2261 T MOBILE USA INC 9566240883 TIMING ADVANCE: PD Printed Check 50.00 302160 5/9/2024 1212 T Y LIN INTERNATIONAL 102404081 I-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROVEMENT PW 16-01 Printed Check 160.52 302160 5/9/2024 1212 TY LIN INTERNATIONAL 102404071 I-15/ FRENCH VALLEY PARKWAY IMPROVEMENTS:PW16-01 Printed Check 52,908.24 302161 5/9/2024 1075 TEMECULA VALLEY BALLOON & WINE FESTIVAL CP 121 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SPONSORSHIP FY 23-24 Printed Check 27,000.00 302162 5/9/2024 3583 TEMECULA VALLEY COMMUNICATIONS INC 04/19/24 GRANT COVID-19: COMMUNITY REINVESTMENT-TEMECULA Printed Check 20,000.00 302163 5/9/2024 1371 TEMECULA VALLEY PLAYHOUSE PERF: 04/05 - 04/21 TIX SERVICES AGREEMENT/SETTLEMENT: THE MUSIC MAN Printed Check 30,324.40 602469 5/9/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 55204 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: MAINTENANCE: FACILITIES EFT Posted 38.06 602469 5/9/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 55218 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINTENANCE EFT Posted 19.58 602401 5/2/2024 1265 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY CENTER 55215 LOCKSMITH SERVICES: FACILITY MAINT:FACILITIES EFT 69.20 302106 5/2/2024 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 303186 01 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: FACILITIES PW Printed Check 253.86 302164 5/9/2024 1234 TEMECULA WINNELSON COMPANY 305606 01 PLUMBING SUPPLIES: PW FACILITIES Printed Check 532.92 602482 5/9/2024 1232 TERRYBERRY COMPANY 039210 SERVICE RECOGNITION: HR EFT Posted 149.67 602406 5/2/2024 3584 TESCO CONTROLS LLC 0082624R-IN TRAFFIC CABINET: TRAFFIC MAINTENANCE: PW EFT 17,813.25 16437 4/8/2024 3705 THE FLOWER FIELDS 1715 EXCURSION: SENIORS: TCSD Wire 899.00 16477 4/29/2024 1568 TIME WARNER CABLE VAR MAR/APR VARIOUS MARIAPR INTERNET SVCS Wire 12,134.20 602483 5/9/2024 1152 TOP LINE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY LLC 468215 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT Posted 332.51 Check # Check Date Vendor # Vendor Name Invoice Description Payment Type Invoice Net 602483 5/9/2024 1152 TOP LINE INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY LLC 468218 MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES: STREET MAINTENANCE: PW EFT Posted 69.68 602484 5/9/2024 2413 TOWNSEND PUBLIC AFFAIRS INC 21602 CONSULTING/GRANT WRITING SVCS FOR MAY: CITY CLERK EFT Posted 6,000.00 302107 5/2/2024 2508 TURBOSCAPE INC 14203 PLAYGROUND WORK AT VARIOUS PARKS: PW Printed Check 1,850.00 602407 5/2/2024 1555 TV CONVENTION AND VISITORS BUREAU FEB'24 BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS FEB'24 EFT 165,458.97 302108 5/2/2024 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1946C JANITORIAL SVCS MAINTENANCE: FACILITIES Printed Check 719.83 302165 5/9/2024 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 2004B JANITORIAL SVCS MAINTENANCE: FACILITIES Printed Check 881.21 302165 5/9/2024 3222 ULTRA SHINE INC 1946A JANITORIAL SVCS MAINTENANCE: FACILITIES Printed Check 27,851.21 602408 5/2/2024 1432 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALI 23-2425237 MAR DIG SAFE BILLABLE TIX: PW EFT 87.04 302109 5/2/2024 1131 UNITED RENTALS NORTH AMERICA INC 231882968-001 EQUIPMENT RENTALS, STREET MAINTENANCE: PW Printed Check 187.51 302166 5/9/2024 1131 UNITED RENTALS NORTH AMERICA INC 233001962-001 ASPHALT ROLLER SPRAYERS: STREET MAINT: PW Printed Check 200.13 302167 5/9/2024 2287 US NATIONAL CORP 0112770 PAINTING SVCS: OLD TOWN LIGHT POLES: PW Printed Check 48,200.00 302110 5/2/2024 1163 USPS POC, ACCOUNT 8089685 FEB'24 FEB'24 POSTAGE METER DEPOSIT Printed Check 1,616.28 302110 5/2/2024 1163 USPS POC, ACCOUNT 8089685 JAN'24 JAN'24 POSTAGE METER DEPOSIT Printed Check 3,232.44 302110 5/2/2024 1163 USPS POC, ACCOUNT 8089685 MAR'24 MAR'24 POSTAGE METER DEPOSIT Printed Check 1,365.94 302111 5/2/2024 1845 VERIZON WIRELESS 9961309978 03/11 - 04/10 TASK FORCE TABLETS: POLICE Printed Check 416.25 602409 5/2/2024 2034 WADDLETON JEFFREY L 1197 JEFF WADDLETON DJ/MC- SPECIAL EVENTS: TCSD EFT 525.00 302112 5/2/2024 1439 WALMART 04/22/24 MISC SUPPLIES/EQUIP: MPSC GARDEN PGM: TCSD Printed Check 134.42 302112 5/2/2024 1439 WALMART 04/26/24 MISC SUPPLIES: HOSPITALITY: THEATER Printed Check 224.92 302112 5/2/2024 1439 WALMART 04/18/24 SUPPLIES/RESPONSIBLE COMPASSION: TCSD Printed Check 174.78 302112 5/2/2024 1439 WALMART 04/23/24 SUPPLIES: CLASSES: FACILITIES Printed Check 297.18 302168 5/9/2024 1439 WALMART 05/01/24 REC SUPPLIES: SPORTS FACILITIES: TCSD Printed Check 497.43 302168 5/9/2024 1439 WALMART 05/02/24 SUPPLIES: CRC: TCSD Printed Check 332.42 302168 5/9/2024 1439 WALMART 04/26/24A SUPPLIES TCSD-CRC Printed Check 74.93 302168 5/9/2024 1439 WALMART 04/25/24 SUPPLIES: RESPONSIBLE COMPASSION: TCSD Printed Check 118.59 602410 5/2/2024 3318 WEILAND DESIGN GROUP INC 23-050 #8 LANDSCAPE CONCEPT PLAN/DESIGN, PW PARKS EFT 211.16 302169 5/9/2024 1033 WEST PUBLISHING CORPORATION 850117963 SOFTWARE SUBSCRIPTION: PD Printed Check 1,179.86 602485 5/9/2024 1782 WESTERN AV 20551A CONFERENCE ROOM AV EQUIPMENT:IT 23-01 EFT Posted 41,170.30 602411 5/2/2024 1782 WESTERN AV 20551B CONFERENCE ROOM AV EQUIPMENT:IT 23-01 EFT 10,101.70 602411 5/2/2024 1782 WESTERN AV 20597 AV EQUIP WARRANTY: TEM PUB LIBRARY: IT EFT 1,687.40 302170 5/9/2024 1059 WESTERN RIVERSIDE COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS 1651 CLEAN CITIES COALITION AB2766 SUBVNTN Printed Check 11,000.00 302171 5/9/2024 3691 WET PAINT PRINT & DESIGN 14395 CARDBOARD CUTOUT: TVM: TCSD Printed Check 125.00 302113 5/2/2024 2175 WHITE CAP LP 50026171727 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT:PW Printed Check 65.25 302113 5/2/2024 2175 WHITE CAP LP 50026323122 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed Check 668.80 302172 5/9/2024 2175 WHITE CAP LP 50026448507 ASPHALT SUPPLIES: STREET MAINT: PW Printed Check 178.31 602486 5/9/2024 3729 WILD WEST JUNK REMOVAL LLC INV0082 DANGEROUS & UNHEALTHY ENCAMPMENT CLEANUP:TCSD EFT Posted 1,446.00 602486 5/9/2024 3729 WILD WEST JUNK REMOVAL LLC INV0076 DANGEROUS & UNHEALTHY ENCAMPMENT CLEANUP:TCSD EFT Posted 1,350.00 602412 5/2/2024 3729 WILD WEST JUNK REMOVAL LLC INV0067 DANGEROUS & UNHEALTHY ENCAMPMENT CLEANUP: TCSD EFT 2,560.00 602412 5/2/2024 3729 WILD WEST JUNK REMOVAL LLC INV0075 DANGEROUS & UNHEALTHY ENCAMPMENT CLEANUP: TCSD EFT 1,940.00 602412 5/2/2024 3729 WILD WEST JUNK REMOVAL LLC INV0065 DANGEROUS & UNHEALTHY ENCAMPMENT CLEANUP: TCSD EFT 1,820.00 602412 5/2/2024 3729 WILD WEST JUNK REMOVAL LLC INV0064 DANGEROUS & UNHEALTHY ENCAMPMENT CLEANUP:TCSD EFT 1,127.00 602412 5/2/2024 3729 WILD WEST JUNK REMOVAL LLC INV0074 DANGEROUS & UNHEALTHY ENCAMPMENT CLEANUP: TCSD EFT 1,065.00 602412 5/2/2024 3729 WILD WEST JUNK REMOVAL LLC INV0070 DANGEROUS & UNHEALTHY ENCAMPMENT CLEANUP: TCSD EFT 1,055.00 602412 5/2/2024 3729 WILD WEST JUNK REMOVAL LLC INV0073 DANGEROUS & UNHEALTHY ENCAMPMENT CLEANUP: TCSD EFT 875.00 602412 5/2/2024 3729 WILD WEST JUNK REMOVAL LLC INV0072 DANGEROUS & UNHEALTHY ENCAMPMENT CLEANUP: TCSD EFT 585.00 602412 5/2/2024 3729 WILD WEST JUNK REMOVAL LLC INV0071 DANGEROUS & UNHEALTHY ENCAMPMENT CLEANUP: TCSD EFT 540.00 602473 5/9/2024 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 04/11/24 TICKET SERVICES AGREEMENT: JAZZ @ THE MERC 4/11/24 EFT Posted 680.00 602473 5/9/2024 1509 WILLIAMS SHERRY B PERF: 04/18/24 TICKET SERVICES AGREEMENT: JAZZ@THE MERC 04/18/24 EFT Posted 765.00 Total 4,595,495.85 Item No. 4 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Jennifer Hennessy, Director of Finance DATE: May 28, 2024 SUBJECT: Approve City Treasurer's Report for the Period of July 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024 PREPARED BY: Ward Komers, Assistant Director of Finance Seleen Saiid, Accounting Technician I RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve and file the City Treasurer's Report for the period of July 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024. BACKGROUND: Government Code Sections 53646 and 41004 require reports to the City Council regarding the City's investment portfolio, receipts, and disbursements respectively. Adequate funds will be available to meet budgeted and actual expenditures of the City for the next six months. Current market values are derived from the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) reports, US Bank demand deposit account, trust, and custody statements. Attached is the City Treasurer's Report that provides this information. The City's investment portfolio is in compliance with the statement of investment policy and Government Code Sections 53601 and 53635 for the period of July 1, 2023 through March 31, 2024. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENT: City Treasurer's Report - July 1, 2023 March 31, 2024 City of Temecula CALIFORNIA Aft a The Heart of Southern California Wine Country Treasurer's Report July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 CASH AND INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO SUMMARY.....................................................................3 2.0 FUND ACTIVITY......................................................................................................................4 3.0 LONG TERM INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO STATISTICS................................................................22 4.0 LONG TERM INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO TRANSACTIONS.........................................................23 5.0 APPENDIX A - ALLOWABLE INVESTMENT INSTRUMENTS.......................................................27 6.0 APPENDIX B - GLOSSARY OF TERMS......................................................................................29 July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 Page 2 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report 1.0 CASH AND INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO SUMMARY Cash and Investment Summary (Book Value Including Realized Gains/Losses) July'23 % August % September % October % November % December % January'24 % February % March % Cash and Investments Liquidity Portfolio US Bank (Demand Deposit Accounts) 11,858,442.31 69, 11,427,35762 691 16,958,50736 9% 13,220,161.70 61 16,673,055.48 8% 22,461,235.84 11% 23,323,416.32 11% 10,567,329.16 5% 12,056,014.01 6% LocalAgency Investment Fund(LAIF) 113,872,871.77 54% 109,372,871.77 53% 96,372,871.77 49% 108,332, 700.05 52% 103,332, 700.05 50% 103,332, 700.05 49% 99,384,304.89 47% 114,384,304.89 55% 113,384,304.89 53% Petty Cash 3,326.00 0% 3,326.00 091 3,326.00 0% 3,326.00 0% 3,326.00 0% 3,326.00 091 3,326.00 0% 3,326.00 0% 3,326.00 0% Total Liquidity Portfolio 125,734,640.08 59% 119,803,555.39 58% 113,334,705.13 57% 121,556,187.75 59% 120,009,081.53 58% 125,797,261.89 59% 122,711,047.21 59% 124,954,960.05 60% 125,443,644.90 59% Long-term Portfolio (investments) 56,453,204.09 27% 56,205,729.01 27% 56,328,826.53 28•% 56,513,833.30 27% 56,609,163.57 27% 56,716,389.72 27% 57,059,233.26 27% 57,101,597.32 27% 57,439,217.74 27% Trust Portfolio California Employers'Retiree Benefit Trust(CERBT) 15,386,098.89 7% 15,386,098.89 7% 14,784,068.01 71 14,784,068.01 7% 14,784,063.01 7% 16,360,323.88 8% 16,360,323.88 8% 16,360,323.88 8% 20,325,351.38 9% PublicAgency Retirement Services Trust(PARS) 14,853,272.35 791 14,594,580.54 791 14,104,989.53 71 13,769,795.34 796 14,695,870.41 796 13,327,826.80 691 13,329,859.92 6% 10,523,315.22 5% 10,749,955.66 5% Total Trust Portfolio 30,239,371.24 1451 29,980,679.43 15% 28,889,057.54 15% 28,553,863.35 14% 29,479,938.42 1451 29,688,150.68 14% 29,690,183.80 14% 26,893,639.10 13% 31,075,307.04 15% Total Cash and Investments 212,427,215.41 100% 205,989,963.83 100% 198,552,589.20 100% 206,623,884.40 100% 206,098,183.52 100% 212,201,802.29 100% 209,460,464.27 100% 208,940,196.47 100% 213,958,169.68 100% Earnings on Cash and Investments LAIF Earnings (Quarterly) 819,483.34 - - 959,828.28 - - 1,051,604.84 - - Rate of Return 0.7611 1.00% 1.02% Long-term Portfolio (Monthly) 111,146.58 153,315.75 132,09752 156,898.78 61,424.01 107,226.15 342,943.54 96,114.05 337,620.42 Rate of Return 0.20% 0.27% 0.24% 0.28% 0.11% 0. 19% 0.60% 0.17% 0.59% CERBTEornings(Quarterly) - - (602,030.88) - - 1,575,,255.87 - - 711,027.50 Rate of Return -3.91% 10.66% 4.35% PARS Trust (Monthly) 297,267.23 (258,691.81) (489,591.01) (335,194.19) 926,075.07 631,956.39 2,033.12 193,455.30 226,640.44 Rate of Return 2.04% -1.74% -3.35% -2.38% 6.73% 4.30% 0.02% 1.45% 2.15% Total Earnings on Cash and Investments 1,227,897.15 (105,376.05) (959,524.37) 781,532.87 987,499.08 2,315,438.41 1,396,481.50 289,569.35 1,275,288.36 Total Rate of Return 0.57% -0.05% -0.4716 0.39% 0.49% 1.12% 0.66% 0.14% 0.61% Fiscal Agent Account Portfolio (CFDs/SARDA) 34,449,649.45 34,892,668.55 29,457,346.34 29,636,162.51 33,921,977.87 29,807,516.36 29,997,409.85 34,427,725.32 32,285,970.90 July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 Page 3 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report 2.0 FUND ACTIVITY Fund Activity Summary Statement' For Period Ending July 31, 2023 Beginning Ending Fund Fund Description Fund Balance Receipts Disbursements Fund Balance 001 GENERAL 46,302,378.93 1,065,234.48 (524,291.80) 47,891,905.21 002 MEASURES 45,992,338.67 41,733.50 46,034,072.17 005 GENERAL PLAN UPDATE - 006 FIRE FACILITY ACQUISITION 3,029,522.99 3,134.88 3,032,657.87 100 STATE GAS TAX 172.12 172.12 102 RMRA-ROAD MAINT REHAB ACCT 1,038,689.26 885.92 1,039,575.18 103 STREET MAINTENANCE 3,941,537.29 4,049.95 3,945,587.24 105 NPDES 603,015.53 624.43 603,639.96 106 UPTOWN NEW STREETS IN LIEU FEE 905,760.06 934.51 906,694.57 107 CARES ACT - - - 108 AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT - - 110 COVID-19 PANDEMIC COMM. REINV. 11,145,950.40 11,699.88 2,394.33 11,155,255.95 120 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES 11,359,339.71 172,938.63 - 11,532,278.34 125 PEG -PUBLIC EDUC & GOVT 879,323.50 863.70 880,187.20 130 RECOVERYACTJAG FUNDING - - - 140 COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT 46,841.88 - (21,051.84) 67,893.72 145 TEMECULA ENERGY EFFICIENCY MGT 734,293.37 756.53 735,049.90 150 ASSEMBLY BILL 2766 391,054.80 365.14 391,419.94 160 SUPPL LAW ENFORCEMENT SVCS - 0.03 0.03 161 MAJOR CRIMES REWARD - - - 165 AFFORDABLE HOUSING 12,004,378.05 139,729.77 27,057.07 12,117,050.75 166 SARDA HOUSING - - 170 MEASURE A 7,096,088.54 6,927.74 7,103,016.28 190 TEMECULA COMM SVCS DISTRICT 916,999.07 558,404.24 1,225,485.27 249,918.04 191 SL B-STREETLIGHT REPLACEMENT 1,069,628.24 1,104.58 1,070,732.82 192 SL B-STREETLIGHTS 391,633.80 418.13 - 392,051.93 194 SL D-REFUSERECYCLING 580,362.78 475.51 6,196.93 574,641.36 195 SL R-STREET MAINT 33,055.01 33.88 - 33,088.89 196 SL L-LAKE PARK MAINT 360,756.46 1,040.51 2,684.22 359,112.75 197 TEMECULA LIBRARY 503,501.16 6,479.86 22,357.39 487,623.63 198 PUBLIC ART 226,426.65 2,652.84 - 229,079.49 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 6,702,714.22 17,153.15 (2,251,785.17) 8,971,652.54 275 CFD 03-3 WOLF CREEK IMPROV 218,994.27 18.05 219,012.32 277 CFD 03-2 RORIPAUGH RANCH IMPR 8,314,960.71 150.51 8,315,111.22 278 CFD 16-1 RORIPAUGH PH II IMPR 9,603,255.38 - 9,603,255.38 281 CFD 20-01 ALTAIR 282 CFD 23-02 PRADO - - - - 300 INSURANCE 756,090.84 1,373.89 16,115.77 741,348.96 305 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 1,499,974.76 1,607.50 26,655.52 1,474,926.74 310 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 5,249,290.01 3,602.48 (600.25) 5,253,492.74 320 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1,792,751.61 1,935.51 338,338.51 1,456,348.61 325 TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT 3,026,609.74 2,918.72 - 3,029,528.46 330 SUPPORT SERVICES 13,810.85 51.06 21,749.56 (7,887.65) 335 SUPPORT SERVICES REPLACEMENT 378,901.00 347.55 - 379,248.55 340 FACILITIES 582,326.41 24,751.25 49,036.62 558,041.04 350 FACILITY REPLACEMENT 652,133.48 330.61 - 652,464.09 380 SARDA DEBT SVC (36,380,478.10) - (121,807.55) (36,258,670.55) 381 RDA PROPERTY TAX TRUST FUND 216,453.26 219.57 216,672.83 382 2010-11 TABS REFUNDING ESCROW (212,813.40) - (212,813.40) 395 2011 FINANCING LEASE 396 2018 FINANCING LEASE MRC - - - 460 CFD 88-12 DEBT SVC 94,780.00 98.42 - 94,878.42 472 CFD 01-2 HARVESTON AB DEBT SVC 1,407,471.68 17.78 160.89 1,407,328.57 473 CFD 03-1 CROWNE HILL DEBT SVC 1,640,778.77 20.78 161.00 1,640,638.55 474 AD 03-4 JOHN WARNER DEBT SVC 2,182.38 - - 2,182.38 July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 Page 4 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report Fund Activity Summary Statement' For Period Ending July 31, 2023 Beginning Ending Fund Fund Description Fund Balance Receipts Disbursements Fund Balance 475 CFD 03-3 WOLF CREEK DEBT SVC 1,896,401.19 36.29 482.94 1,895,954.54 476 CFD 03-6 HARVESTON2 DEBT SVC 646,829.89 36.32 161.00 646,705.21 477 CFD 03-2 RORIPAUGH DEVT SVC 1,481,931.81 20.78 161.00 1,481,791.59 478 CFD 16-1 RORIPAUGH PH II 6,102,053.62 342.04 804.90 6,101,590.76 479 CFD 19-01 MUNICIPAL SERVICES - - - - 481 CFD 23-01 ALTAIR 375.03 154.36 529.39 482 CFD 23-02 PRADO - - - 483 CFD 20-01 HEIRLOOM FARMS - - - 501 SL C ZONE 1 sADDLEWOOD 18,200.69 19.67 18,220.36 502 SL C ZONE 2 WINCHESTER CREEK 121,517.18 126.60 121,643.78 503 SL C ZONE 3 RANCHO HIGHLANDS 66,278.46 69.19 (229.83) 66,577.48 504 SL C ZONE 4 THE VINEYARDS 7,083.93 7.61 7,091.54 505 SL C ZONE 5 SIGNET SERIES 32,278.11 34.59 32,312.70 506 SL C ZONE 6 WOODCREST COUNTRY 54,222.29 56.14 54,278.43 507 SL C ZONE 7 RIDGEVIEW 12,141.23 13.13 12,154.36 508 SL C ZONE 8 VILLAGE GROVE 126,392.42 135.80 126,528.22 509 SL C ZONE 9 RANCHO SOLANA 30,892.03 31.97 30,924.00 510 SL C ZONE 10 MARTINIQUE 15,873.25 18.09 15,891.34 511 SL C ZONE 11 MEADOWVIEW 3,986.00 4.04 3,990.04 512 SL C ZONE 12 VINTAGE HILLS 89,205.77 98.59 89,304.36 513 SL C ZONE 13 PRESLEY DEVELOP 33,933.06 36.71 33,969.77 514 SL C ZONE 14 MORRISON HOMES 13,263.09 14.17 13,277.26 515 SL C ZONE 15 BARCLAY ESTATES 15,065.29 15.93 15,081.22 516 SL C ZONE 16 TRADEWINDS 84,691.95 87.71 84,779.66 517 SL C ZONE 17 MONTE VISTA 3,049.63 3.13 3,052.76 518 SLCZONE 18TEMEKU HILLS 74,794.79 78.46 74,873.25 519 SL C ZONE 19 CHANTEMAR 83,911.61 87.95 83,999.56 520 SL C ZONE 20 CROWNE HILL 275,202.35 289.98 (868.77) 276,361.10 521 SL C ZONE 21 VAIL RANCH 2O1,450.70 213.77 (638.01) 202,302.48 522 SL C ZONE 22 SUTTON PLACE 12,304.01 12.89 12,316.90 523 SL C ZONE 23 PHEASENT RUN 29,536.84 30.39 29,567.23 524 SL C ZONE 24 HARVESTON 66,808.55 70.98 66,879.53 525 SL C ZONE 25 SERENA HILLS 79,467.28 83.31 79,550.59 526 SL C ZONE 26 GALLERYTRADITION 2,560.98 2.77 2,563.75 527 SL C ZONE 27 AVONDALE 11,182.65 12.30 11,194.95 528 SL C ZONE 28 WOLF CREEK 310,797.18 369.25 311,166.43 529 SL C ZONE 29 GALLERY PORTRAIT 9,561.80 9.56 9,571.36 530 SL C ZONE 30 FUTURE ZONES 36,062.11 37.48 - 36,099.59 700 CERBT RETIREE HEALTH-GASB45 15,303,192.41 82,906.48 82,876.32 15,303,222.57 701 PENSION RATE STABILIZATION 14,556,005.12 297,267.23 - 14,853,272.35 Grand Total 197,021,568.32 2,458,093.25 (1,098,393.98) 200,578,055.55 July 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024 Page 5 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report Fund Activity Summary Statement' For Period Ending August 31, 2023 Beginning Ending Fund Fund Description Fund Balance Receipts Disbursements Fund Balance 001 GENERAL 47,891,905.21 1,336,667.32 2,599,418.38 46,629,154.15 002 MEASURES 46,034,072.17 52,352.20 46,086,424.37 005 GENERAL PLAN UPDATE - 006 FIRE FACILITY ACQUISITION 3,032,657.87 3,633.26 3,036,291.13 100 STATE GAS TAX 172.12 284,948.20 285,120.32 102 RMRA-ROAD MAINT REHAB ACCT 1,039,575.18 211,026.71 1,250,601.89 103 STREET MAINTENANCE 3,945,587.24 4,718.54 3,950,305.78 105 NPDES 603,639.96 723.40 604,363.36 106 UPTOWN NEW STREETS IN LIEU FEE 906,694.57 1,085.53 907,780.10 107 CARES ACT - - - 108 AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT - - 110 COVID-19 PANDEMIC COMM. REINV. 11,155,255.95 13,442.01 250,000.00 10,918,697.96 120 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES 11,532,278.34 456,410.00 - 11,988,688.34 125 PEG -PUBLIC EDUC & GOVT 880,187.20 1,031.89 (2,311.79) 883,530.88 130 RECOVERY ACT JAG FUNDING - - - - 140 COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT 67,893.72 - 8,292.35 59,601.37 145 TEMECULA ENERGY EFFICIENCY MGT 735,049.90 879.39 - 735,929.29 150 ASSEMBLY BILL 2766 391,419.94 427.00 391,846.94 160 SUPPL LAW ENFORCEMENT SVCS 0.03 1.10 1.13 161 MAJOR CRIMES REWARD - - - - 165 AFFORDABLE HOUSING 12,117,050.75 13,925.54 24,742.46 12,106,233.83 166 SARDA HOUSING - - 170 MEASURE A 7,103,016.28 8,492.26 7,111,508.54 190 TEMECULA COMM SVCS DISTRICT 249,918.04 204,808.05 1,261,533.17 (806,807.08) 191 SL B-STREETLIGHT REPLACEMENT 1,070,732.82 1,281.98 - 1,072,014.80 192 SL B-STREETLIGHTS 392,051.93 468.30 26,945.64 365,574.59 194 SL D-REFUSERECYCLING 574,641.36 685.11 5,694.88 569,631.59 195 SL R-STREET MAINT 33,088.89 39.59 - 33,128.48 196 SL L-LAKE PARK MAINT 359,112.75 3,929.99 12,350.07 350,692.67 197 TEMECULA LIBRARY 487,623.63 5,701.48 50,084.47 443,240.64 198 PUBLIC ART 229,079.49 12,715.12 - 241,794.61 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 8,971,652.54 2,611,188.85 158,683.28 11,424,158.11 275 CFD 03-3 WOLF CREEK IMPROV 219,012.32 878.13 - 219,890.45 277 CFD 03-2 RORIPAUGH RANCH IMPR 8,315,111.22 69,537.54 8,384,648.76 278 CFD 16-1 RORIPAUGH PH II IMPR 9,603,255.38 40,852.32 9,644,107.70 281 CFD 20-01 ALTAIR - 282 CFD 23-02 PRADO - - 300 INSURANCE 741,348.96 591.89 1,581,236.43 (839,295.58) 305 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 1,474,926.74 1,698.62 194,342.48 1,282,282.88 310 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 5,253,492.74 4,183.52 600.25 5,257,076.01 320 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1,456,348.61 1,508.01 607,457.56 850,399.06 325 TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT 3,029,528.46 3,366.60 - 3,032,895.06 330 SUPPORT SERVICES (7,887.65) 29.66 17,700.43 (25,558.42) 335 SUPPORT SERVICES REPLACEMENT 379,248.55 403.67 - 379,652.22 340 FACILITIES 558,041.04 717.30 142,110.19 416,648.15 350 FACILITY REPLACEMENT 652,464.09 386.69 - 652,850.78 380 SARDA DEBT SVC (36,258,670.55) 15,837.61 (36,242,832.94) 381 RDA PROPERTY TAX TRUST FUND 216,672.83 256.90 216,929.73 382 2010-11 TABS REFUNDING ESCROW (212,813.40) - (212,813.40) July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 Page 6 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report Fund Activity Summary Statement' For Period Ending August 31, 2023 Beginning Ending Fund Fund Description Fund Balance Receipts Disbursements Fund Balance 395 2011 FINANCING LEASE 396 2018 FINANCING LEASE MRC - - - 460 CFD 88-12 DEBT SVC 94,878.42 67.66 - 94,946.08 472 CFD 01-2 HARVESTON AB DEBT SVC 1,407,328.57 5,894.12 148.47 1,413,074.22 473 CFD 03-1 CROWNE HILL DEBT SVC 1,640,638.55 10,293.41 148.45 1,650,783.51 474 AD 03-4 JOHN WARNER DEBT SVC 2,182.38 - - 2,182.38 475 CFD 03-3 WOLF CREEK DEBT SVC 1,895,954.54 7,877.19 445.36 1,903,386.37 476 CFD 03-6 HARVESTON2 DEBT SVC 646,705.21 3,911.88 148.45 650,468.64 477 CFD 03-2 RORIPAUGH DEVT SVC 1,481,791.59 6,190.44 148.45 1,487,833.58 478 CFD 16-1 RORIPAUGH PH II 6,101,590.76 25,045.09 742.26 6,125,893.59 479 CFD 19-01 MUNICIPAL SERVICES - - - - 481 CFD 23-01 ALTAIR 529.39 178.29 707.68 482 CFD 23-02 PRADO - - - 483 CFD 20-01 HEIRLOOM FARMS - - - - 501 SL C ZONE 1 SADDLEWOOD 18,220.36 21.05 2,756.35 15,485.06 502 SL C ZONE 2 WINCHESTER CREEK 121,643.78 144.95 2,748.50 119,040.23 503 SL C ZONE 3 RANCHO HIGHLANDS 66,577.48 78.99 3,459.88 63,196.59 504 SL C ZONE 4 THE VINEYARDS 7,091.54 8.38 479.09 6,620.83 505 SL C ZONE 5 SIGNET SERIES 32,312.70 38.14 2,926.01 29,424.83 506 SL C ZONE 6 WOODCREST COUNTRY 54,278.43 63.85 4,226.29 50,115.99 507 SL C ZONE 7 RIDGEVIEW 12,154.36 14.37 962.35 11,206.38 508 SL C ZONE 8 VILLAGE GROVE 126,528.22 149.42 15,508.73 111,168.91 509 SL C ZONE 9 RANCHO SOLANA 30,924.00 36.97 206.98 30,753.99 510 SL C ZONE 10 MARTINIQUE 15,891.34 18.92 665.91 15,244.35 511 SL C ZONE 11 MEADOWVIEW 3,990.04 4.75 198.47 3,796.32 512 SL C ZONE 12 VINTAGE HILLS 89,304.36 105.51 6,747.76 82,662.11 513 SL C ZONE 13 PRESLEY DEVELOP 33,969.77 40.20 2,509.01 31,500.96 514 SL C ZONE 14 MORRISON HOMES 13,277.26 15.72 1,080.55 12,212.43 515 SL C ZONE 15 BARCLAY ESTATES 15,081.22 17.91 430.01 14,669.12 516 SL C ZONE 16 TRADEWINDS 84,779.66 102.60 (2,533.92) 87,416.18 517 SL C ZONE 17 MONTE VISTA 3,052.76 3.62 136.92 2,919.46 518 SL C ZONE 18 TEMEKU HILLS 74,873.25 88.25 5,674.12 69,287.38 519 SL C ZONE 19 CHANTEMAR 83,999.56 99.52 4,280.21 79,818.87 520 SL C ZONE 20 CROWNE HILL 276,361.10 328.16 12,743.15 263,946.11 521 SL C ZONE 21 VAIL RANCH 2O2,302.48 238.41 16,273.12 186,267.77 522 SL C ZONE 22 SUTTON PLACE 12,316.90 14.68 369.83 11,961.75 523 SL C ZONE 23 PHEASENT RUN 29,567.23 35.26 425.80 29,176.69 524 SL C ZONE 24 HARVESTON 66,879.53 77.61 11,317.88 55,639.26 525 SL C ZONE 25 SERENA HILLS 79,550.59 94.57 2,501.53 77,143.63 526 SL C ZONE 26 GALLERYTRADITION 2,563.75 3.04 150.18 2,416.61 527 SL C ZONE 27 AVONDALE 11,194.95 13.31 273.58 10,934.68 528 SL C ZONE 28 WOLF CREEK 311,166.43 420.77 19,501.85 292,085.35 529 SL C ZONE 29 GALLERY PORTRAIT 9,571.36 11.40 233.78 9,348.98 530 SL C ZONE 30 FUTURE ZONES 36,099.59 43.57 - 36,143.16 700 CERBT RETIREE HEALTH-GASB45 15,303,222.57 70,343.32 15,373,565.89 701 PENSION RATE STABILIZATION 14,853,272.35 (258,691.81) 14,594,580.54 Grand Total 200,578,055.55 5,244,274.77 7,056,915.61 198,765,414.71 July 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024 Page 7 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report Fund 001 002 005 006 100 102 103 105 106 107 108 110 120 125 130 140 145 150 160 161 165 166 170 190 191 192 194 195 196 197 198 210 275 277 278 281 282 300 305 310 320 325 330 335 340 350 380 381 382 Fund Activity Summary Statement' For Period Ending September 30, 2023 Beginning Fund Description GENERAL MEASURE S GENERAL PLAN UPDATE FIRE FACILITY ACQUISITION STATE GAS TAX RMRA-ROAD MAINT REHAB ACCT STREET MAINTENANCE NPDES UPTOWN NEW STREETS IN LIEU FEE CARES ACT AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT COVID-19 PANDEMIC COMM. REINV. DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES PEG -PUBLIC EDUC & GOVT RECOVERY ACT JAG FUNDING COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT TEMECULA ENERGY EFFICIENCY MGT ASSEMBLY BILL 2766 SUPPL LAW ENFORCEMENT SVCS MAJOR CRIMES REWARD AFFORDABLE HOUSING SARDA HOUSING MEASURE A TEMECULA COMM SVCS DISTRICT SL B-STREETLIGHT REPLACEMENT SL B-STREETLIGHTS SLD-REFUSERECYCLING SL R-STREET MAINT SL L-LAKE PARK MAINT TEMECULA LIBRARY PUBLIC ART CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CFD 03-3 WOLF CREEK IMPROV CFD 03-2 RORIPAUGH RANCH IMPR CFD 16-1 RORIPAUGH PH II IMPR CFD 20-01 ALTAIR CFD 23-02 PRADO INSURANCE WORKERS' COMPENSATION VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT SUPPORT SERVICES SUPPORT SERVICES REPLACEMENT FACILITIES FACILITY REPLACEMENT SARDA DEBT SVC RDA PROPERTY TAX TRUST FUND 2010-11 TABS REFUNDING ESCROW and Balance Receipts 46,629,154.15 6,290,556.70 46,086,424.37 3,230,628.69 3,036,291.13 18,056.88 285,120.32 3,680.49 1,250,601.89 237,857.12 3,950,305.78 23,415.28 604,363.36 3,595.63 907,780.10 447,281.97 5,361,982.83 Ending Fund Balance 47,557,728.02 49,317,053.06 3,054,348.01 288,800.81 1,488,459.01 3,973,721.06 607,958.99 1,355,062.07 10,918,697.96 65,889.77 172,175.00 10,812,412.73 11,988,688.34 1,044,836.32 - 13,033,524.66 883,530.88 5,168.09 1,960.54 886,738.43 59,601.37 564,380.83 50,731.12 573,251.08 735,929.29 4,366.80 - 740,296.09 391,846.94 2,261.97 2,760.00 391,348.91 1.13 3.95 - 5.08 12,106,233.83 44,075.21 34,453.58 12,115,855.46 7,111,508.54 762,578.63 1,150.00 7,872,937.17 (806,807.08) 159,231.44 1,296,332.97 (1,943,908.61) 1,072,014.80 6,368.72 - 1,078,383.52 365,574.59 2,358.43 26,912.63 341,020.39 569,631.59 3,214.22 6,492.99 566,352.82 33,128.48 196.30 - 33,324.78 350,692.67 2,579.82 39,817.25 313,455.24 443,240.64 8,324.90 68,492.70 383,072.84 241,794.61 11,733.50 - 253,528.11 11,424,158.11 9,840,059.01 16,983,309.10 4,280,908.02 219,890.45 997.09 220o887.54 8,384,648.76 871.64 8,385,520.40 9,644,107.70 42,558.56 9,686,666.26 (839,295.58) 2,272.16 139,116.33 (976,139.75) 1,282,282.88 8,248.83 23,366.16 1,267,165.55 5,257,076.01 20,777.82 - 5,277,853.83 850,399.06 6,933.96 476,236.22 381,096.80 3,032,895.06 16,834.11 31,856.46 3,017,872.71 (25,558.42) 140.14 23,806.77 (49,225.05) 379,652.22 2,004.99 - 381,657.21 416,648.15 3,544.30 202,528.16 217,664.29 652,850.78 1,916.77 - 654,767.55 (36,242,832.94) 16,503.93 295,000.00 (36,521,329.01) 216,929.73 1,273.33 - 218,203.06 (212,813.40) - (212,813.40) July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 Page 8 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report Fund Fund Description 395 2011 FINANCING LEASE 396 2018 FINANCING LEASE MRC 460 CFD 88-12 DEBT SVC 472 CFD 01-2 HARVESTON AB DEBT SVC 473 CFD 03-1 CROWNE HILL DEBT SVC 474 AD 03-4 JOHN WARNER DEBT SVC 475 CFD 03-3 WOLF CREEK DEBT SVC 476 CFD 03-6 HARVESTON2 DEBT SVC 477 CFD 03-2 RORIPAUGH DEVT SVC 478 CFD 16-1 RORIPAUGH PH II 479 CFD 19-01 MUNICIPAL SERVICES 481 CFD 23-01 ALTAIR 482 CFD 23-02 PRADO 483 CFD 20-01 HEIRLOOM FARMS 501 SL C ZONE 1 SADDLEWOOD 502 SL C ZONE 2 WINCHESTER CREEK 503 SL C ZONE 3 RANCHO HIGHLANDS 504 SL C ZONE 4 THE VINEYARDS 505 SL C ZONE 5 SIGNET SERIES 506 SL C ZONE 6 WOODCREST COUNTRY 507 SL C ZONE 7 RIDGEVIEW 508 SL C ZONE 8 VILLAGE GROVE 509 SL C ZONE 9 RANCHO SOLANA 510 SL C ZONE 10 MARTINIQUE 511 SL C ZONE 11 MEADOWVIEW 512 SL C ZONE 12 VINTAGE HILLS 513 SL C ZONE 13 PRESLEY DEVELOP 514 SL C ZONE 14 MORRISON HOMES 515 SL C ZONE 15 BARCLAY ESTATES 516 SL C ZONE 16 TRADEWINDS 517 SL C ZONE 17 MONTE VISTA 518 SL C ZONE 18 TEMEKU HILLS 519 SL C ZONE 19 CHANTEMAR 520 SL C ZONE 20 CROWNE HILL 521 SL C ZONE 21 VAIL RANCH 522 SL C ZONE 22 SUTTON PLACE 523 SL C ZONE 23 PHEASENT RUN 524 SL C ZONE 24 HARVESTON 525 SL C ZONE 25 SERENA HILLS 526 SL C ZONE 26 GALLERYTRADITION 527 SL C ZONE 27 AVONDALE 528 SL C ZONE 28 WOLF CREEK 529 SL C ZONE 29 GALLERY PORTRAIT 530 SL C ZONE 30 FUTURE ZONES 700 CERBT RETIREE HEALTH-GASB45 701 PENSION RATE STABILIZATION Grand Total Fund Activity Summary Statement' For Period Ending September 30, 2023 Beginning Receipts Ending Fund Balance 94,946.08 585.79 - 95,531.87 1,413,074.22 6,293.30 745,123.40 674,244.12 1,6S0,783.S1 3,646.23 628,29S.3S 1,026,134.39 2,182.38 - 2,182.38 1,903,386.37 8,477.71 1,285,982.97 62S,881.11 6S0,468.64 1,549.50 247,898.47 404,119.67 1,487,833.58 6,610.58 576,014.09 918,430.07 6,125,893.59 28,289.41 2,057,564.65 4,096,618.35 707.68 815.12 1,522.80 15,485.06 100.36 4,740.06 10,845.36 119,040.23 718.61 3,945.48 115,813.36 63,196.59 388.54 4,814.22 58,770.91 6,620.83 41.36 754.73 5,907.46 29,424.83 186.84 5,956.43 23,655.24 50,115.99 304.30 11,546.81 38,873.48 11,206.38 71.09 1,377.69 9,899.78 111,168.91 727.25 14,994.05 96,902.11 30,753.99 182.22 3,561.50 27,374.71 15,244.35 96.21 855.80 14,484.76 3,796.32 23.35 267.13 3,552.54 82,662.11 526.42 9,967.56 73,220.97 31,500.96 198.68 3,3S2.91 28,346.73 12,212.43 77.80 1,496.22 10,794.01 14,669.12 88.50 848.00 13,909.62 87,416.18 517.06 2,214.34 85,718.90 2,919.46 17.80 236.80 2,700.46 69,287.38 430.41 9,110.88 60,606.91 79,818.87 490.45 6,688.73 73,620.59 263,946.11 1,623.43 15,013.50 250,556.04 186,267.77 1,163.07 24,755.39 162,675.45 11,961.75 72.85 470.02 11,564.58 29,176.69 174.62 625.06 28,726.25 55,639.26 376.61 16,545.02 39,470.85 77,143.63 467.20 4,171.29 73,439.54 2,416.61 15.18 188.55 2,243.24 10,934.68 66.54 624.00 10,377.22 292,085.35 2,076.82 26,094.07 268,068.10 9,348.98 55.91 281.19 9,123.70 36,143.16 216.02 - 36,359.18 15,373,565.89 (533,302.70) 81,412.18 14,758,851.01 14,594,580.54 (489,591.01) - 14,104,989.53 198,765,414.71 21,952,447.73 31,036,269.35 189,681,593.09 July 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024 Page 9 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report Fund Activity Summary Statement' For Period Ending October 31, 2023 Beginning Ending Fund Fund Description Fund Balance Receipts Disbursements Fund Balance 001 GENERAL 47,557,728.02 5,533,411.40 6,169,005.60 46,922,133.82 002 MEASURE S 49,317,053.06 3,519,134.63 52,836,187.69 005 GENERAL PLAN UPDATE - 006 FIRE FACILITY ACQUISITION 3,054,348.01 2,692.02 3,057,040.03 100 STATE GAS TAX 288,800.81 286,268.05 575,068.86 102 RMRA-ROAD MAINT REHAB ACCT 1,488,459.01 234,188.39 1,722,647.40 103 STREET MAINTENANCE 3,973,721.06 3,496.14 3,977,217.20 105 NPDES 607,958.99 536.00 608,494.99 106 UPTOWN NEW STREETS IN LIEU FEE 1,355,062.07 1,196.76 1,356,258.83 107 CARES ACT - 108 AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT - - 110 COVID-19 PANDEMIC COMM. REINV. 10,812,412.73 9,656.24 23,500.00 10,798,568.97 120 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES 13,033,524.66 90,622.90 - 13,124,147.56 125 PEG -PUBLIC EDUC & GOVT 886,738.43 780.54 887,518.97 130 RECOVERY ACT JAG FUNDING - - - - 140 COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT 573,251.08 238,712.28 9,570.09 802,393.27 145 TEMECULA ENERGY EFFICIENCY MGT 740,296.09 651.58 - 740,947.67 150 ASSEMBLY BILL 2766 391,348.91 344.42 391,693.33 160 SUPPL LAW ENFORCEMENT SVCS 5.08 8,340.60 8,345.68 161 MAJOR CRIMES REWARD - - - - 165 AFFORDABLE HOUSING 12,115,855.46 11,947.07 42,088.81 12,085,713.72 166 SARDA HOUSING - - 170 MEASURE A 7,872,937.17 342,813.33 250,632.15 7,965,118.35 190 TEMECULA COMM SVCS DISTRICT (1,943,908.61) 132,579.34 1,253,013.09 (3,064,342.36) 191 SL B-STREETLIGHT REPLACEMENT 1,078,383.52 949.87 - 1,079,333.39 192 SL B-STREETLIGHTS 341,020.39 5,044.18 26,939.00 319,125.57 194 SL D-REFUSERECYCLING 566,352.82 72,424.14 26,492.59 612,284.37 195 SL R-STREET MAINT 33,324.78 259.87 - 33,584.65 196 SL L-LAKE PARK MAINT 313,455.24 434.64 22,982.45 290,907.43 197 TEMECULA LIBRARY 383,072.84 4,614.05 61,723.10 325,963.79 198 PUBLIC ART 253,528.11 912.18 - 254,440.29 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 4,280,908.02 3,540,338.22 2,576,664.91 5,244,581.33 275 CFD 03-3 WOLF CREEK IMPROV 220,887.54 884.83 221,772.37 277 CFD 03-2 RORIPAUGH RANCH IMPR 8,385,520.40 75,533.88 8,461,054.28 278 CFD 16-1 RORIPAUGH PH II IMPR 9,686,666.26 41,430.64 9,728,096.90 281 CFD 20-01 ALTAIR - 282 CFD 23-02 PRADO - 300 INSURANCE (976,139.75) - 195,970.77 (1,172,110.52) 305 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 1,267,165.55 1,158.59 31,882.60 1,236,441.54 310 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 5,277,853.83 2,949.82 400,776.84 4,880,026.81 320 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 381,096.80 544.81 556,602.87 (174,961.26) 325 TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT 3,017,872.71 2,471.77 60,444.43 2,959,900.05 330 SUPPORT SERVICES (49,225.05) - 40,504.31 (89,729.36) 335 SUPPORT SERVICES REPLACEMENT 381,657.21 299.10 - 381,956.31 340 FACILITIES 217,664.29 430.33 159,950.91 58,143.71 350 FACILITY REPLACEMENT 654,767.55 286.52 - 655,054.07 380 SARDA DEBT SVC (36,521,329.01) 16,066.54 (36,505,262.47) 381 RDA PROPERTY TAX TRUST FUND 218,203.06 190.36 218,393.42 382 2010-11 TABS REFUNDING ESCROW (212,813.40) - (212,813.40) July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 Page 10 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report Fund Activity Summary Statement' For Period Ending October 31, 2023 Beginning Ending Fund Fund Description Fund Balance Receipts Disbursements Fund Balance 395 2011 FINANCING LEASE 396 2018 FINANCING LEASE MRC - - - 460 CFD 88-12 DEBT SVC 95,531.87 98.59 - 95,630.46 472 CFD 01-2 HARVESTON AB DEBT SVC 674,244.12 2,821.32 166.73 676,898.71 473 CFD 03-1 CROWNE HILL DEBT SVC 1,026,134.39 8,297.56 166.73 1,034,265.22 474 AD 03-4 JOHN WARNER DEBT SVC 2,182.38 - - 2,182.38 475 CFD 03-3 WOLF CREEK DEBT SVC 625,881.11 2,527.68 417.36 627,991.43 476 CFD 03-6 HARVESTON2 DEBT SVC 404,119.67 3,098.19 2,757.23 404,460.63 477 CFD 03-2 RORIPAUGH DEVT SVC 918,430.07 3,843.15 166.73 922,106.49 478 CFD 16-1 RORIPAUGH PH II 4,096,618.35 17,251.64 6,108.32 4,107,761.67 479 CFD 19-01 MUNICIPAL SERVICES - - - - 481 CFD 23-01 ALTAIR 1,522.80 115.07 1,637.87 482 CFD 23-02 PRADO - - - 483 CFD 20-01 HEIRLOOM FARMS - - - - 501 SL C ZONE 1 SADDLEWOOD 10,845.36 11.28 3,111.67 7,744.97 502 SL C ZONE 2 WINCHESTER CREEK 115,813.36 104.52 3,525.40 112,392.48 503 SL C ZONE 3 RANCHO HIGHLANDS 58,770.91 55.31 2,846.85 55,979.37 504 SL C ZONE 4 THE VINEYARDS 5,907.46 5.64 453.25 5,459.85 505 SL C ZONE 5 SIGNET SERIES 23,655.24 23.62 2,698.92 20,979.94 506 SL C ZONE 6 WOODCREST COUNTRY 38,873.48 35.85 2,346.72 36,562.61 507 SL C ZONE 7 RIDGEVIEW 9,899.78 9.70 892.32 9,017.16 508 SL C ZONE 8 VILLAGE GROVE 96,902.11 94.98 10,099.01 86,898.08 509 SL C ZONE 9 RANCHO SOLANA 27,374.71 24.32 297.57 27,101.46 510 SL C ZONE 10 MARTINIQUE 14,484.76 13.60 634.41 13,863.95 511 SL C ZONE 11 MEADOWVIEW 3,552.54 3.43 153.54 3,402.43 512 SL C ZONE 12 VINTAGE HILLS 73,220.97 71.67 6,229.11 67,063.53 513 SL C ZONE 13 PRESLEY DEVELOP 28,346.73 27.40 2,688.34 25,685.79 514 SL C ZONE 14 MORRISON HOMES 10,794.01 10.87 1,104.93 9,699.95 515 SL C ZONE 15 BARCLAY ESTATES 13,909.62 12.29 1,087.42 12,834.49 516 SL C ZONE 16 TRADEWINDS 85,718.90 76.52 1,372.39 84,423.03 517 SL C ZONE 17 MONTE VISTA 2,700.46 2.56 292.99 2,410.03 518 SL C ZONE 18 TEMEKU HILLS 60,606.91 57.77 5,268.36 55,396.32 519 SL C ZONE 19 CHANTEMAR 73,620.59 68.90 3,985.64 69,703.85 520 SL C ZONE 20 CROWNE HILL 250,556.04 232.34 9,854.96 240,933.42 521 SL C ZONE 21 VAIL RANCH 162,675.45 156.91 13,716.54 149,115.82 522 SL C ZONE 22 SUTTON PLACE 11,564.58 10.58 317.80 11,257.36 523 SL C ZONE 23 PHEASENT RUN 28,726.25 25.72 364.06 28,387.91 524 SL C ZONE 24 HARVESTON 39,470.85 47.63 9,683.19 29,835.29 525 SL C ZONE 25 SERENA HILLS 73,439.54 66.52 2,520.29 70,985.77 526 SL C ZONE 26 GALLERYTRADITION 2,243.24 2.14 226.87 2,018.51 527 SL C ZONE 27 AVONDALE 10,377.22 8.83 1,950.43 8,435.62 528 SL C ZONE 28 WOLF CREEK 268,068.10 296.69 16,149.68 252,215.11 529 SL C ZONE 29 GALLERY PORTRAIT 9,123.70 8.27 215.92 8,916.05 530 SL C ZONE 30 FUTURE ZONES 36,359.18 32.20 - 36,391.38 700 CERBT RETIREE HEALTH-GASB45 14,758,851.01 68,418.92 80,649.92 14,746,620.01 701 PENSION RATE STABILIZATION 14,104,989.53 (335,194.19) - 13,769,795.34 Grand Total 189,681,593.09 13,957,472.02 12,103,266.12 191,535,798.99 July 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024 Page 11 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report Fund 001 002 005 006 100 102 103 105 106 107 108 110 120 125 130 140 145 150 160 161 165 166 170 190 191 192 194 195 196 197 198 210 275 277 278 281 282 300 305 310 320 325 330 335 340 350 380 381 382 Fund Activity Summary Statement' For Period Ending November 30, 2023 Beginning Fund Description GENERAL MEASURE S GENERAL PLAN UPDATE FIRE FACILITY ACQUISITION STATE GAS TAX RMRA-ROAD MAINT REHAB ACCT STREET MAINTENANCE NPDES UPTOWN NEW STREETS IN LIEU FEE CARES ACT AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT COVID-19 PANDEMIC COMM. REINV. DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES PEG -PUBLIC EDUC & GOVT RECOVERY ACT JAG FUNDING COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT TEMECULA ENERGY EFFICIENCY MGT ASSEMBLY BILL 2766 SUPPL LAW ENFORCEMENT SVCS MAJOR CRIMES REWARD AFFORDABLE HOUSING SARDA HOUSING MEASURE A TEMECULA COMM SVCS DISTRICT SL B-STREETLIGHT REPLACEMENT SL B-STREETLIGHTS SLD-REFUSERECYCLING SL R-STREET MAINT SL L-LAKE PARK MAINT TEMECULA LIBRARY PUBLIC ART CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CFD 03-3 WOLF CREEK IMPROV CFD 03-2 RORIPAUGH RANCH IMPR CFD 16-1 RORIPAUGH PH II IMPR CFD 20-01 ALTAIR CFD 23-02 PRADO INSURANCE WORKERS' COMPENSATION VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT SUPPORT SERVICES SUPPORT SERVICES REPLACEMENT FACILITIES FACILITY REPLACEMENT SARDA DEBT SVC RDA PROPERTY TAX TRUST FUND 2010-11 TABS REFUNDING ESCROW 46,922,133.82 52,836,187.69 3,057,040.03 575,068.86 1,722,647.40 3,977,217.20 608,494.99 1,356,258.83 10,798,568.97 13,124,147.56 887,518.97 802,393.27 740,947.67 391,693.33 8,345.68 12,085,713.72 7,965,118.35 (3,064,342.36) 1,079,333.39 319,125.57 612,284.37 33,584.65 290,907.43 325,963.79 254,440.29 5,244,581.33 221,772.37 8,461,054.28 9,728,096.90 (1,172,110.52) 1,236,441.54 4,880,026.81 (174,961.26) 2,959,900.05 (89,729.36) 381,956.31 58,143.71 655,054.07 (36,505,262.47) 218,393.42 (212,813.40) Receipts 5,457,973.75 3,096,907.69 8,760.87 256,037.59 255,291.51 11,377.71 1,744.33 3,888.01 31,044.77 845,435.98 41,647.53 166,393.04 2,120.48 1,120.67 8,379.89 24,505.92 22,790.95 259,434.88 3,091.22 951.73 1,776.74 96.12 1,164.56 3,627.03 1,606.32 8,881,506.58 955.81 424.95 43,144.61 3,743.26 8,934.44 168.91 7,792.15 973.40 427.02 932.41 16,731.21 619.48 9,205,647.71 56, 715.00 28,574.60 39,447.90 1,119,924.24 33,404.52 6,438.75 21,057.00 37,909.91 4, 260, 771.60 182,407.20 25,920.55 758,967.00 28,908.02 6,588.95 134,800.84 Ending Fund Balance 43,174,459.86 55,933,095.38 3,065,800.90 831,106.45 1,977,938.91 3,988,594.91 610,239.32 1,360,146.84 10,772,898.74 13,969,583.54 929,166.50 940,211.71 743,068.15 392,814.00 16,725.57 12,070,771.74 7,987,909.30 (3,924,831.72) 1,082,424.61 286,672.78 607,622.36 33,680.77 271,014.99 291,680.91 256,046.61 9,865,316.31 222,728.18 8,461,479.23 9,771,241.51 (1,354,517.72) 1,214,264.25 4,888,961.25 (933,759.35) 2,967,692.20 (118,637.38) 376,340.76 (76,230.11) 655,986.48 (36,488,531.26) 219,012.90 (212,813.40) July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 Page 12 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report Fund Fund Description 395 2011 FINANCING LEASE 396 2018 FINANCING LEASE MRC 460 CFD 88-12 DEBT SVC 472 CFD 01-2 HARVESTON AB DEBT SVC 473 CFD 03-1 CROWNE HILL DEBT SVC 474 AD 03-4 JOHN WARNER DEBT SVC 475 CFD 03-3 WOLF CREEK DEBT SVC 476 CFD 03-6 HARVESTON2 DEBT SVC 477 CFD 03-2 RORIPAUGH DEVT SVC 478 CFD 16-1 RORIPAUGH PH II 479 CFD 19-01 MUNICIPAL SERVICES 481 CFD 23-01 ALTAIR 482 CFD 23-02 PRADO 483 CFD 20-01 HEIRLOOM FARMS 501 SL C ZONE 1 SADDLEWOOD 502 SL C ZONE 2 WINCHESTER CREEK 503 SL C ZONE 3 RANCHO HIGHLANDS 504 SL C ZONE 4 THE VINEYARDS 505 SL C ZONE 5 SIGNET SERIES 506 SL C ZONE 6 WOODCREST COUNTRY 507 SL C ZONE 7 RIDGEVIEW 508 SL C ZONE 8 VILLAGE GROVE 509 SL C ZONE 9 RANCHO SOLANA 510 SL C ZONE 10 MARTINIQUE 511 SL C ZONE 11 MEADOWVIEW 512 SL C ZONE 12 VINTAGE HILLS 513 SL C ZONE 13 PRESLEY DEVELOP 514 SL C ZONE 14 MORRISON HOMES 515 SL C ZONE 15 BARCLAY ESTATES 516 SL C ZONE 16 TRADEWINDS 517 SL C ZONE 17 MONTE VISTA 518 SL C ZONE 18 TEMEKU HILLS 519 SL C ZONE 19 CHANTEMAR 520 SL C ZONE 20 CROWNE HILL 521 SL C ZONE 21 VAIL RANCH 522 SL C ZONE 22 SUTTON PLACE 523 SL C ZONE 23 PHEASENT RUN 524 SL C ZONE 24 HARVESTON 525 SL C ZONE 25 SERENA HILLS 526 SL C ZONE 26 GALLERYTRADITION 527 SL C ZONE 27 AVONDALE 528 SL C ZONE 28 WOLF CREEK 529 SL C ZONE 29 GALLERY PORTRAIT 530 SL C ZONE 30 FUTURE ZONES 700 CERBT RETIREE HEALTH-GASB45 701 PENSION RATE STABILIZATION Grand Total Fund Activity Summary Statement' For Period Ending November 30, 2023 Beginning Receipts Ending Fund Balance 95,630.46 49.74 - 95,680.20 676,898.71 2,974.23 172.40 679,700.54 1,034,265.22 806.10 172.49 1,034,898.83 2,182.38 - - 2,182.38 627,991.43 2,709.51 345.01 630,355.93 404,460.63 338.24 172.49 404,626.38 922,106.49 4,042.43 172.49 925,976.43 4,107,761.67 18,403.28 690.03 4,125,474.92 1,637.87 341.52 1,979.39 7,744.97 27.10 2,984.51 4,787.56 112,392.48 326.16 2,294.35 110,424.29 55,979.37 165.56 2,877.01 53,267.92 5,459.85 16.45 467.06 5,009.24 20,979.94 64.69 2,967.11 18,077.52 36,562.61 107.50 1,992.85 34,677.26 9,017.16 27.41 808.04 8,236.53 86,898.08 264.39 7,968.30 79,194.17 27,101.46 77.84 188.65 26,990.65 13,863.95 40.72 549.72 13,354.95 3,402.43 10.04 127.79 3,284.68 67,063.53 203.18 5,335.08 61,931.63 25,685.79 77.41 1,921.89 23,841.31 9,699.95 29.57 966.16 8,763.36 12,834.49 37.69 597.34 12,274.84 84,423.03 242.90 13,174.81 71,491.12 2,410.03 7.22 197.67 2,219.58 55,396.32 168.46 4,899.19 50,665.59 69,703.85 206.64 3,639.54 66,270.95 240,933.42 707.26 5,835.00 235,805.68 149,115.82 452.74 13,029.95 136,538.61 11,257.36 32.80 271.79 11,018.37 28,387.91 81.95 336.96 28,132.90 29,835.29 103.51 8,934.17 21,004.63 70,985.77 207.63 2,641.27 68,552.13 2,018.51 6.04 66.00 1,958.55 8,435.62 24.88 648.26 7,812.24 252, 215.11 875.95 14,444.81 238, 646.25 8,916.05 25.72 106.00 8,835.77 36,391.38 104.87 - 36,496.25 14,746,620.01 119,174.45 81,726.45 14,784,068.01 13,769,795.34 926,075.07 - 14,695,870.41 191,535,798.99 20,553,162.37 16,131,206.43 195,957,754.93 July 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024 Page 13 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report Fund Activity Summary Statement' For Period Ending December 31, 2023 Beginning Ending Fund Fund Description Fund Balance Receipts Disbursements Fund Balance 001 GENERAL 43,174,459.86 16,068,217.30 11,838,515.94 47,404,161.22 002 MEASURE S 55,933,095.38 3,534,933.41 14,887,900.50 44,580,128.29 005 GENERAL PLAN UPDATE - 006 FIRE FACILITY ACQUISITION 3,065,800.90 776,220.85 3,842,021.75 100 STATE GAS TAX 831,106.45 283,132.75 1,114,239.20 102 RMRA-ROAD MAINT REHAB ACCT 1,977,938.91 215,051.79 2,192,990.70 103 STREET MAINTENANCE 3,988,594.91 1,034,059.51 5,022,654.42 105 NPDES 610,239.32 5,182.44 615,421.76 106 UPTOWN NEW STREETS IN LIEU FEE 1,360,146.84 (5,499.53) 1,354,647.31 107 CARES ACT 108 AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT - - 110 COVID-19 PANDEMIC COMM. REINV. 10,772,898.74 91,690.49 89,750.00 10,774,839.23 120 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES 13,969,583.54 270,096.30 - 14,239,679.84 125 PEG -PUBLIC EDUC & GOVT 929,166.50 7,878.73 977.72 936,067.51 130 RECOVERY ACT JAG FUNDING - - - - 140 COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT 940,211.71 317,666.34 10,445.41 1,247,432.64 145 TEMECULA ENERGY EFFICIENCY MGT 743,068.15 6,299.99 - 749,368.14 150 ASSEMBLY BILL 2766 392,814.00 42,095.83 434,909.83 160 SUPPL LAW ENFORCEMENT SVCS 16,725.57 8,538.21 25,263.78 161 MAJOR CRIMES REWARD - - - - 165 AFFORDABLE HOUSING 12,070,771.74 56,329.84 84,204.47 12,042,897.11 166 SARDA HOUSING - - 170 MEASURE A 7,987,909.30 442,747.98 8,430,657.28 190 TEMECULA COMM SVCS DISTRICT (3,924,831.72) 7,317,207.27 2,865,918.34 526,457.21 191 SL B-STREETLIGHT REPLACEMENT 1,082,424.61 9,184.12 - 1,091,608.73 192 SL B-STREETLIGHTS 286,672.78 2,482.04 26,972.20 262,182.62 194 SL D-REFUSERECYCLING 607,622.36 5,150.28 21,687.43 591,085.21 195 SL R-STREET MAINT 33,680.77 285.59 - 33,966.36 196 SL L-LAKE PARK MAINT 271,014.99 2,680.56 29,197.68 244,497.87 197 TEMECULA LIBRARY 291,680.91 452,856.16 258,418.88 486,118.19 198 PUBLIC ART 256,046.61 3,233.15 - 259,279.76 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 9,865,316.31 2,733,572.88 7,368,535.08 5,230,354.11 275 CFD 03-3 WOLF CREEK IMPROV 222,728.18 1,032.86 223,761.04 277 CFD 03-2 RORIPAUGH RANCH IMPR 8,461,479.23 1,255.76 8,462,734.99 278 CFD 16-1 RORIPAUGH PH II IMPR 9,771,241.51 42,068.27 9,813,309.78 281 CFD 20-01 ALTAIR - 282 CFD 23-02 PRADO - - 300 INSURANCE (1,354,517.72) 2,513,948.00 407,789.87 751,640.41 305 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 1,214,264.25 10,978.15 37,831.86 1,187,410.54 310 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 4,888,961.25 26,548.30 - 4,915,509.55 320 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (933,759.35) 2,965,108.00 420,470.19 1,610,878.46 325 TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT 2,967,692.20 273,062.04 - 3,240,754.24 330 SUPPORT SERVICES (118,637.38) 153,379.00 36,795.59 (2,053.97) 335 SUPPORT SERVICES REPLACEMENT 376,340.76 2,846.77 - 379,187.53 340 FACILITIES (76,230.11) 812,553.35 151,259.31 585,063.93 350 FACILITY REPLACEMENT 655,986.48 1,028,032.66 - 1,684,019.14 380 SARDA DEBT SVC (36,488,531.26) 4,513,607.76 4,651,690.63 (36,626,614.13) 381 RDA PROPERTY TAX TRUST FUND 219,012.90 454,517.87 4,496,690.63 (3,823,159.86) 382 2010-11 TABS REFUNDING ESCROW (212,813.40) - (212,813.40) July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 Page 14 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report Fund Fund Description 395 2011 FINANCING LEASE 396 2018 FINANCING LEASE MRC 460 CFD 88-12 DEBT SVC 472 CFD 01-2 HARVESTON AB DEBT SVC 473 CFD 03-1 CROWNE HILL DEBT SVC 474 AD 03-4 JOHN WARNER DEBT SVC 475 CFD 03-3 WOLF CREEK DEBT SVC 476 CFD 03-6 HARVESTON2 DEBT SVC 477 CFD 03-2 RORIPAUGH DEVT SVC 478 CFD 16-1 RORIPAUGH PH II 479 CFD 19-01 MUNICIPAL SERVICES 481 CFD 23-01 ALTAIR 482 CFD 23-02 PRADO 483 CFD 20-01 HEIRLOOM FARMS 501 SL C ZONE 1 SADDLEWOOD 502 SL C ZONE 2 WINCHESTER CREEK 503 SL C ZONE 3 RANCHO HIGHLANDS 504 SL C ZONE 4 THE VINEYARDS 505 SL C ZONE 5 SIGNET SERIES 506 SL C ZONE 6 WOODCREST COUNTRY 507 SL C ZONE 7 RIDGEVIEW 508 SL C ZONE 8 VILLAGE GROVE 509 SL C ZONE 9 RANCHO SOLANA 510 SL C ZONE 10 MARTINIQUE 511 SL C ZONE 11 MEADOWVIEW 512 SL C ZONE 12 VINTAGE HILLS 513 SL C ZONE 13 PRESLEY DEVELOP 514 SL C ZONE 14 MORRISON HOMES 515 SL C ZONE 15 BARCLAY ESTATES 516 SL C ZONE 16 TRADEWINDS 517 SL C ZONE 17 MONTE VISTA 518 SL C ZONE 18 TEMEKU HILLS 519 SL C ZONE 19 CHANTEMAR 520 SL C ZONE 20 CROWNE HILL 521 SL C ZONE 21 VAIL RANCH 522 SL C ZONE 22 SUTTON PLACE 523 SL C ZONE 23 PHEASENT RUN 524 SL C ZONE 24 HARVESTON 525 SL C ZONE 25 SERENA HILLS 526 SL C ZONE 26 GALLERYTRADITION 527 SL C ZONE 27 AVONDALE 528 SL C ZONE 28 WOLF CREEK 529 SL C ZONE 29 GALLERY PORTRAIT 530 SL C ZONE 30 FUTURE ZONES 700 CERBT RETIREE HEALTH-GASB45 701 PENSION RATE STABILIZATION Grand Total Fund Activity Summary Statement' For Period Ending December 31, 2023 Beginning Fund Balance Receipts Ending Disbursements Fund Balance 95,680.20 54.55 - 95,734.75 679,700.54 3,012.15 2,628.17 680,084.52 1,034,898.83 894.41 263.21 1,035,530.03 2,182.38 - - 2,182.38 630,355.93 2,884.34 699.95 632,540.32 404,626.38 515.74 263.21 404,878.91 925,976.43 4,064.81 2,933.11 927,108.13 4,125,474.92 19,524.60 1,226.23 4,143,773.29 1,979.39 955.04 2,934.43 4,787.56 53.30 2,915.64 1,925.22 110,424.29 946.32 1,948.20 109,422.41 53,267.92 461.85 3,110.90 50,618.87 5,009.24 44.42 425.87 4,627.79 18,077.52 163.92 2,094.77 16,146.67 34,677.26 300.06 1,776.44 33,200.88 8,236.53 73.39 777.36 7,532.56 79,194.17 703.55 24,874.01 55,023.71 26,990.65 229.38 174.19 27,045.84 13,354.95 115.32 497.83 12,972.44 3,284.68 28.42 131.44 3,181.66 61,931.63 518.95 17,438.16 45,012.42 23,841.31 210.51 2,067.64 21,984.18 8,763.36 78.00 854.49 7,986.87 12,274.84 106.57 562.02 11,819.39 71,491.12 611.44 1,514.16 70,588.40 2,219.58 19.47 166.65 2,072.40 50,665.59 453.82 4,578.77 46,540.64 66,270.95 578.47 3,228.32 63,621.10 235,805.68 2,035.89 9,854.64 227,986.93 136,538.61 1,218.02 13,359.69 124,396.94 11,018.37 94.67 234.68 10,878.36 28,132.90 240.10 338.51 28,034.49 21,004.63 217.19 7,948.82 13,273.00 68,552.13 592.35 2,588.55 66,555.93 1,958.55 17.06 176.27 1,799.34 7,812.24 68.05 492.26 7,388.03 238,646.25 2,454.31 13,146.93 227,953.63 8,835.77 75.59 228.40 8,682.96 36,496.25 311.70 - 36,807.95 14, 784, 068.01 1, 645, 298.32 167, 621.59 16, 261, 744.74 14,695,870.41 631,956.39 2,000,000.00 13,327,826.80 195,957,754.93 48,802,415.51 49,978,192.81 194,781,977.63 July 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024 Page 15 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report Fund Activity Summary Statement' For Period Ending January 31, 2024 Beginning Ending Fund Fund Description Fund Balance Receipts Disbursements Fund Balance 001 GENERAL 47,404,161.22 8,833,582.28 25,972,751.32 30,264,992.18 002 MEASURE S 44,580,128.29 2,948,269.90 47,528,398.19 005 GENERAL PLAN UPDATE - 006 FIRE FACILITY ACQUISITION 3,842,021.75 7,168.43 3,849,190.18 100 STATE GAS TAX 1,114,239.20 221,901.13 1,336,140.33 102 RMRA-ROAD MAINT REHAB ACCT 2,192,990.70 202,259.85 2,395,250.55 103 STREET MAINTENANCE 5,022,654.42 9,358.51 5,032,012.93 105 NPDES 615,421.76 1,146.07 616,567.83 106 UPTOWN NEW STREETS IN LIEU FEE 1,354,647.31 2,524.71 1,357,172.02 107 CARES ACT - 108 AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT - - 110 COVID-19 PANDEMIC COMM. REINV. 10,774,839.23 19,976.28 183,305.21 10,611,510.30 120 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES 14,239,679.84 26,518.31 - 14,266,198.15 125 PEG -PUBLIC EDUC & GOVT 936,067.51 1,741.12 1,470.58 936,338.05 130 RECOVERY ACT JAG FUNDING - - - - 140 COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT 1,247,432.64 - 8,753.68 1,238,678.96 145 TEMECULA ENERGY EFFICIENCY MGT 749,368.14 1,393.21 - 750,761.35 150 ASSEMBLY BILL 2766 434,909.83 809.21 435,719.04 160 SUPPL LAW ENFORCEMENT SVCS 25,263.78 8,394.34 33,658.12 161 MAJOR CRIMES REWARD - - - - 165 AFFORDABLE HOUSING 12,042,897.11 142,279.59 30,927.62 12,154,249.08 166 SARDA HOUSING - - 170 MEASURE A 8,430,657.28 676,440.80 780,229.59 8,326,868.49 190 TEMECULA COMM SVCS DISTRICT 526,457.21 1,235,846.04 1,141,358.76 620,944.49 191 SL B-STREETLIGHT REPLACEMENT 1,091,608.73 2,031.01 - 1,093,639.74 192 SL B-STREETLIGHTS 262,182.62 346,071.44 36,360.75 571,893.31 194 SL D-REFUSERECYCLING 591,085.21 5,528,258.34 5,188,022.35 931,321.20 195 SL R-STREET MAINT 33,966.36 3,089.72 107.03 36,949.05 196 SL L-LAKE PARK MAINT 244,497.87 131,833.23 25,005.73 351,325.37 197 TEMECULA LIBRARY 486,118.19 5,450.87 46,565.56 445,003.50 198 PUBLIC ART 259,279.76 482.50 - 259,762.26 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 5,230,354.11 5,131,438.14 7,394,516.25 2,967,276.00 275 CFD 03-3 WOLF CREEK IMPROV 223,761.04 948.58 224,709.62 277 CFD 03-2 RORIPAUGH RANCH IMPR 8,462,734.99 80,831.59 8,543,566.58 278 CFD 16-1 RORIPAUGH PH II IMPR 9,813,309.78 43,626.11 9,856,935.89 281 CFD 20-01 ALTAIR - 282 CFD 23-02 PRADO - - - - 300 INSURANCE 751,640.41 2,398.89 94,858.85 659,180.45 305 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 1,187,410.54 2,397.13 24,552.88 1,165,254.79 310 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 4,915,509.55 218,883.04 50,498.07 5,083,894.52 320 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1,610,878.46 3,814.74 314,799.95 1,299,893.25 325 TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT 3,240,754.24 72,153.18 40,165.56 3,272,741.86 330 SUPPORT SERVICES (2,053.97) 116.64 29,019.21 (30,956.54) 335 SUPPORT SERVICES REPLACEMENT 379,187.53 17,181.15 - 396,368.68 340 FACILITIES 585,063.93 1,336.20 138,372.07 448,028.06 350 FACILITY REPLACEMENT 1,684,019.14 45,860.61 61,540.54 1,668,339.21 380 SARDA DEBT SVC (36,626,614.13) 150,326.70 128,880.00 (36,605,167.43) 381 RDA PROPERTY TAX TRUST FUND (3,823,159.86) 3,410,622.00 125,000.00 (537,537.86) 382 2010-11 TABS REFUNDING ESCROW (212,813.40) - (212,813.40) July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 Page 16 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report Fund Activity Summary Statement' For Period Ending January 31, 2024 Beginning Ending Fund Fund Description Fund Balance Receipts Disbursements Fund Balance 395 2011 FINANCING LEASE 396 2018 FINANCING LEASE MRC - - 460 CFD 88-12 DEBT SVC 95,734.75 - 95,734.75 472 CFD 01-2 HARVESTON AB DEBT SVC 680,084.52 518,191.00 2,590.81 1,195,684.71 473 CFD 03-1 CROWNE HILL DEBT SVC 1,035,530.03 418,794.25 6,122.37 1,448,201.91 474 AD 03-4 JOHN WARNER DEBT SVC 2,182.38 - - 2,182.38 475 CFD 03-3 WOLF CREEK DEBT SVC 632,540.32 873,410.74 3,001.13 1,502,949.93 476 CFD 03-6 HARVESTON2 DEBT SVC 404,878.91 169,043.94 2,459.77 571,463.08 477 CFD 03-2 RORIPAUGH DEVT SVC 927,108.13 390,826.02 2,188.63 1,315,745.52 478 CFD 16-1 RORIPAUGH PH II 4,143,773.29 1,918,854.38 3,040.79 6,059,586.88 479 CFD 19-01 MUNICIPAL SERVICES - - - - 481 CFD 23-01 ALTAIR 2,934.43 209.85 3,144.28 482 CFD 23-02 PRADO - - - - 483 CFD 20-01 HEIRLOOM FARMS - 150,953.97 1,886.15 149,067.82 501 SL C ZONE 1 SADDLEWOOD 1,925.22 19,185.04 3,165.09 17,945.17 502 SL C ZONE 2 WINCHESTER CREEK 109,422.41 22,283.96 2,182.21 129,524.16 503 SL C ZONE 3 RANCHO HIGHLANDS 50,618.87 25,443.50 7,676.26 68,386.11 504 SL C ZONE 4 THE VINEYARDS 4,627.79 3,367.87 601.78 7,393.88 505 SL C ZONE 5 SIGNET SERIES 16,146.67 21,125.61 2,559.18 34,713.10 506 SL C ZONE 6 WOODCREST COUNTRY 33,200.88 16,079.00 1,275.59 48,004.29 507 SL C ZONE 7 RIDGEVIEW 7,532.56 8,338.55 1,396.33 14,474.78 508 SL C ZONE 8 VILLAGE GROVE 55,023.71 73,555.76 9,969.48 118,609.99 509 SL C ZONE 9 RANCHO SOLANA 27,045.84 2,857.21 281.74 29,621.31 510 SL C ZONE 10 MARTINIQUE 12,972.44 5,245.91 627.74 17,590.61 511 SL C ZONE 11 MEADOWVIEW 3,181.66 1,406.38 278.35 4,309.69 512 SL C ZONE 12 VINTAGE HILLS 45,012.42 51,474.84 7,192.76 89,294.50 513 SL C ZONE 13 PRESLEY DEVELOP 21,984.18 18,125.24 2,167.27 37,942.15 514 SL C ZONE 14 MORRISON HOMES 7,986.87 7,845.20 1,007.06 14,825.01 515 SL C ZONE 15 BARCLAY ESTATES 11,819.39 4,923.88 665.62 16,077.65 516 SL C ZONE 16 TRADEWINDS 70,588.40 20,001.27 1,332.98 89,256.69 517 SL C ZONE 17 MONTE VISTA 2,072.40 1,131.23 219.70 2,983.93 518 SL C ZONE 18 TEMEKU HILLS 46,540.64 50,711.86 5,454.49 91,798.01 519 SL C ZONE 19 CHANTEMAR 63,621.10 29,379.74 3,268.92 89,731.92 520 SL C ZONE 20 CROWNE HILL 227,986.93 93,472.71 7,493.33 313,966.31 521 SL C ZONE 21 VAIL RANCH 124,396.94 121,928.05 13,784.68 232,540.31 522 SL C ZONE 22 SUTTON PLACE 10,878.36 2,341.09 404.89 12,814.56 523 SL C ZONE 23 PHEASENT RUN 28,034.49 4,393.61 579.18 31,848.92 524 SL C ZONE 24 HARVESTON 13,273.00 86,100.22 47,975.36 51,397.86 525 SL C ZONE 25 SERENA HILLS 66,555.93 23,822.86 3,042.28 87,336.51 526 SL C ZONE 26 GALLERYTRADITION 1,799.34 1,218.76 200.39 2,817.71 527 SL C ZONE 27 AVONDALE 7,388.03 4,775.47 546.34 11,617.16 528 SL C ZONE 28 WOLF CREEK 227,953.63 123,129.29 14,729.86 336,353.06 529 SL C ZONE 29 GALLERY PORTRAIT 8,682.96 2,125.03 304.15 10,503.84 530 SL C ZONE 30 FUTURE ZONES 36,807.95 68.90 - 36,876.85 700 CERBT RETIREE HEALTH-GASB45 16,261,744.74 3,324,595.14 82,023.30 19,504,316.58 701 PENSION RATE STABILIZATION 13,327,826.80 2,033.12 - 13,329,859.92 Grand Total 194,781,977.63 38,151,532.04 42,060,757.52 190,872,752.15 July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 Page 17 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report Fund Activity Summary Statement' For Period Ending February 29, 2024 Beginning Ending Fund Fund Description Fund Balance Receipts Disbursements Fund Balance 001 GENERAL 30,264,992.18 14,461,349.38 5,147,020.74 39,579,320.82 002 MEASURE S 47,528,398.19 3,968,261.24 51,496,659.43 005 GENERAL PLAN UPDATE 006 FIRE FACILITY ACQUISITION 3,849,190.18 (3,190.09) 3,846,000.09 100 STATE GAS TAX 1,336,140.33 234,084.30 1,570,224.63 102 RMRA-ROAD MAINT REHAB ACCT 2,395,250.55 267,081.91 2,662,332.46 103 STREET MAINTENANCE 5,032,012.93 (4,164.72) 5,027,848.21 105 NPDES 616,567.83 (510.02) 616,057.81 106 UPTOWN NEW STREETS IN LIEU FEE 1,357,172.02 (1,122.17) 1,356,049.85 107 CARES ACT 108 AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT - 110 COVID-19 PANDEMIC COMM. REINV. 10,611,510.30 (8,785.19) 74,896.45 10,527,828.66 120 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES 14,266,198.15 44,390.71 - 14,310,588.86 125 PEG -PUBLIC EDUC & GOVT 936,338.05 36,247.20 972,585.25 130 RECOVERY ACT JAG FUNDING - - - - 140 COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT 1,238,678.96 16,737.67 1,221,941.29 145 TEMECULA ENERGY EFFICIENCY MGT 750,761.35 (620.01) - 750,141.34 150 ASSEMBLY BILL 2766 435,719.04 32,932.90 468,651.94 160 SUPPL LAW ENFORCEMENT SVCS 33,658.12 154,453.79 188,111.91 161 MAJOR CRIMES REWARD - - - - 165 AFFORDABLE HOUSING 12,154,249.08 1,417.82 26,503.80 12,129,163.10 166 SARDA HOUSING - - 170 MEASURE A 8,326,868.49 (7,159.37) 75,795.80 8,243,913.32 190 TEMECULA COMM SVCS DISTRICT 620,944.49 159,385.45 889,683.91 (109,353.97) 191 SL B-STREETLIGHT REPLACEMENT 1,093,639.74 (903.84) - 1,092,735.90 192 SL B-STREETLIGHTS 571,893.31 (473.77) 27,370.91 544,048.63 194 SL D-REFUSERECYCLING 931,321.20 (780.72) 6,198.05 924,342.43 195 SL R-STREET MAINT 36,949.05 (30.55) - 36,918.50 196 SL L-LAKE PARK MAINT 351,325.37 2,013.76 18,085.71 335,253.42 197 TEMECULA LIBRARY 445,003.50 5,960.56 37,710.92 413,253.14 198 PUBLIC ART 259,762.26 434.76 - 260,197.02 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2,967,276.00 4,432,060.64 3,839,435.97 3,559,900.67 275 CFD 03-3 WOLF CREEK IMPROV 224,709.62 900.98 225,610.60 277 CFD 03-2 RORIPAUGH RANCH IMPR 8,543,566.58 (119.83) 8,543,446.75 278 CFD 16-1 RORIPAUGH PH II IMPR 9,856,935.89 43,645.05 9,900,580.94 281 CFD 20-01 ALTAIR - 282 CFD 23-02 PRADO - - - 300 INSURANCE 659,180.45 (988.74) 61,300.17 596,891.54 305 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 1,165,254.79 (1,033.92) 19,441.72 1,144,779.15 310 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 5,083,894.52 (2,748.97) - 5,081,145.55 320 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 1,299,893.25 (1,553.69) 331,121.09 967,218.47 325 TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT 3,272,741.86 (252,477.13) 5,446.17 3,014,818.56 330 SUPPORT SERVICES (30,956.54) (34.58) 17,302.37 (48,293.49) 335 SUPPORT SERVICES REPLACEMENT 396,368.68 (292.96) - 396,075.72 340 FACILITIES 448,028.06 (500.11) 130,620.94 316,907.01 350 FACILITY REPLACEMENT 1,668,339.21 248,869.20 - 1,917,208.41 380 SARDA DEBT SVC (36,605,167.43) 16,941.87 (36,588,225.56) 381 RDA PROPERTY TAX TRUST FUND (537,537.86) - (537,537.86) 382 2010-11 TABS REFUNDING ESCROW (212,813.40) (212,813.40) July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 Page 18 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report Fund Activity Summary Statement' For Period Ending February 29, 2024 Beginning Ending Fund Fund Description Fund Balance Receipts Disbursements Fund Balance 395 2011 FINANCING LEASE 396 2018 FINANCING LEASE MRC - - 460 CFD 88-12 DEBT SVC 95,734.75 - - 95,734.75 472 CFD 01-2 HARVESTON AB DEBT SVC 1,195,684.71 12,510.85 1,907.62 1,206,287.94 473 CFD 03-1 CROWNE HILL DEBT SVC 1,448,201.91 7,207.44 1,907.62 1,453,501.73 474 AD 03-4 JOHN WARNER DEBT SVC 2,182.38 12.76 - 2,195.14 475 CFD 03-3 WOLF CREEK DEBT SVC 1,502,949.93 17,252.57 2,230.86 1,517,971.64 476 CFD 03-6 HARVESTON2 DEBT SVC 571,463.08 2,782.76 1,907.62 572,338.22 477 CFD 03-2 RORIPAUGH DEVT SVC 1,315,745.52 3,878.48 1,907.57 1,317,716.43 478 CFD 16-1 RORIPAUGH PH II 6,059,586.88 28,678.89 2,554.04 6,085,711.73 479 CFD 19-01 MUNICIPAL SERVICES - - - - 481 CFD 23-01 ALTAIR 3,144.28 (85.49) 3,058.79 482 CFD 23-02 PRADO - - - 483 CFD 20-01 HEIRLOOM FARMS 149,067.82 - 1,746.00 147,321.82 501 SL C ZONE 1 SADDLEWOOD 17,945.17 378.90 2,506.96 15,817.11 502 SL C ZONE 2 WINCHESTER CREEK 129,524.16 94.65 1,868.26 127,750.55 503 SL C ZONE 3 RANCHO HIGHLANDS 68,386.11 73.77 4,163.80 64,296.08 504 SL C ZONE 4 THE VINEYARDS 7,393.88 45.02 384.91 7,053.99 505 SL C ZONE 5 SIGNET SERIES 34,713.10 (29.43) 2,367.41 32,316.26 506 SL C ZONE 6 WOODCREST COUNTRY 48,004.29 (39.97) 1,170.91 46,793.41 507 SL C ZONE 7 RIDGEVIEW 14,474.78 (12.25) 730.10 13,732.43 508 SL C ZONE 8 VILLAGE GROVE 118,609.99 (100.48) 8,709.62 109,799.89 509 SL C ZONE 9 RANCHO SOLANA 29,621.31 28.16 156.86 29,492.61 510 SL C ZONE 10 MARTINIQUE 17,590.61 (14.47) 838.53 16,737.61 511 SL C ZONE 11 MEADOWVIEW 4,309.69 (3.60) 107.75 4,198.34 512 SL C ZONE 12 VINTAGE HILLS 89,294.50 607.74 4,173.80 85,728.44 513 SL C ZONE 13 PRESLEY DEVELOP 37,942.15 99.11 3,221.80 34,819.46 514 SL C ZONE 14 MORRISON HOMES 14,825.01 188.54 709.01 14,304.54 515 SL C ZONE 15 BARCLAY ESTATES 16,077.65 (13.45) 604.75 15,459.45 516 SL C ZONE 16 TRADEWINDS 89,256.69 247.10 1,413.31 88,090.48 517 SL C ZONE 17 MONTE VISTA 2,983.93 52.21 113.43 2,922.71 518 SL C ZONE 18 TEMEKU HILLS 91,798.01 763.93 4,363.06 88,198.88 519 SL C ZONE 19 CHANTEMAR 89,731.92 180.46 2,831.78 87,080.60 520 SL C ZONE 20 CROWNE HILL 313,966.31 630.90 36,649.71 277,947.50 521 SL C ZONE 21 VAIL RANCH 232,540.31 1,300.94 44,287.02 189,554.23 522 SL C ZONE 22 SUTTON PLACE 12,814.56 (10.67) 210.43 12,593.46 523 SL C ZONE 23 PHEASENT RUN 31,848.92 (3.07) 309.71 31,536.14 524 SL C ZONE 24 HARVESTON 51,397.86 1,537.73 6,514.12 46,421.47 525 SL C ZONE 25 SERENA HILLS 87,336.51 249.70 1,988.96 85,597.25 526 SL C ZONE 26 GALLERYTRADITION 2,817.71 (2.36) 66.00 2,749.35 527 SL C ZONE 27 AVONDALE 11,617.16 29.80 356.50 11,290.46 528 SL C ZONE 28 WOLF CREEK 336,353.06 1,432.88 13,920.16 323,865.78 529 SL C ZONE 29 GALLERY PORTRAIT 10,503.84 249.87 116.11 10,637.60 530 SL C ZONE 30 FUTURE ZONES 36,876.85 (30.65) - 36,846.20 700 CERBT RETIREE HEALTH-GASB45 19,504,316.58 69,884.30 19,574,200.88 701 PENSION RATE STABILIZATION 13,329,859.92 193,455.30 3,000,000.00 10,523,315.22 Grand Total 190,872,752.15 24,166,450.01 13,883,688.49 201,155,513.67 July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 Page 19 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report Fund Activity Summary Statement' For Period Ending March 31, 2024 Beginning Ending Fund Fund Description Fund Balance Receipts Disbursements Fund Balance 001 GENERAL 39,579,320.82 4,688,453.58 7,062,470.73 37,205,303.67 002 MEASURE S 51,496,659.43 2,968,338.70 54,464,998.13 005 GENERAL PLAN UPDATE 006 FIRE FACILITY ACQUISITION 3,846,000.09 - 3,846,000.09 100 STATE GAS TAX 1,570,224.63 223,292.45 1,793,517.08 102 RMRA-ROAD MAINT REHAB ACCT 2,662,332.46 225,668.48 2,888,000.94 103 STREET MAINTENANCE 5,027,848.21 - 5,027,848.21 105 NPDES 616,057.81 616,057.81 106 UPTOWN NEW STREETS IN LIEU FEE 1,356,049.85 1,356,049.85 107 CARES ACT 108 AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT 110 COVID-19 PANDEMIC COMM. REINV. 10,527,828.66 - 10,527,828.66 120 DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES 14,310,588.86 240,769.39 - 14,551,358.25 125 PEG -PUBLIC EDUC & GOVT 972,585.25 - 11,245.84 961,339.41 130 RECOVERY ACT JAG FUNDING - - - - 140 COMMUNITY DEV BLOCK GRANT 1,221,941.29 331,014.00 32,844.35 1,520,110.94 145 TEMECULA ENERGY EFFICIENCY MGT 750,141.34 - - 750,141.34 150 ASSEMBLY BILL 2766 468,651.94 - 468,651.94 160 SUPPL LAW ENFORCEMENT SVCS 188,111.91 8,333.33 196,445.24 161 MAJOR CRIMES REWARD - - - - 165 AFFORDABLE HOUSING 12,129,163.10 6,300.00 47,622.76 12,087,840.34 166 SARDA HOUSING - - 170 MEASURE A 8,243,913.32 812,652.20 852,212.97 8,204,352.55 190 TEMECULA COMM SVCS DISTRICT (109,353.97) 160,782.17 1,492,869.42 (1,441,441.22) 191 SL B-STREETLIGHT REPLACEMENT 1,092,735.90 - - 1,092,735.90 192 SL B-STREETLIGHTS 544,048.63 27,263.13 516,785.50 194 SL D-REFUSERECYCLING 924,342.43 9,592.47 914,749.96 195 SL R-STREET MAINT 36,918.50 - - 36,918.50 196 SL L-LAKE PARK MAINT 335,253.42 570.00 22,577.49 313,245.93 197 TEMECULA LIBRARY 413,253.14 5,899.69 198,534.01 220,618.82 198 PUBLIC ART 260,197.02 2,579.24 - 262,776.26 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 3,559,900.67 3,746,451.83 6,330,421.20 975,931.30 275 CFD 03-3 WOLF CREEK IMPROV 225,610.60 225,610.60 277 CFD 03-2 RORIPAUGH RANCH IMPR 8,543,446.75 8,543,446.75 278 CFD 16-1 RORIPAUGH PH II IMPR 9,900,580.94 9,900,580.94 281 CFD 20-01 ALTAIR 282 CFD 23-02 PRADO - - - - 300 INSURANCE 596,891.54 240,042.00 75,194.79 761,738.75 305 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 1,144,779.15 - 18,897.25 1,125,881.90 310 VEHICLES/EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 5,081,145.55 6,214.26 5,074,931.29 320 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 967,218.47 1,236,268.00 470,387.58 1,733,098.89 325 TECHNOLOGY REPLACEMENT 3,014,818.56 - 14,822.85 2,999,995.71 330 SUPPORT SERVICES (48,293.49) 96,783.00 34,375.90 14,113.61 335 SUPPORT SERVICES REPLACEMENT 396,075.72 - - 396,075.72 340 FACILITIES 316,907.01 411,465.00 126,414.48 601,957.53 350 FACILITY REPLACEMENT 1,917,208.41 - - 1,917,208.41 380 SARDA DEBT SVC (36,588,225.56) (36,588,225.56) 381 RDA PROPERTY TAX TRUST FUND (537,537.86) (537,537.86) 382 2010-11 TABS REFUNDING ESCROW (212,813.40) (212,813.40) July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 Page 20 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report Fund Activity Summary Statement' For Period Ending March 31, 2024 Beginning Ending Fund Fund Description Fund Balance Receipts Disbursements Fund Balance 395 2011 FINANCING LEASE 396 2018 FINANCING LEASE MRC - - 460 CFD 88-12 DEBT SVC 95,734.75 - 95,734.75 472 CFD 01-2 HARVESTON AB DEBT SVC 1,206,287.94 201.99 1,206,085.95 473 CFD 03-1 CROWNE HILL DEBT SVC 1,453,501.73 201.99 1,453,299.74 474 AD 03-4 JOHN WARNER DEBT SVC 2,195.14 - 2,195.14 475 CFD 03-3 WOLF CREEK DEBT SVC 1,517,971.64 606.05 1,517,365.59 476 CFD 03-6 HARVESTON2 DEBT SVC 572,338.22 201.99 572,136.23 477 CFD 03-2 RORIPAUGH DEVT SVC 1,317,716.43 201.98 1,317,514.45 478 CFD 16-1 RORIPAUGH PH II 6,085,711.73 1,010.05 6,084,701.68 479 CFD 19-01 MUNICIPAL SERVICES - - - 481 CFD 23-01 ALTAIR 3,058.79 3,058.79 482 CFD 23-02 PRADO - - 483 CFD 20-01 HEIRLOOM FARMS 147,321.82 - 147,321.82 501 SL C ZONE 1 SADDLEWOOD 15,817.11 123.84 15,693.27 502 SL C ZONE 2 WINCHESTER CREEK 127,750.55 163.12 127,587.43 503 SL C ZONE 3 RANCHO HIGHLANDS 64,296.08 315.90 63,980.18 504 SL C ZONE 4 THE VINEYARDS 7,053.99 45.19 7,008.80 505 SL C ZONE 5 SIGNET SERIES 32,316.26 342.25 31,974.01 506 SL C ZONE 6 WOODCREST COUNTRY 46,793.41 138.56 46,654.85 507 SL C ZONE 7 RIDGEVIEW 13,732.43 173.18 13,559.25 508 SL C ZONE 8 VILLAGE GROVE 109,799.89 2,315.95 107,483.94 509 SL C ZONE 9 RANCHO SOLANA 29,492.61 61.58 29,431.03 510 SL C ZONE 10 MARTINIQUE 16,737.61 180.38 16,557.23 511 SL C ZONE 11 MEADOWVIEW 4,198.34 27.39 4,170.95 512 SL C ZONE 12 VINTAGE HILLS 85,728.44 1,328.12 84,400.32 513 SL C ZONE 13 PRESLEY DEVELOP 34,819.46 2,933.37 31,886.09 514 SL C ZONE 14 MORRISON HOMES 14,304.54 203.27 14,101.27 515 SL C ZONE 15 BARCLAY ESTATES 15,459.45 106.03 15,353.42 516 SL C ZONE 16 TRADEWINDS 88,090.48 116.62 87,973.86 517 SL C ZONE 17 MONTE VISTA 2,922.71 28.19 2,894.52 518 SL C ZONE 18 TEMEKU HILLS 88,198.88 9,250.15 78,948.73 519 SL C ZONE 19 CHANTEMAR 87,080.60 118.38 86,962.22 520 SL C ZONE 20 CROWNE HILL 277,947.50 1,288.88 276,658.62 521 SL C ZONE 21 VAIL RANCH 189,554.23 2,127.89 187,426.34 522 SL C ZONE 22 SUTTON PLACE 12,593.46 28.95 12,564.51 523 SL C ZONE 23 PHEASENT RUN 31,536.14 59.40 31,476.74 524 SL C ZONE 24 HARVESTON 46,421.47 54.86 46,366.61 525 SL C ZONE 25 SERENA HILLS 85,597.25 123.44 85,473.81 526 SL C ZONE 26 GALLERYTRADITION 2,749.35 67.93 2,681.42 527 SL C ZONE 27 AVONDALE 11,290.46 87.79 11,202.67 528 SL C ZONE 28 WOLF CREEK 323,865.78 25,270.89 298,594.89 529 SL C ZONE 29 GALLERY PORTRAIT 10,637.60 92.16 10,545.44 530 SL C ZONE 30 FUTURE ZONES 36,846.20 - - 36,846.20 700 CERBT RETIREE HEALTH-GASB45 19,574,200.88 72,568.26 85,756.26 19,561,012.88 701 PENSION RATE STABILIZATION 10,523,315.22 226,640.44 - 10,749,955.66 Grand Total 201,155,513.67 15,704,871.76 16,969,315.45 199,891,039.92 Notes: 1 The amounts shown are preliminary and may not reflect adjusting journal entries. July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 Page 21 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report 3.0 LONG TERM INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO STATISTICS Investment Yields Yield, % 2-Year Treasury State Pool - LAIF Long-term Portfolio Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 2022 2023 2023 2024 Sources: City of Temecula; California State Treasurer's Office; Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (US) Long-term Portfolio Investments Investment Earnings, $ ■ Interest Earned Gains/Losses Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar 2022 2023 2024 Sources: City of Temecula 5 4 3 2 1 0 400,000 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 Page 22 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report 4.0 LONG TERM INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO TRANSACTIONS Date CUSIP Id Description Amount 07/03/2023 4581XOEE4 INTEREST EARNED INTER AMER DEV BK 16,250.00 07/03/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (16,250.00) 07/03/2023 31846V542 INTEREST EARNED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z 28,384.91 07/05/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (28,384.91) 07/10/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (2,002,500.00) 07/10/2023 3135GO5G4 INTEREST EARNED F N M A 2,500.00 07/10/2023 3135GO5G4 MATURED F N M A 2,000,000.00 07/14/2023 3130AN4N7 INTEREST EARNED F H L B DEB 3,600.00 07/14/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (3,600.00) 07/25/2023 3130ALEU4 INTEREST EARNED F H L B DEB 291.67 07/25/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (291.67) 07/28/2023 3130ANAZ3 INTEREST EARNED F H L B DEB 3,000.00 07/28/2023 313OAKQ41 INTEREST EARNED F H L B DEB 2,600.00 07/28/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (5,600.00) 08/01/2023 31846V542 INTEREST EARNED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z 36,464.09 08/02/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (36,464.09) 08/07/2023 3133ELMA9 MATURED F F C B DEB 1,000,000.00 08/07/2023 3133ELMA9 INTEREST EARNED F F C B DEB 7,100.00 08/07/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (1,007,100.00) 08/08/2023 594918BQ6 MATURED MICROSOFT CORP 2,000,000.00 08/08/2023 594918BQ6 INTEREST EARNED MICROSOFT CORP 20,000.00 08/08/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (2,020,000.00) 08/10/2023 3133EMQGO INTEREST EARNED F F C B DEB 1,600.00 08/10/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (1,600.00) 08/11/2023 06406RAJ6 MATURED BANK OF NY MTN 1,000,000.00 08/11/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (1,000,000.00) 08/11/2023 06406RAJ6 INTEREST EARNED BANK OF NY MTN 17,250.00 08/11/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (17,250.00) 08/18/2023 66815L2MO PAID ACCRUED INTEREST NORTHWESTERN M T N (26,950.00) 08/18/2023 66815L2MO PURCHASED NORTHWESTERN M T N (2,956,950.00) 08/18/2023 31846V542 SOLD FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z 2,983,900.00 08/18/2023 CASH DISBURSEMENT (373,840.84) 08/18/2023 31846V542 SOLD FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z 373,840.84 08/22/2023 21688AAU6 INTEREST EARNED COOPERAT MTN 38,750.00 08/22/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (38,750.00) 08/25/2023 3130ALEU4 INTEREST EARNED F H L B DEB 291.67 08/25/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (291.67) 09/01/2023 31846V542 INTEREST EARNED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z 47,460.85 09/05/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (47,460.85) 09/08/2023 04685A3J8 INTEREST EARNED ATHENE GLOBAL MTN 25,140.00 09/08/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (25,140.00) July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 Page 23 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report Date CUSIP Id Description Amount 09/11/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (26,855.00) 09/11/2023 25160PAM9 INTEREST EARNED DEUTSCHE BK AG N Y 26,855.00 09/18/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (4,600.00) 09/18/2023 3133ELTU8 INTEREST EARNED F F C B DEB 4,600.00 09/22/2023 89236TJX4 INTEREST EARNED TOYOTA MOTOR MTN 25,000.00 09/22/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (25,000.00) 09/25/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (291.67) 09/25/2023 3130ALEU4 INTEREST EARNED F H L B DEB 291.67 09/28/2023 3130AP3M5 INTEREST EARNED F H L B DEB 2,750.00 09/28/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (2,750.00) 09/29/2023 91159HHK9 PURCHASED US BANCORP MTN (4,888,750.00) 09/29/2023 91159HHK9 PAID ACCRUED INTEREST US BANCORP MTN (9,000.00) 09/29/2023 31846V542 SOLD FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z 4,897,750.00 10/02/2023 912828T26 MATURED U S TREASURY NT 2,000,000.00 10/02/2023 912828T26 INTEREST EARNED U S TREASURY NT 13,750.00 10/02/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (2,013,750.00) 10/02/2023 31846V542 INTEREST EARNED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z 41,357.11 10/03/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (41,357.11) 10/10/2023 3130APBV6 INTEREST EARNED F H L B DEB 5,000.00 10/10/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (5,000.00) 10/16/2023 74368CBP8 PAID ACCRUED INTEREST PROTECTIVE LIFE MTN (26,188.89) 10/16/2023 3133ENAP5 INTEREST EARNED F F C B DEB 4,000.00 10/16/2023 74368CBP8 PURCHASED PROTECTIVE LIFE MTN (1,926,600.00) 10/16/2023 3130APAM7 INTEREST EARNED F H L B DEB 4,500.00 10/16/2023 31846V542 SOLD FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z 1,944,288.89 10/23/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (2,750.00) 10/23/2023 3130ALWV2 INTEREST EARNED F H L B DEB 6,750.00 10/23/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (4,000.00) 10/25/2023 3133ENCA6 INTEREST EARNED F F C B DEB 3,500.00 10/25/2023 3130ALEU4 INTEREST EARNED F H L B DEB 291.67 10/25/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (3,791.67) 10/30/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (34,000.00) 10/30/2023 46849LSQ5 INTEREST EARNED JACKSON NATL MTN 30,500.00 10/30/2023 3130AM2V3 INTEREST EARNED F H L B DEB 3,500.00 10/31/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (43,750.00) 10/31/2023 91282CFQ9 INTEREST EARNED U S TREASURY NT 43,750.00 11/01/2023 31846V542 INTEREST EARNED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z 27,132.34 11/02/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (27,132.34) 11/27/2023 3130ALEU4 INTEREST EARNED F H L B DEB 291.67 11/27/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (291.67) 11/27/2023 3130AMNMO INTEREST EARNED F H L B DEB 5,250.00 11/27/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (5,250.00) 11/30/2023 9128285P1 MATURED U S TREASURY NT 2,000,000.00 11/30/2023 9128285P1 INTEREST EARNED U S TREASURY NT 28,750.00 July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 Page 24 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report Date CUSIP Id Description Amount 11/30/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (2,028,750.00) 12/01/2023 31846V542 INTEREST EARNED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z 23,326.76 12/04/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (23,326.76) 12/11/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (5,000.00) 12/11/2023 3130AMM90 INTEREST EARNED F H L B DEB 5,000.00 12/12/2023 66815L2MO INTEREST EARNED NORTHWESTERN M T N 73,500.00 12/12/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (73,500.00) 12/21/2023 31846V542 CASH RECEIPT FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z 7.42 12/21/2023 31846V542 CASH RECEIPT FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z 0.30 12/21/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (7.72) 12/26/2023 3130ALEU4 INTEREST EARNED F H L B DEB 291.67 12/26/2023 3133EMK92 INTEREST EARNED F F C B DEB 2,900.00 12/26/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (3,191.67) 12/28/2023 3133EMN57 INTEREST EARNED F F C B DEB 2,200.00 12/28/2023 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (2,200.00) 01/02/2024 9128285UO INTEREST EARNED U S TREASURY NT 26,250.00 01/02/2024 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (5,143,300.00) 01/02/2024 912828V23 INTEREST EARNED U S TREASURY NT 33,750.00 01/02/2024 4581XOEE4 INTEREST EARNED INTER AMER DEV BK 16,250.00 01/02/2024 3133EMP22 INTEREST EARNED F F C B DEB 4,550.00 01/02/2024 9128285UO MATURED U S TREASURY NT 2,000,000.00 01/02/2024 912828V23 MATURED U S TREASURY NT 3,000,000.00 01/02/2024 3134GXJL9 INTEREST EARNED F H L M C M T N 2,500.00 01/02/2024 91282CEX5 INTEREST EARNED U S TREASURY NT 60,000.00 01/02/2024 31846V542 INTEREST EARNED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z 33,146.24 01/03/2024 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (33,146.24) 01/08/2024 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (47,140.00) 01/08/2024 74368CBP8 INTEREST EARNED PROTECTIVE LIFE MTN 47,140.00 01/16/2024 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (3,600.00) 01/16/2024 3130AN4N7 INTEREST EARNED F H L B DEB 3,600.00 01/25/2024 3130ALEU4 INTEREST EARNED F H L B DEB 291.67 01/25/2024 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (291.67) 01/29/2024 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (5,600.00) 01/29/2024 313OAKQ41 INTEREST EARNED F H L B DEB 2,600.00 01/29/2024 3130ANAZ3 INTEREST EARNED F H L B DEB 3,000.00 02/01/2024 31846V542 INTEREST EARNED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z 55,472.38 02/02/2024 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (55,472.38) 02/05/2024 91282CJF9 PAID ACCRUED INTEREST PURCHASE U S TREASURY NT (25,982.14) 02/05/2024 91282CFUO PAID ACCRUED INTEREST PURCHASE U S TREASURY NT (21,984.89) 02/05/2024 91282CJV4 PURCHASED U S TREASURY NT (1,996,250.00) 02/05/2024 91282CJT9 PAID ACCRUED INTEREST PURCHASE OF U S TREASURY NT (4,615.38) 02/05/2024 91282CJF9 PURCHASED U S TREASURY NT (2,074,062.50) 02/05/2024 91282CJT9 PURCHASED U S TREASURY NT (1,992,187.50) 02/05/2024 91282CJV4 PAID ACCRUED INTEREST PURCHASE U S TREASURY NT (1,167.58) July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 Page 25 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report Date CUSIP Id Description Amount 02/05/2024 91282CFUO PURCHASED U S TREASURY NT (2,003,437.50) 02/05/2024 31846V542 SOLD FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z 8,119,687.49 02/12/2024 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (1,600.00) 02/12/2024 3133EMQGO INTEREST EARNED F F C B DEB 1,600.00 02/22/2024 21688AAU6 INTEREST EARNED COOPERAT MTN 38,750.00 02/22/2024 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (38,750.00) 02/26/2024 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (291.67) 02/26/2024 3130ALEU4 INTEREST EARNED F H L B DEB 291.67 03/01/2024 31846V542 INTEREST EARNED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z 23,883.75 03/04/2024 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (23,883.75) 03/08/2024 04685A3J8 MATURED ATHENE GLOBAL MTN 2,000,000.00 03/08/2024 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (2,000,000.00) 03/08/2024 04685A3J8 INTEREST EARNED ATHENE GLOBAL MTN 25,140.00 03/08/2024 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (25,140.00) 03/11/2024 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (116,855.00) 03/11/2024 25160PAM9 INTEREST EARNED DEUTSCHE BK AG N Y 26,855.00 03/11/2024 91159HHK9 INTEREST EARNED US BANCORP MTN 90,000.00 03/18/2024 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (1,004,600.00) 03/18/2024 3133ELTU8 INTEREST EARNED F F C B DEB 4,600.00 03/18/2024 3133ELTU8 MATURED F F C B DEB 1,000,000.00 03/22/2024 89236TJX4 MATURED TOYOTA MOTOR MTN 2,000,000.00 03/22/2024 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (2,000,000.00) 03/22/2024 89236TJX4 INTEREST EARNED TOYOTA MOTOR MTN 25,000.00 03/22/2024 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (25,000.00) 03/25/2024 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (291.67) 03/25/2024 3130ALEU4 INTEREST EARNED F H L B DEB 291.67 03/28/2024 31846V542 PURCHASED FIRST AM TREAS OB FD CL Z (2,750.00) 03/28/2024 3130AP3M5 INTEREST EARNED F H L B DEB 2,750.00 July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 Page 26 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report 5.0 APPENDIX A - ALLOWABLE INVESTMENT INSTRUMENTS ALLOWABLE INVESTMENT INSTRUMENTS PER STATE GOVERNMENT CODE (AS OF JANUARY 1, 2021)A APPLICABLE TO ALL LOCAL AGENCIESB INVESTMENT MAXIMUM MAXIMUM MINIMUM QUALITY GOVERNMENT TYPE MATURITYc SPECIFIED % OF REQUIREMENTS CODE SECTIONS PORTFOLIO° Local Agency Bonds 5 years None None 53601(a) U.S. Treasury Obligations 5 years None None 53601(b) State Obligations— CA And Others 5 years None None 53601(d) CA Local Agency Obligations 5 years None None 53601(e) U.S Agency Obligations 5 years None None 53601(f) Bankers' Acceptances 180 days 40%E None 53601(g) 25% of the Highest letter and Commercial Paper— Non -Pooled FundsP 270 days number rating by an 53601(h)(2)(C) agency's monies NRSRO" 40% of the Highest letter and Commercial Paper— Pooled Funds' 270 days number rating by an 53635(a)(1) agency's monies NRSRO" Negotiable Certificates of Deposit 5 years 30%J None 53601(i) Non-negotiable Certificates of Deposit 5 years None None 53630 et seq. Placement Service Deposits 5 years 50%K None 53601.8 and 53635.8 Placement Service Certificates of Deposit 5 years 50%K None 53601.8 and 53635.8 Repurchase Agreements 1 year None None 53601(j) Reverse Repurchase Agreements and 20% of the base 92 days' value of the Nonem 53601(j) Securities Lending Agreements portfolio "A" rating category or Medium -Term Notes" 5 years 30% its equivalent or 53601(k) better Mutual Funds and Money Market Mutual N/A 20%0 MultipleP-4 53601(1) and Funds 53601.6(b) Collateralized Bank Deposit0 5 years None None 53630 et seq. and 53601(n) "AA" rating category Mortgage Pass —Through Securities 5 years 20% or its equivalent or 53601(o) better County Pooled Investment Funds N/A None None 27133 Joint Powers Authority Pool N/A None Multiples 53601(p) Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) N/A None None 16429.1 Voluntary Investment Program FuncIT N/A None None 16340 "AA" rating category Supranational Obligations 5 years 30% or its equivalent or 53601(q) better July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 Page 27 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report TABLE OF NOTES A. Sources: Sections 16340, 16429.1, 27133, 53601, 53601.6, 53601.8, 53630 et seq., 53635, 53635.8, and 57603. B. Municipal Utilities Districts have the authority under the Public Utilities Code Section 12871 to invest in certain securities not addressed here. C. Section 53601 provides that the maximum term of any investment authorized under this section, unless otherwise stated, is five years. However, the legislative body may grant express authority to make investments either specifically or as a part of an investment program approved by the legislative body that exceeds this five-year remaining maturity limit. Such approval must be issued no less than three months prior to the purchase of any security exceeding the five-year maturity limit. D. Percentages apply to all portfolio investments regardless of source of funds. For instance, cash from a reverse repurchase agreement would be subject to the restrictions. E. No more than 30 percent of the agency's money may be in bankers' acceptances of any one commercial bank. F. Includes agencies defined as a city, a district, or other local agency that do not pool money in deposits or investment with other local agencies, other than local agencies that have the same governing body. G. Local agencies, other than counties or a city and county, may purchase no more than 10 percent of the outstanding commercial paper of any single issuer. H. Issuing corporation must be organized and operating within the U.S., have assets in excess of $500 million, and debt other than commercial paper must be in a rating category of "A" or its equivalent or higher by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization, or the issuing corporation must be organized within the U.S. as a special purpose corporation, trust, or LLC, has program wide credit enhancements, and has commercial paper that is rated "A-1" or higher, or the equivalent, by a nationally recognized statistical rating agency. I. Includes agencies defined as a county, a city and county, or other local agency that pools money in deposits or investments with other local agencies, including local agencies that have the same governing body. Local agencies that pool exclusively with other local agencies that have the same governing body must adhere to the limits set forth in Section 53601(h)(2)(C). J. No more than 30 percent of the agency's money may be in negotiable certificates of deposit that are authorized under Section 53601(i). K. Effective January 1, 2020, no more than 50 percent of the agency's money may be invested in deposits, including certificates of deposit, through a placement service as authorized under 53601.8 (excludes negotiable certificates of deposit authorized under Section 53601(i)). On January 1, 2026, the maximum percentage of the portfolio reverts back to 30 percent. Investments made pursuant to 53635.8 remain subject to a maximum of 30 percent of the portfolio. L. Reverse repurchase agreements or securities lending agreements may exceed the 92-day term if the agreement includes a written codicil guaranteeing a minimum earning or spread for the entire period between the sale of a security using a reverse repurchase agreement or securities lending agreement and the final maturity dates of the same security. M. Reverse repurchase agreements must be made with primary dealers of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York or with a nationally or state -chartered bank that has a significant relationship with the local agency. The local agency must have held the securities used for the agreements for at least 30 days. N. "Medium -term notes" are defined in Section 53601 as "all corporate and depository institution debt securities with a maximum remaining maturity of five years or less, issued by corporations organized and operating within the United States or by depository institutions licensed by the United States or any state and operating within the United States." O. No more than 10 percent invested in any one mutual fund. This limitation does not apply to money market mutual funds. P. A mutual fund must receive the highest ranking by not less than two nationally recognized rating agencies or the fund must retain an investment advisor who is registered with the SEC (or exempt from registration), has assets under management in excess of $500 million, and has at least five years' experience investing in instruments authorized by Sections 53601 and 53635. Q. A money market mutual fund must receive the highest ranking by not less than two nationally recognized statistical rating organizations or retain an investment advisor registered with the SEC or exempt from registration and who has not less than five years' experience investing in money market instruments with assets under management in excess of $500 million. R. Investments in notes, bonds, or other obligations under Section 53601(n) require that collateral be placed into the custody of a trust company or the trust department of a bank that is not affiliated with the issuer of the secured obligation, among other specific collateral requirements. S. A joint powers authority pool must retain an investment advisor who is registered with the SEC (or exempt from registration), has assets under management in excess of $500 million, and has at least five years' experience investing in instruments authorized by Section 53601, subdivisions (a) to (o). T. Local entities can deposit between $200 million and $10 billion into the Voluntary Investment Program Fund, upon approval by their governing bodies. Deposits in the fund will be invested in the Pooled Money Investment Account. U. Only those obligations issued or unconditionally guaranteed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Finance Corporation (IFC), and Inter -American Development Bank (IADB), with a maximum remaining maturity of five years or less. July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 Page 28 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report 6.0 APPENDIX B - GLOSSARY OF TERMS Accrued Interest: Interest earned but not yet received. Active Deposits: Funds which are immediately required for disbursement. Agencies: Federal agency securities and/or Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSE) which include Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB), Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), Federal Farm Credit Bank (FFCB), and Federal Agricultural Mortgage Association (Farmer Mac). Amortization: An accounting practice of gradually decreasing (increasing) an asset's book value by spreading its depreciation (accretion) over a period of time. Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR): The official annual financial report for the City. It includes five combined statements and basic financial statements for each individual fund and account group prepared in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Ask Price: The price a broker/dealer offers to sell securities. Bankers' Acceptance (BA): A draft or bill or exchange accepted by a bank or trust company. The accepting institution guarantees payment of the bill, as well as the issuer. Basis Point: One basis point is one hundredth of one percent (0.01). Benchmark: A comparative base for measuring the performance or risk tolerance of the investment portfolio. A benchmark should represent a close correlation to the level of risk and the average duration of the portfolio's investments. Bid Price: The price a broker/dealer offers to purchase securities. Bond: A financial obligation for which the issuer promises to pay the bondholder a specified stream of future cash flows, including periodic interest payments and a principal repayment. Book Value: The value at which a debt security is shown on the holder's balance sheet. Book value is acquisition cost less amortization of premium or accretion of discount. Certificate of Deposit: A deposit insured up to $250,000 (current amount) by the FDIC at a set rate for a specified period of time. Collateral: Securities, evidence of deposit, or pledges to secure repayment of a loan. Also refers to securities pledged by a bank to secure deposit of public moneys. Constant Maturity Treasury (CMT): An average yield of a specific Treasury maturity sector for a specific time frame. This is a market index for reference of past direction of interest rates for the given Treasury maturity range. July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 Page 29 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report Coupon: The annual rate of interest that a bond's issuer promises to pay the bondholder on the bond's face value. Credit Analysis: A critical review and appraisal of the economic and financial conditions or of the ability to meet debt obligations. Current Yield: The interest paid on an investment expressed as a percentage of the current price of the security. Custody: A banking service that provides safekeeping for the individual securities in a customer's investment portfolio under a written agreement which also calls for the bank to collect and pay out income, to buy, sell, receive and deliver securities when ordered to do so by the principal. Delivery vs. Payment (DVP): Delivery of securities with a simultaneous exchange of money for the securities. Discount: The difference between the cost of a security and its value at maturity when quoted at lower than face value. Diversification: Dividing investment funds among a variety of securities offering independent returns and risk profiles. Duration: The weighted average maturity of a bond's cash flow stream, where the present value of the cash flows serve as the weights; the future point in time at which on average, an investor has received exactly half of the original investment, in present value terms; a bond's zero -coupon equivalent; the fulcrum of a bond's present value cash flow time line. Fannie Mae: Trade name for the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), a U.S. sponsored corporation. Federal Reserve System: The central bank of the U.S. which consists of a seven -member Board of Governors, 12 regional banks, and 5,700 commercial banks that are members. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC): Insurance provided to customers of a subscribing bank which guarantees deposits to a set limit (currently $250,000) per account. Fed Wire: A wire transmission service established by the Federal Reserve Bank to facilitate the transfer of funds through debits and credits of funds between participants within the Fed system. Freddie Mac: Trade name for the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), a U.S. sponsored corporation. Ginnie Mae: Trade name for the Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA), a direct obligation bearing the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. Inactive Deposits: Funds not immediately needed for disbursement. Interest Rate: The annual yield earned on an investment, expressed as a percentage. July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 Page 30 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report Investment Agreements: An agreement with a financial institution to borrow public funds subject to certain negotiated terms and conditions concerning collateral, liquidity and interest rates. Liquidity: Refers to the ability to rapidly convert an investment into cash. Market Value: The price at which a security is trading and could presumably be purchased or sold. Maturity: The date upon which the principal or stated value of an investment becomes due and payable. Medium Term Notes: Corporate and depository institution debt securities with a maximum remaining maturity of five years or less, issued by corporations organized and operating within the United States or by depository institutions licensed by the United States or any state and operating within the United States. New Issue: Term used when a security is originally "brought" to market. Perfected Delivery: Refers to an investment where the actual security or collateral is held by an independent third party representing the purchasing entity. Portfolio: Collection of securities held by an investor. Primary Dealer: A group of government securities dealers that submit daily reports of market activity and security positions held to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and are subject to its informal oversight. Purchase Date: The date in which a security is purchased for settlement on that or a later date. Rate of Return: The yield obtainable on a security based on its purchase price or its current market price. This may be the amortized yield to maturity on a bond or the current income return. Repurchase Agreement (REPO): A transaction where the seller (bank) agrees to buy back from the buyer (City) the securities at an agreed upon price after a stated period of time. Reverse Repurchase Agreement (REVERSE REPO): A transaction where the seller (City) agrees to buy back from the buyer (bank) the securities at an agreed upon price after a stated period of time. Risk: Degree of uncertainty of return on an asset. Safekeeping: see Custody. Sallie Mae: Trade name for the Student Loan Marketing Association (SLMA), a U.S. sponsored corporation. Secondary Market: A market made for the purchase and sale of outstanding issues following the initial distribution. Settlement Date: The date on which a trade is cleared by delivery of securities against funds. Structured Notes: Notes issued by Government Sponsored Enterprises (FHLB, FNMA, FHLMC, etc.) and Corporations, which have imbedded options (e.g., call features, step-up coupons, floating rate coupons, July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 Page 31 of 32 City of Temecula Treasurer's Report derivative -based returns) into their debt structure. Their market performance is impacted by the fluctuation of interest rates, the volatility of the imbedded options and shifts in the shape of the yield curve. Supranationals: A supranational organization is formed by a group of countries through an international treaty with specific objectives such as promoting economic development. Supranational organizations also issue debt in the United States. The most commonly recognized supranational debt is the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD or World Bank), International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Inter - American Development Bank (IADB). Treasury Bills: U.S. Treasury Bills which are short-term, direct obligations of the U.S. Government issued with original maturities of 13 weeks, 26 weeks and 52 weeks; sold in minimum amounts of $10,000 in multiples of $5,000 above the minimum. Issued in book entry form only. T-bills are sold on a discount basis. Treasury Bonds: Long-term coupon -bearing U.S. Treasury securities issued as direct obligations of the U.S. Government and having initial maturities of more than 10 years. Treasury Notes: Medium -term coupon -bearing U.S. Treasury securities issued as direct obligations of the U.S. Government and having initial maturities from two to 10 years. U.S. Government Agencies: Instruments issued by various US Government Agencies most of which are secured only by the credit worthiness of the particular agency. Yield: The rate of annual income return on an investment, expressed as a percentage. It is obtained by dividing the current dollar income by the current market price of the security. Yield to Maturity: The rate of income return on an investment, minus any premium or plus any discount, with the adjustment spread over the period from the date of purchase to the date of maturity of the bond, expressed as a percentage. Yield Curve: The yield on bonds, notes or bills of the same type and credit risk at a specific date for maturities up to thirty years. July 1, 2023 — March 31, 2024 Page 32 of 32 Item No. 5 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Jennifer Hennessy, Director of Finance DATE: May 28, 2024 SUBJECT: Adopt Resolution Approving the Statement of Investment Policy and Delegating Investment Authority to the City Treasurer PREPARED BY: Ward Komers, Assistant Director of Finance RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY AND DELEGATING INVESTMENT AUTHORITY TO THE CITY TREASURER BACKGROUND: The investment of funds by California cities, including the types of securities in which a city may invest, is governed by the California Government Code. Common themes in these laws focus on a sound investment policy, oversight of investment activities, safety in managing public funds, and reporting on transactions of the investment portfolio. Specifically, Government Code Section 53607 authorizes legislative bodies of local agencies to delegate investment authority to the City Treasurer to invest or to reinvest funds of a local agency, or to sell or exchange purchased securities, for a one-year period. In addition to the guidance provided by state law, Chapter 3.04 of the Temecula Municipal Code sets forth the general fiscal provisions of the City, including delegating investment authority to the City Treasurer, requiring the purchase of investments to comply with state law, and monthly reporting of investment activity. The recommended policy reflects allowable investments and incorporates best practices as recommended by the California Municipal Treasurers Association (CMTA) and the California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission (CDIAC). In general, the recommended policy accomplishes the following: Defines the City's investment objectives and guidelines, as well as their conformance with California laws; Delineates the State of California approved investment vehicles that are recommended as suitable for the City of Temecula; Outlines investment -reporting requirements; and Names the City's Investment Officer and delegates investing authority to the Investment Officer and her/his designees. The recommended resolution adopts the Statement of Investment Policy and delegates investment authority to the City Treasurer for Fiscal Year 2024-25. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact to the City. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution 2. Resolution Exhibit A - Statement of Investment Policy RESOLUTION NO. 2024- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY AND DELEGATING INVESTMENT AUTHORITY TO THE CITY TREASURER THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Temecula at a duly noticed public meeting has received, reviewed, and adopts the City of Temecula Statement of Investment Policy (the "Policy"), set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. Any and all prior resolutions adopting an investment policy for the City of Temecula are hereby rescinded. Section 3. Pursuant to Resolution No. 13-38, the City Council has appointed the Finance Director as the City Treasurer. Section 4. Pursuant to California Government Code Section 53607, the City Council hereby delegates its investment authority for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 to the City's duly appointed City Treasurer and designates the City Treasurer as the City's Investment Officer. Section 5. The City Council hereby delegates authority to the Investment Officer or her/his designee(s), including but not limited to the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, and the Assistant Director of Finance, to invest funds in accordance with the Policy. Section 6. Certification. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage and adoption of this resolution and enter it into the book of original resolutions. Section 7. Severability. If any section, subsection, subdivision, sentence, or clause or phrase in this resolution or any part thereof is for any reason held to be unconstitutional, invalid or ineffective by any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the remaining portions of this resolution or any part thereof. The City Council hereby declares that it would have adopted each section irrespective of the fact that any one or more subsections, subdivisions, sentences, clauses, or phrases are declared unconstitutional, invalid, or ineffective. Section 8. Effective Date. This resolution shall become effective immediately. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 28th day of May, 2024. James Stewart, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2024- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 28th day of May, 2024, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Randi Johl, City Clerk Exhibit A Statement of Investment Policy CITY OF TEM ECU LA CALIFORNIA Aft �PT The Heart of Southern California Wine Country STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY Adopted May 28, 2024 City of Temecula Statement of Investment Policy TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 POLICY...................................................................................................................................3 2.0 SCOPE....................................................................................................................................3 3.0 PRUDENCE.............................................................................................................................4 4.0 INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES.......................................................................................................4 5.0 DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY..................................................................................................4 6.0 ETHICS AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST.....................................................................................5 7.0 AUTHORIZED FINANCIAL DEALERS AND INSTITUTIONS............................................................5 8.0 AUTHORIZED AND SUITABLE INVESTMENTS...........................................................................6 9.0 REVIEW OF INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO.....................................................................................7 10.0 INVESTMENT POOLS / MUTUAL FUNDS..................................................................................7 11.0 COLLATERALIZATION..............................................................................................................8 12.0 SAFEKEEPING AND CUSTODY OF SECURITIES...........................................................................8 13.0 DIVERSIFICATION...................................................................................................................8 14.0 MAXIMUM MATURITIES........................................................................................................8 15.0 INTERNAL CONTROLS.............................................................................................................8 16.0 PERFOMANCE STANDARDS....................................................................................................9 17.0 REPORTING............................................................................................................................9 18.0 INVESTMENT POLICY COMPLIANCE AND ADOPTION...............................................................9 19.0 APPENDIX A - ALLOWABLE INVESTMENT INSTRUMENTS.......................................................10 20.0 APPENDIX B - GLOSSARY OF TERMS......................................................................................12 Adopted May 28, 2024 Page 2 of 15 City of Temecula Statement of Investment Policy 1.0 POLICY It is the policy ("Investment Policy" or the "Policy') of the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, and the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency (hereafter referred to collectively as the "City") to invest public funds in a manner which will provide the highest investment return, with the maximum security, while meeting the daily cash flow demands of the City, and conforming to all State of California and City laws governing the investment of public funds. Therefore, in accordance with the State of California authority governing investments for municipal governments as set forth in the California Government Code Sections 53600 et seq., and the powers and duties of the City Treasurer and other fiscal provisions as set forth in the Temecula Municipal Code, the City shall invest public funds in such a manner as to comply with state and local laws; ensure prudent money management; provide for daily cash flow requirements; and meet the objectives of this Policy, in priority order of safety, liquidity and return on investment. For the purposes of this Policy, "Investment Officers" shall be defined as the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, Director of Finance/City Treasurer, Assistant Director of Finance, and/or any other official that has been delegated authority by the City Treasurer. 2.0 SCOPE This Policy applies to all investment activities and financial assets of the City. The funds covered by this Policy are accounted for and incorporated in the City's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR) and include: • General Fund; • Special Revenue Funds; • Debt Service Funds; • Capital Projects Funds; • Internal Services Funds; • Agency Funds; and • Any new fund created by the City Council unless specifically exempted. Funds excluded from this Policy include: • Bond Proceeds. Proceeds of debt issuance shall be invested in accordance with the bond documents governing such funds as approved by the City Council or related governing board. • Deferred Compensation Plans. Investments related to the City's deferred compensation plans are not subject to this policy since third -party administrators manage them and the individual plan participant's direct investment and mutual fund selection. Deferred compensation plans must be approved by the City Council. • Section 115 Trusts. Investments related to the City's Section 115 trusts are not subject to this policy since third -party administrators manage them and direct the investments and mutual fund selection. Section 115 trusts must be approved by the City Council. All monies entrusted to the City Treasurer may be pooled in a diversified portfolio unless specifically exempted or excluded. Investments made on a pooled basis may include investments of the City and its Adopted May 28, 2024 Page 3 of 15 City of Temecula Statement of Investment Policy component units and agencies. Investment income will be allocated to the various funds based on their respective participation in accordance with general accepted accounting principles. 3.0 PRUDENCE Investments shall be made with judgment and care under circumstances then prevailing which persons of prudence, discretion and intelligence exercise in the management of their own financial affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived. The standard of prudence to be used by the designated representative shall be the "prudent investor" standard and shall be applied in the context of managing the overall portfolio. Persons authorized to make investment decisions on behalf of local agencies investing public funds are trustees and therefore fiduciaries subject to the prudent investor standard which states: When investing, reinvesting, purchasing, acquiring, exchanging, selling, or managing public funds, a trustee shall act with care, skill, prudence, and diligence under the circumstances then prevailing, including, but not limited to, the general economic conditions and the anticipated needs of the agency, that a prudent person acting in a like capacity and familiarity with those matters would use in the conduct of funds of a like character and with like aims, to safeguard the principal and maintain the liquidity needs of the agency. Investment Officers acting in accordance with written procedures and the Investment Policy and exercising due diligence shall be relieved of personal responsibility for an individual security's credit risk or market price changes, provided deviations from expectations are reported in a timely fashion and appropriate action is taken to control adverse developments. 4.0 INVESTMENT OBJECTIVES The primary objectives, in priority order, of the City's investment activities shall be: Safety. Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the investment program. Investments of the City shall be undertaken in a manner that seeks to ensure the preservation of capital in the overall portfolio. To attain this objective, the City will diversify its investments by investing funds among a variety of securities with independent returns. Liquidity. The City's investment portfolio will remain sufficiently liquid to enable the City to meet all operating requirements which might be reasonably anticipated. Return on Investments. The City's investment portfolio shall have the objective of attaining a comparative performance measurement or an acceptable rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles. These measurements should be commensurate with the City's investment risk constraints identified in the Investment Policy and the cash flow characteristics of the portfolio. 5.0 DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY California Government Code Sections 53607 and 53608 authorize the legislative body of a local agency to invest, deposit, and provide for the safekeeping of the local agency's funds or to delegate those responsibilities to the treasurer of the local agency for a one-year period. The City of Temecula Municipal Code delegates to the City Treasurer the authority to invest and reinvest moneys of the City, to sell or Adopted May 28, 2024 Page 4 of 15 City of Temecula Statement of Investment Policy exchange securities, and to deposit them and provide for their safekeeping. The City Treasurer is responsible for daily management of the investment program, including: 1. Establishing procedures for operation consistent with the Investment Policy; 2. Approving daily investment transactions; 3. Developing projections of the City's cash requirements for operating needs; 4. Reviewing the liquidity position of the investment portfolio; 5. Ensuring that the City's cash position is consistent with operating requirements; 6. Preparing appropriate investment reports; 7. Developing, implementing, and monitoring controls over investments; and 8. Developing record keeping for investment transactions. The City Treasurer may delegate investment authority to qualified and competent officials and City employees such as the Investment Officers. 6.0 ETHICS AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST The Investment Officers shall refrain from personal business activity that could conflict with proper execution and management of the Policy and the investment program, or which could impair their ability to make impartial decisions. The Investment Officers must provide a public disclosure document by April 1st of each year or when material interest in financial institutions or personal investment positions require it. Furthermore, the Investment Officers must refrain from undertaking personal investment transactions with the same individual(s) employed by the financial institution with whom business is conducted on behalf of the City. 7.0 AUTHORIZED FINANCIAL DEALERS AND INSTITUTIONS The City Treasurer (or Investment Officers) will maintain a list of approved financial institutions authorized to provide investment services to the City. These may include "primary" dealers or regional dealers that qualify under Securities & Exchange Commission Rule 150-1 (uniform net capital rule). Best practices include the following: 1. A determination that all approved broker/dealer firms, and individuals covering the public agency, are reputable and trustworthy; 2. The broker/dealer firms should have the ability to meet all their financial obligations in dealing with the City; 3. The firms, and individuals covering the City, should be knowledgeable and experienced in public agency investing and the investment products involved; 4. No public deposit shall be made except in a qualified public depository as established by the established state laws; and 5. All financial institutions and broker/dealers who desire to conduct investment transactions with the public agency may supply the City Treasurer (or Investment Officers) with audited financial statements, proof of FINRA certification, trading resolution, proof of State of California registration, a completed broker/dealer questionnaire, certification of having read the City's investment policy and depository contracts. Adopted May 28, 2024 Page 5 of 15 City of Temecula Statement of Investment Policy An annual review of the financial condition and registrations of qualified bidders may be conducted by the City Treasurer (or Investment Officers) and a current audited financial statement requested for each financial institution and broker/dealer in which the City invests. 8.0 AUTHORIZED AND SUITABLE INVESTMENTS From the governing body perspective, special care must be taken to ensure that the list of instruments includes only those allowed by law and those that local investment managers are trained and competent to handle. Therefore, in accordance with Government Code Sections 53601, 53601.6, 53601.8, 53635, 53635.2, 53638 and 53684, investments will only be made in authorized securities with a maturity date of five (5) years or less from the transaction settlement date. For the purpose of approved investments and compliance with the investment percentage limits compared to the overall portfolio balance, calculations shall be performed on the date the investment is purchased. If the percentage is legally compliant on the date of purchase, then compliance with the Law shall have been met. Calculations are to be based on the final maturity date, and neither duration nor average days may be used. The investment instruments listed in Appendix A are authorized for investment and any instrument not listed are specifically prohibited. Authorized investments are allowed under California State Government Code 53601 and 53635 and concentration limitations are equivalent to, or more conservative than, the code allows. 8.1 MASTER REPURCHASE AGREEMENTS If repurchase agreements are legal or authorized, a Master Repurchase Agreement must be signed with the bank or dealer. 8.2 LEGISLATIVE CHANGES Any State of California legislative action that further restricts allowable maturities, investment type or percentage allocations, will be incorporated into the City's Investment Policy and supersede any and all previous applicable language. 8.3 INTEREST EARNINGS All monies earned and collected from investments authorized in this policy shall be allocated monthly based on the cash balance in each fund as a percentage of the entire investment funds portfolio. 8.4 LIMITING MARKET VALUE EROSION The longer the maturity of securities, the greater their market price volatility. Therefore, it is the general policy of the City to limit the potential effects from erosion in market values by adhering to the following guidelines: • All immediate and anticipated liquidity requirements will be addressed prior to purchasing all investments; • Maturity dates for long-term investments will coincide with significant cash flow requirements where possible; and • All long-term securities will be purchased with the intent to hold all investments to maturity under then prevailing economic conditions. However, economic or market Adopted May 28, 2024 Page 6 of 15 City of Temecula Statement of Investment Policy conditions may change, making it in the City's best interest to sell or trade a security prior to maturity. 8.5 SECURITY SWAPS A security swap is the movement from one security to another and may be done to for a variety of reasons, such as to increase yield, lengthen or shorten maturities, to take a profit, or to increase investment quality. A swap which improves the portfolio yield may be selected even if the transactions result in an accounting loss. Documentation for swaps will be included in the City's permanent investment file documents. 8.6 PORTFOLIO ADJUSTMENTS Should an investment percentage -of -portfolio limitation be exceeded due to an incident such as fluctuation in portfolio size, the affected securities may be held to maturity to avoid losses. When no loss is indicated, the City Treasurer will consider reconstructing the portfolio basing his or her decision, in part, on the expected length of time the portfolio will be unbalanced. 8.7 CREDIT DOWNGRADING This Investment Policy sets forth minimum credit risk criteria for each type of security. This credit risk criteria applies to the initial purchase of a security; it does not automatically force the sale of a security if its credit risk ratings fall below policy limits. If a security is downgraded below the minimum credit risk criteria specified in this Investment Policy, then the City Treasurer shall evaluate the downgrade on a case -by -case basis in order to determine if the security should be held or sold. 9.0 REVIEW OF INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO The securities held by the City must be in compliance with Section 8.0 Authorized and Suitable Investments at the time of purchase. Because some securities may not comply with Section 8.0 Authorized and Suitable Investments subsequent to the date of purchase, the Investment Officers should at least annually review the portfolio to identify those securities that do not comply. The City Treasurer should establish procedures to report to the City Council/Board of Directors and to any oversight committee, should one exist, major and critical incidences of noncompliance identified through the review of the portfolio. 10.0 INVESTMENT POOLS / MUTUAL FUNDS A thorough investigation of the pool/fund is required prior to investing, and on a continual basis. Best efforts will be made to acquire the following information: 1. A description of eligible investment securities, and a written statement of investment policy and objectives; 2. A description of interest calculations and how it is distributed, and how gains and losses are treated; 3. A description of how the securities are safeguarded (including the settlement processes), and how often the securities are priced and the program audited; 4. A description of who may invest in the program, how often, what size deposit and withdrawal are allowed; Adopted May 28, 2024 Page 7 of 15 City of Temecula Statement of Investment Policy 5. A schedule for receiving statements and portfolio listings; 6. Are reserves, retained earnings, etc. utilized by the pool/fund; 7. A fee schedule, and when and how is it assessed; and 8. Is the pool/fund eligible for bond proceeds and/or will it accept such proceeds? 11.0 COLLATERALIZATION Collateralization will be required on two types of investments: certificates of deposit and repurchase (and reverse repurchase) agreements. To anticipate market changes and provide a level of security for all funds, the collateral ization level will be 110% of market value for Certificate of Deposits and 102% for reverse repurchase agreements of principal and accrued interest. The City chooses to limit collateral to U.S. Treasuries. Collateral will always be held by an independent third party with whom the entity has a current custodial agreement. A clearly marked evidence of ownership (safekeeping receipt) must be supplied to the City and retained. The right of collateral substitution is granted. 12.0 SAFEKEEPING AND CUSTODY OF SECURITIES To protect against potential losses by collapse of individual securities dealers, all securities owned by the City, including collateral on repurchase agreements, will be held in safekeeping by a third -party bank trust department, acting as agent for the City under the terms of a custody agreement executed by the bank and by the City. All securities will be received and delivered using standard delivery -versus -payment (DVP) procedures (i.e., the City's safekeeping agent will only release payment for a security after the security has been properly delivered). Securities will be held by a third -party custodian designated by an Investment Officer and evidenced by safekeeping receipts. This section is intended to comply with Government Code Sections 53601 and 53608. 13.0 DIVERSIFICATION The City will diversify its investments by security type and institution. With the exception of U.S. Treasury securities and authorized pools, no more than 50% of the City's total investment funds portfolio will be invested in a single security type or with a single financial institution. 14.0 MAXIMUM MATURITIES To the extent possible, the City will attempt to match its investments with anticipated cash flow requirements. Unless matched to a specific cash flow, the City will not directly invest in securities maturing more than five (5) years from the date of purchase. With the express approval of the City Council, reserve funds may be invested in securities exceeding five (5) years if the maturity of such investments is made to coincide as nearly as practicable with the expected use of the funds. 15.0 INTERNAL CONTROLS The City Treasurer shall be responsible for ensuring that all investment transactions comply with the City's Investment Policy and for establishing and maintaining an internal control structure designed to ensure that the assets of the City are protected from loss, theft, fraud or misuse. The City Treasurer shall establish Adopted May 28, 2024 Page 8 of 15 City of Temecula Statement of Investment Policy written procedures for the operation of the City's investment program that are consistent with this Investment Policy. Internal controls deemed most important shall include: avoidance of collusion; separation of duties and administrative controls; separating transaction authority from accounting and record keeping; custodial safekeeping; clear delegation of authority; management approval and review of investment transactions; specific limitations regarding securities losses and remedial action; written confirmation of telephone transactions; documentation of investment transactions and strategies; and monitoring of results. Accordingly, the City Treasurer shall establish an annual process of independent review by an external auditor, which as part of its annual audit of the City, the City's external auditor will review compliance with statutes, policies, and procedures. This review will provide internal control by assuring compliance with policies and procedures. 16.0 PERFOMANCE STANDARDS The investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of obtaining a rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, commensurate with the investment risk constraints and the cash flow needs. The City's investment strategy is passive. Given this strategy, the basis used by the City Treasurer to determine whether market yields are being achieved shall be to identify a comparable benchmark to the portfolio investment duration (i.e., 90-day US Treasury Bill, 6-month US Treasury Bill, 2-year CMT- Constant Maturity Treasury). Benchmarks may change over time based on changes in market conditions or cash flow requirements. 17.0 REPORTING Pursuant to California Government Code Section 53607, the authority of the legislative body to invest or to reinvest funds of a local agency, or to sell or exchange securities so purchased, may be delegated for a one-year period by the legislative body to the treasurer of the local agency, who shall thereafter assume full responsibility for those transactions until the delegation of authority is revoked or expires, and shall make a monthly report of those transactions to the legislative body. Subject to review, the legislative body may renew the delegation of authority pursuant to this section each year. 18.0 INVESTMENT POLICY COMPLIANCE AND ADOPTION Pursuant California Government Code Section 53646(a)(2), the City's Investment Policy may be reviewed annually by the City Council and shall be adopted via resolution. Any modifications to the Investment Policy must be approved by the City Council. The City Treasurer shall establish written investment policy procedures for the operation of the investment program consistent with this policy. The procedures should include reference to: safekeeping, master repurchase agreements, wire transfer agreements, banking service contracts and collateral/depository agreements. Such procedures shall include explicit delegation of authority to persons responsible for investment transactions. No person may engage in an investment transaction except as provided under the terms of this policy and the procedures established by the City. Adopted May 28, 2024 Page 9 of 15 City of Temecula Statement of Investment Policy 19.0 APPENDIX A - Allowable Investment Instruments ALLOWABLE INVESTMENT INSTRUMENTS PER STATE GOVERNMENT CODE (AS OF JANUARY 1, 2021)A APPLICABLE TO ALL LOCAL AGENCIESB MAXIMUM INVESTMENT MAXIMUM SPECIFIED % MINIMUM QUALITY GOVERNMENT CODE TYPE MATURITYC OF REQUIREMENTS SECTIONS PORTFOLIO° Local Agency Bonds 5 years None None 53601(a) U.S. Treasury Obligations 5 years None None 53601(b) State Obligations— CA And Others 5 years None None 53601(c) and 53601(d) CA Local Agency Obligations 5 years None None 53601(e) U.S Agency Obligations 5 years None None 53601(f) Bankers' Acceptances 180 days 40%E None 53601(g) 25% of the Highest letter and Commercial Paper— Non -Pooled Fund SF 270 days agency's number rating by an 53601(h)(2)(c) monieSG NRSROH 40% of the Highest letter and Commercial Paper— Non -Pooled Funds' 270 days agency's number rating by an 53601(h)(2)(c) moniesG NRSROH 40% of the Highest letter and Commercial Paper— Pooled Funds' 270 days agency's number rating by an 53635(a)(1) moniesG NRSROH Negotiable Certificates of Deposit 5 years 30%K None 53601(i) Non-negotiable Certificates of Deposit 5 years None None 53630 et seq. Placement Service Deposits 5 years 50%L None 53601.8 and 53635.8 Placement Service Certificates of Deposit 5 years 50%L None 53601.8 and 53635.8 Repurchase Agreements 1 year None None 53601(j) Reverse Repurchase Agreements and 20% of the 92 days"' base value of None" 53601(j) Securities Lending Agreements the portfolio "A" rating category Medium -Term Notes°+ 5 years 30% or its equivalent or 53601(k) better Mutual Funds and Money Market Mutual N/A 20%P Multiple4-R 53601(1) and Funds 53601.6(b) Collateralized Bank DepositsR 5 years None None 53630 et seq. and 53601(n) "AA" rating category Mortgage Pass —Through Securities 5 years 20% or its equivalent or 53601(o) better County Pooled Investment Funds N/A None None 27133 Joint Powers Authority Pool N/A None Multiples 53601(p) Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) N/A None None 16429.1 Voluntary Investment Program Fund" N/A None None 16340 "AA" rating category Supranational Obligations`^' 5 years 30% or its equivalent or 53601(q) better Public Bank Obligations 5 Years None None 53601(r), 53635(c), and 57603 Adopted May 28, 2024 Page 10 of 15 City of Temecula Statement of Investment Policy TABLE OF NOTES A. Sources: Sections 16340, 16429.1, 27133, 53601, 53601.6, 53601.8, 53630 et seq., 53635, 53635.8, and 57603. B. Municipal Utilities Districts have the authority under the Public Utilities Code Section 12871 to invest in certain securities not addressed here. C. Section 53601 provides that the maximum term of any investment authorized under this section, unless otherwise stated, is five years. However, the legislative body may grant express authority to make investments either specifically or as a part of an investment program approved by the legislative body that exceeds this five-year remaining maturity limit. Such approval must be issued no less than three months prior to the purchase of any security exceeding the five-year maturity limit. D. Percentages apply to all portfolio investments regardless of source of funds. For instance, cash from a reverse repurchase agreement would be subject to the restrictions. E. No more than 30 percent of the agency's money may be in bankers' acceptances of any one commercial bank. F. Includes agencies defined as a city, a district, or other local agency that do not pool money in deposits or investment with other local agencies, other than local agencies that have the same governing body. G. Local agencies, other than counties or a city and county, may purchase no more than 10 percent of the outstanding commercial paper of any single issuer. H. Issuing corporation must be organized and operating within the U.S., have assets in excess of $500 million, and debt other than commercial paper must be in a rating category of "A" or its equivalent or higher by a nationally recognized statistical rating organization, or the issuing corporation must be organized within the U.S. as a special purpose corporation, trust, or LLC, has program wide credit enhancements, and has commercial paper that is rated "A- 1" or higher, or the equivalent, by a nationally recognized statistical rating agency. I. Includes agencies defined as a county, a city and county, or other local agency that pools money in deposits or investments with other local agencies, including local agencies that have the same governing body. Local agencies that pool exclusively with other local agencies that have the same governing body must adhere to the limits set forth in Section 53601(h)(2)(C). J. No more than 30 percent of the agency's money may be in negotiable certificates of deposit that are authorized under Section 53601(i). K. Effective January 1, 2020, no more than 50 percent of the agency's money may be invested in deposits, including certificates of deposit, through a placement service as authorized under 53601.8 (excludes negotiable certificates of deposit authorized under Section 53601(i)). On January 1, 2026, the maximum percentage of the portfolio reverts back to 30 percent. Investments made pursuant to 53635.8 remain subject to a maximum of 30 percent of the portfolio. L. Reverse repurchase agreements or securities lending agreements may exceed the 92-day term if the agreement includes a written codicil guaranteeing a minimum earning or spread for the entire period between the sale of a security using a reverse repurchase agreement or securities lending agreement and the final maturity dates of the same security. M. Reverse repurchase agreements must be made with primary dealers of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York or with a nationally or state -chartered bank that has a significant relationship with the local agency. The local agency must have held the securities used for the agreements for at least 30 days. N. "Medium -term notes" are defined in Section 53601 as "all corporate and depository institution debt securities with a maximum remaining maturity of five years or less, issued by corporations organized and operating within the United States or by depository institutions licensed by the United States or any state and operating within the United States." 0. No more than 10 percent invested in any one mutual fund. This limitation does not apply to money market mutual funds. P. A mutual fund must receive the highest ranking by not less than two nationally recognized rating agencies or the fund must retain an investment advisor who is registered with the SEC (or exempt from registration), has assets under management in excess of $500 million, and has at least five years' experience investing in instruments authorized by Sections 53601 and 53635. Q. A money market mutual fund must receive the highest ranking by not less than two nationally recognized statistical rating organizations or retain an investment advisor registered with the SEC or exempt from registration and who has not less than five years' experience investing in money market instruments with assets under management in excess of $500 million. R. Investments in notes, bonds, or other obligations under Section 53601(n) require that collateral be placed into the custody of a trust company or the trust department of a bank that is not affiliated with the issuer of the secured obligation, among other specific collateral requirements. S. A joint powers authority pool must retain an investment advisor who is registered with the SEC (or exempt from registration), has assets under management in excess of $500 million, and has at least five years' experience investing in instruments authorized by Section 53601, subdivisions (a) to (o). T. Local entities can deposit between $200 million and $10 billion into the Voluntary Investment Program Fund, upon approval by their governing bodies. Deposits in the fund will be invested in the Pooled Money Investment Account. U. Only those obligations issued or unconditionally guaranteed by the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Finance Corporation (IFC), and Inter -American Development Bank (IADB), with a maximum remaining maturity of five years or less. Adopted May 28, 2024 Page 11 of 15 City of Temecula Statement of Investment Policy 20.0 APPENDIX B - Glossary of Terms Accrued Interest: Interest earned but not yet received. Active Deposits: Funds which are immediately required for disbursement. Agencies: Federal agency securities and/or Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSE) which include Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB), Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), Federal Farm Credit Bank (FFCB), and Federal Agricultural Mortgage Association (Farmer Mac). Amortization: An accounting practice of gradually decreasing (increasing) an asset's book value by spreading its depreciation (accretion) over a period of time. Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR): The official annual financial report for the City. It includes five combined statements and basic financial statements for each individual fund and account group prepared in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Ask Price: The price a broker/dealer offers to sell securities. Bankers' Acceptance (BA): A draft or bill or exchange accepted by a bank or trust company. The accepting institution guarantees payment of the bill, as well as the issuer. Basis Point: One basis point is one hundredth of one percent (0.01). Benchmark: A comparative base for measuring the performance or risk tolerance of the investment portfolio. A benchmark should represent a close correlation to the level of risk and the average duration of the portfolio's investments. Bid Price: The price a broker/dealer offers to purchase securities. Bond: A financial obligation for which the issuer promises to pay the bondholder a specified stream of future cash flows, including periodic interest payments and a principal repayment. Book Value: The value at which a debt security is shown on the holder's balance sheet. Book value is acquisition cost less amortization of premium or accretion of discount. Certificate of Deposit: A deposit insured up to $250,000 (current amount) by the FDIC at a set rate for a specified period of time. Collateral: Securities, evidence of deposit, or pledges to secure repayment of a loan. Also refers to securities pledged by a bank to secure deposit of public moneys. Constant Maturity Treasury (CMT): An average yield of a specific Treasury maturity sector for a specific time frame. This is a market index for reference of past direction of interest rates for the given Treasury maturity range. Adopted May 28, 2024 Page 12 of 15 City of Temecula Statement of Investment Policy Coupon: The annual rate of interest that a bond's issuer promises to pay the bondholder on the bond's face value. Credit Analysis: A critical review and appraisal of the economic and financial conditions or of the ability to meet debt obligations. Current Yield: The interest paid on an investment expressed as a percentage of the current price of the security. Custody: A banking service that provides safekeeping for the individual securities in a customer's investment portfolio under a written agreement which also calls for the bank to collect and pay out income, to buy, sell, receive and deliver securities when ordered to do so by the principal. Delivery vs. Payment (DVP): Delivery of securities with a simultaneous exchange of money for the securities. Discount: The difference between the cost of a security and its value at maturity when quoted at lower than face value. Diversification: Dividing investment funds among a variety of securities offering independent returns and risk profiles. Duration: The weighted average maturity of a bond's cash flow stream, where the present value of the cash flows serve as the weights; the future point in time at which on average, an investor has received exactly half of the original investment, in present value terms; a bond's zero -coupon equivalent; the fulcrum of a bond's present value cash flow time line. Fannie Mae: Trade name for the Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), a U.S. sponsored corporation. Federal Reserve System: The central bank of the U.S. which consists of a seven -member Board of Governors, 12 regional banks, and 5,700 commercial banks that are members. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC): Insurance provided to customers of a subscribing bank which guarantees deposits to a set limit (currently $250,000) per account. Fed Wire: A wire transmission service established by the Federal Reserve Bank to facilitate the transfer of funds through debits and credits of funds between participants within the Fed system. Freddie Mac: Trade name for the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), a U.S. sponsored corporation. Ginnie Mae: Trade name for the Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA), a direct obligation bearing the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. Inactive Deposits: Funds not immediately needed for disbursement. Interest Rate: The annual yield earned on an investment, expressed as a percentage. Adopted May 28, 2024 Page 13 of 15 City of Temecula Statement of Investment Policy Investment Agreements: An agreement with a financial institution to borrow public funds subject to certain negotiated terms and conditions concerning collateral, liquidity and interest rates. Liquidity: Refers to the ability to rapidly convert an investment into cash. Market Value: The price at which a security is trading and could presumably be purchased or sold. Maturity: The date upon which the principal or stated value of an investment becomes due and payable. Medium Term Notes: Corporate and depository institution debt securities with a maximum remaining maturity of five years or less, issued by corporations organized and operating within the United States or by depository institutions licensed by the United States or any state and operating within the United States. New Issue: Term used when a security is originally "brought" to market. Perfected Delivery: Refers to an investment where the actual security or collateral is held by an independent third party representing the purchasing entity. Portfolio: Collection of securities held by an investor. Primary Dealer: A group of government securities dealers that submit daily reports of market activity and security positions held to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and are subject to its informal oversight. Purchase Date: The date in which a security is purchased for settlement on that or a later date. Rate of Return: The yield obtainable on a security based on its purchase price or its current market price. This may be the amortized yield to maturity on a bond or the current income return. Repurchase Agreement (REPO): A transaction where the seller (bank) agrees to buy back from the buyer (City) the securities at an agreed upon price after a stated period of time. Reverse Repurchase Agreement (REVERSE REPO): A transaction where the seller (City) agrees to buy back from the buyer (bank) the securities at an agreed upon price after a stated period of time. Risk: Degree of uncertainty of return on an asset. Safekeeping: see Custody. Sallie Mae: Trade name for the Student Loan Marketing Association (SLMA), a U.S. sponsored corporation. Secondary Market: A market made for the purchase and sale of outstanding issues following the initial distribution. Settlement Date: The date on which a trade is cleared by delivery of securities against funds. Adopted May 28, 2024 Page 14 of 15 City of Temecula Statement of Investment Policy Structured Notes: Notes issued by Government Sponsored Enterprises (FHLB, FNMA, FHLMC, etc.) and Corporations, which have imbedded options (e.g., call features, step-up coupons, floating rate coupons, derivative -based returns) into their debt structure. Their market performance is impacted by the fluctuation of interest rates, the volatility of the imbedded options and shifts in the shape of the yield curve. Supranationals: A supranational organization is formed by a group of countries through an international treaty with specific objectives such as promoting economic development. Supranational organizations also issue debt in the United States. The most commonly recognized supranational debt is the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD or World Bank), International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Inter -American Development Bank (IADB). Treasury Bills: U.S. Treasury Bills which are short-term, direct obligations of the U.S. Government issued with original maturities of 13 weeks, 26 weeks and 52 weeks; sold in minimum amounts of $10,000 in multiples of $5,000 above the minimum. Issued in book entry form only. T-bills are sold on a discount basis. Treasury Bonds: Long-term coupon -bearing U.S. Treasury securities issued as direct obligations of the U.S. Government and having initial maturities of more than 10 years. Treasury Notes: Medium -term coupon -bearing U.S. Treasury securities issued as direct obligations of the U.S. Government and having initial maturities from two to 10 years. U.S. Government Agencies: Instruments issued by various US Government Agencies most of which are secured only by the credit worthiness of the particular agency. Yield: The rate of annual income return on an investment, expressed as a percentage. It is obtained by dividing the current dollar income by the current market price of the security. Yield to Maturity: The rate of income return on an investment, minus any premium or plus any discount, with the adjustment spread over the period from the date of purchase to the date of maturity of the bond, expressed as a percentage. Yield Curve: The yield on bonds, notes or bills of the same type and credit risk at a specific date for maturities up to thirty years. Adopted May 28, 2024 Page 15 of 15 Item No. 6 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Erica Russo, Director of Community Services DATE: May 28, 2024 SUBJECT: Approve Agreement with Chaffin and Reeves, Inc. dba Pedal Port for Boat Rental Services at Harveston Lake Park PREPARED BY: Mike Wooten, Community Services Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the agreement with Chaffin and Reeves, Inc. dba Pedal Port for boat rental services at Harveston Lake Park. BACKGROUND: For nearly 20 years boat rentals at Harveston Lake have been a valuable amenity for residents and our visitors. With the completion of the previous contract staff conducted an RFP for qualified boat rental operators. During the recent bidding process two proponents submitted bids in response. After careful review, the evaluation panel recommends that the contract be awarded to Chaffin and Reeves Inc. dba Pedal Port. Chaffin and Reeves, Inc. is a family -owned business with over 20 years' experience in this field and comes with excellent references and an exceptional safety record. Pedal Port is in the process of purchasing a minimum of one (1) pontoon style pedal boat or similar style and will then reassess demand for any future additions. The agreement allows for an initial one-year term with the option for an additional five-year term extension. FISCAL IMPACT: Pedal Port shall provide monthly payments of $750 plus 20% of the gross revenue over $10,000 per month. ATTACHMENTS: Agreement AGREEMENT FOR CONCESSION SERVICES BETWEEN CITY OF TEMECULA AND CHAFFIN AND REEVES, INC. DBA PEDAL PORT CONCESSIONAIRE SERVICES AT HARVESTON LAKE PARK THIS AGREEMENT is made and effective as of May 28, 2024 between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and Chaffin and Reeves, Inc. dba Pedal Port, a Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Concessionaire"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. TERM This Agreement shall commence on May 28, 2024, and shall remain and continue in effect until tasks described herein are completed, but in no event later than June 30, 2025, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. The City may, upon mutual agreement with Concessionaire, extend the contract for one (1) additional Five (5) year term. In no event shall the contract be extended beyond June 30, 2030. 2. RECITALS This agreement is made with respect to the following facts and for the following purposes, which each of the parties acknowledge to be true and correct: a. The City has constructed and operates the Harveston Lake Park Boat House. The City has complete authority and oversight of the usage, activities and business conducted at the Boat House, Harveston Lake, and Harveston Lake Park. b. City desires to have a Concessionaire, and Concessionaire desires to exclusively develop, maintain and operate a pedal boat rental business utilizing the Harveston Lake Park Boat House. C. The City has established operational standards and requirements for pedal boat rentals and usage at Harveston Lake Park. d. City desires to provide a concession benefit to community. e. Concessionaire shall obtain written pre -approval from Director of Community Services for all services being provided and products being served and sold at Harveston Lake Park by Concessionaire. f. Concessionaire acknowledges and shall operate in accordance with City standards and requirements for providing pedal boat rentals and conducting business at the Harveston Lake Park Boat House. g. For the exclusive right to provide and operate pedal boat rentals, and utilize the Harveston Lake Park Boat House, Concessionaire shall pay to City a monthly fee plus a commission of gross revenue as outlined in the Agreement. 3. DEFINITIONS As used in this Agreement the following words and phrases shall be defined as follows: a. "Concessionaire Supplied Equipment" shall mean such equipment as is necessary for the providing of pedal boat rentals as required by this Agreement, except for the City Supplied Equipment. b. "City Manager" shall mean the City Manager of the City of Temecula. C. "City Supplied Equipment" shall mean the Harveston Lake Park Boat House building, dock, utility services and/or boats provided by the City. d. "Director of Community Services" shall mean the Director of the Temecula Community Services District of the City of Temecula or his or her designee. e. "Director of Finance" shall mean the Director of Finance of the City of Temecula or his or her designee. f. "Boat House" shall mean the building constructed and/or operated at: Harveston Lake Park. g. "Gross Revenue" shall mean all the money or other things of value received by or owed to Concessionaire for pedal boat rentals and other sales pursuant to this Agreement prior to payments of expenses. Gross Revenue shall not include: 1) Sales tax revenues as defined in Part 1.5 of Division 2, commencing with Section 7200, of the Revenue and Taxation Code and Chapter 3.16 of the Temecula Municipal Code, actually collected by the City; and 2) transactions and use tax revenues as defined in Part 1.6 of Division 2, commencing with Section 7251, of the Revenue and Taxation Code and Chapter 3.18 of the Temecula Municipal Code, actually collected by the City. 4. EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT PEDAL BOAT RENTAL AT HARVESTON LAKE PARK The City hereby grants to Concessionaire an exclusive right to rent pedal boat to members of the public in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The City reserves the right to contract with other vendors at Harveston Lake Park for special events. The City shall provide notice of each Special Event to the Concessionaire two (2) weeks prior to each Special Event. S. MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT AND PHYSICAL PLAN OF BOAT HOUSE a. The City shall provide the Boat House for the operation and rental by the Concessionaire of pedal boats. City shall maintain the Boat House in good working order and replace such items of the Boat House when the equipment cannot be repaired; provided, however, Concessionaire shall be responsible for the repair or replacement of the Boat House, or parts thereof, damaged or destroyed by the negligent or willful acts of Concessionaire or its employees or agents, excepting normal wear and tear. Concessionaire shall clean the Boat House and surrounding area in accordance with applicable law and standard practices. b. Concessionaire shall provide such other equipment as is necessary for the providing of pedal boat rentals as required by this Agreement, except for the Boat House ("Concessionaire Supplied Equipment'). At the termination or expiration of this Agreement, the City shall have the option, but not the obligation, to purchase the Concessionaire Supplied Equipment at its then fair market value. b. All signage for the Concessionaire's pedal boat rental operation at the Boat House and, including sign content, shall be approved in writing by the Director of Community Services prior to placement. 6. PEDAL BOAT RENTAL OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS In performing the services required by this Agreement, Concessionaire shall comply with the following operational requirements: a. Concessionaire shall offer pedal boat rentals at the Harveston Lake Park Boat House during the following dates and times: weekends and holidays from 12:00 pm to 30 minutes prior to sunset and optional weekdays if lake attendance warrants. Additional dates and hours may be added upon the prior written approval of the Concessionaire and the Director of Community Services. b. Prior to commencement of pedal boat rentals at the Boat House and not less than each calendar quarter thereafter the Director of Community Services shall review and, after consulting with Concessionaire, approve the signage, and quality of offerings for the Boat House. Concessionaire shall not sell or rent any items from the Boat House without the prior written consent of the Director of Community Services. C. Director of Community Services shall approve in writing the pedal boat price lists, which approvals shall not be unreasonably withheld. Concessionaire's prices shall not exceed the prices on this approved list. d. Concessionaire shall at all times faithfully, competently and to the best of its ability, experience and talent, perform all services described herein. Concessionaire shall employ, at a minimum, generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons engaged in providing similar high -quality pedal boat rental services as are required of Concessionaire in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. e. Concessionaire shall at its own cost and expense procure and keep in force during the term of this Agreement all necessary permits and licenses and shall require any employees and subcontractors to have all necessary permits and licenses during the course of the term of the Agreement, including, without limitation: City of Temecula business license. f. Concessionaire shall be responsible for the payment of all applicable taxes for products or services under its control, including without limitation, any possessory interest tax which might be imposed, and for the maintenance of appropriate records showing payment of taxes. Concessionaire shall pay and discharge before delinquency all taxes and assessments, if any, which may be levied during the term of the Agreement as a result of Concessionaire's operations. Concessionaire shall not permit any liens to be asserted against City's property during the term of this Agreement. g. All boaters younger than twelve years old are required to wear life jackets which shall comply with all applicable federal, state or local standards for such use. All occupants shall be provided a personal cushion type flotation device which shall comply with all applicable federal, state or local standards for such use. The life jackets and personal flotation devices shall be maintained in accordance with manufacturers specifications. Safety procedures shall be clearly posted and verbally explained to all users of any equipment. Safety procedures shall be attached to each boat and clearly visible. h. Employees of Concessionaire shall at all times be neatly and cleanly uniformed at no expense to the City. The style and colors of uniforms for employees shall be approved by the Director of Community Services. i. Concessionaire shall train and closely supervise all employees so that they are aware of and continually practice high standards of cleanliness, courtesy, safety, and service. Concessionaire's employees shall follow all applicable sanitary practices, rules and requirements governing restaurant employees. Concessionaire's employees shall at all times reflect personal cleanliness and neatness. Unkempt and unclean employees will not be tolerated by the City. The City shall provide written notice regarding any unkempt and unclean employees to the Concessionaire. j. Concessionaire's employees shall not, either by act or language, offend or disturb customers/patrons of normal sensitivity during the course of providing services at the Boat House. Concessionaire's employees shall not interfere with a program or special event presented at any City facility or park. The Director of Community Services shall be the sole judge in the determination of such matters. k. To the extent required by law, Concessionaire's employees shall be fingerprinted and undergo the State required background check for working in a public facility or park. I. Concessionaire shall provide an adequate number of personnel to properly service and attend to the customers/patrons at the Boat House location. M. Concessionaire shall respond promptly to all complaints from customers/patrons and shall report to City on each complaint and the resolution thereof. If City believes a complaint to be of a serious nature, City shall notify Concessionaire in writing. Concessionaire shall respond to such notification within four (4) calendar days. n. Not less than once each calendar month during the first year of the term of this Agreement, the Director of Community Services and Concessionaire shall meet to discuss the operation of the pedal boat rental services and the financial viability of the operation. o. All promotions with other pedal boat rental companies or any subcontractors shall be approved in advance and in writing by the City Manager . P. Concessionaire shall allow City Staff access to the Boat House and Concessionaire's operation as necessary or convenient to the City to insure compliance with the terms of this Agreement. 7. PAYMENT a. Concessionaire shall offer pedal boat rentals to customers/patrons and members of the public at Harveston Lake Park from the Boat House. City shall not be required to pay or otherwise compensate Concessionaire for providing pedal boat rental services at Harveston Lake Park. b. For the privilege of operating pedal boat rentals to customers/patrons and members of the public at Harveston Lake Park from the Boat House pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, Concessionaire shall pay to the City a minimum monthly concession and license fee of Seven Hundred Fifty Dollars and no Cents ($750.00) per month plus 20% of the gross revenue in excess of Ten Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($10,000). Said sum shall be paid to the City within ten (10) calendar days following the end of each month and shall be accompanied by the monthly report required. At termination of agreement, this payment will be due within thirty (30) days of termination. Failure to make this payment will result in the appropriate reduction or total forfeiture of the deposit, as per Section 7.e and as determined by the City Manager. C. The Director of Community Services shall have the authority to waive all or part of the seven hundred fifty -dollar ($750) fee as consideration for Concessionaire providing equipment, services, or merchandise for City sponsored events as requested in writing by the Director of Community Services within the scope of her contract authority. d. Concessionaire shall maintain a system of books and records in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles showing all Concessionaire's revenues received in connection with the sales of food, beverages, and product pursuant to this Agreement. The City Manager shall review and approve the system of books and records and shall be authorized to require the preparation and maintenance of additional accounting records and reports. Said records shall be kept for not less than three (3) years after the expiration of the term of this Agreement and any extensions thereof. City and its authorized agents may inspect or audit such books and records at any time during regular business hours upon one (1) business days' notice. If a City audit uncovers an underreporting of Gross Revenues in the amount of five percent (5%) or more during a one-year period, Concessionaire shall pay the City's costs in performing the audit. e. Concessionaire shall keep in deposit in a local bank, or savings and loan company having F.D.I.C., or F.S.L.I.C., in favor of the City of Temecula, the amount of One Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($1,000.00). If Concessionaire defaults in payments to the City of any of the terms, provisions, covenants and conditions of this Agreement, in addition to any other remedies it may have, the City may use, apply, or retain the whole or any part of this security for any payment due to the City of any expenses or payment in default or for any other sum which the City may spend or be required to spend by reason on Concessionaire's default. The security deposit or any balance remaining of the security deposit, less any deductions per this subsection, shall be returned to Concessionaire, within fourteen (14) days of the termination or expiration of this Agreement, without interest. In the event City uses part or all of the security deposit as provided herein, Concessionaire shall replenish the security deposit in the amount used with ten (10) days of notice from City. City may require, at any time that the security deposit be increased in proportion to the amount that minimum monthly rent or payment has increased. 8. TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT WITHOUT CAUSE a. The City may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the Concessionaire at least ninety (90) calendar days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Concessionaire shall continue to provide the services required by this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. b. Concessionaire may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the City at least ninety (90) calendar days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Concessionaire shall continue to provide the services required by this Agreement, unless the Director of Community Services otherwise agrees in writing. C. In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section, the Concessionaire shall pay to the City the amounts which may be due to the City under this Agreement through the time of termination. 9. DEFAULT OF CONCESSIONAIRE a. The Concessionaire's failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute a default. b. If the Director of Community Services determines that Concessionaire is in default in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, he or she shall serve the Concessionaire with written notice of the default. Concessionaire shall have (10) days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the Concessionaire fails to cure its default within such period of time; the City shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to terminate or suspend this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entities at law, in equity or under this Agreement. C. In the event the Director of Community Services determines that Concessionaire's default poses an immediate risk to the health or safety of customers, patrons or members of the public, the Boat house or any facility, park or event, he/she may suspend the Agreement without prior written notice to Concessionaire. Upon such immediate suspension, the Director shall initiate the default procedures set forth in this Section. d. The City and Concessionaire agree that waiver by the City or Concessionaire of any breach or violation of any term or condition of this Agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other term or condition contained herein or a waiver of any subsequent breach or violation of the same or any other term or condition. 10. INDEMNIFICATION The Concessionaire agrees to defend, indemnify, protect and hold harmless the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers ("Indemnified Parties") from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, defense costs or expenses, including attorney fees and expert witness fees, or liability of any kind or nature which the Indemnified Parties may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property arising out of Concessionaire's negligent or wrongful acts or omissions arising out of or in any way related to the performance or non-performance of this Agreement, excepting only liability arising out of the negligence of the Indemnified Parties. 11. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Concessionaire shall procure and maintain for the duration of this Agreement insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property, which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Concessionaire, its agents, representatives, or employees. a. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as: 1) Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability Form No. CG 00 01 11 85 or 88. 2) Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 06 92 covering Automobile Liability, code 1 (any auto). If the Concessionaire owns no automobiles, a non -owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy described above is acceptable. 3) Workers Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. If the Concessionaire has no employees while performing under this Agreement, worker's compensation insurance is not required, but Concessionaire shall execute a declaration that it has no employees. b. Minimum Limits of Insurance. Concessionaire shall maintain limits no less than: 1) General Liability: Two Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this projectilocation or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. 2) Automobile Liability: One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 3) Worker's Compensation as required by the State of California; Employer's Liability: One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per accident for bodily injury or disease. C. Deductibles and Self -insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self -insured retentions shall not exceed Twenty Five Thousand Dollars and No Cents ($25,000) unless otherwise approved in writing by the City Manager or his or her designee. d. Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: 1) The City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees and volunteers shall be covered as insured's, as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Concessionaire; products and completed operations of the Concessionaire; premises owned, occupied or used by the Concessionaire; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Concessionaire. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 2) For any claims related to this project, the Concessionaire's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self -insured maintained by the City of Temecula, Temecula Community Services District, and/or the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of the Concessionaire's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 3) Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District, and the Successor Agency to the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, their officers, officials, employees or volunteers. 4) The Concessionaire's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurers liability. 5) Each insurance policy required by this agreement shall be endorsed to state in substantial conformance to the following: If the policy will be canceled before the expiration date the insurer shall notify in writing to the City of such cancellation not less than thirty (30) days' prior to the cancellation effective date. 6) If insurance coverage is canceled or, reduced in coverage or in limits the Concessionaire shall within two (2) business days of notice from insurer phone, fax, and/or notify the City via certified mail, return receipt requested of the changes to or cancellation of the policy. e. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best rating of A-:VII or better, unless otherwise acceptable to the City. Self-insurance shall not be considered to comply with these insurance requirements. f. Verification of Coverage. Concessionaire shall furnish the City with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The endorsements are to be on forms provided by the City. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. As an alternative to the City's forms, the Concessionaire's insurer may provide complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements affecting the coverage required by these specifications. 12. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR a. Concessionaire is and shall at all times remain as to the City a wholly independent contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Concessionaire shall at all times be under Concessionaire's exclusive direction and control. Neither City nor any of its officers, employees, agents, or volunteers shall have control over the conduct of Concessionaire or any of Concessionaire's officers, employees, or agents except as set forth in this Agreement. Concessionaire shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner officers, employees or agents of the City. Concessionaire shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. b. No employee benefits shall be available to Concessionaire in connection with the performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to Concessionaire as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Concessionaire for performing services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Concessionaire for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 13. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES The Concessionaire shall keep itself informed of all local, State and Federal ordinances, laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its service pursuant to this Agreement. The Concessionaire shall at all times observe and comply with all such ordinances, laws and regulations. The City, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Concessionaire to comply with this section. 14. RELEASE OF INFORMATION a. All information gained by Concessionaire in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential and shall not be released by Concessionaire without City's prior written authorization. Concessionaire, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors, shall not without written authorization from the City Manager or unless requested by the City Attorney, voluntarily provide declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories or other information concerning the work performed under this Agreement or relating to any project or property located within the City. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered "voluntary" provided Concessionaire gives City notice of such court order or subpoena. b. Concessionaire shall promptly notify City should Concessionaire, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions or other discovery request, court order or subpoena from any party regarding this Agreement and the work performed there under or with respect to any project or property located within the City. City retains the right, but has no obligation, to represent Concessionaire and/or be present at any deposition, hearing or similar proceeding. Concessionaire agrees to cooperate fully with City and to provide City with the opportunity to review any response to discovery requests provided by Concessionaire. However, City's right to review any such response does not imply or mean the right by City to control, direct, or rewrite said response. 15. NOTICES Any notices which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Agreement must be in writing and may be given either by (i) personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) mailing in the United States Mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the address of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by Notice. Notice shall be effective upon delivery to the addresses specified below or on the third business day following deposit with the document delivery service or United States Mail as provided above. Mailing Address: City of Temecula Attn: City Manager 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 To Concessionaire: Chaffin and Reeves, Inc. dba Pedal Port Attn: Wynn Reeves Mandahl 1155 2"d St. Los Osos, CA 93402 16. ASSIGNMENT The Concessionaire shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without prior written consent of the City. Upon termination of this Agreement, Concessionaire's sole compensation shall be payment for actual services performed up to, and including, the date of termination or as may be otherwise agreed to in writing between the City Council and the Concessionaire. 17. GOVERNING LAW The City and Concessionaire understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the municipal, superior, or federal district court with geographic jurisdiction over the City of Temecula. In the event such litigation is filed by one party against the other to enforce its rights under this Agreement, the prevailing party, as determined by the Courts judgment, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and litigation expenses for the relief granted. 18. PROHIBITED INTEREST No officer, or employee of the City of Temecula that has participated in the development of this agreement or its approval shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, the proceeds thereof, the Concessionaire, or Concessionaire's sub -contractors for this project, during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter. The Concessionaire hereby warrants and represents to the City that no officer or employee of the City of Temecula that has participated in the development of this agreement or its approval has any interest, whether contractual, non - contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, the proceeds thereof, or in the business of the Concessionaire or Concessionaire's sub -contractors on this project. Concessionaire further agrees to notify the City in the event any such interest is discovered whether or not such interest is prohibited by law or this Agreement. 19. ENTIRE AGREEMENT This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement_ All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations and statements, oral or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. 20. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Concessionaire warrants and represents that he or she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Concessionaire and has the authority to bind Concessionaire to the performance of its obligations hereunder. The City Manager is authorized to enter into an amendment on behalf of the City to make the following non -substantive modifications to the agreement: (a) name changes; (b) extension of time; (c) non -monetary changes in scope of work; (d) agreement termination. 10 obligations hereunder. The City Manager is authorized to enter into an amendment on behalf of the City to make the following non -substantive modifications to the agreement: (a) name changes; (b) extension of time; (c) non -monetary changes in scope of work, (d) agreement termination. U, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF TEMECULA CONCESSIONAIRE By: IBy: James Stewart, Mayor ATTEST: By: By: Randi Johl, City Clerk Lloyd Reeves, Treasurer APPROVED AS TO FORM -- By: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney CONCESSIONAIRE taffin and Reeves, Inc. dba Pedal port ynr: Reeves Mandahl 55 2nd St. rs Osos, CA 93402 15) 305-2140 City Purchasing Mgr. Initials and Date: 2 Item No. 7 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Patrick Thomas, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: May 28, 2024 SUBJECT: Approve Fourth Amendment to the Minor Maintenance Agreement with Nieves Landscape, Inc., for Landscape Maintenance Services for Fiscal Year 2024-25 PREPARED BY: Julie Tarrant, Principal Management Analyst Stacey Biddle, Management Assistant RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the fourth amendment to the minor maintenance agreement with Nieves Landscape, Inc., for landscape maintenance services for Fiscal Year 2024-25, in the amount of $2,918,844.96, and approve contingency for extra work in the amount of $583,768.99, which is 20% of the Fiscal Year 2024-25 agreement amount. BACKGROUND: On April 27, 2021, City Council approved an agreement with Nieves Landscape, Inc., for landscape maintenance services at city facilities, medians, parks, trails, and slopes, in the amount of $1,757,796, with an allowance to extend the agreement for four (4) additional one (1) year term extensions, and in no event shall be extended beyond June 30, 2026. The agreement also provides for annual price adjustments at the beginning of each fiscal year in accordance with the changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), not to exceed 3% of the previous fiscal year's total agreement amount. In each of the following fiscal years 2022-2024, City Council approved the First, Second, and Third Amendments to the Agreement to add scope, increase payment, and additional contingency for extra work, and to extend terms through to June 30, 2024. The Fourth Amendment will extend the term of the agreement to June 30, 2025, increase the payment in the amount of $2,918,844.96, and additional contingency for extra work in the amount of $583,768.99, which is 20% of the agreement amount for FY2024-25. Nieves Landscape, Inc., has provided exceptional service and shown they are capable and responsive to the needs of the city to provide a variety of landscape maintenance services and offer an efficient and economical means of completing the work. FISCAL IMPACT: Adequate funds will be available in the Annual Operating Budget (AOB) for Fiscal Year 2024-2025. ATTACHMENTS: Fourth Amendment FOURTH AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF TEMECULA AND NIEVES LANDSCAPE, INC. LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE CONTRACT NO. 2021-062 THIS FOURTH AMENDMENT is made and entered into as of May 28, 2024, by and between the City of Temecula , a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City"), and Nieves Landscape, Inc., a Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Contractor"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. This Amendment is made with the respect to the following facts and purposes a. On April 27, 2021, the City and Contractor entered into that certain Agreement entitled "Agreement for Minor Maintenance Services," in the amount of $1,767,796.00. b. On August 10, 2021, the City approved contingency for extra work in the amount of $351,569.20. C. On October 26, 2021, the City and Contractor entered into the First Amendment to that certain Agreement entitled "Agreement for Minor Maintenance Services," to add scope of work and increase the payment in the amount of $607,226.60, plus contingency in the amount of $121,445. d. On May 24, 2022, the City and Contractor entered into the Second Amendment to that certain Agreement entitled "Agreement for Minor Maintenance Services," to extend the term and increase the payment in the amount of $2,748,693.48, plus contingency in the amount of $649,737. e. On January 24, 2023, the City approved contingency for extra work in the amount of $160,000. f. On June 13, 2023, the City and Contractor entered into the Third Amendment to that certain Agreement entitled "Agreement for Minor Maintenance Services," to add scope of work, extend the term of the agreement to June 30, 2026, increase the payment in the amount of $2,836,684.00, plus contingency in the amount of $567,316.80. g. The parties now desire to extend the term of the agreement to June 30, 2025, increase the payment in the amount of $2,918,844.96 and to amend the Agreement as set forth in this Amendment. 2, Section 1 of the Agreement entitled "TERM" is hereby amended to read as follows: This Agreement shall remain and continue in effect until tasks herein are completed, but in no event later than June 30, 2026, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 3. Section 3 of the Agreement entitled "PAYMENT" at paragraph "a" is hereby amended to read as follows: The City agrees to pay Contractor monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and schedules and terms set forth in Exhibit B, 08/09/2021 Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. Any terms in Exhibit B, other than the payment rates and schedule of payment, are null and void. The total amount of this Agreement shall not exceed Twelve Million, Six Hundred Nine Thousand, Two Hundred and Two Thousand Dollars and Four Cents ($12,609,202.04). 4. Exhibit B to the Agreement is hereby amended by adding thereto the items set forth on Attachment "A" to this Amendment, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. 5. Except for the changes specifically set forth herein, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 08/09/2021 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF TEMECULA By: James Stewart, Mayor ATTEST: By: Randi Johl, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: NIEVES LANDSCAPE, INC. (Two Signatures of corporate officers required unless corporate documents authorize only one person to sign the agreement on behalf of the corporation.) By: Greg Nifives, President & Secretary By: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney CONTRACTOR Nieves Landscape, Inc. Attn: Joshua Cho 1629 E. Endinger Ave. Santa Ana, CA 92706 Ph. 714 641-3071 Jcho@nievesiandscape.com ATTACHMENT A EXHIBIT B PAYMENT RATES AND SCHEDULE Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Rate Schedules Landscape Maintenance Service Area Fee Schedule FACILITIES Site No. Site Name Monthly Fee FY24125 Annual Cost FY24125 F-01 Community Recreation Center $ 2,619.83 $ 31,437.96 F-02 Mary Phillips Senior Center $ 764.55 $ 9,174.60 F-03A Temecula Valley Entrepreneurs Exchange (TVE2) $ 1,091.77 $ 13,101.24 F-03C Field Operations Center (FOC) $ 109.07 $ 1,308.84 F-04 Temecula Community Center $ 490.83 $ 5,889.96 F-05 Fire Station #84 $ 710.01 $ 8,520.12 F-06 Old Town Temecula $ 3,275.31 $ 39,303.72 F-10 Temecula Children's Museum $ 272.69 $ 3,272.28 F-12 Temecula Community Theater $ 109.07 $ 1,308.84 F-13 Temecula Public Library $ 1,200.84 $ 14,410.08 F-15 Wolf Creek Fire Station 492 $ 490.83 $ 5,889.96 F-16 Fire Station #73 $ 218.15 $ 2,617.80 F-17A Civic Center/Town Square $ 1,091.77 $ '13,101.24 F-17B Parking Garage $ 218.15 $ 2,617.80 F-19 Ronpaugh Fire Station 495 $ 545.37 $ 6,544.44 F-20 Overland Training Center $ 163.61 $ 1,963.32 F-21 Margarita Recreation Center $ 218.15 $ 2,617.80 F-30 Jefferson Recreation Center $ 109.07 $ 1,308.84 TOTAL: $ 13,699.07 $ 164,388.84 08/09/2021 Landscape Maintenance Service Area Fee Schedule MEDIANS Site No. Site Name Monthly Fee FY24125 Annual Cost FY24/25 M-01 Rancho California Road Medians $ 1,091.77 $ 13,101.24 M-02 Ynez Road Medians $ 1,091.77 $ 13,101.24 M-03 Butterfield Stage Road Medians $ 1,528.07 $ 18,336.84 M-03 Butterfield Stage Road Medians (North) $ 1,746.21 $ 20,954.52 M-04 Margarita Road Medians (North) $ 819.08 $ 9,828.96 M-05 Margarita Road Medians (South) $ 163.61 $ 1,963.32 M-06 Winchester Road at Jefferson Median $ 2,947.06 $ 35,364.72 M-07 Pechanga Parkway Medians $ 1,746.21 $ 20,954.52 M-08 Meadows Parkway Medians (North) $ 819.08 $ 9,828.96 M-09 Paseo Del Sol Medians $ 8%08 $ 9,828.96 M-110 Harveston Medians (Date Street/Margarita Road) $ 2,728.91 $ 32,746.92 M-'11 Jefferson Avenue Medians $ 163.61 $ 1,963.32 M-13 Redhawk Medians $ 1,091.77 $ 13,101.24 M-'14 Temecula Parkway Medians $ 2,183.54 $ 26,202A8 M-115 Wolf Valley Road Medians $ 87.47 $ 1,049.64 M-16 Diaz Rd Medians / Parkway $ 655.47 $ 7,865.64 M-117 Meadows Parkway Medians (South) $ 764.55 $ 9,174.60 M-18 Murrieta Hot Springs Road Medians $ 545.37 $ 6,544.44 M-119 De Portola Rd Medians atTemecula Valley Hospital $ 109.07 $ 1,308.84 FW-01 Tnferstate ti n amps (Winchester Road, Rancho California Road, Temecula Parkway Interchange) $ $ 2,728.91 23,830.61 $ $ 32,746.92 285,967.32 TOTAL: 08/09/2021 Landscape Maintenance Service Area Fee Schedule Passive Parks, Streetscapes & Trails Site No. Site Name Monthly Fee FY4/ AnnualCost F 4!5 P-01 Veterans Park $ 2,074.46 $ 24,893.52 P-02 Sam Hicks Monument Park $ 1,746.21 $ 20,954.52 P-03 Calle Aragon Park $ 327.22 $ 3,926.64 P-04 Bahia Vista Park $ 327.22 $ 3,926.64 P-05 Loma Linda Park $ 1,364.45 $ 16,373.40 P-06 Riverton Paris $ 2,183.54 $ 26,202.48 P-07 John Magee Park $ 599.91 $ 7,198.92 P-09 Voorburg Park $ 436.30 $ 5,235.60 P-10 Nicolas Road Park $ 1,309.92 $ 15.719.04 P-11 I Butterfield Stage Park $ 1,309-92 $ 15.719.04 P-12 Temecula Duck Pond Park $ 2,728.91 $ 32,746.92 P-13 Rotary Park $ 381.76 $ 4,581.12 P-14 Nakayama Park $ 381.76 $ 4,581.12 P-15 Winchester Creek Park $ 1,746-21 $ 20,954.52 P-16 Long Canyon Creek Park $ 1,746.21 $ 20,954.52 P-17 Vail Ranch Park $ 7,314.13 $ 87,769.56 P-18 Stephen Michael Linen Jr_ Memorial Park $ 873.62 $ 10,483.44 P-19 Pablo Apis Park $ 873.62 $ 10,483.44 P-20 Crowne Hill Park $ 1,637.14 $ 19,645.68 P-21 Meadows Park $ 2,183.54 $ 26,202.48 P-22 Pauba Ridge Park $ 2.183.54 $ 26,202.48 P-23 Serena Hills Park $ 1,418.99 $ 17,027.88 P-24 Harveston Lake Park $ 4,147.90 $ 49,774.80 P-25 Sunset Park $ 710.01 $ 8,520.12 P-26 Paseo Gallante Park $ 819.08 $ 9,82&96 P-27 Temecula Creek Trail Park $ 2,074.46 $ 24,893.52 P-28 Redhawk Community Park $ 6,768.76 $ 81,225.12 P-29 Wolf Creek Trail Park $ 3,275.31 $ 39,303.72 P-30 Wolf Creek Park $ 272.69 $ 3,272.28 P-31 Skyview Park $ 1,965.39 $ 23,584.68 PR-01 Temecula Park & Ride $ 710.01 $ 8,520.12 SS-01 Via Eduardo Streetscape $ 272.69 $ 3,272.28 SS-03 Margarita Road Right -of -Way $ 873.62 $ 10,483.44 FC-01 Nada Lane $ 218.15 $ 2,617.80 T-01 Santa Gertrudis Creek Trail $ 664.73 $ 7,976.76 T-02 Temecula Creek Village Trail $ 218.15 $ 2,617.80 T-03 Murrieta Creek Multi -Purpose Trail $ 1,812.07 $ 21.744.84 T-04 i Mumeta Creek Trail - Phase 2" $ 1,965.39 $ 23,584.68 TOTAL: $ 61,916.991 $ 743,003.88 08/09/2021 Landscape Maintenance Service Area Fee Schedule SLOPES - (Service Level C) Site No. Site Name Monthly Fee FY24125 Annual Cost FY24125 S-01 Saddlewood (Pavilion Point) $ 2,292.61 $ 27,511 32 S-02 Winchester Creek (I and II) $ 1.582.60 $ 18,991.20 S-03 Rancho Highlands $ 1.800-75 $ 21,609.00 S-04 The Vineyards $ 317.96 $ 3,815.52 S-05 Signet Series $ 1.637.14 $ 19,645.68 S-06 Woodcrest Country $ 819.08 S 9,828,96 S-07 Ridgeview $ 545.37 $ 6,544.44 S-08 Village Grove $ 6,113.29 $ 73,359.48 S-09 Rancho Solana $ 82.32 S 98784 S-10 Martinique $ 272.69 S 3.27228 S-11 Meadowview $ 67.91 $ 814.92 S-12 Vintage Hills $ 3,820.68 $ 45,848.16 S-13 Presley Development (Veranda, Country Glen, Bridlevale) $ 1.255.38 $ 15,064.56 S-14 Morrison Homes (Mirada) $ 490.83 S 5.889.96 S-15 Barclay Estates $ 436.30 S 5,235.60 S-16 Tradewinds $ 1,037.23 $ 12,446.76 S-17 1vlonte Vista $ 77.18 S 92616 S-18 Temeku Hills $ 4,147.90 $ 49,774.80 S-19 Chantemar (Campos Verde) $ 2.728.91 $ 32,746.92 S-20 Crowne Hill $ 6,004.22 $ 72,050.64 S-21 Vail Ranch $ 10,319.84 $ 123,838.08 S-22 Sutton Place $ 176.99 S 2,123.88 S-23 Pheasant Run $ 245.93 S 2,951 16 S-24 Harveston $ 6,004.22 $ 72,050.64 S-25 Serena Hills $ 1,910.85 $ 22,930 20 S-26 Gallery Traditions $ 67.91 $ 81492 S-27 Avondale $ 272.69 $ 3,272.28 5-28 Wolf Creek $ 9,279.52 $ 11 1,354.24 S-29 Gallery Portraits $ 109.07 S 1,308.84 TOTAL: $ 63,917.37 $ 767,00B.44 08/09/2021 Landscape Maintenance Service Area Fee Schedule SPORTS PARKS/SCHOOL SITES Site No. Site Name Monthly Fee FY24/25 Annual Cost FY24/25 SP-01 Ronald Reagan Sports Park $ 16,142.95 $ '193,715.40 SP-02 Paloma Del Sol Park $ 6,006.27 $ 72,075.24 SP-03 Friendship Park $ 3,467.73 $ 41,612.76 SP-04 Kent Hintergardt Park $ 5,954.82 $ 7'1,457.84 SP-05 Alichael 'Alike" Naggar Community Park $ 5,879.71 $ 70,556.52 SP-06 Temeku Hills Park $ 6,186.35 $ 74,236.20 SP-07 Harveston Community Park $ 9,623.21 $ '115,478.52 SP-08 Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park $ 14,557.26 $ '174,687.12 SP-09 Sports Ranch at Sommers Bend $ 9,246.59 $ '110,959.08 SC-01 Temecula Middle School - baseball fields $ 463.05 $ 5,556.60 SC-02 Temecula Elementary School - baseball fields $ 475.40 $ 5,704.80 SC-03 James L Day Middle School - baseball fields $ 393.08 $ 4,716.96 SC-04 Temecula Valley High School - tennis courts $ 464.08 $ 5,568.96 SC-06 Vail Ranch Middle School - baseball fields/basketball courts $ 643.13 $ 7,717.56 SC-09 Great Oak High School - tennis courts $ 369.41 $ 4,432.92 L---- TOTAL: $ 79,873.04 $ 958,476.48 08/09/2021 LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE EXTRA WORK PRICE SHEET I. Turf Maintenance (All Turf Areas) Unit Cost 1. Mowing (Including Bagging of Clippings) $ 0.0106 sq. ft. 2. Edging $ 0.0027 linear ft. 3. String Trimming $ 0.0027 linear ft. 4. Aerification (Core/3") $ 0.0159 sq. ft_ 5. Aerification (Deep Tine/6") $ 0.0170 sq. ft. 6. Weed Removal (Manual) $ 42.39 per man hr. 7. Pest Control (Manual) $ 52.99 per man hr. 8. Fertilization (Placement Only) $ 0.0027 sq. ft. 9. Materials (Fertilizer, Soil Amends) 25.00 % mark-up II. General Landscape Maintenance (Planters and Slope Areas) Unit Cost 1. Edging (Ground Cover) $ 0.0053 linear ft. 2. Trimming (Shrubs, Ground Cover) per proposal sq. ft. 3. Pruning/Shrubs, Vines, Roses per proposal sq. ft. 4. Pruning/Trees (To 18') $ 476.94 each 5. Weed Removal (Manual) $ 42.39 per man hr. 6. Pest Control (Manual) $ 52.99 per man hr. 7. Fertilization (Placement Only) $ 0.0027 sq. ft. 8_ Vegetation Removal per proposal sq_ ft. 9. Materials (Fertilizer, Soil Amends) 25.00 % mark-up III. Plant Material Installed All Areas Unit Cost 1. Annual Color (4" Container) $ 3.18 each 2. Ground Cover $ 37.10 flat 3. One (1) Gallon $ 11.66 each 4_ Five (5) Gallon $ 33.92 each 5. Fifteen (15) Gallon $ '100.69 each 6. 24" Box Tree $ 418.65 each 7. Seeded Turf $ 2.89 sq_ ft_ 8. Sodded Turf $ 3.71 sq. ft_ 9. Hydroseed per proposal sq_ ft_ '10. Soil Preparation (Existing Area) per proposal sq_ ft_ '11. Soil Preparation (New Area) per proposal sq. ft. 12. Wood Mulch $ 68.89 cu. yd. Note: plant materials quoted above are for standard shrub varieties - premium varieties are subject to additional cost based on market rate_ 15 gallon size trees will incur additional charge for stakes and ties. 9 08/09/2021 IV. irrittation System Maintenance 1. Inspection 2. Repair (Main Line, Lateral Line, Sprinklers) 3. Parts V. General Pest Control 1. Written Recommendation by PCA 2. Qualified Applicator (QAC) 3. Trained Applicator 4. Material VI Labor Rates (Regular Work Hours 1 _ Laborer (Maintenance) 2. Foreman (Maintenance) 3. Supervisor (Maintenance) 10 -Unit Cost $ 61.47 per hr. $ 61.47 per hr_ 25.00 % mark-up Unit Cost $ 52.99 each $ 74.19 per hr_ $ 68.89 per hr. 25.00 % mark-up Unit Cost $ 42.39 per hr_ $ 61.47 per hr. $ 90.09 per hr. 08/09/2021 State of California 0 Secretary of State Statement of Information (Domestic Stock and Agricultural Cooperative Corporations) FEES (Filing and Disclosure): $25.00. If amendment, see instructions. IMPORTANT - READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING THIS FORM E-J34320 FILED n the office of the Secretary of State of the State of California Jan - 26 2012 This Space For Filing Use Only 1. CORPORATE NAME C1704312 NIEVES LANDSCAPE INC. GREG NIEVES 1629 E. EDINGER AVE SANTA ANA CA 92705 Due Date: Complete Addresses for the Following (Do not abbreviate the name of the city. Items 2 and 3 cannot be P.O. Boxes.) 2. STREET ADDRESS OF PRINCIPAL EXECUTIVE OFFICE CITY STATE ZIP CODE 1629 E. EDINGER AVE SANTA ANA CA 92705 3. STREET ADDRESS OF PRINCIPAL BUSINESS OFFICE IN CALIFORNIA, IF ANY CITY STATE ZIP CODE 1629 E. EDINGER AVE SANTA ANA CA 92705 4. MAILING ADDRESS OF THE CORPORATION, IF DIFFERENT THAN ITEM 2 CITY STATE ZIP CODE GREG NIEVES 1629 E. EDINGER AVE SANTA ANA CA 92705 Names and Complete Addresses of the Following Officers (The corporation must list these three officers. A comparable title for the specific officer may be added: however, the preprinted titles on this form must not be altered.) 5. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER/ ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE GREG NIEVES 1599 PARKRIDGE AVENUE NORCO, CA 92860 6. SECRETARY ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE GREG NIEVES 1599 PARKRIDGE AVENUE NORCO, CA 92860 7. CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER/ ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE GREG NIEVES 1599 PARKRIDGE AVENUE NORCO CA 92860 Names and Complete Addresses of All Directors, Including Directors Who Are Also Officers (The corporation must have at least one director. Attach additional pages, if necessary.) 8. NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE GREG NIEVES 1599 PARKRIDGE AVENUE NORCO, CA 92860 9• NA*,.'C ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE 10. NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE 11. NUMBER OF VACANCIES ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS, IF ANY: Agent for Service of Process (If the agent is an individual, the agent must reside in California and Item 13 must be completed with a California street address (a P.O.Box address is not acceptable). If the agent is another corporation, the agent must have on file with the California Secretary of State a certificate pursuant to California Corporations Code section 1505 and Item 13 must be left blank.) 12. NAME OF AGENT FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS GREG NIEVES 13. STREET ADDRESS OF AGENT FOR SERVICE OF PROCESS IN CALIFORNIA, IF AN INDIVIDUAL CITY STATE ZIP CODE 1599 PARKRIDGE AVENUE NORCO, CA 92860 Type of Business 14. DESCRIBE THE TYPE OF BUSINESS OF THE CORPORATION LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE 15. BY SUBMITTING THIS STATEMENT OF INFORMATION TO THE CALIFORNIA SECRETARY OF STATE, THE CORPORATION CERTIFIES THE INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN, INCLUDING ANY ATTACHMENTS, IS TRUE AND CORRECT. 01/26/2012 GREG NIEVES PRESIDENT DATE TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF PERSON COMPLETING THE FORM TITLE SIGNATURE SI-200 C (REV 10/2010) APPROVED BY SECRETARY OF STATE Item No. 8 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Patrick Thomas, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: May 28, 2024 SUBJECT: Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Solicitation of Construction Bids for the Pedestrian Ramp Upgrades — Citywide Project, PW23-11 PREPARED BY: Julie Tarrant, Principal Management Analyst Nick Minicilli, Senior Civil Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Approve the plans and specifications and authorize the Department of Public Works to solicit construction bids for the Pedestrian Ramp Upgrades - Citywide Project, PW23- 11; and 2. Make a finding that this project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Article 19, Categorical Exemption, Section 15301, Existing Facilities, of the CEQA Guidelines. BACKGROUND: On August 12, 2022, the City of Temecula submitted a project application in response to the Call for Projects for the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 11 funding. On March 9, 2023, grant awards were announced, and the City of Temecula was awarded HSIP Cycle 11 funding in the amount of $225,000, for the Pedestrian Ramp Upgrades- Citywide Project. The Pedestrian Ramp Upgrades- Citywide Project will provide for ADA compliant pedestrian ramp upgrades near various schools within the City. Various pedestrian ramps will be upgraded around the following schools: ➢ Vail Ranch Middle School ➢ Vintage Hills Elementary School ➢ Temecula Elementary School ➢ Margarita Middle School ➢ Rancho Elementary School ➢ Temecula Luiseno Elementary School ➢ Helen Hunt Jackson Elementary School Plans and Specifications are complete, and the project is ready to be advertised for construction bids. The contract documents are available for review in the Director of Public Works' office. The engineer's estimate is $250,000 with a construction duration of approximately forty (40) working days. This project is exempt from the CEQA requirements pursuant to Article 19, Categorical Exemption, Section 15301, Existing Facilities, of the CEQA Guidelines. Section 15301 states that the repairs and maintenance of existing highways and streets are Class I activities which are exempt from CEQA. FISCAL IMPACT: The Pedestrian Ramp Upgrades- Citywide Project is in the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2024-2028 and is funded with Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 11 Funding and Measure S. Adequate funds are available in the project budget. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Project Description 2. Project Location Map AMA The Heart of Southern California Wine Country PEDESTRIAN RAMP UPGRADES - CITYWIDE Infrastructure Project Project Description: This project will install American with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant ramp upgrades at school crossing sites throughout the City. Benefit: This project improves pedestrian safety and circulation throughout the City. Core Value: Transportation Mobility and Connectivity Project Status: Project is estimated to be complete in Fiscal Year 2023-24. Department: Public Works City of Temecula Fiscal Years 2024-28 Capital Improvement Program - - 2023-24 Prior Years 2022-23 Requested 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 Total Project Project Cost: Actuals Adjusted Budget Projected Projected Projected Projected Cost Administration 25,000 25,000 Construction 250,000 250,000 Construction Engineering - Design & Environmental Total Exoenclitures 275,000 Source of Funds: HSIP- Cycle 11I1I Measure S 225,000 50,000 225,000 50,000 Total Fundine 275,000 ZZLM Future Operating & Maintenance Costs: Total Operating Costs (1) Highway Safety Improvement Program - Cycle 11 awarded on March 9, 2023 dg MARGARITA L .vcF ro: u MIDDLE SCHOOL ' 79' ECULA AENTARY SCHOOL w Temecula RANCHO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL tea* r� 4 d t VINTAGE HILLS a ELEMENTARY SCHOOL F� .ry 11TE LA LUISENO` u* ELEMENTARYSCHOOL 4 HELEN HUNT JACKSON ELEMENTARY SGHOQL LOCATION MAP VAIL RANCH MIDDLE SCHOOL Pechanga Indian Reserva�iarl VICINITY MAP • PROJECT LOCATION CITY BOUNDARY CALTRANS RIGHT—OF—WAY 3500 1750 0 3500 7000 10500 SCALE: 1 "=7000' JXL PROJECT LOCATION MAP ATTACHMENT CITY OF TEMECULA SET ASIDE: PEDESTRIAN CROSSING ENHANCEMENT 2 °eHeart °`S°°`"i-C.`°rt�Y 2022 HIGHWAY SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (HSIP) CYCLE 11 Item No. 9 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Patrick Thomas, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: May 28, 2024 SUBJECT: Approve Plans and Specifications and Authorize Solicitation of Construction Bids for the Traffic Signal - Pedestrian Signal Equipment Upgrade Phase 2 - Citywide Project, PW23-12 PREPARED BY: Julie Tarrant, Principal Management Analyst Nick Minicilli, Senior Civil Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Approve the plans and specifications and authorize the Department of Public Works to solicit construction bids for the Traffic Signal - Pedestrian Signal Equipment Upgrade Phase 2 - Citywide Project, PW23-12; and 2. Make a finding that this project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) per Article 19, Categorical Exemption, Section 15301, Existing Facilities, of the CEQA Guidelines. BACKGROUND: On August 12, 2022, the City of Temecula submitted a project application in response to the Call for Projects for the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 11 funding. On March 9, 2023, grant awards were announced, and the City of Temecula was awarded HSIP Cycle 11 funding in the amount of $492,930, for the Traffic Signal - Pedestrian Signal Equipment Upgrade Phase 2 - Citywide Project. The Traffic Signal - Pedestrian Signal Equipment Upgrade Phase 2 - Citywide Project will install pedestrian countdown signal heads and upgrade traffic signal controllers to improve safety and operations at various signalized intersections including the Butterfield Stage Road, Margarita Road, Meadows Parkway, Nicolas Road, Pechanga Parkway, Ring Road, and Ynez Road corridors. Plans and Specifications are complete, and the project is ready to be advertised for construction bids. The contract documents are available for review in the Director of Public Works' office. The engineer's estimate is $484,500 with a construction duration of approximately forty (40) working days. This project is exempt from the CEQA requirements pursuant to Article 19, Categorical Exemption, Section 15301, Existing Facilities, of the CEQA Guidelines. Section 15301 states that the repairs and maintenance of existing highways and streets are Class 1 activities which are exempt from CEQA. FISCAL IMPACT: The Traffic Signal - Pedestrian Signal Equipment Upgrade Phase 2 - Citywide Project is in the City's Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for Fiscal Years 2024-2028 and is funded with Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 11 Funding and Measure S. Adequate funds are available in the project budget. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Project Description 2. Project Location Map AMA C7" The Heart of Southern California Wine Country City of Temecula Fiscal Years 2024-28 Capital Improvement Program TRAFFIC SIGNAL - PEDESTRIAN SIGNAL EQUIPMENT UPGRADE PHASE 2 - CITYWIDE Infrastructure Project Project Description: This project will install pedestrian countdown signal heads and upgrade traffic signal controllers to improve safety and operations at signalized intersections Citywide including the Butterfield Stage Road, Margarita Road, Meadows Parkway, Nicolas Road, Pechanga Parkway, Ring Road, and Ynez Road corridors. Benefit: This project improves pedestrian safety and traffic circulation throughout the City. Core Value: Transportation Mobility and Connectivity Project Status: This is a new project Department: Public Works i fW. tip" ���.��; t.,•.�ar'1►.:.; 2023-24 Prior Years 2022-23 Requested 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 Total Project Project Cost: Actuals Adjusted Budget Projected Projected Projected Projected Cost Administration 25,000 25,000 Construction 484,500 484,500 Construction Engineering 63,200 63,200 Design & Environmental - Total Exoenclitures 572,700 5ZLM Cnnrro of F.—].. HSIP- Cycle 11I1I Measure S 492,930 79,770 492,930 79,770 Total Funding 572,700 572,700 Future Operating & Maintenance Costs: Total Operating Costs Operating Costs I I I (1) Highway Safety Improvement Program - Cycle 11 awarded on March 9, 2023 (2) City match is $54,770 based on the HSIP application and grant. Additional appropriated local funds are for administration ,h v DATE ST & KINGSWOOD RD OVERLAND DR & PROMENADE WY/NICOLE LN RING RD CORRIDOR- . JEFFERSON AVE — - & SANBORN AVE v NICOLAS RD CORRIDOR N GENERAL KEARNY RD & CAMINO CAMPOS VERDES YNEZ RDA / CORRIDOR v a� RANCHO VISTA RD & MIRA LOMA DR n MARGARITA RD CORRIDOR • PROJECT INTERSECTION a PROJECT CORRIDOR CITY BOUNDARY CALTRANS RIGHT—OF—WAY 3500 1750 0 3500 7000 10500 SCALE: 1"=7000' REDHAWK PKWY & WOLF VALLEY RD WOLF VALLEY RD & WOLF CREEK DR S 4 a PECHANGA PKWY W CORRIDOR 3 LOCATION MAP BUTTERFIELD STAGE RD CORRIDOR PAUBA RD & VIA RAMI/LINFIELD WY DE PORTOLA RD & CAMPANULA WY VAIL RANCH PKWY/ REDHAWK PKWY & TEHACHAPI PASS/ EL CHIMISAL RD • MEADOWS PKWY CORRIDOR Ve<hanga Ildian Fes=r. DEER HOLLOW WY & PEACH TREE ST/VIA LA COLORADA VICINITY MAP PROJECT LOCATION I PROJECT LOCATION MAP ATTACHMENT 304 CITY OF TEMECULA 2 S17PB: INSTALL PEDESTRIAN COUNTDOWN SIGNAL HEADS h°"°a,t°r5°°`h°,°� Ir°° 2022 HIGHWAY SAFETY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (HSIP) CYCLE 11 Item No. 10 ACTION MINUTES TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 41000 MAIN STREET TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA MAY 14, 2024 CALL TO ORDER at 7:30 PM: President Zak Schwank ROLL CALL: Alexander, Kalfus, Schwank, Stewart CSD PUBLIC COMMENTS - NON -AGENDA ITEMS The following individual(s) addressed the Board of Directors: • Mark Swearngin • Natalie Light • Adam Light CSD CONSENT CALENDAR Unless otherwise indicated below, the following pertains to all items on the Consent Calendar. Approved the Staff Recommendation (4-0): Motion by Stewart, Second by Alexander. The vote reflected unanimous approval. 14. Approve Action Minutes of April 23, 2024 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the action minutes of April 23, 2024. 15. Approve Financial Statements for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2024 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the financial statements for the 3rd quarter ended March 31, 2024. 16. Approve Multi -Year Agreements and Amendments for Services for Various Events, Classes, Programs and Activities Recommendation: That the Board of Directors approve the following multi -year agreements and amendments for services for various Community Services Department events, classes, programs, and activities: Andrew Stein - $175,000/5-year - Promotional Items Jeffrey Waddleton - $150,000/5-year - DJ & Announcing Services M & J Paul Enterprises - $150,000/5-year - Event Services T & G Global, LLC - $500,000/5-year - Holiday Decor TNT Entertainment Group - $50,000/1-year - Event Services CSD DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY SERVICES REPORT CSD GENERAL MANAGER REPORT CSD BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTS CSD ADJOURNMENT At 7:38 PM, the Community Services District meeting was formally adjourned to Tuesday, May 28, 2024 at 5:00 PM for a Closed Session, with a regular session commencing at 6:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. Zak Schwank, President ATTEST: Randi Johl, Secretary [SEAL] Item No. 11 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: General Manager/Board of Directors FROM: Jennifer Hennessy, Director of Finance DATE: May 28, 2024 SUBJECT: Set Public Hearing to Approve TCSD Proposed Rates and Charges for Fiscal Year 2024-25 PREPARED BY: Jennifer Hennessy, Director of Finance RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. CSD A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ACKNOWLEDGING THE FILING OF A REPORT WITH RESPECT TO THE PROPOSED RATES AND CHARGES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 AND SETTING A TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING IN CONNECTION THEREWITH BACKGROUND: The Temecula Community Service District (TCSD) operates under the authority of Community Services District Law and provides residential street lighting; perimeter landscaping and slope maintenance; recycling and refuse collection and unpaved road maintenance services in the City of Temecula. The boundaries of the TCSD are coterminous with the City and the City Council serves as the Board of Directors of the TCSD. The TCSD is required to complete an annual levy process which includes adopting a resolution to accept the filing of a report on the proposed rates and charges necessary to provide the following services; noticing each affected property owner in the City; and conducting a public hearing to consider approving the proposed rates and charges. The four current service levels of the TCSD include: 1. Service Level B — Residential Street Lighting. 2. Service Level C — Perimeter Landscaping and Slope Maintenance. 3. Service Level D — Residential Recycling and Refuse Collection. 4. Service Level R — Unpaved Road Maintenance. 1. Service Level B — Residential Street Lighting The TCSD Rates and Charges for Service Level B are not proposed to increase from last year's rates. The rate is capped at $25.68 per single family residential. 2. Service Level C — Perimeter Landscaping and Slope Maintenance As a result of various property owner elections, there are two zones subject to an annual rate increase. The rate increase is the lesser of: (1) the percentage increase in the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index ("CPI") of All Urban Consumers for the Riverside -San Bernardino -Ontario, for the previous calendar year (2) 5% The Annual CPI change for 2024 was 4.65%. As a result, the following zones will see a 4.65% increase in the rates for Fiscal Year 2024-25. Zone No. and Name 23-24 Rate 24-25 Rate Increase 6 - Woodcrest County $131.26 $137.37 $6.11 29 - Gallery Portraits $468.47 $490.27 $21.80 3. Service Level D — Residential Recycling and Refuse Service Per the Franchise Agreement with CR&R, the change in CPI and land -fill tipping fees determine the increase/decrease in the annual Service Level D rate and charge. An increase of $1.60 is proposed to the annual rate and charge for Service Level D from $356.24 to $357.84 per residential unit beginning Fiscal Year 2024-25. The increase is due to a CPI increase of 2.39%, and an overall reduction to the annual rate adjustment to maintain the fund balance in Fund 194. There will be no adjustment to the landfill disposal fees for FY 2024-25, per the County of Riverside Waste Management Department. 4. Service Level R — Unpaved Street and Road Maintenance The TCSD rates and charges for Service Level R are not proposed to increase from their approved per parcel rate. The rate is capped at $115.26 per single-family residential and $57.62 per vacant residential property. Staff recommends that the Board of Directors adopt the resolution to accept the filing of the report on the proposed rates and charges for Fiscal Year 2024-25 and schedule a public hearing concerning these issues for July 23, 2024. Staff will proceed with noticing each affected property owner in the City regarding the proposed rates and charges within a minimum of forty-five (45) days prior to the public hearing. FISCAL IMPACT: The revenue generated for the TCSD Fiscal Year 2024-25 rates and charges will fund residential street lighting; perimeter landscaping and slope maintenance; recycling and refuse collection and unpaved road maintenance services in the City of Temecula. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution of Intention 2. FY 2024-25 Preliminary Engineer's Report RESOLUTION NO. CSD 2024- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ACKNOWLEDGING THE FILING OF A REPORT WITH RESPECT TO THE PROPOSED RATES AND CHARGES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 AND SETTING A TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING IN CONNECTION THEREWITH THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Upon incorporation of the City of Temecula, effective December 1, 1989, voters approved the formation of the Temecula Community Services District ("TCSD"), to provide specified services to properties within its jurisdiction. Section 2. Pursuant to Government Code Section 61115, the TCSD has prescribed, revised and collected rates and charges for the services furnished by it, and has elected to have these rates and charges collected on the tax roll in the same manner, by the same persons, and at the same time as, together with and not separately from, property taxes collected within the TCSD in the same manner prescribed by Government Code Section 61115. The TCSD proposes to continue such rates and charges for the operation, maintenance, servicing and administration of street lights, perimeter landscaping and slope maintenance, refuse collection, and unpaved street maintenance for the 2024-25 Fiscal Year. All laws applicable to the levy, collection, and enforcement of property taxes, including, but not limited to, those pertaining to the matters of delinquency, correction, cancellation, refund and redemption, shall be applicable to these rates and charges, except for the California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 4831. Section 3. Pursuant to Government Code Section 61115, the TCSD has caused a written report ("Report") to be prepared and filed with the Secretary of the TCSD. This Report contains a description of each parcel of real property and the proposed amount of the rates and charges for Fiscal Year 2024-25. The Report is based upon a budget adopted by the Board of Directors for the proposed services for specific areas where such services are provided including necessary staff and administrative expenses. A summary of the Report containing the proposed rates and charges is attached hereto as Exhibit A, entitled "Project Summary", and incorporated herein by this reference. A copy of the Report is on file in the office of the Secretary of the TCSD, and is available for public inspection. Section 4. The Board of Directors hereby acknowledges the filing of the Report, and appoints the 23rd day of July 2024, at the hour of 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as feasible, in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, located at 41000 Main Street, Temecula, CA 92590, as the time and place for the public hearing on the Report and the proposed rates and charges. At the public hearing, the Board of Directors will hear and consider all objections or protests, if any, to the Report. The Board may continue the hearing from time to time. Section 5. The District Secretary is hereby directed to give notice of the filing of the Report and of the time and place of the hearing on the Report pursuant to the requirements of Government Code Section 61115. The District Secretary is further directed to give notice, pursuant to Section 6 of Article XIIID of the California Constitution, regarding any increases proposed in the Report with respect to any of the rates and charges. Section 6. The District Secretary shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Temecula Community Services District of the City of Temecula this 281h day of May, 2024. ATTEST: Randi Johl, Secretary [SEAL] Zak Schwank, President N STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, Secretary of the Temecula Community Services District of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. CSD 2024- was duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Temecula Community Services District of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 28th day of May, 2024, by the following vote: AYES: BOARD MEMBERS: NOES: BOARD MEMBERS: ABSENT: BOARD MEMBERS: Randi Johl, Secretary K3 Webb MUNICIPAL IPAL rINANC.r Preliminary Engineer's Annual Levy Report Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Temecula Community Services District Service Levels B, C, R and Refuse & Recycling Collection Prepared For The Heart of Southern California Wine Country May 2024 Vml Jn�-, .. I&, Table of Contents Sections Tables Section i. Engineer's Statement Section 1. Description of Services 1 Section 2. Budgets and Levy Summary 2 Section 3. District Services and Charges 10 Section 4. Changes to the District 16 Section 5. Method of Apportionment 18 Section 6. Tax Roll 21 Table 2-1. Operating Budget Summary for Service Levels B, D and R 3 Table 2-2. Operating Budget for Service Level C 4 Table 2-3. Year over Year Budget Comparison 9 Table 3-1. Service Level B 10 Table 3-2. Service Level C 11 Table 5-1. Parcel Charge Calculation Service Level B 18 Table 5-2. Parcel Charge Calculation Service Level C 19 Table 5-3. Parcel Charge Calculation Service Level R 20 Table 5-4. Parcel Charge Calculation Refuse/Recycling Collection 20 Appendices Appendix A. Tax Roll A-1 i. Engineer's Statement AGENCY: CITY OF TEMECULA PROJECT: TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS CITY OF TEMECULA STATE OF CALIFORNIA REPORT PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 61115 Pursuant to Government Code Section 61115, this Report is prepared and presented to the Board to prescribe Service Level B, Service Level C, Service Level R and Refuse/Recycling Collection rates and charges for the parcels and territories within the District. A Public Hearing is held each year before the Board to allow the public an opportunity to hear and be heard regarding the District. Following consideration of all public comments and written protests at the noticed Public Hearing, and review of the Report, the Board may order amendments to the Report or confirm the Report as submitted. Following final approval of the Report, and confirmation of the Charges, the Board shall order the levy and collection of Charges for Fiscal Year 2024-2025. In such case, the levy information will be submitted to the Riverside County Auditor/Controller and included as Charges on the property tax roll for the various services provided in Fiscal Year 2024-2025. SECTION 1 DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES of the areas covered and the services provided for the Fiscal Year. The description of services shows and describes the existing improvements and is sufficient in showing and describing the general nature, location, and extent of the improvements. SECTION 2 A BUDGETS AND LEVY SUMMARY by Service Level of the improvements to be maintained and/or improved for the mentioned Fiscal Year. SECTION 3 A description of the DISTRICT SERVICES AND CHARGES by Service Level, describing the method used to apportion the District charges. SECTION 4 CHANGES TO THE DISTRICT contains details of changes that have occurred within the District since its inception that could affect the levy. SECTION 5 The METHOD OF APPORTIONMENT used to calculate the levy for each of the Service Levels. SECTION 6 The TAx ROLL information. Temecula Community Services District (Service Level B, C, R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) Engineer's Annual Levy Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 i. Engineer's Statement WHEREAS, upon incorporation of the City of Temecula (the "City"), effective December 1, 1989, voters approved the formation of the Temecula Community Services District (the "District") to provide specified services previously provided by the County of Riverside (the "County") to properties within its jurisdiction. The boundary of the District is coterminous with the City boundary and includes all parcels within the City with the City Council acting as the Board of Directors (the "Board") for the District. The District collects property -related fees and charges ("Charges") in order to provide services and maintain the improvements within the District. The District was formed, and Charges were set and established, pursuant to the Community Services District Law, Title 6, Division 3 of the California Government Code ("CSD Law"). WHEREAS, each fiscal year, an Engineer's Annual Levy Report (the "Report") is prepared, filed, and approved by the Board. This Report describes the District, any changes to the District, and the proposed Charges for the fiscal year. The word "parcel," for the purposes of this Report, refers to an individual property assigned its own Parcel Number or Property Identification Number by the Riverside County Assessor's Office. The Riverside County Auditor/Controller uses Property Identification Numbers and specific Fund Numbers to identify, on the tax roll, properties charged for District services. The Charges contained in the Report are based on the historical and estimated costs to service properties within the District. The services provided by the District and the corresponding costs are budgeted and charged as separate Service Levels and include all expenditures, deficits, surpluses, and revenues. Each parcel is charged for the services provided to the parcel. The District provides residential street lighting, perimeter landscaping and slope protection, and refuse collection in numerous residential developments as well as unpaved road improvement and maintenance within specified areas of the District. WHEREAS, Pursuant to Government Code Section 61115 the District has prescribed, revised, and collected rates and charges for residential street lighting ("Service Level B"), perimeter landscaping ("Service Level C"), unpaved road maintenance ("Service Level R"), and Refuse/Recycling Collection services furnished by the District, and has elected to have these rates and charges collected on the tax roll in the same manner, by the same persons, and at the same time as, together with and not separately from, its general taxes in the manner prescribed by Government Code Section 61115. Temecula Community Services District (Service Level B, C, R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) II Engineer's Annual Levy Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 i. Engineer's Statement Now, THEREFORE, I Matthew E. Webb, a Professional Civil Engineer (employed at Albert A. Webb Associates and retained through an agreement between Webb Municipal Finance, LLC and my employer), acting on behalf of the Temecula Community Services District, pursuant to the "CSD Law", do hereby submit the following: The District requested Webb Municipal Finance, LLC, to prepare and file an Engineer's Levy Report for Temecula Community Services District (Levels B, C, R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) pursuant to the Government Code Section 61115, presenting plans and specifications describing the general nature, location and extent of the improvements to be maintained, an estimate of the costs of the maintenance, operations, and servicing of the improvements for Service Levels B, C, R and Refuse/Recycling Collection, for the referenced Fiscal Year, an assessment of the estimated costs of the maintenance, operations, and servicing the improvements, assessing the net amount upon all assessable lots and/or parcels within each Service Level and Refuse/Recycling Collection in proportion to the special benefit received; This Report and the information contained herein reflect the proposed budget for each of the various services provided by the District and the rates and charges applicable to those services as they existed at the time of the passage of the Resolution of Intention. Reference is hereby made to the Riverside County Assessor's maps for a detailed description of the lines and dimensions of parcels within the District. The undersigned respectfully submits the enclosed Report as directed by the Board of Directors of the Temecula Community Services District. Please note that Albert A. Webb Associates provides engineering advice and related consulting services. Albert A. Webb Associates is not a registered municipal advisor and does not participate in municipal advisory activities, and nothing in this Engineer's Report is, or should be interpreted to be, municipal advisory services or advice. Executed this day of 2024. QynFEsslo� "I All F2 z w N0 . 37385 M a ;0 '�j, CIVIC- P Or CALZ4"&1/11 ALBERT A. WEBB ASSOCIATES MATTHEW E. WEBB PROFESSIONAL CIVIL ENGINEER NO. 37385 ENGINEER OF WORK ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AND THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT STATE OF CALIFORNIA Temecula Community Services District (Service Level B, C, R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) Engineer's Annual Levy Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 i. Engineer's Statement Final approval, confirmation and levy of the annual assessments and all matters in the Engineer's Report were made on the day of 2024, by adoption of Resolution No. by the Board of Directors. CITY CLERK CITY OF TEMECULA STATE OF CALIFORNIA A copy of the Tax Roll and Engineer's Annual Levy Report were filed in the office of the City Clerk on the day of , 2024. CITY CLERK CITY OF TEMECULA STATE OF CALIFORNIA Temecula Community Services District (Service Level B, C, R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) iv Engineer's Annual Levy Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 1. Description of Services The boundary of the District is coterminous with the City boundary and includes all parcels within the City. The District provides certain property related services and improvements consisting of four (4) separate and distinct services referred to as "Service Levels". Each parcel within the District is charged proportionately for only those services attributable to the parcel. Each Service Level has differing costs depending upon the services provided. All parcels identified within a Service Level share in the cost of the service. The costs associated with the service are spread among all properties within that Service Level to which the service is provided in accordance with the Method of Apportionment of the specific service level. Services and improvements provided throughout the District include residential street lighting, perimeter landscape maintenance and slope protection, unpaved road improvement construction and maintenance, and a refuse and recycling collection program. The Service Levels are identified as follows: Service Level B - Residential Street Lighting Services include the operation, maintenance, utility costs, and administration of residential streetlights. Service Level C - Perimeter Landscaping Services include the operation, maintenance, utility costs, improvements, and administration of all perimeter landscaping and slope maintenance areas maintained by the District. Service Level R - Unpaved Road Maintenance Services include the operation and administration of certain unpaved streets and roads maintained by the District. Refuse/Recycling Collection Services include the operation and administration of the refuse and recycling program for single-family dwellings. Temecula Services District (Service Level B, C, R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) Engineer's Annual Levy Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 2. Budgets and Levy Summary The budgets for each Service Level are shown below. Each Service Level provides different and specific services and improvements to various parcels within the District. Only the parcels that the services and improvements are levied for are included in each of the Service Levels. The "Total Levy Units" and the resulting "Charge per Levy Unit" (shown in Table 2-2), reflect a method of apportionment that most fairly spreads the costs of the services to the parcels in that Service Level. The "Total Levy Units" for Service Levels B, C, and Refuse/Recycling Collection is based on a per parcel count. For Service Level R, levy units are based on a Parcel Development Unit ("PDU"), which is similar to a per parcel count but makes a distinction between developed and undeveloped parcels. For a more complete description of the methods used for calculating the "Total Levy Units" used for each Service Level, please refer to Section 5, Method of Apportionment. Temecula Services District (Service Level B, C, R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) 2 Engineer's Annual Levy Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 2. Budgets and Levy Summary Table 2-1 Service Levels B, R and Refuse/Recycling Operating Budget Summary for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2024 PERSONNEL Services $0 $0 $85,000 $85,000 Subtotal Personnel Services $0 $0 $85,000 $85,000 OPERATIONS MAINTENANCE 5200'S Repair & Maintenance Facilities 5212 $0 $0 $0 $0 Office Supplies 5220 $0 $0 $0 $0 Printing 5222 $0 $0 $0 $0 Election Costs (Offset by Developer Deposits) 5225 $0 $0 $0 $0 Dues and Memberships 5226 $0 $0 $6,500 $6,500 Postage and Packaging 5230 $0 $0 $0 $0 Property Tax Administrative Fees 5231 $17,000 $200 $14,000 $31,200 Utilities 5240 $0 $0 $0 $0 Small Tools and Equipment 5242 $0 $0 $5,000 $5,000 Uniforms 5243 $0 $0 $150 $150 Consulting Services 5248 $12,000 $225 $0 $12,225 Other Outside Services 5250 $0 $0 $20,000 $20,000 Public Notices 5256 $0 $0 $23,000 $23,000 Staff Training/Education 5261 $0 $0 $0 $0 Mileage 5262 $0 $0 $0 $0 Recognition Program 5265 $0 $0 $0 $0 Subtotal5200's $29,000 $425 $68,650 $98,075 Waste Hauling 5315 $0 $0 $10,598,780 $10,598,780 Street Lighting 5319 $455,000 $0 $0 $455,000 Subtotal5300's $455,000 $0 $10,598,780 $11,053,780 Emergency Road Maintenance 5402 $0 $10,000 $0 $10,000 Landscape Maintenance 5415 $0 $0 $0 $0 Landscape Rehabilitation 5416 $0 $0 $0 $0 Subtotal5400's 1 $0 $10,000 $0 $10,000 Recycling Programs $0 $0 $27,553 $0 Subtotal $0 $0 $27,553 $0 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 Subtotal $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL DIRECT DISTRICT COSTS $484,000 $10,425 $10,779,983 $11,246,855 EXPENDITURES/REVENUES Contingency Reserve $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES / REVENUES $484,000 $10,425 $10,779,983 $11,246,855 CONTRIBUTIONS Contributions from Grants 4025 $0 $0 $127,037 $127,037 Operation Income $0 $0 $0 $0 Other Contributions ($174,307) $0 $64,818 ($109,489) Fund Balance Collection/Contribution $0 $4,893 $0 $4,893 TOTAL COLLECTION/CONTRIBUTIONS ($174,307) $4,893 $191,855 $22,441 Temecula Services District (Service Level A C, R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) Engineer's Annual Levy Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 2. Budgets and Levy Summary Table 2-2 Service Levels C Operating Budget for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2024 Budget PY 2024-2025 DIRECT COSTS Saddlewood Zone 01 Winchester Creek Zone 02 Rancho Highlands Zone 03 The neyards Fvzione04 Signet Series Zone 05 Woodcrest Country Zone 0. Repair & Maintenance / Facility $1,500 $1,500 $2,000 $1,000 $2,000 $1,200 Utilities $8,500 $9,850 $13,050 $1,800 $12,000 $11,400 Landscape Contract $27,511 $18,991 $21,609 $3,816 $19,646 $9,829 Rehabilitation $0 $10,000 $10,000 $0 $3,500 $9,000 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS $37,511 $40,341 $46,659 $6,616 $37,146 $31,429 INDIRECT COSTS CityAdmin $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 County Fees $206 $258 $234 $140 $169 $171 Special Tax Consultant $250 $300 $250 $175 $175 $200 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS $461 $563 $489 $320 $349 $376 TOTAL• ADJUSTMENTS • 0• :0 Fund Balance Collection/Contribution ($40) $1,638 $180 ($542) $1,530 ($350) TOTAL EDUs 327 478 408 139 223 229 $137.36 FY 2024-2025 Proposed Rate $116.00 $89.00 $116.00 $46.00 $175.00 FY 2023-2024 Maximum Rate $116.00 $89.00 $116.00 $46.00 $175.00 $131.25 FY 2024-2025 Maximum Rate $116.00 $89.00 $116.00 $46.00 $175.00 $137.36 Temecula Services District (Service Level A C, R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) Engineer's Annual Levy Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 2. Budgets and Levy Summary Budget FY 2024-2025 DIRECT COSTS Ridgeview Zone 07 Village Grove Zone 08 Rancho Solana Zone •• Martinique Meadowview Vintage Hills Repair & Maintenance / Facility $1,100 $4,500 $500 $1,000 $350 $3,300 Utilities $6,200 $36,950 $1,500 $4,050 $1,200 $28,000 Landscape Contract $6,544 $73,359 $988 $3,272 $815 $45,848 Rehabilitation $1,200 $22,000 $2,000 $1,000 $0 $18,000 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS $15,044 $136,809 $4,988 $9,322 $2,365 $95,148 INDIRECT COSTS CityAdmin $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 County Fees $151 $365 $130 $121 $96 $382 Special Tax Consultant $175 $400 $150 $150 $125 $450 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS $331 $770 $285 $276 $226 $837 TOTAL• ADJUSTMENTS Fund Balance Collection/Contribution ($67) ($554) ($167) $146 ($141) $411 TOTAL0: EDUs 172 $137,025 783 $5,106 111 84 14 831 FY 2024-2025 Proposed Rate $89.00 $175.00 $46.00 $116.00 $175.00 $116.00 FY 2023-2024 Maximum Rate $89.00 $175.00 $46.00 $116.00 $175.00 $116.00 FY 2024-2025 Maximum Rate $89.00 $175.00 $46.00 $116.00 $175.00 $116.00 Temecula Services District (Service Level A C, R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) Engineer's Annual Levy Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 2. Budgets and Levy Summary Budget FY 2024-2025 COSTS Presley Develop. Morrison Homes Barclay Estates Tradewinds Monte Vista Temeku Hills Repair & Maintenance / Facility $1,200 $1,000 $400 $2,000 $105 $3,000 Utilities $12,200 $6,900 $2,300 $4,500 $1,400 $21,000 Landscape Contract $15,065 $5,890 $5,236 $12,447 $926 $49,775 Rehabilitation $5,000 $800 $1,500 $18,000 $0 $15,000 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS $33,465 $14,590 $9,436 $36,947 $2,431 $88,775 INDIRECT COSTS CityAdmin $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 County Fees $352 $149 $111 $167 $107 $561 Special Tax Consultant $425 $175 $130 $200 $125 $625 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS $782 $329 $246 $372 $237 $1,191 TOTAL• ADJUSTMENTS Fund Balance Collection/Contribution ($23) ($145) $118 $481 ($552) $4,044 TOTAL:00 EDUs 744 166 56 $37,800 216 46 1,343 FY 2024-2025 Proposed Rate $46.00 $89.00 $175.00 $175.00 $46.00 $70.00 FY 2023-2024 Maximum Rate $46.00 $89.00 $175.00 $175.00 $46.00 $70.00 FY 2024-2025 Maximum Rate $46.00 $89.00 $175.00 $175.00 $46.00 $70.00 Temecula Services District (Service Level A C, R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) Engineer's Annual Levy Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 2. Budgets and Levy Summary Budget FY 2024-2025 DIRECT COSTS Chatemar Crowne Hill Vail Ranch Sutton Place Pheasant Hill Harveston Repair & Maintenance / Facility $2,500 $5,500 $13,000 $425 $400 $6,000 Utilities $13,300 $50,000 $45,000 $1,800 $1,900 $45,350 Landscape Contract $32,747 $72,051 $123,838 $2,124 $2,951 $72,051 Rehabilitation $10,000 $50,000 $47,000 $0 $3,000 $38,000 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS $58,547 $177,551 $228,838 $4,349 $8,251 $161,401 INDIRECT COSTS CityAdmin $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 County Fees $176 $447 $710 $104 $238 $659 Special Tax Consultant $200 $500 $850 $125 $250 $750 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS $381 $952 $1,565 $234 $493 $1,414 TOTAL• ADJUSTMENTS Fund Balance Collection/Contribution ($4,478) ($528) ($2,202) ($175) ($344) ($715) TOTAL0: EDUs 242 1,017 1,769 38 $8,400 1 420 $162,100 1,621 FY 2024-2025 Proposed Rate $225.00 $175.00 $129.00 $116.00 $20.00 $100.00 FY 2023-2024 Maximum Rate $225.00 $175.00 $129.00 $116.00 $20.00 $100.00 FY 2024-2025 Maximum Rate $225.00 $175.00 $129.00 $116.00 $20.00 $100.00 Temecula Services District (Service Level A C, R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) Engineer's Annual Levy Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 2. Budgets and Levy Summary Budget FY 2024-2025 DIRECT COSTS Serena Hills Gallery Traditions Avondale $500 $5,285 Wolf Creek $9,000 $83,300 Gallery Portraits $500 $1,050 Repair & Maintenance / Facility $2,000 $250 Utilities $13,000 $1,000 Landscape Contract $22,930 $815 $3,272 $111,354 $1,309 Rehabilitation $6,400 $0 $0 $33,000 $1,000 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS $44,330 $2,065 $9,057 $236,654 $3,859 INDIRECT COSTS City Admin $5 $5 $5 $5 $5 County Fees $168 $94 $137 $723 $95 Special Tax Consultant $200 $100 $150 $800 $110 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS $373 1 $199 $292 $1,528 $210 TOTAL• 0. ADJUSTMENTS ($703) ($104) Fund Balance Collection/Contribution ($249) ($5,208) $834 TOTAL000 EDUs 220 $200.00 $2,160 8 $270.00 $9,100 130 1,806 10 $490.26 FY 2024-2025 Proposed Rate $70.00 $129.00 FY 2023-2024 Maximum Rate $200.00 $270.00 $70.00 $129.00 $468.47 FY 2024-2025 Maximum Rate $200.00 $270.00 $70.00 $129.00 $490.26 Temecula Services District (Service Level A C, R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) Engineer's Annual Levy Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 2. Budgets and Levy Summary The following Table provides levy information for the various Service Levels within the District, comparing the Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 to the previous fiscal year. Table 2-3 Year -over -Year Budget Comparison Fund FISCAL YEAR 2023-2024 Total ENROLLMENTS Charge Tota I FISCAL YEAR Total 2024-2025 % Change PROJECTIONS Charge/ Tota I District No. Levy Fpalc`41 Units Service Level B - Residential Street Lighting Levy Unit Levy Parcel s Levy Units � per Levy Unit Levy Unit Levy Single -Family Residential 25,157 25,157 $25.68 $646,031.76 25,295 25,295 0.00% $25.68 $649,575.60 Condominium 680 340 $25.68 $8,731.20 680 340 0.00% $25.68 $8,731.20 68-2914 25,837 25,497 $654,762.96 25,975 25,635 $658,306.80 Service Level C - Perimeter Landscaping (1)(2) Zone 1 68-2930 327 327 $116.00 $37,932.00 327 327 0.00% $116.00 $37,932.00 Zone 2 68-2931 478 478 $89.00 $42,542.00 478 478 0.00% $89.00 $42,542.00 Zone 3 68-2932 408 408 $116.00 $47,328.00 408 408 0.00% $116.00 $47,328.00 Zone 4 68-2933 139 139 $46.00 $6,394.00 139 139 0.00% $46.00 $6,394.00 Zone 5 68-2934 223 223 $175.00 $39,025.00 223 223 0.00% $175.00 $39,025.00 Zone 6 68-2935 229 229 $131.24 $30,053.96 229 229 4.66% $137.36 $31,455.44 Zone 7 68-2936 172 172 $89.00 $15,308.00 172 172 0.00% $89.00 $15,308.00 Zone 8 68-2937 783 783 $175.00 $137,025.00 783 783 0.00% $175.00 $137,025.00 Zone 9 68-2938 111 111 $46.00 $5,106.00 111 111 0.00% $46.00 $5,106.00 Zone 10 68-2939 84 84 $116.00 $9,744.00 84 84 0.00% $116.00 $9,744.00 Zone 11 68-2940 14 14 $175.00 $2,450.00 14 14 0.00% $175.00 $2,450.00 Zone 12 68-2941 831 831 $116.00 $96,396.00 831 831 0.00% $116.00 $96,396.00 Zone 13 68-2942 744 744 $46.00 $34,224.00 744 744 0.00% $46.00 $34,224.00 Zone 14 68-2943 166 166 $89.00 $14,774.00 166 166 0.00% $89.00 $14,774.00 Zone 15 68-2944 56 56 $175.00 $9,800.00 56 56 0.00% $175.00 $9,800.00 Zone 16 68-2945 216 216 $175.00 $37,800.00 216 216 0.00% $175.00 $37,800.00 Zone 17 68-2946 46 46 $46.00 $2,116.00 46 46 0.00% $46.00 $2,116.00 Zone 18 68-2947 1,343 1,343 $70.00 $94,010.00 1,343 1,343 0.00% $70.00 $94,010.00 Zone 19 68-2948 242 242 $225.00 $54,450.00 242 242 0.00% $225.00 $54,450.00 Zone 20 68-2949 1,017 1,017 $175.00 $177,975.00 1,017 1,017 0.00% $175.00 $177,975.00 Zone 21 68-2950 1,769 1,769 $129.00 $228,201.00 1,769 1,769 0.00% $129.00 $228,201.00 Zone 22 68-2951 38 38 $116.00 $4,408.00 38 38 0.00% $116.00 $4,408.00 Zone 23 68-2952 420 420 $20.00 $8,400.00 420 420 0.00% $20.00 $8,400.00 Zone 24 68-2953 1,621 1,621 $100.00 $162,100.00 1,621 1,621 0.00% $100.00 $162,100.00 Zone 25 68-2954 220 220 $200.00 $44,000.00 220 220 0.00% $200.00 $44,000.00 Zone 26 68-2955 8 8 $270.00 $2,160.00 8 8 0.00% $270.00 $2,160.00 Zone 27 68-2956 130 130 $70.00 $9,100.00 130 130 0.00% $70.00 $9,100.00 Zone 28 68-2957 1,806 1,806 $129.00 $232,974.00 1,806 1,806 0.00% $129.00 $232,974.00 Zone 29 68-2958 10 10 $468.46 $4,684.60 10 10 4.65% $490.26 $4,902.60 Zone 30 N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A Zone 31 N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A Zone 32 N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A 0 N/A N/A N/A N/A Total 13,651 13,651 $1,590,480.56 13,651 13,651 $1,592,100.04 Service Level R - Road Maintenance 68-2917 55 48 $115.26 $5,532.34 55 48 $115.26 $5,532.48 Citywide Refuse/Recycling Collection 68-2916 1 29,307 29,307 $356.24 $10,440,325.68 29,589 29,589 $357.84 $10,588,127.76 (1) The maximum rate per Levy Unit, for Zones 6, 29, 31 and 32 will escalate by the lesser of 5% or the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index ("CPI"), which is 4.65%. For Fiscal Year 2024-2025 the increase will be 4.65%, the percentage increase in the Annual CPI. (1) Zones 30, 31, & 32 will not be levied for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 as the project areas will be maintained by an HCA. Temecula Services District (Service Level A C, R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) Engineer's Annual Levy Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 3. District Services and Charges Service Level B, Residential Street Lighting Service Level B includes all developed single-family residential parcels, condominiums, and residential vacant lots for which the District provides ongoing servicing, operation, and maintenance of local street lighting improvements. The current rate and charges for Service Level B is $25.68 per residential lot ($12.84 per condominium unit within Specific Plans) and shall be applied to developed and undeveloped residential parcels within the following Tracts and subdivisions for Fiscal Year 2024-2025. Table 3-1 Service Level B 04153-00 19872-05 20882-01 21675-04 23063-03 23101-05 23267-02 24135-03 27827-01 29928-00 31053-03 04188-00 19939-00 20882-02 21675-05 23063-04 23101-06 23267-03 24136-00 27827-02 29928-01 31276-00 04457-00 19939-01 20882-03 21675-06 23063-05 23125-00 23267-04 24136-01 27827-03 29928-02 31344-00 06559-00 19939-02 20987-00 21760-00 23063-06 23125-01 23371-00 24136-02 28309-00 29928-03 31898-00 07401-00 20079-00 21067-00 21765-00 23063-07 23125-02 23371-01 24136-03 28480-00 29929-00 32104-00 07402-00 20079-01 21082-00 22148-00 23063-08 23125-03 23371-02 24182-01 28482-00 29929-01 32169-00 08369-00 20079-02 21082-01 22203-00 23064-00 23126-00 23371-03 24182-02 28482-01 30088-00 32170-00 08369-01 20079-03 21082-02 22204-00 23064-01 23128-00 23371-04 24182-03 28482-02 30264-00 32319-00 08369-02 20130-00 21082-03 22208-00 23064-02 23142-00 23371-05 24182-04 28482-03 30264-01 32436-00 11087-01 20130-01 21082-04 22593-00 23064-03 23143-00 23371-06 24183-00 28503-00 30264-02 32436-01 11087-02 20130-02 21340-00 22593-01 23065-00 23143-01 23371-07 24183-01 28510-00 30264-03 32437-00 12189-01 20130-03 21340-01 22593-02 23065-01 23143-02 23371-08 24184-00 28510-01 30264-04 32437-01 12189-02 20130-04 21340-02 22627-00 23065-03 23143-03 23371-09 24184-01 28510-02 30264-05 32437-02 12189-03 20130-05 21340-03 22627-01 23065-04 23143-04 23371-10 24185-00 28510-03 30264-06 32437-03 12189-04 20130-06 21340-04 22715-00 23065-05 23143-06 23371-11 24185-01 28526-00 30264-07 33124-00 12189-05 20153-00 21340-05 22715-01 23066-01 23143-07 23371-14 24185-02 28553-00 30264-08 33125-00 12189-06 20154-00 21340-06 22715-02 23066-02 23143-08 23483-00 24186-00 28553-01 30264-09 34698-00 12189-07 20319-00 21340-07 22716-00 23066-03 23143-09 24131-00 24186-01 28810-00 30264-10 Old Town 13060-01 20643-00 21430-01 22716-01 23066-04 23143-10 24131-01 24186-02 28980-00 30264-11 PM 24387 13060-02 20644-00 21561-00 22716-02 23066-05 23143-11 24131-02 24186-03 29033-00 30264-12 PM 26488 13060-03 20703-01 21672-01 22716-03 23067-02 23173-00 24131-03 24187-00 29036-00 30264-13 PM 27493 13060-04 20703-02 21672-02 22716-04 23067-03 23173-01 24132-00 24187-01 29133-00 30264-14 PM 28122 13060-05 20703-03 21672-03 22761-00 23067-04 23173-02 24132-01 24187-02 29203-00 30264-15 37341-01 13060-06 20735-01 21672-04 22762-00 23067-05 23173-03 24133-00 24188-00 29286-00 30667-00 37341-03 13060-07 20735-02 21673-00 22786-00 23100-01 23173-04 24133-01 24188-01 29734-00 30667-01 37341-04 13060-08 20735-03 21673-01 22915-00 23100-02 23174-01 24133-02 24188-02 29798-00 30667-02 37341-05 18518-00 20735-04 21673-02 22915-01 23100-03 23174-02 24133-03 24188-03 29798-01 30667-03 37341-06 18518-01 20735-05 21673-03 22915-02 23100-04 23174-03 24133-04 24232-00 29798-02 30668-00 37341-07 18518-02 20735-06 21674-00 22915-03 23100-05 23174-04 24133-05 25004-00 29798-03 30668-01 37341-08 18518-03 20735-07 21674-01 22916-00 23100-06 23174-05 24134-00 25004-01 29798-04 30668-02 37341-09 18583-00 20735-08 21674-02 22916-01 23100-07 23174-06 24134-01 25892-00 29798-05 30669-00 37341-10 19872-00 20735-09 21674-03 22916-02 23100-08 23177-00 24134-02 26488-00 29798-06 30669-01 19872-01 20848-00 21675-00 22916-03 23101-01 23209-00 24134-03 26828-00 29798-07 30669-02 19872-02 20879-00 21675-01 22962-00 23101-02 23220-00 24135-00 26828-01 29798-08 31053-00 19872-03 20879-01 21675-02 23063-01 23101-03 23267-00 24135-01 26828-02 29798-09 31053-01 19872-04 20882-00 21675-03 23063-02 23101-04 23267-01 24135-02 27827-00 29798-10 31053-02 Temecula Services District (Service Level B, C R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) 10 Engineer's Annual Levy Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 3. District Services and Charges Service Level C, Perimeter Landscaping Service level C includes all developed single-family and condominium residential parcels and residential vacant lots for which the District provides on -going servicing, operation, and maintenance of perimeter landscaped areas and slopes within the public rights -of -way and dedicated easements adjacent to and associated with certain tracts and subdivisions. The level of maintenance required in these tracts and subdivisions varies depending on operating costs. Thirty-two (32) Zones with corresponding rates have been established within Service Level C. In recent fiscal years, the cost of maintaining the perimeter landscaping for most zones in Service Level C, far accede the maximum assessment that can be levied against the parcels in these zones. As a result, it has been necessary for City staff to reduce services and activities and/or reduce or eliminate the collection of funding for long term repairs, replacements and rehabilitation. The current rates and charges for Service Level C is per residential lot and shall be applied to developed and undeveloped residential parcels within the following Tracts and subdivisions for Fiscal Year 2024-2025. Table 3-2 Service Level C Zone No. 1 Maximum Rate: $116.00 Proposed Rate: $116.00 Tract Name: Tract Numbers: Saddlewood 18518-00 18518-01 18518-02 18518-03 Zone No. 2 Maximum Rate: $89.00 Proposed Rate: $89.00 Tract Name: Tract Numbers: Winchester Creek 20130-00 20130-01 20130-02 20130-03 20130-04 20130-05 20130-06 21340-00 21340-01 21340-02 21340-03 21340-04 21340-05 21340-06 Zone No. 3 Maximum Rate: 11 Proposed I I Tract Name: Tract Numbers: Rancho Highlands 20643-00 20644-00 21760-00 22203-00 22204-00 22761-00 22762-00 Zone No. 4 I Maximum Rate: $46.00 I Proposed Rate: $46.00 Tract Name: Tract Numbers: The Vineyards 18• 11 18• 1 Zone No. 5 maximum Rate: $175.00 Proposed Rate: $175.00 Tract Name: Tract Numbers: Signet Series 20882-00 20882-01 20882-02 20882-03 Zone No. 6 (3) I Maximum Rate: $137.37 I Proposed Rate: $137.36 Tract Name: Tract Numbers: Woodcrest Country11 1' 11 (3) Beginning Fiscal Year 2009-2010, the base rate for Zone 6 was $95.00. Each year thereafter, beginning Fiscal Year 2010-2011 the maximum rate as approved by the property owners is annually adjustable by the lesser of the percentage increase in the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index ("CPI") of All Urban Consumers for the Riverside -San Bernardino -Ontario Area (formerly Los Angeles -Riverside -Orange County Area), for the previous calendar year or 5.00%. For Fiscal Year 2024-2025 the adjustment is 4.65%, the annual increase in the CPI. Zone No. 11 Proposed 11 Tract Name: Tract Numbers: Ridgeview 20735-07 20735-08 20735-09 20881-00 21764-00 Temecula Services District (Service Level B, C, R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) Engineer's Annual Levy Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 3. District Services and Charges Proposed Tract Name: Tract Numbers: Village Grove 21672-01 21672-02 21672-03 21672-04 21673-00 21637-01 21637-02 21673-03 21674-00 21674-01 21674-02 21674-03 21675-00 21675-01 21675-02 21675-03 21675-04 21675-05 21675-06 Zone No. 9 Maximum Rate: 00 Proposed Rate: $46.00 Tract Name: Tract Numbers: Rancho Solana 22593-00 22593-01 22593-02 Zone No. 10 I Maximum Rate: $116.00 I Proposed Rate: $116.00 Tract Name: Tract Numbers: FIRM . - : 11 Zone No. 11 I Maximum Rate: $175.00 I Proposed Rate: $175.00 Tract Name: Tract Numbers: .. 11 Zone No. 12 Maximum Rate: $116.00 Proposed Rate: $116.00 Tract Name: Tract Numbers: Vintage Hills 22715-00 22715-01 22715-02 22716-00 22716-01 22716-02 22716-03 22716-04 22915-00 22915-01 22915-02 22915-03 22916-00 22916-01 22916-02 22916-03 Zone No. 13 Tract Name: Maximum Rate: $46.00 Proposed Rate: $46.00 Tract Numbers: Presley Development 23267-00 23267-01 23267-02 23267-03 23267-04 26861-00 26861-01 26861-02 26861-03 Zone No. 14 I Maximum Rate: $89.00 I Proposed Rate: $89.00 HomesTract Name: Tract Numbers: Morrison : 11 Zone No. 15 I Maximum Rate: $175.00 I Proposed Rate: $175.00 Tract Name: Tract Numbers: Barclay Estates 11� 1 ximum Rate: $175.00 ii Tract Name: Tract Numbers: Tradewinds 1 23125-00 23125-01 23125-02 23125-03 Zone No. 17 I Maximum Rate: $46.00 I Proposed Rate: $46.00 Tract Name: Tract Numbers: 1• 11 Zone No. 18 Maximum Rate: $70.00 Proposed Rate: $70.00 Tract Name: Tract Numbers: Temeku Hills 23371-00 23371-01 23371-02 23371-03 23771-04 23771-05 23371-06 23371-07 23371-08 23371-09 23371-10 23371-11 23371-14 28482-00 28482-01 28482-02 28482-03 28526-00 29033-00 Temecula Services District (Service Level B, C R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) 12 Engineer's Annual Levy Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 3. District Services and Charges ximum Rate: 00 Proposed Rate: $225.00 Tract Name: Tract Numbers: Chante mar 1 28510-00 28510-01 28510-02 28510-03 Zone No. i Tract Name: 00 Proposed Rate: $175.00 Tract Numbers: Crowne Hill 23143-00 23143-02 23413-03 23413-04 23413-01 23413-03 23413-04 23413-06 23413-07 23413-08 23413-09 23413-10 23413-11 Zone No. 21 Tract Name: Maximum Rate: 00 Proposed Rate: $129.00 Tract Numbers: Vail Ranch Gated Community 28832-00 Vail Ranch Residential 23173-00 23173-01 23173-02 23173-03 23173-04 23174-01 23174-02 23174-03 23174-04 23174-05 23174-06 28480-00 Zone No. 22 I Maximum Rate: $116.00 I Proposed Rate: $116.00 Tract Name: Tract Numbers: Sutton Place . :. $ M Zone No. 23 Maximum Rate: $20.00 Proposed Rate: $20.00 Tract Name: Tract Numbers: Pheasant Run 19872 19872-01 19872-02 19872-03 19872-04 19872-05 Zone No. 24 Tract Name: Maximum Rate: $100.00 Tract Numbers: Proposed Rate: $100.00 Harveston 29928 30667 30669 32436 29928-01 30667-01 30669-01 32436-01 29928-02 30667-02 30669-02 32437 29928-03 30667-03 31053 32437-01 29929 30668 31053-01 32437-02 29929-01 30668-01 31053-02 32437-03 30088 30668-02 31053-03 34698 Harveston Ashville 1 31276 Harveston Ashville 11 32104 Harveston Condos 32169 32170 Zone No. 25 I Maximum Rate: $200.00 I Proposed Rate: $200.00 Tract Name: Tract Numbers: �• Zone No. 26 I Maximum Rate: $270.00 I Proposed Rate: $270.00 Traditions/GalleryTract Name: Tract Numbers: ximum Rate: i 00 0i Tract Name: Tract Numbers: Avondale 1 26828 26828-01 26828-02 Zone No. 28 Tract Name: Maximum Rate: Tract Numbers: 00 Proposed Rate: $129.00 Wolf Creek 29798 29798-01 29798-02 29798-03 29798-04 29798-05 29798-06 29798-07 29798-08 29798-09 30264 30264-01 30264-02 30264-03 30264-04 30264-05 30264-06 30264-07 30264-08 30264-09 30264-10 30264-11 30264-12 30264-13 30264-14 30264-15 31898 33125 32319 33124 Temecula Services District (Service Level B, C R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) 13 Engineer's Annual Levy Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 3. District Services and Charges Zone No. 29 maximum Rate: $490.27 Proposed•0 .26 Tract Name: Tract Numbers: Gallery Portraits 31344-00 4) Ronin ;i Ci« l Vo ')nn G_'lnn7 +k. k- .o f... 7, 10 ...— CQ9 C nn Co.-L.., r +L.o.eof+or L.o..i....f..,. Ci« l Vo 7nn7_Wnns f... 7....0 7a +k.... ro+o 0 approved by the property owners is annually adjustable by the lesser of the percentage increase in the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index ("CPI") of All Urban Consumers for the Riverside -San Bernardino -Ontario Area (formerly Los Angeles -Riverside -Orange County Area), for the previous calendar year, or 5.00%. For Fiscal Year 2024-2025 the adjustment is 4.65%, the annual increase in the CPI. Zone No. 30 (1)(6) I Maximum Rate: $129.00 I Proposed Rate: $0.00 Tract Name: Tract Numbers: (6) Beginning Fiscal Year 2010-2011, Zone 30 elected to maintain its own perimeter landscaping under the existing Homeowner's Association ("HOA"). As a result, the Zone will not be levied under Service Level C for Fiscal Year 2024-2025. Zone No. 31 (7)(8) I Maximum Rate: $40.47 I Proposed Rate: $0.00 Tract Name: Tract Numbers: Roripaugh Ranch (7) Beginning Fiscal Year 2006-2007, the base rate for Zone 31 was $26.00. Each year thereafter, beginning Fiscal Year 2007-2008 for Zone 31, the maximum rate as approved by the property owners is annually adjustable by the lesser of the percentage increase in the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index ("CPI") of All Urban Consumers for the Riverside -San Bernardino -Ontario Area (formerly Los Angeles -Riverside -Orange County Area), for the previous calendar year, or 5.00%. For Fiscal Year 2024-2025 the adjustment is 4.65%, the annual increase in the CPI. (8) Zone 31 elected to have its perimeter landscaping maintained by a Homeowner's Association ("HOA"). As a result, the Zone will not be levied under Service Level C for Fiscal Year 2024-2025. Zone No. 32 (9)(10) I Maximum Rate: $925.42 I Proposed Rate: $0.00 Tract Name: Tract Numbers: Vineyard View (9) Beginning Fiscal Year 2008-2009, the base rate for Zone 32 was $640.00. Each year thereafter, beginning Fiscal Year 2009-2010 for Zone 32, the maximum rates as approved by the property owners are annually adjustable by the lesser of the percentage increase in the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index ("CPI") of All Urban Consumers for the Riverside -San Bernardino -Ontario Area (formerly Los Angeles -Riverside -Orange County Area), for the previous calendar year, or 5.00%. For Fiscal Year 2024-2025 the adjustment is 4.65%, the annual increase in the CPI. (10) Zone 32 elected to have its perimeter landscaping maintained by a Homeowner's Association ("HOA"). As a result, the Zone will not be levied under Service Level C for Fiscal Year 2024-2025. Service Level R, Road Maintenance Service Level R provides funding for construction, improvement, service, and maintenance of unpaved public streets and roads within specific areas of the District. The services provided may include, but are not limited to, renovation or restoration due to damage, flood and drainage control, repairs and re -grading, and upgrades of the existing areas as required for unpaved roads. All parcels identified within Service Level R share in the cost of the services provided. The costs associated with the services are spread among all parcels within various areas ("rate levels") of Service Level R in accordance with the Rate and Method of Apportionment for the service level. Service Level R currently has one (1) active rate level, Rate Level R-1. The area for Rate Level R-2 has been fully paved and therefore an assessment is currently not required. Only the parcels within Rate Level R-1 boundary area will be charged for the costs associated with servicing and maintaining the roads and streets in the area. RATE LEVEL R-1— This rate level consists of fifty-five (55) assessable parcels that have direct access to roads or streets that are serviced and maintained through the District. This rate level provides funding for the servicing and maintenance of Kimberly Lane, Greenwood Lane, Liefer Road, Gatlin Road, and Pala Vista. A total of 1.546 miles of roads are serviced and maintained in this area. The current maximum rates and charges in R-1 are $115.26 per single-family residential lot and $57.62 per vacant residential lot. RATE LEVEL R-2 — This rate level consists of forty (40) assessable parcels that have direct access to Santiago Road. This area has been fully paved and no longer requires service under this District. Temecula Services District (Service Level B, C, R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) 14 Engineer's Annual Levy Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 3. District Services and Charges Refuse/Recycling Collection The Refuse/Recycling Collection Service Level provides for the operation and administration of the refuse collection program, including recycling services for all developed residential homes (or "Households") within the District. The rate and charge for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Refuse/Recycling Collection is $357.84 per Household and will be applied to all parcels that have been identified as developed residential homes. Temecula Services District (Service Level B, C R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) 15 Engineer's Annual Levy Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 4. Changes to the District Changes or modifications to the District structure, if any, could include but are not limited to, changes or expansion in the existing improvements or in the types of services provided, addition of new services or Service Levels, restructuring of the current Service Levels, inclusion of parcels into the District or Service Levels, or revisions to the method of apportionment. Changes or modifications within the District that may affect the levy are outlined in the following. Notable Previous Modifications to the District Two Service Levels Replaced with a Special Tax On March 4, 1997, the voters of Temecula approved a Special Tax to fund citywide community services. This Special Tax replaced two existing Service Levels, previously charged through the Community Services District. Beginning in Fiscal Year 1997-1998 the below two Service Levels were replaced by the Special Tax and are no longer charged through the District. • COMMUNITY SERVICES, PARKS, AND RECREATION — This service level provided for the maintenance, service, and operation of all public parks and recreation services within the City. • SERVICE LEVEL A, ARTERIAL STREET LIGHTING AND MEDIANS — This service level provided servicing, operation, and maintenance of traffic signals, street lighting, and landscaped medians along arterial streets. Service Level R As of Fiscal Year 2008-2009, the streets have been fully paved and there is no longer a need to assess for unpaved road maintenance (Rate level R-2). Proposed Modifications to the District for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 The most notable modification to the District for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 is related to the addition of improvements and expansion of existing services as a result of new development. When a new residential tract is developed, the District may accept additional improvements for maintenance and servicing. Along with acceptance of the improvements, the parcels within those tracts would be included in the appropriate Service Levels. The improvements and services for Service Levels B and C are typically tract or development specific and therefore, all parcels within a tract or development would be included in these two Service Levels when the District accepts the improvements. Additionally, individual residential parcels are included in the Refuse/Recycling Collection when a new single-family residential unit is identified, and service is ordered. Service Level B In Fiscal Year 2022-2023 the District conducted a successful Proposition 218 ballot proceeding and annexed 545 parcels into Service Level B. Another successful Proposition 218 ballot proceeding was conducted in Fiscal Year 2023-2024 and an additional 138 parcels were annexed into Service Level B. Service Level C The annual revenue collected for the majority of the Zones in Service Level C is not sufficient to cover the costs to maintain these zones. Due to the rising costs, the District has had to reduce services to the maintenance of the perimeter landscaping for these zones. In Fiscal Year 2019-2020 the District conducted a Proposition 218 ballot proceeding to increase the assessment rates for Zones 1, 4, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 22 and 27. The majority of the ballots received were in opposition to the increased assessments in all zones, and the increase was therefore not applied. The assessment rates, for 27 of the 29 zones currently assessed in Service Level C, have not increased since the zones were established. Because the costs continue to increase and the assessments have stayed the same, the service will remain limited and may have to be reduced further due to limited annual funds. In Fiscal Year 2020-2021 the District terminated the flood channel easements in Zone 7 therefore eliminating the need for maintenance of said areas. This action resulted in the termination of the assessment for only the sixteen (16) parcels affected, effective Fiscal Year 2020-2021. Temecula Services District (Service Level B, C R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) 16 Engineer's Annual Levy Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 4. Changes to the District In December of 2020, the District initiated a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the maintenance services of the landscape areas in Service Level C. The new maintenance contract that was awarded and approved by the Board resulted in a reduction in the budgeted maintenance cost for Fiscal Year 2021-2022. The new contract was effective July 1, 2021. There are no new inclusions to Service Level C (Perimeter Landscaping) proposed for the Fiscal Year 2024-2025. Service Level R There are no new inclusions to Service Level R (Road Maintenance) proposed for Fiscal Year 2024-2025. Refuse/Recycling Collection A total of 282 newly developed residential parcels have been identified and added to Refuse/Recycling Collection for Fiscal Year 2024-2025. These new residential parcels are identified each year and included in Refuse/Recycling Collection based upon the waste hauler's updated service records. The rate for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 for Refuse/Recycling Collection is $357.84 per residential parcel. For Fiscal Year 2023-2024, the rate for this service was $356.24. For more information, please refer to Section 2, Budgets and Levy Summary. The costs for the District represent actual service costs, as provided in the City's Franchise Agreement with CR&R Waste Services. Temecula Services District (Service Level B, C R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) 17 Engineer's Annual Levy Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 5. Method of Apportionment Method of Apportionment The cost to provide services within the District will be fairly distributed among each eligible property. Service Level B (Residential Street Lighting): The following formula is used to calculate each property's Service Level B charges by the per parcel/unit (residential "lot/unit") method. Total Balance to Levy (Budgeted) _ (Total Residential Lots + Assigned Condominium Units) = Parcel Charge Service Level C (Perimeter Landscaping and Slopes); and Refuse/Recycling Collection: The following formula is used to calculate each property's charges by the per parcel (residential "lot") method. Total Balance to Levy (Budgeted) / Total Residential Lots (in Service Level) = Parcel Charge Service Level R (Roads): The charge per Levy Unit for Service Level R is based on a Parcel Development Unit (PDU), which is similar to a per parcel charge, but makes a distinction between developed and undeveloped parcels. Parcel Development Units = 1.0 for Developed Parcels Parcel Development Units = 0.5 for Undeveloped Parcels Total Balance to Levy / Total Parcel PDU (in Rate Level) = Parcel Charge The following tables reflect the levy calculations for each Service Level. Table 5-1 Parcel Charge Calculation Service Level B Single Family Residential Lot 1.00 Vacant Residential Lot 1.00 Assiened Condominium Units 1111 0.50 $25.68 $25.68 Per Parcel $25.68 $25.68 Per Parcel 525.68 812.84 Per Parcel/Unit Defined as Assigned Condominium Units in Service Level B for which the interior streetlights are privately maintained however, the Assigned Condominium Units benefit from perimeter or collector street lighting funded by Service Level B. Temecula Services District (Service Level B, C, R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) Engineer's Annual Levy Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 M 5. Method of Apportionment Table 5-2 Parcel Charge Calculation Service Level C Residential Lot Zone No. 1 1.00 $116.00 $116.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 2 1.00 $89.00 $89.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 3 1.00 $116.00 $116.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 4 1.00 $46.00 $46.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 5 1.00 $175.00 $175.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 6 (12) 1.00 $137.36 $137.36 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 7 1.00 $89.00 $89.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 8 1.00 $175.00 $175.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 9 1.00 $46.00 $46.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 10 1.00 $116.00 $116.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 11 1.00 $175.00 $175.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 12 1.00 $116.00 $116.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 13 1.00 $46.00 $46.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 14 1.00 $89.00 $89.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 15 1.00 $175.00 $175.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 16 1.00 $175.00 $175.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 17 1.00 $46.00 $46.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 18 1.00 $70.00 $70.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 19 1.00 $225.00 $225.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 20 1.00 $175.00 $175.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 21 1.00 $129.00 $129.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 22 1.00 $116.00 $116.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 23 1.00 $20.00 $20.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 24 1.00 $100.00 $100.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 25 1.00 $200.00 $200.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 26 1.00 $270.00 $270.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 27 1.00 $70.00 $70.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 28 1.00 $129.00 $129.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 29 (12) 1.00 $490.26 $490.26 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 30 (13) 1.00 $129.00 $129.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 31 (12)(14) 1.00 $40.46 $0.00 Per Parcel Residential Lot Zone No. 32 (12)(14) 1.00 $925.42 $0.00 Per Parcel (12) Beginning Fiscal Year 2007-2008 for Zones 29 and 31 and beginning Fiscal Year 2009-10 for Zones 6 and 32, the maximum rates as approved by the property owners are annually adjustable by the lesser of the percentage increase in the US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Consumer Price Index ("CPI") of All Urban Consumers for the Riverside -San Bernardino -Ontario Area (formerly Los Angeles -Riverside -Orange County Area), for the previous calendar year, or 5.00%. (13) Beginning Fiscal Year 2010-2011, Zone 30 has elected to maintain its own perimeter landscaping under the existing Homeowner's Association ("HOA"). As a result, the Zone will not be levied under Service Level C for Fiscal Year 2024-2025. (14) Zones 31 and 32 Zone 31 elected to have the perimeter landscaping maintained by a Homeowner's Association ("HOA"). As a result, the Zones will not be levied under Service Level C for Fiscal Year 2024-2025. Temecula Services District (Service Level B, C, R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) 19 Engineer's Annual Levy Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 5. Method of Apportionment Table 5-3 Parcel Charge Calculation Service Level rc I-ndFt,e per Property Type and Zone Parcel/Unit � x Parcel Parcel Charge Multiplier Single Family Residential Lot R-1 1.00 $115.26 $115.26 Per Parcel Vacant Residential Lot R-1 0.50 $115.26 $57.62 Per Parcel Table 5-4 Parcel Charge C Collection (ls) Developed residential parcels identified by CR&R for which refuse collections are available. Temecula Services District (Service Level B, C, R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) 20 Engineer's Annual Levy Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 6. Tax Roll Parcel identification for each lot or parcel within the District shall be the parcel as shown on the County Assessor's map for the year in which this Report is prepared. Temecula Services District (Service Level A C, R and Refuse/Recycling Collection) 21 Engineer's Annual Levy Report for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 APPENDIX A Tax Roll Webb MUNICIPAL FINANCE Item No. 12 ACTION MINUTES SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 41000 MAIN STREET TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA MAY 14, 2024 CALL TO ORDER at 7:38 PM: Chair James Stewart ROLL CALL: Alexander, Kalfus, Schwank, Stewart SARDA PUBLIC COMMENTS - NON -AGENDA ITEMS The following individual(s) addressed the Board of Directors: • Hanon Rickard SARDA CONSENT CALENDAR Unless otherwise indicated below, the following pertains to all items on the Consent Calendar. Approved the Staff Recommendation (4-0): Motion by Schwank, Second by Kalfus. The vote reflected unanimous approval. 17. Approve Financial Statements for the 3rd Quarter Ended March 31, 2024 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the financial statements for the 3rd quarter ended March 31, 2024. SARDA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT SARDA BOARD OF DIRECTOR REPORTS SARDA ADJOURNMENT At 7:43 PM, the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency meeting was formally adjourned to Tuesday, May 28, 2024, at 5:00 PM for a Closed Session, with a regular session commencing at 6:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. James Stewart, Chair ATTEST: Randi Johl, Secretary [SEAL] Item No. 13 CITY OF TEMECULA/TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT/SARDA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Council/Board of Directors FROM: Aaron Adams, City Manager/General Manager/Executive Director DATE: May 28, 2024 SUBJECT: Approve Fiscal Years 2025-29 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Adopt Fiscal Year 2024-25 CIP and Annual Operating Budgets for the City of Temecula, the Temecula Community Services District and the Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency PREPARED BY: Jennifer Hennessy, Finance Director/Treasurer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council/Board of Directors adopt the following resolutions entitled: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEARS 2025-29 AND ADOPTING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 RESOLUTION NO. CSD A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024- 25 PRELIMINARY ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET AND ESTABLISHING CONTROLS ON CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS RESOLUTION NO. SARDA A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEARS 2025-29, ADOPTING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25, ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET AND ESTABLISHING CONTROLS ON CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET, ESTABLISHING CONTROLS ON CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS, ESTABLISHING CONTRACT AUTHORITY OF CITY MANAGER, ESTABLISHING AUTHORITY OF CITY MANAGER TO WAIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENTS IN EMERGENCY AND AUTHORIZE EMERGENCY WORK PURSUANT TO PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECTION 22050, ESTABLISHING LAWSUIT SETTLEMENT AUTHORITY OF CITY MANAGER RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA REVISING THE SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ESTABLISHING THE APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 DISCUSSION: At its May 9, 2024 Budget Workshop, the City Council was presented the Proposed Fiscal Years 2025-29 Capital Improvement Program and 2024-25 CIP and Annual Operating Budgets for the City, Temecula Community Services District (TCSD), and the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency (SARDA). At this workshop, the Council recommended bringing forward the Fiscal Years 2025-29 CIP and Proposed Budgets in their entirety, including the appropriation of funds for the Care Solace agreement and for the contracting for additional emergency beds for the homeless. Additionally, a few minor budget adjustments have been requested to be reflected in the Final Budget, and are summarized below: Fiscal Year 2024-25 Operating Budget Adiustments: - Temecula Community Services District: o Add $140,000 to the Homeless Outreach and Prevention division to facilitate contracting for additional emergency homeless beds, as recommended by the City Council during the Budget Workshop on May 9th, 2024. o Add $166,700 to the Operations division to facilitate a one-year contract with Care Solace for mental health navigation services, as recommended by the City Council during the Budget Workshop on May 9th, 2024. Service Level D — Refuse/Recycling: o Reduce Assessment Revenue by $174,672 to reflect the updated parcel count within Service Level D. o Add $22,553 to Recycling Program Revenue to reflect award from CalRecycle's Beverage Container Recycling Fund Program. o Reduce Waste Hauling budget by $147,220 to reflect updated parcel counts and CR&R collection rates. Fiscal Years 2025-29 Capital Improvement Program Adiustments: - Ynez Road Improvements — Phase I: o Added $261,000 in DIF-Quimby funding to support the Pickleball Courts project in Fiscal Year 2023-24, as approved by Council on May 14th, 2024. o Associated adjustments to reflect the correct revenue and interfund transfers in the Development Impact Fee (Fund 120) and Capital Improvement Program (Fund 210) funds. The attached Transmittal Letter summarizes the highlights of the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Proposed Annual Operating Budget and Fiscal Years 2025-29 Capital Improvement Program documents. FISCAL IMPACT: The specific fiscal impacts are noted in the Fiscal Years 2025-29 Capital Improvement Program and Fiscal Year 2024-25 Annual Operating Budget documents. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Transmittal Message 2. Resolution - Approving the CIP for Fiscal Years 2025-29 and Adopting the CIP Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-25 3. Resolution - Adopting the Fiscal Year 2024-25 TCSD Preliminary Annual Operating Budget 4. Resolution — Approving the SARDA CIP Fiscal Years 2025-29 and Adopting the CIP Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-25, and Adopting the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Annual Operating Budget 5. Resolution - Adopting the Fiscal Year 2024-25 City Annual Operating Budget 6. Resolution - Schedule of Authorized Positions with Attachment 7. Resolution - Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2024-25 with Attachment City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Operating Budget TRANSMITTAL MESSAGE May 28, 2024 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: I am pleased to submit the Annual Operating Budget for the Fiscal Year 2024-25. This budget document was developed to serve as the financial plan for the City's programs and policies. It reflects the resources necessary to meet the goals, programs and service priorities that the City Council is committed to providing its citizens. The Fiscal Year 2024-25 Annual Operating Budget has been developed after a considerable review process. Departmental budget submittals were prepared and reviewed by line item in connection with projected revenues. Detailed performance objectives and accountability measures were developed consistent with the City's Quality of Life Master Plan. Five-year revenue and expenditure projections were developed to identify the future impacts of staffing and program changes, as well as the impact of capital improvement projects. The resulting budget is realistic and balanced and continues to provide quality services to the community while effectively utilizing available resources. As you will read below, the City's General Fund is not only balanced for the ensuing fiscal year, but also projected to be balanced for the next five fiscal years. Additionally, the City's reserve funds are fully funded across all five years of the long-range financial forecast. CITY OF TEMECULA PROFILE The City of Temecula is a dynamic community comprised of approximately 108,700 citizens. The City maintains 42 parks on 337 developed acres throughout the community, which provide recreational opportunities for both the citizens of Temecula, as well as surrounding communities. Police and Fire protection services are provided through contracts with Riverside County. The Temecula Valley Unified School District provides 29 schools with 26,577 students at the transitional kindergarten through 12th grade levels within the City. The City of Temecula prides itself on its community focus and quality of life. Temecula's residents enjoy one of the finest lifestyles Southern California has to offer. Environmental and residential factors create a beautiful setting that attracts young, well-educated families to upscale homes that are relatively inexpensive by Southern California standards. Geography contributes to the City's population and retail growth from San Diego and Orange Counties. Temecula's leadership has approached economic growth from a qualitative standpoint, providing the City with a favorable share of the region's higher paying and high technology career opportunities. The City's average income levels are higher than the surrounding region, the educational performance of its young people is above the state average, and Temecula has been recognized as one of Nation's safest cities. TRANSMITTAL MESSAGE Annual Operating Budget 1 1 City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Operating Budget 1:1010IQLTA ICol1►U]KIN t9]:4.1 The City of Temecula monitors several economic and demographic indicators, which play a role in the development of revenue projections. 0) ID 0 lb Population Median Age Households Average Median Home # of Jobs 108,700 37.7 years 37,195 Income Price 54,600 (2024) $141,899 $785,000 (Mar'24) (Apr'24) • Estimated Population: down 0.5% from 2022 (Source: State Department of Finance) • Median Age: up from 36.1 in 2023 (Source: caritas Report-1131124) • Number of Households: up 0.8% from 2023 (Source: caritas Report — 1131124) Unemployment Rate 4.4% (Mar'24) • Average Household Income: up 0.1% from 2023 (Source: caritas Report-1131124) • April Median Home Price: up 11.3%from 2023 (Source: Southwest Riverside County Association of Realtors) • Number of Jobs: up 0.02% from March 2023 (Source: EDD) • March Unemployment Rate: up from 3.8% in March 2023, Riverside County: 5.2%, CA: 5.3%, Nation: 3.9% (source: EDD & BLS) Temecula is experiencing very slight economic growth, according to the indicators above. However, with increasing unemployment and very little job growth since this time last year, combined with recent declines in local Sales Tax and Measure S revenues, the ensuing budget projections included in the Proposed Budget are conservative, yet realistic, given the uncertainty in the global and local economy over the next fiscal year. LOCAL ECONOMY AND LEGISLATIVE IMPACTS Local Economy As the economic indicators noted above fluctuate, the impact on the local economy is evident in the retail activity and sales tax trends. Despite reductions in Sales Tax revenue, both national retailers and local entrepreneurs continue to invest in Temecula by opening businesses, undergoing expansion projects and starting new construction. With Temecula's regional shopping mall, Old Town district, and auto mall, shoppers from the entire Temecula Valley region contribute to the City's sales tax base. Per the City's Sales Tax consultant, HdL Companies, Temecula residents generated $37,400 in sales tax per capita in 2023, which far outpaced neighboring cities and statewide averages, as illustrated on the adjacent chart. TRANSMITTAL MESSAGE SKOW W.w RWmkle ca,nuy S10.000 SWUM wIM-1. $8.000 $6.00u $a,aon $2.000 40 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 10 20 34 40 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 PxnEs »an relka Ne pere6 n xnitlr ne ceks emn[E . Pxe of Sale Annual Operating Budget 1 2 City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Operating Budget The Temecula economy continues to attract new businesses, with several new establishments that have recently opened or are expected to open soon. Both national franchises and local establishments alike will be a welcome addition to the local economy. New Business opening in 2024: • Silverlake Ramen • Lovesac Furniture • Aldi (2nd location) • Soho Ramen & Sake Bar • La Fata Tasting Room • Roadrunner Sports • Big Brand Tire & Service • Red Door Escape Room • Haven Haus Brunch • Smart & Final EXTRA New Businesses coming soon: • Better Buzz Coffee Roasters #2 • Ono Hawaiian BBQ • Sneaker Lounge • Portals Entertainment • Crafted Scone #2 • Ross Dress for Less #2 • Dogtopia • Dan Henderson Restaurant • Goucho Grill • Tasty Pot Temecula Legislative Impacts RnAO RLIIVIVER MSPORTS LOV C SAC Designed for Life Furniture Co AWGBRAmn TIRE & SERVICE • Humble Somm Marx Cellars • Cava • Harbor Freight • 85C Degree Bakery Cafe • Marshall Stuart Cellars Tasting Room • Bare Knuckle Brewing Company • Dutch Bros Coffee • UNtuckit Clothing The City of Temecula actively follows state and federal legislative proposals each year and works closely with the League of California Cities and the National League of Cities to stay informed and engaged to ensure the City supports legislation that aligns with the City's local legislative platform guiding principles: I. Preservation of Local Control - Support measures that preserve and protect the City's general law powers and duties to enact legislation and policy direction concerning local affairs. Oppose measures that preempt local authority. II. Promotion of Fiscal Stability - Support measures that promote fiscal stability, predictability, and financial independence. Support measures that preserve and promote the City's revenue base. Oppose measures that mandate costs with no guarantee of local reimbursement or offsetting benefit. Oppose measures that shift local funds to the county, state, or federal government, without offsetting benefit. TRANSMITTAL MESSAGE Annual Operating Budget 1 3 City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Operating Budget III. Support Funding Opportunities -Support measures that allow the City to compete for its fair share of regional, state and federal funding including competitive grants and other funding programs. Support measures that promote dedicated funding streams at the regional, state and federal levels allowing the City to maximize local revenues, offset and leverage capital expenditures, and maintain City goals and standards. The City is collectively supporting a State investment of $3 billion in ongoing funding for cities to increase the supply of affordable housing and reduce homelessness and $1 billion to reimburse cities for unfunded mandates. In addition, the City is opposing efforts to reduce, eliminate or divert essential local revenue sources to offset the State's significant budget shortfall. Recent legislation that potentially impacts the City's operations include the following: Initiative 21-0042 (The Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act) - This ballot measure has qualified for the November 5, 2024 ballot. The provisions of the measure make it more difficult for voters to pass measures needed to fund local services and infrastructure by increasing the threshold for passage and prohibiting local advisory measures. If passed, the measure would require the City to do an in-depth analysis of any new revenue sources and existing revenues streams subject to increases, Consumer Price Index adjustments or otherwise, to determine whether the revenue streams would be subject to voter approval. This would include new or increasing fees related to parks and recreation, community development, public safety, and public works. Assembly Constitutional Amendment (ACA) 1 (55% Vote for Local Affordable Housing and Public Infrastructure) This bill would lower necessary voter threshold from a two-thirds supermajority to 55% to approve local general obligation bonds and special taxes for affordable housing and public infrastructure projects. Assembly Constitutional Amendment (ACA) 13 (Voting Thresholds) - The California Constitution provides that a proposed constitutional amendment and a statewide initiative measure each take effect only if approved by a majority of the votes cast on the amendment or measure. This bill would require future ballot measures that increase voter approval requirements to also pass by the same margin. It would also preserve the right of local governments to place advisory questions on the ballot asking voters their opinions on issues. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The City Council recently adopted the Temecula 2040 Quality of Life Master Plan (QLMP) in November 2022. The Temecula 2040 Plan is a living document that reflects the vision and long-term goals of the City. As Temecula continues to grow and mature, the Temecula 2040 Plan will be a crucial part of not only maintaining the City's quality of life, but to take a proactive approach and identify specific community needs, goals, and possible improvements. The City of Temecula utilizes the QLMP to formulate and budget Citywide projects. In addition, the QLMP is used to guide planning, investment decisions, to provide vision and continuity for the next phase of the City's journey, and for continuous process improvement in partnership with Temecula's residents. TRANSMITTAL MESSAGE Annual Operating Budget 1 4 City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Operating Budget In an effort to incorporate the QLMP into the City's budget process, the QLMP includes specific goals based on the Core Values of the QLMP. These goals are used by each department to develop short-term objectives and performance measures for completion in the upcoming fiscal year and are reflected in the Department Information and Performance Measures sections of the budget document. The QLMP outlines 7 Core Values: Sustainable &Resilient City © Healthy & Livable City Transportation Mobility & Connectivity Economic Prosperity Accountable & Responsive City Government Safe & Prepared Community Equity GENERAL FUND ANALYSIS The General Fund is the City's primary operating fund, with its revenues unrestricted so long as they are expended for a public purpose. The 5-Year Forecast of the General Fund is balanced, reserves are fully funded and will provide for the ongoing levels of service the City of Temecula residents have enjoyed, including enhanced public safety staffing levels with one police officer per 1,000 in population and four firefighters per engine/truck. General Fund Ending Fund Balance for Fiscal Year 2024- 25 is projected to be $35,777,450, of which $24,798,676 is committed to fulfilling the Fund's policy -level reserves of 25% of Operating Expenditures. Another $943,356 of Fund Balance is committed to cover the cost of a police officer funded by the Pechanga Tribe and future capital projects. A total of $10,035,419 in Fund Balance is unassigned and available for one-time appropriations. General Fund Revenue Highlights General Fund Revenue is projected to increase by 4.3% next fiscal year to $110,793,146. The majority of the growth in revenue is from the Transfer In from Measure S to support public safety services. FY24-25 General Fund Balance $35,777,450 40,000,000 Available 35,000,000 (Unassigned) 30,000,000 10,035,419 Fund Balance Assigned/ 25,000,000 Committed 20,000,000 4,959,735 Secondary Reserve (5�) 15,000,000 Reserve for 10,000,000 19,938,941 op Economic 5,000,000 Uncertainty (20%) The Fiscal Year 2024-25 General Fund major revenue sources are summarized below: • Sales Tax ($46,235,939) is increasing by 1.5% over the prior year, due to the anticipation of several new businesses opening and the continued slow recovery of the local economy. • Property Tax ($11,111,250) is projected to increase by 3.5% due to the statutory rise in assessed valuation, per Proposition 13, as well as the rise in home sales price resulting from continued low inventory of homes for sale. TRANSMITTAL MESSAGE Annual Operating Budget 1 5 City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Operating Budget • Intergovernmental Revenues ($11,083,569) is increasing by 3.5% due to the rise in assessed valuation of properties within the City. • Transient Occupancy Tax ($4,704,116) is decreasing by 8.5% due to the receipt of past due payments in the prior fiscal year, increasing that year's revenue base. Excluding this payment of past due amounts, total TOT is projected to increase by 4.9%. • Licenses, Permits & Service Charges ($6,812,715) is increasing by 1.6%, as building activity within the City has slowed considerably in recent months due to the combination of inflation, high interest rates and the near build -out of the City, leaving less vacant land to develop. • Measure S Transfer In ($10,210,530) is increasing 1% significantly in FY24-25 to maintain the levels of public safety staffing originally funded with the passage of Measure S, including 11 police officers, Fire Station 95 staffing, Fire Inspector vehicles and ladder truck replacement. Additionally, Measure S supports enhanced park maintenance services provided by the Public Works department. • Transfers In ($8,314,274) include the transfer of Gas Tax revenues of $3,034,274 to support road maintenance, Supplemental Law Enforcement Services revenue of $280,000 to support Police services, and PARS Pension Trust contribution of $5,000,000 to support the City's Debt/Liability Paydown Strategy. General Fund Expenditure Highlights The largest expenditure of the General Fund is for public safety services, making up 54% of the total $99,194,703 in Total Expenditures for Fiscal Year 2024-25. Expenditures are increasing by 2.9% over the prior fiscal year and reflect the contractually obligated cost of living adjustment of 4.4%, per the City's labor agreements. • Police ($43,974,332) is increasing by 4.6% over the prior Fire fiscal year, due to the inflationary adjustments in the PWk Wa,k, 20% contract with Riverside County Sheriff's Office. The budget reflects 117 sworn officers, which includes AdmWs=radon 15% continued patrol coverage of 210 hours per day. Fire ($11,629,534) is flat compared to the prior year. The contract with Riverside County is increasing by 2.1% due to inflationary adjustments as well as the inclusion of six additional fire personnel at mid -year in order to comply with CalFire's negotiated schedule change from working a 72-hour workweek to a 66-hour workweek. Non -Safety Departments ($45,623,274) is increasing by 6.1% primarily due to higher costs in Community Development for consulting services related to long range planning efforts, and Public Works for increased utilities and park maintenance costs. TRANSMITTAL MESSAGE Annual Operating Budget 1 6 City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Operating Budget • Non -Departmental (-$2,032,437) includes the anticipated $2.7 million savings the City will achieve through the recent unfunded pension liability paydown of $21.8 million as part of the Debt/Liability Paydown Strategy, adopted by Council in December 2022. Offsetting these savings is the non -departmental expenditures for the Retiree Medical Contribution ($298,000), the CalPERS Replacement Benefit ($90,000), Property Tax Administration ($90,000) and the Staffing Continuity Reserve ($200,000). Operating Transfers Out & One -Time Payments This category of expenditures reflects the following expenditures: • Debt/Liability Paydown Strategy payment of $7,913,492 to reduce the City's unfunded pension liability to $0 by Fiscal Year 2028-29. • Contribution of $1.5 million into the Fire Facility Acquisition Fund for the future purchase of Fire Station 12 in Old Town, as this station is owned by the State of California. • Contribution of $500,000 towards the Capital Improvement Program for the Comprehensive General Plan Update project. Overall, the General Fund remains structurally balanced, with revenues exceeding expenditures, and reserves are fully funded each year of the 5-Year Forecast. The City continues to budget in a conservative, yet realistic, manner while keeping close watch on several economic indicators. As conditions change, adjustments to the Fiscal Year 2024- 25 revenue and expenditure budgets will be recommended and presented to the City Council for their approval. MEASURE S FUND 40.000.000 3oaoo,00u �oom,00a roaoo,00a General Fund 5-Year Projections Fund Balance Trend F119-10 '20.11 F111.11 FY71-i3 FV13-1a F4205 F115.1.6 tY1611 0,1.19 FY28.29 —Fund Balance —Funded Reserve O Desired Reserve With the approval of a one -cent transactions and use tax measure in November 2016, the Measure S Fund was established to account for this new revenue source. Fiscal Year 2024-25 Measure S revenue is projected to increase by 2.0% to $39,365,950. Measure S appropriations of $41,085,436 are in line with the Council's appropriation guidelines outlined in Budget Policy IV — Transactions and Use Tax Funding, whereby Measure S will be appropriated toward Public Safety, Asset Management, Capital Improvement Program and General/Community Services. Public Safety (27%) — reflects a transfer to the General Fund to provide for 11 police officer positions, staffing for Fire Station 95, funding for the future replacement of Fire Inspection vehicles and a Fire Ladder Truck, as well as general support of Police and Fire operating budgets. Asset Management (11%) — reflects the contribution of $2.5 million into the Facility Replacement Fund and $2 million into the Street Maintenance Fund. Asset Management funds serve as a reserve for the future replacement of the City's aging assets. TRANSMITTAL MESSAGE Annual Operating Budget 1 7 City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Operating Budget Capital Improvement Program (20%) — reflects the funding for 26 separate capital projects for Fiscal Year 2024-25. Measure S provides funding for a total of 71 separate projects across the 5-Year Capital Improvement Program budget. Measure S has allowed the City to leverage other funding sources, such as grants and Development Impact Fees to complete more projects in a timely manner. General/Community Services (42%) — reflects the subsidies provided to the Temecula Community Services District ($16.2 million), the Ronald H. Roberts Temecula Public Library ($1.3 million) and enhanced park maintenance services ($91,049) within the General Fund. Measure S Ending Fund Balance for Fiscal Year 2024-25 is projected to be $14,128,197, which will carry forward to the ensuing fiscal year. The 5-Year Forecast for Measure S provides for adequate resources to fund public safety, asset management, capital projects and general/community services, however as time goes on and the costs of public safety and community services rise, there will be less funding available for capital projects. ADDITIONAL GENERAL FUNDS Fund 006 — Fire Facility Acquisition Fund: This fund was established in Fiscal Year 2021-22 to accumulate resources to acquire and/or construct property for a future Fire Station. Annually, the General Fund transfers $1.5 million to this fund from its available fund balance. The ending fund balance is projected to be $6.1 million for Fiscal Year 2024-25. Fund 110 — COVID-19 Pandemic Community Reinvestment Program Fund: This fund was established in Fiscal Year 2021-22 to provide grant funding to support the local economy to rebound from the global pandemic. A total of $14,080,000 has been transferred into this fund from available General Fund balance. The Council approved six funding categories, including: (1) Business Support ($3,080,000); (2) Non -Profit Support ($1,000,000); (3) Homeless Services ($1,000,000); (4) Housing Assistance ($5,500,000); (5) Behavioral Health Services ($1,500,000) and (6) Higher Education/Workforce Development ($1,000,000), leaving $1,000,000 subject to further Council appropriation. MAJOR SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Special Revenue Funds are used to account for activities paid for by taxes or other designated revenue sources that have specific limitations on use according to law. The City has several Special Revenue Funds. The major Special Revenue funds are highlighted below. Fund 100 — Gas Tax: Gas Tax revenue is projected to be $3,034,274, which reflects an increase of 2.0% as volume of gasoline sales increases. These funds are transferred to the General Fund to support street and road maintenance. Fund 102 — Road Maintenance Rehabilitation Account (RMRA): Per the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (SB1-Beall), increased gas tax and vehicle registration fees were imposed to fund street and road projects and other transportation uses Statewide. RMRA revenue is projected to be $2,820,553, which is an increase of 6.9%. These funds are allocated to the Pavement Rehabilitation Capital Improvement Project. TRANSMITTAL MESSAGE Annual Operating Budget 1 8 City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Operating Budget Fund 103 — Street Maintenance: This fund was established in Fiscal Year 2018-19 to accumulate resources for the future replacement of streets and roads throughout the City. Measure S contributes annually to this fund, which has a projected Fiscal Year 2024-25 ending balance of $5,073,911. Fund 105 — NPDES In Lieu Fees: This fund was established in Fiscal Year 2019-20 to account for the collection of In Lieu fees associated with the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES). Revenue is received as private development subject to NPDES requirements occur. Fiscal Year 2024-25 expenditures of $500,000 is programmed to install storm drain inlet filters throughout the City. Fund 106— Uptown Temecula New Streets In Lieu Fees: This fund was established in Fiscal Year 2019-20 in conjunction with the adoption of the Uptown Temecula Specific Plan New Streets In Lieu Fee. Developers within the Specific Plan who cannot build new streets will be charged the In Lieu Fee. While there is only Investment Interest revenue of $8,500 projected for Fiscal Year 2024-25, the ending fund balance of this fund is $1,086,366. Fund 120 — Development Impact Fees (DIF): DIF revenue is projected to be $4,911,023, which reflects a decrease of 28.2% due to the higher level of activity in the prior year occurring in the Sommer's Bend and Heirloom Farms developments. DIF revenue varies from year-to-year as it is based on anticipated development projects. DIF Revenues are transferred to the CIP to fund capital projects. Fiscal Year 2024-25 ending fund balance is projected to be $4,836,299. Fund 125 — Public, Education & Government (PEG): PEG Fund revenues are received from local cable operators for the sole purpose of supporting the access facilities within the City. PEG Revenues are projected to be $185,500, which will be spent on various technological equipment used to support the broadcast of City Council meetings and events. Fiscal Year 2024-25 ending fund balance is projected to be $1,015,444. Fund 140—Community Development Block Grant (CDBG): CDBG revenue is projected to be $539,302, for operations, community grants and capital projects. Fund 145 — Temecula Energy Efficiency Asset (TEAM) Fund: This fund was established to capture energy efficiency rebates to be used to fund future energy efficiency projects. In Fiscal Year 2020-21, the City received a rebate of $640,754 for the acquisition of street lights and conversion to LED bulbs. These funds, combined with the existing fund balance, are programmed in the prior year to fund an Electric Vehicle Charging Station capital project, lighting along Murrieta Creek, and Sports Field Lighting upgrades. Fiscal Year 2024-25 ending fund balance is projected to be $61,763. Fund 150—AB2766 Motor Vehicle Subvention Fund: This fund was established to account for subvention funds used to implement programs/projects to reduce air pollution from motor vehicles. Fiscal Year 2024-25 revenue is projected to be $153,000. The majority of these funds are programmed for capital projects, including the Citywide Bike Lane and Trail Program. Fund 160—Supplemental Law Enforcement Services Fund: This fund was established to account for state grant funds to assist cities in delivering front-line law enforcement services. Fiscal Year 2024-25 revenue is projected to be $280,000 and will be transferred to the General Fund to support law enforcement. TRANSMITTAL MESSAGE Annual Operating Budget 1 9 City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Operating Budget Fund 165 —Affordable Housing Fund: The Affordable Housing Fund reflects the housing -related activities of the former Temecula Redevelopment Agency. Total Revenue for Fiscal Year 2024-25 of $965,091 includes the State Department of Finance allocation of $250,000 designated for the administration of the wind down of redevelopment obligations. Expenditures reflect the ongoing administration of the City's Affordable Housing program as well as $5,091,359 to support various Affordable Housing capital projects in the prior year. Fund 170 — Measure A: Measure A revenue is projected to be $4,409,000 and is restricted to support street and road maintenance. Fiscal Year 2024-25 ending fund balance is projected to be $1,904,728. INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS Internal Service Funds are used to account for the funding of goods and services provided by one department to other benefiting departments on a cost -reimbursement basis. Additionally, the City maintains several Replacement Funds designed to accumulate resources for the future replacement of City equipment, technology, and facilities. Fund 300 — Insurance: Projected expenses total $3,115,169, which covers the cost of administering the City's liability and property insurance programs. The projected fund balance is $162,364, which currently falls below the desired balance of $450,000, and will be increased over the next two years to the desired level. Fund 305 — Workers' Compensation: Projected expenses total $569,735, which covers the cost of administering the City's self -insured Workers' Compensation program. The projected fund balance is $956,949, which falls below the desired balance of $1.5 million, and will be increased over the next two years to the desired level. Fund 310 — Vehicles and Equipment: Projected expenses total $355,000 to replace several fleet vehicles and heavy equipment that have reached the end of their useful lives. The projected fund balance is $5,215,774. Fund 320 — Information Technology: Projected expenses total $8,934,616, which provides for the management of the City's computers, audio-visual equipment, cyber security, and telephone systems. The accumulated fund balance of $1,748,615 will be transferred to Fund 325 — Technology Replacement, to increase the resources to fund the future replacement of the City's technology. Fund 325 —Technology Replacement: Projected expenses total $190,000 to fund the annual computer replacement program and the replacement of the network switch. The projected fund balance is $3,647,500. Fund 330 — Support Services: Projected expenses total $429,894, which provides for the management of the City's central reception, printing and mail activities. The projected fund balance is $13,958. Fund 335 — Support Services Replacement: Projected expenses total $30,000 to replace the Central Services copy machines and paper folder/inserter machine. The projected fund balance is $397,663. Fund 340 — Facilities: Projected expenses total $2,588,832, which provide for the operations and maintenance of the City's buildings and parking structure. The accumulated fund balance of $885,585 will be transferred to Fund 350 — Facility Replacement, to increase the resources to fund the future replacement of the City's facilities. Fund 350 — Facility Replacement: Projected expenses total $1,000,000 to support the City Facilities Rehabilitation capital project. The projected fund balance is $4,124,397. TRANSMITTAL MESSAGE Annual Operating Budget 1 10 City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Operating Budget SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (SARDA) Fund 380—SARDA: Projected expenses total $6,660,644 primarily to pay debt service expenditures on the outstanding 2017A and 2017E Redevelopment Agency Tax Allocation Bonds, and a transfer to the Capital Improvement Program for the Motor Car Parkway project. TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT (TCSD) The Temecula Community Services District was established as an assessment district to provide a comprehensive neighborhood and community park system, as well as a complement of recreational and cultural programs and events. TCSD also provides street lighting, median and slope maintenance, refuse hauling and a recycling program, and library services (known as Service Level Funds). Combined revenue for TCSD totals $35,727,340 which reflects an increase of 11.6% over the prior year. The majority of the increase is from TCSD Operations as the Margarita Recreation Center (MRC) which recently reopened after an extensive rehabilitation of the facility. Additionally, the Service Level D— Refuse/Recycling assessment levy is projected to increase by 4.3%, due to the contractually obligated inflationary increase. Combined expenditures for TCSD total $35,759,240 and reflect an increase of 6.1% due to the additional staff and operational costs associated with the opening of the MRC and the increased contractual costs for Service Level D — Refuse/Recycling. Ending fund balance for TCSD is projected to be $4,390,992 for Fiscal Year 2024-25. TCSD Revenue Sources 20,000,000 ■ 16,000,000 12,000,000 13,264,46 16,176,(13 8,297,243 19, 902,13 J10,295,57 8,000,000 4,000,000 1,672,626 1,926,668 FY20-21 FY21-22 FY22-23 FY23-24 FY24-25 ■ Program Revenues ■ Measure C ■ Measure 5 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (CIP) As noted in the adjacent chart, TCSD's Special Tax (Measure C) funds approximately 11% of the District's Parks and Recreation budget, and Program Revenue provides 16% of the funding. The remaining 89% comes from the Measure S subsidy. Measure C is a Special Tax approved in 1997 and is a fixed amount per parcel. Program Revenues reflect the fees collected for classes, facility rentals and theater performances. The City's five-year Capital Improvement Program is presented to the City Council under separate cover. This program provides a five-year plan for capital improvements that is updated annually to ensure compliance with the program. The impact of capital projects on maintenance and operating costs is reflected in the operating budget. TRANSMITTAL MESSAGE Annual Operating Budget 1 11 City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Operating Budget The CIP includes a total of 110 separate projects totaling $927,459,632, of which $629,413,330, or 68%, in project funding has been secured. There is $298,046,303 in "Unspecified" project funding, indicating that a revenue source has not yet been identified for these projects, which have been deemed necessary infrastructure for the City, and will require that funding sources be identified before the project construction can commence. Capital projects are categorized into five Project Types, as noted in the adjacent table. A total of $270,243,428 has been spent in prior years, and $291,012,735 is programmed in Fiscal Years 2023-24 and 2024-25. Unspent budget amounts will roll forward to the ensuing fiscal year to ensure there is adequate funding to complete the capital project. Project Type Number of Projects Total Project Cost Circulation 26 647,366,739 Housing 4 20,401,000 Infrastructurel 57 132,859,106 Parks/Rec 20 62,376,054 CFD-Funded Total CIP 3 110 64,456,733 927,459,632 Various sources contribute to the funding of the Capital Improvement Program, including many City Funds, State and Federal Grants, Community Facility District Funds, Successor Agency Funds, and Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF) Funds. The City seeks all available funding sources for projects, including federal, state, and local grants, outside contributions and City sources. Total funding for the Fiscal Years 2025-29 CIP program reflects 64%from outside funding sources, with the remaining 36% provided by various City sources, including Measure S, Development Impact Fee Funds, General Fund, Capital Financing, and several other funding sources. A total of 11 new projects have been added to the CIP including the following: Capital Project Funding Sources TUMF , 54,161,598, 8%. City Funds, State/Local Grants, 244,544,003, 79,660,033, 13% 39% Reimbursements, -f 43,001,054, 7% Federal Grants, �� 96,996,928, 15% Development Community Impact Fees, Facility Districts, 54,459,117, 9% 55,840,601, 9% 1) Butterfield Stage Road Separated Bike Lanes 2) Empire Creek Improvements 3) 1-15/French Valley Parkway — Phase IV 4) Library Alternative Emergency Operations Center Enhancements 5) Library Technology Enhancements 6) Long Canyon Creek Park Restrooms 7) North General Kearny Street Improvements 8) Sixth Street Improvements 9) South Side Senior Center for Active Adults 10) Temecula Duck Pond Spillway Project 11) Vail Ranch Park Restrooms As part of the development of the Capital Improvement Program budget, each project is evaluated to identify any ongoing impacts to the Operating Budget. Eight projects reflect the addition of ongoing operating costs, while one project identifies ongoing operating savings. The amounts identified on the table are incorporated into the General Fund and TCSD Five -Year Forecasts. TRANSMITTAL MESSAGE Annual Operating Budget 1 12 City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Operating Budget Summary of Operating & Maintenance Impacts Capital Project Operating Budget Account Description Projected Projected Projected Projected and Operations of PW17-01/711- CITY SECURITY CAMERA SYSTEM 5250- OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES Security Camera System 650,000 650,000 650,000 650,000 FN19-01/724-CITYWIDE FINANCIAL SYSTEM UPGRADE 5211- SOFTWARE &MAINTENANCE Annual Software Maintenance 86,000 86,000 86,000 86,000 PW17-18/688 - CITYWIDE STREETLIGHT ACQUISITION & LIGHT EMITTING DIODE (LED) RETROFIT 5319-STREET LIGHTING Electricity Savings (695,564) (709,475) (723,665) (738,138) PW 17-19/690 - 1-15/STATE ROUTE 79 SOUTH INTERCHANGE ENHANCED LANDSCAPING 5415 - LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE Required by Caltrans 60,830 62,046 63,289 65,188 PW17-21/692 - MARGARITA RECREATION CENTER 5100 - SALARIES & WAGES Staffing for MRC (4 positions) 527,453 548,551 570,493 591,600 Project Staffing for MRC 5119 - PART-TIME (PROJECT) (45 positions - 13.07 FTEs) 707,078 735,361 764,775 795,366 5240 - UTILITIES Additional Utility Costs 71,400 72,828 74,285 77,034 5250- OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES Janitorial/Security 129,302 131,888 134,526 139,504 IT20-01/780 - OLD TOWN SECRUITY CAMERA & SOUND Maintenance fee for Old Town SYSTEM 5215 - REPAIR & MAINTENANCE Sound System 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 PWPE07-03/PW23-18 - LONG CANYON CREEK PARK RESTROOMS 5250- OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES Janitorial Services 29,878 30,475 31,085 31,706 PW PE-07/155 - PARK RESTROOMS RENOVATIONS, EXPANSION AND AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) IMPROVEMENTS 5250- OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES Janitorial Services 27,602 28,154 28,717 29,292 PWPE07-02- VAIL RANCH PARK RESTROOMS 5250- OTHER OUTSIDE SERVICES Janitorial Services 29,878 30,475 31,085 31,706 ITotal Incremental .. i s 1,834,258 2024-25 AUTHORIZED STAFFING Total authorized Full Time Equivalent (FTE) positions equal 199.20 authorized positions, including one authorized/unfunded position (Principal Planner in the Community Development department). The total reflects no change in the number of positions compared to the prior year. Total Authorized Positions remain below the peak in 2007-08 by 11.55 positions. Authorized Positions 250-00 200.00 15n.0n 10D.00 50-o0 City of Temecula Authorized Positions Trend 2001-2024 Pti A" �° a JP Q, 5§1 0 %" 1y tiry -"' 't' "y "6 titi ti$ ti9 ti° ti� titi :"' rod tih �ryQp'h �� �� �� �ry6p1 ��.0 Ff O,yO' pyti O.a.' F' O• ��O.yOr F,�Q' oytd oy1• �(O,yO' I(P ' 0, e 4 Op 4 Ol j 4 Ory� TRANSMITTAL MESSAGE Genend Fund Revenue $120,000,000 5100,000,000 5a0,000,000 5eg000,o0c $40,000,000 $2Q000,000 f Annual Operating Budget 1 13 City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Operating Budget In addition to the Authorized Positions, the City employs one Limited Term Senior Accounting Technician to support the implementation of the City's new financial system and four Limited Term positions to support the continuity in staffing for Authorized employees out on leaves of absence and/or terminal leave. A significant number of part-time, non-benefitted Project employees also are employed to assist with the multitude of programs offered by the Temecula Community Services District. For Fiscal Year 2024-25, an estimated 80.9 full-time equivalents will be hired as seasonal and part-time support. Public Safety personnel are provided through contracts with Riverside County and CalFire. A total of 116.7 Sworn Police Officers, 18 non -sworn Community Service Officers, and three Sheriff Service Officers are included in the Police budget, and a total of 78 Fire personnel are reflected in the Fire Department budget for FY2024-25. CONCLUSION In conclusion, the City of Temecula is in a solid fiscal position with the General Fund balanced over the ensuing five- year period, with reserves fully funded. The Capital Improvement Program continues to expand and is again the largest in the City's history at $927 million, and will deliver a wide array of infrastructure, facilities, affordable housing, enhanced parks, new trails, and many other amenities to the citizens of Temecula. I would like to express my appreciation to the City Council for providing the direction and support crucial to achieving the City's goals. I would also like to recognize the contributions of City staff for not only creating a responsive operating budget, but also for their commitment to providing top quality services to all who live, work, and play in Temecula. I would like to give special thanks to the City's Budget Team: Jennifer Hennessy, Director of Finance; Ward Komers, Assistant Director of Finance; Paula Majors, Fiscal Services Manager; and Catlin Dorset, Management Analyst for their long hours and dedication to the City and this budget process. Sincerely, ot, C�L___ Aaron Adams City Manager Annual Operating Budget 1 14 RESOLUTION NO.2024- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR FISCAL YEARS 2025-29 AND ADOPTING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Adoption of this Program is categorically exempt from environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Pursuant to Section 15262 of the State Guidelines for Implementation of CEQA, a project involving only feasibility or planning studies for possible future actions, which actions the City Council has not approved, adopted, or funded, does not require preparation of an EIR or Negative Declaration, but does require consideration of environmental factors. In reviewing this Program and conducting public hearings on it, the City Council has considered relevant environmental factors. This City Council, as the lead agency for environmental review, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act and the Guidelines promulgated there under (collectively "CEQA), has reviewed the scope and nature of this Capital Improvement Program and has concluded that the planning and prioritization process comprising this activity is not a project pursuant to CEQA because it does not order or authorize the commencement of any physical or other activity that would directly or indirectly have a significant effect upon the environment. The Capital Improvement Program merely establishes a listing of priority and allocates funds for the City to commence the necessary planning studies, including review pursuant to CEQA, at a future unspecified date. The future planning studies will be conducted at the earliest possible time so as to ensure thorough review pursuant to CEQA. Recognizing that the protection of the environment is a key factor in the quality of life within the City of Temecula and to further the City's strict adherence to both the spirit and letter of the law as regards to CEQA, this City Council has also considered this Capital Improvement Program as if it were a Project pursuant to CEQA. Reviewing this Program as a Project, this City Council concludes the Project would be exempt from review under CEQA, both pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) and to the categorical exemption set forth in Section 15262 of CEQA. Section 15061(b)(3) would apply because it can be seen with certainty that this prioritizing and fund allocation program cannot and does not have the potential to cause a significant effect on the environment. No physical activity will occur until all required CEQA review is conducted at the time the physical improvements prioritized in the Program are undertaken. Section 15262 provides a categorical exemption to actions that are feasibility or planning studies related to possible future actions. This Council is aware of and has considered the current and relevant environmental factors as an integral component of the review of this Program. This Council, as lead agency, hereby determines and decides that the exemption provided in both Sections 15061(b)(3) and 15262 apply in the event this is deemed a Project pursuant to CEQA. Section 2. On May 15, 2024, the Planning Commission found the Capital Improvement Program consistent with the General Plan in accordance with Government Code Section 65401 of State Planning and Zoning Law. Section 3. The City Council hereby finds and declares that the requirements of Government Code Section 65402(a) shall not apply to: (1) the disposition of the remainder of a larger parcel which was acquired and used in part for street purposes; (2) acquisitions, dispositions, or abandonments for street widening; or (3) alignment projects, provided such dispositions for street purposes, acquisition, dispositions, or abandonments for street widening, or alignment projects are of a minor nature. Section 4. The City Council hereby finds that the acquisition of land necessary for the City of Temecula Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Years 2025-29 is consistent with the General Plan. Section 5. That a certain document now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Temecula, entitled "City of Temecula Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Years 2025- 29" includes herein appropriations for Fiscal Year 2024-25, and are hereby adopted. The CIP appropriations for the Fiscal Year 2023-24 which have not been completed, encumbered, nor included in the Fiscal Years 2024-29 CIP, are hereby carried over for each applicable project to the Fiscal Year 2024-25. Certain Development Impact Fees from future revenue may be used to replace the expenditure of current capital reserve funds in the CIP. Section 6. That the following controls are hereby placed on the use and transfers of budget appropriations: A. No expenditure of funds shall be made unless there is an unencumbered appropriation available to cover the expenditure. B. The City Manager may authorize expenditures of funds in amounts up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). Any expenditure of funds in excess of $100,000 requires City Council action. C. The City Manager may approve change orders on Public Works contracts in amounts up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), if sufficient appropriated funds are available. D. The City Manager may authorize transfers up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) between approved Capital Improvement Program projects. E. Notwithstanding Section 6.13. above, pursuant to Section 3.32.050 of the Municipal Code, the City Manager may authorize Public Works contracts in amounts up to one -hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). Any expenditures of Public Works funds in excess of one -hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) require City Council action, except that the City Manager may approve change orders on Public Works contracts approved by the Council in amounts up to project contingency established by Council. Section 7. Certification: The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 28th day of May, 2024. James Stewart, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2024- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 28th day of May, 2024, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Randi Johl, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. CSD 2024- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 PRELIMINARY ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET AND ESTABLISHING CONTROLS ON CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Temecula Community Services District (TCSD) Preliminary Operating Budget is hereby adopted. Section 2. That the following controls are hereby placed on the use and transfers of budget appropriations: A. No expenditure of funds shall be made unless there is an unencumbered appropriation available to cover the expenditure. B. The Department Director may prepare a transfer of appropriations within departmental budget accounts, with the approval of the General Manager. C. The Board of Directors must authorize transfers (appropriations) of funds from the Unreserved Fund Balance and transfers between departmental budget accounts. D. In accordance with City of Temecula Municipal Code Section 2.6.030, the General Manager shall administer the City personnel system. This General Manager is authorized to fix and alter the titles, compensation, and number of positions in the Schedule of Authorized Positions as needed, subject to the total personnel expenditure budget limitations approved by the Board of Directors. E. The General Manager may authorize expenditures of funds in amounts up to one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). Any expenditure of funds in excess of $100,000 requires Board of Directors action. F. The General Manager may authorize Public Works contracts in amounts up to one - hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). Any expenditures of Public Works funds in excess of $100,000 require Board of Directors action, except that the General Manager may approve change orders on Public Works contracts approved by the Board in amounts up to the project contingency established by the Board. G. Pursuant to Section 3.28.130 of the Municipal Code, the General Manager may authorize purchases of supplies and equipment in amounts up to one -hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). Any purchases of supplies and equipment in excess of $100,000 shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder pursuant to formal bid procedures and require City Council action, except that the General Manager may approve change orders on purchases of supplies and equipment approved by the Board in amounts up to the contingency established by Board. H. Pursuant to Section 3.28.250 of the Municipal Code, purchases of supplies and equipment of an estimated value of one -hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or less, may be made by the purchasing agent in the open market pursuant to the procedure prescribed in Sections 3.28.260 through 3.28.280 and without observing the procedure prescribed in Sections 3.28.130 through 3.28.240; provided, however, that all bidding may be dispensed with for purchases of supplies and equipment having a total estimated value of $5,000 or less. I. Appropriations and Revenue Estimates for grant funded programs for Fiscal Year 2023-24 which have not been expended or encumbered, are hereby carried over for the applicable grant program to the Fiscal Year 2024-25. Section 3. The Finance Director is authorized to make temporary short term interfund loans between appropriate funds in order to cover short term cash needs caused by cash flow timing differences. These interfund loans must have an identified repayment source. Section 4. Outstanding encumbrances shown on the District books at June 30, 2024, are hereby appropriated for such contracts or obligations for Fiscal Year 2024-25. Section 5. There are numerous occasions when small dollar valued purchases must be made for or on behalf of the District; and it is appropriate that a petty cash fund be used to provide for the purchase of these smaller dollar valued items; now, therefore, the Board of Directors of the Temecula Community Services District of the City of Temecula does hereby resolve, determine, and order as follows: A. There is hereby established a renewable petty cash fund to be maintained in the Finance Department. B. The imprest balance amount of the petty cash fund shall be three thousand dollars ($3,000). C. Vouchers, receipts, or other evidence of payment shall be required before reimbursement shall be made from said petty cash fund, in such form as shall be required by Finance Director. Section 6. The Board Secretary shall certify adoption of the resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Temecula Community Services District of the City of Temecula this 28th day of May, 2024. Zak Schwank, President ATTEST: Randi Johl, Secretary [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, Secretary of the Temecula Community Services District of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. CSD 2024- was duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Temecula Community Services District of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 281h day of May, 2024, by the following vote: AYES: BOARD MEMBERS: NOES: BOARD MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: BOARD MEMBERS: ABSENT: BOARD MEMBERS: Randi Johl, Secretary 4 RESOLUTION NO. SARDA 2024- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPROVING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEARS 2025-29, ADOPTING THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-25, ADOPTING THE FISCAL YEAR 2024-25 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET AND ESTABLISHING CONTROLS ON CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Adoption of this Program is categorically exempt from environmental review under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Pursuant to Section 15262 of the State Guidelines for Implementation of CEQA, a project involving only feasibility or planning studies for possible future actions, which actions the City Council has not approved, adopted, or funded, does not require preparation of an EIR or Negative Declaration, but does require consideration of environmental factors. In reviewing this Program and conducting public hearings on it, the City Council has considered relevant environmental factors. This City Council, as the lead agency for environmental review, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act and the Guidelines promulgated there under (collectively "CEQA), has reviewed the scope and nature of this Capital Improvement Program and has concluded that the planning and prioritization process comprising this activity is not a project pursuant to CEQA because it does not order or authorize the commencement of any physical or other activity that would directly or indirectly have a significant effect upon the environment. The Capital Improvement Program merely establishes a listing of priority and allocates funds for the City to commence the necessary planning studies, including review pursuant to CEQA, at a future unspecified date. The future planning studies will be conducted at the earliest possible time so as to ensure thorough review pursuant to CEQA. Recognizing that the protection of the environment is a key factor in the quality of life within the City of Temecula and to further the City's strict adherence to both the spirit and letter of the law as regards to CEQA, this City Council has also considered this Capital Improvement Program as if it were a Project pursuant to CEQA. Reviewing this Program as an Project, this City Council concludes the Project would be exempt from review under CEQA, both pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) and to the categorical exemption set forth in Section 15262 of CEQA. Section 15061(b)(3) would apply because it can be seen with certainty that this prioritizing and fund allocation program cannot and does not have the potential to cause a significant effect on the environment. No physical activity will occur until all required CEQA review is conducted at the time the physical improvements prioritized in the Program are undertaken. Section 15262 provides a categorical exemption to actions that are feasibility or planning studies related to possible future actions. This Council is aware of and has considered the current and relevant environmental factors as an integral component of the review of this Program. This Council, as lead agency, hereby determines and decides that the exemption provided in both Sections 15061(b)(3) and 15262 apply in the event this is deemed a Project pursuant to CEQA. Section 2. On May 15, 2024, the Planning Commission found the Capital Improvement Program consistent with the General Plan in accordance with Government Code Section 65401 of State Planning and Zoning Law. Section 3. The Board of Directors of the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency hereby finds and declares that the requirements of Government Code Section 65402(a) shall not apply to: (1) the disposition of the remainder of a larger parcel which was acquired and used in part for street purposes; (2) acquisitions, dispositions, or abandonments for street widening; or (3) alignment projects, provided such dispositions for street purposes, acquisition, dispositions, or abandonments for street widening, or alignment projects are of a minor nature. Section 4. The Board of Directors of the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency hereby finds that the acquisition of land necessary for the City of Temecula Capital Improvement Program FY 2025-29 is consistent with the General Plan. Section 5. That a certain document now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Temecula, entitled "City of Temecula Capital Improvement Program Fiscal Years 2024- 28" include herein appropriations for Fiscal Year 2024-25, is hereby adopted. The CIP appropriations for the Fiscal Year 2023-24 which have not been completed, encumbered, nor included in the Fiscal Years 2025-29 CIP, are hereby carried over for each applicable project to the Fiscal Year 2024-25. Section 6. That the following controls are hereby placed on the use and transfers of budget appropriations: A. No expenditures of funds shall be made unless there is an unencumbered appropriation available to cover the expenditure. B. The Executive Director may authorize expenditures of funds in amounts up to $100,000. Any expenditure of funds in excess of $100,000 requires Board of Directors action. C. The Executive Director may approve change orders on Public Works contracts in amounts up to $100,000, if sufficient appropriated funds are available. D. The Executive Director may authorize transfers up to $100,000 between approved Capital Improvement Program projects. E. Notwithstanding Section 7.13. above, pursuant to Section 3.32.050 of the Municipal Code, the Executive Director may authorize Public Works contracts in amounts up to $100,000. Any expenditures of Public Works funds in excess of $100,000 require City Council action, except that the Executive Director may approve change orders on Public Works contracts approved by the Council in amounts up to project contingency established by Council. Section 7. That the Fiscal Year 2024-25 SARDA Operating Budget is hereby adopted. Section 8. That the following controls are hereby placed on the use and transfers of budget appropriations: A. No expenditure of funds shall be made unless the Oversight Board of the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency has adopted a resolution approving the Fiscal Year 2024-25 SARDA Operating Budget and the State Department of Finance has approved the expenditure on the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS), pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 34177. B. The Department Director may prepare a transfer of appropriations within departmental budget accounts, with the approval of the Executive Director. C. In accordance with City of Temecula Municipal Code Section 2.6.030, the Executive Director shall administer the City personnel system. The Executive Director is authorized to fix and alter the titles, compensation, and number of positions in the Schedule of Authorized Positions as needed, subject to the total personnel expenditure budget limitations approved by the Agency Board. D. The Executive Director may authorize expenditures of funds in amounts up to $100,000. Any expenditure of funds in excess of $100,000 requires Agency Board action. E. The Executive Director may authorize Public Works contracts in amounts up to $100,000. Any expenditure of Public Works funds in excess of $100,000 require Agency Member action, except that the Executive Director may approve change orders on Public Works contracts approved by the Agency Board in amounts up to the project contingency established by the Agency Board. F. Pursuant to Section 3.28.130 of the Municipal Code, the Executive Director may authorize purchases of supplies and equipment in amounts up to $100,000. Any purchases of supplies and equipment in excess of $100,000 shall be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder pursuant to formal bid procedures and require Agency Board action, except that the Executive Director may approve change orders on purchases of supplies and equipment approved by the Agency Board in amounts up to the contingency established by Agency Board. G. Pursuant to Section 3.28.250 of the Municipal Code, purchases of supplies and equipment of an estimated value of $100,000 or less, may be made by the purchasing agent in the open market pursuant to the procedure prescribed in Sections 3.28.260 through 3.28.280 and without observing the procedure prescribed in Sections 3.28.130 through 3.28.240; provided, however, that all bidding may be dispensed with for purchases of supplies and equipment having a total estimated value of $5,000 or less. Section 9. The Director of Finance is authorized to make temporary short term interfund loans between appropriate funds in order to cover short term cash needs caused by cash flow timing differences. These interfund loans must have an identified repayment source. 3 Section 10. Outstanding encumbrances shown on the Agency books at June 30, 2024, are hereby appropriated for such contracts or obligations for Fiscal Year 2024-25. Section 11. There are numerous occasions when small dollar valued purchases must be made for or on behalf of the Agency; and it is appropriate that a petty cash fund be used to provide for the purchase of these smaller dollar valued items; now, therefore, the Board of Directors of the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency of the City of Temecula does hereby resolve, determine, and order as follows: A. There is hereby established a renewable petty cash fund to be maintained in the Accounting and Purchasing Department. B. The imprest balance amount of the petty cash fund shall be $3,000. C. Vouchers, receipts, or other evidence of payment shall be required before reimbursement shall be made from said petty cash fund, in such form as shall be required by Finance Director. Section 12. The Agency Secretary shall certify adoption of the resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency this 28th day of May, 2024. James Stewart, Chair ATTEST: Randi Johl, Secretary [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, Secretary of the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. SARDA 2024- was duly and regularly adopted by the Board of Directors of the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency at a meeting thereof held on the 281h day of May, 2024, by the following vote: AYES: BOARD MEMBERS: NOES: BOARD MEMBERS: FEW 0-33 :1► :•::� a U: :_ ABSENT: BOARD MEMBERS: Randi Johl, Secretary RESOLUTION NO.2024- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ADOPTING THE FY 2024-25 ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET, ESTABLISHING CONTROLS ON CHANGES IN APPROPRIATIONS, ESTABLISHING CONTRACT AUTHORITY OF CITY MANAGER, ESTABLISHING AUTHORITY OF CITY MANAGER TO WAIVE BIDDING REQUIREMENTS IN EMERGENCY AND AUTHORIZE EMERGENCY WORK PURSUANT TO PUBLIC CONTRACT CODE SECTION 22050, ESTABLISHING LAWSUIT SETTLEMENT AUTHORITY OF CITY MANAGER THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That certain document now on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Temecula entitled "City of Temecula Annual Operating Budget Fiscal Year 2024-25" is hereby adopted. Section 2. That the following controls are hereby placed on the use and transfers of budget appropriations: A. No expenditure of funds shall be made unless there is an unencumbered appropriation available to cover the expenditure. B. The Department Director may prepare a transfer of appropriations within departmental budget accounts, with the approval of the City Manager. C. The City Council must authorize transfers (appropriations) of funds from the Unreserved Fund Balance and transfers between departmental budget accounts. D. In accordance with City of Temecula Municipal Code Section 2.6.030, the City Manager shall administer the City personnel system. The City Manager is authorized to fix and alter the titles, compensation, and number of positions in the Schedule of Authorized Positions as needed, subject to the total personnel expenditure budget limitations approved by the City Council. E. The City Manager may authorize expenditures of funds in amounts up to one - hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). Any expenditure of funds in excess of $100,000 requires City Council action. F. The City Manager is hereby authorized to enter into the following types of agreements on behalf of the City, Temecula Community Services District, and the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency where the amount of the agreement is one- hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or less, there exists an unencumbered appropriation in the fund account against which the cost of the agreement is to be charged, and all applicable procedures for approval of the agreement have been fulfilled: public works construction agreements; agreements for purchase of supplies or equipment; personal, professional, consultant and maintenance services agreements; theater, entertainment and talent agreements; reimbursement agreements related to public improvements; and real property leases, licenses and facility use agreements in which the term is three (3) year or less. Sponsorship agreements and fee waiver agreements shall be approved by the City Council. The City Manager is also authorized to enter into agreements for cultural resources treatment and tribal monitoring with a federally recognized Indian tribe. G. Pursuant to the provisions of Public Contract Code Section 22050(b), the City Council hereby delegates to the City Manager, or his or her designee, the authority, in the case of an emergency, to repair or replace a public facility, take any directly related and immediate action required by that emergency, and procure the necessary equipment, services, and supplies for those purposes, without giving notice for bids to let contracts in any amount necessary to complet such actions. Further, in cases of emergency when repair or replacements are necessary, the City Manager may proceed at once to replace or repair any public facility without adopting plans, specifications, strain sheets, or working details, or giving notice for bids to let contracts pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22035. Prior to taking any such action, the City Manager, or his or her designee, shall make a written finding, based on substantial evidence set forth in the findings, that the emergency will not permit a delay resulting from a competitive solicitation for bids, and that the action is necessary to respond to the emergency. Pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of Public Contract Code Section 22050(c), if the City Manager or his or her designee orders any action specified in this subsection, that person shall report to the City Council, at its next regular meeting, the reasons justifying why the emergency will not permit a delay resulting from a competitive solicitation for bids and why the action is necessary to respond to the emergency and shall provide such further reports and obtain such determinations and actions of the City Council as may be required by Public Contract Code Section 22050. The authority provided by this subsection shall be in addition to and not in conflict with the authority of the City Manager pursuant to Chapter 2.56 of the Temecula Municipal Code. H. The City Manager, in consultation with the City Attorney, is hereby authorized to settle personal injury and property damage lawsuits and enter into settlement agreements on behalf of the City, Temecula Community Services District, and the Successor Agency to the Temecula Redevelopment Agency where the amount of the settlement does not exceed one - hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). I. Pursuant to Section 3.28.250 of the Municipal Code, purchases of supplies and equipment of an estimated value of one -hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) or less, may be made by the purchasing agent in the open market pursuant to the procedure prescribed in Sections 3.28.260 through 3.28.280 and without observing the procedure prescribed in Sections 3.28.130 through 3.28.240; provided, however, that all bidding may be dispensed with for purchases of supplies and equipment having a total estimated value of five thousand dollars ($5,000) or less. N J. Appropriations and Revenue estimates for grant funded programs for Fiscal Year 2023-24 which have not been expended, encumbered or received, are hereby carried over for the applicable grant program to the subsequent fiscal year. K. Appropriations for the transfer of funds to the Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Year 2023-24 which have not been expended are hereby carried over to the subsequent fiscal year. Section 3. The Director of Finance, in consultation with the City Manager, is delegated the authority to determine and define the amounts of those components of fund balance that are classified as "Assigned Fund Balance". Section 4. The Director of Finance is authorized to make temporary short term interfund loans between appropriate funds in order to cover short term cash needs caused by cash flow timing differences. These interfund loans must have an identified repayment source. Section 5. Outstanding encumbrances shown on the City books at June 30, 2024, are hereby appropriated for such contracts or obligations for Fiscal Year 2024-25. Section 6. There are numerous occasions when small dollar valued purchases must be made for or on behalf of the City; and it is appropriate that a petty cash fund be used to provide for the purchase of these smaller dollar valued items; now, therefore, the City Council of the City of Temecula does hereby resolve, determine, and order as follows: A. There is hereby established a renewable petty cash fund to be maintained in the Finance Department. B. The imprest balance amount of the petty cash fund shall be three thousand dollars ($3,000). C. Vouchers, receipts, or other evidence of payment shall be required before reimbursement shall be made from said petty cash fund, in such form as shall be required by Director of Finance. Section 7. The City Clerk shall certify adoption of the resolution. 3 PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 28th day of May, 2024. James Stewart, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2024- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 28th day of May, 2024, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Randi Johl, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO.2024- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA REVISING THE SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Schedule of Authorized Positions, attached hereto, is hereby adopted pursuant to Section 45001 of the California Government Code. Such list is attached to this Resolution and incorporated herein by this reference. Section 2. The Schedule of Authorized Positions shall become effective July 1, 2024, and may be, thereafter, amended. Section 3. The City Manager shall implement the attached Schedule of Authorized Positions and has the authority to select and appoint employees and approve Executive Staff employment agreements in accordance with the City of Temecula's Municipal Code and personnel policies. Section 4. In accordance with City of Temecula Municipal Code Section 2.6.030, the City Manager shall administer the City personnel system. This resolution specifically authorizes the City Manager to fix and alter the titles, compensation, and number of positions in the Schedule of Authorized Positions as needed, subject to the total personnel expenditure budget limitations approved by the City Council. Section 5. All prior resolutions and parts of this resolution in conflict with this Resolution are hereby rescinded. Section 6. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 28th day of May, 2024. James Stewart, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johl, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2024- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 28th day of May, 2024, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Randi Johl, City Clerk Aft City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Operating Budget SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS As of July 1, 2024 CITY COUNCIL Councilmember FY2024-25 .-, Positions 5.0 Salary Schedule 600 2,100 .. lnii�]g Exempt/Non- N/A E City Council Subtotal: 5.0 CITY MANAGER Assistant City Manager 1.0 18,708 26,435 Exec E Assistant to the City Manager 1.0 11,497 16,247 MCP E City Manager 1.0 N/A 29,078 Contract E Executive Assistant 1.0 6,051 8,549 MCP E Senior Office Specialist 1.0 4,845 6,202 Rep NE City Manager Subtotal: 5.0 OFFICE OF PUBLIC INFORMATION & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Administrative Assistant 1.0 5,217 6,679 Rep NE Economic Development Manager 1.0 10,416 14,718 MCP E Management Analyst 1.0 6,845 9,672 MCP E Multimedia Specialist 1/II 1.0 5,904 7,939 Rep NE Senior Management Analyst 1.0 7,939 11,216 MCP E Office of Public Information & Economic Development Subtotal: 5.0 CITY CLERK Deputy City Clerk 1.0 7,745 10,943 MCP E Director of Legislative Affairs/City Clerk 1.0 15,085 21,315 Exec E Management Assistant 1.0 5,618 7,192 Rep NE Records Manager 1.0 7,017 9,915 MCP E Records Technician 1.0 4,075 5,217 Rep NE City Clerk Subtotal: 5.0 HUMAN RESOURCES Director of HR/Risk Management 1.0 15,085 21,315 Exec E Human Resources Technician 1/II Confidential 1.0 5,349 7,939 MCP NE Management Assistant Confidential 2.0 5,618 7,939 MCP NE Senior Management Analyst 2.0 7,939 11,216 MCP E Senior Management Analyst (underfill as Management Analyst) 1.0 7,939 11,216 MCP E Human Resources Subtotal: 7.0 Annual Operating Budget 1 341 �r -* of So,thevo Calforn C Wine Cauntry City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Operating Budget SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS As of July 1, 2024 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Senior Management Analyst Number of Positions 1.0 Monthly Minimum Maximum 7,939 11,216 MCP Exempt/Non- E Emergency Management Subtotal: 1.0 FINANCE Accountant 1/11 1.0 7,017 9,436 Rep NE Accounting Assistant (Cashier & AP) 3.0 4,964 6,356 Rep NE Accounting Technician 1/11 1.0 5,481 7,372 Rep NE Assistant Director of Finance 1.0 12,691 17,931 MCP E Director of Finance 1.0 15,463 21,849 Exec E Finance Manager 1.0 8,982 12,691 MCP E Fiscal Services Manager 2.0 10,416 14,718 MCP E Management Analyst 2.0 6,845 9,672 MCP E Senior Accountant Confidential 1.0 8,138 11,497 MCP NE Senior Accounting Technician 1.0 6,356 8,138 Rep NE Senior Accounting Technician - Payroll Confidential 1.0 6,356 8,982 MCP NE Finance Subtotal: 15.0 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Assistant Director Information Technology/Support Svcs 1.0 12,381 17,495 MCP E Director of Information Tech nolo /Su pport Svcs 1.0 15,085 21,315 Exec E Information Technology Manager 1.0 11,216 15,848 MCP E Information Technology Specialist 1/11 Confidential 2.0 6,051 8,982 MCP NE Information Technology Supervisor Confidential 4.0 7,745 10,943 MCP NE Information Technology Supervisor (Multimedia Services) (Confidential 1.0 7,745 10,943 MCP NE Information Technology Technician 1/11 0.5 5,217 7,745 MCP NE Management Analyst 1.0 6,845 9,672 MCP E Senior Administrative Assistant 1.0 5,760 7,372 Rep NE Senior Information Technology Specialist (Confidential) 2.0 7,017 9,915 MCP NE Support Services Information Technology Technician 1/11 0.5 5,217 7,745 MCP NE Office Specialist 1/11 -AM 0.6 4,177 5,618 Rep NE Office Specialist 1/II - PM 0.6 4,177 5,618 Rep NE Support Services Supervisor 1.0 4,845 6,202 Rep NE Information Technology Subtotal: 17.2 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Assistant Director of Community Development 1.0 12,691 17,931 MCP E 342 1 Annual Operating Budget �r -* of So,thevo Czlifo- C Wine Cauntry City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Operating Budget SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS As of July 1, 2024 Deputy City Manager FY2024-25 .Monthly Positions I 1.0 Salary Schedule Minimum Maximum 17,009 24,033 Bargaining Exec Exempt/Non- E Principal Management Analyst 1.0 8,764 12,381 MCP E Senior Administrative Assistant 1.0 5,760 7,372 Rep NE Planning Assistant Planner 1.0 6,356 8,138 Rep NE Associate Planner I underfill as Planning Technician 1.0 7,372 9,436 Rep NE Associate Planner 1/11 2.0 7,372 10,416 Rep NE Community Development Technician 1 1.0 5,618 7,192 Rep NE Community Development Technician 11 (underfill as Comm Dev Tech I) 2.0 6,202 7,939 Rep NE Planning Manager 1.0 10,943 15,463 MCP E Planning Technician 1.0 5,760 7,372 Rep NE Senior Community Development Technician 2.0 6,845 8,764 Rep NE Senior Management Analyst 1.1 7,939 11,216 MCP E Senior Office Specialist 1.0 4,845 6,202 Rep NE Senior Planner 1.0 8,982 12,691 MCP E Building and Safety/Code Enforcement Administrative Assistant 2.0 5,217 6,679 Rep NE Building Inspector 1 1.0 6,516 8,341 Rep NE Building Inspector II 2.0 7,192 9,206 Rep NE Building Official 1.0 11,497 16,247 MCP E Code Enforcement Officer 1 1.0 5,481 7,017 Rep NE Code Enforcement Officer 11 2.0 6,051 7,745 Rep NE Field Supervisor - Code Enforcement 1.0 7,372 9,436 Rep NE Plan Checker 1.0 8,764 11,216 Rep NE Senior Building Inspector 2.0 7,939 10,163 Rep NE Senior Code Enforcement Officer 1.0 6,679 8,549 Rep NE Senior Management Analyst 0.9 7,939 11,216 MCP E Community Development Subtotal: 33.0 PUBLIC WORKS Assistant Director of Public Works 1.0 13,667 19,311 MCP E Director of Public Works 1.0 15,463 21,849 Exec E Principal Management Analyst 1.0 8,764 12,381 MCP E Program Manager 1.0 8,764 12,381 MCP E Senior Administrative Assistant 1.0 5,760 7,372 Rep NE CIP Administration Assistant Engineer 1/II 2.0 7,017 9,436 Rep NE Associate Civil Engineer 1.0 9,436 12,080 1 Rep E Annual Operating Budget 1 343 �r -t of So'thevo Czlifo- C Wine Caunny City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Operating Budget SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS As of July 1, 2024 Associate Civil Engineer (underfill as Associate Engineer 11) Number of Positions 1.0 Monthly Minimum Maximum 9,436 12,080 Rep Exempt/Non- E Associate Engineer II 3.0 8,982 11,497 Rep E Engineering Manager 1.0 13,009 18,380 MCP E Principal Civil Engineer 1.0 11,785 16,650 MCP E Senior Civil Engineer 1.0 10,677 15,085 MCP E Senior Public Works Inspector 2.0 7,745 9,915 Rep NE Senior Public Works Inspector (underfill as Public Works Inspector 11) 1.0 7,745 9,915 Rep NE Supervising Public Works Inspector 1.0 8,549 10,943 Rep NE Land Development/NPDES Associate Civil Engineer 1.0 9,436 12,080 Rep E Associate Civil Engineer (underfill as Associate Engineer 11) 1.0 9,436 12,080 Rep E Associate Engineer II 1.0 8,982 11,497 Rep E Engineering Tech 1/11 1.0 6,051 8,138 Rep NE Management Assistant (underfill as Senior Office Specialist) 1.0 5,618 7,192 Rep NE Senior Management Analyst (underfill as Management Analst) 1.0 7,939 11,216 MCP E Senior Public Works Inspector 1.0 7,745 9,915 Rep NE Traffic Associate Civil Engineer 1.0 9,436 12,080 Rep E Senior Civil Engineer 1.0 10,677 15,085 MCP E Senior Signal Technician 2.0 7,745 9,915 Rep NE Maintenance (Streets, Facilities, Parks) Custodian 11 - Facilities 2.0 3,784 4,845 Rep NE Field Supervisor - Trades 1.0 7,556 9,672 Rep NE Landscape Inspector II 1.0 6,356 8,138 Rep NE Lead Maintenance Worker - Electrician 1.0 6,845 8,764 Rep NE Lead Maintenance Worker - HVAC 1.0 6,845 8,764 Rep NE Lead Maintenance Worker - Streets 2.0 5,481 7,017 Rep NE Lead Maintenance Worker - Streets (underfill as Maintenance Worker 1) 1.0 5,481 7,017 Rep NE Lead Maintenance Worker - Parks 2.0 5,481 7,017 Rep NE Lead Maintenance Worker - Facilities 1.0 6,516 8,341 Rep NE Maintenance Manager 1.0 11,497 16,247 MCP E Maintenance Superintendent 3.0 10,416 14,718 MCP E Maintenance Worker I - Facilities 1.0 5,349 6,845 Rep NE Maintenance Worker I - Parks 1.0 4,498 5,760 Rep NE Maintenance Worker I - Streets 5.0 4,498 5,760 Rep NE Maintenance Worker 11 - Facilities 2.0 5,904 7,556 Rep NE 344 1 Annual Operating Budget �r -* of So,thevo Czlifo- C Wine Cauntry City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Operating Budget SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS As of July 1, 2024 Maintenance Worker II - Parks Number of Positions 1.0 Monthly Minimum Maximum 4,964 6,356 Rep Exempt/Non- NE Maintenance Worker II - Streets (underfill as Maintenance Worker 1) 2.0 4,964 6,356 Rep NE Management Assistant 1.0 5,618 7,192 Rep NE Park Attendant 1 1.0 5,481 7,017 Rep NE Park Attendant II underfill as Park Attendant I 1.0 6,051 7,745 Rep NE Park Attendant 11 1.0 6,051 7,745 Rep NE Senior Landscape Inspector 1.0 7,017 8,982 Rep NE Senior Office Specialist 1.0 4,845 6,202 Rep NE Public Works Subtotal: 64.0 FIRE Community Development Technician II 1.0 6,202 7,939 Rep NE Fire Inspector II 1.0 8,341 10,677 Rep NE Management Analyst 1.0 6,845 9,672 MCP E Senior Community Development Technician (underfill as ComDevTech I) 1.0 6,845 8,764 Rep NE Fire Subtotal: 4.0 COMMUNITY SERVICES Assistant Director of Community Services 1.0 12,381 17,495 MCP E Community Services Coordinator 1/11 5.0 5,618 7,556 Rep NE Community Services Manager 9.0 10,163 14,357 MCP E Community Services Specialist II 1.0 5,091 6,516 Rep NE Community Services Superintendent 1.0 11,216 15,848 MCP E Community Services Supervisor 1/11 12.0 6,516 8,764 Rep NE Director of Community Services 1.0 15,085 21,315 Exec E Management Assistant 1.0 5,618 7,192 Rep NE Multimedia Coordinator 2.0 6,845 8,764 Rep NE Office Specialist 1/11 1.0 4,177 5,618 Rep NE Principal Management Analyst 1.0 8,764 12,381 MCP E Theater Technical Coordinator 1/II 1.0 5,618 7,556 Rep NE Theater Technical Coordinator 1/II (underfill as Theater Technical Specialist II) 1.0 5,618 7,556 Rep NE Community Services Subtotal: 37.0 Annual Operating Budget 1 345 City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Annual Operating Budget SCHEDULE OF AUTHORIZED POSITIONS As of July 1, 2024 Total By Department City Council City Manager Economic Development City Clerk Human Resources Emergency Management Finance Information Technology Community Development Public Works Fire Community Services Total of Authorized/Unfunded Positions: Positions 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 7.0 1.0 15.0 17.2 33.0 64.0 4.0 37.0 1.0 ** Bargaining Units: Rep = Represented MCP = Management/Confidential Exec = Executive Authorized/Unfunded positions: Community Development - Planning Principal Planner 1 1.0 1 9,915 14,007 1 MCP E Limited Term Assignment Positions: FINANCE Senior Accounting Technician (Confidential) 1 1.0 6,356 8,982 1 MCP NE Continuity Staffing: CITY MANAGER Administrative Assistant PUBLIC WORKS Lead Maintenance Worker - Parks Principal Management Analyst 5,217 6,679 Re NE 1.0 5,249 6,720 Rep NE 1.0 8,395 11,859 MCP E 346 1 Annual Operating Budget RESOLUTION NO.2024- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ESTABLISHING THE APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT FOR FY 2024-25 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Appropriations Limit will be calculated based on the changes in City population and California per capita personal income. Section 2. The Appropriations Limit for the City of Temecula for FY 2024-25, attached hereto, is hereby adopted. Section 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution and shall cause a certified resolution to be filed in the office of the City Clerk. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 28th day of May, 2024. James Stewart, Mayor ATTEST: Randi Johl, City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Randi Johi, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2024- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 28th day of May, 2024, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Randi Johl, City Clerk City of Temecula Fiscal Year 2024-25 Annual Operating Budget GANN APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT Article XIIIB of the California State Constitution, more commonly referred to as the Gann Initiative or Gann Limit, was approved by California voters in November 1979, and placed limits on the amount of proceeds of taxes that state and local government agencies can receive and spend each year. For cities that incorporated after 1978- 79 (such as the City of Temecula), the voters set the initial appropriations limit at the time of incorporation. Proposition 111 was approved by California voters in June 1990, which provided new adjustment formulas which make the appropriations limit more responsive to local growth issues. Each year the City Council must adopt by resolution the appropriations limit for the following year. Following is the calculation of the City's Gann Appropriations Limit for Fiscal Year 2024-25: Fiscal Year 2023-24 Appropriations Limits................................................................... $348,112,150 CityPopulation Growth............................................................................................................0.49% Per Capita Personal Income Change.........................................................................................3.62 Fiscal Year 2024-25 Appropriations Limit.......................................................................$362,489,557 Appropriations subject to the limit in the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Budget total $103,465,356 which is $259,024,201 less than the computed limit. Additional appropriations to the budget funded by non -tax sources such as service charges, restricted revenues from other agencies, grants or beginning fund balances would be unaffected by the appropriations limit. However, any supplemental appropriations funded through increased tax sources would be subject to the appropriations limit and could not exceed the $259,024,021 variance indicated. Further, any overall actual receipts from tax sources greater than $259,024,021 from budget estimates will result in proceeds from taxes in excess of the City's appropriations limit, requiring refunds of the excess within the next two fiscal years or voter approval of an increase in the City's appropriations limit. Voter approval for an increase in the City's appropriations limit is not anticipated in the future due to the margin between the limit and tax revenue. GANN Appropriations Limit 400,000,000 350,000,000 300,000,000 250,000,000 200,000,000 150,000,000 100,000,000 50,000,000- 0 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 ■ Appropriations Subject to Limit Legal Limit It - 2024-25 Annual Operating Budget Item No. 14 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Isaac Garibay, Director of Human Resources & Risk Management DATE: May 28, 2024 SUBJECT: Approve Employment Agreement with Ronnie Moreno for the Position of Director of Public Works/City Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the employment agreement with Ronnie Moreno for the position of Director of Public Works/City Engineer. BACKGROUND: With the recent announcement of Director of Public Works/City Engineer Patrick Thomas's retirement on July 12, 2024, City Manager Aaron Adams has appointed Assistant Director of Public Works Ronnie Moreno as the successor Director of Public Works/City Engineer effective July 13, 2024. Mr. Moreno is a qualified, licensed Civil Engineer with a work history in the private and public sector which demonstrates the knowledge, skills and abilities to successfully execute the duties of his new role. In this new capacity, Mr. Moreno will be responsible for overseeing all divisions of the department which include, Engineering, Land Development, Traffic Engineering, Capital Project Administration and Maintenance for Streets/Facilities/Parks and Landscape. Therefore, staff recommends that the City enter into an Employment Agreement with Ronnie Moreno which specifies a starting salary of $255,777.60 per year and all applicable benefits detailed in the Management Compensation Plan previously approved by the City Council. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for the salary and benefits associated with the Employment Agreement are included in the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Annual Operating Budget presented to the City Council at the May 9, 2024 Budget Workshop and will be presented at the May 28, 2024 City Council meeting for Budget Adoption. ATTACHMENTS: Employment Agreement AT -WILL EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF TEMECULA AND RONNIE MORENO This employment agreement ("Agreement") is entered into by the City of Temecula ("City") and Ronnie Moreno, Director of Public Works/City Engineer ("Employee"). In addition to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, employee is a participant in the City's Management Compensation Plan and entitled to the benefits provided therewith. Recitals City desires to employ Employee as an at -will employee in the position of Director of Public Works/City Engineer. Employee desires to be the Director of Public Works/City Engineer and acknowledges that such employment is at -will. Employee shall be subject to lawful termination from employment without the City stating, showing, or proving that any cause or reason exists and/or is the basis for the City Manager's determination to terminate employee. Accordingly, employee shall not be provided with any basis or forum by which to challenge any determination by the City Manager that employee be terminated. Inasmuch as employee serves at the will of the City Manager, there is no term of this Agreement, and it shall remain in force and effect unless or until terminated as provided for herein. The City Manager, pursuant to the authority granted by the City of Temecula Municipal Code and City Council, agrees to hire Employee, as an at -will employee, subject to the terms and conditions identified below. AGREEMENT Section 1: TERM The effective date of this Agreement shall be July 13, 2024. The City and Employee each retain the option of terminating the employment relationship between them at any time regardless of cause or reason. Section 2: DUTIES A. City engages Employee as the Director of Public Works/City Engineer to perform the functions and duties specified in the Classification Specification for the position (Attachment "A", incorporated herein by this reference), as the same may be modified by the City Manager, and to perform such other legally permissible and proper duties and functions as the City Manager shall assign. B. Employee agrees that to the best of his/her ability and experience that he/she will at all times conscientiously perform the duties and obligations required, either express or implied, by the terms of this Agreement, the ordinances, resolutions and adopted policies of the City of Temecula and the laws and regulations of the State of California and the United States. C. As a public employee, Employee is required to work a full and complete work week pursuant to the established work schedule as determined by the City Manager, and devote whatever time is necessary to fulfill the employment responsibilities and duties as -1- identified in this Agreement. Employee is generally exempt from Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime requirements. This exemption is based upon the fact that all executive management employees have passed the salary and duty tests required for this exemption. Section 3: EXCLUSIVE EMPLOYMENT Employee agrees to focus his/her professional time, ability and attention to City business during the term of this Agreement. Consequently, Employee agrees not to engage in any other business pursuits, whatsoever, directly or indirectly, render any services of a business, commercial, or professional nature to any other person or organization, for compensation, without the prior written consent of the City Manager. This does not preclude Employee from volunteering his/her services to other entities or individuals as long as such volunteer services are not in conflict with the services to be provided by Employee under this Agreement. Section 4: COMPENSATION As compensation for the services to be rendered by Employee, City agrees to pay Employee a base starting salary of no less than $255,777.60, per year, payable in twenty-six (26) biweekly installments at the same time as other employees of the City are paid and subject to customary withholding. Salary adjustments (merit increases), if any, in Employee's salary during the term of this Agreement shall be at the sole discretion of the City Manager based upon the City Manager's evaluation of Employee's job performance and within the base salary range established by the City Council or as otherwise approved by the City Council. Any and all adjustments shall be in accordance with City personnel policies and procedures. Employee's salary shall be reflected in the City's publicly available salary schedule. Section 5: BENEFITS A. Retirement As an employee of the City of Temecula, Employee will be enrolled in the California Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) retirement plan, as such plan may be amended by the City Council. As of the date of this employment agreement, such plan includes the 2.7% @ 55 and 2.0% @ 60 benefit formulas for "classic" miscellaneous employees depending on their hire date, or the 2.0% at 62 benefit formula for "new" miscellaneous employees. B. Automobile Allowance Employee shall receive a monthly automobile allowance in lieu of mileage reimbursement. This allowance will only be provided when Employee is actively at work and not out on extended FMLA/CFRA Leave. The monthly dollar amount will be set at $400 per month as outlined in the annual operating budget. C. Retention Benefit If the City's General Fund Reserves are fully funded at the then -established standards of the City Council, the City's Retention Benefit outlined in this section may be offered to Employee at the discretion of the City Manager. After completing five years of executive service with the City of Temecula, and if Employee -2- has achieved the highest possible overall performance rating on three out of their last five annual performance evaluations, he/she shall be eligible to receive an amount equal to the then maximum normal contribution limit to an Internal Revenue Code Section 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan (i.e., $23,000 in 2024). This amount shall be paid as income in twenty-six (26) biweekly installments at the same time as Employee is typically paid, and subject to customary withholding. Employee may elect to place these funds in a City -sponsored Internal Revenue Code Section 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan as allowable by law. If Employee should separate from employment with the City of Temecula prior to the full distribution of an earned Retention Benefit, Employee shall be paid for all earned Retention Benefit disbursements not yet received. D. Other Executive Management benefits Unless otherwise specified, Employee shall receive all benefits specified by the then current Management Compensation Plan of the City Council of Temecula for Management Staff, including, without limitation, those related to Comprehensive Annual Leave, Executive Leave, Holidays, Health, Dental, and Vision Insurance, Life Insurance, Flexible Benefits Plans, Deferred Compensation, and other types of leave in accordance with other policies established by the City. Section 6: TERMINATION AND SEVERANCE PAY A. Employee is an at -will employee and serves at the will and pleasure of the City Manager. The City and employee each retain the option of terminating the employment relationship between them at any time regardless of cause or reason. B. If Employee is requested to resign or is terminated, he/she shall be provided severance compensation in the form of his monthly base salary for a period of six months after the effective date of his termination. Said monies shall be paid on regular City pay dates in installments during each payroll period in amounts equal to that which employee would have received for base salary and all benefits including retirement, cafeteria allotments/health and welfare coverages and any other benefits except leave accruals and automobile allowance payments. In addition, employee can request, at any time during the payout period, to receive a lump sum for any remaining balances due under this agreement. This action would conclude the City's obligation. The employee shall not receive any compensation as provided for herein in the event that he is terminated for good and sufficient cause. C. Notwithstanding paragraphs A and B, above, if Employee resigns or retires, or is terminated for cause, Employee shall be terminated forthwith on receiving notice and shall only receive payment for services rendered up to the time of notice plus any accrued and unused Comprehensive Annual Leave and Executive Leave, and the City shall have no obligation to pay any severance provided in this section. Furthermore, Employee agrees that any severance provided shall be fully reimbursed to the City if the Employee is convicted of a crime involving an abuse of his office or position. D. Upon termination, Employee shall be paid for all earned, but unused, Comprehensive Annual Leave and Executive Leave. -3- Section 7: EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION LIMITATIONS If Employee is on Paid Administrative Leave during a pending investigation, any salary provided for that purpose shall be fully reimbursed to the City if Employee is convicted of a crime involving an abuse of his office or position. If Employee is provided funds for any legal criminal defense during his employment with the City, any funds provided for that purpose shall be fully reimbursed to the City if the Employee is convicted of a crime involving an abuse of his office or position. If this Agreement is terminated, any cash settlement related to the termination that Employee may receive from the City shall be fully reimbursed to the City if Employee is convicted of a crime involving an abuse of his office or position. The City makes no representation or guarantee as to whether any of the compensation or payments in this Agreement shall be subject to CalPERS service credit or pensionable income. Any determination by CalPERS to not fully credit the compensation and/or service time provided under this Agreement is outside of the City's control. Employee takes full risk as to CalPERS action and agrees he/she shall have no recourse against City due to any decision or action on this matter by CalPERS. Section 8: RESIGNATION / RETIREMENT Employee may resign at any time. Employee may retire, provided he/she is eligible for retirement, at any time. Section 9: DISABILITY If Employee is permanently disabled or otherwise unable to perform his duties because of sickness, accident, injury, mental incapacity or health for a period of thirty (30) calendar days beyond any earned sick leave, City shall have the option to terminate this Agreement; however, the City's option to terminate under this Section shall be limited by its obligation to engage in the interactive process for reasonable accommodations and to provide reasonable accommodations as required by law. Nothing in this Section shall be construed to limit or restrict Employee's benefits or rights under workers' compensation or the Public Employees Retirement System ("PERS"). However, an employee terminated under this section shall not be eligible for severance pay, as delineated in Section 6 of this Agreement. In cases of disability as described in this section, Employee shall be compensated for any earned, but unused, Comprehensive Annual Leave and Executive Leave. Section 10: GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Notice Any notices required by this Agreement shall be in writing and either delivered in person or by first class, certified, return receipt requested US Mail with postage prepaid. Such notice shall be addressed as follows: -4- TO CITY: City Manager City of Temecula 41000 Main Street Temecula, CA 92590 TO EMPLOYEE: Ronnie Moreno Most recent address on file in Human Resources. B. Entire Agreement The text of this Agreement shall constitute the entire and exclusive agreement between the parties. All prior oral or written communications understanding or agreements between the parties, not set forth herein, shall be superseded in total by this Agreement. No Amendment or modification to this Agreement may be made except by a written agreement signed by the Employee and the City Manager and approved as to form by the City Attorney. C. Assignment This Agreement is not assignable by either the City or Employee. This Agreement shall not be construed against any one party but shall be construed as if jointly prepared by employee and City. Any uncertainty or ambiguity shall not be construed against any one party. D. Severability In the event of any inconsistencies between the rules, policies and regulations of the City, this Agreement shall govern. In the event that any provision of this Agreement is finally held or determined to be illegal or void by a court having jurisdiction over the parties, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect unless the parts found to be void are wholly inseparable from the remaining portions of this Agreement. E. Effect of Waiver The failure of either party to insist on strict compliance with any of the terms, covenants, or conditions in this Agreement by the other party shall not be deemed a waiver of that term, covenant or condition, nor shall any waiver or relinquishment of any right or power at any one time or times be deemed a waiver or relinquishment of that right or power for all or any other time or times. F. Jurisdiction Any dispute between the parties shall be submitted to final and binding arbitration pursuant to the rules of the American Arbitration Association (AAA). Any dispute between the parties shall be submitted to final and binding arbitration pursuant to the rules of the American Arbitration Association (AAA.) The arbitration shall be conducted by a single arbitrator chosen pursuant to AAA rules and shall be conducted pursuant to the AAA rules and the California Arbitration Act. The arbitrator shall have the authority to allow discovery, including depositions, shall render a decision in writing that fully explains the decision, and may award the same categories of relief which may be awarded by a California Superior Court jury or judge. Both parties shall be empowered to present evidence, both oral and documentary, to cross examine adverse witnesses, and to present argument, both written and oral. Each party shall bear their own INE attorney's fees and arbitration costs including witness fees, subpoena fees, and other charges incurred at the discretion of the Employee and the Employee's counsel. The City shall bear the full costs of the arbitrator and all other expenses unique to the arbitration process. The arbitrator may award attorney's fees to the prevailing party if such an award could be made in a California Superior Court. This arbitration provision shall apply to all claims for which arbitration is legally applicable in contract, tort or statute including but not limited to the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, Title VII of the U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and all other statutes and regulations applicable to the employment relationship. G. Effective Date This Agreement shall take effect on July 13, 2024. [Signatures Begin on Next Page]. -6- IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Temecula has caused this Agreement to be signed and executed on its behalf by its City Manager and executed by the Employee. City of Temecula, a general law City and California municipal corporation Dated: By: Aaron Adams, City Manager ATTEST: Randi Johl, Director of Legislative Affairs/ City Clerk Approved as to form: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney -7- In signing this Agreement, Employee understands and agrees that his/her employment status is that of an at -will employee and that his/her rights to employment with the City are governed by the terms and conditions of this Agreement rather than the ordinances, resolutions, and policies of the City of Temecula which might otherwise apply to employees of the City. Employee further acknowledges that he/she was given the opportunity to consult with an attorney prior to signing this Agreement. Dated: Employee Signature Ronnie Moreno Employee Name (printed) W3 ATTACHMENT A Classification Specification -9- Item No. 15 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Randi Johl, Director of Legislative Affairs/City Clerk DATE: May 28, 2024 SUBJECT: Receive and File Presentation Regarding Supportive Housing (At the Request of Council Member Schwank) PREPARED BY: Randi Johl, Director of Legislative Affairs/City Clerk RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council receive and file a presentation regarding housing as previously provided to the Supportive Housing Ad Hoc Subcommittee. BACKGROUND: On May 14, 2024, at the request of Council Member Schwank, the City Council unanimously supported that staff provide the full Council a housing -related presentation. The presentation is to be similar to that which was provided to the Supportive Housing Ad Hoc Subcommittee, consisting of Mayor Pro Tem Kalfus and Council Member Schwank, on April 23, 2024. The general content of the presentation included the status of various affordable housing projects as well as housing -related legislative updates. This item is on the agenda tonight as a receive and file item only. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: None Item No. 16 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Luke Watson, Deputy City Manager DATE: May 28, 2024 SUBJECT: Community Development Department Monthly Report RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council receive and file the Community Development Department monthly report. The following are the highlights for Community Development for the month of April 2024. CURRENT PLANNING ACTIVITIES In April 2024, Planning processed twenty-eight (28) new applications (not including Home Occupations) and conducted three (3) Public Hearings. A detailed account of planning activities is attached to this report. Plan mn8 8tad tka Lin_ i3n¢e Frolect 9 Conditional -Use Permit Development Flan 2 Enbettainmerjt License NlassaLye Permits 1 Nlodificauons Pre -Applications 3 Temporary Use Permit Zoning Letter 1 Total 28 Paseo Del Sol Tentative Tract Map No. 36483 (PA14-0087): The City is processing a Tentative Tract Map (No. 36483) for 168 single-family homes and 11 open space lots located at the northwest corner of Temecula Parkway and Butterfield Stage Road. The project has been scheduled for Planning Commision on June 19, 2024. (COOPER) Temecula Valley Hospital Master Plan Update (PA21-1525): The City is processing a Modification to the previously approved Temecula Valley Hospital Master Plan. The updated Master Plan, at buildout will include the existing 237,305 square foot hospital building and 5,180 square foot storage building along with an approximately 130,000 square foot, four story Behavioral Health Building in Phase 2, an approximately 10,000 square foot expansion to the emergency department, a 125,000 square foot, five story second hospital tower, a 80,000 square foot medical office buildings, and a 14,000 square foot utility plant in Phase 3, and an approximately 125,000 square foot, five story third hospital tower, a 80,000 square three story foot medical office building, and a four story parking structure with the existing helipad relocated to the roof of the structure in Phase 4. The project is located at 31700 Temecula Parkway. A public scoping meeting for the Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (SEIR) was held on March 23, 2022, at the Ronald H. Roberts Temecula Public Library. The public review period for the SEIR has ended. The Final SEIR has been completed by the consultant and meetings have taken place with the City Council and Planning Commission Subcommittee's. A tour of a similar Behavioral Health Facility took place on June 6, 2023, for the City Council and Planning Commission. A Community Meeting organized by TVH took place on November 13, 2023 in the City of Temecula Conference Center. Staff will be going out with a Request for Proposals for a Municipal Services Impact Analysis prepared by an independent consultant. (COOPER) Temecula Resort and Spa (PAs 22-0035, 22-0037): The City is processing a Development Plan and Tentative Parcel Map for an approximately 474,137 square foot, seven (7) story, 90-foot high full service hotel that includes a parking garage, conference facilitiesiballrooms, gallery/event space, full service spa, restaurants, bars/lounges, retail outlets, workout facility, outdoor pool area, and a wedding garden located on the east side of Front Street between First Street and Second Street. The project was presented to the Old Town Steering Subcommittee on July 26, 2022, September 27, 2022, April 25, 2023, and May 23, 2023, and the Old Town Temecula Planning Commission Subcommittee on October 19, 2022, January 17, 2024, and March 20, 2024. On September 6, 2023 the Planning Commission requested redesign of the project in order to meet the development standards of the Old Town Specific Plan. The project has been scheduled for Planning Commission on May 15, 2024. (COOPER) Estates @ Seraphina (PAs 24-0023, 0120): The City is processing a A Vesting Tentative Tract Map (VTM 38908) and Home Product Review for the creation of 113 single family lots including five (5) affordable lots and eight (8) open space lots on 17.57 acres located on the southwest corner of Joseph Road and Rita Way (APN: 957-080-027). An environmental consultant has been selected and is under contract to prepare an environmental document for the project. (COOPER) Boutique Luxury Hotel (PAs 22-0929, 0930, 0931): The City is processing a Development Plan for an approximately 54,699 square foot, four-story, 45 room hotel that includes retail spaces, a gym, meeting space, and a rooftop restaurant and pool area. The project is located on the west side of Old Town Front Street approximately 400' south of Santiago Road adjacent to the U-Haul dealership. The application package also includes requests for a Minor Exception for the height of the building to accommodate architectural tower elements and a Variance to allow for parking within the setback due to the narrow width of the project site. The project has been scheduled for Planning Commission on June 19, 2024. (COOPER) Parker Medical Center II (PA22-0987): The City is processing a Development Plan for an approximately 35,601 square -foot, three story, medical office building located on the west side of Avenida De Missiones approximately 425 feet south of Temecula Parkway. (COOPER) Paradise Chevrolet (PAs 22-1124, 1125): The City is processing a Development Plan and Conditional Use Permit for an approximately 47,727 square foot, two story structure that includes rooftop parking for a commercial and fleet truck dealership that includes maintenance and repair services for Paradise Chevrolet. The project is located on an undeveloped site at 42105 DLR Drive. An environmental consultant has been selected and is under contract to prepare an environmental document for the project. (COOPER) Rancho-12 Tentative Tract Map (PA22-0047): The City is processing a 12-lot single-family development located at 31670 Rancho California Road. (JONES) Be Good Hotel (PA22-0995): The City is processing a Development Plan Application to review a four- story hotel featuring nine rooms, restaurant and subterranean parking. The project is generally located on the northwest corner of Fourth Street and Mercedes Street. (JONES) Amazon Delivery Van Parking Lot (PA22-1025): The City is processing a modification application to allow a parking lot expansion to accommodate delivery van parking. The project is located at 27731 Diaz Road. (JONES) Bedford Court Development Plan (PA23-0197): The City is processing a Development Plan application to allow for the construction of two structures totaling approximately 4,546 square feet. Anticipated uses consist of a car wash and coffee shop. The project is generally located approximately 160 feet south of the Temecula Parkway and Bedford Court intersection. (JONES) Bedford Court Planned Development Overlay (PA23-0280): The City is processing a Planned Development Overlay to provide development standards for a proposed coffee shop and car wash. The project is located approximately 160 feet south of the Temecula Parkway and Bedford Court intersection at APN: 922-210-042. (JONES) Sail House Development Plan (PA23-0227): The City is processing a Development Plan for an approximately 7,066 square foot warehouse building with office space. The project is located at 42974 Roick Drive. (JONES) Redhawk Specific Plan Amendment (PA23-0327): The City is processing an amendment to the Redhawk Specific Plan to provide a revision to uses associated with the golf course and add related standards for those uses. The project is located at 45100 Temecula Parkway within the Redhawk Specific Plan (related application number PA23-0251 CUP). (JONES) Front and Main (PA23-0492): The City is processing a Development Plan application for an approximately 13,600 square foot structure totaling three stories. The project is generally located approximately 130 feet east of the Old Town Front Street and Main Street intersection at APN: 922-034-037. (JONES) Pub and Grub Modification Appeal: (PA24-0107) The City is processing an appeal to the Planning Commission's February 21, 2024, decision denying a modification to an existing Conditional Use Permit. The project is located at 28677 Old Town Front Street. (JONES) Old Town Townhomes Development Plan (PA22-0941): The City is processing a Development Plan Application for the construction of 14 multi -family residential units on the vacant .68-acre parcel located at 42146 Sixth Street. (CARDENAS) Texas Roadhouse (PA23-0341): The City is processing a Development Plan for an approximately 8,000 square foot Texas Roadhouse restaurant located at 40710 Winchester Road. (COOPER) Mercedes Benz Sprinter (PA23-0329): The City is processing a Development Plan for an approximately 81,295 square foot Mercedes Benz Sprinter Dealership that includes maintenance and repair services, detail center, and employee wellness center. The project is located on an undeveloped site at 40910 Temecula Center Drive. (COOPER) Altair Villages A, B, & C (PAs 23-0438, 0439, 0440): The City is processing three (3) Development Plans for the first three (3) villages of Altair consisting of single family detached, duplex, and rowhomes products totaling 467 residential units and two (2) parks. The projects were presented to the City Council Altair Property Subcommittee on February 13, 2024. (COOPER) Gaucho Grill (PAs 23-0467, 0499, 0500): The City is processing a Conditional Use Permit for a Type 47 ABC License, a Modification to an existing building to revise the colors of the building, addition of a covered entryway and dining area, new exterior lighting, and folding glass window panels, and a Certificate of Historical Appropriateness to modify an existing historic building (First National Bank). The project is located in the former location of The Bank of Mexican Food in Old Town and proposes operations Sunday - Thursday from 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from 11:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. with NO live entertainment. (COOPER) Parker Ridge Tentative Tract Map 38813 (PA23-0497): The City is processing a Tentative Tract Map to subdivide two existing parcels into nine (9) parcels on 11.4 acres located on the south side of Pauba Road approximately 600 feet of Showalter Road. An environmental consultant has been selected and is under contract to prepare an environmental document for the project. (COOPER) Temecula Regional Center Specific Plan Amendment (PA23-0494): The City is processing a Specific Plan Amendment to the Temecula Regional Center Specific Plan for a technical change to the document so the square footage in the Specific Plan reflects existing conditions/entitled projects. (COOPER) Sage Senior Apartments (PA24-0066, 0067): The City is processing a Development Plan and Conditional Use Permit for a 143-unit senior apartment community built on 5.93 acres located at 80134 Winchester Road. An environmental consultant has been selected and is under contract to prepare an environmental document for the project. (COOPER) Cubesmart AT&T Wireless Antenna Facility (PA22-0470): The City is processing a Wireless Antenna Facility Application for a proposed 40' tall Monoeucalyptus tree located behind the existing Cubesmart Storage facility located at 44618 Pechanga Parkway. (CARDENAS) Camping World (PA23-0240): The City is processing a Modification Application to include 'Parcel 2' to the existing CUP and to modify the site with new security fencing, parking, landscaping a service building conversion, and demolition of the former restaurant building located at 27600 Jefferson Avenue. (CARDENAS) Tony's Car Wash (PA23-0321): The City is processing a a Development Plan Application for a proposed 6,828 square -foot car wash facility consisting of a car wash tunnel, detailing tunnel, an office, and vacuums on the vacant 1.99-acre property located approximately 200 feet southwest of Temecula Parkway and Jedediah Smith Road. (CARDENAS) LONG RANGE PLANNING General Plan Update: The Long Range Planning Division has developed a four -phase, multi -year process to update the General Plan. Phase I is complete and included updates to Housing and Public Safety Elements. Phase I also included an update to the City's Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) Guidelines to analyze Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT) for the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Phase II is in process and includes an update to the Quality of Life Master Plan (QLMP), reconciling the City's GIS Maps on a parcel by parcel basis, a baseline EIR analysis of the City's Circulation Element, and developing a Complete Streets Policy document. Phase III will include a Fiscal Land Use Study to analyze the City's remaining development capacity and market absorption potential for residential, commercial, and industrial development. The final phase is to work with a General Plan Advisory Committee to update to the General Plan and EIR over an 18 to 24-month timeframe. (PETERS) General Plan Annual Progress Report (LR24-0001): State law requires that all cities and counties submit an annual report on the implementation of the General Plan and Housing Element to their legislative bodies, the Governor's Office of Planning and Research (OPR) and the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) by April 1 st of each year. The purpose of the General Plan Annual Progress Report (GP -APR) and Housing Element Progress Report (HE APR) is to update the community, City Council, HCD and OPR on General Palan and Housing Element implementation progress. This report is also used as an aid to identify prospective changes, or updates that may be needed for the General Plan and Housing Element. The GP -APR and HE -APR will be going to City Council on March 261h and will then be submitted to HCD and OPR on April 1 st. (GARCIA) QLMP Website for Measuring Progress: As part of the Quality of Life Master Plan Update, Planning staff is working with a consultant, MIG, and the IT Department to develop a website for the QLMP. The intent of the website is to provide a "dashboard" to display the seven Core Values and eventually incorporate the goals and policies of the updated General Plan. The website will also be used to measure the city's progress towards achieving the Citizen's 20-Year Priorities identified in the QLMP. The dashboard will be displayed on a third -party website and will incorporate links and useful indicators intended for user-friendly navigation. The website officially launched on October 9, 2023. The QLMP website will be updated at the end of each calendar year to reflect department accomplishments. (GARCIA) Uptown Temecula Specific Plan Amendment (LR19-1458): An amendment to the Uptown Specific Plan to implement the following changes: modify graphics to reflect consistency with text regarding allowable frontage types, amend street cross sections (graphics), amend plant pallet and Silva cell requirements for street trees, implement a street naming convention, amend streetlight spacing and other typographical errors. Staff has reached out to Spurlock Consulting for assistance in updating the Sidewalk and Streetscape Standards and is awaiting a scope of work and timeline. Public Works is drafting new street sections for the Specific Plan. Spurlock Consulting has provided a scope of work for the proposed changes to the streetscape and sidewalk standards and staff has executed the agreement for services and will begin updating the graphics as requested. Planning and Traffic Engineering have been working on updated street cross sections and a map to identify cross section placements. (COLLINS) Transportation Discovery and Existing Conditions Analysis (LR20-1071): The City received an SB 2 Grant from the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) to prepare an internal document for staff to identify potential transportation focused areas as part of Phase 2 of our General Plan Update process and timeline. The City has retained Fehr & Peers (F&P) Transportation Consultants to document existing transportation conditions in the City, provide benchmarking information on how transportation facilities, transportation use and policies compares to other peer agencies (through benchmarking) and will evaluate how much of the current Circulation Element has been implemented. Staff worked with F&P to identify methodology, thresholds, and mitigation to address VMT for the California Environmental Quality Act evaluation, which the City Council adopted in May 2020. On July 19, 2021, Staff has a scheduled internal meeting with Fehr & Peers, they present to staff the Data Collection Status. Currently, the consultant is developing the three scenario runs to be reviewed by staff prior to conducting a full model run. (PETERS) Old Town Parklets (LR22-1112): The previous Old Town Outdoor Dining Program was a project intended to make the Temporary Expanded Dining/Retail Program (TED) permanent that was sparked by the COVID- 19 pandemic restrictions. However, due to the potential barriers that came to light such as loss of parking, ADA requirements, outside agency fees and more, the decision was made by City Council and staff to end the outdoor dining program when the license agreements expired on July 1, 2022. With that, other outdoor dining amenities were explored for Old Town which led to the Old Town Parklet Project. Parklets are the conversion of parking spaces on urban streets into a small public `park' or enclosed seating area. The intent of the Parklet Project is to provide an additional amenity to the community and promote an increase in pedestrian activity and convenience. Staff is working with a consultant, Placeworks, to design and implement the Old Town Parklets. Locations and design themes will be determined throughout the process with direction from the Old Town Steering Subcommittee. An open -house style community workshop was held on October IIth to retrieve feedback from community members. The input received from the 12 attendees was presented to the Old Town Steering Subcommittee on November 14th and direction was given to staff to move forward with a pilot program. The consultant is currently working on creating a draft recommendation for two pilot parklets in Old Town. (GARCIA) Complete Streets (LR23-0043): This project will draft a citywide policy for the city to ensure transportation infrastructure is designed to enhance safety, accessibility, and mobility for all users. A Complete Streets Checklist will be developed to be used internally to ensure that transportation infrastructure projects are implementing Complete Streets where practical by considering the feasibility of Complete Streets improvements and ensuring consistency with other planning documents. The City has retained Fehr & Peers Transportation Consultants to draft the Complete Streets Policy, implementation checklist, and mid -block crosswalk criteria. This project is being funded by the Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) grant that was awarded by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD). The consultant presented the draft Complete Streets Policy to the Planning Commission on October 18th and to the Traffic Safety Commission on October 26th. The presentation was strictly informative, and the Commissioners offered several suggestions to add to the policy which have been incorporated in the final version that was adopted by the City Council on November 28th. Formal implementation has begun as of January 1st. (GARCIA) Climate Action Plan (CAP) Baseline Evaluation (LR23-0083): The City was awarded funds from the Local Early Action Planning (LEAP) grant opportunity by the State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) to prepare an internal report of the city's baseline Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) inventory. The intent is for the City to have full documentation of a baseline emissions inventory that can be used as the City develops a Climate Action Plan. The City has contracted WSP to collect data needed to estimate GHG emissions and include vehicle fuel economy standards, electric vehicle mandates, renewable electricity standards, waste reduction targets, and water use restrictions. The final CAP Baseline Memo was received by staff and will be incorporated in the General Plan Update. (GARCIA) Wayfinding Guide (LR23-0167): The City is working with a consultant, Alta Planning + Design, Inc., to implement a bicycle wayfinding system for the bike lanes and trails throughout the city. Alta will draft a wayfinding strategy memo that outlines best practices for destination selection, sign placement, and sign programming. The Multi -Use Trails and Bikeways Master Plan that was adopted in 2016 will act as an implementation and style guide to create an interconnected network designed to encourage more residents to use active transportation. Staff is doing a final review of the Design Intent Drawings and Sign Location Map. Once finalized, the package will go to the Trails/Open Space Ad Hoc Subcommittee for input. (GARCIA) Bicycle Friendly Community Application (LR23-0220): The City had applied and was awarded a Bronze Level Bicycle Friendly Community Award in 2021 by the League of American Bicyclists. The League's program provides advocates and change makers with a roadmap and hands-on assistance to build places more welcoming to people who bike. One of the aspirations in the Quality of Life Master Plan (QLMP) is to strive for a Gold Level. The City recently submitted a new application to the League on August 30, 2023. The review period has closed, and awards were announced in January. The City has received a Silver Level for the 2023-2027 awarding period, which will be shared in an upcoming Press Release. Staff is working on ordering new Bicycle Friendly Community signs that will be installed near a few trailheads throughout the city. (GARCIA) Objective Design Standards Amendment (LR23-0490): The Objective Design Standards were adopted on January 25, 2022, and only included multi -family and mixed -use development standards. Staff has observed the need for additional Objective Design Standards for single family development. Placeworks, Inc., who helped the City adopt the original Objective Design Standards document, will be assisting us in amending the document to include single-family development. A kickoff meeting was held on March 5th and a draft document will be prepared for staff to review and provide feedback. Once refined, the amended document will be brought to the Planning Commission for adoption. (GARCIA) Annual General Plan Consistency Review of Proposed FY 2025-2029 CIP (LR24-0141): As part of the budget adoption, Planning staff evaluates the proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP) consistency with the goals and policies of the adopted General Plan. The proposed draft Fiscal Years 2025-2029 CIP is in progress and the consistency review will be brought to the Planning Commission on May 15th. (GARCIA) Land Use Economic Opportunity Study (LR23-0078): In preparation for the General Plan Update staff has engaged Keyser Marston Associates (KMA) to complete a new Land Use Economic Opportunity Study. Staff is presently working on the agreement, funded through a LEAP Grant and services will commence once executed. Staff is working to provide KMA with the requested documents to complete the fiscal land use study. (COLLINS) Temecula Creek Wildfire Risk Reduction Community Plan (LR21-1331): Temecula applied for and was awarded a $300,000 grant to develop Temecula's first Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). The grant has a $78,000 match (staff time), the remainder is to onboard a consultant to draft the plan. Request for Proposals (RFP) has closed and SWCA, Inc. (Steven W. Carothers & Associates) Environmental Consultants was selected as the winning candidate. The contract was approved at the January loth City Council Meeting and a kickoff is scheduled for February 6th in the conference center. The kickoff meeting was held with 18 in attendance, the Development Team has been assigned and consultant is planning for fieldwork in the coming weeks. Fieldwork was performed on March 28th and associated studies will be provided in due time. Consultant continues fieldwork and fire modeling with maps to be presented early this fall. Public outreach is being scheduled on February 22nd for AM and PM session as well as a final unveiling of the document on March 6th. The final CWPP will be presented to the Development Team at a meeting on March 6th in the Conference Center. The CWPP was taken to the Planning Commission for approval on April 17th, unanimous affirmative vote. (COLLINS) Plan Integration for Resilience Scorecard (PIRS) (LR23-0082): Staff has completed the review of all major planning documents that govern land use. The review consisted of scoring our plans based on their potential for positive impacts as well as negative impacts, which are then visually mapped to show how land use policy can impact wildland fire risk. This is a joint project between Cal Poly Pomona, Texas A & M University and the City of Temecula, which will be presented at this year's APA conference. (COLLINS) SB 1186 (LR24-0090): Staff is presently reviewing the legislation with the City Attorney's office and is drafting a proposed Ordinance to comply with State Law. (COLLINS) Old Town Parking Sensors (LR22-0857): The project is a continuation of the Old Town Parking White Paper that discussed various technology solutions designed to track and report on parking in Old Town in real time. The white paper recommended that the City utilize parking sensors to monitor parking in Old Town. Staff has circulated a Request for Proposal from companies offering parking sensors. Responses have been received and are being reviewed by staff. The companies that submitted the top two highest rated proposals were invited to provide a demonstration to staff. Demonstrations were held in April. (JONES) Annual Title 17 Cleanup (LR24-0005): An annual effort of Community Development to identify areas of the code that need clarification, correction, or an update. This is also performed to implement various components of state law. Staff is currently compiling a list of proposed changes and drafting an Ordinance that will be brought to Hearing in July 2024. (GARCIA) Alcohol Ordinance (LR23-0429): An amendment to Title's 9,17 and the Old Town Specific Plan to allow: • Consolidated and consistent conditions of approval for establishments that serve alcohol (CUP) • Consistent hours of operation with a standard cut off time for alcohol service. • Allow Type 90 (Entertainment Venues) with conditions and operational standards. • Allow for a one (1) year pilot program that would allow Temporary Use Permits (TUP's) to provide outdoor live entertainment in Old Town. (COLLINS) 2024 CY Annual Progress Reports: • Water Efficiency Landscape Ordinance (WELO) - Submitted 1/30/2024 (LR24-0003) • CA Department of Finance Housing Unit Survey — Submitted 1/30/2024 (LR24-0002) • General Plan— Approved by CC on 3/26/2024 and submitted 3/27/2024 (LR24-0001) • Housing Element — Approved by CC on 3/26/2024 and submitted 3/27/2024 (LR24-0002) HOUSING Las Haciendas Affordable Housing Project: The City has approved the construction of a 77-unit affordable multi -family housing community consisting of two residential buildings, a community building and tuck -under parking located at 28715 Las Haciendas. Community HousingWorks (CHW), the developer, has closed their interest list to the public, the lottery has taken place. The property management company ConAm Management has begun to move in tenants into the project. The project is currently working to finalize construction in Uptown Temecula. (URIAS) Old Town Temecula Town Homes: The City is reviewing a Development Plan application for the construction of 14 multi -family residential units on the vacant .68-acre parcel located at 42146 Sixth Street. (CARDENAS) City of Temecula Vacant Land: The City has hired Kosmont Companies as a consultant to assist in understanding the surplus land exemption process with the state. Kosmont will be assisting in taking the Southern Interchange parcel through the surplus process. (URIAS) Habitat for Humanity Affordable Housing Project: Habitat for Humanity has submitted a pre -application for a six residential unit project located in Old Town adjacent to the current Habitat Project on Pujol Street. Five homes will be available to very -low-income households and one home will be available to a low-income household. The homes will remain income restricted for forty-five (45) years. (URIAS) BUILDING & SAFETY Building and Safety statistics for April 2024 is highlighted in the following table. Building & Safety Statistics April Permits 393 Nny Single Family Unit(s) MOMM& 22 Accessory Divelling Umt(s) (ADq 1 Nny. Commercial Building 1 Photovoltaic-SolarAPP+gmtmtpumh) 25 Photovoltaic 84 Tenant Improwment(s) 9 Ikon Construction C of O 36 Number of Active Plan Checks 174 Number of New Plan Checks 50 Number of Finaled Permits 249 Inspections 3115 Inspections Per Day 141 Inspections Per Person Per Day 28 Stops Per Month 974 - isitors to Counter 917 Non -Construction Certificate of Occupancy ❑ Huddle Men's Health (1, 614 sji ❑ Rose Garden Thai Cuisine (1,100 sf) ❑ Surplus Corner Warehouse (5,336 sf) 11 Inland Urgent Care (2,119 sf) Tenant Improvement ❑ Beardown Training (6,597 SF) ❑ US Bank (7,945 sf) ❑ D 1 Training (4,682 sf) ❑ Rancho Water and Ice (857 sfi CODE ENFORCEMENT During the month of April, Code Enforcement responded to 111 web inquiries. In addition, the division opened 213 code cases, conducted 398 regular inspections, and forwarded 28 referrals. In addition, the division opened 581 proactive weed abatement code cases. Code Enforcement Statistics Apt Abandoned or Inoperable i elricle 5 avant Home Prop. Maintenance Jufes-a on.' Business or Home Occupation w. o license;'CUP 10 Trash and Debris i Dumping Overgrown Vegetation . �Iveeds . Fire Hazard 581 Green Pool l Nrectcr Control/ Stagnant Water Gra ffiti 9 NoiseNuisance-Animal Control Trailer RV Stored. Boat. Parking 24 construction W 0 PemutBuilding Code Encroach Public KO . Trash Cans 12 zoning.:Signs 81 Public Safety- & Health 3 Total Number of Cases M Foreclosure Tracking: Code Enforcement works with the local real estate community to monitor foreclosures, defaults and real estate owned properties. Foreclosure Statistics Apnl Residential - Default -18 Resid mtial - Foreclosure 23 Residential - REo 9 Total - Lm"" Commercial - Default Commercial - Foreclosure 3 Commercial - REG 0 Total - Commercial 3 ATTACHMENT: Current Planning Activity Report PLANNING ACTIVITY REPORT Assigned Planner Approval PA Number Project Address APN Apply Date Date Applicant Company Owner Plan Type Status PA24-0147 26201 Ynez Rd 910-281-001 Eric Jones 04/03/2024 Skyzone Skyzone BRE 26201 PL Conditional Out Temecula, CA 92591 YNEZ OWNER Use Permit Case Title / Description: SkyZone CUP: A Conditional Use Permit for a proposed trampoline park that includes party rooms and a cafe. The project is located at 26201 Ynez Road. PA24-0150 31700 Temecula Pky 959-080-026 Jaime Cardenas 04/05/2024 04/19/2024 Kyle Houraney TEMECULA PL Temporary Approved Temecula, CA 92592 VALLEY Use Permit HOSPITAL INC Case Title / Description: TVH Award Celebration TUP: a Temporary Use Permit application for Temecula Valley Hospital to host an event celebration to include live music, food, and a large tent at 31700 Temecula Parkway. PA24-0152 909-290-016 Yannin Marquez 04/08/2024 Temecula, CA Case Title / Description: MS Mountain View - Bldg. 21 DP: a Development Plan for the construction of an approximately 15,289 square foot industrial building located on the terminus of Avenida Alvarado and Via Industria (APN 909-290-016). PA24-0156 909-290-017 Jaime Cardenas 04/09/2024 Temecula, CA Case Title / Description: MS Mountain View - Bldg 17 DP: Development Plan for the construction of an approximately 66,434 square foot industrial building located on the west side of Via Industria approximately 50 feet north of Avenida Alvarado (APNs: 909-290-017, -018, -019, -020, -021, 022) Mario Calvillo MS -MOUNTAIN PL Development Plan Review VIEW Plan Mario Calvillo MS -MOUNTAIN PL Development Plan Review VIEW Plan PA24-0157 32483 Temecula Pky 960-020-057 Yannin Marquez 04/10/2024 Fang Yuan Selwyn Ginsburg PL Massage Plan Review Temecula, CA 92592 Permits Case Title / Description: Amazing Massage MEP: A Massage Establishment Permit (Change of ownership) for Amazing Massage located at 32483 Temecula Parkway, Suite E-118. PA24-0158 41955 5Th St 922-024-028 Jaime Cardenas 04/11/2024 Vito La Fata Temecula, CA 92590 Case Title / Description: La Fata Cellars Entertainment License: An Entertainment License (Class II) for La Fata Cellars to allow for live indoor entertainment at 41955 5th Street, Unit 102. CROSSROADS PL Entertainment Plan Review AT License WINCHESTER Page 1 of 4 Assigned Planner Approval PA Number Project Address APN Apply Date Date Applicant Company Owner Plan Type Status PA24-0159 31797 Temecula Pky 961-080-012 Yannin Marquez 04/11/2024 Matt Millon GALILEO VAIL PL Modifications Plan Review Temecula, CA 92592 RANCH LP Case Title / Description: Harbor Freight Tools MOD: A Modification Application for exterior modifications that include a new storefront system, cart corral at the front of the building, removal of a drive-thru window, a new door at the rear with concrete pad, and upgrade a door at the front of the existing commercial building located at 31797 Temecula Parkway. PA24-0160 40910 Temecula Center Dr 916-400-025 Yannin Marquez 04/11/2024 Julie Morrow Lightbox/PZR Temecula Auto PL Zoning or Approved Temecula, CA 92591 Prop Planning Letter Case Title / Description: 40910 Temecula Center Drive ZL: A Zoning Verification Letter for 40910 Temecula Center Drive (APN 916-400-029) and the adjacent lot to the east (916-400-025) PA24-0162 32525 Zinna Ct 964-850-009 Katie Garcia 04/15/2024 Stephen Sigler Axis3architects Tom McEnroe PL Modifications Approved Temecula, CA 92591 Case Title / Description: McEnroe Garage Conversion MOD: a Modification Application (Planning Review Only) for the conversion of one (1) of the three (3) car garages to a 250 square foot office for the residence located at 32525 Zinna Court PA24-0167 31709 Temecula Pky 961-080-004 Yannin Marquez 04/17/2024 Noelia Santiago Brian Kritz PL Modifications Plan Review Temecula, CA 92592 Case Title / Description: Cava MOD: A Minor Modification Application for the exterior changes that include, facade, color scheme and reversal of the flow of the drive -through to accommodate a new pick-up window at the existing commercial building located at 31709 Temecula Parkway. PA24-0169 45533 Via Puebla 962-143-037 Yannin Marquez 04/17/2024 Bobby Berrera Steven Strepek PL Modifications Approved Temecula, CA 92592 Case Title / Description: Strepek Residence Deck MOD: A Modification Application (Planning Review Only) for the construction of a new two-story deck on the rear of the existing residence located at 45533 Via Puebla. PA24-0170 29375 Rancho California Rd 944-330-015 Katie Garcia 04/22/2024 Erin Gonzalez Tamera Moore PL Temporary Plan Review Temecula, CA 92592 Use Permit Case Title / Description: Misfit Made Market TUP: a Major Temporary Use Permit Application for a vendor market with 30 vendors to occur on May 19, 2024 from 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM in the parking lot of Oscar's Brewing Company located at 29375 Rancho California Road. PA24-0171 27430 Ynez Rd 921-290-014 Scott Cooper 04/23/2024 Armen BTAA Prop Inv II PL Modifications Plan Review Temecula, CA 92591 Kazanchyan Case Title / Description: Temecula Hyundai Coolant Enclosure MOD: A Modification to an existing building for the addition of an approximately 47 square foot oil and coolant tank enclosure located at 27430 Ynez Road. Page 2 of 4 Assigned Planner Approval PA Number Project Address APN Apply Date Date Applicant Company Owner Plan Type Status PA24-0172 43513 Ventana St 944-330-046 Scott Cooper 04/23/2024 Casey Harris Ynez Road PL Modifications Plan Review Temecula, CA 92592 Housing Partners LP Case Title / Description: Arrive @ Rancho Highlands MOD: A Modification to a previously approved Development Plan (PA19-1448) to add fire alarm closets to three (3) buildings located adjacent to the Temecula Duck Pond approximately 775 feet southeast of Rancho California Road on the north side of Ynez Road. PA24-0173 28975 Old Town Front St 922-110-042 Yannin Marquez 04/23/2024 Stephen Peebles 28795 PL Modifications Approved Temecula, CA 92590 VENTURES Case Title / Description: Ahmed Medical Center MOD: A Modification Application for the installation of a black iron fence to enclose the exterior foyer at the front and rear of the existing building located at 28975 Old Town Front Street. PA24-0174 28820 Single Oak Dr 921-020-051 Yannin Marquez 04/24/2024 Juan Noe Chemicon PL Modifications Plan Review Temecula, CA 92590 International Inc. Case Title / Description: Millipore Sigma MOD: A Modification Application (Planning Review Only) for the construction of a 1,395 square foot mezzanine inside an existing industrial building located at 28820 Single Oak Drive. PA24-0177 28676 Old Town Front St 922-044-009 Yannin Marquez 04/30/2024 Megan Coleman FRONT STREET PL Temporary Approved Temecula, CA 92590 HOLDINGS Use Permit Case Title / Description: Swing Inn TUP: a Temporary Use Permit for selling food and alcohol at 28676 Old Town Front Street during the Rod Run event on May 3, 2024, from, 12:00 PM to 12:00 AM & May 4, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 AM. PA24-0178 42081 3Rd St 922-046-012 Yannin Marquez 04/30/2024 Marx Cellars LLC Marx Cellars FI ADCO 16 LLC PL Modifications Plan Review Temecula, CA 92590 LLC Case Title / Description: Humble Somm Patio MOD: A Modification Application (Planning Review Only) for an outdoor dining patio that includes a decorative iron fence located at 42081 3rd Street. PA24-0179 42225 Remington Ave , A21 909-374-021 Scott Cooper 04/30/2024 Sherrie Munroe NP5 LLC PL Modifications Plan Review Temecula, CA 92590 Case Title / Description: 42225 Remington Ave. Mezzanine MOD: A Modification to an existing building for the addition of a second floor office mezzanine located at 42225 Remington Ave., Suite A21 Page 3 of 4 Assigned Planner Approval PA Number Project Address APN Apply Date Date Applicant Company Owner Plan Type Status PA24-0180 921-281-014 Jaime Cardenas 04/30/2024 Mike Bareh SMALL STEPS PL Development Plan Review Temecula, CA 1934 INC Plan Case Title / Description: Small Steps Industrial: a Development Plan application for a proposed 8,000 square foot industrial building on the vacant .59-acre parcel located on the northwest corner of Felix Valdez Avenue and Baldaray Circle. PREAPP24-0 40426 Winchester Rd 910-470-015 Jaime Cardenas 04/05/2024 Andrew Proctor Inland Western PL Plan Review 148 Temecula, CA 92591 Temecula Pre -Application Commons LLC Case Title / Description: USAgain Clothing Container Preapp: a pre -application for a proposed 8'x20' storage container located on The Commons' shopping center parking lot (APN 910-470-015). PREAPP24-0 28950 Old Town Front St 922-120-011 Jaime Cardenas 04/05/2024 Ana Salazar Temecula Brand PL Plan Review 149 Temecula, CA 92590 Investing LLC Pre -Application Case Title / Description: Shooter's Patio Preapp: a preapplication review for a proposed 26'x57' patio with seating on the parking lot of the existing Shooter's building located at 28950 Old Town Front Street. PREAPP24-0 28535 Old Town Front St 922-035-011 Jaime Cardenas 04/08/2024 Dan Gibson PL Plan Review 151 Temecula, CA 92590 Pre -Application Case Title / Description: Small Barn BBQ: a preapplication for a proposed outdoor BBQ grill at Small Barn located at 28535 Old Town Front Street. Page 4 of 4 Item No. 17 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: John Crater, Division Chief DATE: May 28, 2024 SUBJECT: Fire Department Monthly Report PREPARED BY: RECOMMENDATION: Report. Tyren Hundley, Management Analyst That the City Council receive and file the Fire Department Monthly CITY OF TEMECULA FIRE DEPARTMENT Operations Prevention I Training I Emergency Management MONTHLY REPORT I APRIL 2024 �+ d 0 �frl�Ilf., Ira' i�=i i= =i '•rrr�fi�ff{f������ � ! ++{�ri - PRISM — = 5 Stations 7 Engines I USAR 2 Truck I Squad r opu ation - Il ISO RaT APRIL CALL BREAKDOWNni •.T _ �,,� �- �t.,. False Alarm TYPE: >I # TYPE: '+s.r ,� # COMMERCIAL FIRE I� 1ires TRAFFIC COLLISION 77 MULTI -FAMILY FIRE_ O MEDICAL EMERGENCY 5E7 TC RESIDENTIAL FIRE - D— OTHER MISCELLANEOUS 15 - - PUBLIC ASSIST , 32 WILDLAND FIRE -- STANDBY} : , ::...; f ; VEHICLE FIRE r 4 � �- . - ' € y.r Medical Emergencies OTHER FIRE �- :. .` """ 696 . RESCUE RINGING ALARM�r 4. = FALSE ALARM HAZMAT TOTAL: ------------- 10 w nr d. Tr7ww 2024 Year Calls . 3,388 CITY OF TEMECULA FIRE DEPARTMENT Operations Prevention I Training I Emergency Management PLAN CHECKS/REVIEWS 542 YTD: 2,174 Map AL MONTHLY REPORT APRIL 7024 „APRIL INSPECTION BREAKDOWN ���"�`�"12 ANNUALS STATE P70 SPECIAL EVENT MANDATED PERMITS INSPECTIONS ■. r a -r . YTD: O � ��� yr. INSPECTIONS . - ��5 YTD:2,2DO - - - YTO:1,995 PUBLIC INQUIRIES 47 YTD:14B CITY OF TEMECULA FIRE DEPARTMENT Operations I Prevention I Training I Emergency Management _ - MONTHLY REPORT AWRIL 2024 PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS: f�rr, .rIllllllll�11t�,ti,,. • Hosted a TEEN Cert Course AprQtht(7th graduating 32 Students • OEM is working with ITSS to implement Desktop Alerting for emergency notifications OEM and TEE attended the Wolf Creek Safety Fair sharing preparedness information OEM continues to work with TCSD on increasing Community Outreach for a relhs nts-)�-' GRANTS U CLAIMS: jo • Awarded FY23 EMPG: $24,475- • Awarded FY23 SHSP: $15 79 TEE VOLUNTEER PROGRAM._ -:- # of hours contributed: 468 =. # of hours YTD:1,777 �l` _ �~- �.N # of TEE Volunteers: 45 ,-- # of volunteer meetings: 3 # of training events: I (TEEN CERT) PLANNED CDMMUNITY EVENTS SUPPORTED: I CITYRESPONSE:0 PREPAREDNESS TRAINING / EVENTS; Community Presentations: 0 Community Training: 2 • TEEN Cert/Wolf Creek Safety Fa community Preparedness Backpac EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER - Activations: 0 Current Status: Normal Operations - CITY OF TEMECULA l� FIRE DEPARTMENT % (7eox, Operations I Prevention I Training I Emergency Management Temecula Citiz ,/,,, III l � MID N Wy � ,was A yl IN Item No. 18 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Chris Durham, Captain DATE: May 28, 2024 SUBJECT: Temecula Sheriff's Monthly Report (April 2024) PREPARED BY: Chris Mattson, Sergeant RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council receive and file monthly report for April 2024. The following report reflects the Temecula Sheriff's Station activity for April 2024. PATROL SERVICES Overall calls for police service.................................................................................................5,792 "Priority One" calls for service......................................................................................................65 Average response time for "Priority One" calls.........................................................................5.46 VOLUNTEERS Chaplain....................................................................................................................................47.50 Community Action Patrol (CAP) hours..................................................................................658.25 Reserve officer hours (patrol)........................................................................................................13 Explorer........................................................................................................................................102 Station/Administration................................................................................................................33.5 Total Volunteer hours.............................................................................................................854.25 OLD TOWN STOREFRONT Total customers served.....................................................................................568 Fingerprints/Live Scan.....................................................................................148 Policereports filed..............................................................................................4 Citationssigned off..........................................................................................23 Totalreceipts...........................................................................................................................$5,102 CRIME PREVENTION Crime prevention/Neighborhood watch meetings...........................................................................5 Safety presentations/Training................................................................................0 Specialevents...................................................................................................................................5 Residential/Business security surveys conducted............................................................................0 Residences/Businesses visited for past crime follow-up.................................................................0 StationTours....................................................................................................................................2 Planning Review Projects.......................................................................................4 Temp Outdoor Use Permits....................................................................................9 SPECIAL TEAMS (CORE) ReportsWritten...............................................................................................34 Onsight felony arrests.....................................................................................................................3 On sight misdemeanor arrests.................................................................................7 Felony arrest warrants served.................................................................................3 Misdemeanor arrest warrants served ...............................................................................................2 AreaChecks.....................................................................................................52 CampChecks................................................................................................33 PedestrianChecks.....................................................................................................59 Traffic Stops/Vehicle Checks..................................................................................................... 0/0 Outreachattempts / Success...................................................................................................... 20/1 SPECIAL TEAMS (Metro District Team) Onsight, felony arrests........................................................................................4 On sight, misdemeanor arrests.......................................................................................................26 Felony arrest warrants served..........................................................................................................5 Misdemeanor arrest warrants served ...............................................................................................8 Bar/Business checks......................................................................................................................64 D.U.I. Arrests ... ............................................................................................................................. I I Traffic/Parking citations...............................................................................................................93 FirearmsSeized................................................................................................ I SPECIAL TEAMS (Special Enforcement Team) Onsight felony arrests.................................................................................................................... I I On sight misdemeanor arrests.........................................................................................................19 Felony arrest warrants served...........................................................................................................3 Misdemeanor arrest warrants served................................................................................................3 Follow-up investigations/search warrants.....................................................................2 Parole/Probation Searches...............................................................................................................3 PedestrianChecks.................................................................................................12 Traffic Stops/Vehicle Checks...................................................................................................38/13 Marijuana Dispensary Checks.........................................................................................................0 ROBBERY/BURGLARY SUPPRESSION TEAM BeginningCaseload.......................................................................................................................86 TotalCases Assigned....................................................................................................................14 TotalCases Closed..........................................................................................................................7 Search Warrants prepared/served.................................................................................................I I Arrests..............................................................................................................................................6 Outof Custody Filings............................................................................................4 TRAFFIC Citations issued for hazardous violations....................................................................................917 Non -hazardous citations.................................................................................................................82 Parkingcitations...........................................................................................................................183 Stop Light Abuse/Intersection Program (S.L.A.P.) citations.........................................................81 Seatbelts.........................................................................................................................................17 CellPhone Cites...........................................................................................................................306 Injurycollisions.............................................................................................................................22 D.U.I. Arrests.................................................................................................................................28 Grant -funded D.U.I. Traffic safety checkpoints/saturation enforcement........................................0 Grant -funded traffic click it or ticket/traffic enforcement..............................................................4 INVESTIGATIONS BeginningCaseload.......................................................................................................................91 TotalCases Assigned..................................................................................................................217 TotalCases Closed........................................................................................................................35 Search Warrants prepared/served .................................................................................................31 Arrests..............................................................................................................................................6 Outof Custody Filings..........................................................................................10 Sex Offenders Processed....................................................................................20 PROMENADE MALL TEAM Callsfor service...........................................................................................................................227 Felonyarrest/filings.......................................................................................................................10 Misdemeanor arrest/filings............................................................................................................10 TrafficCitations................................................................................................I Total customers served................................................................................................................641 Fingerprints/Live Scans...............................................................................................................149 Totalreceipts............................................................................................ $6,546 SCHOOL RESOURCE DEPUTIES Felonyarrest.....................................................................................................................................0 Misdemeanor arrests........................................................................................................................7 Reports...........................................................................................................................................20 Citations.........................................................................................................................................39 Meetings/Presentations................................................................................................................176 Item No. 19 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Patrick Thomas, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: May 28, 2024 SUBJECT: Public Works Department Monthly Report RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file the Public Works Department Monthly Report for Capital Improvement Projects, Maintenance Projects, and Land Development Projects. This report may also be viewed on the City's website at: hlt2://temeculaca.gov/270/Cqpital-improvement-Projects-CIP City of Temecula DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT STATUS REPORT May 28, 2024 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS CIRCULATION PROJECTS Cherry Street Extension & Murrieta Creek Crossing, PW19-15 Description: Preliminary design of the Extension of Cherry Street from Adams Avenue to Diaz Road, including a new crossing of Murrieta Creek. Cost: $36,200,000 Status: Preliminary design, environmental evaluation, and cost estimate is complete. The final report includes 30% design plans for a two -span, 250-foot long bridge and for a two -span, 250-foot long bridge plus 12-span, 500-foot long viaduct. These options were selected to address concerns received from environmental resource agencies to preserve species corridors and from the Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District to minimize impacts to flood protection. Diaz Road Expansion, PW17-25 Description Improve Diaz Road to meet the roadway classification of Major Arterial (4 Lanes Divided), between Cherry Street and Rancho California Road. The 2.2-mile stretch will be widened, extended, and/or improved to create a contiguous Major Arterial segment. The project will be developed and constructed in two phases. Phase 1 will include improvements on Diaz Road from Winchester Road to Rancho California Road. Phase 2 will include improvements on Diaz Road from Cherry Street to Winchester Road. Cost: $14,255,991 Status: The environmental Initial Study has been approved, Mitigated Negative Declaration adopted, and Notice of Determination filed in May 2022. Design is 90% complete. Regulatory permit applications have been submitted for USACE 404 Nationwide Permit and CDFW Streambed Alteration 1602. Current activities include consultant review of 90% plan check comments, design coordination with utility purveyors (SCE, RCWD, and EMWD) and City project PW16-05 Murrieta Creek Bridge at Overland Drive, Riverside County Flood Control review of 90% design plans and Encroachment Permit application, and preparation of regulatory permit applications for SWRCB 401 Water Quality Certification and USACE Section 408. Construction previously anticipated to start in Spring of 2024 is now delayed to Spring/Summer of 2025 due to EMWD sewer line project on Diaz Rd as well as coordination with ACOE and RCFC on their Murrietta Creek Phase 2B Project. Potential for further delays as potential federal funding being added to the project in federal fiscal year 2025 would require project compliance with NEPA. City of Temecula DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT STATUS REPORT May 28, 2024 CIRCULATION PROJECTS (Continued) French Valley Parkway/Interstate 15 Improvements- Phase 11, PW16-01 Description: Design and construction of the two-lane northbound collector/distributer road system beginning north of the Winchester Road interchange on -ramps and ending just north of the Interstate 15/Interstate 215 junction with connection to Interstate 15 and Interstate 215. Cost: $138,736,346 Status: Project is under construction May 2023 — May 2025. For detailed information, please visit the project website at TemeculaCA.gov/FVP2. 1-15 Congestion Relief, PW19-02 Description: Design and construction of a single auxiliary lane, northbound Interstate 15 connecting the Temecula Parkway on -ramp to the Rancho California Road off -ramp. Cost: $8,971,710 Status: Project is under construction March 2024 — October 2024. For detailed information, please visit the project website at TemeculaCA.gov/Congestion Relief. City of Temecula DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT STATUS REPORT May 28, 2024 CIRCULATION PROJECTS (Continued) Murrieta Creek Bridge at Overland Drive, PW16-05 Description: Design and construction of a new bridge crossing over Murrieta Creek between Rancho California Road and Winchester Road. Cost: $26,073,374 Status: The City applied and was approved to receive Federal Highway Bridge Program (HBP) funds. City Council approved the design agreement with CNS Engineers Inc. at the March 12, 2019, meeting. Preliminary Environmental Study (PES) approved by Caltrans on August 15, 2019. Plans are 90% complete. RCA JPR Conformance is approved. Biological monitoring in Temecula Creek for potential mitigation site is complete as of July 2021. Project has received MSHCP conformance. Staff continues to work with Caltrans to advance HBP Grant Funds to earlier fiscal years. Caltrans HBP Program management had proposed reducing the curb -to -curb width of the bridge that is considered "participating" for grant funding purposes. Staff has been able to address this issue with Caltrans and the majority of the bridge width will remain as a participating cost. 2023 HBP Bridge Update was submitted in August 2023. Caltrans NEPA review took much longer than anticipated but approval was received in October of 2023. CEQA ISMND is complete and the 30-day public review has ended. CEQA was approved at the February 27, 2024, City Council meeting. Construction start is anticipated in FY 2026 / early 2027 depending on availability of HBP funds. Also, additional coordination is required with ACOE and RCFC as Murrietta Creek Phase 2B will likely be in construction concurrently with this project. Overland Drive Widening, PW 20-11 Description This project includes widening Overland Drive from Jefferson Avenue to Commerce Center Drive, to two lanes in each direction, and the completion of missing segments of sidewalk, streetlights, and installation of the traffic signal at Commerce Center Drive and the modification of the traffic signal at Jefferson Avenue. Cost: $2,894,420 Status: 90% plan check submittal package was submitted in July 2023, and it has been reviewed by staff. Environmental documents are anticipated to be returned to Consultant during the week of May 201" Rainbow Canyon Road Pavement Rehabilitation, PW22-15 Description Design and construction of pavement rehab for Rainbow Canyon Rd from Pechanga Parkway to southern City Limits. Cost: $2,900,000 Status: Plans and Specs have been completed and signed. The project will be posted on PlanetBids during the week of 5/6/24 and bids will be opened on 6/6/24. Anticipated award will take place at the 7/9/24 meeting. City of Temecula DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT STATUS REPORT May 28, 2024 CIRCULATION PROJECTS (Continued) Rancho California Road Median Improvements, PW23-04 Description: Design and construction of missing raised concrete medians with landscaping between Humber Drive and Butterfield Stage Road. In addition, there will also be construction of missing improvements on the north side of Rancho California Road, between Riesling Court and Promenade chardonnay Hills. The improvements will include median curbs, curb and gutter, sidewalks, and landscape and irrigation. Cost: $3,855,000 Status: RFP for design is anticipated to be posted on PlanetBids in Q2 2024. Ynez Road Improvements — Phase I, PW23-02 Description: This project includes widening the easterly side of Ynez Road, from Rancho Vista Road north roughly 1600 feet, to two lanes in each direction, and the completion of missing segments of curb and gutter, sidewalk, and striped medians, in coordination with adjacent development. Cost: $2,950,000 Status: This project is currently in design. City of Temecula DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT STATUS REPORT May 28, 2024 INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS Bike and Trail Program — Great Oak Trail Lighting, PW21-16 Description: Project includes the installation of solar lights along the Great Oak Trail adjacent to the northeast side of Pechanga Parkway from Deer Hollow Way to Loma Linda Road. Cost: $828,600 Status: Project is currently in design. Citywide Concrete Repairs FY2022-23, PW23-17 Description: The Citywide Concrete Repairs is an annual maintenance project to repair various concrete facilities within the City's public right-of-way. The Department of Public Works, Maintenance Division surveys the City and compiles a list of the improvements that are in need of repair. This year's project will remove and replace curb & gutter, sidewalk, access ramps, driveways, cross gutters, and under sidewalk drains at more than one hundred and six (106) locations. In addition, an added alternate concrete repair area for this project is located at the Community Recreation Center (CRC) parking area. Cost: $350,068.70 Status: Project was publicly bid from 8/31/2023-9/19/2023. Construction contract was awarded at the 10/10/2023 City Council Meeting. The notice to proceed was issued on November 13, 2023. The project is expected to be completed in May 2024. Citywide Drainage Master Plan, PW19-16 Description: Project will prepare a report that shows all drainage courses within the City. Also includes a master hydrology study showing the anticipated storm flows at build -out. Cost: $600,000 Status: GIS database has been 90% updated and is being used by staff. Potential future CIP projects/locations have been reviewed by City staff. Consultant is adding CIP project locations into the overall drainage model. Completed model in June 2024. City of Temecula DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT STATUS REPORT May 28, 2024 INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS (Continued) Citywide Slurry Seal FY2022-23, PW23-16 Description: The Citywide Slurry Seal Program - Fiscal Year 2022-23 is an annual project that will utilize slurry to seal the project roadways against water intrusion and deterioration of the asphalt concrete pavement wearing surface. This year's project location is in Rancho Vista, Los Ranchitos, and Rancho Vista East areas. Cost: $2,460,421.82 Status: Project was publicly bid from 8/31/2023-9/19/2023. Construction contract was awarded at the 10/10/2023 City Council Meeting. The Notice to Proceed was signed on 10/11/2023 and construction began. The slurry seal placement started on November 27, 2023. The project is expected to be completed in May 2024. Community Recreation Center (CRC) Renovations, PW19-07 Description: The project facilitates the rehabilitation, improvement, and reconfiguration of the Community Recreation Center. This project includes expansion and reconfiguration of teen center; conversion of office space to accommodate a dedicated police substation; renovation of key components of the building including safety features, flooring, roof, and restroom facility access; ADA compliance; renovation and expansion of existing office space and rec rooms including AV upgrades; expanded storage space and upgraded kitchen equipment. Cost: $10,708,232 Status: The facility was re -opened to the public following completion of Phase 1 in mid -June, 2023. Design for Phase 2 is continuing. Fiber Optic Communications Systems - Citywide (System Master Plan), PW 22-03 Description: This project will develop a communications masterplan that will provide a strategic plan outlining the approach and buildout design of fiber optic cable and conduit throughout the City. The masterplan document will provide a roadmap to connect all existing and future traffic signals, traffic monitoring devices, surveillance cameras, and City facilities to City -owned fiber communication lines. The ultimate project goal is to enhance the City's existing fiber optic communication system to ensure it can handle the future needs of the City. Cost: $120,150 Status: The project has just commenced, and the consultant is working on an existing systems assessment. Documents are being developed. City of Temecula DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT STATUS REPORT May 28, 2024 INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS (Continued) Fire Station 73 Gym/Garage, PW19-13 Description: Project consists of adding a second garage in the rear of the property to park the squad and Urban Search and Rescue (USR) vehicle, along with a gym and storage rooms. The construction is anticipated to be completed in the Fiscal Year 2024-25. Cost: $3,477,515 Status: Architect has prepared a schematic design and exterior rendering, which was reviewed by the Fire Department. The project geotechnical report is complete. The consultant has started developing construction plans. First submittal plans expected in June 2024. Fire Station 84 Renovation, PW19-14 Description: This project includes the design, construction, and renovation to Fire Station 84. The renovations include adding a Wellness Room, expanding the Storage Room, and upgrading the Training Room. Also, the upgrades include electrical, windows, flooring, paint, tile, HVAC, cabinets, plumbing fixtures, garage bay doors and any necessary improvements needed to conform to ADA accessibility access. Cost: $1,955,309 Status: Preparing a phasing plan that will allow the Fire personnel to maintain their occupancy of the building during construction. Plans and specifications were revised. Anticipate re -bidding the construction contract in June 2024. City of Temecula DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT STATUS REPORT May 28, 2024 INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS (Continued) Interstate 15 / State Route 79 South Interchange Enhanced Landscaping, PW17-19 Description: Landscape beautification of the Interstate 15 corridor between French Valley Parkway and Temecula Parkway, including each interchange, in association with Visit Temecula Valley and the Pechanga Tribe. This project includes the design and construction of enhanced landscaping, hardscape, and irrigation between the freeway and ramps on the west side of the Interstate 15 / State Route 79S (Temecula Parkway) interchange. Cost: $3,558,483 Status: Design and environmental studies August 2019 — March 2024. Caltrans is currently reviewing 100% plans. At the 01/09/2024, the City Council approved the plans and specifications and authorized staff to advertise the project for construction bids. Upon Caltrans approval of the plans, the construction contract will be advertised for bids. Estimate bidding in June 2024. Margarita Recreation Center, PW17-21 Description: Demolition and Reconstruction of New Margarita Recreation Center Building and Pool Cost: $12,601,508 Status: The Design -Build Contract was awarded at the March 9, 2021, City Council Meeting to De La Secura Builders, Inc., for a Guaranteed Maximum Price of $8,680,459.00. Major demolition activities commenced mid -March 2022. City Groundbreaking occurred on March 31, 2022. Permanent power installed in July of 2023 and gas installed in October of 2023. Ribbon cutting was held on December 14, 2023. Building occupancy was approved in January 2024 and the building is fully operational now. Punchlist, warranty, and final closeout are the only remaining activities. Santa Gertrudis Creek Phase II, Margarita Road Under -crossing, PW19-04 Description: Construction of the under -crossing in Santa Gertrudis Creek at Margarita Road to connect the pedestrian/bicycle trail. Cost: $4,037,215 Status: Project was advertised for construction bids on 02/12/2024 through 03/21/2024. Planning to award construction contract on 05/14/2024. City of Temecula DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT STATUS REPORT May 28, 2024 INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS (Continued) Sidewalks — Citywide (Ynez Road, Rancho Highland to Tierra Vista Road), PW17-28 Description: New sidewalks on the west side of Ynez Road from Rancho Highland to Tierra Vista Road. Cost: $197,000 Status: ADA Access Ramps have been revised and currently being reviewed. The project is scheduled to be advertised for construction bids in May 2024. Sidewalks — Citywide (Pauba Road, Elinda Road to Showalter Road), PW 19-20 Description: New sidewalks and street widening on the South side of Pauba Road from Elinda Road to Showalter Road. Cost: $369,795. Status: Project is at 95% design stage.95% plan check comments were returned to Consultant in December 2023. Plans anticipated to be completed in May 2024. The project is scheduled on the May 14, 2024, City Council Meeting to solicit bids. Sidewalks - Old Town Improvements - South Side of Sixth Street (Old Town Front Street to Mercedes Street), PW22-16 Description: This project involves adding and improving sidewalk on the south side Sixth Street in Old Town from Old Town Front Street to Mercedes Street. The improvements include adding sidewalks, concrete ramp bulb outs, rolled curb and gutter, streetlights, and trees in accordance with the Old Town Specific Plan. Cost: $591,194 Status: This project is at the 95% design stage. The Consultant is finalizing the plans and specifications. City of Temecula DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT STATUS REPORT May 28, 2024 INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS (Continued) Sidewalks - Old Town Improvements - Additional Streetlights on Moreno Road and Mercedes Street (East of Old Town Front Street), PW22-17 Description: This project involves eight additional old town streetlights for Moreno Road and Mercedes Street. The tree existing streetlights will be removed and replaced with the proposed decorative streetlights to match the old town aesthetic. Cost: $175,337 Status: Construction is complete. The project was accepted at the 04/23/2024 City Council meeting and the Notice of Completion has been filed. Southside Parking Lot Reconfiguration, PW15-07 Description: This project includes rehabilitation and reconstruction of the existing parking lot. Work includes removal, rehabilitation, and/or replacement of pavement, restriping the parking to the temporary and final conditions, modification of the existing lighting system, construction curbs and islands, installation of bollards, installation of wheel stops, construction of water quality treatment features, and planting of trees and shrubs. Cost: $1,250,750 Status: Advertisement for construction contract bids began on May 2, 2024, and the bid opening is scheduled for May 29, 2024. Utility Undergrounding - Citywide - Power Pole Serving 28551 and 28561 Old Town Front Street (Between Fifth and Fourth Street), PW22-18 Description: This project includes undergrounding the power pole serving 28551 and 28561 Old Town Front Street with the goal of beautifying Old Town. Cost: $20,000 Status: A Right of Entry Agreement with the property owner has been completed. Construction began in March 2024. Completion is anticipated in June 2024. City of Temecula DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT STATUS REPORT May 28, 2024 PARKS AND RECREATION PROJECTS Community Recreation Center Splash Pad & Shade Structures, PW21-07 Description: This project provides for the conversion of the CRC's wading pool into a splash pad, and the addition of shade structures in the area. Cost: $1,100,000 Status: Bids were opened on November 30, 2023. The City Council awarded the construction contract on 01/23/2024. Construction began on 03/11/2024 with estimated completion in August 2024. Dog Park Renovation, PW21-14 Description: Design and construct a dog park including a small dog pen and large dog pen at Michael "Mike" Naggar Community Park. Cost: $1,040,000 Status: Project is 21 working days into the 35 working day duration. Majority of construction to be completed late May. Shade structures and light pole foundation will be installed once the permit is approved by building and safety and the shade structures are delivered to the site. Estimated completion of construction is July 2024. Murrieta Creek Improvements — Trail Lights, PW21-13 Description: This part of the project involves installing 27 solar lights along the Murrieta Creek trail on the east side of the creek from Rancho California Road to First Street. Cost: $200,000 Status: Riverside County Flood Control Permit submitted as of January 4, 2023. A US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) 408 permit is required and an application has already been submitted. City of Temecula DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT STATUS REPORT May 28, 2024 PARKS AND RECREATION PROJECTS (Continued) Park Restroom Renovations, Expansion and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), PW17-06 Description: Renovation of various park site restroom facilities, including Ronald Reagan Sports Park North/South Ball Field (new roof, cabinets, fixtures, and other building improvements), Vail Ranch Park (PW23-06) and Long Canyon Creek Park (PW23-18). Cost: $1,127,800 Status: Project is ongoing. Ronald Reagan Sports Park North/South Ball Field Restroom building is currently in the design phase and the project will be advertised for construction bids in Spring 2024, with construction in Summer 2024. Vail Ranch Park, PW23-06, and Long Canyon Creek Park, PW23-18, are in the scoping phase. Pickleball Courts, PW21-03 Description: Design and construct 17 dedicated pickleball courts at Ronald Reagan Sports Park. Cost: $3,300,878 Status: Project was publicly advertised from 3/25/24 — 4/23/24. Construction contract is scheduled for award by City Council at the May 14t" Meeting. The project is expected to be completed October 2024. Ronald Reagan Sports Park Hockey Rink, PW22-06 Description: This project will include the renovation of the existing hockey rink to install new flooring material, arena style roof structure, bleachers, and various ADA compliance improvements. Cost: $2,085,000 Status: A shortlist of Pre -Qualified Firms was approved by City Council on November 14, 2023. Design Build Proposals have been reviewed and a Design Build team has been selected. Negotiations are taking place with the best value proponent. Award of design build contract anticipated to take place at 6/11/24 City Council meeting. Design is anticipated to begin Q2 2024 and start of construction is estimated to begin Q1 of 2025. City of Temecula DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT STATUS REPORT May 28, 2024 PARKS AND RECREATION PROJECTS (Continued) Ronald Reagan Sports Park Skate Park, PW22-07 Description: Remove and replace the existing skate park and install state-of-the-art skate plaza elements Cost: $4,060,000 Status: Project is in the design stage. Final Design began in February 2024 and construction is anticipated to begin in Winter 2024/25. City of Temecula DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT STATUS REPORT May 28, 2024 LAND DEVELOPMENT OVERSIGHT PROJECTS Arrive @ Rancho Highlands Description: A 270-unit multi -family community built on 12.32 acres that includes 55 affordable units. The project is located adjacent to the Temecula Duck Pond approximately 775 feet southeast of Rancho California Road on the north side of Ynez Road. Status: Grading and onsite storm drain permits were issued in October 2021. Grading and onsite storm drain construction has commenced. Overflow parking lot has been paved. Heirloom Farms Description: A Development Plan for a 321-unit single family residential community built on 27.86 acres consisting of detached homes and attached townhomes located on the southwest corner of Date Street and Ynez Road. Includes the installation of a new Traffic Signal at the intersection of Ynez Rod and Waverly Lane/Temecula Center Drive. Status: Rough grading permit has been issued in July 2021, the offsite and private onsite street and storm drain improvements permits were issued in October 2021 and the traffic signal permit was issued in September 2021. Precise grading is approved and in progress. Street Improvements in progress. Las Haciendas Apartments Description: A Development Plan to construct a 77-unit affordable housing project located at 28715 Las Haciendas Street in Uptown Temecula. Status: Precise grading permit was issued in December 2021. Grading has commenced in January 2022 and is ongoing. Mountain View Description: Thirteen industrial buildings on Avenida Alvarado Status: Thirteen precise grading permits have been issued and construction has commenced. Improvements on Avenida Alvarado, along with street light installations is in process. Onsite storm drain installation has commenced. City of Temecula DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT STATUS REPORT May 28, 2024 LAND DEVELOPMENT OVERSIGHT PROJECTS (Continued) Solana Assisted Living Description: A 90,000 square foot, two-story, Senior Assisted Living Facility located on the southeast corner of the Margarita Road and Solana Way. Status: A rough grading permit was issued in January 2022. Grading began on February 7, 2022. Street improvements and precise grading plans are near approval. Sommers Bend Description: Land Development has provided oversight of the following submittals for plan check and inspections: final maps, Community Sports Park, and recreation lots, precise grading; street and storm drain improvements; traffic signals; street lighting; and signing & striping. Status: The mass grading permit was issued in September 2018. Sommers Bend has been paved with streetlights installed. The community sports park, Ranch at Sommers Bend, construction is complete and has been accepted at the February 8, 2022, Council Meeting. The Sommers Bend recreation center construction is complete. Installation of streets, storm drains and streetlights on east end of project is in process. Grading has been completed in the Density Core, currently installing sewer. Installation of Santa Gertrudis Creek Channel improvements northwest end of project is in process. REQUESTS TO SPEAK REQUEST TO SPEAK CITY OF TEMECULA E1989) Date: Public Comment: Non -Agenda Item: Agenda Item: ❑ Item Description or Item No Request to Speak forms for Public Comments or items listed on the Consent Calendar may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council commencing the Public Comment period. For all Public Hearing or Council Business items on the Agenda, a Request to Speak form may be submitted to the City Clerk rp for to the City Council addressing that item. Once the speaker is called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name for the record. G' f)60V_(00)11VAC-t(t?Name: ��J'� Phone Number: Address Email address: If you are representing an organization or group, please give the name: Please note that all information presented at a City Council meeting becomes public record. All information provided is optional. REQUEST TO SPEAK CITY OF TEMECULA ivxv Public Comment: Non -Agenda Item: �4 Agenda Item: Item Description or Item No. Date:19�O U( Request to Speak forms for Public Comments or items listed on the Consent Calendar may be submitted to the City Clerk rp for to the City Council commencing the Public Comment period. For all Public Hearing or Council Business items on the Agenda, a Request to Speak form may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council addressing that item. Once the speaker is called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name for the record.. _ i% Name: w"" Phone Number. Address Email address: If you are representing an organization or group, please give the name: Please note that all information presented at a City Council meeting becomes public record. All information provided is optional. REQUEST TO SPEAK 690_3_1_�7 CITY OF TEMECULA Public Comment: Non -Agenda Item: Agenda Item: ❑ Item Description or Item No Request to Speak forms for Public Comments or items listed on the Consent Calendar may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council commencing the Public Comment period. For all Public Hearing or Council Business items on the Agenda, a Request to Speak form may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council addressing that item. Once the speaker is called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name for the record. Name: Phone Number: 6WAddress: Email address: If you are representing an organization or group, please give the name: Please note that all information presented at a City Council meeting becomes public record. All information provided is optional. REQUEST TO SPEAK CITY OF TEMECULA Date: Public Comment: Non -Agenda Item: V Agenda Item: ❑ Item Description or Item No. ( _ .0 Request to Speak forms for Public Comments or items listed on the Consent Calendar may be submitted to the City Clerk rp for to the City Council commencing the Public Comment period. For all Public Hearing or Council Business items on the Agenda, a Request to Speak form may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council addressing that item. Once the speaker is called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name for the rec%rd. ) Name: Fl o-�0� 1/1 k < < 4 C' r'/ Phone Number: Address: Email address: If you are representing an organization or group, please give the name: Please note that all information presented at a City Council meeting becomes public record. All information provided is optional. REQUEST TO SPEAK CITY OF TEMECULA 2 X 2 cz y Date: Public Comment: Non -Agenda Item: V❑ Agenda Item: ❑ n Item Description or Item No. -SA �) A Request to Speak forms for Public Comments or items listed on the Consent Calendar may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council commencing the Public Comment period. For all Public Hearing or Council Business items on the Agenda, a Request to Speak form may be submitted to the City Clerk prior to the City Council addressing that item. Once the speaker is called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name for the record. () Name:I �'/ �� I ` (� /�"' " Phone Number: Address: ��^�% Email address: If you are representing an organization or group, please give the name: Please note that all information presented at a City Council meeting becomes public record. All information provided is optional.