HomeMy WebLinkAbout08212024 PC AgendaIn compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the office of the City Clerk (951) 694-6444. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to that meeting [28 CFR ADA Title 11]. AGENDA TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 41000 MAIN STREET TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 21, 2024 - 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER: Chair Bob Hagel FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Adam Ruiz ROLL CALL: Hagel, Ruiz, Solis, Turley-Trejo, Watts PUBLIC COMMENT A total of 30 minutes is provided for members of the public to address the Commission on matters not listed on the agenda. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the Commission Secretary. Speaker cards will be called in the order received. Still images may be displayed on the projector. All other audio and visual use is prohibited. Public comments may also be submitted by email for inclusion into the record. Email comments must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments and submitted to PlanningCommission@temeculaca.gov. All public participation is governed by Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. CONSENT CALENDAR All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the Commission request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. A total of 30 minutes is provided for members of the public to address the Commission on items that appear on the Consent Calendar. Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the Commission Secretary. Speaker cards will be called in the order received. Still images maybe displayed on the projector. All other audio and visual use is prohibited. Public comments may also be submitted by email for inclusion into the record. Email comments must be received prior to 6:00 p.m. and submitted to PlanningCommission@temeculaca.gov. All public participation is governed by Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. 1. Minutes Recommendation: Approve the Action Minutes of August 7, 2024 Attachments: Minutes Page 1 Planning Commission Agenda August 21, 2024 PUBLIC HEARING Any person may submit written comments to the Commission before a public hearing or may appear and be heard in support of or in opposition to the approval of the project(s) at the time of the hearing. If you challenge any of the project(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the Commission Secretary at, or prior to, the public hearing. For public hearings each speaker is limited to 5 minutes. Public comments may be made in person at the meeting by submitting a speaker card to the Commission Secretary or by submitting an email to be included into the record. Email comments must be submitted to PlanningCommission@temeculaca.gov. Email comments on all matters, including those not on the agenda, must be received prior to the time the item is called for public comments. Any person dissatisfied with a decision of the Commission may file an appeal of the Commission's decision. Said appeal must be filed within 15 calendar days after service of written notice of the decision. The appeal must be filed on the appropriate Community Development Department form and be accompanied by the appropriate filing fee. All public participation is governed by the Council Policy regarding Public Participation at Meetings adopted by Resolution No. 2021-54. 2. Planning Application No. PA23-0438, a Development Plan for Village A of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 146 detached single family and duplex homes and one (1) park (APNs: 940-310-013, 940-310-015, 940-310-016, 940-310-045, 940-310-046), Scott Cooper Recommendation: Adopt a resolution entitled: PC RESOLUTION NO. 2024- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA23-0438, A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR 146 DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY AND DUPLEX HOMES AND ONE (1) PARK LOCATED WITHIN VILLAGE A OF THE ALTAIR SPECIFIC PLAN (APNS: 940-310-013, 940-310-015, 940-310-016, 940-310-045, 940-310-046), AND MAKING FINDINGS OF CONSISTENCY WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND DETERMINING THAT NO FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO SECTION 15162 OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT Attachments: Agenda Report Aerial Map PC Revolution Exhibit A — Draft Conditions of Approval Exhibit B — Plan Reductions Notice of Determination Notice of Public Hearing Page 2 Planning Commission Agenda August 21, 2024 3. Planning Application No. PA23-0439, a Development Plan for Village B of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 109 detached single family and duplex homes and one (1) park APNS: 940-310-044, 940-310-045, 940-310-046, 940-310-047, 940-310-048), Scott Cooper Recommendation: Adopt a resolution entitled: PC RESOLUTION NO. 2024- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA23-0439, A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR 109 DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY AND DUPLEX HOMES AND ONE (1) PARK LOCATED WITHIN VILLAGE B OF THE ALTAIR SPECIFIC PLAN (APNS: 940-310-044, 940-310-045, 940-310-046, 940-310-047, 940-310-048), AND MAKING FINDINGS OF CONSISTENCY WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND DETERMINING THAT NO FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO SECTION 15162 OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT Attachments: Agenda Report Aerial Map PC Resolution Exhibit A — Draft Conditions of Approval Exhibit B — Plan Reductions Notice of Determination Notice of Public Hearing 4. Planning Application No. PA23-0440, a Development Plan for Village C of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 45 buildings containing 212 attached rowhomes (APNs: 940-310-013, 940-320-002), Scott Cooper Recommendation: Adopt a resolution entitled: PC RESOLUTION NO. 2024- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA23-0440, A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR 45 BUILDINGS CONTAINING 212 ATTACHED ROWHOMES AND ONE (1) PARK LOCATED WITHIN VILLAGE C OF THE ALTAIR SPECIFIC PLAN (APNS: 940-310-013, 940-320-002), AND MAKING FINDINGS OF CONSISTENCY WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND DETERMINING THAT NO FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO SECTION 15162 OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT Page 3 Planning Commission Agenda August 21, 2024 Attachments: Agenda Report Aerial Map PC Resolution Exhibit A — Draft Conditions of Approval Exhibit B — Plan Reductions Notice of Determination Notice of Public Hearing COMMISSIONER REPORTS COMMISSION SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR REPORT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR REPORT ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission will be held on Wednesday, September 4, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers located at 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The full agenda packet (including staff reports and any supplemental material available after the original posting of the agenda), distributed to a majority of the Planning Commission regarding any item on the agenda, will be available for public viewing in the main reception area of the Temecula Civic Center during normal business hours at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. The material will also be available on the City's website at TemeculaCa.gov. and available for review at the respective meeting. If you have questions regarding any item on the agenda, please contact the Community Development Department at (951) 694-6444. Page 4 Item No. 1 ACTION MINUTES TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING COUNCIL CHAMBERS 41000 MAIN STREET TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA AUGUST 7, 2024 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER at 6:00 PM: Chair Bob Hagel FLAG SALUTE: Commissioner Gary Watts ROLL CALL: Hagel, Ruiz, Solis, Turley-Trejo, Watts PUBLIC COMMENT - None CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes Recommendation: Approve the action minutes of August 7, 2024 Approved the Staff Recommendation (5-0): Motion by Watts, Second by Solis. The vote reflected unanimous approval. PUBLIC HEARING 2. Long Range Planning Project Number LR24-0005, Amending Titles 5, 8, 15, and 17 of the Temecula Municipal Code, Mark Collins Recommendation: Adopt a resolution entitled: PC RESOLUTION NO. 2024-14 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING TITLES 5, 8,15 AND 17 OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE MAKING 1) MINOR REVISIONS TO MASSAGE AND TOBACCO ESTABLISHMENTS OPERATIONAL STANDARDS, 2) CLARIFY LIMITATIONS FOR OUTDOOR VENDORS, 3) AMEND THE DEFINITION OF "NUISANCE" TO INCLUDE "DISORDERLY HOUSE" 4) IMPLEMENT THE PROVISIONS OF AB 970 RELATED TO STREAMLINED APPROVAL OF ELECTRIC AND HYDROGEN FUELING STATIONS 5) SPECIFY THAT THE TEMECULA GENERAL PLAN WILL BE USED FOR LAND USE DETERMINATIONS PERTAINING TO ZONING FOR SPECIFIC PLANS NO. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, AND 12 NOT RIVERSIDE COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 348, 6) CLARIFY THAT VENDORSTARMERS MARKETS REQUIRE A MAJOR TEMPORARY USE PERMIT, AND 7) REMOVE WATER TANKS AS AN APPROVED LOCATION FOR TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITIES, 8) MAKE OTHER CLERICAL OR TYPOGRAPHICAL CORRECTIONS, AND MAKE A FINDING OF EXEMPTION UNDER CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT (CEQA) GUIDELINES SECTION 15061 (B)(3)." Approved the Staff Recommendation as amended and requested staff to investigate the possibility of changes to Section 6 of the proposed Ordinance amending Section 5.24.120 of the Temecula Municipal Code to restrict the entry of persons under the age of 21 into tobacco shops. (5 0): Motion by Turley-Trejo, Second by Solis. The vote reflected unanimous approval. COMMISSIONER REPORTS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR REPORT PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR REPORT ADJOURNMENT At 6:45 PM, the Planning Commission meeting was formally adjourned to Wednesday, August 21, 2024, at 6:00 PM, City Council Chambers, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California. Bob Hagel, Chair Matt Peters, Interim Director of Community Development Item No. 2 STAFF REPORT — PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: August 21, 2024 TO: Planning Commission Chairperson and members of the Planning Commission FROM: Matt Peters, Interim Director of Community Development PREPARED BY: Scott Cooper, Case Planner PROJECT Planning Application No. PA23-0438, a Development Plan for SUMMARY: Village A of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 146 detached single family and duplex homes and one (1) park (APNs: 940-310-013, 940- 310-015, 940-310-016, 940-310-045, 940-310-046). RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a Resolution approving the project subject to Conditions of Approval CEQA: No further environmental review required Section 15162, Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations PROJECT DATA SUMMARY Name of Applicant: Brookfield Properties General Plan Designation: Specific Plan Implementation (SPI) Zoning Designation: Altair Specific Plan (SP-15) Existing Conditions/ Land Use: Site: Vacant Land / Specific Plan Implementation (SPI) North: Ridge Park Drive, Vacant Land, Commercial Office Buildings / Specific Plan Implementation (SPI), Industrial Park (IP), Professional Office (PO) South: County of Riverside Vacant Land East: Vacant Land / Specific Plan Implementation (SPI) West: County of Riverside Vacant Land BACKGROUND SUMMARY On December 12, 2017, the City of Temecula City Council approved a General Plan Amendment and Tentative Tract Map to allow for residential development within this area and at a second reading on January 9, 2018 adopted an Ordinance for the approval of the Altair Specific Plan. On November 15, 2023, Brookfield Properties submitted Planning Application PA23-0438, a Development Plan for Village A of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 146 detached single family and duplex homes and one (1) park. Staff has worked with the applicant to ensure that all concerns have been addressed, and the applicant concurs with the recommended Conditions of Approval. ANALYSIS Altair is envisioned as the complementary residential component to the Old Town Specific Plan area. The two planning areas are integral to providing a successful urban mixed -use environment. The proposed project involves the construction of 78 three story detached single-family homes ranging in size from 2,011 square feet to 2,213 square feet and 68 two and three story duplex homes ranging in size from 1,665 square feet to 2,384 square feet within Village A of the Altair Specific Plan. The proposed architecture, plotting, landscaping, and walls and fences were reviewed for conformance with the development standards and design guidelines of the Specific Plan. Architecture The project proposes three (3) floor plans with one (1) architectural style consisting of three (3) different color schemes for the detached single family product and four (4) floor plans with one (1) architectural style consisting of six (6) different color schemes. The Altair Specific Plan does not dictate specific architectural styles as other specific plans in the City do. It allows for creativity and imaginativeness from developers to provide architecture that stands on its own within the urban environment of Altair. The proposed architectural styles include Modern Farmhouse are Progressive Agrarian. Staff believes that, with the attached Conditions of Approval, the project meets the intent of the Altair Specific Plan. The proposed elevations achieve a quality appearance and provide variety along the streetscape and within the internal residential area. The applicant has provided specific details which are unique to each proposed architectural style and elevation. Each of the proposed styles is distinct through the use of materials and colors and with articulation provided on elevations of the homes. The architectural elements and materials that work to achieve this character are defined below for each specific style: • Modern Farmhouse: color blocking and a higher contrast in style enhances the elevations by encouraging bold and playful accent colors with the vertical board & batten and accent siding against the neutral toned stucco. A columned recessed entry offers a welcoming environment and seamlessly integrates with the yard. Gable and shed roofs with their pitch varying from 4:12 to 6:12 in addition to the wood railings. • Progressive Agrarian: the style is defined by flat tiled, low-pitched gable and shed roofs, gable -end siding, and metal and wood beam awnings. Bold color styling incorporates warm hues in the stucco and horizontal siding. Unique characteristics include inset siding, metal railings, stone accents, and a projecting columned porch with a proportioned shed roof. Enhanced elevations have been provided in locations where an elevation is adjacent to or visible from a street in order to provide a level of architecture that meets or exceeds other residential development in the City. Public Park/Open Space The Altair Specific Plan requires a 0.95-acre active public park as part of Village A. The proposed 1.0-acre park contains amenities including picnic tables, lawn area, shade structures, play areas with age -appropriate equipment, community library, and social areas. In addition to the public park there are other small and medium open space areas that provide shade structures with seating, turf areas, and gathering and play areas. These open space areas are part of an overall open space plan for Villages A, B, & C that will allow residents of Altair to trek from the far northern end of Village A to the Central Park of Altair stopping in various areas to take in the views of Old Town from seating areas within active and passive open space areas. LEGAL NOTICING REQUIREMENTS The notice of the public hearing was published in the Press Enterprise on August 8, 2024, and mailed to the property owners within 600-foot radius. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION The Altair Specific Plan was formally adopted on January 9, 2018. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared and certified on December 12, 2017, as part of this effort. The proposed project is consistent with the previously adopted Altair EIR and is exempt from further environmental review (Section 15162, Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations). Staff has reviewed the EIR and has determined that the proposed project is consistent with the EIR as the proposed project merely implements the development that was already contemplated and analyzed by the EIR. The EIR analyzed the impacts of the construction of 146 single-family homes in Village A. As such, the proposed project does not require the preparation of a subsequent Environmental Impact Report or Mitigated Negative Declaration as none of the conditions described in Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines (14 Cal. Code Regs. 15162) exist. Additionally, the proposed project does not require the preparation of an addendum to the EIR as there are no changes or additions to the proposed project from what was analyzed by the EIR. Therefore, no further environmental review is required as all environmental impacts of the proposed project were analyzed, disclosed, and mitigated as set forth in the EIR. Moreover, the mitigation measures imposed as part of the EIR remain valid and applicable to the proposed project. FINDINGS Development Plan (Code Section 17.05.010.F) The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State Law and other Ordinances of the City. The proposed single family detached and duplex homes are permitted in the land use designation standards contained in the Altair Specific Plan and the City s Development Code. The project is also consistent with General Plan land use of Specific Plan Implementation. The site is properly planned and zoned and, as conditioned, is physically suitable for the type and density of residential development proposed. The project, as conditioned, is also consistent with other applicable requirements of State law and local ordinances, including the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City Wide Design Guidelines, and fire and building codes. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare. The overall design of the single-family homes, including the site, building, parking, circulation and other associated site improvements, is consistent with, and intended to protect the health and safety of those working in and around the site. The project has been reviewed for and, as conditioned, has been found to be consistent with all applicable policies, guidelines, standards, and regulations intended to ensure that the development will be constructed and function in a manner consistent with the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare. Nothing proposed in the Development Plan is anticipated to have an adverse impact to the public health, safety and general welfare. ATTACHMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Aerial Map PC Resolution Exhibit A — Draft Conditions of Approval Exhibit B — Plan Reductions Notice of Determination Notice of Public Hearing �r Nall wl, I iv' lL PC RESOLUTION NO. 2024- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA23-0438, A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR 146 DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY AND DUPLEX HOMES AND ONE (1) PARK LOCATED WITHIN VILLAGE A OF THE ALTAIR SPECIFIC PLAN (APNS: 940-310-013, 940-310-015, 940-310-016, 940-310-045, 940-310-046), AND MAKING FINDINGS OF CONSISTENCY WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND DETERMINING THAT NO FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO SECTION 15162 OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT Section 1. Procedural Findings. The Planning Commission of the City of Temecula does hereby find, determine and declare that: A. On November 15, 2023, Brookfield Properties Planning Applications: No. PA23- 0438, a Development Plan in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code. B. The Project was processed including, but not limited to a public notice, in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law. C. The Planning Commission, at a regular meeting, considered the Project and environmental review on August 21, 2024, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, at which time the City staff and interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to this matter. D. At the conclusion of the Planning Commission hearing and after due consideration of the testimony, the Planning Commission approved Planning Application No. PA23-0438, subject to and based upon the findings set forth hereunder. E. All legal preconditions to the adoption of the Resolution have occurred. Section 2. Further Findings. The Planning Commission, in approving the Application hereby finds, determines and declares that in accordance with Temecula Municipal Code Section 17.05.010.F (Development Plan): A. The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City. The proposed single family detached and duplex homes are permitted in the land use designation standards contained in the Altair Specific Plan and the City's Development Code. The project is also consistent with General Plan land use of Specific Plan Implementation. The site is properly planned and zoned and, as conditioned, is physically suitable for the type and density of residential development proposed. The project, as conditioned, is also consistent with other applicable requirements of State law and local ordinances, including the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City Wide Design Guidelines, and fire and building codes. B. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare. The overall design of the single-family homes, including the site, building, parking, circulation and other associated site improvements, is consistent with, and intended to protect the health and safety of those working in and around the site. The project has been reviewed for and, as conditioned, has been found to be consistent with all applicable policies, guidelines, standards, and regulations intended to ensure that the development will be constructed and function in a manner consistent with the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare. Nothing proposed in the Development Plan is anticipated to have an adverse impact to the public health, safety and general welfare. Section 3. Environmental Findings. The Planning Commission hereby makes the following environmental findings and determinations in connection with the approval of the Development Plan: A. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, it has been determined that no further environmental review of the proposed project is required (Section 15162, Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations); 1. The Altair Specific Plan was formally adopted on January 9, 2018. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared and certified on December 12, 2017, as part of this effort. The proposed project is consistent with the previously adopted Altair EIR and is exempt from further environmental review (Section 15162, Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations). Staff has reviewed the EIR and has determined that the proposed project is consistent with the EIR as the proposed project merely implements the development that was already contemplated and analyzed by the EIR. The EIR analyzed the impacts of the construction of 146 single-family homes in Village A. As such, the proposed project does not require the preparation of a subsequent Environmental Impact Report or Mitigated Negative Declaration as none of the conditions described in Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines (14 Cal. Code Regs. 15162) exist. Additionally, the proposed project does not require the preparation of an addendum to the EIR as there are no changes or additions to the proposed project from what was analyzed by the EIR. Therefore, no further environmental review is required as all environmental impacts of the proposed project were analyzed, disclosed, and mitigated as set forth in the EIR. Moreover, the mitigation measures imposed as part of the EIR remain valid and applicable to the proposed project. Section 4. Conditions. The Planning Commission of the City of Temecula approves Planning Application No. PA23-0438, a Development Plan for Village A of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 146 detached single family and duplex homes and one (1) park, subject to the Conditions of Approval set forth on Exhibit A and Plan Reductions set forth in Exhibit B, attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City of Temecula Planning Commission this 21 st day of August, 2024. Bob Hagel, Chairperson ATTEST: Matt Peters Secretary [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE )ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Matt Peters, Secretary of the Temecula Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the forgoing PC Resolution No. 2024- was duly and regularly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the 21 st day of August, 2024, by the following vote: AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: NOES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Matt Peters Secretary EXHIBIT A CITY OF TEMECULA DRAFT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Application No.: PA23-0438 Project Description: Development Plan for Village A of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 146 detached single family and duplex homes and one (1) park Assessor's Parcel No.: 940-310-013 940-310-015 940-310-016 940-310-045 940-310-046 MSHCP Category: Credits per the Development Agreement (PA14-0161) DIF Category: Credits per the Development Agreement (PA14-0161) TUMF Category: Credits per the Development Agreement (PA14-0161) Quimby Category: Exempt per the Development Agreement (PA14-0161) New Street In -lieu of Fee: N/A (Project Not Located in Uptown Specific Plan Area) Approval Date: August 21, 2024 Expiration Date: August 21, 2027 PLANNING DIVISION Within 48 Hours of the Approval Page 1 of 13 Applicant Filing Notice of Determination. APPLICANT ACTION REQUIRED: The applicant/developer is responsible for filing the Notice of Determination as required under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and California Code of Regulations Section 15062 within 48 hours of the project approval. If within said 48-hour period the applicant/ developer has not filed the Notice of Determination as required above, the approval for the project granted shall be void due to failure of this condition. Failure to submit the Notice of Exemption will result in an extended period of time for legal challenges. FEES: Fees for the Notice of Exemption include the Fifty Dollar County ($50.00) administrative fee. The County of Riverside charges additional fees for credit card transactions. FILING: The City shall provide the applicant with a Notice of Determination within 24 hours of approval via email. If the applicant/developer has not received the Notice of Determination within 24 hours of approval, they shall contact the case Planner immediately. All CEQA documents must be filed online with the Riverside County Assessor — County Clerk- Recorder. A direct link to the CEQA filings page is available at TemeculaCA.gov/CEQA. COPY OF FILINGS: The applicant shall provide the City with a digital copy of the required filings within 48 hours. General Requirements 2. Indemnification of the City. Indemnity, Duty to Defend and Obligation to Pay Judgments and Defense Costs, Including Attorneys' Fees, Incurred by the City. The Applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, volunteers, agents, and those City agents serving as independent contractors in the role of City officials (collectively "Indemnitees") from and against any claims, damages, actions, causes of actions, lawsuits, suits, proceedings, losses, judgments, costs, and expenses (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees or court costs) in any manner arising out of or incident to the Planning Commission's actions, this approval and the City Council's actions, related entitlements, or the City's environmental review thereof. The Applicant shall pay and satisfy any judgment, award or decree that may be rendered against City or the other Indemnitees in any such suit, action, or other legal proceeding. The City shall promptly notify the Applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding and the City shall reasonably cooperate in the defense. If the City fails to promptly notify the Applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding, or if the City fails to reasonably cooperate in the defense, the Applicant shall not thereafter be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City or the Indemnitees. The City shall have the right to select counsel of its choice. The Applicant shall reimburse the City, and the other Indemnitees, for any and all legal expenses and costs incurred by each of them in connection therewith or in enforcing the indemnity herein provided. Nothing in this condition shall be construed to require the Applicant to indemnify Indemnitees for any claim arising from the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnitees. In the event such a legal action is filed challenging the City's determinations herein or the issuance of the approval, the City shall estimate its expenses for the litigation. The Applicant shall deposit said amount with the City or, at the discretion of the City, enter into an agreement with the City to pay such expenses as they become due. Page 2of13 Expiration. This approval shall be used within three years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void. Use means the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval within the three year period, which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion, or the beginning of substantial utilization contemplated by this approval, or use of a property in conformance with a Conditional Use Permit. A modification made to an approved development plan does not affect the original approval date of a development plan. 4. Time Extension. The Director of Community Development may, upon an application being filed prior to expiration, and for good cause, grant a time extension of up to five (5) extensions of time, one year at a time. A modification made to an approved development plan does not affect the original approval date of a development plan. Consistency with Specific Plans. This project and all subsequent projects within this site shall be consistent with the Altair Specific Plan (SP No. 15). 6. Block Wall Coating. All perimeter constructed CMU block walls in the public view shall be finished with an anti -graffiti coating and shall provide documentation confirming the installation of the coating. Consistency with Development Agreements. The project and all subsequent projects within this site shall be subject to Development Agreement No. 2018 0036259 recorded on January 30, 2018. 8. Compliance with EIR. The project and all subsequent projects within this site shall comply with all mitigation measures identified within EIR No. SCH# 2014111029. 9. Conformance with Approved Plans. The development of the premises shall substantially conform to the approved site plan and elevations contained on file with the Planning Division. 10. Signage Permits. A separate building permit shall be required for all signage. 11. Landscape Maintenance. Landscaping installed for the project shall be continuously maintained to the reasonable satisfaction of the Director of Community Development. If it is determined that the landscaping is not being maintained, the Director of Community Development shall have the authority to require the property owner to bring the landscaping into conformance with the approved landscape plan. The continued maintenance of all landscaped areas shall be the responsibility of the developer or any successors in interest. 12. Graffiti. All graffiti shall be removed within 48 hours on telecommunication towers, equipment, walls, or other structures. 13. Water Quality and Drainage. Other than stormwater, it is illegal to allow liquids, gels, powders, sediment, fertilizers, landscape debris, and waste from entering the storm drain system or from leaving the property. To ensure compliance with this Condition of Approval: a. Spills and leaks shall be cleaned up immediately. b. Do not wash, maintain, or repair vehicles onsite. c. Do not hose down parking areas, sidewalks, alleys, or gutters. d. Ensure that all materials and products stored outside are protected from rain. e. Ensure all trash bins are covered at all times. Page 3of13 14. Materials and Colors. The Conditions of Approval specified in this resolution, to the extent architectural style, materials, equipment, finishes or similar matters as specified in the Home Product Review plans, shall be deemed satisfied by City staffs prior approval of the use or utilization of an architectural style, materials, equipment, or finishes that City staff determines to be the substantial equivalent of that required by the Conditions of Approval. Staff may elect to reject the request to substitute, in which case the real party in interest may appeal, after payment of the regular cost of an appeal, the decision to the Planning Commission for its decision. 15. Modifications or Revisions. The developer shall obtain City approval for any modifications or revisions to the approval of this project. 16. Phased Construction. If construction is phased, a construction staging area plan or phasing plan for construction equipment and trash shall be approved by the Director of Community Development. 17. Previous Conditions of Approval. All previous Conditions of Approval from PA14-0159 & PA14-0160 shall remain in full effect unless superseded herein. 18. Construction and Demolition Debris. The developer shall contact the City's franchised solid waste hauler for disposal of construction and demolition debris and shall provide the Planning Division verification of arrangements made with the City's franchise solid waste hauler for disposal of construction and demolition debris. Only the City's franchisee may haul demolition and construction debris. 19. Public Art Ordinance. The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the City's Public Art Ordinance as defined in Chapter 5.08 of the Temecula Municipal Code. 20. Property Maintenance. All parkways, including within the right-of-way, entryway median, landscaping, walls, fencing, recreational facilities, and on -site lighting shall be maintained by the property owner or maintenance association. 21. Fireplaces. Per the Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program no residential units shall be constructed with wood burning fireplaces. Prior to Issuance of Precise Grading Permit 22. Placement of Transformer. Provide the Planning Division with a copy of the underground water plans and electrical plans for verification of proper placement of transformer(s) and double detector check valves prior to final agreement with the utility companies. 23. Placement of Double Detector Check Valves. Double detector check valves shall be installed at locations that minimize their visibility from the public right-of-way, subject to review and approval by the Director of Community Development. Prior to Issuance of Building Permit 24. Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF). The City of Temecula adopted an ordinance on March 31, 2003 to collect fees for a Riverside County area wide Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF). This project is subject to payment of these fees at the time of building permit issuance per the Development Agreement (PA14-0161). The fees are subject to the provisions of Chapter 15.08 of the Temecula Municipal Code and the fee schedule in effect at the time of building permit issuance. The project may participate and benefit from the TUMF credit program as authorized by the County or Riverside and currently administered by WRCOFF. 25. Development Impact Fee (DIF). The developer shall comply with the provisions of Title 15, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code and all its resolutions by paying the appropriate City fee per the Development Agreement (PA14-0161). Page 4of13 26. Photometric Plan. The applicant shall submit a photometric plan, including the parking lot, to the Planning Division, which meets the requirements of the Development Code and the Riverside County Palomar Lighting Ordinance 655. All exterior LED light fixtures shall be 3,000 kelvin or below. The parking lot light standards shall be placed in such a way as to not adversely affect the growth potential of the parking lot trees. 27. Construction Landscaping and Irrigation Plans. Construction Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Division. These plans shall be submitted as a separate submittal, not as part of the building plans or other plan set. These plans shall conform to the approved conceptual landscape plan, or as amended by these conditions. The location, number, height and spread, water usage or KC value, genus, species, and container size of the plants shall be shown. The plans shall be consistent with the Water Efficient Ordinance and Water Storage Contingency Plan per the Rancho California Water District. The plans shall be accompanied by the appropriate filing fee (per the City of Temecula Fee Schedule at time of submittal) and one copy of the approved Grading Plan. 28. Landscaping Site Inspections. The Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall include a note stating, "Three landscape site inspections are required. The first inspection will be conducted at installation of irrigation while trenches are open. This will verify that irrigation equipment and layout is per plan specifications and details. Any adjustments or discrepancies in actual conditions will be addressed at this time and will require an approval to continue. Where applicable, a mainline pressure check will also be conducted. This will verify that the irrigation mainline is capable of being pressurized to 150 psi for a minimum period of two hours without loss of pressure. The second inspection will verify that all irrigation systems are operating properly, and to verify that all plantings have been installed consistent with the approved construction landscape plans. The third inspection will verify property landscape maintenance for release of the one-year landscape maintenance bond." The applicant/owner shall contact the Planning Division to schedule inspections. 29. Agronomic Soils Report. The Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall include a note on the plans stating, "The contractor shall provide two copies of an agronomic soils report at the first irrigation inspection." 30. Water Usage Calculations. The Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall include water usage calculations per Chapter 17.32 of the Development Code (Water Efficient Ordinance), the total cost estimate of plantings and irrigation (in accordance with approved plan). Applicant shall use evapotranspiration (ETo) factor of 0.70 for calculating the maximum allowable water budget. 31. Landscape Maintenance Program. A landscape maintenance program shall be submitted to the Planning Division for approval. The landscape maintenance program shall detail the proper maintenance of all proposed plant materials to assure proper growth and landscape development for the long-term esthetics of the property. The approved maintenance program shall be provided to the landscape maintenance contractor who shall be responsible to carry out the detailed program. Page 5of13 32. Specifications of Landscape Maintenance Program. Specifications of the landscape maintenance program shall indicate, "Three landscape site inspections are required. The first inspection will be conducted at installation of irrigation while trenches are open. This will verify that irrigation equipment and layout is per plan specifications and details. Any adjustments or discrepancies in actual conditions will be addressed at this time and will require an approval to continue. Where applicable, a mainline pressure check will also be conducted. This will verify that the irrigation mainline is capable of being pressurized to 150 psi for a minimum period of two hours without loss of pressure. The second inspection will verify that all irrigation systems are operating properly, and to verify that all plantings have been installed consistent with the approved construction landscape plans. 33. Irrigation. The landscaping plans shall include automatic irrigation for all landscaped areas and complete screening of all ground mounted equipment from view of the public from streets and adjacent property for private common areas; front yards and slopes within individual lots; shrub planting to completely screen perimeter walls adjacent to a public right-of-way equal to 66 feet or larger; and, all landscaping excluding City maintained areas and front yard landscaping which shall include, but may not be limited to, private slopes and common areas. 34. Hardscaping. The landscape plans shall include all hardscaping for equestrian trails and pedestrian trails within private common areas. 35. Wall and Fence Plans. Wall and fence plans shall be consistent with the Conceptual Landscape Plans showing the height, location and the materials for all walls and fences. 36. Precise Grading Plans. Precise Grading Plans shall be consistent with the approved rough grading plans including all structural setback measurements. 37. Building Construction Plans for Outdoor Areas. Building Construction Plans shall include detailed outdoor areas (including but not limited to trellises, decorative furniture, fountains, hardscape, etc.) to match the style of the building subject to the approval of the Director of Community Development. 38. Landscaping Requirement for Phased Development. If any phase or area of the project site is not scheduled for development within six months of the completion of grading, the landscaping plans shall indicate it will be temporarily landscaped (which may include a requirement for regular irrigation) or sprayed with a binder for dust and soil erosion control. 39. WQMP Landscape Compliance. The construction landscape plans shall be consistent with Appendix A, Table 31 of the Low Impact Development (LID) Manual for Southern California for plant materials and treatment facilities, and shall reference the approved precise grading plan for WQMP features. 40. Roof -Mounted Mechanical Equipment. Roof -mounted mechanical equipment shall not be permitted within the subdivision; however, solar equipment or any other energy saving devices shall be permitted with Director of Community Development approval. 41. Utility Screening. All utilities shall be screened from public view or utilize artistic wraps. Landscape construction drawings shall show and label all utilities and provide appropriate screening. Provide a three-foot clear zone around fire check detectors as required by the Fire Department before starting the screen. Group utilities together in order to reduce intrusion. Screening of utilities is not to look like an after -thought. Plan planting beds and design around utilities. Locate all light poles on plans and ensure that there are no conflicts with trees. Prior to Release of Power, Building Occupancy or Any Use Allowed by This Permit Page 6of13 42. Landscape Installation Consistent with Construction Plans. All required landscape planting and irrigation shall have been installed consistent with the approved construction plans and shall be in a condition acceptable to the Director of Community Development. The plants shall be healthy and free of weeds, disease, or pests. The irrigation system shall be properly constructed and in good working order. 43. Installation of Site Improvements. All site improvements, including but not limited to, parking areas and striping shall be installed but may be installed in a phased fashion consistent with approved phasing plan. 44. Compliance with Conditions of Approval. All of the foregoing conditions shall be complied with prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this approval. Phased compliance may occur consisted with phasing plan. 45. Front Yard and Slope Landscaping. Front yard and slope landscaping within individual lots shall be completed for inspection. 46. Private Common Area Landscaping. Private common area landscaping shall be completed. 47. HOA Landscaping. HOA landscaping shall be completed for inspection for those lots adjacent to HOA landscaped area. Outside Agencies 48. Compliance with Geotechnical. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the Geocon West Inc. transmittal dated March 25, 2024, a copy of which is attached. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT General Requirements 49. Conditions of Approval. The developer shall comply with all Conditions of Approval, the Specific Plan, the Engineering and Construction Manual and all City codes/standards at no cost to any governmental agency. 50. Entitlement Approval. The developer shall comply with the approved site plan, the conceptual Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) and other relevant documents approved during entitlement. Any significant omission to the representation of site conditions may require the plans to be resubmitted for further review and revision. 51. Precise Grading Permit. A precise grading permit for on site improvements (outside of public right-of-way) shall be obtained from Public Works. 52. Haul Route Permit. A haul route permit may be required when soils are moved on public roadways to or from a grading site. The developer/contractor is to verify if the permit is required. If so, he shall comply with all conditions and requirements per the City's Engineering and Construction Manual and as directed by Public Works. 53. Encroachment Permits. Prior to commencement of any applicable construction, encroachment permit(s) are required and shall be obtained from Public Works for public offsite improvements. 54. Street Improvement Plans. The developer shall submit private street improvement plans for review and approval by Public Works. The plans shall be in compliance with Caltrans and City codes/standards; and shall include, but not limited to, plans and profiles showing existing topography, existing/proposed utilities, proposed centerline, top of curb and flowline grades. Page 7of13 55. Signing & Striping Plan. A signing & striping plan, designed by a registered civil engineer per the latest edition of Caltrans MUTCD standards, shall be included with the street improvement plans for approval. 56. Storm Drain Improvement Plans. The developer shall submit storm drain improvement plans if the street storm flows exceeds top of curb for the 10-year storm event and/or is not contained within the street right-of-way for the 100-year storm event. A manhole shall be constructed at right-of-way where a private and public storm drain systems connect. The plans shall be approved by Public Works. 57. Private Drainage Facilities. All onsite drainage and water quality facilities shall be privately maintained. 58. Underlying Approvals. If, in applying these conditions, there is conflict between the requirements of (i) the project's Development Agreement, as amended to date, (ii) the Specific Plan, as amended to date, and/or (iii) Tentative Tract Map No. 36959, the prevailing requirement shall be determined as follows: a. First priority goes to the provisions of the Development Agreement b. Second priority goes to the provisions of the Specific Plan, then c. Third priority goes to the provisions of Tentative Tract Map No. 36959-1, 36959-2, 36959-3 and 36959 Prior to Issuance of a Grading Permit 59. Environmental Constraint Sheet (ECS). The developer shall comply with all constraints per the recorded ECS with any underlying maps related to the subject property. 60. Grading/Erosion & Sediment Control Plan. The developer shall submit a grading/erosion & sediment control plan(s) to be reviewed and approved by Public Works. All plans shall be coordinated for consistency with adjacent projects and existing improvements contiguous to the site. The approved plan shall include all construction -phase pollution -prevention controls to adequately address non -permitted runoff. Refer to the City's Engineering & Construction Manual at: www.TemeculaCA.gov/ECM 61. Erosion & Sediment Control Securities. The developer shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 18, Section 18.24.140 of the Temecula Municipal Code by posting security and entering into an agreement to guarantee the erosion & sediment control improvements. 62. NPDES General Permit Compliance. The developer shall obtain project coverage under the State National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Construction Activities and shall provide the following: a. A copy of the Waste Discharge Identification Number (WDID) issued by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB); b. The project's Risk Level (RL) determination number; and c. The name, contact information and certification number of the Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) Pursuant to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) requirements and City's storm water ordinance, a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be generated and submitted to the Board. Throughout the project duration, the SWPPP shall be routinely updated and readily available (onsite) to the State and City. Review www.cabmphandbooks.com for SWPPP guidelines. Refer to the following link: http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water issues/programs/stormwater/construction.shtml Page 8of13 63. Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) and O&M Agreement. The developer shall submit a final WQMP (prepared by a registered professional engineer) with the initial grading plan submittal, based on the conceptual WQMP from the entitlement process. It must receive acceptance by Public Works. A copy of the final project -specific WQMP must be kept onsite at all times. In addition, a completed WQMP Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Agreement shall be submitted for review and approval. Upon approval from City staff, the applicant shall record the O&M agreement at the County Recorder's Office in Temecula. Refer to the WQMP template and agreement link: www.TemeculaCA.gov/WQMP. As part of the WQMP approval, the Engineer of Record shall report and certify BMP construction per City of Temecula NPDES requirements. Should the project require Alternative Compliance, the developer is responsible for execution of an approved Alternative Compliance Agreement. a. Per the City's letter regarding Alternative Compliance Program (ACP) credits dated May 9th, 2024, project shall be eligible for use of ACP credits and ACP credits will be available for prepurchase. 64. Area Drainage Plan (ADP) Fee to RCFC&WCD. The developer shall demonstrate to the City that the flood mitigation charge (ADP fee) has been paid to RCFC&WCD. If the full ADP fee has already been credited to this property, no new charge will be required. 65. Drainage. All applicable drainage shall be depicted on the grading plan and properly accommodated with onsite drainage improvements and water quality facilities, which shall be privately maintained. Alterations to existing drainage patterns or concentration and/or diverting flows is not allowed unless the developer constructs adequate drainage improvements and obtains the necessary permissions from the downstream property owners. All drainage leaving the site shall be conveyed into a public storm drain system, if possible. The creation of new cross lot drainage is not permitted. 66. Drainage Study. A drainage study shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer and submitted to Public Works with the initial grading plan check in accordance with City, Riverside County and engineering standards. The study shall identify storm water runoff quantities (to mitigate the 10 and 100-year storm event for 24 hour storm duration peak flow) from the development of this site and upstream of the site. It shall identify all existing or proposed offsite or onsite, public or private, drainage facilities intended to discharge this runoff. Runoff shall be conveyed to an adequate outfall capable of receiving the storm water runoff without damage to public or private property. The study shall include a capacity analysis verifying the adequacy of all facilities. Any upgrading or upsizing of drainage facilities necessary to convey the storm water runoff shall be provided as part of development of this project. 67. Soils Report. A soils report, prepared by a registered soil or civil engineer, shall be submitted to Public Works with the initial grading plan submittal. The report shall address the site's soil conditions and provide recommendations for the construction of engineered structures and preliminary pavement sections. 68. Letter of Permission/Easement. The developer shall obtain documents (letters of permission or easements) for any offsite work performed on adjoining properties. The document's format is as directed by, and shall be submitted to, Public Works for acceptance. The document information shall be noted on the approved grading plan. 69. Driveways. All units shall be provided with zero clearance garage doors and garage door openers if the driveway is less than 18' in depth from back of sidewalk. 70. Sight Distance. The developer shall limit landscaping in the corner cut-off area of all street intersections and adjacent to driveways to provide for minimum sight distance and visibility. Page 9of13 71. American Disability Act. The developer shall ensure that all frontage areas to the proposed development within the public right of way are ADA compliant. Any sidewalk within the public right of way found to be non -compliant shall be the responsibility of the property owner to be removed and replaced with ADA compliant sidewalk per the Streets and Highway Code Section 5610. Prior to Issuance of Encroachment Permit(s) 72. Public Utility Agency Work. The developer shall submit all relevant documentation due to encroaching within City right-of-way; and is responsible for any associated costs and for making arrangements with each applicable public utility agency. 73. Traffic Control Plans. A construction area traffic control plan (TCP) will be required for lane closures and detours or other disruptions to traffic circulation; and shall be reviewed and approved by Public Works. The TCP shall be designed by a registered civil or traffic engineer in conformance with the latest edition of the Caltrans Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and City standards. 74. Improvement Plans. All improvement plans (including but not limited to street, storm drain, traffic) shall be reviewed and approved by Public Works. 75. Street Trenching. All street trenches shall conform to City Standard No. 407; refer to the City's Paving Notes. Prior to Issuance of Building Permit(s) 76. Final Map. Prior to issuance of the FIRST production building permit, Tract Map No. 36959-1 shall be approved and recorded. 77. Construction of Street Improvements. All street improvement plans shall be approved by Public Works. The developer shall start construction of all private street improvements, as outlined below, in accordance to the City's General Plan/Circulation Element and corresponding City standards. All street improvement designs shall provide adequate right-of-way and pavement transitions per Caltrans' standards to join existing street improvements. a. Streets A through R (Private — 24' R/E) to include installation of full -width street improvements, including utilities, as shown on the approved Site Plan. 78. Street Lights. a. Street Light Plan — Street lighting shall be designed in accordance with the latest City Standards and Specifications for LS-3 street light rates, and as determined by the City Engineer with the exception of the public portion of Altair Vista, Coromell Trail, B Street and C Street which will include a decorative LS-1 system. b. Onsite and Offsite Street Lights Ownership and Maintenance — All proposed public and private street lights shall be designed in accordance with City approved standards and specifications, or as determined and approved by the City Engineer. The City shall have ownership and maintenance of all proposed public street lights and associated appurtenances, and shall be provided with adequate service points for power. The design shall be incorporated in the project's street improvement plans or in a separate street light plan as determined and approved by the City Engineer. c. Streetlight Design as LS-3 Rate Lights — All new streetlights on public streets, except as noted above, shall be designed as LS-3 rate lights in accordance with approved City standards and specifications, and as determined by the City Engineer. d. Street Light Service Point Addressing — The developer shall coordinate with the PW Department and with Southern California Edison the assignment of addresses to required street light service points. Service points serving public streetlights shall be owned by the City and shall be located within public right of way or within duly dedicated public easements. Page 10 of 13 79. Certifications. Certifications are required from the registered civil engineer -of -record certifying the building pad elevation(s) per the approved plans and from the soil's engineer -of -record certifying compaction of the building pad(s). Prior to Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy 80. Completion of Improvements. The developer shall complete all work per the approved plans and Conditions of Approval to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. This includes all on site work (including water quality facilities), public improvements and the executed WQMP Operation and Maintenance agreement. 81. Utility Agency Clearances. The developer shall receive written clearance from applicable utility agencies (i.e., Rancho California and Eastern Municipal Water Districts, etc.) for the completion of their respective facilities and provide to Public Works. 82. Replacement of Damaged Improvements/Monuments. Any appurtenance damaged or broken during development shall be repaired or removed and replaced to the satisfaction of Public Works. Any survey monuments damaged or destroyed shall be reset per City Standards by a qualified professional pursuant to the California Business and Professional Code Section 8771. 83. Certifications. All necessary certifications and clearances from engineers, utility companies and public agencies shall be submitted as required by Public Works. 84. Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Verification. As part of the WQMP approval, the Engineer of Record shall report and certify BMP construction per City of Temecula NPDES requirements. Should the project require alternative compliance, the developer is responsible for execution of an approved Alternative Compliance Agreement. FIRE PREVENTION General Requirements 85. Fire Hydrants. The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set minimum fire hydrant distances per CFC Appendix C. Super fire hydrants (6" x 4" x (2) 2 '/2" outlets) shall be located on fire access roads and adjacent public streets. For all single family dwellings and tract homes hydrants shall be 500 feet apart, and shall be located no more than 250 feet from any point on the street or Fire Department access road(s) frontage to a hydrant. The required fire flow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. The fire line may be required to be a looped system. The upgrade of existing fire hydrants may be required (CFC Appendix C and Temecula Municipal Code Section 15.16.020). 86. Fire Dept. Plan Review. Final fire and life safety conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed by the Fire Prevention Bureau. These conditions will be based on occupancy, use, the California Building Code (CBC), California Fire Code (CFC), and related codes which are in force at the time of building plan submittal. 87. Fire Flow. The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set a minimum fire flow for the construction of all residential buildings per CFC Appendix B. The developer shall provide for this project, a water system capable of delivering 2,000 GPM at 20-PSI residual operating pressure for a 2-hour duration for single family dwellings. This applies to public or private systems. If the system is public, a letter from the water purveyor will be required to be submitted with plans to ensure that the fire flow requirements will be met. (CFC Appendix B and Temecula Municipal Code Section 15.16.020). Page 11 of 13 88. Fire Requirement. Fire sprinkler plans will be required for each individual home, not structure or model type. The fire sprinkler contractor will be responsible for submitting plans for each individual home. Each home will have their own dedicated residential fire sprinkler riser located in the garage. For the duplexes, a fire sprinkler riser will be located in each garage and each home will have their own permit. Prior to Issuance of Grading Permit(s) 89. Access Road Widths. Fire Department vehicle access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 24 feet and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches. On trash days, the trash bins will be placed in this fire access road, a minimum of 20-feet of clear width must be maintained for fire access and the trash bins cannot be located in this fire access lane any longer than a 24-hour period. Failure to comply with this will result in trash bins no longer being able to impede the fire access lanes/roads. (CFC Chapter 5 and Temecula Municipal Code Section 15.16.020). 90. Two Point Access. This development shall maintain two points of access, via all-weather surface roads, as approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau (CFC Chapter 5). 91. All Weather Access Roads. Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be with a surface to provide all-weather driving capabilities. Access roads shall be 80,000 lbs. GVW with a minimum of AC thickness of .25 feet. In accordance with Section 3310.1, prior to building construction, all locations where structures are to be built shall have fire apparatus access roads. (CFC Chapter 5 and Temecula Municipal Code Section 15.16.020). 92. Gradient of Access Roads. The gradient for fire apparatus access roads shall not exceed 15 percent (CFC Chapter 5 and Temecula Municipal Code Section 15.16.020). 93. Turning Radius. Dead end roadways and streets in excess of 150 feet which have not been completed shall have a turnaround capable of accommodating fire apparatus (CFC Chapter 5 and Temecula Municipal Code 15.16.020). Prior to Issuance of Building Permit(s) 94. Required Submittals (Fire Underground Water). The developer shall furnish electronic copies of the water system plans to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to installation for all private water systems pertaining to the fire service loop. Plans shall be signed by a registered civil engineer, contain a Fire Prevention Bureau approval signature block, and conform to hydrant type, location, spacing and minimum fire flow standards. Hydraulic calculations will be required with the underground submittal to ensure fire flow requirements are being met for the on -site hydrants. The plans must be submitted and approved prior to building permit being issued (CFC Chapter 33 and Chapter 5). 95. Required Submittals (Fire Sprinkler Systems). Fire sprinkler plans shall be submitted electronically to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval. Fire sprinkler plans must be submitted by the installing contractor to the Fire Prevention Bureau. These plans must be submitted prior to the issuance of building permit. A set of plans is required for each individual home. 96. Required Submittals (Fuel Modification). Fuel modification plans shall be submitted electronically to the Fire Prevention Bureau for review and approval for all open space areas adjacent to the wild land -vegetation interface (CFC Chapter 49). Prior to Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy Page 12 of 13 97. Gates and Access. All manual and electronic gates on required Fire Department access roads or gates obstructing Fire Department building access shall be provided with the Knox Rapid entry system for emergency access by firefighting personnel (CFC Chapter 5). 98. Hydrant Verification. Hydrant locations shall be identified by the installation of reflective markers (blue dots) (Temecula Municipal Code Section 15.16.020). 99. Addressing. New buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Single family residences shall have 4-inch letters and/or numbers, as approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau (CFC Chapter 5 and Temecula Municipal Code Section 15.16.020). Page 13 of 13 GEOCON W E S T, I N C. GEOTECHNICAL ■ ENVIRONMENTAL ■ Project No. T2652-22-19 March 25, 2024 City of Temecula 41000 Main Street Temecula, California 92590 Attention: Mr. Scott Cooper M A T E R I A L S <<7 Subject: GEOTECHNICAL THIRD -PARTY REVIEW (LR22-1033) PROPOSED ALTAIR SPECIFIC PLAN RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Cooper: In accordance with your request, Geocon West, Inc. (Geocon) has completed a third -party review of the Geotechnical Evaluation, Proposed `Altair" Residential Development, City of Temecula, California, dated June 29, 2023 and response to comments dated February 9, 2024, prepared by LGC Geotechnical, Inc. (LGC). The purpose of the review is to present our opinion regarding the suitability of the study, conclusions, and recommendations provided within the referenced document. Geocon's review is based on the City of Temecula Engineering Construction Manual dated 2020; County of Riverside Technical Guidelines for the Review of Geotechnical and Geologic Reports 2000 Edition, Standard Specification for Public Works Construction, 2022 edition, California Geological Survey Special Publication 117A, Guidelines for Evaluating and Mitigating Seismic Hazards in California dated 2008, ASCE 7-16, and 2022 California Building Code. PURPOSE AND SCOPE The scope services performed by Geocon for this geotechnical third -party review consisted of reviewing the Geotechnical Response dated February 9, 2024 to Geocon's initial comments dated January 11, 2024 with respect to geotechnical aspects of developing the Altair project. CONCLUSIONS Based on our review of the referenced document, the following should be incorporated into the geotechnical review of the 40-scale grading plan report for the Altair project Comments No. 1 through 7 were addressed. 41571 Corning Place, Suite 101 ■ Murrieta, California 92562 ■ Telephone 951.304.2300 ■ www.geoconinc.com Comment No. 8 refers to a 370-foot-high slope at the end of the second paragraph. We assume that is a typographical error. If it is not and a 370-foot-high slope is planned, slope stability analysis should be provided in the grading plan review report. Comments 9 through 13 were addressed. Comment 14 is regarding 3 inch minus rock within Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) utility trench backfill. LGC stated it would be up to the utility agencies inspectors to monitor the size of rock within the backfill. However, the agencies rely on the geotechnical inspectors to monitor and enforce trench backfill requirements during construction. Therefore, LGC technicians will be responsible for monitoring and verifying that no rocks greater than 3 inches in maximum diameter are included in the backfill soils for EMWD lines. LGC should acknowledge this in their grading plan review report. Comment 15: LGC states they will discuss the City of Temecula's paving requirements to clarify the City's requirements prior to providing pavement section recommendations for the project. This is an acceptable solution to conflicting or incomplete requirements in this situation. Comment 16 was addressed. Comment 17: See Comment 14, above. Comment 18: We recommend LGC acquire confirmation from the City that relative compaction of less than 90 percent is acceptable where structures and infrastructure are not impacted. LGC should discuss City approval in the 40-scale grading plan review document. Comment 19: LGC should provide the method by which the settlement values were calculated in the 40-scale grading plan review. Comments 20 through 23 were addressed. Geocon has completed this review on behalf of the City of Temecula to determine if the major geotechnical aspects of the project were reasonably analyzed and addressed within the general standard of care in our industry. No additional analysis nor independent investigation were performed. The geotechnical consultant is responsible for confirming their findings and recommendations during construction. Our review should not be considered an endorsement of these documents or of the construction operations that result from them. Geocon Project No. T2652-22-19 - 2 - January 11, 2024 Should you have any questions regarding this letter, or if we may be of further service, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, GEOCON WEST, INC. c)1,iAl G USA A. O or BATFIATO No. 2316 l CER71FIED EONEEOLOGIS as +� Lisa A. Battiato QFCAL�F� CEG 2316 LAB:ATS:hd Andrew rShoashekan PE 93 Distribution: City of Temecula Planning Department, Attn: Scott Cooper SHQ,9�'=�G? � m � p N..93940 CIVI OF CA1-�EO Geocon Project No. T2652-22-19 - 3 - January 11, 2024 Table of Contents Architecture Village A Overall Contextual Site Plan............................................................. SP-1 Village A Site Plan......................................................................................... SP-2 Village A Open Space Exhibit......................................................................... SP-3 Village A Parking Exhibit................................................................................ SP-4 Village A Trash Staging Exhibit....................................................................... SP-5 Village A Preliminary Elevation and Color Assignment .................................... SP-6 P-1 2-3 Story Multi-Plex Frontage Exhibit A ...................................................... A-1 P-1 2-3 Story Multi-Plex Frontage Exhibit B...................................................... A-2 P-1 3 Story Multi-Plex Schematic Floor Plans .................................................. A-3 P-1 2 Story Multi-Plex Schematic Floor Plans .................................................. A-4 P-1 3 Story Multi-Plex A Schematic Elevations ................................................. A-5 P-1 3 Story Multi-Plex B Schematic Elevations ................................................. A-6 P-1 2 Story Multi-Plex I Schematic Elevations.................................................... A-7 P-1 2-3 Story Multi-Plex Architectural Details ................................................... A-8 P-2 3 Story Single Family Frontage Exhibit....................................................... A-9 P-2 3 Story Single Family Schematic Floor Plans ........................................... A-10 Brookfield Residential ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO P-2 3 Story Single Family: Plan 1 Schematic Elevations .................................. A-11 P-2 3 Story Single Family: Plan 2 Schematic Elevations .................................. A-12 P-2 3 Story Single Family: Plan 3 Schematic Elevations .................................. A-13 P-2 3 Story Single Family: Plan 3 Schematic Elevations .................................. A-14 P-2 3 Story Single Family I Architectural Details ............................................... A-15 Village A Streetscene........................................................................................SS-1 Village A Streetscene........................................................................................ SS-2 Exterior Colors & Materials ..............................................................................CM-1 Exterior Colors & Materials ..............................................................................CM-2 Exterior Colors & Materials ..............................................................................CM-3 Brookfield Homes Contact: Colin Koch 3200 Park Center Drive, Suite 1000 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714.200.1563 1 www.brookfieldpropertiesdevelopment.com WHA. Architects . Planners . Designers . Contact: Jeff Chelwick, Nick Manea 680 Newport Center Drive, Suite 300 Newport Beach, CA 92705 949.250.0607 1 www.WHAinc.com Landscape Architecture Preliminary Landscape Plan................................................................................ L-1 Preliminary Landscape Plan................................................................................ L-2 ParkEnlargement................................................................................................ L-3 Open Space Enlargement....................................................................................L-4 Preliminary Street Sections..................................................................................L-5 VillagePark Programming...................................................................................L-6 ConnectivityPlan................................................................................................L-7 Walland Fence Plan............................................................................................ L-8 Walland Fence Details........................................................................................ L-9 Mailbox and Transformer Conditions.................................................................. L-10 ParkPlay Equipment......................................................................................... L-11 SiteFurnishings................................................................................................ L-12 Hunsaker &Associates � Contact: Ryan Martin � 9707 Waples Street, San Diego, CA 92121 858.558.4500 1 www.hunsakerSD.com C2 Collaborative Contact: Chris Fortunato 100 Avenida Miramar, San Clemente, CA 92672 949.366.6624 1 www.c2collaborative.com Civil TitleSheet........................................................................................................... C1 Village A Preliminary Site Plan............................................................................. C2 Village A Preliminary Site Plan............................................................................. C3 Village A Preliminary Site Plan............................................................................. C4 Village A Preliminary Grading Plan....................................................................... C5 Village A Preliminary Grading Plan....................................................................... C6 Village A Preliminary Grading Plan....................................................................... C7 Village A Preliminary Wet Utility Plan .................................................................... C8 Village A Preliminary Wet Utility Plan .................................................................... C9 Village A Preliminary Wet Utility Plan .................................................................. C10 Lighting Altair Street Lighting Village A.............................................................................. L-1 AltairStreet Lighting........................................................................................... L-2 Altair Street Lighting Photometric....................................................................... L-3 AltairStreet Lighting.......................................................................................... L-4 AltairStreet Lighting.......................................................................................... L-5 Submittal Log Submittal 1 11-03-2023 Submittal 2 02-23-2024 Submittal 3 05-24-2024 Submittal 4 07-02-2024 File No.: r J � _ P p5S CORRIDOR MLIQ V - j 11 � �.. �•: {��{„i� ,� VILLAGE A I Overall Contextual Site Plan �J DISCLAIMER Note: 1. Refer to Civil engineer's plan to verify official record of metes & bounds and utility locations. Notes: 1. Site plan is for conceptual purposes only. 2. Site plan must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire departments for code compliance. 3. Base information per civil engineer. 4. Civil engineer to verify all setbacks and grading information 5. Building Footprints might change due to the final design elevation style. 6. Open space area is subject to change due to the balcony design of the elevation. I. Building setbacks are measured from property lines to building foundation lines. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS Brookfield Residential FAIR TEMECULA, CA SP-1 0 20 40 80 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #4 1 DRAFT OO 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Existing Land Use: Industrial Park (IP) PM 23968 Neighboring Zone: PM 15811e-16 Business Park (BP) -------------- property Line �82 p3.,�2$.6.�--------------- Neighboring Zone:----------- 1 ack ��� Business Park (BP) 0 85 17t 10.31' J 5etb ' W 0 30' Existing Land Use: ❑RtivE Y 1 Industrial Park (1P) l z a° 1 N - G. a - - ,Ck= 1 1 1 � 1 I LOT 19 - ,� BLDG 50 LDG 4 BLDG 48 / �r� 1 F, BLDG47 W LDG4 BLDG45 ;. P� I9�9-� 1, • o a ��" P G. E 9- 7 P1 1 2P2 v1 1 r � 4/75 - 76 s -_- -- 2 ti 2 P2 Cr PCD CD l VT. DRIVER - ��� 0 - 33' RIDGE PARK DRIVECD 1 } PUBLIC 1 n an n c I _ _ 0 P PI opOi e - 7' 1 N89°33'48 E 161.16' �� 'BLDG � J � � ' LDG 5 52 LDG 53 � Nss°33'48 F sz.a4' 15' m 3'(TYP. 20.0' 5' J0 7' �Cr 12 - - - Setback - 2,-- °� LDG 54 -24.0' 2°ems `�qz 3 MP 12� --- + �] Q C7 ----- 1 Project Summary - Village A: Parcel Number: Partially in- 940310045 9403100461940310013 940310015 940310016 Legal Description of Property: Partially in- 6.26 ACRES NET IN PAR 3 PM 169/011 PM 23969 4.30 ACRES NET IN PAR 4 PM 169/011 PM 23969 27.47 ACRES NET IN PAR 23 PM 116/069 PM 18254 19.67 ACRES IN PAR 20 PM 116/069 PM 18254 21.03 ACRES IN PAR 21 PM 116/069 PM 18254 Existing/ Proposed Zoning: Specific Plan (SP-15 Altair) Existing/ Proposed General Plan: Specific Plan Implementation (SPI) Existing Specific Plan Land Use: Altair Specific Plan- SP-R Residential Zone Proposed Specific Plan Land Use: Altair Specific Plan- SP-R Residential Zone Total Gross AC: ± 15.60 Gross Acres Total Net AC: + 11.42 Net Acres Total Units: 146 Homes • (78) P2- 3 Story Single Family an Height - + 39' - 6" * (68) PI.2-3 Story Duplex an Height - ± 38' _ 6" Net Density: 12.78 DU/AC Building Setbacks: From Internal Streets- 3' ft min 10' ft. max From Western Bypass ROW 20' ft. min No maximum From Ridge Park Drive ROW 20' ft. min. No maximum Occupancy Classification: R-3 SFD/Duplex Type of Construction: Type V-B Fire Sprinklers: NFPA-13R I Brookfield Residential 8 4.0' 1 �O � 15 s° - ------ __ °yes 2 .0' _ 1. VA IES ��'� 0 o a 1 IP P Jet � _ a � o ❑ � Plan 3 I � � I 4 .0' C 1 ,- m m BLDG 26 f f 3 0' �' . LDG 2 BLDG 24 I I 1 s86 �-- - P1 r 24.0' J 0 24.0` 3 -� Plan 4 J -0 5 �' 2 2 43' � n r� Plan m Cn=� 3' w O ll j l T(TYP. i rr' 1 ❑ Plan 2 Q PVT. -DRIVE "L"Van 1 P1 15' Q -240` Plan 1 r s Ag PVT. DRIVE +'$,. Q s °P 3 =. BLD 22 8LDG23 if1 Existing Land Use: �� ` Open �+ �o C 34' en Space ' {� 4' LJ 1 f p p f 1 J � - 3' BCD 21 BLDG 20 � r LDG 5 BLDG 56 O �001 a BL G 57 LOG 5 BLDG 59 BLDG 6 7'. BLDG 6 BLDG 62 BLDG 63 BLDG 6 J f 6 J r '3 I _ 3' P2 p P2 P2 P 6'. I 2 P 3 1� 2 Pz� A P r f3 r 4 W L1 � w-�- 22' 100 Setback from Natural Grade q ,r PVT. DRIVE "K" f J W PVT. DRIVE G" nV 2 i 2 Wn an an an n 4n an an P ❑ r� 7 ■ a BLDG 1 f ■ 9 BLDG 74 � LDG 7 m CDG 72 6'7, BLD 1$ J � 3 � 1 - BCDG 71 LDG 7 6 BLDG 69 LDG 6 LDG 67 BLDG 66 X LDG 6 7' 17' a 1_ N o o LDG 7 BLDG 76 BLDG 7 m �6 7 LDG 7 BLDG 79 LDG 8 BLDG 81 BLDG 82 LDG S $ BLDG 3' BL 17 BLDG 16 E ■ ■ 7' 3 ' a 4 3' P22 2 2 2 P2 P2 1 7' o l ! 3 44 44 3 2 2 2 P2 1� cc�a 3 4A , 2 I_I 3 0 f Qa `° PVT. DRIVE 7" 1 �' 1 J 0 32 0` ++ 15 y. to PVT. DRIVE " J"JW an an a �'a 2 Wn an 2 - 3 J oti an lI n 7 ' 13 ? ■ 6' ■ a y s �� I CD 6 ■ 6' . C ' 13' Village B r 3= BLDG 94 LDG 9 BLDG 9 BLDG 91 LDG 9 BLDG 89 LDG BLDG 8 1 BLD 14 8,, 5' BLDG 86 Li LOG,9 BLDG 15 ' 1 �� 5' - - � 24 C I 0 2.0' ® ! rn 7 f n 13' ! � LDG 9 � BLDG 96 BLDG 9 LDG 9 ,� BLDG 99 - � "-' -TiLDG 10 BLDG 10 LDG 10 LDG 10 LDG 10 3' 3' R � - - - o - 7 fi, -8' P2 ` • - • BL 13 BLDG 12 ' I z I z 3 Pl 12 2 8 4P�2 P2 2 2 61 I P2 I 2 1D P 1 ! 2 �P 3 7 J 1 w 24.0` 1 �ARIES C, • v PVT. DRIVE "Er' w 0 of 0 2V - a PVT. DRIVE "1" 2' C I 4n Va . fan2 + r Vann an !a Y11a 3' f f ry 0 ^ 1 LDG 11 7 LDG 11 LDG 10 LDG 1 8 LDG 10g 29. ' 2LDG 10 LDG 1 V-5 ti o 7 PII m 51 1- L r BL 70 BLDG 11 3�: = - �. . 4.0' PVT. DRIVE'rD" 24.D' - , 3 ; _ to AG 24 0 BL G 9 BLDG S DISCLAIMER Nate: �., 1 1 q,, Lil BLDG 1 (TYP.j BLDG 2 6` 6 BLDG 6 _ 7 L 1. Refer to Civil engineer's plan to verify official record of metes & bounds and utility locations. '(TYP.) od, W �20.0'- Notes: 6' LDG � + 3'(TYP. BLDG 3 .6' G, PVT. DRIVE 'PH" 1 1. Site plan is for conceptual purposes only. ' .0, ° 2. Site plan must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire 01 3departments for code compliance. O 2p° BLDG 4 3. Base information per civil engineer. 3 � BLDG 7 1 4. Civil engineer to verify a€I setbacks and grading information O °da• _ '" �� ��' 5. Building Footprints might change due to the final design 1 -- Q, elevation style. Existing Land Use. KU 6. Open space area is subject to change due to the balcony - design of the elevation. Open Space p °° 7. Building setbacks are measured from property lines to �" D Q building foundation lines. O�� 29.0 VA IES �m41.0' 4 N84°070.41.40' 1 N8'8'10'42*W 72.70' ..�B2• Op ARCHITECTS PLANNERS DESIGNERS •.i8. 2 �B A �` lam_ a ]06.00' L=29.05' "P-2 �AIR o 0 20 40 80 TEMECULA, CA PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #4 DRAFT I © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 107-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOSANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Existing Land Use: Industrial Park (IP) PM 23968 Neighboring Zone: PM 15e/1e-16 Business Park (BP) Brookfield Residential property Line Setback 30 PVT. DRIVE ",. B ---- 1 ' BLDG 59 g LDG 4 BLDG 48 BLDG 47 LDG 4 BLDG 45 -I- A 7 � 4.0 PVT. D ,� RIVER Vc � ' G 0 LDG 5 BLDG 52 7 LDG 53 3'(TYP.y 5'- k7 J ` LDG 54 � 24.0' R Q 6 4.0' 4 24.D' j VARIES - 4 3 D= `L CJ f ❑ I Existing Land Use: Open Space ■ Project Summary -Village A: Open Space Total Units: 146 Homes • (78) 3 Story Single Family • (68) 2-3 Story Duplex Open Space: Required: 24,920' SF Total (171' SF per home) • Common: 6,240' SF (80' SF per SFD) 4,080' SF (60' SF per Duplex) 10,320' SF Common Total • Private: 7, 800' S F ( 100' S F per SFD) 6,800' SF (100' SF per Duplex} 14)600' S F Private Total Provided: 94,822' SF Total (649' SF per home) • Common: 10,492' SF (25' Min. Dimension) • Private: 84,330' SF (6' Min. Dimension) * Includes balconies & decks on the 2nd floor. Village A Park: Required: 43,382 SF Total (.95 AC) Provided: 457564 SF Total (1.0 AC) III Existing Land Use: Industrial Park (1P) APN 940— 310— 053 LOT 19 t--Im 116 PG. 69— 78 RIDGE PARK DRIVE 1 (PUBLIC) J -12 — -- _ Setback a:o IV 6 3-(TYP- C7 1 1. 15' 1 ' h 15' - 1' --- _ 0 1 1 --- ad U 2 L-20.0. LJ 1 - m BLDG 26 LDG 2 BLDG 24 I 24.0' m 3 C 5' m �_- - v AA 3f r �l 3'(T1'P m � !.'� �� 4 o m Q _ PVT. DRIVE ° _ r_ fjr1 5`15, m 24.0'V V V V f + w 12' I — ry pvr. DRIVE „e,. tiV V Q 3 BLD 22 BLDG 23 f C � 34' $ 18' rn 1 6' 1 3' BL 21 I n I LDG 5 BLDG 56 BL G 57 LDG 5 BLDG 59 BLDG 6 BLDG 2p t 7, BLDG 6 BLDG 6 BLDG 63 m BLDG = I fi, r �A w e Q PVT. DRIVE " K" CDW PVT. DRIVE "G" V4 V V V V VV VV � VV 7V t 3 • • I 'V V BLDG 19 ' BLDG 74 LDG 7 0 LDG 72 7 6' • 7 1 BLD 18 BLDG 71 LDG 7 6, BLDG 69 LDG 6 LDG 67 BLDG fib LDG 6 l 32. ■ I 7 '3 -- Ln ' LDG 7 BLDG 76 BLDG 7 LDG 7 BLDG 79 • . LDG 8 BLDG 81 BLDG 82 LDG 8 BLDG 84 3' BL 17 BLDG 16 ' 7' 3' Al • • 1 r ' I 7' 1 �� o PVT. DRIVE 7" 41 sl Q PVT. DRIVE "J" J V V V VV V t ° 3 � UV V• 6' I I 13' • 6' • CVVV s BLDG 94 LDG 9 BLDG 92 BLDG 91 0 LDG,9 BLDG 89 LDG 8 BLDG 8 1 q BLDG 86 ® LDG 8 G BLS 14 BLDG 15 24 C M 7, J 1 [7 ® 13 LDG 9 x BLDG 96 BLDG 9 LDG 9 BLDG 99 LDG 10 _ f ' � ' BLDG 1D 7 LDG 1Q LDG 10 $ 3' 3' LDG 1 r A��4 BLD 13 - BLDG 12 f i ry W [a 1 I Q PVT. DRIVE "E" 1 D 1 Q C9 I � a V7 LlJ �— 4 PVT. DRIVE ..I.. r _ 2' LL l f j cc LOG 6 V V V 0 LDG 11 7 LDG 1' 7 I a 29. ' G 11 LDG 11 LDG 10 1 LDG 10 LDG 19 LDG 1 8 � 12' I r m ' BL 1a BLDG 11 7` f f CL 4.0' 4h.PVT. DRIVE „D" 24.0' - J 6 I cc f �rG \ 24 0 BL G 9- @LDG f r DISCLAIMER Note: 9' BLDG 1 '(TYP.) 6' BLDG 6 —zZ::] 7 LU B11 LDG 2 1. Refer to Civil engineer's plan to verify official record of metes & bounds and utility locations. ' w �� LDG —zzz - Notes: 3'(TYP.) BLDG 3 c� v PVT. DRIVE "H„ I 1. Site plan is for conceptual purposes only. 7 % -Q' 2. Site plan must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire 3' � IIII departments for code compliance. G 4 3. Base information per civil engineer. BLD O 1 3, BLDG 7 4. Civil engineer to verify all setbacks and grading information 5. Building Footprints might change due to the final design 1 — --- — --- elevation style. Existing Land Use: — — 6. Open space area is subject to change due to the balcony ' — design of the elevation. OpenSpace 7. Building setbacks are measured from property lines to pl." 24 D building foundation lines. �16 2 .D VAF ES .. ®� 41.0' ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS m �AIR TEMECULA I CA oP-3 0 20 40 80 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #4 1 DRAFT OO 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Existing Land Use: Industrial Park (IP) PM 23968 Neighboring Zone: PM 15811e-16 Business Park (BP) property Line setback ?\T. DRIVE "B,. 1 1 Business Park (BP) =J \APN 940— 310— 060 � t � I ' AP 9 0—. BLDG 50 LDG 4 BLDG 48 — BLDG 47 W LDG 4 � BLDG 45 y� PM 1962 Pt,1 ] 54/7 A� 1 � � PVT. DRIVE "R" ' V.eV LDG 5 BLDG 52 LD -- G 53 ;a ` LDG54 � a 3 �I 4 0 77' ` � Existing Land Use: Open Space Project Summary -Village A: Parking Total Gross AC: ± 15.60 Gross Acres Total Net AC. ± 11.4 Net Acres Total Units: 146 Homes • (78) 3 Sty SFD homes * (68) Duplex (Cluster) Parking: Required: 307 Spaces • (78) 3 Sty SFD x 2.0 Spaces =156 Spaces * (78) G u est x 0.1 S paces = 8 Spaces * (68) Duplex x 2.0 Spaces =136 Spaces * (68) Guest x 0.1 Spaces = 7 Spaces Provided: 335 Spaces • Garage: 292 Covered Spaces • Head In: 6 Uncovered Spaces (9' x 18') • Parallel: 37 Uncovered Spaces (8' x 22') Brookfield i Residential 10 11 v 22 a 23 0` 24 22.0' 25 1. 26 �o 27 28 29 30 31 ' 32 i 33 1 34 �1 C �::J_ 2.0'- PVT. DRIVE 13" 12 13 _L__ 14 15 16 I ,,- Existing I nd ustri,, RIDGE PARK DRIVE (PUBLIC) ■ 1� ,off �J .4, prG 9' BLDG 9 Existing Land Use: Open Space VILLAGE A Parking Exhibit 1 HIR TEMECULA, CA Setback. 17 + 1g 19 20 r 21 PVT. DRIVE "D" Mr! N85'r7'31 " ~ Q av r ra.Jr 0 M l� z l 1 'l I —053 �'— I 1 P I I I I 1 l I 1 J � J DG 26 LOG 2 BLDG 24 J J � f � f I� � -I I I + f+ � �1 I —� I-i PVT. DRIVE " LP' I -7 -1 V Y V ' I , V■ M BLD 22 8LDG23 f &LD 21 BLDG 20A� AA o r "I I PVT. DRIVE " KF1 ' -Q jI V ,+ �, 7 I I BLD 18 l�r V BLDG 19 Q f 0 I BL 17 1 1 BLDG 16 00 A� Q) 1a l o o PVT. DRIVE "J" V v B 14 ' BLDG 15 ' 1 BL 13 f 1 BLDG 12 I a PVT. DRIVE "I„ � ! c - J cc Q I VV VVI U —• BL 10 ■ + ■ f q Co D 11 - :D �° BLDG 7 } j � 4 f �f QLU �r Q BLDG $ 0 DISCLAIMER Note: LU 1. Refer to Civil engineer's plan to verify official record of metes & bounds and utility locations. j+ f Notes: J1. Site plan is for conceptual purposes only. 1 ° 2. Site plan must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire 13 departments for code compliance. I� 3. Base information per civil engineer. 4. Civil engineer to verify all setbacks and grading information pro�� 6Q of 411?e oP-4 0 20 40 80 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #4 1 DRAFT OO 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 07-02-24 5. Building Footprints might change due to the final design elevation style. 6. Open space area is subject to change due to the balcony design of the elevation. 7. Building setbacks are measured from property lines to building foundation lines. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Existing Land Use: Industrial Park (IP) prupertY Line PM 23968 Neighboring Zone: PM 158/15-16 Business Park (BP) Setback 30 PVT. DRIVE 1 19 2' ' O BLDG 5D . 8 LDG 4 BLDG 46 BLDG 47 DG 4 , . BLDG 45 28`^ o 4.Q w c, AVT. DRIVE "R" V ' LDG 5 �6 BLDG 5� 7 LDG 53 54 � 24.0' - ® � _. b1 2 .1' 'qp - 4 -� 3 .Q' p 24.0' � I Existing Land Use: Open Space Refuse & Recycling Containers -Village A FT] (146 Total) Trash Can '60' Gallon (41 "H x 27" III x 33"D) -1 per Unit [—R](146 Total) Recycle Can '60' Gallon (41 "H x 27" III x 33"D) -1 per Unit [01 (146 Total) Organ is Can '60' Gallon (41 "H x 27" III x 33"D) -1 per Unit *Trash cans shall be placed on homeowners drive apron to allow trash trucks ease of flow through circulation & pickup. Where stub alleys occur; trash cans shall be placed at the closet drive entry. *Trash cans will be on the street less than 24 hours on Trash Collection Day � P L211111 Enlargement Proposed Trash Can Staging rookf ielt Residentic 069W 24,0' T- .3 . . L . . 0 05 10 20 12' 9 mV 6' _1 3'(TYP. � a 7 CL 15115' 12, 1 1 — tiu i R e R o i x p •---_� 21.3' PVi. DRIVE „R„ _ Q v 34' Existing Industrl; RIDGE PARK DRIVE (PUBLIC) Pro �v Setback - --_- 20ff _ 1 I 0 2 1 L-20.0'-� � ❑ BLDG 26 1 LDG 2 BLDG 2¢ Q J I C'] VV NEW,�� .: �nlolQ��an�ln ■l�Qinlpf e'�a:olo �uln.n����olQ;or �cl�,or��olelo r�el�ra� 1 _ ' ��In� �olQ�o�■� Q,tno�r �al�lo� � DRIVE �1�•s��u��i■-r� � aUln��1�~a+eln�■ A�rnn�■ nlQ�n� T � alEll4i1� T T 1 721 2'1 V ' ._ PVT. DRIVE "L" � r � 15' l� 12' J r 1 BLD 22 BLDG 23 I 8' 18' ! 3' BL 21 BLDG 20 I I 7 a � PVT. DRIVE "K" � 22' �' r I 'BLD 16 BLDG 19 Q � 17' «'L'SLDG 76 BLDG 77 LDG 7 BLDG 79 7' . ■ LDG 6 M BLDG 81 BLDG 82 LDG 8 BLDG 84 3' 9L 17 BLDG 16 ) 6'` 3, � �AA -A� 1 3 - r lh I � � 7' A� I T R a AA❑ �- 'A ❑ I � � 4 21.� 1 J`12' N � PVT. DRIVE 7"� W � 15 � 2' � � � -32.Q' v ' ! 4 Q V T T R o PVT. DRIVE ",J"VV I I � MO.? 3' I V V • 6' ■ C V 13' 3' BLDG 94 LDG,9 � BLDG 9 BLDG 91 N LDG 9 BLDG 89 LDG 8 1 BLDG B BLDG 86 � LDG 8 � BL 14 BLDG 15 5 m 24' _ C -42.0' 6 1 - - - - 7' I 0 �6 ® 13 LDG 9 BLDG 96 BLDG 9 LDG 9 BLDG 99 - - �7' ■ ■ F6, LDG 10 .� BLDG 10 LDG 1Q LDG 10 8 LDG 1 3 3' N [K Cyr r A8 f�, ■ BLD 13 - BLDG 12 I .. � I_ I I �I 1 1, � � ' ! 21 3' 1 j AA 1 Q 7 L� r ARIE S � W `� PVT. DRIVE n` E ❑ . R r� T x0 7 p RJ - 1 ❑ I 7 ti ' 1 �_� I-t 1, . 1• � PVT. DRIVE "1" � - 2' f � �f 'V r' V V V V I I I j Mom- I a L, v 1,7 ,V 0 ti 61, 7, e 7VV VV J Q -.-� LDG 11 LDG 11 LDG 71 LDG 10 LDG 1 S LDG 10 1' g r f t ` 29. ' 2 LDG 10 LDG 1 r 0 m • r � 4 ` ❑ BL 10 BLDG 11 r a 4.0' � 21.3' AVT. DRIVE „D" 2 Q, 3� 15, 4 BL G 9- BLDG 8 G \ 21 F,, � - J u] DISCLAIMER Note: ♦ -V" f r LU BLDG 1 (Typ.) 6` BLDG 6 �� 7' � 1. Refer to Civil engineer's plan to verify official record of metes BLDG 2 � /ll, & bounds and utility locations. 1 6' °(TYP.) L_ti 1 9' w 11 Notes: �� r LDG _ PVT- DRIVE H" 3��yp } BLDG 3 6 � o � 1. Site plan is for conceptual purposes only. 2. Site plan must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire 6' 3' departments for code compliance. BLDG 4 a BLDG 7 3. Base information per civil engineer. 0 3' 4. Civil engineer to verify all setbacks and grading information O 1 5. Building Footprints might change due to the final design •. 1 - elevation style. Existing Land Use: Open Space VILLAGE A Trash Stag ,AiR TEMECULA, CA I opt , 'I ing Exhibit 6' 29. Q' � VA IES ®l � 6. Open space area is subject to change due to the balcony design of the elevation. 7. Building setbacks are measured from property lines to building foundation lines. oP-5 0 20 40 80 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #4 1 DRAFT OO 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 07-02-24 ARCHITECTS .PLANNERS .DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES .BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Existing Land Use: Industrial Park (IP) Neighboring Zone: Business Park (BP) property Line setback Existing Land Use: Open Space EXPOSED SIDE ELEVATION WITH ENHANCEMENTS COLOR SCHEMES Pi — MODERN FARMHOUSE 1 SCHEME 1 2 SCHEME 2 3 SCHEMES Neighboring Zone: Business Park (BP) Existing Land Use: Industrial Park (IP) RIDGE PARK DRIVE (PUBLIC) L PVT, DRIVE "E" F ./I�n L; j Q P2 — PROGRESSIVE AGRARIAN l ,,IL L 2 2V PVT. DRIVE "I" n an ■ fan an P 4 SCHEME 4 n1��� to to j Q _ h 39 ` 5 = SCHEME 5 LDG ,� LDG 1 f LDG 11 LDG 10 LDG 1 8 LDG 10 LDG 9 LDG 1 } r BL 90 DG 19 IM SCHEME 6 _ =CIL 7 SCHEME 7 PVT. DRIVE "D" - f Q -�.�, _— _— BL G 9 BLDG 8 SCHEMEV G \ r---� �., 1 1 co 9•. LU 3 SCHEME9 , LDG 11 z BLDG BLDG f� „� A�, A I� Refer to Sheet CM-1 to CM-3 for Exterior Color and Materials Color Schemes 6 & 7 - Light Facia Color Schemes 4,518 & 9 - Dark Facia Existing Land Use: Open Space '0rop GE A � Preliminary Elevation and Color Assign�W,����iE rookf ielt i Residentie' 1. Refer to Civil engineer's plan to verify official record of metes & bounds and utility locations. 1. Site plan is for conceptual purposes only. 2. Site plan must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire departments for code compliance. 3. Base information per civil engineer. 4. Civil engineer to verify all setbacks and grading information 5. Building Footprints might change due to the final design elevation style. 6. Open space area is subject to change due to the balcony design of the elevation. I. Building setbacks are measured from property lines to building foundation lines. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO rookf ielt Residential _ z � icu R Plan 2 i R T El LP 1 +P Now 0 Plan 1 1 6 J ••�a:01 •;y .� q*{7i �.��.�� ♦`.�w,• �,�r{4f r -Are .. f .. �, •� r. ,d"' f,,j. .?F� �i;+! -�'ri�^•i�c'I''`s� �,t�•�ti- ,• ' :rr-,� El 7 r r1 - r ar •'�r y NNIN Plan 1 Plan 1 Plan 2 Modern Farmhouse P-1: 2/3-STORY MULTImPLEX Frontage Exhibit A iAlh TEMECULA, CA BUILDING FRONTAGE PORCH (9.4.2) ULbUK1F' I IUN : - PROJECTING PORCH WITH COLUMNS AND SOLID ROOF. - FLOOR LEVEL TO BE 4" MINMUM ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE. - DEPTH PROVIDES SUFFICIENT SPACE FOR SITTING. ($) RECESSED ENTRY (9.4.3) • DESCRIPTION : - ENCLOSED BY AT LEAST (2) BUILDING WALLS. - ENTRY IS COVERED BY BUILDING OR OVERHANG. - FLOOR LEVEL IS INTEGRATED WITH THE YARD. © WALLED YARD (9.4.4) • DESCRIPTION : - DECORATIVE LOW WALL OR FENCE PROVIDED - OUTSWINGING GATES NOT ENCROACHING OVER PROPERTY LINE. - DISCRETE SECURITY MEASURES Enhancement Key Map (N.T.S.) A-1 0 4 8 16 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF' O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 1 2022219 1 07-02-24 F74 t) i�36d Fi�3.3�sJC�gC � E�! Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO W4 A 0 �� �r , � _ rprk• ��V .i � � � 1�� Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 3 Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 4 Plan 3 rookf ielt Residential Modern Farmhouse P=1: 2/3-STORY MULTImPLEX Frontage Exhibit B " FAIR TEMECULA, CA Y T-l. BUILDING FRONTAGE PORCH (9.4.2) ULKKIF' I IUN : - PROJECTING PORCH WITH COLUMNS AND SOLID ROOF. - FLOOR LEVEL TO BE 4" MINMUM ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE. - DEPTH PROVIDES SUFFICIENT SPACE FOR SITTING. © RECESSED ENTRY (9.4.3) • DESCRIPTION - ENCLOSED BY AT LEAST (2) BUILDING WALLS. - ENTRY IS COVERED BY BUILDING OR OVERHANG. - FLOOR LEVEL IS INTEGRATED WITH THE YARD. © WALLED YARD (9.4.4) • DESCRIPTION - DECORATIVE LOW WALL OR FENCE PROVIDED - OUTSWINGING GATES NOT ENCROACHING OVER PROPERTY LINE. - DISCRETE SECURITY MEASURES Enhancement Key Map (N.T.S.) A-2 0 4 8 16 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAFT O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO --- DECK 13-7' X 7'•6' DECK loll � l W.LC- LIVING DINING I 1 BORM 3 II I up 17P IIII ' I I =T-M I lid PWDR. KITCHEN BDRM 2 {I DESK 1r-11°x I? LINE -- LAUNDRY L BA.2 \ 1�BORM 2 El - ------------ pY 17R - BDRM 31 BA.2F,­'61 nn Sit II Q� EO ROOF W RBA. DEN 14PT.LjI BA.2 � : I � L 10'-7'x ip' 7' --- � r777 LINEN n ❑ IUP17R P. BDRM. 14'-6' X 14'-3' - - — - v 1_AUNDRY W.I.C. 1P. 4 oBDRM.w L 3rd Floor (Optional) Construction Type : VB Occupancy Type : R3 Sprinkler Type : 13D rookf ielt Residential REIA. Ff LOFT -3' x�s -3' Ill BDRM 2 11'-3" x 1" BDRM 3 - -- -_ _ — BpRfiA 2 13'-11"x 10'-4" BA.2 BDRM 3 11 -2" x 10'-5' LAUNDRY: 2nd Floor P. BORM. I 13'-5" X I P. BA. C4 1� Typical Floor Plans 0 d EO 0 N YARD 10'-0" x 19'-0" / 10141 38'-11 " I� 13'PORCH -0" x 5,6' ❑ -_ SIDEWALK Pl: 3 STORY MULTI=PLEX I Schematic Floor Plans AIR TEMECULA, CA 28'-7" YARD YARD W-2" x 10'-0" 31'-1" X lop-0, 3'-01 I i DRIVE j -Oid i BUILDING FRONTAGE PORCH (9.4.2) uLSiUKIFI iUN : - PROJECTING PORCH WITH COLUMNS AND SOLID ROOF. - FLOOR LEVEL TO BE 4" MINMUM ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE. - DEPTH PROVIDES SUFFICIENT SPACE FOR SITTING. © RECESSED ENTRY (9.4.3) • DESCRIPTION - ENCLOSED BY AT LEAST (2) BUILDING WALLS. - ENTRY IS COVERED BY BUILDING OR OVERHANG. - FLOOR LEVEL IS INTEGRATED WITH THE YARD. T WALLED YARD (9.4.4) • DESCRIPTION - DECORATIVE LOW WALL OR FENCE PROVIDED - OUTSWINGING GATES NOT ENCROACHING OVER PROPERTY LINE. - DISCRETE SECURITY MEASURES (2 ST)±2,067 SF (3 ST)±2,384 SF 4 BEDROOM/3 BATH/ DEN/BONUS/OPT. BEDROOM 4 (2 ST)±1,880 SF (3 ST)±2,227 SF 3 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH/ BONUS (2 ST)±1,871 SF (3 ST)±2,147 SF 3 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH/ DEN/BONUS/OPT. BEDROOM 4 (2 ST)±1,665 SF (3 ST)±1,849 SF 3 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH/ LOFT/BONUS NOTE: 1. Floor plans are for schematic purposes only and will change through design process. 2. Schematic floor plans must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire department for code compliance. 3. Yards, patios & decks may vary but will not be less than the minimum requirements. 4. Square footage may vary depending on method of calculation. 5. Building frontage may vary due to site con- straints & elevation design. 6. See landscape plans for fence & wall design and height. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS A-3 0 2 4 8 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 1 2022219 1 07-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO P. BDRM. 14' 01x 12'-1" Construction Type : VB Occupancy Type : R3 Sprinkler Type : 13D rookf ielt Residential P. BA. KITCHEN DENa/4PiB DRM LAUNDRY 2nd Floor P. BA. BDRM 2 11'-31 x 10'-0' BDRM 3 12'-s^ x 10'-0° Typical Floor Plans 38'-11" N LU YARD cc 3T-2"X W-0' YARD 10'-0" X 14'-6" 1 a'-q1. / LU LU U) w Q M.BDRM T 13'-11•x 13'-6" DEWBDRM.4 10'-0" x 11'-1" SIDEWALK Pl: 2 STORY MULTI=PLEX I Schematic Floor Plans AIR TEMECULA, CA V LIVING 1&-3" % 13'-6" DINING 1 S,-3„ x 7,.F„ 'd " d ENTRY 281-7" PLAN 3 GARAGE i- �g i ( 9 T i 12'-0"y "I BUILDING FRONTAGE PORCH (9.4.2) uLSiUKIFI SUN : - PROJECTING PORCH WITH COLUMNS AND SOLID ROOF. - FLOOR LEVEL TO BE 4" MINMUM ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE. - DEPTH PROVIDES SUFFICIENT SPACE FOR SITTING. © RECESSED ENTRY (9.4.3) • DESCRIPTION - ENCLOSED BY AT LEAST (2) BUILDING WALLS. - ENTRY IS COVERED BY BUILDING OR OVERHANG. - FLOOR LEVEL IS INTEGRATED WITH THE YARD. T WALLED YARD (9.4.4) • DESCRIPTION - DECORATIVE LOW WALL OR FENCE PROVIDED - OUTSWINGING GATES NOT ENCROACHING OVER PROPERTY LINE. - DISCRETE SECURITY MEASURES (2 ST)±2,067 SF (3 ST)±2,384 SF 4 BEDROOM/3 BATH/ DEN/BONUS/OPT. BEDROOM 4 (2 ST)±1,880 SF (3 ST)±2,227 SF 3 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH/ BONUS (2 ST)±1,871 SF (3 ST)±2,147 SF 3 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH/ DEN/BONUS/OPT. BEDROOM 4 (2 ST)±1,665 SF (3 ST)±1,849 SF 3 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH/ LOFT/BONUS NOTE: 1. Floor plans are for schematic purposes only and will change through design process. 2. Schematic floor plans must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire department for code compliance. 3. Yards, patios & decks may vary but will not be less than the minimum requirements. 4. Square footage may vary depending on method of calculation. 5. Building frontage may vary due to site con- straints & elevation design. 6. See landscape plans for fence & wall design and height. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS A-4 0 2 4 8 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 1 2022219 07-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 4 Plan 3 Plan 3 Plan 4 (Color Scheme 3) (Color Scheme 3) (Color Scheme 2) (Color Scheme 2) (Color Scheme 2) (Color Scheme 2) Plan 4 (Color Scheme 2) rookf ielt Residential Right Left Highest Ridge TOY T F F. T.O. P 00 +I T, t F. F. T.O.P. T Finish Grade Varies Plan 2 Plan 1 per Civil (Color Scheme 3) (Color Scheme 3) Modern Farmhouse P=1: 3-STORY MULTI-PLEX'N I .AIR Plan 1 (Color Scheme 3) Schematic Elevations TEMECULA, CA Rear Front Plan 3 (Color Scheme 2) 0 Modern Farmhouse Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 6:12 (Accent Locations) Type: Gable/Shed Material: Composition Shingle (Opt. Flat Concrete Tiles ) Color: TBD Accent: Limited Metal Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Board & Batten Accent Material Option: Horizontal Siding Windows Trim: Head & Sill Type: TBD ("Traditional") Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Siding/Brackets/Railings Enhancement Key Map (N.T.S) A-5 2 4 8 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAFT O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 1 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Plan 2 Plan 1 Plan 4 Plan 3 Plan 3 Plan 4 (Color Scheme 2) (Color Scheme 2) (Color Scheme 1) (Color Scheme 1) (Color Scheme 1) (Color Scheme 1) Plan 4 (Color Scheme 1) rookf mielt Residential Right Left Plan 1 Plan 2 (Color Scheme 2) (Color Scheme 2) Rear ..: Finish Grade Varies per Civil Plan 2 Plan 3 (Color Scheme 2) (Color Scheme 1) Modern Farmhouse P-1: 3-STORY MULTI-PLEXT'l iAlP Front Color Scheme 1 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-1 Schematic Elevations TEMECULA, CA Modern Farmhouse Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 6:12 (Accent Locations) Type: Gable/Shed Material: Composition Shingle (Opt. Flat Concrete Tiles ) Color: TBD Accent: Limited Metal Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Board & Batten Accent Material Option: Horizontal Siding Windows Trim: Head & Sill Type: TBD ("Traditional") Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Siding/Brackets/Railings Enhancement Key Map (N.IS) A-6 0 2 4 8 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAFT O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 1 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Plan 1 Plan 2 Plan 4 Plan 3 Plan 3 Plan 4 (Color Scheme 1) (Color Scheme 1) (Color Scheme 3) (Color Scheme 3) (Color Scheme 3) (Color Scheme 3) Plan 4 (Color Scheme 3) rookf mielt Residential Right Left Plan 2 Plan 1 (Color Scheme 1) (Color Scheme 1) Rear Finish Grade Varies per Civil Plan 1 Plan 3 (Color Scheme 1) (Color Scheme 3) Modern Farmhouse P=1: 2-STORY MULTI-PLEX I Schematic ,r1IP TEMECULA, CA Front Color Scheme 1 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-1 Elevations Modern Farmhouse Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 6:12 (Accent Locations) Type: Gable/Shed Material: Composition Shingle (Opt. Flat Concrete Tiles ) Color: TBD Accent: Limited Metal Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Board & Batten Accent Material Option: Horizontal Siding Windows Trim: Head & Sill Type: TBD ("Traditional") Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Siding/Brackets/Railings Enhancement Key Map (N.IS) A-7 0 2 4 8 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 1 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Entry Door Window at Stucco Wood Railing Trimmed Opening at Siding Address Sign if rookf m1eic Residential Hear'���Y�� Sill Trim r Front Elevation Trim Cap Trim Base Modern Farmhouse P-1: 3-STORY MULTImPLEX"A' I 'AIR Architectural Details TEMECULA, CA C1,A: - Trim Surround Window at Siding Sidinc I M 70 Stucco Cantilever at Siding 0 Modern Farmhouse Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 6:12 (Accent Locations) Type: Gable/Shed Material: Composition Shingle (Opt. Flat Concrete Tiles } Color: TBD Accent: Limited Metal Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Board & Batten Accent Material option: Horizontal Siding Windows Trim: Head & Sill Type: TBD ("Traditional") Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Siding/Brackets/Railings A-8 2 4 8 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Plan 2 rookf mielt Residential 4 co m - Plan 3 (w/ Roof Deck) p Q C Plan 1 0 Private Drive " B i fl:.1, #lam -iT � o � k It - Plan 2 Progressive Agrarian P=2: 3 STORY SINGLE FAMILY I Frontage Exhibit Al R TEMECULA, CA BUILDING FRONTAGE *FROM STREET OR PASEO (�) PORCH (9.4.2) •DESCRIPTION -PROJECTING PORCH WITH COLUMNS AND SOLID ROOF. - FLOOR LEVEL TO BE 4" MINMUM ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE. -DEPTH PROVIDES SUFFICIENT SPACE FOR SITTING. 0 RECESSED ENTRY (9.4.3) •DESCRIPTION - ENCLOSED BY AT LEAST (2) BUILDING WALLS. - ENTRY IS COVERED BY BUILDING OR OVERHANG. - FLOOR LEVEL IS INTEGRATED WITH THE YARD. c0 WALLED YARD (9.4.4) •DESCRIPTION - DECORATIVE LOW WALL OR FENCE PROVIDED - OUTSWINGING GATES NOT ENCROACHING OVER PROPERTY LINE. - DISCRETE SECURITY MEASURES 00= Key Map (N.T.S.) if 9 Ar. i r + f. � :. fit •1 y � k •3 J Plan 3 (Standard Plan) A-9 0 2 4 8 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 1 2022219 1 07-02-24 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO IDOF 3rd Floor (Opt. Deck) 3rd Floor Construction Type : VB Occupancy Type : R3 Sprinkler Type : 13D rookf ielt Residential 0 a LU to vi d I I I I I I I I � I � I I I I I Q 10`4, FENCE 11NH _ DC O � w C CG J YARD PWDR. N1 wiH ),I Rp - 1 I I I \ I \\ I \ I \� I I PLAN 2 I I I rr ♦♦ I I J� ♦\ , GARAGE �• R11 i� rC 711 ,� ------- CANTILEVER TYR 10.4, L 6'-171, C1 81-611 2nd Floor STREET SIDEWALK 9 11'-2" 22'-fi" O YARD O YARD ----- 1 ❑�° TV-----�----PORCH------__ V-2. x 4'-7" O I KITCHEN L. Y ! I r LIUlN A.3. -f 31 9' X 1 f't9" J ! O °l DEN 1 OPT.BDRM 4 10'-0. x t I,-2„ L4 -- CB DINING o r 1311" x sA^ wrH B 1 R'•, IMP ift jz i! -I�' - �i E.cS -- I ♦ � I � 1 I I � PLAN 3�A{� 'fir LL i ti I I f �R oI u'` l GARAGE ; �-----dc�`� GARAGE `I ♦ C7 r I ♦, I I r . 1 r i I r ALLEY 1st Floor Typical Floor Plans P-2: 3 STORY SINGLE FAMILY I Schematic Floor Plans 'AIR TEMECULA, CA 101-8'1 8'_0.. BUILDING FRONTAGE *FROM STREET OR PASEO 0 PORCH (9.4.2) •DESCRIPTION - PROJECTING PORCH WITH COLUMNS AND SOLID ROOF. - FLOOR LEVEL TO BE 4" MINMUM ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE. - DEPTH PROVIDES SUFFICIENT SPACE FOR SITTING. (�) RECESSED ENTRY (9.4.3) •DESCRIPTION - ENCLOSED BY AT LEAST (2) BUILDING WALLS. - ENTRY IS COVERED BY BUILDING OR OVERHANG. - FLOOR LEVEL IS INTEGRATED WITH THE YARD. Oc WALLED YARD (9.4.4) •DESCRIPTION - DECORATIVE LOW WALL OR FENCE PROVIDED - OUTSWINGING GATES NOT ENCROACHING OVER PROPERTY LINE. - DISCRETE SECURITY MEASURES BUILDING FRONTAGE *FROM ALLEY Al PORCH (9.4.2) •DESCRIPTION - PROJECTING PORCH WITH COLUMNS AND SOLID ROOF. - FLOOR LEVEL TO BE 4" MINMUM ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE. - DEPTH PROVIDES SUFFICIENT SPACE FOR SITTING. B1 RECESSED ENTRY (9.4.3) •DESCRIPTION - ENCLOSED BY AT LEAST (2) BUILDING WALLS. - ENTRY IS COVERED BY BUILDING OR OVERHANG. - FLOOR LEVEL IS INTEGRATED WITH THE YARD. ci WALLED YARD (9.4.4) •DESCRIPTION -DECORATIVE LOW WALL OR FENCE PROVIDED - OUTSWINGING GATES NOT ENCROACHING OVER PROPERTY LINE. -DISCRETE SECURITY MEASURES +21213 SF 4 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH/ BONUS/OFFICE/ OPT. BEDROOM & BATH ± 2, 202 SF 4 BEDROOM/3.5 BATH/ FAMILY/OPT.DEN +21011 SF 3 BEDROOM/3.5 BATH/ DEN/ OPT. BEDROOM 4 NOTE: 1. Floor plans are for schematic purposes only and will change through design process. 2. Schematic floor plans must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire department for code compliance. 3. Yards, patios & decks may vary but will not be less than the minimum requirements. 4. Square footage may vary depending on method of calculation. 5. Building frontage may vary due to site con- straints & elevation design. 6. See landscape plans for fence & wall design and height. A-1 0 0 2 4 8 PA23-0438 PLANNING SUBMITTAI I DRAB' O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Right (Internal Only) Left (Internal Only) Notes: 1. See keymap for locations 2. No enhancemnts needed rookf imelt Residential A- Highest Ridge M co +I = T F. F. Rear (Street Entry) 4i M, Imp -Pit:. III .� _ .7 - w Finish Grade Varies per Civil Fro nt (Alley Entry) Color Scheme 5 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-2 Progressive Agrarian P2 - PLAN 1: 3 STORY SINGLE FAMILY Schematic Elevations {AIR TEMECULA, CA 0 Progressive Agrarian Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 8:12 (Accent Locations) Type: Gable/Shed Material: Concrete Shake Color: TDB Accent: Brackets Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Vertical Siding Accent Material Option: Stone/Siding Windows Trim: Surround Type: TBD ("Traditional" or "Contemporary") Doors Type. TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Outriggers/Siding Panels/Awnings Enhancement Key Map (N.T.S) A-1 1 2 4 8 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL I DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Right (Internal) Side Yard Refer to on Left Entry�OOr Keymap for Entry vocations (Internal) Color Scheme 7 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-2 rookf mielt Residential Right (Street / Paseo) Rear Yard Refer to on Rear Entr DOOr Keymap for Entry (Street Entry) y Locations co +1 Left Refer to * on (Street/ Paseo Entry) Keymap for Locations *Colors will vary based on Color Plotting. Refer to sheet SP-1. Progressive Agrarian .. i F. F s F. F. " Finish Grade Varies per Civil Fro nt (Alley) Color Scheme 6 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-2 P2 - PLAN 2: 3 STORY SINGLE FAMILY Schematic Elevations {AIR TEMECULA, CA Progressive Agrarian Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 8:12 (Accent Locations) Type: Gable/Shed Material: Concrete Shake Color: TDB Accent: Brackets Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Vertical Siding Accent Material Option: Stone/Siding Windows Trim: Surround Type: TBD ("Traditional" or "Contemporary") Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Outriggers/Siding Panels/Awnings Enhancement Key Map (N.T.S) A-1 2 0 2 4 8 PA23-0438 — PLANNING SUBMITTAL I DRAFT O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Right (Internal Only) Left (Internal Only) Note: See Landscape Sheets for Fence Design rookf mielt Residential Um ®I5®I■ 11 11 Rear (Internal Only) L Al �-- ----I - ltI Left (Street/ Paseo Entry) Refer to * on Keymap for Locations (Standard Plan Without Roof Deck) Progressive Agrarian Rear Refer to on Keymap for entry (Street Entry) Locations Higlik Ridge F. F. F. F T 0-- F. F. Finish Grade Varies per Civil Fro nt (Alley Entry) Color Scheme 7 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-3 P2 - PLAN 3: 3 STORY SINGLE FAMILY Schematic Elevations {AIR TEMECULA, CA Progressive Agrarian Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 4:12 (Accent Locations) Type: Gable/"Flat" Image/Hip Material: Flat Concrete Tiles (Opt. Composition Shingle) Color: Warm Tones Accent: Roof Awning with Brackets Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Horizontal Siding Accent Material Option: Color Blocked Stucco Accents Windows Trim: "Recessed"/Surround Type: TBD ("Contemporary") Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Awning/Score Lines/Stucco "Pop outs"/ Railings Enhancement Key Map (N.T.S) A-1 3 0 2 4 8 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL I DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 07-02-24 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Left (Internal Only) Color Scheme 9 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-2 rookf mielt Residential Right (Internal Only) Left (Street/ Paseo Entry) Refer to * on Keymap for Locations Rear Yard Refer to on Rear Entry�OOr Keymap for Entry vocations (Street Entry) (Optional Plan Showing Roof Deck) Progressive Agrarian Highest Ridge TOY T F F. i +1 T F. F. S1\ Finish Grade Varies per Civil Fro nt (Alley) Color Scheme 8 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-3 P2 - PLAN 3: 3 STORY SINGLE FAMILY Schematic Elevations {AIR TEMECULA, CA 0 Progressive Agrarian Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 4:12 (Accent Locations) Type: Gable/"Flat" Image/Hip Material: Flat Concrete Tiles (Opt. Composition Shingle) Color: Warm Tones Accent: Roof Awning with Brackets Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Horizontal Siding Accent Material Option: Color Blocked Stucco Accents Windows Trim: "Recessed"/Surround Type: TBD ("Contemporary") Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Awning/Score Lines/Stucco "Pop outs"/ Railings Enhancement Key Map (N.T.S) A-1 4 2 4 8 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL I DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Metal Awning Inset Siding Metal Railing Window at Siding rookf ielc Residential Gable -End Siding Elevation Progressive Agrarian P2 - PLAN 2: 3 STORY SINGLE FAMILY I Architectural Details Progressive Agrarian Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 4:12 (Accent Locations) Type: Gable/"Flat" Image/Hip Material: Flat Concrete Tiles (Opt. Composition Shingle) Color: Warm Tones Accent: Roof Awning with Brackets Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Horizontal Siding Accent Material Option: Color Blocked Stucco Accents Windows Trim: "Recessed"/Surround Type: TBD ("Contemporary") ALTAIR A-1 5 0 2 4 8 TEMECULA, CA PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAII I DRAF" TBD (Match Style) Awning/Score Lines/Stucco "Pop outs"/ Railings Wood Railing Window at Stucco Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 1 ORANGE COUNTY . LOSANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO RIDGE PARR DRIVE I¢ ' (PUBLIC) �JJ E�l EO Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. Refer to sheet SP-5 for color assignments, and sheet CM-1 to CM-2 for exterior color and materials. Brookfield Residential VILLAGE APr � STREE AIR T SCENE TEMECULA, CA SS-1 0 2 4 8 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 1 2022219 07-02-24 ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO r 0+ L XI. whim )64 Ne, INN z . ftIr- Mir row IF Oil PA, tL64 3 It a4 j I j kli axe M:�:_ 4. ■ RIDGE PARK DRIVE (PUBLIC) z AOL 0 1 zj 2 11 r4lo 'd 1 V :,I ".4 A f. 1 ; %4, 4. AGE A STREEI pr AIH Tr:RAr:rl 11 A rA u I VIVAN a I EA Fs I; M U W! kti " -L!Aa 40 - 16 14 S-1 =14 -014 �-7 Np J1. WN1, hill, -we Im 141, A 11M -4— JOL RCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS Exterior Color & Materials SCHEME 1 Material P1 - MODERN FARMHOUSE ELEVATIONS ONLY Color Manufacturer Exterior Color & Materials SCHEME Material P1 - MODERN FARMHOUSE ELEVATIONS ONLY Color Manufacturer Exterior Color & Materials SCHEME 3 Material P1 - MODERN FARMHOUSE ELEVATIONS ONLY Roofing: 14713 Tiburon Blend Eagle Concrete Slate Tile Ref:.17 Emi:.93 A.SRI: 18 (or approved equal) CRRC: 0918-0121 Ogee Gutters & Rectangular Downspouts Satin White Custom-Bilt Metals (factory finish) (or approved equal) Omega TBD Stucco Color (16120 sand finish) (Match Sherwin Williams (or approved equal) 'SW 7506 Loggia) Siding Color (applied to): Barge Boards 'Board & Battens 'Corner Boards Eaves Fascia SW 7005 Sherwin Williams Garage Doors Pure White (or approved equal) Railing Secondary Doors Trim Utility doors Accent Color (applied to): 'SW 7595 Sherwin Williams Unit Doors Sommelier (or approved equal) Garage Door Weatherstrip (factory finish) Match Garage Door Color Wayne Dalton (or approved equal) NOTE: Notify WHA if any variation occurs between these schemes and the construction documents prior to purchase. Contact Donna Aldrich (949) 250-0607. BOARD & BATTENS ALTAI R Temecula, California BROOKFIELD RESIDENTIAL January 18, 2024 1 2022219 For exact color refer to manufacturers' actual samples. © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA rookf ielt Residential © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. CIA GARAGE DOORS RAILING SCHEME 1 P1 Modern Farmhouse Elevations Only Roofing: 1 4697 Slate Range Eagle Concrete Slate Tile Ref:.15 Emi:.94 A.SRI: 16 (or approved equal) CRRC: 0918-0046 Satin White Ogee Gutters & Rectangular Downspouts Custom-Bilt Metals (factory finish) (or approved equal) TBD Omega Stucco Color (16120 sand finish) (Match Sherwin Williams (or approved equal) SW 7005 Pure White) Siding Color (applied to): 'SW 9163 Sherwin Williams Board & Battens Tin Lizzie (or approved equal) Corner Boards Trim Color (applied to). - Barge Boards Eaves Fascia Garage Doors SW 7005 Sherwin Williams Railing Pure White (or approved equal) Secondary Doors Trim Utility doors Accent Color (applied to). 'SW 9142 Sherwin Williams Unit Doors Moscow Midnight (or approved equal) Garage Door Weatherstrip (factory finish) Match Garage Door Color Wayne Dalton (or approved equal) NOTE: Notify WHA if any variation occurs between these schemes and the construction documents prior to purchase. Contact Donna Aldrich (949) 250-0607. BOARD & BATTENS ALTAI R Temecula, California BROOKFIELD RESIDENTIAL January 18, 2024 1 2022219 For exact color refer to manufacturers' actual samples. © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. GARAGE DOORS RAILING 1ITO SCHEME 2 P1 Modern Farmhouse Elevations Only MA ORANGEOOUNTV LOS ANGELES -AREA SAORAMENTO EXTERIOR COLOR AND MATERIALS Color Manufacturer Roofing: 14634 Kings Canyon Blend Eagle Concrete Slate Tile Ref:.13 Emi:.94 A.SRI: 16 (or approved equal) CRRC: 0918-0044 Ogee Gutters & Rectangular Downspouts Satin White Custom-Bilt Metals (factory finish) (or approved equal) TBD Omega Stucco Color (16120 sand finish) (Match Sherwin Williams (or approved equal) SW 7050 Useful Gray ) Siding Color (applied to): 'SW 6206 Sherwin Williams Board & Battens Corner Boards Oyster Bay (or approved equal) Trim Color (applied to): Barge Boards Eaves Fascia Garage Doors SW 7005 Sherwin Williams Railing Pure White (or approved equal) Secondary Doors Trim Utility doors Accent Color (applied to): 'SW 7048 Sherwin Williams Unit Doors Status Bronze (or approved equal) Garage Door Weatherstrip (factory finish) Match Garage Door Color Wayne Dalton (or approved equal) NOTE: Notify WHA if any variation occurs between these schemes and the construction documents prior to purchase. Contact Donna Aldrich (949) 250-0607. BOARD & BATTENS ALTAI R Temecula, California BROOKFIELD RESIDENTIAL January 18, 2024 12022219 For exact color refer to manufacturers' actual samples. © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. CIA GARAGE DOORS RAILING 1IMMA SCHEME 3 P1 Modern Farmhouse Elevations Only WHA. OWGE-Y LOS ANGELES. BAVAREA-AMENTO .Airi CM-1 0 2 4 8 TEMECULA, CA PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Exterior Color & Materials SCHEME 4 Material P2 - PROGRESSIVE AGRARIAN ELEVATIONS ONLY Color Manufacturer Exterior Color & Materials SCHEME 5 Material P2 - PROGRESSIVE AGRARIAN ELEVATIONS ONLY Color Manufacturer Exterior Color & Materials SCHEME 6 Material P2 - PROGRESSIVE AGRARIAN ELEVATIONS ONLY Color Manufacturer Roofing: 5690 Pewter Bronze Blend Eagle Concrete Shake Tile Ref:.17 Emi:.91 A.SRI: 16 (or approved equal) CRRC: 0918-0060 Ogee Gutters & Rectangular Downspouts Bronze Custom-Bilt Metals (factory finish) (or approved equal) Green World Vinyl Windows (factory finish) White (or approved equal) Eldorado /'Westlake Manufactured Stone (dry stack joints) Birch Ledgecut 33 (or approved equal) TBD Omega Stucco Color (16/20 sand finish) (Match Sherwin Williams (or approved equal) SW 6155 Rice Grain) Siding Color (applied to): Board & Battens Corner Boards 'SW 9117 Sherwin Williams Garage Doors Urban Jungle (or approved equal) Lap Siding Secondary Doors Utility Doors Trim Color #1 (applied to): Barge Boards SW 7033 Sherwin Williams Eaves Fascia Brainstorm Bronze (or approved equal) Outlookers Trim Color #2 (applied to). SW 6385 Sherwin Williams Trim Dover White (or approved equal) SW 7020 Sherwin Williams Accent Color (applied to): Railing 'Unit Doors Black Fox (or approved equal) Garage Door Weatherstrip (factory finish) Match Garage Door Color Wayne Dalton (or approved equal) NOTE: Notify WHA if any variation occurs between these schemes and the construction documents prior to purchase. BOARD & BATTENS GARAGE DOORS LAP SIDING :_ ALTAI R Temecula, California BROOKFIELD RESIDENTIAL January 18, 2024 1 2022219 For exact color refer to manufacturers' actual samples. © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA rookf ielt Residential © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. CIA TRIM — ]IT )RS SCHEME 4 P2 Progressive Agrarian Elevations Only Roofing: 5690 Pewter Bronze Blend Eagle Concrete Shake Tile Ref:.17 Emi:.91 A.SRI: 16 (or approved equal) CRRC: 0918-0060 Ogee Gutters & Rectangular Downspouts , Weathered Copper Custom-Bilt Metals (factory finish) (or approved equal) Green World Vinyl Windows (factory finish) White (or approved equal) Birch Manufactured Stone (dry stack joints) Eldorado /'Westlake Ledgecut 33 (or approved equal) TBD Omega Stucco Color (16/20 sand finish) (Match Sherwin Williams (or approved equal) SW 9111 Antler Velvet) Siding Color (applied to): Board & Battens Corner Boards 'SW 7032 Sherwin Williams Garage Doors Warm Stone (or approved equal) Lap Siding Secondary Doors Utility Doors Trim Color #1 (applied to): Barge Boards 'SW 7034 Sherwin Williams Eaves Fascia Status Bronze (or approved equal) Outlookers Trim Color #2 (applied to). 'SW 6385 Sherwin Williams Trim DoverWhite (or approved equal) SW 7020 Sherwin Williams Accent Color (applied to): Railing 'Unit Doors Black Fox (or approved equal) Garage Door Weatherstrip (factory finish) Match Garage Door Color Wayne Dalton (or approved equal) NOTE: Notify WHA if any variation occurs between these schemes and the construction documents prior to purchase. BOARD & BATTENS GARAGE DOORS LAP SIDING I:: ALTAI R Temecula, California BROOKFIELD RESIDENTIAL January 18, 2024 1 2022219 For exact color refer to manufacturers' actual samples. © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. CIA TRIM JIT )RS SCHEME 5 P2 Progressive Agrarian Elevations Only MA ORANGEOOUNTV LOS ANGELES -AREA SAORAMENTO EXTERIOR COLOR AND MATERIALS TEMECULA, CA Roofing: 5699 Charcoal Range Eagle Concrete Shake Tile Ref:.15 Emi:.94 A.SRI: 16 CRRC: 0918-0046 (or approved equal) Ogee Gutters & Rectangular Downspouts Low Gloss White Custom-Bilt Metals (factory finish) (or approved equal) Green World (or approved equal) Vinyl Windows (factory finish) White 'White Cap Eldorado /'Westlake Manufactured Stone (dry stack joints) Ledgecut 33 (or approved equal) TBD Omega Stucco Color (16/20 sand finish) (Match Sherwin Williams (or approved equal) 'SW 7546 Prairie Grass) Siding Color (applied to): Board & Battens 'SW 9019 Sherwin Williams Corner Boards Gauntlet Gray (or approved equal) Lap Siding Trim Color (applied to). - Barge Boards Eaves Fascia Garage Doors 1SW 7009 Sherwin Williams Outlookers Pearly White (or approved equal) Secondary Doors Tri m Utility doors Accent Color (applied to): SW 7020 Sherwin Williams Railing Unit Doors Black Fox (or approved equal) Garage Door Weatherstrip (factory finish) Match Garage Door Color Wayne Dalton (or approved equal) NOTE: Notify WHA if any variation occurs between these schemes and the construction documents prior to purchase. Contact Donna Aldrich (949) 250-0607. BOARD & BATTENS LAP SIDING RAII U I\ DO( ALTAI R Temecula, California BROOKFIELD RESIDENTIAL January 18, 2024 12022219 For exact color refer to manufacturers' actual samples. © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. SCHEME 6 P2 Progressive Agrarian Elevations Only WHA. OWGE-Y LOS ANGELES. BAVAREA-AMENTO CM-2 0 2 4 8 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAFT O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Exterior Color & Materials SCHEME Material P2 - PROGRESSIVE AGRARIAN ELEVATIONS ONLY Color Manufacturer Exterior Color & Materials SCHEME Material P2 - PROGRESSIVE AGRARIAN ELEVATIONS ONLY Color Manufacturer Exterior Color & Materials SCHEME 9 Material P2 - PROGRESSIVE AGRARIAN ELEVATIONS ONLY Color Manufacturer Roofing: 15699 Charcoal Range Eagle Concrete Shake Tile Ref:.15 Emi:.94 A.SRI: 16 CRRC: 0918-0046 (or approved equal) Ogee Gutters & Rectangular Downspouts 'Low Gloss White Custom-Bilt Metals (factory finish) (or approved equal) Green World (or approved equal) Vinyl Windows (factory finish) White 'White Cap Manufactured Stone (dry stack joints) Eldorado /'Westlake Ledgecut 33 (or approved equal) TBD Omega Stucco Color (16/20 sand finish) (Match Sherwin Williams (or approved equal) SW 6169 Sedate Gray ) Siding Color (applied to): Board & Battens SW 9126 Sherwin Williams Corner Boards Honed Soapstone (or approved equal) Lap Siding Trim Color (applied to). - Barge Boards Eaves Fascia Garage Doors 'SW 7009 Sherwin Williams Outlookers Pearly White (or approved equal) Secondary Doors Trim Utility doors Accent Color (applied to). SW 7020 Sherwin Williams Railing Unit Doors Black Fox (or approved equal) Garage Door Weatherstrip (factory finish) Match Garage Door Color Wayne Dalton (or approved equal) NOTE: Notify WHA if any variation occurs between these schemes and the construction documents prior to purchase. Contact Donna Aldrich (949) 250-0607. BOARD & BATTENS LAP SIDING UN DO( ALTAI R Temecula, California BROOKFIELD RESIDENTIAL January 18, 2024 1 2022219 For exact color refer to manufacturers' actual samples. © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA rookf ielt Residential © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. SCHEME 7 P2 Progressive Agrarian Elevations Only Roofing: 15502 Arcadia Canyon Blend Eagle Concrete Shake Tile Ref:.13 Emi:.94 A.SRI: 16 (or approved equal) CRRC: 0918-0043 Ogee Gutters & Rectangular Downspouts 'Bronze Custom-Bilt Metals (factory finish) (or approved equal) White Green World Vinyl Windows (factory finish) (or approved equal) Birch Eldorado /'Westlake Manufactured Stone (dry stack joints) Ledgecut 33 (or approved equal) TBD Omega Stucco Color (16/20 sand finish) (Match Sherwin Williams (or approved equal) SW 7036 Accessible Beige) Siding Color (applied to): Board & Battens 'SW 7075 Sherwin Williams Corner Boards Web Gray (or approved equal) Lap Siding Trim Color #1 (applied to). - Barge Boards Eaves Fascia Garage Doors 'SW 7026 Sherwin Williams Outlookers Griffin (or approved equal) Railing 'Unit Doors Utililty Doors Trim Color #2 (applied to): 'SW 6385 Sherwin Williams Trim Dover White (or approved equal) Wayne Dalton (or approved equal) Garage Door Weatherstrip (factory finish) Match Garage Door Color NOTE: Notify WHA if any variation occurs between these schemes and the construction documents prior to purchase. Contact Donna Aldrich (949) 250-0607. BOARD & BATTENS LAP SIDING I� ALTAI R Temecula, California BROOKFIELD RESIDENTIAL January 18, 2024 1 2022219 For exact color refer to manufacturers' actual samples. © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS. INC. DBA WHA. CIA GARAGE DOORS RAILING UNIT DOORS SCHEME 8 P2 Progressive Agrarian Elevations Only MA ORANGEOOUNTV LOS ANGELES -AREA SAORAMENTO EXTERIOR COLOR AND MATERIALS TEMECULA, CA Roofing: 15502 Arcadia Canyon Blend Eagle Concrete Shake Tile Ref:.13 Emi:.94 A.SRI: 16 CRRC: 0918-0043 (or approved equal) Ogee Gutters & Rectangular Downspouts 'Bronze Custom-Bilt Metals (factory finish) (or approved equal) Green World (or approved equal) Vinyl Windows (factory finish) White 'White Cap Manufactured Stone (dry stack joints) Eldorado /'Westlake Ledgecut 33 (or approved equal) TBD Omega Stucco Color (16/20 sand finish) (Match Sherwin Williams (or approved equal) SW 7050 Useful Gray) Siding Color (applied to): Board & Battens 'SW 7743 Sherwin Williams Corner Boards Mountain Road (or approved equal) Lap Siding Trim Color #1 (applied to). - Barge Boards Eaves Fascia Garage Doors 'SW 7047 Sherwin Williams Railing Porpoise (or approved equal) Outlookers 'Unit Doors Utililty Doors Trim Color #2 (applied to): 'SW 7009 Sherwin Williams Trim Pearly White (or approved equal) Garage Door Weatherstrip (factory finish) Match Garage Door Color Wayne Dalton (or approved equal) NOTE: Notify WHA if any variation occurs between these schemes and the construction documents prior to purchase. Contact Donna Aldrich (949) 250-0607. BOARD & BATTENS LAP SIDING Ift, ALTAI R Temecula, California BROOKFIELD RESIDENTIAL January 18, 2024 12022219 For exact color refer to manufacturers' actual samples. © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. CIA GARAGE DOORS RAILING UNIT DOORS SCHEME 9 P2 Progressive Agrarian Elevations Only WHA. OWGE-Y LOS ANGELES. BAVAREA-AMENTO CM-3 0 2 4 8 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO kai CONCEPTUAL PLANT PALETTE LEGEND OCommunity Monumentation Sign Social Seating Areas Open Lawn Area Neighborhood Park Residential Paseo Areas Shaded Seating Areas CITY NOTES Enhanced Vehicular Paving Private Yard Private Patio Mulch Note: 3" of medium grade bark mulch or rock required under all plant material. In areas with groundcover planted from flats, the mulch depth shall be no less than one and one-half inches. Field Observation Note: City of Temecula required observation: A minimum of three inspections will be required for construction phasing. The first is an irrigation inspection to verify pipe depth and irrigation material conformance. The second is a landscape inspection to verify irrigation coverage and operation, and to verify that all plantings have been installed consistent with the approved construcion plans. The third is a final inspection once mulch has been laid and all plant material and irrigation systems are in place. Contact the Planning Department to schedule required Landscape Inspections. SITE PLAN CALCULATIONS Entire Site Area: Proposed Landscape Area Total Landscape Area: alkair COMPLETELYTEM.ECULA. 628,939 SF 135,039 SF 135,039 SF ALTAIR VILLAGE TEMECULA, CA PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN TREES SCIENTIFIC NAME Acacia stenophylla Arbutus 'Marina' Arbutus unedo �4 Cercidium 'Desert Museum' Cercis occidentalis Chilopsis linearis 'Warren Jones' Chitalpa x tashkentensis Citrus spp. Geijera parviflora Heteromeles arbutifolia Lagerstroemia indica Laurus nobilis 'Saratoga' Magnolia G. 'Little Gem' Olea europaea 'Swan Hill' Pistacia chinensis'Red Push' �. Platanus spp. Populus fremontii 'Nevada' Prunus ilicifolia ilicifolia Quercus agrifolia Quercus ilex Quercus lobata Quercus virginiana 'Heritage' Rhus lancea SHRUBS SCIENTIFIC NAME Agave spp. Arctostaphylos spp. Baccharis pilularis Baileya multiradiata Bouteloua gracilis Buddleia marrubiifolia Calliandra californica Calliandra eriophyia Callistemon vim. 'Little John' Ceanothus cultivars Cistus spp. Dianella spp. Encelia farinosa Euphorbia milli 'Redi-Red' Feijoa sellowiana Grevillea spp. Hesperaloe parviflora Heteromeles arbutifolia Ilex vomitoria Lantana spp. Lavandula spp. Leucophylium frutescens Ligustrum japonicum 'Texanum' Lomandra spp. Muhlenbergia spp. Opuntia Santa-rita 'Tubac' Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Maki' Rhaphiolepis 'Majestic Beauty' Rhaphiolepis umbellate 'Minor' Rhamnus californica Rhus intergifolia Rhus ovata Ribes spp. Salvia a p i a n a Salvia chamaedroides Salvia clevelandii Salvia gregii Salvia leucophylla Salvia mellifera Salvia trident Teucrium chamaedrys Verbena lilacina 'De La Mina' Westringia fruticosa G R 0 U N D C 0 V E R S SCIENTIFIC NAME Baccharis 'Centennial' Baccharis pilularais cvs. Carissa spp. Festuca arundinacea Leymus cond. 'Canyon Prince' Lonicera spp. Myoporum parvifolium Rosemarinus 'Prostratus' Senecio mandraliscae Senecio serpens Trachelospermum jasminoides VINES SCIENTIFIC NAME Ficus pumila Macfadyena unguis-cati Parthenocissus tricuspidata Podocarpus gracilior Trachelospermum jasminoides 0 25' 50' 100' 7m" Scale:1 "= 50'-0" COMMON NAME Shoestring Acacia Marina Arbutus Strawberry Tree Palo Verde Western Redbud W. Jones Desert Willow Chitalpa Organge, Lemon, Lime, Ect. Australian Willow Toyon Crape Myrtle Sweet Bay Little Gem Mangolia Fruitless Olive Chinese Pistache Sycamore Western Cottonwood Hollyleaf Cherry Coast Live Oak Holly Oak Valley Oak Southern Live Oak African Sumac COMMON NAME Agave Manzanita Coyote Brush Desert Marigold Blue Grama Wolly Butterfly Bush Baja Duster Fairy Duster Little John Bottlebrush Ceanothus Rockrose Flax Lilies Brittle Bush Red Euphorbia Pineapple Guava Grevillea Red/Yellow Yucca Toyon Yaupon Lantana Lavender Texas Ranger Japanese Privet Matt Rush Grass Purple Prickly Pear Shrubby Yew Pine Majestic Beauty Yeddo Hawthorn Coffeeberry Lemonadeberry Sugar Bush Current White Sage Blue Sage Cleveland Sage Autumn Sage Purple Sage Black Sage Hybrid Sage Germander Cedros Island Verbena Coast Rosemary COMMON NAME Bentennial Baccharis Dwarf Coyote Brush Natal Plum Marathon Fescue Turf Blue Lyme Grass Honeysuckle Creeping Boobialla Trailing Rosemary K I e i n i a Blue Chalksticks Star Jasmine COMMON NAME Creeping Fig Cat's Claw Boston Ivy African Fern Pine Star Jasmine M A P N : 9 4 0 - 3 1 0 - 0 1 5 ; 9 4 0 - 3 1 0 - 0 1 6 ; 9 4 0 - 3 1 0 - 0 4 6 ; 9 4 0 - 3 1 0 - 0 4 5 P A 2 3 - 0 4 3 8 L-1 + + /J/ /// !f/ 1 + 1 1 + + 8 DESIGN STATEMENT �i 8 8 Altair landscape design has implemented the Altair Specific Plan along with some notes from Old Town s Temecula as it is bridged adjacent to downtown. The materials used will be natural with contemporary 8 +o elements to incorporate styles from the Specific Plan. The softscape palette consists of low and medium 8 ° water use plants and is predominantly referenced from the Altair Specific Plan. o� Altair features multiple open spaces and park amenities that will be utilized by the future residents. These o spaces include open turf areas, seating, overhead shade structures, picnic tables, and tot lot. The villages g o 1:io will have pathway connections to connect with the overall community and downtown. n + Layout of hardscape and softscape materials will adhere to City's water ordinance. Trees and shrubs will be B placed a minimum of 5' away from water and gas meters, or sewer laterals; a minimum of 10' away from utility poles and minimum of 8' away from fire hydrants and fire department sprinkler and standpipe connections. Root barriers will be provided within 5' of any hardscape zone. 3" of medium grade bark mulch + is required under all plant material. In areas with groundcover planted from flats, mulch depth will be no 8 °° less than 1-1/2". The irrigation design will conform to the current City of Temecula landscape ordinance and standards. + IRRIGATION STATEMENT K °' The irrigation of the site landscape area will utilize the latest in smart irrigation methods and means. All new landscape areas will include high efficiency methods with low precipitation rates in order to maximize 8 water rentention and dispersion to the plant root zones. All planters will use drip irrigation. A smart irrigation controller capable of rain shutoff will also be incorporated into the design. Medium grade bark mulch will be used in order to reduce water loss due to evaporation. An irrigation schedule will be provided in order to program the controller. Two irrigation schedules will be provided, one for the plant establishment period and one for on -going landscape maintenance once the plants are established. All new irrigation systems will comply with the current city of Temecula Water Ordinance. CITY NOTES Mulch Note: 3" of medium grade bark or rock mulch required under all plant material. In areas with groundcover planted from flats, the mulch depth shall be no less than one and one-half inches. Field Observation Note: City of Temecula required observation: A minimum of three inspections will be required for construction phasing. The first is an irrigation inspection to verify pipe depth and irrigation material conformance. The second is a landscape inspection to verify irrigation coverage and operation, and to verify that all plantings have been installed consistant with the approved construcion plans. The third is a final inspection once mulch has been laid and all plant material and irrigation systems are in place. Contact the Planning Department to schedule required Landscape Inspections. LEGEND CONCEPTUAL PLANT PALETTE Community Monumentation Sign Open Space Area [ A - D ] See Sheet L3 TREESSCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME W U C . S I Z E Social Seatin Areas Bike Racks Acacia stenophylla Shoestring Acacia Low 24" Box 8 g Arbutus 'Marina' Marina Arbutus Med. 24" Box Arbutus unedo Strawberry Tree Low 15 Gal. Open Lawn Area : Mailboxes Cercidium 'Desert Museum' Palo Verde Low 24" Box ° Cercis occidentalis Western Redbud Low 24" Box Nei hborhood Park • Enhanced Vehicular Pavin Chilopsis linearis 'Warren Jones' W. Jones Desert Willow Low 24" Box + g g Chitalpa x tashkentensis Chitalpa Low 24" Box Citrus spp. Orange, Lemon, Lime, Ect. Med. 15 Gal. 0 Residential Paseo Areas Private Yard Geijera parviflora Australian Willow Med. 24" Box 0 Heteromeles arbutifolia Toyon Low 24 Box Lagerstroemia indica Crape Myrtle Med. 24" Box Private Patio O Laurus nobilis 'Saratoga' Sweet Bay Low 24" Box Magnolia G. 'Little Gem' Little Gem Mangolia Med. 24" Box Olea europaea 'Swan Hill' Fruitless Olive Low 24" Box Pistacia chinensis'Red Push' Chinese Pistache Med. 24" Box R 1 D G- P A R K DRIVE -— Platanus spp. Sycamore Med. 24" Box Il - Populus fremontii 'Nevada' Western Cottonwood Med. 24" Box Prunus ilicifolia ilicifolia Hollyleaf Cherry Low 24" Box Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak Low 24" Box > Quercus ilex Holly Oak Low 24" Box Quercus lobata Valley Oak Med. 24" Box Quercus virginiana 'Heritage' Southern Live Oak Med. 24" Box • Rhus Lancea African Sumac Low 24" Box SHRUBS PIT III I - 0, Gh I ME I waz kh COMPLETELY TEMECULA. I APN: 940-310-01 5 940-310-01 6 940-310-046 940-310-045 P A 2 3 - 0 4 3 8 L-2 -••- - C) NEIGHBORHOOD PARK k&� alkair COMPLETELY TEMECULA. - �;"-yam.; ALTAIR VILLAGE A -PARK ENLARGEMENT TEMECULA, CA fwon" ','t; ' 7. LEGEND Picnic Tables Bench Seating Playground Surfacing Play Area with Age Separated Equipment Shade Structure with Seating Concrete Walkway 0 On -Street Parking 0 Open Lawn OLounge Seating (D Transformer QDBoulders for Seating or Informal Play QD Retaining Wall QDSocial Seating Areas Enhanced Vehicular Paving Mailboxes Bike Racks ADA Parking Community Library (See Furnishing Sheet) 0 10' 20' 40' Scale:1 "= 20'-0" APN: 940-310-01 5 ; 940-310-016 ; 940-310-046 ; 940-310-045 P A 2 3 - 0 4 3 8 L-3 LEGEND OPEN SPACE AREA 'A' OPEN SPACE AREA 'C' k&�VV/ P1 I air COMPLETELY TEMECULA. C C --------------- OPEN SPACE AREA 'D' ALTAIR VILLAGE A -OPEN SPACE ENLARGEMENT TEMECULA, CA OPEN SPACE AREA 'B' Shade Structure with Seating Planting Area Community Monumentation Sign OOpen Turf Area Bench .r Transformer OBoulders in Planting Area A Enhanced Vehicular Paving Boulders for Seating or Informal Play Decomposed Granite Paving p g (D Mailboxes 0 10' 20' 40' 7m" 7 Scale: 1 "= 20'-0" APN: 940-310-01 5 ; 940-310-016 ; 940-310-046 ; 940-310-045 P A 2 3 - 0 4 3 8 L-4 n SECTION A SECTION B k&�VV/ P1 I air COMPLETELY TEMECULA. SECTION C SECTION D ALTAIR VILLAGE A - PRELIMINARY STREET SECTIONS rcrn EcuLA, ca APN: 940-310-01 5 ; 940-310-016 ; 940-310-046 ; 940-310-045 LEGEND 5' Curb Adjacent Walk Street Tree Parallel Parking Property Fence Q Private Patio [Depth Varies 6'-1011 0 2' 4' 8' Scale:1/4"= 1'-0" P A 2 3 - 0 4 3 8 L-5 N N O C) k&�VV/ P1 I air COMPLETELY TEMECULA. ALTAIR VILLAGE A -VILLAGE PARK PROGRAMMING TEMECULA, CA APN: 940-310-01 5 ; 940-310-016 LEGEND Small Open Space Village A - Neighborhood Park Bench Seating Tot Lot Views Shaded Seating Upgraded Planting [Boulders BBQ / Picnic Tables and Large Box trees] Open Lawn Medium Open Space Village B - Neighborhood Park Group Seating Tot Lot Views Shaded Seating Lawn Area BBQ / Picnic Tables Upgraded Planting [Boulders Open Lawn and Large Box trees] Rock Garden Village C - Neighborhood Park* Shaded Seating Areas Pickle Ball Large Open Space Basketball Shaded Seating Open Lawn Area Views Informal Play Community Park* Play Lawn Area Clubhouse (Public) Upgraded Planting [Boulders Parking and Large Box trees] Tot Lot Enhanced Paving Dog Park Community Library Amphitheater Lawn Shade Structures Trails and Walkways Garden Spaces Class 1 Bike Grand Staircase and Link to Downtown • • • • 8' Walk in Park Altair Recreation Center* 6-7' Sidewalk Clubroom / Restrooms mmmmmm 4-5' Walk Pool / Spa ; 940- 3 10-046 ; 940- 3 10-045 Cabanas Shaded Seating and Lounges Parking *Amenities are conceptual and subject to change as project progesses. 0 25' 50' 100' 7m" 7 Scale: 1 "= 50'-0" P A 2 3 - 0 4 3 8 L-6 k&�VV/ P1 I air COMPLETELY TEMECULA. ALTAIR VILLAGE A - CONNECTIVITY PLAN rcrn EcuLA, ca C APN: 940-310-01 5 ; 940-310-016 ; 940-310-046 ; 940-310-045 LEGEND a m Connectivity Path 4' to 5' Wide • • Street Sidewalk 5' Wide OMailbox Location Open Space Location 0 20' 40' 80' 7m" Scale: 1 "= 40'-0" P A 2 3 - 0 4 3 8 L-7 tk'**:O�f alkair COMPLETELY TEMECULA. ALTAIR VILLAGE A -WALL AND FENCE PLAN rcrn EcuLA, ca LEGEND Patio Fence (3'-0" Tall) — Private Yard Fence (5'-6" Tall) View Fence (5-6" Tall) 0 20' 40' 80' 7m" Scale: 1 "= 40'-0" APN: 940-310-01 5 ; 940-310-016 ; 940-310-046 ; 940-310-045 P A 2 3 - 0 4 3 8 L-8 k&�Vh/ pi I air COMPLETELY TEMECULA. PATIO FENCE HEIGHT: 3'-0" ALTAIR VILLAGE A -WALL AND FENCE TEMECULA, CA DDIVATC VADn ccikirC HEIGHT: 5'-6" DETAILS V u r VIEW FENCE HEIGHT: 5'-6" APN: 940-310-01 5 ; 940-310-016 ; 940-310-046 ; 940-310-045 P A 2 3 - 0 4 3 8 L-9 LEGEND k&�VV/ P1 I air COMPLETELY TEMECU LA. MAILBOX LOCATIONS TRANSFORMER LOCATIONS ALTAI R VILLAGE A - MAILBOX AND TRANSFORMER CONDITIONS TEMECULA, CA Screening Hedge Low Groundcover (12 " Max) Boulders in Planting Area Boulders in Decorative Rock Bed Enhanced Paving v Transformer Mailboxes Q Signage *Note: These are typical solutions. Individual locations may vary. 0 2' 4' 8' 7m" Scale:1/4"= 1'-0" APN: 940-310-015 940-310-016 940-310-046 940-310-045 P A 2 3 - 0 4 3 8 L-1 0 mt do AW P '%416 A L; Z4, KL 4w D ■ IN VOW' j ITT L, Awl k ok.'w ADIRONDACK CHAIR CHARCOAL G REY WOOD BENCH BENCH AT PARK Note: Conceptual Imagery. Actual Specifications may vary. k&�Vhr P1 I air COMPLETELY TEMECULA. PEDISTAL MAILBOX ALTAIR VILLAGE A - SITE FURNISHINGS TEMECULA, CA r PICNIC TABLE WASTE RECEPTACLE DUAL STREAM BOULDERS FOR SEATING OR INFORMAL PLAY BIKE RACK `� •*' <: `r M-1111111111111111 ___ r COMMUNITY LIBRARY APN: 940-310-015 ; 940-310-016 ; 940-310-046 ; 940-310-045 P A 2 3 - 0 4 3 8 L-1 2 RZT N N O CD PA23-0438 i i i RIDGE PARK is c DRIVE VILLAGE A SITE PLAN BOUNDARY VINCENT MORAGA T DRIVE 1 4- PHASE 1 MASS ,' c GRADE BOUNDARY lF� VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE F�1111 EAST WESOUST / EAST WEST SOU TH NORTH 30'/*32' 32' 30' 324' 3'/*5' 3' 24' 5' 3 24 If 3 DRWY 12' 12' DRWY/SDWK DRWY 12' 12' SDWK DRWY 12' 12' D WY TRA VEL TRA VEL TRA VEL TRA VEL TRAVEL TRAVEL LANE LANE * LANE LANE LANE LANE LEGEND PROJECT BOUNDARY — — EXISTING TOPO CONTOUR BUILDING NUMBER BLDG 1 FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION FF=1100.7 PAD ELEVATION P=1100.0 ST. ELEVATION 1111.0 PROPOSED PVT. SEWER MAIN (8") PROPOSED PVT. WATER MAIN (4"-6") PROPOSED PUB. WATER MAIN (4"-6") PROPOSED PVT. WATER FIRE MAIN (8") F PROPOSED PVT. UNTREATED STORM DRAIN (18 "*) PROPOSED PVT. TREATED/BYPASS STORM DRAIN (18 "*) * ACTUAL SIZING TO BE DETERMINED PROPOSED ADA PA TH OF TRA VEL • • • • • • • PROPOSED STREET LIGHT 0-0 PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT Do4 PROPOSED TRANSFORMER LOCATION 0 PROPOSED ELECTRICAL SWITCH LOCATION El PROPOSED AC UNIT LOCATION .......................... . 4" MOD. ROLLED CURB O" MOD. CURB PVT. WATER PVT. A. C. PA VEMEN T AND MAIN STORM DRAIN BASE PVT FIRE MAIN PVT. 6' 6' SEWER MAIN PROPOSED PVT. DRIVES E. F & G 2q_ _2% AGGREGATE 0" MOD. CURB (TYP.) SAND 4" PVT. WATER MAIN 8" PVT. 6' 6' SEWER PROPOSED PVT. DRIVES H. 1, J, K,L,M,N, O,P, Q&R; POR. OFC NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE *SIDEWALK IN PRIVATE DRIVES H & Q NORTH/ SOU TH/ SOUTH/ EAST WEST WEST *29'/34' 5' 24' 5' 5' 8' * SD WK 12' 12' SD WK of SD WK PKNG It fol TRA VEL TRA VEL LANE I LANE 1 1 1 2% 2% 2% �— ............................................ ........................................................ 6 " CURB (TYP.) 4" PVT. A.C. PAVEMENT AND PVT WATER MAIN BASE STORM PVT DRAIN FIRE MAIN 8" PVT 6' 6 2 SEWER POR. OF PROPOSED PVT. DRIVES A, B, C & D NOT TO SCALE NOTES. *NO SIDEWALK IN WEST SIDE UNTIL PARK FRONTAGE R/W R/W 100' 1 R/W 1 54' 1 46' 1 I- I I 8' 6' 2 yi 2' BIKEWAY 2•� 2% P 1 J CONSTRUCT 6'- CONCRETE CONSTRUCT AC CURB AND PA VEMEN T GUTTER 'TYPE (STRUCTURAL A-6' PER THE SECTION TO BE CITY OF DETERMINED BY TEMECULA SOILS ENGINEER) STD. 200 2% 31' ' 31' 7' 1 12' 1 12' 14' 12' 1 12' 1 7' 2% I 2% CONSTRUCT AC CONSTRUCT 6" 1 CONSTRUCT 6" �CCSTRUC�AC PAVEMENT (STRUCTURAL CONCRETE CURB CONCRETE CURB 'TYPE PAVEMENT (STRUCTURAL SECTION TO BE ONLY TYPE D-6 ONLY D-6' PER THE CITY OF SECTION TO BE DETERMINED BY PER THE CITY OF TEMECULA STD. DETERMINED BY SOILS ENGINEER) TEMECULA STD. 204A SOILS ENGINEER) 204A WESTERN BYPASS CORRIDOR (PUBLIC) PER TRACT MAP NO. 36959-1, -2 NOT TO SCALE I 56' 2% STRUCTURAL SECTION TO BE --- DETERMINED BY SOILS ENGINEER CONSTRUCT 6" CONCRETE (6" AC/8" AB MIN). CONSTRUCT CURB AND GUTTER 'TYPE A-6' PER THE CITY OF AC PAVEMENT (STRUCTURAL TEMECULA STD. 200 (TYP.) SECTION TO BE DETERMINED BY SOILS ENGINEER) RIDGE PARK DRIVE (PUBLIC) PER TRACT MAP NO. 36959-1, -2 -I I 8�I PARKWAY y12' 7777y�� I I CONSTRUCT 6" CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 'TYPE A-6' PER THE Cl TY OF TEMECULA STD. 200 PARALLEL TYPICAL PARKING DETAIL 1 1 2% 2% 2% �— 4" MOD. 6" CURB ROLLED CURB A.C. PAVEMENT AND 4" PVT. BASE WATER MAIN 8" PVT. 6' 6' SEWER POR. OF PROPOSED PVT. DRIVE C NORTH/ EAST 42' 24' 5' 12' 12' SD WK TRA VEL TRA VEL LANE LANE 21-1. 1 1 1 1 2% —y 2% 2% r— ......................................................................... 6 " CURB (TYP.) 4" PVT. A.C. PAVEMENT AND WATER MAIN PVT STORM BASE PVT DRAIN FIRE MAIN NOT TO SCALE POR. OF PROPOSED PVT. DRIVES A. B & C 1% CN 1% 1 1 i i 1 + i L_ _j 1 CURB LINE NOT TO SCALE CURB LINE TYPICAL BUILDING DRAINAGE SWALE DETAIL APPLICABLE TO ALL BUILDING TYPES NOT TO SCALE SECTION 1804.4 SITE GRADING OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC) TO ALLOW FOR AN ALTERNATE METHOD OF DIVERTING WATER AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATION. TYPICAL LOT DRAINAGE TO BE REDUCED FROM 5% SLOPE AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATION TO A MINIMUM 2% SLOPE. ALSO, LOT DRAINAGE SWALE GRADE TO BE REDUCED FROM 2% TO 1 %. DESIGN WAIVER REQUEST TO ALLOW TYPICAL LOT DRAINAGE TO BE REDUCED FROM 5% AWAY FROM HOUSE (PER BLDG. CODE 1804.4) TO 2% AWAY FROM HOUSE. ALLOW LOT DRAINAGE SWALE GRADE TO BE REDUCED FROM 2% TO 1 %. 1. GROSS SITE AREA: 15.59 AC 2. TOTAL NUMBER OF EXISTING LOTS. 4 3. TOTAL NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS.-1 4. TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS. 146 HOMES - (78) 3 STORY SINGLE FAMILY, (68) 2-3 STORY DUPLEX 5. ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBERS. 940-310-013, 940-310-015, 940-310-016, 940-310-045, 940-310-046 6. CONTOUR INTERVAL FROM MASS GRADING PLAN. • 1 FOOT 7. AREA/PERCENT OF PROJECT IN STREETS, DRIVEWAYS & DRIVE AISLES: 3.18 AC. PUBLIC UTILITIES STORM DRAIN RIVERSIDE COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL SEWER EASTERN MUN I C I PAL WATER DISTRICT WA TER RANCHO CAL I FORN I A WATER DISTRICT GAS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS CO. ELECTRIC SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON CO. SCHOOL TEMECULA VALL Y UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT POLICE AND FIRE CITY OF TEMECULA AND RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE SHEET INDEX C 1 - TITLE SHEET C2-C4 - PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN C5-C7 - PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN C8-C10 - PRELIMINARY WET UTILITY PLAN UTILITY NOTES: ALL UTILITIES ARE TO BE UNDERGROUND. IN -TRACT SEWER IS TO BE PRIVATELY MAINTAINED BY HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION (HOA) IN -TRACT DOMESTIC WATER IS TO BE PRIVATELY MAINTAINED BY HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION (HOA) IN -TRACT FIRE WATER IS TO BE PRIVATELY MAINTAINED BY HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION (HOA) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 1 OF TRACT MAP NO. 36959-1, IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP ON FILE IN BOOK _ , PAGES _ THROUGH _ OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. v_ Ym c W mZD Op U U 6 6„ 1"R 1"R 2" WEAKENED a. d PLANE JOINT 2" WEAKENED PLANE JOINT 8 0" MOD. 'D' CURB NOT TO SCALE 24" 6" 8" 10" 3/8"R 1/2"R 1'-6„R a a � d 2'—n"P 4 2" WEAKENED —I PLANE JOINT 4" MOD. 'C' ROLLED CURB NOT TO SCALE r 11" 4" MOD. 'D-6' CURB NOT TO SCALE 6" V-6" 1 "R 1 "R 2" WEAKENED PLANE JOINT d. 4" MOD. 'A-6' CURB & GUTTER NOT TO SCALE Ln 0 0 I LO N NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Villoge A\VA Title Sheet.dwg[]Jul-01-2024:15:36 PA 23-0438 SEE SHEET C-3 • • • • • •• � __ _ I I _ l___•• • • • • • • • • • � : co I 3 ® 1' I III • • 1 gLDG 6 • • •� ,od_ 4400,E 2 8, / • .• •• B :•. '� I II TII IIIII'1I 1 • ® 1 —x �7' 6'x S�8 I® 59 •• • --t®-_ - I 6 11I 10 3' • o I II III 0. 22'x-jIIi II III III I 1 D N BLDG 4 rn� 6B P■'s ass° BLDG6 • x® BLDG16, G 6gLpG 56 BL s17,s0 ' I I I I o " / 19 1S •• 1�1/ • • • 1 _•.; N i 1IIII 1I II1'I I _ :'� 6' ® I_ B 6' ❑, : ., -w_ _�-—= _ - • • I 1I11 16.2'(NP II •7.5 • BLD 1' •B• 19 . . 8 73 III I I II II II III I / p, • - • N I ICI • N --��/ 1�', r� ��F •• II • v, 1T--I I I -• 11 �_ pVT DRI V I �1 I I I o . •. 1 I ► • _ - - - x p 65 • 11 <. WALL I I I I i I \� �`� • • • II I I - _ YI� • �/ •� •• •/ •j• • ❑ • ci II 1jl •• _ p p ® 6 6 •• 1 ^"I II11I�1 0 •• X x�, ® �2' R X 2' RET. - _ IIII °op II I lj WALLLD P) •1 8 B � •16gL G 6 6 7 ® LDG 16 SEE PRELIMNARY 3• LANDSCAPE PLAN ❑• 1 70 1 N I I �� • FOR AMENITIES • •� •\� • • • : 11 IIII • G D 7 B �2 • ® ® 2' WA LC° • 111 m • BLD \ �\ g D 2 X RET. _ � ,1 _. 17 j1 . \ l� o • • o \\ \ • • ry 11 • 4 B L • 6 16' • I I n• N \ • \\ • 1• ® _ ® 4 1 I I I T I - - I -J •S• • \\ i •/ E • III • • 3' $ ® � RET. WALL C° • x� `fl ® $ BL 3' 10 12 I \ • . 1 11 ® 81 BL�G 82 I 1 • \ \\ \� •• • • • • � • 1 Ili � � X � x '`o • ® BLDG T 6• D s3 • • III • '15'-� I \\ \\ \ ••' . 1 I ' • X `o � BLDG 79 • 6' ® El ® -- � • - II - sD-RfVEI •. N I III gLpG 77 ® $' I • 0 . �, I , I 1 ® gLDG 76 7— \ • ' • ' • 78 17 1 0 W 16.2'(NP') I I I • I II 6' \ \ . • 1 I I • • 16.2'(NP) II • _ s 16.2'( I I BL G 5 • cn • • -; �� • I u, • II I _ rr r� -F _< gLpG 15 II I \ ••• • v� 11 I II11 3 3 • _�--o P=■ �R � �, � 7 x B p 85 • I III • • v 14 T \ \ \ • I ICI • 9 _ F • � II BLD II I • 1 6' • 1' I I • 13' I I \ \ N . I II • 8 B DG ® • 11 • cr �I I \ \ s'c, • cn • W � • BL G I • • I I • 2' REf. WAL_ \\ . • I I 1 F T • B 8 6 ® • TI I I B D WA Lx i I \ \ M \ !'"' •• O • `' II I I • g' 90 • • g' • • 1�1 7• I \ o w .• . , • B 1)9 6 : ® v ' Ii • BLDG 12 II I s\\\ �N► II BLG 3 LG2 ® ••. — xL \ .n \ \ • 1 I • L G ' • 2' R T WA 3' I I'I • \ � \ \ . • N 1 II • 6® 13 1 I O \ \ • • • 24, 11 . BLD \ \ \\ \ \ •• • N I ICI ® ° 2 R 16� LD s' • LDG 1 `� 1 1,1 • 7' \ . • I I 1 I 3' - ico . ® T 3I • I I I I ` \ \ \ •• E : I II 115' • _- gLpG 9 • N• 24 0' • II I \A �� \ \ \ • �0 5' • II 32.0, B 97 ® 6 • • G 1 III • 12 11 \ o \ \ \ �,• 42. ' . gLDG 96 )�" 6' • : L - • 11rrin °®III 7 98 VT. DRI Y ® 11 I \ � \ \\ \\ \ • � i I \\ • $• 16.2'(TYP•) rrE n _ - - I I N � - � - � 11� o i \ -n \ • x • = E� - • 1\1 • - o— - W -(NP�-') 1 I '�' — '►, _ \ _ I I �� gl G 5 W- W _� 16 2'�_ 16.2'(TYP•)% I %k \\ \\ moo, 1 �• -_ _o-- • OFF 3 • II o • _ w • o0 N , 7- G 05 I 11 BLDG 11 o I ❑ s' L G 10 11 6 , 1' III • BLD 10 7, I a I 11 �'" \'o \ \APR\ES �e / _ • L G 0 ® ® • • • \ • 1 O I g D $LDG 10 ® I ET WALL I W \ ���\ • G 1 L x x o' • i11 • x ®® 2' T. ALLx 30 0 30 60 90 I \ \ o\ \ •- 6' �7 • • x •••••••••••' T • I \ \ .��� ��. ® . • 1 • • • • .. • • VE rrDrr N _ • 3, BLDG 8 I SCALE 1 "= 30' \ \ \� �► x a, • _ • • • RI _ _ _�= _ •• - _ • • - \ \ \ off!! GRATE INLET �• • �� ����� • • • • • • • • �� o- w \ _ _ - I 1 (TYP•) \ \ \ • • i • • • • • • • - - BL - SEE PRELIMNARY �� cS ■ O , �[y '\' • • • • /��/F • • I • 6' • ®,12LANDSCAPE PLAN sue!! �\�� \ �\ // • ji 24' p I v, • - FOR AMENITIES • os!! 1 `• / '// �x BLDG I ®� �3'(NP) - r� X 3'(TYP•) I I I x n' � I • � ,r1RIVE H \ 4r- I 1 • • 3' RET• WALL IL T if NSERT .S' �`� \ \�i'a \\ \�I c�gFT yVAL� ---- - 3' ®x�x_-���> Ku i • • c+ __ KRAKEN \�\ �� s\\` ' i �� \ /_-------1 1 N -- • i ass _ - UNIT OR L _ o- ,\`\ i �L L _ _ _• • ! _ EQUIVALENT Lu DC W LTER INSERT -7 I I "W 41.40' ,15°4 �J5 - DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVES �\ �S �-- _■gp'2g" 1�g9,r( ,, FOR POTABLE WATER AND FIRE 2 lil I • I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I LJ I � II II I � I / I � I / I / I / 1 I 1 I / I 1 / I 1 1 II I / I / I 1 h 1 I I 1 II II 1 I 1 I 1 I I 1 I 1 I 1 1 II 1 I 1 I I I I I I � II I IN, I I / I / I I� I I I I I\ � I � I � II I \ II I I I I I (SIZING TO BE DETERMINED) 71 i v- MASTER METER FORPOTABLE WATER (3- \\ 1115-- PRELIMINARY SIZING)Eff'S \\� _ _ _ 1 VARIES 1 5:1 20_ N80°25'00"W 53.17' SITE PLAN HUNSAKER VILLAGE A \\ �' >>s¢s 4 \ PROPOSED EASEMENTS o -- _ — ----------------- & ASSOCIATES AA EASEMENTS FOR PUBLIC WATER METER >>60 y -cF / - - - - _ -� - � - - SAN D I E G o, INC PER FINAL MAP )7- - i� I 1135 PLANNING 9707 Waples Street OB EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ACCESS & _ '`F ENGINEERING San Diego, Ca 92121 UTILITIES PER FINAL MAP 1140 SURVEYING PH(858)558.4500• FX(858)558.1414 (WIDTH VARIES) I 145 CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 1 SHEET C-2 OF C-10 0 0 I N R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Villoge A\Site Plan\VA Site Plan.dwg[]Jul-01-2024:17:31 PA 23-0438 EXISTING EASEMENTS I14 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, PROPOSED EASEMENT I AS DELINEATED ON OR AS OFFERED FOR DEDICATION ON MAP/PLAT- Og EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ACCESS & PARCEL MAP NO. 18254 UTILITIES PER FINAL MAP // �1 1 g 063 ® PURPOSE. ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY / `3 l L \ I AFFECTS: AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP (WIDTH VARIES) �/ \ J /� J EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, / // r\ l I 0 J J r l J 1 , l I AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: ////� � J�jl �� J - J J I GRANTED OF PURPOSE. T PUB TY ICN AD ANDERSIDE DRAINAGE PURPOSES, INCLUDING PUBLIC UTILITY AND / j, J 1 J M PUBLIC SERVICE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES / RECORDING DATE. APRIL 08, 1988 RECORDING NO: 93875 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS / / / f12" Sr) WA635 \\ I AND RE-RECORDING DATE: APRIL 15, 1988 (" / M PER h AND RE-RECORDING NO: 99905 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS !r / AFFECTS: AS DESCRIBED THEREIN r2 'l J � J `� 14 I \ �// ��� / // 1-rf M s iN 190, )R �0 ABLE \ \\ w I r 1�/� / 1 / M 11 PER SD-11635 NARY SIZING) IM ECK VALVES AND FIRE \ �� M / / / ■ r - / �� I � , I � \\ 1 1 1 \ I \ 1 o \ 1 10 0 \ I `36 ERMINED) 30 0 30 60 90 / / ,11- 'lic 100, SCALE 1 "= 30' w ///�\ \ 111 �'- , j \ ♦\� \ \ II \ tit .11 RID GE PA RK DRI VE .11 cv -0 16 xl �\\�,42875 — N89°33'48"E 161 6 % / __�- 1090 r l o } SEE PRELIMNARY _ — _ . / / _ L _ _ 10 5I I I LANDSCAPE PLAN \ • ■ ■ - 1095 x/ FOR AMENITIES r 1100 I \ I C9 ®xXxxxIm I 61 • xl _ _-_____ --- °p N \ o (0 x x °j_ I --I'------- — _ CD -- x CIDo o I I \ L 6' V x ® / r N X I N ® 7 � o p '- m , I I -X I N 13 ®' I 6' M p 111 N i 11 ^ I I I 1060 V 6, I a m G • 4' • I 5 L G 4 11 L0 16.2'(TYP.) I BL 11 I \ `FYI Y?i x I �O • / I C� I M • m I \� ` ^ 1 m I • x - ' S I 8' 162 TYP•) x Xx—X x�l / x ^4b 3' I _ 16.2'(TYP•)� II II II r 1CV4I • •. • 240 al 18- ® \7 r, Q '• x- i\ I v �• �� • / 1 I '� '� N I 13' I I I N i -- - 1, __-�3 '' `o' • • x X— l I I< i ®I I R`1 ® ® m I� I i LDG 23 jI I I • 33' 0I I m I •o . • • h ®x® I I 12' 22 18I I I 0 BL j I I I I • - S `\� \ ' ' ' • �• 24.0' ' x 19co w � I .0' - ' _•-- ♦-- • s 8' • • • • 40 o,o • • • _ • GRATE I LET i 3'(TYP.) X x 24n • • •' • • • • 9 S 38 '"�� • • • • �x x � 3'(TYP.) 24.0' - ' x • • • •' • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • x ® 1.5' REf. WALL I I I I I • • • � �y • • �x— I za • 1 ���_ ••••••• ••••, ..• RIVE"B — — �w • ... P - — X BLDG 20 N I • • �. — _ _W� I I • I • •� • /'' •••• • S',36'�5 '•'•-'_••• '_ '• ' �_-•_•__'_•_-•_-I �_ II i I I _ _ 1-- ••' •••• ••• •••_�••••-•�•••_•erv••1•6 ••••-r o• o• • gy• w• • p•— • • •1• • •••••••••-10o ••�• III BLp 2 1 S-11 O 3 5-12 • EE PRELIMNARY S5-14 N 7N • LANDSCAPE S-15S-3FOR AMENTES • 5-17 ••••• -19 S-18 7, _ 2x0I ' --IIIIII II I II II II II I � : co � Fg x 63 ® 1' ' I III • � 3° �• \ Q , 4s�/ • • • • \`L/ -- TII -I I1 •• / 1 x®�0N 59 • • x >,6' BLDG ' 4 •' rno , I O' _s _ - - n x-22X�of III II 10 BLDG 6 7 B %% D o0 BL� II �o>° �' 28 • • N I I I • x x BLDG 16" • N '9�,�soo0 C /915 � '•• '• 1�11 •� cn II II'1I 'I - : ®-x 6' ® 1. I i I I •• --�_ Co, 8 I ----- v -z --- IBLDG 56 6® 8' 7' N 1110 --- - _ II 17 -4B II I I 6' T • 16 TYP•) � ' I I • ' ' I I I 11'I gL G 5 x - —W� I 'I11 I BLDG 1918 I I I I i . _ • I II 3' I .' n- — —F • I BLD � I I I IV 6, •• o I IIII • _ o P -1 - D 65 • I I • / � \ • • ' • I I I I • _ • LD 66 ' � T 'l l �7 x RET._ WA _ 2' RET. WALL � I lOj / �/ • • • I I I' - �� 16.2'(TYP•) _ • G 8 D ® • ICI • <" ® 2- II b I I a ❑ N I BL . ® II ®®�', BLDG 16 II I I • SEE PRELIMNARY • •, 0 • - I I I I F • B 6 • 6' T 3' • I • x c„ I \ • LANDSCAPE PLAN • • • x II b I �� • FOR AMENITIES • • • ' I 1 • 7 B D 70 2' • 8' ® x • o II • •i o .' . 1 I'I • 2 D . ® - 2' RET. WA L v, I II m • BLD 17 I I II ° o • • • o ; • . �' I I I I • G 4 BL G 6' . 7, 6' ® 1 • I 11 �? • 3, • ^' ®X, I I \ DG I \ \ \\\ \ \ \\ ` \\ '• '� •• .iOO a ,N'I 'I �I'I�I1I1111 • ®xBLDG ®BL'❑•1 iIII 3 S\ : tl E �; • - ,- - 11x25='''-�I ': G81 ® B'LD7, 0 B . BLDG 79 : 78' II ► III I I : 1 BL G 0 x II V a - - ► �o I I • • :IIII �• BLDG 76 6' 16 2) _ _ • 11 • - _ (TYP'� • i 6._ 67' T 16.2'(T_YP • '(TYP� •)�I. I I I I \ \ � • � • N I I 1 I ' gL G 5 x • ww _ I I I N — ofSITE PLAN SHEET I �I \\ \ \\` \\\ \ \\• \ .^ \ \\� \ ,n� \ \�• •• •� •• '�NI I1III IIIII 1II 1 � • -�F - 9Y ��F16�27'(l TYP)_— l �__oP=—�'-R'� ' B 8 • 6 7x® ® c • I,II ,''3 �I . I HUNSAKER : VILLAGE A , 85 OC-3 ' L6' 1' 11 SAN DIEGO, INCG gD: OF : PLANNING 9707 Waples Street cENGINEERING San Diego, Ca 92121G81 SEE SHEET C-2 SURVEYING PH(858)558.4500• FX(858)558.1414 c- 1 0 CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 0 0 I N R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Villoge A\Site Plan\VA Site Plan.dwg[]Jul-01-2024:15:37 PA 23-0438 � r3 3 0 ___ 0 0 '('B Nl/�J�r (� ,1 r EXISTING EASEMENTS 14 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AS DELINEATED ON OR AS OFFERED FOR DEDICATION ON MAP/PLAT: PARCEL MAP NO. 18254 PURPOSE: ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY / AFFECTS: AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP J /J 16 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT. �yJ J J j I GRANTED TO: COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE PURPOSE: PUBLIC ROAD AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES, INCLUDING PUBLIC UTILITY AND x \ PUBLIC SERVICE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDING DATE: APRIL 08, 1988 RECORDING NO: 93875 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS / �- I AND RE-RECORDING DATE. APRIL 15, 1988 I J 6 J AND RE-RECORDING NO: 99905 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS / °0311"E 286'2g / / / / _ do. �� r �. �If 1 3 1 I AFFECTS: AS DESCRIBED THEREIN - �l J �J / A \\ T I 108 000 i�� i%� �/ �� ice' 1090 �i `� \\\ I 14 9 4 J MASTER METER FOR POTABLE \ \ \ I f��J r J 1 J WATER (3" PRELIMINARY SIZING) I 1095 DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVES FOR POTABLE WATER AND FIRE 1100 (SIZING TO BE DETERMINED) \ \ \\ 30 30 60 90 1105 SCALE 1 = 30 1110 — - - oo x ^ x �� \\ �c - — — 31� \ --.-- - = N x x ® <° /�} \\\ \�, a,SS__R/DGEPARKDRIvE- BLDG 47 • ° �} �� 3900' _ - ° 161.16' x \\ \ \ \ ® • 6' pG 46 ° SEE PRELIMNARY \� C` �5 — N89 6 48 ® /} LANDSCAPE PLAN \ / / •2 - - \ \ \ \ \ \6 x FOR AMENITIES / • / / Ova 70 2N' N \83 p 53 -�-- --- --�--T -�-- v 7— ti ►� 16.2i1YP) j / ®- - _x C� / / • cp 6 7 15'<T1' / a 1 M 6' I U n a \ \ \\ \\ I r m I X Q / x I / I 524 °, � 4l 18• Q 1 5� I KRAKEN UNIT OR EQUIVALENT CURB INLET (TYP.) PROPOSED EASEMENTS D EASEMENT(S) FOR PUBLIC WATER METER PER FINAL MAP D EASEMkNT FOR PUBLIC ACCESS & UTILITIES PER FINAL MAP (WIDTH VARIES) 0 C13 N. \\ \\ 1\\ S \ 7 0 _ — ----_� • • • ® z m I i 3'(TYP.) N. \ \ N. \ 2,S O / _ S 40 �� \ p ,o _\ • • ; • _ • GRATE INLET wj 3'(TYP.) 24.0' - - M \ \ 1�30 \ / / ° ° ° ° S3g \WF�;\ � \ ••••• (TYP.) x �x oo I _ •••� ••• 1 \\ \\\ >>i \ —° S-38 —_ N��� • • \x� 3'(TYP.) 24.0'LO — ' x ;� ••• •i• •••••••• S'3j W�\\�� ••••••••••••�•• x b rn I _ w •. ......•••••�••••• 9° •••IV•E• I,• __-__- w \\ \\ 7 \\ \\\ =09° �\ S'36 \___ N 5-12 S-11 \ 7¢S \\ \\ °100° \ SEE PRELIMNARY • ° _ ° \ S-3,g- _ -F= -_- �` S-14 S-13 \ \ \ >>`So LANDSCAPE PLAN • t�.y _ ° W Y�L� - 6 5-15 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • \ \ FOR AMENITIES • / ° 33 ° _ S-17 S 1 • • • • • • • • \ S \ lI I 18 - -0 0- -- \ 11 1 • 1 BLDG 6 uj \\ \ >>o \\ w • \" %% ° 1 IIII M N \N ' pG 60 6, 7'W BLDG 59 \ '� �>>S � � \ \ \ °`moo] ) 8 • ° cn I I • --- x— ® G � - "7T - '900' •• N 1 I I x • BLDG 57 _8, 16� • 6' L - _ \ R,�S 111 _ BLDG 56 ® 8, 00, l 191 \ •• 1,�11 °V N I 1I IIII 61 � ® BLp 6' L � S � 16.2'(NP•) x - 1 '' � i � •. _ w I I ICI • N =.^ IV �'� � _ • 0 1 11 - - o -T. D - // I •• ••• 1 I IIII • -� .1 p 7 / �� / •• 11 TI I' - ��� 16.2'(n'P•) BL G 8 B • / • SEE PRELIMNARY • •� � 0 �> � I I I • F � x • • 6 7 / \ • LANDSCAPE PLAN �� \ 1 • B D 70 •12' • 8' / \ �� • FOR AMENITIES �0 \ • • ° I I • p 7 • o . II 2 \ �\ • � ��\ � � .' ° `i' II III L G 3 B pC' ® °o / \ • • •C \ �. • N I I� LOG 4 B 6' • 7' 6' ® 1 / \ S \� •' a o I IIII • 3 ® RET. WALL • BLmG 8' / • o \ \\ .' I I1 ® ® BLDG 81 7' i 6,61 '- cp - '•o SITE PLAN SHEET 00000 0 � VILLAGE AC-4 HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES • O \\\� SAN D I E G O, INC / OF Xcp • PLANNING 9707 Waples Street ENGINEERING San Diego Ca 92121 CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA I `_ 7 V I O O I N SEE SHEET C-2 SURVEYING PH(858)558.4500• FX(858)558.1414 PA 23-0438 SEE SHEET C-6 • _ • • • . • 'd" __' - - - �hY • • • • :. - • • • • • • • • • . - - 1 i r x • III I - BLpG 63 1' • 1110 • 22' I 1 / '• _ I . 1 - r N N ; -- ,- X BLDG 6 T s 64 CD; I ,Ir 1 _ - - -` - RIVE "K" I N 6' B D N - 0.75% o I ,s �s9 �40 �` B • x • BLDG 60 _ ® P=1 10. • 1109.7_ _ 28 • 1 -x ® x SOIg/b7 5oo° • •• 1� �1 '• •• • . Nc�i II I1 I \� , •� � ® L 7 8 � :••' P)P 1111BLDG 59 ® 4I 16 G _-: --�w o--W G _-_- l6 ' BLD568096- • 1-4 II II I I I 00 =1 1• 6' -111 7 5 Lp=1z6 16.2' B_ I w -� � =FW ; ► �� • I � BLpG 19 uj 3 I I I Z •• _ 1 ' ' _ w 0 • III ; • BLp 18 T I i I II • - 1= 1 .4 w, 1��- r ��� •=1111.0 cn �i -• I 1 N �;� �V 1 1109 PAD 17 I I I • •• o I • �� - o I x p 65 • I I `• PAD = 110.7 WALL I I I RE •_ � • • I �Y�� 1 g D � 6' 1 c� 11 7 X 2, R WALLX II ��• •• • � � • �, II T 1110.E � • gL 9 ®pLu =1110.5 1 16 SE PRELIMNARY • •� 0 • o I I =F� • B 6 • 6' • 7' p=1110. 3 • x ®®� �, BLDG II I \ • LANDSCAPE PLAN = A • 1 i x g D 70 •12' • 8 p 1 11.4 • • ^ I \ �� • FOR AMENITIES 7 �� \ • • , p=1111.4 ® x o I I •� \\ • I 109 D ® WAL I 111 • 17-1108.9 I' B pG 2 P=1111.8 2'',RET• _ v� BLD PAD- rn I I \ • • �\ .' • i I II • G 3 ®=1112.2 •- co ' I �• � � o • •� x: \ � • • �, g I I • t} BL • 6' • • x � I I \ • • • • • I I I 1� • L G • 6' 7 P=1112.3 ® 1 1 3' - • ' x ® BLD '� I 7' ET. _ 8 12' \ \ � S• \ \oi � `i• • E • cn 1 I I • 3p=1111.4 ® P-1111.8 ® � 2 R WALL � • • ® BL G 82 ® .1 1108 7 / I \ \\\ • . • 0 • 1 0 X X • ® \ \ �• ••. iN I 11 �1I • x � ® - BLD=1G 098.41 25 7' 6'• D 831 •• �iI• o x5' • BLD 0 `o ® P BLDG II BL G 0 x p 1 O8. • I • N - • _ I • • � I - � • BLDG _1110. • 1107.E oco \ • • ® • 8 1T • _ 1107.E -o� 16.2'(NP-) \ \ • I • 6 7 • 8 • 16.2'(TYP•)� I II I I \ \ • O • I , _ 6 - P= T • =1 0 16.2'(NP') _ - • I _ - s Ir \ \ \ • .2� w .�. II • I BLpG 15 II I \ •• • II 3' • =111 _ � R F _ -� 7' 3' 1 I07 • • I I I \ \ \ I 01% o� o _ �w B p85 I,I BLD 7' 1108.9 II \ \ \ • • I �� o - 1 LD 6' • 1' I I • PAD= 1')I I \ \ o • I • - - 16.2'(NP') • B DG • I II •=1108.6 \\ \\ \ \ N •• • 11 I 1109.4 ��" • BL G SI • ® p=1108.5 • II • PAD WAL ° 8 6' 1108.9 ® \\ \\ >�• O • w I • F 7 90 • g' • p=1109.1 P • TI II�1 7• cn ®',® 2' RET. WAL I I D II \ o • • I 8' 9 B • p=1109.4 ® v, I x G 12 I � . -® BLD o • • 2 B D 6' • P=1109.8 \ ! ! \\ \ •• • `�' 11 I I� � BL G 3 ® ®=1110.2 • � R T. WAL - C° 3' I ' • 3' 3 Ll� .1106.9 \ \ \ • N L G 6'=1110.5 2 pG 1 PAD II \ • ,, I I I , P _ • BL \\ \ \ • • I 1109 • • p=1110.7 24' x `° - X • °' II \ \ > •• • \ . I � • \ \ \ �s \ \ \ • •• N 1I 3 . P=1110.2 � • co LDzo 1G1• � ® 8 LDG •• I�T1106• 7' 1108.9P1® 17' 3 • .-� I ►I \V • E • I _ _� o BLDG 99 0 ® p= 6 P 11 5 • 24.0 • I I \\ Lc) \\ \ \ ��0 5' • 1 42'0' • pG 96 B 97 6 • p=1108.2• • L G 1 X p= 1 6. : I , o� �! \\ \\ \ \ •• •`" ``i' 1 • \• ® BL T . B p 98 P 1 0 4 i • 1105.E \ \ • • • �' \ ® 8 8' = 0 •9 TYP-) n 1105.6 sl-- V - - �I _ \ DRI E� rYP ) \ I • G 5 1 O8. W caj�i= �� , - • -0 16.2'( cd -i* � �'- \ _ � • gL P ,1 .-.-- • � � • z _ _ s 16.2'(TYP•)� 10, s' L G 05 1105 7• BLDG 11 N I I8, 11 162'(TYP•) • O $' 10 6 1 • ' 10 \ . L G BLD 7' �,, � PR\ES • L G ®=1106.5 • • • I • PAD 1106.9 10' \ �o \\ \ • / \ • X B D $LDG 10 ® 14 P=1107.1 T I - pi106.6 R� WAL I 30 0 30 60 90 ` \\ \\moo \ 11 L G 1 17, � P=1108.2 • -- x a, • • • •��5 I • x ®® 2' R T• LLx � \ \ \\\\\� P=1108.80 P= • • 1� b, •••••••RjVE" n N `'' 1104.7 i BLD 8 I SCALE 1 "= 30' \ \ \ ,� �a x a, • • , • • D 3' \ ` �, ,�'.� �� -x , , . • • • ' Pam' _ o- - � I - • BL G 9 I \ • c3 • • • • - _ U1 - 'I I • PAD=1105.1Zo x- �`�� // • •. �� • • • o 1105.E 1�� • • , • • �� • ® I GRATE INLET s9 • • ��� • • • I (TYP.) �\ Q �• • ��i ��'� • • • , ... , BLp _ o _ �. _ I I I - 1140------------------------------------------------------ ------ 1140 � �\ .s � o -- \ `a •� • • • � /F • • � I • 6' � z • _ 0,12' - o sue!! \ \ `� � ` S '�``� � \�,2 � // // • j � 1 24' D I U, - � •_ o � • G I ® - 3'( � n�" rn -1130----- - - - - ------------------- -'' 1130- s SS,ls� \ _ \ ��• �, /// �x 63D p6 TYP.) DI 1104.1• N :.=%-_ �a • \`9� o �� , TYP•) 11 _ 4 x o _�- VT _pRIVE 1 y- T BLDG. 7 9�� - `A (i \\ ` �h;�� .� • 1 I I I D I P r , • LOT LINE - - - - - RAD:1104.1 1120 - �r- - \ �` ``� \\ \ ® x N ---- G 3 I 6' P- • • • • , o • • N O0 to I //�,�Oh o� I ------------- -- F • � �� �, BLD I � 6 C/L OF PROP. \,� • 1110.OEG PVT DRIVE A' .ter I �� 3'(TYP.) I NI, • , • • • \p • • �r I , 15' , • • • RET. WALL -1110------- 4\---------- ---- -110-- --- 1110- I o� '�� - B� / 3' R • LT MASS GRADEPLAN PER PHASE\ "12'• ` I o s!! �� \ \ • • ; \\ \ \_x� \ 6' `. � _ _ Z X �� / � F • -1100---------------- --- 1100- s���� \ \ • • \\ \� 1106. X __-_ P=11 x�x__- " Kv 3 � • 1100.OEG \ \ \ ♦ •oil- BROW DITCH PER PHASE 1 DAYLIGHT PROP. GRADE off,!\ • • • \ \ N xx�x • 1103.E - o MASS GRADING PLAN PROP. SIDEWALK s�, • - - _ _ ` s s s - _ _ _ - -1090---------------- 1090- ��� y s KRAKEN Ul 1 \\ `\ \ �� • " ---J I `� __- __--- • �� : - _ UNIT OR o �' i SECTION' A-A ---_- ___ _�- . _ _EQUIVALENT SCALE. 1 "=20' HORIZ/VERT \ \/�,300 • • : w w ly-¢ j A 0 M - •1140 \ CD f I \ N W - = - 0'47 •1130 L=138 2, ° BLDG.16 ILTER INS .5 Aug0'W 41.4042' DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVES '1120 PAD: 1:108..9 ---------- -28R-k44. FOR POTABLE WATER AND FIRE :::: - I!1 OM i1 1047, "I; I I � I SEE PRELIMNARY LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR AMENITIES J Hap II I I I I I I I III 1 . �' � IIII IIIIIII IIIIII II I II I I IIIII II III IIII I II III I II 0I`II �I II I I I I III jIII I II II I /I 1 1 /I 1 I / 1 1 \/ / L/ I //I _ / J/ / / 0 _\2Pi hnIN � I > \\ C/L OF PROP17. 2U (SIZING TO BE DETERMINED) 1108.9FG WESTERN BYPASS CORRIDOR 1- MASTR METER FOR DAYLIGHT \ --------- -------------------- 1110- ��' / 7•s.� 1 / POTABLE WATER (3° \ PRELIMINARY SIZING) \ PROP. GRADE \ \ - 11 11 >> - _ l VARIES 1.5 : 1 20- ° \ ��\ -'1100---------------------- 00- N8025'00"W 53.1T \ \-------------- PROPOSED EASEMENTS \ RIGHT-OF-WAY ~�\ 1090.OEG 5 -'1090------------- -------\�------- - ---- 1090- EASEMENTS) FOR PUBLIC WATER METER o GRADING PLAN BROW DITCH PER PHASE 1� \\ PER FINAL MAP MASS GRADING PLAN \ \ 1080.OEG \ �150 '� , &ASSOCIATES �B EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ACCESS & -- _ - ---------------- - --1076.4EG - - 1080 - UTILITIES PER FINAL MAP -- --- ----- \ VILLAGE A GRADE PER PHASE 1 - _ (WIDTH VARIES) >>6p sSy -� - _ SAN D I E G O, INC MASS GRADING PLAN �-�-------------- -_---- -•1070 -- -----------------------I-- 1070- DESIGN NOTES �/ I 1135 PLANNING 9707 Waples Street 1 - 1 � V / V I � _ � '`F ENGINEERING San Diego, Ca 92121 S E A T I O N B B ALL F I N I SHED FLOOR ELEVATION ARE TO BE SET 8 INCHES ABOVE PAD ELEVATION. 1140 SURVEYING PH(858)558.4500 • FX(858)558.1414 SCALE: 1"=20' HORIZ/VERY I CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 1145 SHEET C-5 OF C-10 R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Villoge A\Grading Plan\VA Grading Plan.dwg[]Jul-01-2024:17:36 PA 23-0438 - 1150 - - 1150 - PROPOSED EASEMENTS EXISTING EASEMENTS - 1140 It - - 1140 - AB EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ACCESS & 14 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO. UTILITIES PER FINAL MAP AS DELINEATED ON OR AS OFFERED FOR DEDICATION ON MAP/PLAT.• - 1130 1130 - (WIDTH VARIES) PARCEL MAP NO. 18254 P PURPOSE: ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY AFFECTS: AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP -1120 --- ------------- 33 1120- 1113.5FG DAYLIGHT 16 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO. ROJECT BOUNDARY AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: -1110---------------------- ------------------ 1110- GRANTED TO: COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE PROP. GRADE 1110.OEG 2.� CIL OF PROP. PURPOSE: PUBLIC ROAD AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES, INCLUDING PUBLIC UTILITY AND GRADE PER PHASE RIDGE PARK DRIVE PUBLIC SERVICE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES -1100-----------MASS GRADING -PLAN ------- -� - - - ---- - - - - - - -- 1091100- RECORDING DATE: APRIL 08, 1988 1100.OE RIGHT-OF-WAY RECORDING NO: 93875 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS BROW DITCH PER PHASE 1 1091.4EG ' AND RE-RECORDING DATE: APRIL 15, 1988 - 1090 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MASS GRADING PLAN- - - - _ - 1090 - AND RE-RECORDING NO: 99905 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS ---------- -- ----------------,- AFFECTS: AS DESCRIBED THEREIN 1083.4EG 8' MSC WALLS PER PHASE 1 MASS GRADING PLAN - -1080------------------------------------------ -- ------------------,------ 1080- \ \ 1 \\ I 1075.4EG 1� - - - - 1-� 1 ---------------------- \ I 1070 1070- G �g 6 � �� � SECTION 'C-C' 07 % 3 I SCALE: 1 "=20' HORIZ/VERT �. �1 �'& $ f r \ 1 � J J \ 1 r ' IC w TER 1 ��, s 14 )R POTABLE 8 8 \ 1 O PER S -116 NARY SIZING) \\\ 1 _ ECK VALVES ,� w \ L s AND FIRE ERMINED) � \� \� 30 6 —91F SCALE 1 "= 30' O \ \ \ ill- RKR/I/ENNI _ \G,428�5 _ _ N89°33,48^E 161.16 /_ �-- 1090 ♦ . ° /} SEE PRELIMNARY —— _ \ s / / ��2- �- - - LANDSCAPE PLAN "` - 1095- x FOR AMENITIES / �� ■'co / / _ _ �- - - I / /X / / - - 1100 W x UJ ■1105 x Q ® , �2_ 0 61 �_ X i _— — — N \ 11135 x 12' -_ "II N -��_ I `�' �n o l • �� J 6/ ® X N �' N I I ® ®'- ® ® x x • o u 0)o i Q 1 I I �62i1YP) 1 6 o M '=1 n 1 11r111.6 6' 1- I io / •�� / x m 4 • °113. E �N�a' OM "6 "' I �co 1113.1 T�N • ! _ B G o I6m 16.21(LGM co1111 M (D _ • Q X M ri • co m I P=1112.3 11 0 /\ I " 0 1 �� /� i V \^_ I �I-- 1113.0 L m_ X J o 111� I I 5 I _1 1 .8 g 16.2'(NP') X I 5 1 1111.2 � 1' I N-- L rriI o PVT' 16.2'( I I I 16.2'(TYP.)� I I 1 24 0' �•^= • 111� /® Q n 3(� I h• I I = o X I �I N I N I j 113' • x, �' M X M I < o o®® ¢ I I 23 I I I I � Q BLDG 1 \. , l • • • • • . X /l m ®X�3 a I 111 I Q Q ®12' ¢ m I m 5' m �'I 12' p G 22 j • z _, Q X m < 3' TYP.) r S 4\� \ • • • • • h Q, I 1>>13 a x ® I m It1 ( -x--- • 6 �� BL PAD=1112.3 • • ' • • •0 • • •S•,• • • S\`D�o, • • • • / 24I.• _• \�® I • I �• I • I•'-• . • • • • • • • • • •� •T�--_ - -I 1110.8 i ® �g RET• 1.5' cn0' GRA8 8' TE INL .PAD=1112.3 WALL4p_ •K.)3'(TYP.) j_x• R�5�39 TYP)WALL • ^ 3(TYP) • • • \24.0' zo to • I III II I I I • . , I • • • ..... , ; .... • pVT. DRIVE B 1� _ 1112.3 _ - — � - _ . x \ cn BLDG 2 n I 0 • 11128 -500' 1% N--moo _ W ••••• �_� - • LDG 1 II �� h • • • • • S,�� -�_ N II-w co - - �F $-10 • • 3' B 2 1111.0 36 — _ — R=50' �_' _ _-- — ry S-11 Ow • < PAD= _ll �\ SEE PRELIMNARY • _ • • • • S� - _ - T— - I _ - 1112.2 0 $-13 S-12 • • • • �„ • 35 - - ry S-14 •„• • • � • A • I I \ II I O\ I\ O I \ II m I \ II 1 Izt \ I I P\ � I 1060 \ II I I I I I I o I I 10 5 I II I I I I � II LANDSCAPE PLAN • 1 s • 11 '�\\��8 • / � • 0• • • • • •- 5• - • - • • -• •- •��—I —'— - --��II�,�i'• • • • • • � 16 -15 • •o0• 0• • • • 0 0 • • • • FOR AMENITIES -17 S S-19 S-18 0 • • • • • :o � •• I I7• _ ' I I20 �II I II II 1I1 60 • 1 CDx --x- • 3° < 11 • N • 6 BLDG 63 6' 10 1' • 1110 • 22' I I / • BLDG . s - IVE x I 1 \`L �• �N • T G 64 _ DR I 1 N —x BLD 60 6' ® LD PVT' _off _ a ® I 1 NS9 4 • \\ g • • x • G-P=1110.9 B • 1109. _ cn �j 'y \2 • •. Nw Iv- ® ® D-1G11 1 B LDG 59 .P _4I —13' a,2< $' P=118 6' LDG6 P=1,900 Bm LG 56 6' ® P=1112.2 • 8. • f — 110 00• p7pG 5•9••c �E _� -- -o — - I ��I I 17-II I I1 1II I 1 19615 p II 1 1 II 6 • -_- •• • `n I p=1111.8 Q• 16.2'(NP') �� • : j 11 1111 • BLDG5— ' • I • w - gLpG 1931 I I I • ��� _ • N 1 P=1111- N iv _ : GRADING PLAN • �� _ 1% _�_�� PVT. D _ p �, '• o ll _ �� - _ r 65 <' H U N SA K ER • ' • I I _� • 1 \ I I p(�; LD 66 •' cn 'i� x VILLAGE A \. I I / •• • • • I I - �, F �'(TYP.) - ••� I \ I r R T - •� �I. cn � & A�CIATES SEESHEET C-5 SAN DIEGO, INC PLANNING 9707 Waples Street DESIGN NOTES ENGINEERING San Diego, Ca 92121 1. ALL FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION ARE TO BE SET 8 INCHES ABOVE PAD ELEVATION. SURVEYING PH(858)558.4500• FX(858)558.1414 CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA SHEET C-6 OF C-10 R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Villoge A\Grading Plan\VA Grading Plan.dwg[]Jul-01-2024:15:39 PA 23-0438 \� vs KRAKEN UNIT OR / �4 3 �' PROPPSED EASEMENTS EXISTING EASEMENTS ✓ 7 \ yl \� EQUIVALENTCURB INLET \ \ � A EASEMENT(S) FOR PUBLIC WATER METER 14 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, 1 \ \ \ PER FINAL MAP AS DELINEATED ON OR AS OFFERED FOR DEDICATION ON MAP/PLAT.• g 1 8g .8\\ �C 086 Lj \\ \ (nP'� \ \\ \1107 4.6 PARCEL MAP NO. 18254 \ \ X BD EASEMLLNT FOR PUBLIC ACCESS & PURPOSE. ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY %/` \ r J X \ UTILITI S PER FINAL MAP AFFECTS: AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP l J / \ \ / \ (WIDT� VARIES) J J J 1 \ I 16 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERE AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT. \ \ \ GRANTED TO: COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE 87 1 7 g 6 7 I PURPOSE: PUBLIC ROAD ND DRAINAG IN PUBLIC LITY�A 1 / 6 ® ® / 1(77.3 PUBLIC CE-AND CID TAL PUI 'OS S 1088 / �% \\� \ \ X I _ _ J G D RIL ,1()Ys2• 1 5 AND R I ECORDING 7 A EF APRIL 15,REC08 1 0 X o - \ 06 I � I ®I I I I 1 07 �j . 6AND R CORDIN N0: 99905 OFFICIAL ECO DS 67 � • 5 X AFFEC S CRIBED THER 1 / I w 072.5 073.6 1085 g \\ \ I I C o0 1090 14 MASTER METER FOR POTABLE WATER (3" PRELIMINARY SIZING) DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVES \ .� \\ \ w 10g5 FOR SIZINGA�OEBEWATER DETERMINED FIRE \ \ \\ `�\ 30 \ \ � � 6 — — � — — _ � � M / / � � SCALE 1"= 30' 0771110 O / \ a C14 ,o' ® 6'RID PA OR/I/E I / I G47 • �/ \�\R'43g00, -- BLD • 6' G 46 5, _ - N89°33'48 E \ \ \ \ g D SEE PRELIMNARY - +�_ _- ,, 8 61 ® } LANDSCAPE PLAN 1� "` _ _ • _ p 111 P 1 13. x/ FOR AMENITIES / �� \ ■ / / _ _- - 213 V \ \ DRY � � W � � x� ro a 6' \ \ _ P. oo 1135 b ,� IN 7 __--- - - I \ \ \�— N ---- - _ 6' x \ \ \ B 6.2 1 I I X r \ - \ \\\ � � ® p=1113.E • � x ^ Q x � ,Y1YP) � � _ — — ® I \ \ \ L 2 13, 7' < / / / _ I C ch \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 6 • --� 5, nl 5 / ,� 113 6 T� IVI 6 �, IIV 16.2'(TYP.) o X M , W x® \\Dc r ` �` 1 0 ` - m a X � ¢ 1113.0 • a II 0 5' 113 x \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ I 24.0' a� Q / ^ x p=1112.8�3 r i , / Q , N X j I m \ sp° O,18' �h 00 x \ 1 00 R= \\ \ \\ \\\ \ \\\ \\ �\ \ \�\\\ \0' N�- N _ 1112 _Q �—�- 19,E'�/ � • �• • • • \ • • x k� m I �� �� ® x�X ' I m I 0, co X� ®I ll 33, 12I I oo_ 5, 10R= 0 — ----_� • • • • 1 �' ® a z I m a m "� �, 3'(TYP.) \ \ >> - ------ - S, �. Q • • 24.0' c ® W W I I I _ • x- \ - - - - -l= - =: ° 40 co • • _ • GRATE INLET I � 24.0' \ \ \ O / -_ ° ° ° _ �, • • • / TYP. `�' a� I 3'(TYP.) �x bo I S-3879, / • • k r� 3( ) 24.0' - ;� • all • • • • • • 3� �� ••••••••• °p •• ••nU •••• •• E1112.3 - .... RIV - 0 _ Lu ° x� �% • S-361��_ _= R=50' - N v 5-12 S-11 uj \ \ =49 01 �0 x� SEE PRELIMNARY • _ ° \ S 35 - - - _ _ - T-- I'' - - _ _ = ro -- 1112.2 0 �1 = 5-14 S-13 \ \ /1sO \ R�9¢ LANDSCAPE PLAN • _ ° S-34 - - - 1111.8 _ ��� 1- - 15 000 • • • • • • • • • \ so, FOR AMENITIES • / ��� S-17 • • • • • • • • • w 1 • °0 • E 16 Uj \ I • -- - BLpG 62 \ S NSg¢ , �` B I I I I • • " x gLDG gp 6' ¢ I x \ \ Op•�, °��2 • ® ) 8 • o I I � _ • --x x-- BLDG 59 • ® G I P1111.4 x \ ��BO �,- \� '9b0, �o , •. ° N I I �< x . BLbG 57 -8, • 16� • - 6' L \ �- \\ `\ �\�SO°� -\ •• I Ill • ® BLDG 56 7' 6 gLDG 58 I ® • \ Ig 1S • ��1 1 I • 6' ® p=1112.1 6 • pis _ \� ••• 1 0 � 11 I i - G 1 2. a • 16.2'(NP') _ II _� • D •• SEE PRELIMNARY •� � 0 ° � 11 I 1110.E � • I, BL 6, • 7, - 1150-------------------------------------- ----------- 1150 - 1 \ • LANDSCAPE PLAN • 1 I D • 8 P- C/L OF PROP. 1 X \ �� • FOR AMENITIES • • • \ o • ° 1 I x1 p 7 B 70 2 • ® P=1111.4 ® _1 11 4 PVT. DRIVE 'B' ° • • - 1140-------------------------------- -- ---- 1140- �\ \\ ps •• • • i /\\\\ :�• • ° N II I I . gL G 3, B DG 2 ® 6'-1112.2 RIGHT—OF—WAY \ o • 4 \ • •• � \\ • I II • L G • 6 7 p=1112.3 ® 1• \\ 11 BLD \ 'j \\ \ �� • • • �s �, I I • • 8' P=1112.1 • ��o 1130----------------------------------- -- -- 1130- \ s L• • a o 1 II 3, P=1111.8 ® pox • - � \ PAD:1114.2 cn 1 I P=1111.4 ® � - 2' 'RET. WALL _ , • ',� �G $; GRADE PER PHASE 1 �� \ 2• \ •• ° I I I • _ ® C° • B L MASS GRADING PLAN \'� �� • ° II • _ LDG $� 6'- - 1120-----------------------� ----- 1116.5EG - -- ------ 1120- \ \ •• • • I • ® B T 1120.0E \ DAYLIGHT 1114.2FG / \\ \\ \\ « • �O BROW DITCH PER PHASE 1 ' o GRADING PLAN SHEET - 1110 - - - _ _MASS _GRADING PLAN_ _ 1109. l EG � - ---- - --- -- __ -- --- 1110- •• o -------------- --PROP. GRADE HUNSAKER VILLAGE A RETAINING WALL PER PHASE 1 / •• C-7 MASS GRADING PLAN i O & ASSOCIATES -1100------------------- -- ' '----------------- 1100- II�IIIII i — \ \\\\\ z�� ••• ��� SAN D I E G O, INC OF SECTION D-D DESIGN NOTES � � \\ \ \ �� • PLANNING 9707 Waples Street SCALE: 1 "=20' HORIZ/VERY \\ \ \ \ —� \ \\. ! \ • ENGINEERING San Diego Ca 92121 1. ALL FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION ARE TO BE SET 8 INCHES ABOVE PAD ELEVATION. SEE SHEET C-5 SURVEYING PH(858)558.4500- FX(858)558.1414 CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA C-10 0 O I L N R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Villoge A\Grading Plan\VA Grading Plan.dwg[]Jul-01-2024:15:41 PA 23-0438 SEE SHEET C-9 -► 1 . gLDG 63 ® 1' I II u 22' I � N ® BLDG 60 BLD • 6 7 - _ BI \64 P_VT 's�SB BLDG59 II I II II I �o a , \ ` •1 I I II I ® 1' ® ' 1 I I 3 • I II • -�- - - _ -------------------- G G 0 0 , gLD7 s 0 II 17'No#0• is • II I I • 16.2'(NP.) •• 111BL G 5 W •'1'�— — -�� • II 1I 1I 17•� I ,•BLDG 19 18 T: 11 - � 011 IIi II I If T I I I I II III no 11 _-—F p 65 ►► I I I \� '� •• • • • • • II I IIII • _ — _ �� : 1 p Lp 66 • 1 TI 11 • 2 RET 2' RET. WALL _ I WALL _ II •• • • / ��•. I1, I1' •• �16.')2B• G 8 ®B ® ® 3 •• I1111 • ®® LDG16uj • SEE PRELIMINARY 00 6 7 LANDSCAPE PLAN • B D 70 '• I •• FOR AMENITIES • • IINII I I " I • • . 1 1�1 pG 2 ® RET. WALL I 11 m • BILL)17 i I 1 .' 1 ►1 BL G 3 ® ► I • • o \ • • 1 I • 4 • 6 16' • I I 1 ci • i I I 1► • ®� G 8 ® - I �\ \\ �� •S • \\ i• • E • I III 3' s ® � 2 RET. WALL � • � 3 12 2 ® B 1 III \ \\ �� •• • • • 0 • I 1 I • ® BLDG 817' 6'• 83 1 •• • III • 15 '� I \ \ \ • • 1 111 • _ 6' ® B D • I ►,► • _ - _���J n I \ \ \ • • - G 79 • s4RtVE- I 0 I III gLpG 77 BL G 0I-- I • 0 B LDG 76 6' I • 7' 78 17' • I o— W �6.2'(NP'� I I • I i II ® I \ •• O 0 11 1111 T 0 16.2'(NP') _ I I • — _ - s 16.2'( I 13' I \ I BL G 5 \ \ \ \ • I I 1 � \ \ \ \ • • • • ••• 11I 111I1C1I 3••• F� � B p 8I III11 ..v BLBLpG 15 7' �_VT 14 7, II I II II I \ \ \ • I III _ � - ..� � � . 1 LD 6' • 1' I I 13' I I • II • - �F16.2'(n'P') . B DG • ® • I 11 • cr, �I I •• • II 1111 •_—�� • $ BL G 0 • ® II • 2' RET. WALL 1 I � \ \\ \ �"' • • I I � F 7' • B • • TI 1 � 7' ® 2' RET. WALL I \\ o \ 0 I 11 s' B p 90 BLDG 12 I I I o\\ •• : 1 T 11 L G 2 B p 9 6' •• • ® zp108 I ® i i I \ n \ \ '• • I ►� • BL - T. \ \ \ 1 L G 6' ® 2' R 3' I 11 BLDG 13 I I I \ I I • _- � • 11 • \\ \ \ • • I 11 • • 24 � � � • I � II I \ \\ \ \ •• • I ICI • ® `° 2 R 16� I L 106' . LDG 1 ` 1 1�1 • 7' \ \ E 1 �I 115' — gL9 DG 24.0' II I \ • • 32. � \� o �! ` \\ \ \ \ • • 5' • 1 42. . gLDG 96 6 97 6 • . • L G 1 _ : 1'1 : - _ _ L - nln °'''III I vc)\ — : ® T 98 �, pRIVE ® u \ • I • o� \ \ \\ \ • • • • 1 \ : 6 ® B D 8 : 16.2'(TYP•) n I • P n I I 1p pRIVE - — � 14 . _�— - � - � — TYP.) G 5 _ PVT• - — • 1 • — W 16'2,( I I . I \ \ \ col — 7, s' L G 05 1► gLDG 11 I N I \ \ 0 s'2'(-P•) � � � s' Is L G 10 � 11 6 , 1' •� I ►� • v BLD 10 T II a I ° I L G 1 B p $LDG 10 I 2' RET. WALL I \ ��� \ \, ``L G 1 —1. • � °' • • • • I III • ®® 2' RET. WALL \ \ • 30 0 30 60 90 I \ o � \\ . � • _ 6, 7 • • � °' • • • • • • • • • '' : ® I I \ �\\ .\pia ® • 1� ••••••••• • VE p ', _ 3, � gLDG 8 I SCALE 1 "= 30' \ \ \� \� - • • • "RI — \ �, �+ • • • �� PVT 9 I 150 STOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE ® 25 • •� _ ��F • • • • • — MPH PER CALTRANS HIGHWAY DESIGN -�� \ c �• _ _ _ W • • • • •=� • - - - 7' ' I MANAUL CH. 200-1 DATED 7-01-202Oc4' �, GRATE INLET • • - • • • w _ _ _ I I (TYP.) \� �\ \�� •• ii� ••••••• BLD _ — �— I I I B3D\ \ II -- II I D `fl3�'(�NP•) \ I N _Tpr - PVRIVE0 9' NNI o / / 1 E3L[)G 6 \ , SO Y'P-) i , 3, 15' • • • • • • WALL _ / • RET• �' ILTER NSER + _ - _ ! �'�- _ s s '� s s - - - 11 KRAKEN \ _ - \ � � S\ � i\►.� '-_----J I `v ---- _ _ __� 11__-�sss -- - UNIT OR � o \ \ ,\� \s _ _ _ L - • • = s s EQUIVALENT \ - > A I \ _ II _ t — � Dc L _C14, W \ \\ \\\ B �'3op)�o„ R �� NYS°104�W - -�= L=13.82, LTER INS \ 150' TOPPING SIGHT DISTANCE Q 25 _ _ =7 5' - ' ` I \� »> '1�� o"W 41.4 , 15°4 _ DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVES >>'31 '� MPH PER CALTRANS HIGHWAY DESIGN _ °qp 281, R��9 � , , FOR POTABLE WATER AND FIRE \ MANAUL CH 200 1 DATED 7 01-2020 2 r 11 w4 "'JJ SEE PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR AMENITIES II 1, >> III I . I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I LJ I � II � I I I � I / I If I / I / I / 1 I / I / I / / I 1 II � I / I / I 1 h 1 I I 1 II (I 1 I j I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 II 1 I 1 I I I I I I I II I � � I IN, I I � I / I I I I I I I\ \ I I � II I I I I I I (SIZING TO BE DETERMINED) MASTER METER FOR 71 i v- \\ POTABLE WATER (3" \ �! 1115� PRELIMINARY SIZING) \ f�' `I _ _ / VARIES 1 5.1 , 4 nn_ N80°25'00"W 53.17' PROPOSED EASEMENTS \\ AA EASEMENT(S) FOR PUBLIC WATER METER PER FINAL MAP OB EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ACCESS & UTILITIES PER FINAL MAP (WIDTH VARIES) I _ 4-1 1140 HUNSAKER & ASSOCIATES SAN D I E G O, INC PLANNING 9707 Waples Street ENGINEERING San Diego, Ca 92121 SURVEYING PH(858)558.4500• FX(858)558.1414 WET UTILITY PLAN VILLAGE A AL TAIR CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA SHEET C-8 OF C-10 S, 0 0 I LO N R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Villoge A\Wet Utility Plan\VA Wet Utility Plan.dwg[]Jul-01-2024:15:41 PA 23-0438 (EXISTING EASEMENTS I14 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, PROPOSED EASEMENTS I AS DELINEATED ON OR AS OFFERED FOR DEDICATION ON MAPIPLAT. AB EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC ACCESS & PARCEL MAP N0. 18254 PURPOSE: ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY UTILITIES PER FINAL (WIDTH VARIES) MAP / // �1 J J •' 1 AFFECTS: AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP I // 1\� J �� A13 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, // // r� I c)- J I J (JJ, J I AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: IM r I J :J Al J r� I PURPOSE'GRANTED T PUB�CNTY OF ROAD ANDEDRAINAGE PURPOSES INCLUDING PUBLIC UTILITY AND , Gj' J J 1 J PUBLIC SERVICE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDING DATE: APRIL 08, 1988 / M \ w I TER RECORDING NO: 93875 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS / /12" Sp W1 PER 635 AND RE-RECORDING DATE: APRIL 15, 1988 \ M \ AND RE-RECORDING NO: 99905 OF OFFICIAL REC RDS J\ J h \ � + AFFECTS: AS DESCRIBED THEREIN I C J ✓l J 14 J/f )R 0 ABLE \ \ \\ IM / f / M 11 PER SD"11635 O \\ NARY SIZING) \ �� / f 1 J / / 11 s �� 10 \ I J / '"� 77 ECK VALVES 2 3 AND FIRE \ �� M / i ■ ■ - �� 36 ERMINED) \ \� 30 0 30 60 90 / '�'- — ■ , SCALE 1"=30' \ ■ _-- _ I \ asss� RIDGE o � PARKDRIVE 16 - - SEE PRELIMNARY III _ 10 II LANDSCAPE PLAN \ • ■ ■ ■ ■ - 1095 _ _ _ - - I FOR AMENITIES / / r - - / r 1100 II •� \ I \ I 1105 61 bo TN in N ® N r\ ® o � o o °j ' 6 2 (7YP / - - ® - - ® I N p 6 �, 11 I I I I ) 13, ® 6 co`=1 � 111 N • 4 i '1 ^ I I I 1060 6, a IX) 5 L G '1 �I ,a M� �, 16.2'(TYP.) IBL G 1� I I I V _ J � 3Y1YP� �� I � • m � � C� M • � • m C) 5' I 1 I I -� m I � 5 I m r\� I PV-r IVE— NP.) _ ' 5 ' I rn l l i o LP 3 ._ 16.2'(T1'P.)� II II 24 0' r� •• ® 1 1 5 ^ I I� I I� i r N 1 13' • 11 I I I 60 Z 3 .• m "' 1 �� �, co I o I®® o 1 I LOG 23 co •• 1 I ® 1 La12 9 12 22 I I I 10 I - - • • z '( 6,BL P.) I 18 � I I • • \ \ � • • • • • • 24.o' GRATE INLET ® w I I - • �i i8' c„ I I I • . • • • ' 3'(TYP.) 24.0' W n r' • • • • • ♦ , 8 j 5' RET ALL I I I I I • , • • • \ \Fd ,�\ \ • • , . (TYP.) 3,(n'P) I 1 • 00 I - - - • • • , • • • • • • • • • • • • • ET WALL I I I I I • n, • 24.0' - •• •• • ® 1. 60 10� • ,�� - • • .. p RIVE ___-__ - - �, BL I i�h � ' • • .. \\'1a-_ �_ '�� • • ' • • , 1 _'�••�••• _—• = _'_• _ -_I lil I, _— _—•__••• ____-_ --- -No—�J--••F•••—••�•—•_ =F� •• �v '• • • • ' •' � ' • •. • I 1I► I • 3 gLD 21 SEE PRELIMNARY _ — 7N , LANDSCAPE PLAN •, • FOR AMENITIES I 20'7 II I I I II I • � . • , I 1--- ... ...... -- BLDG 63 , ------ --- 1 , / 0 0p • 6' 1 • 11 10 1 lil N N . T 6' BLDG9 BLDG 60 B D 64 • I • _ s— 5 , _ � I I I • �- � j I I I � I I `o�° ) 8' • • 1I • - - 16" • ® "so�b\ �• •', • •• •, 11 II I I1I1I1 11'I 1 •• ': 1B ® , w6$' , L G DG 57 r Uj BLDG5BL6' Op7 �1 11103 :,I1II '11�II• 7: ---�_• II 1T-4I II 1I II I 6' 6 _,915 I II "— 5 BL BLDG 19 • II I II • / • I I '- • 18 7' I .` ��- �F • I I I . gLD 3 I I I I I • DKIV - F \ • • • • 1 II • � • 1 _ '� 65 I► • � � 6' ' • • • 1 III — 6 D • �I 11 � • 2' RET. WALL j 6' / • - — _ • G p LD • 1 I I T ®, WALL lO II / �`- � •• / • � ❑ • 11 , Ijl — — � 16.2'(NP') _ • BL 8 ® 1�I � • 2 R� G 16 • SEE PRELIMNARY •� • 1 I I I F 6 6' ' T ® I I • ®®�' BLD LANDSCAPE PLAN �� 1 • B D 7 .12' , 8' • 11 • I I I ^ I �� • FOR AMENITIES • \ • • 1 II p 7 • \ •.�� �� •' 1 I �'� gL g pG 2 ® 2'''RET. wALL liii m D 17 I I �1 ° •• • '� \\ • , I I 1 • L G 4 6' • 7, 6' ® 1 �o ■ I III n • 3, \ � � • � • . 1► 1� • • � 4 I T I �\ \ .. . . \ �� , I I . . 8' • `° BLDG 8 • .01 I ( ► I \ % \ �� ' • '1 I I 3 ® ® RET• WALL _ G 82 ® $, ® 3 1 Iq 7 12'-A I \ • o ® 2' • I � • • II • � B 1 -�� •• •' • • 11 III • ® BLDG 81 7 6'• 83 1 •' • 111 • 15 " I I 1 BLDG 79 6' ® B D I I,► _ - -! �� I I -- 0 • -� II T� RIVE � ® I • i III BLDG 77 ® 8' : I L) L_ G 0 I II V a _ - I 'o� I BLDG 1 6' . _�_ - � I - — — 2 n,�_ I I \ , • 11' I • ® 6' 7' • 8 17' I o — — W 16 (j I \ \ • • 1 I I ' ' 16 2'(NP') - �_ • 11 • — _ s 16.2'(T1'P•)� I I I I I \ I G 5 WET UTILITY PLAN \�� \\ ` \, • ; 11 11111 : • ` _ _ " �_� I I 7' SHEET \ \\ \ \ •. 1 . I 3' N _ � _ , „F�_ �II H N K ER •. ' I '' - — ---Pv-T° oR `� I — — 3 I u �'°` VILLAGE AC-9B LCD ,. & ASSOCIATES \ 2 • ..� • LD 6' • 1' II • \ \\ \\ oN •• I I 1111 , _ F16 2,(�P) • Qi G $I g pG ® • II • S A N D I E G O, I N G OF .s� • I \\ \ \ �' \ ° • • 1 I 11 ' F 7 l • B 8 B 6' ' ® • Ilj • PLANNING 9707 Waples Street An _ Q ' i • 11 I'.I �■ ENGINEERING San Diego, Ca 92121 SEE SHEET C—V SURVEYING PH(858)558.4500• FX(858)558.1414 C/— 10 CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 0 O I N R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Villoge A\Wet Utility Plan\VA Wet Utility Plan.dwg[]Jul-01-2024:15:42 PA 23-0438 KRAKEN UNIT OR PROP SED EASEMENTS EXISTING EASEMENTS EQUIVALENT AA EASEMENT(S) FOR PUBLIC WATER METER 14 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, CURB INLET PER FINAL MAP AS DELINEATED ON OR AS OFFERED FOR DEDICATION ON MAP/PLAT. (TyP') I PARCEL MAP NO. 18254 BB EASEMLNT FOR PUBLIC ACCESS & PURPOSE: ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY r r2 J J , UTILITI S PER FINAL MAP AFFECTS: AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP J (WIDT1 VARIES) 1, J / r, J r J \\ \ 16 AS GRANTEDEASEMENT(S) FOR THE IN A DOCUMENT:PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, J /J / GRANTED TO: COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE PURPOSE: PUBLIC ROAD AND DRAINAGE PURPOSES, INCLUDING PUBLIC UTILITY AND /1<�\ I PUBLIC SERVICE AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDING DATE: APRIL 08, 1988 / RECORDING NO: 93875 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS �- I AND RE-RECORDING DATE. APRIL 15, 1988 9' / / / / - , ; \, r J 6 J AND RE-RECORDING NO: 99905 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS / 0o311„E 286'2 i / / do 1 J / / / / / / � �, �\f 1 I AFFECTS: AS DESCRIBED THEREIN A 0 r 1090 14 MASTER METER FOR POTABLE WATER (3" PRELIMINARY SIZING) /I 5 DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVES 109 FOR POTABLE WATER AND FIRE_— �� (SIZING TO BE DETERMINED) \ \� 30 0 30 60 90 i \ \ SCALE 1 "= 30' —"' 1110 --7 N <° \ \\\ �.� asss,2j� _ _- RIDGEPARKDRIVE - `��� j 1 gLpG 47 • ° �/\�`. \��2 R,¢3 0 — _ PUBL _ „E 161.16' 16 �\ \ ® • 6' pG 46 4` \� 428�5 _ I�� N89�3348 g SEE PRELIMNARY \ 8' 6 48 ® LANDSCAPE PLAN / •2 - \� FOR AMENITIES �� • / / �- _ \� \ gL G 9 \ \ 2 -�---L7_�- —�-- ` p 53 V I v M51 I 1j — �1 4 - m 16 \� 7 • r 6' 15 li 5, / / , / � � + 1 � 6' 16.2'(TYP.) (� � � I n -aV' In r (D M N • • � ° --- \ ® ,��� I 24.0 Qi 18- d- I~ � r � _— W--=—_ 3 • • .: � ' � ' i �' � I I< � _ 5' _ _� 1 ' z►a1 I \ \ �`11 \ 1 j2\ S o \ _ 7 _ � � _ - - - - - � W \ � • • • • � ; � � ® I � I �/ M m � �, � 3'(T1'P.) ---- \N. _ _ — — _ _ ° ° ° \� o „ • • • 24.0 • GRATE INLET ® w I I 24.0' - • - 0 1 ( ) bo \\ /, S \�/ ••• •• •• V 10 bo 9. ° F� \\� >>¢S \�\ �� _09-01r70 SEE PRELIMNARY • ° 1� - - �� _ ___--- -��V �F— • 1 \ �LANDSCAPE PLAN I I /SO 9• • • • • FOR AMENITIES w l _ 1S \ • • • ° I 1- • • • oo NS • ` I lit M N N • 6' 9 4¢, / B 111 G 6 BLD a1.o�e j '�28 1 11 ® gLpG 59 ® 1 8�� - — — "7r _ '9°0•. I I 1 • BL1jG 57 8 16� • 6' L G BLDG 56 6' - � 191 \ •• 1�11 I I IIII - � L 6' ® BLD 6' T : TYP ) I / • J / 3 • I Ilil w fir' n F— . D— \ • • I II • -�-� o / I ,� � `� •• • • 1 III • �_� —W� • 1 7 / gD / • SEE PRELIMNARY • j \ 0 I I I 1 F • 6 • 6' 7' / \ • LANDSCAPE PLAN B D 70 612' • 8 / \ �� • FOR AMENITIES •� • • ° II 1 • OG 2 p 7 • o • III B • �\ • • ��\ i • • 1 11 • L G 3 ® • _ o • / \ \ • • • •C \ \ �. • I 11 : L G 4 B 6' • 7, 6' ® 1 / ``\ \ \`'� • • • \ IIII • • 8 • ® - � ®� • 1 S \� • • I IIII • 3 ® '0 2''RET WALL • BL G 8 / • o •• • • • o� ° 1 11 `� ® BLDG 81 7' 6,- / �- o WET UTILITY PLAN / SHEET / I •• 0 HUNSAKER - � VILLAGE AC-10 & ASSOCIATES SAN D I E G O, INC / OF \\ ` \ ��`�' • PLANNING 9707 Waples Street / \`\ \\. ` ! ` ` • _ ENGINEERING San Diego, Ca 92121 SURVEYING PH(858)558.4500 • FX(858)558.1414 C/ — 10 SEE SHEET C-8 CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 0 0 I N R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Villoge A\Wet Utility Plan\VA Wet Utility Plan.dwg[]Jul-01-2024:15:43 x x. x x x. x x x. x x x x w x v x w. x '� _. x x . x x x x x x x. x x x. x x x. x x x. x x x.... x x x. x... x... x x.. x. x. x... x... x x.. x. x. x x-_ -- --- ._ ,. ,. ._ ,. .= x.. ;... x x.. 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LIGHTING LEGEND CITY OF TEMECULA STANDAR❑ WITH "WILDLIFE FRIENDLY" FIXTURE 30FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 2200K LUMINAIRE: CREE GUIDEWAY SERIES POLE: AMERON 1 C128 SCE LS-1 STREET LIGHT {BACKBONE) "TEARDROP WITH SKIRT" 18FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3DDOK LUMINAIRE: KING K828 POLE: AMERON 1C116 5CE LS-1 STREET LIGHT {INTRACT) 'TEARDROP WITH SKIRT" 18FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING K828 POLE: AMERON 1C116 B3 PRIVATE HOA WALKWAY LIGHT 12FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: US ARCH DSAP1 POLE: US ARCH RSS-12 HOA BOLLARD LIGHT 4 3FT MOUNTING HE€GHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING CB32 C) HOA TRELLIS LIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: FOCUS RXD03 Q HOA WALL LIGHT 3000K ALTAIR STREET LIGHTING VILLAGE "A" TEMECULA, CA 5/31/24 - Cn DELA ENGINEERING ixooaso��►s�� SCALE: 1" = 50'-4" LIGHTING DESIGN I ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ej PHaT=LL PER ,f crtr srsECrrrca rroNs -2- 3/8, O A t LED RXTL4dE PER ALIANi" PIPE CITY SPECIFiCA77MS NOTES- 1, LiAYINAIRE SHALL BE LEO TYPE 4 FOR PRIVATE LIGHTING RESTRICTIONS WITHIN 45 HILE RADIUS OF MT PALOMAR, SEE LATEST COMTY ORDINANCE REGI.L477NG LIGHT POLLIMON. J. LIGHT srANDAR0 NA7E&4L IS HARM ITE, ORM4WjYrAL GRAMTE OR APPROVED EDU4L WITH ANTI -GRAFFITI COATING. k. TYPICAL SPACING OF ALL LIGHTS SHALL BE iN' TO 200' t 20' STAGGERED ON OPPOSITE Ct R13 WEN POSSIBLE * 57MET LIGHT STANDARD PLACEMENT SHALL BE, 1. 6'-Oe STANDARR MEN SIDEWALK IS ARIACENT TO Ctff OR Z. P-6' STANDARR *?MN SIDEWALK IS MEANDERING, NOT IN$FALLED OR PROPOSED FOR FUTW INSTALL4TION. S7mrr uvr srANDAw Lou77oAt4 SHALL BE• I, AT ALL ECR'S ON PRIMARY INTERSEC77NG STREM.. Z. ON OPPOSITE COW ON EXTENDED CENTE7 AE A T rTrINTERSECTION. J. ArM.O.C. (APPROX.) OF CIk-0E-SACS AND KN7MJ[LES POLE SPECIF[CA nONS DES C AT6CN PEE MFf rT 01rfR NGTFi 1304T CIRCLE SASE G.D" 1C123 23'-0" 23'-3N 12-1/2 8-3/6" 1C128 28'-0" 28'—Y 12-1 2 " 0'-9" r I107E: 46E IWORT LRX STREa 05F 1= FW A7IEn't4L AsAit IYY.LECILR 5TIMET& 3o xJ0 x7' KNOCKOUT CAP ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE 560-C-3250 FOR FOi1NOATION DETAILS SEE STANOARD PLAN NO" 801 L408Y.• F HmRafy, 2AP0 If TIRINAS; DBRMCTORDFRAX Ag9NS/L'lTY6YGAI9R 0 4422. s ICITY OF TEWCU A bAIRTM1E'1 TO1 ftwiluCw0im LED STREETUGHTS FOR LOCAL, ARTERIAL, MAJOR Aih9D COLLECTOR STREETS GuidewayTM Series Gui6w,*"LED Street Luminaire feuwrint Paten, ted NamCGmlortm Technology- Small, Medium & Large Taal, o—w 12iffir n3 Product Description SYIYS -he new GPide V-family of madwey lighting is a ga hanging soluDxn designed fmn the ground �-..p. P.off ri eiresh emrtthei brings tereLs Cl perfnrnaenee and Wwal camlon prcrlemly uut nl reach_ 3Ta Gutlaway"'$Was fundamentaW shine e%penatlona 01 thestandardslraail� h -ww it pMormo, is standard fsawre , one men sIgodmaotty, the degree of vA.I. comfort It prarldes. WIIh Ci; Dghling'snew t1a�UCpmrortTMTaohnplogy. me RI"'Wa95ariaa him Ow mrman nwa!ape[xN6Peur the -ewua o... pmhibiri. price tag, powidiy don ..D-bh• bxmr cwnfut and prrT —kr tlw mmwy. .T appllrarlann Residential maelx, cane tar coeds, muff tine neexars, expressways, major mods, packing lue, end general arcs speeds AlialmrLoa Summvy �1'�'—r •-Ulllitas a�amnwd,� InP usA er, Er.e L.gha� rxom us Mind Mnpvrue wrta Wd,I Ih. u5A trpmran'"i:,i q rnsin us rt - — --- — Ini ial 0.1n rod UnnenEr 2.990-3L-MI) LOFpaq: up m t 6a t.Pw rw M CRI: Minimum 70 CRI I27DOK. 3 W 0K 400M. 57001KI' 99 CRI I22ODKI C;T 77D[r( rPiI. 3rP0K 400AN, 57p0K imi[ed Wamrq"r5 years s[andard for lumnairesnd inch; oprionai 10 years for lunwraim and or,S , l year ter lenirreim A—rrNlareA_j xx„rap ,wmmlrwvlr rN,Pg'nnx , Wminaira � tWighl n a.le_l}1NG._ CiTY OF TEMECULA STANDARD WITH "WILDLIFE FRIENDLY" FIXTURE 30FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 2200K LUMINAIRE: CREE GUIDEWAY SERIES POLE: AMERON 1 C128 I ElDistribution Overhead Construction Standards EDUbUN' Figure SL 343-5: Teardrop with Skirt Pendant Mount Style REV.' OATS DESCRIPTION CAN. APPR. 1 A ,AGUE — Nun, 3Ri1 RioCi ��. f6Y nx NUTS, n yPc.iEAs � ..V 41 - P c6P IINCI.IZE13 tan, Pn:E.7 ... p,- ` F_ r{r�p'/Turlu1r Itx:r1R5 rC2i... POLE TQPISTUD DETAIL i�Er dr.uAr'nu�sE . TDP.DETAIL Y1YENi AftE fn OtiE� ii ` 'KLM MSik HO.- A r:e.+I'�arOiE CPFHIhC f 11 i-1I4 tr. 9-•f Ie x/nI .. .•ra!N SASE DETAIL / 2.' B.0 BASE PLATE QETAIt, fi;rAEIEN LEY4r+ .lG. I-C -!F IT—' No_ [rfW: ACE ewcn aw0E, Ex 12 Aw Eft- FINISH 2. RSTNv W I. N C-TR-S50TYPE it 6RPY CF.MEITr. ]"r=gp 29 PAYS-0.p PS_uS1AO SPUN CYLHOPA TEST" rc � xa [wTG =;cop Ps: CLING •STri w1. CnINOEP TeST. 5. PME5 VANUFA-uREPP AS c-lmgn 5PECIWAi1 6 PROTECRME COAT Ex SEO P.0 WIPES AT POLE DIM. t eABEPLATY ASU AM. PAL+ P4f3n EASED WITH (61 alld-01e. P ME EEINR usLEa inETrr w 61. A. TPP lima urn A& MLvP PEAw EP TO PwExT TP �Nv oP rNRdrCTAg4Ka/LPµ[aM watvNhlt Ra41aR�Nni 15PTNaVE08Y - DATE BACKBONE W TRACT SCE LS-1 STREET LIGHT O "TEARDROP WITH WITH SKIRT" 18FT MOUNTING HEIGHT b 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING K828 POLE: AMERON 1 C116 PROJECT NAME: SOLID STATE AREA LIGHTING FIXTURE TYPE: DSAP SERIES -LED S P E C I F I C A T 10 N S HOUSING Upper housing Is heavy gauge cast aluminum (DSAP25) or 0.125` thick spun aluminum with reveal (ASAP]). Lower housing Is 0"0801 thick spun aluminum with Integrated LED module seat. Lower housing is Vented at top and battom for convective 000Hng of LED module. Top Oliver Chamber is sealed from LED Module Chamber, Trulavel boH coupling o munt Is wofded to housing and facll Motes qutck leveling and installation. V LEW O PTI CS Low capper A&% alloy (a.2% copper) cast aluminum housing. lntegrotad clear tempered gloss lens sealed with a continuous silicone gasket protects ernlNers (LCD's) and emitter Reflecior•ptsm optics, and sods the module from inter tritruslm and environmental OOntamtnonts. Module Is sealed to meet on IP67 rating. Each emitter Is opti--alty Controlled by a I7e11ecfor,Prtsm Iniectfan molded from HI ocryto (8 types per module: one from D' - 50'; and from 50' -651; one from W - 721, Each li oGtor-Prism has indexing pens for aiming and Is secured to on optical plate mode of matte block anodfxed aluminum" The optical plate tecaies every Reileatar-Prism over an emitter. Refleotor•Pnsms ore secured to it* Optical plate wtm a i7V curing adhesive. The Ref ec7arP sn s are arrcryed to produce IES Type 11. RI, M, and VSQ distributions. The entire Optical Module is field rotatable In 901IwQn ents.6oth module and drivers are factory wired using waler resistant, insulated cord. LEE} i7t7IVER Drivers are UL and W. recognized mounted on a sing[o plc9a and factory praw]red Ndlh quick-dsconnect plugs. Constant current driver Is oWetronlo and has a power factor at ALW and a minimum operating temperature of -40°F. Orreers aOcept an Input of 12D,277V, S0/60H- or 347-MOV. 5016". (D - 10v dtnmoble driver is standard" Orirer has a minimum of 3KV Internal surge protection" LumInci supplied with 20KV surge praleetor for Geld vcoessible installation.) LED EMITTERS HIgn output LED's are utlized with d" currents ranging from 380mA to 1050mA. 70CRI Minimum- LED's ore available In standard Neutral White (4000K), or apH01101 COOT White [6000K) or Warm Whit® (3000K). Consult Factory for other LED options. AMBER LE D'a PCA Phosphor Converted Amber LED's utillze phosphors to oreate color aufpuf similar to lamps and have a slight outQuf In the blue spectral bandwidth TRA (True Amber) LED s utf lze material that emlts itght €n the amber spectral bandwidth only without the use OT pYlDsphors.. FINISH Floalrostot€cally applied TGIC Palye3t8r Powder Coot an substrate prepared with 20 PSI power wash of 140'F. Four stop Iron phosphate pretreatment for protection and paint cohesion. 400°F bake for moMmum hardness and durabilty. Texture tinlah is standard. ta.s eramm �" DSAP25 PATENTPFNDING PATENTPFNDING cue 2Dleo-zz °,,° U.S.ARCHITECTURAL U.S. ArohIlG tural Lighting a'?'1°m ��il SCALE. 1 W = 100'-Or' B4 B3 PRIVATE HOA WALKWAY LIGHT 12FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: US ARCH DSAP1 POLE: US ARCH RSS-12 HOA BOLLARD LIGHT ° 3FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING CB32 Brookfield Residential ALTAIR STREET LIGHTING TEMECULA, CA 5/31/24 .' HOA TRELLIS LIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: FOCUS RXD03 g HOA WALL LIGHT 3000K CANDELA —ENGINEERING— INCONFORATUS LIGHTING DESIGN I ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING « - Hyw «ter w w « « « « �Ay « w �C, w w w w�S •• n w N "n w ,• w w w « rf .. « w y7` y ^ w w .• VI w w w ., n. a r, w .. « .• « w ~ 1 / A ., w w� .c :� ly wkw ywy #raw ~ wA« J w w ^j A.J r n .. r.'^ z„ '� H r. » i n w\ ^^ w r, w w ^ �\ w w ��" w yak I » 1 w « r. w'e..H r row . r » �n w y/ + r, n w Ry y «. .. n « r. n r. w .� A . K\ ~yr w » %n� y w y ~`� „ r H .w w K'.,,, y ` \ w S ra. `• .. n w . « w n « �R �` • r. w wSw www yl ly . .. w n _. w w w « . R. . y w/ A w 1i�hR II Syw hl^ R n -, n r, r, ,. .. .,. w x _ �7w� S�S ~ h"w _ 'may �AS - w w `SyAyw y"SrS r. _ - y% - w�« A S w� A - w �n sbh �¢ n .- r. A i..... __ �{ "Tc -�A y ' TN ~ \J n . A �wwK S� � Shw^ ... n n r. .. A�'" w w . - « A 4 wty �ro�- S!! H _ w r,�n Sh `w+ « - « w 'H SwK wR- _x."y S S� w « Rl' « y"h + ry T A y w , rJ, r, «. ry b « y y y H ry .. 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FOR PRIVATE LIGHTING RESTRICTIONS WITHIN 45 HILE RADIUS O< MT PALOMAR, SEE LATEST COMTY ORDINANCE REGI.LA77NG LIGHT POLLIMON• J. LIGHT srANDAR0 NA7E&4L IS HAR ITE, ORM4WjYrAL GRAMTE OR APPROVED EDU4L WITH ANTI -GRAFFITI COATING. k. TYPICAL SPACING OF ALL LIGHTS SHALL BE iN' TO 200' t 20' STAGGERED ON OPPOSITE CtR? WEN POSSIBLE * 57MET LIGHT STANDARD PLACEMENT SHALL BE• 1. 6'-Oa STAAMW, M7tEN SIDEWALK IS ARIACENT TO Ctff OR 2. P-6' STANDARR M?MN SIDEWALK IS MEANDERING, NOT IN$FALLED OR PROPOSED FOR FUTW INSTALL4TION• smT uvr srANDARo Lou77oAt4 SHALL BE• I. AT ALL ECR'S ON PRIMARY INTERSEC77NG STREM.. z ON OPPOSITE COW ON EXTENDED CENTE7RLINE AT `TPINTERSECTION. 3. ArM.O.C. (APPROX.) OF CUL-0E•S4CS AND KN7MJ[LES POLE SPECIF[CAT10NS DES C AT6CN PEE MFf rT 01rfR NGTFi 1304T CIRCLE SASE G.D. 1C123 23'-0" 23'-3N 12-1/2 8-3/6" 1C128 28'-0' 28'-3" 12-1 2 " 0•-9" r lA7E: L6E IW RE Lr1LW. STREa LEF � FW ARIEId4L AsAit 175ILECIVR 5TIMET& 3o xJ0 x7' KNOCKOUT CAP ALL CONCRETE SHALL BE 560-C-3250 FOR FOMOATION DETAILS SEE STANOARD PLAN NO- 801 IIED 8Y . tmRY.91 S4, 2020 Ir TIRINAS; CTORDFRAX Ag9NS/L'lTrBW#4 R 0 4422. s ICITY OF TEWCU A I ID"I RT1ld1E'N1"OrPLWUC WORIM LED STREETUGHTS FOR LOCAL, ARTERIAL, MAJOR Aih9D COLLECTOR STREETS GuidewayTM Series Gui6w,* M LED Street Luminaire feuwring Paten, ted NamCGmlortm Technology- Small, ^tedium & Large Product Description -he new GPide V-family of mm"lighting is a ga hanging sotuxn designed foam the ground up, eHering dues^ Ann that brings to B et perfermenee and Wsual canton prenensty outer reach_ 3Ta Gutlavrey"'Sagas fundamentally Whine eRpenatlona Orthestarbard presiljh -MW ft podornla. is standard fee W res, one roan slgedmaotty, the degree of vA.I. comfort It prcrldes. Wllh Ci; Dghting'so" MP%Ca Fm-Tathsalny. me eu•"Way Series him Ow mans« s*est spot EN6Pau1 the Pmhibiliry pricy tag, p-Ming darn ..D- 4y bx a-cro ut and parr rw kr tlw mmwy. Appllrailenn Residential rinds, cane tar roads, multilane hiuMmys, expressways, major mods, packing rue, end general arcs speeds ArfarmrLoa Summary -LAIWas P;upmod MncComror[1e Tet6aolopp. ambWd In Ihn USSA by Crag L.gh:,ng rrs n us and inportad pans filial DAr rod LmrEe..; 2,990-3L900------------ - - E ficaq: up to t68 LPW CRI: Minimum 70 CRI 177DOK. 3 W 0K 400M. 5700KI' 99 CRI I2200VJ C;T 77DnC rPiI. 3rP0K 400AN, 57p0K trotted Wamrq"r5 years s[andard for lumnaEresnd inch; oplionai 10 years fa lumnaim and � Nn,S , l year Ter L."mannit. eeur- . xx l,np uwmmlrwvlr rN,Pg'nnx No,O-W 1211irmn3 SYIYS w.�.w-�suwr.�..,r Ewarprr n�.'raeere��.r� pieeru p� ,]PE�,a 11r�rM rxele•" ,In�aa•r, Wmineire � tWighl arfG a.l ea l}1HG._ CiTY OF TEMECULA STANDARD WITH "WILDLIFE FRIENDLY" FIXTURE 30FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 2200K LUMINAIRE: CREE GUIDEWAY SERIES POLE: AMERON 1 C128 POLE LE?!GTh S.._3.. """ I "O ❑istribution Overhead Construction Standards EU15flN' Figure SL 343-5: Teardrop with Skirt Pendant Mount Style REV.' ^ATE DESCIMPi[aN ❑RN. APPR. kDJH E 1 A ,AGlO NtRE CALV. 3iE1 RiiO' xAr f6Y nix NZE1 a rrPCHan) - P c6P ben :.am teal Pn:E.7 .�... 2••juC ��. z _ J. I- `' ...� I �: r{'/T1r Itx:r1R5 rC2i... POLE TQPrSTI1D DETAIL iN ' dr .uAf'Eu�sE . TCP.DE7AIL Y1YENi AftE fn [ItiE� ii ` 'KLM M N HO.- A r:e.+I'�aEOiE caFrilrc f 11 i-1I4 tr. 9-•f Ie x'/nI .. .•ra!N SASE DETAIL ' - i 2.' B.C. _ ». BASE PLATE DETAIL RYEl]HC� -" - MO�HG!vG 3C--:• fi;MEIEN LEY4 r+ .lG. I-C -!F IT—' No_ [NW: ACE ewcn a w01E. ex 12 Aw Eft eEENISH 2. Nv[OAnur} I. RSTN C-S5a TETE is 6RPY CF.MERr. ]hit 2a PAYS:0.p PS_ uSHlO SPUN CYLHpeA TEST. rc xe11AY =;apes Ps: USING ,ESTrt wE.CnINOEa TeST. 5.vPLs6 VANUFAcuREPP AS C-Ema-tie CIWATI 6 PROTECRME COAT Ex SEO P.0 WIPES AT POLE DIM. t eABEPLATt"7mA 6. PAL+' P4f3n ESSen WITH (61 DIVEHI, PnES EINU CASEES 4-TMw 61. e. TpP iim a UdA Ag. MLYR DEAw EP MPwPxT TP �Nv oP rNRd1PTAg4Ka/LPµ[a M Wii0y61t ra4taR�Nni 15PTRaVE08Y - DATE BACKBONE W TRACT SCE LS-1 STREET LIGHT O OTEARDROP WITH SKIRT" 18FT MOUNTING HEIGHT b 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING K828 POLE: AMERON 1 C116 PROJECT NAME: SOLID STATE AREA LIGHTING FIXlUFE TYPE: DSAP SERIES -LED S P E C I F I C A T 1❑ N S HOUSING Upper housing Is heavy gauge cast aluminum (DSAP25) or 0.125` thick spun aluminum with reveal (ASAP]). Lower housing Is O.0SO" thick spun aluminum with Integrated LED module seat. Lower housing is Vented at top and bottom for convective coodng of LED module. Top Oliver chamber €S waled from LED Module chamber, Trulavel boF! cauplln, mount Is wofded to housing and facilitates quick leveling and installation. V LEW O PTI CS Low capper A&% aloy (a.2% copper') cast aluminum housing. lntegrotad clear tempered gloss lens sealed rMh a continuous silicone gasket protects emliten (LCD's) and emitter Reflocior•ptsm optics, and sods the modulo from water tntruskxl and environmental contaminRTt9. Module Is sealed to meet on IP67 rating. Each emitter Is opS_-dly Controlled by a Re1leOfor�m Injection molded from H12 oorytla (J types per module: one Iran D' - 50'; and from 50' -65e; one from W - 721, Each Reflector -Prism has indeadng pens for aiming and Is secured to on cplical plate mode of matte block anodxed aluminum. The optical plate locates every Raileatw-Prism over an emitter. Refleotor•Pnsms ore secured to It* optical plate wlrtl a t7V curing oclr*s e, The fre11eo7IXAYsms are orrcryed to produce IES Type 1I. RI, M, and VSQ distributions. The entire Optical Module is field rotatable In 901IwQn ants. Soth module and drivers ore factory wired using waler resistant, insulated cord. LEE} i7E7IVER Orlvets are UL and W. recognized mounted on a sing[o plato and footory prawdred wllh quick-dsconnect plugs. Constant current driver Is oWolronlc and has a power factor at ALW and a mmknum operating temperature of -40°F. Drivers accept an Input of 12D,277V, 5o160Hi or 347-MOV. 5016". (D - 10v dfrnmoble driver is standard. Orirer has a minimum of 3KV internal surge protection. LumInci suWW with 20KV surge protector for held vcoessible Installation.) LE€] EMITTERS High output LED's ore utlized with d" currents ranging from 360mA to 1O50mA. 70CRI Minimum- LED's ore available In standard NeUt al' White (4000K), or opH01101 COOT White [6000K) or Warm Whit® (300DK). Consult Factory for other LED options. AMBER LE D'a Pca Phosphor Converted Amber LED's utillze phosphors to area color aulpvf similar fo lamps and have a slight outQuf In the blue spectral banda'Ad TRA (True Amb®� LEDs utllze material that emlts tight €n the amber spectral bandwWth only Without the Use of prlDSphors.. FINISH Floatrostottcally applied TGIC Palyesrer Powder Coot an substrate prepared with 20 PSI power wash of 140'F. Four stop Iron phosphate pretreatment far protection and paint adhesion.400°F bake for moMmum hardness and durability. Texture tinlah is standard. I&F eramm DSAP25 PATENTPFNDING PATENTPFNDING �� 20leo-zz °,,° '"^� " "�^0910°' U.S.ARCHITECTURAL U.S. Arohltectural Lighting a'?'1°m ��Et SCALE . 1 W = 100'-Or' B4 B3 PRIVATE HOA WALKWAY LIGHT 12FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: US ARCH DSAP1 POLE: US ARCH RSS-12 HOA BOLLARD LIGHT ° 3FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING CB32 ALTAIR STREET LIGHTING TEMECULA, CA 5/31/24 .' HOA TRELLIS LIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: FOCUS RXD03 g HOA WALL LIGHT 3000K CAN DEL/ -ENGINEERING - LIGHTING DESIGN I ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Brookfield Residential ALTAIR STREET LIGHTING TEMECULA, CA 5/31/2:4 t-Ivro-D- _ LO nxnd%lpo ALHwmp PffE CFrr ,&YC7?rA WAS NOTES A. CrAWllxal' m4u MUD TWE P. "PR VArE LXHTi W RESARCr01SWPM 45 PRdE AMW CFNP Ru" A SEE L4 TEST CAEMY AWMKV A7rFRATAW: Ci6'NrP("ffn0f. s- LA0fFS7Af0W AM FrR'AL AS+d46'i nE OWVf8r4 GAWIF CR APWnV fWU H}TNAVR,21� COATM. 1 tinter. 4 940W MALL O N78 WAU EEW 717 lle7•! YC $7496 9E0 AV Mp=?F cm wa Pp5 svq M SM!FT Lr6HF STAN?A%1 PLAC9CVF SYALL 8E E R'.r SFANAW WOO S,QEMA 7S ARAICE7 Fa CM AP P. C-0'STAM= ASW S•WEWALR AS AVMER'M1V. M7r 7. ATALC ECR'S LN PR4YdRYdV7RPSEl'TAYG SFAEM.. P. G444VSFM CM MV EXUMM NWEItM AT 7' AII5PS cTviv. S AT#..*a p4MW.)or CA 1r_UC54w ✓7'AVaH a POLE SPECIMATIONS vC1E Hb BOAT GRdE 9.Y dIl 1C123 23'-D' 23•-3" 1 C128 28'-D' 1 28•-3" ALL FLIP FMAVA FXN a. 7AU 5EF SFAAR W P4AN AV W M1•ARLH lA, £6Ya nraaa r.r� nrn K P(1@'ypFy SYGM1.EFR ak UWMaTL FM CL=, ARrERAC, AAJW r ANDCOLLECTMSTAEM srAimAaa.nn- spy GuideiEoswayT'A Series •�lmr_.m�v:�ro,ea:opsrA rlvarla.AwAmie. pkm 771 a,e..m•r.ra•�.«ww�.tFlr.w»•rwr�.l.wr.rr r...lr. w,r — rwe.m.nd w.m.y r xrn NpteA u•R Lu . nI! ,xer4 gRt1Q:W YAtlY m�rr !oor�,�i n•,,.. ..i r �,..rc..mxenu eeewd:eWwa vnmwwmam.p .`. 4wky ® EDISQN- Distribution overhead cenatrucpwr standards Figure SL 343-11: Teardrop vmh Skirt Pendant Mount Style 4L . n ....• as[�A.•. � ' .cv. onx wur. rm�. Xa. nrrr•. --- f>'keAm Pl�Ya RISE PLAN PETNL Y :C.at Y• _�.LF _. FSNW HkNE: SOLID STATE AREA LIGHTING DSAP SERIES -LEIS s P E c I F I c A r l o N s ^� ypper hpsRy b Mn"y ppoow wrt alymnu�m (U&pw�ww 0.1'�• mot spin pwmfrvn NWr �nql 1). M1eednp b 0.xv Mick mum uuminun wllh tea M �ulReRbi.vw motto HrinARdel lepentl elw ! a cllw caRArq� IAO matluW. n� cnamter v nwurrt Is W]W to..1� orq r<Flbple. qukyc Iw9ln�p pna kvlvkvNon Fnaromlta im. e+:wpr seta aw e� � tart n,wr.�m nainnp. Irea�plw I�p•>en,paatl e� nn. onm.m, prr.mt� evvrem wmwb Irk pan? amw J rrelecror�•r.coxayeeme ne�nedx ran wxnmwen nm FxaJR a eeOYe w n1Mf w IPoF ralrq foot erM cprnN R 0 ieRd Rtbcla.RYm uiRdkri 7Rumm WNI2 ] xryk [a Pk P+1 N mr,pss¢ pro tor. v -er, oie evm w• - m•; cna w m en•- rrA. RAPn poaeryrmFm tqr mtWlne PhF rp, dmrenms 1. Incuetl it�c�mmw pwrcayw r. '°°p�"m.: D5AP25 Re1eclPfP eorca non =dmaeMvM Pw aliPMtumn.FYg II, pro w56 Ltln waft" IX.monmaIh woepinala luwqnenmce.e. . m, aDawu_ n arc u p l [Yi rpf,p moused—f wry p ref kckry Prvxriretl wllh Wklckdbuamdei pkg.@171 cur«,:nmw..xecxudcsp nwoPo Fl00vaprcawcaw ae olRy 1mgeEYure of d0•F TA•arr an N iwl w`imem. eaFenl a w�.eor, ncveav- ro • lw tltm�ptq e•Ha t pprpprtl. Cvwr IaF o nwRnml p iA1' pip:mvAnfm amum.>:ala�., LEA EAE17ER6 �Lr:SO MA 1p✓ li]r prY uEkep Min [kw torten¢ rum Run M1 10ailiK }ppk Mhh:urn. IEds ep ew bLYl e h raewabreaFero�h'all tl D �D rc. nMeia� c�ieaa p�,/p�ul eilM HllS lemdpstu111eM heweente INprA In me nice peu eduw' In IRA .Am /1 Ebunn�mm.Ari lot IlIppM In di. b rpctrpl only winwrma w pFpo.pnpm. FINISH D 5 A P E4c nelkal1r appoud WK Po9xa4r i 0.r Coos an bnrmeeAeveme cam sP ra Ferer wmn m 1e0°t Feu elm Imn Rnm=m pfelrwtmsnl br pmmnrlcn end "Ink T Iurc lobo ltaHnddtlrno Imun fotlnvu mrf rRrphllelc s.e-Ar eclu l00 HnO r" © LLSAFdXTEC111R14L SCALE- 111 = 150'-0" CITY OF TEMECULA STANDARD WITH "WILDLIFE FRIENDLY" FIXTURE 30FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 2200K LUMINAIRE: CREE GUIDEWAY SERIES POLE: AMERON 1 C128 BACKBONE INTRACT SCE LS-1 STREET LIGHT ?? "TEARDROP WITH SKIRT" 18FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING K828 POLE: AMERON 1C116 T�g;'44PRIVATE HOA WALKWAY LIGHT T,12FT MOUNTING HEIGHT bb 3000K LUMINAIRE: US ARCH DSAP1 POLE- US ARCH RSS-12 HOA BOLLARD LIGHT 3FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING CB32 HOA TRELLIS LIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: FOCUS RXD03 HOA WALL LIGHT 3000K 1 CANDELA —ENGINEERING— _ ...e....._,, _ LIGHTING DESIGN I ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING ..k.. - - - - w ,« + ,.1, r� _ r i 4 :" +' ~^ w" . f `ti" +', w� \ \ w« w/ w `r' w `L�. w' `f+ +\+ 'i` ,/ + +.�- . _ -4- ,Fw **,, w;+ +q` - +S wp« ' . win ".•" - •R ,L. w� _ .� .mow i;' �' wyw .� .rw ew +�. L +ti 6` "L' - f �Se _ +� -.\ w w _ i a �i: ^ .".".,+'+`•'w`w"+'.".•."w`w`.". "`+`+"."+'+".,"-"..'w`."."w". . + ," j+ _ _ 'Y w n l ww i•, 1 ,*^ /�^ b .` �. rr i �4 v'w 1 +- t - _w^_,++ „+w,.r.w^w._ " x' „++www_ , ,,. ,. ww_.++,.+w.+..www._ "1 f .,4 +� ��.' - : w r�^�j"n y• r� 1 a�'P� "�Y '?w r x. T" +� .� i. -4"+ r «" nF - ^� q F"` rr ,"l+. + . ". 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Y T -' � � nEfM �SAFI:hXTEC111RRL CITY OF TEMECULA STANDARD 11 FI WITH WILDLIFE FRIENDLY FIXTURE 3DFT MOUNTING HEIGHT 22DDK LUMINAIRE: CREE GUIDEWAY SERIES POLE: AMERON 1 C128 BACKBONE INTRACT � SCE LS-1 STREET LIGHT }F 11 TEARDROP WITH SKSRT 18FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3DDDK LUMINAIRE: KING K828 POLE: AMERON 1C116 g� g; PRIVATE HOA WALKWAY LIGHT ' 12FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3DDDK LUMINAIRE: US ARCH DSAP1 POLE: U5 ARCH R55-12 HOA BOLLARD LIGHT �: 3FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3DDDK LUMINAIRE: KING CB32 HOA TRELLIS LIGHT 3DDDK LUMINAIRE: FOCUS RXDD3 � HOA WALL LIGHT 3DDDK 1 GAN DELII —8��I1t88�tip�— Residential TEMECULA, CA LIGHTING pESIGN � ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING City af Temecula Community Development 41000 Main Street • Temecula, CA 92590 Phone (951) 694-6400 • Fax (951) 694-6477 • TemeculaCA.gov VIA -ELECTRONIC SUBMITTAL CEQAProces sina(& asrclkrec. com August 22, 2024 Supervising Legal Certification Clerk County of Riverside Post Office Box 751 Riverside, CA 92501-0751 SUBJECT: Filing a Notice of Determination for application No. PA23-0438, Development Plan for Village A of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 146 detached single family and duplex homes and one (1) park. Dear Sir/Madam: Enclosed is the Notice of Determination for the above referenced project. In addition, pursuant to Assembly Bill 3158 (Chapter 1706) the Applicant will pay for the County Administrative fee to enable the City to file the Notice of Determination required under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and 14 California Code Regulations 1507. The payment of the $50.00 filing fee is under protest. It is the opinion of the City that the administrative fee has been increased in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of State Law. Under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and 14 California Code Regulations 1507, the County is entitled to receive a $25.00 filing fee. Also, please email a stamped copy of the Notice of Determination within five working days after the 30-day posting to the email listed below. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Scott Cooper at (951) 506-5137 or at email scott.cooperkTemeculaCA.gov. . Sincerely, Matt Peters Interim Director of Community Development Attachments: Notice of Determination Form Electronic Payment - Filing Fee Receipt City of Temecula Community Development Planning Division Notice of Determination TO: County Clerk and Recorders Office FROM: Planning Division County of Riverside City of Temecula P.O. Box 751 41000 Main Street Riverside, CA 92501-0751 Temecula, CA 92590 SUBJECT: Filing of a Notice of Determination in compliance with the provisions of Section 21152 of the Public Resources Code State Clearinghouse No.: 2014111029 Project Title: Altair Village A Development Plan (PA23-0438) Project Location: APNs: 940-310-013, 940-310-015, 940-310-016, 940-310-045, 940-310-046 Project Description: Development Plan for Village A of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 146 detached single family and duplex homes and one (1) park Lead Agency: City of Temecula, County of Riverside Contact Person: Scott Cooper Telephone Number: (951) 506-5137 This is to advise you that the Planning Commission for the City of Temecula has approved the above described project on August 21, 2024 and has made the following determinations regarding this project: 1. The project will not have a significant effect on the environment. 2. That the project is consistent with the EIR and is a project under a Specific Plan that was analyzed by the EIR and no further environmental review is required under CEQA Guidelines Section 15162. 3. Additional mitigation measures were not made a condition of the approval of the project, but the project will be required to adhere to the mitigation measures identified in the SEIR. 4. A Mitigation Monitoring or Reporting Program was not adopted for this project, but the project will have to comply with the Mitigation Monitoring or Reporting Program that was adopted with the EIR. 5. A Statement of Overriding Consideration was not adopted for this project, but was adopted for the EIR. 6. Findings were not made for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA, but were made in connection with the EIR. This is to certify that the Environmental Impact Report and Addenda that were prepared for the Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan, together with comments and responses is available to the General Public at the City of Temecula, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California, 92590. Signature: Matt Peters, Interim Director of Community Development Date received for filing at the County Clerk and Recorders Office: Date: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME CERTIFICATE OF FEE EXEMPTION De Minimus Impact Finding Project Proponent: Brookfield Properties Project Title: Altair Village A Development Plan (PA23-0438) Location: APNs: 940-310-013, 940-310-015, 940-310-016, 940-310-045, 940-310-046 Project Description: Development Plan for Village A of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 146 detached single family and duplex homes and one (1) park Findings of Exemption (attach as necessary): 1. The Project consists of a Development Plan for Village A of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 146 detached single family and duplex homes and one (1) park 2. The Altair Specific Plan was formally adopted on January 9, 2018. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared and certified on December 12, 2017, as part of this effort. The proposed project is consistent with the previously adopted Altair EIR and is exempt from further environmental review (Section 15162, Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations). Staff has reviewed the EIR and has determined that the proposed project is consistent with the EIR as the proposed project merely implements the development that was already contemplated and analyzed by the EIR. The EIR analyzed the impacts of the construction of 146 single-family homes in Village A. As such, the proposed project does not require the preparation of a subsequent Environmental Impact Report or Mitigated Negative Declaration as none of the conditions described in Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines (14 Cal. Code Regs. 15162) exist. Additionally, the proposed project does not require the preparation of an addendum to the EIR as there are no changes or additions to the proposed project from what was analyzed by the EIR. Therefore, no further environmental review is required as all environmental impacts of the proposed project were analyzed, disclosed, and mitigated as set forth in the EIR. Moreover, the mitigation measures imposed as part of the EIR remain valid and applicable to the proposed project. Certification: I hereby certify that the public agency has made the above finding and that the project will not individually or cumulatively have an adverse effect on wildlife resources, as defined in Section 711.2 of the Fish and Game Code. Matt Peters Date Interim Director of Community Development Notice of Public Hearin THE CITY OF TEMECULA - 41000 Main Street- Temecula, CA 92590 — TemeculaCA.gov A PUBLIC HEARING has been scheduled before the City of Temecula PLANNING COMMISSION to consider the matter described below: Case No.: PA23-0438, PA23-0439, PA23-0440 Applicant: Brookfield Properties Project Location: Altair Specific Plan (APNs: 940-310-013, 940-310-015, 940-310-016, 940-310- 045, 940-310-044, 940-310-046, 940-310-047, 940-310-048, 940-320-002) Proposal: Development Plan Applications for Altair Village A (PA23-0438) to allow for 146 detached single family and duplex homes and one (1) park; Village B (PA23-0439) to allow for 109 detached single family and duplex homes and one (1) park; and Village C (PA23-0440) to allow for 45 buildings containing 212 attached townhomes. Environmental Action: In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the proposed project does not require further environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 (Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations) as none of the conditions requiring further environmental review under the aforementioned Section exist. The Planning Commission will be asked to consider adopting a Notice of Determination for the proposed project. Case Planner: Scott Cooper, (951) 506-5137 PLACE OF HEARING: 41000 Main St., Temecula, CA 92590, City of Temecula, Council Chambers DATE OF HEARING: August 21, 2024 TIME OF HEARING: 6:00 PM • C- .ARK DFz OCOTD 9�Zo T Project Site T� 0 400 800 Feet The complete agenda packet (including any supplemental materials) will be available for viewing in the Main Reception area at the Temecula Civic Center (41000 Main Street, Temecula) after 4:00 p.m. the Friday before the Planning Commission Meeting. At that time, the packet may also be accessed on the City's website — TemeculaCA.gov and will be available for public review at the respective meeting. Any writing distributed to a majority of the Commission regarding any item on the Agenda, after the posting of the Agenda, will be available for public review in the Main Reception area at the Temecula Civic Center (41000 Main Street, Temecula), 8:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m. In addition, such material will be made available on the City's website — TemeculaCA.zov — and will be available for public review at the meeting. Any petition for judicial review of a decision of the Planning Commission shall be filed within time required by, and controlled by, Sections 1094.5 and 1094.6 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. In any such action or proceeding seeking judicial review of, which attacks or seeks to set aside, or void any decision of the Planning Commission shall be limited to those issues raised at the hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to, the public hearing described in this notice. Questions? Please call the Community Development Department at (951) 694-6400. Item No. 3 STAFF REPORT — PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: August 21, 2024 TO: Planning Commission Chairperson and members of the Planning Commission FROM: Matt Peters, Interim Director of Community Development PREPARED BY: Scott Cooper, Case Planner PROJECT Planning Application No. PA23-0439, a Development Plan for SUMMARY: Village B of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 109 detached single family and duplex homes and one (1) park (APNs: 940-310-044, 940- 310-045, 940-310-046, 940-310-047, 940-310-048). RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a Resolution approving the project subject to Conditions of Approval CEQA: No further environmental review required Section 15162, Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations PROJECT DATA SUMMARY Name of Applicant: Brookfield Properties General Plan Designation: Specific Plan Implementation (SPI) Zoning Designation: Altair Specific Plan (SP-15) Existing Conditions/ Land Use: Site: Vacant Land / Specific Plan Implementation (SPI) North: Industrial Buildings / Industrial Park (IP) South: Vacant Land / Specific Plan Implementation (SPI), High Density Residential (H) East: Pujol Street, Industrial Buildings, Single Family Residential / Specific Plan Implementation (SPI), Industrial Park (IP) West: Vacant Land / Specific Plan Implementation (SPI) BACKGROUND SUMMARY On December 12, 2017, the City of Temecula City Council approved a General Plan Amendment and Tentative Tract Map to allow for residential development within this area and at a second reading on January 9, 2018 adopted an Ordinance for the approval of the Altair Specific Plan. On November 15, 2023, Brookfield Properties submitted Planning Application PA23-0439, a Development Plan for Village B of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 109 detached single family and duplex homes and one (1) park. Staff has worked with the applicant to ensure that all concerns have been addressed, and the applicant concurs with the recommended Conditions of Approval. ANALYSIS Altair is envisioned as the complementary residential component to the Old Town Specific Plan area. The two planning areas are integral to providing a successful urban mixed -use environment. The proposed project involves the construction of 21 three story detached single-family homes ranging in size from 2,011 square feet to 2,213 square feet and 88 three story duplex homes ranging in size from 1,775 square feet to 1,978 square feet within Village B of the Altair Specific Plan. The proposed architecture, plotting, landscaping, and walls and fences were reviewed for conformance with the development standards and design guidelines of the Specific Plan. Architecture The project proposes three (3) floor plans with one (1) architectural style consisting of six (6) different color schemes for the detached single family product and three (3) floor plans with one (1) architectural style consisting of three (3) different color schemes. The Altair Specific Plan does not dictate specific architectural styles as other specific plans in the City do. It allows for creativity and imaginativeness from developers to provide architecture that stands on its own within the urban environment of Altair. The proposed architectural styles include Abstract Traditional and Progressive Agrarian. Staff believes that, with the attached Conditions of Approval, the project meets the intent of the Altair Specific Plan. The proposed elevations achieve a quality appearance and provide variety along the streetscape and within the internal residential area. The applicant has provided specific details which are unique to each proposed architectural style and elevation. Each of the proposed styles is distinct through the use of materials and colors and with articulation provided on elevations of the homes. The architectural elements and materials that work to achieve this character are defined below for each specific style: • Abstract Traditional: timeless design elements, low pitched gable and hip roofs, metal awnings, and wood railings on the second floor. Bold color blocking, blending neutral stucco hues with horizontal siding, contemporary touch to the sophisticated charm of the architecture. 2 • Progressive Agrarian: the style is defined by flat tiled, low-pitched gable and shed roofs, gable -end siding, and metal and wood beam awnings. Bold color styling incorporates warm hues in the stucco and horizontal siding. Unique characteristics include inset siding, metal railings, stone accents, and a projecting columned porch with a proportioned shed roof. Enhanced elevations have been provided in locations where an elevation is adjacent to or visible from a street in order to provide a level of architecture that meets or exceeds other residential development in the City. Public Park/Open Space The Altair Specific Plan requires a 0.65-acre active public park as part of Village B. The proposed .067-acre park contains amenities including picnic tables, lawn area, shade structures, play areas, decomposed granite walkways, community library, and social areas. In addition to the public park there are other small and medium open space areas that provide shade structures with seating, turf areas, and gathering and play areas. These open space areas are part of an overall open space plan for Villages A, B, & C that will allow residents of Altair to trek from the far northern end of Village A to the Central Park of Altair stopping in various areas to take in the views of Old Town from seating areas within active and passive open space areas. LEGAL NOTICING REQUIREMENTS The notice of the public hearing was published in the Press Enterprise on August 8, 2024, and mailed to the property owners within 600-foot radius. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION The Altair Specific Plan was formally adopted on January 9, 2018. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared and certified on December 12, 2017, as part of this effort. The proposed project is consistent with the previously adopted Altair EIR and is exempt from further environmental review (Section 15162, Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations). Staff has reviewed the EIR and has determined that the proposed project is consistent with the EIR as the proposed project merely implements the development that was already contemplated and analyzed by the EIR. The EIR analyzed the impacts of the construction of 109 single-family homes in Village B. As such, the proposed project does not require the preparation of a subsequent Environmental Impact Report or Mitigated Negative Declaration as none of the conditions described in Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines (14 Cal. Code Regs. 15162) exist. Additionally, the proposed project does not require the preparation of an addendum to the EIR as there are no changes or additions to the proposed project from what was analyzed by the EIR. Therefore, no further environmental review is required as all environmental impacts of the proposed project were analyzed, disclosed, and mitigated as set forth in the EIR. Moreover, the mitigation measures imposed as part of the EIR remain valid and applicable to the proposed project. i' FINDINGS Development Plan (Code Section 17.05.0101) The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State Law and other Ordinances of the City. The proposed single family detached and duplex homes are permitted in the land use designation standards contained in the Altair Specific Plan and the City s Development Code. The project is also consistent with General Plan land use of Specific Plan Implementation. The site is properly planned and zoned and, as conditioned, is physically suitable for the type and density of residential development proposed. The project, as conditioned, is also consistent with other applicable requirements of State law and local ordinances, including the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City Wide Design Guidelines, and fire and building codes. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare. The overall design of the single-family homes, including the site, building, parking, circulation and other associated site improvements, is consistent with, and intended to protect the health and safety of those working in and around the site. The project has been reviewed for and, as conditioned, has been found to be consistent with all applicable policies, guidelines, standards and regulations intended to ensure that the development will be constructed and function in a manner consistent with the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare. Nothing proposed in the Development Plan is anticipated to have an adverse impact to the public health, safety and general welfare. ATTACHMENTS 1. Aerial Map 2. PC Resolution 3. Exhibit A — Draft Conditions of Approval 4. Exhibit B — Plan Reductions 5. Notice of Determination 6. Notice of Public Hearing 4 �r Nall wl, I iv' lL PC RESOLUTION NO. 2024- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA23-0439, A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR 109 DETACHED SINGLE FAMILY AND DUPLEX HOMES AND ONE (1) PARK LOCATED WITHIN VILLAGE B OF THE ALTAIR SPECIFIC PLAN (APNS: 940-310-044, 940-310-045, 940-310-046, 940-310-047, 940-310-048), AND MAKING FINDINGS OF CONSISTENCY WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND DETERMINING THAT NO FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO SECTION 15162 OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT Section 1. Procedural Findings. The Planning Commission of the City of Temecula does hereby find, determine and declare that: A. On November 15, 2023, Brookfield Properties Planning Applications: No. PA23- 0439, a Development Plan in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code. B. The Project was processed including, but not limited to a public notice, in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law. C. The Planning Commission, at a regular meeting, considered the Project and environmental review on August 21, 2024, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, at which time the City staff and interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to this matter. D. At the conclusion of the Planning Commission hearing and after due consideration of the testimony, the Planning Commission approved Planning Application No. PA23-0439, subject to and based upon the findings set forth hereunder. E. All legal preconditions to the adoption of the Resolution have occurred. Section 2. Further Findings. The Planning Commission, in approving the Application hereby finds, determines and declares that in accordance with Temecula Municipal Code Section 17.05.010.F (Development Plan): A. The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City. The proposed single family detached and duplex homes are permitted in the land use designation standards contained in the Altair Specific Plan and the City's Development Code. The project is also consistent with General Plan land use of Specific Plan Implementation. The site is properly planned and zoned and, as conditioned, is physically suitable for the type and density of residential development proposed. The project, as conditioned, is also consistent with other applicable requirements of State law and local ordinances, including the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City Wide Design Guidelines, and fire and building codes. B. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare. The overall design of the single-family homes, including the site, building, parking, circulation and other associated site improvements, is consistent with, and intended to protect the health and safety of those working in and around the site. The project has been reviewed for and, as conditioned, has been found to be consistent with all applicable policies, guidelines, standards, and regulations intended to ensure that the development will be constructed and function in a manner consistent with the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare. Nothing proposed in the Development Plan is anticipated to have an adverse impact to the public health, safety and general welfare. Section 3. Environmental Findings. The Planning Commission hereby makes the following environmental findings and determinations in connection with the approval of the Development Plan: A. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, it has been determined that no further environmental review of the proposed project is required (Section 15162, Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations); 1. The Altair Specific Plan was formally adopted on January 9, 2018. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared and certified on December 12, 2017, as part of this effort. The proposed project is consistent with the previously adopted Altair EIR and is exempt from further environmental review (Section 15162, Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations). Staff has reviewed the EIR and has determined that the proposed project is consistent with the EIR as the proposed project merely implements the development that was already contemplated and analyzed by the EIR. The EIR analyzed the impacts of the construction of 109 single-family homes in Village B. As such, the proposed project does not require the preparation of a subsequent Environmental Impact Report or Mitigated Negative Declaration as none of the conditions described in Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines (14 Cal. Code Regs. 15162) exist. Additionally, the proposed project does not require the preparation of an addendum to the EIR as there are no changes or additions to the proposed project from what was analyzed by the EIR. Therefore, no further environmental review is required as all environmental impacts of the proposed project were analyzed, disclosed, and mitigated as set forth in the EIR. Moreover, the mitigation measures imposed as part of the EIR remain valid and applicable to the proposed project. Section 4. Conditions. The Planning Commission of the City of Temecula approves Planning Application No. PA23-0439, a Development Plan for Village B of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 109 detached single family and duplex homes and one (1) park, subject to the Conditions of Approval set forth on Exhibit A and Plan Reductions set forth in Exhibit B, attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City of Temecula Planning Commission this 21 st day of August, 2024. Bob Hagel, Chairperson ATTEST: Matt Peters Secretary [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE )ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Matt Peters, Secretary of the Temecula Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the forgoing PC Resolution No. 2024- was duly and regularly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the 21 st day of August, 2024, by the following vote: AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: NOES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Matt Peters Secretary EXHIBIT A CITY OF TEMECULA DRAFT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Application No.: PA23-0439 Project Description: Development Plan for Village B of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 109 detached single family and duplex homes and one (1) park Assessor's Parcel No.: 940-310-044 940-310-045 940-310-046 940-310-047 940-310-048 MSHCP Category: Credits per the Development Agreement (PA14-0161) DIF Category: Credits per the Development Agreement (PA14-0161) TUMF Category: Credits per the Development Agreement (PA14-0161) Quimby Category: Exempt per the Development Agreement (PA14-0161) New Street In -lieu of Fee: N/A (Project Not Located in Uptown Specific Plan Area) Approval Date: August 21, 2024 Expiration Date: August 21, 2027 PLANNING DIVISION Within 48 Hours of the Approval Page 1 of 13 Applicant Filing Notice of Determination. APPLICANT ACTION REQUIRED: The applicant/developer is responsible for filing the Notice of Determination as required under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and California Code of Regulations Section 15062 within 48 hours of the project approval. If within said 48-hour period the applicant/ developer has not filed the Notice of Determination as required above, the approval for the project granted shall be void due to failure of this condition. Failure to submit the Notice of Exemption will result in an extended period of time for legal challenges. FEES: Fees for the Notice of Exemption include the Fifty Dollar County ($50.00) administrative fee. The County of Riverside charges additional fees for credit card transactions. FILING: The City shall provide the applicant with a Notice of Determination within 24 hours of approval via email. If the applicant/developer has not received the Notice of Determination within 24 hours of approval, they shall contact the case Planner immediately. All CEQA documents must be filed online with the Riverside County Assessor — County Clerk- Recorder. A direct link to the CEQA filings page is available at TemeculaCA.gov/CEQA. COPY OF FILINGS: The applicant shall provide the City with a digital copy of the required filings within 48 hours. General Requirements 2. Indemnification of the City. Indemnity, Duty to Defend and Obligation to Pay Judgments and Defense Costs, Including Attorneys' Fees, Incurred by the City. The Applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, volunteers, agents, and those City agents serving as independent contractors in the role of City officials (collectively "Indemnitees") from and against any claims, damages, actions, causes of actions, lawsuits, suits, proceedings, losses, judgments, costs, and expenses (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees or court costs) in any manner arising out of or incident to the Planning Commission's actions, this approval and the City Council's actions, related entitlements, or the City's environmental review thereof. The Applicant shall pay and satisfy any judgment, award or decree that may be rendered against City or the other Indemnitees in any such suit, action, or other legal proceeding. The City shall promptly notify the Applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding and the City shall reasonably cooperate in the defense. If the City fails to promptly notify the Applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding, or if the City fails to reasonably cooperate in the defense, the Applicant shall not thereafter be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City or the Indemnitees. The City shall have the right to select counsel of its choice. The Applicant shall reimburse the City, and the other Indemnitees, for any and all legal expenses and costs incurred by each of them in connection therewith or in enforcing the indemnity herein provided. Nothing in this condition shall be construed to require the Applicant to indemnify Indemnitees for any claim arising from the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnitees. In the event such a legal action is filed challenging the City's determinations herein or the issuance of the approval, the City shall estimate its expenses for the litigation. The Applicant shall deposit said amount with the City or, at the discretion of the City, enter into an agreement with the City to pay such expenses as they become due. Page 2of13 Expiration. This approval shall be used within three years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void. Use means the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval within the three year period, which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion, or the beginning of substantial utilization contemplated by this approval, or use of a property in conformance with a Conditional Use Permit. A modification made to an approved development plan does not affect the original approval date of a development plan. 4. Time Extension. The Director of Community Development may, upon an application being filed prior to expiration, and for good cause, grant a time extension of up to five (5) extensions of time, one year at a time. A modification made to an approved development plan does not affect the original approval date of a development plan. Consistency with Specific Plans. This project and all subsequent projects within this site shall be consistent with the Altair Specific Plan (SP No. 15). 6. Block Wall Coating. All perimeter constructed CMU block walls in the public view shall be finished with an anti -graffiti coating and shall provide documentation confirming the installation of the coating. Consistency with Development Agreements. The project and all subsequent projects within this site shall be subject to Development Agreement No. 2018-0036259 recorded on January 30, 2018. 8. Compliance with EIR. The project and all subsequent projects within this site shall comply with all mitigation measures identified within EIR No. SCH# 2014111029. 9. Conformance with Approved Plans. The development of the premises shall substantially conform to the approved site plan and elevations contained on file with the Planning Division. 10. Signage Permits. A separate building permit shall be required for all signage. 11. Landscape Maintenance. Landscaping installed for the project shall be continuously maintained to the reasonable satisfaction of the Director of Community Development. If it is determined that the landscaping is not being maintained, the Director of Community Development shall have the authority to require the property owner to bring the landscaping into conformance with the approved landscape plan. The continued maintenance of all landscaped areas shall be the responsibility of the developer or any successors in interest. 12. Graffiti. All graffiti shall be removed within 48 hours on telecommunication towers, equipment, walls, or other structures. 13. Water Quality and Drainage. Other than stormwater, it is illegal to allow liquids, gels, powders, sediment, fertilizers, landscape debris, and waste from entering the storm drain system or from leaving the property. To ensure compliance with this Condition of Approval: a. Spills and leaks shall be cleaned up immediately. b. Do not wash, maintain, or repair vehicles onsite. c. Do not hose down parking areas, sidewalks, alleys, or gutters. d. Ensure that all materials and products stored outside are protected from rain. e. Ensure all trash bins are covered at all times. Page 3of13 14. Materials and Colors. The Conditions of Approval specified in this resolution, to the extent architectural style, materials, equipment, finishes or similar matters as specified in the Home Product Review plans, shall be deemed satisfied by City staffs prior approval of the use or utilization of an architectural style, materials, equipment, or finishes that City staff determines to be the substantial equivalent of that required by the Conditions of Approval. Staff may elect to reject the request to substitute, in which case the real party in interest may appeal, after payment of the regular cost of an appeal, the decision to the Planning Commission for its decision. 15. Modifications or Revisions. The developer shall obtain City approval for any modifications or revisions to the approval of this project. 16. Phased Construction. If construction is phased, a construction staging area plan or phasing plan for construction equipment and trash shall be approved by the Director of Community Development. 17. Previous Conditions of Approval. All previous Conditions of Approval from PA14-0159 & PA14-0160 shall remain in full effect unless superseded herein. 18. Construction and Demolition Debris. The developer shall contact the City's franchised solid waste hauler for disposal of construction and demolition debris and shall provide the Planning Division verification of arrangements made with the City's franchise solid waste hauler for disposal of construction and demolition debris. Only the City's franchisee may haul demolition and construction debris. 19. Public Art Ordinance. The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the City's Public Art Ordinance as defined in Chapter 5.08 of the Temecula Municipal Code. 20. Property Maintenance. All parkways, including within the right-of-way, entryway median, landscaping, walls, fencing, recreational facilities, and on -site lighting shall be maintained by the property owner or maintenance association. 21. Fireplaces. Per the Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program no residential units shall be constructed with wood burning fireplaces. Prior to Issuance of Precise Grading Permit 22. Placement of Transformer. Provide the Planning Division with a copy of the underground water plans and electrical plans for verification of proper placement of transformer(s) and double detector check valves prior to final agreement with the utility companies. 23. Placement of Double Detector Check Valves. Double detector check valves shall be installed at locations that minimize their visibility from the public right-of-way, subject to review and approval by the Director of Community Development. Prior to Issuance of Building Permit 24. Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF). The City of Temecula adopted an ordinance on March 31, 2003 to collect fees for a Riverside County area wide Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF). This project is subject to payment of these fees at the time of building permit issuance per the Development Agreement (PA14-0161). The fees are subject to the provisions of Chapter 15.08 of the Temecula Municipal Code and the fee schedule in effect at the time of building permit issuance. The project may participate and benefit from the TUMF credit program as authorized by the County or Riverside and currently administered by WRCOFF. 25. Development Impact Fee (DIF). The developer shall comply with the provisions of Title 15, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code and all its resolutions by paying the appropriate City fee per the Development Agreement (PA14-0161). Page 4of13 26. Photometric Plan. The applicant shall submit a photometric plan, including the parking lot, to the Planning Division, which meets the requirements of the Development Code and the Riverside County Palomar Lighting Ordinance 655. All exterior LED light fixtures shall be 3,000 kelvin or below. The parking lot light standards shall be placed in such a way as to not adversely affect the growth potential of the parking lot trees. 27. Construction Landscaping and Irrigation Plans. Construction Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Division. These plans shall be submitted as a separate submittal, not as part of the building plans or other plan set. These plans shall conform to the approved conceptual landscape plan, or as amended by these conditions. The location, number, height and spread, water usage or KC value, genus, species, and container size of the plants shall be shown. The plans shall be consistent with the Water Efficient Ordinance and Water Storage Contingency Plan per the Rancho California Water District. The plans shall be accompanied by the appropriate filing fee (per the City of Temecula Fee Schedule at time of submittal) and one copy of the approved Grading Plan. 28. Landscaping Site Inspections. The Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall include a note stating, "Three landscape site inspections are required. The first inspection will be conducted at installation of irrigation while trenches are open. This will verify that irrigation equipment and layout is per plan specifications and details. Any adjustments or discrepancies in actual conditions will be addressed at this time and will require an approval to continue. Where applicable, a mainline pressure check will also be conducted. This will verify that the irrigation mainline is capable of being pressurized to 150 psi for a minimum period of two hours without loss of pressure. The second inspection will verify that all irrigation systems are operating properly, and to verify that all plantings have been installed consistent with the approved construction landscape plans. The third inspection will verify property landscape maintenance for release of the one-year landscape maintenance bond." The applicant/owner shall contact the Planning Division to schedule inspections. 29. Agronomic Soils Report. The Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall include a note on the plans stating, "The contractor shall provide two copies of an agronomic soils report at the first irrigation inspection." 30. Water Usage Calculations. The Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall include water usage calculations per Chapter 17.32 of the Development Code (Water Efficient Ordinance), the total cost estimate of plantings and irrigation (in accordance with approved plan). Applicant shall use evapotranspiration (ETo) factor of 0.70 for calculating the maximum allowable water budget. 31. Landscape Maintenance Program. A landscape maintenance program shall be submitted to the Planning Division for approval. The landscape maintenance program shall detail the proper maintenance of all proposed plant materials to assure proper growth and landscape development for the long-term esthetics of the property. The approved maintenance program shall be provided to the landscape maintenance contractor who shall be responsible to carry out the detailed program. Page 5of13 32. Specifications of Landscape Maintenance Program. Specifications of the landscape maintenance program shall indicate, "Three landscape site inspections are required. The first inspection will be conducted at installation of irrigation while trenches are open. This will verify that irrigation equipment and layout is per plan specifications and details. Any adjustments or discrepancies in actual conditions will be addressed at this time and will require an approval to continue. Where applicable, a mainline pressure check will also be conducted. This will verify that the irrigation mainline is capable of being pressurized to 150 psi for a minimum period of two hours without loss of pressure. The second inspection will verify that all irrigation systems are operating properly, and to verify that all plantings have been installed consistent with the approved construction landscape plans. 33. Irrigation. The landscaping plans shall include automatic irrigation for all landscaped areas and complete screening of all ground mounted equipment from view of the public from streets and adjacent property for private common areas; front yards and slopes within individual lots; shrub planting to completely screen perimeter walls adjacent to a public right-of-way equal to 66 feet or larger; and, all landscaping excluding City maintained areas and front yard landscaping which shall include, but may not be limited to, private slopes and common areas. 34. Hardscaping. The landscape plans shall include all hardscaping for equestrian trails and pedestrian trails within private common areas. 35. Wall and Fence Plans. Wall and fence plans shall be consistent with the Conceptual Landscape Plans showing the height, location and the materials for all walls and fences. 36. Precise Grading Plans. Precise Grading Plans shall be consistent with the approved rough grading plans including all structural setback measurements. 37. Building Construction Plans for Outdoor Areas. Building Construction Plans shall include detailed outdoor areas (including but not limited to trellises, decorative furniture, fountains, hardscape, etc.) to match the style of the building subject to the approval of the Director of Community Development. 38. Landscaping Requirement for Phased Development. If any phase or area of the project site is not scheduled for development within six months of the completion of grading, the landscaping plans shall indicate it will be temporarily landscaped (which may include a requirement for regular irrigation) or sprayed with a binder for dust and soil erosion control. 39. WQMP Landscape Compliance. The construction landscape plans shall be consistent with Appendix A, Table 31 of the Low Impact Development (LID) Manual for Southern California for plant materials and treatment facilities, and shall reference the approved precise grading plan for WQMP features. 40. Roof -Mounted Mechanical Equipment. Roof -mounted mechanical equipment shall not be permitted within the subdivision; however, solar equipment or any other energy saving devices shall be permitted with Director of Community Development approval. 41. Utility Screening. All utilities shall be screened from public view or utilize artistic wraps. Landscape construction drawings shall show and label all utilities and provide appropriate screening. Provide a three-foot clear zone around fire check detectors as required by the Fire Department before starting the screen. Group utilities together in order to reduce intrusion. Screening of utilities is not to look like an after -thought. Plan planting beds and design around utilities. Locate all light poles on plans and ensure that there are no conflicts with trees. Prior to Release of Power, Building Occupancy or Any Use Allowed by This Permit Page 6of13 42. Landscape Installation Consistent with Construction Plans. All required landscape planting and irrigation shall have been installed consistent with the approved construction plans and shall be in a condition acceptable to the Director of Community Development. The plants shall be healthy and free of weeds, disease, or pests. The irrigation system shall be properly constructed and in good working order. 43. Installation of Site Improvements. All site improvements, including but not limited to, parking areas and striping shall be installed but may be installed in a phased fashion consistent the approved phasing plan. 44. Compliance with Conditions of Approval. All of the foregoing conditions shall be complied with prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this approval. Phased compliance may occur consistent with phasing plan. 45. Front Yard and Slope Landscaping. Front yard and slope landscaping within individual lots shall be completed for inspection. 46. Private Common Area Landscaping. Private common area landscaping shall be completed. 47. HOA Landscaping. HOA landscaping shall be completed for inspection for those lots adjacent to HOA landscaped area. Outside Agencies 48. Compliance with Geotechnical. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the Geocon West Inc. transmittal dated March 25, 2024, a copy of which is attached. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT General Requirements 49. Conditions of Approval. The developer shall comply with all Conditions of Approval, the Specific Plan, the Engineering and Construction Manual and all City codes/standards at no cost to any governmental agency. 50. Entitlement Approval. The developer shall comply with the approved site plan, the conceptual Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) and other relevant documents approved during entitlement. Any significant omission to the representation of site conditions may require the plans to be resubmitted for further review and revision. 51. Precise Grading Permit. A precise grading permit for on site improvements (outside of public right-of-way) shall be obtained from Public Works. 52. Haul Route Permit. A haul route permit may be required when soils are moved on public roadways to or from a grading site. The developer/contractor is to verify if the permit is required. If so, he shall comply with all conditions and requirements per the City's Engineering and Construction Manual and as directed by Public Works. 53. Encroachment Permits. Prior to commencement of any applicable construction, encroachment permit(s) are required and shall be obtained from Public Works for public offsite improvements. 54. Street Improvement Plans. The developer shall submit private street improvement plans for review and approval by Public Works. The plans shall be in compliance with Caltrans and City codes/standards; and shall include, but not limited to, plans and profiles showing existing topography, existing/proposed utilities, proposed centerline, top of curb and flowline grades. Page 7of13 55. Signing & Striping Plan. A signing & striping plan, designed by a registered civil engineer per the latest edition of Caltrans MUTCD standards, shall be included with the street improvement plans for approval. 56. Storm Drain Improvement Plans. The developer shall submit storm drain improvement plans if the street storm flows exceeds top of curb for the 10-year storm event and/or is not contained within the street right-of-way for the 100-year storm event. A manhole shall be constructed at right-of-way where a private and public storm drain systems connect. The plans shall be approved by Public Works. 57. Private Drainage Facilities. All onsite drainage and water quality facilities shall be privately maintained. 58. Underlying Approvals. If, in applying these conditions, there is conflict between the requirements of (i) the project's Development Agreement, as amended to date, (ii) the Specific Plan, as amended to date, and/or (iii) Tentative Tract Map No. 36959, the prevailing requirement shall be determined as follows: a. First priority goes to the provisions of the Development Agreement b. Second priority goes to the provisions of the Specific Plan, then c. Third priority goes to the provisions of Tentative Tract Map No.36959-1, 36959-2, 36959-3 and 36959 Prior to Issuance of a Grading Permit 59. Environmental Constraint Sheet (ECS). The developer shall comply with all constraints per the recorded ECS with any underlying maps related to the subject property. 60. Grading/Erosion & Sediment Control Plan. The developer shall submit a grading/erosion & sediment control plan(s) to be reviewed and approved by Public Works. All plans shall be coordinated for consistency with adjacent projects and existing improvements contiguous to the site. The approved plan shall include all construction -phase pollution -prevention controls to adequately address non -permitted runoff. Refer to the City's Engineering & Construction Manual at: www.TemeculaCA.gov/ECM 61. Erosion & Sediment Control Securities. The developer shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 18, Section 18.24.140 of the Temecula Municipal Code by posting security and entering into an agreement to guarantee the erosion & sediment control improvements. 62. NPDES General Permit Compliance. The developer shall obtain project coverage under the State National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Construction Activities and shall provide the following: a. A copy of the Waste Discharge Identification Number (WDID) issued by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB); b. The project's Risk Level (RL) determination number; and c. The name, contact information and certification number of the Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) Pursuant to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) requirements and City's storm water ordinance, a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be generated and submitted to the Board. Throughout the project duration, the SWPPP shall be routinely updated and readily available (onsite) to the State and City. Review www.cabmphandbooks.com for SWPPP guidelines. Refer to the following link: http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water issues/programs/stormwater/construction.shtml Page 8of13 63. Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) and O&M Agreement. The developer shall submit a final WQMP (prepared by a registered professional engineer) with the initial grading plan submittal, based on the conceptual WQMP from the entitlement process. It must receive acceptance by Public Works. A copy of the final project -specific WQMP must be kept onsite at all times. In addition, a completed WQMP Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Agreement shall be submitted for review and approval. Upon approval from City staff, the applicant shall record the O&M agreement at the County Recorder's Office in Temecula. Refer to the WQMP template and agreement link: www.TemeculaCA.gov/WQMP. As part of the WQMP approval, the Engineer of Record shall report and certify BMP construction per City of Temecula NPDES requirements. Should the project require Alternative Compliance, the developer is responsible for execution of an approved Alternative Compliance Agreement. a. Per the City's letter regarding Alternative Compliance Program (ACP) credits dated May 9th, 2024, project shall be eligible for use of ACP credits and ACP credits will be available for prepurchase. 64. Area Drainage Plan (ADP) Fee to RCFC&WCD. The developer shall demonstrate to the City that the flood mitigation charge (ADP fee) has been paid to RCFC&WCD. If the full ADP fee has already been credited to this property, no new charge will be required. 65. Drainage. All applicable drainage shall be depicted on the grading plan and properly accommodated with onsite drainage improvements and water quality facilities, which shall be privately maintained. Alterations to existing drainage patterns or concentration and/or diverting flows is not allowed unless the developer constructs adequate drainage improvements and obtains the necessary permissions from the downstream property owners. All drainage leaving the site shall be conveyed into a public storm drain system, if possible. The creation of new cross lot drainage is not permitted. 66. Drainage Study. A drainage study shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer and submitted to Public Works with the initial grading plan check in accordance with City, Riverside County and engineering standards. The study shall identify storm water runoff quantities (to mitigate the 10 and 100-year storm event for 24 hour storm duration peak flow) from the development of this site and upstream of the site. It shall identify all existing or proposed offsite or onsite, public or private, drainage facilities intended to discharge this runoff. Runoff shall be conveyed to an adequate outfall capable of receiving the storm water runoff without damage to public or private property. The study shall include a capacity analysis verifying the adequacy of all facilities. Any upgrading or upsizing of drainage facilities necessary to convey the storm water runoff shall be provided as part of development of this project. 67. Soils Report. A soils report, prepared by a registered soil or civil engineer, shall be submitted to Public Works with the initial grading plan submittal. The report shall address the site's soil conditions and provide recommendations for the construction of engineered structures and preliminary pavement sections. 68. Letter of Permission/Easement. The developer shall obtain documents (letters of permission or easements) for any offsite work performed on adjoining properties. The document's format is as directed by, and shall be submitted to, Public Works for acceptance. The document information shall be noted on the approved grading plan. 69. Sight Distance. The developer shall limit landscaping in the corner cut-off area of all street intersections and adjacent to driveways to provide for minimum sight distance and visibility. Page 9of13 70. American Disability Act. The developer shall ensure that all frontage areas to the proposed development within the public right of way are ADA compliant. Any sidewalk within the public right of way found to be non -compliant shall be the responsibility of the property owner to be removed and replaced with ADA compliant sidewalk per the Streets and Highway Code Section 5610. Prior to Issuance of Encroachment Permit(s) 71. Public Utility Agency Work. The developer shall submit all relevant documentation due to encroaching within City right-of-way; and is responsible for any associated costs and for making arrangements with each applicable public utility agency. 72. Traffic Control Plans. A construction area traffic control plan (TCP) will be required for lane closures and detours or other disruptions to traffic circulation; and shall be reviewed and approved by Public Works. The TCP shall be designed by a registered civil or traffic engineer in conformance with the latest edition of the Caltrans Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and City standards. 73. Improvement Plans. All improvement plans (including but not limited to street, storm drain, traffic) shall be reviewed and approved by Public Works. 74. Street Trenching. All street trenches shall conform to City Standard No. 407; refer to the City's Paving Notes. Prior to Issuance of Building Permit(s) 75. Final Map. Prior to issuance of the FIRST production building permit, Tract Map No. 36959-1 shall be approved and recorded. 76. Construction of Street Improvements. All street improvement plans shall be approved by Public Works. The developer shall start construction of all private street improvements, as outlined below, in accordance to the City's General Plan/Circulation Element and corresponding City standards. All street improvement designs shall provide adequate right-of-way and pavement transitions per Caltrans' standards to join existing street improvements. a. Streets A through M (Private — 24' min R/E) to include installation of full -width street improvements, including utilities, as shown on the approved Site Plan. 77. Street Lights. a. Street Light Plan — Street lighting shall be designed in accordance with the latest City Standards and Specifications for LS-3 street light rates, and as determined by the City Engineer with the exception of the public portion of Altair Vista, Coromell Trail, B Street and C Street which will include a decorative LS-1 system. b. Onsite and Offsite Street Lights Ownership and Maintenance — All proposed public and private street lights shall be designed in accordance with City approved standards and specifications, or as determined and approved by the City Engineer. The City shall have ownership and maintenance of all proposed public street lights and associated appurtenances, and shall be provided with adequate service points for power. The design shall be incorporated in the project's street improvement plans or in a separate street light plan as determined and approved by the City Engineer. c. Streetlight Design as LS-3 Rate Lights — All new streetlights on public streets, except as noted above, shall be designed as LS-3 rate lights in accordance with approved City standards and specifications, and as determined by the City Engineer. d. Street Light Service Point Addressing — The developer shall coordinate with the PW Department and with Southern California Edison the assignment of addresses to required street light service points. Service points serving public streetlights shall be owned by the City and shall be located within public right of way or within duly dedicated public easements. Page 10 of 13 78. Certifications. Certifications are required from the registered civil engineer -of -record certifying the building pad elevation(s) per the approved plans and from the soil's engineer -of -record certifying compaction of the building pad(s). Prior to Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy 79. Completion of Improvements. The developer shall complete all work per the approved plans and Conditions of Approval to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. This includes all on site work (including water quality facilities), public improvements and the executed WQMP Operation and Maintenance agreement. 80. Utility Agency Clearances. The developer shall receive written clearance from applicable utility agencies (i.e., Rancho California and Eastern Municipal Water Districts, etc.) for the completion of their respective facilities and provide to Public Works. 81. Replacement of Damaged Improvements/Monuments. Any appurtenance damaged or broken during development shall be repaired or removed and replaced to the satisfaction of Public Works. Any survey monuments damaged or destroyed shall be reset per City Standards by a qualified professional pursuant to the California Business and Professional Code Section 8771. 82. Certifications. All necessary certifications and clearances from engineers, utility companies and public agencies shall be submitted as required by Public Works. 83. Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Verification. As part of the WQMP approval, the Engineer of Record shall report and certify BMP construction per City of Temecula NPDES requirements. Should the project require alternative compliance, the developer is responsible for execution of an approved Alternative Compliance Agreement. FIRE PREVENTION General Requirements 84. Fire Hydrants. The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set minimum fire hydrant distances per CFC Appendix C. Super fire hydrants (6" x 4" x (2) 2 '/2" outlets) shall be located on fire access roads and adjacent public streets. For all single family dwellings and tract homes hydrants shall be 500 feet apart, and shall be located no more than 250 feet from any point on the street or Fire Department access road(s) frontage to a hydrant. The required fire flow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. The fire line may be required to be a looped system. The upgrade of existing fire hydrants may be required (CFC Appendix C and Temecula Municipal Code Section 15.16.020). 85. Fire Dept. Plan Review. Final fire and life safety conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed by the Fire Prevention Bureau. These conditions will be based on occupancy, use, the California Building Code (CBC), California Fire Code (CFC), and related codes which are in force at the time of building plan submittal. 86. Fire Flow. The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set a minimum fire flow for the construction of all residential buildings per CFC Appendix B. The developer shall provide for this project, a water system capable of delivering 2,000 GPM at 20-PSI residual operating pressure for a 2-hour duration for single family dwellings. This applies to public or private systems. If the system is public, a letter from the water purveyor will be required to be submitted with plans to ensure that the fire flow requirements will be met. (CFC Appendix B and Temecula Municipal Code Section 15.16.020). Page 11 of 13 87. Fire Requirement. Fire sprinkler plans will be required for each individual home, not structure or model type. The fire sprinkler contractor will be responsible for submitting plans for each individual home. Each home will have their own dedicated residential fire sprinkler riser located in the garage. For the duplexes, a fire sprinkler riser will be located in each garage and each home will have their own permit. Prior to Issuance of Grading Permit(s) 88. Access Road Widths. Fire Department vehicle access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 24 feet and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches. On trash days, the trash bins will be placed in this fire access road, a minimum of 20-feet of clear width must be maintained for fire access and the trash bins cannot be located in this fire access lane any longer than a 24-hour period. Failure to comply with this will result in trash bins no longer being able to impede the fire access lanes/roads. (CFC Chapter 5 and Temecula Municipal Code Section 15.16.020). 89. Two Point Access. This development shall maintain two points of access, via all-weather surface roads, as approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau (CFC Chapter 5). 90. All Weather Access Roads. Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be with a surface to provide all-weather driving capabilities. Access roads shall be 80,000 lbs. GVW with a minimum of AC thickness of .25 feet. In accordance with Section 3310.1, prior to building construction, all locations where structures are to be built shall have fire apparatus access roads. (CFC Chapter 5 and Temecula Municipal Code Section 15.16.020). 91. Gradient of Access Roads. The gradient for fire apparatus access roads shall not exceed 15 percent (CFC Chapter 5 and Temecula Municipal Code Section 15.16.020). 92. Turning Radius. Dead end roadways and streets in excess of 150 feet which have not been completed shall have a turnaround capable of accommodating fire apparatus (CFC Chapter 5 and Temecula Municipal Code 15.16.020). Prior to Issuance of Building Permit(s) 93. Required Submittals (Fire Underground Water). The developer shall furnish electronic copies of the water system plans to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to installation for all private water systems pertaining to the fire service loop. Plans shall be signed by a registered civil engineer, contain a Fire Prevention Bureau approval signature block, and conform to hydrant type, location, spacing and minimum fire flow standards. Hydraulic calculations will be required with the underground submittal to ensure fire flow requirements are being met for the on -site hydrants. The plans must be submitted and approved prior to building permit being issued (CFC Chapter 33 and Chapter 5). 94. Required Submittals (Fire Sprinkler Systems). Fire sprinkler plans shall be submitted electronically to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval. Fire sprinkler plans must be submitted by the installing contractor to the Fire Prevention Bureau. These plans must be submitted prior to the issuance of building permit. A set of plans is required for each individual home. 95. Required Submittals (Fuel Modification). Fuel modification plans shall be submitted electronically to the Fire Prevention Bureau for review and approval for all open space areas adjacent to the wildland-vegetation interface (CFC Chapter 49). Prior to Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy Page 12 of 13 96. Gates and Access. All manual and electronic gates on required Fire Department access roads or gates obstructing Fire Department building access shall be provided with the Knox Rapid entry system for emergency access by firefighting personnel (CFC Chapter 5). 97. Hydrant Verification. Hydrant locations shall be identified by the installation of reflective markers (blue dots) (Temecula Municipal Code Section 15.16.020). 98. Addressing. New buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Single family residences shall have 4-inch letters and/or numbers, as approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau (CFC Chapter 5 and Temecula Municipal Code Section 15.16.020). Page 13 of 13 GEOCON W E S T, I N C. GEOTECHNICAL ■ ENVIRONMENTAL ■ Project No. T2652-22-19 March 25, 2024 City of Temecula 41000 Main Street Temecula, California 92590 Attention: Mr. Scott Cooper M A T E R I A L S <<7 Subject: GEOTECHNICAL THIRD -PARTY REVIEW (LR22-1033) PROPOSED ALTAIR SPECIFIC PLAN RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Cooper: In accordance with your request, Geocon West, Inc. (Geocon) has completed a third -party review of the Geotechnical Evaluation, Proposed `Altair" Residential Development, City of Temecula, California, dated June 29, 2023 and response to comments dated February 9, 2024, prepared by LGC Geotechnical, Inc. (LGC). The purpose of the review is to present our opinion regarding the suitability of the study, conclusions, and recommendations provided within the referenced document. Geocon's review is based on the City of Temecula Engineering Construction Manual dated 2020; County of Riverside Technical Guidelines for the Review of Geotechnical and Geologic Reports 2000 Edition, Standard Specification for Public Works Construction, 2022 edition, California Geological Survey Special Publication 117A, Guidelines for Evaluating and Mitigating Seismic Hazards in California dated 2008, ASCE 7-16, and 2022 California Building Code. PURPOSE AND SCOPE The scope services performed by Geocon for this geotechnical third -party review consisted of reviewing the Geotechnical Response dated February 9, 2024 to Geocon's initial comments dated January 11, 2024 with respect to geotechnical aspects of developing the Altair project. CONCLUSIONS Based on our review of the referenced document, the following should be incorporated into the geotechnical review of the 40-scale grading plan report for the Altair project Comments No. 1 through 7 were addressed. 41571 Corning Place, Suite 101 ■ Murrieta, California 92562 ■ Telephone 951.304.2300 ■ www.geoconinc.com Comment No. 8 refers to a 370-foot-high slope at the end of the second paragraph. We assume that is a typographical error. If it is not and a 370-foot-high slope is planned, slope stability analysis should be provided in the grading plan review report. Comments 9 through 13 were addressed. Comment 14 is regarding 3 inch minus rock within Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) utility trench backfill. LGC stated it would be up to the utility agencies inspectors to monitor the size of rock within the backfill. However, the agencies rely on the geotechnical inspectors to monitor and enforce trench backfill requirements during construction. Therefore, LGC technicians will be responsible for monitoring and verifying that no rocks greater than 3 inches in maximum diameter are included in the backfill soils for EMWD lines. LGC should acknowledge this in their grading plan review report. Comment 15: LGC states they will discuss the City of Temecula's paving requirements to clarify the City's requirements prior to providing pavement section recommendations for the project. This is an acceptable solution to conflicting or incomplete requirements in this situation. Comment 16 was addressed. Comment 17: See Comment 14, above. Comment 18: We recommend LGC acquire confirmation from the City that relative compaction of less than 90 percent is acceptable where structures and infrastructure are not impacted. LGC should discuss City approval in the 40-scale grading plan review document. Comment 19: LGC should provide the method by which the settlement values were calculated in the 40-scale grading plan review. Comments 20 through 23 were addressed. Geocon has completed this review on behalf of the City of Temecula to determine if the major geotechnical aspects of the project were reasonably analyzed and addressed within the general standard of care in our industry. No additional analysis nor independent investigation were performed. The geotechnical consultant is responsible for confirming their findings and recommendations during construction. Our review should not be considered an endorsement of these documents or of the construction operations that result from them. Geocon Project No. T2652-22-19 - 2 - January 11, 2024 Should you have any questions regarding this letter, or if we may be of further service, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, GEOCON WEST, INC. c)1,iAl G USA A. O or BATFIATO No. 2316 l CER71FIED EONEEOLOGIS as +� Lisa A. Battiato QFCAL�F� CEG 2316 LAB:ATS:hd Andrew rShoashekan PE 93 Distribution: City of Temecula Planning Department, Attn: Scott Cooper SHQ,9�'=�G? � m � p N..93940 CIVI OF CA1-�EO Geocon Project No. T2652-22-19 - 3 - January 11, 2024 Table of Contents Architecture Village B Overall Contextual Site Plan............................................................. SP-1 Village B Site Plan......................................................................................... SP-2 Village B Open Space Exhibit......................................................................... SP-3 Village B Parking Exhibit................................................................................ SP-4 Village B Trash Staging Exhibit....................................................................... SP-5 Village B Preliminary Elevation and Color Assignment .................................... SP-6 P-2 3 Story Single Family I Frontage Exhibit........................................................ A-1 P-2 3 Story Single Family I Schematic Floor Plans..............................................A-2 P-2 3 Story Single Family: Plan 1 Schematic Elevations....................................A-3 P-2 3 Story Single Family: Plan 2Schematic Elevations....................................A-4 P-2 3 Story Single Family: Plan 3Schematic Elevations....................................A-5 P-2 3 Story Single Family: Plan 3Schematic Elevations....................................A-6 P-2 3 Story Single Family I Architectural Details ................................................. A-7 P-3 3 Story Duplex Townhomes I Frontage Exhitbit............................................. A-8 ri L, Brookfield Residential ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO P-3 3 Story Duplex Townhomes I Schematic Floor Plans ..................................... A-9 P-3 3 Story Duplex Townhomes : Building 1 Schematic Elevations .................. A-10 P-3 3 Story Duplex Townhomes : Building 2 Schematic Elevations .................. A-11 P-3 3 Story Duplex Townhomes : Architectural Details ...................................... A-12 Village B Streetscene........................................................................................ SS-1 Village B Streetscene........................................................................................ SS-2 Exterior Colors & Materials..............................................................................CM-1 Exterior Colors & Materials..............................................................................CM-2 Exterior Colors & Materials..............................................................................CM-3 Landscape Architecture PreliminaryLandscape Plan................................................................................ L-1 PreliminaryLandscape Plan................................................................................ L-2 Preliminary Landscape Enlargement.................................................................... L-3 Brookfield Homes Contact: Colin Koch 3200 Park Center Drive, Suite 1000 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714.200.1563 1 www.brookfieldpropertiesdevelopment.com WHA. Architects . Planners . Designers . Contact: Jeff Chelwick, Nick Manea 680 Newport Center Drive, Suite 300 Newport Beach, CA 92705 949.250.0607 1 www.WHAinc.com Preliminary Landscape Enlargement.................................................................... L-4 Preliminary Street Sections.................................................................................. L-5 Village Parking Programming............................................................................... L-6 ConnectivityPlan................................................................................................ L-7 Walland Fence Plan............................................................................................ L-8 Mailbox and Transformer Conditions....................................................................L-9 SiteFurnishings................................................................................................ L-10 Civil TitleSheet........................................................................................................... C1 Village B Preliminary Site Plan............................................................................. C2 Village B Preliminary Site Plan............................................................................. C3 Village B Preliminary Grading Plan....................................................................... C4 Village B Preliminary Grading Plan....................................................................... C5 Village B Preliminary Wet Utility Plan.................................................................... C6 Hunsaker &Associates � Contact: Ryan Martin � 9707 Waples Street, San Diego, CA 92121 858.558.4500 1 www.hunsakerSD.com C2 Collaborative Contact: Chris Fortunato 100 Avenida Miramar, San Clemente, CA 92672 949.366.6624 www.c2collaborative.com Village B Preliminary Wet Utility Plan.................................................................... C7 Lighting Altair Street Lighting Village B..............................................................................L-1 AltairStreet Lighting........................................................................................... L-2 Altair Street Lighting Photome tric...................................................................... L-3 AltairStreet Lighting.......................................................................................... L-4 AltairStreet Lighting.......................................................................................... L-5 2022219 1 07-02-2024 Submittal Log Submittal 1 11-03-2023 Submittal 2 02-23-2024 Submittal 3 05-24-2024 Submittal 4 07-02-2024 File No.: R 8Y P A5R�IDQR WE 1 � ;1•.� ti;- r - ALTAIR VISTA 171 A 1� 1 � 1 I + I -= Y; II - _ -- r{ gm - 1 A 1 B — VILLAGE B I Overall Contextual Site Plan f OF I DISCLAIMER Note: 1. Refer to Civil engineer's plan to verify official record of metes & bounds and utility locations. Notes: 1. Site plan is for conceptual purposes only. 2. Site plan must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire departments for code compliance. 3. Base information per civil engineer. 4. Civil engineer to verify all setbacks and grading information 5. Building Footprints might change due to the final design elevation style. 6. Open space area is subject to change due to the balcony design of the elevation. 7. Building setbacks are measured from property lines to building foundation lines. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS rookf mieli I R SP-1 0 20 40 80 Mo Residential TEMECULA, CA PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #4 I DRAFT O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMPLHPLCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBP WHA. 12022219 07-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Project Summary - Village B: Parcel Number: 940310044 9403100481940310047 Partially in: 940310045 940310046 Legal Description of Property: .88 ACRES MIL IN POR PAR 2 PM 169/011 PM 23969 3.31 ACRES MIL IN POR PAR 2 PM 169/011 PM 23969 6.29 ACRES MIL IN POR PAR 2 AND PAR 1 PM 169/011 PM 23969 Partially in: 6.26 ACRES NET IN PAR 3 PM 169/011 PM 23969 4.30 ACRES NET IN PAR 4 PM 169/011 PM 23969 Existing/ Proposed Zoning: Specific Plan (SP-15 Altair) Existing/ Proposed General Plan: Specific Plan Implementation (SPI) Existing Specific Plan Land Use: Altair Specific Plan: SP-R Residential Zone Proposed Specific Plan Land Use: Altair Specific Plan: SP-R Residential Zone Total Gross AC: + 12.36 Gross Acres Total Net AC: + 7.04 Net Acres Total Units: 109 Homes Net density: Building Setbacks: • (21) P2: 3 Story Single Family •• Height - + 39' - 6" • (88) P3: 3 Story Duplex Townhomes •• Height - + 38' - 6" 15.48 D U/AC From Altair Vista Property line From Western Bypass ROW At other lot lines Occupancy Classification: R-3 SFDIDuplex Type of Construction: Type V-B Fire Sprinklers: NFPA-13R 3' ft. min 20' ft. min o' ft. min. 10' ft. max No maximum No maximum Village C1 .p Village A 1000, L. ,re 6y 01 - { POO 1 p�p0 �' � • {',�+ • elg�3� Sd � d3 Neighboring Zone: VILLAGE �''9[ Residential VILLAGE Existing Land Use: High Residential Neighboring Zone: Light Industrial (IL) Existing Land Use: Industrial Park ----r----------------------- i Neighboring ane: F S eci is Plan Implem ntation (SPI) U p d Land Use: A Residenti, �.1 DISCLAIMER Note: 1. Refer to Civil engineers plan to verify official record of metes & bounds and utility locations. 1. Site plan is for conceptual purposes only. 2. Site plan must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire departments for code compliance. 3. Base information per civil engineer. 4. Civil engineer to verify all setbacks and grading information 5. Building Footprints might change due to the final design elevation style. 6. Open space area is subject to change due to the balcony design of the elevation. 7. Building setbacks are measured from property lines to building foundation lines. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS Brookfield Residential TEMECULA, CA SP-2 0 20 40 80 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #Q I DRAFT O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Project Summary - Village B: Open Space Total Units: 109 Homes • (21) 3 Story Single Family • (88) 3 Story Duplex Townhomes Open Space: Required: 17,860' SF Total (164' SF per home) • Common: 1,680' SF (80' SF per SFD) 5280' SF (60'_ SF per Duplex) 65960' SF Common Total • Private: 2,100' SF (100' SF per SFD) 8,800' S F (100' S F per Duplex) 107900' SF Private Total Provided: 477955' SF Total (440' SF per home) • Common: 11,984' SF (25' Min. Dimension) • Private: 35,971 SF (6' Min. Dimension) * Includes balconies & decks on the 2nd floor. Park Required: 28,314 SF Total (.65 AC) Park Provided: 291175 SF Total (0.67 AC) Village C 1 ��126Fi 0- 3` Village A Neighboring Zone: VILLAGE B I ooeiopc e tx6ibit Existing Land Use: High Residential ■ r � ■ ■ , I Neighboring Zone: Light Industrial (IL) Existing Land Use: Industrial Park Neighboring r Plan lmnler one: ntation (SPI) g Land Use: ood Residenti, DISCLAIMER Note: 1. Refer to Civil engineer's plan to verify official record of metes & hounds and utility locations. Notes: 1. Site plan is for conceptual purposes only. 2. Site plan must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire departments for code compliance. 3. Base information per civil engineer. 4. Civil engineer to verify all setbacks and grading information 5. Building Footprints might change due to the final design elevation style. 6. Open space area is subject to change due to the balcony design of the elevation. 7. Building setbacks are measured from property lines to building foundation lines. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS Brookfield Residential .AIR TEMECULA, CA SP-3 0 20 40 80 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #4 1 DRAFT OO 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Project Summary - Village B: Parking Total Gross AC: + 12.36 Gross Acres Total Net AC: + 7.04 Net Acres Total Units: 109 Homes • (21) SFD Homes • (88) duplex Townhomes Parking: Required: Provided: 230 Spaces • (21) 3 Sty SFD x 2.0 Spaces • (21) Guest x 0.1 Spaces • (88) Duplex x 2.0 Spaces • (88) Guest x 0.1 Spaces 236 Spaces • Garage: • Head In • Parallel: Brookfield Residential = 42 Spaces = 3 Spaces =176 Spaces = 9 Spaces 218 Covered Spaces 2 Uncovered Spaces (9' x 18') 16 uncovered Spaces (8' x 22') Village C1 Village A VILLAGE B I Neighboring Zone: Kir�g �x�iitit iAIR Existing Land Use: High Residential r■ it �1 Neighboring Zone: Light Industrial (IL) Existing Land Use: Industrial Park one: ntation (SPI) � Land Use: ood Residenti, SP-4 0 20 40 80 DISCLAIMER Note: 1. Refer to Civil engineer's plan to verify official record of metes & bounds and utility locations. Notes: 1. Site plan is for conceptual purposes only. 2. Site plan must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire departments for code compliance. 3. Base information per civil engineer. 4. Civil engineer to verify all setbacks and grading information 5. Building Footprints might change due to the final design elevation style. 6. Open space area is subject to change due to the balcony design of the elevation. 7. Building setbacks are measured from property lines to building foundation lines. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS TEMECULA, CA PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #4 1 DRAFT OO 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO I�n o FT��I 0 7 T :IVA a I] :I kyl :W a L_ Enlargement Proposed Trash Can Staging Refuse & Recycling Containers - Village B [—T] (109 Total) Trash Can '60' Gallon (41 "H x 27"W x 33"D) -1 per Unit FRI (109 Total) Recycle Can '60' Gallon (41 "H x 27" III x 33"D) -1 per Unit F01 (109 Total) Organic Can '60' Gallon (41 "H x 27" III x 33"D) -1 per Unit *Trash cans shall be placed on homeowners drive apron to allow trash trucks ease of flow through circulation & pickup. Where stub alleys occur; trash cans shall be placed at the closet drive entry. *Trash cans will be on the street less than 24 hours on Trash Collection Day *All parking spaces shall be available on Trash Collection Day. � o � I FR][0][T] R 0 Village A � I 20 Q - �fA I top I � P �� o G7 Air a� Ica _ At — 03 - �(-0 - 00 r A Y p o 9,so BLD 411 m 1 � 0 21.T 13LO # a 0 ❑ �❑ Q —213 BLD #38 BLD #39 ' L y g�,D43 m Q 1 PVT. DRIVE „H" OLD �}4 ® Q VV VV 11 VV -J 'D� BLD #37 BLD #36 0 4.0 -� - v CL 22.0' ❑1 4.6-- ti 3 .a' PVT. DRIVE "13- m y 4 9 BLD #34 BLD #35 y Village C o ® ; L- 4-0 �� A 21_3 BLDG #31 BLD 3Q BLD #29 BLD #28 BLD #27 PVT. DRIVE "G" � L� 13 ANA A� A A A LIA VV VV VV vv�' PVT. DRIVE "D" 2.01 BLD #33 BLD #32VV VV;V vv V ti V IVVVVVV VVVVL�Vv V VV BLDS #9 BLD #2 BLDG# BLDIP#4 BLDG #5 BLD #6 BLDG A PVT. DRIVE ",q" ® E, 1 _ �N'54 16-- -- - -- N44'23'5S £ 523.07• Property Line Neighboring hborin Zone: Existing ity Reside I VILLAGE B TrasnLand Use: Nigh Residential Neighboring Zone: Light Industrial (IL) Existing Land Use: Industrial Park one: ntation (SPI) g Land Use: ood Residenti, DISCLAIMER Note: 1. Refer to Civil engineer's plan to verify official record of metes & bounds and utility locations. Notes: 1. Site plan is for conceptual purposes only. 2. Site plan must be reviewed by planning, building, and fine departments for code compliance. 3. Base information per civil engineer. 4. Civil engineer to verify all setbacks and grading information 5. Building Footprints might change due to the final design elevation style. 6. Open space area is subject to change due to the balcony design of the elevation. 7. Building setbacks are measured from property lines to building foundation lines. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS rookf ie Residen 14 tial FAIR TEMECULA, CA SP-5 0 20 40 80 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #4 1 DRAFT OO 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO EXPOSED SIDE ELEVATION REQUIRES ENHANCEMENT COLOR SCHEMES P2—PROGR 4 5 6 7 8 9 ESSIVE AGRARIAN SCHEME 4 SCHEME 5 SCHEME 6 SCHEME 7 SCHEME 8 SCHEMES P3 - ABSTRACT TRADITIONAL 10 SCHEME 10 11 SCHEME II �7■ SCHEME 12 Refer to Sheet CM-1 to CM-3 for Exterior Color and Materials rookf ielt Residentie' I � PCL 4 � I Neighboring Zone: Light Industrial (IL) APN 921-281-017 pkr -05, 4 P,')�.. — � /Z��J'• 11 z - ((' o ❑� F m Q� 24.0, 22.0' 2 3 r�V 5 6 78. , P 8 0� Q 14 Q AZ r4l •` R Misr • u�LIC 4 J VILLAGE B Preliminary Elevation FAIR r V• r M a•' �11 Q� ssignment Existing Land Use: Industrial Park PCL 3 APN 921-281-016 Neighboring one: ific Plan Implemen tion (SPI LOT 1 Existihg, Land Use: Neighborhod\d Residential �O LOT 6 li/s� xisting ind Use: Residential 0-052 itial SP-6 0 20 40 80 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #4 1 DRAFT OO 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 LOT 7 DISCLAIMER Note: 1. Refer to Civil engineer's plan to verify official record of metes & bounds and utility locations. Notes: 1. Site plan is for conceptual purposes only. 2. Site plan must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire departments for code compliance. 3. Base information per civil engineer. 4. Civil engineer to verify all setbacks and grading information 5. Building Footprints might change due to the final design elevation style. 6. Open space area is subject to change due to the baicony design of the elevation. 7. Building setbacks are measured from property lines to building foundation lines. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS TEMECULA, CA ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Brookfiela Residential i I �f C CLOOM, R O O 0 c.1i r 8 V1 o N N r 7` - - ►� - :.bI L6e� ir B © B �' . 'r. - :.� � -.. a. •. +rf ;':"� r. �--...-,.�' ti :�'� .....� _:•3•�C`: Y- ii ; z.:►.,_... • ..�.rr�h�����:•cua , _ ••.Y.�• � . _ +►.'.. r �� .7..r-� � � =:►' i.L ' � " BUILDING FRONTAGE *FROM STREET OR PASEO (�) PORCH (9.4.2) •DESCRIPTION -PROJECTING PORCH WITH COLUMNS AND SOLID ROOF. - FLOOR LEVEL TO BE 4" MINMUM ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE. -DEPTH PROVIDES SUFFICIENT SPACE FOR SITTING. 0 RECESSED ENTRY (9.4.3) •DESCRIPTION - ENCLOSED BY AT LEAST (2) BUILDING WALLS. - ENTRY IS COVERED BY BUILDING OR OVERHANG. - FLOOR LEVEL IS INTEGRATED WITH THE YARD. 0 WALLED YARD (9.4.4) •DESCRIPTION - DECORATIVE LOW WALL OR FENCE PROVIDED - OUTSWINGING GATES NOT ENCROACHING OVER PROPERTY LINE. - DISCRETE SECURITY MEASURES Key Map (N.T.S.) + r r r r rr + � r � U Q7 I r IrI^}jl ALTAIR VISTA w. (PUBLIC) - Plan 2 Plan 3 (Roof Deck) Plan 2 Color Scheme 4 Color Scheme 6 Color Scheme 9 Progressive Agrarian P=2: 3 STORY SINGLE FAMILY Frontage Exhibit Al R A-1 0 4 8 ,6 TEMECULA, CA PA23-0439 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO ! ROOF OPT. DECK 1 s,_9„ x 11 _T' ROOF 3rd Floor (Opt. Deck) 3rd Floor Construction Type : VB Occupancy Type : R3 Sprinkler Type : 13D rookf ielt Residential a a. LU Cn LU III en vi cr d 7 r f _ OC O a lJJ PWDR. FA�AILY M. 12'-10"x EG wil+ 11 ORO I i`_'' I I �\ I � I � 1 °q I I I PLAN 2 I �� • GARAGE I `Lr r I I --------- C ANTI LEVER TYP. 2nd Floor 1 Q'-9" FENCE LINES STREET SIDEWALK z2'-6" O YARD O YARD YARD __ f 3 ❑�PORCH 16,_�O 1I I P L_=__ � - L-=;=-a - - - � �� x q,_T,� Q I I KITCHEN I + I I F ``1 '`__ J' °-. DEN I OPT.BDRM 4 1 10'-0" X 1 11.2" V •�,Ij I II CB -- II DINING I 1 13'-3" x Y-8" GOAT [2_ WIH 6'_.711 I I I I i I ' 1 \ r / I / I I ' 1 10 lVl ' GARAGE GARAGE •�T h ��' 7'-2" / 1 7 I I , I I 1 i I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 ALLEY 1st Floor Typical Floor Plans P-2: 3 STORY SINGLE FAMILY I Schematic Floor Plans 'AIR TEMECULA, CA 101-811 8'-0" BUILDING FRONTAGE *FROM STREET OR PASEO 0 PORCH (9.4.2) •DESCRIPTION - PROJECTING PORCH WITH COLUMNS AND SOLID ROOF. - FLOOR LEVEL TO BE 4" MINMUM ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE. - DEPTH PROVIDES SUFFICIENT SPACE FOR SITTING. (�) RECESSED ENTRY (9.4.3) •DESCRIPTION - ENCLOSED BY AT LEAST (2) BUILDING WALLS. - ENTRY IS COVERED BY BUILDING OR OVERHANG. - FLOOR LEVEL IS INTEGRATED WITH THE YARD. 0 WALLED YARD (9.4.4) •DESCRIPTION - DECORATIVE LOW WALL OR FENCE PROVIDED - OUTSWINGING GATES NOT ENCROACHING OVER PROPERTY LINE. - DISCRETE SECURITY MEASURES BUILDING FRONTAGE *FROM ALLEY Al PORCH (9.4.2) •DESCRIPTION - PROJECTING PORCH WITH COLUMNS AND SOLID ROOF. - FLOOR LEVEL TO BE 4" MINMUM ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE. - DEPTH PROVIDES SUFFICIENT SPACE FOR SITTING. B1 RECESSED ENTRY (9.4.3) •DESCRIPTION - ENCLOSED BY AT LEAST (2) BUILDING WALLS. - ENTRY IS COVERED BY BUILDING OR OVERHANG. - FLOOR LEVEL IS INTEGRATED WITH THE YARD. ci WALLED YARD (9.4.4) •DESCRIPTION -DECORATIVE LOW WALL OR FENCE PROVIDED - OUTSWINGING GATES NOT ENCROACHING OVER PROPERTY LINE. -DISCRETE SECURITY MEASURES +21213 SF 4 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH/ BONUS/OFFICE/ OPT. BEDROOM & BATH ±21202 SF 4 BEDROOM/3.5 BATH/ FAMILY/OPT.DEN ±21011 SF 3 BEDROOM/3.5 BATH/ DEN/ OPT. BEDROOM 4 NOTE: 1. Floor plans are for schematic purposes only and will change through design process. 2. Schematic floor plans must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire department for code compliance. 3. Yards, patios & decks may vary but will not be less than the minimum requirements. 4. Square footage may vary depending on method of calculation. 5. Building frontage may vary due to site con- straints & elevation design. 6. See landscape plans for fence & wall design and height. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS A-2 0 4 8 16 PA23-0439 PLANNING SUBMITTAI DRAT O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Right (Internal Only) Left (Internal Only) Notes: 1. See keymap for locations 2. No enhancemnts needed rookf imelt Residential Rear (Street Entry) co 60 co +1 Progressive Agrarian Highest Ridge F. F. F. Finish Grade Varies per Civil Fro nt (Alley Entry) Color Scheme 5 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-2 P2 - PLAN 1: 3 STORY SINGLE FAMILY Schematic Elevations {AIR TEMECULA, CA 0 Progressive Agrarian Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 8:12 (Accent Locations) Type: Gable/Shed Material: Concrete Shake Color: TDB Accent: Brackets Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Vertical Siding Accent Material Option: Stone/Siding Windows Trim: Surround Type: TBD ("Traditional" or "Contemporary") Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Outriggers/Siding Panels/Awnings Enhancement Key Map (N.T.S) A-3 4 8 16 PA23-0439 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 f ! rl +! I I I I + I � co I 0 0 ti A�TAlR V15TA 1 ��� (PUBLIC) Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Right (Internal) Side Yard Refer to on Left Entry�OOr Keymap for Entry vocations (Internal) Color Scheme 7 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-2 rookf mielt Residential Right (Street / Paseo) Rear Yard Refer to on Rear Entr DOOr Keymap for Entry (Street Entry) y Locations co +, Left Refer to * on (Street/ Paseo Entry) Keymap for Locations *Colors will vary based on Color Plotting. Refer to sheet SP-1. Progressive Agrarian .. i F. F s F. F. " Finish Grade Varies per Civil Fro nt (Alley) Color Scheme 6 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-2 P2 - PLAN 2: 3 STORY SINGLE FAMILY Schematic Elevations {AIR TEMECULA, CA Progressive Agrarian Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 8:12 (Accent Locations) Type: Gable/Shed Material: Concrete Shake Color: TDB Accent: Brackets Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Vertical Siding Accent Material Option: Stone/Siding Windows Trim: Surround Type: TBD ("Traditional" or "Contemporary") Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Outriggers/Siding Panels/Awnings Enhancement Key Map (N.T.S) A-4 0 4 8 16 PA23-0439 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ALTAIR VISTA (PUBLIC) Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Right (Internal Only) Left (Internal Only) Note: See Landscape Sheets for Fence Design Brookfield Residential WI. Rear (Internal Only) Left (Street/ Paseo Entry) Refer to * on Keymap for Locations (Standard Plan Without Roof Deck) Progressive Agrarian J Highest Ridge Rear Refer to on Keymap for entry (Street Entry) Locations 1111LIM � III i w Finish Grade Varies per Civil Fro nt (Alley Entry) Color Scheme 7 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-3 P2 - PLAN 3: 3 STORY SINGLE FAMILY Schematic Elevations {AIR TEMECULA, CA 0 Progressive Agrarian Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 4:12 (Accent Locations) Type: Gable/"Flat" Image/Hip Material: Flat Concrete Tiles (Opt. Composition Shingle) Color: Warm Tones Accent: Roof Awning with Brackets Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Horizontal Siding Accent Material Option: Color Blocked Stucco Accents Windows Trim: "Recessed"/Surround Type: TBD ("Contemporary") Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Awning/Score Lines/Stucco "Pop outs"/ Railings Enhancement Key Map (N.T.S) A-5 4 8 16 PA23-0439 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Left (Internal Only) Color Scheme 9 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-2 rookf mielt Residential Right (Internal Only) Left (Street/ Paseo Entry) Refer to * on Keymap for Locations Rear Yard Entry Door (Optional Plan Showing Roof Deck) Progressive Agrarian Refer to on Keymap for Entry Locations Highest Ridge Rear (Street Entry) Nr , Finish Grade Varies per Civil Fro nt (Alley) Color Scheme 8 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-3 P2 - PLAN 3: 3 STORY SINGLE FAMILY Schematic Elevations {AIR TEMECULA, CA Progressive Agrarian Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 4:12 (Accent Locations) Type: Gable/"Flat" Image/Hip Material: Flat Concrete Tiles (Opt. Composition Shingle) Color: Warm Tones Accent: Roof Awning with Brackets Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Horizontal Siding Accent Material Option: Color Blocked Stucco Accents Windows Trim: "Recessed"/Surround Type: TBD ("Contemporary") Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Awning/Score Lines/Stucco "Pop outs"/ Railings Enhancement Key Map (N.T.S) f I rl II J I I + � I .0, m 0 0 ALTAIR VISTA (PUBLIC) A-6 0 4 8 16 PA23-0439 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Metal Awning Inset Siding Metal Railing Window at Siding rookf ielt Residential Front Elevation Progressive Agrarian P2 - PLAN 2: 3 STORY SINGLE FAMILY Architectural Details ALTAIR TEMECULA, CA Gable -End Siding Progressive Agrarian Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 4:12 (Accent Locations) Type: Gable/"Fiat" Image/Hip Material: Flat Concrete Tiles (Opt. Composition Shingle) Color: Warm Tones Accent: Roof Awning with Brackets Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Horizontal Siding Accent Material Option: Color Blocked Stucco Accents Windows Trim: "Recessed"/Surround Type: TBD ("Contemporary") A-7 0 4 8 16 PA23-0439 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 TBD (Match Style) Awning/Score Lines/Stucco "Pop outs"/ Railings Wood Railing Window at Stucco Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO 24411 I I I I I I I I I I I I 111'-521" rookf mielt Residential _ _r _ _ _ _ _0-0100, 1 ' l j� © � 1 CL �4 ❑ 1 l r � f Q E[ 1 ---LL I I l 1 I Itair lip A-V r . �'1w x ista Plan 2 Plan 3 Plan 1 Building 2 Building 2 Building 1 Color Scheme 10 Color Scheme 11 Color Scheme 12 Abstract Traditional P=3: 2 STORY TOWNHOMES Frontage Exhibit �1 'AIR TEMECULA, CA BUILDING FRONTAGE �A PORCH (9.4.2) *DESCRIPTION - PROJECTING PORCH WITH COLUMNS AND SOLID ROOF. - FLOOR LEVEL TO BE 4" MINMUM ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE. - DEPTH PROVIDES SUFFICIENT SPACE FOR SITTING. (0)RECESSED ENTRY (9.4.3) •DESCRIPTION - ENCLOSED BY AT LEAST (2) BUILDING WALLS. - ENTRY IS COVERED BY BUILDING OR OVERHANG. - FLOOR LEVEL IS INTEGRATED WITH THE YARD. O WALLED YARD (9.4.4) •DESCRIPTION -DECORATIVE LOW WALL OR FENCE PROVIDED - OUTSWINGING GATES NOT ENCROACHING OVER PROPERTY LINE. -DISCRETE SECURITY MEASURES Key Map (N.T.S.) I + I + r + I + C 1 V 10 I r + ALTAIR VISTA(PUBLIC) A-8 0 4 8 16 PA23-0439 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO BDRM 3 10'-0" x 1014 Construction Type : VB Occupancy Type : R3 Sprinkler Type : 13D rookf ielt Residential P. BDRM. 15'-5' A 12 4' P. BA. 13A.2 BA.2 L LINEN LAUNDRY rL BDRM 2 BDRM 2: BDRM 3 10'-0. x 1a-0" HT-0" X V-0' 3rd Floor 3rd Floor a DECK 12'•10'x W-a• I I I I I i LIVING 1&0" X12'-11" I KITCHEN PWDR. DINING COATS ;Y< = I_ PNVTRY FL1 I , - KITCHEN �� BA.3 I J IT _ — -- - �` l; 'II PANTRY 2nd Floor BUILDING TYPE 2 F2. . �•-'X1 -10 mi ins k r� TV Lo 1`l KITCHEN PWDR- DINING: —I COATS PANTRY DECK I -- PWDR. PANTRY 2nd Floor DECK 1 7' x 6'-0• I I LIVING ,II DINING 10'-10'x 12' D�EI 10'-4• x 1a-s• DECK 12'-10'X 64 I I I I LIVING 18'-0° X12'-11" i7_ !; 1 DINING -' i4'-5'xf1'-a• �� KITCHEN -,i_i; ti - NE 00 co J E L 211,011 f` / Q Uj _cc -a: Gp J r YARD \J 20'-0° x 6' 0' I SDRM 4 10'-7" X 11'-8" Cn J Lu d d~ / LLU ca L Q M BUILDING TYPE 1 Typical Floor Plans P-3: 3 STORY DUPLEX TOWHOMES I Schematic Floor Plans "AIR TEMECULA, CA PLAN 2 STREET SIDEWALK 21'-211 AC 11 AC d �1 ENTRY I CNOLLvE 1 1YP. DRIVE 1st Floor 21'-0" P YARD 20'•0'X T-0' STREET SIDEWALK a' Ll']� CANTILEVER WK DRIVE 1st Floor PLAN 3 GARAGE 021 9. 21'-2" cc YARD © o Q 20'-8" x 6'-J" �p � U 1 -- ENTRY 1 BDRM 4 10"T X 11'-8" . BUILDING FRONTAGE (A) PORCH (9.4.2) •DESCRIPTION - PROJECTING PORCH WITH COLUMNS AND SOLID ROOF. - FLOOR LEVEL TO BE 4" MINMUM ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE. - DEPTH PROVIDES SUFFICIENT SPACE FOR SITTING. RECESSED ENTRY (9.4.3) •DESCRIPTION - ENCLOSED BY AT LEAST (2) BUILDING WALLS. - ENTRY IS COVERED BY BUILDING OR OVERHANG. - FLOOR LEVEL IS INTEGRATED WITH THE YARD. T WALLED YARD (9.4.4) •DESCRIPTION -DECORATIVE LOW WALL OR FENCE PROVIDED - OUTSWINGING GATES NOT ENCROACHING OVER PROPERTY LINE. -DISCRETE SECURITY MEASURES +11947 SF 3 BEDROOM/ 3 BATH/ OFFICE/DEN ±1,978 SF 4 BEDROOM/3.5 BATH ±1,775 SF 3 BEDROOM/ 2.5 BATH/ DEN NOTE: 1. Floor plans are for schematic purposes only and will change through design process. 2. Schematic floor plans must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire department for code compliance. 3. Yards, patios & decks may vary but will not be less than the minimum requirements. 4. Square footage may vary depending on method of calculation. 5. Building frontage may vary due to site con- straints & elevation design. 6. See landscape plans for fence & wall design and height. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS A-9 0 4 8 ,6 PA23-0439 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 1 2022219 1 07-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Right (Internal Only) Left (Internal Only) BUILDING TYPE 1 rookf mielt Residential Right (Street Entry) Enhanced Left (Street Facing Conditions) Refer to * on Enhanced Keymap for Locations Rear (Alley) Finish Grade Varies per Civil Fro nt (Street) Color Scheme 11 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-3 Abstract Traditional PI 3 STORY DUPLEX I Schematic Elevations " _{AIR TEMECULA, CA Abstract Traditional Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 4:12 (Accent Locations) Type: Gable/"Flat" Image/Hip Material: Flat Concrete Tiles (Opt. Composition Shingle) Color: Warm Tones Accent: Roof Awning with Brackets Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Horizontal Siding Accent Material Option: Color Blocked j Stucco Accents Windows Trim: "Recessed"/Surround Type: TBD ("Contemporary") A Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Awning/Score Lines/Stucco "Pop outs"/ Railings Enhancement Key Map (N.T.S) I I � r I 4 + r r � r r + + U + z ' C�i G �f I + ALTAIR VISTA - (PUBLIC) A-1 0 0 4 8 16 PA23-0439 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Right (Internal Only) Left (Internal Only) BUILDING TYPE 2 rookf mielt Residential r Right (Street Facing Conditions) (Enhanced) f `- &.:.`* 401 1 .1 +I 1 1 • 1 . a���:i �.. ail..• � ,• .► � i ti.i �.a.� ii .� � .i .+-� Left (Street Facing Conditions) (Enhanced) Refer to * on Keymap for Locations Abstract Traditional . r'►11 Highest Ridge Finish Grade Varies per Civil Fro nt (Street) Color Scheme 12 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-3 Rear (Alley) PI 3 STORY DUPLEX I Schematic Elevations {AIR TEMECULA, CA Abstract Traditional Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 4:12 (Accent Locations) Type: Gable/"Flat" Image/Hip Material: Flat Concrete Tiles (Opt. Composition Shingle) Color: Warm Tones Accent: Roof Awning with Brackets Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Horizontal Siding Accent Material Option: Color Blocked Stucco Accents Windows Trim: "Recessed"/Surround Type: TBD ("Contemporary") Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Awning/Score Lines/Stucco "Pop outs"/ Railings Enhancement Key Map (N.T.S) I r 1 - co � r r r + � ' 1 ALTAIR V15TA 1 � (PUBLIC) W A-1 1 0 4 8 16 PA23-0439 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Entry Door Soffit at Stucco Wood Railing Metal Awning rookf mielt Residential — Inset Trim Decorative Light Address Sign j ■ Inset Trim IMM IAI.,.,.4 n.n* Building Type 2 Building Type 1 Front Elevation Abstract Traditional J ZL PI 3 STORY DUPLEX I Architectural {AIR TEMECULA, CA Details Trim Surround Window at Siding Trim Surround Window at Stucco 0 Abstract Traditional Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 4:12 (Accent Locations) Type: Gable/"Flat" Image/Hip Material: Flat Concrete Tiles (Opt. Composition Shingle) Color: Warm Tones Accent: Roof Awning with Brackets Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Horizontal Siding Accent Material Option: Color Blocked Stucco Accents Windows Trim: "Recessed"/Surround Type: TBD ("Contemporary") Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Awning/Score Lines/Stucco "Pop outs"/ Railings Trim Surroun� Inset Siding A-1 2 4 8 16 PA23-0439 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAFT O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 Siding Inset Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO e 1.4k d'fir rf h6 VIM R=10 i F-111111111 11 srooKtiela Residentia ----------- qGE B 11 srooKtiela Residentia ----------- qGE B I STREI AITAIG Wwwi I AV I A. AN, -1 4, :hUMEAVILIMUN! H N I I a ri 11M F1 Z4,fn .. N wrf IL a 44111 AM I � 4 lol. 0100 ' Irk �� :e dr LL 11 VILLAGE B I STREI field a LTA I F dential i Tr:RAr:rl 11 A ; W Olt 64 , eA. As. w F,- I � wr TV A.7 - R 1 -4 t4, 5R, Im mw Al .JM �14 VIVAN a I EA Ve VM :1 W! H N I I a ri 11 M A -At F1 Exterior Color & Materials SCHEME 4 Material P2 - PROGRESSIVE AGRARIAN ELEVATIONS ONLY Color Manufacturer Exterior Color & Materials SCHEME 5 Material P2 - PROGRESSIVE AGRARIAN ELEVATIONS ONLY Color Manufacturer Exterior Color & Materials SCHEME 6 Material P2 - PROGRESSIVE AGRARIAN ELEVATIONS ONLY Color Manufacturer Roofing: 5690 Pewter Bronze Blend Eagle Concrete Shake Tile Ref:.17 Emi:.91 A.SRI: 16 (or approved equal) CRRC: 0918-0060 Ogee Gutters & Rectangular Downspouts Bronze Custom-Bilt Metals (factory finish) (or approved equal) Green World Vinyl Windows (factory finish) White (or approved equal) Eldorado /'Westlake Manufactured Stone (dry stack joints) Birch Ledgecut 33 (or approved equal) TBD Omega Stucco Color (16/20 sand finish) (Match Sherwin Williams (or approved equal) SW 6155 Rice Grain) Siding Color (applied to): Board & Battens Corner Boards 'SW 9117 Sherwin Williams Garage Doors Urban Jungle (or approved equal) Lap Siding Secondary Doors Utility Doors Trim Color #1 (applied to): Barge Boards SW 7033 Sherwin Williams Eaves Fascia Brainstorm Bronze (or approved equal) Outlookers Trim Color #2 (applied to). SW 6385 Sherwin Williams Trim Dover White (or approved equal) SW 7020 Sherwin Williams Accent Color (applied to): Railing 'Unit Doors Black Fox (or approved equal) Garage Door Weatherstrip (factory finish) Match Garage Door Color Wayne Dalton (or approved equal) NOTE: Notify WHA if any variation occurs between these schemes and the construction documents prior to purchase. BOARD & BATTENS GARAGE DOORS LAP SIDING :_ ALTAI R Temecula, California BROOKFIELD RESIDENTIAL January 18, 2024 1 2022219 For exact color refer to manufacturers' actual samples. © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA rookf ielt Residential © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. CIA TRIM — ]IT )RS SCHEME 4 P2 Progressive Agrarian Elevations Only Roofing: 5690 Pewter Bronze Blend Eagle Concrete Shake Tile Ref:.17 Emi:.91 A.SRI: 16 (or approved equal) CRRC: 0918-0060 Ogee Gutters & Rectangular Downspouts , Weathered Copper Custom-Bilt Metals (factory finish) (or approved equal) Green World Vinyl Windows (factory finish) White (or approved equal) Birch Manufactured Stone (dry stack joints) Eldorado /'Westlake Ledgecut 33 (or approved equal) TBD Omega Stucco Color (16/20 sand finish) (Match Sherwin Williams (or approved equal) SW 9111 Antler Velvet) Siding Color (applied to): Board & Battens Corner Boards 'SW 7032 Sherwin Williams Garage Doors Warm Stone (or approved equal) Lap Siding Secondary Doors Utility Doors Trim Color #1 (applied to): Barge Boards 'SW 7034 Sherwin Williams Eaves Fascia Status Bronze (or approved equal) Outlookers Trim Color #2 (applied to). 'SW 6385 Sherwin Williams Trim DoverWhite (or approved equal) SW 7020 Sherwin Williams Accent Color (applied to): Railing 'Unit Doors Black Fox (or approved equal) Garage Door Weatherstrip (factory finish) Match Garage Door Color Wayne Dalton (or approved equal) NOTE: Notify WHA if any variation occurs between these schemes and the construction documents prior to purchase. BOARD & BATTENS GARAGE DOORS LAP SIDING I:: ALTAI R Temecula, California BROOKFIELD RESIDENTIAL January 18, 2024 1 2022219 For exact color refer to manufacturers' actual samples. © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. TAI P TEMECULA, CA CIA TRIM JIT )RS SCHEME 5 P2 Progressive Agrarian Elevations Only MA ORANGECOUNTY LOS ANGELES -AREA SACRAMENTO Roofing: 5699 Charcoal Range Eagle Concrete Shake Tile Ref:.15 Emi:.94 A.SRI: 16 CRRC: 0918-0046 (or approved equal) Ogee Gutters & Rectangular Downspouts Low Gloss White Custom-Bilt Metals (factory finish) (or approved equal) Green World (or approved equal) Vinyl Windows (factory finish) White 'White Cap Eldorado /'Westlake Manufactured Stone (dry stack joints) Ledgecut 33 (or approved equal) TBD Omega Stucco Color (16/20 sand finish) (Match Sherwin Williams (or approved equal) 'SW 7546 Prairie Grass) Siding Color (applied to): Board & Battens 'SW 9019 Sherwin Williams Corner Boards Gauntlet Gray (or approved equal) Lap Siding Trim Color (applied to). - Barge Boards Eaves Fascia Garage Doors 1SW 7009 Sherwin Williams Outlookers Pearly White (or approved equal) Secondary Doors Tri m Utility doors Accent Color (applied to): SW 7020 Sherwin Williams Railing Unit Doors Black Fox (or approved equal) Garage Door Weatherstrip (factory finish) Match Garage Door Color Wayne Dalton (or approved equal) NOTE: Notify WHA if any variation occurs between these schemes and the construction documents prior to purchase. Contact Donna Aldrich (949) 250-0607. BOARD & BATTENS LAP SIDING RAII U I\ DO( ALTAI R Temecula, California BROOKFIELD RESIDENTIAL January 18, 2024 12022219 For exact color refer to manufacturers' actual samples. © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. SCHEME 6 P2 Progressive Agrarian Elevations Only WHA. OMGECOUNTY LOS ANGELES. BAYAREA-AMENTO CM-1 0 4 8 16 PA23-0439 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Exterior Color & Materials SCHEME Material P2 - PROGRESSIVE AGRARIAN ELEVATIONS ONLY Color Manufacturer Exterior Color & Materials SCHEME Material P2 - PROGRESSIVE AGRARIAN ELEVATIONS ONLY Color Manufacturer Exterior Color & Materials SCHEME 9 Material P2 - PROGRESSIVE AGRARIAN ELEVATIONS ONLY Color Manufacturer Roofing: 15699 Charcoal Range Eagle Concrete Shake Tile Ref:.15 Emi:.94 A.SRI: 16 CRRC: 0918-0046 (or approved equal) Ogee Gutters & Rectangular Downspouts 'Low Gloss White Custom-Bilt Metals (factory finish) (or approved equal) Green World (or approved equal) Vinyl Windows (factory finish) White 'White Cap Manufactured Stone (dry stack joints) Eldorado /'Westlake Ledgecut 33 (or approved equal) TBD Omega Stucco Color (16/20 sand finish) (Match Sherwin Williams (or approved equal) SW 6169 Sedate Gray ) Siding Color (applied to): Board & Battens SW 9126 Sherwin Williams Corner Boards Honed Soapstone (or approved equal) Lap Siding Trim Color (applied to). - Barge Boards Eaves Fascia Garage Doors 'SW 7009 Sherwin Williams Outlookers Pearly White (or approved equal) Secondary Doors Trim Utility doors Accent Color (applied to). SW 7020 Sherwin Williams Railing Unit Doors Black Fox (or approved equal) Garage Door Weatherstrip (factory finish) Match Garage Door Color Wayne Dalton (or approved equal) NOTE: Notify WHA if any variation occurs between these schemes and the construction documents prior to purchase. Contact Donna Aldrich (949) 250-0607. BOARD & BATTENS LAP SIDING UN DO( ALTAI R Temecula, California BROOKFIELD RESIDENTIAL January 18, 2024 1 2022219 For exact color refer to manufacturers' actual samples. © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA rookf ielt Residential © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. SCHEME 7 P2 Progressive Agrarian Elevations Only Roofing: 15502 Arcadia Canyon Blend Eagle Concrete Shake Tile Ref:.13 Emi:.94 A.SRI: 16 (or approved equal) CRRC: 0918-0043 Ogee Gutters & Rectangular Downspouts 'Bronze Custom-Bilt Metals (factory finish) (or approved equal) White Green World Vinyl Windows (factory finish) (or approved equal) Birch Eldorado /'Westlake Manufactured Stone (dry stack joints) Ledgecut 33 (or approved equal) TBD Omega Stucco Color (16/20 sand finish) (Match Sherwin Williams (or approved equal) SW 7036 Accessible Beige) Siding Color (applied to): Board & Battens 'SW 7075 Sherwin Williams Corner Boards Web Gray (or approved equal) Lap Siding Trim Color #1 (applied to). - Barge Boards Eaves Fascia Garage Doors 'SW 7026 Sherwin Williams Outlookers Griffin (or approved equal) Railing 'Unit Doors Utililty Doors Trim Color #2 (applied to): 'SW 6385 Sherwin Williams Trim Dover White (or approved equal) Wayne Dalton (or approved equal) Garage Door Weatherstrip (factory finish) Match Garage Door Color NOTE: Notify WHA if any variation occurs between these schemes and the construction documents prior to purchase. Contact Donna Aldrich (949) 250-0607. BOARD & BATTENS LAP SIDING I� ALTAI R Temecula, California BROOKFIELD RESIDENTIAL January 18, 2024 1 2022219 For exact color refer to manufacturers' actual samples. © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS. INC. DBA WHA. CIA GARAGE DOORS RAILING UNIT DOORS SCHEME 8 P2 Progressive Agrarian Elevations Only MA ORANGECOUNTY LOS ANGELES -AREA SACRAMENTO EXTERIOR COLOR AND MATERIALS TEMECULA, CA Roofing: 15502 Arcadia Canyon Blend Eagle Concrete Shake Tile Ref:.13 Emi:.94 A.SRI: 16 CRRC: 0918-0043 (or approved equal) Ogee Gutters & Rectangular Downspouts 'Bronze Custom-Bilt Metals (factory finish) (or approved equal) Green World (or approved equal) Vinyl Windows (factory finish) White 'White Cap Manufactured Stone (dry stack joints) Eldorado /'Westlake Ledgecut 33 (or approved equal) TBD Omega Stucco Color (16/20 sand finish) (Match Sherwin Williams (or approved equal) SW 7050 Useful Gray) Siding Color (applied to): Board & Battens 'SW 7743 Sherwin Williams Corner Boards Mountain Road (or approved equal) Lap Siding Trim Color #1 (applied to). - Barge Boards Eaves Fascia Garage Doors 'SW 7047 Sherwin Williams Railing Porpoise (or approved equal) Outlookers 'Unit Doors Utililty Doors Trim Color #2 (applied to): 'SW 7009 Sherwin Williams Trim Pearly White (or approved equal) Garage Door Weatherstrip (factory finish) Match Garage Door Color Wayne Dalton (or approved equal) NOTE: Notify WHA if any variation occurs between these schemes and the construction documents prior to purchase. Contact Donna Aldrich (949) 250-0607. BOARD & BATTENS LAP SIDING Ift, ALTAI R Temecula, California BROOKFIELD RESIDENTIAL January 18, 2024 12022219 For exact color refer to manufacturers' actual samples. © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. CIA GARAGE DOORS RAILING UNIT DOORS SCHEME 9 P2 Progressive Agrarian Elevations Only WHA. OMGECOUNTY LOS ANGELES. BAYAREA-AMENTO CM-2 0 4 8 16 PA23-0439 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAFT O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Exterior Color & Materials SCHEME 10 Material P3 - ABSTRACT MERCANTILE ELEVATIONS ONLY Color Manufacturer Exterior Color & Materials SCHEME 11 Material P3 - ABSTRACT MERCANTILE ELEVATIONS ONLY Color Manufacturer Exterior Color & Materials SCHEME 12 Material P3 - ABSTRACT MERCANTILE ELEVATIONS ONLY Color Manufacturer Roofing: SHE 8715 Roanoke Blend Eagle Concrete Slate Tile Ref:.17 Emi:.89 A.SRI: 19 (or approved equal) CRRC: 0918-0081 Ogee Gutters & Rectangular Downspouts High Gloss White Custom-Bilt Metals (factory finish) (or approved equal) Vinyl Windows (factory finish) White Green World TBD (or approved equal) Omega Stucco Color (16120 sand finish) (Match Sherwin Williams (or approved equal) 'SW 6148 Wool Skein) Siding Color #1 (applied to): Corner Boards 'SW 7642 Sherwin Williams Lap Siding Unit Doors Pavestone (or approved equal) 'Vertical Siding Siding Color #2 (applied to): Corner Boards 'SW 7051 Sherwin Williams Garage Doors Analytical Gray (or approved equal) Lap Siding Utility Doors Trim Color (applied to). - Barge Boards Eaves Fascia Garage Doors SW 7008 Sherwin Williams Railing Alabaster (or approved equal) Secondary Doors Trim Unit Doors Accent Color (applied to). SW 7062 Sherwin Williams Metal Awnings Rock Bottom (or approved equal) Unit Doors Garage Door Weatherstrip (factory finish) Match Garage Door Color Wayne Dalton (or approved equal) NOTE: No ify WHA if schemes Ind the cone Contact D nna Aldricl LAP SIDING #1 UNIT DOORS TF ALTAI R Temecula, California BROOKFIELD RESIDENTIAL January 18, 2024 1 2022219 For exact color refer to manufacturers' actual samples. © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA rookf ielt Residential SCHEME 10 P3 Abstract Mercantile Elevations Only Roofing: SHE 8715 Roanoke Blend Eagle Concrete Slate Tile Ref:.17 Emi:.89 A.SRI: 19 (or approved equal) CRRC: 0918-0081 Ogee Gutters & Rectangular Downspouts High Gloss White Custom -gilt Metals (factory finish) (or approved equal) Vinyl Windows (factory finish) White Green World (or approved equal) TBD Omega Stucco Color (16120 sand finish) (Match Sherwin Williams (or approved equal) SW 6148 Wool Skein) Siding Color #1 (applied to): Corner Boards 'SW 9164 Sherwin Williams Lap Siding Unit Doors Illusive Green (or approved equal) 'Vertical Siding Siding Color #2 (applied to): Corner Boards SW 6150 Sherwin Williams Garage Doors Lap Siding Universal Khaki (or approved equal) Utility Doors Trim Color (applied to). - Barge Boards Eaves Fascia Garage Doors SW 7008 Sherwin Williams Secondary Door Alabaster (or approved equal) Railing Trim Unit Doors Accent Color (applied to): 'SW 7645 Sherwin Williams Metal Awnings Thunder Gray (or approved equal) Unit Doors Garage Door Weatherstrip (factory finish) Match Garage Door Color Wayne Dalton (or approved equal) NOTE: Notify WHA if , schemes and the con Contact Donna Aldricl LAP SIDING #1 UNIT DOORS TF ALTAI R Temecula, California BROOKFIELD RESIDENTIAL January 18, 2024 1 2022219 For exact color refer to manufacturers' actual samples. © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA SCHEME 11 P3 Abstract Mercantile Elevations Only MA ORANGECOUNTY LOS ANGELES -AREA SACRAMENTO EXTERIOR COLOR AND MATERIALS TEMECULA, CA Roofing: 'SHE 8704 Lehigh Blend Eagle Concrete Slate Tile Ref:.15 Emi:.94 A.SRI: 16 (or approved equal) CRRC: 0918-0046 Ogee Gutters & Rectangular Downspouts High Gloss White Custom-Bilt Metals (factory finish) (or approved equal) Vinyl Windows (factory finish) White Green World (or approved equal) Omega TBD Stucco Color (16120 sand finish) (Match Sherwin Williams (or approved equal) 'SW 1015 Skyline Steel) Siding Color #1 (applied to): Corner Boards 'SW 7074 Sherwin Williams Lap Siding Unit Doors Software (or approved equal) 'Vertical Siding Siding Color #2 (applied to): Corner Boards 'SW 7045 Sherwin Williams Garage Doors Intellectual Gray (or approved equal) Lap Siding Utility Doors Trim Color (applied to): Barge Boards Eaves Fascia Garage Doors SW 7008 Sherwin Williams Railing Alabaster (or approved equal) Secondary Doors Tri m Unit Doors Accent Color (applied to): 'SW 7674 Sherwin Williams Metal Awnings Peppercorn (or approved equal) Unit Doors Garage Door Weatherstrip (factory finish) Match Garage Door Color Wayne Dalton (or approved equal) NOTE: Notify WHA if s schemes and the con Contact Donna Aldricl LAP SIDING #1 UNIT DOORS TF ALTAI R Temecula, California BROOKFIELD RESIDENTIAL January 18, 2024 12022219 For exact color refer to manufacturers' actual samples. © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA SCHEME 12 P3 Abstract Mercantile Elevations Only WHA. OMGECOUNTY LOS ANGELES. BAYAREA-AMENTO CM-3 0 4 8 16 PA23-0439 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO ALTAIR VILLAGE B -PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN TEMECULA, CA COMPLETELY TEMECULA. CONCEPTUAL PLANT PALETTE I] 1 .011a .T GROUNDCOVERS SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME T R E E S- Baccharis 'Centennial' Bentennial Baccharis S C I E N T I F I C NAM E COMMON NAME Baccharis pilularais cvs. Dwarf Coyote Brush Carissa spp. Natal Plum Acacia stenophylla Shoestring Acacia Festuca arundinacea Marathon Fescue Turf Arbutus 'Marina' Marina Arbutus Leymus cond. 'Canyon Prince' Blue Lyme Grass Arbutus unedo Strawberry Tree Lonicera spp. Honeysuckle Cercidium 'Desert Museum' Palo Verde Myoporum parvifolium Creeping Boobialla Cercis occidentalis Western Redbud Rosemarinus 'Prostratus' Trailing Rosemary Chilopsis linearis 'Warren Jones' W. Jones Desert Willow Senecio mandraliscae Kleinia Chitalpa x tashkentensis Chitalpa Senecio serpens Blue Chalksticks Citrus spp. Organge, Lemon, Lime, Ect. Trachelospermum jasminoides Star Jasmine Geijera parviflora Australian Willow Heteromeles arbutifolia Toyon V I N E S Lagerstroemia indica Crape Myrtle Laurus nobilis 'Saratoga' Sweet Bay S C I E N T I F I C N A M E COMMON NAME Magnolia G. 'Little Gem' Little Gem Mangolia Olea europaea 'Swan Hill' Fruitless Olive Ficus pumila Creeping Fig Pistacia chinensis'Red Push' Chinese Pistache Macfadyena unguis-cati Cat's Claw Platanus spp. Sycamore Parthenocissus tricuspidata Boston Ivy Populus fremontii 'Nevada' Western Cottonwood Podocarpus gracilior African Fern Pine Prunus ilicifolia ilicifolia Hollyleaf Cherry Trachelospermum jasminoides Star Jasmine Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak Quercus ilex Holly Oak Quercus lobata Valley Oak Quercus virginiana 'Heritage' Southern Live oak CITY NOTES Rhus lancea African Sumac SHRUBS SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Agave spp. Agave Arctostaphylos spp. Manzanita Baccharis pilularis Coyote Brush Baileya multiradiata Desert Marigold Bouteloua gracilis Blue Grama Buddleia marrubiifolia Wolly Butterfly Bush Calliandra californica Baja Duster Calliandra eriophyia Fairy Duster Callistemon vim. 'Little John' Little John Bottlebrush Ceanothus cultivars Ceanothus Cistus spp. Rockrose Dianella spp. Flax Lilies Encelia farinosa Brittle Bush Euphorbia milii 'Redi-Red' Red Euphorbia Feijoa sellowiana Pineapple Guava Grevillea spp. Grevillea Hesperaloe parviflora Red/Yellow Yucca Heteromeles arbutifolia Toyon Ilex vomitoria Yaupon Lantana spp. Lantana Lavandula spp. Lavender Leucophylium frutescens Texas Ranger Ligustrum japonicum 'Texanum' Japanese Privet Lomandra spp. Matt Rush Muhlenbergia spp. Grass Opuntia Santa-rita 'Tubac' Purple Prickly Pear Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Maki' Shrubby Yew Pine Rhaphiolepis 'Majestic Beauty' Majestic Beauty Rhaphiolepis umbellate 'Minor' Yeddo Hawthorn Rhamnus californica Coffeeberry Rhus intergifolia Lemonadeberry Rhus ovata Sugar Bush Ribes spp. Current Salvia apiana White Sage Salvia chamaedroides Blue Sage Salvia clevelandii Cleveland Sage Salvia gregii Autumn Sage Salvia leucophylla Purple Sage Salvia mellifera Black Sage Salvia trident Hybrid Sage Teucrium chamaedrys Germander Verbena lilacina 'De La Mina' Cedros Island Verbena Westringia fruticosa Coast Rosemary Mulch Note: 3" of medium grade bark mulch required under all plant material. In areas with groundcover planted from flats, the mulch depth shall be no less than one and one-half inches. Field Observation Note: City of Temecula required observation: A minimum of three inspections will be required for construction phasing. The first is an irrigation inspection to verify pipe depth and irrigation material conformance. The second is a landscape inspection to verify irriga- tion coverage and operation, and to verify that all plantings have been installed con- sistant with the approved construcion plans. The third is a final inspection once mulch has been laid and all plant material and irrigation systems are in place. Contact the Planning Department to schedule required Landscape Inspections. SITE PLAN CALCULATIONS Entire Site Area: 308,178 SF Proposed Landscape Area: 56,453 SF Total Landscape Area: 56,453 SF LEGEND OCommunity Monumentation Sign QSocial Seating Areas QOpen Lawn Area OResidential Paseo Areas Q Neighborhood Park OEnhanced Vehicular Paving OPrivate Patio QPrivate Yard 0 20' 40' 80' Scale:1 "= 40'-0" APN: 940- 3 10-04 5 ; 940- 3 10-047 ; 940- 3 10-048 ; 940- 3 10-044 P A 2 3 - 0 4 3 9 L-1 i r COMPLETELY TEMECULA. ALTAIR VILLAGE B - PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN TEMECULA, CA CONCEPTUAL PLANT PALETTE TREES SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME WUC. SIZE Acacia stenophylla Shoestring Acacia Low 24" Box 0 Arbutus 'Marina' Marina Arbutus Med. 24" Box Arbutus unedo Strawberry Tree Low 15 Gal. Cercidium 'Desert Museum' Palo Verde Low 24" Box 0 Cercis occidentalis Western Redbud Low 24" Box Chilopsis linearis 'Warren Jones' W. Jones Desert Willow Low 24" Box Chitalpa x tashkentensis Chitalpa Low 24" Box 0 Citrus spp. Orange, Lemon, Lime, Ect. Med. 15 Gal. Geijera parviflora Australian Willow Med. 24" Box OLagerstroemia Heteromeles arbutifolia indica Toyon Crape Myrtle Low Med. 24" 24" Box Box Laurus nobilis 'Saratoga' Sweet Bay Low 24" Box Magnolia G. 'Little Gem' Little Gem Mangolia Med. 24" Box 0 Olea europaea 'Swan Hill' Fruitless Olive Low 24" Box GPlatanus Pistacia chinensis 'Red Push' spp. Chinese Pistache Sycamore Med. Med. 24" 24" Box Box (D Populus fremontii 'Nevada' Western Cottonwood Med. 24" Box Prunus ilicifolia ilicifolia Hollyleaf Cherry Low 24" Box OQuercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak Low 24" Box Quercus ilex Quercus lobata Holly Oak Valley Oak Low Med. 24" 24" Box Box Quercus virginiana 'Heritage' Southern Live Oak Med. 24" Box 0 Rhus Lancea African Sumac Low 24" Box SHRUBS SCIENTIFIC NAME C�L�] ►Ti_I ►Ti [111 L Ll I_\ di I ►_f140 Agave spp. Agave Low 1 Gal. Arctostaphylos spp. Manzanita Low 1 Gal. Baccharis pilularis Coyote Brush Low 5 Gal. Baileya multiradiata Desert Marigold Low 5 Gal. Bouteloua gracilis Blue Grama Low 1 Gal. Buddleia marrubiifolia Wolly Butterfly Bush Low 5 Gal. Calliandra californica Baja Duster Low 5 Gal. Calliandra eriophyia Fairy Duster Low 5 Gal. Callistemon vim. 'Little John' Little John Bottlebrush Med. 5 Gal. Ceanothus cultivars Ceanothus Low 5 Gal. Cistus spp. Rockrose Low 5 Gal. Dianella spp. Flax Lilies Low/Med. 1 Gal. Encelia farinosa Brittle Bush Low 5 Gal. Euphorbia milii 'Redi-Red' Red Euphorbia Low 1 Gal. Feijoa sellowiana Pineapple Guava Med. 5 Gal. Grevillea spp. Grevillea Low 5 Gal. Hesperaloe parviflora Red/Yellow Yucca Low 5 Gal. Heteromeles arbutifolia Toyon Low 5 Gal. Ilex vomitoria Yaupon Low 5 Gal. Lantana spp. Lantana Low 1 Gal. Lavandula spp. Lavender Low 5 Gal. Leucophylium frutescens Texas Ranger Low 5 Gal. Ligustrum japonicum 'Texanum' Japanese Privet Med. 5 Gal. Lomandra spp. Matt Rush Med. 1 Gal. Muhlenbergia spp. Grass Med. 1 Gal. Opuntia santa-rita 'Tubac' Purple Prickly Pear Low 5 Gal. Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Maki' Shrubby Yew Pine Med. 5 Gal. Rhaphiolepis 'Majestic Beauty' Majestic Beauty Med. 5 Gal. Rhaphiolepis umbellata 'Minor' Yeddo Hawthorn Med. 5 Gal. Rhamnus californica Coffeeberry Low 5 Gal. Rhus intergifolia Lemonadeberry Low 5 Gal. Rhus ovata Sugar Bush Low 5 Gal. Ribes spp. Current Med. 5 Gal. Salvia apiana White Sage Low 5 Gal. Salvia chamaedroides Blue Sage Low 5 Gal. Salvia clevelandii Cleveland Sage Low 5 Gal. Salvia gregii Autumn Sage Low 5 Gal. Salvia leucophylla Purple Sage Low 5 Gal. Salvia mellifera Black Sage Low 5 Gal. Salvia trident Hybrid Sage Low 5 Gal. Teucrium chamaedrys Germander Low 5 Gal. Verbena lilacina 'De La Mina' Cedros Island Verbena Low 5 Gal. Westringia fruticosa Coast Rosemary Low 5 Gal. GROUNDCOVERS SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME WUC. SIZE Baccharis 'Centennial' Bentennial Baccharis Low 1 Gal. Baccharis pilularais cvs. Dwarf Coyote Brush Low 1 Gal. Carissa spp. Natal Plum Med. 1 Gal. Festuca arundinacea Marathon Fescue Turf High 1 Gal. Leymus cond. 'Canyon Prince' Blue Lyme Grass Low 1 Gal. Lonicera spp. Honeysuckle Low 1 Gal. Myoporum parvifolium Creeping Boobialla Low 1 Gal. Rosemarinus 'Prostratus' Trailing Rosemary Low 1 Gal. Senecio mandraliscae Kleinia Low 1 Gal. Senecio serpens Blue Chalksticks Low 1 Gal. Trachelospermum jasminoides Star Jasmine Low 1 Gal. VINES SCIENTIFIC NAME Ficus pumila Macfadyena unguis-cati Parthenocissus tricuspidata Podocarpus gracilior Trachelospermum jasminoides DESIGN STATEMENT COMMON NAME WUC. SIZE Creeping Fig Med. 5 Gal. Cat's Claw Low 5 Gal. Boston Ivy Med. 5 Gal. African Fern Pine Med. 5 Gal. Star Jasmine Med. 5 Gal. Altair landscape design has implemented the Altair Specific Plan along with some notes from Old Town Temecula as it is bridged adjacent to downtown. The materials used will be natural with contemporary elements to incorporate styles from the Specific Plan. The softscape palette consists of low and medium water use plants and is predominantly referenced from the Altair Specific Plan. Altair features multiple open spaces and park amenities that will be utilized by the future residents. These spaces include open turf areas, seating, overhead shade structures, and pic- nic tables. The villages will have pathway connections to connect with the overall community and downtown. Layout of hardscape and softscape materials will adhere to City's water ordi- nance. Trees and shrubs will be placed a minimum of 5' away from water and gas meters, or sewer laterals; a minimum of 10' away from utility poles and minimum of 8' away from fire hydrants and fire department sprinkler and standpipe connections. Root barriers will be provided within 5' of any hardscape zone. 3" of medium grade bark mulch is required under all plant material. In areas with groundcover planted from flats, mulch depth will be no less than 1-1/2". The irrigation design will con- form to the current City of Temecula landscape ordinance and standards. IRRIGATION STATEMENT The irrigation of the site landscape area will utilize the latest in smart irrigation methods and means. All new landscape areas will include high efficiency methods with low precipita- tion rates in order to maximize water rentention and dispersion to the plant root zones. All planters will use drip irrigation. A smart irrigation controller capable of rain shutoff will also be incorporated into the design. Medium grade bark mulch will be used in order to re- duce water loss due to evaporation. An irrigation schedule will be provided in order to program the controller. Two irrigation schedules will be provided, one for the plant establishment period and one for on -going landscape maintenance once the plants are established. All new irrigation systems will com- ply with the current city of Temecula Water Ordinance. CITY NOTES Mulch Note: 3" of medium grade bark mulch required under all plant material. In areas with groundcover planted from flats, the mulch depth shall be no less than one and one-half inches. Field Observation Note: City of Temecula required observation: A minimum of three inspections will be required for construction phasing. The first is an irrigation inspection to verify pipe depth and irrigation material conformance. The second is a landscape inspection to verify irrigation coverage and operation, and to verify that all plantings have been installed consistant with the approved construcion plans. The third is a final inspection once mulch has been laid and all plant material and irrigation systems are in place. Contact the Planning Department to schedule required Landscape Inspections. LEGEND OCommunity Monumentation Sign Social Seating Areas QOpen Lawn Area Residential Paseo Areas Mailboxes Neighborhood Park Open Space Area [ A - B ]See Sheet L3 Enhanced Vehicular Paving Private Patio �i Private Yard 0 20' 40' 80' 7m�m��� Scale:1 "= 40'-0" A P N : 9 4 0 - 3 1 0 - 0 4 5 ; 9 4 0 - 3 1 0 - 0 4 7 ; 9 4 0 - 3 1 0 - 0 4 8 ; 9 4 0 - 3 1 0 - 0 4 4 P A 2 3 - 0 4 3 9 L-2 k&�ZZ ka i r COMPLETELY TEMECU LA. VI LLAG E B PARK A L T A I R VILLAGE B - PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT TEMECULA, CA i ❑ � LEGEND Seat Wall [18" Tall] L— Seating Area with Adirondak Chairs Shade Structure with Picnic Tables Shrub Planting Area Open Turf Area Trees on Mound with Seatwalls Decomposed Granite Path • Concrete Walkway 0 Mailboxes QDFocal Trees at Corner QDBoulders for Seating or Informal Play ® Bike Racks N. Play Area QD Community Library (See Furnishing Sheet) 0 10' 20' 40' 7m" Scale:1 "= 20'-0" APN: 940-310-045 ; 940-310-047 ; 940-310-048 ; 940-310-044 P A 2 3 - 0 4 3 9 L-3 LEGEND OPEN SPACE AREA A k&�ZZ ka i r COMPLETELY TEMECULA. ;X OPEN SPACE AREA B ALTAIR VILLAGE B - PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT TEMECULA, CA Decomposed Granite Planting Area Open Turf Area Play Area 0 Seating Area Lounge Seating Transformer Boulders for Seating or Informal Play Bench Seating Focal Tree QD Mailboxes 0 10' 20' 40' 7m" Scale:1 "= 20'-0" APN: 940- 3 10-04 5 ; 940- 3 10-047 ; 940- 3 10-048 ; 940- 3 10-044 P A 2 3 - 0 4 3 9 L-4 SECTION A SECTION B ka i r COMPLETELY TEMECULA. LEGEND O 5' Curb Adjacent Walk QStreet Tree cQ Adjacent Park (U Private Patio [Depth Varies 6'-1011 ALTAIR VILLAGE B - PRELIMINARY STREET SECTIONS rcrn EcuLA, ca A P N : 940- 3 10-04 5 ; 940- 3 10-047 ; 940- 3 10-048 ; 940- 3 10-044 0 2' 4' 8' 7m" Scale:1/4"= 1'-0" P A 2 3 - 0 4 3 9 L-5 RZT N N 0 k&�ZZ ka i r COMPLETELY TEMECULA. ALTAIR VILLAGE B - VILLAGE PARK PROGRAMMING TEMECULA, CA A P N : 940- 3 10-04 5 ; 940- 3 10-047 LEGEND Small Open Space Village A - Neighborhood Park Bench Seating Tot Lot Views Shaded Seating Upgraded Planting [Boulders BBQ / Picnic Tables and Large Box trees] Open Lawn Medium Open Space Village B - Neighborhood Park Group Seating Tot Lot Views Shaded Seating Lawn Area BBQ / Picnic Tables Upgraded Planting [Boulders Open Lawn and Large Box trees] Rock Garden Village C - Neighborhood Park* Shaded Seating Areas Pickle Ball Large Open Space Basketball Shaded Seating Open Lawn Area Views Informal Play Community Park* Play Lawn Area Clubhouse (Public) Upgraded Planting [Boulders Parking and Large Box trees] Tot Lot Enhanced Paving Dog Park Community Library Amphitheater Lawn Shade Structures Trails and Walkways Garden Spaces Grand Staircase and Link to Downtown Class 1 Bike Trail • • • • 8' Walk in Park Altair Recreation Center* 6-7' Sidewalk Clubroom / Restrooms mmmmmmm 4-5' Walk Pool / Spa ; 940- 3 10-048 ; 940- 3 10-044 Cabanas Shaded Seating and Lounges Parking *Amenities are conceptual and subject to change as project progesses. 0 25' 50' 100' 7m" Scale: 1 "= 50'-0" P A 2 3 - 0 4 3 9 L-6 k&�Zz ka i r COMPLETELY TEMECULA. ALTAIR VILLAGE B -CONNECTIVITY PLAN TEMECULA, CA LEGEND — — — Connectivity Path 4' to 5' Wide ■ ■ ■ Street Sidewalk 5' Wide OMailbox Location Open Space Location 0 20' 40' 80' 7m" Scale: 1 "= 40'-0" A P N : 940- 3 10-04 5 ; 940- 3 10-047 ; 940- 3 10-048 ; 940- 3 10-044 P A 2 3 - 0 4 3 9 L-7 LEGEND %Zmz� ka i r COMPLETELY TEMECULA. ALTAIR VILLAGE B - WALL AND FENCE PLAN TEMECULA, CA ------------ Patio Fence (31-011 Tall) Private Yard Fence (5'-6" Tall) Cable Guardrail Fence (42" Tall) PATIO FENCE HEIGHT: 3'-0" PRIVATE YARD FENCE HEIGHT: 5'-6" CABLE GUARDRAIL FENCE HEIGHT: 3'-6" 0 20' 40' 80' 7m" Scale: 1 "= 40'-0" A P N : 940- 3 10-04 5 ; 940- 3 10-047 ; 940- 3 10-048 ; 940- 3 10-044 P A 2 3 - 0 4 3 9 L-8 LEGEND k&�ZZ ka i r COMPLETELY TEMECU LA. �. .... � ° . _-;ter>• _. MAILBOX LOCATIONS TRANSFORMER LOCATIONS ALTAIR VILLAGE B - MAILBOX AND TRANSFORMER CONDITIONS TEMECULA, CA Screening Hedge Low Groundcover (12 " Max) Boulders in Planting Area Boulders in Decorative Rock Bed Enhanced Paving v Transformer Mailboxes Q Signage *Note: These are typical solutions. Individual locations may vary. 0 2' 4' 8' 7m" Scale:1/4"= 1'-0" A P N : 940- 3 10-04 5 ; 940- 3 10-047 ; 940- 3 10-048 ; 940- 3 10-044 P A 2 3 - 0 4 3 9 L-9 ADIRONDACK CHAIR WASTE RECEPTACLE CHARCOAL GREY BENCH PICNIC TABLE DUAL STREAM BIKE RACK e1 � `� y # - y �� ! r .'may y - �r:f„i�. .I '••'4-.- r r. 1� rtz y M1 L •t 1 i y ti 1 f 1 ' 14 16 f ,r• �� 1P ` _ y f k Yi?' _ t 54 •a 1 — i — f� 'r Al .72 •F ,�• l .�..^' r .- ti w' t ,' si �.►'-* f � •�: '•� . 1 .' ��. . - n ■�•°,�j �il'i I I�• M1u• _'I I- `�.'� . ■ i' + 'r r - *1 - - - "'�i � - Z WOOD BENCH PEDISTAL MAILBOX BOULDERS FOR SEATING OR INFORMAL PLAY COMMUNITY LIBRARY a J H z W Note: Conceptual Imagery. Actual Specifications may vary. 15 a 0 J W W 0 III N ALTAIR VILLAGE B -SITE FURNISHINGS AI �D11I� TEMECULA, CA �o COMPLETELY "" ECU LA. AP : 940- 3 10-04 5 940- 3 10-047 940- 3 10-048 940- 3 10-044 P A 2 3 - 0 4 3 9 L-1 0 � PA23-0439 LEGEND PROJECT BOUNDARY — — EXISTING TOPO CONTOUR BUILDING NUMBER BLDG 1 FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION FF=1100.7 PAD ELEVATION P=1100.0 ST. ELEVATION 1111.0 PROPOSED PVT. SEWER MAIN (8") PROPOSED PVT. WATER MAIN (4"-6") PROPOSED PUB. WATER MAIN (4"-6") PROPOSED PVT. WATER FIRE MAIN (8") F PROPOSED PVT. UNTREATED STORM DRAIN (18 "*) PROPOSED PVT. TREATED/BYPASS STORM DRAIN (18 "*) * ACTUAL SIZING TO BE DETERMINED PROPOSED ADA PA TH OF TRA VEL • • • • • • • PROPOSED STREET LIGHT 0-0 PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT Do4 PROPOSED TRANSFORMER L OCA T I ON 0 PROPOSED ELECTRICAL SWITCH LOCATION El PROPOSED AC UNIT LOCATION ALTAIR VILLAGE B SOUTH/ NORTH/ EAST WEST vo 30' L EAST WEST 3' 24' 3' 30' 30' DRWY 12' 12' D WY 3' 24' 3' 3' 24' TRAVEL TRAVEL DRWY 12' Lo 12' T WY DRWY 12' 12' LANE LANE TRA VEL TRA VEL TTRA VEL TRA VEL LANE LANE LANE I LANE -2% 2q .................................................... 4" MOD. PVT. ROLLED CURB (TYP.) WATER A.C. PAVEMENT AND MAIN BASE AFIR� PVT. MAIN SEWER 6' It 6' 2' MAIN PROPOSED PVT. DRIVES D & E NOT TO SCALE EAST/ WEST/ NORTH SOUTH 32' 3' 24' 500 DRWY 12' 12' SD WK TRA VEL TRA VEL LANE LANE 2% 2% �— ................................ 0" MOD. CURB .... ............................ 6'• CURB 4" PVT. WATER MAIN A.C. PAVEMENT AND BASE PVT. FIRE MAIN 8" PVT. 6' 6" 2" SEWER PROPOSED PVT. DRIVE F & POR. OF PVT. DRIVE E NOT TO SCALE R/W R/W 100' 1 RA 54' 46' i I 31' 1 3V 1 I 8' 6' 7' 12' 12' 14' 12' 12' 7' 8' I 21 BIKEWAY y12' PARKWAY 1 y12' I q-1 i 2% 2% 29 21-- CONSTRUCT AC 1 CONSTRUCT 6" PAVEMENT CONCRETE CURB CONSTRUCT AC (STRUCTURAL SECTION TO BE 6' ONLY 'TYPE D-6' CONSTRUCT 6" PAVEMENT DETERMINED BY PER THE CITY TEMECULA STD. CONCRETE CURB (STRUCTURAL SOILS 204A (TYP.) AND GUTTER 'TYPE SECTION TO BE ENGINEER)(TYP) A-6' PER THE DETERMINED BY CITY OF TEMECULA SOILS ENGINEER) WESTERN BYPASS CORRIDOR (PUBLIC) STD. 200 (TYP.) PER TRACT MAP NO. 36959-1, -2 NOT TO SCALE CURB LINE CURB LINE TYPICAL BUILDING DRAINAGE SWALE DETAIL APPLICABLE TO ALL BUILDING TYPES NOT TO SCALE i 2% 2� ................................ 0" MOD. CURB 7 ........................ 4" MOD. CURB (TYP.) PROP. AC AND BASE PAVEMENT 4" PVT. WATER MAIN 8" PVT. 6, 6' SEWER PROPOSED PVT. DRIVE I NOT TO SCALE NORTH/ SOUTH/ EAST WEST 34' 5' 24' 5' SD WK 12' 10 12' SDWK TRA VEL TRA VEL LANE I LANE 2% 1 1 1 2% —y 2% ........................................................ 6" CURB (TYP.) *4" PVT. *PVT WATER MAIN A. C. PA VEMEN T AND STORM BASE DRAIN PVT FIRE MAIN *8„ PVT 6" 6' 2' SEWER POR. OF PROPOSED PVT. DRIVES A, B & C NOT TO SCALE *NO STORM DRAIN, SEWER & WATER FOR MAJORITY OF PVT. DRIVE B R/W 1 70'— CONCRETE CURB CONSTRUCT 4" CONSTRUCT AC PAVEMENT. ONLY 'TYPE D-6' THICK P.C.C. STRUCTURAL SECTION TO PER THE CITY OF SIDEWALK PER THE BE DETERMINED BY SOILS TEMECULA STD. CITY OF TEMECULA ENGINEER (6" AC/8" AB 204A STD. 401 (TYP.) MIN)(TYP.) ALTAIR VISTA (PUBLIC) PER TRACT MAP NO. 36959-1, -2 NOT TO SCALE SECTION 1804.4 SITE GRADING OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC) TO ALLOW FOR AN ALTERNATE METHOD OF DIVERTING WATER AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATION. TYPICAL LOT DRAINAGE TO BE REDUCED FROM 5% SLOPE AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATION TO A MINIMUM 2% SLOPE. ALSO, LOT DRAINAGE SWALE GRADE TO BE REDUCED FROM 2% TO 1 %. DESIGN WAIVER REQUEST TO ALLOW TYPICAL LOT DRAINAGE TO BE REDUCED FROM 5% AWAY FROM HOUSE (PER BLDG. CODE 1804.4) TO 2% AWAY FROM HOUSE. ALLOW LOT DRAINAGE SWALE GRADE TO BE REDUCED FROM 2% TO 1 %. 2% 3' 4" MOD. CURB (TYP.) -`0" MOD. CURB (TYP.) AGGREGATE *PVT. SAND STORM 4" PVT. DRAIN WATER MAIN 8" PVT. 66' SEWER PROPOSED PVT. DRIVES G. Hy J, K, L & M NOT TO SCALE *PVT. DRI VES G & H ONLY 42' 5' 8' 24' 5' SD WK PKNG 70 12' 12' SD WK 10 TRA VEL TRA VEL LANE LANE 2% 1 I 1 2% - 2% 2% ~- 77 ......................................................................... 6 " CURB (TYP.) *PVT *4" PVT. STORM WATER MAIN A.C. PAVEMENT AND DRAIN BASE PVT. FIRE MAIN *81, PVT 6' 6' 2" SEWER POR. OF PROPOSED PVT. DRIVES A. B & C NOT TO SCALE *NO STORM DRAIN, SEWER & WATER FOR MAJORITY OF PVT. DRIVE B R/W 2' Ir I I I I CONSTRUCT 6" CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 'TYPE A-6' PER THE CITY OF TEMECULA STD. 200 (TYP.) m Lu ZD Zz U U � 6" 1"R 1. GROSS SITE AREA: 12.36 AC 2. TOTAL NUMBER OF EX I STING LOTS. 2 J. TOTAL NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS.-1 4. TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS. 109 HOMES — (21) 3 STORY SINGLE FAMILY, (88) 3 STORY DUPLEX 5. ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER. 940-310-044, 940-310-045,940-310-046, 940-310-047, 940-310-048 6. CONTOUR INTERVAL FROM MASS GRADING PLAN. • 1 FOOT 7. AREA/PERCENT OF PROJECT IN STREETS, DRIVEWAYS & DRIVE AISLES: 1.90 AC. SHEET INDEX C 1 - TITLE SHEET C2-C3 - PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN C4-05 - PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN C6-C7 - PRELIMINARY WET UTILITY PLAN UTILITY NOTES: ALL UTILITIES ARE TO BE UNDERGROUND. IN -TRACT SEWER IS TO BE PRIVATELY MAINTAINED BY HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION (HOA) IN -TRACT DOMESTIC WATER IS TO BE PRIVATELY MAINTAINED BY HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION (HOA) IN -TRACT FIRE WATER IS TO BE PRIVATELY MAINTAINED BY HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION (HOA) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 2 OF TRACT MAP NO. 36959-11 IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP ON FILE IN BOOK _ , PAGES _ THROUGH _ OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. 2" WEAKENED PLANE JOINT L 0" MOD. 'D' CURB NOT TO SCALE 24" 6" 8" 10" 3/8„R 12"R 1 '-6 "R a 2�-n R d 2" WEAKENED PLANE JOINT 4" MOD. 'C' ROLLED CURB NOT TO SCALE PARALLEL TYPICAL PARKING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE LL- U� o Z m U ZD U =1 6" 1"R 2" WEAKENED d . PLANE JOINT a 4" MOD. 'D-6' CURB NOT TO SCALE 6" 1 '-6" 10 1 "R 1 "R 2" WEAKENED PLANE JOINT d' 10, d. 4" MOD. A-6' CURB & GUTTER NOT TO SCALE I 0 0 I Lo N R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Village B\VB Title Sheet.dwg[]Jul-01-2024:16:17 G PA 23-0439 II 1 0 0 N. \ I N I ' � 1I I I 01 / O V\ H I I o \ / / 100, loo, /' \ /'//' \loo, '' loo, Ile 1-1 /' / I /Ile loll/ / 4■� \ \ // // / l / SEE PRELIMNARY ' ' ■ I ■ ' / i LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR AMENITIES / ' I ■ I ■ I // / ' / ' �' \\ I{�■ 1 1 I ■ / //O �•� / 1 6y /// tea, • • • • gab• • • • / • 2� 13 I i j 1 // // // �0 // / / ••••••• • \\ �� / / / / o$y / o • �► • �I I I oo, / • loo, loll • I II I I / \ \ tv I ■ \\ \ 30 0 30 60 90 /' // // /' ' / f • • ^ • • • • • • I I 1 1 I I \ \\ SCALE 1 "= 30' // / / ' / / "� ` f • • /79 • • • I I 9 • I I I ■ In loe • • • • 1g?�/YP o 10• / 23 • I j�■ I 1 / loe loe do ool CO 4*1 QA VT w x W • • • pE�P�NG \\ \ / _ /1'M 13' • l / i I I / / N / • N ® • V� • • ® • —4— / 6 QJ • w EO \ /, \ w ' i / +�� I ':'��o rn � �, \ / W ; %' � • • • 11' pEEp�NG I $ 4' • 1 I � � ® � � / v � � �/ ■ � � 1 tic I - \ s� `�' I + • I QI ? r • No Pv� • • oo \ F00�1�� / / _ _ _ • ❑ / I : I 1 ■ '\ ip h O DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK Q � � • I � o VALVES FOR POTABLE WATER Z \ �\ I p=k < / �� o� • • - - �' • I II • I I AND FIRE (SIZING TO BE \ \\� 1gt I - — �\ 5,13 • • • • : /' \ j \ o • I • �'.� • • I I // DETERMINED d6>. � \ �_ ��� • • • / � \ o�, \ � � - • • d' W ® • � • / • I I � � ' �41�9 .I �W I =-_- • • \ 1 \ `{pi ��; `(Pi \ • 24.0' • 3 , X_ ,� � \\ �I - -- _-- • • • � •' �,�..i:. • • \ I I 16'2( �• � \6'2( G • • • JO � I ILL7!/MASTER METER FOR POTABLE \ 'I • • • •\\•3' TYP- �—�-y-;IWATER & EASEMENT 3" PRELIMINARY � \• • v' \• ( SIZING ( / =r��• • cn ® 6 • • / ••. \ �i /7/ \\\_\ -- 7 • • 3' - , • �I I I i 12 I l II �) U/ \ _ _ • \\ N • SEE PRELIMNARY • / — W 8 • I • I • , I ■ s I ■ I ;� KRAKEN UNEQIVALENT \ i \ / ,,'' - �. \\ '/ \\\;�, • GI #3 9- I \ • LANDSCAPE PLANB p •_ --- �° •® 6, FOR AMENITIES -3BLpG #38 •• 4 •• •N • VILLAGE B SITE PLAN DESIGN NOTES EXISTING EASEMENTS AEASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AEASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, H U N SA K ER VILLAGE B , � 1. ALL FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION ARE TO BE SET 8 4 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: & ASSOCIATES INCHES ABOVE PAD ELEVATION. AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT. • GRANTED TO: EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, A PUBLIC AGENCY ORGANIZED AND GRANTED TO: EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, A PUBLIC AGENCY ORGANIZED AND SAN D I E G O, INC EXISTING UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LAW OF 1911, ITS EXISTING UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LAW OF 1911, ITS PROPOSED EASEMENTS GRANTED TO: EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS PLANNING 9707 Waples Street PURPOSE: SEWAGE TRANSMISSION AND COLLECTION FACILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES PURPOSE. SEWER AND ACCESS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES PURPOSE: SEWER AND ACCESS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES ENGINEERING San Diego, Ca 92121 AA EASEMENT(S) FOR PUBLIC WATER METER RECORDING DATE. SEPTEMBER 27, 1990 RECORDING DATE: SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 RECORDING DATE. SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 PER FINAL MAP RECORDING NO: 357810 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS RECORDING NO: 2018-0383680 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS RECORDING NO: 2018-0383681 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS SURVEYING PH(858)558.4500• FX(858)558.1414 CITY OF TEMECULA CALIFORNIA AFFECTS: PARCELS A AND B AFFECTS: PARCEL B AFFECTS: PARCEL A SHEET C-2 OF C-7 0 0 I N R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Villoge B\Site Plan\VB Site Plan.dwg[]Jul-01-2024:16:1 PA 23-0439 11( SEE SHEET C-2 � �� � 1p X � �6 / � � •0 3� P� 100 -lop, cp- If / \ / �� \� • If IL 0 ■ NEB 5� • / • `b / �/ • / • • • � 1 I /��� _ - - "O -� c9 �/ �13 / / • • ' • Pu; lol- It ' rn �; �� • • • pEF00 EP ING 4' 111 0 "� i '� r'rn f I 6 6 / �� ■ • 1 • 3 II • Q l / • 1 O� \ I I Q7 /3 • / 1 camwm g� • I I 1' Q . , ; � 4 I 33\ Q • O ��,;- % " �R' S ■ • • \ EEpENG $ r- _ • I I I / / w • : 1 1 - Vs� z I \ \ \�V • II <� \ ,"<i r cn ? :� % o_ o`.ev� • • -' -o_o \• F00�\0 N W _ -� • • dOUBLED TOR CHECK ' • 3' • ALVES FOR POTABLE WATER / II • I/I / o^ ph oO " ■ 1I II / I AND FIRE (SIZING TO BE \ + _ W \ S • • • �' \ , I ' • I • • / ■ I I '/ DETERMINED) �`ps \ I i = = \. ■ • • • • • i' \ 03 \ • ' • N ® • • / i I I l `ul � _ __ -_ `• � • r • � \ \ \ � • I I • ® � ill I �I �■ I I / / a 9 \ I W= = I - - • \ r..i • • \ 1 \ 2 l((P i OR'�2 �� (P i \ • 24.0' IV• O , 24' l ; I 1 camum \ �I =--- • • • • • • • •' ■• ••- \ \\ 16 �.1'�. 16 OG 0 • g, mJ I I� _ a1T ■ ■ I ---I I l MASTER METER FOR POTABLE \ \ I • • / \ V • Q I _ _ �- y- ■ I I / WATER & EASEMENT (3" PRELIMINARY �� �\ • • �" ' • • • / \ \ _ 3 (�P') I ■ ■ ; 12 I I I SIZING) / \ • r ♦ *-' ® 6 • \ ■ \ i / \ — -- — — 7 3' - , ' I I ■ 1 I SEE PRELIMNAR g® w \\ • KR4KEN UNIT OR EQ• 2PLAN- 0• i \ ,, \\ ® rn •' • G #3LANDSCAPE �FOR AMENITIES • 0 ®038 81LD #C�j I ' ® ••• IIIII I I ■ I II / .■ II ( 1 I i� -- 3 N �` ' II I I ■ I 3 /, ♦ \ C91 J I - 13 I I ■ i L o _ _ - ,� .• SEE PRELIMNARY � • 11n H(P'\ / LANDSCAPE PLAN ' - tiS • �PI�L • ' • 3' I � • • 1 v 162') OR AMNII••• •' PVr, o • II II I � /I� '; I II �II I N • N ® • I I I : /u� i �I I o - \\ • I WI I ao \\\ (^ � L � • '�� • •••■•■ • � I m • II I ■ � ■I III �� 3 1 I • \ • • • ■ • • • • • ' ' S-1 • • �E • • • 3'(TYP.) 24' I I I ■ i M \ \ �,. j bo • • • • • • • • • • N _ •• •• ^ • \ \\\ • ® r \ • • •• $-g _ —off • • • • • - o : It I \�\ a•N ; �_• o w �• a • . N 5' PVT, DRIVE ^ • III I Q ■I • I I I S - \\\ \\ ++ \ \ \\\�\� \ 8' 1® �, •I -' ■••■_ •8' ® '� w � C° 8' g•L00 #27 H-1 #35 • • gLLDG #28 G #34 LG #gL9 N N 8gLpG #3�J #31 A L 10' I3I - _ _ 23.'�: . • I4IIIII ► I II ► I I1LiI � III I , -� NN \ 1 _ II • � - • SEE PRELIMNARY�: W — ■ I I �'1�_ o _ 1.8' LANDSCAPE PLAN n,P) ■ I I �� W "' • FOR AMENITIES 16.2'(NP.) �- o 8 / . n16 2'(TYP') I II ♦ - - G 6 T F 8' 1 V DRIV ' II • 16.2'(NP•) 8' g 1 i 19 3 I I I PVT, pRIVE $' I ,9, • .I 1 � III 7 . I III • $' � I � • '®® � .' I 3 AF1 � • ••• I III • _® 2' - w • ® • • • • • •'' •' • •'----__= ■ ■■ / i j� III ��r ® °? •• • w • �, • ® ' ® •••• • •••••••••'/�� ..... ■ 109p ••••••••• • _1085 1100 _ • • 1080 •� 4 � — • • • 0 1095 10 1� ■■■■�■�♦ I I 1_ • • • • 1090 ' �■ •■■■■■ 1 oil O I / 4° - - - _ _ ,� — N44°23'S6'E 623.07 f f GOP- mmmmmmmmmmmm� DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVES FOR 13 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, I I POTABLE WATER AND FIRE EXISTING EASEMENTS AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: (SIZING TO BE DETERMINED) # l 1 MASTER METER FOR POTABLE A EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, GRANTED TO: EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, A PUBLIC AGENCY ORGANIZED AND I Fti— WATER & EASEMENT (3 . AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: EXISTING UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LAW OF 1911, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS / PRELIMINARY SIZING) GRANTED TO: EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT PURPOSE: SEWER AND ACCESS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES / 1 PURPOSE. SEWAGE TRANSMISSION AND COLLECTION FACILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDING DATE: SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 / RECORDING DATE: SEPTEMBER 27, 1990 RECORDING NO: 2018-0383681 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS: PARCEL A RECORDING NO: 357810 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS / I 7Og AFFECTS: PARCELS A AND 8 PROPOSED EASEMENTS / 1 O 12 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, / / I AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT. A EASEMENT(S) FOR PUBLIC WATER METER / I PER FINAL MAP / GRANTED TO: EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, A PUBLIC AGENCY ORGANIZED AND � I EXISTING UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LAW OF 1911, ITS I 1 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS SITE PLAN PURPOSE: SEWER AND ACCESS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDING DATE: SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 H U N SA K ER VILLAGE B RECORDING NO: 2018-0383680 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS: PARCEL 8 � & ASSOCIATES ���\ / I SAN DIECO, INC It 30 0 30 60 90 PLANNING 9707 Waples Street I If / It SCALE 1 "-- 30' / ENGINEERING San Diego, Ca 92121 SURVEYING PH(858)558.4500 • FX(858)558.1414 /080 - CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA SHEET C-3 OF C-7 0 O I LO N 0 R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Villoge B\Site Plan\VB Site Plan.dwg[]Jul-01-2024:16:18 PA 23-0439 - 1140--------- 1140 - - 1140 - 1140 - -1130------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1130- -1130--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -. _ ._ - - 1130- I 1 77 BLDG 60 -1120BLDG. 12 1120- -1120 IPAD: 110b.0 1120- PAD:1108.0 / C 1108.OFG DAYLIGHT 1106.OFG- / -1110------- ----------------------------------------- 1110- -1110------------- - DAYLIGHT 1110- T PROP. GRADE \ 7 1100.OEG 1100.OEG / -1100---------- �-------------- 1100- -1100---------------------------- <� ----- 1100- --------------------------------- ------------- PROP. WALKWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY 2;1 �' PROP. GRADE BROW DITCH PER PHASE 1 1A092.OEG 1090.OEG i' GRADE PER PHASE 1 / _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ MASS GRADING PLAN - -1090 --------------- -- 1090- -1090------------ ----�------------------ 1090- / L t C/L OF EXIST. 1085.OEG �- ' /- - - - - - -MASS GRADING PLAN 8' MSC WALLS PER PHASE 1 - ROJECT BOUNDARY WESTERN BYPASS CORRIDOR / MASS GRADING PLAN II" _ _ _____________ -1080 ---- -------- 1080- -1080------------- ------ ------------------ 10801 i BROW DITCH PER PHASE 1 2' 1070.OEG 1069.OEG 1070.O1 MASS GRADING PLAN v -1070------------------------------ 1070- -1070----------- _-------------------- --- - ---------------------------------------------------------- 1070- 2 �.'7---------� GRADE PER PHASE 1 �T �'7 � / MASS GRADING PLAN �� 1060.OEG SIDEWALK PER STREET �� �_------------ IMPROVEMENT PLAN -1160-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1060- -1160------------,--------------------------------- 1060- 1 � 1 I Q \ 1 o \ \ \ I I I �o�� 1 V\ I� II I II \ 1 1 I j l l I v I BROW DITCH PER PHASE 1 10g0 \ I I / I -1050------------------------------------------- MASS GRADING PLAN ------------- ------------------------------ ------- 1050- -1050------------1--------------------------- 1050- RETAINING WALL PER PHASE 1 -1040-------------------MASS GRADING- PLAN ------- ---- 1040. ------------------------- ---- 1040- SECTION C-C SCALE: 1 "=20' HORIZ/VERT n _ I EXIST. DRAINAGE DITCH \���\ 1030.OEG ,/// /%// I I • I -1030-------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -------1026.OEG- - - - -- --- 1030- EXIST. DRAINAGE DITCH - - � / i / / l / 1-1 I EXIST. RETAINING WALLS 1019.OEG / /' / / //p� , , -1020------------------------------- —_�-- = 1020- i /i / // / // / / ■ SECTION 'B-B' � SEE PRELIMNARY i / , �i I • SCALE: 1 "=20' HORIZ/VERY l / /i // / / / LANDSCAPE PLAN / / // FOR AMENITIES i i // �a • • • • • • • • • • 20.3 \�//// 10�0 / /%, // • • • • • • 1107.E • - : \�\ I • �' / 10j5/ / • • • • . 11 ® 1 I Ob 00 I%k \\ //i// / /// / 1090 • — 24.0' °° • II I \ \ / / / �� �' i Q' • C7 ® I I • • rn o / / �1� • • • ® �V N ® 20' I \\ \ 30 0 30 60 90 /' i / i' l / i'���� • • h • • • • • • • • I I v \ � � � / i • • BAD • •• �, rn • I 1 \ \\ SCALE 1 "= 30' / i" &19 ' / "1 \ \f • J G• ® • • h1 9' • I II • ol 23 / // / / i // \ v `''' / 110g.o \ • • • h 19, (�/'% , 1 1 71 �J /12 110-56 do 6 \)v t 'j 10 %' `s 110� 3 / C3� X (�i • • O �� • 7S l / \ / / O � i y f � �� l � � � � ll • � l l' � M • 1090 11100 3- Q1 0 CO �� 11At 00 / h' % \ 1103 �o c3� �x o `'' • \ ��\ • 11052• � Q 1 2 • l K. • • • 10, OF 110 1 [t `� ii_ � '\ � � `� 3' �T(P � - ` a? `\ n' x �_J • • • �' \ • DE �1N0 -� / ^ �- 11' � � • 13' • l rn • • • ' OEEP ING ,11 4' 7106 • �^ Q� • I ■ /co • i, G ' . • • • \ DEEPENG $ �'- ,11 � S • � ' -i / 11 p) � � • : ■ ■ l I - a I n \ N \ v Pi ?�. • �, o_ • • i� oo F R=_ -__ 1106.3 o I • I ^ o ,' I I DQUBLE DETECTOR CHECK \ o 3 �(( �� o i\,, � o • • - 1103.3 �5 �QG \ 1 • I • � �� T I , • II o 0 0 ■ I • VANES FOR POTABLE WATER Z g r o N • • / - \ g \ Q / ! • I I I o • I • / I AND IRE (SIZING TO BE ` \ 1 O 1100.5 \� o S'1 • • \ 1 S/'o • 1106.4PI • o • ■ I 1 / rV •`r �� W �\ / �, • • 1102.7 A os � .1 0� • • �I' � W � ® ■ ■ l ■ I I DETER INED s , _�V%_ 0 •• • •• 103.1\ \ 1 �ojf�,"A � s • d I I� •® I ■ I: I / o so c� 1 2% W _ _ - = )- - - R� ii + �° \ \ \ • • ® W I �I ¢ I I�j ' I / l 9�. - I - i • • \ 1103.5 (P{P �• 4' I - com ILL MASTER METER FOR POTABLES A ; '� R'3 - o o • • • • • • • • • - • • 1103.0 V A\ • m Q I °' _ _--- I I l l WATER & EASEMENT (3 PRELIMINARY — " 8 • • • • �, v' 6' •• • •°% 1103.5 \ / \ 1 7' • I ; 12 1 I SIZING) / �09! R� • • = r ~: ® • • \ / • \ i / \ �0� — — • 110E • 3' oo - , • it I ■ I III I / > ®• • • \ N • SEE PRELIMNAR • �103- , _ , $ • • ,� I ■ 1 • BLDG #39 • 32• N • LANDSCAPE PL •• 1103.5 N\ g1 ® rn • - \ • FOR AMENITI S / 110 • \� BLDG #38 $®r,= ��\ \02 •• - - GRADING PLAN SHEET k1PAWrn► ► ►NIT na �n► uva► �n► \ \ \ . 11 A6 \ _ • / �► • r / • ® f n DESIGN NOTES EXISTING EASEMENTS 12 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AEASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, H U N SA K ER VILLA GE B , � 1. ALL FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION ARE TO BE SET 8 4 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: & A � C I A T ES C-4 INCHES ABOVE PAD ELEVATION. AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT.GRANTED TO: EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, A PUBLIC AGENCY ORGANIZED AND GRANTED TO: EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, A PUBLIC AGENCY ORGANIZED AND SAN D I E G O, INC EXISTING UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LAW OF 1911, ITS EXISTING UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LAW OF 1911, ITS OF PROPOSED EASEMENTS GRANTED TO: EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS PLANNING 9707 Waples Street PURPOSE. SEWAGE TRANSMISSION AND COLLECTION FACILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES PURPOSE. SEWER AND ACCESS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES PURPOSE. SEWER AND ACCESS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES ENGINEERING San Diego, Ca 92121 AA EASEMENT(S) FOR PUBLIC WATER METER RECORDING DATE. SEPTEMBER 27, 1990 RECORDING DATE. SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 RECORDING DATE. SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 C-7 PER FINAL MAP RECORDING NO: 357810 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS RECORDING NO: 2018-0383680 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS RECORDING NO: 2018-0383681 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS SURVEYING PH(858)558.4500• FX(858)558.1414 CITY OF TEMECULA CALIFORNIA AFFECTS: PARCELS A AND B AFFECTS: PARCEL B AFFECTS: PARCEL A Ln 0 0 I L0 N R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Villoge B\Grading Plan\VB Grading Plan.dwg[]Jul-01-2024:16:19 i�.lm1 1w� T-dr r .� nr iii SEE SHEET C-4 PA 23-0439 -1140---------------------------------------------------------- - 1130 - 1120 Aw BLDG. 4 PAD:1104.8 PROJECT BOUNDAR PROP. GRADE -1110 --- ------------------------------- DAYLIGHT 1104.8FG 1100.OEG i -1100-----------------------------------------------------t ------------- PROP. WALKWAY 1090.OEG - 1090--------------------- ---1086.4EG------->�- -- ---- GRADE PER PHASE 1 MASS GRADING PLAN _ ao __ _- BROW DITCH PER PHASE 1 1072.5EG—�T�efL 1072.OEGTMASS GRADING PLAN - - - - - - - - -- __ - 1070 TAININGWALL PERPHASE 1 --------------------- ---- - EXIST. DIRT ROAD 1071.0EMAS�`GRfiBtN6-�'64N_ EXIST. DRAINAGE DITCH SECTION 'A -A' SCALE. 1 "=20' HORIZ/VERT PROPOSED EASEMENTS AA EASEMENT(S) FOR PUBLIC WATER METER PER FINAL MAP EXISTING EASEMENTS / 4 \ EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: GRANTED TO: EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT PURPOSE: SEWAGE TRANSMISSION AND COLLECTION FACILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDING DATE: SEPTEMBER 27, 1990 ------------------------------------------------------- 1140 - RECORDING NO: 357810 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS 1140 - � AFFECTS: PARCELS A AND B ----------- ---- 1130 - - 1130 38' 42' 1130 - 12 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, BLDG. 34 AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT. - 1120 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PAD:1102.7 1120 - 1120 - RIGHT-OF-WAY-,,CIL OF EXIST. RIGHT-OF-WAY GRANTED TO: EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, A PUBLIC AGENCY ORGANIZED AND ALTAIR VISTA I EXISTING UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LAW OF 1911, ITS y _ SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS - 1110 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1110 - PURPOSE. SEWER AND ACCESS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES 1110 - 1102.7FG RECORDING DATE: SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 DAYLIGHT = 1100.5EG 1100�OEG - 1100.OEG - - - RECORDING N0: 2018-0383680 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS -1100 - �-------- -�- _ ________ ------------ - ----�2�- 1100- AFFECTS: PARCEL 8 1100- SIDEWALK PER STREET ---'PROP. GRADE -1090 IMPROVEMENT PLAN (TYP.) 1090 - CURB � MENT PLAN ( GUTTER PERNp )EET STREET - IMPROVEMENT GRADING PLAN sh - 1 °$° - - - - - 1080 - H U N SA K ER 1080 - VILLAGE BSECTIOND-D' & ACIATES c 1070 - SCALE: 1"=20' HORIZ/VERT SAN D I E G O, INC DESIGN NOTES 1. ALL FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION ARE TO BE SET 8 INCHES ABOVE PAD ELEVATION. r�l, 0 0 I rn Lo N R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Village B\Grading Plan\VB Grading Plan.dwg[]Jul-01-2024:16:19 PA 23-0439 i � ►I / / 0 % 1-1 / Ov N. N II \ I I / / ♦ `\ \ 1 o IJ I I /' // / / // / / 0/1 / \ I� � / / 0 \ j I /'cq /'' / / �� / \09 \ \\ _ it /' '' \ \ '' ' /'' /' � I \ / ooe ool' SEE PRELIMNARY / / LANDSCAPE PLAN / /, / ■ I / / / / FOR AMENITIES / ❑ I ■ IQ I / / / / 1\ I ■ 1 1 'Ju j65 I 1 �/ / 10�0 // / _ \\ I ■ �� 1 � ® II I ■ 1 / loo, / i/ � 3 (TYP.) I " G� ® 11 I • I 1 I loe 1. 20 \\ \ 30 0 30 60 90 /' i' // ' / \� I/� • I I 1 I�j I / I SCALE 1"- 30' // / �i // / / f4 / \ / �� % I 1 1 \ #2� .1o/' 23 I I�■ 1 1 / / `✓/ o % 2 12' do r— / /� /�o• gyp) ® v \f W / ' G / '' /may N �� 3( \ �o X�f / /� \ / O Q • // I I ■ / 1 1- 1 I 1 oo,wog 10 CID , �i� 6 6 o G \ ✓ o (j1 X� \ y G O / • Q �� 2 • r 1 Cn / I \ 1105 G � b• 1100 r, o cr p 3V�P� 6 o m T(Pi �6' �� N / / • • 1 1 03 / cp o C5� i � l ■ r • � 13 \ / / • •� I 1 � • � ' //%' _ ' i �`'- � l � 3 3��'P J � • / 1 1 \ Pi E /CO/ / • ■ cD • � � �P�� i.� / /' 3 ( °� � �� -(•( = a? vo � / ®�P�NG 5-a-1— / 11' � ,3, / • I /_ 3'� X W • OE INN \ \ / / • I 1 / - N- - - 6 '— \ \ �/ �, �, ® NEB $ g� 3 \ //� ® �w ``/ �/ a ® • — — - --/ \ w 4- 111 Q� ■ �� 1 1 \ // �rn I \f ✓Z I 6' 6 v C�Z� % • F00� -o 00 =�'G _ \ � � i � %' � \ o � � � _ mow'' l EEPEN�O $ w � � 16 I I / / � � • , � 1 I �, \ \ I N I \ �• I 4 \ , r • o / Oo \ 000�1�O �'� PP �� /W / _ '` 0 / I / • ■ '� h "• I 1 DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK I I Ij o `a 1 I VALVES FOR POTABLE WATER o \ +\ 9 I r . ;_ ' cn F o r - - - \ �� / I • II : 1 I 1 AND FIRE (SIZING TO BE I DETERMINED) — 'Li \ \ �� - - _ \ s \ P / • CV „ ® ■ 1 / q \ IWNI = = _ - \� \ \ \ \\ p{P / / �� ; (!P i \ 24.0' n 3 24' ■ l • 1 1 am,cm �`\ "� ---- \ I I 16�v� ,� �R62( • JO I I� 17' I �- �I \ I \ Pv 9' m - ■ 1 1 ' lI 1 MASTER METER FOR POTABLE \ I \ \ _ WATER & EASEMENT (3" PRELIMINARY\/ ,/ \ �� I - - - - �" ® 6 \\\ \ / \ \ �Po,11�16 — 7 — _ 3'(TYP.) — II • ; 1 12 1 I SIZING) / \ . \ \ \ \\ /7 \\ _ - 3 I KR KEN UN�Q IU VALENT / _ - - - - - \ SEE P—LI MNAR / _ - 8 I o • , I I I 1 1 #39 32 LANDSCAPE PLAN �\ \ \ \\\ 38 U[3LL)u�- \�\ FOR AMENITIES \ 1�oa� ® N WET UTILITY PLAN '' .� . \. \ �o�S ,-� \�.� BL�G # $' \ \ \ ,�E ' �� ^ , I SHEET DESIGN NOTES EXISTING EASEMENTS 12 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, 13 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, H U N SA K ER VILLA GE B 1. ALL FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION ARE TO BE SET 8 AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT:' J & A z)w C I A T ES INCHES ABOVE PAD ELEVATION. 4� EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT. • GRANTED TO: EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, A PUBLIC AGENCY ORGANIZED AND GRANTED TO: EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, A PUBLIC AGENCY ORGANIZED AND SAN D I E G O, INC EXISTING UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LAW OF 1911, ITS EXISTING UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LAW OF 1911, ITS PROPOSED EASEMENTS GRANTED TO: EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS PLANNING 9707 Waples Street PURPOSE: SEWAGE TRANSMISSION AND COLLECTION FACILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES PURPOSE. SEWER AND ACCESS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES PURPOSE: SEWER AND ACCESS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES ENGINEERING San Diego, Ca 92121 AA EASEMENT(S) FOR PUBLIC WATER METER RECORDING DATE: SEPTEMBER 27, 1990 RECORDING DATE. SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 RECORDING DATE: SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 PER FINAL MAP RECORDING NO: 357810 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS RECORDING NO: 2018-0383680 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS RECORDING NO: 2018-0383681 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS SURVEYING PH(858)558.4500• FX(858)558.1414 CITY OF TEMECULA CALIFORNIA AFFECTS: PARCELS A AND B AFFECTS: PARCEL B AFFECTS: PARCEL A C-6 OF C-7 0 0 I N R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Villoge B\Wet Utility Plan\VB Wet Utility Plan.dwg[]Jul-01-2024:16:19 PA 23-0439 11( SEE SHEET C-6 ociv If oe S-1 If 100 If can C71 x / CO ILA- N4 c« 5-\_l / 11' l l 13' / • • I I Po co \ � N /� � .'`�0 6? � ' \ /w/ %'' �, / EEP�NO $ -11 3 / 1 � ® � / v Q� • I/ � 1 I co � �� � I I \ ;,� 6 � \: � � % / : � Op�1N ,�} � P ' 4 3 l l Q '� l ■ „ ... � I 1 LA_ q' N I I �• 1 L o r W w N o 00 5 • F Vo \ � DOU�LE DETECTOR CG� HECK \ 0 3' (� \ — Q VALVES FOR POTABLE WATER�� I ^ o I AND FIRE (SIZING TO BE \\ �/ 0 i �� W \ 1 8• w /'o I I o ® I / • I I // DETERMINED) �� _ _ _ \ os \ P / • CV ;; • I I l \� � �s_ •F Wes____---- \\ +� �� \ ''1 / �� � ® � �� I � � � •® 1 : I I � Il 24.0' Q „ 3 24, l • I I mcan 17 \ MASTER METER FOR POTABLE \ \ �1 /I \\ \ \ \\ .91 m '` I — — a- \ WATER & EASEMENT (3" PRELIMINARY3'(TYP.) I ■ • ■ I 12 I I I SIZING) / _ ®® \. SEE PRELIMNARY c 8 I _ II I 1 ■ 1 KRAKEN UNIT OR EQUIVALENT - - - - - \ \ ,, / • - L p G #39 32 ° LANDSCAPE PLAN �81 ® rn I ® II ■ I 1 I ( 1 B \�\ FOR AMENITIESPP0.11 - • N 3 o-- /// \\\ P = 1 1 I� =11 1 \�\ / �Af- \/ \ I �`� � • >o_/ � (' � I � m �6 �' CURB L(TYP.) X �Ln g,m - 23' I ■ I ■; ?��. � 1102 \NSEE PRELIMNARY /`�- \ �101WP�L I 3, I • I 1 I : I �I TYP•) LANDSCAPE PLAN 1 5 ] La: 16.2( 0 3. AL Cfl ® I I ■ I yl I * \\ FOR AMENITIES • N , I ■ I o \\\ \\ \\\\ \\\ L / ^� 24.0' � a 1 I I ■ ' 1 : 1 I �I I '� ✓/ \ \ m 1 .I \\\ \ \ \\\\ 3 I I v _, �\ = F • � i 3'(TYP.) I I 8' PAD=1102.8 \\ �� m - 17' ■ 1Cz : I � \ \\\ \\\\ F w � I I � I�■ I I I +! \ \ J+ �\ PAD= 10 • w _ -� 1 1 I ■ I ■ I` v, �: I I VE „6 ® 0 I CO ® I 1 I I I II s \ \\\ BL11I - ' I ► G #28 23 BL.w pG #34 BLDG #29 =1 1 I 1s' ► I + \\ — s' _ 1 2 1 j1 - . W G° pG ft30 �� = 1 9 3 II ■ BLDG #31 10' \\ \ \n \ _ _ -11 4 18 W - ■ SEE PRELIMNARY \ p.) W _ = o w ^ _ _ 16.2' (NP) • LANDSCAPE PLAN \ _ __ _ _ 16.2'(TYP.) — 8 FOR AMENITIES n16.2'(NP') I II �� N _ 0 8' 6 I B ■ I • I a I I —F— w s' g �• I I I \, III VT. _RIV w — - 0 162'_(Ty D .) II I II 8 B PA=116.1 ; I I 191 3 I I .- V 8' II 4 = 105.E a 1 I `�, \ III 3 1 I per• D 104.8 9 I I I III — PAD= I I w I G = 104.8 U, • ® I ■ I - I ■ I I' III PAD= 1 / 3' I I ,1 04.3 • ® ® �' I ' I I I \ II I 8' • • I I I co® III 110 ou =3.7 rn PAD- • - - ■ • I II I • ® 2 - O PAD=1103.2 w a `° ®-----__— ■ / ■ ® ■ L; I _g 1 FW — 1100 1p80 ���i•� W _ 1095 � ■�•� I I I 1090 _ ' �,•�'■ I III o o� -----_ j TF 40 - N44°23'56'E 623.07' f f f f f ADOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVES FOR EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, I I POTABLE WATER AND FIRE EXISTING EASEMENTS AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT.• /1 \ (SIZING TO BE DETERMINED) // / \ EASEMENTS FOR THE PURPOSES SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, GRANTED TO: EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, A PUBLIC AGENCY ORGANIZED AND / MASTER METER FOR POTABLE �4 ED O EXISTING UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LAW OF 1911, ITS \ WATER & EASEMENT (3" AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS / PRELIMINARY SIZING) I PURPOSE. SEWER AND ACCESS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES / I GRANTED T0: EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT I PURPOSE: SEWAGE TRANSMISSION AND COLLECTION FACILITIES AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDING DATE: SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 / / If RECORDING DATE: SEPTEMBER 27, 1990 RECORDING NO: 2018-0383681 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS RECORDING NO: 357810 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS: PARCEL A D EASEMENTS 109 AFFECTS: PARCELS A AND B PROPOSE 12 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, / AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: AA EASEMENT(S) FOR PUBLIC WATER METER / A, I GRANTED T0: EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, A PUBLIC AGENCY ORGANIZED AND PER FINAL MAP EXISTING UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LAW OF 1911, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS WET UTILITY PLAN PURPOSE: SEWER AND ACCESS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES RECORDING DATE. SEPTEMBER 26 2018 H U N SA KER VILLAGE B RECORDING NO: 2018-0383680 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS AFFECTS: PARCEL B & ASSOCIATES / I SAN DIEGO, INC If 1 30 0 30 60 90 / iv PLANNING 9707 Waples Street If SCALE 1 "= 30' / ENGINEERING San Diego, Ca 92121 SURVEYING PH(858)558.4500 • FX(858)558.1414 CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA SHEET C-7 OF C-7 0 O I N 0 R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Villoge B\Wet Utility Plan\VB Wet Utility Plan.dwg[]Jul-01-2024:16:20 —� 1 r W Ii 1 ,C .0 'r°_. . - - 'r_ e +r' 0' '_ : � . 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" ' LIGHTING LEGEND CITY OF TEMECULA STANDAR❑ WITH "WILDLIFE FRIENDLY" FIXTURE 30FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 2200K LUMINAIRE: CREE GUIDEWAY SERIES POLE: AMERON 1C128 SCE LS-1 STREET LIGHT {BACKBONE) "TEARDROP WITH SKIRT" 18FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING K828 POLE: AMERON 1C116 5CE LS-1 STREET LIGHT {INTRACTI 'TEARDROP WITH SKIRT" 18FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING K828 POLE: AMERON 1C116 PRIVATE HOA WALKWAY LIGHT -I-1 12FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: US ARCH DSAP1 POLE: US ARCH RSS-12 HOA BOLLARD LIGHT v 3FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING CB32 HOA TRELLIS LIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE= FOCUS RXD03 4 HOA WALL LIGHT 3000K ALTAIR STREET LIGHTING VILLAGE "B" TEMECULA, CA 51311Z4 C� DE�A ENGINEERING rx�osao��►��n SCALE: 1" = 5a'-O" LIGHTING DESIGN I ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . PHOTOCELL PER CITY SPECIFICATIONS 4- 3/8' D.D, LED FIXTURE PER ALLMINkYPIPE CITYSPECiFICATIDNS NOTES: 1, LOYINA E' SHALL BE LED TYPE Z FOR PRIVATE LIGHTING RESTRiCTiM WITHIN 45 111LE RA!lItIS OF MT. PALOMAR, SEE LATEST COMTY ORDINANCE REGLEA77NG LIGHT POLLU770N. J. LIGHT STANDARD MATERIAL IS HARSELITE 004MSVTAL GRANITE OR APPROVED EOLWL WTH ANTI -GRAFFITI COATING k. TYPICAL SPACING OF ALL LIGHTS SHALL BE ISO' TO POD' t 20' STAGGERED ON OPPOSITE CiARB WHEN POSSIBLE * $7 BEET LIGHT STANDARD PLACEMENT SHALL SE 1. 6'•0e STAL MM, 11117dEN SIDEWALK IS ADJACENT TO CtO DR Z. i'-6' STANVMA MEN SIDEWALK IS W-4WERiN0, NO IAI 7ALLED OR PROPOSED FOR FUW INSTALLATION srhaT uG}ir 8rANDARO L OCAT`W MALL BE. I. A T ALL ECR'S ON PRIMARY INTERSECTING STREETS. Z ON OPPOSI TE CtNB ON EX EAW CENTERLINE AT •T•INTERSECTION. J. AT M. D.C. (APPROX.) OF CIk-DE-SACS AND Kff"LES POLE SPECIFICAnONS POI"Du'ON. POUF F1EXC T Vt� NGTH 130LY CDiCLE SASE 13.0- 1C123 23'-0" 23'-3" 12-1 f2 8-3/8" 1C128 28'-0" 28'-r 12-1f2 " Ot-9" •XRE to Xq.3 Rev LOCAL SrAEF7S USFlaff FLW.mPf92DIL ? MILOP. Co[LFCTRR 5]�FrS. I I 3Dx "'-IiNOC VTCAP ALL CONCRETE` SHALL BE 560-C-3250 FOR FOUNOATION ❑ETAIt$ SEE STANDARD PLAN NO 801 ''�°����w�,,,, l V"'•~ N4RCN 3Q. 10�D cJrTr of TEMEcuLA DZ'PARTMENT OFFURUC WORTS PArRQr 7 M45, aWCTDR DFPPDX #00'&CiTY ENGMEER DATE R.Cf. AV,'"'' 4420 LEDSTREETLIGHTS FOR LOCAL, ARTERIAL, MAJOR AND COLLECTOR STREETS STAKt4O NO. 800 ffr sir .ViRD DA sfK er. 4narar G47E I a -11 1 1 1 1 It I I GuidewayTM Series Guide .,a _e LEI) street iv mi noire fealuring Paters led NanoComforfrre Tedinetugy - Small, Medium & Large rrw. o—ra 1217umn Product Duatption eYIYS - The new Guideway' "family or maeway lighting a game-rlengirg solution designee from Me ground aee.nwnuxrrr.�,,., xr.y.r.yp Ill, ottering a mesh crab that binge revere of pi rt rmanee ant wwal Camhlee pnNeusty out at reach. Top fryillway^' WAS fana menwty %hilts re Pomi0m. of rho s41Man1 at,"u'lihi - hplx' it plrlumlk ¢se[aedand feeWns,ant marvgnRiuMly, the degree of Puual minfart It yr des. MimiCree LlahringI A" rismCwherr-Tothpelogr. rho Gu.6o" rani! him pY wmleR %WHt glplryvllaul the vmhi6ilii a price us, p.,Wkq demw.W bly blear cw k" and pwn rwe for this morwy. Apt.Umfann Residemaf Tines wltecmrmeds, muh:rsre 7eeeerys, expressways, major made, perking mks, eW general yealipaces it Puformrin$YTrrory y ilk 1 all P,t[g lnrervx T1dmrim' Il Q$A ty 8 Asscrriitad w Ilia Il'�rL br GH Ldnrmg noun US altl knpvned pilta — Intro Daiirarad Lumaru: 2,980 31,991) . Efflpaq: Up to 1,411 LPW ra l CRI: Minimum 70 CR112700K. 3000K MEN. SrMKL DO CRI I22OD9 4ii 72aaC wK. 3waK. 600Arr. 570K ' W"IkWr 5 years standard for sum uvaM rmtsh; oplionel t d years ftr lumne"e ad l rmieh; l year Ter tumrram, ­nes — -- wakr Orr, CiTY OF TEMECULA STANDARD WITH "WILDLIFE FRIENDLY" FiXTURE 30FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 2200K LUMINAIRE: CREE GUIDEWAY SERIES POLE: AMERON 1 C128 ® E uo—N ❑istribution Overhead Construction Standards Figure SL 343-5: Teardrop with Skin Pendant Mount Style J60 REV, DATE DESCRIPTION DRN- APPR. rpP tlG�lur �K! n95FYRi -. q .Hass RTTIr eALv: 3TEEF a013 rijr5, ee ikasis. I _ L fi.Si' allJ4. roP C/�G wn� F[13[i'`�_�irlllliC� t�xnw•w+s). , '. - - �HEN•.'/AdL_ �VF I _ ..I--: . r.l •l �•+:sm ww. t7 vnurF N lOrr: POLE TOPISTU10 DETAIL 2.% NS'Tti_ TOP DETAIL . I I . .5cL 11 �� �-.��L HAS DETAIL .FC:.w.i.r II`: re' i-3�a' hCkOSS rah".: ARSE _Pt.FITE DE TAIL NO Cf rret: aceeuc"aw"rre,r=xxmaun ,asnanNisx I Asrx C &P tit Tr-r Pax CE lit a n a n brx e,M ooa Psz usuec UN crLNOLn rEsr- r"Pf %A AYs = s,poo psi �mrrGR9irl C.�t LtiiNosa rest. S.vptl=Auyrurynso psx RSrra c-fw9-rr saecifxaiipys. e %POTECTNEC TEA SEPP.C'"IPFSA* 01F ENDS 1 BaS-R_rr,xsn"-, PAL+' P0.l3ra CS4l u wit li a,e•,o_ ol+ or r,F ocracoti.,ei lA . Tss 1- 1'crnr.Fn ago--r "r.r F.-1 APPgUvW BY - DATE BACKBONE INTRACT SCE LS-1 STREET LIGHT "TEARDROP WITH SKIRT" 18FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING K828 POLE: AMERON 1 C1 16 PROJECT NAME: SOLID STATE AREA LIGHTING PIXMFE TYPE; DSAP SERIES -LED S P E C I F I C A T i❑ N S HOUSING Uppet housing Is heavy gauge calif aluminum (DSAP25) of 0.725' thlak spun aiuminum with reveal (DSAP1). Lower housing Is 0.030' thick spun atuminum with integrated LED module sear. Lower housing is vented at top and bottom for convective ceoing of LED module- Top Driver chamber Is Sealed from LED Module chamber. Trulevel bajl coupling mount Is vrelded to housing and fodlltams quick leiveiing and installation. VLEV OPTICS Low copper A356 cloy [c2% copper) cast aluminum housing. lnrograted clear tempered glass lens ssafed with a continuous sAlcona gasket protects erntfters (LED'&) and emitter RaRactor4nsm optics, and soaks Ire© module from water klRusfon and environmental ❑ontarninonts. Module Is sealed to meet on 1P67 filing. EaCh emitter Is optically c t,041ed try a Reflacior-Prism Injection m dGed from N12 =yllc t3 types per module: one From 01- 50'; One from 50' -65°; ate from 65° • 72°). Eow Redleotor-Pism has fndmdng tans for aiming and is secured to an optical plate made of moth block onodsid aluminum. The optical pWae locates every RePectof-Prlun over on enter. Relleator-Prtsms are secured to the optli plate wilt a UV curing adilestve. The RE'lteator4stipm are arrayed to produce IL5 Type 11. Il, N, and VSQ disrribufivns. The wtim Optical Module is field rotafabte In 906 Increments, Soth module and drlvom Ora Wary wired using water resistant, lnwrated card. LED DPIVER Prtipam are LIL and cLIL recognized mounted on a single plate and factory pmwlred with quick-aiscorinecl plugs. Constant cumant driver is electronic and has a power factor of Sd.00 and a minimum Op&ulirlg Temperature of -40°F. Drivers acwpl an Input of 126277v, 501601t or 3e -46OV. 5D16M. (0 - 19V dimmable driver 5 Standard. Orrow has a minimum of 3KV lnlerrlal Surge protealkon. LLcnlnolre Suppled w8h 20KV Surge praleoior for flekf l=esslbin Installation.) LED EM]TTERS HIgn output LED's are lofted with drive currents ranging from 360mA to 1060mA. 70CM Minimum- LED's ore available in standard Neutral White, (4000K). or OpTonal Cool Wlnlfe [SGGDK) or warm Whits (3000K). Consult Factory for other LED options. Ann6Elt L E p e PDA (Phosphor Converted Amber) LEDs utilize pho3 phors to create color eulptil similar to LPS lamps and have a 6I1, ehl output In the btu® spectral bandwidth- TRA (in Ambr) LED'% utllze moterlol that emits It ht in the am bar spectral bandwidth only without the use of pYWsphors. FINISH Etealrostaticalty applied TGIC Polyester Powder Coat on substrale prepared with 20 PSI power wash of 140°F. Four step Iran phosphate pretreatment for protection and paint canes Ion .40a F bake for maodmum hardness cod durablllty. Texture finish is standard. ❑SAP1 PATENT.'FHDiNG PATENT PENDMO a�.� zal doss U.S. ArohItGotural Lighting I)Ys.ml^•�+Aa+e� AR['H SCALE: 1 " = 100'-0" sa s3 PRIVATE HOA WALKWAY LIGHT 12FT MOUNTING HEIGHT ( 3000K LUMINAIRE: US ARCH DSAP1 POLE: US ARCH RSS-12 HOA BOLLARD LIGHT ° 3FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING CB32 Brookfield Residential ALTAIR STREET LIGHTING TEMECULA, CA 5/31/24 HOA TRELLIS LIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: FOCUS RXD03 g HOA WALL LIGHT 3000K _ CANDELA —ENGINEERING— _ ;�co>eaos�►'r�p _ LIGHTING DESIGN I ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING A- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % .. . . . . . . . . . . . . % % %% % % % . . . . . . %% - - - - , - '4% 1 1%% 1%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % - - - - -- %- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -- - ... . . .... . . . . . . . ... . . . . - . . . - - + 4� 4w I % 1 4 . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0� 4a 1 --- - - - - . .. . 4� - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IKF' . . . . . . . . .. A� ft 4. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - . ... . . 4, . . . . . . . . .. - - - - - - -- L 1 4 4� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41 -- - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . F . . . . . . - - - - - - - <1 - - - 4 _4j 4w - - - - - - - - - - - -­ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �Ap j - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4� I . k 41. 1 1 4e 7 4� j 4�, 4- -41111, 4, 1 - 1 4. A K 4�� L 4- 7, 41 I . .. . . . . . . . 41 . . . . . . 41t 4 4�, 4 4, F 4� ..... . . . . . . . . 4i . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . L 4� i6 I 4, a6 - 4� 4W' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . , . � I . - � I 4� - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 4- L T., 4r 4%. - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L-k 41, -4 4, zt -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41� L j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41, L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 L :t k -16 1 1. T ...... .4 W I 4�1 L . . . . . ... . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - 4-6 --- PHOTOCELL PER CITY SPECInWIONS 318' 0. A LED FIXTORIF PER ALLIKMEW PIPE C1 T Y SPECIFICA 77M NO TES. L LLWINWRE SHALL BE LEO TYPE 2L FOR PRI VA TF L IGHTW RES MC 77ONS W rHfN 4 5 HIL F R491US OF Mr. PAL OMR, SEE LA 75 T COLW TY OWNANCE ALEGRA 77NG LIGHT FOLUMONL J. LIW STAAOARO MA TERAL IS MAll MAMOVUL GRAmTE OR APM VED EaLAL WITH AN77-GRAM 77 COA T7NV. 4. TYPICAL SPACIAV OF ALL LICKS SHALL BE 480' TO 2M'I 10' S TA GGERED oN opost TE aw MEN POSSIBLE S TMET L IGH T S TA CARD PLA CENEN T SN& L EEL- 1. 6 r- 0 * S TANDAR 0, 111WEN SIDEWAL N IS A DJA CEN T TO CIRB OR Z. I-d'SUNDAR0. *ftW SIDEWALK 15 HEAWERING. NO F INS FAL L ED OR PROPOSED FOR FU W INS TA 4 L A 770N, STRMT LIW SIAWAW LOCAZIONS MULL HE 1, A F A L L ECR jS ON PRIMAR F` IN TERSEC 77NG S TREE 7S. Z ON ORMS1 FE COW ON EX7FNV0 CENTEREME A T 'T'IN7ERSECTION. J. ATM. 0, C. (APFROX.) OF CIL-DE-SACS AND K&CALER POLE SPCC1FtCA'n0NS POLF VE519MATION "'LE ""C""' - LEUNG _001.1 CIRCLE UASI� 0.1)- 1 C1 2.3 23'-0" 23'-3' 12-1/2 8-3/8" 110128 28'-0" 28'-3' 12-1/2 01_91f '0007F_ VS� X(ZL5 FW =4L STRWIX &W 1CL?ff FW AW� M�Dli MUTTW NTRLF� J0*13OW'KNOCKOUT CAP ALL CONCRE7 59YALL BE 560-C-5250 FOR FO th`47A TION OE M X S SEE STANDARD PLAN NO. $01 APPROYED Or F MAXV.50,2W PAFW7HM;WXTW0FRAK#M'&WY&*MV? 4 RZE. 0. 4UM CITY OF TEMWCVLA I P"Afi231XNTa17FMMC WORKS LED SMEETLAM FOR LOCAL, ANERIAL, MAJOR AND COLLECTOR 97WEETS GuidewayTMSeries Gin LtEwuj� 1_ ED 51_­�( Lcmi rraim fi�ttjnriq Pateented NanoComfurff TeLfin(ilogy -$rnaU. Medurn & Large Product Deuriplion Th. - 3.,ire­y- f.mily d .�sy Ughhng i�:=�,ngiZ sakAim dmigno fiom we graund 1P. Fre�ing � nintah aDr� thSt ""S ­B `r P. . 'L �Wim p­­Ly -E.1 -,K. Tri. Zkwe� -was %hift OF rhP FUrWrd VarqUIi - he- ft rorlunris� us au�'dard fmi,ms, OW m om AignihmnUg k6E A�g_ a _t ftrilant IL rWdm WIM OtIMM 4 Aw NNWC=tW- T10HOP. Pho hit. IW wrinterr sNW Wt`Zlerw the 96nieir it prahiUtiiii. Pri, privirma-fath-ney. APPUMI.n. R.id= dLaur red.. rruu�. t-M. ExI-s ­k� i-jor rrre�. Ming ��. .,� W..L P­ LAu6- Pxpmod NonoCamrirl Iii Txknih" �mtLod - i hir U5A by rA" 1-!yh--,g Frm US ard Imporled pnrtb Effi..s,l_JpW168LPW CPU; Minimum M CRI 12700K. 21TOK 41000W 1rMi N CID LVJAKI IWQK &QQVI� �7411314 I& Lu, "ears smdard [w -u-ne and riir*h� oplional I D yes. Few lv�ke AMJ imm. 1 gear Mme­.� owls Lr I mim" I WdFpk CITY OF TEMECULA STANDARD WITH "WILDLIFE FRIENDLY" FIXTURE 30FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 2200K LUMINAIRE: CREE GUIDEWAY SERIES POLE: AMERON 1C128 [] rM0-N Distribution Overhead Construction Standards F ig u re 5 L 34 3-5: Te af drop with S k irt Pen d a nt M ou nt Sty le -R-Em T &i7v usciFtiproill DFIN 6x1r, Olum. M.P T, 1111. _/4� 011. - 1/0 -41 Pit To PISTILID 0 E7AiL t 04AM U_Q,�Wirir M 7-0-P-DETAIL Sal ME. W Irl L Nori!s= 2 C-TR � 0 �UY CEMEW. 3 fL n d.M P� ��N cy� Imi. 4 �. DAY- �w 1-1 �AsT`d �T C.Iwwrt PP�% WA�UF�RED PM Aeror Q4�R ­IWXT�S. ROT 71TVE �T E�SED RC Writs AT � �0. I &A&Np-� WM A30 P�� "�b[, arTK fl, *,a' E _t.ti1ES­ �QOTAWN�FJATSOV APPRUvro By DATE SaQ THIERN CALI FOR NIA E D*0N 1004-�3001 IC9,16itil Ni Wnfli OF4 Arlie AUChli ASP PLATE DETAIL 4 BACKBONE INTRACT SCE LS-1 STREET LIGHT "TEARDROP WITH SKIRT" 18FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING K828 POLE: AMERON 1 C1 16 SOLIO STATE AREA LIGHTING DSAP SERIES -LED S P E C I F I C A T $ 0 N '� HOUSINO Upper housing Is hocivy gauge cost aluminum (DSAP25) or 0.725' lhkck spun aluminum wft rwAml (DSAPI ) I houslin g is 0 080- tholk spun aluminum With intagrla= e, modV@ seat. Loww housing is ventud at top a nd bottom for convective coolling at LED module. Top 3Mver chamber is waled from LEO Module chamber. Trulayel ball coupling mount is weilaed to housing and facilltams quick I@vMlng and installation. VILEVORICS Low copper A356 cloy (�.Z& copper) oast aluminum housing. lntagnated clear larriosmad plass Ions semiud yAth a Continuous sillcona gaskW pno4acts emOters ILE M andr emitter RGilector4�tam optics, and muts IhD mod.i. I WOtO !nIFUSIM and environmental contamlinants_ Modub Is waled to nwel m 1P67 (alling. Each emitter Is optically contriodled by a 1Wle-clor-PriAm Injection molcled from H12 coryflo (3 per : ona . ;one - ;vna mm Each Weclar-Prism has indexing pins for,:ikmIng and Its sGicurod to an aptload plate mado of matte black annactsed atumIrrium. The oplcaJ plate l000tes awry Relieclor4lirlssn over on emIt­W. CIO Wns re to PrCdLX* I up, lil. IV. and V.SQ dsribunons� The entim Optical Module is Maid rotatable in 90, Increments. flotti module arid drPyam aug to0ofy Wread using wa�err resistant, trisuated cord. LIED DRIVER Drivers. am UIL nod oUL recognized mo"nted on a single plate and (on" prawmd With qullck-dsconmcil plugs. Constant current d"r is oloctrana and train a power factor of �O.�C and a minkinuorn operating temperature o; -4wF. urtmm acoW an input of 120477yr 50/60't or �47-4au`N/. 50/60W- �Q ' 10V dimmable dFFV(ff is standaird Omtw has a m1ribmum Of 3KV IntGrryof surge protection UArinalire surplied with 20YV surge Protector for fbod occewlitio installation) LED EMITTERS Hign output ILED�s ore LThIr7ed with dr?YG correm ranging from 350rnA to 1QWmA_ 70CRI MIri LED's am available In sTandard N(WITOF While (41JQOr,). of OpIlonal C�001 VYhlll-- (513130K) or Warm While (3000K). Consult Factory far uhw LED options. .� %2 LEI? 1. E 04 P CA �=sja(hor C rted Amber) LF D s uti!PI�m to r� UtZvo c imitair 10 lam g�Zlznrzih, MIPMIn the blue spectral =wldgTag (Tr� Amber) .111I material that ermIts = the amber spaGtrol inondwtdth aNy wIthoutUle use phors. FINISH Etealrostotically applied TGIC Polyester Powder Coot on substrate prepared with 20 PSI power wash of 1 40'r Four stop iron phosphato pretreatment for protection and pa�nt aahes Ion-40W bake for madmum hardness and durobIl ty. Texture Mon his standard. ROJECT NAME; PIXTURE 7YP�: D S A P 1 61 PATENTRIENDiNG U.S.AIRCHITECTURAL U.S. ArchfiGolural Lighting SCALE: 1 " = 100'-0" B3 PRIVATE HOA WALKWAY LIGHT 12FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: US ARCH DSAP1 POLE: US ARCH RSS-12 HOA BOLLARD LIGHT 3FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING CB32 ALTAIR STREET LIGHTING TEMECULA, CA 5/31/24 C'D) HOA TRELLIS LIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: FOCUS RXD03 HOA WALL LIGHT 3000K CANDELA ENGINEERING - LIGHTING DESIGN I ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Brookfield Residential ALTAIR STREET LIGHTING TEM ECU LA, CA 513112 4 W700Fu raw — — /CrrrsreCOCA r[M Sir o.D. Lr�o 'AMP", CG AVNAA'1 PRE ASPFCMTrAT6 MOTU, A lf7lPklff m4 L BE LED T1PE s. PAq P1WFA7E LlaYfM A ESrscmars Hvnax as M�L6 AiA41C•S LFNP PALMaR SELA *S7 =1Vr1 AVfte9F azAf.AW Lkf0rPALiUnft. S astir SrAr¢41PR kq iE%PL AS llI19ArLIrE 09'rNA:NI 610WE AP AMWAO EdG4 A7i:r AYl7-0PlhT717 CAITDre. a_ i1T &U V'ACff& OF ALL Lr&',7 AU ofW TP M' 1 Yff S7401P 0 "AV IF ills NOa P=mv.f. AF SW7 LMWZ$jAA1TE97 PLAC Off SH&L 8E #u. t E4' 53%kff 00 50FA AR7S AMC&T r8 CM AP . Y. 1'-0-STAYam rr 0 sTEMN ism A[7r M7ALa- O OR PlICWG>gED PAP P gLW WTALiAr M! `• s>18g7usyrrsTAALNiQLLCI TA215 M L r. ArALL ECR'S Liy PRy!{TI L1vrz 5ErTM 3nEE7s. P. aW A4OW?,E CTAIH ON R7Di>FO CiNri-R'.MF d T .�. A r 2 C. AV") OF ak-W-UCS 4W AALgrLa -am Or•�m {A'[aoLLfrRR d�l'AI I11MfiML �MNI [tllrotarltlS r I `-, 7a" X7' NA77L 9 f CAP AL! cmcnm SNWL & 36D{,Ft60 FGR FOLWATAN A17AW SW SrAARNRO PLAN AV. M AW+z ar � M-Y OF TEVhCi/I,A �� ��` m � Al>�srrn®vx apPr:n1 rc Hna�es �` aa`°�"�K"°'r `"'� RAlSTR6E7Ck�YTSPov A Ci M1 RACAL, ARrFRLOl, YAJOA JWMI PO - � AkDCQLLECTLAq STREETS r STAWARD AO. W WLE SPfCIFlCR�flNS FdF wErmR pnT �tlE vr� v4 1c%a 28'-0' 78'-3'' 12-1 2 " d""� GuidewayT'A Series c��sa.°yMLmsl�..,[_,nr�:,�.e�,c�.rvmrr,.ecdnre,,-r.°..rvr-s,rLwaem�L=v� nr� q.artane+m�en aea .rw[ura-wwrl.wwwarlr.w,. rruq..uw..r.er awn aA.ew — n: .ewgc�yrn..u.�.c n..na..w I 15- -7- 10 C1 110- 1 vlatrlbulMn oyermead cpnM—Unn standards I Ng ura SL 343-s: Teawmp MM Stin Pendant Mount Slyre 4L L SOLID STATE AREA LIGHTING noAer rAwe ASAP SERIES-LE s P E f; I F I C A r r 0 N r 1 1. cull alymv0m (pdevY57 uppernawwYu .1-1. 0.1 �• mtt spin °Iumlrvn wm �ev°I (,Db�Pf) imwr puarip a o 17`nZ spun plunlnuT wlln mrep IFO rrotluNwel. uwei Muvnq%w".eb]pl lap end bpM1unM orcrcMlw n°erq�ar � m°duly. �� rn°mcw m rK le xz b ewualro anq i !,X1 .1 qukk 11:Zkq °�w l.doonn°r< n! I CITY OF TEMECULA STANDARD WITH "WILDLIFE FRIENDLY" FIXTURE 30FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 2200K LUMINAIRE: CREE GUIDEWAY SERIES POLE: AMERON 1 C128 BACKBONE INTRACT SCE LS-1 STREET LIGHT ??IFTEARDROP WITH SKIRT" 18FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING K828 POLE: AMERON 1 C116 I pprnKN npy(r °pa unvum nxsrq. o9: mia'— �vnr,�e e� Ia. anm enn °�,Inr,era 0"E v[co� p�te1 Wo1n<b Irnar�W9] w amw rcrp rlrr.p rreeauren wnerwme[wAm rap°�eeeeaee 1p nram In11 r e1r9 v cwa0 a n. MU,• lvecie.P!Xn v'pr:ik i nw�veep fnm Mt] °cMc (a hpa. P+� 9* nt N a m.hm; ona lvr. ¢ -pr ow n m pr - m•: a.e evm ems- rr1. pill �Ym e.q tapuv Plainow9 vaBCup1 ;M1� Win: or,.�: r,.•,r oe�,erc:: a S A P 2 s PRIVATE HOA WALKWAY LIGHT n,�r.�an° g, R; Ir.N,°na VEa cvmbavu lM1. anti [IpkatluOiMed. �Sed mfpbbNNPT'Inx+�Nt mlh newbeM pMen pnf,nd°N 12FT MOUNTING HEIGHT [�eE fe[ta wpMi reWatl. etwmep p"ni � b 3Q0QK °�"�� lempe.lnrrairan� 6m LUMINAIRE: US ARCH DSAP1 Inge prpr i�.erro. N°� 1m POLE: US ARCH RSS-12 LEa EM1T6�G � NCI o.rp. [Ili rnv am Ntln dNe ceae�n e°rn SSCrM b r[[pey- 70= Mnk— IED's nq Y� .mdudfrrdmll (�-0brpe.e�IEdppc 7 NVIm. WIN 0013[]. CenunR M pef'. LiY� vCl p�hmCaihenetl IEdl Mllnf hmpM1pn 1p purpul lin me me eP t'Inlh. TRk (Ir i unEZ//�� IEd Inph. mbei apeiiol ulouh-1, aa.°Imenof only wtM1mrtme uw clgn.anoi.. nl•4IY1 Q S A P T aecer,tl°ncglly °PP�o��c NN-W wa°ar c m on euonmropepnee rmm[9 ppwrwp[hpl lain r elep mn pnpcpnur� p.e[re°Imen[ br prolec[Ipn anp ppinl ferlurc only Il npMentlr nra Imvnfadnm °rvy av°mIry Va 9.e Ar-VI*0-1 [Iphllne �i © U-5. �R�AIEL9'r°IMP'L II SCALE: 1" = 150'-0" HOA BOLLARD LIGHT 3FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING CB32 HOA TRELLIS LIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: FOCUS RXD03 4 HOA WALL LIGHT 3000K 1 CANDELA —ENGINEERING— k�e0i l�ia711• LIGNTING DESIGN I ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING r re - ." ^w _ 1 - K - K`~ nry- •yC r " eTF x"- e «'c - - ri, •h" w ry - •Y J _ Y r � ,?r b _ _ _ r a- - •� 4 nr 4 �. 1} "T - j5+ �i• n /1. 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T• I .* I y I� r 'f4 4 - 7 1 l _ f — 1 �w _ F I^4,_ ^ I: 1 l _�lww nl+ TF. r h Y YYY •FY " - - r1� +rr -. Sr _ :war' �i .•" , _ I , T" _ ♦ +9 L� rl• ^k risF:"n w .l- w�w '.= rr \rly - _Y r +y+ a" R _ +i !t - .r; - F -== - - r' . y •y , ^L -- wlw+. _ r Y K r - Brookfield Residential ALTAIR STREET LIGHTING PHOTOMETRIC TEMECULA, CA 5/31124 -'7 u aw .Tffi O.D. f7 PER ALEAlA7 PIPE crrYPCIFCTILYLS A47JES 1. lIPr1om mmL M lER TIDE ?. RW fIplYArf iM,47A1Y. R5T1rC7ILY{51FiIM1W id M'!F ,61=ar,rr., AXOTT&srf u�Esr ctrA7r anuWrKF aa�AArrrc lwwrPa'.lfmaw. aUWrsrAfMWIII&IMRAiYudMMnZOW NrAL 0Wrf 0* A"VM f&AL VW AVP-� nurufc A- rrmu 'flute w &L vws ,ANu &t irev To Zm 1 m .Trkwzm7 P ON Won am Mom' d>AsA'.F 1. d'd'SrAYlAIm, OVA W MGeN IS ARAIW TC CIO Or t. l•a•sr 00 WEWWK W AZMWG�PBA'Cc A17T rx ALar� cwPavcL�a reennurr: rdrAUArmv r EWE LIGHT $TAVW LOA rrars 2GLL f ILAT ALL RV7 OV AZWY NTEYaR r Wr SrWfn TYIlEIfSECi MF?XVPRCEN?V&Mar S Ar N-4c pvwJ or MIT-mOi Aw ILNA]1'tFS. 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CITY OF TEMECULA STANDARD WITH "WILDLIFE FRIENDLY11 FIXTURE 30FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 2200K LUMINAIRE: CREE GUIDEWAY SERIES POLE: AMERON 1 C128 BACKBONE INTRACT SCE LS-1 STREET LIGHT ??TEARDROP WITH SKIRT" 18FT MOUNTING HEIGHT If 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING K828 POLE: AMERON 1 C 116 lelmikrA IwA . SOLD STATE AREA LIGHTING ❑SAP SERIES -LED ' : I F I C h i 1❑ W �� Y r�tl cwlalwnVwln PPn nAneY e.las• nrer M ap,n olumlr.en N11n imepl ] avwnn . o.uen mlrx mun Oluminvn.rlRt F.uiw rmEub.eel. w'er Feull1BpwnMa ellea arrtl LerycmM eenncnw wonrgMl Lrar morally. roP Pw mammy r �r� uw<rnee,ee m,plry� �nwm ie r�vn la �uelrperc raollwm��uvx Iv.rlrm a a.m"ae a n Iry _ r �n.. eePaerdumaur I..n new] era nmwm ara�lar."m..mP� Bra bn, oam rin wm.m kba p�n7 am an= r�mp� ew. ep.ea me.ase re aeeur.en maar rlmren rnmJeeeOrsemm�twr rn eq,lmfhfxc POT•Nirp iPtl' xMKr a opll�.• ntl of a �RFrn*dPlan vFrelxa+ m Imm •ri or:rv:c is na•r Ha' m�e�r�e•-Rrwmn�m•-r;a,v l�mre•. rrl. 9xn rarllmrm rweel pi­m P�n aw ar rwcn�m.arq. 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P11VI6n QSAPT BxPOElenml o �k Po r .� P^ M PPvn 11'wgr Powdo F.ibN wmmP FI IAPCFaur mre•aePnav nerd wm eIFP IMM pnoepl,u�=. neermem nr.plWecnan anc -In' prrmalmun rmaore amelley irelurc hNln i.a+nner W. .�1P1 I• c rI�YIFcJuml IlOn ling �,� '_�'0• II.GMCIATEC-fURR1 I SCALE- 1" = 150'-0Q HOA BOLLARD LIGHT 3FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING CB32 HOA TRELLIS LIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: FOCUS RXD03 4 HOA WALL LIGHT 3000K CANDELA —ENGINEERING— _ +weerwriaa:a■ _ LIGHTING DESIGN I ELECTRICALENGiNEERING City af Temecula Community Development 41000 Main Street • Temecula, CA 92590 Phone (951) 694-6400 • Fax (951) 694-6477 • TemeculaCA.gov VIA -ELECTRONIC SUBMITTAL CEQAProces sina(& asrclkrec. com August 22, 2024 Supervising Legal Certification Clerk County of Riverside Post Office Box 751 Riverside, CA 92501-0751 SUBJECT: Filing a Notice of Determination for application No. PA23-0439, Development Plan for Village B of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 109 detached single family and duplex homes and one (1) park. Dear Sir/Madam: Enclosed is the Notice of Determination for the above referenced project. In addition, pursuant to Assembly Bill 3158 (Chapter 1706) the Applicant will pay for the County Administrative fee to enable the City to file the Notice of Determination required under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and 14 California Code Regulations 1507. The payment of the $50.00 filing fee is under protest. It is the opinion of the City that the administrative fee has been increased in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of State Law. Under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and 14 California Code Regulations 1507, the County is entitled to receive a $25.00 filing fee. Also, please email a stamped copy of the Notice of Determination within five working days after the 30-day posting to the email listed below. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Scott Cooper at (951) 506-5137 or at email scott.cooperkTemeculaCA.gov. . Sincerely, Matt Peters Interim Director of Community Development Attachments: Notice of Determination Form Electronic Payment - Filing Fee Receipt City of Temecula Community Development Planning Division Notice of Determination TO: County Clerk and Recorders Office FROM: Planning Division County of Riverside City of Temecula P.O. Box 751 41000 Main Street Riverside, CA 92501-0751 Temecula, CA 92590 SUBJECT: Filing of a Notice of Determination in compliance with the provisions of Section 21152 of the Public Resources Code State Clearinghouse No.: 2014111029 Project Title: Altair Village B Development Plan (PA23-0439) Project Location: APNs: 940-310-044, 940-310-045, 940-310-046, 940-310-047, 940-310-048 Project Description: Development Plan for Village B of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 109 detached single family and duplex homes and one (1) park Lead Agency: City of Temecula, County of Riverside Contact Person: Scott Cooper Telephone Number: (951) 506-5137 This is to advise you that the Planning Commission for the City of Temecula has approved the above described project on August 21, 2024 and has made the following determinations regarding this project: 1. The project will not have a significant effect on the environment. 2. That the project is consistent with the EIR and is a project under a Specific Plan that was analyzed by the EIR and no further environmental review is required under CEQA Guidelines Section 15162. 3. Additional mitigation measures were not made a condition of the approval of the project, but the project will be required to adhere to the mitigation measures identified in the SEIR. 4. A Mitigation Monitoring or Reporting Program was not adopted for this project, but the project will have to comply with the Mitigation Monitoring or Reporting Program that was adopted with the EIR. 5. A Statement of Overriding Consideration was not adopted for this project, but was adopted for the EIR. 6. Findings were not made for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA, but were made in connection with the EIR. This is to certify that the Environmental Impact Report and Addenda that were prepared for the Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan, together with comments and responses is available to the General Public at the City of Temecula, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California, 92590. Signature: Matt Peters, Interim Director of Community Development Date received for filing at the County Clerk and Recorders Office: Date: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME CERTIFICATE OF FEE EXEMPTION De Minimus Impact Finding Project Proponent: Brookfield Properties Project Title: Altair Village B Development Plan (PA23-0439) Location: APNs: 940-310-044, 940-310-045, 940-310-046, 940-310-047, 940-310-048 Project Description: Development Plan for Village B of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 146 detached single family and duplex homes and one (1) park Findings of Exemption (attach as necessary): 1. The Project consists of a Development Plan for Village B of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 109 detached single family and duplex homes and one (1) park 2. The Altair Specific Plan was formally adopted on January 9, 2018. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared and certified on December 12, 2017, as part of this effort. The proposed project is consistent with the previously adopted Altair EIR and is exempt from further environmental review (Section 15162, Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations). Staff has reviewed the EIR and has determined that the proposed project is consistent with the EIR as the proposed project merely implements the development that was already contemplated and analyzed by the EIR. The EIR analyzed the impacts of the construction of 109 single-family homes in Village B. As such, the proposed project does not require the preparation of a subsequent Environmental Impact Report or Mitigated Negative Declaration as none of the conditions described in Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines (14 Cal. Code Regs. 15162) exist. Additionally, the proposed project does not require the preparation of an addendum to the EIR as there are no changes or additions to the proposed project from what was analyzed by the EIR. Therefore, no further environmental review is required as all environmental impacts of the proposed project were analyzed, disclosed, and mitigated as set forth in the EIR. Moreover, the mitigation measures imposed as part of the EIR remain valid and applicable to the proposed project. Certification: I hereby certify that the public agency has made the above finding and that the project will not individually or cumulatively have an adverse effect on wildlife resources, as defined in Section 711.2 of the Fish and Game Code. Matt Peters Date Interim Director of Community Development Notice of Public Hearin THE CITY OF TEMECULA - 41000 Main Street- Temecula, CA 92590 — TemeculaCA.gov A PUBLIC HEARING has been scheduled before the City of Temecula PLANNING COMMISSION to consider the matter described below: Case No.: PA23-0438, PA23-0439, PA23-0440 Applicant: Brookfield Properties Project Location: Altair Specific Plan (APNs: 940-310-013, 940-310-015, 940-310-016, 940-310- 045, 940-310-044, 940-310-046, 940-310-047, 940-310-048, 940-320-002) Proposal: Development Plan Applications for Altair Village A (PA23-0438) to allow for 146 detached single family and duplex homes and one (1) park; Village B (PA23-0439) to allow for 109 detached single family and duplex homes and one (1) park; and Village C (PA23-0440) to allow for 45 buildings containing 212 attached townhomes. Environmental Action: In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the proposed project does not require further environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 (Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations) as none of the conditions requiring further environmental review under the aforementioned Section exist. The Planning Commission will be asked to consider adopting a Notice of Determination for the proposed project. Case Planner: Scott Cooper, (951) 506-5137 PLACE OF HEARING: 41000 Main St., Temecula, CA 92590, City of Temecula, Council Chambers DATE OF HEARING: August 21, 2024 TIME OF HEARING: 6:00 PM • C- .ARK DFz OCOTD 9�Zo T Project Site T� 0 400 800 Feet The complete agenda packet (including any supplemental materials) will be available for viewing in the Main Reception area at the Temecula Civic Center (41000 Main Street, Temecula) after 4:00 p.m. the Friday before the Planning Commission Meeting. At that time, the packet may also be accessed on the City's website — TemeculaCA.gov and will be available for public review at the respective meeting. Any writing distributed to a majority of the Commission regarding any item on the Agenda, after the posting of the Agenda, will be available for public review in the Main Reception area at the Temecula Civic Center (41000 Main Street, Temecula), 8:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m. In addition, such material will be made available on the City's website — TemeculaCA.izov — and will be available for public review at the meeting. Any petition for judicial review of a decision of the Planning Commission shall be filed within time required by, and controlled by, Sections 1094.5 and 1094.6 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. In any such action or proceeding seeking judicial review of, which attacks or seeks to set aside, or void any decision of the Planning Commission shall be limited to those issues raised at the hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to, the public hearing described in this notice. Questions? Please call the Community Development Department at (951) 694-6400. Item No. 4 STAFF REPORT — PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION DATE OF MEETING: August 21, 2024 TO: Planning Commission Chairperson and members of the Planning Commission FROM: Matt Peters, Interim Director of Community Development PREPARED BY: Scott Cooper, Case Planner PROJECT Planning Application No. PA23-0440, a Development Plan for SUMMARY: Village C of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 45 buildings containing 212 attached rowhomes (APNs: 940-310-013, 940-320- 002) RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a Resolution approving the project subject to Conditions of Approval CEQA: No further environmental review required Section 15162, Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations PROJECT DATA SUMMARY Name of Applicant: Brookfield Properties General Plan Designation: Specific Plan Implementation (SPI) Zoning Designation: Altair Specific Plan (SP-15) Existing Conditions/ Land Use: Site: Vacant Land / Specific Plan Implementation (SPI) North: Vacant Land, Multi Family Residential / Specific Plan Implementation (SPI), High Density Residential (H) South: Vacant Land / Specific Plan Implementation (SPI) East: Multi Family Residential / Specific Plan Implementation (SPI) West: County of Riverside Vacant Land BACKGROUND SUMMARY On December 12, 2017, the City of Temecula City Council approved a General Plan Amendment and Tentative Tract Map to allow for residential development within this area and at a second reading on January 9, 2018 adopted an Ordinance for the approval of the Altair Specific Plan. On November 15, 2023, Brookfield Properties submitted Planning Application PA23-0440, a Development Plan for Village C of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 45 buildings containing 212 attached rowhomes. Staff has worked with the applicant to ensure that all concerns have been addressed, and the applicant concurs with the recommended Conditions of Approval. ANALYSIS Altair is envisioned as the complementary residential component to the Old Town Specific Plan area. The two planning areas are integral to providing a successful urban mixed -use environment. The proposed project involves the construction of 101 three story rowhomes ranging in size from 1,404 square feet to 1,710 square feet and 111 two story rowhomes ranging in size from 1,428 square feet to 1,718 square feet within Village C of the Altair Specific Plan. The proposed architecture, plotting, landscaping, and walls and fences were reviewed for conformance with the development standards and design guidelines of the Specific Plan. Architecture The three story rowhomes contain four (4) floor plans with one (1) architectural style consisting of three (3) different color schemes and the two story rowhomes contain three (3) floor plans with one (1) architectural style consisting of three (3) different color schemes. The Altair Specific Plan does not dictate specific architectural styles as other specific plans in the City do. It allows for creativity and imaginativeness from developers to provide architecture that stands on its own within the urban environment of Altair. The proposed architectural styles include Contemporary Provincial and Traditional Homestead. Staff believes that, with the attached Conditions of Approval, the project meets the intent of the Altair Specific Plan. The proposed elevations achieve a quality appearance and provide variety along the streetscape and within the internal residential area. The applicant has provided specific details which are unique to each proposed architectural style and elevation. Each of the proposed styles is distinct through the use of materials and colors and with articulation provided on elevations of the homes. The architectural elements and materials that work to achieve this character are defined below for each specific style: • Contemporary Provincial: blend of hip and flat parapet roofs, enriched with red toned "S" tyle shed roof elements. Color -blocked stucco with strategic use of brick, complemented by details like awnings, accent trellises, and arched entries. • Traditional Homestead: gable, hip, and shed roofs with a dominant hip roof profile frame the exteriors. Extended eaves with decorative brackets complemented by a cool -toned palette. Stucco paired with horizontal siding and decorative corbels creates a balanced aesthetic, and multiple siding insets and metal awnings. Enhanced elevations have been provided in locations where an elevation is adjacent to or visible from a street in order to provide a level of architecture that meets or exceeds other residential development in the City. Public Park/Open Space With the location of Village C in close proximity to the Central Park there is not a requirement within the Specific Plan for an additional public park within the village. There are however more proposed small, medium, and large open space areas than either Village A or B to offset not having a public park. These open space areas are part of an overall open space plan for Villages A, B, & C that will allow residents of Altair to trek from the far northern end of Village A to the Central Park of Altair stopping in various areas to take in the views of Old Town from seating areas within active and passive open space areas. LEGAL NOTICING REQUIREMENTS The notice of the public hearing was published in the Press Enterprise on August 8, 2024, and mailed to the property owners within 600-foot radius. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION The Altair Specific Plan was formally adopted on January 9, 2018. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared and certified on December 12, 2017, as part of this effort. The proposed project is consistent with the previously adopted Altair EIR and is exempt from further environmental review (Section 15162, Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations). Staff has reviewed the EIR and has determined that the proposed project is consistent with the EIR as the proposed project merely implements the development that was already contemplated and analyzed by the EIR. The EIR analyzed the impacts of the construction of 212 single-family homes in Village C. As such, the proposed project does not require the preparation of a subsequent Environmental Impact Report or Mitigated Negative Declaration as none of the conditions described in Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines (14 Cal. Code Regs. 15162) exist. Additionally, the proposed project does not require the preparation of an addendum to the EIR as there are no changes or additions to the proposed project from what was analyzed by the EIR. Therefore, no further environmental review is required as all environmental impacts of the proposed project were analyzed, disclosed, and mitigated as set forth in the EIR. Moreover, the mitigation measures imposed as part of the EIR remain valid and applicable to the proposed project. FINDINGS Development Plan (Code Section The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State Law and other Ordinances of the City. 3 The proposed single family detached and duplex homes are permitted in the land use designation standards contained in the Altair Specific Plan and the City s Development Code. The project is also consistent with General Plan land use of Specific Plan Implementation. The site is properly planned and zoned and, as conditioned, is physically suitable for the type and density of residential development proposed. The project, as conditioned, is also consistent with other applicable requirements of State law and local ordinances, including the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City Wide Design Guidelines, and fire and building codes. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare. The overall design of the single-family homes, including the site, building, parking, circulation and other associated site improvements, is consistent with, and intended to protect the health and safety of those working in and around the site. The project has been reviewed for and, as conditioned, has been found to be consistent with all applicable policies, guidelines, standards, and regulations intended to ensure that the development will be constructed and function in a manner consistent with the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare. Nothing proposed in the Development Plan is anticipated to have an adverse impact to the public health, safety and general welfare. ATTACHMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Aerial Map PC Resolution Exhibit A — Draft Conditions of Approval Exhibit B — Plan Reductions Notice of Determination Notice of Public Hearing �r Nall wl, I iv' lL PC RESOLUTION NO. 2024- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA23-0440, A DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR 45 BUILDINGS CONTAINING 212 ATTACHED ROWHOMES AND ONE (1) PARK LOCATED WITHIN VILLAGE C OF THE ALTAIR SPECIFIC PLAN (APNS: 940- 310-013, 940-320-002), AND MAKING FINDINGS OF CONSISTENCY WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT AND DETERMINING THAT NO FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW IS REQUIRED PURSUANT TO SECTION 15162 OF THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT Section 1. Procedural Findings. The Planning Commission of the City of Temecula does hereby find, determine and declare that: A. On November 15, 2023, Brookfield Properties Planning Applications: No. PA23- 0440, a Development Plan in a manner in accord with the City of Temecula General Plan and Development Code. B. The Project was processed including, but not limited to a public notice, in the time and manner prescribed by State and local law. C. The Planning Commission, at a regular meeting, considered the Project and environmental review on August 21, 2024, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, at which time the City staff and interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to this matter. D. At the conclusion of the Planning Commission hearing and after due consideration of the testimony, the Planning Commission approved Planning Application No. PA23-0440, subject to and based upon the findings set forth hereunder. E. All legal preconditions to the adoption of the Resolution have occurred. Section 2. Further Findings. The Planning Commission, in approving the Application hereby finds, determines and declares that in accordance with Temecula Municipal Code Section 17.05.010.F (Development Plan): A. The proposed use is in conformance with the General Plan for Temecula and with all applicable requirements of State law and other Ordinances of the City. The proposed single family attached rowhomes are permitted in the land use designation standards contained in the Altair Specific Plan and the City's Development Code. The project is also consistent with General Plan land use of Specific Plan Implementation. The site is properly planned and zoned and, as conditioned, is physically suitable for the type and density of residential development proposed. The project, as conditioned, is also consistent with other applicable requirements of State law and local ordinances, including the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City Wide Design Guidelines, and fire and building codes. B. The overall development of the land is designed for the protection of the public health, safety, and general welfare. The overall design of the single-family homes, including the site, building, parking, circulation and other associated site improvements, is consistent with, and intended to protect the health and safety of those working in and around the site. The project has been reviewed for and, as conditioned, has been found to be consistent with all applicable policies, guidelines, standards, and regulations intended to ensure that the development will be constructed and function in a manner consistent with the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare. Nothing proposed in the Development Plan is anticipated to have an adverse impact to the public health, safety and general welfare. Section 3. Environmental Findings. The Planning Commission hereby makes the following environmental findings and determinations in connection with the approval of the Development Plan: A. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, it has been determined that no further environmental review of the proposed project is required (Section 15162, Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations); 1. The Altair Specific Plan was formally adopted on January 9, 2018. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared and certified on December 12, 2017, as part of this effort. The proposed project is consistent with the previously adopted Altair EIR and is exempt from further environmental review (Section 15162, Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations). Staff has reviewed the EIR and has determined that the proposed project is consistent with the EIR as the proposed project merely implements the development that was already contemplated and analyzed by the EIR. The EIR analyzed the impacts of the construction of 212 single-family homes in Village C. As such, the proposed project does not require the preparation of a subsequent Environmental Impact Report or Mitigated Negative Declaration as none of the conditions described in Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines (14 Cal. Code Regs. 15162) exist. Additionally, the proposed project does not require the preparation of an addendum to the EIR as there are no changes or additions to the proposed project from what was analyzed by the EIR. Therefore, no further environmental review is required as all environmental impacts of the proposed project were analyzed, disclosed, and mitigated as set forth in the EIR. Moreover, the mitigation measures imposed as part of the EIR remain valid and applicable to the proposed project. Section 4. Conditions. The Planning Commission of the City of Temecula approves Planning Application No. PA23-0440, a Development Plan for Village C of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 45 buildings containing 212 attached rowhomes, subject to the Conditions of Approval set forth on Exhibit A and Plan Reductions set forth in Exhibit B, attached hereto, and incorporated herein by this reference. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City of Temecula Planning Commission this 21 st day of August, 2024. Bob Hagel, Chairperson ATTEST: Matt Peters Secretary [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE )ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Matt Peters, Secretary of the Temecula Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the forgoing PC Resolution No. 2024- was duly and regularly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on the 21 st day of August, 2024, by the following vote: AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: NOES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Matt Peters Secretary EXHIBIT A CITY OF TEMECULA DRAFT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Planning Application No.: PA23-0440 Project Description: Development Plan for Village C of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 45 buildings containing 212 attached rowhomes Assessor's Parcel No.: 940-310-013 MSHCP Category: Credits per the Development Agreement (PA14-0161) DIF Category: Credits per the Development Agreement (PA14-0161) TUMF Category: Credits per the Development Agreement (PA14-0161) Quimby Category: Exempt per the Development Agreement (PA14-0161) New Street In -lieu of Fee: N/A (Project Not Located in Uptown Specific Plan Area) Approval Date: August 21, 2024 Expiration Date: August 21, 2027 PLANNING DIVISION Within 48 Hours of the Approval Page 1 of 14 Applicant Filing Notice of Determination. APPLICANT ACTION REQUIRED: The applicant/developer is responsible for filing the Notice of Determination as required under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and California Code of Regulations Section 15062 within 48 hours of the project approval. If within said 48-hour period the applicant/ developer has not filed the Notice of Determination as required above, the approval for the project granted shall be void due to failure of this condition. Failure to submit the Notice of Exemption will result in an extended period of time for legal challenges. FEES: Fees for the Notice of Exemption include the Fifty Dollar County ($50.00) administrative fee. The County of Riverside charges additional fees for credit card transactions. FILING: The City shall provide the applicant with a Notice of Determination within 24 hours of approval via email. If the applicant/developer has not received the Notice of Determination within 24 hours of approval, they shall contact the case Planner immediately. All CEQA documents must be filed online with the Riverside County Assessor — County Clerk- Recorder. A direct link to the CEQA filings page is available at TemeculaCA.gov/CEQA. COPY OF FILINGS: The applicant shall provide the City with a digital copy of the required filings within 48 hours. General Requirements 2. Indemnification of the City. Indemnity, Duty to Defend and Obligation to Pay Judgments and Defense Costs, Including Attorneys' Fees, Incurred by the City. The Applicant shall defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City, its elected officials, officers, employees, volunteers, agents, and those City agents serving as independent contractors in the role of City officials (collectively "Indemnitees") from and against any claims, damages, actions, causes of actions, lawsuits, suits, proceedings, losses, judgments, costs, and expenses (including, without limitation, attorneys' fees or court costs) in any manner arising out of or incident to the Planning Commission's actions, this approval and the City Council's actions, related entitlements, or the City's environmental review thereof. The Applicant shall pay and satisfy any judgment, award or decree that may be rendered against City or the other Indemnitees in any such suit, action, or other legal proceeding. The City shall promptly notify the Applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding and the City shall reasonably cooperate in the defense. If the City fails to promptly notify the Applicant of any claim, action, or proceeding, or if the City fails to reasonably cooperate in the defense, the Applicant shall not thereafter be responsible to defend, indemnify, or hold harmless the City or the Indemnitees. The City shall have the right to select counsel of its choice. The Applicant shall reimburse the City, and the other Indemnitees, for any and all legal expenses and costs incurred by each of them in connection therewith or in enforcing the indemnity herein provided. Nothing in this condition shall be construed to require the Applicant to indemnify Indemnitees for any claim arising from the sole negligence or willful misconduct of the Indemnitees. In the event such a legal action is filed challenging the City's determinations herein or the issuance of the approval, the City shall estimate its expenses for the litigation. The Applicant shall deposit said amount with the City or, at the discretion of the City, enter into an agreement with the City to pay such expenses as they become due. Page 2of14 Expiration. This approval shall be used within three years of the approval date; otherwise, it shall become null and void. Use means the beginning of substantial construction contemplated by this approval within the three year period, which is thereafter diligently pursued to completion, or the beginning of substantial utilization contemplated by this approval, or use of a property in conformance with a Conditional Use Permit. A modification made to an approved development plan does not affect the original approval date of a development plan. 4. Time Extension. The Director of Community Development may, upon an application being filed prior to expiration, and for good cause, grant a time extension of up to five (5) extensions of time, one year at a time. A modification made to an approved development plan does not affect the original approval date of a development plan. Consistency with Specific Plans. This project and all subsequent projects within this site shall be consistent with the Altair Specific Plan (SP No. 15). 6. Block Wall Coating. All perimeter constructed CMU block walls in the public view shall be finished with an anti -graffiti coating and shall provide documentation confirming the installation of the coating. Consistency with Development Agreements. The project and all subsequent projects within this site shall be subject to Development Agreement No. 2018 0036259 recorded on January 30, 2018. 8. Compliance with EIR. The project and all subsequent projects within this site shall comply with all mitigation measures identified within EIR No. SCH# 2014111029. 9. Conformance with Approved Plans. The development of the premises shall substantially conform to the approved site plan and elevations contained on file with the Planning Division. 10. Signage Permits. A separate building permit shall be required for all signage. 11. Landscape Maintenance. Landscaping installed for the project shall be continuously maintained to the reasonable satisfaction of the Director of Community Development. If it is determined that the landscaping is not being maintained, the Director of Community Development shall have the authority to require the property owner to bring the landscaping into conformance with the approved landscape plan. The continued maintenance of all landscaped areas shall be the responsibility of the developer or any successors in interest. 12. Graffiti. All graffiti shall be removed within 48 hours on telecommunication towers, equipment, walls, or other structures. 13. Water Quality and Drainage. Other than stormwater, it is illegal to allow liquids, gels, powders, sediment, fertilizers, landscape debris, and waste from entering the storm drain system or from leaving the property. To ensure compliance with this Condition of Approval: a. Spills and leaks shall be cleaned up immediately. b. Do not wash, maintain, or repair vehicles onsite. c. Do not hose down parking areas, sidewalks, alleys, or gutters. d. Ensure that all materials and products stored outside are protected from rain. e. Ensure all trash bins are covered at all times. Page 3of14 14. Materials and Colors. The Conditions of Approval specified in this resolution, to the extent architectural style, materials, equipment, finishes or similar matters as specified in the Home Product Review plans, shall be deemed satisfied by City staffs prior approval of the use or utilization of an architectural style, materials, equipment, or finishes that City staff determines to be the substantial equivalent of that required by the Conditions of Approval. Staff may elect to reject the request to substitute, in which case the real party in interest may appeal, after payment of the regular cost of an appeal, the decision to the Planning Commission for its decision. 15. Modifications or Revisions. The developer shall obtain City approval for any modifications or revisions to the approval of this project. 16. Phased Construction. If construction is phased, a construction staging area plan or phasing plan for construction equipment and trash shall be approved by the Director of Community Development. 17. Previous Conditions of Approval. All previous Conditions of Approval from PA14-0159 & PA14-0160 shall remain in full effect unless superseded herein. 18. Construction and Demolition Debris. The developer shall contact the City's franchised solid waste hauler for disposal of construction and demolition debris and shall provide the Planning Division verification of arrangements made with the City's franchise solid waste hauler for disposal of construction and demolition debris. Only the City's franchisee may haul demolition and construction debris. 19. Public Art Ordinance. The applicant shall comply with the requirements of the City's Public Art Ordinance as defined in Chapter 5.08 of the Temecula Municipal Code. 20. Property Maintenance. All parkways, including within the right-of-way, entryway median, landscaping, walls, fencing, recreational facilities, and on -site lighting shall be maintained by the property owner or maintenance association. 21. Fireplaces. Per the Mitigation Monitoring & Reporting Program no residential units shall be constructed with wood burning fireplaces. Prior to Issuance of Precise Grading Permit 22. Placement of Transformer. Provide the Planning Division with a copy of the underground water plans and electrical plans for verification of proper placement of transformer(s) and double detector check valves prior to final agreement with the utility companies. 23. Placement of Double Detector Check Valves. Double detector check valves shall be installed at locations that minimize their visibility from the public right-of-way, subject to review and approval by the Director of Community Development. Prior to Issuance of Building Permit 24. Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF). The City of Temecula adopted an ordinance on March 31, 2003 to collect fees for a Riverside County area wide Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee (TUMF). This project is subject to payment of these fees at the time of building permit issuance per the Development Agreement (PA14-0161). The fees are subject to the provisions of Chapter 15.08 of the Temecula Municipal Code and the fee schedule in effect at the time of building permit issuance. The project may participate and benefit from the TUMF credit program as authorized by the County or Riverside and currently administered by WRCOFF. 25. Development Impact Fee (DIF). The developer shall comply with the provisions of Title 15, Chapter 15.06 of the Temecula Municipal Code and all its resolutions by paying the appropriate City fee per the Development Agreement (PA14-0161). Page 4of14 26. Photometric Plan. The applicant shall submit a photometric plan, including the parking lot, to the Planning Division, which meets the requirements of the Development Code and the Riverside County Palomar Lighting Ordinance 655. All exterior LED light fixtures shall be 3,000 kelvin or below. The parking lot light standards shall be placed in such a way as to not adversely affect the growth potential of the parking lot trees. 27. Construction Landscaping and Irrigation Plans. Construction Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall be reviewed and approved by the Planning Division. These plans shall be submitted as a separate submittal, not as part of the building plans or other plan set. These plans shall conform to the approved conceptual landscape plan, or as amended by these conditions. The location, number, height and spread, water usage or KC value, genus, species, and container size of the plants shall be shown. The plans shall be consistent with the Water Efficient Ordinance and Water Storage Contingency Plan per the Rancho California Water District. The plans shall be accompanied by the appropriate filing fee (per the City of Temecula Fee Schedule at time of submittal) and one copy of the approved Grading Plan. 28. Landscaping Site Inspections. The Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall include a note stating, "Three landscape site inspections are required. The first inspection will be conducted at installation of irrigation while trenches are open. This will verify that irrigation equipment and layout is per plan specifications and details. Any adjustments or discrepancies in actual conditions will be addressed at this time and will require an approval to continue. Where applicable, a mainline pressure check will also be conducted. This will verify that the irrigation mainline is capable of being pressurized to 150 psi for a minimum period of two hours without loss of pressure. The second inspection will verify that all irrigation systems are operating properly, and to verify that all plantings have been installed consistent with the approved construction landscape plans. The third inspection will verify property landscape maintenance for release of the one-year landscape maintenance bond." The applicant/owner shall contact the Planning Division to schedule inspections. 29. Agronomic Soils Report. The Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall include a note on the plans stating, "The contractor shall provide two copies of an agronomic soils report at the first irrigation inspection." 30. Water Usage Calculations. The Landscaping and Irrigation Plans shall include water usage calculations per Chapter 17.32 of the Development Code (Water Efficient Ordinance), the total cost estimate of plantings and irrigation (in accordance with approved plan). Applicant shall use evapotranspiration (ETo) factor of 0.70 for calculating the maximum allowable water budget. 31. Landscape Maintenance Program. A landscape maintenance program shall be submitted to the Planning Division for approval. The landscape maintenance program shall detail the proper maintenance of all proposed plant materials to assure proper growth and landscape development for the long-term esthetics of the property. The approved maintenance program shall be provided to the landscape maintenance contractor who shall be responsible to carry out the detailed program. Page 5of14 32. Specifications of Landscape Maintenance Program. Specifications of the landscape maintenance program shall indicate, "Three landscape site inspections are required. The first inspection will be conducted at installation of irrigation while trenches are open. This will verify that irrigation equipment and layout is per plan specifications and details. Any adjustments or discrepancies in actual conditions will be addressed at this time and will require an approval to continue. Where applicable, a mainline pressure check will also be conducted. This will verify that the irrigation mainline is capable of being pressurized to 150 psi for a minimum period of two hours without loss of pressure. The second inspection will verify that all irrigation systems are operating properly, and to verify that all plantings have been installed consistent with the approved construction landscape plans. 33. Irrigation. The landscaping plans shall include automatic irrigation for all landscaped areas and complete screening of all ground mounted equipment from view of the public from streets and adjacent property for private common areas; front yards and slopes within individual lots; shrub planting to completely screen perimeter walls adjacent to a public right-of-way equal to 66 feet or larger; and, all landscaping excluding City maintained areas and front yard landscaping which shall include, but may not be limited to, private slopes and common areas. 34. Hardscaping. The landscape plans shall include all hardscaping for equestrian trails and pedestrian trails within private common areas. 35. Wall and Fence Plans. Wall and fence plans shall be consistent with the Conceptual Landscape Plans showing the height, location and the materials for all walls and fences. 36. Precise Grading Plans. Precise Grading Plans shall be consistent with the approved rough grading plans including all structural setback measurements. 37. Building Construction Plans for Outdoor Areas. Building Construction Plans shall include detailed outdoor areas (including but not limited to trellises, decorative furniture, fountains, hardscape, etc.) to match the style of the building subject to the approval of the Director of Community Development. 38. Landscaping Requirement for Phased Development. If any phase or area of the project site is not scheduled for development within six months of the completion of grading, the landscaping plans shall indicate it will be temporarily landscaped (which may include a requirement for regular irrigation) or sprayed with a binder for dust and soil erosion control. 39. WQMP Landscape Compliance. The construction landscape plans shall be consistent with Appendix A, Table 31 of the Low Impact Development (LID) Manual for Southern California for plant materials and treatment facilities, and shall reference the approved precise grading plan for WQMP features. 40. Roof -Mounted Mechanical Equipment. Roof -mounted mechanical equipment shall not be permitted within the subdivision; however, solar equipment or any other energy saving devices shall be permitted with Director of Community Development approval. 41. Utility Screening. All utilities shall be screened from public view or utilize artistic wraps. Landscape construction drawings shall show and label all utilities and provide appropriate screening. Provide a three-foot clear zone around fire check detectors as required by the Fire Department before starting the screen. Group utilities together in order to reduce intrusion. Screening of utilities is not to look like an after -thought. Plan planting beds and design around utilities. Locate all light poles on plans and ensure that there are no conflicts with trees. Prior to Release of Power, Building Occupancy or Any Use Allowed by This Permit Page 6of14 42. Letter of Substantial Conformance. The applicant shall submit a letter of substantial conformance, subject to field verification by the Director of Community Development or his/her designee. Said letter of substantial conformance shall be prepared by the project designer and shall indicate that all plant materials and irrigation system components have been installed in accordance with the approved final landscape and irrigation plans. Such letter of substantial conformance shall be submitted prior to scheduling for the final inspection. 43. Landscape Installation Consistent with Construction Plans. All required landscape planting and irrigation shall have been installed consistent with the approved construction plans and shall be in a condition acceptable to the Director of Community Development. The plants shall be healthy and free of weeds, disease, or pests. The irrigation system shall be properly constructed and in good working order. 44. Installation of Site Improvements. All site improvements, including but not limited to, parking areas and striping shall be installed but may be installed in a phased fashion consistent the approved phasing plan. 45. Compliance with Conditions of Approval. All of the foregoing conditions shall be complied with prior to occupancy or any use allowed by this approval. Phased compliance may occur consistent with phasing plan. 46. Front Yard and Slope Landscaping. Front yard and slope landscaping within individual lots shall be completed for inspection. 47. Private Common Area Landscaping. Private common area landscaping shall be completed. 48. HOA Landscaping. HOA landscaping shall be completed for inspection for those lots adjacent to HOA landscaped area. Outside Agencies 49. Compliance with Geotechnical. The applicant shall comply with the recommendations set forth in the Geocon West Inc. transmittal dated March 25, 2024, a copy of which is attached. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT General Requirements 50. Conditions of Approval. The developer shall comply with all Conditions of Approval, the Specific Plan, the Engineering and Construction Manual and all City codes/standards at no cost to any governmental agency. 51. Entitlement Approval. The developer shall comply with the approved site plan, the conceptual Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) and other relevant documents approved during entitlement. Any significant omission to the representation of site conditions may require the plans to be resubmitted for further review and revision. 52. Precise Grading Permit. A precise grading permit for on site improvements (outside of public right-of-way) shall be obtained from Public Works. 53. Haul Route Permit. A haul route permit may be required when soils are moved on public roadways to or from a grading site. The developer/contractor is to verify if the permit is required. If so, he shall comply with all conditions and requirements per the City's Engineering and Construction Manual and as directed by Public Works. Page 7of14 54. Encroachment Permits. Prior to commencement of any applicable construction, encroachment permit(s) are required and shall be obtained from Public Works for public offsite improvements. 55. Street Improvement Plans. The developer shall submit public/private street improvement plans for review and approval by Public Works. The plans shall be in compliance with Caltrans and City codes/standards; and shall include, but not limited to, plans and profiles showing existing topography, existing/proposed utilities, proposed centerline, top of curb and flowline grades. 56. Signing & Striping Plan. A signing & striping plan, designed by a registered civil engineer per the latest edition of Caltrans MUTCD standards, shall be included with the street improvement plans for approval. 57. Storm Drain Improvement Plans. The developer shall submit storm drain improvement plans if the street storm flows exceeds top of curb for the 10-year storm event and/or is not contained within the street right-of-way for the 100-year storm event. A manhole shall be constructed at right-of-way where a private and public storm drain systems connect. The plans shall be approved by Public Works. 58. Vehicular/Traffic Movement Restrictions. The developer shall comply with the following vehicular movements restrictions: a. The future access onto Private Drive "H" shall be restricted to a right-in/left-in movement. 59. Private Drainage Facilities. All onsite drainage and water quality facilities shall be privately maintained. 60. Underlying Approvals. If, in applying these conditions, there is conflict between the requirements of (i) the project's Development Agreement, as amended to date, (ii) the Specific Plan, as amended to date, and/or (iii) Tentative Tract Map No. 36959, the prevailing requirement shall be determined as follows: a. First priority goes to the provisions of the Development Agreement b. Second priority goes to the provisions of the Specific Plan, then c. Third priority goes to the provisions of Tentative Tract Map No.36959-1, 36959-2, 36959-3 and 36959 Prior to Issuance of a Grading Permit 61. Environmental Constraint Sheet (ECS). The developer shall comply with all constraints per the recorded ECS with any underlying maps related to the subject property. 62. Grading/Erosion & Sediment Control Plan. The developer shall submit a grading/erosion & sediment control plan(s) to be reviewed and approved by Public Works. All plans shall be coordinated for consistency with adjacent projects and existing improvements contiguous to the site. The approved plan shall include all construction -phase pollution -prevention controls to adequately address non -permitted runoff. Refer to the City's Engineering & Construction Manual at: www.TemeculaCA.gov/ECM 63. Erosion & Sediment Control Securities. The developer shall comply with the provisions of Chapter 18, Section 18.24.140 of the Temecula Municipal Code by posting security and entering into an agreement to guarantee the erosion & sediment control improvements. Page 8of14 64. NPDES General Permit Compliance. The developer shall obtain project coverage under the State National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Permit for Construction Activities and shall provide the following: a. A copy of the Waste Discharge Identification Number (WDID) issued by the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB); b. The project's Risk Level (RL) determination number; and c. The name, contact information and certification number of the Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD) Pursuant to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) requirements and City's storm water ordinance, a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) shall be generated and submitted to the Board. Throughout the project duration, the SWPPP shall be routinely updated and readily available (onsite) to the State and City. Review www.cabmphandbooks.com for SWPPP guidelines. Refer to the following link: http://www.waterboards.ca.gov/water issues/programs/stormwater/construction.shtml 65. Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) and O&M Agreement. The developer shall submit a final WQMP (prepared by a registered professional engineer) with the initial grading plan submittal, based on the conceptual WQMP from the entitlement process. It must receive acceptance by Public Works. A copy of the final project -specific WQMP must be kept onsite at all times. In addition, a completed WQMP Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Agreement shall be submitted for review and approval. Upon approval from City staff, the applicant shall record the O&M agreement at the County Recorder's Office in Temecula. Refer to the WQMP template and agreement link: www.TemeculaCA.gov/WQMP. As part of the WQMP approval, the Engineer of Record shall report and certify BMP construction per City of Temecula NPDES requirements. Should the project require Alternative Compliance, the developer is responsible for execution of an approved Alternative Compliance Agreement. a. Per the City's letter regarding Alternative Compliance Program (ACP) credits dated May 9th, 2024, project shall be eligible for use of ACP credits and ACP credits will be available for prepurchase. 66. Area Drainage Plan (ADP) Fee to RCFC&WCD. The developer shall demonstrate to the City that the flood mitigation charge (ADP fee) has been paid to RCFC&WCD. If the full ADP fee has already been credited to this property, no new charge will be required. 67. Drainage. All applicable drainage shall be depicted on the grading plan and properly accommodated with onsite drainage improvements and water quality facilities, which shall be privately maintained. Alterations to existing drainage patterns or concentration and/or diverting flows is not allowed unless the developer constructs adequate drainage improvements and obtains the necessary permissions from the downstream property owners. All drainage leaving the site shall be conveyed into a public storm drain system, if possible. The creation of new cross lot drainage is not permitted. 68. Drainage Study. A drainage study shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer and submitted to Public Works with the initial grading plan check in accordance with City, Riverside County and engineering standards. The study shall identify storm water runoff quantities (to mitigate the 10 and 100-year storm event for 24 hour storm duration peak flow) from the development of this site and upstream of the site. It shall identify all existing or proposed offsite or onsite, public or private, drainage facilities intended to discharge this runoff. Runoff shall be conveyed to an adequate outfall capable of receiving the storm water runoff without damage to public or private property. The study shall include a capacity analysis verifying the adequacy of all facilities. Any upgrading or upsizing of drainage facilities necessary to convey the storm water runoff shall be provided as part of development of this project. Page 9of14 69. Soils Report. A soils report, prepared by a registered soil or civil engineer, shall be submitted to Public Works with the initial grading plan submittal. The report shall address the site's soil conditions and provide recommendations for the construction of engineered structures and preliminary pavement sections. 70. Letter of Permission/Easement. The developer shall obtain documents (letters of permission or easements) for any offsite work performed on adjoining properties. The document's format is as directed by, and shall be submitted to, Public Works for acceptance. The document information shall be noted on the approved grading plan. 71. Sight Distance. The developer shall limit landscaping in the corner cut-off area of all street intersections and adjacent to driveways to provide for minimum sight distance and visibility. 72. American Disability Act. The developer shall ensure that all frontage areas to the proposed development within the public right of way are ADA compliant. Any sidewalk within the public right of way found to be non -compliant shall be the responsibility of the property owner to be removed and replaced with ADA compliant sidewalk per the Streets and Highway Code Section 5610. Prior to Issuance of Encroachment Permit(s) 73. Public Utility Agency Work. The developer shall submit all relevant documentation due to encroaching within City right-of-way; and is responsible for any associated costs and for making arrangements with each applicable public utility agency. 74. Traffic Control Plans. A construction area traffic control plan (TCP) will be required for lane closures and detours or other disruptions to traffic circulation; and shall be reviewed and approved by Public Works. The TCP shall be designed by a registered civil or traffic engineer in conformance with the latest edition of the Caltrans Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and City standards. 75. Improvement Plans. All improvement plans (including but not limited to street, storm drain, traffic) shall be reviewed and approved by Public Works. 76. Street Trenching. All street trenches shall conform to City Standard No. 407; refer to the City's Paving Notes. Prior to Issuance of Building Permit(s) 77. Final Map. Prior to issuance of the FIRST production building permit, Tract Map No. 36959-2 shall be approved and recorded. 78. Construction of Street Improvements. All street improvement plans shall be approved by Public Works. The developer shall start construction of all private street improvements, as outlined below, in accordance to the City's General Plan/Circulation Element and corresponding City standards. All street improvement designs shall provide adequate right-of-way and pavement transitions per Caltrans' standards to join existing street improvements. a. Streets A through H (Lot 1 - Private — 24' R/E) to include installation of full -width street improvements, including utilities, as shown on the approved Site Plan. b. Streets A through H (Lots 2 & 3 - Private — 24' min R/E) to include installation of full -width street improvements, including utilities, as shown on the approved Site Plan. Page 10 of 14 79. Street Lights. a. Street Light Plan — Street lighting shall be designed in accordance with the latest City Standards and Specifications for LS-3 street light rates, and as determined by the City Engineer with the exception of the public portion of Altair Vista, Coromell Trail, B Street and C Street which will include a decorative LS-1 system. b. Onsite and Offsite Street Lights Ownership and Maintenance — All proposed public and private street lights shall be designed in accordance with City approved standards and specifications, or as determined and approved by the City Engineer. The City shall have ownership and maintenance of all proposed public street lights and associated appurtenances, and shall be provided with adequate service points for power. The design shall be incorporated in the project's street improvement plans or in a separate street light plan as determined and approved by the City Engineer. c. Streetlight Design as LS-3 Rate Lights — All new streetlights on public streets, except as noted above, shall be designed as LS-3 rate lights in accordance with approved City standards and specifications, and as determined by the City Engineer. d. Street Light Service Point Addressing — The developer shall coordinate with the PW Department and with Southern California Edison the assignment of addresses to required street light service points. Service points serving public streetlights shall be owned by the City and shall be located within public right of way or within duly dedicated public easements. 80. Certifications. Certifications are required from the registered civil engineer -of -record certifying the building pad elevation(s) per the approved plans and from the soil's engineer -of -record certifying compaction of the building pad(s). Prior to Issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy 81. Completion of Improvements. The developer shall complete all work per the approved plans and Conditions of Approval to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. This includes all on site work (including water quality facilities), public improvements and the executed WQMP Operation and Maintenance agreement. 82. Utility Agency Clearances. The developer shall receive written clearance from applicable utility agencies (i.e., Rancho California and Eastern Municipal Water Districts, etc.) for the completion of their respective facilities and provide to Public Works. 83. Replacement of Damaged Improvements/Monuments. Any appurtenance damaged or broken during development shall be repaired or removed and replaced to the satisfaction of Public Works. Any survey monuments damaged or destroyed shall be reset per City Standards by a qualified professional pursuant to the California Business and Professional Code Section 8771. 84. Certifications. All necessary certifications and clearances from engineers, utility companies and public agencies shall be submitted as required by Public Works. 85. Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Verification. As part of the WQMP approval, the Engineer of Record shall report and certify BMP construction per City of Temecula NPDES requirements. Should the project require alternative compliance, the developer is responsible for execution of an approved Alternative Compliance Agreement. FIRE PREVENTION General Requirements Page 11 of 14 86. Fire Hydrants. The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set minimum fire hydrant distances per CFC Appendix C. Super fire hydrants (6" x 4" x (2) 2 '/2" outlets) shall be located on fire access roads and adjacent public streets. For all multi -family dwellings hydrants shall be 350 feet apart, and shall be located no more than 210 feet from any point on the street or Fire Department access road(s) frontage to a hydrant. The required fire flow shall be available from any adjacent hydrant(s) in the system. The fire line may be required to be a looped system. The upgrade of existing fire hydrants may be required (CFC Appendix C and Temecula Municipal Code Section 15.16.020). 87. Fire Dept. Plan Review. Final fire and life safety conditions will be addressed when building plans are reviewed by the Fire Prevention Bureau. These conditions will be based on occupancy, use, the California Building Code (CBC), California Fire Code (CFC), and related codes which are in force at the time of building plan submittal. 88. Fire Flow. The Fire Prevention Bureau is required to set a minimum fire flow for the construction of all residential buildings per CFC Appendix B. The developer shall provide for this project, a water system capable of delivering 2,000 GPM at 20-PSI residual operating pressure for a 2-hour duration for single and multi -family dwellings. This applies to public or private systems. If the system is public, a letter from the water purveyor will be required to be submitted with plans to ensure that the fire flow requirements will be met. (CFC Appendix B and Temecula Municipal Code Section 15.16.020). 89. Fire Requirement. Fire sprinkler plans will be required for each individual multi -family building and/or single family home, not structure or model type. The fire sprinkler contractor will be responsible for submitting plans for each individual building. Each building will have their own dedicated residential fire sprinkler riser rom located on the end of the building. This riser room will house the fire sprinkler riser and fire alarm control panel only. It will not share with any other equipment. A single fire department connection snoot will be located at this riser room. Afire alarm plan will be required for each individual multi -family building. Prior to Issuance of Grading Permit(s) 90. Access Road Widths. Fire Department vehicle access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 24 feet and an unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches. On trash days, the trash bins will be placed in this fire access road, a minimum of 20-feet of clear width must be maintained for fire access and the trash bins cannot be located in this fire access lane any longer than a 24-hour period. Failure to comply with this will result in trash bins no longer being able to impede the fire access lanes/roads. (CFC Chapter 5 and Temecula Municipal Code Section 15.16.020). 91. Two Point Access. This development shall maintain two points of access, via all-weather surface roads, as approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau (CFC Chapter 5). 92. All Weather Access Roads. Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be with a surface to provide all-weather driving capabilities. Access roads shall be 80,000 lbs. GVW with a minimum of AC thickness of .25 feet. In accordance with Section 3310.1, prior to building construction, all locations where structures are to be built shall have fire apparatus access roads. (CFC Chapter 5 and Temecula Municipal Code Section 15.16.020). 93. Gradient of Access Roads. The gradient for fire apparatus access roads shall not exceed 15 percent (CFC Chapter 5 and Temecula Municipal Code Section 15.16.020). 94. Turning Radius. Dead end roadways and streets in excess of 150 feet which have not been completed shall have a turnaround capable of accommodating fire apparatus (CFC Chapter 5 and Temecula Municipal Code 15.16.020). Page 12 of 14 Prior to Issuance of Building Permit(s) 95. Required Submittals (Fire Underground Water). The developer shall furnish electronic copies of the water system plans to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval prior to installation for all private water systems pertaining to the fire service loop. Plans shall be signed by a registered civil engineer, contain a Fire Prevention Bureau approval signature block, and conform to hydrant type, location, spacing and minimum fire flow standards. Hydraulic calculations will be required with the underground submittal to ensure fire flow requirements are being met for the on -site hydrants. The plans must be submitted and approved prior to building permit being issued (CFC Chapter 33 and Chapter 5). 96. Required Submittals (Fire Sprinkler Systems). Fire sprinkler plans shall be submitted electronically to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval. Fire sprinkler plans must be submitted by the installing contractor to the Fire Prevention Bureau. These plans must be submitted prior to the issuance of building permit. A set of plans is required for each individual building (multi -family) or each individual home (single family). 97. Required Submittals (Fire Alarm Systems). Fire alarm plans shall be submitted electronically to the Fire Prevention Bureau for approval. Fire alarm plans must be submitted by the installing contractor to the Fire Prevention Bureau. The fire alarm system is required to have a dedicated circuit from the house panel. These plans must be submitted prior to the issuance of building permit. A set of fire alarm plans is required for each individual multi -family building. 98. Required Submittals (Fuel Modification). Fuel modification plans shall be submitted to the Fire Prevention Bureau for review and approval for all open space areas adjacent to the wildland-vegetation interface (CFC Chapter 49). Prior to Issuance of Certificate of Occupancy 99. Address Directory (Multi -Family). A directory display monument sign shall be required for multi -family complexes. Each complex shall have an illuminated diagrammatic layout of the complex which indicates the name of the complex, all streets, building identification, unit numbers, and fire hydrant locations within the complex. Location of the sign and design specifications shall be submitted to and be approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau prior to installation. 100. Gates and Access. All manual and electronic gates on required Fire Department access roads or gates obstructing Fire Department building access shall be provided with the Knox Rapid entry system for emergency access by firefighting personnel (CFC Chapter 5). 101. Hydrant Verification. Hydrant locations shall be identified by the installation of reflective markers (blue dots) (Temecula Municipal Code Section 15.16.020). 102. Knox Box. A "Knox -Box" shall be provided at each fire sprinkler riser room or a single knox located at the monument sign at the entrance for the area with a master key that will operate all locks for the fire sprinkler riser rooms. The Knox -Box shall be installed a minimum of six feet in height and be located to the right side of the fire riser sprinkler room, or at 6-feet at height on the monument sign (CFC Chapter 5). 103. Addressing. New buildings shall have approved address numbers, building numbers or approved building identification placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. These numbers shall contrast with their background. Multi -family residential buildings shall have a minimum of 12-inch numbers. Single family residences and multi -family residential units shall have 4-inch letters and/or numbers, as approved by the Fire Prevention Bureau (CFC Chapter 5 and Temecula Municipal Code Section 15.16.020). Page 13 of 14 GEOCON W E S T, I N C. GEOTECHNICAL ■ ENVIRONMENTAL ■ Project No. T2652-22-19 March 25, 2024 City of Temecula 41000 Main Street Temecula, California 92590 Attention: Mr. Scott Cooper M A T E R I A L S <<7 Subject: GEOTECHNICAL THIRD -PARTY REVIEW (LR22-1033) PROPOSED ALTAIR SPECIFIC PLAN RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA Dear Mr. Cooper: In accordance with your request, Geocon West, Inc. (Geocon) has completed a third -party review of the Geotechnical Evaluation, Proposed `Altair" Residential Development, City of Temecula, California, dated June 29, 2023 and response to comments dated February 9, 2024, prepared by LGC Geotechnical, Inc. (LGC). The purpose of the review is to present our opinion regarding the suitability of the study, conclusions, and recommendations provided within the referenced document. Geocon's review is based on the City of Temecula Engineering Construction Manual dated 2020; County of Riverside Technical Guidelines for the Review of Geotechnical and Geologic Reports 2000 Edition, Standard Specification for Public Works Construction, 2022 edition, California Geological Survey Special Publication 117A, Guidelines for Evaluating and Mitigating Seismic Hazards in California dated 2008, ASCE 7-16, and 2022 California Building Code. PURPOSE AND SCOPE The scope services performed by Geocon for this geotechnical third -party review consisted of reviewing the Geotechnical Response dated February 9, 2024 to Geocon's initial comments dated January 11, 2024 with respect to geotechnical aspects of developing the Altair project. CONCLUSIONS Based on our review of the referenced document, the following should be incorporated into the geotechnical review of the 40-scale grading plan report for the Altair project Comments No. 1 through 7 were addressed. 41571 Corning Place, Suite 101 ■ Murrieta, California 92562 ■ Telephone 951.304.2300 ■ www.geoconinc.com Comment No. 8 refers to a 370-foot-high slope at the end of the second paragraph. We assume that is a typographical error. If it is not and a 370-foot-high slope is planned, slope stability analysis should be provided in the grading plan review report. Comments 9 through 13 were addressed. Comment 14 is regarding 3 inch minus rock within Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) utility trench backfill. LGC stated it would be up to the utility agencies inspectors to monitor the size of rock within the backfill. However, the agencies rely on the geotechnical inspectors to monitor and enforce trench backfill requirements during construction. Therefore, LGC technicians will be responsible for monitoring and verifying that no rocks greater than 3 inches in maximum diameter are included in the backfill soils for EMWD lines. LGC should acknowledge this in their grading plan review report. Comment 15: LGC states they will discuss the City of Temecula's paving requirements to clarify the City's requirements prior to providing pavement section recommendations for the project. This is an acceptable solution to conflicting or incomplete requirements in this situation. Comment 16 was addressed. Comment 17: See Comment 14, above. Comment 18: We recommend LGC acquire confirmation from the City that relative compaction of less than 90 percent is acceptable where structures and infrastructure are not impacted. LGC should discuss City approval in the 40-scale grading plan review document. Comment 19: LGC should provide the method by which the settlement values were calculated in the 40-scale grading plan review. Comments 20 through 23 were addressed. Geocon has completed this review on behalf of the City of Temecula to determine if the major geotechnical aspects of the project were reasonably analyzed and addressed within the general standard of care in our industry. No additional analysis nor independent investigation were performed. The geotechnical consultant is responsible for confirming their findings and recommendations during construction. Our review should not be considered an endorsement of these documents or of the construction operations that result from them. Geocon Project No. T2652-22-19 - 2 - January 11, 2024 Should you have any questions regarding this letter, or if we may be of further service, please contact the undersigned at your convenience. Very truly yours, GEOCON WEST, INC. c)1,iAl G USA A. O or BATFIATO No. 2316 l CER71FIED EONEEOLOGIS as +� Lisa A. Battiato QFCAL�F� CEG 2316 LAB:ATS:hd Andrew rShoashekan PE 93 Distribution: City of Temecula Planning Department, Attn: Scott Cooper SHQ,9�'=�G? � m � p N..93940 CIVI OF CA1-�EO Geocon Project No. T2652-22-19 - 3 - January 11, 2024 Table of Contents Architecture Village C1 I Overall Contextual Site Plan........................................................... SP-1 Village C1 I Site Plan....................................................................................... SP-2 Village C1 I Open Space Exhibit....................................................................... SP-3 Village C1 I Parking Exhibit .............................................................................. SP-4 Village C1 I Trash Staging Exhibit ..................................................................... SP-5 Village C1 I Waste Collection Day Overflow Parking ......................................... SP-6 Village C1 I Preliminary Elevation and Color Assignment .................................. SP-7 P-5 3 Story Row Towns I Frontage Exhitbit........................................................ A-1 P-5 3 Story Row Towns I 4-Plex I Schematic Floor Plans ...................................A-2 P-5 3 Story Row Towns I 4-Plex I Schematic Elevations I Standard...................A-3 P-5 3 Story Row Towns 14-Plex I Schematic Elevations I Side Entry ................. A-4 P-5 3 Story Row Towns I 5-Plex I Schematic Floor Plans ...................................A-5 P-5 3 Story Row Towns I 5-Plex I Schematic Elevations I Standard...................A-6 P-5 3 Story Row Towns 15-Plex I Schematic Elevations I Side Entry ................. A-7 P-5 3 Story Row Towns I 5-Plex I Schematic Floor Plans I Brick.......................A-8 P-5 3 Story Row Towns 15-Plex I Schematic Elevations I Brick ......................... A-9 P-5 3 Story Row Towns I 5-Plex I Schematic Floor Plans I Porches ................. A-10 P-5 3 Story Row Towns I 5-Plex I Schematic Elevations I Porches .................. A-11 P-5 3 Story Row Towns I 5-Plex I Schematic Floor Plans I Porches & Brick ..... A-12 P-5 3 Story Row Towns 15-Plex I Schematic Elevations I Porches & Brick ...... A-13 P-5 3 Story Row Towns I Architectural Details .................................................. A-14 Village C1 Streetscene...................................................................................... SS-1 Village C1 Streetscene...................................................................................... SS-2 Exterior Color and Materials ............................................................................. CM-1 Brookfield Residential ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Landscape Architecture PreliminaryLandscape Plan................................................................................ L-1 PreliminaryLandscape Plan................................................................................ L-2 Preliminary Landscape Enlargement.................................................................... L-3 Preliminary Street Sections.................................................................................. L-4 VillagePark Programming................................................................................... L-5 ConnectivityPlan................................................................................................ L-6 Walland Fence Plan............................................................................................ L-7 Mailbox and Transformer Conditions....................................................................L-8 SiteFurnishings..................................................................................................L-9 Civil TitleSheet ........................................................................................................... C1 Village Cn Lot 1 Preliminary Site Plan.................................................................. C2 Village Cn Lot 1 Preliminary Grading Plan............................................................ C3 Village Cn Lot 1 Site Sections.............................................................................. C4 Village Cn Lot 1 Preliminary Wet Utility Plan ......................................................... C5 Brookfield Homes Contact: Colin Koch 3200 Park Center Drive, Suite 1000 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714.200.1563 1 www.brookfieldpropertiesdevelopment.com WHA. Architects . Planners . Designers . Contact: Jeff Chelwick, Nick Manea 680 Newport Center Drive, Suite 300 Newport Beach, CA 92705 949.250.0607 1 www.WHAinc.com Architecture Village C2+3 I Open Space Exhibit............................................................... SP-2.1 Village C2+3 I Site Plan............................................................................... SP-2.2 Village C2+3 I Parking Exhibit...................................................................... SP-2.3 Village C2+3 I Trash Staging Exhibit............................................................ SP-2.4 Village C2+3 I Waste Collection Day Overflow Parking ................................. SP-2.5 Village C2+3 I Preliminary Elevation and Color Assignment .......................... SP-2.6 P-4 2 Story Townhomes I Frontage Exhibit ...................................................... A-2.1 P-4 2 Story Townhomes 13-Plex I Schematic Floor Plans..............................A-2.2 P-4 2 Story Townhomes 13-Plex I Schematic Elevations ................................ A-2.3 P-4 2 Story Townhomes 14-Plex I Schematic Floor Plans..............................A-2.4 P-4 2 Story Townhomes 14-Plex I Schematic Elevations ................................ A-2.5 P-4 2 Story Townhomes 15-Plex I Schematic Floor Plans..............................A-2.6 P-4 2 Story Townhomes 15-Plex I Schematic Elevations ................................ A-2.7 P-4 2 Story Townhomes 16-Plex I Schematic Floor Plans..............................A-2.8 P-4 2 Story Townhomes 16-Plex I Schematic Elevations...............................A-2.9 P-4 2 Story Townhomes I Architectural Details ............................................. A-2.10 Village C2+3 Streetscene............................................................................. SS-1.1 Village C2+3 Streetscene............................................................................. SS-1.2 Village C2+3 Streetscene............................................................................. SS-1.3 Exterior Colors & Materials...........................................................................CM-1.1 Landscape Architecture Preliminary Landscape Plan................................................................................ L-1 Preliminary Landscape Plan................................................................................ L-2 Hunsaker &Associates LContact: Ryan Martin 9707 Waples Street, San Diego, CA 92121 858.558.4500 1 www.hunsakerSD.com C2 Collaborative Contact: Chris Fortunato 100 Avenida Miramar, San Clemente, CA 92672 949.366.6624 www.c2collaborative.com Preliminary Landscape Enlargement.................................................................... L-3 Preliminary Street Sections.................................................................................. L-4 VillagePark Programming................................................................................... L-5 ConnectivityPlan................................................................................................L-6 Walland Fence Plan............................................................................................ L-7 Mailbox and Transformer Conditions....................................................................L-8 SiteFurnishings.................................................................................................. L-9 Civil TitleSheet ........................................................................................................... C1 Village Cn Lots 2 & 3 Preliminary Site Plan.......................................................... C2 Village Cn Lots 2 & 3 Preliminary Site Plan.......................................................... C3 Village Cn Lots 2 & 3 Preliminary Grading Plan .................................................... C4 Village Cn Lots 2 & 3 Preliminary Grading Plan .................................................... C5 Village Cn Lots 2 & 3 Site Sections...................................................................... C6 Village Cn Lots 2 & 3 Preliminary Wet Utility Plan ................................................. C7 Village Cn Lots 2 & 3 Preliminary Wet Utility Plan ................................................. C8 Lighting Altair Street Lighting Village C............................................................................. L-1 AltairStreet Lighting........................................................................................... L-2 Altair Street Lighting Photometric....................................................................... L-3 AltairStreet Lighting.......................................................................................... L-4 AltairStreet Lighting.......................................................................................... L-5 2022219 1 07-02-2024 Submittal Log Submittal 1 11-03-2023 Submittal 2 02-23-2024 Submittal 3 05-24-2024 Submittal 4 07-02-2024 File No.: rookf mle 14 tial r CORRIDOR -- �5T �R� 8Y P A55 = r 1 rt r � Z VILLAGE C1 ALTAIR VISTA (PRIVATE) .. ��� -„� •ram �-q � � 17 - _ --- -- -411 „i � 1 r. I. i'. i , I1 �� • l �r � I r � 1 _� ;'fir•-�'� � -- `- _ _ _ f1 _ - - f'' - VILLAGEC1 Overall Contextual Site Plan AF 'AIR eJ SP-1 0 20 40 80 DISCLAIMER Note: 1. Refer to Civil engineer's plan to verify official record of metes & hounds and utility locations. Notes: 1. Site plan is for conceptual purposes only. 2. Site plan must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire departments for code compliance. 3. Base information per civil engineer. 4. Civil engineer to verify all setbacks and grading information 5. Building Footprints might change due to the final design elevation style. 6. Open space area is subject to change due to the balcony design of the elevation. 7. Building setbacks are measured from property lines to building foundation lines. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS Residen TEMECULA, CA PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #Q I DRAFT O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Project Summary - Village Cl: Parcel Number: 940310013 Legal Description of Property: 27.47 ACRES NET IN PAR 23 PM 116/069 PM 18254 Existing/ Proposed Zoning: Specific Plan (SP-15 Altair) Existing/ Proposed General Plan: Specific Plan Implementation (SPI) Existing Specific Plan Land Use: Altair Specific Plan: SP-E Educational Proposed Specific Plan Land Use: Altair Specific Plan: SP-R Residential Zone Total Gross AC: + 5.08 Cross Acres Total Net AC: + 4.25 Net Acres Total Units: 101 Homes -- (101) P5: 3 Story Row Towns no Height - + 38' - 6" Net Density: 23.74 DU/AC Building Setbacks: From Altair Vista Property line 3' ft. min From Coromell Trail ROW 3' ft. min From A Street Property Line 0' ft. min. Occupancy Classification: R-3 Townhouse Type of Construction: Type V-13 Fire Sprinklers: NFPA-13R 5' ft. max No maximum 5' ft. max H-3 Setba Village A Existing Land Use: Open Space H -2 VILLAGE Ci I Architectural Site Plan e C2+3 back DISCLAIMER Note: 1. Refer to Civil engineers plan to verify official record of metes & bounds and utility locations. Notes 1. Site plan is for conceptual purposes only. 2. Site plan must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire departments for code compliance. 3. Base information per civil engineer. 4. Civil engineer to verify all setbacks and grading information 5. Building Footprints might change due to the final design elevation style. 6. open space area is subject to change due to the balcony design of the elevation. 7. Building setbacks are measured From property lines to building foundation lines. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS rookf mielt Residentic69W ' FAIR TEMECULA, CA SP-2 0 20 40 80 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #4 I DRAFT © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Project Summary -Village Cl: Open Space Total Units: Open Space: Required: Provided: 101 Homes 16J60' SF Total (160' SF per home) • Common, 6,060' SF (60' SF per Rowtown) • Private: 10,100' SF (100' SF per Rowtown) 31,902' SF Total (316' SF per home) • Common: 6,990' SF (25' Min. Dimension) • Private: 24,912' SF (6' Min. Dimension) * Includes balconies & decks on the 2nd floor. nu At VILLAGE Ci I Open Space Exhibit a DISCLAIMER Note: 1. Refer to Civil engineers plan to verify official record of metes & bounds and utility locations. Notes 1. Site plan is for conceptual purposes only. 2. Site plan must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire departments for code compliance. 3. Base information per civil engineer. 4. Civil engineer to verify all setbacks and grading information 5. Building Footprints might change due to the final design elevation style. b. open space area is subject to change due to the balcony design of the elevation. 7. Building setbacks are measured from property lines to building foundation lines. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS rookf mielt Residentic69W ' 'NR TEMECULA, CA SP-3 0 20 40 80 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #4 I DRAFT © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO N Project Summary - Village Cl: Parking Total Gross AC: + 5.08 Gross Acres Total Net AC: + 4.25 Net Acres Total Units: 101 Homes Parking: Required: 213 Spaces (101) 2+ Bedroom x 2.0 Spaces = 202 Spaces • (101) Guest x 0.1 Spaces = 11 Spaces Provided: 225 Spaces • Garage: 202 Covered Spaces • Head In: 16 Uncovered Spaces (9' x 18') • Parallel: 7 Spaces (8' x 22') VILLAGE Ci I Parking Exhibit DISCLAIMER Note: 1. Refer to Civil engineer's plan to verify official record of metes & bounds and utility locations. Notes: 1. Site plan is for conceptual purposes only. Z. Site plan must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire departments for code compliance. 3. Base information per civil engineer. 4. Civil engineer to verify all setbacks and grading information 5. Building Footprints might change due to the final design elevation style. 6. open space area is subject to change due to the balcony design of the elevation. 7. Building setbacks are measured from property lines to building foundation lines. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS Brookfield Residential FAIR TEMECULA, CA SP-4 0 20 40 80 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #4 1 DRAFT OO 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Enlargement Proposed Trash Can Staging 0 05 10 20 Refuse & Recycling Containers - Village C1 1�] (101 Total) Trash Can '60' Gallon (41 "H x 27" W x 33"D) -1 per Unit FR](101 Total) Recycle Can '60' Gallon (41 "H x 27" W x 33"D) -1 per Unit FO] (101 Total) Organic Can '60' Gallon (41 "H x 27 W x 33"D) -1 per Unit *Trash cans shall be placed on homeowners drive apron to allow trash trucks ease of flow through circulation & pickup. Where stub alleys occur; trash cans shall be placed at the closet drive entry. *Trash cans will be on the street less than 24 hours on Trash Collection Day Parking: Required: 213 Spaces (2.11 spaces per home) • (101) 2+ Bedroom x 2.0 Spaces = 202 Spaces • (101) Guest x 0.1 Spaces = 11 Spaces Provided: 225 Spaces (2.24 spaces per home) • Garage: 202 Covered Spaces • Head In: 16 Uncovered Spaces (9' x 18') • Parallel: 7 Uncovered Spaces (8' x 22') Collection Day Parking Availability: Provided : 219 Spaces (2.17 spaces per home) • Garage: 202 Covered Spaces • Head In: 16 Uncovered Spaces (9' x 18') • Parallel: .1 Uncovered Spaces (8' x 22') Unavailable on Collection Day: • 7 Uncovered Spaces Total Notes: 1. Video surveillance, signage or literature for residents shall be provided detailing that the organic bins are for organic disposal only. Organics enclosure may be used for residential landscape waste. 2. "No Parking" on collection day shall be enforced through signage and fines. r"J VILLAGE C1 I Trash Staging Exhibit DISCLAIMER Note: 1. Refer to Civil engineer's plan to verify official record of metes & bounds and utility locations. Notes: 1. Site plan is for conceptual purposes only. 2. Site plan must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire departments for code compliance. 3. Base information per civil engineer. 4. Civil engineer to verify all setbacks and grading information 5. Building Footprints might change due to the final design elevation style. 6. Open space area is subject to change due to the balcony design of the elevation. 7. Building setbacks are measured from property lines to building foundation lines. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS Brookfield Residential TEMECULA, CA SP-5 0 20 40 80 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #4 1 DRAFT OO 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO nu� VILLAGE C1 I Waste Collection Day Overflow Parking Waste Collection Day Overflow Parking - Village C1 Available overflow parking stall on waste collection day (17 Spaces) • Unavailable parking stalls on waste collection day (7 Spaces) DISCLAIMER Nate: 1. Refer to Civil engineer's plan to verify official record of metes & bounds and utility locations. Notes: 1. Site plan is for conceptual purposes only. 2. Site plan must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire departments for code compliance. 3. Base information per civil engineer. 4. Civil engineer to verify all setbacks and grading information 5. Building Footprints might change due to the final design elevation style. 6. Open space area is subject to change due to the balcony design of the elevation. 7. Building setbacks are measured from property lines to building foundation lines. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS Brookfield Residential TEMECULA, CA SP-6 0 20 40 80 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #4 1 DRAFT OO 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO NOTE:WINDOW TRIMS OCCUR ON ALL SIDES OF ALL BUILDINGS SIDE ENTRY COVERED PORCH BRICK ACCENT COLOR SCHEMES P5 - CONTEMPORARY PROVINCIAL 16 SCHEME 16 17 I SCHEME 17 Em"66M SCHEME 18 Refer to Sheet CM-1 for Exterior Color and Materials G VILLAGE Ci I Preliminary Elevation and Color Assignment DISCLAIMER Note: 1. Refer to Civil engineer's plan to verify official record of metes & bounds and utility locations. Notes: 1. Site plan is for conceptual purposes only. 2. Site plan must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire departments for code compliance. 3. Base information per civil engineer. 4. Civil engineer to verify all setbacks and grading information 5. Building Footprints might change due to the final design elevation style. 6. Open space area is subject to change due to the balcony design of the elevation. 7. Building setbacks are measured from property lines to building foundation lines. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS rookf ielt Residentie' TEMECULA, CA SP-7 0 20 40 80 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #4 1 DRAFT OO 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO .TT T13MITNh7 U � o Plan 4 rookf ielt Residential VIAJq r— ;I JA 6 VIA. Plan 4 Plan 3 6-Plex (Style A) Color Scheme 18 rro r VIAJq Plan 1 Plan 2 231.1011 11'-11" I. 31 11111 231-1011 64 II L 11 PLAN I LAN 5 U 101 M nLFytR 1Yp. AN R.O.W CURB Altair Vista --- Al tip y ■ 4 �'! _ � - i - Y� • �F .' t � � � xIL �` r�. k 1� Jam, . � � • +� . 1': - Plan 2 Plan 1 Plan 3 Plan 4 6-Plex with porches (Style 13) Color Scheme 17 Contemporary Provincial P=5: 2 STORY TOWNHOMES I Frontage Exhibit �1 'AIR TEMECULA, CA Plan 4 0 2 4 BUILDING FRONTAGE �A PORCH (9.4.2) •DESCRIPTION - PROJECTING PORCH WITH COLUMNS AND SOLID ROOF. - FLOOR LEVEL TO BE 4" MINMUM ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE. - DEPTH PROVIDES SUFFICIENT SPACE FOR SITTING. (0)RECESSED ENTRY (9.4.3) •DESCRIPTION - ENCLOSED BY AT LEAST (2) BUILDING WALLS. - ENTRY IS COVERED BY BUILDING OR OVERHANG. - FLOOR LEVEL IS INTEGRATED WITH THE YARD. T WALLED YARD (9.4.4) •DESCRIPTION -DECORATIVE LOW WALL OR FENCE PROVIDED - OUTSWINGING GATES NOT ENCROACHING OVER PROPERTY LINE. -DISCRETE SECURITY MEASURES Key Map (N.T.S.) z PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL " ' DRAFT O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Construction Type : VB Occupancy Type : R2 Sprinkler Type : 13R rookf ielt Residential PER FIRE DEPARTMENT, SINGLE SNOOT WALL MOUNTED FDC IS APPROVI `..n-. �---- fir- �r� 0' KITCHEN ---; " KITCHEN a { ❑ KITGHEt KITCHEN ❑ ❑ _ NDRY. LAIND D J PA RY R L uv L ox nn u n m x ,� PWDR. el G 1 UP ❑'' °� DECK DECK ------------ © v 11Ni►j0 2nd Floor SIDEWALK STREET 3rd Floor 1st Floor Typical Floor Plans P-5: 3 STORY TOWNHOMES I 4-PLEX I Schematic Floor Plans L11AIR TEMECULA, CA CANTILEVER TYP- co 4 w w W w w BUILDING FRONTAGE PORCH (9.4.2) • DESCRIPTION : - PROJECTING PORCH WITH COLUMNS AND SOLID ROOF. - FLOOR LEVEL TO BE 4" MINMUM ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE. DEPTH PROVIDES SUFFICIENT SPACE FOR SITTING. © RECESSED ENTRY (9.4.3) • DESCRIPTION - ENCLOSED BY AT LEAST (2) BUILDING WALLS. - ENTRY IS COVERED BY BUILDING OR OVERHANG. - FLOOR LEVEL IS INTEGRATED WITH THE YARD. T WALLED YARD (9.4.4) • DESCRIPTION - DECORATIVE LOW WALL OR FENCE PROVIDED - OUTSWINGING GATES NOT ENCROACHING OVER PROPERTY LINE. - DISCRETE SECURITY MEASURES ±1,710 SF 3 BEDROOM/ 2.5 BATH/DEN/ ACCESSIBLE POWDER ±1,710 SF 3 BEDROOM/ 2.5 BATH/DEN +1,591 SF 3 BEDROOM/ 2.5 BATH/DEN ±1,508 SF 2 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH/ LOFT (OPT.BD3) ±15404 SF 2 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH NOTE: 1. Floor plans are for schematic purposes only and will change through design process. 2. Schematic floor plans must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire department for code compliance. 3. Yards, patios & decks may vary but will not be less than the minimum requirements. 4. Square footage may vary depending on method of calculation. 5. Building frontage may vary due to site con- straints & elevation design. 6. See landscape plans for fence & wall design and height. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS A-2 0 2 4 8 PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAFT O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO JI Ad rookf mielt Residential 01 Right Left J� 0 Highest Ridge I119 F F n Finish Grade Varies per Civil Rear Y Iffi�r .. �J' 0 ELI F_� 7 Lj M L1 011::] .G, L e - -- - ■. 4 Fro nt Color Scheme 16 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-1 Contemporary Provincial P5: 3 STORY ROW TOWNS 14-PLEX I Schematic Elevations Standard 'SIR TEMECULA, CA 0 Contemporary Provincial Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 4:12 Type: Hip/Flat Material: Concrete "S" Tile Color: Red Tones Accent: Shed Roof Accents Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Color Blocked Stucco Accent Material Option: Color Blocked Stucco *Brick at Selected Locations Windows Trim: Varies Type: TBD (Mixed) Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Awning/Accent Trellis/Arched Entries Enhancement Key Map (N.T.S) A-3 2 4 8 PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 ALTAIR VISTA (PUBLIC) I �Q ;V ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Right Left rookf mielt Residential .1 +I Highest Ridge F. F. T.O. P F. F T0.R Finish Grade Varies per Civil FI-ice 7�M Rear • 71 Ill Fro nt Color Scheme 16 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-1 Contemporary Provincial P5: 3 STORY ROW TOWNS 14=PLEX I Schematic Elevations Enhanced w/ Brick AIR TEMECULA, CA 0 Contemporary Provincial Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 4:12 Type: Hip/Flat Material: Concrete "S" Tile Color: Red Tones Accent: Shed Roof Accents Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Color Blocked Stucco Accent Material Option: Color Blocked Stucco *Brick at Selected Locations Windows Trim: Varies Type: TBD (Mixed) Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Awning/Accent Trellis/Arched Entries Enhancement Key Map (N.T.S) A-4 2 4 8 PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO rookf ielt Residential 4 Right Note: Windows at garage pending no conflict with Utilities v +I Left See site plan, Sheet A-7, for Building with Left side entry I=ii�i1 � 1k Highest Ridge F. F. loll 11 T.O.P r 1` • -0 F. F �T.O.P.,�,�'., Finish Grade Varies per Civil } li�illiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ll Rear ill 0 CI a _.:. i�d ��rt,i.a��•'.'�L . 5i i - lL. -ti �s�-:i�K Fro nt Color Scheme 16 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-1 Contemporary Provincial P5: 3 STORY ROW TOWNS 14=PLEX I Schematic TAI H TEMECULA, CA Elevations I Side Entry IIIII�ili�i 1 �'1111 1=i11 1 � s1►Y1_.. . � � L: Contemporary Provincial Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 4:12 Type: Hip/Flat Material: Concrete "S" Tile Color: Red Tones Accent: Shed Roof Accents Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Color Blocked Stucco Accent Material Option: Color Blocked Stucco *Brick at Selected Locations Windows Trim: Varies Type: TBD (Mixed) Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Awning/Accent Trellis/Arched Entries Enhancement Key Map (N.T.S) ALTAIR VISTA (PUBLIC) CI . 4 �x 1 �, I m 1 k- 1 � � y ' A-5 0 2 4 8 PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Construction Type : VB Occupancy Type : R2 Sprinkler Type : 13R rookf ielt Residential DEcx P II.x. DININC�1 �1 LIVING II❑ KITCHEN PW x y WING -- DECK PER FIRE DEPARTMENT, SINGLE SNOOT WALL - MOUNTED FOG IS APPROVED DINING � , I x KITCHEN I I ' KNCUEN 0711 %1 2nd Floor DRIVE RISERCD 71 PLC 2 PLAN 1 ALT. AAN 3 / GARAGE \ / GARAGE \ GARAGE \ Ll DR P - 7 17771„ `ems/ GOATS, DROP _J. - q II it U r•� II / "i � _ � � } ♦/ 4 LI +- DEN ' - - �1 - - r ENTRY ENTRY `X/ It �xi II II i e II I / " II ALT. SIDE L--A L--� ENTRY L - - (SEE SITE PLAN FOR SIDE ENTRY LOCATIONS) 13'-O2' 11'-7� " 11'-0" s'-5" 1 s o SIDEWALK STREET 3rd Floor 1st Floor Typical Floor Plans P-5: 3 STORY TOWNHOMES I 5-PLEX I Schematic Floor Plans LiIAIR TEMECULA, CA DINING DINING AIR BUILDING FRONTAGE PORCH (9.4.2) • DESCRIPTION : - PROJECTING PORCH WITH COLUMNS AND SOLID ROOF. - FLOOR LEVEL TO BE 4" MINIMUM ABOVE I; :: ADJACENT GRADE. II - IIKITCHE - DEPTH PROVIDES SUFFICIENT SPACE FOR I _ II x' SITTING. © RECESSED ENTRY (9.4.3) • DESCRIPTION - ENCLOSED BY AT LEAST (2) BUILDING WALLS. LNING - ENTRY IS COVERED BY BUILDING OR I OVERHANG. - FLOOR LEVEL IS INTEGRATED WITH THE YARD. DECK © WALLED YARD (9.4.4) • DESCRIPTION - DECORATIVE LOW WALL OR FENCE PROVIDED - OUTSWINGING GATES NOT ENCROACHING OVER PROPERTY LINE. - DISCRETE SECURITY MEASURES CANTILEVER TYP. 4 M v P L\AN/4 CLAN 4 / GARAGE \ / GARAGE \ / \ \ .,i ce] III � II / I CDR' DEN _ _ _ - -SALT. SIDE DENENTRY FOR SIDE I ENTRY ENTRY LOCATION' ----J 0— II — �x II L--J irai o un ±1,710 SF 3 BEDROOM/ 2.5 BATH/DEN/ ACCESSIBLE POWDER ±1,710 SF 3 BEDROOM/ 2.5 BATH/DEN +1,591 SF 3 BEDROOM/ 2.5 BATH/DEN ±1,508 SF 2 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH/ LOFT (OPT.BD3) ±15404 SF 2 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH NOTE: 1. Floor plans are for schematic purposes only and will change through design process. 2. Schematic floor plans must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire department for code compliance. 3. Yards, patios & decks may vary but will not be less than the minimum requirements. 4. Square footage may vary depending on method of calculation. 5. Building frontage may vary due to site con- straints & elevation design. 6. See landscape plans for fence & wall design and height. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS A-6 0 2 4 8 PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO L Right Left Brookfield Residential u Mo. Finish Grady Varies Fri �� per Civil Color Scheme 17 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-1 Contemporary Provincial P5: 3 STORY ROW TOWNS 5=PLEX I Sch 'AIR TEMECULA, CA erratic Elevations I Standard Contemporary Provincial Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 4:1 2 Type: Hip/Flat Material: Concrete "S" Tile Color: Red Tones Accent: Shed Roof Accents Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Color Blocked stucco Accent Material Option: Color Blocked Stucco Brick at Selected Locations Windows Trim: Varies Type: TBD (Mixed) Doors Type: TBD (Match style) Details Type: Awning/Accent Trellis/Arched Entries Enhancement Key Map (N.IS) ALTAIR VISTA {PUBLIC) I �- TP t I �,4 I � � I � k l l 1 14 5 V t 4 - 4 l 't \ � h A-7 0 2 4 8 PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Right See site plan for Building with Right side entry �0 E] w� 4' i1 T '1. I�'-..3 •r r N� -17014 �` - - - - �i - yam•♦ -r. L _ -�. [. Left See site plan, Sheet A-7, for Building with Left side entry rookf ielt Residential Highest Ridge 1 Ll F. F. T.O. P 80 co +I FF WR � r G s T.O.P. D , T 1 FF 'Ri► ': Finish Grade Varies per Civil u H—Mlffmv� Front Color Scheme 17 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-1 Contemporary Provincial P5: 3 STORY ROW TOWNS I Schematic Elevations I Side Entry I�III�III�i ICI � ICI -00 Contemporary Provincial Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 4:12 Type: Hip/Flat Material: Concrete "S" Tile Color: Red Tones Accent: Shed Roof Accents Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Color Blocked Stucco Accent Material Option: Color Blocked Stucco *Brick at Selected Locations Windows Trim: Varies Type: TBD (Mixed) Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Awning/Accent Trellis/Arched Entries Enhancement Key Map (N.T.S) ALTAIR VISTA (PUBLIC) ' ■�- k l 4 � I I 1 1 y 11K 0 2 4 8 TEMECULA, CA PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO BUILDING FRONTAGE PORCH (9.4.2) • DESCRIPTION : 3rd Floor Construction Type : VB Occupancy Type : R2 Sprinkler Type : 13R rookf ielt Residential IENT, 1 - PPROVED ALT. SIDE ENTRY - (SEE SITE PLAN FOR SIDE ENTRY LOCAMNS) Typical Floor Plans DRIVE 611111 Ar1111 15 STREET 1st Floor P-5: 3 STORY TOWNHOMES I 5-PLEX I Schematic Floor Plans I Enhanced w/ Brick AIR TEMECULA, CA CANTILEVER TYP.___ F 4 m M w 7 z w F- V5 w w Cn - PROJECTING PORCH WITH COLUMNS AND SOLID ROOF. - FLOOR LEVEL TO BE 4" MINMUM ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE. - DEPTH PROVIDES SUFFICIENT SPACE FOR SITTING. © RECESSED ENTRY (9.4.3) • DESCRIPTION - ENCLOSED BY AT LEAST (2) BUILDING WALLS. - ENTRY IS COVERED BY BUILDING OR OVERHANG. - FLOOR LEVEL IS INTEGRATED WITH THE YARD. T WALLED YARD (9.4.4) •DESCRIPTION - DECORATIVE LOW WALL OR FENCE PROVIDED - OUTSWINGING GATES NOT ENCROACHING OVER PROPERTY LINE. - DISCRETE SECURITY MEASURES ±1,710 SF 3 BEDROOM/ 2.5 BATH/DEN/ ACCESSIBLE POWDER ±1,710 SF 3 BEDROOM/ 2.5 BATH/DEN +1,591 SF 3 BEDROOM/ 2.5 BATH/DEN ±1,508 SF 2 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH/ LOFT (OPT.BD3) ±15404 SF 2 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH NOTE: 1. Floor plans are for schematic purposes only and will change through design process. 2. Schematic floor plans must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire department for code compliance. 3. Yards, patios & decks may vary but will not be less than the minimum requirements. 4. Square footage may vary depending on method of calculation. 5. Building frontage may vary due to site con- straints & elevation design. 6. See landscape plans for fence & wall design and height. A-9 0 2 4 8 PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Right Lef t rookf mielt Residential " II H, II II I' II II II II II II II iJ.iJ�.u,u!i�r��r H H 8 �8 88 H H H EF1 HH HH ID HH 11�118�M i�il. Rear Highest Ridge 5. T.O. P tip H H H 1 F.F. T.O.P ej 80 CYD +1 Ak: F.F. T.O.P. ` .�i_—� �r."�ki.. s+Al�_ �ti.:'�iCli� ,..i:�:�,.1 .atl+r► _ .' Finish Grade Varies per Civil Front Color Scheme 16 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-1 Contemporary Provincial P5: 3 STORY ROW TOWNS I Schematic Elevations I Enhanced w/Brick -I---9TAIP TEMECULA, CA Contemporary Provincial Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 4:12 Type: Hip/Flat Material: Concrete "S" Tile Color: Red Tones Accent: Shed Roof Accents Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Color Blocked Stucco Accent Material Option: Color Blocked Stucco *Brick at Selected Locations Windows Trim: Varies Type: TBD (Mixed) Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Awning/Accent Trellis/Arched Entries Enhancement Key Map (N.T.S) A-1 0 0 2 4 8 PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL I DRAF O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 ALTAIR VISTA (PUBLIC) 034 .1 V � r � 1 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO 3rd Floor Construction Type : VB Occupancy Type : R2 Sprinkler Type : 13R rookf ielt Residential ROOF PER FIRE DEPARTMENT, SINGLE SNOOT WALL MOUNTED FDC IS APPROVE�. I 1 DECK I I LIVING r IIdcoKITCHEN I KITCHEN .' __= I f 1 I fx. I �J WING II s M ItQECK DINING � I I EO KITCHEN II � . I ix/1 2nd Floor DRIVE LNING DECK I o DECK CAN - - - - TIL- -TYP_- - - IF71 FIRE RISER a PLAN/ 2 PLAK 1 ALT. AAN 3 P LAB 4 P%LkN 4 C' / GARAGE / GARAGE / GARAGE GARAGE \ GARAGE \ "I , FZ ------- ----� 7 7. --— %_ —I— I i_7�� —?�— -- GDRD7 7 P2 II,i ff U L== — i� ENTRY 9 s - EN RY PWDR. J DEN DROP I DEN — - -� A ��xr ENTRY .' r xf II X' II rn�D I I I I In--� II X II ILL --J 2t-6" 22'- 21'-5' SIDEWALK STREET 1st Floor 10'-9%" Typical Floor Plans P-5: 3 STORY TOWNHOMES 5-PLEX I Schematic Floor Plans Enhanced w/ Porches FAIR TEMECULA, CA ENTRY � Al 32'-O" Z cn � w w �M w Cn BUILDING FRONTAGE PORCH (9.4.2) • DESCRIPTION : - PROJECTING PORCH WITH COLUMNS AND SOLID ROOF. - FLOOR LEVEL TO BE 4" MINMUM ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE. - DEPTH PROVIDES SUFFICIENT SPACE FOR SITTING. © RECESSED ENTRY (9.4.3) • DESCRIPTION - ENCLOSED BY AT LEAST (2) BUILDING WALLS. - ENTRY IS COVERED BY BUILDING OR OVERHANG. - FLOOR LEVEL IS INTEGRATED WITH THE YARD. © WALLED YARD (9.4.4) • DESCRIPTION : - DECORATIVE LOW WALL OR FENCE PROVIDED - OUTSWINGING GATES NOT ENCROACHING OVER PROPERTY LINE. - DISCRETE SECURITY MEASURES ±1,710 SF 3 BEDROOM/ 2.5 BATH/DEN/ ACCESSIBLE POWDER ±1,710 SF 3 BEDROOM/ 2.5 BATH/DEN +1,591 SF 3 BEDROOM/ 2.5 BATH/DEN ±1,508 SF 2 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH/ LOFT (OPT.BD3) ±15404 SF 2 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH NOTE: 1. Floor plans are for schematic purposes only and will change through design process. 2. Schematic floor plans must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire department for code compliance. 3. Yards, patios & decks may vary but will not be less than the minimum requirements. 4. Square footage may vary depending on method of calculation. 5. Building frontage may vary due to site con- straints & elevation design. 6. See landscape plans for fence & wall design and height. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS A-1 1 0 2 4 8 PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL ' DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Right Left rookf mielt Residential I 1 I � IIIIIIIIIIIIiirr . ........ NL H HH HH A HH H � H H H H H 8 H8 H. H HH 111 HH HH I HH Highest Ridge t� Finish Grade Varies per Civil Rear �nm~ . . . . . . . . . . . . T •M4 H gee H H F] ❑ I ❑❑.IILf Fro nt Color Scheme 16 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-1 Contemporary Provincial P5: 3 STORY ROW TOWNS I Schematic Elevations Enhanced w/ Porches IR TEMECULA, CA ❑ r.1s Contemporary Provincial Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 4:12 Type: Hip/Flat Material: Concrete "S" Tile Color: Red Tones Accent: Shed Roof Accents Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Color Blocked Stucco Accent Material Option: Color Blocked Stucco *Brick at Selected Locations Windows Trim: Varies Type: TBD (Mixed) Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Awning/Accent Trellis/Arched Entries Enhancement Key Map (N.T.S) A-1 2 0 2 4 8 PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL 'DRAFT O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 ALTAIR VISTA (PUBLIC) Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO 3rd Floor Construction Type : VB Occupancy Type : R2 Sprinkler Type : 13R rookf ielt Residential PER FIRE DEPARTMENT, SINGLE SNOOT WALL MOUNTED FDC IS APPR( f, R - 7 x. x l �_ J DIHIN �— ter. LIVING IUD KITCHEN KITCHEN _I KITCHEN KITCHEN _ DINING x ❑ IL P TRY x E PWDR. J/ LNING LMHG -- 1— U RDDF-0.. - , I [ DECK I DRIVE III �I I 0 DINING DINING II CANTILEVER TYP- 1I DECK III 101 I � m FIRE �� —71 �� - -- — �. 7 F` RISER —19 W PLC& 2 l PLA 1 ALT. AAN 3 PLC 4 N 4 CIO / GARAGE r GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE GARAGE �/—-------�L= � ;— J F, — — 7 -- — — — CL — — — — — FI�—_,F_—� -7�I DRD � � A �I II PWDR, ENTRY EN Y DEN s, EN DEN 1 _ �_� ENTRY 0 ,xl "i ENT F zA1 I 0. LD { j } YARD Ik 24141 22'-7�' 21'-5" SIDEWALK STREET 1st Floor 10 9' 2° Typical Floor Plans P-5: 3 STORY TOWNHOMES 5-PLEX Schematic Floor Plans Enhanced w/ Porches and Brick " ' FAIR TEMECULA, CA 32'-0" z d __j Wa F_ 'Uj to BUILDING FRONTAGE PORCH (9.4.2) • DESCRIPTION : - PROJECTING PORCH WITH COLUMNS AND SOLID ROOF. - FLOOR LEVEL TO BE 4" MINMUM ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE. - DEPTH PROVIDES SUFFICIENT SPACE FOR SITTING. © RECESSED ENTRY (9.4.3) • DESCRIPTION - ENCLOSED BY AT LEAST (2) BUILDING WALLS. - ENTRY IS COVERED BY BUILDING OR OVERHANG. - FLOOR LEVEL IS INTEGRATED WITH THE YARD. © WALLED YARD (9.4.4) • DESCRIPTION : - DECORATIVE LOW WALL OR FENCE PROVIDED - OUTSWINGING GATES NOT ENCROACHING OVER PROPERTY LINE. - DISCRETE SECURITY MEASURES ±1,710 SF 3 BEDROOM/ 2.5 BATH/DEN/ ACCESSIBLE POWDER ±1,710 SF 3 BEDROOM/ 2.5 BATH/DEN +1,591 SF 3 BEDROOM 2.5 BATH/DEN ±1,508 SF 2 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH/ LOFT (OPT.BD3) ±1,404 SF 2 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH NOTE: 1. Floor plans are for schematic purposes only and will change through design process. 2. Schematic floor plans must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire department for code compliance. 3. Yards, patios & decks may vary but will not be less than the minimum requirements. 4. Square footage may vary depending on method of calculation. 5. Building frontage may vary due to site con- straints & elevation design. 6. See landscape plans for fence & wall design and height. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS A-1 3 0 2 4 8 PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL ' DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Right Left rookf ielt Residential ::18 8 H8 88 H H H � HH HH � HH li�i� ill Rear Finish Grade Varies Front per Civil Color Scheme 18 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-1 Contemporary Provincial III ICI i�i I=i�1l P5: 3 STORY ROW TOWNS I Schematic Elevations I Enhanced w/ Porches and Brick Contemporary Provincial Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 4:12 Type: Hip/Flat Material: Concrete "S" Tile Color: Red Tones Accent: Shed Roof Accents Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Color Blocked Stucco Accent Material Option: Color Blocked Stucco *Brick at Selected Locations Windows Trim: Varies Type: TBD (Mixed) Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Awning/Accent Trellis/Arched Entries Enhancement Key Map (N.T.S) ALTAIK A-1 4 0 2 4 8 TEMECULA, CA PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL ' DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 ALTAIR VISTA (PUBLIC) Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Awning Trim at Brick Trellis Corner Trim Package rookf mielt Residential Front Elevation Contemporary Provincial P5: 3 STORY ROW TOWNS ILTA I Architectural IR TEMECULA, CA Details Contemporary Provincial Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 4: 1 2 Type: Hip/Flat Material: Concrete "S" Tile Color: Red Tones Accent: Shed Roof Accents Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Color Blocked Stucco Accent Material option: Color Blocked Stucco *Brick at Selected Locations Windows Trim: Varies Type: TBD (Mixed) Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Awning/Accent Trellis/Arched Entries A-1 5 0 2 4 8 PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL ' DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO All 75p I �Ala N11- 4AL -A;kQL�N�4-1 S I 5 is ) tr_. A lip 7ig e -mL I Nn VILLAGE Gl STRE field mAl F dential I Tr:RAr:rl 11 A ; W mom let P17 ""ARt i RY-L-il W�w vivIxalMAIMUN! H N I I a ri all F1 r✓• F Jor*Tlvlc PAc-ddAntia Ao I 4 n j •! dr.. �Y •_' •t r• 1 .4iF!�� rl-I ''� t ��- a L. ■■ :' }r;y ', r _ r<.' _ �_ �, ^ACC^ 1 y -a •I' ►'s , r; -• - ',� • - .. ti'� ,,.y*' � s'i• f �J.t"�F r*. f - � +a • A�r�� � ti 4, ' I +4; y 'f Z 1 -. ]'' Td}:5..` _ _ � « y�� _ _ 'rr Y g ' �•�ay .- i r , - r .fir; -�. }4i• � iA. - ,. _ t� - u �'.. ,.a.'• + �,-'•• � yr• _ , , i` ��. F- .. ' r � _ . ti,�: fir•- r } .. . �..# p l, -. Yx .:ti. y� `'t,„Y, ._ _ .r; .. M1.i: :.f ., rj `• i hl _��; �., }}5e AL -- — — - — '� 1. � �i ,4A-. Jk h.� .TREE SIR i n rn �w � y Y • L F R - ' r : { Y y7 r ;f rl Exterior Color & Materials SCHEME 16 Material P5 - CONTEMPORARY PROVINCIAL ELEVATIONS ONLY Color Manufacturer Exterior Color & Materials SCHEME 17 Material P5 - CONTEMPORARY PROVINCIAL ELEVATIONS ONLY Color Manufacturer Exterior Color & Materials SCHEME 18 Material P5 - CONTEMPORARY PROVINCIAL ELEVATIONS ONLY Color Manufacturer Roofing: 3645 Sunrise Blend Eagle Concrete `S' Tile Ref- .18 Emi:.93 A.SRI: 22 '(or approved equal) CRRC: 0918-0030 Metal Bird Stop @ `S' Tile (factory finish) Terracotta 'Bronze Eagle '(or approved equal) Ogee Gutters & Rectangular Downspouts Custom-Bilt Metals (factory finish) '(or approved equal) Tan Green World '(or approved equal) Vinyl Windows (factory finish) Brick (standard raked joints, half running Latigo Eldorado /'Westlake bond pattern) Tundrabrick (or approved equal) Grout @ Brick Soft Tan Orco (or approved equal) TBD Omega Stucco Color #1 (16/20 sand finish) (Match Sherwin Williams '(or approved equal) SW 6385 Dover White) Stucco Color #2 (applied to). - Secondary Doors SW 7540 'Sherwin Williams Stucco Accent Walls Artisan Tan (or approved equal) Utility Doors Trim Color (applied to): Barge Boards Eaves Fascia 'SW 7033 Sherwin Williams Garage Doors Brainstorm Bronze ' (or approved equal) 'Trellises Trim Unit Doors 'Metal Awnings SW 7020 Sherwin Williams Black Fox (or approved equal) Garage Door Weatherstrip (factory finish) Match Garage Door Color 1 Wayne Dalton (or approved equal) NOTE: Notfy WHA if any variation occurs between these schemes nd the construction documents prior to purchase. Contact Donna Aldrich (949) 250-0607. STUCCO #2 ALTAI R Temecula, California BROOKFIELD RESIDENTIAL January 18, 2024 1 2022219 For exact color refer to manufacturers' actual samples. © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA rookf ielt Residential © 202� WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. CIA GARAGE DOORS � IVA UNIT DOORS SCHEME 16 P5 Contemporary Provincial Elevations Only Roofing: 3645 Sunrise Blend Eagle Concrete `S' Tile Ref- .18 Emi:.93 A.SRI: 22 '(or approved equal) CRRC: 0918-0030 Metal Bird Stop @ ES' Tile (factory finish) Terracotta Beaver Brown Eagle '(or approved equal) Ogee Gutters & Rectangular Downspouts Custom-Bilt Metals (factory finish) '(or approved equal) Green World '(or approved equal) Vinyl Windows (factory finish) Tan Brick (standard raked joints, half running Latigo Eldorado /'Westlake bond pattern) Tundrabrick (or approved equal) Grout @ Brick Soft Tan Orco '(or approved equal) TBD Omega Stucco Color #1 (16/20 sand finish) (Match Sherwin Williams '(or approved equal) SW 7005 Pure White) Stucco Color #2 (applied to). - Secondary Doors SW 7535 Sherwin Williams Stucco Accent Walls Sandy Ridge '(or approved equal) Utility Doors Trim Color (applied to): Barge Boards Eaves Fascia 'SW 7510 Sherwin Williams Garage Doors Chateau Brown '(or approved equal) 'Trellises Trim Unit Doors 'Metal Awnings SW 7020 Sherwin Williams Black Fox (or approved equal) Garage Door Weatherstrip (factory finish) Match Garage Door Color Wayne Dalton (or approved equal) NOTE: Notify WHA if E schemes and the con Contact D nna Aldricl STUCCO #2 ALTAI R Temecula, California BROOKFIELD RESIDENTIAL January 18, 2024 1 2022219 For exact color refer to manufacturers' actual samples. © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA SCHEME 17 P5 Contemporary Provincial Elevations Only MA ORANGECOUNTY LOS ANGELES -AREA SACRAMENTO EXTERIOR COLOR AND MATERIALS Roofing: 13645 Sunrise Blend Eagle Concrete `S' Tile Ref- .18 Emi:.93 A.SRI: 22 '(or approved equal) CRRC: 0918-0030 Metal Bird Stop @ `S' Tile (factory finish) Terracotta 'Weathered Copper Eagle '(or approved equal) Ogee Gutters & Rectangular Downspouts Custom-Bilt Metals (factory finish) (or approved equal) Green World '(or approved equal) Vinyl Windows (factory finish) Tan Brick (standard raked joints, half running Latigo Eldorado /' Westlake bond pattern) Tundrabrick (or approved equal) Grout @ Brick Soft Tan Orco '(or approved equal) TBD Omega Stucco Color #1 (16/20 sand finish) (Match Sherwin Williams '(or approved equal) SW 6147 Panda White) Stucco Color #2 (applied to). - Secondary Doors SW 2823 Sherwin Williams Stucco Accent Walls Rookwood Clay '(or approved equal) Utility Doors Trim Color (applied to): Barge Boards Eaves Fascia 'SW 7041 Sherwin Williams Garage Doors Van Dyke Brown '(or approved equal) 'Trellises Trim Unit Doors SW 7020 'Metal Awnings Sherwin Williams Black Fox (or approved equal) Garage Door Weatherstrip (factory finish) Match Garage Door Color Wayne Dalton (or approved equal) NOTE: Notify WHA if schemes and the con Contact Donna Aldricl STUCCO #2 ALTAI R Temecula, California BROOKFIELD RESIDENTIAL January 18, 2024 12022219 For exact color refer to manufacturers' actual samples. © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA ECTS, INC. DBA WHA. CIA GARAGE DOORS UNIT DOORS SCHEME 18 P5 Contemporary Provincial Elevations Only WHA. OMGECOUNTY LOS ANGELES. BAYAREA-AMENTO .Airi CM-1 0 2 4 8 TEMECULA, CA PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO GROUNDCOVERS t�F s� alkair COMPLETELY TEMECULA. /z ALTAIR VILLAGE C WEST - PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN TEMECULA, CA CONCEPTUAL PLANT PALETTE TREES SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME Acacia stenophylla Shoestring Acacia •_ Arbutus 'Marina' Marina Arbutus Arbutus unedo Strawberry Tree Cercidium 'Desert Museum' Palo Verde Cercis occidentalis Western Redbud Chilopsis linearis 'Warren Jones' W. Jones Desert Willow •'y Chitalpa x tashkentensis Chitalpa Citrus spp. Organge, Lemon, Lime, Ect. Geijera parviflora Australian Willow Heteromeles arbutifolia Toyon Lagerstroemia indica Crape Myrtle Laurus nobilis 'Saratoga' Sweet Bay Magnolia G. 'Little Gem' Little Gem Mangolia Olea europaea 'Swan Hill' Fruitless Olive Pistacia chinensis 'Red Push' Chinese Pistache P Platanus spp. Sycamore Populus fremontii 'Nevada' Western Cottonwood Prunus ilicifolia ilicifolia Hollyleaf Cherry Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak Quercus ilex Holly Oak Quercus lobata Valley Oak Quercus virginiana 'Heritage' Southern Live Oak Rhus lancea African Sumac SHRUBS SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME "ram Agave spp. Agave Arctostaphylos spp. Manzanita Baccharis pilularis Coyote Brush Baileya multiradiata Desert Marigold Bouteloua gracilis Blue Grama Buddleia marrubiifolia Wolly Butterfly Bush Calliandra californica Baja Duster Calliandra eriophyia Fairy Duster Callistemon vim. 'Little John' Little John Bottlebrush Ceanothus cultivars Ceanothus Cistus spp. Rockrose Dianella spp. Flax Lilies Encelia farinosa Brittle Bush Euphorbia milii 'Redi-Red' Red Euphorbia Feijoa sellowiana Pineapple Guava Grevillea spp. Grevillea Hesperaloe parviflora Red/Yellow Yucca Heteromeles arbutifolia Toyon Ilex vomitoria Yaupon Lantana spp. Lantana Lavandula spp. Lavender Leucophylium frutescens Texas Ranger Ligustrum japonicum 'Texanum' Japanese Privet Lomandra spp. Matt Rush Muhlenbergia spp. Grass Opuntia santa-rita 'Tubac' Purple Prickly Pear Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Maki' Shrubby Yew Pine Rhaphiolepis 'Majestic Beauty' Majestic Beauty Rhaphiolepis umbellata 'Minor' Yeddo Hawthorn Rhamnus californica Coffeeberry Rhus intergifolia Lemonadeberry Rhus ovata Sugar Bush Ribes spp. Current Salvia apiana White Sage Salvia chamaedroides Blue Sage Salvia clevelandii Cleveland Sage Salvia gregii Autumn Sage Salvia leucophylla Purple Sage Salvia mellifera Black Sage Salvia trident Hybrid Sage Teucrium chamaedrys Germander Verbena lilacina 'De La Mina' Cedros Island Verbena Westringia fruticosa Coast Rosemary APN: 940-310-013 ; 940-320-002 SCIENTIFIC NAME Baccharis 'Centennial' Baccharis pilularais cvs. Carissa spp. Festuca arundinacea Leymus cond. 'Canyon Prince' Lonicera spp. Myoporum parvifolium Rosemarinus 'Prostratus' Senecio mandraliscae Senecio serpens Trachelospermum jasminoides VINES SCIENTIFIC NAME Ficus pumila Macfadyena unguis-cati Parthenocissus tricuspidata Podocarpus gracilior Trachelospermum jasminoides CITY NOTES L 11 I 11 K11111111 1 M 1 KIM1 Bentennial Baccharis Dwarf Coyote Brush Natal Plum Marathon Fescue Turf Blue Lyme Grass Honeysuckle Creeping Boobialla Trailing Rosemary Kleinia Blue Chalksticks Star Jasmine COMMON NAME Creeping Fig Cat's Claw Boston Ivy African Fern Pine Star Jasmine Mulch Note: 3" of medium grade bark mulch required under all plant material. In areas with groundcover planted from flats, the mulch depth shall be no less than one and one-half inches. Field Observation Note: City of Temecula required observation: A minimum of three inspections will be required for construction phasing. The first is an irrigation inspection to verify pipe depth and irrigation material conformance. The second is a landscape inspection to verify irrigation coverage and operation, and to verify that all plantings have been installed consistant with the approved construcion plans. The third is a final inspection once mulch has been laid and all plant material and irrigation systems are in place. Contact the Planning Department to schedule required Landscape Inspections. SITE PLAN CALCULATIONS Entire Site Area: Proposed Landscape Area Total Landscape Area: LEGEND 222,187 SF 80,513 SF 80,513 SF OCommunity Monumentaion Sign QSocial Seating Areas QOpen Lawn Area OResidential Paseo Areas Q Mailbox Kiosk GEnhanced Vehicular Paving OPrivate Patio 0 20' 40' 80' 7m" Scale:1 "= 40'-0" PA23-0440 L-1 k&�ZZ ka i r COMPLETELY TEMECULA. CONCEPTUAL PLANT PALETTE GROUNDCOVERS SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME WUC. SIZE T R E E S Baccharis 'Centennial' Bentennial Baccharis Low 1 Gal. Baccharis pilularais cvs. Dwarf Coyote Brush Low 1 Gal. SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME WUC. SIZE Carissa spp. Natal Plum Med. 1 Gal. Festuca arundinacea Marathon Fescue Turf High 1 Gal. Acacia stenophylla Shoestring Acacia Low 24" Box Leymus cond. 'Canyon Prince' Blue Lyme Grass Low 1 Gal. Arbutus 'Marina' Marina Arbutus Med. 24" Box Lonicera spp. Honeysuckle Low 1 Gal. Arbutus unedo Strawberry Tree Low 15 Gal. Myoporum parvifolium Creeping Boobialla Low 1 Gal. +. Cercidium 'Desert Museum' Palo Verde Low 24" Box Rosemarinus 'Prostratus' Trailing Rosemary Low 1 Gal. Cercis occidentalis Western Redbud Low 24" Box Senecio mandraliscae Kleinia Low 1 Gal. Chilopsis linearis 'Warren Jones' W. Jones Desert Willow Low 24" Box Senecio serpens Blue Chalksticks Low 1 Gal. Chitalpa x tashkentensis Chitalpa Low 24" Box Trachelospermum jasminoides Star Jasmine Low 1 Gal. Citrus spp. Orange, Lemon, Lime, Ect. Med. 15 Gal. Geijera parviflora Australian Willow Med. 24" Box Heteromeles arbutifolia Toyon Low 24" Box V I N E S Lagerstroemia indica Crape Myrtle Med. 24" Box SCIENTI FIC NAM E COMMON NAME WUC. S I Z E Laurus nobilis 'Saratoga' Sweet Bay Low 24" Box Magnolia G. 'Little Gem' Little Gem Mangolia Med. 24" Box Ficus pumila Creeping Fig Med. 5 Gal. Olea europaea 'Swan Hill' Fruitless Olive Low 24" Box Macfadyena unguis-cati Cat's Claw Low 5 Gal. Pistacia chinensis'Red Push' Chinese Pistache Med. 24" Box Parthenocissus tricuspidata Boston Ivy Med. 5 Gal. Platanus spp. Sycamore Med. 24" Box Podocarpus gracilior African Fern Pine Med. 5 Gal. Populus fremontii 'Nevada' Western Cottonwood Med. 24" Box Trachelospermum jasminoides Star Jasmine Med. 5 Gal. Prunus ilicifolia ilicifolia Hollyleaf Cherry Low 24" Box Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak Low 24" Box Quercus ilex Holly oak Low 24" Box DESIGN S TAT E M E N T Quercus lobata Valley Oak Med. 24" Box Quercus virginiana 'Heritage' Southern Live Oak Med. 24" Box Altair landscape design has implemented the Altair Specific Plan along with some notes from Old Town Rhus Lancea African Sumac Low 24" Box Temecula as it is bridged adjacent to downtown. The materials used will be natural with contemporary elements to incorporate styles from the Specific Plan. The softscape palette consists of low and medium water use plants and is predominantly referenced from the Altair Specific Plan. SHRUBS SCIENTIFIC NAME Agave spp. Agave Low 1 Gal. Arctostaphylos spp. Manzanita Low 1 Gal. Baccharis pilularis Coyote Brush Low 5 Gal. Baileya multiradiata Desert Marigold Low 5 Gal. Bouteloua gracilis Blue Grama Low 1 Gal. Buddleia marrubiifolia Wolly Butterfly Bush Low 5 Gal. Calliandra californica Baja Duster Low 5 Gal. Calliandra eriophyia Fairy Duster Low 5 Gal. Callistemon vim. 'Little John' Little John Bottlebrush Med. 5 Gal. Ceanothus cultivars Ceanothus Low 5 Gal. Cistus spp. Rockrose Low 5 Gal. Dasylirion spp. Desert Spoon Low 5 Gal. Dianella spp. Flax Lilies Low/Med. 1 Gal. Encelia farinosa Brittle Bush Low 5 Gal. Euphorbia milii 'Redi-Red' Red Euphorbia Low 1 Gal. Feijoa sellowiana Pineapple Guava Med. 5 Gal. Grevillea spp. Grevillea Low 5 Gal. Hesperaloe parviflora Red/Yellow Yucca Low 5 Gal. Heteromeles arbutifolia Toyon Low 5 Gal. Ilex vomitoria Yaupon Low 5 Gal. Lantana spp. Lantana Low 1 Gal. Lavandula spp. Lavender Low 5 Gal. Leucophylium frutescens Texas Ranger Low 5 Gal. Ligustrum japonicum 'Texanum' Japanese Privet Med. 5 Gal. Lomandra spp. Matt Rush Med. 1 Gal. Muhlenbergia spp. Grass Med. 1 Gal. Opuntia santa-rita 'Tubac' Purple Prickly Pear Low 5 Gal. Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Maki' Shrubby Yew Pine Med. 5 Gal. Rhaphiolepis 'Majestic Beauty' Majestic Beauty Med. 5 Gal. Rhaphiolepis umbellata 'Minor' Yeddo Hawthorn Med. 5 Gal. Rhamnus californica Coffeeberry Low 5 Gal. Rhus intergifolia Lemonadeberry Low 5 Gal. Rhus ovata Sugar Bush Low 5 Gal. Ribes spp. Current Med. 5 Gal. Salvia apiana White Sage Low 5 Gal. Salvia chamaedroides Blue Sage Low 5 Gal. Salvia clevelandii Cleveland Sage Low 5 Gal. Salvia gregii Autumn Sage Low 5 Gal. Salvia leucophylla Purple Sage Low 5 Gal. Salvia mellifera Black Sage Low 5 Gal. Salvia trident Hybrid Sage Low 5 Gal. Teucrium chamaedrys Germander Low 5 Gal. Verbena lilacina 'De La Mina' Cedros Island Verbena Low 5 Gal. Westringia fruticosa Coast Rosemary Low 5 Gal. ALTAIR VILLAGE C WEST - PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN TEMECULA, CA APN: 940-310-013 ; 940-320-002 Altair features multiple open spaces and park amenities that will be utilized by the future residents. These spaces include open turf areas, seating, overhead shade structures, and picnic tables. The villages will have pathway connections to connect with the overall community and downtown. Layout of hardscape and softscape materials will adhere to City's water ordinance. Trees and shrubs will be placed a minimum of 5' away from water and gas meters, or sewer laterals; a minimum of 10' away from utility poles and minimum of 8' away from fire hydrants and fire department sprinkler and standpipe connections. Root barriers will be provided within 5' of any hardscape zone. 3" of medium grade bark mulch is required under all plant material. In areas with groundcover planted from flats, mulch depth will be no less than 1-1/2". The irrigation design will conform to the current City of Temecula landscape ordinance and standards. IRRIGATION STATEMENT The irrigation of the site landscape area will utilize the latest in smart irrigation methods and means. All new landscape areas will include high efficiency methods with low precipitation rates in order to maximize water rentention and dispersion to the plant root zones. All planters will use drip irrigation. A smart irrigation controller capable of rain shutoff will also be incorporated into the design. Medium grade bark mulch will be used in order to reduce water loss due to evaporation. An irrigation schedule will be provided in order to program the controller. Two irrigation schedules will be provided, one for the plant establishment period and one for on -going landscape maintenance once the plants are established. All new irrigation systems will comply with the current city of Temecula Water Ordinance. CITY NOTES Mulch Note: 3" of medium grade bark mulch required under all plant material. In areas with groundcover planted from flats, the mulch depth shall be no less than one and one-half inches. Field Observation Note: City of Temecula required observation: A minimum of three inspections will be required for construction phasing. The first is an irrigation inspection to verify pipe depth and irrigation material conformance. The second is a landscape inspection to verify irrigation coverage and operation, and to verify that all plantings have been installed consistant with the approved construcion plans. The third is a final inspection once mulch has been laid and all plant material and irrigation systems are in place. Contact the Planning Depart- ment to schedule required Landscape Inspections. LEGEND Community Monumentaion Sign Open Space Area [ A - E ]See Sheet L3 Q Open Lawn Area OResidential Paseo Areas Mailbox Kiosk � Enhanced Vehicular Paving wi Private Patio 0 20' 40' 80' 7M�M��� Scale: 1 "= 40'-0" 4 PA23-0440 L-2 LEGEND k&�Zz ka i r COMPLETELY TEMECULA. MINN f OPEN SPACE AREA A OPEN SPACE AREA C OPEN SPACE AREA B OPEN SPACE AREA D ALTAIR VILLAGE C WEST - PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT TEMECULA, CA A P N : 9 4 0 - 3 1 0 - 0 1 3 ; 9 4 0 - 3 2 0 - 0 0 2 - OPEN SPACE AREA E Planting Area Open Lawn Area Lounge Seating Decomposed Granite Paving Transformer Boulders for Seating or Informal Play dBench Seating • Community Library (See Furnishing Sheet) 0 10' 20' 40' 7m" Scale: 1 "= 20'-0" PA23-0440 L-3 SECTION A SECTION B k&�Zz ka i r COMPLETELY TEMECULA. ALTAIR VILLAGE C WEST -PRELIMINARY STREET SECTIONS TEMECULA, CA APN: 940-310-013 ; 940-320-002 LEGEND 5' Curb Adjacent Walk Street Tree Private Patio [Depth Varies 5'-1011 0 2' 4' 8' Scale:1/4"= 1'-0" PA23-0440 L-4 k&�ZZ ka i r COMPLETELY TEMECULA. ALTAI R VILLAGE C WEST -VILLAGE PARK PROGRAMMING TEMECULA, CA APN: 940-310-013 ; 940-320-002 LEGEND Small Open Space Village A - Neighborhood Park Bench Seating Tot Lot Views Shaded Seating Upgraded Planting [Boulders BBQ / Picnic Tables and Large Box trees] Open Lawn Medium Open Space Village B - Neighborhood Park Group Seating Tot Lot Views Shaded Seating Lawn Area BBQ / Picnic Tables Upgraded Planting [Boulders Open Lawn and Large Box trees] Rock Garden Village C - Neighborhood Park* Shaded Seating Areas Pickle Ball Large Open Space Basketball Shaded Seating Open Lawn Area Views Informal Play Community Park* Play Lawn Area Clubhouse (Public) Upgraded Planting [Boulders Parking and Large Box trees] Tot Lot Enhanced Paving Dog Park Community Library Amphitheater Lawn Shade Structures Trails and Walkways Garden Spaces Grand Staircase and Link to Downtown Class 1 Bike Trail • • • • 8' Walk in Park Altair Recreation Center* 6-7' Sidewalk Clubroom / Restrooms MMMMMMM 4-5' Walk Pool / Spa Cabanas Shaded Seating and Lounges Parking *Amenities are conceptual and subject to change as project progesses. 0 25' 50' 100' 7m" Scale: 1 "= 50'-0" PA23-0440 L-5 k&�Zz ka i r COMPLETELY TEMECULA. ALTAIR VILLAGE C WEST TEMECULA, CA - CONNECTIVITY PLAN APN: 940-310-013 ; 940-320-002 LEGEND — — — Connectivity Path 4' to 5' Wide ■ ■ ■ Street Sidewalk 5' Wide OMailbox Location Open Space Location 0 20' 40' 80' 7m" Scale: 1 "= 40'-0" PA23-0440 L-6 k&�Zz ka i r COMPLETELY TEMECULA. fi ALTAIR VILLAGE C WEST -WALL AND FENCE PLAN rcrn EcuLA, ca APN: 940-310-013 ; 940-320-002 0 T•: LEGEND Patio Fence (3'- 0" Tall) Tubular Steel Fence PATIO FENCE HEIGHT: 3'-0ill TUBULAR STEEL FENCE HEIGHT: 6' MAXIMUM 0 20' 40' 80' 7m" Scale: 1 "= 40'-0" PA23-0440 L-7 LEGEND k&�Zz ka i r COMPLETELY TEMECULA. MAILBOX LOCATIONS TRANSFORMER LOCATIONS ALTAIR VILLAGE C WEST - MAILBOX AND TRANSFORMER CONDITIONS TEMECULA, CA APN: 940-310-013 ; 940-320-002 Screening Hedge Low Groundcover (12 " Max) Boulders in Planting Area Boulders in Decorative Rock Bed Enhanced Paving Transformer Mailboxes Q Signage *Note: These are typical solutions. Individual locations may vary. 0 2' 4' 8' 7m" Scale:1/4"= 1'-0" PA23-0440 L-8 ADIRONDACK CHAIR WASTE RECEPTACLE CHARCOAL GREY BENCH PICNIC TABLE DUAL STREAM BIKE RACK 1� rtz y M1 L •t 1 i y ti 1 f 1 ' 14 16 f ,r• �� 1P ` _ y f k Yi?' _ t 54 •a 1 — i — l� 'i Al .72 -M1 '�'1l _�'• I �.;_ .t7 - r`r _•_ - S ' yl 1. i '" •! ,�• l4 .�..'�r .- 1 W' t `�•' ��►'-* f � •�: '•� . 1 .' ��. . - n ■�•°,�j �il'i I I�• M1u• _'I I- `�.'� . ■ i' + 'r � r - '1 - - - "'�i � - Z WOOD BENCH PEDISTAL MAILBOX BOULDERS FOR SEATING OR INFORMAL PLAY COMMUNITY LIBRARY a J H z W Note: Conceptual Imagery. Actual Specifications may vary. 15 a 0 J W W 0 III N ALTAIR VILLAGE C WEST -SITE FURNISHINGS AI �D11I� TEMECULA, CA �o COMPLETELY "" ECU LA. AP : 940-310-013 940-320-002 PA23-0440 -9 o PA23-0440 � ALTAIR VILLAGE Cn LOT 1 RIDGE PARK DRIVE VINCENT MORAGA RIVE VILLAGE Cn LOT 1 SITE PLAN BOUNDARY PHASE 1 MASS '� c GRADE BOUNDARY lF� a VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE LEGEND PROJECT BOUNDARY — — EXISTING TOPO CONTOUR BUILDING NUMBER BLDG 1 FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION FF=1100.7 PAD ELEVATION P=1100.0 ST. ELEVATION 1111.0 PROPOSED PVT. SEWER MAIN (8" PROPOSED PVT. WA TER MA I N (4 "-6 ") PROPOSED PUB. WATER MA I N (4 "-6 ") PROPOSED PVT. WATER FIRE MA IN (8") F PROPOSED PVT. UNTREATED STORM DRAIN (18"*) PROPOSED PVT. TREATED/BYPASS STORM DRAIN (18"*) * ACTUAL SIZING TO BE DETERMINED PROPOSED ADA PATH OF TRAVEL • • • • • • • ACCESIBLE UNIT PROPOSED STREET LIGHTS--� PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT 1>04 PROPOSED TRANSFORMER LOCATION a PROPOSED ELECTRICAL SWITCH LOCATION El PROPOSED AC UN I T L OCA T I ON 8' 6' I 7' P CONSTRUCT AC CONSTRUCT 6'' PAVEMENT CONCRETE (STRUCTURAL CURB AND SECTION TO BE GUTTER 'TYPE DETERMINED BY A-6' PER THE SOILS ENGINEER) CITY OF TEMECULA STD. 200 NORTH/ SOUTH/ EAST WEST 30' 3' 24' 3' DRWY af af af 12' 12' D WY TRA VEL TRA VEL LANE LANE 2� 2 .................................................... 4" MOD. *PVT. ROLLED CURB (TYP.) WATER A.C. PAVEMENT AND *PVT. MAIN BASE STORM DRAIN *PVT FIRE PVT. MAIN SEWER 6' 6' 2' MAIN POR. OF PROPOSED PVT. DRIVE B NOT TO SCALE *WHERE SHOWN PER PLAN PKNG 50' 12' 12' TRA VEL TRA VEL LANE LANE IjrAtRQjA NORTH/ SOUTH/ EAST WEST 30' 00 ale 3' 24' 3' DRWY 12' 12' D WY LO TRA VEL TRA VEL LANE LANE .........................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.......................... PROP. AC PAVEMENT 0" MOD. CURB (TYP.) AND BASE 4" PVT WATER MAIN 8" PVT 6' 6' SEWER PROPOSED PVT. DRIVES C. D, E, F, G & H NOT TO SCALE EAST WEST 51'/*41' 4.5' 18'/*8' 24' 4of '0.5' SD WK PKNG 12' 12' SD WK TRA VEL TRA VEL LANE LANE 1 2% 1 3' 2% j 1 1 1 2% 1 3' 2% j 1 21-. 2% f— 1 0 2% 2% �, 6 CURB ............................................. 6 CURB ................... .................................................................... . ...................... 4" MOD. (TYP.) 4" PVT. ROLLED CURB 4" PVT. A.C. PAVEMENT AND WATER MAIN A.C. PAVEMENT AND WATER MAIN BASE I BASE PVT PVT. FIRE FIRE MAIN MAIN 6' 6' 8" PVT. 8" PVT 6' 6' 2' SEWER SEWER POR. OF PROPOSED PVT. DRIVE B POR. OF PROPOSED PVT. DRIVE A NOT TO SCALE I I V I R/W 58' I 53' 42' I 42' 12' 12' 5' 1 12 5' 12' 12' I I 27. g� q 2! `f� MPX CONSTRUCT AC \ PAVEMENT CONSTRUCT 6" (STRUCTURAL CONSTRUCT 6" CONCRETE SECTION TO BE CONSTRUCT Al CONCRETE CURB CURB AND DETERMINED BY PAVEMENT ONLY 'TYPE D-6' GUTTER 'TYPE SOILS ENGINEER) (STRUCTURAL PER THE CITY OF A-6' PER THE SECTION TO BE TEMECULA STD. Cl TY OF DETERMINED BY 204A TEMECULA SOILS ENGINEER) STD. 200 WESTERN BYPASS CORRIDOR (PUBLIC) PER TRACT MAP NO. 36959-1.1-2 NOT TO SCALE I 7' 11 PARKWAY y 2, I ;ter 2% I I CONSTRUCT 6" CONCRETE CURB ONLY 'TYPE D-6' PER THE Cl TY OF TEMECULA STD. 204A — ...�... ... ... .... .. ... . ... . ... ...�... —� r 10 �1 1% ti I: N • CURB LINE TYPICAL BUILDING DRAINAGE SWALE DETAIL APPLICABLE TO ALL BUILDING TYPES NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE *PARALLEL PARKING R/W I 11 ' 33'-39' 6' 5' 20'-33' SWK 2 6' VARIES BIKE 2 J LANE 29 2% I CONSTRUCT 4" CONSTRUCT AC PAVEMENT. - THICK P.C.C. STRUCTURAL SECTION TO SIDEWALK PER THE BE DETERMINED BY SOILS CITY OF TEMECULA ENGINEER (6" AC/8" AB STD. 401 (TYP.) MIN)(TYP.) T I I I I 37-44' 20'-33' VARIES 29 33' 4.5' 24' 4.5' SD WK 1212' SD WK ar TRA VEL TRA VEL LANE LANE 2% I I 121-. —� 2% 2% ~— ........................................... 6........................................................ " CURB 4" PVT. (TYP.) WATER MAIN A. C. PA VEMEN T AND BASE PVT FIRE MAIN 8" PVT. 6' 01 6' 2' SEWER POR. OF PROPOSED PVT. DRIVES A & H NOT TO SCALE EAST WEST 59' 00 4.5' 18' 24' 8' 4.5' 'a 0 SD WK PKNG 12' 12' PKNG SD WK 40 TRA VEL TRA VEL LANE LANE 1 2% 1 3' 2% 20 2q —y �— % 71 .................... 6 " CURB (TYP.) 4" PVT. A.C. PAVEMENT AND W BASE ATER MAIN 1 AFIR� it MAIN 8" PVT 6' 6, 2' SEWER POR. OF PROPOSED PVT. DRIVE A CONSTRUCT 6" CONCRETE CURB ONLY 'TYPE D-6' PER THE CITY OF TEMECULA STD. 204A ALTAIR VISTA (PUBLIC) PER TRACT MAP NO. 36959-1, -2 NOT TO SCALE SECTION 1804.4 SITE GRADING OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC) TO ALLOW FOR AN ALTERNATE METHOD OF DIVERTING WATER AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATION. TYPICAL LOT DRAINAGE TO BE REDUCED FROM 5% SLOPE AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATION TO A MINIMUM 2% SLOPE. ALSO, LOT DRAINAGE SWALE GRADE TO BE REDUCED FROM 2% TO 1 %. DESIGN WAIVER REQUEST TO ALLOW TYPICAL LOT DRAINAGE TO BE REDUCED FROM 5% AWAY FROM HOUSE (PER BLDG. CODE 1804.4) TO 2% AWAY FROM HOUSE. ALLOW LOT DRAINAGE SWALE GRADE TO BE REDUCED FROM 2% TO 1 %. 6' BIKE LANE R/W 12' NOT TO SCALE 5' 7' I SWK — 2, p'�< 2% %�� I I CONSTRUCT 6" CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 'TYPE A-6' PER THE CITY OF TEMECULA STD. 200 (TYP.) i IffA IffA 1. GROSS S I TE AREA: 5. 18 AC 2. TOTAL NUMBER OF EX I STING LOTS. 1 3. TOTAL NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS.-1 4. TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS: 101 HOMES 5. ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: 940-310-013, 940-310-045 6. CONTOUR INTERVAL FROM MASS GRADING PLAN. • 1 FOOT 7. MAXIMUM SLOPE GRAD I ENT.• 2. 1 8. AREA/PERCENT OF PROJECT IN STREETS, DRIVEWAYS & DRIVE A ISLES. 1. 37 AC. SHEET INDEX C 1 - TITLE SHEET C2 - PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN C3 - PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN C4 - SITE SECTIONS C5 - PRELIMINARY WET UTILITY PLAN UTILITY NOTES: ALL UTILITIES ARE TO BE UNDERGROUND. IN -TRACT SEWER IS TO BE PRIVATELY MAINTAINED BY HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION (HOA) IN -TRACT DOMESTIC WATER IS TO BE PRIVATELY MAINTAINED BY HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION (HOA) IN -TRACT FIRE WATER IS TO BE PRIVATELY MAINTAINED BY HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION (HOA) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 1 OF TRACT MAP NO. 36959-2, IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP ON FILE IN BOOK PAGES THROUGH OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. �z m� U.I 6" 1"R 2" WEAKENED PLANE JOINT ,_ 4d 0" MOD. 'D' CURB NOT TO SCALE 24" 318"R /2"R l'-6"R a 2'-0"R.. a . 2" WEAKENED PLANE JOINT 4" MOD. 'C' ROLLED CURB NOT TO SCALE PARALLEL TYPICAL PARKING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE VEAKENED IE JOINT 4" MOD. 'D-6' CURB NOT TO SCALE 6„ V-6„ 1 "R 1 "R 2" WEAKENED PLANE JOINT d —d d. .d a ° d 4" MOD. A-6' CURB & GUTTER NOT TO SCALE J O O I LO N R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Villoge Cn Lot 1 \VCn Lot 1 Title Sheet.dwg[]Jul-01-2024:16:55 G PA 23-0440 \ -------------------1102 102 PRIVATE DRIVE 'H' TO BE INGRESS ONLY. /Flir ----------- S� FINAL DESIGN TO BE DETERMINED DURING \ / MASTER METER FOR POTABLE FINAL ENGINEERING. \ IWATER (TYP., 3" PRELIMINARY I I // SIZING) / / — - CURB INLET �TYP.)� -DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVES-KRAKEN UNIT OR EQUIVALENT �S /' / � I FOR POTABLE WATER AND FIRE TYP., SIZING TO BE DETERMINED) _ I \ \ I I I I �� / w S / \\ \ ��--- 1130 ---------- —J /' /S A \--------- \ ` \� �' ' \ \ / _ _ �=02°06'11 " L 17 W. S ` 1 \\ 30 0 30 60 90 ------ \ \\- - - - - - jol /5 40.07' I • LJ I . ] 914=0659p) \ \ i1� " L=Sg ¢9 1092.OTW FG W. \\ \\\ SCALE 1 "= 30' \ \ loe/ / I \ \ ,� /' • • • I I 1102.OTW N28° W. l \\ \\ /' /' / /�� \5' I • 3'9WALL • \\ \82p 8' 1 100, \ y Egg • i 1102.1TW \ // 2'OWAFG �, �R�v / • �_�p >62r� l ``!y \ 3-_-________ / • • // • \ \ ^ \ \ • • ��\ \ 10Q' DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVES \ 1100.1 TW / � � `n • // • \ ^ � � ^ 6, � \ \ °032 FOR POTABLE WATER AND FIRE 1098.1 FG o W N • 11 l • \ ^ ^ o \ W • cn 3 W \ s G l \ \ R=4 (TYP., SIZING TO BE DETERMINED) \ / / O N • 24 / • \ \ \ F / l / I � W MASTER METER FOR POTABLE e s %j ° • A 7 \ ��� \ \ l 1S. l \ \ \ WATER (TYP., 3" PRELIMINARY / • A SIZING - -- W� 1098.2TW / / \ • I 4 • • O _ \ �� \ / / \`\ 1��369SO \ - � 1096.2FG_ // /% // � � O • . �� � • • •3' • �c� � / � ��� \ / /l \ `9�S' =45� N33° 'llfw 5 .D°�.\ ° � • � ..: \\ il/34°1521„W 6 p 9.9p 1 / // 2 WAIL t�'I/ / / ���\\\� ill • • • cv�0 �j \hry��\ / \,. �h� oo�: �` 1 %� • A BLOCK RETAINING WALL WITH/ / / • • �� \ \\\ �/ • • • '� / \ \ \ / // J • _ �o \ q dry. 2 • • • • • • • '• • • ❑ ENTRY MONUMENTATION / / • • • !� o • 1 ' / 16 \ �/ i�' - �% / 6' • • • COMBINATION I / / •�' • • Gi • • • N S 2��p\ h 1 N �r r� • • // 1 ,� '`� � � � � // �S • • � � � .o • • • • // - \�� "� ! 1101.1TW -7°10' - • I \\� 1101.2TW �Qi • 9" h • • �'v -F �o o \ �' i ':� o• • • .o \ ^\ \ \ ^ 1 5 • pl -�' 1 / 1 I � ��` 1099.2FG \ \ �,� � Q • • \� � � � '` . • • v W \ ^ � ^ 62��p • 3 • � l s \� Z` • . Sz \ • • . RSV w l i / a�� !ij• • • / • • • • • w 1S • B \ 11 l ¢ l 3O l 1 2�04! 1103.OTW � \ • • '..: • � v V Q1 � �I�- O • • \ • • u • • `�' � s 7 Q� \ • � • `\ \ \ 8 \\ / "� ¢• • • /Og ST �i • \F � \ • s's°p oF� 1104.OTW � moo• 'ter � '% • �~ r • • • S\ • • • N / • �' 1 Gy ' ,� \. �QWALLG� � \ • O Oho • • \ • • • • 1, • • P �% Q '�<< ,Q �� \ \\Q �s Q • 5 SP r"" •• `S-1 w\ ••• q� • �/ • •• • l-I' C� // \ \ !y � \\� SST �r^ • G/ 3 • ••• / •• ^p •• • � \•^• �I��, l /T • /6, _ ••• wiry ••• �' • ••• • 8' 33, \\\ ps, / • • Q b� (o Q� � • � l EPEjVE � � • • • • s • • • •• �O � Qh� / � F � h-�T / • @ OOT/ • • • • • • N \ irk O `G, • q \ 1108.OTW \ \ �O 3 • � �� • • • � • O %° `O � ^ 044 100, \�� \\� � � Ol[\ - w \� h �5 L/T / I I � va' �I • 15' � / 11p,'STIy / /' s�Z! \�� \�� \�\\ 1109.5TW \ • I~ ° • l \ / O� / SP 91 / \ \ N. / I • • • • • h \ \ ��� N. , �� \ _ ' 0.5' $ PLITS 3 ! • // l \ \ \ \ _ _ J \ 24.0' 5, S • • • l e� _ �P IT a • 110.8FG / __ __ d • • • / 8 38, \ q\ 6.5 WALL OF �\ SOIL v 1108.5TW 710 WALL —01 l l 1120 ��\ ��\ \ � Slll O I - / \ � 5Zll \ \ � �\ �� �� /V55pg17" --- ----------------T / \ \ 11 p, \ \\ \� \\�� 1125 \\�� RW- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ------___-------- .� 1125 \\� RW---------- �� R- 173.00' L=134.31' - 1�5 � — 0 /% �� �� 0 130 11 //'// / ,�/ If If 1135 - SITE PLAN SHEET HUNSAKER VILLAGE Cn LOT 1 & ACIATES C-2 PROPOSED EASEMENTS , \ ,;',�� �\ -_ _ 5 A N D I E G o, 1 N C OF EASEMENTS FOR PUBLIC WATER METER /� PLANNING 97 7 Wa I Street �A () \ � � ° � �\ � NN NG 0 p es t eet PER FINAL MAP 8!! ENGINEERING San Diego, Ca 92121 OB 56' PUBLIC UTILITY & ACCESS EASEMENT Cm-5 �! � SURVEYING PH(858)558.4500• FX(858)558.1414 PER FINAL MAP �� - �� CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA 0 0 I rn LO N 0 R:\1745\&P1n\DR\Vi11age Cn Lot 1\Site Plan\VCn Lott Site Plan.dwg[]Jul-02-2024:09:11 PA 23-0440 mom I I w� Enm W II \ \ 1102 1102--------------- \ ! PRIVATE DRIVE 'H' TO BE INGRESS ONLY. / _ \ FINAL DESIGN TO BE DETERMINED DURING ------------ \ r MASTER METER FOR POTABLE�� FINAL ENGINEERING. \ I I I I / WATER (TYP., 3" PRELIMINARY — I I I I � �SIZING) \ \\ I I I I / i i CURB INLET (TYP.)---. / --DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVES KRAKEN UNIT OR EQUIVALENT FOR POTABLE WATER AND FIRE \ (TYP., SIZING TO BE DETERMINED) \\ \ I I I I // / ,� vIsf / � - -=02°06'11" 30 0 30 60 90 ----------- - i ^/ s I � � � 240.p7 � I • � -� � . L 17.914_06 S9, s s �\ \\ \ \ ! III °42.p2„� "I _ I • I / ' /,5g 49, 1102.OTW w \ \ \ / o D� L _ J �'' i = /� 109�.5FG \ \\ SCALE 1 "= 30' A / / - t0 • �/ 3.5 WALL \ v lool \\ \\ / / , n • I • I I Oft 1102.0TW ` 5' • 3'9WALL ��� \� 4820,E 760 \ Q�G _ I G, . 2'OWALL ! s\\� 40004 \ ! o� • • 1g // O o Z \ pn DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVES p=11 °032(f ' FOR POTABLE WATER AND FIRE 1100.1 TW ! • • 2 9WALL �0 �s °�� o `n w , 3 � \ s�C'j�` \\� w� R -8 68 (TYP., SIZING TO BE DETERMINED) // `r��0 R 0 100• `' 24 O ^.Q� \� l�X l / I MASTER METER FOR POTABLE o S • • . ,oc / B s �`7 WATER (TYP., 3" PRELIMINARY _ .p\�6 's�sQ \ 6�' N4 26"W 5.25SIZING) w 1098.2TW �0 / �\ �.. 9s S' - q -• _ _ / � � O 5 • 13 o?o � � �O l l p` S9 S � d-4 �33°2 1096.2FG i D o • O // l 11 , r W N • -- ---- �w 21 „W 2' WAL / Qv !��' i `l �� v R 1 h • • • Q<",? / O O 0, ' R= S°� 1 j" 503- ` ° • �`� •Q.s • /� •• OHO / ��O�'`�h'� 2' •••••• A BLOCK RETAINING WALL WITH �` �� • • • Q� 3 �� h • • / // / / / // �_ iN �� �;� • • • a i ,� _ ,ENTRY MONUMENTATION \/ , Q <\\\� •�� °j�c� cs • , 1S' e�Q 62� / // %� 1098.7 6 • • / / N COMBINATION / • , o' '\ • • �, G �A h // �' N �r • sy co`L I o- „/ • , N ' r • , l / 'Ol \ // S o`s a� o, 6; W 33� • / Q, `� ` /� �`� , • • / / 'O • , • , // A�710 FX \� O A, lFX 1101.1TW-7°10'4 • B I� / �' ,k //� • \ • • �% N • • ��s0 0�• 06 10,98.1 FG �'i h �h 1 �••� • ") O • • • WALL 5. • I • s olF 6 �oO 1101.2TW \� O / \ �Q �Q� �� • • S\ .• • • • �; // 2�jYp �1 10� , �,099 //�Q > y 120,99.2FG / WALL \ \ �O. i ��� • , 22 \\ _ 1g° , • /r S' % %-�/ • s I \ Q• , • S.\ N // T 149 O • 1 J h \ \ \ \\ i s `O • • /� e— �� 8' • • • 520 a • • 101s / �C,�"� • / 1g ll // \ Sp , t\ • Q • • // O O • ��i 0 ��`060 \ \ 0 U'� \ • • : 4�" • , • • • •�� ory/oG S/S • A�10, /v � 1099 •• l O 30 I !. 11 2.OFG Q • Q�2 ^•� • R\ 0 0 • • ° • • ry // h S lFx 7 Q� • • \ o' \ �� 1 WALL\ O _ • o • • J , �y ,^ ��v� , /9 v- • , o �"Ops ^� 4, , 110 6 STD o , 1104.OTW O , /�� �' O , • \ • �/� • �D 6 p OF 1192. OFG / .: Q ca t\� • Q \O�O , • • • S� \ ^o^. • • • • /l • , 2' �'i 1 / \ 2 WALL \ \ O 0 • 0 S �� / , \ 19, • • • • • • • S,o44 ' % Q q!! So / / //••,�, • ;/ • , • A, v 099 41 • �/ \\�h00' O ��� • Q�h°,� :` �\ a S 16 'oo �ii • / StQ� // % ZO \ ��' \ / S Sp ` • V Q' N , OEEPE • • • • • • • \\o • //� O� 00 // Q�� ��Q \ G. \ 7,022 h O !/T V • / Q • : FOOT/ QED • • • • • • , • // �` //h �' O S G#` 105 0' 1108. 0TW �,' • 7 � • • o // o' O �O °lFA 8 l \ 1102. OFG �o o • ko • , • �� O O 6'WALL�O�Q., • I. -•• ••••• so- p'11o0g Q=olk Q• _ X-- uc \\\ \` �� 1110 \ \\ �\ 0ll/�\`� 1033 h5 SP!/T� I I: m �a J P ^ ss Fc!/' ,NN%�j p 3 �/YP� 8' , Q O a o • _ "� '�� 1109.5TW �\ / • Jd u • lF.i \ / p �s _ N , m : '°�too/ 6.5 WALL \ a 5' SPL/T - ❑ • • • , � L l/ co 0.5' SPLITS _ • ® l/ \ \ „ 0.5' SPLIT O • • p`110 \ \ \ / y� \ \ 1109.3TW I a o • • • /2 1115 `\ I \ 110 .8FG I I � • • • ! q \ 6.5 WALL 1101.E n \\ \\ 1108.5TW —roll- / 1101.5FG 7.0'WALL -911l I N. 1120 -- ///// —Dell1120 7�z --------------- _ ----- --- ----------------T \\ \ \ \� 1125 w N \ \ —— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 3338" 11�0 1g0 ///// /loe �\ `\ v \\\\ - 0 1130 R 1135 - w HUNSAKER \ \\ / ,� & ASSOCIATE PROPOSED EASEMEN R\\\ \ °<<<\ , /',�� _ S A N D I E G 0, 1 N C AA EASEMENT(S) FOR PUBLIC WATER METER PER FINAL MAP DESIGN NOTES ENGINEERING San San Diego, Street Ca 92121 OB 56' PUBLIC UTILITY &ACCESS EASEMENT 1. ALL FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION ARE TO BE SET 8 INCHES ABOVE PAD ELEVATION. SURVEYING PH(858)55s-45oo Ix(858)558.1414 PER FINAL MAP 135� GRADING PLAN VILLAGE Cn LOT 1 ALTAIR CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA SHEET C-3 OF C-5 0 0 L0 N R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Villoge Cn Lot 1\Grading Plan\VCn Lott Grading Plan.dwg[]Jul-02-2024:08:52 PA 23-0440 - 1140 RIGHT-OF-WAY -1130 54' -1120-1------------ C/L OF EXIST. WESTERN BYPASS CORRIDOR PROP. GRADE -1110 ------------ yT--------------- 1105.OEG 1104.0EG 1103.OEG DAYLIGHT -1100-1----- MEDIAN PER STREET GRADE PER STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS IMPROVEMENT PLANS -1090---------- SIDEWALK PER STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS SECTION 'A -A' SCALE: 1 "=20' HORIZ/VERT - 1140 - 1130 BLDG. 8 PAD:1100.9 - 1120 1107.5TW - 1110------- i 110 - 1100 - 1090 PROP. GRADE PROP. 6.5' RETAINING WALL 1140 - 1130 - BLDG. 18 PAD:11.02.4 ' 1120 - - -�- 1110 - r 11 PROP. 2' RETAINING WALL 1140 - 1130 - LOT LINE PROP. BROW 1117.5 FG DITCH _ 1120 - ------------------- DAYLIGHT -— — — — — — — — — — - 2 �� ----- ------------------- GRADE PER PHASE 1 1110- MASS GRADING PLAN ----------- --------------------------- 1100- ---------------------- 1090- SECTION 'C-C' SCALE: 1 "=20' HORIZ/VERT 1100 - 1090 - 58' ------ 1140- - 1140 - -113 _ POST AND RAIL RIGHT-OF-WAY F 1130.OEG � 1127.OEG i. -1130------------------J- 1126.OEG- -- 1130- MEDIAN PER — — � _ _ GRADE PER PHASE 1 STREET IMP. - z � � MASS GRADING PLAN BLDG. 10 PLAN � -1120----------------------------- ----------- �----------------- PAD: 1101.6 1120- SI DEWALK PER STREET 1110.OEG - -= IMPROVEMENT PLANS 1108.5TW -1110------------------------- r- .;,..:' 1110- C/L OF EXIST. DAYLIGHT 1101.5FG WESTERN BYPASS CORRIDOR PROP. BROW DITCH - - 1100 1100 - PROP. 7' RETAINING WALL PROP. GRADE - 1090 1090 - - 1140 - 1130 BLDG. 3 PAD:1102.0 - 1120 - 1110 PROP. 3' WALL - 1100 PROP. GRADE SECTION 'B-B' SCALE: 1 "=20' HORIZ/VERT -1090------------ SIDEWALK PER STREET IMPROVEMENT PLANS 1140 - �36'� 1130 - RIGHT-OF-WAY C/L OF EXIST. 1120 - ALTAIR VISTA 1110 - DAYLIGHT ' 1098.9EG GRADE PER STREET - IMPROVEMENT PLANS _ _ 1090 - SECTION 'D-D' SCALE: 1 "=20' HORIZ/VERT 5 0 0 I L0 N R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Villoge Cn Lot 1\Grading Plan\VCn Lott Grading Plan.dwg[]Jul-01-2024:15:03 Sm N PA 23-0440 1\ -------------------- If \\ 1102 \ 1102 /--------------- 1 \ / PRIVATE DRIVE 'H' TO BE INGRESS ONLY. FINAL DESIGN TO BE DETERMINED DURING- ------------ I r MASTER METER FOR POTABLE FINAL ENGINEERING. \\ I I I I / �' R`�� WATER (TYP., 3" PRELIMINARY - - 1loe - - _ _ _ _ - / / / ♦ I / /' / SIZING) CURB INLET (TYP.)� _ \ I I I I / / / -DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVES KRAKEN UNIT OR EQUIVALENT S _ i' \\ \ I I I I /ol / S FOR POTABLE WATER AND FIRE (TYP., SIZING TO BE DETERMINED)loo � ----------- -J / , A\jjsf d=02'06'/ „ 1 \ 30 0 30 60 90 - - - - - - / n /5 I / 24pp7' o I LJ I 914=06S9p> 1\ \ I o I w L=59 1102.0TW \ \\ \\ /,/ o / - 49' 3 9�.5F S\\\SCALE 1"=30' (puIII 1102.0TW N28° \ ` _-- \\ 5' I I 3'9WALL ��O �� 8 90 \ \ \ 1102.1TW p \ 1100.1 FG 16 '\ 4.\Q \ 2' WALL / s\\\ , �R� 2�IYP 7 �` o - - - s N. C / / A.,/ / \� // ° DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVES .Q 1100.1 TW -11 °032(f ' FOR POTABLE WATER AND FIRE 1098.1 FG o w // 3 \ W \ S��i \ \ W R=45.00 (TYP., SIZING TO BE DETERMINED) 2' WALL MASTER METER FOR POTABLE :------- 9 \ \ - 7S. / /l \ °�.Q�° ° WATER (TYP., 3" PRELIMINARY 07 \ _ 61N4 26"W 5.25SIZING) \ 1098.2TW �� / _ / \ ` G9 Ag„ _ \ 1096.2FG �� / \ // \� \�l �`/ 3' ��C� �i �\��� /ll �`�SgrsO Q_4 \ 2' WALL , / �, / D O // / / S S �O , N � �e� W I' \ ® Q / �� . O //�� `� R= 7 5. °3' ", O 69. 90' —� �, / Q �� / � i�l � o � � rya• � /-7 � ,�h °o o� � h0 ,�� � .. • . BLOCK RETAINING WALL WITH / <\\� \ 3 / --. ENTRY MONUMENTATION \/- / / ! / // oOv ' COMBINATION s �i J o (j h`L I o 2� l / v '°! // �� S'°/F s ` c �� �Q43"W 1101.1TW -�°10' / I 10,9WALL 6' G` h . O 1101.2TW C 10,99.2FG I 2 WALL \ l O 30, l 110b 1103. oTW Q Qv� Q� /� o \ \ N s A/F?, .� 11 g2.OFG Q, 7 ♦ ^� \/ h 3' // ca \ \ Q I/ I / r WALLS Qo �� �; 4' ,0, \ 112 W2.oFIG ♦ ��Q 6rOpOF� � \ ALL ♦ 2 S.p G#`,A/ / •'f \ \ O O<� �C7/ h W \ p co / // `\ \� `: ^� v - � F•- Sri 41 1&z 'COOT/NG \� /y rr �, Oh a�oo S p/F�- 1102. OFG � � w 7 � :�I 4Q �� !y \ 6' WALL a / �/ / 9- \ � O° CVO cp'2!' ^ - - \ \ /62, O° W ��p) ° Q y g 1•, , I / �: ) 3'(7YP-) o100, LL ° 1110 0 ill/ \� h �� ��5 3' 8' \\�� \\ \ \\� \\ ` �� 110�3.oFG cV 9 6.5 WALL Noe ���\ I 0.5' SPLITS I ® o 24.0 r e 0.5' SPLIT a 110�. 8FG 1 \ 6.5 WALL 1108.5TW SOIL 7.0 WALL Ol l l I 1120 �\ I -------------- � IJ N W N,N,\ \\\ �\\ \\ N55° 6'17" �u --- ----------------T 1125 � � Rw E 17.00, \----------------- — 1125 RW d�3338" R=1173.00' L=134.31' Z 15INI, W\ — 0 130 �\=z- 90 ��/'�/ 0911 PROPOSED EASEMENTS sue!! �A EASEMENT(S) FOR PUBLIC WATER METER ° < PER FINAL MAP 8!! OB 56' PUBLIC UTILITY & ACCESS EASEMENT! PER FINAL MAP �1135 — 0 0 i L0 N R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Villoge Cn Lot 1\Wet Utility Plan\VCn Lott Wet Utility Plan.dwg[]Jul-01-2024:17:55 LIGHTING LEGEND ' >p- � xa' ,F. e e 'el ,r ,r ',' ,r' e I I xw j,T xra '• lu , - _ __ .A+ .r xw ..yr 'e' � .A, xa xa, 'e, x" 54 : 'S. x- ,P' ,P' x" +P' �!` ,r . e �' 'A• . , 'r ,r W, x • e, % e x- W, x-- 'r xr x- r r ,c- r . - - - .. - .. - - - - - .. .- -- -- -- .. - / � �\ ` CITY OF TEMECULA STANDARD �• �• �' r �• �+ �• �• xa ' �° xe' - -_- __ _ _ xa' A' A' xa' c ■ r= A r' xa' A. �• ,� • �, �, �, %° �:° %' x° �: e. 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P xw ... xa e' I�xa`' a 'e xe^ ,v' ,r . ,r. xa x' x e' A A° � r' r' r' r' r' A' r' r' r' A r' r' r' r' r' A r' r' r' r' r' xe' r' r' r' A r' r' r' r' r' r' r' r' r' ,� ,r. 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LUMINAIRE: KING K82$ r / 1 1 z:'.. .r° _,r " 1 ,r' ,r .re A xa . xa' x r' x° .. r r� x• a xa x° e' r^ .r: he r %^ :' x^ x° x^ . x^ r^ r^ r^ x^ r^ r^ x^ x^ r^ x�• x^ x^ r^ r^ x^ x^ r^ r^ x^ x^+ r^ x�• x^ x^ r^ x�• x^ x^ r^ x° x^ x^ r^ r^ r x^ r . r^ x^ r^ x�• x^ x^ r^ r^ x^ x^� r^ P° r^ r r� r' r+ -Vie_ xw xa r' xa x^� r' r^ x^ x^ r^ A, x^ r x^ r� r^ xm r^ x^° x^� r^ x^ x^ r^ r^ x^ x^� r^ r Pfl LE: AM ERON 1 C 11 fi ,, — -- -- -- f — -- — - - _ xw .. - e x, x� I ,r xe' .e• x° ' - _ _ - _ _ r ` x°' xa �_ ....,r. � ,e'' % fie' e' ' ,'p' %' ,r' 1 ' �e° A' ; A .'x°' e 'r e ,r e ,r ,r ,r e ,r ,r .r e 'r e .r e 'r' e .r e 'r ,r' .r e ,r' ,r' .r e ,r x^' .r e ,r x^ r^ ; 'r ,r e ,r e ,r e ,r ,r' e e ,r ,r x•• �, ' - .. -, , xm x . ,e° _ - r xa' r' ,r ,A' ,r r' r' x� r ..x , r r' ,A' 'r' r' A' A' A r' r' A' r 5CE L5-1 STREET LIGHT {INTRACT] �oF xa. 1 " c 1 r' x % r . �� .r' r° r - -, r .,,^- , -' q- .- i be--'.,e° onV.• ta.. r xa xa' r9 x� ,r r . x+• ,r= .°` '.,,c op° ,r .^" x� a x^' .^" :e° a x^' x^' x� a x^' :^` x� ,r^ x^' a x� a x^' x^' x� ,r^ ,r° x� x� a ,r, .^` x� a ,r, .^" x� x^ .e x^, ; .- x� x� x� a ,r^ x� x� ,r, .e 't. � • �r° c^ r� .r' e° r xa• .t' r' %� r .r, rr .-- r^ x^ x^ x^ r^ x- e e e ,- ,r^ r^\� r^ x^ x^ x^ r r r "TEAR[]ROP WITH SICfRT " • �� l `� - _ \. '18FT MDllNTING HEIGHT i . , ' ''.xa e �' ;,, .Ilj, r' A �_ -4 r' xa' r' A x' xa r x°' xa r xa' 'xa' .' * r ' P' x° x°*. xa r A r A. r/ r, : ` O,• Ae: r' A r' r' r' r' r' r' r' r' r' r' r' A' r' r' r' A r' r' r' A r' A r' r' r' r' r' A r' r' r' A A' x�' r' rs . �^ A r' A' r' r' r' A r' A r' .'r' r' r+ _ - r° -m �=__ a .- ,r' 'ew' xe' r' r' r' r' r' A ,A^ ; �e e ,A' e 'r ,r xe^ .e' ,r ,r .e 3000K •�' 4 • ' i - _ -- - LUMINAIRE- KING K828 - - r9 r' r x' A' xe' A x" r' e^ r.s A xe' r' r' r' A x6e r' x° xa' r .r xe•'II: f A' x" xa .A , e' xa' r' r' xa xa' xa' xa' x° xa' x°' xa+ ,'r r xa' ,e r. xa �� e e xa 'r. x^+ 'r. �•` xr r` Sri x� r^ r^ x^ x^� r^ x�• r^ x^ r^ r^ x^ x^ r^ r^ x^ x^ r^ x�• x^ x^ r^ r^ x^ r' r^ x�• x^ x^ r^ r^ x^ x^ r^ r4 x^, r^ yr° r^ x^ r^ r^ x^ x^ r^ r^ r^ r - r r r r r rr�= -- __ PDLE- AMERON 1C116 xa, xa''•. ,r' xe+ 'I x° � A xa, r, ir, -., ;r, .,r, '.. .'r• ,r, r, ,p, p, r• xa' xa' 'e, ,A' x � x•' ...� '... "` ' x°, .e . ,r° ,c' .r' \2'• e • x°' - ; r' x6e A r' r' r' A r' A' x� A r' r' x� A A r' x� A r' r' x� A r' A' A' A r' A' A' A r' A' x'° A A .', P A A r' x� A r' A' A' .r' � , - r ,a, ,r ;e. ,e' x°• .e` ' _ - x°' : _ �_ I_.- .r° ze° A A r' x� x" r' r' r' x^' A' r' r' r' r 1. - ---D PRIVATE HOA WALKWAY LIGHT _.. \. .. _ xa, a '. .. .r x?• ''.x A r .r r' e-.e� e�-.'e' .r_� ,r' -„n- .a; 'r'-- oe' r' xa' �' ,r x°' xa' xa' �..:ii' :p..._, i� x" x° A e° A sr A' e, 'c' e° A x� A A A r A x" A x� r x" A x� A x" A x� r' x" A x� r x" A x� r A A x� r' A^ A A x� r A' A x� A ri r "".r -. .., ' e -;e� -- _ - e _ ,r .r .e° .. r,'. ,,e^ A x� x' x" A x� r\ r^ r' xe' r' �^ x" x6e x° 12FT MOUNTING HEIGHT _ _ �� xa x° x° >z r• r e "' R. . A3 'r ,r xa x- .- .- xw w. 'r .p '- � .r, 'r' ,r' xa• ,- 'r r e ', x°' x� ,r9 ,r a• _,ram-- e° x�• x�• r^ x^ r^ x^ r^ r^ r^ r^ r^ r^ r^ r^ r^ r^ r^ x^ r^ r^ r^ r^ r^ r r^ r^ r^ r r^ x^ r^ r^ r r^ x^ x^ r r^ x^ r^ r^ nr' ; r ra '. ;ate r . , .. - � _ - - - - - - _ r r• `. ,`. ,- .r• ' ' �e° ,r- ,r^ ,r^ e e e r^ \ Zel r� r^ x^' r^ x� r^ r LU MI t -- - t•- ! f I - - -..- � LUMINAIRE: U5 ARCH DSAP1 k e x°, x°', x" :,r 1.I e xe• e' 'a� % ` r•'at- Ar � �F e' . � x" .r . �r --.�v xa' xa' x- e e > • x' ' x'k\\ ,r �: e a r^ x^° gym^ r r^ x^ r^ r^ r^ x^� r^ r^ x^ r^ x�• x^ r^ x�• x^ r^ x�• x� r^ x�• x� r^ r^ x^� ",r^ �,e, 'r° x- e 'r^ e x^' ,r^ 'r^ r 'r9 'r .. 'r* r r x . ,r' - - x�• .` r` - �' ; x^� r^ x�• x^ r^ r^��e° � e x- e xw r POLE- US ARCH RSS-12 . .. - . :=. A r' x° k A xa° r' x°' xa'' xa' r' r xa' A r A r' e 'r �• ,r- .e 'r ,A° .e -.e• xw .'r ,- x" A r r x'• �,,� r x°' x° x� A x� '', r ra,. r c° r r r^ r r r r^ r r^ r r^ r r^ r r^ r r^ r r^ r r r r^ r r rs r^ 'r ::� l ,r' ,r ,r xa 'r' e 'r r^ .•� "'', .r xa r r ...,. �' � - x R tea'-_ r rr..' ,r• ,%,e . a• 'r � .r ';,r' � � x^� r r^ r^ r r x^ c r r r^ r r �c HDA BOLLARD LIGHT . I III , � I `\ M1 i . i .\ \\ � 0 3FT MOUNTING HEIGHT P x°' P x° r A' P �A° r A A' x° r' xa' r xa' r' c A ,. �' x°' x°'. r r^ r• (x°• .r. r �c'�. r° . r° r i. % r,, %,• xa' r x^ x^ r x�^ .c° x^ x� x^ r x^ x� x^ r x^ x� x^ x^ x^ x� x^ r x^ x� r r x^ x� x^ rr r r• r x^ r' r r' xa' xa r' . r ,� , ' xA' .r'. ' x- t+ �a° e��r° "x*� r^ xa' % .r a r� -- .... r . r e' Ati x^� x� x^ r x^ x^ x^ r° x x^ r° r ' xa• ,r xa• ,r'. �i i' A xn' x°' 11 xa A r r r .,V ,r ,r' -1 'r x • xr l: x" " x■ x•• .� - le, A ';ps r' r' ti. x°• ''' ,r ,r ,r ', r^ r' xe' x•• xe' r' A r' A r' r' r' A r' r' r' A r' r' r' A r' xe r' A A' r' cP 1�^ r r' A xa r' A xa' ,ry A' f ,' ea r .e' ;e- - e' " 'x• A' r A° xa' r' x" r' r' ' r xu _ x . e x" x^ \ xa r r' r' r' A A r A^ e° x ° r' x° LUh11NAIRE- KING CB32 e x° ,r• x°' y e ." 'r e � f �• r x" r ,r ,r^ . x« W4 xa! x=° r ,�'° r c� ,r ,r x1". 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P A' P' r . . t' % ' Y P' .r r %" %° %° %° r° r r r x"° r Sr'. P'. %° r r .r P' � �-' ,2' x+' .- e , r F . e Y 1+° r'. ,r': ,r' P' ..hP9 N e r �+' r r' r r r• .r' 'r' e 'r' P x" r r N r' e' r' r' N r x ' ' .e:. .r ,P' t %w 1 .;' ,N 'A x° %° R r+ r ,r° e 'r e e e ',l e e e x°° x" x�e. r° r r r r r %° r r ' 'r .r" ,r x°' �'xa' ,r 'A' x0.9 x°' 'r 4 ' -- - e, .,r' fir' ,r' a- ,r e 'i' ,Y . .e° ,r.':..'r' .i!' ,N ,r .r, ''.'P: %°` • e ,r' %"° x°` 'r e ,r -,r° ,r e . x°° ,r' ,r` x°^ ,<r' Sri ,F %� ,t"�� x°' %°` e ,R" .r' ,r° 'r' ,e' ,i+''. .r'I,r' 'r: k, rN e ,r' ,r' x°' x°' 'r' 'N ,r' .. 'r ` n ,F x°9 x°' ,r' e %°' .r' 'e' .P' .r' ,r' 'r' r� x°• x'� .el A?° ,R- x°' ,N ;r:, .e' %° a 'r -. e, e e x°° %- e 'r ,r" �r° ,r` ,r° ,r° ,r° 'r x°° %°" ,r` ,r° x°° %°" ,r` I" _ ..\ 1 1 /l r' x� r' x° r' r .r• ,ri. �,' �, �• �A r 'e' ,e� A* r• A' . ;P .- -�,.. x� A' r' r .e. r' r° e' r' A' x °' "' "' . 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A -.. r xa r xa° x°° r xa xa' xa, r. e xa �x r' r. _ x° xw xa xa- x° x ..- x" x xn'. r x % x r - --+ r. ,r r x°' x° r' r r r r r' r' r r x'.: r' r r° _ r' x� r'. r r x°^ r xa x° r r r' r' r° ,, : r r' Sr x x' xa r x r' r' r �;° ' ve 'Ai x ''g' � i' ' 1N I 'e' , - r, , at" . � 'e'/ ,(" ,P ,� • 'i' i?. i, '�' �P' - +?• 1 {/ \ 4 4 - `` .r° x' A A° .r° A %°' r r .ri .r' A' x°9 ■ l P r' %°' xa' r' A Pa xa A° „p x" r' A' x' x A' xa` xa' r' x? x° . % x°' x?' •:' F' A' ,e" F rY % e A % ,2' x' a ' t° 1'} xTM x° 'x° A r° xa' A .P' x°' 2" xa r x°' r' N x ' •. a°• ,r' x° x°' r' . r r' r' ir', x°° r r ,r• ,r' ,r x°' ,r' ,r 'r' r N x a xn' , r' F' ` x° x° 2° x" ' F r r r +e° _ 'r`°, ' x°• -,r' 'e' 1 _ ,r• x." ¢ xy %" - __ •i°r \ .. \� % .r° ,A° ,Ae A x� r' A°' e 'r x°' � ,e• .e° .- x l .r ''e. A r r' ,r' ,r• xa' ,r r r^ A' xa xa .. xa' xa' xa' .. r `: x06 xa' xe1 ,e , xa x' 'e x�° ,r, .Al 'r rP° , r• x ! 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F' rr xa r ' r' r' xw r... ', r r' l�r r P^ r' r r' r N r r r �r' r. xa r' r r e r 'r rr xa' r A` r' xa' p• xa t A� r x°' r' r ' r. r xa r r� x • xu r r r. r r r' r' r e+ r r r' _. e r' e r' r . r° rr x r' xa' r « x Y� r' r r r r r` r r r' xw r' r r' r' xa r' %^= ` , r' xb E r z x°` x° x° r r r x° x" A x� r' x� r' A r' xa' '' x°, A'' r' .A' x" xa' A r' A , r xa' xa' A �''. r' xa'• r ` A' ..,r'. - A .A' 'A° xe• ,ei . ,r' x r• " ;�• xa x+� x'•, r, r' r' r' xw r xa° x° P xa' r' r r A x� a % xw x° xa' r• r' xa' x°' xa' r xa' e ,r �c-'' x°' ,r ,r' ,r' ,r' r xv • � 'r' �" r+ 'r x°• .el r ie, % e �A 'r'. �, �, .e �, .e, � 'e, .e. �, '�. .,r' .e. �r 'r 1 � %' ,r e e r' r' r' ,r ,r' r' A,• A' r'''...e, .e, e. e- x° xa r r A' r' r' xa r r' xa t+.t r x' ,r ,A' . e' r r' A r' xa° r x x" .. r �e° r 1' xa' e r' a xa r A r/y . r r x A e• �' "' .r x" .,P ' 'e' e x7• x� ,e .r xA, xA. xA. .e' x°' A r r' e' r% �' P ,r +e'er'. A' �, xa' ie, ,A° ,e, ' e A _� p,.. .r . xa � €4 xa' ,r' r x'• % ,A° .r' x'• e' x` xa' >1'• ,r I$- 1 ' r• xa ,r ,e' ,e- ,e '.,e' ,r= ,r xa x°' <<:.ie. 1 - ' 1..'i 1 ' ' xe' ,A° ,A° 'A° x'° x°° x00 ,A° xa' ,r' x° ,r' x°'. lr' �P xe9 x."' txl? ,°' •'A' .A x ` ,r ,A' . x''' x'.• ,r e - ,r' ,A' ' xe' 'A' 'r ,A' - 'dr - % x°• ` ,r' . •,..e . ;A' ir' er ,A' x'° sr.' 'A' ,r' x" ,A` .1' ,r .A' xa' xa' ,A' xa' ,r' x°' xe• ,1' ,r ,r' xe' a-, x°' x?' .A` Frl x°' x . xa. ,r'. .'lr' 'A' ,A' .e' a x°' x°' ,r ,r . ,A' • , xe' 'A' x'" %°' x" ,r ,A' x°' x" x°• xe' ,A' x`1 %e' %" ,A` %°` ,r' %^' x" x" ..e 1 . . i I 1 xm xm xm r xm r xm xm P• A' r �= xa r xa' „a' A' xa xa' IP e r x� xu r x .,A, > e ,r''`.,r• e, r �' r xa' A° �' x x ,P• ,r' 3 'r xa' x` xa' x` ,r x� �° ,r x0 x` xa' r ;r r A A x° xa xa' xa' xa xar x x r x� xa x°' ' I x' r' Ir' ,r �e r' 1�` x ,rr x° '' r° x� r x� x r' r� �' �' ., . . -- A° A r' x'° r° r' x'° A r x°' - 'r r' ` x� x°' .r 'e. r' e .r' " 'e' - x ,r r r'' A. x° xa .A•. ;r' x° r°'; r ` r' � ,A' e .� e ,r x°^ x°' .A' .x" • •sr' ,A' 'r x" ,r, xa' ,r x^' r ,r ',' x°' xe1 xe' ,r x- e' 'A' x^' x°' � ,r xe' �' x'° r xa'� .F' r' r' r' xa' r r r' r' r' r' r r' P x % r r % :.. , ,r ,r' ,r• 'r' ,r 'L ,r' ,r x r .!- % ,r- ,r' e � 'r e 'r= e. �c .�' % 1.. r' A r' r' r r' '. r' A' � xw r. A' '` x°' xe' ,r 'r r r' A . x• r xa• e•. 'e' .,r : er . r^ e+ r' ne . " - r' . rr x°• .'. A° xa r x•• } �' ,r' ,r x'• xa' ,r' xe= x" ■ ,e. xe' xw ,rA xa° ,r' .A° ,r' ,r' x 'r x^ r e' r' ' A r .A' a . xe• xa' r' xa' xa, r r ?+ r' r A . r r' ' .i x" x % r'' r' x^° xa' xa' xe' ,r ,r ,r' , x'• x r• ," ,rr ,e= r % A x•• r' Ati r yq A r x°° xe' r' xe' A xm x^' xa' „°' r y . A e . A' r `.:: A r^ xm xaF r* A xa' xa xn, xa - x P' A•- " a' A° „°' r' r° . A• 1" -,A'. ;P' 'r � xa r A ,r ,Pe. 'r r .. r' 'r x'e x" xa. xa' x- � x xv...: '_ :_ r r' d:'- ,r ,em ,r- ,r • 4 . r'. xa e' 1, xa' r' ,e' xe' ,r• xa x='. xa xL. xa 'r'. xa, x'+ xe ,r' a xa e' x•• e, ,r a xa x ,e , xa r' �'. rn x°' A° r' . xe• r e' e x e e e ? r A' r' ^ 1 , 1` 1 ie1 1 ,:,1 .� �y �iei' �•, �- _� ,` .. , yI 'e ` C T" - r' A' A' A r ,r r' r r A A A k r r r r r e' r r' x�1N r r z• r r \ ��r r r 'r' r ,r ,r e r' r 7±'.. r x^ e r. `fir r r 'r' ,r• xa' 4' 'r' xP ,r' 'r. ,r ,r' 'r xu, r' r r r , _ r, '. r' . xw ,r ,r ,r ,r• ,r 'r' e ` ,r i �gT'\?, ,r a ,r ,r' r' r c' r' e' �° r�r-_ ,rL,_ % t' r' r' e %, x x' % x^x r' n: , r' r r r^ r e P r r r x' % �e r' : %" 'r ,r,: '. y��`, \ II x00 x'° x'° ,A` 'f'" ,A° x°' x°'', %'° x" xe' x°' %°' xei x°' x°' ,r° 'A° x'° ,r° xa' xa' 'r' }. ,r' 'r° .A° x" .,Y x'• .d° x" .'. -'r'• 'A' x°° 'r' xa' ,r' .r, x°° x"° ,P', xa' ,r', 're \ xa' ,r' 'A' % x"' ,N x" x°• ,r ,r' x°= x'^' ,r ,r' 'd' x'• aP' .,r' 'r ,r',r' 'r ,F' x°' ,r ,r ,c°0. % ,r' ,r' 'r' ',r' ,r" ,t", ,r' ',r' ,r' x x ,PT 'r' x°' x°, ,r, ,rs • 'r a^° x" % ,r ,r' ,r'• ,r' ,r ,r 'r ,r. ,r ,r ,r x'° ,k' x ,r' ,r .r' x°' W_ t ' r' Y Ps r ' e' r .,e' ',�, er l , i. ,r, 7r° \ \ ,., ,'ri dr° e• x'• xe• r xe• r' r' xa' xa `' A .>°. ,e. r x a a' A xa' ,A' r� „°' r r' x°A ' e' • e' xa . f xe• r x°' x" . x" r r e' r' r' P x° r' r' e+ r le. x° r° xn ,r ,r r' r'' r' r r r+ '. r N r r' r r' r r : r _ ,r r• r r r e r �r xw r r r x x" r r r r .. 3, . r r r� , - r' ~ x^':. e r r r° r r= r r r' r e' r' r' x=' % r r r r r r r'. xe• x° r' e xa r r' r r r' r r' r r . r _ _ ■� --� .. , x,, �., ■ 3G - s. ■ r \ 1 r, � t �� _ i'. ,A' 'a^ �. 'r �' 'r^ 'r ,ra- 'r' 'r' 'r' ,e�'', ,r 'r� `', ,r' .r• ,r ,r ,r ,r= ,r� 'r 'r ,r �� ,r+ .� � ,r' 'rs 'r 'r' ,r' 'r• . �'r .rF 'r• ,r er ,r ,r'. .r� ,r' 'r' ,r' ,r ' ,r � 'r' �'� ,r % 'r+. ,r ,r' ,r. 'r� .P, � x'�. x ,r - 'r ,r' � ,r' ,r' ,r' ,r' 'r • 'r � ,r' ,r' 'r• x•• � 'r� l � ,r' . 'r ,r ,r 'r ,r' ,r: ,r 'r ,r ,r ,r, ,r �' x=,' ,r^ <• . x•° 'r' ,e• ,r• ,r ,r ,r ,r ,r ,r 'r .r x°' ,e' ,r' ,r• xe^ sr .r^ .e• 'r' 1 ` t' r - ova y i i \ �y y. Syr 'i'. A' A r' A' _ x� .r° .r A° "'•. r r' e• r r' r x°' sr' r' A r' h ,r 'r .1F ,e. 'r� �r' �.- r' re• r r r r r' r' ' r x^ r° % r r r r� r r r r r' r' r° r xw r r r• ' r r r° e' r' x� u'' r� r' r r ,r' r `; r. P' F� r a° r e' r r' r r e' r' r . x •' r� r' r'. x° r r r r x ° P° r' r° r r r r r r r' .r a° .- --- ',':.?9�+t- 4' .eY ' eq 'e' ,r' �b - , ,e`_,�. �y r° e• r e .. . _ a .1 x'° A r r' x°' A° A° x°^ x" r' r' .r° r �+: l r''' e• x . A A' '',,r ,A° ` xal A° r r' xa A* `•A° r e' r° r .e' ,er. ' r+ .r° e° '.' c ;r �r . e' r' r x° r r' r . x°• e' r ti r° x �: xu xe° `. r r' r' r' r' ,. r' r' r /c xe° r rI\ e --- e_ e r° e 'r ,r ,r, 'r• 'e9 2 r' ' .se ,°. x° r r �r r ,r, ,r .e ,e- ,e a xe' x^• ,r, ,r` ,r ,r'. r r ,e' 'r'' ,?° ,r• ,r. x°' xa .., e ,r° e ,r° ,r° x°° .el .P ,r ,r° ,r 'r ,r ?^ xe° r *_ /Vr ;� \, `` \_ . br \ ' 4 �' / `• .r e e .r .r e e .r 'r .r' e ,e°.. .. e x•• A° ' r x°' xa' r '`', A' xe• A xa' ' �"'A r' r' xw °'r r xa' r' xa' r' � t' r . e' ;r � e9. � . xa . r r r 'e r' r r' e r r � ' r~� r r xa' r e' e' r r' r x^ r�xd} r' r' et ` r c° r x^• x^' r e^ �' r r' +e x r' r^ r r r r r r xa ,r ,r• .r �w r r' r x^ •,� r x^ r, r r � r e r r a �v r' r r r r r r r r e r^ r r r . r r ,e /' - ' x°' xe' a x'° a xe' e x'° x" xe' e e xe e xP ,e' .4 e ,i, ,r= " h x°° ,A° xa' xe' ,A� x" �' 'r 20 x°' xe' xw A .r 'r x• ,w .r .r xa 'r' xe• A° A° A'-.' �# A x° x° x°' r= x r' x!^ xe' xa. xa' ,{h ,A' A• � r ,t" e, x^, x. xe• . � � x'° ,r 'r. x" x" k- ,r' � � ' A' r' e� A' x" e ,A° e xe' e ,A° e xe° .r e ,ff xe^ �' P r .r' \ xe' r p' ,r xe' r' x°' x°' A' r r .. ?.% ,e2 x° ,A• e' e° A° x° x ro- �s x^• . r° e° x°' A x� r A' A A r' A' A A r' r' x" A r tr A .r A A A° %e x x°' x° xa' r' r r' r' r' 1r^ ,r' � k-1 P .r ,r .r, ,A, ,r, xa' e'', x° ,A' .. _ ' r r r r r' ,r}. a" ,r' r r' r .r r r' r'' r r' r' �• `'re 'r 'r ,r• �• r' ..r 'r' r r r r r r r r r r r r r ,r P^ r r ' .r, e x^ r r r r x ' r' . x� % r r r r r r= e r r r r a^ r r r r^ r *' fie' , *' i.. �° e' .. 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A' xe' A r r' xe' A r r' xe' r^sr x°° r' r' r' xa' A :' A' r x° x° ` A xa' xa' xa' A• x^' x04 . r^ r' x°' r' x� r° xa xa'. A* xw r .r' x'• r r' . e' x° r r A e' x°� r x^' r' . x° el• e x x°9 x'e r''. xa' r' r' r' xe xa '.. xa e' .e xa' x^ . ' r xe' A r r ', A' A r x°° xe' A r A' xe' A r^^. x" A x° xa' x09 r . .e° r A' e° xa' e' e' N e' >r' x° x' x° A x°' r xa' P x x xa' A' r' xe4 r' x04 r x6e r' "xe• A P e' A' A A A' r A A r' r A r' I e' r r ] r' A' x" A ,]�. r' r x° P x° r xa' x'° 1, A' xa' xa r' r' r' r' xa' r' x• e P. P• x" x°' xa' ,A, .. e, - A^ r::_: A' A A A . %^° r' x•� x6e xa r % % x• x^� xa xa A' xa' A r r r' r' r r x x°'r r' r' ` r r' r r A A' r A A A' A' A A A' A A A r' r' r' .r' r A+ r r' se' r A' r ir^ r - ,r .e x° x°' r r' x' x°= xa' ,r x r .e° r • r° r' r' �,�,r<.. I ff x" A A r' x" A r r' x" A r r' , r' r' x6e A A r `''.r P' xa x°• r r' ,r' ea>:'. 'r° I' e .r ,r .e' r. A,. ,e, ,A. ,e,. r . e ri .L. .,-_. ,e^ - ,r ,A'. ,r' ,r. e ra;' A' r xm - P+ r •, 0 xa \,r- ,A'. ',r, r' r xa' xa' r xa r' ,r .r' .e' . 1€ r' r' A A A r' x6e A A r A x' ,r ,r A' / A' x" A xa' x•' x6e A� x" r' e' ,r.. 7Ae r' r:` P r �'.. x°o .. �' r' e' x°x e' / xa' r x" r x e e , 'V \ ! .r e e .r .r ,r e .r .r e e. e e r° x" e e e ,r xe° r xa xa xa' x° A `' t", ]P xe xa' e' xa' xa A ,r x09 .r' x'' .r r' x^ r : xw e r r e AQ x' r' r' r° A • x?' r° A F^ A' 1 xa . xa r}, x' : e r xw`'.' xa' r' p tr�� x° z� xa' xe° xe° r �c . r r r, xe• xe° r H e° x° r r r r r r r r r r ; A° r r r r r r r r° \ c� r r e^ r �,e,�r r r /x°•; r r r r r r r' r r° e° r' .e' r r' r /xe• r r r : \ t. \ �� ' A' xe' A r r' xe' A e e xe^ � e x^' j r^ ,r e e e '' 2r e ,A• ,r' ,r= �; .,r• .. ,r^ r' �, ,A+ xa. xe' ,r' xa' e xe' ,r�vl.,r ,A= xa' ,r y r ,. - xa' ..: ,r ';e' .r W , ,r° .e' e e e 'A' %e' e ,A' ,c e ,e' ,A' .e' ,e° , e ,r ,r xu. e 1. .e' .- 'r^ xa' .r' xa' .r ,r .r ---.e°- xe4 r A' x" A r r' xe4 e° A x' A' xe' A x' r' .- . � Xed ,r ,r° e xe^ e xa' a xe' ,r ,. �' ,r ;A^ `'r x" ,r e ;, � xe' A r A re. ,e 'f' % ,r• � ,r' �r J xe' r' e x'° x°° r' � x' A' A A r A A r' r A A r' r A A r' xm A r' r' A r' r A . x" .r' x°' r',, A . 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A° x°° r° r r° x°° A x°° A A A r° x°° x°' t. x+ ? fir• xa A xa I 4r _ \ r' A' A r' x60 A r ,r x" e - �t ` e ,r ,r ,r r ':`,e' x60 ,A' ,r ,r r r .r' e e �, A' x" xa' -cam' A= e' xa' x° , •\� ,A e x- 'e' A r' r' A r' r' x60 A' A r' x" A r A x60 A A x" x60 A A r' x60 A' A r' x60 A r r' r' r A r' x" x° ': r % x r`, r x°' ir, 'r ,e' ,e' x" ,e' x- er; ,e' e 'r 'r x- ,e' xe4 '',,r 'e° - ,e' �'- x- Ar r r^ x^' A' A A r' x'e r A r' x" r x0.1 - �• .e^ r^ . r' e' r' A r x" r A A r' r' A' r x" A' A A x\ r A, e r� % % .^ ,r:`_.,r°- \ r \ ` ' 'e' xe' ,r 'r 'r ,r e 'r ,r e e% A' xe' r' r' r' r' \ \ e• r' r' r' r' .r ,r xe' 'e' .r tr A ,e A x\' x°' r' xa' ,e xa' e .r ,r' ,r' '.e' ,r .r e e ,r`ve' xe' e ,r ,r ,r e .r .r e e .r 'A' A' r' r' r' r' r' r' r' r' r' xe' r' r' r' r' r' 'r x°' . x°' %�k. x'• ,a' %'l- ,r^ ,,- . \ ' e e ,r ,pV x'° ,� `'•, ^- 'r rr- - x•' , ,r xe' . xe• r' A' ,e' A' r' r' r' r' r' r' r' r' r' .r .r A' 'a' .r _x"' / r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r ,e' xe• ,O- '�e' % % K x" ;e- ALTAIR STREET LIGHTING VILLAGE "C" NORTH TEMECULA, CA 5/31/34 ' �', CANDELn slcn�E i 81i0IN 88RIN� LIGHTING DESIGN I ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING rookf mle 14 tial r pp Y P A55 C���IO�S1 I I, J a ___— __—____.-________ r� ti,lil 1J VILLAGE C2+3 Overall Contextual Site Plan AIR �J SP-201 0 20 40 80 DISCLAIMER Note: 1. Refer to Civil engineer's plan to verify official record of metes & bounds and utility locations. Notes: 1. Site plan is for conceptual purposes only. 2. Site plan must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire departments for code compliance. 3. Base information per civil engineer. 4. Civil engineer to verify all setbacks and grading information 5. Building Footprints might change due to the final design elevation style. 6. Open space area is subject to change due to the balcony design of the elevation. I. Building setbacks are measured from property lines to building foundation lines. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS Residen TEMECULA, CA PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #4 1 DRAFT OO 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO APN 940-310-022 Neighboring Zone: Specific Plan (SP-5) Existing Land Use: Neighborhood Residential Neighboring Zone: Specific Plan (SP-5) APN 940-310-021 Existing Land Use: V High Res Project Summary - Village C2+3: APN 940-310-00 Neighboring Zone. 171.00, ?22p¢. Parcel Number: Partially in: High Density Residential 940310013 940320002 I _ _�� \ Existing Land Use: Legal / — ; — } _ _ \ C'� APN 940-310-010 Neighborhood Residential Description / .}' �— ` 'Pp of Property: Partially in 1 / '� °�# 6 #� 27.47 ACRES NET IN PAR 23 PM 116/069 PM 18254 N 20.33 ACRES NET IN PAR 25 PM 116/069 PM 18254 APN 940-310-049 Q` T�� _ _'� 2 Owl Existing/ H-3 Setback N APN 940-310-011 o � Proposed N o Q Zoning: Specific Plan �SP-15 Altair) � Existing/ Proposed _ y�.�. °ao °� � �'�� � � � �� a 3� � 3`�P. H 2 Setback General Plan: Specific Plan Implementation SPI p �sa Existing Specific Plan Land Use: Altair Specific Plan: SP-R Educational Proposed Specific Plan Land Use: Altair Specific Plan: SP-R Residential Zone Total Gross AC: + 7.00 Gross Acres Total Net AC: + 5.47 Net Acres Total Units: 111 Homes ■ (111 ) P4: 2 Story Townhomes on Height - + 28f - 6„ APN 940-310-024 30' EMWD ESMT. Net Density: 20.25 DU/AC / s -- - ti Yr.) 14'1 �'�•,a ��'ar 1d` ki �TYP.} Q �`% 2 �O'I, v,,� 0' 4Y9 0° 24.0 3' TYP. r° / \ 1 �`' Building ,. o� o� ' $ 1 p2, From Altair Pr line f . min f . max 3' �'•• Setbacks:❑ to Vista Property e 3 t 5 t a \� �3, � oy � � y 22. , H-2 Setback 1 1s.o' ,,� 14' 4 _1.26 From Coromell Trail RGUV 3 ft. min No maximum / a � \ � i 6 L 7 3 \ 8.01Sao From A Street Property Line 0 ft. min. 5 ft. max 6 15' / ��\ 9' \ � , .1g6, �4 1. , Q 4 0 X 3� � Q • , -\ \ < j VIP, � , � / �, — ` \ 18.0' J H 3 Setback Occupancy 6 4 G •• , � Classification: R 3 Townhouse � �Q 1� ..�� Type of Construction: Type V-B Fire Sprinklers: NFPA-13R H-2 Setback DISCLAIMER Note: 1. Refer to Civil engineers plan to verify official record of metes & bounds and utility locations. 1. Site plan is for conceptual purposes only. {�k 2. Site plan must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire y% departments for code compliance. 3. Base information per civil engineer. 4. Civil engineer to verify all setbacks and grading information 5. Building Footprints might change due to the final design �f elevation style. 6. Open space area is subject to change due to the balcony design of the elevation. 7. Building setbacks are measured from property lines to building foundation lines. VILLAGE C2+3 I Architectural Site Plan ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS Brookfield Residential FAIR TEMECULA, CA SP-202 0 20 40 80 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #4 1 DRAFT OO 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO 940-310-023 Project Summary - Village C2+3: Open Space Total Units: 111 Homes Required: 17,760' SF Total (160' SF per home) • Common: 6,660' SF (60' SF per Rowtown) • Private: 11,100' SF (100' SF per Rowtown) Provided: 30,256' SF Total (271' SF per home) • Common: 8,637' SF (25' Min. Dimension) • Private: 21,396' SF (6' Min. Dimension) U Neighboring Zone: Specific Plan (SP-5) Existing Land Use: Neighborhood Residential Existing Land Use: High Res Neiahhorina Zone: APN 940-310-022 Neighboring Zone: Specific Plan (SP-5) APN 940-310-050 / '\ APN 940-310-021 VILLAGE C2+3 I Open Space Exhibit APN 940-31 Existing Land Use: 31ighborhood Residential APN 940-310-024 30' EMWD E TIMER Note: o Civil engineers plan to verify official retard of metes ids and utility locations. an is for conceptual purposes only. an must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire ments for code compliance. iformation per civil engineer. igineer to verify all setbacks and grading information g Footprints might change due to the final design on style. space area is subject to change due to the balcony of the elevation. g setbacks are measured from property lines to g foundation lines. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS Brookfield Residential FAIR TEMECULA, CA SP-203 0 20 40 80 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #4 1 OO 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 07-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO 940-310-023 Project Summary - Village C2+3: Parking Total Gross AC: + 7.00 Gross Acres Total Net AC: + 5.47 Net Acres Total Units: 111 Homes Parking: Required: 234 Spaces ■ (111) 3+ Bedroom x 2.0 Spaces = 222 Spaces ■ (111) Guest x 0.1 Spaces =12 Spaces Provided: 264 Spaces ■ Garage: 222 Covered Spaces • Head In: 19 Uncovered Spaces (9' x 18') ■ Parallel: 23 Uncovered Spaces (8' x 22') Neighboring Zone: Specific Plan (SP-5) Existing Land Use: Neighborhood Residential APN 940-310-050 VILLAGE C2+3 I Parking Exhibit Neighboring Zone: APN 940-310-022 Specific Plan (SP-5) APN 940-310-021 nd Use: Residential 940-310-024 30' EMWD Dte: Hers plan to verify official record of metes locations. eptual purposes only. viewed by planning, building, and fire e compliance. r civil engineer. ify all setbacks and grading information night change due to the final design subject to change due to the balcony on. e measured from property lines to Ines. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS Brookfield Residential FAIR TEMECULA, CA SP-204 0 20 40 80 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #4 1 OO 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO 940-310-023 Enlargement Proposed Trash Can Staging 0 05 10 20 Refuse & Recycling Containers - Village C2+3 FT](111 Total) Trash Can '60' Gallon (41 "H x 27"W x 33"D) -1 per Unit [—R] (111 Total) Recycle Can '60' Gallon (41 "H x 27"W x 33"D) -1 per Unit Fo](111 Total) Organic Can '60' Gallon (41 "H x 27" W x 33"D) -1 per Unit Trash cans are placed on homeowners drive apron to allow trash trucks ease of flow through circulation & pickup. Where stub alleys occur; trash cans shall be placed at the closet drive entry. *Trash cans will be on the street less than 24 hours on Trash Collection Day Parking: Required: 234 Spaces (2.11 spaces per home) • (111) 3+ Bedroom x 2.0 Spaces = 222 Spaces • (111) Guest x 0.1 Spaces =12 Spaces Provided: 264 Spaces (2.38 spaces per home) • Garage: 222 Covered Spaces • Head In: 19 Uncovered Spaces (9' x 18') • Parallel: 23 Uncovered Spaces (8' x 22') Collection Day Parking Availability: Provided: 260 Spaces (2.34 spaces per home) • Garage: 222 Covered Spaces • Head In: 19 Uncovered Spaces (9' x 18') • Parallel: ■ 19 Uncovered Spaces (8' x 22') Unavailable on Collection Day: • 4 Uncovered Spaces Total Notes: 1. Video surveillance, signage or literature for residents shall be provided detailing that the organic bins are for organic disposal only. Organics enclosure may be used for residential landscape waste. 2. "No Parking" on collection day shall be enforced through signage and fines. 1'� Neighboring Zone: Specific Plan (SP-5) Existing Land Use: Neighborhood Residential APN 940-310-050 VILLAGE C2+3 I Trash Staging Exhibit I,; APN 940-310-022 Neighboring Zone: SS, Specific Plan (SP-5) APN 940-310-021 Land Use: and Residential 940-310-024 )te: ers plan to verify official record of metes locations, -ptual purposes only. viewed by planning, building, and fire e compliance. r civil engineer. fy all setbacks and grading information night change due to the final design subject to change due to the balcony on. e measured From property lines to nes. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS rookf ielt Residentie' TEMECULA, CA SP-205 0 20 40 80 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #4 1 DRAFT OO 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO 940-310-023 Waste Collection Day Overflow Parking - Village C2+3 Available overflow parking stall on waste collection day (38 Spaces) • Unavailable parking stalls on waste collection day (4 Spaces) J"; Neighboring Zone: Specific Plan (SP-5) Existing Land Use: Neighborhood Residential APN 940-310-050 APN 940-310-022 VILLAGE C2+3 I Waste Collection Day Overflow Parking Exhibit Neighboring Zone: Specific Plan (SP-5) APN 940-310-021 ig Land Use: food Residential 940-310-024 )te: ers plan to verify official record of metes locations, -ptual purposes only. viewed by planning, building, and fire e compliance. r civil engineer. fy all setbacks and grading information night change due to the final design subject to change due to the balcony on. e measured From property lines to nes. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS rookf ielt Residentie' TEMECULA, CA SP-206 0 20 40 80 PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #4 1 OO 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO 940-310-023 EXPOSED SIDE ELEVATION REQUIRES ENHANCEMENT l� NOTE:WINDOW TRIMS OCCUR ON ALL SIDES OF ALL BUILDINGS COLOR SCHEMES P4 - TRANSITIONAL HOMESTEAD 13 SCHEME 13 14 SCHEME 14 � SCHEME 15 Refer to Sheet CM-1.1 for Exterior Color and Materials APN 940-310-022 Neighboring Zone: Specific Plan (SP-5) Existing Land Use: Neighborhood Residential Existing Land Use: High Res k- 111#T$ l� 9a- VILLAGE C2+3 I Preliminary Elevation and Color Assignment Neighboring Zone: Specific Plan (SP-5) ding Land Use: irhood Residential IIIT, IAi,1156113 o Civil engineer's plan to verify official record of metes ids and utility locations. an is for conceptual purposes only. an must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire ments for code compliance. iformation per civil engineer. igineer to verify all setbacks and grading information g Footprints might change due to the final design on style. apace area is subject to change due to the balcony of the elevation. g setbacks are measured from property lines to g foundation lines. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS rookf ielt Residentie' 7AIR SP-207 0 20 40 80 TEMECULA, CA PA23-0438 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #4 1 OO 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 07-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Plan 3 rookf mielt Residential j 4 U U C A Street - --------------- C%j Plan 2 Plan 2 6-Plex (Style A) Color Scheme 13 Plan 1 Plan 1 Plan 3 1 u u l u ,j , F' ... ... - 1101 II�I� [EL . E I O O Fi -L. 3 q1W a 7- 7.1- je �+- • ,Fri• � _ r • � 1��'' � R + r i ,��4 � � .�H��r + ����► y ' �i.�K ti�i - .�li •-S #� sk or OF I..0AIN Plan 3 Plan 2 Transitional Homestead P=4: 2 STORY TOWNHOMES Frontag �1 'AIR TEMECULA, CA Plan 2 Plan 1 6-Plex with porches (Style 13) Color Scheme 14 e Exhibit Plan 1 Plan 3 `-� R.O.W IR CURB BUILDING FRONTAGE �A PORCH (9.4.2) •DESCRIPTION - PROJECTING PORCH WITH COLUMNS AND SOLID ROOF. - FLOOR LEVEL TO BE 4" MINMUM ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE. - DEPTH PROVIDES SUFFICIENT SPACE FOR SITTING. �B RECESSED ENTRY (9.4.3) •DESCRIPTION - ENCLOSED BY AT LEAST (2) BUILDING WALLS. - ENTRY IS COVERED BY BUILDING OR OVERHANG. - FLOOR LEVEL IS INTEGRATED WITH THE YARD. O WALLED YARD (9.4.4) •DESCRIPTION -DECORATIVE LOW WALL OR FENCE PROVIDED - OUTSWINGING GATES NOT ENCROACHING OVER PROPERTY LINE. -DISCRETE SECURITY MEASURES Key Map (N.T.S.) A-201 0 2 4 8 PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL " ' DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Construction Type : VB Occupancy Type : R2 Sprinkler Type : 13R rookf ielt Residential 2nd Floor ':.4NTILEVER TYP. 111]:2►y►� PER FIRE DEPARTMENT, SINGLE SNOOT WALL - MOUNTED FDC IS APPROVED' GARAGE PLAN 3 T R HIW GOATS PWDR. KITCHEN Fl- PANTR DINING T-4„ x T-a. LIVING 12'-4 X 14`-T h�j I i KITCHEN DINING r- AC AC YARD 27-i09C 6-0• TELECOM �t v Gfl CD SIDEWALK Uj N 1st Floor Typical Floor Plans P-4: 2 STORY TOWNHOMES I 3-PLEX I Schematic Floor Plans L11AIR TEMECULA, CA BUILDING FRONTAGE �A PORCH (9.4.2) *DESCRIPTION - PROJECTING PORCH WITH COLUMNS AND SOLID ROOF. - FLOOR LEVEL TO BE 4" MINMUM ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE. - DEPTH PROVIDES SUFFICIENT SPACE FOR SITTING. �B RECESSED ENTRY (9.4.3) •DESCRIPTION - ENCLOSED BY AT LEAST (2) BUILDING WALLS. - ENTRY IS COVERED BY BUILDING OR OVERHANG. - FLOOR LEVEL IS INTEGRATED WITH THE YARD. T WALLED YARD (9.4.4) •DESCRIPTION -DECORATIVE LOW WALL OR FENCE PROVIDED - OUTSWINGING GATES NOT ENCROACHING OVER PROPERTY LINE. -DISCRETE SECURITY MEASURES ±1,718 SF 3 BEDROOM/ 2.5 BATH/LOFT ±1,551 SF 3 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH/ DEN ±11428 SF 3 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH/ LOFT NOTE: 1. Floor plans are for schematic purposes only and will change through design process. 2. Schematic floor plans must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire department for code compliance. 3. Yards, patios & decks may vary but will not be less than the minimum requirements. 4. Square footage may vary depending on method of calculation. 5. Building frontage may vary due to site con- straints & elevation design. 6. See landscape plans for fence & wall design and height. A-202 0 2 4 8 PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Right (Internal) Left (Internal) rookf mielt Residential Right (Side View from Street/Paseo) Note: Windows at garage pending no conflict with Utilities Left Keymap for Locations (Side View from Street/Paseo) Rear Highest Ridge Finish Grade Varies per Civil Fro nt Color Scheme 13 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-1.1 Transitional Homestead P=4: 2 STORY TOWNHOMES 3=PLEX Schematic Elevations SIR TEMECULA, CA Transitional Homestead Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 4:12 Type: Gable/Hip/Shed (Hip Dominant) Material: Flat Concrete Tiles Color: TBD Accent: Extended Eave w/ Brackets Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Horizontal Siding Accent Material Option: Corbels Windows Trim: Head & Sill Only Type: TBD ("Traditional") Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Siding Panels/Brackets Enhancement Key Map (N.T.S) 'A; A-203 0 2 4 8 PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO PER FIRE DEPARTMENT, SINGLE SHOOT WALL MOUNTED I < IS APPROVED 0 FIRE d- Construction Type : VB Occupancy Type : R2 Sprinkler Type : 13R Brookfield Residential TELECOM - LOFT BDRM 2 1 U-0" x i 2',° CANTILEVER TYP. 2nd Floor DRIVE C3 GARAGE GARAGE c T PLAN 3 PLAN 1 T R T ucIL C � I COAT --- -- --- 17 Q ,�R PWDR. COAT LIVING 1 r-4" x 1 a'-7 PANTR - KITCHEN .�. PWQR. iP _. __- p M' ' uP,� 12 7 x 9 11 23'-1 O" 11 ==_=_ AC GARAGE PLAN 2 LIVING ia�-x ii'-s" DINING LIVING 8'-4" x 9'-8° ENTRY ENTRY 'I YARD 21'-U' X 6-0" YARD c0 21'-R' X 6'-a" 22'-5" SIDEWALK STREET 1st Floor GARAGE PLAN 2 KITCHEN KITCHEN DINING it-T x s'-1 i• i II PANTRY LIVING PWDR. PWDR ENTRY Al -'AC. - - - - YARD 2r-s" x a'-o° 2T_5H 0 DESK LINEN Typical Floor Plans P-4: 2 STORY TOWNHOMES I 4-PLEX I Schematic Floor Plans L11AIR TEMECULA, CA BUILDING FRONTAGE �A PORCH (9.4.2) *DESCRIPTION - PROJECTING PORCH WITH COLUMNS AND SOLID ROOF. - FLOOR LEVEL TO BE 4" MINMUM ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE. - DEPTH PROVIDES SUFFICIENT SPACE FOR SITTING. �B RECESSED ENTRY (9.4.3) •DESCRIPTION - ENCLOSED BY AT LEAST (2) BUILDING WALLS. - ENTRY IS COVERED BY BUILDING OR OVERHANG. - FLOOR LEVEL IS INTEGRATED WITH THE YARD. T WALLED YARD (9.4.4) •DESCRIPTION -DECORATIVE LOW WALL OR FENCE PROVIDED - OUTSWINGING GATES NOT ENCROACHING OVER PROPERTY LINE. -DISCRETE SECURITY MEASURES ±1,718 SF 3 BEDROOM/ 2.5 BATH/LOFT ±1,551 SF 3 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH/ DEN ±11428 SF 3 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH/ LOFT NOTE: 1. Floor plans are for schematic purposes only and will change through design process. 2. Schematic floor plans must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire department for code compliance. 3. Yards, patios & decks may vary but will not be less than the minimum requirements. 4. Square footage may vary depending on method of calculation. 5. Building frontage may vary due to site con- straints & elevation design. 6. See landscape plans for fence & wall design and height. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS A-204 0 2 4 8 PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Right (Internal) Left (Internal) rookf mielt Residential Right (Side View from StreeVPaseo) Note: Windows at garage pending no conflict with Utilities Left Keymap for Locations (Side View from Street/Paseo) Rear .i■- .fir �. • �i_ y .Y �];,t s ` ��' ail'- �� 1 i � �!� �� L� ♦. ' Highest Ridge TOY 17 co N TOY F.F. t: *.. _ra+f"+'i' �.. .y 4 `r .Rc• �r "?l. L., sI..`ti'-�w �-. Finish Grade Varies per Civil Transitional Homestead P=4: 2 STORY TOWNHOMES 4-PLEX � _{AIR TEMECULA, CA Front Color Scheme 14 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-1.1 Schematic Elevations Transitional Homestead Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 4:12 Type: Gable/Hip/Shed (Hip Dominant) Material: Flat Concrete Tiles Color: TBD Accent: Extended Eave w/ Brackets Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Horizontal Siding Accent Material Option: Corbels Windows Trim: Head & Sill Only Type: TBD ("Traditional") Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Siding Panels/Brackets Enhancement Key Map (N.T.S) A-205 0 2 4 8 PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Construction Type : VB Occupancy Type : R2 Sprinkler Type : 13R Brookfield Residential PER FIRE DEPARTMENT, SINGLE SNOOT WALL MOUNTED FOG IS APPROVED TELECOM BDRM 3 1 G-F x 10'-0' BDRM 2 BDRM 3 11'-7" xiQ'-11" 10'-11"x 10'-2" iCUM LAUNDRY LAUNDRY rn- -_ FIRE RISE - Cn ,pESI; _- _T ;`LOFT LINEN Y 1'-<1B7C i 1'�1' v P. BDRM. 13'-10"X 13'-3" GARAGE I P.BA. P. BDRM. 1 z'-8" X 14'-0" GARAGE BDRM 3 iG Y x 1(F-(- BDRM 2 LAUNDRY BA.2 W.I.C. BDRM 2 10'-1i"X 1G-2" BA.2 DES . :I W.I.C. LINEN P.BA. DEN 8'-8• x 12'-0" DRIVE P. BDRM. 1 r-8' X 14'-T BDRM 3 10-_r x io•;r I LAUNDRY LINEN � T I RBA. DEN a• -a- x 12-0- 2nd Floor GARAGE c T PLAN 3 PLAN 2 PLAN 2 R C R T C R T W�F€ W H [i7 "NDR. ^ OATS FOAT' LIVING 12'-4" x 14'-7" PANTRY KITCHEN DINING KITCHEN DINING 1 Z-7 xsii 12Tx811 ------------- DINING KITCHEN }--- LIVING LIVING ENTRY -, PWDR. ENTRY PWDR. ENTRY YARD AC AC - - - - I - YARD - - - - - - AC - - - - - - - -YARD 22'-10'x 6'-']' 21'-8" x 6'-01, `! - -- .' _ _- 21'-111x 6'-01, �- 1+61 J ` W W — — W _ LU C SIDEWALK STREET 1st Floor GARTI LEVER TYP. GARAGE PLAN Am BDRM 1JF_ I 2_ BDRM 3 in'-4'x12'-3' 19-11"x]G-r BA.2 LAUNDRY I I LOFT - -- DESK P. BDRM, 12-2' X 1 r-4" 3DRM 2 I LINEN LOFT y 11'-10"x 11'-1" ❑ W.I.C. FF P. BDRM. P.BA. + L==r-_ PER FIRE DEPARTMENT, SINGLE SNOOT WALL MOUNTED FOG IS APPROVED J3 LIVING ir-ax 1a•-r I LIVING' . 1 n'-3• x 1 r-s• DINING KITCHEN] DINING 8'-a" X 9'-8' B'-iG' x 10'-", .. .. .. ' ENTRY -, ENTRY YARD AC >� - AC YARD 2r-1n•x a•-ff' co ` qJz W W o LU W &' n r TELECOM IIPWDR, Typical Floor Plans P-4: 2 STORY TOWNHOMES I 5-PLEX I Schematic Floor Plans LIAIR TEMECULA, CA BUILDING FRONTAGE �A PORCH (9.4.2) *DESCRIPTION - PROJECTING PORCH WITH COLUMNS AND SOLID ROOF. - FLOOR LEVEL TO BE 4" MINMUM ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE. - DEPTH PROVIDES SUFFICIENT SPACE FOR SITTING. �B RECESSED ENTRY (9.4.3) •DESCRIPTION - ENCLOSED BY AT LEAST (2) BUILDING WALLS. - ENTRY IS COVERED BY BUILDING OR OVERHANG. - FLOOR LEVEL IS INTEGRATED WITH THE YARD. T WALLED YARD (9.4.4) •DESCRIPTION -DECORATIVE LOW WALL OR FENCE PROVIDED - OUTSWINGING GATES NOT ENCROACHING OVER PROPERTY LINE. -DISCRETE SECURITY MEASURES +1,718 SF 3 BEDROOM/ 2.5 BATH/LOFT ±1,551 SF 3 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH/ DEN ±1,428 SF 3 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH/ LOFT NOTE: 1. Floor plans are for schematic purposes only and will change through design process. 2. Schematic floor plans must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire department for code compliance. 3. Yards, patios & decks may vary but will not be less than the minimum requirements. 4. Square footage may vary depending on method of calculation. 5. Building frontage may vary due to site con- straints & elevation design. 6. See landscape plans for fence & wall design and height. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS A-206 0 2 4 8 PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Right (Side View from StreeVPaseo) Note: Windows at garage pending no conflict with Utilities Left Keymap for Locations (Side View from StreeVPaseo) rookf mielt Residential Rear IL Highest Ridge 1 - ° w x ie -17 - - - - - - .�--�_�T-----------------���----------------------------------------------------__�.--��.-_.�:.�w.:----�-��—_�_-..:.:�-_-._'_ # Mir. ,�` a, TOY co---- sY TOY ipb s _ � i r �� -G t � ■ v i CT) t Yi• r � � � F.F. ,. `a ;�•ti Finish Grade Varies per Civil Transitional Homestead P=4: 2 STORY TOWNHOMES 5-PLEX � A I K TEMECULA, CA Front Color Scheme 15 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-1.1 Schematic Elevations Transitional Homestead Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 4:12 Type: Gable/Hip/Shed (Hip Dominant) Material: Flat Concrete Tiles Color: TBD Accent: Extended Eave w/ Brackets Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Horizontal Siding Accent Material Option: Corbels Windows Trim: Head & Sill Only Type: TBD ("Traditional") Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Siding Panels/Brackets Enhancement Key Map (N.T.S) A-207 0 2 4 8 PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO rookf mielt Residential Right (Internal) Left (Internal) Transitional Homestead P=4: 2 STORY TOWNHOMES 5-PLEX Schematic Elevations A I K TEMECULA, CA A-208 0 2 4 8 PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO PER FIRE DEPARTMENT, SINGLE SNOOT WALL MOUNTED FAC IS APPROVED Q m� TELECOM Construction Type : VB Occupancy Type : R2 Sprinkler Type : 13R Brookfield Residential BDRM 3 llll 10'-5" x 1 o'-a' BDRM 2 is-11"x 19-21 BDRM 2 BDRM 3 ] 1'-7° x1a-11' 10'-11 X 10'-2" I III BA.2 LOFT i 11'-t0"x 11'-1" Ir LAUNDRY BA.2 LAUNDRY 17 17R -- y DESKS _ LINEN v P.BA. _II FI P. BDRM. 13'-10"X 13'-3" .. P. BDRM. J - 12'-8" x 14'-3" T-, P.BA. GA P L. LIVING 12'-4" x 14'-7" . DINING .l 9'-1ar x 10-'1T I� ENTF YARD 22'-1ax 6'-a' 23'-1 BDRM 3 is-�• x is -a• BDRM 2 .... 1 a-11"X 1 a-2" LAUNDRY R BA.2 1711 DESK — --- hESK I W.I.C. LINEN IP.BR. LINEN 7 P. BDRM. 17-T X 14'-3" DEN DEN F-T X 12-T 814" x 1z_(r . - = 0 DRIVE SIDEWALK STREET 2nd Floor 1st Floor P. BDRM. 12'-2' X 17-V CAWrlLEVER TYP- GARAC PLAT ENTRY 21'-€ LAUNORYIII LAUNDRY 1N0 LINEN P.BA. P.BA. rr= AN ENTF D V-311 BDRM 2 BDRM 3 fa-7" x i2'-3° 10'-11"x iv-7' r r LOFT i a-&• X 12'-3 P. BDRh'1. 12'-2" x 12'- `° _an flfi -I DESK LINEN v F.BA. I Typical Floor Plans P-4: 2 STORY TOWNHOMES 6-PLEX Schematic Floor Plans BA.2 BDRM 2 11'-7" X10'-11" LOFT i 1'-10"x 11'-1 P. BORM. 13'-1a'X 13'-3' PER FIRE DEPARTMENT, SINGLE SNOOT WALL MOUNTED FDC IS APPROVED FIRE RISER TELECOM E Cn C J3 T -R--- LIVING 12'-4" x 14'-7- DINING f imxta 1L- _IJ. VTRY I V 23'-10'4 c'o z d J IL LU d ~ W W BUILDING FRONTAGE �A PORCH (9.4.2) *DESCRIPTION - PROJECTING PORCH WITH COLUMNS AND SOLID ROOF. - FLOOR LEVEL TO BE 4" MINMUM ABOVE ADJACENT GRADE. - DEPTH PROVIDES SUFFICIENT SPACE FOR SITTING. �B RECESSED ENTRY (9.4.3) •DESCRIPTION - ENCLOSED BY AT LEAST (2) BUILDING WALLS. - ENTRY IS COVERED BY BUILDING OR OVERHANG. - FLOOR LEVEL IS INTEGRATED WITH THE YARD. O WALLED YARD (9.4.4) •DESCRIPTION -DECORATIVE LOW WALL OR FENCE PROVIDED - OUTSWINGING GATES NOT ENCROACHING OVER PROPERTY LINE. -DISCRETE SECURITY MEASURES ±1,718 SF 3 BEDROOM/ 2.5 BATH/LOFT ±1,551 SF 3 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH/ DEN ±1,428 SF 3 BEDROOM/2.5 BATH/ LOFT NOTE: 1. Floor plans are for schematic purposes only and will change through design process. 2. Schematic floor plans must be reviewed by planning, building, and fire department for code compliance. 3. Yards, patios & decks may vary but will not be less than the minimum requirements. 4. Square footage may vary depending on method of calculation. 5. Building frontage may vary due to site con- straints & elevation design. 6. See landscape plans for fence & wall design and height. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS LIAIR A-209 0 2 4 8 F, TEMECULA, CA PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 1 2022219 1 7-02-24 ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO HE 8 FF 1i E7 Right (Side View from Street/Paseo) Left Keymap for Locations (Side View from StreeVPaseo) rookf mielt Residential Highest Ridge Rear :V - .- - - - -- _- •-- -_ _ .r ._- � - -�. - - -� -. _--- _ _ ter. _-- - - --� _ 1 - - --= - ---NORM-- - - - �I■ ■■ ■I■ ■■;■I■ ■I■ �■ — _ Elm ■' LE11 ■ i■i MIN i■ ■ 1 ' - � ,,'y: �. ram„ •:, _ �....._- F = -: 02 Finish Grade Varies per Civil Front Color Scheme 14 Shown, Refer to Sheet CM-1.1 Transitional Homestead P=4: 2 STORY TOWNHOMES 6-PLEX Sch _{AIR TEMECULA, CA erratic Elevations Transitional Homestead Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 4:12 Type: Gable/Hip/Shed (Hip Dominant) Material: Flat Concrete Tiles Color: TBD Accent: Extended Eave w/ Brackets Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Horizontal Siding Accent Material Option: Corbels Windows Trim: Head & Sill Only Type: TBD ("Traditional") Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Siding Panels/Brackets Enhancement Key Map (N.T•S) A-201 0 2 4 8 PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO rookf mielt Residential Right (Internal) E ❑■ ❑■ i15 11, Left (Internal) Transitional Homestead P=4: 2 STORY TOWNHOMES � 6-PLEX Sch _{AIR TEMECULA, CA erratic Elevations A-201 0 2 4 8 PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF" O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO Entry Door Siding Inset 1 Siding Inset 2 Metal Awning I:•.offMM70 Trim Surround Inset Siding Trim Surrount rookf m1eic Residential Front Elevation Trim Surround Inset Siding Transitional Homestead P=4: 2 STORY TOWNHOMES I Architectural Details TEMECULA, Metal Bracket 1 RAr►+nl n,.,nirtrm LJ^r A^v Trim Jam Trin Sill Trim Window at Siding Header Trim Sill Trim Window at Stucco w Transitional Homestead Style Guidelines Roofs Pitch: 4:12 Type: Gable/Hip/Shed (Hip Dominant) Material: Flat Concrete Tiles Color: TBD Accent: Extended Eave w/ Brackets Walls Main Material: Stucco Secondary Material: Horizontal Siding Accent Material Option: Corbels Windows Trim: Head & Sill Only Type: TBD ("Traditional") Doors Type: TBD (Match Style) Details Type: Siding Panels/Brackets SIdIHL Trim ►► 11 0 A-2012 2 4 8 CA PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL #4 1 DRAFT O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 Corbel Note: Artist's conception; colors, materials and application may vary. ARCHITECTS . PLANNERS . DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES . BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO LLA . rb Poll 71 in F-- --I 6- J RL L M. -x . rL A ar 4''r _ .y � ��l' Y'' ,3+J S La!r," 3 .1 :: AL d `7� :; .,f � .o- �. ^�� - � �4 :Y - M1I �,T a .�'� '' �r - 11�:. �r _ . k .4p 4w-WP--777777' Ij MI' 7V L: ff kill cl is m pw% ... .. ...... . .. .. ........... ....... .. ... ... .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . =E5. 41F . ............... .. .... m -35 I-S .... .. ... ...... ovKrieio Residentia a. M_ • J, II. r'J� , .l _ � � .II. �'`� ':5 _- { } ' � •1 r - #- - T - - _ =LI..._ 'T. f'� Mi-� ,z,r�•c � j a ps Ar h IX vx IF 77 .7 A k AWN& — I 5TR1 SIR I A rA UY&S I EA EA I I MU IF! H M I I a ri all F1 .. 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POT' UY&SIMA11MUC H N I I a ri ts 9 1 -ftm 11M 7 F1 Exterior Color & Materials SCHEME 13 Material P4 - TRANSITIONAL HOMESTEAD ELEVATIONS ONLY Color Manufacturer Exterior Color & Materials SCHEME 14 Material P4 - TRANSITIONAL HOMESTEAD ELEVATIONS ONLY Color Manufacturer Exterior Color & Materials SCHEME 15 Material P4 - TRANSITIONAL HOMESTEAD ELEVATIONS ONLY Color Manufacturer Roofing: 15502 Arcadia Canyon Blend Eagle Concrete Shake Tile Ref:.13 Emi:.94 A.SRI: 16 (or approved equal) CRRC: 0918-0043 Ogee Gutters & Rectangular Downspouts Royal Brown Custom-Bilt Metals (factory finish) Green World Vinyl Windows (factory finish) White (or approved equal) Omega TBD Stucco Color (16120 sand finish) (Match Sherwin Williams (or approved equal) 'SW 7547 Sandbar) Siding Color (applied to): Corner Boards SW 7504 Sherwin Williams Garage Doors Keystone Gray (or approved equal) Lap Siding Utility Doors Trim Color #1 (applied to): Barge Boards SW 7510 Sherwin Williams Eaves Fascia Chateau Brown (or approved equal) Unit Doors Trim Color #2 (applied to): SW 7005 Sherwin Williams Secondary Doors Pure White (or approved equal) Trim Accent Color #1 (applied to). 'SW 7624 Sherwin Williams Unit Doors Slate Tile (or approved equal) Accent Color #2 (applied to): SW 6258 Sherwin Williams Metal Awnings Tricorn Black (or approved equal) Wayne Dalton (or approved equal) Garage Door Weatherstrip (factory finish) Match Garage Door Color NOTE: Notify WHA if any variation occurs between these schemes and the construction documents prior to purchase. Contact Donna Aldrich (949) 250-0607. GARAGE DOORS LAP SIDING ALTAI R Temecula, California BROOKFIELD RESIDENTIAL January 18, 2024 1 2022219 For exact color refer to manufacturers' actual samples. © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA rookf ielt Residential © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. CIA IIT )RS W1, T15 FAL INGS SCHEME 13 P4 Transitional Homestead Elevations Only Roofing: 15699 Charcoal Range Eagle Concrete Shake Tile Ref:.15 Emi:.94 A.SRI: 16 (or approved equal) CRRC: 0918-0046 Ogee Gutters & Rectangular Downspouts Weatherd Bronze Custom-Bilt Metals (factory finish) Green World Vinyl Windows (factory finish) White (or approved equal) TBD Omega Stucco Color (16120 sand finish) (Match Sherwin Williams (or approved equal) SW 7648 Big Chill) Siding Color (applied to): Corner Boards SW 9163 Sherwin Williams Garage Doors Tin Lizzie (or approved equal) Lap Siding Utility Doors Trim Color #1 (applied to): Barge Boards SW 7674 Sherwin Williams Eaves Fascia Peppercorn (or approved equal) Unit Doors Trim Color #2 (applied to): SW 7005 Sherwin Williams Secondary Doors Pure White (or approved equal) Trim Accent Color (applied to). SW 6258 Sherwin Williams Metal Awnings Tricorn Black (or approved equal) 'Unit Doors Garage Door Weatherstrip (factory finish) Match Garage Door Color Wayne Dalton (or approved equal) NOTE: Notify WHA if any variation occurs between these schemes and the construction documents prior to purchase. Contact Donna Aldrich (949) 250-0607. GARAGE DOORS LAP SIDING ALTAI R Temecula, California BROOKFIELD RESIDENTIAL January 18, 2024 1 2022219 For exact color refer to manufacturers' actual samples. © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. CIA IIT )RS TRIM rAL INGS SCHEME 14 P4 Transitional Homestead Elevations Only MA ORANGECOUNTY LOS ANGELES -AREA SACRAMENTO EXTERIOR COLOR AND MATERIALS AIH TEMECULA, CA Roofing: 5690 Pewter Bronze Blend Eagle Concrete Shake Tile Ref:.17 Emi:.90 A.SRI: 16 (or approved equal) CRRC: 0918-0060 Ogee Gutters & Rectangular Downspouts Bronze Custom-Bilt Metals (factory finish) Green World Vinyl Windows (factory finish) White (or approved equal) TBD Omega Stucco Color (16120 sand finish) (Match Sherwin Williams (or approved equal) 'SW 7050 Useful Gray) Siding Color (applied to): Corner Boards SW 7642 Sherwin Williams Garage Doors Lap Siding Pavestone (or approved equal) Utility Doors Trim Color #1 (applied to): Barge Boards SW 7645 Sherwin Williams Eaves Fascia Thunder Gray (or approved equal) Unit Doors Trim Color #2 (applied to): SW 7005 Sherwin Williams Secondary Doors Pure White (or approved equal) Trim Accent Color #1 (applied to). 'SW 6188 Sherwin Williams Unit Doors Shade -Grown (or approved equal) Accent Color #2 (applied to): SW 6258 Sherwin Williams Metal Awnings Tricorn Black Match Garage Door Color (or approved equal) Garage Door Weatherstrip (factory finish) Wayne Dalton (or approved equal) NOTE: Notify WHA if any variation occurs between these schemes and the construction documents prior to purchase. Contact Donna Aldrich (949) 250-0607. GARAGE DOORS LAP SIDING ALTAI R Temecula, California BROOKFIELD RESIDENTIAL January 18, 2024 12022219 For exact color refer to manufacturers' actual samples. © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA © 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. CIA IT )RS TRIM FAL NGS SCHEME 15 P4 Transitional Homestead Elevations Only MAN OMGECOUNTY LOSANGELES. BAYAREA S AMENTO CM-1 1 ■ 0 2 4 8 _ L PA23-0440 - PLANNING SUBMITTAL DRAF O 2024 WILLIAM HEZMALHALCH ARCHITECTS, INC. DBA WHA. 12022219 1 7-02-24 ARCHITECTS PLANNERS DESIGNERS ORANGE COUNTY . LOS ANGELES BAY AREA . SACRAMENTO J J UJ •y O ' �. �fI i V 1. k�s�r alkair COMPLETELY TEMECULA. ALTAII? S T _. ............... A r A L T A I R VILLAGE TEMECULA, CA C EAST FA 19 COMMUNITY PARK - PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN CONCEPTUAL PLANT PALETTE GROUNDCOVERS SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME T R E E S— Baccharis 'Centennial' Bentennial Baccharis S C I E N T I F I C NAM E COMMON NAME Baccharis pilularais cvs. Dwarf Coyote Brush Carissa spp. Natal Plum Acacia stenophylla Shoestring Acacia Festuca arundinacea Marathon Fescue Turf Arbutus 'Marina' Marina Arbutus Leymus cond. 'Canyon Prince' Blue Lyme Grass Arbutus unedo Strawberry Tree Lonicera spp. Honeysuckle Cercidium 'Desert Museum' Palo Verde Myoporum parvifolium Creeping Boobialla f Cercis occidentalis Western Redbud Rosemarinus 'Prostratus' Trailing Rosemary Chilopsis linearis 'Warren Jones' W. Jones Desert Willow Senecio mandraliscae Kleinia Chitalpa x tashkentensis Chitalpa Senecio serpens Blue Chalksticks Citrus spp. Organge, Lemon, Lime, Ect. Trachelospermum jasminoides Star Jasmine it Geijera parviflora Australian Willow l Heteromeles arbutifolia Toyon i; Lagerstroemia indica Crape Myrtle V I N E S l `-Laurus nobilis 'Saratoga' Sweet Bay `i - ' SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME �`�' Magnolia G. Little Gem Little Gem Mangolia Olea europaea 'Swan Hill' Fruitless Olive Ficus pumila Creeping Fig Pistacia chinensis'Red Push' Chinese Pistache Macfadyena unguis-cati Cat's Claw Platanus s Sycamore Parthenocissus tricuspidata Boston Ivy Populus fremontii 'Nevada' Western Cottonwood Podocar us racilior African Fern Pine ` Prunus ilicifolia ilicifolia Hollyleaf Cherry p g Trachelospermum jasminoides Star Jasmine Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak Quercus ilex Holly Oak s Quercus lobata Valley Oak Quercus virginiana 'Heritage' Southern Live oak CITY NOTES Rhus lancea African Sumac Mulch Note: 3" of medium grade bark mulch required under all plant material. In areas with groundcover planted from flats, the mulch depth shall be no less than one and one-half ,.a. inches. L# I S H RUBS Field Observation Note: City of Temecula required observation: A minimum of three inspections will be required S C I E N T I F I C N A M E COMMON N A M E for construction phasing. The first is an irrigation inspection to verify pipe depth and irrigation material conformance. The second is a landscape inspection to verify irriga- "r Agave spp. Agave Lion coverage and operation, and to verify that all plantings have been installed con- i Arctostaphylos spp. Manzanita sistant with the approved construcion plans. The third is a final inspection once mulch Baccharis pilularis Coyote Brush has been laid and all plant material and irrigation systems are in place. Contact the Baileya multiradiata Desert Marigold Planning Department to schedule required Landscape Inspections. Bouteloua gracilis Blue Grama Buddleia marrubiifolia Wolly Butterfly Bush Calliandra californica Baja Duster SITE PLAN CALCULATIONS Calliandra eriophyia Fairy Duster Callistemon vim. 'Little John' Little John Bottlebrush Ceanothus cultivars Ceanothus Entire Site Area: 330,301 SF Cistus spp. Rockrose Proposed Landscape Area: 118,403 SF Dianella spp. Flax Lilies Total Landscape Area: 118,403 SF Encelia farinosa Brittle Bush Euphorbia milii 'Redi-Red' Red Euphorbia Feijoa sellowiana Pineapple Guava Grevillea spp. Grevillea Hesperaloe parviflora Red/Yellow Yucca Heteromeles arbutifolia Toyon Ilex vomitoria Yaupon L E G E N D Lantana spp. Lantana Lavandula spp. Lavender Leucophylium frutescens Texas Ranger Ligustrum japonicum 'Texanum' Japanese Privet O Residential Paseo Areas Lomandra spp. Matt Rush Muhlenbergia spp. Grass Opuntia santa-rita 'Tubac' Purple Prickly Pear © Group Seating Areas Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Maki' Shrubby Yew Pine Rhaphiolepis 'Majestic Beauty' Majestic Beauty © Open Lawn Area Rhaphiolepis umbellata 'Minor' Yeddo Hawthorn Rhamnus californica Coffeeberry Rhus intergifolia Lemonadeberry O Mailbox Kiosk Rhus ovata Sugar Bush Ribes spp. Current © Enhanced Vehicular Paving Salvia apiana White Sage Salvia chamaedroides Blue Sage Salvia clevelandii Cleveland Sage 0 Bench Seating Salvia gregii Autumn Sage Salvia leucophylla Purple Sage Salvia mellifera Black Sage O Informal PlayArea Salvia trident Hybrid Sage Teucrium chamaedrys Germander 0 Private Patio Verbena lilacina 'De La Mina' Cedros Island Verbena Westringia fruticosa Coast Rosemary APN: 940-310-013 ; 940-320-002 0 20' 40' 80' Scale:1 "= 40'-0" PA23-0440 L-1 LEGEND CONCEPTUAL PLANT PALETTE w ALTAIR VILLAGE C EAST Ika i r rcrn EcuLA, cn COMPLETELY TEN ECULA. V VV VV M VV VV �z ---- COMMUNITY PARK VINES SCIENTIFIC NAME Ficus pumila Macfadyena unguis-cati Parthenocissus tricuspidata Podocarpus gracilior Trachelospermum jasminoides DESIGN STATEMENT TREES Residential Paseo Areas SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME WUC. SIZE Social Seating Areas Acacia stenophylla 'Marina' Shoestring Acacia Low 24" Box Arbutus Marina Arbutus Med. 24" Box Arbutus unedo Strawberry Tree Low 15 Gal. Open Lawn Area Cercidium 'Desert Museum' Palo Verde Low 24" Box Cercis occidentalis Western Redbud Low 24" Box Mailbox Kiosk Chilopsis linearis 'Warren Jones' W. Jones Desert Willow Low 24" Box Chitalpa x tashkentensis Chitalpa Low 24" Box 0 Citrus spp. Orange, Lemon, Lime, Ect. Med. 15 Gal. Open Space Area [ A — D I Geijera parviflora Australian Willow Med. 24" Box arbutifolia Toyon Low 24" Box 0Heteromeles Lagerstroemia indica Crape Myrtle Med. 24" Box See Sheet L3 Laurus nobilis 'Saratoga' Sweet Bay Low 24" Box Magnolia G. 'Little Gem' 'Swan Little Gem Mangolia Med. 24" Box Enhanced Vehicular PavingO Olea europaea Hill' 'Red Fruitless Olive Low 24" Box Pistacia chinensis Push' Chinese Pistache Med. 24" Box OPlatanus spp. Sycamore Med. 24" Box Private Patio Populus fremontii 'Nevada' Western Cottonwood Med. 24" Box f O Prunus ilicifolia ilicifolia Hollyleaf Cherry Low 24" Box Quercus agrifolia Coast Live Oak Low 24" Box O Quercus ilex Holly Oak Low 24" Box Quercus lobata Valley Oak Med. 24" Box Quercus virginiana 'Heritage' Southern Live Oak Med. 24" Box Rhus Lancea African Sumac Low 24" Box SHRUBS COMMON NAME WUC. SIZE Creeping Fig Med. 5 Gal. Cat's Claw Low 5 Gal. Boston Ivy Med. 5 Gal. African Fern Pine Med. 5 Gal. Star Jasmine Med. 5 Gal. Altair landscape design has implemented the Altair Specific Plan along with some notes from Old Town Temecula as it is bridged adjacent to downtown. The materials used will be natural with contemporary elements to incorporate styles from the Specific Plan. The softscape palette consists of low and medium water use plants and is predominantly referenced from the Altair Specific Plan. Altair features multiple open spaces and park amenities that will be utilized by the future residents. These spaces include open turf areas, seating, overhead shade structures, and picnic tables. The villages will have pathway connections to connect with the overall community and downtown. Layout of hardscape and softscape materials will adhere to City's water ordinance. Trees and shrubs will be placed a minimum of 5' away from water and gas meters, or sewer laterals; a minimum of 10' away from utility poles and minimum of 8' away from fire hydrants and fire department sprinkler and standpipe connections. Root barriers will be provided within 5' of any hardscape zone. 3" of medium grade bark mulch is required under all plant material. In areas with groundcover planted from flats, mulch depth will be no less than 1-112". The irrigation design will conform to the current City of Temecula landscape ordinance and standards. IRRIGATION STATEMENT The irrigation of the site landscape area will utilize the latest in smart irrigation methods and means. All new landscape areas will include high efficiency methods with low precipitation rates in order to maximize water rentention and dispersion to the plant root zones. All planters will use drip irrigation. A smart irrigation controller capable of rain shutoff will also be incorporated into the design. Medium grade bark mulch will be used in order to reduce water loss due to evaporation. An irrigation schedule will be provided in order to program the controller. Two irrigation schedules will be provided, one for the plant establishment period and one for on -going landscape maintenance once the plants are established. All new irrigation systems will comply with the current city of Temecula Water Ordinance. CITY NOTES Mulch Note: 3" of medium grade bark mulch required under all plant material. In areas with groundcover planted from flats, the mulch depth shall be no less than one and one-half inches. Field Observation Note: City of Temecula required observation: A minimum of three inspections will be required for construction phasing. The first is an irrigation inspection to verify pipe depth and irrigation material conformance. The second is a landscape inspection to verify irrigation coverage and operation, and to verify that all plantings have been installed consistent with the approved construcion plans. The third is a final inspection once mulch has been laid and all plant material and irrigation systems are in place. Contact the Planning Department to schedule required Landscape Inspections. - PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN APN: 940-310-013 ; 940-320-002 SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME WUC. SIZE Agave spp. Agave Low 1 Gal. Arctostaphylos spp. Manzanita Low 1 Gal. Baccharis pilularis Coyote Brush Low 5 Gal. Baileya multiradiata Desert Marigold Low 5 Gal. Bouteloua gracilis Blue Grama Low 1 Gal. Buddleia marrubiifolia Wolly Butterfly Bush Low 5 Gal. Calliandra californica Baja Duster Low 5 Gal. Calliandra eriophyia Fairy Duster Low 5 Gal. Callistemon vim. 'Little John' Little John Bottlebrush Med. 5 Gal. Ceanothus cultivars Ceanothus Low 5 Gal. Cistus spp. Rockrose Low 5 Gal. Dianella spp. Flax Lilies Low/Med. 1 Gal. Encelia farinosa Brittle Bush Low 5 Gal. Euphorbia milii 'Redi-Red' Red Euphorbia Low 1 Gal. Feijoa sellowiana Pineapple Guava Med. 5 Gal. Grevillea spp. Grevillea Low 5 Gal. Hesperaloe parviflora Red/Yellow Yucca Low 5 Gal. Heteromeles arbutifolia Toyon Low 5 Gal. Ilex vomitoria Yaupon Low 5 Gal. Lantana spp. Lantana Low 1 Gal. Lavandula spp. Lavender Low 5 Gal. Leucophylium frutescens Texas Ranger Low 5 Gal. Ligustrum japonicum 'Texanum' Japanese Privet Med. 5 Gal. Lomandra spp. Matt Rush Med. 1 Gal. Muhlenbergia spp. Grass Med. 1 Gal. Opuntia santa-rita 'Tubac' Purple Prickly Pear Low 5 Gal. Podocarpus macrophyllus 'Maki' Shrubby Yew Pine Med. 5 Gal. Rhaphiolepis 'Majestic Beauty' Majestic Beauty Med. 5 Gal. Rhaphiolepis umbellata 'Minor' Yeddo Hawthorn Med. 5 Gal. Rhamnus californica Coffeeberry Low 5 Gal. Rhus intergifolia Lemonadeberry Low 5 Gal. Rhus ovata Sugar Bush Low 5 Gal. Ribes spp. Current Med. 5 Gal. Salvia apiana White Sage Low 5 Gal. Salvia chamaedroides Blue Sage Low 5 Gal. Salvia clevelandii Cleveland Sage Low 5 Gal. Salvia gregii Autumn Sage Low 5 Gal. Salvia leucophylla Purple Sage Low 5 Gal. Salvia mellifera Black Sage Low 5 Gal. Salvia trident Hybrid Sage Low 5 Gal. Teucrium chamaedrys Germander Low 5 Gal. Verbena lilacina 'De La Mina' Cedros Island Verbena Low 5 Gal. Westringia fruticosa Coast Rosemary Low 5 Gal. GROUNDCOVERS SCIENTIFIC NAME COMMON NAME WUC. SIZE Baccharis 'Centennial' Bentennial Baccharis Low 1 Gal. Baccharis pilularais cvs. Dwarf Coyote Brush Low 1 Gal. Carissa spp. Natal Plum Med. 1 Gal. Festuca arundinacea Marathon Fescue Turf High 1 Gal. Leymus cond. 'Canyon Prince' Blue Lyme Grass Low 1 Gal. Lonicera spp. Honeysuckle Low 1 Gal. Myoporum parvifolium Creeping Boobialla Low 1 Gal. Rosemarinus 'Prostratus' Trailing Rosemary Low 1 Gal. Senecio mandraliscae Kleinia Low 1 Gal. Senecio serpens Blue Chalksticks Low 1 Gal. Trachelospermum jasminoides Star Jasmine Low 1 Gal. 0 20' 40' 80' 7m" Scale:1 "= 40'-0" PA23-0440 L-2 k&�ZZ ka i r COMPLETELY TEMECULA. OPEN SPACE AREA A e OPEN SPACE AREA C OPEN SPACE AREA B OPEN SPACE AREA D ALTAIR VILLAGE C EAST - PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT TEMECULA, CA APN: 940-310-013 ; 940-320-002 LEGEND Decomposed Granite Paving Planting Area Seat Wall _ Lounge Seating Mailbox Kiosks Residential Passive Open Space Areas Transformer ID Boulders for Seating or Informal Play Bench Seating �i Turf Area Community Library (See Furnishing Sheet) Enhanced Vehicular Paving 0 10' 20' 40' 7m" Scale: 1 "= 20'-0" PA23-0440 L-3 SECTION A SECTION B k&�ZZ ka i r COMPLETELY TEMECULA. ALTAIR VILLAGE TEMECULA, CA C EAST - PRELIMINARY STREET SECTIONS APN: 940-310-013 ; 940-320-002 LEGEND 5' Curb Adjacent Walk 4 Street Tree Q Private Patio [Depth Varies 6'-1011 Amok Parallel Parking 0 2' 4' 8' Scale:1/4"= 1'-0" PA23-0440 L-4 k&�ZZ ka i r COMPLETELY TEMECULA. ALTAIR VILLAGE C EAST -VILLAGE PARK PROGRAMMING TEMECULA, CA APN: 940-310-013 ; 940-320-002 LEGEND Small Open Space Village A - Neighborhood Park Bench Seating Tot Lot Views Shaded Seating Upgraded Planting [Boulders BBQ / Picnic Tables and Large Box trees] Open Lawn Medium Open Space Village B - Neighborhood Park Group Seating Tot Lot Views Shaded Seating Lawn Area BBQ / Picnic Tables Upgraded Planting [Boulders Open Lawn and Large Box trees] Rock Garden Village C - Neighborhood Park* Shaded Seating Areas Pickle Ball Large Open Space Basketball Shaded Seating Open Lawn Area Views Informal Play Community Park* Play Lawn Area Clubhouse (Public) Upgraded Planting [Boulders Parking and Large Box trees] Tot Lot Enhanced Paving Dog Park Community Library Amphitheater Lawn Shade Structures Trails and Walkways Garden Spaces Grand Staircase and Link to Downtown Class 1 Bike Trail • • • • 8' Walk in Park Altair Recreation Center* 6-7' Sidewalk Clubroom / Restrooms mmmmmmm 4-5' Walk Pool / Spa Cabanas Shaded Seating and Lounges Parking *Amenities are conceptual and subject to change as project progesses. 0 25' 50' 100' 7m" Scale: 1 "= 50'-0" PA23-0440 L-5 k&�Zz ka i r COMPLETELY TEMECULA. ALTAIR VILLAGE C EAST -CONNECTIVITY PLAN rcrn EcuLA, ca APN: 940-310-013 ; 940-320-002 LEGEND — — — Connectivity Path 4' to 5' Wide ■ ■ ■ Street Sidewalk 7' Wide OMailbox Location Open Space 0 20' 40' 80' 7m" Scale: 1 "= 40'-0" PA23-0440 L-6 k&�Zz ka i r COMPLETELY TEMECULA. ALTAIR VILLAGE C EAST -WALL AND FENCE PLAN rcrn EcuLA, ca APN: 940-310-013 ; 940-320-002 LEGEND Patio Fence (3'-0" Tall) Cable Guardrail Fence (42" Tall) PATIO FENCE HEIGHT: 3'-0" CABLE GUARDRAIL FENCE HEIGHT: 3'-6" 0 20' 40' 80' 7m" Scale: 1 "= 40'-0" PA23-0440 L-7 LEGEND k&�ZZ ka i r COMPLETELY TEMECULA. MAILBOX LOCATIONS TRANSFORMER LOCATIONS ALTAIR VILLAGE C EAST - MAILBOX AND TRANSFORMER CONDITIONS TEMECULA, CA APN: 940-310-013 ; 940-320-002 Screening Hedge Low Groundcover (12 " Max) � Boulders in Planting Area � Boulders in Decorative Rock Bed Enhanced Paving Transformer Mailboxes Q Signage z a J *Note: These are typical solutions. Individual locations may vary. z W 0 J W W 0 0 2' 4' 8' 7m" Scale:1/4"= 1'-0" PA23-0440 L-8 RZT N N 0 ADIRONDACK CHAIR WASTE RECEPTACLE CHARCOAL GREY BENCH PICNIC TABLE DUAL STREAM BIKE RACK 1� rtz y M1 L •t 1 i y ti 1 f 1 ' 14 16 f ,r• �� 1P ` _ y f k Yi?' _ t 54 •a 1 — i — l� 'i Al .72 -M1 '�'1l _�'• I �.;_ .t7 - r`r _•_ - S ' yl 1. i '" •! ,�• l4 .�..'�r .- 1 W' t `�•' ��►'-* f � •�: '•� . 1 .' ��. . - n ■�•°,�j �il'i I I�• M1u• _'I I- `�.'� . ■ i' + 'r � r - '1 - - - "'�i � - Z WOOD BENCH PEDISTAL MAILBOX BOULDERS FOR SEATING OR INFORMAL PLAY COMMUNITY LIBRARY a J H z W Note: Conceptual Imagery. Actual Specifications may vary. 15 a 0 J W W 0 III N ALTAIR VILLAGE C EAST -SITE FURNISHINGS AI �D11I� TEMECULA, CA �o COMPLETELY "" ECU LA. AP : 940-310-013 940-320-002 PA23-0440 -9 o PA23-0440 ALTAIR VILLAGE Cn LOTS 2 & 3 NORTH/ SOUTH/ EAST WEST 30' 324' 3' DRWY 12' 12' DRWY TRA VEL TRA VEL LANE LANE 2% 2y .................................................... 4" MOD. PVT. ROLLED CURB (TYP.) WATER A.C. PAVEMENT AND *PVT. MAIN BASE STORM DRAIN PVT FIRE PVT. MAIN SEWER 6' 6' 2' LEGEND MAIN PROJECT BOUNDARY - - - - POR. OF PROPOSED PVT. DRIVES A D & E EXISTING TOPO CONTOUR BUILDING NUMBER BLDG 1 NOT TO SCALE UTILITY NOTES. FINISH FLOOR ELEVATION FF=1100.7 *NO STORM DRAIN IN PVT. DRIVE A & MAJORITY OF PVT. DRIVE E PAD ELEVATION P=1100.0 ST . ELEVATION 1 1 1 1.0 34' PROPOSED PVT. SEWER MAIN (8") 24' 5' 5' PROPOSED PVT WATER MA I N (4 "-6 ") — 12' 12' PKWY SDWK PROPOSED PUB. WATER MA I N (4 "-6 ") PROPOSED PVT. WATER FIRE MAIN (8") F PROPOSED PVT. UNTREATED STORM DRAIN (18 "*) PROPOSED PVT. TREATED/BYPASS STORM DRAIN (18 "*) * ACTUAL SIZING TO BE DETERMINED PROPOSED ADA PA TH OF TRA VEL • • • • • • • ACCESIBLE UNIT PROPOSED STREET LIGHTS--� PROPOSED FIRE HYDRANT D04 PROPOSED TRANSFORMER LOCATION a PROPOSED ELECTRICAL SWITCH LOCATION El PROPOSED AC UNIT LOCATION TRA VEL TRA VEL LANE LANE 27. I I 12% 2i PARKWAY PE ' � f— —~ 0 6 " CURB PLAN � � �........................................... . 4„ PVT ......... TYP. WATER MAIN PVT. A.C. PAVEMENT AND STORM PVT I DRAIN BASE FIRE MAIN Wje 6' 6, 8" PVT SEWER PROPOSED PVT. DRIVES B, C & F NOT TO SCALE UTILITY NOTES. NO STORM DRAIN IN PVT. DRIVE F NO SEWER IN PVT. DRIVES B & F UTILITIES MIRRORED ABOUT CENTER LINE ON PVT. DRIVE F R/W R/W 111' IRIW 58' I 53' 2" 42' I 42' 8' 6' 7' 12' 12' 5' 12 5' 12' 12' 7' 11 ' y 2 I PARKWAY y 2' I I I I I � 2% 1; 2q 9� 27 I I 2% CONSTRUCT AC PAVEMENT CONSTRUCT 6" CONSTRUCT 6" �— CONCRETE (STRUCTURAL CONCRETE CURB 1 fi� „ CONSTRUCT 6 CURB AND SECTION TO BE ONLY 'TYPE D-6' CONCRETE CURB GUTTER 'TYPE DETERMINED BY PER THE CITY OF CONSTRUCT AC ONLY 'TYPE D-6' A-6' PER THE SOILS ENGINEER) TEMECULA STD. CONSTRUCT AC PAVEMENT PER THE CITY OF 204A PAVEMENT CONSTRUCT 6" (STRUCTURAL CONCRETE SECTION TO BE CURB AND DETERMINED BY GUTTER 'TYPE SOILS ENGINEER) A-6' PER THE Cl TY OF TEMECULA STD. 200 (STRUCTURAL CI TY OF SECTION TO BE TEMECULA STD. TEMECULA DETERMINED BY 204A STD. 200 SOILS ENGINEER) WESTERN BYPASS CORRIDOR (PUBLIC) PER TRACT MAP NO. 36959-15-2 NOT TO SCALE R L I 58' 4' 20' 6' MIN MAX' R R i 2 i 56' PUBLIC UTILITY & ACCESS EASEMENT 12' 20' i ' 2' 6' 14' BIKE LANE LANE I 2 7' S' 12' 12' 8' S' 7' 2 i SWK LANE LANE PARKING SWK i 6" CURB 6" I 2•� 6" CURB p & GUTTER MEDIAN p f 9 & GUTTER i �• 29'� 2% CURB 2� � 2% 2% &6 GUTTER 2q 2% �P� ------------------------ ,11 I / 4" PCC 4" PCC STRUCTURAL STRUCTURAL SECTION TO BE I SECTION TO BE DETERMINED BY SOILS DETERMINED BY ENGINEER (4" AC/6" AB MIN) SOILS ENGINEER (4" AC/6" AB MIN) 'A' S TREE (PRIVA TE) PER TRACT MAP NO. 36959-15-2 SOUTH NORTH 30' ve 3' 24' 3' DRWY 12' 12' D WY TRA VEL TRA VEL LANE LANE 2q 2% ............. ...........:::::::::......................... PROP. AC PAVEMENT 0" MOD. CURB (TYP.) AND BASE I 4" PVT. WATER MAIN 8" PVT 6' 6' SEWER PROPOSED PVT. DRIVES G & H NOT TO SCALE SOUTH/ NORTH/ WEST EAST 40' 5' 8' 24' 3' SDWK PKNG 12' 12' DRWY TRA VEL TRA VEL LANE LANE 2% 4" MOD. .............................................................. 6 CURB............................................................................. 4" PVT. ROLLED CURB WATER MAIN PVT.A.C. PAVEMENT AND STORM BASE PVT DRAIN FIRE MAIN .� 6' 6' 8" PVT. SEWER POR. OF PROPOSED PVT. DRIVE D NOT TO SCALE NOTES. *6" CURB & 5' SIDEWALK AS SHOWN NO STORM DRAIN IN PVT. DRIVE A & MAJORITY OF PVT. DRIVE E W" 2' 5' 1 5' SWK 29' . 11 77�4P 40' PUBLIC UTILITY & ACCESS EASEMENT 24' 12' 12' 6' 12' I I 6" CURB 6" CURB & GUTTER I & GUTTER 29 2q r2% ;C STRUCTURAL SECTION TO BE DETERMINED BY SOILS ENGINEER (4" AC/6" AB MIN) COROMELL TRAIL (PRIVATE) PER TRACT MAP NO. 36959-15-2 20' LANE LINE 6" CURB 6„ '& GUTTER CURB 2% I -----------_ _--,�-_ _,�Aq STRUCTURAL SECTION TO BE DETERMINED BY SOILS ENGINEER (4" AC/6" AB MIN) R I �r- 4' 4IN I I 2% 7 7 I COROMELL TRAIL (PRIVATE) PER TRACT MAP NO. 36959-15-2 32' 3' 24' 5' *DRWY 12' p 0 12' op SDWK ** TRA VEL TRA VEL * LANE LANE I 2% 2i 2% f— ...............................................4„ PVT. 4" MOD. 6" CURB ROLLED CURB WATER MAIN A.C. PAVEMENT AND BASE Pam' FIRE MAIN 8" PVT 6, 6, 2 SEWER 30 POR. OF PROPOSED PVT. DRIVES D & E NOT TO SCALE NOTES. *FRONTING BUILDING 54, 6" CURB NORTH & SOUTH OF BLDG. 54 **NO SIDEWALK IN PVT. DRIVE H ***DRIVEWAY LENGTH VARIES 50' 6' 18' 24' 3' af SDWK PKNG 12' 12' DRWY TRA VEL TRA VEL LANE LANE 1 2% 1 3' I I 2%f2 6 CURB 4 MOD. 4" PVT ROLLED CURB A.C. PAVEMENT AND WATER MAIN I PVT. BASE STORM PVT DRAIN FIRE MAIN 6' 6' SEWER POR. OF PROPOSED PVT. DRIVES A. D, & E NOT TO SCALE .f ........... � i 1% N 1% CURB LINE TYPICAL BUILDING DRAINAGE SWALE DETAIL 1. GROSS SITE AREA 6.72 AC 2. TOTAL NUMBER OF EXISTING LOTS. 3 3. TOTAL NUMBER OF PROPOSED LOTS.-2 4. TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS: 111 HOMES 5. ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER. 940-310-013, 940-320-001, 940-320-002 6. CONTOUR INTERVAL FROM MASS GRADING PLAN. • 1 FOOT 7. MAXIMUM SLOPE GRAD I ENT.• 2. 1 8. AREA/PERCENT OF PROJECT IN STREETS, DRIVEWAYS & DRIVE AISLES. 1.36 AC. SHEET INDEX C 1 - TITLE SHEET C2-C3 - PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN C4-05 - PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN C6 - SITE SECTIONS C7-C8 - PRELIMINARY WET UTILITY PLAN UTILITY NOTES: ALL UTILITIES ARE TO BE UNDERGROUND. IN -TRACT SEWER IS TO BE PRIVATELY MAINTAINED BY HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION (HOA) IN -TRACT DOMESTIC WATER IS TO BE PRIVATELY MAINTAINED BY HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION (HOA) IN -TRACT FIRE WATER IS TO BE PRIVATELY MAINTAINED BY HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION (HOA) LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOTS 11 AND 12 OF TRACT MAP NO. 36959-2, IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE STATE OF CALIFORNIA AS PER MAP ON FILE IN BOOK PAGES THROUGH OF MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. Cr Qt�z 01 6" 1"R 2" WEAKENED PLANE JOINT a° 0" MOD. 'D' CURB NOT TO SCALE 24" NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE 6" 8" 00, 10" Of APPLICABLE TO ALL BUILDING TYPES VARIES 3/8'1? 1 /2 R OPEN SPACE (HOA MAINTAINED) SECTION 1804.4 SITE GRADING OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE (IBC) TO ALLOW FOR AN ALTERNATE METHOD OF DIVERTING WATER AWAY 1'-6"R VARIES 12' ' FROM THE FOUNDATION. TYPICAL LOT DRAINAGE TO BE REDUCED FROM a 2'-0"R.. a `° 2 BENCH I �P� 5% SLOPE AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATION TO A MINIMUM 2% SLOPE. ALSO, ,- 2" WEAKENED TRAIL I ti LOT DRAINAGE SWALE GRADE TO BE REDUCED FROM 2% TO 1 %. PLANE JOINT MOD. 'C' ROLLED CURB DESIGN WAIVER REQUEST TO ALLOW TYPICAL LOT DRAINAGE TO BE REDUCED FROM 5%AWAY FROM HOUSE (PER BLDG. CODE 1804.4) TO 2% NOT TO SCALE AWAY FROM HOUSE. ALLOW LOT DRAINAGE SWALE GRADE TO BE REDUCED FROM 2% TO 1 %. PARALLEL TYPICAL PARKING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE v_ 0 m ca m� �z U .I 6" 1"R ° . 2" WEAKENED PLANE JOINT 11" 4" MOD. 'D-6' CURB NOT TO SCALE 6" l'-6" 2" WEAKENED PLANE JOINT 4" MOD. A-6' CURB & GUTTER I►.rj�r.�Yy�►�a Ln 0 0 I LO N NOT TO SCALE NOT TO SCALE R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Villoge Cn Lots 2 & 3\VCn Lots 2 & 3 Title Sheet.dwg[]Jul-01-2024:14:32 PA23-0440 III .i I II OS � II O II II II I jI�I I N II II I I I �I I I II I II I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I REM trE PORTI OF TORM DRAI AND I RISER FRO I AS � GRA E_-P 10 I I I aao ?w Dy Q �m8 /I If II I --- i I / ■ - / SEE SHEET C3 '1 ■ _ • 1 0.1 L rVIAQLE "AIER AIVU SIRE A v. .n .=1 ■ • PAD 1094.7 (TYP., SIZING TO BE DETERMINED) • • PA=1097.9 I I I I / ■ / : • • / 23 • • • • ' N • ' • • 24' N e ® ® e • • I I • SRO I I/ ■ 0 • ® 24 ® ®_�- - 3 - W. _�� - - --®- -- -- -- II -- J --- -�-- _____------- ■ O • e - - - - N45° 15'21 "W 456.28' II • 1�/' �� � '�/ / e L' i p II I I • / ' • • `d CURB INLET (TYP.) I I 075 1 • o '�, / ® � "A" STREET (PVT.) o 111095.5 KRAKEN UNIT OR EQUIVALENT (TYP.) o it N 1/ 00 I �1.' • Q ' : f��� p -O - N W N I W • 8�! p I • ® SP� I ® % D1� / 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 p 2 I • ` I 70g1 rn _ N I /j • rn 4 0 „� 1- N45°15'21'W 317.59' / • // 2;1 I ' j ■/ • 1 N 1 m aQ • 10 I /: • Q4 CQ 5' S / l ® • • • 15' • • • • • I / • / \ 1 90 / r ' � O h o - ./ a I DG #10 BL �r! 9 LDG # I ° ■/� • 4 ® 10g2 11 100.1 5-PLEX 3 P A 3-PLEX I ' • / I • 1 / / e� I ' • \ / / \ ^ ^ ^ I 1 0 • _I �I AD=1092.9 I • I l: • �1 32 0, 100.1 0 .1 • I �i � 100.1 7- COI • f l • • 1 \ �, \ / • I ■ ! • • • e �\° I - 4 P 4.2 • D=1 W ao e/ '� / • 1 1%`\ \ 20' eee•eh Q moo, �I 11 f. 15' I4 1 "' I ~ I a�/1 • I / 1 • / \ • \I I 31 • • e .Q ® �I o • �I I //j • / 1 • I / / • / \ I • e e 1 Ce l le O I 9' II z // j/ I ;S 1 ' ✓ `� / • / \'^� �. --_ I • •IQ o 1200 1 1 L A A A A e�p �� I // / • 1 I • e / e / Q<"� 2.•t�'s I e � o 1i. -0 16.2' TYP. c 16.2'(TYP.) w I I • • / o `� 1 i ® 1 e e • I /y� 0`�' - - - 19� o "� T D - VE .� .. • 11 q - er I/ / • 1 • • - / • / / 90 \ 18 / �� 3(%YP) 3 '�^•eee WI h O ===o =--- N -o _ o �/ j • 1 1 e• • / /%/ \ ,� �� / 3 90' o I o II 6 I � � � I � 1 � '� • 11 12 13 1 • m \� \~ 14 • ,rn II I vv B D 7VV i ---- - • -- i ^ / �e e • •''__- ' e • • • �� II / // �\ Q -PL ° 1 - - • e \ \ I Q • l it I� I u I 100.1 PAD=1094. ®❑ o / • • e - a / / / • \ � / \ \\ � � \ / a 1091 = 1 : � , bill l 3 PAD=1 3.5 � C� • 23' � / i e • � � - - _ =• e / e � LLJ \ CURB INLET (TYP.) j1 0.5' S LIT Q I I I • • e ® e ,i a /,��// \\ e' • // a�i I 1101 • \\ �� o l % \ T TY. e / \ e o • 0 1 o, KRAKEN UNIT OR EQUIVALE ( P) ILL Ku SOS h 15 I • ,p�� / N�'� / e • / / O! • ,I / TN.a �8 /tee / ,� • \ 4. A t k rn 3 (TYP.) I I • 2JWALL 4:1 -3-�- \ •! ,O / I 35 �_O 4 ao II I � - °1 \ II • I 'e \ / I '•� / -- WASTER ,yETER FO S ll „ R/��0 • � a � �� r \\ \\ 11 • I \��� / • \\ / 1 / \ ATER TY R POTAB a= ° 1 I A / 16 / I 1 .� 1102 - • \ I / \ \ PRELIMIN p' 3 LE 1089.5 88 2 • TW1095.5 � l I • / h • ® 1093.4P1 °j F f093.5 • I / � ARY SIZING) �o� / ' w o • 2�wA \ \\ /�' • / \ / • \ / 7 p 09 ii • I I I o • I \ • 1 \ • \ I / \� /. cz / • • �" III I � ® • `I' I " \ 'o \ �. ' / I \ \ \ � • � I � / • ® �O II • \ \ • DOUBLE DET � - 2 �� 11 18 I / ECTOR� CHECK W F 7 / ��„ / O ' I 24. 0 13' � \ / • / / \ � \ \ I • • I \ \ // / • / / � \ I • I ALVES FOR NO3°3 6 3' �� °0� /f • \ J WATER • 1093 • I \ / e / 1103 \ \ / e ILL j ! (1YP., SlZINGBTO BED AND FIRE ^ 3 � • � � � � � � I \ / • / ERMINED) DEEPENED I I - I \ \ _, / e • / / \ a o / �. • e • e f 1 / / \ • \ A • i e • FOOTING • • e I - _ / • / '� / • / \r III • __ • ^\ \ e / /_� / \ ^ / • 1 / ® ® e^" e • • • • • • • ° I \ \ / / / / / • \ ON I I / \ IIIo� 7' w ® • ee / / D=10 14' ` \ I �- �u I \ • / / \ 100.1 LDG , 10 �\ NS 1 12 9 e PAD=1091.8 5-PLEX I- • 9 I I I N • I o I \\ - - - F 1094.0 / • '- 100.1 ® ' II I \ \ �,-------- \e / \ 1104 I I • I I A •eee • • • • • • \ 1 I • I Fg1osl.o � -� • 11 ® I \ �• x / l 1 I I I I wrn wA I 1090 • cn - 92.3 • 8 11 I I 13' ® I z W \ •\ • ' e ' I \ \ / • I I - � rn /✓ o II . �c, � • II k rn \ • 1 I o� � \\ /-� • I II 0-0 o II �� 1 • T o I // �' \� • \ \\ / \I ���� • I I 1 6.2' J I I� _ ;__ �19 • // I m I / • �\ • \ \ I // / e I 1 I 1 I I 1 • � e •eee • e �� _ --.o--=== _- 'R � I • �� 'e \ �%s \ / / �^ 1fo5 �'-��-- ,��06 / � I I 1 1' 2 • • e • • e _-- • \ • / J / / I 1 1 . - - ' pVr, DRIV -; „--�°_y� - - _ _ - o -3% I �' Tw109 o . • \ \ • e \ _ _ _ \I 1 / I I \\ I I • DEEPE ED �4 ' E W \ \ I I I e FOOTI G S e e 4 cV /4F�WAI LO I• N, \ e - \ !! 1106 I I 1 • • ej'••••e 6 e•e • e• h'I I I • N. \\ e• \� \ / e' i A 1 0 I \ 0 30 60 90 e ® \ 25''� e ' I ' `"i • / • \ I / e J 1 I \ SCALE 1 "= 30' I I : Tw1093.0 • • • Z // I I • /\ • I I ^ - - - e i\\ • // e� I I \ N .FGJ089.01 3"� • I I DEEPEj�EO / • l/ I a Q . "� FOOTI 6 ' / • / NG � � 1 I em a 1091 ' M / ® 2 moo., `" • • -^^ •-- \ • • 0 \ • � 4.0' \ \ • 3 �' 4 I 1 m 3(1YP) W 0 7' oog 1110 e e ����- �^\ �\ // 21 ° % e • o^ a /� -9 ee eeeeee•ee \ �-c� \� �` I ® • I 1 ' I a`\Q 14, / rl'i 2 e • • •' -- --^\ • \� -----� �^\ �120 .� e • e • • e/y e e e � � � e I ® � I �� a • �� °1 �� a \\�\ lllb ^^. 1-e-' / e ' • • \^^ \ 3 • ^�J I 1120 \ ee \ \^ 2:1 • • ' �^ Q, 1091.4 � � I 2.5,1 .3.1 \ ee \\ 3.°1 ��� • T10 / • • • • \�\ • vl \ e -� e • / • • • 24.0' LOPE \ e ^ ^ - - \ • 1 115 / • • e \ • e / • 00J I I • rn rn¢ . co I 1 � 1093.1 e O O - - \ \ ' • • • • • e • • / • • \ rn rn¢N SLOPE • � • -_ 003 -N_��/ �Ki- o r7 e -- ��i e•ee - VARIES • • 00�3 I _ e e e e ---- I - - • ��rho S N`3 °1521 " - _'_ `` 3 c�er o 03 I - C� e • • I ' • • WINN' ® • 1 • e S � S --_ / I • ••••eeee•er W W S - -�// _ I • • Oh , I h --_ I 1 Ze • • S119.5 _ ___---____ I r e • • • - .- - _ = F W _ _ S �i 1R11.5 TW1119.5 ='!_ I • • • : e e ...a\0 FJ115.0 -_- --- • 1 • • jeeeee•e PROPOSED EASEMENTS % _ _ _ _1200 _ ' • F'1W4 0 I _ eeeee•• e • • AA EASEMENT(S) FOR PUBLIC W TER METER S S _ e e e e /e 1 • • • • • • • • • • • _ - _ ` \ \ \ / PER FINAL MAP w - - W - Zg 40' PUBLIC UTILITY & ACC S EASEMENT l "I','"',1167 _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S - I- \ \ PER FINAL MAP l 1 - - - - - - - SITE PLAN SHEET A 56' PUBLIC UTILITY & AC ESS EASEMENT PER FINAL MAP / \/ / \ HUNSAKER ---- _ VILLAGE Cn LOTS 2 & 3C-2�_ & ASSOCIATES EXISTING EASEMENTS' /� V1111 ; ► -- -___ _ SAN DIEGO, INC I C // / OF 18 EASEMENT(S) FOR HE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BEL W A D R S INCIDE I'IERETO, / / _ - PLANNING 9707 Waples Street AS DELINEATED N OR AS OFFERED FOR qE N PLAT. MA7� vo. 254� I / / - ^ -- - ENGINEERING San Diego, Ca 92121 PURPOSE. ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY SURVEYING PH(858)558.4500° FX(858)558.1414 C-8 AFFECTS: AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA Ln 0 0 rn LO N R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Villoge Cn Lots 2 & 3\Site Plan\VCn Lots 2 & 3 Site Plan.dwg[]Jul-16-2024:16:28 PA23-0440 EXISTING EASEMENTS I PROPOSED EASEMENTS ' ' 18 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, 30 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS I�CIDENTAL THERETO, AA EASEMENT(S) FOR PUBLIC WATER METER I I AS DELINEATED ON OR AS OFFERED FOR DEDICATION ON MAP/PLAT: MAP NO. 18254 AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT. • PER FINAL MAP I O 58' PUBLIC UTILITY & ACCESS EASEMENT PURPOSE: ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY GRANTED TO: EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, A PUBLIC AGE CY ORGANIZED AND PER FINAL MAP AFFECTS: AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP EXISTING UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRI�T LAW OF 1911, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS E� 60' SEWER EASEMENT PER FINAL MAFT? 26 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, PURPOSE. SEWER AND ACCESS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT. • RECORDING DATE. SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 RECORDING NO: 2018-0383679 gF OFFICIAL RECORDS C� GRANTED T0: EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DI T�T AFFECTS: PARCEL 25 cC� �, J Is1 I , PURPOSE. PUBLIC UTILITIES, ENTRY AND I�RDS CIENTAL PURPOSES j3 �J w I I RECORDING DATE: MAY 23, 1990 RECORDING NO: 188789 OF OFFICIAL � AFFECTS: PARCEL 25 �vJ J 30 0 30 60 90m mmm sun sun sun SCALE 1 "= 30' QuilliJ.4EDdEb24" PVC SEWER FM / / ' �I 1 I -s -s s PER D-53558 s � S I -s -s S S s S S S S S S- S S S S S S • 24"IPVC SEWER FM S S s S s s S S S- PER I D-53558 I 26 S s 4RW I I 18" PVC SL$WER FM 20" PVC SEWER FM --j S S S �- ---------------------------- s s s s 7 • - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3RW - - - 2RV - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1- \ - T � / PER D 53559 PER D 53559 ---------------------aL ----------------- - - - - - - - - - _ - - ------�-- - .i. - - - - !; - - - - - - .i. - - - - �+- - ----� - - -s - - - ''1' 2RW / - - - - ---------------------_------------ - ----- -- ----- -- - _- ---' - �'-----J �"----------------- -------------- O£'O1 • • • • ele • --_ _ ZOII - - - - - - - 4RW I � 8'RW I 5 R • 1035 _ • 2RW 30 ��� ---JL- e 8RW I 5RW i-------__ 0*01 • e 3RW 4'RW • e ` l• 0 e e e , 2:1 5'1�01 sRw ' `le l• e e e OfiO� N el • e • I rRw iRW 5RW • • S�OK \ \ ( I \ - \ 1 �/ __- _------------ - _-_ ----- - _ _----�-- 3RW • • e • e e • I iRW ---�� -� • $ '01/ $ _ _ • 1049.4FS - LL TRA/ I an 050 ---_-_ ; ---- -- \ ■ II I 1 / i ■■■■■■Ll- - II 1 Ii / /// /� Oh0 o�4J // 0g \ // � i i ♦♦♦♦♦�♦ ♦• i� •■_ -- ..�...�...�...�...�...�...� s •I` •1� 10 55 AES........................SLOPE2.1 R5.1 / VARIES 1090 - 1060 _ - - _ / I 4'RW 1060 0 .\ ---------------------------------- ------------------ --------- ------------- 1095 -- - -- --- • • •• I / / // ♦ / f // / / e • e e e e e Cp e • e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e • e e e • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e■• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ��� • \\� • I I �1065 • I',I II II II ' 0 II II i S' I II 0s , II O II II II II II II 1 9 II II i II 1 I I I I /1 1 1 I I I II I I I Il II I 1 0 will mlim „ mimmimCIA■ 33 , 17 �U � I • • - ® • ® • • ® • ® • • • - ® - ® • ® \ 5RW �O P SLOPE 2.1 BAR EV 51 N i 1070 BLD #18 .. / / 0 • • 6-FLEX • BLDG#19 0`O! ••• •••\ e:ee / /� I 1075 • 100.1 1(0.1 ® ` 1(0.1 100.1 ❑ T -� ` e/, / I 15' PAD=1095.6 P 1096 5, PAD 8 PA 1097 ❑ ► R /• /e l °moo • I 1080 • J • «� • co 0-1-I 4.1 �AREE I 19 18 17 \ N,ALI \ • 9 °�,=p 0901 8:1 • I 1085 / • • () 7 16.2' TYP. e • Lk16.2'(TYP.) o ° I • / •• _ o �� _ o _ PVT. DRIVE ..A,, o - - - o - o - o I . I . I.....I .I Is e 28 • _ - W - F , - e F 2.1 1090 II-16.2'(TYP.) F W ' FO w - F - N / • 31 I 0 l • �� e • • �� Oi �� �� I I �� IT / • *I* • I I • • ` • • • • 21 20 • • 12 MASTER METER FOR POTABLE ` I I I : • • • ' �0vv 92VV VV• J'VV VVBVV • LV WATER (TYP., 3" PRELIMINARY i • I ® • 0 6- E 14 �� r - SIZING) / 0� • I ` e 23 15 1 . • I BL 1095 1 0 / ��I • r• BL • 100. PA=1096.3 ` I o 100. 00eeeel• �o I I� ® I • e e Ld 1 0.1 6- LEX • PAD=10 5.8 DOUBLE DETECTOR CHECK VALVES FOR PAD-1 7.4 6-PLEX II , - • 1 ,0 1 • :� / / _ • e • G PAD 1094.2 e ■ - • • �� 100.1 • POTABLE WATER AND FIRE • A 0.5' SPL11d0.1 II I , • ` / • PAD 1094.7 • (TYP., SIZING TO BE DETERMINED) • ' I • • PAD=1097.9 I / I ■ 1 . • � 23 , • • , • • N , \ • � 24, C N • ® ® • • • I / I . 91/0 I 5, -3� ■ I OQ' • 24 ° ` t 74715'21 "W 456.28' �/, • 'a / / e o II i I • / ' ■ / • I 0 `O CURB INLET (TYP.) f I '075 ; 1 • o Q' '� / ® ����� "A STREET (PVT.) o 111095.5 KRAKEN UNIT OR EQUIVALENT (TYP.) o rn it • I/ � - - in ei -1 v ■• ® I M ® �� i 4 3 0 2 1 , SP� ' I • pr 10 9 8 7 6 5 I • ------------------------- • �` • ® °j �' Q co o„ 1'Ill N45°15'211W 317.59' V - -- - ---------- - '/// 2:1 I • I // , I o ,'' m • �� --a0 ® ® ®°Q - • o Jig -- - ® : /!` • O IQ 5" S oe I •°■ .�`// /: �20'• •• e e e , ` • eh '- �° Q,�'►�1 ® �_1II 2'' u �� ® • -\ �� II NuC°i /I •• /l / arI •1 15' •• DG#10 BL #9 c BLDG#8 092 100.1 q AD=1092.9 5-PLEX 3 3-PLEX • 100.1073.0~ I`m =4 .2 = I 1f Y/ ■ rn 11 P 1, I�j • • ■ l I ''• ' I• , e\ • \� \ \ / / •/ e e •/ \\ 0 0o gh oO I --- - I / • / •0 / \ • \ I I • ❑ o 0 16.2' TYP. d 16.2'(TYP.) 0/ Q-0 / Ax L A g 1 i ® 1 • • • /y*4 -CN 1 i oDRIVE 7E" `', -1 q d I/ / • 1 • A / • / / 90 \ 18 1 �/ / V � � �'. � 11' ' •- -_N �=% 0 8' III I �%J F i- W I • e•1•••• •••••- '13 W W /6'�p4 60 109o 11 12 13 `' II , •• I\ ? • /p/6, / l�J / % I I R �7VV VV[ 0 0 i� - N. z) r v V B D 2f] lu o� • 1 «� 11 I �lll I �II 100.1 PAD=1094. •I o /i�� • • • • • e • •�-I, • // / , 091 = 1 : , b�jll PAD=1 3.5 ® 23' ii • ` = • e • , _ � � � I► 3 SITE PLAN CURB INLET TYP. ' \ ( ) II 0.5' S L I I I - • e ' ® • • /' \ e' • / / \ KRAKEN UNIT OR EQUIVALE T (TYP.) /I ® Q II I� ® ® -- e - -I ` �e' // 'IZ \N, • • / HUNSAKER _ VILLAGE Cn LOTS 2 & 3 II. '09 "�• a � `� &ASSOCIATES =124. _ ^ _ ps III 3 • e* ��A • / / , /` KU h 15 I • _ I $ / N 'fie e� SAN DIEGO, INC /4 �j, w I I Fc1094.0 �' \ A k rn 3'(TYP.) I I e® 2 WALL 4:1 _ 1j-�- \ •! s oo II I r - °\ \ \ I N, PLANNING 9707 Waples Street MASTER METER Fno �� R'�� J : ry \\ I I • i \ ENGINEERING San Diego, Ca 92121 SEE SHEET C2 SURVEYING PH(858)558.4500• FX(858)558.1414 CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA SHEET C-3 OF C-8 Ln O 1-0 I N R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Villoge Cn Lots 2 & 3\Site Plan\VCn Lots 2 & 3 Site Plon.dwg[]Jul-16-2024:16:3i PA23-0440 '/j aft SEE SHEET C5 ■ • • • • • • PA=1097.9 I I I • 1 PAD 1094.7 • / / • • / e e • • • • • • i • • • • • e • a 1 • ® ® • • • I / ton 3FSI • Sip rTFA I• ...r .. . .. ... ... .. .. --- -- - -- -- -- r--- ----- - ------ 075 : I f • a It ..A„ STREET VT.) o 1095.5 �I N I I/ 1100- I • I /f , 1 / yy W w W VV ■ / / rn RW f078.ZFS • /' / I f079.aF5 /• SP� ' I N ® j 10 :�9�4 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 • • /: • h, • / 1oss.aFs ce 1os�oFs ce I I � / • • lOgl 1 0 _ e -��_ __- _- _- ___-___-_- I � � � � /� • ® � ' � � Q =_ --- _- - - - - - -- -- - -- _ _ _ -- - --- -- - - - - • ��1 e � � 4° f085.aFS^ I 1084.2FS • / • I • ® ® ® • ® ® 1 , l 1095.2FS / �1093sFs I I / a DG #10 BL G #9 ~ U BLDG #8 I / 1 , ^ \ 10821FS o 0 0 0 ��-- 1 0 •lj • W ® 1Dg2 1 / ... • AD=1092.9 5-PLEX 3 P EX A 3 PLEX I • / I 1 / / •• I : 1 \ / • / Rw \ I I ! • • N 3.4 P - 4.2 • PAD=1 `i ao I •j / • / • \ 1 I I • ••e•• -_ QI o, � 11 !� � • 0 � I I � I ii�/1 • I / ' 1 � 1oaa2FS\ • \I I • AA LCI A A [ A A 4 A A A [ • • • • Q' � y 4 � I I. ti� a II // / I � tos2.7Fs I ✓ • 1084.oFs 1oa5.aFs I /• • h 12 • �� _ o �� I / / • I • • I Q 1 ® a • • I --- 1� _� PVT. DRIVE' E �17_ li I 1 / / 90 i \ - • • � � • � I O ==-o =--- � � - - - o // I � 1 toszaFs • � � / /� ,o \ • I �I �� ' • e : CO) 13 W = W W • j Qw�, 11 • 1 , / %/ \ 1 1oas.aFs \ \ 1098°1Fs \ • \ 2.1 2Rw OsosFs' 1 �/ / \ ► �� • � 1 II � I- I � � '� • 11 12 13 � v . 14 BD *7VV VV I I N, '- Vv - - - ' - --�� \ 1o91.1FS / 15 P _ i -- • • • • • 11 � � • • // 1100. � e \ r,\ \� 1 4'Rw / �� I \\ \\ / ( a� 1p91 I , I PAD=1 3.5 ® el // ,,�' - 1osa.2Fs • / / \ \ \ / \ \ 'I I 3 • �� • • �' ''C • / 1 11o1.oFs • \ \ ios2. \ I \ 11 0.5' S LlT I I • • • • • � / \ • 1osa.7Fs W I 1101 • �< \ sr• I 109 .4FS / 15 I • ,/ - / �osa 10 8 sFs l 601 1102.5FS • V A l k rn II I ® / 'WA LO 4:1 ---\ M 1 O / a I I • - - - - \ 4 i 'I` ` / • \ / ,�� 109e'0Fs --� /. `° o II I (� 2RW \ \\ II I \\ •• I / 10 16 / • a � foss.oFc � I � I \\� 1102 �-�� • \ l I / �\ 8g • ® 1093.4P1 g1093.5 I • \ 5 108s. 7 g� / • k � � \ • / \ N. / \ \ • I 11oo.1Fs f• n W o 2 WA 1102.5Fc / \ • \ 17 /� • • II Q I $ \ \\ • osls.aFs ca j \\\ I \\ \I I 2Rw // • III a ® `� I 2Rw \ oo \ / .,/ • / I \ 1 \ I 1102.7FS { I jI rn I /i'- -_ _ _ W F 18 !f � • I II I I \ \\ / / • / / \�\ \\ I • I \\ I ® \ LI 1 I • �i • 1093 LI \ / / • / 1103 \ 1 • I J 1105.01Fs / I DEEPENED - ' / ' � I ... -�\ � ! • � I \ \\ / • 11oi.oFs / � � � I � � ./ I e • • � r MENOWMArE I'll / �•' / -. I ICI � I u I � ICI / \ • - �. • e / FOOTING loszoFs \ / �o° � \ I 1104 • / B \ \ A - •' • • • • • Ile • • e e e • I - - / � / \ r I • • • • I I \ 1100.OFS 11010Fc / 3-PLEX \ • ® �•••• ll I I ' D=10 > o I I ` • • • I I T \ 1102 OFS 10 I I/1III II 0oNf \ �- WA /�I -_- a\° I h • ' ❑E PAD=� L •• I I I I II a• I o WI \\> \ �1'1o27Fs •• /O/• • i//1102oFs # �`DG 11 \ !\ \ / c• II1\// /I I/ /� • •• • t 11`II2IF ` II I I \1I 1\1091 s SPLEX 91111094.0 / 1104 PAnooFsD=1092.3 AV1090 2RW 1FS- � °' :o ' 7 I w o I ' // �•� \ 2Rw. 1105.1FG • \ l ,� \ r I W _ _ o - _ _ - A' / ) �I I / • • 1104.OFS I / • I 1 j • e e _ - _ : 1! • $ /// / I I l • 1104.OFS • s I - / / l • 1 it 14.2FS \ \ I 1 2 • e e e e e • e • e • � W o _ _ _ _ _-_ _ R ® I I • Rw • \ \ -tp��s \ / / � � 1 fo5 �' �� - - 1�06 // ttos.oFs � I I \ I I DEEPS ED (7 • PVT VE ••Dq -ti-"� _ o '30/ I I TW1os7.o 1106.0Fc \\ \ • e C - 1 I ; // • i 1 1116.3FS • 4 • I Few°no I N,v ` f oS.\ !! 1106 I A\ I , FOOTI G � ( � • e • • , • 5 6 • • ' � I • N, N. 2Rw oFs , \ f• ® I` • ' • • e • • - _ \ \ \ / / • \ I \ \ / / ' i 1 1118.4FS \ I I : TW1093.Oe I • / I I • • • 1o931f05.5Fs2Fs I I • \ ^ 0W I 1 \ - - - • Fcloss.ol 3 Q • I I DEEPENED I �� / I / • / I i 4 WAL • r , , : FOOTING \� O • ` / e 1105.8Fs ts.oFc • j / , • I / 1120.5FS \ T`� k ® \1 I • tos7.3FS / 1107°5FG �� 11o7.0Fs / I � Q a � 1 • 3 . • � •flof.aFs /ice � / '�• / \ \\ • � � �� _ I I •� a Q. m • ® // -% • f1os.3Fc / // \ RW\��\ ,•e••••'e 1122.6FS g-_ \ • m I J o I W I : ® • // 11\ ossFs _ - / ttos. 3Fs / / \ • \ \ \ , e �J / 1 \ • I r, Q • I Q a / • - • noa.oFs • / 11 \ 3 Q I I m pMj • oi�d¢ 1110 ���' ��� 1112.6FS 11131FG � / � \ \\ • ® a\� • • • Q ' /N� 2RW ' • • • iB� • • �'' --� % -- SU) i'utp \ \ d Q • / �"� ��• • •' _\ 3RW-----\ 0 • 1123sFS e • • _ \ �-__ " • ICI 3 • • 0)m I 1120 \\ \\ \2:1 -y- • ' • // • • • e ��\ \ \ 1091.¢ ❑ : • ® • 3 I I - e • \ 1115.1FS 3.°1 1120.1FS i'--- • �10 • • • \\\ \\ o0 00 __ SLOP \\ • 11179 -- --�, • / • ' • \ 109,31 ® e • �� p I - �o \\• • •i • �/ a •' • \\ __oo ooJ p O pl I 251 �a' • • /- -• • • 1120 • . \ ooJ ^O ^I _- 1j°1 --- 8, 1122.6FS --• rnrn¢ oo� SLOPE • 2,1` -- • • _.��.. wi rnrn oo� 003 ^ • � _- 1122.5FS C. o ---- ooJ 3c� ^ I • • 1121.17G ----- - - , • rnrn¢ oo� �d / o • • • I o Q) I< r�-l� / I 11 e • 3 LL r / b • • W - / / 1 a I • • PAD=1124.1 71�11 ILi 1122.7Fs • • • ------ F W _ __ /R F8R11.5 TR'1119. =•�-- N--.LZ$' I � � • • e _ _ /sT� FG1J1 5 65PLAZA- PROPOSED• • ' • • nv1120p _ -- --___ • I • • e e • / _ _ / E ,� 5 WALL - - • I • , ' EASEMENTS I • LA 1124.0. / Wq _ ••••• • / 11 ••••••••••i - - �A EASEMENT(S) FOR PUBLIC W TER METER � $ _ • _ - � PER FINAL MAP W - ' Ag 40' PUBLIC UTILITY & ACC S EASEMENT PER FINAL MAP N GRADING PLAN SHEET AC 56' PUBLIC UTILITY & AC ESS EASEMENT PER FINAL MAP HUNSAKER VILLAGE Cn LOTS 2 & 3 & ASSOCIATES C=4 EXISTING EASEMENTS' �, ' �- ,� 11111 ► �T-_ -___ __ S A N D E I N c OF 18 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, PLANNING 9707 Waples Street AS DELINEATED ON OR AS OFFERED FOR DEDICATION ON MAP/PLAT.MAP NO. 18254 DESIGN NOTES ENGINEERING San Diego, Ca 92121 PURPOSE. ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY 1. ALL FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION ARE TO BE SET 8 INCHES ABOVE PAD ELEVATION. SURVEYING PH(858)558.4500• FX(858)558.1414 C-8 AFFECTS: AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA I 0 0 I rn LO N R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Villoge Cn Lots 2 & 3\Grading Plan\VCn Lots 2 & 3 Grading Plan.dwg[]Jul-16-2024:16:38 PA23-0440 • I 0,, oil� ' EXISTING EASEMENTS 18 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, 30 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AS DELINEATED ON OR AS OFFERED FOR DEDICATION ON MAP/PLAT: MAP NO. 18254 AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT: 00 PURPOGY.- ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY GRANTED T EASTE N MUNICIP WATER - ISTRICT, A PUBLIC GENCY ORGANIZE I I FF S: AS SHOWN qN P -� 26 E (S) THE OS AS- R TED I N A DO M BY U OI THE UNICIPAL WATER TRICT LAW SO JPE L T ETO, P G�DWER / 6N/1 I NC1 NTAL PURPOSES l _ _ _ _ — — — 9=294-8-8383& OU- OFFI AL RECORDS T — — — -7GRA1gTET�7CF_E49TERN MU I IPAL WATER I — �II AFFE PARCEL 25 PURPOSE: �Pc� lC UTILITIES, TRY ANLb7�Al� DN 4POSES 0 0� ECORDINQJ MAY 23, 19 -\ `\ R RDIN�G' NO 188789 OF OFFICIAL ADS AFFEC � ��� �� —I J � 30 ` 'PROPOSED EASEMENTS A EASEMENT(S) FOR PUBLIC WATER METER PER FINAL MAP "6E _ ACCESS EASEI NT MAP EASE E>dfi 6EC /FXAL M ff man I W-1 Ell ♦ �� ♦ _ - _fi��i -------------- Bill c) J moo+\ c)) - — — — — — — — \\ 1034.8FS • ' N 0 • • • • /-------� \ \\ i��' SP1OI 8RW 1037.3Fs I• •-Jgjffi • N I • • 1042.3FS ------— — — — — — — — — — -- — _ — - _ _ —_ 3RW L\ \ I I / / 1---------_— ---_ -- -----_ _-- _ 1044. 1b i \p4 J �b. IIv_� i • r�, IN �\FM 2.1 I -- - 0,. , • �' A _ - - emu°•°•°•'---.�J•---.-•--•.••._ � � J I'• v - - � �►���►� �► - � _ � �.9 `"' ' • I ,ail mot► �� . I�� ' �I� /'` 1� — r� �~ ■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■w■ ■ VARIES °i gyp♦ ■ . ■ � �♦•:••• ♦• ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■�■■■=�■■■�■��■00 � - -- --� � '• � , ,60 III ► IME ��� _ — - • #17 LEX BLD 6- PAD 0 A in 1094 ® ® • • G #18 LEX • • ' BLD 6- PAD 6 P J 1096 F- • ' #19 ' BLDG7 6-FILEX PAD 8 PA J 1097 .. I • • • / 5RW \ �9 o� SLbPE R1E�S 2.1 / AR / 1 I 1070 1b , , fos7.2Fs 0 I \ s S� fOSZiFS f064.sFS e , a �i/ / A / I �1075 i RW /� '��� • 1069.3FS I l fOs9.OFS ARPE I �1080 \\ 1 RW 19 18 17 � • 0"72.9Fs _jOgS • • • • O \ - • �� I t07 4FS/ • 1069.6Ln FS� 1 ,• \ • "A—.— n , 1% — �� \ 1 j / f089.7FS 4RW I PVT. DRIVE _ _ _ - - o / o o _ o _ / �� • • / / %� W 1 F ' • • F W '�— I �� F W I f073.5FS N / • 2.1 'RW 3 1 RW I 1090 • � '•••� 20 1 � I � ��� 1 � � 1o75.3Fs RW I •. 21 1 . �B . � vv II ■ �' • • ' ��9 • 1 I I —PROP. 60' EMWD ESMT. L V V V V v v v v v v v v v• 0 6- EVV •V �� i- I I i 0_ 0 I i ■ ' • r 1 BL • • + I I BL G 0 II f077.oFs �b•�. f075.5. �`� O I 1095 • 23 , • PA =1096.3 • I 1 �' ® / • • �' ❑ ■•• 1 :��•• :� • / / l _ _ , • • • 6•0!• • • 6- LEX• • • P•AD=10 ®5.8 ® • • •• ; I 6 PLEX PAD 1094.2 PAD=17.4 0.5SP T A PA=1097.9 III1 toiZ 1Fs PAD 094.7 • • • G 13FS — '•� 0 II . 1 , In • I r� 19, ,• ' / / - o I � "A" STREET VT.) 0 1177.8FS - ■00 o —o - o i • 80 0 / 41 9 ` ' 1/ / • • 4 / � i //� W N/ I S W o RW f078.2FS i • ® I f ■ / ® i 1o79.8FS 3 2 M4 • 7 �>6 5 1 : SP� ' I / \ (� • / / I 1oss.8FS GB tos7.oFs GB i � /09j . —rj__ ___ __ __ ____ ___-- __= 108G.7Fs I 1 • °� a �� / • // 2:1 5'RW ------ , �'�I �/ 4• ' 1o85.8FS I • I • � .' f084.2FS / O /� � 5' S / Q • _ • ® — — ® • ® • — • ® • — — • • " ,_ � ® • _ ® • 1 � : � I 1 � f095.2� / �1093.sFS . , . `} I � O • a ` ' • • 1p91082.1FsBL BLDG #8 w o 0BLDG #10 3-PLEX2 5 PLEX AD=10921 : / I I / / •• 1 / \ / / Rw \\ I • • , ^\° `` q, 'I �� ~ PAD= 4 P - 4.2 • D=1 `i w •j fj, // •• / : ,% \� \"/ • \ I • • • - _ Q rn -� 11 �. o • + I I '. I ��/ / I • I / • I • to8a2Fs • \ I • • o !� �� • � A A A [, I I / • / \ • ' - • a i I 1 • o a AA I / �a' 14 F AA AA1os2.7Fs • y • N 1o8a.oF9 ® a I ' • - 0" - - - 1� PVT. DRIVE "E.,� _ 1g _ li 3 ' • • • • � , � I -==o =--- -o - i�-� o // i • I tos2aFs • • • /� �j' \ '`o � / • Cr • • • : I II - - • �-- - - — - • / 1o8s.8FS W / �, Vj 13 - �V� W F i • �/ v°� �I • I\ lososFs'/ 1 / o� yak 101 I • 2. 2Rw / / 1 / \ �O9p • ® ,� I �� • \ 4 • 8 III I I \ \\ \\ 0.5' I I \ _ _ \ • 11 ® I �4 '' =� ' ' '_' ' ' • — '' GRADING PLAN SHEET '�' ' '�`\ ' ' ' HUNSAKER ;,�;,=° \\\ • 1098 o� I VILLAGE Cn LOTS 2 & 3 _ e' / �� & ASSOCIATES C 5 7093 I 0 • • • • • e* —/�// \\•, , / I S A N D I EGO, I N G 1 _ _ KU A II / / 1098.8FS7 f098.9FS OF SEE SHEET C4 PLANNING 9707 Waples Street DESIGN NOTES ENGINEERING San Diego, Ca 92121 1. ALL FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION ARE TO BE SET 8 INCHES ABOVE PAD ELEVATION. SURVEYING PH(858)558.4500• FX(858)558.1414 C-8 CITY OF TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA I O O I LO N R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Villoge Cn Lots 2 & 3\Grading Plan\VCn Lots 2 & 3 Grading Plan.dwg[]Jul-16-2024:16:39 PA23-0440 - 1130 - 1120 32 CIL OF EXIST. II RIGHT—OF—WAY ALTAIR VISTA -1110 `� 1103.8EG -1100-------------- ------------ -- GRADE PER STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN -1090 - - --- SIDEWALK PER STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN -1080 --- BLDG. 18 PAD:1096.1 - 1100 1096.!Fr. DAYLIGHT- - - - �? 1090.OEG - 1090 PROP. GRADE --- PROP. WALKWAY -1080 BROW DITCH PER PHASE 1 MASS GRADING PLAN (TYP.) -1070 - -------------- RETAINING WALLS PER PHASE 1 MASS GRADING PLAN -1060 - --- - 1073.OEG -1050-------------- MEDIAN PER STREET IMPROVEMENT PLAN (TYP.) -1040-------------- - 1030 - 1020 37 1130- -1110 ~1 1110- RIGHT—OF—WAY RIGHT—OF—WAY = - _ �E"G. 14 1120 - - 1100 PAD:1090.8 = 1100 - CIL OF EXIST. DAYLIGHT COROMELL TRAIL 1090.8FG l� L 1110- - 1090 - 1085.5EG - - 1085.2EG ' - -1085.5E 1090 - 1104.6EG \7 1100.OEG PAD:- - 1080.0EG i T — —C-r PROP. GRADE _ — PROP. WALKWAY ---� 1095.OFG!�j093.5G 1100- -1080-------1--,----------------,-------- ---------- 1080- \ cal 1070.OEG 2GRADE PER PHASE 1 RETAINING WALL PER PHASE 1 DAYLIGHT�MASS GRADING PLAN MASS GRADING PLAN R PROP. GRADE 1090 - -1070 - -� - - - - - - - - GRADE PER STREET - - - - - - - - - 1070 - \PROP. RETAINING WALL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 1080 - - 1060 - 1060 - SECTION 'A -A' SCALE. 1 "=20' HORIZ/VERT 58' 1 RIGHT—OF—WAY CIL OF EXIST. COROMELL TRAIL SECTION 'C-C' SCALE. 1 "=20' HORIZ/VERT RIGHT—OF—WAY PROJECT BOUNDARY 1100 - 1090 - 1080 - 1070 - ---- I ------- - 1060- i-OOEG GRADE PER PHASE 1 MASS GRADING PLAN 1050 - 1040.OEG -- \� ------ ---- 1040- 1030.OEG 3ROW DITCH PER PHASE 1 1ASS GRADING PLAN (TYP.) \ 1020. DEG ---------------------- _ 1020- =5 1018.OEG SECTION 'B-B' SCALE: 1 "=20' HORIZ/VERT -1120 - - ---------- 1120- CIL OF PROP.\ — 'A" STREET (PVT.) �, ' �,'17 - 1110 I 1110- BLDG. 9 -_ _ BLDG.21 T PAD:1094.2 ROP. GRADE PAD:1096.3 - 1100 1094.2FG 1094.7FG 1096.3FG ,� 1100 - - 1090 GRADE 1090 - PROP. SIDEWALKPROP. PROP. CURB &GUTTER (TYP.) PROP. SIDEWALK -1080 1080 - SECTION 'D-D' SCALE. 1 "=20' HORIZ/VERT J O O I L0 N R:\1745\&Pln\DR\Villoge Cn Lots 2 & 3\Grading Plan\VCn Lots 2 & 3 Grading Plan.dwg[]Jul-01-2024:14:40 ON N PA23-0440 r�} yl i 1� ►r ,f I s'I I I } 1 i r i I � I � I I 1 � I r RFM P R o OF TORM DRAT r AND r RISER FRp - MASS + RIS E . P - _ I hQ`1 " { !� a �_ I I r � � f1 r SEE SHEET C r • 1 - � r�r rnVr.c rrn r crs nrvu rim- V. � �? L� � -• , 1 1 P A I PAD=109T.9 '� 1 ' +' I + II I 2�, PAD= 1 asa. 7 (rr , SrzING Ta aE DETERMINED) I 1 • I ■ O e� j 240, NA�S ] 1 5 .2 I I I+ + 11 oo rr rr m I I CURB INLET (TYP.) I ■ �f.^ I ❑ �o '� I �`e I %�� A STREET (PVT.) a 1095.5 KRAKEN UNIT OR EQUIVALENT (TYP.)tA o r. {� ry I ■ li rn _ f - '' : . I pa a Iry SPLIT ! r ��� 10 9 8 s ¢ .3 2 ] I � 1 iJ m ❑ Q r ] 317.5 ' y� ■ ` r �� 2•1- ! I Ind} ® � � ❑ � � _ i I � I I I 1 I ` — — — — ■ I • / / rr ri- w r a � r _ ..._,. ❑ ^ r sP ® 15' 1 1 1 �'� ego' 1—� ■ ■ ■ 1 1 qp a I �Lrr BLDG #8 I •, ■ '1 1 C3 O �' — - — BLDG #1 a BLDG #9 y't f j ■ ro9� � � I � ■ 1 ■ ---J ■ 1 1 - ,r `(/4 AD=1092.9 5-PLEX 3-PLEX 3-PLEX 7'4-5 ,�I ` 1 "l 1 1 1 ■• ■ 11 1 ■ 1 l 2 d' ' 1 l tz 4 PAD=1093.4 PAD=1094.2 Q PAD=1095.4 '" m I/ ` : { ` II ■'11� v 1 j i I 3r - I o I�I v I � � � 9' I ■1 � ry � 12o ] 6.2' TYP. ` l ■ f , ,-- `� ■ 1 . j [ �j 1 E2'(TYP.) I �, ) � ON fI Oa a rD90' o ii �r DOQ 11 12 13 14 15 116 ■• •• ► L / f ! BLDG #% �o �� t.� •t_-2:1� -�' ■ �� Ii '' 1 I �N ' —?• ~ a li - iri I 5-PLEX _ - sL• • �:� �� • ■ Z��� I l � D � -i � -ma�yy- �f ■ � ■ � 1 � � PAD=1094-0 �,�� n �� J'" ■ • • r r ■ � • • ! ■ ■\ T'� _ ! f I'1 "' ❑ r0 o PAD=1093.51 a �r� ■ • -- ■ ■ ■ \ _� 9r z � � _ ICI 23' � � ■ r T_�� �� • ■ / 1 � 1 � 1 CURB INLET (TYP.) - ` 1 ~ SPLIT • ,1101 I[RAICEN UNIT OR EQUIVALE T (TYP. ® � � � ® ® ` — - �r�i r '�2 •- �' ■■ 1 `�� - ___ ■■ 1 ��`"� I 4 5" : r � 1Df93 - -z�� r� � •.■ � 1 � j -�-�. • 1 �.= f i. D 15 1 N4 74.13' 8 f• 1 ' \ ^` I 11 `M45TER M�ER F 6 r ATER py OR DTAB d= 47 , 16 ' �) ca i 1102 - - ■ ' f 8$°21 i J I ■ 1. �� ■ I RELIMI�RY 3• LE lOB9.5 oh ® r 093 4P1 � ■ J 1 ■ M \ INj ■ i�� ■ ! �� SIZING 1 D8•g. 7 � � (]' � a 17 IIIf ® :� f I^ 1 1 1 I I -_ I \ • 1 �; +' I -� + OUBLE �3E{lECTOf Ch'EClf U�' ' - _ r97 1S ��13' I \ \\ I 1 ■ 1 I \' I r 1 I POTABLE WATER L DES FUR NO3°3 6 3' °�� 4. 0 I \ ! 1 ■ 1 ^ 1 I ■ 1 I 0 yp' SIZING AND FIRE +� f - 10 93 `� r f I ■ II 1 r ro3 1 11 • f # Ta BE DETERMINED] ^ DEEPENED \ `f ' ! , ! 1 o a / �, • ■ ■ ■ •� _ BLDG #13 " - I FOOTING 3-PLEX - ® rn r! � _� ■ � 'tip N l8 PAD=1090.5 _ I. !� ! B 14' 1 O ~ {I �` , \ 1 r ■ • �! 1 1 1 • I I BLDG #12 w I ■ • 1 i M E PAD=1091.81� 5P ``� I ��, N TM094.0 �i ! ; [EX 9 !'t I� _ --■�• FC1091.0 �� -' p 11 ® ��— ■ .ram Rr 3 WALL f i Ad=1D9 3 g a, ■ • ■ ■ • • • ■ ■ ■ ' 1 [ 1 i 1 • I / ;v, �i� ■ i s i I car^'-� • [ f El uj � � 11 .■ � • 1 � 1 II } ,, • r { 111 '� - - - � � 4i - t � lam' ' f � a 1 a ■i \4 \, I -/ 1 ■ } �l f 1 ] 2 �r - - _ _ �� _ I ® In� J 4I r ■r �` r r/ {--, 1 1 ', ` r ' i 1 DEEPENED ���VE +� --� y - i W ! d ■ _ ' ■ ti 1 f I _ - - ■ ! f f • - 1 rras I 1� �1 • a FORTING r 4 5 - + ti ■ , 6 ! � i 1 ■ � � \ ■■'� 1,\{ \ / • + � ry ', I p 1 11 '•,Q 30 60 9C� �n h I� ;� �5'r I - o ' • / ■ 1 f �. ■■ I I f 1 SCALE 1 "= 30' 3.0 FGGJ 089 0 3q [ r EEPENED I • ! 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FX(858)558.1414 CITY OF TE1VlECULA, CALIFORNIA 49 AFFECTS: AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP R:/1745/&PIn/DR/Villcge Cn Lots 2 & 3/Wet Utility PIan/VCn Lots 2 & 3 Wet Utility Plon.dwg[]Jul-16-2024:16:42 PA23-0440 EXISTING EASEMENTS I PROPOSED EASEMENTS ' I ' 18 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, 30 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, AA EASEMENT(S) FOR PUBLIC WATER METER AS DELINEATED ON OR AS OFFERED FOR DEDICATION ON MAP/PLAT: MAP NO. 18254 AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT. • PER FINAL MAP I O 58' PUBLIC UTILITY & ACCESS EASEMENT PURPOSE: ROAD AND PUBLIC UTILITY GRANTED TO: EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT, A PUBLIC AGENCY ORGANIZED AND PER FINAL MAP AFFECTS: AS SHOWN ON SAID MAP EXISTING UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE MUNICIPAL WATER DISTRICT LAW OF 1911, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS E� 60' SEWER EASEMENT PER FINAL MAP 26 EASEMENT(S) FOR THE PURPOSE(S) SHOWN BELOW AND RIGHTS INCIDENTAL THERETO, PURPOSE. SEWER AND ACCESS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES AS GRANTED IN A DOCUMENT. • RECORDING DATE. SEPTEMBER 26, 2018 RECORDING NO: 2018-0383679 C� F OFFICIAL RECORDS C� \ GRANTED TO: EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER DI IT AFFECTS: PARCEL 25 �C� jPURPOSE. PUBLIC UTILITIES, ENTRY AND C�DENTAL PURPOSES RECORDING DATE: MAY 23, 1990 RECORDING NO: 188789 OF OFFICIAL RDS AFFECTS: PARCEL 25 J 30 0 30 60 90 I J SCALE 1 "- 30' ONE EIII'r L 0 ONE ONE ONE ONE �� ONE GNP �� �� ONE ONE ONE ONE �� �� �I� �� ONE 24" PVC SEWER FM / • �I 1 I —s —s PER D-53558 s S. 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P xw ... xa e' I�xa`' a 'e xe^ ,v' ,r . ,r. xa x' x e' A A° � r' r' r' r' r' A' r' r' r' A r' r' r' r' r' A r' r' r' r' r' xe' r' r' r' A r' r' r' r' r' r' r' r' r' ,� ,r. 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LUMINAIRE: KING K82$ r / 1 1 z:'.. .r° _,r " 1 ,r' ,r .re A xa . xa' x r' x° .. r r� x• a xa x° e' r^ .r: he r %^ :' x^ x° x^ . x^ r^ r^ r^ x^ r^ r^ x^ x^ r^ x�• x^ x^ r^ r^ x^ x^ r^ r^ x^ x^+ r^ x�• x^ x^ r^ x�• x^ x^ r^ x° x^ x^ r^ r^ r x^ r . r^ x^ r^ x�• x^ x^ r^ r^ x^ x^� r^ P° r^ r r� r' r+ -Vie_ xw xa r' xa x^� r' r^ x^ x^ r^ A, x^ r x^ r� r^ xm r^ x^° x^� r^ x^ x^ r^ r^ x^ x^� r^ r Pfl LE: AM ERON 1 C 11 fi ,, — -- -- -- f — -- — - - _ xw .. - e x, x� I ,r xe' .e• x° ' - _ _ - _ _ r ` x°' xa �_ ....,r. � ,e'' % fie' e' ' ,'p' %' ,r' 1 ' �e° A' ; A .'x°' e 'r e ,r e ,r ,r ,r e ,r ,r .r e 'r e .r e 'r' e .r e 'r ,r' .r e ,r' ,r' .r e ,r x^' .r e ,r x^ r^ ; 'r ,r e ,r e ,r e ,r ,r' e e ,r ,r x•• �, ' - .. -, , xm x . ,e° _ - r xa' r' ,r ,A' ,r r' r' x� r ..x , r r' ,A' 'r' r' A' A' A r' r' A' r 5CE L5-1 STREET LIGHT {INTRACT] �oF xa. 1 " c 1 r' x % r . �� .r' r° r - -, r .,,^- , -' q- .- i be--'.,e° onV.• ta.. r xa xa' r9 x� ,r r . x+• ,r= .°` '.,,c op° ,r .^" x� a x^' .^" :e° a x^' x^' x� a x^' :^` x� ,r^ x^' a x� a x^' x^' x� ,r^ ,r° x� x� a ,r, .^` x� a ,r, .^" x� x^ .e x^, ; .- x� x� x� a ,r^ x� x� ,r, .e 't. � • �r° c^ r� .r' e° r xa• .t' r' %� r .r, rr .-- r^ x^ x^ x^ r^ x- e e e ,- ,r^ r^\� r^ x^ x^ x^ r r r "TEAR[]ROP WITH SICfRT " • �� l `� - _ \. '18FT MDllNTING HEIGHT i . , ' ''.xa e �' ;,, .Ilj, r' A �_ -4 r' xa' r' A x' xa r x°' xa r xa' 'xa' .' * r ' P' x° x°*. xa r A r A. r/ r, : ` O,• Ae: r' A r' r' r' r' r' r' r' r' r' r' r' A' r' r' r' A r' r' r' A r' A r' r' r' r' r' A r' r' r' A A' x�' r' rs . �^ A r' A' r' r' r' A r' A r' .'r' r' r+ _ - r° -m �=__ a .- ,r' 'ew' xe' r' r' r' r' r' A ,A^ ; �e e ,A' e 'r ,r xe^ .e' ,r ,r .e 3000K •�' 4 • ' i - _ -- - LUMINAIRE- KING K828 - - r9 r' r x' A' xe' A x" r' e^ r.s A xe' r' r' r' A x6e r' x° xa' r .r xe•'II: f A' x" xa .A , e' xa' r' r' xa xa' xa' xa' x° xa' x°' xa+ ,'r r xa' ,e r. xa �� e e xa 'r. x^+ 'r. �•` xr r` Sri x� r^ r^ x^ x^� r^ x�• r^ x^ r^ r^ x^ x^ r^ r^ x^ x^ r^ x�• x^ x^ r^ r^ x^ r' r^ x�• x^ x^ r^ r^ x^ x^ r^ r4 x^, r^ yr° r^ x^ r^ r^ x^ x^ r^ r^ r^ r - r r r r r rr�= -- __ PDLE- AMERON 1C116 xa, xa''•. ,r' xe+ 'I x° � A xa, r, ir, -., ;r, .,r, '.. .'r• ,r, r, ,p, p, r• xa' xa' 'e, ,A' x � x•' ...� '... 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'r .p '- � .r, 'r' ,r' xa• ,- 'r r e ', x°' x� ,r9 ,r a• _,ram-- e° x�• x�• r^ x^ r^ x^ r^ r^ r^ r^ r^ r^ r^ r^ r^ r^ r^ x^ r^ r^ r^ r^ r^ r r^ r^ r^ r r^ x^ r^ r^ r r^ x^ x^ r r^ x^ r^ r^ nr' ; r ra '. ;ate r . , .. - � _ - - - - - - _ r r• `. ,`. ,- .r• ' ' �e° ,r- ,r^ ,r^ e e e r^ \ Zel r� r^ x^' r^ x� r^ r LU MI t -- - t•- ! f I - - -..- � LUMINAIRE: U5 ARCH DSAP1 k e x°, x°', x" :,r 1.I e xe• e' 'a� % ` r•'at- Ar � �F e' . � x" .r . �r --.�v xa' xa' x- e e > • x' ' x'k\\ ,r �: e a r^ x^° gym^ r r^ x^ r^ r^ r^ x^� r^ r^ x^ r^ x�• x^ r^ x�• x^ r^ x�• x� r^ x�• x� r^ r^ x^� ",r^ �,e, 'r° x- e 'r^ e x^' ,r^ 'r^ r 'r9 'r .. 'r* r r x . ,r' - - x�• .` r` - �' ; x^� r^ x�• x^ r^ r^��e° � e x- e xw r POLE- US ARCH RSS-12 . .. - . :=. 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P A' P' r . . t' % ' Y P' .r r %" %° %° %° r° r r r x"° r Sr'. P'. %° r r .r P' � �-' ,2' x+' .- e , r F . e Y 1+° r'. ,r': ,r' P' ..hP9 N e r �+' r r' r r r• .r' 'r' e 'r' P x" r r N r' e' r' r' N r x ' ' .e:. .r ,P' t %w 1 .;' ,N 'A x° %° R r+ r ,r° e 'r e e e ',l e e e x°° x" x�e. r° r r r r r %° r r ' 'r .r" ,r x°' �'xa' ,r 'A' x0.9 x°' 'r 4 ' -- - e, .,r' fir' ,r' a- ,r e 'i' ,Y . .e° ,r.':..'r' .i!' ,N ,r .r, ''.'P: %°` • e ,r' %"° x°` 'r e ,r -,r° ,r e . x°° ,r' ,r` x°^ ,<r' Sri ,F %� ,t"�� x°' %°` e ,R" .r' ,r° 'r' ,e' ,i+''. .r'I,r' 'r: k, rN e ,r' ,r' x°' x°' 'r' 'N ,r' .. 'r ` n ,F x°9 x°' ,r' e %°' .r' 'e' .P' .r' ,r' 'r' r� x°• x'� .el A?° ,R- x°' ,N ;r:, .e' %° a 'r -. e, e e x°° %- e 'r ,r° �r° ,r` ,r° ,r° ,r° 'r x°° %°" ,r` ,r° x°° %°" ,r` I" _ ..\ 1 1 /l r' x� r' x° r' r .r• ,ri. �,' �, �• �A r 'e' ,e� A* r• A' . ;P .- -�,.. x� A' r' r .e. r' r° e' r' A' x °' "' "' . 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A -.. r xa r xa° x°° r xa xa' xa, r. e xa �x r' r. _ x° xw xa xa- x° x ..- x" x xn'. r x % x r - --+ r. ,r r x°' x° r' r r r r r' r' r r x'.: r' r r° _ r' x� r'. r r x°^ r xa x° r r r' r' r° ,, : r r' Sr x x' xa r x r' r' r �;° ' ve 'Ai x ''g' � i' ' 1N I 'e' , - r, , at" . � 'e'/ ,(" ,P ,� • 'i' i?. i, '�' �P' - +?• 1 {/ \ 4 4 - `` .r° x' A A° .r° A %°' r r .ri .r' A' x°9 ■ l P r' %°' xa' r' A Pa xa A° „p x" r' A' x' x A' xa` xa' r' x? x° . % x°' x?' •:' F' A' ,e" F rY % e A % ,2' x' a ' t° 1'} xTM x° 'x° A r° xa' A .P' x°' 2" xa r x°' r' N x ' •. a°• ,r' x° x°' r' . r r' r' ir', x°° r r ,r• ,r' ,r x°' ,r' ,r 'r' r N x a xn' , r' F' ` x° x° 2° x" ' F r r r +e° _ 'r`°, ' x°• -,r' 'e' 1 _ ,r• x." ¢ xy %" - __ •i°r \ .. \� % .r° ,A° ,Ae A x� r' A°' e 'r x°' � ,e• .e° .- x l .r ''e. A r r' ,r' ,r• xa' ,r r r^ A' xa xa .. xa' xa' xa' .. r `: x06 xa' xe1 ,e , xa x' 'e x�° ,r, .Al 'r rP° , r• x ! 'r' e . e+ . r r• ■ xa' r r r. e r r r r .e': ,' .e r � ' r' r^, xw x° x° x = r x°^ x° ,r, e r. r' x° r r' r' r' r' r x° x°' ,r sr r'^ x�. x x°' r'' x°° ,r e 'r ,r' r, e ,r e'' ,r' 'r 'z'^. xa' 'r' 'r' ,r .r 'r, .e ,r r r° x x .. x �' 'r' ,r x°° e '�. \. :�'' ■ I r' r' r' A r' r' r' r° x° x°' e' xe' xa' e� A' e xa' xa' to r r' r'4' x° xa' r' r' x°. x°+ xa r r' xa c• r° r xa' xa .x° x" r' r r' r• .r N' r r r' a ry r r r r r' x°° r' r' r' r' .P° r x xa %� r' r r' r' P r' c a ,r' 'r' r° ,r, e xa° x° r' r r ,, x .F, e e ,r' ,r' r r' x° x° r' r x�° '.,r - - - -. ,e• ,r• x°,�' e .. .. x' _ .- .- r e e 1 ■ ,}� �: e xe' a xe' r x� r' 'r ,r, xa' x° . . .x xe xa ,r e . r' xa' xa' A' x" r' xe r' A xe' x' r A �^ ,A' '- ,r 'r 're x• r' xe xa. x°' " 'A' " "' ' "' xa xa xe' . ,e r A xa xa xa xa xe ,e x°' x^' A x^ x .e, xv %� ,r ,r' ,r' xa 'r' x' r r° x°' r' x°' r' xe' A' xeP r x=- r^ r' r' r' r' r xa' r r' r xa r r r' xa' r' •r r• r r r'.. x°' xa x° % % r° r' r r `1 1 . i I - A' A A' r° e' A x°' A° r '. e' ■e' xa' x° x°= r x� x°° e• ,e° .: r' x" r' . F' rr xa r ' r' r' xw r... ', r r' l�r r P^ r' r r' r N r r r �r' r. xa r' r r e r 'r rr xa' r A` r' xa' p• xa t A� r x°' r' r ' r. r xa r r� x • xu r r r. r r r' r' r e+ r r r' _. e r' e r' r . r° rr x r' xa' r « x Y� r' r r r r r` r r r' xw r' r r' r' xa r' %^= ` , r' xb E r z x°` x° x° r r r x° x" A x� r' x� r' A r' xa' '' x°, A'' r' .A' x" xa' A r' A , r xa' xa' A �''. r' xa'• r ` A' ..,r'. - A .A' 'A° xe• ,ei . ,r' x r• " ;�• xa x+� x'•, r, r' r' r' xw r xa° x° P xa' r' r r A x� a % xw x° xa' r• r' xa' x°' xa' r xa' e ,r �c-'' x°' ,r ,r' ,r' ,r' r xv • � 'r' �" r+ 'r x°• .el r ie, % e �A 'r'. �, �, .e �, .e, � 'e, .e. �, '�. .,r' .e. �r 'r 1 � %' ,r e e r' r' r' ,r ,r' r' A,• A' r'''...e, .e, e. e- x° xa r r A' r' r' xa r r' xa t+.t r x' ,r ,A' . e' r r' A r' xa° r x x" .. r �e° r 1' xa' e r' a xa r A r/y . r r x A e• �' "' .r x" .,P ' 'e' e x7• x� ,e .r xA, xA. xA. .e' x°' A r r' e' r% �' P ,r +e'er'. A' �, xa' ie, ,A° ,e, ' e A _� p,.. .r . xa � €4 xa' ,r' r x'• % ,A° .r' x'• e' x` xa' >1'• ,r I$- 1 ' r• xa ,r ,e' ,e- ,e '.,e' ,r= ,r xa x°' <<:.ie. 1 - ' 1..'i 1 ' ' xe' ,A° ,A° 'A° x'° x°° x00 ,A° xa' ,r' x° ,r' x°'. lr' �P xe9 x."' txl? ,°' •'A' .A x ` ,r ,A' . x''' x'.• ,r e - ,r' ,A' ' xe' 'A' 'r ,A' - 'dr - % x°• ` ,r' . •,..e . ;A' ir' er ,A' x'° sr.' 'A' ,r' x" ,A` .1' ,r .A' xa' xa' ,A' xa' ,r' x°' xe• ,1' ,r ,r' xe' a-, x°' x?' .A` Frl x°' x . xa. ,r'. .'lr' 'A' ,A' .e' a x°' x°' ,r ,r . ,A' • , xe' 'A' x'" %°' x" ,r ,A' x°' x" x°• xe' ,A' x`1 %e' %" ,A` %°` ,r' %^' x" x" ..e 1 . . i I 1 xm xm xm r xm r xm xm P• A' r �= xa r xa' „a' A' xa xa' IP e r x� xu r x .,A, > e ,r''`.,r• e, r �' r xa' A° �' x x ,P• ,r' 3 'r xa' x` xa' x` ,r x� �° ,r x0 x` xa' r ;r r A A x° xa xa' xa' xa xar x x r x� xa x°' ' I x' r' Ir' ,r �e r' 1�` x ,rr x° '' r° x� r x� x r' r� �' �' ., . . -- A° A r' x'° r° r' x'° A r x°' - 'r r' ` x� x°' .r 'e. r' e .r' " 'e' - x ,r r r'' A. x° xa .A•. ;r' x° r°'; r ` r' � ,A' e .� e ,r x°^ x°' .A' .x" • •sr' ,A' 'r x" ,r, xa' ,r x^' r ,r ',' x°' xe1 xe' ,r x- e' 'A' x^' x°' � ,r xe' �' x'° r xa'� .F' r' r' r' xa' r r r' r' r' r' r r' P x % r r % :.. , ,r ,r' ,r• 'r' ,r 'L ,r' ,r x r .!- % ,r- ,r' e � 'r e 'r= e. �c .�' % 1.. r' A r' r' r r' '. r' A' � xw r. A' '` x°' xe' ,r 'r r r' A . x• r xa• e•. 'e' .,r : er . r^ e+ r' ne . " - r' . rr x°• .'. A° xa r x•• } �' ,r' ,r x'• xa' ,r' xe= x" ■ ,e. xe' xw ,rA xa° ,r' .A° ,r' ,r' x 'r x^ r e' r' ' A r .A' a . xe• xa' r' xa' xa, r r ?+ r' r A . r r' ' .i x" x % r'' r' x^° xa' xa' xe' ,r ,r ,r' , x'• x r• ," ,rr ,e= r % A x•• r' Ati r yq A r x°° xe' r' xe' A xm x^' xa' „°' r y . A e . A' r `.:: A r^ xm xaF r* A xa' xa xn, xa - x P' A•- " a' A° „°' r' r° . A• 1" -,A'. ;P' 'r � xa r A ,r ,Pe. 'r r .. r' 'r x'e x" xa. xa' x- � x xv...: '_ :_ r r' d:'- ,r ,em ,r- ,r • 4 . r'. xa e' 1, xa' r' ,e' xe' ,r• xa x='. xa xL. xa 'r'. xa, x'+ xe ,r' a xa e' x•• e, ,r a xa x ,e , xa r' �'. rn x°' A° r' . xe• r e' e x e e e ? r A' r' ^ 1 , 1` 1 ie1 1 ,:,1 .� �y �iei' �•, �- _� ,` .. , yI 'e ` C T" - r' A' A' A r ,r r' r r A A A k r r r r r e' r r' x�1N r r z• r r \ ��r r r 'r' r ,r ,r e r' r 7±'.. r x^ e r. `fir r r 'r' ,r• xa' 4' 'r' xP ,r' 'r. ,r ,r' 'r xu, r' r r r , _ r, '. r' . xw ,r ,r ,r ,r• ,r 'r' e ` ,r i �gT'\?, ,r a ,r ,r' r' r c' r' e' �° r�r-_ ,rL,_ % t' r' r' e %, x x' % x^x r' n: , r' r r r^ r e P r r r x' % �e r' : %" 'r ,r,: '. y��`, \ II x00 x'° x'° ,A` 'f'" ,A° x°' x°'', %'° x" xe' x°' %°' xei x°' x°' ,r° 'A° x'° ,r° xa' xa' 'r' }. ,r' 'r° .A° x" .,Y x'• .d° x" .'. -'r'• 'A' x°° 'r' xa' ,r' .r, x°° x"° ,P', xa' ,r', 're \ xa' ,r' 'A' % x"' ,N x" x°• ,r ,r' x°= x'^' ,r ,r' 'd' x'• aP' .,r' 'r ,r',r' 'r ,F' x°' ,r ,r ,c°0. % ,r' ,r' 'r' ',r' ,r" ,t", ,r' ',r' ,r' x x ,PT 'r' x°' x°, ,r, ,rs • 'r a^° x" % ,r ,r' ,r'• ,r' ,r ,r 'r ,r. ,r ,r ,r x'° ,k' x ,r' ,r .r' x°' W_ t ' r' Y Ps r ' e' r .,e' ',�, er l , i. ,r, 7r° \ \ ,., ,'ri dr° e• x'• xe• r xe• r' r' xa' xa `' A .>°. ,e. r x a a' A xa' ,A' r� „°' r r' x°A ' e' • e' xa . f xe• r x°' x" . x" r r e' r' r' P x° r' r' e+ r le. x° r° xn ,r ,r r' r'' r' r r r+ '. r N r r' r r' r r : r _ ,r r• r r r e r �r xw r r r x x" r r r r .. 3, . r r r� , - r' ~ x^':. e r r r° r r= r r r' r e' r' r' x=' % r r r r r r r'. xe• x° r' e xa r r' r r r' r r' r r . r _ _ ■� --� .. , x,, �., ■ 3G - s. ■ r \ 1 r, � t �� _ i'. ,A' 'a^ �. 'r �' 'r^ 'r ,ra- 'r' 'r' 'r' ,e�'', ,r 'r� `', ,r' .r• ,r ,r ,r ,r= ,r� 'r 'r ,r �� ,r+ .� � ,r' 'rs 'r 'r' ,r' 'r• . �'r .rF 'r• ,r er ,r ,r'. .r� ,r' 'r' ,r' ,r ' ,r � 'r' �'� ,r % 'r+. ,r ,r' ,r. 'r� .P, � x'�. x ,r - 'r ,r' � ,r' ,r' ,r' ,r' 'r • 'r � ,r' ,r' 'r• x•• � 'r� l � ,r' . 'r ,r ,r 'r ,r' ,r: ,r 'r ,r ,r ,r, ,r �' x=,' ,r^ <• . x•° 'r' ,e• ,r• ,r ,r ,r ,r ,r ,r 'r .r x°' ,e' ,r' ,r• xe^ sr .r^ .e• 'r' 1 ` t' r - ova y i i \ �y y. Syr 'i'. A' A r' A' _ x� .r° .r A° "'•. r r' e• r r' r x°' sr' r' A r' h ,r 'r .1F ,e. 'r� �r' �.- r' re• r r r r r' r' ' r x^ r° % r r r r� r r r r r' r' r° r xw r r r• ' r r r° e' r' x� u'' r� r' r r ,r' r `; r. P' F� r a° r e' r r' r r e' r' r . x •' r� r' r'. x° r r r r x ° P° r' r° r r r r r r r' .r a° .- --- ',':.?9�+t- 4' .eY ' eq 'e' ,r' �b - , ,e`_,�. �y r° e• r e .. . _ a .1 x'° A r r' x°' A° A° x°^ x" r' r' .r° r �+: l r''' e• x . A A' '',,r ,A° ` xal A° r r' xa A* `•A° r e' r° r .e' ,er. ' r+ .r° e° '.' c ;r �r . e' r' r x° r r' r . x°• e' r ti r° x �: xu xe° `. r r' r' r' r' ,. r' r' r /c xe° r rI\ e --- e_ e r° e 'r ,r ,r, 'r• 'e9 2 r' ' .se ,°. x° r r �r r ,r, ,r .e ,e- ,e a xe' x^• ,r, ,r` ,r ,r'. r r ,e' 'r'' ,?° ,r• ,r. x°' xa .., e ,r° e ,r° ,r° x°° .el .P ,r ,r° ,r 'r ,r ?^ xe° r *_ /Vr ;� \, `` \_ . br \ ' 4 �' / `• .r e e .r .r e e .r 'r .r' e ,e°.. .. e x•• A° ' r x°' xa' r '`', A' xe• A xa' ' �"'A r' r' xw °'r r xa' r' xa' r' � t' r . e' ;r � e9. � . xa . r r r 'e r' r r' e r r � ' r~� r r xa' r e' e' r r' r x^ r�xd} r' r' et ` r c° r x^• x^' r e^ �' r r' +e x r' r^ r r r r r r xa ,r ,r• .r �w r r' r x^ •,� r x^ r, r r � r e r r a �v r' r r r r r r r r e r^ r r r . r r ,e /' - ' x°' xe' a x'° a xe' e x'° x" xe' e e xe e xP ,e' .4 e ,i, ,r= " h x°° ,A° xa' xe' ,A� x" �' 'r 20 x°' xe' xw A .r 'r x• ,w .r .r xa 'r' xe• A° A° A'-.' �# A x° x° x°' r= x r' x!^ xe' xa. xa' ,{h ,A' A• � r ,t" e, x^, x. xe• . � � x'° ,r 'r. x" x" k- ,r' � � ' A' r' e� A' x" e ,A° e xe' e ,A° e xe° .r e ,ff xe^ �' P r .r' \ xe' r p' ,r xe' r' x°' x°' A' r r .. ?.% ,e2 x° ,A• e' e° A° x° x ro- �s x^• . r° e° x°' A x� r A' A A r' A' A A r' r' x" A r tr A .r A A A° %e x x°' x° xa' r' r r' r' r' 1r^ ,r' � k-1 P .r ,r .r, ,A, ,r, xa' e'', x° ,A' .. _ ' r r r r r' ,r}. a" ,r' r r' r .r r r' r'' r r' r' �• `'re 'r 'r ,r• �• r' ..r 'r' r r r r r r r r r r r r r ,r P^ r r ' .r, e x^ r r r r x ' r' . x� % r r r r r r= e r r r r a^ r r r r^ r *' fie' , *' i.. �° e' .. 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PHOTOCELL PER CITY SPECIFICATIONS 4- 3/8' D.D, LED FIXTURE PER ALLMINkYPIPE CITYSPECiFICATIDNS NOTES: 1, LOYINA E' SHALL BE LED TYPE Z FOR PRIVATE LIGHTING RESTRiCTiM WITHIN 45 111LE RA!lItIS OF MT. PALOMAR, SEE LATEST COMTY ORDINANCE REGLEA77NG LIGHT POLLU770N. J. LIGHT STANDARD MATERIAL IS HARSELITE 004MSVTAL GRANITE OR APPROVED EOLWL WTH ANTI -GRAFFITI COATING k. TYPICAL SPACING OF ALL LIGHTS SHALL BE ISO' TO POD' t 20' STAGGERED ON OPPOSITE CiARB WHEN POSSIBLE * $7 BEET LIGHT STANDARD PLACEMENT SHALL SE 1. 6'•0e STAL MM, 11117dEN SIDEWALK IS ADJACENT TO CtO DR Z. i'-6' STANVMA MEN SIDEWALK IS W-4WERiN0, NO IAI 7ALLED OR PROPOSED FOR FUW INSTALLATION srhaT uG}ir 8rANDARO L OCAT`W MALL BE. I. A T ALL ECR'S ON PRIMARY INTERSECTING STREETS. Z ON OPPOSI TE CtNB ON EX EAW CENTERLINE AT •T•INTERSECTION. J. AT M. D.C. (APPROX.) OF CIk-DE-SACS AND Kff"LES POLE SPECIFICAnONS POI"Du'ON. POUF F1EXC T Vt� NGTH 130LY CDiCLE SASE 13.0- 1C123 23'-0" 23'-3" 12-1 f2 8-3/8" 1C128 28'-0" 28'-r 12-1f2 " Ot-9" •XRE to Xq.3 Rev LOCAL SrAEF7S USFlaff FLW.mPf92DIL ? MILOP. Co[LFCTRR 5]�FrS. I I 3Dx "'-IiNOC VTCAP ALL CONCRETE` SHALL BE 560-C-3250 FOR FOUNOATION ❑ETAIt$ SEE STANDARD PLAN NO 801 ''�°����w�,,,, l V"'•~ N4RCN 3Q. 10�D cJrTr of TEMEcuLA DZ'PARTMENT OFFURUC WORTS PArRQr 7 M45, aWCTDR DFPPDX #00'&CiTY ENGMEER DATE R.Cf. AV,'"'' 4420 LEDSTREETLIGHTS FOR LOCAL, ARTERIAL, MAJOR AND COLLECTOR STREETS STAKt4O NO. 800 ffr sir .ViRD DA sfK er. 4narar G47E I a -11 1 1 1 1 It I I GuidewayTM Series Guide .,a _e LEI) street iv mi noire fealuring Paters led NanoComforfrre Tedinetugy - Small, Medium & Large rrw. o—ra 1217umn Product Duatption eYIYS - The new Guideway' "family or maeway lighting a game-rlengirg solution designee from Me ground aee.nwnuxrrr.�,,., xr.y.r.yp Ill, ottering a mesh crab that binge revere of pi rt rmanee ant wwal Camhlee pnNeusty out at reach. Top fryillway^' WAS fana menwty %hilts re Pomi0m. of rho s41Man1 at,"u'lihi - hplx' it plrlumlk ¢se[aedand feeWns,ant marvgnRiuMly, the degree of Puual minfart It yr des. MimiCree LlahringI A" rismCwherr-Tothpelogr. rho Gu.6o" rani! him pY wmleR %WHt glplryvllaul the vmhi6ilii a price us, p.,Wkq demw.W bly blear cw k" and pwn rwe for this morwy. Apt.Umfann Residemaf Tines wltecmrmeds, muh:rsre 7eeeerys, expressways, major made, perking mks, eW general yealipaces it Puformrin$YTrrory y ilk 1 all P,t[g lnrervx T1dmrim' Il Q$A ty 8 Asscrriitad w Ilia Il'�rL br GH Ldnrmg noun US altl knpvned pilta — Intro Daiirarad Lumaru: 2,980 31,991) . Efflpaq: Up to 1,411 LPW ra l CRI: Minimum 70 CR112700K. 3000K MEN. SrMKL DO CRI I22OD9 4ii 72aaC wK. 3waK. 600Arr. 570K ' W"IkWr 5 years standard for sum uvaM rmtsh; oplionel t d years ftr lumne"e ad l rmieh; l year Ter tumrram, ­nes — -- wakr Orr, CiTY OF TEMECULA STANDARD WITH "WILDLIFE FRIENDLY" FiXTURE 30FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 2200K LUMINAIRE: CREE GUIDEWAY SERIES POLE: AMERON 1 C128 ® E uo—N ❑istribution Overhead Construction Standards Figure SL 343-5: Teardrop with Skin Pendant Mount Style J60 REV, DATE DESCRIPTION DRN- APPR. rpP tlG�lur �K! n95FYRi -. q .Hass RTTIr eALv: 3TEEF a013 rijr5, ee ikasis. I _ L fi.Si' allJ4. roP C/�G wn� F[13[i'`�_�irlllliC� t�xnw•w+s). , '. - - �HEN•.'/AdL_ �VF I _ ..I--: . r.l •l �•+:sm ww. t7 vnurF N lOrr: POLE TOPISTU10 DETAIL 2.% NS'Tti_ TOP DETAIL . I I . .5cL 11 �� �-.��L HAS DETAIL .FC:.w.i.r II`: re' i-3�a' hCkOSS rah".: ARSE _Pt.FITE DE TAIL NO Cf rret: aceeuc"aw"rre,r=xxmaun ,asnanNisx I Asrx C &P tit Tr-r Pax CE lit a n a n brx e,M ooa Psz usuec UN crLNOLn rEsr- r"Pf %A AYs = s,poo psi �mrrGR9irl C.�t LtiiNosa rest. S.vptl=Auyrurynso psx RSrra c-fw9-rr saecifxaiipys. e %POTECTNEC TEA SEPP.C'"IPFSA* 01F ENDS 1 BaS-R_rr,xsn"-, PAL+' P0.l3ra CS4l u wit li a,e•,o_ ol+ or r,F ocracoti.,ei lA . Tss 1- 1'crnr.Fn ago--r "r.r F.-1 APPgUvW BY - DATE BACKBONE INTRACT SCE LS-1 STREET LIGHT "TEARDROP WITH SKIRT" 18FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING K828 POLE: AMERON 1 C1 16 PROJECT NAME: SOLID STATE AREA LIGHTING PIXMFE TYPE; DSAP SERIES -LED S P E C I F I C A T i❑ N S HOUSING Uppet housing Is heavy gauge calif aluminum (DSAP25) of 0.725' thlak spun aiuminum with reveal (DSAP1). Lower housing Is 0.030' thick spun atuminum with integrated LED module sear. Lower housing is vented at top and bottom for convective ceoing of LED module- Top Driver chamber Is Sealed from LED Module chamber. Trulevel bajl coupling mount Is vrelded to housing and fodlltams quick leiveiing and installation. VLEV OPTICS Low copper A356 cloy [c2% copper) cast aluminum housing. lnrograted clear tempered glass lens ssafed with a continuous sAlcona gasket protects erntfters (LED'&) and emitter RaRactor4nsm optics, and soaks Ire© module from water klRusfon and environmental ❑ontarninonts. Module Is sealed to meet on 1P67 filing. EaCh emitter Is optically c t,041ed try a Reflacior-Prism Injection m dGed from N12 =yllc t3 types per module: one From 01- 50'; One from 50' -65°; ate from 65° • 72°). Eow Redleotor-Pism has fndmdng tans for aiming and is secured to an optical plate made of moth block onodsid aluminum. The optical pWae locates every RePectof-Prlun over on enter. Relleator-Prtsms are secured to the optli plate wilt a UV curing adilestve. The RE'lteator4stipm are arrayed to produce IL5 Type 11. Il, N, and VSQ disrribufivns. The wtim Optical Module is field rotafabte In 906 Increments, Soth module and drlvom Ora Wary wired using water resistant, lnwrated card. LED DPIVER Prtipam are LIL and cLIL recognized mounted on a single plate and factory pmwlred with quick-aiscorinecl plugs. Constant cumant driver is electronic and has a power factor of Sd.00 and a minimum Op&ulirlg Temperature of -40°F. Drivers acwpl an Input of 126277v, 501601t or 3e -46OV. 5D16M. (0 - 19V dimmable driver 5 Standard. Orrow has a minimum of 3KV lnlerrlal Surge protealkon. LLcnlnolre Suppled w8h 20KV Surge praleoior for flekf l=esslbin Installation.) LED EM]TTERS HIgn output LED's are lofted with drive currents ranging from 360mA to 1060mA. 70CM Minimum- LED's ore available in standard Neutral White, (4000K). or OpTonal Cool Wlnlfe [SGGDK) or warm Whits (3000K). Consult Factory for other LED options. Ann6Elt L E p e PDA (Phosphor Converted Amber) LEDs utilize pho3 phors to create color eulptil similar to LPS lamps and have a 6I1, ehl output In the btu® spectral bandwidth- TRA (in Ambr) LED'% utllze moterlol that emits It ht in the am bar spectral bandwidth only without the use of pYWsphors. FINISH Etealrostaticalty applied TGIC Polyester Powder Coat on substrale prepared with 20 PSI power wash of 140°F. Four step Iran phosphate pretreatment for protection and paint canes Ion .40a F bake for maodmum hardness cod durablllty. Texture finish is standard. ❑SAP1 PATENT.'FHDiNG PATENT PENDMO a�.� zal doss U.S. ArohItGotural Lighting I)Ys.ml^•�+Aa+e� AR['H SCALE: 1 " = 100'-0" sa s3 PRIVATE HOA WALKWAY LIGHT 12FT MOUNTING HEIGHT ( 3000K LUMINAIRE: US ARCH DSAP1 POLE: US ARCH RSS-12 HOA BOLLARD LIGHT ° 3FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING CB32 Brookfield Residential ALTAIR STREET LIGHTING TEMECULA, CA 5/31/24 HOA TRELLIS LIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: FOCUS RXD03 g HOA WALL LIGHT 3000K _ CANDELA —ENGINEERING— _ ;�co>eaos�►'r�p _ LIGHTING DESIGN I ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING A- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % .. . . . . . . . . . . . . % % %% % % % . . . . . . %% - - - - , - '4% 1 1%% 1%% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - % - - - - -- %- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - -- - ... . . .... . . . . . . . ... . . . . - . . . - - + 4� 4w I % 1 4 . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0� 4a 1 --- - - - - . .. . 4� - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IKF' . . . . . . . . .. A� ft 4. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - . ... . . 4, . . . . . . . . .. - - - - - - -- L 1 4 4� - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41 -- - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . F . . . . . . - - - - - - - <1 - - - 4 _4j 4w - - - - - - - - - - - -­ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �Ap j - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4� I . k 41. 1 1 4e 7 4� j 4�, 4- -41111, 4, 1 - 1 4. A K 4�� L 4- 7, 41 I . .. . . . . . . . 41 . . . . . . 41t 4 4�, 4 4, F 4� ..... . . . . . . . . 4i . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . L 4� i6 I 4, a6 - 4� 4W' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . , . � I . - � I 4� - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4, 4- L T., 4r 4%. - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - L-k 41, -4 4, zt -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ... . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41� L j . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41, L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 L :t k -16 1 1. T ...... .4 W I 4�1 L . . . . . ... . . 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - 4-6 --- PHOTOCELL PER CITY SPECInWIONS 318' 0. A LED FIXTORIF PER ALLIKMEW PIPE C1 T Y SPECIFICA 77M NO TES. L LLWINWRE SHALL BE LEO TYPE 2L FOR PRI VA TF L IGHTW RES MC 77ONS W rHfN 4 5 HIL F R491US OF Mr. PAL OMR, SEE LA 75 T COLW TY OWNANCE ALEGRA 77NG LIGHT FOLUMONL J. LIW STAAOARO MA TERAL IS MAll MAMOVUL GRAmTE OR APM VED EaLAL WITH AN77-GRAM 77 COA T7NV. 4. TYPICAL SPACIAV OF ALL LICKS SHALL BE 480' TO 2M'I 10' S TA GGERED oN opost TE aw MEN POSSIBLE S TMET L IGH T S TA CARD PLA CENEN T SN& L EEL- 1. 6 r- 0 * S TANDAR 0, 111WEN SIDEWAL N IS A DJA CEN T TO CIRB OR Z. I-d'SUNDAR0. *ftW SIDEWALK 15 HEAWERING. NO F INS FAL L ED OR PROPOSED FOR FU W INS TA 4 L A 770N, STRMT LIW SIAWAW LOCAZIONS MULL HE 1, A F A L L ECR jS ON PRIMAR F` IN TERSEC 77NG S TREE 7S. Z ON ORMS1 FE COW ON EX7FNV0 CENTEREME A T 'T'IN7ERSECTION. J. ATM. 0, C. (APFROX.) OF CIL-DE-SACS AND K&CALER POLE SPCC1FtCA'n0NS POLF VE519MATION "'LE ""C""' - LEUNG _001.1 CIRCLE UASI� 0.1)- 1 C1 2.3 23'-0" 23'-3' 12-1/2 8-3/8" 110128 28'-0" 28'-3' 12-1/2 01_91f '0007F_ VS� X(ZL5 FW =4L STRWIX &W 1CL?ff FW AW� M�Dli MUTTW NTRLF� J0*13OW'KNOCKOUT CAP ALL CONCRE7 59YALL BE 560-C-5250 FOR FO th`47A TION OE M X S SEE STANDARD PLAN NO. $01 APPROYED Or F MAXV.50,2W PAFW7HM;WXTW0FRAK#M'&WY&*MV? 4 RZE. 0. 4UM CITY OF TEMWCVLA I P"Afi231XNTa17FMMC WORKS LED SMEETLAM FOR LOCAL, ANERIAL, MAJOR AND COLLECTOR 97WEETS GuidewayTMSeries Gin LtEwuj� 1_ ED 51_­�( Lcmi rraim fi�ttjnriq Pateented NanoComfurff TeLfin(ilogy -$rnaU. Medurn & Large Product Deuriplion Th. - 3.,ire­y- f.mily d .�sy Ughhng i�:=�,ngiZ sakAim dmigno fiom we graund 1P. Fre�ing � nintah aDr� thSt ""S ­B `r P. . 'L �Wim p­­Ly -E.1 -,K. Tri. Zkwe� -was %hift OF rhP FUrWrd VarqUIi - he- ft rorlunris� us au�'dard fmi,ms, OW m om AignihmnUg k6E A�g_ a _t ftrilant IL rWdm WIM OtIMM 4 Aw NNWC=tW- T10HOP. Pho hit. IW wrinterr sNW Wt`Zlerw the 96nieir it prahiUtiiii. Pri, privirma-fath-ney. APPUMI.n. R.id= dLaur red.. rruu�. t-M. ExI-s ­k� i-jor rrre�. Ming ��. .,� W..L P­ LAu6- Pxpmod NonoCamrirl Iii Txknih" �mtLod - i hir U5A by rA" 1-!yh--,g Frm US ard Imporled pnrtb Effi..s,l_JpW168LPW CPU; Minimum M CRI 12700K. 21TOK 41000W 1rMi N CID LVJAKI IWQK &QQVI� �7411314 I& Lu, "ears smdard [w -u-ne and riir*h� oplional I D yes. Few lv�ke AMJ imm. 1 gear Mme­.� owls Lr I mim" I WdFpk CITY OF TEMECULA STANDARD WITH "WILDLIFE FRIENDLY" FIXTURE 30FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 2200K LUMINAIRE: CREE GUIDEWAY SERIES POLE: AMERON 1C128 [] rM0-N Distribution Overhead Construction Standards F ig u re 5 L 34 3-5: Te af drop with S k irt Pen d a nt M ou nt Sty le -R-Em T &i7v usciFtiproill DFIN 6x1r, Olum. M.P T, 1111. _/4� 011. - 1/0 -41 Pit To PISTILID 0 E7AiL t 04AM U_Q,�Wirir M 7-0-P-DETAIL Sal ME. W Irl L Nori!s= 2 C-TR � 0 �UY CEMEW. 3 fL n d.M P� ��N cy� Imi. 4 �. DAY- �w 1-1 �AsT`d �T C.Iwwrt PP�% WA�UF�RED PM Aeror Q4�R ­IWXT�S. ROT 71TVE �T E�SED RC Writs AT � �0. I &A&Np-� WM A30 P�� "�b[, arTK fl, *,a' E _t.ti1ES­ �QOTAWN�FJATSOV APPRUvro By DATE SaQ THIERN CALI FOR NIA E D*0N 1004-�3001 IC9,16itil Ni Wnfli OF4 Arlie AUChli ASP PLATE DETAIL 4 BACKBONE INTRACT SCE LS-1 STREET LIGHT "TEARDROP WITH SKIRT" 18FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING K828 POLE: AMERON 1 C1 16 SOLIO STATE AREA LIGHTING DSAP SERIES -LED S P E C I F I C A T $ 0 N '� HOUSINO Upper housing Is hocivy gauge cost aluminum (DSAP25) or 0.725' lhkck spun aluminum wft rwAml (DSAPI ) I houslin g is 0 080- tholk spun aluminum With intagrla= e, modV@ seat. Loww housing is ventud at top a nd bottom for convective coolling at LED module. Top 3Mver chamber is waled from LEO Module chamber. Trulayel ball coupling mount is weilaed to housing and facilltams quick I@vMlng and installation. VILEVORICS Low copper A356 cloy (�.Z& copper) oast aluminum housing. lntagnated clear larriosmad plass Ions semiud yAth a Continuous sillcona gaskW pno4acts emOters ILE M andr emitter RGilector4�tam optics, and muts IhD mod.i. I WOtO !nIFUSIM and environmental contamlinants_ Modub Is waled to nwel m 1P67 (alling. Each emitter Is optically contriodled by a 1Wle-clor-PriAm Injection molcled from H12 coryflo (3 per : ona . ;one - ;vna mm Each Weclar-Prism has indexing pins for,:ikmIng and Its sGicurod to an aptload plate mado of matte black annactsed atumIrrium. The oplcaJ plate l000tes awry Relieclor4lirlssn over on emIt­W. CIO Wns re to PrCdLX* I up, lil. IV. and V.SQ dsribunons� The entim Optical Module is Maid rotatable in 90, Increments. flotti module arid drPyam aug to0ofy Wread using wa�err resistant, trisuated cord. LIED DRIVER Drivers. am UIL nod oUL recognized mo"nted on a single plate and (on" prawmd With qullck-dsconmcil plugs. Constant current d"r is oloctrana and train a power factor of �O.�C and a minkinuorn operating temperature o; -4wF. urtmm acoW an input of 120477yr 50/60't or �47-4au`N/. 50/60W- �Q ' 10V dimmable dFFV(ff is standaird Omtw has a m1ribmum Of 3KV IntGrryof surge protection UArinalire surplied with 20YV surge Protector for fbod occewlitio installation) LED EMITTERS Hign output ILED�s ore LThIr7ed with dr?YG correm ranging from 350rnA to 1QWmA_ 70CRI MIri LED's am available In sTandard N(WITOF While (41JQOr,). of OpIlonal C�001 VYhlll-- (513130K) or Warm While (3000K). Consult Factory far uhw LED options. .� %2 LEI? 1. E 04 P CA �=sja(hor C rted Amber) LF D s uti!PI�m to r� UtZvo c imitair 10 lam g�Zlznrzih, MIPMIn the blue spectral =wldgTag (Tr� Amber) .111I material that ermIts = the amber spaGtrol inondwtdth aNy wIthoutUle use phors. FINISH Etealrostotically applied TGIC Polyester Powder Coot on substrate prepared with 20 PSI power wash of 1 40'r Four stop iron phosphato pretreatment for protection and pa�nt aahes Ion-40W bake for madmum hardness and durobIl ty. Texture Mon his standard. ROJECT NAME; PIXTURE 7YP�: D S A P 1 61 PATENTRIENDiNG U.S.AIRCHITECTURAL U.S. ArchfiGolural Lighting SCALE: 1 " = 100'-0" B3 PRIVATE HOA WALKWAY LIGHT 12FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: US ARCH DSAP1 POLE: US ARCH RSS-12 HOA BOLLARD LIGHT 3FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING CB32 ALTAIR STREET LIGHTING TEMECULA, CA 5/31/24 C'D) HOA TRELLIS LIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: FOCUS RXD03 HOA WALL LIGHT 3000K CANDELA ENGINEERING - LIGHTING DESIGN I ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Brookfield Residential ALTAIR STREET LIGHTING TEM ECU LA, CA 513112 4 W700Fu raw — — /CrrrsreCOCA r[M Sir o.D. Lr�o 'AMP", CG AVNAA'1 PRE ASPFCMTrAT6 MOTU, A lf7lPklff m4 L BE LED T1PE s. PAq P1WFA7E LlaYfM A ESrscmars Hvnax as M�L6 AiA41C•S LFNP PALMaR SELA *S7 =1Vr1 AVfte9F azAf.AW Lkf0rPALiUnft. S astir SrAr¢41PR kq iE%PL AS llI19ArLIrE 09'rNA:NI 610WE AP AMWAO EdG4 A7i:r AYl7-0PlhT717 CAITDre. a_ i1T &U V'ACff& OF ALL Lr&',7 AU ofW TP M' 1 Yff S7401P 0 "AV IF ills NOa P=mv.f. AF SW7 LMWZ$jAA1TE97 PLAC Off SH&L 8E #u. t E4' 53%kff 00 50FA AR7S AMC&T r8 CM AP . Y. 1'-0-STAYam rr 0 sTEMN ism A[7r M7ALa- O OR PlICWG>gED PAP P gLW WTALiAr M! `• s>18g7usyrrsTAALNiQLLCI TA215 M L r. ArALL ECR'S Liy PRy!{TI L1vrz 5ErTM 3nEE7s. P. aW A4OW?,E CTAIH ON R7Di>FO CiNri-R'.MF d T .�. A r 2 C. AV") OF ak-W-UCS 4W AALgrLa -am Or•�m {A'[aoLLfrRR d�l'AI I11MfiML �MNI [tllrotarltlS r I `-, 7a" X7' NA77L 9 f CAP AL! cmcnm SNWL & 36D{,Ft60 FGR FOLWATAN A17AW SW SrAARNRO PLAN AV. M AW+z ar � M-Y OF TEVhCi/I,A �� ��` m � Al>�srrn®vx apPr:n1 rc Hna�es �` aa`°�"�K"°'r `"'� RAlSTR6E7Ck�YTSPov A Ci M1 RACAL, ARrFRLOl, YAJOA JWMI PO - � AkDCQLLECTLAq STREETS r STAWARD AO. W WLE SPfCIFlCR�flNS FdF wErmR pnT �tlE vr� v4 1c%a 28'-0' 78'-3'' 12-1 2 " d""� GuidewayT'A Series c��sa.°yMLmsl�..,[_,nr�:,�.e�,c�.rvmrr,.ecdnre,,-r.°..rvr-s,rLwaem�L=v� nr� q.artane+m�en aea .rw[ura-wwrl.wwwarlr.w,. rruq..uw..r.er awn aA.ew — n: .ewgc�yrn..u.�.c n..na..w I 15- -7- 10 C1 110- 1 vlatrlbulMn oyermead cpnM—Unn standards I Ng ura SL 343-s: Teawmp MM Stin Pendant Mount Slyre 4L L SOLID STATE AREA LIGHTING noAer rAwe ASAP SERIES-LE s P E f; I F I C A r r 0 N r 1 1. cull alymv0m (pdevY57 uppernawwYu .1-1. 0.1 �• mtt spin °Iumlrvn wm �ev°I (,Db�Pf) imwr puarip a o 17`nZ spun plunlnuT wlln mrep IFO rrotluNwel. uwei Muvnq%w".eb]pl lap end bpM1unM orcrcMlw n°erq�ar � m°duly. �� rn°mcw m rK le xz b ewualro anq i !,X1 .1 qukk 11:Zkq °�w l.doonn°r< n! I CITY OF TEMECULA STANDARD WITH "WILDLIFE FRIENDLY" FIXTURE 30FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 2200K LUMINAIRE: CREE GUIDEWAY SERIES POLE: AMERON 1 C128 BACKBONE INTRACT SCE LS-1 STREET LIGHT ??IFTEARDROP WITH SKIRT" 18FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING K828 POLE: AMERON 1 C116 I pprnKN npy(r °pa unvum nxsrq. o9: mia'— �vnr,�e e� Ia. anm enn °�,Inr,era 0"E v[co� p�te1 Wo1n<b Irnar�W9] w amw rcrp rlrr.p rreeauren wnerwme[wAm rap°�eeeeaee 1p nram In11 r e1r9 v cwa0 a n. MU,• lvecie.P!Xn v'pr:ik i nw�veep fnm Mt] °cMc (a hpa. P+� 9* nt N a m.hm; ona lvr. ¢ -pr ow n m pr - m•: a.e evm ems- rr1. pill �Ym e.q tapuv Plainow9 vaBCup1 ;M1� Win: or,.�: r,.•,r oe�,erc:: a S A P 2 s PRIVATE HOA WALKWAY LIGHT n,�r.�an° g, R; Ir.N,°na VEa cvmbavu lM1. anti [IpkatluOiMed. �Sed mfpbbNNPT'Inx+�Nt mlh newbeM pMen pnf,nd°N 12FT MOUNTING HEIGHT [�eE fe[ta wpMi reWatl. etwmep p"ni � b 3Q0QK °�"�� lempe.lnrrairan� 6m LUMINAIRE: US ARCH DSAP1 Inge prpr i�.erro. N°� 1m POLE: US ARCH RSS-12 LEa EM1T6�G � NCI o.rp. [Ili rnv am Ntln dNe ceae�n e°rn SSCrM b r[[pey- 70= Mnk— IED's nq Y� .mdudfrrdmll (�-0brpe.e�IEdppc 7 NVIm. WIN 0013[]. CenunR M pef'. LiY� vCl p�hmCaihenetl IEdl Mllnf hmpM1pn 1p purpul lin me me eP t'Inlh. TRk (Ir i unEZ//�� IEd Inph. mbei apeiiol ulouh-1, aa.°Imenof only wtM1mrtme uw clgn.anoi.. nl•4IY1 Q S A P T aecer,tl°ncglly °PP�o��c NN-W wa°ar c m on euonmropepnee rmm[9 ppwrwp[hpl lain r elep mn pnpcpnur� p.e[re°Imen[ br prolec[Ipn anp ppinl ferlurc only Il npMentlr nra Imvnfadnm °rvy av°mIry Va 9.e Ar-VI*0-1 [Iphllne �i © U-5. �R�AIEL9'r°IMP'L II SCALE: 1" = 150'-0" HOA BOLLARD LIGHT 3FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING CB32 HOA TRELLIS LIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: FOCUS RXD03 4 HOA WALL LIGHT 3000K 1 CANDELA —ENGINEERING— k�e0i l�ia711• LIGNTING DESIGN I ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING r re - ." ^w _ 1 - K - K`~ nry- •yC r " eTF x"- e «'c - - ri, •h" w ry - •Y J _ Y r � ,?r b _ _ _ r a- - •� 4 nr 4 �. 1} "T - j5+ �i• n /1. M" 7• - _ - • yL• - T , 4 . _ w O p c �F a= .d" .r, k• 1 � - eTa� r a - _ e y^ r IT ' Ir• - _ rt _ P x rT a R' '� nib •'-•/.u_r.-_ .i wN� y M .0 :+i T if1S. •"i, T� `n as I y s -. l: a4« .gym s" is i r 1 _ r '.ice :� �'i :T... •�`� ,-"- -,'� - _ i • I- _ - i1- �v•- »hd - - w h � 9^- . ./ w .Y�i G~ 4 ry rtilli m�.•• 1 a l•' p r - r�,, •1. K _ R » 1, - t` - c• - - y Y _ ,k+t w Jc l h h 7 F - r r dI. r� ti 1' _ �Sr -4 4 d _ F - ,ti- r - .L. °`t t 'r +I _ - r _ :7. I" { r M j 4 7 . 6• - 7 V r s' �c _ •�j_ •. - •"1^• ^4^,of - 'T- ,�Iw Alw ^ +Iw - •I -r. r I - Ik w - I - } 'j _ I _ r - Ir- -t - - - .y Ry l •I - ^f ems.' S IyIYI,I-�I�f11j'� 7` S I, r _y ^7. ' •r _ •T+ 44 T, +�" - �-fir-^,.4�•'y a +�`et �y a, '+•^ _ _ _ - - - :r :' - -`Jim — --- - _ a. `r - - _ - I _�*may,. �. r is :i _ _ L 4 II.+fi T F- - _r R .T. 4 - K ., - r _ 1r 4 '1, ^�w w� - - / Y �h~ y 'r :�M 1 ' r _ - r _ I^ 4. . :may:,,_: •r �y. yyy p�, q w•.w " .�u . 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POE l SPEC IFICRTIONS r�HE,mn Fn-�E arff or. lcxn sa• e• zs•-a° 12-, Q•-r .r - Jf173R ♦i,1GL71'IXTi CAP Au cmrar�,a�wL aFsaa-cazsd FOR 57A`I*ATWR NN. SSE STAACbWD PEAR IJO. 8a7 Cry OP TRAfrocvj F4NtN m Affi A6YARTAM [wrvmLw n &k�� alF15 tFasrAar[h#n5 CDR LOCAL, AArFRfAt, AfAJpA ' AND LIDLLECTQAS7AiE75 srAxuAaR AP sm GuitiewayT'K Series Ouieerq'•Lm Simrl.,,miian �VPrwOe.FWo6enlun-T mcayy-SnW.Ydum.lip Prraraawa�en arr. la- �­lr.W..— *vinrw./"I.w�wnn��r.x:nrwwn"�e +N "wwr.�ewwrl rw�n^-•'- "• �wri•rn.mwwl W.r•n"-Grnl.�_+,rr•rsm o+.wgf.nnr.lmn Minn�n ~- `�. n'rw1F-P.rrga �n�rwn^--•-:-iw r•nn rn r,��rr l..�^.n. hw►�Ir,.0 �.m,w..�".n-.�.i�n•.P....,e.�, . _ �` it +r Pnlnlnr0.s11.m1 rT i.mi .-fin' -em inwifoow-mne_Rr4.our�r9 I Q atrlh to O r e G ns noc i s tle a roisoiv I m n .ve n as a i 1 on tan ra Figure 5t AA a-5: Tearmop wlen Skirt Pandan[ Mount 54yle 'I �u IIM cy.n f �i a'a 1 f•J I F cy _ �,91�Ipn f I R 3` rn�rfa?rs�au. CITY OF TEMECULA STANDARD WITH "WILDLIFE FRIENDLY11 FIXTURE 30FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 2200K LUMINAIRE: CREE GUIDEWAY SERIES POLE: AMERON 1 C128 BACKBONE INTRACT SCE LS-1 STREET LIGHT ??TEARDROP WITH SKIRT" 18FT MOUNTING HEIGHT If 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING K828 POLE: AMERON 1 C 116 lelmikrA IwA . SOLD STATE AREA LIGHTING ❑SAP SERIES -LED ' : I F I C h i 1❑ W �� Y r�tl cwlalwnVwln PPn nAneY e.las• nrer M ap,n olumlr.en N11n imepl ] avwnn . o.uen mlrx mun Oluminvn.rlRt F.uiw rmEub.eel. w'er Feull1BpwnMa ellea arrtl LerycmM eenncnw wonrgMl Lrar morally. roP Pw mammy r �r� uw<rnee,ee m,plry� �nwm ie r�vn la �uelrperc raollwm��uvx Iv.rlrm a a.m"ae a n Iry _ r �n.. eePaerdumaur I..n new] era nmwm ara�lar."m..mP� Bra bn, oam rin wm.m kba p�n7 am an= r�mp� ew. ep.ea me.ase re aeeur.en maar rlmren rnmJeeeOrsemm�twr rn eq,lmfhfxc POT•Nirp iPtl' xMKr a opll�.• ntl of a �RFrn*dPlan vFrelxa+ m Imm •ri or:rv:c is na•r Ha' m�e�r�e•-Rrwmn�m•-r;a,v l�mre•. rrl. 9xn rarllmrm rweel pi­m P�n aw ar rwcn�m.arq. Tkrwvn a�mr kr"w. wvroapo>me IKlaclrnPame eik w.-.YIaeVN w.dno WCW Q SAP 15 PRIVATE HOA WALKWAY LIGHT 8,,,,,,­. ndeMfk NlV Inna+vnrn ObM nrvuN etM r.nR einlanbry 12FT MOUNTING HEIGHT o IVan Ln Ar 3000K Glwll aiu RrC cN TaW mwnray Bn o al w wwc n nna rwr „In kaP.ancl . nwanr iv a,Fx w e axrr qJ< � n` J o.�rn+arre awvcxunc m,nna,n P+lv or a0 al rap R 1 e � de•r awre m e nlnmun cx�m .*r �. vxear LUMINAIRE: US ARCH DSAP1 er 1 rv. a �r.evr e IAA lw md7 �aleRc mmK+e to glm�aaa eFHx 4 gar[raq. Gr,Plr Poe n m�Wrean d AFY Ilvnrcd L�mFarr u k,a win 2hV tlA' POLE: US ARCH R55-12 IE�sn+�l l�-ry a H u'13,—IAA Al-. Oom GM1 � rySG culrerrl ruil'!IV OOCry N hf r[IMJr ioc+, Mrirnlwn lE6'.a. owkUe n mmvd YRme Coa %1w . salaam i el'.wmwlrlF nral ern.w �TQ rc. s+WQa vr' ecle MM1E' l� �In [YrweHetl Rme IEB'l unlln pnmpryon l0 i re�tir wr In Jbldm vrl lu uu�1nN In me eue r r. - I' I IPA MINr1 �br Me. mmodd i.m enah ll rl lnme c �aael 1 anlFw�Ho„rmv � �PFa.aHaa. P11VI6n QSAPT BxPOElenml o �k Po r .� P^ M PPvn 11'wgr Powdo F.ibN wmmP FI IAPCFaur mre•aePnav nerd wm eIFP IMM pnoepl,u�=. neermem nr.plWecnan anc -In' prrmalmun rmaore amelley irelurc hNln i.a+nner W. .�1P1 I• c rI�YIFcJuml IlOn ling �,� '_�'0• II.GMCIATEC-fURR1 I SCALE- 1" = 150'-0Q HOA BOLLARD LIGHT 3FT MOUNTING HEIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: KING CB32 HOA TRELLIS LIGHT 3000K LUMINAIRE: FOCUS RXD03 4 HOA WALL LIGHT 3000K CANDELA —ENGINEERING— _ +weerwriaa:a■ _ LIGHTING DESIGN I ELECTRICALENGiNEERING City af Temecula Community Development 41000 Main Street • Temecula, CA 92590 Phone (951) 694-6400 • Fax (951) 694-6477 • TemeculaCA.gov VIA -ELECTRONIC SUBMITTAL CEQAProces sina(& asrclkrec. com August 22, 2024 Supervising Legal Certification Clerk County of Riverside Post Office Box 751 Riverside, CA 92501-0751 SUBJECT: Filing a Notice of Determination for application No. PA23-0440, Development Plan for Village A of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 45 buildings containing 212 attached rowhomes Dear Sir/Madam: Enclosed is the Notice of Determination for the above referenced project. In addition, pursuant to Assembly Bill 3158 (Chapter 1706) the Applicant will pay for the County Administrative fee to enable the City to file the Notice of Determination required under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and 14 California Code Regulations 1507. The payment of the $50.00 filing fee is under protest. It is the opinion of the City that the administrative fee has been increased in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of State Law. Under Public Resources Code Section 21152 and 14 California Code Regulations 1507, the County is entitled to receive a $25.00 filing fee. Also, please email a stamped copy of the Notice of Determination within five working days after the 30-day posting to the email listed below. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Scott Cooper at (951) 506-5137 or at email scott.cooperkTemeculaCA.gov. . Sincerely, Matt Peters Interim Director of Community Development Attachments: Notice of Determination Form Electronic Payment - Filing Fee Receipt City of Temecula Community Development Planning Division Notice of Determination TO: County Clerk and Recorders Office FROM: Planning Division County of Riverside City of Temecula P.O. Box 751 41000 Main Street Riverside, CA 92501-0751 Temecula, CA 92590 SUBJECT: Filing of a Notice of Determination in compliance with the provisions of Section 21152 of the Public Resources Code State Clearinghouse No.: 2014111029 Project Title: Altair Village C Development Plan (PA23-0440) Project Location: APNs: 940-310-013, 940-320-002 Project Description: Development Plan for Village C of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 45 buildings containing 212 attached rowhomes Lead Agency: City of Temecula, County of Riverside Contact Person: Scott Cooper Telephone Number: (951) 506-5137 This is to advise you that the Planning Commission for the City of Temecula has approved the above described project on August 21, 2024 and has made the following determinations regarding this project: 1. The project will not have a significant effect on the environment. 2. That the project is consistent with the EIR and is a project under a Specific Plan that was analyzed by the EIR and no further environmental review is required under CEQA Guidelines Section 15162. 3. Additional mitigation measures were not made a condition of the approval of the project, but the project will be required to adhere to the mitigation measures identified in the SEIR. 4. A Mitigation Monitoring or Reporting Program was not adopted for this project, but the project will have to comply with the Mitigation Monitoring or Reporting Program that was adopted with the EIR. 5. A Statement of Overriding Consideration was not adopted for this project, but was adopted for the EIR. 6. Findings were not made for this project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA, but were made in connection with the EIR. This is to certify that the Environmental Impact Report and Addenda that were prepared for the Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan, together with comments and responses is available to the General Public at the City of Temecula, 41000 Main Street, Temecula, California, 92590. Signature: Matt Peters, Interim Director of Community Development Date received for filing at the County Clerk and Recorders Office: Date: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME CERTIFICATE OF FEE EXEMPTION De Minimus Impact Finding Project Proponent: Brookfield Properties Project Title: Altair Village C Development Plan (PA23-0440) Location: APNs: 940-310-013, 940-320-002 Project Description: Development Plan for Village A of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 45 buildings containing 212 attached rowhomes Findings of Exemption (attach as necessary): 1. The Project consists of a Development Plan for Village C of the Altair Specific Plan to allow for 45 buildings containing 212 attached rowhomes 2. The Altair Specific Plan was formally adopted on January 9, 2018. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared and certified on December 12, 2017, as part of this effort. The proposed project is consistent with the previously adopted Altair EIR and is exempt from further environmental review (Section 15162, Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations). Staff has reviewed the EIR and has determined that the proposed project is consistent with the EIR as the proposed project merely implements the development that was already contemplated and analyzed by the EIR. The EIR analyzed the impacts of the construction of 212 single-family homes in Village C. As such, the proposed project does not require the preparation of a subsequent Environmental Impact Report or Mitigated Negative Declaration as none of the conditions described in Section 15162 of the CEQA Guidelines (14 Cal. Code Regs. 15162) exist. Additionally, the proposed project does not require the preparation of an addendum to the EIR as there are no changes or additions to the proposed project from what was analyzed by the EIR. Therefore, no further environmental review is required as all environmental impacts of the proposed project were analyzed, disclosed, and mitigated as set forth in the EIR. Moreover, the mitigation measures imposed as part of the EIR remain valid and applicable to the proposed project. Certification: I hereby certify that the public agency has made the above finding and that the project will not individually or cumulatively have an adverse effect on wildlife resources, as defined in Section 711.2 of the Fish and Game Code. Matt Peters Date Interim Director of Community Development Notice of Public Hearin THE CITY OF TEMECULA - 41000 Main Street- Temecula, CA 92590 — TemeculaCA.gov A PUBLIC HEARING has been scheduled before the City of Temecula PLANNING COMMISSION to consider the matter described below: Case No.: PA23-0438, PA23-0439, PA23-0440 Applicant: Brookfield Properties Project Location: Altair Specific Plan (APNs: 940-310-013, 940-310-015, 940-310-016, 940-310- 045, 940-310-044, 940-310-046, 940-310-047, 940-310-048, 940-320-002) Proposal: Development Plan Applications for Altair Village A (PA23-0438) to allow for 146 detached single family and duplex homes and one (1) park; Village B (PA23-0439) to allow for 109 detached single family and duplex homes and one (1) park; and Village C (PA23-0440) to allow for 45 buildings containing 212 attached townhomes. Environmental Action: In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the proposed project does not require further environmental review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15162 (Subsequent EIRs and Negative Declarations) as none of the conditions requiring further environmental review under the aforementioned Section exist. The Planning Commission will be asked to consider adopting a Notice of Determination for the proposed project. Case Planner: Scott Cooper, (951) 506-5137 PLACE OF HEARING: 41000 Main St., Temecula, CA 92590, City of Temecula, Council Chambers DATE OF HEARING: August 21, 2024 TIME OF HEARING: 6:00 PM • C- .ARK DFz OCOTD 9�Zo T Project Site T� 0 400 800 Feet The complete agenda packet (including any supplemental materials) will be available for viewing in the Main Reception area at the Temecula Civic Center (41000 Main Street, Temecula) after 4:00 p.m. the Friday before the Planning Commission Meeting. At that time, the packet may also be accessed on the City's website — TemeculaCA.gov and will be available for public review at the respective meeting. Any writing distributed to a majority of the Commission regarding any item on the Agenda, after the posting of the Agenda, will be available for public review in the Main Reception area at the Temecula Civic Center (41000 Main Street, Temecula), 8:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m. In addition, such material will be made available on the City's website — TemeculaCA.izov — and will be available for public review at the meeting. Any petition for judicial review of a decision of the Planning Commission shall be filed within time required by, and controlled by, Sections 1094.5 and 1094.6 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. In any such action or proceeding seeking judicial review of, which attacks or seeks to set aside, or void any decision of the Planning Commission shall be limited to those issues raised at the hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City Clerk at, or prior to, the public hearing described in this notice. Questions? Please call the Community Development Department at (951) 694-6400. REQUESTS TO SPEAK :°E,---, -• REQUEST TO SPEAK Mg :� PLANNING COMMISSION �- g ,I) )Aay Date: Public Comment: Non-Agenda Item: I/ Agenda Item: Item Description or Item No. Request to Speak forms for Public Comments or items listed on the Consent Calendar may be submitted to the Secretary prior to the Commission commencing the Public Comment period. For all Business items on the Agenda, a Request to Speak form may be submitted to the Secretary prior to the Commission addressing that item. Once the speaker is called to speak, please come forward to the podium and state your name for the record. Name: , Email address: If you are representing an organization or group, please give the name: Please note that all information presented at a Commission meeting becomes public record. All information provided is optional. ��Y°f r`"F�c� 0 REQUEST TO SPEAK PLANNING COMMISSION = i lYh4 NL\' q Date: V / Public Comment: Non-Agenda Item: Agenda Item: )k, Item Description or Item No. Request to Speak forms for Public Comments or items listed on the Consent Calendar may be submitted to the Secretary prior to the Commission commencing the Public Comment period. For all Business items on the Agenda, a Request to Speak form may be submitted to the Secretary prior to the Commission addressing that item. Once the speaker is call d to peak, pl j .ase come forward to the podium and state your name for the ecord. Name: _ Phone Number( Address: �:`Y ci I Email address: If you are representing an organization or group, please give the name: Please note that all information presented at a Commission meeting becomes public record. All information provided is optional.