HomeMy WebLinkAbout052506 PTS Agenda In compliance with the Amelicans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the office olthe City Clerk at (951) 694-6444. Notification 48 hours pliorto a meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to that meeting [28 CFR35.102.35.1 04 ADA Titie II] AGENDA TEMECULA PUBLlCITRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION TO BE HELD AT CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, California Thursday, May 25, 2006 at 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER: FLAG SALUTE ROLL CALL: COMMISSIONERS: Lanier, Ramos. Jacobs, Arbogast, Youmans PRESENTATIONS: Lt. Cynthia Wait, Temecula Police Department - "Parent Projecf' Tom Cole, Code Enforcement - City Weed Abatement Program PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Commission on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Commission about an item not listed on the Agenda, a yellow "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the Commission Secretary. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state vour name and address. For all other agenda items, a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the Recording Secretary before the Commission gets to that item. There is a three (3) minute time limit for individual speakers. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless members of the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. COMMISSION REPORTS Reports by the Commissioners on matters not on the agenda will be made at this time. A total, not to exceed, ten (10) minutes will be devoted to these reports. r:\traffic\commissn\agenda\2006\052506 Agenda/ajp COMMISSION CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of Aoril 27. 2006 RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the Minutes of April 27, 2006 City's Emergency Plan Workshop 1.2 Approve the Minutes of April 27, 2006 Regular Meeting COMMISSION BUSINESS 2. Temecula Fire Deoartment 2005 Year End Statistics RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 That the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission review and file the Temecula Fire Department 2005 Year End Statistics report. 3. Traffic Engineer's Report 4. Police Chiefs Report 5. Fire Chiefs Report ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the City of Temecula PubliclTraffic Safety Commission will be held on Thursday, June 22, 2006 at 6:00 P.M., Temecula City Hall, Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, Califomia. 2 r:\traffic\commissn\agenda\2006\052506 Agenda/ajp ITEM NO.1 MINUTES OF THE TEMECULA PUBLICITRAFFIC/SAFETY COMMISSION CITY'S EMERGENCY PLAN WORKSHOP APRIL 27, 2006 CALL TO ORDER The City of Temecula PubliclTraffic Safety Commission convened in the City's Emergency Plan Workshop to be held at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 27, 2006, in the Main Conference Room of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners: Ramos, Arbogast, and Chairman Youmans. Absent: Lanier. COMMISSION BUSINESS 1. CiN, of Temecula Emeroencv Ooeration Plan. SEMS/NIMS Disaster Trainino Basics RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 That the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission review and discuss the updated City of Temecula Emergency Plan (EOP), SEMS/NIMS Disaster Training Basics. Emergency Services Coordinator Cynthia Quigley, provided the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission with a PowerPoint Presentation regarding the Emergency Operations Training SEMS-ICS-NIMS (of record), highlighting the following: . Course Objectives . October 1991 Oakland East Bay Hills Fire . 1970 California Fires . September 11, 2001 . SEMS is the law . Federal Directive Says.... . Legal Basis . State Law Says.... . System Development . Uses of SEMS, ICS, NIMS . Systems, Concepts, and Principles . The System . Why Do We Need These Systems . Standard Structure (Systems) . The Systems . What Is NIMS . How Does SEMS Work R:\MinutesIPubiicTrafficSafelyCommission042706 . System Applications . NIMS Components . SEMS Components . Command & Management . Field Organization . EOC Organization . Organizational Structure . Temecula EOP . Disaster Service Worker . NIMS Training . Where are we now.... . NIMS Training . Exercises The PubliclTraffic Safety Commission thanked Ms. Quigley for her presentation. ADJOURNMENT At 5:40 p.m. Chairman Youmans formally adjourned this meeting. Chairman Gary Youmans Administrative Assistant Anita Pyle R:\MinulesIPubllcTrafficSafelyCommission042706 2 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PUBLICITRAFFIC SAFETY COMMISSION APRIL 27, 2006 CALL TO ORDER The City of Temecula PubliclTraffic Safety Commission convened in a regular meeting at 6:03 p.m. on Thursday, April 27, 2006, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. FLAG SALUTE .Officer Krug led the audience in the Flag salute. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners: Ramos, Arbogast, and Chairman Youmans. Absent: Lanier. PRESENTATIONS: Officer Chris Krug provided the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission with a PowerPoint Presentation with regard to the Zone Deployment Program, and Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving Team, highlighting the following: . Problems . Current Solutions . Proposed Solutions . Community Clean Up . Proposed Dog Park . Proposed Enhancements. Thanking Officer Krug for the efforts he has put forth with the Community Policing and Problem Solving Team, the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission expressed their enthusiasm with the program. . At 6:33 the flag salute was performed. PUBLIC COMMENTS No additional comments. R:IMinuleslPublicTrafficSafelyCommission042706 COMMISSION REPORTS A. Commissioner Arbogast thanked staff and the Commission for the opportunity to attend a Traffic Commissioner's Workshop, which was held on April 1, 2006, advising that it was very informative workshop. Ms. Arbogast also advised that she had an opportunity to visit New Orleans, and informed the Commission of the multitude of problems that New Orleans would currently be facing. Commissioner Arbogast also commended the Police Department for their efforts with the alcohol sweep for minors. B. Commissioner Jacobs thanked the Police Department for their efforts with the Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving Program, as well as the handling of protests at local high schools. Commissioner Jacobs invited fellow Commissioner's to join him on Thursday, May 4, 2006, for Needle Point at the Community Recreation Center, and advised that the Blood Mobile will be taking donations. C. Chairman Youmans stated that it would be the desire of the City Council that each Commission elect a Commissioner to take a proactive approach to community issues that may arise. COMMISSION CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of March 23. 2006 RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the Minutes of March 23, 2006. MOTIOIl!.: Commissioner Arbogast moved to approve the Consent Calendar. Commissioner Ramos seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval with the exceotion of Commissioner Jacobs who abstained and Commissioner Lanier who was absent. COMMISSION BUSINESS 2. Old Town Temecula Civic Center Master Plan RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 That the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission review and discuss the Old Town Temecula Civic Center Master Plan. Per PowerPoint Presentation, Deputy City Manager Thomhill provided the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission with brief presentation, highlighting on the following: . Public Opportunities . Old Town Specific Plan R:IMinuteslPublicTrafficSafelyCommission042706 2 . Keyser Marsten Study . Opportunities . Constraints . Public Parking . Parks/Open Space/Plazas The Commission thanked Mr. Thornhill for his presentation. It was the consensus of the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission to receive and file this report. 3. City of Temecula Emeraencv Ooeration Plan RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 That the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission review and approve the updated City of Temecula Emergency Operation Plan. Per PowerPoint Presentation, Assistant to the City Manager Yates and Senior Management Analyst Adams provided an overview of the Emergency Management System, highlighting on the following: . Mitigation . Preparedness . Response . Recovery . Role of the City Council . Role of the Commission . Volunteer Assignments . Event Specific Checklist . Operational Considerations . OES Regional Communications . City Communications . Evacuation Plan . City Emergency Operation Center Locations . EOP Training The PubliclTraffic Safety Commission thanked Mr. Yates and Mr. Adams for their presentation. MOTION: Commissioner Arbogast moved to approve the updated City of Temecula Emergency Operation Plan. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval with the exceotion of Commissioner Lanier who was absent. 4. Prooosed Caoitallmorovement Proaram - Fiscal Years 2007.2011 RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 That the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission review and discuss the proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Circulation Projects for Fiscal Years 2007- 2011. R:IMinuteslPublicTrafficSafetyCommission042706 3 Director of Public Works Hughes provided the Commission with a brief update with regard to the proposed CIP circulation projects for Fiscal Years 2007-2011. In response to Commissioner Jacob's query, Director of Public Works Hughes noted that the Pauba Road improvements construction contract had been awarded and is currently under construction, advising that the road improvements will be done by the opening of the new library. It was the consensus of the Commission to receive and file this report. 5. Intersection Lane Use and Turn Restriction. Sianaae RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 That the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission deny the request to replace and/or supplement existing lane use signs with No-U- Tum symbol signs: Principal Engineer Moghadam presented a staff report (of record). MOTION: Commissioner Arbogast moved to approve staff recommendation and denv the request to replace and/or supplement existing lane use signs with No-U-turn symbol signs. Commissioner Ramos seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval with the exceotion of Commissioner Lanier who was absent. 6. Traffic Enaineer's Reoort No report at this time. 7. Police Chiefs Reoort Lieutenant Rile noted the following: . That there has not been a reduction of hours with regard to the Stop Light Abuse Program (SLAP), but rather a redeployment of manpower to other areas of the City . That there would be DUI check points scheduled for the following year . That a Ticket or Click it Program will be enforced in the near future. 8. Fire Chiefs Reoor! Battalion Chief Deyo advised that to allow for defensible space from an approaching fire, one should clean up any flammable vegetation or debris around their property. ADJOURNMENT At 8:05 p.m. Chairman Youmans formally adjourned this meeting to Thursday, Mav 25. 2006 at 6:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, and Temecula. Chairman Gary Youmans Administrative Assistant Anita Pyle R:IMinutes\PublicTrafficSafelyCommission042706 4 ;;:: ---=:; - \1'E\\I\ NO. 2 \ AGENDA REPORT TO: PubliclTraffic Safety Commission FROM: Howard Windsor, Fire Chief DATE: May 25, 2006 SUBJECT: Item 2 Fire Department 2005 Year End Statistics RECOMMENDATION: That the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission receive and file the Fire Department 2005 Year End Statistics. BACKGROUND: Following are the City Fire Services statistics for 2005. The delay in providing the information was due to a transition of technology that took place in our Emergency Command Center (ECC) during the year. As a result, we were still in the development phases of developing, producing and verifying the data to ensure it meet the quality assurance standards expected of such vital information. A number of technology improvements were implemented during the year that has significantly improved our ability to deliver services to the residents of the City. These improvements include: . State of the Art Computer Automated Dispatching System installed at Perris ECC This system has increased the processing time for the dispatching of 9-1-1 calls by 30-90 seconds over the previous system. The National Standard for processing a call is one- minute or less from the time the call is received. Our ECC is currently meeting this standard in 90 percent of all calls received. . Printers in the Fire Stations Printers have been placed in all City Fire Stations that activate with all dispatches sent out by the ECC. This has nearly eliminated the voice needs for dispatched location and certainly reduced location reconciliation based on street spelling. This in turn allows station personnel to more efficiently prepare and respond to the call. More seconds saved . Wireless Communication Temecula City Fire Stations, due to the technology infrastructure already in place, are testing the transfer of data from the ECC to the front-line responding units Mobile Data Computers (MDC's). This will eliminate the need to manually input the data in to the mobile mapping software to route personnel to the call. Again, saving precious seconds within the process r:ltrafficloommissionlagenda\20061052306\2005 Fire Slats During the remainder of this year, additional technology advancements will be refined and implemented to find ways to continue to reduce seconds, to the greatest extent possible. The attached statistics are broken down into three areas of primary services provided under the contract. Operations; those calls responded to by the Fire Engine and Truck Company Staff, Medic Squads; those calls responded to by the two medic squads staffed at Fire Stations 73 and 84, and Fire Prevention; those services associated with our fire prevention staff. Primarily, the duties associated with new construction activities within the City. As you will see, we continue to meet the City's established service goal for a five-minute response 90% of the time to all 9-1-1 calls within the City. As the Fire Chief, I continually monitor this goal to ensure we evaluate any trends that could affect our ability to continually meet this goal. One area of concem is growth, and its effect on response times as traffic service levels increase in response to this growth. The addition of the Roripaugh Fire Station will provide needed coverage within this area of the City as this project builds out and to the infill in and around this development. Another future Fire Station has been identified in the Capital Improvement Plan, currently called "Promenade", The location for this future fire station has been identified along North General Keamy Road c/o Margarita Road, across from James Day Middle School. Currently, this project is shown outside the five-year projections, in the future year's category, although it will need to be continually evaluated based on over-all response time impacts within the City. For this reason, I shared the technology improvements early in the report so you as the policy makers understand the diverse efforts being made to meet City service goals. Understandably, it is not just about building Fire Stations, it is a multi-faceted approach that strikes an effective balance toward the services we provide. Nearly 70 percent of what we provide to the community is in response to medical emergencies (medical aids and traffic accidents). The Advanced Life Support System of providing paramedics on our fire engines in the City is definitely placing the right resources toward the appropriate priority and community benefit. We continue to see an increased percentage of calls as expected in response to the growing population in and around the City. On average, this will likely stay consistent over the coming years with an approximate 6-10% increase each year. This increase is fairly consistent throughout the County. The Fire Prevention Bureau workload continues to remain consistently demanding as the City commercial and residential growth expands. In response to meeting the needs of the community and the City service goals in this area, we are looking at some intemal re-organization to maximize our personnel services resources. As such, we have started to utilize outside plan checking services to balance both our plan checking and inspection service needs. In doing this, we are able to utilize these valued resources in the field where they are of greatest benefit to the community. We encourage and make available to all Council Members, Commission Members, and City Manager Staff the tour of any Fire Department Facilities and Functions provided under the contract. A number of these functions are critical components to the point of service needs in the City on a daily basis or will be required to effectively serve the City during times of disaster. We openly and continually encourage this process to ensure, you as a valued customer, are always getting theservices expected within the contract. ATTACHMENTS: 2005 Fire Department Year End Stats 2 r:\traffic\commission\agenda\2006\052306\2005 Fire Stats - - - - " :'1.. (_, ,~", ~ ',_, "-, ,_(: . ,_ \, ~"l':, _ I ~, ~' '! . 200S Station YearEnd Slats Eml'r~l'nl'.' Al'i, it.' Y In IIlIOllle'l\ ill Olll ITraffic Collisions .Ringing AIanns - No Fire ~ll AIanns - With Fire Commercial St:rw:ture Fires R"":J~..:al S ".. "". Fires Multi-Family Dwe1linll Fires IV~on Fires Other Fires I False AIanns Public Service Assists IFire Menace Standbys IHaz Mats I Rescues ITotaI 1% ofCal1s on Scene in S min or less IAverage R~. ......~ Times (MiD) 71S 32S 2 12 21 2 20 72 232 2S8 104 20 13 5228 9O"A. 3.9 20S 61 o 3 IS o 33 33 S6 60 36 9 6 1388 Number ofCal1s ITime C.,........ 1 (Hours) Fin' Prn 1'lltion- Suppn.',sioll Pl'rsOlllll'1 COllllllllllit.' .\l'lhitil's 1 '[ J) Station Tours Fairs aud DiSDIavs C-::_':'~';:':' ,L.....;nns LE-381>ooryard lnsJlections IB~ Permits ISsueci I Pre Plans I Total 82 120 871 1998 78 32 3261 _12TllIaI _nTllIaI _83TllIaI _84TllIaI _82TllIaI 2004 TllIaI Calls 2005 ToIal Calls 2OGSC8I/ _ 1184 1818 885 1493 1338 6230 6616 1.211" ~~~~I-~ 1-1-1-1- ....<'><'>~Sl! __to-COa:)_ !I:: c:: c: c: c::: o 0 0 0 0 ~~l;j~~ IiI.CC. fit - ~ C o :g I In o o N ;P. 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" " llll () () i i ::l! ::l! l!l . 1ft - J! ~ " ca ~ ~ u .- " GI :E 1ft o o N 11- ..... lI) 11- ~ \ CI) i .::1 a- t/) CJ .- "0 G) 5 . \ 8- ~ - 3 10 o ~ \~ ~ 'i ~ Ii l ~ l II- .- f II- ! 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(.) c co - D- C o ~ c Q) i D- Q) ... .- u- g> '6 g> .... 'S ~ ..- CD '"S g> ~ IS) :s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m a 0 c o :e 8 ~ i \ ~ 8. a:. ~ .g :?: z: ~ ol'~'\ ai ~ !i! C) t "6g>g>-1lI ~iDiD'f'i a \lil a m 0 <liE III ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ i ~ a K ~ ~ ., 1 ~'6.F g~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ ~ g> ~~~H~l\~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o am. s a a 0 m a ~ Gi ~ N ... t Q ;I- ... 00 "\ ~ ... ITEM NO.3 TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S REPORT TO: FROM:' DATE: SUBJECT: Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT City Manager/City Council William G. Hughes, Director of Public Works/City Engineer May 23, 2006 Department of Public Works Monthly Activity Report RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file the attached Department of Public Works Monthly Activity Reports for the month of April, 2006. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Monthly Activity Report April I May 2006 Prepared By: Amer Attar Sllbmitted by: William G. Hughes Date: May 23, 2006 PROJECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION 1. Old Town Community Theatre This project will construct a 20,000 square foot community theater complex and refurbishes the existing Mercantile Building. Construction started on 3-3-04. This project is complete. The grand opening took place on 10/04/05. Pllnch list items and close out items will likely be on-going for next one to two months. In the process of negotiating disputed work items. 2. Fire Station. Northeast Site (Roripaugh Ranch) This project will construct a new fire station in the north part of the City. Contract completion date is March 2006. Work is focused on punch list items. Although the station will be complete in March, it will be roughly 6 to 12 months before the Roripaugh Ranch Developer can provide access and utilities to the site. As a result, there will be a cost to re-mobilize and complete the project when the aforementioned items are complete, which the Developer is responsible for. In addition, a fire engine/truck venting system (requested added on 2/06) will be installed when the Contractor is re- mobilized. 3. . Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park A new 40+ Acres sports complex will be built at the corner of Pechanga Parkway and Deer Hollow Way. Bids were opened on September 16, 2004. The contract was awarded to Douglas E. Barnhart, Inc. at the September 28, 2004 Council meeting. The contract award amount is $13,365,055.51. On-going work include scattered areas of concrete f1atwork, some stairways at ball fields, basketball baskets & boards, shade structure fabric, walkway lighting, playground lighting, equipment, and resilient surfacing, BBQs, basketball court and parking lot striping, and landscaping. The Contractor's request for contract days extension, which will likely extend contract completion into June, is still under review by the City. 4. Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park Synthetic Turf As part of the sports park project, a separate contract to install synthetic turf on four fields, three soccer fields and a championship field that includes football overlay, was awarded to Byrom-Davey. Project acceptance is postponed until the contractor completes all the required work on all the fields. 5. Temecula Library A full service library, approximately 34,000 square feet in area, has been designed and will be built on Pauba Road, just west of Fire Station #84. The City was successful in obtaining State grant to aid in funding the library. The structural steel has all been erected and welding has been completed. The metal decking is being installed. The parking lot has been paved. Work continues on the buildings interior including framing, plumbing, fire sprinklers, ductwork and electrical rough in. Scaffolding is set on the south side of the building and the lath and plaster will follow. 6. City Field Operations Center (Maintenance Facility and Corporate Yard) . Phase 1 Under this project, an expansion of the maintenance facility will be built on the p.w,..,;..:; adjacentto City Hall. Western Rim Constructors (WRC) was awarded the project with a low bid of $636,094.80. The pre-con meeting was held on 10-6-05. The construction of this project has been completed. Punch list was provided to the contractor and the few items on that list will be taken care of in the next couple of weeks. 7. Pauba Road Improvements - Phase II (Margarita Road to Showalter Road) This project will widen Pauba Road from Showalter to just west of Margarita Road to its ultimate width. Bids were opened on 01/09/06. Apparent low bidder was Grade Pros Inc. DBA McKenna with a bid amount of $1,367,663.15. Construction contract was awarded atthe City Council meeting on 01/24/06. The Preconstruction Meeting was held on 02/15/06. The construction began on 02/27/06. Contractor has mobilized. They are working on erosion control, traffic control, grading, driveways, and the new waterline. 8. Pavement Rehabilitation Program. FY 2005/ 2006 This project will rehabilitate Diaz Road between Rancho Califomia Road and Winchester road, including replacement of storm drain pipes. City Council awarded the construction contract to R.J. Noble Company on 03/28/06. Pre-construction meeting was held on 05/01/06. Beginning of construction is scheduled for OS/22/06. 9. Citywide Concrete Repairs FY OS.()6 This project will remove and replace various concrete improvements including sidewalk, curb and gutter, cross gutters, driveways approaches, and under sidewalk drains. This project will remove and replace various concrete improvements including sidewalk, curb and gutter, cross gutters, driveways approaches, and under sidewalk drains. Contract was awarded on 03/21/06 and work began in the Redhawk area on 04/17/06. 10. Temecula Education Center- Rough Grading This project will provide for the grading of the proposed Temecula Education Center. Project was awarded on 4/11/06. Construction is started on May 1, 2006. Import of soil from RCWD began on May 11,2006. Grading is progress satisfactorily. Resolved RCWD facilities on Diaz and expecting resolution of EMWD facilities the week of May 15th, after which we will request a price quote from Yeager to carry out this relocations and/or raising to grade of the impacted utilities. 11. State Route 79 South Medians Under this project medians will be constructed on Route 79 South within the CityofTemecula limits. A pre-construction meeting was held on May 9th. The contractor is expecting to start work by the week of May 22nd. 12. Rancho California Median Modifications This project will add an additional through-lane on Rancho Califomia between Ynez Rd & 1-15. A 2 portion of the existing landscape median will be eliminated/ modified; no additional RIW needed. Timeline includes: design contract awarded 12/13/05, authorization to solicit bids 3/21, bids due 4/24, award of contract 5/9. The City ordered the traffic signal pole on 3/31. Staff met with EBS to discuss their plan to construct the project. A Pre-Con has been set for 5/24. This work will be performed at night. 13. Bridge Fencing Fences will be installed on bridges over 1-15. Proposed fencing locations are the eastbound sides of the Overland Drive and Rancho California Road bridges over Interstate 15. Construction bids were opened on 04/20/06. City Council awarded the contract to Alcorn Fence Company in the amount of $195,727.50 on 05/09/06. 14. Slurry Seal Project FY 2005-2006. Redhawk Area This project includes cleaning & sealing cracks in the road surface, removal & replacement of all pavement delineation, furnishing & installing Rubberized Emulsion - Aggregate Slurry (REAS) Type II & all necessary traffic control. There are approx, 3,571,850 sf of roadway involved. Bid authorization was given on 1/24/06. Bids were opened on 2/21/06. The Pre-Con meeting occurred 4/13. The NTP identified 5/15 as the 1 st work day. All American Asphalt has submitted their slurry seal schedule. Slurrying of streets is to start on 5/30. PROJECTS BEING ADVERTISED FOR BIDS NONE PROJECTS IN DESIGN 1. Pechanga Parkway Improvements - Phase II (SR 79 South to Pechanga Road) This project will widen Pechanga Parkway (formerly Pala Road) to its ultimate width from the Pechanga Parkway Bridge to Pechanga road. The Preliminary Environmental Document (NEPA) of the project is classified as a Categorical Exclusion with required technical studies (involving Federal action). Caltrans (Local Assistance) has approved the noise, traffic, and HPSR-ASR studies. The City expects the following environmental documents to be approved during the week of April 17: Air Quality, NES/MI, and the ISA (Hazardous Waste) Studies. The City recently filed the final CEQA- NOD for the project. The entire Environmental document was sUbmitted to Caltrans for approval the week of April 17. Once Caltrans (Local Assistance) approves the Environmental Document (ED) and PS&E package, they will submit the ED and PS&E package to FHW A for their review period of approximately 3 to 4 weeks. After FHWA approves the ED and PS&E package, the City can then start the public bid process and proceed with the acquisition of three properties along Pechanga Parkway. 100% design plans (Mylars) will be signed by the City during the week of May 15th. 2. Murrieta Creek Bridge - Overland Drive Extension to Diaz Road This project will entail alignment studies and the design of an extension of Overland Drive, westerly to Diaz Road, which includes a new bridge over Murrieta Creek. The project includes the widening 3 of Overland Drive from Jefferson Avenue to Commerce Center Drive, and the extension of Overland Drive across Murrieta Creek to Diaz Road. Coordination with RCFC & WCD and the Corp of Engineers is required. The City sent copies of the 70% design plans to the utility companies for comments during the week of April 3. Also, staff will send copies of the 70% design plans to other City Departments for comments during the week of April 10. 3. Fire Station - Wolf Creek Site A 9,000 SF fire station will be built @ the corner of Wolf Valley Rd & Wolf Creek Drive South. STK submitted the 1 st 100% CD submittal on 8/05. Plans will be approved by all departments during the week of 5/8/06. STK is finalizing specs and producing mylars. It is anticipated that the Plans & Specs will go out to bid by end of May /early June. The developer began work on monument wall. Vanir's contract for CM services is being executed. The Fire Permit application is pending approval. 4. Murrieta Creek Multi Purpose Trail This project will build portions of the equestrian and bike trails along Murrieta Creek within City limits. The City has received a federal grant of $1 ,214,000. Caltrans (the administrator of the federal funds) has given the City the "Authorization to Proceed with Preliminary Engineering." The City is working with Caltrans, US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Riverside County Flood Control to coordinate the trail design with the Murrieta Creek Improvement project. The signed Programmatic Categorical Exclusion (approved environmental document) was received from Caltrans on April 15, 2005. Final Design is underway and the 90% Plans were reviewed and comments returned to Kimley-Hom, the design consultant. The next submittal was received in late September and comments were returned to K-H on Oct. 19,2005 for revision. Revised Plans and Specifications were received in late December 2005 and were reviewed by City staff. Comments went back to the Consultant for revisions and were returned to the City in, early May for the next review. The City has received construction authorization from Caltrans. 5. Rancho California Road Widening, Old Town Front Street to 1-15 (Southside) This project will provide a right turn lane for southbound 1-15 motorists and provide a dual left turn lane from westbound RCR to southbound Front Street. Caltrans is currently reviewing the latest plan submittal which we anticipate being the last one required. Caltrans delays/issues have impacted the scheduled start date. Union 76 and Denny's have approved their right of entries. 6. Main Street Bridge Over Murrieta Creek (Replacement) This project will replace the existing Main Street Bridge over Murrieta Creek. A meeting was held on 8/24/05 with Corps of Engineers regarding pursuing the project as stand-alone. Design consultant Simon Wong Engineering (SWE) is continuing to pursue environmental permitting and coordination issues associated with pursuing the bridge replacement as a project separate from the Corps of Engineer's channel improvement project. SWE has also revised their original design proposal for this project in light of these additional efforts required; additional funding will be required to cover these revisions. A meeting was held with SWE on 3/16/06 to discuss the revisions and compare to scope of original contract. A decision is forthcoming on a contract amendment. 7. City Field Operations Center (Maintenance Facility and Corporate Yard) . Phase 2 This project will construct the second phase of the City's Field Operation Center, which include the building. SCE advised that the existing conduit to City Hall transformer may be used for primary electrical feed. Final plans have been submitted and are awaiting B&S approval. 4 8. Diaz Road Extension to Cherry Street This project was previously "On-hold'" pending data from Riverside County Flood Control. With the construction of the proposed Education Center, this project has become developer driven. Plans have been routed to various utilities for identification of possible conflicts and to Riverside Flood Control and Army Corp of Engineers for verification that the proposed roadway is in conformance with the proposed detention basin within Murrieta Creek. 9. Santa Gertrudls Bicycle/ Trail Undercrosslng at Margarita Road This project will construct a trail for bicycles and pedestrians along Santa Gertrudis Creek under Margarita Road. Data regarding existing utilities are being incorporated into the design. Consultant is continuing the environmental permitting process and incorporating 100% plans comments. 10. Western Bypass Corridor Alignment Study This project will provide for an alignment stud for the Western Bypass Corridor. A kick-off meeting was held on April 20, 2006 with the design consultant URS Corporation. The alignment study is underway. 11. Western Bypass Bridge Over Murrieta Creek This project involves the design and environmental clearance of a new bridge over Murrieta Creek at the terminus of SR-79S and an extension of Pujol Street to the new structure. Once constructed, this will serve as the southerly connection of the Western Bypass Corridor. Staff has completed negotiations with TYLlN International on a proposal to complete the design and environmental clearance phases, and will recommend entering an agreement at Council Meeting scheduled for OS/23/06. 12. Redhawk Park Improvements, Four Sites This project will add amenities to four park sites in the recently annexed Redhawk area. A pre- design meeting will be held soon with the chosen consultant, RJM. 13. Localized Storm Drain Improvements This project will fix the drainage problem at the south end of Front Street (at the MWD easement). Baseline right of way, utilities, and mapping are established. This project Is currently on hold. 14. Long Canyon Detention Basin -Access Road This project will construct an access road to the Long Canyon Detention Basin. Plans and specifications are 90% completed, however winter rains have affected the project conditions and the scope of work will need to be reevaluated. Project is on hold. 15. Rancho Vista Road Sidewalk This project involves design and environmental clearance of a new sidewalk along the south side of Rancho Vista Road between Ynez Road and Mira Loma Drive (east). The Notice of Exemption (NOE) has been filed with the County. PS&E is 80% complete. 5 16. Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge Over Santa Gertrudis Creek This project includes the construction of an approx. 200' ped/bike bridge over Santa Gertrudis Creek near Chaparral H.S. Nolte was awarded a contract to proceed with "Advanced Studies" to further review the available alternatives & potential costs on the project. Nolte submitted the final report identifying bridge alternates, costs & their recommendations, on 5/4/06. Staff is to evaluate options identified in the report for the construction of this project. This is a federally funded project, which will involve specific steps/actions to environmentally clear it (NEPA document). 17. Ronald Reagan Sports Park Channel Slit Removal & Desiltation Pond This project includes restoring the Best Management Practices (BMP) of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), the Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) and the RWQCB by desilting the channel & pond located near the Sports Park. An US Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit has been submitted and communication with the Department of Fish & Game is continuing. 18. Erie Stanley Gardner Exhibit This project will create an exhibit for the famous author in the museum. Newly down-scoped construction plans were just submitted by the architect. These plans are being reviewed. The project will be advertised for bids once the plans and specifications are finalized. PROJECTS IN THE PLANNING STAGE 1. 1-15/ SR 79 South Interchange. Project Report (PR) This project will modify the 1-15/ SR 79 South Interchange to accommodate projected future traffic. This is the next step of project development after the completion of the Project Study Report. City continued development of design geometrics and environmental technical studies. Status is as follows: ~ Project Report - 2nd Submittal sent to Caltrans for review. ~ Design Exceptions - 3rd Submittal sent to Caltrans for review. ~ Stormwater Data Report - 2nd Submittal sent to Caltrans for review. ~ Traffic Study - 3rd Submittal sent to Caltrans for review. ~ Modified Access Report - 1st Submittal sent to Caltrans for review. ~ Geometric Approval Drawings - Under development. ~ Initial Study Assessment - Approved. ~ Acoustic Evaluation - Approved. ~ Air Quality Assessment - Approved. ~ Nat Environmental Study - 2nd Submittal sent to Caltrans for review. ~ Cultural Studies - Site surveys continue. ~ Environmental Document - Under development. 2. French Valley Parkway Overcrossing and Interchange, Project Report (PR), Plans Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E) Preparation This project will construct an interchange between Winchester Road Interchange and the 1-15/1-215 split. The project is moving through the Caltrans process. Comments for the second submittal of the Geometric Approval Drawings (GAD) were received by the City on 5-9-06. The Draft Project Report 6 has been submitted for review. Comments for the Visual Analysis were received by the City on 5-3- 06. Potholing plans were prepared on 5-9-06. New Connection Report, Draft Project report, Fact Sheets and Traffic Analysis have been submitted to FHWA for review. R/W data sheet is being prepared. The City & Caltrans met on 5-11-06 to come up with a new schedule for the project. An updated schedule will be published. 3. French Valley Parlkway Interim Southbound Off-Ramp to Jefferson, Auxiliary Lane, and Widening the Bridge over Santa Gertrudis Creek at the Winchester Southbound Off-ramp - Phase I The City and Caltrans have agreed that immediate action is required to relieve congestion at the Winchester Road southbound off-ramp. Caltrans has even agreed to contribute $750,000 to the construction of an auxiliary lane and widen the bridge over Santa Gertrudis Creek. A southbound off-ramp to French Valley Parkway will be included in the construction of the improvements at the Winchester southbound off-ramp provided that all the environmental clearances can be obtained in time. Caltrans has given authorization to the City to submit the 30% design package for phase 1. Potholing plans have been prepared. Consultant is working on the environmental issues. As a result of the schedule determination meeting held on 5-11-06, another schedule for Phase I design and construction will be developed. 7 CD CO o lLO O~ ... ... in Wo ~ I- W W ::J: o o o W Ill: C) ~ a. ~ Ill: o ;: ~ :S::J: ::II- OZ wO :&::E W, 1-0 11.1- 00 ~~ O~ a. o I- Z W ::E W ~ Ill: a. ~ ~ ~ .. ~ ~.5 ij,,; ,,~ ~ " ~~ "'0 ~~ as - .. g g !l1l III " a.~ ",s 0", S .5 '" 0 . .5 Ii" cnE " " [~.1! ooO-/! 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"".!!! l'l .2:- ~fij "&. e~B ~a.e U c._ ".,;~c8111 81:m ~ "ij "'.!! gas lij .e .Be .5coC~! 5 >. ~ ~~ !g8~= ~~~ t; E.e Ci)'O~cq~ ""'cln .!l €m ::]c:co<en '20~ ~ ~:c g co E m fij c ~ S S "C " .!!! .c II E "Q..Q "'.. " :5 o.~ ~~,g=~.!I!a.b~ .a 8co 8.- o::]Eenm8 - C:en en>'sm"il.aco:= o .." ._ I!! c E '" " ~ '" " ~ ~ 5 ~~(5.0~~ m~= 'in =0 11'iii"OOeollUs ii .~:;, ,g.Q~{j~~S",5 e . 0).5 ~ ~ en m E;:I ~ ~"2 a.~c:'O omm'n' m -~ U:;::IC:.+J >ct:S:senom ~.~~.a:B ~'~'8 a..!._IJ!c 'oe.-:=en!l;;C: meneco ;j'.cm <<r- Q 'E m 0 'u.o c 5 a. m < .!:!! CD c:Q: ~.~ ~ 8.~~'li ~ IS c; 'j.i 2...2-oco-!!L.!!.o>..,'Oc:(co.c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " " .. Q .!! :; ... ~ " " a ,!! :; ... l1 " .c: oo -;; '" "C " '" 13 " "e' a. a. 13 } " 'S: !!l fP. ill -;; gj .g> &! " "C rg C c Lg .. " o 'i: :!: .. " o 'i: :!: ~ :$ z :$ z ~ ~ 01 c '0 I" c o '" c '0 I" c o '" c '0 I" c o ~ " " .. Q .!! :; ... ~ ~ i~ ~Ol " " U 01 01 I! 01 I! " .::J ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .li "' c o '" 1l '5 " c. oo " = ~ ~ .e '" c o E "C C 8 '3 '" ~ 13 "" ~ ~~ .!!l ~ 'e' E a.a. "j!j.!!E "C"..l'l c ._ "C S ~ c." !!L2. ;:, a: '0 1;; E .e " = c' o 1l " Q; oo - c 4!! " "' c 8 .. " o 'C :!: ~ ;:;; o CIl a. :: "' il 'i: :!: MEMORANDUM TO: Bill Hugbes, Director of Public Works/City Engineer FROM: ~'Brad Buron, Maintenance Superintendent DATE: May 3, 2006 SUBJECT: Monthly Activity Report. April, 2006 The following activities were performed by Public Works Department, Street Maintenance Division in-house personnel for the month of April, 2006: I. SIGNS II, TREES A. B. C, Total signs replaced Total signs installed Total signs repaired 53 32 31 A. Total trees trimmed for sight distance and street sweeping concems 11 III, ASPHALT REPAIRS A. B. Total square feet of A. C. repairs Total Tons 7.838 605 IV. CATCH BASINS A. Total catch basins cleaned 218 V. RIGHT-OF-WAY WEED ABATEMENT A. Total square footage for right-of-way abatement o VI. GRAFFITI REMOVAL A. B, Total locations 29 5.038 Total S,F. VII. STENCILING A. 11 New and repainted legends B. 28.058 L.F. of new and repainted red curb and striping Also, City Maintenance staff responded to 2L service order requests ranging from weed abatement, tree trimming, sign repair, A.c. failures, litter removal, and catch basin cleanings. This is compared to ~ service order requesls for the month of March. 2006. The Maintenance Crew has also put in 147 hours of overtime which includes standby time, special events and response to street emergencies. The total cost for Street Maintenance performed by Contractors for the month of Aoril. 2006 was $25.300.00 compared to $23.736.00 for the month of March. 2006. Account No, 5402 Account No. 5401 Account No. 999-5402 $ 21,180,00 $ 2,500.00 $ 1,620.00 cc: Ron Parks, Deputy Director of Public Works Ali Moghadam, Senior Engineer (Traffic) Greg Butler, Senior Engineer (Capital Improvements) Amer Attar, Senior Engineer - (Capital Improvements) Jerry Alegria, Senior Engineer (Land Development) CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION ASPHALT (POTHOLES) REPAIRS MONTH OF APRIL, 2006 DATE SCOPE OF S.F. TOTAL TONS 04/03/06 VIA NORTE AT DEL REY A.C. OVERLAY 387 3 04/07106 CORTE ALBANO POTHOLE 60 TEMP AC I 04/1 0/06 PECHANGAPARKWAY POTHOLE 12 TEMP AC 04/12106 PEACH TREE S/O DEER HOLLOW R & R AC 650 14 04/12/06 OLD TOWN FRONT STREET POTHOLE 4 TEMP AC 04/13/06 WOLF VALLEY AT PECHANGA PARKWAY AC OVERLAY 320 10 04113/06 PEACH TREE S/O DEER HOLLOW AC OVERLAY 624 10 04/17/06 PEACH TREE S/O DEER HOLLOW AC OVERLAY 180 4 04/17/06 29630 VALLEJO AC OVERLAY 100 L 0411(/06 I MARGARITA ROAD I POTHOLES 12 TEMP AC 04/18/06 EIB RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD E10 YNEZ POTHOLES 182 2.5 04/19106 41934 MAIN STREET R & R AC 8 5 04/19/06 I DE PORTOLA AT MEADOWS PARKWAY AC OVERLAY 220 L 04/19/06 I 29110 VALLEJO I AC OVERLAY 366 L ~ 04/19/06 I CORTE ALBANO AT CORTE ALMERIA I AC OVERLAY 132 L 04/19/06 I 30560 A VENIDA ESTRADA I POTHOLE 12 TEMP AC 04/20/06 I 45967 CORTE CARMELLO I AC OVERLAY 1,075 11 04/20/06 CAMINO ROSALES AT CORTE MONTOYA AC OLVERLAY 219 L 04/24106 A VENIDA ESTRADA AC OVERLAY 1,248 3 04/25/06 I COLINA VERDE I AC OVERLAY 740 3 04/26/06 I RIO NEDO AC OVERLAY 1,287 5 I I TOTAL S.F. OF REPAIRS 7.838 TOTAL TONS 60.5 R:\MAINTAINIWKCMPLTD\ASPHALT.RPR\05.06\APRIL CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION CATCH BASIN MAINTENANCE MONTH OF APRIL, 2006 DATE WORK COMPLETED 04/03/06 CITYWIDE CLEANED & CHECKED 21 CATCH BASINS I 04/04/06 AREA #2 CLEANED & CHECKED 6 CATCH BASINS I 04/05/06 AREAS #1 - #4 CLEANED & CHECKED 10 CATCH BASINS I 04/06/06 AREAS #1 - #4 CLEANED & CHECKED 8 CATCH BASINS I 04/07106 AREA #2 CLEANED & CHECKED 3 CATCH BASINS I 04/10/06 CITYWIDE CLEANED & CHECKED 18 CATCH BASINS I 04/1 2/06 OLD TOWN FRONT STREET I CLEANED & CHECKED 2 CATCH BASINS I 04/17/06 CITYWIDE I CLEANED & CHECKED 18 CATCH BASINS I 04119/06 AREA #3 I CLEANED & CHECKED 31 CATCH BASINS I 04/20106 AREA #3 I CLEANED & CHECKED 25 CATCH BASINS Ii 04/24/06 CITYWIDE I CLEANED & CHECKED 14 CATCH BASINS 04125106 I AREAS #1 & #4 CLEANED & CHECKED 28 CATCH BASINS I I 04/26/06 I AREA #3 CLEANED & CHECKED 28 CATCH BASINS II 04/27/06 I AREA #3 I CLEANED & CHECKED 6 CATCH BASINS I I I I I I I I I I I I I L TOTAL CATCH BASINS CLEANED & CHECKED 218 R:\MAINTAIN\WKCMPLETD\CATCHBAS\05.06\APRIL CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION GRAFFITI REMOVAL MONTH OF APRIL, 2006 DATE LOCATION 04/03/06 WINCHESTER AT SANTA GERTRUDIS BRIDGE 04/03/06 PUJOL AT MAIN STREET 04/03/06 27911 JEFFERSON 04/05/06 MAIN STREET BRIDGE 04/10/06 CALLE KATERINE 04/10/06 I WOLF STORE ROAD AT BUTTERFIELD 04/10/06 I WOLF STORE ROAD 100' W/O BUTTERFIELD 04/10/06 WOLF STORE ROAD AT APIS 04/10/06 33274 HWY. 79 SO, 04/10/06 32467 HWY, 79 SO. 04/10/06 SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK AT MARGARITA 04/10/06 SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK AT WINCHESTER 04/12/06 1 EDISON PLANT BEHIND MIRA LOMA 04/14/061 RAINBOW CANYON ATBAYHILL 04/17/06 I BUSINESS PARK DRIVE AT SINGLE OAK 04/17/061 PECHANGAPARKWAY AT WOLF VALLEY 04/17/06 1 NO. GENERAL KEARNY AT SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK 04/18/06 45357 TEJON COURT 04/18/06 PECHANGAPARKWAY AT TEMECULA CREEK BRIDGE 04/20/06 I SUNNY MEADOWS AT CAMPANULA 04/20/061 MEADOWS PARKWAY ATCAMPANULA 04/21/06 130676 E. LOMA LINDA 04/24/06 I SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK AT WINCHESTER WO~.~(llM"'LETED REMOVED 64 S.F. OF GRAFFITI REMOVED 5 S.F. OF GRAFFITI REMOVED 115 S.F. OF GRAFFITI REMOVED 5 S.F, OF GRAFFITI REMOVED 20 S.F. OF GRAFFITI REMOVED 15 S.F. OF GRAFFITI REMOVED 15 S.F. OF GRAFFITI REMOVED 2 S.F. OF GRAFFITI REMOVED 20 S,F, OF GRAFFITI REMOVED 10 S,F. OF GRAFFITI REMOVED 175 S.F. OF GRAFFITI REMOVED 64 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 1 REMOVED 945 S.F. OF GRAFFITI I REMOVED 40 S.F. OF GRAFFITI I REMOVED 85 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 1 REMOVED 500 S,F. OF GRAFFITI I REMOVED 10 S.F. OF GRAFFITI REMOVED 25 S.F. OF GRAFFITI REMOVED 1,900 S.F. OF GRAFFITI I REMOVED 60 S.F, OF GRAFFITI I REMOVED 10 S.F. OF GRAFFITI I REMOVED 60 S,F, OF GRAFFITI 1 REMOVED 145 S.F. OF GRAFFITI R:\MAINT AIN\WKCMPL TD\GRAFFITI\05.06\APRIL I I DArE I 04/24/06 I 04/25/06 I 04/26/06 I 04127/06 I 04/27/06 I 04127106 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l ,E0G'l\:!1iIijN~':'~.",:,,;,,,._',,-,> ".,,:1 ,;"",,,.' ";' ~ SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK AT NO, GENERAL KEARNY MIRA LOMA AT EDISON PLANT RUSTIC GLEN AT KNOLL RIDGE VERDADERO PLACE AT EMWD EASEMENT WINCHESTER CREEK BRIDGE RUSTIC GLEN AT KNOLL RIDGE , ,W,(i):Rk~GQMFbE-iFED. REMOVED REMOVED REMOVED REMOVED REMOVED REMOVED TOTAL S.F. GRAffiTI REMOVED TOTAL LOCATIONS 5.038 29 58 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 380 S,F. OF GRAFFITI 20 S,F. OF GRAffiTI 5 S,F. OF GRAFFITI I 270 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 15 S.F. OF GRAFFITI I I I , R:\MAINTAIN\WKCMPLTD\GRAFFlTM5J>6\APRIL ~ <~ ~o ~~ ~~ ~~ ~H H~ ~~ O~ >~ H~ ~\C U= = N -. -- --- --- -- ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~ ....:::.. -- ----- -_....- .-- )'I " " " . '" '" '" >- ,; ,; ,; ,; ... 00000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 ~~~~M~~~~M~~~~M~~~~M~~~~M~ ~~~~~~MMMMMNNNNN~~~~~ ~ .... .... -< U .... -< ~ o ~ t'f'lI.l')NO\ OOMOON D U.... ~~.<= 1;;il..8il~ ~~ ~].i;'lLQ~i~ ~ ~ .....~::E<::E~~<"-'OZCl " iii c > 0 Z ~ U 0 ~ a.. w III (!) t: ~ a ~ tJ) + :J ... w I- z tJ) :J ... 0 ~ 0 :;; + ....I ii! ~ ~ :;; III W II. ~ ... ! ~ i ~ ! i . \0 t!:==- \OlI'lM 100 ..ttiM 010 =lI'l "N ""00 ... . ~ ..N ... ... ~~ ... -::E ~ ,s.. '" CL> -1;j .... ~CI C> C> E-<~ f;I;,.....!l ."'- C"C>OI rl)UU ~ !;; o u viV)oo r---NO"" N...oO<o::t V'lM-V'l \0('"'--\000 If)"'M"'oOM ~_M_ ~&")~V't - -- ~~.<= -~ll~~ S.c ~].~~ ~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~<~....;E!<cnOZQ ~~ ~~ 0'0 1Il~ _11')000 0"''''''' \00\00 \CJ"~-.:t....,... - - t l-I U ~~.<= --e ll~-e ~~ =l~~-3'~i~ ~ ~ ....~~<~........<1Il0ZQ ~ DATE I 04/14106 I 04/19106 I 04/19106 [ 04/26106 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L CITY OF TEMECULA . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION RIGHT-OF-WAY TREE TRIMMING MONTH OF APRIL, 2006 LOCATION CITY HALL TRIMMED WORK COMPLETED I 1 R.O.W. TREES WINCHESTER W/O JEFFERSON TRIMMED 4 R.O.W. TREES 2 R.O,W. TREES 4 R.O,W, TREES ,I I I I 'I I I I I JEDEDIAH SMITH E/O HWY. 79 SO, TRIMMED RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD E & W BOUND TRIMMED TOTAL R.O.W. TREES TRIMMED .....!! R:\MAINT AIN\WRKCOMPL1D\TREES\05.06\APRIL5 CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION SERVICE ORDER REQUEST LOG MONTH OF APRIL, 2006 DATE DATE WORK REC'D LOCATION REQUEST COMPLETED 04/03/06 45531 CLUBHOUSE DRIVE DEBRIS REMOVAL 04/03106 04/03/06 REDHA WK AREA WEED ABATEMENT 04/03106 04/03/06 1 29779 ORCHID SNS DOWN 04/03106 04104106 PIO PICO AT MARGARITA POTHOLES 04/04/06 04/05/06 29690 DEAL COURT TREE CONCERN 04/05/06 04/05/06 39525 JUNE ROAD TREE TRIMMING 04/05/06 04106/06 131471 SANDHILL LANE I PHONE IN DRAIN 04/06/06 04/06/06 CORTE AL BANO POTHOLE 04107106 04/07/06 31705 PASEO GOLETA TREE CONCERN 04/10106 04/07/06 I CORTE FRAGA 1 RPM's 04/10/06 04/10/06 NICOLAS ROAD AT CALLE MEDUSA I DEBRIS 04/10106 04/12/06 CALLE SANTA ANA AT RANCHO VISTA 1 STOP SIGN & SNS 04/13/06 04112/06 WOLF VALLEY AT PECHANGA PARKWAY I POTHOLE 04/13/06 04/18/06 VIA RIO TEMECULA AT REDHA WK PARKWAY CLEAN SIDEWALK 04/18/06 04/18/06 41610 BIG SAGE COURT TREE 04/20/06 04/19/06 30560 A VENIDA ESTRADA I POTHOLE 04/19/06 04/20/06 I 41844 4TH STREET DEBRIS REMOVAL 04/20/06 04/21/06 I BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD AT ROYAL CREST POTHOLE 04/21/06 04/21/06 1 MARGARITA ROAD AT A VENIDA SIMA DEL SOL DEBRIS 04/21/06 04/21/06 I VIA ANGELES AT CORTE FIGUEROA S,N,S. DOWN 04121/06 04/21106 28955 PUJOL TREE DOWN 04/21/06 04/21106 WALCOTT LANE EROSION 04/21106 04/21/06 I WOLF STORE ROAD I STREET CONCERN 04121/06 04/24/06 41290 VIA AGUILAR I RAISED SIDEWALK 04/24/06 04/24/06 VIA LAS CHACRAS I WEED ABATEMENT 04/24/06 R:\MAINTAIN\WRKCOMPLTD\SORS\05.06\APRIL DATE DATE WORK REC'D LOCATION REQUEST COMPLETED 04/25/06 30320 COLINA VERDE PAVING QUESTIONS 04/256/06 04/25/06 30361 VIA BRISA TREE TRIMMING 04/25/06 04/27/06 BARGIL COURT DAMAGED DRAIN 04/27/06 04/27/06 31668 PIO PICO POTHOLES 04/27/06 04/28/06 ZUMA DRIVE DEBRIS IN STREET 04/28/06 04/28/06 SWING INN MAINTENANCE QUESTION 04/28/06 04/28/06 REDHAWK PARKWAY STOP SIGN WANTED 04/28/06 TOTAL SERVICE ORDER REQUESTS R:\MAINTAIN\WRKCOMPLTD\SORS\05.06\APRIL CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION SIGNS MONTH OF APRIL, 2006 DATE LOCATION WORK COMPLETED 04/03/06 CITYWIDE REPAIRED 7 SIGNS 04/05106 REDHAWKPARKWAY AT EASTRIDGE REPLACED R4-7, "K" MARKER I 04/05106 SOLANA E10 MARGARITA REPLACED R-26 I 04/06/06 WOLF V ALLEY AT CAMINITO OLITE REPLACED 2, R-26 I 04/10/06 CAMINITO OLITE AT REDHA WK PARKWAY REPAIR I SIGN I II 04/11/06 WOLF V ALLEY AT CAMINO ROSALES INSTALL I SIGN I 04/11/06 REDHA WK P ARKW A Y SIO 79 SO. INSTALL 4 SIGNS I 04/11/06 CALLE KATERINE AT KLARER LANE REPAIR I SIGN BUTTERFIELD STAGE N/O NIGHTHAWK INSTALL 2 SIGNS 04/11/06 I 04/12/06 SIB PECHANGA P ARKW A Y SIO VIA EDUARDO REPAIR I SIGN I 04/12/06 NIB PECHANGA P ARKW A Y SIO VIA EDUARDO REPAIR I SIGN I 04/12/06 NIB BUTTERFIELD STAGE 300' N/O NIGHTHAWK INSTALL 2 SIGNS I 04/12/06 NIB BUTTERFIELD STAGE 200' SIO CHANNEL ST. REPLACE I SIGN I 04/12/06 NIB BUTTERFIELD STAGE AT CHANNEL STREET INSTALL 2 SIGNS I 04/12/06 I NIB BUTTERFIELD STAGE 200' SIO TEMECULA CREEK I INSTALL I 4 SIGNS I I 04/12/06 I BUTTERFIELD STAGE SIO TEMECULA CREEK I REPAIR I SIGN I I 04/13/06 I PALOMA DEL SOL AREA I INSTALL liS SIGNS I I 04/13/06 I CITYWIDE I REPAIRED I 4 SIGNS I I 04114/06 I SIB JEFFERSON 400' NIO DEL RIO I INSTALL II SIGN I I 04/19/061 RORIPAUGH ROAD AT NICOLAS INSTALL I SIGN I I 04/19/061 JEFFERSON NIO WINCHESTER REPAIR 4 SIGNS I 04/191061 EIB WINCHESTER W/O PROMENADE MALL I REPLACE II SIGN II 04/20106 SUNNY MEADOWS AT CAMPANULA I REPLACE~-I I R:\MAINTAIN\WKCMPLTD\SIGNSI.05.06\APRIL DATE LOCATION WORK COMPLETED REPLACED 5 SNS, R-I, R2-45 REPLACE R-I REPLACED W3-3, R-26 REPLACED 3 DELINEATORS REPLACED 2 DELINEATORS REPLACED 20 DELINEATORS REPLACED R4-7 REPAIRED 19 SIGNS REPLACED R2-55 I I I I I ;i I I I I I I I TOTAL SIGNS REPLACED TOTAL SIGNS INSTALLED TOTAL SIGNS REPAIRED --..M ~ ---2! _J 04/20/06 REDHA WK AREA 04/21106 VIA ANGELES AT CORTE FIGUEROA 04/24/06 MARGARITA N/O RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD 04/24/06 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AT BUTTERFIELD STAGE 04/25/06 RANCHO CALIFORNIA RO, W/O BUTIERFIELD STAGE 04/26/06 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD E10 MARGARITA I 04/26/06 HARVESTON AT WINCHESTER I 04/26/06 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD I 04/27/06 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AT MEADOWS P ARKW A Y I I I I I I I I I I I I I I R:\MAlNTAIN\WKCMPLTD\SIGNS\.05.06\APRIL CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION STENCILS I STRIPING MONTH OF APRIL, 2006 DATE ,L@CATIf)N WORK COMPLETED I I 04/12/06 PEACH TREE S/O DEER HOLLOW INSTALL 1 LEGEND I 04/17106 STATION 73 REPAINT I LEGEND I 04/17/06 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE REPAINT 2,242 LN. Fr. RED CURB I 04/18/06 CALLE SANTA ANA AT RANCHO VISTA INSTALL 108 LN. Fr. RED CURB I I 04/18/06 AREA #1 REPAINT 4,530 LN. Fr. RED CURB I I 04/19/06 AREA #1 REPAINT I 7,058 LN. Fr, RED CURBi I 04/20/06 AREA #1 REPAINT 4,877 LN. Fr. RED CURB II I 04/25/06 JEFFERSON AVENUE REPAINT 2,379 LN. Fr. RED CURB I I 04/25/06 NICOLAS S/O WINCHESTER INSTALLED 9 ARROWS I 04/26/06 AREA #1 REPAINTED 6,864 LN. Fr. RED CURB I I I TOTAL NEW & REPAINTED LEGENDS II NEW & REPAINTED RED CURB & STRIPING L.F. 28.058 ---' R:\MAINTAlN\WRKCOMPLTD\STRIPING\05.06\APRII THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK