HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeotechnical Review . . REC~II/f.: oCr 0 '.~~D CiTy _ 1 1996 CIVGINcCR%G. Tc!vfCGv A DCPA tq RTMEiv I . . GEOTECHNICAL GRADING PLAN REVIEW TRACT 231-'113--'11 CROWNE HILL CITY OF TEMECULA, CA. . . For: TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES CALIFORNIA LIMITED . SEPTEMBER 16,1996 . . By: PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. SAN DIEGO, CA. WORK ORDER 400406A . . . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 . . TABLE OF CONTENTS Page . INTRODUCTION 1 SCOPE OF WORK 2 SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION 3 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 4 . FIELD INVESTIGATION 5 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY 6 STRUCTURE 7 . SEISMICITY 8 Figure 1 - Faults in Southern California Table A - Seismic Parameters 9 GROUNDWATER 11 . CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 12 1-0. GEOTECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS 12 2-0. SITE PREPARATION AND COMPACTION 16 . 3-0. PRELIMINARY DESIGN CRITERIA 20 4-0. SLOPE STABILITY AND MAINTENANCE 26 5-0. MISCELLANEOUS 28 . . . \ PACIFIC BOILS ENGINEERING. INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16,1996 . TABLE OF CONTENTS con!. . APPENDIX: REFERENCES . SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION & LABORATORY ANALYSIS PLATE A - UNIFIED SOILS CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM PLATES A-1 THRU A-8 - LOGS OF BORINGS PLATES B-1 THRU B-4 - SLOPE STABILITY CALCULATIONS . PLATES C-1 THRU C-4 - CONSOLIDATION CURVES PLATES D-1 AND D-2 - DIRECT SHEAR TEST DATA TABLE I - LOG OF TEST PITS T -40A THRU T -47 A, T -68A THRU T-70A . AND T-73A (PSE, 1992b) TABLE 1 - LOG OF TEST PITS (Ranpac Soils, Inc., 1991) TABLE 2 - SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST DATA . EARTHWORK SPECIFICATIONS PLATES G-1 THRU G-11 - GRADING DETAILS . POCKET ENCLOSURES: SHEETS 1, 3 THRU 7 - 40-SCALE GRADING PLANS . . . PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. 1/ . I~ ~I PACIFIC SOIL.S ENGINEERING, INC. r::I 7715 CONVOY COURT, SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA 92111 ~ TELEPHONE: (619) 560-1713, FAX: (619) 560-0380 . . TAYLOR WOODROW HOMES CALIFORNIA LIMITED 24461 Ridge Route Drive - Suite 100 Laguna Hills, CA. 92653-1686 September 16, 1996 Work Order 400406A . Attention: Mr. Alfredo Ayuyao, Senior Development Manager Subject: Geotechnical Grading Plan Review, Tract 23143-4 of the Crowne Hill Project, in the City of Temecula, California . References: See Appendix Gentlemen: . . Presented herein are the results of Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc.'s (PSE's) geotechni- cal grading plan review of Tract 23143-4 of the Crowne Hill project. The subject tract is located approximately 1000 feet northeasterly of the intersection of De Portola Road and Butterfield Stage Road and is part of the overall master planned Crowne Hill project. . The purpose of our study is to evaluate onsite geotechnical conditions as they relate to the development of 81 building pads and associated improvements as shown on the enclosed 40-scale rough grading plans (sheets 1 and 3 through 7 of 7) prepared by Trans-Pacific Consultants. These plans form the basis of the findings and recom- mendations presented herein. . . 3 . CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS TEL: (714) 220-0770 FAX: (714) 220-9589 LOS ANGELES COUNTY TEL: (213)325-7272 or 775-6771 FAX: (714) 220-9589 RIVERSIDE COUNTY TEL: (909) 676-8195 FAX: (909) 67&-1879 SOUTH ORANGE COUNTY TEL: (714) 730-2122 FAX: (714) 730-5191 . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 Page 2 . . SCOPE OF WORK The scope of our grading plan review consisted of the following: . . Review of proprietary reports and published literature pertinent to the site (references). . . Compilation of previously obtained geotechnical data. . Limited seismicity evaluation. . . Excavation sampling and logging of two (2) supplemental borings. . . Laboratory testing and analyses of recently obtained samples. . Geotechnical analyses of the enclosed grading plans that include: 1) earthwork recommendations and specifications; 2) remedial grading rec- ommendations; 3) preliminary foundation design; and 4) slope stability. . . Preparation of this report and accompanying exhibits. . . bv . PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16,1996 Page 3 . SITE LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION . . Tract 23143-4 is an irregular shaped parcel that is part of the overall Crowne Hill proj- ect, located in the City of Temecula. The site can be accessed off of existing Butter- field Stage Road northerly of De Portola Road (sheet 1). Crowne Hill Drive is part of an assessment district (AD. 159) and is unbuilt at this time. . The undeveloped parcel consists of gently rolling terrain with total relief across the site of 136 feet. Natural slopes vary from relatively flat (i.e., less than 10 : 1) to locally as seep as 2 : 1 (horizontal to vertical). Drainage is via natural drainage courses general- ly toward the south into the Pauba Valley. Natural slope areas support a light to mod- erate growth of annuals with localized areas of chaparral. . . . . . ~ . PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16,1996 Page 4 . PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT . It is assumed that mass grading techniques will be utilized to develop the site into 81 . residential lots with associated improvements and open space. Approximately 263,540 cubic yards of excavation are estimated which will be utilized onsite for fill areas and an additional 271,580 cubic yards of import will be required for developing finish grades within the subject tract. These quantities do not include Crowne Hill Drive. . Cut and fill slopes are proposed at slope ratios of 2 : 1 (horizontal to vertical). Based on the enclosed plans the highest cut slope is approximately fifty (50) feet and the high- . est fill slope is approximately thirty (30) feet. . . . . \q . PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16,1996 Page 5 . FIELD INVESTIGATION . . In order to evaluate the subsoil conditions and obtain laboratory samples, a subsurface field investigation was conducted by PSE in several phases. This work was performed in conjunction with the overall development of the Crowne Hill project. This investiga- tion was conducted between June of 1988 and August of 1996. Site specific excava- tions and laboratory test results are included in the Appendix of this report. Also included in this report are borings and test pits performed by other geotechnical firms that were excavated within boundaries of the subject site. . . The field investigation for Tract 23143-4 included: 1) review of published proprietary reports on the area; 2) study of aerial photographs; 3) geologic field mapping; and 4) excavation, logging and sampling of seven (7) exploratory borings and twelve (12) test pits. . . . . \ . PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 Page 6 . ENGINEERING GEOLOGY . . Tract 23142-4 is underlain by surficial deposits of topsoil, alluviumlcolluvium and a Quaternary bedrock unit, the Pauba Formation. The distribution of these geologic units is shown on the 40-scale grading plans (sheets 3 through 7 of 7). . Topsoil (No Map Symbol) Topsoils blanket most of the natural slope areas of the site and consist of light brown, silty to clayey sands. The soils are typically slightly moist to loose to moderately dense. Topsoils range from one-half (0.5) to two (2) feet thick. . . Alluvium/Colluvium (Map Symbol Qal) The alluvial/colluvial soils present onsite are comprised of brown to dark brown, silty to clayey sands that are slightly moist, moderately dense, and somewhat porous. On the average, the alluvium ranges from three (3) to twenty (20) feet thick. . Based on site specific testing and regional work in the Murrieta area (Pacific Soils En- gineering, Inc., 1993) the alluviumlcolluvium and in some instances highly weathered Pauba Formation exhibit a potential for hydro-consolidation. The hydro-consolidation potential typically varies from one percent to as much as six percent. Depending on the steepness of the bedrock/alluvium contact and imposed stress, detrimental diff(;lren- tial settlements are possible if these materials are not removed or otherwise mitigated. . . . ~ PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 Page 7 . . Pauba Formation (Map Symbol Qps) The Pauba Formation is a late Quaternary-age sedimentary deposit that consists of a poorly lithified sandstone and gritstone with subunits of silt and clay rich beds. On natural slope areas, the upper two (2) to four (4) feet of this unit is typically weathered. However, within onsite drainages deeper zones of weathering beneath alluvial/colluvial deposits may be encountered that exhibit detrimental collapse potential that could re- sult in differential settlements of sufficient magnitude to impact structures or improve- ments. In these instances, weathered Pauba Formation is considered unsuitable for structures andlor structural fills and will require removal. . . . STRUCTURE . The Pauba Formation represents an essentially horizontal unit. Localized depositional dips of two to five degrees are present within the unit. . Based upon: 1) review of literature (Highland Geotechnical Consultants, Inc., 1987; Ranpac Soils, Inc., 1991; Kennedy, 1977; Jennings, 1985 and 1975); 2) review of ae- rial photographs; and 3) site reconnaissance mapping, faulting was found to be ab- sent from the site. . . 0.... . PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16,1996 Page 8 . . SEISMICITY . Jennings (1985) indicates that the structure features of the State of California are ex- pressed as general trends and patterns that define structural provinces and specific blocks. Each structural province is characterized by faults of a predominate trend or pattern. Crowne Hill and Tract 23143-4 are located within the Peninsular Ranges of southern California which is characterized by faults with a strong northwest orientation (Figure 1). These faults typically. display right lateral slip. . . The Peninsular Range structural block is divided into eight (8) sub-blocks. The subject site is located on the Riverside sub-block and is bounded on the northeast by the San Jacinto fault zone and on the southwest by the Elsinore fault zone. the nearest strand of the Elsinore fault zone, the Wildomar fault segment (Kennedy, 1977) is approximate- ly three kilometers from the subject project. The nearest strand of the San Jacinto fault zone is the Casa Loma fault approximately 31 kilometers west of the subject project. Both the Elsinore and the San Jacinto fault systems are north and northwest striking, dominantly right lateral, strike-slip faults, showing Holocene activity. . . . Literature review (Kennedy, 1977; Jennings, 1985 and 1975), aerial photographic study, and site reconnaissance mapping indicate that active faults are not located with- in or adjacent to the project site. . \0 . PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16,1996 Page 9 . . . It is likely that during the design life of the project, the site will be subject to ground ac- celeration generated from earthquakes produced along offsite faults. Secondary ground displacements in response to a nearby or large regional earthquake are possi- ble as with most areas in the seismically active southern California region. . Peak accelerations generated by maximum creditable earthquakes are shown on Table A . TABLE A SEISMIC PARAMETERS Distance Magnitude Peak Acceleration Fault (Km) (1(2) (3)(4) (5)(6)(7) Wildomar fault zone Wildomar segment 3 7.2 0.7 San Jacinto fault zone Casa Loma segment 31 7.1 0.14 San Andreas fault zone 71 7.5 0.12 . . . Newport-lnglewood/Rose Canyon fault zone 47 7.0 0.08 (1) Kennedy, 1977 (2) Jennings, 1994b (3) VVesnousky, 1986 . (4) .Jones and Hauksson, 1994 (5) Maulchin and Jones, 1992 (6) Campbell and Bozorgnia, 1994 (7) Joyner & Boore, 1981 . \\ PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16,1996 Page 10 . . Liquefaction potential is considered unlikely due to the relatively dense character of the Pauba Formation and the recommendation of complete alluviallcolluvial removals. The lack of shallow groundwater and complete removal of all alluvium during remedial grad- ing operations will further decrease the potential for liquefaction. Seiches and earth- quake inducted flooding are not considered hazards owing to the site relief and lack of proximity of large bodies of water. . . . . . . . \'V . PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 Page 11 . GROUNDWATER . . No groundwater was encountered during our subsurface exploration in test pits or bor- ings. No other indication of groundwater was observed or encountered during our sub- surface exploration. Active springs or groundwater surface seeps were not observed during our field investigation. . . . . . . . \~ PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. -, . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 Page 12 . CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS . . Based on our review of the reference reports and the accompanying 40-scale rough grading plans (sheets 1 through 7 of 7) prepared by Trans-Pacific Consultants it is con- cluded that the site is suitable for the intended development subject to the conditions, recommendations and specifications presented herein. All grading should conform to the City of Temecula criteria. . . Particular attention has been directed to remedial grading requirements associated with removals within fill areas, recommendations for enhancing slope stability, subdrain placement and overexcavation requirements for pad areas. Geotechnical considera- tions and recommendations are summarized herein and should be incorporated into the design, construction and project specifications. . 1-0. GEOTECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS . 1-1. The major geologic mapping unit underlying the site is the Pauba Formation. Where unweathered this unit is adequate for support of engineered fill and resi- dential structures. In general, this mapping unit has a soil and weathered profile of two (2) to four (4) feet. . Within natural drainages, removal of all colluviumlalluvium is recommended. Additional removals are recommended beneath the alluviumlcolluvium where highly weathered Pauba Formation exists that exhibits potential hydro-collapse or has the potential for settlement. Criteria for field verification of unsuitable re- . . ,A.. PACIFIC SDILS ENl3INEERINl3, INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 Page 13 . . - -- -------- moval excavations-withiR-h~Uba should include: 1) lack of po- rosity that typically occurs at depths of five (5) tb'ten-(-10)-feet.beneath the allu- vium/colluvium contact; and 2) degree of saturation of 85 percent or greater. --'-- --'- ----- - . . Coupled with the overlying alluvium/colluvium, removals may extend 20 to 30 feet. Target removal depths are shown on the enclosed grading plans (sheets 3 through 7). Actual removal depths should be based on conditions exposed dur- ing grading. . 1-2. SloDes a) Cut Slopes Cut slopes are considered grossly stable as proposed. Due to unlikely but possible unfavorable geology day lighting on the slope face, these slopes may require stabilization fills. During grading, all cut slopes should be closely evaluated for this condition and if unsuitable materials are encountered, a stabilization fill may be required. . . Stabilization fills should be constructed within a minimum key dimension of fifteen (15) feet wide by one (1) foot deep at the toe by two (2) feet deep at the heel (Plate G-3). Larger key dimensions may be required based upon slope height and field conditions. Gross and surficial stability calculations for cut slopes are presented on Plates B-1 and B-2. . . . PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING!, INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 Page 14 . . . b) Fill-aver-Cut Slopes___ -._- -..---------- Prior to filling, the cut portion-ofJhe slope should be observed by the soil ----- ~.- engineer or engineering geologist to confirm that the underlying material is sound and capable of adequately supporting the fill. It may be neces- sary to overexcavate the cut portion and replace it with compacted fill. If -tllEfunaerlyih~r material is deemed capable of supporting the fill, a fill key of at least one equipment width and tilted into the slope with at least one (1) foot differential should be constructed prior to fill placement (Plate G-11). ~ . . c) Fill Slopes Over Natural Ground Fill slopes should be keyed and benched into natural ground, as shown on Plate G-5. Keyways for fill slopes should be founded on competent material as determined by the engineering geologist or soil engineer. . . All surficial soils. colluvium, alluvium, hiohlv weathered bedrock. and loose. soft materials must be removed orior to fill olacement. Gross and surficial slope stability calculations for fill slopes are presented on Plates B-3 and B-4. . It is recommended that landscaping of graded slopes should be accom- plished as soon as practical to reduce exposure to raveling and erosion. . . ,-<' PACIFIC SOILS ENlalNEERINGl, INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 Page 15 . . 1-3. ImDervious Materials Ex Dosed on Cut SloDes ---------- .- Where relatively impervious claystone or siltstone subunits are exposed in the lower portion of cut slopes and the stability can be demonstrated, it is possible that irrigation and rain water will seep out of the slope, creating a nuisance condition. To mitigate potential nuisance water problems, it may be advisable to construct a toe drainage system. The final recommendation should be based upon field conditions and the design of the tope drain based upon as-graded condition. . . . 1-4. Unfavorable Materials EXDosed on Cut Pads Cut pads which expose unfavorable materials such as claystone andlor siltstone beds should be overexcavated entirely to provide uniform foundation conditions and to eliminate potential perched groundwater conditions. The minimum depth of undercut is three (3) feet; however, deeper undercuts may be recommended based upon field conditions. All undercut of pads should be excavated such that a minimum one (1) percent gradient sloping toward the street is achieved at the base of the undercut. Each lot should be evaluated during mass grading for this conditions. . . . 1-5. Subdrains The proposed subdrain system shown on the enclosed 40-scale rough grading plans should be constructed per Plates G-1 and G-2. Final recommendations for the subdrain locations and outlets will be determined in the field. . . \~ PACIFIC SOILS ENQINEERINQ, INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 Page 16 . . 2-0. SITE PREPARATION AND COMPACTION . 2-1. In order to achieve a well engineered and designed development, in-grading field observation will be required by qualified geotechnical personnel. This should include continuous observation and testing of fill placement by field tech- nicians, and periodic observation by the project geologist and soil engineer. . 2-2. Prior to grading, areas within the daylight limits should be stripped and cleared of all existing vegetation, trash, debris and all other deleterious materials. These materials should be removed and wasted offsite. . . 2-3. In areas to receive compacted fill intended for support of structures, all residual soils, alluvium, spoil fill, as well as weathered bedrock should be removed to firm materials as approved by the project soil engineer and/or geologist. Removal recommendations are discussed under item 1-1. . 2-4. All cuUfill transition pads should be undercut such that a minimum compacted fill section of three (3) feet is provided over the entire building pad. . 2-5. After clearing, stripping, removals and overexcavation, the approved exposed surface should be scarified, moisture conditioned to optimum moisture or slightly above, and compacted to a minimum of 90 percent or 92 percent (for fills deeper than 50 feet) of the laboratory maximum density as determined in accordance with ASTM:D 1557-91. . PACIFIC SOILS ENClINEERING, INC. \"v . . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 Page 17 . . 2-6. All fill should be spread in thin lifts, the mOisture content adjusted to at or slightly above optimum, and the materials rolled and compacted to 90 percent or 92 per- cent (for fills deeper than 50 feet) of the laboratory maximum density (ASTM:D 1557-91). Each lift should be treated in a like manner until the desired finish grades are achieved. . . 2-7. All fills deeper than 50 feet should be compacted to a minimum of 92 percent of the laboratory maxiumum density (ASTM:D 1557-91) at or slightly above opti- mum moisture. . 2-8. Materials excavated onsite which are approved by the soil engineer may be uti- lized in compacted fill provided that they are free of objectionable debris. . 2-9. Where the natural slopes are steeper than 5-horizontal to 1-vertical, compacted fill material should be keyed and benched into competent materials as approved by the soil engineer and/or geologist. Particular note should be give to any fill- over-cut slopes. Care should be taken to prevent overbenching at the filllnatural daylight lines as the fills are brought to finished grade. . . 2-10. In order to minimize surficial slumps on compacted fill slopes, the following grad- ing procedures should be undertaken. a) Compacted fill slopes should be backrolled with a sheepsfoot roller durina fill placement at intervals not exceedina four (4) feet in vertical heiaht. Care should be taken to construct the slope in a workmanlike manner so that it is positioned at its design orientation and slope ratio. Achieving a uniform slope surface by subsequent thin wedge filling must be avoided. . . \~ PACIFIC SOILS ENQINEERINGl, INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 . . . . . . . . . . Page 18 Any add-on correction-to_aJilLsloge $hould~ol1d_ucted by overfilling the affected slope in thin horizontal, compacted lifts which must be benched into the existing fill prism. The overfilled slope may then be trimmed to the design gradient. After completion the fill slope faces should be rolled for the entire height with a sheepsfoot roller, then finished with a grid roller. If the desire com- paction is not obtained in this manner, a vibratory sheepsfoot roller may be required. To be most effective this equipment should be anchored and manipulated from a sideboom tractor. In lieu of a grid roller, the slope may be track walked with a D-8 dozer or equivalent machinery on slopes of 2: 1 or flatter. To obtain the required compaction and appearance of the slope face, the soil moisture should be at or above optimum from time of mass filling to completion of grid rolling. b) As an alternative to the sheepsfooting and grid rolling or track walking of the slopes, fill slopes may be constructed by overfilling with compacted fill a minimum 0 three (3) feet, horizontally, and then trimmed back such as to expose the dense inner core of the slope surface. c) The grading contractor should be made aware that care must be taken to avoid spillage of loose material down the face of the slopes during grad- ing and during drainage terrace and downdrain construction. Fine grad- ing operations for benches and downdrains should not deposit loose, trimmed soils on the finished slope surfaces. The materials should be re- moved from the slope areas. \<\ PACIFIC BOILS ENGINEERING, INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 Page 19 . . d) Seeding and planting of all slopes should be planned to achieve, as rap- idly as possible, a well established and deep rooted vegetal cover requir- ing minimal watering. The type of vegetation and watering schedule should be established by a landscape architect familiar with hillside maintenance. . . 2-11. In general, the onsite materials are considered very low to high expansive in na- ture. Design of foundations are provided to accommodate this condition. . The import soils should have low to very low expansive properties and the soil engineer should be notified at least 48 hours in advance in order to sample, test and approve or disapprove materials from other borrow sites. No import materi- als should be delivered for use on the site without prior approval of the soil engineer. . . 2-12. All temporary roads created during grading must be removed in their entirety or replaced as properly compacted fill. . 2-13. Compaction equipment on the proiect shall include a combination of rubber-tired and sheepsfoot rollers to achieve proper compaction. Adequate water trucks/pulls should be available to provide sufficient moisture and dust control. . 1P . PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 Page 20 . ~_.------- . 3-0. PRELIMINARY-DESIGN CRITERIA Onsite materials are anticipated to range from very low to high in expansive potential. · Final expansion potentials of the subject lots are dependent on the as-graded condi- tions. For preliminary design purposes the following foundation recommendations and design parameters are presented. . . 3-1. Foundations may be designed upon the following values: Allowable Bearing: 2000 Ibs./sq.ft. Lateral Bearing: 225Ibs./sq.ft. at a depth of 12 inches plus 125 Ibs./sq.ft. for each additional 12 inches embed- ment to a maximum of 2000 Ibs./sq.ft. Sliding Coefficient: 0.35 Settlement: Total = 3/4 inch Differential = 3/8 inch in 20 feet . The above values may be increased as allowed by code to resist transient load- ing conditions, such as wind or seismic. . 3-2. Footino and Slab-On-Grade Desion - Conventional Foundations a) VERY LOW TO LOW EXPANSIVE POTENTIAL Footina Depth (Minimum): Exterior One-Story - 12 inches below lowest adjacent finished grade. Two-Story - 18 inches below lowest adjacent finished grade. Interior One & Two-Story - 12 inches below lowest adjacent finished grade. . . . 1)\ PACIFIC saiLS ENGINEERING. INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 Page 21 . . Footina Reinforcement: All continuous; two No.4 rebars, one on toP. one on bottom. . Slab Thickness (Minimum): Four (4) inches. Slab Reinforcement (Minimum): Livina Areas 6" x 6", No. 10 by No.1 0 welded wire mesh OR equivalent. . Slab Subarade Moisture: Minimum of 110 percent of optimum moisture immediately prior to pouring concrete. . b) MEDIUM EXPANSIVE POTENTIAL Footina Depth (Minimum): Exterior One-Story - 18 inches below lowest adjacent finished grade. Two-Story - 18 inches below lowest adjacent finished grade. Interior One- & Two-Story - 18 inches below lowest adjacent finished grade. . . Footina Reinforcement: All continuous; four No.4 rebars, two on toP. two on bottom OR two No.5 rebars, one on top, one on bottom. . Slab Thickness (Minimum): Four (4) inches. . Slab Reinforcement (Minimum): Livina Areas 6" x 6", No.6 by No.6 welded wire mesh OR equivalent. . tY' PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16,1996 Page 22 . . Slab Subarade Moisture: Minimum of 120 percent of optimum moisture 24 hours prior to pouring concrete. . c) HIGH EXPANSIVE POTENTIAL Footina Depth (Minimum): Exterior One-Story - 24 inches below lowest adjacent finished grade. Two-Story - 24 inches below lowest adjacent finished grade. Interior One- & Two-Story - 24 inches below lowest adjacent finished grade. . . Footina Reinforcement: All continuous; four No.4 rebars, two on toP. two on bottom OR No.5 rebars, one on top, one on bottom. . Slab Thickness (Minimum): Four (4) inches. Slab Reinforcement (Minimum): Livina Areas 6" x 6", No.6 by No.6 welded wire mesh OR equivalent. . Slab Subarade Moisture: Presoak to 120 percent of optimum moisture a minimum of 48 hours prior to pouring concrete. . 3-3. Continuous footinas shall have a minimum width of 12 inches for support of one floor and 15 inches for support of two floors. . . 'Z-?J PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. :; . Work Order 400406A September 16,1996 . . Page 23 ---_.--.-. . --3-4. Footina Embedment . . ---------- - If exterior footings adjacent to drainage swales are to exist within three (3) feet horizontally of the swale, the footing should be embedded sufficiently to assure embedment below swale bottom is maintained. Footings adjacent to slopes should be embedded sufficiently that at least five (5) feet is provided horizontally from the bottom edge of footing to face of slope. 3-5. Post-Tensioned Slab/Foundations Based upon the anticipated onsite soil conditions and information supplied by Uniform Building Code, the following preliminary design parameters are presented: . . . . . . a) VERY LOW. LOW TO MEDIUM EXPANSIVE POTENTIAL LOTS Clay Type: Montmorillonite Maximum Percent of Clay = 30 percent *Thornthwaite Moisture Index = -20 *Edge Moisture Variation (Em): Center Lift = 5.5 ft. Edge Lift = 2.4 ft. *Differential Soil Movement (Ym): Center Lift = 0.79 inches Edge Lift = 0.15 inches *Depth to Constant Soil Suction = 5.0 ft. *Constant Soil Suction pF = 3.6 ft. "Velocity of Moisture Flow = 0.5 inches/month Settlement: Total = 3/4 inch Differential = 3/8 inch in 20 feet. PACIFIC BDILS ENGINEERING, INC. 1)\ . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 . . . . . . Page 24 b) HIGH EXPANSIVE POTENTIAL LOTS Clay Type: Montmorillonite Maximum Percent of Clay =40 percent "Thornthwaite Moisture Index = -20 *Edge Moisture Variation (Em): Center Lift = 6.0 ft. Edge Lift = 2.7 ft. *Differential Soil Movement (Ym): Center Lift = 1.41 inches Edge Lift = 0.25 inches *Depth to Constant Soil Suction = 5.0 ft. *Constant Soil Suction pF = 3.6 ft. *Velocity of Moisture Flow = 0.5 incheslmonth Settlement: Total = 3/4 inch Differential = 3/8 inch in 20 feet. '-------- * Data was obtained from the 1994 edition of the UBC. 3-6. The footing width, depth as well as the structural slab-on-grade thickness for post-tensioned foundations shall be as specified by the structural engineer based upon the soil parameters provided by PSE and the requirements of the UBC. . . a) 3-7. Under-Slab . . VERY LOW TO LOW EXPANSION POTENTIAL In areas where a low moisture surface condition is desired, a 10-mil poly- vinyl membrane (minimum) should be utilized. If utilized, this membrane should be covered with a minimum of two (2) inches clean sand to protect it and to aid in curing of the concrete. It should also be underlain with two (2) inches of clean sand. PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. 11 . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 Page 25 . . -- --.......---- b) MEDIUM & HIGH EXPANSION POTENTIAL The same criteria outlined above should be used except the polyvinyl membrane should be underlain with three (3) inches of clean sand. . . 3-8. Retainina Wall Desian Retaining walls or other structural walls should be designed based on the following: a) . Level Backfill ~ = 0.31 ~ = 3.25 Sloping Backfill 2 : 1 ~ = 0.47 ,~ (+) = 8.61 Kp(-)= 12.3 Ko = 0.85 . Ko = 0.47 . Equivalent fluid pressure should utilize a soil unit weight of Y = 130.0 Ibs./cu.ft. b) Foundations with retaining walls may be designed in accordance with rec- ommendations of paragraph 3-1 . . c) Drainage should be provided behind all retaining walls such that hydro- static pressure is relieved. It is recommended that the backfill consist of a granular free draining materials (SE ~ 30) to within 18 inches of finish grade. . . ~Ce PACIFIC saiLS ENGINEERING, INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 Page 26 . . d) All footing excavations for retaining walls should be observed by the proj- ect soil engineer or his representative prior to concrete placement. e) All backfill should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the labora- tory maximum density at or slightly above optimum moisture as per ASTM:D 1557-91. . . 3-9. All roof, pad and slope drainage should be collected and directed away from the proposed structures to approved disposal areas. It is important that drainage be directed away from foundations. This is especially true in patio areas and greenbelt areas. The recommended drainage patterns should be established at the time of fine grading and maintained throughout the life of the structure. . . 3-10 Soluble sulfate concentrations of the foundation materials should be determined after rough grading is completed, when the final distribution of onsite materials is known. One (1) preliminary test (Table II continued) indicates that the soils are not aggressive towards concrete or metal construction materials. . 4-0. SLOPE STABILITY AND MAINTENANCE . 4-1. Cut and fill slopes at Tract 23143-4 of the Crowne Hill project are proposed at 2 : 1 slope ratios (horizontal to vertical). Two (2) slopes were analyzed for gross and surficial stability: 1) a 30 foot fill slope (Plates B-3 and B-4); and 2) a 50 foot cut slope (Plates B-1 and B-2). . . v\ PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 Page 27 . ----.. - . Gross slope stability analyses were performed on an IBM PC computer using the computer program "GSLOPE". . The program calculates the factor of safety using the modified Bishop Method. The program utilizes a search routine to find the minimum factor of safety for a circular slide surface. This search encompasses at least fifty (50) feet behind the top of slope. Using a pseudostaticlseismic coefficient a factor of safety for an imposed earthquake loading condition is also calculated herein. . . Based upon the above analyses, cut and fill slopes are considered grossly and surficially stable as designed. Geologic observations will be provided during grading to verify the anticipated geologic conditions as identified in the slope stability calculation. All cut slopes exposing potential adverse geologic condi- tions will be buttressed or stabilized in accordance with the recommendations presented under item 1-2a of this report. . . Although the design and construction of slopes during mass grading is planned to create slopes which possess both stability against mass rotational failure and stability against surficial slumping and "pop-outs", certain factors are beyond the control of the project soil engineer and geologist. These factors include slope drainage, landscaping and burrowing animals. . 4-2. Onsite Drainaae . No water must be allowed to flow over the slopes other than incidental rainfall. No alteration of pad aradients should be allowed which will prevent pad and roof run-off from beina expediently directed to approved disposal areas. . 1$ PACIFIC SOILS ENQINEERINC3, INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 Page 28 . -~-- - . 4-3. Plantina AridliTiaa . a) It is strongly recommended that slope planting consist of ground cover, shrubs and trees which possess deep, dense root structures and which require a minimum of irrigation. It should be the responsibility of the homeowner to provide such plants initially and to maintain such planting. Alteration of such a planting scheme is at the owner's risk. . . b) The owner is responsible for proper irrigation and for maintenance and properly installed irrigation systems. Leaks should be fixed immediately. Sprinklers should be adjusted to provide uniform coverage with a mini- mum of water usage. . Overwatering with consequent wasteful run-off and serious ground satu- ration must avoided. . . 4-4. Burrowina Animals A program for the elimination of burrowing animals in slope areas is recom- mended. This may need to be an on-going program in order to provide for long term slope stability. . 5-0. MISCELLANEOUS 5-1. All onsite utility trenches should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the laboratory maximum density. Compaction should be accomplished with a me- chanical compaction device. If the backfill soils have dried out, they should be thoroughly moisture conditioned prior to placement in trenches. . . 1/1\ PACIFIC BaiLS ENGINEERING, INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 Page 29 . . ---- ----- - _. . The findings and recommendations contained in this report are based upon the specific excavations and observations as noted. The materials immediately adja- cent to or beneath those observation may have different characteristics and not . representations are made as to the quality or extent of materials not observed. This report is subject to review by the controlling authorities for the project. . . . BY~ 14... J A HANSON, CEG 990 Vice President . Dist: (4) (6) Addressee Trans-Pacific Consultants, Inc., Attn: Mr. Rich Valdez DD/JAC/JAH:kr/A009 . . PACIFIC saiLS ENGINEERING!, INC. ?;ro . . . . . . . APPENDIX . . . . . ~\ . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 . . REFERENCES . Campbell, K. W., and Bozorgnia, Y., 1994, Near-source attenuation of peak horizontal acceleration from worldwide accelerograms recorded from 1957 to 1993: Earth- quake Engineering Research Institute Proceeding from Fifth U. S. National Con- ference on Earthquake Engineering, p. 283-289, appendices. . Highland Geotechnical Consultants, Inc., 1987, Preliminary geotechnical investigation, Tract 21697, southeast of Butterfield Stage Road and Pauba Road, Riverside County, California: an independent consultant report, dated May 21,1987. . Inland Foundation Engineering, Inc., 1991, Compaction testing, alluvial removal and street fill, Butterfield Stage Road North, Temecula are, Riverside County, Cali- fornia: an independent consultant report, dated September 30, 1991. . Jennings, C. W., 1985, An explanatory text to accompany the 1:;750,000 scale fault and geologic maps of California: California Division of Mines and Geology bulle- tin 201,197 p., appendices. Jennings, C. w., 1975, Fault map of California with location of volcanoes, thermal springs and thermal wells, 1 :750,000: California Division of Mines and Geology, geologic data map no. 1. . Jones, L M., and Hauksson, E., 1994, Review of potential earthquake sources in southern California: Proceedings of seminar on new developments in earth- quake motion estimation and implications of engineering design practice, Ap- plied Technology Council, ATC 35-1. . Joyner, W. B., and Boore, D. M., 1981, Peak horizontal acceleration and velocity from strong motion records indicating records from the 1979 Imperial Valley, Califor- nia earthquake: bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, vol. 71, no. 6, p. 2011-2038. . . ?Y' PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 . . REFERENCES con!. Kennedy, M. P., 1977, Recency and character of faulting along the Elsinore fault zone . in southern Riverside County, California: California Division of Mines and Geology special report 131, 12 p., plate. Mualchin, L., and Jones, A. L., 1992, Peak acceleration from maximum credible earth- quakes in California (rock and stiff-soil sites): California Division of Mines and . Geology open file report 92-1. Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc., 1995, Geotechnical study and grading plan review, Crowne Hill and Tract 23143-2, City of Temecula, California: an independent consultant report, dated February 7, 1995 (Work Order 400406A). . Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc., 1992a, Geotechnical overview letter of the Crowne Hill development, Tract 23143, City of Temecula, California: an independent consul- tant report, dated August 6, 1992 (Work order 400406). . Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc., 1992b, Geotechnical grading plan review, Tract 23143-1, Crown Hills development, City of Temecula, California: an indepen- dent consultant report, dated June 22, 1992 (Work Order 400406). . Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc., 1992c, Murrieta Special Geologic Zone report, City of Murrieta, California: an independent consultant report, dated April 17, 1992 (Work Order 400388). . Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc., 1989, Geotechnical grading plan review, Tract 23143-1, a portion of Butterfield Stage Ranch, Rancho California, County of Riverside, California: an independent consultant report, dated May 24, 1989 (Work Order 400243). . Pacific Soils Engineering, Inc., 1988, Geotechnical review of Butterfield Stage Ranch, County of Riverside, California: an independent consultant report, dated June 29, 1988 (Work Order 400174). . '7J~ PACIFIC SDILS ENGINEERING. INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 . . REFERENCES cont. Ranpac Soils, Inc., 1991, Preliminary geotechnical investigation, street improvement of Crowne Hill Drive and Calle Las Maripasa, Riverside County, California: an in- . dependent consultant report, dated March 19, 1991. Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc., 1994, Summary of as-built geology, field ob- servations and tests for relative compaction, Tracts 23125,23125-1,23125-2 and 23125-3, Sterling Ranch, Temecula, California: an independent consultant . report, dated December 8, 1994. Wesnousky, S. G., 1986, Earthquakes, Quaternary faults and seismic hazard in Califor- nia: Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 9, no. B12, pp. 12587-12631. . . . . . 7/( . PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 . SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION & LABORATORY ANALYSES . SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION . Eight (8) exploratory borings were excavated, ranging in depth from 25 to 50 feet. Seven (7) borings were excavated by PSE from June 1988 through August 1996, while (1) boring was excavated by Highland Geotechnical in 1987. The boring logs are . shown on Plates A-1 through A-8. Exploratory borings were excavated utilizing a truck mounted bucket auger. Relatively undisturbed samples were obtained by PSE by driv- ing a split barrel sampler approximately 12 inches into the undisturbed ground utilizing a Kelly bar as the driving mechanism. This blow count is recorded in six inch incre- ments on the boring logs at the depth the sample was obtained. The sampler is . equipped with a tapered cutting tip at the lower end. The sampler barrel is lined with 2.1 inch 1.0. by 1 inch high thin brass rings. The first six inches of the sample between the sampler tip and of the remaining sample is retained and sealed in air tight containers. . Materials encountered in the PSE boring excavations were classified in the field by visual and tactile methods. Group symbols presented on the logs are in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System as presented on Plate A Geologic forma- tions are indicated where encountered based on Kennedy (1977) publication, "Recency and Character of Faulting Along the Elsinore Fault Zone in Southern Riverside County" . and indicated on the boring logs as such. All samples obtained in the field were trans- ported to the laboratory for testing and analyses. In addition to the identification of materials encountered, result of blow count vs. pe- netration, we well as laboratory moisture density determinations, are presented on the . logs of borings (Plates A-1 through A-8). . . ?~ PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 . SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION AND LABORATORY ANALYSES cont. . LABORATORY TESTS Laboratory test procedures and applicable test designations are presented as follows: . Moisture Content and Unit Weioht In-place moisture and unit weight were determined for all driven samples collected dur- ing our investigation. The laboratory test procedures utilized for determining moisture content and unit weight are ASTM:D 2216-80 and D-2937 -83, respectively. Results are shown on the logs of borings (Plates A-1 through A-8). . Consolidation Tests Consolidation characteristics were determined for selective soil specimens obtained from driven samples representative of subsurface materials encountered. The consoli- dation tests were performed within the guidelines of ASTM:D 4186-82. The results of . consolidation testing are presented in graphic form on Plates C-1 through C-4. Shear Tests Shear tests (ASTM:D 3080-72) were performed on samples which were remolded to 90 percent of the laboratory maximum density and on undisturbed samples with a direct . shear machine of the strain control type in which the rate of strain is 0.05-inch per min- ute. Specimens were subject to shear under various normal loads at various moisture conditions. The results, expressed as friction angle and cohesion, are presented on Plates D-1 and D-2. . Maximum Density Determinations Laboratory maximum density and optimum moisture content determinations were made in accordance with ASTM:D 1557-78 utilizing the bulk samples obtained from borings. HYdrometer Analyses . Hydrometer grain size analyses were performed on the minus No. 10 sieve portion of the samples as per ASTM:D 422. These tests were used as an aid in soil classification and indication of fines for expansion characteristics. The results of these tests are shown on Table II. . . ;Ji> PACIFIC BOILS ENGINEERING. INC. . Work Order 400406A September 16, 1996 . SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION AND LABORATORY ANALYSES cont. . Exoansion Tests The tests were performed in accordance with Expansion Index Test UBC Standard No. 29-2. Specimens were molded under a specified compactive energy at approximately . 50 percent saturation (plus or minus one percent). The prepared 1-inch thick by 4-inch diameter specimens were loaded with a surcharge of 144 Ibs.lsq.ft. and inundated with tap water. Readings of vertical swell were made after a 24 hour period. The results are presented on Table II. . Chemical Tests One (1) bulk sample representing near surface soil conditions was tested by Twining Laboratories of Southern California, Inc. for alkalinity, chloride, pH, resistivity, and sul- fate as an indication of potential corrosivity problems relating to the concrete and un- derground metal utilities. The results are presented on Table II continued. . . . . . PACIFIC SOILS ENGlINEERING. INC. 'b\ . . MAJOR DIVISIONS . ! ~ ",Sl Jl" t- .- .. -II Iii I: ~ 'l~ 2 8h ~ .~ ! .Ii J i ,. .. ;; ~ E .. .. i ~ "5 ! 0 D 0 II " ~I .. N .'; ... II; .. > .. .. zl 8 1L'l; N - 0 I z ! 1 .... J . . . . . , U. ~ -n ~i!in L? ~ ~., ~ <If . ~i -"0 ~~ l~ f~ o Yo 8E. H Rill.... co ~ i~ ~ ~; Jl ~. : 11 E ~ Of ~ S jji .. >- -~ 0 0 E - c ~ :!111 0 , ~ !!~ -'J/ iJJ ~ u '& ~ iJJ UNIFIED GROUP SYMBOLS .. .') 0 I d O'~ GW 0'- JIG gF P \u~~d GM t h s - '..< r~ '0'-;", GC ld H~ u- :: SP .. . . \d~j: :51.4 i ~ ~ 6 '0 /0 SC - 'v: ~ 'E c ~z 1~ :Jt ~ ~ tw ~CH HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS ~ ~Pt SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM r'ELO IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURES Wid, fOI'IQI pn ",,, ond ....tlslanhol omountl of 011 int,,,n,dlClt portcJt. lite' Pr.dQmll\ottly one an 0' 0 rol'Ql of ,',n WIth IQI'nI inllllNdlOtt liltS m'a~ Nonplosfit fines or fines wittl 10.- pkuliclt, (kr identi- P'OClcllUt .. iii. belo.) PIa,'ic lil'el (!lor denlifltOlion pttlctdur., Me CL below) Wde rQ'lOt I'l QrQIn Illes Q"Id lltl$1onhol crnDIoIl1t, or 011 intermediate panicle 11lI1 Pr'dorninaft'" one 1111 01 CI rongt of "'1$ .,", IOITle inl.r~ia" Ii.In rt'IS$lNjl Nonp6Clllie fin,. Of linn with low plastieil, (for idtntifitotion proctduf1ls ... ML below) PDti, fine. (for identification pt'oc.durn I" CL below) IDENTIFICATION PROCEDURES on fraction wncll. It'G\ No 40 .'..... IlZe Dr)' SITtnljJ'" (ttulhino d'GrOC'.rl.llul Ditotonc)' (Aloction to .l'Ioklnol TOUQhnllU lconsls'.nc)' 1'1IO' Pl.1 TYPICAL NAMES W.Il'oroded ~IS, ora....l IO<'Id ml.'""" Ilfllr or rc fin.. Poorl.,-9"JOed 0.0..... ora....I..oF'ld ml.'urn. Itflle OTrcf....... Sirt., 9'1lV'llI.. Qfa....I.SQnd-lill mi.',,", Cla)'ey Orav.ls, ;raver-sand-till mutvr.s SW Wen-Qfod.d lands, qra...-lt)' sandi. liltl, Of ... ...., Poorl)' - ~oded .ands. 9"ClVtU)' lands. IIltl. or no fines None to .JiOht C).,,,. _ Non. Silt)' ~I. 5OI"Id-lill milt"".. Claye., 1/JI"Id1, ~ncI-c1o)' rrulUAI' ML Inoroonic IIIII and fint sendl. roell flol.lr lilt.,. Of cIa.,..)' 'in. .ondl Of cIa.,..)' siU. wifh sli..' plasticit)' M.dium 10 tiQh Ncne,:, very Medium a. ha~ days 01 bw to mtdillm plastlcit)', ~Il)' cJoys. sandy (IDyl, 1111) cloys. leon ckJys SliOhl to m.divrn - SliOht to m.dil.lm OL Oroonic s_hI orw:I orgOl"llC silt)' clo)'s '" low plOllicil.,. SIv'" tro ......... .... ~ .... SlItM to medium MH tnorQ(IfliC .illl, rniCOC.ou. or diotomaceoul tint tend)' or lilt)' ICIII. ,tostic liltl HiQh to wery l'tiOh .... HiOh tno'oanic doY' 01 high plasticity. ral (10)'1 OI-QOnic CIO.,1 of medium to high POllic;t,. orvonl( silt, Peat and 01'-:, hlghly orgonic soil. ".dlum to I'tI9h -~.., - SliOM to ........ 1lO..N000Y Q.A.SSlFICATIQNS $oils p;'a.u~ crorocl.l.het d ~ Ql'llUPIi en 1k~^OI1ll br ~<WlS d ;roo.t> ..,...o:n PARTICLE SIZE LIMITS Readily Id.ntlfltd by eolOf, odOr. IPQf'IO,,_1 and 'Alq""ntt, by fibrous ".t..,. . SILT OR ClAY FlNE SAND I MEtllJoO I COARSE GRAVEL FlNE I COARSE "" 200 No 40 ICIO '*:!'" ~I'I U.S STANDARD SIEyE SIZE GRANIA.AR SOIL CONSISTENCY CLASSI FICA TION BEOROCK . Very 100.. Loose Moderately dense Medium dense De_ Vory de_ . COHESIVE SOIL Very 1011 Soft Firm Stiff Very lfiff Hard -- n. Urwf-.d Sail a..wfil:Ghan S"","" Cap' ~ us 1tM, 1tePntGI ...~ ho ...... ~ tlbdI. ~ 1"""-' Apoil, 19601 . ~ 3-~7, Soft Model1ltoly Ila>d Hard Very hard T C088I ES I I I )", lIZIftJ Inl.llERS MOISTURE CONDITION OTHER SYMBOLS Dry Slic;Jhtty moist Moist Wet Saturated R. Undisturbed sample B- Bulk sompIe lZ Groundwater Q Groundwoter ",poQe PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. PLATE A 7tJ GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG SHEET 1 OF 2 . PROJECT NO. DATE STARTED DATE FINISHED DRILLER TYPE OF DRILL RIG 400406A 8/22/96 8/22/96 AI Rov Drillina Bucket Auaer PROJECT NAME GROUND ELEV. GW DEPTH (FJ) DRIVE WT. DROP CROWNE HllLITR.23143-2 1189.0 BORING DESIG. LOGGED BY NORTHING EASTING 8-105 TCS/JAH . I_ >-- "-w w~ 0- w w ~ ~~ ~ -' ::;:>::;: W <(I- <( l/l l/l G: iii ;: o -' CD > Cl o -' o I >- ::J ,,--' ::>0 OCD ",::;: Cl> l/l GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION w_ :0:->- Z ~ *' &1-,0 _ ffi en >-;: -u; ;;i:;;e I >- ~Z >Z~~~ I- ffi ~8 ~~ ~ 0 I- AUUVIUM (Oall: SilTY SAND, gray, dry, loose. SM . @ 1.5 ft. light brown, dry to slightly moist. ~.. SC ce> 3.5 ft. Slightly CLAYEY SAND, light redlbrown, slightly 185 moist. medium dense; some mica; coarse subangular sand. . :;- 5- ~.. - D 5/7 4.0 116 24 . . SC @ 6.5 ft. CLAYEY SAND, light brownlbrown, moist. > medium dense. .:; . ::0 . . 180- ~ @ 9.5 ft. coarse sand, light brown. moist, loose; angular 10 1/4 inch diameter gravel. - D 2/4 ~ 3.3 109 16 . SP @ 11.0 ft. SAND, medium grained, light brown. slightly moist to moist, medium dense; occasional sub angular .. gravel, stratified. .. .". . .. Ml @ 13.0 ft. SANDY SILT, brown. very moist, firm. . 175 15- D 2/2 MH (gl15.0 ft. CLAYEY SilT, brown, very moist, moderately 8.8 109 43 firm; micaceous. - PAUBA FORMATION lOps): CLAYEY SANDSTONE, light brown/brown, very moist, soft; high sit! content; some mica; lenese of coarse. clayey sandstone; weathered. . @ 17.0 ft. lense of CLAYEY SANDSTONE/SANDSTONE. - 170- 20- D 1/2 @ 20.0 ft. Slightly CLAYEY SANDSTONE, light red brown, - 7.2 111 38 . moist. moderately hard; coarse sand pockets; some mica. . @ 23.0 ft. CLAYEY SilTSTONE, olivelbrown, moist to very moist, firm; very micaceous; weathered; oxidized. 165- CONTINUED. SAMPLE TYPES, rnJ DRIVE (RING) SAMPLE [I]SPT (SPLIT SPOON) SAMPLE rID BULK SAMPLE ITI TUBE SAMPLE ~GROUNDWATER II PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. PLATE A-1 rvo., . GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG SHEET 2 OF 2 . PROJECT NO. DATE STARTED DATE FINISHED DRILLER TYPE OF DRILL RIG 400406A 8/22/96 8/22/96 AI Rov Orilline Bucket Auaer PROJECT NAME GROUND ELEV. GW DEPTH (F1) DRIVE WT. DROP CROWNE HILLfTR.23143.2 1189.0 BORING DESIG. LOGGED BY NORTHING EASTING B-l05 TCS/JAH . ~ > w- I_ w w '" 0.-' cr.;!!. c> z cr.en > -'w -' U; 0 ::l0 ::l- "I- ;8* I-W 0.0. 0. 0.- WI- o.~ w -' 0"' GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 1-1- -en Ien w~ -' :;> :; >: 0 cr.:; !!lz >z ~~'" I-W o~ w <I- < 0 I ",> 00 cr.W 01- en en -' I- en :;u 00 ::l "' ::; D 9/16 PAUBA FORMATION 10051: Continued; CLAYEY 3.6 119 88 SANDSTONE, coarse grained, brown/olive gray, very moist, hard; scattered mica; decreased weathering. - @ 27.0 ft. SILTSTONE, olive/red brown, very moist. firm; very micaceous. - @ 28.0 It. CLAYEY SANDSTONE, red brown, moist, moderately hard; coarse sand; subangular to subrounded - 160- 1/4 inch diameter gravel. 30- - - - @ 32.0 ft. SANDSTONE, medium to coarse grained, light brown, moist, hard. 155- 35- . TOTAL DEPTH 35.0 FT. NO WATER, NO CAVING SAMPLE TYPES: II PACIFIC SOILS rnJ DRIVE (RING) SAMPLE ~GROUNDWATER ENGINEERING, INC. []]SPT (SPLIT SPOON) SAMPLE l>{J lID BULK SAMPLE IT] TUBE SAMPLE PLATE A-1 . . . . . . . . . GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG SHEET OF 2 . PROJECT NO. 400406A PROJECT NAME CROWNE HILLfTR.23143-4 DATE STARTED 8/22/96 GROUND ELEV. 1199.0 BORING DESIG. 8-106 DATE FINISHED 8/22/96 GW DEPTH (F1) LOGGED BY TCS DRILLER AI Rov Orillina DRIVE WT. NORTHING TYPE OF DRILL RIG Bucket Auaer DROP EASTING t > w_ w w '" 0..-' a:* => Z r_ > -'w -' ill 0 :>0 :>- ~t=~F- ffi ~ . I-~ 0.. o..~ w 0..0.. -' 0'" GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION 1-1- -~ ~~:r rJJ WLL -' ::;;> ::;; 3: 0 a:::;; !!1z > < ~ w o- w <I- < 0 r ",> 00 a:~ a: 0 I- '" '" -' I- '" ::;;u o :> '" ::i ALJ.UVIUM 10all: SILTY SAND, 9ray, dry, loose. - SM . . 77 @ 2.5 ft. dry to slightly moist. . SC @ 3.0 ft. CLAYEY SAND, brown, sli9htly moist, medium ./). .~ dense; blocky. - 195- ~/a . :/:... SC @ 4.5 ft. Slightly CLAYEY SAND, light brownlbrown, 5- 0 3/6 / slightly moist to moist, medium dense. - 2.7 117 17 /.. .. - . 190 /. 10- ;; - 0 2/2 .'/. . 3.3 107 15 '/ . - L PAUBA FORMATION (ODS): SANDSTONE, coarse interlensed, tan/light brown, slightly moist to moist, - moderately hard; subangular sand and 1/4 inch diameter gravel; highly weathered. . 185- 15- 0 1/3 @ 15.0 ft. SILTY SANDSTONE, coarse, interbedded, 5.8 114 33 brown, slightly moist to moist, moderately hard; some mica; slightly porous to 1/8 inch diameter pebbles; highly weathered. . @ 18.5 ft. SANDSTONE, light brown, moist, moderately 180- hard to hard; scattered angular gravel to 1 1/2 inch diameter; highly weathered. 20- 0 3/4 @ 20.0 ft. SANDSTONE, large mica particles; highly - 1.8 104 52 . weathered. @ 21.0 ft. CLAYEY SANDSTONE, light brDwn, moist, moderately hard. @ 22.0 ft. CLAYEY SANDSTONE interlensed, brown/tan, very moist. moderately hard to hard. . . . 175- CONTINUED. SAMPLE TYPES, II PACIFIC SOilS rnJ DRIVE (RING) SAMPLE ~GROUNDWATER ENGINEERING, INC. ~SPT (SPLIT SPOON) SAMPLE . lID BULK SAMPLE IT! TUBE SAMPLE PLATE A-2 N-: GEOTECHNICAL BORING lOG SHEET 2 OF 2 . PROJECT NO. DATE STARTED DATE FINISHED DRILLER TYPE OF DRILL RIG 400406A 8/22/96 8/22/96 AI Rov Drillina Bucket Auaer PROJECT NAME GROUND ELEV. GW DEPTH (FT) DRIVE WT. DROP CROWNE HllllTR.23143.4 1199.0 BORING DESIG. LOGGED BY NORTHING EASTING B.l06 TCS . t: > w_ :>0> z w w C) 0..-' "'* "'<J) J:_ > -'w -' in 0 ::>0 ::>- ~... ~r* tiD 0.. 0..- w... w 0..0.. -' OlD GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ...... -<J) J:<J) w~ -' ::;> ::; ~ 0 ",::; !!lz >z ~"- ...w o!!: w ...:'" ...: 0 J: C)> 00 ",w 0'" <J) <J) -' ... <J) ::;u 00 ::> lD ::; D 7/14 PAUBA FORMATION (Qpsl: Continued; SANDSTONE, 2.7 114 73 coarse grained, light red brown/brown, moist, moderately hard to hard. . @ 28.0 ft. CLAYEY SANDSTONE, brown, moist to very moist, moderately hard; coarse sand inclusion; slightly 170- micaceous. 30- @ 30.0 ft. CLAYEY SilTSTONE, olivelbrown, very moist, - moderately hard. - TOTAL DEPTH 31.0 FT. NO WATER, NO CAVING , , SAMPLE TYPES, II PACIFIC SOilS rnI DRNE (RING) SAMPLE ~GROUNDWATER ENGINEERING, INC. crJSPT (SPLIT SPOON) SAMPLE [ID BULK SAMPLE (I] TUBE SAMPLE PLATE A-2 . . . . . . . . . /;rf)I" GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG SHEer ; OF 1 . PROJECT NO. OATE STARTED DATE FINISHED DRILLER TYPE OF DRILL RIG <<lO406 6/25/92 B/?5/rO L.Adenna Ruc:kl!lt Auoltr PROJECT NAME GROOND ELEY. GI/ DEPTH (FT) DR/V< lIT. DROP Crown Hill Tract 23143 13050 BORING DESIG. LOGGED BY Van..!i: NORTHING ,'in EASltNG B-14A RR . I- ~ w~ ~ :I:~ I~ w LL a.-' et:X '+->- Z I-+- ::> -' , 0 ::>0 ::>'" ,~ O:Ul W a. Ul -' I- UJ I- a." 0 OlD GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION -(I) ~ :I:Ul W" -' I: :3 0:1: Ull- O~ UJ <I: 0 :I: <!l>- HZ Z I-UJ Ul Ul -' I- Ul 00 >-UJ 0 I- ID H I:U 0:0 ::> -' 0 354811>< :Lf:: RESlOUAL SOIl "' silty sand,loosa, dry, r PAUBA FORMATION ~l - - 5- 1300 0 3 silty sandatone, brown. fino to medium grained, BlighUy moist, - 4.8 111 25 - B dense, micaceOus. - 10- 1295 0 3 silty sandstone, tanflight gray, medium grained. moist, dense, - 2.0 109 10 micaceous. - - 15- 1290 0 4 silty sandstone, tanfllghl gray, fino to medium grained, moist, 3.4 109 17 dense, mk:aoeous. , 20- 1285 0 4 silty sandstone, tanfllght gray, fino to medium grained, moist, - 5.0 t02 21 dense, micaceous. 2ST7lbs 25- 1280 0 8 silty sandstono, tanfllghl gray, fine to medium grained, moist, - 4.5 115 26 dense, micaceous. - - 30- 1275 0 6 silty sandstono, tanfllght gray, fino to medium grained, moist, - 4.3 108 21 dense, micaceous. - - - 35- 1270- Total Depth 35ft., No Wator, No Caving SAMPLE TYPES: . PACIFIC SOilS mJ ORIV< (RING) SAMPLE ~ GROUNllWA TER ENGIN!:ERING, INC. [iJ SPT (SPLIT SPOON) SAIIPlE 00 BULK SAMPLE [!] YlJIf SAMPLE PLATE A-3 /:$' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG SHEET 1 OF 1 PROJECT NO. DATE STARTED DATE FINISHED DRILLER TYPE OF DRILL RIG 400406 6/26/92 6/~/Q2 I MtUmA Ruckei AuQer Clown Hill Tract 23143 llAnO BORING DESIG. LOGGED BY IItIRTHING EASTlNG PROJECT NAME GRooND ELEY. GI/ DEPTH (FT) DRIVE lIT. DROP B-1SA RR VJlIrl"!Il "In l- i!. ILI~ ~ "">- Z %~ l~ ILl lI. 0 .....J Q::X i~ a: CIl I-+- ::> ..J , =:10 =:I~ ...U ILl ... CIl ..J 010 GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION I- ILl I- ILIU ..J I:: :r 0 a: I:: CIlI- -(I) X % CIl O~ ILl <<l- <I: 0 % t!)>- HZ Z I- ILl lJl lJl ..J I- lJl 00 >-ILI 0 I- 10 H I::U a:O =:I ..J 0 3548 II>< AL1IJVIUM lOol\ .. silty sand, dark brown, fine to medium grained, moist, micaceous, root hsll1 to 4 It .. - - PAlJlIA FORMATION 1llDs) 5- 1175 0 1 clayey sandstone, dark brown, fine to medium grained, moist, - 7.4 107 35 B 8M medium dense, micaceous. 10- 1170 0 1 cfayey sandstone, dark brown, fine to medium grained, moist, 5.4 103 23 - medium dense, micaceous. - - - - 15- 1165 0 1 silty sandstone. brown, fine to medium grained, moist. medium - 8.4 106 39 dense, micaceous. , 20 1160 0 1 clayey sandstone, brown, fine to medium grained, moist, - 8.7 114 49 medium dense, micaceous. - - 25- 1155 0 2 - clayey sandstone, brown, fine to medium grained, moist, dense, 142 115 83 mica0e0u8. - 30- 1150- Total Depth 30 ft., No Wat.r, No Caving SAMPLE TYPES: . PACIFIC SOILS m:J DRIVE (RING) SAMPLE ~ GROUIIO\IA TER ENGINEERING, INC. !II SPT (SPL IT SPOOII) SAMPLE l!I BULK SAMPLE rn TUBE SAMPLE PLATE A-4 M . PROJECT NO. ~ DATE STARTED 6/26/92 DATE FINISHED S!?6/r;r} DRillER I Al11t71TUI TYPE OF DRILL RIG Ruck8f Auoer ~ I~ ... i!. . :J:^ UJ U. 0 0...J ...... ..J , ..J ::>0 0.01 0. III 0 0'" UJOI J: :J: :J: Q:J: C~ cz: 0 ... (!l>- III III ..J H III '" ..J 3548 Ib, .. .. . - - - 5- 1195 D 1 - . - 10- lI_ D . - - - 15- 1185 D - :.:..... ~;j~1 .':':'.': '::':'.::;: :::':::::: ~::~:. ;;!1i )\1~! PUSH :"';.:;," .=::;.:.: ';::;'.:::: ~!i:i:;;m .:-: .':' 1 <( ',:':' ml ,,;.:. .:.; .:.... ...... .Ill;:!:: :;:::.:'::: '::';'0'::' ~i~:~;;;1~~ :~~:/;~;~ ::1::; ::;:~ . 20- 1180 D 2 - . - - - - 25- 1175- . . . . . SAMPLE "PES: Drl DRIVE (RING) SAMPLE IlJ SPT (SPLIT SPOON) SAMPLE 00 BULK SAMPLE C!J TUBE SAMPLE GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG PROJECT NAME GROUND ELEV. G\/ DEPTH (FT) DRIVE lIT. DROP Ctown Hill Trac123143 1>00 n BORING DESIG. lOGGfIl BY VAriA. NORTHING ,'In EASTING GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION AUlMUM 10all silly sand, brown, fme to medium grained, loose, dry rOO1 hairs. PAlJlIA FORMATlON /Q)sl SHEET 1 OF , B-1gA RR UJ^ Q:X ::>'" ... Ill'" HZ 00 J:U ^ ...>- Z O...~~O Q: III llH UJ ... -(I) :..::C U) Z ... UJ >OW 0 ~ Q:C ::::l C silly sandstone, brown, fine to medium grained, slighTly molst, - 4.5 105 20 loose to medium dense, micaceous. silty sandstone, brown. fine to medium grained, moist. loose to - 8.6 100 34 medium dense, micaceous. silly sandstone, light brown, fine to medium grained, moist, - 3.6 101 15 medium dense, micaceous. clayey sandstone, brown/gray, fine to medium grained, moist, - 20.6 107 97 dense, micaceous. Total Oaplh 2S ft., No Watar, No Caving ~ GROUNDYATER 11 PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. PLATE A-5 tJt . PROJECT NO. OATE STARTED DATE fiNISHED DRILLER TYPE OF DRILL RIG . :1:" f ILl ...... :> ..J Q."' ILl i: ILl"' ..J OLL ILl '" '-' (/) (/) ,~ - - . . 5- 1310- . B 10- 1305 0 . '5- 1300- . B 20- 1295 0 . - - . - 25-' . . - 3D"" 1285- . . 35- 1280- . B 400406 7/6/92 7/6m I IWM7ft'UI Ruckflf A.J:(Q"r ... LL , (/) ::I o ..J ell 35481b1: .. :?:~:~;; f.l mlJ 4 :l:!:;:!i: ;~;;i::~~~ !f~i ;~;;i::~~: !l~l:;~l!: , 4 25771bl : ~1:1~~!~ ~ o ..J o :I: ... ~ SAMPLE ES: III DRIVE (RING) SAMPLE [i] SPT (SPLIT SPOON) SNI'lf [!] BULK SAMPLE (!] TUllE SAMPLE . GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG P1lOJECT IWIE GIU1JND ELEV. GII DEPTH (FT) DRIVE \IT. DROP Oown Hill Tract 23143 '~15 0 BORING DESIG. LOGGED BY VAriA" NORTH I NG 1? in EASTING SHEET 1 OF 2 B-OOA SAM Q...J ::)0 o ell ll::J: (.!l~ GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION COUIMIJM (QooI) silty sand, coarse grained, dark brown, silghUy moist, Ioosa to medium dense, root hairs, porous. PAUBAFORMATION IQ>aI ., weathered silty clayey sandstona, coarse grained, light O18t1glsh . \ brown, moist, medium den.., oome root hallS. j .iiiiiYCi'&Y8YUiidSiOM;.coarse..g,OJiied;.iigiiio;o;;giSli.bfOWii.:....... moist, medium dense. - sandstane/siltstone, fine grained, light yellowish tan, moist, dense to very dense, micaceous, massive character. sandstone/clayey sandstona, coarse grained, light orangish brown. moist, medium dense to dense, micaceous, massive. occaslnal fine gra-.el. - clayey sandstone, coarse grained, light orangish brown, moist, dense,rn~s.~. ILl" O::~ ::)'-' ... (/)... HZ 00 J:U " ...>- Z ~!~O '-'(/) . Z >-ILI ll::O ::) o ll::(/) ILl... :I:(/) "'ILI 0'" 11.7 '07 55 - 12.8 119 83 sanc:Is1one, medium to c:oarsa grained, light orangish tan, moist, medium den.. to very den.., micaceous, masslve charactar, - occasional fine gravels. - sandstone, medium to coarse grained, light orangish tan, moist, medium dense to very dense, micaceous. massive character, 0ccaslonai fine gravels; with 6- to lD-lnch claystone lenses throughout 5-Ioot section, light tan, moist, firm. - siltstane to fi""1lrained sandstone, light orangish tan, moist, firm to hard. micaoeous. ~ GR_TER . PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. PLATE A-6 A,r.., GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG SHEET 2 OF 2 . PRO.lECl NO. DATE STARTfD DATE FIHISHED D_HLER TTPE OF D_ILL _IG 400406 7/tl,g2 7/A/O' I ad..,ma Ruck.t A..JatL-- PROJECT NAME elDUllD ELEV. IlII OEPTH (fT) DRIVE WT. DROf' Crown Hili Tract 23143 '~ll~n 80lUNG DESIO. LOGCED IT V.rlA. NORtHING 1?lft EASTING R.2OA. SA.. . ... f;. ~E ^ .l %..... I~ ... lI. 0 ~.J '1i~ ~ln ..... :> ~ ~ ~ ..... W... flg: ~ f5~ GEOTECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ... "~ ~ Xln "'I- Q~ LIl GO 0 5 . . ...z b~ III III il III 00 >ow ~ 1:<.> .ll;Q :;) ,..- 0 6 ellly c1.yoy MndatOM. medium 10 ooa'" grained, light Otangl.h 6.6 112 28 blown, mol,t, dente, mlcaceoul, maMive cht.racttr, oce.uJonal font Qf...I.. 46- T270- 50- 1265- TOI&I o.pth 50 It" No W'II', No Cavtng ----- -- .- -.--.-- .- .--.- - - . ... ..~ . . . , SAMPLE TYPES. . PACIFIC SOilS m:J DRIVE (R IHC) SAMPLE . CROUIIDI/ATER lD SPT (SPLIT SI'OOH) SAMPLE ENGINEERING, INC. liJ BULl( SAMPLE []J TUlE SAMPLE PLATE A-6 . . . . . . . . . A,1 PAc/AC 50lL5 ENGINEERING, INC LOG OF BORING Na B-1 . DATE OBSERVED 6-14-88 . LOGGED BY JAC "-'" " ~. <:i ::l: " " ~ ~ " <:: "- '" :; , ~ ~ ~ " ~ os- " <:l ~ .".:: ~ Cl '" 'll ~ S~ 1-0 8M METHOD OF DRILLING 36" Bucket Auqer GROUND ELEVATION . . -5 - R 1 . 103.3 . -10 . B -15 R 7 SP 108.8 . . -20 - . I 25 . ~ -< .'" ~ ~ WORK ORDER No. 400174 Description and Remarks SOIL: F1ne gra1ned S11ty sana, light brown, dry, loose. PAUBA FORMATION (Qps): Weathered, med1um to coarse grained clayey sandstone, red-brown, slightly moist to moist, moderately dense. 4.7 @ 6.0 ft. moist, dense. 7.8 @ 13.0 ft. medium to coarse grained sandstone, red-brown, moist, dense @ 18.0 ft. very moist, slightly micaceous; occasional subrounded rock to 2-inchdiameter PLATE A-7 0..9> . PAC/FIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. LOG OF BORING No. B-1 continued DATE OBSERVED 6-14-88 METHOD OF DRILLING 36" Bucket Auoer . LOGGED BY JAC GROUND ELEVATION WORK ORDER No. 400174 '" --. ~ " ~. <:i ::t " '" ~ ~ " ~ <:: ~ " ~ ::) .'" Description and Remarks ... ~ ~ Cl~ ~ ~ " -!? .~ ~ ~ "l Clj S'=::: ~ -25 (j R 12 109.7 7.8 PAUBA FORMATION (Qps) : Continues. . . -30 - @ 29.0 ft. medium to coarse sandstone, gray/ red-brown, very moist, dense, slighltly micaceous. . . . -35 - @ 33.0 ft. siltstone, gray-green, very moist, firm, very micaceous. @ 33.5 ft. fine grained sandstone, light brown; gray-brown, moist to very moist, dense. R 12 SP 110 . 7 6.2. . TOTAL DEPTH 37.0 ft. NO WATER NO CAVING - - . . I- - . PLATE A-7 . bf\ . 4-9-87 W(TItOO Of OfIr..L_ 24" Bucket Auger OAn caaE"VE~. lOCATK>N, Rancho California . E i g ~ ~ ~ % Ik Ii> ~ Ii> ~ L .. 0 t ~ ; -0 - - SM 2 . . . . 1- o - - 10- . - - 115- . . o o o 10- o - . , . i 1lS- i -1 ~ o , 10- I I . . o aI- j - - .. . .0';' oIOIl NO.: .' ~OUfCO ELEVATION, ., .... ~~ , .,! ~~ c ~; ..; · CUI UI- _ " O~ ~~ ~ :18 !~ BORING NO. 3M lOlL TEST DESCRIPTION rg ALLUVIUM Medium to dark bro=..~ilty SAND, dry, loose 2.7 109 3:8: @ 5' slightly porous, fine grained Consolidation 4.1 104 2:8: 6.9 103 @ 10' light to medium bro~ silty SAND, medium grained, moist, loose . .. - . . - . . 1 ~ 5.8 102 Consolidation . . . . - @ 19' light brown medium (sugar) 2 ~ 4.3 103 SAND, clean, moist 3:8: @25' brown silty SAND, vith occasional 5..4. 103 pebbles lens, very moist, occasional thin clay layer 5t:g 5.6 103 @ 30' medium brown coarse grained SAND, vith silt, medium dense, moist 20 :;g: 5.3 116 BEDROCK: Pauba Formation Brown to yellow bro~ silty SANDSTONE, massive ITOTAL DEPTH: 40 No Water No cannl!: 07-C556-006-00-00 I LOG OF BORING PLATE A-a I /:P HIGHLAND GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANTS. INC. . Material Unit Wt C Phi Piezo Ru Pacific Soils ~. - Tu8tin deg SUrf. 400406A PAUBA FORMATION 130 300 30 0 0 TRACT 23143 - 4 9-11-96 . 50 FT HIGH CUT SLOPE STATIC CONDITION 400406A.GSL 150 150 148 148 146 - 146 . 144 - 144 142 142 140 =-- 140 138 138 136 = 136 134 = 134 132 = 132 130 =- 130 128 = 128 126 = 126 124 = 124 122 = 122 120 :.. 120 . 118 = 118 116 - = 116 114 : 114 112 - = 112 110 :.. 110 108 - = 108 106 --- = 106 104 = 104 102 - --- = 102 100 =- 100 I I I . 50 100 150 Material Unit Wt C Phi Piezo Ru deg Surf. Pacific Soils Engrg. - Tustin . 400406A PAUBA FORMATION 130 300 30 .15 o o PSeismic coefficient TRACT 23143 - 4 9-11-96 50FT HIGH CUT SLOPE . SEISMIC CONDITION 400406A.GSL . F 1.347 150 148 146 144 = 142 =- i~~ = 136 = 134 = 132 =- 130 = 128 = 126 = 124 = 122 =- 120 = 118 = 116 = 114 = 112 =- 110 = 108 :: 106 - 104 = 102 =- 100 . I 100 I 150 . . ~ PLATE B-1 PACInC SOILS ENGINDIlING, INC. 7'71) CONVOY coon SAIl D1BlO. CA 9111I (6/t1 _1113 5 \ w.o.: 400406A DATE: 9116196 . SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILITY . SLOPE SURFACE . Fd~ 1 Jw 1 I ... Ws-Ww ......... .. .......-- ........... .-- ~ . r....:::.-Fr--' . ... ...--'... .---- ) a FAILURE PATH . FLOW LINES . Assume: (1) Saturation To Slope Surface (2) Sufficient Permeability To Establish Water Flow . Pw = Water Pressure Head=(z)(cos^2(a)) Ws = Saturated Soil Unit Weight Ww = Unit Weight of Water (62.4 Ib/cuJt.) u = Pore Water Pressure=(Ww)(z)(cos^2(a)) z = Layer Thickness a = Angle of Slope phi = Angle of Friction c = Cohesion Fd = (0.5)(z)(Ws)(sin(2a)) Fr = (z)(Ws-Ww)(cos^2(a))(tan(phi)) + c Factor of Safety (FS) = Fr/Fd . ARTIFICIAL FILL Given: Ws (pet) 130 z a phi c (It) (degrees) (radians) (degrees) (radians) (pst) 2 26.6 0.464259 30 0.5236 300 u Fd Fr FS 99.78 104.10 362.41 3.48 . . Calculations: Pw 1.60 ~v . PLATE B-2 . Material Unit Wt C Phi Pie$O Ru deg Surf. Pacific Soils Bngrg. - Tu8tin 400406A ARTIFICIAL FILL 130 100 33 o o TRACT 23143 - 4 9-11-96 . 30 FT HIGH FILL SLOPE STATIC CONDITION 400406B.GSL F = 1.791 . 130 12. 126 = 124 122 120 11' 116 . 114 112 110 =- lOB 106 = 104 102 ------- 100 I . 50 =- 130 = 128 = 126 = 124 = 122 =- 120 = U8 : 116 = 114 = 112 ::.. 110 = 108 = 106 = 104 = 102 =- 100 I 100 Material Unit Wt C Phi Piezo Ru . deg Surf. ARTIFICIAL FILL 130 100 33 0 0 PSeismic coefficient - .15 Pacific Soils Engrg. - Tustin 400406A TRACT 23143 - 4 9-11-96 30 FT HIGH FILL SLOPE SEISMIC CONDITION 400406B.GSL F = 1.294 =- 130 = 128 = 126 = 124 = 122 ::.. 120 = U8 : 116 : 114 = 112 =- 110 = 108 : 106 : 104 : 102 =- 100 : 98 - 96 I 100 . 00 5?? PLATE B-3 PACDlC son.s ENGlJIIRnuNG, INC. 771' CONVOY CouaT SAN D1ECO. CA 91111 ('19) _1113 w.o.: 400406A DATE: 9/16/96 . SURFICIAL SLOPE STABILITY . SLOPE SURFACE . Fd-1 1 Pw I .----- Ws-Ww t _------- .-..--- .------- .--- Fr~ .--- -- . FAILURE PATH . FLOW LINES . Assume: (1) Saturation To Slope Surface (2) Sufficient Permeability To Establish Water Flow . Pw = Water PressurEl'Head=(z)(cos^2(a)) Ws = Saturated Soil Unit Weight Ww = Unit Weight of Water (62.4 Ib/cu.ft.) u = Pore Water Pressure=(Ww)(z)(cos^2(a)) z = Layer Thickness a = Angle of Slope phi = Angle of Friction c = Cohesion Fd = (0.5)(z)(Ws)(sin(2a)) Fr = (z)(Ws-Ww)(cos^2(a))(tan(phi)) + c Factor of Safety (FS) = Fr/Fd . ARTIFICIAL FILL Given: a (degrees) (radians) 26.6 0.464259 phi (degrees) (radians) 33 0.57596 Ws (pct) 130 z (ft) 2 . . Calculations: Pw 1.60 u 99.78 Fd Fr FS 104.10 170.20 1.64 . c (pst) 100 5~ PLATE 8-4 . . . 3.0 l- . J: CJ iij 4.0 J: Z w CJ z 5.0 <I: . J: U I- Z 6.0 w U a: w ll. . 7.0 . 10.0 . . . . COMPRESSIVE STRESS IN TSF 0.1 0.0 34567891 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 2 2 2 1.0 ...... ..... ..,. ..... , ........ ..... ..... ,......,.. ... ...... ....................... ...... ...........;. ..... ..... .....:.... ,... .... ... ... .... :...... ...... I..:...... I ..'.. t.... I' I' t....... 2.0 8.0 9.0 borin9 eplh (fl. de~'l,ty B.l05 20.00 1 I 1.10 -200 sieve s'fg,'I,~1 typical names in situ mOist. 7.20 CLAYEY SANDSTONE REMARKS:SATURATED @ 2.59 TSF ,{ CONSOLIDATION CURVE . PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 7715 Convoy CI. S.D. CA 619-560-1713 W.O. 400406A PLATE C-1 . COMPRESSIVE STRESS IN TSF . 0.1 0.0 2 34567891 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 2 1.0 ...:..::.:.:.. ...... ...;.., ........... : ..,. ......... I I. i...... .:. ,.. :......... ....:.. ..... ......... .......:..:.:.......:.... ,...... ,...'.. .... ...:..'..':. ..... .;....: .. . 2.0 3.0 ~ . J: (:l Uj 4.0 J: ~ w (:l z 5.0 ~ . J: U ~ z 6.0 w u a: w c.. . 7.0 8.0 . 9.0 10.0 . boring epth 1ft. de~'l.ty 8-106 15.00 113.70 in situ mOist. .200 sIeve ,!l/tl.'Ifo1 typical names 5.80 SIL TV SANDSTONE . . REMARKS:SATURATED @ 2.01 TSF ~ CONSOLIDATION CURVE . PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 77t 5 Convoy Ct. S.D. CA 619-560-1713 . W.O. 400406A PLATE C-2 . . . 3.0 l- I . <:) W 4.0 I Z w <:) z 5.0 <l: . I U I- Z 6.0 w u cr: w ll. . 7.0 8.0 . 9.0 10.0 . . . . COMPRESSIVE STRESS IN TSF 0.1 0.0 34567891 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 2 2 ..,c.., 'r' .,..,...... ..... ...... ,..:. ..i.....:.. .., .......... ,.". ..:.....,. I...... I....::.::.. ...:.,:.., ...... 1.0 2.0 boring epth 1ft. de~~tY in situ mOist. .200 sieve sf~~gl typical names SANDSTONE 8-106 20.00 104.50 11.80 REMARKS:SATURATED @ 2.01 TSF CONSOLIDATION CURVE . W.O. 400406A PLATE C-3 PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 61 7715 Convoy Ct. S.D. CA 619-560-1713 . COMPRESSIVE STRESS IN TSF . 0.1 0.0 2 34567891 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910 2 1.0 I... , L: ........... ...:..:: ,.... ..:... :.; ;...... I I ........ I......... I......... ".m.;,.. .....0..... ........ .:::.:.... :::........ ............ ...... ......... , .....;...... .:::.. .::::::.. ........:.... .;..... ...:.:::: ,......... ..;.." ..... ..... I I....... ..::::...... ..............,::::::::. .,...... . 2.0 3.0 l- I . (!l W 4.0 I Z W (!l z 5.0 <{ . I U I- Z 6.0 W U a: W. a. . 7.0 8.0 . 9.0 10.0 . boring epth (ft. deWlty in situ mOist. -200 sieve sfl/t/.'FPoi typical names SANDSTONE 8-106 25.00 114.50 12.70 . . REMARKS:SATURATED @ 2.01 TSF CONSOLIDATION CURVE . PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. 7715 Convoy Ct. S.D. CA 619-560-1713 ~ . W.O. 400406A PLATE C-4 . . 2800 . 2400 . 2000 . - ...: ... 51 - . ~ 1600 - :: ~ I . : 1200 ~ . ~ 800 . . 400 . . I)IRECT SHEAR TEST FOR REMOLDED SAMPLE SOIL SAMPLE BORING N" PROVING RING NO MAXIMUM DENSITY WORK ORDER N" DATE Ibs/cft TESTED BY COHESION Ibs/sqft ANGLE OF INTERNAL FRICTION _ degrees o o 194 800 2400 1130 2000 1412 1200 1600 400 PLATE UOIlMAL Lo..D (lBS./SQ.FT.) PLATE D-1 ~ PACIF1C SOn.s ENGINEERING. INC. t(J\ 7715 CONVOY COURT Ps SAN DIEGO. CA 92111 (619) 566-\113 w.o. 400406A DATE . . . . 2800 2400 I)JI{E(T SIIL\I{ TEST FOR UNDISTURBED SAMPLE SOIL SAMPLE BORING N" PROVING RING NO MAXIMUM DENSITY WORK ORDER NO DATE Ibs/cft TESTED BY COHESION Ibs/sqft ANGLE OF INTERNAL FRICTION _ degrees 2000 . - ~ '" i - ~ 1600 - . % I B-20A @ 10' III 1200 a: c . ~ . . . . 800 400 o o 194 1412 1130 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 ~O NOAMAll~D (l8S./SO.fT.) PLATE 0-2 ~ PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. n 111$ CONVOY COURT PLATE r-S w.o.:sA~~~~~6~11I ~::~11I3 . . . Test 't No. T-39 . . T-40A . . TABLE 1 Deoth (ft.) USCS Descri tion o PAUBA FORMATION (Oos): ONE, light orang ish tan, me' 0 coarse, moist to moist e to medium dense, , massive character; occasional very clayey; top 2.0 ft. at ered. TOTAL DEPTH 12.0 FT. NO WATER, NO CAVING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.0 - 4.5 SM ALLUVIUM/COLLUVIUM (Oal/Ocol): SILTY SAND, dark brown, fine to medium, dry to slightly moist, loose to medium dense, micaceous; porous; root hairs. @ 3.0 ft. SILTY SAND, dark brown, fine to medium, moist, medium dense, micaceous; porous; root hairs. 4.5 - 9.0 PAUBA FORMATION (Oos): CLAYEY SANDSTONE to GRITSTONE, light orang ish tan, moist, dense; massive; occasional fine gravels; weathered. @ 7.0 ft. fresh (not weathered). TOTAL DEPTH 9.0 FT. NO WATER, NO CAVING . T-41A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.0 - 4.0 ALLUVIUM/COLLUVIUM (Oal/Ocol): SILTY CLAYEY SAND, dark brown, medium to coarse, dry to slightly moist, loose, micaceous; porous; root hairs; krotovina. @ 3.0 ft. moist, medium dense. . . . 4.0 - 10.0 PAUBA FORMATION (Oos): CLAYEY SANDSTONE, light orang ish brown, coarse, moist to very moist, dense, micaceous; highly weathered; massive; occasional fine gravel. @ 7.0 ft. fresh - unweathered. TOTAL DEPTH 10.0 FT. NO WATER, NO CAVING &\ PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. . TABLE 1(cont.) . . Test pit No. Deoth (ft. ) USCS T-42A 0.0 - 4.0 SM . 4.0 - 8.0 . - - - - - - - - . T-43A 0.0 - 2.5 2.5 - 7.0 . ----- . T-44A 0.0 - 4.5 4.5 - 9.0 . . . Descriotion ALLUVIUM/COLLUVIUM (Oal/Ocol): SILTY SAND, dark brown, medium to coarse, dry- to slightly moist, loose; porous; root hairs; moister with depth. PAUBA FORMATION (Oos): SILTY SANDSTONE, light reddish brown, coarse, moist, dense, micaceous; massive; occasional fine grave; weathered at contact; moister and denser with depth. TOTAL DEPTH 8.0 FT. NO WATER, NO CAVING ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SM ALLUVIUM/COLLUVIUM (Oal/Ocol): SILTY SAND, light/dark brown, medium to fine, slightly moist, medium dense; porous; root hairs. PAUBA FORMATION (Oos): SILTY SANDSTONE, orangish tan, medium to coarse, moist, dense, micaceous; massive character. TOTAL DEPTH 7.0 FT. NO WATER, NO CAVING - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SM ALLUVIUM/COLLUVIUM (Oal/Ocol): SILTY SAND, dark brown, coarse to medium, dry to slightly moist, loose to medium dense porous; root hairs. PAUBA FORMATION (Oos): CLAYEY SANDSTONE orangish brown, medium to coarse, moist, dense, micaceous; massive character; occasional fine gravel; highly weathered @ 7.0 ft. fresh - unweathered. TOTAL DEPTH 9.0 FT. NO WATER, NO CAVING ~1/ PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. . . . Test pit No. T-45A . . TABLE 1(cont.) Depth (ft.) USCS Description 0.0 - 3.5 SM ALLUVIUM/COLLUVIUM (Oal/Ocol): SILTY SAND, dark brown, medium to fine, slightly moist to dry, loose to moderately dense; root hairs; porous; moistens with depth. 3.5 - 8.0 PAUBA FORMATION (Ops): CLAYEY SANDSTONE, light orangish tan, coarse, moist, dense, micaceous; massive character; occasional fine gravels; weathered at contact; denser with depth to very dense; moistens with depth to very moist. TOTAL DEPTH 8.0 FT. NO WATER, NO CAVING . T-46A - - - - - - - - - - 8M . . T-4 7 A . . . - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - 0.0 - 3.0 ALLUVIUM/COLLUVIUM (Oal/Ocol): SlLTY SAND, dark brown, fine to dry, loose; porous; root hairs; with depth. CLAYEY medium, moistens 3.0 - 6.0 PAUBA FORMATION (Ops): SILTY SANDSTONE to GRITSTONE, orangish tan, coarse to medium, moist, dense, micaceous; massive; occasional fine gravel; denser with depth; occasional more clayier lenses up to 1.0 ft. thick. TOTAL DEPTH 6.0 FT. NO WATER, NO CAVING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.0 - 4.5 8M ALLUVIUM/COLLUVIUM (Oal/Oco1): SILTY SAND, dark brown/light brown, medium to coarse, dry to slightly moist; loose to moderately dense; porous; root hairs; krotovina. CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE. ~'7 PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. . TABLE 1{cont.) .. . Test pit No. Depth 1ft.) USCS Description T-47A CONTINUED. 4.5 - 9.0 PAUBA FORMATION lOps): CLAYEY SANDSTONE to GRITSTONE, light orang ish tan, medium to coarse, moist, dense, micaceous; massive; weathered at contact; occasional fine gravels; clayier lenses up to 1.0 ft. thick at 6.0 ft. . . TOTAL DEPTH 9.0 FT. NO WATER, NO CAVING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.0 - 3.5 SM ALLUVIUM/COLLUVIUM IOal/Ocol): SAND, dark brown, fine to m . , slightly moist to dry, e to medium dense; porous; ro rs; krotovina. 3.5 - 9.0 . . TOTAL DEPTH 9.0 FT. NO WATER, NO CAVING . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.0 - 5.0 SM ALLUVIUM/COLLUVIUM IOal/Ocol): SAND, dark brown, fine to coa loose to moderately dense; porous. @ 3.5 ft. slightly moderately dens t to moist, dense; abundant mica. 5.0 - 9.5 . . TOTAL DEPTH 9.5 NO WATER, NO . rI< PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. . . . Test it No. T-6 . . T-68A . . . T-69A . . . TABLE 1(cont.) Depth (ft.! USCS Descri tion 0.0 - 6.0 SM ALLUVIUM/COLLUVIUM (Oal/Ocol!: Y SAND, dark brown, fine to e, slightly moist, moder dense to loose; very poro undant root hairs. 6.0 - 13.0 0.0 - 5.0 5.0 - 7.0 0.0 - 5.0 5.0 - 8.0 TOTAL DEPTH 13.0 FT. NO WATER, NO CAVING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SM ALLUVIUM/COLLUVIUM (Oal/Ocol!: SILTY SAND, dark brown, medium grained, slightly moist, loose to moderately dense, micaceous; root hairs; porous; krotovina; lenses of fine gravels. @ 3.5 ft. moist, medium dense to moderately dense. PAUBA FORMATION (Ops!: SILTY SANDSTONE to CLAYEY SANDSTONE, orangish-yellowish tan, medium to coarse, moist, dense, micaceous; massive; fine gravels; weathered at contact. TOTAL DEPTH 7.0 FT. NO WATER, NO CAVING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - SM ALLUVIUM/COLLUVIUM (Oal/Ocol!: SILTY SAND, dark brown, coarse grained, slightly moist, loose to moderately dense; porous; root hairs; krotovina. @ 3.5 ft. moist, moderately dense to medium dense. PAUBA FORMATION (Ops!: SILTY SANDSTONE to GRITSTONE, light yellowish tan, coarse grained, moist, medium dense to dense, micaceous; abundant fine gravels; massive character; weathered at contact. TOTAL DEPTH 8.0 FT. NO WATER, NO CAVING PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. ~6 . . . Test pit No. T-70A . . . . . . . . TABLE 1{cont.) Deoth (ft.) USCS Descriotion 0.0 - 3.0 SMjSC ALLUVIUM/COLLUVIUM (Oal/Ocol): SILTY SAND to CLAYEY SAND, dark brown to dark tan, medium grained, slightly moist, moderately dense to loose; root hairs; porous. @ 2.0 ft. moist, moderately dense to medium dense. 3.0 - 9.0 PAUBA FORMATION (Oos): SILTY SANDSTONE, light orang iSh-yellowish tan, medium to coarse grained, moist, dense, micaceous; massive character; occasional fine gravels; weathered at contact. TOTAL DEPTH 9.0 FT. NO WATER, NO CAVING 0.0 - 6.0 ARTIFICIAL FILL (Oaf): SILTY SA brown mottled light orangi coarse, moist, dense, . 4-6 inches deep. SM rk , fine to eous; lifts 6.0 - 8.0 tan, medium to c micaceous; massi TOTAL DEPTH 8.0 FT. NO WATER, NO CAVING 0.0 - 1.0 SM COLLUVIUM (Ocol): SILTY SAND, brown, dry, loose to moderat root hairs; porous. 1.0 - 7.0 SILTY SANDSTONE STONE, light orangish tan, oarse grained, slightly moist, ceous; massive; occasional TOTAL DEPTH 7.0 FT. NO WATER, NO CAVING PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. (jc? . TABLE 1(cont.) . . Test pit No. Depth (ft.) USCS Description T-73A 0.0 - 2.0 SM/SC COLLUVIUM (Ocol): CLAYEY SAND to SANDY CLAY, dark reddish brown, fine grained, dry, loose; porous; root hairs. @ 1.0 ft. slightly moist to moist, medium dense. . 2.0 - 6.0 PAUBA FORMATION (Ops): SILTY SANDSTONE, light orangish brown, fine to medium grained, moist, dense, micaceous; massive character; homogeneous; fine gravels; weathered at contact. . TOTAL DEPTH 6.0 FT. NO WATER, NO CAVING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . 0.0 - 2.0 SM COLLUVIUM (Ocol): SILTY SAND, reddish brown, fine to medi moist, moderately dens . hairs. 2.0 - 6.0 N s: SILTY SANDSTONE, ngish brown, fine to medium 'st, dense, micaceous; massive character; eneous; fine gravels; weathered at con . . TOTAL DEPTH 6.0 FT. NO WATER, NO CAVING . . . PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. C;1 . TABLE 1(cont.) . DATE OBSERVED: 2-18-91 MFTHOD OF EXCAVATION: Ford 555 Backhoe with a 24' bucket LOGGED BY: CK GROUND ELEVATION: 1237.0 LOCATION: See Geotechnical Map ~ 0 III ~ >-~ l- I- a:1L TRENCH LOG NO. T-2 III IZ 0 ., .J UI~ 00 ., 1L0 0 mill a. a:- . a. IL IL a:.J I: ::II- .,- . .... <I: Sheet 1 of I - Ctl,.. , ::I a. I-z 0>- Ctl<l: .. 1-1: III "Ill <1:1- SOIL TEST :I: <1:0 :3 "<I: '" "I- .J.. I- a" 0 ~.. .J 0% a... a. .J z ::I 1:0 %% DESCRIPTION w m ::I m 0 Hill 0 0 0 Alluvium - (Oall - Silty sand - Gray brow!l., fine to coarse ~ 8.8 102 grained, damp. loose to medium Moisture/density - dense. minor pores, moderately well - graded 11.9 110 Slightly indurated, _minor clay, less pores Moisture/density 5- - - - 10- Bedrock - Pauba Formation Silty sandstone - dark yellow brown, fine - to coarse grained, moist, dense, well - . graded - . Total Depth = 13.0' No Ground Water Moderate Excavation Trench Backfilled r}b ro~ib6.00 I RANP AC SOILS. INC. I . . . . . . . . . . . TABLE 1(cont.) . DATE OBSERVED: 2-18-9\ MFTHOD OF EXCAVATION: Ford 555 Backhoe with a 24" bucket LOGGED BY: CK GROUND ELEVATION: 1253.0 LOCATION: See Geotechnical Map ~ 0 III ~ >-~ 0- 0- <<lL TRENCH lOG NO. T-3 III IZ 0 III ..I wX au III lLo 0 mill '11. <<~ 11. lL lL <<..I I: ::>0- w~ HH <t Sheet of 1 ~ "0- , ::>11. o-z u>- 1 "<t ., 0-1: ., .,.. <to- SOIL TEST X <to :> "<t " HI- .JH I- dH 0 ::;.. ..I oz 11.., 11. ..I Z ::> 1:0 ZZ DESCRIPTION III m ::> m u Hill 8 0 Alluvium - (Oall - Silty sand - light yello,",:. brown, fine to - ~ 8.5 100 coar.;e grained, damp, loose Moisture/density - Slightly indurated, trace of pores and root - hair.;, well developed soil with 13.4 104 blocky struct9re Moisture/density 5- - - Bedrock - Pauba Formation - Silty sandstone - Dark yellow brown, 10- fine to coar.;e gained, moist, dense, - minor clay, cohesive. well graded, massive, slight mottling Total Depth = 12.0' No Ground Water Moderate Excavation I Trench Backfilled , ro~ih6 00 I RANPAC SOILS. INC. I : ~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . en c 3 3 Dl -< a r-4 Dl Dl C'C' 0- ~ C\) aN o -< ~ !e. c ! . . . tll tll tll tll tll tll tll tll tll tll tll rp tll tll , . . , , , , , , , , , , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 0 0 1B0ring I or Test Pit No. . . . . '" '" '" '" '" '" ~ ~ '" '" ~ ~ '" '" ~ ~ '" '" '? '" '" 0 '" 0 '" '" 0 '" 0 '" '" '" ~ '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" '" Ioepth (ft.) '" !!1 CI) CI) CI) ~ ~ CI) S 0 0 CI) )> )> )> )> 0 0 ~ ~ 0 0 z z z z z z ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ g, 0 5l 0 0 0 0 ~ CI) CI) CI) CI) CI) z CI) CI) l? d -l -l -l -l d 0 ~ m -l -l m m 0 0 0 0 CI) < 0 0 m < < IA Z Z Z Z Z Z -l Z Z < ... ~ CI) m m CI) CI) ~ ~ m m m m m m 0 )> )> '0 IQ IQ '0 (5 '0 z (5 f(5 ~ - z z z z 0' m 0 0 0 0 I~ ~ ~ ~ g ~ '0 ~ ~ ::I ~ CI) CI) ;: CI) CI) 0 0 J: 0 0 Group Symbol (USeS) ~ ~ !Maximum Density (pet) N '" N Optimum Moisture % '" ~ + No.4 Screen .................................................................. l- e;) ~ ~ iil 0 '" i4 Coarse Sand 3' .................................................................. CIl "" .... N G '" (I) ~..~.!.~.:..:.~.~~~..~~~~................... )> :l DI -< '" .... IA i4 Silt (0.074 to 0.005 mm) ii' ................................-............................. - '" '" % Clay (-0.005 mm) 0 Expansion Index, use 29- l . ~.?.~.!.~.!~.~..~~~.._.......................... S! iil n .. Degrees CIl ':T ..............................~......._......................... G DI &: ~ ... CI) Test Condition 0 -~ -~ ~ g J: m o:z ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ It ... 0 0 0 ~ m z z z (J) (J) (J) (J) !! (jj 0 0 0 IA -l r- r- r- oL ~ (j ... ~ r5 CIl o ... ~~ )>t%l ;.vm z 'lilr-O ~m... N~ t%l e ~~ a. 0... Oz e,(j -. 0' ::I !'! g>~ ~;!- 30 ga ... It ~... (I).... - 0 ~~ "'S! s)> Cl)AI , , (J) AI .. It ~ 3 ; 2. - c. ~~ zc , , z c .. ::I - C. c:: _. iil a - c:: ~ i a c:: iil . . . . . . . . . . . en c: 3 3 III ~ ~ r-.... III III D'D' 0- ~ CD IllN ... o 0 ~ 0 ::l .... rt" CD . !!:. c ~ W::E '5l. 0 (I) ;l- 3 0 ia ... (I) ~ ... ~i 80 !C to to to lp to to OJ , , , , , , OJ .. .. .. .. ~ ~ ~ 0 0 0 ~ '" .. .. , ~ )> )> )> )> )> )> . Boring I or Test Pit No. . : : : : : : . w .. ~ ~ !" w !" l;l <D 0 <D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Depth (ft.) 0 0 !!1 > > en -< -< en en en ~ en m m )> )> )> CIl ~ -< -< ~ z z ~ z g, en en en en 0 0 0 d )> )> d en en z en c z Z -t -t C -t to C 0 0 0 0 co Z z en n m en en m z z -t Z ... -t d m m 0 m Ii 0 0 '0 "a '0 z '0 ~ z z ~ m o' m m rg rg 0 ~ :J '0 '0 ~ I! I! Group Symbol (USCS) ~ ~ ~ ~ .. .. w .. !" '" 0 .... Maximum Density (pcf) '" u. :. 00 <D co .... .... to> U. 00 :... Optimum Moisture % ~ .. % + No.4 Screen ......-...........................--.......................... - C) .... .. ~ .. iil w 0 '" I{, Coarse Sand S' ................................................................. en g .. 0> 0> 0> ~. .. ~ '" 0 I{, Med. . Fine Sand )> ................................................................. :l DI .. '" .... w ~ ~ .. '" 0 I{, Silt (0.074 to 0.005 mm) iii' ................................................................. - '" ~ '" .. w '" I{, Clay HI.OOS mm) . II 1J Expansion Index, USC 29- ~ m : : : m . . . Cohesion (pst) C ~ iii' "1 .....................--........................................ II n m - , Degrees en .. ::T ......................................-......................-, CD i!! c ~ i!! c i!! III .. - Cil en en en en rest Condition 2 ::r ;!: to ... - ~ c !!t co . . . 1J 1J en en m m - ~ ~ <D <D <D "'.. co C" f\ t.. ~ ('j - ~ - ('j C"I.l o - -i?;; )>tI:I ;;? CD Z 'gr-O .. m- NZ ~ o::tl 0_ ~~ .. ~ o' :l !'! en ~ , , en ~ !i (I) <: 3 ; 2- - Cl. lili z c , , z C Dl :> - Cl. c: _. iil !IL - <: ~ i !IL c: <il ........ Work Order 400406 . TABLE II cont. August 6, 1992 l~.~ Twinina Laboratories of dcutk'ln Ca/lfo'V1i4, [/= .-I"A~ ~ UIO AirpOrt Way I Mil"", Ad... P.O. 80..7 I L.on~ BuC". CA .0101, (213. 426-3355 I (213. 636-2316 1(714' 1214C32 TESTING BRANCH OFFICEI 151~ North Suu" St,..t/ Santi! Ana.. CA 12703 1(7141 5$40264$ . June 27, 1988 . Pacific Soils Engineering 17909 Fitch, Suite G Irvine, CA 92714 . Subject: One sample of soil submitted on June 20, 1988. Identification: W.O. 400174, B-1 Results: Exam No. CH88-437 A. Extract of 5 parts water to 1 part dry soil . . l. pH 2. Sulfates 3. Chlorides 4. Alkalinity (as CaC03) B. Percent by weight of dry so11 l. Sulfates C. Resistivity (as ohm centimeters) . . TWINING LABORATORIES OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, INC. . '~Il /) .~ '1/ - 7 i ,/ I ())W<L",~.-1u H.R. La~dwehr Chief Chemist ~:~',&- ~~ IlRL/DF/cg cc: 3 . . ,~ "fPO""';' &RF ~U8MlTTFt) ..c;, Tw~ "n..~.t"\"'.n''', 7.9 o ppm 5 ppm 13 ppm 0.000% 8070 f--;;.C-~."'~~ Jr.,jl r- ('-, ..~: ;;;~". :.t n... ~'- . aaoL:_ i t - i ., JUN 2 8 i'~'d ' L. i....t\C~~E."; ~7;.)~L~ ~.:'; (~~ -----." ...- 1V oar.a...aT>f n.. ~.,"'uT'" ..,..............'9........., ......... .......,.,......._.. _~ _.._ _______ __ _ . . PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. EARTHWORK SPECIFICA nONS . These specifications present generally accepted standards and minimum earthwork requirements for the development of the project. These specifications shall be the project guidelines for earthwork except where specifically superceded in preliminary geology and soils reports, grading plan review reports or by prevailing grading codes or ordinances of the controlling agency. . I. GENERAL A. The contractor shall be responsible for the satisfactory completion of all earthwork in accordance with the project plans and specifications. . B. The project Soil Engineer and Engineering Geologist or their representatives shall provide testing services, and geotechnical consultation during the duration of the project. . c. All clearing, grubbing, stnppmg and site preparation for the project shall be accomplished by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Soil Engineer. D. It is the Contractor's responsibility to prepare the ground surface to receive the fills to the satisfaction of the Soil Engineer and to place, spread, mix and compact the fill in accordance with the job specifications and as required by the Soil Engineer. The Contractor shall also remove all material considered by the Soil Engineer to be unsuitable for use in the construction of compacted fill. . E. The Contractor shall have suitable and sufficient equipment in operation to handle the amount of fill being placed. When necessary, equipment will be shut down temporarily in order to pennit proper compaction of fills. . II. SITE PREPARATION A. Excessive vegetation and all deleterious material shall be disposed of offsite as required by the Soil Engineer. Existing fill, soil, alluvium or rock materials detennined by the Soil Engineer as being unsuitable for placement in compacted fills shall be removed and wasted from the site. Where applicable, the Contractor may obtain the approval of the Soil Engineer and the controlling authorities for the project to dispose of the above described materials, or a portion thereof, in designated areas onsite. . . After removals as described above have been accomplished, earth materials deemed unsuitable in their natural, in-place condition, shall be removed as recommended by the Soil EngineerlEngineering Geologist. . PACIFIC BOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 1~ . Earthwork Specifications Page 2 . . . B. After the removals as delineated in Item II, A above, the exposed surfaces shall be disced or bladed by the Contractor to the satisfaction of the Soil Engineer. The prepared ground surfaces shall then be brought to the specified moisture condition, mixed as required, and compacted and tested as specified. In areas where it is necessary to obtain the approval of the controlling agency, prior to placing fill, it will be the contractor's responsibility to notify the proper authorities. c. Any underground structures such as cesspools, cisterns, mining shafts, tunnels, septic tanks, wells, pipelines or others not located prior to grading are to be removed or treated in a manner prescribed by the Soil Engineer and/or the controlling agency for the project. III. COMPACTED FILLS A. Any materials imported or excavated on the property may be utilized in the fill, provided each material has been determined to be suitable by the Soil Engineer. Deleterious material not disposed of during clearing or demolition shall be removed from the fill as directed by the Soil Engineer. . . c. . B. Rock or rock fragments less than eight inches in the largest dimension may be utilized in the fill, provided they are not placed in concentrated pockets and the distribution of the rocks is approved by the Soil Engineer. Rocks greater than eight inches in the largest dimension shall be taken off site, or placed in accordance with the recommendations of the Soil Engineer in areas designated as suitable for rock disposal. D. All fills, including onsite and import materials to be used for fill, shall be tested in the laboratory by the Soil Engineer. Proposed import materials shall be approved prior to importation. . E. . . . The fill materials shall be placed by the Contractor in layers that when compacted shall not exceed six inches. Each layer shall be spread evenly and shall be thoroughly mixed during the spreading to obtain a near uniform moisture condition and a uniform blend of materials. All compaction shall be achieved at optimum moisture content, or above, as determined by the applicable laboratory standard. No upper limit on the moisture content is necessary; however, the Contractor must achieve the necessary compaction and will be alerted when the material is too wet and compaction cannot be attained. 1Dt PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. . Earthwork Specifications Page 3 . F. . G. . H. . I. . J. . K. . L. . . Where the moisture content of the fill material is below the limit specified by the Soil Engineer, water shall be added and the materials shall be blended until a unifonn moisture content, within specified limits, is achieved. Where the moisture content of the fill material is above the limits specified by the Soil Engineer, the fill materials shall be aerated by discing, blading or other satisfactory methods until the moisture content is within the limits specified. Each fill layer shall be compacted to minimum project standards, in compliance with the testing methods specified by the controlling governmental agency and in accordance with recommendations of the Soil Engineer. In the absence of specific recommendations by the Soil Engineer to the contrary, the compaction standard shall be ASTM:D 1557-91. Where a slope receiving fill exceeds a ratio of five-horizontal to one-vertical, the fill shall be keyed and benched through all unsuitable topsoil, colluvium, alluvium, or creep material, into sound bedrock or finn material, in accordance with the recommendations and approval of the Soil Engineer. Side hill fills shall have a minimum key width of 15 feet into bedrock or firm materials, unless otherwise specified in the soil report and approved by the Soil Engineer in the field. Drainage terraces and subdrainage devices shall be constructed in compliance with the ordinances of the controlling governmental agency and/or with the recommendations of the Soil Engineer and Engineering Geologist. The contractor shall be required to maintain the specified minimum relative compaction out to the finish slope face of fill slopes, buttresses, and stabilization fills as directed by the Soil Engineer and/or the governing agency for the project. This may be achieved by either overbuilding the slope and cutting back to the compacted core, or by direct compaction of the slope face with suitable equipment, or by any other procedure which produces the designated result. Fill-over-cut slopes shall be properly keyed through topsoil, colluvium or creep material into rock or finn material; and the transition shall be stripped of all soil or unsuitable materials prior to placing fill. The cut portion should be made and evaluated by the Engineering Geologist prior to placement of fill above. M. Pad areas in natural ground and cut shall be approved by the Soil Engineer. Finished surfaces of these pads may require scarification and recompaction. . PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. "'! . Earthwork Specifications Page 4 . IV. . . . v. CUT SLOPES A. The Engineering Geologist shall inspect all cut slopes and shall be notified by the Contractor when cut slopes are started. B. If, during the course of grading, unforeseen adverse or potentially adverse geologic conditions are encountered, the Engineering Geologist and Soil Engineer shall investigate, analyze and make recommendations to treat these problems. c. Non-erodible interceptor swales shall be placed at the top of cut slopes that face the same direction as the prevailing drainage. D. Unless otherwise specified in soil and geological reports, no cut slopes shall be excavated higher or steeper than that allowed by the ordinances of controlling governmental agencies. E. Drainage terraces shall be constructed in compliance with the ordinances of the controlling governmental agencies, and/or in accordance with the recommendations of the Soil Engineer or Engineering Geologist. . GRADING CONTROL A. Fill placement shall be observed by the Soil Engineer and/or his representative during the progress of grading. . . B. . Field density tests shall be made by the Soil Engineer or his representative to evaluate the compaction and moisture compliance of each layer of fill. Density tests shall be performed at intervals not to exceed two feet of fill height. Where sheepsfoot rollers are used, the soil may be disturbed to a depth of several inches. Density determinations shall be taken in the compacted material below the disturbed surface at a depth determined by the Soil Engineer or his representative. Where tests indicate that the density of any layer of fill, or portion thereof, is below the required relative compaction, or improper moisture is in evidence, the particular layer or portion shall be reworked until the required density and/or moisture content has been attained. No additional fill shall be placed over an area until the last placed lift of fill has been tested and found to meet the density and moisture requirements and that lift approved by the Soil Engineer. C. Where the work is interrupted by heavy rains, fill operations shall not be resumed until field observations and tests by the Soil Engineer indicate the moisture content and density of the fill are within the limits previously specified. . . PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. 1~ . Earthwork Specifications Page 5 . D. During construction, the Contractor shall properly grade all surfaces to maintain good drainage and prevent ponding of water. The Contractor shall take remedial measures to control surface water and to prevent erosion of graded area until such time as permanent drainage and erosion control measures have been installed. . E. Observation and testing by the Soil Engineer shall be conducted during the filling and compacting operations in order that he will be able to state in his opinion all cut and filled areas are graded in accordance with the approved specifications. . F. After completion of grading and after the Soil Engineer and Engineering Geologist have finished their observations of the work, final reports shall be submitted. No further excavation or filling shall be undertaken without prior notification of the Soil Engineer andlor Engineering Geologist. . IV. SLOPE PROTECTION All finished cut and fill slopes shall be planted and/or protected from erosion in accordance with the project specifications and/or as recommended by a landscape architect. . . . . . 11 . PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING. INC. . CANYON SUBDRAIN DETAIL TYPE A . . .... ---- - ---------- - ------ -- - ----,-,,' , " , ,.ItOPOS~D C()NPACT~D Fltt ," " , , ~NATURAL GROUND " "< ," , ~" "', r:COLLUVIUItIAND ALLUVIUM fR~"'Otf~1 " , ,,' " " " " ",," ~ '...... -'" ~,'" ........._______---' i: ;~... -_B~DROCK . . S~~ D~TAIL AtT~RNAT~ '.A"fPLAT~ G-ZI NOTE. FINAL 20' OF PfPE AT OUTLET SHALL BE NON-PERFORATED . TYPE B ------------------------ TYPICAt BENCHING PROPOSEO COMPACTED Fltt " ,," / " " " / " " fREMOVE J ,," " " " ..." ...." ......---------.".,. . " ... , '"...(NATURAt GROUND , " ''''', /COHUVIUM ANOALtUVIUM 'f....... ....... . . SEE DETAIL ALTERNATE "B"fPLATE G-Z I NOTE: FINAL 20'OFPIPE AT OUTLET SHALL BE NON-PERFORATED . PLATE G-I PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING,INC. W.O. DATE I~ . CANYON SUBDRAIN ALTERNATE DETAILS ALTERNATE I PIPE AND FILTER MATERIAL FILTER MATERIAt.MIN.VOt. ()F'~/L1N. FT. . . . A-I 6 IN. II ABS OR PVC PIPE OR APPROVEO SUBSTITUTE WITH /JIN. BPERF,I/4 IN. II PER LINEAL FOOT IN BOTTOM HAtF OF PIPE. ASTM 0275/, SOR '50R ASTM 0'0'4, SOR'5 OR AST..M 01527, SCHO.40 ASTM 0/785, SCHO.40 B-1 FOR CONTINUOUS RUN IN EXCESS OFSOOFEET USE BIN.e PIPE . 6 IN. MIN. '" OVERtAP ~ . A-2 . ALTERNATE Z FILTER MATERIAL WRAPPED IN FABRIC I IN. MAX GRAVEL WRAPPED IN FILTER FABRIC 6 IN. /JIN. ( OVERtAP I IN. MAX.GRAVn OR APPROVED EOUIVALENT 9FT.'/FT MIRAI'I 140 FItTER FABRIC OR APPROVED EOUIVAL ENT (TYPICAt I , B-2 PROPOSED FINISHED GRADE NATIVE BACKFILL 10 FT:! . DETAIL OF CANYON SUBDRAIN TERMINAL FOR ALTERNATES A2 AND B2' . 6/~ OVERLAP ~ /JIRAFI 140 FILTER FA8RIC OR _:.:. ,. .: ..... . :~.(.~PROVEO EOUIVAtENT IIN. MAX. OPEN GRADED 15FT. /JIN 20FT. MIN. GRAVn OR APPROVED 5 FT MIN. EOUIVAtENT r + -I NON-PERF ~RF 6 IN. 6IN.II/JIN gMINPIPE ALTERNATE :5 PERFORATED PIPE SURROUNDED WITH FILTER MATERIAL . '-;--6 IN. MIN. n OVERLAP . A-3 4/N.ItI/N BEDDING , FlLTERMATCRIAL 9FT./FT PERFORATED PIPE 61N. II /JIN. B-3 . FILTER MATERIAL SIEVE SIZE . I IN. J/4 IN. J/8IN. NO.4 NO.8 NO.30 NO. SO NO. ZOO PERCENT PASSING 100 .0-100 40-100 Z5 -40 18-JJ ,-" 0-7 O-J PLA TE G-2 PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING INC. W.O. DATE 1~ . . . . . . . . . . . Z~ 0= ... N; o ~ c .. .. ,.;;- b .~ -Q.oIQt~ l:;~lAl ~ ~ Qt~. .... O~~_~ --'''''" ~'~'"" ,., O"'n" "'. 0 )c ..... ... ~ .... -~Q -.'W :::.;:l'~~ ~ ""0,.. lE-", Q -'_'" 0 '"'" ..... ..... Q ~...::" 'lC OO~~~ "l! :.. ~. ~ ~ 0 ~ ?~Q'~i 4":'" a " ~C:-b... ~ _"C:.. IQ-....o,~ .....--.'" Q,,::,.... ::JIo Q.:::a"~ -.Q a c: lE ~--.i -::,.~. ~~g ~ ~ -.. :0 Oll~.o. c:~"'~ A -- ....... ii'.... O'~ -. .."o.~ "Q"'" .. iO...~3" "~3~';; !" i' '"' Ui. Z~ 0- :..i a - ~ . I I I I I ~ ~~ I '!'l '" I 0". .... '0" ~~ -- 0-;- '00 ;.", .... --.. ....~ 'C: 3 :;. ~a "'0 " .. ~. - g ~ l! - ~ ~ a o - ... o '" ~ ... - f - o .. ~:::G! '" 00"'" ".~ o~. - ~ 00.. 00..... ... ~ ~=-... "0 .... ;; "''' a~ 'Ii '. "l ~Cf ;t ;J -.. "" "'0 ~.- h' .... ... "'. t , r ... ~ . U <li. t ? .. 4 . l5: ;J /It. JoI !It .. . =- ij.tl ii i~ ~t -A _.. If_ III 0- ........ ~- · . c:- c:_ a"bb _'" :~ _-11I11I .~~ . ~ :a0~:t o:-~ ,.!.t t c ~~~ cr l~ 00 0-'" cp cpO CoIIII ~"c: _...~ 2~~ ~: ~....:t 4.-0 0'. - 0"''' ... .-.. a"- \ll1II~ I:~ . ~~i~' !d ~~! l:l: ~to ~ ;:>o~o ~.... .. 0 ., 0-: . 11I_ b b "'''' i~'" CIlCll ;a~ 0 ::t~ ~.." '!t~ ct Qoil Q 0"" ~ "" _. .... Q......."'OJ 0 .~ :::a Q..!. ~ ;: ",," ~ '" '" ~ - ~. _;-.. <i f\) ...0: 0 " .... Q""lQ - " ... '" ,. ",.'_ Q ... '1: _;.cp J \I" ,. ~~:. ~ ~ it a 01" 0 ='44 l'~ ~ 1 0 0 . (J) ~ to ;::: N b ::! ~ , ~ --.. ~ ~ (I) :!J ...... ...... ~ ~ -.... ...... ~~ ~C) ... .., ... C) C/) () ... r0- C/) ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~El~ ... ~ ~' o Qij . . Cut Lot -- -- - . -- - -- .. -- f\u -- o~~ol.~~---- -- -- . - .\ CoI\u",um. ~1f"'- i09S01. .. Be6roO- _~/-;yt: weolnereu -- " -- ..... - -- ---- . " min.. . ~~f --" Unweathered Bedrock Overexcovote and Recompoct . Cut - Fi \I Lot (Transition) . . --- --- ,j\U~' _ - -- r tY'oJ AlOt.'f. _ .\ "" oeu..... r"O\\' 6 Q " ~~ !\"e~e , ~e~..... · deeper overexcavation moy be required by the soils engineer in steep cut-fill transition areas .....-- -- r::P<;IO_-- . ~ c,~ _- .... O~q\f;\O_ - ,,' -- , ~ . Campacted Fill 3' min.- Unweathered Bedrock . . PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. W.O DATE PLATE G-4 ~\ . ~ . . . . . Z o -i ITl .. - "i a: ~ .~ ~".... .. ~ ~ . .... - ~ - ~ ..!i:70 ~ -.... - q_O :>> ~ '" 0 0 ,...-- ",'OC", ~ ..... - . g-2.S -t!.... i;gD StiR 3 _. 381 ; i -. Q. .. o UI g.i .:.: "'''0 .. ~ ~ "( - ='::: _ n .. ..- a.... "0." "Il~~ 0:7~ < .. - _. 0 ~~.. a. lI!. Cl aD ' ..."'0> '" !t~ .. ofoi .. .. ~. ~ -0- .. ~ '" 0 D '" ;- a. .. a. .. _. ~ .. " ~~ :!. i5. '" c: "a o : ~ .. -. " '" o .. .. "( .. -. 0.= <7 ~ .. Q.~ ::~ ~. 3 ,. ;. .. 0. 0-"0"" _0......- "'00 "'" ~.:S. mone. ~....=.~ o ~:::IO o '0 ::':":'" CDO- -33 o _. c.~ -('D-' 0",3 "'-c: og3 "U ... o "0 o '" '" c. oD ... o 0. CD 0' ~ 3:: "'00 ~3~ .......QQ. 8'n~ ~CD~ no!" c:-. ;-tII- -(JI o , "O~ '" -. 0. o~ g: .... niilZ ~"'!a "0 -c oQ:I n"'w' ;; o.tII 0.$;0 -."0 =:Tt'D o 0' CD \ -a ;. ~ ,\ (") <2- C "- c. 3 \ -~ c. ~ ::.; o ~ '" \ ~ ~ 9- (T\ \ \ " < o ... '" III '" JJ I en ZO !am c: 3I -- Ulr or "Q ""TI "'- ~r -r o ... 0 ~m CD-i ~l> CD _ ... r I A ;E ~ 9 ~ ~ (') (f) o F (f) rTl o Z 1> G> -I - rrt~ I rrt lJ ::or ,- 1> I,Z -I J,.,G> f"Tl zG> (')' . (J1 . . . . . . . . . . . o (1) - Q. cr ~ :n - ~ ~ at (1) ::::J ..0 P - o ::::J ::!) o - ~ c: < -. o - (1) a. () o ::::J '< o ::::J ~ a lI!. i s !;- o . :> g ~ o ~ :> 00 "2- o ;> \ i n to 0. - Q~iiS' .. 0.3 n 0.07' _ en ~:> c -<09.- n"'JI' a '5 ttO~;. ~ Jr~ ~ n .,::;; a ~s ." \IF.~ _g ll'''' g. _!-o. \\'F. .. :.:.2- ,;:: ll~!/ S'l r ~~ ' II ' 1~ }. ~\ r ' ,. ii ~ ~ l "'" t.: ~"1 ;11 '~~/ _~a ' 9. :: "- ....- I _0.3 ' g:.~ ' i3'll '~ " t.sL li.3~ 0. t __9 ~L J:r~f ~ I 0_.0. I ,,0 0 .. :;g I ~g, ~ ~ I .5!!. 4Q2. -;1 h I =s . a I if q I i I f9 11- -~ I go. ~ ~ r - " - ~I ~5 0 ,= n:> ~ ::J~ !!.- ;II::. nO 'F1~ '5 i- =\ 0. ,~I ~ II!II- :> - '" ~ o. :i" q 00 2 ~ '" ~ n .. o 0' ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ !. :7 n ~ ~ :t 0. ~ " ~ ~ b - . ::!! n (I) Q r (J) ,." Z o G'l > - -l Z m ,." ,." ~, ~ z n . . Selective Grading Detail for Stabilization Fill Unstable Material Exposed in Portion of Cut Slope . ... H // // ..../ 1....:;0~'e ~oSS L /~ \\ '11'''' "".. ~~\~~.~.: \- L _..... ...J: . !".- I (tilter1 back (min.) %~~~ w~ ~~0" ~ If reaJrnmended by the soli. engintter/qeologl.t. the remaining W .1 cut portion of the slope may requITe r~movol and replacement -- with compacted fill (See Plote G-JJ -- -- -..... -- .....- -- -- /..... "lld .....- (,l0.....- (0\ .... tlO'" ........ , ---1 _..../ 1m';;' I ~OSS / loble ......... \.IllS .... ..... ....- ......... .....- Fini.hed Ground . . . Unweathered Bedrock or approved material Compacted Fill . . NOTE' I. Subdrains ore not required unless specified. . 2. .W" sholl be equipment width (Iff) for slope heights less than 25 feet. Far slopes great" than 2Sfeer .w. sholl be determined by the project soils engineer/geologist. At no time sholl "W.be less than H/2. . PLATE G-7 PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. W.O. DATE ~ . . ~ . . . . . . ~ :s" ~ -..; ~ ~ 2' a "'" ~ <:5 S Q. . . . . ~ ~. "" ;s. ~ \ i \ ! \ \ \ I ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ \ \ \ \ \ ) \ - \ ~, \ ~. \ (h ~' ~. --1- ~ ~ ;::So ~ '<:: ~ ~ ~ ~. \Ji I ~ ,,<, l\"o ",' ~ , \ \ \ \ \ \ ~~ ~ ~' ~ :::;. ~~ l~ ~C1l ~~ l\~ ... ~:::s. ~~ ~::i' ~~ ~ ..,. ,~~ ~~~ ~ ~-I'\" "'.;:;o~ -~ it~. !.. t.. ~ ~~~~. ['I. 5S' ~ ::::i ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~~. ~ ~ !:') '<)~ ~ ~~~ ~.~- ~. ~ 1l r b M C') I Q) . . . . . . . . . . . ::0 11'1 ~ o ~ l:.r- l:) '-h ~t) ~~ ~C') ~~ ~-t d ~d "" ~~ - (J) -I - ~ G) .,.. - r- r- b' :I ,. ~ - .. Q, ~ , ~: I ;;: ~ I I rl ... , .g a ~ I ~ I ~. , g I ~ I [ I ~ \ I I @', ~i~'i\ \\\" ~~ ti" , " I~ ~. ~I ~o \\,,=1 'Cl Q =-I\~ ~ .... Ie :I =11 ,. 11f' ~ \\.i~' ~ :.11 Q, '" 111:0 ~ ~ ~\ ~ / "'II ",/ lil=1 /:J'" ~ ,// _ r::s \\ ,," - :; ~ '=-t:/ ... o ~\~ ' ~ =ll III a o -0:.\1 '" 0-" ;It 3J. "" ' 11- .- \i \\~~ \\e. I ?; I .,;..\\ ';\1\ \\\~~ I' "'\'\:!li ~\~ \I III =1 II \\'~ ~\\ il ~\ II ~ \ : \! ~ - - ... s: ~ '"' oS .. g ~ ,.. n, C) n, ~ o . ~ ... a ~ -a a Q. " >Q a ~ ~ a ~ - .... a :I ,. a .... " Q, ~ 00 Q Q -- .... b b - ... - - c: _. '" ... c:" ;;. :I 9: ~ - - ~ ""'~ ~~ (J) () ~ I - o {5 <.1) III .; ~ 2 Q 'I -~ -t 'll () _ ;::,0 '-~ OJ I OJ - ~ ~ ~ C) l"'\ . - "" - l"'\ III Q - r- III ~ C\ - l:) ~ !1l b ", r- -t ~ l:. ", - -t <: ", 9 C\ - I <: \0 o . ROCK DISPOSAL DETAIL . FINISH GRADe CLeAR AReA FOR FOUNDATIONS, UTIt/TleS ANO SWIMMING PDDtS. . <a c:e 'Cl C<9~ 4' Q3 FINISH SLOPE FACE . o 63 m ~"'--l C8 ~ f NOTE: IF NECESSARY, OVERSIZeD MATERIAL SHOULD BE REMOVEO FROM THE 15 FOOT ZONE WITH SPECIAL EOUIPMENT,SUCH AS A ROCK RAKE,PRIOR TO PtACING THE NEXT FILL LIFT. . TYPICAL WINDROW DETAIL (END VIEW) . HORIZONTALLY PLACED ~ GRANULAR SOIt FLOODF:D\ COMPACTED FlU TOFlLL VOIDS (\:t == IIJ;:1\I;:~:.BJ:!""..: ;'\~:;U!=W=lll Ul=W==W=W:=lIl =llJ=Ilt=.rn~III=-~=-!1I= \11=111 =111. "'-lli = ill -~ -lll-l!f -(jJ-ll1-m -[]J-!lC' ~.;; 111=111=111 .=ffi=m:2::.. .. :<,m=l\l=nLIfi=m=m-iTl=m=m=lT~ . ,'.11::111:=111= III == 111:111_::, it5:li~ill =-"1;: III .=1II=,III=IlI=iii:: JlCIII= Jlr=1I11~fl~ill==IJ\=III=11I - 15 (MIN.) _ NOTE:: COMPACTED FILL SHAU BE BROUGHT UP AT A HIGHER ELEVATION ALONG WINDROW SO GRANULAR SOIL CAN BE FLOODED IN A .. TRENCH CONDI TlON". . . PROFILE VIEW . \\1::\11=\11 ::'\\1::'11131\:11/;0/" ::'11I =111 = l1l'::Jll;rr.lll-rn ill ~ Uim- !Y mill ==:IllmUl. =\II=III=I\I==III=.II/~H1=1I =1lI=1II:1I1;:;.III=-ld.= :::;.,,::; ,-:- =11)=1'1,= '.:':.:! ::::.: ':::-'" '.: ....~.:..::: :.,:*: .':' 'r:', :.... ::,- L :.;';.... . <:::." : ., .::: . . . . . '0 ".: ,0, ::~ : .*.'. '0 :':; ... 0'::::: ::. '0: .~. . .; :........ ...0 ~." lif-':"',ii~iil;";'lil:": i,i' 'ii,~ili':':ili"':ill''::ili :':'i'il;';'i.;." ii'Ei,i" '11'.' 'Ii,:.\i( :OElil' . ill . . PLA TE G-IO PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC. WOo DATE ~ . <8>~ . :x: , f . . . . . . . . . tll:::: ~ ~ l? ~ 0 ..... ~ ~ ~ - g g ~ h' !O'i'g '" a cr ~ 9: ~ ~~ 'Jl g, a ~ ~ ;:::'-5" ~ a- l;l '" 5J "'. ~ a- '-I ~3~ ~. tr' Oi '" '" - '" <'I,.., ..."" '" " - ~s. .. ~ ~ ~ [ ~ " ri- l? ..... '" i5' 1:) III * !. .,Q. Q~ ~ :3 ~ ~ ~~ g,~ ~~ 9 I) U ~ ~ ~~~;1 O'Q(")C"t .., S ~ n ..... :I Q c: o .., ~..... \') ~ Q. ~ 9 Q "l "" C'):J ~ "f ~ Q. '" !i .~ ~ '" S~Q' c.""i:- -",'" :;.~r;" " 9. Q. !!. ~ c:;- tr-.g .. r>1 "< .. -g '" ~ '" ., OQ '" '" ~ 5" (II Q o. c: "," - . ~ Q, ~ .. ~ r- o ~ ~ -i ~ i;! r== ~~ OC) . - :!:1 C) II) o - c; ~ ~ ~~ I~ ~ <: h .0 ~ - <: C'I C) ~ . -