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JUNE 10, 2002
The City of Temecula Community Services Commission convened in a regular meeting
at 6:00 P.M., on Monday, June 10, 2002 in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City
Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California.
The audience was led in the Flag salute by Commissioner Hogan.
Commissioners Edwards, Hogan, Yorke, and Chairman
Commissioner Meyler.
Also Present:
Director of Community Services Parker,
Deputy Director of Community Services Ruse,
Recreation Superintendent Pelletier,
Development Services Administrator McCarthy,
Management Analyst Smith,
Administrative Secretary Zigler,
Minute Clerk Hansen, and
Minute Clerk Savage.
No comments.
Development Services Administrator McCarthv provided an overview of the proiects in
process. as follows:
. The Chaparral Pool Grand Opening Ceremony was held on Thursday, May 30th,
and while there were still a few minor items that the contractor would be addressing
in the coming weeks, it would not prevent use of the facility.
. The tenant improvements for the Children's Museum Project have been re-
submitted and are in the review process, and at week's end staff would meet with
the architect to discuss these particular improvements.
Commissioner Yorke relayed that the Chaparral Pool Grand Opening Ceremony had
been fantastic.
Recreation Superintendent Pelletier relaved an update reaardina recreational activities in
the Citv of Temecula. as follows:
. The Summer/Fall Guide to leisure Activities Brochure was distributed to Temecula
residents on June 1, 2002, to 25,916 homes.
. The Summer Program officially begins on Monday, June 17, 2002, with the learn
to Swim Program and the Summer Day Camp Program, the Summer Months
Activities and Recreation in Temecula (SMART) Program would begin on June 24,
2002, and that this program has expanded to include seven park sites, as well as
weekly excursions.
. Staff was in the process of completing the plans for the 4th of July Celebration.
For Commissioner Yorke, Recreation Superintendent Pelletier confirmed that there
would be a Mobile Art Program which would travel to all the park sites; and for
Commissioner Hogan, noted that there were typically 73 entries in the 4th of July Parade.
Chairman Henz thanked staff for the 4th of July themed T-shirts.
Director of Community Services Parker relayed that Maintenance Superintendent
Harrington was absent from tonight's meeting due to the recent birth of his son who was
born weighing 10 pounds, and six ounces; and additionally noted that Deputy Director of
Community Services Ruse would provide an update with respect to the Library Project,
relaying kudos to her for her assiduous efforts regarding the Library Grant process.
Via overheads. Deputv Director of Communitv Services Ruse provided an overview of
the Librarv Proiecl. notina the followina:
. That one of the major components of this application was a Cooperative Use
Agreement with the School District, which provides applicants top priority in
consideration for the grant funds.
. That Temecula's grant application was for approximately $8.5 million.
. That the main component of the Cooperative Use Agreement with the School
District (which was derived from the Needs Assessment and discussions with the
School District) was to provide a homework center/computer lab, and
. That the project plan was modified to accommodate the provision of a 1,000 square
foot homework center/computer lab which would accommodate 24 computers, and
would have internet access as well as other programs; advised that one of the
computers would be donated by the School District and would be set aside for
career development; noted that there were additional modifications in the project
plan to accommodate the provision of a Young Adult area; and advised that the
School District as well as staff were thrilled with the new layout of the library.
For Commissioner Edwards, Deputy Director of Community Services Ruse advised that
while the Young Adult area would not be closed off (in order to allow monitoring),
students would be able to speak in low voices in this portion of the library, and louder
conversations could be held in the closed-off study rooms; for Commissioner Hogan,
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specified that the DVDs in the Young Adult section would be for checkout purposes, and
not library listening; relayed that as part of the Cooperative Use Agreement with the
County there was an Operation's Agreement, that the County was going to continue to
operate the library, and that part of the County Policy was that they will not filter internet
access, but there would be visual access to the computers which typically deters
individuals from accessing inappropriate sites; for Commissioner Edwards, noted that
the County's Policy does not include a determination as to what material is, and is not,
appropriate regarding the internet, confirming that the Commission could relay input to
the County regarding this issue; for Commissioner Yorke, confirmed that the computers
in the homework center would be monitored by the School District staff during the hours
that it was operated as a homework center; for Chairman Henz, relayed that it would be
difficult to gauge the amount of hours that have been spent in preparation for the library
grant process, advising that a team of people inclusive of various City staff members,
and in particular Senior Management Analyst Adams partnered with herself, the
architect, the grant writer, and the Needs Assessment Research firm have all contributed
to this tremendous effort.
Director of Community Services Parker advised that the Library Project was an
estimated $14.5 million project, that the grant would potentially provide $8.5 million, that
Deputy Director of Community Services Ruse and Senior Management Analyst Adams
would be delivering the grant to Sacramento on Thursday, June 13th, and that he was
confident regarding hopes that the City of Temecula would be receiving this granl.
For Commissioner Yorke, Deputy Director of Community Services Ruse noted that
although it has not yet been determined what date applicants would receive information
as to whether they would be recipients of grant funding, it was anticipated that applicants
would be notified by the end of this calendar year.
1. Minutes of Mav 13. 2002 Commission Meetina
1.1 Approve the minutes of the May 13, 2002 Community Services
Commission meeting.
MOTION: Commissioner Edwards moved to approve the minutes, as written. The
motion was seconded by Commissioner Hogan and voice vote reflected approval with
the exception of Commissioner Meyler who was absenl.
2. Aauatic Schedule Summer 2002
2.1 That the Community Services Commission approve the aquatic facility
schedule of use at the Community Recreation Center Pool, the
Temecula Elementary School Pool, and the Chaparral High School Pool.
Staff presented the staff report
Presenting the staff report (as per agenda material), Director of Community Services
Parker relayed that this item had been agendized at the request of Temecula
Community Services District President Stone, noting that staff's recommendation was
that the Community Services Commission approve the aquatic schedule for 2002;
advised that this particular schedule has been in the planning process for approximately
one year, expending the time to ensure that primarily the community's needs would be
addressed, secondly, the needs of the City's high school competitive swim programs
would be addressed, and thirdly, that the needs of the community's recreation swim
programs would be addressed; relayed that there are currently two competitive
recreational swim clubs in town, both of which have requested time in the City's aquatic
facilities, advising that the Temecula Swim Club consisted of approximately 230
participants, and that Inland Gold Aquatics consisted of approximately 32 participants
(based on the rosters staff last received); specified that the aquatic schedule which
included availability for the swim clubs was, as follows: the Community Recreation
Center (CRC) Pool was scheduled for the Temecula Swim Club on Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday, and Friday for three hours each evening, the Chaparral High School Pool
was scheduled for the Temecula Swim Club on Monday, and Wednesday for three hours
each evening, the Temecula Elementary School (TES) Pool was scheduled for Inland
Gold Aquatics on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for two hours each evening, and the
Chaparral High School Pool was scheduled for Inland Gold Aquatics on Tuesday, and
Thursday for three hours each evening; and concluded that 12 hours of swim time per
week were provided for Inland Gold Aquatics (the smaller program), and 19 hours of
swim time per week were scheduled for the Temecula Swim Club (which was an
approximate six times larger group).
Via supplemental material, Recreation Superintendent Pelletier presented the full
aquatic schedule for the CRC Pool, and the TES Pool which was color-coded to
differentiate the various programs, maintenance, and set up times; and for Chairman
Henz, confirmed that there were vacant hours from 2:00 P.M. - 4:15 P.M. at the TES
Pool, noting that neither swim club had requested the use of the pool during this
particular time.
Continuing the presentation, Aquatics Supervisor Thurston specified the full aquatic
schedule for the Chaparral High School Pool.
For Commissioner Yorke, Recreation Superintendent Pelletier noted that while the TES
Pool was open until 9:00 P.M. (in response to the request of Inland Gold Aquatics),
typically the pools end swim time at 8:30 P.M.
At this time the public was invited to comment
The following individuals spoke as representatives of Inland Gold Aquatics Team:
Ms. Jana Clark
Ms. Debbie Wise
P.O. Box 2449
43483 Tylman Street
The above-mentioned individuals relayed the following comments regarding the 2002
aquatic schedule:
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. While acknowledging that the Temecula Swim Club was larger, disputed that the
club had over 200 members, advising that the teams compete at a few of the same
meets and that Temecula Valley Swim Club did not have as many participants
competing as Inland Gold Aquatics had.
. Provided information regarding confirming the number of members on each swim
. Suggested that the aquatic schedule be revised, as follows:
o That the Temecula Swim Club meet at Chaparral High School Pool from 5:30
P.M. to 8:30 P.M. on Tuesday and Thursday (which is currently scheduled for
Inland Gold Aquatics),
o That in exchange for the above forfeiture of swim time, that Inland Gold Aquatics
meet at the CRC Pool Monday-Friday from 5:30 P.M. to 8:30 P.M. (which is
currently scheduled for the Temecula Swim Club and other City programs), and
o That if needed, Temecula Swim Club could additionally meet at the TES Pool for
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. (which was
currently scheduled for Inland Gold Aquatics.)
. Advised that at TES the swimmers could not use the blocks which was an important
part of practice.
For Chairman Henz, Ms. Wise relayed that Inland Gold Aquatics needed 15 hours per
week for swim time, including two to three hours of block practice time; for
Commissioner Hogan, confirmed that Family Night Swimming was scheduled at
Chaparral High School Pool on Fridays from 6:30 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.; and for
Commissioner Edwards, specified that the TES Pool was an older facility with a pool
depth of only four feet, and was 25 yards in length.
The following individuals spoke as representatives of the Temecula Swim Club:
Mr. Mike Hoppe
Mr. John Osborn
Ms. Regina Breier
Mr. Robert Norman
42685 Sage Road
32108 Camino Nunez
44801 longfellow Avenue
32199 Calle Avella
The above-mentioned individuals relayed the following comments regarding the 2002
aquatic schedule:
. That the Temecula Swim Club supports the aquatic schedule for 2002.
. Relayed hopes that the Temecula Swim Club would not be disadvantaged by
attempting to work with staff regarding the pool schedule rather than going to political
figures to gain support.
. That the Temecula Swim Club supports the City-sponsored aquatic programs,
commending staff for the variety of programs offered inclusive of competitive
. That Temecula Swim Club supports high school athletics, aiding in the establishment
of high school swim programs in the City while the establishment of such decreased
the availability of pool time for the clubs.
. That Temecula Swim Club has offered to share its swim time with the fledgling high
school water polo program.
. Relayed concern regarding swim clubs migrating to town offering services that are
redundant in that these programs were currently available.
. Noted that many alternate cities have determined that there was only sufficient space
in the city's pools to support one swim club.
. While noting appreciation for the lap Swim Program the City of Temecula offered,
additionally commended City staff for the excellent variety of City programs offered.
. Provided information regarding avenues for checking the number of members on
each swim team.
. Recommended that the facilities be utilized to maximum capacity, specifically
utilizing all available lanes.
. That the Temecula Swim Club takes pride in the City of Temecula, as was reflected
in the Club's name.
. That the Temecula Swim Club has been in existence since 1994 in the City of
. That the Temecula Swim Club supported the City in the development of a new pool
. Thanked the City for the provision of the facilities, which have been utilized to host
coordinated activities.
. Provided additional information regarding the caliber of swimmers involved with the
Temecula Swim Club.
For Commissioner Yorke, Mr. Hoppe clarified that in response to Ms. Clark's statements
regarding the number of swim members present at certain meets, that Temecula Swim
Club had their own agenda, and did not necessarily attend all the same events as Inland
Gold Aquatics, advising that Temecula Swim Club was a member of a separate summer
swim league, noting his reluctance to discuss the number of members, relaying that at a
School District meeting the other swim team filed a protest due to the disadvantages
they felt they received because of the larger numbers associated with T emecula Swim
Commissioner Yorke emphasized the importance of the implementation of a "Save a
Life" swim program, which would aim at teaching every child in the City how to swim.
For Chairman Henz, Mr. Hoppe noted that while provisions for additional swim time
would always be supported, that Temecula Swim Club supports the aquatic schedule for
2002, ergo supporting the alternate programs denoted on the schedule.
In response to Commissioner Edwards, Aquatics Supervisor Thurston noted that
typically there were between 30-50 participants involved in the lap Swim Program,
advising that from 6:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. the public lap Swim Program would be held
simultaneously with the swim team practice times at two facilities.
With respect to the concept of combining the two clubs, for Commissioner Hogan, Mr.
Hoppe relayed that the Inland Gold Aquatics was not interested in having the swim clubs
work together, and was additionally opposed to sharing swim time.
The Commission relaved c10sina comments
While noting that competitive swimming was wonderful, Commissioner Yorke advised
that the most vital element associated with swimming was teaching every child in
Temecula how to swim, recommending that there be a "Save a Life," swim program of
some type implemented.
Commissioner Hogan recommended that the focus on this issue be on the children and
not the egos of the adults, recommending that the swim clubs work together to seek
solutions, which would benefit the children.
Elaborating on the restrictions associated with available swim times, Commissioner
Edwards noted that staff has expended a plethora of effort in developing this aquatic
schedule which provides access to the Chaparral High School Pool (the new facility) for
both clubs; and relayed his support of staffs schedule.
For the record, Chairman Henz read a letter (which was submitted to staff), written by
Commissioner Meyler which expressed his comments regarding the 2002 aquatic
schedule due to his inability to attend this particular meeting: noted his support of staffs
aquatic schedule, relaying that (as per his calculations) Inland Gold Aquatic Club had
.375 hours per week, per club member, of swim time, while Temecula Swim Club had
only .084 hours per week, per member, the difference being that Inland Gold Aquatics
members had 6.7 times as much usage per member; and noted his support of staffs
Chairman Henz reiterated that the primary function of the City's swim facilities was to
schedule pool times for City programs; relayed that he was pleased that there was
additional swim time available to be utilized by the swim clubs; noted that there were still
12 hours of pool time available at Temecula Elementary School Pool; opined that staff
did excellent work with respect to the 2002 aquatic schedule; and advised that if
swimmers were serious about competing, they would not only be participating in
swimming at a City pool facility.
MOTION: Commissioner Hogan moved to approve staffs recommendation. The motion
was seconded by Commissioner Yorke and voice vote reflected approval with the
exception Commissioner Meyler who was absenl.
MOTION: Commissioner Hogan moved to revise the order of the agenda, specifically
that Item No. 4 be considered prior to Item No. 3 for the convenience of the teens who
would be providing a presentation regarding Item NO.4. The motion was seconded by
Commissioner Yorke and voice vote reflected approval with the exception of
Commissioner Meyler who was absenl.
3. Namina of Vail Ranch Park Sites A. B. and C
3.1 That the Community Services Commission approve the names to be
recommended to the Board of Directors for Vail Ranch Park Sites A,
B, and C located in the Vail Ranch community.
It is noted that this item was considered out of order after consideration of Item
No.4; see page 10.
4. Teen Council Update
4.1 That the Community Services Commission receive and file an
update regarding the Teen Program.
Noting that the Teen Council members would provide a PowerPoint presentation,
Recreation Superintendent Pelletier introduced Teen Council President, Miss Melissa
Hill, and Vice President, Miss Krystle Gudvangen.
Miss Hill and Miss Gudvangen presented a PowerPoint presentation, highlighting the
following aspects of the Teen Council:
. Membership
o Noting the recent increase - adding ten new members for a total of 30
. Community Service hours
. Past Events held since January of 2002
o PowerPoint presentation to the City Council
o Scheduled a "Get Cultured" event whereby specific countries were explored
via experiencing food, games, and activities from that culture
o Volunteered service in February at the High Hopes Valentine's Dance which
was an activity program for young adults with special needs
o Volunteered service on Saturdays at the Sterling Senior Center where the
youth interacted with the seniors and served ice cream
o February Friday Hip Hop classes
o Involved in the development meetings for the Library Project, providing input
o Jungle Boogie Dance at the Skate Park
o Attended the Teen Summit Conference held in lakewood, California, which
was educational
. Upcoming Summer Events
o Three August Band Jams
o Two Summer Dances
o Summer Pool Parties with DJ entertainment
o "On the Beach" excursions to be held in June, July, and August on
o Adoption of a City trail which would entail responsibilities such as removing
litter and debris, and planting new trees
. Activities in Process
o The teen room was being redecorated
o Efforts were being expended regarding the development of a Teen Council
website which was expected to be up and running in a few months.
. Thanked the Commission for the opportunity to share the Teen Council's new
developments and,progress
Senior Planner Hogan commended Miss Hill and Miss Gudvangen for the excellent
PowerPoint presentation.
In response to Hogan's queries, Miss Hill relayed that the lakewood Conference was
solely open for Teen Councilmembers from the southern California area; with respect to
the special seminars heard at the conference, relayed that the Councilmembers who had
attended the conference reported back to the Council, additionally noting that the
Council was considering holding seminars with similar topics (i.e., Anger Management)
in the community.
Commissioner Yorke noted her pleasure with the efforts regarding developing a website,
advising that this site may serve to increase the Council's membership.
For Commissioner Yorke, Miss Hill noted that she would present to the Teen Council at
the next meeting the concept of having a weight room available for teens in order to gain
In response to Commissioner Edwards' queries regarding the Conference, Miss Hill
noted that the issues that Temecula teens deal with were insignificant compared to the
more serious problems in other cities (i.e., violence, gang activities); and for
Commissioner Edwards, relayed that the Band Jams would be held in the amphitheater
at the CRC.
For informational purposes, Commissioner Edwards noted that if there was interest in
holding a community seminar addressing one of the topics discussed at the Conference,
it was likely that there would be support for this type of activity.
For Commissioner Hogan, Miss Hill advised that the recent growth in membership was
due to event participation and the existing members inviting their friends to join.
In response to Chairman Henz' queries regarding teens complaining about the lack of
teen activities in the City of Temecula, Miss Theresa Singsong noted the many teen
activities held at the CRC.
For Commissioner Yorke, Miss Hill confirmed that activities would most likely be more
successful if additional advertising was conducted, advising that some schools only
allow flyers to be placed in the office, a place that most students do not frequent; for
Commissioner Senior Planner Hogan, noted that the School District has also restricted
the use of the public address system for announcement of the teen's activities,
additionally relaying that most of the popular teen music radio stations were not locally
based; and for Chairman Henz, relayed that the Teen Pool Party would be held at the
Chairman Henz noted appreciation for the Teen Council's adoption of a portion of the
City's trails (noting that he served on the Trails Master Plan Development Committee),
Miss Gudvangen confirming that it would be a half-mile section.
It was noted that the Commission received and filed this report.
At this time the Commission considered Item NO.3.
3. Namina of Vail Ranch Park Sites A. B. and C
3.1 That the Community Services Commission approve the names to be
recommended to the Board of Directors for Vail Ranch Park Sites, A,
B, and C located in the Vail Ranch community.
Director of Community Services Parker provided an overview of the staff report (of
record), noting that these three particular parks were annexed into the City with the
annexation of Vail Ranch, and had not yet been named: relayed that staff solicited
recommendations for names for the parks from the community, noting the following
recommended names based on the public's input: for Park Site A: Vail Ranch Park or
Walter Vail Park; for Park Site B: Nighthawk Park or Pablo Apis Park; and for Park Site
C: Erie Stanley Gardner Park or Palomar Park.
At the request of Director of Community Services Parker, Ms. Charolette Fox,
representing the Historical Society, relayed that Pablos Apis was an educated Indian
who owned property in this community and was a successful rancher/farmer.
AMENDED MOTION: Commissioner Yorke moved to recommend to the Board of
Directors the following names for Vail Ranch Park Sites A, B, and C: Park Site A: Vail
Ranch Park; Park Site B: Pablo Apis Park; and Park Site C: Erie Stanley Gardner Park.
The motion was seconded for discussion purposes by Commissioner Edwards. .
(Ultimately this motion was amended.)
Commissioner Edwards noted a desire to save the name Erie Stanley Gardner for the
naming of a larger or more remote park site, recommending the following names: Park
Site A: Vail Ranch Park; Park Site B: Nighthawk Park; and Park Site C: Pablo Apis Park.
FINAL MOTION: Amending her previOUS motion, Commissioner Yorke moved to
recommend to the Board of Directors the following names for Vail Ranch Park Sites A,
B, and C: Park Site A: Vail Ranch Park; Park Site B: Nighthawk Park; and Park Site C:
Pablo Apis Park. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hogan and voice vote
reflected approval with the exception Commissioner Meyler who was absent.
A. Director of Community Services Parker commended Recreation Superintendent
Pelletier and her staff for their diligent efforts regarding the summer programs
and activities, as well as the development and distribution of the Recreational
A. Commenting on the excellent facility, Commissioner Yorke commended staff for
efforts regarding the Chaparral Pool Project, reiterating her desire that the City
implement a "Save a Life" program.
B. Commissioner Edwards thanked the individuals who attended the Community
Services meeting to provide their input.
C. Commending staff, Commissioner Edwards opined that the new Recreational
Brochure was wonderful.
D. Relaying kudos, Chairman Henz commended Development Services
Administrator McCarthy regarding her efforts with respect to the Chaparral Pool
Project, Recreation Superintendent Pelletier regarding her efforts with respect
the Recreational Brochure and the summer programs, and Deputy Director of
Community Services Ruse for her efforts regarding the library grant, and Director
of Community Services Parker; and relayed congratulations to Maintenance
Superintendent Harrington and his wife regarding the birth of their 10 lb. son.
At 7:38 P.M. Chairman Henz formally adjourned this meeting to Julv 8. 2002 at 6:00
P.M., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula.
of Community Services
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