HomeMy WebLinkAbout041105 CSC Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMISSION APRIL 11, 2005 CALL TO ORDER The City of Temecula Community Services Commission convened in a regular meeting at 6:00 p.m., on Monday, April 11 , 2005, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Hogan led the audience in the flag salute. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners Edwards, Fox, Henz, Hogan and Chairman Meyler. Absent: None. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Rebecca Weersing, representing the Temecula Valley Rose Society, thanked the Community Services Commission for all the support they have given to the Rose Society. Ms. Weersing relayed that the Annual Rose Society will be held on Saturday, May 7, 2005 at the Community Recreation Center from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and that the theme for the year will be All that Jazz. Ms. Weersing also noted that as of March 31,2005, Rose Haven will belong to the Temecula Valley Rose Society. DIVISION REPORTS Maintenance Superintendent Harrington provided a brief report of items addressed since the last Community Services Commission meeting, noting the following: . That the Temecula Elementary School pool's mechanical equipment will be replaced with a state of the art automated system; and that other repairs to the pool will be deck showers, a new drinking fountain, upgrades to the chain link fence, equipment room gates in the roofing system, and various deck repairs. . That the skate park office at Ronald Reagan sports park was rehabilitated . That the Community Recreation Center (CRC) gymnasium floor was refinished R: CSC/minutes/041105 . That 600 feet of linear feet of split-rail fencing along Rancho California Road at the Villages Development was replaced . That a new drinking fountain was installed at Riverton Park . That street lights were replaced throughout the Old Town area. Commissioner Henz expressed his happiness with all the improvements to the Temecula Elementary School pool. Development Services Administrator McCarthy presented a staff report, highlighting the following: . That the grading of the 44-acre Sports Complex is nearing completion and that the bid opening for the synthetic turf will be on Wednesday, April 13, 2005 . That the City has taken over the maintenance of the lake in the lake park at Harveston and that staff will be requesting that the Community Services Commission recommend a name for the park site . That staff continues to work with the County with regard to the transfer of the park sites that will be part of the Redhawk Annexation . That the ceremony for the renaming of the Ronald Reagan Sports Park was held on Thursday, March 3, 2005 . That the Temecula Community Services Department received four awards for excellence from California Parks and Recreation Society for the Imagination Workshop, one was for facility design and the other was for Youth Development; and that the two other awards of Merit received was for the Imagination Workshop logo and the Recycling and Litter Reduction Calendar. Commissioner Fox noted that it is her opinion that the Ronald Reagan Sports Park and Pablo Apis ceremony went very well. In regard to the Temecula Library project, Deputy Director of Community Services Ruse stated that Edge Development will be the developer for the library project and the contract is anticipated to be awarded on Tuesday, April 12, 2005 at the City Council meeting. Ms. Ruse also noted that the library project is estimated to take 16 months to complete. The Community Services Commission expressed their excitement toward the new library project. R: CSC/minutes041105 2 Director of Community Services Parker introduced newly hired Cultural Arts Administrator Martin Betz, noting that he will be overseeing the Temecula Children's Museum, History Museum, Old Town Temecula Community Theater, and will also be playing an active role in Art in Public Places. Cultural Arts Administrator Betz relayed his enthusiasm noting that he is looking forward to his new endeavors. For the Commission, Director of Community Services Parker relayed that Theater Manager Beers will be directly on site at the Old Town Temecula Community Theater and will be directly responsible for administering concessions, operations, planning of the master calendar, events, and he will also be overseeing services in the Mercantile Building. Mr. Parker also noted that Mr. Betz's role will be an administrative role, assisting with the budgeting process, providing support, counseling, and guidance to Theater Manager Beers, Museum Services Manager Allen at the Children's Museum, and Museum Services Manager Ott at the History Museum. The Community Services Commission welcomed Cultural Arts Administrator Betz. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes 1.1 That the Community Services Commission approve the minutes of the January 10, 2005. 1.2 That the Community Services Commission approve the minutes of the February 14, 2005. MOTION: Commissioner Henz moved to approve the Consent Calendar. Commissioner Edwards seconded the motion and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. COMMISSION BUSINESS 2. F.I.T. Proaram RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 That the Community Services Commission receive and file a report on the F.I.T. program. Deputy Director Ruse provided a staff report of a new Temecula Community Services Department program, the Fitness in Temecula (FIT) program (as per agenda material). R: CSC/minutes041105 3 For the Commission, Ms. Ruse stated that the primary focus of the program would be to encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle noting that participants may choose to walk or run on marked walking paths. Ms. Ruse also noted that all registered participants will receive a certificate of participation signed by the Mayor. It was the consensus of the Commission to receive and file this report. 3. Namina of City Parks RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 That the Community Services Commission approve names for Lake Park in the Harveston development and the 44 acre Sport Complex. Development Services Administrator Mc Carthy provided a brief staff report (of record). Ms. McCarthy also noted for the record that she received a letter from Mary Rauschenberg, representing Lennar Homes, requesting that the Community Services Commission consider naming the park Harveston Lake Park. MOTION: Commissioner Hogan moved to name the lake park Harveston Lake Park. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Edwards and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. Commissioner Edwards noted that Pat Birdsall has been an outstanding leader of the Community and supporter of recreation and sports programs in Temecula and requested to name the 44 acre Sports Complex Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park. MOTION: Commissioner Edwards moved to name the 44 acre Sports Complex Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park. Commissioner Henz seconded the motion and voice vote reflected unanimous approval. DIRECTOR'S REPORT No report at this time. COMMISSIONER REPORTS Commissioner Hogan invited staff the Community Services Commissioners to the Temecula Valley Flower show to be held on Saturday April 30, 2005 at the May Phillips Senior Center, in Old Town. . R: CSC/minutes041105 4 ADJOURNMENT At 6:35 p.m., Chairman Meyler adjourned this meeting to the next regular scheduled meeting on Monday, May 9 2005, at 6:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula. c1c-- ~~e Herman D. Parker, Director of Community Services R: CSC/minutes041105 5