HomeMy WebLinkAbout082206 CC Agenda In compliance with the Americans \!\lith Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the office of the City Clerk (951) 694-6444. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting v.ill enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to that meeting [28 CFR ADA Title II] AGENDA TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL A REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 43200 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE AUGUST 22, 2006 - 7:00 PM At approximately 9:45 P.M., the City Council will determine which of the remaining agenda items can be considered and acted upon prior to 10:00 P.M. and may continue all other items on which additional time is required until a future meeting. All meetings are scheduled to end at 10:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. - Closed Session of the City Council pursuant to Government Code Section: 1. Conference with real property negotiator pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8 regarding real property negotiations located at the following location: APN 922-053-013, -020, -021 and APN 922-054-011 (located along the east and west side of Pujol Street, north of Main Street). The negotiating parties are the City of Temecula/Redevelopment Agency and Renaissance Ventures. Under negotiation are the price and terms of payment of real property interests. The City/Agency negotiators are Shawn Nelson, Jim O'Grady, and John Meyer. 2. Conference with City Attorney and legal counsel pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(b) with respect to two matters of potential litigation. With respect to such matters, the City Attorney has determined that a point has been reached where there is a significant exposure to litigation involving the City and City related entities based on existing facts and circumstances. With respect to such matters, the City Council will also meet pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c) to decide whether to initiate litigation. Public Information concerning existing litigation between the City and various parties may be acquired by reviewing the public documents held by the City Clerk. Next in Order: Ordinance: 06-10 Resolution: 06-69 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Ron Roberts Prelude Music: Joey Thomas, vocalist Invocation: Pastor John Wells, Sr. of Mountain View Community Church of Temecula Flag Salute: Mayor Pro Tem Washington ROLL CALL: Comerchero, Edwards, Naggar, Washington, Roberts PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 30 minutes is provided so members of the public may address the Council on items that appear within the Consent Calendar or ones that are not listed on the agenda. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Council on an item which is listed on the Consent Calendar or a matter not listed on the agenda, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all Public Hearing or Council Business matters on the agenda, a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk prior to the Council addressing that item. There is a five minute (5) time limit for individual speakers. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS Reports by the members of the City Council on matters not on the agenda will be made at this time. A total, not to exceed, ten (10) minutes will be devoted to these reports. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless Members of the City Council request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. 1 Standard Ordinance and Resolution Adootion Ordinance RECOMMENDATION: 1 .1 Motion to waive the reading of text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. 2 2 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Approve the minutes of August 8, 2006. 3 Resolution aoorovina List of Demands RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 06-_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A 4 Trustee/Fiscal Aaent Services for FY 06/07 RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 Approve the expenditure of $38,760 for annual Trustee/Fiscal Agent services provided by US Bank for the City's Community Facilities Districts, Assessment District, Tax Allocation Bonds and Certificates of Participation for fiscal year 2006/07. 5 Purchase Seventeen (17) Citv Vehicles RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Approve the purchase of the following vehicles from Rancho Ford: One (1) 2007, 2WD 1-Ton Utility Truck - $26,073.35 One (1) 2007, 4WD Extended Cab Flatbed Utility Truck - $36,519.71 One (1) 2007, 4WD 3/4-Ton F-250 Pickup Truck - $26,707.99 One (1) 2007, 4WD 1I2-Ton F-150 Extended Cab Pickup Truck - $20,216.06 Five (5) 2007, 2WD 1I2-Ton F-150 Extended Cab Pickup Truck - $86,173.05 One (1) 2007, 1I2-Ton Cargo Van - $14,363.08 Three (3) 2007, 2WD 4-Door Hybrid SUV - $79,212.42 5.2 Approve the purchase of the following vehicles from Norm Reeves Dodge: Four (4) 2007, 4WD 1I2-Ton Ram 1500 Quad Cab Pickup Truck - $102,057.52 6 Temoorarv Staffina Aareements RECOMMENDATION: 6.1 Approve an agreement for temporary staffing services with AppleOne for an annual amount of $165,000 and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement; 3 6.2 Approve an agreement for temporary staffing services with Manpower for an annual amount of $110,000 and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement; 6.3 Approve an agreement for temporary staffing services with Kimco for an annual amount of $55,000 and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement; 6.4 Approve an agreement for temporary staffing services with TriStaff for an annual amount of $55,000 and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. 7 Police Deoartment OTS Grant Fundina RECOMMENDATION: 7.1 Increase estimated General Fund Grant Revenue by $122,177; 7.2 Appropriate $122,177 from General Fund Grant Revenue to the Police Department. 8 Authorize Temoorarv Street Closure of Main Street between Old Town Front Street and Puiol l3treet for the "Temecula-On-Staae" event scheduled for Seotember 2. 2006 and Deleaate Authoritv to Issue a Soecial Events/Street Closures Permit to the Director of Public Works/Citv Enaineer RECOMMENDATION: 8.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 06-_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, AUTHORIZING TEMPORARY STREET CLOSURE OF MAIN STREET BETWEEN OLD TOWN FRONT STREET AND PUJOL STREET FOR THE "TEMECULA-Ofll STAGE" EVENT SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER 2, 2006 AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER TO ISSUE A SPECIAL EVENTS PERMIT INCLUDING STREET CLOSURES 9 Authorize Temoorarv Street Closure of Primrose Avenue between Peachtree Street and Pechanaa Road for the Great Oak Hiah School Marchina Band Comoetition Event scheduled for October 14. 2006 and Deleaate Authoritv to Issue a Soecial Events/Street Closures Permit to the Director of Public Works/Citv Enaineer RECOMMENDATION: 9.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: 4 RESOLUTION NO. 06-_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AUTHORIZING TEMPORARY STREET CLOSURE OF PRIMROSE AVENUE BETWEEN PEACHTREE STREET AND PECHANGA ROAD FOR THE GREAT OAK HIGH SCHOOL MARCHING BAND COMPETITION EVENT AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY ENGINEER TO ISSUE A PERMIT FOR THIS SPECIFIC SPECIAL EVENT 10 Summarv Vacation of Peaav Lou Lane in Parcel MaD No. 19276 RECOMMENDATION: 10.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 06-_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA TO SUMMARILY VACATE LOTS "B" AND "c" (PEGGY LOU LANE) OF PARCEL MAP NO. 19276 PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 4, PART 3, DIVISION 9 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAY CODE 11 AcceDtance of a certain Public Street. Nicole Lane. in the Citv-Maintained Svstem within Parcel MaD No. 30107 (Located at the southwesterlv corner of Maraarita Road and Overland Drive) RECOMMENDATION: 11.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 06-_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ACCEPTING A CERTAIN PUBLIC STREET, NICOLE LANE, INTO THE CITY- MAINTAINED SYSTEM (WITHIN PARCEL NO. 30107) 12 Quitclaim Park Site as dedicated on Tract MaD No. 32437-1. Lot 64 from Citv of Temecula to Harveston. LLC RECOMMENDATION: 12.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 06-_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AUTHORIZING THE QUITCLAIM OF A PUBLIC PARK TO THE UNDERLYING FEE OWNERS OF PARK SITE LOT 64, LOCATED WITHIN TRACT MAP 32437-1 5 13 AcceDtance of ImDrovements and Notice of ComDletion for Traffic Sianal and Interconnect UDarades - 79 South. Winchester Road and Redhawk Area - Proiect No. PW05-12 RECOMMENDATION: 13.1 Accept the Traffic Signal and Interconnect Upgrades Project (79 South, Winchester Road, and Redhawk Area)- Project No. PW05-12; 13.2 File a Notice of Completion. 14 Amendment NO.4 to the Architectural Services Aareement with LPA. Inc. for the Temecula Librarv Proiect - Proiect No. PWOO-07 RECOMMENDATION: 14.1 Approve Amendment NO.4 to the agreement with LPA, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $98,511.00 to provide the necessary construction support services to complete the Temecula Library Project. 15 ADDroval of the Plans and SDecifications and Authorization to Solicit Construction Bids for the Citvwide Concrete ReDairs. Phase I for Fiscal Year 2006-2007 - Proiect No. PW06-08 RECOMMENDATION: 15.1 Approve the plans and specifications and authorize the Department of Public Works to solicit construction bids for the Citywide Concrete Repairs, Phase I Fiscal Year 2006-2007, Project No. PW06-08. 16 Citv Manaaer Authorization to Obtain ADDraisals and Make Offers to Purchase Real ProDertv for Public Riahts of Wav Pursuant to Government Code Section 66462 RECOMMENDATION: 16.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 06-_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO TAKE CERTAIN ACTIONS RELATING TO THE OBTAINING OF APPRAISALS AND MAKING OFFERS TO PURCHASE REAL PROPERTY FOR CERTAIN ACQUISITIONS OF PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY 17 Draft Letter to Public Utilities Commission (PUC) Related to Electrical Baseline (At the reauest of Council Member Comerchero) RECOMMENDATION: 17.1 Approve the attached draft letter to Public Utilities Commission (PUC) relating to baseline rate structures for this region. 6 18 Recordation of Notice of Desianated Historic Structures RECOMMENDATION: 18.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 06-_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ESTABLISHING HISTORIC RESOURCES DESIGNATIONS SET FORTH IN THE OLD TOWN SPECIFIC PLAN TO BE RECORDED PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 27288.2 AND PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE SECTION 5029 19 Second Readina of Ordinance No. 06-09 RECOMMENDATION: 19.1 Adopt an Ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE NO. 06-09 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, AMENDING SECTION 10.28.010(D) OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMIT ON CERTAIN STREETS ******'14 _" RECESS CITY COUNCIL MEETING TO SCHEDULED MEETINGS OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT, AND THE CITY OF TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ************',,<>< 7 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT MEETING Next in Order: Ordinance: No. CSD 06-01 Resolution: No. CSD 06-12 CALL TO ORDER: President Jeff Comerchero ROLL CALL: DIRECTORS: Edwards, Naggar, Roberts, Washington, Comerchero CSD PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public may address the Board of Directors on items that are not listed on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you decide to speak to the Board of Directors on an item not on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all other agenda items, a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk Prior to the Board of Directors addressing that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. Anyone wishing to address the Board of Directors should present a completed pink "Request to Speak" form to the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address for the record. CSD CONSENT CALENDAR 20 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 20.1 Approve the minutes of August 8, 2006. 21 Theater Performance Contracts for October 4. 2006 RECOMMENDATION: 21.1 Authorize the City Manager to approve a one-time expenditure in an amount not to exceed $50,000 for the Old Town Temecula Community Theater encore entertainment performance for 2006. 8 CSD BUSINESS 22 Old Town Temecula Communitv Theater RecaD and Temecula Presents Season RECOMMENDATION: 22.1 Receive and file the report recapping the Old Town Temecula Community Theater inaugural year and presenting the 2006/2007 Temecula Presents season. CSD GENERAL MANAGERS REPORT CSD BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTS CSD ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: Tuesday, September 12, 2006, at 5:30 P.M., for a Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 7:00 PM., City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. 9 TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY MEETING Next in Order: Ordinance: No. RDA 06-01 Resolution: No. RDA 06-07 CALL TO ORDER: Chair Person Mike Naggar ROLL CALL AGENCY MEMBERS: Edwards, Comerchero, Roberts, Washington, Naggar RDA PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public may address the Redevelopment Agency on items that are not listed on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar. Speakers are limited to two (2) minutes each. If you decide to speak to the Board of Directors on an item not on the agenda or on the Consent Calendar, a pink "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all other agenda items, a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the City Clerk Prior to the Board of Directors addressing that item. There is a five (5) minute time limit for individual speakers. Anyone wishing to address the Board of Directors should present a completed pink "Request to Speak" form to the City Clerk. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name and address for the record. RDA CONSENT CALENDAR 23 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 23.1 Approve the minutes of August 8, 2006. 24 AI2Drove a Professional Services Aareement with Nichols. Melbura & Rossetto Desian, Services for the Old Town Infrastructure Proiects - Parkina Structure and Office/Retail: and the Citv Plaza RECOMMENDATION: 24.1 Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Nichols, Melburg & Rossetto for design of the Old Town Infrastructure Projects, Parking Structure and Office/Retail, and the City Plaza in the amount of $1 ,669,187.00 and authorize the Chairperson to execute the amendment; 10 24.2 Authorize the Executive Director to approve Extra Work Authorizations not to exceed the contingency amount of $166,918.00, which is equal to 10% of the Agreement; 24.3 Authorize the advance of RDA fund balance to temporarily finance the NMR Agreement until such time as new RDA Tax Allocation bond proceeds are available. 25 Status UDdate on the Temecula Education Center RECOMMENDATION 25.1 Receive and file the Status Update on the Temecula Education Center. RDA DEPARTMENTAL REPORT 26 RedeveloDment DeDartmental Monthlv ReDort RDA EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS REPORT RDA AGENCY MEMBERS REPORTS RDA ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: Tuesday, September 12, 2006, at 5:30 P.M., for a Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 7:00 PM., City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. 11 RECONVENE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL BUSINESS 27 Smokina in Senior Housina Buildinas (At the reauest of Mavor Pro Tem Washinaton) RECOMMENDATION: 27.1 Discuss and provide direction to Staff on possible non-smoking provisions for Senior Housing. 28 Police DeDartment Graffiti Action Plan (At the reauest of Mavor Pro Tem Washinaton) RECOMMENDATION: 28.1 Receive a presentation on the Police Department's Graffiti Action Plan. DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS 29 Citv Council Travel/Conference ReDort - Julv 2006 30 Economic DeveloDment Monthlv ReDort 31 Buildina and Safetv DeDartment Monthlv ReDort 32 Public Works DeDartment Monthlv ReDort 33 Police DeDartment Monthlv ReDort 34 Plannina DeDartment Monthlv ReDort CITY MANAGER REPORT CITY ATTORNEY REPORT ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 at 5:30 P.M., for a Closed Session with regular session commencing at 7:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. 12 CONSENT CALENDAR I~-- . , II ITEM NO.1 II , II - . . . I I II II __. . I I~-- . , II ITEM NO.2 II , II - . . . I I II II __. . I MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA CITY COUNCIL AUGUST 8, 2006 The City Council convened in Closed Session at 6:00 P.M. and its regular meeting commenced at 7:00 P.M., on Tuesday, August 8,2006, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. Present: 4 Council Members: Comerchero, Edwards, Naggar, Washington. Absent: 1 Council Members: Roberts. PRELUDE MUSIC The Prelude Music was provided by Paul Kehler and Students from Triple Threat Academy. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Reverend Pat Campbell of Temecula Valley Church of Religious Science. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The pledge of allegiance was presented by Council Member Naggar. PRESENTA TIONSIPROCLAMA TIONS Presentation to Artists Involved in the International Art Exhibition Presenting a Certificate of Appreciation to local artist for their participation in the International Art Exhibition, Mayor Pro Tem Washington apprised the audience of the International Art Exhibition to be held in the Mercantile Building at the Old Town Community Theater on August 20, 2006. Participants of the International Art Exhibition were in attendance to receive their Certificate of Appreciation. Certificate of Aooreciation to outooino Old Town Local Review Board Member Haserot Expressing sincere gratitude for the many contributions of both time and talent in serving on the Old Town Local Review Board, Mayor Pro Tem Washington, on behalf of the City Council, presented Mr. Haserot with a Certificate of Appreciation. Mr. Haserot thanked the City Council for its recognition. R:\Minutes\OBOB06 PUBLIC COMMENTS A. Thanking the City Council for its past support, Ms. Polly VonRichter, Temecula, updated the City Council on how its contributions are benefiting those individuals in need of the Empty Cradle Support Group Program. B. Mr. Jimmy Moore, Temecula, advised the Council that the California Concerts Chamber Orchestra will be performing at the Old Town Community Theater on October 6, 2006, January 6, 2007, June 8, 2007, and on March 3, 2009 at the Lutheran Church on Pauba Road. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS A. Council Member Edwards expressed concern with the hindrance of sidewalks caused by the individuals displaying human signs and requested that the City Manager explore the situation. Ms. Edwards also requested that the commuter computer information be reinstated on the City's website. B. Council Member Comerchero thanked staff for its efforts with regard to its quick response to the installation of the security fence on the Overland Bridge. Referencing the budget approval of $50,000 for Art in Public Places, Council Member Comerchero requested that the Community Services Commission review the implementation of this program. Mr. Comerchero extended well wishes to Patricia Birdsall who is in the hospital. C. Mayor Pro Tem Washington congratulated Ashley Stout, Temecula resident, who was selected to participate in a gymnastic meet in St. Paul Minnesota, August 16, 2006. Mr. Washington requested that an agenda item with regard to graffiti and its removal process be prepared for City Council review at an upcoming meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 Standard Ordinance and Resolution AdoDtion Procedure RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Motion to waive the reading of text of all ordinances and resolutions included in the agenda. 2 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Approve the minutes of July 25, 2006. R:\Minutes\OBOB06 2 3 Resolution aDDrovina List of Demands RECOMMENDATION: 3.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 06-66 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A 4 Citv Treasurer's ReDort as of June 30. 2006 RECOMMENDATION: 4.1 That the City Council receive and file the City Treasurer's Report as of June 30, 2006. 5 Citv Vehicle Maintenance Aareements RECOMMENDATION: 5.1 Approve the Maintenance Agreement with Old Town Tire & Services LLC, for an annual amount of $50,000, plus a 10% contingency, and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement; 5.2 Approve the Maintenance Agreement with Temecula Auto Repair & Radiator, Inc., for an annual amount of $75,000, plus a 10% contingency, and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. 6 Procurement of UDdated ComDuter Workstations RECOMMENDATION: 6.1 That the City Council authorize the purchase of 50 Pentium based Hewlet Packard (HP) computer workstations from HP for the total amount of $59,543.85. 7 Award an aareement to Nth Generation for an Information Lifecvcle Manaaement (ILM) Solution RECOMMENDATION: 7.1 Award a contract to Nth Generation Computing Inc. in the amount of $50,081 for the procurement and installation of a tiered storage Information Lifecycle Management (ILM) system to protect the City's critical data and provide essential disaster recovery services. R:\Minutes\OBOB06 3 8 Amendment NO.1 to the ComDrise Aareement for the Smart Access Manaaer (SAM) Software for the new Librarv RECOMMENDATION: 8.1 That the City Council approve the amendment to the purchase of the Smart Access Management System from Comprise Technologies, Inc. for the additional amount of $28,485.00. 9 Temecula Public Librarv Children's Area Artwork RECOMMENDATION: 9.1 That the City Council approve an agreement with Duvall Design in the amount of $35,300 plus a 10% contingency for the design, fabrication and installation of artwork in the form of two hot air balloons in the children's area of the library. 10 Coffee Cart Purchase for Librarv RECOMMENDATION: 10.1 That the City Council approve the purchase of a coffee cart and cover in the amount of $28,365 for use at the Temecula Public Library and authorize the City Manager to execute the purchase agreement. 11 Authorize TemDorarv Street Closure of Third Street between Old Town Front Street and Murrieta Creek for the Hot Summer Niahts Bluearass Session scheduled for Auaust 11 and 12. 2006 and Deleaate Authoritv to Issue a SDecial EventslStreet Closures Permit to the pirector of Public Works/Citv Enaineer RECOMMENDATION: 11.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 06-67 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AUTHORIZING TEMPORARY STREET CLOSURE OF THIRD STREET BETWEEN OLD TOWN FRONT STREET AND MURRIETA CREEK FOR THE HOT SUMMER NIGHTS BLUEGRASS SESSION AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY ENGINEER TO ISSUE A PERMIT FOR THIS SPECIFIC SPECIAL EVENT 12 First Amendment to Professional Consultant Services Aareement for Bridae Fencina Proiect - Proiect No. PW05-0~ RECOMMENDATION: 12.1 That the City Council approve the First Amendment to the Professional Consultant Services Agreement with Nolte Associates, Inc. for the Bridge Fencing Project, Project No. PW05-09 in the amount of $20,000.00, and authorize the Mayor to execute the amendment. R:\Minutes\OBOB06 4 13 Proiect Fundina. AcceDtance of ImDrovements and Notice of ComDletion for the Old Town Temecula Communitv Theater - Proiect No. PW02-23 RECOMMENDATION: 13.1 Approve an increase in contingency funds of $50,642.20, which is equal to 0.71 % of the base contract amount, and authorize the City Manager to approve change orders not to exceed the total contingency amount of $1,707,442.20 which represents 23.82% of the base contract amount; 13.2 Allocate $300,000.00 from RDA Capital Project Fund Balance to Old Town Temecula Community Theater Project; 13.3 Accept the Old Town Temecula Community Theater Project - Project No. PW02-23 - as complete; 13.4 File a Notice of Completion, release the Performance Bond, and accept a one-year Maintenance Bond in the amount of 10% of the contract amount; 13.5 Release the Materials and Labor Bond seven (7) months after filing of the Notice of Completion, if no liens have been filed. 14 ADDroval of Aqreements with Ashbv USA. LLC and SeraDhina DeveloDment LLC for the acauisition of riahts of wav in connection with Dublic imDrovements for Nicolas Road RECOMMENDATION: 14.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 06-68 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING AGREEMENTS PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 66462.5 WITH ASHBY USA LLC AND SERAPHINA DEVELOPMENT LLC FOR THE ACQUISITION OF PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY IN CONNECTION WITH PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS TO NICOLAS ROAD 15 ADDroval of Settlement in the Case of Citv of Temecula V. Rancho California Business Park Association. et al (Diaz Road Realianment Proiect) RECOMMENDATION: 15.1 Approve the settlement of the case of City of Temecula v. Rancho California Business Park Association et al. (Riverside County Superior Court Case No. RIC 412290 consolidated with Case No. RIC 389767) on such terms as described in the proposed "Stipulation for Entry of Judgment and Final Order of Condemnation" and authorize the City Attorney to take such actions as are necessary to implement the settlement. R:\Minutes\OBOB06 5 16 Second Amendment to Aareement for LandscaDe Plancheck and InsDection Services fo[ PELA RECOMMENDATION: 16.1 That the City Council approve the second amendment to a contract with PELA, for Landscape Plancheck and Inspection Services in the amount of $6,500.00 with a total contract amount not to exceed $106,500.00 17 .Second Amendment of Contract InsDection Services for P & D Consultants RECOMMENDATION: 17.1 Approve a Second Amendment for Consultant Services with P & D Consultants in an amount not to exceed $11,000.00 to complete Fiscal Year 2005-2006. MOTION: Council Member Comerchero moved to approve the Consent Calendar. Council Member Edwards seconded the motion and electronic vote reflected approval with the exceotion of Mayor Roberts who was absent. At 7:31 p.m., the City Council convened as the Temecula Community Services District and the Temecula Redevelopment Agency. The City Council resumed with regular business at 7:33. COUNCIL BUSINESS 23 Prima Facie SDeed Limits on Certain Streets RECOMMENDATION: 23.1 Introduce and read by title only an ordinance entitled: Director of Public Works Hughes provided the Council with a staff report (of written material). At this time, the public hearing was opened and due to no speakers, it was closed. At this time, City Attorney Thorson introduced and read by title only Ordinance No. 06-09. ORDINANCE NO. 06-09 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, AMENDING SECTION 10.28.010(D) OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ON CERTAIN STREETS MOTION: Council Member Naggar moved to approve staff recommendation. Council Member Comerchero seconded the motion and electronic vote reflected approval with the exceotion of Mayor Roberts who was absent. R:\Minutes\OBOB06 6 24 Southern California Edison (SCE) Baseline Rate Structure (at the reauest of Council Member Comerchero) RECOMMENDATION: 24.1 Provide direction to staff related to Baseline Structure of Southern California Edison. Senior Management Analyst Adams provided the City Council with a staff report (as per written material), and introduced Regional Manager of Southern California Edison, Mr. Viet Tran. In response to the questions of the City Council, Mr. Tran made the following comments: o That rates are raised by way of a hearing process that may take several months o That this year's rates were increased due to the increase of natural gas, aging infrastructure, and expansion of substations o That increased rates would pay for natural gas costs, infrastructure, substations, and equipment for system reliability and would be provided at cost to the rate payer o That Southern California Edison would not profit from any rate increases o That the system used to determine rates would be a tiered system that must be approved by the Public Utilities Commission o That Southern California Edison offers its customers with rebate programs, energy- efficiency programs, and incentives for customers o That because the baseline program is tiered, the lower two tiers (1,2) receive the maximum benefit of baseline allocation o That per State Law, Southern California Edison would not be permitted to increase rates for tiers 1 and 2, resulting in tiers 3, 4, and 5 bearing the burden of the cost o That Southern California Edison requested permission from the Public Utilities Commission to defer an increase in rates fror1\.ugust 1, 2006 to November 4, 2006 o That Southern California Edison offers its customers rebates for air-conditioning cycling programs, refrigerators, whole house fans, pool motors, etc. In response to Council Member Edwards' question, Mr. Tran stated that there would be a medical baseline allowance for customers with special needs. Referencing the Tier System, Mr. Tran stated that the Tier System was created by the Public Utilities Commission to encourage customers to conserve energy. For Council Member Naggar, Mr. Tran advised that it would be his opinion that the rebate for whole house fan would be approximately $80. Mr. Tran advised that more information with regard to Understanding Baseline Tiered Rates could be found at WWW.sc.com. At this time, the public hearing was opened and due to no speakers, it was closed. City Manager Nelson stated that with the consensus of the City Council, it would be his desire to meet and to discuss in more detail baseline rates with Mr. Tran and staff to better understand and, thereby, to better educate the public. Concurring with Mr. Nelson's suggestion, Council Member Comerchero requested that with the R:\Minutes\OBOB06 7 Council's approval, a letter be drafted to the Public Utilities Commission (copying the legislators in Sacramento and Western Riverside County of Governments) to inquire about the potential inequities of the City's established baseline zone. Mr. Comerchero requested that this item be agendized for the August 22, 2006, City Council meeting. It was the consensus of the City Council to direct staff to draft the recommended letter. CITY MANAGER REPORT No additional comments. CITY ATTORNEY REPORT With respect to closed session, City Attorney Thorson advised that there was no formal action to report. ADJOURNMENT At 8:04 P.M., the City Council meeting was formally adjourned to Tuesday, August 22, 2006, at 5:30 P.M., for a Closed Session with the regular session commencing at 7:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. Ron Roberts, Mayor ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk R:\Minutes\OBOB06 8 I~-- . , II ITEM NO.3 II , II - . . . I I II II __. . I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager p.f" 412. ()[} (J CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City ManagerlCity Council FROM: Genie Roberts, Director of Finance DATE: August 22, 2006 SUBJECT: List of Demands PREPARED BY: Pascale Brown, Accounting Manager Reta Weston, Accounting Specialist Jada Yonker, Accounting Specialist RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 06- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A BACKGROUND: All claims and demands are reported and summarized for review and approval by the City Council on a routine basis at each City Council meeting. The attached claims represent the paid claims and demands since the last City Council meeting. FISCAL IMPACT: All claims and demands were paid from appropriated funds or authorized resources of the City and have been recorded in accordance with the City's policies and procedures. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution List of Demands RESOLUTION NO. 06- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ALLOWING CERTAIN CLAIMS AND DEMANDS AS SET FORTH IN EXHIBIT A THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. That the following claims and demands as set forth in Exhibit A, on file in the office of the City Clerk, have been reviewed by the City Manager's Office, and that the same are hereby allowed in the amount of $4,889,920.75. Section 2. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 22 day of August , 2006. Ron Roberts, Mayor ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 06- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 22 day of August, 2006, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk IOF TEMECULA lIsT OF DEMANDS I I 08/03/2006 TOTAL CHECK RUN: $ 2,107,397.45 08/I0/2006 TOTAL CHECK RUN: 2,304,993.12 08/I0/2006 TOTAL PAYROLL RUN: 477,530.18 TOTAL LIST OF DEMANDS FOR 08/22/06 COUNCIL MEETING: $ 4,889,920.75 DISBURSEMENTS BY FUND: CHECKS: 001 GENERAL FUND $ 614,560.87 165 RDA LOW/MOD - 20% SET ASIDE 1,167,508.97 190 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 196,964.75 192 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL B 114.20 193 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL"C" LANDSCAPE/SLOPE 18,107.02 194 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL D 8,674.26 196 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "L" LAKE PARK MAINT. 9,479.91 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND 2,142,134.56 280 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - CIP PROJECT 31,464.17 300 INSURANCE FUND 22,305.79 320 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 69,661.91 330 SUPPORT SERVICES 10,044.65 340 FACILITIES 27,013.53 470 CFD 98-1 DEBT SERVICE FUND 23,226.75 473 CFD 03-1 CROWNE HILL DEBT SERVICE FUND 48,407.77 474 AD03-4 JOHN WARNER ROAD DEBT SERVICE 1,609.89 475 CFD03-3 WOLF CREEK DEBT SERVICE FUND 15,921.76 476 CFD 03-6 HARVESTON 2 DEBT SERVICE FUND 5,189.81 $ 4,412,390.57 001 GENERAL FUND $ 300,114.12 165 RDA LOW/MOD - 20% SET ASIDE 5,910.55 190 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 124,269.57 192 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL B 114.09 193 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL"C" LANDSCAPE/SLOPE 5,398.33 194 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL D 843.35 196 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "L" LAKE PARK MAINT. 575.16 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND 265.22 280 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - CIP PROJECT 3,232.88 300 INSURANCE FUND 1,208.73 320 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 23,613.77 330 SUPPORT SERVICES 3,662.27 340 FACILITIES 8,322.14 477 ,530.18 TOTAL BY FUND: $ 4,889,920.75 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 1 08/0312006 12:50:28PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 109234 08103/2006 004765 ACTIVE NETWORK INC, THE Safari software license renewal fees 8,611.24 8,611.24 109235 08103/2006 004765 ACTIVE NETWORK INC, THE Refund:Briones-Colman:Fine Art Fun 51.25 51.25 109236 08103/2006 004064 ADELPHIA 8/1-31 high speed internet CW 55.95 8/2-9/1 high speed internet TT 46.95 102.90 109237 08103/2006 005068 ADKISSON, CANDICE Reimb: L TO Commodities supplies 141.34 141.34 109238 08103/2006 003802 ADOLPH KIEFER & ASSOCIATES Aquatic Kickboards & Fanny Packs 225.69 225.69 109239 08103/2006 009010 ALEXANDER PACIFIC Fire Station 84 Electrical Repairs 2,073.90 Fire Station 84 Electrical Repairs 969.00 3,042.90 109240 08103/2006 009767 AL TA LOMA CHARTER INC SMART Excursion bus:Padres Game 734.77 734.77 109241 08103/2006 007280 AMERICAN MEDICAL RESPONSE- AED training books & supplies:Fire 207.00 207.00 AMR 109242 08103/2006 000936 AMERICAN RED CROSS Lifeguard training supplies:Aquatics 528.00 528.00 109243 08103/2006 008279 AMERICOMP IN FOSYSTEMS INC Library Cisco Enet Router 1,697.06 1,697.06 109244 08103/2006 002187 ANIMAL FRIENDS OF THE Jul 06 Animal control services 12,500.00 12,500.00 VALLEYS 109245 08103/2006 002480 ANIXTER INC Phone equip:Single Line Phones 259.62 259.62 109246 08103/2006 010225 ANTHONY-ROSS, ZONDRA Refund:Level1 SWim Lessons 40.00 Refund:Level 2 SWim Lessons 40.00 80.00 Page:1 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 2 08/0312006 12:50:28PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 109247 08103/2006 001323 ARROWHEAD WATER INC Bottled wtr svcs @ Mntc Fac. 364.63 Bottled wtr svcs @ City Hall 324.72 Bottled wtr svcs @ CRC 178.75 Bottled wtr svcs @ SMART prgm 110.40 Bottled wtr svcs @ TES Pool 76.71 Bottled wtr svcs @ Theater 72.72 Bottled wtr svcs @ Chaparral Aquatics 70.96 Bottled wtr svcs@T. Museum 56.45 Bottled wtr svcs @ City Hall 42.01 Bottled wtr svcs @ C. Museum 33.04 Bottled wtr svcs @ Skate Park 13.79 Bottled wtr svcs @ TCC 13.50 1,357.68 109248 08103/2006 010188 ASSOCIATED POWER INC. Hot summer night generator rental 587.24 587.24 109249 08103/2006 002648 AUTO CLUB OF SOUTHERN Membership: S.Nelson 25799883 76.00 76.00 CALIF 109250 08103/2006 010086 BAGGIT INC Dog Park Dispensers/Wastebaskets 470.98 470.98 109251 08103/2006 010164 BALLET STUDIO INC, THE Refund:7/14-15 Ovrchged stage equip 700.00 700.00 109252 08103/2006 008868 BANK OF SACRAMENTO ReI. ret./escrow:Diaz Rehab:RJ Noble 17,907.00 17,907.00 109253 08103/2006 003466 BASKET & BALLOONS TOO! Promotional Gift Basket: Eco Devel 59.26 59.26 109254 08103/2006 004829 BOB WlLSON INC Aug 06 State lobbying services 3,500.00 3,500.00 109255 08103/2006 004380 BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA FY 05/06 Comm. Svc Funding 1,500.00 1,500.00 109256 08103/2006 000128 BROWN & BROWN OF CALIF INC Insurance policy renewal: Mobile Equip 17,396.00 17,396.00 109257 08103/2006 006930 BROWN, TAMMY Refund: Cartooning with Bigfoot 145.00 145.00 109258 08103/2006 002208 BUSINESS PRESS, THE 1 yr ann'l subscription: Eco Devel. 59.00 59.00 109259 08103/2006 006908 C C & COMPANY INC Summer concert series entertainers 500.00 Hot summer nights entertainers 500.00 Hot Summer Nights entertainers 500.00 Summer concert series entertainers 500.00 2,000.00 Page2 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 3 08/0312006 12:50:28PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 109260 08103/2006 003138 CAL MAT PW patch truck materials 831.4 1 PW patch truck materials 716.56 PW patch truck materials 313.76 PW patch truck materials 200.00 PW patch truck materials 150.85 2,212.58 109261 08103/2006 004228 CAMERON WELDING SUPPLY Misc. welding supplies:PW Mntc 182.93 182.93 109262 08103/2006 010224 CAMPORA, WENDY Refund: Eng Depst: 30306 Del Rey Rd 995.00 995.00 109263 08103/2006 000387 CAREER TRACK SEMINARS Regist:First-Time Supervisor:10/12:DS 149.00 Regist:First-Time Supervisor:10/12:MP 149.00 Regist:First-Time Supervisor:10/11 :CK 149.00 Regist:First-Time Supervisor:10/11:OW 149.00 Regist:First-Time Supervisor:10/11 :SF 149.00 745.00 109264 08103/2006 010223 CHINA SEA DEVELOPMENT Refund: Grading Depst:30218 Santiago 995.00 995.00 CORP. 109265 08103/2006 009558 CIVIC RESOURCE GROUP, LLC Website re-design/content mgt sys 14,050.00 14,050.00 109266 08103/2006 001193 COMP USA INC Library Computer Supplies 110.95 110.95 109267 08103/2006 000442 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS 3rd Qtr Alarm Monitoring:City Facilities 1,922.85 1,922.85 109268 08103/2006 000447 COMTRONIX OF HEMET Install Lights & Siren on PO motorcycle 9,215.08 9,215.08 109269 08103/2006 003272 DAISYWHEEL RIBBON Plotter Ribbon & Ink:GIS Division 764.12 COMPANY INC Plotter Ribbon & Ink:GIS Division 52.73 816.85 109270 08103/2006 003945 DIAMOND ENVIRONMENTAL Portable restroom: Redhwk Prk 59.02 59.02 SRVCS 109271 08103/2006 009989 DIPOMA, JANET Refund:Parent & Me Swim Lessons 40.00 Refund:Level 2 SWim Lessons 40.00 80.00 109272 08103/2006 004417 DISCOUNT SCHOOL SUPPLY C. Museum Recreation Supplies 171.83 171.83 109273 08103/2006 001669 DUNN EDWARDS CORPORATION Supplies for graffiti removal 80.47 Supplies for graffiti removal 30.93 111.40 109274 08103/2006 010018 EXECUTIVE CHAIR INC 11-Humanscale chairs: Finance dept 4,900.00 4,900.00 Page:3 apChkLst 08/0312006 12:50:28PM Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA Page: 4 Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 109275 08103/2006 009148 FAMILY MAGAZINE LLC Jun/Aug C.Museum Fun Book Ads 3,360.00 3,360.00 109276 08103/2006 000165 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC Ju112-14 Express mail services 99.10 99.10 109277 08103/2006 000166 FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMPANY Lot Book Report: Schwartz, E & P 75.00 Lot Book Report: Thomsen, Marian Lot Book Report: Hilton, Maria Lot Book Report: Plourde, H & F Lot Book Report: Sears, 0 & L Lot Book Report: Gonzales, 0 & M Lot Book Report: Casteel, Maria 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 75.00 525.00 Page:4 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 5 08/0312006 12:50:28PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 109278 08103/2006 003347 FIRST BANKCARD CENTER 000193 I CMA GY Assist City Manager ad 2,500.00 007381 SHARP ELECTRONICS CORP. HP Sharp projector repairs: IS 1,533.36 001054 CALIF BUILDING OFFICIALS AE Regist:Education \I\Ik:6/20-23:staff 1,465.00 003716 SO CAL CINEMAS HP Summer day camp movie tickets 993.50 010235 COMFORT INN RR HtlNLC TIS:6121-25/06:AK 504.00 005363 GRAPELlNE, THE HP Council/staff Carlsbad transportation 472.00 000210 LEAGUE OF CALIF CITIES GY Assist City Manager ad 448.50 000718 NATIONAL RECREATION PARK HP Regist NRPA Conf:1G-10/14:Parker 447.00 ASSOC 000845 NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES RR RegistNLC Ann'l Cf:12/5-9/06 440.00 009087 WEBREGPRO GT RegistCCAPA Conf:1 0/22-25/06 415.00 008326 AVIS RENT-A-CAR RR Car Rental:NLC TIS:6/21-25 265.D7 003198 HOME DEPOT, THE H P TCSD Office air-purifier 235.91 006952 PA YPAL GT RegistResponse Awareness:MC/JV 210.00 010031 STRATOSPHERE HOTEL GR Htl:Crime Prevo Trng:7/19-21 :Maynard 207.93 008951 MOTIVATING TAPE CO AE B&S Team Building materials 199.00 006714 SHERATON HOTEL RR Htl/Meal:SCAG Mtg:7/5-6/06 171.06 002519 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY INC AE Supplies:25 Hard hats W/pinlock 148.14 000293 STADIUM PIZZA HP Refreshments:Rdhwk Comm \l\lkshp 143.51 007029 BLACK ANGUS GT Refreshment: Interview Panel 128.53 010231 OAKS OF RAINBOW GY City Mgr Team Bldg Refreshments 118.44 006942 ONTARIO AIRPORT RR Prkg:NLC TIS:6/21-25/06:AK 75.00 009087 WEBREGPRO GT Reg:RHNAlRTA Sem:6/30:DW/SB 70.00 008957 OLD TOWN COFFEE HOUSE GY Refreshments:Civic Ctr Mtg 51.96 010236 LA CARRETA MEXICAN HP Refreshments: Interview Panel 46.87 RESTAURANT 009087 WEBREGPRO DU RegistRHNAlRTA Wrkshp:Papp:6/30 35.00 GY bank charges 35.00 010237 TOYS R US HP Recreation supplies: Mad Gab 32.61 007651 FILlPPIS PIZZA GROTTO GY Refreshments:Trff Safety Comm. 28.11 007341 SOUTH COAST WINERY, INC. HP Refreshments: Sprts Cmplx Mtg 19.90 PageS apChkLst Final Check List Page: 6 08/0312006 12:50:28PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 002519 LAB SAFETY SUPPLY INC AE Credit: Returned 26-safety vest -171.60 11,268.80 109279 08103/2006 007274 FORGE, THE Refreshments: EE Qtrly Luncheon 2,728.95 2,728.95 109280 08103/2006 008416 FRONTBRIDGE TECHNOLOGIES June Citywide E-mail Spam Filtering 287.50 287.50 INC 109281 08103/2006 009097 FULL COMPASS SYSTEMS Theater Supplies:2 Belt Packs 588.78 Credit: Returned 2 belt packs -481.42 107.36 109282 08103/2006 010230 GARCIA, MARIA M. Refund: Notary Public Seminar 70.00 70.00 109283 08103/2006 000186 HANKS HARDWARE INC Hardware supplies:City Parks/PW 984.79 Hardware supplies:PW street Mntc 183.21 Hardware supplies:Fire 36.55 Hardware supplies:Old Tovvn 15.07 1,219.62 109284 08103/2006 003299 HAYES, BARNEY Hot Summer Nights entertainers 400.00 Hot Summer Nights entertainers 400.00 800.00 109285 08103/2006 001135 HEALTH POINTE MEDICAL Employee first aid care 145.35 GROUP INC Employee first aid care 72.25 217.60 109286 08103/2006 010229 HENRIKSEN, ELEONORE Refund: Notary Public Seminar 70.00 70.00 109287 08103/2006 004811 HEWLETT PACKARD Computer Equip:2-Hp Proliant Server 13,080.85 13,080.85 109288 08103/2006 007792 HINTON, BEVERLY L. TCSD instructor earnings 139.30 139.30 109289 08103/2006 003198 HOME DEPOT, THE Hardware supplies: TCSD 96.38 96.38 109290 08103/2006 004406 IGOE & COMPANY INC July 06 flex benefit plan pmt 333.25 333.25 109291 08103/2006 001407 INTER VALLEY POOL SUPPLY Pool Sanitizing Chemicals 536.37 INC Pool sanitizing chemicals 351.97 Pool sanitizing chemicals 302.35 1,190.69 109292 08103/2006 001186 IRWIN, JOHN TCSD instructor earnings 115.50 115.50 109293 08103/2006 002424 KELLEY DISPLAY INC Banners c1ean/storage:Eco Devel 2,059.29 2,059.29 109294 08103/2006 010227 KEMPSTER, MELISSA Refund:Toddler Swim Lessons 40.00 40.00 Page:6 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 7 08/0312006 12:50:28PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 109295 08103/2006 010228 KENT, GURLlN Refund:2- Reagan Library Excursion 64.00 64.00 109296 08103/2006 002789 KIMCO STAFFING SERVICES INC Temp help PPE 7/16 Bagdasarian 638.00 Temp help PPE 7/23 Bagdasarian 638.00 1,276.00 109297 08103/2006 004546 KING, JIM Hot Summer Nights entertainers 1,000.00 1,000.00 109298 08103/2006 007321 KOPP, JON R. (RANDY) 4th of July parade audio rental 450.00 450.00 109299 08103/2006 008269 LEGACY GROUP, THE Refund: Eng Depst:955-050-026 995.00 995.00 109300 08103/2006 008383 L1M & NASCIMENTO Jun design: Margarita undercrossing 1,545.00 1,545.00 ENGINEERING 109301 08103/2006 004230 LINCOLN EQUIPMENT INC Aquatics Supplies: Stainless crank 89.16 89.16 109302 08103/2006 010226 LOEFFLER, SARAH Refund:Toddler Swim Lessons 40.00 40.00 109303 08103/2006 004141 MAINTEX INC custodial supplies:Parks 719.72 custodial supplies:CRC 414.50 custodial supplies:Old Town 302.99 custodial supplies:Parks 34.35 1,471.56 109304 08103/2006 001967 MANPOWER TEMPORARY Temp help w/e 07/16 Hoof/Dankworth 1,368.80 SERVICES Temp help w/e 07/09 Hoof/Dankworth 1,095.04 2,463.84 109305 08103/2006 004307 MARINE BIOCHEMISTS Jul maint:Harveston Lake/Duck Pond 4,855.00 4,855.00 109306 08103/2006 002693 MATROS, ANDREA TCSD Instructor Earnings 273.00 273.00 109307 08103/2006 000220 MAURICE PRINTERS INC Assistant City Mgr Appl.brochures 1,340.41 1,340.41 109308 08103/2006 010221 MEDEN, THOMAS refund:R.Reagan Library 32.00 32.00 109309 08103/2006 007210 MIDORI GARDENS irrig.repairs:Harveston Lake Pk 6/22 436.50 irrigation repairs:Vail Ranch Pk 6/2106 417.91 irrigation repairs:Vail Ranch Pk 6/6106 370.77 1,225.18 109310 08103/2006 010218 MILLER, SUSAN refund Notary Public Seminar 70.00 70.00 Page:? apChkLst Final Check List Page: 8 08/0312006 12:50:28PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 109311 08103/2006 001384 MINUTEMAN PRESS business cards:\I\II-I/AM/JG/JB 320.66 business cards:GBlJS/DM/SBlCC 290.44 business cards:CW/JH/PR/AB/RJ 216.85 Bus.Cards:Front Lobby Reception Desk 58.81 business cards:M. De La Torre 43.37 business cards:W. Miller 43.37 973.50 109312 08103/2006 003135 MOORE WALLACE "Notice to Appear" forms:Police 2,223.41 2,223.41 109313 08103/2006 001986 MUZAK -SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Jul sound system srvcs:Old Town 69.11 Aug sound system srvcs:Old Town 69.11 138.22 109314 08103/2006 002995 MYRON MANUFACTURING CORP promotional pens:Econ Dev 2,603.45 2,603.45 109315 08103/2006 000233 NELSON, SHAWN reimb Jul Intemet svcs 44.95 44.95 109316 08103/2006 009570 o C B REPROGRAPHICS toner for Oce copier in map-room 332.98 dupl.blueprints:Pechanga Pkwy 316.79 dupl.blueprints:79S Medians 180.37 830.14 109317 08103/2006 006721 OFFICEMAX - A BOISE COMPANY monitor arm/keyboard trayTCSD 499.92 499.92 109318 08103/2006 006721 OFFICEMAX - A BOISE COMPANY office supplies:Finance 349.90 349.90 109319 08103/2006 010222 OLANDER, VIRGINIA refund:R.Reagan Library 58.00 58.00 109320 08103/2006 002105 OLD TOWN TIRE & SERVICE City Vehicle RepairlMaint Svcs 4,138.53 City Vehicle Repair/Maint SVcs 418.24 City Vehicle Repair/Maint SVcs 213.24 City Vehicle Repair/Maint SVcs 209.66 City Vehicle Repair/Maint SVcs 102.31 City Vehicle Repair/Maint SVcs 101.75 City Vehicle Repair/Maint SVcs 85.52 5,269.25 109321 08103/2006 001171 ORIENTAL TRADING COMPANY recreation suppliesTCSD 41.88 41.88 INC 109322 08103/2006 002297 OVERLAND PACIFIC & CUTLER Jun consulting svc:Civic Ctr Plaza 1,231.25 INC add'l Jun consulting svc:Civic Ctr Plaza 601.25 1,832.50 109323 08103/2006 004934 P S MANAGEMENT INC Banners for Int'I Art Exhibition 2,089.27 2,089.27 Page:8 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 9 08/0312006 12:50:28PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 109324 08103/2006 006939 PAINT CONNECTION, THE Res ImplY Pgrm:Crovviy, Wendy 1,450.00 1,450.00 109325 08103/2006 001248 PAPER DIRECT INC '06 Sep 11 Remembrance supplies 46.43 46.43 109326 08103/2006 007591 PAUL LASLO & ASSOCIATES Pens to go with Temecula Citizen Corps 571.08 571.08 109327 08103/2006 000249 PETTY CASH Petty Cash Reimbursement 932.06 Petty Cash Reimbursement 121.32 1,053.38 109328 08103/2006 008748 PHONETICS Host Unit Equipment:lnfo Sys 2,440.26 2,440.26 109329 08103/2006 000580 PHOTO WORKS OF TEMECULA Jul film/photo developing:PW 22.29 22.29 109330 08103/2006 001999 PITNEY BOWES Jul-Sep postage meter rental:City Hall 269.11 269.11 109331 08103/2006 003155 PRICE CHOPPER INC wristbands for public swim :Aquatics 304.50 304.50 109332 08103/2006 004529 QUAID TEMECULA HARLEY- May Motorcycle Maint Svcs:Police 2,824.00 2,824.00 DAVIDSON 109333 08103/2006 001416 QUICK CRETE PRODUCTS INC 9 recycle waste containers:TCSD Prgm 7,030.69 1 recycle waste container:TCSD Prgm 781.19 7,811.88 109334 08103/2006 004457 R J NOBLE COMPANY Jul prgs pmt#1 :pavement rehab/Diaz 179,070.00 ret.w/h pmt#1 :pavement rehab/Diaz -17,907.00 161,163.00 109335 08103/2006 009818 R K ENGINEERING GROUP INC May consulting svcs:Tem.Civic Ctr 4,862.15 4,862.15 109336 08103/2006 000728 RAMSEY BACKFLOW & backflow repairltest:ParkslMedians 75.00 75.00 PLUMBING 109337 08103/2006 000262 RANCHO CALIF WATER DISTRICT Various Water Meters 3,517.36 Jul 01-08-38009-0 Fire Stn 92 75.86 3,593.22 109338 08103/2006 000526 REGENTS OF UNIVERSITY OF C.E.Q.A.:K.LeComte 9/20-12/13 485.00 CALIF C.E.Q.A.:D.Schuma 9120-12/13 485.00 970.00 109339 08103/2006 002110 RENTAL SERVICE equip rental:PWMaint 6.85 6.85 CORPORATION 109340 08103/2006 007402 RICHARD BRADY & ASSOCIATES 4/30-7/1/06 Svcs:Field Oper. Ctr 1,687.00 1,687.00 Page:9 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 10 08/0312006 12:50:28PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 109341 08103/2006 000418 RIVERSIDE CO CLERK & Res ImplY Prgm:Munoz 11.00 11.00 RECORDER 109342 08103/2006 000418 RIVERSIDE CO CLERK & Res ImplY Prgm:Bell 11.00 11.00 RECORDER 109343 08103/2006 000406 RIVERSIDE CO SHERIFFS DEPT June '06 Booking Fees 11,812.80 11,812.80 109344 08103/2006 000406 RIVERSIDE CO SHERIFFS DEPT Street Painting Fest.patrol svcs 6/24 667.48 667.48 109345 08103/2006 000406 RIVERSIDE CO SHERIFFS DEPT Bike Patrol registr:R.R.lL.S. 3/7-10/06 320.00 320.00 109346 08103/2006 001365 RIVERSIDE COUNTY OF renew permit:K.Hintergardt Park 98.00 98.00 109347 08103/2006 005073 ROCKY ZHARP periormance:Smr Nights 7/28/06 600.00 600.00 109348 08103/2006 000277 S & S ARTS & CRAFTS INC Summer Day Camp Supplies 364.47 364.47 109349 08103/2006 007345 SAN DIEGO STATE U 5/1/06-4/30/07 Tower Lease 5,098.50 5,098.50 FOUNDATION 109350 08103/2006 009980 SANBORN, GWYN periormance:Concert Series 8/10/06 1,800.00 1,800.00 109351 08103/2006 007924 SCHRAGER, NICK Refund: Eng Deposit: Piasano Place 995.00 995.00 109352 08103/2006 010155 SEKIGUCHI, TOMOKO refund:Kids Love Soccer 80.00 80.00 109353 08103/2006 009013 SISQUOC, LORENE A Basket Weaving/Indian Games:7/19 200.00 200.00 109354 08103/2006 003804 SKYHAWKS SPORTS ACADEMY TCSD Instructor Earnings 1,323.00 INC TCSD Instructor Earnings 791.00 TCSD Instructor Earnings 756.00 2,870.00 109355 08103/2006 000645 SMART & FINAL INC Summer Day Camp Supplies 309.74 Summer Day Camp Supplies 101.22 Summer Day Camp Supplies 50.84 Summer Day Camp Supplies 13.68 475.48 Page:10 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 11 08/0312006 12:50:28PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 109356 08103/2006 000537 SO CALIF EDISON Jul 2-00-397-5042 City Hall 12,106.45 Jul 2-02-502-8077 Maint Fac 3,236.42 Jul 2-02-351-4946 MPSC 2,676.21 JuI2-18-937-3152 T.Museum 1,944.02 Jul 2-19-683-3263 various mtrs 1,672.16 Jul 2-00-397-5067 various mtrs 1,579.97 JuI2-27-615-1750 Fire Stn 73 1,361.95 Jul 2-20-817-9929 Police OT stn 521.59 JuI2-11-007-0455 6th Street 462.12 Jul 2-19-171-8568 Wedding Chpl 165.13 Jul 2-21-911-7892 OT Prk Lot 155.43 JuI2-14-204-1615 Front St Radio 59.81 Jul 2-27-371-8494 Offsite Storage 19.57 25,960.83 109357 08103/2006 001212 SO CALIF GAS COMPANY Jul City Facilities gas meters 493.80 JuI101-525-1560-6 Fire Stn 73 65.71 559.51 109358 08103/2006 010219 SORAH, KHATIDJA ROSY refund Notary Public Seminar 70.00 70.00 109359 08103/2006 000519 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL pest control svcs:Fire Stn 84 80.00 INC pest control svcs:Fire Stn 92 42.00 122.00 109360 08103/2006 000293 STADIUM PIZZA refreshments:Summer Day Camp 336.54 336.54 109361 08103/2006 009061 STURDIVANT, ANGELA P. TCSD Instructor Earnings 122.50 122.50 109362 08103/2006 007698 SWANK MOTIONS PICTURES, "Yours,Mine&Ours"rental:Movie/Pk 7/28 271.00 271.00 INC. 109363 08103/2006 003599 T Y L1N INTERNATIONAL 5/27-6/30/06 svcs:Roripaugh Bridge 5,245.74 Jun svcs:Westem Bypass Bridge 825.00 6,070.74 109364 08103/2006 000305 TARGET BANK BUS CARD SRVCS office supplies:PW Depts 992.18 SMART Prgm supplies 451.24 Aquatics Prgm Supplies 361.65 Recreation Supplies:C.Museum 47.55 1,852.62 109365 08103/2006 010191 TAYLOR, JUDY periormance:Smr Nights 7/28 & 8/4 900.00 900.00 109366 08103/2006 004876 TEMECULA COMMUNITY FY 04/05 Community Svc Funding 2,500.00 2,500.00 CHURCH 109367 08103/2006 006914 TEMECULA COPIERS INC. Jun copier maintlusage:City Facilities 7,180.88 7,180.88 109368 08103/2006 000310 TEMECULA CREEK INN INC Htl:Every 15 Min Prgm 5/24/06 1,617.40 1,617.40 Page:11 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 12 08/0312006 12:50:28PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 109369 08103/2006 000168 TEMECULA FLOWER CORRAL sunshine fund/flowers per Council 374.70 374.70 109370 08103/2006 005412 TEMECULA GARDEN & POWER equip parts:PW Maint 51.24 equip parts:PW Maint 46.23 equip parts:PW Maint 14.82 112.29 109371 08103/2006 000307 TEMECULA TROPHY COMPANY Recognition award:D. Villa 78.87 Recognition award:D.West 61.63 140.50 109372 08103/2006 010046 TEMECULA VALLEY May '06 Bus. ImplY District Asmnts 45,233.74 CONVENTION & May '06 Bus. ImplY District Asmnts -904.67 44,329.07 109373 08103/2006 003140 TEMECULA VALLEY TCSD Instructor Earnings 291.20 TAEKWONDO TCSD Instructor Earnings 257.25 548.45 109374 08103/2006 000919 TEMECULA VALLEY UNIFIED Apr-Jun '06 City vehicles fuel usage 1,679.47 1,679.47 SCHOOL 109375 08103/2006 003949 THORNTON WINERY INC Deposit:Commission Recogn 10/12/06 500.00 500.00 109376 08103/2006 007433 TOVEY SHULTZ CONSTRUCTION release retention:Comm .Theater 443,772.10 INC credit:retention adj/Comm.Theater -2,537.84 441,234.26 109377 08103/2006 003031 TRAFFIC CONTROL SERVICE INC traffic control devices:PW 1,137.84 1,137.84 109378 08103/2006 009957 TRIARCO ARTS & CRAFTS LLC SMART Art Cart Supplies 670.06 670.06 109379 08103/2006 010217 TROPHIES UNLIMITED Temecula CAP. award 53.88 53.88 109380 08103/2006 009912 U R S CORPORATION 3/21-6/9/06 svcs:Western Bypass 10,245.07 10,245.07 109381 08103/2006 002702 US POSTAL SERVICE Postage meter deposit 4,422.81 4,422.81 109382 08103/2006 004794 VALLEY WINDS COMMUNITY periormance:Concert Series 8/9/06 200.00 200.00 109383 08103/2006 004261 VERIZON Jul xxx-2016 Reverse 911 108.89 Jul xxx-989? general usage 90.11 Jul xxx-3526 fire alarm 85.39 Jul xxx-7786 C.Washington 29.00 Jul xxx-26?6 general usage 28.45 Jul xxx-5696 Sports Complex 4.50 346.34 Page:12 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 13 08/0312006 12:50:28PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 109384 08103/2006 001342 WAXIE SANITARY SUPPLY INC custodial supplies:Maint Fac 642.42 credit:items returned/CRC -230.05 412.37 109385 08103/2006 003063 WEAVER PACIFIC PUBLICATIONS Smr-Fall Visitors Guide:Econ Dev 5,505.50 5,505.50 109386 08103/2006 000339 WEST PUBLISHING CORP Jul City Hall legal publications 193.98 Jun City hall legal publications 73.28 267.26 109387 08103/2006 009965 WEST, DALE reimb:mileagelSCAQMD mtg 7/12 54.49 54.49 109388 08103/2006 010220 WILLIAMS LEA INC litigation copies svcs 4,124.90 4,124.90 109389 08103/2006 004774 WOODCREST UNIFORMS Temecula Police Patches 110.98 110.98 109390 08103/2006 010193 WOOLSTENHULME, LUCIA TCSD Instructor earnings 85.40 85.40 109391 08103/2006 001544 YEAGER SKANSKA INC Jun prgs #2:Tem.Education Ctr pw0603 1,272,375.00 ret w/h pmt#2:Tem.Educ.Ctr pw0603 -10,473.50 retention miscalculation:Tem .Educ.Ctr -116,764.00 1,145,137.50 109392 08103/2006 003776 ZOLL MEDICAL CORPORATION medical supplies:Paramedics 290.76 medical supplies:Paramedics 290.76 medical supplies:Paramedics 284.14 medical supplies:Paramedics 258.60 1,124.26 Grand total for UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA: 2,107,397.45 Page:13 apChkLst 08/0312006 12:50:28PM Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA Page: 14 159 checks in this report. FUNDS: 001 GENERAL FUND 165 RDA LOWIMOD - 20% SET ASIDE 190 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT 193 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL"C" LANDSCAPE/SLOPE 194 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL D 196 TCSD SERVICE LEVEL "L" LAKE PARK MAINT. 210 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS FUND 280 REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - CIP PROJECT 300 INSURANCE FUND 320 INFORMATION SYSTEMS 330 SUPPORT SERVICES 340 FACILITIES 08103/2006 TOTAL CHECK RUN: Grand Total All Checks: 169,177.11 1,147,134.50 35,609.83 3,909.27 7,811.88 4,411.50 646,543.80 4,945.95 17,396.00 44,439.84 7,346.54 18,671.23 2,107,397.45 2,107,397.45 Page:14 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 1 08/1012006 3:25:24PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 723 08110/2006 000444 INSTATAX (EDD) State Disability Ins Payment 22,186.82 22,186.82 724 08110/2006 000283 INSTATAX (IRS) Federal Income Taxes Payment 88,211.96 88,211.96 725 08110/2006 001065 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT Nationwide Retirement Payment 23,599.10 23,599.10 SOLUTION 726 08110/2006 000246 PERS (EMPLOYEES' PERS ER Paid Member Contr Payment 112,027.77 112,027.77 RETIREMENT) 727 08110/2006 000389 U S C M WEST (OBRA), OBRA - Project Retirement Payment 6,523.76 6,523.76 NATIONWIDE RETIREMENT 728 08110/2006 000642 TEMECULA CITY FLEXIBLE Child Care Reimbursement Payment 8,924.03 Child Care Reimbursement Payment 0.00 8,924.03 729 08110/2006 000245 PERS - HEALTH INSUR PREMIUM PERS Health Admin Cost Payment 67,936.20 Blue Shield HMO Payment 0.00 67,936.20 730 08109/2006 005460 U S BANK FY 05/06 CFD's tax remittance 94,355.98 94,355.98 109393 08103/2006 003747 FINE ARTS NETWORK adv pmt:Once Upon a Mattress 8/4-12 3,642.00 3,642.00 109394 08110/2006 003552 AFLAC AFLAC Cancer Payment 2,336.80 2,336.80 109395 08110/2006 004765 ACTIVE NETWORK INC, THE Refund:T.Holstein:Fairytale Dance 96.00 96.00 109396 08110/2006 008552 ADKINS DESIGN CONSULTING Graphic design:Cultural Arts Prgms 4,129.52 Graphic design:Cultural Arts Prgms 2,658.96 Graphic design:Cultural Arts Prgms 1,563.71 Graphic design:Cultural Arts Prgms 1,093.66 9,445.85 109397 08110/2006 009896 ADVANCED INFRASTRUCTURE GIS Data Based Asset Mgmt 2,362.00 2,362.00 MGMT 109398 08110/2006 010248 ALBRIGHT, BRANDI Refund: Tai Chi 25.00 25.00 109399 08110/2006 009033 ALLEN, STEVEN L. Int'I Art Exhibition Photographer 230.00 230.00 109400 08110/2006 006915 ALLIE'S PARTY EQUIPMENT Summer Night equip rental 732.14 732.14 Page:1 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 2 08/1012006 3:25:24PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 109401 08110/2006 009767 AL TA LOMA CHARTER INC SMART Excursion bus: Iceplex 587.20 587.20 109402 08110/2006 004022 AMERICAN MINI STORAGE, Storage unit B111-pay 12 mths/1 free 2,148.00 2,148.00 TEMECUL 109403 08110/2006 008279 AMERICOMP IN FOSYSTEMS INC Library computer supplies:2-Camera 1,037.63 Computer supplies: 2 -1GB Kgstn 377.13 Computer supplies:4- 300W ATX 107.75 Computer supplies:Pwr Supply 45.79 1,568.30 109404 08110/2006 010251 AMY, MICHELE Refund:Level 4/5 Swim Lessons 40.00 40.00 109405 08110/2006 002187 ANIMAL FRIENDS OF THE Jun 06 Animal control services 12,500.00 12,500.00 VALLEYS 109406 08110/2006 002480 ANIXTER INC 8- New Single Line Phones 259.46 259.46 109407 08110/2006 000101 APPLE ONE INC Temp help PPE 7/29 Gonzales 655.20 Temp help PPE 7/22 Gonzales 655.20 Temp help PPE 7/15 Gonzales 655.20 Temp help PPE 7/22 Ruiz 566.48 Temp help PPE 7/29 Ruiz 532.35 Temp help PPE 7/08 Gonzales 524.16 Temp help PPE 7/15 Ruiz 440.21 Temp help PPE 7/08 Ruiz 436.80 Temp help PPE 7/15 Jepsen 296.89 Temp help PPE 7/08 Jepsen 177.45 4,939.94 109408 08110/2006 003203 ARTISTIC EMBROIDERY Finance staff shirts 189.64 189.64 109409 08110/2006 001445 ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF FY 05/06 Comm. Svc Funding 5,000.00 5,000.00 TEMECULA 109410 08110/2006 010250 BAILEY, SUSAN Refund: Security DeptPicnic RR Prk 150.00 150.00 109411 08110/2006 009908 BEADOR CONSTRUCTION CO Jul prgss: 79S median 79,000.00 INC Jul Retention: 79S median -7,900.00 71,100.00 109412 08110/2006 002381 BEAUDOIN, LINDA Retirement Medical Payment 650.74 650.74 109413 08110/2006 004040 BIG FOOT GRAPHICS TCSD instructor earnings 490.00 Summer Day Camp Cartooning Class 100.00 590.00 109414 08110/2006 010247 BLALOCK, JOHN Refund: O\ffchged Permit fees 12.72 12.72 Page2 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 3 08/1012006 3:25:24PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 109415 08110/2006 010232 BLOOMFIELD, CARL T.Museum blacksmith demonstration 50.00 50.00 109416 08110/2006 010238 BLUERIDGE 8/12 Summer Night Entertainer 3,000.00 3,000.00 109417 08110/2006 010242 BRADSHAW, DOLLY M 8/11 Summer Night Entertainer 800.00 800.00 109418 08110/2006 003222 BROCKMEIER, CAROL Retirement Medical Payment 650.74 650.74 109419 08110/2006 010241 BROTHERS BARTON, THE 8/11 Summer Night Entertainer 800.00 800.00 109420 08110/2006 006908 C C & COMPANY INC Prof. Clowns Pumpkin Carving - 10/28/06 100.00 100.00 109421 08110/2006 010234 CDS OFFICE PRODUCTS INC Police Storefront Monitor Arm 210.11 Credit: City install monitor arm -20.00 190.11 109422 08110/2006 001178 C M S BUSINESS FORMS INC Code Enforce Warning Notices 1,344.45 1,344.45 109423 08110/2006 003138 CAL MAT PW patch truck materials 150.00 PW patch truck materials 113.14 PW patch truck materials 85.70 PW patch truck materials 75.43 424.27 109424 08110/2006 005384 CALIF BAGEL BAKERY & DELI Refreshments: Council closed session 226.28 226.28 109425 08110/2006 009067 CALIF BANK & TRUST Rei Retention Esrw Edge Devel:T.Library 77,986.76 77,986.76 109426 08110/2006 000647 CALIF DEPT OF CONSUMER Membership: Kendra Hannah C69923 125.00 125.00 AFFAIRS 109427 08110/2006 000413 CALIF DEPT OF FISH & GAME Murrieta Crk mowing permit fees 200.00 200.00 109428 08110/2006 004228 CAMERON WELDING SUPPLY Helium tanks refill/Rental:TCSD 39.48 39.48 109429 08110/2006 000131 CARL WARREN & COMPANY INC 12/20-7/27 Claim adjuster services 3,372.16 5/10-7/27 Claim adjuster services 877.40 4,249.56 109430 08110/2006 010254 CERWIN, LORRAINE Refund: Summer Day Camp 8/14-18 100.00 100.00 109431 08110/2006 003534 CLOUD PRODUCTIONS 8/18 Summer Night Entertainer 600.00 600.00 Page:3 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 4 08/1012006 3:25:24PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 109432 08110/2006 004405 COMMUNITY HEALTH CHARITIES Community Health Charities Payment 150.00 150.00 109433 08110/2006 000442 COMPUTER ALERT SYSTEMS P.Birdsall Sprts Cmplx alarm monitoring 59.13 59.13 109434 08110/2006 006954 CRAFTSMEN PLUMBING & HVAC Plumbing repairs: City Hall 104.72 104.72 109435 08110/2006 009524 CREATIVE HANDS ART SCHOOL TCSD instructor earnings 252.00 TCSD instructor earnings 31.50 TCSD instructor earnings 21.00 304.50 109436 08110/2006 010207 CRIME & TRAUMA SCENE Bio clean contaminated roadway 710.00 710.00 SPCLST. 109437 08110/2006 010257 CUIN, MARIO Refund: Security Dept- TCC 150.00 150.00 109438 08110/2006 010259 CUSTOM WEST INC Refund: Security Depst: TCC 150.00 150.00 109439 08110/2006 001393 DATA TICKET INC Jun 06 Prkg Citations processing 1,300.35 1,300.35 109440 08110/2006 002990 DAVID TURCH & ASSOCIATES Jul/Aug Federal lobbyist consultant svcs 6,700.00 6,700.00 109441 08110/2006 010256 DELL, EMILE Refund: Fairy tale Princess Dance 107.00 107.00 109442 08110/2006 010249 DIATO, JANET Refund: Security Depst:CRC 150.00 150.00 109443 08110/2006 000684 DIEHL EVANS & COMPANY LLP FY 05/06 interim audit charges 4,000.00 4,000.00 109444 08110/2006 010185 DOVE-DANIELS, STACEY Critiques for Rizing Starz class 150.00 150.00 109445 08110/2006 004192 DOWNS COMMERCIAL FUELING Fuel for City Vehicles: TCSD 2,005.70 INC Fuel for City Vehicles:PW Mntc 1,486.30 Fuel for City Vehicles:PW/NPDES/CIP 805.05 Fuel for City Vehicles:Bldg&Safety 534.22 Fuel for City Vehicles:Code Enforcement 330.12 Fuel for City Vehicles:CIP/City Van 216.19 Fuel for City Vehicles:Planning/Police 213.74 Fuel for City Vehicles:CIP 151.20 5,742.52 109446 08110/2006 001669 DUNN EDWARDS CORPORATION Supplies for graffiti removal 391.14 391.14 Page:4 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 5 08/1012006 3:25:24PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 109447 08110/2006 000523 EASTERN MUNICIPAL WATER Library sewer connection fees 114,917.50 114,917.50 DIST 109448 08110/2006 010255 ECKSTEIN, L YN Refund:Summer Day Camp 7/17-28 208.34 Refund:Summer Day Camp 7/31-8111 208.33 Refund:Summer Day Camp 8/14-18 103.33 520.00 109449 08110/2006 005880 EDGE DEVELOPMENT INC. Jul prgss: Public Library 779,867.59 Jul Retention: Public Library -77,986.76 701,880.83 109450 08110/2006 004592 ELITE BOBCAT SERVICE INC Jul prgss: R.Calif Median Prjt 160,855.50 Jul Retention: R.Calif Median Prjt -16,085.55 144,769.95 109451 08110/2006 002438 ENGEN CONSULTANTS INC. Jun prgss: Diaz Rd Rehab Prgm 8,148.75 Jun prgss: Pauba Rd Phase II 8,117.53 Credit: Invoice exceeds contract -1,043.34 15,222.94 109452 08110/2006 005115 ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR INC 7/18 Day Camp excursion van rental 141.72 141.72 109453 08110/2006 008487 EVERETT, GINGER Refund:Level1 SWim Lessons 45.00 45.00 109454 08110/2006 006902 FAN ENE, LYNN Reimb:C.P.O.A.Membership dues 30.00 30.00 109455 08110/2006 000165 FEDERAL EXPRESS INC July 17 Express mail services 31.41 July 17 Express mail services 29.25 60.66 109456 08110/2006 010252 FINDL, JACQUELYN S. Refund: Cancel CRC rental 444.00 444.00 109457 08110/2006 003747 FINE ARTS NETWORK Ticket Sales:2 pmt:Upon a Mattress 4,540.06 4,540.06 109458 08110/2006 009484 FIRST AMERICAN REAL ESTATE CIP property information:923507 600.00 CIP property information:9232508 400.00 1,000.00 109459 08110/2006 000166 FIRST AMERICAN TrTLE Lot Book Report: Fritz, J & C 75.00 COMPANY Lot Book Report: Akerly-Crowley 75.00 150.00 109460 08110/2006 009197 FLO SYSTEMS INC repair sewage pumps @Skate Park 3,991.80 3,991.80 109461 08110/2006 002982 FRANCHISE TAX BOARD Support Payment Case # 452379267 75.00 75.00 PageS apChkLst Final Check List Page: 6 08/1012006 3:25:24PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 109462 08110/2006 000177 GLENNIES OFFICE PRODUCTS Misc office supplies: Planning 1,665.01 INC Misc office supplies: TCSD/Aquatics 761.42 Misc office supplies: PW/Eng. 384.50 Misc office supplies: Bldg & Safety 366.12 Misc office supplies: Human Resources 288.69 Misc Office Supplies: Theater/Cultural 284.80 Misc Office Supplies: CRC 190.81 Misc office supplies: Finance Dept 131.27 Misc office supplies: City Mgr/Eco Dev 106.45 Misc office supplies: Info SyslGIS 71.90 Misc office supplies: RDA-Low/Mod 60.12 4,311.09 109463 08110/2006 009909 GOULD JR, WILLIAM JAMES Sound/Artist Fee:Summer & Keenwild 999.99 999.99 109464 08110/2006 008934 GRAHAM, KERRI Refund:Summer Day Camp 7/31-8111 207.50 Refund: Summer Day Camp 8/14-18 102.50 310.00 109465 08110/2006 010176 GROSS, RICK Refund:Level 3 SWim Lessons 45.00 45.00 109466 08110/2006 006636 HAMMONS, DIANA Refund:Level1 SWim Lessons 40.00 40.00 109467 08110/2006 000186 HANKS HARDWARE INC Hardware supplies:City Parks 393.86 Hardware supplies:CRC/Sports 379.19 Hardware supplies:Theater 347.22 Hardware supplies: Art Cart 213.83 Hardware supplies:PW 157.75 Hardware supplies:Aquatics 65.86 Hardware supplies:C.Museum 23.16 Hardware supplies:Bldg & Safety 11.84 Hardware supplies:T.Museum 11.30 1,604.01 109468 08110/2006 002107 HM INSURANCE GROUP Voluntary Supp Life Insurance Payment 860.80 860.80 109469 08110/2006 005748 HODSON, CHERYL A. Support Payment 70.21 70.21 109470 08110/2006 000963 HOGAN, DAVID Retirement Medical Payment 650.74 650.74 109471 08110/2006 001517 HORIZON HEALTH EE confidential assistance prgm 827.20 827.20 109472 08110/2006 000194 I C M A RETIREMENT-PLAN I C M A Retirement Trust 457 Payment 12,408.41 12,408.41 303355 109473 08110/2006 009135 IMPACT MARKETING & DESIGN Theater staff shirts with City logo 41.79 41.79 INC Page:6 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 7 08/1012006 3:25:24PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 109474 08110/2006 001407 INTER VALLEY POOL SUPPLY Pool sanitizing chemicals 751.84 INC Pool sanitizing chemicals 437.15 Pool sanitizing chemicals 389.41 Pool sanitizing chemicals 347.28 Pool sanitizing chemicals 240.28 Pool sanitizing chemicals 224.66 2,390.62 109475 08110/2006 010119 IRS-OIC Supp Pmt Offer#1000497587 452379267 140.11 140.11 109476 08110/2006 010258 JOHNSON, EVA Refund: Security Dept- Amphitheater 150.00 150.00 109477 08110/2006 009879 JONES, MYRA S. Refund:Picnic Shelter:R.Reagan Prk 55.00 55.00 109478 08110/2006 003046 K FRO G 95.1 FM RADIO Summer Nights radio broadcast svcs 2,145.00 2,145.00 109479 08110/2006 002789 KIMCO STAFFING SERVICES INC Temp help PPE 7130 Bagdasarian 638.00 Temp help PPE 7/16 Wedeking 580.00 Temp help PPE 7/9 Wedeking 464.00 Temp help PPE 7/23 Wedeking 116.00 Temp help PPE 7/30 Wedeking 116.00 Temp help PPE 7/30 Medina 63.80 Temp help PPE 7/30 Board 63.80 Temp help PPE 7/30 Wood 51.84 2,093.44 109480 08110/2006 004481 KIMLEY HORN & ASSOCIATES May design: Multi-Purpose Trail Prjt 20,753.86 INC Credit: billed in excess of contract -9,724.23 11,029.63 109481 08110/2006 004062 KUSTOM SIGNALS INC Talk base Stn brackets:Police 380.66 380.66 109482 08110/2006 000482 LEIGHTON CONSULTING INC Jun prgss:Educ Cntr Rough Grading 5,305.00 5,305.00 109483 08110/2006 010246 LEWlS R POWELL DMD, INC Bldg Fac Prgm: Gen. Dentistry 140.00 140.00 109484 08110/2006 008070 LOPEZ-WILLIAMS, LORENA Refund: Kids Cake Decorating- Basic 5.00 5.00 109485 08110/2006 005090 LOS RANCHITOS HOME, HOA dues: APN 922-140-010 25.00 OWNERS ASSOC. HOA dues: APN 922-190-035 25.00 50.00 109486 08110/2006 008965 LOWDER, BOB 8/12 Summer Night Entertainer 650.00 650.00 Page:? apChkLst Final Check List Page: 8 08/1012006 3:25:24PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 109487 08110/2006 004087 LOWES INC Hardware supplies:Theater 277.90 Hardware supplies:Theater 112.03 Hardware supplies:Theater 35.69 425.62 109488 08110/2006 008257 LOYA, MARIANO Bilingual assessment testing svcs 240.00 240.00 109489 08110/2006 010253 LUNDGREN, GAIL Refund:Level 2 SWim Lessons 40.00 40.00 109490 08110/2006 004068 MANALlLI, AILEEN TCSD Instructor Earnings 374.50 TCSD Instructor Earnings 290.50 TCSD Instructor Earnings 238.00 TCSD Instructor Earnings 196.00 TCSD Instructor Earnings 138.25 TCSD Instructor Earnings 77.00 1,314.25 109491 08110/2006 001967 MANPOWER TEMPORARY Temp help wle 07/23 Hoof/Dankworth 1,368.80 1,368.80 SERVICES 109492 08110/2006 006571 MELODY'S AD WORKS Aug consulting svcs:Smr Nights 4,500.00 4,500.00 109493 08110/2006 003076 MET LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY MetLife Dental Insurance Payment 7,879.68 7,879.68 109494 08110/2006 004894 MICHAEL BRANDMAN Apr eng svcs:Pechanga Pkwy Ph II 3,517.92 3,517.92 ASSOCIATES 109495 08110/2006 008091 MILLMORE'S WAX CREW City vehicles detailing svcs:PW Depts 100.00 100.00 109496 08110/2006 004534 MOBILE SATELLITE VENTURES Aug EOC Stn Satellite Phone SVcs 71.94 71.94 LP 109497 08110/2006 001214 MORNINGSTAR PRODUCTIONS, sound system: Smr Nights 8/11/06 4,266.00 4,266.00 LLC 109498 08110/2006 002925 NAPA AUTO PARTS parts/supplies:PW Maint 108.91 partslsupplies:PW Maint 34.47 partslsupplies:PW Maint -34.47 108.91 109499 08110/2006 008820 NEIGHBORS NEWSPAPER Jul Hot Summer Nights ad:RDA 250.00 250.00 109500 08110/2006 010273 NIXON PEABODY LLP Jul '06 legal services 64,290.21 64,290.21 109501 08110/2006 002139 NORTH COUNTY TIMES Jun display ads:RDA 291.08 Jun display ads:City Clerk 289.72 580.80 Page:8 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 9 08/1012006 3:25:24PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 109502 08110/2006 010267 NYSENBAUM, JENNYL YN refund:level 4/5 swim lessons 8/14-25 40.00 refund:level 4/5 swim lessons 7/31-8/11 40.00 80.00 109503 08110/2006 002256 P & 0 CONSULTANTS INC Jun inspection svcs: Henderson 14,535.36 credit:amount exceeds contract -10,899.86 3,635.50 109504 08110/2006 010141 PARK, YOUNG refund:Junior Voice Camp 30.00 30.00 109505 08110/2006 003218 PELA Jun plan check svcs: Planning 7,870.00 credit:amount exceeds contract -6,368.00 1,502.00 109506 08110/2006 001958 PERS LONG TERM CARE PERS Long Term Care Payment 288.55 288.55 PROGRAM 109507 08110/2006 000249 PETTY CASH Petty Cash Reimbursement 613.64 Petty Cash Reimbursement 14.42 628.06 109508 08110/2006 001999 PITNEY BOWES Postage meter cartridges:Central Svcs 699.78 699.78 109509 08110/2006 009161 POLETTI, GUSTAVO TCSD Instructor Earnings 543.38 TCSD Instructor Earnings 36.75 580.13 109510 08110/2006 002185 POSTMASTER-TEMECULA Postage for Theater Brochures 1,950.00 1,950.00 109511 08110/2006 005820 PRE-PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC PrePaid Legal Services Payment 463.35 463.35 109512 08110/2006 000254 PRESS ENTERPRISE COMPANY Jun display ads:TCSD/RDA 2,870.43 2,870.43 INC 109513 08110/2006 003493 PRO-CRAFT Res Imprv Prgm:Bacopulos, George 7,500.00 7,500.00 109514 08110/2006 009717 PSOMAS Harveston bond conversion CFD 01-2 10,000.00 10,000.00 109515 08110/2006 008964 PULSIFER, JAMES performance: Smr Nights 7/28/06 650.00 650.00 109516 08110/2006 VOID 0.00 0.00 109517 08110/2006 VOID 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Page:9 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 10 08/1012006 3:25:24PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 109518 08110/2006 004584 REGENCY LIGHTING Jun electrical supplies: TCSD 1,537.21 1,537.21 109519 08110/2006 003591 RENES COMMERCIAL weed abate/trash c1ean-up:City R-O-Ws 5,000.00 5,000.00 MANAGEMENT 109520 08110/2006 007504 REUSING, HOLLY refund:Summer Day Camp 435.00 435.00 109521 08110/2006 000353 RIVERSIDE CO AUDITOR Jun '06 parking citation asmnts 4,452.01 4,452.01 109522 08110/2006 000418 RIVERSIDE CO CLERK & Ntc of Exemption:31089 Pauba Rd 64.00 64.00 RECORDER 109523 08110/2006 001365 RIVERSIDE COUNTY OF Apr-Jun '06 vector control svcs 681.66 681.66 109524 08110/2006 000271 ROBERT BEIN WM FROST & Jun consult svcs:I-15/79S Ult Intrchg 9,258.50 9,258.50 ASSOC 109525 08110/2006 010099 RONSON, ASCELLA refund:Creative Beginnings 136.00 136.00 109526 08110/2006 005107 RUSSELL, ELIZABETH refund:level 4/5 swim lessons 40.00 40.00 109527 08110/2006 010266 RUSSELL, TRACI refund:Teen Beach Blanket Trip 5.00 5.00 109528 08110/2006 007113 RYLE, SHEILA H. TCSD Instructor Earnings 2,204.16 2,204.16 109529 08110/2006 007582 SAFEGUARD DENTAL & VISION SafeGuard Vision Plan Payment 918.59 918.59 109530 08110/2006 008693 SALAZAR, DONALD (SWD 000053) Support Payment 283.50 283.50 109531 08110/2006 005227 SAN DIEGO COUNTY OF Support Payment Case # DF099118 25.00 25.00 109532 08110/2006 006815 SAN DIEGO, COUNTY OF Support Payment Acct # 581 095025 12.50 12.50 109533 08110/2006 004562 SCHIRMER ENGINEERING CORP. Jun plan check srvcs: Fire Prey 1,470.75 1,470.75 109534 08110/2006 008529 SHERIFF'S CIVIL DIV - CENTRAL Support Pmt LO File # 2005033893 150.00 150.00 Page:10 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 11 08/1012006 3:25:24PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 109535 08110/2006 004460 SILVERADO BLUEGRASS BAND periormance:Smr Nights 8/11 1,200.00 1,200.00 109536 08110/2006 010269 SMALL, PETER lecturer @ T. Museum 8/12/06 200.00 200.00 109537 08110/2006 000645 SMART & FINAL INC Summer Day Camp Supplies 178.72 Summer Day Camp Supplies 94.02 272.74 109538 08110/2006 000537 SO CALIF EDISON Aug 2-02-351-5281 eRe 10,869.07 Jul 2-05-791-8807 various mtrs 10,649.12 Aug 2-27-805-3194 Theater 8,875.30 Aug 2-20-798-3248 C. Museum 3,048.27 Aug 2-10-331-2153 Tee 2,257.94 35,699.70 109539 08110/2006 009411 SOURCEMEDIA INC. Bond Buyer's Cf9/24-26 G.Roberts 195.00 195.00 109540 08110/2006 000519 SOUTH COUNTY PEST CONTROL pest control svcs: N.General Kearny 252.00 INC pest control svcs:Rancho Highlands 84.00 pest control svcs:Temeku Hills Pk 84.00 420.00 109541 08110/2006 007762 STANDARD OF OREGON Mandatory Life Insurance Payment 10,081.16 10,081.16 109542 08110/2006 003599 T Y L1N INTERNATIONAL Jun prof svcs:Roripaugh/Btrfld Stage 35,382.45 35,382.45 109543 08110/2006 000305 TARGET BANK BUS CARD SRVCS Summer day camp supplies 58.64 Summer day camp supplies 45.36 Summer day camp supplies 8.61 Summer day camp supplies 8.48 Summer day camp supplies 3.60 124.69 109544 08110/2006 010191 TAYLOR, JUDY periormance:Smr Nights 8/18 250.00 250.00 109545 08110/2006 001547 TEAMSTERS LOCAL 911 Union Dues Payment 4,730.00 4,730.00 109546 08110/2006 006465 TEMECULA AUTO REPAIR PW boom truck diagnostic eval 130.00 130.00 109547 08110/2006 000307 TEMECULA TROPHY COMPANY signature stamp: Finance 26.94 nameplate: Sgt. J. Anderson 8.62 35.56 109548 08110/2006 000515 TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER Idrshp academy S.Brown 9/16-10/26 1,375.00 1,375.00 OF 109549 08110/2006 010261 TEMECULA VALLEY GOLF Facade Prgm: T.V. Golf School 135.00 135.00 SCHOOL Page:11 apChkLst Final Check List Page: 12 08/1012006 3:25:24PM CITY OF TEMECULA Bank: union UNION BANK OF CALIFORNIA (Continued) Check # Date Vendor Description Amount Paid Check Total 109550 08110/2006 004274 TEMECULA VALLEY SECURITY locksmith services:City Hall 80.00 80.00 CENTR 109551 08110/2006 010192 THOMAS, ROSALIE performance: Smr Nights 7/21/06 650.00 650.00 109552 08110/2006 003862 THYSSENKRUPP Jul-Sep elev/phone monitoring:City Fac's 1,874.40 1,874.40 ELEVATOR.BRNCH 37 109553 08110/2006 010265 TONER, ANGEL refund:JWTumbles Smr Camp 290.00 290.00 109554 08110/2006 007433 TOVEY SHULTZ CONSTRUCTION release retention:Roripaugh Fire Stn 330,195.42 INC stop ntc:ComtronixlRoripaugh Fire Stn -3,063.66 327,131.76 109555 08110/2006 010260 TOWNSEND, ED Res ImplY Prgm: Townsend 67.50 67.50 109556 08110/2006 010262 TRACY, JENNIFER refund:SMART Excursion-Pharaoh's 20.00 20.00 109557 08110/2006 003031 TRAFFIC CONTROL SERVICE INC traffic control devices:PWMaint 243.46 243.46 109558 08110/2006 000325 UNITED WAY United Way Charities Payment 212.15 212.15 109559 08110/2006 006807 VANIR CONSTRUCTION Jun constr mgmt:W.C. Fire Stn 18,488.21 18,488.21 109560 08110/2006 004261 VERIZON Jul xxx-5509 general usage 147.51 Jul xxx-1540 Old Town Prk Lot 90.11 Jul xxx-0049 general usage 37.46 Jul xxx-1999 general usage 33.34 Jul xxx-6620 general usage 27.45 335.87 109561 08110/2006 004279 VERIZON CALIFORNIA INC. Jul access-C. Mus.phone line 653.50 Jul access-CRC phone line 353.60 1,007.10 109562 08110/2006 004789 VERIZON ONLINE Internet svcs xx9549 Police Storefront 42.42 42.42 109563 08110/2006 009928 WASBOTTEN, MICHAEL JEROME performance:Smr Nights 8/11/06 500.00 500.00 109564 08110/2006 010264 WILLITS, JESSICA refund :sec.depositlM PSC 150.00 150.00 109565 08110/2006 010263 WOOD, ROBERT refund:Skyhawks-Multi Sport 82.00 82.00 Page:12 apChkLst 08/1012006 3:25:24PM 109566 08/10/2006 009897 RAMIREZ, ELlGIO PAES 109567 08110/2006 000262 RANCHO CALIFORNIA WATER Final Check List CITY OF TEMECULA RES IMP PRGRM: MAIN, JANA 1,125.00 Page: 13 1,125.00 28,035.56 2,304,993.12 VARIOUS WATER METERS 28,035.56 GRAND TOTAL ALL CHECKS: Page:13 I~-- . , II ITEM NO.4 II , II - . . . I I II II __. . I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager p.f"" 1112. Cf CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City ManagerlCity Council FROM: Genie Roberts, Director of Finance DATE: August 22, 2006 SUBJECT: TrusteelFiscal Agent Services for FY 06/07 PREPARED BY: Polly von Richter, Senior Debt Analyst RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the expenditure of $38,760 for annual TrusteelFiscal Agent services provided by US Bank for the City's Community Facilities Districts, Assessment District, Tax Allocation Bonds and Certificates of Participation for fiscal year 2006/07. BACKGROUND: The City of Temecula has six (6) existing Community Facilities Districts and one (1) Assessment District: * CFD 88-12 (Ynez Corridor) CFD 01-2 (Harveston) CFD 03-1 (Crowne Hill) CFD 03-2 (Roripaugh Ranch) * CFD 03-3 (Wolf Creek) CFD 03-6 (Harveston II) AD 03-4 (John Warner Road) * * * * * Additionally, the Redevelopment Agency has issued Tax Allocation Bonds and the Temecula Community Services District has issued Certificates of Participation. Arbitrage calculations will be performed in the coming year for the Certificates of Participation. During formation of each of these bond issues, a Fiscal Agent Agreement, Trust Agreement or Indenture of Trust was executed with US Bank to remain in effect for the duration of the financing. Services provided by the TrusteelFiscal Agent include establishing and holding accounts (such as the special tax fund, improvement fund, reserve fund, and administrative fund), transferring funds between accounts to pay debt service, disbursing funds to the City upon receipt of draw requests, dissemination of annual disclosure information for both the developer and City as bond issuer, and arbitrage monitoring/reporting. FISCAL IMPACT: Funds forthe TrusteelFiscal Agent services are included in the annual special tax levies for each of the Districts. As such, each of the special district funds will have sufficient budget to pay for these services. ATTACHMENTS: US Bank Schedule of Fees for FY 2006/07 US BANK SCHEDULE OF FEES FOR CITY OF TEMECULA FY 2006/07 CFD 88-12 (Ynez Corridor) $ 3,300.00 CFD 01-2 (Harveston) $ 6,760.00 CFD 03-1 (Crowne Hill) $ 5,250.00 CFD 03-2 (Roripaugh Ranch) * $ 0.00 CFD 03-3 (Wolf Creek) $ 6,100.00 CFD 03-6 (Harveston II) $ 4,500.00 AD 03-4 (John Warner Road) $ 1,250.00 RDA Tax Allocation Bonds (TABs) $ 4,850.00 TCSD Certificates of Participation (COPs) $ 4,250.00 TCSD COPs Arbitrage $ 2.500.00 $38.760_00 -- * Fiscal Agent fees for the first year of administration of CFD 03-2 (Roripaugh Ranch) were paid when bonds were issued. I~-- . , II ITEM NO.5 II , II - . . . I I II II __. . I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager p.f" 41l 9f} CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City ManagerlCity Council FROM: Genie Roberts, Director of Finance DATE: August 22, 2006 SUBJECT: Purchase of Seventeen (17) City Vehicles PREPARED BY: Gus Papagolos, Fiscal Services Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Approve the purchase of the following vehicles from Rancho Ford: One (1) 2007, 2WD, 1-Ton Utility Truck $26,073.35 One (1) 2007, 4WD Extended Cab Flatbed Utility Truck $36,519.71 One (1) 2007, 4WD %-Ton F-250 Pickup Truck $26,707.99 One (1) 2007, 4WD Y:!-Ton F-150 Extended Cab Pickup Truck $20,216.06 Five (5) 2007, 2WD Y:!-Ton F-150 Extended Cab Pickup Truck $86,173.05 One (1) 2007, Y:! -Ton Cargo Van $14,363.08 Three (3) 2007, 2WD 4-Door Hybrid SUV $79,212.42 2. Approve the purchase of the following vehicles from Norm Reeves Dodge: Four (4) 2007, 4WD Y:!-Ton Ram 1500 Quad Cab Pickup Truck $102,057.52 BACKGROUND: The adoption of the fiscal year 2006/07 Annual Operating Budget approved the funding for the purchase of seventeen (17) vehicles citywide. Of the seventeen vehicles, eight are replacement vehicles under the City's depreciation program, with the remaining nine vehicles being new to the City's fleet. Public Works will utilize five vehicles, Code Enforcement will utilize two vehicles, Community Services District will utilize two vehicles, Fire Department will utilize two vehicles, Building and Safety will utilize two vehicles, Police CAP will utilize three vehicles (hybrid of gasoline and electricity for lower emissions), and I nformation Systems and City Clerk will share the use of one vehicle. On July 19, 2006, the Requests for Proposal (RFPs) were mailed to all the local dealerships for the purchase of seventeen vehicles (see attached Vehicle Vendor List). Proposals were received from three dealerships as listed below. Based on previous purchases, the bids received are considered competitive and are recommended by staff. Please note that the total cost for the purchase of the seventeen vehicles is $391 ,323.18, which is $54,758.82 under the budgeted amount. The purchase of these vehicles will satisfy the vehicle requirements for the identified departments. Public Works - One (1) 4WD Extended Cab Flatbed HID Utility Truck: Rancho Ford 4WD Extended Cab Flatbed Utility Truck Paradise Chevrolet Norm Reeves Public Works - Four (4) 4WD 'I.-Ton 4-Door Pickup Truck: Norm Reeves Paradise Chevrolet Rancho Ford 4WD 'I.-Ton Ram Quad Cab Pickup Truck 4WD 'I.-Ton Silverado Crew Cab Pickup Truck 4WD 'I.-Ton F-150 Crew Cab Pickup Truck Code Enforcement - Two (2) 2WD 'I.-Ton Pickup Truck: Rancho Ford Norm Reeves Paradise Chevrolet 2WD 'I.-Ton F-150 Pickup Truck 2WD 'I.-Ton Ram 1500 Pickup Truck 2WD 'I.-Ton Silverado 1500 Pickup Truck Community Services District - One (1) 2WD 1-Ton Utility Truck: Rancho Ford 2WD 1-Ton F-350 Utility Truck Paradise Chevrolet Norm Reeves $36,519.71 NOBID NOBID $25,514.38 $25,695.39 $26,714.46 $17 ,234.61 $21,928.46 $24,254.02 $26,073.35 NOBID NOBID Community Services District - One (1) 4WD 'I.-Ton Extended Cab Pickup Truck: Rancho Ford Paradise Chevrolet Norm Reeves Dodge 4WD 'I.-Ton F-150 Pickup Truck 4WD 'I.-Ton Silverado 1500 Pickup Truck 4WD 'I.-Ton Ram 1500 Pickup Truck Fire Department - One (1) 4WD "I.-Ton 4-Door Pickup Truck: Rancho Ford Norm Reeves Dodge Paradise Chevrolet 4WD %-Ton F-250 Crew Cab Pickup Truck 4WD %-Ton Ram Quad Cab Pickup Truck 4WD %-Ton Silverado Crew Cab Pickup Truck Fire Department - One (1) 2WD 'I.-Ton Extended Cab Pickup Truck: Rancho Ford Paradise Chevrolet Norm Reeves Dodge 2WD 'I.-Ton F-150 Extended Cab Pickup Truck 2WD 'I.-Ton Silverado Crew Cab Pickup Truck 2WD 'I.-Ton Ram Quad Cab Pickup Truck Building and Safety - Two (2) 2WD 'I.-Ton Extended Cab Pickup Truck: Rancho Ford Paradise Chevrolet Norm Reeves Dodge 2WD 'I.-Ton F-150 Extended Cab Pickup Truck 2WD 'I.-Ton Silverado Crew Cab Pickup Truck 2WD 'I.-Ton Ram Quad Cab Pickup Truck Police CAP - Three (3) 2WD 4-Door Hybrid SUV: Rancho Ford Escape Hybrid Paradise Chevrolet Norm Reeves Dodge $20,216.06 $24,216.91 $25,196.52 $26,707.99 $27,818.07 $29,739.00 $17 ,234.61 $20,387.49 $21,928.46 $17 ,234.61 $20,387.49 $21,928.46 $26,404.14 NOBID NOBID Information Systems and City Clerk - One (1) 'I.-Ton Cargo Van: Rancho Ford Paradise Chevrolet Norm Reeves Dodge 'I.-Ton Cargo Van 'I.-Ton Cargo Van $14,363.08 $18,979.71 NOBID FISCAL IMPACT: Adequate funds are available in the Vehicle Internal Service Fund for this purchase. Adequate funds are also budgeted in the respective departments for depreciation expense. ATTACHMENTS: Vehicle Vendor List Vehicle Vendor List Carriage Motors Danny Hale P.O. Box 892830 Temecula, CA 92581-2830 Norm Reeves Dan Wilson 26755 Ynez Road Temecula, ~ 92591 Rancho Ford Gordan Schock 26895 Ynez Road Temecula, ~ 92591 Saturn of Temecula 27540 Ynez Road Temecula, CA 92591 Toyota of Temecula 26631 Ynez Road Temecula, ~ 92591 Paradise Chevrolet Becky Young P.O. Box 9036 Temecula, ~ 92589-9036 Nissan of Temecula 41895 Motor Car Pkwy Temecula, ~ 92591 I~-- . , II ITEM NO.6 II , II - . . . I I II II __. . I APPROV AL ~r- CITY ATTORNEY _~_ DIR.OF FINANCE _~ CITY MANAGER tjty - 'J' CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City ManagerlCity Council FROM: Grant Yates, Assistant to the City Manager DATE: August22,2006 SUBJECT: Temporary Staffing Agreements PREPARED BY: Beth Gutierrez, Human Resources Analyst RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve: 1) An agreement for temporary staffing services with AppleOne for an annual amount of $165,000 and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. 2) An agreement for temporary staffing services with Manpower for an annual amount of $110,000 and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. 3) An agreement for temporary staffing services with Kimco for an annual amount of $55,000 and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. 4) An agreement for temporary staffing services with TriStaff for an annual amount of $55,000 and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. BACKGROUND: The CityofTemecula has utilized temporary staffing agencies to provide supplemental temporary employment services on an as needed basis. Each Departments' operating budgets have included funding for temporary employee needs through the current fiscal year. In addition, during the recruitment phase of filling a position and when essential staff is out on extended periods, temporary staff has been utilized to fill the void and manage the workflow until the authorized position is filled or the absent staff member returns to work. These recommended contract amounts ensure that all City departments can utilize these staffing agencies to meet their operational needs. For the past few years, we have utilized AppleOne and Manpower consistently to meet the staffing needs of our organization. Kimco and TriStaff Services have provided additional access to a wide pool of temporary employees in order to meet immediate requests for administrative personnel. They have proven to be competitive in their pricing and have provided a high caliber of candidates to meet our temporary staffing needs. Therefore, we are confident that the business relationship we have successfully developed with AppleOne and Manpower will continue to provide a top quality service for our City. FISCAL IMPACT: Adequate funds are budgeted within each department to fund temporary staffing services. ATTACHMENTS: Agreements with AppleOne, Manpower, Kimco and Tristaff C\WINDOVVS\apsdoc\nettemp\2624 \$ASQpdf814975.doc NON-EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT FOR TEMPORARY STAFFING SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF TEMECULA AND APPLEONE THIS AGREEMENT is made and effective as of September 1,2006, between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation ("City") and AppleOne (Contractor). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. TERM. This Agreement shall commence on September 1,2006, and shall remain and continue in effect from year to year unless either party notifies the other, in writing, within thirty (30) days of the most recent invoice date to terminate this Agreement. 2. SERVICES. Contractor shall perform the services and tasks described and set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. Contractor shall complete the tasks according to the schedule of performance which is also set forth in Exhibit A. Contractor recognizes and agrees that this Agreement is for the purpose of establishing a contractual relationship between the City and Contractor for the non-exclusive procurement of temporary staffing services. The Contractor understands this Agreement is non-exclusive and the City reserves the right to purchase similar services from other Contractors. 3. PERFORMANCE. Contractor shall at all time faithfully, competently and to the best of his or her ability, experience, and talent, perform all tasks described herein. Contractor shall employ, at a minimum, generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services as are required of Contractor hereunder in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 4. PAYMENT. a. The City agrees to pay Contractor monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and terms and the schedule of payment as set forth in Exhibit B, Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. Any terms in Exhibit B other than the payment rates and schedule of payment are null and void. This amount shall not exceed $165,000.00 (One Hundred Sixty Five Thousand Dollars and no Cents) annually. The not to exceed payment amount listed herein is an estimated expenditure and this Agreement does not guarantee Contractor this amount is purchases. b. Contractor shall not be compensated for any services rendered in connection with its performance of this Agreement which are in addition to those set forth herein, unless such additional services are authorized in advance and in writing by the City Manager. Contractor shall be compensated for any additional services in the amounts and in the manner as agreed to by City Manager and Contractor at the time City's written authorization is given to Contractor for the performance of said services. c. Contractor will submit invoices monthly for actual services performed. Invoices shall be submitted between the first and fifteenth business day of each month, for services provided in the previous month. Payment shall be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of each invoice as to all non-disputed fees. If the City disputes any of Contractor's fees it shall give written notice to Contractor within 30 days of receipt of a invoice of any disputed fees set forth on the invoice. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 5. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT WITHOUT CAUSE. a. The City may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the Contractor at least ten (10) days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Contractor shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. If the City suspends or terminates a portion of this Agreement such suspension or termination shall not make void or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement. b. In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section, the City shall pay to Contractor the actual value of the work performed up to the time of termination, provided that the work performed is of value to the City. Upon termination of the Agreement pursuant to this Section, the Contractor will submit an invoice to the City pursuant to Section 4. 6. DEFAULT OF CONTRACTOR. a. The Contractor's failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute a default. I n the event that Contractor is in default for cause under the terms of this Agreement, City shall have no obligation or duty to continue compensating Contractor for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the Contractor. If such failure by the Contractor to make progress in the performance of work hereunder arises out of causes beyond the Contractor's control, and without fault or negligence of the Contractor, it shall not be considered a default. b. If the City Manager or his delegate determines that the Contractor is in default in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, it shall serve the Contractor with written notice of the default. The Contractor shall have (10) days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the Contractor fails to cure its default within such period of time, the City shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law, in equity or under this Agreement. 7. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. a. Contractor shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to sales, costs, expenses, receipts and other such information required by City that relate to the performance of services under this Agreement. Contractor shall maintain adequate records of services provided in sufficient detail to permit an evaluation of services. All such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be clearly identi- fied and readily accessible. Contractor shall provide free access to the representatives of City or its designees at reasonable times to such books and records, shall give City the right to examine and audit said books and records, shall permit City to make transcripts there from as necessary, and shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings and activities related to this Agreement. Such records, together with supporting documents, shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years after receipt of final payment. b. Upon completion of, or in the event of termination or suspension of this Agreement, all original documents, designs, drawings, maps, models, computer files containing data generated for the work, surveys, notes, and other documents prepared in the course of providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall become the sole property of the City and may be used, reused or otherwise disposed of by the City without the permission of the Contractor. With respect to computer files containing data generated for the work, Contractor shall make R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 available to the City, upon reasonable written request by the City, the necessary computer software and hardware for purposes of accessing, compiling, transferring and printing computer files. c. With respect to the design of public improvements, the Contractor shall not be liable for any injuries or property damage resulting from the reuse of the design at a location other than that specified in Exhibit A without the written consent of the Contractor. 8. INDEMNIFICATION. The Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify, protect and hold harmless the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, defense costs or expenses, including attorney fees and expert witness fees, or liability of any kind or nature which the City, its officers, agents and employees may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property arising out of Contractor's negligent or wrongful acts or omissions arising out of or in any way related to the performance or non-performance of this Agreement, excepting only liability arising out of the negligence of the City. 9. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property, which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, its agents, representatives, or employees. a. Minimum ScoDe of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as: (1) Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability form No. CG 0001 11 85 or 88. (2) Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 06 92 covering Automobile Liability, code 1 (any auto). If the Contractor owns no automobiles, a non-owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy described above is acceptable. (3) Worker's Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. If the Contractor has no employees while performing under this Agreement, worker's compensation insurance is not required, but Contractor shall execute a declaration that it has no employees. b. Minimum Limits of Insurance. Contractor shall maintain limits no less than: (1) General Liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. (2) Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage. (3) Worker's Compensation as required by the State of California; Employer's Liability: One million dollars ($1 ,000,000) peraccidentfor bodily injury or disease. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 c. Deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the City Manager. At the option of the City Manager, either the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as respects the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers; or the Contractor shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration and defense expenses. d. Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: (1) The City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insured's as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor; products and completed operations of the Contractor; premises owned, occupied or used by the Contractor; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Contractor. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. (2) For any claims related to this project, the Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insured maintained by the City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. (3) Anyfailure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. (4) The Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. (5) Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by either party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. e. AcceDtabilitv of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than AVII, unless otherwise acceptable to the City. Self insurance shall not be considered to comply with these insurance requirements. f. Verification of Coveraqe. Contractor shall furnish the City with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed bya person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The endorsements are to be on forms provided by the City. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. As an alternative to the City's forms, the Contractor's insurer may provide complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements effecting the coverage required by these specifications. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 10. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. a. Contractor is and shall at all times remain asto the City a wholly independent contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Contractor shall at all times be under Contractor's exclusive direction and control. Neither City nor any of its officers, employees, agents, or volunteers shall have control over the conduct of Contractor or any of Contractor's officers, employees, or agents except as set forth in this Agreement. Contractor shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner officers, employees or agents of the City. Contractor shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. b. No employee benefits shall be available to Contractor in connection with the performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to Contractor as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Contractor for performing services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Contractor for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 11. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES. The Contractor shall keep itself informed of all local, State and Federal ordinances, laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in anyway affect the performance of its service pursuant to this Agreement. The Contractor shall at all times observe and comply with all such ordinances, laws and regulations. The City, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned byfailure of the Contractor to comply with this section. 12. RELEASE OF INFORMATION. a. All information gained by Contractor in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential and shall not be released by Contractor without City's prior written authorization. Contractor, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors, shall not without written authorization from the City Manager or unless requested by the City Attorney, voluntarily provide declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories or other information concerning the work performed under this Agreement or relating to any project or property located within the City. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered "voluntary" provided Contractor gives City notice of such court order or subpoena. b. Contractor shall promptly notify City should Contractor, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions or other discovery request, court order or subpoena from any party regarding this Agreement and the work performed there under or with respect to any project or property located within the City. City retains the right, but has no obligation, to represent Contractor andlor be present at any deposition, hearing or similar proceeding. Contractor agrees to cooperate fully with City and to provide City with the opportunity to review any response to discovery requests provided by Contractor. However, City's right to review any such response does not imply or mean the right by City to control, direct, or rewrite said response. 13. NOTICES. Any notices which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Agreement must be in writing and may be given either by (I) personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) mailing in the United States Mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by Notice. Notice shall be effective upon delivery to the addresses specified below or on the third business day following deposit with the document delivery service or United States Mail as provided above. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 To City: City of Temecula Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9033 Temecula, California 92589-9033 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92590 Attention: City Manager To Contractor: AppleOne 26580 Ynez Road, Suite B Temecula, CA 92591 14. ASSIGNMENT. The Contractor shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without prior written consent of the City. Upon termination of this Agreement, Contractor's sole compensation shall be payment for actual services performed up to, and including, the date of termination or as may be otherwise agreed to in writing between the City Council and the Contractor. 15. LICENSES. At all times during the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall have in full force and effect, all licenses required of it by law for the performance of the services described in this Agreement. 16. GOVERNING LAW. The City and Contractor understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the municipal, superior, or federal district court with geographic jurisdiction over the City of Temecula. In the event such litigation is filed by one party against the other to enforce its rights under this Agreement, the prevailing party, as determined by the Court's judgment, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and litigation expenses forthe relief granted. 17. PROHIBITED INTEREST. No officer, or employee of the City of Temecula shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, the proceeds thereof, the Contractor, or Contractor's sub-contractors for this project, during hislher tenure or for one year thereafter. The Contractor hereby warrants and represents to the City that no officer or employee of the City of Temecula has any interest, whether contractual, non-contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, or in the business of the Contractor or Contractor's sub-contractors on this project. Contractor further agrees to notify the City in the event any such interest is discovered whether or not such interest is prohibited by law or this Agreement. 18. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations and statements, oral or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. 19. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT. The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Contractor warrants and represents that he or she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Contractor and has the authority to bind Contractor to the performance of its obligations hereunder. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF TEMECULA Shawn Nelson, City Manager Attest: Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk Approved As to Form: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney AppleOne 26580 Ynez Road, Suite B Temecula, CA 92591 By: Name: Title' By: Name: Title' R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 EXHIBIT A TASKS TO BE PERFORMED Provide temporary staffing services as needed and requested throughout the year based upon the terms set forth in the Request for Proposal (RFP) dated 7/1105. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 EXHIBIT B PAYMENT RATES AND SCHEDULE The amount of this non-exclusive Agreement is for an annual not to exceed amount of $165,000.00 which will be paid based on the hourly rates established by the terms set forth in the Request for Proposal (RFP) dated 7/1105 and the work being preformed. Contractor recognizes and agrees the not to exceed amount is an estimated expenditure and this Agreement does not guarantee Contractor this amount in purchases. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 NON-EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT FOR TEMPORARY STAFFING SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF TEMECULA AND KIMCO THIS AGREEMENT is made and effective as of September 1,2006, between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation ("City") and Kimco (Contractor). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. TERM. This Agreement shall commence on September 1,2006, and shall remain and continue in effect from year to year unless either party notifies the other, in writing, within thirty (30) days of the most recent invoice date to terminate this Agreement. 2. SERVICES. Contractor shall perform the services and tasks described and set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. Contractor shall complete the tasks according to the schedule of performance which is also set forth in Exhibit A. Contractor recognizes and agrees that this Agreement is for the purpose of establishing a contractual relationship between the City and Contractor for the non-exclusive procurement of temporary staffing services. The Contractor understands this Agreement is non-exclusive and the City reserves the right to purchase similar services from other Contractors. 3. PERFORMANCE. Contractor shall at all time faithfully, competently and to the best of his or her ability, experience, and talent, perform all tasks described herein. Contractor shall employ, at a minimum, generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services as are required of Contractor hereunder in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 4. PAYMENT. a. The City agrees to pay Contractor monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and terms and the schedule of payment as set forth in Exhibit B, Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. Any terms in Exhibit B other than the payment rates and schedule of payment are null and void. This amount shall not exceed $55,000.00 (Fifty FiveThousand Dollars and no Cents) annually. The notto exceed payment amount listed herein is an estimated expenditure and this Agreement does not guarantee Contractor this amount is purchases. b. Contractor shall not be compensated for any services rendered in connection with its performance of this Agreement which are in addition to those set forth herein, unless such additional services are authorized in advance and in writing by the City Manager. Contractor shall be compensated for any additional services in the amounts and in the manner as agreed to by City Manager and Contractor at the time City's written authorization is given to Contractor for the performance of said services. c. Contractor will submit invoices monthly for actual services performed. Invoices shall be submitted between the first and fifteenth business day of each month, for services provided in the previous month. Payment shall be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of each invoice as to all non-disputed fees. If the City disputes any of Contractor's fees it shall give written notice to Contractor within 30 days of receipt of a invoice of any disputed fees set forth on the invoice. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 5. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT WITHOUT CAUSE. a. The City may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the Contractor at least ten (10) days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Contractor shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. If the City suspends or terminates a portion of this Agreement such suspension or termination shall not make void or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement. b. In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section, the City shall pay to Contractor the actual value of the work performed up to the time of termination, provided that the work performed is of value to the City. Upon termination of the Agreement pursuant to this Section, the Contractor will submit an invoice to the City pursuant to Section 4. 6. DEFAULT OF CONTRACTOR. a. The Contractor's failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute a default. I n the event that Contractor is in default for cause under the terms of this Agreement, City shall have no obligation or duty to continue compensating Contractor for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the Contractor. If such failure by the Contractor to make progress in the performance of work hereunder arises out of causes beyond the Contractor's control, and without fault or negligence of the Contractor, it shall not be considered a default. b. If the City Manager or his delegate determines that the Contractor is in default in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, it shall serve the Contractor with written notice of the default. The Contractor shall have (10) days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the Contractor fails to cure its default within such period of time, the City shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law, in equity or under this Agreement. 7. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. a. Contractor shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to sales, costs, expenses, receipts and other such information required by City that relate to the performance of services under this Agreement. Contractor shall maintain adequate records of services provided in sufficient detail to permit an evaluation of services. All such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be clearly identi- fied and readily accessible. Contractor shall provide free access to the representatives of City or its designees at reasonable times to such books and records, shall give City the right to examine and audit said books and records, shall permit City to make transcripts there from as necessary, and shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings and activities related to this Agreement. Such records, together with supporting documents, shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years after receipt of final payment. b. Upon completion of, or in the event of termination or suspension of this Agreement, all original documents, designs, drawings, maps, models, computer files containing data generated for the work, surveys, notes, and other documents prepared in the course of providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall become the sole property of the City and may be used, reused or otherwise disposed of by the City without the permission of the Contractor. With respect to computer files containing data generated for the work, Contractor shall make R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 available to the City, upon reasonable written request by the City, the necessary computer software and hardware for purposes of accessing, compiling, transferring and printing computer files. c. With respect to the design of public improvements, the Contractor shall not be liable for any injuries or property damage resulting from the reuse of the design at a location other than that specified in Exhibit A without the written consent of the Contractor. 8. INDEMNIFICATION. The Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify, protect and hold harmless the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, defense costs or expenses, including attorney fees and expert witness fees, or liability of any kind or nature which the City, its officers, agents and employees may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property arising out of Contractor's negligent or wrongful acts or omissions arising out of or in any way related to the performance or non-performance of this Agreement, excepting only liability arising out of the negligence of the City. 9. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property, which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, its agents, representatives, or employees. a. Minimum ScoDe of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as: (1) Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability form No. CG 0001 11 85 or 88. (2) Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 06 92 covering Automobile Liability, code 1 (any auto). If the Contractor owns no automobiles, a non-owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy described above is acceptable. (3) Worker's Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. If the Contractor has no employees while performing under this Agreement, worker's compensation insurance is not required, but Contractor shall execute a declaration that it has no employees. b. Minimum Limits of Insurance. Contractor shall maintain limits no less than: (1) General Liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. (2) Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage. (3) Worker's Compensation as required by the State of California; Employer's Liability: One million dollars ($1 ,000,000) peraccidentfor bodily injury or disease. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 c. Deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the City Manager. At the option of the City Manager, either the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as respects the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers; or the Contractor shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration and defense expenses. d. Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: (1) The City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insured's as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor; products and completed operations of the Contractor; premises owned, occupied or used by the Contractor; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Contractor. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. (2) For any claims related to this project, the Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insured maintained by the City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. (3) Anyfailure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. (4) The Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. (5) Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by either party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. e. AcceDtabilitv of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than AVII, unless otherwise acceptable to the City. Self insurance shall not be considered to comply with these insurance requirements. f. Verification of Coveraqe. Contractor shall furnish the City with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed bya person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The endorsements are to be on forms provided by the City. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. As an alternative to the City's forms, the Contractor's insurer may provide complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements effecting the coverage required by these specifications. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 10. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. a. Contractor is and shall at all times remain asto the City a wholly independent contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Contractor shall at all times be under Contractor's exclusive direction and control. Neither City nor any of its officers, employees, agents, or volunteers shall have control over the conduct of Contractor or any of Contractor's officers, employees, or agents except as set forth in this Agreement. Contractor shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner officers, employees or agents of the City. Contractor shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. b. No employee benefits shall be available to Contractor in connection with the performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to Contractor as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Contractor for performing services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Contractor for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 11. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES. The Contractor shall keep itself informed of all local, State and Federal ordinances, laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in anyway affect the performance of its service pursuant to this Agreement. The Contractor shall at all times observe and comply with all such ordinances, laws and regulations. The City, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned byfailure of the Contractor to comply with this section. 12. RELEASE OF INFORMATION. a. All information gained by Contractor in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential and shall not be released by Contractor without City's prior written authorization. Contractor, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors, shall not without written authorization from the City Manager or unless requested by the City Attorney, voluntarily provide declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories or other information concerning the work performed under this Agreement or relating to any project or property located within the City. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered "voluntary" provided Contractor gives City notice of such court order or subpoena. b. Contractor shall promptly notify City should Contractor, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions or other discovery request, court order or subpoena from any party regarding this Agreement and the work performed there under or with respect to any project or property located within the City. City retains the right, but has no obligation, to represent Contractor andlor be present at any deposition, hearing or similar proceeding. Contractor agrees to cooperate fully with City and to provide City with the opportunity to review any response to discovery requests provided by Contractor. However, City's right to review any such response does not imply or mean the right by City to control, direct, or rewrite said response. 13. NOTICES. Any notices which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Agreement must be in writing and may be given either by (I) personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) mailing in the United States Mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by Notice. Notice shall be effective upon delivery to the addresses specified below or on the third business day following deposit with the document delivery service or United States Mail as provided above. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 To City: City of Temecula Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9033 Temecula, California 92589-9033 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92590 Attention: City Manager To Contractor: Kimco 27450 Ynez Road, Suite 109 Temecula, CA 92591 14. ASSIGNMENT. The Contractor shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without prior written consent of the City. Upon termination of this Agreement, Contractor's sole compensation shall be payment for actual services performed up to, and including, the date of termination or as may be otherwise agreed to in writing between the City Council and the Contractor. 15. LICENSES. At all times during the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall have in full force and effect, all licenses required of it by law for the performance of the services described in this Agreement. 16. GOVERNING LAW. The City and Contractor understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the municipal, superior, or federal district court with geographic jurisdiction over the City of Temecula. In the event such litigation is filed by one party against the other to enforce its rights under this Agreement, the prevailing party, as determined by the Court's judgment, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and litigation expenses forthe relief granted. 17. PROHIBITED INTEREST. No officer, or employee of the City of Temecula shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, the proceeds thereof, the Contractor, or Contractor's sub-contractors for this project, during hislher tenure or for one year thereafter. The Contractor hereby warrants and represents to the City that no officer or employee of the City of Temecula has any interest, whether contractual, non-contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, or in the business of the Contractor or Contractor's sub-contractors on this project. Contractor further agrees to notify the City in the event any such interest is discovered whether or not such interest is prohibited by law or this Agreement. 18. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations and statements, oral or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. 19. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT. The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Contractor warrants and represents that he or she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Contractor and has the authority to bind Contractor to the performance of its obligations hereunder. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF TEMECULA Shawn Nelson, City Manager Attest: Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk Approved As to Form: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney Kimco 27450 Ynez Road, Suite 109 Temecula, CA 92591 By: Name: Title' By: Name: Title' R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 EXHIBIT A TASKS TO BE PERFORMED Provide temporary staffing services as needed and requested throughout the year based upon the terms set forth in the Request for Proposal (RFP) dated 7/1105. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 EXHIBIT B PAYMENT RATES AND SCHEDULE The amount of this non-exclusive Agreement is for an annual not to exceed amount of $55,000.00 which will be paid based on the hourly rates established by the terms set forth in the Request for Proposal (RFP) dated 7/1105 and the work being preformed. Contractor recognizes and agrees the not to exceed amount is an estimated expenditure and this Agreement does not guarantee Contractor this amount in purchases. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 NON-EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT FOR TEMPORARY STAFFING SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF TEMECULA AND MANPOWER THIS AGREEMENT is made and effective as of September 1,2006, between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation ("City") and Manpower (Contractor). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. TERM. This Agreement shall commence on September 1,2006, and shall remain and continue in effect from year to year unless either party notifies the other, in writing, within thirty (30) days of the most recent invoice date to terminate this Agreement. 2. SERVICES. Contractor shall perform the services and tasks described and set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. Contractor shall complete the tasks according to the schedule of performance which is also set forth in Exhibit A. Contractor recognizes and agrees that this Agreement is for the purpose of establishing a contractual relationship between the City and Contractor for the non-exclusive procurement of temporary staffing services. The Contractor understands this Agreement is non-exclusive and the City reserves the right to purchase similar services from other Contractors. 3. PERFORMANCE. Contractor shall at all time faithfully, competently and to the best of his or her ability, experience, and talent, perform all tasks described herein. Contractor shall employ, at a minimum, generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services as are required of Contractor hereunder in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 4. PAYMENT. a. The City agrees to pay Contractor monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and terms and the schedule of payment as set forth in Exhibit B, Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. Any terms in Exhibit B other than the payment rates and schedule of payment are null and void. This amount shall not exceed $110,000.00 (One Hundred and Ten Thousand Dollars and no Cents) annually. The not to exceed payment amount listed herein is an estimated expenditure and this Agreement does not guarantee Contractor this amount is purchases. b. Contractor shall not be compensated for any services rendered in connection with its performance of this Agreement which are in addition to those set forth herein, unless such additional services are authorized in advance and in writing by the City Manager. Contractor shall be compensated for any additional services in the amounts and in the manner as agreed to by City Manager and Contractor at the time City's written authorization is given to Contractor for the performance of said services. c. Contractor will submit invoices monthly for actual services performed. Invoices shall be submitted between the first and fifteenth business day of each month, for services provided in the previous month. Payment shall be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of each invoice as to all non-disputed fees. If the City disputes any of Contractor's fees it shall give written notice to Contractor within 30 days of receipt of a invoice of any disputed fees set forth on the invoice. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 5. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT WITHOUT CAUSE. a. The City may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the Contractor at least ten (10) days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Contractor shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. If the City suspends or terminates a portion of this Agreement such suspension or termination shall not make void or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement. b. In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section, the City shall pay to Contractor the actual value of the work performed up to the time of termination, provided that the work performed is of value to the City. Upon termination of the Agreement pursuant to this Section, the Contractor will submit an invoice to the City pursuant to Section 4. 6. DEFAULT OF CONTRACTOR. a. The Contractor's failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute a default. I n the event that Contractor is in default for cause under the terms of this Agreement, City shall have no obligation or duty to continue compensating Contractor for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the Contractor. If such failure by the Contractor to make progress in the performance of work hereunder arises out of causes beyond the Contractor's control, and without fault or negligence of the Contractor, it shall not be considered a default. b. If the City Manager or his delegate determines that the Contractor is in default in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, it shall serve the Contractor with written notice of the default. The Contractor shall have (10) days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the Contractor fails to cure its default within such period of time, the City shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law, in equity or under this Agreement. 7. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. a. Contractor shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to sales, costs, expenses, receipts and other such information required by City that relate to the performance of services under this Agreement. Contractor shall maintain adequate records of services provided in sufficient detail to permit an evaluation of services. All such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be clearly identi- fied and readily accessible. Contractor shall provide free access to the representatives of City or its designees at reasonable times to such books and records, shall give City the right to examine and audit said books and records, shall permit City to make transcripts there from as necessary, and shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings and activities related to this Agreement. Such records, together with supporting documents, shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years after receipt of final payment. b. Upon completion of, or in the event of termination or suspension of this Agreement, all original documents, designs, drawings, maps, models, computer files containing data generated for the work, surveys, notes, and other documents prepared in the course of providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall become the sole property of the City and may be used, reused or otherwise disposed of by the City without the permission of the Contractor. With respect to computer files containing data generated for the work, Contractor shall make R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 available to the City, upon reasonable written request by the City, the necessary computer software and hardware for purposes of accessing, compiling, transferring and printing computer files. c. With respect to the design of public improvements, the Contractor shall not be liable for any injuries or property damage resulting from the reuse of the design at a location other than that specified in Exhibit A without the written consent of the Contractor. 8. INDEMNIFICATION. The Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify, protect and hold harmless the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, defense costs or expenses, including attorney fees and expert witness fees, or liability of any kind or nature which the City, its officers, agents and employees may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property arising out of Contractor's negligent or wrongful acts or omissions arising out of or in any way related to the performance or non-performance of this Agreement, excepting only liability arising out of the negligence of the City. 9. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property, which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, its agents, representatives, or employees. a. Minimum ScoDe of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as: (1) Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability form No. CG 0001 11 85 or 88. (2) Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 06 92 covering Automobile Liability, code 1 (any auto). If the Contractor owns no automobiles, a non-owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy described above is acceptable. (3) Worker's Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. If the Contractor has no employees while performing under this Agreement, worker's compensation insurance is not required, but Contractor shall execute a declaration that it has no employees. b. Minimum Limits of Insurance. Contractor shall maintain limits no less than: (1) General Liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. (2) Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage. (3) Worker's Compensation as required by the State of California; Employer's Liability: One million dollars ($1 ,000,000) peraccidentfor bodily injury or disease. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 c. Deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the City Manager. At the option of the City Manager, either the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as respects the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers; or the Contractor shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration and defense expenses. d. Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: (1) The City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insured's as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor; products and completed operations of the Contractor; premises owned, occupied or used by the Contractor; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Contractor. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. (2) For any claims related to this project, the Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insured maintained by the City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. (3) Anyfailure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. (4) The Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. (5) Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by either party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. e. AcceDtabilitv of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than AVII, unless otherwise acceptable to the City. Self insurance shall not be considered to comply with these insurance requirements. f. Verification of Coveraqe. Contractor shall furnish the City with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed bya person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The endorsements are to be on forms provided by the City. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. As an alternative to the City's forms, the Contractor's insurer may provide complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements effecting the coverage required by these specifications. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 10. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. a. Contractor is and shall at all times remain asto the City a wholly independent contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Contractor shall at all times be under Contractor's exclusive direction and control. Neither City nor any of its officers, employees, agents, or volunteers shall have control over the conduct of Contractor or any of Contractor's officers, employees, or agents except as set forth in this Agreement. Contractor shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner officers, employees or agents of the City. Contractor shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. b. No employee benefits shall be available to Contractor in connection with the performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to Contractor as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Contractor for performing services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Contractor for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 11. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES. The Contractor shall keep itself informed of all local, State and Federal ordinances, laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in anyway affect the performance of its service pursuant to this Agreement. The Contractor shall at all times observe and comply with all such ordinances, laws and regulations. The City, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned byfailure of the Contractor to comply with this section. 12. RELEASE OF INFORMATION. a. All information gained by Contractor in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential and shall not be released by Contractor without City's prior written authorization. Contractor, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors, shall not without written authorization from the City Manager or unless requested by the City Attorney, voluntarily provide declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories or other information concerning the work performed under this Agreement or relating to any project or property located within the City. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered "voluntary" provided Contractor gives City notice of such court order or subpoena. b. Contractor shall promptly notify City should Contractor, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions or other discovery request, court order or subpoena from any party regarding this Agreement and the work performed there under or with respect to any project or property located within the City. City retains the right, but has no obligation, to represent Contractor andlor be present at any deposition, hearing or similar proceeding. Contractor agrees to cooperate fully with City and to provide City with the opportunity to review any response to discovery requests provided by Contractor. However, City's right to review any such response does not imply or mean the right by City to control, direct, or rewrite said response. 13. NOTICES. Any notices which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Agreement must be in writing and may be given either by (I) personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) mailing in the United States Mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by Notice. Notice shall be effective upon delivery to the addresses specified below or on the third business day following deposit with the document delivery service or United States Mail as provided above. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 To City: City of Temecula Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9033 Temecula, California 92589-9033 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92590 Attention: City Manager To Contractor: Manpower 41915 Motor Car Parkway, Suite H Temecula, CA 92591 14. ASSIGNMENT. The Contractor shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without prior written consent of the City. Upon termination of this Agreement, Contractor's sole compensation shall be payment for actual services performed up to, and including, the date of termination or as may be otherwise agreed to in writing between the City Council and the Contractor. 15. LICENSES. At all times during the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall have in full force and effect, all licenses required of it by law for the performance of the services described in this Agreement. 16. GOVERNING LAW. The City and Contractor understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the municipal, superior, or federal district court with geographic jurisdiction over the City of Temecula. In the event such litigation is filed by one party against the other to enforce its rights under this Agreement, the prevailing party, as determined by the Court's judgment, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and litigation expenses forthe relief granted. 17. PROHIBITED INTEREST. No officer, or employee of the City of Temecula shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, the proceeds thereof, the Contractor, or Contractor's sub-contractors for this project, during hislher tenure or for one year thereafter. The Contractor hereby warrants and represents to the City that no officer or employee of the City of Temecula has any interest, whether contractual, non-contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, or in the business of the Contractor or Contractor's sub-contractors on this project. Contractor further agrees to notify the City in the event any such interest is discovered whether or not such interest is prohibited by law or this Agreement. 18. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations and statements, oral or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. 19. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT. The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Contractor warrants and represents that he or she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Contractor and has the authority to bind Contractor to the performance of its obligations hereunder. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF TEMECULA Shawn Nelson, City Manager Attest: Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk Approved As to Form: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney Manpower 41915 Motor Car Parkway, Suite H Temecula, CA 92591 By: Name: Title' By: Name: Title' R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 EXHIBIT A TASKS TO BE PERFORMED Provide temporary staffing services as needed and requested throughout the year based upon the terms set forth in the Request for Proposal (RFP) dated 7/1105. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 EXHIBIT B PAYMENT RATES AND SCHEDULE The amount of this non-exclusive Agreement is for an annual not to exceed amount of $11 0,000.00 which will be paid based on the hourly rates established by the terms set forth in the Request for Proposal (RFP) dated 7/1105 and the work being preformed. Contractor recognizes and agrees the not to exceed amount is an estimated expenditure and this Agreement does not guarantee Contractor this amount in purchases. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 NON-EXCLUSIVE AGREEMENT FOR TEMPORARY STAFFING SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF TEMECULA AND TRISTAFF THIS AGREEMENT is made and effective as of September 1,2006, between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation ("City") and TriStaff (Contractor). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. TERM. This Agreement shall commence on September 1,2006, and shall remain and continue in effect from year to year unless either party notifies the other, in writing, within thirty (30) days of the most recent invoice date to terminate this Agreement. 2. SERVICES. Contractor shall perform the services and tasks described and set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. Contractor shall complete the tasks according to the schedule of performance which is also set forth in Exhibit A. Contractor recognizes and agrees that this Agreement is for the purpose of establishing a contractual relationship between the City and Contractor for the non-exclusive procurement of temporary staffing services. The Contractor understands this Agreement is non-exclusive and the City reserves the right to purchase similar services from other Contractors. 3. PERFORMANCE. Contractor shall at all time faithfully, competently and to the best of his or her ability, experience, and talent, perform all tasks described herein. Contractor shall employ, at a minimum, generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services as are required of Contractor hereunder in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 4. PAYMENT. a. The City agrees to pay Contractor monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and terms and the schedule of payment as set forth in Exhibit B, Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the above tasks. Any terms in Exhibit B other than the payment rates and schedule of payment are null and void. This amount shall not exceed $55,000.00 (Fifty Five Thousand Dollars and no Cents) annually. The not to exceed payment amount listed herein is an estimated expenditure and this Agreement does not guarantee Contractor this amount is purchases. b. Contractor shall not be compensated for any services rendered in connection with its performance of this Agreement which are in addition to those set forth herein, unless such additional services are authorized in advance and in writing by the City Manager. Contractor shall be compensated for any additional services in the amounts and in the manner as agreed to by City Manager and Contractor at the time City's written authorization is given to Contractor for the performance of said services. c. Contractor will submit invoices monthly for actual services performed. Invoices shall be submitted between the first and fifteenth business day of each month, for services provided in the previous month. Payment shall be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of each invoice as to all non-disputed fees. If the City disputes any of Contractor's fees it shall give written notice to Contractor within 30 days of receipt of a invoice of any disputed fees set forth on the invoice. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 5. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT WITHOUT CAUSE. a. The City may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the Contractor at least ten (10) days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Contractor shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. If the City suspends or terminates a portion of this Agreement such suspension or termination shall not make void or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement. b. In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuant to this Section, the City shall pay to Contractor the actual value of the work performed up to the time of termination, provided that the work performed is of value to the City. Upon termination of the Agreement pursuant to this Section, the Contractor will submit an invoice to the City pursuant to Section 4. 6. DEFAULT OF CONTRACTOR. a. The Contractor's failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute a default. I n the event that Contractor is in default for cause under the terms of this Agreement, City shall have no obligation or duty to continue compensating Contractor for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the Contractor. If such failure by the Contractor to make progress in the performance of work hereunder arises out of causes beyond the Contractor's control, and without fault or negligence of the Contractor, it shall not be considered a default. b. If the City Manager or his delegate determines that the Contractor is in default in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, it shall serve the Contractor with written notice of the default. The Contractor shall have (10) days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the Contractor fails to cure its default within such period of time, the City shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law, in equity or under this Agreement. 7. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. a. Contractor shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to sales, costs, expenses, receipts and other such information required by City that relate to the performance of services under this Agreement. Contractor shall maintain adequate records of services provided in sufficient detail to permit an evaluation of services. All such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be clearly identi- fied and readily accessible. Contractor shall provide free access to the representatives of City or its designees at reasonable times to such books and records, shall give City the right to examine and audit said books and records, shall permit City to make transcripts there from as necessary, and shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings and activities related to this Agreement. Such records, together with supporting documents, shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years after receipt of final payment. b. Upon completion of, or in the event of termination or suspension of this Agreement, all original documents, designs, drawings, maps, models, computer files containing data generated for the work, surveys, notes, and other documents prepared in the course of providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall become the sole property of the City and may be used, reused or otherwise disposed of by the City without the permission of the Contractor. With respect to computer files containing data generated for the work, Contractor shall make R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 available to the City, upon reasonable written request by the City, the necessary computer software and hardware for purposes of accessing, compiling, transferring and printing computer files. c. With respect to the design of public improvements, the Contractor shall not be liable for any injuries or property damage resulting from the reuse of the design at a location other than that specified in Exhibit A without the written consent of the Contractor. 8. INDEMNIFICATION. The Contractor agrees to defend, indemnify, protect and hold harmless the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, defense costs or expenses, including attorney fees and expert witness fees, or liability of any kind or nature which the City, its officers, agents and employees may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property arising out of Contractor's negligent or wrongful acts or omissions arising out of or in any way related to the performance or non-performance of this Agreement, excepting only liability arising out of the negligence of the City. 9. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property, which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, its agents, representatives, or employees. a. Minimum ScoDe of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as: (1) Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability form No. CG 0001 11 85 or 88. (2) Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 06 92 covering Automobile Liability, code 1 (any auto). If the Contractor owns no automobiles, a non-owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy described above is acceptable. (3) Worker's Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. If the Contractor has no employees while performing under this Agreement, worker's compensation insurance is not required, but Contractor shall execute a declaration that it has no employees. b. Minimum Limits of Insurance. Contractor shall maintain limits no less than: (1) General Liability: $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. (2) Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury and property damage. (3) Worker's Compensation as required by the State of California; Employer's Liability: One million dollars ($1 ,000,000) peraccidentfor bodily injury or disease. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 c. Deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the City Manager. At the option of the City Manager, either the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as respects the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers; or the Contractor shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration and defense expenses. d. Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: (1) The City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insured's as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Contractor; products and completed operations of the Contractor; premises owned, occupied or used by the Contractor; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Contractor. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. (2) For any claims related to this project, the Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insured maintained by the City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. (3) Anyfailure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the City, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. (4) The Contractor's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. (5) Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by either party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. e. AcceDtabilitv of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than AVII, unless otherwise acceptable to the City. Self insurance shall not be considered to comply with these insurance requirements. f. Verification of Coveraqe. Contractor shall furnish the City with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed bya person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The endorsements are to be on forms provided by the City. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. As an alternative to the City's forms, the Contractor's insurer may provide complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements effecting the coverage required by these specifications. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 10. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. a. Contractor is and shall at all times remain asto the City a wholly independent contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Contractor shall at all times be under Contractor's exclusive direction and control. Neither City nor any of its officers, employees, agents, or volunteers shall have control over the conduct of Contractor or any of Contractor's officers, employees, or agents except as set forth in this Agreement. Contractor shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner officers, employees or agents of the City. Contractor shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation or liability whatever against City, or bind City in any manner. b. No employee benefits shall be available to Contractor in connection with the performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to Contractor as provided in the Agreement, City shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Contractor for performing services hereunder for City. City shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Contractor for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 11. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES. The Contractor shall keep itself informed of all local, State and Federal ordinances, laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in anyway affect the performance of its service pursuant to this Agreement. The Contractor shall at all times observe and comply with all such ordinances, laws and regulations. The City, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned byfailure of the Contractor to comply with this section. 12. RELEASE OF INFORMATION. a. All information gained by Contractor in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential and shall not be released by Contractor without City's prior written authorization. Contractor, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors, shall not without written authorization from the City Manager or unless requested by the City Attorney, voluntarily provide declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories or other information concerning the work performed under this Agreement or relating to any project or property located within the City. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered "voluntary" provided Contractor gives City notice of such court order or subpoena. b. Contractor shall promptly notify City should Contractor, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions or other discovery request, court order or subpoena from any party regarding this Agreement and the work performed there under or with respect to any project or property located within the City. City retains the right, but has no obligation, to represent Contractor andlor be present at any deposition, hearing or similar proceeding. Contractor agrees to cooperate fully with City and to provide City with the opportunity to review any response to discovery requests provided by Contractor. However, City's right to review any such response does not imply or mean the right by City to control, direct, or rewrite said response. 13. NOTICES. Any notices which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Agreement must be in writing and may be given either by (I) personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) mailing in the United States Mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to the address of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by Notice. Notice shall be effective upon delivery to the addresses specified below or on the third business day following deposit with the document delivery service or United States Mail as provided above. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 To City: City of Temecula Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9033 Temecula, California 92589-9033 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92590 Attention: City Manager To Contractor: TriStaff 27540 Ynez Road, Suite J-11 Temecula, CA 92591 14. ASSIGNMENT. The Contractor shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without prior written consent of the City. Upon termination of this Agreement, Contractor's sole compensation shall be payment for actual services performed up to, and including, the date of termination or as may be otherwise agreed to in writing between the City Council and the Contractor. 15. LICENSES. At all times during the term of this Agreement, Contractor shall have in full force and effect, all licenses required of it by law for the performance of the services described in this Agreement. 16. GOVERNING LAW. The City and Contractor understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the municipal, superior, or federal district court with geographic jurisdiction over the City of Temecula. In the event such litigation is filed by one party against the other to enforce its rights under this Agreement, the prevailing party, as determined by the Court's judgment, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and litigation expenses forthe relief granted. 17. PROHIBITED INTEREST. No officer, or employee of the City of Temecula shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, the proceeds thereof, the Contractor, or Contractor's sub-contractors for this project, during hislher tenure or for one year thereafter. The Contractor hereby warrants and represents to the City that no officer or employee of the City of Temecula has any interest, whether contractual, non-contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, or in the business of the Contractor or Contractor's sub-contractors on this project. Contractor further agrees to notify the City in the event any such interest is discovered whether or not such interest is prohibited by law or this Agreement. 18. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations and statements, oral or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into this Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. 19. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT. The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Contractor warrants and represents that he or she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Contractor and has the authority to bind Contractor to the performance of its obligations hereunder. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.2006 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF TEMECULA Shawn Nelson, City Manager Attest: Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk Approved As to Form: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney TriS taft 27540 Ynez Road, Suite J-11 Temecula, CA 92591 By: Name: Title' By: Name: Title' R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.200B EXHIBIT A TASKS TO BE PERFORMED Provide temporary staffing services as needed and requested throughout the year based upon the terms set forth in the TriStaff Request for Proposal (dated July 1, 2005). R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.200B EXHIBIT B PAYMENT RATES AND SCHEDULE The amount of this non-exclusive Agreement is for an annual not to exceed amount of $55,000.00 which will be paid based on the hourly rates established by the Request for Proposal (RFP) dated 7/1/05 and the work being preformed. Contractor recognizes and agrees the not to exceed amount is an estimated expenditure and this Agreement does not guarantee Contractor this amount in purchases. R\ Finance\Purchasing\Agreements.06-07.M-Z \Manpower.200B I~-- . , II ITEM NO.7 II , II - . . . I I II II __. . I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager V CIl 98 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Mitch Aim, Chief of Police DATE: August 22, 2006 SUBJECT: Police Department OTS Grant Funding PREPARED BY: Heidi Schrader, Management Analyst RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Increase estimated General Fund Grant Revenue by $122,177. 2. Appropriate $122,177 from General Fund Grant Revenue to the Police Department. BACKGROUND: The City of Temecula has been active in seeking grant funding to participate in the Office of Traffic Safety Selective Traffic Enforcement Program (STEP). The main objective of the grant program is to employ enforcement and innovative strategies to reduce the number of people killed and injured in traffic collisions. The strategy is to fund DUI checkpoints, DUI roving patrols, court sting operations and special enforcement operations targeting red light runners, aggressive speeders, drivers with vehicles equipped with illegal street racing equipment and unbelted vehicle occupants. Additionally, enforcement operations will be directed to intersections with disproportionate numbers of traffic crashes. Recently the City received notification of the award of $122, 177 in grant funding from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to participate in this program per grant agreement PT0764. The grant offsets overtime and reporting costs for enforcement operations held between October 1,2006 and September 30,2007. The grant will also fund the implementation of a system to automate the traffic citation process, allowing Officers to enter and print citations electronically in the field, "sync" up with the traffic database at the station and download the information directly to the courts. FISCAL IMPACT: General Fund grant revenues will be increased by $122,177 and will offset the appropriation of $70,199.90 in the Police Department budget for overtime (001-170-503- 5279), $3,000 in the Police Department budgetforTraining and Education (001-170-503-5261), and $48,977.10 in the Police Department budget for Small Tools/Equipment (001-170-503-5242). I~-- . , II ITEM NO.8 II , II - . . . I I II II __. . I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager f,#r 11/2 9/3 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: William G. Hughes, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: August 22, 2006 SUBJECT: Authorize Temporary Street Closure of Main Street between Old Town Front Street and Pujol Street for the "Temecula-On-Stage" event scheduled for September 2, 2006 and Delegate Authority to Issue a Special Events/Street Closures Permit to the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. PREPARED BY: Ronald J. Parks, Deputy Director of Public Works Steve Charette, Associate Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 06- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, AUTHORIZING TEMPORARY STREET CLOSURE OF MAIN STREET BETWEEN OLD TOWN FRONT STREET AND PUJOL STREET FOR THE "TEMECULA-ON-STAGE" EVENT SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER 2,2006 AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER TO ISSUE A SPECIAL EVENTS PERMIT INCLUDING STREET CLOSURES BACKGROUND: The "Temecula-On-Stage" event is scheduled for Saturday, September 2, 2006 from 6:00 PM to 11 :00 PM with the actual street closure scheduled between 6:00 AM to 12:00 AM. This first-class event will showcase the area's top chefs and wineries along with a variety of performances from four bands playing Rock 'n Roll, Jazz and dance party music. This event will be the focal point of the Labor Dayweekend in which visitors will enjoy all that Temecula Valley has to offer at a discount, by purchasing a special passport provided by local businesses who partner with the event. Through this event, the organizers of "Temecula-On-Stage" will participate in the funding process to assist the Theatre Foundation in its efforts to promote a Community Theatre in Old Town Temecula. The event will require the closure of Main Street between Old Town Front Street and Pujol Street. The event will require assistance from the Public Works Department by providing support services for the street closure, public safety monitoring, and the permit process Under Vehicular Code Section 21101, "Regulation of Highways", local authorities, for those highways under their jurisdiction, may adopt rules and regulations by ordinance or resolution for, among other instances, "temporary closing a portion of any street for celebrations, parades, local special events, and other purposes, when, in the opinion of local authorities having jurisdiction, the closing is necessaryforthe safety and protection of persons who are to use that portion of the street during the temporary closing". The City Council adopted Resolution No. 91-96 on September 10,1991, which provided standards and procedures for special events on public streets, highways, sidewalks, or public right of way. While a process was established for reviews and approvals, no mechanism was provided for delegating authority to temporarily close streets, or portions of streets, for these special events. The subject resolution delegates the authority to approve temporary street closures for this specific event, "Temecula-On-Stage", to the Director of Public Works/City Engineer. All other special events requiring temporary street closures, construction-related closures, etc, shall remain subject to the approval of the City Council subject to rules and regulations established by the City Council. These rules and regulations shall also be adopted by resolution in accordance with California Vehicular Code Section 21101. FISCAL IMPACT: The costs of police services, and for provision, placement, and retrieval of necessary warning and advisory devices by the Public Works Department are included in budgetary items. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2. Resolution No. 2006- Vicinity Map RESOLUTION NO. 06- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, AUTHORIZING TEMPORARY STREET CLOSURE OF MAIN STREET BETWEEN OLD TOWN FRONT STREET AND PUJOL STREET FOR THE "TEMECULA-ON-STAGE" EVENT SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER 2, 2006 AND AUTHORIZING THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS/CITY ENGINEER TO ISSUE A SPECIAL EVENTS PERMIT INCLUDING STREET CLOSURES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, the California State Vehicular Code provides for the promulgation of rules and regulations for the temporary closure of public streets by local authorities. by Resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to establish rules and regulations for the temporary closure of public streets in the interest of promoting safety and protection; and WHEREAS, the City of Temecula sponsors the "Temecula-On-Stage" event, for which such temporary street closure on Main Street between Old Town Front Street and Pujol Street promote the safety and protection of persons using or proposing to use that street for the special event; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to facilitate the issuance of permission to temporarily close Main Street for the "Temecula-On-Stage" event scheduled for September 3,2005; and, NOW, WHEREAS, the City Council desires to authorize the Director of Public Works/City Engineer to approve the temporary street closure of Main Street for the "Temecula-On-Stage" event, and to establish the general rule that all other proposed temporary street closures shall be reviewed and approved subject to conditions, or disapproved, by the City Council; and THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Temecula, hereby authorizes the Director of Public Works/City Engineer to permit the temporary street closure of Main Street for the "Temecula-On-Stage" event scheduled for September 2, 2006, and affirms the general rule that all other temporary public street closures shall be approved or denied approval by the City Council. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 22th day of August, 2006. Ron Roberts, Mayor ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 06- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 22nd day of August, 2006, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk , , '- / ',./ rl;- ~Ql l..C::l x~ ~~ ,,0 d> ): , I ',> .- / ~. ic ..~ :~ ~ ~ / - / M '\ < 1-------\/. . .. 7~. .. . . >'l/ / /6l <S>.q. IS> 0A .'%- . ,/ / .' .~ . / . / '..... / / / '" 'C .. <.l .~ ::: .. >'l /6l <S>.q. IS> 0A "'%- ....~ ~ //.~ / ..... / ~ l:::l ~ :::: ~ ~ \.l ~ ~ &,;; f " ~ o.~Ln ~~l~"~~ai:~ .~"i"r'a i,." ~~~~iU'g~; :: ~~g ~U ~q~ ~dhi~gi!~ I. .... "<(::li~-.lilil; ~ ;;: o~~n~~~3.; ~ Bll"~j5h E:OF '" 5;~1~Hli~ i EF~S"'8.]..,,~ II -8dlfe;U~ ~ h{l!~.f~~~~ ~ ~~-"E:!lOEl~~ ~ 'i]';;'H~-g~i'l J:l E ,,'" >~:S.. -1;; ." ~~ H~ ~ lj ~~ e ~ ID ~ Eg ~ ~ g' o ~ OJ.o '0 [fie'E ~[fi~ gJ'5 (1):0 1i5 W g!:c (I) <<I ~ 00 <I.l<<l<l.l_(I)C <I.l<<l(l)~ <(c ::01-0:: fi3 <I.l.Q ml-~<( 0):;:: (I) ~ a.~ > '2 15 ~5 (9 4> ~"~ ~ Qj :J.oWuE -o..<I.luOJO) e e >'~"~"E 0 ~ 0 u.~ &i S S:Q m t:i=O<<l<<l-mo~$O(l)CJ)Oa... ~:: ~:iiiID[EIDDD ~ "0 C Q) 0) Q) ....J ~ z~ ~ ~ A- ..a:: ~ >- I- - Z ,I - U - '> I~-- . , II ITEM NO.9 II , II - . . . I I II II __. . I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager V 11/2 tf CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: William G. Hughes, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: August 22, 2006 SUBJECT: Authorize Temporary Street Closure of Primrose Avenue between Peachtree Street and Pechanga Road for the Great Oak High School Marching Band Competition Event scheduled for October 14, 2006 and Delegate Authority to Issue a Special Events/Street Closures Permit to the Director of Public Works/City Engineer PREPARED BY: Ronald J. Parks, Deputy Director of Public Works Steve Charette, Associate Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 06- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULAAUTHORIZING TEMPORARY STREET CLOSURE OF PRIMROSE AVENUE BETWEEN PEACHTREE STREET AND PECHANGA ROAD FOR THE GREAT OAK HIGH SCHOOL MARCHING BAND COMPETITION EVENT AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY ENGINEER TO ISSUE A PERMIT FOR THIS SPECIFIC SPECIAL EVENT BACKGROUND: Great Oak High School has submitted a request to temporarily close Primrose Avenue to allow for bus, trailer and car parking during their one day Marching Band Competition event. The actual competition activities will occur within the high school grounds. The event is scheduled for October 14, 2006 from 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM. Approximately 950 attendees are expected from the various schools participating in the event. Primrose Avenue currently is bordered on the west side by Great Oak High School and the Centex Home development currently under construction on the east side. Currently the volume of through traffic at Primrose Avenue is small with several alternate detour routes available to the traveling public in the area. The applicant will provide the necessary Traffic Control signage to detour traffic to the nearest alternate routes. Under Vehicular Code Section 21101, "Regulation of Highways", local authorities, for those highways under their jurisdiction, may adopt rules and regulations by ordinance or resolution for, among other instances, "temporary closing a portion of any street for celebrations, parades, local special events, and other purposes, when, in the opinion of local authorities having jurisdiction, the closing is necessaryforthe safety and protection of persons who are to use that portion of the street during the temporary closing". The City Council adopted Resolution No. 91-96 on September 10,1991, which provided standards and procedures for special events on public streets, highways, sidewalks, or public right of way. While a process was established for reviews and approvals, no mechanism was provided for delegating authority to temporarily close streets, or portions of streets, for these special events. The recommended resolution delegates the authority to approve temporary street closures for the Marching Band Competition event sponsored by Great Oak High School. This authority is limited to and delegated to the City Engineer (or an authorized representative) only. Any other special events requiring temporary street closures, construction related closures, etc., remain subject to the approval of the City Council subject to rules and regulations established by the City Council. These rules and regulations shall also be adopted by resolution in accordance with California Vehicular Code Section 21101. FISCAL IMPACT: None. The costs of police and for provision, placement, and retrieval of necessary warning and advisory devices shall be incurred exclusively by the Applicant. ATTACHMENTS: 1. 2. Resolution No. 2006- Location Map RESOLUTION NO. 06- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AUTHORIZING TEMPORARY STREET CLOSURE OF PRIMROSE AVENUE BETWEEN PEACHTREE STREET AND PECHANGA ROAD FOR THE GREAT OAK HIGH SCHOOL MARCHING BAND COMPETITION EVENT AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY ENGINEER TO ISSUE A PERMIT FOR THIS SPECIFIC SPECIAL EVENT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, the California State Vehicular Code provides for the promulgation of rules and regulations for the temporary closure of public streets by local authorities by Resolution; and, WHEREAS, the City Council desires to establish rules and regulations for the temporary closure of public streets in the interest of promoting safety and protection; and, WHEREAS, the City of Temecula desires to authorize the closure of a public street for the High School Band Competition Event sponsored by Great Oak High School, for which such temporary street closure promotes the safety and protection of persons using or proposing to use those streets for this special event; and, WHEREAS, the City Council desires to facilitate the issuance of permission to temporarily close Primrose Avenue between Peachtree Street and Pechanga Road for the Great Oak High School Band Competition Event; and, NOW, WHEREAS, the City Council desires to authorize the City Engineer to approve a temporary street closure for the High School Band Competition Event sponsored by Great Oak High School, and to establish the general rule that all other proposed temporary street closures shall be reviewed and approved subject to conditions, or disapproved, by the City Council; and, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Temecula, hereby authorizes the City Engineer to permit a temporary street closure of Primrose Avenue for the High School Band Competition Event scheduled from 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM Saturday October 14th, 2006 and establishes the general rule that all other temporary public street closures shall be approved or denied approval by the City Council. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 22nd day of August, 2006. Ron Roberts, Mayor ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 06- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 22nd day of August, 2006, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk City of Temecula GIS Application: Map/Report Window \ City of Temecula GJillgrlq)hic Information Sydp.JUS 43200 Business Park Drive Ternecula, CA 92590 (951)308~6300 www.cityoftemecula.org Page 1 of 1 Temporary Street Closure of Primrose Avenue \ / )-) \'-~ I E17Jf;~ \ "'<) ~\/ .' /\':"'~" >. 65:'"' -'. . /" ,~\.CJ":'., y I .... / ,^,"'- Y \, .", 'v"' / ..c"~""> /.,. "z:' , ..... y "'1>' . -.... '- " A'''" ..,",..' A>(\"",<'-'<....I - \ ." /'- . ", "\0;,' , ',xv \,:;;~~:; ~/:0~0>J,.~~v\'~~J ('\.:.~"\\}.-Y' /,,:t- , ,fs7 ,v ~ //"\, "'_I , .. ~)V .. '/""'" '-SHARONsf/ (;%~V( , ry, ,oS'. I"Y '\ I, r"","<), .>~(..lr~.......~~ . . . !'u'R/ I . ~, /TI '.. ,'j," -,- .. /:'/1/1:;);-/-1- , ., _ v:ifZ:4~ .. >-."41' ~ / -. '! ~ ..7 'f~-"'Ii>..~..Jjjll1 ;illL ~1-I4.",.'11 ~Liti / II l " .... /' ',.,'// / v / / / ," /" ,,' ./ ",..~ "J" ,$" , l~~ GREAr OAI' 0- /<r \\. /.,/,.., IojIG-H SCHOOL '\ \... / /,> ..... "" \'-......,,// ........ />,:,::~.,/ """ .,'<........, ....... '..........--.-:: , ,-- " ... ~':-" '"', '-i~. ~ "'\ 0. "'~.............. --- .---- (1) \\ , , ~...j /'- '- '\, 'L g,TR E. ET CLOSUP.E LOCArIOl\l M.~P http://chtemp.cityoftemecula.org/GIS ~Intranet~ new/Print_Process.asp 08/07/2006 Ii - I. ITEM NO.1 0 I I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager J#r- iiI!.. CjI3 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: William G. Hughes, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: August 22, 2006 SUBJECT: Summary Vacation of Peggy Lou Lane in Parcel Map No. 19276 PREPARED BY: Ronald J. Parks, Deputy Director of Public Works Steve Charette, Associate Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 06- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA TO SUMMARILY VACATE LOTS "B" AND "c" (PEGGY LOU LANE) OF PARCEL MAP NO. 19276 PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 4, PART 3, DIVISION 9 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAY CODE BACKGROUND: The Riverside County Board of Supervisors approved Parcel Map No. 19276 on January 4, 1985 including acceptance of offers of dedication for street and public utility purposes, said offers including Lots "B" and "C" (Peggy Lou Lane) of said parcel map. To date the offers of dedication have not been accepted by the County or City. Parcel Map No. 19276 consists of two parcels. The current owner of Parcel 2 has formally requested the vacation of Peggy Lou Lane in its entirety (Lots "B" and "C"). According to the recorded parcel map, Peggy Lou Lane was included as part of the gross acreage of Parcel 2. Therefore a vacation of Peggy Lou Lane will revert back the offered right-of-way to the owner of Parcel 2. Parcel 1 will continue to access the public right-of-way at their driveway connection to Calle Medusa. No public improvements have been constructed for Peggy Lou Lane; however the Southern California Edison Company and Verizon Communications have overhead distribution facilities in- place and operating within the proposed vacated street easement. These two existing facilities will not be affected by the vacation due to an existing underlying utility easement along the southerly 6 feet of Peggy Lou Lane which will remain in affect. Staff therefore recommends the summary vacation of Peggy Lou Lane be approved since 1) the street has never been improved to City Standards, 2) there is no foreseeable need to fully improve Peggy Lou Lane to serve the single, rear Parcel Two, 3) Overhead utility facilities will not be affected due to an existing separate utility easement, and 4) Parcel 1 already has access to the public right- of-way at Calle Medusa. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 06 -_ with Exhibits "A" & "B", Inclusive RESOLUTION NO. 06- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA TO SUMMARILY VACATE LOTS "B" AND "C" (PEGGY LOU LANE) OF PARCEL MAP NO. 19276 PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY PROVIDED BY CHAPTER 4, PART 3, DIVISION 9 OF THE STREETS AND HIGHWAY CODE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Temecula does hereby find, determine and declares as follows: A. That the City Council intends to summarily vacate Lots "B" and "c" (Peggy Lou Lane) as these areas are described on Exhibits "A" and "B", in Parcel Map No. 19276. B. The right-of-way to be vacated currently serves only a single lot, Parcel 2 of said parcel map. . C. The right-of-way to be vacated by this resolution is excess right-of-way of a street not required for street or highway purposes. D. This vacation is made pursuant to Section 8330 to 8336 of the Streets and Highways Code. E. No public money was expended for maintenance of the Peggy Lou Lane right of way prior to the intention to vacate. F. There are no public utility easements or facilities which will be affected by this vacation. Section 2. Lots "B" and "C" described in Exhibits "A" and "B" which are attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference are hereby vacated and from and after the date of this Resolution is recorded, Lots "B" and "C" shall no longer constitute a street and public utility easement or right of way of the City of Temecula and shall revert to the property owner. Section 3. The City Clerk shall certify the adoption of this resolution and shall cause a certified copy of the Resolution to be recorded pursuant to Streets and Highway Code Section 8336. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 22nd day of August, 2006. Ron Roberts, Mayor ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 06- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 22nd day of August, 2006, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk EXHIBIT" A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION VACATION OF PEGGY LOU LANE LOTS "B" AND "c" (PEGGY LOU LANE) OF PARCEL MAP 19276 IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN AND DEDICATED FOR STREET PURPOSES ON FILE IN BOOK 126, PAGES 41-42 OF MAPS RECORDED JANUARY 4,1985 AND FILED IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE OF THE COUNTY OF RNERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA i1~ '" f- ~ ~ :;,j ~ " , " " o "' f- w W % e . ~ ~ M " o " " li!~ ., O~ ~; ~~ J " ~~ ~ ~.... 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"1 ", :;; ~. . t ~ \, \1-'7 1'~IOl:/'.u ...... '--:r ~ Ai S s A141s, <a}. :1'~' , o.J;,~o.~~.- .~oSI", ." '", oi,Sk ..... 42 ao.<Rl~ iJ 0$. ~~Oa, -f, " .'4 ~ S!;~~r}~?tv~t:J1 (5)' 1'tf/C\r..:}771t:J' -:-1 ~ ~ Ji. "'" ' 10'::;'8, H~./~ 030 l'y . . ;;:ci !l<l:\- ~3~ ~~~ -,' ~~~ '" e o , .- -. 0 . . 0 . - . " w " < . U -~11I - , , o ~ i ------~. O")."'~ - -' [S~'l.a.sJ =----- ~ \>...~ ~ f'I\ ~L y;, o")() N J ~'U 311'1 7 ~ =lIaGil ~~ "ib.~~~ ~ Ell, Ii - I. ITEM NO. 11 I I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager ~r- /)/2 913 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: William G. Hughes, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: August 22, 2006 SUBJECT: Acceptance of a certain Public Street, Nicole Lane, into the City-Maintained System within Parcel Map No. 30107 (Located at the Southwesterly corner of Margarita Road and Overland Drive) PREPARED BY: Ronald J. Parks, Deputy Director of Public Works Steve Charette, Associate Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 06- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULAACCEPTING A CERTAIN PUBLIC STREET, NICOLE LANE, INTO THE CITY-MAINTAINED SYSTEM (WITHIN PARCEL NO. 30107) BACKGROUND: Parcel Map No. 30107was recorded by the County Recorderon May 13, 2003. According to the recorded map Nicole Lane was retained by the owners as a "Private Access Easement" for themselves and successors. Subsequent to recordation of the map the owners made an offer to dedicate Nicole Lane to the City of Temecula for public street and utility purposes. The offer of dedication was accepted by the City and was recorded with the County Recorder on June 15,2006 as Instrument No. 2006-0434076. Public Works Staff reviewed and inspected Nicole Lane and confirmed that the improvements had been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the approved plans and City Standards prior to acceptance of the offer of dedication. The street now being accepted by this action is Nicole Lane. FISCAL IMPACT: Periodic surface and / or structural maintenance will be required every 5 to 8 years. ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 06 - with Exhibits "A - B" inclusive. EXHIBIT TO RESOLUTION NO. 2006 - Accepting a certain public street (Nicole Lane) offered to and accepted by the City of Temecula as indicated on Recorded Instrument No. 2006- 0434076 into the City-Maintained Street System as described as follows: See attached Legal Description - Exhibit "A" and Plat Map - Exhibit "B" RESOLUTION NO. 06-00 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ACCEPTING A CERTAIN PUBLIC STREET, NICOLE LANE, INTO THE CITY-MAINTAINED SYSTEM (WITHIN PARCEL NO. 30107) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, On May 13, 2003, the County Recorder recorded Parcel Map No. 30107 wherein Nicole Lane was retained by the owners as a "Private Access Easement" for themselves and their successors; and, WHEREAS, Subsequent to recordation of the map the owners" Advanced Cardiovascular Systems, Inc. et ai, made an offer to dedicate Nicole Lane to the City of Temecula for public street and utility purposes; and, WHEREAS, City Public Works Staff reviewed and inspected Nicole Lane and confirmed that the improvements had been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the approved plans and City Standards; and, WHEREAS, the Offer of Dedication was accepted by the City of Temecula from Advanced Cardiovasc,ular Systems, Inc. et ai, and recorded with the County Recorder on June 15, 2006; and, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Temecula hereby accepts into the City-Maintained Street System the street offered to and accepted by the City of Temecula described in Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 22th day of August, 2006. Ron Roberts, Mayor ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 06- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 22th day of August, 2006, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCILMEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, MMC , City Clerk EXHIBIT TO RESOLUTION NO. 2006 . Accepting a certain public street (Nicole Lane) offered to and accepted by the City of Temecula as indicated on Recorded Instrument No. 2006- 0434076 into the City-Maintained Street System as described as follows: See attached Legal Description - Exhibit "A" and Plat Map - Exhibit "B" EXHIBIT "A" 11119/2004 SHEET 1 on A PORTION OF PARCELS 2, 3 AND 4 OF PARCEL MAP 30107 IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA, BOOK 204, PAGES 60 THROUGH 64 INCLUSIVE, OF MAPS RECORDED MAY 13, 2003 AND FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, SAID PORTION BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS AND ILLUSTRATED AS LOT "A" IN EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART OF THIS DOCUMENT: COMMENCING AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTIONS OF OVERLAND DRIVE AND MARGARITA ROAD THENCE SOUTH 01058'57" EAST A DISTANCE OF 74.97 FEET; THENCE LEAVING SAID CENfERLINE TO A POINT PERPENDICULAR TO AND PARALLEL WITH SAID CENTERLINE OF MARGARITA ROAD SOUTH 8800\ '03" WEST A DISTANCE OF 55.00 FEET; THENCE PARALLEL WITH SAID CENTERLINE SOUTH 01058'57" EAST A DISTANCE OF 327.74 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 2055.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE CONCAVE EASTERLY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00032'34" AN ARC DISTANCE OF \9.47 FEET TO A POINT ON THE CENTERLINE OF SAID PROPOSED ROAD SAID POINT ALSO BEING THE TRUE POINT OF JJIC(iil'I~.l~{j; THENCE SOUTH 04047'\4" WEST A DISTANCE OF 7.69 FEET, TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT 2065.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE EASTERLY, A RADIAL TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 87"28'28" WEST; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 00032'34" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 19.57 FEET, TO A POINT 65.00 FEET PERPENDICULAR TO AND PARALLEL WITH SAID CENTERLINE OF MARGARITA ROAD; THENCE NORTH 01058'57" WEST A DISTANCE OF 44.20 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID LOT "A"; THENCE SOUTH 40020'\4" WEST TO AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID LOT; DISTANCE OF 3,3.8\ FEET FROM SAID ANGLE POINT; THENCE SOUTH 87028'28" WEST A DISTANCE OF 174.97 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 2039.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHERLY; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THRqUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03052'20" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 137.80 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 83036'08" WEST A DISTANCE OF 222.92 FEET AND TO AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID LOT "A": THENCE NORTH 51023'52" WEST A DISTANCE OF 35.36 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID LOT "A"; THENCE NORTH 06023'52" WEST A DISTANCE OF \22.1\ FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 961.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE EASTERLY; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF W\1'06" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 187.60 FEET; EXHmIT "A" I III 912004 SHEET 2 OF 3 THENCE NORTH 04047'14" EAST A DISTANCE OF 7.69 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN LOT "An; THENCE NORTH 48037'41' EAST A DISTANCE OF 34.63 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN LOT "A", SAID POINT BEING A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 1050.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHERLY. A RADIAL TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 02028'09" WEST, SAID POINT ALSO BEING 50.00 FEET PERPENDICULAR TO AND PARALLEL WITH THE CENTERLINE OF OVERLAND DRIVE; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AND PARALLEL TO SAID CENTERLINE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 02019'05" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 42.48 FEET, THENCE NORTH 85012'46" WEST A DISTANCE OF 84.52 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID LOT "A"; THENCE SOUTH 40012'46" EAST FROM SAID ANGLE POINT A DISTANCE OF 35.36 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID LOT "A"; THENCE SOUTH 04047'14" WEST A DISTANCE OF 6.81 FEET TO mE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 1039.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE EASTERLY; THENCE SOUTIlERL Y ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 11011 '06" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 202.83 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 06023'52" EAST A DISTANCE OF 73.88 FEET TO A POINT ON A TANGENT 100.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE WESTERLY; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 09059'00" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 17.42 FEET; THENCE soum 03035'08" WEST A DISTANCE OF 41.26 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 88.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY; THENCE SOUmEASTERL Y ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 109058'00" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 168.90 FEET; THENCE NORTH 73037'08" EAST A DISTANCE OF 41.26 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 100.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE, CONCAVE SOUTHERLY; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 09059'00" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 17.42 FEET; THENCE NORTH 83036'08" EAST A DISTANCE OF 174.69 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT 1961.00 FOOT RADIUS CURVE,CONCAVESOUTHERLY; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 03052'20" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 132.53 FEET; THENCE NORm 87028'28" EAST A DISTANCE OF 185.44 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID LOT A; THENCE SOUTH 45056' 51" EAST A DISTANCE OF 33.45 FEET TO AN ANGLE POINT IN SAID LOT "A", SAID POINT ALSO BEING A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT 2055.00 FOOT CURVE, CONCAVE EASTERLY, A RADIAL TO SAID POINT BEARS SOUTH 85042'34" WEST; THENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 01045'54" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 63.30 FEET TO mE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXtll.lsIT "A" 11/1912004 SHEETJ OF 3 CONTAINING 83,139 SQ. FT., 1.91 ACRES. SUBJECT TO ALL COVENANTS, RIGHTS, RIGHT-OF-WAY AND EASEMENT OF RECORD. 1'HIS DESCRIPTION WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION SIGNATURE MIC MYL! EASEMENTS: 11::,. A 25' //fOE Sl.Of'E EASEMENT TO. THE CITY OF lEVEClJlA PER fiNAL ORDER OF tm'O&IINAllON REG; 02/17/00 AS /NSlRMlENT NO. 2000-0.59578, aii'. /}:, P/JBlfC I/nlfTY EASEMENT PER 1.1.8. 54/25-30. & AN EASEMENT IN FA J12Ii' o.F THE CALIFORNIA H'AltR AND lEZEPHONE COAIPANY AND SOUTHERN C4lfFORNIA EOISav COAIPANY FOR PI/BlIC /JllllTE:S REttWOtlI APRIl 19, 1955 AS INSlRl/MENT NO. 40992, aii'. & PRIVATE: STmM DRAIN EASEAlENT PER p.4I. JlJ1D7, 41.8. 204/5/}-5/ ~ -H- VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE LEGEND P.o.c POINT or CtlIIM'CNCAlENT T.P.o.e. TRIIE POINT OF BEGlNNlNC EXHIBIT B SHEET! OF 2 LINE TABLE INlJMBER DIRECHON U N 45'55'5r II' 112 N o.l"5B'57" II' ILJ N 8572'.16" II' IU N 7J~7'&8" E IL5 IN OJ:15'&8" E IL6 IN 06'23'52" II' Ii? N 05'23'52" II' IL8 IN 51'23'52" II' IL9 IN 40:20'/4" E IUO IN Onn4" E 'I Lff N 4072'46" II' IU2 N48~r41"E IUJ N 04'47'14" E IL/4 N 04'4n4" E IUS N 43'59'52" II' CfJRVE TABLE DISTANCE J3. 45' 44.20' 84.52' 41..?6' 141.26' 173.88' 1122.11' I J5.3fi' J3.81' 16.81' 135.36' 34.63' 1769' I. J!.81' J3.05' NUMBERjOELTA ANClE RAOIlJS I ARC LENGTH I CI on5'54" 2055.00 I fi3.30.' I C2 103'52'20' 19fi1.00 1'132.53" I CJ 09"59'00' 100.00 17./2' I C4 1109'58VO" 88. 00 lfi8. 90' C5 109'59VO' 100.00 17.12' CIi 103'52'20" 2039.00 137.80' C7 00~2'J4" 2055.00 19.47' C8 03"52'20" 20Daoo 135.17' C9 1171'00" 1039.00 1202.83' I Cl0 0279'05' 1050.00,42.48' CI1 1171'05" 901.00 1/87.50' C12 11171'05" 1000.00 195.21' CI3 10Ii'45'OO' 1050.00 1123.70' CN 100~2'J4' 201i5.00 119.57' ~ ~ EXHIBIT B SHEET 2 OF 2 ~ I I ~ I fill ~',' _ _.--J ~ -----r ~I- - - - oVEII/.AIIJ /JIINE ~ p. ac. ~ ~, ~- - [- I - - 1: ~ \~. _LJ_~ol I N88'02'lJ"E . --~--w (~ ~!4--A' . CIJ ---..., --iiY 468.71' _ _ - - - '\1 .- 'f04l~ - - - - - \155 I I U3 1~ - - c=. I 1 I s I\.~ ~ I~ I . !l:: :: \~ .; I~ ..', '" , <:. '" - '" - - '" "I " <:\l I ii ,39' 39: ~\. \ \, ~ ~i- -J -I' \--- \ <\. - , ll) ~"- ) ...,.,., I: I ~~ ~ -~ -, _ __ ~.,.....,.,.. N 87111!- . , oj' ~:: ~\- \..- - N 83'38'08" E _ C8 -- I - J7~ _ :.L2 "" ,/ _ itit2- . ' !>> \- - - -;::::. -:::cH C7 t' ~LOT ",4"N8J:J!Y8J., ^ -'. ~ --:;rntJiJfo';t; -~(/\""~ J ___ ~ ~ 286.92'-,.r:- ~ C2 f I _1'- N 87'28'28" E ~~I ~ -1IJiJIJ.9S SJ n:. Y A llf5.44 ~:::. \ ct:i '"" 174.69 ~ ~ ~ ~ L 4 CJ ~ 1 ~I \ \ ~ ''')1 h.: f/ \\\ ~I \ \ \ pjvl 30107 PARCEL 8 LOT "8" DEDICATEO ON PM J0107 FlLEO MA Y 13, 2003 RECORDS OF RIVERS/DE COUNTY. PMB 204/ BO-B4 " \'" ~ PAFlCEL 4 LECEN/l. P.o.C POINT OF COI.IMENC/JENT T.P.o.e. TRUE POINT OF BEC/NN/NC Ii - I. ITEM NO. 12 I I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager ~ 11/2 913 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: William G. Hughes, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: Augus 22, 2006 SUBJECT: Quitclaim Park Site as dedicated on Tract Map No. 32437-1, Lot 64 from City of Temecula to Harveston, LLC PREPARED BY: Ronald J. Parks, Deputy Director of Public Works Steve Charette, Associate Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: Adopt a resolution entitled: A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULAAUTHORIZING THE QUITCLAIM OF A PUBLIC PARK TO THE UNDERLYING FEE OWNERS OF PARK SITE LOT 64, LOCATED WITHIN TRACT MAP 32437-1 BACKGROUND: On November 23, 2005, the City Council of the City of Temecula approved Parcel Map No. 32437-1 within the Harveston development and accepted in fee Lot 64 for Park Site purposes made therein. The dedication of the park site on the map was unintentional, since the conditions of approval for Phase 3 Harveston, including Parcel Map No. 32437-1, did not require a public park dedication. The Temecula Community Service District has confirmed that Harveston, LLC has met all Quimby requirements as part of Phase 1 and 2 Harveston. Therefore, it is Staff's recommendation that the City quitclaim the park site back to the developer, Harveston LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company. Harveston, LLC will, in turn, dedicate the park to the homeowners association. The homeowners association will become the responsible party for the operation and maintenance of a developed private park. The attached quitclaim deed has been prepared by the Public Works Department and reviewed by the City Attorney. It is staff's recommendation that the quit claim deed be approved by the City Council for the quitclaim of the park site (Lot 64 of Tract Map 32437-1) to the underlying property owners. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: 1. Resolution No. 2006_ 2. Quit Claim Deed with Exhibit "A" and Plat labeled Exhibit "B" RESOLUTION NO. 06- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE, CITY OF TEMECULA AUTHORIZING THE QUITCLAIM OF A PUBLIC PARK TO THE UNDERLYING FEE OWNERS OF PARK SITE LOT 64, LOCATED WITHIN TRACT MAP 32437-1 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES RESOLVE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of T emecula approved Tract Map 32437- 1, on November 23, 2005 and accepted in fee the dedication of Lot 64 of said map for Park Site purposes made therein; and, WHEREAS, Lot 64 of Tract Map 32437-1 of the Harveston Phase 3 development was unintentionally dedicated to the City of Temecula; and, WHEREAS, the City of Temecula has determined that all Quimby park requirements have previously been satisfied by the developer as part of the Harveston Phase 1 and 2 development; and, WHEREAS, Harveston, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company is identified as the underlying fee owner ("property owner") of Lot 64 of Tract Map No. 32437-1; and, WHEREAS, the property owner has agreed to accept a quitclaim of said park site from the City of Temecula; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Temecula hereby desires to quitclaim to Harveston, LLC Lot 64 of Tract Map No. 32437-1 as described in Exhibit "A" and shown in Exhibit "8" attached hereto. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approved that certain 'Quitclaim' attached hereto as Exhibit 1 and authorizes the Mayor to execute the Quitclaim on behalf of the City. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 22nd day of August, 2006. Ron Roberts, Mayor ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 06- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 22nd day of August, 2006, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk MEMORANDUM/CITY CLERK TO: Susan W. Jones, CMC/ City Clerk FROM: ~teve Charette, Associate Engineer DATE: August 7,2006 SUBJECT: Quitclaim Deed - TM32437-1 Park Site Lot 64 Harveston Development The attached Quitclaim Deed is transmitted to your office for final processing. The City is quitclaiming a Harveston park site back to Lennar Communities which was inadvertently dedicated to the City on the Map. Once the quitclaim has been executed by the City please call North American Title Company @ (714) 550-6500 Attn: Mark Wardle, Title Officer for pick up and recordation of the Quitclaim Deed. The Title order number is 7003323-23. R:\CHARETS\2006\Memos\TM32437 -1. QuitClaim Park.Clerk.doc RECORDING REQUESTED BY: WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: City Clerk's Department City of Temecnla P.O. Box 9033 Temecnla, CA 92589-9033 SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: APN: 916-660-001 DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $.....,.................................... Computed on the consideration or value of property conveyed Computed on the consideration or value less liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale QUITCLAIM DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, THE CITY OF TEMECULA does hereby remise, release and forever quitclaim to: Harveston, LLC, A Delaware Limited Liability Company By: Lennar Homes of California, Inc., A California Corporation, its Administrative Member the real property in the City ofTemecula, County of Riverside, State of California, described as: Lot 64 of Tract Map 32437-1 in the City ofTemecula, Book 393 of Maps recorded November 23, 2005 and filed in the Office 0 the County of Riverside County, State of California as set forth on Exhibits "A" and "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof. STATE OF CALIFORNIA On }SS before me, Ron Roberts, Mayor Personally appeared Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk Personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of Of satisfactory evidence) to be the person( s) whose Name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instrument and Acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same In hislher/their authorized capacity(ies), and that by Hislher/their signature( s) on the instrument the person( s) Or the entity upon behalf of which the person( s) acted, Executed the instrument. Approved As To Form Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney (This area for official notarial seal.) Signature Quitclaim Deed acknowledgement, acceptance, and authorization to record: (Signature of authorized representative) Title Date EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION QillT CLAIM DEED LOT 64 OF TRACT MAP 32437-1 IN THE CITY OF TEMECULA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN AND DEDICATED FOR PARK SITE PURPOSES ON FILE IN BOOK 393, PAGES 16-22 OF MAPS RECORDED NOVEMBER 23,2005 AND FILED IN THE RECORDER'S OFFICE OF THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA *.\ts ~ ~ w W I ~ :::>...... j:... ls U ~ ~ W W I ~ < Z '" a u. :J < u ls w ~ < in w a v; ~ '" w > cO " ': u. a >- 1- ~ ., a - u aJ .; :J - u w :r " w ~ X u. a IJ,./ >- ~ [; W I ~ " ..-- I Ii ~ i""'-- ~~ "" ~~ I' ) <" ~ ., C'J ~I n ;~ ~~ o ~! l ; z ~. ~li ~~ ~z f-- ,-. U ~~~ <em 0::::: ~.~ f-- ~51 o . . J \ SEE 5 wo zr:6 ~D/61/6 ara :)M{]'tOOlnl-gLOI\~-lrtlr l:lVlI.l\!lNlddVI'j\OOV:l\<;;LOIOI!a\Vlli'od\:H san .. 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ITEM NO. 13 I I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager V /112. ~ CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: William G. Hughes, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: August 22,2006 SUBJECT: Acceptance of Improvements and Notice of Completion for Traffic Signal and Interconnect Upgrades - 79 South, Winchester Road and Redhawk Area - Project No. PW05-12 PREPARED BY: Jerry Gonzalez, Associate Engineer - Traffic RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Accept the project, Traffic Signal and I nterconnect Upgrades - 79 South, Winchester Road, and Redhawk Area - Project No. PW05-12, and 2. File a Notice of Completion. BACKGROUND: On February 14, 2006, the City Council approved a contract with DBX, Inc. in the amount of $122,116.00 and authorized a contingency in the amount of$12,211.60, 10% of the contract amount, for a total authorization of $134,327.60. The project consists of installing interconnect cable on Margarita Road between Winchester Road and Harveston Drive, new traffic signal controller software on Winchester Road and Route 79 South, and replacing traffic signal cabinets and installing battery back-up systems in the Redhawk area. DBX, Inc. has completed the work in accordance with the Scope of Work included in the Contract Agreement and to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The retention for this project will be released pursuant to the provisions in Public Contract Code Section 7107. FISCAL IMPACT: The Traffic Signal and Interconnect Upgrades - 79 South, Winchester Road, and RedhawkArea - Project No. PW05-12, is a Capital Improvement projectfunded through Development Impact Fees, Traffic Signals and Capital Project Reserves. During the course of the contract, one (1) contract change order resulted in a net contract increase of $5, 300.00, bringing the final contract amount to $127,416.00. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Notice of Completion 2. Contractor's Affidavit and Final Release RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND RETURN TO: CITY CLERK CITY OF TEMECULA P.O. Box 9033 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92589-9033 NOTICE OF COMPLETION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT: 1. The City of Temecula is the owner of the property hereinafter described: Margarita Road, 79 South, Winchester Road, and Redhawk Area roadways. 2. The full address of the City ofTemecula is 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California 92590. 3. The Nature of Interest is a Contract which was awarded by the City of Temecula to DBX. Inc.. 42066 Avenida Alvarado. Suite C. Temecula. California 92590 to perform the following work: Traffic Signal and Interconnect Upgrades 79 South, Winchester Road, and Redhawk Area - Project No. PW05-12 4. Said work was completed by said company according to the Contract Agreement and to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works of the City of Temecula and that said work was accepted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a regular meeting thereof held on Auqust 22. 2006. 5. The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of Temecula, county of Riverside, State of California, and is described as follows: Maraarita Road. 79 South. Winchester Road. and Redhawk Area Roadwavs. 6. The location of said property is: Temecula, California Dated at Temecula, California, this 22"d day of Auaust. 2006 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) City of Temecula Susan W. Jones MMC, City Clerk I, Susan W. Jones CMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, California and do hereby certify under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing NOTICE OF COMPLETION is true and correct, and that said NOTICE OF COMPLETION was duly and regularly ordered 'to be recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside by said City Council. Dated at Temecula, California, this 22"d day of August, 2006. City of Temecula Susan W. Jones MMC, City Clerk 88/8912886 16:14 9512969978 '08/00/2006 1~:57 FAX 951 6B4 ti47~ DBX CITY OP TEMECUL^ PUB WRS PAGE 02/02 IdJ n01 CITY OF'1'EMECULA TRAFFIC SIGNAL INTERCONNECT UPGRADES PROJECT NO. PW05-I2 CUP, L nAeTORS AFFIDAViT AND FINAL RELEASE This is to certify tlmt DUX, IDc.., (hereinafter the "undersigned") declares to the City ofTemecula. under oath, that it has paid in full for all materialS, supplies, labor, services, tools, equipmenr, ond on other bills contracted for by lbe undersigned or by llJlY of me undersign~d's agents, employees, Or subcontractors used or in contribution to the executi')fl of its cont,ract with the City of Temecu!a with regard to the building, ereetjon, cOllstroction or tOp~ljt af that certain work of improvement known as: 1J"affie Signal Interconnect Upgrades, ]>rQjeet No. PW05-12 situated in me Community of City of Telllecula, Stale of California. more particularly descrlbedi as follows: Various Locations 79 South, Winchester Rd.. Redhawk Area "I'he undersigned declares that it knows of no unpaid debts or claims arising out of said Contract which would constitute grounds fOJ any third party to elaim a Slop notice of any unpaid sums owning to the undersigned. Furtller, for valuable consideration, the receipt of which i. hereby acknowledged, the undersigned does hereby fillly release and acquit (be City of Temecula and all agenlS and employees of tile City, and each of them, from any and all claims. debts, demands. or causes of action which exi.t or might exist in favor of the undersigned and the City of Tcmecula or which relate in any way to the work performed by the lllldersignecl with regard to lbe ab,)Vc referenced construction project. Further, lhe undersigned expressly acknowledges its aWareness ofaod waives the benefiuwfl542 of the Civil Code of the State of California which provides: "A general release does not extend to daims which elle creditor docs not know or suspect to exist in his fllvor at the time of executing tile release, which jf known to him must have materially effected It,is settlement with lhc debtor." This rcleRse is intended co be n full and general release of any and lIll claims which the underRigned now has or may, in toe future, have ~gainst rhe Cit)' of Temecula and/or its agents and employees with regerd to any mailer arising !'rom the l:onstlUction or the above rererel1ced project or tbe contract between tbe City and tbe Contractor with respect lhereto wbether such claims are now known or unknown or are suspected or unsuspected.. Pated: 8/9/06 J ( (Nif> " President (Tille) t~ ny: ',- . R:\mnbIUtln\workomB'l"ll\99.2000\boan.lwIllk - lornn COrltt:\ctlajp Ii - I. ITEM NO. 14 I I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager ~ iJlZ 9Il CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: William G. Hughes, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: August 22,2006 SUBJECT: Temecula Library, Project No. PWOO-07 Amendment NO.4 to the Agreement with LPA, Inc. for Architectural Services PREPARED BY: Amer Attar, Principal Engineer Bill McAteer, Construction Manager RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve Amendment NO.4 to the agreement with LPA, I nc. in an amount not to exceed $98,511.00 to provide the necessary construction support services to complete the Temecula Library Project. BACKGROUND: On December 14, 1999, the City Council Approved an agreement with LPA, Inc. for schematic design, design development and construction services for the Temecula Library, in the amount of $738,710.00. On March 20, 2002, Amendment NO.1 was approved for $25,000.00 for the Library Grant Application assistance. On April 12, 2002, Amendment NO.2 was approved for $18,500.00 for plan revisions required during the Library Grant Application process. On June 22, 2004, the City Council approved Amendment NO.3 for $156,000.00 for changes to the plans requested by the Office of Library Construction and the Department of State Architect. Amendment NO.4 covers the following additional services: 1. Additional Architect Site Visits: When the original agreement was executed, itwas assumed that the architect would make a site visit every two weeks. This number of visits was sufficient at the beginning of the project. As the work progressed, and given the complexity of the project, it became apparent that a representative from the architect would be required on-site at least weekly. The importance of this was magnified by the aggressive schedule of the library construction. 2. Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E) Procurement Support: The original agreement called for four coordination meetings with the City for the procurement of furniture, fixtures and equipment. The process for selecting the furniture, fixtures and equipment and, eventually, the coordination for their installation will far exceed the services covered in the original agreement with LPA, Inc. This is due to reviewing a larger pool of furniture, addition of other equipment, such as the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system for books, preparation of balloon bid packages, and furniture purchase orders tracking for accuracy. 3. Additional Miscellaneous Services: LPA is being requested to perform numerous additional services that are required to keep the project on schedule and complete it on time. These additional services include: creation of the fire line plan documents, revision of the HistoryWalk; multiple review of the stone veneer; changing the finish of the building from EIFS to plaster; revisions to the electrical plans; and other miscellaneous services. All addition services that are being requested from the project architect, LPA, Inc., are necessary to ensure that City is getting a completed library that meets its requirements, that is within the schedule specified by the contract, and within the approved budget. FISCAL IMPACT: The total cost of Amendment NO.4 is $98,511.00. Sufficientfunds for this amendment are available in Account #21 0-199-129-5802, Library - Design. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Amendment NO.4 FOURTH AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF TEMECULA AND LPA, INC. TEMECULA PUBLIC LIBRARY PROJECT NO. PWOO-07 THIS FOURTH AMENDMENT is made and entered into as of August 22, 2006 by and between the City of Temecula, a municipal corporation ("City") and LPA, Inc. ("Consultant"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. This Amendment is made with respect to the following facts and purposes: A. On December 14, 1999 the City and Consultant entered into that certain agreement entitled "City of Temecula Agreement for design services for the Temecula Public Library ("Agreement") in the amount of $738,710.00. B. The Agreement was amended on March 20, 2002, in the amount of $25,000.00, again on April 12, 2002, in the amount of $18,500.00, and again on June 22, 2004 in the amount of $156,000.00, for a total Agreement amount of $938,210.00. C. The parties now desire to increase the payment for additional design and construction detail services in the amount of $98,511.00 and amend the Agreement as set forth in this Amendment. 2. Section 4 a. Payment of the Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: a. The City agrees to pay Consultant monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and schedules and terms set forth in Exhibit B for services described in Section B of Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full. The fourth amendment amount shall not exceed $98,511,000 for additional design and construction detail services for a total agreement amount, of $1,036,721.00. 3. Exhibit B to the Agreement is hereby amended by adding thereto the items set forth on Attachment "A" to this Amendment, which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. 4. Except for the changes specifically set forth herein, all other terms and conditions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. R:ICIPIProjects\PWOO-07\AgreementsILPA Amend 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed the day and year first above written. CITY OF TEMECULA Ron Roberts, Mayor ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk Approved As to Form: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney CONSULTANT: LPA, Inc. 5161 California Ave., Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92617 Phone (949) 261-1001 FAX (949)260-1190 Robert Kupper, CEO James Kelley, Vice President (Two Signatures Required For Corporations) 2 ATTACHMENT A Attached hereto and incorporated herein is the additional scope of work and associated cost as provided by the Consultant. 3 -+ , il II 1/4 1/1 H!II >~ ~ ~ a ~ LPA August 7. 200S . ~ . '" .: ~ ~ ~ '=",,"ii ~ij Mr. Bill McAteer CITY DF TEMECULA 43200 Business Park Drive T em"ul,. C,liforni, 82S88-8033 Re: lPA Additional Service - Tem"ul, library lPA Proj"t No. 8BOS7.20 -~ :;~ E e -- '" '" u u -"" . . .......... N....== .. --~.s- m""el'; ............ l7l1n~. CL........:.= Oear Bill: Tb,nk you for meeting witb me and Pbylis Ruse on June IS" and again on August 3m to discuss tbe financial asp"ts of tbe proj"l. Per our discussion. please find tbe following requests. We bave divided tbe requests into two categories: A. Cost of labor Incurred (lPA Project No. B8D57.2D) I. Addition,1 Site Visits Per our contract d,ted Oecember 14. 1S88. lPA assumed bi-montbly trips over a IS mnntb cnnstructinn scbedule equaling 30 site visits, Tbe City bas requested weekly trips and as of S/S/OS.lPA will bave visited tbe site 34 times. Assuming weekly trips to meet tbe revised estim,ted completion date at B/2I/0S. lPA will require compensation for 20 more visits. A visit is comprised of: . Tbree bours on site (average) . Tbree bnurs travel . Two bours office time nrsuppnrt time At eigbt bnurs limes IIIS/bour. eacb visit would cost 1820, Witb 172 of mileage, , single trip costs IB82. Tberefore. twenty trips times 1882/visit $19.340. 2. FFfiE In ,ddition to tbe four weekly coordination meetings prior to 8inst,ll,tion. lPA bas incurred, and is incurring ,dditional costs for extraneous work and cbanges as follows: ,. Revisions to FFOE: i. lPA bad to sel"t new finisbes and fixtures following review from tbe new council. 11.200 ii. Some fixtures were discontinued and needed to resel"ted. 1800 b. Incorporation ofRFIO: i. Tbis was not originally part of tbe scope. $3.800 c. Specialty bid packaga for "balloons": i. Tbis was originally in tba construction documants. but was rejectad by tba stata becausa it was "art work" lPA bad to administer tba bid saparataly. d. Four additional visits including reviaw witb tba naw council: a. Furniture material board: f. Tracking purcbasa orders: i. lPA bas spant unanticipatad bours reviawing purcbasa orders for accuracy and cballanging tba pricing for mostcompatitivabids.. g. Raimbursable: sbipping. mailing, Xeroxing: 11.2UU 14.UUU 18UU 12.2UU 14UU 114.4UU Total request for additional FmE Services: 3. Miscallanaous Issua a. History Walk Verbiaga: i. After recaiving contant for tba "bistory walk" verbiaga. lPA rafinad and incorporatad tba naw story artistically into tba construction documants. b. Multipla versions to tba project regarding tba "stone" mock-ups and unaccaptable installation mock-ups. 11.8UU $4.UUU 15,8UU Total Miscallaneous: 4. Professional Servica Autborization Per your request. pleasa find tbe list of all PSA's to deta below. We bave attacbed copies for your review. Fee Reimb. PSA# Uescription Amount Amount 1-3 Praviouslyapproved 4 Cbanga EIFS to plaster 5 Fire lina plan documents 6 Void 7 Revisa fire line plan 8 Electrical drawing cbanges per meeting 8/14/U6 8 Additional RUF (civil sarvices) IU Void II Structural: Meeting observetions/reports 12 Uocumentation revision to inspiration garden slete 13 Bulletin #17: Revision sacurity/access ctrl. 14 Urivewey entrance revisions 15 Additional Vagi antenna cable Total PSA's TOTAL for Cost of Labor Incurred: llU.UUU IU 13.55U 1355 12.885 1288 18,825 1883 13.22U 1322 16.67U 1667 1884 IU lLU35 llU4 13.38U 134U 1575 117 141.234 IZ887 SB3,761 C:\Documellts and Settings\anita.pyle\lncal Settings\T emporary Internet Files\DlK49A\DBMcAteer080906.doc LPA Pag,2ot3 B. Cost of Potential Activities. (lPA Job No. 98057.91) As the project proceeds through the closing out ph,se. the following are e list of activities th,t ~ be required. These would be billed on an " needed besis following authorizetion from the City of Temecul,. Additional visits ,s noted: ,. Architectural, landscape. or engineering consultant ,s required: Allowance: Eight visits X lI.OlIlI b. Civil engineering t,sks: Allowance: line visit X $7511 c. lPA represent'tives to ,ddress FFfiE issues in eddition to the four contractual issues: Allowance: Six visits X $1.0011 TOTAL Allowance for Potential Activities: 8ill, thank you for working through these issues with me. We look forward to , beautiful building. BY ye,rs in the m,king! Sincerely. lPA.lnc. Orange County Office Jim Wirick. AlA Princip,1 ~:\Dllcuments and Settings\anita.pyle\Local Settings\T empllrary Internet files\OlK49A\OBMcAteer080S0B.doc $8,000 $750 $6.000 S14,750 LPA P,ge3of3 Ii - I. ITEM NO. 15 I I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager V /ilL 9/3 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: William G. Hughes, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: August 22, 2006 SUBJECT: Approval of the Plans and Specifications and Authorization to Solicit Construction Bids for the Citywide Concrete Repairs, Phase I Fiscal Year 2006-2007 Project No. PW06-08 PREPARED BY: Greg Butler, Principal Engineer William Becerra, Assistant Engineer RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the plans and specifications and authorize the Department of Public Works to solicit construction bids for the Citywide Concrete Repairs, Phase I Fiscal Year 2006-2007, Project No. PW06-08. BACKGROUND: This annual Concrete Repair project will repair various damaged concrete facilities maintained by the City. The Public Works Maintenance Division surveyed, addressed and compiled a list of damaged sidewalks, curb & gutter, residential driveway approaches, and under sidewalk drains. Those needing immediate repair are includes in this project. The specifications have been compiled and the project is ready to be advertised for construction bids. The contract documents are available for review in the City Engineer's office. The Engineer's Construction Estimate for this project is $ 109,000.00. FISCAL IMPACT: Adequate funds are available in the Public Works Department Maintenance Division FY 2006-2007 Budget for Routine Street Maintenance, Account No. 001-164- 601-5402. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Concrete Repair List - FY 2006-2007 CONCRETE REPAIR LIST 1- LOCATION 131381 PAHUTA STREET 131392 VIA EDUARDO 131392 VIA EDUARDO r.1743 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE NO. ,ADJACENT TO CATCH BASIN 11~1743 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE NO, IADJACENTTO CATCH BASIN 141743 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE NO. IADJACENT TO CATCH BASIN IBETWEEN 41743 &41689 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE NO IW/B WINCHESTER RD 50' PAST ENTERPRISE CIRCLE NO, IWESTBOUND RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD 50' EAST OF BUSINESS PARK WEST ISOUTHWEST CORNER OF SINGLE OAK AND BUSINESS PARK WEST IBETWEEN 41740 AND 41840 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE NORTH ISOUTHEAST CORNER OF WINCHESTER AND IIENTERPRISE CIRCLE SOUTH ICALLE KA TERINE 50' SOUTH OF KLARER ON THE EASTSIDE 140360 CALLE MEDUSA 129220 STONEWOOD I SIDEWALK AROUND CATCH 'IBASIN LID ON SOUTH SIDEWALK 129220 STONEWOOD I SIDEWALK AROUND CATCH BASIN LID ON SOUTH SIDEWALK rCROSS FROM 29220 STONEWOOD rCROSS FROM 29220 STONEWOOD rCROSS FROM 29220 STONEWOOD CITYWIDE CONCRETE REPAIRS PHASE 1 - FY2006/2007 PROJECT NO. PW06-08 11__ nom SCOPE OF WORK II ~II ~ 32 10 10 6 4 6 21 6 Sidewalk R & R SIDEWALK & ROOT PRUNE Sidewalk R & R SIDEWALK & ROOT PRUNE Sidewalk /R & R SIDEWALK & ROOT PRUNE Sidewalk IR & R SIDEWALK & ROOT PRUNE IE & R SIDEWALK & Sidewalk ROOT PRUNE 1 Curb & GutterlR & R CURB & GUTTER 110 I Sidewalk /R & R SIDEWALK & 118 ROOT PRUNE 1 Sidewalk IR & R SIDEWALK & 115 ROOT PRUNE I Sidewalk /R & R SIDEWALK & 1 48 ROOT PRUNE I Curb & Gutter R & R CURB & GUTTER 17 I Sidewalk R & R SIDEWALK & ROOT PRUNE 1 Sidewalk IR&RSIDEWALK& ROOT PRUNE I Sidewalk IR & R SIDEWALK & ROOT PRUNE 1 Sidewalk 1 R & R SIDEWALK & ROOT PRUNE T1ERRA VISTA 30' WEST OF YNEZ ROAD 1 1 1 IIN CENTER MEDIAN Curb & Gutter R & R CURB & GUTTER 42 IRANCHO VISTA ROAD 50' EAST OF CALLE RIO VISTAI Sidewalk IR & R SIDEWALK & 115 N/S ROOT PRUNE IRANCHO VISTA ROAD 200' EAST OF MARGARITA Sidewalk R & R SIDEWALK & 1 53 ROAD N/S ROOT PRUNE IWALCOTT LANE 50' NORTH OF KLARER LANE W/S Sidewalk R & R SIDEWALK & I 20 ROOT PRUNE [NORTHWEST CORNER OF LA SERENA AND WILLOW 1 Sidewalk IR & R SIDEWALK & 114 RUN ROOT PRUNE ILA SERENA ROAD ACROSS FROM POOLE COURT I Sidewalk IR & R SIDEWALK & 1 26 II ROOT PRUNE , '42211 STONEWODD END OF CUL-DE-SAC 1 Sidewalk IR & R SIDEWALK & I 27 ROOT PRUNE 1 Sidewalk R & R SIDEWALK & 1 5 ROOT PRUNE I' R&RSIDEWALK& 1 1 Sidewalk ROOT PRUNE 5 2 1 IR&RSIDEWALK& / /' Sidewalk ROOT PRUNE 6 6 / Sidewalk IR & R SIDEWALK & 1 5 1 2 ROOT PRUNE 1 Sidewalk 1 R & R SIDEWAlK & I 3 I 6 ROOT PRUNE 12 6 21 6 33 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 C&G (LF) 192 60 60 10 1 36 1 24 1 I' 108 1 90 1 288 I 1 126 / 72 1 126 I 198 1 1 90 I 318 1 120 I 84 1 156 1 162 I 30 1 10 I 36 1 10 1 18 17 42 r.\cip\projects\pw06\pw06-08 citywide concrete phase i ~ fy 2006-Q7\specs\concrete repair list.xls CONCRETE REPAIR LIST CITYWIDE CONCRETE REPAIRS PHASE 1 - FY2006/2007 PROJECT NO. PW06-08 F .....m..~ LOCATION Ilff~mll_i_$COPEOFWORK II L II .:J C&G Sidewalk II.. ...,. R~'PriV~JUnder$idewalk (LF) (SF) APproach(SF). Drain (fA) rCROSS FROM 29220 STONEWOOD Curb & Gutt~rl~'& R CURB & GUTTER - 1 10 10 ~3350 VIA ANGELES Sidewalk IR & R SIDEWALK & 7 6 42 1 ROOT PRUNE 129991 CAMINO DEL SOL DRIVE Curb & GutterlR & R CURB & GUTTER I 60 60 I 129991 CAMINO DEL SOL DRIVE Sidewalk IR & R SIDEWALK & I 12 6 I 72 ROOT PRUNE IEIB RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD APPROXIMATELY I Curb & GutterlR & R CURB & GUTTER/ 20 20 I 200' WIO BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD INIS OF RANCHO VISTA ROAD 200' EIO MIRA LOMA I Under Sidewalk IR & R UNDER I I j (SIGNAL) Drain SIDEWALK DRAIN 31600 CORTE PADRERA I Sidewalk / R & R SIDEWALK & I 6 6 I 36 I ROOT PRUNE I I R & R SIDEWALK & I I 1 f1270VIAAGUlLA Sidewalk ROOT PRUNE 36 6 216 f 1270 VIA AGUILA I Curb & Gutter R & R CURB & GUTTER I 34 I I 34 I I r 1270 VIA AGUILA I Residential I R & R DRIVE I 7 I 6 I I 42 I Dnveway APPROACH Aooroach ~1260VIAAGUILA I Sidewalk IR & R SIDEWALK & I 57 I 6 I I 342 I ROOT PRUNE r 1240 VIA AGUILA I Sidewalk I R & R SIDEWALK & I 32 I 6 I I 192, I, ROOT PRUNE 1~1230 VIA AGUILA I Sidewalk IR & R SIDEWALK & I 5 I 6 I I 30 ROOT PRUNE jl1220VIAAGUlLA I Sidewalk IR & R SIDEWALK & 42 I 6 I I 252 ROOT PRUNE 11210 VIA AGUILA I Sidewalk I R & R SIDEWALK & 20 I 6 I I 120 ROOT PRUNE f1241 VIA AGUILA I Sidewalk R & R SIDEWALK & 31 I 6 I I 186 ROOT PRUNE IBETWEEN 41241 AND 41251 VIA AGUILA I Sidewalk R & R SIDEWALK & 60 I 6 I I 360 ROOT PRUNE ~1251 VIA AGUILA I Sidewalk I R & R SIDEWALK & 16 I 6 I I 96 ROOT PRUNE ~1291 VIA AGUILA I Sidewalk IR & R SIDEWALK & 7 I 6 I I 42 ROOT PRUNE ~IA PUERT A AT LA SERENA NIW CORNER I Sidewalk IR & R SIDEWALK & 5 I 6 I I 30 ROOT PRUNE 131017 CAMINO DEL ESTE I Sidewalk IR & R SIDEWALK & 10 I 6 I I 60 ROOT PRUNE 131017 CAMINO DEL ESTE Residential R & R DRIVE Driveway APPROACH 6 6 36 Approach 31122 CAMINO DEL ESTE Sidewalk R & R SIDEWALK & 13 6 78 ROOT PRUNE 131122 CAMINO DEL ESTE I Curb & GutterlR & R CURB & GUTTER 13 13 ~CROSS FROM 31200 CAMINO DEL ESTE I Sidewalk I R & R SIDEWALK & I 12 6 72 ROOT PRUNE r.\cip\projects\pw06\pwOS-Ga citywide concrete phase i - fy 200&07\specs\concrete repair list.xls CONCRETE REPAIR LIST CITYWIDE CONCRETE REPAIRS PHASE 1 - FY2006/2007 PROJECT NO. PW06-08 [ ... 'LOCATION 11<~m .IISCOPE~F~ORK lilllWil} ..~~~... ..1 I Sidewalk Res. Drive UriderSidewalk (SF) AflprQaCh(SF) Drain lEA) jCAMINO DEL ESTE AT CAMINO VERDE NEXT TO Sidewalk R & R SIDEWALK & 14 6 84 UNDERSIDEWALK DRAIN ROOT PRUNE ICAMINO DEL ESTE AT CAMINO VERDE Under Sidewalk R & R UNDER Drain SIDEWALK DRAIN ICROWNE HILL 50' SIO OLD KENT ROAD E1S Sidewalk R & R SIDEWALK & I 6 I 6 36 I I ROOT PRUNE ICROWNE HILL 50' SIO OLD KENT ROAD EIS Sidewalk IR & R SIDEWALK & / 11 I 2 22 I I ROOT PRUNE ~ IBETWEEN 39511 & 39512 SHADOW VIEW Sidewalk /R & R SIDEWALK & I 56 I 6 336 I I ROOT PRUNE 'r 1290 VIA AGUILA Sidewalk IR & R SIDEWALK & I 15 I 6 90 I I ROOT PRUNE r 1437 CHENIN BLANC COURT Sidewalk I R & R SIDEWALK & I 23 I 6 138 I I ROOT PRUNE rCROSS FROM 41598 CHENIN BLANC COURT Sidewalk IR & R SIDEWALK & I 49 I 6 294 J / ROOT PRUNE rCROSS FROM 41598 CHEN IN BLANC COURT Sidewalk IR & R SIDEWALK & I 25 I 6 150 I I ROOT PRUNE I IR & R SIDEWALK & I / / I ISIB YNEZ ROAD 200' NIO OVERLAND DRIVE Sidewalk ROOT PRUNE 13 6 78 IVAIL RANCH PARKWAY EIO JOHNSON Sidewalk I R & R SIDEWALK & / 10 I 6 I 60 I I ROOT PRUNE IEfS OF PUJOL STREET 30' NlO FIRST Sidewalk JR & R SIDEWALK & I 19 I 6 I 114 I I ROOT PRUNE 132062 CAMINO NUNEZ Sidewalk IR & R SIDEWALK & I 27 I 6 I 162 I I ROOT PRUNE 130660 MILKY WAY DRIVE Sidewalk /R & R SIDEWALK & I 33 I 6 I 198 I I ROOT PRUNE 130660 MILKY WAY DRIVE Sidewalk IR & R SIDEWALK & I 28 I 6 I 168 I I ROOT PRUNE 1130660 MILKY WAY DRIVE Sidewalk JR & R SIDEWALK & I 22 I 6 I 132 I I ROOT PRUNE 130660 MILKY WAY DRIVE Sidewalk IR & R SIDEWALK & I 45 I 6 I 270 I I ROOT PRUNE 30660 MILKY WAY DRIVE Sidewalk IR & R SIDEWALK & I 29 I 6 I 174 / I I ROOT PRUNE ~3056 CAMINO CASILLAS Sidewalk I R & R SIDEWALK & I 11 I 6 I 66 I I ROOT PRUNE ~3056 CAMINO CASILLAS I IR & R SIDEWALK & I 33 I I 33 J I Curb & Gutter ROOT PRUNE INfB MARGARITA ROAD 300' SIO DEPORTOLA ROAD I Sidewalk IR&RSIDEWALK& I 20 I 6 I I I ROOT PRUNE 1125' Sf 0 28980 FRONT STREET I Under Sidewalk IR & R UNDER I I I I I Drain SIDEWALK DRAIN 128900 FRONT STREET I Under Sidewalk /R & R UNDER I I I I !ADJACENT TO DRIVE APPROACH, E1S Drain SIDEWALK DRAIN 31939 CALLE BALAREZA I Curb & GutterlR & R CURB & GUTTER I 13 J 13 I I 1,-. GRAND TOTALS .._~ r:\cip\projects\pw06\pw06-08 citywide concrete phase i - fy 2006-07\specs\concrete repair list.xls Ii - I. ITEM NO. 16 I I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager ~~ CIl ~ CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney DATE: August 22, 2006 SUBJECT: City Manager Authorization to Obtain Appraisals and Make Offers to Purchase Real Property for Public Rights of Way Pursuant to Government Code Section 66462 PREPARED BY: Peter M. Thorson, City Attorney RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. 06- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO TAKE CERTAIN ACTIONS RELATING TO THE OBTAINING OF APPRAISALS AND MAKING OFFERS TO PURCHASE REAL PROPERTY FOR CERTAIN ACQUISITIONS OF PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY BACKGROUND: The City's approvals of residential subdivisions are extensively conditioned to provide for public improvements necessary to serve the project, such as roads and storm drains both within the subdivision and off-site. The City often requires as a condition of approval that the developer of the subdivision make a good faith effort to acquire real property or portions of real property for the rights of way to be conveyed to the City and on which the developer will construct the necessary public improvements. If the developer cannot acquire the rights of way to construct the public improvements after good faith negotiations with the property owner, the developer has the right under Government Code Section 66462 to request the City to obtain the right of way at the expense of the developer. If the City is unable to acquire the right of way sought for construction of the public improvement mandated by a condition of approval, then the developer can be relieved of the condition R:lAgenda Reports/Authority of eM Appraisals Report 8 22 06 requiring construction of the public improvement. When a request pursuant to Government Code Section 66462 is made, the City enters into an agreement with the developer pursuant to Government Code Section 66462.5 providing for a cash deposit in an amount estimated to be the cost to the City of obtaining the right of way and for the contribution of additional funds as necessary. As the City has received, and expects to continue to receive, many requests pursuant to Government Code Section 66462.5, the delegation and procedures set forth in this Resolution will enable the City to more efficiently administer certain of the acquisition procedures set forth at Government Code Section 7267.2. The attached Resolution provides that the City Manager be delegated some of the responsibilities associated with developer acquisitions. These responsibilities include: obtaining an appraisal, setting just compensation, making an offer to purchase, and beginning negotiations with the property owner subject to applicable law. If the City Manager and the property owner concur on the terms, the City Manager would then bring the offer to the City Council for final approval. Nothing in the Resolution authorize the City Manager to enter into an agreement with a property owner for the purchase of his/her property. FISCAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: Resolution No. 06-_ R:lAgenda Reports/Authority of eM Appraisals Report 8 22 06 RESOLUTION NO. 06- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO TAKE CERTAIN ACTIONS RELATING TO THE OBTAINING OF APPRAISALS AND MAKING OFFERS TO PURCHASE REAL PROPERTY FOR CERTAIN ACQUISITIONS OF PUBLIC RIGHTS OF WAY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council finds, determines and declares that: a. The City's approvals of residential subdivisions are extensively conditioned to provide for public improvements necessary to serve the project, such as roads and storm drains both within the subdivision and off-site. b. The City often requires as a condition of approval that the developer of the subdivision make a good faith effort to acquire real property or portions of real property for the rights of way to be conveyed to the City and on which the developer will construct the necessary public improvements. c. If the developer cannot acquire the rights of way to construct the public improvements after good faith negotiations with the property owner, the developer has the right under Government Code Section 66462 to request the City to obtain the right of way at the expense of the developer. If the City is unable to acquire the right of way sought for construction of the public improvement mandated by a condition of approval, then the developer can be relieved of the condition requiring construction of the public improvement. d. When a request pursuant to Government Code Section 66462 is made, the City enters into an agreement with the developer pursuant to Government Code Section 66462.5 providing for a cash deposit in an amount estimated to be the cost to the City of obtaining the right of way and for the contribution of additional funds as necessary. e. As the City has received, and expects to continue to receive, many requests pursuant to Government Code Section 66462.5, the delegation and procedures set forth in this Resolution will enable the City to more efficiently administer certain of the acquisition procedures set forth at Government Code Section 7267.2. Section 2. Where a developer and the City have entered into an agreement pursuant to Government Code Sections 66462 and 66462.5 for the acquisition of real property for right of way, the City Council hereby delegates to and authorizes the City Manager to obtain an appraisal of the subject property, determine fair market value, make an offer to purchase the necessary rights of way for the public improvements and negotiate with the property owners in accordance with the following requirements: a. The City Manager shall direct the City Attorney's office to engage a real property appraiser whose accreditation as a California Certified General Real Estate Appraiser or an MAl is current to prepare an Appraisal Report of the real property for rights of way to be acquired ("subject property"). b. After engaging an appraiser pursuant to Section 2.a., the City Manager or his or her designee will provide written notice to the property owner of the proposed appraisal inspection in accordance with the California Code of Regulations, Title 25, Section 6182. c. Upon completing the Appraisal Report of the subject property the appraiser shall certify the following: D The appraisal report is a "Complete Appraisal - Summary Report" D Any data not contained in the Appraisal Report are maintained in the appraiser's files D The Appraisal Report has been prepared in conformance with State and, whenever applicable, Federal, real property acquisition requirements, the Code of Professional Ethics and Standards of Professional Practice of the Appraisal Institute, and the Uniform Standards for Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP) adopted by the Appraisal Foundation D In arriving at his or her opinion of the fair market value of the subject property, the appraiser has used the fair market value standard set forth in Cal. Code of Civ. Procedure Section 1263.320 D The appraiser has no direct or indirect present or contemplated future personal interest in the subject property or in any benefit from the proposed acquisition by the City D The appraiser has the necessary education and experience to complete the appraisal assignment d. The City Manager shall request that the City Attorney's office review the completed Appraisal Report. The City Attorney shall recommended approval of the Appraisal Report to the City Manager if the City Attorney determines that: D The Appraisal Report is complete for the purpose of setting just compensation for the subject property pursuant to Government Code Section 7267.2; D The date of value used by the appraiser is a date not more than four (4) months prior to the date proposed for approval of the appraisal by the City Manager; D The appraiser has used accepted appraisal methods that are appropriate to the appraisal assignment, including determining the highest and best use of the subject property and the applicable zoning; D The appraiser has disregarded any decrease or increase in the fair market value of the subject property prior to the date of value caused by the public improvement for which the property is sought; D Where appropriate the estimated just compensation for the subject property and the estimated just compensation for damages to remaining property are separately stated, with calculations and narrative explanation; that the value conclusions do not include elements determined to be non-compensable under California law; D Any special assumptions identified in the report are acceptable and appropriate. e. When the conditions for approval of an Appraisal Report set forth in Section 2.a., b., and c. of this Resolution are met, the City Manager may approve the Appraisal Report. If the Appraisal Report is approved by the City Manager, the City Manager shall then establish the amount of total just compensation for purposes of making an offer to the property owner pursuant to Government Code Section 7267.2 and the applicable state regulations. The City Manager shall establish the amount of total just compensation at the full amount set forth in the approved appraisal for the fair market value of the real property to be acquired, including where appropriate any amount for damages to remaining property. f. When the City Manager has approved an appraisal report and set just compensation for the real property to be acquired, the City Manager shall expeditiously make a written offer to the property owner to acquire the subject property. Said offer shall be in conformance with Government Code Section 7267.2 and the California Code of Regulations, Title 25, Section 6182 and in a form approved by the City Attorney. g. The City Manager or his or her designee shall then conduct negotiations with the property owner for the acquisition of the subject property in accordance with Government Code Sections 7267, et seq. and California Code of Regulations, Title 25, Section 6180, et seq. and any other applicable law. h. If the City Manager or his or her designee and the Property Owner concur on the terms for the City's purchase of the subject property, the City Manager shall bring a proposed purchase agreement to the Council for its review and, if acceptable, approval. The City Manager shall not recommend a purchase price for the subject property that is less than the award of just compensation set for the subject property but may recommend an amount greater than the amount of just compensation. Nothing herein shall authorize the City Manager or his or her designee to enter into an agreement with a property owner for the purchase of property. i. If the City Manager and the Property Owner cannot agree upon terms for the City's negotiated purchase of the subject property, the City Manager shall set the matter for further consideration by the City Council. j. Prior to the time the City Manager makes a recommendation pursuant to Section 2.h. or sets the matter for future consideration by the City Council pursuant to Section 2.i., the City Manager shall prepare a written memorandum to the City Council summarizing compliance with this Resolution. The City Council shall not authorize a purchase agreement or take further action with respect to the subject property until it has made a finding that the City Manager has complied with this Resolution. Section 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 22nd day of August, 2006. Ron Roberts, Mayor ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 06- was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 22nd day of August, 2006, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk Ii - I. ITEM NO. 17 I I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager V /ill 9f3 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Grant Yates, Assistant to the City Manager DATE: August 22,2006 SUBJECT: Draft Public Utilities Commission Letter- Baseline Rate Structure (At the request of Council Member Comerchero) PREPARED BY: Aaron Adams, Sr. Management Analyst RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council approve the attached draft letter to Public Utilities Commission (PUC) relating to baseline rate structures for this region BACKGROUND: At the City Council meeting of August 8, 2006, the City Council discussed the "baseline" and tiered rate structure for electrical billing as established by Southern California Edison (SCE). This discussion stemmed from the most recent heat storm experienced in our region in July and the dramatic increase in electrical bills by residents in this region. This agenda item was requested by Council Member Comerchero and included a follow up item to bring back a draft letter addressed to the members of the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) in an effort to inquiry about the perceived inequities of Temecula's established baseline zone, our climatic conditions (compared with those in the desert and coast) as well as seeking relief to the ratepayers for the days associated with such a unique heat storm that brought tremendous humidity. Attached is a draft letter to the PUC for the City Council to discuss and provide direction to staff for distribution to other member cities within the Western Regional Council of Government (WRCOG), San Bernardino Association of Government (SANBAG) as well as local legislators. FISCAL IMPACT: None at this time. Attachment: Draft Letter to Public Utilities Commission (PUC) Ronald H, Roberts Mayor Chuck Washington Mayor Pro-Tem Jeff Comerchero Council Member Maryann Edwards Council Member Michael S, Naggar Council Member 951-506-51 00 FAX 951-694-6499 August 22, 2006 California Public Utilities Commission 505 Van Ness Avenue San Francisco, CA94102 CPUC President Michael R. Peevey Commissioner Susan P. Kennedy Commissioner Geoffrey F. Brown Commissioner Carl Wood Commissioner Loretta M. Lynch Re: Baseline Rate Structure Inquiry & State of Emergency (July Heat Stonn) Dear Commissioners: The City of Temecula supports and agrees with the PUC's decision to create a tiered rate system in an effort to induce California residents to conserve energy. I am writing to you today on behalf of the residents of the City of Temecula to respectfully request that the PUC consider specific actions relating to the following: (1) Baseline Allocation - investigate and analyze the current established baseline for regions 10 and 17 which includes the community of Temecula (largely arid/desert climate) but also includes much more westerly communities (coastal), such as Aliso Viejo, Goleta, HernlOsa Beach, Carpinteria, Anaheim, Buena Park etc., (See attached exhibit that depicts a sampling of cities in these regions and nornlal high temperatures for July). (2) State of Emergency (Rate Relief) - strongly consider providing a mechanism for rate relief for unusual & unique weather conditions like the recent heat storms experienced in the State that brought not only tremendous heat but terrible humiditv. 111is abnornlal weather condition created a State of Emergency in which it was reported that 130 people died. Could the PUC "freeze" rates at a tier 3 level for such emergencies during those 2-3 weeks and provide a credit to the rate payers? Public Utilities Commission-Baseline Rate Stmcture Inquiry & State of Emergency (July Heat Stonn) Page 2 Baseline for Re!!ions 10.17 We believe there is a glaring inequity in the placement of the community of Temecula and others in this part of the State into a baseline region that also includes many coastal communities. Using the city of Goleta near Santa Barbara as an example, both Temecula and Goleta are located in Region 10. Understanding that climatic conditions are a factor when establishing the baseline for a region we are hard pressed to understand our current placement, since historically the nonnal July high temperature for the City of Goleta is 77 degrees and in the Citv of Temecula it is 98 degrees! This discrepancy is evident and apparent and one we hope the PUC can further investigate. The Temecula region is currently afforded the Summer Basic baseline allocation of 10.2 kwh for Region 10 & 15.4 kwh for Region 17. With the high temperatures historically proven in the summer months, our community should be closer aligned with the desert area that is included in Region 15. Summer Basic baseline allocation in Region 15 is 47.6 kwh. We believe Temecula more closely resembles Region 15 than Regions 10 and 17. Therefore, we ask your consideration that the regions be realigned to include our area within Region 15. At the very least, a new region could be created that strikes a climatic balance between beach cities and the desert region. (Please see attached table that compares Temecula with cities of Coach ell a Valley). State of Emer!!encv-Rate Relief What made this latest heat storm unusual was the presence of humidity not normally experienced on the west coast. As reported by CNN (see attached article), over 130 people died in Califomia due to this record breaking heat. Also noted in Commissioner Peavey's filing of 8/15/06 it states that "across the Califomia Independent Systems Operators service area, weighted average temperatures ranged between 106 and 110 degrees Fahrenheit on various days, something Califomia and the West have not experienced in recent history; these temperatures were higher than anything recorded in the 30-year history of the temperature models used by the CAISO." It was also noted that the "demand forecasts used to plan for resource needs in Califomia may not have fully incorporated the impacts of recent population growth in the wamler inland areas of Califomia." Our area has been one of the fastest growing regions in the nation and as such, Commissioner Peavey's description clearly applies here. Although State-mandated cooling centers were provided in some areas of the State, this was far from accommodating many Califomia residents and specifically residents of Riverside and San Bemardino County that have now been presented with utility bills 2- 3 times what they paid last year. Again, these energy costs were accumulated for survival during this 3 week period, not as a luxury. Public Utilities Commission-Baseline Rate Stmcture Inquiry & State of Emergency (July Heat Stonn) Page 3 The City of Temecula respectfully requests the PUC to consider the implementation of a special rate relief mechanism or credit system that could be tied to such unusual weather conditions for our State. In closing, the City of Temecula requests the PUC review the baseline for our area and give careful thought and consideration to the aforementioned adjustments, as well as a possible rate relief program tied to a State of Emergency. Very tmly yours, CITY OF TEMECULA Jeff C omerchero Temecula Council Member CC: City Council Shawn Nelson, City Manager Mr. Joseph Desmond, Undersecretary CA Dept of Energy Resources Senator Hollingsworth Assembly Member Haynes Assembly Member Benoit Assembly Member Bogh Viet Tran, So Califomia Edison TIle Wilson Group, LLC Attachment: Exhibit I-Cities and Avg Temperatures in Regions 10, 17 & 15 CNN Article-"Califomia Heat Wave Death Toll Tops 130" EXHIBIT 1 All Cities in Region 10 & 17 Selected Cities in Region 10 Selected Cities in Region 15 Normal Normal Normal July Max July Max July Max City Temp (F) City Temp (F) City Temp (F) Ventura 73 Carpinteria 75 Banning 96 Commerce 75 Hermosa Beach 75 Cabazon 98,0 Fillmore 81 Aliso Viejo 77 Temecula 98,0 Moorpark 81 Beverly Hills 77 Eagle Mountain 104,1 Somis 81 Goleta 77 Indian Wells 107 Buena Park 83 Culver City 80 Earp 108 La Palma 83 Artesia 83 North Palm Springs 108 Stanton 83 Temecula 98,0 Palm Springs 108 Anaheim 84 Fullerton 84 Avg 77.7 Los Angelas 84 Temecula 98 Downey 88,7 Delta 20,3 La Miranda 89 Norwalk 89 Whittier 89 Corona 92 Calabasas 95 Thousand Oaks 95 Topanga 95 Westlake Village 95 Based on the above data, we believe the Temecula Region should be shifted to Lake Elsinore 98 Region 15. If the Commission is inclined to create a new Region, based on the Temecula 98 proportionate climatic condition, the revised baseline should be at least 35 kwh daily, !AV9 !Temecula Temecula Above IAverage 10,9 lSource: Normal Temperature data from 1971-2000 NOAA and wwvv,weather,com 87,1 98 CNN.com - California heat wave death toll tops 130 - Ju128, 2006 Page 1 of2 ~.com~ (!@ PRINTTHIS Powered by IiQk:kab~ California heat wave death toll tops 130 Woodland Hills breaks L.A. county record with 119-degree heat FRESNO, California (AP) -- The death toll from California's record-breaking heat wave reached 132 on Friday, the first day in nearly two weeks that temperatures were expected to stay below 100 degrees across most of the state. The big jump in the death count came primarily from Los Angeles County and the Central Valley counties of Merced and Stanislaus, where coroners struggled to keep up. "This is unprecedented for the county," said Stanislaus County Office of Emergency Services spokesman David Jones. The county, home to Modesto, typically sees one heat-related death a year, he said. On Friday, it reported 29. (Watch how oeD ole stav cool and coHee save lives -- 1 :45) The vast majority of deaths believed linked to the heat wave were elderly people, whose bodies don't cope as well in the heat. But there have been younger victims as well; A 38-year-old gardener collapsed on the job and died last week; on Wednesday, two brothers, ages 57 and 68, were found dead in a home without air conditioning. Many of them probably underestimated the potential for harm, county coroners told The Associated Press. "They've dealt with heat forever:' said Sgt. Sue Norris, supervisor of the Merced County coroner's office. ''They don't think that it could be a real danger." The entire state has been sizzling in triple-digit temperatures since July 16. Only Friday were the heat advisories finally lifted, as meteorologists said the heat wave appeared to be nearing its end. "By Monday, Tuesday we'll be even cooler than normal:' said Mike Delman, a meteorologist at the National Weather Service. In the extended forecast, "It might warm up a bit, but nothing like what we had." The Central Valley bore the brunt of the heat wave with temperatures hitting 115 degrees. On Thursday, aid workers in Fresno went door-to-door checking on the elderly as the number of suspected heat-related deaths climbed. In the Fresno County morgue, the walk-in freezer was stuffed with bodies, with some piled on top of others, said Coroner Loralee Cervantes. With limited air conditioning, employees worked in sweltering heat as they investigated at least 22 possible heat-related deaths. State of emergency State Sen. Dean Florez said he called on Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to declare a state of emergency in the Central Valley to make more financial and personnel resources available. "The conditions, staying this hot for this long, are simply too much for the most vulnerable residents:' Florez said. Schwarzenegger said he had already taken action to help residents cope with the heat, pointing to 75 cooling centers available at fairgrounds and conservation measures to avoid blackouts. http://cnn.worldnews.printthis.clickability.comlpt/cpt?action=cpt&title=CNN.com+-+Calif... 8/15/2006 CNN.com - California heat wave death toll tops 130 - Jul 28, 2006 Page 2 of2 ''There's not much more we can do," he said. "I don't know what it means to declare a state of emergency when we're already doing everything." At least six Central Valley counties declared local states of emergency that allow farmers to bury livestock killed by the heat in landfills or on their own properties -- disposal methods not normally allowed by state water laws. The number of consecutive days when temperatures surpassed 110 degrees was unprecedented for California, meteorologists said. Woodland Hills, which set a Los Angeles County record of 119 degrees Saturday, hit 102 degrees on Thursday, its 22nd day of triple-digit heal. Gobbling energy Californians trying to keep cool have also set records for energy consumption, forcing some voluntary blackouts and even catching the Department of Water and Power officials by surprise. Before this week, the utility's highest peak energy use was recorded at 5,661 megawatts. The heat wave created a demand of 6,165 megawatts -- shocking officials who predicted usage wouldn't top 6,100 megawatts for another four years. "They didn't even believe our customers could ever put such a load on our system -- that we could even have energy use from our customers up to that kind level," DWP board member David Nahai told the Los Angeles Times. The utility serves 1.4 million customers. July has seen extreme heat across the country. In Sl. Louis, the misery was worsened by storms that knocked down power lines iast week in the worst blackout in city history. Most of the 12 Missouri deaths attributed to the heat wave occurred in the Sl. Louis area, where about 34,000 homes and businesses remained without power Thursday. Missouri regulators opened an investigation into whether AmerenUE and other utilities were properly prepared for the storms, and whether they responded adequately. Copyright 2006 The Associated Press,. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. Find this article at: http://edition.cnn.com/2006/US/07/28/heatwave.ap/index.htmI D Check the box to include the list of links referenced in the article. http://cnn.worldnews.printthis.clickability.com/pt/cpt?action=cpt&title=CNN.com+-+Calif... 8/15/2006 Ii - I. ITEM NO. 18 I I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager ~(" CIl t:W (J CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Debbie Ubnoske, Director of Planning DATE: August 22,2006 SUBJECT: Recordation of Notice of Designated Historic Structures PREPARED BY: Dale West, Associate Planner RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council: 1. Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ESTABLISHING HISTORIC RESOURCES DESIGNATIONS SET FORTH IN THE OLD TOWN SPECIFIC PLAN TO BE RECORDED PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 27288.2 AND PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE SECTION 5029 BACKGROUND: Government Code Section 27288.2 and Public Resources Code Section 5029 require that the City submit to the County Recorder for recordation, a certified resolution of historical resources designation. With the recent update of the Old Town Specific Plan, five more historic structures were added to the Temecula Local Historic Register, establishing a total of 24 historic structures within the City of Temecula. The attached resolution identifies historic structures established as part of the Temecula Local Historic Register for purposes of recordation by the County Recorder The certification of this resolution does not have the potential for resulting in either a direct physical change or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment and therefore is not a project subject to the California Environmental Quality Act. FISCAL IMPACT: None. ATTACHMENTS: Proposed City Council Resolution No. 06-_ RECORDED AT THE REQUEST OF AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: CITY OF TEMECULA 43200 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE POST OFFICE BOX 9033 TEMECULA, CA 92589 [Exempt from Recording Fees pursuant to Gov't. Code SS 6103 and 27383] RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA ESTABLISHING HISTORIC RESOURCES DESIGNATIONS SET FORTH IN THE OLD TOWN SPECIFIC PLAN TO BE RECORDED PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY OF GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 27288.2 AND PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE SECTION 5029 THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. This Resolution is made with respect to the following facts and purposes: A. On February 8, 1994, the City Council of the City of Temecula adopted the Old Town Specific Plan ("OTSP"). The OTSP was amended by the City Council on August 10, 2004. B. The OTSP designates certain structures in the City of Temecula as being historic resources and lists them on the Local Historic Register of the City of Temecula making them subject to certain benefits and restrictions as set forth in the OTSP. C. On May 23, 2006, the City Council Amended the OTSP and added additional structures to the Local Historic Register of the City of Temecula. D. This Resolution is adopted pursuant to the authority and mandate of California Public Resources Code Section 5029 in order to provide recorded notice to current and future owners of the affected properties that such properties have been designated as historical resources under the OTSP. Section 2. Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 5029, the City Council of the City of Temecula hereby establishes that the following properties and structures have been designated historical resources and listed on the Local Historic Register of the City of Temecula as set forth in the Old Town Specific Plan which provides for certain special development restrictions, processes and benefits by virtue of this designation: a. St. Catherine's Church 28314 Mercedes Street b. Welty Building 28659 Old Town Front Street c. Machado Store 28656 Old Town Front Street d. Clogstone Restaurant 28676 Old Town Front Street e. First National Bank 28645 Old Town Front Street f. Palamar Hotel 28522 Old Town Front Street g. Alec Escallier House 41852 Main Street h. Burnham Store 42051 Main Street i. Friedeman Meat Market 42050 Main Street j. Welty Hotel 42100 Main Street k. J. D. Welty 42081 3rd Street I. Arviso House 41915 4th Street m. Unnamed residence 42251 6th Street n. Bill Friedeman House 42291 6th Street o. Nienke House 28575 Pujol Street p. McConville House 28585 Pujol Street q. Albert Nienke House 28649 Pujol Street r. G. A. Burnham House 28653 Pujol Street s. AI Otto House 28717 Pujol Street t. Vail Ranch Headquarters Complex 32095 Highway 79-South (formerly addressed as 32100) u. Vail Ranch House 31658 Via San Carlos v. Wolf Tomb 45334 Maguey Court w. Gonzalez Adobe 27645 Jefferson Avenue x. Mercedes Pujol School House 28871 Santiago Road Section 3. The name of the current property owner(s) and the legal description for each of the properties listed on the Local Historic Register of the City of Temecula and Section 2 of this Resolution are set forth on Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. Section 4. Pursuant to the authority of Public Resources Code Section 5029 and Government Code Section 27288.2, the City Clerk shall cause to be recorded in the Official Records of the County of Riverside a certified copy of this Resolution. Section 5. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Resolution. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this day of , Mayor ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. was duly and regularly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the day of , by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk BUILDING NAME Saint Catherine's Chapel Welty Building Machado Store First National Bank Palomar Hotel EXHIBIT A LIST OF PROPERTIES ON LOCAL HISTORIC REGISTER OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PROPERTY ADDRESS 28314 Mercedes Street 28651 Old Town Front Strreet 28653 Old Town Front Street 28655 Old Town Front Street 28657 Old Town Front Street 28659 Old Town Front Street 28656 Old Town Front Street 28645 Old Town Front Street 28522 Old Town Front Street APN 921070032 OWNER City ofTemecula 922045025 William S, Lackey 922044025 Richard K, Leigh 922036011 Maureen Meardon 922024009 Palomar Rental LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of Lot 6, and the unnamed road in Block 2, as shown by map of Subdivision of the Pauba Land and Water Company, in the County of Riverside, State of California, as shown by Map on file in Book 1, page 507 of Maps, Records of San Diego County, California, described as follows: beginning at the most westerly corner of Lot 32, Block 1, of the Town of Temecula as shown by Map on file in Book 15, Page 726 of Maps, Records of San Diego County California; thence South 44 degrees 25'05" West, along the Northwesterly boundary of said town of Temecula, a distance of 141 45 feet to a point on the Northerly right of way line of an unnamed road (60 feet wide) as described in dedication and easement deed to the County of Riverside by deed recorded April 22, 1969 as Instrument No, 39504 of Official Records of Riverside County, California; thence Westerly continuing along said Northerly line being the arc of a tangent curve concave Northerly and having a radius of 375,78 feet through a central angle of 19 degrees 01'17", a distance of 124,75 feet; thence North 17 degrees 08'42" East, along the Easterly line of said unnamed road a distance of 290.87 feet South 45 degrees 02'38" East, a distance of 271 16 feet to the point of beginning. Those portions of Lot 12 and Lot 13 and Lot 14 of Block 28 as shown by Map on file in Book 15, Page 726 of Maps, San Diego County Records, together with that portion of Front Street and Main Street as abandoned by Resolution of the Riverside County Board of Supervisors recorded April 23, 1 975, as Instrument No, 46491, Riverside County Records, The Northwesterly 106 Feet of Lots 31 and 32 in Block 19, Town of Temecula, as shown by Map on file in Book 15, page 726 of Maps, San Diego County Records; together Vlith that portion of the Southeasterly 10 Feet of Main Street, as vacated by the order of Board of Supervisors, lying adjacent to said Lots 31 and 32; together with that portion of the Northeasterly 10 Feet of Front Street, as vacated by an order of the Board of Supervisors, lying adjacent to said Lot 32, Lots 10 and 11 in Block 27 of town of Temecula, in the County of Riverside, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 15, Page 726 of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, California, together with that portion of Front Street and Main Street as vacated by Resolution No, 75-104, recorded April 23, 1975 as Instrument No, 46491 of Official Records of Riverside California, California, except the northwesterly 75,00 feet. The southeasterly rectangular 70 feet of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4 in Block 22, of the town of Temecula, in the County Riverside, State of California, as shown by map on file in Book 15, page 726 of maps, in the Office of the County Recorders for San Diego, California (property formerly part of San Diego County, California) BUILDING NAME Alec Excallier House Burrnham Store Friedeman Meat Market Welty Hotel EXHIBIT A LIST OF PROPERTIES ON LOCAL HISTORIC REGISTER OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PROPERTY ADDRESS 41852 Main Street 42051 Main Street 42050 Main Street 42100 Main Street APN OWNER 922041008 City ofTenmecula 922036035 City of Temecula 922045019 DREC 0315 922045020 Patricia Jean Hall LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, and 30, in Block 5 of the Town of Temecula, in the County of Riverside, State of California, together with that portion of the southeast 10 00 feet of Main Street (as vacated) and of the northwest half of the alleyway, within said Block, lying northeasterly of the southwest line of said 30, prolonged northwesterly and southeasterly, as per map recorded in Book 15, Page 726 in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, California, except those portions lying northeasterly of the southwest lines of the land conveyed to the State of California by deeds recorded February 26, 1948 as Instrument No, 3320 and January 17,1972 as Instrument No 6303, respectively, of official records, and, Lots 31 and 32 in Block 5 of Temecula Townsite, as shown by Map on file in Book 15, Page 726, San Diego County Records, Lots 4, 5, and 6 in Block 27 of the Town of Temecula, as shown by Map on file in Book 15, Page 726 of Maps, Records of San Diego, California, Together with that portion of the northwesterly 10 feet of Main Street, adjacent to the southeasterly line of said land, which would pass with a conveyance of said land, as vacated by Resolution No, 75-104 of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside, recorded April 23, 1975 as Instrument No, 46491 of Official Records of Riverside County, California, Also together with that portion of the southeasterly half of the alley adjoining said Lots 4, 5, and 6 on the northwest as vacated and closed to Public Use by Resolution No, 79-68 recorded April 23, 1979 as Instrument No, 80863 of Official Records of Riverside County, California, Excepting therefrom the southwesterly 20 feet of Lot 4, Lots 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19 of Block 28, Townsite of Temecula, in the City of Temecula, County of Riverside, State of California, as shown by Map recorded in Book 15, Page 726 of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorded of Riverside County Lot 1, and the vacant portion of River Street adjoining, and Lots 2 and 3, all in Block 28, Townsite of Temecula, as shown by Map on file in the office of the County Recorder of the County of Riverside, State of California, in Book 15 of Maps at Page 726 thereof Lots 20, 21 and 22 in Block 28 of the Town of Temecula, as shown by map on file in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Riverside, State of California, in Book 15 of Maps at Page 726 thereof; ALSO that portion of River Street adjoining Lot 22 as vacated. BUILDING NAME J,D Welty Arviso House Unnamed Residence Bill Friedeman House Nienke House McConville House Albert Nienke House EXHIBIT A LIST OF PROPERTIES ON LOCAL HISTORIC REGISTER OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PROPERTY ADDRESS 42081 3" Street 41915 4'" Street 42251 6 'M Street 42291 6'" Street 28575 Pujol Street 28585 Pujol Street 28649 Pujol Street APN OWNER 922046012 Patricia Mary Makai 922033017 otto Baron 922052009 John R. Duchi 922052026 Christine A Gray 922054009 Janelle Bergman Denise Enochs 922054010 Alfred E, Sannipoli 922054013 Pujol Properties LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 17-22 in Block 29 of the Town of Temecula, shown by map on file in Book 15, Page(s) 726, Inclusive of Maps, records of Riverside County, California, together with that portion of alley vacated by Resolution No 79-68, recorded April 23, 1979 as Instrument No, 80863, of official records, Lot 15 and 16 in Block 21 of the Townsite of Temecula, in the City of Temecula, as per map recorded in Book 15, page 726 of maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside County Lot 3 in Block 38 of Town of Temecula, in the County of Riverside, State of California, as shown by Map on file in Book 15, Page 726 of Maps, records of San Diego County California, Lot 9 of Tract No, 30681, in the City of Temecula, County of Riverside, State of California, as shown by Map on file in Book 338, Pages 18 through 21, inclusive of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County Lot 9 in Block 36, Townsite of Temecula, as shown by map on file in Book 15 Page 726 of Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of the County of San Diego, Sate of California, Also that portion of an unnamed street adjacent to said Lot 9, on the southwesterly line of said Lot 9, Block 36 and the northwesterly line of said Lot 9, extended southwesterly to the center line of said unnamed street, said street having been duly abandoned by order of the Board of Supervisors of Riverside County, entered December 7, 1936 in the County of Riverside, State of California, Lots 7 and 8, in Block 36, Townsite of Temecula, in the City of Temecula, County of Riverside, State of California, as shown by map on file in Book 15, Page 726 of Maps, San Diego County Records, Also that portion of an unnamed street adjacent to said Lots 7 and 8 on the southwesterly side thereof to the center line of said Lot 7 and the northwesterly line of said Lot 8 extended southwesterly to the center line of said unnamed street; said last mentioned street having been duly abandoned by order of Supervisors of Riverside County, entered December 7, 1936, Lot(s) 1 and the Southeasterly Rectangular Half of Lot 2, in Block 36 of the County of Riverside, State of California, as shown by map on file in Book 15, Page 726 of Maps, Records of San Diego County, California, BUILDING NAME GA Burnham House Gonzalez Adobe EXHIBIT A LIST OF PROPERTIES ON LOCAL HISTORIC REGISTER OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PROPERTY ADDRESS 28653 Pujol Street 27645 Jefferson Avenue APN 922062001 921480058 OWNER Manuel V Cruz DWB2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lots 9 and 10 in Block 35 of the Town of Temecula, and the northeasterly 20 feet of that certain street lying southwesterly of the above described Lots, and between the northwesterly line of said Lot 10 and the southwesterly line of said Lot 9, extended southwesterly, all as shown by Map on file in Book 15, Page 726 of Maps, Records of San Diego County, California, said street having been duly abandoned December 7, 1936 by Order of the Board of Supervisors of the County of Riverside, a certified copy of said Order having been recorded December 8, 1936 in Book 304, Page 356 of Official Records of Riverside County, California, Parcel A Parcels 2 and 3 of Parcel Map No 22300, in the City of Temecula, County of Riverside, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 149, Pages 1 and 2 of Parcel Maps, in the office of the County Recorder of Riverside County Parcel B: being Parcel 4 and a portion of Parcel 5 of Parcel Map No 22300, in the City of Temecula, County of Riverside, State of California, as per map recorded in Book 149, pages 1 and 2, of parcel maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of Riverside, described as follows, beginning at the most easterly corner of said Parcel 4, as shown on said map, said point being on the westerly right of way line of Jefferson Avenue, thence south 34'54'56" east along said right of way line a distance of 80,00 feet; thence south 55'05'04" west departing said line a distance of 145,00 feet; thence south 34'54'56" east a distance of 31 00 feet; thence south 55'05'04" west a distance of 205,55 feet to the boundary line of said Parcel Map 22300; thence along said line the following 8 courses, north 36'54'09" west a distance of 120.49 feet; thence south 87'51 '20" west a distance of 25,23 feet; thence north 16'54'56" west a distance of 57 00 feet to a point on a curve concave southeasterly, having a radial which bears south 16'54'56" east and a radius of 836,00 feet; thence southwesterly, along said curve, through a central angle of 02'32'10" an arc length of 37 00 feet; thence north 53'53'13" west a distance of 51 55 feet to the beginning of a non-tangent curve concave southwesterly, having a radial which bears south 66'36'11" west, a radius of 170,00 feet; thence northwesterly, along said curve, through a central angle of 22'41 '08" an arc length of 67 31 feet; thence north 46'04'57" west a distance of 118,11 feet; thence north 75'55'59 west a distance of 119 55 feet to the northerly line of said Parcel 4; thence north 55'05'03" east a distance of 44,33 feet; thence north 34'54'56" west a distance of 3000 feet; thence north 55'05'03" east a distance of 168,38 feet; thence north 34'54'56" west a distance of BUILDING NAME Gonzales Adobe (cont'd) AI Otto House Vail Ranch House EXHIBIT A LIST OF PROPERTIES ON LOCAL HISTORIC REGISTER OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PROPERTY ADDRESS APN 28717 Pujol Street 922062008 31658 Via San Carlos 961102027 OWNER LEGAL DESCRIPTION 12,78 feet; thence north 55'05'03" east a distance of 12,78 feet; thence south 79'54'56" east a distance of 215,54 feet; thence north 55'05'04" east a distance of 10874 feet; thence south 34'54'56" east a distance of 22,50 feet; thence north 55'05'04" east a distance of 25 00 feet to the westerly right of way line of Jefferson Avenue, thence south 34'54'56" east along said line a distance of 277 50 feet to the point of beginning, Evelyn M, Zinn Lots 7 and 8 in Block 34, Townsite of Temecula, as shown by Map on file in Book 15, Page 726 of the San Diego County Records of Riverside County, California, Siegfried Pikschus Parcel 1 That portion of Lot 215 of Tract No, 23267-3, in the City of Temecula, County of Riverside, State of California, as per Map recorded in Book 240, Pages 20 through 28 inclusive, of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of said County, described as follows, Beginning at the southwesterly corner of Lot 38 of said Tract No, 23267-3, said point also being on the northerly right of way line of Via San Carlos and on the arc of a 103000 foot radius curve concave southerly; thence southwesterly along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 03'40'30"a distance of 66,07 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 19'05'37" a distance of 343,24 feet; thence leaving said northerly right of way line, north 20'38'00" west 1 01 17 feet to a point on the northerly line of said Lot 215, thence along said northerly line, north 56'16'30" east 12706 feet; thence north 74'42'45" east 89 12 feet; thence north 88'36'08" west 186 93 feet; thence south 27'32'50" east 11 74 feet; thence leaving said Lot line, north 85'25'00" west 2,05 feet; thence south 15'37'16" west 32,33 feet; thence 01'25'00" west 7874 feet to the true point of beginning, Excepting therefrom Temporary Easements to Maintain any landscaped areas which have been irrevocably dedicated to the City of Temecula for landscaping purposes, This temporary easement will automatically expire upon acceptance of any such irrevocable offer of dedication, Parcel 2: A non-exclusive easement on and over the "common area" as defined in the Declaration of Restrictions referred to herein for use, occupancy and enjoyment of, and ingress and egress to, the amenities located thereon, subject to the terms and provisions of the Declaration of Restrictions, This easement is appurtenant to Parcel 1 above described and shall become effective as to each Lot within the common area upon the later to occur of (I) the recordation of this BUILDING NAME Vail Rancho House (cont'd) Vail Ranch Headquarters Clogstone Restaurant WolfTomb EXHIBIT A LIST OF PROPERTIES ON LOCAL HISTORIC REGISTER OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PROPERTY ADDRESS APN OWNER LEGAL DESCRIPTION deed, or (II) the conveyance of record of the common area to the association, Said legal description is also shown as Parcel "B' of Lot line Adjustment No, PA93-0174, recorded April 26, 1994 as Instrument No, 170714 of Official Records of Riverside County, California, 32095 Highway 79 South 960010044 Redhawk Towne Being a portion of Lots 5, 6, and 7 of Tract 23172, as recorded in Book of Maps at page 94 through 99, records of Riverside County, California, also being a portion of property "G" and "H" as shown on Lot Line Adjustment No 4265 recorded as Instrument No, 2000-350018, records of Riverside County, California, described as follows, commencing at the southeasterly corner of property "G" as shown on Lot Line Adjustment No, 4265 recorded as Instrument No, 2000-350018, records of Riverside County, California, said point also being on southerly line of said Tract 23172; thence, northeasterly along said southerly line, north 68'58'51" east, a distance of 86,51 feet, to the true Pflint of beoinnino; thence, north 22'08'00" west, a distance of 225,65 feet; thence, south 67'52'00" west, a distance of 50,80 feet; thence, north 22'08'00" west, a distance of 19364 feet; thence, south 76'11 '38" west, a distance of 349 91 feet; thence, south 16'37'49" east, a distance of 463 52 feet; thence, north 68'58'51" east, a distance of 441 55 feet, to the true ooint of beoinnino, Said parcel contains 3,99 acres more of less, 28676 Old Town Front Street 9220440009 Maureen Meardon Parcel 1 Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Block 19 of the Town of Temecula, as shown by map on file in Book 15, page 726 of Maps, Records of San Diego, California, together with that portion of Front Street, vacated by the County of Riverside by Resolution No, 75-104 on April 15, 1975 A certified copy of said Resolution being recorded April 23, 1975 as Instrument No, 46491 Parcel 2: the southeasterly 34 feet of Lots 29, 30, 31 and 32 in Block 19 of the Town of Temecula, as shown by map on file in Book 15, page 726 of Maps, Records of San Diego County, California, together with that portion of Front Street vacated by the County of Riverside by Resolution No 75-104 on April 15, 1975 A certified copy of said Resolution being recorded April 23, 1975 as Instrument No, 46491 Lot 7 in Block 19 of the town of Temecula, as per map thereof recorded in Book 15, page 726 in the office of the county recorder of San Diego County 45334 Maguey Court 918381010 Evelyn E, Pi co Lot 10 of Tract 19872-5 as shown by map on file in Book 215, pages 19 through 22 of Maps, Riverside County records, BUILDING NAME Mercedes/Pujol Schoolhouse EXHIBIT A LIST OF PROPERTIES ON LOCAL HISTORIC REGISTER OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PROPERTY ADDRESS 28871 Santiago Road APN 922130016 OWNER Temecula Community Church LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 8 of Tract No 20591, in the County of Riverside, State of California, as shown by map on file in Book 159, pages 22, 23 and 24 of Maps, Records of Riverside County, California excepting therefrom all mineral, oil and gas rights below the depth of 500 feet below the surface of said land, without the right of surface entry Ii - I. ITEM NO. 19 I I ORDINANCE NO. 06-09 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA, AMENDING SECTION 10.28.010(D) OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMIT ON CERTAIN STREETS THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Section 10.28.01 O(d) of the Temecula Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows to modify the declared prima facie speed limits only on the following streets: Name of Street and Portion Affecteg Declared Prima Facie Soeed Limit. V1iles Per Hour Butterfield Stage Road - La Serena Way to De Portola Road 55 Butterfield Stage Road - De Portola Road to Route 79 South 50 Butterfield Stage Road - Route 79 South to Nighthawk Pass 45 Calle Chapos - Walcott Lane to Calle Girasol 30 Calle Girasol - Calle Chapos to Nicolas Road 30 Crowne Hill Drive- Butterfield Stage Road to Pauba Road 35 Deer Hollow Way - Pechanga Parkway to End 40 De Portola Road - Jedediah Smith Road to End 45 Diaz Road - Dendy Parkway to Rancho California Road 45 Jefferson Avenue - North City Limits to Winchester Road 50 R:/Ords 2006/0rds 06-09 Jefferson Avenue - Winchester Road to Rancho California Road 40 La Serena Way- Margarita Road to Butterfield Stage Road 45 Margarita Road - North City Limits to Harveston Way 50 Margarita Road - Harveston Way to Pio Pico Road 45 Margarita Road - Pio Pico Road to Route 79 South 40 McCabe Drive - Meadows Parkway to Amarita Way 35 Meadows Parkway - La Serena Way to De Portola Road 45 Meadows Parkway - De Portola Road to Route 79 South 40 Moraga Road - Rancho California Road to Margarita Road 40 Nicolas Road - Winchester Road to Calle Medusa 45 Nighthawk Pass - Vail Ranch Parkway to Butterfield Stage Road 45 Nighthawk Pass - Butterfield Stage Road to East City Limit 25 Old Town Front Street- Santiago Road to Route 79 South 40 Overland Drive - Commerce Center Drive to Jefferson Avenue 30 Overland Drive - Jefferson Avenue to Margarita Road 40 Overland Trail - Redhawk Parkway to Vail Ranch Parkway 40 Pauba Road - Margarita Road to Butterfield Stage Road 50 R:/Ords 2006/0rds 06-09 2 Pechanga Parkway - Route 79 South to Rainbow Canyon Road 40 Pechanga Parkway - Rainbow Canyon Road to Wolf Valley Road 50 Pechanga Parkway - Wolf Valley Road to South City Limits 40 Peppercorn Road - Redhawk Parkway to Deer Hollow Way 40 Rancho California Road - West City Limits to Diaz Road 50 Rancho California Road - Diaz Road to Moraga Road 40 Rancho California Road - Moraga Road to Margarita Road 50 Rancho California Road - Margarita Road to Butterfield Stage Road 55 Rancho Vista Road - Ynez Road to Butterfield Stage Road 45 Redhawk Parkway- Route 79 South to Tehachapi Pass 45 Route 79 South - Bedford Court to East City Limits 55 Sunny Meadows Drive - Campanula Way to Meadows Parkway 35 Vail Ranch Parkway - Redhawk Parkway to Tehachapi Pass 45 Walcott Lane - La Serena Way to Calle Chapos 30 Winchester Road - Dendy Parkway to Diaz Road 45 Winchester Road - Diaz Road to Margarita Road 40 Winchester Road - Margarita Road to Nicolas Road 45 R:/Ords 2006/0rds 06-09 3 Winchester Road - Nicolas Road to East City Limits 55 Ynez Road - Equity Road to Jedediah Smith Road 45 Yukon Road - Rancho California Road to Margarita Road 35 SECTION 2. Severabilitv. The City Council hereby declares that the provisions of this Ordinance are severable and if for any reason a court of competent jurisdiction shall hold any sentence, paragraph, or section of this Ordinance to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining parts of this Ordinance. SECTION 3. The City Clerk shall certify to the adoption of this Ordinance and shall cause the same to be published as required by law. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this 22nd day of August, 2006. Ron Roberts, Mayor ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] R:/Ords 2006/0rds 06-09 4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) I, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. 06-09 was duly introduced and placed upon its first reading at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Temecula on the 8th day of August, 2006, and that thereafter, said Ordinance was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the 22nd day of August, 2006, by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSENT: COUNCIL MEMBERS: ABSTAIN: COUNCIL MEMBERS: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk R:/Ords 2006/0rds 06-09 5 TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT Ii - I. ITEM NO. 20 I I MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AUGUST 8, 2006 A regular meeting of the City of Temecula Community Services District was called to order at 7:31 p.m., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. ROLL CALL PRESENT: 4 DIRECTORS: Edwards, Naggar, Washington, and Comerchero ABSENT: 1 DIRECTORS: Roberts Also present were General Manager Nelson, City Attorney Thorson, and City Clerk Jones. PUBLIC COMMENTS No input. CSD CONSENT CALENDAR 18 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 18.1 Approve the minutes of July 25, 2006. 19 Graohic Desian Aareement with Adkins Consultina RECOMMENDATION: 19.1 That the Board of Directors approve an agreement with Adkins Consulting in the amount of $30,000 to provide graphic design services for the Cultural Arts Division and the Temecula Public Library and Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park grand openings. MOTION: Director Edwards moved to approve the Consent Calendar. Director Washington seconded the motion and electronic vote reflected approval with the exceotion of Director Roberts who was absent. CSD GENERAL MANAGERS REPORT No additional comments. CSD BOARD OF DIRECTORS REPORTS No additional comments. R:\Minutes\OBOB06 CSD ADJOURNMENT At 7:32 p.m., the Temecula Community Services District meeting was formally adjourned to Tuesday, August 22, 2006, at 5:30 P.M., for a Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 7:00 p.m., City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. Jeff Comerchero, President ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk/District Secretary [SEAL R:\Minutes\OBOB06 2 Ii - I. ITEM NO. 21 I I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager ~ /J12. ~ TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: General Manager/Board of Directors FROM: Herman D. Parker, Director of Community Services DATE: August 22, 2006 SUBJECT: Theater Performance Contracts for October 4, 2006 PREPARED BY: Phyllis L. Ruse, Deputy Director of Community Services RECOMMENDATION: Thatthe Board of Directors authorize the City Managerto approve a one time expenditure in an amount not to exceed $50,000 for the Old Town Temecula Community Theater encore entertainment performance for 2006. BACKGROUND: The inauguralyearofthe Old Town Temecula CommunityTheaterwill conclude on October 3, 2006. The theater's first year of operation has been extremely successful. To date, the theater has hosted almost 32,000 patrons who have attended the many offered productions. The theater's week-long grand opening gala was headlined by an opening performance by Melissa Manchester. As the theater nears the conclusion of its first year of performances, it has been envisioned that a similar anniversary gala performance would be a fitting celebration of its success. Staff has been working with the Cultural Arts sub-committee to identify suitable performers for this anniversary event. It is anticipated that the selected performer or performers will provide a high quality performance that will be very entertaining and memorable for the community. FISCAL IMPACT: expenditure. Sufficient funds are available in the TCSD operating budget for this Ii - I. ITEM NO. 22 I I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager ~r-- /J12. Lf TEMECULA COMMUNITY SERVICES DISTRICT AGENDA REPORT TO: General Manager/Board of Directors FROM: Herman D. Parker, Director of Community Services DATE: August 22, 2006 SUBJECT: Old Town Temecula Community Theater Recap and Temecula Presents Season PREPARED BY: Phyllis L. Ruse, Deputy Director of Community Services RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of Directors receives and files the report recapping the Old Town Temecula Community Theater inaugural year and presenting the 2006/2007 Temecu/a Presents season. BACKGROUND: The inaugural year of the Old Town Temecula Community Theater is nearing conclusion and the new 2006/2007 season will soon begin. The theater had experienced a very successful first year with many wonderful performances which have been well attended. Patrons have enjoyed many performances by local community theater and musical groups, as well as, fine professional performers and ensembles. The theater has hosted a large variety of entertainment, including theatrical productions, various musical genres, dance and other artistic expressions. With the upcoming 2006/2007 season, Temecu/a Presents, the theater's booking arm, will be able to bring to the stage its first full season of exciting artists from around the world. For the most part, the season's curatorial objective will be to explore two vibrant performance genres: classical music and modern dance. The Temecu/a Presents offerings coupled with other community and professional productions promises to offer a dynamic and varied theatrical season for the community. An oral presentation will be presented by staff to the Board. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact. REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Ii - I. ITEM NO. 23 I I MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AUGUST 8, 2006 A regular meeting of the City of Temecula Redevelopment Agency was called to order at 7:32 p.m., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. ROLL CALL PRESENT: 4 AGENCY MEMBERS: Comerchero, Edwards, Washington, and Naggar ABSENT: 1 AGENCY MEMBERS: Roberts Also present were Executive Director Nelson, City Attorney Thorson, and City Clerk Jones. PUBLIC COMMENTS No comments. RDA CONSENT CALENDAR 20 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 20.1 Approve the minutes of July 25, 2006. 21 Resolution of Intent to Use Tax Allocation Bond Proceeds to Reimburse for Pre-Bond Exoenditures for Old Town Infrastructure Proiects RECOMMENDATION: 21.1 Adopt a resolution entitled: RESOLUTION NO. RDA 06-06 A RESOLUTION OF THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA EXPRESSING OFFICIAL INTENT REGARDING CERTAIN OLD TOWN INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT EXPENDITURES TO BE REIMBURSED FROM PROCEEDS OF A TAX-EXEMPT OBLIGATION R:\Minutes\OBOB06 22 AI2~rove a Professional Services Aareement with RBF Consultina for Desian Services for the Old Town Infrastructure Proiects - Mercedes Street and Main Street RECOMMENDATION: 22.1 Approve a Professional Services Agreement with RBF Consulting for design of the Old Town Civic Center Phase 1 Street Improvements, Mercedes and Main Streets in the amount of $253,300.00 and authorize the Chairperson to execute the amendment; 22.2 Authorize the Executive Director to approve Extra Work Authorizations not to exceed the contingency amount of $25,330.00, which is equal to 10% of the Agreement. MOTION: Agency Member Washington moved to approve the Consent Calendar. Agency Member Edwards seconded the motion and electronic vote reflected approval with the exceotion of Agency Member Roberts who was absent. RDA EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS REPORT No additional comment. RDA AGENCY MEMBERS' REPORTS No additional comments. RDA ADJOURNMENT At 7:33 p.m., the Temecula Redevelopment Agency meeting was formally adjourned to Tuesday, August 22, 2006, at 5:30 P.M., for a Closed Session, with regular session commencing at 7:00 P.M., City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. Michael S. Naggar, Chairman ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk/Agency Secretary [SEAL] R:\Minutes\OBOB06 2 Ii - I. ITEM NO. 24 I I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager V /J12. 98 TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA REPORT TO: Executive Director/Agency Members FROM: William G. Hughes, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: August 22, 2006 SUBJECT: Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Nichols, Melburg & Rossetto Design Services for the Old Town Infrastructure Projects - Parking Structure and Office/Retail; and the City Plaza PREPARED BY: Greg Butler, Principal Engineer - CIP RECOMMENDATION: That the Agency Members: 1. Approve a Professional Services Agreement with Nichols, Melburg & Rossetto for design of the Old Town Infrastructure Projects, Parking Structure and Office/Retail, and the City Plaza in the amount of $1 ,669,187.00 and authorize the Chairperson to execute the amendment. 2. Authorize the Executive Director to approve Extra Work Authorizations not to exceed the contingency amount of $166,918.00, which is equal to 10% of the Agreement. 3. Authorize the advance of RDA fund balance to temporarily finance the NMR Agreement until such time as new RDA Tax Allocation bond proceeds are available. BACKGROUND: Old Town Civic Center improvements. On June 27, 2006 the City Council approved the Master plan of the and authorized staff to proceed with the design of the Phase 1 Phase 1 of the Old Town Civic Center will design and construct the infrastructure needed to support a new Civic Center in Old Town. Specifically, a new 480+/- stall parking structure is proposed east of Mercedes Street at 3'd Street, the street improvements needed to widen Mercedes between 2,d and 6th streets as well as realign Main Street to the proposed "Y" configuration, and a Civic plaza within the confines of the Main Street "Y" will be completed in this phase. In addition, phase 1 includes roughly 8500 square feet of office/retail space will be designed integral to the parking structure fronting Mercedes. It is anticipated that the Old Town Police Store Front will relocate to a portion of the Parking Structure office/retail space. NMR has developed a thorough understanding of the City's vision for the Old Town Civic Center while working through the Master Planning process. The attached agreement is an extension of their scope of services that will provide for professional design services needed to complete the schematic design, design development and construction documents for the Old Town Parking Structure and integral Office/Retail areas that will front Mercedes St. as well as the Civic Plaza, as approved by Council. Staff has negotiated a scope of work and an equitable fee with NMR for the professional design services. NMR's scope of work also includes modest time and materials allowances to allow close coordination with the City's other design consultants completing the street improvement plans for the widening of Mercedes St. and the realignment of Main St. Finally, NMR will also develop design guidelines that will assure that all future office/retail development on the Agency controlled properties fronting the City Plaza will utilize a consistent architectural theme. FISCAL IMPACT: The proposed improvement projects that provide the infrastructure that will support the future Civic Center are included in the FY 06-11 CIP as the Old Town Infrastructure Projects. These projects will be funded with future RDA tax allocation bonds and Development Impact Fees - Police. As described above, NMR's agreement covers multiple projects identified in the current Capital Improvement Program budget, therefore the agreement will be funded from multiple accounts as detailed below: CIP Project Description Account Number Amount OTCC - Street Improvements 210-165-363-5802 $ 19,250.00 OTCC - limo & Grading 210-165-645-5802 $ 13,750.00 OTCC - Parking Str & Off/Rtl 210-165-644-5802 $ 1,454,900.00 OTCC - Civic Plaza 210-165-643-5802 $ 348,205.00 Total $ 1,836,105.00 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Location Maps 2. Project Descriptions 3. Agreement ..t. ~ ;. ~ '0 ~ % c tool. \,-< \,,) \:; c ~ ~ i. I'< ~ t ~ ~ \J.< '!:. 'T< ~ .... ~ o C101lN 31lVO ~ !:: .... ;: .. .- <> ,. I'< \~ <.s> <.I'<\< ~->' <.s> 0"" 00 ~.s> <.s> 17b< .." >f"> a-. ..... z4 \ .... ~ ~ \ ~ ~ u ~ u , 00 .... u I:l g I'< ~ t ~ ~ i"< ~ Z ~ .... 5 o ~ ~ I:-< ~ U ~ ~ 1:-<' U t:; c\ ~ i5 o ~ ~ f-< :2 o I:l " ~ ,!:J ~ ,'i) " !; en .51 ~ ~. 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B "" g '6 ~ ,e o '6 p.'" o ,&.5' ~ \fO 0 0.> ~ f.F'J'"O~~ ?- "'t') 0 " 2- p,..\,-< 'll .% OIl ~ ,f. c ,.- ,~ ,; ,; .... 0 0 (<;$ ..... ',p ~ t5 <.) '.S ~ ~ .~~ .%gg~'O 4,Uupf-< ~ <> U ;: .. .- o '" ~;.-. ~'"a ~"'O ~\,-< ., ...., ~:a '$~ ~"'" 0"0 " " ,. " ;::l ':. ~ 0 "",if) AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL CONSULTANT SERVICES OLD TOWN INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS PROJECT NO. PW06..()7 THIS AGREEMENT is made and effective as of August 22, 2006, between the City of T emecula, Redevelopment Agency ("Agency") and Nichols, Melburg & Rossetto ("Consultant"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. TERM. This Agreement shall commence on August 22, 2006, and shall remain and continue in effect until tasks described herein are completed, but in no event later than December 31, 2007, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. 2. SERVICES. Consultant shall perform the services and tasks described and set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and incorporated herein as though set forth in full. Consultant shall complete the tasks according to the schedule of performance which is also set forth in Exhibit A. 3. PERFORMANCE. Consultant shall at all time faithfully, competently and to the best of his or her ability, experience, and talent, perform all tasks described herein. Consultant shall employ, at a minimum, generally accepted standards and practices utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services as are required of Consultant hereunder in meeting its obligations under this Agreement. 4. PREVAILING WAGES. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 1773 of the Labor Code of the State of California, the Agency has obtained the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general rate for holiday and overtime work in this locality for each craft, classification, or type of workman needed to execute this Contractor from the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations. Copies may be obtained from the California Department of Industrial Relations' Intemet web site at http://'hWW.dir.ca.gov. Consultant shall provide a copy of prevailing wage rates to any staff or sub-contractor hired, and shall pay the adopted prevailing wage rates as a minimum. Consultant shall comply with the provisions of Sections 1773.8, 1775, 1776, 1777.5,1777.6, and 1813 of the Labor Code. Pursuant to the provisions of 1775 of the Labor Code, Consultant shall forfeit to the Agency, as a penalty, the sum of $25.00 for each calendar day, or portion thereof, for each laborer, worker, or mechanic employed, paid less than the stipulated prevailing rates for any work done under this contract, by him or by any subcontractor under him, in violation of the provisions of the Contract. 5. PAYMENT. a. The Agency agrees to pay Consultant monthly, in accordance with the payment rates and tenms and the schedule of payment as set forth in Exhibit B, Payment Rates and Schedule, attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference as though set forth in full, based upon actual time spent on the abo\6 tasks. Any tenms in Exhibit B other than the scope of work to be performed, payment rates and schedule of payment are null and void. This amount shall not exceed One Million, Six Hundred Sixty Nine Thousand, One Hundred Eighty Seven Dollars and No Cents ($1,669,187.00) for the total tenm of the Agreement unless additional payment is approved as provided in this Agreement. b. Consultant shall not be compensated for any services rendered in connection with its performance of this Agreement which are in addition to those set forth herein, unless such additional services are authorized in advance and in writing by the Executive Director. Consultant 1 R:ICIPIPROJECTSIPW06IPW06-07 OTCC Street ImprovementslNMR Prof Srvcs.doc shall be compensated for any additional services in the amounts and in the manner as agreed to by Executive Director and Consultant at the time Agency's written authorization is given to Consultant for the performance of said services. The Executive Director may approve additional work up to ten percent (10%) of the amount of the Agreement. Any additional work in excess of this amount shall be approved by the Agency. c. Consultant will submit invoices monthly for actual services performed. Invoices shall be submitted between the first and fifteenth business day of each month, for services provided in the previous month. Payment shall be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of each invoice as to all non-disputed fees. If the Agency disputes any of consultant's fees it shall give written notice to Consultant within 30 days of receipt of an invoice of any disputed fees set forth on the invoice. 6. SUSPENSION OR TERMINATION OF AGREEMENT WITHOUT CAUSE. a. The Agency may at any time, for any reason, with or without cause, suspend or terminate this Agreement, or any portion hereof, by serving upon the consultant at least ten (10) days prior written notice. Upon receipt of said notice, the Consultant shall immediately cease all work under this Agreement, unless the notice provides otherwise. If the Agency suspends or terminates a portion of this Agreement such suspension or termination shall not make void or invalidate the remainder of this Agreement. b. In the event this Agreement is terminated pursuantto this Section, the Agency shall pay to Consultant the actual value of the work performed up to the time of termination, provided that the work performed is of value to the Agency. Upon termination of the Agreement pursuant to this Section, the Consultant will submit an invoice to the Agency pursuant to Section 4. 7. DEFAULT OF CONSULTANT. a. The Consultant's failure to comply with the provisions of this Agreement shall constitute a default. In the event that Consultant is in default for cause under the terms of this Agreement, Agency shall have no obligation or duty to continue compensating Consultant for any work performed after the date of default and can terminate this Agreement immediately by written notice to the Consultant. If such failure by the Consultant to make progress in the performance of work hereunder arises out of causes beyond the Consultant's control, and without fault or negligence of the Consultant, it shall not be consideled a default. b. If the Executive Director or his delegate determines that the Consultant is in default in the performance of any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement, it shall serve the Consultant with written notice of the default. The Consultant shall have (10) days after service upon it of said notice in which to cure the default by rendering a satisfactory performance. In the event that the Consultant fails to cure its default within such period of time, the Agency shall have the right, notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, to terminate this Agreement without further notice and without prejudice to any other remedy to which it may be entitled at law, in equity or under this Agreement. 8. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. a. Consultant shall maintain complete and accurate records with respect to sales, costs, expenses, receipts and other'such information required by Agency that relate to the performance of services under this Agreement. Consultant shall maintain adequate records of services provided in sufficient detail to permit an evaluation of services. All such records shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall be clearly 2 R:ICIPIPROJECTSIPW06IPW06-07 OTCC StreellmprovemenlslNMR Prof Srvcs.doc identified and readily accessible. Consultant shall provide free access to the representatives of Agency or its designees at reasonable times to such books and records, shall give Agency the right to examine and audit said books and records, shall permit Agency to make transcripts there from as necessary, and shall allow inspection of all work, data, documents, proceedings and activities related to this Agreement. Such records, together with supporting documents, shall be maintained for a period of three (3) years after receipt of final payment. b. Upon completion of, or in the event of termination or suspension of this Agreement, all original documents, designs, drawings, maps, models, computer files containing data generated for the work, surveys, notes, and other documents prepared in the course of providing the services to be performed pursuant to this Agreement shall become the sole property of the Agency and may be used, reused or otherwise disposed of by the Agency without the permission of the Consultant. With respect to computer files containing data generated for the work, Consultant shall make available to the Agency, upon reasonable written request by the Agency, the necessary computer software and hardware for purposes of accessing, compiling, transferring and printing computer files. c. With respect to the design of public improvements, the Consultant shall not be liable for any injuries or property damage resulting from the reuse of the design at a location other than that specified in Exhibit A without the written consent of the Consultant. 9. INDEMNIFICATION. The Consultant agrees to defend, indemnify, protect and hold harmless the Agency, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers from and against any and all claims, demands, losses, defense costs or expenses, including attomey fees and expert witness fees, or liability of any kind or nature which the Agency, its officers, agents and employees may sustain or incur or which may be imposed upon them for injury to or death of persons, or damage to property arising out of Consultant's negligent or wrongful acts or omissions arising out of or in any way related to the performance or non-performance of this Agreement, excepting only liability arising out of the negligence of the Agency. 10. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. Consultant shall procure and maintain for the duration of the contract insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property, which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Consultant, its agents, representatives, or employees. a. Minimum Scone of Insurance. Coverage shall be at least as broad as: (1) Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability form No. CG 00 0,1 11 850r88. (2) Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form CA 00 01 06 92 covering Automobile Liability, code 1 (any auto). If the Consultant owns no automobiles, a non-owned auto endorsement to the General Liability policy described above is acceptable. (3) Worker's Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. If the Consultant has no employees while performing under this Agreement, worker's compensation insurance is not required, but Consultant shall execute a declaration that it has no emplo}ees. (4) Professional Liability Insurance shall be written on a policy form providing professional liability for the Consultant's profession. 3 R:ICIPIPROJECTSIPW06IPW06-07 OTCC Street ImprovementsINMR Prof Srvcs.doc b. Minimum Limits of Insurance. Consultant shall maintain limits no less than: (1) General Liability: One million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. (2) Automobile Liability: One million dollars ($1,000,000) per accident for bodily injury and property damage. (3) Worker's Compensation as required by the State of California; Employer's Liability: One million dollars ($1,000,000) per accident for bodily injury or disease. (4) Professional Liability coverage: Two million ($2,000,000) per claim and in aggregate. c. Deductibles and Self-Insured Retentions. Any deductibles or self-insured retentions must be declared to and approved by the, Executive Director. At the option of the Executive Director, either the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retentions as respects the Agency, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers; or the Consultant shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses and related investigations, claim administration and defense expenses. d. Other Insurance Provisions. The general liability and automobile liability policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: (1) The Agency, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers are to be covered as insured's as respects: liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Consultant; products and completed operations of the Consultant; premises owned, occupied or used by the Consultant; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Consultant. The coverage shall contain no special limitations on the scope of protection afforded to the Agency, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. (2) For any claims related to this project, the Consultant's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the Agency, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers. Any insurance or self- insured maintained by the Agency, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers shall be excess of the Consultant's insurance and shall not contribute with it. (3) Any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies including breaches of warranties shall not affect coverage provided to the Agency, its officers, officials, employees or volunteers. (4) The Consultant's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. 4 R:ICIPIPROJECTSIPW06IPW06-07 OTCC StreellmprovementslNMR Prof Srvcs.doc (5) Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by either party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days' prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the Agency. e. Acceptabilitv of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A:VII, unless otherwise acceptable to the Agency. Self insurance shall not be considered to comply with these insurance requirements. f. Verification of Coveraae. Consultant shall furnish the Agency with original endorsements effecting coverage required by this clause. The endorsements are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The endorsements are to be on forms provided by the Agency. All endorsements are to be received and approved by the Agency before work commences. As an alternative to the Agency's forms, the Consultant's insurer may provide complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, including endorsements affecting the coverage required by these specifications. 11. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. a. Consultant is and shall at all times remain as to the Agency a wholly independent contractor. The personnel performing the services under this Agreement on behalf of Consultant shall at all times be under Consultant's exclusive direction and control. Neither Agency nor any of its officers, employees, agents, or volunteers shall have control over the conduct of Consultant or any of Consultant's officers, employees, or agents except as set forth in this Agreement. Consultant shall not at any time or in any manner represent that it or any of its officers, employees or agents are in any manner officers, employees or agents of the Agency. Consultant shall not incur or have the power to incur any debt, obligation or liability whatever against Agency, or bind Agency in any manner. b. No employee benefits shall be available to Consultant in connection with the performance of this Agreement. Except for the fees paid to Consultant as provided in the Agreement, Agency shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to Consultant for performing services hereunder for Agency. Agency shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to Consultant for injury or sickness arising out of performing services hereunder. 12. LEGAL RESPONSIBILITIES. The Consultant shall keep itself informed of all local, State and Federal ordinances, laws and regulations which in any manner affect those employed by it or in any way affect the performance of its service pursuant to this Agreement. The Consultant shall at all times observe and comply with all such ordinances, 'laws and regulations. The Agency, and its officers and employees, shall not be liable at law or in equity occasioned by failure of the Consultant to comply with this section. 13. ~ELEASE OF INFORMATION. a. All information gained by Consultant in performance of this Agreement shall be considered confidential and shall not be released by Consultant without Agency's prior written authorization. Consultant, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors, shall not without written authorization from the Executive Director or unless requested by the City Attomey, voluntarily provide declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories or other information concerning the work performed under this Agreement or relating to any project or property located within the Agency. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered "voluntary" provided Consultant gives Agency notice of such court order or subpoena. 5 R:\CIP\PROJECTS\PW06\PW06-07 OTCC Street ImprovementslNMR Prof Srvcs.doc b. Consultant shall promptly notify Agency should Consultant, its officers, employees, agents or subcontractors be served with any summons, complaint, subpoena, notice of deposition, request for documents, interrogatories, request for admissions or other discovery request, court order or subpoena from any party regarding this Agreement and the work performed there under or with respect to any project or property located within the Agency. Agency retains the right, but has no obligation, to represent Consultant and/or be present at any deposition, hearing or similar proceeding. Consultant agrees to cooperate fully with Agency and to provide Agency with the opportunity to review any response to discovery requests provided by Consultant. However, Agency's right to review any such response does not imply or mean the right by Agency to control, direct, or rewrite said response. 14. NOTICES. Any notices which either party may desire to give to the other party under this Agreement must be in writing and may be given either by (/) personal service, (ii) delivery by a reputable document delivery service, such as but not limited to, Federal Express, that provides a receipt showing date and time of delivery, or (iii) mailing in the United States Mail, certified mail, postage prepaid, retum receipt requested, addressed to the address of the party as set forth below or at any other address as that party may later designate by Notice. Notice shall be effective upon delivery to the addresses specified below or on the third business day following deposit with the document delivery service or United States Mail as provided above. To City: Temecula Redevelopment Agency Mailing Address: P.O. Box 9033 Temecula, California 92589-9033 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, California 92590 Attention: Executive Director To Consultant: Nichols, Melburg & Rossetto 300 Knollcrest Drive Redding, CA 96002 Attn: Mike Lusso, Principal Architect 15. ASSIGNMENT. The Consultant shall not assign the performance of this Agreement, nor any part thereof, nor any monies due hereunder, without prior written consent of the Agency. Upon termination of this Agreement, Consultant's sole compensation shall be payment for actual services performed up to, and including, the date of termination or as may be otherwise agreed to in writing between the Agency Members and the Consultant. 16. LICENSES. At all times during the term of this Agreement, Consultant shall have in full force and effect, all licenses required of it by law for the performance of the services described in this Agreement. 17. GOVERNING LAW. The Agency and Consultant understand and agree that the laws of the State of California shall govern the rights, obligations, duties and liabilities of the parties to this Agreement and also govern the interpretation of this Agreement. Any litigation concerning this Agreement shall take place in the municipal, superior, or federal district court with geographic jurisdiction over the City of Temecula Redevelopment Agency. In the event such litigation is filed by one party against the other to enforce its rights under this Agreement, the prevailing party, as determined by the Court's judgment, shall be entitled to reasonable attorney fees and litigation expenses for the relief granted. 6 R:ICIPIPROJECTSIPW06\PW06-07 OTCC SlreellmprovemenlslNMR Prof Srves.doc 18. PROHIBITED INTEREST. No officer, or employee of the City ofTemecula, Redevelopment Agency shall have any financial interest, direct or indirect, in this Agreement, the proceeds thereof, the Contractor, or Contractor's sub-contractors for this project, during his/her tenure or for one year thereafter. The Contractor hereby warrants and represents to the Agency that no officer or employee of the City of T emecula, Redevelopment Agency has any interest, whether contractual, non-contractual, financial or otherwise, in this transaction, or in the business of the Contractor or Contractor's sub-contractors on this project. Contractor further agrees to notify the Agency in the event any such interest is discovered whether or not such interest is prohibited by law or this Agreement. 19. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties relating to the obligations of the parties described in this Agreement. All prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, representations and statements, oral or written, are merged into this Agreement and shall be of no further force or effect. Each party is entering into this , Agreement based solely upon the representations set forth herein and upon each party's own independent investigation of any and all facts such party deems material. ' 20. AUTHORITY TO EXECUTE THIS AGREEMENT. The person or persons executing this Agreement on behalf of Consultant warrants and represents that he or she has the authority to execute this Agreement on behalf of the Consultant and has the authority to bind Consultant to the performance of its obligations hereunder. 7 R:ICIPIPROJECTSIPW06IPW06-07 OTCC Street ImprovementslNMR Prof Srvcs.doc IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreementto be executed the day and year first above written. TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY Mike Naggar, Chairperson Attest: Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk Approved As to Form: Peter M. Thorson, City Attomey CONSULTANT Nichols, Melburg & Rossetto 300 Knollcrest Drive Redding, CA 96002 Attn: Mike Lusso, Principal Architect (530) 222-3300 phone (530) 222-3538 fax (Two Signatures of Corporate Officers Required For Corporations) 8 R:ICIPIPROJECTSIPW06IPW06.07 OTCC StreellmprovementslNMR Prof Srvcs.doc EXHIBIT A SCOPE OF WORK OLD TOWN INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS PROJECT NO. PW06-o7 DESIGN OF PARKING STRUCTURE and OFFICE/RETAIL and the CITY PLAZA R:ICIPIPROJECrSIPW06IPW06-07 orcc Street ImprovementslNMR Prof Srvcs.doc EXHIBIT "A" Nichols, Melburg & Rossetto SCOPE OF SERVICES - August 22, 2006 City of Temecula - Old Town Infrastructure Projects, PW06-07 1 A - Site Demolition & Site Preparation 1 C - Street Improvements - Main & Mercedes 1 D - Parking Structure and adjoining Office/Retail 1 E - City Plaza 1 F - Office/Retail along perimeter of Main St "Y" Project Description: Phase 1 of the Old Town Civic Center will design and construct the infrastructure needed to support a new Civic Center in Old Town. Specifically, a new 480+/- stall parking structure is proposed east of Mercedes Street at 3'd Street, the street improvements needed to widen Mercedes between 2nd and 6th streets as well as realign Main Street to the proposed "Y" configuration, and a Civic plaza within the confines of the Main Street "Y" will be completed in this phase. In addition, phase 1 includes roughly 8500 square feet of office/retail space will be designed integral to the parking structure fronting Mercedes. It is anticipated that the Old Town Police Store Front will relocate to a portion of the Parking Structure office/retail space. Scope of Services: This scope of services is for the design of the Old Town Infrastructure Projects, based on the Old Town Civic Center Master Plan (Approved by City Council June 27, 2006) prepared by Nichols, Melburg and Rossetto. 1. Project Administration Services a. The Consultant shall manage the Consultant's services and administer the Project. The Consultant shall consult with the Owner, research applicable design criteria, attend Project meetings, communicate with members of the Project team, and issue progress reports. The Consultant shall coordinate the services provided by the Consultant and the Consultant's subconsultants with those services provided by the Owner and the Owner's consultants. b. The Consultant shall prepare, and periodically update, a Project schedule that shall identify milestone dates for decisions required by the Owner, design services furnished by the Consultant, completion of documentation provided by the Consultant, commencement of construction, and Substantial Completion of the Work. 1 c. The Consultant shall consider the value of alternative materials, building systems and equipment, together with other considerations based on the master plan, budget and aesthetics in developing the design for the Project. d. The Consultant shall prepare presentation materials, reflective of the design work, including project renderings for formal presentations to various Owner's representatives to explain the design and progress of the Project. 2. Evaluation of Budget and Costs of the Work a. The Consult shall prepare a preliminary estimate of the Cost of the Work. This estimate shall be based upon the Master Planning phase and work described in this Scope of Services and shall be used for confirmation or adjustment in the Owner's Project budget. As the design process progresses through the end of the preparation of Construction Documents, the Consultant shall update and refine the preliminary estimate of the Cost of the Work. The Consultant shall advise the Owner of any adjustments to previous estimates of the Cost of the Work indicated by changes in Project requirements or general market conditions. If at any time the Consultant's estimate of the Cost of the Work exceeds the Owner's budget, the Consultant shall make appropriate recommendations to the Owner to adjust the Project's size, quality or budget, and the Owner shall cooperate with the Consultant in making such adjustments. b. Evaluations of the Owner's budget for the Project, the preliminary estimate of the Cost of the Work and updated estimates of the Cost of the Work prepared by the Consultant represent the Consultant's judgment as a design professional familiar with the construction industry. It is recognized, however, that neither the Consultant nor the Owner has control over the cost of labor, materials or equipment, over the Contractor's methods of determining bid prices, or over competitive bidding, market or negotiating conditions. Accordingly, the Consultant cannot and does not warrant or represent that bids or negotiated prices will not vary from the Owner's budget for the Project or from any estimate of the Cost of the Work or evaluation prepared or agreed to by the Consultant. c. In preparing estimates of the Cost of the Work, the Consultant shall be permitted to include contingencies for design, bidding, and price escalation; to determine what materials, equipment, component systems and types of construction are to be included in the Contract Documents; to make reasonable adjustments in the scope of the Project and to include in the Contract Documents alternate bids as may be necessary to adjust the estimated Cost of the Work to meet the Owner's budget for the Cost of the Work. If an increase in the Contract Sum occurring after execution of the Contract between the Owner and the Contractor causes 2 the budget for the Cost of the Work to be exceeded, that budget shall be increased accordingly. d. If bidding or negotiation has not commenced within 90 days after the Consultant submits the Construction Documents to the Owner, the budget for the Cost of the Work shall be adjusted to reflect changes in the general level of prices in the construction industry. 3. Supporting Services a. The Owner shall furnish a written legal description of the site(s). b. The Consultant shall furnish a survey that describes the topography, physical characteristics, legal limitations and utility locations for the site. The surveys and legal information shall include, as applicable, grades and lines of streets, alleys, pavements and adjoining property and structures; adjacent drainage; rights-of-way, restrictions, easements, encroachments, zoning, deed restrictions, boundaries and contours of the site; locations, dimensions, and necessary data with respect to existing buildings, other improvements and trees; and information concerning available utility services and lines, both public and private, above and below grade, including inverts and depths. All the information on the survey shall be referenced to a Project benchmark. c. The Owner will contract for the services of geotechnical engineers to conduct a geotechnical investigation of the site and prepare a report with recommendations for design and construction of the Project (completed). The report will provide an analysis of the site seismic activity, including fault lines, if any, to determine the appropriate location of the building and related improvements. Services may include but are not limited to test borings, test pits, determinations of soil bearing values, percolation tests, ground corrosion tests and resistivity tests, including necessary operations for anticipating subsoil conditions, with reports and appropriate recommendations. Consultant's design shall adhere to the geotechnical reports. 4. Design Services a. Schematic Design Services i. The Consultant shall provide Schematic Design Documents based on the mutually agreed upon the master plan, schedule, and budget for the Cost of the Work. The documents shall establish the conceptual design of the Project illustrating the scale and relationship of the Project components. The Schematic Design Documents shall include preliminary building plans, sections and exterior elevations. Preliminary selections of major building systems and construction materials shall be noted on the drawings or described in writing. 3 ii. Maximum number of copies of the schematic design documents to be provided to the Owner shall not exceed five (5). Hi. Schematic design documents shall consist of the following: 1. Statement of Probable Construction Cost 2. Schematic architectural site plan drawing 3. Schematic landscaping site plan drawing 4. Schematic floor plan(s) drawing(s) 5. Draft Water Quality Management Plan 6. Exterior elevation drawings indicating proposed exterior finish materials'and structural systems 7. Two schematic building cross sections iv. Discipline coordination and document cross checking. v. Agency consulting and review. (Any Agency fees will be paid by the Owner.) vi. Project scheduling. vii. Propose selections for mechanical systems. viii. Proposed selections for electrical systems. ix. Propose selections/description of on-site utility systems, fire protection system, site drainage system. x. Materials research including identification of potential architectural materials, systems, and equipment. xi. Project administration. xii. Preparation for and attendance at progress meetings with the Owner. b. Design Development Documents i. The Consultant shall provide Design Development Documents based on the approved Schematic Design Documents and updated budget for the Cost of the Work. The Design Development Documents shall illustrate and describe the refinement of the design of the Project, establishing the scope, relationships, forms, sizes and appearance of the Project by means of plans, sections, and elevations. The Design Development Documents shall include descriptions that identify major materials and systems and establish in general their quality levels. ii. Maximum number of copies of the design development documents to be provided to the Owner shall not exceed five (5). iii. Design Development Documents shall consist of: 1. Updated Statement of Probable Construction Cost 2. Architectural site plan drawing 3. Civil site plan drawing, including utility locations 4. Refined Water Quality Management Plan 5. Landscape site plan drawing 6. Architectural floor plan(s) at 1/8" = 1 '-0" 4 7. Reflected ceiling plan(s) at 1/8" = 1"-0" 8. Special area floor plans at Yo" = 1'-0" 9. Preliminary interior elevations of special areas 10. Exterior elevations 11. Building cross sections 12. Preliminary HVAC 13. Preliminary electrical lighting and power plans 14. Written descriptions of the following systems: a. Irrigation system b. Structural system c. Electrical system, including catalog cuts of proposed lighting fixtures d. Mechanical systems, including catalog cuts of proposed HVAC units and plumbing fixtures 15. Proposed specification table of contents iv. Discipline coordination and document plan checking. v. Agency consulting and review. vi. Update and monitor Project schedule. vii. Architectural design and documentation services consisting of continued development and expansion of Schematic Design to establish the final scope, relationships, forms, sizes, and appearance of the Project. viii. Materials research including review of Owner's General Conditions and Contract for Construction, development of preliminary specification table of contents. ix. Preliminary concepts for interior, materials, finishes and colors. x. Landscape design documentation services consisting of continued development and expansion of Schematic Design. Develop material and plant lists to help establish final scope of landscape work. xi. Civil design documentation services consisting of continued development and expansion of Schematic Design including on-site civil engineering work. xii. Electrical design documentation services consisting of continued development and expansion of Schematic Design including criteria for lighting, electrical and communication systems, approximate sizes and capacities of major components, preliminary equipment layouts, required space for equipment and chases, and energy conservation measures. xiii. Mechanical design and documentation services consisting of continued development and expansion of Schematic Design including recommended systems, approximate equipment sizes and capacities, preliminary equipment layouts, required 5 space for equipment and chases, acoustical and vibration control, visual impacts, and energy conservation concepts. xiv. Structural design and documentation services consisting of continued development and expansion of Schematic Design including basic structural system and dimension, final structural design criteria, foundation design criteria, preliminary sizing of major structural components, critical coordination clearances, and materials selections. xv. Project administration xvi. Preparation for and attendance at progress meetings with the Owner. c. Construction Documents i. The Consultant shall provide Construction Documents based on the approved Design Development Documents and updated budget for the Cost of the Work. The Construction Documents shall set forth in detail the requirements for construction of the Project. The Construction Documents shall include drawings and specifications that establish in detail the quality levels of materials and systems required for the Project. ii. Maximum number of copies of the construction progress documents at each review to be provided to the Owner shall not exceed five (5). iii. Construction Phase Documents shall consist of: 1. Updated of Statement of Probable Construction Cost taking into account changes in materials, systems or details of construction that have occurred during the preparation' of construction documents, known changes in the cost of materials, labor and services, and adjustments for known or anticipated changes in the bidding market relative to the Project. 2. Architectural drawings, plans and details 3. Civil drawings, plans, and details 4. Water Quality Management Plan 5. Site Specific Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) . 6. Landscape and irrigation drawings, plans, and details 7. Structural drawings, plans, and details 8. Mechanical HVAC drawings, plans, and details 9. Mechanical plumbing drawings, plans, and details 10. Electrical drawings, plans, and details 11. Project Manual including specifications and Conditions of the Contract for Construction iv. During the development of the Construction Documents, the Consultant shall assist the Owner in the development and preparation of: . 6 1. Bidding and procurement information that describes the time, place, and conditions of bidding; bidding or proposal forms; and the form of agreement between the Owner and the Contractor. 2. Further development and review of Conditions of the Contract for Construction. v. Architectural design and documentation services consisting of continued development and expansion of Design Development Phase comprised of preparation of drawings setting forth in detail the architectural construction requirements for the Project. vi. Materials research and specifications including assistance to Owner in developing architectural specifications and coordination of specifications from other disciplines, and compilation of the Project Manual. vii. Landscape design documentation services consisting of continued development and expansion of Design Development Phase comprised of preparation of drawings and specifications, setting forth in detail the landscaping requirements for the Project. viii. Civil design documentation services consisting of continued development and expansion of Design Development Phased comprised of final civil engineering calculations, drawings and specifications, setting forth in detail the civil construction requirements, including utility coordination, for the Project. ix. Electrical design documentation services consisting of continued development and expansion of Design Development Phase comprised of final electrical engineering calculations, drawings and specifications, setting forth in detail the electrical construction requirements for the Project. x. Mechanical design and documentation services consisting of continued development and expansion of Design Development Phase comprised of final HVAC and plumbing engineering calculations, drawings, and specifications, setting forth in detail the mechanical construction requirements for the Project. xi. Structural design and documentation services consisting of continued development and expansion of Design Development Phase comprised of final structural engineering calculations, drawings and specifications, setting forth in detail the structural construction requ irements of the Project. xii. Discipline coordination and document plan checking. xiii. Agency consulting and review, including submitting the building department for plan check and responding to plan check comments. Owner will pay agency fees. xiv. Update and monitor Project schedule. xv. Project administration. 7 xvi. Preparation for and attendance at progress meetings with the Owner. xvii. Consultant shall provide progress documents (maximum five copies) for Owner review and comment at the following points: 1. Upon 70% completion of Construction Documents 2. Upon 100% completion of Construction Documents (Initial submittal to Building Department for plan check) xviii. Upon final completion of Construction Documents, the Consultant shall provide one set of reproducible drawings on wet-signed mylars, two sets of wet-signed paper plans, and one set of complete specifications for Owner reproduction. The Consultant shall also submit electronic files of all plans in AutoCAD2000 format and electronic files of all specifications in MSWORD format. d. Bid Phase Services i. The Consultant shall be available to assist the Owner in obtaining competitive bids. ii. The Consultant shall be available to assist the Owner in bid evaluation and determination of the successful bid. iii. The Owner shall arrange for procuring the reproduction of Bidding Documents and distribution to prospective bidders. (The Owner shall pay directly for the cost of reproduction.) iv. The Consultant shall consider requests for substitutions, if permitted by the Bidding Documents, and shall prepare and distribute addenda identifying approved substitutions to all prospective bidders. v. The Consultant shall participate in a pre-bid conference for prospective bidders. vi. The Owner shall organize and conduct the opening of the bids, and document and distribute the bid results. vii. Discipline coordination and document plan checking. viii. Update and monitor Project schedule. ix. Project administration. 5. Construction Administration Services a. The Consultant's responsibility to provide Contract Administration Services commences with the award of the initial Contract for Construction and terminates at the issuance to the Owner of the final Certificate for Payment. However, the Consultant shall be entitled to a Change in Services when Contract Administration Services extend to 60 days after the contracted date of Substantial Completion of the Work. b. The Consultant shall be a representative of and shall advise and consult with the Owner during the provision of the Contract Administration Services. 8 c. The Consultant shall attend one project pre-construction meeting to be conducted by the Owner or the Owner's construction manager. d. The Consultant shall review properly prepared, timely requests by the Contractor for additional information about the Contract Documents. A properly prepared request for additional information about the Contract Documents shall be in a form prepared or approved by the Consultant and shall include a detailed written statement that indicates the specific Drawings or Specifications in need of clarification and the nature of the clarification requested. e. If deemed appropriate by the Consultant, the Consultant shall on the Owner's behalf prepare, reproduce, and distribute supplemental Drawings and Specifications in response to request for information by the Contractor. . f. The Consultant shall render initial decisions on claims, disputes, or other matters in question between the Owner and the Contractor as provided in the Contract Documents. However, the Consultant's decisions on matters relating to aesthetic effect shall be final if consistent with the intent expressed in the Contract Documents. g. The Consultant, as a representative of the Owner, shall visit the site at intervals appropriate to the stage of the Contractor's operations and consistent with the hourly effort and fees agreed upon with the Owner. i. To become generally familiar with and to keep the Owner informed about the progress and quality of the portion of the Work completed, ii. To endeavor to guard the Owner against defects and deficiencies in the Work, iii. To determine in general if the Work is being performed in a manner indicating that the Work, when fully completed, will be in accordance with the Contract Documents. h. The Consultant shall not be required to make exhaustive or continuous on-site inspections to check the quality or quantity of the Work. The Consultant shall neither have control over or charge of, nor be responsible for, the construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work, since these are solely the Contractor's rights and responsibilities under the Contract Documents. i. The Consultant shall report to the Owner known deviations from the Contract Documents and from the most recent construction schedule submitted by the Contractor. However, the Consultant shall not be responsible for the Contractor's failure to perform the Work in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. The Consultant shall be responsible for the Consultant's negligent acts or omissions, but shall not have control over or charge of and shall not be responsible for acts and omissions of the Contractor, Subcontractors, or their agents or employees, or of any other persons or entities performing portions of the Work. 9 j. The Consultant shall at all times have access to the Work wherever it is in preparation or progress. k. Communication by and with the Consultant's subconsultants shall be through the Consultant. I. The Consultant may recommend to the Owner the rejection of Work that does not conform to the Contract Documents. Whenever the Consultant considers it necessary or advisable, the Consultant will recommend to the Owner the requirement of inspection or testing of the Work in accordance with the provisions of the Contact Documents, whether or not such Work is fabricated, installed or completed. However, neither the duties of the Consultant nor a decision made in good faith either to recommend or not recommend such actions to the Owner shall give rise to a duty or responsibility of the Consultant to the Contractor, Subcontractors, material and equipment suppliers, their agents or employees or other persons or entities performing portions of the Work. m. The Consultant shall review and approve or take other appropriate action upon the Contractor's submittals such as Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples, but only for the limited purpose of checking for conformance with information given and the design concept expressed in the Contract Documents. The Consultant's action shall be taken with such reasonable promptness as to cause no delay in the Work or in the activities of the Owner, Contractor or separate contractors, while allowing sufficient time in the Consultant's professional judgment to permit adequate review. Review of such submittals is not conducted for the purpose of determining the accuracy and completeness of other details such as dimensions or quantities, or for substantiating instructions for installation or performance of equipment or systems, all of which remain the responsibility of the Contractor as required by the Contract Documents. The Consultant's review shall not constitute approval of safety precautions or, unless otherwise specifically stated by the Consultant, or any construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures. The Consultant's approval of a specific item shall not indicate approval of an assembly of which the item is a component. n. The Consultant shall maintain a record of submittals and copies of submittals supplied by the Contractor in accordance with the requirements of the Contract Documents. o. If professional design services or certifications by the design professional related to systems, materials, or equipment are specifically required of the Contractor by the Contract Documents, the Consultant shall specify appropriate performance and design criteria that such services must satisfy. Shop drawings and other submittals relaled to the Work designed and certified by the design professional retained by the Contractor shall bear such professional's written approval when submitted to the Consultant. The Consultant shall be entitled to rely upon 10 the adequacy, accuracy, and completeness of the services, certifications or approvals performed by such design professionals. p. The Consultant shall assist the Owner's representative in the preparation of Change Orders and Construction Change Directives for the Owner's approval and execution in accordance with the Contract Documents. If necessary, the Consultant shall prepare, reproduce and distribute Drawings and Specifications to describe Work to be added, deleted, or modified. q. The Consultant shall receive properly prepared, timely requests by the Owner or Contractor for changes in the Work, including adjustments to the Contract Sum or Contract Time. A properly prepared request for a change in the Work shall be accompanied by sufficient supporting data and information to permit the Consultant to make a reasonable determination without extensive investigation or preparation of additional drawings or specifications. If the Consultant determines that requested changes in the Work are not materially different from the requirements of the Contract Documents, the Consultant may recommend to the Owner a change in the Work occur that the requested change be denied. r. If the Consultant determines that implementation of the requested changes would result in a material change to the Contract that may cause an adjustment in the Contract Time or Contract Sum, the Consultant shall make a recommendation to the Owner, who may authorize further investigation of such change, including any additional costs attributed to the Change in Service of the Consultant. With the Owner's approval, the Consultant shall assist in incorporating those estimates into a Change Order or other appropriate documentation for the Owner's execution or negotiation with the Contractor. s. The Consultant shall make field observations to determine the date or dates of Substantial Completion and the date of final completion, shall receive from the Contractor and forward to the Owner, for the Owner's review and records, written warranties and related documents required by the Contract Documents and assembled by the ContractOr and issue a statement based upon a final project walk-through indicating that the Work complies with the requirements of the Contract Documents. t. The Consultant's project walk-through shall be conducted with the Owner's Designated Representative to check conformance of the Work with the requirements of the Contract Documents and to verify the accuracy and completeness of the list submitted by the Contactor of Work to be completed and correct. u. Discipline coordination and document plan checking. v. Agency consulting and review. w. Project administration. 6. Project Close-Out a. Review of Maintenance and Operation manuals provided by Contractor. 11 b. Preparation of record drawing documents for Civil improvements, based upon information provided by Contractor. c. Upon request of the Owner, and prior to the expiration of one year from the date of Substantial Completion, the Consultant shall conduct a meeting with the Owner and the Owner's Designated Representative to review the facility operations and performance and to make appropriate recommendations to the Owner. 7. Additional Services Design and Construction Administration Services that may be provided by the Consultant as a Change in Services include, but may not be limited to: a. Fine arts and crafts services. b. Selection and specification of furniture, fixtures, and equipment to be provided by Owner. c. Project promotion and public relations services including preparation of special brochures, promotional materials, and presentations at public meetings. d. Review of a Contractor's submittal out of sequence from the submittal schedule agreed to by the Consultant. Also multiple reviews (beyond two) of each required contract submittal. e. Responses to the Contractor's requests for information where such information is available to the Contractor from a careful study and comparison of the Contract Documents, field conditions, other Owner- provided information, Contractor-prepared coordination drawings, or prior Project correspondence or documentation. f. Evaluation of an extensive number of claims submitted by the Owner's consultants, the Contractor or others in connection with the Work. . g. Evaluation of substitutions proposed by the Owner's consultants or contractors and making subsequent revisions to Instruments of Service resulting therefrom. h. Contract Administration Services provided 60 days after the date of Substantial Completion of the Work. i. LEED certification and associated building commissioning. End of Scope of Services 12 n- 'll~U July 26, 2006 (Faxed & Mailed) Mr. Greg Butler Principal Engineer - Capital Projects City of Temecula Department of Public Works P,O. Box 9033 Temecula, CA 92589-9033 Re: Amended Proposal for Architectural/Engineering Services Temecula Civic Center-Phases lA, IC, ID, IE & IF; plus partial Phase II NMR Project #04-6276 Dear Greg: On behalf of NMR Architects, thank you for the opportunity to provide this amended proposal. (Per our recent discussions, it supersedes our 617/06 proposal in its entirety.) This letter will 'outline our proposed scope of work and fee structure for moving ahead with design services for Phases IA,IC, ID, IE, and IF of the new Temecula Civic Center project; along with selected portions of Schematic Design for Phase II (a.k.a. the "Civic Center Design Coordination Fee"), to facilitate the Phase I design work. Discussion of the remaining work relative to Phase II will be deferred until a later date, as agreed; while Phase IB will be completed entirely by the City. To summarize, the subject Phases are generally defined as follows: · Phase IA: Basic site demolition and site preparation for the entire site. · Phase IC: Selected curb-to-curb improvements on Mercedes Street, from 2nd Street to 6th Street; plus Main Street re-alignment. , . Phase ID: Parking Structure and adjoining Retail/Commercial Shell components; and associated sitework. · Phase IE: City Plaza, including areas west of Mercedes Street and on Mercedes Street; plus selected behind-curb improvements along the West side of Mercedes Street, from 2nd Street to the Northern boundary line of Phases IF and II. 300 Knollere,! Drive (530) 222-3300 1 NICHOLS. MELBURG & ROSSETTO www.nmrdesign.com Redding, CA 96002 Fax (530) 222-3538 I . · Phase IF: Selected site preparation and new sitework for stand-alone Retail/Commercial areas surrounding the City Plaza. · Phase II: City Hall, Council Chambers, Civic Quad, and associated sitework (including the waterfall feature adjoining the North wall of the Parking Structure). As we've discussed, our services for Phases IA and IC are anticipated to be minimal, because the City will contract directly with a Civil Engineering firm to do the majority of the design work. So, for each of these two Phases, we're proposing a modest time-and-materials allowance, to cover any necessary coordination and related work. For Phases ID, IE, and IF, per your input we've assumed that the Architectural and sub-consultant services (including Civil Engineering) will be provided through a contract with NMR. It should also be noted that the scope of work and fees identified herein generally exclude the Conceptual-Level design work and related tasks for which we're currently under contract with the City. Also, per the 6/29/06 teleconference Les Melburg and I had with Jim O'Grady, Gary Thornhill, and Steve Brown, we've added a new component, designated as the "Civic Center Design Coordination Fee". The primary purpose of this component is to provide us with the resources necessary to explore and refine various Schematic-Level design components for Phase II prior to executing the actual Phase II design contract, in order to facilitate (in proper sequence) the . design of those Phase I components which must be aesthetically based upon (and compatible with) Phase II. As agreed during the 6/29 teleconference, it is intended that this portion of the work will be fully cre,dited towards the Phase II design fee, at the appropriate time. Additionally, consistent with recent discussions you and I have had relative to Civil Engineering and Landscape Architecture, the "Civic Center Design Coordination Fee" also includes an overall Schematic-Level design effort for both disciplines, as a precursor to their Phase- by-Phase design efforts. (To the extent applicable, any effort expended now on Phase II Civil and/or Landscape scope would also be credited against the eventual Phase II fee.) As in our previous proposal, our goal is to arrive at professional services fees which are fair and reasonable, and consistent with documented industry standards for comparable work; and which provide us and our sub-consultants with adequate resources to meet the City of Temecula's expectations for this project. Our proposals for each Phase are divided into three categories: Architectural/Engineering Basic Services, Specialized Services, and Reimbursable Expenses. These are generally defined as follows: 300 Knollcrest Drive (530) 222-3300 2 NICHOLS' MELBURG & ROSSETIO www.nmrdesign.com Redding, CA 96002 Fax (530) 222-3538 · ArchitecturallEngineering Basic Services: In accordance with typical industry practice, Architectural/Engineering Basic Services consist of normal services provide by the professional disciplines of Architectural, plus (as applicable) Structural Engineering, Mechanical Engineering (including HVAC, Plumbing, and Fire Protection), and Electrical Engineering (including Fire Alarm) through the five major phases of a project: Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, Bidding, and Construction Administration. Specific to this project, and as noted above, due to our expected minimal scope relative to Phases IA and IC, we've established modest time-and-materials allowances to cover any Basic Services costs. For Phase 10, our proposed Basic Services fee is based on a percentage of the estimated construction cost. For Phases IE and IF, we've established Basic Services fees based on our current understanding of the level of effort which will be required to complete the work. (With regard to Phase IF, per your directive the scope will be limited to providing minimal Schematic-Level "Bridging Documents" for sitework only, suitable for the City's use in soliciting development proposals from interested and qualified parties.) Basic Services for Phases IA and IC would be billed monthly on a time-and-materials basis, in accordance with the attached "NMR Hourly Rate and Reimbursable Rate Schedule". Phases 10, IE, and IF would be billed monthly, based on percentage of completion. · Specialized Services Fees and Allowances:, These are established to cover the anticipated costs of specialized services which, per industry standards, are typically not included in Basic Services, e.g., Civil Engineering, Landscape Architecture, etc. As recently discussed, at this point we've obtained actual fee proposals from our Civil and Landscape sub-consultants; for the others, we've simply established what we believe to be reasonable and somewhat conservative allowances for these services, pending the completion of our current Conceptual-Level work. We would propose that, once this work is complete, we'd solicit the remaining necessary proposals from each sub-consultant, as applicable, and adjust any of the allowances to the extent necessary (if any). These line items would then be billed monthly, based on percentage of completion. · Reimbursable Expenses: Consistent with typical industry practice, we've established an allowance for each Phase, to cover anticipated reimbursable expenses for us and our sub-consultants related to such items as out-of-town travel expenses, blueprints and photocopies (excluding bid sets), postage and handling, etc. These costs would be billed monthly based on actual expenditures, in accordance with the Reimbursables portion of the attached "NMR Hourly Rate and Reimbursable Rate Schedule". 300 Knollcre,! Dnve (530) 222-3300 3 NICHOLS' MELBURG & ROSSETTO www.nmrdesign.com Redding, CA 96002 Fax (530) 222-3538 II Our individual fee proposals for each Phase are provided on the attached sheets. Naturally, we would be happy to work with you to adjust our scope of services and fees, should that be necessary to better meet the City's needs for this project. Again, Greg, thank you for the opportunity to provide this proposal. We look forward to continuing our work with the City's team on this important project. Should you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to call. foe~rYM ~L"". Principal Architect ML:ssb c: Steve Brown Les Melburg Kathy Evans Attachments: - NE Fee Summary Sheet for Phases lA, IC, 10, IE, IF, and II (Partial) NMR Hourly Rate and R.eimbursable Rate Schedule 300 Knollcrest Drive (530) 222-3300 4 NICHOLS. MELBURG & ROSSETIO www.nmrdesign.com Redding, CA 96002 Fax (530) 222-3538 EXHIBIT B PAYMENT RATES AND SCHEDULE R:ICIPIPROJECTSIPW06IPW06-07 OTCC SlreellmprovemenlslNMR Prof Srvcs.doc TEMECULA CIVIC CENTER AlE FEE SUMMARY SHEET NMR ARCHITECTS JULY 26, 2006 "PHASE IA" (BASIC SITE DEMOLITION AND SITE PREPARATION) 1. Architectural/Engineering Basic Services (T & M Allowance) $10,000 2. Specialized Services a. Civil Engineering (Allowance) b. Landscape Architect (Allowance) c. Security Electronics (Allowance) d. Acoustical/ Audiovisual (Allowance) e. Interior Designer (Allowance) f. Telecom / Data Cabling Design (Allowance) g. 3-D Renderings / Animations h. Signage & Graphics Design (Allowance) i. Cost Estimator (Allowance) j. Record Documents (Drawings & Spec's.) k. Green/LEED Consulting (Allowance) $O/Separate Contract $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,000 N/A $0 3. Reimbursable Expenses (Allowance) $2.500 Total $17,500 $12.,'500 Notes: . Per City, Item 2a (Civil Engineering) will be performed outside of NMR's contract. . Item 2i (Cost Estimator) is optional, and would be performed only at City's request. . Items 3 (Reimbursables) at $2,500 represents 50% of overall $5,000 allowance in Phase IA master budget, with remaining $2,500 allocated to separate Civil Engineering contract. Page 1 of 1 TEMECULA CIVIC CENTER AlE FEE SUMMARY SHEET NMR ARCHITECTS JULY 26, 2006 "PHASE IC" (SELECTED CURB-TO-CURB IMPROVEMENTS ON MERCEDES STREET, FROM 2NO STREET TO 6TH STREET; PLUS MAIN STREET RE-ALlGNMENT) 1. Architectural/Engineering Basic Services (T & M Allowance) $15,000 2. Specialized Services a. Civil Engineering (Allowance) b. Landscape Architect (Allowance) c. Security Electronics (Allowance) d. Acoustical/ Audiovisual (Allowance) e. Interior Designer (Allowance) f. Telecom / Data Cabling Design (Allowance) g. 3-D Renderings / Animations h. Signage & Graphics Design (Allowance) i. Cost Estimator (Allowance) j. Record Documents (Drawings & Spec's.) k. Green/LEED Consulting (Allowance) $O/Separate Contract $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 -$5-;600- N/A $0 3. Reimbursable Expenses (Allowance) Total $2.50Q $22,690 .:fn,7W Notes: . Per City, Item 2a (Civil Engineering) will be performed outside of NMR's contract. . Item 2i (Cost Estimator) is optional, and would be performed only at City's request. · Items 3 (Reimbursables) at $2,500 represents 50% of overall $5,000 allowance in Phase IC master budget, with remaining $2,500 allocated to separate Civil Engineering contract. Page 1 of 1 TEMECULA CIVIC CENTER AlE FEE SUMMARY SHEET NMR ARCHITECTS JULY 26, 2006 "PHASE 10" (PARKING STRUCTURE AND ADJOINING RETAIUCOMMERCIAL SHELL COMPONENTS; AND ASSOCIATED SITEWORK) 1. Architectural/Engineering Basic Services (Fixed Fee) $915,037 a. Schematic Design Phase (20%/$183,007) b. Design Development Phase (25%/$228,759) c. Construction Documents Phase (35%/$320,263) d. Bid Phase (2.5%/$22,876) e. Construction Administration Phase (17.5%/$160.132\ Total- NE Basic Services (100%/$915,037) 2. Specialized Services a. Civil Engineering (per 6/22/06 RBF proposal) $74,600 b. Landscape Architect (per 6/22/06 SWA proposal) $68,000 c. Security Electronics (Allowance) $10,000 d. Acoustical/ Audiovisual (Allowance) $5,000 e. Interior Designer (Allowance) $0 f. Telecom / Data Cabling Design (Allowance) $5,000 g. 3-D Renderings / Animations (Included in Item 1 above) h. Signage & Graphics Design (Allowance) $10,000 i. Cost Estimator (Allowance) $35,000 j. Record Documents (Drawings & Spec's.) N/A(See "Notes") k. Green/LEED Consulting (Allowance for Overall Project) $125,000 3. Reimbursable Expenses (Allowance) $25.000 Total $1,272,637 Notes:. . Item 1 (Fixed fee for NE Basic Services) is calculated using percentages of estimated construction value for each of the three major components of this Phase, as follows: Parking Structure (7% x $9,808,750) Retail/Commercial Shell (10.5% x $1,487,500) Sitework (10.5% x $687,966) Total $686,613 $156,188 $72.236 $915,037 Please refer to the attached, annotated excerpts from "Fees 2005" (a nationally-recognized database for NE fees, based on project types, level of design quality, level of service, etc.) for current information on national averages for NE Basic Services fees for Parking Structures and Retail projects. . Item 2b (Landscape Architect) assumes no fountains in Phase ID, i.e., the waterfall feature shown on the North wall of the Parking Structure will be part of Phase II. Page 1 of 2 TEMECULA CIVIC CENTER AlE FEE SUMMARY SHEET NMR ARCHITECTS JULY 26, 2006 "PHASE ID" (CONT'D.) · Item 2j (Record Documents) is indicated as N/A, based on City's directive that Record Documents will be addressed later, However, Item 2a (Civil Engineering) does include Civil Engineering Record Documents, per RBF's 6/22/06 proposal. · Item 2k (Green/ LEED Consulting) is for entire project, and is intended to cover costs of specialized Green/LEED sub-consultant, as well as related costs for other Design Team members which may arise out of designing to Green/LEED standards. Per City directive, however, it is not intended to include costs associated with actual LEED documentation, certification, or commissioning processes. To maximize the benefits of this work, the Green/LEED consultant should be retained as soon as possible, ideally while we're still working on the current Conceptual-Level design. Page 2 of2 TEMECULA CIVIC CENTER AlE FEE SUMMARY SHEET NMR ARCHITECTS JULY 26, 2006 "PHASE IE" (CITY PLAZA, INCLUDING AREAS WEST OF MERCEDES STREET AND ON MERCEDES STREET; PLUS SELECTED BEHIND-CURB SITE IMPROVEMENTS ALONG MERCEDES STREET) 1. Architectural/Engineering Basic Services a. Schematic Design Phase (20%/$22,500) b. Design Development Phase (20%/$22,500) c. Construction Documents Phase (35%/$39,375) d. Bid Phase (5%/$5,625) e. Construction Administration Phase 120%/$22.500) Total - AlE Basic Services (100%/$112,500) $112,500 2. Specialized Services a. Civil Engineering (per 6/22/06 RBF proposal) b. Landscape Architect/Fountain Design (per 6/22/06 SWA proposal) c. Security Electronics (Allowance) d. Acoustical/ Audiovisual (Allowance) e. Interior Designer (Allowance) f. Telecom / Data Cabling Design (Allowance) g. 3-D Renderings / Animations h. Signage & Graphics Design (Allowance) i. Cost Estimator (Allowance) j. Record Documents (Drawings & Spec's.) k. Green/LEED Consulting (Allowance) $25,050 $124,000 $2,500 $2,500 $0 $0 (Included in Item 1 above) $15,000 $15,000 N/A(See "Notes") $0 3. Reimbursable Expenses (Allowance) $20.000 Total $316,550 Notes: . Item 2b (Landscape Architect/Fountain Design) includes $92,000 for Landscape Architect and $32,000 for Fountain Design, with the latter based on one (1) fountain, as generally depicted on NMR Site Plan for Phase IE. . Item 2j (Record Documents) is indicated as N/A, based on City's directive that Record Documents will be addressed later. However, Item 2a (Civil Engineering) does include Civil Engineering Record Documents, per RBF's 6/22/06 proposal. Page 1 of 1 TEMECULA CIVIC CENTER AlE FEE SUMMARY SHEET NMR ARCHITECTS JULY 26, 2006 "PHASE IF" (SCHEMATIC-LEVEL "BRIDGING DOCUMENTS" FOR SELECTED SITE PREPARATION AND NEW SITEWORK AT STAND-ALONE RETAIL/COMMERCIAL AREAS ADJOINING , CITY PLAZA) 1. Architectural Basic Services (Schematic-Level) $20,000 2. Specialized Services a. Civil Engineering (Allowance) b. Landscape ArchitecUFountain Design (per 6/21/06 SWA proposal) c. Security Electronics (Allowance) d. Acoustical/ Audiovisual (Allowance) e. Interior Designer (Allowance) f. Telecom / Data Cabling Design (Allowance) g. 3-D Renderings / Animations h. Signage & Graphics Design (Allowance) i. Cost Estimator (Allowance) j. Record Documents (Drawings & Spec's.) k. Green/LEED Consulting (Allowance) $0 $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 (Included in Item 1 above) $5,000 $6,BOO N/A $0 3. Reimbursable Expenses (Allowance) $5.000 Total $55,000 thO ,000 Notes: . Per City directive, intent of Phase IF is to provide limited Schematic-Level site drawings (related to disciplines of Architectural and Landscape ArchitecUFountain Design only) to serve as "Bridging Documents" to facilitate the City's solicitation of development proposals from interested and qualified parties. Page 1 of 1 HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE: Nichols Melburg & Rossetto Architects ,ai Hourly Rate and Reimbursable Rate Schedule /U~ ~4.t:> As of January 1, 2006 / , {I;1":>">V . p'. 1J Principal Architect/Structural Engineer.. ......................... ................................................... $150.00/hour Director ...... ......... ....... ........ ................ .............................. ... .................... ............ .............. $120.00/hour Senior Associate Architect......................................... ..................................................... ..$115.00/hour Structural Engineer............................... .................... ...................... ............................... ...$115.00/hour Associate...................................................................................................................... ...... $95. OO/hour Senior Project Architect/Manager......... ........................................................... .................. ..$90.00/hour Project Architect/Manager/Engineer................................................................................... .$85.00/hour Architect.. ... ...................... ......... ......................... ............... ........................... ...................... .$80.00/hour Architect Intern.................................................................................................................... $75 .OO/hour Interior Design.......................... ... ...................................................................................... .$75.00/hour CAD Operator I...................... ........................................... ................................................. .$75.00/hour CAD Operator II.................. ...... ................................... ........................................ ........... .... $70.00/hour CAD Operator III...................................................................................... .......................... .$65.00/hour Project Administrator........................................................................................................... $65. OO/hour Technical Assistant ............ .............................................................................. .............. .$50.00/hour Clerical.......................................................... ...................................................................... $40. OO/hour REIMBURSABLE EXPENSE RATES: I. REPROGRAPHICS Blueprints (24"x36") printed by NMR ..........................................................................$2.50/ea. Blueprints (24"x36") printed by NMR for Qty. > 100/per order......................................$2.00/ea. Blueprints (30"x42") printed by NMR ...........................................................................$3.50/ea. Blueprints (30"x42") printed by NMR for Qty. > 100/per order ....................................$3.00/ea. Blueprints (24"x36" / 30"x42") printed by outside source (Available on Construction Sets ONLY) ...............................................Actual Expense + 10% Copies (8-1/Zx11).................... .......................................................... ........................... .$.1 Olea. Copies (8-1/Zx14)................... ........................ ..... ......................................................... .$.15/ea. Copies (11 x17)................................... ............................. ..................... ...................... ...$.ZO/ea. II. TRAVEL EXPENSES Mileage (out of town only, as authorized by Client)............................................ $0.445 per mile III. COMPUTER EXPENSES Compo Plots (24"x36" Vellum - black and white) .............................................$4.00 per plot (30"x42" Vellum - black and white) .............................................$5.00 per plot (24"x36" /30"x4Z" Mylar- black and white) ................................$10.00 per plot (11"x17" / 8-1/Z"x11" Bond - color)...............................................$5.00 per plot (Z4"x36" Bond - color).................................................................$ZO.OO per plot (30"x42" Bond - color).................................................................$25.00 per plot Electronic transfer of drawing files..................................................................... $50.00 per dwg for other than NMR and sub-consultant use IV. AGENCY FEES Approval and Plan Check Fees .............................................................Actual Expense + 10% V. CONSULTANTS Consultant Billings (for additional services) ...........................................Actual Expense + 10% Consultant Reimbursable Expenses......................................................Actual Expense + 10% VI. OTHER PROJECT RELATED ITEMS (including travel)......................Actual Expense + 10% Ii - I. ITEM NO. 25 I I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager ~f"" /JIL ~ TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA REPORT TO: Executive Director/Agency Members FROM: John Meyers, Redevelopment Director DATE: August 22, 2006 SUBJECT: Status Update on the Temecula Education Center RECOMMENDATION: Receive and File Status Update on the Temecula Education Center. DISCUSSION: On February 28,2006, the Agency adopted a Third Amendment to the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA). The Third Amendment provided for the Public Works Department to manage the mass grading and soil remediation for the Education Center. At the same meeting, the Council also authorized the solicitation of bids for this work. On April 11 , 2006, the Agency awarded the Construction Contract to Yeager Skanska, Inc and approved the Soil Excavation and Temporary Entry Agreement with the Rancho California Water District for the Rough Grading. The grading activity began May 1,2006. The grading activity has substantially been completed and excess material has been stockpiled to accelerate the settlement process. Over the next 30 days, we will be monitoring the rate of settlement. The developer remains committed to moving the project forward as quickly as possible. He has spent considerable resources on project design and special studies. FISCAL IMPACT: We are currently finalizing a cost accounting of the work performed at the Temecula Education Center site. The developer will reimburse the Agency these costs at the time of the property acquisition. RDA DEPARTMENTAL REPORT Ii - I. ITEM NO. 26 I I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager ~r-- /J12. 98 TEMECULA REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY AGENDA REPORT TO: Executive Director/Agency Members FROM: John Meyer, Redevelopment Director DATE: August 22, 2006 SUBJECT: Redevelopment Departmental Monthly Report Attached for your information is the monthly report as of August 22, 2006 for the Redevelopment Department. First Time Homebuvers ProQram Funding in the amount of $100,000 is available for FY 06 -07. Residential Improvement Proqrams The program budget for FY 06-07 is $350,000, with $25,700 funded on 4 units. The amount available to each participant increased from $5,000 to $7500. Habitat for Humanitv Council entered into a Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) with Habitat for Humanity to develop a home-ownership project within the Pujol Neighborhood. The project located on the northwest corner of Pujol and First Streets, will consist of 5 new single-family detached homes. The houses are arranged along Pujol Street and a private lane. The preliminary grading permit has been issued. Dalton Mixed-Use II On May 28, 2005, the Council approved an Owner Participation Agreement with D'Alto Partners to build a mixed-use affordable housing project. The project will consist of 24 units over 5,000 sq. ft. of retail/commercial. The project is located on the north side of Fifth Street, west of Mercedes. Vertical construction has begun with the installation of vertical steel. Dalton Mixed-Use III On March 28, 2006, the Council approved an Owner Participation Agreement with D'Alto Partners to build a mixed-use affordable housing project. The project will consist of 22 units over 4,700 sq. ft. of retail/commercial. The project is located on the north side of Fifth Street, west of Mercedes. Temecula Education Center The City Council awarded the construction contract and approval of a soil excavation and temporary entry agreement with the Rancho California Water District for the Temecula Education Center Rough Grading on April 11 ,2006. The grading process began on May 1, 2006. Facade Imorovement/Non-Conformina Sian Proaram The following facade improvement/sign projects are in process or have recently been completed: D Palomar Hotel Paint Exterior, New Windows and Doors D The Emporium Paint Exterior and New Front Fayade D European Cafe Design and Install Five Wood Sandblasted Signs D State Farm Insurance - Design and Install Three Wood Signs. Old Town Promotions/Marketina Hot Summer Niahts Hot Summer Nights continues in Old Town Temecula. August 4 featured Blues night featuring Hoodoo Blues Band, Rocking Blues, Judy Taylor Wild West Show and the Two of Us +1. "Bluegrass Blast" weekend was held on August 11 & 12. Friday night featured Andy Rau, Mill Creek Boys and Pacific Ocean Bluegrass. A Friday Jam Session was held from 1 - 4:00 pm at the Mercantile on Main Street. Saturday featured performances by Bothers Barton, Bluegrass Redliners, BlueRidge and the Silverado Bluegrass Band. In addition, a Workshop was held Saturday at the Mercantile with members of the featured bands. On Friday, August 18, was an R & B performance by Guilty Conscience, and Country by the Older than Dirt Band and Judy Taylor. Hot Summer Nights will continue through August 25. Hot Summer Nights also includes kids' games and prizes, a party jump on 5th Street behind Temecula Root Beer and Dynamite Dave at Rosa's Cantina. COUNCIL BUSINESS Ii - I. ITEM NO. 27 I I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager ~ /J12. ~ CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Grant Yates, Assistant to the City Manager DATE: August 22,2006 SUBJECT: Smoking in Senior Housing Buildings- (At the request of Mayor Pro Tem Washington) PREPARED BY: Aaron Adams, Sr. Management Analyst RECOMMENDATION: That the City Council discuss and provide direction to Staff on possible non-smoking provisions for Senior Housing. BACKGROUND: At the City Council meeting of May 23, 2006, Mayor Roberts and Mayor Pro Tem Washington introduced a Tobacco Retail Licensing Ordinance. This ordinance is now a mechanism for enforcing and limiting the sale of tobacco products to minors. As a part of this City Council action, it was also recommended that staff investigate the possibility of limiting smoking in public places and multi-family housing. As a first step in this direction, Mayor Pro Tem Washington and City Staff have researched the options as well as discussed the legality of such action with the City Attorney. Based on these discussions, it was suggested that limiting smoking specifically to future Senior Housing projects could become a viable option. This restriction could be inserted as a condition of development or tied to a change in the City's Development Code. Existing multi-family housing and/or existing senior housing is not the target of this effort but could certainly be approached to voluntarily comply with any recommended changes that may occur. The basis for this discussion is the glaring statistics surrounding tobacco use and the causes of death and disease of exposure to secondhand smoke. D More than 440,000 people die in the United States from tobacco-related diseases every year, making it the nation's leading cause of preventable death; and D The World Health Organization estimates that by 2030, tobacco will account for 10 million deaths per year, making it the greatest cause of death worldwide; and D The United States Environmental Protection Agency has found secondhand smoke to be a risk to public health and has classified secondhand smoke as a group A carcinogen, the most dangerous class of carcinogen; and D Secondhand smoke is responsible for an estimate 38,000 deaths among non-smokers each year in the United States, which includes 3,000 lung cancer deaths and 35,000 deaths due to heart disease; and D 87.9% of non-smokers showed detectable levels of cotinine (a metabolite of nicotine) in their blood, the most likely source of which is secondhand smoke exposure; and D Secondhand smoke exposure adversely affects fetal growth with elevated risk of low birth weight and increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome in infants of mothers who smoke; and D Secondhand smoke exposure causes as many as 300,000 children in the United States under the age of 18 months to suffer lower respiratory tract infections, such as pneumonia and bronchitis and State law supports local ordinances prohibiting smoking of tobacco products. Such ordinances are mechanisms to protect the public from nonconsensual exposure to second hand smoke. In addition there is no Constitutional right to smoke. The provision of Non Smoking rooms and Non Smoking Common Areas in Senior Housing complexes whether apartment or condominiums provides for healthier accommodations for residents/neighbors & visitors. It is also important to note that property owners are free to prevent smoking in an apartment building. Or alternatively, the City may pass an ordinance limiting smoking in common areas or declaring that landlords have the right to make areas of the building smoke-free. In addition, 70% of Californians surveyed approve of apartment complexes requiring at least 50% of the rental units be non smoking. In a related study, it showed that 84% of Californians are non-smokers. This item is placed at the request of Mayor Pro Tem Washington for the purpose of discussion. Details of enforcement of such an ordinance and defining the type of housing must be further refined for the purpose of drafting an ordinance. FISCAL IMPACT: None at this time. Ii - I. ITEM NO. 28 I I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager ~f'"" 1112. 913 CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Mitch Aim, Chief of Police DATE: August 22, 2006 SUBJECT: Police Department Graffiti Action Plan PREPARED BY: Heidi Schrader, Management Analyst RECOMMENDATION: Graffiti Action Plan. The City Council to receive a presentation on the Police Department's BACKGROUND: This presentation on the status of graffiti prevention programs within the City of Temecula is being delivered at the request of Mayor Pro Tem Washington. Chief Aim and Lieutenant Pi no will give a multimedia presentation outlining recent graffiti trends, current prevention and enforcement measures, and proactive programs used to reduce graffiti within the City of Temecula. After the presentation, there will be a brief session to address additional questions and concerns. The presentation will detail ways directed enforcement has been utilized to control graffiti. Officers have been redeployed in neighborhood zones and are performing extra patrol in high graffiti areas. Volunteer groups are conducting surveillance and maintaining a presence in key areas. In addition, once identified, offenders face aggressive prosecution and mandatory restitution. Proactive programs have also been instituted in order to ensure long term graffiti management. Gang/graffiti education programs have been added for students within the age group at risk for joining gangs. The Police Department is training local business owners and employees to recognize potential gang and graffiti action and to serve as extra eyes for law enforcement. New technology is being used to identify trends and focus enforcement for maximum benefit as well as for observing and identifying offenders. ATTACHMENTS: July 2004 - June 2005 Graffiti Removal Report July 2005 - July 2006 Graffiti Removal Report CITY OF TEMECULA July 2004 - June 2005 GRAFFITI REMOVAL COSTS July $ 5.143,25, August $ 5,866,00 TOTAL CALLS September $ 1,613.50 October $ 3.144,75 July 21 November $ 4,107,25 August 28 December $ 2,999,50 September 08 January $ 6,573,00 February $ 2,924,25 October 11 March $2,836,75 November 17 April $ 4,383,75 December 15 May $ 5,050,50 January 11 June $17,456,25 February 26 March 29 April 17 SQUARE May 40 FOOTAGE June 52 July 2,939 August 3,352 September 922 October 1,797 November 2,347 December 1,714 Totals for Periods January 3,756 July 2004 - June 2005 February 1,671 March 1,621 April 2,505 Sq. Foot 35,485 May 2,886 Cost $ 62,098.75 June 9,975 Calls 275 51000 49000 47000 45000 1~888 39000 37000 35000 33000 ~a888 27000 25000 23000 21000 19888 15000 13000 11000 9000 ~888 3000 1000 ~ ~ I I . ...... ~ --- ....... J . , , , , . . . ..:::,0 9." ,," O~ ~ ",<f; 0 ~ {f.,V ~ f<.,~ v~ ~v .;. ~<(" Q ~~ <( ~ ~ ~ ~ ':,.t ~ -- COST --- SQ FT CIWINDOWSlap,doc'tlettemp\4724\$ASQpdf814781.docIGRAFFITI CHART .06\rr" CITY OF TEMECULA July 2005 - July 2006 GRAFFITI REMOVAL COSTS July August September October November December January February March April May June July $ 18,202,25, $ 11,148,50 $ 19,921.00 $ 13,620,75 $ 31,377.50 $ 49,648,50 $ 45,652,75 $ 13,736,25 $ 38,610,00 $ 13,854,50 $ 20,476,50 $ 9,801.00 $ 12,915,00 SQUARE FOOTAGE July August September October November December January February March April May June July 6,619 4,054 7,244 4,953 11,460 18,054 16,601 4,955 14,040 5,038 7,446 3,564 7,380 TOTAL CALLS July 42 August 40 September 29 October 43 }Jovember 60 December 78 January 83 February 35 March 82 April 29 May 38 June 33 July 41 Totals for the Period July 2005 - July 2006 Sq. Foot Cost Calls 11 1,408 $ 288,938.85 633 51000 49000 47000 45000 43000 41000 39000 37000 35000 33000 31000 29000 27000 25000 23000 21000 19000 17000 15000 13000 11000 9000 7000 5000 3000 1000 ~ ~ .. I ..... I I I I I .. I I I \ I I I .. I }ll. "I. / " I - / "\ "\. / " I / ... / "\ '-" ... "\ / "\ "\ ~ / "\ / ""\ .... - / "\ / ""\ - - -- ./ ./ \../ '-.- ...... ./ , , . . . . . . ff.,~ v~ << .;' ~ ~v _...~ ~~ ~ ~ ,"' ~ ~ ~0 ~" ~ 'i>~ v" O~ ~v o ~ Q ':,.t -- COST --- SQ FT CIWINDOWSlap,doc'tlettemp\1332\$ASQpdf814782.docIGRAFFITI CHART .06\rr" DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS Ii - I. ITEM NO. 29 I I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager ~ /J12. Lf CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Shawn Nelson, City Manager DATE: August 22, 2006 SUBJECT: City Council Travel/Conference Report - July 2006 PREPARED BY: Sue Steffen, Executive Assistant RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file On July 5 Mayor Ron Roberts traveled to Los Angeles to attend meetings of the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) Administration, Transportation & Communications Committee and Regional Council. The meeting agendas are attached. SCAG will reimburse the City for his hotel expense. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ~~ " ~ ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS Main Office 818 West Seventh Street 12th Floor Los Angeles, California 90017~3435 t (213) 2)6-1800 f(213) 236'1825 www.scag.cagov om~15: President: Yvonne B. Burke, La!> An!e1e5Co1lnty-f1rstVirePresident:G~rylMtl. San 8emafllino (ounl)' . Sewnd Vice President: Richard Dilon. take Forest - Immediate Pa~t Ptesident:Tonl'roung.Portlfueneme ImperW County: ViClorCarrlllo.lmperial County .jonEdney.E1Centro Los Angetes Counly:YvtlIlne a Burke, Los AIlSelesCoooty- '2wYaroslal'Sky, Los Angeles (ountyo Jim Aldinger, Manhattan Beach-Harry IliIldwin. San Gabriel- Pa!JlBowlen,CerritoS- roddCampbell, Burbank - TOIIl'Canrenas,l.as Anseles' Stan Csrro\l. l.Il HabraHeights- Margarct Clark, Rosemead . Gent Oaniets, Paramount. MikeOispenza, Palmdale' Judy Dunli.lp,JnglewoodoRaeGabe:lich,WlgBt>ath- David Galin.Oowncy'-El'icGarmlli.losAngeles -wendy Greuel los Angeles * fTallkGurule. Cudaby-janiceHahn,los/lnge!es-lsadoJe Hall.Comptoll-l(eithw. Hanks,/Iz;.ISa -lose HuJzar,lDsAngelcs.Toml.aBonge.wsAilgeles -Paulalantz,l'omona-PauINowatka.TOfrallCll _PamD'Connor.SantaMonica_Ale:i:Padilla,1.os Angetes-8EraardParks.LosAngeles-JanPeIfY, I.GsAngeles-Ed~es,losAnge~-6m Rosendahl, LOS Angeles - Greig Smith. Los Angeles . Tom Sykes, Walnut. Paul Talbot, .Alhambla . Mikl'Ten,SoulhPasadena.ronla Reyes Uranga, tllOg8eadl-Ar.fonIoVillaraigosa, LosAngdts - Dennis WishbCIm, Calabasas- JiKkWeiSs,lDsAngeleso HerbJ.Wesson, Jr., Los Angeles-DennlsZlne.losAngeles OIall'geCountr-ChrlsNnrby,OrangllCoonty0 ChriStine Baroos.1.a Palma - John Beauman. Bfea_l.DuBone,TustinoAftBrowr..6uenaPa1k . Richard Chavez. AnaheIm - DfbbJ!.'Cook, HunlinStOnBeach*lestieDalsle,Newpor1Beath -RichardDJxoll'. t.ake Forest-Paul Glaab, tagunaNtguel0 Marllyll'nPoe.I.o5A1.amitos RIverside COunty: !effStone.Riverslde Courlly 0 Thomas Buckley. Lake Elsinore - BonnJ!.' Fncklnger, Morena valley * Ron.lovl.'rldge, RWerskW - Greg PettI5,. Cathedral Cil'f - Ron RobeJts,Temecula San BernanllnoCounty: Gary OvItt, San BemardinoCounty-laWfencl.' Dat6, Barstow- Paul Eaton.Monldait-leeAnn GiJlda.Grand Terram.TImlasper.Townof/lppleValley-larry McCallon.Highland - Deborah RoberMn. R1alto . A1anWapncr. Ontario Vt1ll:IlI1ICounty:JudyMJkels.WnluraCountr. Glen Bemra,SimiYalley-CartMorebouse.San Bueriavenlura-ToniYOlIng,P\lr1Hueneme Orange County Tr.Insporbtion AIltborlty: l!Iu Con-ea,COtlnlyofOlange Rlvl!rside CDllrIIy 1_~_"".,..>~.^ COmmlsSion: llobinLowe. HemeI Veoturi ColllJij' TransIlllJtiJlloll Commission: lCeithMillhousl.',Moorpark (!)PMrHOOIieq<dKlf\lpef "",..... MEETING OF THE Thursday, July 6, 2006 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. SCAG Offices 818 West ih Street, 12th Floor Conference Room Riverside A Los Angeles, CA 90017 213.236.1800 If members of the public wish to attachments or have any questions on agenda items, please contact Lisa 213.236.1891 or tavlorl@scaa.ca.oov review the any of the Taylor at Agendas and Minutes for the Administration Committee are also available at: www.scaa.ca.aov/committees/ac.htm SCAG, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), will accommodate persons who require a modification of accommo-:- dation in order to participate in this meeting. If you require such assistance, please conlact SCAG at (213) 236-1868 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting to enable SCAG to make reason- able arrangements. To request documents related to this document in an alternative format, please contact (213) 236-1868. , #110623 v7 - Cover Page_Administration Committe ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE AGENDA PAGE # TIME "Any item listed on the agenda (action or information) may be acted upon at the discretion of the Committee. " 1.0 CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Hon. Dennis Washburn. Vice Chair 2.0 ELECTION OF CHAIR & VICE CHAIR 3.0 PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD Members of the public desiring to speak on an agenda item or items not on the agenda, but within the purview of the Committee, must fill out and present a speaker's card to the Assistant prior to speaking. A speaker's card must be turned in before the meeting is called to order. Comments will be limited to three minutes. The chair may limit the total time for all comments to twenty (20) minutes. 4.0 REVIEW and PRIORITIZE AGENDA ITEMS 5.0 CONSENT CALENDAR 5.1 Aooroval Item 5.1.1 Aoorove Minutes ofJune 1. 2006 Attachment 01 5.1.2 Aviation System Planninl! Grant Aoolication to FAA RC Attachment 09 5.1.3 A.l)oroval of Cost Recoverv Policy RC Attachment 19 5.1.4 Delel!ate Authoritv to the Executive Committee to aoorove Contracts as well as the Public Communications. Media Relations. and Public Affairs Contract in AUl!ust 2006 RC Attachment 24 ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS #123940 vI - Administration Committee Agenda_July 2006_Revised ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE AGENDA PAGE # 5.0 CONSENT CALENDAR (continued) 5.1.5 Resolution #06-476-1 Authorizin!! SCA(! to Acceot FT A 5305 Grant Funds and Amend the SCAG Overall Work ProS!ram RC Attachment 25 5.2 Receive and File 5.2.1 Purchase Orders/Contracts $5.000 to $250.000 RC Attachment 29 6.0 ACTION ITEMS 6.1 Revised Stioend and Milea!!e, Reimbursement Policv RC Attachment Wayne Moore, 31 CFO Recommended Action: Approve 6.2 Additional ReS!:ional Council District in the CV AG ReS!ion Attachment Karen Tachiki 248 Chief Counsel, Recommended Action: Refer to the Continuing Development Committee. 6.3 Bud!!et Amendment for ReS!:ional Council T "eadershio Develooment TraininS!:, RC Attachment Don Rhodes SCAG Stafr 35 Recommended Action: Approve 6.4 KPMG ManaS!:ement Lette[ RC Attachment Wayne Moore, 86-A CFO Recommended Action: Receive & File. >< ii SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS TIME 10 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 15 minutes # 123940 v I . Administration Commilfee Agenda_July 2006_Revised ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE AGENDA PAGE # TIME 6.5 Personnel Committee 6.5.1 Salarv Survey Resullli RC Attachment Debbie Dillon, 36 SCAG Stafr 10 minutes Recommended Action: Increase the salary ranges for the specified classes. 6.5.2 . Establish a Cafeteria Plan RC Attachment Debbie Dillon SCAG Staff 39 10 minutes Recommended Action: Establish a benefit cafeteria plan and increase SCAG monthly contribution by $170. 7.0 INFORMATION ITEMS. 7.1 Audit Committee Renort Paul Nowatka, Chair 5 minutes 7.2 CFO Monthlv Financial Renort RC Attachment Wayne Moore, CFO 5 minutes 8.0 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Any Committee members or staff desiring to place items on a future agenda may make such request. Comments should be limited to three (3) minutes. 9.0 ANNOUNCEMENTS 10.0 ADJOURNMENT The Administration Committee is dark in August. The next meeting of the Administration Committee will be held on Thursday, September 14,2006 at the SCAG offices. ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS ili # 123940 v I - Administration Committee Agenda_July 2006_Revised SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ()~~ MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS TRANSPORTATION & COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE Main Office 818 West Seventh Street 12th Floor Los Angeles,California 90017-34]5 PLEASE NOTE MEETING TIME Thursday, July 6,2006 10:00 a.m. -11 :45 a.m. t(2,13) 236-t8oo f(21)) 236-1825 SCAG Offices 818 W. 7th Street, 12th Floor Riverside B Conference Room Los Angeles, CA 90017 213.236.1800 RECEIVED JUL 3 - 2006 CITY MA OFP,~~ER'S www.scilg.ca.gov om<fU' :>1e5k1ent: 'lIior.ne 5. B~rke, Ln, ~COur.rv.fi'51\'icl>Prcs;deu:G~r1o..;h, S,mlkm.1rdlnoCuul1lv.Slwnd V"K\lPn,$l~enl, Rkhillllll'.xon"UlkeJoreslollllmt1ililteP&t Prl'Sklent, 1O"j""""g,. P\Ht Hu~m~me lmplriaIClHmtr.Vlt1i1l(arrillo.lmperlal(:;unty .}or.(dfll'V,BCKIrO los Anp\e$ (oUllt)',V',tgnr.e 8. !lwke,!.lIs ~Coar.ty.l"Y<lrosl~l.Dst.les CDuII!VoJimAl1:lir.~et,Manh;r.'"," Beam' p..arrv 1!aIdwi:t,,5.lnGabrie,'~ulllGw\l'n,{ecr'olOS' TOOdQm;pl:eiLlJgrh.lr,ko1oovO!liI'/l~lm. aselesoSUlII(ih"fllli..tailabFltHlIlghl~. ~,~ Cla<k, ~semead 0 Gene Daniels. ralJIOUllloMike~-l~Pal...mI~'Judy ;un[ap,I~~el\'OOd'RaeGabcIich,\.oIl!:8mh. Oal'idG.1fir~~ev-&<c.arretli.lllsAnte1es; .we.~llyGfe..rd tiisAnge\es. Frant.Gaule. Cudal;y 0 janlce Hilhn. WAllzeleso;sado!l! HalL Campwn 0 !:l!j,~ W. tiar,k.>. A!!m 0 Jos~ !;uizilr.tosA.~~..s.Toml.aSonge.lllsAngIEles . hulaLanlZ.f'olJlOna. Paul llowcl\a.Torran{e oP.w()"~fIO(.s.mtaMoo;a-Alfxl';ldllb.los Ar~l'So6em.l!d!'aro(S.t.liAigeleso""n""'rry. ::~~~ ~ ~=- o~':~~h: : ~. .r:"k.e ~s.~:'UP~~:1 :~:~ l!e','e5Uli!llgil.lDr1:2~ch.An!cwV'i!l.J;ra~. tosAr,geles.[)ennis~;buln,caLm.t$3S- ladwel$~.ImAt~.l!eJbl. Weswr..lt..lDs AnJl1Ies.lielw~llne.lm;An~ Omp Cl:IIIllty< Chlls NoW;. Olar3\! County - Qfistin~ fl.a.T.-es. l.1 M....a 0 !:lhn _.>man_ BrN-t.ouBone. Tu:ilin oArt8roWr~8tremParil _Jt;-<~rd~Ar.a"~im.DebbicC(lo1l. IflmllnilMnc.d1ol.e$fIe i),aig'.e.Ilw:p-Jrttle&h . !lkh,lId !lilon. Uie ,orts! . hill. Glub. laguna~oMilrilyrmPtM:.tosAlamitns IllverslcleCounty:;IefIStor,e.Ir.~de(o;mly. Tho.'llZSIk!ci(ley.l.3~ El$in~o Bonnie flid:1nrer' Mo'BoO "'lley 0 Ron llIverKlge. =.s.er:/Ill!~I'eItiS.(aI1>edtal~'Ron sa. knranlllro CoIlIlly: Ga.... (lvill. San een:atd~Cot.r~,"o~DaIe,Ba.fstow.o Pau1E1lon.MC!1ldalf.t.cekJoCiartia.G1;;r:d. 1"e<rill'l!-1imia!i~.er.Tt'RIIDfAppleVdllt-!'lIlrry MtCalkln.ffi3I!landoDeboraiJilobertson,lllato .AlInWajlr.!'.Gr.Iafi!l Ventul'iIc.ou.tr:JI.'dvMiMls.~';1eo.l1I'Io Gl~Be<efQ,Sin!l'hlle;"u.r1t.lormlU5E'.S<.n .I!ue<:2\'efltUl'aoT6r:IYciuns.P.mil~T.e Ol1lostcounty hIl5pOftMlOfl Authority: Lou (DQea.:!lu'!tyofOr.l.'1g(! R~eClMintyr~Comllljs.sjon, Robir,LoJre.llt-me1 Veolun:COIIntyl'I3II5poT1alioaCoat1l'l1sslOll' ICellhloL'\IIIoIISl',UooQl;IlIr. VIDEO Conference Location SCAG, Riverside Office 3600 Lime Street, Suite 216 Riverside, CA 92501 If members of the public wish to review the attachments or have any questions on any of the agenda items, please contact Cathy Alvarado at 213.236.1896 or alvarado(a)scal!.ca.l!ov Agendas and Minutes for the Communications Conimittee are www.scaa.ca.aov/committees/tcc.htm Transportation also available & at @l'I_...llKydI<I~ SWO!o.QS.o/i SCAG, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), will accommodate persons who require a modification of accommo- dation in order to participate in this meeting. If you require such assistance, please contact SCAG at (213) 236-1868 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting to enable SCAG to make reason- able arrangements. To request documents related to this document in an alternative format, please contact (213) 236-1868. { 1 ........J Hall. Ron~ld -Roberts MQyor City Of Temecula P.O. Box 9033 Temecula, CA 92589 TRANSPORTATION COMMUNICATIONS & COMMITTEE ( AGENDA "Any item listed on the agenda (action or information) may be acted upon at the discretion of the Committee". 1.0 CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Hon. Harry Baldwin, Chair 2.0 PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD Members of the public desiring to speak on an agenda item or items not on the agenda, but within the purview of this committee, must fill out a speaker's card prior to speaking and submit it to the Staff Assistant. A speaker's card must be turned in before the meeting is called to order. Comments will be limited to three minutes. The Chair may limit the total time for comments to twenty (20) minutes. 0.0 REVIEW and PRIORITIZE AGENDA ITEMS 4.0 CONSENT CALENDAR 4.1 Aonroval Items 4.1.1 Aoorove Minutes ofJune 1. 2006 Meetinll: Attachment 4.2 Receive and File 4.2.1 State and Federal Lel!islative Matrix Attachment Summary of state and federal legislative bills relevant to SCAG adopted policies and priorities and related matters. I ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS PAGE # 1 8 TIME Tee - July 2006, Doc #123129 c. Alvarado TRANSPORTATION COMMUNICATIONS & COMMITTEE AGENDA ( ) PAGE # TIME 4.0 CONSENT CALENDAR contld 4.2.2 Letter of Comoletion for the Perris Branch Commuter Rail Proiect Attachment 20 RCTC and their consultant presented the findings on the Perris Branch Commuter Rail Project to the Regionally Significant Transportation Investment Studies (RSTIS) TAC at the May 18, 2006 meeting and a letter of completion was requested. This request was moved and unanimously supported by the RSTIS TAC. 5.0 ACTION ITEMS 5.1 2006 Relrional Transoortation hnorovement Program (RTIP) Attachment Rosemary Ayala, SCAG 23 5 minutes () ~._/ SCAG as the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) must develop and submit to the State its 2006 RTIP in August 2006. The 2006 RTIP is a $19 billion program encompassing fiscal years 2006/07 - 2011/12. Recommended Action: Approve the Draft 2006 RTIP and associated transportation conformity determination, and also recommend to the Regional Council that it delegate authority to the Executive Committee to approve the final 2006 RTIP and associated transportation conformity determination. 11 TCC - July 2006, Ooc #123129 C. Alvarado ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS TRANSPORTATION COMMUNICATIONS 5.0 ACTION ITEMS contJd o .~..-- ~ 5.2 Delellation of Authoritv to Executive Committee to AdoDt the 2004 Re!!ional TransDortation Plan (RTP) Amendment On June 1,2006, the TCC released the Draft Amendment for a 30-day public review. The final document, including responses to comments, will not be completed until August. However, the Regional Council and policy committees will not meet in August. Recommended Action: Approve the Draft 2004 RTP, and also recommend to the Regional Council that it delegate authority to the Executive Committee to approve the final 2006 RTIP and associated transportation conformity determination.. 5.3 Resolution Rellardinll the 710 GaD Closure Tunnel Alternative Attachment Resolution to support continued planning for the completion of the 710 Gap Closure using the Tunnel Alternative. Recommended Action: Approve Resolution 111 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS & COMMITTEE PAGE # Philip Law, SCAG 45 Bob Huddy, SCAG 116 TIME 5 minutes 10 minutes Tee -July 2006, Doc #123 129 C. Alvarado TRANSPORTATION COMMU N ICATIONS & COMMITTEE AGENDA ( ) PAGE # TIME 6.0 INFORMATION ITEMS 6.1 Reoort on the Draft 710 Tunnel Feasibilitv Studv Attachment Bob Huddy, 119 SCAG Shaharazad Amiri, LACMTA 10 minutes MTA and SCAG staffwill brief the Committee on the Draft 710 Feasibility Study that was released by LACMT A in June 2006. 6.2 Multi-Countv Goods Movemeo! Action Plan Attachment Gill Hicks, Wilbur Smith Associates 120 15 minutes The Committee will receive a presentation on the status and goals of the Multi-County Goods Movement Action Plan. () 8.0 MAGLEV TASKFORCE REPORT Hon. Robin Lowe, Chair 9.0 GOODS MOVEMENT TASK FORCE REPORT Hon. Art Brown, Chair 10.0 CHAIR'S REPORT 11.0 STAFF REPORT Rich Macias, SCAG Staff 12.0 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Any Committee members or staff desiring to place items on a future agenda may make such request. Comments should be limited to three minutes. IV TCC - July 2006, Doc #123129 C. Alvarado ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS TRANSPORTATION COMMUNICATIONS & COMMITTEE PAGE # TIME 13.0 ANNOUNCEMENTS 14.0 ADJOURNMENT The next meeting of the Transportation and Communications Committee will be held on September 7,2006 at the SCAG office. o ) ~ v Tee - July 2006. Due #123129 c. Alvarado ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS / SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS Main Office 818 West Seventh Street 12th Floor Los Angeles. California 90017-3435 t (213) 236-1800 f (213) 236-1825 WWW.scag.ca.gov Officers: President: Yvonne B. Burke. Los Angeles Counlyo first Vice President: GalYOvitt, San BemardinoCounty-Second Vice Presfdent: Richard Dixon, take Forest.. Immediate Past President:TOlliYoung, PortHueneme "mill County: Victor Carrillo, Imperial Coullty . .Edney,E1Centro LOS Angeles County: Yvonne B. Burke, Los Angeles CDunty- ZwYaroslavsky,losAngeles County-Jim Aldinger. Manhattan Beach 0 Hany Baldwln, San Gabriel- Paul Bowlen, CeniIOS. Todd Campbell, Bumank 0 Tony Cardenas, Los Angeles 0 St3nCarroll,l.a Habra Heights 0 Margaret Clark, Rosemead" Gene Daniels, Paramount.. Mike Dispenza, Palmdale" Judy ounlap,lnglewood 0 RaeGabelich,l.ongBeach 0 David Galin, Downey 0 EricGarcettl,LosAnge\es .. Wendy Gleuel, Los Angeles 0 Frank Gurule, Cudahy" Janice Hahn, Los Angeles 0 Isadore Hall COmpton . Keith W. Hanks, Azusa. Jose Huizar, tDs Angeles 0 Tom Lafklllge. LDs Angeles o Paula Lantz, Pomona 0 Paul Nowatka,TGrrance o PamO'Connor,SaIltaMonicaoAlexPadlUa,los Angeles 0 Bemard Parks, LosAngeles o/an Perry, Los Angeles 0 Ed Reyes, Los Angeles 0 Bill Rosendahl, Los Angeles 0 Greig Smitb, Los Angeles 0 Tom Sykes. Walnut. Paul Talbot, AllIambra 0 Mike Ten, South Pasadena o Tonia ReyesUranga, long Beach 0 AotollioVillaraigosa, Los Angeles 0 Dennis Washburn. Calabasas 0 Jack weiss, Los Angeles 0 Hero J. Wesson, Jr., Los Angelesw OennlsZine, Los Angeles Orange County:. Chris Norby, Orange County 0 Christine Bames.la Palma 0 john Beauman, BreaolouBone,Tl.l:Sl:inoArtBrown,BuenaPark o Richard Chavez, Anaheim 0 Debbie G:lok, Huntlngton Beacho teslieDalgle.NewportBeach w Richard Oixon, lake forest 0 Paul Glaab, laguna Nlguel. Marilynn Foe, Los Alamltos Rlverslde County: JelfStone, Riverside County 0 Thomas Buckley, lake Elsinore 0 Bonnie flickinger, Moreno Valley 0 Ron loveridge, Riverside 0 Greg Pettis. Cathedral Oty 0 Ron Roberts, Temecula. San Bernardino County: Gary Ovitt. San Bemardlno County 0 Lawrence Dale, Barstow 0 Paul Eaton, MontdalroleeAnnGan:ia, Grand TerraceolimJasper, Town of Apple Valleyolarry McCaUon, Hlghland o Oelwrah Robertson, Rialto oAlanWapner, Ontario Ventura Counly: Judy Mikels, VenturaU:lUnty 0 "''''nBecerra,SimiVaUeyoCarlMorehouse.San laventuraoTonlYOll~g,PortHueneme ./lge County Transportation Authority: lou G:lrrea.CountyofOrange Riverside County Transpoltation Commission: Robin Lowe,Hemet Ventura County Transportation Commission: Keith MiUhouse.Moorpark 96805.09.06 No. 476 MEETING OF THE Hon. Ronald Roberts Mayor City Of Temecula P.O. Box 9033 Temecula, CA 92589 Thursday, July 6, 2006 12:00 Noon -1:30 p.m. (; SCAG Offices 818 w. 7th Street, 12th Floor San Bernardino Conference Room A & B Los Angeles, California 90017 213.236.1800 Agendas and Minutes for the Regional Council are also available at www.scag.ca.gov/committees/rc.htm If members of the public wish to review the attachments or have any questions on any of the agenda items, please contact Shelia Stewart at 213.236.1868 or stewart@scag.ca.gov. SCAG, in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), will accommodate persons who require a modification of accommod~tion in order to participate in this meeting. If you require such assistance, please contact SCAG at 213.236.1868 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting to enable SCAG to make reasonable arrangements. To request documents related to this document in an alternative format, please contact 213.236.1868. REGIONAL COUNCIL () AGENDA PAGE # TtME ''Any item listed on the agenda (action or information) may be acted upon at the discretion of the committee" 1.0 CALL TO ORDER & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANC~ Hon. Yvonne Burke President 2.0 PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD - Members of the public desiring to speak on items on the agenda, or items not on the agenda, but within the purview of the Council, must fill out and present a speaker's card to the Executive Assistant prior to speaking. A speaker's card must be turned in before the meeting is called to order. Comments will be limited to three minutes. The President may limit the total time for all comments to twenty minutes. 3.0 CONSENT CALENDAR o 3.1 Aooroval Itelll!! 3.1.1 Minutes ofJune 1. 2006 Meeting Attachment 01 3.1.2 FY 06-07 Aviation Svstem Plannine: Grant ADDlication Attachment (Administration) 09 3.1.3 Cost Recoverv Policy Attachment (Administration) 19 3.1.4 Delee:ate Authoritv to the Executive Committee to anDfove Contracts as well as the Public Communications Media Relations and Public Affairs Contract in Aue:ust 2006 Attachment (Administration) 24 ,( ) ......... 3.1.5 Resolution 06-476-1 authorizine: SCAG to accent $335.412 FrA 5305 Grant Funds for oroiects and amend SCAG's OWP Attachment (Administration) . (The parenthetical denotes items that have been considered by the listed committee) 25 RC Agenda - 7/6/06 DOCS# 123146-Stewart ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS REGIONAL COUNCIL 'AGENDA () PAGE # TIME Consent Calendar - Cont'd 3.1.6 San Fernando Valley Subrellion Attachment 29 3.1.7 Revised Stioend and Milealle Reimbursement Policy Attachment (Administration) 31 '3.1.8 Increase the Rellional Council Leadershio Develooment Traininll Budllet Attachment (Administration) 35 3.1.9 Salarv Survey Results Attachment 36 3.1.10 Establish a Cafeteria Plan Attachment 39 () ~- 3.2 Receive & File 3.2.1 Purchase Orders/Contracts between $5.000 - $250.000 Attachment (Administration) 41 3.2.2 CFO MontWv Financial Reoort Attachment (Administration) 42 3.2.3 State and Federal Lel!islative Matrix Attachment 48 3.2.4 KPMG Manallement Letter Attachment 86-A 4.0 PRESIDENT'S REPORT 4.1 Announcement of Election of Chairs & Vice Chairs for Enerllv and Environment Committee & and Administration Committee 4.2 AODointments RC Agenda - 7/6/06 DOCS# 123146-Slewart ) ii ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS REGIONAL COUNCIL () AGENDA PRESIDENT'S REPORT - Cont'd 4.3 Executive Committee Renort Action . Ratification of the Executive Director's Performance Evaluation pursuant to California Government Code ~54957 b( I) . Compensation and salary adjustment for Executive Director. 5.0 ,EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT 6.0 ACTION ITEMS o Administration Committee ReDort Chair 6.1 6.2 Enerl!V & Environment Committee (EED ReDort Chair 6.2.1 Delel!ate Authoritv to the Executive Committee to anDrove the conformitv determination for the 2004 Rel!ional Transnortation Imnro'vement Pro!!ram (RTIP) and reaffirm the conformitv determination for the 2004 Rel!ional Transnortation Plan (RTP) Attachment . Recommended Action: Approve 6.2.2 Delel!ate Authoritv to the Executive ~ommittee to annrove the ConformitY Determination for the 2004 (RTP) Amendment Attachment Recommended Action: Approve {-) iii ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS PAGE # TIME . 87 91 RC Agenda -7/6/06 DOCS# 123146 - SteVfart REGIONAL COUNCIL AGENDA 6.3 Iransoortation & Communications Committee (TCC) Reoort 6.3.1 Dele!!ate Authoritv to the Executive Committee to adoDt the 2004 RTIP Attachment Recommended Action: Approve 6.3.2 Dele!!ate Authoritv to the Executive Committee to AdoDt the 2004 Re!!ional J'ransDortation Plan (RTP) Amendment Attachment Recommended Action: Approve 6.3.3 ProDosed Strate!!v to uDdate the 2004 RTP in comDliance with SAFETEA-LU Attachment Recommended Action: Approve 6.4 Communitv. Economic & Human Develooment Committee (CEHD,) Reoort 6.4.1 Re!!ional Housin!! Needs Assessment (RHNA) Pilot Program Attachment . Hon. Harry Baldwin, Chair Hon. Paul Bowlen, Chair The RHNA Pilot Program provides a new, streamlined, long range policy framework for meeting the State RHNA requirements. iv ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS { ) PAGE # TIME 92 114 () '-" 185 190 RC Agenda - 7/6/06 DOCS# 123146-Stewart ) REGIONAL COUNCIL () AGENDA PAGE # TIME CEHD Renort - Cont'd Recommended Action: Approve the RHNA Pilot Program and pursue a legislative strategy to amend those portions State Housing Law that pertain to the COG's RHNA responsibility in substantial conformance to the Pilot Program before the end of the 2006 legislative session. 6.5 Communications & Membershio Subcommittee Report Hon. Glen Becerra, Chair 6.6 SouthweSt Comnact Task Force ~enort Hon. Greg Pettis, Chair o 7.0 INFORMATION ITEMS 7.1 State of the Motion Picture Industrv Attachment 236 The RC requested that an analysis be prepared to examine the industry in the region and provide recommendations based on those findings. 8.0 LEGAL COUNSEL REPORT A closed session will be held only if necessary to report significant developments or to take required actions. 9.0 FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ( \ ~ f '..---/ Any committee member desiring to place items on a future agenda may make such request. Comments should be limited to three minutes. RC Agenda - 7/6/06 DOCS# 123146 - Stewart v ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS REGIONAL COUNCIL AGENDA PAGE # TIME 10.0 ANNOUNCEMENTS 11.0 ADJOURNMENT The month of August is dark. The next meeting of the Regional Council is scheduled for September 14,2006 at SCAG offices downtown Los Angeles. . RC Agenda - 7/6/06 DOCS# 123146 - Stewart vi ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ASSOCIATION of GOVERNMENTS , ( ) (' ,J l "'../ ITEM NO. 30 Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager ~ /J12. c;c CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Jim O'Grady, Assistant City Manager DATE: August 22, 2006 SUBJECT: Economic Development Monthly Report PREPARED BY: Gloria Wolnick, Marketing Coordinator ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT The following are the recent highlights for the Economic Development Department for the month of July 2006. BUSINESS RETENTION Staff attended the EDC of Southwest California Business Retention Committee Meeting on July 6th at the offices of D.L. Phares & Associates. Temecula staff reported on their visit with Chris Bare, plant manager for Steris Isomedix. As of July, the EDC has held 18 site visits and conducted 3 phone surveys. Staff reported on: Council approved plans for the first phase of the new Civic Center in Old Town. Council approved the cable service provider agreement with Verizon. Updates were given on the Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park and Campus project. Temecula's new website is up and running. Arts Festival and International Jazz Festival event was announced. On July 25th, staff arranged and attended a site visit with Diane Frank, Human Resources Director for Magnecomp. Diane Sessions, Executive Director of the EDC, also attended. The company is a premier precision suspension assembly manufacturer whose customer base is in data storage and electronics industries. Diane Frank provided a tour of their facility. MEDIA/OUTREACH MATERIALS Staff provided the City article forthe August Chamber of Commerce Newsletter. The article was titled "City ofTemecula Unveils NewWebsite." The new site is broken down in four categories: "Visitors", "Residents", "Businesses" and "Government". The site includes key features such as an interactive City Calendar and an online subscriptions feature (E-Subscriptions). Additionally, the City will implement a comprehensive web content management system allowing City staff to easily publish content to the site and manage site operations. This website will be the foundation for numerous e-government services that will provide a 24-hour City Hall presence on the internet. The 1 article was also sent to the Valley Business Journal. Staff provided Temecula business, project, demographic information and photos to the Economic Alliance to use in the San Diego Daily Transcript 'Soaring Dimensions' supplement. This 8- page supplement will cover Southwest California's real estate and construction developments, demographics and education information and will feature the benefits for San Diego business owners to relocate or expand their business to Southwest California. The initial distribution will be 15,000 copies and the Alliance will receive 5,000 additional copies for distribution throughout the year at trade shows, conferences and special events promoting the region. The City advertised in the Anaheim Orange County Official Visitors Guide Summer/Fall 2006 edition which was published in July. With 350,000 copies in circulation, this publication is a primary marketing tool in reaching the leisure and business-traveler markets. Future advertising for tourism is being handled by the Temecula Valley CVB. (see attached) The City advertised in The 2006-07 San Diegan - Temecula chapter which was published in July. This tourist publication reaches over 7 million readers annually and receives over 16 million hits a year. The San Diegan is sold regionally in Orange County, West L.A., Palm Springs, Las Vegas, Scottsdale/Phoenix and Tucson, AZ. Future advertising for tourism is being handled by the Temecula Valley CVB. (see attached) The City and Temecula Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau advertised in the 2006 Inland Empire Visitor/Economic Development & Relocation Guide. The City's ad focused on business/relocation and the CVB's ad focused on tourism. Staff provided tourism, business and quality of life information. This publication provided our region with a "Southwest" chapter to tie in with the Alliance branding campaign of "Southwest California." The guide was published in July. (see attached) Staff is working with Annie Howell on the design for the City Trade Show Booth. EVENTS The Lake Elsinore Chamber of Commerce sponsored the State of the Cities: A Conversation with Southwest California City Managers on July 20 at the Lake Elsinore Diamond Stadium. City managers: Shawn Nelson, Lori Moss, and Bob Brady spoke on developments in their cities. Stevie Field spoke on the Economic Alliance marketing activities for Southwest California. Mayor Roberts, Council members Comerchero and Edwards and staff attended the Temecula International Jazz Festival sponsor event on July 6th at the Old Town Coffee House. Staff attended the sponsor event on Friday evening at the Temecula Community Theater. The City of Temecula was a major sponsor of the Festival. Mayor Roberts, Mayor Pro Tem Washington, Council members Comerchero and Edwards, and staff attended the Sister City International Art Exhibition on July 16 at the Temecula Valley Museum and Temecula Community Theater. Forty-three artists from four countries were showcased in the final stop of the year-long International Art Exhibition. "Images of Friendship Beyond Borders 2005- 2006" opened on September 3, 2005, in the Netherlands. The show moved to Poland in late October and opened in the Czech Republic this January. This exciting international contemporary art exhibition, a first in Southwest Riverside County, includes 100 paintings. The City of Temecula was a major sponsor. MEETINGS Staff attended the Southwest California Economic Alliance Partners Planning Meeting on July 2 6th at Supervisor Stone's office. Meeting highlights included: The Riverside County EDA recommendation for funding the Alliance will go before the Board of Supervisors on July 25th The EDC will draft the MOU between the EDC and the Supervisor for staff and also the MOU for the EDC and the cities. There was discussion on the content for the upcoming Soaring Dimensions supplement - San Diego Union Transcript. The EDA reported on some of the ERISS survey results. The ERISS consultant will be invited to present its findings at the August Alliance meeting. The Alliance will work with Cutting Edge Marketing on updating the Alliance website. Possible new business partnerships with the Alliance to assist in funding the Alliance were also discussed. Staff met in July with several businesses regarding a potential local business expansion. On July 10th, staff met with the Temecula Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau regarding potential sites for a visitor center in Old Town. On July 13th, staff attended the 1-15 Interregional Partnership Economic Development Working Group Meeting at Temecula City Hall. The IRP Group is beginning to finalize the Riverside County data for the cluster study. The committee reviewed the current data to identify any industries in the region that are absent from the data. The next step will be to bring in the San Diego information and match it up with Riverside data. The 1-151RP Progress Report was discussed. Staff attended the Temecula Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau Quarterly Meeting on July 13th at the Center for Water Education and Western Center for Archaeology & Paleontology Complex in Hemet. The new TVCVB meeting sales director provided an update on their activities. Tours were provided on both museums. The Western Center for Archaeology and Paleontology, being developed by a foundation led by civic leaders and educators, is a 33,000-square-foot building that will showcase more than $4 million worth of Ice Age mammal and archaeological exhibits highlighting early settlers in the Inland region. The cost of the $30 million Western Center is being covered almost entirely by the state. The Western Center will feature reconstructed mastodons, mammoths and giant sloths; a 270-degree movie screen that shakes and shifts in sync with the feature film; and a Discovery Lab that offers interactive displays and a re-creation of a paleontological dig. The Center for Water Education, overseen by a nonprofit foundation formed by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, devotes 30,000 square feet to education and research on water. The $30 million center is being paid for with money from the Metropolitan Water District, state and federal grants, private donors, and other sources. The center will weave the story of water and its role in creating civilizations and sustaining life through a series of interactive exhibits and displays, as well as programs and seminars. The grand opening is scheduled for October 14, 2006. Staff met with Gary Wilson of the Temecula Valley Unified School District on July 19th regarding Future direction for the District's Partners in Education Committee. This Committee seeks to provide a business perspective on educational programs. On July 20th, staff attended the EDC of Southwest California Board of Directors Meeting at the University of Redlands office. The EDC approved its 2006 Board of Directors: President Dennis Frank; AGK Group; Vice President Keith Johnson, Mission Oaks Bank; Secretary Scott Crane, Southwest Healthcare System; and Treasurer Greg Prudhomme, Kuebler, Prudhomme & Co. A report was provided on the EDC corporate structure. The Strategic Planning Event for Economic Development Initiatives was approved and will be held in the fall. Staff provided an update for Temecula: Council approved the cable service provider agreement with Verizon. Chamber, EDC, CONVIS agreements approved by Council. Reported on meeting with the Chinese Governors in July and new library and sports park opening late October/early November. 3 Mr. Bob Kehl of CAM Supply in Hemet invited City representatives to join 6 governors from China that were visiting our area interested in importing Temecula wines to China. CAM Supply and TAT WAX Inc. have discussed this with Temecula wineries, and South Coast, Stuart Cellars, Thornton, and possibly others are interested. CAM Supply is a Chinese owned company and conducts business in 7 different countries. They have approximately 4,000 products as well as a Service Company called TAT WAX to help Chinese companies do business in the USA and to help USA companies do business into China. On July 21 't, representatives from the City, EDC, Alliance and Temecula Valley Winegrowers Association attended the lunch meeting with wine owners, CAM Supply, TAX WAX and the Chinese dignitaries at South Coast winery. As a result of the meeting, the delegation decided to purchase Temecula wines. This may lead to further trade opportunities for local businesses. Staff will follow-up with the regional contact. The City and Temecula Valley Winegrowers provided the Chinese visitors with Temecula gift totes with souvenirs representative of the Temecula Valley. The Chinese Governors gave us a very attractive plaque, decorative dish, and book. They have been placed in the display case that is in near the rear entrance to the Council Chambers. During July staff met with potential auto dealer representatives. Staff met on July 5th regarding the Higher Education Center project and continued to work with the developer and his team throughout July. On July 27th, staff met with representatives from Forest City. Staff provided a tour of the area. There are possible new tenant opportunities with the Macy takeover of Robinsons-May and tenant leases expiring. Upon request, staff provided information pertaining to vacant commercial sites, proposed shopping centers and shopping centers under construction to Flocke & Avoyer Commercial Real Estate in San Diego. ATTACHMENTS: Samples of Advertising Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce Activities Report Temecula Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau Activities Report Southwest California Economic Alliance Activities Report Economic Development Corporation of Southwest California Activities Report 4 " ~ I \ qj .~ ..... !l> :tS ca ls "t:i c::: ~ Q) ~ ca ~ ill ca '- ~ ....- c:c 11111 1-1 'J~ U5U! " I.LJ ~ >~l I.LJ I-- A3""^ rn..... ~- ':>' t;.; 0) -"~O"2(l)t'I:ll-< () 0 V (o;j=:l_ 0 e-!?^ "'._"" "" 8 ..... 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At 1,500 feet above sea level, the Temecula Valley has the perfect balance of geography, microclimate, and well-drained soil to produce premium wines. Over twenty award-winning wineries on 2,500 acres of rolling green countryside pro- duce Chardonnay, Viognier, Merlo!, Sauvignon Blanc, Cabemet Sauvignon, Syrah, and Rhone and Mediterranean varietals. Wine tasting, gift shops, lodging, and fine dining are offered throughout the year. Sports enthusiasts will enjoy unparalleled out- door recreation on the 8,200-acre Santa Rosa Plateau - an ecological preserve near Murrieta Jemecf,lla's climate is pelfed for vineyalYls, '. making f01" some of the best wineries in tbe Inland Empire. (pboto coltrtesv o(Temecukl Vtdlei' Conw"lio" E \"isil",", Bwww) I I I ! I , , ! I I I ! f r Golf Communities like Menifee Lakes (piCt1ired) m"e abundant in tbe South1..uest Region. hat offers an extensive system of hiking and equestrian rails and wildlife viewing. They'll take pleasure in boating, later skiing, wake boarding, jet skiing, windsurfing, fish- 19, camping, hil<ing and horseback riding at the area's Lake Elsinore is best viewed from tbe neigbboring mountainside. (phuto CO/1rh>.~)' (ilCII)' (If Lakl.! Efsinun!) sparl shad, Elsin larO vide' -- ,. I I .. .J~ ?~ -.", .'- -~ .. ..~.iP~ .~ ~a -. or !1 'ineyaJ{/,,~ tEmjJil'e. rsilUrL'lfll) ~ d e. ~) sparkling lakes, Skinner and Elsinore. Beautiful, tree- shaded campgrounds and, RV resorts sUlyound Lake Elsinore for overnight outdoor enthusiasts. The spectacu- lar Ortega Mountains and Cleveland National Forest pro- vide the perfect setting to enjoy biking and hiking. Train lovers enjoy the Orange Empire Railway Museum heritage railway in Perris focusing on Southe California's railroad history. The museum houses t largest collection of Pacific Electric Railway rolling sto in the world. Golfers can continued on page Q"......!<.7 ,,' l- :-.. . ... .-- "'-"'~.'-/ (lit!:) Of ~a~ E[j,ino7-E- ~ -.-.. - ;.. ~~~ ~~~~ @TIllW~~~&1~ ~'iJD @7l~'iJOOI}j1~, play inclL can Elsir hom an a I I Rich with economic promise, Temecula's great family environment, safe neighborhoods, excellent schools, and abundant business opportunities make Temewla one of the most desirable piaces to live, work and piay! For 0 day, a weekend, or a lifet/me... I ,. Extn fame balle regie belO" 1 L..JI.b...-..." " "" 1]- fj~ ,,~-,'. ~ ,"". .',:."" ) .~,~ " play on eight challenging courses, some of whose designs include the unique works of Ted Robinson. Sports fans can watch professional water sports on 3,300-acre Lake Elsinore or take in a baseball game at Diamond Stadium, home of Lake Elsinore Stonn professional baseball team, an affiliate of the San Diego Padres. The Southwest Region is the Jnecca for extreme sports enthusiasts. (pbo!os cOUlles)' ql Ci~l' (!f'lHurriefa) Extreme sports lovers can be carried away by the world- famous thennal winds to skydive, hang glide, and hot-air balloon while enjoying the spectacular views of the region's vineyards, plateaus, lakes, mountains, and forests below. PecIJanga Resort & Casino offers the jJinnacle of hotelluxw:v, gaming excitement, entel"taimnent, meeting facilities and dining in Southern California. (photu courte,~v qf TemeclIta Va/ley Convention 6- Visitors BuretJu) History buffs, antique collectors, art lovers and windo\\ shoppers can wander the streets of Lake Elsinore or Old Town Temecula where they'll discover art galleries and museums and find rustic buildings, sidewalks, and store fronts reminiscent of the old west Shoppers will find shopping plazas with antique stores and specialty shops, but the seasoned shopper will be challenged at Temecula's Promenade Mall and at Lake Elsinore's Prime Outlets Witll nearly 100 stores - voted "Best Outlet Center" in the Inland Empire. For the birdwatcher or biker, the s"Yimmer or skydiver, the arts lover or wine connoisseur, the perfect activity is at hand for each visitor to this beautiful southwest valley. The S()lffbH'est nffm's 1l11linzited value Potentia!.!?)!' bllsinesses andJamilies, ll'ilb {a/orc/able bousing, expansive fC!}ld, strong denwg1'aPhics (flld beautiful geogrtlphy~ all (jwcfl.r !lestlcd underneath the !lIal'ln California sun. (11/1;1/" C(Jwic~n' qfTel1lecu{a {'ClUe)' COlic-clition & Visitors Bureau) I~[~ TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE August 10, 2006 Shawn Nelson, City Manager City of Temecula 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590 Dear Shawn, Attached please find the July Monthly Activity Report as per our contract with the City of Temecula. This is the month of July at a glance: Business Inquiry Highlights: In the month of June, 7 businesses requested information on starting/relocating their business to Temecula. They received a business packet, which included a copy of the City of Temecula demographics, relocation, housing, rentals, maps, organizations, etc. TVCC Chamber Board Highlights: .The Leadership Academy 2006 is scheduled for September 16th. The Leadership Academy is a comprehensive, innovative program to provide leaders with management tools and leadership skills. Alice Sullivan, President/CEO attended the Western Association of Chamber Executive Academy three-year Program in Sacramento. The Academy curriculum included Organization Management, Membership & Development, Finance, Legal Issues and Marketing & Communication. Temecula Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau: Please see the attached July 2006 Monthly Report. Business Development Resource Committee: The Chamber Spotlight winner for August is Strom International - Xango. The August Mystery Shopper winner was Ramada Inn. The topics for the August Business Success Forum will be on customer service skills. The 2nd Annual Technology Forum & Expo will be held on Friday, November 3rd, 2006 from 8:00am-11:00am here at the Chamber. Special topics include managing your computer on a day-to-day basis, managing spam, "nd pop-ups, website design, and optimizing search engines. Membership & Marketing Committee: Thirty-three businesses joined the Chamber during the month of July and ninety-five members renewed their membership. Staff and Ambassadors attended four Ribbon Cutting events. The Membership Networking Breakfast was held at Embassy Suites Hotel and was attended by sixty members. Fourteen members attended the July Power Networking Workshop. The July mixer hosted by Embassy Suites Hotel was a well attended event. New static peel Membership Decals are now available one size for a members store front and another size for use on a vehicle. Special Events Committee: The 2006 Southwest California Legislative Summit is scheduled for Thursday, September 14th at South Coast Winery Resort & Spa from 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. The topics for this year's event include transportation and utilities. Featured panelists will be Assembly member John Benoit, Wally Baker, Senior Vice President Economic & Public Policy Consulting with the Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation, Undersecretary of Energy, Joseph Desmong, Joe Grindstaff with the California Bay Delta Authority, and Anthony Miranda with Peohanga 26790 Ynez Court. Temecula, CA 92591 Phone: (951) 676-5090. Fax: (951) 694-0201 www,temecula,org . e-mail: info@temecula,org I~~ TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE August10,2006 Shawn Nelson, City Manager City of Temecula 43200 Business Park Drive Temeoula, CA 92590 Dear Shawn, Attached please find the July Monthly Activity Report as per our contraot with the City of Temecula. This is the month of July at a glanoe: Business Inquiry Highlights: In the month of June, 7 businesses requested information on starting/relocating their business to Temecula. They received a business packet, whioh included a copy of the City of Temecula demographics, relooation, housing, rentals, maps, organizations, etc, TVCC Chamber Board Highlights: .The Leadership Academy 2006 is scheduled for September 16th. The Leadership Academy is a comprehensive, innovative program to provide leaders with management tools and leadership skills. Alice Sullivan, President/CEO attended the Western Assooiation of Chamber Executive Academy three-year Program in Saoramento. The Academy ourriculum included Organization Management, Membership & Development, Finance, Legal Issues and Marketing & Communioation. Temecula Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau: Please see the attached July 2006 Monthly Report. Business Development Resource Committee: The Chamber Spotlight winner for August is Strom International - Xango. The August Mystery Shopper winner was Ramada Inn. The topics for the August Business Success Forum will be on customer service skills. The 2nd Annual Technology Forum & Expo will be held on Friday, November 3rd, 2006 from 8:00am-11 :OOam here at the Chamber. Special topics include managing your computer on a day-to-day basis, managing spam, and pop-ups, website design, and optimizing search engines. Membership & Marketing Committee: Thirty-three businesses joined the Chamber during the month of July and ninety-five members renewed their membership. Staff and Ambassadors attended four Ribbon Cutting events. The Membership Networking Breakfast was held at Embassy Suites Hotel and was attended by sixty members. Fourteen members attended the July Power Networking Workshop. The July mixer hosted by Embassy Suites Hotel was a well attended event. New static peel Membership Decals are now available one size for a members store front and another size for use on a vehicle. Special Events Committee: The 2006 Southwest California Legislative Summit is scheduled for Thursday, September 14th at South Coast Winery Resort & Spa from 7:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. The topics for this year's event include transportation and utilities. Featured panelists will be Assembly member John Benoit, Wally Baker, Senior Vice President Economic & Public Policy Consulting with the Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation, Undersecretary of Energy, Joseph Desmong, Joe Grindstaff with the California Bay Delta Authority, and Anthony Miranda with Pechanga 26790 Ynez Court. Temecula, CA 92591 Phone: (951) 676-5090. Fax: (951) 694-0201 www,temecula,org . e-mail: info@temecula,org Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce Monthly Activity Report July 2006 Chamber Vis, Center Year-To-Date PHONE CALLS This Month This Month Total TOURISM Tourism Referrals 248 1,919 1,671 Calendar of Events 172 1,096 924 Special Events 232 1,537 1,305 General Information 2,674 7,132 4,458 TOTAL TOURISM CALLS 3,326 11,684 8,358 Relocation 126 800 674 Demographics 49 538 489 Chamber 488 3,648 3,160 Miscellaneous 526 3,330 2,804 TOTAL PHONE CALLS 4,515 8,316 7,127 WALK-INS Tourism 127 10 1,113 986 Calendar of Events 130 802 672 Special Events 54 915 861 General Information 1,970 40 6,455 4,485 Relocation 52 7 2,456 2,404 Demographics 84 454 370 Chamber 329 2,806 2,477 Miscellaneous 388 2,769 2,381 TOTAL WALK-INS 3,134 57 17,770 14,636 MAILINGS Tourism 394 6,662 6,268 Relocation 17 205 188 Demographics 19 175 156 TOTAL MAILINGS 430 7,042 6,612 E-MAIL Tourism 2 193 191 Relocation 8 139 131 Miscellaneous 81 938 857 TOTAL E-MAIL 91 1,270 1,179 WEB PAGE USER SESSIONS 6,352 38,069 31,717 GRAND TOTALS This Month Year- To-Date PHONE CALLS 4,515 8,316 WALK-INS 3,134 17,770 MAILINGS 430 7,042 E-MAIL 91 1,270 WEB PAGE USER SESSIONS 6,352 38,069 PHONE CALLS TOURISM Tourism Referrals Calendar of Events Special Events General Information TOTAL TOURISM CALLS Relocation Demographics Chamber Miscellaneous TOTAL PHONE CALLS WALK-INS Tourism Calendar of Events Special Events General Information Relocation Demographics Chamber Miscellaneous Visitor Center Walk-Ins TOTAL WALK-INS MAILINGS Tourism Relocation Demographics TOTAL MAILINGS E-MAIL Tourism Relocation Miscellaneous TOTAL E-MAIL WEBSITE USER SESSIONS Annual Volume Comparisons Chamber Chamber July 2005 July 2006 365 248 226 172 221 232 832 2,674 1,644 3,326 190 126 141 49 696 488 290 526 2,961 4,515 205 127 147 130 81 54 700 1,970 163 52 122 84 473 329 257 388 113 57 2,261 3,191 265 394 44 17 44 19 353 430 69 2 76 8 141 81 286 91 6,107 6,352 . Chamber referrals reflect faxes, walk-ins and phone calls Percentage -32% -24% 5% 221% 102% -34% -65% -30% 81% 52% -38% -12% -33% 181% -68% -31% -30% 51% -50% 41% 49% -61% -57% 22% -97% -89% -43% -68% 4% (117) (54) 11 1,842 1,682 (64) (92) (208) 236 1,554 (78) (17) (27) 1,270 (111) (38) (144) 131 (56) 930 129 (27) (25) 77 (67) (68) (60) (195) 245 'll"'4' TEMECULA VALLEY 1.1..~ CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Building strong business and community relatiollsilips Membership and Marketing Meeting Minutes Wednesday, July 12, 2006 - 8:00a.m. -9:00a.m. Chamber Conference Room Sponsored by Community Little Book Celebrating 40 Years of Service Mission Statement: Develop programs to maintain and build a membership commensurate with the growth of the Temecula business community and simultaneous growth of the Chamber. Serve as goodwill representative and strive to enhance the value of membership encouraging ongoing dialogue between members. Committee Chair: Dan Brunell Co-Chair: Jann Gentry Board Liaisons: Janet Beck Tom Paradis Committee Present: Jack Harlan, Barak Berlin, Michelle Deskin, Cynthia Burch, Vanessa Banks, Judy Remsen, Dr. Teresa Kozycarz, Claudia Keaton, Debbie Ubnoske, Lisa Skinner, Carole Crocker, Roy San Jose, Jann Gentry, Dan Brunell Board Liaisons Present: Tom Paradis Staff Present: Jodi Wenzel, Kimberly Freize-Uhler, Alice Sullivan Minutes Committee Chair Dan Brunell called the meeting to order at 8:00a.m. Self-introductions of the committee followed. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and motioned for approval by Jack Harlan and seconded by Barak Berlin, which carried. Miscellaneous Open Discussion by Committee: The 5 Minute Networking Program was discussed. It was generally agreed upon that this style of event would be a good addition to the current Networking Events, At this time it would not be intended to replace any of the existing Networking Events, Staff will continue to check with other Chambers of Commerce that holds 5 minute networking events. The committee discussed the membership tracking program presented by Cachi Trejo. It was agreed by the committee his services would not fit the need of the chamber. Additional resources were offered including the use of a Time Card system to track membership in a simplified manner. Additional research was to be done by the staff. The Zoomerang survey on Women Owned Businesses was discussed. A taskforce sign-up sheet was circulated for members who were interested in participating in the development of a networking event or group for women in business. Sub-Committee Reoorts Retention: By Dan Brunell: Retention letters were sent out and calls were made for the May drops. At that time there was nothing additional to report. Welcome: By Dr. Kozycarz: Thank you to those who are assisting in making the calls. Dr. Kozycarz reported that everything was going fine with the retention calls. Networkina Breakfast: By Jack Harlan Harlan reported the committee was still in need of just one more Coffee sponsor and it was reported the Spotlight sponsors are almost full for the year. The breakfast has continued to be a success. Harlan did ask that if anyone had suggestions or ideas about the breakfast, he would like to discuss them. It was reported that staff is surveying different locations trying to find the appropriate fit for the first Networking Luncheon which the committee is planning on holding in October. Marketina: By Kimberly Freize-Uhler At that time there was nothing additional to report. Power Networkina Workshoo: By Staff: Staff reported the Power Networking Workshop continues to be well attended. The workshop continues to be a success. The attendees are enjoying the networking opportunity and are continuing to mingle after the event adjourns. Mixer: By Staff: A sign-up sheet for volunteers for the July Mixer was passed around, It was confirmed the mixer events are still a popular event for the member to network their business. Ambassador Proaram: By Jann Gentry-Sub Committee Chair: Gentry reported the number of Ambassador's is continuing to increase but would still like to recruit more individuals. Gentry thanked the Ambassadors currently in the program. Gentry shared a draft of the script she is working on to assist with the phone calls to new members through out the year. Member Aooreciation Niaht: By Staff It was reported that the contract was signed for the event location. The first meeting for the 2006 event will be in August. At that time there was nothing additional to report. 4th of Julv Event: By Carole Crocker Crocker reported the event was a success. It was reported there was some confusion with the exact location of the Chamber's booth but all in all, the event was a success. All of the volunteers who helped that day were thanked. Citv of Temecula Reoort: By Debbie Ubnoske Ubnoske reported on the development of a new 1 OK square foot office space I retail building in old town on the corner of 5th and front streets. Ubnoske also reported on a new retirement community with 115 Condo/Suites in Harveston. They will be offered for individual ownership, The Civic Center on Main & Mercedes was approved; construction will begin with the 480 space parking garage. Hosoital Reoort: No report. Board Reoort: By Tom Paradis and Alice Sullivan Alice Sullivan reported she met with Patricia Dorch with ExecuDress. Patricia presented a variety of topics she has booklets and presentations designed for including, Power Interview Image, Power Business Meals, Interview Etiquette, Interview Questions, Office Etiquette, Networking and more. Paradis reported the board was excited about the idea of the 5 Minute Networking events and would like to hear more information. Sullivan also reported on the status of the Chairman's Elite Circle members. Ooen Discussion: The dates and times of the upcoming Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce Events were reviewed. Meeting adjourned: 9:00am Next Meeting Date: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 Chamber Boardroom Sponsored By: Community Little Book Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce Special Events Committee Meeting Minutes July 18, 2006 Chairperson: Patricia Whitney Board Liaisons: Bette Endresen Co-Chair: Rose Kamppila Members Present: Patricia Whitney, Francine Hattenbach and Rose Kamppila Board Present: No Board Members Present Staff Present: Melissa Holm Annroval of Minutes A motion was made to approve the April 18, 2006 meeting minutes as written, The motion was seconded and carried, 2006 Economic Outlook Conference The 2006 event took place June 22, 2006 at South Coast Winery Resort & Spa. Whitney and Kamppila brought up the sound and staging issues, Staff ensured the sound would be taken care of with future events by having audiovisual staff present at future walk throughs. The stage will be place horizontally in the room as well as the table layout. The net income of the event was $7,474.1 L The total attendees were approximately 250. Next year the committee is interested in booking John Husing as the keynote speaker. 2006 Lel!islative Summit The 2006 Legislative Summit will take place on Thursday, September 14th at South Coast Winery Resort & Spa, The Save the Date card will be mailed out this week. To date the following panelists have been confirmed: Wally Baker, Senior Vice President Economic & Public Policy Consulting, Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation, Assembly Member John Benoit, Joseph Desmond, Undersecretary of Energy Resources, Joe Grindstaff, Director of California Bay-Delta Authority, Anthony Miranda, Pechanga Development Corporation, Dan Walters with the Sacramento Bee will be the event Moderator, Tickets are $40 or a corporate table of 10 for $450, The next committee will be Thursday, July 27,2006 at 10:00 a.m, 40th Anniversarv Mixer Celebration The 40th Anniversary Mixer Celebration will talk place Wednesday, September 20th at Wilson Creek Winery from 5:30 p.m, to 8:30 p.m, The event will take the place of this year's Monte Carlo Extravaganza, The evening will include Live Polynesian Dancers, Fire Knife Dancers, Hawaiian Music, and Food from Local Restaurants. Toyota of Temecula Valley has agreed to sponsor the $1500 Cash prize giveaway. Tickets are $20 per-sale or $25 at the door. Every ticket entry includes drawing tickets with which you have the opportunity to win exciting prize packages, Sponsorship forms were handed out. To date, 7 Tiki Sponsorships have been received, one Lei Sponsorship and one $1500 Luau Sponsor, The next committee meeting will be Thursday, July 27, 2006 at 9:00 a,m. Autumn Fest Business Exno This year's Business Expo is scheduled to take place Wednesday, October 25,2006 at Pechanga Resort & Casino from 5:30 p,m, to 8:30 p,m, The facility can accommodate 110 8x8 exhibit spaces, The cost to be an exhibitor is $250 for Chamber Members, It is free to attend, The Business Expo committee is planning on heavily marketing the event. Community Little Book is the event Title Sponsor and Pechanga Resort & Casino is the Affiliate Sponsor. Pechanga will not allow any outside food in the ballroom, Staff is hoping Pechanga will work with us and make an exception for this event and allow our food vendors the opportunity to showcase their products at the event, The next committee meeting will be Wednesday, August 2, 2006 at 9:00 a.m. 2007 Awards Gala The Awards Gala Committee will begin meeting this week. The meeting will be Thursday, July 20, 2006 at 9:00 a,m. Board Undate . No update given. Committee Undates . The July Mixer will be at Embassy Suites Hotel- Temecula Valley Wine Country from 5:30 p,m, - 7:30 p,m, . The Networking Breakfast will be Wednesday, July 26th at the Embassy Suites Hotel - Temecula Valley Wine Country at 7:30 a,m, . The Leadership Academy is coming up, Anyone interested please see Alice, Next Meetinl! Date Tuesday, October 17, 2006 at 11 :30 a,m. at the TVCC I~l~ TEMECULA VALLEY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Business Development Resource Committee MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, July 19th, @8:00am TVCC Conference Room Sponsored by Community Little Book Committee Chair: Bob Hagel (present) Board Liaison: Bill Seltzer (absent) Co-Chair: Ginny Mulhern (present) Members Present: Barak Berlin, Carole Crocker, Michelle Deskin, Justin French, Chad Hensley, and Phillip Szanto. Staff Present: Michelle Knowles Aooroval of Minutes A motion was made to approve the May 17, 2006 and June 21, 2006 meeting minutes as written, The motion was seconded and carried, Member Recoanition Proaram Volunteer Business of the Month A motion was made to reinstate the volunteer business of the month program, stating that there are many publications that offer recognition to the businesses chosen. The motion was seconded and carried. The committee suggested allowing two committees to choose businesses of the month for August, and then continuing with one committee per month thereafter. Mvsterv Shoooer Prooram The winner for the July Mystery Shopper was Ramada Inn, Chamber Sqotlipht The winner for the August Chamber Spotlight was Global Direct Funding. Business Success Forum Mulhern reported that the July Business Success Forum had been cancelled due to a last minute cancellation by the guest speaker from Dale Carnegie, The committee suggested creating a Speaker Policy to follow when chamber members wish to offer educational programs, training events, or presentations to the membership, The proposed policy will state that a presenter must be a member for at least six months, The Speaker Policy will be presented at the next Board meeting. The topic for Tuesday, August 8, 2006 will be Customer Service. Resource Librarv A meeting was scheduled for the Partners In Learning project on Tuesday, August 1st at 3:00 p,m, Hagel noted that Pechanga Resort & Casino had donated $65,000 to the Murrieta Library and believed Pechanga would also donate a similar amount to the Temecula Library. Hagel also stated that he will contact the individual from the City of Temecula who is heading the Library and invite them to the August 1st meeting to discuss options for the Partners In Learning. Technoloav Exoo A sub-committee meeting was scheduled for next Friday, July 28th at 8:00 a.m. here at the Chamber. French has volunteered to Chair the Tech Expo sub-committee again this year, with the help of Hagel as the co-chairman. Berlin, Crocker, Deskin, and Mulhern have generously volunteered to help on the sub-committee. Thank you for your support! Board Uodate The Mixer is tonight at 5:30pm at Embassy Suites Hotel-TV Wine Country. The Chamber's 40th Anniversary Celebration Mixer will be held on Wednesday, September 20th at 5:30 p,m. at Wilson Creek Winery. Hawaiian Paradise is the theme and will have local restaurants providing food, Polynesian dances, flaming knife performers and live music, The Ambassador Networking Breakfast is next Wednesday, July 26th, at 7:30am at the Embassy Suites Hotel-TV Wine Country, Committee Uodates No report, Adiournment Thank you for attending! NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, August 16th, 2006 at 8:00am Location: TVCC Conference Room Sponsored by Community Little Book ~ between tourism businesses and Jon Laskin, Musician's Workshop, the local community, Members of Jo Moulton, Temecula Valley In- the community who offered their temational Film & Music Festival; insight were: TID Advisory Board Old Town Temecula-Melody Members-Doug I..eiber, Temecula Brunsting, Melody's Ad Works, Creek Inn, Ken Westmyer, Holi- Chris Baily, Baily's Fine Dining day'Inn Express, Mitchell Buser, and Front Street Bar & Grill, Extended Stay America, Rachel Catherine Pepe, T emecula Olive Blake, Embassy Suites Hotel; Oil Company; Casinos-Steve Mal- The TVCVB interviewed three Marketing TVCVB Board Members-Katherine lory, Pechanga Resort & Casino, Consulting Firms and hired Carl Ribaudo Bailey, Bailey's Wine Country Es- Amy Minniear, Pechanga Develop- < of the Strategic Marketing Group (SMG), cape, Cherise Manning, A Grape ment Corp" Michelle Schilder, SMG is a marketing advisory firm special- Escape Balloon Adventure, John Pechanga Resort & Casino, Denis izing in providing marketing research, Kelliher, Grapeline Wine Country Ferguson, Net Result Consultants; strategic planning and strategy develop- Shuttle; City of Temecula-Chuck French Valley Airport-Joe Diorio, ment services for the travel, tourism and Washington, Jeff Comerchero, Jim Feedback given will help to clearly recreation industries. They will provide O'Grady, John Meyer; Chamber of identify the potential challenges, the TVCVB with an actionable marketing Commerce-Alice Sullivan, Presi- opportunities, marketing pro- plan designed to improve our competitive dent/CEO TVCC, Pamela V oit, grams, organizational structure and position and increase revenUes, In an Chairman of the Board for TVCC; return on investment that our effort to create an inclusive, well-rounded Wine Country-Bill Wilson, Wilson community may achieve with the plan, Carl spoke with over 30 prominent Creek Winery, Linda Kissam, Te- Tourism Improvement District business owners and managers within the mecula Valley Winegrowers Assn" (TID) funds, The results and find.- Temecula Valley community, Their ideas Peggy Evans, Callaway Vineyard & ings of this approach should aid and input will help identify key areas of Winery, Joe Hart, Hart Winery; the tourism community coheSively focus and strengthen the partnerships Festivals-Kelly Daniels, TVP, Inc" planning their tourism investment, KHBC Z,IJVlII CIlf6 fA l'tJrt;wj2'ffAip ~ p~ /?<isozoC d( C.ww, t6.<: j.V("V6M~dCPa$ff<my; Mw.>cM(<:w u,d a-.cut;m, r.J~~ twd M,% of fi:H8C:' 7h.-iU C~ k tl f'7s#. ~4" MI/m,s' ,gtwzl QizwK ffo.my tl (mz' Wl~ tl stwp&tT of s= or ~ m/J.tJy tl~~ twd ~s tffItiltlb.., in ~ r=Cllltl V~ u;, twd ki; =w.p~" . M(od in M( tlir btlU"""'W twd tl b/p~ 1#" U &l1>m tl 8/p~ Advon- tr= byC~ &"Itmin'), ~ffli1J3inp'~, ~twd~1if{, ,p.d.Wp'tl /?<ilfm; d( CtlS1i:zo), w;Wq W(iJJ.rr (Soai;b. C<< Wziu;'Y'), ON row>>. r~tl (ON row>>. ~2' C=,plWY; r~ O.1iPo Oil C=,plWY; t1J:a.z. ." CM=J Z&, hfUf-..fwwo tipzod. "" r=cultl v~ = tW "" C.lJIuwqI ~ in ~2' Stip~ 02' ~o.,2' 4'000: 1M.o.k yvtt (v tlU 0/ =' ~t- izJp' ~ bu$i7JQSSQII twd "s~ci4lly (v p",,~ /?<ism; d( CtlS1i:zo k t;b.qir .''''J:'r-''''~' h.tldc~~ ~ t\09'" \" Mee d Quarter, E.dUcation an n 1'n e Ju \'1 center lor wai~aleo~tol~~/e~tor lor neld at tne ,McnaeolOgy EJ{ecutl'le ding ner Was ter lor cY Bur\(.e, \(.e regar laCe estern cen 13tn, Oar catiOn, spo will oHer a p ne ursday, J~~r Wate~ E.d~ lacilitY tnat eS to 101l0Wt"~n, lne ne cente~t 01 openlni;n and tne ~nol conserv~itng J(citeO'\niSgenera~ i~portanc pS, Wine la 'tn local o teac~ water and t ~O'O'er ca.O'to partner WI alue 0 ill alsO oHer are 100\(.lng nter ~ wnicn tneY 's Mar\(.et, ne western \lent7' In and afarO'er, Oirector lor t ,eJ(pressed inenes, II EJ{ecutl\le paleontol09Yducation, - Bill Marsna chaeolOgy & al 0' useuO', ~ollections nter lor ~~I be a reglo:nter lor tnestfUctiOn 01 a- nat tney wnd curatiOnd~ring tne co: will see Mas~ arcn a ered . ~\(.e on '0' als an ese reco\l d valley.... '[>.ge [>.n I eci- OiaO'O~aO'O'otns, IC:er 1,OOO,OO~:~sniPS dons, totaling 0 Her 0' eO' d plan artilact:, tn centers 0 ortunitieS an earlY O'ens! o~sorsniP oP~pteO'ber ?;t tneir and sp en bY late ore inlo. \lIS net or to be oP 2006, for 0' lorwater, 951-191- october www,cente,roarcy Bur\(.e website at 0' directlY, water,or ' contact tnr:e centedof ~ bhO'ar~ 90 dbu 1-003.;> =--- 09 all 951-19 uO' .or ' B'II Marsn terO'use t westerncen Additional Tulv Activities -7/7 & 8: Supported International Jazz Festival with Visitor Service booth. -7/13: Spoke at TVee New Member Reception for CVB Member Recruitment. -7/10: Worked with City ofTemecula on future location for Visitors Center at the proposed Civic Center location. City will include CVB in RFP, Attended by Shawn Nelson, Jim O'Grady and Gary Thornhill. -7/10: Held marketing meeting with Win.:..b'-....., .....'" Assn., attended by Linda Kis- sam, Peggy Evans, Joe Hart and Ark Media to review future marketing opportuni- ties and the <06~'07 City Marketing fimding for Co-aps. -7/11: Scouted for Visitors Center location in Old Town with Chairmen and John Meyer from City ofTemecula -7/19: Adams attended Inland Empire Tourism Council Board Meeting. -7/20: Worked with Ark Media and reviewed TVW A Marketing. -7/21: Held Hot Summer Nights- Mixer in Old Town. -7/22: Staff attended the TVW A Golden Wine Maker Dinner and met several new Winery Owners and contacts. -7/25: Worked with Howell Designs for new advertising creative. Convls Members Get the Grand Tour CD o o ('II .2- ::;, .., 1:: o Q. Gl 0::: III Gl iii en m > o ~ o i= - '" '" ..J .90 g>: '" ~ o >: .... <0 0 o ai , N ~ '" :; "j .... .,. en ~ ~ .!. 0 a. ~ <I; ~ .... .,. <0 <0 it) o cD .!. '" '" N :; cD .... .,. ... C G> E III G> III ~ o i= GI l:! ~ ~ ~ ::s 'g. .~.~ O.E.EC II) ..ss .= ~ ~ .. 0 0 cu e- e- :E 0 0 c.>c.> 2 '" 8- ~ o c.> N en N .... 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GeDerallrlro Total Walk-Ins: 2,331 Total Phone Calls: 3,326 TVCVB Web site Activity February 2006 - July 2006 Unique Users Per Month Hits Per Month 'd I 1??oo11 80001' 'I 6000.' 4000, ~ ~~il rr- 300(L I I? - 250000- 200000i , 150000] 10??oo 50000 0 ~ 2000. 0., t> ~ ~ 'E ~ TVCVB Online Booking Report- YTn May 2005 - July 2006 ::~:::':.~::~::~: :~~:'~.::~"=f~ ~.~ r.... ROdoway." --- 'III 43 Ramad. Inn - " 42 .. --~ ~,~. 98 P..hanll. 1 Pal. c....... z ....lld.V Inn'E.~,pr.ii. ~ 8 H..n~ton In~.&..'''..).._.- .. e.ta..e1... &t..Y:..........rl..; " :.1 e.....h~iov,,'w'h. _ 19 eom'...rtl....,T'.~....I.... c....'~..rt.'.1 ..n-M..r rlat. -,~< ....- I - "~"1!lliI 46 -:--. . " 11' - ~.. 18 c..tI. cr..k.- 12 e... w..t.rn.i=!"'I..ro....':,~ O..t W..forn T.m.....:... '.1,,_. . r 'lit.. 30 . 2. 4. 6. 8. ,.. 12. Room Nights Booked per Hote. TVCVJ3 Online Booking Revenue May 2005 ~ July 2006 Revenue By Month: 8000..... ~ 7000, ~ ~. ~.. ':>>:':'i' ~. l ,:~ ~, 6000 ' 5000 ' 4000, 3000, 2000. 1000' Total.YTDRevenue:'$67838 ' '-',',' -'c- .,....,.....,.,..._' .".,.'.,...... ,'. ""'_._.. o. . .~ ,', = 11!I20061~ " ~4fIIIIt I ) i SOUH1WfSI ~ ~ ~crnro~NIA ~'- HOHOAI(..:miOPllHiI.(OI1Ili!Wtlli August II, 2006 Jim O'Grady City of Temecula PO Box 9033 Temecula, CA 92589 RE: EDC Activity Smnmary - July 2006 Business and Workforce Develooment Staff responded to the following business/workforce development request in July 2006: Date 7/07/06 Lead Source In person Reguest Client reqnested assistance with starting a new business. Action Taken Met with client and provided ongoing assistance, Community Outreach Staff and/or EDC directors attended the following meetings/events to promote or support economic development/community outreach: . Economic Alliance Planning Meeting (7/6) . Murrieta Temecula Group Meeting (7/7) . WRCOG /SANDAG Interregioual Partuership Meetiug (7/13) . Lake Elsinore Chamber EDC Luncheon (7/20) . Riverside County Board of Supervisors Meeting (7/25) . Business Retention meeting with MagnaComp (7/25) . Temecula City Council Meeting (7/25) . Legislative Summit Planning Meeting (7/27) . Temecula Partners in Education Meeting with Gary Wilson (7/28) Business Retention . Business Relations Committee Meeting (7/6) - Minutes are attached. ,:\.dministrationlOrl!anization . EDC Executive Committee Special Meeting (7/18) . EDC Board of Directors Meeting (7/20) - Minutes are attached. EDC Officer elections completed and 2006-2007 Budget approved, . Administration - Staff managed the daily operations of the EDC office; fmalized the EDC nomination and election process for EDC Officer elections; and emailed the following business development/community announcements: )> I-215/Los Alamos Road Bridge Expansion Celebration )> Jury Duty Scam )> News Release for Funding Opportunity Jim O'Grady City ofTemecula EDC Activity Summary - July 2006 Page 2 of2 This concludes the activity summary for July 2006, Should you have questions or need further detail, please call me at 951.677.1862, Respectfully, "\.. Diane Sessions Executive Director ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF SOUTHWEST CALIFORNIA BOARD OF DIRECTORS GENERAL MEETING MINUTES Thursday, July 20, 2006 - 9:00 a.m. University of Redlands 27270 Madison Ave., Suite 217, Temecula, CA 92590 DRAFT BOARD MEMBERS Cathy Barrozo, City of Lake Elsinore Ken Carlisle, Abbott Vascular Frank Casciari, California Bank & Trust Scott Crane, Southwest Healthcare System Stevie Field, County Board of Supervisors - 3'" District Dennis Frank, AGK Group, mc, Gary George, Verizon Stan Harter, Law Offices of Reid & Hellyer Keith Johnson, Mission Oaks National Bank Jeanne McClellan, University of Red lands Melanie Nieman, Eastern Mnnicipal Water District Jim O'Grady, City of Ternecula Greg Prudhomme, Kuebler Prudhomme & Company Claude Reinke, The Californian Rick Shoenfeld, Gates & Haas mvestments, LLC Greg Smith, Rancho Physical Therapy Barbara Tooker, Temecula Valley Unified School District Pamela Voit, Voit Management Gary Youmans, Commnnity National Bank Roger Ziemer, Southern California Gas Company DRAFT MEMBERS AND GUESTS Robert Barrozo, Robotics Team 1079 Jakki-Lee Anderson, Keeton Construction Mark Christiansen, Riverside County EDA Steve Faris, Temecula Fire Department Simone McFarland, City of Murrieta Brian Nelson, Robotics Team 1079 Steven Smith, Robotics Team 1079 EDC STAFF Samantha Rodriguez Diane Sessions CALL TO ORDER . Board President DeIl11is Frank called the meeting to order at 9:07 a.m. He welcomed members and guests. APPROVE AGENDA · Motion made by Claude Reinke, seconded by Jim O'Grady and carried unanimously to approve the agenda as presented, A special welcome was made to new board members, Pamela Voit, Kim Joseph Cousins, Jeanne McClellan, and Rick Schoenfeld, MINUTES . The Board reviewed the minutes of the June 29,2006 Board of Directors Meeting. Motion made by Claude Reinke, seconded by Roger Ziemer and carried unanimously to approve the minutes as amended by adding "and Supervisor Jeff Stone" to sentence 5 of Riverside County Boa~d of Supervisors-3rd District update under Onen Discussion, The sentence reads "Supervisor Marion Ashley and Supervisor Jeff Stone, with the support of Sheriff Doyle' s office, were working on a new prison system," FINANCIAL REPORT · June 30, 2006 Financial Report: The Board reviewed the June 30, 2006 Financial Report that showed total monthly revenues of $23,389, total expenses of $33,484 and total cash-in-bank of $74,588. The Board discussed the year-end profit/loss that showed a deficit in income over expenses of$27,328, Exhibit 3.0 Economic Development Corporation of Southwest California Board of Directors Meeting -July 20, 2006 Minutes - Page 2 of 4 It was noted the deficit was due to several contributing factors such as the donation of $5,000 given to the southwest California Legislative Council, which was unbudgeted, Other budget areas that caused the deficit were the pending in-kind contribution of $12, 122 from Riverside County EDA, under funded new memberships and a lower-than-projected net income from the golf tournament. Motion made by Roger Ziemer, seconded by Greg Prudhomme and carried unanimously to approve the June 30, 2006 Financial Report as presented, . Approve Draft Operating Budget for FY 2006-2007: The Board reviewed the draft Operating Budget FY 2006-2007, Discussion points were as follows: o Administrative management of the Southwest California Economic Alliance o Potential "pass through" costs would be paid to the EDC by the Economic Alliance once those costs were defined o Increase EDC event sponsorships to cover all costs o Total revenues and expenses increased equally from $159,100 to $408,200, showing a total increase of $249,100 from FY 05-06 primarily due to the administrative management of the Economic Alliance budget Motion made by Barbara Tooker, seconded by Keith Johnson and carried unanimously to approve the draft EDC Operating Budget FY 2006-2007 as presented. NEW BUSINESS . Certify Quorum and Approve 2006-2007 Officer Elections: Diane Sessions reported the quorum requirements had been met in accordance with the bylaws to hold officer elections, She announced the following were elected as Officers of the Board of Directors for fiscal year 2006-2007: Dennis Frank, President; Keith Johnson, Vice President; Scott Crane, Secretary; and Greg Prudhomme, Treasurer. Motion made by Claude Reinke, seconded by Roger Ziemer and carried unanimously to certifY the quorum and approve the EDC Election of Officers, . Adopt Administrative Resolution #2006-01 - Conflict of Interest Policy: Motion made by Greg Prudhomme, seconded by Ken Carlisle and carried unanimously to adopt Administrative Resolution #2006- 01 - Conflict of Interest Policy as presented, . Adopt Administrative Resolution #2006-02 - Confidentiality Policy: Motion made by Claude Reinke, seconded by Jeanne McClellan and carried unanimously to adopt Administrative Resolution #2006-02 - Confidentiality Policy as presented. Barbara Tooker recommended that meeting guests and EDC committee members also abide by the EDC Confidentiality Policy. . Report on EDC Corporate Structure: The Board discussed whether board and committee meetings must comply with The Brown Act. The primary question was whether the EDC was subject to The Brown Act since it received public funding and EDC board members who were elected officials must comply with The Brown Act. hnpacts to EDC operations could be severe since The Brown Act would require the EDC to post public meeting notices as well as provide time for public comments during board meetings, Jim O'Grady recommended that Temecula Attorney Peter Thorsen determine the best resolution on this matter, which may require an amendment to the EDC Bylaws. . Strategic Planning Event for Economic Development Initiatives: Diane Sessions reported the WRCOG/SANDAG Interregional Partnership Project was focused on an industry cluster analysis within Riverside/San Diego regions, She further reported that a presentation on this analysis would make a good springboard for an EDC Strategic Planning Session in late October. Exhibit 3,1 Economic Development Corporation of Southwest California Board of Directors Meeting -July 20,2006 Minutes - Page 3 of 4 Discussion was held on the format of the proposed Strategic Planning Session. The Board agreed that it should be similar to the S.W,O.T. event that was held in 2002, CONTINUING BUSINESS . Utilities Updates: Gas - Roger Ziemer reported that natural gas rates were at a two-year low due to warm climates and the new Liquid Natural Gas plant in Mexico was under construction. Telecommunications- Gary George reported that the proposed State Franchise Cable Agreement was moving forward, Water- Melanie Nieman reported on EMWD's water conservation promotion. She handed out marketing information on water conservation, She further reported the Lake Skinner plant was running above capacity and Joe Kuebler was a new EMWD board member. . Southwest Healthcare Systems: Scott Crane reported on the permitting process for construction of the new hospital in Temecula. Construction should begin in 2007 and be completed in 2008. He further reported on the expansions of Inland Valley Medical Center and Rancho Springs Medical Center, OPEN DISCUSSION . City/County & Chamber Updates: City of Lake Elsinore - Cathy Barrozo reported that a public pool had opened; the State of the City Address was being planned; Council would considered approved of safety signs around the lake; a defuse aeration system was installed in the lake; and the city's new branding campaign was completed including new marketing materiaL City of Murrieta - Simone McFarland reported the Los Alamos Sports Park's grand opening would be on July 29 and the Los Alamos / 215 Bridge Ground Breaking was scheduled for August 23. City of Temecula - Jim O'Grady introduced Steve Faris, Temecula Fire Marshall, who reported that he was working on streamlining the inspection process, Jim O'Grady announced that he would retire in October 2006 after 34 years in public administration, City of Temecula received an award for new construction, Dennis Frank and Stevie Field were invited to accompany six senior Governors from China at a luncheon at Southcoast Winery & Resort, The Governors were visiting the U.S. to look at economic development, the wine-making industry and tourism, Riverside County EDA: Mark Christiansen reported that a Memorandum of Understanding between the Economic Alliance and Riverside County EDA would be presented for approval at the County Board of Supervisors meeting on July 25, Stevie Field reported the County Service Area (CSA) would move out of the French Valley office, Ms, Field further reported she would retain some of her responsibilities with County Supervisor Jeff Stone such as airports and CDF. She also reported that the economic development component of the French Valley Airport Master Plan (MP) dooument was not completed, A court ruling August 10, 2006 would determine whether the current MP would be in affect or whether it would revert back to the original MP, This affects current zoning and the types of projects that could be built since zoning in the original MP was more liberal, The Alliance would have an 8-page supplemental in the San Diego Daily Tribune on economic development in Southwest California, The Alliance was forging ahead on a partnership with Southwest Airlines, . Other Announcements: Southwest California Legislative Council - Dennis Frank reported on meeting with local legislators in Sacramento to engage in greater representation of Riverside County, Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce/UCR Leadership Academy 2006 would begin soon, The Legislative Summit, entitled "California Move It or Lose It", was scheduled for September 14, 2006 at South Coast Winery. Governor Schwarzenegger was invited to attend, On August 10, 2006, from 5-7 p,m, there would be a reception for Temecula Valley Unified School District Superintendent Carol Leighty, Ed.D. Exhibit 3.2 Economic Development Corporation of Southwest California Board of Directors Meeting -July 20,2006 Minutes - Page 4 of 4 ADJOURNMEN12 . At 10:40 a,m" motion was made by Roger Ziemer, seconded by Greg Prudhomme carried unanimously to adjourn the board meeting. Respectively submitted by: Diane Sessions Recording Secretary Scott Crane Board Secretary Exhibit 3.3 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION OF SOUTHWEST CALIFORNIA BUSINESS RELATIONS COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, July 6, 2006 - 9:00 a.m. D.L. Phares & Associates 43620 Ridge Park Drive, Suite 320, Temecula, CA 92590 Committee Members Present: Paul Anderson, Strategic Catalysts, Inc, Tomi Arbogast, Connnunity National Bank Klln Cousins, Lake Elsinore Valley Chamber of Connnerce Derrick Fox, Swenson Advisors Morton J, Grabel, Attorney At Law Lalli Guerriero, CDM Group, Ino. Stan Harter, Law Offices of Reid & Hellyer Ross Hunt, Ross & Mary Hunt, Inc. Ashley Jones, City of Murrieta Jim O'Grady, City of Temecula Joanna Quigley, Wells Fargo Bank John Willis, Merrill Lynch Gloria Wolnick, City of Temecula Guests: EDe: Somonth" Rodriguez Diane Sessions Call To Order Diane Sessions called the meeting to order at 9:05 a,m, and welcomed committee members and guests. (Chair Stan Harter arrived at 9:10 a,m. and facilitated the meeting for the duration.) Follow-Un Action Renorts . None Comnanv Contact Renorts Steris Isomedix - Gloria W olnick reported on a visit with Chris Bares, plant manager for Steris Isomedix in Temecula, . Operations/Services o Contact sterilization company specializing in healthcare and pharmaceutical environments o Began in 1987 and operating in Southwest California since 1995 . Facilities o Company operates in 44,000-square-foot facility purchased from PHS o Other sites in San Diego, Ontario, Temecula, and in 21 locations in Puerto Rico and the United States o Corporate office in Ohio and all-in-one facility and tech center in South Carolina o Possible expansion in either Ontario or San Diego since they have the all-in-one facilities necessary for a one day turn-around, Temecula's facility takes 3-4 days to complete the Ethylene Oxide (EO) sterilization due to the space's limited capacity, They did not believe there was enough land in Temecula for an expansion. . Markets / Business Climate o Company growing with primary customers Professional Hospital Supply (PHS) and Johnson & Johnson o Local vendors are Opto 22 and PHS o Primary business market is local, regional and national EDC Business Relations Committee Meeting Minutes - July 6, 2006 Page 2 of3 o Interest in importing/exporting to Europe and China, China had expressed interest in Steris' EO sterilization o Special material used is Ethylene Oxide . Workforce o 21 employees who work in 24 hours/7 days rotating shifts at the Temecula location o 800 employees at all locations o Employees live in Murrieta, Temecula, Hemet, and San Jacinto o Recruits employees through newspaper, staffing agencies and Monster.com o Employees required technical, computer, and basic skills o Trains employees and promotes from within . Major Issues o AQMD compliance o Temporary agencies do not provide adequate pre-screening, background checks, and drug testing oVery happy doing business in Southwest California Annual Goal Renort . Stan Harter announced that visits reported at this meeting were counted toward last year's goals since they were conducted before July 1, 2006. He reported that visits and phone interviews for the twelfth month of the fiscal year were as follows: YTD Goal Actual VISIT PHONE 18 3 SURVEYS 60 21 Onen Discussion . Mr, Harter suggested that committee members carry and distribute EDC business cards when visiting companies. It was appropriate that committee members represent the EDC on calls and company visits. It was recommended that committee members not invite non-members on company visits due to the . confidentiality of information. Mr, Harter stressed the importance of the EDC being perceived as a valuable resource to the business community, . Ms. Sessions suggested that during visits, members ask for contacts to build solid visitation leads. She gave an open invitation to have up to four members accompany her on a monthly drive-about to introduce the EDC to the business community and to familiarize members with the process. Derrick Fox and Joanna Quigley offered to join Ms. Sessions on July 14 and Paul Anderson would like to attend in August, date pending, Onen Discussion . EDe Board Update - Diane Sessions reported that EDC director and officer elections had concluded and announced that Kim Cousins, Pamela Voit, and Jeanne McClellan were newly elected to the EDC Board of Directors, She further announced that Rick Schoenfeld, Gates & Haas Investments, LLC, joined the EDC as a new Corporate Member and Executive Board Member. Newly-elected officers were President Dennis Frank, AGK Group, Inc.; Vice President Keith Johnson, Missions Oaks National Bank; Secretary Scott Crane, Southwest Healthcare System; Treasurer Greg Prudhomme, Kuebler Prudhomme EDC Business Relations Committee Meeting Minutes - July 6, 2006 Page 3 of3 & Co, Ms, Sessions congratulated Jim O'Grady and the City of Temecula for winning the EDC Golf Tournament Municipal Trophy for the first time. Gary Youmans presented the trophy at the City Council meeting. She further reported that the EDC Board would adopt its 2006-2007 budget on July 20. General Announcements - City of Temecula - Jim O'Grady reported the Council approved plans for the first phase of the new Civic Center in Old Town Temecula. Plans included a 480-parking-space structure with a Town Square open space for outdoor events. Infrastructure in Old Town would include wireless internet access. Council approved the cable service provider agreement with Verizon. Grading for the Education Campus was going well. The new Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park would include both turf and grass fields, concession stand and tot lot. Temecula's new website was in operation and very user-friendly, The International Arts Festival and the Jazz Festival would be held on July 7-9 in Old Town, The International Arts Festival would feature art in the Mercantile and History Museum for 30 days. Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce - No report, City of Murrieta - Ashley Jones reported the City introduced a new business retention program and a new city newsletter. Murrieta Chamber of Commerce - No report, City of Lake Elsinore - No report. Lake Elsinore Valley Chamber of Commerce - No report, Southwest California Economic Alliance - No report, Menifee-Sun City Chamber of Commerce - No report, Adiournment . The meeting was adjourned at 9:47 a,m, I~-- . , II ITEM NO. 31 II , II - . . . I I II II __. . I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager p..f"" 1)12.. ~ CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Anthony Elmo, Director of Building and Safety DATE: August 22, 2006 SUBJECT: Departmental Report - July 2006 The month of July 2006 showed a gain of construction activity as compared to previous months. The following is an overview of permit and inspection activity for July. M,O,M, ProQram The community development technicians distributed M.O.M. packets which include a building permit application and an outline of the minimum plan review requirements. The Building and Safety Staff initiated 39 M.O.M related phone calls in July to customers for plan submittals, plan checks, issuance of permits, addressing and certificates of occupancy. SinQle Family Development - Tracts In July, the City issued 54 new single family home permits for a total square footage of 206,743. These homes are primarily in Wolf Creek with 201 homes and 163 homes under construction in Harveston. There are a total of 487 single family homes under construction throughout the City at the current time. Custom SinQle Family Homes As of July, we have 16 custom homes under construction for a total of 77,034 square feet. Multi-Family Development In July there were a total of 142 apartments/condominiums under construction. Temecula Ridge Apartments has 13 buildings with a total of 36 units under construction. Temecula Creek has completed most of their condominium construction and have 9 buildings with 60 units under construction. Cap May Apartments in Harveston has 46 units in the construction process. Commercial Development There were 4 new commercial permits issued in July for a total valuation of $33,259,619. Plan check activity included submittals for Temecula Professional Buildings at 43920 Margarita Road, and Butterfield Ranch Self Storage at 43920 Butterfield Stage Road. Total Permit and Inspection Activity During the month of July inspection staff performed 2,945 inspections and 283 permits were issued representing a construction valuation of $50,942,877. The total building permit and plan check fees collected in the month of July were $164,253.08. I~-- . , II ITEM NO. 32 II , II - . . . I I II II __. . I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager v /JJ2. ~ CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: William G. Hughes, Director of Public Works/City Engineer DATE: Augus 22, 2006 SUBJECT: Department of Public Works Monthly Activity Report RECOMMENDATION: Receive and file the attached Department of Public Works Monthly Activity Reports for the month of July, 2006. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Monthly Activity Report July I August 2006 Prepared By: Amer Attar Submitted by: William G. Hughes Date: August 22, 2006 PROJECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION 1. Old Town Community Theatre This project will construct a 20,000 square foot community theater complex and refurbishes the existing Mercantile Building. Construction started on 3-3-04. This project is complete. The grand opening took place on 10/04/05, The final change order figure is $1,707,442.20 for a total compensation of $8,875,442.20. The City Council accepted this project on 08-08-06 and the Notice of Completion has been filed, 2. Fire Station - Northeast Site (Roripaugh Ranch) This project will construct a new fire station in the north part of the City, The majority of work was completed by April of 2006, 6 to 9 months time is estimated before the Roripaugh Developer (Ashby) can provide access and utilities to the site, Because of this there was cost to re-mobilize and complete the project when the aforementioned items are complete and these costs reflected in the approved change order total. Ashby is responsible for these additional costs, In addition, a fire engine/truck venting system (requested/added on 2/06) will be installed when the Contractor is re- mobilized and this cost is also included in the approved change order total. 3. Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park A new 40+ Acres sports complex will be built at the corner of Pechanga Parkway and Deer Hollow Way, Bids were opened on September 16, 2004. The contract was awarded to Douglas E, Barnhart, Inc. at the September 28, 2004 Council meeting, The contract award amount is $13,365,055,51, Remaining work includes installation of playground resilient surfacing, installation of BBQs and benches, basketball court and parking lot striping, and landscaping, with landscaping comprising the bulk of remaining work. Approx. 95% of all tress have been planted, and approx. 90% of plants are in the ground, with the turf planting areas in the weed abatement process. Hydroseeding of turf areas to begin 8/14/06, and is expected to take 1-2 weeks. The landscape maintenance period is anticipated to begin by 8/31/06, Installation of the security camera system is nearly complete, and installation of a full-service kitchen is pending plan approval through County Health, The Contractor's request for contract days extension, which will likely extend contract completion into September, is still under discussion between City and Contractor. 4. Patricia H. Birdsall Sports Park Synthetic Turf As part of the sports park project, a separate contract to install synthetic turf on four fields, three soccer fields and a championship field that includes football overlay, was awarded to Byrom-Davey. Project acceptance is postponed until the contractor completes all the required work on all the fields. 5. Temecula Library A full service library, approximately 34,000 square feet in area, has been designed and will be built on Pauba Road, just west of Fire Station #84, The City was successful in obtaining State grant to aid in funding the library. The stone veneer is finished on the West, South and East Elevation. The exterior plaster is complete, The South half of the building interior is being painted, The North half is being prepared for paint. The data infrastructure cabling is 70% complete. The window mullion system is being installed, The exterior sidewalks are being formed and prepared for concrete, The landscape irrigation is ongoing. 6. City Field Operations Center (Maintenance Facility and Corporate Yard) - Phase 1 Under this project, an expansion of the maintenance facility will be built on the property adjacent to City Hall. Western Rim Constructors (WRC) was awarded the project with a low bid of $636,094.80.The construction of this project has been completed. The 90 day maintenance period is finished, Project has been accepted by TCSD, The last invoice will be submitted shortly, As-built plans have been received by the City. Contractor just submitted the affidavit and final release form to the City. The project will go to council for final acceptance. 7.Pauba Road Improvements - Phase II (Margarita Road to Showalter Road) This project will widen Pauba Road from Showalter to just west of Margarita Road to its ultimate width, Bids were opened on 01/09/06, Apparent low bidder was Grade Pros Inc, DBA McKenna with a bid amount of $1,367,663.15.The construction began on 02/27/06. The contractor has completed grading, utility relocation, curb, gutter driveways, guardrail, and paving. They are finishing the sidewalk, streetlights, white fence and the new waterline, Final striping and opening the new road to traffic is scheduled for the week of August 14th. 8. Pavement Rehabilitation Program - FY 200512006 This project will rehabilitate Diaz Road between Rancho California Road and Winchester road, including replacement of storm drain pipes. City Council awarded the construction contract to R.J. Noble Company on 03/28/06, Roadway rehabilitation work is complete. Final items of work include traffic loop detectors, striping, and utility adjustment. Completion is anticipated by the end of August. 9. Citywide Concrete Repairs FY 05-06 This project will remove and replace various concrete improvements including sidewalk, curb and gutter, cross gutters, driveways approaches, and under sidewalk drains, This project will remove and replace various concrete improvements including sidewalk, curb and gutter, cross gutters, driveways approaches, and under sidewalk drains. Contract was awarded on 03/21/06 and work began in the Redhawk area on 04/17/06, Contract work was completed on 06/15/06, 10. Temecula Education Center- Rough Grading This project will provide for the grading of the proposed T emecula Education Center. Project was awarded on 4/11/06, Construction started on May 1,2006, Finish grading and the replacement of surcharge is complete. Yeager began demobilizing grading operations the week of July 10 and monitoring monuments will be fully installed as well. Yeager has prepared a second price quote to relocate/modify all impacted utilities along Diaz Road adjacent to the project and this information has been forwarded to EMWD and RCWD. Diaz Road cannot be brought up to grade and/or surcharged until these utilities are addressed. Additionally temporary drainage of the RCWD 2 property is in the process of being addressed as this project impacts the established drainage patterns and was not addressed by the Developers design. Diaz cannot be completed without this being resolved, 11. State Route 79 South Medians Under this project medians will be constructed on Route 79 South within the City of T emecula limits, A pre-construction meeting was held on May 9th. The contractor started working the week of May 22nd. The Contractor is currently finishing up the work from 1-15 to Pechanga Parkway, this work is expect to be completed by August 25,2006. Work remaining in this section includes irrigation lines stamped concrete and planting. The next phase to Margarita Road is to start the week of August 21st. 12. Rancho California Median Modifications This project will add an additional through-lane on Rancho California between Ynez Rd & 1-15. A portion of the existing landscape median will be eliminated/ modified. This project will add an additional through-lane on Rancho California between Ynez Rd & 1-15, A portion of the existing landscaped median will be eliminated; no additional right of way is needed. Timeline includes: design contract awarded 12/13/05, authorization to solicit bids 3/21, bids due 4/24', awarded contract 5/9, Pre-Con meeting 5/24; construction started 6/19 & ended 7/26, Currently, a change order is being processed. Contractor will be submitting the final invoice. Final paperwork should be completed by the end of August. 13. Bridge Fencing Fences will be installed on bridges over 1-15. Proposed fencing locations are the eastbound sides of the Overland Drive and Rancho California Road bridges over Interstate 15, Construction bids were opened on 04/20/06, City Council awarded the contract on 05/09/06. Construction began on 07/17/06 and is essentially complete. 14. Traffic Signal Installations - Jefferson Ave. at Sanborn Ave. & Redhawk Parkway at Overland TraillPaseo Parallon Under this project, two new traffic signals will be installed; one at Jefferson Avenue and Sanborn and the second one is at Redhawk Parkway and Overland TraillPaseo Parallon. The contract was awarded to HMS Construction on 6/27/06, Status of signal pole order: pole delivery is anticipated 9/22/06, Issl!ance of Notice to Proceed anticipated for 9/5/06. 15. City Field Operations Center (Maintenance Facility and Corporate Yard) - Phase 2 This project will construct the second phase of the City's Field Operation Center, which include the building, SCE advised that the existing conduit to City Hall transformer may be used for primary electrical feed. The project was awarded on July 25th, a preconstruction meeting will be held 8-10- 06 and the Notice to Proceed will be effective 8-11-06, 16. Rancho Vista Road Sidewalk This project involves design and environmental clearance of a new sidewalk along the south side of Rancho Vista Road between Ynez Road and Mira Loma Drive (east). The contract was awarded by City Council on 06/27. The pre-construction meeting is scheduled for August 16. The Notice To Proceed is anticipated on August 21. 3 17. Slurry Seal Project FY 2005-2006, Redhawk Area This project includes cleaning & sealing cracks in the road surface, removal & replacement of all pavement delineation, furnishing & installing Rubberized Emulsion - Aggregate Slurry (REAS) Type II & all necessary traffic control. There are approximately 3,571,850 sf of roadway involved. Timeline: Bid auth 1/24/06, bids opened 2/21/06, awarded 3/21, Pre-Con meeting 4/13, Project began Monday, 5/15. Contract was suspended briefly until mid August when the Contractor will perform additional work on Avenida Alvarado via a change order. 18. Erie Stanley Gardner Exhibit This project will create an exhibit for the famous author in the museum. Newly down-scoped construction plans were submitted by the architect and the project was bid, Bids were opened 08/01/06 and the contract is expected to be awarded on 09/12/06, PROJECTS BEING ADVERTISED FOR BIDS NONE PROJECTS IN DESIGN 1. Pechanga Parkway Improvements - Phase II (SR 79 South to Pechanga Road) This project will widen Pechanga Parkway (formerly Pala Road) to its ultimate width from the Pechanga Parkway Bridge to Pechanga road. The Preliminary Environmental Document (NEPA) of the project is classified as a Categorical Exclusion with required technical studies (involving Federal action), Caltrans (Local Assistance) has approved the noise, traffic, and HPSR-ASR studies, The City completed CEQA-NOD process for the project. The Particulate Matter Conformity Analysis for Pechanga Parkway Phase II was approved by SCAG at their June 27 meeting. On June 27, the City submitted an environmental package to Caltrans (Local Assistance) for their review, Caltrans (Local Assistance) has completed their review of the Environmental Document (ED); After FHWA completes their review period (approx. 4 weeks) and approves the ED, the City will receive a letter of Authorization from Caltrans (Local Assistance), and then, the City can start the public bid process for construction and proceed with the acquisition of three properties along Pechanga Parkway. \ 2. Murrieta Creek Bridge - Overland Drive Extension to Diaz Road This project will entail alignment studies and the design of an extension of Overland Drive, westerly to Diaz Road, which includes a new bridge over Murrieta Creek, The project includes the widening of Overland Drive from Jefferson Avenue to Commerce Center Drive, and the extension of Overland Drive across Murrieta Creek to Diaz Road. Coordination with RCFC & WCD and the Corp of Engineers is required. Various utility companies and other City departments submitted comments to public works for review. Final comments by public works, utility companies and other City departments will be sent to the consultant within the next couple of weeks, 3. Fire Station - Wolf Creek Site A 9,062 SF fire station will be built @ the corner of Wolf Valley Rd & Wolf Creek Dr South. Plans 4 have been stamped by Building & Safety. Vanir is on board to perform CM services, EMWD sewer connection fees were paid. Timeline: Oulto bid on 6/14; bids opened 7/11; awarded 7/25; Pre-Con Meeting set for 8/15; Construction will start 8/16. RC Construction is the contractor (contract, amount $3,591,000), There are 260 working days on this project. 4. Murrieta Creek Multi Purpose Trail This project will build portions of the equestrian and bike trails along Murrieta Creek within City limits. The City has received a federal grant of $1,214,000. Caltrans (the administrator ofthe federal funds) has given the City the "Authorization to Proceed with Preliminary Engineering," The City is working with Caltrans, US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and Riverside County Flood Control to coordinate the trail design with the Murrieta Creek Improvement project. The signed Programmatic Categorical Exclusion (approved environmental document) was received from Caltrans on April 15, 2005, Final Design is underway and the 90% Plans were reviewed and comments returned to Kimley-Horn, the design consultant. The next submittal was received in late September and comments were returned to K-H on Oct. 19, 2005 for revision. Revised Plans and Specifications were received in late December 2005 and were reviewed by City staff, Comments went back to the Consultant for revisions and were returned to the City in early May for the next review, Comments went back to the consultant at the end of June, The consultant is forwarding the mylars to the City for signature and advertising for bids. The City has received construction authorization from Caltrans. 5. Rancho California Road Widening, Old Town Front Street to 1-15 (Southside) This project will provide a right turn lane for southbound 1-15 motorists and provide a dual left turn lane from westbound RCR to southbound Front Street. Caltrans rejected the latest submittal by adding additional comments and it will require the City to re-submit. We (City) we can start the bid process without Caltrans approval. Caltrans delays/issues have impacted the scheduled start date, Union 76 and Denny's have approved their right of entries, 6. Main Street Bridge Over Murrieta Creek (Replacement) This project will replace the existing Main Street Bridge over Murrieta Creek. Design consultant Simon Wong Engineering (SWE) and the City are continuing to pursue environmental permitting and coordination issues associated with pursuing the bridge replacement as a project separate from the Corps of Engineer's channel improvement project. SWE has also revised their original design proposal for this project in light ofthese additional efforts required; additional funding will be required to cover these revisions, A meeting was held with SWE on 3/16/06 to discuss the revisions and compare to scope of original contract; SWE's contract to be extended through December 2007, A notice was received that anticipated Federal funding for this project was programmed for Federal Fiscal Year 2010/2011, which could have serious ramifications to the project. Alternatives to FFY programming decision are being pursued, 7. Diaz Road Extension to Cherry Street This project was previously "On-hold'" pending data from Riverside County Flood Control. With the construction of the proposed Education Center, this project has become developer driven. Plans have been routed to various utilities for identification of possible conflicts and to Riverside Flood Control and Army Corp of Engineers for verification that the proposed roadway is in conformance with the proposed detention basin within Murrieta Creek. 5 8. Santa Gertrudis Bicyclel Trail Undercrossing at Margarita Road This J)roject will' construct a trail for bicycles and pedestrians along Santa Gertrudis Creek under Margarita Road. Data regarding existing utilities are being incorporated into the design. Consultant is continuing the environmental permitting process and incorporating 100% plans comments, 9. Western Bypass Corridor Alignment Study This project will provide for an alignment stud for the Western Bypass Corridor, The City's design Consultant, URS, is doing the preliminary work for the alignment study. Once the preliminary work is complete a preferred alignment will be chosen and then a complete study will be done and completed. We have met with both the City of Murrieta and RCWD to coordinate the design of this project. 10. Western Bypass Bridge Over Murrieta Creek This project involves the design and environmental clearance of a new bridge over Murrieta Creek at the terminus of SR-79S and an extension of Pujol Street to the new structure. Once constructed, this will serve as the southerly connection of the Western Bypass Corridor. The kickoff meeting was held on July 26. Phase 1 work has been initiated, including development of topographic mapping, research of existing engineering reports, obtaining records of existing utilities and right of way, 11. Redhawl< Park Improvements, Four Sites This project will add amenities to four park sites in the recently annexed Redhawk area RJM is currently working on improving four different park sites in the Redhawk development area. A dog park is planned for one of the park sites. Two public workshops were held to get input from the community. The last one was on August 3, 2006. The consultant is working on proposals for each site, 12. Old Town Infrastructure Projects - Site Demolition and Site Prep On August 8, 2006, City Council awarded design contract to RBF for the Site Prep and street improvements. Once the agreements are in place a kick off meeting will begin the design process. 13. Old Town Infrastructure Projects - Underground Utility District Butsko Utility Design has been retained to assist with the formation of an underground utility district in the old area to eliminate the overhead wires along Main St. and portions of Old Town Front & Mercedes Streets. SCE will lead design & coordination efforts under Rule 20A process. 14. Old Town Infrastructure Projects - Street Improvements, Mercedes St (2nd - 6th) & The Realignment of Main St. On August 8, 2006, City Council awarded design contract to RBF for the Site Prep and street improvements, Once the agreements are in place a kick off meeting will begin the design process, 15. Diaz Road Realignment to Vincent Moraga Under this project, Diaz Road will be realigned starting just south of Rancho Way to Vincent Moraga Road at Rancho California Road. Business Park Drive will be a T-intersection at Diaz. Staff is currently updating the plans and specifications. This project will be re-bid in September 2006, 6 16. Localized Storm Drain Improvements This project will fix the drainage problem at the south end of Front Street (at the MWD easement). Baseline right of way, utilities, and mapping are established, This project is currently on hold. 17. Long Canyon Detention Basin - Access Road This project will construct an access road to the Long Canyon Detention Basin. Plans and specifications are 90% completed, however winter rains have affected the project conditions and the scope of work will need to be reevaluated. Project is on hold. 18. Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge Over Santa Gertrudis Creek This project includes the construction of an approx. 200' ped/bike bridge over Santa Gertrudis Creek near Chaparral H,S, On 5/4, we received report identifying bridge alternates, costs & recommendations. Staff evaluated & routed the report to RCWD for their comments. RCWD offered their affected parcel to the City pending Board of Director's approval, The City is considering accepting the parcel. If not, RCWD has selected their alignment, which is not the City's preferred alternate. This is a federally funded project, which will involve specific steps/actions to environmentally clear it (NEPA document), 19. Ronald Reagan Sports Park Channel Silt Removal & Desiltation Pond . This project includes restoring the Best Management Practices (BMP) ofthe Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP), the Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) and the RWQCB by desilting the channel & pond located near the Sports Park. A US Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit has been submitted and communication with the Department of Fish & Game is continuing. An RFPhas been sent out seeking an Environmental Consultant to assist with the regulatory agencies. PROJECTS IN THE PLANNING STAGE 1. 1-151 SR 79 South Interchange. Project Report (PR) This project will modify the 1-15/ SR 79 South Interchange to accommodate projected future traffic. This is the next step of project development after the completion of the Project Study Report. City continued development of design geometries and environmental technical studies, Status is as follows: )> Project Report - 3rd Submittal under Caltrans review, )> Design Exceptions - 5th Submittal under Caltrans review. )> Stormwater Data Report- 4th Submittal to coincide with final PR Submittal, )> Traffic Study - Preparing 6th Submittal for Caltrans review, )> Modified Access Report - Preparing 2nd Submittal for Caltrans review. . )> Geometric Approval Drawings - Under development. )> Initial Study Assessment - Approved, )> Acoustic Evaluation - Approved. 7 )>> Air Quality Assessment - Approved PM10 and PM2.5. )>> Nat Environmental Study - Approved. )>> Cultural Studies - 1st Submittal under Caltrans review. )>> Environmental Document - Under development. 2. French Valley Parkway Overcrossing and Interchange, Project Report (PR), Plans Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E) Preparation This project will construct an interchange between Winchester Road Interchange and the 1-15/1-215 split. The project is moving through the Caltrans process. The project is moving through the Caltrans process. The latest schedule was submitted to Caltrans for review on 7-27-06. The GAD, New Connection Report, all Fact Sheets were approved by Caltrans. Construction co-op agreement is being worked on. The utilities coordination with all utility companies is in process. RIW data sheet was approved. 3. French Valley Parkway Phase 1 . Southbound Off-Ramp to Jefferson, Auxiliary Lane, and Widening the Bridge over Santa Gertrudis Creek at the Winchester Southbound Off-ramp A southbound of-Ramp to Jefferson, an auxiliary lane, and widening the bridge over Santa Gertrudis Creek at the Winchester southbound off-ramp are the components of Phase 1. The City and Caltrans have agreed that immediate action is required to relieve congestion at the Winchester Road southbound off-ramp. The City submitted the 30% design package for phase 1 to Caltrans on 7-10-06. Potholing plans have been prepared. Consultant is working on the environmental issues, The latest schedule has been submitted to Caltrans for review. Comments have been received for the 3rd submittal of the ENIS. Comments will be taken car of and resubmitted to Caltrans. Utility coordination is moving along, 4. Old Town Civic Center Master Plan - Old Town Infrastructure Improvements City Council approved Phase 1 of the Old Town Civic Center Master Plan at the June 27 meeting. NMR is moving forward with schematic design of the Civic Center. Staff is negotiating new agreement for phase 1 feature including Parking Structure and Civic Plaza, 8 en u. o CD o o l;J .... .... 00 o w Cl <C II. 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E e <(el m <( e ~ o " " <( e .Q 10 '" o 0. o e ~ f- " U .~U) III '0 ... e o ~ -"- "'<( 8f- NtD ~ .E o e o B '" u " 0. en '5 " '\' E 0 '0 <( 1\i ~ E iii .E '" Q) .9u :5 (I) Q) Q) C...... N E!2 :e 0..0.. ctlt5$"E "CQ)COW .s'2R~ C/.l c.::::>O:: .E o e g 'i5 e o o C III f- .~ ~ e'" .Q t/J rn~ E 5 .eg. .E ~ ~-g -" '" a~ 1:5 Q) ~:5 " e Cl)O-ri "E"Cw <<l ~ .;?: 3j!;!lS o 0. " e ~ 8~~ ~ 0 '" ~ -,., o ~ " ....0:5 .,s-c(/) -gam ni.S:!S l!:!'cn a O..Q E 0"0 ;g~~ 5l ~:S ~o.s ctI' W.S: 10-6-0 "C c: ~ 00" ~~ c 8.0 " <( ~ g> c ~ 'Q) <(",.0 ~ z ~ z 0> e '0 '" e o '" c '0 0> .: o .. .. .. .. .. .. '" 0> e III ~ ~ '" -" e o 1i " 0; U) c 2 OJ e o o o ~ .g '" > <D o ~ a; o (J) 0.. s: MEMORANDUM TO: Bill Hughes, Director of Public Works/City Engineer FROM: b~~rad Buron, Maintenance Superintendent DATE: August 3, 2006 SUBJECT: Monthly Activity Report - July, 2006 The following activities were performed by Public Works Department, Street Maintenance Division in-house personnel for the month of July, 2006: I. SIGNS II. TREES A. B. C. Total signs replaced Total signs installed Total signs repaired 72 7 8 A. Total trees trimmed for sight distance and street sweeping concerns 52 IlL ASPHALT REPAIRS A. B, Total square feet of A, C. repairs Total Tons 4.270 62 A, IV. CATCH BASINS 215 Total catch basins cleaned A, V. RIGHT-OF-WAY WEED ABATEMENT o Total square footage for right-of-way abatement VI. GRAFFITI REMOVAL A. B. Total locations 41 7.380 Total S.F. VII. STENCILING A. 452 New and repainted legends B, 5.928 L.F. of new and repainted red curb and striping R:\IVlAINTAIN\I'vIOACTRPT\05.06\ Also, City Maintenance staff responded to ~ service order requests ranging from weed abatement, tree trimming, sign repair, A.C. failures, litter removal, and catch basin cleanings. This is compared to ~ service order requests for the month of June. 2006. The Maintenance Crew has also put in 158 hours of overtime which includes standby time, special events and response to street emergencies, The total cost for Street Maintenance performed by Contractors for the month of Julv. 2006 was $2.250.00 compared to t:J!...: for the month of June. 2006. Account No, 5402 Account No. 5401 Account No, 999-5402 $ 2,250.00 $ -0- $ -0- cc: ' Ron Parks, Deputy Director of Public Works AIi Moghadam, Senior Engineer (Traffic) Greg Butler, Senior Engineer (Capital Improvements) Amer Attar, Senior Engineer (Capital Improvements) Jerry Alegria, Senior Engineer (Land Development) R:\MAINTAIN\MOACfRPT\GS.G6\ >- LU $' LU "- LU d ~ - '" Q) '" (,l <:'0 Cl (/) Ql <: "'- - Ql ~ E Ql 1;5"- - Ql Z "- 0 LU "@ a>g>2lDQ'" m(e$ ii: Q)~ CD (,l ~ 1!i c: ro...J::::J:::l CI) "- Ql Ql ii: Ql ill z ill .D a:: 0 g , Q) ..... C en l- LL.. .5rn '0 '0'" ~'" Z ~ U-o<(_"ffiCl:::1ii '" .... co C I- '" ~...J>- ~ Ql Ql >- ~ LU ~~~E~'~()Q5fi >- ro 5-~(I) >- eu "'''' >- E fjcn >- '" 5-00()O Si ~ .50 Z E EO 0.0 z o.19"U) Es ar ~ 'E ~ 0 en Q.l Q)(.) :::i 1i)o 0 ";:: <D CJ (/)(,l ;;: Q) U} ro.;:: a::::::J 00::: (,l '" Q) "';;! ~ cn.!:Q-I (,l >- o::;;! '.J :; a:::.s.l:OI-' 0 Q) g eu ~ eu I- .5 :g <( LU $<( ww.t=.mS06IgE -a g .51- Z '" '" ~ .9- c I- W ~ ~b .>- cc.B Qs:as2: III 0 ~o 0 .l::;; roO ~ '<0 .2>.9 ro.... . Q) q:: Q) ~ <CUOI- (,l (/) (/)>- >- >->->- 0::>- (3 (IJ(f)()I-C:::Z<((f)(') >- ...: lL W <fJ <9 '"' I' :J 0 ,"'.,~' ~ 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 '" 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 '" " 0 0 0 '" 0 00 0 0 0 0 '" '" '" 0 ~ 0 '" 0 '" ~ N ;,cn_::J~(:~, ,', ~ .,; .,; .,; .,; .,; .,; cO .,; '" .,; ~ .,; .,; .,; '" .,; .,; ,r~l:'~:,r~: :J e ..,. ... '" ... '" '" 0 ... 0 '" ..,. 0 '" ... '" 0 ... OJ . iil ~ '" '" 00 '" '" ..,. .... '" '" '" "! '" '" ..,. e 0 cO ~ .; .,f ,.; .,f <D '" .; ;;; .,; ... <D f- "" .<: ~ lL Cl ~ ,;;i~;j!~ ~ '" '" '" ... ~ ~ ... ., '" ... '" '" '" ~ '" 1"'0",0 ~ ... '" ... ... ... '" ... '" ... "! ~ bQ:!: "'C ... ... ... :-:O~I.L;,.:-"cn' ;;; 0 ::l'" l" d3:'{:',:}::,:i~; " <li"'~ Z .. ~ ::;: 16, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ., 0 '" 0 '" 0 ., 0 '" 0 '" O'! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .... 0 ., 0 '" 0 "! 0 0 f- -,., . .,; .,; .,; .,; .,; .,; .,; .,; .,; .,; .; .,; cO .,; .,; .; Z :!::: co. >- ~ ;:;; ::;: E",'" ., ... ... ... ... ~ 0 '" '" .... ~ ~ ... '" ... ... ., .0 (I)'" '" '" '" '" '" ~ ... "! .... '" " => - (I) ",' .; ",' ~ ... ... N '" ~ .,; ,.: Ii' (/) ;!:: L.. ~ ... ... ... ~ ... ... ... ..,. E '" (I) c. ... ... ... 10 .0 l" ~ 0 (/) 0.. '" ~ DO- .... Oa: 0 Owo S:0..0~ ()WZ<<:l ::iD::<z:g aJ>ZC\I :::H::: ~ a: ll..;::z<c u..1--W OO<C)- f-<C:;;..J z)-f-<c w...Jwo :;;:J:w", f-f-a:- O::ZI-LL <CO'" ll;:;; o a:", 00 u..- f-~ (/)=> 0.., o o W ~I-:g a: w- 0..J)- >0....J >:;;=> 0'" o a: w I- !l: ,:) C1 '~ "en ,~ ~ a: o ;;: u.. o W 0.. o o (/) 00 "'0 ~d ., ... '" N ~ ... 0'" ....'" '" .,f G.i en ",e .e~ o o u.. E .. => C' (/) !i ~ :J: 0.. ~ 00 00 cio ...... 00 4i 16 e;; g'"E <0:: futfo a:..o .x::ua.. w" I=g => Cl oll III a: => o ~ ~ w o 1ij ,:..: w w u.. !l: w z ::; Cl z 0:: ii2 ~ o o .,; ... o 0; o z w Cl W ..J Cl Z ;:: z <c 0.. w (/) => o :J: ;i; o o .,; ~ '" .; ... 0., 00 oeD 0'" "'.... M~ ...... '" '" ..,. '" .... - i.: ,$ 0 ~.o $ .. ....J :;; o w !i ..J 0.. W a: (/) z Cl 1ij 0'" 0.... dd "'.... '" ~ ...... .... ~ i.: .$ 0 ~.o .. .. ;;..J :;; o W ..J ~ 3:: (/) z Cl 1ij a;.... ",on '" 0 '00 o u.. E .. " C' (/) ;:: u: ll: a: Cl o o .,; ~ ... ",- ~ ... "'0 ., 0 MO ..,.... '" '" ... o ., '" ,.: "'0 N en en e- ,- .. on e .. e 0"''' W .<: ~ 0 W ..J o (/) ..J W Z ~ :J: o W ~ z <c a: o '" '" cO '" "! ~ '" c w :;; :;; ii2 f- '" W W a: .... w (/) => o :J: ;i; ~j 0; .... (/) w => C1 w a: a: w o a: o w o :;: a: w '" o o .,; ... ~ '" 0; .... => o ..J <I o (/) a: => o :J: a: w .... ll: '" "! ~ ., .... .,; ... ., '" ~ ,:..: z w :;; w !;;: !l! o w w ;;: s: d 0:: o o .,; ~ '" o .; ., '" ,.: ..,. ... o '" g ....u # Date: # Date: # STREET MAINTENANCE CONTRACTORS The following contractors have performed the following projects for the month of July, 2006 DATE ACCOUNT CONTRACTOR: Date: 07/06/08 # 5402 Date: II CONTRACTOR: Date: # Date: # Date: CONTRACTOR: # Date: # STREET/CHANNELIBRIDGE BECKER ENGINEERING PECHANGA P ARKW A Y BRIDGE TOTAL COST ACCOUNT #5401 TOTAL COST ACCOUNT #5402 TOTAL COST ACCOUNT #99-5402 DESCRIPTION OF WORK TOTAL COSJ: SIZE INSTALL GRILLS TO UNDERSIDE OF BRIDGE TO PREVENT TAMPERING I TOTAL COST $2,250,00 I TOTAL COST I TOTAL COST I TOTAL COST I TOTAL COST I TOTAL COST I TOTAL COST I TOTAL COST -0- $ 2,250.00 -0- R:\MAINT AIN\MOACfRPT\05.06\ CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION ASPHALT (POTHOLES) REPAIRS MONTH OF JULY, 2006 $,11'. TOTAL TONS 07/06/06 DEL REY AVENUE A.c. OVERLAY 489 3.5 ~ 07/10/06 MARGARITA I RAINBOW CANYON ROAD I A.C. OVERLAY 645 4.5 07/12/06 MARGARlT A AT MORAGA I R&RA,C. 230 12 ~ 07/17/O6 5TH STREET I YARDLEY I R&RA.C. 114 5.5 ~ 07/18/06 MARGARITA SIO MORAGA IR&RA.C. 514 15 ~ 07/t9/06 TEE DRIVE AT RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD IR&RA.C. 427 13 ~ 07/24/06 RC ROAD BTWN. VINCENT MORAGA & RIDGE VIEW I AC OVERLAY 100 3.5 07/24106 RC ROAD BETWEEN BUSINESS PARK & DIAZ AC OVERLAY 114 t 07/24/06 2ND STREET AC OVERLAY 331 t 07/24/06 16TH STREET AC OVERLAY 248 t 07/25/06 I SOLANA W/O RYECREST I AC OVERLAY 348 2.5 07/25/06 I SOLANA E/O MARGARITA I AC OVERLAY 204 t 07/25/06 I AVENIDABARCAATDELREY I ACOVERLAY 176 t 07/27/06 I SAN JULIAN I PUJOL STREET I AC OVERLAY 330 2.5 I I I I I TOTAL S.F. OF REPAIRS 4.270 TOTAL TONS 62 R:IMAlNTAlNIWKCMPLTD\I\SPHALT.RPR\G6.C7\JUL Y CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION CATCH BASIN MAINTENANCE MONTH OF JULY, 2006 LQCATION WORK COMPLETED 07/05/06 CIRYWIDE CLEANED & CHECKED 14 CATCH BASINS I 07/06/06 AREA #4 I CLEANED & CHECKED 9 CATCH BASINS I 07/10/06 I CITYWIDE I CLEANED & CHECKED 15 CATCH BASINS I 07/11/06 I CITYWIDE I CLEANED & CHECKED 24 CATCH BASINS " 07/12/06 I AREAS #3 & #4 I CLEANED & CHECKED 10 CATCH BASINS I 07/t3/06 I AREA #4 I CLEANED & CHECKED 17 CATCH BASINS I 07/17/06 I CITYWIDE I CLEANED & CHECKED 15 CATCH BASINS I 07/18/06 I CITYWIDE I CLEANED & CHECKED t4 CATCH BASINS I 07/t9/06 I AREAS #3 & #4 I CLEANED & CHECKED 16 CATCH BASINS I 07/20/06 I AREA #1 I CLEANED & CHECKED 12 CATCH BASINS I 07/24/06 I CITYWIDE I CLEANED & CHECKED 15 CATCH BASINS I 07/26/06 I AREA #t I CLEANED & CHECKED 33 CATCH BASINS I 07/31/06 I CITYWIDE I CLEANED & CHECKED 21 CATCH BASINS ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TOTAL CATCH BASINS CLEANED & CHECKED 215 -J -'- --... ---. .- R:\MAlNTAIN\WKCMPLETD\CATCHBASI06.07\JULY CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION GRAFFITI REMOVAL MONTH OF JULY, 2006 07/05/06 RUSTIC GLEN AT KNOLL RIDGE. REMOVED 26 S,F. OF GRAFFITI ~ 07/05/06 SANTA GERTRUDIS CREEK AT WINCHESTER I REMOVED 24 S.F. OF GRAFFITI ~ 07/05/06 RAHCNO VISTA AT MIRA LOMA I REMOVED 70 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 07/06/06 CITY MONUMENT NIB 1-15 FWY REMOVED 870 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 07/06/06 NO. GENERAL KEARNY AT CALLE PINA COLADA REMOVED 25 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 07/07/06 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AT CALLE TAJO REMOVED 25 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 07/07/06 PECHANGA PARKWAY AT LOMA LINDA REMOVED 85 S,F. OF GRAFFITI Ii 07/07/06 HARVESTON SCHOOL REMOVED 8 S.F. OF GRAFFITI I REMOVED 07/10/06 NIB 1-15 FWY AT DATE 70 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 07/10/06 MEADOWS PARKWAY AT VIA REINA REMOVED 32 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 0711 0/06 NO. GENERAL KEARNY AT NICOLAS REMOVED 135 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 07/10/06 OVERLAND BRIDGE AT 1-15 FWY REMOVED 440 S.F OF GRAFFITI 07/10/06 WINCHESTER BRIDGE AT MURRIETA CREEK REMOVED 350 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 07/12/06 NADA LANE AT MADERO REMOVED 25 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 07/13/06 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AT MEADOWS REMOVED 50 S,F, OF GRAFFITI 07117/06 SIB 1-15 FWY AT HWY 79 SO, REMOVED 402 S.P. OF GRAFFITI 07117/06 BUTTERFIELD STAGE BRIDGE REMOVED 120 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 071l7/06 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AT CALLE TAIO REMOVED 145 S.P. OF GRAFFITI 071l7/06 NICOLAS AT NO. GENERAL KEARNY REMOVED 480 S.P. OF GRAFFITI II 07119/06 MIRA LOMA AT EDISON PLANT I REMOVED 1,200 S.F. OF GRAFFITI ~ 07/19/06 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AT BUTTERFIELD STAGE I REMOVED 25 S.F. OF GRAFFITI I REMOVED 07120/06 SOUTHERN CROSS AT SKY TERRACE 30 S.P. OF GRAFFITI 07120/06 SAN JOSE AT WOLF VALLEY I REMOVED 25 S.F. OF GRAFFITI R:\MAINT AINIWKCMPLTDIGRAFFlTJl06.07\JUL Y DATE r LOCATION I WOE-I( COMPLETED 07/24/06 I SPRINGTIME DRIVE I REMOVED 3 S,F. OF GRAFFITI 07/24/06/ MIRA LOMA DRIVE I REMOVED 7 S.F. OF GRAFFITI 07/24/06 I CITY LIMIT MONUMENT N 1-15 I REMOVED I toO S.P. OF GRAFFITI 07/24/06 I PECHANGA PARKW A Y AT PECHANGA ROAD I REMOVED I 25 S.P. OF GRAFFITI 07/24/06 I PECHANGA PAR~~~; AT HURON STREET I REMOVED I 85 S.P. OF GRAFFITI 07/27/06 I LOMA LINDA AT PECHANGA I REMOVED I 30 S.P. OF GRAFFITI 07/27/06 I MORAGA AT RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD I REMOVED I .285 S.F. OF GRAFFITI I 07/27/061 VIA LAS COLINAS I REMOVED 16 S.F. OF GRAFFITI i 07/27/06 I WOLF V ALLEY & PECHANGA I I REMOVED 188 S.P. OF GRAFFtTI .1 07/27/06 I BEHIND TARGET I REMOVED 254 S.P. OF GRAFFITI 07/28/06 I 42101 MORAGA ROAD I REMOVED 126 S,P. OF GRAFFITI 07/28/06 142140 LYNDIE LANE I REMOVED 321 S,P. OF GRAFFITI 07/28/06 I RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AT VINTAGE HILLS I REMOVED 161 S.P. OF GRAFFITt I 07/28/06 I RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AT CALLE TAlO I REMOVED I 72 S.P. OF GRAFFITI I 07/31/06 I TARGET CENTER I REMOVED I 340 S,F. OF GRAFFITI I 07/31/06 I NO, GENERAL KEARNY AT NICOLAS I REMOVED I 580 S.P. OF GRAFFITI .I I I REMOVED I I 07/31/06 GOLDS GYM 50 S.P. OF GRAFFITI I 07/31/06 I ROMANCE AT JANE I REMOVED 75 S.F. OF GRAFFITI I / I I I I II I I I I I I I I I '1 I I I I I I TOTAL S.P. GRAFFITI REMOVED 7.380 [I TOTAL LOCATIONS 41 -.. - R:\MAlNT AINIWKCMPLTDlGRAFFITII06.07VUL Y ~ ~~ ~> pO u~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~c ~~ o~ ~~ ~~ ~\C u= = N <> ill c > 0 Z l- t) 0 l- e.. w en I- Cl LL :J <( " > en \ I ..J + :J \ .., ~ , w I- z :J en ,;- .., 0 ,;- / ,;- u ,;- > ~ .. <( t "- )! :;: "- ..J -. ir e.. -- ,;- <( ,;- ~::: ,;- 0: II( <( "- :;: "- "- m --.. )I w -- u. --- ,;- --- ,;- -;,,-.-- ,;- --- ,;- z .- r <( .., r------------------------. 00000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000 ~m~~M~m~~M~m~~M~m~~M~m~~M~ ~~~~~~MMMMMNNNNN~~~~~ 1..8 ~0l Q.l .....~ Q.l ~ ;S 51 .. ::l .s~ $ as ~ ~ .... co Co "'"' 0 E-< 00 ...l ...l -< U ...l ~ o Eo< ("')lr)NO\OO('f)1"'""'i OOMOONf0{"f'),," ~ ~ ~ i>'> ~;.....o..o 08.<:: t>SJ5SS ~ e ()...... ::J l1) 0 Cl) a) g ..0 ~ 'J:: ~ g >> 01) ~...... ;> () ..::; ~ ;;S ~;;S .~ ~ ~...~ 0 ~ 21 ----l =-.. " 00 E-< '" o u lr1lnOOOOO r---NOtnv)OO 0i l.Ci.ci..,f 0.""'; v-; V)C"")1"'""'iV)r---o- \0 r---\O OO.q-OO 0'1 V)~ C"'l~ 00 ,C"'")~ o~ 0\ N ",,"_("I")i--If'l - Y3-.:&"T:&"T-60'7:&"T-EA--t;A- ~rs ;J~ 0'0 ",0 '" 1"'""'iV)OOOI.O,'"<;f"0 Q,V)'=tC'<"l..q..\000 \OO\OO..q-V)("'Il 0"'t'~~V)~r-: ('<")~r-: ~ ~ ~ t) ~ C ,.Cl\-o...o...o ~~..c: V;S.28S a.E ~'a ~g ;:..,SbaB ~ 23 t'j (j) ~ p..."=::I ;:::::l '3 ;:::::l (DU 0, d.) ,...,u.""<<:--"'-=""'~C/)OZO ~O \00 o . ~\O "'~ lI'lO lI'l~ lI'l ..... ". .....1 ~I I' '0 I C I -~"; ::~[ b b dJ >,C ..01-<..0..0 ;...~...c t;8.28S 2..8~:a ~~ >>SbE.2 ~ 23 ro G.) ""P-r", ;:::::l :3 ;::l Q) U 0 (j) ,...,u.."''''''''''''''.,=,''''C/)..9Z~ CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION RIGHT-OF- WAY TREE TRIMMING MONTH OF JULY, 2006 I 07/06/06 YNEZ AT DE PORTOLA I 07/13/0~ -/ JEDEDIAH SMITH I 07/13/06 I CHEMIN CLINET I 07/13/06 '-;EE ~~VE ,I 07/17/06 I YNEZ SOUTH OF WINCHESTER 107/19106 I REDHAWKPARKWAYBRIDGE 'I 07/20/06 I JON CHRISTIAN AT VIA LOBO ,I 07/20/06 I WOLF STORE ROAD I 07/2I/06 I RANCHO ,I 07/24/06 14;80 ~O I 07/24/06 I RANCHO I 07/25/06 , 32201 COR '07/25/06 JOSHERO I 07/25/06 44760 CUP i 07/26/06 I TEMEKU , 07/26/06 / TEMEKU , 07/26/06 I TEMEKU I , I I I I I I I I I I I I II CALIFORNIA ROAD TRIMMED 7 R. RTH STAR TRIMMED ] R. --0- ",..-.,,,.., VISTA EAST OF SOUTHERN CROSS TRIMMED 1 R. TE FLORECITA TRIMMED 1 R.O o EAST OF CUP A LANE TRIMMED 1 R.O A LANE TRIMMED 1 R.O HILLS DRIVE AT LA SERENA TRIMMED 1 R.O HILLS DRNE AT OAK HILL DRIVE TRIMMED 1 R.O HILLS DRIVE AT BERKSHIRE TRIMMED 1 R.O TRIMMED 5 R.O.W. TREES TRIMMED 2 R.O.W. TREES TRIMMED 2 R.O.w. TREES TRIMMED 2 R.O.W. TREES TRIMMED 2 R.O.W. TREES TRIMMED 10 R.O.W. TREES TRIMMED 8 R.O.W, TREES 11 TRIMMED 6 R.O.W. TREES " O.w. TREES i -, O.W. TREES O.W. TREES .w, TREES I .W. TREES I .w. TREES i ,W. TREES .W. TREES I .w. TREES I -'I i I J. TOTAL RO. W. TREES TRIMMED 52 --~ R:\MAINT AIN\WRKCOMPLTD\T.REESID6.07IJULY CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION SERVICE ORDER REQUEST LOG MONTH OF JULY, 2006 DATE DATE WORK REC'D LOCATION REQPEST COMPLETED 07/03/06 I SANTIAGO W /0 MARGARLT A I ROAD CLOSE SIGNS I 07/03/06 07103106 141057 VINTAGE CIRCLE I TREE DOWN I 07/03/06 07/03/06 I 29776 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD I SIGN DOWN I 07/03/06 07/03/06 145316 ESMERADO COURT I TREE TRIMMING I 07/03/06 07/05/06 I RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD @ MEADOWS PARKWAY I TREE DOWN I 07/05/06 07105/06 I 30298 PECHANGA DRIVE I TREE DOWN 07/05/06 07/05/06 I SPICA COURT I DEBRIS PICK-UP 07/05/06 07105/06 / PASEO BRILLANTE I TREE DOWN 07/05/06 07/05106 I COSMIC DRIVE I TREE TRIMMING 07105/06 07/05/06 1 42466 COSMIC DRIVE I TREE TRIMMING 07/05/06 07/06/06 I TEE STREET I DEBRIS PICK-UP 07/06106 07/06/06 I 31939 CALLE BALAREZA I PCC REPAIR 07/06106 07/06/06 129863 VIAPUESTA I STORM DRAIN CLEANING 07106106 07/06/06 I 33293 MORNING VIEW DRIVE I PCC REPAIR 07/06/06 07106/06 I 45463 VISTA VERDE A.c. REPAIR 07/06/06 07/07/06 I YARDLEY COURT SINKHOLE 07/07/06 07/10/06 I JEFFERSON AT WINCHESTER I PCC SPILL 07 /t 0/06 07lt 2106 I CHEMIN CLINET I TREE TRIMMING 07lt 2/06 07/14/06 141131 CROOKED STICK DRIVE I BROKEN WINDOW 07/14106 07/14/06 I 39340 LIEFER ROAD I ROAD GRADING 07lt 4106 07/14/06 I 32062 CAMINO NUNEZ I RAISED SIDEWALK 07lt 4/06 07lt 4/06 /41694 A VENIDA DE LA REINA I TREE TRIMMING 07 /t 4/06 07lt 4106 I MARGARITA ROAD DEBRIS PICK-UP 07/14/06 07lt 7/06 I 28900 OLD TOWN FRONT STREET DEBRIS PICK-UP 07/17/06 07/17/06 I RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AT JEfFERSON I POTHOLE 07lt 7/06 R:\MAINT AtN\WRKCOMPLTDlSORSI06.07VUL Y DATE DATE WORK REC'D LOCATION ItEQIJEST COMPLETED 07/17/06 PRIMROSE LANE DEBRIS REMOVAL 07117/06 007/1 8/06 RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AT YNEZ DEBRIS REMOVAL 07118106 07/18/06 VIA RAMII P AUBA DEBRIS REMOVAL 07118106 07/1 8106 41315 RUE JADOT POTHOLE 07118106 07/18106 JEFFERSON AT OVERLAND DEBRIS REMOV AL 07118106 I 07/1 9106 31158 SAHO COURT TREE CONCERN 07119106 07120/06 45307 rAT T "SITO BURGOS RED CURB 07121106 07120106 43495 LOS CABALLEROS STREET NAME SIGN 07121/06 07120106 45342 ESMERADO COURT TREE 07121106 07120106 40612 CENTENARIO DEBRIS 07124/06 07/2l106 30713 EASTGATEPARKWAY TRASH AND WEEDS 07126106 07124106 30481 MILKY WAY DRIVE TREE 07125106 07/24/06 32201 CORTE FLORECIT A TREE 07125106 07124106 31096 CORTE ANZA TREE 07125106 07124106 42780 NORTH STAR COURT TREE 07124/06 07125106 MARGARITA ROAD AT A VENIDA CIMA DEL SOL DEBRIS 07125106 07125106 44730 CUPA LANE TREE 07125106 07125106 32201 CORTE FLORECIT A I TREE 07125106 07125106 28900 OLD TOWN FRONT STREET I DEBRIS 07126/06 07/25106 30468 MILKY WAY I TREE 07126/06 07126106 CALLE PlNA COLADA AT LA SERENA I TREE 07/26/06 07126106 30300 SILVER RIDGE COURT I TREE 07128/06 07127106 VIA RAMI AT AMARITA WAY I SIGN 07127/06 07127/06 32781 RUTH COURT I SLURRY CONCERN 07127/06 07127106 31392 VIA EDUARDO I RAISED SIDEWALK 07127/06 07131106 39803 OAK CLIFF DRIVE I TREE TRIMMING 07/3l106 I I I TOTAL SERVICE ORDER REQUESTS ..2l R:\MAINT AlN\WRKCOMPLTD\SORS\06.07\JUL Y 1~ 1 CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION SIGNS MONTH OF JULY, 2006 I 07/05/06 1 HWY 7Y9 SO. CITY PROPERTY I 07/05/06 1 NO. GENERAL KEARNY AT SIERRA MADRE I 07/05/06 I RUSTIC GLEN AT WINCHESTER I; 1 I 07/07/06 WINCHESTER AT JEFFERSON ! 07/07/06 I RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AT MARGARITA 07107/06 I' OVERLAND AT REDHA WK 07111/06 I SIERRA MADRA AT NO. GENERAL KEARNY 07/ll/061 REDHAWK AT OVERLAND TRAIL 07111/06 I HWY 79 SO. AT WOLF STORE 1 07111/06 I CORTE BRAVO AT VIA SALTIO 107/11/061 CALALETAJOATPASEODELASOLAS I 07/t2/06 I JEFFERSON N/O RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD I 07113/06 1 ANZA AT SHARON I 07113/06 I JEDEDIAH SMITH AT DE PORTOLA I 07/13/061 REDHAWK II 07113/06 1 VIA INDUSTRIA AT ROJCK DRIVE 07/13106 I WINCHESTER AT REMINGTON I 07/17106 I PRIMROSE N/O PECHANGA ROAD 107117/061 RANCHO VISTA ATEL GRECO 107/18/061 REDHAWKPARKWAY II 07/t8106 I CHARDONNAY HILLS 1071181061 PECHANGAPARKWAY AT RAINBOW CANYON l 07119/06 I BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD AT LA SERENA INSTALLED 4 "NO TRESPASSING" REPLACE I REPLACE I REPLACE R-l, W-1l-2 I R-3-2 2 R4-7, 2 "K" MARKERS REPLACE 3 DELINEATORS I REPLACE 13 DELINEATORS I REPLACE 1 Rl-l I REPLACE I 6 DELINEATORS 1 REPLACE 17 DELINEATORS I REPLACE I Rl-t I INSTALLED I 3 R2-1 - 25 1 REPLACED I R2-40, R14-1 I REPLACED I Rl-l I REPLACED I R2-35 1 REPLACED 15 DELINEATORS I REPLACED 1 OM4-3 I REPLACED I W3-1 I REPLACED I W3-1 I REPLACED I R2-45 I REPLACED I DELINEATOR I REPLACED I R4-1 I REPLACED 1 WI-7 I REPLACED bl R;\MAINT AIN\WKCMPLTDlSIGNS\.06.07\JUL Y I I I I II I I I I 07/20/06 RANCHO CALIFORNIA RD. AT OLD TOWN FRONT 07/20/06 CALLE GIRASOL AT NICOLAS 0712t/06 I RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AT CALLE TAJO I 0712t/06 I TEMEKU HILLS I 0712t/061 MIRA LOMA AT RANCHO VISTA 107/211061 MIRA LOMA AT SANTA CECILIA I 0712t/06 I CALLE NACIDO AT VIA FANITA II 07/24/06 MAIN STREET I 07/24/06 PECHANGA P ARKW A Y AT RAINBOW CANYON I 07/24/06 I COSMIC AT AGENA 107/241061 ROYALBIRKDALEATSUMMERSETHILLS I 07/24/06 I ROYAL BIRKDALE AT PINE NEEDLE STREET i 07/26/06 I ROYAL BIRKDALE AT PINE NEEDLE STREET I, 07/26/06 I TEMEKU HILLS DRIVE AT GLEN EAGLES , 07/26/06 I TEMEKU HILLS DRIVE AT FIRESTONE STREET 07/26106 I TEMEKU HILLS AT OAK HILL DRIVE 07/26/06 I TEM~KU HILLS AT CONGRESSIONAL 07/26/06 I TEMEKU HILLS AT SUNNING DRIVE 07/28/061 PAUBAATMEADOWS I 07/28/06 I PECHANGA I 07/31/06 I VIA CORDOBA AT VIA SALTIO " 07/31/06 1 ROMANCE AT PUFFIN I 07/31/06 I AMARIT A WAY AT VIA RAMI I 1 I I I I II I I I REPLACED REPLACED REPLACED REPAIR REPAIR REPLACED REPAIRED REPLACED REPLACED REPAIR REPLACE REPAIR REPLACE REPLACE REPLACE REPLACE I REPLACE' I REPLACE I REPLACE 1 REPLACE I REPLACE I REPLACE I REPLACE I I I I I I WokKCOMI'LE:l'ED 13 DELINEATORS I RI-I I R2-55 I R-26 I R2-30, R2-25 I S4-3 I SNS-2 11 DELINEATOR I OMI-3, WI-7 1 RI-4,RI-I I R4-7, TYPE K I R4-7 I TYPE K, R4-7 I R-26 1 R-26-2 I R-26 I R-26 I R-26-2 I R2-50 12 R-26 I R-I-3 I RI-t I RI-I,Rt-3 I 1 I I I I I, I I I I II I TOTAL SIGNS REPLACED -11 TOTAL SIGNS INSTALLED --1 TOTAL SIGNS REPAIRED ---1! R:\MA1NTA1N\WKCMPLTDlS1GNS\.06.07\JUL Y CITY OF TEMECULA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ROADS DIVISION STENCILS / STRIPING MONTH OF JULY, 2006 I 07/06/06 MEADOWVIEW AREA I 07/10106j MEADOWVlEW AREA 'i 07ltJl06j MEADOWVIEW AREA I 07/12/06 I BIKE LANES CITYWIDE I 07/12106 I AREAS #3 & #4 I 07lt3106 I BIKE LANES CITYWIDE 07lt 4/06 I AREA #3 07lt8/06 I BIKE LANES 07lt 9/06 I AREA #3 07/20/06 I LA SERENA I 07/20/06 REDHAWK 07/26/06 AREA #5 07/27/06 TEMEKUHILLS AREA 07/30/06 I AREA #3 I I I I I I I I I I L -- -- -- .-- -- - -- I REPAINTED I REPAINTED I REPAINTED I REPAINTED I REPAINTED I REPAINTED I REPAINTED I REPAINTED I REPAINTED I REPAINTED I REPAINTED I REPAINTED REPAINTED REPAINTED TOTAL NEW & REPAINTED LEGENDS NEW & REPAINTED RED CURB & STRIPING L.F, I 49 LEGENDS ,I , 4t LEGENDS I 46 LEGENDS II 35 LEGENDS 708 LF RED CURB 57 LEGENDS 855 LF RED CURB 52 LEGENDS I 55 LEGENDS I, 35 LEGENDS I 1,098 LF RED CURB ,I 1,485 LF RED CURB I 82 LEGENDS II 1,782 LF RED CURB I 1 I 1 I I I I ~ 5.928 J R:IMAINTAIN\WRKCOMPLTD\STRIPING\06.\YJ\JULY ITEM NO. 33 Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager ~(" elL cr CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Mitch Aim, Chief of Police DATE: August 22, 2006 SUBJECT: Police Department Monthly Report The following report reflects the activity of the Temecula Police Department for the month of July 2006. PATROL SERVICES Overall calls for police service ................................................................................................. 3,291 "Priority One" calls for service ....................................................................................................... 46 Average response time for "Priority One" calls...............................................................6.0 Minutes VOLUNTEERS Volunteer administration hours ................................................................................................... 298 Community Action Patrol (CAP) hours .......................................................................................220 Reserve officer hours (patrol) .........................................................................................................0 Total Volunteer hours.................................................................................................................. 806 CRIME PREVENTION/GRAFFITI Crime prevention workshops conducted ........................................................................................ 5 Residential/business security surveys conducted ....................................................................... 2/2 Businesses visited........................................................................................................................ 17 Businesses visited for past crime follow-up.................................................................................. 23 Crime prevention articles ................................................................................................................1 Total square footage of graffiti removed.................................................................................. 7,380 OLD TOWN STOREFRONT Total customers served............................................................................................................... 212 Sets of fingerprints taken ................................................................................................................9 Police reports filed........................................................................................................................ 18 Citations signed off ....................................................................................................................... 11 Total receipts. ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ..... $5,433 POP TEAM On sight felony arrests ....................................................................................................................6 On sight misdemeanor arrests...................................................................................................... 17 Felony arrest warrants served ........................................................................................................3 Follow-up investigations................................................................................................................ 12 Drugs Seized 13.9 grams marijuana; 2.0 grams methamphetamine GANG TEAM On sight felony arrests ....................................................................................................................0 On sight misdemeanor arrests........................................................................................................3 Felony arrest warrants served ........................................................................................................3 Follow-up investigations.................................................................................................................. 9 Drugs Seized .4 grams Marijuana SPECIAL ENFORCEMENT TEAM (SET TEAMl, On sight felony arrests ....................................................................................................................1 On sight misdemeanor arrests........................................................................................................4 Felony arrest warrants served ........................................................................................................2 Misdemeanor arrest warrants served ............................................................................................. 1 Follow-up investigations.................................................................................................................. 5 Drugs Seized 1 gram Heroin; 1.4 grams Marijuana TRAFFIC Citations issued for hazardous violations ................................................................................1,235 Non-hazardous citations............................................................................................................. 188 Stop Light Abuse Program (SLA.P.) citations........................................................................... 382 Neighborhood Enforcement Team (N.E.T.) citations .................................................................152 Parking citations.. ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ..... .... 287 Injury collisions.............................................................................................................................. 11 INVESTIGATIONS Average new cases assigned (per Detective) .............................................................................6.3 Average case closure rate (per Detective) .................................................................................. 7.6 Number of community seminars conducted ................................................................................... 0 PROMENADE MALL TEAM Calls for service........................................................................................................................... 317 Felony arrest/filings......................................................................................................................... 4 Misdemeanor arrest/filings............................................................................................................ 10 Vehicle burglaries........................................................................................................................... 2 Vehicle thefts. ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... ..... 2 Prevention/Suppression Programs .................................................... Mall Zero Tolerance Program PROMENADE MALL STOREFRONT Total customers served............................................................................................................... 242 Sets of fingerprints taken ............................................................................................................ 135 Police reports filed........................................................................................................................ 22 Citations signed off ......................................................................................................................... 5 Traffic Citations ........................................................................................................................... 117 Total Receipts........................................................................................................................ $9,604 SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS - No Statistics - Summer Break Felony arrests................................................................................................................................. 0 Misdemeanor arrests ...................................................................................................................... 0 Citations..................................................................................................................... ..................... 0 Youth counseled............................................................................................................................. 0 Presentations YOUTH ACCOUNTABILITY TEAM Orientations delivered to new program members .......................................................................... 8 School visits.................................................................................................................................... 0 Home visits........................................................................................................................ ............ 56 Presentations Jail Tour, Southwest Detention Center I~-- . , II ITEM NO. 34 II , II - . . . I I II II __. . I Approvals City Attorney Director of Finance City Manager fM<('"" OR.. -tf CITY OF TEMECULA AGENDA REPORT TO: City Manager/City Council FROM: Debbie Ubnoske, Director of Planning DATE: August 22, 2006 SUBJECT: Monthly Report The following are the recent highlights for the Planning Division of the Community Development Department for the month of July. CURRENT PLANNING ACTIVITIES New Cases The Division received 55 new applications for administrative, other minor cases, and home occupations including 9 applications for public hearings during the month of July. The new public hearing cases are as follows: AGREEMENT MODIFICATION CONDOMINIUM MAP MINOR MODIFICATION DEVELOPMENT PLAN TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 1 1 1 4 2 Status of Major Projects New Projects . Temecula Water Park - A Development Plan with a Conditional Use Permit for a 13,000 square foot water park located at the northwest intersection of Ynez Road and County Center Drive. The project was submitted on July 21,2006. A DRC is scheduled on August 3, 2006. Staff is waiting for environmental documents and applicant resubmittal. (PA06- 0213 - DAMKO) . Halcon de Rojo - A Development Plan and Condo Map submitted on July 13, 2006 for three professional office buildings totaling 65,880 square feet. The project is located 500 feet east of Jedediah Smith Road on the north side of Highway 79 South. Staff is currently reviewing the project. (PA06-0205, PA06-0204 - DAMKO) . Rancho Pueblo Office Buildings - An I ndustrial Condo Map (TPM 35065) submitted on July 31, 2006 to subdivide four buildings into commercial condominiums located on the north side of Highway 79 South, east of Avenida de Missiones. (PA06-0221 - DAMKO) . Temecula Regional Center - Development Agreement Amendment to request a three-year extension for the Temecula Regional Center (Promenade Mall) Development Agreement (PA96-0333). The existing agreement will expire on December 16, 2006. The project site consists of approximately 90 acres on the interior of the Mall Loop Road (bound by Ynez Road on the east, Winchester Road on the north, Margarita Road on the west and Overland Road on the south). The application was submitted on June 15, 2006. A consultant is currently preparing an EIR Addendum and is scheduled to submit to the City for review on August 15, 2006. The project is tentatively scheduled for Planning Commission on September 6,2006 and City Council on September 12, 2006. (PA06-0197 - KITZEROW- PETERS) . Tentative Parcel Map 35039 -A Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide 4.17 acres into three lots with an average lot size of 1.38 acres located at Santiago and John Warner Road. (PA06- 0222 - LE COMTE) . Blue Marlin Minor Modification - A Minor Modification for the addition of a patio dining area for an existing restaurant located at 27590 Jefferson Avenue. (PA06-0226 - LE COMTE) . Abbott (Guidant) East Campus - A Development Plan to construct a 412,646 square foot office building an approximately 20.54 acres located at 41852 Motor Car Parkway. The project was submitted on July 11, 2006 and a DRC meeting was held on August 3, 2006. Staff is awaiting resubmittal. (PA06-0201 - SCHUMA) . Cabrillo Avenue - A Tentative Parcel Map and Minor Exception to subdivide a 4.98 acre residential site into two parcels located at 30465 Cabrillo Avenue. The project was submitted on July 17, 2006 and a DRC meeting is scheduled for August 18, 2006. (PA06- 0206 SCHUMA) . James Webb Building -A Development Plan to construct a 22,626 square foot, three-story building on a 0.55 acre lot located at 27423 Ynez Road. The project was submitted on June 26, 2006 and a DRC meeting is scheduled for August 3, 2006. Comments will be sent on August 7,2006 and staff is awaiting resubmittal. (PA06-0187 - SCHUMA) Recentlv Approved Proiects :F""'"::Carpet One - A Development Plan submitted on January 19, 2006, for the construction of a 4,800 square foot building located in the Creekside Shopping Center on Highway 79 South and Pechanga Parkway. This project was scheduled for Pre-DRC on March 14, 2006, and DRC on March 16, 2006. Comments were mailed to the applicant and revised plans were submitted on May 5, 2006. Staff reviewed the revised plans and provided comments on June 6, 2006. The l:>roject will be resubmitted on August 2, 2006 and is anticipated to be acministrativeIY..5!p"p'rOvea on August 7, 2006. (PA06-0016 - RITZEROW/PETER'Sj . Rite-Aid - A Minor Conditional Use Permit and Public Convenience and Necessity application to sell alcohol within a 16,836 square foot retail facility to be located within the Rancho Temecula Town Center at the northeast corner of Winchester Road and Nicolas Road. The application was submitted on October 25, 2005. A Pre-DRC meeting was held on November 15, 2005. The applicant resubmitted on February 17, 2006. This item was denied at the April 19, 2006 Planning Commission meeting. The applicant appealed the decision on May 3, 2006. The application was approved by City Council on July 11,2006. (PA05-0314 - KITZEROW/PETERS) . Ace Hardware at Creekside Plaza - A Development Plan for a proposed 13,125 square foot retail building (Ace Hardware) located at 30715 Highway 79 South, in the Creekside Plaza Shopping Center. The application was submitted on February 16, 2006. A DRC meeting was held on April 6, 2006. Comments were sent to the applicant, revised plans were submitted on May 12,2006. Additional comments were sent on June 6, 2006. Revised plans were submitted and the project was administratively approved on July 31, 2006. (PA06-0044 - KITZEROW/PETERS) . R. Alison TM -A Tentative Tract Mapto subdivide 3.71 acres into 11 residential lots located at 31670 Rancho California Road. The application was submitted on June 9, 2005. A DRC meeting was held on July 21, 2005, and a letter was mailed to the applicant on August 1, 2005. The applicant submitted revised plans. A second DRC letter was sent on January 30, 2006. The aJJfJlicant resubmitted fJlans on AfJril 27, 2006. The fJroject is anticifJated to be il.Pl2roved by. the Planning Commission on August 2, 2006. (PAd5-0176.l KITZEROW/PETERS) . ifemecula 10 - Home Product Review for 10 single-family' homes for lots 1-10 for Tract 33630 located on the north side of Rancho California Road east of Riesling Court. The application was submitted on April 26, 2006. A DRC was held on June 1,2006. The project was approved by the Planning Commission on August 2, 2006. (PA06-0118- KITZEROW/PETERS) Proiects Under Review Commercial . First Bank - A Development Application for a 4,000 square foot retail building (First Bank) located within the Creekside Plaza Shopping Center near the southeast corner of Highway 79 S. and Pechanga Parkway. DRC letter mailed on June 30, 2006. Waiting for resubmittal. (PA06-0162 - DAMKO) . Redhawk Car Wash and Tire Store - A Development Plan and a Conditional Use Permit submitted on June 8, 2005 for three buildings totaling 8,354 square feet used for a self-serve carwash and tire store. The project is located on the northeast corner of Margarita Road and De Portola Road. A DRC meeting was held on August 18, 2005. A DRC letter was mailed on August 23, 2005. The applicant resubmitted on July 24, 2006. Staff is currently reviewing the project. (PA05-0172 - DAMKO) . Gateway Plaza - A Development Plan submitted on June 12, 2006 for a proposed two-story office building totaling 30,573 square feet located on the south side of Highway 79 South, off of Avenida De Missiones. A DRC meeting was held on July 20,2006 with the applicant. Staff is currently working with the applicant on architectural issues. (PA06-0178 - DAMKO) . Renaissance Station - A Development Plan to construct a 46,340 square foot three-story building with dining, office, and retail establishments on 0.47 acres located at 42081 Third Street. The application was submitted on April 21, 2006 and a DRC meeting was held on June 8, 2006. A DRC letter was mailed to the applicant on June 9, 2006. Staff is currently awaiting the submittal of revised plans. (PA06-0113 - FISK) . DCH Dodge - A Major Modification for the addition of 3,089 square feet of building area and fayade improvements for an existing 27,101 square foot building located on the west side of Ynez Road approximately 600 feet north of DLR Drive. The application was submitted on March 30, 2006 and a DRC meeting was held on May 18, 2006. Staff anticipates a September Planning Commission hearing. (PA06-0082 - FISK) . YMCA - A Development Plan to construct a 26.960 square foot YMCA building within a 0.66 acre lease area of a 20.2 acre site located at 29119 Margarita Road. The application was submitted on November 29, 2005. Staff is currently reviewing the application. A DRC meeting was held on January 26, 2006. A 30-day no response letter was sent to the applicant on March 13, 2006, and a 60-day letter was sent to the applicant on April 3, 2006. Revised plans were submitted on June 15, 2006, and a DRC meeting was held on August 3, 2006. A DRC letter was mailed to the applicant on August 8, 2006. Staff is currently awaiting the submittal of revised plans. (PA05-0365 - FISK) . Ahmed Medical Office - A Development Plan to construct a 13,500 square foot, two story medical office building on 0.86 acres located at 28975 Old Town Front Street. The application was submitted on May 15, 2006. A DRC meeting was held on June 28, 2006, and a DRC letter was mailed on June 29, 2006. Staff is currently awaiting the submittal of revised plans. (PA06-0140 - FISK) . Mountain View Community Church - A Minor Modification submitted on March 9, 2006 to add four modular buildings to an existing site at Mountain View Community Church (formerly Hope Lutheran) located at 29385 Rancho California Road. DRC meeting was held on April 6, 2006. Staff drafted a comment letter on April 11 ,2006. A 30-day no response letter was sent out on May 9,2006 and a 60-day no response letter was drafted on June 28, 2006 and mailed out to request the appropriate revisions and determine project status. (PA06-0062- LECOMTE) . Autoland - A Minor Conditional Use Permit to allow for Autoland Consultants to provide auto brokerage and car loan information to credit union members at an existing USA Federal Credit Union located at 41273 Margarita Road. There will be no cars or inventory on-site. This project is scheduled for Director's Hearing on August 17, 2006. (PA06-0183- LECOMTE) . Mazarro's Italian Restaurant - Minor Conditional Use Permit for Mazzaro's Italian Restaurant to upgrade an existing type 41 license to a type 47 license to authorize the sale of beer wine and distilled spirits. The application was submitted on April 12, 2006 and comments were due May 3, 2006. Staff sent an exhibits request letter for Director's Hearing on May 5,2006. Staff is awaiting the submittal of the Public Hearing material information. Staff sent a 30-day no response letter out on June 28, 2006 to determine project status. Staff anticipates this project will go to a Director's Hearing sometime in August. (PA06-0104 - LECOMTE) . Dr. Levi's Office and Retail - A Major Modification to renovate the former 5 & Diner into offices and retail facilities located at 26460 Ynez Road. The application was submitted on October 31, 2005. A DRC meeting was held on December 22, 2005. The applicant submitted revised plans on April 27, 2006. Comments were due on May 15, 2006. Staff is awaiting resubmittal of revised plans. (PA05-0329 - LECOMTE) . RV Super Center - A Minor Modification (Minor Exception) for RV Super Center to add an additional 8,000 square feet of display area to an existing RV display lot located at 27941 Jefferson Avenue. The applicant is also requesting a minor exception to decrease the landscaping area from 29 percent to 17 percent as a result of the 8,000 square foot display hardscape. A comment letter was sent our June 26, 2006. A second comment letter was sent out on July 31,2006. Staff is currently awaiting resubmittal. (PA06-0155 - LECOMTE) . Lyndie Lane Speculative Building - A Development Plan to construct a 9,265 square foot commercial building located at 29748 Rancho California Road. The application was submitted on October 14, 2005. A DRC meeting was held on December 8,2005. Revised plans were submitted on June 15, 2006. Additional comments were sent on July 10,2006 and Staff is awaiting resubmittal. (PA05-0305 - SCHUMA) . Temecula Community Church - A Conditional Use Permit application with a Development Plan for the addition of three buildings and the removal of existing modular buildings and trellises. The project is located at 28871 Santiago Road. The project was submitted on December 15, 2005. A DRC letter was sent out on February 3, 2006. The applicant resubmitted plans on March 13, 2006. The project is scheduled for Planning Commission on September 6, 2006. (PA05-0389 - SCHUMA) . Down's Energy - A Development Plan and Conditional Use Permit application for a liquid natural gas distribution facility and a 14,776 square foot office speculative building. The project is located at the northwest corner of Rancho Way and Diaz Road. The project was submitted on December 22, 2005. A DRC meeting was held on January 26, 2006. The applicant resubmitted on May 17, 2006 and comments were sent out on June 2, 2006. Staff is waiting for revised plans and environmental reports, and anticipates a September Planning Commission hearing. (PA05-0402, PA06-0135- SCHUMA) Subdivisions . Roripaugh Ranch PA16-18 TTM - A Tentative Tract Map (No. 29368) to subdivide 100.07 gross acres into 399 lots (389 single-family residential lots) located in Planning Area 16, 17, and 18 of the Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan. The application was submitted on December 7, 2005. A DRC meeting was held on February 7, 2006. The project was resubmitted on April 14, 2006 and comments were sent to the applicant on May 19, 2006. The project was resubmitted on August 1,2006. Staff is currently reviewing and comments are due August 16, 2006. (PA05-0375 - KITZEROW/PETERS) . Roripaugh Ranch PA 10 TTM - A Tentative Tract Map (No. 30766) to subdivide 8.1 gross acres into 15 lots (14 single-family residential lots) within Planning Area 10 of the Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan. The project was submitted on December 12, 2005. A DRC meeting was held on January 26, 2006, and comments were mailed to the applicant. The project was resubmitted on April 14, 2006 and comments were sent to the applicant on May 10, 2006. Staff is awaiting resubmittal. (PA05-0377 - KITZEROW/PETERS) . Roripaugh Ranch PA19 TTM - A Tentative Tract Map (29367) to subdivide 28.03 gross acres into 27 lots (25 single-family residential lots and 2 open space lots) located in Planning Area 19 of the Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan. The project was submitted on December 12, 2005. A DRC meeting was held on February 9, 2006, and comments were mailed to the applicant. Revised plans were submitted on May 16,2006, and comments were sent to the applicant on June 22, 2006. The revised project was submitted on July 31, 2006. Staff is reviewing and comments are due August 14, 2006. (PA05-0384 - KITZEROWI PETERS) . Roripaugh Ranch PA 23 and 24 TTM - A Tentative Tract Map (30768) to subdivide 21.5 gross acres into 123 lots (122 single-family residential lots/one open space lot) located in Planning Areas 23 and 24 of the Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan. Minimum lot size is 4,000 square feet, with an average lot size of 5,443 square feet. The project was submitted on December 13, 2005. A DRC meeting was held on February 9,2006, and comments were mailed to the applicant. Revised plans were submitted on May 4,2006 and comments were sent to the applicant on June 6, 2006. The project was resubmitted on July 24,2006. Staff is reviewing and comments are due August 7,2006. (PA05-0387 - KITZEROW/PETERS) . Roripaugh Ranch PA33A - A Tentative Tract Map (No. 90767) to subdivide 10.96 gross acres into 15 lots (14 residential lots) located within Planning Area 33A in the Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan (generally located at the terminus of Nicolas Road and Butterfield Stage Road). The application was submitted on January 4,2006. A Pre-DRC meeting was held on February 21, 2006, and a DRC meeting was held on February 23, 2006. Comments were mailed to the applicant on February 27, 2006, and staff is currently awaiting resubmittal. (PA06-0002 - KITZEROW/PETERS) . Tentative Tract Map 29366 - A Tentative Tract Map to subdivide 52.3 gross acres into 53 lots (51 residential/2 open space) within Planning Areas 20 and 21 of the Roripaugh Ranch specific Plan, generally located along South Loop Road, west of Butterfield Stage Road (APN 964-180-013). Lot sizes range from 20,000 to 56,000 square feet with an average size of 33,504 square feet. The application was submitted May 3, 2006. A DRC meeting was held June 8, 2006 and a DRC letter was mailed June 12,2006. Staff is awaiting resubmittal. (PA06-0127 - KITZEROW/PETERS) Industrial . Alvarez Industrial Buildings - A Development Plan to construct two industrial buildings totaling 32,386 square feet on 2.5 acres located at Calle Corte and Del Rio Road. The application was submitted on October 4, 2006 and a DRC was held on November 18, 2004. The applicant resubmitted on March 27, 2006 and comments were sent May 30, 2006. Revisions were submitted on July 7, 2006. Staff is currently awaiting an Environmental Habitat Study to be submitted. (PA04-0544 - SCHUMA) Mixed Use/Residential . Temecula Lane II - A Conditional Use Permit, Development Plan and Vesting Tract Map submitted on December 20,2005, for the development of 297 multi-family residential units located on the southeast corner of Pechanga Parkway and Loma Linda Road. A DRC meeting was held on February 2,2006, and a DRC letter was mailed on February 9,2006. Staff has tentatively scheduled this project to the September 6,2006 Planning Commission meeting. The applicant requested to continue the hearing to an off calendar date due to company restructuring. (PA05-0395, PA05-0396, PA05-0397 - DAMKO) . Rancho Highlands III-A Conditional Use Permit, Development Plan and Vesting Tentative Map submitted on December 21, 2005, to allow a subdivision for condominium purposes and development of 137 multi-family units located near the northeast corner of Ynez Road and Rancho California Road. A DRC was held on February 16, 2006, and a DRC letter was mailed on March 3, 2006. The applicant submitted on May 1, 2006. A DRC meeting is scheduled for July 20, 2006. (PA05-0398, PA05-0399, PA05-0400 - DAMKO) . Tierra Vista Condominiums - An Administrative Development Plan to construct 23 residential condominiums on 1.5 acres. The subject property is located on the northwest corner of Tierra Vista Road and Ynez Road. The application was submitted on September 30, 2003. Revised plans were submitted on July 7, 2004. A second DRC letter was provided on September 10, 2004. Revised plans were submitted on February 7, 2005. A third DRC letter was provided to the applicant on April 8, 2005. Revised plans were received on August 2, 2005. Staff is currently awaiting submittal of correspondence from the county geologist regarding earthquake fault line setbacks. (PA03-0552 - FISK) . Hemingway at Redhawk - A Home Product Review for 108 single-family homes in the Redhawk Specific Plan. Elevations include four floor plans and elevation types ranging from 2,916 to 3,393 square feet. The application was submitted on April 7, 2006. Staff is currently reviewing the application. A DRC meeting was held on May 18, 2006 and a DRC letter was sent to the applicant. Revised plans were submitted on June 14, 2006 and a second DRC meeting was held on July 27, 2006 and a DRC letter was sent on July 28, 2006. Staff is currently awaiting the submittal of revised plans. (PA06-0101 - FISK) . Pujol Condos - A Development Plan to construct nine multi-family condominium buildings totaling 134,213 square feet on 7.85 acres located on the west side of Pujol Street, approximately 1,800 feet south of First Street. The application was submitted on July 21, 2005. A DRC meeting was held on September 1,2005, and a DRC letter was mailed to the applicant on September 1, 2005. Revised plans were submitted on October 26, 2005. A second DRC letter was sent to the applicant on December 13, 2005. A 30-dayno response letter was sent to the applicant on March 15, 2006 and a 60-day no response letter was sent on April 3, 2006. Staff is currently awaiting the submittal of revised plans. (PA05-0208- FISK) . Renaissance Villages - A Residential Development Plan and Tentative Tract Map to construct 58 condominium units totaling 78,397 square feet on 3.98 acres generally located on Pujol Street, approximately 100 feet north of Main Street. The application was submitted on August 3, 2005. A DRC meeting was held on September 26, 2005, and a DRC letter was mailed to the applicant on September 27,2005. Revised plans were submitted on October 26, 2005. A Development Agreement must be approved by City Council prior to staff scheduling the project for a Planning Commission meeting. (PA05-0229 - FISK) . Mira Loma PDO -A Planned Development Overlay to change the zoning ofa 7.24 acre site from High Density Residential (H) to PDO -11 to change the development standards forthe site. The project site is located at 29601 Mira Loma Road. The project was submitted on August 8, 2005. A DRC meeting was held on September 29, 2005, and a DRC letter was sent to the applicant on October 4, 2005. A second DRC meeting was held on February 16, 2006. A second DRC letter was sent to the applicant on February 24,2006. Revised plans were submitted on April 13, 2006 and on June 29, 2006. Staff is currently preparing an Initial Environmental Study and anticipates a September Planning Commission hearing for the project. (PA05-0234 - FISK) . Pujol Condos - A Tentative Parcel Map for condominium purposes for a residential condominium project located approximately 1 ,800 feet south of First Street on the west side of Pujol Street. The application was submitted on July 7, 2005. A DRC meeting was held on September 1, 2005, and a DRC letter was mailed on September 1, 2005. Revised plans were submitted on October 26, 2005. A second DRC letter was sent to the applicant on December 13, 2005. A 30-day no response letter was sent to the applicant on March 15, 2006, and a 60-day letter was sent to the applicant on April 3, 2006. Staff is currently awaiting resubmittal of plans. (PA05-0209 - FISK) . Naron Pacific Tentative Tract Map 30434 - A proposal for a Tentative Tract Map to subdivide 32 gross acres into 13 residential and 2 open space lots in the Chaparral area. The application was originally submitted on April 18, 2002. The CAD has made a recommendation on policy for the Chaparral Area allowing one-half acre lots if it does not increase the "net" density. Staff met with applicant in April to discuss grading issues and begin preparation of an Initial Study. An environmental constraint map was submitted on February 9, 2005. Staff met with the applicant on March 22, 2005 to discuss grading impacts and received revised plans and constraints map. A letter was mailed to the applicant on April 7, 2005, informing him that the submitted plans are not adequate, the project is still considered incomplete, and additional information is still required in order to proceed with processing. Staff met internally on April 8, 2005, to discuss General Plan update. A letter was sent to the applicant on April 13, 2005, to explain City Council decision not to modify Chaparral Policy; therefore, project plans must be revised to adhere to existing policies within the General Plan. Staff is currently awaiting submittal of revised plans. A 30- day close-out letter was sent certified mail to the applicant on September 16, 2005, and the applicant requested additional time to revise plans. A 60-day follow up letter was mailed on January 23, 2006. Required studies were submitted on March 23, 2006. A DRC meeting was held on April 20, 2006 and comments were sent to the applicant. A meeting with the project consultant was held on May 16, 2006 to discuss the project. Staff is awaiting resubmittal. (PA02-0204 PA02-0193 - KITZEROW/PETERS) . Tentative Tract Map 32780 - A Tentative Tract Map to divide 22.45 acres into 38 single- family lots on Walcott Lane north of La Serena. The project was submitted on August 10, 2005, and is awaiting applicant response. A DRC meeting was held and a DRC letter was mailed to the applicant on December 13, 2005. The status of this project is under review. (PA05-0240 - SCHUMA) . Stratford at Redhawk - A Home Product Review for 106 residential lots located generally at the southern boundary of the City on Peach Tree Street and Primrose Avenue. The project was submitted on May 10,2006 and a DRC was held on June 15,2006. Revisions were submitted on July 5, 2006 and additional comments were sent on July 28, 2006. Staff is awaiting resubmittal. (PA06-0137 - SCHUMA) . Redhawk PA-13 Multi-Family-A Development Plan and Tentative Parcel Map submitted on March 8, and April 15, 2006, to subdivide for condominium purposes and develop 98 multi- family units on 8.9 acres. The project is located at the corner of Deer Hollow Way and Peach Tree Street. A DRC was held on April 13, 2006. Revisions were submitted on July 26, 2006 and Staff is currently reviewing. (PA06-0060, PA06-0098 - SCHUMA) . Roripaugh Ranch PA14 and PA15 -A Tentative Tract Mapto subdivide 27.9 acres into 181 single family residential lots and three open space lots. The project is located within Planning Area 14 and 15 of the Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan. The application was submitted on April 19, 2006. A DRC was held on May 25,2006. Revisions were submitted on August 1,2006 and Staff is currently reviewing. (PA06-0110 - SCHUMA) . Morning Ridge Condo Conversion - A Multi-Family Development Plan, Conditional Use Permit and Tentative Tract Map to convert a 200-unit apartment complex into ownership condominiums located at the southwest corner of Rancho California Road and Margarita Road. Comments were due July 31, 2006. A DRC meeting is anticipated for August 10, 2006. (PA06-0192 PA06-0193 - WEST) Miscellaneous . T -Mobile Monopine - An application for a Development Plan and Conditional Use Permit to construct a 70 foot mono pine within a 676 square foot enclosure, to be located at Orchard Christian Fellowship, 42101 Moraga Road. The application was submitted on January 26, 2006. A DRC meeting was held on March 9, 2006. The applicant resubmitted plans on May 1, 2006. Comments were mailed on May 15, 2006. Staff is awaiting resubmittal. (PA06- 0026 - DAMKO) . Cingular Mono-Pine Wireless Antenna - A Conditional Use Permit to construct a 50-foot high monopalm on Green Tree Road, approximately 500 feet east of Via Sierra. The project was submitted on April 19, 2004. Staff has received third-party review comments. Staff has postponed scheduling the project for a Planning Commission Hearing at the applicant's request. Plans were recently submitted for a Planning Commission Hearing. Staff has requested revisions to the plans and is awaiting the submittal of revised plans prior to scheduling the project for a Planning Commission meeting. (PA04-0285 - FISK) . General Kearney Reservoir Wireless Facility - A Conditional Use Permit to replace an existing non-disguised unmanned wireless monopole with a new 65-foot tall unmanned wireless mono pine with 12 antennas, four-foot diameter microwave dish and associated 336 square foot shelter and a back-up generator. The property is east of Placer Lafite and south of Chemin Coutet. The application was submitted on March 1,2005. A DRC meeting was held on April 21 ,2005. A second meeting was held on January 24,2006. Staff is currently awaiting revisions. (PA05-0063 - FISK) . Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan EIR Addendum - An EIR Addendum to the Certified Environmental Impact Report for the Roripaugh Ranch Specific Plan for offsite improvements including the Nicolas Road Bridge and related Channel Improvements to Santa Gertrudis Creek. The application was submitted on February 24, 2006. Staff reviewed and provided comments on May 5,2006. A revised document was submitted on July 14, 2006. Staff is reviewing and comments are due August 18, 2006. (PA06-0051 - KITZEROW IPETERS) . Sprint Calloway Monopine - A Conditional Use Permit for a Sprint-Nextel wireless communication facility located at 40140 Winchester Road. The mono pine and equipment shelter is proposed to be constructed behind the Yanoschik Dental and Law building. The proposed mono pine would be approximately 47 feet in height to the top of antennas, and 50 feet overall, and the equipment shelter would be 6 feet tall. The application was submitted on May 30,2006. Comments were mailed to the applicant on June 27, 2006. Staff does not support the proposed design. (PA06-0143 - KITZEROW IPETERS) . Brightstart Daycare - A Minor Conditional Use Permit for a large family childcare proposed in a 1,639 square foot home located at 31862 Via Barraza. This project was submitted on July 26, 2005, and is currently under review. A DRC meeting was held on September 1, 2005, and a DRC letter was sent on September 13, 2005. A no response letter was sent out on July 3, 2006. (PA05-0213 - SCHUMA) Small Business Assistance . Wine Sellars - An Administrative Development Plan for an outdoor dining area has been submitted forthis facility at the southeast corner of Sixth Street and Old Town Front Street in Old Town Temecula. Staff is waiting for a response from the owner and applicant to a comment letter that was sent to them outlining the requirements for the Public Works and Community Services Departments. (PA05-0269 - NOLAND) . The Golf Store - Staff approved final sign elevations from the owner of this Old Town business and forwarded the application on to the Redevelopment Department for funding under the Fayade Improvement Program. (PA05-0340 - NOLAND) . General Dentistry and Dentures 4-U - Three new signs were approved for this Old Town business located in Old Town plaza. The application has been submitted to the Redevelopment Department for Fayade Improvement Program funding. (PA06-0073- NOLAND) . Texas Lil's- Staff is reviewing a proposal for new sandblasted wood signs that have been submitted for this restaurant in Old Town Temecula. The signs will replace two nonconforming signs currently on the building. This project will go before the Old Town Local Review Board in August. (PA06-0186 - NOLAND) Soecial Event Permits . Summer Nights - Staff is reviewing this Major Temporary Use Permit for the Redevelopment Department. This event will take place on Friday nights during the summer in Old Town Temecula. Vendors, entertainment and children's activities will be featured. (PA06-0203- NOLAND) . Fourth of July Parade - Staff approved this Major Temporary Use Permit application submitted by the Community Services Development. The event was held on July 4, 2006 in Old Town Temecula. (PA06-0128 - NOLAND) . Temecula Valley International Jazz Festival-Staffworked with the organizers and approved this event that was held on July 7,8 and 9 in Old Town Temecula. Jazz music and vendors were featured at various locations. (PA06-0136 - NOLAND) . 2006 Race for the Cure - The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation has submitted an application for this major event scheduled for October 15, 2006 at the Promenade Mall. All City departments involved with this activity will meet with the applicants at future organizational meetings. (PA06-0209 - NOLAND) Soecial Proiects & Lona Ranae Plannina Activities The Division also commits work efforts toward larger scale and longer time frame projects for both private and public purposes. These activities can range from a relatively simple ordinance or environmental review to a new specific plan or a general plan amendment. Some of the major special projects and long range planning activities currently in progress are described in the paragraphs below: . Hillside Development Policy - The policies are being examined for integration into the draft- grading ordinance. Staff is working with GIS to analyze topography, soil types, environmental (habitat), and other constraints. (PAPP) . Procedures to Implement CEQA - Staff initiated project to develop local guidelines and procedure manual for processing CEQA documents, including the adoption of local exemptions. This is expected to include significance thresholds and procedures forthe City to contract for the preparation of environmental impact reports. (PAPP) . Project environmental reviews and permitting: .:. Diaz Road General Plan Level Improvements - Staff has prepared an Initial Study to determine the impacts of constructing ultimate improvements on Diaz Road. Staff is recommending that a Negative Declaration be prepared, the scheduling of this item for the City Council will be coordinated with Public Works Department. (EA07 - PAPP) .:. 1-15/ SR79 South Ultimate Interchange Project - Staff continues to provide comments to the Public Works Department on the issues that need to be addressed in the NEPA/CEQA document that is to be prepared for this project. (EA111 - WEST) . Mixed Use Development Standards and Traditional Neighborhood Design Criteria - Staff is in the process of developing Mixed Use Development Standards by reviewing existing projects and guidelines. This is expected to result in a recommended approach for areas of the City that are designated for Mixed Use development. (WEST) . Transit Oriented Development Demonstration Project - Staff is involved with the Southern California Association of Governments and the Western Riverside Council of Governments to study issues and opportunities associated with implementing transit-supportive development adjacent to the proposed Temecula Transit Center. (WEST) . Noise Ordinance - Staff has researched other jurisdictions noise ordinances and is in the process of developing a noise ordinance that incorporates the goals and objectives contained in the General Plan. The proposed ordinance is expected to contain provisions that would clearly define acceptable noise parameters and will permit Code Enforcement and/or the Temecula Police Department to Issue citations for noise violations. (PAPP) . Massage Ordinance - Staff is working with the Temecula Police Department to develop a new massage ordinance that is more restrictive than the existing ordinance and will be implemented and monitored directly by the Police Department. The proposed ordinance will require each employee to undergo several hundred hours of training, to wear identification at all times and includes more severe penalties for violators and business owners. (PAPP) . Nicolas Valley Rural Preservation Area - Staff is undergoing an opportunities and constraints analysis of the properties contained within the Nicolas Valley Rural Preservation Plan area to develop strategies to assist properly owners with the construction of needed infrastructure and services. This area is lacking paved roadways, water transmission lines, wastewater collection, cable television, etc. Because of the relatively few properties in the area, assessment districts may be too costly for properly owners. Staff is currently preparing maps and exhibits of the area and will work with a Council Subcommittee to develop strategies for bringing much needed services into the area. (PAPP) General Plan Amendments . Map 32780 - A General Plan amendment to amend the Land Use Designation from Very Low (VL) to Low Density (L) for a 22.45 acre parcel located on Walcott Lane north of La Serena (APN 957-170-032-033-034-035-036). This application was submitted on August 13,2005. A DRC was scheduled for November 15, 2005. A DRC was held and a DRC letter was mailed to the applicant on December 13, 2005. The status of this proposal is under review. (PA05-0283 - SCHUMA)