HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeotechInvestigation(Jan.6,1989) I ~ I t- -, -I , I I ,I I- I I I I 4 I I I -, . GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION EASTERN PORTION OF THE MEADOWS RANCHO CALIFORNIA, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR Rancho California Development Company Post Office Box 755 28250 Ynez Road Rancho California, California 92390 CCIE Project No. 88-81-155-01 Janua ry 6, 1989 \ I I ,I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I 'I I I CONVERSE!~~~ ~ - ffiF ENVIRONMENTAL~~ ===~ ~ Inland Empire Office 630 East Brier Drive. Suite 100 San Bernardino. California 92408 . Telephone 714/889.8004 FAX 714 889.4830 f) January 6, 1989 Rancho California Development Company Post Office Box 755 28250 Ynez Road Rancho California, California 92390 Attention: Mr. Csaba F. Ko Subject: GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION Eastern Portion of liThe 11eadows" Rancho California, California CCIE Project No. 88-81-155-01 Gentlemen: Enclosed are the findings of our geotechnical investigation performed for the eastern portion of The Meadows Master Planned Community in Rancho California, California. The eastern portion of The Meadows is bound by proposed Buecking Parkway to the west, Pauba Road to the north, Butterfi e 1 d Stage Road to the east, and Ca 1 iforni a Hi ghway 79 to the south. Subsurface materi a 1 s encountered in the exploratory excavati ons genera lly cons i sted of nati ve loose to medi um dense granul ar sediments and sandstone bedrock of the Pauba Formati on. Some 1 oca 1 i zed fi 11 was encountered. Groundwater was encountered in the exploratory borings at depths as shallow as 9 1/2 feet below existing grade; however, others have reported historically shallower groundwater in Pauba Valley; in the southern region of this site. Groundwater was not encountered in the northern highlands within the depths explored. Results of our investigation indicate that the site is suitable for the proposed residential and commercial development, provided that the recommendations contained herein are incorporated into final development plans. Development of the site will involve conventional mass grading. Anticipated depths of overexcavation in proposed fill areas are indicated on the enclosed maps and discussed in the appropriate sections of this report. Conventional 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) fill and cut slopes are proposed, with structure setbacks as recommended herei n. Spread footi ngs may be used to support the proposed one to two-story structures.> . 1.-- A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of - - I I II ,I I 'I I I I I II I I I I I I I I, I Rancho California Development Company CCIE Project No. 88-81-155-01 January 6, 1989 Page 2 We appreciate this opportunity to be of service. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the undersigned or Mr. David Simon. Very truly yours, C VERSE CONSULTA~ EMPIRE Robert M. Pride, GE 697 President RMP/DBS/TCB:88z Dist: 5/Addressee l/Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates l/Dr. Roy J. Shlemon ?:> Converse Consultants Inland Empire I J I I 'I 1.1 I I I II I I I I I I~ I I I ~-- Thomas C. Benson, Project Engi neer {2~t:lAi;;~ Senior Geologist Converse Consultants Inland Empire PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION For: CCIE Project No. 88-81-155-01 Dated: January 6, 1989 Thi s report has been prepared by the staff of Converse Consultants Inland Empire under the professional direction of the Senior Geologist and Project Engineer whose seals and signatures appear hereon. The findings, recommendations, speci- fications or professional opinions are presented, within the limits prescribed by the client, after being prepared in accordance with generally accepted professional engineering and engi- neering geologic practice. There is no other warranty. either express or implied. A. I j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,J I TABLE OF CONTENTS GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION EASTERN PORTION OF THE MEADOWS RANCHO CALIFORNIA, CALIFORNIA CCIE PROJECT No. 88-81-155-01 1.0 INTRODUCTION. . . . . . . . . 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION. . . . . 2.1 Existing Site Conditions 2.2 Proposed Development Page 1 3.0 SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION. . 3.1 Site Reconnaissance. 3.2 Field Exploration. 3.3 Laboratory Testing 3.4 Research, Analyses and Report. 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 11 12 13 15 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 20 20 21 22 23 23 24 25 25 26 4.0 SITE GEOLOGY. . . . . . 4.1 Earth Materials. . .... . . . . 4.1.1 Pauba Formation (Map Symbol Qp) . 4.1.2 Terrace Deposits (Map Symbol Qt). 4.1.3 Colluvium (Map Symbol Qcol) 4.1.4 Recent Alluvium (Map Symbol Qal). 4.1.5 Topsoil. . . . . 4.1.6 Fill. . . . . . . 4.2 Groundwater. . . . . . . 4.3 Faulting and Seismicity. 4.4 Subsidence Potential . . 4.5 Subsurface Variations. . 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND TRACT DEVELO~MENT CONSIDERATIONS. 6.0 EARTHWORK/SITE GRADING RECOMMENDATIONS. 6.1 General. . . . . . . . . 6.2 Removals/Overexcavation. . . 6.3 Subdrains. . . . . . . . . . 6.4 Permanent Cut Slopes . . . . 6.5 Permanent Fill Slopes. . . . 6.6 Temporary Sloped Excavations 6.7 Utility Trench Backfill. . . 6.8 Shrinkage and Subsidence. . 6.9 Site Drainage. .. ...... 6.10 Slope Protection and Maintenance 6.11 Asphalt Pavements. . . . . . . . 7.0 STRUCTURAL DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS. . . . . 7.1 Residential Foundation Design Criteria 7.2 Commercial Foundation Design Criteria. . . . 7.3 Slabs-on-Grade (Residential and Commercial). 7.4 Appurtenant Facilities. 7.5 Corrosivity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "5 Converse Consultants Inland Empire I J I I I J I I I ,I I I J I I I I ,. I Table of Contents CCIE Project No. 88-81-155-01 Continued 8.0 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION 9.0 CLOSURE Page 27 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REFERENCES Drawing 1 "Geologic Map" (in pocket, 3 sheets) Appendix A - Field Exploration Appendix B - Laboratory Test Program Appendix C - Recommended Earthwork Specifications Appendix D - Stability Analyses ~ Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I J " I I I I I t I t I I . I 1.0 INTRODUCTION This report presents the findings for the eastern 670 acre portion of the 1,377 acres that compri se The Meadows Master Pl anned Community at Rancho Cal ifornia. The eastern 670 acres are located east of proposed Buecking Parkway, south of Pauba Road, West of Butterfi e 1 d Stage Road, and north of California State Highway 79, as shown on the "Site Location Map", Figure 1. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate subsurface conditions and pertinent engineering properties of the encountered materials such that recommendati ons regardi ng genera 1 site gradi ng, slope stabil ity and preliminary foundation design criteria can be provided for design of the proposed gradi ng plan and improvements. Converse Consultants Inl and Empi re (CCIE) performed a concurrent investigation to evaluate the 1 iquefaction potential at the southerly portion of the site (Converse, 1988a). It is our understanding that the subject site will be developed according to Specific Plan 219, The Meadows at Rancho California, dated September 6, 1988. We understand that the proposed development of liThe Meadows II wi 11 consi s t of a combination of residential. commercial, schools, a neighborhood park, Day Care Center, greenbelt areas and an extensive circulation road network within the comprehensive plan. Pertinent geologic and geotechnical data generated from this investigation of the eastern 670-acre portion of The Meadows project together with the location of explorations are shown on Drawing 1, titled "Geologic Map" (3 sheets in pocket) . I. Converse Consultants Inland Empire I J I I I J I I I I II .Q , " 11 0. 1 I I IH/ ,.J'"::. ,." -----:.'/'<__- ;'.'::..J .~_',L-U U1l..../z0V"-<;;' ..' ~'':'" -----::~-';Z-::::..? '"i# r-// ,,'j""-'/ -':;.". '~. j'~...:..',,-.:..' - -~~ ,P . ~. -~ ...J-...r J"\i ':I~ ~.:* "--~.-----::.(.<- ~,. ''/'~'''''-'_I' -'" ".-,~r'/ '.....-->- .,~, -;;_'--=:-."~<-: ,.-..:"~ _,~~*~*/_<""____--';::::=-?if;;p>;,~..\ ;!....-./;;:,/,-_., ....../;~;'-.-:/. ---. 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"""~""- .~,-.,='"'' ;;.....-.~_ ~"'~;;-=...,~'............"",. ~-~ I,', '." \ "--..:!i!2'5'~ ," ... ,'-"'" !f'l,-{~?7c~ 'J.:::;-.,-' ........\~~.: \ ((r\.', ,..~ '- -.:::-~~' ... /'?) ~'\) -'. '-- -: _ -:'!!....\....:-~ . -\ REFERENCE: Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zone Map, Pechanga Ouadrangle, California Divisian of Mines and Geology, January 1, 1980, and USGS "Bachelor Mountoin" 7,5 minute Quodrangle, 1953, photorevised 1973 o 2000 SCALE IN FEET SITE tOeA TION MAp EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Environmental Consultants California Projecl No. 88-81-155-01 Figure No. '6 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.1 Existing Site Conditions The eastern portion of The Meadows is located in the southwestern region of Riverside County at Rancho California, California, east of Interstate 15, and directly north of California Highway 79, as shown on Figure 1. The site is bounded by Ca 1 i forni a Hi ghway 79 to the south, proposed Buecki ng Parkway to the west, proposed Pauba Road to the north, and proposed Butterfi e 1 d Stage Road to the east. The southern region of the site is situated within a portion of the Pauba Valley which is drained by the west-southwest trending Temecula Creek. The northern region of the site is characterized by highlands , with gently sloping hi 11 s. Several ravi nes cut through the site, and genera lly dra i n towards Pauba Valley to the south. Site elevations range from approximately 1,335 feet in the northeastern corner of the site to approximately elevation 1,068, at the southwestern regions of the site. Total relief across the site is 267 feet. In general, the area is undeveloped. However, several percolation ponds have been constructed at the southern boundary of the site just to the north of Highway 79 in Pauba Valley. Also, some preliminary earthwork has been performed for the proposed De Porto 1 a Road whi ch genera lly trends east-west, in the southern region of the site. There is an abandoned ranch facility and water tank in the south central portion of the property. Numerous barbed wire fences traverse the site. Vegetation consists primarily of grasses, with some shrubs in the hilly regions. A few trees are located adjacent to the abandoned ranch structures. 2.2 Proposed Development Based upon the development plan provided by Turrini and Brink Planning Consultants, dated December 1, 1988 (Turrini and Brink No. 168-040), enclosed as Drawing 1, the proposed development will consist of both commercial and residential construction. Commercial development, including a recreation center, is proposed at the southern portion of the site along Highway 79. Apartments will be constructed directly to the northwest of the commercial 88-81-155-01 C\ 3 Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I 1 , I I I I I I I, I I I I I I development. An archaeological site (see Drawing Ib) which is not to be developed, is located in the south central region of the site. Development of the remainder of the site is to consist of single family residential structures. Approximately 2,000 residential lots are proposed to be constructed within the eastern portion of The Meadows. It appears that some lots, particularly in the central region of the site have been designated for future commercial development. As depi cted on Drawi ng 1, the proposed gradi ng is pre 1 imi nary, and roughly sketched. Both cut and fill slopes are not expected to be graded steeper than 2:1 (horizontal to vertical), and are not expected to have heights greater than 30 feet. The percolation ponds in the southern region of the site are to be filled in for residential development. Maximum fills within the site are not expected to exceed 20 to 30 feet. Maximum cuts at the knobs of several hills throughout the site are expected to be on the order of 50 to possibly 60 feet. There does not appear to be any retai ni ng walls proposed on the provi ded development plan. For the purposes of this report, it is assumed that residential structures will consist of one to two story wood frame single family homes. Commercial structures are expected to consist of single story concrete ti It-up or masonry structures, with steel and/or wood frame roof systems. All of the proposed structures are assumed to have concrete slabs on grade. without basements. Beari ng wall loads are expected to range from 2 kips per foot for residential structures to possible 4 to 5 kips per foot for commercial structures. Commercial structure column loads are not expected to exceed 75 kips. Structural plans for any of the proposed developments were not available at the time of writing this report. \0 88-81-155-01 4 Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I 'I I I I I I t I J I I, I I I '. I I 3.0 SCOPE OF INVESTIGATION 3.1 Site Reconnaissance CCIE geologists performed a site reconnaissance of the property for mapping of geologic units and pertinent surficial features (Drawing 1). Aerial photographs of the site vicinity were examined stereoscopically to assist the geologic reconnaissance. Aerial photographs, flown in 1983, were obtained from Riverside County Flood Control District. 3.2 Field Exploration A total of 13 exploratory borings and 49 exploratory trenches were excavated wi thi n the 670 acres that compri se the eastern porti on of The Meadows, as documented in Appendix A, Field Exploration. Three hollow-stem borings and seven CPT soundings within the southern region of the site were performed for CCIE's liquefaction study (Converse, 1988a), and these logs are reproduced in Appendix A. Additional hollow-stem borings were drilled in the southern portion (Pauba Valley) for this study. In the higher elevation? borings were dri 11 ed us i ng a bucket auger dri 11 ri g. Trenches were excavated us i ng a rubber-tired backhoe. All excavations were visually logged by CCIE field personne 1 who descri bed the materi a 1 s encountered. Selected bori ngs were entered by a CCIE geologist who carefully observed and documented the exposed materials. Approximate locations of the exploratory borings, CPT soundings, and trenches for the eastern portion of The Meadows project are shown on Drawing 1. Relatively encountered exploration undisturbed and bulk samples of representative materials were obtained from the borings. A description of the field and sampling program are presented in Appendix A. 3.3 Laboratory Testing Samples were tested in the Converse Consultants Pasadena laboratory to aid in the classification and to determine certain engineering properties of the site soils and bedrock. These tests include: . in-situ dry unit weight and moisture content; . maximum density and optimum moisture curve; \\ 88-81-155-01 5 Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I . direct shear tests; . moisture sensitivity (collapse) tests; . consolidation tests; . R-value test; and . pH, resistivity, and soluble sulfate and chloride testing. A description of the laboratory test methods and test results are presented in Appendix B, Laboratory Test Program. Moisture and density, and collapse data are presented on the boring summary sheets of Appendix A. 3.4 Research, Analyses and Report In addition to pertinent publ ished geologic 1 iterature concerning rock units of the area, unpublished geotechnical reports were also reviewed, particularly those of Paci fi c So il s Engineeri ng, Inc. (1987a, 1987b, 1987c) and Shl emon (i987). Pertinent publications reviewed for this investigation are included in the list of references. This report was written to present the findings of this geotechnical investigation for the proposed development shown on Drawing 1, and to provide recommendations for the proposed development. Based upon the field and laboratory findings, slope stability analyses were performed, as presented in Appendix D, Stability Analyses. 88-81-155-01 \'2-- 6 Converse Consultants Inland Empire , I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 4.0 SITE GEOLOGY A general descri pti on of the subsurface conditions and vari ous mater; a 1 s encountered at the site during field exploration is presented in this section. Also, a discussion of site specific geologic hazards is presented below. 4.1 Earth Materials The site is underlain by bedrock materials of the Pauba Formation, terrace deposits, colluvium, and alluvium. These. in turn, are locally mantled by a thin veneer of topsoil, and at some locations, fill. Areal distribution of the earth materials is shown on the geologic map (Drawing 1), and these materials are described below from geologically oldest to youngest. 4.1.1 Pauba Formation (Map Symbol Qp): The Pauba Formation of late-Pleistocene age (Kennedy, 1977) underlies the site. In general, the formation consists of distal alluvial fan and braided channel deposits, with numerous intra-formation unconformities. Sedimentary features characteristic of the depositional environment such as channel lag, scour and fill and cross-bedding were observed in trench and boring exposures. Within the subject site, lithology of the Pauba Formation is highly variable, consisting of poorly interbedded to massive, moderately to well consolidated, fine to coarse sandstones. The sandstones are alluvial channe l-type depos its with 1 enses of gravelly sandstone,. siltstone and silty claystone. Bedrock structures within the Pauba Formation can vary over a relatively short distance. Bedding attitudes recorded at the site indicate general strikes being roughly east-west to 100 to 200 to the northeast or northwest. with dips to the south at 00 to 200. Numerous horizontal and gradational bedding boundaries were observed. 4.1.2 Terrace Deposits (Map Symbol Qt): Terrace deposits of Quaternary age (Kennedy. 1977) crop out as i so 1 ated remnants wi thi n the northern portion of the property, capping two of the higher hills (see Drawing 1). 88-81-155-01 ,~ 7 Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I I ,. I I I I I I The terrace deposits consist of coarse sand and gravel and were slightly porous and medium dense. 4.1.3 Colluvium (Map Symbol Qcol): Colluvial materials were encountered at the base of ravine slopes throughout the site, as shown on Drawing 1. These materials were classified as silty sand with minor amounts of sandy silt. The colluvium was dry to slightly moist, loose to medium dense or firm, and contained numerous rootcasts and pinhole voids. 4.1.4 Recent Alluvium (Map Symbol Qal): Recent alluvium was encountered within the drainage channels (ravines) as shown on Drawing 1. Deep alluvium to depths in excess of 50 feet exist in Pauba Valley, at the southern region of the site. These materials were classified as silty sand, sand, and sandy silt. The alluvium was dry to moist, loose to medium dense, and contained numerous root casts and pinhole voids. Some shallow collapsible silty sand was encountered in the valley in Boring BH-102. Cohesive alluvium was also encountered (interpreted) in the CPT soundings, which are expected to exhibit prolonged consolidation characteristics. 4.1.5 Topsoil: Topsoil materials mantled the majority of the site and ranged in thickness, where observed, from 1 to 1 1/2 feet. These soils, not differenti ated on the geo logi c maps, cons i s t of silty sands, are genera lly loose to medi um dense and conta innumerous root casts and pinhole voids. 4.1.6 Fill: Fill materials were mapped in the south-central region of the site, where some roadway grading has occurred for the proposed extension of De Portola Road. CCIE is unaware of any documentation which may exist for the roadway fill placement. 4.2 Groundwater Groundwater was encountered in the exploratory borings drilled within the southern regi on of the site (Pauba Va 11 ey). These borings were located within the topographically low-lying alluvial areas. Depths to groundwater as encountered in the exploratory borings, at the time of excavation, are summarized on Table 4-1. 88-81-155-01 \<\ 8 Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I TABLE 4-1 DEPTHS TO GROUNDWATER BORING No. 1 2 8 13 101* 102* 104* OEPTH TO GROUNDWATER (ft) 13 13 10 7 13 1/2 9 1/2 24 1/2 GROUNOWATER ELEVATI ON (ft) 1,097 l,OS7 1,061 1,097 1,098 1/2 1,061 1/2 1,093 1/2 *Borfngs excavated within tract during concurrent liquefaction investigation (Converse, 1988). Several active Rancho California Water District (RCWD) water wells are present immediately to the south and east of this tract. Geologic and hydrogeologic studies prior to installation of the RCWD water wells indicate higher groundwater levels for the area. According to Warring (1919) the southerly portion of the tract is within an area of surface artesian springs and marshland. Kennedy's (1977) geologic map of the area denotes a "0" (meter) contour of the groundwater table as measured in the Autumn of 1971. 4.3 Faulting and Seismicity A site-specific fault investigation (which included 4,000 feet of fault trenching) was performed for the 1,377 acres that comprise The Meadows project by Pacific Soils Engineering (1987b). Other faults or possible fault-related features in additi on to those documented in the Pacifi c Soil sEngi neeri ng Investigation (1987b) were not observed during field exploration, reconnaissance or analysis of aerial photographs. The findings of the Pacific Soils Engineering study (1987b) indicate that the faults within The Meadows project do not displace Holocene-age (about 11,000 years before present) sediments. As such, according to the California Division of Mines and Geology (CDMG), these faults are not considered active, and building restrictions are not mandated. 88-81-155-01 \.) 9 Converse Consultants Inland Empire II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I In summary, there are no known active faults trending towards or through the site. Also, the subject tract is not situated within a currently designated State of California Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zone (see Figure 1 for regional active fault). During our concurrent liquefaction investigation (Converse, 1988), major faults within a 100-km (62-mile) radius of the site were considered in regard to generating significant ground shaking at The Meadows project. The faults in Table 4-2 are those most likely to cause ground shaking at the site in case of a major earthquake [Ri chter magnitude (M) greater than 6.0]. Table 4-2 also summarizes important seismic characteristics for each causative fault. TABLE 4-2 SEISMIC CHARACTERISTICS OF REGIONAL FAULTS HORIZONTAL GROUNO MOTION PARAMETERS MINIMUM MAX I MUM* MAXIMUM PEAK** DURATIONt SITE CREDIBLE GROUNO OF STRONG DISTANCE MAGN I TUDE ACCELERATION SHAKING FAULT (mil EARTHQUAKE (g) (seconds) Elsinore 1 1/2 7.5 0.63 25 - 35 (Wfldomar Branch) San Jacinto 20 7.5 0.30 23 - 32 Whittier 33 7.5 0.10 21 - 30 San Andreas (South) 36 7.5 0.17 20 - 2S El Modena 43 6.S 0.07 5 - 10 San Andreas (Central) 43 8.25 0.21 18 - 2S Peralta Hf 11 s 46 6.5 0.07 4 - 8 Sierra Madre (Cucamonga) 59 7.0 0.08 7 - 11 Norwal k 5S 6.5 0.05 <5 * From Greensfelder (1974). ** From Seed and Idrfss (1982). t From Bolt (1973). As is the case for most regions of Southern California, groundshaking resulting from earthquakes along nearby and distant faults will occur. During the life of the project, seismic activity associated with active faults in the region (particularly the Elsinore, San Jacinto and San Andreas Fault Systems) may generate moderate to strong ground shaking at the site. 88-81-155-01 Converse Consultants Inland Empire \Co. 10 I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The occurrences of ground acceleration during an average 100-year and 50-year period were calculated for the site area as part of the liquefaction investi- gation (Converse, 1988). Probable maximum horizontal ground accelerations are 0.29g once on the average every 100 years and 0.23g once on the average every 50 years. As indicated in the CCIE liquefaction study, liquefaction in the southern regions of the site is anticipated with estimated settlements during a 100-year probable seismic event ranging from none to possibly 3 inches. Ra is i ng grade over the 1 i quefi ab 1 e zone is expected to reduce 1 i quefacti on induced structure settlements. Lateral spread of fill slopes over the liquefiable zone is possible. Fill slopes no higher than 15 feet were analyzed based upon assumed loss of strength 5 feet below existing grade due to liquefaction. These slopes have a calculated factor-of-safety of at least 1.10 during liquefaction as shown in Appendix D. Vail Lake Reservoir is located upstream (spillway elevation 1,457 feet) from the site at the start of Temecula Creek, which drains Pauba Valley. Possible overtopping (seiches, etc.) or failure of the Vail Lake dam could result in flooding of Pauba Valley. Conditions of potential flooding should be addressed by the project Civil Engineers. 4.4 Subsidence Potential The site is located outside of the "fissure zone" established by the County of Riverside Planning Department. However, there is an appreciable thickness of water bearing alluvium within the boundaries of this site. Hence, there is a potential for minor ground subsidence as is occurring in the Pala Road-Wolf Valley area of Rancho California. Pertinent information required to evaluate the potential for ground subsidence in the Pauba Valley portion of the site are the past, present, and proposed rate and depth of groundwater withdrawal in the vicinity of the tract. On the basis of available information and on the assumption that prudent groundwater basin management practices are enforced, we conclude that the potential for ground fissuring is low. As additional geologic data is developed from ongoing studies in the Pala Road-Wolf Valley area, a better understanding of 88-81-155-01 \V 11 Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I future ground behavior win be establ ished as a consequence of these studies. An evaluation of survey data and groundwater pumping information is beyond the scope of this study. 4.5 Subsurface Variations Based on the results of our subsurface exploration and experience, variations in the continuity and depth of subsoil and bedrock deposits should be anticipated. Due to the nature and depositional characteristics of the earth materials at the site, care should be exercised in interpolating or extrapo 1 ati ng subsurface condi ti ons between or beyond CPT soundings, test borings and/or trenches. Variations in groundwater levels can be expected due to seasonal changes, or artificial changes such as variable regional irrigation, changes in groundwater pumping, and/or variations in the Vail Lake Reservoir downstream discharge. 88-81-155-01 \?> 12 Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND TRACT DEVELOPMENT CONSIDERATIONS The results of this investigation indicate that the eastern portion of The Meadows is suitable for its intended usage and may be developed as planned. As reported in the CCIE Liquefaction Investigation for The Meadows (Converse, 1988a), liquefaction is predicted to occur during a 100-year probable earthquake event. Settlements due to 1 iquefaction are estimated to range across the site from negl igible in the northern region to approximately 3 inches in the southern region of the site. To mitigate the effects of liquefaction, it is recommended that structures be supported on at least 10 feet of non-liquefiable soils in Pauba Valley. Grades appear to be proposed to be raised at least 5 feet in Pauba Valley as shown in Drawing 1. Where less than 10 feet of new compacted fill is placed within the liquefaction zone (as delineated on Drawings lb and 1c) additional overexcavation is recommended such that there is at least 10 feet of properly compacted fill in the liquefaction potential zone. Raising grade and recompaction will not eliminate entirely the potential for cosmetic structure damage or pavement distress due to possible differential settlement during liquefaction. Some lateral spreading of slopes steeper than 3:1 (horizontal to vertical) over the liquefiable zone may also occur. Therefore, structures should be set back at least 20 feet from the top of 3:1 or steeper slopes, in the liquefaction zone of Pauba Valley (southern region of the site). As shown on Drawing 1. the Pauba Valley region of the site will be raised 5 to 20 feet. This additional fill will surcharge the alluvium, including submerged fi ne-gra i ned depos i ts in the southern regi on of the site. These deposits are expected to exhibit prolonged consolidation, and are too deep for economi ca 1 remova 1. Therefore, settl ement monuments are recommended to be installed to monitor the time-rate of settlement of the newly placed fill. Once the rate of fill settlement is within allowable tolerances, building construction may begin. It is estimated that two to six months will be required to consolidate the deeper compressible alluvium prior to the start of building construction. It may be possible to start construction in the 88-81-155-01 \ a... 13 Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I northern regions of the development where there is no shallow groundwater or compressible alluvium (generally outside of the liquefaction zone). Residences could possibly be constructed above zones of existing roadway fill. If these fills are undocumented, they should be excavated and recompacted below proposed residences for support of new structural fill and building foundations. As depicted on Drawing 1, lots with new fill thickness of 20 to possibly 30 feet are proposed, and lots which transition from cut to fill are also proposed in the highlands. Of geotechnical concern for this project is the potential for differential settlement due to the variable fill thicknesses proposed to underly the various pads. Overexcavation and recompaction of a 3-foot thick'zone in the cut portion of cut/fill transition lots is proposed, to reduce the potential for differential settlements. Much of the residential distress which occurs in hillside graded lots is due to changes in moisture in the fill mass. Therefore, subdrains should be installed as depicted on Drawing 1. Landscape irrigation and surface drainage should be controlled and provided such that the fill mass does not become excessively moist or wet. Any appurtenant structures such as swimming pools, retaining walls, grade changes and/or landscaping irrigation systems should be designed such that these future improvements do not adversely affect the graded lot stability or drai nage. It is strongly recommended that these improvements be revi ewed by CCIE or an experienced Geotechnical Engineer and/or Certified Engineering Geologist. Design recommendations are presented below for earthwork/site grading and structural design, for the development proposed on Drawing 1. Recommendations for additional geotechnical services (to be performed after this investigation report has been approved by appropriate governing agencies) are also provided. 88-81-155-01 7P 14 Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6.0 EARTHWORK/SITE GRADING RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1 General Site grading in the northern majority of the site is expected to consist of cuts, removals and fill operations to prepare building pad areas. Cuts on the order of 50 to 60 feet are proposed. Maximum fills are expected to be on the order of about 20 to possibly 30 feet based on prel iminary site grade i nformati on as depi cted on Drawi ng 1. Gradi ng is also expected to i ncl ude backfill for utility trenches. Loosely backfilled exploratory trenches located throughout the site and any existing undocumented fill below proposed structures will require overexcavation and recompaction prior to the placement of structural fills. See Drawing 1 for approximate locations of trenches and existing fill. All fill should be placed in accordance with the recommendations presented in Appendix C, titled "Recommended Earthwork Specifications". Structural fill should be compacted to at least 90% relative compaction (ASTM D1557-78). To reduce the potential for differential settlement across cut/fill transition lots, the cut portion of the lot should be overexcavated 3 feet below final grade. A fi 11 zone "buffer" shoul d then be backfi 11 ed to fi ni sh grade. All fill should be properly benched into firm and unyielding native bedrock materi a 1 s, whi ch are expected to cons i st so 1 e ly of the Pauba Formati on. In areas where fi 11 is to be pl aced above cut slopes, the fi 11 slope shoul d be keyed into the firm and undisturbed bedrock, as discussed in Appendix C, and depicted on Drawing C-3, titled "Typical Fill Above Cut Slope". Consolidation tests indicate that the alluvium in Pauba Valley is relatively compressi b 1 e, and will consoli date over along peri od of time due to the fine-grained and possibly organic nature of the submerged materials. Discontinuous lenses of organic silt were encountered in the CCIE exploration for the western portion of The Meadows (Converse, 1988b) and are postulated to exist throughout the Pauba Valley alluvium. Also, submerged cohesive deposits exist within the alluvium as indicated in some of the borings and CPT soundings. 88-81-155-01 1,..\ 15 Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Since these materials are at depths in excess of 10 feet, and in some cases below the groundwater level. economic removal cannot be performed. However, when the grade is raised during grading, settlement of the alluvium in excess of 1 inch is expected to occur in certain areas due to the new surcharge. Due to the potential for long-term settlements, which may adversely affect the proposed structures, settlement monuments should be installed to monitor new fill settlement. These monuments should be installed at locations depicted on Drawing 1. Structures should not be constructed until the measured change in settlement for any given monument is less than 0.01 foot (1/8 inch) between twice-monthly readings. We anticipate that a program of post-grading monitoring will last for three to six months. Gradi ng recommendati ons for removals, subdra i ns, permanent slopes, temporary sloped excavations, utility trench backfill, site drainage, and asphalt pavements are presented below. Stability calculations for the anticipated slopes are presented in Appendix D, "Stabil ity Analyses". 6.2 Removals/Overexcavation All surface trash and vegetation (including, but not limited to, heavy weed growth, trees, stumps, logs, and roots) should be removed from the areas to be graded. Organic materials resulting from the clearing and grubbing operations should be hauled off the site. Non-organic debris from site clearing may be hauled off site or stockpiled for crushing and/or placement by approved methods in deeper fill areas. Removal of all topsoil, and loose shallow alluvium (such as the shallow collapsible silty sands in BH-102) will be necessary prior to placement of structural fills. Any existing fill should be excavated. Recommended removal depths are depi cted on Drawi ng 1 in tri angl es adjacent to the exp 1 orati ons. In general, at least 24 inches of surface removal is recommended in the Pauba Valley portion of the site, due to past agricultural activity. Deeper remova 1 s wi 11 be necessary in perco 1 ati on ponds, dra i nages and ditches, or where buried structures and sumps are located. To mitigate the potential for structura 1 di stress duri ng 1 i quefacti on, overexcava ti on in the 1 i quefacti on zone (see Drawings 1b and 1c) may be necessary, such that there is at least 10 feet of compacted fill below finish rough grade. For example, where grade is 88-81-155-01 ~ 16 Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I raised only 5 feet, 5 feet of overexcavation will be required in the liquefaction zone. Removals in the highlands are expected as follows: . Ravine Areas: Removal depths will vary from 1 to 6 feet, with possible localized areas of deeper colluvial and alluvial removals. . Areas to Recei ve Fill Outs i de of Ravi ne Areas: Removal depths wi 11 generally vary from 1 to 3 feet, with possible localized areas of deeper colluvial removals. The topsoil/slopewash may be removed by stripping, heavy benchi ng duri ng gradi ng, or a combi nati on of both stri ppi ng and benching. . Undocumented Roadway Fill: Any undocumented roadway fill within proposed residential lots should be excavated and recompacted for residence support. It is possible that loose alluvium may also have to be removed below the existing fill. . Exp 1 orati on Trenches : All exploratory trenches were loosely backfi 11 ed and wi 11 requi re overexcavati on and recompacti on for new improvements support. Approximate locations of the trenches are shown on Drawing 1. The bottom of the excavated areas must be observed by a CCIE representative pri or to placement of new fi 11. Soil s removed duri ng the overexcavati on procedures may be utilized as compacted fill, provided they have been stripped of organi cs and other del eteri ous materi a 1 s . All proposed fill s shoul d be placed on competent native materials as determined by a CCIE representative and in accordance with the specifications presented in Appendix C, titled "Recommended Earthwork Specifications". 6.3 Subdrains Subdrains should be installed within the northern ravines, subsequent to exi sti ng fill and all uvi um remova 1 sand pri or to fi 11 placement. Di scharge from subdrains should be directed to a suitable non-erosive drainage device. If the subdrain discharges into the storm drain, measures should be taken to prevent storm drain water from backing up into the subdrain. A typical subdrain detail is provided in Appendix C. Subdrains should generally be installed where shown on Drawing 1, but may be modified by the project Civil Engineer and/or Certified Engineering Geologist based upon post removal observations. All subdrain devices should be accurately located by the project Land Surveyor. 88-81-155-01 "/;'?:> 17 Converse Consultants Inland Empire II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6.4 Permanent Cut Slopes Permanent cut slopes up to 30 feet are anticipated. As shown in Appendix D, cut slopes in the encountered materials not exceeding 30 feet in height and cut no steeper than 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) have a calculated factor-of-safety (FS) greater than 1.5. Cut slope gradients should not be steeper than 2:1 (horizontal :vertical). A primary concern for cut slopes on this site is the high potential for erosion of the sandy material, and the resultant surficial instability. Structures should be set back from cut slopes as shown on Figure 29-1 of the 1988 Edition of the Uniform Building Code (UBC). Geologic observation of all cut slopes should be conducted during grading to observe if any adversely oriented planes. of weakness (i .e. claystone or siltstone beds) are present. Preliminary laboratory test results indicate low strength parameters for claystones and siltstones. Accordingly, if these materials are exposed in proposed cut slopes during grading and are found to be adversely oriented, buttress or stabilization fills may be required. 6.5 Permanent Fill Slopes Proposed fill slopes should be constructed with slope ratios no steeper than 2:1 (horizontal:vertical). Fill slopes in excess of 30 feet in height are not anticipated. Fill slopes should be properly compacted out to the slope face. This may be achieved by either overbuilding and cutting back to the compacted core, or other methods which meet the intent of the project specifications. Where fill is placed over cut slopes fi 11 shou 1 d be benched into bedrock as shown on Drawing C-3, in Appendix C. Assuming that fill slopes are properly compacted to the slope face, are graded no steeper than 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) and are no taller than 30 feet in hei ght, the ca 1 cul ated factor-of-safety for compacted fi 11 slopes is greater than 1.5. Assuming liquefaction occurs at least 5 feet below the toe of fill slopes, no taller than 15 feet, a calculated factor of safety of at least 1.1 was obtained for 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) slopes during a liquefaction event. Permanent structures should be set back from graded slopes in accordance with Chapter 29 (UBC Figure 29-1) of the Uniform Building Code (1988 Edition). 88-81-155-01 18 tA Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I However, where fill slopes steeper than 3: 1 (horizontal to vertical) are constructed over the 1 i quefi ab 1 e all uvi um in Pauba Valley, structures shoul d be set back from the top of slopes at least 20 feet. 6.6 Temporary Sloped Excavations The use of sloped excavations may be applicable where plan dimensions for excavations are not constrained by property lines, existing streets, or other structures. Where constraints exist, slot-cutting or a combination of slopes and shoring will be required. Recommendations for shoring design or slot cutting will be presented separately from this report, if requested. Excavations adjacent to existing roadways should not undercut the existing embankments. Based upon soils encountered during the investigation of this site, sloped temporary excavations may be cut according to the slope ratios presented in the following table. TEMPORARY EXCAVATION SLOPES MAXIMUM OEPTH OF CUT (ft) o - 5 5 - 15 15 - 50 MAXIMUM SLOPE RATIO* (horizontal:vertical) vertical to 1/2:1 3/4:1 to 1 1/4:1 1 1/2:1 to 2:1 * -Selection of temporary slope ratios shoul d be made by the grad; ng contractor based on actual material s encountered during excavation. Slope ratios given above are assumed to be uniform from top to toe of slope. Sandy surfaces exposed ins loped excavati ons shou 1 d be kept moi st but not saturated to retard ravelling and sloughing during construction. Adequate provisions should be made to protect the slopes from erosion during periods of rainfall. Surcharge loads should not be permitted within 10 feet or a distance of at least half the slope height from the top of slope, whichever is greater. 88-81-155-01 19 p Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6.7 Utility Trench Backfill Buried utility conduits should be bedded and backfilled around the conduit in accordance with the project speci fi cati ons. Materi a 1 s may be fl ooded/ jetted around large-diameter pipelines, below the spring line. Care should be taken not to move or damage utilities during compaction operations. Where conduit underlies concrete slabs-on-grade and/or pavement, or is adjacent to proposed structures, the remaining trench backfill above the conduit should be placed and compacted in accordance with Appendix C. 6.8 Shrinkage and Subsidence Based on in-situ density and compaction test results, shrinkage and subsidence were estimated as follows: . Alluvium and Colluvium: Alluvium and colluvium are expected to shrink on an average of approximately 9% by volume, with variations from 5% to 18% shrinkage by volume at various ravine locations and in Pauba Valley. Subsidence in ravines and the valley due to earthwork activities may range up to 0.4 foot. . Pauba (Bedrock): Shallow porous Pauba bedrock and terrace deposits may shri nk up to 19% by volume when properly recompacted. Deeper, dense Pauba bedrock typically 1 to 4 feet below the existing bedrock surface, is expected to shrink less and may bulk slightly. Shrinkage ranging from negligible to 10% is anticipated in most of the dense Pauba bedrock. An average shrinkage of 5% by volume may be used to estimate shrinkage in the deeper bedrock. Subsidence of the exposed surface in deep cuts into the Pauba bedrock is expected to be negligible, exclusive of wet weather earthwork disturbance. Volume losses due to stripping of organics and recompaction of existing fill should be included during the calculations of earthwork quantities. These estimates are based upon the assumption that all removals and compaction is performed as recommended herein. 6.9 Site Drainage Adequate positive drainage should be provided away from structures to prevent ponding and to reduce percolation of water into the foundation soils. A desirable slope for surface drainage is 2% to 4% in landscaped areas and 1% to 2% in paved areas. Planters and landscaped areas adjacent to the building perimeter should be designed to minimize water infiltration into the subgrade soils. Gutters and downspouts should be installed on the roof, and runoff 88-81-155-01 ~ 20 Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I should be directed to the street through non-erosive devices. Surface drainage should be directed to suitable non-erosive devices. Slope drainage devices should be constructed in accordance with Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code (1988 Edition). Lot drainage should preclude the possibility of flow over slope faces, with the use of brow ditches, earth berms and other methods. 6.10 Slope Protection and Maintenance Proposed slopes should be planted as soon as possible after construction. Slopes will require maintenance through time to perform in a satisfactory manner. In most cases, lot and site maintenance can be provided along with norma 1 care of the grounds and 1 andscapi ng. Costs of ma i ntenance is 1 ess expensive than repair resulting from neglect. Most hillside lot problems are associated with water. Uncontrolled water from a broken pipe, excess landscape watering, or exceptionally wet weather causes most damage. Drainage and erosion control are important aspects of slope stabil ity and the provisions incorporated into the graded site must not be altered without competent professional advice. Terrace drains and brow ditches on the slopes should be periodically maintained and kept clear so that water will not overflow onto the slope, causing erosion. All subdrains should be kept open and clear of debris and soil which could block them. Landscaping on the slopes should disturb the soil as little as possible and util i ze drought res i stant plants that requi re a mi nimum amount of 1 andscape irrigation. Wet spots on or around the site should be noted and brought to the attention of CCIE or an experienced Geotechnical Engineer. These may be natural seeps or an indication of broken water or sewer lines. Watering should be limited or stopped altogether during the rainy season when little irrigation is required. Over-saturation of the ground can cause subsidence within subsurface soils. Slopes should not be over-irrigated. Ground cover and other vegetation will require moisture during the hot summer months; but, during the wet season, irrigation can cause ground cover to pull 88-81-155-01 -z..,'\. 21 Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I loose. This not only destroys the cover, but also starts serious erosion. It is suggested to consult a professi ona 1 1 andscape archi tect for p 1 anti ng and irrigation recommendations. 6.11 Asphalt Pavements Asphalt pavement sections have been designed based on an R-value of 35. Final street structural sections should be provided by CCIE based on the actual soil conditions after grading. Based upon the CALTRANS Traffic Indexes (TI I s) provided below, either full depth or composite asphalt and base pavement sections may be used as tabulated below: CALTRANS TRAFF I C INDEX 4 S 6 7 ASPHALT PAVEMENT SECTIONS ASPHALT OVER BASE BASE (in) ASPHALT (,n) 4 2 1/2 5 3 6 4 9 4 FULL DEPTH ASPHALT (in) 4 1/2 6 7 1/2 9 In areas to support asphalt pavement, the subgrade should be recompacted to a depth of at least one foot below the final subgrade prior to paving, as recommended in Appendix C. At the time of placing pavements, the subgrade should be firm and unyielding during proof rolling, and be within 2% to 3% of optimum moisture. All base material should be compacted to a minimum of 95% of the ASTM D1557-78 laboratory maximum dry density. Base material should consist of CAL TRANS Class 2 aggregate base or equivalent (CAL TRANS Standard Specification 26-1.02B). Placement of full depth asphalt will require that the compacted subgrade soil s provi de competent support for pavi ng equi pment. Clean cohesionless sands are subject to yielding under rubber tire and track loads from paving equipment. The paving contractor should confirm in writing the acceptability of the compacted subgrade prior to placement of full depth asphalt pavement. 88-81-155-01 22 1Jh Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 7.0 STRUCTURAL DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 Residential Foundation Design Criteria Conventional spread footings, founded in properly compacted structural fill may be used to support the proposed residences. Footings should be set back at least 5 feet from the top-of-slope, or embedded such that there is at least 5 feet horizontally between footings and the face of slopes. Larger setbacks are recommended atop slopes in the liquefaction zone (as shown on Drawings Ib and 1c). In any case, footi ngs shoul d have a mi nimum embedment of 12 and 18 inches below lowest adjacent grade for one and two stories, respectively. Residential footings should have a minimum length of 12 inches. Footings for one to two-story wood frame homes may be designed for an allowable bearing pressure of 1,500 pounds-per-square foot (psf). All continuous footings should be reinforced with at least #4 reinforcing bars top and bottom, along the full width of the footings to mitigate the potential for differential fill settlement. Additional reinforcement may be required by the project Structural Engineer. Structure settlement will be due to relatively light foundation loads, as well as long-term consoli dati on of fill soil s and compress i b 1 e native materi a 1 s below the fill. Maximum anticipated structural load induced settlements of conti nuous res i denti a 1 footings, desi gned as recommended above, are 1/2 inch or less. Compacted fills will settle depending on the fill thickness and future changes in the "as-compacted" moisture conditions. For instance, 15 feet of properly compacted fill is expected to settle approximately one to two inches if the soils are allowed to become saturated. Foundation recommendations presented herein are based upon the assumption that fill thicknesses will not exceed 30 feet. Possible additional fill settlements in the area of potentially liquefiable soils will be increased by an amount estimated in Section 5.0. These fill settlements should be considered in structural design. Residential structures lateral load resistance should be designed using Table 29-B of the 1988 Edition of the UBC, where residences are setback as recommended herein. Where reduced foundation setback is required, CCIE can 88-81-155-01 23 1,l\ Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I evaluate structure specific cases, and provide appropriate geotechnical criteria for design. 7.2 Commercial Foundation Design Criteria At this time, CCIE is unaware of the type of structures to be constructed on the commercial lots in the southwestern region of the site. It is therefore recommended that once a proposed structure has been chosen, a structure- specific foundation investigation be performed. These lots may be subject to 1 i quefacti on with settl ements estimated to range from 0 to about 3 inches during a 100-year probable seismic event. For pre 1 imi na ry des i gn purposes, conventi ona 1 spread footings, founded in properly compacted structural fill may be used to support single-story tilt-up or masonry commerci a 1 /i ndustri a 1 structures. Footi ngs shoul d be set back at least 20 feet from the top-of-slope, or embedded such that there is at least 20 feet horizontally between footings and the face of slopes, due to the potential for lateral spread. In any case, commercial footings should have a minimum embedment of 18 inches below lowest adjacent grade, and should have a minimum width of 12 inches. Commercial footings may be designed for an allowable bearing pressure of 2,000 psf. However, for each additional foot of embedment and wi dth the above beari ng may be increased 200 psf and 100 psf, respecti ve ly. Beari ng pressures shou 1 d not exceed 3,000 psf regardl ess of width or embedment. The maximum anticipated structural settlement for an isolated square footing designed with 2,000 psf bearing and supporting an assumed load of 70 kips will be 1/2 inch or less. Settlements of continuous footings due to structural loads are estimated to be less than 1/4 inch for loads up to 4 kips per lineal foot. However, foundation design should also consider the potential for additional fill settlement as discussed in the sections above. Building construction should not proceed until the time-rate of settlement is less-than 1/8 inch between readings made immediately after completion of rough grading. Resistance to lateral loads can be provided by friction acting at the base of the foundations and by passive earth pressure. A coefficient of friction of 0.33 may be assumed with the dead load forces. An allowable passive earth 88-81-155-01 ?P 24 Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I pressure of 270 psf per foot of depth to a maximum of 2,000 psf may be used for the sides of footings poured against properly compacted fill soils. Vertical and lateral bearing values indicated above are for the total dead load and frequently applied live loads. If normal code requirements are applied for design, the above vertical bearing values may be increased by 50% for short duration loading which will include the effect of wind or seismic forces. The allowable passive pressure may be increased by 33% for lateral loading due to wind or seismic forces. 7.3 Slabs-on-Grade (Residential and Commercial) Conventi ona 1 4- inch mi nimum thi ckness sl abs-on-grade may be constructed for support of nomina 1 ground floor res i denti a 1 and commerci a 1 pedestri an 1 ive loads. All slab subgrades shoul d be moi sture conditi oned and compacted as recommended in Appendix C. Care should be taken to avoid slab curling if slabs are poured in hot weather. A mix design should also be provided to reduce the potential for shrinkage cracks. Slabs should be designed and constructed as promulgated by the Portland Cement Association (PCA). If non-expansive soils are imported (Expansion Index less-than 30), then the Structura 1 Engi neer need not desi gn the slabs for expans ive soi 1 s. Reinforcement shou 1 d be provi ded as recommended by the Structural Engi neer, and may include conventional, post-tensioned, or fiber reinforced slabs. If a moisture-sensitive floor covering (such as vinyl tile) is used, slabs should be. protected by a 6-mil thick polyethylene vapor barrier. If the barrier is used, it should be protected with 2 inches of sand placed above and be low to prevent punctures and to aid in the concrete cure. Vapor barri er seams should be lapped a minimum 6 inches and sealed. 7.4 Appurtenant Facilities It is anticipated that residential lots will be customized, including home additions and construction of garden walls, pools, landscape ponds, retaining walls, general regrading, and modifications of landscaping. Any of these modifications may adversely impact existing foundation conditions, lot stabil ity, and/or adjacent lots. It is therefore strongly recommended that proposed lot modifications be reviewed by CCIE or an experienced Geotechnical 88-81-155-01 25 ':/' Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Engi neer and/or Certifi ed Engi neeri ng Geo 1 ogi st. All homeowners shoul d be made aware of the need for geotechni ca 1 eva 1 uati on of proposed foundati on, grading, irrigation, and/or landscaping modifications. 7.5 Corrosivity A bulk sample obtained from the exploration was tested for resistivity, pH, and soluble sulfate and chloride content. Relatively low sulfate concentrations were measured, and therefore conventional Type I and II portland cements may be used. Relatively high resistivity and pH and low chloride content were also measured, which would indicate low corrosivity. 88-81-155-01 '?J'V 26 Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 I' 8.0 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION This report has been prepared to aid in evaluation of the site, to prepare site gradi ng recommendati ons, and to assi st the Structura 1 Engineer in the design of the proposed structures. As indicated above, additional studies may be required for commercial structure foundation design. It is recommended that this office be provided the opportunity to review the final design drawings and specifications to determine if the recommendations of this report have been properly implemented. Settlement monuments should be installed and surveyed by an experienced Land Surveyor. CCIE can provi de such services. Twi ce monthly monitoring data should" be provided to CCIE, for at least six months. Monitoring should be initiated as soon as possible after final rough grade is achieved. Building construction should not be initiated until the time-rate of settlement of the fill mass is within acceptable limits, as evaluated by CCIE. Recommendations presented herein are predicated upon the assumption that continuous earthwork monitoring will be provided by CCIE. Removal excavation bottoms should be observed by a CCIE representative. Structural fill and backfill should be placed and compacted during continuous observation and testing by this office. Footing excavations should be observed by CCIE prior to placement of steel and concrete, so that footings are founded on satisfactory materials and excavations are free of loose and disturbed materials. 88-81-155-01 ~ 27 Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I I I -I I I I I I 9.0 CLOSURE The findings and recommendations of this report were prepared in accordance with generally accepted professional engineering and engineering geologic principles and practice. Our conclusions and recommendations are based on the results of the field and laboratory investigations, combined with an . interpolation of subsurface conditions between and beyond exploration locations. As the project evolves, CCIE's continued consultation and construction monitoring should be considered an extension of geotechnical investigation services performed to date. CCIE should review plans and specifications to check if the recommendations presented herein have been appropriately interpreted, and that the design assumptions used in this study are valid. Where significant design changes occur, CCIE may be required to augment or modify the recommendations presented herein. Subsurface conditions may differ in some locations from those encountered in the explorations, and may require additional analyses and possibly modified recommendations. This report was wri tten for Rancho Cali forni a Development Company, and only for the proposed development described herein. We are not responsible for technical interpretations by others of our exploratory information which has not been described or documented in this report. Specific questions or interpretations concerning our findings and conclusions may require a written clarification to avoid future misunderstandings. 88-81-155-01 ~ 28 Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 88-81-155-01 Converse Consultants Inland Empire REFERENCES ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REFERENCES BOLT, B.A., 1973; "Duration of Strong Ground Motion," Proceedings on Fifth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, V. 2, No. 292, p.10 CALIFORNIA DIVISION ON MINES AND GEOLOGY, 1980; "Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Zone Map, Pechanga 7 1/2' Quadrangle". CONVERSE CONSULTANTS INLAND EMPIRE, 1988a; "Liquefaction Investigation, The Meadows at Rancho California APN Nos. 926-13-9, -10, -12, -13, and -14, Rancho California, California" (CCIE No. 88-81-148-02), dated December 9, 1988, prepared for Rancho California Development Company. CONVERSE CONSULTANTS INLAND EMPIRE, 1988b; "Geotechni ca 1 Investi gati on Tentati ve tract 24137, Pl anni ng Areas 1 and 2a, Porti on of The Meadows Rancho California, California (CCIE No. 88-81-148-01-A), dated December 9, 1987, prepared for Rancho California Development Company. DUNCAN, J.M., and BUCHIGNANI, A.L., March 1975; "An Engineering Manual for Slope Stability Studies", University of California, Berkeley, Department of Civil Engineering. GREENSFELDER, R., 1974; "Maximum Credible Rock Accelerations from Earthquakes in California", California Division of Mines and Geology, Map Sheet 23. KENNEDY, M.P., 1977; "Recency and Character of Faulting Along the Elsinore Fault Zone in Southern Riverside County, California", CDMG Special Report 131. MARACHI, N.D.. and DIXON, S.J., 1972; "A Method for Evaluation of Seismicity," Proceedings of the International Conference on Microzonation, Seattle, Washington. PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC., 1987a; "Geotechnical Report for Environmental Impact Purposes, Butterfi e ld Hill s, Rancho Ca 1 iforni a, County of Riverside, California" (WO #400082A), dated May 5, 1987,. prepared for Turrini and Brink, Planning Consultants, Irvine, California. PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC., 1987b; "Fault Study, 1,400 acre, The Meadows at Rancho California, Rancho California" (WO #400082F), dated August 17, 1987, prepared for Bedford Properties, Rancho California, California. PACIFIC SOILS ENGINEERING, INC., 1987c; "Evaluation of Liquefaction Potential, A Porti on of Va il Meadows Located North of Hi ghway 79 and South of De Portol a Road, between Margarita Road and future Butterfield Stage Road, Rancho California, California" (WO #400082A), dated September 30, 1987, prepared for Bedford Properties, Rancho California, California. PLOESSEL, M.R., and SLOSSON, J.E., 1974; "Repeatable High Ground Accelerations from Earthquakes," Ca 1 i forni a Geology, September. 88-81-155-01 ;fP Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I, I , I I I I I I I I I I I REFERENCES ( CONTINUED) SHLEMON, R.J., 1987, "Fault Study, 1,400 Acre Vail Meadows Project, Rancho California, County of Riverside, California", dated July 15, 1987, prepared for Bedford Properties, Rancho California, California. UNIFORM BUILDING CODE (UBC), 1988 ed.. International Conference of Building Officials. WARING, G.A., 1919; "Groundwater in the San Jacinto and Temecula Basins, Cal ifornia "USGS Water Supply Paper 429. 88-81-155-01 7:J 4, Converse Consultants Inland Empire , I ! 'I I ,I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 88-81-155-01 Converse Consultants Inland Empire DRAWINGS ~ I I I I I I I il I I I II I I I I, I I I I APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION 88-81-155-01 7J~ Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I t I I I i I I I , I I I I I I APPENDIX A FIELD EXPLORATION Field exploration included a site reconnaissance and subsurface exploration program. Duri ng the site reconna i ssance, the surface conditi ons were noted, and the locations of the test borings and test pits were determined. Exploratory borings and test pits were approximately located using existing boundary and other features as a guide. Elevations shown on the logs were interpolated from the contours shown on the provided site topographic map (Drawing 1). Exploratory borings were advanced using 8-inch di ameter hollow-stem and 18, 24, and 26 inch diameter bucket auger drilling equipment. Exploratory test pits were excavated by a backhoe equipped with a 24 inch width bucket. Encountered earth materials were continuously logged by a CCIE geologist and classified in the field by visual examination in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification system. Where deemed appropriate, the exploratory borings were entered by an engineering geologist who observed the exposed earth materials. Where appropriate, field descriptions and classifications have been modified to reflect laboratory test results. Ring samples of the subsurface materials were obtained at frequent intervals in the exploratory borings and trenches using a drive sampler (2.4-inch inside diameter, 3-inch outside diameter) lined with sample rings. The steel ring sampler was driven into the bottom of the borehole with successive drops of a driving weight. Successive drops of telescoping kelly drove the samples in the bucket auger borings. Samples are retained in brass rings (2.4 inches inside diameter, 1.0 inch in height). The central portion of the sample was retained and carefully sealed in waterproof plastic containers for shipment to the Converse Consultants Pasadena 1 aboratory. Bul k samples of typi ca 1 soil types were also obtained. Blow counts for each sample interval are presented on the boring logs. Logs of the exploratory borings and test pits are presented in the exploration summary sheets A-I through A-62. Boring and test pit summary sheets also include descriptions of the materials, pertinent field data and supplementary 1 aboratory data. A key to soil symbols and terms is presented on the key sheet which is the last page in Appendix A. Pertinent exploration logs from the CCIE liquefaction study for the site (CCIE No. 88-81-148-02) are attached at the end of this Appendix. CPT soundings 1 through 5, 11, and 12 and Borings BH-101, BH-102 and BH-104 are attached. 88-81-155-01 1\0 Converse Consultants Inland Empire O'~< OR,CCEO 12-8-88 I I I I 'I I I I I I I ~ I , c. I .. c. ~l n o I o . I OEPTH IN ,.EET @ BORING NO.1 THIS su.........'''' ..~,.\.ICS 0"\" ...,. THl 1.0C:ATIQM 0' 1'HI' 10''''''0 4NO AT 'We: Tl1ooO( 0' Oil 11..1..1"0. 5101.5101.' loCI!: C:O,,"O tTIO"' .......T 0 l' ,It. ... T OTM(.II 1..0C...TIO"S 17 ...HI .....y C"A",G( A" 1'1011' 1..0C""10.. WITH THt I""SS"'GC 0" 1'....(. Ti'I( DATA ~~ 0" ",,(,tHreo IS olio 'I...,,\.,"C:.TIO" 0' ACTUAl.. C:O"OI1'IO"' ("COU,.1'I[IIIII:O, -1'. -I'<It} ~~ l7-4 Et.EVATION: 1110' o 1 5 2 SP 10 3 ..1. sf 15 4 20- 5 SP 25 6 30 SM ALLUVIUM SILTY SAND - fine grained, with laye~ of sandy silt ta !" thickness, light brown ------- SAND - trace fines, fine ta medium grained, gray SILTY SAND - fine grained, mi~us, da;:k gray grades sil ty, trace argani cs SAND - trace Fines, Fine ta medium grained,'""' dark gray ----.---- SAND - fine ta medium grained, gray ---~------ CLA YEY SAND - fine ta medium grained, with a trace af caa~e sand, dark gray decrease fines, brawn. SiLTY SAND- Fine to medium grained, brown EASTERN PORTION OF liTHE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Develapment Company ',lj,:r.l: l,(-:IJ lJlr J:-r,ti: :IJll' t,\'-:r " .....,' . , " " .',. " ". . ".. ......; . SM :,' ,'. , " :TL:' :1 }{( r'1:l(: f:,fll ""U': ~:~ <":: :~. . , .' .. " , Converse Consultants Inland Empire , ' " ' . ' , . .. .: . . . .....: ';' . .". . .' ".. .'() '.' ., - . ~ .' . " SC SM 15 14 8 30 12 5 . 11 87 C=l% 5 96 S 43 75 C=O"Io 6 107 19 113 19 111 PrOlect No. 88-81-155-01 \ Orawlng No. A-la IA\ I I I I ,I I I I I I I ~ i , 0. I 0. 0. I " 0. - 0. ~ I CATE C.'~~EC' 12-8-88 - BORING NO.1 continued . CEPTIo+ 'N FEET ~ ,,~ 0" . . ~~ ..."" ~ ~ TlOlS su..........." ...~,...,(S OHI.1'.AT T"I 1.00::""10" 0' flOuS .011I.100.....04" TMC ,.....( 0" O.ltII.I.IHO. Suasu." ..C( C:OJllO IT laMS ......, 0 .'..rlll... T onU:1II1.0c...fIOM' "'Ha ...11.1 O::lu"..GI ...r TIoIIS LClCATIO'" WITH TMC "ASSAOC 0' n...c. 1'1O( 0.'. ,..I(SIHTlO IS ... ,I""I"\,III'IC...TIOH 0' .&CTI.IAI. COMOIT10"'S IMcauMTIU":O, .~tVAT10N, 1110' ALLLNIUM (CONTINUED) SILTY SAND - fine to medium ~rained, brown End of boring ot 31' Groundwater encountered ot 13' 30 SM 35 * Blow counts using 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches C = Percent collapse of submerged sample with approximately 2 KSF normal load (rounded to the nearest 1 percent) S = DIRECT SHEAR TEST (see Drawing B-2) Drilling Equipment: hollow stem auger EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho Californio Development Campany @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire PrO\eCl No. 88-81-155-01 Orawing No. A-lb Av 0'" 0",~~.0,12-8-88 I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I , c. I 0. - . o I o . I CEPTH 'N 'EET @ BORING NO. 2 TNIS SU,.......,." A..~l.ll' 0"\,'1' A1 THt: ,-OC..110" 0" uuS 10.,..0 "..0 lilT Tlfe T'Me 0' 01"1.1.1 NO. SU.SU"" ACI!. COMO ITIO,., ...." 0 1""(11 A r 0'1'"(" \.OCA flDN' " ....0 """,. (1.....HOl ,.r ntlS 1.0<:"'''0" ...."101 THt: ""SS"GI; 0" '1'1101I<<. 'l'M( 0..1.. ~~ 0" .."15UITlO IS II ,........"'C...110.. 0' ACTUAl. CONDIT laMS l"COUNl'('U:O. ~. -1'. tJ:t'" ,,'" ELEV....TION; 1070. o SM ALLWIUM SILTY SAND - fine to medium grained, troce of coarse sand, brown 1 11:',1\ lUt }l:l} :r,I~"I:I': :f,!:\:'\, :lrn }",r'J~r Vi.::!). 5 2 10 3 CL 4 SM -!-r, If \: fl..'!:l 1'. ~.ll ',I:I,:\'., 'I, ' 15 SP ::~~; :~.: : 0: ; ':.:~':~ . ...." '.~ .. ',.0 :....;...: '.' . 20- '0 .' '.. . .. 0' .... '. ,'. .' ' '. ,'0 .... 0.. . ~ ,.0... " ' 5 Op '. . ',' " , " . ..... 25 . .0.. , " , " ., ," , ' 30 decrease fines ------ CLAY - silty, reddish brown with fine grained sand and disseminated black organics SILNSAND - fine grained, with !"-:]" diameter fragments of silty clay, reddish brown ------- SAND - troce fines, fine to coarse grained, reddi sh brown BEDROCK PAUBA FORMATION SANDSTONE silty, fine grained, massive, brown EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company Converse Consultants Inland Empire . 26 5 99 C~-3O/c 20 5 100 C=lO/c 11 15 110 14 18 105 30 18. 107 PrOlect No. 88-81-155-01 Orawlng No. A-2a A.?J I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I] :a , 0- I~ . Q. I: ~ n o I~ ~ o I' SUM"""''''' T BORING NO 2 continued OAT< .~<~.'''~~~ ""'S S"'.......... "'...,.....(S 0......, 41' .,.)O( ~aC..rIO" 0" "MIS 10.".4....0....,. .,."". 0..:, . (0 (..... ". 0"''''''. 12-8~~~. 0,...,,'.0, 'U"'""."O""'O.~~" 0 ",,,.. OT.'",'."'O.' - ~O.. .... .. 0 "'", l:J ...0....." c......GC lor hll' 1,,00::.&1'1010 ""f.. 'He ~"J1"~( 0" TI...e. T..( 0"'" "0" 0 --C' f" ~ OE..Tlol ...,(,;, 0.... ,."(Sc,.reo ,s" "..",,-,,.U;,,1'IO.. 0" ACTUAl. COlOQITIQ.., I...cCHI"'fl"CO.. ~ "t.:'" ~.,.", ;.t'b "'~~T .,.' ",'" "",j\ ~:" ...">> .,~.,o4 Et-t.V....TIOH: 1070. . ..,.>~~ ~.- 30 . 6 Qp ::. :::;=:. ::.:-.:~; BEDROCK (CONTINUED) SANDSTONE - silty, fine grained, massive, brown - - 35 - - End of boring at 31' Groundwater encountered at 13' * Blow counts using 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches , C = Percent collapse of submerged sample with approximately 2 KSF normal load (rounded to the nearest 1 percent) - Drilling Equipment: hollow stem auger - . - - - - - - - - - . EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire ~ro,ect No. 88-81-155-01 Otavrn"9 No. A-2b A..6.. I I I I I I I I I I I i a- t a- ., I C - ~ I CAT< c.,~~.o 12-8-88 - BORING NO, 3 . OEPTH ON Jl'E:ET ~ ""~ 0'" ..,.~ .,.'" ~?" C/' Too'S 51,1......., ........'-..:S Q"\,1' .'1' 'I')O( ,-oeArIO" 0" ""S '0"1"0 ,UIO 4T 1'IoO( ",..e 0" o.IIIt,-\. IJoIIG. 5....Sv".. ..CI <::OJooO 11'10..S ....., I) ..''''It. .." o hilt:... 1.0CArIQ.., ,".0 ""1' e,.''''lOl AT nOl' 1.0<::"'1'10" "'If.. rIOt .....SS...GI 0" '1'...1(. flOC I)"'" ...(sC,,'I'(O IS .. $1I.....'-"IC...1'IO. 0" "CTU"1. CO"OITIOld II/ItCOU"rcltco. '~'V.T1CN' 1256' TOPSOIL SILTY SAND - fine to medium grained, light gray/brown " ' o SM Qp ; .. " . " , : " .' " . , : 5 8 .' - " 1 , . '. " " " " . " .. .. " ~;H:~~';:{~t "" ''II~.'.' 1 0 2 1 S 3 20 4 ~~l!;~ . " " 2S " " 5 . " . . " " . , .. > , " . " ; . . : 30 CD Bulk sample BEDROCK PAUBA FORMATION SANDSTONE - fine ta medium grained, highly weathered, massive, silty, light reddish brown 4 105 5Ot- fine to coarse grained, trace of gravel to ~" diameter, gray 5Ot- 3 102 color change to yell!?w brown at 13' 5Ot- 104 7 fine ta coarse grained, brown 5Ot- 92 6 fine ta medium grained 5Ot- 95 5 P'OI~~t No. EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancha California, California far: Rancho California Development Campany @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire 88-81-155-01 , Ora....1"9 No. A-3a _ A5 ou< O"'eeEO 12-8-88 I I I I I I I I I I e I ... ~ I ... -< I o ,; I ~ I CC:PT)04 ". Jl'EET 30 35 40 45 50- 55 60 @ ~ ....~ 0'" ..... .. ~ ...... ~ ~ 6 2~ o 7 8 @ BORING NO,3 continued Too,s ,"'............ ......\.II:S 0"\'1' ..1' 1"loOC 1,,0C"'1'IO" 01' 1'..$ 10'''''110 u'O ..1' T'MiI 1'1...e 01' 0"1\.1.110'110. s",.Su",..c:t <::QlO(IlflO..' ...... 01"'(1t..., 01,.(" ,-Oc:."'IO"" "'.0 .....1' c:"'....G( .1' TMIS 1.0C",'10" W"M flOC ....SS..G( 0' r,,..c. TOle 0.1'. ....1:5C"'I"(0 1:1 '" $'.....\.I"C...'II;,.' 0' ...e1u'"'l. (0,.011'10'" tM<OI,lIf1"(,IICO. <eEv.TION,1256' 0..." BEDROCK (CONTINUED) .. SANDSTONE - fine to medium grained, trace of 't '.' , coar.3 sand and grovel, silty, dark brown .'. color change to reddish brown at 40' CLA YSTONE - sandy, fine to medium sand, massive, dark brown . . o' ,- " .. . " '0 -,I .. 0' '. , .... \ II '. .:. .. -0" '" :-.. ." ,0 ',0: .. . ..- '.' f)'. '. .:. ..' .. O' ."; "" :" 0 II " '. " II,: II , '. . . .. 0 ..' II II II It . .. II II' '", .. .. tt ",-:. . ..... ..., '." " o. .... -,-.-. ..... -. . -.-. '-.-.-' '-'-.-. ......... " "0 .!:,' '. ,- ',0 ...... II .'.', 'b': 9 ". .. . ,I' .....0" ," . . .iI.:', ..) ., o' '. ..' ,'.' I) .~.'. . ..' .... 0,'. . . , .:' 0:. Bulk sample 46 12 116 ---------- SANDSTONE - fine to medium grained, with coa~e sand and grovel, brown End of boring at 56' No groundwater encountered sOt 7 95 50t 5 95 * Blo'({ c,ounts using 140 pound hammer falling 30 Inches Drilling Equipment: hollow stem auger EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company Converse Consultants Inland Empire PrOleCt No. 88-81-155-01 Ora....'"9 Iio. A-3b A.,c" OA" 0",~~<012-8-88 I II I I I I I I I I c I 0. ~ I 0. '" I o ,; I . I O~~TH 'N "'EET @ o ..~ v OV ",' " " .'" ~ ~ BORING NU, 4 T"", ,"'............ ....."'....tS 0""''' .lor 1')O( ~oc"'l'la" a' flU' _011I,..0411004... TMe 1'1""" 0' 011I11..1.110<;. ,,,,.SU.' Ace C::JIOO 11'10_' ...." 0 1II'''t_.. f 01'100(" ,-OC"'1"OIO' ....0.....1 CI'....O( .." fIoU' \,.Q(""'O" ....r". 1'Iol( ....s'..Ge 0' n...c. T..e 0"'''''' ",.C'Cltr(o IS .. ,......I...'IC::...TIO" 0" ..C":'U..", CO"OITIO'" (JOCou"rCJllco. . <~<V.T>ON' 1235' TOPSOIL SILTY SAND - fine to coarse grained with trace af gravel, brown . '. . ~ ..' . . . "'. . . '.' . ",. .=,,' , . . . .. .' . "" .... , ' ";.: ..... '0" .... .", .. . . ' , " .', . ," . . ".. . . " '.. . . ..'. " . ' . " . ,,,.. " ........: " :', ,:'::: .. ..0': '" 'w' ..... :.. .::.:', :.' .' ..,', .f,,' . .- 0' I: ..' ~ :" " "',, .,'.0", . .-", ........ -. .' ......... " , .~. ~ ". ~::':: ':". ';':.. ; ..,..... . " ." : ....., , . , , . , . . ." . '. ~. '. . ',' . " , 2 , , . .' . BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION SANDSTONE - fine to coarse grained with interbeds of fine to medium grained sandstone, gray color change to gray brown fine to medium grained, bra;;;- - ~ --------- silty, fine grained, micaceous, dark brawn CD Bulk sample EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company 56 7 102 SM Ql 5 1Q) '. . .. '" Converse Consultants Inland Empire 50 104 10 2 7 60 97 15 3 7 67 10 98 20- 4 25 30 PrOlec: No. 88-81-155-01 Oraw,n9 No. A-4a AI OAT< O"'~~.O 12-8-88 I I I I I I I I I I . t c, i c, < I Q I . I Ol!:PTM ". "EET 30 BORING No.4 (continued) . TIO'S su........ A~...,CS 0"""''' AT 'MIt 1,,0<:""10_ 0" ,.., 10.,..4....0 4" 'Me 1',..1: 0' O"'I..I.,"G. SVI5U'''' Ace C~IOO !fIO'" ......, Q 1"(,It... r 01'101(11 1,,0C&1'IO"S t,. ...0 ....Af c,.",.O( ..'I' '"'S '-OC;"'''O_ WIn, n.e ..SS.&G( 0" 1",",C. TIOC o.r.. ...," 0.... II'IICs("rlO IS ... s,,,,.,,,'IC""'O" Q' ..CTU.... eO..Oll'la..s lIolCOU,.rc"co. .... .. ~.,. 1,.4:1' ELEV.....TION: 1235' 5 . . EASTERN PORTION OF liTHE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Campany @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Qp .. 35 . .' . . . 40 . . . - . 6 . , '.. '. .. .. .. ' . . . ,.' 45 _. ..." . . . . ,.... ,'. '. .... . 50 . . '.. . .... 7 55 60 SANDSTONE - silty, fine grained, dark brown 15 107 69 --------- 72 14 100 silty, fine to medium grained, dark brown, with lenses of coarse sand grading upward to fine sand with scattered 1-2 inch thick si I tstone interbeds ,. --------- fine to coarse grained, brown 80 100 6 End of boring at 51' No ground water encountered * Blow counts using 140 pound hammer foiling 30 inches Drilling Equipment: hollow stem auger PrOlect No. 88-81-155-01 Orawlng No. A-4b ~ I I I I I I I I I I I . I Q, :2 I Q, < I a I ~ I QATe Q.,~~eQ, 12-9-88 80Rr~o, 5 C[PTloI ON lI'EET o ..~ ~ fV .0 ..~ ...~ .. .. T,..S SU....... ......."'Ies 0.....,. .1' "Me ...QC~'lalll a" ,..., 10.lOiO .UIO 4'" 'He 1'.,..11: 0' OJlt,,,,l,,'JoO. SUISU'" &C IE (0100 .T.O..S ....., 0 ""'(11" l' on.lE. 1.0(..1'1010' ...0 ....." C:lotaM4l ..r 1'101' IoOC..1'IO" WI'" Tlte I" "Ss.UU. 0' rt..c. TIOC 0.'. ...<<,(...1'CO IS .. ,.........'IC..f10.. 0' ACTUAl. CCII.OlrlO"" CPoCou"rCJl!lO. SM e~eVAT10N' 1235' Qp . ~.~: ::.~~ ~.~~.:: " S 10 1 . , : .' 0:_. . . ,0' ~ 00 :', .0" .. ". " ' , , . '." lS .. .... 2 '. , ...... . ~.: .' . . "0 :. , , .... . . . . -: 0, 20 ,00 . '. 3 .0 '. , , ~<.'" .., " 2S ", :,., . , . , ' ' ". 4 . ' . ,'0 "- . . &. ," . . .... . , -: '." 30 TOPSOIL SILTY SAND - fine to coarse grained, trace of gravel, light brown BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION SANDSTONE fine to coarse grained, highly weathered, massive, gray fine to medium grained, moderately weathered, brown , , -.---------- silty, fine to medium grained, brawn . , ' color change to reddish brown at 25 feet '.' . 78 4 109 S 83 5 108 54 0'" 19. 104 37 12 106 EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho Califarnia Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire PrOlec~ No. 88-81-155-01 Ota""'"9 NO. A-5a .6(\ t Q, i Q, Q, < I c - . I EASTERN PORTION OF liTHE MEADOWS" Rancho Californio, Californio for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire PrOleCI No. 88-81-155-01 Or3""""9 No. A-5b 5"0 I I I I I I I I I I ~ t 0. i 0. -< I C I . I BORING NO 6 CAT< C"'~~.C 12/9/88 . ~~~~~ ~ ,....~ 0 Too'S S.........II'1' ....\.'(10....." AT '''C 1.0C:.'10" 0' "loOfS 1011'..4....0 ".,. rlOC 0", . (0 ("Jo ~ TII..e 0' O"'I..I.I..G. 51,11'u.""C( COIOOI'10"3 w.." 0 1"<<11 Ai' QTIO(iIt l.OC.fl0..S ,.. 0.. -c,. $ 0 (CO., '7 ..'"0.....' C......Gl ., flU' I.oe.rlo,. w"" f)lll ....ss..ca~ 0' 1',...( TMC 0"1'.. "0_ Jo 0 '- t" " O~';.TH It''''~ 0'" ,""'(5(..'(0 IS.. "......."u:..rlo.. 0' ACTUAl.. CO..OI'IO..' l!OCOu";'Cllca. V-t.. Ii..."',), C'~1o". 10"0 I"E:ET ,.~ .J,,"". r~. "''''~ (, "':"'1- "" EL.E:VATION: 1242' ~Jo"~ . o ;~[,~~:i;m: f"l~~! ~~----------- silty, fine to medium grained, massive, . moderotely weathered, light brown SM G4> 5- ~ 1 - - 10 1 - 15 2 - , - 20 -~ 2 - - - 25 4 - - ..... . .. ' . .' " '. " . . " 30 TOPSOIL - SILTY SAND fine to coarse groined and light brown color BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION SANDSTONE fine to coarse grained, massive, highly weathered to 13 feet, reddish brown 88/1 77 . fine grained, massive, moderately weathered, light brown 78 color cr.ange to brown at 25 feet 78 CD Bulk sample EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire . 6 104 . 9 102 3 106 6 109 PrOleCt No. 88-81-155-01 Ora....."g No. A-6a ? \ I I I I I I I I I I I ~ BOR'iN'G' 'NO 6 (cont ) QRII....I:O 12988 ~~~~~ T...s :lU""....... """I.Ies 0.."... &1' '1'"( l.QC,,'IO_ 0" 1''''IS eo.".4 ""'0 ...,. l"IOt: 0.:. . (0 (~ .,. .,..""! 0" Olt''-I....4. Su.Su.'"Cl (:.::1..0''1''0'" ....... 01_'(_.'" 01'100(. l"cc..rto..s - 0., 't, $"0 ~'" " ....0....." C:I"oHG( AT' 1MtS 1.0C.Ior10" w,'I'.. 'l'M( ""SSAcoe 0' T1w( T..C 0"''1'.. ~ Jo 0 "- ~ ' .~~ ..o~ -..",.,,,,,. "w..",cm.. .. .c,".~ ,.."",..~ '"'..~"..., '" ~ .'" .. '~~ 0 ""..~ "''/> ,..~ .1,,-1' 12421 ?oil'. '"""0" ""':~ or,,, ELlEVAl'ION: 4.,)o"'~ . J,. 0...1'1; CE,.Tlot 'N 'IItEl' 30 - 45- - - - - - c I Q, 0 I Q, Q, < I 0 , @ ~ I CD Bulk somple EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho Californio, Californio for: Rancho California Development Compony Qp ~f:1 I~'~ . BEDROCK (CONTINUED) SANDSTONE - fine to coarse grained, brown, with grovel and fine grained sandstone lenses 88 9 113 .. " . .' ", " -, . , - - - fine to medium grained with 1-2" thick lenses of coarse grained sandstone 4 102 80 50 6 99 End of boring at 41' No groundwater encountered Backfilled 12-9-88 * Blow count using 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches Drilling Equipment: hollow stem auger PrOlect No. 88-81-155-01 Ot3""'"9 No, Converse Consultants Inland Empire A-6b 5z... I I I I I I I I I I ; e t .. , .. < I o - .. I BORING NO 7 O"'T~OA'I..I..!:O 12988 ~~~~~ 0} ~..\"": 0 T,":1 5V.......... ...~..\,I(S O"\." ..., 'l'M( ,-oe"T'O'" 0' '1001S .0.,.0 ""0 "1' 1',". 0 . ( < ~_ ~ - ~,~c"..,",.., ,u"u.",,,.,,,,,..,~,,.,,,,.",.,"..,.,.,,.., '" 0..0... .. 0 ":. OEF"TH ~t, ....0 .....T C:MUIG( "'1' n.., ...OC.Io'l'IO_ ....Ih. l')O( ....ss..cu 0' 1'1"'(. T..e 0..1'.. "t"L - 0 -C" ~ ~ IN ~ 0..... ....au."ICl I' ... '1...""\,I'IC..1'IO" 0" "C1'U..1" CO..OI'l'IO":1 (l'OCou,.rCltCO. ~ JL "'",..Jt. "..".", ""0 pre:e:T ..,.' <1'. ..,.,,- \"'...~" ....')0 ~~ t.,-4. IEL.!VATIOH 13101 ~)o..(' )0_ o CD Bulk sample EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Develapment Campany @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire SM ~,l.T ~.~ '.:' . '~'. 0"' ,', , " . '. ," " .' " . , . ... .. .' .. --'-- -: .7-.-: _.. .. .0, f : .: .-:..:-:... . " ',' .. " ...~ .'. , , " --'~ . '. : ~ : . . TOPSOI L SILTY SAND - fine to coarse grained, brown BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION SANDSTONE - fine to coarse grained, massive, highly weothered to 10' depth, reddish brown 55 9 98 fine to medium grained, dark reddish brown 42 18 105 " fine to medium grained, grayish brown, with 1" thi ck coarse sandstone lenses and 1_2" thick discontinuous claystone interbeds 42 6 98 79 104 7 PrOlec~ No. 88-81-155-01 Oravrn"9 No. A-7a ~3> OAT€: OAIl.,.'-I!:~ 12-9-88 I I I I I I I I I I I ., i , 0- a a i . Q I Q ... I OEPTIo4 ON 'EET 30 35 40 45 -------;::rylTlI.....-ll""\.--... I BORING NO.7 (cant.) . ~ ,,~ 0" <!-t -1'. tIJ'" tIJ-4 T..,S su..........., ...'-IIS 0....., ..1' 1'IOC 1.0C..1'la.. 0" 1"01' .aill'''. .....0 "'1' ,,"C Tl...C 0" O"'1.1.11O~. Su.su"" ...ce C~MO 11'10".1 ......., 0 I",.(iII... r O'f'Iot(JlI.OC",1'IO'" .....0 ......., CIO.....a.C "I' fIo'" 1.0C"1'IO" . I Tit rltc ,...ss...Ge c" 1',,,,,e. T"C 0..1'.. ""(Sc"rco ,s ... '1"'''1.I''ICArro" 0" "CTU"'1. CO"OI1'IO..' CItCOUIITCIU.O. 5 Qp E~Ev.TOON' 1310' ","" BEDROCK (CONTINUED) ,~"-' SILTSTONE - sandy, olive, with !-l" thick claystone interbeds 25 28 93 6 ....... . ~~i\~ : .:.~.: ';:...... !~t~1 ...... . SANDSTONE - silty, fine to coarse grained, massi ve, 0 Ii ve brown silty, fine to medium grained, trace of coarse sand, olive 39 16 107 ... . '.. .. '. . ...:..... . ":.' '. ....:':: 50 . .\ , . . . . . " '" J... . .'.\ . /..~ '"" .' \" ,,', 'I" ',. "... SILTSTONE - sandy, fine grained, olive brown sand content increases with depth SANDSTONE - silty, fine to medium grained, massive, olive brown 51 16 107 7 55 SILTSTONE - sandy, olive brown End of bori ng at 56' No groundwater encountered Backfilled 12-9-88 * Blow count using 140 pound hommer falling 30 inches Drilling Equipment: hollow stem auger @ 60 Pro,ec: No. EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, Califarnia for: Rancho California Development Campany 88-81-155-01 Converse Consultants Inland Empire OtaW1"9 No. A:-7b ~ I I I I I I I I I I I OAn O.,~.EO 12-9-88 ~ I ;; I > . i ~ ~ I , ~ I CC:F"TIo4 'N I"EET o ,,~ ~ .'" .0 .,.~ ...-1' .. .. SUMMARY BORING NO,8 T".S 51.1""""." ....'-..:, Olfl." ..., r.c l"OC""O" 0" ,.., '0""'0 ""a JoT "I'M. 1'.,..e 0' 0.lt'1.1,,1"0. Su.sulI'''CI e.1JoOITlO'" ....u 01'''(. '" or"e'" 1,,0(.UtO"', ".0 ..", (".."01 "'" hilS 100CA1IO. Wit" flte ,..,SIoGe 01' 1'1...(. T"( OA'.. ",,,..,(,,1'(0 I' ... '1....1,,1'11:..1'1010 0" "C"U"1. (0..011'10'" C.ooCou'"'Cltco. CUVAT<OM' 1071' ALLLNIUM SILTY SAND - fine to medium grained, light brown " 00':' . . .-, .' , ,. .- 4'.:: , .. . -. . .... ~ .' . . . , . ; . ~." . . :': ,'0 '0 '0 "t' " . . . ..... .. ' .... .' . , . " ' '0' . . -'. . i, .'" - ,'\' .' . , " . . . . . ,:..., " : ": ....\ ! " " -. ML SP SAND -t;;ce fines, fine to medi~ grained, micaceous, gray, with 1" thick lenses of coarse sand and faint iron oxide stai ning . " groundwater at 10' 1-2" thick organic-rich layers at 13' !-1" diameter clasts of clay .. " '," .., " . ------------ SM 1 SP 5 2 SILT - with trace of fine sand, micaceous, gray ---------- SAND - trace fines, fine to medium grained, gray EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire 3 10 .1 4 5 15 6 20 7 25 8 30 46 17 11 17 8 .. 6 88 5 99 5 94 17 101 29 87 17 18 108 C 75 (?) DI S URBED 9 NO ECO ERY PrOleCI No. 88-81-155-01 \ Oraw1ng No. ~ A-8a I I I I I I I I I I I I " , Q, , ii i , ~ Q I << Q .. I -- _.._~ Q lVi''''',.... n-~I~~-- .... . '-. . ." ____..__._~c.;'____^.,_____.~..~ - ~.;.-.......-_---- ...-""- ~_h. - -'. .'.~-,".'_._--"-" -'-.......' .-.~--- BORING NO 8 (cont ) aAn a.,~~.a 12-9-88 " ~~~~~ ~ ....~ 0 TOllS tv.."""." ....\.11:5 OOl\.?"'1' .,IOC \"OC..1'IO'" 0' ....IS '0"'''0 "'.0 "l" 1'1oot: 0.,:. . (0 c"9.. ,;. 1'1"'<< O'O.II..\.I"C. S".5UII'''CI: (QI'OOI1'IO'" ....., 011I'''<<...., or 101 e ill \.0(.r10'" ' 0., -(,. ~ 0 ~" lit ,u.Q ....., CIOu.Gt: .lor nOls \..OC"'1'IO" ""f. fH( ".sS.GC 0" 1'1...e. THe o..r.. <:'0." 0 -" <!' ~ '"' ....~ 0.... "'_C5<<,,1(0 IS" 5........'1(.."0.. 0' ACTUIII.. (0"OlTI0,.5 ("(Ou"r(II(O. ~ .rz.:",p (,10~ ~Q .,.. .. .,. ~..)Io.. ...... ~ ...... 1071' ,g. Q~... ~.. ., C, CI..E"ATIO"': ~)Io~ ' . CEl"'T 'N "IET 30 6 NO ECO' ERY ALLlNl UM (CONTI NUED) . ~ND - trace fines, fine to medium grained, g~ SILT - with trace of fine to coarse sand, micace- ous, gray 9 SP ML - 35 - - - 40 -- 10 - - - 45 - with fine sand, olive brown 60 NO RECOVERY End of boring at 41' Groundwater encountered at 10' Backfilled 12-9-88 C == CONSOLIDATION TEST (see Drawing B-7) * Blow count using 140 pound hammer falling 30 Inches Drilling Equipment: hollow stem auger - - - - - - - - EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire PrOlect No. 88-81-155-01 O,ayrung ria. A -8b -:50 I I I I I I I I I I I I .. , Q. I Q, I , n Q , Q ~ I OAT.: CAlLI-tO 12-13-88 5U M MAR y-~~~-'~-'--~'-""-'-' BORING NO,9 T"., su........~ ..~~I.ICS 13"1.'1' ,u' r..c 1.0C,t.T10" 0'" hilS 10111"01 UIIQ "., TJol( . T....( O'QIIt\.I.IJooG, Su.'u.... .loCI CQooO IflOIOS ""'..... 13 1"''''1[_ ..,. orlol(. I.Q(... flOot, ~ .IOa ...., CMAHG( ..1' ,,,,.5 I.Q("'IO" WI'" rlOC ....SS.Ge: 0' TIMe. Tlotf. 0.". Or."'TH ...," OV ",.cst..r(o UI .. """"'I.I"'C"l'10" 0" .CTI.I"1. CO_OlflO..' lIoCOlJliol'(IUO. IN .,I>~ ""It II'EET ,,'" c," .,-.VATION, 1306' 0 SM TOPSOIL SILTY SAND - fine to coarse grained with a trace of gravel, light brown Qp .. BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION "" . """-.! SANDSTONE WITH SILTSTONE INTERBEDS '~'>" Sandstone - fine to coarse grained with , .' . varying silt and clay, massive with occasional 5 ,:..~~ faint bedding and cross bedding, moderately ':,~, , hard, gray to brown 1 3 108 '. . " Siltstone - massive to sllghtly bedded, soft, '-:'j ~-'.,. olive to brown ,.. , Bedrock is highly weathered from 2-6', moderotel ,." . " .. to slightly weathered with depth; contacts .f ',_, between units are typically gradational and , - near horizontal 10 2 at 7': bedding attitude: N700W, 100S 5 6 122 at 11': fault, overlain by unfaulted sandstone. . 'r.' ~ foul t plane attitude: N400 E, 700 N , - .~. \ at 12!': increase in clay, massive . , , .. " . .. ", , -. 'c::=' I ~ .' " 15 ." .' . " 3 ", 6 5 119 ", ~,', at 17': lenses of fine to coarse sandstone, gray " ", OJ": : ..: '. at 19': siltstone interned, 6" thick; bedding 20 attitude: N400W, 20S 4 " 6 6 112 .' . '. r . . ., : ,- . . 25 .. . : 5 . 10 6 105 '. at 28!: claystone interbed, 2" thick; attitude of -.' . , " contact with overlying sandstone: N300E, 100~ . . contact with underlying siltstone gradational 1f' .-' JJ.:'------.... at 28%': siltstone, 6-8" thick, contact with ...//----... ..-~ underlying sandstone gradational ~llt) 30 J,l.... EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire PrOlect No. 88-81-155-01 Olawlng No. 5'" A-9a \ I I I I I I I I I I I OATE o.'cctO 12-13-88 ~ I :;; , i Q i ~ . I . o I OEPTW oN lI'E!.T 30 @ ..~ ~ ~'" qp ~:'" ..'" ~ ~ 6 Qp 35 7 40 8 45 9 50 10 55 11 60 SUMMARY BORING NO, 9 (cont) T,,'5 su.......,. ....."'-I(S a....., "'1" rlOC "01;&1"10" 0'" ntlS 10.,..15 ..0 .1" TMe 'I',..e 0' Oill,,-,-UOG. Su.su....CI '~l'OQlrIOIU ...., 01'''(11I Ar O'IOC.1.0C.6'IOIO' ..0 ".1' ,"....G( ..,. nfl' ,-OCJ.l'IQ.. war" rile .....SS064( 0" 1'1"<<. 1"..<< 0.'.. ".1:5C,,110 IS .. "",,,,,,,,"IC..l'IO.. 0' ""f\,l&l,. CO..OI1'IO,., ("";01.1/101'(.<<0. '.., . . .' ~ " .. . <C<V.T<ON, 1306' - - -- - -=-;:.- v/ii,,T, .',: . . " " .' ..... . - '. , . . '. " " " . . . . . ... ',I., . . ~ . , -- - . ..' :., . . . . '" - - --=:.' ".-. 7~/~f. :.,:1.. . .' , ... ~ . . 0'~~~'~ " .:.\ , " . " . .' ' - -... . ~ ',,\: :/ I" . " , '\' - . " . -/ ..... ....- '\.. , ..'./,' / .... .' BEDROCK (continued) SANDSTONE WITH SILTSTONE INTERBEDS ot 30': sandstone, fi ne to coarse grai ned, lower contact undulatory at 31': siltstone, 12" thick, contact with under- lying sandstone gradational at 32': sandstone, fine grained, massive, olive at 37': fine to coarse grained, brown at 40~-42': siltstone, olive: horizontal (00 dip) , at 44-46': sil tstone interbed, contact at 44' horizontol, contact wi th underlying sondstone gradati onal at 48-49': siltstone interbed, contact at 48' horizontal, contact with underlying sandstone gradational , . ' at 54': sandstone, silty; fine grained, massive, mi caceous, wi th scattered coarse sand, brown EASTERN PORTION OF liTHE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Campany Converse Consultants Inland Empire 5 19 9 7 17 26 . 10 108 (;, 118 11 107 8 116 8 122 15 121 PrOtect No. 88-81-155-01 Orawlng No. A-9b ~ o.n 0.'""'0 12-13-88 I I I I I I I I I I I , , c, I c. i , d o I o ~ I o r."T 104 '" "EEI 60 ~ " OV <1-f'" -1'. c,'" c,'" 12 Qp 65 70 SUMMAI-(y BORING NO, 9 (cont.) Too.' ,"'........ ....,....(S OJ",," 4'1' 'l'M( 1.0CA"0" 0' T.OIS 10"'''41 ".0 ..1" l")O( '1'1"( 0' O.'I..I.,,,"C;. s".Su.1f "Cl <:.1100 IriON' ......, 011"(. .. r on, (.II \.0<<:.61"1010' 1Io.0 ,.,...., C'.....Ol A" f"'IS l.OCAflO" ....fM TMl ....SS..Gl 0' '1',....(. "'..e 0"1'.. ""'I.S1"rlO IS ... SI........',.'C.."I".. 0" "CTUA" CO..OlflO'" l.o<Ou..rIEIUO. ""'V.TOO'" 1306' . .: .. .:' d, ...... . I . ~ ...... . , I:, . ." 01, : ~ ~ , " .. ". . "",\.: , . . BEDROCK (continued) CLAYSTONE - silty, red brown . 21 18 114 SANDSTONE - fine to medium groined, mica- ceous, brown '.' End of bor; ng 0 t 69' No groundwater encountered Downhole logged to 55' Backfilled 12-13-88 * Blow counts using telescoping kelly dropping 12 inches: depth: 0-23 ft 23-46 ft 46-68 ft kelly weight: 2200 pounds 1450 pounds 700 pounds Dri lIing Eguipment: bucket auger EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Campany @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire PrOlect No. 88-81-155-01 OtaW'"9,"40. A-9c ..g\ I I I I I I I I I I I OATE O~It.L.EO' 12-13-88 I <> , Q, I Q a I ~ . c I ~ c . I OE,.TH ON 'EltT o 5 10 15 20 25 5UMMAt-<T BORING NO. 10 . . ",'" 0'" ..,.' .,.. ,,'" .,~ T..., ,............" ..,...1(' 0....., ...1' flOC I.0C.&1'10" 0' '''IS 10It'''. ...0 AT 1'IolC 1'1"'<< 0' QIIlI\.l"l104. SUISU'''' .CL <:QIIIO "10'" ...., 0 ,""(It..., orMC" l"QC"l'IQ.., ..0 ......, CIolA.61 .1' 'Jot'S t"OCAnQ_ ,.urM 1'Me ..SS.GC 0" r...e. Tlte QAr. "'''IlSUofca 15 ... ,........,,'c.."O.. 0' ..CT......... CaIOO,flQI'" (JOCou..rCIt(o. SM ECEV.T>ON. 1280' TCP SOIL SILTY SAND - fine to medium groined, light brown BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION INTERBEDDED SILTSTONE AND SANDSTONE Siltstone - mossive to slightly bedded, soft, olive to brown Sandstone - fine to coarse grained with varying silt ond clay, massive to slightly bedded, occasionally cross-bedded, soft to moderately hard, brown to gray Bedrock is highly weathered from 2-5', moderatel to slightly weathered with depth; contacts between units are typically gradational and near horizontal at 11': gradational contact 9 124 Qp - 1 2 '. ' at 12': horizontal contact -- -- - --- - - - - --- -- - - --- ,:",.-..,.- .p:E;~ , .. " , :/<'11 . ", .,. . . .' ,.' .' :~ ..~':'~:: - ' 2 ~ ~:=.1= ,~< '? )//;, ......'... " , at 15': gradational contact at 18': undulatory contact at 19!': gradational contact 4 10 115 -_...:.. ---. /-'-7',,:';, 'I .. ," . .../ '. . ',.'0' );'''.1" ..",;/. .\ ,';--.. . . . '0 . . '\i " .' ,\' , \ :J." : , '.~~.:i 30 " . . ---------- SANDSTONE WITH SILTSTONE INTERBEDS at 22-32': fine to coarse grained sandstone, faint crossbedding, minor sloughing of boring walls , . ' @ PrOll!ct No. EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company 88-81-155-01 Ora wing :'&0. A-lOa Converse Consultants Inland Empire (tfJ OAa OA'~~'O 12-13-88 --~~~'-'SUMMARY .. BORING NO. 10 (cont.) I I I I I I I I I I I ~ I :0 , I o I ~ . I . o I~ OE~TH 'N "IU,T 30 35 @ 40 45 50 55 ~ '10.;"" 0'" .".f -1'0 ,,~ "... 3 ~ 4 5 60 1'..,,, SU....06." .....'-'es 0.....' 41' 1'1oO( 1.0(,U"0" 0" 1'1001' 10111..04..0.10'" 1MC 1'1...( 0" OJIII\,I.I..G. SUISU"" "Cl C~IIOIT II)",S ....r Q '.'1';'" 10 r Qrlole" I. oe I> 'IOld ....0 ..... ,......oc .., "'''S l..OCAna_ W.,M TMl ....ss..CC Oil" T1..C. T.( Q.,.. j1I1CS(III1'CO I' .. 51"'''I.I',C''1'IO'' 0" .IoCTU.&1. <0..011'10'" CIOCQU",rc.ll(o. . , EL.(VATION: 1280. , " . " J" .. " ~ ( , I.': . -- - /1'/('-1. . .' . " .,' . ,'.. . ";' ' ., ':. : .', - - - - - ' - - - .. --::... -- - -- - -- - -- -- - . 'J. .-, :/! ;/". " . . .... " ", " ", ':. . ~ " , '.", \ . . " " ' , ", . - ---=-- --=---..::=: - - --- - -- -- , .~<'7.7?f BEDROCK (cont.) SANDSTONE WITH SILTSTONE INTERBEDS at 32-36': fine grained sandstane, 20-25% sil t and cI ay at 36': undulatory contact at 36-37': siltstone; contact with underlying sandstone gradational at 45-48': siltstone interbed attitude of CXl ntact at 45': N650W,250S at 48': gradational contact, horizontal " at 57': contact horizontal at 57-59': siltstone interbed at 59': gradational contact EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California far: Rancho California Development Campany Converse Consultants Inland Empire 16 12 22 . 6 115 5 117 4 107 PrOtect No. 88-81-155-01 Orawlng No. A-lOb Cp\ I I I I I I I I I I I . i I . , i , Q, - c. Q, , Q I Q ~ I QAT< Q"O~~'O 12-13-88 CE,.Tl-I ON 'EET 6 ...,"'~ 0" .... . ~ .... . . 6 Qp 65 7 7 ;:'UIVI!VII""t.t"'\ -f BORING NO, 10 (cont.) 1'1'11:1 5U""'''''....,. "."'1.1(' olO\.?...r "'Me 1.0C..TI0" a' 'lollS 10"".0 ....0 6'" TNt T....C 0' 011'1.1.'100, SuISU.' Ace C:),lOQ IrlO"S ......, 0 ",,' C. '" OTIO(,If "0(""0'" ,11oO.0 ....t el'...MOl .." TNIS \,OC4"'IO.. WI'. 'Me "'.SSA<OC 0' rrwc. TNC 0..1'.. "''''(:1(111110 " .. 5'''.\'1'11:'''1'10'' a,. ..cry.... CalOOll'IO'" CIoICO.V.rC.co. , " '~"AT<QM' 1280' 0, "." ,I . ...... '.0: . /' '.. -'. " . .~ ." .:' .' -.. ~ :". ;'.. . ", " BEDROCK (continued) SANDSTONE WITH SILTSTONE INTERBEDS ,- , Sandstane - fine to coarse grained End of boring at 69' Na groundwater encountered Downhole logged to 63' Backfilled 12-13-88 * Blaw counts using telescoping kelly dropping 12 inches: depth: 0-23 ft 23 -46 ft 46-68 ft kelly weight: 2200 pounds 1450 pounds 700 pounds Drilling Equipment: bucket auger . 23 10 110 46 9 130 EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho Californi~, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Pro\ect NO. 88-81-155-01 0'3""'"9 No. A-l0c cr 'OA" O"ccEO 12-14-88 I I I I I I I I I I I I I .Q , C. , 0. I , n o I o ~ I OE.c-TH ON '-EEl" @ o ",,,,,,, 0'" ,.." ",. ,,'" ,,<4 5 lQ) 10 2 '5 3 @ 20 4 2S 5 @ 30 ~UMMAKT ,_m__,. BORING NO, 11 T"'3 SU.....".., .....\.1(5 0,"-" .., l'M( I",OC:.&T'lO", 0' flUS .011'000 ,"'.0 4" TMt: 1'....( 0" O"'l.l..l.a. SU.SUII' .C~ C:OMO !fIO,"' ....., 0 ""'Ell" f orlO(1I ,-OC" 1"0'" ".0 ...., CMU"G( AT f'US ..aC"r.0,", Wlr.. TM( ....SS...CC 0' 1'1""C. Tooe 0.1'. .._1(5C,,1'(0 IS It. SI...",,-"'C"TIO" 0' "CTUAl" (O.lOOI1'tO"'S C...cOUlll'(.IICO. SM ECEv.TOON. 1203' Qp ., . :. \' TOPSOIL SILTY SAND - fine to coarse grained, loose,brown BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION SANDSTONE WITH SILTSTONE INTERBEDS Sandstone - fine to coarse grained, with varying silt and clay, massive, soft to moderately hard, brown to gray Siltstone - massive ta slightly bedded, often lenticular, soft, olive to brown Bedrock is highly weathered from H-6', moder- ately ta slightly weathered with depth; contacts between units are typically gradational at 12': siltstone lens, discontinuaus at 14': siltstone lens, discontinuous at 22-23': siltstone interbed attitude of contact at 22': N800 E, 220 N contact at 23': gradational at 25~-26': sil tstone interbed contact at 26': gradational at 28!': siltstone interbed, 6" thick attitude of contact at 28!': N700 E, 180S contact at 29': gradational EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancha Califarnia, California for: Rancho California Development Company , . , . . '-. . .- ". ~ i" . '. .' ., . .' . . , . , " , , . " . .' ;':,1 ".;" , 1...._ " " , ...,r ~ . ..... . . " . ./ '. ~ "'.. " , ,.... ," ~. ." ... .' '" .. .~ : -- - - - .- -....: l,7)II',J.J. ','. . , . ;. ,. " , , .. \ ' ... ,. - - 1?I/7/ II- .. ." , ' , " '. .. .;/~ ;...:::--.............. ,7//(/(1 '., \.... " ' Converse Consultants Inland Empire . 7 5 115 4 6 114 5 6 115 S 5 7 109 6 16 117 PrOleCt No. 88-81-155-01 Ora wIng No. A-lIe (,~ ::'UMM-~l""CT OAn 0.'""<0 12-14-88 BORING NO, 11 (cont.) I T..IS iU......"'.., ........us dill",., ., 'Io( \,OC.'IO" 0" '''U 10.''''. ....0 .T Tloe .. 11....( 0' o. '\'1.'.0. '1.11$1.1." .Cl COIOO 1110..$ ........, 0 1,,.It_ ., or...", ..OC,,'10"5 ~ ....0 ....., c.."'OOG( ..,. ,..U \'OC"'IO" w.,.. '1'..( ....SS"'G( 0" '1'1...... r..( 0"'" QEPTW " OV I....,c",r(o IS .. 'I.......\,I'IC...'IO.. 0" .cru.\' (;0,,01'10..' IIOCOU..'C"CO. 'N .V I ,e:ET ,..'" .....,.. <"<VATION, 1203' 30 ~ ~ 6 Qp BEDROCK (cont.) 10 15 107 SANDSTONE WITH SILTSTONE INTERBEDS I at 31': siltstone interbed, 6" thick attitude of contact at 31': N880E, 50S I contact at 3 H': gradational 35 at 35': siltstone interbed, 6" thick 7 approximate attitude of contact at 35': N600W, 6 26 100 I 80 S; contact at 35!': gradational at 37': siltstone interbed, 8" thick I approximate attitude of contact at 37': E-W, ..... '. 2_30 S , " , " I 40 .', ,,' -- -- "-.- - I : - .: ~ ~ ---:::.-- - ' ,', ',",,',- ' " ,- ..' .' , , I --------- 45 ---- ---- 8 ---- CLAYSTONE - red brown 9 28 96 -:-:-:--- I End of boring at 46' No groundwater encountered No caving I Downhole logged to 42' 50- Backfilled 12-14-88 I S = DIRECT SHEAR TEST (see Drawing B-5) ~ * Blow counts using telescoping kelly dropping 12 inches: ~ depth: kelly weight: 0-23 ft 2200 paunds 23-46 ft 1450 paunds ~ 46-68 ft 700 pounds Drilling Equipment: bucket auger , , .. I 0. .. I EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" PrOtect No. Rancho California, California 88-81-155-01 . for: Rancha California Development Campany 0 I @ OtaWlng No Converse Consultants Inland Empire A-lib fA 0 ~ I I I I I I t I I I I I 0"1'( O"'tt....co: ~ i o > r ~ ~ ~ I 2 . , ac,rTJof ON "CCT o @ .... ~ 'f'W .0 ~..,. -4"" .. .. Qp S 10 10 2 lS 3 @) 20 4 2S 5 30 12-14-88 SUMMARY BORING NO. 12 1'...1 ",....... ........I(S 011I'Io' ..r not 1.0C"'10. 0" "M'I 10ill." ..0 ..yo 'I'''e 1',...e ai' QIII I"" , 004. S"......II' Ace c".o IFIO_. ....r 0'''''('''' r orlft.. I.CJC"l'IO~ ".0 ....r e".". 4" flllf' '-0<"'10" WI'. rlolC .....sAoe 0' 1'1"(. TltC Q..,JIo ....esc...reo IS .. '......."'11:...."'0.0' .en..... COIOO"'IO"S CJIoCQu.'C_CO. SM eLeVATION, 1220' , . , '. " . .' , ,. .. / . I' '. .i) i-I.I , . : -. ~ . ~ J - . I " I . . ' ,'o" " ,',. " - - - - -.~.-. ... ..... \ '.' ." .'. I ---.. - ._- -,- -. -'... <~~: (; ..... .' . ,". \ ., ,.... --- - - , . ..'\ . " ~,. ':.:. ~ ~~.:~ ."..;: ~:.. .... '. .. ....'; - ~:;:::;.-:: ...:...:..:... .:....: .:::--.....;::- 7~.1~ TOPSOIL SILTY SAND - fine to medium grained BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION SANDSTONE WITH SILTSTONE INTERBEDS Sandstone - fine to coarse grained with varying silt and clay, massive to moderately bedded, soft to moderately hard, brown Siltstone - massive to slightly bedded, soft" olive to brown Bedrock is highly weathered from 1-4', moder- ately to slightly weathered with depth; contacts between units are typically gradational and near horizontal .... at 11': faint horizontal banding at 1l!-13': siltstone interbed contacts horizontol ot 13-15': fine grained micaceous sandstone; wavy, undulatory, mica imbrications at 15-16!': siltstone interbed gradational contact with underlying sandstone at 19-20': siltstone interbed contacts horizontal , ' 0" at 27-32': thinly to moderately interbedded sandstone and sil tstone; bedding horizontal EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho Califomia, Califomia for: Rancho California Development Campany Converse Consultants Inland Empire . 3 10 114 3 4 98 3 6 102 4 15 117 7 14 116 PrClleC:1IIIO. 88-81-155-01 O"W~~~;a cP' I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I '" I Ii ~ I . >> Ii ~ ~ I~ ~ . I~ O'T< O.'~~'O' 12-14-88 ac,.-Tlot '" ...CC,T 3 SUMMARY BORING NO. 12 (cont.) T,,,' s.......... ....'"'''.IS 0"'" .U' no. I"IIIC.'IO" III" ""'S .Oilt.... ..0 ...,. 1M. 1'1... ill' 0.'\,1,,1"". '....,....".C( c::O.aITIQ......' III II" c- Ai' O'1II(1f 1,0C.1'IOIlO:I " ..0 ...., <".....<< .U' 1')ofl I"OC.'IO_ ..". '.C ".""Ge 0' 1'1"'(. rlOc 0.'" '!o;~ 0'" ".<<S(,,'IO II .II ""~I'lc..rIQ. 0' &<111"'- CO..olflO'" CloICou.rc"co. ~f "",. 41"",,'" tI.CVATIO"': 1220' 6 Qp .. . ." , ',. ': . '. ,. t.' . . .". .-::,.-- --- /77/(. BEDROCK (cont.) SANDSTONE WITH SILTSTONE INTERBEDS at 32': siltstone interbed, 8" thick gradational contact with underlying sandstone 8 ~.< ~.. . . ~ . f 35 '-0 '. , ' at 38-42': faint iron oxide banding at 38-39': minor sloughing of boring wall 22 at 42': siltstone interbed, 6" thick contacts horizontal fine grained, clayey, micaceous, brown 28 End of bori ng ot 51' No groundwoter encountered Downhole logged to 45' Backfilled 12-14-88 * Blow counts using telescoping kelly dropping 12 inches: depth: kelly weight: 0-23 ft 2200 pounds 23-46 ft 1450 pounds 46-68 ft 700 pounds S = DIRECT SHEAR TEST (see DrawingB-6) Drilling Equipment: bucket auger EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Campany @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire ., ' ~ ;' ..~ 'J ' . ," :. . '" .... . - - - 40 " ~ :.. :: ~. 7 1"_' ." I"" ",. '," . . .:.-.:.. -- ~-- '..... "',', ..... . : 45 J, . - - ( . .' - 'f ...... '.... . ., i' . . . . 1" - .' -" ~ "'':. ,I .'::.' :, 50 -..... I .~~: ~ .~. ,; 8 , " ~, , .. , .~. . 55 . 14 117 S 6 115 24 103 PrQI.C;l No. 88-81-;155-01 Ota...,ng No. A-12b cP I I I I I J I I I I I .~ '" I I .. 11 '0 o > Ii 15 ~ , I~ OA" o~,~~.o, 12-16-88 SUMMARY BORING NO.13 ar.~w IN II"I:CT .." 0'" .,..'" -1". ,,~ ..-4. T...S ,"'........." ...,....,..' 0_' .~ noc \,C1C.tl01O 0" "IotIS .0.".... ...0 ..,. ?e "...e Q' 01"\,\,1.... ,,,.s,,.. .Cl CCI.otrIQ., ...... Ollll"~""" aTilt. ...OC..rto,,". ..0 ...., ClOl....C ." TIoOIS \,C1C.f10. .,,. rMe ~..ss...c 0' 1',wC. TMC 0..".. "."SClttlC! III .. S"'.~I'Il:"rlo. 0" ACT".... COooGtf'IO,,' C.lOCCI",.rc..cCl. . o SM l.t..cvATIO": 11041 SP > ;.:, SAND - trace fines; fine to medium grained, with 3 ; :',: ' lenses of sandy sil t, light gray . ~ . '.. . . . .. ~ t 1 5 ML -1. 2 10 . ....... .... .' " 15 . ;" , " . . . , . . ." '.". " . . .. ' :. :'.:. 20 2S 30 ALLWI UM SILTY SAND - fine to medium grained, gray to brown with !-1" thick sandy silt lenses 18 32 78 =0";" SILT - with fine sand, disseminated organi~ray 20 52 67 -------- 28 17 106 .. sand flushing into hollow stem from 15 to 20 feet o RE OVE Y .' " . End of bori ng at 20' Groundwater encountered at 7' Backfilled 12-16-88 * Blow counts using 140 pound hammer dropping 30 inches C = Percent collapse of submerged sample with approximately 2 KSF normal load (rounded to the nearest 1 percent) Drilling Equipment: hollow stem auger EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancha California, California for: Rancho California Development Campany @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire PrOlect No. 88-817155-01 0'3\"""9 No. A-13 ~'\ . I I I I J I I I I ,I I ,I I I I I I I TEST PIT LOG . SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 4 Elevation 1100 ft. NUMBER - 0 ~ .. - <:I j: W I- () '# 0 w z ... - -' < 12-12-88 DCP .. :l - w () Date Excavated Logged By 3!: 0 > a: 2 ~ () ~ :l J: .. J: w ~ ;;; ~ ... .. ~ " .. Backhoe ... > -' 0 > z (5 < < Equipment w 1: :l -' a: w a: -' c C ED ED C C ~ c:l () DESCRIPTION SM' ALLWlUM (Qal) - SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, Qp. I medium dense, dry, weakly cemented, porous, and dark brown color BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, .2...f- - _I silty, fine to medium grained, mdssive, porous, moderately hard, dry, and dark brown color +- i- T otal depth at 4' - - No ground water encountered ,!Q. - No caving -- Trench backfilled 12-12-88 + . - ~ . - i- -- i- -- + - f- SCALE: 1"=5' CH=V) SKETCH ~ : S200E Qal--. 0" "'d'" . . V '~, ',o:'~': !",~ .'.. .' 0_ ~,o., \f'~ ~~~" :0.. 0 ..: 0 . . ~;"-'-:"-:--.., y .O'..~ . ~: :--:. '. ' : . ," "~':',:::.::~ .', "Qp'" . " ." .' . ::', '.' .... ',".. -:::: '- :..::...u.', . '., .' ' ...... ..'- ". . ... EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Project No; 88-81-155-01 ~10 Drawing No. A-17 I TEST PIT LOG J SAMPLE Z Test Pit No. 5 Elevation 1086 ft. NUMBER - 0 ~ ... - Cl i= w ~ 0 .,. 0 w Z ll. - ... -< 12-12-88 DCP ... :;) - w 9 Date Excavated logged By Z 0 > a: 0 !!: I - 0 :;) ~ l:: CD J: w ~ CD ~ ll. CD Backhoe ~ " CD ll. 2: ... 0 > z 0 -< -< Equipment w a: :;) ... a: w a: ... Q Q III III Q Q ::ll Cl 0 DESCRIPTION I i- SM. CQ.LWI UM (Qcol) - SilTY SAI'D, fine to medium grained, loose to medium dense, dry, porous, and dark brown color l- . 'I I- 5+ Qp BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION(Qp) - SANDSTONE, silty, fine to medium grained, massive, moderately ~ - weathered, porous, moderately hard, dry, and dark brown color - - Total depth at 4.5' I - 10- No ground water encountered - - - No caving I - Trench backfilled 12-12-88 - c I - I- - i- - I- -- . -- SCALE: ,"-5' (H V) SKETCH .. : S190E '\. '.1, '0.'1:" :1'. ,,: 0 :-t'~: 0' o';JY V Q,' '. ... " ',', :"0";' .0 ", !. ::. Qcol:,~, :t: 0," ".: 0 : ~ I ~b ' ,"I ' :.:J;;; .:..:L ' ", ' -- . ...... ~...~: '9p:',y? , - '.- . "- .. I I I ,I I I I I I I EASTERN PORTION OF liTHE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company Project No. 88-81-155-01 fp<\ Drawing No. @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire A-18 SAMPLE Z Test Pit No. 6 1120 ft. Elevation NUMBER - 0 ~ ... - c:l ~ w ~ <J ~ 0 w Z ll. - ... < 12-12-88 DCP ... ::> <J Date Excavated Logged By 0 - w !!; 3'; .>- a: <J <J t: ::> :c ., :c w ~ ., ~ ll. ., ~ '" ., ll. > ... 0 >- Z 0 < < Equipment w a: ::> ... a: w a: ... Q Q CD CD Q Q 2 c:l <J DESCRIPTION SP nALLLNIUM (Qcl) - SAND, medium grained, loose, dry, and , . -\ light brown color SM ~ COLLLNI UM (Qco\) - SILTY SAND, fine grained, slightly 5- Qp \ clayey, medium dense, dry, porous, and dark brown color .' - I- BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, medium to coarse grained, massive, moderately hard, dry, I and dark brown color !- l- T ota 1 depth at 6' 10- I- No ground water encountered ~ I- - No caving - - - Trench backfilled 12-12-88 - -!- . !- - I- - - - SCALE: 1"-5' (H-V) SKETCH ~ : N350W , . A '. /0'.'0',.; ~\k: " '.' ~ ~:::',~: :0. ': Qa1i -" 0.... 0'. "'0.":0.',/ .~.:. Qcof: : .' . I....-;.~ V . ~.. D. o ":i/. ,~ ,"...~,' ~ :~..:.:~... " " .' ", ." " ."..~ ........~. " "..' Qp ,-'- " . ~ " :',.. ~',>:.::"-;': ,',-' ."'Y . ...." I I I I, t ,I I I I I I I I I f I I I I TEST PIT LOG EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Ranchd 'Calif ornia Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire . Pro leet Ne. 88-81-155-01 "T() Drawing No. A-19 I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I TEST PIT LOG SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 7 1165 ft. I NUMBER Q Elevation I- - - <:l w ... l- I- <J #- 0 w z ... - .... < 12-12-88 DCP ... :;) 52 Date Excavated logged By - w ;!; 0 > a: 52 ~ <J I J: I- :;) J: .. W ~ 0; I- ... .. I- ~ " .. Backhoe ... .... 0 > z 0 < < Equipment w a: :;) .... a: w a: .... c c Ol Ol C c ::l! <:l <J DESCRIPTION 'I, -l- SM_ TOPSOIL - SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, " .1- medium dense, dry, porous, and dark brown color I -I- Op BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, silty, slightly clayey, massive, upper 2' moderately .2-- - _I weathered, moderately hard, dry, and reddish brown color . -I- - -l- Total depth at 4' - No ground water encountered No caving JQ - Trench backfilled 12-12-88 I- - .1- - - ~ - -I- , ~ "- SCALE: 1"=5' (H=V) SKETCH .. : S150E ;- - TOPSOIL / )to"~t:" ~'!il ~ \@"''''O: .. '(r-:~',::O:"!, ~~~~.', '1,0", ""'0:" .~ "o",oiJ;.: o ~o" '.,. ~.~. "':j;:':<>:' ",' , ~.:~...',,'~'" ::Qp,..,.45 ' .' ", .....-:' , '''.;:'' '- . ,.' ",' ..'T"""t . . '" '". '.':'.~.'.~ ~. . ...;....:....:..,. " ", i.-" , , ' , " . ,'. . EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Project Ne. 88-81-155-01 1\ Drawing No. A-20 I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I TEST PIT LOG SAMPLE Z Test Pit No. 8 1150 ft. I NUMBER 51 Elevation I- - - Cl W l- I&. ... (,) .,. 0 w Z o.. - .... < 12-12 -88 DCP I&. ::l - w !:? Date Excavated ' Logged By a; 0 >- a: (,) !!: (,) i I :l: ... ::l '" W ~ 0; I- o.. '" I- " '" Backhoe o.. i!: .... 0 >- z 0 < < Equipment w a: ::l .... a: w a: .... Q Q III III Q Q ::l! Cl (,) DESCRIPTION I SM. _ COLLLNIUM (Qcol) - SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, medium dense, dry, porous, and dark gray-brown color - I , 5' Qp, l- BEDROCK - PAUBA FORtvlATlON (Qp) - SANDSTONE, silty, fine to medium grained, massive, porouS, moderately . ,. . 1 weathered, moderately hard, dry, and groy-brown color I- - ,. . Total depth at 5' - No ground water encountered JQ. .,. No caving Trench backfilled 12- i2-88 . .,. - ",. .,. . - - l- . - l- I- SCALE: 1"=5' (H=V) SKETCH .... : S350 E ,,1.'0; ,"" p ,f: .1 0" '.. l'" 0 :1, y.. ,,' ~: "~r" '. '." '/J ",' '0 0; ." . 0" "'c)"" ".0::0,' . '. " . '. . " ,;. .,Qcol 'X.3.".;L; :.8,. , '. "~/ ' ..:~;', ::: I-';:.,h , . "";""':,.-,;2) . .- .~,~:'.7"';' "Qp.,:,y '\ k-; :::::<',;:;;:,: ~.'",,,,,,, . EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company Project NO, 88-81-155-01 1Z, @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Drawing No. A-21 I f I I I I I I I I I 'I I I I I I I I. SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 9 Elevation 1133 ft. NUMBER - 0 ~ ... - c:l i= w ~ () ." 0 w Z ~ - -' .. 12-12-88 DCP ... ~ - w 52 Date Excavated Logged By ~ 0 > a: 52 !!: () t: ~ :%: Gl :%: w ~ .. ~ ~ Gl ~ '" .. Backhoe ~ > -' 0 > z <5 .. .. Equipment w ~ ~ -' a: w a: -' Q Q CD CD Q Q ~ c:l (,) DESCRIPTION . SM. SHEET FLOW DEBRIS - SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, with clay, medium dense, dry, and light brown color. . Recent deposit ponded behind road embankment . ~ . SC ~ FILL (Af) - CLAYEY SAND, medium grained, soft, moist, ,Lf- ~ and dark brawn color .. ^- BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, - , silty, slightly clayey, fine grained, massive, highly c- . weothered, soft, moist, and black-brown calor . . JQ .... Total depth at 6.5' . ~ .1- No ground water encountered + No caving . ~ Trench Backfilled 12-12-88 . . I-- >- . >- .- .... +- .... SCALE: ,'=5' (H=V) SKETCH ... : S150W StlE b FLOW 0 BRIS\ - "", '''0,''1, ,,7 " ,I; ':t' , 'I:.; ',1." '; \;:' ~ ...- I'" . . . . "':("'0" ... 0 ..... _0. 0- :11 . . \ o. " "1 '. .' j" ' . ().',' . '. 'I " ' }..., 0: "0:; " 0.' . ... . . : ':0 '. '. " . ," 0 0: 0,' 81." .,.~.~ 0': , . . D.O.....o..~O . O' : 0 ~+%~J.' . .;.:.:- . . , i',,'_ '. .. 0/0 c), 0 ~o 0/0/0 'I o 0 /0 · ~ : ~,:'"T.rri7 1-:~~','7 " '",-',:':: :':" .:' . '... '" . TEST PIT LOG . EASTERN PORTION OF liTHE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company Project No. 88-81-155-011'7 Drawing No. @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire A-22 TEST PIT LOG I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I I SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 10 1141 ft. NUMBER 0 Elevation ~ - - c:l ~ w ~ ... w Z 0 #. 0 < 12-12-88 DCP ... Go - ... :l - 0 Date Excavated Logged By ~ 0 w !:l !!; 0 > a: :c ~ :l :c en w ~ 0; ~ Go en ~ " en Backhae Go 2: ... 0 > Z 0 < < Equipment w a: :l ... a: w a: ... 0 0 GI GI 0 0 ~ c:l 0 DESCRIPTION SM. COLLWIUM (Qcal) - SILTY SAND, fine ta medium grained, . medium dense ta dense, dry, parous, and dark brown color . . 5 Gp BEDROCK- PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTCNE, silty, fine to medium grained, massive, moderately - weathered, moderately hard, dry, and reddish brown color - Total depth at 5' JQ - No ground water encountered . - No caving . . Trench backfilled 12-12-88 . . . - - . i- , . . - SCALE: '"=5' (H=V) SKETCH .. : 524 oW - ".'l' ~ '" J' . . 'D t'o:' :1:0' , ../0., ",0 ),,:.:t. ':r ,,, . " ;"1'.0 "'0/'" :~.. ,\kl"" 0 . . l . . o '''' ' " :, 0 "10',' ~ :.: Qcol: ' . ':0 '.'. '0' .. ". ",Y . .~'. . . :,{ o}:o";' ': :0. .;.:- ' : 0:,0 .. ,,: 0' :. . '.::. .: .: " ' ~~ :"+= i{":" .;--:',V ': . , . '- . ' '. ',' .",... " po' '7 -- ':+';"" '.:,. . EASTERN PORTION OF liTHE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company Project No. 88-81-155-01 1k Drawing No. @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire A-23 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TEST PIT LOG SAMPLE 11 1185 ft. NUMBER z Test Pit No. Elevetlon I- ~ 0 ... ~ c:l ~ w I- <.l ~ 0 w z .. ... ... - ..J T2-12-88 DCP :J - W ~ Date Excavated logged By ~ 0 > a: <.l !!: <.l i :I: I- :J CD I- W :.: ~ iii l- ll. CD :!: CD Backhoe ... ..J 0 > z 0 .. .. Equipment w a: :J ..J a: w a: ..J c C III III C C ~ c:l <.l DESCRIPTION ML TCI'SOIL - SANDY SILT, fine grained, loose, dry, and . Qp dark gray color - BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, . I silty, slightly clayey, medium to coarse grained, massive, 2... moderately weathered, reddish brown color . - - Total depth at 3' - - - No ground water encountered - - "- No caving lQ. - - Trench backfilled 12-12-88 - - >- -- ... - -I- -I- f-+ - - . - . SCALE: '"=5' (H=V) SKETCH .. : S200 E , r TOPSOIL ~ ...,.-;... .... ~ ,,'~'~.:':",., ~'.~,".~ ',:."7:', " :-:..... . :--"',-~ . .'. " :::-:-::':':;':'Qp:' ..'" '9 .:.:...::..:-..,. .~:-:.::.~::.:.. . ",' . ":", " :~...:..~ .: """"'" .:.++:' :......:... :"".",7 . EASTERN PORTION OF liTHE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Project No. 88-81-155-01 1:> Drawing No.. A-24 SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 12 1158 ft. NUMBER Elevallon - 0 I- ... - Cl j: w I- Q "I- 0 w 'z A- - .... oC 12-12-88 DCP ... ::l - w 2 Date Excavated Logged By ~ 0 > a: 2 !!: Q I- ::l J: .. J: w ~ CD I- A- .. I- " .. Backhoe A- > .... 0 > z (5 oC oC Equipment w 1: ::l .... a: w a: .... Q Q CD CD Q Q ::l! Cl Q DESCRIPTION - SM, _ COLLlNlUM (Qco!) - SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, medium dense, dry, and dark gray-brown color . i- S- Op i- BEDROCK - PAUBA FOR~ATION(Qp) - SANDSTONE, ..:... -= ~l silty, medium grained, massive, moderately weathered, - moderately hard, dry, ond dark brown color - - .1- . Total depth at 4,5' . No ground water encountered 110 . i- No caving Trench backfilled 12-12-88 -I- -i- . I- - ,-- I- - -i- -- - - - - SCALE: 1'- 5' (H =V) SKETCH .... : SlOoW ~ '1 '17 ' ' ,1' " "J:~:'V<," ,I, ' ,." "'j"" , ~.. , <::~(f . .0. . ,. " ',,0 '.'-0 I, . '0>1. ,c;>. " '.0:, .I,QcoI: . '.0 " .' . . . ...0 '0.' .~. .0 '0', ,:".;' .0:.L..',~ ' '~i': ;,' , " 0', '... '.' ' " , . ' ",,0 .~', '':' * '.;J-, ..;:~.: .': ,,', '.' :/ '" '" '.' "Q , '~ ' ,,' ",' p :.:::;.\.,'. . ':":'::"":~,-=:." ' .- . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TEST PIT LOG EASTERN PORTION OF liTHE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire . Project No, 88-81-155-01 1lP Drawing No. A-25 I I I I I I I I I I I I l TEST PIT LOG SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 13 1192 ft. 1& Elevation NUMBER - 2 ... - CI l- I- 0 # 0 Z lL - ... < 12-12-88 DCP ::;) - w 0 Date Excavated Logged By ~ 0 > a: 0 ~ 1 0 I- ::;) :i: .. IE w " 3 ;; l- lL .. Backhoe .. lL > ... 0 > z (5 < < Equipment w ~ ::;) ... a: w a: ... Q Q CII CII Q Q ~ 0 0 DESCRIPTION I .1- SM_ COLLlNl UM (Qcol) - SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, ,- dense to very dense, dry, upper H' porous, and dark - ~ brown i::olor,- I S- Op- BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, silty, medium grained, mossive, moderately weathered, I -,- - I moderately hard, dry, and reddish brown color - -- - - Total depth at 5' I li1 - No ground water encountered No caving - -- Trench backfilled 12-12-88 , + -- . ,. -I- - - . - - .- ,. - - - - -I- SCALE: ,'=5' (H-vl SKETCH .... : S350W ~ . I.,. },' 'Jo' o. ' :\.' 0' . ,.t:' . . '. .' ',,': i;) . 0 ' . \}".'I ,.1:0," ':'f'" .~ . ,-. C1 '.. :0:' .', ~.D.", ,.0,' '0::' ;""-'g;Y " , 0.. 0 . , ; :':Qcol ::,1 '",(, ,':' ,,''', ',0;" '<>1, ~. 0.:.' . ,0' f) '. '0, ~,p::" , ' '/',O',i '::I::.;.i~:/:"'" . : 0,0',' .... ','0 .' 0 .~'2'. . .. ~." ..~J......:: ~.;, :"":"Q '.-". y " ,.,", p:~ . .... .;-.....::....." ',' . .:. . EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Project NO., 88-81-155-01 11 DrawinQ No. A-26 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 14 Elevation 1178 ft. NUMBER - 0 lo- ... - 0 ~ W lo- 0 .,. 0 < w Z a. - -' 12-12-88 DCP ... :;) 9 Date Excavated Logged By - w ;!'; 0 >- a: 0 !!: 0 i :t: lo- :;) .. w ~ Iii l0- a. .. lo- " .. Backhoe CL > ... 0 >- z 0 < < Equipment w a: :;) ... a: w a: ... Q Q 02 02 Q Q :l 0 0 DESCRIPTION SM"~ COLLWIUM (Ccol) - SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, medium dense to dense, dry, porous, and light brown color Qp BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, silty s" - I medium grained, massive, moderotely weathered, -=- - - _ moderately hard, dry, and reddish brown color .1- - l- Total depth at 3.5' I- No ground water encountered No caving 19: " _. Trench backfilled 12-12-88 - l- . -I- l- . - l- I-- - -l- . - I- - SCALE: '.-5' (H=vl SKETCH .. : N770E . ," ." ,~.'(' .:to, :r.'::';J:-'~r;iiP \7 '0' . . , · .j.. :)~~~lio: ~i{:~",?q ",,' . " . . 0 ".0' "~.AA ~' ..I" ' ' ~:--:~: ~'Q:''-':: , ., ,,,',' p,,,,,, '".:.::". . ,,",:':,,' ..:.;> TEST PIT LOG . EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Projact N~. 88-81-155-01 1~ Drawing No. A-27 SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 15 1164 ft. NUMBER 0 Elevallon I- - - Cl i= ... W I- 0 ! 0 w Z A. -' -< 12-12-88 DCP ... :J - W 0 Date Excavated logged By ~ 0 > a: !:1 ~ 0 I- :J 1: .. 1: w ~ iii I- A. .. I- " CIl Backhoe lL > -' 0 > z (5 -< -< Equipment w a: :J -' a: w a: -' 0 0 CD CD 0 0 :li Cl 0 DESCRIPTION . SM COLLUVIUM (Ocol) - SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, dense, dry, porous, and gray brown Op BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Op) - SANDSTONE, 5- . .1 silty, fine grained, massive, moderately weathered, _ moderately hard, dry, and reddish brown color -=- - , + '" .1- Total depth at 3.5' I- No ground water encountered No caving 10' I- Trench backfilled 12-12-88 ~ l- . - - . . . I- - - I- - I- '" "- SCALE: '.-5' (H-Vl SKETCH .. : S140E " "0)',',0 V ' _ " '1 ..', 0.1' ,'0' (,),' ,'\ ',' . '..' t () ,0,_ ~O:I'~:' ~":Qco1:' ,,:. ~ '.. ,0 t': . "0 <>.. \ '0. '~'~ f;>,~:"'" " ....:...:::.-:~ ;,.;," ,";';':"-" ......:Tijp'::-:;.:..; ..' ..." . .... '. .-' . ," I I I I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I TEST PIT LOG EASTERN PORTION OF liTHE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire . Project Ne. 88-81-155-01 1'\ Drawing No. A-28 TEST PIT LOG I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 16 1173 ft. NUMBER Elevallon I I- - - c:l 2 w I- .. I- W Z (.) # 0 < 12-12-88 DCP .. ... - .... ::> - w (.) Oate Excavated Logged By ;!; 0 >- a: 2 !!; (.) t: ::> :J: ., I :J: w ~ I- 0.. ., I- '" ., ., ... ~ .... 0 >- Z 0 < < Equipment Backhae w a: ::> .... a: w a: .... 0 0 III al 0 0 ~ c:l (.) DESCRIPTION I '- SM. COLLLNI UM (Oca!) - SILTY SAND, fine grained, medium I- dense, dry, porous, and dark brown color + '- -'- -f- Qp BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, .1- silty, Fine grained, massive, moderately weathered, moderately hard, dry, and dark brown to reddish brown color - Total depth at 5.5' - I- No ground water encountered . . '- No caving . f- Trench backfilled 12-12-88 - . .1- f.-f- l- . - . . SCALE: 1"=5' (H=V) SKETCH ~ : SA60E . "r ':r yv : J;' ~Io . :1'; ,a r . 0 "'J'" ~~(,;:,_:, , ;I' ,".' 1" '. . ." '. o. . : ',.0 . , " . O' ., f""( ~.,:' ,'. '0':-:,. '6 :.,:.;:' Q~ol : ' :,~" '0' ...0, . . . " ' d." '.: "~'-" ';-: . .', . ,.' 0 '. , ,', l o. '.... . o' '0.. O"~:- 0\ 1::.r ",LO"'t-', " :.'. ,0 ", ' " ,0 j . '.. ~', ' . . '. ,,',,' \. ~. .. f>" ~ , ' . . , ~".... ":'~:'Q :,' ~/ . '.-. ~--:-~, p '; :.,: " '.....,~ , , ' 0#._ . . EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Project No. 88-81-155-01 ~o Drawing No. A-29 TEST PIT LOG I SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 17 1160 ft. NUMBER Elevation I-' - 0 ... - c:l >= I UJ ... 0 ~ 0 UJ Z ... - -' < 12-12-88 DCP ... ::> - UJ 0 Date Excavated Logged By ~ 0 > II: 52 ~ 0 :I: ... ::> :I: ., UJ :t c;; ... ... ., I ... > " .. Backhoe ... -' 0 > z (5 < < Equipment UJ a: ::> -' II: w II: -' C C III III C C ::l; c:l 0 . DESCRIPTION SP ALLWIUM (Oal) - SAND, medIum ta caarse grained, loose, I '" dry, and light brown color .. I .2- Qp- I- BEDROCK -PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, - I- silty, caarse grained, massive, moderately weathered, soft, - - I- I moist, and dark brown color I - -I- - .. Total depth at 5.5' No ground water encountered I LLo: -I- No caving I- Trench backfilled 12-12-88 - I- I - -I- . l- . l- I - -I- , I - . SCALE: 1.=5' (H=V) SKETCH .. : S2tOW I, V . ..... :'0: O' .:, . .;:; o' ,', ..:.....?: :.:.~; ~.:'. ~:>~ ~'. .~ . , \," 0"'::' .:: ., "0",: Q I' ~' ",0. ,~". ':' 0 '.~. '::~,: ,", a.: "f) .. .0. ..' 0,',. "" ' , , '''?' ~.::.~~. ~ ~~ :':~o:':, oi ',: ~';.' . "0 . . o. ~.~':'.:' \f" ' ' ?7 :2::..~.. '.~ ".':r":-" ,,' . .-:..:. ,', ~...... " .... , ..'Qp". . : ;::: . ;"71.':" ......:.:.:..:..~::: ~: '. . I I I I I I I @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire EASTERN PORTION OF liTHE MEADOWS" Rancho CaFifornia, California for: Rancho California Development Company Project No. 88-81-155-01 2>\ Draw ing No. A-30 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TEST PIT LOG SAMPLE Z Test Pit No. 18 1150 ft. NUMBER Elevation I- - 0 ... - c:l j: W I- (,) ~ 0 w Z ... - .. < 12-12-88 DCP ... :;) 2 Date Excavated Logged By - w ~ 0 >- II: 2 !!: (,) :I: I- :> :I: '" w ~ iii I- ... '" I- > " .. Backhoe ... .. 0 >- z i5 < < Equipment w a: :;) .. II: W II: .. C C '" III C C ~ c:l (,) DESCRIPTION SP. _ ALLUVUIM (Cal) - SAND, medium to coarse grained, loose, dry, and lTght brawn colar - ~- _ BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, . 5- - _\ silty, slightly clayey, micaceous, medium grained, massive, moderately weathered, and reddish brown color - - - - . , - . T atal depth at 3.5' No graund water encountered - No caving - Trench backfilled 12-12-88 lQr- . + . .~ . -I- . -I- . - . - - - -- SCALE: 1"=5' (H=V) SKETCH .. : Sl10E . \~' ".". ,.' .' 0'. ',II'," . 0 V 0',.""'0'. Q r '.0 ' 0" . .... ,'.. ....(;): .:,11. ~ I '. a ',0 "0'0',.: '. .....tI...o~:~I:: ..:..:....:~ \'- -,- ' ".,.., '..,' ' ...I'.:~.". p.....--:--... \; "". ',.' .... '.':.:,...-- r.;-.:...::.....:.,..:.. .:. . EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California far: Rancho Califarnia Develapment Company Project No. 88-81-155-01 ~~ I Drawing No. @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire A-31 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -I I I I SAMPl.E z NUMBER ~ 0 l- lL ~ Cl j:: w I- 0 ~ 0 w Z II. - ... < IL ::l - w 0 ~ 0 > a: 9 !!; 0 I- ::l :z: '" :z: w ~ 1ii l- ll. '" I- " '" 11. ~ ... 0 > Z 0 < < w a: ::l ... a: w a: ... Q Q .. .. Q Q ~ Cl 0 SP - SC Qp. 2- .>- .. >- .. JQI- .1- .1- l- I- l--l- SCALE: 1"=5' (H-Vl TEST PIT lOG . Test Pit No. 1 1136 ft. Elevation Dale Excavated 12-12-88 Logged By DCP Equipment Backhoe DESCRIPTION SHEET FLOW DEBRIS - SAND, fine to medium grained, loose, dry, trace gravel, and yellow-brown color. Recent deposit ponded behind road embankment FILL (Af) - CLAYEY SAND, fine grained, medium dense, dry, y and dork brown color , BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, . silty, fine grained, poorly bedded, moderately weathered, soft, dry, and brown wlor @Bedding attitude at 3': N850W, 40 NE .1- T otol depth at 4' I- No ground water encountered , No caving I- Trench backfilled 12-12-88 l- - ~ + SKETCH .. : NOOW r-SHEET~FI.OW DEBRI~ ~':"'6':").~<~""':~:;L:';'~,..",.,." , ',.'.:0:, ;,Af ::,:'1:-, :o,.,.:;;-:..'~ ,.\','>- " ':~' , '--::-'--:-- ". ,.' ,', ". ':. ,,~ ':~ ':"7':\~' :~-'- :...:~ ::......'~o/,- ........:...~.I:':..;.:.:... ",..~ \...@ EASTERJ'.:l PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company Pro ject N~. 88-81-155-01 ~~ @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Drawing No. A-14 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TEST PIT lOG SAMPLE Z Test Pit No. 2 1147 ft. NUMBER 0 Elevation I- ~ ~ c:l i= w l- I&, w Z (J .,. 0 -< 12-12-88 I&, ... - .... DCP ::l - w !:l Date Excavated Logged By ~ 0 >- a: !:l !!: (J I- ::l :%: ., :%: W ~ a; I- ... ., I- 2: :.: ., Backhoe ... .... 0 >- z 0 -< -< Equipment w a: ::l .... a: w a: .... Q Q .. .. Q Q ::E c:l (J DESCRIPTION SP , ALlLNIUM (Qal) - SAND, with cloy, medium to coarse - grained, medium dense, dry, dark brown color with sub- - rounded cobbles along bedrock contact Qp BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, 5' - clayey, medium grained, massive, upper H' moderately r-f- - - weathered, moderately hard, dry to slightly moist, and + - dark brown color -f- . t- Total depth at 6.5' lOt- No ground water encountered t--'-=-t- No caving f- Trench IDckFilled 12-12-88 . + -I- - + - I- - f- .t- f- + f- f- SCALE: 1.=5' (H=V) SKETCH .. : Nl00E "',, " 0: ":0.:.: ~ " rJ '. .. ' ", ,..,. J :.:''::' ,"O':,r' . . . D. ,\:al;~ ' ': o' Qal...,' . . ...... . '0' f).. O'(T .. .~.. '.,~,:..; l .:.~.~ :',; . .:-: ... :':. " .:: '.;';' . '. '" ~\~:':o' 0' .:.',.v".:' .:...,..:.......... ...~.. , ,,', '0',:1 ,",' ': " ,""":,, . ":0',:.:: ?-: 0"0' .0'.... ',' .~...I. . , .' ','.. . ...0 , .. ''':0' 'Q I '~'~ ""~ a . 0.0. . _. . 0' ._', '.or-- ',..- ...~.-:--..., ..... ~.. '..' .,.' . . '. .........'. ......~:.< ::.~...:... .' . .... . '.' " " . -'.--:- ..;...-; : . Qp.:.....:.: '':f':-':,';,'" -,-.' ..... . ..... . < :'-:-;-',- :~' : : ," '. ,- .:.~..' . -- .', .r::-. . :-:::-:':',:"",/ . ...... ." " ' . . EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Project No~ 88-81-155-01 ~ Draw ing No. A-15 I I I I I I I I I I I I . TEST PIT LOG SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 3 Elevation 1155 ft. I NUMBER Q ~ - c:l IL - ~ w ~ (,) ! 0 < w z 12-12-88 DCP IL ::> l1. -' 2 Date Excavated logged By - w ;!; 0 > a: (,) !!: I (,) ~ ::> i '" J: W ~ (jj ~ l1. '" Backhoe ~ 2: '" > z '" < < l1. -' 0 0 Equipment w a: ::> -' a: w a: -' Q Q III III Q Q :E c:l (,) DESCRIPTION SM_ TOPSOil - SilTY ,SAND, fine"to mecntlm grained, , medium dense, dry, porous, and dark brown color Qp- BEDROCK - PAUBA FOR,lMTlON (Qp) - SANDSTONE, I siltY, fine to medium grained, porous, moderately hard, dry, 1- -I and dark brown color I - >- Total depth at 4' - - '" No ground water encountered I No caving - - '" Trench backfilled 12-12-88 1Q - .- ~ :- . '" :- - - >- - - >- .1- .1- - I- - SCALE: ,'-5' (H-V) SKETCH .. : NlloW ~ " ~TOPSOIL / Y"II~';::ri ":-"i.~>- ' . I) . '.0' ~ 0'" o'\j "or,' 'to,," f7~:o''''o';,,,:.;: ,<o':'i:!iV W:. o,;;l~ .' o;'''''l~t'~1 ' ;., 0 ,~ " ' 'I ',." "0 . '~ ,,,, :;.o~::::o.:. . ~.. .,.- -,' . " ..."O"':~:" (-':>'i:<::: ::~T>;: .... . o. . '" ..... ;':':.;:.~.:' :'::.:: :.";: '7 '" ....... ,. ", ,.' . . EASTERN PORTION OF liTHE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho Califomia Development Company Project Ne. /" ~ 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire A-16 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TEST PIT LOG SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 19 1140 ft. NUMBER Elevallon I- - - Cl Q w l- II. I- W Z CJ # 0 -< 12-12-88 DCP II. .. - ... ::l - w 52 Date E"cavated Logged By ;!; 0 >- It: CJ !: CJ i: :J: t: :l .. w ~ .. I- .. .. I- ~ Backhoe .. > ... 0 >- z .. -< -< Equipment w ~ :l ... It: W (5 It: ... C C Ol Ol C c ::l! Cl CJ DESCRiPTION SP AllWIUM (Qal) - SAND, medium to coone grained, loose, - - dry, and dark brown color - - -" 5 ->- Op BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Op) - SANDSTONE, ..:::...>- - silty, slightly clayey, medium grained, massive, moderately ->- I weathered, medium hard, moist, and reddish brown color ->- - I- - T ota! depth at 5.5' UQ~ . No ground water encountered 1 ~ - - No caving Trench backfilled 12-12-88 .~ - . - I..- ~ >-- I- -~ SCALE: '"=5' (H-V) SKETCH . : S20E . .. ..' 0', " "~'.:.':".:c: ':.::~ i .. ,', o....--r rJ r I~' ....~:,,', '0:', ,;. :'.: :' ',: '0':' .:..0. ',.:0" '",; Qal.;' . . 0 ,". 0: . . "::~. .:',~:~:, ':', ;'" 0', " 0 :'~'",o . : ,', . ~'W '0.0. ...0. ~" ''---' , :: ,,.:...,;. 7 ~.:~..~' ,:':~':"7 " . :'.',:': Qp':i: ---.' -.;...:. -,.' . '..~,,-' ',.--:-., . ..... .~....::.. ' \.:..:- " " , . EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company Project N~. 88-81-155-01 <jy @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Drawing No. A-32 I SAMPLE 20 1173 ft. z Test Pit No. Elevallon NUMBER - 0 ~ ... - c::l ~ w ~ 0 #- 0 w Z A. - .... < 12-12-88 DCP ... :> - w 2 Date Excavated logged By ~ 0 > 0: 2 !!: 0 ~ :> :%: .. I :%: W 3 ;; ~ A. .. Backhoe ~ :.: .. A. > .... 0 > z (5 < < Equipment w 1;: :> .... 0: W 0: .... 0 0 III III 00 ~ c::l 0 DESCRIPTION I SM TOPSOIL - SILTY,SAND, fine to medium grained, . f- - dense, dry, and dark brown color Gp- BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, + silty, slightly clayey, fine to medium grained, massive, I 5 -r- moderately weathered, moderately hard, dry, and reddish -r- -- brown color I -r- f- ~ T ota I depth at 3.5' r- No ground water encountered I ~ - f- No caving I- Trench backfilled 12-12-88 - l- I - , . I - - - I - SCALE: 1"=5' (H-Vl SKETCH ... : S90E I I . I . :r.fY\~\"C' ~ ~'b'f:",'o''';t>''I'~\':Qcol':'~ " t>' 0 ~?~ ;-~,4;..o:.:=,- ~:',:: " " :':' '~'Ci "':....:.. ,~ I '~ f-:-'.: ,-r.'...-: . ,..', " ',-,-',':~' ". P, :.~ \' , .':' '-', . ~~ " , I I I TEST PIT LOG . EASTERN PORTION OF liTHE MEADOWS" I Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company I @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Pro ieet No. 88-81-155-01 fe.l Drawing No. A-33 I I I I I I I I I I I I SAMPLE 21 1182 ft. NUMBER z Test Pit No. Elevation 0 I I- - - 0 ~ II. W I- (J .,. 0 w z e.. - ... 00( 12-12-88 DCP II. ::l (J Date Excavated Logged By - w ;!; 0 > a: 2 1;; (J :I: I- ::l :I: ., I w ~ ;;; l- e.. ., Backhoe I- " ., e.. ~ ... 0 > z 0 00( 00( Equipment w a: ::l ... a: w a: ... 0 0 III III 0 0 :E 0 (J DESCRIPTION SM l- COLLWIUM (Qco!) - SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, loose to medium dense, dry, porous, and dark gray color - - I 2- Qp BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, .. silty, fine to medium grained, massive, moderately I - - -I weathered, moderately hard, dry, and reddish brown color - +- Total depth at 5.5' I 10f- "- No ground water encountered I-'-"'f- - No caving I- Trench backfilled 12-12-88 I - I- - - "- , - - - . ,.. SCALE: ,"-5' (H-V) SKETCH .. : S530W . o'.h'.~::'.::;l ~ ,0'J"',"I'" ~ . ,,;.:.:~ ;:". 0," . "':. , ,.of. "0,, " ,10" .- ,~T.' .' .....7 . . "'0' . Q' : Q '''f'''' r 't Qcol'j.: :,~', '..~,. . . Q", 0" . I ' ' '0 0' J:,:..~~' ". 1"'" ..1>....9... .. .:.~ . ,0 .0..,' o.",~:; . ..,...:..-....,...:....-.. ~'" ...:; . . ..--.-.....', ;':Qp .;.:, .. . ',. ;~..' "';'.0 I. ," ....:~ ::::~::.~ . TEST PIT LOG . EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADONS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company Project No, 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire A-34 9b SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 22 1128 ft. NUMBER 2 Eleyatlon I- - - c:l W I- ... I- 0 ~ 0 w Z ... - ... < 12-13-88 DCP ... => 0 Date Excayaled logged By - w ~ 0 > a: 0 !!; 0 l- => i ., :I: W == Oi I- ... ., I- > " ., Backhoe ... ... 0 > z 0 < < Equipment w it => ... a: w a: ... Q C ID ID C Q ~ c:l 0 DESCRIPTION . SP. ~ AllLNI UM (Qal) - SAND, with silt; medium to coarse grained, loose, dry to moist, porous, cross bedded, and - brown in color - . - 2. ~ Qp' BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, 1 clayey, medium grained, massive, highly weathered, soft, - very moist, micaceous, and dark brown color . w.o ~ Total depth at 6' . - No ground water encountered - ~ No caving - - ~ Trench backfilled 12-13-88 - ~ - - ~ - - - - i- . . I- ~ - SCALE: 1'=5' (H=V) SKETCH .. : S460 E . ~ ..... . ..' '. 0 0 o 0 0 . .. . ( .. ... '. . . . '. . . '. . r~tL~"o . . o 0 . Qal. . o . . -~" '7-,' ." . o. .". . ...... '. . . "l?:"."Q'.i:~'~ o' 0 . 0 0 00 0 a.". ..' . 0 0 0 . . . 0 I o .' 0.0 . . 0 . 0 0 0 . . 0 o 0 \ ,-=..'.,,~, ~ ,..."..,.-.:-: . ~- 7 '. " ' "- -, 'Q' "-, ~'.,":',;.;-;-', ~.~. .-'-'..., ...~.}/ p',... .;.......::..:.', .' ;. . ...~.:.:.........~ ',::". ..:~ ,,:" .-=:-:;-. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TEST PIT LOG EASTERN PORTION OF liTHE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire . Project Ne.. 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. f6<\ A-35 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TEST PIT LOG SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 23 Elevetlon 1133 ft. NUMBER - 0 ~ IL - Cl j: w ~ (,) ~ 0 w Z < 12-13-88 DCP IL :> lL ... (,) Dete Excavated logged By - w ~ 0 >- a: Q g (,) !:: :> J: ., J: W ~ ., ~ lL ., ~ ~ ., Backhoe lL > ... 0 >- z 0 < < Equipment w a: :> ... a: w a: ... c C III III C C ~ Cl (,) DESCRIPTION - SM COLLWIUM (Qco') - SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, dense, dry, porous, ond dork groy color - - 5-- Op- _ BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, -=- silty, medium grained, massive, highly weathered, slightly -=1 porous, moderately hard, dry, and dark brown color I- -l- T ota! depth at 6' .m No ground water encountered No caving Trench backfilled 12-13-88 - - - - - - - -- -- - -,- - SCALE: 1'=5' (H=V) SKETCH ... : S150E - \~"'I':O,'i ..'{' "J ' ' ::r-:"~l: 0 " BY . '. .: 0 0', . "0 '.0... ....0. o. .... ." ''-:r-;'':':, '0 j , , . \ t'::,' Qcof-. '.0:' t'f': ,:; .' , o. ., . o' ,,: ,. ': ~ro",,::: ((0" "0 .:. . r:/':l'! ,#. 0, . 0 . ". . ,": :. ..:.... , . ~~...\:..:~.~ "87 ~- ~ -----.. ',- .;1..:,,',,9p:'~ ~: ". ..,: .'~' '" "'~':"":' ,....:,.,' ' . EASTERN PORTION OF liTHE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Project No. 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. ~o A-36 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TEST PIT LOG SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 24 1129 ft. NUMBER Elevation I - 0 ~ ... - Cl ~ w ~ (J #. 0 w z .. - ... < 12-13-88 DCP ... ::l - w 2 Date Excavated logged By ~ 0 > a: 2 !!: I (J ~ ::l :: .. :: w ~ 0; ~ .. .. ~ ~ .. Backhoe .. ~ ... 0 > z 0 < < Equipment w a: ::l ... a: w a: ... 0 0 CD CD 0 0 :l c:J (J DESCRIPTION SM COLLLNI UM (Ocol) - SILTY SAND, medium grained, - - medium dense, dry, and dark brown color -- . .1- . Qp-~ BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, i. silty, fine to medium grained, massive, moderately - weathered, moderately hard, dry to moist, and dark brown ~ to reddish brown color i- 10 Total depth at 5.5' I-'-=- i- No ground water encountered i- No caving Trench backfilled 12-13-88 i- - + i- - -- . l- . . l- . I- SCALE: 1"=5' (H=V) SKETCH .- : 12-13-88 > "I . ...0.' . ....0.. ':1'" .' " -'. . r 'f ',.,', J'o{''; :t<J .:' ';,,{ "..1.o'l . '. 0'. '. o. / l ::j Qc~t': ',' ..,'. '0 ."0 ;," , ", 'i:>'" : 0: " ' ' :''1'-,'.- o ' , ", . t"ll',' ~:I ~.~ lo""':~' ~.,-' ' jf;7 '. ~ ....~. . . ,c,," ...:'-: 1-';,' .. ' : . \~',"':':"; , ,:-0: Qp"': ~..:...:.....' ',.'. ,'. .... '0 ..' ~'-=f-::' ", ...0.:..--' ,',. . .... :.--- . EASTERN PORTION CF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company Project Ne, 88-81-155-01 Drawil1ll No. <\\ @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire A-37 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TEST PIT LOG . SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 25 1151 ft. NUMBER 2 Elevation t- - - 0 W IL ... t- o 'I- 0 w Z ... - -' < 12-13-88 DCP IL ::l 2 Date Excavated Logged By - w ~ 0 >- a: 0 !!: 0 t: ::l i .. :l: ... t- W " ~ .. .. ... .. Backhoe ... > -' 0 >- z 0 < < Equipment . w a: ::l -' a: w a: ... Q Q 1Il 1Il Q Q ~ 0 0 DESCRIPTION ~ SP ALLWIUM (Qal) - SAND, trace silt; fine to medium grained, SM loose, dry, and light brown color - .1- COLLWIUM (Qcal) - SILTY SAND, , Qp fine to medium grained, medium'gralned, mealum dense, dry, .1- porous with rootlets, and dork gray color - BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, - - silty, medium grained, massive, moderately weathered, moderately hard, dry, and dark brown to reddish brown color lQl- -- I- Total depth at 4' -l- . No ground water encountered No caving ~ Trench backfilled 12-13-88 -~ f-- ... - . .. SCALE: ,. - 5' (H =vl SKETCH .. : S60E ;D..: ti '-,C ""'~ P";':;?':-ijJl ," 0',: ..." , ::i:"~"1; ''0 t 'Q-:::;' , t-tt:'~:,:I;Q> <>'1'" ~-;, c,ol-., ~: : .,1).....: .....c; .,'..::'" " , " '.~:..:-.: ..... "C-;..;;. ~;:"Qp:':~':-i::: ~ , " .': ,'\ .,' EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho CallfDrnia, California for: Rancho California Development Company Project No;. 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire A-38 q~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 26 1173 ft. I NUMBER 2 Elevation ... - - c:l w ... l- I- () ~ 0 w z Q, - .. < 12-13-88 DCP ... ::l - W () Date Excavated logged By ~ 0 > a:: 2 !!; () l:: ::l :c ., I :c w ~ ., I- Q, ., I- > '" ., Backhoe Q, .. 0 > z (5 < < Equipment w a: ::l .. a:: w a:: .. 0 0 Ol Ol o Q ::E c:l () DESCRIPTION I -- SM. COLLWIUM (Ocol) - SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, medium dense, dry, porous, and brown color I - - 5 - 00- BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Op) - SAt'JDSTONE, -- - silty, fine grained, massive, moderately weathered, I - moderately hard, slightly moist, and dark brown color -- - - . Total depth at 4.5' 10 ~ -- No ground water encountered -- No caving -- Trench backfilled 12-13-88 - - -- -- - -- . ~ ~ . - .~ SCALE: 1" 5' (H=vl SKETCH .. : S410W , ,', r,': '~r' .. '0 . :J: .}o' ~ ~'.. :" '. . q. :. r o. 0 . . 4 0....0:,; .'~: :'QcoLt,~t: ::': , ' . . . ~:. t' ,} 'f.' l' " :.~.:., 0 0' , ' .,0:," 0 .:~ ' . i.'.: ".".:0.: .0,.' . ,i ',' -t. 01: , ~r,',-t. . .,,:',." . ~" c--'-i ":"l,:'Qp',Y -,:,:..:::. " . ...., '" TEST PIT LOG . EASTERN PORTION OF liTHE Iv'EADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Project No; 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. o.,'b A-39 SAMPLE , 27 1187 ft. z Test Pit No. Elevation NUMBER !2 ... - - Cl ... ... w ... 0 ~ 0 w Z .. - -' < 12-13-88 DCP ... ;:) - w 2 Date Excavated Logged By 3: 0 >- II: 2 !!:: 0 t: ;:) J: ., J: W ~ ... ... .. ., ... > " ... Backhae .. -' 0 >- z 0 < < Equipment w c: ;:) -' II: W II: -' C C lD lD C C ~ Cl 0 DESCRIPTION -I- SM COLLWIUM (Qcal) - SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, + - medium dense, dry, porous, and dark brown color - Of" BEDROCK - PAUBA FORlv'ATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, silty, fine grained, massive, pinhole voids locally, moderately ~ -- weathered, porous, moderately hard, moist, and reddish brown color -- - .1- Total depth at 4' 10 '" No ground water encountered '" . No caving ....:.:: Trench backfiJied 12-13-88 - '" - i- - - - i-- - . ~ I- - + SCALE: 1"=5' (H=V) SKETCH .. : S20. E . L' ';.:.r".I:, . T: 'ro,',), 'a~/ ",..:1''- '0.-;1'0,0:',.. " T:" 0, ':,0' ' ., .:' . ,',. ,',:',0"-: ~' iJ:'" ",co.1 ~lO"o:"'''':' y " ',~' ",,~:,~ ' ;J..:. :,:.JS """":':;7 ~. c.e:~ ':~, 'Qp; .: ..,:':. ..;..... : ':' . '. .~~~.... " .... ',' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TEST PIT LOG EASTERN PORTION OF liTHE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire . Project No" 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. A-40 qP<. SAMPLE z T est Pit No. 28 1205 ft. NUMBER 0 Elevation I- - - 0 i= II. W I- 0 ! 0 w z < 12-13-88 DCP II. :) a. ... 2 Date Excavated Logged By - w ~ 0 >- a: 2 !!: 0 I- :) :I: ., :I: w ~ iii I- a. ., I- > '" ., Backhoe a. a: ... 0 >- z (5 < < Equipment w :) ... a: w a: ... Q Q III III Q Q ::l! 0 0 DESCRIPTION . SM. . ALLLNI UM (QoI) - SILTY SAND, medium to coarse grained, loose, dry, slightly porous, and gray-brown color . . I- Qp BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, 2..._ silty, medium grained, massive, moderately weathered, moderately hard, moist, and reddish brown color ~ Total depth at 6' + No ground water encountered 16 . No caving Trench backfilled 12-13-88 ....:..::. - . . - . I- , .1- . - . - - - ,. - SCALE: 1"=5' (H-V) SKETCH .- : S150W YT 'J 0,',1', . ." . ./, ')0 . .1" D"." 0' '. .,.f) .. .' )>/'l'o, " ,., 'j "0,: ,,:','Qal'."~r- ~ :' ': ',I' ., 0' '! . . . o. . .... "... . e),' ... ...~'O. 0 .' 0 . '. 0 . ' .0...L..:: '....:.l:.' , '"-': !i:J. Q' J:.:. . ," , '-.' 1-', ,', ..,.L ;.' ' , '. .'.', '~"":"'"';"'"""." ;.... I:-; '. ' ..........~.. ' , ',,';'" ,:: Qp ','-: " ~ .' '. . . " -/ . '-- "7"', '" -,;- ','" ....:.~.~: "'~J ' , , (...:;...:...:.~. . ... .~..:...... I I I I I I I I I I I I I '. I I I I I TEST PIT LOG EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire . Prolect No. 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. <\-6 A-41 TEST PIT LOG SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 29 1205 ft. NUMBER 2 Elevation I- - Cl W I- a.. - I- 0 ~ 0 w z a. - ... < 12-13-88 DCP ... :J 2 Date Excavated Logged By - w 3: 0 > a: 0 !!: 0 I- :J i ell J: w ~ ;; I- a. 01 I- :.: 01 Bockhoe a. > ... 0 > z 0 < < Equipment w a: :J ... a: w a: ... c C 01 01 C c ::E Cl 0 DESCRIPTION SM ALLLNIUM (Qal) - SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, SM. I loose, dry, and brown color f- COLLLNIUM (Qco1) - SILTY SAND, medium grained, . f- medium dense; dry, porous, and gray-brown color 2- "- Qp BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Op) - SANDSTONE, "- - silty, medium grained, massive, moderately weathered, I moderately hard, moist, and reddish brown color "- Total depth at 6' 1Q ,. No ground water encountered - ,. No caving - i- + Trench backfilled 12-13-88 . i- l- i- ... '-- - ... - - i- . . i- . - i- SCALE: ,"=5' (H-vl SKETCH . : S35O'.N . ~:'~:"O' . ", D'", ... 0 .c':Q"....':O 'o.':"'y . 0 , '.. o.~ . . ','c a c':, ..::: :' <> '.' . ,~--: T;:~-:"'T'i-; ...;,:, ' . .:",., .:1" ,""'-;-'.. ~~' . . ',. o r-~ 1./ ~\,:- JOQ f" O:OJ-D" . '., " co ,:;,0' '.:..: if:' , " .. '. .... .. ~ ~,:...:t: ,\J. ': r o. ,0:;8. W ',~,'...," ,:'!. ~,.., - ~:: .:......:.~--:-:-. .';',:: Qp':~'" '--:' . ~:<.~ " . eo ~:"-" -:'.-- :'....:- "0 . .......". . " ,oO, .... , " I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire . Project Nr, 88-81-155-01 Drawil1ll No. A-42 <\(p I I I I I I I, I I I I I I I I I 'I I I TEST PIT LOG SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 30 1178 ft. NUMBER 2 Elevation t- - - Cl .. t- III t- O '# 0 III Z o. - ... < 12-13-88 DCP .. :;) - III 2 Date Excavatad logged By ~ 0 >- a: 0 !!: 0 i: :I: t- :;) ., III ~ a; t- o. ., t- " ., Backhoe o. > ... 0 >- z is < < Equipment III a: :;) ... a: III a: ... 0 0 Ul Ul 0 0 ::Ii Cl 0 DESCRIPTION SM I- ALLLNIUM (Qal) - SILTY SAND, medium grained, loose. dry, " and brown,color " Cp BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, " silty, slightly clayey, massive, moderately weathered, 5-1- moderately hard, moist, and reddish brown color I-- - - Total depth at 4.5' - - No ground water encountered No caving " Trench backfilled 12-13-88 .lQ. - " ~ l- . ~ - l- I-- - - - -- - SCALE: '"=5' (H-Vl SKETCH .. : S780W . ~t:',o:, .. .... -. ':t)' : .':.~ :i~-~- ~~~..~';: V ',0, ",Qat... " . C! .. Q' . 0," '.0 '0'...' () ;0' \i"" . ~:'. . o' ',' .' .:...:... --"': --,,; ,', '.-..: ~~. -;'7': , ' ..~'.' ........ ~t ~ ::=,:: Qp ,:, ",' ".'.""iJ7 ':-: ::-' .S.~;:(::/. . .... ...~.~~...-.::_~ ..... . EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company Projact He. 88-81-155-01 @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Drawing No. A-43 ~'\ I ,I I ,I I :1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I TEST PIT LOG . SAMPlE z Test Pit No. 31 Elevation 1166 ft. NUMBER - 0 ... ... - 0 j: w ... 0 - 0 w, Z .. - -' -< 12-13-88 DCP ... ::::l - w 0 Date Excavated Logged By a; 0 >- a:: g !!; 0 ... ::::l :c II> :c w ~ ;; ... .. II> ... " II> Backhoe .. > -' 0 >- z 0 -< -< Equipment w a: ::::l -' a:: w a:: -' Q Q CD CD Q Q ~ 0 0 DESCRIPTION SM ALLlNIUM(QaI) - SILTY SAND, medium grained, loose, dry, - - and light brown color Qp. BEDROCK - PAUBA FORM~TION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, . silty, medium grained, massive, moderately weathered, .1... , soft, moist, and reddish brown color - - Total depth at 4.5' - - No ground water encountered - - No caving J.ci ~ Trench backfilled 12-13-88 - i- - . i- - i- - f- -- r- - .. + i- f- SCALE: 1"=5' (H=V) SKETCH .. : S590W W ",0 ',''<0 'o~:o :', "0' . . ~~:. .' . .0.': . , ' 'o'Q I' . ~". p' ,., a '0 ' '...;,. ",..:",~~~ ';' ,'. :0. ':'o.~, ;..0......- ;..:..;...,' ~ ~:.:....::.-.~' ~. .. -.-. 57 . .... ;;..:: ':'.:':';"::~~ \ .. ..... ~.: ..::::::~:~.., " :.;.,.Qp,:~,::-: I'-'y ,~, " " . '~.':~':-. " . EASTERN PORTION OF liTHE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho Californio Development Company Project N,. 88-81-155-01 @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Drawing No. A-44 qf6 I I I I I " I I I I I I I I I I - I I I TEST PIT LOG SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 32 1180 ft. NUMBER 0 Elevetlon I- - - Cl ~ ... w I- () - 0 w Z ll. - -' < 12-13-88 DCP ... :l 2 Dete Excaveted logged By - w ~ 0 > '" 2 !!: () I- :;) J: 0) J: w ~ OJ l- ll. 0) I- ;?: '" 0) Backhoe ll. -' 0 > z 0 < < Equipment w '" :;) -' '" w '" -' c c 0) 0) c c :i Cl () DESCRIPTION - SM ALLWIUM (001) - SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, SM loose, dry, and gray brown color - f- COLLWIUM (Qcol) - SILTY SAND, medium grained, medium 5+ . dense, dry, porous, ond dark brown color f-"-I- Op- I- BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, . .f- silty, medium grained, massive, highly weathered, moderately hard, dry, and reddish brown color f- -f- T ota I depth at 7' ..lil I- No ground water encountered No caving - Trench backfilled 12-13-88 - - - - - - -- f- - - f- . l- f- SCALE: 1"=5' (H=V) SKETCH .. : N410W . , rIJ " ", Qcol .J:j;J: ,',' fa: 0 Qal -0..... ': ..~.~ ~li1':';t W ~t'""" .......- \.--;-'" .~.~:~.:~ .::. . ',:d~p:l. ~. ~, ,.,... .... EASTERN PORTION OF liTHE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire . Project No. 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. a.a. A-45 SAMPLE z T est Pit No. 33 Elevetlon 1203 ft. NUMBER 2 I- - - 0 ... I- W I- U '" 0 w Z II. - oJ < 12-13-88 DCP ... ;) - w u Dete Excevated logged By ~ 0 >- a: !:2 !!; U I- ;) ::: CD ::: w ~ iii l- ll. CD I- ~ .. Backhae II. > oJ 0 >- Z 0 < < Equipment w a: ;) oJ a: w a: oJ 0 0 III III 0 0 ~ 0 u DESCRIPTION SM COLLlNlW (Qco!) - SILTY SAND, fine ta medium grained, - - loose ta medium dense, dry, porous, and brown color - . . 5 ... Qp BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, i silty, medium grained; massive; moderately weathered, + moderately hard, dry, and dark brown to reddish brown color l- .... - - -l- Total depth at 5' - - No ground water encountered - . Na caving . I- - Trench backfilled 12-13-88 - ~ - -I- - ,....... - -I- .1- SCALE: '"=5' (H=V) SKETCH .... : S42~ E . .' 0',,' 11 ~ "'0:' r'" :.j.' ~'.;"::. 0;'(..;' f. o;.t.:.:: b' 0...: : QcolJ~b. ' .~. ..... . ., '"\ ... '.' . f' . 'j' ' "f'" . ,', Q . -' . '. " . "1 .' ,,(J. . . ...... ....;~;.? ~'. ~o. .'~ "~'.o..: 10.. :O,J.-. .:;.., ;. :.....t:..7-.::., 1;.;' ". . ro' t ,Qp''''''':'' . : .." ,"'."-;-7~ I I I J I I I I I I I I .1 I I I I I I TEST PIT LOG EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADONS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire . Pro lect N,'. 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. v::P A-46 I I I I I .1 J I I I I I J I. I I I I I TEST PIT LOG SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 34 1204 ft. NUMBER Elevation I- - - 0 2 ... I- W I- U '" 0 w Z II. - oJ < 12-13-88 DCP ... ;) - w !:2 Date Excavated Logged By ~ 0 >- a: !:2 !!: u I- ;) ::: CD ::: w ~ iii l- ll. .. I- > ~ .. Backhoe II. oJ 0 >- z 0 < < Equipment w a: ;) oJ a: w a: oJ 0 0 III III 00 ~ 0 u DESCRIPTION SM _ COLLlNl UM (QcoJ) - SILTY SAND, medium grained, loose to medium dense, dry, porous and gray-brown color . I- - - 5' Qp- I- BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATIQ\J (Qp) - SANDSTONE, -"'- - - . silty, fine to medium~groined; massive; moderately -I- - weathered, moderately hard, slightly moist, and reddish brown color .... 161- . Total depth at 5,5' "";";;"1- - No ground water encountered . . No caving Trench backfilled 12-13-88 - - - -- ~ " I- - I- SCALE: ,'-5' (H-Vl SKETCH .... : S550W = . '\.'. ':r ,:0;'. i- ' "'..10 'io" .pv ~-;'~. ..C>. f' '. ": .... b 0.:'0 .: , ;,\:":':0 '. o' '0' '-:.."... . to::. ~l"~:.J:, " .. Q o ',.', . :,j::Qcol ....lJ.O. ", It t:. .' o' o ". .... '. . ';,<>:1 : ," : J ~o.":' '.~' t .: l~':: 0 .' ".1.' . . .]1. 0".. .0. ~ .....: 01" ,,-+-', ~""7 ~'~""Q'"' '.- ~:~.~l:..." '.. ,- P"' ~ :::...:::-:-:" . . :.';"" ''-'. . .....-- . EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, Callforni a for: Rancho California Development Company Prolect Ne,. 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. A-4T @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire \~:A SAMPLE z Test Pit No. :35 1316 ft. NUMBER Elevation I- - 0 ... - 0 ~ W I- U '" 0 w z e; - oJ < 12-13-88 DCP ... ;) !:2 Date Excavated Logged By 0 w ~ >- a: u !!: u i: ::: I- ;) CD I- W ~ ~ iii l- ll. .. > .. Backhoe II. oJ 0 >- z 0 < < Equipment w a: ;) oJ a: w a: ... 0 0 III III 0 C ~ 0 u DESCRIPTION - SM _ TERR<\CE DEPOSITS (Qt) - SILTY SAND, medium grained, . loose to medium dense, drf, porous, and light brown color l- i--- 1--------------- SP ~ SAND, medium groined with trace silt and fine to medium . - I- gravel: massive, highly weathered, moderately hard, dry, - - H and reddish brown color - - - .... - Total depth at 4.5' .. No ground water encountered . . No caving f-- '- Trench backfilled 12-13-88 - - l- I- - .... .1- - -l- - SCALE: ,'=5' (H=V) SKETCH .. : S6JoE . T .. 'I,J'Je" f/ Cl2\ .01' 'J ',i" '.... (;I ()1 '", O' 0 . .~. .' 0 .. .' . ' ", "..0. ., 0" .~ 0 . '. I -r .r. 0 . r ,", , . . 0 . . Q . ~ rP' . o' o. o. . 0 .1 '0 Q ':1 . 0 .'. o.~. ~Q.I oj' .-I'""""Of" ,., .J..:'.Qt--'- , '"-< R~;', ,...':,.:,.::3 . -. "'-. , . . 0'. . '.' . ,'. . ~ . '. .' I I I :1 I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I TEST PIT LOG EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company ~ Converse Consultants Inland Empire . Project No. 88-81-155-01 Drawlll'Ol No. A-48 \OV I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TEST PIT LOG SAMPLE z T est Pit No. 36 1227 ft, NUMBER 0 Elevation I- - ... - 0 ~ W I- U ~ 0 w Z II. - oJ < 12-13-88 DCP ... ;) - u Date Excavated Logged By ~ 0 w u !!; 0 >- a: i ~ I- ;) .. w ~ iii l- ll. .. I- > ~ .. Backhoe II. oJ 0 >- z (5 < < Equipment w a: ;) oJ a: w a: oJ 0 0 III III 00 ~ 0 u DESCRIPTION SP. , ALLlNlUM (Qal) - SAND, medium grained, loose, dry, and - light brown colar - Qp BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Op) - SANDSTONE, 5 -- .1 silty, slightly clayey, medium grained; massive; moderately - weathered, moderately hard, moist and reddish brawn -"- - -~ Total depth at 3.5' ... No ground water encountered + - No caving 10 - Trench backfilled 12-13-88 -=- - ~ - - - - - . . - . . I- - . I- SCALE: ,'=5' (H=V) SKETCH .. : S400W ~;..'o '.';:'~"Q"{'" . '...7 O~'O~.~. ,.... a.. ,0 '.1>': , ~ .~~~ : . ..~.:.:. ..', .:. rJ.:. ":';':'0 --.:::::,: " :::7-=' if 7"'"' , .... ",...: p,.... '7 .': .:.. . -..: . EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company Prolect No, 88-81-155-01 @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Drawing No. A-49 to? I I I I 'I I I I I I' I I t i I I I' I TEST PIT LOG SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 37 1227 ft. NUMBER 0 Elevation .... - - 0 j: ... w ... Q '" 0 w Z II. - oJ < 12-13-88 DCP ... ;) - OJ !:2 Date Excavated Logged By ~ 0 >- a: !:2 !!: 0 ... ;) ::: .. ::: w ~ iii ... II. CD ... > ~ .. Backhoe II. oJ 0 >- z 0 < < EqUipment w a: ;) oJ a: w a: oJ 0 0 III III 00 ~ 0 0 DESCRIPTION SP 'I- ALLlNl UM (Qal) - SAND, trace of slit, medium ' ' - grained, loose, dry, and gray brown color , OP. t- BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Op) - SANDSTONE, tl silty, slightly clayey, medium grained; massive; moderately ~ . weathered, soft, moist, and reddish brown color - -c- Total depth at 3,5' . c- No ground water encountered . ~ No caving 1Q l- Trench backfilled 12-13-88 t- t- . .. . t"- .- f- . SCALE: ,'=5' (H=V) SKETCH ~ : S860W ~' . .... . '. : o' . .'.W . .... '0:' p... QaJ...' .," "0 ,', 0.0:.: .()~. .'~.: : 0- "(,\." . ... 0 . .... .' ~,:-- .-=-.~.~: .,...,....Q. >"':-:': "-,-:",:: ..p",.' '='" . EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company Pro lect Nc.. 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. A-50 I @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire \O~ I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I 1 I I TEST PIT LOG SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 38 1238 ft, NUMBER !2 Elevation I- - - 0 ... I- W I- 0 '" 0 w Z II. - oJ < 12-13-88 DCP ... ;) - w 0 Date Excaveted Logged By ~ 0 >- a: 0 !!; 0 I- ;) i: .. ::: w ~ iii l- ll. CD I- > ~ .. Backhoe II. oJ 0 >- z 0 < < Equipment w a: ;) oJ a: w a: .... 0 0 III III 00 ~ 0 0 DESCRIPTION - SM_ _ COLLlNlUM (Qcol) - SILTY SAND, medium grained, - medium dense, dry, porous, and gray color - Op. _ BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, silty, fine grained; massive; moderately weathered, ..2- J moderately hard, dry, and reddish brown color ~ . ~ Total depth at 4' No ground water encountered ... - No caving 101- . Trench backfilled 12-'13-88 -'-"-... - - - - - I- - . I- SCALE: ,'=5' (H=V) SKETCH .. : S90E . ~" ):~j: ~~::~'e~'o.'i rXQ'~~I :t/~' Ij ", '. .0 , ~oU. oj I, . ~. . '!:- ,,!. ,,: ~ ,1::' :. ' I 0 '.1 ~ ~'...J--' .:.-.";) - .;.-- - '.- . 0-,-': ' , "'Q'~,:9 r"(:"""-'" , .. p .. . '... . '::-:"",~ . ".; ....;..... . ..... . . .' . . . . . . . EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California far: Rancho California Development Companv @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Prolect No. 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. A-51 \~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TEST PIT LOG SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 39 1230 ft. NUMBER 0 Elevation I- - - 0 i= w I- ... W Z 0 ~ 0 < 12-13-88 DCP ... II. - oJ ;) - w !:2 Date Excavated Logged By ~ 0 >- a: !:2 !!: 0 I- ;) ::: .. ::: w ~ iii l- ll. .. I- > ~ .. Backhoe II. oJ 0 >- z 0 < < Equipment w a: ;) oJ a: w a: oJ 0 0 III III 0 0 ~ 0 0 DESCRIPTION I- SP. ALLUI/IUM (Qaf) - SAND, medium to coarse grained, loose, dry, and light brown color I- Qp BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, I- - silty, medium grained; massive; moderately weathered, 2..1- moderately hard, slightly moist, and reddish brown color Total depth at 3' - No g round water encountered ... No caving Hi I- Trench backfilled 12-13-88 -'-"'- l- i- i- - - - - + . .1- . l- . SCALE: ,'=5' (H=V) SKETCH .. : SlOE ~t' '.':"Qaf:'~: -.' "o~1 . o. 0'" .',. j)"' b ," ~~:i:::~:' ......:.::.;.~.;.::..~.~: ~;:"'.Qp" ' :,.:.:--::';Y .", #~.~:.....".,: . EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Prolect No, 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. A-52 \cf,. SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 40 1208 ft. NUMBER Elevation I- - 0 ... - 0 ~ W I- 0 .,. 0 w Z II. - oJ < 12-13-88 DCP ... ;) - w !:2 Date Excavated Logged By ~ 0 >- a: !:2 !!: 0 ::: I- ;) ::: .. w ~ iii l- ll. .. I- ~ .. Backhoe II. > oJ 0 >- z 0 < < Equipment w a: ;) oJ a: w a: ..J 0 0 III III 0 0 ~ 0 0 DESCRIPTION - SP. ALLlNlUM (Qal) - SAND, medium to coarse grained, loose, - dry, and light brown ,color, ' "., . .1- . Qp BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Op) - SANDSTONE, i silty, medium grained; massive; moderately weathered, - micaceous, soft, moist, and reddish brown color ~ - -l- . Total depth at 4.5' No ground water encountered 110 I- No caving f- Trench backfilled 12-13-88 . "l- . . . . .1- . 1--1- .- .- ~ SCALE: ,'-5' (H-V) SKETCH ..- : N840W , - ..' o' '::~>Y/-):"' I .... . . .... '0 . 0 . .. . ~,:~.o"'o ':' :', QaI " . . ~ ..~. ?'.: ,0." . () ~ 0 '0: 0."..0 .0 ': " . c):.. ...... . .. , - -jj ~ - ..,..., Q , . "'-'- ". ,'~ .. ---".' p""" .:'~.:.,~,:,: . ',' - - :. I I I I I I '. I I I I I J I I I I I I TEST PIT LOG EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWSII Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire . Project No. 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. A-53 \0' SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 41 1225 ft. NUMBER Elevation I- - - 0 2 w I- ... I- W Z 0 ~ 0 < II. - oJ 12-13-88 DCP ... ;) - !:2 Date Excavated Logged By 0 w ~ 0 >- a: !:2 !!: ::: I- ;) ::: .. w ~ iii l- ll. .. I- > ~ .. Backhoe II. oJ 0 >- z 0 < < Equipment w a: ;) .... a: w a: oJ 0 0 III III 0 0 ~ 0 0 DESCRIPTION SP ALLLJvlUM (Qal) - SAND, medium grained, loose, dry, and I- light brown color Qp BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Op) - SANDSTONE, . silty, medium grained; massive; strongly weathered, soft, .i.. moist, and dark brown color . - - . Total depth at 3' . - No ground water encountered I- No caving ... . Trench backfilled 12-13-88 JQ... - - -I- l- - - - - .1- - SCALE: ,'=5' (H=V) SKETCH .... : S340E "<:,, - .. ,",~:;.~Q.!1:9 "OWl o. ., ~ . O. -0:. ,,': :.:. :.".: ',' ',= ~:'~'" :~ ~ --:: ;.:.: Qp:-" ~<~~:,: .. '<.:' , ,..:;, ~:'.:' . -.' ..' I I I I I I I I I I I I , - I I 1 I I I I TEST PIT LOG EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire . Project No. 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. A-54 \Q% TEST PIT LOG I I I I I I I I I I I I J I I I I I I SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 42 Elevation 1194 ft, NUMBER - 0 I- ... - 0 ~ W I- 0 ~ 0 w Z II. - oJ < 12-13-88 DCP ... ;) - w !:2 Date Excavated Logged By ~ 0 >- a: (.) !!: 0 ... ;) i .. ::: w ~ ;; l- ll. CD I- ~ ~ >- .. < < Backhoe II. oJ 0 Z 0 Equipment w a: ;) oJ a: w a: oJ 0 0 III III 0 0 ~ 0 0 DESCRIPTION . SP .~ ALLlNl W (001) - SAND, medium grained; trace gravel; loose, s.lightly moist, and light brown color . Qp I- BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, . silty, fine grained; massive; moderately weathered, soft, 5 . I- maist, and reddish brown color . - . H . T ota' depth at 4,5' . No ground water encountered I- , Na caving JQ >- Trench backfill ed 1-2 - 13 -88 l- . . I- ... . . . l- . I-- l- . - , - , >- I- SCALE: "=5' (H=V) SKETCH .. : S450S ~ :,.:o'''QaI-' '~::.:o~ :'::6:':.~: y ". ,".0. '0 ' .'. , ~:.~~...:..::.. ;. :....; .:..,........---:- 2'.'.fj} ......~.Q' .'~ ',:'" p . o. ...:.....!!, . , . . ':~..': .: . ,~ '.' 7J K. . :-a+- .': ..:-:. ._0' o. .'_.' . EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company Project No, 88-81-155-01 @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Drawing No. A-55 \01:\ TEST PIT LOG I I I I I I I I ., I I I I I I I SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 43 1243 ft. NUMBER Elevation - 0 I I- ... - 0 ;: w I- (J # 0 w Z II. - oJ < 12-14-88 DCP - ... ;) - w 0 Date Excavated Logged By ~ 0 >- a: 0 !!; 0 i :I: t: j: CD I- W ~ ~ .. .. II. .. Backhoe I II. i!: oJ 0 >- z 0 < < Equipment w a: ;) oJ a:w a: oJ - 0 0 III III 00 ~ 0 (J DESCRIPTION SM TOPSOIL - SILTY SAND, fine grained, loose to medium - Qp- I dense, dry, porous, and dark brown color - - BEDROCK - PAUB.d, FORMATION (Qp) - interbedded 5- - SANDSTONE & CLAYSTONE, . -"- - -- 2,5'-4' - SANDSTONE, fine grained, massive, highly - - - weathered, and yellowish brown color 4'-5,5' - CLAYSTONE, massive, fractured (surfaces - - coated with Caco ), very hard, dry, and dark brown color ~ .1- 5,5'-7,5' - SILTY SANDSTONE, fine grained, massive, .1- soft, dry, and brown color ... - . Total depth at 7,5' . No ground water encountered . No caving Trench backfilled 12-14-88 - - - - - SCALE: "-5' (H=V) SKETCH .. : S130W . i - TOPSOIL . -j . J!!-Jif!!!f~'.' f.L: :+:r.'P : V rrl'~!~.I~, .97 --,',~, ,[ ,/'j . J "'.0: f '0)/'" ',' ,'~::,:.... ".. . , : '0 . ~ ' I '.' ..', " '/ Y': !11\....- ..;~ '0'..'.' ' . 0 " : 0.':' '1,0:: . . '. ' . "-~'.,.' .. Q '. . o. : 0 ..', 'l~' : J'. ' '"I:, ,["..:. .;, ..' 0 . . . .. 'r. . o' , o. '\', .. ';': ".J.:.:.-~- ~.~ '~.o,:): . ..... -=--:--:., '-:-:.- .- .- .-, '. ''-''- . ".:", .' \:' ,';.;....:......:. ;...'-"'" ".. ..' '. . . '. . " , . ......... . . . .... . . .... . '. . . ::..... .>' :::.....:. ~~~~ :/ . .' .. '. ~'....:..:....:.. ~~..:.;~: Qp- 'dfi ~ ..l..--l/~ r '-/\ I-- .,...L .1. .. '\2,,- ~,;"""""'.,~ . ;':'.: '. . ':"'T"__.. '. .... . . '". ," ".--:-" . EASTERN PORTION OF liTHE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Campany @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Project No. , 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. A-56 \\0 SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 44 Elevetlon 1257 ft. NUMBER - 0 I- ... - 0 i= w I- 0 '" 0 w Z II. - oJ < 12-14-88 DCP ... ;) - w 0 Date Excavated Logged By ~ 0 >- a: !:2 !!; 0 ::: I- ;) ::: .. w ~ iii l- ll. CD I- ~ .. Backhoe II. > oJ 0 >- z 0 < < Equipment w a: ;) oJ a: w a: oJ 0 0 III III 0 0 ~ 0 0 DESCRIPTION .1- SM. COLLlNlUM (QcoJ) - SILTY SAND, fine ta medium grained; - medium dense to dense, dry, porous, and dark brown color .- . . .1- .5- Qp I- BEDROCK - PAUM FORMATION (Gp) - SANDSTONE, fine graineq; massive; moderately hard, dry, porou~, and dark ] brown color - .i- Total depth at 6' 10'" . I- No caving I-'-=- ~~o ground wafer encountered . I- Trench backfilled 12-14-88 . .... . .1- . -I- - .- .1- . ... I- SCALE: ,'=5' (H=V) SKETCH ... : S160E . 0 .1' . [' ., :r..~! ~' . 0'1': '0 ' :I.~';' 'I: '. ,.' " ,,: . o. '. '! I "'. '6, ':"o":',:o'j .: ,1: QC01':1 0., '. ;f .' \" ~ . 0" '. -: i: I, ,; '1' : ~ : ',' " ~ ~~~:,;": ':~ ~,'-Qp'':: . - ,":,...:.. o' J I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TEST PIT LOG EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancha CalIfornia, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire . Project N<., 88-81- 155-01 Drawing No. A-57 \ \\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TEST PIT LOG SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 45 1243 ft. NUMBER 0 Elevation I- - - 0 i= ... w I- () ~ 0 w Z II. - oJ < 12-14-88 DCP ... ;) - w !:2 Date Excavated Logged By ~ 0 >- a: !:2 !!: 0 I- ;) ::: .. :I: W ~ iii l- ll. CD I- 2: ~ .. Backhoe II. oJ 0 >- z (5 < < Equipment w a: ;) oJ a: w a: oJ 0 0 III III 0 Q ~ 0 0 DESCRIPTION , ~ SM. _ COLLlNl UM (Qco!) - SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained, ~ . upper 3' porous; dense, dry, 'and dark brown color ~ 5' Qp _ BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Op) - SANDSTONE, """- silty, fine to medium grained; massive; moderately - _I weathered, moderately hard, dry, and reddish brawn color -- - _ Total depth at 6' 2Q.. - _ No ground water encountered - No caving - Trench backfilled 12-14-88 - - - - - - - - + + SCALE: "=5' (H-V) SKETCH .. : S240E = - ~".." " ' , ,', ,,j l :I,:'>'e:~:i'~..f y ,:,;1-;: '1~. i.[": ,,".~ ,:' I ,;,." '0 ,.1." ~-;Y " , . " ~ o ,~COr" }Y ,0 "1.-,' ,\ "'!'-I:()' 0, ' ,; , ,,' t: " ~, .. '" ..', .0 . . ..~---:O - '--:- 't',Q~':J7 .~.' ........ .-:,", . EASTERN PORTION OF "THE,MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Prolect No, 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. A-58 \\1, TEST PIT LOG I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 46 1190 ft. NUMBER 0 Elevation I- - - 0 ~ ... W I- 0 '" 0 w Z II. - oJ < 12-14-88 DCP ... ;) - w !:2 Date Excavated Logged By ~ 0 >- a: !:2 !!: 0 C ;) ::: .. ::: w ~ .. l- ll. CD I- ~ .. Backhoe II. > oJ 0 >- z 0 < < Equipment w a: ;) oJ a: w a: oJ 0 0 III III 0 0 ~ 0 0 DESCRIPTION , SP _ ALLlNlUM (Qal) - SAND, coarse grained, loose to medium . dense, dry, and light brown color Qp' BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, - silty, fine grained, upper l' highly weathered and porous, micaceous, soft, moist, and reddish brown color - _ Total depth at 5' - No ground water encountered - No caving - - - Trench backfilled 12-11,-88 - - -- - - -- - - -- -- - - - - r- . t- SCALE: "=5' (H=V) SKETCH .. : S600W . '0. .:.. . I)' ." .:: V y , .', . ,~ Qal ~, ~t?,o:; ;, '.: o. 1/1' .00Q, " -,:,'i1.o'o~~;.o' 0 .' .' -- :7'~: :.~~ :~ .' \ ' Qp, . / .-.... ~. "--:~..:.:' . EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, Ca Iifornia for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Project No,. 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. A-59 \\~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TEST PIT LOG SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 47 1168 ft. NUMBER 0 Elevation I- - - 0 j: W I- ... W Z 0 ~ 0 < 11., - oJ 12-14-88 DCP ... ;) !:2 Date Excavated Logged By - w ~ 0 >- a: !:2 !!: 0 t: ;) J: .. ::: w ~ l- ll. I- ~ .. II) CD Backhoe II. > oJ 0 >- z 0 < < Equipment w a: ;) oJ a: w a: oJ 0 0 III III 0 0 ~ 0 0 DESCRIPTION SM_~ COLLlNl UM (Ocol) - SILTY SAND, fine to medium grained; loose to medium dense, dry, and dark gray color -~ - - op'. ~ BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (op) - SA;o.JDSTOi'lE, ..L I- - silty, Fine grained~ massive; upper 2' highly weathered~ moderately hard, dry to slightly moist, and reddish brown - l- . . Total depth at 6' No ground water encountered ~ No caving - Trench backfilled 12-14-88 . - - - - - - . I- - . l- I- . SCALE: ,'-5' (H-V) SKETCH .. : SJ50W . .'." '.' . r 0 ~ '. TI":' ,j-~:t y "\0'1-'. :",~::,Qcoi.-: 1"))/ .. 0,"' '" ',"1-">' ....: 0- r, , .', , ' .0,_ . ~ ',0 . I' . I ,I '7' 1 '4 O' '.' " .....~.~.:. :-;~,' ,",'~ ,,', 'QP~i/ ';-.> -:-:- : :..~. . EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Proiect Nc. 88-81-155-01 Drawing No.. A-60 ,\~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TEST PIT LOG SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 48 Elevation 1157 ft. NUMBER 2 I- - - 0 ... I- W I- 0 ~ 0 w Z II. - .... < 12-14-88 DCP ... ;) - w 0 Date Excavated Logged By ~ 0 >- a: 0 !!; 0 t: ;) :i: CD ::: w ~ .. l- ll. CD I- ~ ~ >- z .. < < Backhoe II. ... 0 0 Equipment w a: ;) ... a: w a: ... 0 0 III III 00 ~ 0 0 DESCRIPTION . SM. COLLU'II UM (Qco!) - SILTY SAND, fine grained; trace . grovel; loose to medium dense, dry, and dark gray color ~ - Qp BEDROCK - PAUBA FORJ.MTION(Qr,) - SANDSTONE, - - - silty, fine grained; massive; upper 1 ' highly weathered - '1 and porous; hard, dry , and reddish brown color - ~ Total depth at 5,5' r- - 10- ~ . No ground water encountered No caving -'-"- ~ . - Trench backfilled 12-14-88 - - . - -~ f-- -I- - -I- . l- .- r- SCALE: "=5' (H=V) SKETCH .. : S9~W " , '. -.1',' ".1 ',,-, ~ /' ~ ' r, : ' or 0 'r1' Qco( l _,,' '0," ,('I, . .0 "0' '. 0.. , , 0 t" '0'0 ~ I. :'1'0 ':!" ',:\ :...~-.., ~''''-:'', -,-I \ ~: ~p ij . EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company Project Nc. 88-81-155-01 @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Drawing No. / \\~ A-61 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TEST PIT LOG SAMPLE z Test Pit No. 49 Elevation 1107 ft. NUMBER 2 I- - - 0 ... I- W I- 0 '" 0 < w Z II. - oJ 12-14-88 DCP ... ;) - w 0 Date Excavated Logged By ~ 0 >- a: 0 !!; 0 I- ;) i .. ~ w ~ iii l- ll. .. I- ~ .. Backhoe II. ~ oJ 0 >- z 0 < < Equipment w a: ;) oJ a: w a: oJ 0 0 III III 0 0 ~ 0 0 DESCRIPTION + SP _'_ ALLlNI UM (Qal) - SAND, medium to coarse grained, with silt, loose, moist and brown . -I- - Q:l BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) - SANDSTONE, .i.. - silty, medium to coarse grained; massive; upper 1!' - highly weathered, and dark brown to reddish brov.n color - - . J.Q - . Total depth at 7,5' ~ . _ No ground water encountered No caving .. I- - Trench backfilled 12-14-88 - ~ - ~ -- . -~ I-- -l- . SCALE: ,'=5' (H=V) SKETCH .- : SE50W . . . .'.> . '.. D ' . 'J C' 0' . . '. o' .' ; fJ . 0:' o' o. . ,'~ '~: Qal' . " 0,. . . O. . .. ' . . , ' ' o. " .' co ' . 0 . o. . o. . .: o' .' ~. '.. o 0 . . . . ',' ....:..:,: .....-:,..-- ~ ::- '.: ;,:.:;:(: '; :. ":: '. . . ..~ -, . 'Q " " ',- ':' p...:.",' ':- :.:..-, '. - "'-1/ .::..-' . :.....:.. . --: : -:..:... -:-::'1 . EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company Project N<r. 88-81-155-01 @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Drawing No. A-62 \\Iv> I ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------, CONE PENETROMETER TEST DATA , I i , SOUNOING : CPT! LOCATION : RANCHO CALIFONIA: PROJECT : CCIE/RCDC-VAIL INSTRUMENT : FloCK.08a I PROJECT No: 88-81-148-02 ELECTRONICS: T! . TEST DATE : Il-10-1988 OPERATOR : ECIGB . . I . Assumed Depth to Water . (Feet)- 0 Soil Total Unit Weight (pcfl - IlS . . . ------------------------------------------------------------------.---------- . I IIRlUIED rnrnlll ElllIV EM'! EM'! EM'! 1l1I= ll:2z DEPIH CllE RATIO !lIIL IIElWIIIIl T1PE IlRATIIl fRlrnlll N1 - Nl' It'TI/It F,tA lit) lull III IDSITY fIIU Ibi! lbll - - I 1.0 217.0 3.44 IQJlYEY 5IIfKIHlY ilAY >100 )100 2.0 101.4 3.12 IQJlYEY ~rIlIIY ilAY ~loo 31-]:; ~8') 'Hoo 3.0 lb.3 3.53 Si!IlY SILHIA'!!'I SILT 9O-1CO Z7~!1 4<>-'" \O-i') 4.0 Ill. 4 2.08 SILTY SI.NHII<IlY SILT ~iO 3iHO 4HO 4I}-;I) 5.0 55.8 1.7'1 SILTY 51111r".MYSILT 5O-iIJ 31-35 21rZi 2:HQ I 6.0 65.4 1.57 SILTY SIIIHIIIlY SILT 50-!0 3iHO ~15 3iHO 7.0 18.0 5.85 SILTY ilAY ro ilAY I~20 2:HQ I.~ 1.44 B.O 14.3 6.20 SILTY ilAY ro IlAY 11>-15 ~Zi 1.1b 1.23 9.0 47.5 1.73 SILlY StW-~ SILT 5O-iIJ 31-'5:1 1~20 21r15 10.0 29.5 2.41 SIIIlY SILHLAYFf SILT SHl 27-31 11>-15 ~25 11.0 63.0 I.Zi SILlY 5IW-5M1iY SILT 4O-"A 35-40 ~2S 21r25 I 12.0 14.3 5.74 SILTY ilAY ro IlAY 11>-15 21r25 1.35 1.24 13.0 24.2 3.16 SRfIY SILHIAYEY SILT ~70 27-31 11>-15 21rZi 14.0 9.1 4.94 SILlY ilAY ro IlAY ~IO 1S-20 0.84 0.70 15.0 ~.a 0.95 SIIIl ro SILlY SIIIl 40-50 3iHO 1~20 1~20 16.0 . 91.B 0.84 SIIIl ro SILTY SIIIl 40-50 4H2 3iHO 3iHO I 17.0 112.7 0.78 SI1Ill ro SILlY SIIIl 50-!0 4H2 2:HQ 2:HQ 18.0 106.6 1.0'/ SIIIl11l SILTYSr/G 5O-iIJ 4HZ 3iHO 41}-61) 19.0 87.6 0.1ll SIIIl11l SILlY SIIIl 40-50 3iHO 21r15 21r25 20.0 137.2 0.68 SIIIl11l SILTY SIIIl 50-!0 4H2 4HO 3iHO 21.0 127.3 1.03 SI1Ill11lSILlYSIIIl 50-!0 4H2 41}-61) 41}-61) 22.0 140.1 0.51 SIIIl11l SILlY SIIIl 50-!0 4H2 3iHO 2:HQ I 23.0 IZ!.i 0.60 SIIIl11l SILTY SI1Ill 40-50 4H2 2:HQ 2:HQ 24.0 148.5 0.69 SIIIl11l SILTY SIIIl 50-!0 4H2 41}-61) 41}-61) 25.0 142.~ 0.77 SIIIl11l SILlY SIIIl 50-!0 4H2 41}-61) 4IJ-6O 26.0 44.4 6.46 I5IIllY IlAY-SILTY ilAY 6IHl) 6IHl) 2.65 2.65 27.0 16.0 12.1lI ilAY 11I1FS1NIC ilAY ~15 2:HQ 1.1ll I.1ll I 28.0 ~7 2.23 SlLlY~YSILT 50-!0 3HI 2I>-Zi ZHO 2'1.0 27.0 5.55 _ ilAY-5ILlY ilAY 2:HQ ZHO ; 1.63 1.63 lO.O :l2.B 7.91 ISIlIlY ilAY-SILTY ilAY 4IJ-6O 4IJ-6O 2.02 2.02 31.0 67.3 6.01> _ ilAY-SILlY ilAY Ill-IOO Ill-IOO 4.11 4.31 :12.0 77.5 5.811 _ ilAY-SILlY ilAT )100 )100 5.04 5.04 3l.0 73.4 6.53 ISIIIlY ilAY-SlLlY ilAY )111) )100 4.112 4.82 I 34.1, 43.8 7.40 I5IiIIY ilAHILlY ilAY 6IHl) 6IHl) 2.& 2.& 35.0 34.0 6.'13 _ ilAHILlY ilAY 4IJ-6O 4IJ-6O 2.21 2.21 36.0 113.3 5.02 _ ilAHILTY ilAT Ill-IOO Ill-IOO 5.lb 5.601 37.0 71.5 6.411 t5IfllY ilAHILlY ilAY )100 1ll-100 4.1lI 4.1lI 38.0 270.9 1.1lI SI1Ill ro SILlY SIIIl ~IOO 4H2 )100 )[00 39.0 267.6 1.J:! SIIIl11l SILTY SIIIl IlHO 42-45 >100 )100 40.0 'fI.9 5.IB _Y ilAHILlY ilAY )[00 )100 6.96 6.96 41.0 54.8 5.51 ISIlIlY ilAHILTY ilAY 6IHl) 6IHiIl 3.86 3.86 42.0 62.9 5.73 'SIIIlY ilAY-SILTY ilAY Ill-Ioo Ill-IOO 4.50 4.50 43.0 59.0 6.411 IS/IIlY ilAY-SIL1Y ilAY Ill-IOO Ill-Ioo 4.25 4.Zi 44.0 87.5 7.08 IS1IilY ilAY-SILlY ilAY >100 )100 6.45 6.45 ~O 149.2 3.85 IQJlYEY ~ ilAY )[00 )100 46.0 Zi2.5 1.50 SIIIl11l SILlY SIIIl IlHO 4H2 >100 )100 '" < 2 . ~ i . > , I I . . Ill1lCAlB iMIIllHiUll\TED IIlIEflfTED Il1TEllI~ = The Earth TechRology CQrpDration VAIL MEADOWS LIQUEFACTION STUDY Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Campany @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire PrQlect No. 88-81-148-02 Drawing N~: A-l \\\ I :----------------------------------------------------------------------------- . CONE PENETROMETER TEST DATA I SOUNDING I CPT-2 LOCATION : RANCHQ CALIFONIA PROJECT CCIE/RCOC-VAIL INSTRUMENT : FI5CKE088 PROJECT No; 88-81-148-02 ELECTRONICS: T1 TEST DATE : 11-10-1988 OPERATOR : EC/S. I Assu.ed Depth to Water (Feetl::il 5 Soil Total Unit. Weight (pc'l . 115 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I IIRIlIlBl IRICl1I11 EIlIIV EilIV EilI'1 EilI'1 !ld' &z2o IIII'1Il ID€ RATIO !lIIL IlEllWIII 1lI'E II!IATIIE FRIClIIII HI HI' (t-n/lt filii lit! Ilsfl III II!6ITY Iill..E 1"'11 Its,) - - 1.0 766.3 2.n tSILlY SF/i)-Q.qlEY rMl >100 >100 I 2.0 11'1.7 3.04 I$lllY SIIlO-C.AlEY 5iiNIl }tOO >100 3.0 10'1.9 4.41 to.A'ltf 5iiNIl-S'IIiYfUY >I~) >I~j 1.0 61.4 2.20 SILlY 5iiNIl-5NIlY SILT ~70 3Hi 25-<0 25-<0 5.0 47.8 I.~ SILlY 5im-5AAlll SILT 50-!0 31-35 1~20 2:1-40 6.0 31.1 3.55 MY SILH1Am SILT 7Hl 2I>-<S 25-<0 I 7.0 3M 1.09 SILTY 5Im-'.AIGIl SILT liHO 31-35 ~IO 1S.20 8.0 35.1 2.06 SILlY ~Y SILT 50-!0 31-35 llr15 2I>-Zl 9.0 22.1 2.J3 _ SILHlAm SILT 4O-5Il 27,31 ~IO 1~20 10.0 8.1 5.49 SILlY fUY10 fUY :r10 1:720 0.7l 0,67 11.0 13.1 1.12 fUm SILT-5ILlY fUY ~10 I~:ro 1.21 0.80 I 12.0 18.9 2.32 MY SllHLllEl SILT .~ 27-31 ~10 15-20 13.0 74.8 0.9'1 rMl10SILlYrMl 4O-5Il l5-IO 2I>-Zl 21>-25 14.0 62.3 1.17 rMl 10 SILlY 51/!) 4O-5Il l5-IO 1~20 21>-25 15.0 1!i.5 0.9'1 rMl 10 SILlY 5IIHD .~ ~40 25-<0 25-<0 16.0 . 98.8 0.88 5IIHD 10 SILlY rMl 40-50 4HZ 25-<0 25-<0 17.0 lB.6 Mil SIINlIOSlLlYrMl lIHO l5-IO 11-20 11-20 I I8.~ 110.6 0.98 rMl 10 SIllY rMl 50-60 40-42 25-<0 25-iO 19.0 12M 1.22 5II!l 111 SILlY 5IHI 50-!0 40-42 40-60 40-60 20.0 152.3 0.90 M 10 SILlY 5II!l 50-60 40-42 .60 40-60 21.0 123.2 1.13 5IIll1O SILlY rMl 50-60 40-42 40-60 40-60 22.0 1Zl.5 1.11 5IIll1O SILlY 5II!l 50-60 4H2 40-60 40-60 I 23.0 121.8 0.1ll rMl 10 SILlY rMl 50-60 40-42 25-<0 25-<0 24.0 63.1 1.:1 51/!) 10 SILTY M 10-"..0 l5-IO 2I>-Zl 2I>-2:l 25.0 111.6 1.15 rMl1OSILTY5II!l 50-60 l5-IO 25-<0 25-<0 26.0 104.7 0.99 5II!l1O SILlY rMl 50-60 4H2 25-<0 25-iO 27.0 1ll.8 1.01 5IIll1O SILTY SIINl 4O-5Il l5-IO lH) 25-<0 2Il.0 66.4 1.20 51/!) 10 SILlY 5II!l 4O-5Il l5-IO 21>-25 20-25 I 2'l.0 12.7 1.93 SILTY 5IHl-5!iIllSILT 50-60 31-35 11-20 20-25 30.0 '10.1 0.7'1 5II!llOSILlYrMl 40-50 40-42 25-<0 20-25 31.0 126.7 0.93 SANl10 SILlY _ 50-60 4H2 ,40-60 40-60 32.0 1l6.7 1.1l5 511II) 10 51LlY 511II) 50-60 40-42 40-60 40-60 33.0 9.7 12.22 fUY 10 II\SIMt IlAY 18-15 20-2:1 1.06 (,06 I 34.0 121.0 1.16 511II) 10 SILTY 5II!l 50-60 4H2 40-60 40-60 ~O 19.7 6.74 SILlY fUY 10 fUY .20-2:1 25-<0 2.44 7.44 36.0 lB.1 1.81 SILlY 5I'IG)-5IIII)Y SILT - 31-35 21>-2:1 25-iO 37.0 10.5 6.Zl SillY fUY 10 fUY l-IO 21>-2:1 1.19 1.19 38.0 8.6 1.90 SIL Tf (lAY 10 (lAY l-IO 11-20 0.93 0.90 3'1.0 lB.3 1.09 5IIll 10 SILlY 511II) 40-50 l5-IO *20 20-25 40.0 41.7 1.5'1 SILTY 5AIIrS\Il1t SILT 10-"..0 31-35 18-15 20-25 41.0 16.6 3.94 (lAm SILT-5IlTf (lAY l-IO 15-20 7.12 1.44 42.0 24.2 2.16 SI.'llY SILHlAlEl SILT 40-50 27-11 l-IO 11-20 '43.0 22.3 2.7l 5IIiIY SILHlAlEl SILT - 27-31 :r10 1~20 44.0 87.2 1.11 5IIll TO SILTY 511II) 50-60 l5-IO 25-<0 25-iO 45.0 17.5 1.94 SILTY 5IHl-5!iIllSILT 50-60 31-35 11-20 25-<0 46.0 101.0 1.02 5IIll1O SILTY 5II!l 50-60 40-42 25-<0 25-iO 11.0 1!i.4 1.16 5IINl1O SILTY SIINl 50-60 l5-IO 25-<0 25-<0 48.0 37.1 3.11 SIIllY SIlHlAm SILT 7Hl 27-31 21>-25 H !l.0 18.0 0.7l 5IIll 10 SILTY 51/!) .50 l5-IO 2I>-Zl 2I>-Zl . - INlICATES IMI!Cll6l.IDATETi II cmmtD MTERlrL ~ i . > , I I s: The Earth Technology Corpor.tion VAIL MEADOWS LIQUEFACTION STUDY Rancho California, California for, Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Proiect No. 88-81-148-02 Drawing No. A-2 \\9> I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I CONE PENETPOMETER TEST DATA SOIJ:'I~ i NG PROJECT PROJECT No: TEST OATE : SPT-3 CC IE/RCL'C-IJA rL. 80-81-148-02 11-10-1988 LlJC;'T!ON : I NSTRUMEN:- ELE:TRG:-1ICS: OF;:.QATOR RA~C~J CALiFON;~ F15C,<~::~g Tl EC/G9 I Assumed Depth to W~ter (Feet)= 5 Soil Tat3l Unit Walgl';: (p~fi = 115 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I 1lEP1lI IItl I.Q "t. 3:(1 I.e S.i) D.;} 7/j 8.0 9 " iO.O 11.Q 12.0 1~.1) 14.Q 15.0 1!.0 17,0 18.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 71.0 23.0 24.') Zi.O 2!.O '11.0 28.0 2'1.0 ~.O 31.0 lZ.0 33.0 1M 35.0 ~.o.O 37.0 38.0 1M ~.O &1.0 12-'> 4.J.O ".0 ~.O ...0 I I I I I I I I J I ~I ~ II . > II 1lIiIW.1/ED FRICTlIlt CM RATIO 11s;1 III 475.2 ""1" ....... la~, .. 73.b 118" 65.~ S;' 6-\': ~.: lCO:.3 82.9 bO.b 91.2 117.2 165.8 165.b 'fI.b 'fI.7 87 il 101:3 102.5 117.7 IJQ.O 159.2 18b.> 192.1 201.4 tn.9 141.7 24.8 l:l.9 1110.0 35.! 38.0 ~.I Ib.O 54.1 l~.O V.O 23.7 !J.: ~.7 &6,7 44.2 i23.9 m.7 SIlIL ;E:..VI!Il!'IF. 2.15 ~:~~ 1.73 1.26 2.25 i.96 2.1: 1.36 1.39 1.3i 2.14 1.L5 1.2h I.ll) 1.2B 1.98. 1.53 1.55 1.10 1.47 1.42 1.39 I.:; 1.30 1.2h 1.01 1.22 1.0'1 3.00 2.34 0.96 2.70 3.9b 2.35 3.70 1.91 1.00 l.lI) 2.33 4.:5 :.70 1.43 1.02 0.74 0.112 tSllTY ~~:..~',r( ~ ~~,;~ ~? SiLT': :.~[ SiL:~ ~-~;;:.:'! =::..T SILr(s;.:~:_~.i S!U' SILT;" ~itH;'\T.~ 3iLT Siln~s::~YSlLT SILT! 5PlID-s.t~.'j,r; SkT SILTY;?JID-~l;!L' SI-!;j) TIl 31L1'! ""'" SP.~ TO ~!~n s.::~ s;JoR) TD ~.iLi' SP.(., SiLTY~~..Hii...i!LT MmSILfi~ SUI) TO S;LT't s;..~ SAND m SiLfi ~ NroSlliVs,;\;D SILTY 5o\:i)-5oW( SilT SNQ ro SILTY:uID S!LTYs;..{~j.4)YSlLT SP/ll TO SILTY 5II<i SlliDIOSILffSliil SA'Il1O SILTY SIIiD SlliDTOSIlTY5I-NIl SIIiD,S!,TY* SAAIl ro 3ILIT >I<D SUI) TO SiLrf _ SAAIlIO SILTY So;>;j) srm ro SILTY >'Ill ~rnjILT1~ SllQy SILHU'EY SILT SAAIlY SILT-lUYEY SILT SIIQ TO SILTY SUI) SllQY SILT-'l.4YEY SlL! IlAm SILHILTY ~Y SILTY ~ SILT 1lA'EY SIlHILTi CLlY SILiY ~ SiLT SIIQ 10 SiLTY SIIiD i'IIfII :ilT-'l.4'ft( SILT ~Y3jlT~c:...:,YE'jSIt: lJ..Aytt SIL;.5ILr~ ':.Ay a.;'~2{ 3IlT..:!Lff ::';"{ SllTY~.~:.;\1)Y:!LT SilT'! ~Tr:.~'f ~:~T !WfD TO 3lLiY !M~ ~TDSli.J)~ . . llilICA1E5 II\UCDN&I.!tllTE Ili iIl'EffilIl'iHEIII. EIlIIV RElAn\! DJTV 9o-:r.-~ Sor!') ~~ J~""::": 6V-i'O 5lr~ 6tJ-iO :.r1O ~j :;<l-W IIF? :.rIV 60-;,) 70.;; 60-70 60-70 ~ ~ ~~ ~ 60-70 6/J-iO bOo'? 70-00 7/rOO ~70 60-70 60-70 ~ lIHII lIHII 60-70 1Jl-70 lIHII lIHII 1Jl-70 ~ 4(1-:(J 3O-4l) lIHII lIHII EIlIIV FRICTlIll I'I6..E .;o-~; ~-.. ~.;,} 35-10 11-.:;; ':'l_~ 3i-i l:HQ 35-~ ;SS-';(I Jl-~ J:;-~j 40-~2 40-42 4<H2 lH) J::-~ 3S-Ji) ~ ~4Q \H2 40-012 \H2 ~1 \H2 \H2 40-42 \H2 V-31 2)-11 \H2 V.li 11-31 31-)5 40--'2 V'll "'1_1'" Z~ 4lH2 \H2 EIlIIV NI )E':, "";',': ...;L:! ~" 4C-t"~ 25-~ 1ir~ 25-'0 ~-J,) "HO 2H) ?..~ 25-41) 4(-6Q SiJ-100 SiJ-IC~ "HO "HO ~: 25-;0 "HO 40-60 ~bQ 60-00 SiJ-I(.o) 9r!I!? 00-100 60-60 40-tI) IIH5 Io-IS 2l-4Q 15-20 2l-4Q 2D-Zi 5-10 2D-Zi 40-60 15-20 S.!I) lS-4Q 15-2'J 10-15 !00-!5 ZH) z...;" EIlIIV NI' )100 >leo:' )"" .~ : ,~;) ~.f: lil-,~f' 4l'rt,j 25-4(; 41hv ZH) 4V-(i' 2H.) 2"....'" ~-" ~.. 4ir~ SorIoo 00-100 10-0) ~, ~:iI 40-6,' 4o-!Q 40-60 4Q-6o) bIHO 00-100 OO-iOO 00-100 00-100 40-60 2D-Zi 2D-Zi 2l-4Q 2l-4Q 2Hl 2l-4Q 15-20 2l-4Q 40-60 2Ir~ 15-20 Zi-4Q ;:;-0) ~~ 1S-~' ~) 25-'0 ~. IC-nnt IksH 4.92 1.96 4.1Il 3.49 Suz. F.Ifl Iksfl 3.07 1.24 '1.13 2.11 a: Th, Earth T~ch~ol~1Y Carp~~at:~~ VAIL MEADOWS LIQUEFACTION STUDY Rancho California, California for, Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I PrOjeCI No. 88-81-148-02 Drawing No. A-3 \ \~ I I CONE PENETROMETER TEST DATA SOUNDING PROJECT PROJECT ~o: TEST DATE: I C?T-4 CCIE'PC,'C-VAL 88-81-148-02 11-10-1988 laC~TION : INSiRUME\li ELECTRO~ICS: DPERATOR R?~CnQ CALIFONIA F~5Cr.E')88 Tl EC/GB ASSUlud Depth to Water (Feet) = S Soil Total Unit Weight (pet) = 115 I DE?1H Iltl 1.0 2.0 l.O 4 ~, 5.0 b.O 7,0 B.O 9.0 10,0 11.0 1~; 13.0 14.0 15.0 11:.0 17.0 18.0 19.(1 20.0 21.0 22.0 23.0 24,0 25.0 26.0 'D.O 29.0 29.0 lO.O .!l.0 32.0 33.0 34.0 35.0 31>.0 J7.0 311.0 3M 40.0 41.0 42.0 4J.il 44.Co 45.r, 49.0 47.0 48.0 4V) I I I I I I I I ~I " I ~I .. fl " . > II I iO'lIUlEil FRICT!iJI WE RllTlO Itsll IV 246.8 137. ~ m.l 144.3 37.4 lb.l l'1.b 1Il.B 70.1 11.8 23.;; 14.9 33.8 138.4 166.2 161.8 m.2 V.7 11:,1 165.; 154.8 125.5 55.0 2O.B 1M 1M 18.5 87.6 12M 14~5 165.0 152.9 41.2 13.8 'D.8 1~6 14.6 10.5 :il:.8 7b.0 162.0 1:',4 91.7 6.'; 3?Q 8.8 7.1 ".1 13.5 5IIIL 8!IlWIIll 1m mnv IIEU1Tl1~ lE611Y 2.65 15IllY So1>'O-O..\'/rr 511<] 3.;i tQ..~YE' SP;~:;f)jjV n';'1 2.35 is;:LTY ~"'l..:"r:' 3~;<<l 2.27 SIL'Y E!I<)-s!:~Y SIL~ S!r'Q 3.J3 ~'1 SIlT-].A'iE'r JIG 7~! 4.:b ll.AYE'{ SiL7--51LTI 0;'( 1.60 SIli; St.1,'D-&;',~'f S;LT 4lr"'n O.;.! ~ TIl 3ILC( S!14I 40,{;) 1.:0 SRil m SILTY SANti 4O-~j) 3. '2 IlAm SIL' -SILTi UP 1.49 SllFE;.i.!)--C';"ii)'fSIli 3l)4i) 3.4' IlAYEVSILT-m7Y(u\', 1.'0 SILTY """'~'i SI~T 40-51) 0.86 SIIiI TO SIL7Y SIIID lO-6O 1.tl'1 S11i1l1l SILrr S;'~ 611-70 0.'" ~ 70 SILTY \IH; 611-70 O.iIl ~ 70 SlL" M lO-6O 3.41 s;.wy 3:iLT-a..:o.VE'f SILT ~iO O.i3 sri<<) m SiLT15;.sI(D 40-51) 0.b7 M m S!!.rv SWQ ~ 0.7' SiIll1l SiLTY SIIiI 5il-6O 0.71 So\lIll1l SiLlY So\lIl lO-6O 0.6J ~ 11l S!LTY Sl.NO ~ 2.17 5;C{iy SILT-a..~)'Ef SILi 40-50 5.<lI SILlY IlAY TO !l..\Y 4.::2 !lAYEY SILT-SILlY -:litY 4.66 llAYE'f SiLT-SILTY IlAI 1.511 SlLTY ~Y SILT lO-6O 1.:5 ~11ISILlYSIIiI 611-70 1.00 M TD SILlY Sill lO-6O 1.00 s;It) 111 SILlY SAAD 611-70 0.66 ~11lS1LTYM 5il-6O ~.. SILTY ~Y SILT lO-6O 4.74 !lAYEY SILT-SILlY IlAY ~55 SillY SILHl!tYEY SILT 5il-6O 4.OJ IlAYEY SILT-SlllY IlAY 4.0'1 !lAm SiLT-5ILlY IlAY '4.Q7 IlAm SILT-SILTY O-~Y 1.:8 SIllY ~Y SILT 5il-6O 0.S4 sum TO SI:.T'1 S~ 40-fl) O.b! SRQ 11l SiLff ;::.0 :>:HO 0.81 ~ iQ 5iL7Y :~ 5h') 0.83 So<l)70ErtSI.ND 40-:0 4.00 SILT! ~'.A': '1 etAI 1.)'/ SILTI ;:I;!l-S;:IlY oIL' .Hi) 4.CO !lAYEV SIL;-SILlY Cl!tY 3.'2 SIL,I o.;,y TiI o.;,y 1.00 S/.Illlll SILlY SI.IID ~~ 3.~ (U'fFf SILT-:iLT' lAy . - IIIIIt.1Tt5 1MRCllf.O.l0A1El1ll COOIEl ~T!Rlrl. EWlY FRICTlIlN II6..E M) 2i-.] 31-3:; 4lH' 3;-~ 31-~ 31-35 .H2 40-42 40-42 4lr42 4Q-42 40-'2 40-42 40-42 l5-'Il 27-31 l5-'Il ~! 40-42 40-42 40-42 31-3'5 'D-31 l5-'Il l5-'Il 41HZ .w-~2 4l:H2 31-35 M EWIY NI )100 w.) 'II\) ao-w, zo..:'S 15-20 1~15 2S-4G 2IrZ5 ;'1') 5-W ;':0 IG-!5 ~c.i 1i..-fJ) !II-eIl 4<HIl 1~-20 ~) 4<HIl 4<HIl 25-40 11>-15 ;'10 HO ;'10 11>-15 25-40 4<HIl 4IHI! !II-eIl 40-60 1;'20 ;'10 1ll-15 ;'10 ;'10 5-1{1 20-25 20-25 4Q-i,Q :o-:v 25-4<) 1-5 1ll-15 1-5 1-5 Ill-IS 5--10 EWIV NI' }!(~ >E1 >11)> ~!c.;) ~-.II) ~~ 15-2(' Z:-40 ~) 1;':0 Ill-I; 1;':0 1;'20 v,.,.; blrSil 6IHO 4Q-i,Q 25-40 25-40 4Q-!O 40-60 25-40 1!l-15 1;'20 15.20 1;'20 2O-.!l 40-60 4Q-!O 4<HIl - 4<HIl 25-40 20-25 20-25 1;'10 1;'11) 1;'20 25-40 20-25 4f'r60) ;lhO ;:H.? 1~i5 1;'20 1ll-15 Itrl; 1;'10 1;':0 SuI' It-TInt Iksfl 2.D 1.110 1.41 1.0'1 1.06 ~12 l.62 1.47 I.n 1.21 0.66 1,Q1 0.75 I.n ilk'" F,ft\ Iksfl 1.48 0.:8 o.ra 1.112 0.81 1.62 I.ll 1.06 1.2b 0,92 0.66 O.iIl 0.55 I.~ == The €artj~ Tecl~nolti'l"t Corpo...;;.tJi.on VAIL MEADOWS LIQUEFACTION STUDY Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Campany @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire I Projecl No. 88-81-148-02 Drawing No. A-4 \1P I -----------------------------------------------------------------------------, PENETROMETER . CONE TEST DATA . . I , , SOUNDING , CPT-5 LOCATION RANCHO CALIFONIAl PROJECT CCIE/RCOC-VA1L INSTRUMENT i FI5CKE088 . . PROJECT No: 88-81-148-02 ELECTRONICS: T1 , , TEST DATE : 11-11-1988 OPERATOR : EC/6B I I Assuoed Depth to Water (Feet).. 5 Soil Total Unit Weight (pefl . 115 ! . , ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- . I IIJlIIIlllED FRICmll !IIJlV !IIJlV !IIJlV !IIJlV !llJ. !iJ2> IIEP1H IDE RAnD SIll _Ill TYPE IlElAnl'E FRICllIIl NI HI' IC-nlli: f"" 1ft) 11511 III OllY IINiE ltoll ltoll - 1.0 m.1 3.19 t51LlY SIIiD-ilAYEY SAND >1110 >1110 I 2.0 211.1 3.42 fSIL lY S!llIHL\YEY SAND >100 >100 M 108.5 3.11 fSILlYSIIiD-ilA\U&'Ill )100 )100 1.0 73.6 1.81 SILlY ~Y SILT 6il-70 3S-0 2HO 2HO 5.0 61.1 1.12 SILlY 5IIIrSIIWY SIL7 5O-t.O 3S-0 211-25 2HO 6.0 70.2 1.l8 SILlY ~Y SILT 5HO 3S-0 211-25 2HO I 7.0 21.1 6.01> SILlY !lA'( 10 !lAY 211-25 2HO 1.8'1 l.n 8.0 18.3 6.11 SILlY !lAY 10 !lAY IHO 2HO 1.63 1.56 9.0 11.1 6.62 _ !lAY-5ILlY !lAY \Il-6O 6IHJ) I.!l 1.11 10.0 3'1.6 3.66 SIalY SILHIAYEY SILT 8Ir'IO 2)-31 2HO 2HO 11.0 61.1 1.70 SILlY ~Y SIL7 5O-t.O 3S-0 2HO 2HO I 12.0 95.3 1.75 SILlY SNIl-SIItIY SILT 6il-70 3S-0 \Il-6O \Il-6O 1M 73.9 1.86 SILlY SIHKIIlDY SILT 6il-70 3S-0 2HO 2HO 11.0 SO.8 3.34 &'Illy SILH1AYEY SILT 8Ir'IO 2)-31 2HO \Il-6O 15.0, 1ll.0 1.92 SILlY SitiKI/CIY SILT 6il-70 3S-0 2HO \Il-6O 16.0 83.8 1.16 SILlY ~ SILT 6il-70 3S-0 \Il-6O \Il-6O 17.0 61.8 1.17 SILlY 5IHrSIIIlY SILT 5HO 3S-0 211-25 2HO I 1a.o 102.2 1.12 &'Ill 10 SILlY &'Ill 5HO ~2 2HO 2HO 19.0 n.3 1.30 SIal 10 SILlY SIal 5O-t.O 3S-0 2HO 2HO 2M 103.5 1.30 StIll 10 SILlY StIll 5HO 3S-0 \Il-6O \Il-6O 21.0 100.1 1.13 &'Ill 10 SILlY &'Ill 5HO 3S-0 2HO 2HO 22.0 1116.3 2.51 SILlY ~Y SILT 8Ir'IO 3S-0 6IHJ) 6IHJ) I 23.0 101>.1 2.36 SILlY 5IHrSIIIlY SILT 7HI 3S-0 6IHJ) 6IHJ) 21.0 81.7 7.04 IMY !lAY-SlLlY !lAY >100 )100 5.02 5.02 25.0 121.6 7.21 tS"#llY !lAY-5lLlY !lAY )1110 )1110 7.53 7.53 21>.0 151.1 6.71 tS"#llY !lAY-SlLlY !lAY >1110 )1110 9.~ ,.~ 21.0 16M 4.32 _ !lAY-5ILlY !lAY )1110 >1110 10.110 10.110 2Il.0 118.8 6.85 _ !lAY-5ILlY !lAY )1110 )1110 UI 9.~ I 2'1.0 3'1.1 7.76 _ !lAY-5ILlY !lAY \Il-6O 6IHJ) 2.12 2.12 30.0 25.3 7.:16 _Y !lAY-5ILlY !lAY 2HO \Il-6O 1.53 ,1.53 31.0 18.7 4.91 _ !lAY-5ILlY !lAY - \Il-6O 3,(11 3.17i 32.0 lB.3 7.fT _ !lAY-5lLlY !lAY 110-1110 110-1110 3.76 3.76 :tl.0 2hI.B 1.76 &'Ill 10 SILlY SAN) '11>-1110 1H2 )1110 )1110 I 31.0 326.1 1.89 _ 10 SILlY SIal >1110 )100 ~O 7119.2 2.10 tS"#ll 111 SILlY &'Ill >100 )100 36.0 23'/.9 1.26 SIIlIIIO SILlY &'Ill 7HI ~ )100 )100 37.0 223.1 2.'17 t51LlY SIIlII-(lAYEY &'Ill )100 )100 Jll.0 19.3 7.62 _ !lAY-5ILlY !lAY 6IHJ) 6IHJ) 3.36 3.36 3'1.0 :lI1.9 1.86 SIIlIIIO SILlY SAN) '11>-100 1H2 >1110 )1110 la.O 326.1 1.17 SIIlIIIO SILlY SIIlII '11>-1110 42~5 >100 )100 41.0 31&9 1.25 &'Ill 111 SILlY SiH) 8Ir'IO 42-45 )100 >100 12.0 318.7 1.:lI SAND 10 SILlY &'Ill 8Ir'IO 12~5 )100 )100 43.0 349.3 1.36 SAHD 111 SILlY &'Ill 8Ir'IO 42-45 )100 )100 44.0 :134.5 2.22 1SIIlII11I SILlY SAHD )100 )100 ~.O 96.7 5.7'1 _ !lAY-5ILlY !lAY )1110 )1110 1.21 7.21 16.0 1~7 5.71 ISIIlIIY !lAY-5ILlY !lAY )1110 )100 H.1ll 1I.1ll 47.0 7'1.5 5.11II tS"#llY !lAY-5lLlY !lAY 110-100 110-1110 6.01 6.01 .Q 18.0 93.5 5.21 !MY IUY-5ILlY IUY )1110 )1110 7.17 7.11 49.0 83.1 5.BS t5iI<IIY !lA'-5ILlY!lA' >100 )100 6.43 6.43 .. ~ i " . > , I I . - IItlIIllTES IlI'ElIllHiUIlATED IllIIlflflEl IlATBlIrL :: Th, Earth Ttchnology Carp~ratio>> VAIL MEADOWS LIQUEFACTION STUDY Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Campany @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire PrOleCl No. 88-81-148-02 Drawing No. A-5 \"2<\ I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONE PENETROMETER TEST DATA I SOUNOING : CPT-II LOCATION RANCHO CALlFONIA PROJECT I CCIE/RCDC-VAIL INSTRUMENT ; F15CKE088 PROJECT No: 88-81-148-02 ELECTRONICS: TI TEST DATE I 11-10-1988 OPERATOR EC/GB I Assu.ed Depth to Water (Feet) = 10 Soil Total Unit Weight (pel) = 115 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I IlJll'iUlEII FRICTIIIt EmIlY EIIlIY EIIlIY EIIlIY !ld= ~ IIEI'11I aJ€ RAnD SIll l!llWIlIl ~ wnllO FRICTIIIt Nt Nl' It-Dill: FstA lit! lull III IE1tlIlY IitiE Ihll (hll - - I 1.0 147.0 0.62 SIll) TO SILlY SIll) lO-6O 40-42 4O-lO 4O-lO 2.~ 48.S 1.47 SIW SlND-C.iIIlY SILT 4O-SV 31-3:; 15-:0 20-25 3.0 44.3 1.:0 SILlY !'HIO-SoIIIOY SILT 30-40 35-40 10-15 15-20 4.0 104.3 2.2'1 SILlY SIIm-sIIllY SILT 70-e0 ~ 60-50 60-50 5.0 61.9 7.'13 ISI/IlY OJ\Y-5ILIY OJ\Y 00-100 00-100 2.66 2.66 6.0 52.6 8.28 I5I/IlY OJ\Y-5ILIY OJ\Y 60-50 00-100 2.38 2.3i1 I 7.0 42.5 7.'ll ISI/IlY OJ\Y-SILIY OJ\Y 60-50 60-50 2.00 2,00 8.0 33.3 6.78 ISI/llY OJ\Y-51L1Y OJ\Y 4O-lO 4O-lO 1.03 1.03 9.0 40.2 3.44 !>lilY SILH1..4YE1 SILT 7O-lIO 27-31 25-40 25-40 10.0 27.3 4.57 OJ\i!Y SILHILIY OJ\Y 20-25 25-40 2.86 2.01 11.0 34.7 4.:8 ll.llYEI SIlT-SILIY OJ\Y 25-40 25-40 3,70 2.49 I 12.0 39.6 3.87 Sll!iY SILT-IDYEI SILT 11o-9O 25-40 25-40 13.0 66.2 1.~ SILlY SIIII-S!I<<IY SlLT lO-6O ~ 20-25 25-40 14.0 T6.4 2.05 SILlY SIIIl-MY SILT 60-70 l5-4O 25-40 4O-lO IS.O ' 33.S 4.37 ll.llYEI SILT -SILlY OJ\Y 25-40 25-40 3.n 2.~ 16.0 124.7 1.25 SIIll TO SILlY SIIll 60-70 40-42 4O-lO 4O-lO 17.0 13.0 7.15 SlLlY OJ\Y TO ll.llY 10-15 20-25 1.42 1.42 I 18.0 2'1.0 3.'13 ll.llYEI SlLT-SlLlY OJ\Y 20-25 25-40 3.3.\ 2.06 19.0 34.6 S.lB ISI/tlY OJ\Y-5ILIY ll.llY 25-40 4O-lO 2.04 2.04 20.0 30.6 3.:8 !>lilY SILT-IDYEI SILT 70-e0 77-31 15-:0 25-40 21.0 24.3 4.tll OJ\YEI SILT-SILIY OJ\Y 1:r:o 25-40 2.111 I.BS 22.0 33.2 1.1>4 SILlY SIIll-5IIIIOY SILT - 3Hl 10-tS 15-:0 I Zl,O 9.B 6.16 SILlY OJ\Y 111 OJ\Y :r10 10-15 1.09 1.09 24.0 ' 19.6 5.73 SILlY OJ\Y 11Ill.llY 20-25 25-40 2.36 2.19 25.0 10.5 7.2'1 SILlY ll.llY 111 OJ\Y 10-15 20-25 1.18 1.18 2b.O 103.2 0.76 SIIll TO SILTY SIll) - 40-42 25-40 25-40 27.0 127.9 0.87 S11t111I SILlY SIItI lO-6O 40-42 4O-lO 4O-lO I lB.O 120.1 0.78 !>lIl TO SILlY SIItI liHO 40-42 25-40 25-40 I .0 . - INllCATElj IMRllI6lIMTED III ceamDl\11ERlrL ~ i . > I I I so The Earth TeehnoloYI Corporation VAIL MEADOWS LIQUEFACTION STUDY Rancho California, California for, Rancha California Development Campany ~ Converse Consultants Inland Empire PrOje<::t No. 88-81-148-02 Drawing No. A-ll \~ I ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONE PENETROMETER TEST DATA I SOUNDING : CPT-12 LOCA T I Drl : RANCHO CALIFONIA PROJECT CCIE/RCDC-YAIL INSTRUMENT . FISCKE088 PROJECT No; 88-81-148-02 ELECTRONICS: TI TEST DATE : 11~10-1988 OPERATOR . EC/GB I AssuDed Depth to Water (Feet)= 5 Soil Total Unit Weight (pell = 115 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I fOlIUlEI FRICTlIJI egny EIIIIY EIIIIY EIIIIY !It\. !lJ2= IEPIlI tIlE RAnD SOllllEllWIIll1Yl'E II!lATM FRICIIIJI NI Ill' IC-TlIII: FlfA lit! lull W Ill!iIlY INU Itsll 'bll - - - I 1.0 2lll.B 4.ll IQ.AlEY SIJID-5I'ltlY IlAY )100 >100 2.0 194.B 4.33 IQ.AlEY ~Y IlAY >100 )100 3.0 117.1 4.Q7 IQ.AlEY ~Y IlAY >100 >1~) 4.0 132.0 3.12 "ILlY SIIiIHlAyt{ SIIil >100 >100 ~o lIB.a 2.72 SILlY !!iIID-Si;IDY SILT II}J/I) 3l-JS 4HO 60-00 &.0 &7.B 2.19 SILlY S!!<HIIIDY SILT ~ro 31-3:; ~ .61) I 7.0 ll.a 3.ll !i'IlIIY SILH1AlEY SILT 70-B0 27-31 <lr25 ~ B.Q 74.5 2.10 Sllil SIIID-!i'IlIIY SILT ~70 3:HQ ~ 4HO 9.0 41).6 MB !i'IlIIY SILH1AlEY SILT 70-60 27-31 <lr25 ~ 10.0 29.3 4.3:2 IlAYrf SIlT-SILlY IlAY <lr25 ~ 2.&7 1.18 11.0 17.B l.'1B SILlY IlAY TO IlAY lSo20 ~ 1.&7 1.1Il I 12.0 12.1 2.04 SILlY~YSILT loHO 31-31 lSo20 ;>>-25 13.0 79.2 I.ll SILlY~YSIlT loHO 3:HQ ~ ~ 11.0 '17.B 1.30 SIIil TO SillY SlIt) loHO 3:HQ ~ 4HO 15.0 IOU 1.&2 SlIt) TO SILlY !i'IlII ~70 3:HQ 4HO 4HO 1&.0 '17.9 0.74 !i'IlII TO SillY SIll) IO-lO 10-42 ~ ~ I 17.0 24.& 3.:i'I IlAYrf SIlT-SIllY IlAY Io-Il <lr25 2.56 I.!:i IB.O 60.& 1.41 SILlY!i'IlII-!i'IlIIY SILT ID-::.J 3:HQ <lr25 ~ 1.43 19.0 14.0 4.99 IlAlEY SIlT-SIllY IlAY Io-ll 20-25 I.la 20.0 80.1 1.11 SIll) TO SILlY SIll) 10-"..<1 3:HQ ~ ~ 21.0 90.5 1.22 SIIIll TO SIllY SlIt) loHO 3:HQ ~ ~ 22.0 m.2 1.04 SIll) TO SILlY SIIf) loHO 10-42 ~ 4HO I 23.0 82.3 0.1ll SIIIll TO SILlY SIll) IO-lO 3:HQ <lr25 <lr25 24.0 41.1 1.50 SIllY SI/I)-SI/I)'I SILT IO-lO 31-ll Io-Il lSo20 Zl.O 7'5.& D... SIIiI TO SlllY!i'IlII ID-::.J lHl lSo19 lSo20 lb.O ?l.& 2.18 SIIllY SILHlAYrf SilT loHO ' 27-31 100Il ,<lr:!5 27.0 79.9 1.0& SIll) TO SILlY SMl IO-lO 3:HQ ~ ~ I 29.0 33.1 3.&1 5IIlJY SILHlAlEY SILT 7Q-BO 27-31 <lr:!5 ,2l-lO ?l.0 n.4 1.1& SMl TO SIllY!iIIII IO-lO 3:HQ ~ ~ 30.0 &7.l 1.1& !iIIII TO SILlY SlIt) IO-lO ,3:HQ <lrZl <lrZl 31.0 Bl.5 I.Zl SIill TO SILlY SIill :lHO lHO ~ ZHO 32.0 10.7 5.30 SILlY IlAY T1IIlAY SolO lHI 1.17 1.13 33.0 10.0 4.:57 IlAlEY SIlHIllY IlAY l-l0 ISo20 1.10 0.93 I 34.0 18.0 3.27 SFIGIY SIlHlAlEY SILT loHO 5010 150211 35.0 23.0 4.1ll IlAYEl SIlT-SlllY IlAY 1:1-20 2l-lO 2.9\ 2.2'1 310.0 12.2 4.9'1 SIllY IlAY TO IlAY 5010 150211 1.12 1.27 37.0 1&.4 3.&11 IlAYrf SIlT-SIllY IlAY l-l0 1l-20 2.172 1.27 1lI.0 10.1 6-1ll SIllY IlAY TO IlAY :1-10 2ll-Zl 1.ll 1.1' I 39.0 5O.a 1.9\ SIllY __ SILT loHO :n-ll 2ll-Zl 2l-lO 10.0 43.1 1.79 SIllY SIIIll-SIItIY SILT IO-lO 31-ll 15020 2ll-Zl 41.0 33.1 2... 5IIlJY SILT -QAlEY SILT loHO 27-31 15020 <lrZl 12.0 &2.1 1.~ SIlTY ~Y SILT :iIHIJ 3:HQ 2o-lS 2l-lO 43.0 '1l.a 1.14 SI'HI TO SILlY SAAIl :iHll 3:HQ ~ 2l-lO ~I 41.0 131.5 0.81 SIll) TO SILlY SIIIll ::.J-6O 10-42 4HO 4HO 15.0 121.5 0.95 SIIll TO SIlTY ~ ::.J-6O 10-42 4HO 4HO 16.0 152.7 0.11& ~ TO SIlTY SIll) :iHll 10-42 4HO 4HO 47.0 1:57.4 0.113 SIIllTOSIlTYM loHO 1H2 4D-6O 4D-6O .. 48.0 187.4 0.B4 M TO SIlTY SIll) ~70 10-42 60-00 60-00 19.0 O.B 1Il.9O PrATS l~ 5010 ~.36 -<).310 I gl 0 . - INIllCATE5 ~~TED III CElf!fIEI) IIlTEUIt. ~ :c ;1 e Tht Earth Ttchnology Corporation " . > 0 il PrOlect No. VAIL MEADOWS LIQUEFACTION STUDY I Rancho California, California 88-81-148-02 for: Rancho California Development Campany @ Converse Consultants Drawing No. I Inland Empire A-12 \-u; I I I I I I I I I I I '" .. c ,2 i 2 , I o z I SUMMARY BORING NO. BH-101 ATE DRillED: 11.-15-88 THIS SUMMARY APPliES ONLY AT THE LOCATION OF THIS BORING AND AT THE TIME OF DRilLING. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAV DIFFER AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND MAY CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION WITH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA PRESENTED IS A SIMPLIFICATION OF ACT\JAL CONQITtClNS ENCOUNTERED. . ELEVATIQN, 1112 feet '~:'/'('((' CLAY/CLAYEY SAND - fine grained sand, g /. 'r . -/(/:/,/ EPTH IN FEET o SANDj$ILTY SAND -: fine to medJul!1 grained" gray 11 10 (15 14 86 ., 5 SI 10 SW S SP ...sz.... SILTY SAND - fine grained, grayish brown 13 SILTY SAND/SAND - fine to medium grained, trace cloy, gray 5 15 53 SP'I . .. . . .. :;~.. SM " :>:.... . : .... . . .. '.. tl:l'l.1. 18 20 13 25 55 . ..:.,'. ," ',' .' .... " ", '.' ..' ...: '. .... " ',' . . .. .,. .,:......... . ~ ',. .. "" . :", . . ... ',:':' ':.1 __ .. : .:,' .: : . .'. ",'.'. . : ':.. .... '.. .. 44 27 30 35 56 SILTY CLAY - with fine sand, gray 9 54 SAND/CLAYEY SAND - fine to medium grained, gray 40 58 31 8 45 59 DIS URBE 50 SAND SILTY SAND - medium to coarse grained, trace clay, I ight brown 55 End of bori ng at 51 feet Groundwater encountered at 13,5 feet 60 * Ring Sample using a 140-pound hammer falling 30-inches VAIL MEADOWS LIQUEFACTION STUDY Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Project No. 88-81-148-02 Drawing No. \7ft A-16 I SUMMARY "TE DRILLED: 11.-15-88 BORING NO. BH-l02 I THIS SUMMARY APPlIES ONLY AT THE lOCATION OF nilS BORINQ AND AT THE TIME OF DRILLING. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER lOCATIONS AND MAY EPTH CHANGE AT THIS LOCATION W1TH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA PRESENTED IS A IN SIMPliFICATION Of ACT\JAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. FEET 1071 feet 0 ELEVATION: I SILTY SAND - fine to medium grained, slightly (33}t 8 97 porous, rootlets, grayish black (14}t 12 117 I 5 SAND/SILTY SAND'; fi,!e-fGl.n1"diolTl graIned, gray:' 10 . . " I .. . 10 .' 16 .. I . .',' 15 . . 53 ". trace silt, occasional coarse grained sand 13 12 . . I " , ,". . :. . '. 20 . . '., . 54 . . 32 I . . . . . . . . .' ',,', :',' 25 .. . .. . I 55 SM SILTY SAND - fine grained, trace cloy, 48 blackish groy I 30 56 SP SAND - fine to medium grained, occasional "... . >62 .: . coarse grained, trace silt, blackish gray ..' . . . .. .. I 35 .' , . . S7 . >50 , . , . . ... . : .. 'j' . ' 40 . , .' . 58 " .. 41 . . .' . . ." . ......,. . ... 45 . '. .. . . . .' . " 84 . . .. .. End of boring at 46 feet 50 Graundwater encountered at 9,5 feet .2 i .2 i I '0 z I 55 60 · Ring Sample using a 140-pound hammer falling 30-inches VAIL MEADOWS LIQUEFACTION STUDY Rancho Califarnia, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Project No. 88-81-148-02 Drawing No. ;/ \1P A-17 I SUMMARY ATE DRILLED 11.-15-88 BORING NO. BH-l04 I THIS SUMMARY APP'l..IES ONL.Y AT THe LOCATION OF THIS BORING "NOA1 THE TIME OF DRILl.ING. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MAY DIFFER AT OTHER LOCA TlONS AND MAY EPTH /",,, -1''' CHANGE AT THIS LoeA TlON WlTH THE PASSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA PRESENTED lS A. IN SIMPliFICATION OF ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUNTERED. FEET 1118 feet 0 ,,~ ELEVATION: I SM SILTY SAND - fine to medium grained, trace lltfl coarse grained, blackish gray (14)* 9 103 I 5 Sl 22 'l'.I11:.1 , 10 S2 :'.j'lY'l) light brawn 24 I 15 .jJtU 28 I ~ U t-I) 20 54 ~l[: 1-:/'.1 28 I ...5L 25 55 - .: :trll I 17 20 " '. I 30 56 SP , , SAND - fine to medium grained, 49 " tra ce coarse grained, gray . . . . I 35 ' . . 57 66 40 '. . 58 63 . . 45 S9 ' , ., . 88 End of bori ng at 46 feet 50 Groundwater encountered at 24,5 feet c - .2 i < I ,; z I 55 60 * Ring Sample using a 140-pound hammer falling 30-inches VAIL MEADOWS LIQUEFACTION STUDY Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Project No. 88-81-148-02 o,awing No. A-i9 ,'1JP -I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I @ M"JOI DIVISIOIS s ~ . "i . :.: ,~ a. oo .. ~. u ~: _0 !;" .-. c " . -: = =.;: :: .: =: -0 . :! ~ c .. . -" -. :;~ ~ =.: :r . o ! : - : . : :. : ~" , . , . :: -. -.;. . , . . , , . a. , , . ~~ := . s . = s ~ .. :~ -# .. , ;=: '- o o ~ ~: [ ..: . == :~ d . - .. -0 . ~ . . . 0 =.~ :- .... ~ ;:: ; .=.: :: : ;: . . ~ . o o : . . - = ;: "i . , . ! . ~ ~ : - : o : - :. : :: ~ 0 . . , , -a . , -. -0 . , . . . . :.: . . , : " . = ': o ~ o ;: : ~ . ~ !. : . . o s . . a , , . , , " - = ': : o . Q o i - s ~ ~ -: ~ ~ .. KEY TO SOIL SYMBOLS AND TERMS T[IMS USED II THI$ 1['01' fOI oES'IIIII' SOILS ACCOIOI" TO THEil T(ITUI( 01 '11,11 SIZE DISTRlaUTIONS All '[ltl'LL' II ACeOIO',C( ~ITH Tit U~lfl[D SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSftM. - ~ ~ " . : o . , a . , o c. = o . , . ~ ~ " . : ~ 0 o . o . :: :- o . . , . . ~ -12.'< .. ,,;:2~~ " n'lc,,!, JI,UU !'EllIS DESCRIBIr.G CONDITION. ClXlSISIDtCY IIlD IIAR/lltESS COA.Sf ~AI.[D SOILS (..Jor ,or'to~ rltlt".. Oft ,.. ZOO I"..): lAC hili., (11 cle... g,.....ls. III IUt)' or chy., '.....h. ."ll l)) .tll,.. eh,.,. or 11",..11, UIUts. (,",hUlle, 11 ...totl Icc.,.llIt_, to ,....th. .1",lt,. IS dour.11l.. by hbo..,tor, to,U. 0.'cr10tl.... T.... ,.", loo.e 1.00" "lIth.O...,ltl' o to US 15 to cas " ~.ll.'~ld.d '~I..I.. '~I..I- Sind .tlty~... Ilttll O~ .0 fh.. ....h. ct."U 40 to 701 70 to .51 .5 to 1001 " '00r11.,r.d.d '1'...1.. ,~...I.sI.d .latyrIS. Itttl. or .0 f'... 0..... 'I'.~)' ..nl. 111( "&IIU SOILS (.IJO~ lIa~tto.. III1.h, No. 200.te..I: .Iach"., (11 I.or,..te .nd or'lnte lilt. ...d ell)". (1) '1'1..11)'. ...., or silt, el')'I. ... (31 ell,..)' lilts. C'.llst..e, II rlt.. .eeor.t., to sh..rh9 str.ngth, II I..'ctt.. II)' ,..Uro..t... ..udh.. 0" II, dt...et s...~ tilts. - ll.sc:~hth. T.r. '1"1'1 soft Sh..r St~I..t" 'k.f) 1Iu till.. 0.25 0.%5 to 0.50 0.50 tI 1.00 1.00 to 1.00 1.00 t. ..00 ..00 ... Itt,It... c. Silt)' ,1'1..1.. '1'...1-..... .11 t .htu~1I Soft "1'. Stiff ....1'1 .Uff H.r. 10Cl: I.elu".. '1'1.01.. co..l.., rock, e,ltc:lII, ,.. ".Foci ..t.rhls. H.r..,sl h r.ht.. to f'-ld Id.ntHte.U.. '...e....... .uert"_ ..1_. D..ertott.. Tor. Soft 'told I'o.ttfteltl.. To,t en llo 1I1f' .)' Ill.." ,." er.."'" '1. tI.,.r. 'rholo. c.. II. ,..tH doo,l, .ltlil htte ..." .nl e.....l. ru.t I, ....1' 11,1It 1iI....~ bl... l.tf. 'e~ltclt 1..... ...t true. .tl1 .ItItU.... I f.. Ila..... blo.. ..f.... .ra.Ua. Ser.te",. .ttlil kltf. .tt. 'Iffteult" .tffte.lt to .r..t .UIiIIlt_rlll..,. " Ch)'o)' ,r...ls, ,ru.l-u... ell)' Ihtlir.. I4odor.t.l, ,..~. II. I'd hI')' liI.rct SOllllllSTURE '1''' 10. to IiIt,lII th .0H ..hhr. Is '."ten'" .,-: 0" Sl1,IiIt1)' IIOht M.tlt ....,., ..1st ... SIZE PIlO'ORTIlJlS Onla..tloll.. Tr.e. '.re..t b. ~.Ia.t o to 10 10 to,a '0 to J5 ]5 to 50 .. ~oll.,r'd.d .,nd.. '1'...11, 'I..d., ltttl, or no ft... 1.1ttl. So.. ", GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTIIlC - -. !:--f. I SMD -----t IN_lIl1l. II. . II . II is 1.1 ~.1ItT1Cl..1E Qt."IETIUt IN llllLUIICT'atS .... ~ . .' .. ~vn.... : I "'. I. lit"... J'" . SILT .. I Converse Consultants Inland Empire \1-" " 'aarl,-,,....d Slncts. ,r...l1)' undl, lIttl. or lIa flna. '0 S"t, .....d., ....d-.llt .h.tur., lC CI.,o, und., s...-ell' _t.t..r.. "' IlIor,,1I1e .tlt. 1114 ..1" f1.. s&nd., roc. flo..r. .llt, ar el.,., f1.. .I..d.. Ir ell)'., stlt. .1t~ .11,he ,"st1elt, CL lnor"lIle ch,. 0' 1_ to ...1... ,lueteH,. ,rnall)' cl&,., ulld, Clt,., silt, ch,.. 1.1. ela,. ., Or"..te .tltl &..d or,..1e .Ot, cll)'s of 10. ,...eteH, .. IlIor,allte .tlt.. .1eac..... ar 41.to..e.o... ".. sa.., or .tlt, sOlh. Ilutte .ilt. co IlIor,..te eli'S of ht,h 1I1uUC1t,. ht cll,. .. Or,&.le ell,. of ..111",. to hl,h 1I1&.t1ett" or,'lIle Illtl .. ,..t I..d oth.r hi,hl, or,...te soils I I I .1 I' I I I I I I I t I I ,I 'I I I APPENDIX 8 LABORATORY TEST PROGRAM 88-81-155-01 ,'tb Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I 1 I I I I I I I I II I I j I I I APPENDIX B LABORATORY TEST PROGRAM Laboratory tests were conducted in the Converse Consultants Pasadena (CCP) 1 aboratory on representative samples for the purpose of eva 1 uati ng phys i ca 1 properties and engineering characteristics. Test results are presented on the exploration logs and in this appendix, A summary of the various laboratory tests conducted is presented below. ' In-Situ Moisture Content and Dry Density Data obtained from these tests, performed on relatively undisturbed ring samples obtained from the field, were used to aid in the classification and correlation of the earth materials and to provide qualitative information regarding strength and compressibility. The percent of moisture as a function of dry weight, and the encountered dry density in units of pounds-per-cubic- foot (pcf) are provided in the right-hand columns on the exploration logs. Laboratory Maximum Density and Optimum Moisture Tests Laboratory maximum density and optimum moisture tests were performed on representative bulk samples of the site materials. These tests were run in accordance with the ASTM 01557-78 laboratory procedure. A laboratory maximum density and optimum moisture curve is presented on Drawing B-1. Shear Tests Direct shear tests were performed on both undisturbed ring and remolded samples. Individual rings were prepared, soaked and vertical surcharge applied. Each ring was then sheared at a constant rate of strain, A range of normal loads was appl ied and the shear strength envelope was determined. Results of the tests are presented on Drawings B-2 through B-6, Collapse Tests To evaluate the moisture sensitivity (collapsibility) of the encountered soils, ring samples were loaded up to approximately 2 kips-per-square-foot (ksf), allowed to stabilize under load, and then submerged. The percent of consolidated measured after the sample was submerged is reported on the logs in the far right column as percent collapse. Consolidation Tests Data obtained from this test, performed on a relatively undisturbed soil sample, was used to evaluate the settlement characteristics of on site soils under load. This test involved loading a specimen into the test apparatus which contained porous stones to accommodate vertical drainage during testing. The specimen was submerged and normal vertical axial loads were applied to one end of the sample through the porous stones. Resulting vertical deflections were recorded at various time periods. The load was increased after the sample reached a reasonable state of equilibrium. Test results are shown on Drawings B-7 and B-8 entitled "Conso1 idation Test", and "Time Rate of Consolidation", respectively. 88-81-155-01 \1/0.. Converse Consultants Inland Empire I i I I I I I I I I I .' I, I I I I I I B-2 Resistance R-Va1ue Test A selected bulk soil sample was tested in a Converse Consultants laboratory to determine the "R" value using the California "R" Value Test Method No, 301 (ASTM 0 2844-69). Results of the "R" value test is presented below: SAMPLE BORING SAMPLE DEPTH .....!:!2:.... .....!:!2:.... .J..llL BH-4 B-' 5-6 SDIL DESCRIPTION SAND (SP), f. to c. RESISTANCE uRn V ALUE* 47 * By exudation. Corrosivity and Chemical Attack A bulk sample was sent to an analytical laboratory to test the soil pH, resistivity, and soluble sulfate and chloride content. These tests were performed to eva 1 uate the corrosi vity and chemi ca 1 attack potenti a 1 for the site soils, The results are as follows: SAMPLE BORING DEPTH .....!:!2:.... .J..llL RESISTIVITY E!:!... (ohm - cm) DESCR I PTI ON SOLUBLE (~ SULFATE CH BH-4 25-30 SILTY SAND (SM) 7.8 ",970 '65 "0 Sample Storage Soil samples presently stored in our laboratory will be discarded 30 days after the date of this report unless this office receives a specific request to retain the samples for a longer period. 88-81-155-01 \?p Converse Consultants Inland Empire , r.. 120 u ll. ~ E-o :I: Cl ..... ~ 110 E-o Z .~ p ~ c:l 100 SAMPLE I ~OL LOCATION I I I I BH-4 140 . 130 \ ~ '1\ ~ \ , 100 PERCENT SATURATJ 1\ SPECIFIC GRA VlTY = 2.6 \ \ r\ \ \ \ '- '\ '" ON 5 90 80 o 10 20 30 MOISTURE CONTENT IN PERCENT 40 DEPTH (it) TEST llETHOD OPl'D4Ull lIAJ(D(Ul( DRY llOISl'lJRE (_) DENSITY (Pcf) DESCRIPTION 5,0-6.0 SAND (SP). fine to coarse ASTN 0-1557 7.8 lJl.7 COMPACTION TEST Proiect No. 88-81-155-01 EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California Converse Consultants Pasadena Drawing No_ B-1 \~\ rz. en :.:: z ... rn en fi1 E-o rn I ~ en , I I I ,. I ,I . 4.0 ~ M./ V I~ ,/ 2.0 .0 .0 2.0 4.0 6.0 NORMAL STRESS IN KSF 8.0 10.0 4.0 rz. ~ z ... en rn 2.0 roil l:l: ,/~ E-o en ~ p .~ fjfJ- ~ rn .0 .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 HORIZONTAL DEFORMATION IN INCH BORING/SAYPLE : BH-l DEPl'H (fl) DESCRIPTlON : SAND (SP), trace of silt. f. to m. STRENGTH INTERCEPT (ksf) .000 FRICTION ANGLE (degree) 33.1 6,5 (PEAK STRENGTH) SOAKED MOISTURE DRY DENSITY VOID NORlfAL PEAK RESIDUAL snmOL CONTENT (~) (per) RATIO STRESS (lest) SHEAR (ksf) SHEAR (ksf) 0 6.1 89.7 .844 .50 .10 .03 a 8,5 BB.5 .868 1.50 1.0B .95 A 5.2 9"",7 .145 3.50 2.27 2.01 DffiECT SHEAR TEST EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California Project No. 88-81-155-01 Converse Consultants Pasadena Drawing No_ B-2 \-,1/ , I I I i I I I 4.0 A 0 ./' V ... ......0 . .5 RESIDUAL SHEAR (kaf) .67 1,75 2,09 DIRECT SHEAR TEST EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California Project No. 86-61-155-01 1'0. rn ::.: z ..... rn rn 2.0 ~ f-< rn ~ rn .0 .0 2.0 4.0 6.0 NORMAL STRESS IN KSF B.O 10.0 \'b'? Converse Consultants Pasadena Drawing No. B-3 4.0 ~ ...- IJ 1'0. rn ::.: z ..... rn rn l'il 2.0 po: f-< rn e;j ri! rn .0 .0 . 1 .2 .3 .4 HORIZONTAL DEFORMATION IN INCH BORING/SAYPLE : B-4/BULK-l' DEPl'H (ft) DESCRIPTION : SAND (SP), fine to coarse ~GTH INTERCEPT (ksf): .708 FRICTION ANGLE (degree) 25.1 5 to 6 (PEAK STRENGTH) . REMOLDED TO 90% OF ASTM 0 1557-78 MAXIMUM LABORATORY DENSITY AT OPTIMUM MOISTURE (SEE DRAWING B-1) SOA KED MOISTURE SYl4BOL CONTENT (1lI) DRY DENSITY VOID (pct) RATIO NORlofAL PEAK STRESS (kat) SHEAR (ksf) o o l:. 6.7 7.1 6.8 117.5 117,0 117.4 .407 ....13 .<4-08 .50 1.50 3.50 .67 1.82 2.22 10.0 rz. rn ~ Z ..... (/) rn 5.0 ~ ~ (/) ~ rn 10.0 rz. ~ Z ..... (/) (/) IZl 5.0 II:: ~ rn ~ (/) . . [J; / [7 .0 .0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 NORMAL STRESS IN KSF 25,0 .0 .0 . 1 .2 .3 .4 .5 HORIZONTAL DEFORMATION IN INCH BORING/SAMPLE : BH-5 DEPl'H (fl) DESCRIPTION : SANDSTONE, highly wecthered STRENGTH INTERCEPT (ksf) .252 FRICTION ANGLE (degree) 48.3 10.5 (PEAK STRENGTH) SOAKED MOISTURE DRY DENSITY VOID NORWAL PEAK RESIDUAL SYlffiOL CONTENT (ll) (pct) RATIO STRESS (:Imt) SHEAR (ksf) SHEAR (ksf) 0 4.1 104.7 .580 .50 .53 ' ,42 D 4.3 102,9 .608 2.00 2,95 2.23 A 5.6 105.2 .572 4.50 5.13 4.64 I DIRECT SHEAR TEST EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" I Rancho California, California Converse Consultants Pasadena I Project No. 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. B-4 \?J. . 10.0 "" CI) il<: ~ ('/} ('/} l'z1 p:: f-o ('/} 5.0 I~/" ~ ~ CI) .0 .0 5.0 25.0 10.0 15.0 NORMAL STRESS IN KSF 20.0 10.0 r:. ~ Z .... CI) ('/} l'z1 5.0 p:: f-o ('/} ~ ('/} . 1 .2 .3 .4 .5 HORIZONTAL DEFORMATION IN INCH BORlNG/SAllPLE : BH-ll DEPl'H (ft) DESCRIPTION : SANDSTONE, highly weathered STRENGTH INTERCEPT (ksf) 2.365 FRICTION ANGLE (degree) 29.8 15,5 (PEAK STRENGTH) SOAKED MOISTURE DRY DENSITY VOID NORliAL PEAK RESIDUAL SYldBOL CONTENT (ll;) (pet) RATIO STRESS (kst) SHEAR (ksf) SHEAR (ksf) 0 6.2 113.0 .464 .50 2.70 1.97 [] 7.1 115.3 .4-34 1.50 3.15 2,23 6- 7.9 114.8 .441 3.50 4.39 3.55 I DIRECT SHEAR TEST EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" , Rancho California, California I Converse Consultants Pasadena I Project No. 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. B-5 \~ I DIRECT SHEAR TEST EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" I Rancho California, California Converse Consultants Pasadena I . 10.0 />' Y <> I'z. en l><: Z - rn ~ 5.0 ll:I E-o en ~ en .0 .0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 NORMAL STRESS IN KSF 25,0 10.0 ~ ~ J<J" I'z. ~ Z - en en r.::I 5.0 ll:I E-o en ~ en .0 .0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 HORIZONTAL DEFORMATION IN INCH BORlNG/SAYPLE : BH-12 DEPTH (fl) : DESCRIPTION : SILTSTONE, with interbedded sandstone S"l'RENGTH IJilTERCEPT (ksf) 1.946 FRICTION ANGLE (degree) 38.8 30.5 (PEAK STRENGTH) SOAKED MOISTURE DRY DENSITY vom NORMAL PEAK RESmu.AL snmOL CONTENT (.) (pet) RATIO STRESS (lest) SHEAR (kef) SHEAR (ksf) 0 16.0 116.5 .419 .50 2.08 1.58 D 14,2 118.8 .392 1.50 3.55 2.29 l!. 15.B 116.5 .419 3.50 4.62 4.61 Proieet No. 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. B-6 \,fy, I E-o 0:: t:J .... ~ 0:: Z .... ~ t:J ~ 0:: u E-o ,~ 6 U fl:: ~ g. Hft o LOAD [N KIPS PER SQUARE FOOT 1 10 2 ........- ......... ........... .......... ........... i, --- -- -. . . 4 8 10 BORING ' DEPl'H (ft) SPEC. GRAVITY : DESCRIPl10N SAND (SP), f. to m.. trace clay BH-B 17.5 2.65 MOISTURE CONTENT (SI\) DRY DENSITY (pc!) PERCENT SATURATION VOID RATIO INITJAL FINAL lOB.5 111.1 93 99 .525 .490 18.4 18.2 Nate: Solid circles indicate readinga after addition of water CONSOLIDATION TEST EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California Project No. 88-81-155-01 t Converse Consultants Pasadena Drawing No. B-7 . 102 .525 .496 .464 0 .... ~ Q .... .434 ~ .405 ,373 \ ,?\ I I I I I I, I 1 I I I ~ t J , Co J .. i J t ~ OJ CD - ::J .5 E ~ w ::E i= . -=FR=- :-~_~". _ u - ,...u : j I , I , I , ' "! ! i III : : '- T ! I : I, o , - , I I ! ; : : ----:- i I t i I : I I - , . .,; 0 '" 0 '" 0 '" 0 0 0 - - co co .. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .,; .,; .,; .,; .,; .,; .,; DEFLECTION (inches) TIME RATE OF CONSOLIDATION EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Campany ~ Converse Consultants Pasadena Project No. 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. B-8 \1fb I I I rl I 'I I I I t I , I I I I I I t APPENDIX C RECOMMENDED EARTHWORK SPECIFICATIONS 88-81-155-01 \~~ Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t APPENDIX C RECOMMENDED EARTHWORK SPECIFICATIONS Grading 1. Areas to receive compacted fill shall be stripped of all vegetation, organics, debris and existing structure remnants. Any existing fill materials shall be excavated. Any other unsuitable soils shall be excavated as recommended by Converse Consultants Inl and Empi re (CCIE). All areas that are to receive compacted fill shall be observed by CCIE prior to placement of fill. 2. Subsequent to the removal of unsuitable materials, subgrade soil surfaces that will receive compacted fill shall be scarified to a depth of at least 6 inches. The scarified soil shall be moisture-conditioned to at or slightly above optimum moisture content. Scarified soil shall be compacted to at least a relative compaction of 90%. Relative compaction is defined as the ratio of the inplace soil density to the laboratory maximum dry density as determined by the ASTM D1557-78 test procedure. Settlement monuments shall Settlement monuments shall be Drawi ng C-1. 4. Subdrains shall be installed in canyons and ravines as indicated by the project Certified Engineering Geologist (CEG), Subdrains shall be installed as depicted on the attached Drawings C-2a and C-2b, and shall discharge to a suitable non-erosive drainage device. 3. be installed where located by CCIE. installed as depicted on the attached 5. Fill shall be placed in suitable lifts, with lift thickness modified as necessary to achieve adequate compaction. All fill soils shall be compacted mechani ca lly throughout to the speci fi ed density. Each 1 ayer shall be compacted to at least a minimum relative compaction of 90%. However, pavement base material shall be compacted to at least 95% of the ASTM D1557-78 laboratory maximum density. Fills shall be benched into unyielding bedrock on slopes steeper than 4:1 (horizontal:vertical). Where fill is to be placed above cut slopes, fill shall be benched into bedrock as shown on Drawing C-3. The field density of the compacted soil sha 11 be measured by the ASTM D1556-82 or D2922-81 test methods or equivalent. 6. Fill soils shall consist of excavated on site non-expansive soils essentially cleaned of organic and deleterious material or imported soils approved by CCIE. All imported fill shall be granular and non-expansive with an Expansion Index (EI) less than 3D, as defined by the Uniform Building Code (UBC) Standard 29-2, Rocks larger than 6 inches in diameter shall not be used unless they are sufficiently broken down. CCIE shall evaluate and/or test import materials for conformance with specifications prior to delivery to the site. The contractor shall notify CCIE at least two normal working days prior to importing fill to the site. 88-81-155-01 \/fJ Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I 1 I I I I , I I I I I I I C - 2 7. CCIE shall observe the placement of compacted fill and conduct inplace field density tests on the compacted fill to check for adequate moisture content and the required relative compaction. Where less than the specified relative compaction is indicated, additional compactive effort shall be applied and the soil moisture-conditioned as necessary until the specified relative compaction is attained. The contractor shall provide level testing pads for the soils engineer to conduct field density tests on. The contractor shall provide safe and timely access for CCIE personnel throughout the grading site, to allow continued monitoring and testing, 8, Wherever, in the opinion of the Owner's or CCIE's Representatives, an unstable condition is being created, either by cutting or filling, the work shall not proceed in that area until an investigation has been made and the grading plan revised if found necessary. Erosion Control 1. Fi 11 and cut slopes shall be graded water-induced surficial erosion/sloughing. measures shall be initiated immediately construction. and 1 andscaped to reduce Permanent erosion control after completion of slope 2. All interceptor ditches, drainage terraces, down-drains and any other drainage devices shall be maintained and kept clear of debris. Runoff shall be directed to a suitable non-erosive drainage device, and shall not flow uncontrolled offsite. 3. A suitable proportion of slope plantings shall have root systems which will develop well below 3 feet, such as drought-resistant shrubs and low trees, or equivalent. Intervening areas shall be planted with lightweight surface plantings with shallower root systems. In any event, lightweight, low-moisture planting shall be used. 4. Construction delays, climate/weather conditions, and plant growth rates may be such that additional short-term, nonplant erosion control measures may be needed; including matting, netting, sprayed compounds, deep (5 feet) staking, etc. These measures shall be submitted to CCIE for review. 5. Rodent burrowi ng, human trespass (footpri nts), sma 11 concentrati ons or uncontro 11 ed surface/subsurface water, or poor compacti on of ut il i ty trench backfill on slopes shall be repaired and controlled as soon as possible. 6. All possible precautions shall be taken to maintain moderate, uniform soil moisture. Slope irrigation systems shall be properly operated and maintained, and system controls shall be placed under continued control by a landscape architect or similar qualified person, 88-81-155-01 \1>>..\ Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C - 3 7. If completion of new slopes occurs during the rainy season, contingency plans shall be developed to provide prompt temporary protection against major eros i on/s 1 oughing. Offs ite improvement sha 11 be protected from site runoff, 8. Any eros i on damage whi ch occurs pri or to the comp 1 eti on of the project shall be repaired by the Contractor. 88-81-155-01 \/>.,1/ Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I '" " " I ~ D , i I I ....~-_ ~.. '-,..::.:..~.;.7.ii~...~ . PLACE 1/2 FOOT BELOW F.G ~-3/8' DIAMETER BRASS CAP ATTACHED TO PIPE WITH EPOXY 1/2 FOOT DIAMETER X 3 FOOT HOLE 3FEET .4, '. . Q .' ,; <:l CONCRETE BACKFILL , .' 5 1/2 FEET 3/4' X 5' IRON PIPE 2 1/2 FEET TYPICAL SETTLEMENT MONUMENT EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Campany @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Prolect No. 88~81-155~Ol Ol.wing No. C-l \~?J I I I I, I I I I I I I II 11 EI , 11 " , !I D it > o 1 I I ~;:;'~;:!;.~ _..~ . "" ,. 0 .' PROPOSED COMPACTED FILL';:' ,.,. : 0 . 0 . 0 . ,>/. , ..'... . .' ., . 00 "" , '. , . . ". - '" ~ ',.. . '. . .' .'. . . '. , . ' . ' ". . . . ,. .:. "000..0:'. '0 00, . '0' .'", : .0". '.. ./ . '. ", .' . . .... ./ " '. '..... '. NA TURAL GRADE ,. ....., ' ..' /~. .: '. :", . . . . .. . ... . ... .." . "",;/. ... . .' ":'. ;-.'""", :,'. UNSUITABLE MATERIAL' : ;.;.; , ' .... ',~ -0. ...-.....; 0, '. . '0,0". ... o ....... . .. . /. . '. . .'. -,......:.. .. ..' " .~ :. . . . . '>~ . .' ......... .... . 00.. '., . ............ ......,.~ ..... Y' . . . . " "', ..' .... . .. "'." .. . ,-.:.._,:....-=-,.~ . 00 .......0... '.' TYPICAL BENCHING NOTE: Downstream 20' of pipe at outlet shall be non-perforated and backfilled with flne-gralned materiel SEE DETAIL BELOW COMPETENT MA TERrAL NOTES: Pipe shall be a minimum of 4 Inches diameter and runs of 500 feet or more shall use 8-lnch diameter pipe, or as recommended by the soli engineer . , ..... , : .0",' MINIMUM CLEARANCE . DIMENSIONS . . , ' . , T . 0 () 1) () . 0 o 0 :i c 2 D'" 00 . N ~ . OCioo Q ooeJ. o 0(1 o o FlL TER MATERIAL - Minimum of nine cubic feet per foot of pipe., See Drawing C-2b filter matertal gradation ALTERNATE: In lieu of filter matertal nine cubic feet of gravel per foot of pipe may be encased In filter fabric. See Drawing C-2b for gravel specifications. Filter fabric shall be Mlrafl 140 or equivalent. Filter fabric ahall be lapped a mlnlmum of 12 Inchea on all jolnta. o ; o D . 0 Q . 0 . " . Depth and Bedding May Vary with Pipe and Load Characterlatlcs. 3' Faat Typical 1-00 CO'Voz " 2" l)" 0 0, 0 . :.'" 00 0 lD 0 0 ~Fe~ ~~~IC~ o . 8' MIN, Mlnlnun 4-1nc~lameter. PVC SCH. 40 or ASS CIaaa SOR-35 with a CnJahIng strength of at laaat 1000 pounds. with a mlnlnun of 8 I.I1lformly-speced perforadona per fool of pipe, Installed with perforations on bottom of pipe. TYPICAL CANYON SUBDRAIN EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company $ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Prolect No. 88-81-155-01 ; Drawino No. C-2a', '\t>..b.. I I I I I I I I I I I I I- ~I .,- ~I , gl o ,~ I . > , I I Fa.. TER MATERIAL MIN. 9 CU. FT. PER LINEAL FT. ....~~ . Fa. TER MATERIAL: Filter matertal ahall be Clasa 2 permeable materiel (Caltrana Standard Specification 8&-1.025) or approved llltemate; Clll.. 2 grading aa lollowa: SIEVE SIZE PERCENT PASSING 100 91>-100 41>-100 25-40 1&-33 5-15 1>-7 1>-3 , . : I .. ' : .-, '... : . ' ',.-. ~~ ~I~': :'.':,'< :':'-~':~'~::1~ ' .:,MI~.',U:,MIN. ' :. .... : ,8"tMIN.', ' . ;;';'1' ~ PERFORATED PIPE e. MIN. l' 3/4' 318" No.4 No.8 No. 30 No. 50 No. 200 SUBDRAIN ALTERNATE A: Perforated Pipe Surrounded with Filter Material e. MIN. OVERLAP ~ -l 1- MIRAFI140 FILTER FABRIC OR APPROVED ECUIV ALENT ~: In addition to the wrapped gravel, outlet portion 01 the oubdnIin ahouId be equipped with II minlnun 01 10 feet long perforated pipe comected to a ncq>erforated pipe hllving a m1nlnun 01 5 leeI In length Inolde the wrapped graveL SUBDRAIN ALTERNATE B: 1-1/2. Gravel Wrapped In Filter Fabric SUBDRAIN INSTALLATION - Subdraln pipe shlll be Installed with perforatlona down or, atlOQltlone dealgnated by the geotecllnlcal c""""'tanL SUBDRAIIl TYPE - SUbdraln type ahall be ASTM C508 Asbeatoa Cement Pipe (ACP) or ASTM 02751, SDR 23.5, or ASTM 01527, Schedule 40 Acrylonlb11e Butadiene Styrene (ASS) or ASTM 03034, SOR 23.5, or ASTM 01785, Schedule 40 Polyvinyl Chloride Plaatlc (J>VC) pipe or the approved equ!valenL TYPICAL CANYON SUBDRAIN(continued) EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consult~nts Inland Empire 1-1/2. MIN. GRAVEL OR APPROVED ECUIV ALENT PrOlect No. 88-81-'155-01 Crawin9 No. / \f>..'J C-2b, I I I I I I I I I I I 1.1 ... S>, + - .. I > o i I I CD'"'''' m 1 . . \'" ~~ '. '---. .. , ~~,. '.\V-~?\~..: , . : ,~ '. ,J..,I\SIl~~~I.: ' '-~- . .."".c Il '_ . . "i:..\J'~- , VARIABLE, _~ - ' - " 4' _ ' ~N CIlT/FILL CONTACT SHOWN ON GRAOING PlAN , .. CUT/FILL CONTACT TO BE SHOWN ON 'AS-BUILr COIIPfTtKT IIATERIAL NATURAL GRA~El_ - ..-- CIlT SLOPE TO BE CONSTRUCTEO PRIOR BEOROCK OR APl'RQV'EO TO PLACEIIEN. OF FILL COIIPETEKT IolATERIAL Kff'NAY IN COIIPETEKT IIAT. ERIAL IIINIIIUII WIOTH OF 15 FEET OR AS RECOIIIIENOEO BY THE SOIL ENGINEER . IIINIMUII HEIGHT OF BENCHES IS 4 FEET OR AS RECOM- IIENOED BY THE SOIL ENGI- NEER IIINIIIUII r TILT BACK OR 2"" SLOPE (WHICHMR IS GREATER) TYPICAL FILL ABOVE CUT SLOPE EASTERN PORTION OF "THEMEADOWS" Rancho California, Califarnia for: Rancho California Development Company ~ Converse Consultants Inland Empire PrOI8C1 No. 88-8'-155-01 Drowin9 No. C-3 \b...Cp I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 88-81-155-01 Converse Consultants Inland Empire APPENDIX D STABILITY ANALYSES \1>.."\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX D STABILITY ANALYSES Deep-seated slope stability was analyzed using a personal computer. A program analyzes circular failures, where there were not evident plans of weakness or other geo 1 ogi c di sconti nui ty, and homogenous i sotropi c condi ti ons appear to occur. Surficial slope stability was evaluated using hand calculation, Both methods are presented on the attached Drawings D-1 through D-4. Based on the direct shear data presented in Appendix B, and other available information for the encountered materials, the various geologic units were mode 1 ed to have strengths as tabul ated on the drawi ngs. Liquefi ed a 11 uvi um was modeled to have a friction angle of 0, due to loss of shear strength. \D(~ 88-81-155-01 Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I ~ D - > r I I *********** "-Iil-***************** ***....********** * * * SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS * * * *************.. S TAB R G ******'*********** * * * * * * * * * PORTIONS (C) COPYPIGHT 1985, 1986 GEOSOFT * * ALL PI GHTS RESER'.JED * * * ******* ** *...... *** ****** 'Il- *** ******************* "88-8i--155-lZll: THE MEADO~JS EAST LIQUEFACTION F:ANCHO CALlFOF:NIA CALlFOF:tHA CONTROL DATA NUMBEP OF SPECIFIED CENTEF:S I1l NUMElEF: OF DEPTH LIMITING TANGEi\!TS ~ ~ NUMBEP OF VERTI CAL SECTIONS 5 NU~IBER OF SOIL LAYEP BOUNDAPIES 4 NUMBER OF POPE PRESSUF:E LINES 1 NUMBEP OF POINT3 DEFINING COHESION PF:OFILE III SEISMIC COEFFICIENT 51,52 .1Zl1Zl .1Zl11l SEAPCH STAPTS AT CENTEP ( lIJOJ.IZl, -Hl,l1l) ,WITH FINAL GP,ID OF 111l.1Zl ALL CIPCLES TANGENT TO DEPTH, 35.I1l, 4111.1Zl. GEOMETPY SECTIONS .1Zl llZll1l.1Zl 1311l.11l 132.0 200.0 T. CRACKS Hl.11l llZl.1Zl 25.0 25.0 25.0 W IN CPAC~:: llZl.11l 111l.1Zl 25.0 25.0 25.0 BOUNDARY 1 111l.11l 111l.1Zl 25.0 25.0 25.0 BOUNDARY 2 27.0 27.ltJ 27.0 25.0 25.0 BOUNDARY ~ 30.0 311l.11l 311l.11l 311l.11l 311l.1Zl ~, BOUNDARY 4 711l.11l 70.0 711l.0 70.0 70.0 SO I L PRDPEPTI ES LAYER COHESION FR I en ON ANGLE DENS ITY 1 350.0 260.0 260.111 25.0 117.111 95.0 '15.0 18.0 .1Zl -' LIQUEFACTION BELOW 2:1 FILL SLOPE EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Prolect No. 88-81-155-01 Or.wing No. D-la \A.o... --...... I F'OPE F'RESS\JF:E DATA I COORDINATES OF EQUI-PRESSURE LINES SECTIONS L1HE 1 .0 100.0 130.0 17.=.0 200.0 :'::~IiJ.1ll .3111.0 .':':,0.1iJ :50. 'ill 3(1.0 I NUMBER TANGENT RADIUS (Xl CENTER (Yl CENTER FS(BISHOPl FS (Q~IS) 1 35.0 45.0 100.0 -10.0 2.009 1.815 2 35.0 45.0 80.0 -10.0 7.617 6.219 - 35.0 65.0 100.0 -30.0 1.915 1.819 -' 4 35.0 45.0 120.0 -10.0 1.502 1.418 5 35.0 25.0 100.0 10.0 2.899 2.281 6 35.0 65..0 120.0 -30.0 1.655 1.59::, 7 35.0 45.0 140.0 -10.0 2.798 2.606 8 35.0 25..0 120.0 10.0 1.472 1.356 9 35.0 25.0 110.0 10.0 1.598 1.416 10 35.0 35.0 120.0 .0 1.453 1.351 11 35.0 25.0 130.0 10.111 2.184 2.01il4 12 35.0 15.0 12111.1il 2.0.lZl CIRCLE BELO~I I NTERF'OLA TED 13 35..0 35.0 110.0 .0 1.478 1.369 14 35.0 45.0 120.0 -10.0 1.502 1.418 15 35.0 35.0 13111.0 .0 1.859 1.707 16 .35.0 45.0 110.1il -10.0 1.514 1.428 17 35.0 45.0 13,111.0 -10.0 1.788 1.666 18 35.0 25.0 13111,fI! 1111.0 2..184 2.004 19 35.0 25.0 11111.0 10.0 1..598 1..:llb I I I II I I F.S. MINIMUM= 1.453 FOR THE CIRCLE OF CENTER ( 12111.0. .111) I NUMBER TANGENT RADIUS (Xl CENTER (Yl CENTER FS(BISHOP) FS (oMS) 1 40.0 40.1il 120.0 .0 1.194 1.122 2 4111.111 30.fI! 90.0 1111.0 4.346 3.249 - 40.0 50.0 110.0 -1111.0 1..233 1.170 -' 4 40.0 30.0 13111.0 1111.0 1.64111 1. 514 5 4111.111 1111.111 11111.111 30.0 CIRCLE OUTSIDE SLOF'E 6 4111.111 30.0 11110.0 10.111 1.939 1..623 7 4111.111 20.0 11111.0 20.0 CIRCLE BELOW INTERPOLATED 8 4111.0 40.0 100.0 .0 1..546 1.392 9 40.0 40.0 120.0 .0 1.194 1.122 1111 40.0 20.0 120.111 20.0 CIF:CLE BELOW INTERPOLATED 11 40.0 20.lZl 100.0 20.0 CIRCLE BELOW !NTEF:POLATED 12 40.0 5lZl.0 120.1il -10.0 1.227 1.165 13 40.0 40.0 130.0 .0 1.453 1.339 14 40.0 50.0 110.0 -10.0 1.233 1.170 15 40.0 50.0 130.0 -1111.0 1..412 1.322 16 40.0 3111.111 130.111 10.111 1.64f1! 1.514 17 4f1!.0 30.0 1 1\1. 0 10.0 1.225 1.139 I .. ~ I ,~ ;; I . > i I @ I F.S. MINlMUM= 1.194 FOR THE CIRCLE OF CENTER (120.0, .0) *........***********....* " STA8RG " **~**********.**** LIQUEFACTION BELOW 2:1 FILL SLOPE EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Compan PrOlect No. 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. D-lb ,oj> Converse Consultants Inland Empire I - - I ~ 0 ci I 0 '" I I 0 0 ..., I ~ I I ~ 0 l5 0:: 8 0 0 I ~ u x I I 0 ci ..., " q 0 0 0 0 0 0 ori ci ui ci vi R II] ,., I '" ,. I I 3l'tNIOllOOO ^ . l . > I I I LIQUEFACTION BELOW 2:1 FILL SLOPE EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire PrOlect No. 88-81-155-01 Dlawing No. D-lc \-5\ I I I I I I I I I I I ~ J ;; I > o i I ********************************************* * * * SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS ,* * * ************** 5 TAB R G ***************** * * * PORTIONS (Cl COPYRIGHT 1985, 19B6 * * * * * -, - - GEOSOFT * * I * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * * * ********************************************* "BB-B 1-155-IIlI: THE MEADOWS EAST RANCHO CALI FORNI A CALI FORN I A (311l' F I LU CONTF:OL DATA NUMBEF: OF SPECIFIED CENTERS III NUMBER OF DEPTH LIMITING TANGENTS III NUMBEF: OF VERT! CAL SECT! ONS 3 NUMBER OF SOIL LAYER BOUNDARIES 3 NUMBER OF PORE PRESSURE LI NES III NUMBER OF POINTS DEFINING COHESION PROFILE III SEISMIC COEFFICIENT 51.52 . III III .1Il1ll = SEARCH STARTS AT CENTER ( 1311l.1Il. -ll1l.lIll,WITH FINAL GRID OF 111l.1Il ALL CIRCLES PASS THROUGH THE POINT (1211l.1Il, 411l.1Il) GEOMETRY SECT! ONS -50.0 50.0 120.0 T. CRACKS llIl.1Il llIl.11I 411l.1Il W IN CRACK 111l.1Il llIl.1Il 411l.1Il BOUNDARY I 1111.121 1111. III 411l.11l BOUNDARY 2 42.0 42. III 42.0 BOUNDARY - 7111. III 7111.111 70. III ,.' 30 FOOT 2: 1 FILL SLOPE EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire' . ' PrOlect No. 88-81-155-01 Orawing No. D-2a \'5'1/ I I I I I I I I I I I 1 , <i I > o i I I ~- - SO I L PROPEF: r [ES LAYER COHESION FF: I cn 01'[ ANGLE DENSITY ~ ~ 350..121 .121 25.0 1l7.0 95..0 33.lZI NUMBER TANGENT RADIUS (X) CENTER ('() CENTER FS (BISHoF') FS <OMS) 1 41.0 51.0 130.0 -10.0 11.705 11.697 2 41.0 5L0 110.0 -1111.0 2.756 2.669 ? 40.7 70.7 130.0 -30.0 5.94121 5.926 ~, 4 4B.3 58.3 150.0 -10.0 CIRCLE OUTSIDE SLoF'E C; 41.6 3Lt- 1~lZI..0 1:;l.tJ 105..b09 llZl~.6~7 6 48.3 58.3 90.0 -10.0 2.443 2.188 7 40.7 70.7 110.0 -30.0 2.495 2.423 8 41.6 31.6 110.0 10.0 3.156 3.027 9 6121.7 70.7 70.0 -10.121 3..808 3.223 10 46..2 76.2 9121.0 -30.0 2..426 2.260 11 52.4 42.4 90.0 10.0 2.843 2.357 12 50.6 80.6 8121.0 -30.0 2.93eJ 2.676 13 45.4 85.4 90.0 -40.0 2.463 2.322 14 42.8 72..8 1121121.0 -3llL0 2.194 2.083 15 47.1 67.1 90.0 -20.0 2.413 2.211 16 4'-' r:z 82..5 11211J.12I -4121.0 ,.., .....":"..... ~ 134 4.~ .::... ..::.._~.::. ~. 17 40.7 70.7 IH'l.12I -30.0 2.495 2.423 IB 43.2 63.2 101Z1.1Z1 -20.0 ~ 192 2..061 ~. 19 47.1 67.1 90.0 -20.Ql 2.413 2.211 20 41Z1.8 60.B IIIZI.0 -20.0 2.614 2.536 21 43.9 53.9 10121.0 -10.0 2.258 2.105 ~,' 46.2 76..2 90.0 -30..0 2.426 2.26121 ~~ ~? 40.7 70.7 110.0 -3121.0 2..495 2.423 ,,-"-' 24 41.0 51.0 110.0 -10.1/1 2..756 2.669 25 48..3 58.3 91/1.121 -11/1.1/1 2.443 2.186 F.S. MINIMUM= 2.192 FOR THE CIRCLE OF CENTER ( 1121121.1/1. -20.121) **.lIr*************** * STABRG .. ****************** 30 FOOT 2:1 FILL SLOPE EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire PrOIei:l No. 88-81-155-01 C,awing No. D-2b \-5'7 0 I'l 0 .., .., ao g <Ii oti 0 I I'l - cO " ~ 0 I I '" V r-- 3l'tNIOl:lOOO A ~ i . > I I I 30 FOOT 2:1 FILL SLOPE EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, Cal ifarnia for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire PrOlect No. 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. D-2c \~I>., ~.sl~~ro;z'l-"'~"!I<4 I ***** *******'"IE-*,***** ******** ***'*************** * * * SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS * * * ****'********** S TAB R G ***************** * * I I PORTIONS <C) COPYRIGHT 1985. 1986 * * * * * GEoSoFT * * * * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * * * ********"* **** ***** ****"IE-**********'-'*********** I I "88-81-155-\!Il: THE MEADOWS EAST RANCHO CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA (30' CUT) I I CONTROL DATA o o NUMBER OF SPECIFIED CENTERS NUMBER OF DEPTH LIMITING TANGENTS NUMBER OF VERTICAL SECTIONS NUMBER OF SO I L LA YEF: BOUNDAR I ES NUMBER OF PORE PRESSURE LINES NUMBER OF PO It,ITS DEF I N I NG CoHES I ON 3 - '-' o o PROFILE I .0<1 .00 SEISMIC COEFFICIENT SI.S2 = SEARCH STARTS AT CENTER ( 130.0, -1<1.0) ,WITH FINAL GRID OF 10.0 I ALL CIRCLES F'ASS THROUGH THE PO 1 NT ( 120. 0 . 40.0) I GEOMETRY SECn ONS -25.0 50.0 120.Ql T. CRACKS 10.0 10.0 40.0 W IN CRACK 10.0 10.0 40.0 BOUNDARY 1 10.0 llZ1.0 41<').0 BOU'IDAR'{ 2 42.0 42.0 42.~ BOUNDARY - 70.1Z1 71Z1.0 70.0 " I . i " . > j I I 30 FOOT 2:1 CUT SLOPE EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho Califomia, California for: Rancho Califarnia Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire PrOJect No. 88-81-155-01 Drawing No. ~ ' D-3a \ I I I I I I I I I I I ,~ i . > I I I ..~.&T~.:-""~.~.!.ir:"~ SO I L FF:OPERT I ES LAYER COHES ION FRICTION ANGLE DENS ITY RIGHT I F:IGHT J 1 250.0 250.0 ",0.0 30.0 119.111 119.~ 2 NUMBER TANGENT RAD IUS (X) CENTER CY} CENTEF: FS <BISHOP} FSCOMS} 1 41.0 51.0 13~.~ -1111.111 8.814 8.803 2 41.111 51.0 11111.0 -1111.111 2.625 2.512 - 4~.7 7111.7 13111.111 -30.0 4.773 4.754 " 4 48.3 58.3 150.0 -1111.111 CIRCLE OUTSIDE SLOPE ~ 41.6 31.6 13~.1II 1~.0 74.751 74.750 ~ 6 48.3 58.3 9~.~ -I~.III 2.670 2..360 7 40.7 7~.7 110.~ -30.0 2.422 '"2.329 8 41.6 31.6 11~.0 1111.~ 2.9603 2.792 9 46.2 76.2 9111.111 -30.0 2.645 2.438 1~ 4111.6 9~.6 II~.~ -50.0 ,., -:0.....= 2..243 ...." ._~'::"..J 11 40.7 70.7 130.~ -30.0 4.773 4..754 12 42.2 92..2 10111.111 -50.0 2.433 2.321 13 40.5 10121.5 110.0 -6111.0 2.345 2..270 14 4111.!2l 9!2l.0 120.!2l -50.0 CIRCLE 8EYOND 15 4111.6 81<l.6 11!2l.0 -41<l.!2l 2.344 ..... ""'...= .....:.....J...J 16 42.0 102.0 100.!2l -6!2l.0 2..494 2.393 17 40.0 1~0.0 120..0 -60.~ 2.499 2.448 18 411).0 80.0 120..l2l -40.0 CIRCLE BEYOND 19 42.5 82.5 100.!2l -40.0 2.384 2.256 F.S. MINIMUM= 2.325 FOR THE CIRCLE OF CENTER C 11~.0. -5~.0) ****************** * STABRG * *********.********* 30 FOOT 2:1 CUT SLOPE 88-81-155-01 EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho Califarnia Development Company ~ ;Converse Consultants Inland Empire PrOIe<::t No. Clawing No. D-3b ,1' I ..,_~'2"~ I " 0 " ci ... '" I + I I IX) ,.; IX) I I ~ I It) Ci '" ,..: 0 ~ 0 u I x I I '" ~ - "' ci '" I on '" I "' ..; - IX) ::j ell - 10 o ..; '" o I g .. 3l'tNIOClOOO A ;; i " . f I I 30 FOOT 2:1 CUT SLOPE EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho Califomia, California for: Rancho California Development Company Project No. 88-81-155-01 Or.wing No. D-3c \''\ @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire BY -= DATE #9 CLIENT p?r.c>C CHKD, BY _ DATE - PROJECT rH&: .M~A.c>O;.J_~ ~A<:;r AI PAIYCHO SHEET NO. PROJECT NO. CA/_/FO.eN/A / OF / 8B- P,/-/6.:::5-oJ , . . ; i: , . · l- ..\ ; ; '-'-L' ' . ' :~ : , " , ' , : ' · -+ __ . :':~"t, '. --::::[ : ,":1:::_~l::-'+--::j::'L T rBS_U,R~ICJACS.:rABILI"~+-CALCULA TIONS '.'+itLi'L,iIt illi', i,L~+':t~l+t~D 'W!?"~~ .,-',A -k-'PERi=l'Ic.e:: i-+-:o.77NC::,6L6l:-'t?-e.V-CYIG.7.rAk.:F--'-/--1;t/;B:ci:l:::z9'7-::1"'V ca':- ,- :=~~ttJtJ;"~T~ti.:k:~..)ll~Q;fjLf;;:;.~-~~);~ ;" '-+i;~: ; !-Fl;' ! : ',T.LI~,-,~ .,:'i:tt;:;',:: _ ,", ' ',' _..., ' ,-"rTL' 1 . b,_L ; r."",,~...=.....:::'j+'; , t- ;,,~+'H 1 It;;" :-'.+tt:, .:._ "1' .1 :r '___. _L:, i .___:?..L_-z.'C5.,_ ,~-', - ,---' - -3 ~ .:.... I " ; - . 1 '.. - .- , ' -- ~i~4~~t~~i~~~~f~~;2:~~~"'~~:j~~: . .~;~; -7;"= -(i,Z;;q 'PCp:-'-'-'",'-__....--;,..---.n - - " .; --u:, , - ,. - ~O"'G';z:('zcp/o<>-) =0 4;::------ seepa"e.;.... I ::''',..."::"..'.:",7.,%,0,, 'T,;e_,~'F"., " ,-;"',-:'.. T, :--,-:"r,-=-i-..,,~-,-':".', '::'. _ _...,r A1L :::::.,LW_;;:L,.:.r:r::..:..::::L,...:r.-:,.---=.:::'-.:=:i::....:-I:: _ - ~ 1:~=~:f~~~JI~~~~~=~~~~-~~ S....i~ :.-;,. "". , ;,1.1.,--'---:+':'='-.'. :,'..;..-1,.--.--.. -. ru' T -Y co {J . .. .......,...____-m._m.~..-.........~ ~____~.m.._..__:__ .,..~---~..........~."-_..."" m._...._...___..... I , .. . ._.......~...---.....,,~-,.-_..--.----.. "... T" ~.- ". I 1.0 0 09 08 8 0 al7 <: 0,6 ~ .. ~ 05 .. .. '. ;; e e 04 '" ~ _..J '" 03 ~3 ~ ~ I 02 I 01 ! I ! 0 0 0 I 3 4 5 6 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 Slope Rolio b= c:ol {J Slope Rotio b . cot 13 I I I I I ..._.......... ..._....____._ .....~_~~___.__.___. .__~....w. :_:::~:5,=l:~:}"'~~J2~+:=t;9i;;:::::i.:::::..':o::~e :r;;;.::z!52:r;:;4:;:+-(~~O "... "I't-T;t": ':4N,;8 T" 'f' 'To!YF/-'" .'rA l'I.'2CR7iiO" :'1 "'(./Z o 'pc. p '~:~'. ;. ,;._L..L....___.l...L ~....l_~~;___~___~_...m";_~._i..~.~__:n..~'~....:.~ . ' .+..:_~~::=_=:-;--'---'" ,N __:.~ : ___J....:L.~.^: . . ~...Tt;"'M;__'~___~"':.'''''~ :'T1....~_:::_.. ~. ...-- Fig,lQ STA81UTY CHARTS FOR INFINITE. SLOPES, I .......n.____......;....._.....;._~."_+-.................---;.--.-'-...-m'," . - . f ' .:-:l"=--.'=~. '2-.2'....... c/". .."../.'6. "~';;"Okt.."'f' ,__ ...._L:-~~~..;..n.._._ ... .,_"" ,...L._--;---__..... ,...----t---,-.-~. .'- .-..- ..____...n...."....____.... I . ..~. ....____...........~...._,_..~.._:-=-:-~..::...".n.n. ..".'C... '.. .~...t==::::::::-t:::::::::=~ '~::.:.:-:-:- .. n....__..~"..__..___ ..~_.... ......'^ ..~._ _ .~____............_.n____n....-........- ...___~__-......n~__.".......".~._..........,___._ __.___._ .-t. ~.~ .;___+-n__l.""....l..+_...,... . .".__.v..........,,,.._. -.....-.-;......--...".....~--.,- ,,,.... ',n..t --.~-.....,., ..:..........."..__-;-.........+.1...._... If~t4!cSq~fIfBi~,=~~~~iB. '" L:l~j~l~:: . i'Ii. i · ....~ I I @ Converse Consultants SIGNED REG, NO. SHEET NO. 0-4 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I co VERSE~~ -~- N "~2=- -=- ~ ENVIRONMENTAL;;;;=-~~ ~ Inland Empire Office 630 East Brier Drive, Suite 100 San Bernardino. California 92408 TelephOne 7141889.8004 FAX 714 889-4830 March 14, 1989 @ Rancho California Development Company 28250 Ynez Road Rancho California, California 92390 Attention: Mr, Csaba F. Ko Subject: SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS Tentative Tracts 24182, 24186, 24187 and 24188 Eastern Portion of the "The Meadows" Rancho California, California CeIE Project No. 88-81-155-01 Presented herein are findings of our slope stability analysis performed for the subject tracts. Based on our recent conversations with Mr, Robert Washington of Robert Bein, William Frost and Associates and review of provided tentative tract grading plans, it is our under- standing that all cut slopes proposed for the subject tracts will not exceed 45 feet in helght. All fill slopes wil J not exceed 40 feet in height. The maximum proposed slope heights tor the subject tracts are tabulated below: FILL SLOPE CUT SLOPE TRACT MAXIMUM HEIGHT MAXIMUM HEIGHT No. (ft) (ft) 24182 30 43 24186 25 20 24187 20 15 24188 35 30 All proposed cut and fill s lopes will be constructed at a gradient of 2:1 (horlzontal:vertical) or flatter. \~ A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Rancho California Development Company CCIE Project 88-81-155-01 March 14, 1989 Page 2 SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS Direct shear tests were performed on both remolded and relatively undisturbed ring samples obtained in the CCIE exploration of the eastern portion of The Meadows. These resu lts have been presented in the "Geotechni ca 1 Investi- gation" report by CCIE for the eastern portion of the Meadows (CCIE No. 88-81-155-01). Parameters used in the slope stability analyses are as follows: ' UNIT WEIGHT COHES 10N* FRICTION ANGLE* Materi a 1 (pcf) (pst) (degrees) Properly compacted fill** 128 3S0 2S (90% of ASTM 01SS7-78) Undisturbed site materials 110 1S0 33 (Pauba siltstone with fine sand) * Strengths of materials after soaking. ** Derived from site soils. Slope stability analysis were performed for proposed cut and fill slopes for the subject tracts at a maximum height of 45 and 40 feet, respectively, at a grad i ent of 2: 1 (hori zonta 1: verti ca 1) . Ca leu lati ons for the slope stab il ity analysis are presented in the Appendix, Our analyses are based on homogeneous and isotropic soil conditions, Strength parameters used in the analysis were developed from direct shear testing on both in-situ ring samples and remolded samples (90% relative compaction. ASTM 01557-78 Test Method) for cut and fill slopes, respectively. Findings of our slope stability analysis indicate that the proposed slopes for the subject tracts will have a calculated factor of safety ot at least 1,5, assuming that there are no geological discontinuities. A concern for both cut and fill slopes on the subject tracts is the high potential for erosion of sandy materials and the resultant surficial instability. Theretore, proper site drainage and erosion control should be addressed during the C1Vl1 design stage, as described below. Geologic observation of all cut slopes should be conducted during grading to observe lf any adversely oriented planes of weakness (l.e. claystone or siltstone beds) are present. Our laboratory test results indicate low strength parameters for claystones and siltstones. Accordingly. if these materials are exposed in proposed cut slopes during grading and are found to be adversely oriented, buttress or stabillzation fills may be required. SLOPE PROTECTION AND EROSION CONTROL As recommended in Section 7012(b) of the Uniform Building Code (1988 Edition). 6-foot wide terraces should be provided on slopes higher than 30 feet, to control surface drainage and debris. Proposed slopes at the site should be planted soon after construction and will require maintenance to perform in a satisfactory manner through time. In most cases, slope maintenance can be provided along with normal care of the grounds and landscaping. Cost of maintenance is cheaper than repalr after neglect. \<1' Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I ,I' \1 I I I I I I I, I I I I ) I Rancho California Development Company CCIE Project 88-81-155-01 March 14, 1989 Page 3 110st hillside lot problems are associated with water. Uncontrolled water from a broken pipe, excess landscape watering, or exceptionally wet weather causes most damage. Ora i nage and eros i on contro 1 are important aspects of slope stability and the provisions incorporated into the graded site must not be altered without competent professional advice. Terrace drains and brow ditches on slopes should be kept clear so that water will not overflow onto the slope, causing erosion. All subdrains should be kept open and clear of debris and soil which could block them. Landscaping on the slopes should disturb the soil as little as possible and ut il i ze drought-res i stant plants that requ i re a mi n imum amount of 1 andscape irrigation. Wet spots on or around the site should be noted and brought to the attention of the soils engineer. These may be natural seeps or an indication of broken water or sewer lines. Watering should be limited or stopped altogether during the rainy season when little irrigation is required. Over-saturation of the ground can cause major subsurface damage. Slopes should not be over-irrigated. Ground cover and other vegetation will require moisture during the hot summer months; but, during the wet season, irrigation can cause ground cover to pull loose. This not only destroys the cover, but also starts serious erosion. It is suggested that a professional landscape architect be consulted for planting and irrigation recommendations. CLOSURE The findings of this slope stability letter have been prepared in accordance with generally accepted professional engineering and engineering geologic principles and practice. We make no other warranty, either express or implied. Our conclusions and recommendations are based on the results of field and laboratory investigations, combined with an interpolation of subsurface conditions between and beyond exploration location. These results are preliminary, and are provided to expedite the County submittal process for the tracts. These findings and recommendations are predicated upon the assumption that CCrE will review the tract grading plans, and will provide continuous construction monitoring during grading. Respectfully submitted, . i rNVE~SE t6~~~LitA{TS I~LAND EMPIRE "uc~~,j.Ac.-~~ I David B. Simon I Senior Geologist, CEG 1400 ~*/ Project Engineer, PE C-037896 GCK/TCB/DBS:88dd Enc1: Appendix, "Stability Analyses" Dist: 2/Addressee 3/Robert Bein, William Frost & 1/Roy J. Shlemon, Ph.D. Associates \~\ Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I ,I I I I J I I I II I I I I I APPENDIX STABILITY ANALYSES \r..o'V 88-81-155-01 Converse Consultants Inland Empire '. I I I I J I I I I J 'f ~I " I ~I ;; ~ :a ~ I' .2 1i > o ~I I@ IW **************~****************************** * * * SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS * * * ************** S TAB R G ***************** * * * PORTIONS (C) COPYRIGHT 1985, 1986 * * * * GEOSOFT * * * * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * * * ********************************************* "88-81-155-01; Tr. 24182, 24186, 24187 and 24188; 2:1 fill slope(40 ft hi9h) " CONTROL DATA NUM8ER NUMBER NUM8ER NUMBER NUMBER NUM8ER OF SPECIFIED CENTERS OF DEPTH LIMITING TANGENTS OF VERTICAL SECTIONS OF SOIL LAYER BOUNDARIES OF PORE PRESSURE LINES OF POINTS DEFINING COHESION PROFILE o 5 4 3 1 o SEISMIC COEFFICIENT Sl,S2 .00 .00 = SEARCH STARTS AT CENTER ( 165.0, -35.0),WITH FINAL GRID OF 5.0 ALL CIRCLES TANGENT TO DEPTH, 40.0, 45.0, 50.0, 55.0, 60.0, GEOMETRY SE'CTIONS .0 120.0 200.0 300.0 T. CRACKS .0 .0 40.0 40.0 W IN CRACK .0 .0 40.0 40.0 BOUNDARY 1 .0 .0 40.0 40.0 BOUNDARY 2 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 r BOUNDARY 3 100.0 100.0 100.0 ioo.o \Cp'? 40 FOOT 2:1 FILL SLOPE EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Raricha California, California for: Rancho California Development Company Project No. 88-81-155-01 Figure No. Converse Consultants Inland Empire D-la I I; I I , I a I I I I I . " I' II I I I I I SOIL PROPERTIES LAYER COHESION FRICTION ANGLE DENSITY 1 350.0 25.0 128.0 2 .0 33.0 110.0 PORE PRESSURE DATA COORDINATES OF EQUI-PRESSURE LINES SECTIONS .0 120.0 200.0 300.0 LINE 1 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 NUMBER TANGENT RADIUS (Xl CENTER (Y) CENTER FS(BISHOP) FSCnMS\ 1 40.0 75,0 165.0 -35.0 1,999 1,855 2 40.0 75.0 155,0 -35.0 2.252 2.074 3 40.0 85.0 165.0 -45,0 2.033 1.906 4 40.0 75.0 175.0 -35.0 1.856 1.737 5 40.0 65.0 165.0 -25.0 1.987 1.819 6 40.0 85.0 175.0 -45.0 1.868 1.763 7 40.0 75.0 1B5,O -35:0 1. 864 1.774 8 40.0 65.0 175.0 -25.0 1. 8B1 1.745 9 40.0 75,0 170.0 -35.0 1.913 1.782 10 40.0 80.0 175.0 -40.0 1.859 1.747 11 40.0 75.0 180.0 -35.0 1. 834 1.728 12 40.0 70.0 175.0 -30.0 1.862 1.735 13 40.0 BO.O 180.0 -40.0 1. B24 1.724 14 40.0 75.0 185,0 -35.0 1.864 1.774 15 40.0 70.0 180.0 -30.0 1. 857 1.746 16 40,0 80.0 175.0 -40.0 1.859 1.747 17 40.0 85.0 IBO.O -45,0 1.824 1.728 18 40.0 80.0 185.0 -40.0 1. B32 1.744 19 40.0 85.0 175.0 -45.0 1. 868 1.763 20 40.0 90.0 180.0 -50.0 1. 830 1.740 21 40.0 85.0 185.0 -45.0 1.815 1.730 22 40.0 90.0 185.0 -50.0 1. 809 1.727 23 40.0 85.0 190.0 -45.0 1.860 1.788 24 40.0 80.0 185.Q -40.0 1.832 1.744 25 40.0 90.0 IBO.O -50.0 1.830 1.740 26 40.0 95.0 IB5.0 -55.0 1.810 1.732 . 27 4=0.0 90.0 190.0 -50.0 1. 831 1.760 28 40.0 95.0 180.0 -55.0 1.841 1.755 29 40.0 95.0 190.0 -55.0 1. 816 1.746 30 40.0 B5.0 190.0 -45.0 1.860 1.788 31 40.0 85.0 180.0 -45.0 1. 824 1.728 F.S. MINIMUM= 1.B09 FOR THE CIRCLE OF CENTER ( 185.0, -50.0) \ ~'" 40 FOOT 2:1 FILL SLOPE EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, Califarnia for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Prolect No. 88-81-155-01 Figure No. D-lb . I I I I J I I I I I I ~t " I gl . il " . >> il I I NUM8ER TANGENT RADIUS (X) CENTER (Y) CENTER FS(BISHOP) FS(OMS) 1 45.0 95.0 185.0 -50.0. 1.749 1.653 2 45.0 90.0 170.0 -45.0 1.979 1. 845 3 45.0 100.0 180.0 -55.0 1.823 1.724 4 45.0 90.0 190.0 -45.0 1.725 1.630 5 45.0 80.0 180.0 -35.0 1.770 1.647 ' 6 45.0 90.0 IB5.0 -45.0 1.739 1.637 7 45.0 95.0 190.0 -50.0 1.726 1.635, 8 45.0 90.0 195.0 -45.0 1.760 1.671 9 45.0 85.0 190.0 -40.0 1.731 1.633 10 45.0 95.0 185.0 -50.0 1.749 1.653 11 45.0 95.0 195.0 -50.0 1.745 1.658 12 45.0 85.0 195.0 -40.0 1.789 1.699 13 45.0 85.0 185.0 -40.0 1.733 1.627 F.S. MINIMUM: 1.725 FOR THE CIRCLE OF CENTER ( 190.0, -45.0) NUMBER TANGENT RADIUS (X) CENTER (Y) CENTER FS(BISHOP) FS(OMS) 1 50.0 95.0 190.0 -45.0 1.899 1.746 2 50.0 90.0 175.0 -40.0 2.001 1.833 3 50.0 100.0 185,0 -50.0 1.925 1..781 4 50.0 90.0 195.0 -40.0 1.936 1.772 5 50.0 80.0 185.0 -30.0 1.895 1.717 6 50,0 80.0 180.0 -30.0 1.917 1.735 7 50,0 85,0 185,0 -35,() 1.594 1,725, 8 50.0 80.0 190.0 -30.0 1.917 1.739 9 50,0 75.0 185.0 -25.0 1.907 1.717 10 50.0 85,0 180.0 -35.0 1.924 1,752 11 50.0 90.0 185.0 -40.0 1.900 1.740 12 50.0 ' 85.0 190,0 -35,0 1.902 1.732 13 50.0 90.0 180.0 -40,0 1.936 1.774 14 50.0 90.0 190.0 -40.0 1.897 1.736 15 50.0 80.0 190.0 -30.0 1. 917 1.739 16 50.0 80.0 180.0 -30.0 1. 917 1.735 F.S. MINIMUM: 1.894 FOR THE CIR~LE OF CENTER ( 185.0, -35.0) r ~ 40 FOOT 2:1 RLL SLOPE EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company ~ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Prolect No. 88-81-155-01 Figure No. D-lc I NUMBER TANGENT RADIUS (X) CENTER (Y) CENTER FS(8ISHOP) FS(OMS) I 1 55.0 90.0 185.0 -35.0 2.018 1.792 2 55.0 85.0 170.0 -30.0 2.168 1. 921 3 55.0 95.0 180,0 -40.0 2.061 1. 848 I 4 55.0 85.0 190.0 -30.0 2.027 1.781 5 55.0 75.0 180.0 -20.0 2.038 1.768 6 55.0 85.0 175.0 -30.0 2.088 1.848 7 55.0 80.0 180.0 -25.0 2.033 1.781 I 8 55.0 90.0 175.0 -35.0 2.102 1. 875 9 55.0 90.0 185.0 -35.0 2.018 1.792 10 55.0 80.0 185.0 -25.0 2.019 1.764 11 55.0 80.0 175.0 -25.0 2.080 1.825 I 12 55.0 95.0 185.0 -40.0 2.028 1. 813 13 55.0 90.0 190.0 -35.0 2.021 1.789 14 55.0 95.0 180.0 -40,0 2.061 1.848 15 55.0 95.0 190.0 -40.0 2.022 1.802 j 16 55.0 85.0 190.0 -30.0 2.027 1.781 17 55,0 85.0 180.0 -30.0 2.037 1.799 I F.S. MINIMUM= 2.018 FOR THE CIRCLE OF CENTER ( 185.0, -35.0) NUM8ER TANGENT RADIUS (X) CENTER (Y) CENTER FS(BISHOP) FS(OMSl I 1 60.0 95.0 185.0 -35.0 2.125 1.839 2 60,0 90.0 170.0 -30.0 2.260 1.960 I 3 60.0 100.0 180.0 -40.0 2.168 1.900 4 60.0 90.0 190,0 -30.0 2.124 1.813 5 60.0 BO.O 180.0 -20.0 2.136 1. B02 6 60.0 90.0 185.0 -30.0 2.119 1. 817 I 7 60.0 95.0 190.0 -35.0 2.123 1. 828 8 60.0 90.0 195.0 -30.0 2.164 1. 838 9 60.0 85.0 190.0 -25.0 2.134 1. 803 10 60.0 90.0 180.0 -30.0 2.141 1.845 I 11 60.0 95.0 185.0 -35.0 2.125 1. 839 12 60.0 B5.0 185.0 -25.0 2.119 1.799 13 60.0 95.0 180.0 -35.0 2.153 1. 871 14 60.0 95.0 190.0 -35.0 2.123 1. B28 I 15 60.0 B5.0 190.0 -25.0 2.134 1.803 16 60.0 85.0 180.0 -25.0 2.136 1. 821 r S ,I F.S. MINIMUM= 2.119 FOR THE CIRCLE OF CENTER ( 185.0, -30.0) *****************~ I * STA8RG * ****************** gl . ~ :;; ~I \W . > il 40 FOOT 2:1 FILL SLOPE EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Praisel No. Rancho California, California 88-81-155-01 I for: Rancho California Development Company Figure No. ~ Converse Consultants Inland Empire D-ld I . I I , I I t ~ :::: 15 I ~ 25,(0 I I I I II I ~I I ~ I ;; ~ :0 i1.1 2 '0 . > o ~I I ,@ -87.5 -50.0 6~ . ,..... A\;;' ,~ \\ I ' \ \, ',;~ '\'\. ........... I\:~'" \.,....... ~ \\'-', '\.'-'"":" \.~.. ~...~ , II \\ \ .......... "'~:::-'::'~... ~ I \ \\, -""-, .............-......... -.........-...........:......... ~ ~' -12.5 W'T --------= 1000 ,0 75.0 150.0 2:::5.Q 300,0 X COORD INA TE . \~"\ 40 FOOT 2:1 FILL SLOPE EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, Califarnia for: Rancho California Development Company Project No. 88-81-155-01 Figure No. Converse Consultants Inland Empire D-le I- I I I I I a I I I I I ) " I il . " II " ~ 1 ... - ,..."-." ..._...._<- ~.~~~ -"-""-'--"'~-ea; ********************************************* * * * SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS * * * ************** S T A 8 R G ************~**** * * * PORTIONS (C) COPYRIGHT 1985, 1986 * * * * GEOSOFT * * * * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * * * ********************************************* "B8-81-155-01; Tr. 24182, 24186, 24187 and 24188; 2:1 Cut slope(45 ft high) CONTROL DATA NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER NUMBER OF SPECIFIED CENTERS OF DEPTH LIMITING TANGENTS OF VERTICAL SECTIONS OF SOIL LAYER BOUNDARIES OF PORE PRESSURE LINES OF POINTS DEFINING COHESION PROFILE o 5 4 2 1 o SEISMIC COEFFICIENT S1,S2 : .00 .00 SEARCH STARTS AT CENTER ( 175.0, -45.0),WITH FINAL GRID OF ,,' 5.0 ALL CIRCLES TANGENT TO DEPTH, 40.0, 45.0, 50.0, 55.0, 60.0, GEOMETRY SECTIONS .0 120.0 210.0 300.0 T. CRACKS .0 .0 45.0 45.0 W IN CRACK .0 .0 45.0 45.0 BOUNDARY 1 .0 .0 45.0 45.0 BOUNDARY 2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 " j:' I 1" " I' ! I' I , r 3C " - , " - " ':: r , .' ~ - - !J - - - - ~ 5 J ....,... - - .-j - : - - - - " , - - , ~ -, , - - " - - - - i. [, I' 1 " , 4'= . '" .: . s. .... ~ .::.:-, '::: ;;':L=- .... -.,--- '.- ,~ ::..', : ::. - '~::;, --. - -' -- , "I; ~. ____ .___W!?.. 45; fOOT/2:1: CUT-SLOPE E -EASTERN:-POR'tION OF "THE MEADOWS", :i ' Rancho,cCiiiforriia, c:alif;mia:c ' ,I ,for: ".Ran ~~ Ca I i fom ia ,Development,Companv'Cl" v . ~Ol~r,sJl~OO.UII.nls1InI."drEtnP~.;re . -~"'- ."--"'.""",:'~ Project No. 88-8"f...-155..:o-1; -0 1 Figure No. ," . D-2o "'."--~~~--'--'-"--'~.' - NUMBER TANGENT RADIUS (X) CENTER (V) CENTER FS(8ISHOP) FSCOMS) 1 45.0 105.0 195.0 -60.0 1.778 1.680 2 45.0 100.0 180.0 -55.0 1.933 1.798 3 45.0 110.0 190.0 -65.0 ' 1.838 1.736 4 45.0 100.0 200.0 -55.0 1.764 1.672 5 45.0 90.0 190.0 -45.0 1.786 1.660 I 6 45.0 100.0 195.0 -55.0 1.769 1.666 7 45.0 105.0 200.0 -60.0 1.762 1.672 8 45.0 100.0 205.0 -55.0 1.802 1.725 " 9 45.0 95.0 200.0 -50.0 1.776 1.683 I 10 45.0 105.0 195.0 -60.0 1.778 1.680 11 45.0 110.0 200.0 -65.0 1.766 1.680 .. 12 45.0 105.0 205.0 -60.0 1.783 1.706 13 45.0 110.0 195.0 -65.0 1.791 1. 697 I 14 45.0 110.0 205.0 -65.0 1.772 1.695 15 45.0 100.0 205.0 -55.0 1.802 1.725 16 45,0 100.0 195.0 -55.0 1.769 1.666 J F.S. MINIMUM: 1.762 FOR THE CIRCLE OF CENTER ( 200.0, -60.0) 1 NUM8ER TANGENT RADIUS (X) CENTER CV) CENTER FS(8ISHOP) FSCOMS) 1 50.0 110.0 200.0 -60.0 1. 710 1.590 2 50.0 105.0 185.0 -55.0 1.788 1.647 I 3 50.0 115.0 195.0 -65.0 1.740 1.623 4 50.0 105,0 205.0 -55.0' 1.726 1.603 .. 5 50.0 95.0 195.0 -45,0 1.686 1.545 I 6 50.0 95_0 190.0 -45.0 t.707 1.5:50 7 50.0 100.0 195,0 -50.0 1.694 1.560 95.0 200.0 -45.0 1.696 1.560 .. 8 50.0 9 50.0 90.0 195.0 -40.0 1.682 1.535 I 10 50.0 90,0 190.0 -40.0 1.697 1.542 ' 11 50.0 90.0 200.0 -40.0 1.705 1.566 12 50.0 85.0 195.0 -35.0 1.686 1.532 13 50.0 95.0 190.0 -45.0 1.707 1.560 . I 14 50.0 95.0 200.0 -45.0 1.696 1. 560 15 50.0 85.0 200.0 ~35.0 1.718 1.574 16 50.0 85.0 190.0 -35.0 1.692 1. 528 I.S. MINIMUM: 1.682 FOR THE CIRCLE OF CENTER ( 195.0, -40.0) r I I \Cpo.... Proiec, No. - 88-81-155_01 I Figure No. D-2" ,I I I I I I I a I J I I ~, a I ~I .. II ~ ' . > il -87.5 62.5 + ~'.S6'6 /.(' #~~;:-:;:.'/ I \ ua p'" r I /~ ___t(~a ~ l~~\ \ ~,. I \\\'~\ \;~'\__ I i \\\ .".,:':-:~ I \ \ \\ ~ i \'\, ....__~<;- -- -.................1 I \ \ ."".........~--..::::::::::-~J ,:\, .......... - --- --..... ~/ ~---.::. ~ WT -50.0 -12.5 w ~ is '" :5 25,(' ,'-' )- 1 DO,C' ,0 75.0 150.0 2:!.5.tJ 300,0 x CO()RD INA TE r \'\\ 45 FOOT 2:1 CUT SLOPE EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" I Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Cnmpnny I ~ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Protect No. 88-81-155-01 Figure No. D-2e BY ~ DATE ~7' CLIENT -RC.oC CHKD, BY _ DATE _ PROJECT 7"He: Me:A.o(,).J.J_t:; .E'A,e; 7'" A 7'" RANCHO SHEET NO. PROJECT NO. CAI_/~e.lllIA / OF / 88-AJ-/6.t:5-ol , , ' .._: -~-:::L"::'.~ ~~=:::rr:===:~~~__-,_=-~~-::-~~==-~_~":=::_~~~"T--"'-----'n,__ ...._-".." ..-...-.-.:..- .-..,..._-.~.._- ._- .. ..-------.,.. ,.....--....- --'" ~~-~SUR~ICIAL::STABILlfY.~CAL'C'U~ATJON_S I., -, .., . . _.,.-..._.~_._~-..-'_...,.,.. .~......_---~-t-~- -----. ~--.w_.----:--.~._-~---...;~-:...-----.,-.l-------.-.--.----.-:.-.----.--+-;....'~_.,...-.....,~------"~'--".- _.____ ......... ~.__....._...._ . __ .__.._.____._. .,___.__................___._.. ."._ ._.__._.,____ ~..,.....,_._.__..__.._...'_'.._ ..e... ~_..~._~___.._.__.,,_.___.___>....;......_,_.__.___ _'n'_'___"'__" ,... . ;.....;....... . .. . ___> '._.....'......'.____n_._m ~__,_....___~_... _.___,-,-.~.. ......~..._ ; ~~-A~~.eAENc~.-r-':.:;O"';;-;;~N::f/.-e;.;;~;;.;I;;;;y~;;I; '7d;;A~iL~;9-:Z~=VCB ", ',_ .. . n. _. :' _. ..n.:___ "_,,,__,, .. 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E " ~3 . .., .....,..... _ ._.__...._._.n."...___m... .-1 . - - -. ._.-.__.~------. , '" . ~.. ..... ,_._ . - .._".._____ _._~__~m__.'__ i I .. --r- I 2 :3 4 SlOpe Ratio b . cot {3 _~,_ __......_.. ~.: ....L_~_LJ._ ..J. ._~ r .. . ,.... . ____.._.-.<-n...... ,. .._.._._...__._.... ~ ._ I I 5 ~__.:-......._ _..._....m_.~... I o 6 0 ,---..."--:-:-----..0-.. 6~:::::.-:T::'-.; ,':,,::':: I 2 :3 4 Slape Ralio b' CtJt /3 .. . . , ___....__..__ _....._._~__~......._.m.. ~"._..n._ Fig,lQ STABILITY CHARTS FOR INFINITE SLOPES, . ..... .>....___._..._m'..n.m_....._.. . ,............ ...___""........~__....._"". +- :.-z:r5(;S~OP6F '. (/ZO e.C.E:.~9.:.FT. ", 'V :.'.\,\ ,. , @ Converse Consultants SIGNED SHEET NO. 0-4 REG, NO, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONVERSE;l!!~ - ~ ENVIRONMENTAL~;- ~"" -= ~ Inland Empire Office 630 East Brier Drive, Suite 100 San Bernardino. California 92408 Telephone 7141889.8004 FAX 714 889.4830 May 5, 1989 (i Rancho California Development Company 28250 Ynez Road Rancho California, California 92390 Attention: Mr. Csaba F, Ko Subject: SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS Tentative Tracts 24184 and 24185 Eastern Portion of "The Meadows" Rancho California, California CCIE Project No. 88-81-155-01 This report presents the results of our slope stability analysis performed for the subject tracts. Based on our recent conversations with Mr. Robert Washington of Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates and review of provided tentative tract grading plans, it is our under- standi ng that a 11 cut and fi 11 slopes proposed for the subject tracts will not exceed 35 feet in height. Proposed maximum slope heights for the subject tracts are tabulated below: TRACT MAXIMUM SLOPE HEIGHT No. (ft) 24184 31 24185 35 All proposed cut and fill slopes will be constructed at a gradient of 2:1 (horizontal:vertical) or flatter. SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS Direct shear tests were performed on both remolded and relatively undisturbed ring samples obtained in the CCIE exploration of the eastern portion of The Meadows. These results have been presented in the "Geotechnical Investigation" report by CCIE for the eastern portion of the Meadows (CCIE No. 88-81-155-01). Parameters used in the slope stability analyses are as follows: \,\'17 A Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Th<> r"nvo:>r",,,, Prnf<>c:<:inn.::ll r,rn"n I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Rancho California Development Company CCIE Project 88-81-155-01 May 5, 1989 Page 2 Material Properly compacted fill** (90% of ASTM 01557-78) Undisturbed site materials (Pauba siltstone with fine sand) UNIT WEIGHT (pcf) 128 COHESION* (pst) 350 FRICTION ANGLE* (degrees) 25 110 150 33 * Strengths of materials after soaking. ** Derived from site soils. Slope stability analysis was performed for proposed cut and fill slopes for the subject tracts at a maximum height of 45 and 40 feet, respectively, at a gradient of 2:1 (horizontal:vertical). Calculations for the slope stabl1 ity ana lys is are presented in the Appendi x. Our analyses are based on homogeneous and isotropic soil conditions. Strength parameters used in the ana lysi s were developed from di rect shear testing on both in-situ ring samples and remolded samples (90% relative compaction, ASTM 01557-78 Test Method) for cut and fill slopes, respectively, Results of our slope stability analysis indicate that the proposed slopes for the subject tracts will have ' calculated factors of safety of at least 1.5, assuming that there are no geological dis- conti nuiti es. A concern for both cut and fill slopes on the subject tracts is the high potential for erosion of sandy materials and the resultant surficial instabil ity, Therefore, proper site drainage and erosion control should be addressed during the civil design stage, as described below. Geologic observation of all cut slopes should be conducted during grading to observe if any adversely oriented planes of weakness (i .e. claystone or siltstone beds) are present. Our laboratory test results indicate low strength parameters for claystones and siltstones. Accordingly, if these materials are exposed in proposed cut slopes during grading and are found to be adversely oriented, buttress or stabilization fills may be required, SLOPE PROTECTION AND EROSION CONTROL As recommended in Section 7012(b) of the Uniform Building Code (1988 Edition), 6-foot-wide terraces should be provided on slopes higher than 30 feet, to control surface drainage and debris, Proposed slopes at the site shoul d be planted soon after constructi on and will require maintenance to perform in a satisfactory manner through time. In most cases, slope maintenance can be provided along with normal care of the grounds and landscaping. Cost of maintenance is cheaper than repair after neglect. Most hillside lot problems are associated with water. Uncontrolled water from a broken pipe, excess landscape watering, or exceptionally {\~ Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Rancho California Development Company CCIE Project 88-81-155-01 May 5, 1989 Page 3 wet weather causes most damage. Drainage and erosion control are important aspects of slope stabi 1 ity and the provi s ions incorporated into the graded site must not be altered without competent professional advice. Terrace drains and brow ditches on slopes should be kept clear so that water will not overflow onto the slope, causing erosion. All subdrains should be kept open and clear of debris and soil which could block them. Landscaping on the slopes should disturb the soil as little as possible and utilize drought-resistant plants that require a minimum amount of landscape irrigation. Wet spots on or around the site should be noted and brought to the attention of the soils engineer, These may be natural seeps or an indication of broken water or sewer lines. Watering should be limited or stopped altogether during the rainy season when little irrigation is required. Over-saturation of the ground can cause major subsurface damage. Slopes should not be over-irrigated. Ground cover and other vegetation will require moisture during the hot summer months; but, during the wet season, irrigation can cause ground cover to pull loose, This not only destroys the cover, but also starts seri ous eros i on. It is suggested that a profess i ona 1 1 andscape architect be consulted for planting and irrigation recommendations. CLOSURE The fi ndi ngs of thi s slope stabi 1 ity 1 etter have been prepared in accordance with genera lly accepted profess i ona 1 engineeri ng and engi- neering geologic principles and practice. We make no other warranty, either express or imp 1 i ed. Our cone 1 usi ons and recommendati ons are based on the results of field and laboratory investigations, combined with an interpolation of subsurface conditions between and beyond exploration location. These results are preliminary, and, are provided to expedite the County submittal process for the tracts. These findings and recommendations are predicated upon the assumption that CCIE will review the tract grading plans, and will provide continuous construction monitoring during grading and construction, Respectfully submitted, CONVERSE CONSULTANTS INLAND EMPIRE -;:~,,~/ Project Engineer, PE C-037896 ~ylU.'0f? ~~David B, Simon Senior Geologist, CEG 1400 GCK/TCB/DBS:88dd Enc1: Appendix, "Stability Analyses" Dist: 2/Addressee 3/Robert 8ein, William Frost & Associates 1/Roy J. Sh1emon, Ph.D. J '\^' '\J Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX STABILITY ANALYSES {\(P 88-81-155-01 Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I I I I I I I I I I~ I ~I '" ~I ~I ~ ;; ~I . > II I I ********************************************* * * * SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS * * * ************** S T A 8 R G ***************** * * * PORTIONS (C) COPYRIGHT 1985, 1986 * * * * GEOSOFT * * * * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * * * ********************************************* "88-81-155-01; Tr. 24182, 24186, 24187 and 241B8; 2:1 fill slope(40 ft high) " CONTROL DATA NUMBER OF SPECIFIED CENTERS 0 NUM8ER OF DEPTH LIMITING TANGENTS 5 NUMBER OF VERTICAL SECTIONS 4 NUMBER OF SOIL LAYER BOUNDARIES 3 NUMBER OF PORE PRESSURE LINES 1 NUMBER OF POINTS DEFINING COHESION PROFILE 0 SEISMIC COEFFICIENT Sl,S2 .00 .00 = SEARCH STARTS AT CENTER ( 165.0, -35.0),WITH FINAL GRID OF 5.0 ALL CIRCLES TANGENT TO DEPTH, 40.0, 45.0, 50.0, 55.0, 60.0, GEOMETRY SE'CTIONS .0 120.0 200.0 300.0 T. CRACKS .0 .0 40.0 40.0 W IN CRACK .0 .0 40.0 40.0 BOUNDARY 1 .0 .0 40.0 40.0 80UNDARY 2 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 80UNDARY 3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 \'" "\ 40 FOOT 2:1 FILL SLOPE EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company ~ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Project No. 88-81-155-01 Figure No. D-la I I I I I I I I I I I j- -I ,I !I o , " ~I Q " ~I I I SOIL PROPERTIES LAYER COHESION FRICTION ANGLE DENSITY 1 350.0 25.0 128.0 2 .0 33.0 110.0 PORE PRESSURE DATA COORDINATES OF EQUI-PRESSURE LINES SECTIONS .0 120.0 200.0 300.0 LINE 1 50.0 50~O, 50.0 50.0 NUMBER TANGENT RADIUS (Xl CENTER (Y) CENTER FS(BISHOP) FSrnMSl 1 40.0 75.0 165.0 -35.0 1.999 1.855 2 40.0 75.0 155.0 -35.0 2.252 2.074 3 40.0 85.0 165.0 -45.0 2.033 1.906 4 40.0 75.0 175.0 -35.0 1.856 1.737 5 40.0 65.0 165.0 -25.0 1.987 1. 819 6 40.0 85.0 175.0 -45.0 1.868 1.763 7 40.0 75.0 185.0 -35.0 1. 864 1.774 B 40.0 65.0 175.0 -25,0 1.881 1.745 9 40.0 75.0 170.0 -35.0 1. 913 1.782 10 40.0 80.0 175.0 -40.0 1.859 1.747 11 40.0 75.0 180.0 -35.0 1.834 1.728 12 40.0 70.0 175.0 -30.0 1,862 1.735 13 40.0 80.0 180.0 -40.0 1.824 1.724 14 40.0 75.0 185.0 -35.0 1. 864 1.774 15 40.0 70.0 180.0 -30.0 1. 857 1.746 16 40.0 BO.O 175.0 -40.0 1.859 1.747 17 40.0 B5.0 IBO.O -45.0 1.824 1.728 18 40.0 BO.O 185.0 -40.0 I.B32 1.744 19 40.0 85.0 175.0 -45.0 1. 868 1.763 20 40.0 90.0 180.0 -50.0 1. 830 1.740 21 40.0 B5.0 185.0 -45.0 1. B15 1.730 22 40.0 90.0 185.0 -50.0 1. 809 1.727 23 40.0 B5.0 190.0 -45.0 I.B60 1.788 24 40.0 80.0 185.0 -40.0 1. 832 1.744 25 40.0 90.0 IBO.O -50.0 1.830 1.740 26 40.0 95.0 IB5.0 -55.0 1.810 1.732 27 40.0 90.0 190.0 -50.0 1. 831 1.760 28 40.0 95.0 180.0 -55.0 1. 841 1.755 29 40.0 95.0 190.0 -55.0 1. 816 1.746 30 40.0 85.0 190.0 -45.0 1.860 1.788 31 40.0 85.0 180.0 -45.0 1. 824 1.728 F .5. MINIMUM= 1.B09 FOR THE CIRCLE OF CENTER ( 185_0) -50.0) \'\~ 40 FOOT 2:1 FILL SLOPE EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancha California, California for: Rancho California Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Protect No. 88-81-155-01 Figure No. D-lb I I I I I I I I I I I ~I ~I ~ ,I , II " , 0. il 0 .. 0. ~I I @ I .. .. NUM8ER TANGENT RADIUS (X) CENTER (Y) CENTER FS(8ISHOP) FS(OMS) 1 45.0 95.0 IB5.0 -50.0, 1.749 1. 653 2 45.0 90.0 170.0 -45.0 1.979 1.845 3 45.0 100.0 180.0 -55.0 1. 823 1.724 4 45.0 90.0 190.0 -45.0 1.725 1. 630 5 45.0 80,0 180.0 -35.0 1.770 1. 647 6 45.0 90.0 185.0 -45.0 1.739 1. 637 7 45.0 95.0 190.0 -50.0 1.726 1. 635 8 45.0 90.0 195.0 -45.0 1.760 1.671 9 45.0 85.0 190.0 -40.0 1. 731 1. 633 10 45.0 95.0 185.0 -50.0 1.749 1. 653 11 45.0 95.0 195.0 -50.0 1.745 1.658 12 45.0 85.0 195.0 -40.0 1.789 1.699 13 45.0 85.0 IB5.0 -40,0 1.733 1. 627 F.S. MINIMUM: 1.725 FOR THE CIRCLE OF CENTER ( 190.0, -45.0) NUM8ER TANGENT RADIUS (X) CENTER (Y) CENTER FS(8ISHOP) FS(OMS) 1 50.0 95.0 190,0 -45.0 1.899 1.746 2 50.0 90.0 175.0 -40.0 2.001 1.833 3 50.0 100.0 185.0 -50.0 1.925 1,781 4 50,0 90.0 195.0 -40:0 1.936 1,772 5 50.0 BO.O 185.0 -30.0 1.895 ' 1.717 6 50,0 80.0 180.0 -30.0 1. 917 1.735 7 50,0 8.5.0 18.5.0 -35,0 1.694 1,725 8 50,0 80.0 190,0 -30.0 1.917 1.739 9 50,0 75.0 185.0 -25.0 1. 907 1.717 10 50.0 85.0 180.0 -35.0 1.924 1.752 11 50.0 90.0 185,0 -40.0 1.900 1,740 12 50.0 85.0 190.0 -35.0 1.902 1.732 13 50.0 90,0 180.0 -40.0 1.936 1.774 14 50.0 90.0 190,0 -40.0 1.897 1.736 15 50.0 BO.O 190.0 -30.0 1. 917 1.739 16 50.0 80.0 180.0 -30.0 1. 917 1.735 F.S. MINIMUM: 1.894 FOR THE CIRCLE OF CENTER ( 185.0, -35.0) \"\Q,, 40 FOOT 2:1 FILL SLOPE EASTERN PORTION OF liTHE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Campany PfOlect No. 88-81-155-01 Figure No Converse Consultants Inland Empire D-lc I NUMBER TANGENT RADIUS (X) CENTER (Y) CENTER FS(BISHOP) FS(OMS) I 1 55.0 90.0 IB5.0 -35.0 2.018 1.792 2 55.0 85.0 170.0 -30.0 2.168 1. 921 3 55.0 95.0 180.0 -40.0 2.061 1. 84B 4 55.0 85.0 190.0 -30.0 2.027 1. 781 I 5 55.0 75.0 180.0 -20.0 2.03B 1.76B 6 55.0 B5.0 175.0 -30.0 2.088 1.B48 7 55.0 80.0 IBO.O -25.0 2.033 1.781 B 55.0 90.0 175.0 -35.0 2.102 1. 875 I 9 55.0 90.0 185.0 -35.0 2.018 1.792 10 55.0 80.0 185.0 -25.0 2.019 1.764 11 55.0 BO.O 175.0 -25.0 2.080 1.825 12 55.0 95.0 185.0 -40.0 2.028 1. 813 I 13 55.0 90.0 190.0 -35.0 2.021 1.789 14 55.0 95.0 180.0 -40.0 2.061 1. 848 15 55.0 95.0 190.0 -40.0 2.022 1. B02 16 55.0 85.0 190.0 -30.0 2.027 1.781 I 17 55.0 B5.0 IBO.O -30.0 2.037 1.799 F .S. MINIMUM: 2.018 FOR THE CIRCLE OF CENTER ( 185.0, -35.0) I NUMBER TANGENT RADIUS (X) CENTER (Y) CENTER FS(BISHOP) FS(OMSl I 1 60.0 , 95.0 185.0 -35.0 2.125 1.839 2 60.0 90.0 170.0 -30.0 2.260 1.960 3 60.0 100.0 180,0 -40.0 2.16B 1.900 4 60.0 90.0 190.0 -30.0 2.124 1.813 I 5 60.0 80.0 180.0 -20.0 2.136 1.802 6 60.0 90.0 185.0 -30.0 2.119 1.817 7 60.0 95.0 190.0 -35.0 2.123 1. 82B 8 60.0 90.0 195.0 -30.0 2.164 1.838 I 9 60.0 85.0 190.0 -25.0 2.134 1. 803 10 60.0 90.0 180.0 -30.0 2.141 1.845 11 60.0 95.0 185.0 -35.0 2.125 1.839 12 60.0 85.0 185.0 -25.0 2.119 1.799 I 13 60.0 95.0 180.0 -35.0 2.153 1. B71 14 60.0 95.0 190.0 -35.0 2.123 1. 828 15 60.0 85.0 190.0 -25.0 2.134 , 1. 803 ~I 16 60.0 85.0 180.0 -25.0 ' 2.136 1.821 F.S. MINIMUM: 2.119 FOR THE CIRCLE OF CENTER ( 185.0, -30.0) I ****************** * STABRG * '. ****************** ,1. ~. - , .. J \9:30 a 40 FOOT 2:1 FILL SLOPE .. I EASTERN PORTION OF liTHE MEADOWS" PrOject No. Rancho California, California 88-81-155-01 I for: Rancho California Development Company @ Figure No. Converse Consultants Inland Empire D-ld I ------------~._-~~ I I I I I I I I I I I I ~I " \, . ~ i . > i I I -87.5 -50.0 ''', -12.5 ~ ~ 15 '" 8 25.0 '''> - , 62.5 100 (1 2~5.Q 300,0 ,0 7.5.0 150.0 x C00RDltlATE \'e\ 40 FOOT 2:1 FILL SLOPE EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho Ca lifomia, Ca Iifomia for: Rancho Califomia Development Company @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Project No. 88-81-155-Q1 Figure No. D-le II !I I I I I I I I I I I i, \'. -r , ;; J Q i I I **~*~**************************************** * * * SLOPE STA8ILITY ANALYSIS * * * ************** S T A 8 R G ***************** * * * PORTIONS (C) COPYRIGHT 1985, 1986 * * * * GEOSOFT * * * * ALL RIGHTS RESERVED * * * ********************************************* "88-81-155-01; Tr. 24182, 24186, 24187 and 24188; 2:1 Cut s1ope(45 ft high) CONTROL DATA NUM8ER OF SPECIFIED CENTERS 0 NUM8ER OF DEPTH LIMITING TANGENTS 5 NUM8ER OF VERTICAL SECTIONS 4 NUMBER OF SOIL LAYER 80UNDARIES 2 NUM8ER OF PORE PRESSURE LINES 1 NUMBER OF POINTS DEFINING COHESION PROFILE 0 SEISMIC COEFFICIENT S1,S2 .00 .00 = SEARCH STARTS AT CENTER ( 175.0, -45.0),WITH FINAL GRID OF 5.0 ALL CIRCLES TANGENT TO DEPTH, 40.0, 45.0, 50.0, 55.0, 60.0, GEOMETRY SECTIONS .0 120.0 210.0 300.0 T. CRACKS .0 .0 45.0 45.0 W IN CRACK .0 .0 45.0 45.0 BOUNDARY 1 .0 .0 45.0 45.0 BOUNDARY 2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 \'1;7; 45 FOOT 2:1 CUT SLOPE EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho Califarnia Development Company ~ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Protect No. 88-81-155-01 Figure No. D-2a I I I I I I I I I I I ..~ , ;; I > j I I SOIL PROPERTIES LAYER COHESION FRICTION ANGLE DENSITY 1 150.0 33.0 110.0 PORE PRESSURE DATA COORDINATES OF EQUI-PRESSURE LINES SECTIONS .0 120.0 210.0 300.0 LINE 1 10.0 30.0 45.0 45.0 NUMBER TANGENT RADIUS (X) CENTER (Y) CENTER FS(BISHOP) FS(OMS) J 40 Q 85.0 175.0 -45,0 2.046 1.'lOO 2 40,0 B5.0 165.0 -45.0 2.257 2.080 3 40.0 95.0 175.0 -55.0 2.093 1.963 4 40.0 85.0 185.0 -45.0 1.926 1. B04 5 40.0 75.0 175.0 -35.0 2.017 1. 849 6 40.0 95.0 185.0 -55.0 1.947 1. B37 7 40.0 85.0 195.0 -45.0 1.935 1. 849 8 40.0 75.0 185.0 -35.0 1.944 1.811 9 40.0 85.0 180.0 -45.0 1. 974 1. 839 10 40.0 90.0 185.0 -50.0 1. 933 ' 1. 818 11 40_0 85.0 190.0 -45.0 1.908 1. BOl 12 40.0 80.0 185.0 -40.0 1.929 1. 801 13 40.0 90.0 190.0 -50.0 1.89B 1.795 14 40.0 85.0 195.0 -45.0 1.935 1. B49 15 40.0 80.0 190.0 -40.0 1.930 1. 823 16 40.0 90.0 IB5.0 -50.0 1.933 1.B18 17 40.0 95.0 190.0 -55.0 1. 900 1.BOl 18 40.0 90.0 195.0 -50.0 1. 912 1. 827 19 40.0 95.0 IB5.0 -55.0 1.947 1.837 20 40.0 95.0 195.0 -55.0 1. 890 1.805 21 40.0 85.0 195,0 -45.0 1.935 1.849 22 40.0 85.0 IB5.0 -45.0 1.926 1. 804 23 40.0 100.0 195.0 -60.0 1.882 1.798 24 40.0 95.0 200.0 -55.0 1.939 1. 871 25 40.0 100.0 190.0 -60.0 1.909 1.815 26 40.0 105.0 195.0 -65.0 1.884 1.803 27 40.0 100.0 200.0 -60.0 1. 914 1.846 28 40.0 105.0 190.0 -65.0 1. 924 1.834 29 40.0 105.0 200.0 -65.0 1. 889 1.820 30 40.0 95.0 200.0 -55.0 1.939 1. B71 31 40.0 95.0 190.0 -55.0 1.900 1. 801 F.S. MINIMUM: 1.882 FOR THE CIRCLE OF CENTER ( 195.0. -60.0) \I:()'? 45 FOOT 2:1 CUT SLOPE EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho Califarnia Development Comp<my ~ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Project No. 88-81-155-01 Figure No. D-2b I I I I I I I I I I I .. I ~ I -" , ,I II -" , .. ~I 0 ;;. .. <I I @ I NUMBER TANGENT RADIUS (X) CENTER (y) CENTER FS(BISHOP) FS(OMS) 1 45.0 105.0 195.0 -60.0 1.778 1.680 2 45.0 100.0 180.0 -55.0 1.933 1.798 3 45.0 110.0 190.0 -65.0 ' 1. B38 1.736 4 45.0 100.0 200.0 -55.0 1.764 1.672 5 45.0 90.0 190.0 -45.0 1.786 1. 660 6 45.0 100.0 195.0 -55.0 1.769 1. 666 7 45.0 105.0 200.0 -60.0 1.762 1.672 B 45.0 100.0 205.0 -55.0 1. B02 1.725 9 45.0 95.0 200.0 -50.0 1.776 1. 683 10 45.0 105.0 195.0 -60.0 1. 778 1. 680 11 45.0 110.0 200.0 -65.0 1.766 1.680 12 45.0 105.0 205.0 -60.0 1.783 1.706 13 45.0 110.0 195.0 -65.0 1.791 1.697 14 45.0 110.0 205.0 -65.0 1.772 1.695 15 45.0 100.0 205.0 -55.0 1. 802 1.725 16 45.0 100.0 195.0 -55.0 1. 769 1. 666 F.S. MINIMUM= 1.762 FOR THE CIRCLE OF CENTER ( 200.0, -60.0) NUMBER TANGENT RADIUS (X) CENTER (V) CENTER FS(BISHOP) FS(OMS) 1 50.0 110.0 200.0 -60,0 1. 710 1.590 2 50.0 105.0 1B5.0 -55.0 1.788 1.647 3 50.0 115.0 195.0 -65.0 1.740 1,623 4 50.0 105.0 205.0 -55.0' 1.726 1.603 5 50.0 95.0 195.0 -45.0 1. 686 1.545 6 50.0 95.0 190.0 -45.0 1.707 1.560 7 50.0 100.0 195.0 -50.0 1. 694 1.560 8 50.0 95.0 200.0 -45,0 1.696 1.560 9 50.0 90.0 195.0 -40.0 1. 682 1.535 10 50.0 90.0 190.0 -40.0 1. 697 1. 542 11 50.0 90.0 200.0 -40,0 1.705 1. 566 12 50.0 85.0 195.0 -35.0 1. 686 1.532 13 50.0 95.0 190.0 -45,0 1.707 1.560 14 50.0 95.0 200.0 -45.0 1. 696 1. 560 15 50.0 85.0 200.0 -35.0 1. 718 1. 574 16 50.0 B5.0 190.0 -35.0 1.692 1.528 F.S. MINIMUM= 1. 682 FOR THE CIRCLE OF CENTER ( 195.0, -40.0) \~ 45 FOOT 2:1 CUT SLOPE EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho Ca Iifornia,Ca Ii forn io for: Rancho California Development Company PrOject No. 88-81-155-01 Figure No. Converse Consultants Inland Empire D-2c I NUMBER TANGENT RADIUS (X) CENTER (Y) CENTER FS(BISHOP) FS(OMS) I 1 55.0 95.0 195.0 -40.0 1.685 1. 490 2 55.0 90.0 180.0 -35.0 1.77B 1. 555 3 55.0 100.0 190.0 -45.0 1. 712 1.525 4 55.0 90.0 200.0 -35.0 1.703 1.497 I 5 55.0 80.0 190.0 -25.0 1. 688 1. 455 6 55.0 90.0 185.0 -35.0 1.723 1. 510 7 55.0 85.0 190.0 -30.0 1. 686 1. 466 8 55.0 95.0 185.0 -40.0 1.735 1. 534 I 9 55.0 95.0 195.0 -40.0 1. 685 1.490 10 55.0 B5.0 195.0 -30.0 1.684 1. 468 11 55.0 B5.0 1B5.0 -30.0 1. 715 1. 489 I 12 55.0 85.0 200.0 -30.0 1.717 1. 503 13 55.0 BO.O 195.0 -25.0 1.696 1.46B 14 55.0 90.0 190.0 -35.0 1.690 1. 483 15 55.0 90.0 200.0 -35.0 1.703 1. 497 I 16 55.0 80.0 200.0 -25.0 1.735 1.510 17 55.0 80.0 190.0 -25.0 1. 6B8 1.455 I F.S. MINIMUM: 1.684 FOR THE CIRCLE OF CENTER ( 195.0, -30.0) NUMBER TANGENT RADIUS (X) CENTER (Y) CENTER FS(BISHOP) FS(OMS) I 1 60.0 90.0 195.0 -30.0 1.724 1.445 2 60.0 85.0 1BO.0 -25.0 1.789 1. 490 3 60.0 95.0 190.0 -35.0 1.732 1. 472 I 4 60.0 85.0 200.0 -25.0 1.765 1. 464 5 60.0 75.0 190.0 -15.0 1.748 1.416 6 60.0 B5.0 185.0 -25.0 1.746 1.453 7 60.0 BO.O 190.0 -20.0 1.732 1. 420 I 8 60.0 90.0 1B5.0 -30.0 1.751 1. 474 9 60.0 90.0 195.0 -30.0 1.724 1.445 10 60.0 80.0 195.0 -20.0 1.745 1.432 11 60,0 BO.O 1B5.0 -20.0 1. 747 1. 435 I 12 60.0 95.0 195.0 -35.0 1.725 1.461 13 60.0 90.0 200.0 -30.0 1. 748 1. 463 14 60.0 95.0 190.0 -35,0 1.732 1.472 15 60.0 95.0 200.0 -35.0 1. 741 1.471 :1: 16 60.0 B5.0 200.0 -25.0 1.765 1.464 17 60.0 85.0 190.0 -25.0 1.725 1. 433 F.S. MINIMUM: 1.724 FOR THE CIRCLE OF CENTER ( 195.0, -30.0) ... ****************** " I * STABRG * " ~': ****************** '~- . gl . ~ D i. \~ " . > 0 , 45 FOOT 2:1 CUT SLOPE EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Prolect No. I Rancho California, California 88-81-155-01 for: Rancho California Development Campany @ Figure No. I Converse Consultants Inland Empire D-2d .,:!'+1,135'6 . /1 1 /.'::/ \ ' -;'/ /.,p:-- 1,68 ~-:,r I ~/. '1,.13a ......-:: 'I /-:;;.~ 'l~, ~ :,\\. '" \\" \\ I 1\\\, I \ \ \~\, ____ I \ .\\, --....1 I " ::-J~'" :.-- ::.----- ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I i~ I I II " , <> -87.5 -e-.Q.O -12.5 w ~ @ 8 25_C1 ,'-' '\ ". '\\>, , '~..~' ~~,::~~> ,~ '. ............... --- "~ ----.:::::::: )- 62.5 1000 ,0 75.0 150.0 x COe,F10INATE tl o 1;. :1 I I ...T 2::?:.5,O 300,0 \~ 45 FOOT 2:1 CUT SLOPE EASTERN PORTION OF "THE MEADOWS" Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development l-nmpnny @ Converse Consultants Inland Empire PrOjecl No. 88-81-155-01 Ftgure No. D-2e -;;:;:=., DATE #9 CLIENT RANCJ.lO ~-ALIP::2NJA CHKD. BY _ DATE _ r'J#v-",,,ep/"'l pJ/7" r:.n. r-J-JE .N1EADnN~ "c::A€;'- ,. rr?ACr€; 24/%'4 SHEET NO. 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