HomeMy WebLinkAboutTract Map 9833-2 Lot 37 On Site Sewage Disposal IT .H.E. Soils Co., Inc. "hone: (909) 678-9669 FAX: (909) 678-9769 1'1705 Central Street, Suite A . Wildomar, CA 92595 I I I I I I I ! I II I I I I , I i I I I E-mail: thesoilsco@aol.com April 7, 2003 RECEIVED OCT 1 3 2003 CITY OF TEMeCULA ENGINEERING OI:PARTMENT Mr. Charlie Perry 30893 Wellington Circle TemecuJa, California 92591 (909) 693-9666 SUBJECT: ON-SITE SEW AGE DISPOSAL FEASIBILITY INVESTIGATION Proposed Single-Family Residence APN No. 945-030-015, Lot 37 ofTract 9833-2 Jedediah Smith Road City ofTemecuJa, Riverside County, California Work Order No. 542301.01 Dear Mr. Perry: In accordance with your authorization, we have conducted an on-site sewage disposal feasibility investigation for the above referenced site. The purpose of our investigation was to evaluate the feasibility of utilizing the septic tankIleach line method. Our scope of work included the following: 1) A site reconnaissance by our senior geologist; 2) Excavation of one exploratory trench to a minimum depth of 16-ft below the existing ground surface; 3) Performance of a total of 4 shallow percolation tests; and, 4) Preparation of this report presenting our findings, conclusions, and recommendations for system design. Our investigation and this report have been prepared in compliance with the format set forth by the County of Riverside, Department of Envirorunental Health. ACCOMPANYING MAPS. ILLUSTRATIONS. AND APPENDICES Location Map (2000-scale) - Figure I Typical Leach Line System - Figures 2 & 2A Plot Plan (40-scale) - Plate 1 Appendix A - References Appendix B - Exploratory Trench Log Appendix C - Percolation Test Data T.H.E. Soils Company, Inc. w.o. No. 542301.01 \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Mr. Charlie Perry April 7, 2003 Page 2 INTRODUCTION PropOSed Development It is our understanding that subject site will be utilized for the construction of a single-family residence that will utilize the septic tankIleach line method of sewage disposal. Site Description The subject site consists of a rectangular-shaped parcel of land located on the south side of Jedediah Srnith Road, south of Pescado Drive in the city of Temecula in southwest Riverside County, California The subject parcel is bordered on all sides by large parcel residential development. The geographical relationships of the site and surrounding area are shown on our Site Location Map, Figure 1. Topographically, the areas proposed for the disposal systems consist of moderately sloping terrain with a natural gradient of less than 15% to the northwest. Drainage on-site is accomplished by sheet flow to. the northwest toward Jedediah Smith Road and the moderately incised drainage course. Vegetation in the area of the proposed disposal system consists of a low growth of annual weeds and grasses. SITE INVESTIGATION Back2round Research and Literature Review Several published reports and geologic maps were reviewed for the purpose of preparing this report. A complete list of the publications and geologic maps reviewed for this investigation is presented in Appendix A. Field Invesfu!ation Subsurface exploration of the site, field reconnaissance, and mapping of the site were conducted on January 25, 2003. One deep exploratory trench was excavated in the vicinity of the proposed leach fields to a maximum depth of l5.0-ft below the existing ground surface (bgs). A total of four shallow test pits were also excavated to various depths ranging from 36 to 48-inches below the existing ground surface. A Case No. 580L rubber tire extenda-backhoe equipped with a 2-ft bucket was used to excavate the exploratory trench and shallow test pits. Our geologist logged the exploratory trench. A copy of our Trench Log is presented in Appendix B. SUMMARY OF TEST PROCEDURES Percolation testing was performed on January 31, 2003. The testing procedure was performed in accordance with Riverside County Health Department and Building and Safety guidelines. The T.H.E. Soils Company, Inc. w.o. No. 542301.01 z.. I II T .H.E. Soils Co., Inc. ['hollc: (909) 678-9669 FAX: (909) 678-9769 .11705 CCl1trJl Strect, Suite A . Wildomar, CA 92595 I "':f"'''''Pi;, )}~~f / :';".:6";< '.-j, '~,.. , I.. ) ~:::::. LA ,j ,- -- ". ,- ADAPTED FROM A 7.5 MINUTE U.S.G.S. QUADRANGLE MAP- PECHANGA, CA., 1997 I :,1'" r 542301.01 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 . IlCAU!: FT. SITE LOCATION MAP Date: APRIL 2003 Figure: 1 .3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Mr. Charlie Perry April 7,2003 Page 3 percolation tests were performed at depths within the underlying soils corresponding to the proposed leach field design. At the bottom of each shallow test pit, a post-hole digger was used to excavate a 6-inch diameter, 13- inch deep, cylindrical hole. A perforated cylinder was then placed within the test holes to prevent caving of the sidewalls and scouring of the bottom when water was added. The holes were then tested in accordance with the June 1988, Riverside County Continuous Pre-Soak Percolation Testing Procedure for same day testing. Below is a detailed description of the testing procedures followed: "After excavation of the test hole, a completely filled 5-gallon bottle of water was inverted over the test hole so that a continuous level of water was maintained up to a height of 12 inches above the bottom of the hole. When the 5 gallons of ware,r had completely percolated within the test hole, the empty bottle was removed and the hole was refilled to 8 inches above the bottom. The next day testing procedure (15-26 hours after initiating pre-soak) was utilized. A minimum of two consecutive measurements were then taken at timed intervals that provided not less than 1 inch or more than 3 inches of drop. All measurements were taken to the nearest lI8 inch, and the difference between the last two measurements did not vary by more than 20 percent" SUMMARY OF FINDINGS Our exploratory excavation generally exposed 5-ft of recent alluvial soils overlying sedimentary bedrock of the late-Pleistocene Pauba Formation to the maximum depth explored of 15.0-ft bgs. The alluvial soils consisted predominately of silty sand (Unified Soil Classification-SM) that can be described as dark grayish brown, fine to coarse grained, dry (top 2-ft) to slightly moist, moderately to well graded with abundant pinpoint pores, worm burrows, and fine roots. Sedimentary bedrock of the Pauba Formation generally consists of a yellow brown to dark brown silty sand (SM) that can be described as fine to coarse grained, very silty, dense, and slightly moist. No mottling of the soil was observed. Percolation rates for the subject site were generally slow and varied from 48 (P-2) to 60 minutes-per- inch (P-I & P-3). GROUNDWATER Groundwater was not encountered within our exploratory trench (T-l), which was advanced to the total depth explored of l5.0-ft bgs. No mottling, often indicative of past high groundwater, was observed within our exploratory trench. Historic high groundwater in the vicinity of the subject site is at least 80-ft. below the ground surface (Rancho California Water District, 1984). PERCOLATION TESTING A total of four shallow percolation tests were performed on the subject site. A summary of our percolation test results is provided in Table l. Copies of the field percolation test data are included T.H.E. SOILS COMPANY, INC. w.o. 542301.01 A.. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Mr. Charlie Perry April 7, 2003 Page 4 in Appendix C of this report. The approximate locations of our percolation tests and exploratory trench are presented on Plate 1. TABLE I - SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS Leach Line Method Application Earth Depth Percolation Area (Sq. Test Material of Test Rate Ft. Per 100 No. Tested (Inches) (Min/Inch) Gallons) P-l Silty Sand (SM) 36-48 60 120 P-2 Silty Sand (SM) 48-60 48 100 P-3 Silty Sand (SM) 40-52 60 120 P-4 Silty Sand (SM) 39-51 53 110 # Indicates a failing test but not considered an impervious material based on Riverside County Health Department specifications. According to the County of Riverside Department of Health, an impervious material is one that has a percolation rate of greater than 120 minutes Der inch. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ConclWlions . Based upon the results of this investigation, on-site sewage disposal, utilizing the septic tankIleach line method of disposal, is feasible for the subject parcels provided the specific design recommendations of the report are implemented during site development. . All earth materials encountered during our investigation were excavated with moderate ease to the maximum depth explored of l5.0-ft below the ground surface utilizing a Case No. 580L rubber tire extenda-backhoe equipped with a 2-ft bucket. . Our exploratory excavation (T-I) generally exposed 5-ft of recent alluvial soils overlying sedimentary bedrock of the late-Pleistocene Pauba Formation to the maximum depth explored of l5.0-ft bgs. Both the alluvial soils and sedimentary bedrock generally consisted of silty sands (SM). . Based on the size of the subject parcel and the proposed development design, there is sufficient area to allow installation of an adequate on-site leach line disposal system and 100% expansion area . Groundwater was not encountered within our exploratory trench to the maximum depth explored of l6.0-ft bgs. Based on the data presented in the report, it is the judgment of this T.lI.E. SOILS COMPANY. INC w.o. 542301.01 -s I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Mr. Charlie Perry April 7, 2003 Page 5 firm that the groundwater table wiD not encroach within the current allowable limit (5- ft) set forth by county and state requirements. Recommendations . Based on the test data obtained, a conservative percolation rate of 60 minuteslinch should be used as the design rate for the subject site. This corresponds to an application rate of 120 square feet of leaching area per 100 gallons of effluent per day. . Based on utilizing a 1,000-gallon septic tank (3-hdnn house) and an application rate of 120 square feet of leaching area per 100-gallons of effluent per day; 1,200 square feet of bottom area would be required. This would correspond to 400 linear feet of leach line 3-ft wide or 4 leach lines 100-ft long. Due to the gently sloping nature (< 20% gradient) of the proposed leach line areas, an overburden factor will not be required. As an option, we recommend utilizing 3-ft of gravel below the rock and paper. This would reduce the linear feet of leach line to 240-ft. This would require 3 leach lines 80-ft in length. . Based on utilizing a 1,200-gallon septic tank (4-hdnn house) and an application rate of 120 square feet of leaching area per loo-gallons of effluent per day; 1,440 square feet of bottom area would be required. This would correspond to 480 linear feet of leach line 3-ft wide or 5 leach lines 96-ft long. Due to the relatively flat nature (< 20010 gradient) of the proposed leach line areas, an overburden factor will not be required. As an option, we recommend utilizing 3-ft of gravel below the rock and paper. This would reduce the linear feet of leach line to 288-ft. This would require 3 leach lines 96-ft in length. . Based on utilizing a 1,500-gallon septic tank (5 or 6-hdnn house) and an application rate of 120 square feet of leaching area per loo-gallons of effluent per day; 1,800 square feet of bottom area would be required. This would correspond to 600 linear feet of leach line 3-ft wide or 6 leach lines 100-ft long. Due to the relatively flat nature (< 20% gradient) of the proposed leach line areas, an overburden factor will not be required. As an option, we recommend utilizing 3-ft of gravel below the rock and paper. This would reduce the linear feet ofleach line to 360-ft. This would require 4 leach lines 90-ft in length. . Sufficient area should be set aside on the subject site for installation of the septic system and 100% expansion. The project civil engineer should layout the system once site development plans are available. The areas tested are depicted on Plate 1. This area must remain as natural ground with less than I foot of cut or fill. Once site development plans are known, additional testing may be required in the proposed leach line area to confirm our preliminary findings. . There must be a minimum 100-ft separation between the leach lines and expansion area to any proposed on-site water supply well and a minimum 5-ft separation from anyon-site domestic water line. T.HE SOILS COMPANY. me. w.o. 542301.01 (q I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Mr. Charlie Perry April 7, 2003 Page 6 . The septic system shall be installed in natural, undisturbed soil at the depth of the tests performed. . No swimming pools or other appurtenances shall be constructed without the Riverside County Heath Department approval. . The systems should be installed in accordance with current UPC codes. A typical construction approach for leach line systems is presented on Figures 2 and 2A. . Installation of the leach lines should be inspected by the soils engineer and/or geologist to verify that anticipated field conditions exist and that the installation is in accordance with the recommendations of this report. A minimum 24-hours' notice should be provided for field inspection of the leach lines. LIMITATIONS OF INVESTIGATION This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner, or his representative, to ensure that the information and recommendations contained herein are brought to the attention of the project architect and engineer. The project architect or engineer should incorporate such information and recommendations into the plans, and take the necessary steps to see that the contractor and subcontractors carry out such recommendations in the field. This fIrm does not practice or consult in the field of safety engineering. We do not direct the contractor's operations, and we cannot be responsible for other than our own personnel on the site/therefore, the safety of others is the responsibility of the contractor. The contractor should notify the owner if he considers any of the recommended actions presented herein to be unsafe. This firm did not provide any surveying services at the subject site and does not represent that the building locations, contours, elevations, or slopes are accurately depicted on the plans. The fIndings of this report are valid as of the report date. However, changes in the conditions of a property can occur with the passage of time, whether they be due to natural processes or the works of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards may occur, whether they result from legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the [mdings of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and revision as changed conditions are identified. T.H.E. SOILS COMPANY. TNe. w.o. 542301.01 1 I I I I I I ... -< ... Ci ,. r- r- Ift ,. o :x: !: z 1ft .~ '. \ ~,L \" ....~ "\~ .. q. '.. .,.<\ ~ ... c e..... ... 01_;; *..... .. .,. Nil OM.: :II O_.:~K!! ~Iir:!=~~~ .. I" 'We 0" ,. :I:rl! I~ " !!- ." ,-~"'- , ._. .-..1._ .,. ....j... ::' '. :. '. ~ ~ ~ o o . w ~ ~ o w w 0 . ::: .... ~ '-! i - ! : ;! : q i - .. ~.: i j.. ~ . :1 - . ! :: .. Ii! J: ~ i " : ~i : ..:= - ~ i~ .s:" - 'II Z i 0 . . : $; i -i i i ~ ~ .. .. i =. c ~ i : :: l:: I .. ... Ii : : .. m ~ : - - - : : : - - 1-= ... ;;; [!~ ~ - ,. i I..~ ~ = - - : - - 1-- _ 0 ~ - ... ,;:; 0 0 :: :: : ~ 10. z . - ~ : - ~ - = : . . . . I.. : = =n - - . - "U. ..0- :-:t= -j::" ::_-. ice: 1-" ....... .:;! I.,. -=! =1: is:: I;:'i ...iI: . ,.Ia .I.~2 ie=: 1::1. :::"z: :Si! i;~= ~-=, :;;: ...... . ...... ~:!i ;i! ::-S i:'j "'Ii- ~i. .:.:a:: ~..: !!t" l-; ;:::e :!= . 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"., 'i" I /' '}c ~ .", " ,)' :;.A No. ACU34M Respectfully submitted, T.H.E. SOILS COMPANY, INC. . \ , * "i' EJdIe8:l'7.-7,i-t'S \'" '., /..-,~ "';'h ~y. 'i.: r: OF CA~r . Reinhart, RCE 23464........- -. Registration Expires 12131/05 .QJf ect Geologist JPF/JTR/JRH:jek T.H.E. SOILS COMPANY, me. w.o. 542301.01 \0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX A References T.H.E. SOII-S COMPANY.INC. w.o. 542301.01 \\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I REFERENCES County of Riverside, Department of Health, Division of Environmental Health, 1988, "Waste Disposal for Individual Homes, Commercial, and Industrial" booklet. Rancho California Water District, March 1984, "Water Resources Master Plan. International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, 1997, "Uniform Plumbing Code". Megaland Engineers & Associates, 2003, Precise Grading Plan for Perry Residence Lot 37 of Tract 9833-2. APN 945-0300-015", Sheet I of I, Scale I-inch = 40-ft. U.S. Geological Survey, 1997, 7.5 Minute Quadrangle Map, Pechanga, California, Scale: I" = 2,000'. T.H.E. SOILS COMPANY, mc w.o. 542301.01 \-z... I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I I I I I I APPENDIX B Exploratory Trench Log THE. SOILS COMPANY,INC. w.o. 542301.0 I \3 Ir-OGGED BY: .Iff I ~ ~ 8 I in I 1 5 1= - 1'0 - 1= 15 I I: 1= I: 1= - I~ - I; 1= - I~ o ~ _ ><: l:~ a: ~~ ~f( hP~ n ~ i!i~ 3:~ V I I I ^ -- I JOB NO:542301.01 I METHOD OF EXCAVATION:CASE NO 580L EXTENDA BACKHOE W/2A"BUCKET ELEVATION: TEST PIT NO. 1 DESCRIPTION ALLUVIUM Sll TV SAND (SM): DARK GRAY BROWN, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, DRY (TOP 1'} TO $LIGHTLY MOIST, NUMEROUS PINPOINT PORES PAUBA FORMATION SIL TV SAND ($M): DARK BROWN, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED, DENSE, VERY SILTY, NO VISIBLE PORES, MINOR eLA Y Sll TV SAND (5M): YELLOW BROWN, FINE TO COARSE GRAINED. DENSE, WELL GRADED, SLIGHTLY MOIST TOTAL DEPTH = 15.0' NO GROUNDWATER LOG OF TEST PIT DATE OBSERVED:1/25103 LOCATJON: PLOT PLAN - FIGURE: T-1 SOIL TEST V\ II I i I I I : I I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDIX C Percolation Test Results T.H.E. SOILS COMPANY.INC. w.o. 542301.01 \"5 I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TEST HOl.E NO,; ~-/ , DEPTH (lnch..a: --\' - 'i 'if' TeSTED BY: -rf) f- TimelOale - {? STAIIT_ n.30fM )-.?d~03 STOP _ ,~.... ^_ ... ..,.v, J- 3 /--<>'] Inop", /) 9rzur DATE EXCAVATED' 1- 25"""3 SOIL j)J:SCRIPTION: M,Un><<>,u ,;, I ~.<U\.d C:5VV1 \ pql=SOAK PERIOD lime Interval of Presoak Water leftfComments .2..;.. b{- Z- lJ"h 0 res; PERIOD . ,......, NNt WAt"ER """"l WATER v:...T[R lEVa CRI:)p ~...rl')N lUTE "C1-l"'~ 'ROt,/; \..I.ST r-....e Nl\:RVAl ,....... LEVU INCHES' lEVEl. INCHESI 1....oESI . IMIH"HCH1 1J(~:::LArlOH ~rE 8% 0 (3((,1 Gd GlJ & fl', /Z.'JS ~r.f;({, 0 I cJ ot GO /{G 1/f(J GJJ 1:3 r- I I I I I I ,I I I I I TeST HOLE NO.' - G DEPlli lInchesl:-.- M-- (,,0' TeSTED BY: ") Time/Date It ST'~T"" ..JI ", _.,CP,rI_30_43 ST'lY _'(;.~o I(fI. 1S'J(1Io '-31 -03 DATE EXCAVATED: (-LS-63 , I,\-- PRESOAK PERIOD lime Inter.val of Presoak' Water Left' C.,mm8nls. t... ,,-- 1.33('{ ~ h/j TES; "=RIOO "'- " --f' /f'r'S/l t:o... L HnAl. WATEA ,.....l. wArER WAfER lEVa. OAO" -o\Co.....OON AArE "OlANCE FlI()l.IlA$T f'ME TN! HT(JtVAt llrMft 1.EVe.lNCHfSl Uva 'NOES) INCHES) ,..-..tHCHl II(fl.C::l....rlOH AAfE :?r A.'V' &0 'GO t.,;., .J"( Z:3-g- /3<( - I I '#0 5 n 301.Dtf; .. .:... j)a-tfly I b~~ I 1~.91b I I I I : I : I I I I 10 0(& 1 lb {'i) '1t bOlD G \1;. , I I I I I I I I I I I :1 I I I I I I I TEST HOLE tIO.: P- 3 OEPTH lInch...: ~()-~ TESTED BY: --rO F- DATE EXCAVATED" 1- Z)<J3 SOIL DESCRIPTION: 5/;' 5 PC!I=SOAK PERIOD "me Interval of Presoak Time/Dalet. ~ $T......T_ 1.00 f'" 1-3(-()3 II '3'PI'I\. 1-31-03 STOp _ '7.. z.. V'l..h(~ TEST PERIOD ... ~ """ NTlAl WATER ""4l WATER. ,,:At"ER \EVEt. DAI)P ~...rtnH IQrE '" (1-lAHG[ F'R()W.....ST TIME Nrt:RVAL l~ UVEL INCHESl uva (NCHeSI 1~1 (....'WQi1 ~J;C:;l...nOH _IMe ((, 3 12~'t n.. 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