HomeMy WebLinkAbout121406 PTS Minutes MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PUBLICrrRAfFIC SAFETY COMMISSION DECEMBER 14, 2006 CALL TO ORDER The City of Temecula PubliclTraffic Safety Commission convened in a regular meeting at 6:01 p.m. on Thursday, December 14, 2006, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. FLAG SALUTE Commissioner Ramos led the audience in the Flag salute. '''\ ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners: Hagel, Ramos, Jacobs, Arbogast, and Chairman Youmans. Absent: . None. The PubliclTraffic Safety Commission welcomed Mr. Hagel to the Commission. PRESENTATIONS: On behalf of the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission, Chairman Youmans presented Mr. Lanier with a certificate of appreciation for his many years of service and dedication to the City. Thanking the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission, Council, and City staff, Mr. Lanier relayed that it has been his pleasure working as a Commissioner for the City of Temecula. Relaying App~eciation to the success of the Stop Light Abuse Program (SLAP), Chairman Youmans presented .the following motor officers with a Certificate of Distinguished Service: o Corporal Gary Pringle o Officer Dave Nelson o Officer Matt Hughes o Officer Ralph Fernandez o Officer Mike Harlen o Officer Nathan Cass o Officer Tim Moore o Officer Ron Griffith The above-mentioned individuals thanked the Commission for the recognition. R:\MinuteslPubUcTrafficSafelyCanmlssion121406 PUBLIC COMMENTS No additional comments. COMMISSION REPORTS A. Welcoming Mr. Hagel to the Commission, Commissioner Arbogast advised that she has had an opportunity to work with Mr. Hagel with the Temecula Citizen Corps and noted that he would be a welcomed addition to the Commission. COMMISSION CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Minutes of October 26. 2006 RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the Minutes of October 26, 2006. MOTION: Commissioner Arbogast moved to approve the Consent Calendar. Commissioner Ramos seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval with the exceDtlon of Commissioner Hagel who abstained. COMMISSION BUSINESS 2. Election of ChairDerson and Vice-ChalrDerson RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 That the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission entertain nominations from the Commissioners to elect a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson to preside through the 2007 calendar year. MOTION: Chairman Youmans nominated Commissioner Arbogast to serve as Chairperson for Calendar Year 2007. Commissioner Ramos seconded the motion and voice vote reflected unanimous aDDroval. MOTION: Chairman Youmans nominated Commissioner Jacobs to serve as Vice Chairperson for Calendar Year 2007. Commissioner Ramos seconded the motion and voice vote reflected unanimous aDDroval.. 3. Traffic Enaineer's ReDort Principal Engineer noted the following: o That the signal at Sandbom Avenue and Jefferson Avenue will be operational on January 3, 2007 o That new cameras have been added to the streets of Rancho Way and Diaz Road, Winchester Road and Nicholas Road, Margarita Road, North General Keamy, and Jefferson Avenue and Overland Road; advising that cameras on SR 79 South should be completed by June 2007. R:IMinuleslPubllcTrafficSafelyCommisslon121406 2 o That with regard to the Keeo Rieht sign (median) on Rancho California Road between Margarita Road and Yukon Road, staff has inspected the sign and it was determined to be in full compliance with City standards; and that in order to be consistent, all median noses have a Keeo Rieht sign posted. Advising that she had an opportunity to meet with. the Regional Manager of Southern California Edison Viet Tran, Commissioner Arbogast noted that he stated that he would be willing to meet with City staff to discuss the possibility of implementing speed electronic signs for the City of Temecula. In response to Commissioner Arbogast's comment, Director of Public Works Hughes noted that he would have a meeting with Mr. Tran in the following week and will discuss options that may apply to the City for speed electronic signs. Referencing Commissioner Ramos' comment regarding traffic congestion on Camino Alagon in the Paloma Del Sol Community, Principal Engineer Moghadam noted that the Community Services Department would currently be addressing the letter of concern. Director of Public Works Hughes noted that the City's control of l:!R 79 South and Winchester Road has been a positive influence in the City. 4. Police Chiefs ReDort Sergeant Anderson noted the following: o That there were two fatal collisions in the month of November, 2006 . 0 That 2,393 citations were written for the month of November, 2006 o That there was a total of 79 traffic collision reports and 24 DUI arrests for the month of November, 2006 . o That there were 54 DUI arrests for the month of October, 2006 o And that the next DUI check point will be held on Friday, December 15 and New Year's Eve, 2006. 5. Fire Chiefs ReDort Battalion Chief Deyo reported on the following: o That the Fire Department burned 80 acres of vegetation on the Santa Rosa plateau for ecological reasons 0, That he has accepted a transfer to another area of the department and will not longer be attending the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission meetings o That staffing on the engines has been increased 4:1. . Chairman Youmans wished the Commission and staff a Merry Christmas. R:\MinutesIPublicTrafficSafetyCcmmission121406 3 ADJOURNMENT At 6:40 p.m. Chairman Youmans formally adjourned this meeting to Thursday, Januarv 25.2007 at 6:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, and Temecula. I R:IMinuleslPubllcTrafficSafelyCanmission121406 4