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April 26, 2007
The City of Temecula PubliclTraffic Safety Commission convened in a regular meeting
at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 26, 2007, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City
Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California.
Commissioner Ramos led the audience in the Flag salute.
Commissioners: Hagel, Ramos, Jacobs, and Youmans
Certificate of Distinauished Service - Theater Technical Coordinator John Deards
On behalf of the City and the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission, Vice Chairperson
Jacobs expressed its sincere gratitude to Mr. Deards for his quick thinking and response
to an individual in an emergency situation, and recognized him with a Certificate of
Distinguished SeNice.
Accepting the Certificate of Distinguished Service, Mr. Deards thanked the Commission
for the recognition and Captain Buckley and staff for the CPRlAED Training.
Certificate of Recoanition - CPRlAED Trainina Fire Caatain/Paramedic Tim Buckle~
On behalf of the City and PubliclTraffic Safety Commission, Vice Chairperson Jacobs
expressed its sincere gratitude for his exceptional professional effort representing the
Temecula Fire Department in conducting CPRlAED Training for the City of Temecula
employees; noting that his hard work and dedication has made the City of Temecula
facilities a safer place to work; and at this time, recognized Captain Buckley with a
Certificate of Recognition.
Thanking the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission for the recognition, Captain Buckley
noted that more information with regard to CPRlAED Training could be found at the
City's website at www.citvoftemecula.ora.
Certificate of Recoanition - DUI Arrests 2006 - Officer Tim Mohr
Issuing a Certificate of Recognition to Officer Mohr, Vice Chairperson Jacobs relayed
that his hard work and dedication has made Temecula a safer place to live.
Presentation - Hand-Held/PDA Cite Books - Officer Matt Huahes
Officer Hughes provided a PowerPoint Presentation to the PubliclTraffic Safety
In response to Commissioner Youmans' query, Officer Hughes relayed that the public
will be able to read the citations better and would be cost effective and efficient.
In response to the Commission's questions, Officer Hughes relayed the following:
o That officers will no longer need to sign citations
o That citations will be numbered sequentially
o That the PDA estimated cost would be $600; and printers $1000; advising that
the entire system was purchased through grant funds
o That citations will be easier to read; and that all information with regard to court
date would be available on the citation
o That the new system will save staff a lot of time at the office, noting that staff will
no longer have to enter citations by hand
o That there will be no ink cartridge to use but rather thermal paper
o That the citing officer will download the citation information and will automatically
be transferred to the court
o That the devices have been in use since March 22, 2007.
The PubliclTraffic Safety Commission thanked Officer Mohr for his presentation.
No comments at this time.
A. Referencing an assault on a motor officer on May 10, 2007, on Nicholas Road,
Commissioner Ramos advised that he would be of the opinion that the citizen who came
to aid the motor officer should be commended with a Certificate of Appreciation at a
future PubliclTraffic Safety Commission meeting.
Commissioner Ramos referenced Southbound Interstate 15 at SR 79 off-rampl
right-hand turn onto Old Town Front Street; advised that the arrow and the limit line is in
need of maintenance and requested that Caltrans be contacted to repaint the lines to
ensure safety; and that Caltrans or staff research the possibility of a "No Turn On Red"
sign on the light pole itself.
In response to Commissioner Ramos' comments and requests, Director of Public Works
Hughes advised that staff has had an ongoing strained relationship with Caltrans
regarding the location he referenced; that Caltrans has refused to add any additional
signage; that staff would not be receiving any cooperation from Caltrans; and that the
City has offered to add additional signage to make it clear that it would be illegal to make
a right-turn on a red arrow; and that to date, staff has not received any cooperation to
these requests but will continue to explore the possibility.
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Commissioner Ramos also noted that the American Legion of TemecuJa hosted
its recognition dinner for law enforcement and fire on Thursday, March 29, 2007,
advising that there were over 70 attendees in attendance.
B. Commenting on the Temecula Citizens Corp Trailer, Commissioner Hagel
advised that Captain Buckley completed the outfitting of the trailer and would be hopeful
to add more trailers; advised that the approximate cost for outfitting a trailer would be
$15,000; and stated that it would be his opinion that the City would have one of the best
CERT trailers anywhere in the Country; and requested that the trailer be brought to City
Hall for the Commission to explore.
Commissioner Hagel queried if the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission would
consider agendizing the consideration of raising speeding fines in residential
neighborhoods, which would eventually be forwarded to the City Council for their
For informational purposes, Director of Public Works Hughes relayed that the fines that
would be placed on vehicle violations would be set by State Law, not the City Council.
In response to Commissioner Youmans' query, Deputy City Manager Yates advised that
school safety has been explored, noting that the City works closely with the school
district; and noted that the City's emergency plan would cover any emergency.
Offering more information with regard to school emergencies, Lieutenant Pi no noted the
o That the police department would have access to the layout of the 30 to 33
schools in Temecula
o That as they respond to a school, the patrol officers would be able to coordinate
with the officers where the critical incidents would be taking place
o That they would have access to the quickest way to get to the school, the
quickest way to get to the building
o Access to all gates and what fences would usually be locked and opened
o That all officers have been trained into active shooters including School
Resource Officer (SRO)
o That the swat units, City's officers and Canine officers have trained together
o That the City's Police Department would be prepared for any emergency
Deputy Manager Yates noted that whenever there is an emergency globally, the City
takes every precaution to ensure that its residents would be safe.
C. Commissioner Jacobs noted that at a recent City Council meeting, TVUSD
Superintendent Leighty commended the Police Department for their quick response to
the school districts request to ensure high school safety. Commissioner Jacobs noted
that he enjoyed the American Legion's Recognition Dinner. Commissioner Jacobs also
advised that the 8-hour Traffic Commissioner's Workshop he attended was informative.
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Minutes of Februarv 22. 2007
1.1 Approve the Minutes of February 22, 2007.
MOTION: Commissioner Ramos moved to approve the Consent Calendar.
Commissioner Hagel seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval with the
exceDtion of Chairperson Arbogast who was absent.
2. Old Town Temecula Civic Center Master Plan and ConceDtual Desicm
2.1 That the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission review and discuss the Old
Town Temecula Civic Center Master Site Plan and Conceptual Design.
Principal Engineer Butler provided a PowerPoint Presentation of the Civic Center Master
Plan and Conceptual Design, highlighting on the following:
o Existing Site Plan
o Proposed Site Plan
o Conceptual Design
o Architecture
o Parking Structure
o Landscaping.
For the Commission, Mr. Butler noted the following:
o That the Civic Center will be 93,000 square feet
o That the parking structured will be designed to hold 480 vehicles; and that after-
hours parking will be available for public parking
o That the Civic Center will be sized to house City staff through build out
o That the parking structure would be the only funded parking structure that will be
constructed by the City in Old Town; and that the parking study will aid in
determining any additional needed parking structures.
Expressing their enthusiasm for the Civic Center, the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission
thanked Mr. Butler for his presentation.
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3. Re!luest for Multi.Wav StOD Sions - La Serena Wav and Walcott Lane/Cebu
3.1 That the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission recommend that the City
Council adopt a resolution establishing Multi-Way Stop signs at the
intersection of La Serena Way and WalcottlCebu Drive.
Principal Engineer Moghadam provided a staff report (of record).
For Commissioner Youmans, Director of Public Works Hughes advised that it would be
expected to have Butterfield Stage Road connected to Murrieta Hot Springs within the
next two years, but would be dependent on the developer's performance.
In response to Commissioner Youmans' question, Principal Engineer Moghadam
relayed that once a stop sign is installed it would not be a safe practice to remove it.
Director of Public Works Hughes noted that once Butterfield Stage Road is fully
developed, La Serena Way will likely handle considerably more trips.
For Commissioner Hagel, Director of Public Works relayed that there will not be major
development built on Walcott Lane but rather fill-in.
Principal Engineer Moghadam noted that crosswalks are installed in locations where
pedestrian traffic is heavy, rather than every location where there is a stop; relayed that
according to the Vehicle Code, limit lines would be adequate to provide a place for
vehicles to stop and allow pedestrians to cross safely.
Further clarifying, Director of Public works Hughes advised that numerous studies have
determined that painted cross-walks do not create a safe environment; that the City only
uses them only when they are supplemented by other controls such as signals or school
crossing guards; and advised that every intersection would be a legal crossing zone.
At this time, the public hearing was opened.
The following individuals spoke in favor of staffs recommendation:
o Mr. Brian Love, Temecula
o Mr. Robert Helton, Temecula
o Mr. Eric Saenz, Temecula
The above-mentioned individuals spoke in favor of staffs recommendation for the
following reasons:
o That the Homeowner's Association would be in full support of the proposed project
o That the multi-way stop signs will help with the speeders
o That the community would be in support of staffs recommendation
o That the proposed signs would help ensure safety for the residents.
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At this time, the public hearing was closed.
Relaying that he would be familiar with the proposed area, Commissioner Ramos noted
that he would be in support of staffs recommendation.
Echoing comments by Commissioner Ramos, Commissioner Youmans relayed his
support as well.
Relaying the definition of traffic warrants for the audience, Commissioner Jacobs also
relayed his support for the proposed project.
MOTION: Commissioner Ramos moved to approve staff recommendation.
Commissioner Youmans seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval with
the exceDtion of Chairperson Arbogast who was absent.
4. Traffic Conditions - Camino Palencia. Camino Guarda. Camino Veste. Via
Benabarre and Corte Zorita
4.1 That the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission:
1. Deny the request for speed bumps on Camino Palencia, Camino
Guarda, Camino Veste, Via Benabarre and Corte Zorita;
2. Approve the staff recommendation to install centerline striping on
Camino Guarda at the Via Benabarre and Camino Veste "knuckle";
3. Approve the staff recommendation to install 25 MPH speed limit signs
on Camino Guarda, Via Benabarre, Camino Veste, and Corte Zorita,
and provide selective enforcement of the 25 MPH prima facie speed
Principal Engineer Moghadam provided a staff report (of record).
By way of overheads, Associate Engineer Gonzalez provided the Commission with a
map of the proposed area.
Director of Public Works Hughes also advised that the Homeowner's Association would
concur with staffs recommendation.
Associate Engineer Gonzalez indicated where the "knuckles", centerline striping, and
speed limit signs would be.
Vice Chairperson Jacobs thanked staff for their thorough report.
At this time, the public hearing was opened.
The following individuals spoke in oDoosition of staffs recommendation.
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o Mr. Bob Holt, Temecula
o Mr. Ken Johnson, Temecula
o Mr. Greg Fell, Temecula
o Mr. Dan Harrell, Temecula
o Mr. David Coleman, Temecula.
The above-mentioned individuals spoke in ODDosition of staffs recommendation for the
following reasons.
o That the neighborhood lives in fear due to speeders in the area
o That reckless drivers must be stopped
o That speed bumps must be installed
o That more police presence would be desirable.
At this time, the public hearing was closed.
Spending time and observing the situation at the proposed sites, Commissioner Hagel
stated that it would be his opinion that speed bumps would not solve the speeding
problems in the area.
Commissioner Ramos advised that he also took time to observe the streets in question
and would be of the opinion that the installation of a centerline striping and knuckles (as
per staff recommendation), would help slow traffic down; and would recommend
delineation lines on Camino Palencia entering from Paseo Para lion into Camino Guarda
as well as Corte Zorita; and that he would be in favor of speed limit signs and increased
police enforcement.
Echoing comments made by Commissioner Ramos, Commissioner Youmans would be
in agreement of staffs recommendation.
Relaying the importance of the neighborhood residents working with the Homeowners
Association to encourage residents to slow down, Vice Chairperson Jacobs concurred
that speed bumps would not resolve the speeding issues.
MOTION: Commissioner Youmans moved to approve staff recommendation as well as
adding delineation lines at the intersection of Paseo Palencia and Corte Zorita.
Commissioner Ramos seconded the motion and voice vote reflected approval with the
exceDtion of Chairperson Arbogast who was ,absent.
The Commission thanked the speakers for their participation.
Commissioner Youmans suggested sending a letter to the Homeowners Association
advising residents why the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission took the steps it did in its
approval process.
5. Traffic Enolneer's ReDort
No additional comments.
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6. Police Chiefs ReDort
Sergeant Anderson reported on the following:
o That there was a fatal traffic collision on March 20, 2007, at Old Town Front and
Moreno Way
o That there was a total of 1542 citations issued for the month of March, 2007
o That he will email the Commission the name of the gentleman who assisted in
the assault of May 10, 2007
o That he will deploy heavier enforcement in the Paseo Parallon/Camino Guarda
7. Fire Chiefs ReDort
Captain Buckley reported the following:
o Thanked the PubliclTraffic Safety Commission for denying the installation of
speed bumps; advising that speed bumps slow the fire trucks timing down
o That staff is currently working with the school district in implementing
approximately 49 Automated External Debrillator (AED) units in all Temecula
Valley School District Schools which will be going to the City Council on May 8,
2007, meeting.
At 8:57 p.m. Vice Chairperson Jacobs formally adjourned this meeting to Thursday, Mav
24.2007 at 6:00 P.M., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, and
jJ~ JAfAfi)-
Paul Jacobs, Vice Chairperson
~dmi;;trative Assistant