HomeMy WebLinkAbout#017 Rancon Commerce Center0 SUN '91 13: al C�LIE :1;: C 7 =RC +L John Zam tarn Lib. arrnhr Offing •'Jar. �.r <.ai larch 8, 1990 Rancon Commerce Centel F'°-ase XI, hence To All Mem:z,ers Re: Sign Criteria Dear Member: 1) All propcs. d s Review Committee. Th ("3) copies of the ren.. me for review prier tc 2) The. renderin- foi_owing informa _on The prcccss: C 1, `c" u- Get[ `'K 6C4 12—i. SIZ7-4 (917,,,teees 1 awS t a. 1'V Assoc :anion A clarificateen t0 criteree for tee Ass0ciation's signs hes been requested; will atteept to set: forth below the teg lights of the oreeeria which will hose affect your (or your te•:, nts') sign appeove1. ens seed to be approved by the Architectural Reel.ew Committee has requested that three erir:l of the prtposed sign_ be presented to sue..itting to the Review Committee. of the prcl :csed sign should have the early marked: a) name, a kzrees and phone number cf sign company (so any •xue ,tio :s can be answered: quickly) b) letter 2o1or C) letter eize d) overall sig:i size •e) locetic of sign f) •sterefr r:t facia measure:mente (height and width) wrier s..n well be located letter `acri ation h) method et installation following st ;::da.: is are 'Joked for in the approval a) Letter color. One color, tet:iea11_ any colcr is allowed but good taste is requested. '91 13:0:2 CHUF ==i G- :RC iL Job zestur ham &Cc? 3p SUN Random Commerce C:- °rt®if Ph se II, III I7 As- .ociation March 8, 1990 Page 2 b) Letter =ize. IH nimum 12 naxinum 36 The height of the letters will determine the thickness and depth of the material: FiEIGRT 12" 15" 18" 24" 36" Sictn size. shall not e d) Allowed it the flut sd entrances Please :ere e) .Letter_: ab foam leil:ter f) Method i aluminum st mounted wit all hol -_s upon re. ay. returnee. tc There are cter ilc :Luded in the rCR' "temporary signs" ah are being allowed ter w_.1 the CCR's; part days) in which th a Please encourage :;ur s gn makers so tI z a:dition, please :mtc p.:. :_or to sign app :va Vary truly yours, Carliene M Daniel n R v County 1 .rt li THI21' F:S3 1 /8" 1/8" 1 /8" 3 1/16" 3 1/16" Manager Y' 3/9 DEPTH 1 3/4" 2" 2 1/4" 3" 3 1/2" The maximum total surface area of all signs :;ee 10% of the allc ed surface area. surface area. Signs shall be installed on rea '.ocated between the stripe above the door :-.3 the stripe at the budding roof line. to Exhibit t-1 attached. .ator.. Eitter plastic formed letters or wi:h 1/8" thick pla tic faces. ;ta'.la *_ion, E_t -ier flush. wali mounted with :ds :=nd pads (rper Exhibit 0-1) or flush wall standard siT1 edheeive. Please note that n ::uzned durinj ir.sta:..lation must be patched o.' all s:.gna and the building should be coon condition. ::rPeria rn1't<'fe to the signs which are There is ,3 spe_ific section on the reeds spec:'_a1 note. Many of the tenants )Dra::y signs wa_ch may not be in compliance c u1..._ly the lancith of time (limited to 90 se t be displayed. :nats to share the t ign c.:iterla with their i;n ,tpprovai. crocess is a smooth one. In th sign permits should not be acquired by the Architectural Review Committee. SUN '91 13 a$ C: ^UF .4:' t =RC +L EXHIBIT D SI CN CRITERIA RITERI A MAXIMUM SURFACE AP,EA ANL cOC= TION A. The allowed surface area for signing and logos shall be the fluted area located between stripe above door entrances and the stripe at top of bui1din.t roof line. Sea Exhibit D -i, the darkened areas as inuicaeed B. The maximum total su• face area of all signs shalt, not exceed 10% of the allowed sLrfa.. :e area. C. The maximum size of :11 letters and logos of signing displayed shall not s :cee 3f" in height, nor shall the minimum be less than 12" in heig, SIGN POLICIES A. Alldsignsigns, letter styles, colors, size, etc must be a a by the c tal Review Committee of the Hanson Commerce Center, Phase, strictly 2. 3 s q; Inc. Performance shall be enforced and any ;.on- onformirc signs shall be, removed Q by Owner at its expense. B. Prior to applying for cal, 3overnmer.tal.Per ai.ts, each Owner -shall submit to the Ar _hi .ectur7a1 Review C.Ymmi ttee of tha Rancon Commerce Center, Phase,_ 2. 3 u 4, Inc. of a dtailed drawing of 'te posed si gn a p rn two copies indicating conformance wi ti s criteriaa�' s-gnea b y .;ur.er C. .The Owner shall pa,- fcr all signs and their installation, maintenanCe, permits, etc. F. 4/9 1' CD JUN '91 13 :03 C^UF =Ni C3UKI *Y .u/41 SIGNS SUtPLY 3I I c,;•r 12" 15" 1h" 'l4" CRC L. SL" LY.Illui'r u -1 RANCHO GLASS 1 2 8 n tA•i'M:NIAI.S AI.Low1J1: r•!+ S :NACF. lu :mJVAL OF SIGHS r: :7D ..OGCS R; INSTALLATION NOUN ;7 INC siel'..OD 1)11 t:::111S:a: 1 /8 1 /is" I r 'it 3/ 16" :1/ i 6" last it I(ai;. :•d 11' '1i "url ::yn.L..I!I, II.•11 ;:1% it I011 rr :1 Mil l t: vrmiise the t`. ck ::;t; •111 :1 11 U I. II II l 1u4112 rial tin;uptu. 1)81"111 1 1/4" 2 2 1/4" 3" 11 1/2" P.5 /9 Pad Mounts These mounts sus primarily luinlshea Ior goners( pur• A pose visa mounting plastic letters (not recommended Ior tellers beyond 24" plan tic). For !otters beyond these sires use PAO 11withpt:Jecl- in j Lolis.) A, All letters and ',oct.5 are Elr sh wn' l mounted with aluminum. s..uds and pada. L t Le: and t.O(sa bcttagd 3A" in height need rid "D" method to: itatal":at,ion. A. All holes inc re during saga) at. :,;.t must.' be patched uc -,c removal itins anc uut)(ling rrc.u;ned to good condition. co 1, 4A1 freeze in 1. r:protected exposure area 7 -:111 generally rejuvenate from ..:nd:_naged parts. Ufa with caution. 'Tolerates sun it: this planting zone. (1') Tolerate_: shade in this planting zone. PLANTING i` t:. climate e.: :treme of the Rancho TIME C if,: ^ni a area, the i:,stal .acicn of t'tr:t :materials during the coldest winter m c th:; (December :hro.gh March) and the h ?te summer /fall months (Jul through S r ter :'er) can Ea difficult. Container p .1t materials not acclimated to the a _s in easily suffer from frost damage a. 3U1. expcsu:a rc.suiting in partial o en- re foliage loss even though such m•. :.ri_1c are pezfectly suited to the t- ,ex.:.ture ranges once established. If p`;inti:g must be. done ,auzing these d:"!ic•_.1t periods. pant establishment mcy be difficult, and squire a prolonged per ;.oci of time. VIII SIGNS AND G:.AP! 11::S s.::,ns shall _onfo_:r, to the criteria cc ai.:ed in th:_j Lece:Ja. 21 n.. .r b.7 o .2,ROU. D COVERS ?uch :snea indi.ca (S, S11) Indian block Strawberry. :Gazania splencens Gazania "t,L:suwa Yellow" (S) `ttdera helix (SU) English Ivy 'ype '.cum calycinam Aaron's Beard offisinali.s Rosemary (Si I mitt :re japonica (S) F.oneysuckle _er: -ii1a vern:a (3, Ui) Spring Cinquefoil �ccl:.ris pilularis Coyote Brush "Twin Peaks" (S) ':URF CRASS SCD t.ies ass /Fescue Blend 'E] F GRASS SEED 35 Derby Perennial Rya Creeping Red Fescue 10 lhs. per Ke ntucky Bluegrass s.f. '51 13:23 c -uFm: 4 GENERAL TI3fgt cclors •sh L:. be limited t_ one color REQUIREMENTS '3r he lette -_ing and on3 cola: for the back :round. AlditicnaL colors are 2•rm_tted when incorpora_ing the U snwp,ny's logo and at tt•-e di cretion of Hle Committee. e .ypi.sal "can" or "box" incernally -lit [gn- with er:tire face -arras in plastic 41.11 not be pe:_mitted. MONUMENT SIGNS '_gusker's label or other ider:cification 11 not be pac tnitced ct .e exposed :!rf.__e of signs except chose acquired by c•ca'.. ordinances which shall be located a:; inconspicuous location, not legible 1 've ;5) feet or more away from the sign. o :.d neon lighting sha'fl1.nct be used. go:::d conduit, tabi g, or will .c-t be permLtt.ed. All conductors, .ran :.'`ormers, t nc. other equip -lent shall Le concealed. o `irecc.ional ane r >_gultory- signs shall oe ate :.led as required ired wit!:" ali graphics j€ -t to the review of th.e Committee. o '.1 >,raphics, such as stylized letters, uer1s, logos and symbols, shall he ,',je•c t co final review of the _hi _ec.tural P._view Committee. ich sign shall be harmonious with the 3 .tu' and color of the building to L `..ch it is 'atf•xed or in conjunction t area. in c.-hicL it is employed. l y '.ots 1, 2, 1'_ anc 14 of Tract t -iap t. r 1:1178-2, Lo: 2 of Tract Map Mo. 1H'78.3, Lot 4 of Trac•_ Map.No. 16)78 and L s crntaiain2 three or more free :..nd :g buidLags no: more than one of c. ._ch is owner c sh:::li be allowed a t:onL.aent sign. f•_ an uument sL „ns are tc be constructed e. cz.:tcrete. Graphic letters and /or n :tber; are to 1~e of m_•corials compatible w tit .'le building :nate_inls and colors. '.go ill.uzain tior. is to be from a c..cet-.ed light source. 22 BUILD /NC lc.ng occupants sl: -21l he allow MOUNTED .s_it _ng moulted ;ign. The allowed a SIGNS f to a si rage .g 1e maximum area sign age per ::freer frontage r. int,. -d on the buiid_:tg in equal to one 11are foot per lineal foot of building frontage on a given street up to a e xim+.:m of '200 scare feet. This 11 applies to multiple tenant and ;'g1- tenant buildings. Area is 't _t_culated on :he basis of the overall c'_:!en_ =ions of the signs. he i:)catior. of building signs must be c :•Ppa ible with the a eh_t _ccural design cC the building_ h row! mounted signs are uo be permitted a c ne sign shat extend above parapet or e e•. I•., Lding scale arid sign placement will d i art _ne the -t :er :e how::ver, the 1 _teL:: must net r h ex_e ec_ in ,eight. S _as Jr lettering arc not :co be painted, d.c.ct'.y onto any building surface. Y of building signs may either b `_nt.;rna1 or externs'_ through use of n cc:tr:e`_ed light source. PROHIBITED•. ivy._te-';approval of the Architectural SIGNS Rc ew Comtnitcee and a Sign. ?ermit, b_•r the Coulty if Riverside, are rs ir. -d for all signrge. Signs using f, :.:h flags, or expo_ed been are nit al we without a[;.•_oval of the Cc..r:.it se. TEMPORARY De e lo..nent Si gt.:, SIGNS De- :ler..•rt may it fall e: master s..Les sign of erir the sale of portions of the. Bu -i ie_ Center. In ivi,!.'a! Lot Real $St -Le. On sivl nay be erected <tt a Loc to offer th Lo! for sale or LC:ae. These signs sh: iL e no lamer thee thirty -two (32) scr :lre 'eet per side. 23 9. (.,at UcCion Si,4:1,; r -h raject perm; t c .ns for ccnr :ruction tsale or lease. 1 G.t2 of the two signs may be Cp a located at t i e etryipaint tc the size: the other at g. L' th sign is imLced to 40 :Huey:-: feet 1_c.:ited to the following: side. Sign copy is ollowiAtg: P :cject Name O:n:er' s Name Opening Date Agent Game anti Pio: e No.) G ra-ra! Contractor G resultants Lender PERMANENT P c PARK za1 tnaj ar Park e::iry c;onut:,Lnt signs w: _.t t name of t1,e P:t_k will be allowed lDENTIFICATIO a :hc street corn SIGNS i1 �ht ter Roads atJ ind c Jefferson r Iwi ;er Developmuat Plan. Ar it _ctural l: kitin ;hc-Jid ar.ticLlate t fcms and text jres 1f 'rite p.articular h ding .design as dell as provide re- •.:.ir._ d safety and fu;: 2 *_i r:a1 lighting. D:.; t the pr: cir1.ty of b ount 0:.., rv. eory, th-: Cou y of side re it -.s all e:::erior r:i:a lig:_i to in. _a :e a full out us y 1 )w <t ieLct ure pres$t rs sc u:a N g lir`t': st.uadir3s seal: not ewent /n y -f_,•e (25 feet in height. pr: q _rT :ase meet ove1 _.c s}-„ occur beyond Se:.vicc area lig}.t:i:ig ,all be contained wi the serv'c.e ya, :d boundaries and enc'..,se:: walls. No light spillover she •1 d occur, )i t; de t_ service area. The Li 1t sou :c. is 11 „o be vieible frc t ch' street. 3u i !7 tjr. ._iGn c il''cCll Nc Li h. -ter. la A 'o a .arse :rds for ''ate Jj is 2$ v_si.bie from LIGHTING 24