HomeMy WebLinkAbout091907 PC Agenda II In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the office of the City Clerk (951) 694-6444. Notification 48 hours prior to a meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to that meeting [28 CFR ADA Title II] AGENDA . TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 43200 BUSINESS PARK DRIVE September 19,2007 - 6:00 P.M. . Next in Order: Resolution No. 07-38 CALL TO ORDER Flag Salute: RollCall: Commissioner Chiniaeff Carey, Chiniaeff, Guerriero, Harter, and Telesio PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public may address the Commission on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Commission about an item not on the Agenda, a salmon colored "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the Commission Secretary. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state your name for the record. For all other agenda items a "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the Commission Secretary orior to the Commission addressing that item. There is a three (3) minute time limit for individual speakers. CONSENT CALENDAR NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC All matters listed under Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and all will be enacted by one roll call vote. There will be no discussion of these items unless Members of the Planning Commission request specific items be removed from the Consent Calendar for separate action. 1 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the Minutes of August 29, 2007 R:\PLANCOMMlAgendas\2007\09-1 9-07.doc 2 Director's Hearina Case Uodate RECOMMENDATION: 2.1 Receive and File Director's Hearing Update for August COMMISSION BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS Any person may submit written comments to the Planning Commission before a public hearing or may appear and be heard in support of or in opposition to the approval of the project(s) at the time of hearing. If you challenge any' of the projects in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondences delivered to the Commission Secretary at, or prior to, the public hearing. Any person dissatisfied with any decision of the Planning Commission may file an appeal of the Commission's decision. Said appeal must be filed within 15 calendar days after service of written notice of the decision, must be filed on the appropriate Planning Department application and must be accompanied by the appropriate filing fee. Continued from June 20, 2007 3 Plannina Aoolication No. PA07-0111. a Maior Modification. submitted by McArdle's f.ssociate Architects. to an aooroved DeveloQment Plan for Elite's Plaza which includes removina the at-qrade parking areas from the first floor of Buildinas Band C. and re!;)lacinq them with aooroximatelv 11.351 sauare feet of additional office soace for Buildino B. and aooroximatelv 13.680 sauare feet of additional office soace for Buildina G. reversina the buildina footorint of Buildina C. and addina a 53,763 s9uare foot. three-storY. 132-soace Qarkina structure to be built on the east side of the oroiect site. located east of Jefferson Avenue. aooroximatelv 500 feet north of Rancho California Road. and west of Interstate 15. Katie Le Comte. Assistant Planner. New Items 4 Plannina Aoolication No. LRP2107. a Citywide Develooment Code Amendment. to revise soecial use reaulations for an increase in floor area ratios. reauirements for swimmina oools. amend oarkina standards for medical or dental offices. incoroorate references to water auality manaaement olan reauirements. ~rovide consistencl/ with the Americans with Disabilities Act. and make other minor clarifications and tvooaraohical corrections'to the Develooment Code. Dale West. Associate Planner. COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT ADJOURNMENT Next regular meeting: Wednesday, October 3, 2007, 6:00 p.m., Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. R\PLANCOMMlAgendas\2007\09-19-07.doc 2 ITEM #1 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION AUGUST 29, 2007 CALL TO ORDER ~ The City of Temecula Planning Commission convened in a regular meeting at 6:00 p.m., on Wednesday, August 29, 2007, in the City Council Chambers of Temecula City Hall, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula, California. ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Harter led the audience in the Flag salute. ROLL CALL Present: Commissioners: Carey, Guerriero, Harter, Telesio, and Chairman Chiniaeff. Absent: None. PUBLIC COMMENTS No public comments. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 Minutes RECOMMENDATION: 1.1 Approve the Minutes of August 1, 2007. MOTION: Commissioner Guerriero moved to approve the Consent Calendar. Commissioner Telesio seconded the motion and voice vote reflected unanimous aDDroval. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS 2 Plannino Aoolication Nos. PA06-0192 and PA06-0193. a Conditional Use Permit and Multi- Familv Residential Develooment Plan. submitted bv Sandra Parmlev. of Battaolia. Inc. to convert 200 aoartment units to condominiums. located on the southwest corner of Rancho Califomia Road and Maroarita Road. Associate Planner Kitzerow, by way of PowerPoint Presentation, highlighted on the following aspects: . Location . General Plan and Zoning R:\MinutesPCI082907 . Existing Development . Site Plan . Elevations . Analysis . Repairs & Improvements . Amenities Plan Trash Enclosures . ADA Plan . Environmental Determination . Recommendation In response to Commissioner Guerriero, Associate Planner Kitzerow noted that the smoking ordinance would only be applicable to rental multi-family units, not for sale multi-family units. Responding to the Planning Commission, Ms. Kitzerow relayed that the statement of repairs and improvements states that all repairs and improvements must be completed prior to Final Map recordation, as per staff report. Ms. Kitzerow stated that it would not be in the City's purview to dictate the price of the units, advising that this would an issue for the applicant. Understanding Chairman Chiniaeff's concern of losing rental stock, Director of Planning Ubnoske stated that currently the city does not have policy with regard to conversion of apartments to condominiums; however by allowing conversions it would allow an opportunity for someone who would not otherwise be able to purchase a single-family home, to purchase a condominium; Ms. Ubnoske indicated that this is only the second conversion in the City; however staff will return to the Commission with recommendations should the number of requests increase. Chairman Chiniaeff states that because the City does not have many condominiums, he would suggest that the City encourage the development of condominiums; and relayed that it would be his opinion that a condominium conversion policy should be considered. Director of Planning Ubnoske stated that because the proposal would not meet the Development Code requirement of 150 square feet, staff required the provision of additional on- site amenities; that with additional amenities staff is of the opinion that this would not be an issue of concern since the proposal involves an as-built condition and the requirement for additional private open space is not a health and safety issue; and with the constructed and proposed amenities, the project would meet the intent of the Development Code with regard to open space. Chairman Chiniaeff reiterated the importance of creating a firm policy with regard to apartment to condominium conversion. The public hearing was opened. Mr. Richard J. Battaglia, representing the applicant, noted the following: . That the applicant has made extensive repairs to the project . That the project will be a valuable part of the community . That the project will allow an opportunity for individuals to purchase a home . That existing residents will be offered an incentive to purchase the unit R:\MinulesPCI082907 2 . That at this time, the applicant does not know what the market price will be . That with regard to the occupied units, the applicant will be upgrading to waterless water heaters, washers and dryers, and that the occupant will be offered an allowance to be used for upgrades, and closing costs etc. . That the landscaping, trash enclosures, amenities, and paving will be done at the same time . That security will be provided for the project At this time, the public hearing was closed. Commissioner Guerriero stated that although he would be in favor of the project, he would request that a policy be established in the Development Code with regard to conversions of apartments to condominiums. Chairman Chiniaeff concurred that a policy regarding conversions should be implemented in the Development Code, but that he supported the project. With respect to Condition of Approval No. 53 on the map, Deputy Public Works Director York relayed that the applicant will be offering to dedicate to the City a 12 foot right-of-way bike lane for future roads which would be above and beyond the current circulation element and General Plan. As a point of clarification, Associate Planner Kitzerow relayed that as per the condo conversion portion of the Subdivision Ordinance, a finding must be made that the proposed conversion will not result in the reduction of more than the available rental units in the calendar year. MOTION: Commissioner Guerriero moved to approve staff recommendation based on all findings per staff report. Commissioner Carey seconded the motion and voice vote reflected unanimous aooroval. PC RESOLUTION NO. 07-29 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA06-0193, A DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT TO CONVERT 200 APARTMENT UNITS TO CONDOMINIUMS (MORNING RIDGE APARTMENTS) ASSOCIATED WITH PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA06- 0192, A TENTATIVE TRACT MAP TO CREATE A ONE-LOT RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUMS, GENERALLY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF RANCHO CALIFORNIA ROAD AND MARGARITA ROAD (APN 944-220-003) 3 Plannino Aoolication No. PA06-0329. a Development Plan. submitted bv Elias Alfata. to construct an 11.595 sauare foot one-storv office buildino. located on the east side of Maraarita Road. aooroximatelv 300 feet north of De Portola Road R:\MinulesPCI082907 3 By way of PowerPoint Presentation, Assistant Planner Le Comte highlighted on the following: . Project Description . Location . Analysis . Architecture before and after . Colors and Materials . Environmental Determination. For Commissioner Carey, Assistant Planner Le Comte relayed that the applicant is conditioned to ensure that all rooftop equipment will be scr~ened. In response to Chairman Chiniaeff's query, Senior Planner Fisk stated that rooftop equipment is conditioned to be screened from public-right-of-way. Chairman Chiniaeff expressed concern with the three separate parcels not being consistent with one another. Director of Planning Ubnoske noted that this Parcel Map was not brought to Planning Commission hearing but rather was approved at a Director's Hearing; and that the map was created to sell off individual properties. If the map is consistent with the City's Development Code staff would not have the ability to deny the building; and that staff would not have the ability to condition the map to address the concem of similarity of the buildings. Director of Planning Ubnoske advised that all landscaping around the perimeter of the buildings will be consistent. At this time, the public hearing was opened. Mr. Elias Alfata, architect, noted that the landscaping for the proposed project will be consistent throughout the parcels; that the two buildings will be consistent with one another; and that the applicant will screen all rooftop equipment. . Mr. Salvatore Pitzruzello, owner of the first parcel, expressed the following concerns: . That Condition of Approval No. 19 has already been satisfied . That Condition of Approval No. 52 has already been met . That fiberglass rnaterial will be installed throughout in the interior walls of the building and that Condition of Approval No. 24 would be redundant. In response to the request to delete Condition of Approval Nos. 19 and 52, Deputy Public Works Director York advised that the two conditions are standard conditions; and that although the applicant may have satisfied the conditions, they would need to stay in place until verified. Referencing Condition of Approval Nos. 19, 24, and 52, Director of Planning Ubnoske noted that although these conditions cannot be deleted, language could be added to state: unless waived by the Building Department. At this time, the public hearing was closed. R:\MinulesPC\082907 4 MOTION: Commissioner Guerriero moved to approve staff recommendation subject to the amendments of Condition of Approval Nos. 19, 24, and 52. Commissioner Telesio seconded the motion and voice vote reflected unanimous aDoroval. PC RESOLUTION NO. 07-30 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA APPROVING PLANNING APPLICATION NO. PA06-0329, A DEVELOPMENT PLAN TO CONSTRUCT AN 11,595 SQUARE FOOT ONE-STORY OFFICE BUILDING ON .92 ACRE (PARCEL 2 OF PARCEL MAP 31711), GENERALLY LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF MARGARITA ROAD APPROXIMATELY 300 FEET NORTH OF DE PORTOLA ROAD (APN 959-050-013) COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS A. Commissioner Telesio expressed concern with the amount of RVs parked on Butterfield Stage (east side) of Wal-Mart, and requested that Code Enforcement explore the issue. Commissioner Telesio also relayed his concern with the Longs Drugs Store (79 South) using its parking spaces for storage and trash bins. Commenting on Commissioner Telesio's concem with the Longs Drugs Store, Deputy Director of Public Works York relayed that several of the tenants have been issued occupancy, but that there would be more items that would need to be addressed before the city signs off on them. B. Commissioner Carey commented on the lack of parking spaces at BJ's Restaurant. C. Chairman Chiniaeff suggested that a report be brought forward to the Planning Commission with regard to piece mealing of buildings on prominent corners; and also requested that the site maps in staffs report indicate south, west, east, and north, or front side rear and back. PLANNING DIRECTOR'S REPORT Director of Planning Ubnoske noted that the Professional Hospital Supply project will be coming to the on September 5, 2007, Planning Commission meeting and all comments and concerns may be addressed at that time. ADJOURNMENT At 7:05 pm, Chairman Chiniaeff formally adjourned to Seotember 5. 2007 at 6:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers, 43200 Business Park Drive, Temecula. R:\MinulesPCI082907 5 Dennis Chiniaeff Chairman Debbie Ubnoske Director of Planning R:\MinutesPCI082907 6 ITEM #2 CITY OF TEMECULA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION MEMORANDUM TO: Planning Commission FROM: Debbie Ubnoske, Director of Planning DATE: September 19, 2007 SUBJECT: Director's Hearing Case Update Planning Director's Agenda items for August 2007. Date August 2, 2007 Case No. PA06-0387 August 9, 2007 PA07-0120 August30,2007 PA07-0187 August30,2007 PA07-0177 Attachment: Pro,posal A Major Modification to renovate the exterior of Kentucky Fried Chicken located at 41850 Moreno Road A Minor Conditional Use Permit to authorize beer and wine tasting through the issuance of a Type-42 license located at Barons Marketplace 31939 Rancho California Road A Tentative Parcel Map for condominium purposes with a final map waiver located at the southeast corner of Madison Avenue and BuekinQ Drive Extension of Time to operate a pre-school and construct an administrative building totaling 6,048 square feet located at 39960 Calle Girasol 1. Action Agendas - Blue Page 2 R:\DIRHEARIMEM0\2007\09-19-2007 .doc ~PRIi<;af1t . Adam Nichols Sijan Moossazadeh Hector Correa Faith Evarts Actilln APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED R:\DIRHEARIMEM0I2OO7I09-19-2007 .doc2 - "-. ATTACHMENT NO.1 ACTION AGENDAS ACTION AGENDA TEMECULA PLANNING DIRECTOR'S HEARING REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 2, 2007 1 :30 p.m. TEMECULA CITY HALL MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590 CALL TO ORDER: Debbie Ubnoske, Director of Planning PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Director of Planning on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Director of Planning about an item not listed on the Agenda, a white "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the Principal Planner. When you are called to speak, please corne forward and state vour name and address. Item No.1 1 :30 PM PA06-0387 Major Modification KFC Major Modification Adam Nichols A Major Modification to renovate the exterior of Kentucky Fried Chicken to include replacing existing stucco, a raised parapet, cornice, window framing, trim and tower elements, an outdoor eating area with a covered porch and trellises at the rear to screen utilitarian enclosures 41850 Moreno Road CEQA Categorically Exempt, Section 15301, Class 1, Existing Facilities Betsy Lowrey APPROVED Project Number: Project Type: Project Title: Applicant: Project Description: Location: Environmental Action: Project Planner: ACTION: ~ P:\Planning\Directors-Hearing\2007\8-02-2007 Action Agenda.doc ACTION AGENDA TEMECULA PLANNING DIRECTOR'S HEARING REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 9, 2007 1 :30 p.m. TEMECULA CITY HALL MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590 CALL TO ORDER: Debbie Ubnoske, Director of Planning PUBLiC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Director of Planning on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Director of Planning about an item not listed on the Agenda, a white "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the Principal Planner. When you are called to speak, please come forward and ~tate vour name and address. Item No.1 1:30 PM PA07-0120 Minor Conditional Use Permit Barons Marketplace Bijan Moossazadeh A Minor Conditional Use Permit to authorize beer and wine tasting through the issuance of a Type-42 license 31939 Rancho California Road CEQA Categorically Exempt, Section 15301, Class 1, Existing Facilities Betsy Lowrey APPROVED Project Number: Project Type: Project Title: Applicant: Project Description: Location: Environmental Action: Project Planner: ACTION: P:\PlanningIOirectors-.Hearing\2007\8-09-2007 Action Agenda.doc ACTION AGENDA TEMECULA PLANNING DIRECTOR'S HEARING REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 30, 2007 1 :30 p.m. TEMECULA CITY HALL MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM 43200 Business Park Drive Temecula, CA 92590 CALL TO ORDER: Patrick Richardson, Principal Planner PUBLIC COMMENTS A total of 15 minutes is provided so members of the public can address the Director of Planning on items that are not listed on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes each. If you desire to speak to the Principal Planner about an item not listed on the Agenda, a white "Request to Speak" form should be filled out and filed with the Principal Planner. When you are called to speak, please come forward and state \lour name and address. Item No.1 Project Number: Project Type: Project Title: Applicant: P.roject Description: Location: Environmental Action: Project Planner: ACTION: Item No.2 Project Number: Project Type: Project Title: Applicant: Project Description: Location: Environmental Action: Project Planner: ACTION: 1 :30 PM PA07-0187 Tentative Parcel Map TPM 33493 Hector Correa, HLC Civil Engineering A Tentative Parcel Map for condominium purposes with a final map waiver Southeast corner of Madison Avenue and Bueking Drive CEQA Categorically Exempt, Section 15301, Class 1 Existing Facilities Katie Le Comte APPROVED PA07-0177 Extension of Time (Development Plan and Conditional Use Permit) Cassatt Academy Faith Evarts An Extension of Time to operate a pre-school and construct an administrative building and three modular classroom buildings totaling 6,048 square feet on 2.39 acres 39960 Calle Girasol CEQA Categorically Exempt, Section 15332, Class 32 In-fill Development Matt Peters APPROVED P:\PlanningIOirectors-Hearing\2007\8-30-2007 Action Agenda.doc . , ITEM #3 ,..-. CITY OF TEMECULA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: The Planning Commission Katie Le Comte, Assistant Planner September 19, 2007 Continuation of PA07-0111 Staff is requesting that Planning Application No. PA07-0111 be continued off calendar in order to allow for additional time to address issues regarding Floor Area Ratio. G:\Planning\2007\PA07-Q111 Elite's Plaza Major Modification\Planning\Continuation Memo2.doc 1 ITEM #4 STAFF REPORT - PLANNING CITY OF TEMECULA PLANNING COMMISSION TO: Planning Commission FROM: Stuart Fisk, Senior Planner Dale West, Associate Planner DATE: September 19, 2007 SUBJECT: Development Code Amendment - 2007 Clean-Up (Planning Activity LRP21 07) BACKGROUND The City Council adopted the Development Code in 1995. Since its adoption, the City Council periodically amends the Development Code to improve its clarity and to make necessary corrections. This amendment proposes to add new policy and to clarify a number of provisions within the Code which includes: . Provide additional quantifiable performance standards for projects that exceed target floor area ratios (FAR) . Allow swimming pools and spas in the buildable area of front yards in the VL, RR and HR residential zoning districts . Amend parking standards for medical/dental offices to increase the number of required parking . Amend landscaping requirements for freestanding monument signs to require landscaping that is proportional to the sign height . Make reference to Water Quality Management Plans (WQMP) in various sections of the Development Code to create consistency between the Development Code and required WQMPs . Make reference to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in various sections of the Development Code to create consistency between the Development Code and ADA . Make other minor clarifications and typographical corrections, which are not included in this staff report, but can be found in the attached draft Ordinance ANALYSIS Soecial Use Reoulations for an Increase in Floor Area Ratios (Section 17.08.050.A) The proposed amendment has been prepared in response to Planning Commission requests for additional criteria to utilize in consideration of requests for increases in building Floor Area Ratio (FAR) beyond the General Plan and Development Code targets. The Planning Commission was concemed that the existing criteria are too subjective and there was the impression that the number of FAR increase requests by applicants has been excessive. C:IOocumenls and SettingsIGeorgann.Rauch\Local SettingslTemporary Inlemel FileslOLK59511Staff Report PC2007.doc 1 On August 15, 2007, staff provided a memorandum to the Planning Commission to present altematives for the Planning Commission to consider regarding possible revisions to the Floor Area Ratio provisions of the Development Code. As a result, the Planning Commission directed staff to expand the criteria for allowing an FAR increase beyond General Plan and Development Code targets. Per the Planning Commission's direction, staff has prepared an amendment to Subsections 17.08.040 and 17.08.050 ofthe Municipal Code to modify the criteria for a development projectto be eligible for and increase in FAR beyond the General Plan and Development Code targets. To summarize, proposed amendments would require that a traffic impact analysis be prepared for the project as determined by the City Engineer and that the project provide for FAR increase justifications from a table including four categories of justifications based on provision of community benefit, conservation, amenities, landscape and art. The number of FAR increase justifications required would be based on the percentage of FAR increase requested, with larger increases requiring the provision of more justifications than smaller projects. Swimmina Pools as Accessorv Structures in Residential Zonina Districts (Subsection 17.06.050.E) Swimming pools and spas are considered "accessory structures" which are only allowed in the rear or side yard within residential zoning districts. There have been a number of requests in recent months to allow swimming pools and spas within the front yard in large lot residential zoning districts. Staff has considered the request and believes that under certain circumstances, swimming pools within the front yard could be allowed. The proposed amendment would allow swimming pools and spas to be located in the buildable area of front yards in the Very Low (VL), Rural Residential (RR) and Hillside Residential (HR) zoning districts as long as they are enclosed by an approved fencing type for swimming pools and spas and screened from public view. Parkina Reauirements Medical or Dental Offices lTable 17.24.040) The City has recently received complaints regarding the parking availability within commercial centers with medical or dental offices. Staff randomly selected five jurisdictions within the region to compare parking standards and found that the City's current standard requires fewer parking spaces per square feet of development than the other cities. The current parking space requirement for medical or dental offices within the City of Temecula is 1 space/300 square foot gross floor area; whereas, the average parking requirements for medical offices of the five jurisdictions surveyed are 1 space/200 gross floor area. The proposed amendment would increase the parking requirement for medical or dental offices from 1 space/300 square feet of gross floor area to 1 space/200 square feet of gross floor area. Freestandina On-Site Directional Sians (Section 17.28.280\ Currently the City allows logos on on-site directional signage; however, there are no standards regarding the size of these logos. In recent months there have been requests for logos that are larger and out of proportion to the size of the lettering of the directional sign. Staff proposes to amend the Code to limit the maximum size of logos on on-site directional signs to 25 percent of the overall sign area. C:\Documenls and SellingsIGeorgann.Rauch\Local SellingslTemporary Inlemel FileslOLK595\lSlaff Report PC2007.doc 2 Landscaoino Reauirements for Freestandina Tenant Sians (Section 17.28.070\ Currently the City requires 100 square feet of landscaping at the base of freestanding single-tenant identification signs, and 200 square feet of landscaping at the base of freestanding multi-tenant identification signs. These standards do not take into consideration proportionality of the height or size of the sign. Staff proposes to amend the code to require landscaping that is proportional to the sign height by establishing that landscaping shall extend out from the base of the sign on all four sides, equal to one-half the overall height of the sign. This means that if the overall sign height is 12 feet, then the landscaping must extend out on all four sides from the base of the sign by six feet. Code Amendments for Consistencv with Water Qualitv Manaaement Plan Reauirements Certain new development projects require the preparation of a Water Quality Management Plan. The water quality management practices identified within the WQMP will typically affect the site design and landscaping of a project; however, in many cases the engineer that prepares the WQMP, the architect that prepares the site plans, and the architect that prepares the landscape plans are not coordinating their efforts early in the process., This results in unnecessary changes to a development project during construction or post construction in order to meet water discharge standards of the WQMP. Staff proposes to incorporate into various sections of the Code, the need for consistency with meeting the requirements of a Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP). Additionally, staff proposes to change language that creates inconsistencies with meeting WQMP requirements. The incorporation of this reference language does not change or propose any new development standards, nor does it change or propose any new WQMP requirements; rather, the intent with this proposed amendment is to encourage coordination between a projects engineers and architects early in the process to achieve better site design that is consistent with WQMP objectives. Code Amendments for Consistenc\l with Americans with Disabilities Act While reviewing the parking requirements for disabled persons, in Chapter 17.24 of the Development Code, staff noticed that various sections of Title 17 make reference to the word "handicapped" when referring to disabled persons or development standards for disabled persons; however, the California Building Code and the Americans with Disabilities Act do not use the word "handicapped" rather, the word "disabled" is commonly used. To be consistent with the California Building Codes and American with Disabilities Act, staff is proposing to replace any reference to "handicapped" with the word "disabled" in various Chapters of Title 17. Additionally, Section 17.24.040.D provides standards for disabled parking stalls; however, the current standards are outdated. Rather than rewrite the standards to mimic the California Building Code, staff proposes to require that disables parking stall standards be met pursuant to the Califomia Building Code. This in effect reduces the need to revise the Development Code, should standards change in the future. Landscaoe Desion Standards for Slooes (Subsections 17.06.060.D and 17.08.060.C) Both Title 18 (Grading Ordinance) of the Municipal Code and Title 17 (Development Code) require slopes to be landscaped with an appropriate ground cover for erosion control purposes; however, the Grading Ordinance establishes this requirement for slopes greater than three feet in height; whereas, the Development Code establishes this requirement for slopes that are greater than five feet in height. Public Works staff has indicated that there may be revisions to this requirement in the future in order to comply changing water quality control measures as part of the National Pollutant C:IOocuments and SeltingslGeorgann.RauchlLocal SeltingslTemporary Inlemel FileslOLK59511Slaff Report PC2007.doc 3 Discharge Elimination System. To simplify the requirement within the Development Code, staff proposes to amend the Development Code by indicating that slopes shall be landscaped for erosion control consistent with Title 18 of the Municipal Code. Use Matrix and Suoolemental Develooment Standards IT able 17.08.030 and Chaoter 17.1 m The Code establishes supplemental development standards in Chapter 17.10 for certain specific uses; however these specific uses, as identified in the Use Matrix Table in Section 17.08, does not indicate that there are additional supplemental development standards that must be complied with. To rectify this, staff proposes add a footnote to the appropriate uses in order to direct the reader to the appropriate Chapter in the Code for the Supplemental Development Standards. Automobile Sales (Table 17.08.030) Staff has made changes in the past to the Development Code Use Matrix for Automobile Sales in order to accommodate for the three types of automobile sales licenses the State issues; and to address the storage and display concems associated with these types of uses. The crux of the issue is related to auto brokers and the storage or display of vehicles. Staff from the Department of Motor Vehicles indicated that auto brokers typically run their business out of a single office or home and do not store or display vehicles on the property. In many cases they may never come in contact with the vehicle they are brokering. To address the three types of State required licenses and the concerns that staff has with the storage or display of vehicles, staff is proposing to simplify the Use Matrix for automobile sales by simply distinguishing between automobile sales that have storage or display of vehicles and those that do not; automobile sales with outdoor display or storage of vehicles would be conditionally permitted in the Service Commercial and Light Industrial Zoning Districts, and automobile sales with outdoor display or storage of vehicles would be conditionally permitted in the Community Commercial, Highway Tourist, Business Park and Light Industrial Zoning Districts and permitted in the Service Commercial Zoning District. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION Staff reviewed these proposed changes to the Development Code in context to their environmental impacts and determined that there is no potential for an adverse effect on the environment or surrounding area. The proposed amendments do not allow additional development to occur or allow for changes to the physical environment. As a result, staff is proposing an exemption from CEQA pursuant to Section 15061{b) (3), a general rule of CEQA that allows a jurisdiction to determine that a project is exempt from CEQA, if that jurisdiction can determine with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt a resolution recommending that the City Council approve an Amendment to Title 17 of the T emecula Municipal Code. ATTACHMENTS 1. PC Resolution No. 07-_ - Blue Page_ Exhibit A - Proposed CC Ordinance 07-_ 2. Selected Redline/Strikeout Changes to the Development Code - Blue Page 6 C:IOocurnenls and SelllngsIGeorgann.Rauch\Local SelllngslTernporary Internel FileslOLK595\1Slaff Report PC2007.doc 4 ATTACHMENT NO.1 PC RESOLUTION 07-_ R:\Pevelopmenl Code\2007 Amendment\lSlaff Report PC2007.doc 5 PC RESOLUTION NO. 07- A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING PORTIONS OF TITLE 17 OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE TO REVISE SPECIAL USE REGULATIONS FOR AN INCREASE IN FLOOR AREA RATIOS, REQUIREMENTS FOR SWIMMING POOLS, AMEND PARKING STANDARDS FOR MEDICAL OR DENTAL OFFICES, INCORPORATE REFERENCES TO WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN REQUIREMENTS, PROVIDE CONSISTENCY WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, AND MAKE OTHER MINOR CLARIFICATIONS AND TYPOGRAPHICAL CORRECTIONS TO THE DEVELOPMENT CODE (PLANNING ACTIVITY LRP21 07)" Section 1. Procedural Findinas. The Planning Commission of the City of Temecula does hereby find, determine and declare that: A. On April 12, 2005, the City Council of the City of Temecula adopted a cornprehensive update to the City General Plan and Certified the Final Environmental Irnpact Report. B. On January 25, 1995, the City Council of the City of Temecula first adopted the City's Development Code. C. The Planning Commission, at a regular meeting, considered the Application and environmental review on September 19, 2007, at a duly noticed public hearing as prescribed by law, at which time the City staff and interested persons had an opportunity to and did testify either in support or in opposition to this matter. D. At the conclusion of the Commission hearing and after due consideration of the testimony, the Commission approved Planning Activity No. LRP2107 subject to and based upon the findings set forth hereunder. E. All legal preconditions to the adoption of this Resolution have occurred. Section 2. Recomrnendation of Aooroval. That the City of Temecula Planning Corn mission hereby recomrnends that the City Council adopt an ordinance amending portions of Title 17 of the T emecula Municipal Code substantially in the form attached to this resolution as Exhibit A. Section 3. .Environmental Findin<;ls. The Planning Commission hereby makes the following environmental findings and determinations in connection with the approval of Planning Activity LRP2107: R:\Development Code\2007 AmendmentIPC RESOLUTION EXEMPT FROM CEQA.doc 1 J A. In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the proposed project has been deerned to be categorically exempt frorn further environrnental review per Section, 15061(b)(3), a general rule of CEQA that allows a jurisdiction to detennine that a project is exempt frorn CEQA, if that jurisdiction can detennine with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment. Section 4. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED by the City of Temecula Planning Cornrnission this 19lh day of September 2007. Dennis Chiniaeff, Chairman ATTEST: Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEME~ULA ) I, Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary of the Temecula Planning Commission, do hereby certify that the forgoing PC Resolution No. 07- was duly and regularly adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of Temecula at a regular rneeting thereof held on the 19th day of September 2007, by the following vote: AYES: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: NOES: ABSENT: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: ABSTAIN: PLANNING COMMISSIONERS: Debbie Ubnoske, Secretary R:\Development Code\2007 AmendmentIPC RESOLUTION EXEMPT FROM CEQAdoc 2 L . EXHIBIT A DRAFT CITY COUNCIL ORDINANCE 07-_ R:\Development Code\2007 AmendmentlPC RESOLUTION EXEMPT FROM CEQA.doc 3 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA AMENDING PORTIONS OF TITLE 17 OF THE TEMECULA MUNICIPAL CODE TO REVISE SPECIAL USE REGULATIONS FOR AN INCREASE IN FLOOR AREA RATIOS, REQUIREMENTS FOR SWIMMING POOLS, AMEND PARKING STANDARDS FOR MEDICAL OR DENTAL OFFICES, INCORPORATE REFERENCES TO WATER QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN REQUIREMENTS, PROVIDE CONSISTENCY WITH THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, AND MAKE OTHER MINOR CLARIFICATIONS AND TYPOGRAPHICAL CORRECTIONS TO THE DEVELOPMENT CODE (PLANNING ACTIVITY LRP2107) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TEMECULA DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City Council of the City of Ternecula hereby amends Tables 17.08.040A and 17.08.040B of the Temecula Municipal Code by replacing footnote number 2 of each table to read as follows: "2. All projects proposing an increase in FAR beyond the target FAR are required to comply with the criteria described in Section 17.08.050A" Section 2. The City Council bf the City of Temecula hereby amends Subsection 17.08.050.A of the Ternecula Municipal Code by replacing it in its entirety and by adding Table 17.08.050A to read as follows: "A. Commercial/Office/Industrial Incentives - Increases in the Floor Area Ratio. As part of the process of reviewing and approving an application for a developrnent plan or conditional use permit, the approval authority may consider an increase in the maxirnum allowable intensity as indicated in Tables 17.08.040A and B. The arnount of the increased intensity shall not exceed the maxirnurn of the density range or floor area ratio stated for the specific land use designation. The requested increase may not be approved if the City engineer determines that the increased. intensity would create an unmitigatable irnpact upon traffic circulation or would overburden any utilities serving the area. To be eligible for an increase in the floor area ratio, the applicant must rneet the following: 1. A traffic impact analysis shall be prepared for the project as determined by the City engineer. 2. follows: Provide for FAR increase justifications from Table 17.08.050A as " i. Projects proposing an FAR increase of 0.01 to 0.10 shall incorporate at least one justification from Category I, one justification from Category III, and one justification from Category IV of Table 17.08.050A. ii. Projects proposing an FAR increase of 0.11 to 0.20 shall incorporate at least one justification from Category I, one justification from Category II, one justification from Category III, and one justification from Category IV of Table 17.08.050A. iii. Projects proposing and FAR increase of 0.21 to 0.30 shall incorporate at least one justification from Category I, two justifications from Category II, two justifications from Category III, and two justifications from Category IV of Table 17.08.050A. iv. Projects proposing and FAR increase of 0.31 or more shall incorporate at least one justification from Category I, three justifications from Category II, three justifications from Category III, and three justifications from Category IV of Table 17.08.050A." Table 17.08.050A Justifications for an FAR Increase Category II Category III Conservation Amenities Utilize LEED Provide (Leadership in Energy bicycle and Environmental lockers or Design) eligible lockable recycled building indoor materials (such as storage, exterior siding, roofing changing materials, and carpet - rooms, and 20% minimum recycle showers content) Utilize LEED eligible energy efficient materials and design to include: roofing, insulation, exterior siding, shading from awnings and deep recessed windows, Category I Community Benefit Include uses which provide benefits to the City with respect to the employment and economic needs of the community and provide documentation detailing economic benefits such as generation of jobs, sales tax, or transient oriented tax Provide enhanced pUblic facilities that are needed by the City beyond required mitigation impact measures. Examples include: the provision of community meeting centers, enhanced Provide a location for an on-site daycare facility or provide a location for a . daycare Category IV Landscape & Art Provide trees at 40% 36" box, 40% 24" box, and 20% 15-gallon sizes with all street and parking lot tree sizes at a minimum 24-inch box size at the time of planting Increase landscaped open space area (increase must be equal to or greater than 2% of the site area for . each 0.05 I Table 17.08.050A Justifications for an FAR Increase Category I Community Benefit transportation improvements, police or fire stations, public recreation facilities, and common parking areas or structures to serve the community Category II Conservation automated sensors and controls for lighting, heating, and air conditioning, waterless urinals, low- flow toilets and faucets, and aerators and timers on faucets Provide for on-site renewable energy (minimum of 10% of the facilities energy needs) Utilize "green roof technology Provide water quality mitigation in excess of minimum NPDES requirements Provide all air conditioning equipment at an SEER rating that exceeds the minimum California Building Code reQuirement Category III Amenities provider . Provide parking designated as a park and ride facility Provide a landscaped courtyard open to a public street (minimum area equal to 10% of the ground floor area) Category IV Landscape & Art increase in FAR) Increase landscaped setback (at least two feet additional for each 0.05 increase in FAR) Provide an on-site public art feature of equal or greater value than required by the City's Public Art Ordiilance and in compliance with the City's Public Art Ordinance Section 3. The City Council of the City of Temecula hereby amends Subsection 17.06.050.E by allowing swimming pools and spas within the buildable area. of front yards within the Very Low Residential, Rural Residential, and Hillside Residential Zoning Districts to read as follows: A. Amend Table 17.06.050A by adding footnote number 3 as follows: Not permitted 3 Not permitted 3 Not permitted 3 15 ft. 13 ft. 13 ft. 5 ft. 3 ft. 13 ft. Swimming pool rSwimming pool equipment I Spa Notes: 3. Swimming pools, spas and pool and spa equipment in the VL zoning district may be located in the front yards as outlined in Section 17.06.050.E B. Amend Subsection 17.06.050.E as follows: "E. Swimming Pools. Swimming pools and spas which are capable of holding water to a depth of eighteen inches or deeper shall be located as follows: 1. For the H, M, LM, L-2, and L-1 zoning districts swimming pools and spas shall be located only in the side or rear yards and shall have a minimum setback of five feet from any property line or building. Pools and spas shall be enclosed by walls or fences no less than five feet in height. Pool and spa equipment may be located in side or rear yards with a minimum setback of at least three feet from any property line and shall be screened from the front yard areas. 2. For the VL, RR and HR zoning districts swimming pools and spas may be located within in the side or rear yards and shall have a minimum setback of five feet from any property line or building. Pool and spa equipment located in the side or rear yards shall have a minimum setback of three feet from any property line and shall be screened from the front yard areas. For the VL, RR and HR zoning districts, pool sand spas may also be located within the buildable area of the front yard. Pools and spas shall be enclosed by a non-climbable barrier per the Department of Building and Safety requirements. Pool and spa equipment located in the buildable area of the front yard shall be screened from public view and from ground view from adjacent dwelling units." I Section 4. The City Council of the City of Temecula hereby amends Table 17.24.040 by increasing the parking standards for medical and dental offices as follows: I Health Care Facilities I Medical and dental offices 11 space/200 SF-GFA Section 5. The City Council of the City of Temecula hereby amends Subsection 17.28.280.B.3 by adding the sentence, "Logos shall not exceed 25 percent of the overall sign area" to the end of the sentence, and hereby amends Subsection 17.28.280.C by inserting between the second and third sentence, "They shall only include letters, logos and arrows. Logos shall not exceed 25 percent of the overall sign area" and to re-enumerate the subsection. Section 6. The City Council of the City of Temecula hereby amends Section 17.28.070.A.4 by revising the requirement for landscaping for single and multi tenant freestanding identification signs as follows: "i. Single tenant and building identification signs shall include landscaping that extends out from the base of the sign in all four directions, a distance equal to one-half of the overall height of the sign. ii. Multi-tenant identification signs shall include landscaping that extends out from the base of the sign in all four directions, a distance equal to one-half of the overall height of the sign." Section 7. The City Council of the City of Temecula hereby amends the following Subsections of the Code to be consistent with Water Quality Management Plan requirements as follows: A. Amend Subsection 17.06.060 by adding a paragraph to the beginning of the Landscape Standards for Residential Zoning Districts to read as follows: "Landscaping in residential zoning districts shall be consistent with the Water Efficient Landscape standards established in Chapter 17.32, and shall be consistent with Water Quality Management Plan requirements." B. Amend Subsection 17.08.060 by adding a paragraph to the beginning of the Landscape Standards for Commercial Zoning Districts to read as follows: "Landscaping in residential zoning districts shall be consistent with the Water Efficient Landscape standards established in Chapter 17.32, and shall be consistent with Water Quality Management Plan requirements." C. Amend Subsection 17.24.020.D.c of the Off-Street parking and Loading, General Provisions as follows: "c. . All parking areas within public view from the street, public right-of- way or adjacent properties shall be paved with an appropriate surface approved by the Department of Public Works. Such area shall be maintained in a usable condition free of potholes and broken sections sufficient to prevent mud and/or dust, without accumulation of loose material or other deterioration." D. Amend Subsection 17.24.050.G and H of the Off-Street parking and Loading, Parking Facility Layout and Dimensions as follows: "G. Drainage. All areas used for the movement, parking, loading of vehicles shall be graded to convey surface water consistent with the Water Quality Management Plan requirements (if applicable). Drainage shall not be permitted across the surface of walkways or driveways." "H. Landscaping. All landscape areas shall include tree, shrub and groundcover plantings. Layout of plant material shall be consistent with the City's adopted Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance and with Water Quality Management Plan requirements (if applicable)." Section 8. The City Council of the City of Temecula hereby amends the following Subsections and Tables of the Code to be consistent with terminology used with the Americans with Disabilities Act as follows: A. Amend the Industrial Use parking regulations in Table 17.24.040 for Self- storage/mini-storage warehouse facilities by replacing the word "handicap" with the word "disabled." B. Amend Residential Use regulations in Table 17.22.116 for Facilities for the mentally disordered, handicapped or dependent or neglected children (six or fewer), and for Facilities for the mentally disordered, handicapped or dependent or neglected for children (seven to twelve) by replacing the words "handicapped" with the word "disabled." C. Amend the Residential Use regulations in Table 17.06.030 for Facilities for the mentally disordered, handicapped, or dependent or neglected children (six or fewer), and for Facilities for the mentally disordered, handicapped, or dependent or neglected children (seven to twelve) by replacing the words, "handicapped" with the word "disabled." D. 'Amend the Parking for Handicapped requirements in Subsection. 17.24.040.D.1 through 3 by replacing words "handicapped" in this Section with the words "disabled." . .- - E. Amend the Parking for Handicapped requirements in Subsection 17.24.040.C.4 to read as follows: "4. Disabled Parking Stall Size. Each parking space designated for use by the disabled shall conform to the Califomia Building Code and the Americans with Disabilities Act. " F. Amend the heading for "Parking Spaces for the Handicapped" in Table 17.24.050 with "Parking Spaces for the Disabled." G. Amend Subsection 17.24.050.K for Wheel Stops by replacing the word "handicapped" with the word "disabled." H. Amend the definitions in Subsection 17.34.010 for "Community care facility", "Congregate care", and for "Handicapped housing" by replacing the words, "handicapped" with the words "disabled." I. Amend the Supplemental Development Standards in Subsection 17.10.020.M by replacing the word "handicapped" with the word "disabled." Section 9. The City Council of the' City of TemeclJla hereby amends landscaping requirements for slopes in Subsections 17.06.060.D and 17.08.060.C to be consistent with erosion control requirements in Title 18 of the Temecula Municipal Code by replacing the reference to the height of the slope with the reference to Title 18 as follows: A. Amend Subsection 17.06.060.D.5 to read, "Slope banks shall, at a minimUm, be irrigated and landscaped with an appropriate groundcover for erosion control, in accordance with Title 18 of the Temecula Municipal Code." B. Amend Subsection 17.06.060.D.5.a to read, "Slope banks five feet or greater in vertical height with slopes greater than or equal to 3: 1 shall, at a minimum, be irrigated and landscaped with appropriate groundcover for erosion control, in accordance with Title 18 of the Temecula Municipal Code and shall also soften their appearance as follows: i. One fifteen-gallon or larger tree per each six hundred square feet of slope area ii. One gallon or larger shrub for each one hundred square feet of slope area iii. Appropriate groundcover" C. Amend Subsection 17.08.060.D.5 to read, "Slope banks shall, at a minimUm, be irrigated and landscaped with an appropriate groundcover for erosion control, in accordance with Title 18 of the Temecula Municipal Code." ...-._._.... -".-. ._"~.-~'-~..~...~..., . ."._~--'"-~- D. Amend Subsection 17.08.060.C.5.a. to read, "Slope banks five feet or greater in vertical height with slopes greater than or equal to 3:1 shall, at a minimum, be irrigated and landscaped with appropriate groundcover for erosion control in accordance with Title 18 of the Temecula Municipal Code and shall also soften their appearance as follows: i. One fifteen-gallon or larger tree per each six hundred square feet of slope area ii. One gallon or larger shrub for each one hundred square feet of slope area iii. Appropriate groundcover" Section 10. Amend Table 17.08,030 by adding number "1" to following uses, Bed and Breakfast, Car wash (full service), Convenience market (with the sale of alcoholic beverages), Heliports, Kennels, Liquor stores, Motorcycle sales and services, Nightclubs/tavernslbars/dance/teen club, Restaurants and other eating establishments (with or without the sale of beer ~nd wine), Restaurants with lounge or live entertainment, and Truck sales/rentals/service to read as follows: I Bed and breakfast 1 C P I - C I Car wash, full service 1 C C C C Convenience market (with sale of alcoholic C C C C C beverages) 1 - Heliports 1 C C Kennels 1 C C p P Liquor stores 1 C C C I Motorcycle sales and services 1 p C Nightclubsltavems/barsldance/teen club C C C Restaurants and other eating establishments (with or P P P P P P P without the sale of beer and wine) 1 Restaurants with lounge or live entertainment 1 C C C C Truck sales/rentals/service 1 C C Notes: 1. Subject to the supplemental development standards contained in Chapter 17.10 of this code. L Section 11. Amend Table 17.08.030 for automobile sales to read as follows: Automobile sales with outdoor display/storage of vehicles I Automobile sales with no display/storage of vehicles c c 1- p 1- I C C C c Section 12. The City Council of the City of Temecula hereby makes the following typographical corrections to the following Subsections of Title 17 as follows: A. Amend the definition for "Density" in Subsection 17.34.010 to be consistent with the definition used in the General Plan by adding the word "net" between the words "per" and "acre." B. Amend Subsection 17.28.600D.3 by replacing the word "leave" with the word "eaves." C. Amend footnote number 1 and footnote number 4 in Table 17.22.136B by replacing the reference to "Subsection 17.08.050(G)" with "Subsection 17.10.020.B and by replacing the reference to "Subsection 17.080.050(R)" with "Subsection 17.10.020.N.". J PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Temecula this day of Chuck Washington, Mayor ATTEST: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk [SEAL] STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE ) ss CITY OF TEMECULA ) , I, Susan W. Jones, MMC, City Clerk of the City of Temecula, do hereby certify that the foregoing Ordinance No. was duly introduced and placed upon its first reading at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Temecula on the day of , , and that thereafter, said Ordinance was duly adopted by the City Council of the City of Temecula at a meeting thereof held on the day of , by the following vote: AYES: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: COUNCIL MEMBERS: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Susan W. Jones, MMC City Clerk ATTACHMENT NO.2 SELECTED REDLlNElSTRIKEOUT CHANGES TO THE DEVELOPMENT CODE R:\Developmenl Code\2007 Amendmenl\lSlaff Report PC2007.doc 6 I Prooosed Text Looks Like This Proposed Deleted Text Looks lil~e Tllis Floor Area Ratio (Section 17.08.050.A A--~::::-:::-:er-Gial.lOnise!lndllstrial InseRtivez ~:lGf€ZZ::3 ::-: ~3 Fleer .'l.r::z "'z~iGc-.^.s z ;azJt-ef the presess ef reviewin!l and appr.o'ling an aJ'lplisatien for a EleveleJ'lment plan er senElitienalllse J'leFmit, the approval alltJ:1ority may sensiEle~ ::::-: ::-:::r-ease in the maximllm allewat/le intensity as inElisated i:-: ::::~Ies 17.08.010.'\ anEl17.08.0108. ne amo"mt efthe insr-easoEl intensity r;-"::::":-:~ exseeEl the ::-::::~i::-:llm ef the EleRElity range er fleor ar-ea ratio stateEl for the spesifis land llse E1esignatien. Tile r-el;JllesteEl insreass ::-:e~'-Ast ts eppFEl':eEl if the eemmllnity E1evelepment E1iFElGtor, llpon tile aEl'Jiee ef the eity engineer, E1eteFminss ~at ~J ineFElaseEl intensity welllEl GFeat: a-:-: :.:nmitigatat/le impaGt llJ'len tranis sirslllatien er 'Neult! o'.'erbllrdc::-: e:-:y lltilities serving the area. To t/e eligit/le fs~ s:-: ::'1sr-ease in the fleer ares ~s~i3;-~":l! z;:plisant must meet at least ene ef tile follewing er-iteria: .< :":3 prGjeGt inelllEles llse(s) 'Nllish previEle elltstanElin!l and exseptional t/enefits te the sity witll F8spest ta tile empleyment, fissal, s-:-:':::' :::"1d esenemis neeEls ef the semmllnity. Examples inelllEle the previsien ef afforElat/le hellsing that ie ?:::-:"~' aeeessit/le te anEl witllin slese proximity te senvenient shepping anEl empleyment, assessit/i1ity t-: ::-::::-:-: ~r-ansit fasilitix, ::::-:'iI eF8ati':e mixtllF8S ef landllses, helolsing types anEl E1ensities; ~. T~e pFajest J:lra'.(ido& BxseptieRal aFsl=lite3~~~~ ~~~ !~~~':-:ape dosi~R amoRitio& \-:hich fefIect s:-: :::~~:::::;tiv:: :::-::::Je and shar-aGter for the sit}'. Examples inslut!e extraerdinary arehiteGtural E1esiilr. ar.j lafldssaped entr)' featllres (may t/e wit~i.:-: U::l pllt/lis right ef '/lay), ~ t~s:' s~.steIr-:, F\'!;-":: plazas er gathering spaees, anEl reerealienal featllres in eKsess ef wI=::::t :s ~:ll;Jllir-eEl t/y this seEle; c. :l:1e pr-GjeGt pre':iEles enhanseEl put/lis fasilities that ar-e needed t/y tile sity, t/eyenEl tllese reElllireG! F'f.it!gc~ien impaGt measures. Examples inslllds ths Iml'Jision ef Gll::-:::-:\::'1ity. meeting sonter-s, enhanseEl t~::::-:::per-tatier '::-:;:~::'.'ems:-:ts, ;:Jeliee er fir-: =~e~:ens, pllt/lie reereatien faeilities, and semmon parking ar-eas or strllstllr-es te serve the semmunity. A. Commercial/Officenndustrial Incentives - Increases in the Floor Area Ratio. As part of the process of reviewinQ and aoprovinQ an aoolication for a develoDment D!an or conditional use permit. the apQroval authority may consider an increase in the maximum allowable intensity as indicated in Tables 17.08.040A and B. The amount of the increased intensity shall not exceed the maximum of the density ranQe or floor area ratio stated for the soecific land use desiqnation. The requested increase mav not be aDoroved if the city enQineer determines that the increased intensity would create an unmiti!latable imoact uoon traffic circulation or would overburden any utilities servinQ the area. To be eliaible for an increase in the floor area ratio. the aDolicant must meet the followinQ: 1. A traffic iml?act analvsis shall be oreDared for the oroiect as determined bv the city enQineer. 2. Provide for FAR increase iustifications from Table 17.08.0S0A as follows: i. Proiects orooosinq an FAR increase of 0.01 to 0.10 shall incoroorate at least one iustification from CateQorv I. one iustification from Catepory III. and one iustification from CateQorv IV of Table 17.08.0S0A. R:\Development Code\2007 AmendmentIRedlineStrikeoutVersion.doc 1 ProDosed Text Looks Like This Pr-9Jla6eEl DeleteEl TelEt laaks like Tt-lis ii. Projects DroDosinR an FAR increase of 0.11 to 0.20 shall incorDorate at least oneiustification from Cateporv I.. one justification from Cateq,ory II. one iustification from Cateaorv III. and one iustification from Cateaorv IV of Table 17.08.050A. iii. Proiects DroDosina and FAR increase of 0.21 to 0.30 shall incorDorate at least one justification from Cate~1'\( I. two justifications from Cateaory II. two justifications from Cateaorv III. and two iustifications from Cateaorv IV of Table 17.08.050A. iv. Proiects DroDosina and FAR increase of 0.31 or more shall incorporate at least one justification from Cateaorv I. three justifications from Cateporv II. three iustifications from Cateaorv III. and three iustifications from Cateaorv IV of Table 17.08.050A. Table 17.08.050A Justifications for an FAR I,crease Category I Communit\(. Benefit Include uses which Drovide benefits to the city with respect to the emDlovment and economic needs of the community and provide documentation detailing economic benefits such as peneration of iobs, sales tax. or transient oriented tax -Provide enhanced Dublic facilities that are needed b" ~he city beyond reauired mitiaation imDact measures. Examples include: the Drovision of community meetina centers. enhanced transDortation iml!rovements. Dolice or fire stations. Dublic recreation facilities. and common Darkina areas or structures to serve the communitIL Cateaorv II Conservation Utilize LEED !LeadershiD in Enera'l and Environmental Desianl eliqible recvcled buildina materials (such as exterior sidina. roofinq materials. and camet - 20% minimum recvcle content\ Utilize LEED eliaible enerav efficient materials and desian to include: roofina, insulation. exterior sidina. shadinp from awninas and deeD recessed windows. automated sensors and controls for liahtina. heatinp. and air conditionina, waterless urinals. low-flow toilets and faucets, and aerators and timers on faucets Provide for on-site renewable ene!1ly. !minimum of 10% of R:\Oevelopment Code\2007 Amendment\RedlineStrikeoutVersion.doc 2 Cateoorv III Amenities Provide bicycle lockers or lockable indoor storaae. chanainq rooms. and showers Provide a location for an on-site davcare JaciliJy or provide a location for a davcare orovider Provide Rarkinq desianated Cateaorv IV LandscaDe & Art Provide trees at 40% 36" box. 40% 24" box. and 20% 15-pallon sizes with all street and parkinq lot tree sizes at a minimum 24-inch box size at the time of Dlantin~ Increase landscaoed ODen SDace area (increase must be eaual to or greater than 2% ofthe site area for each 0.05 increase in FARl Increase landscal!ed setback (at least ProDosed Text Looks Like This Pr-eJleseEl OeleteEl TelEt leeks like This Cateaory I Community Benefit Table 17.08.050A Justifications for an FAR I1crease Cateaorv II Cateaorv III Conservation Amenities the facilities enerav: as a park and needs \ ride facilito{ Utilize "areen roof' technolocrl Provide a landscaDed courtYard ODen to a. public street IIninimum area egual to 10"10 of the around floor . areal Cateaorv IV LandscaDe & Art two feet additional for each 0.05 increase in FARl _ Provide an on-site Dublic art feature of eoual or areater value than re.quired bl{ the City's Public Art Ordinance and in com~liance with the City's Public Art Ordinance Swimmin~ Pools as Accessorv Structures in Residential Zonin~ Districts (Table 17.06.050 and Subsection 17.06.050.EI Swimming pool I Swimming pool equipment I Spa Not permitted ~ Not permitted ~ 3ft. 3ft. 3ft. 3 ft. Notes: 3. Swimmin~ oools. soas and ~ol and soa eauiQ in the VL zonlna district may be located in the front yards as outlined in Section 17.06.050.E Swimming pools. Swimming pools and spas which are capable of holding water to a depth of eighteen inches or deeper shall be located as follows: 1. For the H, M, LM, L-2, and L-1 zoning districts swimming pools and spas shall be located only in the side or rear yards and shall have a minimum setback of five feet from any property line or building. Pools and spas shall be enclosed by walls or fences no less than five feet in height. Pool and spa equipment may be located in side or rear yards with a minimum setback of at least three feet from any property line and shall be screened from the front yard areas. R:\Development Code\2007 Amendment\RedlineStrikeoutversion.doc 3 Prooosed Text Looks Like This Proposed Deleted Tellt leoks like This 2. For the VL, RR and HR zonina districts swimming oools and soas mav be located within in the side or rear vards and shall have a minimum setback of five feet from anv prooertv line or buildina. Pool and soa eauioment located in the side or rear vards shall have a minimum setback of three feet from anv orooe~ line and shall be screened from the front vard areas. For the VL. RR and HR zonina districts. 0001 sand spas mav also be located within the buildable area of the front vard. Pools and spas shall be enclosed bv a non-climbable barrier oer the Deparbnent of Building and Safet>{ reauirements. Pool and soa e!)uioment located in the buildable area of the front yard shall be screened from oublic view and from around view from adiacent dwellina units. Freestandino On-Site Directional Si~ns (Section 17.28.280l B. Requirements for Freestanding On-Site Directional Signs for Individual Sites in Commercial Districts. These signs are intended to provide direction to automobiles once they have arrived at the site. 1. Maximum area of sign shall be three square feet. 2. Maximum sign structure height shall be three feet. 3. They shall only include letters, logos and arrows. Logos shall not exceed 25 oercent of the overall sian area. 4. They shall be screened from view from the public right-of-way and private driveways of a center where practical. 5. They shall only be visible from the site they are intended to identify. 6. They may be illuminated. C. Requirements for Freestanding On-Site Directional Signs for Centers in Commercial Districts. These signs are intended to provide directions to automobiles to the different businesses on the site. 1. Maximum area of sign shall be thirty square feet. 2. Maximum sign structure height shall be seven feet. 3. Thev shall onlv include letters. loaos and arrows. Loaos shall not exceed 25 oercent of the overall sian area. J ~. They shall be screened from view from the public right-of-way and private driveways of a center where practical. 4 ~. They shall only be visible from the site they are intended to identify. & ~. They may be illuminated. R:\Developmenl Code\2007 AmendmenlIRedlineStrikeoutVersion.doc 4 Prooosed Text Looks Like This Pr-ellesed Deleted TelEt Leeks like This Landscaoina Reauirements for Freestandina Tenant Sians (Section 17.28.070) a. All freestanding tenant identification signs and building identification signs shall be required to be located within a planted landscaped area which extends on all four sides of the sign. The landscaping area shall be provided according to the following: i. Single tenant and building identification signs shall include a eRe J:lllRdFed SElllar-e teet laRdscalled aFea landscaoinp that extends out from the base of the sian in all four directions. a distance eaual to one-half of the overall heiaht of the sian. ii. Multi-tenant identification signs shall include a twe J:lllRdred SElllaFe feet laRdscalled area landscaoina that extends out from the base of the sian in all four directions. a distance eaual to one-half of the overall heiaht of the sian. Code Amendments for Consistencv with Water Qualitv Manaaement Plan Reauirements 17.06.060 LANDSCAPE STANDARDS Landscaoina in residential zonin!! districts shall be consistent with the Water Efficient Landscage standards established in Chaoter 17.32. and shall be consistent with Water Qualitv Manaaement Plan reauirements. 17.08.060 LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS Landscaoina in commercial zonina districts shall be consistent with the Water Efficient Landscape standards established in Chaoter 17.32. and shall be consistent with Water Qualitv Manaaement Plan reauirements. Off-Street Parking and Loading (Section17.24.020.D.c.) c. All parking areas within public view from the street, public right-of-way or adjacent properties shall be paved with an aQorooriate imllermeable J:lar-EIeRed surface Callable ef slllllleFliRg the weigl=lt e~ tl:l1 ':-eJ:li6le aporoved b'{ the Deoartment of Public Works. Such area shall be maintained in a usable condition free of potholes and broken sections sufficient to prevent mud and/or dust, without accumulation of loose material or other deterioration. Parking Facility Layout and Dimensions (Section 17.24.050.G.) G. Drainage. All areas used for the movement, parking, loading of vehicles shall be graded aR~ ~~3:::1Elll--to convev disllese ef surface water consistent with the Water Quality Manaaement Plan requirements (if aoolicable\. Drainage shall not be permitted across the surface of walkways or driveways. Parking Facility Layout and Dimensions (Section 17.24.050.H) H. Landscaping. All landscape areas shall include tree, shrub and groundcover plantings. Layout of plant material shall be consistent with the City's adopted water efficient landscape ordinance and with Water Qualitv Manaaement Plan reauirements /if aoolicable\. R:\Development Code\2007 AmendmentIRedlineStrikeoutVersion.doc 5 J ProDosed Text Looks Like This Pr-epeseEl DeleteEl TelEt leeks like Tnis Landscaoe Oesicn Standards for Slooes (Section and Section 17.08.060.q Section 5. Slope banks five feet er greater iA vertical heignt with slepes bawmeA 5:1 anEl 2:1 shall, at a minimum, be irrigated and landscaped with an appropriate groundcover for erosion control, in accordance with Title 18 of the Temecula MuniciDal Code. 17.08.060.C.5 5. Slope banks five feat ar greater iA 'JaFlillal neignt '.\'itn slapes bel\':e~r: f:.1, E:r:~ shall, at a minimum, be irrigated and landscaped with an appropriate groundcover for erosion control, in accordance'with Title 18 of the Temecula MuniciDal Code. Use Matrix !Table 17.08.030) A Automobile sales (r-etail.'J:helasale!brekeFage) with outdoor display/storage of vehicles Automobile sales (retaillvJnalesaletllrekeFage) with no enly iAElaar display/storage of vehicles C C c C p c c R:\Development Code\2007 AmendmentIRedlineStrikeoutVersion.doc 6