HomeMy WebLinkAboutTract Map 3883 Lot 122 Preliminary Soils SOUTH CLST CIVIL EN'NEERING ~ i' ~. IU. ~~ LDt- \Z2... RECEIVED MAR - 7 1996 CITY OF TEMECULA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT A PRELIMINARY SOILS REPORT PREPARED FOR: DUANE NILES LOT 122 TRACT 3883 \ 11315 Rancho Bernardo Rd, ste 131, San Diego, CA 92127 (619) 675-9097 .' ~ I' , March 06, 1996 'Duane Niles 30060 Corte San Luis Temecula, CA 92591 :RE: Niles Residence, 30098 Via Norte, Temecula, CA Lot 122 Tract 3883 SUBJECT: Preliminary Soils Investigation Per the request of Duane Niles this firm has performed a subsurface investigation of the soils found at the above referenced site. This report contains the findings of that investigation and makes recommendations for the development the site. 1 1- of 7- I' , SCOPE OF REPORT Explore the subsurface conditions to the depths influenced by the ~roposed construction. Evaluate, by laboratory tests, the pertinent engineering properties of the various strata which will influence the development, including their bearing capacities, expansive characteristics and settlement potential. Define the general geology at the site. Develop soil engineering criteria for the site grading and provide design information regarding the stability of cut/fill slopes. .Determine potential construction difficulties and provide recommendations concerning these problems. Develop soil engineering criteria to be used by the structural .engineer to design an appropriate foundation system. 2 ~ ~ , THE SITE The project site is an irregularly shaped parcel of 1.5t acres created by tract 3883. It is located on a small ridge line, north of via Norte (a public street) in Temecula, California. Geologically, it is within the foot hills of the Peninsular range mountains of the western margin of the Southern California Batholith. The underlying soil is weathered rock of the cretaceous age. The parcel slopes moderately to the north and west. The high point on the parcel is along the southerly boundary at 1200t MSL. The low point lies near the north west corner of the parcel at 1135t MSL. The natural slope gradient of the parcel varies from 5%t to 30%t. The southerly property line has frontage on Via Norte. The vegetation on the lot consists of grass and shrubs and trees that are typical of this region. The existing land use is vacant residential. The surrounding parcels are being developed with large single family estates. 3 ~ -. -. FIELD INVESTIGATION In December of 1995, I conducted a field investigation of the subject site. Exploration excavations were made to depths of 8't in the proposed fill and cut locations on the site utilizing a tractor mounted back hoe with an 18" bucket. Soil profiles were visually examined. Soils encountered, in general, consist of dark brown silty sands changing to tan, coarse, dense sandy ,decomposed granite at 2-4 feet below the natural surface. .Excavation became increasingly more difficult with depth. Bulk samples were taken for laboratory analysis to help evaluate pertinent soil characteristics. These boring logs are included at the end of this report. No ground water was encountered during this investigation, and naturally occurring ground water is not likely to be a problem during or after the grading operation. (See recommendations for perched ground water due to over-irrigating in "Grading .Recommendations" ) No rock was encountered in the borings themselves, and there is no visual evidence of rock out cropping on the site. However :there is alMays the potential that non-rippable rock can be encountered during the grading operation. If blasting becomes necessary,a special blasting permit shall be required. 4 :S .....:_l'~.:-"'..._,;-::':._ _ ., ~ ~ LABORATORY TESTS Laboratory tests were performed in accordance with generally accepted test methods of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). A Proctor Analysis was performed on the predominate on site soil (occurring below the top soil layer) according to ASTM D1r57. The maximum dry density was determined to be 131.0 lbs/ft at an optimum moisture of 9.0%. A direct shear test was performed on a sample remolded to 90% relative density. The friction angle was determined to be 420. and the cohesion was 131 psf. A summary of these tests are contained at the end of this report. Due to the very granular, non-plastic nature of the soils encountered, it is my opinion that a visual observation is sufficient to determine that the soil is non-expansive. ~ 5 .. .. GRADING RECOMMENDATIONS The site shall be cleared of all vegetation and foreign debris within the grading envelope shown on the approved grading plan. This debris is to be removed from site prior to rough grade approval. As is typical with this region, the site has relatively thin lens of loose top soil which will need to be removed and recompacted prior to placing fill. The anticipated depth of removal is 2.5'- 3' for the majority of the site, but the actual depth shall be determined by the soils engineer at time of grading. A key trench is to be excavated along the toe of the fill to the depths as mentioned above. This key trench is to be inspected and approved by the soils engineer prior to placement of any fill material. All fill material is to be compacted into a dense uniform embankment of 90% minimum relative density. The moisture content of the soil should be between 1% and 4% over optimum moisture. Based upon a review of the currently proposed development of this parcel, the foundation will cross over the cut/fill transition line (or "daylight line") of the building pad. Therefore, it will be required to remove and recompact 3.0 feet below finish grade on the cut side of the pad in order to minimize the potential for differential settlement of the foundation. This under cut shall extend at least 10' outside of the foot print of the proposed structure. If the ultimate size, location, or configuration of the proposed structure is changed, additional undercutting may be necessary to accommodate this change. Also in order to mitigate the potential effects of over-irrigation the bottom of the under cut shall be sloped 2% toward the daylight line of the pad. Cut and fill slopes are to be provided with appropriate surface drainage features and landscaped with drought-tolerant, slope- stabilizing vegetation as soon as possible in order to minimize potential for erosion. Berms are to be provided at the top of all slopes and lot drainage directed such that runoff on slope faces is minimized. .AII grading shall be performed in accordance with the attached "Recommended Grading Specifications" and the City of Temecula grading ordinance. 1 6 I I FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS The following foundation recommendations shall be considered a minimum, and shall be reviewed by the project structural engineer for their adequacy: For two story construction, the minimum foundation shall be 15 inches wide and founded 18 inches below grade. For the single story construction, the minimum foundation shall be 12 inches wide and founded 12 inches below grade. Both types of construction shall have two #4 bars of reinforcing steel. One bar shall be placed 3 inches below the top of foundation, and the other bar shall be placed 3 inches from the bottom of foundation. These recommendations are based upon soil characteristics only and do not reflect any special considerations imposed by the building design which may require a stronger foundation. The proposed foundations may be designed utilizing an allowable bearing pressure of 2000 lb/sf. This value may be increased by 1/3 for the design of loads that include wind and seismic analysis. Slab on grade shall be at least 4" thick and reinforced with number 3 rebar placed in a grid on 24" centers. It shall be poured on four inches of clean washed bedding sand (native sands are not acceptable) with a 6 mil. visqueen vapor barrier placed at mid-depth in the bedding sand. In addition, in order to avoid drying shrinkage cracks or minor settlement cracks from occurring in aesthetically or structurally sensitive areas the architect for this pr~ject should provide a schematic diagram of the locations nf the saw cut control joints in the house. The maximum aUowable square footage of monolithic concrete for the interior slab (with out saw cuts) should not exceed 144 sf. (These sections shall be more or less square in shape with the lengths not exceeding 1.5 times the width.) The depth of these saw cuts should be 1/5 of the thickness of the slab, and be installed Mithin 24 hours of the pour. Tooled control joints Cas opposed to saw cut) are preferable for garage slabs and exterior flat work. All utility trenches shall be properly backfilled and compacted with a mechanical compacting device prior to placement of any concrete. All foundation excavations shall be inspected by this engineer prior to placement of concrete. These recommendations al:e made based upon the assumption that the soils found on the site will be used for foundation embankment. In the event that addition soil is imported to the site, these recommendations will need to be updated accordingly. Additional or final foundation recommendations will be made and contained in the final "As Graded Report" when a more complete evaluation of foundation soils can be made. ft> 7 , ~ ~ RETAINING WALL RECOMMENDATIONS The theoretical laboratory soils data for the following retaining wall recommendations is contained at the end of this report. However due to non-uniformity of soil conditions throughout a site and the inexact nature of soils engineering the following, more conservative, values should be used in the design of retaining walls for this project. Retaining walls, which are not fixed at the top and have a level backfill are to be designed for an active soil pressure equivalent to a fluid pressure of not less than 32.0 pcf. This value is based on the assumption of a drained backfill condition. Wall drainage details are to be provided by the project architect. When retaining walls are restrained at the top an at- rest soil pressure of not less than 48.0 pcf shall be used for design of the wall. A passive soil pressure value not greater than 300 pcf shall be used. A coefficient of friction not greater than 0.35 may be assumed for resistance of sliding between concrete and soil. 8 q --- . . I I CONCLUSIONS In general no soil conditions were encountered which would preclude the proposed development of the site, provided that the 'recommendations of this report are followed and that this firm monitors the grading operation. The predominant soils to be encountered by residential grading are considered to be non-expansive and no special design considerations will be necessary. The anticipated total and/or differential settlements for the proposed structures may be considered to be within the tolerable limits provided the recommendations presented in this report are followed. ~lthough no large rocks were encountered in the exploration excavations, there is always a chance that unrippable rock will be encountered during the grading operation. In the event that .blasting becomes necessary, a special blasting permit will be required. \0 9 " , , LIMITATIONS AND UNIFORMITY OF CONDITIONS 1. The recommendations of this report pertain only to the site investigated and are based upon the assumption that the soil conditions do not deviate from those disclosed in the investigation. If any variation or undesirable conditions are encountered during construction, or if the proposed construction will differ from that anticipated herein, South Coast Civil Engineering must be notified so that supplemental recommendations can be given. 2. This report is issued with the understanding that it is the responsibility of the owner, or of his representative, to ensure that the information and recommendations contained herein are brought to the attention of the architect and other engineers for the project and incorporated into the plans, and the necessary steps are taken to see that their contractor and subcontractors carry out such recommendations in the field. 3. The findings of this report are valid as of the present date. However, changes in the conditions of a property can occur Mith the passage of time, whether they be due to natural processes or the works of man on this or adjacent properties. In addition, changes in applicable or appropriate standards may occur, whether they result from legislation or the broadening of knowledge. Accordingly, the findings of this report may be invalidated wholly or partially by changes outside of our control. Therefore, this report is subject to review and should not be relied upon after a period of two years. '.~-~A'~~ .", R ssell Bergen~ RCE 44641 Exp. 3/31/98 31("/9 ( Date \\ 10 .. .. RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATIONS 1. General These specifications have been prepared for Lot 122 Tract 3883. 1.2 The grading contractor shall be responsible for performing the gradin9 operation in strict conformance with these specifications. All fill placement shall be done under the observation of the Soil Engineer. The Soil Engineer shall be consulted if the contractor or owner wishes to deviate from these specifications. 1.3 The grading shall consist of clearing, grubbing, and removing from the site all material the Soil Engineer designates as "unsuitable": preparing areas to be filled; properly placing and compacting fill materials; and all other work necessary to conform with the lines, grades, and slopes on the approved plans. 2. Preparation of Areas to be Graded 2.1 All trees and shrubs not to be used for landscaping, structures, weeds, and rubbish must be removed from the grading envelope prior to commencing any excavating or filling operations. This debris must be removed from site prior to rough grade approval. 2.2 All buried structures (such as tanks, leach lines, and pipes) not designated to remain on the site shall be removed, and the resulting depressions must be properly backfilled and compacted prior to any grading or filling operations. 2.3 All water wells shall be treated in accordance with the requirements of the Riverside County Health Department. The owner shall verify the requirements. 2.4 All vegetation and soil designated as "unsuitable" by the Soil Engineer shall be removed under his observation. The exposed surface must then be plowed or scarified to a depth of at least 12 inches until the surface is free from ruts, hummocks, or other uneven features that would prevent uniform compaction by the equipment used. 2 ,- . " Where the slope ratio of the original ground is steeper than 6.0 horizontal to 1.0 vertical, or where recommended by the Soil Engineer, the bank shall be benched in accordance with the following illustration: \1,- 11 ~ , , {FILL SLOPE 2:1 MAXIMUM SLOPE RATIO NOTES (1) "A" should be 2' wider than the compaction equipment (10' -min.). (2) "B" should be 1.5 the width of the compaction equipment (15' min.). The outside toe should be at least 2' into dense, formational material L ~ ~ NOTE 2 B ,/ 2.6 After the areas have been plowed or scarified, the surface shall be disced and bladed until they are free from large clods; brought to the proper moisture content by adding water or aerating; and compacted as specified in Section 4 of these specifications. 3. Materials Suitable for Use in Compacted Fill 3.1 Material that is perishable, spongy, contains organic matter, or is otherwise unsuitable must not be used in compacted fill. 3.2 The Soil Engineer shall decide what materials, either imported to the site or excavated from on-site cut areas, are suitable for use in compacted fills; the Soil Engineer shall approve any import material before it is delivered to the site. During grading, the contractor may encounter soil types nther than those analyzed for the soils investigation. The Soil"Engineer shall be consulted to evaluate the sui tabi~,i ty of such soi Is. 3.3 Any material containing ,rocks or hard lumps greater than 12 inches in diameter must be placed in accordance with Section 6 of these'specifications. 3.4 The Soil Engineer is to perform laboratory tests on representative samples of material to be used in compacted fill. Such tests are to be performed to evaluate the maximum dry density and moisture content of' the samples. The tests are to be performed in accordance with the accepted test methods of the American Socie,ty of Testing and Materials (ASTM). 4. Placinq, Spreadinq, and Compactinq Fill Material 4.1 Unless otherwise specified, fill material shall be compacted while ,at +~% to +4% of the optimum moistUrE' content and to a 12 \?1 .. .. 4.2 Fill materials shall be placed in 8" layers so that, when compacted, they have a relative compaction in conformance with the project specif~cations. Each layer shall be spread evenly and mixed thoroughly to provide uniformity of materials in each layer. 4.3 Fill slopes shall be compacted by sheepsfoot rollers or by track-walking with a dozer. Compaction tests shall be taken on the slope face to verify the 90% minimum relative density. 5. Observation of Gradinq Operations 5.1 The Soil Engineer shall be on site during all filling and compaction operations. 5.2 The Soil Engineer is to perform in-place density tests at 2 foot elevation intervals in accordance with accepted ASTM test methods; such density tests are to be made in the compacted materials below the disturbed surface. When results of tests taken within any layer indicate a relative compaction below that recommended, that layer or portion thereof shall be reworked until the recommended relative compaction is obtained. 6. Disposal of Oversize Rock 6.1. Rock greater than 12" in diameter is considered oversized and shall either be exported, or used for landscaping or rip-rap. 6.2 If rock blasting is necessary a special blasting permit will be required. 7. Protection of Work 7.1 During construction, the contractor is to grade the site to provide positive drainage away from structures and to prevent water from ponding adjacent to structures. Water should not be allowed to damage adjacent properties or finished work on the site. Positive drainage must be maintained by the contractor until permanent drainage and erosion control facilities are installed in accordance with project plans. 7.2 No additional grading shall be done, except under the observation of the Soil Engineer. \1\ 13 '. , , BORING LOG #1 LOT 122, TRACT 3883 12/8/95 DATE DEPTH BELOH EXISTING GROUND DESCRIPTION DENSITY 0' TO 2 ' SAND, VERY SILTY, BROWN LOOSE 2 ' TO 8 ' SAND, TAN, COARSE, HOIST VERY DENSE ,'5 '.. .. BORING LOG #2 LOT 122, TRACT 3883 12/8/95 DATE DEPTH BELOW EXISTING GROUND DESCRIPTION DENSITY o' TO 2' SAND, VERY SILTY, BROWN LOOSE 2' TO 8' SAND, TAN, COARSE, MOIST VERY DENSE '{e ! - r--:tu C:>,D~ "i ~ r::: _:~~ r-''i',L/) r'1"-~ -iDn, ~ : ~l.-i f'l:::Jt; iDfl, W'<: ~ ~'.... C\) '~ l"'. I W~ no, "':'1 ,~ ~~t> '"'J - t-~ Q 9l~,.... !~ \,,~ _.,:j I;'J Ill. ~. J~ I~ I'~ ,< 1m , , ,0 ~l H\ \ I ' HI ~ ~1\ i " " ~ ' ;:; f l~. ' '" If) '3 's R "' C\ Ij; 3 2 - 06" --- .)5' ----' ,21" ----- ...~ .~ ."..'...-"" ~.... _--n--- " ~ ~- r' "', 'u .1J' r 5 ~ \\ ; . .VINJE & MIDDLETON ENGINE.G, INC. , .0 Vineyard Avenue, #102 ., . ondido, California 92029-1229 phone (619) 743-1214 - Fax (619) 739-0343 - " DIRECT SHEAR TEST ~ JOB if : 95-102L DATE 12-15-1995 TD JOB NAME: SOUTH COAST CIVIL ENG SAMPLE: DUANE NILES RES./ TEMECULA SOIL TYPE: DESCRIPTION: ORANGEISH TAN BROWN SILTY ,SAND *** CAUTION *** THE BEARING CAPACITY SHOWN BELOW IS JUST ONE TOOL OF SEVERAL USED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER TO DETERMINE IF THE FOUNDATION IS ADEQUATE! Friction Angle (degrees) = 42 Wet Density(pcf) = 127.800 Moisture content(%) = 8.900 , -, Cohesion (psf) = 131 Dry Density (pcf) = 117.3554 Factor of Safety = 3 LATERAL LOAD PARAMETERS ACTIVE PRESSURE (psf) = PASSIVE PRESSURE (psf) = AT REST PRESSURE (psf) = Ka = 0.20 Kp =5.04 COEFFICENT OF FRICTION = 0.53 25.3 644.7 42.3 Ko =0.33 BEARING CAP(psf) DEPTH/FTG. WIDTH/FTG. 2680.162 1 1 2802.572 1 1. 25 2924.982 1 1.5 3047.391 1 1. 75 3169.801 1 2 3223.866 1.5 1 3346.276 1.5 1.25 3468.685 1.5 1.5 3591. 095 1.5 1. 75 3713.504 1.5 2 3767.569 2 1 3889.979 2 1. 25 4012.389 2 1.5 4134.798 2 1. 75 4257.208 2 2 NC = 37.9 NQ = 25.5 NG = 23.0 JOB # :95-102L LOCATION :DUANE NILES RES./ TEMECULA X1= 99 X2= 197 X3= 369 F1= 30.69 F2= 61.07 F3= 114.39 T1= 999.2512 T2= 1988.409 T3= 3724.482 TB= 1907.661 ROOT MEAN SQUARE ERROR IS : 37.37884 PERCENT, AGREEMENT T2 AND TB = 95 FR2= 42 C2= 90 PROVING RING SERIAL NUMBER = 13012 FRICTION ANGLE = 4;!' COHESION = 131 \lb JOB NO._?b - /Od.L JO~NAMEcSOOTf-l (;;anUj/(( E~ SAMPLE /)VffNE X/,tes. fl""sl ,P'-</JrrvL-4 - SOil TYPE DESCRIPTION RING NO. '~ , . " ,- --I Ws+Ww+r -r Wx +,Ww = 111 SOAKED 0~3,~ Ulr~ 154,r INITIAL q(I}7 w3 I ct 1, ( 4000 iL IJJ ~ 3000 ...J <>: f-- z o N 0:' 2000 o :r: 1000 o 1 2 VERTICAL KSF Average Ww + Ws 3 Initial Soaked 1. Wt.q 2, IS>. f 3, /<::/+,& I~Y.{ x IIMu = Ifo/. 6 l Initial , 0,859 x ( i tr8. e ) " Izn~ 1.1Ll'B.f; 2. [Ll'1,{ 3. (~8,1 ~ Av, !~8, .90x1.164, x -1;) Id/ w Initial Ws + Ww = I D {/ = qlJf =8,Q' ~o= \-aQ,0 = ll~.~ l,oBQ , Ws W "'"':'t' 112 Hor. .10 z:;'f.t ,., '20 (',r; 30 1-: 40 PJ, 50 131 60 V1L- a 6;'c1' Ie ~H. 90'-'" 100 t-JI. 110 120 130 140 150 1E>O 4 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 SOAKED 0113.'1 rC85 ('55, / 111 DIRECT SHEAR TEST 'Ided 0 Undisturbed 0 Rate oj disp\aceme,nt DATE / ;;., /)"5/ t) 7' ' I /' TEST SPECS. REMOLD TO 90% AT 13/ Z5 peF AT 9, GJ OMC 113 INITIAL ((!~, r ~:? I tr8,7 SOAKED qPJ~. e @;). /59,6 112 inches/min, INITIAL 114 SOAKED 113 114 Ver. Hor. Ver. ~' Lr .;8,1) Cj[f ~I'O /IJJ .qlJ Pl6 /:'/ q~ ?IS J,e () 96 'JJ if /;;/J tj f3 ;; '":: ( /'i~ 9f'3 ..,,; 0< -;;;-c -/ C?O( 1 717 t- It( '7f, 'tl / r; '6(' 4 '5 Hor. Ver. Hor.' Ver. . ;{/2 ;;j/ '?h,"5 ;;; / ~90,;;/) ');;;)8 ! ? 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