HomeMy WebLinkAboutTract Map 9833-2 Lot 19 Soil Report . . -'ll!f/'33-7.hr/1 j(}tJ3..o<606R- CIVIL EERING SOIL ENGINEERING Surveying Subdivisions ALPINE ENGINEERING P.o. Box 2155 Alpine, California 91903 Technical Assistance (619) 445-2024 California Civil Engineer RCE 27697 , Gary & & Linda Hum .44768 Rhiannon Way Temecula, Ca. 92592 Subject: Report of Soil Investigation Residential Development 43330 San Fermin Place, Temecula APN 945-020-013 . Rursuant to your request, we have completed a soil investigation at the subject ,address. The findings and recommendations of our investigation are presented in ! the attached report. ; From a soil engineering standpoint, we find the site suitable for the intended I improvements, provided the project is designed and developed in strict accord, , with the recommendations of the attached report. ! If you should have any questions after reviewing the report, please do not hesitate I to call. We appreciate this opportunity to provide our professional services. , Sincerely: , Alpine Engineering ~.?~<-~~ 'Wallace M. Beron !RCE 27697 I Friday, January 9, 2004 Page 1 '- \ . . REPORT OF SOIL INVESTIGATION RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT 43330 San Fermin Place Temecula APN 945-020-013 Introduction: Presented herein are the results of our soil investigation completed at the subject location. The purpose of the investigation was to classify and analyze the bearing soils, identify potential soil hazards, determine site suitability, and develop recommendations for site preparation and grading, design of seismic response, design offoundations, and finish grading ofthe project. Site Description: The Subject site is an irregularly shaped 2 plus acre parcel ofland located on the Northerly end of San Fermin Place and bounded on the north by Santiago Road in the City ofTemecula, California. The existing house pad on said property is located in the Northeasterly portion of the parcel approximately 60 feet from the edge of Santiago Road, and is to remain. Prior to the grading operation presented in this report the grading area was vacant with sloping terrain of between 1 % to 20"10. Existing vegetation prior to grading consisted of Brush and low grass. Available Plans To assist in determining the location and elevations of our field tests and to define the general extent of the site grading for this phase of work, we used a Grading Plan prepared by Manning Engineering Located in Temecula. Friday, January 9, 2004 Page 1 of 5 Z- - . . Project Description: The subject site is being developed to receive one, one and two story single family residence and an associated parking. It is anticipated that the proposed residences will be of wood frame construction founded on shallow foundations and a conventional slab-on-grade floor system. The proposed grading shall conform to the City approved Grading Plan, prepared under the supervision of Manning Engineering. Scope ofInvestigation: This investigation consisted of surface inspection, subsurface explorations, field and Laboratory testing, and analysis of field and laboratory data. The maximum depth of influence of the proposed development was judged ten feet. Subsurface exploration therefore,. consisted of four back hoe dug pits. Test results and analyses are presented in Engineering Properties below. Site Soils: The soils encountered on the site consist of a Light Reddish Brown, Silty, Fine to Medium SandyD.G., Ov:er aLight Brown to tan Silty, Medium to Coarse SandyD.G. (See Soil Profile-Figure No.2) Engineering Properties: Tests anq. analyses qfthe prevailing foundation soils indicate the following engmeermg propertIes: Soil EmrineeriOl! Prooertv Maximum Dry Density Optimum Moisture Expansion Index lJnified Classification 132.4 pcf 8.7% 0.0 @ 144.7 psf (SM) Coefficient of Friction-SoiVConcrete 0.50 X Dead Load Friday, January 9, 2004 Page 2 of 5 ~ . Soil Hazards: . No evidence of potential landslide, subsidence, faulting, liquefaction, or other soil hazard was detected on the site. Site Suitability: The site is stable for its intended use, with strict adherence to the recommendations, which conclude this report, and with the applicable provisions of the 1997 D.B.C. Soil Sulfate Condition: The soils encountered on the site contained S04 between .009% and .020% per Water Soluble Sulfate California Test 417. For design purposes the higher value shall be used. RECOMMENDATIONS Site Prepaliation and grading: Prepare and grade the site. After the remnants of existing vegetation, are removed, and the site cleared of all trash, debris and vegetation. The grading can then Commenced as described in appendix "B", 7-10. Development of the parcel will require excavation and compaction of the Surface soils along with excavation of keys to prepare the site to except the fill material. The proposed grading shall conform to the City approved Grading Rlan, prepared Manning Engineering. The Earthquake requirements set forth in Chapter 16, Division III ofthe 1997 UBC will be safe for use in the design of structures on the project. Distance to Seismic Sourse Soil Profile Type Seismic Source Type Seismic Zone Seismic Zone Factor Seismic Coeff. Ca Seismic Coeff. Cv Near Source Factor Nal Near Source Factor NVl Friday, January 9, 2004 2Km. SD B 4 0.4 0.44 Na 0.64 NV 1.3 1.6 Page 3 of 5 A. . . Foundation and Slab Design: 1. Shallow foundations may be used for the support of the proposed structure. The footings should have a minimum width/depth of 12 x 12 inches for one story structures and 15 x 18 inches for a two story. A minimum width of 12 inches for continuous footings and 24 X 24 X 18 inches for isolated footings is recommended. 2. A bearing capacity of 2400 psf may be assumed for said footings. This bearing capacity may be increased by one-third when considering wind and/or seismic forces. Footings located adjacent or within slopes should be extended to a such that a minimum distance of seven feet exists between the face of the slope and the footing. Retaining wall footings adjacent or within slopes should be individually reviewed by this office. 3. The .concrete slab-on-grade should be a minimum of 4 inches in thickness and be underlain by a 4 inch blanket of clean Poorly Graded Sand or Clean Native Material. Both exterior and interior continuous footings should be reinforced with one #5 bar positioned near the bottom of the footing and one #5 bar positioned near the top of the footing. The slab should be reinforced with NO.3 bars @24" O.C..in each direction. However, it is imperative that the rebar be placed approximately at the middle of the slab. This reinforcement is based on soil characteristics and is not intended to be in lieu of reinforcement necessary to satisfy structural considerations. Where moisture sensitive floor coverings are planned, a visqueen barrier should be placed in the middle of the of clean Poorly Graded Sand or Clean Native Material. IFriday, January 9, 2004 Page 4 of5 -5 . . 4. The soils in the vicinity of the foundation has an expansive index of 7.0, which falls in to the low classification for expansive potential. The expected total settlement is 0.50 inches or less and the differential settlement is 0.50 inches or less. 5. The concrete slab-on-grade should be a minimum of 4 inches in thickness and be underlain by a 4 inch blanket of clean Poorly Graded Sand or Cleljn Native Material. IFriday, January 9, 2004 Page 5 of5 ~ TP3 .4- . . TECHNICAL ANALYSIS ----,-~--- ------- R 0 A 0 ~ I i I I i '. /- I f f .AJpine Engineering Field/Laboralory. T esting/Analyses P. O. Box 2155. Alpine. CA. 91903 -------- -.. - TPI TP~Lf . DATE; I I / .r "If . , , Figure No..1- 1 Figure No. .;? IL@~ @~ l\J) 1l'il<dl@If~If@ltil ffilcdl ~~!P)~@lflIDft~@ffil TP- I , >, +> h .<: '" -j '" +> '" "" '" +> t! 0 'M H'M " >, '" ~i ...J a " " '" <d+> a~ ci " Soil Description " " +>:;< rl .... o~ _I :c (Unified Soil CI~..lflcatlon) a " " 0... " hrJ) .<:' 'M Cl -I Cl. >< 'M >, " +>0... '" .. o h " '" "'~ .,i ~ <d >, :>:0 H'O " OJ c:l :>:h '" 0 "'" 0... , - , h~ , - 2 , - -:, '., :. Light Reddish Brown Clayey, Sil~, Medium 1'2.?,S g,l '13.: ~ Sand,friable, nonsticky and non-p astic. :""f:~ 4 '\ .' '. -'" -:-:,,(. LigJIt Brown Silty, Medium sand .:.~, - .' . friable, nonstickj and non-plastic. 13~.~ 1.0 '1f,1 _;?': o. 6 . :~... _ -0:>.' . . ~ -<" '".- .~ - . . 8 10 Bt? TTtMA .. 12 14 16 4- Alpine Engineeri ng DATE'!.., /()~ Field/Laboratory- Testing/Analyses (619) 445-4700 ~ . . P. O. BOX 2155, Alpine, CA. 91903 Figure No. (9 e Figure No. d? : @ff ~~<dl@)If~If@IllI~cQ1 ~~~~@If~~~@~ IL@~ . . TP-2 , -+0 f.. 1 >. .<: Q) 11 tII -+0 Q) OD Q) -+0 0 'M f.. 'n o >. Q) IL! -' a " " Q) Cll +' a~ '=1 u Soli Description " " -+0:3' ,..., ~ or... :c (Unified Solf CI~..lflcatlon) a '" " 0..'" f..", .c, Cl. 'n 0 'n >. " -+00.. -, >< D- Ol o f.. " Q) Q)~ ., L Cll >. :>::0 H'Q " C Cl :>:: f.. Q) 0 -~. 0.. ! , ..\::: ! cL..:. I- ! -::".. 2! ., ~_. - , . . 1 ..' Li~t Reddish Brown Clayey, Sil~, Medium 12 ",2, '/,0 '(3.(. - .~.., .' Sand. friable, nonsticky and non-p astic. .. - ~ {"'-~ 4 . :t",::.~ -~ ~.~ ~ Lig!J.tBrown Silty, Medium sand .' , friable. nonsticIcy and non-plastic. 132..3 f!.tf 1.U _::>": o~ - ' . 6 " . , . -~_. . . . .,{' '-.- . ~ - . . 8 r 131 7Ttl /11 10' .. 12 , 14 16 I 4- Alpine Engineering DATE,! J. r Field/Laboratory- T estingl An alyses (619) 445-4700 (tt: Ii' , P. O. BOX 2155, Alpine, CA. 91903 Figure No. OJ I " Figure No. d? IL@~ @~ OJlI1il<dl@)Il'~If@~!fflldJ ~~~a@lfiID~~@11il . TP-3 >, +' .... .<:: OJ t co +' OJ l>D OJ +' 0 'M .... 'M o >, OJ ... ..J e " ~ Soli Description " <: " OJ '" +' e~ 0 +';30 rl or< 01'-. :;: (Unllled Soli CI!,sslllcatlon) e OJ " 0.. " ....tI} z; c.. Q. 'M Q 'M >, <: +'p.. q >< ... o .... <: OJ OJ~ .. <.:l '" >, ;>:Q H'Q 0:: 0 ;>:.... OJ Q ""-. 0.. . "'-2 .!.,. . . ' - 2' .. '. - ,.' Light R~ddish Bro~ Clayey, Sil~, Medium J:US 3.3 r.J.~ -:, '., ~\,,:,", ~ Sand, friable, nonsticky and non-p astic. 4 ~ -- ~ . ..... -" --.;""";:-("> L~gJIt Brown ~ilty, Medium sand ~'.. ~ . , friable, nonsticIcy and non-plastic. (J2,f/- 'f.~ 'ff,/ .:;>':0. 6 '- . -0.- . , . . .<' .~ - . - .~ , 8 . : . R07lPN' 0 .. 12 j 14 16 4- Alpine Engineering DA IE'; J. Field/Laboratory- T eSlingJAnalyses (619) 445-4700 ~ '~ t:JY P. O. BOX 2155, Alpine. CA. 91903 Figure No. (7 \1) Figure No. :/. IL@~ @ff OJ) Ifi) ~ @)1f@1f@ I!Jlffil ~ ~ ~fP)U ((})!fimft ~@ IF~ . TP-f +' '" >, ..c ., 1:! +' ., "" ., +' .. 'M '" ..... " >, ., 0 ~! ..J " OJ " ., Ill+' ,,~ c' Soli Description " t: +';3' '"""' 'M 0", " a ., :c (Unllled Soli CI~sslllc.llon) ..... 0 OJ lJ.. OJ '"(J) J:I 0. >< .....,., t: +'p.. Q. OJ o ... t: ., .,~ .. ,. III ,., :>:0 H'O C 0 l..? ::;:... ., 0 -~- lJ.. . I 1 ..~ ! cc....:. - . . - 21 .- , - . 1 , .. Light Reddish Brown Clayey, Sil~, Medium I~~S ?,K' 1J,1 , :,'') ~. Sand, friable, nonsticky and non-p astic. ' . ' _.,...~......; 4 "\ "<-, ..::>:<.. ~ .' ~.-:-- (. V LigJJ.tBrown Silty, Medium sand ...:.... ~ . . friable, nonstickj and non-plastic. /32. ,? fI,.). 1'3.~ .:;0- o. 6 " _ ~C,- : .<' ,.. - , p - . ' 8 10 ; 12 14 16 , 4- ,Alpine Engineering DA T~I9' I (Pej Field/Laboratory- Testingl Analyses (619) 445-4700 1 P. O. BOX 2155, Alpine, CA. 91903 Figure No. (7 \\ .. . APPENDIX "AU INVESTIGATION AND TEST PROCEDURES I Field Moisture and Density Continued: b. Seating a special base plate approximately 12 inches square with a 6.5 inch diameter hole and seating ring. c. Removing 5 to 8 pounds of soil through the hole without disturbing the remaining soil mass. Ii> d. Determining the volume of the hole by filling it with calibrated sand of known density through a special cone seated on the plate. The weight of sand in the hole is determined by the weight loss from a measured amount filling the hole. e. Weighing the soil removed from the hole and thus determining the in-place density of the soil strata. f. Moisture is found by drying a sample of the removed soil in an oven or by calcium carbide chemical analysis. (Speedy Moisture Tester) : 2.1.1 Alternate in-place field density tests: . This method employs an Eley CN-940 Volumeter with a 1.12" i.d. (28.4 mm) X 2.75" (69.8 mm) cylinder, piston stem marked 0-30 cc and vernier scale which reads to 0.05 cc. A density sample is taken by pressing the cylinder Ilaterally or vertically into undisturbed strata with the stem all the way : back. The volume is then set at 30.00 cm3, the extruded portion trimmed ,and the device plus sample accurately weighed. The results are converted to Pounds/Cu. Ft. :2:.2 Proving Ring Penetrometer Tests: ,A CN-970 Proving Ring Penetrometer with a 30 degree cone point designed with an equivalent base area of 1 Square Inch is used to determine the ,bearing pressures the soil mass will support. The proving ring is . calibrated and accompanied by a chart converting the dial readings to . pounds/square foot up to 250 psf. Actual bearing capacities of undisturbed . strata and/or in-place compacted fill can be determined by direct measurement in the field. Safety factors related to the uniformity of the .soil mass and experience are applied to the actual capacities by the engineer to find safe bearing pressures to be incorporated into the :design of foundations on the project. ,Alpine Engineering 2 \~ . . APPENDIX "A" INVESTIGATION AND TEST PROCEDURES 2.3 In-place Shear Tests: The CL-600A Trovane Shear Device is used in the field to obtain shear strengths of undisturbed natural strata or compacted fill. The vane driver has a dial scale which is modified to read shear in tons/square foot while a uniform normall stress is applied. 2.4 Atterberg Limits: The "Atterberg Limits" are measured by the water content that corresponds to the boundaries between several arbitrary states of consistency progressing from liquid to solid. These limits tests are performed on that portion .of the material passing a No. 4 sieve. a.The liquid limit is the water content in percent dry weight at which the soil first shows a small but definite shearing strength with a reduction in water content. In reverse direction, it is the water content at which the soil mass just starts to become liquid. b. The plastic limit is the water content at which the soil mass ceases to be plastic and becomes brittle or crumbly when rolled into threads one- eighth inch in diameter. The plastic limit is always lower than the liquid limit. c. The plasticity index is the numerical difference between the liquid limit and the plastic limit and represents the range of moisture over which the soil is plastic. The plasticity index, in combination with the liquid limit, indicates the sensitivity of soils to changes in moisture content. Relationships of the plasticity index to strength and expansive properties of soils are well established. Alpine Engineering 3 \2> . . APPENDIX "A" INVESTIGATION AND TEST PROCEDURES 2.5 Mechanical Analysis: The mechanical (Sieve) analysis consists of the process of passing a representative sample through a system of sieves each with progressively smaller openings from 6 inches at the top to #200 at the bottom. Hydrometry is often used to determine grain sizes within that portion passing the #200 sieve. By weighing the total sample and subsequently the amount retained on each sieve the portion, or percentage, of the sample passing each is determined. Data from a mechanical is used to develop a "gradation curve" (percent finer curve) which shows the partical size distribution. Relationships between the gradation of soils and their engineering properties are used to evaluate stability, resistance to erosion or scour, compactibility, shearing resistance and bearing capacity. 2.6 Direct Shear Laboratory Tests: Direct shear laboratory tests are performed to determine the failure envelope based on yeald shear strength. The shear box was designed to accommodate a sample having diameters of 2.375 inches or 2.5 inches and a height of 1.0 inch. Samples are tested at different vertical loads and saturated moisture contents. The Shear stress is applied at a constant rate of strain of approximately 0.05 inches per minute. When direct shear tests are determined necessary by the engineer representative samples are transported to a more complete laboratory for testing. results of shear tests are used to, determine, active, passive and soil bearing pressures through the use of the Rankine and Terzaghi equations. 2.7 Expansion Index Test: An expansion index test is performed on remolded representative samples of soils likely to influence the projects foundation system. A sample passing the #4 sieve is brought to optimum moisture content, then dried at a constant temperature of 230 deg. F. for at least 12 hours or until the moisture remains constant. The specimen is then compacted in a 4-inch diameter mold in two equal layers by means of a tamper, then trimmed to a final height of one inch, and brought to a saturation of approximately 50%. Alpine Engineering 4 ~ . . APPENDIX "A" INVESTIGATION AND TEST PROCEDURES .2.7 Expansion Index Continued: The specimen is placed in a consolidometer with porous stones at the top ,and bottom, a total normal load of 12,63 pounds (144.7 psf) is applied and I tAe sample is allowed to consolidate for a period of 10 minutes. The . sample is allowed to become saturated and the change in vertical 'movement is recorded until the rate of expansion becomes nominal. The ; Expansion Index is reported as the total vertical displacement times the . fraction of the sample passing the #4 sieve times 1000. . The expansion index is used to classify the soil in accordance with Section 2904 (b) of the Uniform Building Code. Special design consideration is required for structure foundations located on, or within three feet, of soils with an expansion index greater that 20. 2.8 Density/Moisture Relationship: The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content (the proctor) of soils represented on the site are determined in the laboratory in accordance with ASTM Standard Test D-1557-91, Method A. Field moisture and densities are compared with the appropriate density/moisture test to jtJdge the density and suitability of soils intended to support structures. Note: Results of all tests, findings and analyses are presented in the text of the report attached hereto. Alpine Engineering 5 \1' . . APPENDIX "B" RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATION-GENERAL PROVISIONS .1. GENERAL: The site shall be prepared and graded in accordance with this : specification; the approved grading plans; applicable Sections of the I Uniform Building Code; Codes, ordinances and policies of the Governing ,Agency; and, recommendations of the attached "Report of Soil Investigation" . 1.1 Intent: It is the intent of this specification to establish the level of . control and set out the minimum standards for clearing and grubbing, ! preparing natural soils, processing fill soils, placing and compacting fills ,and grading the project. This specification is a part of the "Report of Soil . Investigation" (herein after referred to as Report) and shall be used in I conjunction with it. Notwithstanding the recommendations of the "Report", 1 deviation from this specification will not be permitted except . when modified in writing by Alpine Engineering : 2. DEFINITIONS: For the purposes of this specification the definitions 'Iisted hereafter shall be construed as specified in this specification. Bedrock is in-place solid rock. Bench is a relatively level step excavated into earth material on which fill is to be placed. Borrow is earth material acquired from an off-site location for use in grading on a site. . Civil Engineer shall mean a professional engineer registered in the 'state of California to practice in the field of civil works. The term Civil 1 Engineer (herein after referred to as Civil Engineer) is the person 'responsible for preparation of the approved grading plans. Civil Engineering shall mean the application of the knowledge of 'tf;Je forces of nature, principals of mechanics and the properties of . materials to the evaluation, design and construction of civil works for the . beneficial uses of mankind. Compaction is the densification of soils by mechanical means. Earth Material is any rock, natural soil or fill and/or any combination thereof. \~ ,Alpine Engineering Page 1 . . APPENDIX "B" RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATION-GENERAL PROVISIONS DEFINITIONS CONTINUED: Earthwork includes all site preparation, grading and compaction operations. Erosion is the wearing away of the ground surface as a result of the movement of wind, water andlor ice. Excavation is the mechanical removal of earth material. Fill is the deposit of earth material placed by artificial means. Grade shall mean the vertical location of the ground surface. Existing Grade is the grade prior to grading. Rough Grade is the stage at which the grade approximately conforms to the approved plan. Finish Grade is the final grade of the site which conforms to the approved plan. Grading is any excavating or filling or combination thereof. Key is a designed compacted fill placed in a trench excavated in earth material beneath the toe of a proposed fill slope. Report is the "Report of Geotechnical Investigation" of which this specification is a part. Site is any lot or parcel of land or contiguous combination thereof, . under the same ownership, where grading is performed or permitted. Slope is an inclined ground surface the inclination of which is expressed as a ratio of horizontal distance to vertical distance. Soil is naturally occurring superficial deposits overlying bedrock. Site Engineer shall mean a civil engineer experienced and knowledgeable in the practice of soils engineering. For purposes of this specification the term Site Engineer shall mean Alpine Engineering. Site Technician shall mean a soil technician judged to be qualified by the Site Engineer to perform tests and observations and log the results. Soils Engineering shall mean the application of the principals of soil mechanics in the investigation, evaluation and design of civil works involving the use of earth materials and the inspection and testing of the construction thereof. Terrace is a relatively level step constructed in the face of a graded slope surface for drainage and maintenance purposes. Unsuitable soil is soil which in the opinion of the site engineer is not competent to support other soil, fill, or structures or to satisfactorily perform the other functions for which the soil is intended 3. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS: Borings, trenches and test pit 'Alpine Engineering Page 2 \\ . . APPENDIX "S" RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATION-GENERAL PROVISIONS I investigations have been made at available locations defined by the Site 'Engineer. Records and/or results of these investigations are set out in the "Report". The information obtained from these excavations applies only to ,conditions encountered at their locations and to the depth to which they . were made. It shall be the responsibility for the contractor to examine the . site personally and to conduct such additional investigations as he may ,deem necessary for planning and execution of work. The contractor shall ! imform the Site Engineer immediately if any conditions not described in. . the "Report" are encountered. .4. HAZARDS: Whenever the Site Engineer determines that any existing . excavation or embankment or fill on private property has become a hazard . to life and limb,or endangers property, or adversely affects the safety, use or stability of the land the governing agency, owner, civil engineer, . and contractor shall be notified. 5. QUALITY CONTROL: 5.1 Site Engineer's Responsibility: The site engineer's area of responsibility shall include, but need not be limited to, responsible charge of the inspections and approvals concerning the preparation of ground to receive fills, testing for required compaction, stability of all finish slopes and the design of buttress fills, where required, and incorporating data acquired during the earthwork operations and/or supplied by the "Report". The site engineer will analyze the results of tests and observations made by the site technician, exercise engineering judgement and make all decisions related to suitability and acceptability of earthwork operations. The site engineer will prepare a written "Report of Site Preparation, Grading and Compaction of Fills". This report will include locations and elevations of field density tests, summaries of field and laboratory tests and other substantiating data and comments on any changes made during grading and their effect on the recommendations made in the "Report".' He shall provide approval as to the adequacy of the site for its intended use. Alpine Engineering Page 3 \'0 . . I . APPENDIX "8" RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATION-GENERAL PROVISIONS . QUALITY CONTROL CONTINUED: 5.2 Contractor's Responsibility: It shall be the responsibility of the .contractor to to assist the site engineer and keep him apprised of work schedules and any conditions which do not appear to have been defined in the "Report". Compliance with governing codes, grading the land to the lines and grades shown on the approved plans and compacting the soils to specified densities are the sole responsibility of the contractor. 5~3 Test Methods: :Optimum moisture and maximum dry density shall be determined in accordance with ASTM test method D1557-91 which uses 25 blows of a 10 pound rammer falling 18 inches on each of 5 layers in a 4 inch diameter 1/30 cubic foot cylindrical mold. In-place field density shall be determined in accordance with ASTM test method D1556 (sand cone & 6 1/2" field density plate). Proving Ring Penetrometer tests shall be conducted by the site technician and used to judge the uniformity, compaction and stability of the soil mass. 5.4 Location and Elevation of Field Density Tests: Field density tests shall be taken for approximately each layer of fill, but not to exceed two feet in vertical height between tests. Field density tests may be taken at intervals of 6 inches in elevation gain if required by the site engineer. The location of tests in plan shall so spaced as to give the best possible coverage and shall be taken no farther apart than 100 feet. Tests shall be taken on corner and terrace lots for each two feet of elevation gain. The site engineer may take additional tests as necessary to check on the uniformity of compaction. Where sheepsfoot rollers are used, the tests shall be taken in the compacted material below the disturbed surface. 'Additional layers of fill shall not be spread until the site engineer has determined that the specified density has been reached to the current elevation. \'1. IAlpine Engineering Page 4 . . APPENDIX "B" RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATION-GENERAL PROVISIONS I QUALITY CONTROL CONTINUED: '5.5 Inspection/Surveillance: !Sufficient inspection and surveillance by the site technician shall be maintained during the earthwork operations to assure compliance with this specification. 6. SITE PREPARATION: .6.1 Clearing. and Grubbing: Within the areas to be graded, all trees, brush, stumps, logs and roots shall be removed and legally disposed of. 6~2 Stripping: Stripping, if required in the "Report" or grading plans, shall be conducted on all excavation and fill areas. Topsoils shall be removed to at minimum depth of one foot and shall be stockpiled for use in finish grading. Any artificial fill or rubbish, organic or other deleterious material encountered in the stripping operation shall be removed to its full depth and legally disposed of. 6~3 Preparation of ground: The ground surface shall be prepared to receive fill by removing vegetation, noncomplying fill, topsoil and other .unsuitable materials to the depths directed by the site engineer, scarifying to provide a bond with the new fill and, where slopes are steeper than five to one, by benching into sound bedrock or other competent material as determined by the site engineer. A key shall be constructed at the toe of the fill. Where fill is to be placed over a cut, the bench under the toe of fill shall be at least 10 feet wide but the cut must be made prior to placing fill and approved by the site engineer as a suitable foundation for fill. 6.4 Fill Material: Detrimental amounts of organic material shall not be permitted in fills. Except as permitted by the site engineer, no rock or similar irreducible material with a maximum dimension greater that 12 linches shall be buried or placed in fills. Alpine Engineering 'to Page 5 . . APPENDIX "B" RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATION-GENERAL PROVISIONS . SITE PREPARATiON CONTiNUED: :6~5 Buried Structures: Any abandoned buried structures and utilities encountered during grading operations shall be totally removed. The resulting depressions shall be backfilled' with suitable material placed and compacted in accordance with this specification. This includes, but is not limited to, septic tanks, fuel tanks, sewer lines, leach lines, storm drains and water lines. Abandoned water wells shall be backfilled and capped as directed by the site engineer. 7. PLACING AND COMPACTING FILLS 7.1 Source: To the extent practicable, all suitable on-site cut materials shall be used to construct the fills. If cut quantities are insufficient to bring the site to plan grade levels borrow materials must be approved by the site engineer before transporting them to the site. ;7.2 Sequence of Operations: Filling shall begin in the lowest section ,of the area. Fill shall be spread in layers as hereinafter specified. The .surface of each layer shall be approximately horizontal but will be provided with sufficient longitudinal and transverse slope to provide for runoff of surface water from every point. Filling shall be conducted so that no obstruction to drainage is created at any time. Dewatering facilities, if any, shall be continuously maintained in effective operating condition. ;7~3 Layer Construction: Fill shall be spread in approximately horizontal layers measuring 10 inches in thickness prior to compaction. Each layer of fill shall be inspected prior to compaction. All visible roots, vegetation, or debris shall be removed. Stones larger that 12 inches shall be removed or broken. The water content of each layer shall be determined to be ,suitable for compaction or shall be brought to a suitable condition by measures hereinafter described. Material incorporated in the fill which is not in satisfactory condition shall be subject to rejection and removal at the contractor's expense. ~\ ;Alpine Engineering Page 6 . . APPENDIX "8" RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATION-GENERAL PROVISIONS PLACING AND COMPACTING FILLS CONTINUED: 7.4 Fill Slopes: Fill slopes shall be compacted by means of sheepsfoot rollers or other suitable equipment. In addition, fill slopes at ratios of two to one or flatter, should be track rolled. Steeper fill slopes shall be over-built and cut-back to finish contours. Slope compaction shall result in all fill material six or more inches inward from the finish face of the slope having a relative compaction of at least 90 % of maximum dry density. Compaction on the slopes shall continue until the site engineer is satisfied that they will be stable. 7.5 Compaction: All fills placed on the site and all backfill of removed topsoils, trenches and retaining walls shall be compacted to within 90% of maximum dry density. If the percentage compaction at any point is found to be unacceptable, additional compaction with or without modification of the field moisture content as directed, shall be performed and a second moisture-density determination made. This procedure shall be repeated until satisfactory compaction is obtained. Under pavement areas the upper 6 inches of subgrade soil and all base shall be compacted to above 95 percent of maximum dry density. 7.5.1 Equipment: The contractor shall describe the type or types of compaction equipment which he proposes to furnish for use under the contract. If in the opinion of the site engineer, any proposed type is considered unsuitable or inadequate, the contractor shall be required to select and furnish an alternate approved type or demonstrate by field trial conducted at his own expense that the originally proposed type will perform in a satisfactory manner. 7.5.2 Moisture Content: Compaction shall be performed only when the fill material is in an approved condition of moisture content. In the absence ofa specific waiver of these provisions, the approved condition shall be in the range of 2% less to 1% more than the optimum moisture content established by laboratory analysis. Alpine Engineering Page 7 z;". . . . I ." APPENDIX "B" RECOMMENDED GRADING SPECIFICATION-GENERAL PROVISIONS Moisture Content Continued: The contractor shall furnish equipment for modifying the moisture content of the fill material and at times when the moisture content is not within the specified range, shall operate such equipment so as to achieve the necessary correction with minimum loss of time. The addition of water shall be accomplished by methods which, will distribute the added water evenly and in a controlled manner over the fill. Reduction of the water content shall be accomplished by methods which are effective for promoting aeration of the fill material. 8. TRANSITION LOTS: Where transitions between cut and fill occur within a proposed building pad, the cut portion shall be over-excavated a minimum of one foot below the bottom of proposed foundations and recompacted as heretofore specified. 9. PROTECTION OF FILL DURING CONSTRUCTION: Despite the. provisions of other sections of this specification, layer placement and thickness shall be so controlled that no ponding of water can occur on any working surface. This shall be accomplished however, without at any time exceeding the specified maximum layer thickness. Grading operations shall be performed so as to insure unobstructed run- off at all times from every point on the working surface. 10. SEASONAL LIMITS: No fill material shall be placed, spread or rolled if weather conditions increase the moisture content above permissible limits. When the work is interrupted by rain, fill operations shall not be resumed until field tests by the site engineer indicate that the moisture content and density of fill are as previously specified. Alpine Engineering Page 8 tP