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Lot 24 Geotechnical & Compaction Rough Grading
~~l-ze-DO 02,26P . . P.Ol :~ ~':"~~;-n::, '"EaIGEN '2...>-.'~ - , a:.;: . ~.,:~tio_iII'J~!if':."""""'imt!'l . I 'QIHfoIIl,lP:'lI'l'Jf 'l.:r.mr:;;h )~"... CO!"norati"on ...~1tIf':\ .r.....,"''''''....-''''IIl'..;;....UIIt'tI~;~.Il>r.Q\A:~lrf;~1 ~~ .GtSO.P'IMi~...INI(~SWiI:~ .~..~~tll,......~50It'.wu~. eNVlOO"..tN'AL Ii GF.On;CHNlC." Eoro_NO Nn_.. Geo'rEeHNlC:AL RIlPORT "'NO COMPACTION TEsT RnuLTI RoUOHOMDING OPIMTlONI Lot 1-2~ of TtICt 23990 Z'I03G. Yo. L. VIeI. ely ofT~It. county of Rivel8lde, Califomia Project Numlll1: 12032..c July 28. 2000 Prep.. -.1 lor: HOWIIrd Robe.. OWetopmant ComINl"V 1725 Orange Tree Lane, Su~ C Redlanda. Callfomje 9237' ........ """'''-''r' ~,.....-.....;"'-~.:...~...~! };...:'..-,~;.~';;;X"~.;;'j ~~:.:Jl:::~;:'~"~""''':~~~ ~&~_..loi~~;..\:-'...:.....:_;;......~.:::':J I ~/j ~< :..,~ ...~ V' j...., ~/l co~JoLl1i CRICl .,~\tio~" Clrcl. Ni..~ s..il. I, T_~i, tA ~uo . .._., _ INmo .Ia., 1101' ~m7 " O".N(\~ C~UNTV I Uti OttnQl.~.II\1.. I."". An., CA. 8m7 . .h....: (?1'U"-4061. ,...:11141 ,".&012 , _ Eg SITE: lfoI'ooIoW,iNGENtOAP,COM' ['MA'" "-'IGENCORP((/lI't!,NET '. ~ fr;..~:""",.,...,.,.*....lMl ~r."""""~1\...._. .H.'~"." I _~___............~.,..., ,. .',....!"''''f'\IlIlrfll'l'tral'l:o....,J..IU:4IIll~~..MU~J _.......j : ....__~~..~ _r -~.~ ~IC.:~V.~..' \ JU1-ZB-OO 02,26P . . P.02 Ilow.'" 110....... Dhelop....nl C"",,.n, ProJ8C1 Nt.nlller: T203Z.C TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION NUMBER AND TITLE PAGE 1.0 SITI!IPAOJECr D.ICFlIPTlON ....0 LOCATIO"...., ..........................,..........,.............,.......,..,..1 1,1 PROJECT lOCATION.........,.......,.. "........"................".....,......".. .... .... ....""."..".." 1,2 SITE DESCRIF'TfON ........,................,..,............"..,....,....,.....,.........,........". ..,..,2 1,3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION,..,,,,,,,.., ........', ...'..',...., ,..,......"..."..",....,.... ......'.... ....,..".. ,2 2.0 SCOPE OF WORM ...................... ,.......................... ........... ..... ...... 00 ,......., ............................. 2 2,' TIUEOI' GAAOlNG ..".... ........ '...........,....... ..,.........'..'.... ....,......."...."..,....'''... 2 2,2 CONTRACTORANDEQlJ1PMENT ..........."..... ..".."..".."....,.. ,.."..,....,..2 2,3 ORAOlNGOPI!:RATlOflS..,..,..,,,,....,,,........., ...... ...................... ,..,,,..... ..2 3.0 TasTlNG .... n_ _....... .,t" _..., n. ........ ..... ....._.... ......0 ..... n. ............_.. ...........,.........." 0' ....... .nun.,.3 3,' FIE"O TeSTING PROCEDURE!>....,.., ......."....,....,..........".. ..,....,..........".............."...3 3.2 LABORATORY TeSTlNG,...... ..............."......... ....... ' .... , ".. ........",....3 3,2. t lIIOISTUAII-DENSITY RELATlONIM'1> TtlT. ...................... ,...,....., ..................3 3.2.2 EllP......OIlINDIll TilT .....-...........,.,........................,.......,..........,............3 3.2.3 SOLual.l SULrATE TE5r...........,..................................,.............................4 ..0 I!IoRTH M..TERIALS .' no ..'........,...,..' ...,............... '............... .................".."..............._......,.. 5.D CONCLUSIONS AND Rf.COMMfiHOATlONI ...........,..........'.... ....., ,....,.."...' .....................,........ 5,1 GENERAL ....................'.......,,".........,.., ...."......,.. .., ............ .., '.. '" '.............",..4 1..0 CL08URE ..... ..... n, ...... ..... .~..... ...... ......... ..... ......,..... ..........".......~.................... ...... ....h..t.. ,.5 AIIPENOIX TEIT RaULTS DRAWINOlI f.nGlN c.poralina 1.. J~'~2B-DD OZ:Z8P . . P.03 ;'~~;;~~~:~EeGEN .-"",1("'"'.... II. r......,...":dw~wr"""'*"1bllwlro.~.~,'.h'illl Cornorat.'on '~1.,:'Ct;=",. ;:lIl'llMI(llIU.~:tll'\;II\I'I!~"""'lhltll>J."""',d"'t"......~ ~ '~':VI..,.,..........r.\&CI"" '1,",,11,'111"'t_41ISl."~;nlfM:l, ENi/I.ONMENT^' & GfOTl!CHN'CAL ENGINU.,NlI NIl\"".' JIAy 28, 2000 H_d RaWtI Devwlopment COII\IMl"Y 1725 Orange Tree Lane. ~ C Redlal\Cla. Clllifornil 92)74 IllOll) 335-2563 I FAX 190i) 335-9'46 Altention: Mr. Jim Didion RegArdillg: GEOTECHNICAL RDooRT "NO co..AC11ON TnT RE$UL.TIJ ROUGH GIlADlNO ONRA lION' l01 1,24 arT'let Z38llO VIR LI Vida City gf TemltCule, CounlY of Riverside, ClIIlfornla Project Number. T20J2.c References ~ 1, SECOR Internatlon.llncorporaltd. GfJOtec/lnlc&//nveBIlgatlofl. Prgpolllld Single Flm~y Reaider1tt., Developme!lt, Tract 23990. 8.33 atre.. .00000erty lide of Vii L. Vodll 8etween C... Pslmas and Vis SeviUa, TelNeUta, Cllilomla, SECOR Job No, 40231.001-02, r1lPortdeledAugl.lSl 17, 11l9ll, 2, EtIlJinHflntt Ruo_ of SOulhlm Callfamla. '1tC,. Rough Grading Pl.". Tr.cl29036, pl.". dilled May 5, ZQOO, Dear Mr. Didion: Aeeording to your requelt tnd Bigned luthorizltion, EoG~ C'.ol'JlOration h.. perfom,ed Iklld abMtvlltionB, NIIIpllng, and In-plllce denlity I~ " Il'tIlIbOIIG ~renalld aije, Submitted, II.,llIn, ar..thll I'" ,..ullf II\CI the IUPP\lfbrlsl field end laboratory data, 1.0 SITEIPROoIECT DUC:1IIIPT10N ANO LocAno" 1.1 PROJECT l.OCA TION The ",bJKt aita aon'~1I Dr app'Okimlltely 6.33 Ic:ree, 1000tliId on II'tI loutnerlt aide of via Ls Vida balw"" Cllle Pslrr.. and Via Sevilla in the City of Temecul.. County of Riverside. C.tilornla, 1 L .... fJ ..". '''.....'.J --.=...,.....~'.~.- 'F---' " ...'--....--_..~-,.... ~ l~."''''~..,...._~ r..'~..~.,.....-,....._, -,..............................." ...:..~~~... .~..,~--v--. '''')I';;J~~''''''''"~.w.Ni''''',,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;,,,~,' :' ['I " v " , II ,.1 . (': , I j . j:' I I, ..' ~I' i" II " : CO";I'f OfM't .., ~'Pflle (:1'ctoN,n~. StMt. ~r T..n..;t..C...aatO "~ I,", 1Mo221O' ,.x;~ "'1iI'" 0"'....0. egUNTY 2118 Orli\p .,...tw. s.m. Aril, CA 92'101 . 1M".: l11t) .....10.' . f..~ (1'.) u.tooz ...:' , ~ e~ $or&: "'WW,4", 'NCO."CO.. . '-MAl" F.NGENCORPGIIPI.NET . \ it.."Mn...,...,.....".,. .".,... ._"..,', 11 _..," .. .....~.~~~:_~'J4I.N.f!l:8IiOi.'WV'.....*..~~"l"lI,o,.~..: ...__.. _~urAll r w ....~........-..~UO~""... 3 J~1-2e-oo 02:Z7P . . P.04 _f<lR_.-Otwl_tC_.."., I"roieol Ny_; T2032,C ./lAy 2000 p.....Z ,.2 Sn'll DEK"II'TION Prior to IJI*Iing opermlana, lopogtaphy IIIlCI lUlfIlC8 l;Ol1ditlona ol1h8 lite were genllY 10 modllnltely Ilgpinll willi ,urf_ drolnllge from the cln1rol high 1l0lnlto ViII La Vida on the nOfth end In -' west runnlng nelll'" droi"1I01 ch,nnel on Ihe aoulh at iI grecjle,,1 of .... Ih'" 2S percent. 1.3 PROJECT [ksCI'IlF'TION 11 il undefltolld !hat \he .ubje~ site is to be developed 'IOlIIl24 single family midellcel wltl1l11aboon-grad. concrete floor. luPpcrted on convention,l continuous and pltr footlngl, lurrounded by .111101.1, parlllngln<t lendscape areas, 2.08coPlOFWOM 2.1 TllIiOPGRAoING Thil repon reprell8nt& gectechnicet obhrvattll". IInCl tealing e1uring ttTe GOntl\'Uc:llon cper."s from May 17, 2000 tITough July 1D, 2000, 2.2 CONTAACTOIlAIl/D EQUIPIllENT The gr,cllng operation. __ performed by Ltwll V...., C_tNc;t!OCllhrollgh the u.. of two (2) 813 CAT IICflIpIlfl, one (1) DI CAT dozer. Qne (1) 1ZG motor grad9r. on. <'1 Illcavlltor, Ind one (1) water trIIek. 2.3 GIWHNG OPlMTION$ Grad~g wilhin the llUbjeC1 lila col'lsll1ll1 of r;uVfill and overuc...,.lIon and repllleemunl operstlo'lll. Gr......, weed., Iloc:kPl1es. Ind man maele m'lerlall were removed prior lo fill placement. FlU malenal w_ genel1llld from the on-lite atOCllPitel, lot. 8-g and tat. 18. 1l1. Ind UI8d to bring the remainoer of the aite 10 finlah grade ""'sllon, AemovII 01 ,lluvium, alOpe_h, elc,. wlsperformed to e d.pt" Of 3 to 4.5-feel below originill eh.\I8lion In Iota 1-8, 10, 15. Ind 20-24, RemOYlla of 5to 1~'eet _e performed In lot. 11.14. LOll 7-9 and 16-1' _I cut Into compet,nt nallye earth malarial.. Over..x~vatlMl earth m'teri,l W'S .1oc;kj)ilecl an:t later uncl .. nil, Bottoms were observed. probed Ind IC\IM 10 be into competilnt bedrock or 001 by e reprfientatlve of Ihie firm, Keyl"O and benchinll Inlo competent btdroek Of so" we. llbUMld during the grading opefIllune. In lrllnsilion lot. OIIer-IXQVltllln was performecl in till cut portion of the building pad III e depttl of 3 to 5-feet below nniah grade elBVltlion bItWtIen IPprgllimatetv 12-1C1. to 2Q.feet behind tl'1e curb to OIlI'roxlm.,elV 80-,"1 10 '2D-leel behind me curb The expo.ad bottom' ...." scarillee and I'llCIiatur. conditioned to I cleptl'l of 1Z.inchel the" compaclltClto 110 percanl 1!nGEN co,p_. b", ~ul-~8-0D 02,27P . . P.Ol!> 11_"'_ Dno....._mC;__ PfOjod "'_ T203z.c J...... ZOllO Page 3 FlU was pllCed in lenl thlckn..... of 6 10 8-'nclle., lIIllrOu9h1y moisture concl~io",d to n..t QIlllmum molswr' com.nl. t/'le" completed to . minimum of 90 percent lelldlve compaction, MolalullI conditioning of .11II an-lilB loill wa. pelformed dullng tIl. ,ompllclion procell. lhto~ 11'1' UI8 of . WIIlIIr ttuck. nr. pad .reo -.. gene"", graded 10 the e1eveUona noted on Ill. Grading Plan, HOweVer, the lICIual pod IDeation. dlmall!llont. llevalionl, '1OIle Iocalklnland IncUn,liOna, e1c. were .:uvayecl and stakld by olhers and should be verified by till ProjeGt Civil Enlli~ee', 3.0 TaTlNG '.1 FlllUl TelTlIlO PROCl!!OUIl" Field in-plac. dtnahy and molature content lelli~ were perlarmad in geAllral accordanc;. with AS1M.O.2922-81 (90) aOO ASTM.o..3017-ll8 pracedurel for determinInG In-piKe diMity 100 molatlft CClIIt'"t, reap8Cllvlly. using nuclller lJlIUlle equipment. RtlllllYe c:ompoc1iOn \HI l1Illult. -.. wlthlrt It1e 90 IlI/CIIlt requtl'ed lor all mll\erialle$tecl. wI\ioh i. an Indbtlon !tilt lhe remainder of Ihlt fill placed 1'1" been, properly ccmp,~, Teol l1Illull5 _ pr~ in !tie Appandbl ol!tl. report. Fill doplh$ and leol location. were determined frorn review of the referenced grldlnll 1'11111I, 3.2 UBQRATcmvTesnlOlG The fol;owlrtll teboF1llc'llteoll were pallo/'med .. p.rt of our "!"IiCIt' during the llreding of the .ubjecl lila, The Id! re.ulll _ PIft/lnled in !tie Appendix of IhiS IVport, 3,2,1 Moi'lure-Oellll1y R1ilallonallip TIlII Mllxim\lm dry denllIy . vptimum moisture eont.nt r"'Uonahip tells wer. COI1duc:ted on ..mlllvl of the materials llSed as till. The tllltJ were 118rformecl in general Iccorl:f,nce wilh ASTM 01557-91 procedur... The lIllIl reauna are pt'lIIIIItteG in.,. Appendix (Summary of Oplimum Moisture Conlent I Mlllimum D'lI Denllly Relatlonlhip T.I' Reaulla), 3.2.2 Expantion Ind.. Tell Soil aampleS were obtained for ..panllon potenl.\ testing from th4l blJilding plld .r_ upon completion of (01/911 grading of tt. II/bjo.;t.ile. The expen.iOn Ifll proctdLlI'I uU11tId _ tile Ulllform euiding Code Tell DoIignllbon 18-2, The flI8terlel. tea\lld IlOrllllted of lillht browrllo orownsUly IInd. whiGh hllvo E.pension Ind.... ranllln9 ~..n 0 end 19, Thct.. Soil. .re ola..ifled . havIng II y.ry lOW ..panllon pGl.ntjll, The I'Ilulte 111'1 pr..nled in ~ Appendix (Summary of expansion Index Tesl Results). EaGEN c..,.._ 6 ~ul-2e-OD 02.27P . . P.O& ~nI A_Il_I.......""'C_,..., Project NurnMr. TZO:lIoC Ju", llJOO Pqe4 3.2,3 Soluble SUlfate Te.t Soii .emp," w,re obtained for soluble lUlfa'e ,..ting from the building pllld IIr... upon completion of glVding or the IUbJec;t site, Tlle c;QflC8Il1r8tIon at tolullle sullllle_e dlllllrmlned in genenll _rdance with CaI1fomle Tett Metl1acl 411 prC/ClIdu...., The !wI resulls .... preMntecl in !he Summery 0' Soluble Sulflt. re.. Resultl exhlbll, The ,. rnult8 incIIl:ate a low Ptfctntage or sOlullM 1UIf,'" (lesslhan 0,0056 percent by weigh'), ... . _It no ",lfate resi~ conc...'" _ I18CIInary, ..0 EARTH M.\.TIl"....LII The nalul'lll earth mlllertllll encount8lllCl on-srt., llenllrally conllllted of bnlwn silty Illl'Id, 1.0 CO,.c~U'ION' AND RIc:tl"1l'"IIlDATlONI , No concJitlons weill encaunl8r11C1 whiah \lII\luld _ II c;hqe in the previously provided dellign end construction IlICOITImend_lone. A.. rNult. doalgn and conatNction Ihoufd adhlllll to Ihll recommend.UC/"a pl'O\lidec:l in the R.r....nced No. 1 Geoteehntc:ll Inv.lIlgllllon, ..1 'GIiNIIlAL Baled on ,he obt......tionl 8lId teet, performed durlnll grading. the aubjecl alte, In the .rNl noted as t..tlOc:.do.... hasllHn compleled In accord.nce with the Referenced No, 1 report or lie llll\el'IdId In me fi.ld t1..1d en condition a encounte...d, lt1e projeCt plans ,ncl tne Gl'lIdlng Codll or the c:Jty of Temecule, The 1lrad8d .... In IPIe .r." noted .. graded, Ia de'ermlned to be 8dequ.te for the IUPport of I Iyplctl ,eaidenU.1 develOplT1enl. My aubllequenl grading for eevelQpnent of the IUbjIIct plVperty Ilhould be perfClfllled under engineering obHfWIlon and tilting perfllrmell by EDGEN Corpol'1ltlOD. SIAI.ellUlnt grading include., t1ut It not iimited 10. any lIdditlonal fill placereent ,nd 8llCIIvlltlon of lemporllY end permenenl cui and f;1I lIope.. In addition. EIlGiN CorporatiDn 8/lould obse",e all found,tion eJlctlvationa. Observations should be made prior 10 Installation 01 contrite 'OtITIS and/or ttinfllmlng alllel IIlI .. to verify and/or modify, if necelgy, lhe conc:IUlJions and rec;ommend8llonaln lhi& report. Obllervallons of overexc:avll1ion cuts, f\lI placement. f1niah Ilreding, uti!1ty or other trench bac:kflR, pavement eubgrl(ie Ind Dlse coune. reminlng win b-=tdUI, slab prea~\lf'alion. or other IBM worl\ completed fOf the development of lubjeot lite should be performed by EnGEl'" Corporatictn, If II\y of, lhe observation. and ,",Ing 10 vlflfy llle gllOWl;hnic;a1 c:onditiona ... not performed by EnGDI c.rpo..ti... ~ ~~1-2e-DD 02;Z7P . . P.07 _NIb",. OewIop",.nt CamPI'" P,ojOCl NulrJM~ T203a-C Jull ZlIW p... I EnGEN Cm'pllratioo, Iiabill1y fM the .afely and performan;;e of thil deV8lopment i, hmited to <<he adual portioN or the project oblItl'led Indlor tested by EaGEN Corporotion. 8.0 Ct.OSUIUI This IlIJlOrt hall IlHn prep'red for IlH by the parties or project nllllllll or described .boUlt, It mayor mll\l nol contain wfllcient info~ion for olher p'lti8s or purpoae., The IIndlng. end recammendationl ellprHllId 1ft Ihl& report are baQl;j an neld and laboralory leallng performed c1urjl\9 the rough ll18ding aPtllation and on 9..,.18lly etcepled 8ngineeril\9 ptllCli;:elllnd prind\'JltS, No fultl1er w81J811lies .18 implied or expreued ~ond the direct ntprewntallonl of Ihll report, Th.nk you lor the opportlln4y to pIOIIIcIe lI1He QlVicel, If you lhollla 11_ ~ quellllOM regerdlng this report, pleau do nol heart.le to contact tN. offiCII al your oorwenjenCII, RNIlfctfully submitted, I; C~,~,q Fly., w:::;r SUplINlelng TlIChnic:ian ~-~ ,-~ ~' ,,, ~_.GE162 prlnc!l*l GeOlechnlcal Englnllllr EllpirH og-3()..01 , FILE: e.nCENIA~.C.IiR O'.A...._... Roweh 0rIlWtI JilWIOB:rr Dlatrtllutlon; (4) Addr_ li..GIN~ "\ Jul-2B-OO 02'2BP . . P.08 HCIWIff ~ ~ Com,..., ,.,.jeoI Nl..... 1'2032,,(; Ap......... Plge I APPENDIX: TEST RESULTS RenHN CMp....... ~ ~ul-ze"oo oz:z8P . . P.09 ""W'", R....... Dlvee""",..., C....p.., P'ojtc\ -.t..r: TZOXZ-C Appen4;' Pogo 2 FIELD TEST RESUL T5 (Summery of ~ield In-Place Denalty Test Results) (Nuclear Geugtl Tell Method) (S,(I.). S~/(F.G,' ~ Fltlitlh ~ Tell Depth 'olt Mell Moietu.. Dfy Iteloll_ Reqlll"", re.1 Dele T.." l..ocatione 11I_ian Type OoMlty Co...'" lle"ohv Com_lion Com~ct'O" No. (100D} (FT) (Pl;F) ("Ao1 (PCPI (%1 ('l(,l 1 05.23 Lot ., 3 0,0058 A2 12U 10,' 120.1 93,2% Vo.o% 2 05-23 1.4lr.: 1102.5 A2 laU '.0 t2O,$ 93.5'1& 900'1& 3 05-23 1110 01__ 1 I OU A2 128,9 11.' 115,8 90.8'1& 90.Q'!I, 4 05-24 LOl'" 1107 A2 128.11 9,7 118,5 110.4% liO.O% , ~ 0502. lol"3 1108,8 A2 128.9 U 119.2 IU!l, 9O.ll'lO 6 08-28 l.1III1I 1111 112 128.9 V.2 117.' 91.5% SO.O% ? 05028 Lot~ 1111 Al 122.4 8,7 110.7 90,0% Sll.O% 8 0&.28 ,."23 ",3 Al 122.' Ii,S 111.2 I go,l% 110.0'" 9 05-26 lOt t2. 1115 Al 122.' t.I 113.. 93.0110 80,0'1& 10 08-01 LDIII2' I11S A3 128,S U 118,1 llU% \10,0% 11 08.0' LdlGt 1120 "3 1211.8 7.8 '11.3 9U'lb 10,0" ~2 oe-o , LOIGl "22 Al 122.' S,O '12,0 1ll,S% 1lO.~ 13 08-01 L"~ 11'3.5 AI 122.4 7,8 "3,2 92.5% 80.0% ,. 06-01 1oI1l23 11'8 Al U:U 7,2 11&,Q 94.0% 110,0% 15 06.01 LOlm 1116 Al 122,' 6,1 111,3 '0,''16 90.'" 18 06.01 Lolen 1117 A' 12U 7.() 113,8 93,0% 90.0% n 08-01 LOl,r,g 1118 AI 122.4 $I ".,8 93,&% 90, Ml> , 11 oe-ol l..m 1120 Al 122,4 8,8 111.2 aU,. 90,0", 18 oe-cg lol" 1112.5 AI 122,' 10.5 116,2 94.'% 90,0% 20 oe-.02 '-D'I.~ 111<4.5 Al 122.4 11,0 "4,3 13.4% to,K 21 oe-02 "".' 1116,S Al 122,' 8,2 11),7 92,", 900% 22 ill-OIl L..n l11Z Al 122.' 9.11 11&.2 94," 90,0'" 23 08-05 ......2 1116 A' 122.' 10,2 1'3.9 93," 90,0'11o 24 QlI"OlI L.OCn 1110 AI '2H U 115.0 84,0% 9O,Q1l, 25 08-05 """2 1118, A' '22,4 '0,8 110.9 90.8~ 90,~ 211 06.05 LoU2 11~ .111 121.4 11,2 111,3 90.A 90,O~ 27 01-011 L.... 1114 A' 121,~ 9,9 112.. 9',S, 90,0% 28 OO-Dll ....... 1118 A1 122,4 '0.4 111,8 91.3% $0,0% 29 Oll-oe 1.01. '11. Al 122,' 11,4 '11.1 91.0'" $0,0% 30 0l\00ll I.ol" lIZO A1 ;22.4 10.8 I1U 91,2~ 90 ,Ml> :11 ae-oe Lot. 1122 A' 122,4 '0,8 110.9 90.6% to, Q1l, 32 08.oe L.... '124 A' 122.4 ",0 '18.2 8U% 90.0'1& 33 oe-07 ........ 1'2& A1 1ZU 1.2 112,0 01,6% 9O,0~ to:..(:f.1'lrI c....HCi- a.. J01-ZB-OO O~'Z.P . . P.lO ........ ~ llewlDp_nt Comp...y Projeot Num..r: 11032.t Appll\llix po., :I T..' Depth aou Malo MoI._ Dry Ntallve ,,-",ulla_ nat Datil T", I.OCInloM &~atl." Tv... DoMay C8llbInt Oenlnv C_ctlon con:~ion NO. (lOGOI 1m (peF) 1%1 ('10'1 I~l 3. ce-Ol ""'.. 1120,8 A' 122.. lU 115.4 11',3"" 1I0.~ 35 011.01 ,."., 1121,S Al 122.4 10,2 114,2 9U~ 90,0'1'0 111 06.011 ' L.allll 112U AI 122.' 9,9 "2.8 In% 1O,0'll0 37 ol.oe LGI.a 1125,5 A' 122.' U 111.3 .,'7% 10,0"" 31 oe.oa L.ol" 1127.a Al 1224 10.' 112.1 ,2.2"- 100% 38 01.01 ...... 1125 A1 12%.. 9.3 11'7,0 9$.1'"' 90,ll1lo '0 00-08 '-"C- 1121,3 Al lU.' 11.8 115,2 14,1"" 1IO,0'IIt 41 0Il-08 UllQ 1120 AI 122,' 11.2 111.$ 12,a,., 10,"- 42 oe..ol OOCh 1122 AI 122.4 10,2 114,1 13,II'IIt 80,0% '3 011-O1 Lllm llU AI 122,' I.a l1U ,1.4% 10,O~ 44 06-21 I..... 1111 A2 1211,11 10,5 120,0 93.0"" go,ollo 'S 08-21 ....,,; 1113 A2 121,' lU 121.2 14.0'll0 9Q.0% 48 08-22 Lol"" 1115 P2 128.1 10,2 IZU tU'llt 10.0"" 47 08.n LeI.." 1117 Al 122.' a,1 "2 I 11.0"" 90,0'" .a D&-zt l.OI"" 1120.5 Al 12%,' 10.7 11..a 113.1"" 90,0,," ., 08-21 _won ll1e Al 122.'- 11.) 111,a 1504% 9O,~ 50 06.27 LoI'IZ 1122,S AI 12%.' e.e 114,1 93,~ 90.0"" 51 08.21 lot... 1121 AI 122..- e.' 1188 IIU% IO,O'A 52 08,21 LoIQt F,Q, At 122,4 U 113.0 92,1'" IQ.OIMo 53 01-29 LQt IfZI 1',0, A' 122.'- 2.7 114.0 13,1"" 1lO,Ml, $4 08'29 ....122 f1,Q, Al 122,'- 3,0 "7,8 te,2'IIt lIO,cm 55 011-21 I.clI~1 F.G, A' 122.. 3.2 117,' 1I0,;n~ 90,0% 58 08-30 LoI" F.G, AI 12U 5,1 120.. 111,'''' 90,0% 57 01030 ....~ F,Q. A1 12%,' I,' "3,' 82,'''' 90,0'1\ 58 07.10 ' ......m F,G, AI 122.4 1.0 121,0 ..3"" 90,0'" 5. 07-10 Lawrie ".G. Al lU" a.S 119.2 17,4"" 90,0% 80 07-10 tat.'O 1',0, Al 122.'- U 111,5 97.1"" '0,0% 81 07-10 LOl"7 ",G Al 122,' 7.3 117,' 1IO.~ lO.O~ 62 07.10 1.0(111. F.G. A1 132,'- 1,2 "8,9 97.1~ 10,0"- U 07-10 L."1' F,G, AI 12%,'- I,' 111,' 9I,0'IIt 10,0~ eo 07-10 l.Ol:.'. I".G. Al 122,. 0,5 120,3 98.3"" 90,0'11 85 07010 ~,"3 1".0, Al 122,' 7,7 121,0 91,1"" 1l0,O'll lIII 07.10 LoIIIZ 1",0. Al In,,- 7,6 118.4 III. n. lO,ll'> FieLD T1:ST RESUL T5 (Summary of Field In-Place Density T.st Results) (NUClear Gauge Te,t Method) (S,CI,). ~,.,(,.,G,J. Fin/otJ Glad" r..GI!N Cu.rpM.ei4tll \0 JUl-ZB-OO 02.Z9P . . r> _ 11 _.nI ROlIeria _10,....'" Compan, 'rDjllc:lN~ ~32~ Appenl/lx Pig. ~ FIELD TEST RI!SULTS (Summary at Field In-PIlIce Densily Teet Results) (Nud881 Gauge Tee' Method) (S,C;,). SIII/tTIM/(",G.) 4 FInIsh Qra<llJ TMl Te" Del*' .... Mu MoliN" Dry Reldw ......... 0- Tm LOCIlIoM Elevlltlon Type Den~ c:ontMt Denlity C_peell,", COnlpldl,," NO. IIZOOOI II'TJ IPCfi 1'41 I,CF) (%) 81 e1 07-\0 lOt." F,O. AI 122,4 U 1111.4 15.\" to,~ J 8a 07-10 "''''10 1'.0, AI 122,' 11.3 1\1,1 II.", $O,O'llo al 07-\0 \,01. F.G, Al 122.4 U 11.., ICU,," 1lO,0'll0 70 07-10 LolA F.O, Al t:z:U U 115.1 14,0'4 1O.0'll0 7\ 07-10 Lot'" ',0, A' 122.' U '12.5 1\ . "" 8O,0'll0 12 07.1 0 L.... 1',0, AI '22,' &,a 110,11 !IO,4~ 80,0" 13 01-10 \,Old F,O, AI 122.4 6,3 112.2 ,1.7% llO,ll'Ilo 1~ 07-10 laU4 1',(1, A' 122,4 5,3 1".1 14,~ IO,W. 15 01.\0 Lei" F,G, Al 122," 5,1 118,0 l4,a,. 1lO,D'4 78 01-10 Lot "8 1122,5 Al 122,4 U 111.1 ",3% 1O,D'4 77 01-10 L,"'O 1121 111 12U lI.3 111.8 8\.2'lo llQ,O'llo ~ar.)cNC"'~.. \\ JQ1-~8-00 O~:29P . . P.l~ ........ Rabatt. aevelapwwnl COIt\peB, PIDj'ct N"",~..-: 1'20;12-<0 App...... p_, SUMMARY OF OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY RELATIONSHIP TEST RESULTS Asm D1H7.91 Me.Im_ OpdmUIII Soli O..orlptlon (uses SVJldlOI) SOU T~ Dry o.,glty Moietu,. (PCPI Con18nt 1%1 Silty Fine Sand. Brown (SM) A1 122." 10,8 Silly Send Brown, (SM) A2 '28,9 9.4 Silly Sand Light Brown (8M) A3 126.5 10.6 Sandy Silt Light Brown (ML) A4 120.3 11,0 Dry Moillutll Molsturw SOIl Depth 1FT) Denaity Concllllon Condition Eaplnllon Typ. (pcf) Before T_ Aft.rest Ind.. (%) (%J E'1 .1 114,8 8,8% '4,2% 0 E.2 -1 , '5,8 92% ,5.0% 11 E-J ., 118,8 7,8'11I 9.7% 9 E-4 . -1 110.3 '1.0% 17,7% 7 E-5 .1 120,3 8,9% 14.8'" 19 SUMMARY OF EXPANSION INDEX TEST RESULTS UBC 18.2 EllGaN c..pwq.. \2-- ~1-2B~OO OZl29P . . P.13 Howl'" _"" l)owlOplllllll Ca.-pOllY PI'GjoClI NumlHo.: T20R.C Appoodl. ,... SUMMARY OF EXPANSION INDEX TEST RESULTS use 18-2 Soil Dry ,,"lily Molltlll'l Molltur. I_plnslon DepltllFT) Condition Before Condition Type (pet) TI.. (%) After Teet (%) Index E-1 .1 11~.8 iU% 14,2'11> 0 E-2 .1 115.8 9,2% 150% 11 E-3 -1 118,8 7,8% 9.7% II E-4 -1 110.3 11,0% 17.T% 7 E-5 -1 120.3 8.9% 14.6% 19 n.o8ftf c....mi.. \'? . . P.14 ~ul-2B-CO 02:30P '-ani R""'", IJMIeIOpment ComPIIIY "rojoct NumD.,: 12D32-1; A,,.nfIIl '''' 7 SUMMARY OF SOLUBLE SULFATE TEST RESULTS lIalt Type laI N....... ~.nl.y W.ig"l E-1 21.24 O,OQ E.2 ,"" 0,00'7 E-J 7,10 E-' ".,.. 0,0015 , E.5 1!>oZO O.OOSll F..QF:N c......_ '^