HomeMy WebLinkAboutInPlaceDensityTests(Mar.26,1997) From: Gary Mingo To: Fax#7932590 Dale: 4/14/97 Time: 16:14:04 ii2., 2-">\2.:'5-- 2- Page 1 011 KAUFMAN AND BROAD OF SAN DIEGO, INC. 12626 !UGH BLUFF DRIVE. SUITE 400. SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92130. TEL. 619.259.6000 FAX. 619.793.2590 Date: To: From: Subjed: Dear Stuart, . Transmittal. Monday, April 14, 1997 Stuarl C. Mangusing Gary Mingo Temecula Tract~3125-~oils reports ~ Plea~ find original copies of soils reports 45, 46, 47, and 48 for your records. Please check on the 1 year maintenance period ending for Tmct 23125-1 and let me know the status of. Thanks and take care. -R=93% RECEIVED APR 1 7 1997 CITY OF TEMECULA ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT \ 04-14-97 03:35PM POOl #31 , .~ {' '7:zJ,ty~-;u'j SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOtL & TESTING, INC. 6280 Riverdale Slree!, San Diego, CA 92120 P.O. Box 600627, San Diego, CA 92160-0627 619-280-4321, FAX 619-280-4717 March 26, 1997 Kaufman and Broad of San Diego 12626 High Bluff Drive, Suite 400 San Diego, California 92130 SCS&T 9411105 Report No. 48 , 8y ATTENTION: Mr. Gary Mingo _...~..........~._-..-,---- SUBJECT: Summary of In-Place Density Tests, Restoration of Lot 1 (City of Temecula Tract 23125-1) and Lots 52 Through 59 and 69 Through 76 (City of Temecula Tract 23125-3), Tradewinds Residential Subdivision, Riverside County, California. Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, this report has been prepared to summarize the result of the in- place density tests performed in the finish pad grade of Lot 1 of the City of Temecula Tract 23125- ] and Lots 52 Through 59 and 69 through 76 of the City of Temecula Tract 23]25-3. These tests were performed on March 24 and 25, 1997. Field density tests were taken in accordance with ASTM D2922-91 at the location chosen by our field representative. The results of these tests are shown on the attached Plate Number 1. Maximum dry density determinations were performed on representative samples of the soils used in the compacted materials according to ASTM D1557-91, Method A. The results of these tests, as presented on Plate Number 1, were used in conjunction with the field density tests to calculate the percent of relative compaction of the compacted materials. The subject lots were previously rough graded. During the period since the rough grading, the lots lost their compaction on the pad surfaces. To restore the lots to their original condition, the surfaces of the lots were scarified to a depth of approximately 12 inches. moisture conditioned and compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density. 2- ... 'l SCS&T 9411105 March 26, 1997 Page 2 If you should have any questions after reviewing this report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated. Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. ~/!& Charles H. Christian, R.G.E. #00215 CHC:DH:GET:mw cc: (6) Submitted 3 ~I JOB NAME: TRADEWINDS RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION JOB NO: 9411105 IN- PLACE DENSITY TESTS I TEST ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DENSITY SOIL I REL. COMPo I DATE LOCATION (feet, MSL) (percent) (p.d.) TYPE (percent) I 1 3/24/97 Tract 23125-1, Lot 1 Finish Grade 9.5 119.8 7 92.3 2 3/24/97 Tract 23125-1, Lot 1 Finish Grade 8,9 117.8 7 90.8 3 3/24/97 Tract 23125-3, Lot 76 Finish Grade 6,6 119,6 7 92.1 4 3/24/97 Tract 23125-3, Lot 75 Finish Grade 8,6 119.8 7 92.3 5 3/24/97 Tract 23125-3, Lot 74 Finish Grade 6,5 117,5 7 90,5 6 3/24/97 Tract 23125-3, Lot 73 Finish Grade 6,3 118,1 7 91,0 7 3/24/97 Tract 23125-3, Lot 72 Finish Grade 4.9 116,9 7 90.1 8 3/24/97 Tract 23125-3, Lot 71 Finish Grade 6.7 121.0 7 93.2 I 9 3/24/97 Tract 23125-3, Lot 70 Finish Grade 6.0 118.4 7 91.2 I 10 3/24/97 Tract 23125-3, Lot 69 Finish Grade 4,1 117.2 7 90.3 11 3/25/97 Tract 23125-3, Lot 52 F,G" 46.7 13.3 117,1 8 92.8 12 3/25/97 Tract 23125-3, Lot 52 F.G" 46,7 11.1 116,4 8 92.2 13 3/25/97 Tract 23125-3, Lot 53 F.G"47,3 13,5 117,9 8 93.5 14 3/25/97 Tract 23125-3, Lot 53 F.G., 47,3 11,6 120.4 8 95.4 15 3/25/97 Tract 23125-3, Lot 54 F.G., 48.3 10,6 115,7 8 91.7 16 3/25/97 Tract 23125-3, Lot 54 F.G"48,3 13.5 113.8 8 90.2 I 17 3/25/97 Tract 23125-3, Lot 55 F.G., 49.2 7.5 122,5 8 97,1 1813/25/97 Tract 23125-3, Lot 55 F.G., 49,2 8.4 122.6 8 97.1 19 3/25/97 Tract 23125-3, Lot 56 F,G"50,4 9.7 121.6 8 96.4 20 3/25/97 Tract 23125-3, Lo156 F,G.. 50.4 8.8 117.1 8 92.8 21 3/25/97 Tract 23125-3, Lot 57 F,G" 50.9 6,9 114.1 8 90.4 22 3/25/97 Tract 23125-3, Lot 57 F.G., 50,9 7,8 114,2 8 90.5 23 3/25/97 Tract 23125-3, Lot 58 F,G., 51,8 6.6 115.6 8 91.6 24 3/25/97 Tract 23125-3, Lot 58 F,G., 51,8 7.1 116,3 8 92.2 25 3/25/97 Tract 23125-3, Lot 59 F,G" 52.4 6.3 115.6 8 91.6 26 3/25/97 Tract 23125-3, Lot 59 F,G" 52.4 7.8 119,7 8 94.8 F.G, - Finish Grade MAXIMUM DENSITY AND' OPTIMUM MOISTURHSUMMARY (ASTMD1557) SOIL TYPE SOIL DESCRIPTION OPTIMUM MOISTURE, % MAXIMUM DENSITY, pcf 7 Dark Brown, Silty Sand 7.9 129.8 8 Gray Brown, Silty Sand 7,1 126,2 A. PLATE NO: 1 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIA TES, INC. Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering Consultants March 19, 1997 Project No. 11871347-026 To: LennBC Homes 2333 Avenida La Caza Cota De Caza, California 92675 Attention: Me. Tom Banks Subject: Geotechnical Evaluation of Erosion Damage to Existing Graded Pads and Slopes, Tract 23100-5, City of Temecula, Riverside County, California Reference: Leighton and Associates, Inc" 199], Geotechnical Report of Rough Grading, Tract 23100, Lots 1-43: 23100-1, Lots 1-71: 23100-3, Lots 1-74: Chardonnay Hills Residential Development, City of Temecula, Riverside County, California, Project No 11871347-05, dated March 25, 1991 In accordance with the request of Me. Jim Urbina, Leighton and Associates, Inc" (Leighton) has completed a geotechnical review of the previously graded Tract 23]00-5 in the City of Temecula, The purpose of this study was to evaluate the geotechnical conditions of the graded tract, particularly with regard to erosion damage, and to provide recommendations for repair. Scone of Services · Research and review of available reports and maps prepared for the site . Geotechnical reconnaissance and field review by the Project Engineer and Project Geologist. · Analysis of the collected data and information obtained during our field review and research of available information, . Preparation of this letter-report summarizing our tindings and presenting recommendations for erosion repairs to restore the site. ~ 41769 ENTERPRISE CIRCLE N., SUITE 102.TEMECULA, CA 92590 (909) 676-0023 FAX (909) 676-5123 871347-026 Site Conditions Tract 23100-5 was previously rough-graded as Lots 11 through 37, Tract 23100 during 1989 and 1990 under the observation and testing of Leighton and to the configuration shown on the 4O-scaIe grading plans prepared by Community Engineering Services and dated May 22, 1989 (See referenced report), Our observations of the current site conditions found the following: . Minor to locally moderate erosion has occurred on the graded pads and in the streets. Erosion rills to 3 or 4 feet in depth were observed in the front portions of some of the lots. · The descending slope bordering the north and northwest periphery of the tract has experienced moderate to very severe erosion, Most of the slope is eroded with closely spaced rills to depths greater than 2 feet. Local deep gullies have under cut the concrete bench drain on the slope, Erosion above the drain has deposited soil in the drain completely filling it along much of its length along the slope, . The westerly trending drainage area along the toe of the slope has been severely eroded, locally to a depth and width of about 10 and 12 feet, respectively, - -- -- . · End dump fills have been placed on several pads and within the western portion of Cercle Chambertin, SIODe Erosion ReDair The major northwesterly slope is severely eroded both above and below the bench drain with the drain full of eroded soil and extensively undercut in several locations, It is recommended that the bench drain be removed and this slope and the severely eroded slope located easterly of the bench drain terminus be repaired by excavating a fill key ,at the toe-of-slope and constructing a replacement fill to the contiguration shown on the original grading plans. The fill key should be an equipment width wide (normally about 15 feet but could be reduced to 10-12 feet to accommodate smaller equipment) and inclined a minimum of 2 percent into slope, The base of the key should be scarified, moisture- conditioned to the optimum moisture cOlltent or I to 2 percent over optimum and recompacted prior to fill placement. As fill is being placed, benches should be excavated into the existing eroded slope to a height to completely remove all erosional rills and loose material and expose dense competent soils (see Key and Benching Details, Figure 1). Additionally, since the erosion is less severe near the top of the slopes, the width and height of the benches can be reduced near the top-of-slope such that there will be less area reworked on the pad above. The equipment must be of sufficient size so that all fill soils are compacted to 90 percent relative compaction, including the slope face. Fill soils should be placed in 6- to 8-inch lifts, moisture-conditioned and compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction. The face of the slope should be either over-built a minimum of 2 feet and trimmed back to expose dense compacted fill on the slope face or the slopes should be back-rolled with <e> - 2- LEIGHTON AND IlSS//&IATES. 'Ne, 871347-026 sheeps-foot rollers at increments of 3 to 4 feet in fill elevation and track-walked upon the completion of slope reconstruction. If seepage is encountered during slope reconstruction procedures, a slope subdrain may be recommended (see Slope Buttress or Replacement Fill Detail, Figure 2). Upon completion of grading, relative compaction of the fill out to the slope face shall be at least 90 percent of maximum density per ASTM Test Method Dl557-91. The bench drain should then be replaced, Other site slopes with minor erosion, containing erosional rills to a maximum of 18 inches deep, can lie repaired utilizing the following methodology, The slope face can be scarified uniformly to remove all erosional rills, This slope face should be moisture-conditioned and recompacted to 90 percent relative compaction. The existing slope face should remain irregular so that, as the slope is reconstructed, a competent bond is formed between the existing and replaced fill soils. The replacement fill soils should be of similar granular composition as that of the existing soils to create an adequate bond between the fill soils. The replacement fill soils can be placed on the slope face, moisture-conditioned and track- walked to the required relative compaction. All fill should be recompacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction in accordance with ASTM Test Method D 1557-91. The actual slope locations and the methodology employed to reconstruct the slopes in this manner are subject to our review and approval, in the field, on a case-by-case basis, Drainal!e Area Erosion ReDair Severe erosion has occurred in the drainage north of the tract, extending to depths of IOf feet with slump features and tension cracking observed in some of the side walls and along the top of erosion, Prior to placing fills, the eroded areas should be cleaned of all recently deposited silt, debris and saturated soils to expose firm, dense formational materials or fill soils. The side walls of the eroded areas should be benched to remove all slump features and expose dense soils. Smaller tributary erosion features should be corner-dozed to remove loose debris and establish a competent bottom and side walls prior to replacement with fill soils, Existing ground that has been declared satisfactory for support of fill by the Geotechnical Consultant shall be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches. Scarification shall continue until soils are broken down and free of large clay lumps or clods and the working surface is reasonably uniform, flat and free of uneven features that would inhibit uniform compaction, Fill soils should then be placed in approximate 8-inch lifts, moisture-conditioned to the optimum moisture content or 1 to 2 percent over optimum and recompacted to minimum 90 percent relative compaction, Pad Erosion ReDair Areas of erosion within the pad areas deeper than the depth of ripping for reprocessing the lots (12 inches) should be cleared of all loose soils, stockpiled soils, and vegetation to establish a competent bottom and side walls prior to fill placement. The base of the cleaned-out areas should be processed as described in the drainage area erosion section (above) and fill soils should be placed in thin lifts and compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction based on ASTM 01557-91. '\ - 3 - WDNTON AND ASSOCIATES, 'Ne, 871347-026 If you have any questions regarding this letter-report, please do not hesitate to contact this office, We appreciate this opportunity to be of service, Respectfully submitted, LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC, ~~? \~ :;/ Robert F, Riha, CEG 1921 (Exp, 02/28/98) Project Geologist Distribution: (I) Addressee (3) Field Office Attention: Mr. Larry Dana DEB/RFR/dlm Attachments: Figure 1 - Key and Benching Details . Figure 2 - Slope Buttress or Replacement Fill Detail o - 4- lEIGHTOH AND ASSOCIATES, INC. KEY AND BENCHING DETAILS FILL SLOPE I:: :;:1I~ ----- - -- - - -----------. --------------- ~~~.J,;;~~ ~~ ~L~~~ _-:.~:f:K~~~J.~~~~~~ TO COMPETENT MATERIAL .:_~~~~~~~~~::~~~~~ _-::~:f:f:f~:f~~~~~~~ _-;::f~~mm~-~ '. .~ "" - _-::::~~-::~_ II II ~-..r..~~-:..-=---~-::::-::::- ____---~ 'I "- ~--- - --;:~--=--=-.:-.:--- BENCH -..:..!J ~------=----:-::-::::-::,' -_-::2'!.!!'N.:=-:;.: ,,' -, ' 2' MIN.L'-'lS' MIN,.---J KEY 'LOWEST I DEPTH BENCH (KEY) REMOVE UNSUITABLE MATERIAL EXISTING GROUND SURFACE F~L-OYER-CUT SLOPE _-;::f~:f%~;lli-~~ _ -::..:::0.-: - -. ----_:~ _-:..z:: _- EXISTING _-:~~::::~- ' v/, GROUND SURFj_----~~:;~_~~,:- B::CH - - =..L 20-..,,-------- _ - - ..-::: _-2~~.~-:-:- -- __-- L--1S'MIN:-J __ -- 2' I - LOWEST I __ -- MIN. BENCH KEY (KEY) DEPTH CUT SLOPE (TO BE EXCAVATED PRIOR TO FILL PLACEMENT) REMOVE UNSUIT ABLE MATERIAL PROJECT 1 TO 1 LINE FROM TOE OF SLOPE TO COMPETENT MA TERIAL /,/ EXISTING / ./ GROUND / / SURFACE~ / )C // :::::\~v / b ,,\~ / ~IJ( CUT -OYER-FILL SLOPE CUT SLOPE (TO BE EXCAVATED PRIOR TO FILL PLACEMENT) REMOVE UNSUITABLE 'MA TERIAL BENCH NOTE; Back drain may be recommended by the geotechnical consultant based on actual field conditions encountered. Bench dimension recommendations may also be altered based on field conditions encountered. <\ SLOPE BUTTRESS OR REPLACEMENT FILL DETAIL OUTLET PIPES 4" l!l Nonperforated Pipe, 100' Max. O.C. Horizontally 30' Max. O.e. Vertically , KEY I!: DEPTH-L . ----~-_. . ----------- ~ _______2% Mil:. :/: 2' MIN. b KEY WIDTH _I EQUIPMENT SIZE - GENERALL ~ Al TERNA TE A TEMPORARY ~'LLLEYeL - -- --- _ _-:~-:. . - - AECOMPACTED FIU~ ._~~.~ ~lN. SeLECT SEDDIHG --. ..:.L BACXFILL. .. 0 MIN. NONPERFORA TEt) PIPE DETAil A-A' NOTES: . Fill blanket, back cut, key width and key depth are subject to field change, per report/plans. . Key heel subdrain, blanket drain, or vertical drain may be required at the discretion of the geotechnical consultant. ALTERNATE B . SUBORAIN INST ALLA TlON - Subdrain pipe shall be installed with perforations down or, at locations designated by the geotechnical consultant, shall be nonperforated pipe. FILL BLANKE' 30" MIN. BACK CUT 1:1 OR FLATTER BENCHING SUBORAIN SEE AL TERNA TES A & f'LTER "'''TERLlL 3ft.3/1f. T-CONNECTlON F1L TER MATERIAL Filter material shall be Class 2 permeable material per State of California Standard' Specifications. or approved alternate, Class 2 grading as follows: SIEVE SIZE l' 3/4" 3/8" No.4 No.8 No, 30 No. 50 No, 200 PERCEN'r PASSIN '100 90-100 40-100 25-40 18-33 5-15 0-7 0-3 OESIGN FINISHED GRADE DETAil OF BUTTRESS SUB DRAIN TERMINAL . SUBORAIN TYPE - Subdrain type shall be ASTM C508 Asbestos Cement Pipe (ACP) or ASTM 027SI, SDR 23.5 or ASTM 01527, Schedule 40 Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ASS) or ASTM 03034 SOR 23.5 or ASTM 01785, Schedule 40 Polyvinyl Chloride Plastic (PVe) pipe or approved equivalent. FILTER FABRIC {MlRAF'1 140 OR JJlPROVEO eOUlvALENTl A ~I. IS' .,.,---jS'.'~' '. lO' .,.........J r-- -.f.ERFORATED - I _ ",.O;I1IN. PIPE HQNPERFORATEO ."8:I1IN. . ,,#.;.-.. .j. ......... . ... . ..... . CAP 0" . . . . \0 -_.~ - --.-. .. . ItiMAX.CPEN c;R1oClEO GRAvEL CR APPROVED EOUlV.Ai..B'-'T ~ C::;7y >>Ye;eK5 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOiL & TESTING, INC. 6280 Riverdale Street, San Diego, CA 92120 P.O. Box 600627, San Diego, CA 92160-0627 619-280-4321, FAX 619-280-4717 February 28, 1997 Kaufman and Broad of San Diego 12626 High Bluff Drive, Suite 400 San Diego, California 92130 1'''"'\IC=~r;='~\r;=1 ~I I ,!- I 1;--- \ lL. !.'DI'r:'l"7.r:: 'I lS Ui !I I I' I I I l'Jlt-:~ MAR 0 3 1997 ): iq~, i SCS&T 94 11105 Report No. 47 ATTENTION: Mr. Gary Mingo SUBJECT: Summary of In-Place Density Tests, Restoration of Lots 20 Through 26, Inclusive, City of Temecula Tract 23125, Tradewinds Residential Subdivision, Riverside County, California. Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, this report has been prepared to summarize the result of the in- place density tests performed in the finish pad grade .of Lots 20 through 26, of the City of Temecula Tract 23125. These tests were performed on February 4, 1997. Field density tests were taken in accordance with ASTM D2922-91 at the location chosen by our field representative. The results of these tests are shown on the attached Plate Number 1. A maximum dry density determination was performed on a representative sample of the soil used in the compacted material according to ASTM D1557-91, Method A, The results of this test, as presented on Plate Number 1, were used in conjunction with the field density tests to calculate the percent of relative compaction of the compacted material. The subject lots were previously rough graded. During the period since the rough grading, the lots lost their compaction on the pad surfaces. To restore the lots to their original condition, the surfaces of the lots were scarified to a depth of approximately 12 inches, moisture conditioned and compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density. \\ SCS&T 9411105 February 28, 1997 Page 2 If you should have any questions after reviewing this report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated. Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. ~ GP-r::: Charles H. Christian, R.G.E. #00215 CHC:DH:mw cc: (6) Submitted \ -z,.. ;.. JOB NAME: TRACf 23125, LOTS 20 THROUGH 26 JOB NO: 9411105 IN"'- PLACEDENSITY TESTS I TEST I DATE ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DENSITY I SOIL REL. COMPo LOCATION I (feet, MSL) (percent) (pd.) TYPE (percent) 1 2/4/97 Lot 26 F,G., 1123.3 11.0 118.1 7 91.0 2 2/4/97 Lo125 F.G., 1124.0 9,6 117,1 7 90.2 3 2/4/97 Lo124 F.G., 1124.4 11,0 123.3 7 95,0 4 2/4/97 Lot 23 F,G., 1123.8 9,2 120,8 7 93.1 5 2/4/97 Lot 22 F,G., 1123.8 7.4 121.3 7 93.5 6 2/4/97 Lot 21 F.G., 1123.6 7,7 119.2 7 91.8 7 2/4/97 Lo120 F,G" 1122.0 8,0 119.5 7 92.1 I MAXIMUM DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE SUMMARY (ASTM D1557) SOIL TYPE SOIL DESCRIPTION OPTIMUM MOISTURE, % MAXIMUM DENSITY, pcf 7 Dark Brown Silty Sand 129.8 7,9 \?J PLATE NO: 1 ~ Cry r,,5f1ex~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. 6280 Riverdale Street, San Diego, CA 92120 P.O. Box 600627, San Diego, CA 92160-0627 619-280-4321, FAX 619-280-4717 February 24, 1997 Kaufman and Broad of San Diego 12626 High Bluff Drive, Suite 400 San Diego, California 92130 SCS&T 9411105 Report No. 46 ATTENTION: Me. Gary Mingo SUBJECT: Summary of In-Place Density Tests, Utility Trench Backfills and Curb and Gutter and Sidewalk Subgrade Courses, Tradewinds Residential Subdivision (City of Temecula Tract 23125-3) Phase I, Riverside County, California. REFERENCE: "Summary of Field Observations and Tests for Relative Compaction, Street Improvements, Sterling Ranch, County of Riverside; " bv Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc., Report No. 21, dated february 22, 1995. Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, this report has been prepared to summarize the result of the in- place density tests performed in the utility trench backfills and curb and gutter and sidewalk subgrade courses at the subject site by Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc. These tests were performed between July 18, 1995 and February 2 I, 1997. UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILLS The utility trench backfills tested by our firm consisted of the sewer, water, storm drain and joint utility trenches. The trench backfills were typically compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density. The material generated from the excavation of the subject trenches was typically used as the backfill material. V\ SCS&T 9411105 February 24, 1997 Page 3 The majority of the storm drain trench backfill tests were previously reported for Tract 23125-3 of the Tradewinds Residential Subdivision (see reference). The in-place density tests performed since that time are as presented on the attached plates. CURB AND GUTTER AND SInEW ALK SUBGRADE In-place density tests and probing in the curb and gutter and sidewalk subgrade courses indicated compaction of at least 90 percent of maximum dry density. Subgrade materials generally consisted of compacted fill soils placed under our observation and testing during mass grading operations. FIELD TESTS Field density tests were taken by Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc, in accordance with ASTM D1556-90 and D2992-91) under the direction and at the locations chosen by the The results of these tests are shown on the attached plates. LABORATORY TESTS Maximum dry density determinations were performed on representative samples of the soils used in the compacted materials according to ASTM DI557-91, Method A or C. The results of these tests, as presented on Plate Number 7, were used in conjunction with the field density tests to calculate the percent of relative compaction of the compacted material. If you should have any questions after reviewing this report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated, Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. Reviewed by: CHC:DH:GET:mw cc: (6) Submitted ~;/~ ,-5 JOB NAME: TRACf 23125-3 JOB NO: 9411105 . IN-PLACE DENSITY TESTS , I LOCATION MOISTURE I DRY DENSITY I REL. COMPo i I TEST ELEVATION SOIL DATE (feet, MSL) (percent) (p.d.) I TYPE (percent) i SEWER LINE I S1 11/12/96 Via Angeles, 13+20 1137,5 6.4 115.2 8 91.3 I S2 11/13/96 Via Angeles, 14+40 1139.5 9.7 117.4 7 90.4 I S3 11/13/96 Via Angeles. 13+80 1139,5 9.8 122.4 7 94.3 i S4 11/13/96 Via Angeles, 12+05 1136.5 9.6 122.5 7 94.4 IS5 11/13/96 Via Angeles, 11 +20 1137,D 8.9 121.2 7 93.4 IS6 11/13/96 Sewer Lateral Lot 51 1140,5 11.1 117,1 7 90.2 IS7 11/13/96 Sewer Lateral Lot 4 1140,0 8.2 121.3 7 93.5 I IS8 11/13/96 Sewer Lateral Lot 1 1139.0 9.0 120.8 7 93.1 S9 11/13/96 Sewer Lateral Lot 7 1138.5 12,7 113.2 7 87.2 I S10 11/13/96 RETEST OF S9 1138,5 11.7 117.5 7 90,5 I S11 11/13/96 Corte Figueroa. 16+10 1139.0 8,2 119.1 7 91.8 1 S12 11/13/96 Corte Figueroa, 15+25 1139,0 1D.2 119.8 7 92.3 I S13 11/13/96 Corte Figueroa, 14+50 1141.D 9.7 118.0 7 90.9 S14 11/13/96 Sewer Lateral Lot 76 1139.5 9.8 119.2 7 91,8 I S15 11/13/96 Sewer Lateral Lot 53 1138,5 10.3 118,6 7 91.4 I S16 11/14/96 Corte Figueroa, 14+10 1140,0 8.3 114.1 7 87.9 I S17 11/14/96 RETEST OF S16 1140.0 8.5 117.5 7 90.5 I , S18 11/14/96 Corte Figueroa, 13+25 1141,0 8.8 118.3 7 91.1 I S19 11/14/96 Sewer Lateral Lot 73 1142.5 9.9 111.9 7 86.2 S20 11/14/96 RETEST OF S19 1142,5 8.6 123.6 7 95.2 S21 11/14/96 Corte Figueroa, 13+60 1143.0 6.8 121.3 7 93.5 S22 11/14/96 Corte Figueroa, 11 + 70 1143.0 8,1 118.6 7 91.4 S23 11/14/96 Sewer Lateral Lot 57 1142.5 9.0 122,7 7 94.5 I S24 11/14/96 Corte Figueroa, 12+20 1142.0 9,2 121.5 7 93.6 S25 11/14/96 Corte Figueroa, 11 +10 1143.5 7.7 117,1 7 90.2 I I S26 11/14/96 Sewer Lateral Lot 67 1144.0 7.7 109.1 7 84.1 , S27 11/14/96 RETEST OF S26 1144.D 9.1 121.2 7 93.4 S28 11/14/96 Sewer Lateral Lot 63 1144,5 11.0 117.2 7 90.3 S29 11/14/96 Corte Figueroa, 10+55 1144,5 7.8 117.2 7 9D.3 S30 11/14/96 Corte Figueroa, M.H. 10+00 1143.0 6.8 119.0 7 91.7 S31 11/14/96 Sewer Lateral Lot 6 1143,0 8.4 118,1 7 91.0 , S32 11/14/96 Via Angeles, M.H, #1 1138,5 7.6 117,7 7 90.7 IS33 11/14/96 Via Angeles, 11 +85 1139.D 9.3 117.0 7 90.1 IS34 11/14/96 Sewer Lateral Lot 60 1144.0 9.8 118.6 7 91.4 IS35 11/14/96 Sewer Lateral Lot 7D 1145,0 7.3 119,3 7 91.9 S36 11/15/96 Via Angeles, 12+30 1142.0 8,1 118,3 7 91.1 S37 11/15/96 Sewer Lateral Lot 2 1142,5 7.3 12D.8 7 93.1 S38 11/18/96 Via Angeles, M.H. 17+05 1149.0 7.6 116.9 7 90.1 S39 11/18/96 Via Angeles. M.H.17+05 1153,0 8.3 119.3 7 91.9 S40 11/18/96 Via Angeles, M.H. 17+05 1154,0 7.8 117.9 7 90.8 IS41 11/18/96 Via Angeles, M.H. 16+15 1152.0 7.6 115.7 8 91.7 \(p PLATE NO: 1 JOB NAME: TRACT 23125-3 JOB NO: 9411105 IN-PLACE DENSITY TESTS I ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DENSITY SOIL I REL. COMPo I I TEST DATE LOCATION (feet, MSL) (percent) (p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) S42 11/18/96 Via Angeles, M,H, 16+ 70 1153.0 8.0 12D.6 8 95.6 I I I WATER W134 12/30/96 Via Angeles, 11 +45 1141,5 9.3 119.3 7 91.9 W135 12/30/96 Via Angeles, 12+00 1141.0 11.5 119.6 '1 92.1 W136 12/30/96 Lot 3 Service 1140.5 11.6 117,3 7 90.4 W137 12/30/96 Via Angeles, 13+50 1142,5 11.6 114.4 7 88.1 ,W138 12/30/96 RETEST OF W137 1142.5 9.7 121,0 7 93.2 I W139 12/30/96 Lot 48 Service 1143.0 11.7 117,5 7 90.5 W140 12/30/96 Lot 5 Service 1142.5 11.6 116.9 7 90.1 W141 12/30/96 Via Angeles, 14+50 1144.0 11.5 117.3 7 90.4 W142 12/30/96 Via Angeles, 13+35 1142,0 9.5 123,2 7 94.9 I iW143 12/30/96 Corte Figueroa. 10+15 1148.0 10.6 117.3 7 90.4 I , Corte Figueroa. 11 +40 I IW144 12/30/96 1147.5 12.1 119.7 7 92.2 W145 12/30/96 Corte Figueroa, 12+65 1145,0 10,2 124,9 7 96.2 I W146 12/30/96 Corte Figueroa, 13+95 1144.0 10.3 121.1 7 93.3 W147 12/3D/96 Corte Figueroa, 14+95 1142.5 9.7 119.6 7 92.1 W148 12/30/96 Lot 50 Service 1142,5 9.8 117.4 7 90.4 W149 12/30/96 Lot 70 Service 1143,0 10,6 118.4 7 91.2 ,W150 12/30/96 Lot 53 Service 1144,5 10.4 122.5 7 94.4 . W151 12/30/96 Lot 56 Service 1148.0 8.4 124.6 7 96.0 W152 12/30/96 Lot 59 Service 1150.0 10.8 120.3 7 92.7 W153 12/30/96 Lot 64 Service 1150,0 10.4 118.4 7 91.2 W154 12/3D/96 Lot 67 Service 1145.0 9,3 117,1 7 90.2 W155 1/2/97 Via Angeles. 1 D+90 114D,5 11.2 118,7 7 91.4 W156 1/2/97 Via Angeles, F,H., 11 +04 1141.0 10,9 121,1 7 93.3 W157 1/2/97 Via Angeles, 13+03 1143.0 10.1 119,7 7 92.2 W158 1/2/97 Via Angeles. F,H" 14+23 1146,0 9.5 118.1 7 91.0 W159 1/2/97 Corte Figueroa. F.H.. 16+38 1142,0 10.8 120.7 7 93.0 W160 1/2/97 Corte Figueroa, F,H" 13+17 1144,0 11.6 117.7 7 9D.7 W161 1/2/97 Corte Figueroa, F,H, 9+87 1150,0 12.0 117.1 7 90.2 W162 1/2/97 Lot 61 Service 1149.D 10.4 119.8 7 92,3 W163 1/2/97 Lot 63 Service 1150.0 11.6 118.2 7 91.1 STORM DRAIN SD185 1/17/97 Via Angeles, 13+20 1141.0 11.3 117,D 7 90.1 SD186 1/17/97 Via Angeles, 13+05 1143.D 11,1 120,5 7 92.8 i \\ PLATE NO: 2 JOB NAME: TRACT 23125-3 JOB NO: 9411105 ! IN - PLACE DENSITY TESTS I I DATE [ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DENSITY I SOIL I REL. COMPo I I TEST LOCATION I (feet, MSL) (percent) (pd.) TYPE (percent) I j JOINT TRENCH I 1m 1/8/97 Corte Figueroa. 10+70 1147.0 10,8 117.7 10 94.1 !JT2 i 1/8/97 Corte Figueroa, 11 +90 1149.0 11.5 123.5 10 98.7 j IJT3 1/8/97 Corte Figueroa, 13+10 1146.D 12.0 120.7 10 96.5 IJT4 1/8/97 Corte Figueroa, 14+30 1143.0 11.4 117.6 10 94.0 IJT5 1/8/97 Corte Figueroa, 15+4D 1143.0 11.1 119.0 10 95.1 i JT6 1/8/97 Corte Figueroa, 12+50 1143,0 10.7 121,1 10 96.8 1m 1/8/97 Corte Figueroa, 14+00 1141,0 12.5 121.6 10 97.2 !JT8 2/11/97 Corte Figueroa. 16+25 114D.0 9.8 113.4 10 90.6 iJT9 2/11/97 Corte Figueroa, 14+45 1141.0 9.6 118.7 7 91.4 I Imo 2/11/97 Corte Figueroa, 13+25 1140.0 10.4 119.5 7 92.1 I JT11 2/11/97 Corte Figueroa, 11 +50 1142.0 10.5 123.8 7 95.4 I JT12 2/11/97 Corte Figueroa, 9+70 1141,0 13,2 121.9 7 93,9 I JT13 2/11/97 Via Angeles, 13+70 1138,0 10,1 124.8 7 96.1 I JT14 2/11/97 Via Angeles, 12+25 1138.0 10,7 122.9 7 94.4 ! JT15 2/11/97 Via Angeles, 10+ 70 1138,0 7.7 117.4 7 90.4 i I I , CURB AND GUTER CG1 1/22/97 Via Angeles, Subgrade 8.4 117.4 7 90.4 CG2 11/22197 Via Angeles, Subgrade 11.7 119.5 7 92.1 i i CG3 1/22/97 Via Angeles, Subgrade 121,6 7 93.7 I 11.1 I CG4 11/22/97 Via Angeles, Subgrade 10.5 118.5 7 91.3 CG5 1/22/97 Via Angeles, Sub grade 11.7 118.7 7 91.4 I CG6 1 /22/97 Corte Figueroa, Subgrade 1D.6 120,2 7 92.6 i CG7 1 /22/97 Corte Figueroa, Sub grade 10.4 119,6 7 92.1 i CG8 1/22/97 Corte Figueroa, Subgrade 9.9 117.5 7 9D.5 CG9 1/22/97 Corte Figueroa. Subgrade 12.1 119.0 7 91.7 CG10 1/22/97 Corte Figueroa, Subgrade 8.8 120.6 7 92,9 ! CG11 1/22/97 Corte Figueroa. Subgrade 10.6 121.0 7 93.2 CG12 1/22/97 Corte Figueroa, Subgrade 11,8 121.4 7 93.5 CG13 1/22/97 Corte Figueroa, Subgrade 11,1 119.4 7 92.0 CG14 2/17/97 X-Gutter, Corte Figueroa at Sub grade 10,1 119.7 8 94.8 I Via Angeles CG15 2/17/97 X-Gutter, Corte Figueroa at Subgrade 9.8 121,8 8 96.5 Via Angles CG16 2/17/97 X-Gutter, Corte Figueroa at Subgrade 10,0 118.7 8 94.1 Via Angeles CG17 2/17/97 X-Gutter, Corte Figueroa at Subgrade 8.9 119,5 8 94,7 Via Angeles CG18 2/18/97 X - Gutter. Corte Figueroa at Base 5.4 144.7 16 98.3 Via Angeles \~ PLATE NO: 3 JOB NAME: TRACf 23125-3 JOB NO: 9411105 IN-PLACE DENSITY TESTS , \ DATE , I I TEST I ELEVATION MOISTURE DRY DENSITY I SOIL REL. COMPo LOCATION I (feet, MSL) (percent) (p.c.f.) TYPE (percent) CG19 2/18/97 X-Gutter, Corte Figueroa at Base 4.9 143.2 16 97.3 Via Angeles CG20 2/18/97 X-Gutter, Corte Figueroa at Base 5.0 144.8 16 98.4 Via Angles CG21 2/18/97 X-Gutter, Corte Figueroa at Base 5.3 144.0 16 97.8 Via Angeles ICG22 2/19/97 X-Gutter, Via Angeles at Subgrade 10.8 123.7 7 95.3 De Portola Road CG23 2/19/97 X-Gutter, Via Angeles at Sub grade 9,7 124.8 7 96.1 De Portola Road CG24 2/19/97 X - Gutter, Via Angeles at Sub grade 9.8 123.9 7 95.5 De Portola Road CG25 2/19/97 X-Gutter, Via Angeles at Subgrade 8.7 124.7 7 96.1 De Portola Road CG26 2/19/97 X-Gutter, Via Angeles at Subgrade 8.1 124.0 7 95.5 De Portola Road CG27 2/19/97 X-Gutter, Via Angeles at Subgrade 8.4 123.9 7 95.5 I De Portola Road CG28 2/19/97 X-Gutter, Via Angeles at Base 5.6 141.8 16 96,3 De Portola Road CG29 2/19/97 X-Gutter, Via Angeles at Base 6.9 141.4 16 96.1 ICG30 De Portola Road 2/19/97 X-Gutter, Via Angeles at Base 7.8 143.1 16 97.2 De Portola Road CG31 2/19/97 X-Gutter, Via Angeles at Base 7,1 141.9 16 96.4 I De Portola Road CG32 2/19/97 X-Gutter, Via Angeles at Base 7.9 146,7 16 99.7 De Portola Road CG33 2/19/97 X-Gutter, Via Angeles at Base 7.0 141.6 16 96.2 De Portola Road I I I SIDEWALK SUB GRADE SW1 7/18/95 Butterfield Stage Rd" Island Sub grade 4.7 137.6 15 96.8 SW2 7/18/95 Butterfield Stage Rd" Island Sub grade 5.3 14D,5 15 98.8 SW3 7/19/95 Butterfield Stage Rd., Island Subgrade 4,5 128.2 15 90.2 SW4 7/19/95 Butterfield Stage Rd., Island Subgrade 6.4 136.5 15 96,0 SW5 7/19/95 Butterfield Stage Rd., Island Subgrade 8,1 129.3 15 90.9 SW6 7/27/95 Butterfield Stage Rd" Island Subgrade 8,6 113,6 2 92.3 SW7 9/15/95 Via Alvaro, D/W, Lot 15 Subgrade 10,0 118,6 2 96,3 SW8 9/15/95 Via Alvaro, 11 +40 Subgrade 12.5 115.4 2 93.7 SW9 9/15/95 Via Alvaro, D/W, Lot 14 Subgrade 1D.5 111.2 2 90.3 \<\ PLATE NO: 4 JOB NAME: TRACT 23125-3 JOB NO: 9411105 IN - PLACE DENSITY TESTS I I ELEVATION MOISTURE I DRY DENSITY SOIL I REL. COMPo I I TEST DATE LOCATION (feet, MSL) (percent) (p.d.) TYPE (percent) ! SW10 9/15/95 Via Alvaro, 12+DD Subgrade 11.1 111.8 2 90.8 SW11 9/15/95 Via Alvaro, D/W Lot 19 Subgrade 10.4 115.2 2 93.6 SW12 9/15/95 Via Alvaro, 11 +90 Subgrade 10,6 116,9 2 95.0 I SW13 9/15/95 Via Alvaro, D/W, Lot 22 Subgrade 10.1 113.9 2 92.5 SW14 9/15/95 De Portola Rd., N. Side, 655' Subgrade 10,2 115.2 2 93.6 East of Via Angeles CL SW15 9/15/95 De Portola Rd" N, Side, 550' Subgrade 9,1 113.7 2 92.4 East of Via Angeles CL SW16 9/15/95 De Portoa Rd" N, Side, 500' Subgrade 9,5 113,9 2 92.5 East of Via Angeles CL SW17 10/16/95 Via Alvaro, 15+6D Subgrade 10.6 112,3 2 91.2 SW18 1D/16/95 Via Alvaro. 14+50 Subgrade 11.1 111,6 2 90.7 SW19 10/16/95 Via Alvaro, 13+25 Subgrade 9,9 112.2 2 91.1 SW20 10/16/95 Via Alvaro, 14+00 Subgrade 10,8 110.9 2 90,1 SW21 10/16/95 Via Alvaro, 15+30 Subgrade 9.7 113,1 2 91.9 SW22 10/16/95 Via Alvaro, 16+60 Sub grade 11.8 112.6 2 91.5 jSW23 3/18/96 Via Alvaro. 18+70 Sub grade 10.2 119,1 2 96.8 SW24 3/18/96 Via Alvaro, 18+25 Sub grade 12.1 121.4 2 98.6 , Subgrade I SW25 3/18/96 Via Alvaro, 17+20 11.1 112,8 2 91.6 SW26 3/18/96 Via Alvaro, 17+00 Subgrade 9.8 115.8 2 94.1 SW27 7/29/96 Via Alvaro, 21 +00 Sub grade 12,2 115.8 8 91.8 SW28 7/29/96 Via Alvaro, 20+00 Subgrade 9,1 116.1 8 92.0 SW29 7/29/96 Via Alvaro, 18+70 Subgrade 11.8 117.2 8 92.9 SW30 7/29/96 Via Alvaro, 19+70 Subgrade 10.1 114.2 8 90.5 SW31 7/29/96 Via Alvaro, 21 +10 Subgrade 11.3 115.7 8 91.7 SW32 8/19/96 Via Sabino, 2D+50 Subgrade 5.9 106.4 9 90.8 SW33 8/19/96 Corte Eloano, 24+0D Subgrade 5.9 111.4 9 95,1 SW34 8/19/96 Via Sabino, 19+0D Subgrade 10.0 119,3 10 95.4 SW35 8/19/96 Via Sabino, 17+25 Subgrade 7,8 113.1 10 90.4 SW36 8/19/96 Corte Margarino, 11 +00 Sub grade 8,5 120,0 10 95.9 SW37 8/19/96 Via Sabino, 15+50 Subgrade 9,9 121.1 10 96.8 SW38 8/19/96 Via Sabino, 14+50 Subgrade 6.3 118,9 10 95.0 SW39 10/18/96 Via Sabino, 21 +30 Subgrade 8.3 114.6 8 90.8 SW40 10/18/96 Via Sabino, 20+55 Sub grade 11,3 115.3 8 91.4 SW41 10/18/96 Via Sabino, 18+70 Sub grade 6,6 117,9 8 93.4 SW42 10/18/96 Via Sabino, 17+50 Sub grade 9,7 118.2 8 93.7 SW43 1D/18/96 Via Sabino, 18+10 Subgrade 8.8 127,3 8 100.9 SW44 10/18/96 Via Sabino, 17+00 Subgrade 6,9 116.2 8 92.1 SW45 10/18/96 Via Sabino, 16+55 Subgrade 6,8 118,7 8 94.1 SW46 1 D/18/96 Via Sabino, 15+30 Sub grade 7,9 117.1 8 92,8 SW47 10/18/96 Via Sabino, 14+65 Subgrade 9.5 113.8 8 90.2 SW48 1 D/18/96 Via Sabino, 14+00 Subgrade 8.0 117.2 8 92.9 zP PLATE NO: 5 JOB NAME: TRACf 23125-3 JOB NO: 9411105 IN-PLACE DENSITY TESTS I I DATE ELEVATION IMOISTURE DRY DENSITY I SOIL I REL. COMPo r , I iTEST LOCATION " (percent) (p.c.f.) TYPE I (percent) I feet, MSL) ISW49 10/18/96 Via Sabino, 13+30 Subgrade 7.0 114.1 8 90.4 SW50 11/18/96 De Portola Rd" N. Side. 855' Subgrade 5.7 111.8 2 90.8 West of Via Angeles CL SW51 11/18/96 De Portola Rd" 755' West Sub grade 6.1 111,2 2 90.3 , ISW52 of Via Angeles CL I 11/18/96 De Portola Rd" N. Side, 670' Subgrade 6.3 112,3 2 91.2 West of Via Angeles CL SW53 11/18/96 De Portola Rd" N, Side, 583' Subgrade 6,0 110,8 2 90.0 West of Via Angeles CL SW54 11/18/96 De Portola Rd" N. Side. 487' Subgrade 7.4 110.8 2 90.0 West of Via Angeles CL , SW55 11/18/96 De Portola Rd., N. Side. 41D' Subgrade 6,0 105.7 9 90.2 I West of Via Angeles CL SW56 11/18/96 De Portola Rd" N. Side, 325' Sub grade 5.5 117.3 7 90.4 West of Via Angeles CL SW57 11/18/96 De Portola Rd., N. Side, 240' Subgrade 5.6 111.9 2 90.9 ISW58 West of Via Angeles CL I 11/18/96 De Portola Rd" N, Side, 100' Sub grade 6,3 109.5 9 93.4 I I West of Via Angeles CL I , !SW59 2/14/97 Via Angeles, 12+95 Subgrade 11,5 118.9 4 90.3 !SW60 2/14/97 Via Angeles, 12+45 Subgrade 8.7 124.3 4 94.4 SW61 2/14/97 Via Angeles, 11 +60 Subgrade 9,1 123,2 4 93.5 SW62 2/14/97 Via Angeles. 10+80 Sub grade 1D.2 118.8 4 90,2 SW63 2/21/97 Via Angeles, 10+45 Subgrade 10.4 123.9 5 94.6 SW64 2/21/97 Via Angeles, 10+60 Subgrade 8.4 123.7 5 94.4 , ISW65 2/21/97 Via Angeles, 10+50 Sub grade 11,8 120.8 5 92.2 i SW66 2/21/97 Via Angeles, 11 +50 Subgrade 10,5 120.0 5 91.6 SW67 2/21/97 Via Angeles, 12+00 Sub grade 8.8 120.0 5 91.6 SW68 2/21/97 Via Angeles, 12+30 Subgrade 7,0 118,0 5 9D.1 SW69 2/21/97 Corte Figueroa, 17+20 Subgrade 6.6 126.4 4 96.0 SW70 2/21/97 Via Angeles, 17+20 Subgrade 6.2 121.6 4 92.3 SW71 2/21/97 Via Angeles, 13+20 Sub grade 8.4 121.9 4 92.6 , '],\ PLATE NO: 6 JOB NAME: TRACT23125-3 JOB NO: 9411105 MAXIMUM DENSITY AND OPTIMUM MOISTURE SUMMARY (ASTM D1557) SOIL TYPE SOIL OESCRIPTION OPTIMUM MOISTURE, % MAXIMUM DENSITY, pel 2 Brown. Fine-Medium. Silty 11.2 123.1 Sand (Qal) 4 Dark Brown, Fine Clayey, 7.9 131.7 Silty Sand (Qcol) 5 Dark Orange-Brown, Silty '8.0 131.0 Clayey Sand (Qcol) 7 - Dark Brown, Silty Sand 7.9 12S.8 (Qcol) 8 Gray-Brown. Fine Silty 7.1 126.2 Sand (Topsoil) 9 Light Tan. Clean, Slightly 4.9 117.2 Silty Sand (Qp) 10 Tan. Silty Fine Sand (Qp) 8.2 125.1 15 Class II Base. Elsinore 4.1 142.2 Ready Mix 16 Class II Base, CalMat-Pala 6.1 147.2 7J- PLATE NO: 7 ..... ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. 6280 Riverdale Street, San Diego, CA 92120 PO. Box 600627, San Diego, CA 92160-0627 619-280-4321, FAX 619-280-4717 c.;../ 7#pt::Z:w.t.5 February 3, 1997 \\& ~ CC [~~ il 'w -~f~\\ \~yFEB~~ ~\ '-.-.- SCS&T 9411105 Report No, 45 Kaufman and Broad of San Diego 12626 High Bluff Drive, Suite 400 San Diego, California 92130 ATTENTION: Mr. Gary Mingo SUBJECT: Summary of In-Place Density Tests, Restoration of Lot 18 and Lot 19 (City of Temecula Tract 23125), Tradewinds Residential Subdivision, Riverside County, California, Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, this report has been prepared to summarize the result of the in- place density tests performed in the finish pad grade of Lot 18 and Lot 19 of the City of Temecula Tract 23125 at the subject site by Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc. These tests were performed on January 31, 1997, Field density tests were taken in accordance with ASTM D2922-91 under the direction and at the location chosen by our field representative. The results of these tests are shown on the attached Plate Number 1. A maximum dry density determination was performed on a representative sample of the soil used in the compacted material according to ASTM D1557-91, Method A, The results of this test, as presented on Plate Numher 1, were used in conjunction with the field density tests to calculate the percent of relative compaction of the compacted material. The subject lots were previously rough graded. During the period since the rough grading, the lots lost their compaction on the pad surfaces, To restore the lots to their original condition, the surfaces of the lots were scarified to a depth of approximately 12 inches, moisture conditioned and compacted to at least 90 percent of maximum dry density, """/;) '"' SCS&T 9411105 February 3, 1997 Page 2 If you should have any questions after reviewing this report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated. Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC, ~Hd2 Charles H. Christian, R.G,E, #00215 CHC:DH:GET:mw cc: (6) Submitted 7J\ ". JOB NAME: TRADEWINDS JOB NO: 9411105 IN-,PLACEDENsnY'TESTS. . . ... - -, . , .'-' . . ,.... I TEST I DATE 111/31/97 211/31/97 I I LOCATION Lot 18 Lot 19 ELEVATION feet, MSL 1192,3 F,G 1189,9 F,G, MOISTURE 10,9 9,5 DRY DENSITY .c.f.) 115,8 116,8 SOIL TYPE 10 10 REL. COMPo ercent) 92.6 93.4 MAXIMUMDENSI1YAND OPTIMUM MOISTURE SUMMARY (ASTM D1557) SOIL TYPE SOIL DESCRIPTION OPTIMUM MOISTURE, % MAXIMUM DENSITY, pel 10 Tan Silt, Fine Sand 8,2 125,1 ?:5 PLATE NO: 1 ~-' . :.sc.: SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA :r: . SOIL & TESTING, INC. 6280 Riverdale Street, San Diego, CA 92120 P.O. Box 600627, San Diego, CA 92160-0627 619-280-4321, FAX 619-280-4717 . ~~(C ~ OCT 1 4 1"l;:) October 10, 1996 By Kaufman and Broad of San Diego 12626 High Bluff Drive, Suite 400 San Diego, California 92130 SCS&T 9411105 Report No. 38-R ATTENTION: Me. Gary Mingo SUBJECT: Summary of In-Place Density Tests, Restoration of Lots I Through 5 (City of Temecula Tract 23125-F) and Lots 62 Through 71 (City of Temecula Tract 23125-2), Sterling Ranch, Temecula, California. Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, this report has been prepared to summarize the result of the in- place density tests performed in the tin ish grade of Lots I through 5 and Lots 62 through 71 at the subject site by Southern California Soil & Testing, Inc, These tests were performed on July 25 and 27. 1996. Field density tests were taken in accordance with ASTM D2922-9l under the direction and at the location chosen by our field representative. The results of these tests are shown on the attached Plate Number 1. A maximum dry density determination was performed on a representative sample of the soil used in the compacted material according to ASTM 01557-91, Method A. The results of this test, as presented on Plate Number I, were used in conjunction with the tield density tests to calculate the percent of relative compaction uf the compacted material. The subject lots were previously rough graded. During the period since the rough grading, the lots deviated from their original condition, To restore the lots to their original condition, the surfaces of the lots were scarified to a depth of approximately 12 inches, moisture conditioned and compacted to 90 percent of maximum dry density. Compaction was achieved by means of wheel rolling. 1fp .- . .~ SCS&T 9411105 . . Page 2 October 10, 1996 If you should have any questions after reviewing this report, please do not hesitate to contact this office, This opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated, Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. d<<t~ Charles H, Christian, R,G,E. #00215 CHC:DH:GET:mw cc: (6) Submitted -z,.,l " /. " .~ .. '. . ('.'" -. ..' ...,. '..;r.. ~- ., ,. 'i' - ,.' ,", .-. .' '1-.' 'I". .~.' .~' . ., . .....,. ..' .. F ~.. .... . ..- ". . 2312'5~o . ~ 51- DAILY WORK REPORT 'JOB NAME Rr_~r~ JOB NO, DATE TECH. <)1-, r h "'S '14\\\()\ $-\'1,1b -l2\.\. LOCA1IUN" - . CLIENT k if HOURS ---;;11A (' (IA k. rs ~,5 WEATHER EQUIPMENT S \A, 1'\ 1'\ i' ~ TEST ELEVATION DRY PERCENT MA~Ir,uM RELATIVE NO, LOCATIOtII OR DEPTH DENSITY MOISTURE DEN ITY ~ ')"-" 77 \/',c. "c\~''''o s, (,... 'n~, II <:;, 'i q q!\ ,(. 5 ...... ("'",,'\. ~",.C1 I "'>. \ q \" ~ 75r \ \ \, L, \U '>v <;" ~'.. '^.l"') , \\~, --. C\"l 7"1 \/\c: \ 0 , r I., ? ,,'^' ~ I - 1<0 \ 1<" , 7'-. ~ \ (I qi.J,(j ~i'f (=..+r f'V'o... y..c..-~, VI /J I \ 7..0, \.- x',' '-. III CPto I , '^-I " I ~~'l \/\c.. S....~',"'<:. ,'7 \ , \ "V, \u qh. 7 >~ I ts>, V \ \ '(, ~ 6,7 \ r) ct \' I I ~ f - \ --- , COMMENTS: A r...', ,I" / - " ....J..,. '-J-~ . r t;'-.f......\l"vV"\ n~ '" .. ~rL. ), .L ) fl" - r. 'j, / r~..-7\ ......-\n. ~- -. .\. r',^ .". l.'d~ II' I . r_.J.. . ".,. - /,o.c. '\A '/ , _~ 0_ .. / I i: . \ I. h C.t. - r:--.. ,,..~_ d... -~ ,..;,- [., .'1'-. /VL ..... ".... ., , c::..'. ,) ~J\.f; .....: ~ 7 . , ( ~ -- . J . . 61/11')./- / -I-- 1...- ',~ ~) \r , -)....... ( _V\ ) 14. ~ _ ~ t' ..... - 'J .\... /L ff. o V , i I ., , . - . , ^ II , .. t_. \.. r ~, .1,. r l t' 1..../,.......... -"'r \,.. - ~ c, , ..{L - ......, -.- - . r ' , -. I t' o ~.J . .... u" 'I ,n ( I , Vi ... c?l\.-.,...., -'. (l:l-f...,'IA-IIl/~, 'An , '"_I. I . ~,~ . ~ , ' I - - 'v.. , - -. U ' . .. - \ .. <, (' , /~, ---- .~ iq-JI".'~ If" . '~ S~ eaulMHia Sod ad 7e4ti~, 'llfe.~ 280- 4321 ,,~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INC. RECE\\lEO Jljt--\ 15 1995 erN o~\~t~p~~~EN\ ENGINEERI" 6280 Riverdale Street, San Diego, CA 92120 P.O. Box 600627, San Diego, CA 92160-0627 619-280-4321, FAX 619.280-4717 June 5, 1995 Kaufman and Broad of San Diego 12626 High Bluff Drive, Suite 400 San Diego, California 92130 SCS&T 9411105 Renort No, 26 ATTENTION: Mr. Gary Mingo SUBJECT: R-Value Test Results, Imported Subgrade Soil, Via Sabino, Station Numbers 19+50 to 21 +50, Sterling Ranch, Temecula, California, REFERENCE: "Pavement Recommendations, Interior Subdivision Streets, Sterling Ranch, County of Riverside Tentative Tracts 23125, 23125-1, 23125-2 and 23125-3, Temecula, California," Prepared by Southern California Soil and Testing, Inc" November 4, 1994 (Report No, 13), Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, we have performed an R-value test on a sample of soil imported to repair the rain damaged subgrade on Via Sabino, This test was performed in accordance with California Test Method 301 and the test results are attached herewith, The imported soil has an R-value of 54 as compared to the previously determined subgrade R-value of 56, Based on this R-value, no change in the approved structural pavement section will be necessary, If you should have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated, Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC, ~e#~ Charles H, Christian, R,G,E, #00215 CHC:mw cc: (6) Submitted 7A "{ SAMPLE: VIA SABINO, STATION 20+00 TEST SPECIMAN A D E DATE TESTED 5 0 5 z Compactor Air Pressure psi 350 300 350 zo IJJ- Initial Moisture % 4.2 4.2 4.2 ::;~ -u Moisture at Compaction % 9.1 10.6 9.5 u_ ~II: Briquette Height in. 2.48 2.46 2.49 (/)CD if Density pel 128.8 127.0 128.4 EXUDATION PRESSURE psi 545 250 415 EXPANSION PRESSURE DIAL ,II: pt, at 1000 pounds psi 17 38 21 -'IJJ Ph at 2000 pounds psi 30 79 37 -f-- CDIJJ 1!'::; Displacement turns 4.20 4.20 4.05 (/)0 "R" Value 73 38 68 CORRECTED "R" VALUE 8 "R" VALUE AT 300 PSI EXUDATION PRESSURE = 54 100 10 ~ 1M = I 700 600 500 400 300 200 EXUDATION PRESSURE psi 100 o GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIEVE AS RECEIVED AS TESTED 3 2~ 2 1'1, 1 '4 V, 3/B #4 #8 #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 .05mm .OO5mm .OO1mm LIQUID LIMIT PLASTIC LIMIT PLASTICITY INDEX SAND EQUIVALENT 90 80 70 60 W :J -' :l' 50 j:r 40 30 20 o 800 ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING. INC. ..aa FUVERDAI-E: STREI!T SAN DIE[JD, CALIFORNIA IiIR"Iac STERLING RANCH DEVELOPMENT BY CHC DATE 6/5/95 JOB NO, 9411105 PLATE NO. 1 y;> SENT BY:SCS&T, INC. -~ : 5- 5-95 :11:32AM . SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING, INc. blKlJ Rivenblt SlrCCf. San Dic:t\o, CA lJ21:m p.o. Hm: ti(1(J(t27. S:m Oiet:u.CA 92ltil.uti27 (019111(I.4321. r-AX 619,2&)-1117 May 5, 1995 Kaufman and Broad of San Diego 12626 High Bluff Drive, Suite 400 San Diego, California 92130 SUBJECT: SCS&.NC..... 19096995396:# 1/ I ;< ;$ I ~.~ SCS&T 9411105 Report No. 2S Disposal of Sand Bags in Park Site Fill, Sterling Ranch Development, De Portola Road, Temecuhio, California. Gentlemen: This letter has been prepared to present our opinion that the 1000, plus or minus, surplus sand bags at the site could be placed in the fill for the park site. Said sand bags should not be disposed of in the areas under the pavements, and should be limited to landscaped areas only. Since the bags are biodegradable, the area of fill where they are placed should be considered a non-structural fill. The City of Temecula Engineering Department should be made aware of this criteria and approve the non-structural fill status prior to disposing the bags in the fill. If you should have any questions regarding this letter, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity to be of professiOnal service is sincerely appreciated, Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC, ~~ Charles H. Christian, R,G,E. #00215 CHC:mw cc: (6) Submitted 7\ i - ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING. INC. 'KECEIVED [ FEB07 1=-J CITYOFTEMECULA i ENGIf\Jl:CC1PlI(.:; rH:D~QTTMJ:MT 6280 Riverdale Street, San Diego, CA 92120 P.O. Box 600627, San Diego, CA 92]60.0627 619-280-4321, FAX 619.280-47]7 February 7, 1995 Kaufman and Broad of San Diego 12626 High Bluff Drive, Suite 400 San Diego, California 92130 SCS&T 9411105 Report No, 18 ATTENTION: Gary Mingo SUBJECT: Subgrade Erosion Repair, Calle Morita, Via Alvaro and Corte Yaca, Sterling Ranch, County of Riverside Tracts 23125, 23125-1, 23125-2 and 23125-3, Temecula, California, Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, this report has been prepared to present our verbal recommendations for repair of three of the subdivision streets damaged by erosion. The three streets include Calle Morita from Station 11+00 to 17+00, Via Alvaro between Stations 10+00 and 12+00 and Corte Yaca between Stations 10+20 and 18+20, In the areas where repairs are needed, some of the soils are very wet and pump under the weight of compaction equipment. Since time is of the essence, the wet soils can be stabilized by treating with cement, The cement treatment should extend 12 to 16 inches below subgrade and should amount to at least four (4) percent by weight. Once the subgrade is cement treated and compacted, subgrade should be made, Base material should be placed over the treated section the following day. To fill in some of the eroded areas on OllIe MontJ> some soils with an R-value of 18 were placed at subgrade. This will require a stronger skUctunil pavement section than recommended in our November 4, 1994 report for the street structural sections, Based on a traffic index of 6.0 as assigned to this street, and on the 18 R-value a minimum structural pavement section of three (3,0) inches of asphalt concrete pavement on eleven (11,0) inches of Class II aggregate will be required for this street. If you should have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated, Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC, ~~~215 ~ CHC:mw cc: (6) Submitted ,.- '. ., SAMPLE: R-19 Calle Morita, Station 12+50 - 17+00 TEST SPECIMAN A B C D E DATE TESTED - -95 Z Compactor Air Pressure psi 250 350 125 ZQ w- Initial Moisture % 4.7 4.7 4.7 ::;;~ (31.1 Moisture at Compaction % 12.9 11. 6 14.2 ~I%: Briquette Height In, 2,45 2.47 2.52 mill 11: Density pel 121. 6 123.7 118,4 EXUDATION PRESSURE psi 395 600 190 EXPANSION PRESSURE DIAL 0.059 0.133 0.036 ,I%: Ph at 1000 pounds psi 3 60 ..Jw Ph at 2000 pounds psi 102 62 129 -I- IIlw ~::;; Displacement turns 4.35 4.40 4.55 mQ "R" Value 25 48 12 CORRECTED "R" VALUE 12 "R" VALUE AT 300 PSI EXUDATION PRESSURE = 18 100 GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION SIEVE AS RECEIVED AS TESTED 3 2'!z 2 1'!z 1 't 'I, "'8 #4 #8 #16 #30 #50 #100 #200 90 80 70 60 700 600 500 400 300 200 EXUDATION PRESSURE psi 100 o W :J ..J ~ 50 fr 40 ,05mm .OO5mm .OO1mm LIQUID LIMIT PLASTIC LIMIT PLASTICITY INDEX SAND EQUIVALENT 30 20 10 o 800 ~ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL & TESTING. INC. BRBa RIVERDALI! 8TREI!T BAN CII!ClQ. CALIFDRNIA 1II1111Q Sterlin Ranch Subdivision BY CHC DATE 2-7-95 '>~ JOB NO. 9411105 Plate No.1 J\L '-:~. .' " .,.-6. t .~j l. .~ LGi \ \ J\ I I . I ~' 6f . , ;; .., ~ 7>\1) ~'T-~' ~ '~j ~..l:: 'j'-. (;. ~ ~ r J:~ ~ ( [I>-- .. , GO 39\td -- - - II ~ t 1 II II u ~ tl . II II: : " /I: t II: '" ~ . e . " I: It 8 . e .. . .. ~ . ~ I I: II ~ :I ~ ~ SH3t~ I ""b'~ ~'l~ >Q.,~ ~~18B8 11TlV\V\~ tl-O-~C-~ - "" -- N -l' ~ . , ~ "::!>:O""Jl~ IT', .... ....,. ~ i1 r.; rT/ (jj fl,.. ~ ~ ~ ~ f ~ ~ ~ "'l" "" 0 6' '" ~ ....! t" " "". ~ ~ I.J w \.i \,oJ E I" .!:. ~~ -c) ~. <:.- ~.. ''ri ':') ~~ . ' ~~ - - 01[;) I \).l --"". , d-< <-p ~ ... " ... ~ = C\v~ '6- ~;\: "9-. ~.,.. .....,... v 1I ~ t . .. ~ .. ... u ~ .. 1ft ;.I.t ~~ l ;1M- f}/,)p1 ~. " ".,.- r .. J: 0(\ '* r ,., ~ , < , } { T" n ~ ~ I'-- L - ?f\ .. . . . !I I I . . . . I I I I I I , I ". /:5t\ SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA "'<I/'~ SOIL & TESTING, INC. '\..-// 6280 Riverdale Street. San Diego, CA 92] 20 P.O. Box 600627, San Diego, CA 92160-0627 619-280-4321, FAX 619.280-4717 November 4, 1994 Kaufman and Broad of San Diego 12626 High Bluff Drive, Suite 400 San Diego, California 92130 SCS&T 9411105 Report No. 13 ATTENTION: Mr, Gary Mingo SUBJECT: Pavement Recommendations, Interior Subdivision Streets, Sterling Ranch, County of Riverside Tentative ~ 23~23125-1. 23125-2 and 23125-3, Temecula, California. Dear Mr, Mingo: In accordance with your request, we have prepared this report to present pavement section recommendations for the interior streets of the Sterling Ranch Subdivision. The recommended pavement sections are based on the results of "R" Value tests performed on representative samples of the subgrade soils, The tests were performed in conformance with California Test Method 301. The sample location and test results are presented in the attached plates, Based on the "R" value test results, and on traffic indexes provided by the City of Temecula, the structural sections presented in the following Table No. I on the following page are recommended, These sections comply with minimum City standards, The upper twelve inches of subgrade should be scarified, moisture conditioned to above optimum moisture requirements, and compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density, All soft or spongy areas should be removed and replaced with compacted fill. The base material should be compacted to at least 95 percent of its maximum dry density. All materials and methods of construction should conform with good engineering practices and the minimum standards set forth by the City of Temecula, 1;~ ~'-'"7..........,...~.--:--","",,-=,_~_: -,...-,---_~. -'.:.~-'r'----.~_'~._"""_~,~_",____.._,~,,, .,.~~,---.......--_.- ,~.-...-. - ...~~.r..;...~.-.' -----~.- -------..,. , II "'" ". SCS&T 9411105 November 4, 1994 Page 3 ,I TABLE NO. I I PAVEMENT SECTION RECOMMENDATIONS Pavement 8 Sample Sample Traffic Section: Station RllJIl!e Location Nmnber R-Value Index AClBase (inches) I Via Sabino 10+40 to 13 +00 11+50 R-2 24 7,0 3.0/13,0. 13+00 to 16+50 15+00 R-13 36 7,0 3,0110.0 16+50 to 21+65 19+50 R-9 56 7.0 3,0/6.0 I Via Chaoarrn 10+00 to 13 +50 11 +00 R-7 22 6,0 3.0110,0. I 13+50 to 17+00 15+50 R-I 29 ( 6,0 3,0/8,5. 17+00 to 20+65 18+40 R-8 20 6,0 3.0110,5. I Calle Morita 10+00 to 11 +00 .. R-7 22 6.0 3,0110.5. 13+50 to 17+00 15+00 R-17 40 6,0 3,0/ 6,5 11+00 to 13+50 12+00 R-16 50 6.0 3,0/6.0 I Via Alvaro 10+00 to 16+00 13+50 R-lI 72 6,0 3.0/ 6,0 r 16+00 to 23+00 19+50 R-IO 46 6,0 3,0/6,0 Via Angeles 10+40 to 15+00 13+75 R-15 39 7.0 3.0/9.0 I 15+00 to 19+00 16+00 R-6 51 7,0 3.0/6.5 19+00 to 23+40 21 +00 R-14 49 7.0 3.0/7,0 , Corte Yam 10+20 to 18+20 14+50 R-12 29 5,0 3.0/ 6.0 Corte Ebano 23+05 to 24+45 ... R-9 56 5,0 3.0/ 6.0 Corte MllJIl!arino 10+20 to 15 +50 13+50 R-18 50 5,0 3,0/6,0 Corte Fil!Uema 10+00 to 16+65 13+00 R-3 44 5,0 3.0/6.0 Corte Porfirio 10+20 to 12+50 11+00 R-4 48 5,0 3.0/ 6.0 Corte Bonilla 10+20 to 14+45 13+00 R-5 2S 5.0 3,0/6.0 I I · Previously Reported - See Reference No. 1 I , , .. Sampled as part of Via Chaparro at Station II + 50 ~ , I ... Sampled as part of Via Sabino at Station 19+50 I I I I - I I i I I I I I I I I f I -- _._.~~-_._- ... ----.------.-... -'-- - --. -_.. .:....... ---___f. ~- -, SCS&T 9411105 November 4, 1994 Page 4 If you should have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. This opportunity to be of professional service is sincerely appreciated. Respectfully submitted, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SOIL AND TESTING, INC. cG-!! dZ- Charles H. Christian, R,G.E, #00215 CHC:mw cc: (4) Submitted (2) City of Temecula, Department of Public Works , I I i , I I '7-'\ I I I, ~';j T~ 23-\2.s;- A rc:"" ~~;;;9~EDi ~~13 <1 E:/oJG C''T'tor::'''-- -!lVf:F;q/~;...rt:MECllt . ....,.......jl;:tdD:::o V4.4, .....,":_~!:rm',... '..,. ~<~_'7/'J"" "''''. ENGINEER'S QUANTITY AND COST ESTIMATE GRADING ------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEMS QTY. UNIT PRICE TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------------------- EXCAVATION 1,039,100 C.Y. 0.75 C.Y. $779,325 ------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPROVEMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------- SUB-DRAINS 2770 L.F. $12.00 $33,240 ------------------------------------------------------------------- GUNITE BENCH DRAINS: A. l'O"x3'0" 1340 L.F. $15.00 $20,100 B. l' .5"x 3'0" 2630 L.F. $13.00 $34,190 C. 2'0" X 3'0" 90 L.F. $13.00 $1170 D. 36" C.M.P. RISER 1 EA. $525.00 $525 E. 24" C.M.P. RISER 1 EA. $370.00 $370 TOTAL IMPROVEMENTS 20% CONTINGENCY TOTAL COST $89,525 $17,905 $107,500 '1J> .'.' .1 i., ." .::: L -! John R. BlIerlll N COR P 0 R A RECt'J- ~~~ ? 4, 1994 ~~Clll.!'!~ CI1\~lCJ Io~~_""'" ao\G~' ,.-... : j " GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION AP RIL 22, 1992 TENTATIVE TRACT N0. 23125 c_____ \ -, NORTHEAST CORNER OF DE PORTOLA ROAD AND BUTTERflELD STAGE ROAD TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA' PREPARED AT THE REQUEST OF: V AN DAELE DEVELOP MENT CORPORATION DISTRIBUTION: (6) CLIENT 2900 ADAMS STREET, SUITE C-25 RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92504 ATTENTION: PAT VAN DAELE RPT. NO.: 3900 FILE NO,: S-8040 ~ (;;J=OTI=C':!-tNlr^' J:'Nr:I~H:f::nc::: . Tt:CTI~I~ ^"'n '1\'COI:f"""TlrUI .1 J.L INTRODUCTION L. During February and March of 1992, an investigation of the soil conditions underlying the subject residential development was conducted by this firm. The purpose of our investi- gation was to evaluate the surface and subsurface conditions at the site. in order to determine the potential for liquefaction, and to prepare recommendations for site prep- aration, foundation design, resistance to lateral loads, and support of concrete slabs-on- / . grade, The geologic condition's attendant to this site have been evaluated by our consulting engineering geologists, Gary S. Rasmussen &. Associates, Inc. Their investiga- tion is described and their findings presented in their report presented as Enclosure 10 herewith. Our investigation, together with our conclusions and recommendations, is discussed in detail in the follow ing report. This report has been, prepared for the exclusive use of Van Daele Development Corpora- tion and their design consultants for specific application to the project described herein. Should the project be modified, the conclusions and recommendations presented in this report should be reviewed by the Geotechnical Engineer. Our. professional ser- vices have been performed, our findings obtained and our recommendations prepared in accordance with generally accepted engineering principles and practices,' This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties express or implied, PROJECT DESCRIPTION It is our understanding that the 88 acre site will be .subdivided into 212 lots,' each of which will receive a single family residence. Grading plans for the first phase of the project, prepared by Ranpac Engineering Corporation and with the .latest revised date of June 13, 1990, show proposed maximum cuts of up to 65 feet and fills up to 47 feet in depth. Several retaining walls up to 6 feet in height and cut and fill slopes with a maxi- mum gradient of 2:1 (H:V) are also planned for this project, The cut and fill slopes will have maximum heights on the order of 60 feet and 44 feet, respectively, The proposed structures will be supported on a shallow foundation system consisting of continuous and isolated footings and a slab-an-grade, For the purpose of this report, the maximum loads on the footings are assumed to be 2.0 kips per linear foot and 15 kips on the continuous and isolated footings, respectively. hop Rpt, No.: 3900 File No,: S-8040 1 .".\ ,~ ., SITE CONDITIONS '--.- The site is located at the northeast corner of the proposed intersection of the extensions of Butterfield Stage Road and De Portola Road in Temecula, California. An Index Map showing the general vicinity of the site is presented on the following page. The site is irregular in shape and is approximately 88 acres in size. The site is bounded by un- o' developed property on all sides. ,To the north, west and east, the adjacent property is used as grazing land, The site topography is generally rolling, hilly terrain with the southern margin extending into the Pauba Valley. Several gullies extend into or through the site in a northerly direction. The highest portion of the site attains an elevation of about 1260 feet and is located near the north central portion of the site. The lowest part of the site is located along the southern perimeter at an elevation of approximately 1118 feet. The gullies exhibit relief of up to 60 feet, with side slopes as steep as 1:1 (H:V). The existing vegetation consisls of a moderate cover of grass. No man-made structures were noted on the site, A barbed-wire fence is located along the southern site peri- meter, arid several dirt roads with associated small, localized areas of cut and filJ are present on the property, Underground water mains are located along the southern peri- meter of the site. An earthen dike has been constructed in the southeast corner of the site at the rear of Lots 2 through 4. Portions of this dike have eroded since construction, and the dike has been breached by grading for a dirt road, Adjacent to this dike is a thick growth of trees that will be left as a natural area during and subsequent to site development, A borrow area and an associated 2:1 (H:V) cut slope 25 feet in height are located near the north central part of the site. This area is easily identifiable since it has been graded relatively flat. A cut slope inclined at 2:1 (H:V) and as high as 80 feet has been constructed along the east side of Butterfield Stage Road, This slope extends from the southwest corner of the site a distance of approximately 900 feet to the north of De Portola Road. The lower part of this slope is covered with a slough from grading and erosion, so the soil constituenls comprising the slope cannot be observed at this time. The site configuration is presented on Enclosure 1. FIELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATION The soils underlying the site were' explored by means of 18 test borings drilled with a truck-mounted, continuous flight auger drill rig, and 3 test pits excavated with a tractor- l_ A,\ 2 Rpt.No.: 3900 File No.: S-8040 e'_ ,. q%')~ ,0.,-;11.' :.W- ':~M" . ",:jf:c,": :,::~,,::::':;6'd~~~:: ;:~;;. ~,. ?~ '? '.:--.:.'0.'::'.: :~s::::-:.;i"'t::3 ,,.,.~,,,.::~ t '\ ,..... & &. -. . P , 0 ~/f.OO:; ~ '-' ...~ /'"-, ;~':;;'" '3. ,.~ '.~ ':':"~ .i~:>l;';';..'~)rf\.YJ//F;-;!'-0-~0'... 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A1r IN D E X MA ,p . j .,.,'1 , l_ mounted backhoe, The' borings and trenches were excavated to maximum depths of 50.5 feet and 12,0 feet below the existing ground surface, respectively. The approximate locations of the test borings and trenches are indicated on Enclosure 1. The soils en- countered were examined and visually classified by one of our field engineers. A sum- mary of the soil classifications appears as Enclosure 2. The eXploration logs show sub- surface conditions atthe dates and locations indicated, and may not be representative of other locations and times. The stratification lines presented on the logs represent the approximate boundaries between soil types, and the transitions may be gradual. During our exploration, both undisturbed and bulk samples were obtained and returned to the laboratory for testing and evaluation, The driving energy required to advance the sampler at each sample interval was also noted. Included in our laboratory testing were moisture-density determinations on all undis- turbed samples. Optimum moisture content-maximum dry density relationships were established for typical soil types so that the relative compaction of the subsoils might be determined. Consolidation testing was conducted on native soil samples to determine their response to various loading conditions. Direct shear tests were perfor.med for foundation bearing value and slope stability considerations. In order to assist in our liquefaction investigation, grain size distributions were determined for selected samples. The moisture-density data are presented on the ,field exploration logs, Enclo- sure 2. The maximum density data and results of direct shear tests are presented on Enclosures 3 and 4, respectively, . The consolidation and gradation test'results are sum- marized on Enclosures 5 and 6, respectively. SOIL CONDITIONS The soils encountered in the upper elevations of the tract generally consisted of colluvial and residual soils comprised of loose to dense fine to coarse sand with varying amounts of clay. Underlying these colluvial soils, a late Pleistocene sedimentary bedrock was en- countered. This medium dense to very dense bedrock is a member of the Pauba Forma- tion and consists of either a sandstone or siltstone, The soils encountered in the lower elevations or valley areas consisted of loose to medium dense recent alluvial deposits. The upper, loose alluvial soils extended to various depths, but extended as deep as 28 feet in Boring 11. The alluvial soils are comprised of silty sands with varying amounts of clay. Artificial fill was encountered in Borings 2, 15, and 18, to depths of 3, 2 and B feet 3 Rpt. No.: 3900 ~ File No,: S-8040 , I ...." I i I. "'1 L' L i, ,- '--- . -'. below existing grade. This fill was generally in a loose condition and appears to be derived from minor grading on the site, Groundwater was encountered in Borings 2, 17, and 18 at depths of 28 feet, 30 feet, and 29 feet, respectively, below existing grade. The soils encountered in our exploration were generally granular and not significantly expan- sive; therefore, no expansion index tests were conduc ted. LIQUEFACTION Liquefaction is a phenomenon which occurs when a soil undergoes a transformation from a solid state to a liquefied condition due to the effects of increased pore-water pres- sure, Loose saturated soils, with particle size in the medium sand to silt range llre particularly susceptible to liquefaction when subjected to seismic ground shaking. Af- fected soils lose all strength during liquefaction and founda tion failure can occur. It is anticipated that major earthquake groundshaking will occur during the lifetime of the proposed structures from the seismically active Wildomar fault. A maximum probable earthquake magnitude of 6.5 on the Richter Scale, and a maximum ground acceleration associated with such an event of 0,49 g are postulated b~ our consulting engineering geologist. To evaluate the liquefaction potential of the subsoils underlying the site, the soils below the present llnd projected groundwater table were analyzed for relative density and for gradation. The most effective measurement of relative density of sands with respect to liquefaction potential is standard penetration resistance. For this reason, we employed blow count information in our analysis as it is more meaningful than dry density and moisture content. Our field data indicate that the upper alluvial soils along the eastern perimeter and the eastern portion of the southern perimeter of the site demonstrate blow counts cor- responding to relative densities of less than 80 percent. Sands with relative densities less than 80 percent possess a relatively high potential for seismic liquefaction (Seed, H.G" ASCE National Convention Reprint 2752, 1976). These areas of the site are represented by Borings 1 and 2. The standard penetration and gradation data also provided input for the PETAL2 program developed by Albert T. F., Chen, USGS, for liquefaction evaluation. The results of the computer evaluation, shown on Enclosure 7, confirm the high liquefaction potential for some of the soils located below the projected high groundwater table. Bllsed on discussions with our consulting engineering geologist, a projected high groundwater level of 15 feet was used in our calculations. iJf\ Rpt. No.: 3900 n:1_ l.T _ _ .... ^""._ I . .j i l i Research has also shown that, regardless of relative density, soils below :35 feet of over- burden are not susceptible to liquefaction, The project grading plans (Ranpac Engineering Corp., May 25, 1989) show the areas presently underlain by liquefaction susceptible aIluvial soils are to receive a minimum of 12 feet of man-made fiIl. Further, recommendations for subexcavation and recompaction of compressible soils presented under "Site Preparation" below, wil! result in the densification of the upper 10 to 15 feet / . of soil in the area of concern relative to liquefaction, The beneficial effects of recom- paction of the upper soils and additional overburden have been verified by the PETAL2 computer analysis. Although the computer analysis shows factors of safety "against" ' ., .,.,.;;.,,.,; liquefaction of less than 1.0, those soil layers exhibiting apparently low factors of safety are 35 feet deep or more below the final ground surface. The combined effect of the densification of the loose and compressible upper soils and the increased overburden from,' the new fiIl will, in our judgment, reduce the potential for liquefaction to acceptable ,: levels. No special foundations, building setbacks, or fill compaction or treatment wiIl be~ '.' needed to further mitigate the liquefaction potential. CONCLUSIONS In their current condition, loose aIluvia1 soils and artificial man-made fill material are not suitable for support of either the proposed struqtures or slopes on the project. Areas of the site underlain by the unsuitable soils will need to be overexcavated to recompact compressible materials. Transition areas on the lots will also require additional overex- i cavation and recompaction. The proposed residences may then bear. on conventional, ",. . . ~. shallow foundation systems. These data and our observations indicate structure design: ' may assume a very low expansion potential. The expansion potential of the on-site soils' should be further evaluated during grading. Detailed recommendations are presented below. RECOMMENDATIONS FOUNDATION DESIGN If the site is prepared as recommended, the proposed structures may bear on conven- tional, spread or continuous wall footings. The footings should be at least 12 inches wide A.-5 5 Rpt. No.: 3900 File No,: S-8040 .._,. '- and placed at least 12 inches below the lowest adjacent finished grade, On transi tion lots where the differential in depth of fill below the footings is at least 10 feet, the footings should be at least 15 inches wide and placed at least 18 inches below lowest adjacent finished grade, These lots should be identified during a geotechnical review of the final project grading plan, Our preliminary review of the grading shown on the tentative tract map suggesls approximately 75 lols will require the deepened and reinforced footings. These footings should be designed for a maximum allowable bearing capacity of 2000 ^ pounds per square foot for dead plus Jive loads. Due to differential settlement considerations, footings should bear entirely on compacted I fill or dense, natural soil. Footings should not span from cut to fill soil conditions. Since the exact building locations are not known, it is recommended that the cut areas of the pads be overexcavated an additional 24 inches and the overexcavated soils be replaced as engineered fill. Specific grading recommendations are presented in the "Site Prepara- tion" section. The bottom outside edge of the footings should be set back from the face of all cut or fill slopes a horizontal distance equal to at least 1/3 the vertical slope height, with a minimum setback of at least 5 feet. ' Deepened footings may be necessary to meet this requirement. Continuous footings on transition lots where the differential in filIdepth below the footings is at least 10 feet should be reinforced with at least 2 continuous No.4 bars, one placed near the top of the footing, and one near the bottom. This reinforcement is based on soil characteristics and is not intended to be in lieu of reinforcement necessary to satisfy structural considerations. These recommendations are valid for footings supporting both residential dwellings and retaining walls. For footings thus designed and constructed, we would anticipate a maximum settlement of less than 1 inch and a maximum differential settlement slope of 1:850. , The building and foundation plans should be submitted to this office for review so speci- fic recommendations can be made, All footing excavations should be observed by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to placement of steel reinforcement and concrete in order to verify competent soil conditions. LATERAL LOADING Retaining walls in an unrestrained condition and supporting horizontal backfill should be designed to support an equivalent fluid pressure of 35 pounds per square foot per foot of 6 Rpt. No.: 3900 ls:t..~ File No.: S-8040 I'. , '.' ....-t.. I..: '._, ' L i ( I i:.. i' i I depth, exclusive of surcharge loads. For backfill sloping at 2:1 (H:V), an equivalent fluid pressure of 60 pounds per square foot per foot of depth is recomm ended. Resistance to lateral loads will be provided by passive earth pressure and basal friction. For footings bearing against dense native soil or compacted fill, passive earth pressure may be con- sidered to be developed at a rate of 350 pounds per square foot per foot of depth. Basal friction may be computed at 0.4 times the normal dead load. Basal friction and passive earth press,tire may be combined directly without reduction. These values may be in- creased by 1/3 for wind or seismic loading, Foundation concrete should be placed in neat, trenches or the foundation backfill compacted as recommended for site fill. Backfill placed behind the retaining walls should be granular and non-expansive, and should be compacted in accordance with the recommendations for structural fill. All retaining walls should have adequate weep holes or a sub drain system to prevent a build-up of hydrostatic pressure, SLABS-ON-GRADE Since the building pads will be bearing totally on either compacted fill or dense native soil, it is our opinion that a gravel base will not be needed to provide adequate support for concrete slabs-on-grade. The final pad surface should be rolled to provide a smooth, dense surface upon which to place the concrete, Slabs to receive moisture-sensitive coverings should be provided with a barrier to vapor moisture. This barrier may con~ist of an impermeable membrane, such as 10 mil Visqueen. A 2 inch layer of sand over the Visqueen will promote uniform setting of the concrete. SLOPE STABILITY The stability of the proposed fill slopes was evaluated by the Bishop's method of slices using the Geosoft STABRG computer program as shown on Enclosure 8. From these calculations, it is our opinion that the proposed slopes exhibit a factor of safety against gross failure in excess of 1.5 for the static analysis and 1.1 for the pseudo static analysis (seismic ground acceleration of 0.15 g) and should be considered grossly stable, Detailed recommendations regarding slope construction are presented below. A,'\ 7 Rpt. No.: 3900 File No.: S-8040 SUB DRAINS ,Groundwater was encountered only in the valley area in the southern portion of the site. It does not appear likely that subdrains will be required in the gullies extending northerly into the si te. The conditions exposed by the gully cleanouts should be reviewed by the Geotechnical Engineer and Engineering Geologist to determine the need for subdrains. BUTTRESS FILLS The Engineering Geologist has identified thin clay beds with adverse orientation in the upper portion of the southwest facing cut slope along Butterfield Stage Road, The final height of this cut slope will be greatly reduced by the planned grading. While it is be- lieved that there is a probability of significant, adversely orientated clay beds remaining after grading in this area, final determination of the need for a buttress fill should be made after the slope face is cleaned of erosional debris, SITE PREPARATION We assume that the site will be prepared in accordance with Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code or the current County of Riverside Grading Ordinance, The recommenda- tions presented below are to establish additional grading criteria, All areas to be graded should be stripped of all organic matter and other deleterious materials. This material should be legally disposed of off-si te. Suitable organic matter may be stockpiled for use as topsoil in areas to be planted. In order to provide suitable foundation support, the underlying loose alluvial and colluvial soils should be overexcavated until competent material is encountered. The actual depth of overexcavation will be determined during grading; however, guidelines to the antici- pated depths of removal are presented on Enclosure 1. These removal depths are shown adjacent to the boring and trench locations. In general, deeper removals will be required in the valley areas. Subsequent to overexcavation in the deep valley areas, an evaluation should be made by a representative of this firm and our consulting engineering geologist as to whether subdrains should be installed. The bottom of the excavations and cut areas should be observed by a representative of this firm prior to processing. Upon approval, A.?:> 8 Rpt. No.: 3900 File No.: S-8040 , I - '-.. the excavated soils should be replaced in 8 inch or less lifts, moisture conditioned to a minimum of 2 percent above the optimum moisture content, and densified to at least 90 percent relative compaction (ASTM D 1557-78). Where cut-fill lots are anticipated, the cut areas of the pads should be overexcavated an additional 24 inches. The exposed soils should be scarified to a depth of 8 inches, moisture conditioned to at least 2 percent above the optimum moisture content, and densified to' at least 90 percent relative com- paction (ASTM D 1557-78). The excavated soil should be replaced in 8 inch or less lifts, / . and moisture condi tioned and compacted as previously discussed. Where fill is to be placed against natural ground containing an inclination of at least 5:1 (H:V), the surface should be keyed and benched in accordance with the guidelines given in Chapter 70 of the Uniform Building Code, A typical detail showing these guidelines is shown on Enclosure 9. Keyways should be constructed at the toe of the fil! slopes, and extend at least 18 inches into dense, natural soil. The sloping ground surface should be benched during fil! placement to remove the loose Upper soils and assure that fil! is placed against competent, undisturbed soil. The keyways should be at least 10 feet wide or 1.5 times the width of the equipment, whichever is greater. The base of the keyways and benches should be sloped back into the hilIside at a gradient of at least 2 percent. The base of the keyways and all fIat lying areas to receive fil! should be scarified to a'" depth of 8 inches, moisture conditioned to at least 2 percent above the optimum moisture content, and densified to at least 90 percent relative compaction (ASTM D 1557-78). Cut and fill slopes should have a maximum gradient of 2 horizontal to 1 vertical. FilI slopes should be overfil!ed during construction and then cut back to expose fully com- pacted soil. A suitable alternative would be to compact the slopes during construction and then roll the final slope to provide a dense, erosion-resistant surface. The on-site soils should provide adequate quality fill material provided they are free from organic matter and other deleterious materials. Import fil! should be inorganic, granular, non-expansive soils, free from rocks or lumps greater than 8 inches in maximum dimension. Fil! should be placed in 8 inch or less lifts, each lift moistened to at least 2 percent above optimum moisture content, and compacted to a relative compaction of at least 90 percent (ASTM D 1557-78). 9 Rpt. No.: 3900 /5;f\ File No,: S-8040 .~,.. Based on the resulls of our field explorations, the sedimentary bedrock encountered during grading should be rippable with conventional grading equipment. , The surface of all lots should be graded to provide positive drainage away from struc- tures and the slopes. We would suggest a berm be constructed at the top of all slopes that will contain the water flow and control the surface runoff. Drainage should be directed to (lstablished swales and then to appropriate drainage structures to minimize the possibility of serious erosion, The slopes will be constructed of soils with relatively high potential for erosion. It is recommended that they be planted immediately subse- quent to construction, SHRINKAGE AND SUBSIDENCE Volume change in going from cut to fill conditions is anticipated. Assuming the fill will be compacted to an average relative compaction of 93 percent, and assuming an average depth of cut of 5 feet, an average cut-fill shrinkage of 15 percent is estimated for the colluvial and loose alluvial soils. An average bulking value of 3 percent is estimated for the bedrock. Further volume loss will occur through subsidence during preparation of the natural ground surface, Although the contractor's methods and equipment utilized in preparing the natural ground will have a significant effect on the amount of natural ground subsidence that will occur, our experience indicates as much as 0.20 feet of subsidence in areas prepared to receive fill should be anticipated. These values are exclusive of losses due to stripping, tree removal or removal of subsurface obstructions. GEOTECHNICAL PLAN REVIEW The grading and foundation plans showing the building locations and elevations should be reviewed by the Geotechnical Engineer. Additional recommendations may be required at that time. CONSTR UCTJON OBSERV A TJONS All grading operations, including the preparation of the natural ground surface, should be observed and compaction tesls performed by this firm. No fill should be placed on any prepared surface until that surface has been evaluated by the Geotechnical Engineer. All 10 Rpt. No.: 3900 File No.: 8-8040 fP footing excavations should be observed by the Geotechnical Engineer prior to concrete placement in order to verify adequate penetration into competent fill soiL The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based upon the field and laboratory investigation described herein and represent our best engineering jUdg- ment. Should .conditions be encountered in the field that appear different from those described in this report, we should be contacted immediately in order that appropriate recommendations might be prepared. Respectfully submitted, JOHN R. BYERLY, INC. .lJL) ') Glenn S, Fraser, Civil Engineer John R, Byerly, Geotechnical Engineer President Enclosures: (1) Plot Plan (2) Test Boring and Test Pit Logs (3) Maximum Density Determinations (4) Shear Test Results (5) Consolidation Test Results (6) Gradation Analyses (7) Liquefaction Analyses (8) Slope Stability Calculations (9) Typical Bench Cross Section (10) Preliminary Engineering Geology Report 11 5\ Rpt. No.: 3900 File No.: 8-8040 ~ I L PROJECT: Tract No. 23125 PROJECT LOCATION: Rancho CaliCornia ENCLOSURE NO,: 2 DATE OF TESTS: 3/18/92 .~' :- '\ , I rl,B NUNBER: S-SOIO BPl1i-r"g. NUNBER: 1 REPORT NO,: 3900 GROUND SURFACE ELEV: 1150 Blows:Oriving: Dr, : Koist.: Per :Knergy lDensity:Contenl: Foot :k-Ct/Ct: PCF X: " , " , I I I I I I I I : 1.1: IOn 8..9: I I I . I I I I -. I : 1.S: 106: 10,1: I , I I _I' . . , , 16: I , I I I ---171 , , I , I I , I _Ill , , , , I , I I 11 I , , , , , , , ---.J.6! H I I , , I , I RI: , , , , , , , , ~DJ , , 3.5: , , , , 2.S: I I I , , I , , 1.6: , , I I I I I , 3.5: I - ' I , I , , , 1.n I , I , I , I , 23.3: I , , I , I , , 30,0: , , , ' I , , , , , , , , 106: 6,1: I , , , , I I I 103: 6.5: I I I---~- , I , , , I , I , , " , 103 : l.9 : , , I , I I , I I I I , I I , , 101: 6.1: I I , I I I , , , I I I I , , , 112 : 5,3: I I , , I I I , I I I , I I I I !l0: S.l: I I , I , , , , I , , I I I I , 109: 8.8: , , , , , , , I I , I , I I , , , , , , I I . , -.- I F I I e , , e I I t Visual Classification ~ I I .... [SKI Brn silt, C-. sand (.oiat l loose) " .. .... 9: 2 .. .... ..... ... .. I 3 ... .. , ... .. 0: I .,.. .. ,." .., .. , 5 .... Br. siIt, (-c sand (.oisl l loose) I .... 0: 6 ..... ... .. ..... I 1 .... ..... r :;::;-- I S ... Srn silt, C.c sand wltr cla, (damp l loose) , .. .. 9: 9 .. .. '.,. .. ".. I 10 .. .. .. , .,.. , !l ".. .., ... I .. ,... I 12 .... .. ,... .. , .... I 13 ... .. . Brn silt, C-c sand (.oist l loose I ..... I .. ,.., n 11 .. .... , .. ... .. . ... I 15 .. ... ... I .. ... , 16 ,.,. .... , .. . .. , 11 .... .. ,... , ,... I 18 .. ..., .... I ..... 0: 19 .... . .. ... ..... , ,20 '.,. .. ... .. -, ... . .. , 21 ... .. ... .. , .. . ... , 22 ..... .. ..., I .., ... , 23 ;+;.;+ ,',+,', [Sil Lt Brn C-c sand {moiat l dens.r , +;.;.,.; .;+;.:+ S' 21 :+:-:+ :-:+>: 25 .... ISKI Gr, Brn silt, C-c sand (.oist l dense) ... ... ... ... 26 '" ... ,... .. 21 ..... ... .. . 28 ;+;.;+ :-;+:-: [Sil Srn C.c BAnd (aoist l verI dense I (bedrockl +:.:+; ';+:-:i' 6 29 :+:-:+ :-:+:-: ...;.;+: ';+;';i , 30 :+:.:+ :-:+:-: , of':':+; ';i':-:" I 31 ;+:.;... ;.:+;-: I +:-:+: -:+:-:. I 32 :+:-;+ :-:+:-: I +;.:+: .;+;.: , 33 :.,.;.;+ :.;+;.; I +;.;...: -:+:-:i 5' 31 fl)! ht~ , I 35 I +;.;+: ';i';':i I 36 :+:-:+ :-;+:-: I +','t' ::!i} , 31 :.j.;::... , +;':i': .:t;':+ , 38 :+>;+ :-:+:-: I +;.;".: -:+:.;+ I 39 :+:-:+ ;-:+:-: I +:-:+: -:+;.: , 10 :+:-:+ :-;+;-: ReCusal on bedrock at 10,5 Ceet ., +:-:+: <+:-:+ , II ~(+:-: NO FREE GROUNDWATSR ENCOUNTSRSD , ~~-- ReI Coop X S S S 9 61-- -L PROJECT: Tract No, 23125 t1LR NUKBRR: HOlD PROJECT LOCATION: Rancho Ca\iCornia BORING NUKBRR: 2 RNCLOSURB NO, : 2 RPT, NO, : 3900 om OF TRSTS: 3/18/92 GROUNO SURFACB BLBV: 1122 --- - - -- ,p, T, :Driving: Dry , Koi,t, : ReI. , F , , Blovs :Bnergy :DensitYiContent: Co.p, , e r Per :Ht/Ct: PCF , I , I , e , , , Foot , r r , , t Visual Cla,sification , r , , , , , , , , 1 ...... ISKI Ok Brn ,Uly r-. sand (vet I loose) FrLL r , , I , ..... , 0,7: 9B: 10,B: 73: 2 .,.,.. , ..... , , , ,- , r 3 .,..., Brn , ilty r-. sand ldup I lonse' ORIGINAL GROUNO ...... I , , , , ...... , 1.1: 97: 1:8: 72: I , ...... , , , I , 5 ...,.. Brn silty r-. sand, ,I (da.p I dense' ...... porous ----' , , , , ...... , 10,2: 101: 3.8: , 6 ...... u ...... , , ....., 65: , r , , 7 ....., ...... I , , I ..,... , , , , , 8 ...... , , , , , ,..,. I 9,5: llO: 4.4: 81: 9 ...,.. ",.., , ..... --..!.6l ' , , , 10 ....., ..... -1.--~1- , -, ....., , , , , , II ...... ....., I , I , I ..,... I I , , I 12 ...,.. , , , I , '..... , , , , , 13 ...... .,.." I I , , , ...... I 7,1: 117: 6,5: 88: II ..,... . . , . . . , ,..... 23: , , , , 15 ' . . . . . , , , , .,.... , , , , , 16 ....., ....., I r I , , ..,... , I , , I 17 . . , . . , ...... , , , I , ...... , , I I , 18 ISCI Red brn clayey r-. ..nd (vet I dense) , , I , , I 4.1: 121: 12.l: 88: 19 , -.26! , , , I 20 " . , , , I , , , 21 I I , , I I , , I , 22 Red bro clayey r-. sand (vet I .ed dense) I I I , , , I I , , 23 , , I , , , 3,9: 108' 10,9: -.' 2t I , --18J I , , 25 , , , , , , , 26 , , , , , , I I 27 , , I , I I , ~ 28 , , , , 1.2: 113 18,1: 82: 29 , III I , , 30 , , , I I I I I 31 I , I , , I , , 32 , I , , , , , I 33 :+:-:+:-:+:-: !SW] Gry Brn r-c sand, sl clayey lsaturated I .ed dense I , , , , +;.:+;.;+:-: , 5,6: 106: 20,4 u' 34 :i-;';+:-:+:-: I , +;-:+:-:+>: l7! , , , 35 :+;.;+:-:+:.; r , I +;.:+:<+:.;~ I I I I 36 :+:.;+:-:+:-; , , I I +:-:+:-:+:-:i , I I I 37 :+:-:+:-:+:.; , I , , +>:+;-:+;': I , I I 38 :+:-:+:-:+:.; , I I , I +:-:+:-:+:-;1 , 1, t: 112: 17.9: u' 39 :+;.;+;.;+:.; , I +:':+:':+:';1 19: I I I I 10 :+:.:+:-:+:-: I r , I +:-:+:-:+:-:+ Log Continued on Nelt Page .s<tJ I .- O'.:L....: PROJECT: Tract No, 23125 PROJECT LOCATION: Rancho Calilornia ENCLOSURE NO,: 2 DATE OF TESTS: 3/18/92 ,p, T, : Driving: Dry : Hoist.: ReI. F Blovs iEoersy iDensity'Content: COIP, e Per : k- Hilt: PCF X , X e , Foot I t , t , , r t , t 0 , , , , , , 12 , , , t , , , 43 , t , I , 9.1: III 1\,4: B6: H , ___Z!! , , , IS , , , , t 16 , , , I I , 11 I , , , , I 18 , I , , , r 49 , r , 12! I , 50 I , , , t 51 , r , ........, . .j j 'tl~g NUKBER: 8-8010 BORING NUKBER: 2 RPT, NO,: 3900 GROUND SURFACE K,KV: 1122 Visual Classification :;:; '.'~ r [SKI Bm silty line sand (saturoted l led de~sel .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ,. Total depth 50,5 leet .. .. .. FRBK GRDUNDWATKR ENCOUNTERED AT 28,0 FEET .. , :+;.:+:.:+ +:-:+;.;+ :+;';+:-:+ f..:.... H ~~ ~ r' '~'L PROJECT: Tract Ho. 2Jl25 PROJECT LOCAT[OH: Rancho Calilornia EHC~OSURE HO,: 2 DATE OF TESTS: J/[8/92 .~ .~ ~ .' ~; , , 'tILE NURBER: 8-B040 BORING HURBER: 2 NPT, HO,: 3900 GROUND SURFACE E~EV: 1122 ,p, T, :Driving: Drf I Koist. : Rel. I F , , Blows : Energr :Densitf:Content: Coop, , e , Per :~-It/lt: PCF , % , % , e , , , Foot , I , , , t Visual Classilication , , , , , , , , U :+:.;..:-:+: , I , , +>:+:-:+> , , , , 42 :!;::!;::!: , , , I , , , , 43 <:I:' ISK) Brn sIlty line "nd (saturated lied dense! , I I , , 9,1 114: 15',4: 86: 44 , ',".' 21! , , , 45 , , , .... , I I I 46 .... ... , , , ,... , , , 47 .... "" I I I . . I I , 48 ..., ... , I , ,... I I I 49 .... .... I , I .... 12: I , 50 .... Total depth 50,5 leet .... , I I I I 51 ' , FREE GROUHOKATER ENCOUNTERED AT 28,0 FEET I I , .gS -~ PROJECT: Tract No, 23125 PROJECT LOCATION: Nancho California ENCLOSURE NO,: 2 DATE OF T8STS: 3/18/92 L 8lm:Orivlng: Dry: Noist,: Per :8nergy :Oen.ily:Contenl: Fool :k-fl/fl: PCF : X : I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I : 3.2: Ill: 1.31 I I I .1 I I I " : ]. 8: 106: 8;~: I I I I _--'---_-.1._.... ' : U: 120: 10,4: 81 : : : I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I _2~___.L_.-1 : I I I I I I I , , I I , , , , , , I 6,0: Ill: 9.l: , , I , . . 16 , , , I , I I , I I , , , , : U: 112: __tsJ__! ~ , , , I , , , , , I , I I I I , , , : 7.4: 11l: ----13L_---1_t , , , , , I I I I , I , , , , , , , : 21,0: 106: __J3! : : , , I , , , , I , , , , 53: : : I , , , , , I , , , , , U: , , I , , , , , 7,5' 6,1 ReI. : COlp, 1 X : I I I , 84: , , 80: , , 88: I I , , , , , , I , , , I I --' , , I , , , , , , 84: , , I , , , , , 83: , , I I , , , , --' , I , , " , , , , I , oj ,. ': I FILE NUNBER: S-8040 Bori ng NUNBER: 3 REPORT NO,: 3900 CROUNO SURFACE ELEV: 1140 F e e l 1 ~ ,.., ,," ,ill, r-, ",' 5 ;;<}:/:: ISW] Red 8rn f-c sand, sI clayey (wel lIed dense I 6 {:{;i:::.~ 1 :+:-:+:-:+:-: +:';".:':+:';i 8 :+:<+:-:+:-: +:-:+:.;..:-:.. 9 :+:-:+:-:+:-: .10 \~:+:~;~.:~: 11 i....+..,-t...1 12 fU!!:f+::: 13 {:{:{:~ It :+~~"'+'" 15 ~>>:-:: [SKI Red Brn ,illy f-c md (loiBl& dense I (bedrockl 16 :::::: .,..,. 17 :::::: 18 :::::: ,..... 19 '..... 20 :::::: ..,... 21 ,..... 22 ::::: ...... 23 :::::. ,..... 21 ..,... ...... 25 :::::: ..,... 26 :::::: . . . . . . 27 :::::: 28 29 ...... 30 31 :::::: 32 ...... ...,.. 33 :::::: 31":;~~ Vi,ual Classification (Iolst and slightly dense to loosel As above, dense Refusal on bedrock al 33,5 feel NO FR88 GROUNOWATER ENCOUNTERED ~ I -'~ PROJECT: lracl No. 23125 PRQJECT LOCATION: Rancho California I ENCLOSURE NO.: 2 1_. DATE OF TESTS: 3/1E/92 ----- Blow,:Urlvlng: Dry : Hoist,: Re]. , , :.... Per :Energy :Den,Uy:Contenl: COlp, , , Foot :k-ft/ft: PCF , I , I , I I I , , , I I I , I , I , , I , , , I , , , , 1.6: 110: 3.9: 80: I , , " I , , , , .' 5.3: 102' 1.2: 11: I , I , . , - , 1.2: 113 5,0: 84: 19 , , I , , f I , I f I , 8,4i 121 8.5: 89: --1.8 I , , , , , , , f , , , I I I f , , , f , , , , , , I , , , , , , I , , , , 6.1: 106: 1.2: -- , f , ----11 ~ , , I I , , "'--' , f , I I , , I , , I , , , I , , , I , , I I I 3.5: 100: 9,4: -- f , -1J I , I , I I , I I I , , , , I , , I , , f , , I , , , , I , , , , , , , , , , 16,5: 115 : 6.1: 86: I _W , , , , , , , I , , , , , , , I , , , I I , , I I , , I I , I r 35,0: 108: 1.1: --' , 15 I , , I I , . , , I I , , I , ,. e e t IBUJ. ISH) 2 ....'...:.-<-:.... [SCI ..'.........<. 3 .:.:.:':::".:-:.> 4 >::'0.~~~'::; 5 ':;:::: [SHI 8rn silty I-c sand w/cIayey sand, ,I porous 6 :::::: (.oist l oed dense) ..." 1 :::::: 8 9 10 II 12 13 II 15 16 11 :::::: ISKI Red Brn ,ilty f-c sand w/chy {wet lied dense I IB :::::: "..,. 19 :::::: ...... 20 :::::: ,..,., 21 :::::. ...... 22 :::::: ....., 23 :::::: ...... 21 :::::: ...... 25 :::::: 26 :::::: ...... 2! :::::: ....,. 28 29 30 31 ~\~ '[ . F 'YtLE NUKBER: S-8010 Boring RUKBER: 4 REPORT NO,: 3900 GROUND SURFACE ELEV: 1138 Visual Classification Brn silty f-, sand (dalp l loosel Brn clayey f-. sand, sl celented [dalp l loose I ISC) Red brn clayey f-c sand (Ioist l dense) [SWI Brn f-c sand, sl gravelly (.oi,t I oed denser----- Red Brn ,iIty l-c sand vltr gravel {da.p l very den,eJ (bedrock) ReCusal on bedrock at 30,5 reet NO FREE GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED 6'\ -~ PROJRCT: Tract Ro, 23125 PROJRCT LOCATIOR: Rancho Calilornia RRCLOSURB RO,: 2 DATR OF TBSTS: 3/18/92 ,p, T, : Driving: Dry : Hoist.: Re1. , I Blov. :Rnergy :VensitylConlenll COlp, , , Per :.-It/lt: PCF: 1 , 1 , , , Foot , , , , I , , , , , - , , , , , , , , , , , 3,5: liS: 8,8: n , I , I , , /, , , , , , , , , 1.8: III : 9:1: n , , , , , , , , ---~ , , --'-' , U: 1181 10,1: n' , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 3,2' 1lD: 8.7: 82: , , , , , , , , , , , I , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I , , U llZ: 8.1: 82: , , , , I , , , I , -, , , , , , , , , , , I I I I , , , , , , , , , , I , , , , , , z.s' 98: 1.8: 73: , I , , , . , , , , , , , , , , I , , I , I I , I , , , I 2,8 99 16,6: 12: , , , , , , , I I , , , I , , , I , , , I 6,1: llZ, 13,81 83: , I , , I , , , , I , , , 1 , , I I , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1 , , , I U: IDS' 22.1: n' , i , , , , I , , , , , , , , , , 1 I , , , , , I 10.9: 109 1.9: 81: , , , , -----' , , , , . ., ItlLR RURBBR: S-8010 BORIRG RURBRR: 5 RPT, KG,: 3900 GROURD SURFACK SLKV: 1118 F e e t Vi.ual Cla..ilicatlon I :~.:::~:::~::: [SWI Dr. gry I-c sand v/.lIt (lolst l loose 1 +...+......,..+ ~ :+:-:+:-:+:-: +:-:+;';+:-: 3 :+:.;+:-:+:-: +:-:+:-:+:-:1 ~ :+:-:+;.:+:-: +:-:+:.;...;.: 5 1.!:;;!:;{;; 6 '+"'+"'~".. \i ~'l!!: [I'] I," '\\1, \-. ",d "'\" ]." \ \..", 1I .< ISC) Red brn clayey I-c sand Ivet llo,", 10 .ed densel 12? 13 ':~.: II .:-:: 15 .', 16 ).: 11 7:..,.. ISR) Red Brn .iIty 1-. sand v/tr clay (moi.t l loose 1 .,..,. 18 """ 19 ::'::':: ....., 20 :::::: ...... 21 :::::: ...... 22 :::::. 23 21 25 26 21 28 ,.,... ISKI Red Brn .iIty I-c md (vet l led dense), 29 : ::: ::: : 30 31 32 33 31 35 36 31 38 39 10 I ISC) Red brn clayey line sand, .1 gravelly (vet l solt) iT'.'.'" ":>~";.....'" " ...~ ...~ ,.I'~.~ ,.....'" " ..~.~' ........ ~. .....'~. ....... .~. ~ '''I ICL) Red brn .andy clay v/.and len.e. (vet l .tilll fSK) Red Brn ,ilty I-c .and v/tr clay Imoi.t l .ed den.el Log Continued on Rext Page y~ PROJECT: Tracl No, 23125 PROJECT LOCATION: Rancho CaliIornia ENCLOSURE NO,: 2 DATE OF TESTS: 3/18/92 i , . ~ILE NUBBER: 5-8010 BORING NUBBRR: 5 RPT, NO,: 3900 GROUND SURFACE RLEV: 1118 I 1..-- . ,p, T, : Driving: Dry : Koist.: ReI. , F , Dlo.. :8nergy :Density:Content: Co'p, , e , Per :Ht/ftl PCF , % , % , e , , , Foot I , , , I t VIsual ClassificatIon , I , , , , , , , , 41 . , , , , , , ...... I , , " , 12 IKLI Red hrn sandy silt (wet & very stirfl , I , " , , , , , , 13 Total depth 13,5 feet , I , , , , , I 9,8: III : 19,1: 85: H NO FRRR GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTRRRD , ~/\ ,<- -- j ) I., " FILK KUKBKR: S-8010 BORING NUHBKR: 6 RPT, NO,: 3900 GROUND SURFACE ELEV: 1243 PROJECT: Tract No, 23125 PROJECT LOCATION: Rancho California ENCLOSURE NO,: 2 DATE OF TESTS: 3/19/92 ,p, T, :Driving: Dry , Koist, : Rel. , F , I Blovs :Energy :Density:Content: COlP, , e I Per :Ht/ft: PCF , 1 , 1 , e , , , Foot , , , I t Visual Classificltion , , , I , , , I I I ISCI Red brn clayey f-c sand (Ioist l led dense! , , , r 3.5: Ill: 8,7: 84: 2 , , I , 3 , I ., I , 1.6: 119: 6,8: 87: I , I I , 5 :...:-:+;.;+;.: [SYI Brn f-c sand (d..p l loose 1 -'-- , , , +:-:+:-:+:-;-1 3.9: 101 : 2.7: 77: 6 :+:-:+:-:.:-: +:-:+:-:+:.;,. , , I , 7 ;-1-:':+:':+:': , I , , +:-:+:-:+:';-1 , , , , I 8 :+:-:-+:-:+;.; , , , , , ...;.;+:-:+:.; , 1.2: 102: 3.6: 77: 9 f!Ht!!H , , , I , , 10 __L__.1.---1 , "+:';+;':1':-:i- , I I , II :...:.;+:-:+;.; , " , , +:<+:-:+:-: , I , , 12 :+:-:+:-:+:-: As above, led dense I I , , +;.;+:-:+:-: , I , , 13 :+:';+:-:+;'; I I , , +:-:+:';"';':-1 , 6.3: 101: 3,9 n , 11 :-1';':+:':+:': I , +:-:+:-:+:';i , , , , 15 :+;.:+:-:+:-: ------' , , , +;';+;':+;':-1 , , I , 16 :+:.:+:,:.t:.: , , I , +:.:+:.:+:.:+ , , I , 17 :+:';+;':..:-: , , I , +;.;.~:';+;': I , , , 18 :..:-:+:-:+:-: I , I , +:';+:-:+:';-1 I 8,1: 106: 6,9, n , 19 :+:.;...:-:+:-: I I +:';i-:-:+:-:" , , , I I 20 :+:.:+:.:+:.: , , , , I +:-:+;-:..:.; , , I , I 21 :+:-:+:-:+:-: , , I I I +:-;+;':+;':-1 , , , , , 22 :-1':':+:':-1':': As above, v/fine clayey sand lenses (ao[,t l led dense} , I , , , +;.:...;.;+;.:.. I , I , , 23 :+:-:+:-:+:-: , , I , , +:-:+:';+;'; I 11.2' 105 : 6.9: n , !l :+:-:+:-:+:-: , , +:-:+:.;...;.: , I , , 25 :+:-:+:-:+:-: , I , , +:-:+:':+:-:'t I I , , 26 :~.:<+:-:+:-: , I , , +:';+:-:+:<~ , I I , 27 :+:-:+:-:+:-: , , I I +:.;+:-:+:-: , I I , 28 :+:-:'t;-:+:-: , I I , +:';+;':+>:~ , IU lll: 11.5: 82: 29 :+:,:+:.:+:.; , 't:-:+:-:+:-: I I , , , 30 :+:<+:-:+:-: , , I , !i::!{!{: , I , 31 , I , +:-:1.;':+:';1 , I , 32 :+;':+:-:+:-: , I , +:-:+;-:+:-:+ , , , 33 :+;':+:-:+:-: , , , ...;.:+:-:+:-: I , I 34 :'t:';'t;':'t:'; , , I +;':'t;':+:-:+ I , , 35 :+:.;+:-:+:-: ReCusal OD bedrock at 36,0 feet , , , +:-:+;';+:-: , 12.3: 102, 7,6, --' 36 ~~~~~ NO FREE GROUNDYATER ENCOUNTERED I , qp f I I.... PROJBCT: Tract No, 23125 PROJECT LOCATION: Rancho CaliCornia BNCLOSURE NO,: 2 DATE OF TESTS: 3/19/92 ,p, r, ,. Blows Per Foot IOriving: Dry : KohL: :Energy lDensityiContent: :k-ft/ft: PCF I I : I I I I I I I I ReI. Coop, I I I I 1 1 1 1 I I ,:, 1,8.L-1W-1LZL-._:.:: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .. . '_1 I I I I I I I I r I --.J-1.LJ! 125L--1U1-___W i I I , I I I I , I I , . 1--_1---__1 I I I I I I I I lWl..-l2~-L-UL__.l.l: I I I I I I I I I I I I . . 1--1 1 I 1 1 1 1 ....-1 I 1 1 1 8...1l-....8l: , I , 1 1 lU! I 1 Ill! ~..' [' I i,.E NUNBER: S-80l0 BORING NUNBER: ! RPr, NO,: 3900 GROUND SURFACE ELEV: 11B6 -. F e e t Visual Classificatidn IT:!: [SKI Brn silty C-. BOnd (.oist 1 loose) I ./.'............ [SCI Brn red clayey f-. sand (wet 1 loose 1 2 3 As above, light brn l ./..../.... 5 :;:?':;;.::';'; !fJ,!:!!t1!:! 6 ! ~.?~rHn .. ISKI Brn silty c-. sand [.oist 1 .ed dense I 8 ... ... .. Total depth 9,0 feet 9 '" NO FREE GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED Cu\ f; I I' PROIRCT: Tract No, 23125 PROJECT LOCATION: Rancho California ENCLOSURE NO,: 2 DATE OP TESTS: 3/19/92 , '. FILE NUHBER: S~BOIO BORING NUKBER: B, RPT, NO,: 3900 GROUND SURFACE ELEV: 1160 ...\........ "-'-1 , ,p, T, lDriving: Drr I Koist. : ReI. I F I I Blova JEnergy :Bensitr:ContentJ Co.p, I e I Per :Ht/Ct: PCP I S I S I e I I I Poot I I I I I t Visual ClassIfication I I I I I .-- I I I I I .~t~rHti ISV! Ork Brn I-c ,and vlso.e silt (moist l loose) I I I I ,. I I I I I 1 I , , , I +:-:+:-:+:-: 1 1 1 1 1 :+:-:+>:+:-: 1 r 1 .n I ~{:/:i::: 1 .3,5! III! 8.Jl __I 2 , 1 "':-:+:';t:-:+ 1 I 1 1 I :+:-;+:-:+:-; 1 1 I I I +;':t;';+;'; 1 1 I I 1 3 :+:-:+:-:...:-: , , , --'_I ...>:..;-:".;.;~ 1 I I 1 r ;+:.;...;.:+:-: I I I r 1 +;';"':';+;'; I 3...5: 98.L..J.J.l---1! 1 I ;".:-:+:-:+:-: , .~;.:+;.:+:.; I 1 1 1 :+:';i';':+:': Lt Brn f-c sand (.oiRt l loosel I 1 1 1 ";':+:-:+:-:'1 I r 1 I 5 :+:.:+:.:+:.; , --' r , ...:.;...:';+;': I I I r ;",;':+:-;t;': I I I 1 ".:-:+:-:+:-:" I 2,8L-jOI! 9.6: -. S :i':';+;':",:,; , of.;.:+:.:+:-; I I 1 1 :.~:.;+:.;+;.; r I I I +;':"';';+:';i I r I I 1 ;".:.:+:.:+:.; ---'- , ----' , 1 +:-:+:-:+:-:+ I I 1 I 1 :+:.:+:.:+:.: I I I 1 I <:0:':;': I 1 I I I B (SCI Brn clarer I-c sand (.oist l med dense! , I ---"---"'_I I I I I I 1 I I I r I 1.3...3! 113! 5,9L.......Jil: 9 , I 1 I I I I I I I 1 r I I 1 I 10 , , , I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 11 , , , , 1 1 I I I I I I r I I I I 1 1 1 12 , I I , I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I 1 I I 13 Red brn clarer fine sand (moist l .ed denae) I r r , I I I I I I I I I I 1.1: 116l---1U: 85: II I I I I I I I 1 I 1 1 I 15 , , I I I I I 1 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I 16 , , , I I I I I I I I , 1 I I I I 11 , , , I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 18 Total depth 19 ,0 feet , . , I I I 1 I r I I I 11.9! 113! lW: 83: 19 NO FRER GROUNDWATEE ENCOUNTERED (g~ , i --- i i , , , . PRO/KCf: fract No, 23125 PRO/KCf LOCAfION: Rancho CaliCornia KNCLOSURK NO,: 2 OAfK OF fKSfS: 3126/92 FILK NUKDKR: 5-8040 BORING NUKBKB: 9 RPf, NO,: 3900 GROUND SURFACK KLKY: 1174 -i o,P,f, :Driving: Dry 0 Kohl. : ReI. 0 F 0 , ,- Blova :Knergy :Oensity:Content: COlp, , 0 e Per :Ht/ct: PCF 0 I 0 I 0 e , I 0 Fool 0 0 0 0 0 t Viaual Classification 0 0 0 0 0 l_ 0 0 0 0 0 I .... ISKI Krn silty C-c sand (vet l looae) , 0 0 , , ...... 0 1.1: 109: 9:4 : Kl: 2 .... , ...... , 0 ,. 0 , 3 ". <. .: " , I 0 0 "'" I.l: 108: 11.6: Bl: 4 ...... ...... ..... 0 , 1 5 ..... Red Brn silty C-c aand vltr clay (damp l .ed dense) " , , , " '" 8,4: 115 4.1: B6: 6 . . . . , . ..,... ..... 0 0 , ? ...... .... I 0 0 ." .,.... - -- , 0 I 8 As above, loose 0 I I ...... U: 115 1.1 : 79: 9 ...... ." " ..... I 0 I 10 ,.... " " 0 I ~----1-,--' ." 0 I I I 0 II ,... ..... I 0 0 , 0 ...... , 0 0 0 0 12 :,r::~C';' ISCI Red brn clayey C-c aand (vet l loose) 0 0 0 I I 0 0 0 , 0 13 0 0 I I 0 0 U: 100: 10,4: H: II I M::: 0 0 0 0 , 15 , 0 , -"--__.1 I " I I , 16 Red brn C-. clayey sand (vet l led denae) 0 0 , 0 0 0 , I I I 17 0 0 , 0 ", '..~. 0 0 0 0 18 '.'~.' . I I 0 0 .:}~:' I U: 115: 14.6: 81 19 , ",',./ , 0 0 , 20 tJ\;;(:: , , , , I 0 I , 21 0 I 0 0 ~)(J~~(~ 0 , 0 0 22 , I 0 , 0 0 0 0 23 ;+:.;+:-:+:-: (SWI Bro C-c sand vlsilt lenses {Ioiat l led dense) 0 0 0 0 I +>:+:-:+:-:+ I 5,6: 105: 8.9: BO: 24 :+:.:+:-:+:-: I :;:::~:::~::; , 0 I 0 I 25 I , , 0 0 +>:..:-:+:-:+ 0 0 0 0 26 :+:-:+:-:+;.: 0 0 I 0 "';':+:-:i-:-:+ 0 , I , 27 :+:.:+:.:+:.: I 0 0 0 t:':';t.:.:.:t,:.0l: 0 0 I 0 28 '/............ [SCI Red brn clayey C-c sand (vet l led denae) I I I , 8,4: 116: 13,0: 85: 29 0 I 0 0 30 I I , 0 I 0 I I 31 0 I 0 0 0 0 32 , 0 0 0 0 , 33 I 0 0 0 I 10,2: Ill: 12,3 B2: 34 0 0 0 0 0 35 It~:ffi:: - , , 0 , , , , , 36 0 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 37 0 0 0 0 0 I I I 38 :+:-:+;':+:-: [SW) Brn C-c sand (Ioist l denae) (bedrock) I 0 0 0 +:';+;';+;': 0 B,4i ll6: II. 5 88: 39 :+;';+:';+;'; I +:-:+:-:..;.;.. 0 , , I 40 :+:-:+:-:...;.: , I , 0 +;':..;.;+:.; Log Continued on Next Page r> ....'\....... PROJECT: Tract Ko, Z31Z5 PROJECT LOCATIOK: Rancho California EKCLOSURE NO,: Z DATR OF TRSTS: 3/16/91 " ,p, T, Dlow. Per Foot :i-H/ft: PCF :Driving: Dry : Koist.: :Rnergy lDensity:Content: I I I I I I I , I I I I 13.3: lOR: , I . I I : I I I , , I ,-:.. I 9.9: I --I "-'. ) I FILE KUNRER: S-SOlO BORIKG NUNBER: 9 RPT. NO,: 3900 GROUND SURFACR RLEV: 1111 ReI. COIP, I I F I I e , I e I I t Vi.ual Cla.silication , I 11 :+:.:+:.;.( I +:<+:-:+> I lZ :+:-:+>:+: , +:-:+:.:+:- I 13 :-1":-:+:-:+: As above, very dense I +:-:+:-:+;. I H :+:-:+:-:+: Total depth IU feet I +:-:+:.;+:- I 45 :+:-:+:-:+: : NO FRER GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTRRRD I reA -'L r 1___: PROJBCT: Tract Ro, 23125 PROJECT LOCATION: Rancho California BNCLOSURE NO,: 2 DATB OF TBSTS: 3/26/92 ,p, T, L. Olow. Per Foot lDrivingl Dry: Koist.: R :Energy :DensilY:Contenl: Co :Ht/ft: , I , , I , 1.1 : I , 1.4: , , 1.8: , I I , 10,9: I , 15,8: , , , , , , I , 8,8: , , PCF : I I I , 107: I , 10q , , x , I 10,9: .:1 I 8,5: I , 96: 7.5: , I I , I , , I 103: 6,4: I , --4-__1.-..- , I I , , I , , I , , 114: , , I , , I , , 12,9 I , I , , I , <- 16.9: , , 1l0: , I el. : ap, : X : , I I , 80: , , 18: , , 73: , I I , --' I I ., , I , I , , , I , I 85: , , , , , , , ..-1 82: , I F e e t II 5 .i, ,+, ,+. . +:-:+>:+:-:i 6 :+:-:+:-:+:-: f78=~Y' 1 -:-:':.:-:-: 8 t\::::: 9 -:;:;:::;Y 10 :-:-:-:-:.:-. 11 :'::::::::.:. 12 ::;:::::::;-: 13 :.:.;:;::::.: 14 :-:;::::/ 15 ::;:::;:::;.: 16 :';:):;:-' 11 -:,;,:.:,;,: 18 :,:::::::::.: ."... 19 :==::;::::;:: 20 '::::;::::::: 21 :-:-:':-:-:-. 22~0Iiini1Wt' FILE NUMBER: S-8040 BORIRG RUKBBR: 10 RPT, no,: 3900 GROUnO SURFACE ELEV: 1195 , Vi.ual Classification ISKI Brn .ilty f.c sand (,oist l loo.el ISW) Lt Brn (-c .and (ooi.t l 100.el ISPI Gr1 Brn f-a sand (aoist l aed den.e} (bedrockl A. above dense As above, ,ed den.e Total deptb 21,0 (eet no FREE GROUnOWATER EncounTERED /' ~? r""'- PROJECT: Tract No, 2J125 r PROJECr LOCATION: Rancho California , ENCLOSURE NO,: 2 c.. DATE OF TESTS: J/26/92 ,p, T, lDriving: Dry : Kohl.: ReI. I ' ; I , _.. Blovs :Knergy :Denaity:Contentl Coop, I I Per :Ht/rt: PCF I X I X I I I I Poot I I I I , I I I I . I I I , I I I 0,1: 11l: 12.5: 82: I I l I I I , I I 1.1: 108: 10,J: 81: I I I I , , , , 1,1: t05: 2.9: -- , I , , I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I 6.J: 1l0: 5,0: 82: I I I I - I ~---L-__r I I I , , I I I I I I I I I , , I I I , I I I I I J,2: 106: 1,8: 80: I I I I I ---4 , , ---+---1 I I , , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I J.9: 105: 8,6: 79: I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J,9 10J: 1,1: 18: I I I , , I , I I I I I I , I I I , I I I I I I I I I 1.1: 102: 5,J -- I I I I I . , , I I I I I I I , I I I I I 1.6: 108 20,1 79 I I I , , I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I 1.6: l19: 11. 9: 81, I I I I I I , . , , I e e t 1::1: :: 2 .. :: J .. 4 :: .. 5 :: .. .. 6 .. .. 7 :: :: .. 8 .. 9 10 .. .. II 12 {:/:t; ISWI 8rn f-c sand, sl clayey {Ioist 1 looael 13 :+>:+:-:+:-: 1 ( ;~}~::!{~. 15 l(l(lri 16 :+:-:+:-:+:-: +:-:+:-:+:-:+ 11 {:;::;{;i 18 :+:-:+:-:.:-: .,.;.;+;.:..:.;+ 19 :".;-:+:-:+;'; +;';"1';';".;';" 20 ;+;.:+:-:+;-: 21 1(1(1(1 :i tn+!:tk 24 i?{:;;:;: 25 :+:-:1";-:+:-: +;.:+:.;..:-: 26 :+;-:+:-:+;.; +;-:+:-:+:-: 27 :+:-:+:-:+:-: +:-:+:.:+:-: ~: Ita::ir::; 30 :+:-:+:-:+:-: +;-:..;.:+:.; 31 {:{;{:i. 32 ;.,.:.;..;.;+:-: 3J >: ISC) Red brn clayey f-I sand (vet 1 loose 1 J4 ::;': J5 ::;: /,. J6 ;,: Jl :,:;: J8 <: '.' J9 ::;; 10 :\.: F ,--. , '. \ ~:. FILE NUKBER: S-8010 BORING NUKBER: II RPT, NO,: J900 GROUND SURFACE ELRV: li58 Visual Classification (SKI Drk Brn siity I-c sand (vet 1 loose) Brn silty I-c sandi sI ceoented (aoist 1 aed dense) Red Brn I-c sand v/silt ienses (moist 1 led dense) Log Continued on Nelt P,ge <Ie PROJECT: Tract No, 23125 PROJECT LOCATION: Rancho Call1orni. ENCLOSURE NO,: 2 DATE OF TESTS: 3/26/92 ,p, T, Blo.s P.r Foot :Driving: Dr, : Roist,: :En.rg, :D.n,it,:Cont.nt: :Ht/It: PCF : X : I I I I I I I I R.!. COlp, X FILE NURBER: S~BB40 BORfNG NURBRR: II RPT, NO,: 3900 GROUND SURFACE ELEV: 1168 F . . t Visu.1 CI.ssification :: ~i~I';J?: [SW! Lt brn f-c ...d, sl ch,., {moist l densel (b.drockl lJ .!::.!::.::,. Tot.l d.pth 14.0 feet H :+:-~:-; NO FREE GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED , I I I I I I I I I -' J I I I I I I < I I I I I I 26,3: 115 : 12,0: 81: -- ~~ ,/ 'C.- PROJECT: Tracl No, 23125 PROJECT LOCATION: Rancho Calilornia ENCLOSURE NO,: 2 DATE OF TESTS: 3126/92 ~ : \ FILE NUKBKR: 6-8010 BORINO NUNBER: la, RPT, NO,: 3900 OROUND SURFACE ELKV: 1251 ,p, T, :Driving: Dry , Hoist, : ReI. I F , , Blow. :Energy :DensityrContent: C"p, , e , Per :Ht/ft: PCF , X I X , e , , , Foot , I , , t Vi.ual Cl...Wcation , , , I , , I , I UJlj' ISH] Red Brn ,llty I-c sand wlchy [.oist l loose , , , , , 12.6: 104 16.1: --' 2 Red Brn .iIty fine sand I.oist l led den,el bedrock! I , I , /, , 3 :+:"';+:-:+: ISWI Red Brn (-c sand (d..p l .ed dense) (bedrock I , , I +:.;+:-:+> , 12.3: 101 4;3 : -- , 4 :+:-:+;.:.( , I f' . ... I I I , 5 (SH) Red brn .ilty very fine sand. .1 clayey (wet l led dense I - , , I , , 1.1: IDS, 19,3: -- , 6 [bedrock} , , I , , , , 1 I , , , , :~f~~:: , , I I , E lSP) Ory f-. sand, sl silty (wet l .ed dense) [bedrock I , I , I , ...... ....... , lD.2: 107: 14.9: , "".' n 9 .,..... I , ..,.... ...... ....... I , , , '...,. I 10 . . . . . . . ...... ---"-----I-- , -1----..-1 ..,.... ....., ....... , .I I , , .,.... 11 ....,. ...... , I , I , ....,.. , , , , , . . . , , . 12 ......, ...... , I , , , ....,.. .,..., ....... , , , I , 13 I , , , , tit;; , B,8: 1071 6,4: --' 14 ISCI Red clayey f-c sand (.oist l .ed dense) [bedrock! , , , , I I I 15 :tf!i!:!ii,.i:i I , , , , , , , , , 16 , , , , I , , I , I 11 , , , I , I , , , I 18 :+:.:+:.:..:.: [SWj Red Brn I-c md (dup l .ed den5eTlbedrockl , , , , +;':+:-:+:-;+ 10,5: 106: 4.4 : -- I 19 :+:.:+:.:+:.; I +:':+:.:+:':-1 , , I , 20 ;+:.;+:-:+:.: . , , , +:.;+;.:+:.;'1 I , , , 21 :+:-:+:-:...;.: , , , I ";';'1':';+:';i , I I , 22 :+:-:+:-:+:.; , , , , ~. , I , I 23 ISCI Red brn clayey f-c ..nd (wet l .ed densel (bedrock) , I , I U: 1071 15,2: --' ZI , I , I , 25 , , I , , , , , 26 I I I I I , I , 21 , , , , , I , , 28 I , I I I , 9.5: 101: 15,6: -- , 29 , , , , I , , 30 I , , , I I I , , , 31 , I , , , , , I , , 32 . I I I I I , , , , , 33 ;+;.;..;.:+:-: ISW) Ory Brn f-c .and w/.iIt lense. (damp l dense) (bedrockl , , , , , +:-:+:-:+:-: I 15,8: 105: 3,2: --' 3l :+:.;+:-:+;.: I , +:-:+:-:+;.; , I , I I 35 :+:-:+:-:+:-: , -+- , I I +:-:...:.:+;.:+ , , , I , 36 ;-t.>:+:':+:-: I , , , , !~?{\::: , , I , , 31 , , , I I +:':1-:.:+:.;-t .I I , I , 38 :+:.:+:.:.,.:.: , , , I , +:-:+:';+:';-t I , , , , 39 :+;.:+:-:+:.; , , I I , +:';+:-:+:';+ , I , I , 40 ;+:,:...;.:...:.; Total depth 41.0 feet I , , , , ...:.;...;.;+:.; , 11.5: 109: 10,1: E2: !l :"':';"':';+:-: NO PREE GNOUNDWATER EHCOUHTEREO , co~ '-~ PROJECT: Tract No, 23125 PROJECT LOCATION: Rancho California ENCLOSURE NO,: 2 . ; DATE OF TESTS: 3/26/92 Co' ,p, T, lDriving: Dry : Koi,t , Re!. , " , Blows :Energy :Oen,ityIConten t: Coap, , , Per 'k-ft/rt: PCF , I , I , , , I Foot , I , , , , I , I I , I I I , , 7,11 110: 7, I: Bl: , I , , , , I , 1. 4: 10J: 8, J: --' , , , , , , , I I ll.l: 1l8: 6, 1: 90: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 1l.Z1 109: 7, 0: 82: , , , , <- , , , , , , , , , I I , , I , , I , , , , , , , , , , ll.l: 11 0: 13, 0: 8J: , , , I , I , I , , , , I , , I , , , I , , , , , , , , , , , , 12.3: 119: II. 2: 89: , , , I --'- , , , . , , , , , , , , , , , , I , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 15,1: III I 8, 5: 87: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , I , , , , , , , , , , , , I , , , I I , I , , I 1.7 108: 19,9 , n , I , ~ . , ~ ~ FILE NUK8ER: 5-8040 BORING KUKBER: 13 RPT, NO,: 3900 GROUND SUNFACE ELEV: 1256 F e e t I :+:<~.>:+:.: Z :~}i:::{: ; tt~{i , ~l::I::l. 5 {:{}::; ISW) Brn f-c sand vim]] rock frags {Ioist 1 deml (bedrock I ~ !.rfr:ft~ +;-:+:-:+:-: 8 :+;';+:-:+:-: +;':":';"';';-1 9 :+:.;...;-:+:-: +;.;+:.:+:.:+ 10 :+:-:+:-:+:-: oj.:-:+:.;+:-:+ 11 :.:-:+:-:+:-: +:-:+;.:+:.;.. 12 :+:-:+:-:+:-: 131(1LI!) 14 :+:-:+:-:+:-: 15 :.(:~){: i';':+:':+;';" 16 :'~:';+;':+>: +:-:+;';+:-:i 17 :+:-:+:-:+:-: ..;:t:..... 18 .::::: ISKI Red Brn silty f-I sand v/silt lenses (.oist 1 dense). 19 : :': :.:. (bedrockl ' . . . . . . 20 :::::: . . . . . . 21 :::::: ...... 22 ...... 23 /t::~ ISW) Gry Brn f-c sand vlme silt (Ioist 1 dense) (bedrock) 2~ ftfIiHtf 25 +:';+:-:+:':+ 26 :+:-:+:-:+:-: +:-:+:-:+:-:+ 27 :+:-:+:-:+:-: +:-:+;':+:-:i 28 :+:-:+:-:+:-: .,~ 29 <=k:> ISC] Red brn cIaye, f-I sand (vet 1 .ed dense I (bedrock) 30 ;'::-;:;;<:;,: Total depth 31.0 reel . .~. . .... . 31 ~~ NO FRKE GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED Visual Classification ISW] Brn f-c sand (Ioist 1 loose) As above, lloist 1 densel Ibedrockl [SKI Brn silty f-c sand (Ioist 1 .ed den..) (bedrock) As above, led dense Brn f-c sand (vet 1 led dense to dense I (bedrock) fA . , , , PROJECT: Tract No, 23125 PROJECT LOCAT[ON: Roncbo Coli[ornio ENCLOSURE NO,: 2 OATE OF TESTS: 3/27/92 '. FILE NUHBER: S-8010 . BOR[NG NUHBER: II RPT, NO,: 3900 GROUND SURFACE ELEV: I1B9 ,p, T, : Driving: Dry , Hoist. : ReI. , F , , Blo.. : Energy :Density:Conlent: Co.p, , e , Per :Ht/rt: PCF , I I X , e I I , Foot , I , I t Vim1 ClmiCicotion , I , I I , , I I j:" I SKI Drk Brn ,ilty C-c sand (wet l loosel , , , " , l.l: 113 lq: -.' 2 , I , I , , 3 ...,. , I ,,' , .... r 1.1 : III 13:3: I I .... n ..... r , . . I , , , 5 "'" Red Brn ,ilty C-c sand w/,ome clay (moist l loose I ..... , . r , ..,.. , 2,8: 106 6,8: 19: 6 ..... ..... , ..... I , , I 7 ..... ..... , , , , , , , , 8 .,... As obove, mod dense r , , , , ..... I 6,0: 113: 5,8: 81: 9 ..,., ..... ... , , , , 10 .... ... , , I , ..... , I , , II ...., ..... I I I. , ...., r , , , 12 ;".:-:+:-:..;.: I SV) Red 8rn [-c BOnd, sl clayey (Ioist l med dense) , , , , ;i:::;:::~::: , , , , 13 , , , I +;':+;':-1';':1 10,2: 117: 6.5: 86: 11 :.,.;.:+:.:+:.: t'nc , , , , 15 1] iSK) Brn silty C-c sand wI rock Cragments l tr cloy . , I , , , , , 16 (dsRP l dense I r , , , , . . . , , , , 11 :t.:~,.:t):fi ISCI 8rn clayey C-I BOnd (Ioi,t l densel , , , , , , I , 18 , , , , 5.3: 120: 13,5 : 87: 19 , , , , 20 ::::::::1:: [SKI Brn ,\lty C-c sand (d..p l oed dense I (bedrockl , , , , I 1 1 , 21 ... ... I I , , ... ... , , , , 22 ... ... ... ... , , , , ..... , , , , 23 ... ... , , , , J: 16,5: 113 : 6,7: 81: 21 , , , , 25 - ICLI Red brn ,ilty clay (.oist l bordJ (bedrockl , , , , ':::.::;.:::: , , , , 26 , , , , , , , 1 21 BeC...1 on bedrock ot 28,0 Ceet , I , , ' ..... ..'~ , 16,8: 101: 11.0: 80: 28 <uni~ NO FREE GBOUNOVATER mOUNTRRKD , 10 r.' '1' ..~i.:..- PROJRCT: Tracl Uo, 23125 PROJRCT LOCATIOU: Rancho Calilornia RUCLOSURR UO.: 2 OATR OF TRSTS: 3/21/92 - ,p, T, :Driving: Dry : Koist,.: ReI. , , Blow. :Rnergy :Oen.itY:Content: Coap, , , Per :k-ftm: PCF , X , X I I I I Poot , , I , I I I I , , - I I , I I I I , I I I 4.2: 101: U: 18: I I I I , , I I I {I I I 4.2: 100: 2.8: 16: I , , I , , , _L , , , , U: 105: l.1: lB' , I I , I , , , I , , , , , I 1.9: III : 8,5 84 , , r I - . ,. , I , , , I I I , , , r , , , I I I I I 5.3: 1041 8,6, II, r I , , I , , '-_l..- . , , , , I I , I I , , , , I I , I , , I I , I I , I , I I , , , 3.9: 100: 1l,8: 15: , I , I , I , -------~ , , , , I r I I , , , I , , , , , I I I , r , , I I , , , r , , , 4.2: 111: 1l,6 : 81: I , , , , , r r , , I , , I I I , , , I I , I , , I I I , , , I I , , I , , , I , , 1,0: 1111 12.3: 81: , , I I I I , . , . I I I , , I , I I I , , , I , i , , , I , , I , , I I , I , , , 19.1: 108: 8,8: n I , , e e t I .. 2 .. 3 .. I ...... . . . . . . 5 :::::: ...,.. 6 :::::: .. ... 1 :::::: .,.... 8 :::::. ...... 9 ::..:: '10 :::::: ....., II .'.,'.. ...... 12 ...... 13 }:.:.:.<> ISC) Red brn clayey f-c md w/slH 1ense. (Ioi.t lloOBer :: "j'i,J,Ir:!:j! 11 :::::: ISK) Ork red Brn .ilty f-c sand (Ioi.t llooseJ ...... J8 :::::: ...... 19 ...... ...... 20 :::::: ...... 21 ...... ...... 22 :::::: 23 .:~.:::/:::;.: ISC) Red brn clayey f-c .ond (vet l "d denseJ II J@jIjj:! :: !ft:!t.~): 30 ' ".:->~' . ':~'::/.-::-:~ 31 {:i\{:: ISW) Red Drn f-c sand (aolst l dense) {bedrockl 32 :+:-:+:-:+:-: 33 IHiIHilf? 34 :+:-:+:-:+:-: F FILR UUKBRR: 5-8040 BORIUO UUKBRR: 15 RPT, UO,: 3900 OROUUO SURFACR RLRV: 1111 Visual Classification ISKI Brn silty f-c ..nd (Ioist l loo.e) FILL Brn .ilty f-c ..nd (d.lp l loo.e) ORIOIKAL OROUUO Red Brn .ilty f-c ..nd ./tr cI.y (Ioist l 100.e) As above, led den.e Total deplh 31,0 feet UO FRRR OROUUOWATRR RUCOUUTRRRO '\\ " . ! ,- f l.. PROJECT: Tract No, 23125 PROJECT LOCATlON: Rancho CaliCornia ENCLOSURE NO,: 2 DATE OF TESTS: 3/27/92 ; i , , FiLE NUKBER: 5-8010 BORING NUKBER: 16 , RPT, NO,: 3900 GROUND SUNFACE ELEV: 1173 ..~ ,P,T, :OrivingJ Dry , Koist, : Re]. , F , , , Blovs :Energy :DenBitr:Content: Co,p, , e '" I Per :Ht/Ct: PCF I X , X , e , , , Foot , , , , , t Visua! Classification , I , , , i , , I I I I'JJ. {SKI Drk BrD silty I-c saDd I sl clayey (vet & louse) I I I , , ~.. I 1.(: Ill: ILl: , 2 :::;..:::: I -- I , I I I I 3 r.:f'..", .' ISC) Red brn chyey I~c sood (vet & dense' I , , , , ~ . '. . . , 1.7: 125: 13:6: 92: I .>::: , d7.::; _. , , , I I 5 As above, v/sl tr rock Iraglenls {Doist l deDse' --I , , . I I 15,8: 122: U: 90: 6 , tft.f.} , I I I , 7 I , , , , I I , I I 8 ,,- I , I , , :}.;';'; , 14.0: 121: 1.0: 91: 9 , ;~;.:';': I , , I I 10 , , , "---I ~,~~\ I , I I I 1I ,~~;::~ I , I 1 I , I I I 12 ,.... (SK) Red BrD sil t1 I-c sand vlclay (vet & dense) I I I , ", ." , 1 I I 13 ". " . ." ." I I , I ". ". , 8,1: 126: 11.0: 91 14 ". ". '" " . , , I , , 15 ,,, ". ...,. ----' , , , ". ". I , I I 16 ". ". ." ". I I , , ". ." I 1 I , 17 '" ". ". " I , " 1 ". . " , I I I I 18 ,,, '" As above, Ded deDse ". ". , , I I , ". '" ", , 6.7: 1I0: 8.9: B2: 19 " . " . ." ." , , " ". , I 1 , IHI Red l~c sand I_oist l deDse} (bedrock) I I 20 :+:.:+ :';-t:'; Brn very , . , , , +:-:+: ';-t;': , I , I I 21 :+;.;+ >:+:-: , I I I I +:.;...; <+;';+ , I , , I 22 :+:-:+ ;.;..''; I , I , , +;.:+; };} , I I I , 23 :+:.:.. Relusal on bedrock at 24.0 loot , I I , , +;.;+: <+:.; , 23,3: 106: 5.6: -- I 21 '4i~~~ NO FREE GROUNDWATER ENCOUNTERED , , \~ PROJRCT: Tract No, 23125 PROJRCT LOCATION: Rancho California RNCLOSURi NO,: 2 DATE OF TESTS: 3/27/92 ~~ii NURBiR: S-8040 BORING NURBiR: 11 RPT, NO,: 3900 GROUNB SURFACE iLRY: 113B ",P,T, lDrivingl Bry , Koist, : ReI. , F , , Blows :Rnergy :Density:Content: Co.p, , e , Per :Ht/ft: PCF , X , X , e , , 1 Foot , 1 , 1 , t Visual Clmification , , 1 , , , , , , , I :+:-:+:-:+:.; [SVI Brn (-c sand v/BOae silt (aoist l loose) 1 , , , " +:-:+:':+:-: , 2.1: 105 : 7.2: 79: 2 :'1':-:+:';+;': , ..:.:+;.:...:.:+ , , , .. 1 3 :+:-:..:-:+:-: 1 , , ,I 1 -1':-:+:-:+:::. , 2,8: 99: 7.'7: 75: 4 :+:-:+:-:+:-: , , 1 1 , , 5 ISC) Red brn clayey (-I BInd (vet l loose) -' , , '_I 2,5: 107: 18.3: 78: 6 , , , , 7 , , , 1 1 , , , 8 1 I 1 , 2,8: 107: 15.5: 78: 9 , 1 , , 10 , , , , , , , , II , , , 1 , I I , 12 1 I I , , , , , I , 13 :+;.:+:-:+:.; ISV) Brn (-c sand v/silt lenses !Ioist 1 loose to .ed densel 1 I I I , +:-:+:-:+:-:+ , 3.2: 110: 9,8: 83: H :+:-;+:.:+:-; I +:-:+:-:+:';1 , , I , , 15 :+:.:+:.:+:.: ---'- , . , I +:-:+:-:+:-:.. , , , I I 16 :+:.;+;.:+:-; 1 , , , , +:';+:-:+:-:. , , I , 1 , 17 {:;!;:;!;:: ., 1 , 1 , I , , 1 1 18 [SC! 8rn (-c clayey BInd {Ioist l densel 1 , , 1 , , U: 120: 13.7: 88: 19 , , , 1 , , 2D , , , , 1 1 , 1 1 1 21 , I , 1 I 1 , 1 , , 22 , I , , , , 1 I I I 23 Red brn (-c clayey BInd Iloist l led dense! 1 I 1 , , , 7,D: 120: 11.9: 88: 24 , , , , , , 25 I , , , , 1 , , I I 26 I 1 , 1 I , I I I I 27 I I , , , , 6,7: 115: 9.9: 84: 28 , , 1 1 I I 29 Brn (-c snnd (saturated 1 denseJ , I I I I , I , I ~ 30 , , , , I I I I I 31 , , I , , , I I , I 32 , I I I , , , , , , 33 .~~~:: ~.~.;:: ~.: Total depth 3{,O (eet I I , , , I 7,0: l17: 15.5: 89: 3{ ~'/'0' FR88 GROUNDVATBR RNCOUNTERED AT 30,0 FERT , "'~~~ '\~ . r " i' PROJECT: Tracl Ho. 23125 PROJECT LOCATIOH: Rancho CaliCornia EHCLOSURE HO,: 2 DATE OF TESTS: 3/27/92 Fld NUNBER: S~80tO BORING HUKBER: 18 RPr, NO,: 3900 GROUND SURFACE ELEV: 1131 - ,p, T, IDriving: Dry I Koiat. : Rel. I F I I Blows : Energy IDensitY1Content: Comp, I e , Per :Ht/Ct: PCP I I I I I e I , I Poot I I I I I t Visual ClmiCication I I I I I I I I I I lln ISK) Brn silty C-c sand (vet 1 looue) FILL I I I I I I 2.1: 109: 15,7: 82: 2 ."." I I I I .. I I 3 t+;~: '.;. .. ISCI Red brn cIayey Co. sand v{rock Craglenta {.oiat 1 looue} I I I I I . . . ~ . . . I U: 104: 1.6: 76: I ?~~~Pj FILL I I I I I I 5 ISKI Drk Brn ,ilty C-c sand I damp 1 led d men ILL , , , , I . . . . . . I 8.1: ll3: 5.1: 81: 6 ...... .,.... I . . I I I I I 1 ...." ..,... I I I I I . . . . . . I I I I , 8 ...... Red Brn silty C-c sand (Ioist 1 looue! ORlGlNAL GROUND . . I I I I I . . . . , . , 3.9: 104: 7.1 : 18: 9 ...... ...... I ..".. I I I I I 10 ...." .".,. ------' , ---' , __~l ...... I I I I I II ...... ..... I I I I , ,.... I I I , I 12 .,.... ...... I I I I I ..... I I I I I 13 :+:-;...:-:+:-: ISW) Red Brn C-c sand ldUP 1 led dense ! (bedrock I I I I I I +:-:+:-;+:-: I 16,1: Ill: 6.9: 84: 14 :+:.;...;.:+:-: I ...:-:+:-:+:-: I I I I I 15 :+:-:+:-:+:.; I , ---'- , I +;':+:';+;';" I I I I I 16 :+:-:+:-:i-:-: I I I I I +;';+;':t;':... I I I I I 17 :+:-;+;';+:-; I I I I I +;';+;':"':-:i I I I I , 18 :+:-:+:-:+;': Red 8rn C-I sand (Ioi,t 1 dense! (bedrock! I I I I I +:-:+:-:+:-:,. I 17.5: ll3: lD.9: 99: 19 :+:.:+:.:+:.: I ";';+;';+:';+ I I I I I 20 :+:':+:';+:'; - , , I , I oj-;';1';';";':" I I I I 21 :t;':+;':+;-: I I I I +:<+:.;+:.;~ I I I I 22 :+:-;+:-:+:.; I I I I ~ I I I I 23 [SP) Red brn fine sand v{,iIt 1 cIay layer, (moi,t 1 dense) I I I I ....... ...... ....... I 17,5: 121 10,0: 89: 21 ....... (bedrockl ...... I ....... ...... ...... I I I I 25 ....... ...... I , I I ....... ....., ....... I I I I . . . . . . 26 ....... ,..... I I I I I ....... I I I I I ...... 21 .,..... ...... I I I I I ....... . . . . . . ....., I I I I I 28 IKLI Red brn sandy ,ilt (saturated 1 very stiCf) (bedrock) I I I I I I 7.4: 108: 20,0: 82~ 29 I I I I I I 30 I I I I I I I I I I 31 ;+;';+;';",;,: [SWI Red Brn C-c sand ,saturated 1 dense) (bedrock) I , I I I :;:::i;::i;:; I I I I I 32 I I I I I +:.:+:-:+:-:,. I I I I I 33 ~! )tftf Total depth 31,0 Ceet I I I I I I 15.1: 1211 II. 6: 92: 31G FREE GROUNOWATER ENCOUNTERED AT 29,0 pm I <\1\ PHOJBCT: Tract No, 23125 PROJRCT LOCATION: Rancho California ENCLOSURE NO,: 2 DATE OF TRSTS: 3/31/92 ~0:, 'heR NUNRER: S-8010 TRST PIT NUKRRR: I RRPORT NO,: 3900 GROUND SURFACR RLRV: 1130 , -- - - Blows:Driving: Dry , Koht.: ReI. , F I I Per : RnerH JDensitlrContent: COlp, I e " Foot ik-Il/ft: PCF I X 1 X 1 e I I I I I I I I t Vim I Classification 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I I ISK) Brn silty Cine sand (wet 1 loose} I 1 I I I I I I I .... , , . , 1 .. I I I , I .... Ork Bm silty f-I sand (wet 1 Ioosel .... I I '. , I ..., I I I I 2 ..,. , , , , . 'i; .: , I I I .... ..,. I I r I .... I I I I 3 .... -'- , , I .... I r I I .", .... I I I I I .,., I I I I I 4 .,.. silty I-c sand [.oiat looae} .... Brn 1 --J I , I I .... I I I I .... 1 I I I ,... I I I I 5 .,'. ..., , I , I ... I I 1 I .... ..., I I I I I I I I 6 ,... , , -I r ..., I I I I .... I I I .,.. I I , 1 .... 1.-..4_4.__l ,.., I I I I r I I I ,... I , , I 8 ..,. I 1,_ , 1 ".. r I I I "" ... I I I .... r I I 9 .... .... I , I , . I I I .... .." I r I .... I I I 10 .... Red Bm ailty f-c aand witt clay (.olst 1 looae} .... , , , .... I I r .... ..., I I , .... I 1 I 11 .... .... , , I ..,. I I I I .... r I r I .... I I I , [2 .... As above, lod denae I , I I I .... I I I , I : I I I I I .... I I 1 I I 13 --J I I , I .,.. r I I I I .... Total deplh 14.0 leet .... I r I I I I I I r I II NO FREE GROUNOWmR ENCOUNTEREU , , I , 1 ' , >f\'5 , I ,-, ~ PROJRCT: Tract Ho. 23125 PROJECT LOCATIOH: Rancho California RHCLOSURR'HO,: 2 DATE OF TESTS: 3/31/92 FILR HUKBRR: S-BOIO TBST PIT HUKBER: 2 RRPORT HO,: 3900 GROUND SURFACE ELEV: 1131 BIon: Dei ving: Dry , Kol,t, : ReI. , F , , Per :Energy :Den,lty:Content' COlp, I e , Foot :k-nm: PCF , X X , e , , , , t Visual Clmlllcatlon , , , , , , {SK} Brn ,il ty fine ,and [vet l loose , , , , .... , , , 1 .... .... . , .- ,... , , , .,.. , , , . .,.. , , , 2 ..,. ..,.. . , , ,... , , , , ..., ". , , , , ,... , , , , 3 "" .,.. ---' , , , .... , , , , ' , .... , , , , . , I , , , I ..., Brn silty f-. sand (10 1st l loose' .... , , , . .... , , , , ..,. .,.. I , I , , .,.. , , , , , 5 ' . ,... . . . - , , ,... , , , , , ,.., ,.., I , , , , .... , I , ! , 6 .... Brn silty f-I sand [10 1st l loose I .... , . . , . . , , , , .... ,,, , , , , .'" , , , , 1 .... .... , . , .... , , I .... .... , , , .... I I I B ,... " . , , , . I , , .,.. .... I I , .... , , , 9 .... As Ibove, lad den,e .... , , -'-' .... , , , , .... .... , , , , .... , , I , 10 .... .... , , , , .,.. , , , , . , .... , , , , ,.,. , , I , II "" ." , , , ., .... , , , , . , .... , , , , .... , , , I 12 ' . Brn silty f-c Glnd (da.p l dense I "" , , , , , . , , , , .... Total depth 13,0 feet ..,. , , , , .... , , I , 13 .... NO FREE GROUHDWATER ENCOUNTERED .... , , , , '-- ",(p. , r PROJECT: Tract No, 23125 PROJECT LOCATION: Rancho CaliCornia r . BNCLOSURB NO,: 2 i__ DATB OF TBSTS: 3/31/92 ~. :: ; '~ILB NUNBBR: S-BOlO TBST PIT NUNBBR: 3 REPORT NO,: 3900 GROUND SURFACE BLEV: 1122 Blows:Driving: Dry I Roi,t, I ReI. I F I I Per IBner" IDen,ity:Content: COlP, I e I Foot :Ht/ftl PCF I I I I I e I I I I 1 I I I t Viml Classification 1 I I I , I I. /: [SRI Brn silty C-I sand [Iolst l loose 1 I I I 1 I I I , ~-_I I I I I /1 , I I I 2 , , I , . , I 1 I :+;.:+ :-:+:-: [SW! Gry Brn C-c sand Id..p l loose 1 I I I +>:+: -:+;.; I I I 3 ;+;.;+ :.;+:.: --" , , , I ...;.;+: <+:-:.. 1 I I I I :+:-:... :-:+:-: I I I I , +:-:1'; -:+:-:... I , I I I I :+:.:+ :-:1';': As ahove, w/,ilt lense, , , , '--- +;.;+: ';t:-:" I 1 I 1 :..;.:+ :-:+;': I 1 I I ,:~. t.~-:1 I I I I 5 {SR) Brn ,i1ty C-c md (Iolst l loo,e) ---'- , , -'- .. '" I , I I '" ... ..... I I I I ..... I I I I 6 .. .. .... ----< , I , ,... .. I I I I ... .. ..... I I I I ..... I I I I 1 .. .,.. ... ... , , I , I ... .. I I , I I ... .. .... 1 I I I I ... ... I , I I I B ..... , , , , I .. . . ... 1 I I I I .. .... . .. '" I I 1 I .. ,... I I I I 9 .. ... "'" , ----' , I ..... I I I I .. .... .. . ... , I , I '" ... , I I I 10 '" .. .... , I , I .. .. .. 1 I I I .. ... ... ... I , I ... .. I I I II .. .... ... .., - , , 1 . .. ... , I I ... ... ..... I , I . .. ... I I 12 ... ... .. , ... , I ..., .. I I I ' . .. . . .. I I I .. .... I I I 13 '" ... , , I .... .. I I 1 .. ' . ... I 1 I , .. I I 1 I 11 .... .. As ahove, lad dense .... .. , , , I I I I 1 .. .... Total depth 15.0 feet .. I I I I I I I I 15 .,;,;j~ I~~ NO FRBB GROUNDWATBR BNCOUNTBRBD , , , I 1'\ . r -L... L GARY S. RASMUSSEN & ASSOCIATES, INC_I ENG/NEER/NGGEOLOGI' .'"'....,1..11;..1'...'.0,.':.;.,...,,-'.',....,.. '.....j..,.. -'., .. -,.,.", ,"J,:"'I'.--,":."",,,,,,,', ,':. 1811 COMMERCENTER WEST . SAN BERNARDINO. CALIFORNIA 92408 . f714188B-21122 . 825-9052 . FAX 888-6806 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY INVESTIGATION TENTATIVE TRACT NOS. 23125,-1,-2 & -3 NOnTI-IEAST OF DE PORTOLA HOAD & BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD TEMECULA, CALIFORNIA April 17, 1992 Project No, 3113 Prepared For John R, Byerly, Inc, 2257 So, Lilac Avenue Bloomington, California 9231 G ~ . I GARY S. RASMtrSSEN & ASSOCIATES, INC.! ENGINEERIN(; GEOLOGY 181 1 COMMERCENTERWEST . SAN BERNARDINO. CALIFORNIA 92408 . 17' 41 eeB-2422 . 825-9052 . FAX Bef3.6e06 Aprll17, 1992 John R. Byerly, Inc. 2257 So, LIlac Avenue BIoomIngton;:CalIfornla 92316 Project No. 3113 Attention: Glenn Fraser SUbject: Engineering Geology Investigation of Tentative Tract Nos. 23125, -I, -2 and -3, Northeast of De Portola Road and Butterfieid Stage Road, Temecula, California, An engineering geology investIgation of Tentative Tract Nos, 23125, 23125-1, 23125-2 and 23125-3 has been conducted in accordance with your request. The purpose of our investigation was to relat~ general geologic conditions of the site to future residential development, A 100-scale tentative tract map, revision dated October 1, 1991, and a 40-scale grading plan, dated May 25, 1989, both prepared by RANPAC Engineering Corp., was used in our Investigation. The approxImate location of the site is shown on the index map on page 2. We understand that the site wili be developed with one- and two-story, wood-frame residentIal structures. The referenced grading plan indicates that cut slopes approximately 43 feet and fill slopes approximately 33 feet in maximum height will be necessary for development of the site, Proposed cut and fill slopes shown on the' grading plan are inclined at 2 horizontal to 1 vertical. SITE INVESTIGATION GeologIc mapping of the site and a geologic field reconnaIssance of the site and surrounding area were conducted on March 24, 1992. Geomorphic featur.es possibly assoclated with landsIlding were identified on the site during the geologic mapping. A subsurface Investigation of slope stability was therefore recommended and conducted on March 31, 1992. A total of four geologic test trenches were excavated with a 1~ '. r I "".\..- L .- USGS Base Map: 1" = 2000' scale Pechanga 7.5 min. Quadrangle TBS R2W Sec. 10 o 2000' 400(}' I I I Project NO,3Il3 ~--. , -' ~ - N. ~ ~ " John R. Byerly, Inc, April 17, 1992 Tent. Tract Nos, 23125,-1,-2,-3 PrOject No. 3113 rubber tire backhoe and geologically logged. In addition, our Investigation Included review of stereoscopic aerial Photographs flown In 1962, 1967, 1974, 1980, 1983, 1988 and 1990; review of pertinent geologic literature and maps, including reports In our files on nea~by projects; and review of significant seIsmic Information, Including , . historic seismic activity, A list of aerial Photographs reviewed and references cited in this report is included as Enclosure 4, SITE DESCRIPTION The apprOXimately 88-acre site Is located Immediately northeast of the proposed Intersection of De Portola Road and Butterfield Stage Road in Temecula, California, The site Is located in the low hills along the northwest flank of the Pauba Valley, A large southeast- to southwest-trending drainage traverses the eastern and southeastern portions of the site, Several smaller southeast- to southwest-trending drainages traverse the central and western portions of the site. The natural ground surface on most of the site slopes downward to the south, southeast and southwest at an overall rate of apprOXimately 25 percent. The natural ground surface In the, eastern and southeastern portions of the site is flatter and slopes downward toward the south at an overall rate of approximately 1 percent. Total relief across the site is approximately 135 feet. At the time of Our Investigation, the site was occupied by a light to moderate growth of weeds and brush. A southwest-facing cut slope approxImately 80 feet In maxImum height and inclined at 2 horizontal to I vertical was observed on the site coincident with Butterfield Stage Road, A southeast-facing cut slope apprOXimately 25 feet In maxImum height and inclined at 2;1 (horizontal to vertical) and an associated borrow area were observed in the north-central portion of the site, A small borrow area was observed in the western portion of the site, Abandoned earth-fill dams and a fill levee were observed associated with the large drainage in the southeastern portion of the 3 8\ .! -i:... .~ L John R. Byerly, Inc, April 17, 1992 Tent. Tract Nos. 23125,-1,-2,-3 Project No. 3113 site. ' Several dirt roads traversed the site, Minor flII, trash and debris were observed at scattered locations across the site, Residences were observed immediately northeast of the site. Vacant land surrounded the remainder of the site, SITE GEOLOGY The site Is located along the southwestern margin of a large structural block of land known as the Perrls Block. The Perris Block is part of the Peninsular Ranges Geomorphic Province, The Perris Block is bounded on the northeast by the San Jacinto fault, on the north by the Cucamonga fault and the San Gabriel Mountains, and on the southwest by the Elsinore fault and the Santa Ana Mountains. The Perrls Block is considered' to be relatively stable compared to the subsiding San Bernardino Valley Block, which is bounded by the San Andreas and San Jacln to faul ts, The Peninsular Ranges extend north to the San Gabriel Mountains and south Into Mexico to the tip of Baja California, The Peninsular Ranges Province is characterized by alluviated basins, elevated erosion surfaces, and northwest-trending mountain ranges bounded by northwest-trending faults, The site is located northeast of a structural trough which Is formed along fault segments of the Elsinore fault zone. The Elsinore Trough represents a downdropped block of basement rock (graben) filled by approximately 3,000 feet of Plelstocene- and Holocene-age sediments. The Elsinore Trough Is bounded by the varIous fault traces within the Elsinore fault zone. Mann (1955), Kennedy (1977) and Greenwood and Morton (1991) mapped the topo- graphically higher portions of the sIte as alluvial materials of the Pauba Formation. 4 gt. \, ',l' "L John R. Byerly, Inc. April 17, 1992 Tent. Tract Nos, 23125,-1,~2,-3 Project No. 3113 The Pauba Formation as exposed in cut slopes in the southwestern and north-central portions of the site and in test trenches placed on the site by our firm during March, 1992, consis~s of poorly to moderately well stratified silty sand, gravelly sand, sandy silt and silty clay, Bcdding within the Pauba Formation In the vicinity of the site Is inclined overall to the northwest to northeast at a shallow angle. Slight folding of the Pauba Formation was observed in the field with bedding inclined at slight angles (2 to 11 degrees) to the northwest, northeast and locally to the southwest. A geologic index map is included as Enclosure 1. The Pauba Formation is designated as Qp on the 100- scale geologic map is included as Plate 1. The topographically lower portions of the site are underlain by alluvium of Holocene age (Mann, 1955; McLean et aI., 1971; Kennedy, 1977; Greenwood and Morton, 19.91), These alluvial materials are designated as Qal on the lOG-scale geologic map included as Plate 1. The younger alluvium on the site consists of unconsolidated, fine- to coarse-grained sand, , Colluvium of Holocene age (Qc) consisting of silty sand was mapped mantling the toes of steeper slopes on the site, The colluvium consists of alluvial materials that have undergone little transport from their source area (Pauba Formation). SEISMIC SETTING The most Important fault to the site from a seismic shaking standpoint is the Elsinore fault zone. The Wildomar branch of the Elsinore fault zone is located approximately 2 miles southwest of the site, The Elsinore fault zone extends southeast into Me<<lco (Biehler et aI., 1964), The Elsinore fault separates the Santa Ana Mountains from the Temescai BasIn on the Perris Block. Subsurface investigations by Rockwell et al. (1986) have shown that the Elsinore fault is active and may have a recurrence interval of approximately 250 years for large earthquakes, 5 ~, GARY A_ R.A'O:::"lvrTTQQ'n".....T ~_ At::'e................... A .....-....... ..~ l_ John R. Byerly, Inc. April 17, 1992 Tent. Tract Nos. 23125,-1,-2,-3 Project No. 31 i 3 , ,--- Numerous northwest- and northeast-trending topographic and/or vegetational linea- ments are visible traversing the site and surrounding area on the aerial photographs reviewed. No geomorphic expression of active faulting associated with any of these lineaments was observed on the site, In the field or on the aerial photographs'reviewed, These lineaments may coincide with fracturing, bedding or older, inactive faulting, The geologic mapping of Kennedy (1977) did not identify evidence of faulting on or adjacent to the site, These lineaments are not considered to represent significant seismic risks to the site from either a seismic shaking or ground rupture standpoint. Rogers (1966) showed an unnamed, northeast-trendIng fault located approximately 2 miles southeast of the site and an unnamed, northwest-trending fault located approximately 4 miles northeast of the site, Both of these faults are shown as potentially active faults on the Fault Map of California (Jennings, 1975), The Murrieta Hot Springs fault is located approximately 5 miles northwest of the site (Mann, 1955; Jennings, 1975; Kennedy, 1977). !{ennedy (1977) mapped the Murrieta Hot Springs fault as displacing geologic materials of late PleIstocene age but as not offsetting geologic materials of Holocene age, Jennings (1975) Showed the Murrieta Hot Springs fault as a potentially active fault on the Fault Map of California. The Murrieta Hot Springs fault may be capabie of generating moderate to large earthquakes during the lifetime of the proposed development, The northwest-trending San Jacinto fault, located approximately 19 miles northeast of the site, is considered to be the most active fault in southern California (Allen et aI., 1965). Trenching in very young alluvium across the San Jacinto fault has confirmed very recent episodes of fault rupture, The San Jacinto fault is characterized by right-lateral, strike-sllp movement. The northwest-trending Newport-Inglewood fault Is located approximately 31 miles southwest of the site, This fault is characterized by right-lateral movement. The 6 ~ . I John R, Byerly, Inc. April 17,1992 Tent. Tract Nos, 23125,-1,-2,-3 Project No. 3113 Newport-Inglewood fault was responsible for the Richter magnItude 6.2 earthquake of 1933 in the Long Beach area (Hauksson and Gross, 1991) and may have been responsible for the Rich~er magnItude 6,9 earthquake of 1812 in the Seal Beach area (Toppozada et 01., 1981), The active San Andreas fault is located approximately 36 miles northeast of the site, The location of the main, active trace of the San Andreas fault is evidenced by vegetation lineaments, fault scarps, springs, linear ridges, and offset drainages. Although the San Andreas fault is characterized overall by right-lateral, strike-slip movement, the San Bernardino Mountains have been uplifted along its trace. A summary of significant faults and their distances from the site is presented in the following table: FAULT DISTANCE (MILES) , DIRECTION Wlldomar 2 Southwest Unnamed (NE-trendlng) 2 Southeast Unnamed (NW-trending) 4 Northeast Murrieta Hot Springs 5 Northwest S,an Jacinto 19 Northeast Newport-Inglewood " 31 Southwest San Andreas 36 Northeast Qther active or potentially active faults are located within the general region, but because of their greater distance from the site and/or lower expected maxImum probable earthquake, they are less important to the site. 7 ~ . , J -L l_ John R. Byerly, Inc, April 17, 1992 Tent, Tract Nos. 23125,-1,-2,-3 Project No, 3113 ~.- SEISMIC HISTORY The accuracy of locatIng earthquake epicenters is not always sufficient to determIne which fault they are associated wIth, Estimates of magnitude and epicenter locations for earthquakes prIor to implementation of recording Instruments were based on descriptions of the earthquakes by individuals in different areas, Seismic instrumenta- tion did not become available until about 1932, and these earlier instruments were imprecise, The earthquake locations shown on Enclosure 2 are either based on instrument locations or by analysis of isoseismal contouring, Severai earthquakes with estimated Richter magnitudes between 6.0 and 6.5 have been located aiong the Elsinore fault zone between the Santa Ana River and the Guif of California during historic time, The closest and most recen t of these 'Iarger earth- quakes occurred north of Elsinore in 1910. Three earthquakes greater than Richter magnitude '6.0 have Occurred along the southern extension of the Elsinore fault zone in northern Mexico since 1932; however, no earthquakes of this magnitude or greater have been recorded along the northern end of the fault since 1910 (Lamar et a/" 1973). No slgniflcant earthqual<es are known to have occurred during historic tIme along the Murrieta Hot Springs fault or along the unnamed northeast- or northwest-trending faults in the vicinity of the site, The San Jacinto fault has been the most seIsmIcally active fauit in southern California (Allen et aI., 1965). Between 1899 and 1990, eight earthquakes of RIchter magnItude 6.0 or greater have occurred somewhere along the San JacInto fault between the San Gabriel Mountains and MexIco (Lamar et aI., 1973; I{ahle et aI., 1988). A summary of the dates of these earthquakes, theIr approximate locations, and their estimated Richter magnitude is presented In the following table: 8 ~ , i , ,'~ John R. Byerly, Inc, April 17,1992 Tent. Tract Nos. 23125,-1,-2,-3 Project No. 3113 DATE LOCATION RICl-ITER MAGNITUDE December 25, 1899 San Jacinto Valley (estimated) 7.1 April 21, 191'8 .San Jacinto Valley (estimated) 6.8 July 22, 1923 South of Loma Linda (estima ted) 6.3 March 25, 1937 Southeast of Anza 6,0 October 21, 1942 Southeast of Borrego 6,5 March 19, 1954 East of Borrego 6,2 April 9, 1968 Borrego Mountain 6,5 November 24, 1987 Superstition Hills 6.6 SInce 1899, earthquakes on the San Jacinto fault of Richter magnitude 6.0 or greater have occurred every 5 to 19 years, The earthquakes in 1899, 1918 and 1923 occurred along the northern portion of the San Jacinto fault; the earthquake in 1937 occurred I along the Ihiddle reach of the San Jacinto fault; and the earthquakes in 1942, 1954, 1968 and 1987 occurred along the southern portion of the San Jacinto fault (Lamar et aI., 1973; Kahle et aI., 1988). The Richter magnitude 6,3 1933 Long Bead) earthquake, which was centered offshore near Newport Beach, was assigned to the Newport-Inglewood fault (Wood, .1933; Hauksson and Gross, 1991), The epicenter of the October 2, 1933, Richter magnitude 5.4 Signal Hill earthquake was located along the Reservoir Hill fault segment of the Newport-Inglewood fault zone (Barrows, 1974; Los Angeles County, 1990). The Inglewood segment of the Newport-Inglewood fault zone may have been responsible for the June 21, 1920, Richter magnitude 4,9 lnglewood earthquake (Barrows, 1974; Ziony and Yerkes, 1985). In addition, the Richter magnitude 6,9 earthquake of 1812 in the Seal Beach area may have occurred along the Newport-Inglewood fault zone (Toppozada et al., 1981), 9 H\ ,..... .. ~..... - - . -- ---- - '.1 '- '-- I l_ John R, Byerly, Inc. April 17, 1992 Tent. Tract Nos, 23125,-1,-2,-3 Project No, 3113 ."; No large earthquakes have occurred along the San Andreas fault in the southern California area in reCent time, The last major earthquake along it in this area was the great earth~uake of 1857, which was centered at Fort Tejon, north of Gorman. This fault has a pattern of almost no movement for long periods of time (131 years, Sleh, 1984), followed by a sudden release of energy. The Fort Tejon earthquake had an estimated Richter magnitude greater than 8,0, comparable to the 1906 San Francisco earthquake (Wood, 1955), In 1948, an earthquake of Richter magnitude 6,5 occurred along the Mission Creek fault (north branch of the San Andreas fault) in the Desert Hot Springs area. An earthquake of Richter magnitude 5.9 occurred along the Banning fault (south branch of the San Andreas fault) in the North Palm Springs area in 1986, which resulted in surface ground rupture (Jones et aI., 1986), Other, smaller earthquakes have occurred along the San Andreas fault northwest and southeast of these two loca tlons. SEISMIC ANALYSIS Significant earthquakes affecting the site may occur on the Wildomar branch of the Elsinore fault zone during the life of the proposed structures, Recurrence intervals for maxImum probable earthquakes cannot yet be precisely determined from a statistical standpoint, because recorded information on seismic activity does not encompass a sufficient span of time, However, based on information available at this time, It Is our opinion that a maximum probable earthquake of Richter magnitude 6,5 along the Wildomar fault may occur. Large earthquakes could occur on other faults in the general area, but because of their greater distance and/or lower probability of occurrence, they are less important to the site from a seismic shaking standpoint. Campbell (1987) presented data that showed a relatIonship between the .distance from a causative fault and peak horizontal ground accelerations, Based on the data of Campbell for a Richter magnitude 6.5 earthquake along the Wildomar fauit, located 10 ~~ f' , i c.. John R. Byerly, Inc. April 17, 1992 Tent. Tract Nos, 23125,-1,-2,-3 Project No, 3113 approximately 2 miles southwest of the site, a maximum ground acceleration at the sIte should be 0.49g, This acceleration should not be used as a desIgn value for insertion in the Uniform Building Code formula; rather, it should be considered as an aid in the evaluation of the structural design of the residential structures to be placed on the site, SLOPE STABILITY Geomorphic features possibly associated with landsliding were identified on the site during our geologic mapping, These features were evaluated with four geologic test trenches. No evidence for landsliding was observed in the geOlogic test trenches, . Logs of the geologic test trenches are included as Enclosure 3, The locations of the test trenches are shown on Pia te 1. Evidence for continuous clay and silt beds was observed in exposures of the Pauba Formation on the site, Deep-seated slope faIlures can result when cut slopes expose fine-grained beds with out-of-slope bedding components, Bedding within the Pauba Formation as exposed by existing cut slopes and the test trenches is generally Incllned at a slight angle (approximately 2 to II degrees) to the northwest and northeast. This bedding orientation is favorable with respect to the stability of the proposed southwest to south- to southeast-facing ,cut slopes, and significant out-of-slope bedding associated . ... with cut slopes in the Pauba Formation is not expected. Therefore, except as discussed below, significant deep-seated stability hazards associated with proposed cut slopes in the Pauba Formation are not anticipated. However, the surficial materials which mantle the bedrock Slopes are considered to be moderately to highly susceptible to erosion and surficial faIlure, especially when vegeta tion is removed and/or runoff is concentrated onto the slopes, 11 ~ '.1 "'L John R, Byerly, Inc, April 17, 1992 Tent, Tract Nos, 23125,-1,-2,-3 Project No. 3113 Southwest-facing cut slopes approximately 80 feet in maximum height and inclined at 2 horizontal to 1 vertical were observed coincident with Butterfield Stage Road along the southwestern boundary of the site (Lots 124 and 125), A southeast-facing cut slope approximate'ly 25 feet in maximum height and Inclined at 2: I was observed in the north- central portion of the site (Lots 97-99), These cut slopes expose silty sand, sandy silt and silty clay within the Pauba Formation, Bedding attItudes obtained from the existing southeast-facing cut slope in the north- central portion of the site revealed Pauba Formation inclined at a slight angle toward the north, resulting in no out-of-slope bedding components. However, bedding attitudes obtained from the southwest~facing cut slope in the vicinity of Lots 124-126 are inclined at a slight angle toward the southwest, resulting in out-of-slope bedding components. Thin, continuous silty clay layers were observed within the upper portions of this cut slope. Geologic materials were not well exposed within the lower portion of this cut slope. However, the Pauba Formation within the lower portion of the existing cut slope is expected to be relatively coarse-grained and may not contain significant, continuous silt or clay beds. This existing southwest-facing cut slope may have some potential for deep-seated instability if it is not removed or stabilized, However, the referenced grading plan indicates that most of this cut slope will be removed during grading of the site, The need for stabilization measures, if any, associated with the proposed southwest-facing cut slopes should be evaluated by the engineering geologist during grading. GROUND WATER No springs are known to exist on the site, Evidence for perched ground-water conditions was observed during the geologic fIeld reconnaissance and on the aerial photographs reviewed, Seepage was observed emanating from the southeast-facing cut slope in the north-central portion of the site, Perching of ground water above clay 12 a.p r John R, Byerly, Inc. April 17, 1992 Tent. Tract Nos, 23125,-1,-2,-3 Project No, 3113 layers within the Pauba Formation may occur following periods of prolonged precipitation, Some perching of ground water in Holocene-age alluvium and colluvium on the site m,ay Occur following periods of precipitation. Current depth to ground-water data are not available in the immediate vicinity of the site from the California Department of Water Resources (1990). However, data from two wells located approximately 1 to I 1/4 miles east of the site (State Well Nos, BS/2W-11J2 and -11L1) indicate that the depth to ground water at those locations was approxImately 50 to 65 feet in 196B (Callfornla Department of Water Resources, 1990). Giessner et al. (1971) showed a dry or destroyed well (State Well No, BS/2W-IOKl) in the immediate vicinity of the northeast boundary of the site. No data are available for this well, In addition, no evidence for the existence of this well was observed during the geologic field reconnaissance, I{ennedy (1977) indicated that ground water in the southeastern portion of the site was less than 25 meters (82 feet) in 1967-1968, L Soil test borings placed on the site during November, 19B7, and November, 19BB, by Highland Soils EngIneering, encountered ground water between depths of 14 and 25 feet in the topographically lower portions of the site (Highland Soils Engineering, January 19, 19B8, and September 5, 1989), Soil test borings placed on the sIte during March, 1992, by John R, Byerly, Inc, encountered ground water at a depth of approximately 28 feet below the ground surface in the southeast portion of the site (Glenn Fraser, John R. Byerly, Inc" written communication, March, 1992)., Youd and Perkins (1978) and Youd et al. (1978) listed the parameters for increased liquefaction susceptibility as: 1) high ground water (less than 33 feet below the surface); 2) sandy sedimentary deposits; 3) recent age of material; and 4) ciose proximity to an active fault. The sediments encountered within drainages in the eastern and southern portions of the site fall into all four of these geoiogic parameters. Therefore, these sediments on site are considered to have a high potential for liquefaction from a geologic standpoint. The southeast and southern portions of the 13 ~ John R. Byerly, Inc, April 17, 1992 Tent. Tract Nos. 23125,-1,-2,-3 Project No. 3113 site lie within a potential liquefaction area as shown on the Riverside County General Plan (1976,1984), Those portions of the site which may have shallow ground water but are underlalri by Pauba Formation are considered to have a low potential for " . T liquefaction from a geologic standpoInt. SUBSIDENCE Subsidence of the ground surface has occurred in the San Bernardino Valley, San Jacinto Valley, Chino Basin and Murrieta Valley, The primary cause of non-tectonIc subsidence in these areas has been the removal of large quantities of ground water from their respective ground-water basins, Static ground-water levels in the vicinity of the site as reported by the California Department of Water Resources (1990) have been relatively consistent since 1965, No evidence. for significant static ground-water decllnes beneath the site in the past was observed in the depth to ground-water data. Subsidence is not consIdered to be a potential hazard to the site unless static ground- water levels are allowed to decllne significantly (greater than 100 feet) in the future. FLOODING The site does not lie within a IOO-year flood plain as shown on the Riverside County General Plan (1976, 1984), The closest IOO-year flood plain is shown located approximately 1,500 feet southeast of the site associated with Temecula <:;reek (Riverside County, 1976, 1984). A large southeast- to southwest-trending draInage traverses the eastern portion of the site and several smaller drainages traverse the remainder of the sIte. We understand that the large draInage wllI remaIn as open space. These drainages may concentrate areas of sheet flow during perIods of high precipitation. Evidence for recent flooding 14 ~ John R. Byerly, Inc, April 17, 1992 Tent. Tract Nos, 23125,-1,-2,-3 Project No, 3113 assocIated with the draInage In the eastern portIon of the sIte was observed during the geologIc field reconnaissance, An evaluation of the potential for flooding of the site falls under the purview of the project engineer, / The southern portion of the site lies within a potentiai inundation area associated with Vail Lake (Riverside County, 1984). Seismically induced flooding may a potential hazard to the southern portion of the sIte from this reservoir, An evaluation of the potential for seismically induced flooding of the site in the event of a large earthquake falls under the purview of the project engineer. CONCLUSIONS No known faults cross the site and no evidence of active faulting on the site was observed during the geologic field reconnaissance or on the aerial photographs reviewed. Ground rupture due to surface faulting Is not expected, Severe seismic shaking of the site can be expected within the next 100 years from an earthquake along the Wlldomar faul t. Geomorphic features possibly associated with landsIiding Were Identified on the site during our geologic mapping, These features were evaluated with four geologic test trenches. However, no evidence for landsliding on the site was observed in the geologIc test trenches. Continuous slIt and clay layers were observed within the Pauba Formation on the site. ' , However, bedding within the Pauba Formation Is generally inclined at a slight angle to ' the northwest and northeast, This bedding orientation is favorable with respect to the . stability of the proposed southwest- to south- to southeast-facing cut Slopes on the site. Except for an existing southwest-facing cut Slope along the southwest boundary i5 ~~ GARY S. RASMt.T1=l:~=nr.l'J.... ^ oe.............T ... ................. .~- '\ I John R. Byerly, Inc. April 17, 1992 Tent. Tract Nos. 23125,-1,-2,-3 Project No, 3113 of the site, significant out-of-slope bedding associated with existing and proposed cut slopes In the Pauba Formation on the site is not expected. Therefore, significant deep- seated stability hazards associated with proposed cut slopes in the Pauba Formation are /. , not anticipated. A southeast-facing cut slope approximately 25 feet In maximum helghtand Inclined at 2:1 (horizontal to vertical) was observed in the north-central portion of the sIte (Lots 97-99). Southwest-facing cut slopes approximately 80 feet in maximum heIght and Inclined at 2 horizontal to I vertical were observed coincIdent with the sOllthwest boundary of the site (Lots 124 and 125), Out-of-slope bedding components were observed associated with clay layers within the Pauba Formation exposed within the upper portions of this cut slope in the vicinity of Lots 124-126, However, the Pauba Formation within the lower portion of the existing cut slope is expected to be relatively coarse-grained and may not contain significant, continuous silt or clay layers. This existing southwest-facing cut slope may have some potential for deep-seated instability if it is not removed or stabilized, However, the referenced grading plan Indicates that most of thIs cut slope will be removed durIng grading. The surfIcial materials which mantle the bedrock slopes are considered to be moderately to hIghly susceptible to erosion and surficial faIlure, especially when vegetation is removed and/or runoff is concentrated onto the slopes. The southeast and southern portions of the site lie within a potential liquefaction area as shown on the Riverside County General Plan (1976, 1984), Shallow ground water exists within the drainages in the eastern and southern portions of the site. Liquefaction may be a potential problem in those portions of the site, The additional parameters of density and graIn size distribution need, to be evaluated by the project soils engineer to ascertain the final susceptibility of the eastern and southern portions of the site to liquefaction, Those portions of the sIte which may have shallow ground 16 Of\ - r . I .'L_ l__ John R. Byerly, Inc, April 17, 1992 Tent. Tract Nos. 23125,-1,-2,-3 Project No. 3113 water but are underlain by the Pauba Formation are considered to have a low potential for liquefaction from a geologic standpoInt. Subsidence is not considered to be a potential hazard to the site unless static ground- water levels are allowed to decline significantly (greater than 100 feet) in the future. The site does not lie within a 100-year flood plain as shown on the Riverside County General Plan (1976,1984). However, a large southeast- to southwest-trending drainage traverses the eastern portion of the site and several smaller drainages traverse the remainder of the site, An evaiuation of the potential for flooding of the site falls under the purview of the project engineer. Sheet flow runoff on the site is expected during periods of heavy precipitation but can be mitigated by proper engineering design, . The southern portion of the site lies within a potential inundation area associated with Vall Lake. , Seismically induced flooding associated with this reservoir may be a potential hazard to the southern portion of the site. An evaluation of the potential for flooding of the site caused by failure of Vail Lake In the event of a iarge earthquake falls under the purview of the project engineer. Surficial materIals on the sIte are considered to be moderately to highly susceptible to erosion by water. An evaluation of the significance of all on-site fill to the proposed development, including fill generated by this InvestIgation; falls under the purview of the project soils engineer. 17 ~ GA.RY S. RASMUSSEN &: Af:Jf:;("')r!TA"'T'"'TT!Q' ~, John R. Byerly, Inc, April 17, 1992 Tent. Tract Nos, 23125,-1,-2,-3 Project No. 3113 RECOMMENDATIONS A maximum p~obable earthquake of Rich ter magnitude 6,5 may occur along the Wildomar fault, located approximately 2 miles southwest of the site; therefore, we recommend that human occupancy structures be designed accordIngly. PositIve drainage of the sIte should be provided, and water should not be ailowed to pond behind or flow over any cut or fill Slopes. Where water is collected in a common area and discharged, protection of the native soils should be provided, as the native solis are moderately to highly susceptIble to erosion by running water. The referenced gradIng plan conforms to this recommendation. The maximum incllnatlon of ail cut slopes should be 2 horIzontal to 1 vertical. ,The referenced grading plan conforms to this reconunendation, All cut slopes should be planted as soon as possible to minimize erosion, as material on- sIte may be susceptible to erosion from water, Any cut slopes which could intercept slope runoff and are greater than 15 feet in height should be provided with a concrete-llned "V" ditch above the top of the cut slope to protect the slope from erosIon, Cut slopes to be hIgher than 30 feet should be evaluated indivIdually by the engineering geologist. Ail cut slopes 30 feet or greater . , " in heIght should have terraces in accordance with the Uniform BuildIng Code. The final grading plan for the site should be reviewed and approved by an engIneering geologIst prIor to any gradIng. GradIng of the site should be evaluated by the engIneering geOlogist by In-grading Inspections, The need for stabilization measures, if any, associated with the proposed 18 Clfp GlA.RY S. RASMUSSEN &; ASSOCIATES ", . ~ { l John R. Byerly, Inc. April 17, 1992 Tent, Tract Nos, 23125,-1,-2,-3 Project No. 3113 southwest-facing cut slopes along the southwest boundary of the site should be determined by the engineering geologist during gradIng. Subdrains may be 'required beneath fills placed within the on-site drainages, The need for subdralns should be evaluated by the engineering geologist during grading, The geologic parameters for liquefaction (including shalIow ground water, severity of earthquake shaking, low densl ty and grain-size distribution) may exist In the eastern and southern portIons of the sIte. The crItical parameters necessary to result in llquefactlon on the sIte should be evaluated by the project soils engineer using the ground-water depths and degree of shakIng Indicated in this report, together with their determinatIon of grain-size distributIon and density. Publlshed lIterature suggests a dry or destroyed well may exist in the Immediate vicinity of the northeast boundary of the site, No evidence for this was observed during the geologic field reconnaissance, If any water wells exist on the site that will not be used in the future, they should be destroyed in accordance with applicable state and local regula t1ons. RespectfulIy submitted, Z1JSro::AT ~IN~ Frank F. JOrdaJ~ Staff Geologist ffftt~ Jay J, Martin Engineering Geologist, EG 1529 FFJ:JJM/pg 19 cs..;\ GARY s. RASMUSSEN & ASSOCIATES ~_..._..__ .~___. _"__H~'_~' ~.___._ .._'.-.- _.._~..._~...-- . ~~-:.._.. '. .--.:w.__"............._,~_ .~... ~;~';: . . Slate of California State Walar Resoun:es Con1rOl Board NOTICE OF INTENT TO COMPLY WITH THE TERMS OF THE GENERAL PERMIT TO DISCHARGE STORM WATER ASSOCIATED WITH CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY CNO Order No. 92-0B.DWO MARK ONLY ONE ITEM ,,0 Ongoing eons..n 2. New Consuuction 3. 0 Chang" of Inlllrmalion WOlD , I. OWNER Contact Person JI Title ViCe E" Local Mailing Address I tJoZ 5i City ;:: R V i IV,E" iRei...E gee::; Phone 7/'-/, 24-1_1 II. CONSTRUCTION SITE INFORMATION RI< c!,/<.CLi: Contact Person J I Tille ~I~c ?'f?G-5 Phone '11'f Z.~I 0\ 1'2/,2 ~ /J,;/ T;J: It Fie b City Slate Zip &eu~A CA92 c. Is the construction site part af a larger camman plan If yes, name af plan or development of development or sale? Yes 0 No 7i '2 '5 i 2..5' MMDDYY D, Construction commencement dale 0 7 I Z 9 3 Eo ProjeCllld constnJclion completion date , I , , MMDDYY / 2.,3 " , , , III. BILLING ADDRESS Send to: ~ OWNER 0 DEVELOPER o OTHER (Enter inlormation alrighl) , ~ ::f City L;c, ill G, IV, RECEIVING WATER INFORMATION A. Does your constnJction sits's storm water discharge to: (Check one) , , 0 Storm drain system - EnIDr system owners name C, 2. 0 Directly to waters of U.S. (e.g.. river, lake, creek, ocean) , 3. 0 Indireeny to waIDrs of U,S. I B. Name 01 closest receiving water ,Ii e;1';(.!;,c,V',L,A, ,CII3€E,K, E' I , STATE USE ONLY WDID: ., .~. ....,..-."..... ;.;~.,.:.; 'I : , " NPDES, PermitNumtl'!r: ;.,-,..,....;,;...:-;-:,-,:.:.:...:.,-,.:.:-:,.:.;.-..-":-":-:".".' ,:",":-::,:;::,;:>:,:.:::-,::,,:::,'::-:.':':"':";'.,.. 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MATERIAL HANDLING/MANAGEMENT PRACTICES A, Types of malBrials thai will be handled and/or stared at the si1B: (Check all that apply) 6,0 Hazardous Substances ~PelrCleum ProduclS 7Ji' Paints 4.0 Plated Products 1.0 Solvents 2.0MeIal 5~ AsphalUConcrelB 99,0 Other (Please HS1) a,1liifwccd Treated Products B, Identity proposed management practices to reduce pollutants in stann water discharges: (Check a1ll11at apply) 1. 0 OiVWater Separatar 2, ~ Ercsion Centrals 3, Jil,Sedimentaticn Contrels 4, 0 Overhead Coverage 5, 0 OetenticnlOesiltaticn Pond 99. 0 01her (Please US1) VII. SITE INFORMATION A. Total size of construction site: B_ Percent 01 sits impervious: (Including rooltcps) ?9 Acres Before construclion / % After consllUClicn 3:5 % VIII. REGULATORY STATUS Isll1e silB subject to a locally approved erasion/sediment control plan? Q" Yes 0 No' ' If yes, name of local agency C -c: u .4 IX. CERTIFICATION I certify under penatty of law that this dOaJment and all attachments were prepared under my direction and supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted, Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the intormation, the information submitted is. to the best of my knowledge and beliel, true, accurate. and complete, t am aware that there are significant penalties lor submitting false information, including the , possibility 01 fine and imprisonment. In addition, I certify that the provisions of the permit, including the development and implementation of a Storm Water Pollution Preventbn Plan and a Monitoring Program Plan, will be complied with, ~-- zcJiZ 5~:::S SIgnatUre: /"_ / .A.,,- ~ ! _ _ Titie: p:;.'.,.s, .5'l<?.,I'M~'" ~,-f", i f'I~,-C:e'.J ..---/' ;:; --.::::... oalBUj" 2,~ 93 7C~pfq'7 ~_ ~ "" Pod ~.- floC ::. a.2:.;2 JUN 7 '93 l0:4'3 jJJ /Jj F ROI'1 TPe ,CIty Of TEMBC1J1..A p,o. boo 3lUl -,LA, CallrCll1li. n (11.) 6!l4-6~ fMal.)6P4-~7 T PAGE,002 ~/' CITY EHGI'KWl'S-Offll:t' QR/lOING PERMIT' Tnl. p_I'f ~ ....1. If wark nof c~.. within leo lIay. 1.....'..,.QI work /1M _ ~'" \II" 1baI\4On'" foe" I perlOll 01 11;1 ~Ir" .. ] ,,"de- ~ flQ.,IM1'1C1U I ......, ."I~ n,t , .. I'...... ....... .........11'.. ", CMjI,.,." I............. .,"" ",,11_ lOCI} .t e'ltlll"" 'I ,n "tl~ .... "..,........ ~ ... -If II.... III ,. ,.11 ,.,.. ..... .II.t, IjMllIHG f'~IT 1iO. Olfw Orn'" H-ohJ e;. 20 %1'1 /99/ ' j/Gf..LilvG ToIl.t";' 91".03./ ... 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AGENr: j2A.<1(JI1C 'f#- ~rerujN' 1.A:1? 15'} - ~ ~cuT 1M. 1-00 t:2deic/-I,4b14f 26dt~ 199( \~ FOR ALL BORROW SITES "i ""- ; "" ,. -. - Vesting Tentative Hydraull @ Inlet db!. 108" C.I.P.P. 0100 = 798 d = 9' flow is supercritical with Dc @ Inlet Find D. d5/2 = 243 K'. = 3.28 Old = o.n Dc = 6.93' a = 52.57 s.f. Yc = 15.18 f.p.s. Hvc = 3.57 Find ON in Channel (n=O.03O) 0100 = 1596 b = 20', b813 = 2947.23 s = 0.064, SI/2 = 0.08 KI = On/b813 5 1/2 = 0.203 D/b = 0.27 D. = 5.4' a = 166.32 s.f. v = 9.59 f.p.s. H" = 1.43 W.S. @ Inlet = 1125.00 (F.L.) + 6.93 (OJ + 1.4 (H" + H.) f1H,,) = 1134.93 \0\ -~_".-_-___ -c-;;-- '",4 ~ .. -.. . _:P&8=~I":'_"'r(, ~ > 0,.,....~ _ () '" N 'L<L~ 13...Q..'l/J___ _u_ . - - - -- V!II.-C __L.o_T_~D.6{ ;Y\A-(^\i~"LI\((tt _ ,13<-(, ~A _________' 7 ___\S_V_O.L( f~L.,_NON -P~2.~I~MC( . -, ----- ----- _ CSJ f'(O c T:L~___QU (/I-1.h'J__-GL_j~""'..JL _11f:!rr(f.c~n: - 'u __ _C2~L., eFZ-O,__J3f.tt.Oy'kL_-rJf~ TC Sfl.~_+" .!-'N.lfc;QT:JA13"~____ ___CJtN .715P,_GY___'7_l6J/r {/S-r. ~^{31L "(c7_6.D...t?:L:..._______. -------. ---- --~_. --~- ----- ---.--- --. -- -~ - - - -. ~- - - -~--- -~--~---- -----, --------- _._----~--- ----- \01/ -- --~--:-- '""t. ,...,~ Inland Empire Office: 1906 Orange Tree Lane, Suite 240 Redlands, CA 92374 714/792,4222 fax: 714/798-1844 Corporate Office: 5 Mason Irvine, CA 92718 714/951-8686 fax: 714/951-6813 San Diego County Office: 9240 Trade Place, Suite 100 San Diego, CA 92126 619/536'1102 fax: 619/536-1306 Orange County Office: 15 Mason Irvine, CA 92718 714/951-8686 fax: 714/951-7969 leG ,. iru;orporated t24~~ \ r 1- 845B' December 28, 1989 sterling Builders, Inc. 19762 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 200 Irvine, California 92715 Job No. 07-7635-004-00-10 Log No. 9-3850 Attention: Mr. Dave Gilbert SUBJECT: TEMPORARY SLOPE STABILITY Tentative Tract 23125 NEC Deportola and Butterfield Stage Roads Rancho California, Riverside County, California Gentlemen: In accordance with your request, we have analyzed the temporary slope proposed for construction on the revised grading plans prepared by Ranpac Engineering Corp. and submitted November 28, 1989. We understand that the grading plans were revised due to a decision to phase the construction and that it is desirable for a number of reasons to construct a temporary 1-1/2:1 cut slope of up to 45 ft in height along the east side of Via Sabino during the initial phase. This slope will be eliminated and replaced by a 2:1 slope during construction of the second phase, which is expected to occur within 2 years. It is our opinion that construction of such a slope is geotechnically feasible, provided that adequate erosion protection is provided and maintained for the finished slope. Recommendations for this and other earthwork are contained in our previous reports (see attached reference list) for the project. ~(i:~:: '. mVh,,,:DE COUNTY ' '_:::?T. PLiI,:J (i;"CI\ ~ Geotechnical Services, Construction Inspection and Testing , "-......,' sterling Builders, Inc. December 28, 1989 Job No: 07-7635-004-00-10 Log No: 9-3850 Page 2 We appreciate the opportunity to be of continued service to you on this project. Please contact the undersigned should you require assistance. Respectfully submitted, D~:=f ~ f , REFERENCE LIST Highland Soils Engineering, Inc., "REPORT OF PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION, 88.4~ Acres; Tentative Tract 22472, Northeast Corner of DePortola and Butterfield Stage Roads, Rancho California, Riverside County, California", Job No. 07-7307-001- 00-00, Log No. 8-2240, January 19, 1988. Highland Soils Engineering, Inc., "SUPPLEMENTAL GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION, 88.4~ Acre Tentative Tract 22472, Northeast Corner of DePortola Road and Butterfield Stage Road, Rancho California, Riverside County, California", Job No. 07-7635-004-00-00, Log No. 8-2930 (Revised), September 5, 1989. Highland Soils Engineering, Inc., "GRADING PLAN REVIEW, Tract 23125, DePortola and Butterfield Stage Roads, Rancho California, Riverside County, California", Job No. 07-7635-004-00-10, Log No. 9-3363, June 8, 1989. ~