HomeMy WebLinkAboutBridge Hydraulic Analysis (Dec.5,2003) \ . . 111 2tlt..3tt c.~ 1> 0\,(2L~ YNEZ BRIDGE OVER THE SAN GERTRUDIS CREEK BRIDGE HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Prepared for: The State of California Department of Transportation 1657 Riverside Drive P.O. Box 496073 Redding, CA 96049-6073 Prepared by: ROBERT BEIN, WILLIAM FROST & ASSOCIATES. 14725 Alton Parkway Irvine, CA 92718 (714) 472-3505 Contact Persons: John McCarthy, RCE 38635 Michelle MObily, EIT RBF Job Number: 10101661 December 5, 2003 1 \ " . . TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction................................................................................................................... ..................1 Design Hydrology...................................................................................................................... .....1 Existing Channel Conditions ......... ...... ....................00...... ........ ................ .................. ..... ..... ..... .......1 Proposed Channel Conditions. .... ............. ........ ..... ....... ....... ......... ........ ...... ............. ............ .... .......3 Hydraulic Analysis. ... ............ ... .... ... ..... .... ... ........ ...... ... ........ ........ ..... ......... .... ......... ... ..... ..... ...... .....3 Discussion of Hydraulic Results.. ............ ................. .......... ......... ..... ......... .... ......... ...................... ...5 Scour Analysis.......................................................................................................................... ......5 General Scour........................................................................................................................... ..5 Local Scour..;....................................................................................................................... .......6 Recommended Bridge Pier Scour Protection..................................................................................8 LIST OF TABLES Table NO.1 - Summary of Channel Hydraulic Analysis Table NO.2 - Summary of Scour Analysis LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 - Existing Upstream of Ynez Road Bridge Figure 2 - Existing Ynez Road Bridge (facing downstream) Figure 3 - Existing Downstream of Ynez Road Bridge Figure 4 - Santa Gertrudis Concrete Lined Side Slope Figure 5 - Existing Downstream Ynez Bridge Pier TECHNICAL APPENDIX A. HEC-2 Creek Analysis System Calculations EXHIBITS A. Ynez Bridge Widening Improvements B. HEC-2 Floodplain Map H:\Pdata\ 10101661 \Strmwater\SCOUR2.doc z. ~\nchesterlYnez Road HYdlcS/Bridge Scour Hydraulic Analysis and Scour Report . Issue Date: 5-December-2003 Introduction The purpose of this report is to provide the hydraulic analysis for a reach of the Santa Gertrudis Creek Including the proposed Ynez Road bridge, The proposed Ynez Road widening is located in the City of Temecula, County of Riverside. This report will assess the hydraulic impacts associated with the proposed bridge widening as well as an estimate of the potential scour at the proposed bridge upstream pier. The preliminary proposed improvements include widening of Ynez Road 4,63 meters (15,2 feet) at the West and East side of the roadway. The bridge is approximately 44.8 meters (147 feet) in length and currently has a width of 95.9 meters (314,7 feet). Upon widening the resulting bridge width will be approximately 105,2 meters (345.1 feet). The existing bridge consists of two abutments at each end and one 0.61 meter (2 feet) pier in the center. The pier height varies between 4.30 meters (14,1 feet) on the upstream side to 4.42 meters (14,5 feet) on the downstream side. The proposed Ynez Road bridge widening will extend the pier and abutments 4.63 meters (15.2 feet) at the upstream and downstream sides of the bridge. The proposed pier height will vary between 4.21 meters (13.8 feet) at the upstream and 4.40 meters (14.3 feet) at the downstream. Desian HvdroloQV The hydrology utilized to evaluate the channel hydraulics for the Ynez bridge widening Improvements within Santa Gertrudls Creek was obtained from a previous Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) prepared for Assessment District 161, Riverside County, Hydraulic Study for FEMA Conditional Letter of Map Revision for Santa Gertrudis and Tucalota Creeks, Riverside County, prepared by Howard H. Chang in March, 1991, The estimated 100-year flowrate for Santa Gertrudis Creek downstream from Tucalota Creek is 281,2 cms (10,000 cfs). Existina Channel Conditions Santa Gertrudis Creek is a large tributary watershed to Murrieta Creek, and Tucalota Creek is a tributary of Santa Gertrudls Creek which continues immediately upstream of Winchester Road. The existing channel section under Ynez Road bridge has an engineered prismatic trapezoidal geometry with concrete slope lining and earthen stre,am bottom. The bottom width of the lower reach (downstream of the Ynez Road bridge) is generally 35.4 meters (116.2 feet) and it is 35 meters (114,8 feet) for the upstream reach, The upstream face of Ynez Road bridge is located approximately 1148 meters (3764 feet) downstream of the downstream face of Margarita Road bridge. Also, downstream of the Ynez Road bridge, at an approximate station ----, there exists a drop structure. This drop structure Is used for general scour reduction and control. Figures 1,2 and 3 are pictures of the existing channel and bridge at the Ynez Road bridge crossing, RBF Consulting 1 ~. ~'lnchesterlYnez Road HYdlcS/Bridge Scour Hydraulic Analysis and Scour Report . Issue Date: 5-December-2003 Figure 1 . Existing Upstream of Ynez Road Bridge Figure 2 - Existing Ynez Road Bridge (facing downstream) RBF Consulting 2 -s 0inchesterIYnez Road HYdlcS/Bridge Scour Hydraulic Analysis and Scour Report . Issue Date: 5-December-2003 Figure 3 - Existing Downstream of Ynez Road Bridge Proposed Channel Conditions The proposed bridge improvements include excavation as well as abutment and pier extension. The proposed bridge widening will add approximately 4.63 meters (15.2 feet) in width to each side of the existing Ynez bridge and will result in a total bridge span of approximately 105.2 meters (345.1 feet) in width, as shown in Exhibit X. The existing bridge widening will be concrete with a low chord elevation of 1054,3 feet and a minimum top of roadway at elevation 332,8 meters (1058.8 feet). The proposed channel section under Ynez Road bridge will remain an engineered prismatic trapezoidal geometry with concrete slope lining and earthen stream bottom, The bottom width of the lower reach as well as the bottom width of the upstream reach will be consistent with the existing channel conditions, Similarly, the total length of the bridge will remain approximately 44.8 meters (147 feet) in length. Hydraulic Analysis The hydraulic analysis of the channel utilized the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) HEC-2 water surface profile computer model. The HEC-2 program is intended for calculating water surface profiles for steady and gradually varied flow in natural and manmade channels. The effects of various obstructions such as bridges, culverts, weirs, and structures in the floodplain may be considered in the computations. The computational procedure is based on solving the one-dimensional energy equation with energy loss due to friction evaluated with Manning's . equation. The computational procedure is generally known as the standard step method. HEC- 2 is a rigid boundary model which assumes that the channel bed does not fluctuate, RBF Consulting 3 c, ~inchesterlYnez Road HYdlcS/Bridge Scour Hydraulic Analysis and Scour Report . Issue Date: 5-December-2003 The existing water surface elevations for the location of the channel prior to Ynez bridge widening were obtained for the aforementioned report titled, Hydraulic Study for FEMA Conditional Letter of Map Revision for Santa Gertrudis and Tuca/ota Creeks, Riverside County, prepared by Howard H. Chang dated March, 1991, The existing hydraulic analysis modeled the Ynez Road bridge utilizing the Special Bridge routine in HEC-2, The depth and velocity upstream of Ynez Road bridge for a 1 OO-year event are estimated to be 2,88 meters (9.46 feet) and 2,60 mps (8.50 fps), respectively. The existing HEC-2 model extended approximately 360 meters (1170 feet) downstream of the Ynez Road bridge. The manning's roughness coefficient corresponding to the invert and concrete slope lining are 0.04 and 0.015, respectively, The proposed Ynez Road widening improvement was analyzed by modifying the HEC-2 run from the previous report entitled Basis of Design Report, Santa Gretrudis Creek Hydraulics- Bikeway Project, prepared by RBF Associates dated February 1999. The proposed condition will include a 4.63 meter (15,2 foot) road widening both upstream and downstream of Ynez Road bridge as well as pier and abutment extension. The proposed improvements were designed with the channel containing the 1 OO-yr flowrate. Channel characteristics near Ynez bridge crossing include concrete lined side slopes, as seen In Figure 4, using a manning's "n" value of 0.015. The channel has an earthen bottom with an alluvial bed, The channel within the project reach is assigned an "n" value of 0.03 for scour analysis. Bridge analysis for Ynez Road bridge utilized the "special bridge" option in the HEC-2 program, The "special bridge" option analyzed the pressure plus momentum effects of the bridge piers, and weir flow, Figure 4 - Santa Gertrudis Concrete Lined Side Slope RBF Consulting 4 l WinchesterlYnez Road HYd!ics/Bridge Scour Hydraulic Analysis and Scour Report . Issue Date: 5-December-2003 Results for the widened bridge condition are presented in Table No, 1 for the 1 OO-year flow rate. Station Cross Section Table No.1 - Summary of Channel Hydraulics Analysis 100-Year HEC-2 Model Results Proposed Ynez Road Bridge Widening Q100 = 10,000 cfs Existln Condition Station Water Cross Surface Section 321 m 1053 ft 320.9 m 1052.4 ft) 19 + 66.3 19 + 51.1 osed Condition 20 + 30 20 + 45.2 Discussion of Hydraulic Results The bridge widening will result in minor increases to water surface elevations both upstream and downstream of the bridge. The maximum increase in the upstream water surface elevations due to the Ynez bridge widening is 0.03 m (0,1 feet) over the existing water surface elevations modeled for this study. Similarly, downstream of the Ynez bridge widening, the proposed water surface elevations are 0,1 m (0.328 ft) over the existing water surface elevations modeled for this study. This slight change in water surface elevation is due to the change in available flow area under Ynez Road bridge, The channel cross sections which are of significance are those at the face of the proposed Ynez bridge, Station 1951.1 downstream and Station 2045,2 upstream. These stations correspond to existing upstream and downstream stations 1966.3 and 2030, respectively, The HEC-2 computer output files for the existing and proposed condition for the combined model are included in Appendix A. The locations of the cross sections are indicated on the enclosed HEC-2 Floodplain Map, Exhibit X. Scour Analysis The amount of scour associated with a hydraulic structure such as a bridge pier is the result of the combination of local scour and general scour. General scour is due to the long term trends of the channel degradation, whereas local scour is due to the flow contraction and the vortex flow that occurs at the bridge piers, Contraction scour was not considered, as the channel base will remain constant through the bridge section. General Scour Long-term general scour is defined as scour that occurs with a time scale of the order of several years or longer, and includes progressive degradation or aggradation and lateral bank erosion due to channel widening or meander migration. The long-term general scour is not significant downstream of the Inez Bridge widening because the rate of scour development over time is RBF Consulting 5 g. WlnchesterlYnez Road HYdr!cs/Bridge Scour Hydraulic Analysis and Scour Report . Issue Date: 5-December-2003 relatively slow. The rate is slow due to the downstream drop structure located near station ------ Local Scour Local scour is defined as the abrupt decrease in the channel bed elevation near a pier due to the erosion of bed material by the local flow patterns introduced by the bridge pier. This erosion process produces the increased bed shear stress at the nose of the piers, which results in eddy and vortex systems. The parameters affecting the depth of scour at the bridge pier include: size and shape of the pier, discharge, Froude number, velocity, and the mean size of the erodible bed material. In addition, debris entrapment on a pier near the bed results in an increase to the pier width, which will directly increase the amount of local scour, Figure 5 is a picture of the existing pier downstream of Inez Bridge. A debris factor of 2.0 ft was used in addition to the pier width to account for the excessive scour depth as a result of debris around the pier. The results of the hydraulic analysis were used to calculate the local scour. Table NO.2 summarizes the results of the hydraulic analysis at the upstream face of the proposed Ynez Road bridge widening, HEC-2 station 2045.2, Figure 5 - Existing Downstream Ynez Bridge Pier RBF Consulting 6 q V\;inchesterlYnez Road HYd!cs/Bridge Scour Hydraulic Analysis and Scour Report . Issue Date: 5-December-2003 Table No.2 - SummarY of Scour Analvsis Hydraulic Analysis 50-Year Parameter Discharae (a) 10,000 cfs W.S. Elevation 1052,5 ft Depth of Flow(d,' 9.44 ft Velocity of Flow (V 8.55 fps Froude Number (Fr) 0.49 Pier Width (a) + 2,0 ft Debris Factor 2.0 ft + 2.0 ft - 4,0 ft The procedure used to determine local scour for this project is outlined by the U,S. Department of Commerce in "Evaluating Scour at Bridges, 3rd Edition," dated November 1995, The report investigates more than 5 equations associated with local scour studies, and compared the equations using various types of graphical and statistical analysis, The results revealed that to compute both live-bed and clear-water pier scour an equation based on Colorado State University (CSU) equation is recommended. The pier scour equation based on the CSU equation is given below. Ys = 2.0y,K,K2K3K4C!!..f65 Fro 43 y, where: Ys = Scour depth, m y, = Flow depth directly upstream of the pier, m K, = Correction factor for pier nose shape K2 = Correction factor for angle of attack of flow K3 = Correction factor for bed condition K. = Correction factor for armoring by bed material size a = Pier width, m L = Length of pier, m Fr, = Froude Number V, = Mean velocity of flow directly upstream of the pier, m/s g = Acceleration of gravity (9.81 m/s2) The coefficient K, is 1.0 for round nose piers. The coefficient K2 is 1.0 for piers aligned with the fiow in the channel. The coefficient K3 is 1.1 for clear water scour, The coefficient K. is calculated using an equation developed by FHWA by Molinas at CSU and is given below. K4 = [1- 0.89(1- VR)2t5 where: RBF Consulting 7 \D ~inchesterlYnez Road HYdliCS/Bridge Scour Hydraulic Analysis and Scour Report . Issue Date: 5-December-2003 v,=[~-v,J V'90 -v, v = 0 645[D50 JO,053V I' c50 a VR = Velocity ratio V, = Approach velocity, m/s Vi = Approach velocity when particles at a pier begin to move, m/s VegO = Critical velocity for Dgo bed material size, m/s V 050 = Critical velocity for Dso bed material size, m/s a = Pier width, m given: v" = 6.19yIl6D;/3 and: De = Critical particle size for the critical velocity Ve, m According to the equation based on the CSU equation, the calculated scour depth around the bridge pier is approximately 2.67 meters (8.75 feet). Recommended Bridae Pier Scour Protection Using this scour Information we can develop recommendations regarding the protection of the proposed bridge piers. The estimated scour calculation indicates that the proposed column pier should have a pile cap elevation protected to a depth of 2.67 meters (8.75 feet) below the existinq flowline of the channel. RBF Consulting 8 \\ ., /~ . JOB ~"\':: :;. . R:tJ..-l c(;E. l-J j t I - \Cly.~~, CONSULTING CALCULATED BY '!vi. 1\4\ ~ DF <- DATE \ 2-) I ) ';; :a. , / SHEET NO. CHECKED BY DATE PLANNING . DESIGN . CONSTRUCTION 800.479.3808 . www.RBF.cOM SCALE s'C<>v>p- ~ (\\...'{s.\S: f'>,.,. i """" 'L "%,€,-IDG; !<-c'?c-e..eNL.s 'E:'iI\,-\J~'II'-.\,,>?'-<.-t't:;G'= 'sc>>v,," /:0., \3,,,,,1)<0,,,<;' ,~..-Q to, ~i~.s 1\~8=>L., "ro.q,.;\ (..c,,'-'\Ns I Lo NO". \,ts: ?M.;36 -3.<6 1<NowN 'Ii ,,"O,I.f.>.i<,...ii;.S; "I"\. 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