HomeMy WebLinkAboutHarveston Supplemental Geotech & Review Mass Grading (Jan.17,2003) I I I I I I I I: I, I i I" I I', , I I I'! I I' I J;jJ () -~J~ ",~'C;/>!,;~;~,,:,;<<,I\;;'~- ,,~, "'{l''';'n''P:''-' --;,jf,- 0'); 'j,;j:1-,y , SUPPLEMENTAL GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION AND GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW OF 100-SCALE MASS GRADING PLAN, TENTATIVE TRACT NO. 29639 - PHASE 2, HARVESTON TEMECULA, CAUFORNIA t. Prepared For: LENNAR COMMUNITIES 391 N. Main Street, Suite 301 Corona, California 92880 Project No. 110231-017 January 17, 2003 i Leighton and Associates, Inc. "",,~'. .' -,~. lr,.,.( ,.,.'"",..:..'::-,. .X1"i". ..,;.p;;. ~'.~ L '<"':",.t ,.~i"."'''''~o.''\l. \ A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY I I I I I I Attention: I I I I I If you have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact this office. We I appreciate this opportunity to be of service. Respectfully submitted, I I~A Robert F. Rina, CEG 19 I Vice PresidentIPrincipal RFRICERlmm 110231-Q17/finallHarveston Pbase IT I Distribution: I I I ,,~.;"~ /~e4<~> . ~~ Leighton and Associates, Inc. A LEIGHTON GROUP COMPANY. January 17, 2003 To: Lennar Communities 391 N. Main Street, Suite 301 Corona, California 92880 Project No. 110231-017 Mr. Bill Storm Subject: Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation and Geotechnical Review of 100-Scale Mass Grading Plan, Tentative Tract No. 29639 - Phase 2, Harveston, Temecula, California In accordance with your request, Leighton and Associates, Inc. has completed a supplemental geotechnical investigation and review of the lOO-scale Mass Grading Plan for Tentative Tract No. 29639 - Phase 2 located in the Winchester Hills area of Temecula (see Figure 1). This report snmmarizes our findings, conclusions, and recommendations regarding the geotechnical conditions within the property limits of Tract 29639 - Phase 2 with respect to the current mass grading plans (RBF Consulting, 2002). For ease of reference, we have included appropriate data from previous geotechnical investigations and other pertinent reports. Based on our review, the referenced mass grading plans are acceptable from a geotechnical viewpoint and the subject development is feasible provided the recommendations contained herein are implemented during future design and 'construction. {/f#fi;fI1/L Cameron Roberson, RCE 59883 Project Engineer (4) Addressee (1) LennarCommunities;'Attention: Mr. Glen Hutchens (2) RBF Consulting; Attention: Mr. MattHix 1/ 41715 Enterprise Circle N" Suile 103. Temecula, CA 92590-5661 909.296.0530:1 Fax 909.296.0534 ill 'Nwwleightongeo.cDm I I ,I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Paae 1.0 INTRODUCTION/PURPOSE....................... .................................................................. ....1 1.1 Scope of Work..... ....... ........................................... ............ ................... ............ .........1 2.0 SUMMARY OF GEOTECHNICAL FINDINGS ........................................................................2 2.1 Proposed Development and Site Description ................................................................2 2.2 Regional Geology .... .............. ........... ... ..... .......................... .... .............. .................... ..2 2.3 Site Geologic Units.....................................................................................................3 2.3.1 Artificial RII- Documented ...............................................................................3 2.3.2 Artificial RII - Undocumented (Map Symbol - Afu) .............................................4 2.3.3 Artificial RII- Undocumented (Map Symbol- Afu1) ............................................4 2.3.4 Topsoil/Colluvium (Not A Mapped Unit) .............................................................4 2.3.5 Alluvium (Map Symbol- Qal)............................................................................5 2.3.6 Quaternary Older Alluvium (Map Symbol- Qalo) ..............................................5 2.3.7 Pauba Formation (Map Symbol - Qp) ................................................................5 2.4 Rippability............. ............... ........ ........................... ........................................ ..........6 2.5 Faulting and Seismicity...............................................................................................6 2.6 Secondary Seismic Hazards ........................................................................................6 2.6.1 Ground Rupture.. ............. ............... ....... ....... .......................................... .........7 2.6.2 Uquefaction..................................................................................................... 7 2.6.3 Seiches / Tsunamis ..........................................................................................7 2.6.4 Landsliding .... ............ .......... ............ ................... ........ ................. ....................7 2.6.5 Seismically-Induced Settlement.........................................................................8 2.7 Structural Seismic Design Parameters...........................................................................8 2.8 Surface and Groundwater ............................................................................................9 3.0 CONCLUSIONS. ......................... .......... ................................. .......... .......................... .......10 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................................................... 12 4.1 Earthwork.. ............. ........... ............................................. .......... ................. ...... .........12 4.1.1 Removal and Site Preparation .........................................................................12 4.1.2 Structural Rlls and Oversize Materials..............................................................13 4.1.3 Utility Trenches and Cast-Jn-Place Pipe (CIPP) .................................................14 4.1.4 Shrinkage and Bulking .....:..... ...............;.............. ............ ......................... ......15 4.1.5 Settlement............. .......... ..... ......... ...........................,................................... .15 <i'l>:; ""..cd,>"....'''' ~~?J~-" .,;;. , ., 3 -j- j .....',....'__4.___ '-"'-j j\ .......,.., i.-~~-... 1__ 1...cl\jiil'.Jn diP r,,)0vC-dI.~.jJ Ii:""'. A L2iGHTON 3ROV? CCl3.1?Ai'1'r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 4.1.6 Preliminary Pavement Design Parameters........................................................15 4.2 Slope Stability........... ............ ............... .................... ............... ..... .......................... ...16 4.3 Drainage... ................... ................ .................. .............. ................... ...................... ...17 4.3.1 Subdrainage ..... ...... ............................ ............... ....... ..... ............................. ...17 4.4 lateral Earth Pressures and Retaining Wall Design Considerations................................ 18 4.5 Footing Setback.......... ................... .................. ........ ......... ............ ..... ................ .... ...19 4.6 Corrosion... .... ............... ............... ............ .... ............................. .................... ............19 4.7 Control of Surface Water and Drainage COntrol...........................................................20 4.8 Irrigation, landscaping and Lot Maintenance ..............................................................20 ,...... ,""'.? 5.0 GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW... ........................................................................................... 21 5.1 Plans and Specifications ............................................................................................21 5.2 Construction Review........... .............. ......... ............ ..... ... ....... ............. ............ .... ........21 6.0 LIMITATIONS....... ............................... ............................................... ........................ 22 Accomoanvino Roures. Tables. Plates and Aooendices Roures Figure 1 - Site Location Map End of Text Tables Table 1 - Lateral Earth Pressures End ofText Aooendices Appendix A - References Appendix B - Geotechnical Boring Logs, This Investigation Appendix C - Previous Boring, CPT, and Test Pit Logs Appendix D - laboratory Test Results Appendix E - General Earthwork and Grading Specifications Plates Plates 1 through 4 - Geotechnical Map, Tract 29639 - Phase 2 In Pocket c';>.; ...~~ '~'i'... "l<..~ .:J 0\ - ii - L-';r:''''''~''''n ~n"l ;\......n,...,i."';....... In~ ::18J11.0 die. r,.j:)v-.,IJ':1LC-:Jj I G. A LEIGH,O'I GROU? ~c>~"?"'N'1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 1.0 INTRODUCTION/PURPOSE The purpose of this geotechnical plan review was to summarize known pertinent geologic and geotechnical data obtained to date, and evaluate this data with respect to the current mass grading plans for the subject project. Additional subsurface geotechnical work consisting of the excavation, logging, and sampling of seven hollow stem auger borings and six large diameter bucket auger borings was perfonned to complete this study. The scope of services conducted during our study is provided below: 1.1 Scooe of Work Our scope of work for this investigation included the following items: · Review of available infonnation, including reports presented in Appendix A and the 100- scale Mass Grading Plan for Tentative Tract No. 29639 - Phase 2, prepared by RBF Consultants; · Site reconnaissance to observe and document the current surface conditions. · Geotechnical field investigation, consisting of drilling, logging and sampling a total of seven hollow stem and six large diameter bucket auger borings to determine subsurface conditions. Boring logs are presented in Appendix B. · Laboratory testing of samples collected during the field investigation to determine soil engineering properties. Test results are presented in Appendix D. · Analysis and geotechnical review of geologic constraints including remedial removal earthwork, slope stability evaluation, faulting, seismic parameters and preparation of preliminary foundation design parameters for site pavements; · Review, analysis, and incorporation of previously collected geotechnical data onto the Mass Grading Plans; and · Preparation of this report, presenting our findings, conclusions and preliminary recommendations regarding the proposed grading and development of the site. "l~ .' , , ':::1, ~ ~J ~.'L... ~J.!~ ""'" -5 - 1- Leighton and Associates, Inc. A LEiGHTON G,..OU? COM?AWr I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 2.0 SUMMARY OF GEOTECHNICAL FINDINGS 2.1 Prooosed DeveloDment and Site DescriDtion Based on our review of the referenced Mass Grading Plans, (RBF, 2002) and our understanding of the project, the proposed development may consist of individual and multi- family residential home sites, commercial sites, open space areas, and associated roads and appurtenances. Conventional cut and fill hillside grading is proposed with excavation and fill depths on the order of 60 and 30 feet, respectively. Remedial removal of surficial soils will increase the fill depth to approximately 45 feet. Permanent cut and fill slopes are proposed at inclinations of 2: 1 (horizontal to vertical) with maximum heights of approximately 20 and 35 feet respectively. Temporary cut and fill slopes are proposed with a maximum height of 25 feet and 45 feet respectively and are proposed at inclinations that range from 2:1 to 4:1 (horizontal to vertical). Topographically the site is characterized by rolling hill and intervening alluvial valleys. Site elevations vary from a high of approximately 1,165 feet above mean sea level (msl) along the easterly trending ridgeline located in the south-east portion of the site (plate 4) to a low of approximately 1,055 feet above msl near the western property boundary (plate 1). The ridgelines are variable in orientation and form a dendritic drainage pattern directing drainage to the south and primarily to the southwest. Previous grading and improvements along the site boundaries are associated with the construction of Date Street, Interstate 15, Ynez Road, Pacific Century Homes Tract 29548, Woodside Homes Tracts 23626 and 29111, Parcel 3 of Tract 19677 and Tract 29639-1 - Phase 1. Vegetation on the site consists of a moderate growth of grasses and weeds, which cover the majority of the site. Some stockpiled enddump soils and other construction debris are locally scattered on the property. Stormwater retention basins exist at the end of the major drainages. 2.2 Reaional Geoloav The subject property is located within a prominent natural geomorphic province in southwestern California known as the Peninsular Ranges. It is characterized by steep, elongated ranges and valleys that generally trend northwestward. The most common rock types found in the Peninsular Ranges consist of 140 to 105 million-year old formations (Silver and Chappel, 1988), including the metasedimentary Bedford Canyon Formation and Santiago Peak Volcanics. These formations were intruded by granodiorite, quartz monzonite and other granitics of the Southern California Batholith during the Cretaceous period (Kennedy, 1977). Tectonic activity, along the numerous faults in the region has created the geomorphology present today. -<<~ ~ w~ "r;z~ -',P" - 2- Leighton and ,Associates, Inc. A LEIGH-;-O,'l GR.OUP CQM?),N'f I I i I I I I i I I I I I I I , I , ! I I I I Ie. ~~{ I i , i 1:::;. 1;-; r;:.- I I , i ! i I ~ II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 Specifically, the site is situated in the southern portion of the stable Penis Block, an eroded mass of Cretaceous and older crystalline and metamorphic rock. Thin sedimentary, metamorphic and volcanic units locally mantle the bedrock with alluvial deposits filling in the lower valley and drainage areas. The Penis Block is bounded by the San Jacinto fault zone to the northeast, the Elsinore fault zone to the southwest, the Cucamonga fault zone to the northwest and to the southeast by the Temecula basin which is poorly defined. The Penis Block in the Temecula Valley region had a complex history, apparently undergoing relative vertical movements of several thousand feet in response to movement on the Elsinore and San Jacinto fault zones. These movements, in conjunction with the semi-arid climate and the resistance to weathering of the rock, are responsible for the formation and preservation of ancient, generally flat-lying erosion surfaces now present at various elevations. These surfaces give the Penis Block its unique geologic character. The sedimentary units of the subject site were deposited on these erosion surfaces. Alluvial deposits (recent and older Pleistocene- aged) and Pauba formation sedimentary materials fill in the lower valley and drainage areas. k;:: !{: ~: ".-.--- i'.-..' 2.3 Site Geoloaic Units The earth materials encountered on site consist of documented artificial fill, undocumented fill, topsoil, colluvium, recent and older alluvium, and the Pauba formation. These units are discussed in the following sections in order of increasing age. The approximate surficial distribution of these materials is depicted on the accompanying Geotechnical Maps (plates 1 through 4). Anticipated remedial removal depths within each of these units (when known) have also been provided in this section for ease of reference. General earthwork remedial removals are discussed in Section 4.1 of this report. 2.3.1 Artificial FiII- Documented Documented artificial fill borders the majority of the site as previously graded site improvements, see the Geotechnical Map (plates 1 through 4) and Appendix A. These fills are generally considered suitable for support of additional fill or structures. Evaluation of the fills and associated underlying alluvial soils associated with Parcel 3 Tract 19677 may be needed based on future planned development and exposures during grading. Grading adjacent to these existing fills will require removal of unsuitable surficial soils adjacent to the existing toe of slopes and evaluation of removal bottom accepted by others. Benching into the existing fill embankments and evaluation of the fill to be left in place should be performed during rough-grading in these areas. Additional removal of existing documented fill soils may be required based on conditions encountered and the planned development. ~ ""''4'" ~~~ "';"'" 1 - 3 - I '""'i,..,ln'-n ~~d Q.........,-,r,;.......J.,-..-"' I.,........ !-c,~ llU J dfJ I ,:j~V_d::l1.':::.:), Jilt.,,;, A L-'OIGHTON GRCU? CO,\H',.3.NY II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 2.3.2 Artificial FiII- Undocumented (MaD Svmbol-Aful Undocumented artificial fill exists in limited areas as retention basins, small stockpiles and exploratory trench backfill throughout the site. Basin embankments and stockpiles of undocumented fill were generally less than 5 to 10 feet in height and consist of fill soils that are likely generated from onsite sources. Some onsite undocumented fill soils may have been placed in drainage swales to facilitate passage of unimproved roadways. Undocumented fill soils, where present, are unsuitable in their present state to support structural fill or improvements. These onsite soils should be cleared of debris and organic material, moisture conditioned and placed in general accordance with recommendations of this report including Appendix F. i i ! i I , , [;::." k:.;: t:} 2.3.3 Artificial Fill - Undocumented (MaD Svmbol - Afu,) Undocumented artificial fill exists as canyon and road embankment fill placed during the construction of Interstate 15. Evaluation of the fill and associated underlying alluvial soils associated with this previous construction may be needed based on future planned development and exposures during grading. Grading adjacent to this existing fill will require removal of unsuitable surficial soils adjacent to the existing toe of slopes and evaluation of removal bottom accepted by others. Benching into the existing fill embankments and evaluation of the fill to be left in place should be performed during rough-grading in these areas. Additional removal of existing documented fill soils may be required based on conditions encountered and the planned development. 2.3.4 TODsoil/Colluvium (Not A MaDDed Unitl Topsoil/Colluvium will be encountered mantling the majority of the site. Composition and thickness will vary depending upon which unit it overlies. Topsoil and colluvium will likely have a low to locally a high expansion potential and generally consist of reddish brown, silty sand, silty clay to sandy clay with a variety of minor roots. Generally, topsoil and colluvium will range from two to six feet thick, but thicker accumulations may be encountered. All topsoil and colluvium should be removed from any areas that will receive structural fill soils and/or structural improvements. Topsoil and colluvial materials cleared of debris and organic material are suitable for reuse as compacted fills. This material may be low to highly expansive. E:::: ~:'::. Thick colluvial soils may also contribute to slope-instability where they are day-lighted in cut slope faces. If thick colluvial soils are observed at the top edges of cut slopes, recommendations for flatter slope layback (flatter than 2: 1) or removal and replacement may be necessary. A detail of this lay back may be provided during a pre-construction meeting. "'"" -k.~:ol ,"","'fI' ~.'" <:,,~ i",~ ~ - 4- I ", rI ^ " , _Blgnlon anu i'"\SSOClareS, InC, A lE1GHTON GROU? COiJl?ANY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 2.3.5 Alluvium (MaD 5vmbol- Oal) Alluvium soil was encountered in drainage areas and throughout the lower portions of the site. The alluvial soils are locally derived, deposited in the drainages, and generally consist of gray-brown, damp to moist, silty fine to medium sand. Alluvium is Holocene- aged (less than 11,000 years old). All alluvium should be removed from any areas that will receive structural fill soils and/or structural improvements. Removal depths within the alluvium will range from 3 to 35 feet, depending upon location (See Geotechnical Map, Plates 1 through 4). Some localized deeper removals may be necessary. Alluvial materials cleared of debris and organic materials are suitable for reuse as compacted fills. I i i I I I , I I lee: lf~ 2.3.6 Ouaternarv Older Alluvium (MaD Svmbol- Oalo) Older alluvium was encountered locally in the major drainage areas underlying the younger Alluvium. The older alluvium represents a horizontally stratified unit in which individual layers vary in color, moisture content, density and composition. Unit layers are typically composed of dark olive brown to reddish brown, moist, stiff to dense, very fine sandy clayey silt to silty coarse sand with abundant iron oxide staining, caliche common, scattered pebbles, mottling, and minor porosity. The generally non-porous, dense, moist Older Alluvium is considered suitable to support additional fill or structures if the in-place materials are tested and determined to be at 90 percent relative compaction and 85 percent saturation. 2.3.7 Pauba Formation (MaD Svmbol- 00) The late Pleistocene-aged Pauba Formation was encountered throughout the site. This bedrock unit is generally comprised of light brown to olive-brown to medium brown, damp to moist, medium dense to dense, siltstone, sandstone and silty claystone. Fractures are commonly lined with calcium carbonate. The dense, unweathered Pauba formation materials are considered suitable for support of additional fill or structures. The expansion index tests within the Pauba formation indicate a very low to medium expansion (See Appendix D). However, some of the clayey weathered materials and distinct clay beds within the Pauba formation have a high to very high expansion potential. Removal depths within the weathered Pauba Formation will generally range from approximately 2 to 6 feet, depending upon location. Localized deeper removals may be necessary to remove the highly weathered or expansive materials. The Pauba formation materials are suitable for use as compacted fills if prepared in accordance with recommendation of this report and the City of Temecula guidelines. I 1:"-'- '-.. t.:., I I I , I I I I ,..,:>.; """'~ "'~, q - 5- I "Ic'n'o" ~.nd '\--00;-':>- '-- _c'; ll' Ii d h,)~ Id~'-';::'l jl j(-" ,.\ L;::jG.'i,CN GR.'JU? c::'n::>).N'! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 2.4 RiDDabilitv The onsite Pauba formation is anticipated to be readily rippable utilizing conventional heavy- duty earth moving equipment. Localized lenses of moderately indurated siltstone and sandstone may be encountered, but should also be rippable. 2.5 FaultinG and Seismicitv The subject site, like the rest of Southern California, is located within a seismically active region near the active margin between the North American and Pacific tectonic plates. The principal source of seismic activity is movement along the northwest-trending regional faults such as the San Andreas, San Jacinto and Elsinore fault zones. These fault systems produce up to approximately 55 millimeters per year of slip between the plates. The Elsinore fault zone is estimated to accommodate a slip rate of 4-5 millimeters per year (mm1yr.) (WGCEP, 1995). i I , \<'-- t:::;= As defined by the California Geologic Survey (CGS), an active fault is one that has had surface displacement within the Holocene Epoch (roughly the last 11,000 years). The CGS has defined a potentially active fault as any fault which has been active during the Quaternary Period (approximately the last 1,600,000 years). These definitions are used in delineating Earthquake Fault Zones as mandated by the Alquist-Priolo Geologic Hazard Zones Act of 1972 and as subsequently revised in 1994, 1997, and 1999 (Hart, 1999), as the Alquist- Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act and Earthquake Fault Zones. The intent of the act is to require fault investigations on sites located within Special Studies Zones to preclude new construction of certain inhabited structures across the trace of active faults. The subject site is not included within any earthquake Fault Zones as created by the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act (Hart, 1999). The nearest zoned active fault is the Temecula segment of the Elsinore Fault Zone located approximately 1.4 miles (2.3 km) southwest of the westerly portion of the site. There are several significant active faults within southern California that could affect the site in terms of ground shaking. Of these, the San Andreas, San Jacinto and Elsinore-Temecula fault zones are the most prominent due to their proximity and relative high seismic potential. ,: l>~::: 2.6 Secondarv Seismic Hazards Secondary hazards generally associated with severe ground shaking during an earthquake are ground rupture, liquefaction, seiches or tsunamis, flooding (dam or levee failure), landsliding, rock falls, and seismically-induced settlement. """ ~ ~, \0 - 6- L ",'I"'," t.,n. ~dnri !!.~~'-"-'I"'i"'~ I.,~,c v '::1 I,,,,, I 1'..., 'V.~'vv 4.1.'-'....., I. A. LEiGHTON GROU" :Oi'A?A.:>l'( I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 2.6.1 Ground RUDture Ground rupture is generally considered most likely to occur along pre-existing active faults. Since this study nor previous geologic studies have not identified on-site recent (Holocene) fault activity, the potential for site ground rupture is considered very low. 2.6.2 Liauefaction Liquefaction of cohesionless soils can be caused by strong vibratory motion due to earthquakes. Research and historical data indicate that loose, granular soils below a near surface ground water table are most susceptible to liquefaction, while the stability of most clayey silts, silty clays and clays deposited in fresh water environments are not adversely affected by vibratory motion. Liquefaction is characterized by a loss of shear strength in the affected soil layers, thereby causing the soil to flow as a liquid. This effect may be manifested at the ground surface by settlement and/or sand boils. In order for the potential effects of liquefaction to be manifested at the ground surface, the soils generally have to be granular, loose to medium dense, saturated relatively near the ground surface and must be subjected to a sufficient magnitude and duration of ground shaking. Based on our observations and the findings of referenced geotechnical reports, the soft near surface alluvial deposits (soils susceptible to liquefaction) within the proposed development area will be removed and recompacted during planned remedial grading. The proposed design placement of up to approximately 30 feet of compacted fill will also mitigate the potential effects of liquefaction. In addition, significant drainage features will receive a subdrain prior to placement of planned fill. An approximate location and size of pipe is depicted on the accompanying geotechnical maps (plates 1-4). Therefore, it is our opinion that following implementation of grading and earthwork recommendations herein, the potential for adverse liquefaction and associated dynamic liquefaction-related settlement to affect structures due to the design earthquake event is considered low for this site. 2.6.3 Seiches I Tsunamis Due to the distance to large bodies of water, the possibility of Tsunamis is considered very low. Some seismically induced wave action (seiche) should be anticipated in property areas adjacent to the man-made lake planned for this portion of the project. 2.6.4 Landslidina Several landslides have been mapped by others offsite, on adjacent properties. The major onsite earth materials observed are generally not prone to landsliding. Due to the flat-lying nature of the Pauba formation and the planned grading depicted on the ....~ .~~ ~fc~ ~\,.. \\ - 7- 1 ~i'1h.~.""r' ""'!"'\d C""c.,..,,,,,,i..-~--... 1..-;,.... ____IU lV..... j :jll ; .~.....Uc:ichv,)i J IV, V )" L=:]:;,~TON3ROlJ? CO~,I.::>,.l.:~'-: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 referenced mass grading plan (RBF, 2002), landsliding due to seismic activity or other methods is not anticipated. 2.6.S Seismicallv-Induced Settlement ! I I i , I , I i I i , - j.;:;, it Seismically induced settlement generally occurs within areas of loose dry granular soils with relative low density. Following the recommended removals, site preparation and fill compaction as described in Section 4.1, the potential for seismically induced settlement (dynamic densification) is low. 2.7 Structural Seismic Desian Parameters Our evaluation of the regional seismicity included a detenninistic analysis using EQFAULT and EQSEARCH, (Blake, 2000a & 2000b). As indicated above, the nearest known active fault and source of the design Earthquake is the Temecula Segment of the Elsinore Fault Zone, which is located approximately 2.3 Ian (1.4 miles) to the southwest of the subject site. The maximum credible earthquake is currently estimated to be magnitude 6.8Mw (Blake, 2000b). The Uniform Building Code (UBC) established Seismic Zones (often accepted as minimum standards) based on maps showing ground motion with a 475-year return period or a 10% probability of exceedance in 50 years. Our analysis indicates a lO% probability that a peak ground acceleration of 0.71g would be exceeded in 50 years. The design earthquake therefore, is considered a magnitude 6.8 event on the Temecula segment of the Elsinore Fault Zone. The effect of seismic shaking may be mitigated by adhering to the 1997 Uniform Building Code (UBC) and seismic design parameters suggested by the Structural Engineers Association of California. This site is located within seismic zone 4. Seismic design parameters are presented below: Seismic Zone = 4 Seismic Source Type = B Near Source Factor, N. = 1.3 Near Source Factor, Ny = 1.6 Soil Profile Type = Sn Horizontal Peak Ground Acceleration = 0.71g (10% probability of exceedance in 50 years) The structural engineer should consider both the UBC design factors presented in this Section as well as the PGA (10% probability of exceedence in 50 years) when designing the foundations for improvements on this site. :"li-~ ..~~ ~~.. .,.,,. \'Z-- - 8 - 1 --i(l'--~-n .-..nc' I' ........,..,r'I'....h~c:. I-.r: '-~I:jJIi.U I ell! r\':;vl...!".i '':;'',",'-'J li,-" A LE.IGHTON :;RClU~ C0~,1."":>'N':' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2.8 110231-017 January 17, 2003 Surface and Groundwater Surface water was observed flowing into the detention basin from Tract 29111. This surface flow originates from the existing storm drain outlet of the adjacent development It is our understanding based upon the mass grading plan provided by RBF that the stOrnl drain will be directed into a permanent channel and eventually enter a storm drain near the intersection of Date Street and Ynez Road. Groundwater is not anticipated to be encountered during grading or future development. In addition, groundwater levels can be expected to fluctuate seasonally within the subject site. During the rainy season, groundwater and/or seepage may be prevalent in the canyon bottoms and wash areas. I I I Standing and surface flowing water was observed previously on the site; and therefore canyon subdrains will be required in the canyon fill areas. Groundwater and/or seepage may also develop in fill and cut slopes within fill and earth materials of contrasting permeabilities or within bedrock joints and fractures. Treatment of possible seepage within building pads or slope areas can be provided on an individual basis after an evaluation by the geotechnical consultant during grading operations. Perched groundwater is possible on this project site at cut/fill contacts or at lower permeable zones or layers within bedrock or fill. Additional review of the potential perched water zones and mitigation will be made during grading and earthwork. ,-,-'.' .~ .,~~ ~ "~-r:~..t .iI \~ - 9- Lsighton and Associatesl Inc. A L::OIGHTON GROL:? COM?).,NY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 3.0 CONCLUSIONS Based on our geotechnical evaluation and review of the referenced rough-grading plan, it is our opinion that the proposed development is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint and may be constructed provided the following recommendations are implemented during grading and incorporated into the design and construction. i I I I I i i i I I i I k The following is a summary of the geotechnical conclusions that may affect development of the site. · Maximum amount of cut and fill based on currently available plans, (Appendix A), is approximately 60 and 30 feet, respectively. Permanent cut and fill slopes indicated on these plans (Appendix A) are both proposed with maximum heights of approximately 20 and 35 feet respectively. The depth of maximum fill may increase due to remedial grading beyond that recommended herein. r.-,", ~:;: ".: · Permanent cut and fill slopes up to 20 and 35 feet in height if constructed at inclinations of 2:! (horizontal to vertical) are considered stable. These slopes may be subject to increased erosion if left unplanted or unprotected. The use of granular cohesionless (sand) earth material on slope faces should be avoided. · The Pauba formation bedrock is anticipated to be readily rippable to design elevations. · Based on our supplemental subsurface investigation, our review of the previously completed geotechnical reports, and our experience on nearby sites, it is our opinion that the on-site earth materials can be excavated with well-working, heavy-duty conventional grading equipment. · Based on laboratory testing and visual classification, onsite soil materials generally possess a very low to low expansion potential, however, highly expansive soils may be encountered during rough-grading. In the vicinity of borings B-lO!, B102 and B105, medium to highly expansive soils appear to be within 5 :t feet of design grade. Additional testing should be performed during site grading. Selective grading of highly expansive earth materials (if encountered) may be recommended. · Experience on the adjacent Harveston Phase I project provided sulfate potential attack to be negligable. However, it is recommened the sulfate tests be taken during the construction of the this project. · The site will likely experience strong ground shaking during the duration of the project. The design ground motion having a lO percent probability of being exceeded in 50 years is expected to produce a peak horizontal ground surface acceleration at the site of O.71g. · Secondary seismic hazards consisting of densification and liquefaction are considered low for this site. Considering the site conditions, planned remedial earthwork, and existing/predicted groundwater elevations. . . I'.> . . i I ~~ .";;*~,, )<?~ '\''''':~~r \/>1. - 10 - L,",'.-,1 l "",-,..,. 1'\---'" .,...l....,..... 1_,.... e>J'::inlOI' ana r\;:,;:,OCJC.l;:;;:', 111e.. A L'::GH70N GROUP '::::J,'''P,:I.NY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 . The existing onsite soils appear suitable for fill construction provided they are relatively free of organic material and debris. Expansive soils, if encountered, should be thoroughly blended with sandy soils and placed a minimum of 5 feet below planned finish grade elevation. Ground water was encountered during previous investigations in boring B-24 at 20 feet below existing grade. Remedial removal depths in this area are estimated to be lO feet deep below existing grade. Shallow ground water is not expected to be a factor during site excavation and construction. Perched groundwater is possible along cut/fill contacts or in areas of contrasting permeability. Recommendations to mitigate the potential for ground water buildup are included in Section 4.0. In addition, localized seeps may occur in isolated areas in the future after periods of heavy rainfall or inigation. These localized seeps should be treated on an individual basis, if they occur. . . Due to the granular nature of the on site soils; unprotected or unplanted slopes may be subject to increased erosion. The proposed slopes should be planted as soon as feasible and watering should be kept to the absolute minimum necessary to maintain plant vigor. Settlement and compacted fill over bedrock is not anticipated to be excessive. Seismically induced settlement, (densification) should be considered in structure design. . .-.".-. ," i "';~~ ,.z~if ~f1 ( \-5 - 11- I ~. 'hl.r, ""n!~ r\....,....{....,r.i--+-.... I ,-cJgl lVn di lU I-"~~V ,..l!d'.C~) nc, A l..,,-IGHTO!, GR0!J.~ C'').'A?~N'f I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1 Earthwork Earthwork should be performed in accordance with the General Earthwork and Grading Specifications in Appendix E and the following recommendations. The recommendations contained in Appendix E are general grading specifications provided for typical grading projects and some of the recommendations may not be strictly applicable to this project. The specific recommendations contained in the text of this report supersede the general recommendations in Appendix E. The contract between the developer and earthwork contractor should be worded such that it is the responsibility of the contractor to place the fill properly in accordance with the recommendations of this report and the specifications in Appendix E, notwithstanding the testing and observation of the geotechnical consultant. 4.1.1 Removal and Site Preoaration Prior to grading, the proposed structural improvement areas (i.e. all structural fill areas, pavement areas, buildings, etc.) should be cleared of surface and subsurface obstructions. Heavy vegetation, roots, and debris if encountered should be disposed of offsite. Water wells, septic tanks and cesspools, if encountered, should be removed or abandoned in accordance with the Riverside County Department of Health Services guidelines. Unsuitable materials should be removed from the proposed fill areas and any cut areas where unsuitable materials extend below proposed cut grades. Unsuitable materials will consist of undocumented fill, exploratory trench backfill, topsoil, colluvium, alluvium, and weathered bedrock. These soils should be removed down to competent dense material as determined by the geotechnical consultant, scarified, moisture-conditioned, and compacted prior to placing fill. The removal limit should be established by a 1: I projection from the edge of fill soils supporting settlement-sensitive structures downward and outward to competent material identified by the geotechnical consultant. Removals adjacent to Ynez Road, Parcel three of Tract 19677, and Interstate 15 may be limited due to existing underground utilities. If the desired removals are not feasible along Ynez Road, Parcel three of Tract 19677, and Interstate 15; additional consolidation/settlement testing of the existing, left-in-place soils should be performed during grading. Additional foundation recommendations or setbacks for settlement sensitive structures may be warranted in this area based on the results of additional site testing. I ~:; It is our understanding that this project is to be sheet graded based upon the plans provided by RBF, 2002. Therefore, the location of buildings are not as of yet known. In this case, there is no need to:over-excavate'cut-fiIl transition areas. "'~, ...,.,.,,"'" \",~~"."t.:4 '';$", .'% .:.~ '. zJ \(,p i' I I -12 - Leighton and i\3.sociat,S,s, Inc. A Li:TuH,ON G.'l.QlJ? C'J,\i?~~'{ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 Any over-excavated surface of bedrock that is performed should be scarified and/or cross-ripped and watered prior to placement of compacted fill. The over excavated surface should be sloped a minimum of 2 percent to facilitate drainage along the fill/bedrock contact toward the street or deeper fill area. The actual overexcavation depth may be increased based on the field condition encountered and proposed foundation system. After completion of the recommended removal of unsuitable soils, the approved surface should be scarified a minimum of 8-inches, moisture conditioned as necessary to near optimum and compacted prior to placing fill. Removal depths will vary with location. Preliminary estimated removal depths are depicted on the Geotechnical Map (plates 1 through 4). Removal will also include benching into competent material as the fills rise. Moderately to non-weathered Pauba formation siltstone and sandstone is considered competent material. Generally, dense Pauba formation bedrock is considered competent if extremely weathered material is not encountered. Keyways will be necessary at the toe of proposed fill slopes throughout the site. Keyways are also required at a fill over cut contact. Keyways should be excavated into dense bedrock as depicted in Appendix E. Continuous benching into dense bedrock should be conducted as the fill placement proceeds. Benching and keying should be of sufficient depth to remove all loose material as shown in Appendix E. A minimum bench height of 2 feet into approved bedrock material should be maintained at all times. The keyway bottoms should be a minimum of 18 feet wide and inclined into slope at least 2 percent. For fill over cut slopes, a keyway should be excavated between the fill and competent bedrock after removal of unsuitable surficial soils. The cut portions of the slope and keyway excavations should be geologically mapped by a geologist prior to fill placement to ensure competent bedrock material will be exposed in the underlying cut slope. 4.1.2 Structural Fills and Oversize Materials The onsite soils are suitable for use as compacted fill, provided they are relatively free of organic materials, debris and oversize materials. Areas to receive structural fill and/or other surface improvements should be prepared in accordance with Section 4.1.1 and scarified to minimum depth of 8 inches, brought to near optimum moisture content, and compacted. The optimum lift thickness to produce a uniformly compacted fill will depend on the type and size of compaction equipment used. In general, fill should be placed in uniform lifts not exceeding 8 inche's in thickness. Fill soils should be placed at or above the minimum optimum moisture content. Fills placed on slopes steeper -iC,... ;'~ ,~.~CSiII "r.. 'J' _....,.. \'\- - 13- I 0'(11 1,._...,-., t' 1\ "',"""'" i........."".-- t...,.., LvJ;0nlun dnlJ 1""'\,').:::vCl!::HC~) II il.... A L:::;Gi-I,(:;,1 ,:;,,':;1)::> C:J~,PA>I'{ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 than 5 to 1 (horizontal to vertical) should be keyed and benched into approved formational soils (see Appendix E for benching detail). The fill greater than 50 feet thick should be compacted to 95-percent relative compaction. Fill slopes should be overbuilt a Inlmmum of 2 feet and trimmed back to the compacted core or rolled with a weighted sheepsfoot compaction roller as the fill slope height increases in maximum 5 foot increments. 4.1.3 Utility Trenches and Cast-In-Place Pice CCIPP) j:-;'- The onsite soils may generally be suitable as trench backfill provided they are screened of rocks over 6 inches in diameter and organic matter. Trench backfill should be compacted in uniform lifts (not exceeding 8 inches in compacted thickness) by mechanical means to at least 90 percent relative compaction (ASTM Test Method D1557-91). Excavation of utility trenches should be performed in accordance with the project plans, specifications, and all applicable OSHA requirements. The contractor should be responsible for providing the "competent person" required by OSHA standards. Contractors should be advised that sandy soils (such as fills generated from the onsite alluvium) can make excavations particularly unsafe if all safety precautions are not taken. In addition, excavations at or near the toe of slopes and/or parallel to slopes may be highly unstable due to the increased driving force and load on the trench wall. Spoil piles from the excavation(s) and construction equipment should be kept a minimum of 10 feet (or the depth of trench) away from the sides or tops of the trenches. For planning purposes, it is our opinion that CIPP storm drain systems within the subject development will be feasible from a geotechnical perspective. Based on our laboratory data and our professional experience on the adjacent Harveston Phase I Site, it is our opinion that the trench wall stability requirements of local water districts will be achieved. California-OSHA requirements should be followed during all pipeline trenching. It is the contractor's responsibility to maintain a safe work area during underground construction at all times. Additional soil testing should be performed during grading or trench excavation to confirm these findings and determine the actual expansion and corrosion potential of the soils in contact with the CIPP system. Groundwater was locally encountered during. our previous field explorations. Although significant changes to the regional groundwater table are not anticipated, changes can and do occur with time, season and the influence of irrigation. The subject tract will """ ;.;~~ ~~~, \~ - 14- 1-':;:('1!""~~'r' ;'.'"'(1 "~c.i!('i~f.=1, '1'-:( ,_....J::;)II.U J '-lll-.l /i,-"_-"", '-'I.... 0'-'-'1 I, :, ..1. L:::lG"TS,1 7>,,()U? caM?_~N'! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 receive canyon subdrains during mass grading and therefore groundwater will be controlled, however, seepage within trench walls is possible. Seepage within trenches is not anticipated to effect trench wall stability. 4.1.4 Shrinkaae and Bulkina The volume change of excavated onsite materials upon recompaction is expected to vary with materials, density, insitu moisture content, location, and compaction effort. The in-place and compacted densities of soil materials vary and accurate overall determination of shrinkage and bulking cannot be made. We understand that the grading contractor for Phase 1 has determined that an overall shrinkage of approximately 7 percent for all materials placed and compacted occurred. Therefore, we recommend site grading include, if possible, a balance area or ability to adjust import/export quantities to accommodate some variation. Based on our subsurface investigation and experience with similar materials, the following values are provided as guidelines: [ r Topsoil, Alluvium, and Undocumented Fill 8 to lO percent shrinkage average Weathered Pauba 2 to 8 percent shrinkage Pauba Formation 2 percent shrink to 5 percent bulk 4.1.5 Settlement A majority of settlement of on site fill materials is expected to occur during and within 90 days following fill placement. However, following the placement of fill, additional settlement may occur due to (a) new footing/foundation loads and (b) compression within the fill due to the affect of effective stresses during the life of the project. 4.1.6 Preliminarv Pavement Oesian Parameters I I:; Based on an anticipated range ofR-values from 8 to 35 and design traffic indices of 5.0 9.0, the following preliminary pavement structural sections have been tabulated in accordance with the City of Temecula standards and specifications. ~ ~ ~.. ~J1~ -~ \'\ - 15- i "":C11,"\~("'-; .....r...J c........(""\"i-~-.... !'If: L~i I iL'Jl1 ::;, j!J il.:).)vlndl::;,,), 1] ,.... ~ ' .:\ L::1GC;J:J~j -3::<'~U? CQ,\l?..\N'! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 Preliminary Pavement Design Parameters T.I. = 5.0 T.I. = 6.0 T.I. = 7.0 T.I. = 8.0 T.I. = 9.0 R-Value AC AB AC AB AC AB AC AB AC AB (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) (in.) 8 3.0 9.5 3.5 12.0 4 15 4.5 18 5.5 20 14 3.0 8.5 3.5 11.0 4 14 4.5 16 5.5 18 20 3.0 7.5 3.5 10.0 4 12 4.5 15 5.5 16 25 3.0 6.5 3.5 9.0 4 11 4.5 13 5.5 15 30 3.0 6.0 3.5 8.0 4 10 4.5 12 5.5 13 35 3.0 6.0 3.5 7.0 4 9 4.5 10 5.5 11 Prior to placement of class 2 aggregate base CAB), the subgrade should be processed in order to attain near optimum moisture and a minimum of 95 percent relative compaction based on ASTM D1557-9 to a minimum of twelve inches below subgrade. The subgrade should be "proof rolled" with heavy equipment in order to verify that the sub grade soils do not "pump" or yield. Prior to the placement of asphaltic concrete (AC) the AB should be processed and compacted in place to a minimum of 95 percent relative compaction based on the laboratory standard CAL2l6. AC should be placed on compacted AB and compacled to a minimum of 95 percent relative compaction based on the laboratory standards ASTM D1561 and D2726. Preparation of sub grade soils and pavement should be accomplished under the observation and testing of the project soils engineer, and in accordance with the requirements of the City of Temecula. 4.2 SlaDe Stabilitv Based on our review, both permanent cut and fill slopes are proposed at 2: 1 (horizontal to vertical) inclinations and flatter with heights up to approximately 16 feet. Temporary cut and fill slopes are on the order of 20 feet and 38 feet, respectively. Based on our review, it is our opinion that the proposed cut and fill slopes will be grossly and surficially stable (Appendix D), provided cut slopes are free from adverse geological conditions, such as out of slope bedding and jointing. All cut slopes and temporary construction cuts should be observed by an engineering geologist during grading. All slopes should be constructed in accordance with the most current version of the UnifoJ,1Il Building Code CUBC) guidelines and the City of Temecula requirements. If there is adiscrepancy between the recommendations in the UBC, City of Temecula requirements or these presented in this report, the more stringent recommendations should be used. i-;';':' i::"-;" I' i ! 4'iZ ~ ~ -z,P -16 - 'I .-.i--'~~I\''""' .....~ri ~---""OC'I"";'''''''''' 1-,-.,.... _Ci::jl !l\.,;i I dll.J i .:::;0 :::l~:::'~J ,i i\.;. )., L;::IGflTON GROUf' COMPANY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 Due to the granular nature of the soils, surficial erosion may develop on unplanted or unprotected slopes. In addition, due to the granular nature of the soils at the subject site, construction of the fill slopes may warrant blending of cohesive (silts and clays) soils into very sandy soils in order to increase surficial slope stability. This recommendation will be given at the time of rough-grading based on the soils encountered. Cut and fill slopes should be provided with appropriate surface drainage features and landscaped (with drought tolerant vegetation) as soon as possible after grading to minimize the potential for erosion. Berms should be provided at the top of fill slopes, brow ditches should be constructed at the top of cut slopes. Lot drainage should be directed such that surface runoff on the slope face is minimized. The outer portion of fill slopes should be either overbuilt by 2 feet (minimum) and trimmed back to the finished slope configuration or compacted in vertical increments of 5 feet (maximum) by a sheepsfoot roller as the fill is placed. The slope face should then trackwalked by dozers of appropriate weight to achieve the final configuration and compaction out to the slope face. L." 4.3 Drainaae Over-the-slope drainage should not be permitted. All drainage should be directed away from slopes and structures by means of approved permanent/temporary drainage devices. Adequate storm drainage of the sheet graded pads should be provided to avoid siltation of temporary catch basins. Linear sandbagging of the sheet graded pads tangential to flow directions in periodic intervals, should reduce erosion potential of runoff over these pads. 4.3.1 Subdrainaae Subdrainage will be necessary in canyon fills and fill over cut keyways. Fills generally saturate near geologic contacts and the subdrains should outlet this excess water to suitable discharge areas. Contacts on fill over cut slopes which daylight cut material can present seepage problems once irrigation of the slopes and upper pads begins. The subdrainage within the fill over cut keyways should mitigate this seepage problem. Subdrain details are provided in Appendix F, General Earthwork and Grading Specifications. Preliminary locations of canyon subdrains are depicted on the Geotechnical Maps (plates 1- 4). Canyon subdrains up to 500 lineal feet should consist of 6-inch diameter perforated pipe. Canyon subdrains greater than 500 feet should consist of 8-inch pipe. A 20-foot section of non-perforated pipe should be placed at the outlet location. The connection between the perforated and non-perforated pipe should be sealed with a minimum 6-inch thick, concrete cut-off wall placed a minimum of 2 feet beyond the perimeter of the gravel "burrito". All outlets should be protected with a concrete apron and cover. Subdrain pipe may be schedule SID 35 (or equal) placed in accordance with Appendix E.-, t<; ~ ,e.,f)jJ ~~ "~ ."-~ v. - 17- Lejghton and }l,ssocj~tesJ Inc. ..\ L~IGHTaN G~OU? CDM?ANY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 4.4 Lateral Earth Pressures and Retainino Wall Desion Considerations The recommended lateral pressures for low expansive site soil (expansion index less than 50 per UBC IS-I-B) and level or sloping backfill are presented on Table 1, (rear oftext). Embedded structural walls should be designed for lateral earth pressures exerted on them. The magnitude of these pressures depends on the amount of deformation that the wall can yield under load. If the wall can yield enough to mobilize the full shear strength of the soil, it can be designed for "active" pressure. If the wall cannot yield under the applied load, the shear strength of the soil cannot be mobilized and the earth pressure will be higher. Such walls should be designed for "at rest" conditions. If a structure moves toward the soils, the resulting resistance developed by the soil is the "passive" resistance. For design purposes, the recommended equivalent fluid pressure for each case for walls founded above the static ground water and backfilled with soils of very low to low expansion potential is provided in Table 1 (presented at rear of text). The equivalent fluid pressure values assume low expansive, free-draining conditions. If conditions other than those assumed above are anticipated, the equivalent fluid pressure values should be provided on an individual-case basis by the geotechnical engineer. Surcharge loading effects from the adjacent structures should be evaluated by the geotechnical and structural engineer. All retaining wall structures should be provided with appropriate drainage and waterproofing. The outlet pipe should be sloped to drain to a suitable outlet. Typical wall drainage design is illustrated in Appendix E. For sliding resistance, the friction coefficient of 0.35 may be used at the concrete and soil interface. Lateral passive pressures may be used in accordance with the values provided in Table 1. These values may be used for foundations with a embedment of one foot and increased by the same value for each additional foot to a maximum lateral bearing of 2,OOOpsf. In combining the total lateral resistance, the passive pressure or the frictional resistance should be reduced by 50 percent. Wall footings should be designed in accordance with structural considerations. The passive resistance value may be increased by one-third when considering loads of short duration, including wind or seismic loads. The horizontal distance between foundation elements providing passive resistance should be a minimum of three times the depth of the elements to allow full development of these passive pressures. The total depth of retained earth for design of cantilever walls should be the vertical distance below the ground surface measured at the wall face for stem design or measured at the heel of the footing for overturning and sliding. , i,~; ;:~.:.. i Wall backcut excavations less than 5 feet in height can be made near vertical. For backcuts greater than 5 feet in height, but less than 15 feet in height, the backcut should be flattened to a gradient not steeper than 1: I (horizontal to vertical) slope inclination. For backcuts in excess of 15 feet in height, specific recommendations should be requested from the geotechnical consultant. The granular and native backfill soils should be compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction (based on ASTM Test Method DI557). The gnmular fill 0>. ~.., ....1/ ~;~ r "'.~ I i I 1 , I I I I ! - 18- I ;:.; ~I~~r,;n ;:'irl ~ ~,'"'r;""'-~';::~ 1;-""'" L...,I;jIJlv ! l,.dl'...l' ,..........u_,jd~......"-'J JI'-'. A LEI;;HTON G;<.:}U? CO:\\?ANY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 should extend horizontally to a minimum distance equal to one-half the wall height behind the walls. The walls should be constructed and backfilled as soon as possible after backcut excavation. Prolonged exposure of backcut slopes may result in some localized slope instability. Foundations for retaining walls in competent formational soils or properly compacted fill should be embedded at least 18 inches below lowest adjacent grade. At this depth, an allowable bearing capacity of 2,500 psf may be utilized. For free standing (unrestrained) walls over 5 feet or that present a life/safety hazard, the lateral earth pressures should be increased to reflect the increment of additional pressure caused by the design earthquake. Accordingly, an increment of lateral pressure equal to 21 H2, where H is the height of the wall, should be applied at a distance of 0.6H above the toe of the wall. Under the combined effects of static and earthquake loads on the wall, a factor of safety between 1.1 and 1.2 is acceptable when evaluating the stability (sliding, overturning) of the wall (NA VFAC DM 7.02). All retaining wall structures should be provided with appropriate pipe and ground drainage and waterproofing. i I lh c...., 4.5 Footina Setback We recommend a minimum horizontal setback distance from the face of slopes for all structural footings and settlement-sensitive structures (i.e. fences, walls, signs, etc.). This distance is measured form the outside edge of the footing, horizontally to the slope face (or to the face of a retaining wall). Please note that the soils within the structural setback area possess poor lateral stability and improvements (such as retaining walls, sidewalk, fences, pavements, etc.) constructed within this setback area may be subject to lateral movement and/or differential settlement. Potential distress to such improvements may be mitigated by providing a deepened footing or a pier and grade-beam foundation system to support the improvement. The deepened footing should meet the setback as described below. Slope Height Recommended Footing Setback < 5 feet 5 feet minimum . 5-15 feet 7 feet minimum > 15 feet H/2, where H is the slope height, not to exceed 10 feet for 2: 1 slopes ':-:';'. 4.6 Corrosion Laboratory tests were not performed as part of the scope of this project. However, it is recommended that corrosion tests be performed through out the construction phase. Concrete -i~ ~." .;;p;,:,-~~ ~.Y".'" '~~~ 1-'1;) -19 - Leighton and Assoclates) Inc. A l:;:IG!-1TON G~:)U;: CO.,PA>IY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 foundations in contact with site soils should be designed according to test results in order to resist sulfate corrosion in accordance with Table 19-A-4 of the Uniform Building Code. A qualified corrosion engineer should be consulted if corrosion sensitive materials are to be used. Additional corrosion (pH, chloride, resistant) testing onsite soils should be performed during grading. 4.7 Control of Surface Water and Drainaae Control Positive drainage of surface water away from structures is very important. No water should be allowed to pond adjacent to buildings. Positive drainage may be accomplished by providing drainage away from buildings at a gradient of at least 2 percent for a distance of at least 5 feet, and further maintained by a swale on drainage path at a gradient of at least 1- percent. Where limited by 5-foot side yards, drainage should be directed away from foundations for a minimum of 3 feet and into a collector swale or pipe system. Where necessary, drainage paths may be shortened by use of area drains and collector pipes and/or paved swales. Eave gutters also help reduce water infiltration into the subgrade soils if the downspouts are properly connected to appropriate outlets. Planters with open bottoms adjacent to buildings should be avoided, if possible. Planters should not be designed adjacent to buildings unless provisions for drainage, such as catch basins and pipe drains, are made. No ponding of water from any source (including irrigation) should be permitted onsite as moisture infiltration may increase the potential for moisture-related distress. Experience has shown that even with these controls for surface drainage, a shallow perched ground water or subsurface water condition can and may develop in areas where no such condition previously existed. This is particularly true where a substantial increase in surface water infiltration resulting from site irrigation occurs. Mitigation of these conditions should be performed under the recommendations of the geotechnical consultant on a case-by-case basis. 4.8 Irriaation. LandscaDina and Lot Maintenance Site irrigation should be controlled at all times. We recommend that only the minimum amount of irrigation necessary to maintain plant vigor be utilized. We recommend that where possible, landscaping consist primarily of drought-tolerant vegetation. A landscape consultant should be contacted for proper plant selection. For large graded slopes adjacent to open space areas, we recommend native plant species be utilized and that irrigation be utilized only until plants are well established. At that time, irrigation could be significantly reduced. ~ '~.<;~.'. ~ '-'if" c, ""'...!ilI" - --~ ~A, -20 - L?".' "<\""~'-'-- ~.--. I i\ '''''-'''"'''''I'"'~''''''''' j ..... r:::lUI HUll ci jO r\..::;.)vl...: :::lL.:;:,), 1nl.,.!, ~ , A L.::!GHTGN 3i<.OUP COi,I:'>),..'1,( I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 5.0 GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW Geotechnical review is of paramount importance in engineering practice. The poor performances of many foundation and earthwork projects have been attributed to inadequate construction review. We recommend that Leighton and Associates be provided the opportunity to review the following items. 5.1 Plans and Soecifications The geotechnical engineer should review the project lot specific rough-grading plans, foundation plans and specifications prior to release for bidding and construction. Such review is necessary to detennine whether the geotechnical recommendations have been effectively implemented. Review findings should be reported in writing by the geotechnical engineer. 5.2 Construction Review Observation and testing should be performed by Leighton and Associates representatives during grading and construction. It should be anticipated that the substrata exposed during construction may vary from that encountered in the previously excavated borings and test pits. Reasonably continuous construction observation and review during site grading and foundation installation allows for evaluation of the actual soil conditions and the ability to provide appropriate revisions during construction, if required. Site preparation, removal of unsuitable soils, approval of imported earth materials, fill placement, foundation installation and other site geotechnically-related operations should be observed and tested by representatives of Leighton and Associates. Additional laboratory tests of subsurface materials to confirm compacted density and moisture content, corrosive potential, expansion potential, and resistance value (R-value) should be performed during grading. ~-">f'l!. ~ ":"':c~~ ~'""" 'r:'~ L~",. - 21- L-'-'-'- - -- ' ,\ -- '-'-- I - t:i8i i~:Ji I ::lj iC ,-,,).)CCI':H::;0, ,ril...... ~ L21GHiGN SR'::;U? CO,'.I?,~;-lY i i I , I , i I I i i I I I i I 1::- j.\ I i ~{::' ~::."'- f..;.... I I ~\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 6.0 UMITAllONS I I I" i I This report was necessarily based in part upon data obtained from a limited number of observances, site visits, soil samples, tests, analyses, histories of occurrences, spaced subsurface explorations and limited information on historical events and observations. Such information is necessarily incomplete.. The nature of many sites is such that differing characteristics can be experienced within small distances and under various climatic conditions. Changes in subsurface conditions can and do occur over time. i i I I I k,., This report was prepared for Lennar Communities, based on Lennar Communities needs, directions, and requirements. This report is not authorized for use by, and is not to be relied upon by any party except Lennar Communities and its successors and assigns as owner of the property, with whom Leighton has contracted for the work. Use of or reliance on this report by any other party is at that party's risk. Unauthorized use of or reliance on this report constitutes an agreement to defend and indemnify Leighton and Associates from and against any liability which may arise as a result of such use or reliance, regardless of any fault, negligence, or strict liability of Leighton and Associates. I ~... . I" I I I I .4~ ~'~: ~,,~';~, c, :;:!',jf ....~,. ~ - 22- 1-'"-;"'_._, -_-1 A-.-,-r"I.-r-0 1,-,- ~=l\;jll'.\.;: ;:l.i IU, ,0,'>..;.... CLC0l Ii Iv. A !..S!-:;,nON G,qOU? C8,"'?_~Wr I I I I I I I I I I I , I I I I I I I I I / ~';/~ ,~~~-}/ \ \\ 'I ~ I I "> ,) ~<.i" ( / / , " , , " , , " //- / Base Map: The Thomas Guide Digital Edition Inland Empire 2000, Not To Scale Harveston Tract 29639 Phase II Temecula, California Riverside County, California Project No. .. ..~~ ~'" 1/ SITE LOCATION MAP 110231-017 Date January 2003 FlQUre No. 1 I I I , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 TABLE 1 Lateral Earth Pressures Conditions Equivalent Fluid Weight (pcf)! Level Backfill 2: 1 Slope Backfill Active 45 65 At-Rest 65 lOO Passi ve2 250 (maximum 2 ksf) 125 (Sloping Down) t Assumes drained conditions. (See Appendix E) 2 Assumes a level condition that will remain for the duration of the project. ,.,.' reo; r:) Vb I I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 APPENDIX A References American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), 1994, Settlement Analysis, Technical Engineering and Design Guides as Adapted from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, No. 9, ASCE Press, 1994 Blake T.F., 2000a, EQSEARCH Version 2.2, A Computer Program for the Estimation of Peak Horizontal Acceleration from Southern California Historical Earthquake Catalogs, Users Manual, 94pp_ with data file updated, 1995. Blake, T. F., 2000b, EQFAULT, A Computer Program for the Deterministic Prediction of Peak Horizontal Acceleration from Digitized California Faults, User's Manual, 79pp_ v. Blake, T. E, 2000c, FRlSKSP, A Computer Program for the Probabilistic Estimation of Seismic Hazard Using Faults as Earthquake Sources, User's Manual, 116pp_ Blake, T. E, 2000d, UBCSEIS, Version 1.0, User's Manual for Evaluating the Seismic Parameters in accordance with the 1997 UBC, 53 pp. BSSC, 1994, NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings, Part 1 - Provisions, FEMA 222A4, NEHRP Recommended Provisions for Seismic Regulations for New Buildings, Part 1 - Provisions, FEMA 222A, Federal Emergencv Management Agencv, 290p. California, State of, Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, 1966, Geologic Map of California, Santa Ana 30' X 60' Quadrangle, Southern California, scale 1:250,000. * California, State of, Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology 1990, Special Studies Zones, Munieta Quadrangle, 7.5 Minute Series.* Converse Consultants, 1988, Liquefaction Evaluation, Winchester Hills, Tentative Parcel Map 23336, Rancho California, California, Converse Consultants Inland Empire (CEll) Project Number 88-81-117-01, dated September 9, 1988. Converse Consultants, 1990, Geotechnical Investigation, Tentative Tracts 25321 through 25324, and 25464, Winchester Hills Residential Development, Temecula, California, Converse Project Number 89-81-173-01, dated October 8, 1990. Converse Consultants, 1999, Summary -Of Geotechnical Conditions, Sweetwater Specific Plan, Approximately 560-Acre Site, Temecula, C;ilifornia, Converse Project Number 98-81-lO4-01, dated June 21, 1999. ~ ~ ~- ""~..':': '. ., -% yo..... A-I I :::]i'''lh'n.- :;;;-id'\ :~"""~I~r=:.~ lil(' ....'-','..dll'-'II ....,,'"' r'1"'...VI.... """-"-'J I. '-'. ~ A '-!I':;:-;TCl:-l::;~OUP CO:vlP,l.:l'{ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 References (continued) Hart, E.W., Bryant, W. A., 1999, Fault-Rupture Hazard Zones in California, Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning with Index to Earthquake Zones Maps: Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, Special Publication 42. Revised 1997, Supplements 1 and 2 added 1999. International Conference of Building Officials, 1997 Uniform Building Code, Volumes 1-3. Ishihara, K., 1985, "Stability of Natural Deposits During Earthquake", Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, A.A. Belkema Publishers, Rotterdam, Netherlands. Jennings, C.W., 1994a, Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas, California Division of Mines and Geology, Geologic Data Map Series, No.6, Scale: 1:750,000. Jennings, C.W., 1994b, Fault Map of California: Faults, Volcanoes, Thermal Springs, and Thermal Wells, California Division of Mines and Geology, Geologic Data Map No.1, Scale 1:750,000. Kennedy, M.P., 1977, "Recency and Character of Faulting Along the Elsinore Fault Zone in Southern Riverside County, California", Special Report 131. Kramer, Steven, L., 1996, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, Prentice Hall, 1996. Krinitsky, E., L., Gould, J., P., Edinger, P., H., 1993, Fundamentals of Earthquake-Resistant Construction, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1993. Leighton and Associates, 1979, Geotechnical Feasibility Study, "1-15 Corridor", Rancho California, County of Riverside, California, Project Number 679204-01, dated June 26, 1979. Leighton and Associates, 1986, Final Compaction Report Of Rough Grading Tract 19677, Industrial Park V, Rancho California, Riverside County, California, Project Number 6851870-01, dated May 27, 1986. Leighton and Associates, 1986, Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation And Liquefaction Study, Proposed Commercial Site 70+ Acres, Parcel Map 21361, Northeast Of Winchester And Ynez Roads, Rancho California, California, Project Number 6860619-01, dated July 11, 1986. Leighton and Associates, 1986, Final Compaction Report Of Rough Grading Parcel Map 21361, Rancho California, Riverside County, California, Project Number 6860619- 02, December 9, 1986. .....~ ~y.. ,,' ",. -T. ,"',. ....... 1fJ A-2 I ,...,; " ~.' ""''''d 1\ '"'^"'r:i,...T,......... I'.....,.' LClgnlon elll rl':'':'1..)-,I;::1tC0, ! Iv. ,\. L?:IGCi,ON G~_OUP COM?.I.'\!Y I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 References (continued) Leighton and Associates, 2001a, As-Graded Report of Rough Grading for Tract 29111-1 and _ Tract 23626-1 (proposed Park Site), Planning Area 2, Lots 1 Through 67, Murrieta Hot Springs Area, Riverside County, California, Project Number 11980158-005, dated January 15,2001. Leighton and Associates, 2001 b, As Graded Report of Rough Grading for Tract 29111, Planning Area 2, for Tract 29111, Planning Area 2, Lots lThrough 58, Murrieta Hot Springs Area, Riverside County, California, Project Number 11980158-005, dated July 20,2001. Leighton and Associates, 2001c, Supplemental Geotechnical Investigation And Geotechnical Review Of Interim Arroyo Mass Grading Plan, Tentative Tract No. 29639, . Harveston, Temecula, California, LD01-058GR Project Number 110231- 004, dated December 10, 2001. Mann, John F., 1955, Geology of a Portion of the Elsinore Fault Zone, California Division of Mines and Geology, Special Report 43, dated October, 1955. McGuire, R. K., 1978, FRISK: Computer Program for Seismic Risk Analysis Using Faults as Earthquake Sources, U.S. Geological Survev Open-File Report 78-lO07, 69p. Morton, D. M., 1999, Preliminary Digital Geologic Map of the Santa Ana 30'X 60' Quadrangle, Southern California, Version 1.0, Open-File Report 99-172. Naval Facilities Engineering Command, 1986a, Soil mechanics design manual 7.01, Change 1: U.S. Navy, September. Naval Facilities Engineering Command, 1986b, Foundations and earth structures, design manual 7.02, Changes 1: U.S. Navy, September. Petersen, M. D., Bryant, W. A., Cramer, C. H., Cao, T., Reichle, M. S., Frankel, A. D., Lienkaemper, J. J., McCrory, P. A., and Schwartz, D. P., 1996, Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for the State of California, California Department of Conservation. Division of Mines and Geologv Open-File Report 96-08: U.S. Geological Survev Open-File Report 96-706. i:~::- r I I ! Petra, 2002, Geotechnical Report of Rough Grading of Tract 29548 (The Arboretum) and Mass Grading of Tract 30563 (Curta Bella), City of Murrieta, Riverside County, California, J.N. 417;99, dated June 20, 2002. . . ~.'" .,.~"",. ~t:li...",.." .,. 'ii' . . .t;;; ;\. ? A-3 L~. "~ ~~d ^" '-'-~ I~ ::;ignlun "II r\,:,::oOCICll.::;::O, IIIC. A '--::=:IGH,0~1 G::l.Q\j;> COM?J..N'r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 References (continued) RBF Consulting, 2002, Harveston Mass Grading Tract No. 29639 - Phase 2, dated November 18, 2002, 10 Sheets. Saul, R. B., 1978, Elsinore fault zone, south Riverside County, California: California Division of Mines and Geology Fault Evaluation Report FER-76 and supplements (unpublished). Schnabel, P.B., and Seed, H.B., 1973, "Accelerations in Rock for Earthquakes in the Western United States", Bull. of the Seismol. Soc. of Am., Vol. 63, No.2, pp 501- 516. Seed, H.B., Idriss, I.M., and Kiefer, F.W., 1969, Characteristics of Rock Motions During Earthquakes, Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division, ASCE, V. 95, No. SM5, Proc. Paper 6783, pp. 1199-1218. Silver, L. T., and Chappel, B. W., The Peninsular Ranges Batholith: An Insight into the Evolution of the Cordilleran Batholiths of Southwestern North America, Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 79, 105- 121, 1988. Tokimatsu, K., and Seed, H.B., 1987, Evaluation of Settlements in Sands Due to Earthquake Shaking, ASCE Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 113, No.8, dated August 1987 United States Department of the Interior Geological Survey, 1953 (Photo Revised 1979), Murrieta Quadrangle, 7.5 Minute Series. WGCEP - Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities, 1995, Seismic Hazards in Southern California: Probable Earthquake Probabilities, Bull. Seismol. Soc. Amer., Vol. 85, No.2, pp 379-439. *Effective January 1, 2002 this department, as pertaining to geology, has been renamed as the California Geologic Survey ~ .;!i:!3i~ 9;1/ ~-. ;.,.,'~ .~ A-4 Leighton and Associates, Inc. ,\ LEIGH"TGN G~au? C::J:\I?:UlY I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-101 12-3-02 Ita oject lIIingCo. -1ole Diameter 24" vation Top of Hole +/- Sheet 1 Project No. Type of Rig of 2 110231-017 Bucket Auger Drop 30" Harveston Phase II Big Johnny's Drilling Drive Weight Location See Below See Map 1125' 0 ,., Ul Q)~ ui-:- DESCRIPTION - u - - Ul I .c_ :EO) Ul 2 Ul8 'w ~ UlCfJ .. 0." .s .. <:..... ".. "'. J- <>'0 ~ ..u -<: -t.) .... Q. Ul" t.). '0 cLL ~-' 0 iiiCii c<>. .-- _CfJ (!) 2 E ,., 0<: 'o:::i Logged By .. '" 0- ~ ::;:0 AVI c- CfJ c t.) CfJ- ,., Sampled By AVI J- 0 " . '. SM @Surface: Light brown. damp, silty SAND .' I .: .<...... '. . . '" ". . . I I I I I LE TYPES: SPLIT SPOON ~NG SAMPLE ULK SAMPLE BE SAMPLE . '-:. ':', '. ... '. 5 :', '.:. '.: '. '" '. . . . .... :: ': ','Samplel '. . .@7' ',' .... @ 8'; Light, damp, silty SAND, iron staining, manganese nodules 10 .' .:. '-:. ,', " . . '" " 5 2 '. :'. '.:. ',:. '. . . ... '. '.:.":' 15 ___CL CL-M @13.5':GradcstoRedMbrown, moist clayey SILT - - - - -- - 4.5': Light m:.aY..-moist. eLA Y p-od= = = = = = - = = = a 15'; Olive-brown, moist SILT, micas and iron stains @ 1~ Grades to Rcd.bro...\'n~oist,-;iltYSAND with ironstain-;- -- f ~ Samte3 t= . . .@J ... " " " " ........ . . . '. . . .: ..... I . .... . . '. '. .-. SM PRo Fcl it PA.D g.L~" . @20': Grades to Olive-brown. moist, silty fine SAND with manganese nodules, rootlets 20 4 5 '.' :." :': ..:.... '. . . '" '. . . 25 @25': Brown. moist, sandy SILT, manganese stains Sample6 @23' @ 2~ Brown, moist, clayey SILT to silty CLAY with stringers- ~ - " .... ~ --- . .' '. . '" . '. '. '. . . . . . . -7':Lightg~~wn,moistSRIDlens=~=====~ ,27.31: Brown, mOist, sandy SILT, manganese stams G GRAB SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE TYPE OF TESTS: SU SULFATE OS DIRECT SHEAR MD JlJlAXIMUM DENSITY CN CONSOLIDATION CR CORROSION CS CORROSION SUITE MC MOISTURE CONTENT MD MOISTURE & DENSITY HCO HYDROCOLLAPSE HO HYDROMETER SA SIEVE ANALYSIS AI.. ATTERBERG l.IMITS EI EXPANSION INDEX RV R.VALUE LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-101 W;ect 'r;lIing Co. Hole Diameter 24" l~vation Top of Hole +/- 12-3-02 I I 30 I "'- -., <>.., ~u.. .. . . - - I . 35 . I - . I - 40- - I - .- I 45- - I - - . I 50- . I - - - I 55- - I - - - lL:"TYPES: SPLIT SPOON "NG SAMPLE ULK SAMPLE UBE SAMPLE o :CO) <>'0 OJ.... i5 II) .s o :2 Sirml"ei @30 1125' -s Harveston Phase II Big Johnny's Drilling Drive Weight Location o :2 ., 'ii. E OJ III .<:> GJ~ 0""':" - 'jjj 11)0 - II)lIl ;:0 1::_ ",oJ" OJ. "0 _I:: -(,) au- 11)" (,). -- c<>' .-- _lIl ID., ,., 01:: '0::1 Logged By 0.. - :;:0 c (,) cn- Sampled By :;- See Below See Map Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 2 110231-017 Bucket Auger Drop 30" AVI AVI .!l II) ., l- e ., '" ,., I- DESCRIPTION _L,1,- \~~~': Olive-brown. moist eLA Y lens r ML 19l30.2': OliVe to ITghfbrown: mOist SILTWitn mICas - - - - - . Total Logged 32' Total Depth 35' No Groundwater Encountered Backfilled with Native 12/3/02 G GRAB SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE TYPE OF TESTS: SU SULFATE OS DIRECT SHEAR MD I'MXIMUM DENSITY eN CONSOLIDATION CR CORROSION HCC HYDROCOLLAPSE HD HYDROMETER SA SIEVE ANALYSIS AL A TTERBERG LIMITS EI EXPANSION INDEX RV R.VALUE LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. , i ). CS CORROSION SUITE Me MOISTURE CONTENT MO MOISTURE & DENSITY ::<& #l&jII ;<JJII$V:. :' "'\it~ ~~Y ?ft. I 12-4-02 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-102 Sheet 1 Project No, Type of Rig of 2 110231-017 Bucket Auger Drop 30" _ate roject rilling Co. Hole Diameter 24" levation Top of Hole +/- Harveston Phase II Big Johnny's Drilling Drive Weight location See Below See Map 1140' ~ en c:i Cll~ ui~ DESCRIPTION - " - gj I .l:_ :2C'J en z enO 'iii :;+01' enUl -., ., ., ~o c_ lI!' .... c.., C.o - .,,, _c -() ~lJ.. !!!..J 0 C. ou. oc. .!S (). '0 -~ _Ul (!) z E mOl >. oc cb Logged By AVI [ lI! Q. ~ :;:0 Ul 0 () Ul- >. Sampled By AVI .... 0 SP @ Surface: Red-brown, moist, clayey fine to coarse SAND I B --- ---- I . . . @ 2'; Olive~graY:- moi~ silty SAND:porou-;- - - - - - - - - .: . o. SM f-"", .' .' ::. ..:....:. @3'; Yellow-brown, moist. silty SAND with micas I '. . . .'.0, S ," .' --- ---- -':': SQm:p contact to Red-brovill.. moj~ ~~ fine to coarse SAND= , . _ _ --SE.. .... SM Q, 5.5': Sharp contact to Yellow-brown. moist, silty SAND with micas I '" " '. .... '. '. --- ---- @ 9': yrade7to Olive-bro~~oist,~layey SILT with micas and iron - I CL-ML 10 stams I I 15 --- ---- @ 15': Grades to Yellow-brown, moist,~lty SAND with~jcas, iro~- . . . '. SM and manganese stains '; ',' I '. .... '" . @ 17.5': Sharp contact to Olive-brown, moist, silty fine SAND with micas, iron and manganese stains " . '. I 20 .. .:. .... s " ,. .... I '. ---- (il) 22.5':Gradesto 01ive-brown,-~:;'lOist,sandy SiL T with~lay. micas, - ML ~ manganese and iron stains I 25 Sample 2 @2S' I -f- ---- L2~ White. trn;ist SAND fingeril!R.into matrix - - - - - - = ~-- - - __---.SM GL-M @28.5': Gradest9 OliVC-'6:own, mOlst,C1ayeySILT Withlron and- manganese stams LE TYPES: TYPE OF TESTS: HCO HYDROCOLLAPSE CORROSION SUITE SU SULFATE CS SPLIT SPOON G GRAB SAMPLE HD HYDROMETER Me MOISTURE CONTENT RING SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE DS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS MD MOISTURE & DENSITY FLK SAMPLE MD MAXIMUM DENSITY AL A TTER6ERG LIMITS BE SAMPLE CN CONSOLIDATION EI EXPANSION INDEX CR CORROSION RV R-VALUE ?:>-6' LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-102 *ate roject rillingCo. Hole Diameter 24" levation Top of Hole +/- 12-4-02 Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 2 110231-017 Bucket Auger Drop 30" Harveston Phase II Big Johnny's Drilling Drive Weight Location See Below See Map 1140' u 0 I .<:- :Eo I/) z -" $ " "-" "-0 Q. c3u. !!!....I 0 2 E C) '" en 3 - ~ ,,"': 1Ii-:- 1/)0 Iii ~ I/)en ;:0 "- ",.r '" . "'u -" -(,) QIJ.. 1/)'" (,). -~ C"- .-- _en Ill", >. 0" '0:;; Logged By 0.. ~ ::;:0 C (,) en- Sampled By 4 I/) - '" '" f- '0 " "- >. f- DESCRIPTION AVI AVI I 35 I I 40 II @3~radestoOliv~bro~moi~I~SILTwithiroffid-- ...1l1anggrJcse stains _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.__ @34'; GradeS to Olive-brown, moist, silty fine to coarse SAND wIth iron and manganese stains @31'; Grades to Olive-brown, moist, silty CLAY with iron and manganese stains . . . '. ---SM :. .: ....Sample4 :: .: '.@35' ... " :: ',: . . " . . '" '. . . R.DPos&..o .4. @ 38': Gmdes to Olive-brown, moist, silty medium to coarse SAND with iron and manganese stains ',~. '.:. " . . ',' .... 5 6 @40': Grades to Olive-brown. moist. silty SAND with clay, micas and iron and manganese stains :', ,.:.0.:. '. .,. '. . . ....... : . '. ... '. . . I 45~.'. ....... I', :. I " ,. . '" '. . . :', ',~. '.:. '. ..:...... I '. 50 '., " I I S5 I PLE TYPES: SPLIT SPOON RING SAMPLE .ULK SAMPLE reS SAMPLE Total Depth Logged 47' Total Depth 50' No Groundwater Encountered Backfilled with Spoils 12/4/02 G GRAB SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE TYPE OF TESTS: SU SULFATE OS DIRECT SHEAR Me I\IIAXIMUM DENSITY eN CONSOLIDATION CR CORROSION ~. _f$ci~ tl;< ':"%4 {sq,.. 2P HCC HYDROCOLLAPSE HD HYDROMETER SA SIEve ANALYSIS AL ATTERBERG L.IMITS EI eXPANSION INDEX RV R-VALUE CS CORROSION SUITE Me MOISTURE CONTENT MO MOISTURE & DENSITY LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. I i~7ect 'rilling Co. Hole Diameter GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-103 12-4-02 - levation Top of Hole +/- 1112' Location See Map . ~ '" ci IV~ ui~ DESCRIPTION - " - '" I .c:_ z "'0 u; - "'00 " :Eo> '" c_ ","'" "'. t- -" .s " ;=0 _c -() c." 0..0 Q. au. "" "''' (). '5 ~I.l.. l!!..J 0 co.. ,-- _00 l- e> z E iiiw '" oc '0::) Logged By AVI " '" 0.. - :;:0 0.. 00 C () 00- '" Lv , Sampled By AVI t- o . . SM " .... @ Surface: Red-brown, moist, silty SAND - .' .' .' I '. '. - .: , . .... - .' .. ..... '. '. I '. " .... 5- " .. .... 0: '0' '. . , .... I .' - '. '. - '. . " " @8.5'; Grades to Yellow-brown, moist, silty fine SAND with micas I -.'. " " 10- " . '. .. 1 4 -:: '. '. I '. . " .' '. '. -:. . '. 0113.5': Grades to Yellow-brown, moist,. silty SAND, friable with I " .' - micas, iron and manganese stains 15-:: '. '. '. ':\', Sample 2 - '.' ',':.@15' " I -::' '. '. : . '. ,. '. --- --- -- -- -- ~-r--------------------- MlM @ 18': Sharp horizontal contact to Olive-brown, moist, sandy SILT - .' withcJay I '. 20-.: 3 3 @ 20'; 01ive~brown. moist, sandy SILT, porous - .' r - :: - " '. - :. I .' 25-,. " @25': Fingering of white sand into matrix - :. --- -- f-- -- -- ~~-------------------- I - ML @26.5': Sharp contact to White Bishop tuff ~'3,'~,le5 n.~ H.", 'I I'MIMl @28': Sharp contact to Olive-brown, moist, fine sandy SILT with - .' calcium carbonate stringers '. '^ PLe TYPES: TYPE OF TESTS: ,4$<;. HCO HYDRO COLLAPSE CS CORROSION SUITE " SPLIT SPOON G GRAB SAMPLE SU SULFATE He HYDROMETER MC MOISTURE CONTENT &!\W" . RING SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE es DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS Me MOISTURE & DeNSITY %; i{' ~LK SAMPLE Me MAXIMUM DENSITY AL ATTERBERG LIMITS BE SAMPLE CN CONSOLIDATION EI EXPANSION INDEX CR CORROSION RV R-VALUE LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ,?1 24" Harveslon Phase II Big Johnny's Drilling Drive Weight Sheet 1 of Project No. Type of Rig 2 110231-017 Buckel Auger Drop 30" See Below I 1i;~7ect IIrilling Co. Hole Diameter GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-103 12-4-02 I - evation Top of Hole +/_ 1112' Location See Map 0 .<:- ,,~ ui-:- DESCRIPTION J!J - CIl I .c_ .!! CIl Z CIlO 'iij ~...r CIlen " 0." .co> .S! " ;:0 c:_ .ac: ",. t- O.o Q. "" -() - ,," !!!-' 0 ou. 00. CIl" (). 0 ou.. aim ,-- _en Cl z E "" Oc: '5::) Logged By AVI " '" "- C ::EO 0. I en () en- "" N . Sampled By AVI t- 30 4 6 ~MIML - . .' I - .: '. . - . .. '" : Sam~le 6 @33': Olive.brown, moist, fine sandy SILT, iron and manganese I - :. . .@33 staining .' -- 35 -- -- f-- -- -SM f-~------------------__ .. . '. @35': Sharp contact to Olive-brown, moist, silty SAND - :.: .' '. I _:: ' : . .. . '. .. j--- t-- -- i=-MlMi f-~---------------_____ --- -- @ 38': Grode to Olive-brown. moist, sandy SILT with clay - . .' I " " 40-.: .' '. I - :: -::. ':. .' - :. I .' 45 I - I I - I - - I 50- Total Depth Logged 43' - Total Depth 4,' No Groundwater Encountered I - Backfilled with Spoils 12/4/02 - - I SS- M - - - . I '^ PLE TYPES: TYPE OF TESTS: HCO HYDROCOLLAPSE CS CORROSION SUITE &if'1" SPLIT SPOON G GRAB SAMPLE SU SULFATE HO HYDROMETER MC MOISTURE CONTENT ~.. RING SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE OS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS MD MOISTURE & DENSITY ;tL~ IUlK SAMPLE MO MAXIMUM DENSITY AL AnERBERG LIMITS .~:.~W[ CN CONSOLIDATION EI EXPANSION INDeX UB5 SAMPLE CR CORROSION RV R-VALUE LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ~ 24" HaNeston Phase II Big JOhnny's Drilling Drive Weight Sheet 2 of Project No. Type of Rig 2 110231-017 Bucket Auger Drop 30" See Beiow I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG 8-104 _ate roject rilling Co. Hole Diarneter 24" levation Top of Hole +/- I' ;;dj c." ~u. I I I 110 I 115 I I 20 I I 2S I PLE TYPES: SPLIT SPOON RING SAMPLE IULK SAMPLE USE SAMPLE 12-3-02 Sheet 1 Project No. Type of Rig of 2 110231-017 Bucket Auger Drop 30" Harveston Phase II Big Johnny's Drilling Drive Weight Location See Below See Map 1147' u .:E tn ll.o l!!..J Cl ~ '" 6 CD~ en-:- DESCRIPTION - - '" z "'0 'w - - "'C/l " " ~o 1:_ ,,- "'. I- _I: -u Q. ou. "u .!!!S u, '0 E iiicu ell. 01: _C/l ", 'o::i Logged By AVI " '" Q.. c :;:0 ll. C/l U C/l- ", Sampled By AVI I- SP @ Surface: Red-brown, dry, fine to coarse SAND '" S o z o S Sample 1 @5' @ 7': Gray; dry to damp, fine to coarse SAND, friable, thinly bedded '" " . ' SM (aj 12':Sharp horizonUJ"contact tc;'"Brown, damp,clayey:5"ilty SAND- '- with iron stains ,', ....... : ' " . . ",' .... @ 14': Olive, moist, silty, fine SAND \vith micas and manganese nodules :', .... ":'Samp!c2 ::. :. .:@15' . ' :', .: .... : . '. '" " :': '-:,":' '. ... '. , ' 3 4 @ 20'; Red-brown, moist, silty fine SAND with micas, iron and manganese staining :', .: ',' : . '. ... " m :', '-:. ',:. SP @ 23.5':GradestoBrowtL;noist:"""fine toc~rse SAND - - - - - SM - - CL-M @2Mha~onrect~live-bro~~oi~ilryfin~~D--- @2~GrodestoOliv~lOi~lay~SILGortled------ G GRAB SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE TYPE OF TEST5: 5U SULFATE OS OIRECT SHEAR MD MAXIMUM DENSITY CN CONSOLIDATION CR CORROSION HCO HYDROCOLLAPSE HD HYDROMETER SA SIEVE ANALYSIS AL ATTERBERG LIMITS EI EXPANSION INDEX RV R.VALUE CS CORROSION SUITE Me MOISTURE CONTENT MD MOISTURE & DENSITY LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-104 I ~- -" 0." ~u. u :em 0.0 !l!...J Cl .. ~ 2 Sheet 2 of 2 Harveston Phase II Project No. 110231-017 Big Johnny's Drilling Type of Rig Bucket Auger Drive Weight See Below Drop 30" 1147' Location See Map .. ci ,., ,,~ ui-:- DESCRIPTION - - - .. 2 ..0 u; ~ . "en " " ;:0 c_ ,,- "'. I- _c -() 1i ou. "u .." u. '5 E -~ co. .-- _en ID" ,., Oc 'is::l Logged By AVI " '" Q.. ~ ::EO 0. en c u <1)- ,., Sampled By AVI I- 12-3-02 W~;ect 1;lIIng Co. Hole Diameter 24" evatlon Top of Hole +1- 8M @ 30'; Brown, moist, silty SAND, micas, few caliche stringers, manganese nodules " I .. '. '. . , .... '. '. I " '. .' 35 " " '. : : : Sample4 ':@36' .. '. '. I 40 '. S 4 ~\:: @ 33'; Olive-brown, moist to very moist, silty SAND, manganese nodules r:'" I , --MIM @ 3~ Olive-brow~ moistsilty SAND to sandy SIt T with manganes;- nodules CL-M PR.oPas;;t . v, @41': Olive-brown. moist clayey SILT with manganese nodules SM @ 43': Oljve.brow~ moist, silty SAND with manganese and iron staim I 45 '-t'T .' .... ..@4' I . : 'If-i. . = = = = '[j'--- - . , . , .' --- - I 50 '[)'--- I .~': :'.' :::: Samp!d . .. @52' --- I 55 8 14 )0 I SP @45'; Brown, moist, fine to coa~e SAND with ID;nganese -;md i~ - stains ==~M~a~7t:Olive-brown.moi~iINS~D ========= ---:-_ alA7.5': Olive-brown. mOist SILTwilh trace c..illY_ _ _ __ __ . MlM @48':Oiive-brown.- moiststltytme SAND SP @ 4~ Rcd-brown~oistfin-;to~oars;SAND - - - - - - - SM @ 51 ': Olive-brown, mois~ silty SAND SP @ 52.5':Red-brown. moist, fine to ~arse SAND,friabl;- - - - - rh ML SM @ 54': Sharp contact to Olive-brow~ mois~sandySIL T with clay:- - manganese and iron staining Total Depth Logged 58' Total Depth 60' No Groundwater Encountered Backfilled with Spoils 12/3/02 PLe TYPES: SPLIT SPOON RING SAMPLE .ULK SAMPLE ree SAMPLE G GRAB SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE TYPE OF TESTS: SU SULFATE DS DIRECT SHEAR MD MAXIMUM DENSITY CN CONSOLIDATION CR CORROSION HCO HYDROCOLLAPSe HD HYDROMETER SA SIEVE ANALYSIS AL ATTERBERG LIMITS EI EXPANSION INDEX RV R-VALUE CS CORROSION SUITE MC MOISTURE CONTENT MD MOISTURE & DENSITY LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. I 12-3-02 Ite oject rilling Co. Hole Diameter 24" evalion Top of Hole +/- 2 110231-017 Bucket Auger Drop 30" GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-105 1127' Harveston Phase II Big Johnny's Drilling Drive Weight Location Sheet 1 Project No. Type of Rig of I "'- " :E01 III 'Q.GI 0.0 ~ GIGI !!!...J cLL. e> z 0 I .' .' . I 5 I 110 I 115 I I 20 I Samplel & 3 @20' '. I 2S I '. fL.E TYPES: SPLIT SPOON RING SAMPLE .ULK SAMPLE rBe SAMPLE See Below See Map ci - Z' GI~ ui-:- DESCRIPTION Z III 0 'iij ~ - lIlen CI> ~o c_ ,,- .... GI" _c -u Q. ou. 00. IIlGl U. E -~ .-- _en IllGl ,., oc 'c;:; Logged By AVI ... 11. ~ :;;0 en c u en- Sampled By AVI SP @ Surface: Red-brown. moist, clayey fine to coarse SAND -~---ML @ 9': Sharp contactto Olive-bra;;". moist SILT withtraC;; c1ay- - - @1~~d-bro~,mois~ayeyfi~~rueS~D----- @ IF Grades to Olive-bfO\vn:- moist SILT with micas - - - - - SP ML --CL-ML~~GrudesroOliv~bro~moi~lay~SIL~oistureincreasing with depth I I , I _J____~--------------------- I ML-C @20': Grades to Olive, moist, silty CLAY, manganese nodules, micas . and calcium carbonate stringers M/M @2~O]i~-b~~moistc]aycy,sandySIL~ithiro~~--- - manganese stains CL-M @2~Oli~-brow~oi~I~~SILTwjthmanganes~diron-- stains SM @2~ha~ontact~li~-browuoi~il~S~~~ic~- nd manganese and iron stains A. G GRAB SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE TYPE OF TESTS: SU SULFATE OS DIRECT SHEAR MD MAXIMUM DENSITY CN CONSOLIDATION CR CORROSION CS CORROSION SUITE MC MOISTURE CONTENT MD MOISTURE & DENSITY HCO HYDROCOLLAPSE HD HYDROMETER SA SIEVE ANALYSIS AL ATTERBERG LIMITS EI EXPANSION INDEX RV R-VALUE LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. III - III GI l- e GI 0. ,., I- I t",,". i:....-. , i::;:~:: ','. v::.. I I r ~\ I I ~~~ect lrilling Co. Hole Diameter 24" levation Top of Hole +/_ 12-3-02 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-105 Sheet 2 of 2 Harveston Phase /I Project No. 110231-017 Big Johnny's Drilling Type of Rig Bucket Auger Drive Weight See Below Drop 30" 1127' Location See Map .?;- '" 0 aJ~ 1Ii--:- DESCRIPTION - - '" z ,"0 'iij ~ - '"Ul " " ;:0 c_ ::1- "'. ... _c -u C. QU- "" ,!!l.l!! u, '0 E -~ Cl>. OC _Ul ID" >- '0:;; Logged By AVI " '" 0. ~ :;;0 I>. Ul C U Ul- >- Sampled By AVI ... I t I r I 40 r I r I f I 10 LE TYPES; SPLIT SPOON RING SAMPLE I BULK SAMPLE TUBE SAMPLE .c_ -" 1>." ~u.. " :E", 1>.0 "'..J (; '" " - o z 30 ... '. " '.~ ":' ',' .... ,', ....... " :. 35 ... " :". .': Sample 2 ': ": '.'@35' '. ::. '.:. ',:. " . . '" '. . '. : . " . . ... " .... " . " : . 45 50 55 _ _ GL,M SM -~live-bro~moi~il~CL~~cl~eySIUwithiro~nd- manganese stains / @32.~~~~~~~stl~~~m~M~~~~a- manganese nodules --CLwM @3~GrndestoOliv~oi~il~CL~roclay~SIUwithiron- and manganese stains SM @ 38.5':Red-olivewbrown-:1"noisGilty SAND with iron and -;anganese stains Total Depth 44' Tolal Depth 45' No Groundwater Encountered Backfilled with Spoils 12/3/02 G GRAB SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE TYPE OF TESTS: SU SULFATE OS DIRECT SHEAR MD MAXIMUM DENSITY eN CONSOLIDATION CR CORROSION HCC HYOROCOLLAPSe HD HYDROMETER SA SIEVE ANALYSIS AL ATTERBERG LIMITS EI EXPANSION INDEX RV R.VAlUE CS CORROSION SUITE MC MOISTURE CONTENT MD MOISTURE & DENSITY LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 4,z.- I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-106 Ite oject rilling Co, Hole Diameter 24" evation Top of Hole +/- 12-4-02 Harveston Phase II Big Johnny's Drilling Drive Weight Location Sheet 1 Project No. Type of Rig of 2 110231-017 Bucket Auger Drop 30" 1150' See Below See Map I "'- 'l::" -" ~LL " :e", 0..0 l!!..J l.? "' S o z 0 ~ Q)~ ui~ DESCRIPTION J!l - "' z ",0 'iij - - "'Vl " " ~o c_ ,,- "'. t- _c -u Q. OLL "" "''' u. '0 E -- co.. ,-- _Vl Ill" ,., Oc '0::; Logged By AVI " '" 0.. C ::;::0 0.. Vl U Vl- ,., Sampled By AVI t- SP @ Surface: Red-brown. moist, clayey fine to coarse SAND 0 I . . . . I 5 I I 10 I 15 I 20 I 25 .. . ", :", '.:. ',:. '. . . .... I ,', .... '.:. " .. , ", :', ........ PlE TYPES: SPLIT SPOON RING SAMPLE IULK SAMPLE USE SAMPLE @7.5': Grades to Red-brown. moist. fine to coarse SAND with micas, friable @ 8.5': Red-brown, moist, clayey, fine to coarse SAND with micas 4 @ 10': Red.brown, moist. clayey fine to coarse SAND, porous ~--T- _J--CL'M ~~Oli~.brow~oi"cl~~SILTpodswit~icas---- Sample 3 @15' 2 5 - - -SP @1~ Red.bfOwl1~oist~Jayey fin-;-t~oars~AND with micas and- iron stains interbedded with olive-brown, moist, silty SAND p - - -8M @ 24.5':Sharp contact to Olive-brown. --U;oist. -;nty SAND withmi~,~ iron and manganese stains @29': Grades to Yellow-brown, moist, silty SAND with micas and G GRAB SAMPLe C CORE SAMPLe TYpe OF TESTS: SU SULFATE OS DIRECT SHEAR MO MAXIMUM DENSITY CN CONSOLIDATION CR CORROSION HCO HYDROCOLLAPSE HD HYDROMETER SA SIEVE ANALYSIS AL ATTERBERG LIMITS EI EXPANSION INDEX RV R.VALUE CS CORROSION SUITE Me MOISTURE CONTENT MD MOISTURE & DENSITY ;:$<; .&t/1S&t i1Jij, %",.~ " -:%~", 4? LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. I GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-106 Ite oject iIIing Co. iole Diameter 24" evation Top of Hole +/- 12-4-02 Harveston Phase II Big Johnny's Drilling Drive Weight Location Sheet 2 Project No. Type of Rig of 2 110231-017 Bucket Auger Drop 30" 1150' See Below See Map I U "'- :Em III -01 .e CoOl Coo Qlu. !!!..J 0 C Cl 2: 30 " I '. '. '. " '. 35 .. I 0 .;:. Ql<;e <<Ii-:- DESCRIPTION S - III 2: 11I0 'OJ ~ IIIVl ~ 01 ~o c_ ",,",, ",. _c -0 1i. ou. QlU 11I01 O. 'l5 -~ CCo -- _Vl E III 01 ,., oc 'o::i Logged By AVI 01 '" D.. C ::;:0 Co Vl 0 Vl- ,., Sampled By AVI I- .;l .i.. 1M Jron stains ~03':Graaes to Ohve-brown, mOIst, sanay SILT WIth micas ana iron stains CL-M @ 3~ Sharp contact to Olive-brown:- moist:""""clayey SILT with - - - manganese and iron stains and manganese nodules I 45 Total Depth Logged 38' Total Depth 40' No Groundwater Encountered Backfilled with Native 12/4/02 50 i-..:..'- I i<.:. .. 55 I U'LE TYPES: SPLIT SPOON RING SAMPLE rLK SAMPLE BE SAMPLE G GRAB SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE TYPE OF TESTS: SU SULFATE OS DIRECT SHEAR MD MAXIMUM DENSITY eN CONSOLlDATlON CR CORROSION HCO HYDROCOLLAPSE HO HYDROMETER SA SIEVE ANALYSIS AL ATTERBERG LIMITS EI EXPANSION INDEX RV RNALUE CS CORROSION SUITE Me MOISTURE CONTENT Me MOISTURE & DENSITY LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 4k I te 9-27-01 ject lrillingCo. tie Diameter 8" ovation Top of Hole t 1086' GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-10 Sheet ~ of Project No. Type of Rig Harveston eal Pac Drive Weight Location 140lbs See Map 2- 110231-004- HSA Drop 30" I 0 >> ~';f. .. en""":" DESCRIPTION. - - - .. u Z ..0 U; ... . "en ~ :CO> .. ~o c... =- .. . , .. .. _c -(J , C.o - Q. Qll. ..u Ill" (J. ... E...J 0 -... CC. -- _en 0 z E ID.. oc o:i .. c:l .. a. ~ :;0 Logged By AS/SER ~ en c (J en- Sampled By AS/SER SP ALLUVTTTM COal) , @ Surface: Light brown, damp, loose, fine to come SAND b ... o. 1 8 117.2 13.1 SM @ 2o,-D8rlc brown, m-;;-ist to -;,;;;; loose. silty SAND - - - - - - '. .' Sample 3 ... .: .' @0-5' SU . :. '. .0. o. . . .. .0.00 2 59 ..SM. OLDER ALLUVTITM 10aon. Dark brown, moist to we~ dense. silty .. 126.8 11.0 SAND with lnlces of clay .. . . . . ": . '. . . '. 000" 0: . PAUBA FORMATION IOn) Olive. damp. very stiff, sandy SILT 4 46 ML @ 10': Olive brown, with calcium carbonate, non-po'f!Jus. 97.4 26.5 5 40 CL 86.7 29.2 @ IS: iig1ii imJw;, damo;;e;y Stiff. siltY CiA Y with ~ci';; - - carbonate, bighly weathered. 6 43 ML @ 20' Darkbrown, dmiiP. stiff-:- SiLT - - - - - - - - - - 7 23 ML @ 25': Brown, with 1nlces of carbonate 30 ~ TYPES: UT SPOON G SAMPLE !UU< SAMPLE .UBE SAMPLE ).,-)" G GRAB SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE TYPE OF TESTS: SU SULFATE OS DIRECT SHEAR MD MAXIMUM DENSITY eN CONSOLIDATION CR CORROSION CO COllAPSE HD HYDROMETER SA SIEVE ANALYSIS AL ATTERSERG LIMITS EI EXPANSION INDEX RV R.VALUE ~II~~ ~::;E LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIA TES, INC. I 9-27-01 GEOTECHNICAL BORING lOG B-10 Sheet -L of Project No. Type of Rig Harveston eal Pac Drlve Weight Location 140lbs See Map -L 110231-004- HSA Drop 30" I~ect rillingCO. .e Diameter 8" aration Top of Hole + 1086' >. GJ';/!.. "' 0 Ii--:- DESCRIPTION - - - "' u "' Z ",0 c;; .. . "'Ill t! I .c_ :CCl c... ,,- ... -" " " ~ _c -(.) II~ ~ 10.0 - ii "u .." (.). ... f!!..J 0 QCI. -- _Ill 0 Z E -.. oc Cl Ill" ~ ::;;0 o::i Logged By AS/SER " .. ll. CI. III Q (.) 1Il- ~ . Sampled By AS/SER 30 8 90111" ML @30':Darkbrown,damp,hard,sandySaTtasiltyCLAY II ~ I - - 35- 9 60 ML @35': Olive brown, damp, hard, sandy SaT. ~ -. --- -- -- --- -- e-SM -~---------------------- . " @ 361: Olive brown, damp, very dense, silty fine to coarse sand. - : : .' . . : . I -'. . '. .. . . .. - . . .. . : . 40 -- 1--- -- -,--,- ~----------------------- 10 90/10" ML @40': Olive brown, damp. hard, sandy SaT. . I ~ - t~ I = - t~ Total Depth 4134' I = No Groundwater Encountered Bacldilled with Native 9-27-01 _5~ I = - - '0 - A<;o lYPE OF TESTS: 'CO COLLAPSE tlYPES: SU SULFATE HD HYDROMETER ~II SPOON G GRAB SAMPU DS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE MD MAXIMUM DENSITY AL ATTERBERG UMITS ~ . =- ULK SAMPLE CN CONSOUDAnON EI EXPANSION INDEX ~~--.s JBE SAMPLE CR CORROSION RV R.VALUE LEIGHTON AND ASSOC1A TES, INC. I 9-27-01 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-11 Sheet ---1- of Project No. Type of Rig Harveston Cal Pac Drive Weight Location 140lbs See Map -L 110231-004- HSA Drop 30" '~ect f..mng Co. e Diameter vation Top of Hole + 8" I 0 ... .. e'/!. h DESCRIPTION - - - ~ u Z ..0 in ~ - =~ =- :EQl .. c... ,,- -., ., ., ;:0 _c -(J c.., c.o - is. QII. .,u .,., (J. ... .,u.. E-l 0 QC. -- =rIl 0 I z E -.. oc Q C) Ill., ~ ::;;0 0::1 Logged By AS ., .. ~ ~ I/) Q (J 1/)- N ~ Sampled By AS I 0 SP ALLUVIlJM (Oa]) -'" . .' . @ Surface: Light brown, dry, loose, fine to come SAND --:.' . . --- f- -- -- SP::SM ~----------------------- . . 1 13 @ 2': Dark brown, damp, loose, fine to come SAND; trace of silt and I - :: ~~ . 111.8 8.6 clay -'. . '.' I 5- ::,.. -0. . - .' . . ..... .. " ". 2 34 SM OLDER AI.LUVJUM (0.0]) I. - : : .. Sample3 117.3 13.0 @ 7': Dark brown, damp, medium dense, silty fine to come SAND . . : :' @5-10' - ::. . '. . .. 10 ML PAUBA FORl\1.ATION (00) II - @ ] 0': Dark brown, damp, very dense SILT - ML @ 12': Dark brown, damp, very stiff, SILT; common fine mica CO, 4 25 II - 90.0 31.2 HCN= 0.00% - 15- I - - 5 9 ML @ 17': Olive brown, damp, stiff SILT with calcium carbonate SA I ~ ! 20- ML @20': Olive brown, damp, clayey SILT with calcium carbonate i I - - ML @ 22': Olive brown, damp, hard SILT with calcium carbonate stringers 6 51 - I - 25- I - 7 49 ML - @27':Olivebrown,damp,stiffSILTwithcalcium.carbonate I - - . .:\1 1D 28.5', No GW Encountered, BF/w N.tive 9-27-01 30 IE TYPES: TYPE OF TESTS: CO COllAPSE SU SULFATE HO HYDROMETER ~II IT SPOON G GRAB SAMPLE OS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS G SAMPLE c CORE SAMPLE MD MAXIMUM DENSITY AL ATTERBERG UMITS ~ :;=:: Jut SAMPLE CN CON5qUOATlON EI EXPANSION INDEX ~~ E SAMPLE CR CORROSION RV R.VALUE LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIA TES, INC. 1091' I Ite oject Drilling Co. . tie Diameter 8" vation Top of Hole + 1091' GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG 8-12 9-27-01 I 0 >> ;z,~ .. Ii'"":' DESCRIPTiON - - - Ul U Z ..0 u; ... . "Ul ~ .:: :Coo Ul Co. ;,- ca. ,. -'Iii .! GI ~o _C -(J Co,. Coo is.. i5Il- CDU ..CD (J. .. i GIlL. l!!...J 0 -... QCo -- _Ul 0 Q Z E 1lIG1 ~ oc 'O::i ,. (!) ca II. ::;;0 Logged By AS ~ Ul Q (J Ul- " Sampled By AS 0 SP ALLUVIUM 10.1) I - ". . @ Surface: Light brown, dty, loose, fine III coarse SAND . . '.' .}---- --- -- t-SM r~------------------____ " . '. 1 60 115.7 2.8 @ 2': Brown III olive brown, dty, dense, silty SAND; visible porousity I - : . .' . . . . ": . '. . . " . '. . .. 5 . . 2 75 SM PAUBA FORMATION IOn) I .. . '. . . .. 116.9 13.1 @ 5': Dark brown to olive brown, moist, very dense, silty SAND; - . . ~ .~ , common calcium carbonate stringers . -:: . : . . . . '. . , .. I - . . : ' --- -- -- --- -- 1--- ------------------------ 10- 3 24 ML @ 10': Olive brown, moist. very stiff SILT I - - I :.:/---- -- -- --- -- 1--- r---------------________ - . .' . . . . ": . 15-:: . SM @ 15': Olive III light brown, dty, dense, silty SAND . '. 4 42 I . . ..---- - -- -- ~-- -- -.- ~----------------------- ML @ 16': Olive brown, moist, very stiff SILT with muscovite - I - . I - I 20- 5 62 ML @20':Olivebrown,moist,hardSILTwitb traces of fine sand I - - - I - 25- Total Deptb 2J.S - No GrouiJdwater Encountered I Backfilled witb N.tive 9-27-01 - - t- 4~ TYPE OF TESTS: CO COLLAPSE lr TYPES: SU SULFATE HD HYDROMETER ~II SPOON G GRAB SAMPLE DS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANAl. VSIS G SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE MD MAXIMUM DENSITY AL ATTERSERG UMITS ;:: . =~ ~ULK SAMPLE CN CONSOUDATION EI EXPANSION INDEX ~~.= 'UBE SAMPLE CR CORROSION RV R.VALUe LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIA rES, INC. Harveston Cal Pac Drive Weight Location Sheet 1 Project No. Type of Rig of -L 110231-004- HSA Drop 30" I I ! I 17ect 'rllling Co. lie Diameter vation Top of Hole + 9-27-01 8" GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG 8-13 Sheet -L Project No. Type of Rig of --1-- 110231-004- HSA Drop 30" I .c_ -.. .g.; le~ .0 - . . . . . . " :E", Cloo E..J C) , I I I I I I I 2.0 - I I I I - :.: :.... -.... . "00 .. 5 - :., .:.... - :'.' . "0- .. - ....... 00.... .. - '.:. '. l.o-~' : .0.. e. - . :. :: . '. -.: . . .... o. - : '. .' .. . - :'. :.: 15- . :. .:: .. 0: .. - - - - - - 25- - " - - 3D tLETYPES: UT SPOON G SAMPLE LK SAMPLE ruBE SAMPLE Harveston Cal Pac Drive Weight Location 140lbs See Map 1092' 0 >- fIJ'if. .. iii--=- DESCRIPTION - - - en .. Z ..0 ii .. - "C/l ~ c... =- ... .. .. ~ _c -u - 'E. .." .... (.). ... 0 eClo -- _C/l 0 z E -- OC Ill.. ~ ::eo 'O::i Logged By AS .. .. 11. Clo C/l e u C/l- ~ Sampled By AS SP ALLUVTIJM 10al) @ Surface: Light brown, dry, loose, fine to coarse SAND -- -- --- - - Si>:SM -@ 2~D~ broMi;" damp--;- ~edium d~~ to c-;;-';; SAND - - - - 1 23 118.8 9.1 . 4 ----- 2 49 SP-SM OLDER ALLTTVTIJM 10ao1) 125.7 11.1 @5':Brown,moist, dense SAND with traces of silt CO. HCN= -0.15% -- 3 nl11" - - - -6.7- -SM -@ 100: BroWn, damp-;-~dense,siliYfu1etO.;o.;; sAiii5(disnllted'- 1.01.3 sample) 47 95.7 11.1 SM -----t-Mi @ 15': Brown, damp. dense, silty fine SAND -~---------------------- @ 16': Brown, damp, stiff sandy SILT CO, HCN= -0.31% 5 38 ML PAlffiAFORMATIONIOn\ . @ 2.0': Olive brown, damp, stiff SILT with trace of fine sand 6 22 ML @ 25': Olive brown, damp, stiff SILT with calcium cariJonate Total Depth 265' No Groundwater Encountered BacldiJled with Native 9-27-.01 4i G GRAB SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE TYPE OF TESTS: SU SULFATE OS DIRECT SHEAR MD MAXIMUM DENSITY eN CONSOUCATlON CR CORROSION ~lil=~ ::...~ 48'S , CO COLLAPSE HD HYDROMETER SA SIEVE ANALYSIS AL ATTERBERG UMITS EI EXPANSION INDEX RV RNALUE LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIA TES, INC. I Ie roject eling Co. e Diameter 8" tion Top of Hole + 1084' GEOTECHNiCAL BORING lOG 8-14 9-27-01 I >> .. 0 ..';/. DESCRIPTION - - - ......,. .. U Z ..0 Ui .. . "0 ~ .r:_ :CO> .. C... ::1- .. . -.. .. .. ;::0 _c -t) el... el.o - ii ~ "u VI" t). ... ..... l!!..J 0 Qel. -- _0 0 I z E -.. oc Q Cl Ill.. ~ :;;0 'O::i Logged By AS .. .. ll. ~ III Q t) 0- .. . Sampled By AS I 0 SP ALLUVTIJM IOal) -' . .' . @ Surface: Light brown, dry, loose, fine to coarse SAND . . .' . -- --- -- -SM- -~---------------------- .. . '. I 63/11" 107.3 7.7 @ 2': Light brown, dry, very dense, silty fine SAND I - : : .. . . . . : . -'. . . .. . '. . . . 115 . 2 70/11" 98.5 4.8 ML P A DBA FORMA nON lOp) .. @5': Olive brown, damp, stiff sandy Sn.T - I . - 10 . .1---- --- -- -SM' ~---------~------------- I " . '. 3 31 @ 10': Olive brown, damp, very stiff to hard Sn.T with interbedderi SA - : : .' light brown. damp, medium. dense, fine sand lenses '. . : . '. " . '. . . .. . . . : . - :'. . . . '. . . .' 15 1---- 1--- -- -Mi' -~---------------------- 4 27 @ IS': Olive brown, damp, very stiffSn.T with calcium carbonate DS - 101.1 16.0 . - II - 20- 5 44 70.7 49.6 ML @20':Olivebrown,moist,stiffSn.Twithcalciumcarbonate;tip: I - Light brown, moist, hard clay . . I ~ 25- Total Depth 21.5' .1 - No Groundwater Encountered Backfilled with Native 9-27.01 I ..: I . . ~ 30 I TYPES: TYPE OF TESTS: CO COlLAPSE SU SULFATE He "HYDROMETER ~II=~ IT SPOON G GRAB SAMPLE OS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS G SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE MD MAXlMUM DENSITY AL ATTERBERG LIMITS ULK SAMPLE CN CONSOUDATlON EI EXPANSION INDEX ~:;~ E SAMPLE CR CORROSION RV R-VALUE LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIA TES, INC. HarvestDn Cal Pac Drive Weight Location Sheet-L Project No. Type of Rig of -L 110231-004- HSA Drop 30" 140lbs See Map I ted 9-27-01 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG 8-15 Sheet --.L.- of Projed No. Type of Rig Harveston Cal Pac Drive Weight Location 140lbs See Map 1 110231-004- HSA Drop 30" 'riiiing Co. Ie Diameter vation Top of Hole .. B" lOBO' u :Co Q.o E...I Cl III - o z ci >. fIl'#. .. vi-:- DESCRIPTION - - - .. z ..0 Oi .. . "en ~ .. ;:0 C... ::l- to . _c -(.l Q. QI&. ..u .... (.l. '0 CQ. -- _en E -.. oc Ill.. ~ ::;;0 o::i Logged By AS .. to no Q. en C (.l en- ~ Sampled By AS SP ALLUVITJM (Oal) @ Surface: Light brown. dry, loose, fine to COllISe SAND -- I 34 - - - - - - SM - -@ 2'?i.ighibr;"wii;" ~ to-m-;ist, medi~ dense,-fin-; to"c~-; SAND - 111.1 8.1 .. ..00" . '. -.: .... . . o. 5-.: . . "0". '. '0' 00 o. 00 . . ...00 -. :. :: -.: '.: '. '0' o. 10- . :. :: . ": . 2 82/11" SM 122.6 12.4 OLDER ALLUVITJM (Oaol) @ 7': Dark brown. damp, very dease, silty fme to meduint SAND; some coarse sand co, HCN= -0.09% - :'.. " '. 00 - . . . ": . 3 28 SM @ 12': Medium brown, damp, medium dense, silty fine SA.1'ID; mica SM PAIJBA FORMATION (On) @ 13': Olive brown. damp, medium dease, silty, fine SAND -- .. . . ".. . --- 4 32 - - - - - r- ill - -@ 17': Light b;;;n, ~ moist, stiff, cJB.Yey SILT- - - - - - - - @ 18': Olive brown. moist, stiff SILT with traces of clay and calcium carbonate - - 20- 5 18 ML @20':Olivebrown.moist,stiffSILT I - - - zs- - Total Depth 21.5' No Groundwater Encountered Backfilled with Native 9-27-01 I It w:_~~~~ aad SAMPLE 'ULK SAMPLE ueE SAMPLE ~ -5\ G GRAB SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE TYPE OF TESTS: SU SULFATE OS DIRECT SHEAR MD MAXIMUM DENSITY eN CONSOUDATlON CR CORROSION CO COlLAPSE HD HYDROMETER SA SIEVE ANALYSIS AL ArrERBERG LIMITS EI EXPANSION INDEX RV R-VALUE ::;;11 ;;:: - ;::L-=---==':: ~~ LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIA rES, INC. I 9-27-01 GEOTECHNICAL BORiNG LOG 8-16 Sheet ~ of Project No. Type of Rig Harveston Car Pac Drive Weight Location 140lbs See Map -----L- 110231-004- HSA Drop 30" I;ect )rilllng Co. lie Diameter S" vatlon Top of Hole + 1072' , 0 >- m?ft. .. en""':" DESCRIPTION - - - .. ,c_ u Z ..0 0; ... " "II) ~ :e= .. c.... =- ... -.. .. .. ~o _c -u 0... 0.0 - is. 01'- ..u .... u. .... "II. E...I 0 co. -- _II) 0 z E -.. Oc i c c:J m.. CO :;0 '0:) Logged By AS .. .. II. 0. II) C U 11)- ~ Sampled By AS 0 SP AllIN1TJM (Oa!) I - '. . @ Surface: Light brown, dIy, loose, fine to coarse SAND with organics . . .' . --- --- I-SM- r~--------------________ -- " . " I 11 @ 2': Dark brown, damp to moist, loose, silty fine SAND . . .' 115.6 8.8 I - . , . . : . -:. , . , . '. . . " 5 , . 2 71111" SM OLDER AllIN1TJM (Oaol) CO, . '. 124.8 4.1 I . " @5': Darli: brown, damp, very dense, silty fine to coarse SAND HCN= - . : ' . -1.48% .. . : . -:. . . . . '. - . . .' I . . . . : . - :'. ' . . '. .. 10 . . 3 86/11" SM PAUBA FORMA nON (00) " . '. I - : : " 108.6 8.3 @ 10'; Brown to light red brown, damp, very dense, siity fbe SAND .. . : . -::. . . . '. . . .. - . . I .; . : . -:', . , . '. . .. 15 -- r-- -- -.- ~----------------------- 4 34 ML @ 15': Olive, very moist, stiff SILT with calcium carbonate II .- - - I . - 120- 5 21 ML @20':Olivebrown,moist,stiffSILT I - - - I - 25- Total Depth 21.5' - No Groundwater Encountered II Backfilled with Native 9-27-01 - - It - :5z... TYPE OF TESTS: CO COUAPSE IPLE TYPES: SU SULFATE HD HYDROMETER ~II If SPOON G GRAS SAMPLE OS DIRECT SHEAR SA Sieve ANALYSIS G SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE MD MAXIMUM DENSITY AL ATTERBERG UMITS ~ === LK SAMPLE CN CONSOUDATION EI EXPANSION INDEX ~--S iUBE SAMPLE CR CORROSION RV R.VALUE LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIA TES, INC. I 9-27-01 GEOTECHNiCAL BORiNG lOG B-17 Sheet ~ of Project No. Type of Rig Harveston CalPac Drive Weight Location 140lbs See Map 1 110231-004- HSA Drop 30' Ie ject )rilllng Co. lie Diameter 8" vation Top of Hole + 1069' , ci >. tIl~ 01 oh- DESCRIPTION - - - m " Z 010 ii .. . OIrn ~ r._ :E", m c... :o- m. -.. .. .. ;;:0 _c -'" Co.. Coo - Q. cu- .." m" ",. ... "u. E....l 0 CCo -- _rn 0 z E -.. oc i c. Cl Ill.. ~ :;;0 0::) Logged By AS .. m II. Co rn C '" rn- ~ ~ Sampled By AS 0 SP ALUNTlJM lOan I c'" . . . @ Surface: Light brown, dry, loose, fine to come SAND . . - . . --- f---- -- I--SM ~----------------------- " . '. I 38 @ 2'; Dark brown, slightly damp, dense, silty fine to coarse SAND . . .. 128.6 8.1 I -. . c.: : . .. . '. . . .' S 2 25/11" SM PAUBA FORMATION IOn) CO, I . '. 1163 4.4 - : : .' @ 5'; Brown to olive brovm, moist, dense, silty fine to coarse SAND; HCN- reddish veins -0.50'10 -::. : . . '. . . .. I - . . .. . : . - ::. . '. . .. 10 1---- -- --- -- -.- ~----------------------- 3 54 ML @ 10': Olive brown, moist, stiff, fine sandy SILT CN I - 113.2 11.3 c - I - 15- 4 40 ML @ 15': Olive brown, moist, stiffSll.T with traces affine sand I - - I - 20- I - - - I - 25- Total Depth 16.5' I - No Grouildwater Encountered Backfilled with Native 9-27-01 -. - . I c 53- 30 ~PLE TYPES: TYPE OF TESTS: CO COlLAPSE SU SULFATE HO HYDROMETER .I~ IUT SPOON G GRAB SAMPLE OS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS G SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE MO MAXIMUM OENSITY AL ATTERBERG LIMITS LKSAMPLE . CN CONSOUDATJON EI EXPANSION INDEX ~-= -.s TUBE SAMPl.E CR CORROSION RV R.VALUE I LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIA TES, INC. I 9-27-01 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG 8-18 Sheet -1- of Project No. Type of Rig Harveston Gal Pac Drive Weight Location 140lbs See Map 1 110231-004- HSA Drop 30" teet iIIingCo. t Diameter S" ation Top of Hole + 106S' Ii;o; ~ '" 0 ~f!!. .,;-,. DESCRIPTION - "' u Z - OJ ... . "'Ill {!. :Eo "' ",0 c... =- ... .. .. ~ _c -u c... C.o - C. ..u .... u. ... I.~U. E....I 0 cc. -- _Ill 0 E -... oc Cl Z ID.. 1:- ::;;0 0:) Logged By AS .. . .. ~ c. III C U 1Il- ?: I I.. Sampled By AS 0 SP ALLUVIUM (Oa]) I - . . . . @ Surface: Light brown, dry, loose, fine tD come SAND . . .' . -- --- -- f-SM' ~~---------------------- . . I 24 @ 2': Darl<: brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine tD coarse SAND " . '. - . . .' 105.4 7.0 I . . . ": .. - '. . . .. . '. . . .. 5- . OW 0" I - .: ": . . . " . '. . . .. .. , '. 2 62/11" 123.1 6.1 SM PAIJBA FORMATION (00\ - . . .' @ 7': Darl<: brown, moist, dense, silty fine tD coarse SAND I . . . .. '. . - .: . . . .. . '. . . .' 10- 0" 00 I - "0" . '. . '. - . . .' 000" 78/10" SM @ 12': Brown, moist, dense, silrf fiDe to coarse SAND 0: . 3 - '. . . 106.0 2.6 I . '. . . .. .. 00.." ": .. 15- '. . . . '. . ., I " :. 0" 0" 0: .. - '. . . . '. SM @ 17': Light brown tD olive, moist, dense, fiDe tD coarse SAND with . . . 4 38 - '. 00." calcium carbonate '. I - 20- I - - - I - 25- ToW Depth 18.5' I - No Groundwater Encountered Backfilled with Native 9-27-01 - - I - 9\ 30 TYPE OF TESTS: . CO COLLAPSE .:JLE TYPES: SU SULFATE HD HYDROMETER ~UI=~ ~ SPOON G GRAB SAMPLE OS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS G SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE MO MAXIMUM DENSITY AL ATTERBERG UMITS , LK SAMPLE CN CONSOUDATlON EI EXPANSION INDEX ~~ - use SAMPLE CR CORROSION RV R.VALUE ~ ~ I LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIA rES, INC. I 9-27-01 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG B-19 Sheet ---1- of Project No. Type of Rig Harveston Cal Pac Drive Weight Location 140lbs See Map 1 110231-004- HSA Drop 30" tect illing Co. ~ Diameter ~tion Top of Hole + 8" Its- ci >. ~';1. .. 1Ii--:- DESCRIPTION - - - .. .. z ..0 -;; .. . ..u) .! :ECl .. C:... :1- ... .. .. ~ _c: -0 "," "'0 - Q. .... .... c. ... .... e.... 0 Q'" -- _U) 0 II. Z E -.. oc: rQ .. C) Ill.. ~ ::;;0 o::i Logged By AS .. .. lI. '" U) Q 0 U)~ ~ . Sampled By AS 0 SP ALLlNIUM (Oan I - .' . . . @Surface:Lightbrown, dry, loose. fine to coarse SAND . . .' . -- f--- -.-C- ------------------------ -- I 10 ML @2': Darl<: brown, mois~ soft, sandy Sll..T I - 114.4 8.8 - 5 . . 2 46 SM OLDER ALLTNTllM (Oao]) '. I - . . .' 121.0 11.7 @ 5': Darl: brown, mois~ dense, silty SAND . .- : ": . '. " . '- - . . .' . .' : "." - '. . .. . -- '.' .. 10 3 39 SM PAUBA FORMATION (Ou) .. . '. I - . . .- @ 10': Olive brown, moist, dense, silty SAND with calcium carbonate . .' '. - It~ II c - - It~ Totl! Depth 11.5' I: - No Groundwater Encountered Backfilled with Native 9-27-01 - - I - 25- I - - - I - 5-5' 30 TYPE OF TESTS: 'CO COLLAPSE .:lILE TYPES: SU SULFATE HO HYDROMETER If SPOON G GRAB SAMPLE OS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANAL VSIS G SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE MD MAXIMUM DENSITY AL ATTERBERG UMITS ~~ I LK SAMPLE CN CONSOUDATION EI EXPANSION INDEX - - use SAMPLE CR CORROSION RV R-VALUE ~ ~ 1066' I LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIA TES, INC. I tect 9-28-01 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG 8.20 Sheet ~ of Project No. Type of Rig --L- 110231-004- HSA Drop 30" rillingCo. lDiameter tion Top of Hole t " :ECI .. co C.o - E...l 0 (!) z 0 . . . . . .' . ." 00 : ": . ". . . '" -. o. 00 . 0" 0" : ': . 0, . . ...00 . . . ...00 . .. . 000" -. ". 0, . . .0. _0 . .' .000" : ": . "0 . . ... ". . 00,0 : ": . "0 . . ...0, o. 00 . 00," 0: ': . '0 . . '0' ". . .. . 0' 00 : ": . ", . . ...00 . .. . 00,' 0: ": . 00 . . ...00 . .' . 0' 0" : ": . ", . . ... o. '. 00 .00,0 . . . .0.00 . 0" 00 : 0: . '0 . . '" o. o. 0' 00" 00 : ": . "0 . . ...00 P'LE TYPES: ~ SPOON G SAMPLE SAMPLE use SAMPLE I 8" Harveston eal Pac Drive Weight Location 140lbs See Map 1059' . '. ,., .. ci tJJ~ ,n-: DESCRIPTION - - - .. z ..0 'ij ... - :lI! {!!. co ~ c.. =- co" -= -I.) .. c. ..co 1.). -... QC. -- =lI! 0 E IDco i:' oc Logged By co co ll. :;;0 0;:) AS c. (1,1 Q I.) (1,1- ~ Sampled By AS SP ALLUVIUM rOal\ @ Surfiu:e: Light brown, dry, loose, fine tD coarse SAND 30 ML @ 2': Dark bro~-to oiive, moisi. Stiff SILt; parting SUrfaces - - - 90.2 12.2 2 18 SM @5': DaIk bro-;';:;- mOist;" memuniCiense;- silty finetD co&se SAND - SU 103.6 6.8 3 53 SM OLDER ALLUVlUM rOaD]) 124.3 11.8 @ 10': Darl< brown, moist, dense, silty fine to ccarse SA1'l"D .co HeN= -0.08% 4 27 8M @ 15': Dark brown, moist. medium dense, silty fine to coarse S;\ND 116.2 15.0 with trace of silt CO, SA. HCN- -0.09% \ 5 29 SM @ 20': Dark brown, moist, mediwn dense. silty fine tD C<larse SAND 120.0 12.5 with gravels 6 29 SM PAUBA FORMATION rOo) @ 25': Olive brown, moist, dense, silty SAND ;S?;. G GRAS SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE TYPE OF TESTS: SU SULFATE OS DIRECT SHEAR MD MAXIMUM DENSITY eN CONSOUDATION CR CORROSION .CO COLlAPSE HD HYDROMETER SA SIEVE ANALYSIS AL ATTERSERG LIMITS EI EXPANSION INDEX RV R.vALUE LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIA TES, INC, I 9-28-01 GEOTECHNiCAL BORING LOG 8-20 Sheet ~ of Project No. Type of Rig ~ 110231-004- HSA Drop 30" Ie iect IrillingCo. lie Diameter vation Top of Hole + ss 60 fTYPES: SPOON G SAMPLE ULK SAMPLE JBE SAMPLE Harveston Cal Pac Drive Weight Location 140lbs See Map 8" 1059' 0 >. 1lJ'rft. III 1Ii-:- DESCRIPTION - - - III U Z 11I0 'iii .. . IIIC/l ~ :ECI III C... ,,- ca. ., .. ~ _c -(,) Cloo - is. .,u III" (,). ... l!!...I 0 CClo -- _C/l 0 z E -.. oc t!) Ill., ~ :;;0 'O::i Logged By AS .. co ll. $ C/l C (,) C/l- Sampled By AS 7 51 ML @30': Olive, damp, stiffSll..T with iron staining 8 48 ML @35': Olive, damp, stiffSll..T with calcium caroonate 88.6 35.0 9 53 ML @40':Olive,damp, stiffSll..T with iron staining, parting s",-faces ]0 57 ML @ 45': Olive, damp, stiff Sll.. T with iron staining, parting surfac:s 11 8518" ML @50': Olive, damp, hard Sll..T with iron staining, parting surfaces Total Depth 51.2' No Groundwater Encountered Backfilled with Native 9-28-01 ,.. ~1 G GRAB SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE TYPE OF TESTS: SU SULFATE OS DIRECT SHEAR MD MAXIMUM DENSITY CN CONSOUDATION CR CORROSION . CO COLLAPSE HD HYDROMETER SA SIEVE ANAL. YSIS AL ATTERBERG UMlTS EJ EXPANSION INDEX RV R-VALUE LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIA TES, INC. I 9-28-01 GEOTECHNICAL BORiNG LOG 8-21 Sheet ----'L- Project No. Type of Rig Harveston eal Pac Drive Weight Location 140 Ibs See Map of --L- 110231-004- HSA Drop 30" . Irect IrllUngeo. Ie Diameter 8" vation Top of Hole + 1061' , ci >> (Dtf!. '" iii"'"':'" DESCRIPTION - - - '" u Z Oi ... . "'Ul ~ J:_ :Co '" "'0 i-n. ::l- ea. -.. .. .. ~o _c -(J Co.. Coo - a. 011- "'.. (J. ... ..... l!!...J 0 ec. -- _Ul 0 z E -... oc i e Cl Ill.. i:' ::EO 0;:) Logged By AS .. ea II. Co Ul. e (J Ul- ~ " , Sampled By AS 0 SP ALLUVTllM 10al\ I - ... . .' . @ SUIface: Light brown, dIy, loose, fine to coame SAND with vegetation - ... .' . 1 14 @ 2': Dark brown, moist, medium dense MD . . ... : Sample 3 106.7 8.0 I - . . . . . . .@D-S' - . . . . ... . 5 2 19 ML OLDER ALLUVIUM 100al\ I - 116.6 13.4 @5': Dark brown, moist to wet, stiff; sandy SILT - I - - 10 4 63 ML PAUBA FORMATION lOu\ I - 117.0 12.1 @ 10': Olive-brown. moist, very St4~ sandy SILT; p2rtL.,g surfaces - - I - 15- S 28 ML @ 15': Olive brown. moist, stiff, sandy Sll.T, with calcium carbonate, I '- parting smfaces - I - 20- I - - I - 25- Total Depth 165' J - No Growulwater Encountered BackfiDec1 with Native 9-28-01 - - I . - ~ 30 TYPE OF TESTS: CO COLl.APSE IIPLE TYP!:S: SU SULFATE HD HYDROMETER ~III ILIT SPOON G GRAS SAMPLE OS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS NG SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE MD MAXIMUM DENSITY AL ATTERBERG LIMITS ;::: - LKSAMPLE CN CONSOUOATION EI EXPANSION INDEX ~~ ---=-.: TUBE SAMPLE CR CORROSION RV R.VALUE ~ --.= I LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIA rES, INC, I 9-28-01 GEOTECHNICAL BORING lOG B-22 Sheet ----1- of Project No. Type of Rig Harveston CaIPac Drive Weight Location 1 110231-004- HSA Drop 30" tect rlJling Co. lie Diameter vatlon Top of Hole + 8" I - >. .. 0 fIJ'#. DESCRIPTION - - - 10-:- 10 <.l Z Ui ... - IOUl ~ .r=_ ::C'" 10 100 c_ =- .. . -" a> a> ;:0 _c -(.) Co" Coo - 'i5. QU- a><.l lOa> (.)0 - "II. E.J 0 QCo -- _Ul 0 I z E -... oc Q Cl III a> ~ :;0 'O::i Logged By AS a> .. ll. Co Ul Q (.) Ul- ~ .. . Sampled By AS I 0 SP ALLINlUM (Oal) - .... . @ Surface: Brown, dry, loose, fine to coarse SAND with vegetation - ~ '.:-: 1---- -- 1--- -- l-slVi- -~---------------------- .. . o. 1 14 @ 2': Dad<: brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine to coarse SAND I .. 106.9 9.1 . 0- 0- - .: "0" . .. . '. S- . . .. . . . . I .. . .. . - '. . . . '. .. " . '. 2 30 SM OLDER ALLUVIUM (Ooal) CO, I - . . 0 .. 114.7 7.0 @ 7': Dark brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine to coarse SAND HCN- . -0.21% .. 0 - .. . '. .. . '. 10- . . .. o . I - : . '. . '. . . .' - . 0000 @ 12': Brown. very moist, medimn dense, silty fine to coa..-se SA1""lD : . 3 44 SM I - o. . . 119.3 13.4 . .. . . .. - . . . . .. . : . IS- '. . . . '. I . . .' '- . . : . '. . 4 42 ML PAUBAFORMATION (00) I - @ 17': Olive, moist. stiff SILT with traces ofcaIcium carbonate and - 20- I - I - 2S- Total Depth 18.5' I - No Groundwater Encountered Backfilled with Native 9-28-01 I - - ~ 30 TYPE OF TESTS: CO COLLAPSE ICE TYPES: SU SULFATE HO HYDROMETER sIll LIT SPOON G GRAB SAMPLE OS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS NG SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE MO MAXIMUM DENSITY Al ATTERBERG UM!TS ;::: -- BULK SAMPLE CN CONSOUDATION El EXPANSION INCex ~d~ ruSE SAMpl I: CR COAAOSION RV R.VALUe LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIA TES, INC, 1064' I GEOTECHNiCAL BORING LOG 8-23 Sheet ----1- of Project No. Type of Rig ':ect IrillingCb. ale Diameter 8" IIvatlon Top of Hole + 1167' 9-28-01 Harveston Gal Pac Drive Weight Location 2 110231-004- HSA Drop 30" ~ 10 ci ~ q,';!. or.- DESCRIPTION - - 10 " Z 100 jjj .. - "Ul ~ J:._ :Eel .. ~ c.... =- .. . a" $ .. _c -(J .... Coo C. .." .... (J. , .... E...I .0 CD. -- _Ul 0 I c" E -.. oc C!l Z Ill.. ~ :;:0 o:i Logged By AS .. .. ll. D. Ul C (J Ul- '" Sampled By AS l- S I 0 SP PAUBA FORMATION (00) - @ Surface: Light brown, dIy, loose, fine to coarse SAND with vegetation , - '. I - --- -- -- --- -- I-- ~~---------------------- ,. . '. @3': Light brown, moist, medium dense, silty fine to coarse SAND; - , " visible porosity . ,. , " , 5-::. . , , ' '. . , ,. - , " , . '. - ::. : . : Sample 1 I :: :' .:: @S.IO' ~: . '. '. . 10-:: ." OW 2 52 SM JVID, CR I ": . '. . . 109.8 5.9 ., '. .. -.'. ." " '. . - :'.' . I '. .' , .. '. '. 15- '.' '. @ 15': Olive brown, moist, very dense, silty SAND; parting surfaces .' .. 3 85/9" 114.8 75 SM I '-.; '. : . '. -" . '. '.' .' -:. .' , I ., '. , -" . '. . . .' , .' , 20 ---- --- -- 1-.- -~---------------------- 4 78n" ML @20'; Olive, moist, stifISIT.T with iron staining and cleavage I - 117.4 11.3 - I - - 25 -- --- -- .SM. -~---------------------- '. 5 85/11" @ 25': Light brown, moist, very dense, silty SAND I - , .. .' . . ., -.: . '. " . . .. I .' . ., GP -:'. . . . '. 30 .' .' ~ TYPCS: TYPE OF TESTS: CO COLLAPSE SU SULFATE HD HYDROMETER ~III== SPOON G GRAB SAMPLE OS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS G SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE MD MAXIMUM DENSITY AL ATTERBERG UMfTS IULK SAMPLE eN CONSOUDATION E. EXPANSION INDEX -~- " ~- UB~ SAMPLE LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIA rES, INC, CR CORROSION RV R.VALUE ~:=, I 9-28-01 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG 8-23 Sheet -L of Project No. Type of Rig Harveston Cal Pac Drive Weight Location 140lbs See Map 2 110231-004- HSA Drop 30" te ~ect Drilling Co. tie Diameter a" vation Top of Hole + 1167' ~ .. ci III?/!. ui""":' DESCRIPTION - - .. Z 010 Ui ... . OIl/) ~ c... =- ... .. ~ _c -u ii .." .... u. ... Cc. -- _I/) 0 E -... oc Ill.. ~ 'O::i Logged By AS .. .. D.. :;;0 c. I/) c u 1/)- ?: Sampled By AS 6 37 ML @ 30': Olive, mois~ stiff SaT; iron stains, parting surfaces 7 39 ML @ 35': Olive, moist, stiff SILT with calcium carbonate 8 71 SM @4~0li~~~~ist,d~0~~~~g~~~-- 45 50 Total Depth 41.5' No Groundwater Encountered Backfilled with Native 9-28-01 55 60 ILETYPES: UT SPOON G SAMPLE BULK SAMPLE TUse SAMPLE (9\ G GRAB SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE TYPE OF TESTS: SU SULFATE OS DIRECT SHEAR MD MAXIMUM DENSITY eN CONSOUDATION CR CORROSION co COLlAPSE HD HYDROMETER SA SIEVE ANALYSIS AL ATTERBERG UMITS El EXPANSION INDEX RV R.VALUE :::;;;11 ~ . ~ ~~~ LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIA TES, INC. I 10-1-01 GEOTECHNICAllBORING LOG 8-24 Sheet 1 Project No. Type of Rig Harveston Cal Pac Drive Weight Location 140lbs See Map of ~ 110231-004- HSA Drop 30" late roject Drilling Co. 10le Diameter evation Top of Hole '!' 8" 1075' , .. ,c_ :EtI) .. -.. .. .. c... C.o - II. "II. l!..J 0 I e Cl z 75 0 I : '. .. I . ..... : ., , '. . '. . .. 70 5 . '. I , " , ..... . '. '. , . '. . " I . .' . . . '. . '. " .. 65 10 .. '. I " .. '. . , '. '. . .' I ..... '. '. .. '. , .. ,0 15 I ci ~ fI)'rft .. eft"":,, DESCRIPTION - .. z - 'ii ... - "lI) ~ ..0 .. ~o c... =- ca. _c -t) is. ou.. .... .... t). ... ec. -- _lI) 0 E -... oc Ill.. C:' :!,!o '0:::) Logged By AS .. ca Do ~ lI) e t) lI)- Sampled By AS SP ALLUVI1JM lOa)) @ Surface: Light brown, dIy, loose, fine to coarse SAND I 16 SM @ 2~D8rlc brown, moist; mediUm dense:-silty,flne- to com;8ANi) - with trace clay 2 15 SM OLDER ALLUVTIJM 100a)) 116.5 7.3 @ 5': Dark brown, mois~ medium dense, silty fine to coarse SAND with fine gravel 3 34 SM PAUBA FORMATION IOn) . 108.0 18.9 @ 10': Olive brown, moist to wet, medi'lhu dense, silty fine SP.l'ID 'Nith iron staining -4- 26 ML @ Is:ITghtolive:moiS;:-stiir-:-ciaY.;ySIi.TwifuironstainJng~d- 74.4 46.9 calcium carbonate blebs 20 5 30 ML @20': Olive. moist, stiff SILT to clayey Sll.T; parting surfaces I 125 I 6 35 ML @ 25': Olive, mois~ stiff, clayey SILT with calcium carbonate with parting surfaces 130 ILE TYPES: UT SPOON NG SAMPLE BULK SAMPLE TUBE SAMPLE ~z,.. G GRAB SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE TYPE OF TESTS: SU SULFATE OS DIRECT SHEAR MD MAXlMUM DENSITY CN CONSOUDATION CR CORROSION co COlLAPSE HD HYDROMETER SA SIEVE ANALYSIS AL ATTERBERG UMITS EI EXPANSION INDEX RV R.VALUE LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIA rES, INC. I 10-1-01 GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG 8-24 Sheet ~ of Project No. ,Type of Rig Harveston eal Pac Drive Weight Location 140lbs See Map ~ 110231-004- HSA Drop 30" Ita Itject )riJlingCo. lie Diameter 8" vation Top of Hole'!' 1075' :>. .. 0 (D';/!. cO"",:" DESCRIPTION - - - .. .. z ..0 g; ... . "CI) ~ ,c_ :Em .. ~ c:... ,.- ... -., ., ., _c: -u Q.., Q.o - Q. .,,, ..., u. ... "1&. E...l 0 QQ. -- _rn 0 z E -... oc: Q (!) Ill., ~ ::;;0 o::i Logged By AS ., .. a. ! rn Q U rn- Sampled By AS 7 20 @ 30': Olive, moist, loose. silty CLAY to CLAY with calcium carbonate, parting surfaces and iron staining 40 Total Depth 31.5' Groundwater Encountered @ 20' Backfilled with Native 10-0]-0] , 50 55 60 'PLE TYPES: ~SPOON G SAMPLE LK SAMPLE 'UBE SAMPLE {p?;J G GRAB SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE TYPE OF TESTS: SU SULFATE OS DIRECT SHEAR MD MAXIMUM DENSITY eN CONSOUOATION CR CORROSION co COLLAPSE HD HYDROMETER SA SIEVEANAI.YSIS AL ATTERBERG UMITS EI EXPANSION INDEX RV R.VALUE :::;:I~I ;::11 ==::: ~--S LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIA TES, INC. I 8" GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG 8.25 Sheet ----1- of Project No, Type of Rig 1 110231-004- HSA Drop 30" lite 10-1-01 ~ject Jrilling Co. lie Diameter _ vation Top of Hole + 30 ILE TYPES: LIT SPOON NG SAMPLE BULK SAMPLE TUBE SAMPLE Harveston eal Pac Drive Weight Location 140lbs See Map 1084' ci >. .. t1J';/!. cO"":,, DESCRIPTION - - - .. .. z Ui ... . "I/) {!. .c_ :Eo .. ..0 ;'tt :/- ... 0.: .. .. ;:0 _c -to) C.o - Q. QlI. .... u. ... ..... e-, 0 -... cc. -- _0 0 c z C m.. oc 0:;; .. Cl .. ll. C;> ::'0 Logged By AS c. 0 C to) 0- ~ Sampled By AS 0 SP ALLUVIUM lOaD . . . . @ Surface: Li!lhl brown. dxy, loose, fine to coarse SAND with roots and vegetal10n . . .. . . -- SM @ 2~Darl'broWn, m---;isl;" dense; silty-fine tOc~e SAND - - - - .. , '. 46 . .. 131-1 7.7 .' , . : " . '. . '. . .. 5 . .' . . . " '. . . " . '. , .. . 2 75 SM PAUBA FORMATION IOn) " '. . .' 115-5 10.7 @ 7': Olive brown, moist. very dense, silty SAND . ..... . '. , '. . " '. . .. 10 . .' . . . . '. '. . . " . '. .' . SM @ 12': Olive brown. moist, medium dense, silty SAND with calcium .. '. 3 23 '. . . carbonate '. . '. . .. . .' . . . '. . 15 '. " '. .. . .' . '. , '. 4 40 ML ~~OO~~~~~~~SaT~~~~~o~,~n- .75.1 46.1 staining and parting surfaces 20 5 38 91.9 22.0 ML @ 22:: Olive, moist, very still; sandy SILT with calcium carbonate, nnca 25 Total Depth 23.5' No Groundwater Encountered Backfilled with Native 10-01-01 ~ G GRAB SAMPLE C CORE SAMPLE TYPE OF TESTS: SU SULFATE OS DIRECT SHEAR MD MAXIMUM DENSITY eN CONSOUDATION CR CORROSION ::::::11 ;S ;;'::: ~'-.s i CO COLLAPSE HD HYDROMETER SA SIEVE ANALYSIS At ATTERBERG UMrrS EI EXPANSION INDEX RV R-VALUE LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIA rES, INC. I Ie 10-1-01 roject "lIIng Co. Ie Diameter vation Top of Hole + GEOTECHNICAL BORING LOG 8-26 Sheet ---1- of Project No. Type of Rig Harveston Gal Pac Drive Weight Location 140lbs See Map -1- 110231-004- HSA Drop 30" 8" I ~ "' 0 ,,'#. cD""':' DESCRIPTION - - "' U z 'i .. . ",I/) {!. .::- :Eel .. ..0 l:... ::1- ca. -10 10 10 ~ _l: -(.l ColO Coo - ii IOU ",10 (.l. ... I IOu. E..J 0 -.. QCo -- _I/) 0 z E Ol: Q Cl III 10 C;> :;0 'O::i Logged By AS 10 .. II.. Co I/) Q (.l 1/)- ~ " ~ Sampled By AS I 0 SP ALLlMUM (Oall - . . .' . @ Surface: Li&>t brown, dIy, loose, fine to coarse SAND with roots and vegemnon . - :.; '.': --- --- -- rSM- ~----------------------- . " 1 38 @ 2': Dark broWll, moist, dense, silty fine to coarse SAND I - , .' 126.2 10.3 ." 0" . ": . - '. . . , '. . I 5 : 2 65 SM PAUBA FORMA nON (001 ' '. - . .. 117.9 7.1 @ 5': Light brown. moist, very dense, silty fine to coarse SAND 0000 .. ": . - '. I . .. - .'. . . ": . - '. . '. . , .' 10- .. ' . 3 43 SM @ 10': Light olive brown, moist, dense, silty very :fine SA1'4D; it-cn I ": . - '. staining and parting surfaces . '. .. - ..... . ": . I - '. . . . '. .. -:. . . ": . 15 '. . -- --- -- f-.- ~----------------------- I I -r 49 ML @ IS': Olive, moist, stiff SILT - - I - - 20- I - - I - - 25- Total Depth 16.5' I - No Groundwater Encountered Backfilled with Native 10-01-01 ~ I - G.5 30 TYPE OF TESTS: CO COLLAPSE IE TYPES: SU SULFATE HD HYDROMETER ~II LIT SPOON G GRAB SAMPLE DS DIRECT SHEAR SA SIEVE ANALYSIS G SAMPLE C CORE SAMPlE MD MAXIMUM DENSITY AL ATTERBERG UMITS ;;:::: - IULK SAMPLe CN CONSOUDATION EI EXPANSION INDEX ~-~ BE SAMPLE CR CORROSION RV R-VALUE LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIA TES, INC. 1081' I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 679204-01 EXCAV,i'.TION LOGS (Cont.) BQri~g No.5 (Cont.) pepth - Feet Description 31.0 S~~d, fine to medium, some coarse, clean, moist, light brown, dense 39.0 41.0 Silt, "7ith fine sand, moist, dark brown, firm 42.0 Sand, fine~ trace of silt, moist, rnGdi~u bro't-m 1 firm. 44.0 S~Jd, fine to m~di~m, so~ co~sef cle~~, moist, light brow~, dense H.O+ S . -. '" C.na I r..~ne, b,:-on"!l, firm J:U.-edi U.i"U ~~ace of silt, mo~st, E,orin-C! No. 6 0.0 Sand, fine, with silt, light gray, ~'y, ~oose, non-plastic 1.0 2.5 S~~d, fine to ~edi~~ trace of silt, light bro.m, moist, l:\cderately lc.ose, non-plastic i.O Sa11d, fine" tr.:-ace of Eilt, aark brot':'n, moist, ~~er~tely firm, slightly plastic 14.0 Sand, !:J..n~, trace of silt, li.C;lit bro.~"'Zl- gray, moict, firm, non-pla~tic 17.0 Siit, cemsn.ted fine sand, light gray and brO\ffi, damp, firm to very hard, mediu!n plasticity ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 679204-01 EXCAVATION LOG~_ (Cont.) ?~ring No.6 (Cont.) D~th - Feet Descriotion "'--- 17.0 Silt, with clay, light gray ~~d greenish gray, damp, firm, high plasticity 21.0 28.0 Clay, ....ith silt, light gray and greenish gray, damp, loose (h~d), high plasti- city 34,0 Sand, fine to medium, t:ace of silt, greenish gray, d~up, firm, slight plas- ticity 45.0 The material is the s~.ms as the layer except clean;: sa.na. at 44..0 ....~s -~~y "'at b..t no "-0'" """"'0"" ~l.oD \:'.....0:- f'f , U. A........._. "_l,....\,..._ J sibly very close to ~ater. c..bo'Ve feet pos- Boring No. 7 0.0 Sand I fine to coarse I 'With silt and a trace of clay, red-brc;;ll i.n color, dry, firm, slight plasticity 7.0 10.0 Sand, fL~e to coarse, t=ace of 6ilt, 1~9ht bro'bul' Inoist, firm, ncn-plastic 14.0 Sand, fil'l; to 11l2dium, light brovm in color, moist, firm, non-plastic 18.0 S~,d, fine to coarse, light brc~n, moist, firm, non-plastic 32.0 Sand, fine to coarse, trace of clay, light brOHlJ, moist, fim, nOIl-pJ."stic , I . , ! I <;',,\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CONE PENETRoI:-1ETER SOUNDING CPT-I PROJECT : CONVERSE R.C. DEVE-WH PROJECT No: 88-230-5602 TEST DATE : 06-10-1988 Assumed Depth to Water (Feet): 50 , TEST DATA ! , , LCCATION : RANCHO CALIFORNIA , INSTRUMENT : F15CKE087 I ELECTRoNICS; T1 OPERATOR : GB/DH I Soil Total Unit Weight (p::f): 120 I I HOIlHALIZED FRfCTIOH EQUIV EQUIV EQUIV EQUIV SuI: Su2: DRPTII rollE RATIO SOIL BEHAVIOE TYPE IlELA TlVE FIlICTIOH HI lIl' (C-TIllIe FslA __!~Z!_ (tgf) (l) DElISITY AlIG[Jl. {ksfj (ksf) ---...-...---- -------- ---~-------------------- -..---..--... --------- ---..--- --00___--.. --------- 1.0 321.1 0,98 SAND 1'0 SILTY SAND 10-80 lH5 >100 l100 2.0 100,5 1.19 SAND 1'0 SILTY SAlIO 50-60 35040 10-60 10-60 3,0 113,0 0,51 SAND 1'0 SILTY SAND 50-60 lH2 10-60 10-60 J.O 111.6 0,99 SAllO 1'0 SILTY SAND 50-60 10-12 25040 25040 5.0 10.6 1.21 SILTY SAND-SANDY SILT 30-10 , 31-35 10-15 15-20 6,0 11.9 2,16 SANDY SILT-CLAYEY SILT 10-50 21-31 HO J5-20 1.0 U,l U8 ISANDY CLAY-SILTY CLAY 25-10 10-60 1.99 1.99 8,0 12.1 6,90 ISANDY CLAY-SILTY CLAY >100 >100 3.61 3.61 9,0 66,9 6,43 ISANDY CLAY-SILTY CLAY 80-100 80-100 3,18 3,18 10,0 16,8 2.22 SANDY SILT-CLAYEY SILT 30-10 21-31 HO 10-15 11.0 60.1 . US ISANDY CLAY-SILTY CLAY . 60-80 60-80 3.38 3,38 12.0 56,1 5031 ISANDY CLAY-SILTY CLAY 60-80 60-80 3,26 3,26 13.0 51.9 1.01 ICLAYEY S!IlD-SANDY CLAY 10-60 40-60 H,O 55.3 4.88 ISiJIDY CLAY-SILTY CLAY 40-60 60-80 3.31 3.31 15,0 11.1 5,21 ISANDY CLAY-SILTY CLAY 10-60 10-60 2.91 2,91 16,0 16,8 1,85 SANDY SILT-CLAYEY SILT lO-40 27-31 1-5 10-15 11,0 10,5 5.32 ISANDY CLAY-SILTY CLAY 10-60 10-60 2,66 2.66 18,0 88.3 3.86 ICLA m SAND-SANDY CLAY 80-100 80-100 19,0 4l,3 5,99 ISANDY CLAY-SILTY CLAY. 40-60 60-80 2.99 2.99 20,0 66.0 3.98 lcum SAND-SANDY CLAY 10-60 60-80 21.0 21.1 5,26 CLAYEY SILT-SILTY CLAY 20-25 25040 3,44 2.85 22.0 20,2 5.91 SILTY CLAY TO CLAY 20-25 25-10 2.89 2,12 ~ I - IIIDICATES Ol'EllCOlISOLIDATBD DE COOlIl'ED l!ATRIlIAL ~ mL_ ..... ,. _ . o DEPTH I N METERS ~ m ~ m ~ 0 .~ "' - N '" .. N - , In - , o DEPTH 1 N fEET o "' 0 I , .. - , In o In o "' o no "' - - N . i . i P .. .. 14 I I I V' Jl \ ~ r , I , I I^ ^" l I - C - .... cr a: %N c- - .... w - a: .... I I z _no -::> C...J eno w o c c ~ I .. 0 I In . 0 '" 0 '" 0 N . 0 - 0 A - I~ f ~ 0 ^ I ,/ j II\) \.- V iV ~ , , , N IV r\ ^ (~ ^ \rV V- I .. \r\ " lQ II I ~ z_ crn I ....'" enu -, en'" "''''' a:- .... I "'"' Zl- o W I I IS ....- enn I;;;B "" a:t:l "" z- 0.... -en Ir .... I o ~ III 0 III 0 III C III 0 - - N N '" OJ .. DEPTH IN fEET , , , , , , , , , , , en __~. III CO) r- eD '" 0 - N OJ - - - DEPTH IN METERS , III In .. o III ., o I I - uN , .. I- 111 UJ I- a: UJ I- UJ ~ tJ...... a:~ .....0... UJU Z .. UJW l1..a:l Q a: UJ(L Z tJ U ~ ~ '" ~ ~ <: -<::'" .... - .... ~~ ..::- .;::'" ..... 'JI t-- Nen WOO o(DlIJ 1Jl::.:: IU . OlJl uflJ~ . N U. Cl:, [lJ .. 1IJ a: Ul en UJ[lJ Cl: .. a:J[lJ 1IJ a:::em > LU:=l1"""1 Z a:J z: I o ~.....o u zz"'" .. wI ..... ..... ::e to UU:::lO LUl1.1a::.. .......UJ CCU'l..... a::a:z:a:: 0-0...-0 ~q I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Assumed Depth to Water (Feet)= 50 , TEST DATA ! , , ~ATION : RANCHO CALIFORNIA . , INSTRUMENT : F15CKE087 ! ELECTRONICS: Tl 1 OPERATOR : GBIDH I Soil Total Unit Weight (pef) = 120 I , CONE PENETROMETER SOUNDING CPI'-2 PROJEcr : CONVERSE R. C. DEVE-WH PROJEcr No: 88-230-5602 TEST DATE : 06-10-1988 NORllALIZBD FRICTION IlQUlV RQUlV RQUIV IlQUIV SuI: Su2: DEPTH CONB RATIO SOIL BBHAVIOR TYPB RRLATlI'R FRICTION NI NI' (C-TI/Ne FsIA (ft) (tsfl IX) DRNSITY AIIGLE (ksfl IksC) -------- ---------- -----.... --------------------- -------- ---....--.... ---....- ..----..- ..-..-..--- I,D 283,5 1.44 SAlID 1'0 SILTY 8AND 80-90 lZ-15 HOD >l00 Z,O 255.6 1.56 SAlIO 1'0 SILTY SAND 80-90 10-42 >l00 HOD 3.0 319,5 3.88 ICLAYEY SAlID-SAlIDY CLAY HOD >lOD 4.0 231.1 3,10 ISILTY SAI/HLAYEY SAlID >l00 >l00 5,0 215,1 3,93 ICLAYEY SAJID-SAlIDY CLAY >lOD HOD 6,0 194.6 4.83 ISAlIDY CLAY-SILTY CLAY >l00 >l00 8.96 . 8,96 1,0 188,1 U9 ISAlIDY CLAY-SILTY CLAY >lDO HOD 9,08 9,08 8,0 183,1 6.23 ISAlIDY CLAY-SILTY CLAY >l00 HOD 9,26 9,26 9,0 11!.3 1,90 ISANDl CLAY-SILTY CLAY HOD >l00 5.98 5,98 10,0 131,6 US ICLAYEY SAIID-SAIIOY CLAY HOD HOD 11,0 Sl,l .8.11 ISAlIDY CLAY-SILTY CLAY HOD liDO Ul 5.H 12.0 56.Z 5,14 ISAIIOY CLAY-SILTY CLAY 60-80 60-80 3,23 3,23 13.0 65,1 6,89 ISANDY CLAY-SILTY CLAY SD-IOO SHOO 3,SO 3.S0 l!,D 50,1 6,12 ISANDY CLAY-SILTY CLAY 60-80 60-S0 3,01 3.01 IU 3&,9 6,99 ISAlIDY CLAY-SILTY CLAY 10-60 10-60 2,42 2,42 16.0 163.5 2,lS ISILTY SAlID-CLAYEY SAlID >l00 >l00 11,0 m.6 2,13 ISILTY SAlID-GLAYEY SAIIO SO-100 10-42 >l00 >l00 18.0 12,2 5,12 ISAlIDY CLAY-SILTY CLAY 80-100 SHOO 4.91 4.91 19,0 80,8 1.39 ISAlIDY CLAY-SILTY CLAY SHOO SO-I 00 5,61 Ul 20,0 181.2 UO ISILTY SAND-CLAYEY SAND >l00 HOD 21.0 146,0 3,06 ISILTY SAND-GLAYEY SAlIO >l00 1I00 22.0 111.1 2.14 ISILTY SAlID-CLAYEY SAlID >lOD >l00 23,0 56,6 5,ll ISANDY CLAY-SILTY CLAY 60-80 60-S0 UO UO 21,0 !J,I 6.21 ISAlIDY CUY-SILTY CLAY 10-60 6D-SO 3.31 3,31 25.0 67,1 5,62 ISANDY CLAY-SILTY CLAY 8HOO 80-100 5.36 5.36 26,0 Z6,O 5,65 ISAlIDY CLAY-SILTY CLAY 25-10 25-10 1.05 2,05 21.0 18.0 4.69 ISAIIOY CLAY-SILTY CLAY 10-60 10-60 3,91 3,91 28,0 16,3 8,16 ISAIIOY CLAY-SIL1Y CLAY 60-80 60-80 3,81 3,87 1.D I - INDICATES OVERCOIlSOLlDAl'ED OR CEHEIiTED I!ATE8I!.L o - '" '" DEPTH IN HETERS . ~ m ~ m ~ 0 "" r "i" DEPTH. I N FEET ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ '" '" .. - " - I I I It) I I " " '" ... ... - 1\ M ~ ! A \Jj ! fJ , d\ I~ \ IV il\ u .. r-'""' v - o It) o ~ '" en IlJ ~ ll: IlJ ~ IlJ .x: t:JN ll:~ ~n.. IlJU Z .. IlJW ll..CD El a:: c 1lJe... c Z ~ t:J U !ll ~ Cl <: -<: . ... ~ <: -<:Cl ...- JJ~ ..::- ~Cl 4 IJI o It) o c ~ '" I~ - ZN c- ~ '" I~ I z Ig~ I enc U o .. 0 m 0 0; 0 '" / 0 N ~ - 0 " 'vJ \ tvv\ 0 ::: 0 ^ . I... .. VI ~ , -\ '" IA ,I IV .. (\ V\ f\ l---r: Vl '" h \A^ o II> o - '" :r: ~ J ~ UJNcn >00 UJtDUJ ClUJ::.: IU . OUJ U/lJ_ . N lL 0::, .. UJCDa:: UlCDll.JCD a:::: .. CI::l CD UJa::~Ol > IJ.J:::I..... ZCD2:J 051-0 U zz"" .. L1.J' I-I-~tD uu;:)o LUWa:,. ',I-ll.J o C(f) I- a:: a:: 2: a:: a..a...-o '1\ I I I~- a:N '"'" I~~ lilt!> "",: 0:- .... "'Ill IB'" I I '" -~ ~:r IIlU C~ ~en I'" I It) - o It) 0 N '" '" DEPTH IN FEET It) '" o ... III .. o It) , o , - , '" , '" , ... , It) I I '" ... , '" , .. , o - , - - , '" - , '" - , ... , It) DEPTH IN HETERS % ..JX: -::> I 0-1 eno u c I I I ~- "'" ~::: enu 1_, en'" ILl>:: a:- "- lLIen Z~ IB I I ILl U I~- en" ->:: enu ILl' Ia:~ %- 0"- -en ~~ I~ I c DEPTH I N METERS co r-- CD C"I II> ~ '" '" ~ II> c r N r " " , ., " , ~ - , c DEPTH I N fEET ell>" " "n l- V) /JJ I- II> c II> .. " II> " " N ... ... I~ In' I h! , ~. ~ II It 1 J ~ fl I "V I , ^ n I \, .. . .- V I V l, , v - o - ~ or a: ZN 0- - ~ u - a: "- a: /JJ I- /JJ :t: eM a:~ I-Q.. /JJU Z .. /JJW ll..a:J D a: /JJO-- Z tJ U !? '"' :; " '" \~ .. c '" " .::.l " , 'N . ~ I - " ~ ~ " .. \ ~ '" '-V ;- - ~ V M ,/\ /\ r N \. V\J If v . .. I ~ '" ( 1!ll ~ .. JS ... ~ '" ..".. -- ~~ ..~ ~.. '-.i IJJ ::c ~ I t-- WNID woo o(DW lll~ Ju 'Olll um.... 'Nll.. D:: I .. WIDer: UJ ID WID 0:: .. cc OJ W a:::I:0l > l1.J;:).... z IDZ J O~f-O U zz.... .. L1.J J f-f-L(D uu;:)o LUWO::" ',f-lLJ OOtl'lf- a::a:za: o-a...-o. 1'? " '" , " o - II> " II> C In " In " In " - ~ N N '" ., .. ~ In DEPTH IN fEET 0 0 0 . 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 N '" ... In '" .... '" '" c - N '" .. In - - - - DEPTH IN METERS I II I I I I I "" I u Z er ....- enn -x enu I "'" "'l!l '" z- 0"- -'" ........ I u - '" "- I o r4 N cr; DEPTH IN METERS .. on .. t- O> '" 0 .~ '" .. .. III " ~ " ~ ~ , , , , , , DEPTH IN fEET III 0 III 0 on 0 III 0 o III 0 ~ ~ N .. ... 1 ~ JL ~ ! I I ~~ ~I A IW~ 'I .!~ I ~ , r . ,\ II v I , '\.r., , v V r . '\"" "' o - .... er a: - Zl< c- - .... u - a: "- Z -IX -::> 0-1 "'0 U o ~ c .. .. 0 . .. / 0 I en .1\,/ 0 '" ! 0 N I / I I 0 I ~ . 0 " .J ~ ~ Ii u } 0 (\.-,..,{ IV '/v- JVY . W v ,~ vI" V . {(\ Af1J, '" VJ\lc .A - v Vv~ Ivj\ I ~'V .. \ ~ "' U . . "" u z_ ern ....x enu -, I:::t:: ""'" a:;- "- ""'" z.... o u o In 0 In 0 III 0 III 0 "' 0 - " '" '" en .. ... .. In DEPTH tHFEET , , , , , , , , , , , , , , '" .. .. III '" t- O> '" 0 " '" .. .. III - " - - - - DEPTH IN METERS '" C l o _ I- III W I- 0:: W I- W x: t:l"'<t o::~ I-Q.. WU Z .. wW LCD o a: WCL Z t:l U ~ '" .... '" .", -::i ~ '" -<::'" -- ~~ "::- ,::;:'" ... JjJ :r 3: 1 t'- IlJNlD >00 1lJ(OIlJ o to::.:: IU '0 to Um... 'Nl1.. a:: , ... IlJlDc:: Ul lD WlD .a:: U c:JeD IlJ c:: :>: OJ > lLJ::J...., z CDZ J 051-0 U Z z""" .. LLJ J 1-1-:>:(0 uU;:JO lL.J LlJ 0: .. "I-W L CCtfll- 1~ " c::c::za: a..~......c I Log of Test Pit No. TP-14 late Excavated: 4119/90 Equipment Backhoe Iround Surface Elevation: 1079 feet Logged by: DCP Checked by: GFR Driving Weight and Drop: Depth to Water. none encountered I SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SAMPLES ~ This log is part of the report prepared by Converse for this project and X I- ~ I- 3 ..., should be read together with the report. This summary applies only. at the a ... a OJ I- ~ 0 location of the test pit and at the time of excavation. Subsurface conditions .. '" H I H may differ at other locations and may change a.t this location with the " ::J Z . :r :r OJ "' I- :J~ '" I- "- passage of time. The data presented is a simplification of actual conditions :> '" 3 "' ... OJ "- <reI H ..J a H )- 0 I OJ ",a enc.ountered. '" :J ..J a "'''- I- a Cl..J a OJ OJ E a~ 0 I ALLUVTIJM (Qal) - SILTY SAND (SM): fine grained sand, moist, loose, brown I TOPSOIL - CLAYEY SAND (SC): fine grained sand, abundant organics, slightly moist, loose, dark brown BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) SANDSTONE: .fine grained. moderately weathered, massive, slightly moist, soft to moderately hard, brown I End of test pit at 4.5 feet No caving No groundwater encountered Test pit backfileld 4/19/90 I I SCALE: ,'= 5' (H=V) SKETCH ~ SS20E I I . . Qal " , I . . ." ". . ( ~. - --- . /.: / !"" Topsoil"J 7: > ~:.:... -:-::'<~:~:;':.::'~' ::.~.,,~ ,," . -- ..., ~.. .' . t.", '," I Project No. Drawing No. 1~ 89-81-173-01 A-23 I log of Test Pit No. TP-15 late Excavated: 4/19/90 Equipment~ Backhoe lround Surface Elevation: 1079 feet Logged by: DCP Checked by: GFR Driving WeigM and Drop: Depth to Water: Done encountered r~ SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SAMPLES ~ This log is part of the report prepared by Converse for this project a.nd " l- I- ~ 3 .... should be read together with the report. This summary applies only at the 0 ... 0 OJ l- I ~ 0 location of the test pit and at the time of excavation. Subsurface conditions .. '" H H "- ::> z . J: may differ at other locations and may change at this location with the OJ fJ) I- ::>~ '" "- passage of time. The data presented is a simplification of actual conditions :> :< 3 fJ) ... OJ <I:(!l H .J 0 H, >-0 J: OJ "'0 encountered. '" ::> .J 0 "'rt I- 0 (!l.J 0 OJ OJ E o~ 0 I ALLUVIUM (Qal) - SILTY SAND (SM): fine grained -- sand, moist, loose, brown .r '-::-' OLD ALLUVIUM (Qoal) - SILTY SAND (SM): fine grained sand, minor open voids, rootlets to 3 feet, \ moist, very dense, brown; near refusal with backhoe / ~ End of test pit at 4 feet I No caving No groundwater encountered Test pit backfilled 4/19/90 I I J SCALE: "=5' (H=Vl SKETCH , SB5'w f - . t . , ' " 'Q'ai,,, ....:. V .... . \ . . -- -:.-. -" :.-:- - I .' . . .. ~ .... _.. I '. . . . ~~aI... ::) r I I ~ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Proje'ct No. Drawing No. 11 89-81-173-01 A-24 I Log of Test Pit No. TP-16 Ite Excavated: 4/19/90 :quipment Backhoe lound Surface Elevation: 1073 reet Logged by:.. DCP Checked by: GFR Driving Weight and Drop: Depth to Water: none encountered I~ SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SAMPLES ~ This log is part of the report prepared by Converse for this project and ~ l- I- ~ 3 should be read together with the report. This summary applies only at the 0 ... 0 W I- ~ 0 location of the test pit and at the time of excavation. Subsurface conditions U- n: H H "- :J Z . I~ J: may differ at other locations and may change at this location with the W "' I- :J~ n: [l passage of time. The data presented is a simplifieation of actual conditions :J :.: 3 "' ... W <I <0 H ...J 0 H >-0 J: n:o encountered. n: :J ...J 0 n:[l I- 0 "'...J 0 m m ;: o~ 0 " ALLUVIUM (Qal) - SILTY SAND (SM): fine grained I " sand, moist, loose, brown ' , ~ ,. " TOPSOIL - SILTY SAND (SM): fine grained sand, ~. r abundant organics, moist to very moist, loose, dark brown I I BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) SANDSTONE: fine to medium grained sand, clayey, moderately weathered, massive, very moist to 4 feet, I moist to 4.5 feet, soft to moderately hard, brown I End of test pit at 4.5 feet No caving No groundwater encountered Test pit backfilled 4/19/90 I SCALE: 1'= 6' (H=V) SKETCH 1 N79"W I I , ,Qal,' . - --- ..' ~ -- e',' . . ,-:- " Topsod'.,. ' .' .'. ~ ~~..."~" '\:=::~:"~'.::/ Qp ".. '".' .. , '" . . . .....:..: ':, .:.::. ~.~.~~:. t.> I I Project No. Drawing No. Converse Consultants Inland Empire 89-81-173-01 A-25 18! I Log of Test Pit No. TP-17 IDate Excavated: 4119/90 Equipment Backltoe IGround Surface Elevation: 1103 feet Logged by: DCP Checked by: GFR Driving Weight and Drop: Depth to Water. none encountered I SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SAMPLES ^ This log is part of the report prepared by Converse for this project and >< f- ^ f- ~ 3 .... should be read. together with the report. This summary applies only at the 0 .. 0 III f- I ~ o. location of the test pit and at the time of excavation. Subsurface conditions u. 0: H H "- :0 Z . J: J: may differ at other locations and may change at this location with the III tJ1 f- :o^ 0: f- a. passage of time. The data presented is a simplification of actual conditions :> :< 3 tJ1 4- I1J a. <1:01 H ..J 0 H ~ 0 J: III 0:0 encountered. n: :0 ..J 0 0: a. f- 0 Cl..J " rD rD >: ,,~ 0 I f 'I: TOPSOIL - SIL IT SAND (SM): fine grained sand, ~ ;-;:.: : abundant organics, very moist, loose, dark brown ~ I ~. BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) \ SANDSTONE: fine grained, silty, moderately / weathered, massive, moist, mOderately hard, brown I End of test pit at 3.5 feet I No caving No groundwater encountered Test pit backfilled 4/19/90 I . I SCALE: ,'= 5' (H=Y) SKETCH . S45'w \ I I , , 'To'psojf. . . - ~,.,.., f:-""~.7-:;-::; ~:\>',f" I .,-,~.~ I '\>~.~~~;j ~:~.~~~~~ ~ "Q" .. :'.~ : ~: :,,~;:''',:~;; .:.<;'.~. I t .. I I I t:;c; ~ Converse Consultants Inland Empire Project No. Drawing No. 1'\ 89-81-173-01 A-26 I Log of Test Pit No. TP-18 rat~ Excavated: EqUIpment 4/19/90 Logged by: DCP Checked by: GFR Backhoe Driving Weight and Drop: tround Surface Elevation: 1071 feet Depth to Water: none encountered I SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SAMPLES ~ This log is part of the report prepared by Converse for this project and :< f- ~ f- ~ :3 "" should be read together with the report. This summary applies only at the 0 ... 0 III f- ~ 0 location of the test pit and at the time of excavation. Subsurface conditions u. '" H I H " ~ Z . 1: 1: may differ at other locations and may change at this location with the III (I) f- ~~ '" f- c. passage of time. The data. presented is a simplification of actual conditions :> " :3 (I) ... III C. <1:" H -' 0 H >-0 1: III "'0 encountered. '" ~ -' 0 "'Q. f- 0 ,,-' 0 '" '" :E o~ 0 I l" :!: ALLUVIUM (Qal) - SILTY SAND (SM): fine grained . ...... : r j. \ sand, moist, loose, brown I BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION (Qp) SANDSTONE: medium grained, silty, moderately \ weathered, massive, dry to slightly moist, moderately hard, brown; scour and fill channel features I I . . End of lest pit at 4 feet I No caving No groundwater encountered Test pit backfilled 4/19/90 I II I~ SCALE: ,"= 5' (H=Y) SKETCH . 'S4o"E II t . ...Qal " .fj ~..~ +-.....:.. >.~..~ -.,~ f:-:.,. "., .:,,:1:..1....,. >:);.~~.;>{i ~' I '<~rD;) :./7:::':': I I It--. Project No. lJrawmg .No. I,.' l::: Converse Consultants Inland Empire I I 8o! 89-81-173-01 A-27 I Log of Test Pit No. TP-20 iDat~ Excavated: ~qUlpment: 4/20/90 Logged by: DCP Checked by: . GFR Backhoe Driving Weight and Drop: tround Surface Elevation: 1080 feet Depth to Water. none encountered SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS SAMPLES This log is part of the report prepared by Converse for this project and >< f- ~ f- 3 ., should be read together with the report. This summary applies only at the 0 4- 0 UJ f- a location of the test pit and at the time of excavation. Subsurface conditions .. I:< H H "- ~ Z ~ J: J: may differ at other locations and may ehange at this location with the UJ III f- ~~ I:< f- a. passage of time. The data presented is a simplification of actual conditions ~ '" 3 Ul 4- UJ .. <ICJ H ..J 0 H >-U J: UJ 1:<0 encountered. I:< :;) ..J 0 I:< a. f- 0 CJ..J 0 In In I: O~ 0 ALLUVIUM (Qal) - SILTY SAND (SM): fine grained sand, abundant organics, moist, loose, brown .. 5 OLD ALLUVIUM (Qoal) - SILTY SAND (SM): fine grained sand, rootlets and organics to 4 feet, minor pinhole voids, dry, very dense, brown End of test pit at 6 feet No caving No groundwater encountered Test pit backfilled 4/19/90 SCALE: 1'= 5' (H=V) SKETCH . ssiJ"w :... Qoal .,' I Qal --- I I Converse Consultants Inland Empire Project No. Dro.wing No. , I s\, I 89-81-173-01 A-29 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 25 I ~ l;l."l. ,.,"""..,.~=-.."."'""" _"'_"~_'~"'~"''''' ~ '-"',=".. ~'''~~.....,.".~'''~... ~"~~.,..,=- "-''- .""-"""""''''''''.....'~.....;.''''''''''''''~_~ -""""""1'_""'",,-.,...,...,.~ ."",,..,_~_...._~ "..~,:;; CAT SUMMARY BORING NO.1 E DRILLED 6-7-"~~~~\ ~...~ 0 THIS SUMMA"Y ......PLIES ONI.'!' AT THE LOCATIOM or THIS BORING AND AT THE -*-:!"t.. <0 <~J.. TIMfOf"ORILl..ING. SUBSUA"....CECONDITIONSMAYDIl""FER...TDTHERl..OCATIOHS . ~ O-J:l-t, ~ 0 .. ~f"li;I 0" AHD MAY CHANGE....T THIS 1.0CATIOH WITH THE PASSAGE OF' TIME, THE DATA of;~ J.. 0 ~~ ,,".1':1-.. H PRESENTED IS A SIMPLlf'lCA-TION or ACTUAL COHOITIONS ENCOUNTERED. ~1-~ 'i~"'1S' '-1-"" 01."'7> T ~. ~'" ~'f.I "').c,. ~;. . 111't- ~.J.. ELEVATION 1 060f:' ~C'"L "-s.",,1lo~ J- SM de<' loose light !, - 1 brown SILTY SAND - 7 fine to medium sond, slightly 1 silty 5.4 3.0 107 - - - . 7 slightly brown ;- Imoist I SC medium dark CLAYEY SAND very dense brown I fi ne sandi large amount of 10 . moist clay 2" I 12 11.9 122 . t-- ,- - I 12 - I . 17 - - I 15 - 14 3 brown 7.8 13.6 115 - r-- - CL moist very brown/ CLAY - stiff olive I silty @ -. 19 - - SC very very olive- CLAYEY SAND - moist dense brown fine to medium sandi small amount of clay OEPT IN ,.. o 5 10 15 20 30 CD Indicates range and number of bulk sample LIQUEFACTION EVALUATION Winchester HiJrs, Rancho CafifomiCJf Californio for: Rancho California Development Compony Project No. 88-81-117-01 3~ Drawing No. Converse Consultants Inland Empire A-1 -""~-"""~I!Il.:"~ -. - I "".~"'~-='=~~=~'."~,"" .n_.~,,,=._ ~g~~i~~:~ ~~~n:;~:::.;~ h._.__ - - ,-~.--.,.~",..~.". CATECRILLEC, 6-7-88 .' . .~~~~~ o '!'...~ 0 THIS SUMM....Ry "''''PLIES ONLY AT THE LOCATION or THIS BORING AND AT THE ~1l...L.. <0 <"So TlMEOf'"ORtlLIHG. SUllSURF...CECOHOITlOHS""....YDIF"1'ERATOTHERLOCATlOHS ~ ~ 0.,:. '1,. $,.1....... .. '"" AND MA'" CHANGE AT THIS LOCATtON WITH THE PA.SSAGE Of' TIME. THE DATA +,.~ J- 0 ._"'~ 1-J'1-.. H <ltV~ 0"" PRESENTEe IS A SIMPLlf'IC....TION or ACTUAl. CONDITIONS ENCOUNTEREO. ~1-~ ~...>S\ C',,~ ~1.~ + ~<(/j. ~~ ~.).'" .-:..;.. . t()"" .t()4. ~C>J- C'-S-;.."Jl~ ~ J- . I CEPT IN FEET, 30 I - SC very very olive- CLAYEY SAND (cont.) moist dense brown seepaae at contact I BEDROCK - PAUBA FORMATION SANDSTONE . Fine to medium grained I 17.6 14.3 114 I End of boring at 41.5' Seepage at 32.5' I No caving, boring backfilled 33 I I 35 -..i- - I I . . 40- - - 75 I - - - - - - - I - - I - - I ~ Converse Consultants Inland Empire ~'M~ '__..__" _ ..~!<c,,' L1QUEF ACTION EV ALUA TI ON Winchester Hi"~, Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company Project No. 88-81-117-01 A-2 I I ~~ Drawing No. .~=. .......,....,.- - ~~~~-=-""--'.- - -,., 1:I=:'~,"'_'.n. I II I I I I I I I I I I 20- 3 I - I 25- I I I I I@ _r....",..>.;_...-:o-.. - '_"_~'c"'"""";"'::_ ~.. ... ~~_~ . _ , ,. ..,"".,,~, ... "" -~ """'""-J-!'.~="",~"""""_.",,, ~..,.,_""~.".'''''''''. '" .t>!i",.''''' .____.~ , .....J """\:.;~9""___.... ru ~.." ',U, ""--~~4 SUMMARY BORING NO 2 OAT ''i~''~~~ THIS SUMMARY APPl..fES ONLY AT THE lOCATION OF' THfS BORING AND AT THE *;""'L,.. <0 (1)"L. E CRICLEC. 6-7 -8~M'" ."",,,. SUBSu'''Cte...,n...'MH. "", AT .'",".cm.., 0.. ~:.. ~ .. 0 " Ib ....NO MAY CHANGE AT THfS LOCATION WITH THE P....SSAGE OF TIME. THE DATA +...~"L. 0 ~f' t..r~.. OEPTH ...,(;; 0" PRESEHTED IS A SIMPllrICA.TION OF' ACTUAL CONDITIONS ENCOUHTERED. ~1-\" 'i~ C;-1->S' o~ IN ~t? ~~ '"';..,~~ ~C';'c. ......;. FEET Ib'r" 1b4. ELEVATION' 10621 ~ "L. "S-;.1)\" ;.. "L. o I SCt: L dry dense Iiqht. b~wn CLAYEY SAND fine sand, quite clayey moist dork brown I I~rading to~ndy clay -- 9 5 1 - 7.8 13.3 122 sti ff . -f-- -~ I 15 10- 11.3 12.2 119 - 15- BEDROCK- - PAUBA FORMATION SANDSTONE with some claystone 15 - 23 . 35 16.9 19.3 101 - End of boring at 21' No groundwater encountered No caving, boring backfilled - .' I . . 30 LIQUEFACTION EVALUATION Winchester Hills, Rancho California, California for: Rancho California Development Company Project No. 88-81-117-01 Converse Consultants Inland Empire Drawing No. A-3 ~ - ~ --~ .-:.g-= "'~'.aor,__ ~ ...""'"'~~~~~.~- - I Log of Boring No. BH-7 IDrilled: 4/24/90 ipment , Bucket AUl!er Id Surface Elevation: 1069 feet Logged by: DCP Checked by: 140 Ib 1 30 in GFR Driving Weight and Drop: Depth to Water: none encountered I J I J l SUMMARY OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS This log is part of the report prepared by Converse for this project and should be read together with the report. This summary applies only at the location of the boring and at the time of drilling. Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations and may change at this location with the passage of time. The data presented is a simplification of actual conditions encountered. SAMPLES ~ X v f- 3 f- I-< Z ::J~ \- >- u "'''- Ov f- o o u. "- (J) 3 o -' " () I-< J: "- <tel 0:0 el-' UJ 0: ::J f- (J) I-< o " . 0: UJ J: f- o UJ :> " I-< -' 0: ::J o " I ALLUVIUM (Qal) - SILTY SAND (SM): fine grained sand, brown I --------------------------------------- CLAYEY SAND (SC): fine grained sand, abundant organics, dark brown 24 No Re overy I 22 OLD ALLUVIUM (Qoal) - CLAYEY SAND (SC): fine grained sand, micaceous, dark brown I I 34 II 120 c I 26 14 10] c 29 17 ]03 31 29 93 I End of boring at 30 feet No groundwater encountered Boring backfilled 4/24/90 *c ~ Consolidation Test Project No. Drawing No. Converse Consultant Inland Empire, €C' ----------------; 89-81-173-01 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 APPENDIX D Laboratory Testina Procedures and Test Results Atterberg Limits: The Atterberg limits were determined in general accordance with AS1M Test Method D4318 for engineering classification of the fine-grained materials and presented in the table below: Sample Location liquid Limit (%) Plastic Plastic USCS limit (%) Index (%) Soil Classification B-102 @ 25' 24 18 6 SC-SM B-103 @ 27' - - NP SM B-105 @ 20' 32 16 16 CL B-106 @ 15' 26 19 7 SC NP = Non Plastic Consolidation Tests: Consolidation tests were performed on selected, relatively undisturbed ring samples in general accordance with AS1M test method D2435. Samples were placed in a consolidometer and loads were applied in geometric progression. The percent consolidation for each load cycle was recorded as the ratio of the amount of vertical compression to the original 1- inch height. The consolidation pressure curves are presented in the test data (attached). Expansion Index Tests: The expansion potential of the selected material was evaluated by the Expansion Index Test, AS1M D4829. The specimen was molded under a given compactive energy to approximately the optimum moisture content and approximately 50 percent saturation or approximately 90 percent relative compaction. The prepared I-inch thick by 4-inch diameter . specimen was loaded to an equivalent 144 psf surcharge and inundated with tap water until volumetric equilibrium is reached. The results of this test is presented in the table below: Compacted Expansion Expansion Sample Location Sample Description Dry Density (pct) Index Potential B-102 @ 25' Dark olive silty, clayey 112.3 30 Low sand, SC-SM B-103 @ 27' Dark brown silty sand, SM 110.6 0 Very Low B-105 @ 20' Olive brownlean clay, CL 107.3 59 Medium B-I06 @ 15' Dark olive clayey sand, 115.2 5 Very Low SC D-1 gp I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 110231-017 January 17, 2003 LaboratolY Testina (continued) Direct Shear Tests: Direct shear tests were performed on selected undisturbed and remolded samples which were soaked for a minimum of 24 hours under a surcharge equal to the applied normal force during testing. Samples were then transferred to the shear box, reloaded, and pore pressures set up in the sample (due to transfer) were allowed to dissipate for' a period of approximately one-hour. Following pore pressure dissipation, samples were subjected to shearing forces. The samples were tested under various normal loads by a motor-driven, strain-controlled, direct-shear testing apparatus at a strain rate of less than 0.001 to 0.5 inches per minute (depending upon the soil tvoe). The test results are Dresented in the test data. Friction Apparent Sample Location Sample Description Angle (degrees) Cohesion (pst) Peak Relaxed Peak Relaxed B-101 @ 15' Brown lean Silt with Sand (ML)s 28 25 450 350 B-101 @ 30' Brown Silty Sand, SM 42 34 930 870 B-102 @ 40' Brown Sandy lean Clay, (CL)s 33 28 2150 1950 B-104 @ 40' Brown Sandy lean Silt (ML)s 27 24 620 570 B-106 @ 20' Brown Silty Sand with Gravel 45 42 500 450 (SM)g B-104 @ 36' Brown Sandy lean Silt, ML 30 26 420 330 HS-101 @ 15-20' Olive Silty-Clayey Sand, SC-SM 37 33 400 330 HS-101 @ 15' Brown Silty Sand, SM 38 36 610 500 Maximum Densitv Tests: The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of typical materials were determined in accordance with ASTM Test Method D1557. The results of these tests are Dreseritedin the table below: Maximum Optimum Sample Location Sample Description Dry Density Moisture Content (pct) (%) B-101 @ 15' Brown lean silt with sand, (ML)s 125 12.0 B-104 @ 36' Brown sandy lean silt, (ML)s 128.5 10.5 HS-lOl @ 15-20' Olive silty, clayey sand, SC-SM 136.5 7.5 Moisture and Densitv Determination Tests: Moisture content and dry density determinations were performed on relatively undisturbed samples obtained from the test borings and/or trenches. The results of these tests are presented in the Doring logs. Where applicable, only moisture content was determined from "undisturbed" or disturbed samples. e,1 D-2 /, j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3030.1094 LEIGHTON AND ASSOCIATES, lNC GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROUGH GRADING 1.0 General 1.1 Intent: These General Earthwork and Grading Specifications are for the grading and earthwork shown on the approved grading plan(s) and/or indicated in the geotechnical report(s). These Specifications are a part of the recommendations contained in the geotechnical report(s). In case of conflict, the specific recommendations in the geotechnical report shall supersede these more general Specifications. Observations of the earthwork by the proj ect Geotechnical Consultant during the course of grading may result in new or revised recommendations that could supersede these specifications or the recommendations in the geotechnical report( s). 1.2 The Geotechnical Consultant of Record: Prior to commencement of work, the owner shall employ the Geotechnical Consultant of Record (Geotechnical Consultant). The Geotechnical Consultants shall be responsible for reviewing the approved geotechnical report(s) and accepting the adequacy of the preliminary geotechnical findings, conclusions, and recommendations prior to the commencement of the grading. Prior to commencement of grading, the Geotechnical Consultant shall review the "work plan" prepared by the Earthwork Contractor (Contractor) and schedule sufficient personnel to perform the appropriate level of observation, mapping, and compaction testing. During the grading and earthwork operations, the Geotechnical Consultant shall observe, map, . and document the subsurface exposures to verifY the geotechnical design assumptions. If the observed conditions are found to be significantly different than the interpreted assumptions during the design phase, the Geotechnical Consultant shall inform the owner, recommend appropriate changes in design to accommodate the observed conditions, and notifY the review agency where required. Subsurface areas to be geotechnically observed, mapped, elevations recorded, and/or tested include natural ground after it has been cleared for receiving fill but before fill is placed, bottoms of all "remedial removal" areas, all key bottoms, and benches made on sloping ground to receive fill. The Geotechnical Consultant shall observe the moisture-conditioning and processing of the subgrade and fill materials and perform relative compaction testing of fill to determine the attained level of compaction. The Geotechnical Consultant shall provide the test results to the owner and the Contractor on a routine and frequent basis. 1.3 The Earthwork Contractor: The Earthwork Contractor (Contractor) shall be qualified, experienced, and Imowledgeable in earthwork logistics, preparation and processing of ground to receive fill, moisture-conditioning and processing of fill, and compacting fill. The Contractor shall review and accept the plans, geotechnical report(s), and these Specifications prior to commencement of grading. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for performing the grading in accordance with the plans and specifications. The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the owner and the Geotechnical Consultant a work plan that indicates the sequence of earthwork grading, the number of "spreads" of ~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Leighton and Associates, Inc. GENERAL EARTIfWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 2 of6 work and the estimated quantities of daily earthwork contemplated for the site prior to commencement of grading. The Contractor shall inform the. owner and the Geotechnical Consultant of changes in work schedules and updates to the work plan at least 24 hours in . advance of such changes so that appropriate observations and tests can be planned and accomplished. The Contractor shall not assume that the Geotechnical Consultant is aware of all grading operations. The Contractor shall have the sole responsibility to provide adequate equipment and methods to accomplish the earthwork in accordance with the applicable grading codes and agency ordinances, these Specifications, and the recommendations in the approved geotechnical report(s) and grading plan(s). If, in the opinion of the Geotechnical Consultant, Wlsatisfactory conditions, such as unsuitable soil, improper moisture condition, inadequate compaction, insufficient buttress key size, adverse weather, etc., are resulting in a quality of work less than required in these specifications, the Geotechnical Consultant . shall reject the work and may recommend to the owner that construction be .stopped until the conditions are rectified. 2.0 Preoaration of Areas to be Filled 2.1 Clearing and Grubbing: Vegetation, such as brush, grass, roots, and other deleterious material shaH be sufficiently removed and properly disposed of in a method acceptable to the owner, governing agencies, and the Geotechnical Consultant. The Geotechnical Consultant shaH evaluate the extent of these removals depending on specific site conditions. Earth fiH material shaH not contain more than I percent of organic materials (by vohune). No fill lift shaH contain more than 5 percent of organic matter. Nesting of the organic materials shaH not be aHowed. If potentially hazardous materials are encoWltered, the Contractor shaH stop work in the affected area, and a hazardous material specialist shall be informed immediately for proper evaluation and handling of these materials prior to continuing to work in that area. As presently defmed by the State of California, most refmed petroleum products (gasoline, diesel fuel, motor oil, grease, coolant, etc.) have chemical constituents that are considered to be hazardous waste. As such, the indiscriminate dumping or spillage of these fluids onto the groWld may constitute a misdemeanor, pWlishable by fmes and/or imprisonment, and shaH not be aHowed. 3030.1094 ~<1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Leighton and Associates, Inc. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 3 of6 2.2 Processing: Existing ground that has been declared satisfactory for support of fill by the Geotechnical Consultant shall be scarified to a minimum depth of 6 inches. Existing ground that is not satisfactory shall be overexcavated as specified in the following section. . . Scarification shall continue until soils are broken down and free of large clay lumps or clods and the working surface is reasonably unifonn, flat, and free of uneven features that would inhibit uniform compaction. 2.3 Overexcavation: In addition to removals and overexcavations reconnnended in the approved geotechnical report(s) and the grading plan, soft, loose, dry, saturated, spongy, organic-rich, highly fractured or otherwise Wlsuitable ground shall be overexcavated to competent ground as evaluated by the Geotechnical Consultant during grading. 2.4 Benching: Where fills are to be placed on ground with slopes steeper than 5: I (horizontal to vertical units), the ground shall be stepped or benched. Please see the Standard Details for a graphic illustration. The lowest bench or key shall be a minimum of 15 feet wide and at least 2 feet deep, into competent material as evaluated by the Geoteclmical Consultant. Other benches shall be excavated a minimum height of 4 feet into competent material or as otherwise reconnnended by the Geotechnical Consultant. Fill placed on ground sloping flatter than 5: I shall also be benched or otherwise overexcavated to provide a flat subgrade for the fill. 2.5 Evaluation! Acceptance of Fill Areas: AIl areas to receive fill, including removal and processed areas, key bottoms, and benches, shall be observed, mapped, elevations recorded, and/or tested prior to being accepted by the Geoteclmical Consultant as suitable to receive fill. The Contractor shall obtain a written acceptance from the Geotechnical Consultant prior to fill placement. A licensed surveyor shall provide the survey control for . detennining elevations of processed areas, keys, and benches. 3.0 Fill Material 3. I General: Material to be used as fill shall be essentially free of organic matter and other deleterious substances evaluated and accepted by the Geotechnical Consultant prior to placement. Soils of poor quality, such as those with unacceptable gradation, high expansion potential, or low strength shall be placed in areas acceptable to the Geotechnical Consultant or mixed with other soils to achieve satisfactory fill material. 3.2 Oversize: Oversize material defined as rock, or other irreducible material with a maximum dimension greater than 8 inches, shall not be buried or placed in fill unless location, materials, and placement methods are specifically accepted by the Geoteclmical Consultant. Placement operations shall be such that nesting of oversized material does not occur and such that oversize material is completely surrounded by compacted or densified fill. Oversize material shall not be placed within W vertical feet of finish grade or within 2 feet of future utilities or undergrOlmd construction. 3.3 IillJ:1Qr!: If importing offill material is required for grading, proposed import material shall 3030.1094 C\o I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Leighton and Associates, Inc. GENERAL EARTIlWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 4 of6 meet the requirements of Section 3.1. The potential import source shall be given to the Geotechnical Consultant at least 48 hours (2 working days) before importing begins so that . its suitability can be detennined and appropriate tests performed: 4.0 Fill Placement and Cornoaction 4.1 Fill Lavers: Approved fill material shall be placed in areas prepared to receive fill (per Section 3.0) in near-horizontal layers not exceeding 8 inches in loose thickness. The Geotechnical Consultant may accept thicker layers if testing indicates the grading procedures can adequately compact the thicker layers. Each layer shall be spread evenly and mixed thoroughly to attain relative unifonnity of material and moisture throughout. 4.2 Fill Moisture Conditioninll: Fill soils shall be watered, dried back, blended, and/or mixed, as necessary to attain a relatively uniform moisture content at or. slightly over optimum. Maximum density. and optimum soil moisture content tests shall be performed in accordance with the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM Test Method DI557-91). 4.3 Compaction of Fill: After each layer has been moisture-conditioned, mixed, and evenly spread, it shall be unifonnly compacted to not less than 90 percent of maximum dry density (ASTM Test Method DI557-91). Compaction equipment shall be adequately sized and be either specifically designed for soil compaction or of proven reliabiIit'j to efficiently achieve the specified level of compaction with unifonnity. 4.4 Cornoaction of Fill Slopes: In addition to normal compaction procedures specified above, . compaction of slopes shall be accomplished by backrolling of slopes with sheepsfoot rollers at increments of 3 to 4 feet in fill elevation, or by other methods producing satisfactory results acceptable to the Geotechnical Consultant. Upon completion of grading, relative compaction of the fill, out to the slope face, shall be at least 90 percent of maximum density per ASTM Test Method D1557 -91. 4.5 Compaction Testing: Field tests for moisture content and relative compaction of the fill soils shall be performed by the Geoteclmical Consultant. Location and frequency of tests shall be at the Consultant's discretion based on field conditions encountered. Compaction test locations will not necessarily be selected on a random basis. Test locations shall be selected to verity adequacy of compaction levels in areas that are judged to be prone to inadequate compaction (such as close to slope faces and at the fill1bedrock benches). 4.6 FreQuencv of Compaction Testinll: Tests shall be taken at intervals not exceeding 2 feet in vertical rise and/or 1,000 cubic yards of compacted fill soils embanlanent. In addition, as a guideline, at least one test shall be taken on slope faces for each 5,000 square feet of slope face and/or each 10 feet of iertical height of slope. The Contractor shall assure that fill construction is such that the testing schedule can be accomplished by the Geoteclmical Consultant. The Contractor shall stop or slow down the earthwork construction if these minimum standards are not met. 3030.1094 Y.\ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Leighton and Associates, Inc. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 5 of6 4.7 Compaction Test Locations: The Geoteclmical Consultant shall document the approximate elevation and horizontal coordinates of each test location. The Contractor shall coordinate with the project surveyor to. assure that sufficient grade. stakes are established so that the Geoteclmical Consultant can determine the test locations with sufficient accuracy. At a minimum, two grade stakes within- a horizontal distance' of 100 feet and vertically less than 5 feet apart from potential test locations shall be provided. 5.0 Subdrain Installation Subdrain systems sha11 be installed in accordance with the approved geoteclmical report( s), the grading plan, and the Standard Details. The Geoteclmical Consultant may reconnnend additional subdrains and/or changes in subdrain extent, location, grade, or material depending on conditions encountered during grading. All subdrains shall be surveyed by a land surveyor/civil engineer for line and grade after installation and prior to burial.. Sufficient time should be allowed by the Contractor for these surveys. 6.0 Excavation Excavations, as well as over-excavation for remedial purposes, shall be evaluated by the Geotechnical Consultant during grading. Remedial removal depths shown on geotechnical plans are estimates only. The actual extent of removal shall be detennined by the Geotechnical Consultant based on the field evaluation of exposed conditions during grading. Where fill-over-cut slopes are to be graded, the cut portion of the slope shall be made, evaluated, and accepted by the Geoteclmical Consultant prior to placement of materials for construction of the fill portion of the slope, unless otherwise reconnnended by the Geotechnical Consultant. 7.0 Trench Backfills 7.1 The Contractor shall follow all OHSA and Cal/OSHA requirements for safety of trench excavations. 7.2 All bedding and backfill of utility trenches shall be done in accordance with the applicable provisions of Standard Specifications of Public Works Construction. Bedding material shall have a Sand Equivalent greater than 30 (SE>30). The bedding shall be placed to I foot over the top of the conduit and densified by jetting. Backfill shall be placed and densified to a minimum of 90 percent of maximum from I foot above the top of the conduit to the surface. 7.3 The jetting of the bedding around the conduits shall be observed by the Geotechnical Consultant. 7.4 The Geotechnical Consultant shall test the trench backfill for relative compaction. At least one test should be made for every 300 feet of trench and 2 feet of fill. 3030.1094 '\'Z- I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Leighton and Associates. Inc. GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS Page 6 of6 7.5 Lift thickness of trench backfill shall not exceed those allowed in the Standard Specifications of Public Works Construction unless the Contractor can dernonstrate to the Geotechnical Consultant that the fill lift can. be compacted to the minimum. relative compaction by his alternative equipment and method. 3030.1094 '\2> I I I I I I I I I I I I I NATURAL GROUND ----- --:"'-:"'~lW'Ac:r::!l=--= _~ ~ :LL-Z ~ ------ - - - -====--:..._- --..2:. --=: --=:;- - -- --- ---::;;z::: " :;;z:: BENQI 'l-, ReiOVE IlNSUITABLE llA1allAL , ~ 7'1P!CAL LSElICH HEIGHT ~~" -- - NATURAL GROUND '\..- - - - ASIlCve NSUTTASLE MAr.;;;lAI. 2'IIIIli. Kl:'f De:>Tli c:.rr l'~ Sl-'.AU.. s: ~ l'fiIOA . TO FiJ.. F'.....a;:WOrrTO ASSURE AI:S:l.JA. " GC-::l.CelC =cITlCNS c:.rr ..~ TO ec CCNSTF.lJCTE:) i"l'JCl'! TO FlU. F!.ACaleIT "'" FiLL SLO~E FIU-oVEl'i-CUT Sl.OPE CUT -OVER-FlU. SL.OPE For Subdrains See Standard DetaIl C IIS1lOVE UNSUITABLE 1AAr.;;;IAL -~iiiN~-- ~ .~ 1~ IiIN. LOWEST eEllCll (!<EY) eEllCH HEGHT ' eedC:-itNG sw.u.. ee CONE WHEi SLOPES ANGLE lS ECUAl. TO OR GREAr.;;; WAN 5:1 MINIMUM BENQi HCGHT SHAll. BE 4 r=l MINIMUM FlU. 'MOTH SHALL ee 9 r= , ING AND BENCHING GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICATIONS STANDARD DE:l"AILS A q-\ Rev. 7 no I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I NATURAL GROUND ~ c' ---------------------- --------------------- TYPICAL BENCHING SUBDRAIN (See Altemates A and B) SUBDRAIN ALTERNATE A PERFORATED PIPE SLRRDltlDel WITH F1LTER MATERIAL FD..1ER MA1ERlAl fILTER MATERlALSHAl1. BE CLASS 2 P8U>lEABLEMATBUALPERsrATEOF CALIFORNIA STANDARD SPEOFICA.llON, OR APPROVEO ALTERNATE. ClASS 2 GRADING AS FOu.oWS: Sieve Size Perrent Passll"Q --p-- 100 3/4- 90~100 3/8- 4O~lOO No.4 25-40 No.8 18-33 No. 30 5-15 No. 50 0.7 No. 200 0-3 FaTER MATERIAL (9FT 1FT) ^ SUBDRAlN ALTERNATE A-l SUBDRAIN ALTERNATE A-2 SUB DRAIN ALTERNATE B DETAIL OF CANYON SUBDRAIN TERMINAL ces=. FlMSHEDGII,l,DS. Fl1.TCR.FAeRll: (MlRAFI l'101CR Afl>ICIVED EQUIVAlmTJ ALTERNATE B-1 ~lS~. ! Na1-l'mfOlll,lBl .4 6"0 MIN. 3/4" MAX. GAAva OR APPROVED EQUIVAilllT ALTERNATE B-2 (9FT 'IFf) o PERFORATED PIPE IS 0l'T10NAL PER GOVERNING AGENCY'S REQJ!REMENTS 'MlN. PSU'ORAlEP ....... JJ4"O'ENGAAOEDGRAVB. ORN'FROVED EQUNAl.ENr '.D< CANYON SUBDRAIN GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICJ\ nONS STANDARD DerAILS C '\~ Rev.l/lJU I I I I I I I - - - - - - -10'- - - - COMPACTEDFIU__-_-_-___-_ -_- - -==-=::::::::====:::::::::::::==:::::t--=:::: ::::::::::::- =-=-::::- ::::-::::-:::: - ::::-::::-::::-=-=-=- ---------- --::::-::::::::::::::::::::::::~~::::-=S:::::==-::::::::::::::::~=~::::::::::::::::::::==::::D?~' - --------_"/..-_-_-J-..t_-_-___-_-_-c2-!-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ - -,.::::-=-:::: -::::-::;0---::::-::::-::::-=-:::: -::::-n-- - -:::: - ::::-::::-:::: - ~~:::: ~ -:::: - ==::::::::::::-- . - _-::::-::::-::::_::::-~::::-::::~_::::-::::-::::-r-:::: ::::-::::-::::---::::-::::-:::t-/:-::::--- - - 10'- - - 7"- - - _~V'L _ :...::::..!::.. -<> _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ - - - - -,- - - - - - - - - -, . - - :J=.,=..-l5'MIN =,.o::l. - - -l~Y---::::-::::-::::-::::-::::-::::_::::---~~:"'::::-::::+::::-::::----"':'::=-=::::I=-=::::--:-' --- ---- -_-___-K ---l1::::-::::--------~D-...r--- -_-_-___-.:____-. - -=-::::_::::-::::--~-::::_::::-::::~~~~---=__-::::-::::..c::::-::::_::::-::::-::_.:----- - -------L-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-WlNDROl/C__-___--' - -. JFTTED OR FLOODED -= -;..;;;'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - APPROVED SOIL FINISH GRADE ------- I . Oversize rod< Is larga-than B Ind1es In largest dimension. I . 8acktill wfth approved soli jetted or flooded in place to fill all the voids. · Do not bury rod< withIn 10 feet of I finish grade. Q Windrow of buried rock shall be parallel to the finished stope Face. I I I I I I SECTION A-A' ., PROFILE ALONG WINDROW ----- ------ -----------------~-----------A- .------------------::::-::::--- - - ---, -----------------------------------. ~ -- ----------:=-:=-------:=-=-=---- ------ _~::::~::::::::::::=_==~:::::::::::::::::::: ~::::::::~::::i=::::::::::::::::j AI :::::::::_~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i=::::::::i=::::___---------. JFTTED OR FLOODED APPROVED SOIL I OVERSIZE ROCK DISPOSAL GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPEOFICA TrONS STANDARD DETAILS B qc, Rei. 7/UO I I I I I I 1':1: I J _:::-==~~~Io=MiiC'="----- I -.L::i -=3=-:::::~:;:~~iN~::::::::=-:::::::::-:::::::::--:::- KEY~I" K~~~iH ~I I 2' MIN, SUBDRAIN ALTERNATE A I OlffiET PIPES 4"' NON-PERFORATED PIPE, 100' MAX. O.C, HORIZONTALLY 30' MAX, O.c. VERTICALLY I p9MINj,1 BACKClJT SUBDRAIN ALTERNATE B 1 I INO~~~~) .' :_: .;. ~E MIN. \ :;;---' '. L ~'MlN. :;;--- OUT1ET PIPE (NON-PERFCAATE:l) ~ ~ .// FIL1ER FABRIC (MlRAFII40 CR APFROVEQ EQUIVI'Wl1) P05lTIVE SEAL 9-ICULD BE PROVIDED AT l1iE JOINT CAL TRANS <lASS 2 mTER M'\TERlAL(3FT.3/FTl 3/4' ROO< (3FT.'/F1) WRAFI'ED IN FILT81. FABRIC T -ccNNEcrION FROo1 COlI.ECTION PIPE TO ClJI1.Er PIPE I. SUBDRAIN INSTAl!J\TION - Subdrain collector pipe shall be Installed wiil1 perforations down or, unless otherwise designated by the geotechnical consultant Outlet pipes shall be non-perforated pipe. The sub drain pipe shall have at least 8 perforations uniformiy spaced per foot Perforation shall 1 be 1/'f' to 1/2" if drilled holes are used. All subdrain pipes shall have a gradient at least 2 % towards the outiet . 1 SUBDRAIN PIPE - Subdrain pipe shall be ASTM D2751, ASTM D1527 (Scheduie 40) or SDR 23.5 ABS pipe or ASTM D3034 (Schedule 40) or SDR 23,5 PVC pipe. . ~ All outlet pipe shall be placed in a trench and, after fill is placed above it, radded to verify' Integrit}l, BUTIRESS OR I-REPLACEMENT FILL SUBDRAINS GENERAL EARTHWORK AND GRADING SPECIFICA nONS STANDARD DETAlLS D q, Rev. I CUT-FILL TRANSITION LOTOVEREXCAVATION REMCTI/E UISJITABLe \. GROUND - V"""'- - - - - - - .- - --""-- ~- - --ccMPAcrEDFIU. ~ -?:.~,..~...' _-::. _~_ - - - -;.. - - - --- - - -- - - - -~ - - ~ = -.;~-~ --- -- - ----.z-.e - ------ -:~----~ -- -...--:: - "-- .( /.'"' ~----~--- ,,~~ _ _ ~,,<:;c-' BENCHING ~L UNWEA1liERED BEDIlOOC OR MA11!RlAlAPPflO\IEO ," ." 1 ~ BY1lieGEOfECHNICAlCCUSULTANT ~ OVEREXCAVATE . AND RECC>1PACl" SIDE HIll. FILL FOR CUT PAD DVeRfXCAVA11! AND RECCMPAcr (REPUCeMeNTFlU) ~. - /' /' /' .....- /' /' /' NATURAl. GROUND ~ __ - - . Re5TRlmD USEAAEA /' - /' /' /' FlNl5HEDClIrPPD /' OVERBURDeN DR UNSUITABLe MATIR1Al .", " ^ ...... I I SEE STANDARD DETAIL FOR SUBDAAINS WHeN llf<;lJlRED BY GEOfECHNIC.'L CCNSULlJlNT I TRANsmON lOT FILLS AND SIDE HILL ALLS GENERAl EARTHWORK AND GRADlNG 5PEClFl~110NS STANDARD DETAILS E '\co RE'!. 7 00 SUBDRAIN OPTIONS AND BACKALL WHEN NATIVE MATERIAL HAS EXPANSION INDEX OF <;50 I I I WATERPROOFING (SEJ: GENERAl. NOTES) I OPTION 1: PIPE SURROUNDED WrnI ClASS 2 PERMEABLE MA1ERIAL OPTION 2: GRAVEL WRAPPED IN FlL TER FABRIC SWP!: ORlE'IEl. SWP!: ORlE'IEl. . WEEP HOLE I (~E NOTE 5) lEVEL OR SWP!: WATERPROOFING '&,!',' (SEE GENERAl. NOTES) FalER FABRIC '. , 12" MINIMUM ~:'4:.. ,(SEE NOTE 4) ~ . , U" MINIMUM , ClASS 2 PERMEABlE ' " FILlER MAlERIAl. WEEP HOLE '.. V4 10 l1f.z mOt SIZE ':..... (SEE GRADATION) (SEE NOTE 5) " GRAVEL WRAPPED IN Fn.TER .., FABRIC 4 INCH DlAMmR '" PERFORATED PIPE lEVELDR (SEE NOTE 3) SLOP!: I I I I Class 2 Filler Penneable Matena! Gradallol1 Per Caltrans Speciflcatlons SleveSIle I" 3/4" 3/8" No.4 No.8 No. 30 No. 50 No. 200 Percent Passino 100 90-100 40-100 25-40 18-33 5-15 0-7 0-3 RAL NOTES: lerprOOfing should be provided where moisture nuisance problem through the wall is undesirable. er proofing of the walls Is not under purview of the geotechnical engineer rains should have a gradient of 1 percent minimum Jtiet portion of the subdrain should have a 4-inch diameter solid pipe discharged Into a suitable disposal area designed by the project I. eer. The subdrain pipe should be accessible for, maintenance (rodding) r subdrain backfill options are subject to the review by the geotechnical engineer and modification of design parameters. tes: I' nd shouid have a sand equivalent of 30 or greater and maybe densified by water jetting. . u. ft. per ft. of 1/4- to 1112-inch size gravel wrapped in filter fabric Ipe type should be ASlM 01527 AcryionltIile Butadiene Slyrene (ASS) S0R35 or A51M 01785 Polyvinyl Chloride plastic (PVC), Schedule Annco A2000 PVC, or approved equivalent. Pipe should be installed with perforations down. Perforations should be 3/8 Inch in Iter placed at the ends of a 120-degree arc In two rows at 3-lnch on center (stlggered) er fabric should be Mlrafi 140NC or approved equivalent. Neephole should be 3-inch minimum diameter and provided at 1 O-foot maximum InteJvals. If exposure Is pennltted, weepholes should Eted 12 inches above. finished grade. If exposure Is not pennitted such as for a wall adjacent to a sidewalk/curb, a plp~ under the alk to be discharged through the curb face or eqUivalent should be provided. For a basement-type wall, a proper subdraln outlet should be provided. " Retaining wall plans should be reviewed and approved by the geotechnical engineer. ails over six feet In height are 5ubject to a special review by the geotechnical engineer and modifications to the above requirements. I RETAINING WALL BACKFILL AND SUBDRAIN DETAIL FOR WALLS 6 FEET OR LESS IN HEIGHT WHEN NATIVE MATERIAL HAS EXPANSION INDEX OF <50 q,\ ReV:-1IXf Figura \110.