HomeMy WebLinkAboutGeotech Investigation Report (Jan.19,2004) r- , \ ,- jo..: -~.. -~ .' -, -, m;19(p39. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING INVESTIGATION REPORT Overland Commercial Development Overland Drive and Ynez Road Temecula, California Prepared for: Ms. Janell Snider Davcon Development Inc. 42389 Winchester Road, Suite B Temecula, California 92590-4810 . ~ Prepared by: Testing Engineers - San Diego, Inc, 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 San Diego, California 92111 CONTRACT NO, 62623 January 19,2004 CPD \ a', i '~', Testing Engineers - San Diego, Inc. Established 1946 1 Ms. Janell Snider Davcon Development, Inc. 42389 Winchester Road, Suite B Temecula, California 92590-4810 January 19, 2004 Contract No. 62623 . Subject: Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Report Project: Overland Commercial Development Overland Drive and Ynez Road Temecula, California 92130 Dear Ms. Snider: This report presents the results of the geotechnical engineering investigation for the proposed commercial development to be located situated within the southeast comer of Overland Drive and Ynez Road in Temecula, California. Based on the information obtained during this investigation, it is our opinion that the site is suitable for the proposed development, provided recommendations contained in this report are followed. Based on a review of the site plan, prepared by McArdle Associates Architects, it is understood that the project will consist of the development of three (3) single-story retail and restaurant buildings structures ranging from approximately 5,089 to 22,000 square feet. It is anticipated that the structures will consist of concrete tilt-up, wood, and masonry wall construction with concrete slab-on-grade floors. Testing Engineers - San Diego, Inc., appreciates the opportunity to provide this geotechnical engineering service for this project. We look forward to continuing our role as your geotechnical engineering consultant on this project. T~ing~;;.ers-s;nc, ~.fY1lltd' Charles B. McDuffie Senior Staff Geologist CBM/VWO/:c1 .@ Respectfully submitted, Van W. Olin, GE 2578 Geotechnical Department Manager ~ PIE 2003-0030 Overland Commercial Dcvelopmenl-.cbm Tcsling Engineers. San Diego, Inc.. 7895 Convoy Court. Suite 18 San Diego, CA. 92111 (858] 715-5800 Fax (858J 715.5810 V -t ";:: ~ ...,~ -; -;; Davcon Devlopment, Inc Overland Commercial Development January 19. 2004 Contract No. 62623 .~ .. '" TABLE OF CONTENTS Pal!e I. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................1 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES .............................................................................................1 -, 3. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT .................................................................................2 4. SITE DESCRIPTION .............. ........................... ... ......................... ............................ 2 5. FIELD EXPLORA TIONS..........................................................................................2 5.1 FIELD EXPLORATIONS .........................................................................................2 5.2 . LABORATORY TESTING .......................................................................................3 6. GEOLOGy.................................................................................................................3 6.1. GEOLOGIC SETI1NG............................................................................................. 3 6.2. GEOLOGIC MATERIALS......... ...................... .... ......................... ........... .................4 6.3 . GROUNDWATER .......................... ......... ............................................................... 4 6.4. FAULTS ..... ............... ..... .................................. ...... ............................... ............... 5 6.5. GEOLOGIC HAZARDS ........ .... ................. ..... ........ ....... ..... ......... ........... ................. 5 6.6. CONCLUSIONS .....................................................................................................7 7. DESIGN RECOMMENDA TIONS............................................................................ 7 7.1. GENERAL ............................................................................................................7 7.2. SITE PREPARATION ............... .................. ..... .................................... .................... 8 7.3. TEMPORARY EXCA VA TIONS ................................................................................ 9 7.4. UTILITY TRENCH EXCA V A TIONS .......................................................................10 7.5 . FOUNDATIONS ................................................................. .................................. 10 7.6. FOUNDATIONS FOR ANCILLARY STRUCTURES ................................................... II 7.7. GEOTECHNICAL PARAMETERS FOR SEISMIC DESIGN .........................................12 7.8. RETAINING AND BASEMENT W ALLS..................................................................13 7.9. CONCRETE SLABS-ON-GRADE ..........................................................................14 7.1 O. PAVEMENTS ......................................................................................................16 7.11. UTILITY TRENCH BACKFILL ..............................................................................18 7.12. DRAINAGE CONTROL ........................................................................................19 7.13. SOIL CORROSION ............. .................................................................................. 20 8. GENERAL SITE GRADING RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................... 22 9. DESIGN REVIEW AND CONSTRUCTION MONITORING............................... 23 9.1. PLANS AND SPECiFICATIONS..............................................................................23 9.2. CONSTRUCTION MONITORING ...........................................................................23 I O. LIMITATIONS .................. ........ .................................... ........................... ............... 23 TESD :7 ~ ';:. ',1 -, , Davcon Devlopment, Inc Overland. Commercial Development January 19. 2004 Contract No. 62623 II. SELECTED REFERENCES.................................................................................... 25 FIGURES FIGURE I - SITE loCATION MAP FIGURE 2 - BORING loCATION MAP ApPENDICES APPENDIX A - loGS OF EXPLORATORY BORINGS APPENDIX B - LABORATORY DATA APPENDIX C - SEISMIC ANALYSES DATA ii TESD A. -. Daveon Devlopment, loe Overland Commercial Development January 19,2004 Contract No. 62623 " ,,~. o 1. INTRODUCTION , This report presents the results of the geotechnical engineering investigation for the proposed commercial development project at the southeast comer of Overland Avenue and Ynez Road in Temecula, California. The location of the subject project is presented on Figure I, Site Location Map. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the subsurface conditions within the project site and to provide geotechnical recommendations for the design and construction of the proposed development. This report summarizes the data collected and presents our findings, conclusions, and recommendations. 2, SCOPE OF SERVICES Our scope of services for this project consisted of the following tasks: . Review of readily available background data, including in-house geotechnical data, geotechnical reports, geotechnical literature, geologic maps, topographic maps, and literature relevant to the subject site. . A site reconnaissance to observe the general surficial site conditions and to select exploratory boring and test pit locations. . Subsurface exploration, including the excavating, logging, and sampling of exploratory and borings and test pits to depths ranging from approximately 6 to 50 feet below existing grade. Soil samples obtained from the borings and test pits were transported to our in-house laboratory for further testing. . Engineering evaluation of the geotechnical data collected to develop geotechnical recommendations for the design and construction of the proposed structures. Specifically addressing the following items: o Evaluation of general subsurface conditions and description of types, distribution, and engineering characteristics of subsurface materials. o General recommendations for earthwork, including site preparation, excavation and the placement of compacted fill. o Evaluation of project feasibility and suitability of on-site soils for foundation and slab-on- grade support. o Recommendations for design of suitable foundation systems including allowable bearing capacity, lateral resistance, and settlement estimations. o Determinations of seismic design parameters in accordance with Chapter 16 of the 2001 California Building Code (CBC). TESD -> ; Davcon Devlopment, Ine Overland Commercial Development January 19,2004 Contract No. 62623 " <,' , o Recommendations in connection with subgrade preparation for interior floor slabs and exterior slab-on-grade and pavement areas. o Evaluation of the corrosion potential ofthe on-site materials. . Preparation of this report, including reference maps and graphics, summarizing the data collected and presenting our findings, conclusions, and geotechnical recommendations for the design and construction ofthe proposed project. 3, PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT Based on our review of the preliminary architectural site plan, provided by the project architect McArdle and Associates, it is understood that the proposed development consists of 3 single- story structures, paved parking lots and driveway areas, hardscape, and other appurtenant improvements. The proposed building structures will cover a total of approximately 32,385 square feet in plan. The proposed project limits are shown in Figure 2, Plot Plan. The structures are anticipated to be of concrete tilt-up and wood-frame construction with concrete slab-on-grade floor systems. Based on our experience with similar construction, it is anticipated that maximum structural column and line loads will be about 100 kips and 3 kips per linear foot, respectfully. 4. SITE DESCRIPTION The triangular shaped approximately 5. I-acre site is located at the southeast comer of Overland Avenue and Ynez Road, in Temecula, California. The site is bordered by Overland Avenue to the north, Ynez Road to the west, and by a drainage easement-ditch to the southeast. The property is accessed off of Overland Avenue. Figure 2, Plot Plan, shows the existing site contour elevations and the location of the proposed building and parking lot structures. 5. FIELD EXPLORATIONS 5,1 Field Explorations The soil conditions beneath the site were explored by excavating and augering, logging, and sampling two (2) exploratory boring to depths ranging from approximately 16.5 to 51.5 feet and five (5) test pits excavated to depths from about 6.0 to 10.0 feet below the existing grades. Before starting our field exploration program, a field reconnaissance was conducted to observe site conditions and mark the locations of our planned explorations. In accordance with local regulations, Underground Service Alert was notified of our operations for underground utility marking at the locations of exploration. Details of the explorations and the logs of the borings and test pits are presented in Appendix A. The approximate locations of the exploratory test pits and borings are shown on Figure 2, Plot Plan. 2 TESD ~ ~ :::.-= Daveon Devlopment. Ine Overland Commercial Development January 19. 2004 Contract No. 62623 5.2 Laboratory Testing Laboratory tests were performed on selected samples obtained from the borings and test pits to aid in the soil classification and to evaluate the engineering properties of the foundation soils. The following tests were performed: . Consolidation; . Corrosion series; . Direct shear; . Expansion index; . In-situ moisture content and dry density; . Maximum density; . R-value; . Sieve analyses, including -200 wash; Testing was performed in general accordance with applicable ASTM standards and California Test Methods. The laboratory test results are presented in Appendix B. Detailed information associated with the laboratory-testing program is also included in Appendix B. 6. GEOLOGY 6.1, Geologic Setting The site is located within the near-coastal portion of the Peninsular Ranges Geomorphic Province of California. The near-costal areas of the province in the Southern Riverside County are typically made up of shallow westward dipping sediments that form low mesas that are dissected by west-draining stream channels. Moving inland from the coast, Cretaceous age granites of the Southern California Batholith are exposed in the central and interior portions of the region. This province is characterized by northwest-trending mountain ranges bordered by relatively straight-sided, sediment-floored valleys. According to information obtained in our investigation, the site is underlain by relatively flat-lying sedimentary materials of the Quaternary Pauba Formation. The northwest trend is also reflected in the direction of the dominant geologic structural features, which consist of northwest-trending faults and fault zones. The major northwest-trending fault zone that traverses the inland county area is the Elsinore fault zone. 3 TESD '\ .. Davcon Devlopment. lne Overland Commercial Development January 19. 2004 Contract No. 62623 ~ 6,2. Geologic Materials Geologic materials encountered during the subsurface explorations consist of a layer of undocumented artificial fill ranging from approximately 3 to 7 feet in thickness overlying natural deposits, which include alluvium and Pauba Formation materials. Generalized descriptions of the units encountered in our field exploration are provided below. Detailed descriptions of the earth materials encountered in our borings and test pits are presented in Appendix A. 6,2.1. Undocumented fill Undocumented fill was observed in all of the borings and test pits. The fill consists of tan to light-brown silty sand, clayey sand, and sandy clay materials that were generally in a medium dense, and dry to damp consistency. The fill depths extended from approximately 3 feet at test pit TP-3 to about 7 feet at Boring B-2 below the existing ground surface elevations. 6.2,2. Alluvium Alluvium deposits were encountered in all of the borings and test pits below the undocumented fill soils. The alluvial soils consists of tan to light brown to brown sand, silty sand, clayey sand, and silty clay materials. The consistency of the alluvial soils found to be dry to damp and loose at the upper contact to damp to very moist and medium dense with depth. The depth of alluvium was observed to a maximum depth of 16.5 feet below the existing grade elevation at boring B-1. 6.2.3, Pauba Formation The Pauba Formation was encountered in boring B-2. The formational material consists of light brown to light olive-brown sand, silty sand, and very fine sandy silts that were in a damp to moist and medium dense to dense condition. The Pauba Formation is classified as bedrock, however the materials observed within boring B-2 more resembled soils in their characteristics. The formational material was observed to a depth of 51.5 feet below existing grade at the boring location. 6.3. Groundwater Groundwater was not encountered in any of TESD's exploration borings or test pits. It is anticipated that groundwater will not affect the proposed construction, however, landscape irrigation or similar sources of water may cause localized seepage zones. 4 TESD ~ r :::- Davcon Devlopment, lne Overland Commercial Development January 19,2004 Contract No. 62623 , 6.4, Faults 6.4,1. General , The numerous faults in southern California include active, potentially active, and inactive faults. As used in this report, the definitions of fault terms are based on those developed for the Alquist-Priolo Special Study Zones Act of 1972 and published by the California Division of Mines and Geology (Hart and Bryant, 1997). The site does not lie within the Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Hazard Zone. 1 Active faults are defined as those that have experienced surface displacement within Holocene time (approximately the last 11,000 years) and/or have been included within any of the state-designated Earthquake Fault Zones (previously known as Alquist-Priolo Special Study Zones). Faults are considered potentially active if they exhibit evidence of surface displacement since the beginning of Quaternary time (approximately two million years ago) but not since the beginning of Holocene time. Inactive faults are those that have not had surface movement since the beginning of Quaternary time. 6.4,2. Active Faults The closest known active fault to the site is the Elsinore- Temecula fault zone, located approximately 1.1 miles southwest of the site. Other important active faults in the inland empire area include the San Jacinto and Newport Inglewood fault zones. These fault zones are located approximately 20.9 miles northeast and 28.0 miles southwest, respectively, at their closest approach to the site. The San Andreas fault, which is generally considered to be capable of generating the largest earthquake in California, is located approximately 38.0 miles northeast of the site. It should be noted that the earthquake design requirements listed in the 2001 CBC and other governing standard apply only for faults classified as "active" in accordance with the most recent United States Geological Survey (USGS) or the California Division of . Mines and Geology. 6,5, Geologic Hazards 6.5,1 Fault Rupture The site is not located within any Earthquake Fault Zone delineated by the State of California for the hazard of fault surface rupture. The surface traces of any active are not known to pass directly through, or to project toward the site. Therefore, the potential for surface rupture due to faulting occurring beneath the site during the design life of the proposed structures is considered low. ~ 5 TESD C\ Davcon Devlopment. Inc Overland Commercial Development January 19.2004 Contract No. 62623 6.5,2;' Seismic Shaking The site is located in a seismically active area, as is the majority of southern California. The most significant seismic hazard at the site is considered to be shaking caused by an earthquake occurring on a nearby or distant active fault. Design considerations for the hazard of seismic shaking are presented in Section 7.7.1, CBC Seismic Design Parameters., ~ 6.5,3, Liquefaction and Seismically-induced Settlement Liquefaction of soils can be caused by ground shaking during earthquakes. Research and historical data indicate that loose, relatively clean granular soils are susceptible to liquefaction and dynamic settlement, whereas the stability of the majority of clayey silts, silty clays and clays is not adversely affected by ground shaking. Liquefaction is generally known to occur in saturated cohesionless soils at depths shallower than approximately 50 feet. Dynamic settlement due to earthquake shaking can occur in both dry and saturated sands. The structural site areas are underlain predominately by medium dense to dense formational deposits and of sand, silty sand and sandy silt materials, furthermore, groundwater was not encountered within the depths of our exploration (ie., upper 50 feet). In consideration of the underlying materials and the lack of groundwater, the site is not considered to be susceptible to liquefaction. Therefore, the potential for liquefaction and the associated ground deformation occurring beneath the structural site areas is considered low. Seismic settlement is often caused when loose to medium-dense granular soils are densified during ground shaking. At the subject site, the upper contact of the alluvium soils were found to be in a loose condition, recommendations are given in the site preparation section of this report to mitigate that condition. The underlying formational materials encountered in our exploratory borings were found to be in a medium dense to dense category. Therefore, seismic settlement of unsaturated deposits is not anticipated to affect the proposed structures provided recommended in this report are performed satisfactorily. 6.5.4, Subsidence The site is not located in an area of known ground subsidence due to the withdrawal of subsurface fluids. Accordingly, the potential for subsidence occurring at the site due to the withdrawal of oil, gas, or water is considered remote. 6.5.5. Landsliding and Lurching The site is located within essentially level topography, therefore, the potential for both gross slope stability problems and lurching (earth movement at right angles to a cliff or 6 TESD \0 Daveon Devlopment. Ine Overland Conunereial Development January 19,2004 Contract No. 62623 ~ steep slope during ground shaking) is considered nil. However, it should be noted that the surface soils overlying the formational materials within localized sloping areas are considered susceptible to erosion and creep (ie., adjacent flood control channel). Design considerations to reduce surface soil erosion are presented in Section 7.12, Drainage Control. There are no known landslides near the site, nor is the site in the path of any known landslides. 6.5,6. Tsunamis, Inundation Seiches, and Flooding The subject site is located several miles inland and is located at an elevation of approximately 1049 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) at its lowest point. Therefore, tsunamis (seismic sea waves) are not considered a hazard at the site. The site is not located downslope of any large body of water that could affect the site in the event of an earthquake-induced failure or seiche (oscillation in a body of water due to earthquake shaking). The site is located adjacent to a large drainage easement ditch along the southeastern boundary of the project and is not lying within low-level terrain. Therefore, flooding is not considered a significant hazard at this site, however, the establishment of building floor elevations at appropriate levels should be performed by the project civil engineer. 6.6, Conclusions Based on the available geologic data, no known active faults with the potential for surface fault rupture are known to exist beneath the site. Accordingly, the potential for surface rupture at the site due to faulting is considered low during the design life of the proposed structures. Although the site could be subjected to strong ground shaking in the event of an earthquake, this hazard is common in southern California and the effects of ground shaking can be mitigated if the structures are designed and constructed in conformance with current building codes and engineering practices. The potential for other geologic hazards such as gross slope instabilities, liquefaction, seismic settlement, subsidence, flooding, tsunamis, inundation, and seiches affecting the site is considered low. 7. DESIGN RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1. General Based on the results of the field explorations and engineering analyses, it is TESD's opinion that the proposed construction is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint, provided that the recommendations in this report are incorporated into the design plans and implemented 7 TESD \\ .- ; ':: Daveon Devlopment, Ine Overland Commercial Development January 19, 2004 Contract No. 62623 , during construction. However, compressible soils were observed at the upper contact of the alluvium strata below the undocumented fill soils. TESD recommends that all building pads are excavated to at least 5.0 feet below the lowest footing bottom or 6.0 feet below the existing site grades, whichever is greater. The remaining site improvements will require over-excavation and recompaction to a lesser extent. Within the limits of building structural areas, the replaced fill soils should be low-expansive material (E.!. of 20 or less) within the top 3 feet below the proposed finish grade elevations. The following sections present detailed conclusions and recommendations pertaining to the geotechnical engineering design for this project. 7,2. Site Preparation Clearing and Grubbing Prior to grading, the project area should be cleared of all significant surface vegetation, rubble, trash, debris, etc. Any buried organic debris or other unsuitable contaminated material encountered during subsequent excavation and grading work should also be removed. Excavations made for removal of any existing footings, utility lines, tanks, and any other subterranean structures that may be encountered associated with the pre-existing subterranean structures should be processed and backfilled in the following manner: I. Clear the excavation bottom and sidecuts of all loose and/or disturbed material. 2. Prior to placing backfill, the excavation bottom should be moisture conditioned to within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90 percent of the ASTM D-1557 laboratory test standard. 3. Backfill should be placed, moisture conditioned (i.e., watered and/or aerated as required and thoroughly mixed to a unifonn, near optimum moisture content), and compacted by mechanical means in approximate 6-inch lifts. The degree of compaction obtained should be at least 90% of the ASTM D-I557-91Iaboratory test standard. It is also critical that any surficial subgrade materials disturbed during initial demolition and clearing work be removed and/or recompacted in the course of subsequent site preparation earthwork operations. Site Grading In view of the compressible characteristics of the upper alluvial deposits and in order to create a uniform bearing condition, the following earthwork operations are recommended: 8 TESD .- -; Davcon Devlopment, Inc Overland Conunercial Development January 19. 2004 Contract No. 62623 . Buildings: Excavate the existing soils to a depth of at least 6.0 feet below the existing ground surface or 5.0 feet below bottom of footings, whichever is lower, and to a distance of at least 5.0 feet outside their exterior perimeter footing walls. . RetainingfEnclosure Walls and other structures: Excavate the existing soils to a depth of at least 1.5 feet below the bottom of footings, and to the distance of at least 2 feel beyond lateral extents of the footings. . Parking PavementlExterior Slabs: Excavate the existing soils to a depth of at least 1.0 foot below existing site grades or 1.0 foot below design subgrade elevations, whichever is greater, and to a lateral distance of at least 2.0 feet outside the lateral extents of improvements. The Expansion Index value of the replaced (on-site and import) fill soils should not exceed a maximum of 20 (i.e., essentially non-expansive) within the upper 3 feet of al building pads. All bottoms of over-excavations should be scarified a minimum of 8 inches, moisture conditioned to within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content, and compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density per ASTM D-1557 test method. The bottom of over- excavations should be inspected and tested by a representative of TESD prior to the placement of any compacted fill materials. Fill placement associated with the removal and compaction of existing artificial fill and upper alluvium soils, utility trench backfill, and fill placed to achieve finish grade or sub grade elevations, should be moisture-conditioned to within 2 percent of the optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density, as evaluated by the latest version of ASTM DI557. Import soils should be sampled, tested, and approved by TESD prior to arrival on site. Imported fill materials should consist of granular soils free from vegetation, debris, or rocks larger than 3 inches maximum dimension. 7.3, Temporary Excavations Excavation of the on-site soils may be achieved with conventional heavy-duty grading equipment. Temporary, unsurcharged, excavation walls may be back sloped at an inclination of I(H):I(V) in existing undocumented fill, alluvium, or formational materials. Personnel from TESD should observe any temporary excavations so that any necessary modifications based on variations in the encountered soil conditions can be made. All applicable safety requirements and regulations, including CalOSHA requirements, should be met. Where sloped excavations are used, the tops of the slopes should be barricaded so that vehicles and storage loads are not within 10 feet of the tops of excavated slopes. A greater setback may be necessary when considering heavy vehicles, such as concrete trucks and cranes. TESD should be advised of such heavy loadings so that specific setback requirements may be established. If the temporary construction slopes are to be maintained 9 TESD \7., Daveon Devlopment. Inc Overland Commercial Development January 19.2004 Contract No. 62623 .. ~ during the rainy season, berms are recommended along the tops of the slopes, to prevent runoff water from entering the excavation and eroding the slope faces. 7.4, Utility Trench Excavations Temporary, shallow excavations with vertical side slopes less than 4 feet high will generally be stable, although there is a potential for localized sloughing. Vertical excavations greater than 4 feet high should not be attempted without proper shoring to prevent local instabilities. Shoring may be accomplished with hydraulic shores and trench plates, trench boxes, and/or soldier piles and lagging. The actual method of a shoring system should be provided and designed by a contractor experienced in installing temporary shoring under similar soil conditions. All trench excavations should be shored in accordance with CalOSHA regulations. For your planning purposes, on-site fill, alluvium soils, and formational materials may be considered a Type B soils, respectively, as defined the current CalOSHA soil classification. For design of temporary shoring, a triangular distribution of lateral earth pressure may be used. It may be assumed that the retained soils with a level, unsurcharged, surface behind the shoring will exert a lateral pressure equal to that developed by a fluid with a density of 35 pounds per cubic foot (pcf). Unless reflected in the shoring design, stockpiled (excavated) materials should be placed no closer to the edge of a trench excavation than a distance defined by a line drawn upward from the bottom of the trench at an inclination of I(H):I(V), but no closer than 4 feet. All trench excavations should be made in accordance with CalOSHA requirements. 7,5. Foundations The structures may be supported on spread footings. The footings should be founded entirely on compacted fill. Recommendations for the design and construction of shallow foundations are presented below. 7.5.1. Allowable Bearing Capacity - Spread Footings Structures founded entirely on compacted fill may be designed for an allowable bearing capacity of 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf). Footing should be established at a depth of at least 12 inches for one-story and 18 inches for two-story structures, as measured from below the lowermost floor or adjacent grades, or at a depth that extends below a 2H: I V projected line from the toe of any adjacent utility lines or descending slopes, whichever is greater. A one-third increase in the bearing value can be used for wind or seismic loads. Footing widths should be a minimum of 12 inches and 15 inches, for one and two-story structures, respectively. 10 TESD ~ . .. ;: '- Davcon Devlopment, loc qverland Commercial Development January 19. 2004 Contract No. 62623 7.5.2. Settlement Estimated settlements will depend on the foundation size and depth, the loads imposed, and the founding soils. For preliminary design purposes assuming compliance with section 7.2, the total static settlement for spread footings with a maximum column load of 80 kips and an allowable bearing capacity of 2,000 psf founded entirely on fill soils is estimated to be on the order of 0.5 inches. Differential settlements will depend on the column spacing, the foundation size and depth, and the loads imposed. However, based on our knowledge of the project, differential static settlements are anticipated to be 0.5 inches or less in 40 feet. In any case, comprehensive settlement analyses will need to be performed when detailed foundation load information is available to evaluate total and differential static settlements. 7.5.3, Lateral Loads Lateral loads may be resisted by friction and by the passive resistance of the supporting soils. A coefficient of friction of 0.35 may be used between foundations! slabs and compacted soils; in the event that a vapor barrier is employed a reduced coefficient of friction of 0.10 should be employed in these areas. The passive resistance of compacted fills may be assumed to be equal to the pressure developed by a fluid with a density of 300 pounds per cubic foot (pc!). A one-third increase in the passive value may be used for wind or seismic loads. The passive resistance of the materials may be combined with the frictional resistance provided the lateral bearing resistance does not exceed two-thirds of the total lateral resistance. 7.5.5, Foundation Observation To verify the presence of satisfactory materials at design elevations, footing excavations should be observed to be clean of loosened soil and debris before placing steel or concrete and probed for soft areas. If soft or loose soils or unsatisfactory materials are encountered, these materials should be removed and may be replaced with a two-sack, sand-cement slurry or structural concrete. Footing excavations should be deepened as necessary to extend into satisfactory bearing materials; however, TESD should be notified to approve the proposed change. 7.6. Foundations for Ancillary Structures A shallow foundation system may be used for support of relatively lightly loaded ancillary structures, such as site screen walls, courtyard shelters, trash enclosures, etc. The foundations for each feature should be supported either entirely on formational materials or compacted fill prepared in accordance with the recommendations of the in Section 7.2 of this report. Recommendations for the design and construction of shallow foundations are presented below. 11 TESD \/\ . .~.;;: Daveon Devlopment. Inc Overland Commercial Development January 19,2004 Contract No. 62623 7,6,1. Design Parameters Shallow foundations should be designed using the geotechnical design parameters presented in Table 1. Footings should be designed and reinforced in accordance with the recommendations of the structural engineer and should conform to the 2001 California Building Code. Table 1 Geotechnical Design Parameters Suread Footinl( Foundations for Ancillary Structures At least 12 inches in width for one-story and 15 inches for two-story Foundation Dimensions At least 24 inches below the lowest adjacent grade 1,500 pounds per square foot (psi) Allowable Bearing Capacity The allowable bearing value may be (dead-plus-live load) increased by one-third for transient live loads from wind or seismic. Estimated Settlement Less than I-inch! less than Yz-inch (TotaUDifferentian Allowable Coefficient of Friction 0.35 Allowable Lateral Passive 250 pounds per cubic foot (pef; EFP) Resistance The total allowable lateral resistance can be taken as the sum of the friction resistance and passive resistance, provided the passive resistance does not exceed two-thirds of the total allowable resistance. The passive resistance values may be increased by one-third when considering wind or seismic loading. 7,7, Geotechnical Parameters for Seismic Design 7,7.1. CBC Seismic Design Parameters The seismic design of the project may be performed using criteria presented in the 2001 California Building Code, Volume 2, Chapter 16, Divisions N and V, using the following seismic design parameters. 12 TESU -' \? , . .; = Daveon Devlopment. Ine Overland Commercial Development January 19,2004 Contract No. 62623 . -, Dl arm uildlDl! o e elsmlc ecommen atlons 2001 CBC Seismic Design Factor Value Seismic Zone 4 Soil Profile Type SD Seismic Source! Type(l) Elsinore- Temecula/ Type B Distance to Source 1.8km Seismic Zone Factor, Z 0.4 Near Source Acceleration Factor, Na 1.3 Near Source Velocity Factor, Nv 1.6 Seismic Acceleration Coefficient, Ca 0.57 Seismic Velocity Coefficient, Cv 1.02 (I) Faults are designated as Type A, B or C, depending on maxiinum moment magnitude and slip rates (Table 16A-U of 1997 Uniform Building Code). 1997 U .~ Table 2 B" CdS' 'R d . 7.8. Retaining and Basement Walls The current design does not include retaining walls or basement walls. In any case, the following sections are provided in anticipation of any change in the design that may require the construction of retaining or basement walls. 7.8,1. Lateral Earth Pressure Retaining waIls should be designed to resist a triangular distribution of lateral earth pressure plus surcharges from any adjacent loads. The recommended lateral earth pressures for retaining walls free to rotate, with level and 2(H): I (V) slope backfills, are 40 and 55 pounds per cubic foot (equivalent fluid pressure), respectively. For restrained walls, at-rest lateral equivalent fluid pressures of 60 and 70 pounds per cubic foot may be used. Simple surface surcharge pressures may be modified by the coefficient of active earth pressure and added to the active pressure contribution from the backfill. The coefficient of active earth pressure may be taken as 0.33. The geotechnical engineer should confirm the lateral magnitude and distribution resulting from surcharge loads. The recommended earth pressure is calculated assuming that a drainage system will be installed behind the retaining walls, so that external water pressure will not develop. 13 TESD \(p .' , '" :- Daveon Devlopment, lne Overland Commercial Development January 19.2004 Contract No. 62623 7.8,2, Seismic Lateral Earth Pressure , In addition to the above-mentioned lateral earth pressures, retaining walls more than 6 feet in height should be designed to support a seismic active pressure. The recommended seismic active pressure distribution on the retaining and basement walls is an inverted triangular with the maximum pressure equal to 24H and 36H psf, respectively, where H is the wall height in feet. 7,8.3 Drainage Retaining walls should be properly drained. Adequate backfill drainage is essential to provide a free-drained backfill condition and to limit hydrostatic buildup behind walls. The wall should be appropriately waterproofed. Drainage behind the retaining walls may be provided with a geosynthetic drainage composite such as TerraDrain, MiraDrain, or equivalent, attached to the outside perimeter of the wall. The drain should be placed continuously along the back of the wall and connected to a 4-inch-diameter perforated pipe. The pipe should be sloped at least 2% and surrounded by one cubic foot per foot of %-inch crushed rock wrapped in suitable non-woven filter fabric (Mirafi 140NL or equivalent). The crushed rock should meet the requirements defined in Section 200-1.2 of the latest edition of the Standard Specification for Public Works Construction (Greenbook). The drain should discharge through a solid pipe to an appropriate outlet using a gravity system. 7.8.4 Backfill Any retaining wall backfill material should be non-expansive and free draining. Wall backfill should be moisture conditioned to about 2 percent above optimum moisture content, and recompacted in 8-inch lifts to 90 percent relative compaction (ASTM DI557). 7,9. Concrete Slabs-On-Grade Recommendations for building floor slabs, as well as other exterior concrete slabs are presented below. 7.9,1. Building Slabs . The slabs for building may be supported at grade on compacted low-expansive fill layer overlying competent alluvial materials. For design of these concrete slabs, a modulus of subgrade reaction (k) of 200 pci may be used. Floor slabs should be designed and reinforced in accordance with the structural engineer's recommendations. TESD recommends that the concrete should have a thickness of at least 4 inches, a water cement . ratio of 0.50 or less, and a slump of 4 inches or less. -~ 14 TESD \'\ .' , . '- Daveon Devlopment. lne Overland Commercial Development January J 9. 2004 Contract No. 62623 , > Slabs should be at least reinforced with No.4 reinforcing bars spaced at 24 inches on- center, each way, placed in the middle one-third of the section, to help control shrinkage cracking of concrete. Reinforcement should be properly placed and supported on "chairs." Welded wire mesh is not recommended. The concrete reinforcement and joint spacing should conform to the minimum requirements of the American Concrete Institute (ACI) section 302.IR. Table 3 provides recommendations for concrete floor slab support. The recommendation selected should be based on the primary requirements of the particular building slab. The sub grade should be prepared in accordance with recommendations provided in the Section 7.2. 1 Table 3 Recommendations for Concrete Building Slab SUDDort PrimarY Objective Recommendation Protection of floor Plastic membrane at least 10 mils in thickness; covering from vapor Over 4 inches of clean gravel or 3/4-inch infiltration crushed rock. 2 inches of dry granular material; Curing of concrete Over plastic membrane 6 mils in thickness; Over at least 2 inches of granular material. The granular material should have a minimum Sand Equivalent of 30. The gravel should contain less than 10 percent of material passing the No.4 sieve and less than 3 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. The %-inch crushed rock should conform to Section 200-1.2 of the latest edition of the Standard Specification for Public Works Construction (Greenbook). All materials should be adequately compacted prior to the placement of concrete. Care should be taken during placement of the concrete to prevent displacement of the granular material. The granular material should be dry and not be wetted or saturated prior to the placement of concrete. The concrete slab should be allowed to cure properly before placing vinyl or other moisture-sensitive floor covering. 7,9,2. Exterior Concrete Slabs Exterior concrete flatwork should have a minimum concrete thickness of 4 inches. All concrete should be supported on at least 4 inches of Class 2 aggregate base compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density. The upper 12 inches of subgrade soil located below the aggregate base should reconditioned to achieve a moisture content of I to 3 percent above the optimum moisture content, and compacted to 90 percent relative compaction (ASTM DI557). The driveway slab areas connecting sidewalks should have a minimum concrete thickness of 6 inches. The driveway concrete should be supported _J 15 TESD \~ .~ " . < Daveon Devlopment. Ine Overland Commercial Development January 19. 2004 Contract No. 62623 1: : by at least 6 inches of Class 2 aggregate based compacted to at least 95 percent of the maximum dry density. The upper 12 inches of subgrade soil located below the aggregate base should reconditioned to achieve a moisture content of I to 3 percent above the optimum moisture content, and compacted to 95 percent relative compaction (ASTM DI557). For exterior concrete flatwork, TESD recommends that narrow strip concrete slabs, such , as sidewalks, be reinforced with at least No.3 reinforcing bars placed longitudinally at 30 inches on-center. Wide exterior slabs should be reinforced with at least No.3 reinforcing bars placed 30 inches on-center, each way. The reinforcement should be extended through the control joints to reduce the potential for differential movement. Control joints should be constructed in accordance with recommendations from the structural engineer or architect. 7,10, Pavements 7,10,1. Flexural Asphalt Concrete <AC) Pavements R-Value tests were performed on two samples collected at existing surface grades. These materials consisted of sandy silt and silty sand, with R-Value results of16 and 67. An R- value of 30 is recommended for preliminary pavement section design with assumed Traffic Index values ranging from 5.0 to 8.5. Based on these design parameters and analysis in accordance with the current CalTrans highway Design Manual, TESD recommends the following pavement structural sections: Table 4 5.0 3.0 5.0 4.5 4.0 5.5 3.5 6.5 5.0 4.0 6.0 4.0 6.5 4.5 4.0 6.5 4.5 7.5 4.5 4.0 7.0 5.0 7.5 4.5 4.0 7.5 5.0 9.5 6.5 5.0 8.0 5.0 10.5 7.5 6.0 8.5 5.0 12.5 9.5 7.5 ....1 16 TESD \1\, . c Daveon Devlopment, Ine Qverland C~~~rcial Development January 19.2004 Contract No. 62623 (1) Asphalt Concrete; (2) Crushed Aggregate: Base (CAB). Green Book section 200.2.2. compacted to alleast 95% relative compaction (ASTM 0-1557); (3) Aggregate Base section utilizing Tensar ex 1100 geogrid installed at the design subgrade elevation; (4) Aggregate Base section utilizing Tensar ex 1200 geogrid installed at the design subgrade elevation. Note: The upper l2.inches of subgrade soils should be compacted to at least 95% relative compaction (ASTM 0-1557). It is recommended that sampling for additional R-value testes) be performed on representative soil samples after rough grading operations on the upper 2 feet to confirm applicability of the above pavement sections. The asphalt concrete pavement should be compacted to 95% of the unit weight as tested in accordance with the Hveem procedure. The maximum lift thickness should be two inches. The asphalt concrete material shall conform to Type ill, Class C2 or C3, 1997 edition of the Greenbook Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction. An approved mix design should be submitted 30 days prior to placement. The mix design should include proportions of materials, maximum density and required lay-down temperature range. Field testing should be used to verify oil content, aggregate gradation, compaction, compacted thickness, and lay-down temperature. The aggregate base should conform to the Crushed Aggregate Base per Greenbook requirements, Section 200-2.2. The base course should be compacted to a minimum dry density of 95% of the materials maximum density as determined by the ASTM DI557 test procedure. Field testing should be used to verify compaction, aggregate gradation, and compacted thickness. These recommendations should be verified after the fine grading has been prepared in compliance with section 7.2 of this report for the pavement subgrade soils. 7.10,2. Rigid Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) Recommendations for Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavement structural sections are as follows: ,_.J 17 TESD zP , ," Daveon Devlopment, Ine Overland Commercial Development January 19. 2004 Contract No. 62623 Table 5 Standard Duty PCC And Heavv Duty PCC f!T"~' ~_...._,_~,_.."............_~~~..-.,.....,"'n"<'''''''-~'~r'lZ0f' ~"'~i'f'--~-r-W;il . . ' . . ' . ," . ., 1.'\lQ~"(" IJjflE(o 'i'.' " " {,' r' , ... ' " , ,. 1"'- -,1....- ~. jf.' t' . . -. " ~ :,' .' ; ~.' . .' iH5id!0/J . ,': ':' '::, .J' @:1/.t3.W!.dCl r : ~j!'I.w.~l: 'ji"l'aitit'uillifJ ;iJ}i~ 1 ~ : . ",' ", ',.' . ,: "J-:'f'€1""'!61~. >.,". (f~11JJi7' ..fi1!tl::~ <iri;j ;": .. ,.... . ,.."- at!; . J. . ,II. ~ ., ,", tF;i,"./::~'>' ,',,". "~.':t':,,ic'" . ;.....,,~.~.!'I.~^ "'\~,;,'i",. t',l r ."""~ ......L. .0:'".. ,',oO ,'~ ~ ..;. ~ ,J. .l{g{ff)...flEJ"._t~J:ff'1iD,"..".'L,,"t:i'lfiEiiIir:1L JU~JWJ Parking stalls for light-weight vehicles 1 160 4.5 4.0 Driveways for light-weight vehicles 25 160 5.0 4.0 Driveways and parking areas for heavy 100 200 6.0 6.0 trucks (I) ADTI values have been assumed for planning purposes and should be confirmed by the design team during future plan development. (2) Effective modulus at the finished rock base elevation considering subgrade soils and overlying rock base section; (3) Concrete shall have a minimum modulus of rupture MR ~ 550 psi based on ASTM C78. This analysis assumes the construction of concrete shoulders. Slabs should be reinforced with No.3 reinforcing bars at 18 inches on center in both horizontal directions. (4) Crushed Aggregate Base (CAB), Green Book section 200-2.2. compacted to at least 95% relative compaction (ASTM 0.1557). Stresses are anticipated to be greater at the edges and construction joints of the pavement section. A thickened edge is recommended on the outside of slabs subject to wheel loads. Control joints should be provided at maximum of 15 feet spacing each way. Installation of these types of joints should be made immediately after concrete finishing. Construction jointing, doweling, and reinforcing should be provided in accordance with recommendations of the ACL Subgrade soil should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent relative compaction for pavement constructed over low to medium expansive soils. Crush Aggregate Base (CAB) should conform to section 200-2.2 of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction "Greenbook" and should be compacted to a minimum of95 percent of the maximum dry density at near optimum moisture content. Where trash bin enclosures are to be constructed, it is recommended to use a minimum PCC pavement section of 8 inches, or as required by the traffic design, whichever is greater; reinforced with No.3 bars spaced at 12 inches in each horizontal direction. The concrete should extend into the roadway sufficiently so that the front wheels of the trash truck are on the concrete when loading. 18 TESD 1). " Davcon Devlopment. Ine Overland Commercial Development January 19. 2004 Contract No. 62623 Rigid Portland cement concrete sections were evaluated using methods suggested by the American Concrete Institute - Guide for Design and Construction of Concrete Parking Lots <ACI 330R-92). The performance of pavements is highly dependent upon providing positive surface drainage away from the edge of the pavement. The ponding of water on or adjacent to pavement areas will likely cause failure of the subgrade and resultant pavement distress. Where planters are proposed, the perimeter curb should extend at least 6 inches below the subgrade elevation of the adjacent pavement. In addition, our experience indicates that even with these provisions, a saturated subgrade condition can develop as a result of increased irrigation, landscaping and surface runoff. A subdrainage system should be constructed along the perimeter of pavement subgrade areas to reduce the potential of this condition developing. The sudrain system should be designed to intercept irrigation water and surface runoff prior to entry into the pavement subgrade and carry the water to a suitable outlet. 7.11. Utility Trench Backfill All subsurface utility trench backfill, including water, gas, storm drain, sewer, irrigation, telecommunication, and electrical lines should be mechanically compacted. Water jetting should not be used for compaction. The pipe bedding should consist of free-draining sand or small gravel with a minimum sand equivalent of 30. There should be sufficient clearance along the side of the utility pipe or line to allow for compaction equipment. The pipe bedding shall be compacted under the haunches and along side the pipe. 7,12. Drainage Control The intent of this section is to provide general information regarding the control of surface water. The control of surface water is essential to the satisfactory performance of the building and site improvements. Surface water should be controlled so that conditions of uniform moisture are maintained beneath the structure, even during periods of heavy rainfall. The following recommendations are considered minimal. . Berms, drainage swales, catch basins, and storm water drainage pipe should be installed along all existing top-of-slope areas within the project limits, as a minimum erosion control measure. . Ponding and areas oflow flow gradients should be avoided. . If bare soil within 5 feet of the structure is not avoidable, then a gradient of 5 percent or more should be provided sloping away from the improvement. Corresponding paved surfaces should be provided with a gradient of at least I percent. . The remainder of the unpaved areas should be provided with a drainage gradient of at least 2 percent. 19 TESP z;..- .' -, 10 ~ Daveon Devlopmenl, Ine Overland Commercial Development January 19. 2004 Contract No. 62623 . Positive drainage devices, such as graded swales, paved ditches, and/or catch basins should be employed to accumulate and to convey water to appropriate discharge points. . Concrete walks and flatwork should not obstruct the free flow of surface water. . Brick flatwork should be sealed by mortar or be placed over an impermeable membrane. . Area drains should be recessed below grade to allow free flow of water into the basin. . Enclosed raised planters should be sealed at the bottom and provided with an ample flow gradient to a drainage device. Recessed planters and landscaped areas should be provided with area inlet and subsurface drain pipes. . Planters should not be located adjacent to the structure wherever possible. If planters are to be located adjacent to the structure, the planters should be positively sealed, should incorporate a subdrain, and should be provided with free discharge capacity to a drainage device. . Planting areas at grade should be provided with positive drainage. Wherever possible, the grade of exposed soil areas should be established above adjacent paved grades. Drainage devices and curbing should be provided to prevent runoff from adjacent pavement or walks into planted areas. . Gutter and downspout systems should be provided to capture discharge from roof areas. The accumulated roof water should be conveyed to off-site disposal areas by a pipe or concrete swale system. . Landscape watering should be performed judiciously to preclude either soaking or desiccation of soils. The watering should be such that it just sustains plant growth without excessive watering. Sprinkler systems should be checked periodically to detect leakage and they should be turned off during the rainy season. 7.13. Soil Corrosion The corrosion potential of the on-site materials to steel and buried concrete was evaluated. Laboratory testing was performed on a representative sample of the existing fills to evaluate pH, minimum resistivity, and chloride and soluble sulfate content. Table 6 presents the results of our corrosivity testing. General recommendations to address the corrosion potential of the fill soils are provided below. If additional recommendations are desired, TESD recommends that a corrosion specialist be consulted. J 20 TESD p .' I. "' Daveon Devlopment, Ine Overland Commercial Development January 19. 2004 Contract No. 62623 Table 6 Corrosivitv Test Results Test Pit and Depth TP-5 @ - 3 feet bsg (Artificial Fill) PH 6.8 Resistivity (ohm-em) 4683 Chloride Content (ppm) 8 Soluble Sulfate Content 16 (ppm) Imported fill materials should be tested to confirm that their corrosion potential is not more severe than those assumed. 7.13.1. Reinforced Concrete Laboratory tests indicate that the potential of sulfate attack on concrete in contact with the on-site fill soils is "negligible", based on 1997 Unified Building Code Table 19-A-4. TESD recommends that a concrete mix with a maximum water-cement ratio of 0.5 and Type II cement be used. We further recommend that at least a 2-inch thick concrete cover be maintained over the reinforcing steel in concrete in contact with the soil. Reinforcing steel in concrete structures and pipes in contact with soil should be protected from chloride attack. The level of protection should be for soil with a chloride content of about 0.005% (50 ppm). Possible methods of protection that could be used include increased concrete cover, low water-cement ratio, corrosion inhibitor admixture, silica fume admixture, waterproof coating on the concrete exterior. 7.13.2. Metal in Contact with Soil Laboratory tests indicate that the on-site fill soils have a moderate to high minimum electrical resistivity, which presents moderate potential for corrosion to buried ferrous metals. However, it is recommended that consideration be given to using plastic piping instead of metal, when possible. It is recommended that additional sampling be conducted in areas where metal piping is to be utilized. If the material is found to be corrosive, a corrosion specialist should be consulted regarding suitable types of piping and necessary protection for underground metal conduits. 2\ TESD J,..A., c Davcon Devlopment, Ine Overland Commercial Development January 19. 2004 Contract No. 62623 8. GENERAL SITE GRADING RECOMMENDATIONS Site grading operations should conform with applicable local building and safety codes and to the rules and regulations of those governmental agencies having jurisdiction over the subject construction. The grading contractor is responsible to notify governmental agencies, as required, and a representative of TESD at the start of site cleanup, at the initiation of grading, and any time that grading operations are resumed after an interruption. Each step of the grading should be accepted in a specific area by a representative of TESD, and where required, should be approved by the applicable governmental agencies prior to proceeding with subsequent work. The following site grading recommendations should be regarded as minimal. The site grading recommendations should be incorporated into the project plans and specifications. I. Prior to grading, existing vegetation, trash, surface structures and debris should be removed and disposed off-site at a legal dumpsite. Any existing utility lines, or other subsurface structures, which are not to be utilized should be removed, destroyed, or abandoned in compliance with current governmental regulations and with concurrence from TESD. 2. Subsequent to cleanup operations, and prior to initial grading, a reasonable search should be made for subsurface obstructions and/or possible loose fill or detrimental soil types. The contractor should conduct this search, with advice from and under the observation of a representative ofTESD. 3. Prior to the placement of fill or foundations within the building area, the site should be prepared in accordance with the recommendations presented in the "Site Preparation" section of this report. Any fill should be spread in 6- to 8-inch lifts and should be moisture conditioned and compacted in accordance with the recommendations presented in the Section 7.2 of this report. All undocumented fill or disturbed soils within the building areas should be removed and compacted under observation and testing of a representative ofTESD. 4. The exposed subgrade and/or excavation bottom should be observed and approved by a representative of TESD for conformance with the intent of the recommendations presented in this report and prior to any further processing or fill placement. It should be understood that the actual encountered conditions may warrant excavation and/or sub grade preparation beyond the extent recommended and/or anticipated in this report. 5. On-site inorganic granular soils that are free of debris or contamination are considered . suitable for placement as compacted fill. A representative of TESD should provide guidance for acceptability and placement of on-site fill materials. 6. Observation and field tests shall be performed during grading by a representative of TESD in order to assist the contractor in obtaining the proper moisture content and 22 TESD / z..~ J ',- Davcon Devlopment, loe Overland Commercial Development January 19. 2004 Contract No. 62623 required degree of compaction. Where less than the required degree of compaction is indicated, additional compactive effort and any necessary adjustments in the moisture content of the soil should be made to obtain the required compaction. 7. To evaluate the presence of satisfactory materials at design elevations, footing excavations should be observed to be clean of loosened soil and debris before placing steel or concrete and probed for soft areas. If soft or loose soils or unsatisfactory materials are encountered, these materials should be removed. 8. Wherever, in the opinion of a representative of TESD, an unsatisfactory condition is being created in any area, whether by cutting or filling, then the work should not proceed in that area until the condition has been corrected. 9, DESIGN REVIEW AND CONSTRUCTION MONITORING Geotechnical review of plans and specifications is of paramount importance in engineering practice. The poor performance of many structures has been attributed to inadequate geotechnical review of construction documents. Additionally, observation and testing of the subgrade will be important to the performance of the proposed development. The following sections present our recommendations relative to the review of construction documents and the monitoring of construction activities. 9,1. Plans and Specifications The design plans and specifications should be reviewed and approved by TESD prior to bidding and construction, as the geotechnical recommendations may need to be reevaluated in the light of the actual design configuration and loads. This review is necessary to evaluate whether the recommendations contained in this report and future reports have been properly incorporated into the project plans and specifications. 9,2. Construction Monitoring Site preparation, removal of unsuitable soils, assessment of imported fill materials, fill placement, foundation installation, and other site grading operations should be observed and tested. The substrata exposed during the construction may differ from that encountered in the test borings. Continuous observation by a representative of TESD during construction allows for evaluation of the soil conditions as they are encountered, and allows the opportunity to recommend appropriate revisions where necessary. 10, LIMITATIONS The recommendations and opinions expressed in this report are based on TESD's review of background documents and on information obtained from field explorations. It should be noted that this study did not evaluate the possible presence of hazardous materials on any portion of the site. 23 TESD ~ ... < Daveon Devlopment. loe Overland Commercial Development January 19,2004 Contract No. 62623 Due to the limited nature of our field explorations, conditions not observed and described in this report may be present on the site. Uncertainties relative to subsurface conditions can be reduced through additional subsurface exploration. Additional subsurface evaluation and laboratory testing can be performed upon request. It should be understood that conditions different from those anticipated in this report may be encountered during grading operations, e.g., the extent of removal of unsuitable soil, and that additional effort may be required to mitigate them. Site conditions, including ground-water level, can change with time as a result of natural processes or the activities of man at the subject site or at nearby sites. Changes to the applicable laws, regulations, codes, and standards of practice may occur as a result of government action or the broadening of knowledge. The findings of this report may, therefore, be invalidated over time, in part or in whole, by changes over which TESD. has no control. TESD's recommendations for this site are, to a high degree, dependant upon appropriate quality control of subgrade preparation, fill placement, and foundation construction. Accordingly, the recommendations are made contingent upon the opportunity for TESD to observe grading operations and foundation excavations for the proposed construction. If parties other than TESD are engaged to provide such services, such parties must be notified that they will be required to assume complete responsibility as the geotechnical engineer of record for the geotechnical phase of the project by concurring with the recommendations in this report and/or by providing alternative recommendations. This document is intended to be used only in its entirety. No portion of the document, by itself, is designed to completely represent any aspect of the project described herein. TESD should be contacted if the reader requires additional information or has questions regarding the content, interpretations presented, or completeness of this document. TESD has endeavored to perform our evaluation using the degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by reputable geotechnical professionals with experience in this area in similar soil conditions. No other warranty, either expressed or implied, is made as to the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report. 24 TESD ?-" Daveon Devlopment. Ine Overland Commercial Development January 19.2004 Contract No. 62623 11. SELECTED REFERENCES ASTM, 2001, Soil and Rock: American Society for Testing and Materials: vol. 4.08 for ASTM test methods D-420 to D-4914; and vol. 4.09 for ASTM test methods D-4943 to highest number. Boore, D.M., Joyner, W, and Fumal, T.E., 1997, Equations For Estimating Horizontal Response Spectra And Peak Acceleration Form Western North American Earthquakes - A Summary Of Recent Work: Seismological Research Letters, Vol. 68, No. I, pp. 128-153. California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, 1997, Guidelines for Evaluation and Mitigation of Seismic Hazards in California: Special Publication 117, 74 pp. California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, 1998, Maps of Known Active Fault Near-Source Zones in California and Adjacent Portions of Nevada: International Conference of Building Officials, dated February, Scale 1"=4km. City of San Diego, Regional Urban Information System (RillS), 1995, City of San Diego Seismic Safety Study, Geologic Hazards and Faults, Map sheet 21. Hart, E.W, and Bryant, WA., 1997, Fault-Rupture Hazard Zones in California, Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act with Index to Earthquake Fault Zone Maps: California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication 42, 38 pp., International Conference of Building Officials, 1997, Uniform Building Code: Volume 2. Ishihara, K., 1985, Stability of Natural Deposits during Earthquakes: Proceedings, II th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Volume I, pp. 321-376. Jennings, C.w., 1994, Fault Activity Map of California and Adjacent Areas with Locations and Ages of Recent Volcanic Eruptions: California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology Geologic Data Map No.6, scale 1 :750,000. Kennedy, M.P., 1975, Geology of San Diego Metropolitan Area, California,Point Lorna Quadrangle, Bulletin 200. California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology, map scale 1:24,000. Thomas F. Blake Computer Services and Software, 2000, FRISKSP, Version 4.00, A Computer Program for Probabilistic Estimation of Peak Acceleration and Uniform Hazard Spectra Using 3-D Faults as Earthquake Sources. 25 TESD z$ ; :;; Davcon Devlopment. Inc Overland Commercial Development January 19. 2004 Contrac, No. 62623 Treiman, J.A., 1993, The Rose Canyon Fault Zone, Southern California," California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology Open File Report 93-02, 45 pp. plus 3 plates, map scale 1:100,000. Youd, T.L. and Idriss, LM., 2001, Liquefaction Resistance of Soils: Summary report of NCEER 1996 and 1998 NCEER/SF Workshops on Evaluation of Liquefaction Resistance of Soils: Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, dated April, pp. 297-313. ,.J 26 TESD '[..0.. ,. ! . . 1 J ~ Davcon Devlopment, loe Overland Commercial Development January 19.2004 Contract No. 62623 Figures TESD ?P . '7' ( )'-#"~ ri.c~'c' ~ ~7{~~:~) (~;;~!~ / '..} 'I....-l .S.}~ ,.~'. .1 f ~ . '\i. " ,/~,." "", """, .., ''<<-:'" .~! l" _~."/" '. t -I:. """':'~~:~:J:: N-., I"~ I.....,. . ..' I " .... ,".. ," "-":-"'" "'" of /' "'<><:<. ',.:",,"':"" .' '>.c- .i \..... " r", ','. \, '" \, .... ,'-, , '. '. '-~.~--':, . '-',,"'c__o "'" -..:..... ,i l.,>o.>~' --"'- - "~: .. ( ./'\',......., /- (l ?,. \~ , -\ ~, . ..../CIS '. (' " ", /' ,-,' ,\ . eho ~ i '>,"" 'V' 3000 e Testing Engineers - U,S. Labs 7895 Convoy Court. Suite 18 San Diego, CA 92111 SCALE 2000 4000<< I 1 :24000 TiUe: Site Location Map ,?\ , NOTE: This figure may contain areas of color. TE-U.S. Labs cannot be responsible for any subsequent misinterpretation of the information resulting from black and white reproductions of this figure. Project: Drwn: Overland Commercial Develpment Contract No: MM 62623 Date: January, 2004 Figure No: 1 >- .0'0 .<1) C'" COCO -'0 0-. Olt) C<I) .-... '0.- COJ:: ~U <.9~ .~ (/) U<I) ~... <I) CO ET.i Eg aU). <.)<(8 '0<1)0 C_N CO'O- -~ro ~<( ~ <1),,_ >~N O:2~ "" <I) a: /; i .. 0- I ~ :\- .( .' .. ~ '. 0- .l 1 r-------- bi --------- Iii --------- hi --------- bi = C'\l I . a.. II L. 1--- ~ ---ti----- + ~ "'"":" X X 0 C e C- o. 0. Z 0. CO CO ~ ~ C W l5 ,g In ii ~ :g \.J U 0 ::l W.3 :: .~ ...J Ol c: Ol C 0 'c en 0 o <I) <I) --co f- <.9 - ~~$8 8 II) .c co ..J .eo Cf.!~..... ......~..... .... ,,- 'U)N _Ol 1I)t:<: Q;5U Q,H.) 0 C >- Ol .- 0 (I) C)i:Ci co" we.>", C)~CI) Ceo .-... ... II) Gl f- ;; '" i= C co 0- ... o 0- 0- o <() o o ~ o o N .:e: 0_ o ~ '-' ,iJ[ e a.. " ~ o (") ... N C co <I) N E co 0. <I) .. > 0 <I) Z o u rn g .- " ~ 8 <I) - E E o <.) '0 C co -.:: :2 <I) :2 o W ...J <( U CJ) :" ;,; 1<i o ~ o o N ~ co :J C co -, <:; Z ~ :J 0> u: N _~.u_._..., <;<\ I: .' Daveon Devlopment, Inc Overland Commercial Development January 19.2004 Contract No, 62623 Appendix A Logs of Exploratory Borings and Test Pits Bulk and relatively undisturbed drive samples were obtained in the field during our subsurface evaluation. The samples were tagged in the field and transported to our laboratory for observation and testing. The drive samples were obtained using the California Modified Split Barrel Drive and Standard Penetration Test (SPT) sampler as described below. California Modified Split Barrel Drive Sampler The split barrel drive sampler is driven with a l40-pound hammer allowed to drop freely 30 inches in general accordance with. The number of blows per foot recorded during sampling is presented in the logs of exploratory borings. The sampler has external and internal diameters of approximately 3.0 and 2.4 inches, respectively, and the inside of the sampler is lined with I-inch- long brass rings. The relatively undisturbed soil sample within the rings is removed, sealed, and transported to the laboratory for observation and testing. Standard Penetration Test Sampler The standard penetration test sampler is driven with a 140-pound hammer allowed to drop freely 30 inches in general accordance with ASTM D1586. The number of blows (N-value) required to drive the SPT sampler 12 inches is shown on the borings logs. The sampler has external and internal diameters of approximately 2.0 and 1.4 inches respectively. The sampling tube consists of an unlined split-tube barrel. The disturbed soil sample is removed, sealed, and transported to the laboratory for testing. TESP ?!p Davcon Devlopment, Inc Overland Conunercial Development January 19. 2004 Contracl No. 62623 GENERAL NOTES SAMPLE IDEN1lFICA TION The Unified Soil Classification System is used to identify the soil unless otherwise noted. SOIL PROPERlY SYMBOLS N: Standard "N" penetration: Blows per foot of a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches on a 2-inch 0.0. split- spoon. 00: Unconfined compressive strength. tsf. Qp: PenetrOmeter value, unconfined compressive strength, tsf. Me: Water content, %. LL: Liquid limi~ %. PI: Plasticity index, %. DO: Natural dry density. PCF. V : Apparent groundwater level at lime noted after completion. DRILLING AND SAMPLING SYMBOLS B CAL: tiil SS: . BULK: DB: CB: WS: Modified California Sampler - 2 518" J.D.. 3.0" O,D.. except where noted. Split-Spoon.. I 3/8' J.D.. 2" O.D.. except where noted. Bulk sample. Diamond Bit. Carbide Bit. Washed Sample. RELATIVE DENSIlY AND CONSISTENCY CLASSIFICATION TERM INON-COHESIVE SOILS) STANDARD PENETRATION RESISTANCE (Spn Very Loose Loose Medium Dense Dense Very Dense TERM (COHESIVE SOILS) Ot04 4to 10 lito 30 31to 50 Over 50 SPT OU - (TSI') o -0.25 0.25 - 0.50 0.50 - \.00 \.00-2,00 4.00+ Very Soft Soft Medium Stiff StitT Very StitT Hard Ot02 2to 4 4to 8 8to 16 161032 Over 32 PARTICLE SIZE Boulders Cobbles Gravel 12in.+ 12 in ~3.in 3 in .5rran Coarse Sand Medium Sand Fine Sand 5nun-0.6rran 0.6nun-O.2rran 0.2nun-O.074rran Silt Clay 0.074 nun-0.OO5rran - 0.OO5rran ~ 27 TESD , . (/l iL uJ I' ~ ...J f- 0 "' a. >!! e:- . 1;) :;; ::; 0 ~ ~ 1;) <( 0 uJ ~ .s (/l LL n: I (7; ::> (ij f- I ~ f- Z a. f- 0 (/l uJ uJ a. :!!: ~ 6 0 0 uJ , > ...J 0 '" '0 m ::; >- 0 n: 0 :;; III '0 ~ " ';; ~ ~ l5 " 0 "' .. .. , .. " ~ 0 0: .. :> :> 0 0 0 ~ 0: ~ 0 ~ " 0 ~ " z ii' 0 50 5.1 118.9 5 1.5 14 10 3.0 28 7.0 110.5 IS 4.6 -- 1----- 9 20 6.1 ;; ;; 0 '0 25 7.6 ~ " .;; " n: 30 9.1 35 10. 40 12.2 45 13. 50 15.2 55 16.8 . z o ...J ui~ o '0 m 0_ ::; 'LL >- (/l- en ::i~ :5 o ,," SP , '>, L I '.... l...' DATE DRILLED 12130/03 GROUND ELEVATION METHOD DRILLING CME-55 LOGGED BY CM DRIVE WEIGHT BORING NO. SHEET B-1 OF I DROP 30 inches 1401bs. DESCRIPTION SM FILL: Silty SAND Light brown, damp, dense, fine to coarse-grained. Tl1lce clay. ALLUVIUM: SAND Light brown. dry to damp, medium dense. Fine to coarse-grained. Clean sand. CL sJtrCUy----------------------------------- l-- '\ Brown, very moist, firm. Tl1lce fine sand. r \Hi2h olasticitv. Total Depth - 16.0 feet Groundwater not encountered ~ BORING LOG Testing Engineers - San Diego, Inc. 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 San Diego, CA 92 II I Ovcrtarid Commen::ial Overland Drive and Ynez Road Temecula PROJECfNO, I REPORTOATE I FIGURE 62623 lanu",," 2004 p,. 1 (/) u:- DATE DRILLED 12/30/03 BORING NO. B-2 w z V; ..J U ~ n. t-- ,e ~ 0 GROUND ELEVATION SHEET <D !i ::E 0 ~ .f=' I OF I 0 ~ ..J ~ " <( w 0 (/)<( .s f-(/) u. a:: .u METHOD DRILLING CME-55 I en => iii lD u- ::E . U. t-- I ?; t-- Z (/)- LOGGED BY CM DRIVE WEIGHT 1401bs. DROP n. t-- !!1 w >- .(/) 30 inches w n. ~ ~ 0 0 0 (/) =>(/) ..J :5 0 w , > lD ::E >- 0 '" '0 0 a:: u 0 DESCRIPTION SC FILL: Clayey SAND Light brown. damp. medium dense. - -- --hY;t., ~- -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- ML Very fine sandy SILT Light olive-brown, moist, very stiff. Slightly micaceous. 5 1.5 -f-- 1------- SP :,-"::',':: 120.1: :i 'l. - ----- ~ 16 28 12.9 10 3.0 15 4.6 118.4 :> ,,':' '::' -f-- 1------- ,f-SM 44 8.4 20 6.1 ~ .. 0 u 25 7.6 ~ ~ 'S; ~ a:: 30 9.1 30 f-- 28 35 10.7 ------------------------------------ Silty SAND with trace clay - - - - - - Tan to light brown. dry to damp, medium dense. Slightly micaceous. SC ALLUVIUM: SAND -, Tan, dry to damp, loose. Fine to coarse-grained. CL _q~_~~~__________________________________J- Sandy CLAY Light brown, damp. stiff. Fine grained. Minor red-brown iron oxide staining. SP PAUBA FORMATION: SAND Light brown. damp. dense. Fine to coal'Se-grained. Contains some gravel-size "well to sub rounded" quartz rock. Clean sand. SJ~SAND----------------------------------- Light olive-brown. damp to moist, medium dense to dense. Very fine to fine-grained. Slightly micaceous. -- 36 ------~- ~----------------------------------------- , "SM Silty SAND with trace clay Light olive-brown. damp to moist, dense. Fine to medium-grained. Slightly micaceous. ~-----I"~ ~-f------------------------------------------ ML Very fine sandy SILT Light olive-green. Damp to moist, very stiff to hard. 40 12.2 .ii lD u ~ ~ 'S; ~ ~ 45 13. 1-- ~ o C) ci ~ w ~ ~ 50 15.2 ~ 35 o ~ w ~ ~ o ~ 55 16-:R ~ ~ ~ o C) o ~ C) z J ir ~ . Testing Engineers - San Diego. Inc. 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 San Diego, CA 92 II I BORING LOG Overland Commercial Overland Drive and Ynez Road Temecula PROJECf NO, I REPORT DATE I FIGURE 62623 Januarv 2004 A,. 2 Total Depth - 51.5 feet Groundwater not encountered ?fp <f) lL w Vi' .J I- U , 0- ~ !!:. CD Iii ::; a ~ :1!!.. CD <( a w ~ .s ~ u. a: I ;;; ::> iii l- I 5: I- Z 0- I- a <f) w W 0- =5 ~ .J 6 0 0 w CD ::; >- 0 OJ '0 0 a: 0 z DATE DRILLED 12/19/03 TEST PIT NO. TP-I a GROUND ELEVATION SHEET I OF I .J .i= a <f)<( METHOD DRILLING Case 580M '0 CD u- ::; . u. <f)- LOGGED BY CM DRIVE WEIGHT DROP >- '<f) <f) ::><f) :5 0 DESCRIPTION I-- I- L-S FILL: Fine sandy CLA Y/Clayey SAND Light brown to tan, soft to firm, dry to damp. Trace gravel . At 1.5 feet encounter small piece of asphalt. --u-+--- 1------ 15.3 122.2 ~- ------------------------------------------ " SM Silty SAND Light brown. damp, medium dense. Fine grained. Encounter isolated rock (I to 2- inch diameter). - 5 \.5 P-SI ALLUVTIJM: Sand/Silty SAND Light brown. damp. loose to medium dense. Fine to coarse-grained. Slightly porous. Slightly micaceous. Total Depth - 6.5 feet Groundwater not encountered $ '" o 'C ~ " '> " a: 10 3.0 ~ i 15 4.6 i o "' "' ~ ~ .. .., .,; .., o J .. ~ ~ u ~ "' ~ ~ o u ~ 20 6.1 :'i ~ ~ o .., o J ~ ~ ~ "' w ~ ?'\ . Testing Engineers - San Diego, Inc. 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 San Diego, CA 92 I I I TEST PIT I ()~ Overland Conunercial Overland Drive and Ynez Road Temecula CONTRACT NO. 1 REPORT DATE I FIGURE 62623 Januarv2004 0.-3 (/l u:- DATE DRILLED 12/19/03 TEST PIT NO. TP-2 uJ z -;;; ..J I- U 0 a. ~ ~ GROUND ELEVATION SHEET I OF " .'! :2 0 ~ .~ 1 0 uJ ?:: ..J ~ Q) <( 0 ~U Case 580M .s f- (/l LL a: METHOD DRILLING (jj Cii en U- I ~ :2 'LL l- I 3: I- Z (/l- LOGGED BY CM DRIVE WEIGHT DROP a. I- (/l uJ >- '(/l uJ a. c 0 <5 0 (/l ~(/l ~ . ..J ::'i 0 uJ "5 .~ en :2 >- 0 "0 a: U 0 DESCRIPTION SM FILL: Silty SAND Light brown, damp, loose to medium dense. Fine to coarse-grained. At I foot, color change to light gray-brown. Contains some pieces of asphalt. Becomes medium dense to dense. - 8.7 128.6 l- ~ r-'It / SP ALLUVIUM: 4.3 118.0 SAND 5-12 Light brown, damp. loose. Fine to coarse-grained. Slightly micaceous. clean sand. :: ",:' 5.0 101.4 1< 1< ;; ;;; Iii 0 '0 ~ ,,' . f< " Q) I 0:: 10 3.0 Total Depth - 10.0 feet Groundwater not encountered 2' 4.6 Ol 15 1 1 0 '" w ~ ~ ~ " u; " g ~ ~ ~ u ~ w ~ ~ ~ 0 u 0 6.1 z 20 > . TEST PIT I nr. Testing Engineers - San Diego, Inc. Overland Commc::rcial 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 Overland Drive and Yncz Road Temccula San Diego, CA 9211 I CONTRACT NO, I REPORT DATE I FIGURE 62623 Janu'N 2004 A-4 :'i " w o <.? o J ~ ~ ~ '" w ~ " ell iL DATE DRILLED 12119/03 TEST PIT NO. TP-3 ill . ..J () Z Ui a. I- ~ !!:. 0 GROUND ELEVATION SHEET I OF ;; li; ::;; 0 ~ ...J .i= I ~ ;; <( 0 ill ~ o eIl<( METHOD DRILLING .S- ell U- n: ro U~ Case 580M I (); ::J Ui ::;; . U- l- I ~ I- Z >- "l Ui LOGGED BY eM DRIVE WEIGHT DROP a. I- 0 ell ill ell ::Jell ill a. :! ~ 6 0 0 ill , > ..J :5 0 a>~ ro ::;; >- 0 n: () 0 DESCRIPTION SM FILL: Silty SAND - Light brown, damp. loose to medium dense. Fine to coarse-grained. At I foot becomes medium dense to dense. Color change to light gray-brown. 8.7 133.2 At 2.5 feet color change to light brown. Encountered small piece of plastic. SM ALLUVIUM: Silty SAND Light brown to tan, damp, loose to medium dense. Fine to coarse-grained. Slightly micaceous. 5 1.5 Total Depth - 6.0 feet Groundwater not encountered S ro 0 u ~ " '> " a: 10 3.0 ;; 4.6 Ol 15 1 i 0 '" w ... Q' " u; " 0 ~ .. ... ~ $ l;! w ~ ~ ~ 0 u 0 20 6.1 z ~ or II::.S I PIT I nr.: \'i . " Testing Engineers - San Diego. Inc. Oveoland Conunen:ial 0 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 ~ Overland Drivc:and Yncz Road Temccula ... San Diego. CA 92 II I CONTRACT NO. I -I RGURE ~ REPORT DATE ... '" 62623 JanU3rV 2004 A-5 o '._" w ... m u:- DATE DRILLED 12119/03 TEST PIT NO. TP-4 . w -;;;- ...J U z a. f- ~ e- O GROUND ELEVATION SHEET 1 OF 1 16 :;; ::;: 0 e..- .;:: 16 0 ~ ...J ~ <( W 0 m<( METHOD DRILLING Case 580M .s ~ LL OC m .u (jj Cii u_ :I: ::l ::;: 'LL f- ':I: ::: f- Z >- m- LOGGED BY CM DRIVE WEIGHT DROP a. f- '!1 w .m w a. 0 0 0 m ::lm 0 w '3~ ...J 0 :'S m ::;: >- 0 mo oc U 0 DESCRIPTION SM FILL: Silty SAND - Light brown. damp, medium dense. Fine to medium-grained. - 6.3 120.1 1.5 <: SP ALLUVIUM: 5 SAND :': Light brown to tan. damp. loose to medium dense. ..:,.',... Fine to coarse-grained. Total Depth - 6.0 feet Groundwater not encountered ;,; OJ 0 -0 ~ m '> m 0: 10 3.0 , ~ 15 4.6 - ci "' w ~ ~ " vi " '3 ~ ~ ~ ~ u ~ w J() ~ ~ 0 20 6.1 . Testing Engineers - San Diego, Inc. TE~T PIT LOG 0vcrIand Commercial 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 Overland Drive and Ynez Road TemecuJa San Diego, CA 92 I I I CONTRACT NO, I REPORT OATE I FIGURE 62623 Janowv 2004 A-6 '" 1 ~ u o z 5 ~ ~ o " '3 ~ ii: ~ "' w ~ , If) u: DATE DRILLED 12119/03 TEST PIT NO. TP-5 w z <ii' -' 0 ~ a. l- e ~ 0 GROUND ELEVATION SHEET I OF I ~ 0 ...J .~ Q; Q) ::;: ~ Q; <( 0 w ~ o If)<( METHOD DRILLING Case 580M E- If) u- n: m cj!,1 I Cil ::> Cii ::;: 'u- l- I ??; I- Z >- ~U) LOGGED BY CM DRIVE WEIGHT DROP a. l- e 0 !Q w If) ::>If) W a. =5.~ -' 0 0 :'5 0 w m ::;: >- 0 "'0 n: 0 0 DESCRIPTION SM FILL: Silty SAND Fine to medium-grained. - Light brown, damp, medium dense. 8.7 133.2 At2 feel color change to lighl gray-brown. At4 feel encounter piece of asphalt. '.-' SP ALLUVIUM: ",.:':: SAND 5 :I :> Light brown, damp. medium dense. Fine 10 coarse-grained. \ Slightly micaceous. At5 feet becomes loose to medium dense. / \ .::,.:.','., > ~ Ii 10 0 [< " ~ I> 0 '> 0 I OC 10 3.0 Total Depth 10.0 feet Groundwater not encountered i 4.6 a;> IS t i ci '" w ~ ~ ~ e> .; e> 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ < u " w ~ ~ .\\ 0 u 0 20 6.1 z ~ " TE~T PIT LOr, ~ . 0 Testing Engineers - San Diego. Inc. e> 0vc:rIand Commercia) g 7895 Convoy Court, Suite 18 Overland Pri.. and Yncz Road Temecula ~ i[ San Diego. CA 921 II CONTRACT NO, I REPORT DATE I FIGURE ~ '" 62623 Januarv 2004 ",7 w ~ I. Davcon Devlopment, loe Overland Convnercial Development January 19,2004 Contract No. 62623 Appendix B Laboratory Testing Classification Soils were visually and texturally classified in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. Soil classifications are indicated on the logs of the exploratory borings and test pits in Appendix A. Particle-size Distribution Tests An evaluation of the grain-size distribution of a selected soil sample was performed in general accordance with the latest version of ASTM D422 (including -200 wash). These test results were utilized in evaluating the soil classifications in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. Consolidation Consolidation tests were performed in accordance with ASTM D 2435 to determine the magnitude and rate of consolidation of soil when restrained laterally and drained axially while subjected to incrementally applied controlled-stress loading. Direct Shear Tests Direct shear tests were performed on relatively undisturbed samples in general accordance with the latest version of ASTM D3080 to evaluate the shear strength characteristics of selected materials. The samples were tested at the in-situ moisture contents. The rate of strain for the samples was 0.0084 inch per minute. Expansion Index Tests Expansion tests were performed on representative samples of the on-site soils, which were remolded, surcharged 144 pounds per square foot, and submerged in accordance with Uniform Building Code Standard No. 18-2. The test results are summarized in the following tables of Appendix C. A7/ ~ TESP '. Davcon Devlopment, Inc Overland Commercial Development January 19, 2004 Contract No. 62623 In-situ Moisture and Density Tests The moisture contents and dry densities of relatively undisturbed samples obtained from the exploratory borings were evaluated in general accordance with the latest version of ASTM D2937. Moisture-Density Relationship The maximum dry density and optimum moisture content of representative soils were determined in accordance with ASTM D1557. Soil Corrosivity Tests Soluble sulfate, chloride, resistively and pH tests were performed in accordance with California Test Methods 643, 417 and 422 to assess the degree of COITosivity of the subgrade soils with regard to concrete and normal grade steel. R-ValueTests R-Value testing was performed on a select representative sample in accordance with Caltrans Test Method 301. A..'? TESD < ~ 'i 'i 8 ~ 8 ..."'....'"~~~ : ; ~~: ~ ... .,n.\U,I,-i~i-"I!:. ~~tH~LU :U ! __JlUUL._:. .:'J :." ':;'i" i \Kj::i'r!'[l::! -11tr---ll-T, --!~!1 i :l',----~ jlr+W.i,~,~i I~ 1'--r!lltrl:~I:T!in"l 70 nU"_"~ : ,':j' I f-.+.:..-f : jJ ! i ::-++ : -l-j ,I !"\, :: , i u !i i ! l I,' ll:'--n, 'I' I I 'I' TI I . 1 " i' ! \,1 T ! ",'" 1'1,1, ,',' I --I I" , ' , I" '1'1" 'I': : '. '1' ., I .' · : I · · ' !: I::: : . . ": illi --. -~'-'--1'---'-- I I : I I -+-t--i-": " ' , Ii: . I ; I . "jmt'-r i i I. ~ 1 ; I: 1 30 -,;-!--+.-- I i i ;dll ..- : - 'fi:i-h 10" i --l~lj1- i I,:i I ,; lililli 100 90 80 0:: w 60 Z LL !z 50 w U 0:: w 40 a. 20 o 500 '!. COBBLES 0.0 SIEVE SIZE 1.5 in. I in. 3/4 in. 1/2 in. 3/8 in, #4 #10 #20 1140 1160 11100 11200 100 PERCENT FINER 100.0 99.9 99.6 98.9 98.4 97.5 94.4 89.2 84.1 78.3 68.8 54,0 (nt) specifi(,ilion provided) Sample No.: 10827 Location: TP-I Particle Size Distribution Report : : : : : : : : ~ I I I I: , : : : : : : : : : : : : : , : : : :1 1 0,1 GRAIN SIZE - mm 'I. SAND 43.5 10 'I. GRAVEL 2,5 SPEC: PERcENT Soil Description Tan-Gray-Brown Sandy Silty CLA V PASS? (X=NO) PL= Allerberq Limits LL= 085= 0.474 D30= Gu= Coefficients 060= 0.0990 D15= Gc= Classification AASHTO= USGS= Remarks TESD NO. 10827 n____.--i....___ 'I. SILT i! -rl I: I' !i ; I :!I: I i ' ~_ n___ _ ._~_ :Ii,;; : Ii!:: 1 :. Ill:: i : I --r-.J--.m- -- llit'" I ' ;J.l----- 1 i 1 I ' T l-+-~ - -- !i I' , I' . I i I 1-1 : r i -.1 I'. -~ .---- ill i : trr fouL--- Ill! i I It -i-i.-J ' III i, II i 0.01 0001 0/. CLAY 54,0 PI= 050= 010= Date: 12/30/03 Elev.lDepth: O' M Plate 6-1 Source of Sample: Client: Davcon Development, Inc. Project: Overland Commercial .Davcon. GI TESTING ENGINEERS Pro'ecl No: 62623 Particle Size Distribution Report , .. .. S' " .....;. o 0 . . . _;0 ::;, <;, ;-r--- . i ''j-.! ! .: i; i ", .i!:: ;.1" I I~-:,n'--,',-lf,!: I_I !-+, i,.---]IF] i,ll,' \ r-t ': .::i : I : :: f': : I 'mf". \ -,--:---~Ur I. Ii II ii \ I I \ ,. ,ltlll. . . . .!I ' -~', il'I:II!:I.! :~IIIII!II i . " I'. II : .! . I +-~-+..---itf';: : -:' !: " ..,1, I' . 'I I. 'i! !ill! : i' . :. I. j .--- "n:,iH+I-::+'c---'- 'I f, ! , , ' :'i, I ;: I: : I': I'::: I' I : ! Ii Ii I 'II. i . IILLili i +, ""-T:tnl-n-q-:-mmll-T '! .:; !:l! i: <;: :;~ I: I -T--~----~- ;-.-tt-trrl _I: ~:--~-: : ; ! I: \li~1 r;: : I: 1 : 1: I' ::::: i,ml: ': : , I I I : -tTi. I II I: I o I,: 500 100 90 80 70 0:: w 60 Z u. f-- 50 Z W U 0:: w 40 a. 30 20 '0 ~ g ~ 2 ~ ~ ~ .. .... .. ...... """, I' 'I " . : TOfT 11:1.':'i I'll : ! 'if I: 1:1' !: i: i :i U I! I:! II' I ,I III I ! i , ! i i ! , I i ! I , ! i : : : : : : : : : i 'I: , . :~I' ~: K' 100 10 1 GRAIN SIZE - mm 0,1 % COBBLES 0.0 Y. GRAVEL 0.9 SIEVE SIZE 3/4 in. 1/2 in, 3/8 in. #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 PERcENT FINER 100.0 100,0 99,8 99.1 86.8 62.6 38.7 23.1 13.9 8.6 SPEC.' PERCENT PASS? (X=NO) (no specification provided) Sample No.: 10829 Location: TP.2 Source of Sample: % SAND 90.5 Soil Description Well.graded SAND with Silt PL= AllerberQ Limits LL= 085= 1.84 D30= 0.323 Gu= 8.17 Coefficients 060= 0.787 015= 0.163 Gc= 1.3 7 I' ! I -"-;'~--T --.- , ' , ~ I!:: ; fITfr-- i 1'1'1" , ,. i: Ii' ! ! i 1 ; .;--~ ------~ i IlUH1_- I!i t,: ' : ',I!:! ' ! " . . --'--l--h-~ ~ -\ - . ,I:, I' ' ,j!: i i ,Ii!: i I lit' ili1iH +_u I, I i IrO" i t-Ll,-- ! I I i II II , i ; ,I 0,01 0.001 'I. SILT 'I. CLAY 8.6 PI= 050= 0.591 010= 0.0963 Classification USGS= SW-SM AASHTO= Remarks TESD NO. 10829 TESTING ENGINEERS Client: Davcon Development, Inc. Project: Overland Commercial -Davcon - GI Pro' ect No: 62623 Date: 12/30103 Elev./Depth: -4' A6' Plate B-2 , ~. c c c 8 0 ~~..~i~~ : ; ~~: ~ -;~ :;!i!~' I Ii'iIThl'" i I!J!!!! i Illlm:'!!I'i!! f ,." I,. '~,,'I '"Iii: IUl' : . I .' , 'It I , ---~--]l..~.!',.:._!.;-'."ti, l : (-:r! I : Nnl i i iii, II-:-t- T----~-:------ ___ " +---~-LL~-)8jl~-:! ,I ~I-'-- ,------ i ::: i j ::: ,:: i; i 'i l'i i; I ,i:I', I. i : "I , i ' ::Ii: I Ii: i i ! i ill i II il i 'I I '" ' H:m "'_-,-_~, ,--1ft! :,Jl, ,i . :. I! :,1,111 I,ll I I ,i .' I I,l 'Ii' ! i i-' i : -T--- ~ 1~ ;!\ I! , ! ~ " I! 'I' l' ii' 1\: 'I' intt';, - --;- -- ,::,II',!1. ItJ: ~iii,iil-,i JtTHijIt · ." · . · \. 1IIIil -r ! I. II: : :\ , I I -U I , I " " . 1: If:' :J+:-W!!I ,. 1,,11, i ii, 11:1 i . . ~ .00 90 80 70 a:: W 60 Z u. f- 50 Z W U a:: w 40 a. 30 20 10 o 500 % COBBLES 0.0 . SIEVE SIZE 2 in. 1.5 in. I in. 3/4 in, 1/2 in, 3/8 in. #4 #10 #20 #40 #60 #100 #200 J , . 100 PERCENT FINER 100.0 99.1 99.1 98.8 98.5 98.3 97,7 91.2 79.2 65.6 51.8 37,7 25.5 (no specilic31ion provided) Sample No.: 10831 Location: B-2 Particle Size Distribution Report ': ,: : Ii i ----- I I ! I I !i I I I -H-H -IJ----- I "I i ' , I "Iii Ii: Ill! 1 ! I: !'j 'I: I: I: i:1 II I 0,1 0,01 0,001 10 1 GRAIN SIZE - mm 0/. SAND 72.2 25,5 II. SILT 'I. CLAY II. GRAVEL 2.3 SPEC.' PERCENT Soil Description PASS? (X=NO) Brown SAND PL= AtlerberQ Limits LL= PI= D85= 1.23 030= 0.101 Cu= Coefficients 060= 0.338 015= Cc= Classification AASHTO= 050= 0,235 010= USCS= Remarks TESD NO. 10831 Source of Sample: Date: 12130/03 Elev./Depth: 10' Client: Daveon Development, Inc. Project: Overland Commercial -Daveon - GI JW TESTING ENGINEERS Plate B-3 Pro'ecl No: 62623 Date: Job No: Job Name: Address: Report No: ENGINEER: REVIEWED: _I!Uo. Testing Engineers - San Diego, Inc. 200 WASH SIEVE ANALYSES January 9. 2004 62623 Overland Commercial-Davcon - GI Overland Drive and Ynez Road Temecula. California Plan Number: N/A Pennit: N/A Application: N/ A 6461 CHAD DAVIS. CIVIL ENGINEER MEHRZAD MAGSOUDLOU. STAFF GEOLOGIST 21 22 2 24 _ .LlL._' ESlahli~hl:d Il)..H\ o v 41 Ic'qlf::: Li\~'",,'n,. S.lll [)Il'~ll. [nt". 71-;9S COIlVllY Court. SUI1( IX San Diq;n. CA 9~1] I 1101.S11j 71~ 5BOO Fa.I( {8SR] "!lS "'sln Plate 6-4 'V$"iiL.../l<;.;,.....__.:r.llW~~'l<-"'~.?~~d!U':"~~~~ts.l- ~..c..~~1J;.....~ ~":~_~._!l TI.:Sl i ng Eng i nee rs - San Diego, tne. L:-I<lhl1:-lh:d I ()-.J() NlItllrlll Moistllrl' Aml Ol'nsity (Ring Samples) Date: January 9. 2004 Job No: Job Name: Address: 62623 Overland Commercial -Davcon - GI Overland Drive and Ynez Road Temecula. California Report No: ENGINEER: 6460 CHAD DAVIS. CIVIL ENGINEER REVIEWED: MEHRZAD MAGSOUDLOU. STAFF GEOLOGIST Project: Overland Commercial Date Sampled: 12/30/03 Lab Number 10818 10819 10820 10822 Sample Identification B-1 @2' B-I@IO' B-2@5' B-2@15' Moisture Content % 5.1 7.0 12.9 8.4 Drv Densitv ncf 118.9 110.5 120.1 118.4 A8 Plate 6-5 i c ,,: , II" I OI;!: 11 -.: ~. I' . S ;11; lJ 1 (' t: ,I I:;,' "7 i' </ _~ C" n v 0 y C .nH I. SUI tell< S J n [), ego. (' A I)? 1 i IrS 5 X I 7 I 5 5 ROO Fax pI S X I 7 I S 58 1 n Date: Projecl No, Client: Address: Report No. ENGINEER: Testing Enginccrs - San Diego.lnc T '<f'.wor.'VIP'J'I - -~~... L__I;lhl1:-h.....d 19-1() One-Dimensional Consolidation Properties of Soil (ASTM D2435) January 9, 2004 62623 Davcon Development. Inc 42389 Winchester Road, Suite B Temecula Ca 92590-4810 6464 VAN OLIN. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER Lab No, Project: Date Sampled: Sample Location: 10819 Overland Commercial 12/30/2003 B-1 @10' ,2.0 "'- c .~ iii ,3,0 .----------- ---- Consolidation Data Vertical Stress, psI Strain. % 50 00 500 -0.7 1000 -1,1 2000 -1,6 2000 -1.7 4000 -24 8000 -3.3 2000 -2,8 500 -2.3 Sample Data Pre-consolidation Dry Densitv. pcf 120,7 Moisture, % 13.2 Saturation. % 45.3 Posl-consolidation Moisture. % I 13.1 Saturation, % -I 41.8 A~ I,-'llll': rll~lnt:CI~ \;,,\ f),,:~O. Ine. 71"').~ llHl\"tly Court. SUItt' l).; S3n Diego. CA. -;~llllR5~1 715-5800 Fax 18SKI 715 SlSl11 Plate B-6 Soil Consolidation 0,0 _.--.'----- ._,-' --- ,t"'----.. . I:.:.:,; :, , . , , .. .. ......N:' ,'..'" Ii . ," ;, !' K' Water added ./ ~ I\.. r\ '-....., ......... I 'to. -1.0 -4,0 ,5,0 10 100 1000 10000 Vertical Stress, pst TESO JOB NO: CLIENT: TESTING ENGINEERS. SAN DIEGO 62623 Davcon Development. Int DIRECT SHEAR TEST DATA TESD LAB NO.: PROJECT: SAMPLE lOCATION: SOIL TYPE: 10820 Overland Commercial B.2@5' Silty -sand W\e'Urlau'Doe<::lSr.e~I:INO,IOll20&IS1tEP()AT DIRECT SHEAR GRAPH 4.00 4.50 - -'-'~~- --' 3.50 3.00 , ~ " ~ 2.50 ~ ~ o ~ 2.00 w , o 1.50 0.50 Y" 0.!51b. 0.5554 RJ:0.999 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 '.50 4.00 4.50 NORMAL PRESSURE CALCULATED DATA INITIAL WET DENSITY pcl 133.8 132.7 131.8 DRY DENSITY pel 119.1 118.5 116.7 MOISTURE % 12.4% 12.0% 12.9% AFTER SATURATION COMPRESSION(.) or EXPANSION (+) % .1.4% .Q.7% -0,9% FINAL, al failure WET DENSITY pel 139.1 138.0 136.5 DRY DENSITY pel 119.8 119.3 116.9 MOISTURE % 16.1% 15.7% 16.8% COMPRESSION(-) or EXPANSION (+) % -0,6% .Q.7% -0.1% NORMAL PRESSURE ksf 1.01 1.98 ),97 SHEAR STRENGTH ksf 1.44 2,20 ),95 FRICTION ANGLE = 40.4 d rees COHESION = 0.56 ksf 11912004 50 Plate 6-7 COMPACTION TEST REPORT Curve No.: 1 Project No.: 6262-' Project: Ovcrl:lIld Comll1cfl'iJI -Da\'l.:tlll . GI Date: 12/.10/ll3 Location: TP-:! Elev.lDepth: 2' Remarks: TESD NO, 1{J~2~ MATERIAL DESCRIPTION Description: Gray-brown Clayey SAND Classifications - Nat. Moist. = Liquid Limit = % > No.4 = % USCS: AASHTO: Sp.G. = Plasticity Index = % < No.200 = TEST RESULTS M:lximum dry density = 131.5 pef Optimum moisture = 8 % 105 Test specification: ASTM D 1557-91 Procedure A Modified 135 130 125 100% SATURATION CURVES FOR SPEC. GRAV. EQUAL TO: 2.8 2.7 2.6 g, 120 c 'iij c Q) '0 l; 115 110 100 o 5 10 15 20 Water content, % 25 5\ Plate 6-8 TESTING ENGINEERS '. "Q'~~orJ."",,,,,___:_,.,,,,,_~,,,,,,_~~~~-,,,,,,,,,,",,,~,~,,,,,,,,,,:_,;,_t.I';.K\.~r~~';'''o1;;_''''~Th~~WI\lII~-'~"''!t$''''S''''''''''~~,~",,- Tcsling Engincers - San Dicgo.lnc, I-:~I;lhlhh~d : l)...t(l EXPANSION INDEX TEST Date: January 9. 2004 .lob No: .lob Name: Address: 62623 Overland Commercial -Davcon - GI Overland Drive and Ynez Road Temecula, California Report No: ENGINEER 6462 CHAD DAVIS, CIVIL ENGINEER REVIEWED: MEHRZAD MAGSOUDLOU, STAFF GEOLOGIST ."-,_..._"....,-~----,_._-- ----......---.-...-----------..--------.--...--.---- LAB NO, 10827 PROJECT: Overland Conmlercial SAMPLED BY: TESD SUBMITTED BY TESD PROCEDURE ASTM D4829 DATE: 12/30/03 DATE: J 12/04 RESULTS SA MPI F I fl M()JSTIIRF rnNTFNT % flRY nFNSITY l'CE FXP A NSlnN lliIlEX pnTFNTlAI FXPANSION TP-I @O' 10.0 109.2 III HIGH COMMENTS: -:;-v Plate B-9 Ie-II!::; 1-Il:;i!l~'(,h. S;'!ll)n'~:'l Ill;:. i,'i')~ <. {'I\VOY Coun. SUi1c' 1:-0: SJn DIl'g" Cf\ ':'~\li pi":'\1715 SKOO F:lx \X5Xj ~l~.~:-;;n I. o T~Slilll! Engin~ers . S<ln Die-go. tile.. Fslnhlish~d 19:J() R-VALUE TEST RESULTS PROJECT NAME Overland Commercial-Davcon. GI CLIENT'S PROJECT OR WORK ORDER NUMBER 62623 SAMPLE LOCATION TP-I @O' SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Gray-Brown FineSandy SILT SAMPLED BY TESD TESD PROJ. NO, 62623 DATE RECEIVED LAB NUMBER 1/2/2004 10827 LABORATORY TEST DATA 1 2 3 Compactor Pressure (psi) 300 ISO 95 Moisn"e at Compaction ('Yo) 15.1 16.9 18.0 Compacted Density (oct) 117.5 I I3.1 169.9 Cover Thickness by Expansion Pressure (feet) 2.33 1.97 1.13 Cover Thickness by Stabilometer (feet) 0.78 1.15 1.21 Exudation Pressure (psi) 530 300 240 R-Value (corrected) 46 20 16 EXPANSION PRESSURE 1.5 ' ..l.u- .-..-~ ~. 2,0' ~ W >-1- <Ow a::::EZ;- w 0 ~ 1.0 >=:::. 0<0 U ~ 0,5 '" '."1 - ..: -:-=;':::_L..-_-.,-.:---:~r::~~ .-.- -,~ .. t- - ,.----- -- --.". .. -- :~-+--~-=~~~::-.: --~ ~ -+ _ :::::..-.-:::"":-::.-1--:::.::- _n_ ~._-:-.__..t..- 0,0 ,. 0,0 .~.. ...... ,;.;.,00 . . _:;_~.:...:: ~':.:~T.~~ -=-t____ 0,5 1.0 1.5 2.0 COVER BY EXPANSION PRESSURE (feet) EXUDATION PRESSURE ".,T " .-.,---!.. . -- "-1"-'''''' _..~-- ....-.-,. t::', w 100 ::> .J <{ 80 > " 60 0 W I- 40 U W 0:: 20 0:: 0 U 0 0 I . .,- .' '," :"'-.."j :_.~_~ I.. :.;_ _ t.-- ..,...-.- ..-.~...---.;- -'C' c,:,,:[ ~ ,.:(":_:t. .....-:~.-:r- .=L---:-! -..- --~:'--1 ::r ...:t'. 100 200 300 400 EXUDATION PRESSURE (psi) 500 600 ASSUMED TRAFFIC INDEX R-VALUE BY EXUDATION R.VALUE BY EXPANSION R-V ALUE AT EQUILIBRIUM I 4.5 20 16 20 ENGINEER: CHAD DAVIS. CIVIL ENGINEER Reviewed By: MEHRZAD MAGHSOUDLOU. STAFF GEOLOGIST Plate B-l0 5:7 110.- .I.""~- ~~"""-.JIo.",,~Il.'_' .__iIlr Testing Engineers - San Diego.lnc, l....lilbll....hl.d It)-I() rHLORIOE ANO SULFATE TESTS DOle: hnuary 9. 2004 Job No: Job Name: Address: 62623 Overland Commercial -Davcon - GI Overland Drive and Ynez Road Temecula, California Report No: ENGINEER: 6463 CHAD DAVIS. CIVIL ENGINEER '" , LAB NliMIlER SAMPLE pH RESISTIVITY IDENTIFICATION OHM-CM 10832 TP-5 @ 3' 6.79 4683 I -------- , REVIEWED: MEHRZAD MAGSOUDLOU, STAFF GEOLOGIST , ;-- LAB NUMBER SAMPLE CHLORIDE SULFATE I Tnli'''''1'J1<'TrAT'()N rf'\N~li'NT (nn~\ rnNTli'NT Inom\ ! , I , , 10832 TP-5@3' 8.4 15,9 I Plate B-ll 5-\ ! ~', \, 11 ~ I. ,\ C' : 1\ c' c' I, _ S a II 01 c: g {l. III r . 7 X '.l ~ C (, 11 \,. i\ yep \I r 1 S 1l,1,,' 1 S S J n DIe: go. C.-\ 9 ~ I 1 I [!l 5 K I 11) 5 f( 00 F J~ [fl. S 8 I -.' 1 ~ S:-: I (, " ~ I. , Davcon Dcvlopmcnt, Inc Overland Commercial Dcvelopmcnl January 19, 2004 Conlracl No. 62623 , , i I i Appendix C SEISMIC ANALYSES DATA TESD ,-'" ;: . ... ~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~w~w~~~~~ ~~O:~~~~~~~OM~MM~~M~~OOO~O~O~~~~~~O~O~~OO~~~O~~O~~ " ~ ---------------------------------------------------- ~.oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ~W~.OOOOO~~OO~OOOOO~OOO~OO~~~OOO~~~~~~~~O~~OOOOOOO -~_. . ........,.,. ......... ... ..,. ~<E.~~~NN~~~NN..N~~N~~_O~~OOO...OOOOOOOO_OO~~_.N~~ U>O::~: ~_ ~ N ... 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