HomeMy WebLinkAboutSP-4 Paloma Del Sol Specific Plan Amendment Number 8Vnllll~ges ~~ ]~~se® dlell S®ll 0 Specific Plan No. 219, Amendment No. 8 (Specific Plan No. SP-4) Prepared by.• 'I'~iB Planning Consultants, Inc. 3242 Halladay, Suite 100 Santa Ana, California 92705 (714)662-2774/Fax(714)662-2708 Contacts: Barry Burnell Mark Hickner In Assoc•ialion wish: Dahlin Group -Architecture Wilkinson Design Group -Planning & Landscape Architecture RBF -Civil Engineering Capital Income Properties, Inc. Grant General Contractors, J.V. -Commercial Development FRCH -Commercial Architect Markham & Associates Slooten Consulting -Commercial Civil Engineer Wilbur Smith Associates -Traffic Analysis Lead Agency.• City of'I'emecula P.O. Box 9033 Temecula, CA 92589-9033 (909)694-6400/Fax: (909)694-6477 Adopted by the City of Temecula City Council on January 8, 2002 7I'ABLE OF ~®NTENTS SECTION PAGIi I. SUMMARY OF CHANGES ............................................. I-I II. SUMMARY .........................................................II-I A. PROJECT SUMMARY 1. Project Location and Local Land Uses ............... ........... II-1 a. Existing On-site Land Uses and Zoning Designations .............................. ...........II-I b. Surrounding Land Uses ...................... ........... II-I 2. Project Description .............................. ........... II-I 3. Market Objectives ............................... ........... II-5 III. SPECIFIC PLAN .......................................... .......... III-I A. DEVELOPMENT PLANS AND STANDARDS .................. .......... I11-1 I. Specific Land Use Plan ........................... .......... III-2 a. Project Description ......................... .......... III-2 b. Development Standards ..................... .......... III-8 2. ~, Circulation Plan ................................ a. Plan Description ........................... ......... III-12 ......... 111-12 b. Development Standards ..................... ......... III-18 3. Drainage Plan .................................. ......... III-20 a: Plan Description ........................... ......... III-20 b. Development Standards ..................... ......... III-20 4. Water and Sewer Plans ........................... ......... I11-22 a. Plan Description ........................... ......... III-22 b. Development Standards ..................... ......... III-22 5. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan .................. ......... III-25 a. Phasing Description ........................ ......... III-25 b. Phasing Schedule .......................... ......... III-25 6. Grading Plan ................................... ......... 1i1-25 a. Plan Description ........................... ......... III-25 b. Development Standards ..................... ..........III-25 7. Open Space and Recreation Plan ................... ......... III-29 a. Plan Description ........................... ......... III-29 b. Development Standards ..................... ......... III-36 8. Landscaping Plan ............................... ......... III-38 a. Plan Description ........................... ......... III-38 b. Development Standards ..................... ......... III-42 ~J PALOMA DEL SOL ~ TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFIC PLAN N0.219) AMENDMENTNO. 8 (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) Page i o SIiC"PION PAGI'. B. PLANNING ARGA D6VBLOPMF.NT S'I'ANUARDS AND ZONING RtiCitlLA'TIONS III-44 I. Planning Area 1, I (a), and I (b) .............................. III-51 a. Descriptive Summary ................................ III-51 b. Land Use and Development Standards ................... III-51 c. Planning Standards .................................. III-51 2. Planning Area 2 ......................................... I11-54 a. Descriptive Summary ................................ III-54 b. Land Use and Development Standards ................... III-54 c. Planning Standards .................................. III-54 3. Planning Area 3 ......................................... III-56 a. Descriptive Summary ................................ III-56 b. Land Use and Development Standards ................... III-56 c. Planning Standards .................................. III-56 4. Planning Area 4 ......................................... III-59 a. Descriptive Summary ................................ III-59 b. Land Use and Development Standards ................... III-59 c. Planning Standards .................................. III-59 5. Planning Area 5 ......................................... III-62 a. Descriptive Summary ................................ III-62 . . b. Land Use and Development Standards . III-62 O ::::::::: ::::::: c. Planning Standards III-62 6A. Planning Area 6A ....................................... . III-65 a. Descriptive Summary ............................... . III-65 b. Land Use and Development Standards .................. . III-65 c. Planning Standards ................................. . III-65 6B. Planning Area 6B ....................................... . III-68 a. Descriptive Summary ............................... . III-68 b. Land Use and Development Standards .................. . III-68 c. Planning Standards ................................. . III-68 7. Planning Area 7 ........................................ . III-69 a. Descriptive Summary ............................... . III-69 b. Land Use and Development Standards .................. . III-69 c. Planning Standards ................................. . III-69 8. Planning Area 8 ........................................ . III-72 a. Descriptive Summary ............................... . III-72 b. Land Use and Development Standards .................. . I11-72 c. Planning Standards ................................. . III-72 9. Planning Area 9 ........................................ . III-75 a. Descriptive Summary ............................... . III-75 b. Land Use and Development Standards .................. . III-75 c. Planning Standards ................................. . III-75 PALDMA DEL SOL TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/ AMENDMENT NO.B (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) Page ii O SECTION PA(ili 10. Planning Area 10 ......................... ............... III-78 a. Descriptive Summary ................. ............... III-78 b. Land Use and Development Standards .... ............... III-78 c. Planning Standards ................... ............... III-78 1 1. Planning Area I 1 ......................... ............... III-81 a. Descriptive Summary ................. ............... III-81 b. Land Use and Development Standards .... ............... III-81 c. Planning Standards ................... ............... III-81 12. Planning Area I2 ......................... ............... III-84 a. Descriptive Summary ................. ............... III-84 b. Land Use and Development Standards .... ............... III-84 c. Planning Standards ................... ............... III-84 13. Planning Area 13 ......................... ............... III-86 a. Descriptive Summary ................. ............... III-86 b. Land Use and Development Standards .... ............... III-86 c. Planning Standards ................... ............... III-86 14. Planning Area 14 ......................... ............... III-88 a. Descriptive Summary ................. ............... III-88 b. Land Use and Development Standards .... ............... 111-88 c. Planning Standards ................... ............... 111-88 O 15. Planning Area I5 ......................... ............... III-91 a. Descriptive Summary ................. ............... III-91 b. Land Use and Development Standards .... ............... III-91 c. Planning Standards ................... ............... III-91 16. Planning Area 16 ......................... ............... III-94 a. Descriptive Summary ................. ............... III-94 b. Land Use and Development Standards .... ............... III-94 c. Planning Standards ................... ............... III-94 17. Planning Area 17 ......................... ............... III-96 a. Descriptive Summary ......... . ....... ............... III-96 b. Land Use and Development Standards .... ............... III-96 c. Planning Standards ................... ............... III-96 18. Planning Area 18 ......................... ............... III-99 a. Descriptive Summary ................. ............... III-99 b. Land Use and Development Standards .... ............... I11-99 c. Planning Standards ................... ............... III-99 19. Planning Area 19 ......................... .............. III-102 a. Descriptive Summary ................. .............. III-102 b. Land Use and Development Standards .... .............. III-102 c. Planning Standards ................... .............. III-102 20. Planning Area 20 ......................... .............. 111-104 a. Descriptive Summary ................. .............. III-104 O b. Land Use and Development Standards :::: c. Planning Standards ::::::::.::::. 111-104 .111-104 PALOMA nEL SOL TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/ AMENDMENT NO.B (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) Page ill 0 0 0 SECTION PAGE 32. Planning Area 32 ............................... ........ III-133 a. Descriptive Summary ....................... ........ III-133 b. Land Use and Development Standards .......... ........ III-133 c. Planning Standards ......................... ........ III-133 33. Planning Area 33 ............................... ........ III-135 a. Descriptive Summary ....................... ........ III-135 b. Land Use and Development Standards .......... ........ III-135 c. Planning Standards ......................... ........ III-135 34. Planning Area 34 ............................... ........ III-138 a. Descriptive Summary ....................... ........ III-138 b. Land Use and Development Standards .......... ........ III-138 c. Planning Standards ......................... ........ III-138 35. Planning Area 35 ............................... ........ III-140 a. Descriptive Summary ....................... ........ III-140 b. Land Use and Development Standards .......... ........ III-140 c. Planning Standards ......................... ........ III-140 36. Planning Area 36 ............................... ........ III-143 a. Descriptive Summary ....................... ........ III-143 b. Land Use and Development Standards .......... ........ III-143 c. Planning Standards ......................... ........ ill-143 37. Planning Area 37 ............................... ........ III-144 a. Descriptive Summary ....................... ........ III-144 b. Land Use and Development Standards .......... ........ III-144 c. Planning Standards ......................... ........ III-144 38. Planning Area 38 ............................... ........ III-145 a. Descriptive Summary ....................... ........ I11-145 b. Land Use and Development Standards .......... ........ III-145 c. Planning Standards ......................... ........ I11-145 C. PROJECT PHASING ................................... ......... III-148 I. Phasing Plan .................................. ......... III-148 2. Phasing Standards .............................. ......... III-148 D. MA INTENANCE DISTRICTS ............................ ......... I11-152 1. Master Homeowner's Association ................. ......... III-152 2. Residential Neighborhood Association ............. ......... 11I-152 3. Commercial Areas ............................. ......... I11-152 4. Open Space and Parks ........................... ......... I11-152 5. Project Roadways .............................. ......... III-152 6. School Districts ................................ ......... III-153 PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. $ (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page v ION S PAGi' UCT 21. Planning Area 21 .......................... ............. III-106 a. Descriptive Summary .................. ............. III-106 b. Land Use and Development Standards ..... ............. III-106 c. Planning Standards .................... ............. III-106 22. Planning Area 22 .......................... ............. III-108 a. Descriptive Summary .................. ............. III-108 b. Land Use and Development Standards ..... ............. III-108 c. Planning Standards .................... ............. III-108 23. Planning Area 23 .......................... ............. III-I 1 a. Descriptive Summary .................. ............. III-I I I b. Land Use and Development Standards ..... ............. lil-1 i 1 c. Planning Standards .................... ............. III-I I I 24. Planning Area 24 .......................... ............. III-1 14 a. Descriptive Summary .................. ............. III-I 14 b. Land Use and Development Standards ..... ............. III-I 14 c. Planning Standards .................... ............. Ill-114 25. Planning Area 25 .......................... ............. 111-I 16 a. Descriptive Summary .................. ............. III-I 16 b. Land Use and Development Standards ..... ............. III-I 16 c. Planning Standards .................... ............. III-I 16 O 26. Planning Area 26 ......... ~ III-I 19 . ' . ' ............. a. Descriptive Summary ..... . ...... .III-I 19 b. Land Use and Development Standards ..... ............. III-I 19 c. Planning Standards .................... ............. III-I 19 27. Planning Area 27 .......................... ............. III-121 a. Descriptive Summary ................. .............. III-121 b. Land Use and Development Standards .... .............. Ill-121 c. Planning Standards ................... .............. III-121 28. Planning Area 28 ......................... .............. III-123 a. Descriptive Summary ................. .............. III-123 b. Land Use and Development Standards .... .............. III-123 c. Planning Standards ................... .............. III-123 29. Planning Area 29 ......................... .............. III-126 a. Descriptive Summary ................. .............. III-126 b. Land Use and Development Standards .... .............. III-126 c. Planning Standards ................... .............. III-126 30. Planning Area 30 ......................... .............. I11-128 a. Descriptive Summary ................. .............. 111-128 b. Land Use and Development Standards .... .............. III-128 c. Planning Standards ................... .............. III-128 31. Planning Area 31 ......................... .............. 111-I30 a. Descriptive Summary ................. .............. III-130 b. Land Use and Development Standards :::: :::::::::::::. I.11-I30 O c. Planning Standards .III-130 PALOMA DEL SOL TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/ AMENDMENT NO.B (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) Page iv a SEC,~ON 0 O PnGt; IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES ............................................. .... IV-I A. PURPOSEANDINTENT ....................................... .... IV-I B. ARCI-tITECTURALGUIDELINES ................................. .... IV-2 I. Purpose ............................................. .... IV-2 2. Basic Theme ......................................... .... IV-4 3. Architectural Guidelines ................................ .... IV-6 a. General Criteria .................................. .... IV-6 b. Medium High and Very High Densi[y Housing ........................................ ... IV-17 c. Senior Community Housing ........................ ... IV-22 d. Neighborhood Commercial ......................... ... IV-22 4. Suggested Architectural Styles -Description and Application .......................................... ... IV-32 C. LANDSCAPE.GUIDELINESANDCOMMUNI'1YELF.MENTS ............. ... IV-37 I. Landscape Design Guidelines ............................ ... IV-37 a. Introduction ..................................... ... IV-37 b. Major Community Streetscenes ..................... ... IV-40 c. Project Streetscape ............................... ... 1V-57 d. Major Community and Project Entry Accent Trees ...... ... IV-58 e. Plant Material Palette ............................. ... IV-60 f. Planting Time ................................... ... IV-63 g. General Landscape Requirements .................... ... IV-64 h. Climate Constraints ............................... .. . IV-64 i. Horticultural Soils Test Requirements ............... .... IV-65 j. Ircigation ...................................... .... IV-65 k. Landscape Maintenance .......................... .... IV-65 2. Community Elements ................................. .... IV-65 a. EntryMonumentation ............................ .... IV-65 b. Walls and Fences ................................ .... IV-73 3. Streetscenes and Conceptual Landscape Plans .............. .... IV-83 a. Residential Neighborhood Streetscene ............... .... I V-83 b. Commercial Use Landscape Requirements ........... .... IV-83 c. Very High Density and Medium-High Residential Landscape Requirement .......................... .... IV-91 d. Medium Density Residential Landscape Requirement ... .... IV-94 e. Parks and Recreation Amenities .................... .... IV-96 f. GreenbelUPaseo ................................ .... IV-98 4. Maintenance Responsibility ............................ ... IV-101 5. Outdoor Lighting .................................... ... IV-101 PALOMA DEL SOL TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFIC PLAN N0.219/ AMENDMENT NO.B (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) Page ~~ O SECTION PAGIi D. VILLAGE CENTER DESIGN GUIDELINES ............... ............ IV-104 I. Introduction ................................ ............ IV-104 2. Village Center Design Guidelines .............. ............ IV-104 a. Mixture of Uses ....................... ............. IV-104 b. Pedestrian-Oriented Design ............. ............. IV-106 c. Building Scale and Design .............. ............. IV-106 d. Intensification ........................ ............. IV-106 e. Parking Design ....................... ............. IV-109 f Signage ............................. ............. IV-109 g. Transit Provision ...................... ............. IV-109 h. Commercial Area Illustrative ............ ............. IV-109 ~/ 0 PALOMA UEL SOL TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/ AMENDMENT NO.B (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) Page vii (LIST OF ]FIGURES O Ficuar PnGi: I Regional Map .................................................... .....11-2 2A Vicinity Map .................................................... ......II-3 2B Adjacent/Proposed Land Uses ...................................... ......Il-4 3A Amendment No. 7 Areas That Have Changed to Reflect Amendment No.8 ... ..... I I I-3 3B Specific Land Use Plan -Amendment No. 8 ........................... ..... III-4 4 Circulation Plan ................................................. .... III-13 SA Roadway Cross Sections .......................................... .... III-14 SB Roadway Cross Sections .......................................... .... 111-15 SC Roadway Cross Sections .......................................... .... III-16 6 Bicycle Plan .................................................... .... III-17 7 Drainage Plan ................................................... .... I11-21 8 Water Plan ..................................................... .... III-23 9 Sewer Plan ..................................................... .... 111-24 IO Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan ....:.............................. .... Ill-26 Il Grading Concep[ ................................................. .... III-28 I2 Open Space and Recreation Plan .................................... .... I II-31 13A Conceptual Landscape Plan ........................................ .... III-39 13B Slope Transition Area ............................................. .... III-40 3C Landscaped Transition Area ........................................ .... I11-41 O 14A : Typical Traditional SFD Configuration . III-45 14B ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::: Typical Courtyard Configuration .. ::: I II-46 14C Typical Cluster Configuration ...................................... .... III-47 l4D Typical Senior Community SFD Configuration ......................... .... I II-48 14E Typical Senior Community SFD Configuration ......................... .... III-49 14F Typical Senior Community SFD Configuration ......................... .... III-50 SA Planning Areas I, 36 & 38 ......................................... .... III-53 ISB Planning Area 2 ................................................. .... III-55 ISC Planning Area 3 ................................................. .... lil-58 ISD Planning Area 4 ................................................. .... III-61 15E Planning Area 5 ................................................. .... III-64 15F Planning Areas 6A, 6B & 37 ....................................... .... III-67 ISG Planning Area 7 ................................................. .... III-71 15H Planning Area 8 ................................................. .... Ill-74 151 -.Planning Area 9 ................................................. .... III-77 15J Planning Area 10 ..............................:................. .... III-80 ISK Planning Area 11 ................................................ .... III-83 15L Planning Area 12 ................................................ .... III-85 15M Planning Area 13 ................................................ .... III-87 ISN Planning Area 14 ................................................ .... III-90 150 Planning Area 15 ................................................ .... III-93 15P Planning Area 16 ................................................ .... III-95 ISQ Planning Area 17 ................................................ .... III-98 PALOMA DEL $OL TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO.B (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) Page Vlll 0 O FIGURE PAGI 15R Planning Area 18 ................................................. .. III-101 15S Planning Area 19 ................................................. .. III-103 15T Planning Area 20 ................................................. .. III-105 ISU Planning Area 21 ................................................. .. III-107 ISV Planning Area 22 ................................................. .. III-I 10 15 W Planning Area 23 ................................................. .. III-113 ISX Planning Area 24 ................................................. .. III-115 15Y Planning Area 25 ................................................. .. III-118 ISZ Planning Area 26 ................................................. .. III-120 15AA Planning Area 27 ................................................ ... 111-122 ISBB Planning Area 28 ................................................ ... III-125 ISCC Planning Area 29 ................................................ ... III-127 15DD Planning Area 30 ................................................ ... III-129 15EE Planning Area 31 ................................................ ... 111-132 iSFF Planning Area 32 ................................................ ... ll1-134 ISGG Planning Area 33 ................................................ ... III-137 15H H Planning Area 34 ................................................ ... 111-139 1511 Planning Area 35 ................................................ ... III-141 15JJ Planning Area 35 .......:........................................ ... III-142 15KK Planning Area 38: Conceptual Site Plan Layout ........................ ... III-147 16 Conceptual Phasing Plan .......................................... ... III-149 16A Retail and Restaurant Plaza View ................................... .... IV-24 16B Casual Dinning View ............................................. .... IV-25 16C Fitness Center and Casual Dinning .................................. .... IV-26 17 Conceptual Landscape Plan ........................................ .... IV-38 18 Entry Statement Monumentation and Theme Walls ..................... .... IV-39 19 Typical Community, Street Scene Transition Slope Plan .................. .... IV-41 20 Section AA -Community Street Scene ............................... .... IV-42 21 Section BB -Transition Slope Zone .................................. .... IV-44 22 Section CC -Community Street Scene Flat Condition ................... .... IV-45 23A Section A-I Community Street Scene ................................ .... IV-46 236 Section A-2 Meadows Parkway and De Portola Road Street Scene ......... .... IV-47 23C Section A-3 Butterfield Stage Road Adjacent to Planning Areas 25 and 26 ... .... IV-48 24 Section B - Pauba Road Street Scene ................................. .... IV-49 25 Section C -Highway 79 Street Scene ................................. .... IV-50 26 Section D -Street "A" and Street "F" Project Entries .................... .... I V-51 27 Section E -Project Loop Street Scene ............................... ..... IV-52 PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN N0.219( AMENDMENT NO. H (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ix FIGURE Pncr: 28 Section F -Greenbelt Corridor at Street ............................ ....... IV-53 29 Section G -Greenbelt Paseo Drainage Corridor ..................... ....... IV-54 30 Section H -Primary Paseo Corridor ............................... ....... IV-55 31 Sectionl-Neighborhood Entry .................................. ....... IV-56 32 Community Entry Statements (Plan View) ......................... ....... IV-67 33 Major Community Entry Statement (Elevation) ..................... ....... 1 V-68 34 Community Intersection Entry Statement (Plan) ..................... ....... 1 V-70 35 Project Entry Statement (Plans) .................................. ....... I V-71 36 Minor Project Entry Statement (Elevation) ......................... ....... IV-72 37 Neighborhood Entry Statement (Plan) ............................. ....... IV-74 38 Project Intersection Entry Statement (Plan) ......................... ....... 1 V-75 39 Paseo Entry Statement (Plan) .................................... ....... I V-76 40 Conceptual Community Theme Wall Details ....................... ....... IV-78 41 Conceptual Residential Theme Walls ............................. ....... IV-80 42A Commercial Conceptual Landscape Plan ........................... ....... IV-84 42B Commercial Conceptual Landscape Plan (Planning Areas I a & I b) ..... ........ 1 V-85 42C Major Commercial Entry ...................................... ........ IV-86 42D Major Commercial Entry Shopping Center Identification (Plan View) ... ........ IV-87 42E Major Commercial Entry Shopping Center Identification (Elevation) ... ........ IV-88 O 42F 43 Minor Project Entry Commercial Shopping Center Identification Sign :: Very High Density Residential Conceptual Landscape Plan .. :::::::. IV-89 IV-92 44 Medium High Density Residential Conceptual Landscape Plan ........ ........ IV-93 45 Medium Density Residential Conceptual Landscape Plan ............. ........ I V-95 46 Recreation Area Conceptual Landscape Plan ...................... ........ IV-97 47 Typical Neighborhood Park (Planning Areas 12 and 24) Conceptual Landscape Plan .............................................. ........ IV-99 48 Neighborhood Park (Planning Area 37) Conceptual Landscape Plan .... ....... IV-100 49 Pedestrian Crossing Conceptual Landscape Plan .................... ....... IV-102 SOA Village Center Pedestrian Linkages and Gathering Places ............ ....... IV-105 SOB Typical Pedestrian Linkage Between Residential and Park Use ........ ....... IV-107 SOC Typical Pedestrian Connection Between Residential and Commercial Uses ...................................................... ....... IV-108 SOD Sample Signage ............................................. .. . . . . . IV-l l0 SOE Commercial Area Illustrative ................................... ....... IV-I 1 I SOF Retail Villages PA 16 ......................................... ....... IV-112 SOG Village Core Area PA la ...................................... ....... IV-113 51 Senior Community Housing Street Elevation (Typical) .............. ....... IV-I 14 51 A Section "J" Senior Community StreeUSidewalk Landscape Treatment .. ....... lV-1 I S SIB Section "K" Senior Community StreeUSidewalk Landscape Treatment .. ....... IV-I 16 SIC Section "L" Senior Community StreeUSidewalk Landscape Treatment .. ....... IV-I 17 51 D Section "M'" Senior Community Street/Sidewalk Landscape Treatment . ....... IV-I 18 51 E Section "N & N"' Senior Community StreeUSidewalk Landscape O Treatment .................................................. ....... IV-119 PALDMA DEL SOL TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO.B (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) Page x a 1LIST OF ~ABLL' S TABLE PAGE 1 Detailed Land Use Summary ............................................... III-5 2 Public Facilities Phasing .................................................. III-27 3 Recreation/Open Space Program ........................................... III-32 4 Development Phasing ................................................... III-150 PALOMA DEL $OL SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. S (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page xi O ® SUMMARY OF CHANGES SUMMARY OF CHANGES TO PALOMA BDEL SOL (1VgEADOWS~ SPECIFIC PLAN The PALOMA oEL SoL Specific Plan Amendment No. 4 was filed pursuant to City Council approval of the "Agreement Regarding Paloma del Sol" on January 11, 1994. Amendment No. 4 added 6.5 acres of Very High density residential fo Planning Area 6 and 1.5 acres ofPark to Planning Area 37, reduced the Community/Neighborhood Commercial area in Planning Area 1 by 4.9 acres, and reduced major roads acreage by 3.1 acres. Specific Plan Amendment No. 5 increased the number ofMedium density dwelling units from 2,338 to 2,487, reduced the number ofMedium-High density dwelling units from 2,356 to 2,251, reduced the number ofMulti-family dwelling units from 910 to 590, added a 4.0-acre Park/Recreation area site, increased the Community/Neighborhood Commercial acreage from 31.5 acres to 32.3 acres, and reduced the roadway landscape requirements adjacent to commercial uses. Specific Plan Amendment No. 6 encompassed several minor changes to the Specific Plan. The Park in Planning Area 29A was increased from 4.0 acres to 5.0 acres. Planning Area 28 was reduced in size by one acre resulting in a reduction of dwelling units from 117 to 113. The dwelling units were transferred to Planning Area 2 bringing the total number of units in Planning Area 2 up to 120. Roadway cross- sections and standards were updated to conform with the City's General Plan. Access points and neighborhood entries on certain planning areas were relocated to conform with approved Tentative Tract Q Maps. Streets "G" and "H" were renamed as Campanula Way. The phasing plan has been revised to reflect current expectations, and wording has been added that gives the Director of Community Development the authority to allow minor variations from Specific Plan standards without a Specific Plan amendment. Overall, Specific Plan Amendment No. 6 did not result in any total acreage or dwelling unit changes. Specific Plan Amendment No. 7 involved land use changes in Planning Areas 1, 6, and 8, the creation of Planning Areas 1(a), "Village Core," and 1(b), "Villages," and the realignment and reconfiguration of Campanula Way between De Portola Road to Meadows Parkway. As part ofthe changes to Planning Area 1, an application was submitted to the City of Temecula to process Amendment No. 7 to the Specific Plan in conjunction with a Development Plan and a ] 0-year Development Agreement (which contains an additional 15 year covenant allowing rebuilding and uses in accordance with the Development Agreement for a total of 25 years), both pertaining only to a portion of what was designated by Amendment No. 6 as Planning Area 1. The Amendment included a division of Planning Area 1 into a series of subgroups identified as Planning Areas 1, 1(a) and ] (b) for planning purposes with the existing super mazket center and remaining undeveloped community/neighborhood commercial property north ofthe super market center along Mazgarita Road frontage known as Planning Area 1. The Development Plan application focused on the newly created Planning Areas la and lb. The Development Plan permitted the construction of a 276,243 square foot community commercial center with a centralized village core and a series of supporting focused retail villages on 24-acres with locations for community gathering places and pedestrian linkages to join the surrounding uses in support of the village concept. The village core was designed to provide interactive people-inviting spaces in conjunction with sit-down PnLOnv. DEL SOL 1. SUMMARY OF CHANGES SeEC~nc PLAN No.219/An~rmn~rar No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) Page I-] ® SUMMARY OF CHANGES The village core was designed to provide interactive people-inviting spaces in conjunction with sit-down restaurants, small scale food establishments, offices, and retail uses surrounding and connected to a large active courtyard plaza containing both passive and active water features. In the village core common area, a friendly atmosphere was created to promote the use for live performances, interactive demonstrations and community events. To support the village core, a series of retail villages will be established to enhance the synergy ofthe community shopping center. The four sub-villages will include a "Home Village," a "Sports Village," a "Music and Media Village," and a "Food and Healthy V illage." In addition, Amendment No. 7 added updated vignettes to the Design Guidelines (see Figures 16A, 16B; and 16C) to provide varying perspectives of the proposed 35-acre Planning Area. As part of AmendmentNo. 7, Planning Area 6 was reduced from 36.3 acres to 34.3 acres to account for the increased size of Planning Area I . In addition, Planning Area 6 was divided into two planning areas 6A and 6B. Planning Area 6A now includes 22.3 acres as High density (9-12 du/ac) residential with a maximum of 268 dwelling units. Planning Area 6B includes 12 acres of Very High density (13-20 du/ac) residential with a maximum of 240 dwelling units. The reduction and division of Planning Area 6 resulted in a decrease of 82 dwelling units from 590 to 508 units. All affected base maps and land use tables were updated to reflect these proposed changes to Planning Area 6 and a descriptive summary of Planning Areas 6A and 6B was added to Section III. SPECIFIC PLAN. O Specitc Plan Amendment No. 7 also proposesd the development of an active senior community within Planning Area 8. A Tentative Tract Map for the active senior project was submitted along with Amendment No. 7. Planning Area 8 now includes feature design standards that will enable this planning area to be developed as a private gated active senior community. If developed as an active senior community, Planning Area 8 will include a private recreation area for senior community residents and contain street/sidewalk landscaping and housing architecture targeted for active adult living. As part of Amendment No. 7, examples of the planned unique senior street/sidewalk landscaping and housing architecture were incorporated into Section IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES (See Figures 51 A-E). As a result of the changes proposed for Planning Area 1, Campanula Way was altered from a throughway at a 100-foot right-of--way to a 78-foot right-of--way with two traffic circles (which will require 122-foot rights-of--way at the widest points) and I invited on-street paral lel parking. The northerly segment intersects with De Portola Road and provides access to Planning Area 6A, Planning Area 38 and Planning Area 37. The southeasterly segment intersects with Meadows Parkway and services the commercial center and Planning Area 6B. The roadway segment allows for the provision of on-street parking to promote the village center concept. The alteration resulted in a total reduction of 0.7-acre in major streets. All affected base maps were changed to reflect the realigned design with traffic circles including bicycle routing and utility services. Specific Plan Amendment No. 8, which was adopted by the Temecula City Council on January 8, 2002, is fully described in this document. Amendment No. 8 reduces the total number of residential dwelling units within the overall Paloma Del Sol Specific Plan from the currently entitled 5,246 units to a maximum of 5,137 units, with a potential for as few as 5,072 units. This dwelling unit decrease represents a 2%to 3%reduction in residential units. The High and Very High categories would remain unchanged by approval of Amendment No .8. The decrease in overall net residential density from ~.1 dulac to 4.9 dulac results in the allocation of more land to each single family detached residential unit. PALONI.4 DEL SOL I. SUMMARY OF CHANGES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. 8 (S.P. NO. SP-4) Page I-2 ® SUMMARY OF CHANGES O The gross project density decreases similarly from 3.8 du/ac to 3.6 du/ac. When compared to the 5,604 dwelling units adopted in the original Specific Plan, the total decrease in residential units ranges from 8% (at x,137 du) to l0% (at 5,072 du). The commercial uses planned for Planning Area 27 at the corner of Pauba and Butterteld Stage Road have been eliminated. Planning Area 27 has been reconfigured and relocated to an area south of the Planning Area 28 and 29 and includes 9.0 acres from Meadows Parkway to Butterfield Stage Road. This area will be preserved as natural open space, and contains existing wetland vegetation. This change is accompanied by the reconfiguration of Planning Areas 24, 28 and 29 and elimination of Planning Area 29B. Planning Area 24 in Amendment No. 7 is designated for 2.9 acres ofPark/Recreation uses on the border between Planning Areas 13 and 23. [n Amendment No. 8, Planning Area 24 will be reduced by 1.9 acres and shifted north to be located adjacent to the southern border of Planning Area 27 and adjacent to the northern right-of--way of Sunny Meadows Drive. Anew Park/RecreationRrea (Planning Area 24) has been located adjacent to the Planning Area 27 Open Space. The former Planning Area 24 (designated in Amendment No. 7 as a Park/Recreation Area situated between Planning Areas 13 and 23) has been merged into the greenbelt system and is no longer identified as a separate Planning Area, although the area still exists. Overall, the acreage devoted to Greenbelt Paseos within Paloma del Sol has increased since the former location of the Planning Area O 24 Park/Recreation site has been incorporated into the paseo greenbelt system. Planning Area 28 has expanded from 25.0 acres of Medium density residential uses in Amendment No. 7 to 49.4 acres of Medium density residential uses in Amendment No. 8. The number of dwellings proposed in Planning 28 correspondingly increased from 113 to 190 units. Planning Area 29 remains as a Park/Recreation Area, but the location and configuration of the parcel are somewhat altered. However, the acreage of this Park/Recreation Area remains unchanged at 5.0 acres. In addition, the elementary school proposed For Planning Area 29B in Amendment No. 7 has been deleted from the land use plan since the Temecula Valley Unified School District has indicated that the site is no longer needed. Due to the high demand for office and commercial uses in the village center area near the super market center and the planned Home Depot, Paloma Del Sol Specitc Plan Amendment No. 8 proposes that the 8.0-acre medium high residential uses allocated for Planning Area 38 be converted to Community/Neighborhood Commercial. Planning area specific development standards have been established for Planning Area 38. (See Paloma Del Sol Specific Plan Zone Ordinance, AmendmentNo. 8). In addition, the residential land use designations for Planning Areas 5 and 23 have been changed from Medium High to Medium. Specific Plan Amendment No. 8 also proposes several minor residential dwelling unit and acreage t`Jd adjustments in Planning Areas 3, 4, 9, 13, 14, and 26 to retlect the approved and constructed implementing tracts. PALOMA DEL SOL 1. SUMMARY ON CHANGES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/:Lb1ENDMENT NO. 8 (S.P. NO. SP'4) Page I-3 ® SUMMARY OF'1.HANGES O An acreage and dwelling unit comparison between Specific Plan Amendment No. 7 and Specific Plan Amendment No. 8 is delineated on the next page. SUMMARY OF CHANGES TABLE (Comparison of Specific Plan Amendments No. 7 and 8) 0 S.P. No. 219 Amendment No. 7 S.P. No. 219 Amendment No. 8 Land Use Density Acres Dwelling Land Use pensity Acres Dwelling DU/AC Units DU/AC Units Medium 4.24 491.0 2,083 Medium 4.2 610.7 2,551 Medium (Senior 4.49 89.0 400 Medium (Senior 3.8/4 5* 89 0 335*/400 Community) Community) . . Medium High 5.41 416.5 2,255 Medium High 5.5 303.8 1,678 High 12.0 22.3 268 High 12.0 22.3 268 Very High 20.0 12.0 240 Very High 20.0 12.0 240 Community/ Community/ Neighborhood 35.0 Neighborhood 43.0 Commercial Commercial Neighborhood 1 T5 Neighborhood 2 5 Commercial Commercial . Day Care 2.0 Day Caze 2.0 Junior High Schoo] 20.0 Junior High School 20.0 Elementary School 41.0 Elementary School 3 ] .0 Pazks or 32'5 Parks or 30 6 Recreation Areas Recreation Areas . Greenbelt Paseos 28.0 Greenbelt Paseos 31.9 Natural Open Natural Open Space _ _ Space 9 0 Roadway Paseos 82.0 Roadway Paseos 81.5 Major Streets 102.7 Major Streets 102.2 PROJECT 3.8 1,391.5 5,246 PROJECT 3.6 391.5 1 5,072/ TOTAL TOTAL , 5137 Implementation of the adult retirement option for Planning Area 8 would increase the total dwelling unit allocation for Planning Afea 8 to 400 dq raises the total medium density dwelling unit allocation to 2,951 du and would raise the total dwelling units allowed in the Specific Plan to 5,137 du. O PALOMA DEL SOL 1. SUMMARY OF CI ]ANGES SPECIFIC PLnta No.219/AMENDI~NT No. 8 (S.P. NO. SP-4) Page I-4 ® SUMMARY O A. PROJECT SUMMARY 1. Project Location and Local Land Uses The PALOMA DEL SoL Specific Plan project site is comprised of 1391.5 acres in the City of Temecula in southwestern Riverside County (See Figure 1, Regional Map and Figure 2A, Vicinity Map). The site is bounded by Pauba Road on the north, State Highway 79 South on the south, Butterfield Stage Road to the east, and Margarita Road to the west. Existing land uses in the project area include residential, commercial, open space, agricultural and public/quasi-public. a. Existing On-site Land Uses and Zoning Designations The project site is characterized by rolling terrain. Several washes, beginning on-site, are evident in the north-central portion of the site. Those washes meander through the site, draining the site to the southwest and south. The existing zoning of the site is SP (Specific Plan). Significant portions of the site had historically been used for dry farming agricultural purposes. Those areas include the north-central/northwest, and southeast and southwest portions of the site. The southem portion of the site, adjacent to State Highway 79 South was temporarily developed with effluent holding/percolation ponds of the Eastern Municipal Water District. The overall site has been or is currently being mass graded for development. O b. Surrounding Land Uses As shown on Figures 2A and 2B, the site is surrounded predominantly by existing and proposed single family land uses, agricultural land uses, the Temecula Valley High School and the Linfield Christian High School. Land north of the eastern portion of the site is "Vintage Hills" residential development. Properties northeast of the site are developed with several single family residences on large lots. Land to the east of all but the extreme southern portion of the site is vacant, however, a single family subdivision (Crowne Hill) is proposed to be developed on that land. Property east of the extreme southem portion of the site is being dry farmed. Immediately to the south of Highway 79 South is being developed with commercial uses. Land to the west of the site is being developed with "estate lot" single family homes (Los Ranchitos). Property northwest of the site is being developed with the Temecula Sports Park. 2. Project Description .The PALOMA DEL SDL Specific Plan project combines residential, commercial, schools, neighborhood park/recreation areas, a daycare center, greenbeltlpaseos, open space and an extensive circulation network, within a comprehensive plan. The land use designation and residential densities for the PALOMA DEL SoL Specific Plan have been blended to reflect a mixed use concept responding to the changing urbanizing character of the Temecula area. The Specific Plan is designed to consider access links, compatible land use transitions with neighboring properties, views, and landform O relationships. PALOMA DEL SOL II. SUMMARY Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) Page II-1 0 HEANET L~akeon ~a is TEMECULA a RANCHO e m CALIFORNIA ., ~a Lake ~cinn ~s P~~ ~~ ~,®~~~®~ Vail Lake \~ Riverside Co. 79 San D~go co. ~~~i~®~~~ ~~(~ O P A L O M A D E L S O L AiV1ERIDMEiVT #8 F-cuxE 1 ~ O q T&B Planning Consulun¢ p y O ,w,b~,,..a~m l~ v J ~~w. W,, w,........ II-2 m 0 ~ o n Y . . w /: 9. ~ 'Q ' ~~ Q Jy `~ ,' i ~~ ~ ~. a i • ' ~, a; . e 0 . °o / . o i , ~ ~ ` : , !- O v ~ r '~ ~ ~. \ .. a~ ~ O ~ - . ~ _ O ~ C`~ ~ /~` ~ ~ a , ~ 1 n~~ ~' \ ~ ~~ % V \ \ Ci ce ~ .. G . c ~ o j P ~ o ~ , ) .•' rc D n , ~ - _ ------- --- ~ _ y L 1 \ T \\ J ~ `Sinn uy.•~~~ - .... e ~ l~ I Z I ~ ". \ ~•, ' - \ r i m ~ 3 .. I Temecula ~ ~ Vall - - ~m ~~ (' ~ [ ~- / -. . , a ~ \ ~~ 1 ,. _~.F, .~ A ~ ~ H ~ d~ ~ ~ ' ~ 5 7D - r \\d'd' I ~ ' z a te m ~ 7 z > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ - ;_; v 0 `a ; ati m ; . , _ O ~ $ 0 ~ T W. ~ ~.. ~, , L A ~ .. ' m O- tn~,'-' ~„~~' 901 -.~ ' ~~ '~ ~( . ;z; Off:} i:' 9 < i , : = T ' . 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C ~ /~ _____ ____ ______XZa.. ~ ~. • r, l ' n N . ~` '~ \ 8 JI ~" ~. ~ C ~ - ~ c `1` n ` ~ ~ ~OI ~DDuiaV ~ ~a Vau ~. rD a ~ ~ ~+~ . t ] N ~ ~ ~\ .n .~ ~ c~~.i' ti's.. \, ~- ~ _ ~N n~ ~ rya - - C~ ~ i cc = ZN ,. ~ ~. V ~o< '<; ~ ~ i r. D ~ ~-•u 1 iD ~b~"' J1~ :; . D ®', ~, :':~ <^': '• ;, ~: (b~' " Y 1 : ; ,, .i v / T;'` ~. '~;: m ~- / i x ~ ' m -- ~ _ :, - •. ; 1 r .f . L-= . ~:~ ~_• m .. ~:,.> >;::q D .~:s;:;.:.::. •:.: -1. 9 r ~ `t'~rq:: ~~~' ~... - ~ --- fn i:~:~.1 '::.:1 .... .... ~ -r- ! ~, u:::::::::.. ~...- :: ~~ ;;:.~ C ~ ~, ~+ gym. ...~..1 N":... :~ ~.>ni{:y;>:;~'}:`<::;;;`{;!: `<%;~'~: `:>:.,::.:, - --I ~~~ ~C 0..... ~~'.i}x(:`.{C!;'~%Y;:}5;i.`~~!.~;::,:: :. ~. :; :.: ,; `tom:.:"'~7iiii:?:>): '~ ,' ~ ~.. Ci ~ ~ .. .y.:.:.:.::•.:... 1 ,. ~~ ~ ~ i \ _ ,I a ~. _~ i 4'~. _ ~ C ~~' _ ~ I - ~- C 1 (~ cr •,f '~ ~~ t ~s ' a~r~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~~. G _ ~ 4- - a N ~~ o - - o.. Tab O. ,\\ ~:/' \ ~~- ~ .`'ti ~ ~ ~ ~ ~7 ~ s, z ~ r (' ~ c~ _,~ : ~' n ~ "'l S ~ ~ , ' l~ - n W7 N -.._ G b ' O A total of 5,072* dwelling units is proposed on 1,037.8 acres throughout the site. As indicated on Figure 3, Specific Land Use Plan (including Table 1, Detailed Land Use Summary), 2,886 d.u. of Medium density uses on 699.7 acres; 1,678 d.u. of Medium-High density uses on 303.8 acres; 268 d.u. of High density uses on 22.3 acres; and Very-High density units totaling 240 units on 12 acres are proposed. In addition, the following land uses are proposed: Community/Neighborhood Commercial (43.0 AC); Neighborhood Commercial (2.5 AC); three Elementary Schools (31.0 AC); one Junior High School (20 AC); four Park/Recreation Areas (21.1 AC); one Neighborhood Park (9.5 AC); Open Space (9.0 Ac); a Daycare Center (2.0 Ac), greenbelt paseos (31.9 acres), roadway paseos (81.5 acres), and major streets (102.2 acres). • Implementation of the adult retirement option for Planning Area 8 increases the total dwelling unit allocation for Planning Area 8 to 400 du, raises the total medium density dwelling unit allocation to 2,355 du and would raise the total dwelling units allowed in the Specif c Plan to 5,137 du. 3. Market Objectives This project is proposed for development based on extensive buyer profile studies that were conducted for the project. The studies provide data regarding: location features which influence people in their choice of where to live; housing features considered important; features keeping people from buying a home; and groupings of features. A number of housing products are being designed at this time with features desired by home purchasers who would be identified as the target market for the project. Examples may be viewed in the Design Guidelines Section of this report (Section IV). It is thought that this research will permit the close targeting of homebuyers likely to move to PALOMA DEL SoL and the Temecula area. In addition, a number of house sizes, and neighborhood types (i.e. cluster, courtyard, conventional single family) will be offered to provide maximum variety and price range. It is the intent of the PALOMA DEL SoL Specific Plan to be unified in overall theme but varied in individual character to provide complimentary land uses. Additional specific market objectives are: o To provide affordable, moderately priced single family detached homes. A market forecast states that it is expected that the supply of expensive single family homes will begin to grow faster than demand, and that homes in moderate price ranges should be more marketable. ~ To provide a housing product with larger and fewer rooms with all else being equal. Market study shows that general product features associated with faster sales rates are a preference for larger and fewer rooms all else being equal. More bathroom facilities also appear to be associated with better sales. o To provide land uses that extend and are consistent with ongoing development along Highway 79 South and in the urban core developing in Temecula. O PALOMA DEL SOL II. SUMMARY Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (3.P. No. SP-4) Page II-5 -~ ~ To reinforce the community identity of the project vicinity through control of project design elements such as architecture, landscaping, color, paving, walls, fencing, signage and entry treatments and through an extensive, viable circulation network. n To reflect anticipated marketing needs and public demand by providing a diversity of housing types and locations which will be marketable within the region. ~ To provide detached and attached, high-quality housing to serve a spectrum of buyers. n To provide "move-up" opportunities for present residents in the vicinity and in the surrounding areas of Riverside and San Diego Counties. ~ To attract commercial uses that will be oriented to serve community needs, those of persons employed on-site, and off-site users accessing the site from Highway 79 South. n To provide appropriate adequate flood control measures designed to contasn flows in the two major on-site streambeds. ~ To provide an aesthetic and functional open space system that responds to site conditions in its configuration and provides an extensive scenic amenity for future residents. n To provide school sites on the project site which will permit elementary and middle school students to travel a short distance to attend school. n To provide trail systems which will encourage and provide for the on-site use of alternate modes of transportation (bicycle, pedestrian). ~ To provide a functional roadway system on-site which fosters the safe and efficient movement of local on-site traffic, while discouraging use by through traffic and slowing traffic speeds in the immediate area of the ballfields, High density residential and community commercial by incorporating the use of traffic circles. ~ To provide varied recreational opportunities and facilities for the use and enjoyment of on-site residents. n To provide unique and aesthetically pleasing landscaping palettes which will provide for an attractive and visually cohesive project. ~ To provide housing opportunities for employees of the rapidly growing industrial areas of Temecula. O PALOMA DEL SOL II. SUMMARY Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) Page II-6 SPECIFIC (PLAN O A. IDEVELOPMENT PLANS AND STANDARDS ^o PLANNING OBJECTIVES This Specific Land Use Plan is being prepared within the framework of a detailed and comprehensive multi-disciplinary planning program. Issues such as engineering feasibility, market acceptance, economic viability, County Comprehensive General Plan goals and objectives, development phasing and local community goals have been fully examined and considered. To further ensure the environmental compatibility, aesthetic satisfaction and functional integrity of the plan, specific planning goals and objectives were identified. These were defined and identified in part through a careful analysis by an Opportunities and Constraints Study. With this analysis and the site goals and objectives in mind, the PALOMA DEL SOL Specific Plan: ~ Considers topographic, geologic, hydrologic, and environmental opportunities and constraints to create a design that generally conforms to the character of the land by retaining and utilizing basic existing landforms as much as possible. ~ Reflects anticipated marketing needs and public demand by providing a range of housing types which will be marketable within the developing economic profile of Temecula area as well as the County of Riverside generally. O ~ Provides residential development and adequate support Facilities (commercial use, community uses, schools, open space and recreation) and circulation in a convenient and efficient manner. ~ Provides direct and convenient access to individual residential neighborhoods, recreational areas, and schools via a safe and efficient circulation system composed of a network of Arterial, Major, Secondary, Collector and Local roadways, each designed for appropriate traffic and user needs. ~ Provides for alternative modes of transportation within and adjacent to the site including pedestrian, bicycles, and equestrian trails, which will foster the conservation of valuable energy resources as well as lessen air pollution in the immediate area. ~ Establishes a unique open space/environment utilizing a greenbelt paseo system and expanded parkway greenbelts to link project parks, recreation areas, and schools. ~ Establishes design guidelines for the development of the Paloma del Sol Village Center. O PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) Page III-1 O 1. Specific Land Use Plan a. Project Description PALOMA DEL SoL is envisioned to be a high quality, mixed-use, master-planned community. Through a strong cohesive community design, The PALOMA DEL SoL Specific Plan, when implemented, will offer a diverse, convenient living environment for future residents. The PALOMA DEL SoL project will be a highly amenitized community offering certain elements not often found along many standard master-planned communities such as an expansive lushly landscaped parkway system located within all Collector, Secondary, Major, and Arterial roadways, and also along Highway 79 South. Also, a lengthy and expansive Paseo System will serve to provide land use definition; to provide recreational opportunities; and in the major function of providing for the use of alternative modes of transportation (pedestrian) through the site. Recreation centers (areas) are also planned which will support and provide facilities for organized forms of recreation. The PALOMA DEL SOL property will be identified and unified through design elements such as architecture, signage, landscaping, color, walls, fencing, and entry treatments consistent with themes identified in the marketing studies. Some variability of design will be allowed so that individual development enclaves will be identifiable and compatible with the overall community, and will be able to establish their own individual design character. For a description of specific design elements within this Specific Plan please see Section IV, Design Guidelines. Figure 3A depicts all of the on-site areas that have changed on the Amendment No. 7 (Planning O Areas 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 12, 13, 14, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 29B, and 38)site plan to reflect the most recent Specific Plan amendment (Specific Plan Amendment No. 8). Specific Plan Amendment No. 8 is depicted in Figure 3B, Specific Plan Land Use Plan -Amendment No. 8, and is summarized on Table 1, Detailed Land Use Summary. For specific information regarding Planning Areas, please refer to Sections III.B. and C., Planning Area Development Standards and Zoning Regulations. The proposed land uses within the Specific Plan include: ® RESIDENTIAL -Development within the project will generate a density of 3.6 units per acre overall, and housing types will be spread over four density categories varying from Medium to Very High Density. The acreage shown for each planning area represents gross acreage, which is subject to minor fluctuations when detailed engineering and roadway alignment studies are completed. o MEDIUM DENSITY (2-5 DU/AC) residential areas include 2,886 dwelling units on 699.7 acres of land located throughout (predominately on the periphery) the site. Medium Density use is proposed for Planning Areas 4, 5, 8 (senior option), 9, 10, 14, 17, 18, 23, 25, 26, 28, 31 and 33. It is anticipated that these homes will be located on 5,000 to 7,200 square foot lots and will be targeted for move-up, first-time buyers and some retirees. Planning Area 8 is planned as an active seniors community, but may be developed as Medium density family housing if the plans for the senior community are not implemented. ~J PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) Page III-2 ~~ ~~ X Q W~ ~ 2 ~~ LL ~ (' z~ wa ^~ v~ v. O~ ~~ f7 a ~~ ^~ 2 U LL J C ~ °o u~i m °v ~OV ~ ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ , ! ~ ~ O C N N N N N N uS N ~ ,J O ~ p W ~ Z 00 m d F- J (h f7 7 O O .- ao 2 (n o0 H LV ~ V ~ N N h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i i i ~.,~ F Z Q ~W m a U ~ Q a WWa ~ `~ Z~ - D ~ p ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ I I I I ~ ^ ~(7 Z w d ^ v, ~ O m N r ~°, r i Q o~w az _ ~ 0~ N N 1 n rn ~ Z Q a' ~w~ [) J Hw 1J/ Z O O ~ N c0 f7 N O W O O N ~ O N O O O u1 N O a0 O N V [') ~'1 ~~~ W ~ ~ /r O \~ ~ 00 ~ N ~ ~ M ~ N d' f") N d0 O M M me= W O J 1 1 1 L Ow ~ / ~ ~ J ~ ~p Q W Z n ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ mew ¢ zg ~ W I O 4 ~ ~ Q C7 ~ ~ i ' I '' ~ ~ w ¢ ~' C7 _ z ~ ~ U = O O O U ~> O~ Z Z ~ W p p U p ~ r U U Z O O ~ ~ O ~ .r Q O (~K~ ' ~~ J Q W ~ ~ z O z ~ ~ ~ Q vwi w ti ZFrW- Z ~N O F O = _ ~ ~U ~ w ~ Q ~ w } ~ F. UU ~ za U I- Q 7w m a w w ~ ~O~ ~ = O ¢ ~ W ~ Z ~ ~ W C~C~ U~ VJ O O Z' i 0 = p' m ~~ C7 } Z W ~ W Q ~ O N J J 2 D W W W w W ~ W ~ 0 0 W Q p J Q ~ O Q ~ O J J F' W ~ ~ ~~ ~ 2 > ~ UU Z D ~ W d C7 ~ ~ 4 Z» LL~ ~- d M W C7 W L v ._~ y ~ 'a' a C U y ^~ O _~ Uy ._ ' ~ ~ o ~.^ a ~y OL1 z ~ '` . ~ F ' ~ c' ~~ ~i' ~ `--i 00 w -~ o O w Q ~ U w ~ sl W ~ w 0 c~ z Q = Q U w Q ~ 2 Q 2 (n ~ Q Q Z W Z W Q Z W O Z W Q ~ >> Q * '- N ~ ~ J O = r ~ ~ `.. ~ ~ ~ _ X WO NOO N m+ ~ N N O ~ ~~ ['~ E O N f 1 t D ~ ~ vi Q Z O Q ~ O J ~3N Q~pO 6W C7o r K Z P t7 N ~ N V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ =Z Zp7a Fwo rp zroa 5 Zm 2 . ~~,~ Q m LL ~W Q Q Q a U Q r~ ~NJ ~dniV OW SOW y~ ~ ~ > > p ' W W a Z~ r N ZZ a ~ ~ o ~ o ~ ~ ~ COQ Oz~W w ~ .n ~n ao N N WNW r0-= O N N N m r ONO O Q V Z r- o ao co o m o o ~n o o a ca rn o ~n N u~ Q?~ rUp z O J ~ (n W O d' O ~ ~ cp (") ~ N N N .- n O h W ~ N N O O 01 N N [7 N C7 W O n {p J C] WO = W J J W ~ Q a c~a ~~r w~rZo caw rz~Q J ~ 1 o J i a~ ~ map ao ~z JZ o w~ ' ~ W o O ~ ~ ~~ '~~ w ~ ~ ~ Naz Q ~ ? Wo J _ ,~ 1 J W W ~'W r p (7 ~ p N Z ~ i f ~1 ~I~~f ~ W v. i W m. O ~ U ~ .~ W ~ ~ ~ C7~a Z W W WOQ O r Z J ~ = W f~ I z J ~' S`, Oi W j Y i ~- w Q W ~ ZZZ Qr00 O a O C7 x ~ ~ Qo '~G ~ U n r U K' QQ r a a ° ~ W O ZqWW C? U rNOr W r Wa ~z H z w f U ~0 = ~ ~~ _ ' Q ~ 2K z~ ~w ~w . W v „ o m; a ~ > ~ ccnn~~ ~ i '~ ~ {~ ~ J °-ww WNW 2 gQ~r C'1 iN 0 ? o 7- o 7 o ~ i ~~ O m ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ o S, c~: i 07 W I °Q °j w `` w ~~ W o C~C7 egg WWJW a~~~ o W ~ ~ W ~ ~ ~ y U~ ~~ ~' , $ z o I a ~ ~ ~ w ~ C a ° ~?~ 4 g ~ . _~ >' ~., 3 i 7 z» a y 1, ,1 u J M Ct7 r~ V W v y ^~ ~.+ ~ C~ ''~ r ~ fn '+• L" a U ~_ ~° ~I •~ y ^ .~ JI ~ ^- ,,, `_ 0.1 it ~:r ~~ u r= ~/- ~-. \ r~- L 0 J ~, n Q 2 ~_ 2 ~a~Q ~~ MaW° OVN • ~~ ~ ~ e ~ ft` ~ - a a ~~ Z r = ' a o ~~ C G m s '° ~ Q ~ ~~N W ~': ~ 7 ~°oa z~,;~ W '~ ~ T ~mW o ` ~ Cc C ~~~ ~~~ ~ . o z Q ~ --) n ~ o OJ o< F$a ~ J V {O py~j Q M pp~ u-i W 70W Q M fmf o f =S` N ~Q WV W Of VWU = 2 J U ~ _ U W • TABLE 1: DETAILED LAND USE SUMMARY O O Planning Density Target Dwelling Designation Area Acreage Range Density Units du/ac (du/ac (du RESIDENTIAL - 4 43.2 2-5 4.4 188 5 35.5 2-5 4.3 152 9 44.0 2-5 3.1 136 10 78.0 2-5 4.5 351 14 49.5 2-5 4.7 231 17 73.0 2-6 4.5 325 Medium 18 - 32.0 2-5 4.6 146 23 56.6 2-6 4.5 256 25 16.0 2-5 4.2 67 26 29.5 2-6 4.4 130 28 49.4 2-5 3.8 190 31 67.0 2-6 3.2 214 33 37.0 2-6 4.5 165 Medium (Senior Communi ) 8• 89.0 2-5 3.8•(4.5) 335'(400) Medium Subtotal 699.7 2-5 4.1 2,886• 2 20.0 5-8 6.0 120 3 44.8 5-8 5.7 254 13 32.0 5-8 5.2 166 IS 17.0 5-8 5.5 93 Medium High 16 49.2 5-8 5.5 271 20 40.0 5-8 5.5 220 21 36.8 5-8 5.5 202 22 64.0 5.8 5.5 352 Medium High Subtotal 303.8 5.8 5.5 1,678 Hi 6A 22.3 9-12 12.0 268 Hi h Subtotal 22.3 9-12 12.0 268 Ve Hi 6B 12.0 13-20 20.0 240 Very High Subtotal 12.0 13-20 20.0 240 Residential Totals 1,037.8 4.9 5,072• COMMERCIAL AND OTHER USES Comm.Meigh. Commercial I, 1 a, 16, 38 43.0 - - - Neighborhood Commercial , 36 2.52.0 - - - Daycare Center 34 20.0 - - - lunior High 30 31.0 - - - Elemrntary Schools 7, 11, 32 30.6 - - - Park & Recreation Areas 12, 19, 24, 29, 37 9.0 - - - Oprn Space - 27 31.9 - - - Grernbelt Paseos 35 81.5 - - - Roadway Paseos - 102.2 - - - Ma or Streets PROJECT TOTALS 1,391.5 3.6 5,072•' [mplementazion of the adult retiremrnt option Tor Planning Area 8 increases the total dwelling unit allocation for PA 8 to 400 du, raises the total medium density du allocation to 2,951 and would raise the total dwelling units allowed in Ne Specific Plan to 5,137 du. 0 PALOMA DEL SOL Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) III. SPECIFIC PLAN Page III-5 ~ MEDIUM (SENIOR COMMUNITY) is proposed for Planning Area 8 which O contains 89.0 acres. If the Senior Community is implemented, a total of 400 units will be constructed within the planning area at a density of 2-5 dwelling per acre. The Senior Community will target active retired individuals that wish to live within a private gated community. If the Senior Community is not implemented, Planning Area 8 will be developed as a family oriented Medium Density Residential neighborhood and will have a maximum of 335 units and a density of 2-5 dwelling units per acre. o MEDIUM HIGH DENSITY (5-8 DU/AC) will be located in Planning Areas 2, 3, 13, 15, 16, 20, 21, and 22 . A total of 1,678 homes are to be constructed within this category of land use on a total of 303.8 acres, which is generally targeted to first-time buyers. The minimum lot size is 4,000 square feet. The Medium High density residential land use is "as a rule" located in the central portion of the site. This use also touches the southern boundary of the site adjacent to Highway 79 South. o HIGH DENSITY housing is proposed for Planning Area 6A which contains 22.3 acres. A total of 268 homes will be constructed at a density of 9-12 dwellings per acre. This planning area may include High density detached homes or townhomes, targeting first-time home buyers or the rental market. o VERY HIGH DENSITY housing is proposed for Planning Area 6B which O contains 12 acres. A total of 240 dwellings will be constructed at a density of 13-20 dwellings per acre. This Planning Area may include condominiums and apartments, which will be targeted for first-time home buyers and possibly the rental market. Where Medium, Medium High, High, and Very High density housing types are planned, private recreation facilities and common open space will be provided to supplement community open space uses. Private recreational areas may include facilities such as a pool, spa, and/or barbecue areas. Exact design and layout of these facilities will be accomplished in conjunction with detailed future tract layouts. ® COMMERCIAL -The community will be served by five commercial sites totaling 43.0 acres. The commercial uses proposed will be Neighborhood and Community/Neighborhood uses primarily for residents and persons employed on- site. The commercial sites are located in Planning Areas 1, 1(a), I(b), 36, and 38. All five sites will have a community orientation while Planning Areas I, 1(a) and 1(b) also will be easily visible and accessible from Highway 79 South and will Therefore contain some highway-related commercial uses. For a list of permitted uses, see Specific Plan Zoning Ordinance. ® VILLAGE CENTER -The southwest comer of PALOMA DEL Sot. (bounded by Highway 79 South, Margarita Road, de Portola Road and Meadows Parkway) is part of a Village Center as defined by the Temecula General Plan. Although PALOMA DEL /~ SOL was originally designed and has been partially constructed as a suburban master l~ planned community, many of the design concepts and performance standards PALOMA neL SoI. III. SPECIFIC PLAN Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) Page III-6 pertaining to the village core can still apply to the Paloma del Sol Village Center. O The PALOMA DEL SoL Village Center encompasses Planning areas 1, ](a), 1(b), 6A, 6B, 36, 37 and 38 which are planned for commercial, single family residential, multi- family residential and neighborhood park uses. Specific design guidelines and standards that apply to future implementation of the village center are found in Section IVD, Village Center Design Guidelines. Standards pertaining to backbone pedestrian and bicycle systems are found in Section IVC, Landscape Design Guidelines and Community Elements of this Specific Plan. The SP Zone for these planning areas contains standards that support the village center design concepts. ® SENIOR COMMUNITY -Planning Area 8 may become a private gated active seniors community restricted to residents who meet appropriate age restrictions. Zoning will allow age restriction upon approval of CC&R covenants which provide that the project will be marketed as age restricted in conformance with applicable State or Federal law. Such a community will offer unique streeUsidewalk landscaping and housing architecture. All park and recreational areas within the community gates will be private, designated for use only by Senior Community. residents. Guidelines and standards pertaining to the implementation of the Senior Community are found in Section IV, Design Guidelines, of this specific plan. ® GREENBELT/PASEOS, ROADWAY/PASEOS, SLOPES - A significant portion (113.4 acres) of the project site is being designed as greenbelUpaseos, roadway paseos and slopes. These paseos serve several functions and act to "tie" the O community's neighborhoods to each other while providing alternative modes of travel (pedestrian, bicycle, etc.) to major destination points (schools, commercial facilities, and recreation facilities) within the community. The paseos generally follow drainage courses that will in most cases continue to function in a drainage capacity; however, the majority of off-site and on-site water now can-ied in the central east/wes[ drainage channel will be carried through an underground system of pipes. Additionally, at broader locations within the paseos, recreational facilities may be planned. All roadways shown on the Specific Plan Land Use Plan also will have greenbelUpaseos (parkways) expanded from the standard right-of--way. The greenbelUpaseo system is expected to provide a major aesthetic and unifying amenity for the entice project. ® SCHOOLS. - A total of 51.0 acres will be allocated for school sites. Three elementary school sites are planned, containing a total of 31.0 acres. One elementary school site is located in the southwestern quadrant of the site adjacent to Margarita Road. An additional school site is located within the northwest quadrant adjacent to Pauba Road and another is located within the Center of the southeast quadrant. A 20- acre Junior High School site is located in the northeastern portion of the site, adjacent to Meadows Parkway. Elementary schools are proposed in Planning Areas 7, 11 and 32. The Junior High School is proposed in Planning Area 30. ® RECREATION AREAS/PARKS -Four park/recreation areas (Planning Areas 12, 19, 24 and 29) totaling 21.1 acres, are planned to serve residents of the community. O An existing 9.5 acre neighborhood park has been constructed and dedicated to the City of Temecula on Planning Area 37. In addition, further recreational opportunities Par.nnu DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) Page III-7 will occur in the Medium, Medium-High, High and Very High density residential O areas. For a full discussion of proposed recreational opportunities please see Sec. III.A.7 and Section IV, Design Guidelines, of this Specific Plan. ® ROADS -Major roadways totaling 1022 acres will be implemented in conjunction with the proposed project. The City of Temecula's Circulation Plan will adequately serve future traffic volumes for the region. On-site traffic will be handled by a hierarchical roadway system consisting of Arterial, Major, Secondary, Collector and Local roadways. Looping Collector roadways will generally carry interior traffic to higher traffic carrying Major and Arterial roadways (See Figure 4). In addition, Class II bicycle lanes will be striped along most roadways throughout the site (Figure 6). b. Land Use Development Standards Three levels of development standards and guidelines have been established that, when combined, ensure an orderly, sensitive methodology for implementation and development of the permitted uses established for the PALOMA DEL SOI. by the Zoning Standards set forth in Sec. III.C. At one level, special techniques and mitigations have been designed for application, as appropriate, to each Planning Area. These specific standards are discussed at length in Sec. IILB of this Specific Plan and will be employed to insure a high quality development, consistent with, and providing for, the proper transition between the varying land uses and product intensity within the PALOMA DEL SOL project. o A second level encompasses design techniques relative to architectural, landscape and community- wide development guidelines. These measures are discussed extensively in the Design Guidelines, Sec. ]V ofthis Specific Plan. At a third, broader level, general project-wide provisions have been established. These standards, which will work in coordination with the Planning Area Standards and Design Guidelines to insure overall project sensitivity are: I) This Specific Plan shall be developed with a maximum of 5,072 dwelling units within a total 1,391.5 acre area in the manner illustrated on the Specific Land Use Plan (Figure 3). Generally, the uses permitted shall include residential, neighborhood and community/neighborhood commercial, park, recreation, schools, open space, and circulation. These uses are more appropriately delineated in the Planning Area Concepts (Figures 15A- 15ICIC): 2} Uses and development standards will be in accordance with the zoning regulations established by this Specific Plan and detailed in the Planning Area Development Standards, Sec. IILB, and will be defined by Specific Plan objectives, future detailed development plans and potential conditional use permits as appropriate. 3) Standards relating to signage, landscaping, pazking and other related design elements will conform to the zoning regulations also as set forth in Sec. IILB and the Design Guidelines in PALOtwtA nEC SoL III. SPECIFIC PLAN Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) ~ Page III-8 Section IV. When appropriate and necessary to meet the goals of this Specific Plan, the standards will exceed the zoning requirements provided herein. 4) The development of the property shall be in accordance with the mandatory requirements of all City of Temecula Ordinances or as amended by this Ordinance and State laws. It also shall conform substantially with this approved Specific Plan No. 219, Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4), as filed in the Office of the City of Temecula Planning Department, unless otherwise amended. 5) Prior to issuance of a building permit for construction of any use contemplated by this approval, the applicant shall first obtain clearance from the City of Temecula Planning Department verifying that all pertinent conditions of Specific Plan approval have been satisfied for the phase of development in question. 6) Any potential public open space/recreation areas on the site will be developed per appropriate zoning requirements and operated to maintain public access to recreation facilities. 7) Design features such as special architectural treatment, perimeter and interior landscaping and buffering of parking lot/loading zone areas will be incorporated into project design to minimize any potential conflict between higher intensity commercial uses and any abutting residential enclaves (Please see Section IV, Design Guidelines, Sec. ) 8) An environmental assessment shall be conducted for each tract, change of zone, development plan, specific plan amendment or any other discretionary permit required to implement the specific plan. At a minimum, the environmenta( assessment shall utilize the evaluation of impacts addressed in the EIR prepared for this Specific Plan No. 219 Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4). 9) A change of zone application, which would constitute a Specific Plan Amendment, may be required, as determined by the Planning Department, with a subsequent development application if the proposed use varies substantially from the use(s) provided for by the zoning standards established by this Specific Plan. 10) Lots created pursuant to this Specific Plan and any subsequent tentative maps shall be in conformance with the development standards of the zones applied to the property by this Specific Plan. 11) If necessary, roadways, infrastructure, open space and any other public facilities will be coordinated by and paid for through an assessment or community services district or area to facilitate construction, maintenance and management. 12) Final development densities for each Planning Area shall be determined through the appropriate development application up to the maximum density identified based upon, but not limited to, the following: O a) Adequate availability of services. PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) Page III-9 O b) Adequate access and circulation. c) Innovation in housing types, design, conservation or opportunities. d) Sensitivity to neighborhood design through appropriate lot and street layouts. 13) Prior to the issuance of the first building permit for each phase, improvement plans for developed common open space areas, including irrigation plans, shall be submitted for Planning Department approval for the stage of development in question. Irrigation plans shall be certified by a landscape architect. 14) For the security and safety of future residents the applicant and/or developer shall incorporate the following design concepts within each individual tract: a) Circulation for pedestrians, vehicles and police patrols. b) City-required lighting of streets, walkways, bikeways and commercial area. c) Visibility of doors and windows from the street and between buildings. d) Fencing heights and materials. 15) Any common areas identified in the specific plan shall be maintained by a permanent master O maintenance organization. The organization may be public or private. The maintenance organization shall be established prior to or concurrent with the recordation of the first land division or issuance of any building permits for any approved development permit. 16) It is anticipated that maintenance associations, if formed, will be established as follows: The master property owners association shall be charged with the un qualified right to assess their own individua[ owners who own individual units for reasonable maintenance and management costs which shall be established and continuously maintained. The property owners association shall be responsible for private roads, parking, open space areas, signing, landscaping, irrigation, common areas and other facilities as necessary. 17) Specific Plan 219 is located within thirty (30) miles of Mount Palomar Observatory. Light and glare may adversely impact operations at the Observatory. Outdoor lighting shall be from low pressure sodium lamps that are oriented and shielded to prevent direct illumination above the horizontal plane passing through the luminare. 18) The Director of Community Development may approve minor variations in standards and design guidelines without requiring an amendment to the Specific Plan as follows: Site Design -Changes in the location of pedestrian pathways and linkages, parking lots, building orientation and lot configuration from the typical examples shown in Figures 14A, 14B, 14C, 42, 43, 44, 45, SOA and SOE. The required elements may not O be deleted. PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) Page III-10 Signage -Changes in copy, size, materials and color as long as the proposed signage (`.JI is compatible with the existing signage in Paloma del Sol and the typical signage shown on Figure SOD. Landscaping -Reductions in the required landscape development zone up to 15% and plant material substitutions. Monumentation -Reductions in corner cut-off area not to exceed 15%, changes in monumentation signage, materials and color as long as the propose changes are compatible with existing monumentation in PALOMA DEL SOL and the typical plans in the Specific Plan. Walls and Fencing -Changes in materials and color that are compatible with existing walls and fencing in PALOMA DEL SoL and typical wall and fencing details shown in the Specific Plan. Increases in height not to exceed 10% of the maximum allowed by the Specific Plan. Architecture -Additional styles and detailing that are compatible with the eclectic Mediterranean styles prescribed for the Specific Plan Setbacks -Reductions from required setbacks not to exceed 15%. Parking -Reductions in the required parking and parking area landscaping not to O exceed 15%. Phasing -Phasing that differs from the Conceptual Phasing Plan and the Public Facilities Phasing Plan of the Specific Plan as long as infrastructure and community facilities needs of the community are met. Changes in major design criteria such as land use, minimum lot size, park dedication requirements and roadway standards will require an amendment to the Specific Plan. 19) Transfer of Dwelling Units -The proposed number of dwelling units contained in a residential application may exceed the maximum expressed in that Planning Area by up to twenty percent (20%) without an amendment to the Specific Plan, provided that an equal or greater number of units was unused in a previously approved or concun•ently submitted application within another Planning Area or combination of Planning Areas, or the owner of another Planning Area files a written relinquishment of an equal number of dwelling units in another Planning Area. All transfers are to be approved by the Planning Department. 0 PALOrrtA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. S (S.P. No. SP-4) Page III-11 2. Circulation Plan Q a. Circulation Plan Description The project roadway concept depicted in the Circulation Plan (Figure 4) was developed as a result of a thorough traffic analysis conducted by Wilbur Smith Associates conducted for the original EIR (See Technical Appendices). The circulation plan has been revised based on a more recent traffic study (September 1999) also prepared by Wilbur Smith Associates, to address the traffic impacts associated with the Villages @ Paseo del Sol commercial center proposed for Planning Areas I(a) and 1(b). The 1999 analysis evaluated not only the proposed Plaza del Sol commercial area development, but also: 1) background traffic growth, 2) proposed adjustments to the sizes, configuration and uses allowed in residential Planning Areas 6 (now 6A and 6B) and 8 and 3) other known area development projects that would affect traffic flow and distribution. The 1999 analysis also contains a "City Build-Out Assessment" which considers full build-out of the City of Temecula, City of Mun•ieta and surrounding unincorporated County of Riverside areas. Because the study also considers off-site circulation impacts not directly related to the Specific Plan Area, the discussion that follows attempts to distinguish clearly between those improvements to be provided by the applicant and/or any subsequent developers as part of the development of PALOMA DEL SoL and those improvements delineated in the traffic analysis but not included within the scope of this Specific Plan. Those improvements contemplated to be constructed in conjunction with development of PALOMA DEL SoL Specific Plan are specifically delineated in the Circulation Plan Development Standards. Principal east-west roadway access to the site is provided by Highway 79 South. Highway 79 South is a paved two-lane road between Interstate 15 (I-15), and proposed Butterfield Stage Road which will be improved to a 4-lane roadway in 1999/2000. Additional east-west access to the site is provided by De Portola Road, Rancho Vista Road, Pauba Road and Rancho California Road, all paved two or four-lane roads. The only north-south road currently servicing the project study area is Margarita Road, a paved two and four-lane Arterial roadway between Highway 79 South and Rancho California Road. Meadows Parkway, a planned 4-lane roadway which already has been constructed south from Rancho California and Pauba Roads into the northern and central areas of Paloma del Sol, will be completed to Highway 79 South with full width improvements prior to the opening of the commercial uses in Planning Areas 1(a) and 1(b). On-site circulation is accommodated efficiently by a network of roadways. Each roadway's location and size (Figure 4) are designed to facilitate the efficient movement of traffic throughout the site. The main objective of the circulation plan is to provide direct and convenient access to individual residential clusters, schools, recreation areas, and commercial facilities through a safe and efficient system of arterial, major, secondary, collector, and local roadways, and a pedestrian trail sidewalk system. Roadway cross-sections are shown on Figures SA-C. In addition, a Class II striped bicycle trail system will be provided as depicted on Figure 6. O PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) Page III-12 Q 0 BUTTERFIELD STAGE ROAD ~ o 0 oo~ooooaoop,oooq ooo°o_Q;p 'B '~a ~:~7 o'. N ~ J o. pi n , ~a~• r . ~~' ;'1:, ~~ S RIVE ~`~ax~` c ~ O_' I\ ~II11I/~/`, GREENTREE' ROAD . ~' J `~ L.t.1 ;Q '~' D O 0 ~ T mm,. E $a{ u. k~ ~ ~~~ c~~Iu3 o2 q ~ Z ~ O o~~p~~8~~~.~0~8 LS ~~E~~ 8 m Ti ~ ~ ~ .E W ~ ~ b$~i ~'~ c SS ~~;; om '-' Ems " z W oi?i BS=o~ y~c, Li. o J ~yyg~ E~¢83'CN" y~ yy~ m. .. ~~~W O Q V ~~~~ C~ C~~~ ~ b `9 a S n a ~ ~ ¢ ~ ~ ~- ~~a~~g~~s~~B~~~ Q ~ w _ _ Q ~ Q i. E ~ c~'8' S N q ~ W Q ooZ l1J LL ~lo~j~° $6oE ~mmLO: a¢~:~ D. I- C7 ~ ~ ~ $~o'~~s~~~4~rc~so¢i a~ O S r~ 0 ~i ~ ~ ~ O I °o T~m`o~~SttxB~$Ri rim; ~ O °o = w m m }}}3~~~ 0 16' I 44' -I 2 2, ~ - 44' 16' 14 2' HIGHWAY 79 SOUTH /RAISED MEDIAN 4 12' -~ 3 2' ~ 20' O GATEWAY ROAD 32' ~I 12 /RAISED MEDIAN ti 12' I 36' ~ 14' 36' ' 110' ARTERIAL HIGHWAY O P A L O M A D E L S O L 1'7 F-cttxa SA ~p d 1 T&B Planing Cansulunts Lla ;.~'~«W,~A.,~a. J awna~c°"o.rwa M :... Ill-14 /RAISED MEDIAN a O 12' '~ 32' 12' 100' MAJOR ROAD 0 10' I gg~ 32' 88' SECONDARY ROAD 6' 10' 12' 14' 12' 10' n, PARALLEL PARKING SIDEWALK 78'ROW MODIFIED PRINCIPAL COLLECTOR (AT TRAFFIC CIRCLES, R.O.W. IS 122') O P A L O M A D E L S O L 12' 1 Ficuxe SB TRS Planning Conaultmts II(-15 RAISED MEDIAN OR STRIPED MEDIAN / WHERE PARALLEL PARKING OCCURS 0 6 COLLECTOR ROAD ~,, ,..; , . : 12' 4 0' - 12' 6 0' LOCAL STREET O P A L O M A D E L S O L FtcvxE SC . 0 [~ r&s ring cc~wma ~wrt_ II A ,.,.~..,..W,m.~na,. ll a J .~~ ~ ~::',.... ^1-16 dog ~~ ~~~> N U w a ~.~b~ ~~o„ 0 Q~Q ~ ~~~~ JJ U~ p~dsa U~ ~ a (~ 6 ~ N ~ LQ ~.W 48 W ~N ~~ nO. U 4. J "> I~Nyp fff'VVV a >- .~ d U ~ ~¢a ~ ® m$F~ b g ~m ~~ o ~ ~ p ~~-~ 00 ~ $~~~. ~ ~ ~ ~~~ w o ~ 8~ OA E 3~ .~ &~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ a ~~ { ~ his ~a j~ H ~~ ~~ ~, [~' ~ ~~ oa;v a~ r~ H H v ~ ;~ Primary north-south on-site traffic will be handled by a Major roadway, Meadows Parkway, which will have a 100-foot right-of--way between Pauba Road on the north and Highway 79 South on the south. From Campanula Way to Highway 79 South, Meadows Parkway will consist of a 100-foot wide divided four-lane road. De Portola Road will be a Major roadway with a 100-foot right-of--way. That road will provide a route For off-site traffic to move through the site, consistent with the City's Master Plan of Highways. A significant portion of on-site traffic will be handled by a collector loop road system consisting of two lanes of travel in a 66-foot right-of--way. One loop road (Roadway"B", Figure 4) forms a full circle which will provide access to all Planning Areas to the west of Meadows Parkway and north of De Portola Road, with the exception that the Daycare Center (Planning Area 34) will receive access from Pauba Road. All Planning Areas to the east of Meadows Parkway and north of De Portola Road will take access from Loop Road D, with the exception that the Neighborhood Commercial facility will receive access from Pauba Road. Planning Areas between De Portola Road and Highway 79 South will receive access from Margarita Road, Highway 79 South, De Portola Road or Campanula Way as designated on Figure 4, Circulation Plan. Turning lanes will be provided at various locations throughout the project as specified in the Traffic Impact Analysis (See Technical Appendices). As noted, in addition to the vehicular circulation system, bicycle use will be encouraged by the provision of a bicycle trail system as depicted by Figure 6. Class II bicycle trails will be located on Collector, Secondary, and Gateway roadways as depicted on Figure 6. Pauba Road at the northern boundary of the site will also contain a bicycle trail. A Class I bicycle trail will be provided adjacent O to Meadows Parkway and De Portola Road. This system will connect neighborhoods and points of destination throughout the site. b. Circulation Plan Development Standards 1) The proposed Circulation Plan provides an efficient traffic design that meets or exceeds the public safety, security and transportation needs of the project. The on-site system depicted on the Circulation Plan (Figure 4) has been derived from the Master Circulation Plan outlined in the project Traffic Study and will serve as the composite circulation plan for the Specific Plan. (See Technical Appendices.) The illustrated, on-site roadway improvements will be phased in accordance with this plan. 2) Heavy through traffic should be eliminated from residential neighborhoods and commercial high density interface areas. Major roadways should be implemented as non- access roadways, with residential neighborhoods served by smaller residential collectors. 3) The subdivision shall comply with the street improvement recommendations/mitigation measures outlined in the project traffic study (Please see Sec. V.D.1.) O PAI.oaIA nEL SoL III. SPECIFIC PLAN Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) Page III-18 4) On-site roads will be constructed as: a) Highway 79 South (142' R.O.W.) b) Arterials (110' R.O.W.) c) Majors (100' R.O.W.) d) Secondaries (88' R.O.W.) e) Collectors (66' R.O.W.) f) Commercial Collector with on-street parking and traffic circles (78' R.O.W.) g) Local Streets (60' R.O.W.) Note: Median islands, traffic circles and bus turnouts are proposed on certain project entries (collector and local streets). In this case, the R.O.W. provided shall be increased to allow construction of the medians, traffic circles and bus turnouts according to City standards. O ~/ 5) Landscaping requirements will be based on street width in accordance with the Roadway Landscape Treatments depicted on Figures 23 through 31 in the Design Guidelines (Sec. IV.B). 6) Some Major roadway improvements may be implemented through an assessment district or similar financing mechanisms. 7) All roads shall be constructed to ultimate City standards in accordance with Ordinance No. 460 and 461 as a requirement of the implementing subdivisions for the Specific Plan. 8) The project proponent shall participate in the Traffic Signal Mitigation Program as approved by the City of Temecula subject to certain reimbursements under Development Impact Fee Reduction Agreement. 9) The project shall comply with the conditions and requirements set forth by the City. 10) A bike path system as described in the Design Guidelines (Sea IV) shall be constructed in accordance with City standards for such facilities. 11) Bus bays will be provided at all existing and future bus stops as determined by the Department of Public Works and the Riverside Transit Authority (RTA). Bus shelters shall be constructed upon approval of routes and locations by the City and the RTA. P.4LOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN Specific Plan No. 319/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP~4) Page III' 19 3. Drainage Plan a. Drainage P-an Description The majority of the project site is located within the Temecula Creek watershed, close to the confluence of Temecula Creek and Murrieta Creek. The site generally drains in an east to west direction, and is an eventually tributary to Temecula Creek through a number of existing culvert crossings of Highway 79 South. Total of3=site tributary area is composed of approximately 192 acres from Butterfield Stage Ranch to the east of the site. Development of the site will alter the natural on-site drainage courses. After development, new drainage courses will consist of streets, channels and swales, underground storm drains and/or a combination of the above. A significant amount of off-site as well as on-site flows will be piped under the greenbelt/paseo system (Figure 7). The majority of water will exit the site to the west and south in pipes varying in size up to ]20 inches in diameter. The actual size and location of the drainage system will be determined at the tract map stage of development. A small portion ofthe northern part of the site may be within the Murrieta Creek Area Drainage Plan under the jurisdiction of the Riverside County Flood Control District. b. Drainage Plan Development Standards 1) Drainage and flood control facilities and improvements shall be provided in accordance with the City of Temecula and Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District requirements. 2) It is anticipated that drainage/flood control facilities will be maintained by the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District. 3) Please see Sec. V.C.4, Flooding, for mitigations viewed as further development standards for drainage. PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) Page III-20 z a 0 g 0 W ~ O '~,~ F_ Cy J Z ~_ e W m W W r m m O ~ O U J JmO Jmp W ZW~ ZWf- QUp ~Uw O¢U p¢~ ~~ W ~y(A OU4 yU~ r ~ ~ y ~ ~ w o ~ SY U E g a~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ a ~~s [~•~ p~ ~~ ®, a ~v/ V L^'°' _ ~. ~ -. u N .o- '-~ rr ~o~ 3'O'tl a X.1 O W W Q O `~ 4. Water and Sewer Plans a. Water and Sewer Plans Description The PALOMA DEL SoL site comprises a portion of the Rancho Village Assessment District (AD No. 159) which will provide for major infrastructure improvements to benefit the proposed development. The development lies within the jurisdictions of both the Rancho California Water District (RCWD) and the Eastern Municipal Water District (EMWD) which will provide water and sewer service respectively to this area. Existing water lines are adjacent to the site at the following locations: Margarita Road (24"), Highway 79 South (36"), Pauba Road (12"), and ai the intersection of Pauba and Butterfield Stage Road (24"). In addition, a 24-inch waterline traverses the site generally in the De Portola Road alignment. The proposed wastewater treatment system plan was based on EMWD's overall system master planning for the Rancho Villages Assessment District. Several of the proposed sewers wilt be included as part of the infrastructure improvements under the Rancho Village Assessment District. Wastewater generated from the PALOMA DEL SOL area will be treated at the EMWD's Rancho Califomia Regional Water Reclamation Facility. Figures 8 and 9, Master Water and Sewer Plans, shows the locations of existing and proposed water and sewer mains. b. Water and Sewer Plan Development Standards I) All water and sewer lines shall be placed underground. 2) All lines will be designed by RCWD and/or EMWD requirements. 3) The infrastructural system will be installed to the requirements of the appropriate agencies. 4) The Rancho Villages Assessment District will manage development of infrastructure. 5) Water and sewage disposal facilities shall be installed in accordance with the requirements and specifications of the Riverside County Health Department. PALOMA DEL SOL III, SPECIFIC PLAN Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. S (S.P. No. SP-4) Page III-22 U N m m p J J W C~ 0]~ mQ F W F" W 3 ~~„ ClV G]Q ~ o~W o~W '~ i- O ~' WF,U W JU O '~ ~WZ }U? ~ cn ~n ~ f/-~ ~ o Z ¢yG ~2~ ~ IW„4(y~'~W FW-ZW ~' W ~6fA ~~(n ® a ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ J m m mH J_ ao ~ Ca m CO W ma mz s„ Oa~O ?E W>W>U v~ 1- W c m y~0 } 3 =m we W~~ Cr W QQN me 3av~ a9 a a~ ~_ ma ~d ~a ilJ a ~_ zs 00 ~ ~ ~~ w' 9 o $ 8~ C a~ ~E~E •~ q k a ~~g ~~ ~~ [~. M~ ~~ ~~ e~ m N ,r O m a } } ; of x CO C7 m m V y M1 ~ m J J m a ~^ O ~ 8M W F- W _~ m ~ ~_ 5~ O¢~ pa0 aE P.~s.o ~ W I- O W a 0.l ~3 ~o W~U w>w>V ~~ Na~~~ NZp ~Wp ~m q }WZ }OZ ~ ~:a' o 6 lA ~ - fA F- c m ~ to ¢ W to m e~ cr-v Q m ~ -`" ~~ 3tA N 3~N E m a W(n_ W[t_ m " ~p fA Q CA f4 a (n m c ~+ m am N m ~ m ~_ N 7 .. A ~ z W W a ~ 0 ~ O 5. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan a. Public Facility Phasing Description In order to insure timely development of public facilities, a phasing plan has been prepared for the four Neighborhood Park/Recreation Areas (Planning Areas 12, 19, 24 and 29), for the Neighborhood Park (Planning Area 37); for the Paseo/Greenbelt System, for the Equestrian Trail along Pauba and de Portola Roads, for each Elementary School (Planning Areas 7, 11 and 32), and for the Junior High School (Planning Area 30) (See Figure ] 0). b. Public Facility Phasing Schedule Public facility construction shall be phased as provided by the Public Facilities Phasing Table (Table 2) and Figure ] 0. 6. Grading Plan a. Grading Plan Description Grading for PALOMA D6L SoL site is tailored to the existing topography of the site. It is intended that the proposed plan be sensitive to and reflect original natural land forms, where possible, so that different land uses and residential enclaves are distinguished and separated by topographic features (See Figure 11, Grading Concept.). O Portions of the site that are flat or gently sloping will require minimal cut and fill operations. Earthwork quantities will be balanced in logical areas on-site. The Grading Plan also establishes a basis for appropriate treatment of drainage requirements and accommodates a street system that meets City of Temecula standards for acceptable grades. b. Grading Plan Development Standards 1) All grading activities shall be in substantial conformance with the overall Conceptual Grading Plan (Figure 11), and shall implement any grading-related mitigation measures outlined in: Seismic Safety (Sec. V.C.1J Slopes and Erosion (Sec. V.C.2.) Preliminary Geotechnical Investigations (Sec. VLE.&F.). 2) Prior to any development within any area of the Specific Plan, an overall Conceptual Grading Plan for the portion in process shall be submitted for Planning Department approval. The Grading Plan for each such area shall be used as a guideline for subsequent detailed grading plans for individual stages of development within that area. 3) All streets shall have a gradient not exceeding City standards. 4) Prior to initial grading activities, a soils report; and geotechnical study shall be performed that further analyze on-site soil conditions and include appropriate measures to control erosion and O dust (See Preliminary Geotechnical Investigations). PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) Page III-25 0 p0 6 t W J r __ fL~ a~ U S - °'? '14 S W !- W Z W~ '7 N NNaW a r ¢ W ~ ¢ ~~~,. ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~jjj; ~~ Z a F = O~ ~ a~ U G i W W d m<~ ZO ¢ V W Z O r G~ V W ~~ O^ pp G LL KV O U w y F ~ ' u ~S W~ G p~ W~ O W.O W J W W G¢ p~ " a 'fl V O ~ pp r H = r r ~ ~ to JWJ Z r ~w~--~~' e¢a ~, 6~ C U p rWyh J W OJ J W_F ~~ a V~ j0~ 7 c°~ 2=~ W jW~ O r m O< m Y w U D~ OO C ~~ s~~~9q O ~~ g~a O D y O a Z ~ y W< W :,~r¢z U ,~~ wI U V o ~ OOZ W ¢ ~ W = w [¢~ ~ m = ~ '.~Os ~ °C ~ W ¢ J y< W~^ m C" m r¢ J h O~ w ~ O~ ': ~ °u E ~+ m y a< OK~ O¢ v O 3 0 a Q r; _ •Y-. C yq ~ °u ~ p 6 U ram ~ a ~ a 3~~ p _~ rv C° 0 a ~:, a 9 //~~ W ~b ~~C MO Z i °~ a~ 'a ~ ~I W ~ E• M: d ~ ~ W L1o ~ ~ ~ D Q+A N d ~ Gr ~< I ~a~ =U t7 ppj ~:i Diu , W Saw ~i M p.~ `V M tn5. ..~ O Y ~ ~D U uuu WU t 2 J O ~ i w n Q 2 O 2 O ~yyyy T~. J w Q ~ W ,~ O O Table 2 PUBLIC FACILITIES PHASING Planning Public Facility Size Milestone and Requirements Area of Site 12 Neighborhood Park/Recrea[ion 7.4 Ac To be completed during Phase IV, prior [o [he Area issuance of the 4,576th buildin ermit. 19 Neighborhood Park/Recreation 7.7 Ac To be completed during Phase II, prior to the Area issuance of the 2,376[h buildin ermi[. 24 Neighborhood Park/ AC To be completed during Phase IV, prior to the Recreation Area l.OAC issuance of the 4,576th building permit and in con unction with develo ment of Plannin Area 26. 29 Neighborhood Park/ 5.0 AC This facility shall be constmcted and fully operable Recreation Area prior to the issuance of [he 200" building permit in Tract 24188, excluding the 67 dwelling units in Tract 24188-1. 37 Neighborhood Park 9.5 Ac Has been completed and dedicated to the City of Temecula. 35 Greenbelt/Paseo System -- To be completed concurtently with adjacent develo ment. N/A Equestrian Trail -- To be completed concurtently with development of Plannin Areas 8, 9, ]0, 28, 31, 32, 33 and 34. 7 Elementary School 11.0 Ac To be constructed by the School District in accordance [o their pupil demand and funding ca abilities. I l Elementary School 10.0 AC To be constructed by the School District in accordance to their pupil demand and funding ca abilities. 32 Elementary School 10.0 AC To be constructed by the School District in accordance to their pupil demand and funding ca abilities. 30 Junior High School 20.0 AC To be constructed by the School District in accord- ance to their u it demand and fundin ca abilities. Note: Timing of improvements may be modified through a development agreement. PALOMA DEL SOL Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) III. SPECIFIC PLAN Page III-27 I~ o ~ z i ~ ~ s c ~ n ® W ~ ~ 9 W c~ . ® j. ® ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ W I ~ -~ ~ i ~ ~ 1 ~ I . _ _ /w, _ r 1 T~ ~ I \ ,._ ~ I , i '' 'I 1 1 L '~ ~/ 1 L I I. l ,1.~'~. 1. ~ -~ ` UTTEPFICLI r~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ / 1, I 'I I ~I r f ~~ ~' ~ _ I ~ J , ~I / I J / \. / I _ ;. ~, ~ r ~ ~ ', - ~~ '~ ~ Y t:' ~ j: ~ .. ,~, ~ ,. _i _; Y ~ P I 1 r 1. all`` ~ ~ 1 ~` ~1I ~~`` 1 /~ owe' ~ 1 1. ~ -' ~ Fr ~ a\ ,, ~~r _ - , . - ~,~~ / O N ry ~ ~ C d w O ~ 8h U E ~~ CD~~ N C ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ?~ ~° H ~~ °~ Qo a ce;v a r-~ ® `" J O V! _J W I- Q 5) Detailed grading plans shall be prepared prior to any on-site grading for each project or group of proj ects. 6) The applicant shall be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of all planting and irrigation systems until those operations are the responsibility of other parties. 7) The overall shape, height and grade of any cut and fill slope shall be developed in concert. with the existing natural contours and scale of the natural ten•ain of a particular site. 8) Potential brow ditches, terrace drains or other minor swales, determined necessary at future stages of project review, shall be lined with natural erosion control materials or concrete. 9) Grading work shall be balanced on-site wherever possible. 10) Graded but undeveloped land shall be planted with interim erosion control plant materials. 11) All cut and fill slopes shall be constructed at inclinations of no steeper than two (2) horizontal feet to one (1) vertical foot unless otherwise approved by the City. 12) Grading shall not be permitted prior to approval of grading permits for the development area in question. 7. Open Space and Recreation Plan O a. Open Space and Recreation Description A major unifying element of the PALOMA DEL SOL community is the Open Space and Recreation Program. The Program is extensive and provides a vast array of recreational opportunities in which all members of the Community can participate. Further, the program incorporates many diverse elements in a coordinated, cohesive plan that interrelates with and links the various neighborhoods of the community with each other and to certain destination points, such as schools and shopping facilities. Opportunities vary from passive (i.e. undeveloped open space), to active (i.e. neighborhood park), to potentially structured (i.e. recreational programs). Varying types and degrees of activities will be available which will provide residents the opportunity to take quiet "walks in the park;" use an on-site equestrian trail; participate in community meetings and social gatherings; participate in active outdoor informal recreational activities; and participate in potentially structured professionally organized and instructed courses and sporting events which could occur at one of the five park/recreation centers. In fact, the proposed program is significant in that 153.0 acres of land will be devoted to park, recreational, open space, parkway and paseo uses which is equivalent to approximately 10.5 acres per 1,000 residents. The various recreational facilities are linked to each other and the other elements of the community with an extensive parkway and paseo trail system. The "heart" of the system is the "Backbone Community Paseo System." That system is augmented by neighborhood open space corridors and a parkway system adjacent to all collector and higher volume roadways. The parkway and paseo system will be landscaped as shown in the Design Guidelines (Section 1V) and will at a minimum PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) Page III-29 O contain one or more sidewalks. Bicycle trails (Class II) wilt be provided as shown on Figure 6. The overall Recreation and Open Space concept is depicted in Figure 12. The elements and acreage of the Program are provided in Table 3. The various elements of the Program are discussed below. 1) Community Recreational Opportunities. Community recreational opportunities are those opportunities which are available for the use and enjoyment of members of the PALOMA DEL SoL community. They are segmented and discussed as follows: o Neighborhood Parks/Recreational Areas o Schools o Equestrian Trail o Activity Nodes o Rancho California Sports Park a) Neighborhood Park. A neighborhood park (Planning Area 37) totaling 9.5 acres is provided in the southwest portion of the site. The park is developed and includes: ball fields, soccer fields, picnic areas, barbecues, and a restroom/snack bar.. The park is owned by the City of Temecula and maintained by the Temecula Community Services District (TCSD). b) Neighborhood Park/Recreational Areas. Four neighborhood park/recreation centers totaling 21.1 acres are provided. Planning Area 12, adjacent to the elementary school site in Planning Area 11, provides park/recreational opportunities on 7.4 acres. Planning Area 19 is located in the northwestern part of the site and contains 7.7 acres. Planning Area 24 contains 1.0 acres and is located in the northeastern part of O the site, adjacent to and south of the open space use in Planning Area 27 . Planning Area 29 contains 5.0 acres and also is located in the northeastem portion of the site, adjacent to and north of the open space use in Planning Area 27. These areas could provide facilities for community meetings, workshops, social events and active participation recreational activities. They will function in at least the same, if not expanded capacity, as fully developed public parks and could be constructed as public parks. Each park or recreation center may contain a community building and may include the following representative facilities: o Pool complex (swimming pool, pool deck, wading pool and spa) o Tennis courts (2 lighted) o Sand volleyball court o Off-street parking lot o Adventure play o Group barbecue patio o Open play area o Family picnic area o Shade arbor PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) Page III-30 J ~ ¢ O v ¢ 'Q w °- w °- Q N ~ a O¢ O v w ®~ >' sp y ~ ~ a0 UI ~ ~ Sa = OJ ~ ~® g ~V C'3 =U t- ~~ U z~ Z cUi~ua. z ~ ~ u~jP~] • 1 C5 Z ~1•~~1 ~~~~~• ••• N_ ~ a~ r ~ ~~ ~ ~ w O J -~ Y > p ~ O U a J= ~~ SN U~ yam" i ~ cH U tG W ~ ~ e Z O ~ ~ry a Qd W =gc o ~ ~ F-x •o y~ ~o ~~ ~~ aal c W $b vAq > C }} ~D ~ l^ M~. G X pa][oO ^ ^ ~0 ~ f~~/JVF ~ Q7~ M H v Gi J 0 ~, n a 3 x ~_ x J W VV a a 4= ~o~ M row ~ M Gmf o. `~ ;' p S~ .v o~6 x WU ~i~ Z O .J ~/'~ 11~e W D W ~/ a .~ Table 3 RECREATION/OPEN SPACE PROGRAM Acrea e 1. COMMUNITY RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES A. Neighborhood Park 9.5 B. Neighborhood Pazk/Recreational Areas 21.1 C. School Recreation Facilities ] . Elementary Schools (5 ac each x 3 schools) I5.0 est. 2. Junior High School 12 est. 3. Temecula Valley High School . (No acreage added for this facility) D. Rancho California Sports Park (No acreage added for this facility) E. Equestrian Trail (adjacent to Pauba and de Portola Roads) 4.0 F. Activity Nodes within the Community "Backbone"Paseo System -calculated 2.2 at the rate of 1 acre per 6,500 persons - TOTAL 63.8 11. PRIVATE ACTIVE PARTICIPATION OPPORTUNITIES To be provided in each Medium-High, High and Very-High Density Planning Area by the developer of that particular planning area -calculated at the rate of one acre per 500 persons. A. Medium-High Density 9.5 B. High Density L5 C. Very-High Density 1.4 TOTAL 12.4 HI. OPEN SPACE, GREENBELT/PASEOS AND PARKWAY PASEOS A. Open Space Corridors by Residential Density. To be provided in each Medium and Medium-High Density Planning Area by the developer of that particular planning azea -calculated at a rate of one acre per 250 persons. I. Medium (except for Planning Areas 31, 25 and 26 for which no provision for open space, greenbelts/paseos or parkway paseos will be made because of 27.3 the 7,200 square foot minimum lot siu ) 2. Medium-High 19.0 minus 9.5 acres for private active participation opportunities. 9.5 B. Community "Backbone" Paseo System (28 minus 2.2 acres for activity nodes) 25.8 C. Natural Open Space (Planning Area 27) 9.0 D. Roadway Paseos 1. Medium Density Residential 52.8 2. Medium High (Clusters) 26.9 3. High /Very High (Apartments) 1.8 TOTAL 153.1 OVERALL RECREATIONAL AND OPEN SPACE OPPORTUNITIES 278.3* Private recreation area of at least one acre shall be provided within Planning Area 8 if it is developed as a Senior Community. If Planning Area 8 is developed as a faintly-oriented Medium density neighborhood, no p~vate recreation uses are required consistent with the requirements for Medium density residential uses elsewhere in the Specific Plan. In either case, planned public open space in the form of greenbelt and parkway paseos adjacent to the perimeter of Planning Area 8 shall be provided. PALOMA DEL SOL Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) III. SPECIFIC PLAN Page III-32 Activities for all age groups can occur at each park/recreation center. There are Tat Lot(s) for young children "tots", Adventure Play Area(s) for older children, and various other listed facilities for teens and adults. Not only are the parWrecreation centers diverse from a standpoint of age groups catered to, but also to activities that can be accommodated. As noted, community meetings can occur at these centers, but other events will also be accommodated such as social gatherings (sewing circles, bridge clubs, hobbies), and arts and crafts instruction may also occur. In addition, sports instruction clinics may also be held at these locations. c) Schools. Four schools are proposed to be located on the site, and another (Temecula Valley High School) is existing just north of the site. The Junior High School site is located in the northeastern portion of the site, and three elementary schools are located throughout the site. Associated with and on school grounds are recreational equipment and fields for school children and which .also may be used by the community. Typical recreational equipment and sports fields which may be provided at these school sites will include the following: Playground equipment, basketball courts, tennis courts, volleyball courts, softball field(s), soccer field(s), and football field(s). d) Equestrian Trail. Extension of regional equestrian trails will be provided along the south side of Pauba Road and along the north side of de Portola Road in landscaped parkways. The trail will be 10 feet in width. e) Activity Nodes. Within the Community Paseo System a number of activity nodes (minimum size: 0.5 AC) will occur at a rate of one acre per 6,500 residents, yielding a total of approximately 2.2 acres. These nodes may include the following facilities/equipment: Picnic tables, tot lots, family picnic, horseshoes, and group barbecue facilities. These Community Activity Nodes will be available for use of all residents, and as such, will be maintained by the master home owner's association or TCSD. f) Rancho California Sports Park. The Rancho California Sports Park, to contain more than 86 recreational acres upon i[s completion, is located immediately northwest of the site, at the intersection of Margarita and Pauba Roads. This park will contain sports fields and recreational facilities for use by all residents in the area. O PALOMA DEL $OL III. SPECIFIC PLAN Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. $P-4) Page III-33 2) Private Active Participation Opportunities. In Medium-High density single family detached O neighborhoods and in neighborhoods containing attached housing types, private recreation facilities will be provided at a rate of one acre per 500 persons. It is expected that there will be a number of these recreational facilities throughout the site in the Medium-High, High and Very High density areas. The paseo and roadway systems have segmented the property into numerous residential enclaves (neighborhoods). It is envisioned that the majority of those enclaves will have private recreational facilities. Private recreational areas may include facilities such as pools, spas, cabanas, meeting rooms, barbecues, wetbars, and kitchen facilities. In the Medium density areas these private recreational facilities will be located within secondary paseo parkways which weave through the neighborhoods. Planning Area 8 (Medium density), if implemented as a Senior Community, creates a community geared toward "Active Seniors." Private recreation facilities for its community residents are planned to provide the following amenities: a) Competition sized pool b) Gathering center (no less than 5,000 square feet) c) 2 tennis courts d) May also contain: putting green, shuffle board, paddle tennis, badminton, volleyball The extent of recreational facilities and private common open space provided will be designed O and programmed based on detailed site planning for the Senior Community. Timing of construction will be based on development Plan approval. Tract maps in Planning Area 8 (if seniors) shall contain conditions which state the recreation building and main recreation common area grounds must be completed on or before 50% of the units have been sold and transferred to home buyers. . It should be emphasized that PALOMA DEL SOL is being planned as a single integrated community and that the community-wide recreational facilities (paseos/trails, community recreation centers, neighborhood parks, and the equestrian trail) will be available to all residents of PALOMA DEL SoL. Future individual tract approvals must therefore receive credit for the overall project-wide open space and recreation systems in assessing open space and recreation requirements for each future individual tract. PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) Page III-34 3) Open Space, Greenbelt Paseos, Parkway Paseos. O a) Open Space Corridors will be provided in the Medium and Medium-High density residential neighborhoods and will be calculated at a rate of one acre per 250 persons. One exception is that provisions for internal greenbelt/paseos are not required when average lot sizes meet or exceed a 7,200 square foot minimum. If Planning Area 8 is developed as an active senior community these open space corridors may be private but shall be connected to the public paseo system. Such connections may be controlled using pedestrian entry gates. If Planning Area 8 is not developed as a private access-controlled residential neighborhood, these open space corridors shall be public. Greenbelt/paseostyill provide several functions. First, they will give additional separation between numerous dwellings in the Medium and Medium-High density residential neighborhoods (essentially, higher density single family neighborhoods). Second, they will provide an area for a limited amount of passive recreational opportunities to occur. Third, in many instances, they will provide a link to the community paseo system (discussed below). Fourth, in the Medium-High density residential areas, they will provide an area in which neighborhood active participation recreational facilities can be located. Facilities, other than those just noted, will not be provided within these corridors with the possible exception of a trail in some locations. However, paseo areas will be landscaped with turf, trees, etc. so that they will be aesthetically pleasing. The corridors will be owned and maintained by a neighborhood homeowners association. b) Community "Backbone" Greenbelt/Paseo System. The community paseo system containing a total of 31.9 acres of land, will provide pedestrian and bicycle access links throughout the PALOMA DEL SOL community. The system will vary in width and will meander throughout the community. (See Figure 11.) Being fully landscaped, the system not only will function as a trail system, but it also will be aesthetically pleasing and will provide dwelling unit and land use separations. The system will contain a pedestrian path that is 8 feet in width, and community activity nodes will provide linkages not only to each neighborhood within the Community, but also to major destination points including schools, park, community recreation centers, shopping facilities, and the Rancho California Sports Park just northwest of the site. Since all residents of PALOMA DEL SoL will be allowed to use this system, it will be maintained by the Master Homeowners' Association or the Temecula Community Services District (TCSD). c) Parkway Open Space Adjacent to Roadways. An expanded parkway system will be located adjacent to all collector and higher volume roadways. The parkway system will be landscaped with turf, trees, and various additional plant materials. Community "theme" walls will be located adjacent to the parkways. Parkways will vary in width with a buffer located adjacent to Highway 79 South. Some of the parkways will meander, thus creating changing and interesting viewpoints to those using them. Sidewalks will be provided on each side of the pazkways throughout the development. Also to be included are bicycle lanes on selected roadways. O PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) Page III-35 O ~..J b. Open Space and Recreation Plan Development Standards 1) One neighborhood park will be provided for the benefit of all residents within the community. 2) The two neighborhood parks may contain the following facilities/equipment: picnic area(s), tot Tot(s), exercise course(s), playfield(s), rest rooms, parking areas, and a basketball court (half-court), soccer fields and baseball fields. 3) Three neighborhood park/recreational areas will be provided for the benefit of all residents within the community. 4) The neighborhood park/recreation centers may be developed as public or private passive parks. As an alternative, the sites may be developed as private or public active parks or recreation centers which may contain the following representative equipment: Pool Complex (swimming pool, pool deck, wading pool and spa), tennis courts, volleyball courts, tot lot, adventure play, group picnic barbecue facilities, open play turf area, clubhouse building, and parking areas, and may also contain shuffle board, paddle tennis, or badminton (See Section IV, Design Guidelines for further definition of included equipment). 5) Four sites will be provided for schools (three elementary schools, and one junior high school). When constructed, those schools will have playgrounds and areas which may contain the following facilities: Playground equipment, basketball courts, tennis courts, volleyball courts, softball-soccer-football fields. 6) An equestrian trail (10 feet in width) will be provided in the parkway area on the south side of Pauba Road and on the north side of De Portola Road. 7) Activity nodes for the use of all residents will be provided in the Community Paseo system at the rate of one acre per 6,500 residents. The average size of those nodes will be Y< to % acre. 8) The Activity Nodes may contain picnic tables, seating and open play areas. Exercise par courses may also be provided. 9) The Activity Nodes will be owned and maintained by the Master Homeowners' Association or the TCSD. t 0) Private active participation recreational areas will be provided in the Medium-High, High, and Very-High density residential areas at a rate of one acre per 500 persons. 11) Private active participation recreational areas may include the following facilities: pool(s), spa(s), cabana(s), meeting room(s), barbecues, wetbar(s), and kitchen facilities. ] 2) Open Space Corridors will be provided in the Medium and Medium-High density residential land use areas at a rate of one acre per 250 persons, unless lot size minimums exceed 7,200 square feet. Within the Medium-High density residential areas private active participation recreational uses will occur within these corridors. PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) Page III-36 13) Open Space Corridors will be owned and maintained either by a homeowners' association or O the TCSD as appropriate. 14) A Community Paseo System will be provided for the benefit of all residents in the PALOMA DEL SOL community. 15) The Community Paseo System wit] be owned and maintained by a master homeowners' association or the TCSD. 16) A Parkway System will be provided on all collector and higher volume roadways adjacent to and throughout the project site. 17) The Parkway System will contain sidewalks on each side of the street. 18) The Parkway System will be maintained by either the Master Homeowners' Association or the TCSD. 19) All recreational and open space areas will be landscaped, and irrigated. 20) All recreational facilities will provide parking in accordance to City of Temecula standards. 21) Landscaping within recreation and open space areas will be further governed by the Development Standards in the Landscaping Plan section of this Specific Plan (Section III.B.8.) and the Design Guidelines Section (Section IV) ofthis Specific Plan. 0 PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) Page III-37 8. Landscapine Plan -~ a. Landscaping Plan Description As illustrated on Figure 13A, Conceptual Landscape Plan, project landscaping will play an important role in maintaining project design themes, while emphasizing community continuity. This section of the Specific Plan report will provide a general description and development standards for the Landscaping Plan, however detailed landscaping information is provided in the Design Guidelines Section of this report (Section IV.B.). Entry monumentation will provide initial definition for the site, and will be viewed when approaching the site from any direction. Once within the site, entry monumentation will continue to be present at all key intersections. That monumentation will be developed in a hierarchical format from Major Community entries, to Neighborhood entries which will provide initial identification for each residential planning area. Landscaping within the project itself will articulate community design elements at the commercial areas, recreation areas, parks, and Day Care Center. Individual neighborhoods and residential development enclaves will also be distinguished by varied planting themes. Special treatments including slope transition areas (Figure 13B) and land use transition areas (Figure 13C) will be provided between certain planning areas identified Planning Area Development Standards (Section III.B.). O Project frontages along Highway 79 South, Margarita Road, Pauba Road, and Butterfield Stage Road will be treated with a special setback and landscaping concept, to buffer the site from traffic and enhance the project's visual image for drivers and persons viewing the site from adjoining properties on the other side of those roadways. Landscape along Highway 79 South commercial frontage shall be primarily turf and low shrubs, and grouped trees to allow excellent visibility of the village center and supporting retail villages. In addition, all of the Collector and larger capacity traffic carrying roadways within the site will have expanded, landscaped parkways as identified and discussed in full detail in the Design Guidelines Section (Section TV.B.). Landscaping will be used to identify the hierarchy of the street system, from major access to interior residential streets, creating definite landscaped corridors. This is accomplished by careful consideration of the relationship between street and plant materials characteristics, such size, form, texture, and color. Specific arrangement of plant materials creates a definite feeling of character which reinforces this identity. Plant materials utilized along the roadways have been chosen to enhance the country-oriented image of the area as a whole. The species chosen, as identified in Section IV., DESIGN GUIDELINES will adapt well to dry environments. Their use will reduce water requirements for common landscaped areas. 2.../ PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) Page III-3S 0 Z W J • y y W W W W w W ~ 0 0 ~ y ~ W ~ ac~r- w ~ ~ a ~ Z ¢ ~ ¢ } w ~ C7 ~ < w 2 as gaa ~ ¢r w ¢ c7 W f~'J y ¢ Z v ~ } ~ O Z ~ v ~ } z W. w < a ~ a w 3 ~ y W m a uu". O i ~ U < } ~ ¢ w o m ~ ~ w ~ 3 a ~ _ J c¢7 ~ d ~ ~ ¢ w ¢ ~ ~ ¢ r- z a W ¢ ¢ a w g ~ J, m a O ~ W W Z ~ ~ ~ ~ W ~ ~ u. ~ ¢ Q ?~ H J LL ~ y LL LL ~ iA F.. \ ~~ ® ~ r 0 a 3 x ~_ x _M v w' p~ k! J ~. /~ ~! 7 ~ 8 o $ a? ~~ ~~ a ~~ ~~ a ~ g 1 ~ ~s ffio F p~ s~ .s. ,~ ~ ,~ o ~i q ce;v 1 o r~ M J 0 J W O ~ ~..~ W W Q 0 B ~~~~ ~ ~ P A L O M A D E L S O L Flcuxe 13B ~ ~ q T&B Plowing Cwwlwu g ..,,.„~""d.a. a OJ ~. ~-~~~~:.w.. I11-4t) .Pad. Manufactured Slope Pad 0 B `'~~ol O Pad ~ Landscaped Transition Area ~A~®SCAPE® ~RAI~~~~'~®~ AREA O P. A L O M A D E L S O L Pad FIGURE 13C T&B~la~u~insg Cmsulmn ~a OJ ^°a'~°^a °..... III-41 0 b. Landscape Plan Development Standards 1) All detailed landscaping programs for planning areas and roadways will be prepared by a qualified landscape architect for review by City staff, department and decision-making agencies. 2) Project entry statements have been designed with landscaping and architectural treatments that project a high quality image for the mixed-use development. 3) Special landscape treatment buffer areas will be developed along Highway 79 South to establish and reinforce the project image as well as allowing excellent visibility of store signage in commercial areas. 4) Special treatment areas will be designed to provide definition to certain Planning Areas as identified in Section III.B. 5) Major entrance roads into the PALOMA DEL Sot, project will have planted medians and landscaped shoulders to define the project's design concept. The introductory landscape theme will include elements such as tree clustering to reinforce the project theme and character. 6) Planted raised medians (according to County Ordinance 461 Standard #113) may be established within any roadway right-of--way as long as access and safety criteria can be met. 7) Meadows Parkway as the major project roadway will provide a continuous theme spine through the site center. 8) Developments surrounded by walls or fences extending more than 100 feet along a public thoroughfare shall screen those walls or fences with appropriate plantings. Fencing and wall design will be closely controlled and will be complemented with landscaping. 9) The landscaping design for the site will include trees, turf, shrubs and ground cover compatible with natural vegetation on-site, where feasible. ] 0) Private common open space within each planning area may be devoted to passive open space uses and potentially may include recreational areas or facilities in higher density areas. If a recreation area is determined to be necessary, such as in the Medium-High and Very High density residential areas, exact design and layout of facilities will be accomplished in conjunction with detailed future tract layouts. PALOMA DEL SOL Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) III. SPECIFIC PLAN Page III-42 O 1 I) Prior to issuance of building permits improvement plans for the respective landscaped areas, or plans to mitigate an environmental impact for that stage of development, shall be submitted to the City Planning Department for approval. The improvement plans shall include, but not be limited to the following: a) Final grading plan. b) Irrigation plans certified by a landscape architect. c) A landscaping plan with seed mixes for mulching and staking methods; locations, type, size and quantity of plantings. d) A hardscaping plan with location and type and quantity of potential recreational amenities/facilities (in Medium, Medium-High and High density areas). e) Fence treatment plans. f) Special treatment buffer area treatment plans. 12) At the time of recordation of any final subdivision map which contains a common greenbelt or open space areas, the subdivision shall have those common areas conveyed to the master property owners association or appropriate public maintenance agency (either in fee title or as an easement). An assessment district or the TCSD will be established site-wide, which could include provisions for landscape maintenance. 1 13) The applicant and/or developer shall be responsible for maintenance and upkeep of all slope planting, common landscaped areas, and irrigation systems until such time as these operations are the responsibility of other parties. O PAi.ot4u nec So[. Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 (S.P. No. SP-4) III. SPECIFIC PLAN Page III-43 O B. PLANNING AREA (DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS AND ZONING REGULATIONS Development standards and zoning regulations for PALOMA DEL SOL have been established at three levels: General Development Provisions, which were addressed in Section. III.A.1; Design Guidelines, which are provided in Section. IV; and Planning Standards to which this section is devoted. Planning Areas were selected on the basis of logical, separate units of development. Criteria considered in this process included uniformity of use as it pertains to zoning and relationship to adjoining product and surrounding topography. The Planning Area graphics for this section (Figures 15A-JJ) were derived from the Conceptual Landscape Plan (Figure 13A). The site plans depicted herein are only conceptual in nature. Although development may conform closely to some elements of the illustrative plans provided in Section IV, it is anticipated that actual lotting will not be determined until the tract map stage. A Specific Plan Zoning Ordinance was prepared and submitted separately from this Specific Plan document. The zoning provisions within that Ordinance establish use restrictions for each Planning Area. The zoning provisions should be used in conjunction with the planning standards for each respective Planning Area. Immediately following this page are three examples of single family residential lotting configurations which may be developed at various locations within the Specific Plan site (See Figures 14A, 14B, and 14C). The "Typical Traditional" configuration as well as the "Typical Courtyard" configuration may be developed at various locations in the Medium density category. The "Typical Cluster" configuration may be developed in the Medium High density category. These figures are provided to give the reader an example of how some neighborhoods within the specified land use categories may be developed. They are not intended to be representative of all residential development of the same density. In addition, three examples of single family residential lotting configurations which may be developed within the senior community on Planning Area 8 are shown on Figures 14D, 14E, and 14F. O PALOnu DEL SoL ^1. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN N0. 219/AMENDMENTN0.8 (SpeClflC Plan SP-01 Page III-44 O O COLLECTOR -- -_7 --_--~ r---- ~ , ~ ~_-_~ i / \ ~ ~ I I ~ `I ~ I I ~ ~+ ; I 1 ~_--_ -1 ~ / i I I I i ~~ ~ ~ I ~ // / I I _ U ~-T _~ r----7 ~ ~ ~-----I a / I -- l i j `~ ~ 1 ~ j I ~ w ! L-_- I .. .: rn i ----Y I ---- I , o I K I I I;= 1 ~~ i ~ I ._/' I I I ~ L-----1 ~ ' L. -----~ {- m i ii ~T. I C_=7 ~ I ~ } ~~w.a~e U~' ----0 ~ i~ ~YS -~ _- NEIGHBORH OD 6TRE (PUBLIC),.1 I ~ ! ~[-~ TECHNICAL DATA LOT S12E 6000' SO. FT. (MIN. AVG.) 55' MIN. WIDTH CORNER LOT: 60' MIN. WIDTH BUILDING ENVELOPE SETBACKS: AS SHOWN AT LEFT FRONT: 20' MIN. 22'.AVG. SIDE: 5' MIN. REAR: 20' MIN. USABLE REAR YARD AREA: 1200 SO. FT. MIN. BLDG. TO TOE OF SLOPE (REAR) 15" MIN. LOT COVERAGE:.40 MAX. FLOOR AREA RATIO:.50 MAX. (NOT INCL. GARAGE) PARKING 2.0 ENCLOSED GARAGE 4DD'L PARKING BOTH SIDES OF STREET NOTE: THIS CONFIGURATION IS TO BE VIEWED AS ONE EXAMPLE OF HOW A NEIGHBORHOOD WITH THE DESIGNATED AVERAGE LOT SIZE MAY BE DEV ElOPEO. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF ALL RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SAME DENSITY. O PA L O M A D E L S O L F)cuxe 14A ~1T5 ,..~ T&8 Plumin6 Consultan[s v ~ C~ ~ ~°':.'~.... III-45 _o ~ i i ~ i i~: ~--_ I .. ~-.. ~ _ I _ I ~ 1 _ -' 5MN .5 i , ~~E E~.~i.wt~. J. I) 5„ I S ~ + I I i ..,~.: ~ r ti 1 __~ .. ~ :4'c~ ~r~.'-vi.- + -RUBIIG-STREE-T-.- - ~ . -ago ~' s'rc~wwr= O f __~l_ __ ___ _, p r-- r----, r-- -, m I I ' ~------ , ~.i i ~ ~ I I j l i i ij I I I 1L ~ L- ~I1- IL- -~-_-L- -l ~.. ~ ~~~T ~ ~~~ ®e V ~ ~l~J ~ ~6'~~ 0®0 ~1 O P A L O M A D E TECHNICAL DATA T IZE 5000 SO. FT. (MIN. AVG.) 50' MIN. WIDTH BUILDING ENVELOPE SETBACKS: AS SHOWN AT LEFT USABLE REAR YARD AREA: 750 SO. FT. MIN. BLDG. TO TOE OF SLOPE (REAR): 10' MIN. LOT COVERAGE .45 MAX. FLOOR AREA RATIO:.50 MAX. (NOT INCL. GARAGE) PARKING 2.0 ENCLOSED GARAGE ADD'L PARKING BOTH SIDES OF STREET NOTE: THIS CONFIGURATION IS TO BE VIEWED AS ONE EXAMPLE OF HOW A NEIGHBORHOOD WITH THE DESIONAT ED AVERAGE LOT S12E MAY BE DEVELOPED. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO BE REPRESENTATIVE OF ALL RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SAME DENSITY. F)curs>;14B AND ASSOCIA7~E5 L S O L . d Ca T&B Planninog Ca~sulun¢ ~Q 1 i.:aca'c.u°n`dav°...r 111-46 Q i---.. I -_~ ii~ r iii ~ ,; I~ I' III I I I r M _~ r-~ lid ~ I, III Ilia~««li l I ~ b 1~ ~, I ~ ~~,~,.,,' ~4 PRIVATE i ~* I COURT I ~~ ae, -- m' „~r--„ I,~ ~I; ~ ~ ~ ~ ' i I I ~ wrsnwr -} i -~ li I ~ ~ i I~I ~' ~: I ~ ; ~_~ ~--~ I. I ~____.11i~i I ~~ ~~~a iU J i m 'la w I~ i¢ IF i~ i0 O x 0 m 2 i (7 ~ w Z if ~~~~pp~b`'^^~l~ 'IJLqq~I~~~~~p~~ ®tl!'1~OVJ~~i`~u ~®1~1 Q P A ~L O M A D E L S O L TECHINICAL DATA LOT SIZE 4050 SO. FT. (MIN.AVG.) 45' MIN. WIDTH BUILDING ENVELOPE SETBACKS: AS SHOWN AT LEFT USABLE REAR YARD AREA: 675' SO. FT. MIN. BLDG. TO TOE OF SLOPE (REAR): 10' MIN. LOT COVERAGE: 45 MAX. FLOOR AREA RATIO: 60 MAX. (NOT INCL. GARAGE) PARKING 2.0 ENCLOSED GARAGE .5 OPEN GUEST LIMITED STREET PARKING NOTE: THIS CONFIGURATION IS TO BE VIEWED AS ONE EXAMPLE OF HOW A NEIGHBORHOOD WITH THE DESIGNATED AVERAGE LOT SIZE MAY BE DEVELOPED. IT IS NOT INTENDED TO BE REPR ES EN"fATIVE OF ALL RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE SAME DENSITY. F~14C AfVD~ ASSCtCWTES p• ~ ' \ T&B Pluu~inm Consultanu 111-47 Q w (~' I I NIW .o-,e o a ~ Q W JQ / Q ~U LL LL LL~ ~~~ .q R~ m I W ~`_~ I ~ -J ` ~ ~ J 1 ~' O V} ~Q Q' I I JQ h O~ Z~ ~~ m~ U r_~._ o I i i~~j i a ~~ I r a 0 oCd ilV 301S 2JO 821f1 ~~ g ° ,S ,S Ol'NIW,BI i-~_ g~ I I i.- .a"~ ° ?~ 1 z ~~ W O (a7 ? °z ~ oQ~ Y zao Q' WOW a N°aa II -- -~---F--_ _U U z 2 }~ W N N W O ~ Z O2~UQ. WOJ ~~ ~o~Ua m~,o z;., afg2pp W~7 ~ Jay aOa ~W ins ~ ~ aiaZ°'~ O N~w ~~ ~U j ~ ~ w~~ o}°~O W ooh a~ ~N O omaJZ O ~ a ULLw O a ao F } W u F-CUWJ Y F=UO as ~_ a a?u~QO ama ~~ --r I I I 1 7~ R' U ) C7 Z ~~ J Q ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ q~ ® 6 P ~® ~ ~ in ~O W ~ a Wa ~ Z ~~OOa ~ ~~Z ® z O Z wwY~l_ax ~ oa?m3z ~ ~o> ~ z- ni ~~owcm-~avmioo~ ~ ~z~~°~ w z~J ~_ ~o y Jm~d' O Uv)ao z ~~O u°-rOo ~ _Z ¢m¢v~c¢¢7'vVOmw~a ~ ~ ~ ~ pW V tq'U' W ~;DQ~ZFjOOO O w Z~ZFOQ 222 ~HOIAZ_W ~ N ppa ~ ~Jpp(~Ofna'DUILJap W ~ O 2 O ~ i ~ I~ ~ a U .~JinLL~a U N ~ 330 of ~ ? ~ a o H w w C7 a x ~ rn a m¢°? 0 ~~~2J ~y_ ~ LL ~ ~ Z J IL YlLO J1D N¢ q¢4apo J d I J. ~° w 0 ~ ~ y yy ~ O b b d O P A vJ ® J ~ (,~ C~ ~ ® ~ ~ ~ ~ N fn y~ i o J 8M ~ @~ ~~ .~ „~ ~~ a C1. ~ 'o ~ ~~ ~o F~. a~ ~~ i°e a crv ~ v ~~ c o 0 `~ ~ ~ o ~ a~ w - es ~~ a~vY.~j~ w ~~aa ~=~Q=.1 w Y u.~LLO ~ ~j Ra.4LLp~ ~~ o,, ~ EomioOi-f/) a my °- ZO t i C7-^N N I ~= I ~~`J I Nlw ~ `~,J r-~ i ,~-~ I ~ ` ~a I _ ~i i u~i~ ~ I ~NIW I i YQ~ ¢ ~ ~ i~'~S U K I V~ d 6 V~ (~ I Z Q. 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I 1 l~~ / rw, o I //U ~ 0 ~Ul I ~~ ~i Icy ~ ~ i ~~ ~ j v ally ~ ~ ~ ~}~, i o -y ~ I C7 NIW ~~ I ~Q ~~ I ~~ .o-,o~ bra ~ ~Q ~5 >~ 's~ w x '' ~ oaano `_'~-- ~o p ~ s s 'NIW ,et ~.,_ ~ LLH nQ~. O I O w I ~-- C9 ~ .S ~,9 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -- ' '~ ~ ~ d U co ~ i ~ ~ U ~u __ ~ ~ ~ 5}~~w~n ~wp jz_ p~q ~~ ~OIU-pUQ mu>O Z:p ~ ~~ w~~~~ ¢OQ r~n~ ~ aU'? rn aQZa~ ~~w v~iv ~ ~ Y N ; W O K~~ W~ ~ a~ >~O U >0 F-U ~ ~ oaf v OoaQ:1-Oz OLL~ Ow ~ wp0 O OWW~} OYa aQ OQW F- f-~UWJ F-UO ~2 1-' a ~iQ¢ a a?I~i Q0 n~.ma v~v~ ~ ~YI J w a.e F w Q lLQ Q J~O~ J ~ pJ~Z ® ~ O dZ ~WY~~~~ ~ O~~~wg ~ Wpm ~~ti// W ~ pww pU- ~ u~ ozm~~. ~ zU Ede J z w H Ow~Jmy~~p ~-•-UV)ao Z ~~O ~~// rioD:in > Zm¢in(9aU mLLWp, ~ ~ ~ Ow ® l1.. C) vai~v~ W ~I~DQ~Qomio~00~ ~ w w ~~OV~iz~ °'° ~ N gQQa ~ ~JOC~~-.-ULLJeO w ~ (7 2 00_ LL-o: 2 a--W ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~J~_~a ray V ~ o~~~ ~ z w w U d ~ LJ W ~ oz_z_z_ ~ ~ o o (n ~ ~®//'~~ VJ u w ~r G4 J VJ J W 0 O a N o q E~ &5 ~e Y ~ ~~~~ ~~ ~o H q~ ~~ ~r ~ a rrv a~ 0 C. ~~ 1. Planning Area 1, 1(a), and 1(b) a. Descriptive Summary Planning Areas 1, 1(a) and 1(b), as depicted on Figure ] SA, provide for the development of 35.0 acres ofCommunity/NeighborhoodCommercial uses. A typical site plan is depicted in the Design Guidelines, Section IV. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-O1 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards I) Access to the Planning Areas will be provided from Margarita Road, State Route 79,.and Campanula Way. Access points, as depicted, are conceptual. Access to the individual planning areas shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. Access along Highway 79 is subject to Caltrans approval. 2) A Minor Community entry statement will be provided at the intersection of Highway 79 and Margarita Road at the southwest boundary of the Planning Area (see Figure 32). O 3) A Minor Project entry statement will be provided at the intersection of Campanula Way and Meadows Parkway at the northeastern boundary of the Planning Area (see Figures 35 and 36). 4) A Major Community entry statement will be provided at the intersection of Highway 79 and Meadows Parkway at the southeastern boundary of the Planning Area (see Figures 32 and 33). 5) Roadway landscape treatments, such as those depicted on Figures 25, 23A, 23B, and 27, respectively, shall be provided along Highway 79, Margarita Road, Meadows Parkway, and Campanula Way, except for commercial frontage. The primary character of the commercial frontage shall consist of extensive turf mounding, grouped trees and shrubs. 6) A Class II bicycle lane will be located on Meadows Parkway and Campanula Way to the north and east of the. Planning Area as shown on Figure 6. 7) Pedestrian access between Planning Areas 36 and 38 and Planning Area l shall be provided as shown on Figures 15KK, SOA and SOC. 8) Please refer to Section III.A.1 through III.A for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: III.A.1. Specific Land Use Plan III.A.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan [ILA.2. Circulation Plan III.A.6. Grading Plan IILA.3. Drainage Plan IILA.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan IILA.4. Water and Sewer Plans IILA.8. Landscaping Plan PALObIA DF.L SOL ItI. $PECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN N0. 219/AMENDMENTNO.B (Specific Plan SP-d) Page III-5l ,/'~ 9) Please see Design Guidelines, Section IV.6.3.c for general criteria pertaining to design of v commercial areas and Section IV.B.3.c.1, for criteria related to siting and orientation of commercial uses. 10) The commercial land uses permitted within this Planning Area are designated in the Specific Plan Zoning Ordinance. 1 I) A Development Plan will be required for definition form and uses of each commercial area. Existing uses in Planning Areas 1 a and 1 b (commercial center) maybe rebuilt for the term ofthe respective Development Agreement. The right to rebuild is extended for an additional l5 year, covenant period for rebuilding in the event of damage, destruction or remodeling beyond the term of the development agreement. l2) Waste disposal containers will be limited to designated, confined areas set aside for solid waste collection. 13) A minimum of one Commercial entry statement shall be provided along Campanula Way (see Figure 37). Details for the Major and Minor Commercial entry statements are depicted on Figures 42B through42F. 14) Pedestrian plazas shall be provided as shown on Figure SOA. O l5) Planning Area 1 lies within the Paloma del Sol Village Center and is therefore subject to the Village Center Design Guidelines as contained in Section [V.D of this specific plan. These guidelines contain standards and examples pertaining to pedestrian oriented design (Section fV.D.2.b), building scale (Section IV.D.2.c), intensification (Section IV.D.2.d), parking design (Section IV.D.2.e), signage (Section IV.D.2.f) and transit provisions (Section IV.D.2.g). An illustrative site plan that depicts an initial design for Planning Area 1 is shown on Figure SOE. O PALOMA DHL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN N0.219/AMENDMENT No. S (SpeCIFIC Plan SP-4) Page ^I-52 Q o N ~ • Z T O ~. 9 Z ~ G7 m O ro ~ z m I-- ~ O ~ ~~ ,~ ~ ~~ Z v m ~. ' ~n V ! 0 r m..o. ~'m m ~ a a g '~m ~ ~x ~ m -~C A ~ r .(~ m O '~ V . ~ L ~ w N .~ N ~ ~ a b m . m ~ n :~ w ~i 4 ~llSf AF1 b. Q5 ~a R~° s~ ~ w ~~ ~~ ~ ~p ~4 as y ~~ ~ ~ e e ~ ~ ~, N y m ~11~ tYl O ~° U~ ~ ~ . o~ ~ 0 89 e ~~ S Q:>~ ~ A p ~ L S 2 .- D ,( ~ .. -e, e ~ o' ' \~ ~ 1: ~~ ~ 0 e 8 ~ g ~'' et ~ °o n _ ,,. a, ., .y. O ..Z~ ~ m m n ~,~ 9 z - ~ ~~ n g m ~c ~c ~ '~ ~ w `3 0 -1 ~ O'~ m i 7 0 ~ 8 ~ c~'i ~~v mm ~ ~ ~ ~ • m ~~ ~ ~ ~ .C ~, ~ z ny • m c~ ~ ~~ ~ _ A ~~ a ~i' ~~ c~r~°~r+mo ° ~m ~O ~~ ~~~(nZ~ mmw-v~Z 9~v~mZ ~„Z>-~~ ~°tnr~~ m m ~~~Dy c ZG)m~ <ccn~: ~ °~<o' N ~~m mZ ° w w 0 ~. i'• rz~°--~'p° ~ e C E ~~;a - -~ Vinn' ~ b. V1L 1'. S N. o ^ ~ O ~' {P mD a0 per ~+ ,~ ~ ~ m ~~0 .. ` m -O-I W ~,e a4a, ^' n ZO { r e q~ ~ ~. 4 ~ m m _ o: r C7 9 n p, IO ~ ~ Z '[y Z °j ~' m C m m e O G7 `~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ TN ~~ z ~ c ~ a r m nip N gZ = ~O~ -.o3~ °'W Dom W -+ m °O~ nn ~ ~~ n=~ ~ m m n cn _ O ~ ,~ v "' n o D ~~ w~ ~ v ~ r m ~ m ~, n ~~ ~_ r ~~ z vZ rn m w s m o ~ ° z a z 1 2 '< O y --I ~o m m ~ m ~ -~ ~n-o roz-o w.ov 00~ 'v,mp Cn O> j fD) ~ .~i n z ci Y C z A n z ~. m o° ~ ~ c~ ~°, _ ~ O ~ ~ m ~ O n O °v ~ ° ~ ~ ~ ~s ~_ ~ ~ Dr ~ e 2. Planning Area 2 _a: a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 2 as depicted on Figure 15B provides for the development of20.0 acres of Medium High Density residential land use. A total of 120 dwelling units is planned at a target density of 6.0 du/ac (Density Range 5-8 du/ac). b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-0] (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Accessto the Planning Area will be provided from Campanula Way. Access points, as depicted, are conceptual. Access shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. 2) A Major Community Entry statement will be provided at the intersection of Highway 79 and Meadows Parkway at the southwest boundary of the property. (See Figures 32 and 33). 3) A Minor Project Entry Statement will be provided at the intersection of Campanula Way and Meadows Parkway. (See Figures 35 and 36.) O 4) Roadway landscape treatments, such as those depicted on Figures 25, 23B, and 27, respectively, shall be provided along Highway 79, Meadows Parkway, and Campanula Way. 5) A minimum of one neighborhood entry statement will be provided at egress points onto Campanula Way at the northern boundary of the Planning Area (See Figure 37.) 6) A Class I bicycle trail will be located on Meadows Parkway and a Class II bicycle lane will be located along Campanula Way (See Figure 6). 7) Please see Design Guidelines, Sections IVA-C, for criteria related to architecture and landscape architecture. 8) Please refer to Section III.A.1. through III.A.8. for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: III.A.I. Specific Land Use Plan III.A.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan III.A.2. Circulation Plan III.A.6. Grading Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans III.A.8. Landscaping Plan ~\ PALOMA DEL SOL Ill. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN N0.219/AMENDMENT NO.B (SpeClfiC Plan $P-4) Page III-54 ~I ~~ !~ ~_ z w f- w ¢ ~ } w a ¢ H ¢ U Z W J ^ p Q ~ f0 Z g - 8 ~ _ ~ f7 W ] . . Q ¢Z m ~w , (~ LL m ~ _pi ~ = W LL ~ } CJ m i LL O d C7 m W Q m n ... ¢~. F - y Zcn... _.> „i` ,. iy 54 nT .~~ ~.... A~yy / } t { ^f 4L ~~~~ ~: . -~ ~ W Q ~r N W W Q p O y}¢ U H F- ¢ C7 U 2 Q w C7 I- p ~ Q Q ~ ~ ~ ~ pUppO wooom Nr(O In ~. w d U y p J F N ~• Z m w~ 3 ~ p ~ LL ¢ w m m Q H N a Y m ~~° C7 0 ~ 8' [z. U E ~e ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ a 51:6 ~=~~a ~ °~•° ~ o a oe;v a~~ "' J J Z w w w , a U f y p J -~ 2 FD Q m F ` ~ y W , J w ~ } m O °' U m Q ~ m <r -a., ,. Za ~;~ `~ ~ t. r, ~~ c U `~°. a ~,~ U ~ o 0 N Z w W a ~- F- Z w F- W ' a d ~ rn O LL _Z ~ ~ N W O w 0 z w O O 3. Planning Area 3 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 3, as depicted on Figure 15C, provides forthe development of44.8 acres ofMedium High density residential use. A total of 254 dwelling units is planned at a target density of 5.7 du/ac (Density Range 5-8 du/ac). Atypical site plan is depicted in the Design Guidelines, Section. IV.C.3. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-O1 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from Campanula Way. Access points, as depicted, are conceptual. Access to the planning area shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. 2) A Minor Project entry statement will be provided at the intersection of De Portola Road and Campanula Way at the northern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 35.) 3) Roadway landscape treatments, such as those depicted on Figures 25, 23B, and 27, respectively, shall be provided along Highway 79, De Portola Road and Campanula Way. 4) A minimum of one neighborhood entry statement will be provided at egress points onto Campanula Way along the northwestern boundary of the Planning Area. 5) A Class I bicycle trail will be located in De Portola Road to the northeast and a Class II bicycle lane will be located along Campanula Way to the northwest of the Planning Area as shown on Figure 6. 6) A site of archaeological historical significance is located within this planning area. Prior to issuance of Development or Grading Permits, an appropriate detailed mitigation program shall be identified and, if necessary, completed. This program shall be approved by the History Division of the Riverside County Parks and Recreation Department. 7) Garages shall have a front yard setback as follows: Minimum of 20 (twenty) feet from back of sidewalk, or if no sidewalk is provided, 20 (twenty) feet from back of curb. PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. $ 1Sj1CCILC Plan SP-A) III. SPECIFIC PLAN Page III-56 _Q 8) Please refer to Section 111.A.1. through III.A.8. for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: IILA.1. Specific Land Use Plan IILA.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan IILA.2. Circulation Plan IILA.6. Grading Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans III.A.8. Landscaping Plan 9) Please see Design Guidelines, Section IV, for related criteria. ~J 0 Pa1.OMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC Pinta No. 219/M-tENDmtEta'rNO. B (Specific Plan SP-4) Page III-57 e9 r J F- W Q ~ U' Z W Q W D ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ Z _ ~ W _~ ~ 2 QUQ. ~ ~~ ~U~~ p~0~~ LLI ~ ~ ;~ N ~ V N ~ ~ a w Y W Z Z F- ~ W W ` LZl7 W W W F z ~ ~ F- ~ W W W } y F H H z Y F < nW. a W W N U U ~ U J o O 0 Z f 0 Z f 0 Z O .- Q m S m J J J ni . 2 c~ a ~ w ~ ~ 2 O m g } m ~ } ~" a } m m ~ ~ J ~ OJ o~ ~ ~ ~ 7 ~ _rn O~ U LL 2 LL D ~a p LL p LL ~ m y Z y ¢~ O v O m m ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~.:; r ~f~ ~ ~. i ,t^ '~~ i .,.. ~, m >: ~~ ~~: ~t ` ~ ~ - ~ ~ , . ~. .r- ,_ ,, x -. ~ `. XY' ... '~ 0 0 L1' N rv U o ~ 8r w' u E.e .~ ~~ ~~ ° &~ "~ 0 ~~~o ~~ q~ ~~ I^"~So~ a ce:v v~ ~® o0 J .. J W Q O J z w 0 w Q Q. 0 4. Planning Area 4 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 4, as depicted on Figure 15D, provides for the development of 43.2 acres of Medium density residential use. A total of 188 dwelling units is planned at a target density of 4.4 du/ac (Density Range 2-5 du/ac). b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-01 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Vehicular access to the Planning Area will be provided from De Portola Road. Access points, as depicted, are conceptual and, as such, shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. No vehicular access shall be permitted into Planning Area 4 from Butterfield Stage Road. 2) A Minor Project entry statement will be provided at the intersection of De Portola Road and Butterfield Stage Road at the northeast boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 35 and 36.) 3) A minimum of one neighborhood entry statement will be provided at egress points onto De Portola Road at the northern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 37.) 4) Roadway landscape treatments, such as those depicted on Figures 25, 23A and 23B, respectively, shall be provided along Highway 79, Butterfield Stage Road and De Portola Road. 5) A Class I bicycle trail will be located in De Portola Road to the north of the Planning Area as shown on Figure 6. 6) Please refer to Section IILA.1 through IILA.8 for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: IILA.1. Specific Land Use Plan III.A.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan IILA.2, Circulation Plan IILA.6. Grading Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4, Water and Sewer Plans III.A.8. Landscaping Plan 7) Garages shall have a front yard setback as follows: Minimum of 20 (twenty) feet From back of sidewalk, or if no sidewalk is provided, 20 (twenty) feet from back of curb. 8) Please see Design Guidelines, Section IV, for related criteria. PALOMA DEL SOL III, SPECIFIC PLAN SPeclF7c PLAN No.219/AMENDMEN7 No. 8 (Specific Plan SP-4) Page III-59 O 9) Planning Area 4 will ultimately be developed with Medium density residential development. Until that occurs, an interim detention basis will be constructed in Planning Area 4. The detention basin or an equivalent facility shall remain in place until such time that upstream drainage facilities are constructed to convey off-site storm flows to an adequate outlet. Any revisions to the detention basin and appurtenant drainage facilities shall be approved by the City. ~/ PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN N0.219/AMENDMENT NO.8 (Specific Plan SP-4) Page III-60 .. ~ w ; W J Q ~ •- W - D ~ Q W ~o ~ ~ ~ UU ¢a ~ ~ U~~~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ q E'S ~ M 00 c} In 7 ~ V N ~ ~ H W W 2 W g W W ~ w ~ y N W Fes„ ~ C. W W io U n m o_ r„ w v U ~Z O ~ ~ ~ <m _ Om a `a Wm C~' O u ¢ ~+ J W chi Z m _Uy p Z- ~y m_ e- i --__ '~i l~l7 e.U ng .r 'rJ ~~ ~ peob a6e7S ~• ... .«' .,~ . i t5,~„ ~~ T H W Q W C r w U O Z Q J ,~ a~ 3° o~ a 0 x_ O a a. a$ d} ~. ~;~ Og K¢ O~ m} 2~ ~ ~ ZW ~w ~~ Z J w ~} F- Z W F_- W ~ Z 4 aw m ~n ~- ~ ti ci =U='~ ~~ /'~ OD ~(j F_-S ~a~'V'N l _, r Z W g Q w W W U D „ N a J m 6~ _a G~ ~ N I L~ ] ~-' _ i m~ n; m~ ~~ N i ~ I 1 i CI ! O A c7 w a u ~o e e~ eo 8c o y~ ~€ a $s W R'e o F~c ~~ ~ Qo W D QA `1 v c~ O --, W LlJ I Q 'i ~~.J Q O 5. Plannine Area 5 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 5, as depicted on Figure ISE, provides for the development of 35.5 acres of Medium density residential use. A total of 152 dwelling units is planned at a target density of 4.3 du/ac (Density Range 2-5 du/ac). A conceptual site plan is depicted in the Design Guidelines, Section, IV.C.3. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-O1 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards I) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from Campanula Way, De Portola Road and Meadows Parkway. Access points, as depicted, are conceptual. Access shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. 2) Minor Project entry statements will be provided at the intersection of De Portola Road and Campanula Way at the northeastern corner of the Planning Area and at the intersection of Meadows Parkway and Campanula Way at the southwestern comer of the Planning Area (see Figure 35). 3) A Community Intersection entry statement will be provided at the intersection of Meadows Parkway and De Portola Road at the northwestern corner of the Planning Area. (See Figure 34.) 4) A minimum of one neighborhood entry statement will be provided at egress points onto Campanula Way at the southern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 37.) 5) Roadway landscape treatments, such as those depicted on Figures 23B and 27 shall be provided along De Portola Road, Meadows Parkway and Campanula Way. 6) Private recreation facilities are planned which may include facilities such as pools, spas, cabanas, meeting rooms, barbecues, wet bars, and kitchen facilities. 7) A Class I bicycle trail will be located along Campanula Way to the south and Class II bicycle lanes will be located along in De Portola Road and Meadows Parkway to the north and west, respectively, as shown on Figure 6. 8) Balconies may encroach into building setback lines. PALOMA DEL 50L III, SPEC~IC PLAN SPECIrIC PLAN No. 219/AMENDMENTNO.8 (Specific Plan SP-4) Page III-62 9) Please refer to Section III.A.1. through III.A.8. for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: IILA.1. Specific Land Use Plan IILA.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan III.A.2. Circulation Plan III.A.6. Grading Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans III.A.8. Landscaping Plan ]0) Please see Design Guidelines, Section IV, for related criteria. ~1 ~./ PALOMA DEL $OL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN N0.219/AMENDMEM N0.8 (Specific Plan SP-0) Page III-63 qq~ E!S J Q F- Z W 0 w 0 W /~ w VJ Z Z w~ F- ~~ ~ Z w F~ Q Q ¢>» ~,~oo ~ ~ M ~ M .-~ N x w u~ r J _ W a ,~ L a U m J m U LL J Q Z Ym ~ ~^ Uy F~ d.. W m Q m ~ n4 ...-.~ ."'' } U m QQ u m '? ¢ ..~ - ` f . .. ` ~. ~ ~ z i-- 'b ,. ' -~ w F ~ ~ Z 0 z0 F w ~ 0 ~ ~ y ¢ ~' `~;'1 ~=~ '} O w =Q~ ~ w ~ w a ~ O 1, c .,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F. r> ~ ~ Z C " ~ ' .: m (n d ~i W ~' W y ~? gy , 2~irn 1- ~ p h C~ F N F m zm ~ ~' n Q ~ o~ ~.r+ .... s:.~. U CA N ~ N Ct ~ ;~ N~ "J ~""S rty 1 y,~ .~ ti~ `r~: ~'? ~ G :: i~.. :~: .' ...... ,; .~, ~"~.~''~ ~... l"'Z ~.o :~ Z W g W 4 Z ~ a ,w a o ~y _ O ~ °< S .~ y m ¢ ~ ~ ~ ~ § ~~ m r N' Z N .~ .+. ~ ,. Z DW ~ 3 ~ i o w ~, a ~ r-~' ~ ~-~. x ~ n ~ ~~'y¢ t,, ~ FM 6~ i. Ol LL ~ .. w Z d z w ~? 1~.. ~ ~ y ~~ ` y. ~ C 4+ ~ .:, 1 J j ' ,.... t S T,y,~ m J~ •~ ~~ ~ • Uy m_ O O .,3" ....~ ~.f ry >- F W U w ~~ ~~ m z_ ~ $~ ~y L a w Y w w u ..„ N h C a A ~ en C 8C F •C y~ m> ~ ~~ ''s a ~~ as m x n ~-0gg F ~ d f ~o ~ a~ _~ v r~ ~' O J W D W Q /~-~ 6A. Planning Area 6A 1~J1 a. Descriptive Summary O O Planning Area 6A, as depicted on Figure 1 SF, provides for the development of22.3 acres of High density residential use. A total of 268 dwelling units is planned at a target density of 12.0 du/ac (Density Range 9-12). A conceptual site plan is depicted in the Design Guidelines, Section IV.C.3. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-01 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from De Portola Road. Access points, as depicted, are conceptual. Access shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. 2) A Community Intersection entry statement will be provided at the intersection of Meadows Parkway and De Portola Road at the northeastern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 34.) 3) A minimum of one neighborhood entry statement will be provided at egress points onto Meadows Parkway at the eastern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 37.) 4) Roadway landscape treatments, such as those depicted on Figure 23B shall be provided along De Portola Road and Meadows Parkway. 5) Private recreation facilities are planned which may include facilities such as pools, spas, cabanas, and barbecues. 6) Class 1 bicycle trails will be located in De Portola Road and Meadows Parkway adjacent to the Planning Area as shown on Figure 6. 7) Monitoring for archaeological artifacts shall be required in conformance with adopted City requirements for monitoring of cultural resources during grading. 8) A pedestrian linkage between Planning Area 6A and Planning Area 6B shall be provided as shown on Figures SOA and SOB. PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIe~c PLAN No.219/AMENDMENT NO.8 (Specific Plan SP-4) III. SPECIFIC PLAN Page [11-65 9) Please refer to Section III.A.I. through III.A.B. for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: IILA.1. Specific Land Use Plan IILA.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan III.A.2. Circulation Plan III.A.6. Grading Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans III.A.8. Landscaping Plan 10) Please see Design Guidelines, Sections IVA-C, for criteria related to architecture and landscape architecture. I I) Planning Area 6A lies within the Paloma del Sol Village Center and is therefore subject to the Village Center Design Guidelines as contained in Section IV.D of this specific plan. These guidelines contain standards and examples pertaining to pedestrian oriented design (Section IV.D.2.6), building scale (Section IV.D.2.c), intensification (Section IV.D.2.d) and signage (Section IV.D.2.f). ~J PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN NO.2I9/AMENDMENT NO. S (Specific Plan SP-4J Page III-66 FZZ- W. W Q r w Z O U W N '.~ W ~... 'm Z " F" U a '' a O m h a e9 F- Z W w E H Z W O O O -- 2 ~ ~ ~ o~ m ~ LL U` d W ~ Z .~ H W Q W Q r W a. U y O Z J G Q LL o ,~ ~w z~ w ~~ ~w w ~° a¢ a=U 00 a~N COON ~ d S N N ~ rn J . ~: ? J ~ U LL m V y m... Z O U W QQQV7Z 6 i°n W~ a. ~. Oy V O ti ~$' w c~ F }}~ Z F~ p Z N w o "' ~ Fo ~ ~3 ~}Qp~o Q~ydJ' GOO N S > r Q O z 0 r w ~ F- [C W F ? ~ }~~ ~~m 2 N ~ ~ } ~ !~ LL C ZH Y U W= J ¢~ F- m. W ~ J m w U m m~ J 2 ~oac N ~ u dW~,NN 2 C7 2. Y Q a 0 O x 0 m ~=U'¢ G Z S n ra C w z~ J z~ Q a ~~ W O' a~ Q ~ ~LL ~ d a~ e-d w Q Z O H Z w a U Z g m 0 m m rn LL d Z J a FW- v y.~ J ~ Q LL U m r dov+s ~WaG 4~°,~°e~ a ` !. 1 x a u'• ~a'~ 0 0 p Z ~~(YW ~~o° ~w~~~ ~c~Wwa ro~?W°d eSwc7~ ~$~ss ~~~z~ "~°~~ Z F w } a w ways Y_ ~c4? Ci F O nW. w U ~ ¢ D F- ~ _ ~ Z (~ W ¢ J } ~ ~~ a ~o~ y ~ ~' c ~< Z ° G m d , o ~ J ~ .~6 , ~ ~m W Q Z Z O ~ w ~ (,7 G/ A I`.. Z T W ~Je9 }Z.-. Q ¢ ~ ~ U W ~ ~ ~ .T Q W ~ ~ ¢¢ ~ W O ¢a'~ < .J,H W 04~~ w ¢ d O?z'g m U LL } ~ ,~ F- .G~ ~ li = 0 Z 5 ~JZ~ o v m O.'rt ~ W v S d m ~ ¢H , z?a~. w Z Z . W O a ~¢ Om ((%Z W O ~~ I I c.. ~, J ~J ~/ J W O o ~ s C e~ aF .~ W ~ ~ ~ y~~ p~~ p Y3 a3 F a"§ s~ a cev a c~ ~w'. ~ l~ _ Q 0 O O 6B. PlanningArea 6B a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 6B, as depicted on Figure 15F provides for the development of 12.0 acres of Very High density residential use. A total of 240 dwelling units is planned at a target density of 20 du/ac (Density Range 13-20). A conceptual site plan is depicted in the Design Guidelines, Section IV.C.3. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-01 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c.' Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area wil I be provided from Campanula Way. Access points, as depicted, are conceptual. Access shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. 2) A minor project entry statement shall be provided at the comer of Meadows Parkway and Campanula Way at the southeastern corner of the Planning Area 3) A minimum of one neighborhood entry statement will be provided at egress points onto Campanula Way at the southern boundary of the Planning Area. ~~ 31 4) Roadway landscape treatments, such as those depicted on Figures 23Band 27 shall be provided along Meadows Parkway and Campanula Way. 5) Private recreation facilities are planned which may include facilities such as pools, spas, cabanas, and barbecues. 6) A combination of a Class I bicycle trail and a Class II bicycle lane will be located along the north side of Campanula Way to the south of the Planning Area and a Class 1 bicycle trail will be located along Meadows Parkway to the east as shown on Figure 6. 7) A pedestrian linkage between Planning Area 6B and Planning Area 6A shall be provided as shown on Figures SOA and SOB. Pedestrian linkages adjacent to commercial (Planning Area 1) uses shall be provided as shown on Figure SOA. 8) Please refer to Section III.A.1. through III.A.B, for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: III,A.I . Specific Land Use Plan IIT,A.2. Circulation Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans III.A.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan III.A.6. Grading Plan IILA.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.8. Landscaping Plan Pa~.Onu DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFlC PLAN No. 219/AMENDMEM N0.8 (Specific Plan SP-4) Page III-68 9) Please see Design Guidelines, Sections IVA-C, for criteria related to architecture and landscape O architecture. ] 0) Planning Area 6B lies within the Paloma del Sol Village Center and is therefore subject to the Village Center Design Guidelines as contained in Section IV.D of this specific plan. These guidelines contain standards and examples pertaining to pedestrian oriented design (Section IV.D.2.6), building scale (Section IV.D.2.c), intensification (Section 1V.D.2.d) and signage (Section IV.D.2.f). 7. Planning Area 7 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 7, as depicted on Figure ISG, provides for the development of 11.0 acres for an Elementary School. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-O1 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from Pio Pico. . O 2) Access to the site will also be available from the paseo system to the north, as shown on Figure 30. 3) A slope transition area containing a Paseo link, as typified by Figure 13B, shall be created between the Planning Area and Planning Area 8 (Senior Community) to the east. 4) A landscaped transition area, as typified by Figure 13C, shall be created between the Planning Area and the single family dwelling to the south. 5) Roadway landscape treatments, as depicted on Figures 23A and 27, shall be provided along Margarita Road and Pio Pico. 6) Plans for the Community Paseo adjacent to the northern boundary ofthe Planning Area shall be developed in accordance to Figure 30. 7) The Elementary School site will be developed by the School District to their standards. 8) A portion ofthe school site will be developed with open space/recreation land uses. Those uses may include but will not be limited to the following: Softball field, hard court, open play, playground, tot lot, parking facilities, and landscaping and irrigation. All facilities will be planned and constructed by the School District. 9) Please refer to Section III.A.1. through III.A.8. for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECiF~c PLAN No.219/AMENDMENT No. 8 (Speci&c Plan SP-4) Page III-69 O IILA.I. Specific Land Use Plan IILA.2. Circulation Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan IIT.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans IILA.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan IILA.6. Grading Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.8. Landscaping Plan 10) Please see Section IV., Design Guidelines for related criteria. O 0 PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPEC[e~c PLAN No.219/AMENDMEn r NO. B (Specific Plan SP-4) Page III-70 O O 2 U In } H Z U W q G J O 111 r r Y N y 7 ~ 3 ~N v U E We [i ~ ~~ „~ „,s. 3~ ~`~ P. 3 ~ o ~ ~~ ~~ a q,v a ~~ .:~ _ F- Q Z W W ~ ~ W Q y C7 Q W Z W W Q 4. Z ~ J 2 ~ ~ y a o a I_- - 2 O y T A } m ~ Z ~ J O F m Z Q J Z ~ y F ~ Q ~ LL W W LL Z a w r n ON U ~m p lJ' U_ Q y_ d ~: w ,,,~> (Y t W r ~ ~ '~+ Q `r, \ ' ~ f ~ ^...~' { CD ~ ~ ~ S f ~. `l F ~ ; ~~ Z ~ f N l Q 7 ~~ :. .... Q ~ - i ...._~.,. 1. ~ ~~ ~ Y ', ~c °A ' Q d ~ _ ~~ ~ U w . ._, [,~ c~ . ___.__ ~~ ~ ~: ~ ~~_ ~ o o; : - -~~~y~ a<0a ..r' ~~a ~', x ~f~ , z. '°'''~ ,,i ~ t ,,/ .~, ,r '~~~ a J W O Q W 0 w Q -~ a 8. Planning Area 8 a: Descriptive Summary Planning Area 8, as depicted on Figure 15H, provides for the development of 89.0 acres for either a Medium density private gated active senior community or for family oriented Medium density residential use. A total of 335 dwelling units is planned at a target density of 3.8 du/ac (Density Range 2-5 dWac). A typical site plan for family oriented development is depicted on Figure 14A. If plans for the Senior Community are implemented, Planning Area 8 would provide 400 units at a target density of 4.5 du/ac and shall conform with the typical site plans depicted on Figures 14D, 14E and 14F. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-O1 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from Amarita Way, Leena Way, Pio Pico , De Portola Road and Meadows Parkway . Access points as depicted are conceptual. Access shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. 2) A Minor Project entry statement will be provided at the intersection of Leena Way and Meadows Parkway at the northheastem boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 35 and 36.) 3) A Project Intersection entry statement and Paseo crossing will be provided at the intersection of Amarita Way and Leena Way at the northem boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figures 38 and 39). 4) A Community Intersection En[ry Statement will be provided at the intersection of Meadows Parkway and De Portola Road (See Figure 34). 5) A minimum of one neighborhood entry statement will be provided at egress points onto Leena Way at the northem boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 37.) 6) A Paseo entry statement will be provided at the northwestern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 39.) 7) A landscaped transition area as depicted in Figures 13B or 13C, shall be created between the Planning Area and Planning Area 7 to provide a buffer between residential and adjacent elementary school land uses. 8) A Community Paseo System segment that connects with a Greenbelt Paseo Drainage Corridor shall be provided at the northwestem boundary of the Planning Area (see Figures 29 and 30). PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN N0. 219/AMENDMENT NO. S (Specific Plan SP-4) III. $PECIFIC PLAN Page 111-72 9) Roadway landscape treatments, such as those depicted on Figures 27, 24 and 23B shall be provided along Amarita Way, Leena Way, De Portola Road and Meadows Parkway. if implemented, the Senior Community wil I include 5 unique streeUsidewalk landscape treatments. A cross section of these treatments and its planned location within the Senior Community conceptual site plan is depicted on Figures S1A, S1B, SIC, SID and S1E. 10) Class I bicycle trails will be located along Meadows Parkway and De Portola Road to the east and south, respectively. Class II bicycle lanes will be located along Amarita and Leena Way to the north and east, respectively. Bike trails and bike lanes are shown on Figure 6. 11) An equestrian trail will be located in the northern parkway of De Portola Road on the south edge of the Planning Area (see Figure 24). 12) Garages shall have a front yard setback as follows: Minimum of 20 (twenty) feet from back of sidewalk, or if no sidewalk is provided, 20 (twenty) feet from back of curb. 13) Please refer to Section III.A.1. through III.A.8. for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site wide: III.A.1. Specific Land Use Plan III.A.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan III.A.2. Circulation Plan III.A.6. Grading Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans III.A.8. Landscaping Plan 14) Please see Design Guidelines, Section IV, for related criteria. Pnwnv, oe~ Soy III. SPECIFIC P~nt~ Srsc~FlC PLAN No. 219/AMENOMETT No. 8 (Specific Plan SP-4) Page III-73 Cf Z Q U O W a F- Z W w a } F Z W Z O U W Q H ~ Z ~0 ~- ~ ~i W Q o '~ ¢ ~ a _. 0 W~ aa0 FU~, ~W WN (o C7 d .L. a ~ W ¢ LL CC ~ m C7pr? F ~ ~ Z m W W ~ OWLL Q H N a~n_ _~ ~-rl J _ Q r0 ~. F- d W m J LL ~m U_y m ... ~w~ C7 F-. ~nzz w~ Q~ p p>F- -w ZZ p U' W~ ~ C7 F Q ~ p H ~~ U ¢¢¢ ~~ ~ 7~ p » Q~ pWO~p p pp~ w w ~ Q Q Q tq (A F x ~ a W W ~ Q ~ O H .o a p ¢ ~ O,o W~ W Z F, .. _ -~ a7 F- Q Z N a m O m 2m yv Jm ¢ m F~-m ~~ a~ J m Q'N Q~ W j =LL QLL Uy, p °i fA LL ULL W w(~i Zy Yy O~ Qy UN . ~ z_ ~_ F-~- ~., w_ m_ b ~ r ~BMHIBd @ ~~~ ¢ ~J~.y,, Mp F- ~?y c' '~ .rte`- ~N~t~ _ : %~ . P@@W ~ ..+^~ Q ~ ;.. Z ~JQ r' ,. Q N W ,.1 .. m W, , _ ~. ~ ', J~ ~_ Q am ..„:. .,,. m :.. OC .. ~ '•.. ,. fl .._. -- - _ ,`' ~ . ~,'~ ~ ~ ~. 4~ •. ~ U, _; 4~. \. J ~ E * ~ ~ ` ~' ~r'r~ ; ' ~ ~ ®o (~ r s ~ r, ~ ~ _. s..= ;s 3 ,~~ 7~'. F_. ~~. ~. " 1 a~ ~ i 11~~ 1 r r~ r ~_~~,. / ~ ~~ r ~ ti;l. ~ ~ s ~~ ~ J~ "tr Q tom; a¢ 3F ..~sFi~ ~. .. ~Ji o .' ' o. M i H ` m Z ~ ~ O o 01 . . ~, W U a m O Z O U w ~~ ww ?Wa f.. Q m ~~ rn ~~ m Uw~ F p,J CX !}+3 ~i7 !., ~„ , ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~2 w Y Z O F- F. Z U a LL O OC7=U W ~<J wfA w°°3~= ~=wp ~ ~ya~~o Ow ~~~030 p QUOEQ~ HmUWOFN- LL O~~nz ~~JJ~?~ Z~aaNUr~ QO~DOZp F-ZZF~~r a - ~ Z J M WZZ~~3vi ~S~~napo J~W(/IO~Z ~~o~¢a~a H Z W Q W a U p g Q N ~ m pa ~~ m w Q a Z O z ^ g W <m U m p iLL N J r,, .. -. r: ~ ~ J,~ _ '~, .. I ~~~` paw aoaa O x w N ryn q O 3 8n W~ ~@~"~ ~ ~~ ~~ _. P. 5r ~o Lilo a mv, a~~ ~9 ~ ~ V VI J W ,~ O W w o" O 9. Planning Area 9 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 9, as depicted on Figure 151, provides for the development of 44.0 acres of Medium density residential use. A total of 136 dwelling units is planned at a target density of 3.1 du/ac (Density Range 2-5 du/ac). Atypical site plan is depicted on Figure 14A. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No.97-O1 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from Leena Way to the north, and from De Portola Road to the south. Access points, as depicted, are conceptual. Access shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. 2) A Minor Project entry statement will be provided at the intersection ofLeena Way and Meadows Parkway at the northwest boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 35 and 36.) 3) A Major Project entry statement will be provided at the intersection of De Portola Road and O Campanula Way at the eastern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 35.) 4) Project Intersection entry statements will be provided at the intersection of Leena Way and Campanula Way. (See Figure 38.) 5) A Community Intersection entry statement will be provided at the intersection of De Portola Road and Meadows Parkway. (See Figure 34.) 6) A minimum of one neighborhood entry statement will be provided at egress points onto Leena Way along the northern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 37.) 7) Roadway landscape treatments, such as those depicted on Figures 24, 23B, 27, and 26 respectively shall be provided along De Portola Road, Meadows Parkway, Leena Way and Campanula Way. 8) A Class 1 Bicycle trail will be located along Meadows Parkway to the west and along De Portola Road to the south. A Class II bicycle lane will be located along Leena Way to the north and along the Gateway access to the east as shown on Figure 6. 9) An equestrian trail will be located in the parkway to the south of the Planning Area along De Portola Road. (See Figure 24.) O ] 0) Garages shall have a front yard setback as follows: Minimum of 20 (twenty) feet from back of sidewalk, or if no sidewalk is provided, 20 (twenty) feet from back of curb. PALOMA Del SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN NO.219/AMENDMENT NO.B ($PCCIf C Plan $P-41 Page III-75 Q 11) Please refer to Section III.A.1. through III.A.8. for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: IILA.1. Specific Land Use Plan IILA.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan III.A.2. Circulation Plan IIl.A.6. Grading Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans III.A.8. Landscaping Plan Q 12) Please see Design Guidelines, Sections IVA-C, for criteria related to architecture and landscape architecture. PALOMA DEL SOL SeEC~r~c PLnta No. 219/AMENDMEM No. 8 (Specific Plan SP-4) III. SPec~~c PLnN Page III-76 ~ ~ "`~' ~ ~ ~ q 6 q CS W ~Z z a o~ z w~ D ~ Z W W ~"" ~ U U ~ ¢ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~W ,~ ~D .- In ~ O ~ (7 N F- Z W W H a N F ~ Z } W Q ~ F Q Z w W Z I- O w F d Z W U a J ~ ~ d ~ ~ W ., Z - J w H F-m a ~ Zro JN a_ ~`° ~ ~ m } d U a ~ ai rn J ~+ ~ rn rn ~ ii O ii w ~ ii ' ~ a°'i Sin Qy ~`-~vi F ~,- ~'b~ ,~ ~. ~ ~ „ , ~ ~ ~ ~,- _ tAbM V7nN ~2 YdWV9 w i ~ =b (p H CA w Q y{ ~"a..~J .. J"~, ~.:E ~ ¢ W r z~ ~ z a a ~ ,~ am: ~. W ~ w ~ c . r jr J' N m U D Z " , , ~ti4 y ~~ ~ O - K _1 1 \ : °~ m ~~ O n Z~ a J N T 1 l~ V ~,Y ~' ~ m ~ 0 ~ d ~ ~[.r Q LL Z LL LL - ~ u' ~~ O ,~ m ~ d a, ~ - r ...: ~ N Z y Q N y( ~:3~~^~ fS ~~~P~ . ~, ,~ o ,~ ~ -, o ,. \:_! V .~ e a ,.~ ~~ r -~, , ''O~. ~,Ma,-."3-`'ct t~='~,~,. car ABM NI@d ~ r ~ ~~ +~ z .~. is ~. f::~ ~`:4`~l. _Y `~ H Z W ~ ~ Z W w y a W ~ ~ ¢ I- z w a w w U U_ ¢ N D Q N a ~ ~ " a~ ~ }~ m ~ LL O N ~ ~ ' ~ ~ w ~ m ~ _, ¢ 11 ~ .. W y ¢ N z w w 9 a F- ~ a ~ 's~ W , ~ a Q Z O ~,`; F F °~ ` " a U w ~ a v i ,.~ n 'i? ~ w . ~ ~ Z _ J Z °. ~ J ¢ ~ m ~" m " ' ~ = Z = ~o a m W _ ~ :a ~ }d ~ m Q `~ m N O y ~;' .. _~ ~ a ~ sr ~' ~ E W e .~ ~~ ~~ a a~..o ~ x. ~a H ~~ ~~ Qo arnv a a ~ Y ~ IlJ® ~ Y ~r1f--~1 J O ~/ W O ~ J w ~ w 6~ Q 10. Planning Area 10 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 10, as depicted on Figure 15J, provides for the development of 78.0 acres of Medium density residential use. A total of 35l dwelling units is planned at a target density of 4.5 du/ac (Density Range 2-5 du/ac). Atypical site plan is depicted on Figure 14A. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-01 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Panning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from Sunny Meadows Drive and De Portola Road. Access points, as depicted, are conceptual. Access shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. 2) A Major Project entry statement will be provided at the intersection of De Portola Road and Campanula Way at the western boundary of the Planning Area {see Figure 35). O 3) Project Intersection entry statements will be provided at the intersection of Sunny Meadows Drive and Campanula Way at the southwestern boundary of the Planning Area and at the intersection of Sunny Meadows Drive and Jerez Lane (see Figure 38). 4) MinorProject entry statements will be provided at the intersection ofButterfield Stage Road and Jerez Lane at the northeastern boundary of the Planning Area, and at the intersection of De Portola Road and Butterfield Stage Road at the southeastern boundary ofthe Planning Area. (See Figure 35 and 36.) 5) A minimum of one neighborhood entry statement will be provided at egress points onto Sunny Meadows Drive at the western boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 37.) 6) Roadway landscape treatments, such as those depicted on Figures 24, 27 and 23A, shall be provided along De Portola Road, Campanula Way, Sunny Meadows Drive, Jerez Lane and Butterfield Stage Road. 7) A Class I bicycle trails will be located along De Portola Road to the south and Class II bicycle lanes will be located along the Gateway access, Leena Way and Jerez Lane to the west, northwest and north respectively, as depicted on Figure 6 . 8) An equestrian trail will be located in the parkway to the north of De PortolaRoad. 9) Garages shall have a front yard setback as follows: Minimum of 20 (twenty) feet from back of O sidewalk, or if no sidewalk is provided, 20 (twenty) feet from back of curb. PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPHCIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. 8 (SpeCIfC Plan SP-4) - Page Itt-78 10) Please refer to Section llLA.I. through IILA.8. for Standards that apply site-wide: IILA1. Specific Land Use Plan IILA.S IILA.2. Circulation Plan IILA.6 III.A3. Drainage Plan IIl.A.7 IILA.4. Water and Sewer Plans IILA.8 the following Development Plans and Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan Grading Plan Open Space and Recreation Plan Landscaping Plan 11) Please see Design Guidelines, Section N, £or related criteria. O O PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN $PECIEIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. $ ($PeciSC PIAn $P-4) Pa°ae IQ-~~ ~ } ~ ~ ~ ~ w m J p } Q ~ _ F- ~ w W U ~ w p Q O m ~ U 2 U Q ~ ~ a ~ 3 ~ O _ p C p p W aD Its 11~ N ~ 1~ C7 tt N F r- W w w w ~ ~ ~ ~ Q >- ~ ~- H a a W U U Z F ~ ~ p fA p J m U ~ Z^ Z a _ ~ QN Q W '~ a O N J J F m } } Q N N C HH ~ ¢ O~ Q G ~ LL 0 d = J p~ O I~ U LL ,Q m Q lL . y .I_ ~_ ad } w Y F' Z r w Z W ~ g w F F w m t- } ¢ w ~ a Z W U ~ ° ° ~ z R 7 J N ~ m } N d y Q 3 m Oi~ pLL Z ~ ~ N ~ ~ N ry m 3 ~~ w ~ E 5" &~ ~~ ~` ~,. ~ ~~ a 5~ ~o ~ _. o0 ~ ~~ °~ ~o a my v r~ ~~ o ~ ~ o J J W D ~ ~ LL Uw p 2- O w ¢ ~ Z ~_ W ~ ~ ~~ W ~ W _ o+ W W ~ ~ F-d m~ = ~ Z¢ ., d LL F~ ~ W rn F LL ~ ~ ~--' ~ w Q fn N ~N d~ a JLL ~' W F- zcn a i ~ } 5 ~¢LL Z J Q _ LL m UN OQ m_ aw~ ¢~ W ~w`~ Q LL J } U O O ~ a~i ~ [0 0 00 J -~ w ~~ Z N ~ a m Q ~ Q LL ~ ~ W W p ~ Q in W ,. 0 a 11. Planning Area 11 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 11, as depicted on Figure 15K, provides for the development of 10.0 acres for an Elementary School. (If at some future point in time the School District should decline to purchase this site forthe development ofan elementary school, then the project proponent reserves the rightto develop this site with Medium High density residential use. A total of 55 dwelling units would be allowed at a target density of 5.5 du/ac. (Density Range 5-8 du/ac)., A typical site plan of Medium High density residential land use is depicted in the Design Guidelines, Section. IV.C.3. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No.97-O1 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from Sunny Meadows Drive. 2) Access to the site will also be available from the Community Paseo system to the west. 3) A landscaped transition area, as typified by Figures 13B or 13C, shall be created between the Planning Area and the Medium density residential planning area (Planning Area 13) to the north. 4) The Elementary School site will be developed by the School District to their standards. 5) A portion of the schoo] site will be developed with open space/recreation land uses. Those uses may include, but will not be limited to the following: Softball field, hard court, open play, playground, tot lot, parking facilities, and landscaping and irrigation. All facilities will be planned and constructed by the School District. 6) A Class II bicycle lane will be located in Sunny Meadows Drive to the south of the Planning Area as shown on Figure 6. 7) The Community Paseo to the west shall be developed in accordance to Figure 30. 8) Garages shall have a front yard setback as follows: Minimum of 20 (twenty) feet from back of sidewalk, or if no sidewalk is provided, 20 (twenty) feet from back of curb. 9) Please refer to Section III.A.I. through III.A.8. for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: IILA.1. Specific Land Use Plan IILA.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan IILA.2. Circulation Plan IILA.6. Grading Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans III.A.8. Landscaping Plan PALOMA DEL SOL IIT. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFlC PLAN No. 219/Am+ExDtmExr N0.8 (Specific Plan SP-4) Page III-81 0 O 10) Please see Section IV, Design Guidelines for related criteria. ll) In the event that the School District elects not to acquire the site, all roadway landscape criteria and neighborhood entry criteria applicable to Meadows Drive adjacent to residential development shall apply. PALOMA DEL $OL SPECIFIC PLAN NO.2] I/AMENDMENT NO. S 1SpCClf C PIaII SP-A) III. SPECIFIC PLAN Page [II-82 12. Planning Area 12 O a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 12, as depicted on Figure 15L, provides for the development of 7.4 acres for a neighborhood park or a community recreation facility. Atypical site plan is depicted in the Design Guidelines, Section. IV.C.3. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-O1 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from Leena Way and Sunny Meadows Drive. 2) Access to the site will also be available from the community paseo system to the north. 3) Roadway landscape treatment, as depicted on Figure 27, shall be provided along Leena Way and Sunny Meadows Drive. 4) The Community Paseo to the north shall be developed in accordance to Figure 30. O 5) For park/recreation facility conceptual design plans, see the Design Manual Section of this Specific Plan (Section IV.B). This Planning Area will be constructed and fully operational prior to the issuance of the building permit for the 4,576th residential unit within the Specific Plan. 6) A Class I bicycle trail wilt be located in Leena Way and Sunny Meadows Drive to the south as shown on Figure 6. 7) Please refer to Section III.A.l. through III.A.8. for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: IILA.1. Specific Land Use Plan IILA.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan III.A.2. Circulation Plan III.A.6. Grading Plan IILA.3. Drainage Plan 111.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans III.A.8. Landscaping Plan 8) Please refer to Section IV, Design Guidelines for related criteria. O PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFlC PLAN N0. 219/AMENDMENT NO. $ (SpCC1I1c Plan $P-4) Paga III-$Q Q ~ ° o U } Q ~q7 ~ ~ a 'V^ W Z W U Q O Q W Q Q Z O F Z Q ~ U J ~ ~ Q W `o ~ ~° Q m H m U m J ~ ~ Z LL } d J~ m'~ U..,` , .~~. ~ ~ ^ , s` ~ ~ l ...u. t ~S ~ :] ~: ~ ~ `~ ~~ ~~~ ', ,,~ Y_ 1 l ~' ~ ,~ ~ ~ r!^ ' ` ~.. ~ ~ T.wti..// ,~ ~ ~~ ,~~p+ o0 ./^`.. ...: ^`~ 2 W _ '~, ~ ~ 7 Z= U ~~ ` L LL ` Sp, R~.. A~ O y ~•' ~, ~ (JJ ~' a =' i. ~. ~ ~+ ~! r f • iY1M a ~ .~.. ~ ..c.,.•/' ,~ p.; ~~ O O t a } Y ~ i'~, v~ &y ~, ..~~ a~ _~ ~ N ~ q _V o ~ 8~ LL. U 5 = e C ~~ r6 ~ ~~ ~~ a s~~o F ~~ ~~ Q ~ a ~:v a I/Ar,~~ ° u M J ~^ I J ~1.~ O J ~-'- w w W Q O w U W ~ (U 2 Q `? d n M~. r Z W c L Q W Q H W a ~ 4 U (n J ~ a - d Z - J_ _ } {~ Fw... < J N Q l0 E- d ~ d } d F- m ~ m LL J o, U LL Q ~ ~ W _°~ LL LL U O;n ran py Uy U_ H_ ¢_ m_ ,,. ~x...._...~~ .. sea ,::i'~~'l 3 ,.l ~,+y..~ . t c~j ~? /~=~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~ , °~/ ~~ ~ . __ _~ ~. \/. ~ .r ~~~ ~. ~ '-,~l ~, ... ,~' f O O 4~ ,p •, ~. }~O, . ,r ~~ Y rf. ~~ ~~ ` ~~ yy~t" ~ wr "~ °C w ~ ~ J ' ~, '~~ -~ ~ ' ,i ~`~ d . 1 ' . ~.. :'~ 3 z~ y w 0 J a r w Y v .a N ry q C7 O ~ S M F% U _ ry~ ~ ~~ 3~ ~ s~ ~ =5 ~o H ~~ ~~ Qo a rn:v e °~ vi J O VI J W a 0 J Q W 13. Plannine Area 13 O O a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 13, as depicted on Figure 15M, provides for the development of 32.0 acres of Medium High density residential use. A total of 166 dwelling units is planned at a target density of 5.2 du/ac (Density Range 5-8 du/ac). Atypical site plan is depicted in the Design Guidelines, Section. IV.C.3. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-01 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from a collector roadway Sunny Meadows Drive. Access points, as depicted, are conceptual and shall be finalized when tract maps or development plans are submitted. 2) A minimum of one neighborhood entry statement will be provided at egress points onto Sunny Meadows Drive at the eastern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 37.) 3) A landscaped transition area, as typified by Figures 13B or 13C, shall be created between the Planning Area and the Elementary School (Planning Area 11) to assist in the distinction between different -and uses. 4) A Community Paseo System segment shall be provided at the northern and western boundaries of the Planning Area. (See Figure 30.) 5) A roadway landscape treatment, as depicted on Figure 27, shall be provided along Sunny Meadows Drive. 6) Private recreation facilities are planned which may include facilities such as pools, spas, cabanas, meeting rooms, barbecues, wet bars, and kitchen facilities. 7) A Class II bicycle lane will be located in Sunny Meadows Drive to the west as shown on Figure 6. 8) Please refer to Section III.A.1. through III.A.8. for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: IILA.1. Specific Land Use Plan IILA.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan III.A.2. Circulation Plan III.A.6. Grading Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans III.A.8. Landscaping Plan O 9) Garages shall have a front yard setback as follows: Minimum of 20 (twenty) feet from back of sidewalk, or if no sidewalk is provided, 20 (twenty) feet from back of curb. ]0) Please see Design Guidelines, Section IV, for related criteria. PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN NO. Z ~ I/AMENDMENT NO. S (SZ1CCIfIC Plan SP-A) Page III-86 Q qq~ 6 e q~ 6 O L~ ^. a C z LL O N ~~ ~µ~: __ K ~~ ~'' -.~; ity fi ~~~~, .~ .~ ~; _~~: ~" W Z J Z a F- o ~ Z W W ~ ~ ~ W Q Z ~ F- 0 S C7 ~j U 2 Q ¢ ~ O O 0 0 o m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ F- Z W W H Q F- } H z W z Q J _ ~ 0 - J d ~ m = ~ H N ~ `1 W J m 0 ~ m m J ~ LL LL = Q U ~ LL _ U y win d d 1] I _ .. Z~ ~ ~ H Z W H Q W H w a U O Z Q N J } d Q ~ a O LL Q m O~ ¢_ ~~ ~ ~~ ... .~ ~. e U ~ ~ O 'Y, ~. Q ~ ~ < e... w a } " F- d z =' LL N U- O ._~.-: ...~ .. . :.~:_ ~.~; ~.::::.. __ ~ ~.~ G ad Y Q W Q Z O H Z Q Q ~"" U a m U ~ ~ O LL Q ~' J m N 9 ~ ~~~ V o ~ 8~ Lr, C ~~ „° Wq ~~ .~ ~~ ~~ _- P. 3~ "o p~ ~~ ~01 a cr:v v ~p O ~ J O VI J W 0 ~ J w W 6~ Q _~ 0 14. Planning Area 14 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 14, as depicted on Figure 15N, provides for the development of 49.5 acres of Medium density residential use. A total of 231 dwelling units is planned at a target density of4.7 du/ac (Density Range 2-5 du/ac). Atypical site plan is depicted on Figure 14A. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-01 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from Leena Way and Meadows Parkway. Access points, as depicted, are conceptual. Access shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. 2) A Minor Project entry statement will be provided at the intersection of Leena Way and Meadows Parkway at the southwestern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figures 35 and 36) 3) A minimum of one neighborhood entry statement will be provided at egress points onto Leena Way at the southern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 37.) 4) A Paseo entry statement with pedestrian crossing will be provided at the northwestern boundary of the Planning Area as depicted by Figure 49. 5) Community Paseo System segments shall be provided at the northern and eastern boundaries of the Planning Area. (See Figure 30.) 6) Roadway landscape treatments, such as those depicted on Figures 23B and 27 respectively shall be provided along Meadows Parkway and Leena Way. 7) A Class I bicycle trail will be located along Meadows Parkway to the east and a Class II bicycle lane will be located along Leena Way to the north ofthe Planning Area as shown on Figure 6. 8) Please refer to Section III.A.1. through III.A.B. for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: III.A.1. Specific Land Use Plan III.A.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan IILA.2. Circulation Plan IILA.6. Grading Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans III.A.8. Landscaping Plan O 9) Garages shall have a front yard setback as follows: Minimum of 20 (twenty) feet from back of sidewalk, or if no sidewalk is provided, 20 (twenty) feet from back of curb. PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN N0.219/AMENDMENT NO.8 ($peCi6C Plan sP-0) III. SPECIFIC PLAN Page III-88 10) Please see Design Guidelines, Sections IVA-C, for criteria related to architecture and landscape architecture. 0 0 PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC Pun No. 219/AMENDMENT No. 8 (Specific Plan SP-4) Page III-89 Q P~~ !q~ q6 6 q~q CS r Z W c C Q 'n V L ~5^I (~ ¢ F N W y O ¢ U ¢ U z _ ~,''' ''`` ~ o ~ v~ Z J }¢ ¢ ~. m N W m W W m O d o m ¢ ~ LL _.. ~ Q ~ ~ ~ a3 ~ .. -. ~w N ~ Z Q O ~ Z W O 02 ~ W W ~ 0 W (U U ~Q=7~ O ~n~~0 W oi~~~n V N .d. N ~ H 2 W W ~ ~ W Q ~ W F ~ ~ F W } ¢ a H ~i < ~ w ~ a J O O o w~ z~ O,~ ~ C' r ° J N = t0 ~d ~,~ m ¢~ Z''rn LL J' ¢~ 3 a O~ LL LL LL Ot~' am 4d C7m w U Y:m O m W _ r_ ¢_ z_ ~ T-,.- C -.. ~~ ~ ~ . . rx ~ti . . , _ : ~ ~ }' . , 3~ ~ ~( ~ pN~ ~: . i j~ 1`. ~{ f µ: U 5~ ~ ~ .`3. ~ ~, c 1 ~. ,,; SM~'D~y_ , t--~- ~~~ / ~ . ~' ;I'~'~ .~ q o ~~:'~ -..i ~~5w M1 1y4ayl/~..e[['~~ryry1 ~.k ~~ 9 - y?~: , .. .~ s~ ;~" ~ '~ ;~';z {;~1 ~ i~, f Y F Z cW C W Q Y ¢ F _ W fO ~ U~ W ~ Q ~ ~ ''~ ~m °¢: J LL ¢ LL } d ~ y U~ ?y m_ ~_ z N d CJ O ~ $~ w u E ~~ ~~ ~~ ^ W~ •~~,~. a~ ~~ P. 5~ ~o M1A ~o F ~~ °~ a crv o ~~ O J O VI J W O ~ J w W ~o O 0 15. Planning Area 15 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 15, as depicted on Figure 150, provides for the development of 17.0 acres of Medium High density residential use. A total of 93 dwelling units is planned at a target density of 5.5 du/ac (Density Range 5-8 du/ac). Atypical site plan is depicted in the Design Guidelines, Section IV.C.3. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No.97-01 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from Leena Way. Access points, as depicted, are conceptual. Access shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. 2) A Minor project entry statement will be provided a[ the intersection of Meadows Parkway and Leena Way at the southeast boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figures 35 and 36.) 3) A Project Intersection entry statement and paseo crossing will be provided at the intersection of Amarita Way and Leena Way at the southwest boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figures 38 and 39.) 4) A minimum of one neighborhood entry statement will be provided at egress points onto Leena Way at the southern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 37.) 5) A Community Paseo entry statement will be provided at the northwest boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 39.) 6) A Community Paseo entry with. pedestrian crossing will be provided at the northeastern boundary of the Planning Area as depicted in Figure 49. 7) A Community Paseo System segment shall be provided at the northern boundary ofthe Planning Area. (See Figure 30.) 8) The Community Paseo system segment shall be developed in accordance to Figure 30. 9) Roadway landscape treatments, such as those depicted on Figures 23B 29, and 27 sha,Il be provided along Meadows Parkway, Amarita Way and Leena Way. 10) Private recreation facilities are planned which may include facilities such as pools, spas, cabanas, meeting rooms, barbecues, wet bars, and kitchen facilities. PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC L'LAN NO.2 ~ 9~AMENDMENT NO. 8 ($peClf c Phan $ P-4~ PaE~O ttl-9 t O 11) A Class II bicycle lane will be located along Amarita Way and Leena Way to the east and south, respectively. A Class 1 bicycle trail will be located along Meadows Parkway to the east of the Planning Area as depicted in Figure 6. 12) Garages shall have a front yard setback as follows: Minimum of 20 (twenty) feet from back of sidewalk, or if no sidewalk is provided, 20 (twenty) feet from back of curb. 13) Please refer to Section III.A.1. through III.A.8. for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: IILA.1. Specific Land Use Plan IILA.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan III.A.2. Circulation Plan III.A.6. Grading Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans III.A.8. Landscaping Plan 14) Please see Design Guidelines, Section IV, for related criteria. O PALOMA DEL SoL III. SPECIFIC PLAN Sreclr~c PLAN No.219/Ana:NDna:Ni No. 8 (Specific Plan SP-4) Page III-92 Q qe 6p qd ~^- F z w w F F- ~ w E- ~ w F ~ ~ a ~ W } F N W Z a w U o ~ W D N Z ;, a . ,, J N } ~ } ~r H m a ~ ~ ~ IL ~ LL ~ N 0 p y O y ¢ _ U - O a' 0 } ~ '"' 0 Z ~ LL m Oy U_ ' J a ~ o ~ N ~ w o ~ ~ F W Z a ~ } w O 2 C7 i ~j ¢ U a ~ ~ O ~ J a p ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ p z ~~ zo w~ OV WZ cn a a~ F }W Z ~ Q ~a ~ a F lL °3~ z w F- w w a U Z a ~ J ~ _ ° Z a - m J ~ a F ~ } m ~ d w m J '- ¢ ~ J m } ~ U d U ~ LL O ~ d } ~n m.. [CN H_ ~~.y.' ~aeyy nY ~ 6 1 Y, l "`~` ~ d6 < .e 3~ ~` .. 3 ~ `t'i _..~_+J~~ u t 6. .... N~ \: / __ ~ y}'A ~}.i ~ ~• .~ 1 f V~ Y ~~ u4b ,~ ~j ~•~~~~ L` c~- J a U a } H ~ w w w w H ~ ~ ~ } W Y r } Q F F _ W W ~ m o ~- m O n W ~ m `" 2 p H Q d ~ ~ p = a = m Ol O LL LL O w ~ z d p z. z _ g ~' ai N O U O w a z w z w ;~ , w ~ F... ,,\ g } w ¢ s r C" Z F- w d Z G O ~ ~ ~ U ~ W d ~ J ~ ~ z..,~ J N a `° w ~ {;, ~ }: _ ~: _ ?~ 3 ~ LL J LL V .. ~ d } 0 w= ~ Q a m y o ice! 4J~ ~J Y '~ ~ i. ~~I +;i V ~~ ~; ~ o o y I~ ~ N ~ ~~ v U ~ a~ w` E ° ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ z~ W ~S o ~ x 3SY ~o ~ ~a ~~ a cr;v ar~ M O ~1 l J W O ~ J LL 1~ w ~ Z W Q 0 O 16. Planning Area 16 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 16, as depicted on Figure 15P, provides for the development of49.2 acres with Medium High density residential use. A total of 271 dwelling units is planned at a target density of 5.5 du/ac (Density Range 5-8 du/ac). Atypical site plan is depicted in the Design Guidelines, Section IV.C.3. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-O1 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from Amarita Way . Access points, as depicted, are conceptual. Access shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. 2) A minimum of one neighborhood entry statement will be provided at egress points onto Amarita Way along the southwestern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 37.) 3) A Paseo entry statement will be provided at the southeastern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 39.) 5) The Community Paseo System segments shall be developed in accordance to Figure 30. 4) Community Paseo System segments shall be provided at the eastern and northern boundaries of the Planning Area. (See Figure 30.) 6) Roadway landscape treatments, such as those depicted on Figure 29, shall be provided along Amarita Way. 7) Private recreation facilities are planned which may include facilities such as pools, spas, cabanas, meeting rooms, barbecues, wet bars, and kitchen facilities. 8) A Class II bicycle lane will be located along Amarita Way to the south and west ofthe Planning Area as shown on Figure 6. 9) Please refer to Section III.A.1. through II1.A.8. for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: IILA.1. Specific Land Use Plan IILA.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan III.A.2. Circulation Plan III.A.6. Grading Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans III.A.8. Landscaping Plan Q 11) Garages shall have a front yard setback as follows: Minimum of 20 (twenty) feet from back of sidewalk, or if no sidewalk is provided, 20 (twenty) feet from back of curb. 12) Please see Design Guidelines, Section IV, for related criteria. PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFlC PLAN No. 219/AMENDMENT NO. S (Specific Plan SP-0) Page III-94 Q ~ yy~~ E! 9 b J z w ° ~ r f- fn w ° ~ w ~ F W z a ~ ~ ° Z W O ~ O = U a U s p d _~ ° w Q N ai ~ O h 7 ° ~ ° ~ I ~ ' et N to N O w ao T `~ E- m z `_ 7 O1 ~ LL ~ m Oy U ... z a J a W '~ H a ~ m J m ULL } N i- a. N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CL U ~ s ~~~ 3 .~ „~ ~~ ~ 2~ ~ =~~o ~ a~ "~ a a:v a v r~ Y v' F Z w g w w ~ w ~ z F ~. w m ~ w H w a w H U ° ~ O. M ~ Z- N J _ m = ~ -~ ~ z ~ r m ~ m m ¢ °' W ', ¢ ° w a =ULL - pti ' 3 LL V LL c7 a m } m m (A m 0 d Q m } zFN aN d ~`~ m m N J J W O -~ w 0 ~ w ~~ >.. ~; O 17. Plannin>= Area 17 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 17, as depicted on Figure 15Q, provides for the development of 73.0 acres of Medium density residential use. A total of 325 dwelling units is planned at a target density of 4.5 du/acDensity Range 2-5 du/ac). Atypical site plan is depicted in the Design Guidelines, Section. IV.C.3. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-01 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from AmaritaWay and from Pio Pico. Access points, as depicted, are conceptual. Access shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. 2) A Major project entry statement will be provided at the intersection of Margarita Road and Santiago Road at the northwestem boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 35.) 3) A Project Intersection entry statement will be provided at the intersection ofAmarita Way and Santiago Road at the northeastern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 38.) O 4) A minimum of one neighborhood entry statement will be provided at egress points onto Amanita Way a[ the eastern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 37.) 5) A Paseo crossing will be provided at the southeastern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 39.) 6) A Community Paseo System segment shall be provided at the southeastern boundary of the Planning Area. 7) The Community Paseo System segment shall be developed in accordance to Figure 30. 8) Roadway landscape treatments, such as those depicted on Figures 23A, 26 and 27, respectively, shall be provided along Margarita Road, Santiago Road, Amanita Way and Pio Pico. 9) A Class II bicycle lane will be located in Amanita Way to the east of the Planning Area as shown on Figure 6. 10) Garages shall have a front yard setback as follows: Minimum of 20 (twenty) feet from back of sidewalk, or if no sidewalk is provided, 20 (twenty) feet from back of curb. PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN N0.219/AMENDMENT NO.8 ($peCiflC Plan $P-4) gage III-96 O 11) Please refer to Section III.A.1. through III.A.B. for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: TII.A.1. Specific Land Use Plan III.A.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan IILA.2. Circulation Plan IILA.6. Grading Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans III.A.B. Landscaping Plan 12) Please see Design Guidelines, Section IV, for related criteria. 0 0 PALDmA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC Pwa N0.219/AnlE.taDtaEtai NO. B (Specific Plan SP-4) Page III-97 ~_ F Z W Q w F- W 6. U M O Z ~ N J } m a LL;~. LL ~..p~ 0 O N 2 .., ~ _ w ~ z z ~ w 0 w ~ I- C7 Z z ¢ w ~ ~ ~ W U Q ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ _~ U ~ ~ ~ 0 ¢ ~ w M N ~ I ~ h ~*7 .}~ N Z Q a _ O w ~ N rnd ao ~~, >-m LL a z a m ~ LL }y F" '" ~ m ON U - t:, ^fi ~ ~~ . + ~ ~^' Q U d } F- H Z W W F- H ~ W ~ } W Q Z W ~ Z F ¢ w ~ F F Z W o ~ O - q ~ o ~ ~ w ~ ~ , o ~, w ~ ~ = LL a N Z } ,~ Z _ C7 ~ O CC < ;~ ; a z N V Z ~ v v CW H W J rn ?a 'o~ W .-. m U .-. W U LL > O LL ~ .` ~~ ~' Z m ~ ' m U ~ y N 'f "` O O " ' ~G ~' [C ~' Ql .~ CC .. '` ~ H W ~ w d ~ ~ ~+-. I .v .4s/ -~ m N O „ Q n ~ ~ CC. r hi n - - ~~- '~ !S N __,.,,~o `F~oo O { r~~~P~-^ - f v Gam,, ~.~[ O `~' ° i r.' ~ t~~ j ... ,. ~ o ~ ~" . _ ~ ~ f, . I~ , ~-- f~* ~~„a W .. ~~r/' Oe~~~ Q r W ,rte ~. • , ~ ~-c..J~.,- W 9.~'~'a5."_r'Q~w'1. C"~^~~':a°l: Y,.;3a(0a"ta Q -_ ~~+ser tree 'vwlt` ., (~ ,__._ _.._.__._._....._.__ fA Z Q W < } N J O °-' Q LL N i ~ O a } w Y a N 7 U O ~ 8~ c:, ~ E .e C &~ "~ .~ „~ ~~ ~, ~ ~j~o ~ ~5 ~a ~. ~~ ~~ a ~e:v v c_°J O VI J W 0 O J ~ O O 18. Planning Area 18 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 18, as depicted on Figure 15R, provides for the development of 32.0 acres of Medium density residential use. A total of 146 dwelling units is planned at a target density of 4.6 du/ac (Density Range 2-5 du/ac). Atypical site plan is depicted on Figure 14A. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-01 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from Amarita Way . Access points, as depicted, are conceptual. Access shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. 2) A Major project entry statement will be provided at the intersection of Margarita Road and Santiago Road at the southwestem boundary ofthe Planning Area. (See Figure 35.) 3) A Project Intersection entry statement will be provided at the intersection of Amarita Way and Santiago Road at the southeastern boundary ofthe Planning Area. (See Figure 38). 4) A minimum ofone neighborhood entry statement will be provided at egress points onto Amarita Way at the eastern boundary ofthe Planning Area. (See Figure 37.) 5) A Paseo entry statement will be provided at the northeast boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 39.) 6) A Community Paseo System segment shall be provided at the northern boundary ofthe Planning Area. (See Figure 30.) 7) The Community Paseo System segment shall be developed in accordance to Figure 30. 8) Roadway landscape treatments, such as those depicted on Figures 23A, 27, and 26 respectively, shall be provided along Margarita Road, Amarita Way and Santiago Road. 9) A Class II bicycle lane will be located in the Amarita Way to the east ofthe Planning Area as shown on Figure 6. 0) Garages shall have a front yard setback as follows: Minimum of 20 (twenty) feet from back of sidewalk, or if no sidewalk is provided, 20 (twenty) feet from back of curb. PALOMA DEL SOL 111. SPECIFlC PLAN SreCa~7c PLAN No. 219/AMENDMENT No. 8 (Specific Plan SP-4) Page III-99 11) Please refer to Section 111.A.1 through III.A.8 for the following Development Plans and O Standards that apply site-wide: ]II.A.I. Specific Land Use Plan III.A.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan III.A.2. Circulation Plan III.A.6. Grading Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans III.A.B. Landscaping Plan 12) Please see Design Guidelines, Section IV, for related criteria. O O PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFlC PLAN N0.2I J/AMENDMEM NO. S (Specific PIa11 SP--A) Page III-100 P ~' C7 rA Z ~ o ~ J } Q ~ ~~RR !s ~u Z W Q O U Q Q ~ ~ U = ~ D Q 0 O ~ W N ~ (O I ~2 M V N U F" a z } w H ~ w H F- H. z ~ W W w ~ ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~ z w H F- ~ ~ w w w } ~ z a w ~ ~w ° U ~ ~ J w ~ w rU V W ~ d Q_ to _ D p ~ z a p- z- ~ .2 .al F < ~ fO ¢"~ O~ QN Q~ Hm > M tq m H m Zd R~ }d F d ?m O 6 F- ~ Q rn U LL ~u' OLL mLL 3LL JLL WLL 2 p o ~ >~ o~ aN win ors ~~ °r~ ¢'N ~~ U_ a_ z_ 2_ m_ a_ ~? ~ `r~, ~; V ~(bq,~ ~~ ~~~~ /~~~~ ~ ~ * ~ /f -T 1 ~;1 y: ,~~ ~ I ~, ,_ ,- i, , i. i ." h ~ .,, i i\ X11 0 '~. 5 ~i ~ ~ ~~ ~'`~ h ~ O ,' I Q +~ ,r ~ ~ o ,. '~ C"7 .,~ ~~ 41 1 ~ t ' ;. ?r . i ~ :, ` _ i / 'r i ; j .,.~. 'r H i cZ A 1 F a ~ w ~. W a ~\ U q ./ ~ ] ~ Z~ N J } m Q I. ~ Q LL Q 0 ° d N ~ ~ . ~'- ~ ~ ~~. ` ~ ~' t ~ ~ csi ,..; ~.... ., goad®~~~-'~y ~ .\ ( ~ ~ e Margarita - -- ""' ~; - ~ ~ ~ .~--- --y ~ , + "O~C~ ~~ t ~® O O H Z W W Q ~-- Q Z W w Y W- o" m a~ ~ °' OLL ~ m Qy N _~ N y o ~ 3 ~M U u, ~ E W n ~ @~ ~F ~s ~~ 3~ g~ z G. S$~p~d z:2 60 F. a~ °~ acv ~~ o ~~ J O V I J W O J Q w Z Q O 19. Planning Area 19 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 19, as depicted on Figure 15S, provides for the development of 7.7 acres for a public park or a community recreation facility. A conceptual site plan is depicted iri the Design Guidelines, Sec[ion IV.B. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-01 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from Amarita Way. 2) Pedestrian Access to the site will also be available from the Community Paseo System to the east. - 3) The Community Paseo system segment shall be developed in accordance to Figure 30. 4) A roadway landscape treatment, as depicted on Figure 29, shall be provided along Amarita Way to the west. 5) A Class II bicycle lane will be located in Amarita Way to the west of the Planning Area as shown on Figure 6. 6) Forconceptual design plans, see the Design Manual section ofthis Specific Plan (Section IV.B.). This park or recreational facility will be constructed and operable in conjunction with development of residential units in Phases I and II according to the schedule set forth in Figure 10, Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan. 7) Please refer to Section II1.A.1 through III.A.B for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: III.A.I. Specific Land Use Plan III.A.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan III.A.2. Circulation Plan III.A.6. Grading Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III:A.4: Water and Sewer Plans IILA.8. Landscaping Plan 8) Please see Design Guidelines, Section IV, for related criteria. O PaLDNtn DEL SOL (II. SPECIFIC PIAN SPECIFIC PuN N0. 219/AmErromExr NO.8 (Specific Plan SP-4) Page III-102 -"~- H Z w ~" w Q F- W a Q 'U^ V/ 0 Q h J N m Q ~ ¢m ~ N Z Q J a w L J ~ Q ~ Q ~ ~ ~ w Q 2 O w U w ~ U Q Q Q ~ d r O w ¢_ ao r ~ H d z LL U to U- .M1~ ' ~...i ` ~ ~1'.... -i... II~~--~~ /aF ~ m Z m ~+~.~ -~> A U~ O d y~ ,r t .. m.~ U~ P.vC( / .i 4 r . ~ i•~',r r .~ } +" ~{~ ~ ' ,~~s. i\l~ - F ~.. ~~ . ~~ .. G 3~ ~~` ' l 4 ~~ ,~;;. ~ ~;: ~ ~ - z ,~ ~~,, Yew ~;~~` , ~ Q .~ ~~ , ~, r ~"' x ~, "~ ''` :,~ ~ _V ~.,~ `: CC ~ r` ~:~ ,a ~ ~, .,` ~ ~ i'~ `~. ~: - ~ ~ P\ °' r `° ` ~ ~ `_:.,. r.a O O ~ ~ '~~ U O ~ 8' LL q ~~ 7~ .~ ~~ ~~ P. 5 S 6 W ~s Oo ~ d~ ~~ arnv a v ~ r ~~ o Y O v I J W 0 O ~ J ~-- W W Q 20. Planning_Area 20 O ' a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 20, as depicted on Figure 15T, provides for the development of 40.0 acres of Medium High density residential use. A total of 220 dwelling units is planned at a target density of 5.5 du/ac (Density Range 5-8 du/ac). Atypical site plan is depicted in the Design Guidelines, Section IV.C.3. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No.97-O1 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from Amarita Way . Access points, as depicted, are conceptual. Access shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. 2) A minimum ofone neighborhood entry statement will be provided at egress points onto Amarita Way at the northern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 37.) 3) A Paseo entry statement will be provided at the extreme eastern boundary ofthe Planning Area. (See Figure 39.) 4) A Community Paseo System segment shall be provided at the southern boundary ofthe Planning O Area. (See Figure 30.) 5) The Community Paseo System segment shall be developed in accordance to Figure 30. 6) A Roadway landscape treatment, as depicted on Figure 27, shall be provided along Amarita Way. 7) Private recreation facilities are planned which may include facilities such as pools, spas, cabanas, meeting rooms, barbecues, wet bars, kitchen facilities. 8) A Class II bicycle lane will be located in Amarita Way to the north of the Planning Area as shown on Figure 6. 9) Please refer to Section II[.A.1 through IILA.8 for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: III.A.1. Specific Land Use Plan III.A.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan III.A.2. Circulation Plan III.A.6. Grading Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans III.A.8. Landscaping Plan 10) Garages shall have a front yard setback as follows: Minimum of 20 (twenty) feet from back of sidewalk, or if no sidewalk is provided, 20 (twenty) feet from back of curb. O 11) Please see Design Guidelines, Section IV, for related criteria. PALOMA DEL $OL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFlC PLAn No. 219/AMErroMEtvrNO. B (Specific Plan SP-4) Page lIl-] 04 ~. _~ p~p CS O Z J a_ w~ F° ~m J of Q IL U d } N ~ " F- C7 J N z a ~ ~ ~ w O O H ~ w u> w c7 w ~ ~ O = O U U Q 2 Q ~ U ~ j ~ ~ Q ~ Q ~ W c0 O N ~ ~ •Y N IA N U a >- H z ~ w z ~ w w ~ F- u~i ~ ~ ~ w r ~ aw w w ~ r ~ O ~ J = m ¢ ~ J N ¢ ~ d H d } ~ Z~ m Ol J Ol ~ OI w W LL U IL ~.IL O IL w N J d ¢ d 7 d w O~ Q~ z _ m _ ~ _ a _ tk~ 1 ` .~ ` Z~ l v Y °~r ~~ ~f ~#, 'l4 j 1' f ~t li ~~e . ~.. jt 5, t 5,.1a t3... ~y~* ~ ~ b €~ ~ O N d o } ~ ~"~ d Z ~ = LL d O y U- LS~ t .n 4 w.'~~ o , Q }~ ~ ~ ~ Y . `~ ~ ~ . ' ~` ~ ~ ° .~~ ,. i'! ~ a Vi ~ w ~` r ~: F~ ~! a .~ _ ~ ...~5~!~~ T a ''; ~ `~ ~ „e< ' . ~ -7,x ~'\ t " ~~ O w Y H h n 9 V o ~ 8~ w ~ E:e ~~ 3~ ~ ~~ ~~ W ~<~6 ~ i ~ ~o ~01 a my a r~ o_ I O ~./ ! ~I W 0 ~ ~- J ~ W Q O O 21. PlanningArea 21 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 21, as depicted on Figure 1 SU, provides for the development of 36.8 acres Medium High density residential use. A total of202 dwelling units is planned at a target density of 5.5 du/ac (Density Range 5-8 du/ac). Atypical site plan is depicted in the Design Guidelines, Section IV.C.3. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No.97-01 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from Amarita Way . Access points, as depicted, are conceptual. Access shall be determined when Vact maps or development plans are submitted. 2) A minimum of one neighborhood entry statement will be provided at egress points onto Amarita Way at the eastern boundary ofthe Planning Area. (See Figure 37.) 3) Paseo entry statements will be provided at the northeastern and southern boundaries of the Planning Area. (See Figure 39.) 4) A Community Paseo System segment shall be provided at the northern and western boundaries of the Planning Area. (See Figure 30.) 5) The Community Paseo System segment shall be developed in accordance to Figure 30. 6) A roadway landscape treatment, as depicted on Figure 27, shall be provided along Amarita Way. 7) Private recreation facilities are planned which may include facilities such as pools, spas, cabanas, meeting rooms, barbecues, wet bars, and kitchen facilities. 8) A Class II bicycle lane will be located in Amarita Way to the east of the Planning Area as shown on Figure 6. 9) Please refer to Section III.A.1 through III.A.8 for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: III.A.1. Specific Land Use Plan III.A.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan III.A.2. Circulation Plan III.A.6. Grading Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans III.A.8. Landscaping Plan 0) Garages shall have a front yard setback as follows: Minimum of 20 (twenty) feet from back of sidewalk, or if no sidewalk is provided, 20 (twenty) feet from back of curb. 11) Please see Design Guidelines, Section IV, for related criteria. PALOMA DEL SOL Ill. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. 8 (SpeCl6C Plan $P-4) Page III-106 S° 0 } W F J ~ ~ w 1= w p ¢ O ~ F W ~ ~ C7 Z ~ ~ O 2 C7 S ~,j U ¢ Q _~ Q p ~ ~ m w O N O O O I ~ M N in to } Y N ..y h 7 n m ~ O ~ 8r w ~ E Wn C ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~? CL 3~ ~o ~~ H ~~ ~~ ~o D CI~:P v Pd ' ~yoo o_ ~/ \~ J Q U d } J V ~ H U Z Z ~ ~ w ~ w ~ h- ¢ , ~ ~ w w ~ ~ w ~ a Q w w U z ~ < ^ o ~ J ~ } t7 = t7 ¢ (O J N F ~ Z ~ Z ~ ¢ ~ ~ ~ } ~ ~ ~ W _°i 7 _rn m a W m ¢ '~ J m O LL ~ LL = LL J LL ~ LL ¢ LL <n W ~ m O N } d Q y U N aQ ~n O y Win U y O in } in z.. m_ Q_ ~_ _ ~..._ f ~ ; `. Y v i .. y r~ "1 c (( T! ~Y ~:. # xis T H ~ ~ Y' a /i ~ ~Y ~! f j py { P ~~' ~, b _' F- z w w } Z rn W ~ m O= ~ LL a~ ~~ ~ •?i5 ~~ ~ idb ~,, v ,1=. . ~ ~ ~ ,~ 5~ ,_ --v ~c ~ I o0 , ~ ter, ` ; ~' ~ ° ~~\ -C9 C' S ~ `l . ...._ ._. yS .. ~1.~. ~ P k '-..... - ~ i.Y ~~ ~ i V J J~ ri) :r .~g ~ c ~- t rur ^ ~ ~ / \ W . „ § 44~~{J~{~ .. ~4 L ~~~)).. { J '. T 3G_,r.` ~. ._. .. O J O ~J 1 J W 0 O ~ H J ~ Q O O 22. Planning Area 22 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 22, as depicted on Figure 15 V, provides for the development of 64.0 acres of Medium High density residential use. A total of 352 dwelling units is planned at a target density of 5.5 du/ac (Density Range 5-8 du/ac). Atypical site plan is depicted in the Design Guidelines, Section IV.C.3. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-01 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from Amarita Way, McCabe Drive and Meadows Parkway. Access points, as depicted, are conceptual. Access shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. 2) A Minor project entry statement will be provided at the intersection of McCabe Drive and Meadows Parkway at the northeastern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figures 35 and 36.) 3) A Project Intersection entry statement will be provided at the intersection of Amarita Way and McCabe Drive at the northwestern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 38.) 4) A minimum of one neighborhood entry statement will be provided at egress points onto the Amarita Way, McCabe Drive, and Meadows Parkway at the western, northern, and eastern boundaries of the Planning Area. (See Figure 37.) 5) A Paseo entry statement will be provided at the southwest boundary ofthe Planning Area. (See Figure 39.) 6) A Paseo entry statement with pedestrian crossing will be provided at the southeastern boundary of the Planning Area as depicted by Figure 49. 7) A Community Paseo System segment shall be provided at the southern boundary ofthe Planning Area, as typified by Figure 30. 8) The Community Paseo System segment shall be developed in accordance to Figure 30. 9) Roadway landscape treatments, such as those depicted on Figures 23B and 27 shall be provided along Meadows Parkway, Amarita Way and McCabe Drive. 10) Private recreation facilities are planned which may include facilities such as pools, spas, cabanas, meeting rooms, barbecues, wet bars, and kitchen facilities. 11) A Class I bicycle trail will be located along Amarita Way and McCabe Drive to the west and north, respectively. A Class II bicycle lane will be located in , to the , east ofthe Planning Area as shown on Figure 6. PALOMA DEL $OL III. SPECIFIC PLAN Seecinc PLAN No. 219/AMENDMENT No. 8 (Specific Plan SP-4) Page ll1-108 0 12) Garages shall have a front yard setback as follows: Minimum of 20 (twenty) feet from back of sidewalk, or if no sidewalk is provided, 20 (twenty) feet from back of curb. 13) Please refer to Section III.A.1. through III.A.8. for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: III.A.I. Specific Land Use Plan III.A.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan IILA.2. Circulation Plan IILA.6. Grading Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans III.A.8. Landscaping Plan O O 14) Please see Design Guidelines, Section IV, for related criteria. PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN N0.219/AMENDMENT NO.B (Specific Plan SP-4) Page III-109 "~- @~ _~ ~p pJ ~" I- Z Z W w w ~ ~ s ~ } a ce - ~ i a zm U W v p F m Z U ~ J ~ J N 0 y ¢ ~ ~ m Q ~ ~ m IL a= 2 LL w; J LL Oa in ZN Y v U m ~ _ ~_ m`_A e . =.:;. ~ i ~, . ;,. ~ ~^~~~~ Z O }~ ,~y ~" ~ `~ U z ~ ~ ~. ~,, ~+ ' '~ w W ~ .. 9 t~+C, i '~?'dp'~ . F W w N m _ , rye ~ m~ Z ~~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ O f- m ~~ t ~j~ ~` z O Y ~ W ~ ~ J Z Z o ~ w w ~ ~ ~ ~ w F w O 2 C7 U U = Q j U Q Q Q Q ~ ~ N ~ pp W et ~ I ~ rp c7 LL7 ui ~ J Z Z Q U Q a W ^ a _ ~ ~ ~ o ~ 0 = ~ ¢ J m W m V LL 2 w m ry °i (7 ~ IL W ~ ~ F- n .. ~ i Z Cn y .,~/ ," .~ a.- U j~n V O M~ .. _~ ~ yp N H o U o ~ 8~ W C ~~ h~ .~ ~~ ~~ p, 3y ~o W ~s ~3 F ~~ ~~ Q ~ a ~;v a a c~ ~ b w O -° Y ~ ,- Z y 0 [C U Z Q H U ~ !- O w z w a ~ ~ w a t ~ w 3 w w ~ uzl a U 4 y ~ W fA Q a ~ ~ z a v~i ~j J N ~ o } n! ~" ~ ~ ~~ } m }~ F m F F- m J Q m Q N Z~ Z O W ~" J _ Q ~ ~ rn m c LL ~ O~ LL ~ LL ~ [] LL UQ v~ O ° ' ~ O m `~' IL S ~ d y ~ N ~_ ¢ U aQ~ a I I r s,_' I I I „:•~ ~~'~~'OP .'~ ;~~ i O ;~ ~ t: °AY ~. V r N"~ ,= ,_~ "`.ice .:~ ,,,, "3 .. ~~ ZOK Oaw VOW ZjN ~~a~ wW om~w a=~¢ a3z~ is J O ~/ I J W OLL 1~' W 6~ Q 23. Planning Area 23 O a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 23, as depicted on Figure 15W, provides for the development of 56.6 acres of Medium density residential use. A total of 256 dwelling units is planned at a target density of 4.5 du/ac (Density Range 2-5 du/ac}. Atypical site plan is depicted in the Design Guidelines, Section IV.C.3. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-01 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards I) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from Sunny Meadows Drive and Meadows Parkway. Access points, as depicted, are conceptual. Access shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. 2) A Minor Project entry statement will be provided at the intersection of Sunny Meadows Drive and Meadows Parkway at the northeastern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figures 35 and 36) 3) A minimum of one neighborhood entry statement will be provided at egress points onto Sunny Meadows Drive and Meadows Parkway at the northern, eastern, and western boundaries of the Q Planning Area. (See Figure 37.) 4) A Community Paseo entry statement will be provided at the southwestern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 49.) A pedestrian crossing will be provided at or near the Community Paseo entry statement. The pedestrian crossing shall be located to maximize pedestrian safety when crossing Meadows Parkway. 5) A Community Paseo System segment shall be provided at the southern boundary ofthe Planning Area. (See Figure 30.) 6) Roadway landscape treatments, as depicted on Figures 23B and 27 shall be provided along Meadows Parkway and Sunny Meadows Drive. 7) A Class I bicycle trail will be located along Meadows Parkway to the east, and a Class II bicycle lane will be located along Sunny Meadows Drive to the west ofthe Planning Area as depicted in Figure 6. 8) Private recreation facilities are planned which may include facilities such as pools, spas, cabanas, meeting rooms, barbecues, wet bars, and kitchen facilities. 9) Garages shall have a front yard setback as follows: Minimum of 20 (twenty) feet from back of sidewalk, or if no sidewalk is provided, 20 (twenty) feet from back of curb. O PALOMn DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIrIC PLnw NO.219/AMENDMENT NO.8 (Specific Plan SP-4) Page IIl-111 10) Please refer to Section III.A.1 thrc n Standards that apply site-wide: ~.J III.A.1. Specific Land Use Plan III.A.2. Circulation Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans >ugh III.A.8 for the following Development Plans and III.A.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing P-an III.A.6. Grading Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.8. Landscaping Plan 11) Please see Design Guidelines, Section IV, for related criteria. O Q PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SeEC[rIC PLAta No. 219/AMENDMENT No. B (Specific Plan SP-4) Page III-1 12 w q_~ L~ H Z W W Q } Z '~ W c ~ U u' ~ W ~~ _ a~, ~ ` H m a= w' J 2 a ~. ?y Um g _ m `~' W ~~ z~ J W O ~ ~ W ~ ~O ~ (U U Q Q ~ ¢ ~ ~ ~ p mm00 W ~~~~ ~ N N 7 N F- ~ Z Z W W g ~ a W a w ~ ~ ~ F w } x a a Z~ W W J y m a W D a D ~ a Q... in H' a r JN n =tn o } t9 mfp F- m !n m } m ¢ ro ~ m W J rn ,,J ~ Q LL Q~ 3 LL Q o m LL Z o ~ LL ~ = m Vin am YN Qm O n 'Sm C W ~i ~m Uw m _ ~- .. .; 2 ., 2 _ ~ U ,. 3 ~~° ~ o ~ s~ ~ c @~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ fl. ~~y~~6 m i5 60 loo a irv a ~ no~ M V Z V ~./ I W o~ o~ o -- ow m • ~¢ w z v~i Y ~ ? O w F W ~ OpZr ¢W~F W F- U ~ z>~a Q ?O~~ 6 ~ Na~W w ~ om~g 2 a' F a~~N ¢~za W Z a w U ~j ~ 0 y a z J } N Z h Q 3; ( m <~?' g~ g¢ U~ O J w 0 z. w Q O O O 24. PlanninE Area 24 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 24, as depicted on Figure 15X, provides for the development of a 1.0-acre for a park/recreation area. Atypical neighborhood conceptual landscape/site plan is provided in the Design Guidelines. Figure 47. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer [o Zone Ordinance No. 97-O1 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards l) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from a local street internal to Planning Area 26. 2) Pedestrian access to the Planning Area will also be provided from the pedestrian linkage between residential and park land uses (see Figure SOB). 3) Paved pedestrian access will be provided from a cul-de-sac in Planning 26 through Planning Area 27 to connect with Buttertield Stage Road. This paved access will also traverse along the southern edge of Planning Area 27 to Planning Area 24 (Park/Rec Area), then continue meandering adjacent to Sunny Meadows Drive, connecting ultimately to Meadows Parkway. Q 4) A landscape transition area/open space landscape buffer, as depicted in Figures l3B or 13C, will be provided along the eastern, western and northern boundaries of the planning area to buffer adjacent land uses. 5) A Class 11 bicycle lane will be located in Sunny Yleadows Drive to the south of the Planning Area as shown on Figure 6. 6) For park concept design plans, see Figure 47 in the Design Guidelines section oFthis Specific Plan. This facility shall be constructed and fully operable prior to the issuance of the 200'x' building permit in Tract 24188, excluding the 67 dwelling units in Tract 24188-I. 7) Please referto Section IILA.I through II1.A8 forthe followingDevelopment Plansand Standards that apply site-wide: IILA.I. Specific Land Use Plan IILA.S. Public Facility Si[es Phasing Plan IILA.2. Circulation Plan I11.A.6. Grading Plan IILA.3. Drainage Plan IILA.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan IlLA.4. Water and Sewer Plans IILA.8. Landscaping Plan 8) Please also see Section IV, Design Guidelines, for related criteria. PALOMA DEL SOL ili. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/Ab1ENDMENT NO. R (SPeI'i flC PIBn SP-4J Page ItI-1 t<t p~ • rl ~.I ~ ~ I w co ¢~ U z a w w W O [}JQ] U 0 d a. -: z w d ~ ~ °' ~ O ~a zc; ~z a~ F o z d '1 Pw. W ~F'~ pvp U ~ F w 6n ~ s"o w~?u. zk' °`~ v ~ ~ a~~ a~ ~~ w „ U U ~ ~ v W ~', O O z a a. a ¢ p O ~ ~ ~ ~a a z~ La ~ O .a F `o zz~ ~~ ~~ d ~ ~ py v ~~,~ qq ~q 6q q w ~N Cx 7zw zz QN Ca w a ~ wo ~ a.., a . z~~ I I .~, u ~ 'C" r C °~ ~ po O ~rv ~ Se 008 o •C G `e C y c fd 44>n ~ e Q~ S~ ~ p ~Q~ ; e ~a `4 P ~ u ~F~(mC ~\O 'n W D Q.f7 Y v r~-' ..~ ~J.J --~ W W L'~- I Q O O 25. Plannine Area 25 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 25, as depicted on Figure 15Y, provides for the development of 16.0 acres of Medium density residential use. A total of 67 dwelling units is planned at a target density of 4.2 du/ac (Density Range 2-5 du/ac). Atypical site plan is depicted on figure 14A. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-O1 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards I) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from Sunny Meadows Drive. Access points, as depicted, are conceptual. Access points shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. 2) A Minor project entry statement will be provided at the intersection of Butterfield Stage Road and Jerez Lane at the southeastern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figures 35 and 36.) 3) A Project Intersection entry statement will be provided at the intersection of Sunny Meadows Drive and Jerez Lane at the southwestern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 38.) 4) A minimum of one neighborhood entry statement will be provided at egress points onto Sunny Meadows Drive at the western boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 37.) 5) Paseo entry statement will be provided at the northeastern and northwestern boundaries of the Planning Area. (See Figure 39.) 6) A Community Paseo System segment shall be provided at the northern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 30.) 7) Roadway landscape treatments, as depicted on Figures 23C and 27, shall be provided along Butterfield Stage Road, Sunny Meadows Drive and Jerez Lane. Ifthe Landscape Development Zone (LDZ) falls below 32', only single story residential units shall be allowed on the lots immediately adjacent to Butterfield Stage Road; however, ifLDZ is 32' orwider, than two-story dwellings are permitted. 8) A Class II bicycle lane will be located in Sunny Meadows Drive, and Jerez Lane to the east and south, respectively, as shown on Figure 6. PALOMA DEL SOL III. SNeciFic PLnN Saeanc PL,w No. 2I9/AroicNDmieui NO. B (Specific Plan SP-4) Page III-I 16 9) Please refer to Section IILA.1. thn O Standards that apply site-wide: IILA.I . Specific Land Use Plan III.A.2. Circulation Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans wgh IILA.8. for III.A.S III.A.6 III.A.7 IILA.8 the following Development Plans and Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan Grading Plan Open Space and Recreation Plan Landscaping Plan ]0) Please see Design Guidelines, Section IV, for related criteria. :~ PALOMA DEL SOL IIL SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN N0.219/AMENDMENT NO.B (Specific Plan SP-4J Page I^-117 L€~ ~ ~ ~ w U U o //R~ k~ ~ J Q ~ W ~ } F F W (.7 ~ Q W ~ ~ _ `~ q~q ~S W Q ~ Q ~ D ~ g ~ ~ n fD U Q ~ 0 O ~ N V N F- Z W Q F.. W Z W H ~ W w a ~- ¢ z N ~ J _ u p_ rn ~ Z W ~ H J F- V Z m } U h m W~ Q N J J O ~` N Q m 0 rn Q u U LL v (A Q N . ~ a ~ a N ~ ~~a~ ,,.....~ i }, ' a<<~a~a r~~ s~ o ~` o i, ~ ~~ ~ ~ k~\m V V `. ~`. ,. ~, ~- r ~ ~~ ~ O ^ , . r L"~N~ " -., yt, '~ F LL r ~. N / ~ l ;,'A ~.. ., w M t~ ~ ~ ~°.r ~. H Z W W I- G W ~ y W W ~ } F- H Q ~ (p W W } H Z ¢- W O i"'„ a F= Z~ Wv U W " y ~ ~_ U N ~ D Q fO "] Q N {- m ft p q ~ Z F- 2 :' ~ m w a _', a ' ~ jy ¢LL ~ LL W LL U ,°', Z m ~ Q m O v m v, O m ¢ ~^- ~~d .~ ,~~~ ~. ~.. , .~ ht.. ~ o ,~ w g 5 +~ . ~ ~ ~~ w r . . > l~ ~ ~ m F LL (n 0 W F ^ [t -- UW m w Q W LL O J F N V ° 3 m ^ _ a c? ~ z ~• ~~ U_ o a 8Q ~Tr C ~~ N„ .~ „~ ~~ d ~`~ a Sx o r~ ~o Ir~I--F,,,77--a ~ s~ Leo D 4'>~' a ar~ ~ m ~ - Y °~ Y ~p = J O tl I J W 0 O J I~ w W 26. Planning Area 26 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 26, as depicted on Figure 15Z, provides for the development of 29.5 acres of Medium density residential use. A total of 130 dwelling units is planned at a target density of4.4 du/ac (Density Range 2-5 du/ac). Atypical site plan is depicted on Figure 14A. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-O1 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from Sunny Meadows Drive. Access points, as depicted, are conceptual. Access shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. 2) A local street within P.A. 26 shall provide vehicular access to the park/recreation area (P.A. 24). 3) Paved pedestrian access will be provided from a cul-de-sac in Planning 26 through Planning Area 27 to connect with Butterteld Stage Road. This paved access will also traverse along the southern edge of Planning Area 27 to Planning Area 24 (Park/Rec Area), then continue O meandering adjacent to Sunny Meadows Drive, connecting ultimately to Meadows Parkway. 4) A minimum of one neighborhood entry statement will be provided at egress points onto Sunny Meadows Drive at the western boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 37.) 5) A Paseo entry statement will be provided at the southeast and southwest boundaries of the property. (See Figure 39.) 6) Roadway landscape treatments, as depicted on Figures 23C and 27 ,shall be provided along Butterfield Stage Road and Sunny Meadows Drive. Ifthe LDZ falls below 32', only single story residential units shall be allowed on the lots immediately adjacent to Butterfield Stage Road; however, if LDL is 32' or wider, than two-story dwellings are permitted. 7) A Community Pasco System segment shall be provided at the southern boundary ofthe property. (See Figure 30.) 8) A Class II bicycle lane will be located in Sunny Meadows Dr. to the west of the Planning Area. 9) Please refer to Section IILA.I through IILA.8 for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: IILA.I. Specific Land Use Plan IILA.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan III.A.2. Circulation Plan III.A.6. Grading Plan IILA.3. Drainage Plan IILA.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan IILA.4. Water and Sewer Plans IILA.8. Landscaping Plan 10) Please see Design Guidelines, Section lV, for related criteria. PALOMA DEL SoL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENTND.8 (SPeCIEC Plan $P-d) Page ttl-I I~ _~ q~ ~"- ~w Z 4Z J W Li. a ° ~ w~ o ~w ~ ~o w Q Q jU~j~ p~~~0 WC ~ M V ~ LNG- V N F- ~ Z ~y W w ~ ~ F w w U W O v~ Q F ~'" cn O v, w w`~ ~a g z~ v~ v a gm °' ~ ~ N H zQ wv i ~ ~ Q~ ~m o ~ aw ~z ~ ~ ~ ~ WW 0 ~~ U ~ Od ~~ W rx i w a a, ~ ~? °' O A a ~ ~ ~ " ~ V oa i v eq q U o,~ ~ ( ~ ~ F z ^ ~ w I Z O ~T O ~ ~ _ ~ M U ¢ Owl U W pp ~ ~ ~ a' w = z - 7 F C w wFd ~. Q Z (n ~? , w N ~ 6. 0.. Q a0 J N Q ~ m OLL ~' d O ~ ~ O Z W w ~~ H~ W O LL ~~ a ~? J J ~ _rn } w U w m~ ~~ w ~~ y O ri a yea U '~ m e,^~~ O 9 V ~~ e 8C e .~ .d a5? ae ra zn ~-0 14~I >>/T E . ISO ~ N w D Qi~ _ Y a~ O O J W W 27. Planning Area 27 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 27, as depicted on Figure 15AA, provides for preservation of 9.0 acres of land as natural open space. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-O1 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards l) No vehicular access to this Planning Area is planned, although maintenance crews may access this area from Meadows Parkway and Sunny Meadows Drive as necessary. . 2) Paved pedestrian access will be provided from a cul-de-sac in Planning 26 through Planning Area 27 to connect with Butterfield Stage Road. This paved access will also traverse along the southern edge of Planning Area 27 to Planning Area 24 (Park/Rec Area), then continue meandering adjacent to Sunny Meadows Drive, connecting ultimately to Meadows Parkway. 3) A Minor project entry statement will be provided at the intersection of Meadows Parkway and Sunny Meadows Drive (See Figures 35 and 36.) O 4) Roadway landscape treatments, as depicted on Figures 236, 23C and 27, shall be provided along Meadows Parkway, Sunny Meadows Drive and Butterfield Stage Road. 5) The Planning Area may also be accessed by Class [I bicycle lane which is located along Meadows Parkway and Sunny Meadows Drive. (See Figure 6.) 6) A residential/open space landscaped buffer/transition area as depicted in Figures 13B or 13C shall be created between the Planning Area and Planning Areas 26 and 28 to provide a buffer between adjacent residential-land uses. This buffer area should contain a pedestrian connection to the residential neighborhood in Planning Area 26 as shown in Figure SOB. 7) Please refer to Section IILA.1. through IB.A.8. for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: If1.A.1. Specific Land Use Plan IILA.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan [11.A.2. Circulation Plan IILA.6. Grading Plan [II.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan I[LA.4. Water and Sewer Plans I[LA.8. Landscaping Plan 0 PALOMA DEI, $OL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN N0.219/AMENUM1IEiN9' N0.8 (Specific Plan SP-A) ~ Page 111-121 l~ q~_ 6 W a a wQ do O of ` Obpa3pb 1S a131j213y1118 ~: ~~~ y O O } a. O O ~ . Z .. O O W U ~ O ~ a t O ~ O 2F-n a~ O N m ~ x w °' O o c~ ~ ~ w~~ o o Zln~ ~ ~ O , W O C w a a U O Z ~ ~ W a ~ F' za w cn ~ wa a ~o a U to s Z ~ ~" "?, g m m~rwe a ~ .4~. DLL ~ ~ ~~~ ( y~ 4' ~`~ i ~ ~ 1 t ~.6 8 ~~ r. a; / (n v+ ~. ~~~w J_Q ~- ~_ r LC ~ w~' J ~ } LL U ~ I- °°`~ Uw w~ w a u~i °-' O ~'~ zZ~ ~w~? Q F- Z Z W ~ W w a w Q W [~ y ~ Y W Z (,~ a Q .7 a U ~ °z o ~a~ z., Z~m ° a gm Z 1 n Q LYZ N Q a ' d ~ 2 ~ m LL W ~wa0 4~ Om W ~ i a~~ ~`~ a a U O Z gZm Qw~ ~~ m a W N N ~~~ a W Y ~¢ ~, w .~ G N ~ Q q A O e` G ~~ V c 8` ; .~ ~4 ~a ~ ~e W ~p o5 ~ ze 7=g FM Ef ~~ N N ~~ N Z W W Q O 28. Planning Area 28 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 28, as depicted on Figure I SBB, provides for the development of 49.4 acres of Medium density residential use. A total of 190 dwelling units are planned at a target density of 3.8 du/ac (Density Range 2-5 du/ac). Atypical site plan is depicted on Figure 14A. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer CO Zone Ordinance No.47-O1 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from Meadows Parkway and Butterfield Stage Road. Access points, as depicted, are conceptual. Access shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. 2) A Major Community entry statement will be provided at the intersection of Pauba Road and Meadows Parkway at the northwestern boundary ofthe Planning Area. (See Figures 32 and 33.) 3) A minimum of one neighborhood entry statement will be provided at the egress points onto Meadows Parkway and Butterfield Stage Road at the western and eastern boundaries of the Planning Area. (See Figure 37.) 4) A Minor Project entry statement will be provided at the northeastern boundary of the Planning Area at the intersection of Butterfield Stage Road and Pauba Road. (See Figures 35 and 36.) 5) A pedestrian linkage shall be provided between the residential neighborhood in Planning Area 28 and the open space area in Planning Area 27 and the park/recreation area in Planning Area 29 as shown on Figure 50B. Often, this is accomplished by providing an open space linkage with a trail from the end of a residential cul-de-sac, but other site planning options are possible. 6) A landscaped transition area, as typified by Figures 13B or 13C, shall be created between the Planning Area and Planning Area 29 to assist in the distinction between residential and park/recreation area land uses. 7) Roadway landscape treatments, as depicted on Figures 24, 23C, 23B, and 28 respectively, shall be provided along Pauba Road, Butterfield Stage Road and Meadows Parkway. 8) If the LDZ along Butterfield Stage Road falls below 32', only single story residential units shall be allowed on the lots immediately adjacent to Butterfield Stage Road. However, ifLDZ is 32' or wider, than two-story dwellings are permitted. 9) An equestrian trail will be located in the parkway to the north of the Planning Area. Vehicular access across this trail will require the use of special site planning criteria (such as "double stop signs") at the development plan stage to ensure the safety of equestrians using this trail. V PALOMA DEL SOL ~ III. SPECIFIC PLAN Sesclrte PLAN No.219/AMENDMENT No. 8 (Specific Plan SP-4) Page I I1-123 ('~ 10) A residential/open space landscaped buffer/transition area as depicted in Figures 13B or l3C v shall be created between Planning Area 28 and Planning Area 27 to provide a buffer between adjacent open space. This buffer area should contain a pedestrian connection to the residential neighborhood in Planning Area 28 as shown in Figure SOB. 11) A Class I bicycle trail will be located along Meadows Parkway and Pauba Road to the east and a Class 1[ bicycle lane Pauba Road to the east. (See Figure 6.) 12) Please refer to Section I[LA.I through IILA.8 for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: IILA.I. Specific Land Use Plan IILA.~. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan IILA.2. Circulation Plan IQ.A.6. Grading Plan [ILA.3. Drainage Plan [ILA.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan IILA.4. Water and Sewer Plans III.A.8. Landscaping Plan 13) Please see Design Guidelines, Sections IVA-C, for criteria related to architecture and landscape architecture. O 0 PALOMA DEL $OL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SNECine PLAN NO.219/AMENDMENT NO.8 (Specific Plan SP-4) Pa~O Ill' l2a ~°~ I"~'~.9 r~ p~p LAS W ~~ ZQ J W Q O F W ~ Z ~ aw ~ Fo W ~ QQ jQ~~7 0 ~ 0 W~~aD ~n ~ 7 ~ M N F- Z W Q~ W F W Q U M gm N Q ~ 3' m 0 IL ~ N ~~ J ~~ J ~ } LL U a°i 00 F Z W Z W Q Uw UQ ~ ¢- mad QZ a ~0 U ate, ~~ w Qd' LL W W ^ ?zv °wo gm ~w~ af- } ~ m ~ LL ~ J a~ w Q N ~~ w rti- O o Obpa ~~ 07 ~ °o '~bo 0 31'~a311~)g W / ~Qy J O O (` as ~ r'' Q N .-v ~ Q N w ~ (~ O1 Q Q W iLL ~ w a ~, °a ~ o 0 a ~ ~ ~ 0~ a ~ ~ ~~.p. V 0• _ J 01 ~~~ r~i~ ZWM v ~ W ~ F N N d OQ'LL Q Z w ~ W ~. F w Z -cR^ Q 0. O ~..~ =F~ M Q W d m ~ ~ ~ LL W H d Z~~ O O z w 3w W m cw7 A Q z¢o h z~ WW1 Q I..n V1 L N P. ~ N. 0 a~ pFy. o 6~ Q w Q ~ a~ Q W Y o~ m w i a a ~ U dm H \H C' ~b U ~, ~ 8c ~ e ~~ s ~ ea m a ~~ ~~ N x 8 c~a ~F~(mc ~~ L_\O ~ N D ~~ i V~ O ~' ! _J O Z W 29. Planning Area 29 O a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 29, as depicted on Figure 15CC, provides for the development of 5.0 acres for a neighborhood park/recreational facility. Atypical site plan is depicted in the Design Guidelines, Section. IVB. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-01 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards ]) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from via a local street within Planning Area 28 and from Meadows Parkway. 2) A roadway landscape treatment, as depicted on Figure 23B, shall be provided along Meadows Parkway to the west. 3) For park facility conceptual design plans, see the Design Manual Section of this Specific Plan (Section IV.B.). This Planning Area will be constructed, fully operational and dedicated to the City prior to the issuance ofthe 174th building permit in Planning Area 23 or the issuance ofthe first building permit in Planning Areas 26 or 28, whichever occurs first. O 4) A Class I bicycle trail will be located in Meadows Parkway, to the east as shown on Figure 6. 5) A park/open space landscaped buffer/transition area as depicted in Figures 13B or 13C shall be created between Planning Area 27 and Planning Area 29 to provide a buffer between adjacent open space. 6) A landscaped transition area, as typified by Figures 13B or 13C, shall be created between the Planning Area and Planning Area 28 to assist in the distinction between residential and park/recreation area land uses. This buffer area should contain a pedestrian connection to the residential neighborhood in Planning Area 28 as shown in Figure SOB. 7) A pedestrian linkage shall be provided between the residential neighborhood in Planning Area 28 and the park/recreation area in Planning Area 29 as shown in Figure SOB. 8) Please refer to Section [II.A.1 through III.A.8 for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: III.A.1. Specific Land Use Plan III.A.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan III.A.2. Circulation Plan III.A.6. Grading Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan IILA.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans [II.A.8. Landscaping Plan 9) Please see Design Guidelines, Sections IVA-C, for criteria related to architecture and landscape architecture. PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC Puri N0. 219/ArfEM~h¢n r NO. 8 (Specific Plan SP-0) Page III-126 q~q 6 w a U O c+~ gm } N Q ~ m O ii Od ~~ W w J U O w 3w F- w m~ cQw7 ."fir CL °z ~¢ ~¢o ~w~ AQd wW~~ a. W Q Z Q W K U W ~U ~a 0 a~ z 0 F ~~ F `o W 0? ~r U A k, aN O O .a ~.. w `° .a U U w ~ d G7 .`~... W w m a U Q a U Pa-. W a O Q w Y U U v~ w ., y N A = Tb ~ e` N ~~ U p $C E .C y~ ma R o^ W ~ry v~ P~ ie '~a .~~° ~H~ €~ ~d ~ N a~ v~ O J 0 J w Z O 30. Planning Area 30 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 30, as depicted on Figure 15DD, provides for the development of 20.0 acres for a Junior High School. The school will have active and passive recreational facilities which may be used by the community. (If at some future point in time the School District should decline to purchase this site for development with Junior High School, then the project proponent reserves the right to develop this site with Medium density residential use. A maximum total of 70 dwelling units would be allowed at a target density of 3.5 du/ac. (Density Range 2-5 du/ac). Atypical Medium density residential site plan and elevation are depicted in the Design Guidelines, Section IV.C.3) b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-O1 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from McCabe Drive. 2) Access to the site will also be available from bicycle trails along Meadows Parkway and McCabe Drive to the east and south, as shown in Figure 6. 4) A Class [bicycle trail will be located in Meadows Parkway, to the west and a Class II bicycle lane will be located along Mc Cabe drive to the south as shown on Figure 6. 5) A landscaped transition area, as typified by Figures 13B or 13C, shall be created between the Junior High School (Planning Area 30) and the Medium density residential planning area (Planning Area 31) to the north and west. 6) A portion of the school site may be developed with open space/recreation land uses. These uses may include, but will not be limited to the following: Softball field, football/soccer field, tennis courts, parking facilities, landscaping and irrigation. All facilities will be planned and constructed by the School District. 7) The Junior High School will be constructed by the School District to their standards. 8) Garages shall have a front yard setback as follows: Minimum of 20 (twenty) feet from back of sidewalk, or if no sidewalk is provided, 20 (twenty) feet from back of curb. 9) Please refer to Section III.A.1 through III.A.8 for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: [II.A.I. Specific Land Use Plan III.A.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan III.A.2. Circulation Plan III.A.6. Grading Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans III.A.8. Landscaping Plan 10) Please see Design Guidelines, Section IV, for related criteria. PALOFtA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SeEClric PLnt.' No. 219/AMENDMENT N0.8 (Specific Plan SP-4) Page III-128 ~~~ FqJ' _6 Q W Q Z O H Z Q !- ^ J O O U ~ U .Q = o ~ o ~ N a } w Y Q ~ ~ ry h o ~ ah ~ U E. w [ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~ 41. S ~o ~ ry~~o ~~F~~ ~ ~~ L,o~ v my ar~ a~ N Q J _ J_ ¢`° Q~ W S m ~ ~ ~ ~ U m W o, J ~ zLL }d rd ~~ Uy vy O m.. m., 9 ~«.:;, ~ ~ . _,. a ,~ ' ~. f ; i ~ ~t ~ ;~ o s .1; w } 3 ~~ , ..,, ... 't(y ,~` - ea ~ G,, z ~ ~, ._ saw ,•,y e ~~ ;.,.~, r' ~ , Q . ,. ~,v .~ ppp ~~ ~~ .. - ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ r ~, f 2 \\ ./ / .,` ~~ ~ ~ ,,; --... ... r' . <. ~,. ~ . k + r. t*' i e ~. i ~. r ,~ . _ . ,.~ ~ ~ - ~ J w 5 $ _ ~ /~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ \VI ~ .. Q 'S; 1 "~. _ a. A. W ~ W m U U ~ ~, _._,. ,- r , ,, £'.i ~~, '~ E ~ ~ ~~ ~ 1 .... t~ ~ t : 1t~ >c t O O 31. Planning Area 31 O a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 31, as depicted on Figure ]SEE, provides for the development of 67.0 acres of Medium density residential use. A maximum total of 214 dwelling units are planned at a target density of 3.2 du/ac. (Density Range 2-5 du/ac). Atypical site plan is depicted in the Design Guidelines, Section. IV.C.3. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-01 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from Amarita Way, McCabe Drive and Pauba Road. Access points, as depicted, are conceptual. Access shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. 2) A Major Community entry statement will be provided at the intersection of Pauba Road and Meadows Parkway at the northeastern boundary ofthe Planning Area. (See Figures 32 and 33.) 3) A Project Intersection entry statement and paseo crossing shall be provided at the southern boundary ofthe site at the intersection ofAmarita Way and McCabe Drive. (See Figures 38 and 39.) O 4) A minimum ofone neighborhood entry statement will be provided at egress points onto McCabe Drive, Amarita Way, and Pauba Road at the southern, southwestern, and northern boundaries of the Planning Area. (See Figure 37.) 5) Landscaped transition areas, as typified by Figures 13B or 13C, shall be created between Planning Area 3 ]and Planning Area 30 and Planning Areas 31 and 32 to assist in the distinction between Medium density residential and Junior High School land uses and Medium density and Elementary School land uses. 6) Roadway landscape treatments, as depicted on Figures 24, 23B, 27 shall be provided along Pauba Road, Meadows Parkway, Amarita Way and McCabe Drive. 7) An equestrian trail will be located in the parkway to the north of the Planning Area along Pauba Road. (See Figure 24.) 8) A Class I bicycle trail which will also provide site access, will be located in the roads surrounding the Planning Area, as shown in Figure 6. 9) A street connection directly across from Green Tree Road is prohibited. Any street entering PALOMA oEL SoL from Pauba Road shall be offset a minimum of 330 feet from Green Tree Road in order to meet Road and Fire Department criteria. O 10) Planning Area 31 access is encouraged to be taken fromAmaritaWay and McCabe Drive. PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN No. 219/AMENDMEAT ND. 8 (Specific Plan SP-4) Page III-130 Access to Pauba Road would be allowed only if subdivision design and Road and Fire O Department criteria caused such a connection to be necessary. This connection should occur as close to Meadows Parkway as Road Department criteria and grading constraints will allow. 11) From the following palette of medium to large shrubs, drifrs at ] 0' o.c. shall be planted along the top portions of slopes orienting to Pauba Road: Cocculus laurifolius Ligustrum japonicum Nerium oleander Photinia frazeri Prunus caroliniana Xylosma congestum Snailseed Japanese Privet Oleander Photinia Carolina Laurel Cherry Xylosma Plants shall be chosen from high quality containerized nursery stock (minimum 5 gallon size) and shall be planted according to the standards established for the PALOMA DEL SOL Specific Plan. 0 O 12) Garages shall have a front yard setback as follows: Minimum of 20 (twenty) feet from back of sidewalk, or if no sidewalk is provided, 20 (twenty) feet from back of curb. 13 Please referto Section III.A.1 through III.A.8 forthe following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: III.A.I . Specific Land Use Plan III.A.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan [ILA.2. Circulation Plan IILA.6. Grading Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans III.A.8. Landscaping Plan 14) Please see Design Guidelines, Section IV, for related criteria. PnLOnta DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN Srec~nc PLAN No.2i9/AnfEivDmErrrNO.8 (Specific Plan SP-4) Page III-131 ~ W c~ ~ w ^ ¢ J ~ W } h- Q _ ~ R ~ y Z M Q Q ~ W ° u3 ¢ a ~j a ~ g U O ~ ~ ~ ¢ ^ ^ pp ~J 0 O ~ ~ In ~ ~ N ch N Y Q H z w W H n. U Z ~ ~ ^ ~ Z J_ OZm U w ~ Zm Q W N Fm ~ W OF m ^Q LL U'L CIa- in O aw' ~ V m N CN.... CCH ~ m. W a J Q U J Q _ ~ a O ^ Z S. m Z <v a J F- N f- m ¢ ` Z m W ~ U LL F ~ ~ LL Q~ ~ ~ F LL W ^Q Uy ON 02~n m .., W ., OC F- .. O w Q Q Z O '4 ~'t GG ~ L ~ ` . . W o ~ o. m ' 1 ~ ~ Q , a ~ ~ . ^ m . ' .' i- : Z ~ J N 4~ ., 73 ` ' *,,.; ' 4 ^ c ~~ lSi~.e~'~1', .. Q U a } F f- F" z z w w ~ w Q c W ~ ~ fL ~ F- Z ~ h y w ~ ~ w~ r ~ ze O¢ Z av Q~ Z ~U a ~LL w wo `~ a o a ^ Q ~¢ Ha Qg ~ Fao, J m 2 2 I- ro QN ~ _ ~ J J O ~ W U 3 2 " a ¢ i w. • W W rn LL a d >-c~ L Off' C7 m~ Jir, 0 Q L*H ~ F.. I ~~ i Z_ n.cn... ~~ ~ . U A~ ~ Q ~7. ®_ 0 '! D7 ~ ~ . m O~ .1. '~4. ?~.ti 7 ~/, .: ~, ,F\ =I ... __ ..._.~7 r +`'Y ~. '.. r , V ~ . . ,,R4S~ :. 4.1, x f, : ~.3QA"1 J ~e Q m, n eE° ~ va?- ~' w ~ ` en S J ;~ } ?" ~', y m , `'~ („) m t~#.~, ~~ `~ "§ O .. '. Q W Q Z O I-- Z Q 6. CJ Q.~ (~ m ~ 4~ ^ Q.~ ~! - `. w Y ~ ~ ~- H n 9 ~o ~ aM w ~~E~n .~ ~~ ~~ ~, 5 ~o ~ r~~a ~ ~~ ~~ ~o a crv v r~ N ~~ J O V! J W O J I"' w W 32. Planning Area 32 O,. a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 32, as depicted on Figure 15FF, provides for the development of 10.0 acres for an Elementary School. (If at some future point in time the School District should decline to purchase this site for development with an elementary school, then the project proponent reserves the right to develop this site with medium density residential use. A maximum total of45 dwelling units would be allowed at a target density of 4.5 du/ac. (Density Range 2-5 du/ac). Atypical Medium density residential site plan and elevation are depicted in the Design Guidelines, Section IV.C3.) b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-01 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from Amarita Way or Pauba Road. 2) Bicycle access will be available to the site from Class Il bicycle lanes proposed along Amarita Way and Pauba Road, as shown in Figure 6. 3) A roadway landscape treatment, as depicted in Figure 24, will be provided along Pauba Road. 4) An equestrian trail will be located in the parkway along the southern side of Pauba Road to the north, as shown in Figure 24. 5) Landscaped transition areas will be provided along the bordering Medium density residential planning areas to the east and west, as depicted in Figures 13B or 13C. 6) The Elementary School will be constructed by the School District to their standards. 7) A portion ofthe school site maybe developed with open space/recreation land uses. Those uses may include, but will not be limited to the following: Softball field, hard court, open play, playground, tot lot, parking facilities, and landscaping and irrigation. 8) Garages shall have a front yard setback as follows: Minimum of 20 (twenty) feet from back of sidewalk, or if no sidewalk is provided, 20 (twenty) feet from back of curb. 9) Please refer to Section III.A.1 through III.A.8 for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: IILA.1. Specific Land Use Plan IILA.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan III.A.2. Circulation Plan III.A.6. Grading Plan III.A3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans III.A.8. Landscaping Plan 10) Please see Design Guidelines, Section IV , for related criteria. 11) In the event that the School District elects not to acquire the site, all roadway landscape criteria and neighborhood entry criteria applicable to Amarita Way, adjacent to residential development, -~ shall apply. PALOMA DEL SOL IIL Srec~FtC PLrw Srec~FlC PLnre NO.219/M~tenvnten~' No. 8 (Specific Plan SP-4) Page III-133 f~ p~ !~ 0 H Z w ~ w w F" z O w a F. (~ J Z p _ Q 2 ~ ¢ N J Q ¢ ~ 'C Z N Q W n ~ ~. : F- m d m a m Q °-' W ~ ~ F rn ~ U O LL U LL ~ LL w ~ m ~ m a d N ~ V m m m O o 2 m ., in w- J ~ N W U Q J Q F- Z W F d J 2 U r CC Z U W Q W o J W ~ J_ Q ~ Q H m w J ~ } u Uy m_ ~' ,. ,.- y ~~ , : t' r `. z ~.S ., a. Y? ~ t O, ~~\ ~ f `~"1 i ~ !`). Q ` Y ~ ~a t S'' r ~? ~ ~ O tom. 'a ~' ..i' , , ~\ .. F Frye ~o ~ a~ w m~E~e .~ N~ ~~ 3~ ~~ G. ~~~o ~ a~ ~~ ~o, a ~;v a c~ w' ~ ~ Y M J JI W O y.~ M f -~ w 0 ~ w ~ a 0 Q O 33. Planning Area 33 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 33, as depicted on Figure 15GG, provides for the development of 37.0 acres of Medium density residential use. A total of 165 dwelling units is planned at a target density of 4.5 du/ac (Density Range 2-5 du/ac). Atypical site plan is depicted in the Design Guidelines, Section IV. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No.97-O1 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from Amarita Way and Pauba Road. Access points, as depicted, are conceptual. Access shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. 2) A minimum of one neighborhood entry statement will be provided at the egress points onto Amarita Way at the southeastern boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figure 37.) 3) A Paseo entry statement will be provided at the southem boundary of the site where the Community Paseo intersects with Amarita Way. (See Figure 39.) 4) A landscaped transition area, as typified by Figure 13C, shall be created between the Planning Area and the Day Care Center (Planning Area 34) to the northwest. 5) A landscaped transition area will be provided at the eastern boundary of the Planning Area, as depicted in Figures 13B or 13C. 6) A Community Paseo System segment will be provided along the southern boundary of the site, as depicted by Figure 30. 7) The Community Paseo System segment shall be developed in accordance to Figure 30. 8) Roadway landscape treatments, as depicted on Figures 27 and 24, respectively, shall be provided along Amarita Way to the south and Pauba Road to the north. 9) An equestrian trail will be located in the parkway to the north of the Planning Area. (See Figure 24.) ] 0) A Class II bicycle lane will be located in Amarita Way and in Pauba Road , as depicted by Figure 6. 11) Garages shall have a front yard setback as follows: Minimum of 20 (twenty) feet from back of sidewalk, or if no sidewalk is provided, 20 (twenty) feet from back of curb. 12) PleaserefertoSectionIILA.lthroughlILA.8forthefollowingDevelopmentPlansandStandards that apply site-wide: PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT N0.8 (Specific Plan SP-4) Page III-135 IILA.1. Specific Land Use Plan IILA.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan III.A.2. Circulation Plan III.A.6. Grading Plan O III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans III.A.8. Landscaping Plan 13) Please see Design Guidelines, Section IV, for related criteria. O O PALOMA DEL $OL III. SPECIFIC Puw SPECIFlC PLnn No. 219/AMENDMENT No. 8 (Specific Plan SP-4) Page III-136 W q~ 6 qq~ I~ Q , F W Z Q ~ Z a O w H ~ ~ H Z w a J ~ Z ~ ~ J ~ J Q .-, d _ 0 ~ a Z N Q~ W m W a_ ¢ a d v ¢ d ~ H J F- °.: Q ~ U7 ~ Y m F~ W 'rn U rn J rn Q m W LL (~ LL ~ LL U LL -Q li Oh UN ~tp a m Q v } m O m W _ G~ _ F- _ CC _ i pl ~. w Q :. , > ~ f• 0 ~~ N ~ ~ Z Z W ~ O J Q W ~ Z ~ ~ !~ W I¢- O W U U Q < ~ 7 _ G ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ W O Q ~ ~ n ~ t,7 ~ C) ~- V N H Z W W Q ~~ }~ rt .a F ~. W ~ O~ O m ~ ¢~ ~ ~ F m O ~ w ~ = lL J lL (~ 01 } m W v~ U h Z _ m_ H W ~ s ~ F 0 -~` ~ ~ d Y m o Q c~ } m ~ Z ~ ~ W ' Z ~ _1" ' W ~~d - b _ Q o~ (1 L ~ fi O y b. _ , a - "'____ ! _ U 0 ~p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- i ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 Z ~ jv i JF-N o .. -~ ~ w r w m ~e ~ f~ <~~~. ~QLL m ~'' <n I m ~ i`? a ~~_i° 6 k Z ~ O I`~ ~j ~ ~ ~;"x a ~ F ~ ~~ w ~ C3 a -m ~ LL ~~ ~ < v Q ~ N , a ~m ~ ~ ~ _ ~ _ ~ i~~ ~ ~+~" ~,~~ ~-~ ~ a ~s ~r~' ~; `~ ~ O v N o ~ atl ~~ s w .~ Na ~~ ~~ 2~ p. ~t g~,6 p~ 0~ ~o a rn;v a Q ~ ~ ~ W r1 Y ~ - J J W O --~ W ~ Q O Q 34. Planning Area 34 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 34, as depicted on Figure 15HH, provides for the development of 2.0 acres for a Day Care Center, or a Public/Quasi-Public use. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-01 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from Pauba Road to the north of the site. Access shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. 2) A Minor Community entry statement will be provided at the northwestern boundary of the Planning Area as shown on Figures 32 and 33. 3) A Class II bicycle lane will be provided along Pauba Road to the north as shown on Figure 6. 4) An equestrian trail will be located in the parkway to the north of the Planning Area. (See Figure 24.) 5) Paseo access will be available to the site from the community paseo system to the south as depicted by Figure 30. 6) A landscaped transition azea as typified by Figure 13C, shall be created between the Planning Area and Planning Area 33 (Medium density residential land use) to the east. 7) Roadway landscape treatments, as depicted on Figures 24 and 23A, respectively, shall be provided along Pauba Road and Margarita Road. 8) A development plan will be submitted to and approved by the City Planning Department prior to development of the site. 9) Please referto Section IILA.1 through IILA.8 forthe following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: IILA.I. Specific Land Use Plan IILA.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan III.A.2. Circulation Plan III.A.6. Grading Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans 1[I.A.8. Landscaping Plan Q 10) Please see Design Guidelines, Section IV, for related criteria. PALOMA DEL SOL ]II. SPECIFIC PLAN Srec~FlC Pun No. 219/AMENDA~NT No. 8 (Specific Plan SP-0) Page III-138 q_~ 6 F Z W W F H cc z w } J. F Q Z ~ N ~ O ~ Z N p m _Q m U~ ¢~ ¢LL CA LL ~N Qv~ .. W I ~''`' it , (. t... r \ .' ` `~ {.`` t. c. ~. F 1\ .'` _ .`\,. ~~. ~~~. ~, `~ .~ c J Q (O H m W ~ J ~ LL U_ m CO N ~. 6 ~:~. H Z W Q ~ w Q w z H o w a ~ Z U E ~ ~ 0 Z ~ ~ U " N ~ ~ J W } m d m Q ~ U 03 ti Q LL 0 m N a ~ 2 .. J ,,., U J 0] a O U J CO d 2 W H Z W U W ~ U U o ~ N ~~ ~. ~ ~ ~ R R ~ p ~ A p ~ r Ie \ ^n ~ i F e 3 ~ Ip p pR e~3 _I j ~.~~ ~._..~ IR / p i ~ i H Z W g w t- w a U W N Z ~ ~ a J } m Y n ~ m 3 m. ~ ~rn Q. rn ~LL LL N Q ~ U ., ^, ;~ ,}, i.., r ~~ _' Q Q w Y ~~ N o a sa 2 V LL C ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ z a ~<~o ~ ~ u TS oa F. ~~ `~ ~o a my a ~~ M ~~ J /O d I J W 0 ~ J W W ~., a 35. Planning Area 35 a.. a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 35, as depicted by Figures 1511 and I SJJ, provides for community open space, a paseo trail system, and community recreational activity nodes. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Ordinance No. 97-O1 (See SP Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Paseo entry statements (Figure 39) will be provided at the following street intersections: o Amarita Way (4 locations) o Sunny Meadows Drive (I location) o Butterfield Stage Road (1 location) 2) Community Paseo Entries with pedestrian crossings will be located on each side of Meadows Parkway where the Community Paseo intersects Meadows Parkway (See Figure 50). 3) A Community Paseo trail system will be located throughout Planning Area 35. 0 PALOMA DEL $OL ^ I. $PECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMGM NO. S (Specific Plan SP-4) Page III-140 w ~ U Q X11 ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~} LL ~ 0 ~ _ ~Q ~ H ~a W ~~ ~ ~ ~¢ z w w ~ g w a F ~m ~ ti m Z ~ 2 ti j > ~ rn a o 0[ rn ~ ii N ~ o \ F m g N ~ e~ Z m ~ y W m m w~ U .`~7a~ ~ ~ w LL . ao~ \ ~ m ,, m ~ {m~~ a m o ' e, y~ t Q~~• T 7 Q 0 ~ ~ ° ~ W m a ~"~.t! ~~ ~V,, O~~ ?~/ ~ \~\J{~ C~ ~ T ~ Q O l m N c' J~~ ~ ~~. N D n N yyyy ~~~ _ ~ F', Z 5 ~;~ b ~ ~ ~ ~" ` <, ~ , w '' ~ f~ J S U j r S ~ ~ , Q ~ `, "7711 . N U Q .~ Q d ~_: ~ ~< o Z m 0. W r r f ~'~r/l W w ~ I W ~. ~.t~ ~ of r'~ ` ~_ ~~ ~. o ~._ o. 4 ~ rn ¢a < , ~ ~`O T a ti ~ ~~~ 4 , ^~' w l C7 ~ Qo M ~ °u+ W n co ~ m /y~ = a 0 T Q O ~ W N d m /./ O w a Zo W N U v ~~ ~..D,-~ ' o w ,. D,, Q ~ a r't °' ~' ~ H zm LL m U ~? ~; , ~~~ '°° OOO ~ 1 Q S (7 _ ¢ j 0 ~ 7 ~ m W ~ ¢ o r ~ o v1 W of N C n N '•""VJ~J~2y. 0000 OGO Hy N H J V (MOa ~ S$ w c @~ 3" Wq ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ _- w 3~ ~o ~ ~. ~a H ~~ ~~ Qo a av a~~ ~~ a r J O b ~J J o w c~ w (7 Z Z Z Q J a Q O Z O L~ = 1~ -~ w W Q Cs ~ w ~ U ~ a ww °' r ~ o ~, ~~~o w ~ _ ~¢ F ~a ~ ~ Oz L w UQ =<o 0 0°_ *- W ,; m ~ U 7 1- ~ H p W <o ~ N ry } ~ ~ F T... 0 W o W Oa wm a ` _ ~ 1~ M W 2 Q u i7 Z Z Z a J a O^ Z¢ J = U v~i Q 3 ~ .. a_ a c r~ r- m z `_ ~ o, LL • 0 y U- } ~ F M ZZ m w W ~ _a OwLL w~ m a u~i ~' ~a o N ~O n W m ip ~ _ C7 M ~ a o r _~ ° ~ ~ n ~ W ~Q~ Ct o ~ P T ~yJ < N = U O ~ ~ o n W ~ m \ ~! c ~ {y~ O ~T = U o T U %J T fJJ ° (s`j~f ~ O W 7 J M1 w Q Q ° 0 W e i~j < ~ ~'~ N W 2 U lA Q a F o n H W o O ~ a °' LL 03w ti •, ~ a ~ ~ N~~ C=7 0 ~ 8 r U @E Wa 4L ~W~s~ N~ ~, <~ :a P. 3~ ~o ~ ~. ~a H ~~ °~ ~o ~-~ rn:v a ~~ J J J W O W L~ r J w w Q 36. Planning Area 36 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 36, as depicted on Figure 15A, provides for the development of 2.5 acres of Neighborhood Commercial use. Atypical site plan is depicted in the Design Guidelines, Figure 42A. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-01 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided from Margarita Road and De Portola Road. Access points, as depicted, are conceptual. Access shall be determined when tract maps or development plans are submitted. 2) A Minor project entry statement will be provided at the intersection of Margarita Road and De Portola Road at the northwest boundary of the Planning Area. (See Figures 35 and 36.) 3) Roadway landscape treatments, as depicted on Figures 23A and 23B, shall be provided along Margarita Road and De Portola Road. 4) A Class I bicycle trail will be located in De Portola Road to the north of the Planning Area as shown on Figure 6. 5) A Secondary Pedestrian Linkage, as depicted in Figure SOA, will be located between Planning Areas 36 and 38. 6) Please refer to Section III.A.1 through III.A.8 for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: III.A.I . Specific Land Use Plan III.A.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan III.A.2. Circulation Plan III.A.6. Grading Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans III.A.8. Landscaping Plan 7) Please see Design Guidelines, Sections IVA-C, for criteria related to architecture and landscape architecture. 8) A Development Plan will be required for definition form and uses of each commercial area. 9) Waste disposal containers will be limited to designated, confined areas set aside for solid waste collection. 0) A minimum of one Neighborhood entry statement will be provided along De Portola Road (See Figure 37). 11) A pedestrian connection between the community/neighborhood commercial uses in Planning Areas 1 and 38 and this planning area shall be provided as illustrated on Figure SOA and SOC. PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLnn No. 219/AMENDMENT No. 8 (Specific Plan SP~4) Page III-143 12) Pedestrian plazas shall be provided as shown on Figure SOA. 13) Planning Area 36 lies within the Paloma del Sol Village Center and is therefore subject to the Village Center Design Guidelines as contained in Section IV.D of this specific plan. These guidelines contain standards and examples pertaining to pedestrian oriented design (Section IV.D.2.b), building scale (Section IV.D.2.c), intensification (Section IV.D.2.d), parking design (Section IV.D.2.e), signage (Section IV.D.2.f) and transit provisions (Section IV.D.2.g). 37. Planning_Area 37 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 37, as depicted on Figure 15F, provides for the development of 9.5 acres for a neighborhood park. A conceptual site plan is provided in the Design Guidelines, Section IVB. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-01 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Access to the Planning Area will be provided From Campanula Way and De Portola Road. 2) A Class I bicycle trail will be located adjacent to De Portola Way . Additionally, a Class I bicycle trail and a Class II bicycle lane will be located along Campanula Way (See Figure 6). 3) For park concept design plans, see the Design Manual section ofthis Specific Plan, Section 1 V.B. This facility has been constructed and is fully operable. 4) Roadway landscape treatments, as depicted in Figures 23B and 27, shall be provided along De Portola Road and Campanula Way. 5) A project intersection entry statement will be provided at the intersection of De Portola Road and Campanula Way at the northwestern boundary of the Planning Area (see Figure 38). 6) A landscaped transition area, as typified by Figures 13B or ] 3C, shall be created between the Planning Area and Planning Areas 6A and 6B to assist in the distinction between residential and pazk/recreation area land uses. 7) Please referto Section III.A.1 through III.A.B for the following Development Plans and Standards that apply site-wide: IILA.1. Specific Land Use Plan IILA.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan IILA.2. Circulation Plan IILA.6. Grading Plan III.A.3. Drainage Plan III.A.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan III.A.4. Water and Sewer Plans III.A.8. Landscaping Plan 8) Please see Design Guidelines, Sections IVA-C, for criteria related to architecture and landscape architecture. PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN SrECIFlC Pw,N NO.219/AMENDn~Nr NO. 8 (Specific Plan SP-4) Page•III-144 O 9) Planning Area 37 lies within the Paloma del Sol Village Center and is therefore subject to the Village Center Design Guidelines as contained in Section IVD of this Specific Plan. These guidelines contain standards and examples pertaining to pedestrian oriented design (Section 38. Planning Area 38 a. Descriptive Summary Planning Area 38, as depicted on Figure 15A, provides for the development of 8.0 acres of Community/Neighborhood Commercial use. A conceptual site plan is depicted in the Design Guidelines, Section IV. b. Land Use and Development Standards Please refer to Zone Ordinance No. 97-01 (See S.P. Zone Ordinance Tab). c. Planning Standards 1) Primary vehicular access into the Planning Area will be provided from Campanula Way.Access points, as depicted, are conceptual. Access shall be determined when development plans are submitted. O 2) A project intersection entry statement, as depicted on Figure 38, will be provided at the intersection of De Portola Road and Campanula Way. 3) A minimum of one Commercial entry statement shall be provided along Campanula Way (see Figure 37). Details for the Major and Minor Commercial entry statements are depicted in Figures 42B through 42F. 4) Roadway landscape treatments, such as those depicted on Figures 23B and 27, respectively, shall be provided along De Portola Road and Campanula Way. The primary character of the commercial frontage shall consist of extensive turf mounding, grouped trees and shrubs. 5) A Class 1 bicycle trail will be located along De Portola Road and a Class I bicycle trail and a Class II bicycle lane will be located along the east side of Campanula Way adjacent to the Planning Area as shown on Figure 6. 6) Pedestrian access between Planning Area 38 and Planning Areas 1, l(b) and 36 shall be provided as shown on Figures 15KK, SOA and SOC. A landscaped transition area, as typified by Figures 136 and 13C, shall be created between Planning Area 38 and Planning Areas I, I(b) and 36. A secondary pedestrian linkage [o Planning Area 36 shall be provided as shown on Figures I SKK and SOA. 7) Vehicular access driveways shall be provided to connect Planning Area 38 with Planning Areas 1 and 26 (see Figure ISKK). O PALOAIA DEL SOL ~ ^I. SPECIFIC PL.4D7 SPECIFIC PL.~N NO. 219/AbIENDbIENT NO. 8 (Specific Plan SP-d) Page III-I4~ O 8) PleaserefertoSectionIILA.IthroughIILA.8forthefollowingDevelopmentPlansandStandards that apply site-wide: IILA.1. Specific Land Use Plan IILA.S. Public Facility Sites Phasing Plan III.A.2. Circulation Plan (ILA.6. Grading Plan IILA.3. Drainage Plan IILA.7. Open Space and Recreation Plan [ILA.4. Water and Sewer Plans [ILA.8. Landscaping Plan 9) Planning Area 38 lies within the Paloma del Sol Village Center and is therefore subject to the Village Center Design Guidelines as contained in Section IVD of this specific plan. These guidelines contain standards and examples pertaining to pedestrian oriented design (Section IV.D.2.6), building scale (Section IV.D.2.c), intensification (Section IV.D.2.d) and signage (Section [V.D.2.f). 10) Please see Design Guidelines, Section IV.B.3.c for general criteria pertaining to design .of commercial areas and Section IV.B.3.c.1, for criteria related to siting and orientation of commercial uses. II) The commerciallaridusespermittedwithinthisPlanningAreaaredesignatedintheSpecificPlan Zoning Ordinance. l2) A Development Plan will be required for definition form and uses of each commercial area. Existing uses in Planning Areas 1 a andl b (commercial center) may be rebuilt for the term of the respective Development Agreement. The right to rebuild is extended for an additional 15 year covenant period for rebuilding in the event of damage, destruction or remodeling beyond the term of the development agreement. 13) Waste disposal containers will be limited to designated, confined areas set aside for solid waste collection. 14) Pedestrian plazas shall be provided as shown on Figure 15KK and Figure SOA. O PALOMA DEL SOL tII. SPECIFIC PLAN SPECIFIC PLAN No.219/AMeNDtiieNr No. 8 (Specific Plan SP-0) Page III-146 W a O F- OWW Z ON ~O 61 f O ~ z Q ~ M Q ~~ Wo aF ~ ~q~ ~:i W ~ Q ~ Z ~ g Q na ,~' z U' a~ Ana y 0 w U y Q ~W Q 2 C~ ~ ~z zr "' ~ r _~_ ~w >~ JOJU LL Q O~ z ,... ~z ~ W z - P~ Oz wa °~> Na wo Uw U 5~ UW 2H J~ w g -0 . Ow ~w z~ 9~ mo ZZJ 0 Nm W ~ fD r w w~ a aam U rn o" ~~ T /Q N LL. 7j0~ N C d yWQ Zn rn Y zdzd ti W Z J Q N dJa~.. W Z a w r- m w 0 w a y ~° y~ wQ ~a QO ay M ~3 UW Q W d' >O ~ ~~ W u e i-. „ c ^ _' 8 o a~ U ~~ ~ ~c ~ .~ ~~ e a a. ,~^ - ` Rs x"~ ~< F m~ €~ ~~ ~ v a cev ar~ = V ~/ J W I ill O J W W ~ o 0 -O C. PROJECT PHASWG 1. Phasing Plan It is expected that the proposed project will be phased over a 10-year period, in response to market demands, according to a logical and orderly extension of roadways, public utilities and infrastructure. (See Figure 16, Conceptual Phasing Plan; Table VI, Phasing Table.) 2. Phasin¢ Standards a. The maximum dwelling unit total for any single family planning area as modified by paragraph 2 below may not be exceeded. A Specific Plan Amendment shall not be required as long as the number of dwelling units in each single family planning area as listed does not exceed the total allowable under paragraph 2 below. , b. Prior to issuance of building permits, improvement plans for the respective landscaped areas, or plans to mitigate an environmental impact for that stage of development, shall be submitted to the City Planning Department for approval. The improvement plans shall include, but not be limited to the following: o Final grading plan. O o Irrigation plans certified by a landscaped architect. o A landscaping plan with seed mixes for mulching and staking methods; locations, type, size and quantity of plantings. o Fence treatment plans. o Special treatment/bufferavea Veatment plans. c. Each planning area shall include development of common open space areas as specified in the Planning Area standards and infrastructure. d. Construction of the development permitted hereby, including recordation of final subdivision maps, may be done progressively in stages, provided adequate vehicular access is planned or bonded for all dwelling units and commercial area in each stage of development and further provided that such phase of development conforms substantially with the intent and purpose of the Specific Plan phasing program. O PALOMA DEL SOL III. SPECIFIC PLAN Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 Page III-148 f. F' ~ _ > > ~ w w W W W• ~ _ = x s x @s a n. a a a ~ ° ° °o ~ J o 0 0 W 2 ~ W ? w y U ~ Z ¢ O U ~ f- Z W W J Z F- Q 3~ U W w a o o ~ ~ ~ ~ w x~ Z o W u. o ~ U ¢ w N ? > U O w m~ W¢ ~' W O ~ < ~' R d W O y w ~ w ~ ¢ ate. w< Y Q X W¢ o y m ¢ W W ¢~ W Z ? ~ < S F U Wp ~- w c7 ~ m w z a a o z o "' H U w a p~¢ f- w 0 z ~ ~p .-r Y Y= ~ N w - o' g a$ U ~ e~ ~~ .~ s ~~ ~~ w ~~~u ~ a H a~ ~~ of o crv a ~1 .. ~.~.~ ICI 33g~ >~~ , ~ N$ j O ~~~~~ ~~ ~~~' O ~~ } ~ ' -~ - -- ,~ °~ ~ ~~ ~~aW< ~ ~ ~~a m ,~ . W 0 Q O O O 0 Table 4 DEVELOPMENT PHASING O Phase Use P-Area g Acres M m D.U. s 1 I Medium 17 73.0 325 Medium 18 32.0 146 Medium 31 67.0 214 Medium 33 37.0 165 Medium High 15 17.0 93 Medium High 20 40.0 220 Medium High 21 36.8 202 Medium High 22 64.0 352 Medium High 16 49.2 271 Neighborhood Park 37 9.5 -- Elementary School 7 11.0 -- Elementary School 32 10.0 - Junior High School 30 20.0 -- Da Care Center 34 2.0 - Subtotal 468.5 1,988 II Medium 9 44.0 ]36 Medium ]0 78.0 351 Medium 14 49.5 231 Medium 25 16.0 67 Medium High 2 20.0 120 Medium High 3 44.8 254 Medium High 13 32.0 166 Elementary School I 1 10.0 -- Park or Recreation Area ] 2 7.4 -- Park or Recreation Area 19 7.7 - Comm/Neigh/Commercial I 11.0 - Nei hborhood Commercial 36 2.5 -- Subtotal 322.9 1,325 III Medium 4 43.2 188 Medium 5 35.5 152 Medium (Senior Community) 8 89.0 400** Medium Hi h 23 56.6 256 Subtotal 224.3 996 PALOMA DEL SOL Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 III. SPECIFIC PLAN Page III-150 Q 0 O Phase Use P1A ea g Acres- M m D.U. s IV High 6A 22.3 268 Very High 6B 12.0 240 Comm/Neigh/Commercial 38 8.0 - Comm/Nei h/Commercial la. & lb. 24.0 - Subtotal 66.3 508 V Medium 26 29.5 130 Medium 28 49.4 190 Park 29 5.0 - Open Space 27 9.0 - Park/Recreation Area 24 1.0 -- Subtotal 93.9 320 Other Major Streets - 102.2 - Land Greenbelt Paseos 35 31.9 - Uses Roadwa Paseos -- 81.5 -- Subtotal 215.6 - PROJECT TOTAL 1,391.5 5,137** ** Assumes that Planning Area 8 is developed with its maximum unit count of 400 du. PALOMA DEL SOL Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 III. SPECIFIC PLAN Page III-151 D. MAINTENANCE DISTRICTS Successful operation of maintenance districts and associations are important in maintaining quality in the project area. It is anticipated that maintenance responsibilities for common project facilities will be divided among a Master Homeowners Association, Neighborhood Associations and/or the Temecula Community Services District (TCSD) or similar financing mechanism. This decision regarding thisjoint assessment program will be made at a future stage of project design and review in concert with City agencies. Master Homeowners Association If not included within the TCSD or similar public maintenance mechanism, common areas identified in the Specific Plan may be maintained by a permanent private master maintenance organization. Areas of responsibility may include the pazk, recreation areas, expanded parkways, and paseos. 2. Residential Neighborhood Associations In certain residential areas of the project smaller associations may be fonned to assume maintenance responsibility for common areas and facilities that benefit only residents in those areas. Potential private recreation centers, common open space areas, and potential private roadways exemplify facilities that will come under the jurisdiction ofa neighborhood association. A residential neighborhood association will be formed if the Senior Community is implemented in Planning Area 8 and will assume O maintenance responsibility for all common areas and facilities within the Senior Community. 3. Commercial Areas These planning areas may have their own private associations. If no association is formed, a common area fee may be assessed to cover common area maintenance. 4. Ooen Soace and Parks All open space and park and recreation areas which are not directly associated with a particular neighborhood, will be the responsibility of either a Master Homeowner's Association, Temecula Community Service District (TCSD), or public facilities maintenance area. 5. Project Roadway All public project roadways will be designed and constructed to standards acceptable to the City and will therefore be entered into the City system of roads for operation and maintenance. Medians and traffic circles built to City and TCSD standards will be maintained (within the public right-of--way) by TCSD. PAwnu neL So[. III. SPECIFIC Ptr1N Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 Page III-152 6. School Site It is anticipated that all future school sites will be overseen by the Temecula Valley Unified School District. O PALOMA DEi, SOG III. SPECIFIC PLAN Specific Plan No. 219/Amendment No. 8 Page III-153 O ~o ®ESIGN ~UIIDELINES A. PURPOSE AND INTENT The Design Guidelines for the PALOMA DHL SOL Specific Plan have been devised as a method of achieving a high quality, cohesive design fabric forthe community that will develop within PALt1Mn ixa. SOL. More specifically, the purpose of these Design Guidelines is: ~ To provide the City of Temecula with the necessary assurance that the Specific Plan area will develop in accordance with the quality and character proposed herein; n To provide guidance to developers,builders,engineers,architects, landscapearchi[ects,andother professionals in order to maintain the desired design quality; ~ To provide guidance to City staff, the Planning Commission and the City Council in the review of future development projects in the Specific Plan area; e To provide guidance in the formulation of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for the use of land in the Specific Plan area; and O ~ To provide guidance in the formulation of concise development guidelines for the various planning areas within the Specific Plan boundaries. The Design Guidelines provided herein are intended as a living document. They are intended to be flexible and are therefore illustrative in nature. Over time, they can therefore, respond to unanticipated conditions, such as changes in lifestyles, buyer's taste, economic conditions, community desires and the marketplace. PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN NO.219/AMENDMENT NO.B (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-9) Page N-1 0 B. ARCHITECTURAL GUIDELINES 1. Puruose This section sets forth the architectural characterelements which comprise the theme for the community. The purpose is to set a framework of quality standards within which the individual developer/designer will be afforded the greatest possible opportunity for creativity and innovation. The objective is to encourage quality design, not to limit it. , An additional objective is to establish a unique community identity as well as provide a variety of housing opportunities for the consumer. D OBJECTIVES o To provide a variety of housing opportunities and lifestyles to the consumer, at all economic levels. o To extend and reinforce the perception ofa high quality environment in Rancho California; a clean, safe, quiet, open, uncrowded and semi-rural environment. PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. $ (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES Page IV-2 Nothing in this section is intended to modify applicable jurisdictional codes or restrictions. Ifthere is a conflict, the more restrictive requirement will apply. .~ 0 o To establish a unifying theme which would give a strong identity to the community; a "sense of place". o To create planned diversity--that is, a variety of visual experiences and richness of visual image. To create vitality by the arrangement of disparate parts within an organized whole. o Address environmental factors; climate, topography, etc. -Address the historical context of the area. o The selection of an overall architectural theme for the entire community. o To establish an appropriate scale to the architecture, that of a true community and neighborhood serving shopping center. o To select neighborhood styles or sub-styles which encourage variation of material and color palette and architectural detail. o Other values reinforced by the architecture: ~ Distinctiveness ~ Permanence o Strong relationship to the outdoor environment PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 21S/AMENDMENT NO. 8 (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) "1 \ ~ ` in, ti ~,t ,.\` I~, ~~jY';I ~~,: `,, '~~- IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES Page IV-3 O 2. Basic Theme A complete description of suggested architectural styles is contained in Item 4 ofthis section. The styles described represent a range of architectural expression and are not assigned to specific parcels. Within this range, there are numerous substyles and variations which are acceptable. O We have selected Eclectic Mediterranean as the master style for the community. There is historical precedent to support the appropriateness of Mediterranean styles in Southern California. The basic vocabulary ofthis range of styles; substantial monolithic forms, deepset openings, masonry wall and roof materials, light earthtone color palette, are particularly well-suited to the Temecula - Rancho Califomia environment with its seasonal extremes of climate and gently rolling topography. Within this master style there are numerous sub-styles and variations which are acceptable. (See Item 4 for description of styles). l~ PALOMA bEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN N0.219/AMENDMENT NO.B (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) PagB IV-4 O Because the majority of the project will consist of single-family residences in the medium density ranges,there is an opportunity to create visual unity through control ofbasic building forms and massing. However, in order to avoid "sameness" and monotony, the widest possible variety of architectural expression will be allowed (i.e. choices). Examples of prohibited styles would include: o New England, Cape Cod, shingle style, nautical theme. o Period revivals, such as mission or colonial. o Modern or international. o Other styles which deviate substantially from those outlined in this section. O O PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. S (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) Page IV-S mIn ' set I back. T O 3. Architectural Guidelines The following section is divided as follows: a Genera! Cri[eria -applies to all land use areas and all development within those areas. a Medium-High and High Density Housing -criteria which applies specifically to these land use areas. o Neighborhood Commercial Uses -criteria which applies specifically to these land use areas. a. General Criteria I) Form Scale and Massing 0 APPROPRIATE o Single-story volumes at front setbacks and at street corners. o Slopes or stepped second-story volumes at front of building. o Unbroken two-story volumes must be set back by an additional distance; one foot O horizontally for each foot of building height above the first-story plate line. 0 PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. 8 (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. $P-4) Page IV-6 O o Articulated walls to create strong shadows and visual interest. o Bold projections and recesses. o Use of 45 degree angles in plan and elevation. o Simple monolithic building forms conveying an impression of solidity and permanence. o Raised banding and relief at eaves, openings and chimneys. o Variation in plate height, greater than 8' plate height. o Symmetrical or asymmetrical plans as appropriate to designated style. o Variation in ridge line height and alignment. o Floor plans should be arranged [o provide usable private exterior spaces such as atriums, patios and recessed entries. ^~ INAPPROPRIATE. o Unbroken second-storyvolumes(not slopedorsteppedbackfromfrontandrearminimum setbacks). o Plain, straight wall planes, not otherwise articulated by form, fenestration or materials. O PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN NO.219/AMENDMENT NO.B (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES Page IV-7 2) Residential Roof Forms and Materials ^0 APPROPRIATE Q W ide variety of masonry roof materials encouraged such as, concrete shake-tile, clay file product sand slate. o Roof material palette should contain more than one color to achieve a variegated appearance. o. Masonry materials with integral color are preferable to surface glazed materials. o Sloped roofs with hips, gables or combinations thereof are mandatory. Flat roofs are allowed up [0 20 percent of total roof area in residential areas. o Roof pitches as appropriate to the designated style, but in no case less than 4:12. o Clipped eaves to broad overhangs where used to provide shading. o Simple fascia detailing o Variation in ridge line height and alignment o Low parapets 0 INAPPROPRIATE o Brightly colored glazed the o Flat roofs in excess of 20 percent of total roof area. Q PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN NO.219/AMENDMENT NO.B (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) Page IV-8 3) Exterior Materials and Colors D APPROPRIATE o Predominantly stucco, plaster and masonry as primary watt materials. o Minimal use of wood except as trim or accent material. o Wood products must be of sufficient quality to accept semi-transparent stains. o Smooth-textured stucco and plaster, may have uneven surface to recall hand-worked appearance. o Where timber is used, must be substantial in proportion and appearance. o Light earthtone colors on primary wall surfaces. o Contrasting trim colors. o Limited use of selected accent colors which complement the designated color scheme. o Where architectural materials (such as stone or brick) are applied to a facade, those materials must be applied to the side elevations where visually prominent, and wrapped around corners by 4' minimum. o Materials changes should be used to visually breakup two-story elevations. o Apply architectural treatments to all elevations, especially where prominently visible, as at street corners. 0 O ^~ INAPPROPRIATE o Materials or colors other than those listed as appropriate. o Over application of bright accent or trim colors. PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN N0.219/AMENDMENT NO. S (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-S) IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES Page IV-9 4) .Fenestration ^ APPROPRIATE o Variety of window treatments, unusual window placement. o Divided lights to reduce scale of large windows and provide visual interest. o Color accented frames and mullions, white or dark anodized. o Shutters as architectural feature. o Arched, character, greenhouse and bay windows. o Pot shelves below windows or as recesses in wall plane. o Deep se[ openings conveying impression of wall thickness and creating strong shadows. o Projecting windows o High windows, transom windows, clerestory windows. 0 0 o Window balconies o Focal windows o Window grilles of metal, wood or masonry o Dormer windows, skylights, roof windows o Glass block o French Doors o Dutch doors o Decorative brass or anodized hardware PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. S (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES Page IV-10 O ^D INAPPROPRIATG o Plain exterior doors where visually prominent. o Exclusive use ofconventional aluminum frame windows without architectural treatment, such as trim, divided lines, projecting or recessed, e[c. o Reflective glass. O O PALOMA net SoL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN N0.219/AMENDMENT NO. S (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) Page IV-I I O 5) Private R~alls and Fences D APPROPRIATE o Incorporation of walls and fences into the architecture of the buildings. o Use of pot shelves, low planters, niches, recesses. o Low garden walls which can serve as seating and flat display surfaces. o Gateways, portals, openings which "frame" a view. o Gates located to provide physical access to public open spaces, paseos or enhanced landscape edges. o Use of thematic materials and colors appropriate to the designated architectural style. o Project wall design must be consistent with community wall program. o Height, proportions and scale must be sympathetic [o architecture of adjacent buildings. o Pilasters with prominent bases and caps. o Movement of wall forms vertically and horizontally. o All private rear and side yards are to be enclosed by a fence, front yard areas or entry courts as appropriate. o Walls and fences must be finished to equal standards on both sides, especially where . visible to the public. o Substantial proportions conveying visual impression of solidity and permanence. o Wrought iron grillwork and see-through fencing wherever possible to provide visual access to open space. O o Decorative masonry or wood caps, raised plaster banding and relief work. ~~ O PALOMA nEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. S (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) Page IV-12 0 0 ^o INAPPROPRIATE o Plain walls, not otherwise articulated by form, materials or alignment. o Materials inconsistent with the designated architectural style such as, plain concrete block or chain link fencing. PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO.B (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) Page IV-13 ..I _o 6) Architectural Features and Details CHIMNEYS ^o APPROPRIATE o Chimneys as integral part ofarchitecture; consistent in form, character, material and color. o Chimney caps appropriate to style, e.g. clay and terra cotta for Spanish style building. o Raised plaster banding, insets, the and masonry accents, other relief work. O INAPPROPRIATE o Exposed flues o Brightly colored caps 0 PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. S (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES Page IV-14 0 PORCHES AND BALCONIES ^~ APPROPRIATE o Covered porches, atrium and exterior spaces. o Freestanding trellises. o Incorporate into architecture. o Second-story balconies and window balconies with wrought iron or wood rails and balistrades, spindled verticals. o Rail-height solid plaster walls to enclose porches, balconies and exterior stairs. o Canvas swings of appropriate color and design. o Use of materials appropriate to designated style. o First and second-story rail-height planter boxes-integral to architecture. 0 O ~~ 4r Yl~y~ f~ r / U 7, J . ~~~ I ~ 1~ V b ~~t/'i iv~I ~ PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. S (SPECIFIC PLAN NU. SP-4) IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES Page IV-15 -+..Y - Vr ~~, i r D INAPPROPRIATE O o Pipe railings o Metal awnings GARAGE DOORS ~ APPROPRIATE o Roll-up doors, wood or metal acceptable. o if painted or stained, color to be same as primary wall or trim color. o Arched openings, recessed openings. o Staggered setbacks for two and three-car garages. o All residential garages attached to main dwelling. o Side-in garages. ~ INAPPROPRIATE o Garages without architectural treatment on side elevations. o Plain plywood doors. o Bright accent colors or metal color. 7) Accessory Structures O ~ APPROPRIATE o Designed as integral part of architecture, i.e. similar materials, continuation of form, attached to primary structure. ~ INAPPROPRIATE o Free standing storage buildings prohibited in any yard area. 8) Shade and Shadow APPROPRIATE o Use of shadow to define building forms with projections, recesses, raised plaster banding or other relief work. o Canvas awnings over glazed areas. o Open or solid trellises to provide shading to primary structure. o Orientation must be considered as to effect shading of exterior yard spaces. INAPPROPRIATE o Building massing which places an adjacent yard space in perpetual shadow. PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO.B (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) Page IV-ts Q b. Medium High, High and Very High Density Housing It is assumed that housing in this density range will be attached product. This presents certain architectural opportunities and limitations due to building massing, parking, pedestrian and service access, etc. Following is a list of additional criteria which apply to these land uses. I) Siting and Orientation ^o APPROPRIATE o Building composites should vary in orientation and siting. o Building composites should be arranged to enclose and define a variety of usable outdoor spaces. o Orient buildings toward an open space element, enhanced edge or recreational area ~~' o Consider solar access; avoid continually shaded areas. o Private entry walks should be well defined and separate from each other. o If parking is provided by other than attached garages, reserved parking must be located in close proximity to dwelling units. o Items listed under General Criteria. ~.../ v PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 2I9/AMENDMENT NO. 8 (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES Page IV-17 2) Form, Scale and Massing O APPROPRIATE o Individual units should be staggered, angled or otherwise offset to afford a sense of individuality to the units, as well as to provide privacy at entries, patios and decks. o Sloped or stepped two-story volumes per General Criteria. o Combination of one- and two-story units with two-story volumes concentrated at center of building composites. o Items listed under General Criteria. 3) Rogf Forms and Materials ^~ APPROPRIATE o Variation in roofline and ridgeline height. o Variation in plate height and alignment. o Steeper roofpitches(10:12to12:12)toaccommodatesecondstoriesandvolumeceilings. o Skylights, light wells, dormers, cupolas, etc., as appropriate to designated architectural style. o Flat roofs limited to 20 percent oftotal roof area for any single unit or building composite. o Items listed under General Criteria. 4) Exterior Materials and Colors ~ APPROPRIATE. o Variation in materials should be used to break up elevations, vertically and horizontally. o Materials changes should occurat logical transition points on the building such as corners, pop-outs, first-story plate line, etc. o Items listed under General Criteria. 5) Fenestration See General Criteria. 6) Private Walls and Fences APPROPRIATE o Wall design is an integral part ofthe architecture and serves to integrate the buildings with the site. o For products of this type, the common area wall is also the wall which encloses private yard space; therefore, o Wall design must provide for privacy of individual units as well as opportunity to access open spaces. Q o Provide both physical and visual access to open space with gates, openings, changes in vertical and horizontal alignment, open fencing, etc. o Items listed under General Criteria. PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENUMENT NO. S (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES Page IV-18 0 INAPPROPRIATE o Chain link fencing. o Plain concrete block walls. 7) Architectural Features and Details PORCHES AND BALCONIES ~ APPROPRIATE o Second-story balcony enclosures should be sufficiently opaque to screen stored items. o Items listed under General Criteria. O PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN NO. Z19/AMENDMENT NO. S (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES Page IV-19 0 EXTERIOR STAIRWAYS ^O APPROPRIATE o Stairway design is an integral part of the architecture; form, materials, and proportions must be consistent with the designated architectural style. O ~ INAPPROPRIATE o Pre-fabricated all metal stairways. O PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. H (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES Page N-20 -o 0 MAILBOXES ^O APPROPRIATE o Mailbox structures should be incorporated into the architecture of the main buildings. o Limit number of mailboxes housed in each location; disperse throughout site. o Mailboxes should be located in covered areas. `u ~ . ~~ .Z .F ;w ti~ /J ~ -}1 r~ ~l. - ~~ ^o INAPPROPRIATE o Freestanding mailbox structure. O ACCESSORY STRUCTURES AND COVERED PARKING tL .. ~. \ -t`Q ..y ~, L' G .~.~. r ^O APPROPRIATE o Accessory structures should be architecturally harmonious with the principal buildings. o Covered parking structures and detached garages must incorporate design elements, materials and finishes similar to those of the residential structures. o Trash enclosures must be consistent with the designated architectural style. o Items listed under General Criteria. PALDMA DEL SDL IV, DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN NO.219/AMENDMENT NO.B tSPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) Page IV-21 o ~. 1 .. ~..~ ~ ..~ ,. _~ VC - H`am` v` J.~ ,1. I 1=~ ~" O ^o INAPPROPRIATH o Open trash enclosures. o Plain concrete block. o Chain link fencing. c. Senior Community Housing Planning Area 8 may be implemented as a Senior Community. If implemented, all architecture within the Senior Community will conform will the general criteria standards established within the Paloma DeISolSpecificPlandesignguidelines. However, toestablishauniquecharacterandneighborhoodieel for the community, architecture within the Senior Commun ity wi I I be distinctive and designed/marketed toward active seniors. Figure 51 depicts a typical street elevation for Senior Community Housing. d. Neighborhood Commercial Three planning areas within PALOMA DEt. SoL are designated as Commercial. The smaller 2.5 ac.) parcel, located in the southwest quadrant ofthe project, is conceived as a true neighborhood commercial site with services and activities intended primarily for use by the local community. The larger (35.0 ac. and 8.0 ac.) sites located at the intersection of Highway 79 and Meadows Parkway, will potentially contain more than 375,000 sq. ft. of both neighborhood and community commercial space and will be a much more active center, attracting users from throughout Temecula. [3ecause of their size and potential impact on surrounding residential neighborhoods, the following criteria apply to the neighborhood commercial portions of the project are set forth in addition to the General Criteria for these parcels. o Os.tECTtves o To provide a variety of services; including general merchandising, home improvement, cultural and entertainment opportunities, food and restaurant services and general or med ical/dental office uses. This area will be organized into a series of retail villages to provide the community with easy, efficient and logical shopping choices. o To provide the opportunity for a broad spectrum of uses such as food and produce markets, general retail, specialty shops, restaurants and cafes, casual dining shops, theaters, exercise/dance studios, medical and professional offices, community-oriented activities and outdoor vendors. o To create an attractive commercial development, sympathetic in scale and aesthetic to adjacent residential development. o To integrate these various activities into awell-designed commercial center which fits into the community. PALOMA OEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. S (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) Page tV-ZZ O I) Siting and Orienlution ^o ANNROI~aiA'rr o Buildings should be arranged to create and/or enclose a variety of outdoor spaces; plazas, squares, eating areas, usable open space, etc. SEE FIGURES 16A, 16B, and 16C o Open areas must be large enough to be usable, and not so large as to appear "empty"; 25 to 100 feet in width is generally appropriate. o Commercial units should vary in orientation and be clustered to create zones of similar activities. o Such "clusters" should be dispersed throughout the site to reduce the impact of development on neighboring residential areas. o Parking should be located in close proximity to shopping clusters. o Vehicular and pedestrian circulation routes should be well separated and defined by landscape and site design elements. o The use of common site design elements such as lighting and signage, enriched, paving, landscape treatments [o unify the site. o Variations in store front elevations. o Consider solar access; avoid continually shaded areas. o Locate smallest building masses at periphery of site along the Highway 79 frontage, largest building masses concentrated in central portions along Campanula Way and at the south east corner of PA 1(b). o The village core shall consist of complimentary buildings that promote interaction. 0 PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN N0.219/AMENDMENT NO.B (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) Page IV-23 b H n ~ Y N ~ ~{ C7 0 ~ 8~ LL C ~~ ~p a ~~ ~ ~~ _~ ~~~a (~F a~ x~ L--~ ~ ~ N != q.17 V ~ .. ~~ ~~~ `' '' ~~~, +~~~~~~ ,, -~ ~ w ~ ® o ~ J e ~ ~ N q C7 0 ~ 8~ LL C~~aSp q k ~~ ~~ n'. F ~~ ~~ ~o~ acv N a~ ~ 1 ~I 1 - 1 1\~~~ ~~ ~` ~1 /~ O O i ~~ I I ~ 1 LL I' Il ~! W ~ _ ~ 9 e~ ~ ~ 41d 0 v ~ y G~ y ~ T V O ~ 8~ w ~ ~~ dp ~ v~ ~~ a ~~ o w ~a ~a F a~ °~ m, ~ ~ o crv a~ - J ~ C~ Z sl _ ~ W U ~ ~ ~ ~ L~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ _ ~ ~ O \111 ~.~~ O 0 INAPPROPRIATE o Shopping mall or "strip center" site planning. o Massive concentration of buildings in any single area of the site, surrounded by an uninterrupted expanse of parking. 2) Form Scale and Massing O APPROPRIA"fE o Commercial units should vary in size with adjacency ofscale considered. o Individual facades should be offset or otherwise articulated by projections, recesses, angled or curved surfaces, etc. o Combination ofone- and two-story volumes, with second story volumes concentrated at center of building composite or adjacent to Highway 79. o Two-story volumes should be stepped or sloped as per General Criteria. o A wide diversity of storefronts is encouraged within the parameters of the designated architectural style. o Facades should be designed to provide a variety of display and viewing opportunities, as opposed to continuous "storefront" glazing. o Architectural proportions and details must be sympathetic to a residential scale. o Items listed under General Criteria. O ^O INAPPROPRIATE o Massive building elements; timbers, beams, columns, etc. 3 Exterior Materials and Colors APPROPRIA'I~G o The commercial aspect of this development is an integral part of the community. The materials and colors should relate directly to the motif, palette and scale of the surround- ing residential development. o Somewhat brighter accent colors may be used but must be harmonious with adjacent neighborhoods and generally residential in character. o Items listed under General Criteria. ~ INAPPROPRIATE o Too-bright, garish colors on buildings and/or signage. o High-tech, industrial grade finishes and fixtures. PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN NO.21H/AMENDMENT NO. S (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) Page IV-27 /~ 4) Roof Forms and Materials o Varied roofline and ridgeline heights. o Details to add visual interest to the roofscape; dormers, cupolas, skylights, lightwells, theme towers, stair towers, etc. o Window tops which break the roof line at the eave. o Incorporate two-story volumes into stepped or sloped roof areas as per General Guidelines. o Steep roof pitches (greater than 6:12). o Flat roof area is limited to up to 90 percent of total roof area as approved by the Planning Manager. o Eave and fascia details should be sympathetic to a residential scale. o Items listed under General Criteria. ^o INAPPROPRIATE o Thick, heavy fascias, beams and rafters. 5) Fenestration ^ APPROPRIATE O o A variety of window and door treatments in elevation. o All building openings should be "human scale". o Building openings which are deeply recessed or bold projections to create shadow and visual interest. o Divided lite windows, character windows, bay windows, etc. o Wood frame windows and doors. o Colorful awnings as accents over windows and doors. o A wide variety of display and merchandising windows. o Doors should be selected to be compatible with a residential scale architecture in a commercial, heavy use context. ^o INAPPROPRIATE o Large expanses of conventional "storefront" glazing and large plate glass windows. O PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN NO.219/AMENDMENT NO. H (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) Page IV-28 O 6) Walls and Fences APPROPRIATE o Walls and fences are an integral part of the architecture of the commercial development and help to visually link it to the rest of the community. o Walls should be designed to provide adequate security and visual screening, as well as to define pedestrian and vehicular circulation. o Materials, colors and proportions should beconsistentwiththearchitectureofsurrounding residential neighborhoods. o Variation in vertical and horizontal continuity is encouraged. o Landscape treatments should be used to soften walls and integrate them with their environment. o Items listed under General Criteria. ^o INAPPROPRIATE o Heavy duty fixtures and finishes such as used in high traffic shopping malls and strip centers. 7) Architectural Features and Details O ^o APPROPRIATE o It is important that architectural detailing is consistent with the generally residential treatment of the commercial sites. o Proportions, materials and finishes should not appear to be high-tech, heavy duty or industrial grade. o Fixtures and finishes should be selected for their contribution to the overall theme of the development. o Items listed under General Criteria. INAPPROPRIATE o Heavy duty fixtures and finishes such as used in high traffic shopping malls and strip centers. 8) Accessory Structures and Service Areas ^ APPROPRIATE o Structures which are used for storage or trash collection must not be visible from surrounding residential neighborhoods. o Such structures must be located or screened so that the noise impact from delivery trucks and trash pick-up is negligible. /"~ o Service areas and loading docks must not be visible from surrounding residential v neighborhoods. o Items listed under General Criteria. PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO.B (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) Page IV-29 ^o INAPPROPRIATE o Open trash enclosures. o Chain link enclosures. 9) Lighting ^o APPROPRIATE o A lower level of general illumination is encouraged, including site lighting, interiors and exteriors of buildings. o Low, shielded walkway lighting. o Screen site lighting from direct view by adjacent residential neighborhoods. o Low voltage spot lighting of display areas, signs and directional aids. o Conform with applicable Mt. Palomar lighting restricted zone requirements. ^~ INAPPROPRIATE o High level of site and parking lot illumination. o Flood lighting of building facades, signs or landscaping. 10) _ Mechanical Equipment ( ) ^~ APPROPRIATE o The neighborhood commercial areas are likely to be prominently visible from nearby residential neighborhoods. It is, therefore, necessary for all mechanical equipment to be screened from view. o Equipment must also be shielded for sound transmission and noise levels from such sources must be negligible in residential neighborhoods. o Screening must be incorporated into the architecture with similar materials and finishes. o^ INAPPROPRIATE. o Screen wal Is must not appear as an after-thought;such as a rooftop wooden fence or chain link enclosure. 1) Signage Note: The following guidelines are general in nature, but should not be construed as replacing or altering the Signage requirements and criteria mandated by the appropriate sections of the City's Sign Ordinance. PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN NO.219/AMENDMENT NO. S (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) Page IV-30 O 0 APPROPRIATI: o A single thematic sign program for the entire development, which dictates the design of signage for the commercial center as well as for individual units. o Generally small, low key signage program. o Banners and awnings are signage opportunities. o Eye-level signs, window and door signs. o Luminoussignsarediscouragedbutmaybepermittedifcontrolledbyatimerorotherwise conform to Mt. Palomar lighting restricted zone requirements. o Blade signs which are pedestrian oriented 90 degrees to pedestrian pathways. INAPPROPRIATE o Can signs ~./ PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. Z19/AMENDMENT NO. S (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) Page IV-31 O 4. Suggested Architectural Styles -Description and Application Note: The guidelines outlined in Section 3.a., General Criteria, apply to all development within Pntonnn DGL SoL and are required criteria. Following are detailed examples of specific architectural styles that are intended to represent only the general character ofthe project. Within this theme, there are numerous interpretations and sub-styles which are acceptable. These descriptions are not intended to limit creativity and designers are encouraged to be innovative in the application of architectural styling. I ~~~ li ~~~ I I _ L~ O ~~ ~ ~J ~ 1 ~ ~~ `.~ µ 11 ~ - T ~~ i u ii i'~ j , i ~ ~ ~' j I I II . i . i -~-~ I 'I ~~'~ southern french ~ chimneys ~I /~ roof forms ~~ ~ !! windows balconies ~, i I ~~ ~J doors spanish mediterranean O PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO.B (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) Page IV-32 O a. French Eclectic APPROPRIATE o Tall, vertically emphasized building elements and openings. o Arched openings; half round, shallow radius and parabolic. o Pilasters. o Pediments above windows and doors. o Slightly overhanging second stories. o Massive brick, stone or stucco chimneys. o Tall Chimneys. o Round tower element a[ stair enclosure or entry foyer. o Projecting finwalls as extensions of main building walls. o Tall, steeply pitched roofs, which may contain second-story floor areas. o Predominately hipped roofs with occasional side gables. o Roof flared at eaves. 0 y~~ Yt.f,`, ;, P' Vl -. _''~'~`, ~,' I, CCu ICC ~C ~ ~ i ,. ,~ ~ ~ '; ~^'~,,, !CSC' `'~ . ~- . ~:L~,.:-_ ~.,: ~. o Flat roof tile, slate or shake o Clipped eaves or short overhangs. o Soffitted eaves. o Decorative eave brackets, half round brackets. o Multi-colored roof palette. o Clay file as ridgeline cap only. o Smooth stucco as primary wall material. o Brick or stone cladding as secondary wall material, may be used as a half-high wall material. o Rusticated stone as decorative material,quoinesatbuildingcornersandbuildingopenings. o Decorative half-timbering. o French doors, paired doors and windows, decorative raised and glass panel doors. 0 PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO.B (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES Page IV-33 0 ~./ o Divided life, diamond life windows. o Various dormers; arched, circular, hipped, gabled. o Through the cornice dormers and window tops. o Prominent lintels above and below windows. o Decorative shutters. o Regular, formal window placement. o Decorative panel garage doors. o Balustraded porches and balconies. o Cylindrical clay chimney pots. o Decorative vents at gables. o Decorative bracket supports at balconies. .~ 0 ~ INAPPROPRIATE a Round columns. o Spanish file except as noted above. b. Spanish Eclectic ~~ 1e ^D APPROPRIATE o Asymmetrical facades and plans. o Prominent arches above principal building openings. o Arcaded walkways, entry porches. o Covered porches, balconies as extension of main roof form. o Entries accented by columns, pilasters or decorative file work. PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. H (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES Page IV-34 o Low-pitched roofs. o Small overhangs or clipped eaves. o Roof form may be side-gabled, cross-gabled, hipped, combination, flat (limited). o All roof forms may be combined with parapets. o Exclusive use of terra cotta tile; mission or barrel tile, Spanish or S tile. o Small round or square roof towers, cupolas. o Substantial beams, rafters and rafter tails, exposed at overhangs. o Primary wall material: smooth textured plaster or stucco. o Carved or heavy panel doors, glazed doors, paired doors. 0 o One or more large focal windows. o Divided life windows. o Windows may be arched, multiple-arched or parabolic. o Decorative wood or iron window grilles. o Exposed or raised lintels above window and door openings. o Decorative wood or iron balustrades on cantilevered balconies. o Decorative wood bracket supports at balconies. o Elaborated file roofed chimney caps. o Brick, stucco or the attic vents. c. Italian Eclectic ^o APPROPRIATE o Generally symmetrical facades, regular placement of building openings. o Arched building openings. o Arched openings at porches and balconies, usually recessed into main building mass. o Entrance porches accented by columns or pilasters. o Low-pitched roofs. o Simple hipped roof orside-gabled. o Widely overhanging eaves, supported by decorative brackets. o Use of clay roof tiles, flat or barrel. PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. S (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) Page IV-35 o Boxed or soffitted eaves. o Rusticated stone cladding, may be used on first story to plate height. o Smooth stucco as primary wall material. o Rusticated stone or plaster quoines at building corners and openings. o Full-length first-story windows, smaller windows on second story. o Divided life and fan light windows. o Pedimented windows. o Balustraded balconies and windows. o Built-up cornice moldings and banding. o Masonry belt courses and relief work as decorative detail. a^ INAPPROPRIATE o Front facing gables or roof forms other than "appropriate". o Shake or shingle roof materials. o Exposed rafters or beams at roof/wall junction. PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. $ (SPECIFIC PLAN NO. SP-4) IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES Page IV-36 C. LANDSCAPE IDESIGN GUIDELINES AND COMMUNITY ELEMENTS Landscape Design Guidelines a. Introduction The landscape plays a significant role in establishing PALOMA DEL SOUS distinctive character. The community is planned so that it focuses internally maintaining generous setbacks from roads. These circulation element/setback areas become the community and project edges and are utilized as the visual elements to provide landscape and special thematic treatments for the area. The landscape development concept for PALOMA DEL SoL has two (2) main characteristics. The community perimeter streetscenes and major interior collector street scenes are complementary and reinforcive of the established informal landscape character of the surrounding community. Upon entering the individual projects, the landscape transitions into a formal and "urban" setting. This formal neighborhood character establishes a distinctive feeling ofplace that this is "PALOMA DEL SOL". A simple, consistent palette of plant materials and uniform hardscape materials is utilized throughout all streetscenes and greenbelt/paseo, reinforcing a strong sense of community identity. In general, the landscape palette includes a mixture ofdeciduous and evergreen plant materials that are identified with traditional Southern California landscapes and particularly acclimatized to the PALOMA DEL Sol. weather O extremes and soil types. The hardscape materials reflect a contemporary Mediterranean character and anchor the neighborhood edges. Entry monumentation is further addressed in terms of hierarchy or type, location and specific application of design configuration and landscape treatment. A central recreation concept unique to PALOMA DEL SoL is the Greenbelt Paseo. The Greenbelt Paseo has a primary paseo path system which connects the individual neighborhoods, various schools, recreation focal points and community boundaries. Within the individual neighborhoods, a secondary path system completes the overall Greenbelt Paseo path network. The landscape architectural guidelines represent the land scape development concept for the thematic treatment of all commonly maintained community areas associated with PALOMA DEL SOL. This portion ofthe guidelines presents in summary the overall community landscape concept and plant material palette. General information relative to seasonal planting constraints, climate constraints, and horticultural soils test requirements are presented as an aid to successful implementation. General requirements relative to planting installation, imgation installation and landscape maintenance are also contained herein. O PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. Zl IIAMENDMENT NO. B tSPCCIfiC Plan SP-4) Page IV-37 Z W J N W W W "" 7 z w ~ a ¢ ~ w U ~a~ z ~ y ~ v ~ ~ ~ _ ~ _ ~a d~ ~ ~ ¢ w ~ ¢ MHz ~- w ¢ C7 ~ ' W {~ y F = ~ ~ gpw ~ ~ ~ ~ Z Y~j ~J ~" U ~ [[ } W Z V 2. O ~ a ~ ~ ~z ~~ w m ~ uw. 2. 3 ~ ¢=a w vwi a m 1~ ~ a~ °~ w (~ LL o OJ ~ O ~-- ¢ ~ '' F+ ~ w o m ~ u. ~ w a ¢ ~ ;~ '~ ~ w z g w ~ a ~ ~ N ~~ ° J¢~ < w ~ ~ z a w a O ~' c~ j lA N ~ g ~ 2 ~ Z Z -~ a LL>I ~ 2 W ~ Z ~ H ~ Q W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~9 ~~7., 00 M ®~~ ~ ~ J o J N m f Q _7 t ~nn e~ m G~9 O J `F1. w 0 w Q o ~ 9 F ~ ~ ~ y H U ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ ® ~ ~e~ J ~~ W s ~ ~ W~ ~~ s ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ €~~ ~~~ ~ ,y ~ ~@@ ~ ~ G 20 m ~ b b ®3 i , o0 ~ ~ y ry~ e w O 3 8M M 67p .~ ~ ~ "~ ~` v~ ~~ 0.. ~o t ~ ~~a !~ N x~ ~~ ,~ ~ ,, o ~ crnv a~ Q. M `n O ~. 0 J I 0 J W ~ ~ --~ w ~ ~ w ~, a 0 0 0 O The next portion of the guidelines consist of written summaries and graphic exhibits which address the design development of specific and typical project areas which comprise the PALOn~tA DEL SDL community concept. Specifically addressed in this section of the guidelines are streetscene treatments for major community perimeter streets, entry accent treatment, and landscape requirements for single family, multi-family, entry monumentation and retail commercial/office. Major entry points and intersections are delineated to further enhance the character of the community. The landscape architectural guidelines are intended to complement the architectural and site planning guidelines and achieve a harmonious, consistent community image reinforcing the overall PALOMA DEL SOL setting. b. Major Community Streetscenes The landscape development associated with the perimeter community Streetscenes along Margarita Parkway, Highway 79, Butterfield Stage Road, Pauba Road, Meadows Parkway and De Portola Road consists of: ~ Informal street tree groupings o Evergreen background and deciduous accent grove trees o Community theme wall (~./) o A hierarchy of formal entry monumentation o Horizontal and vertical grade meandering sidewalk o Varying width turf parkway 1) Landscape Development Zone. The streetscene planting concept consists of the street trees, deciduous accent trees and grove trees planted within a "Landscape Development Zone". The perimeter community streetscene Landscape Development Zone is defined as the planting area from the face of the street curb to the street right of way, a twelve foot (12') maximum plus an additional twenty foot (20') for athirty-two foot (32') minimum on the perimeter community streetscene. Adjacent to commercial uses the minimum LDZ may be reduced to 22'-6". The thirty-two foot (32') LDZ reflects a five foot, six inch (5'-6") concrete sidewalk which meanders from a five foot (5') minimum to a twenty foot (20') maximum distance from the face of the curb. This condition is consistent for flat, transition areas and 2:1 slopes. the sidewalk also has vertical grade changes. r O PALDMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN N0.219/AMENDMENT NO.B (Specific Pla- SP-4) Page IV-40 U ~' f% `o ~ a' U - ~> 5c @R s~ "~ g _. z~ 0. Sz ~o i. ~c ~ ~~ °~ ~o a rn;v a rp~ O v g I~ Y ~ !~ 1~ t' p < 6 O 3 ¢ Z 2 w ; ~ p O p z o °. O , F 00 w V VV Z FU V O r0 LL O w yu p < yW 3¢ y ji Su Oi ~ ~w ma ~ ~~ ` r: ~ w >r n z,n < <i a 6 o j< Qj d ( ~ N Em ¢V 06 = n V~ w0 Nx u~ U } U m ~ ~ - w -y+ G ¢3 ~ ~ ~ a ~ p ` - 6 < ___ <NC '=LLW O 6 6Na O O< Q V NO`Y sUw~ .+. b x ~ W O -~ w p m B in 26 ~ ' w 6o Q N Omi w VZw- ~aa wui i ~ O ~ <?< ~ w 6 wOOu C=7 p a W Q ~ 1' ~" - ~ p i p " -- ~ _... n I I I i -~ V ~! J ~ W N N W LL ~ u 4W pw ~ (~ 3 p Q ~ ~ O m N x ~ W wN4 ~ O` ~ ~ K Z x w - < ~ O ~ > i -p W ~ ~LLO = _ J 6 2 O ZO> Z 3 V ~ W ¢oo ~ <O O U ~ ~ u N ~ p O _ oUa 0 0 O J O 0 I ~ yb 1 ~~( J W ¢U ~ ¢ wg ~O mm wzw ~~a mpg m ~- ~ O O w 'rte d N Z OHO H ¢ F- ~ ¢ ~ 0 ~ °o m U J in ~ o,U-DU U_ ~y rml~i.0 0 Z Q O ~ ¢ ~ J U J Z OUO ~ U J W Om¢ Z W ZWW p LL Z J ~ ~ d H O Z cn w O a O Z~ ~~ ¢u'J O m~ ZO ~ ¢ z° ~ ~ ¢ Z _O w O ~ Om O ~~ G J H D ¢ ~n [Y Y W O W~ wp W O Uz J _Z ¢ 0°Q U J =Z ~ -~WZ ¢ ~~~ O m p f--a J O ~ a U¢ UcnJ a H wUm W Zw ~~ w y, HJ ~ Y ¢a ~ aw a a ~ww U, w ~w O w UW N~ ~ m0 O wa . UNa WO ZU ~~ wm m w~~ Wu-Z WU' JW OU(n NN d' '~ ¢ ~ ~ tII CCC ~ ~ ~ .o ` ,Y t, ~ _ ~ ~ :, ~ - sQ ~. ` as ~~ ~~ o ~ Gt - ~ Q X ~ ' n L J A6 ~ ~ ~ . o?~~~ ~~ j~ g ~ ~ ~cD60 t00g~ ~ `~ _ N ~ O h N ~~ ~ N N N N ~~n N u N~ ~t~ ~\ (/ ~ ~p } ~ 1 n ~ ~ ~ O i ~ ~ _ ~ X W~ ~ O a m Z ~D ~ U ? W fn w GNU " ~Z ~' ~ ¢ Y O - a J ~- O f4 O ~~cwi ¢O oC ~ W ~;~~ ~~ a O0 O~ tL ~ ~~LL Z~ 0 ~ pu 0 ~' d O o N y N h m o ~ 2~ ~ ~ ~ ~R y ~ ~_ Na iJ Z~ CL 5<po ~~~~ ~ ` °~ F~ ~~ ~o N a ~;v '? a ~ ~ ~a it f° ~E ~ i 0 N :~ W J U J J a) Slope Gradient Changes. Manufactured slopes greater than five foot (5') high shall begin O- their 2:1 gradient a minimum of twenty-two feet (22') from face of curb. The rest of the slope should have a 4:1 gradient from the twenty-two (22') to the face of curb. b) Slope Transition Zone. A slope transition zone occurs for slopes less than or equal to five foot (5') height. These slopes should have a gradient of 3:1 or less and taper down two feet (2') away from the edge of the concrete sidewalk. Please see Section BB, Transition Slope Zone. Tapering of the slope within the LDZ will allow for vertical grade changes with the concrete sidewalk. c) Turf. Turf will be planted between the edge of sidewalk and face of curb. The turf shall also meander between the edge of the sidewalk and along any 4:1 or less slopes. d) Trees. The street trees occur in informal groves clustered around the meandering sidewalk. The evergreen back ground grove and deciduous accent grove trees meander from four foot (4') away from face of curb and up the slope in order to reinforce the community planting theme. These landscape standards are unique to this community. [n our opinion, the landscape standards achieve the County standards. e) Pauba Road (south side)/de Portola Road (north side) LDZSpecial Condition. A special condition in the thirty-two foot (32') LDZ occurs along the south side of Pauba Road and the north side of de Portola Road. O The LDZ istwenty-eight feet (28') wide to the toe of slope varying from the thirty-two foot (32') minimum. A ten foot (10') equestrian trail has been conditioned along the south side of Pauba Road and the north side of de Portola Road by the City of Temecula. The five foot, six inches (5'-6") wide sidewalk parallels the street. An eight foot (8') turf parkway separates the walk from the street with a four foot (4') shrub zone separating the walk from the equestrian trail. f) Highway 79 LDZ Exception. An exception to the thirty-two foot (32') minimum LDZ occurs along Highway 79. Highway 79 is a state highway. There is a thirty foot (30') landscape right-of--way zone paralleling the highway. An additional twenty-two foot (22') setback partially overlaps the 30' LDZ to create a total thirty eight foot (38') Landscape Development Zone. Adjacent to commercial uses the Landscape Development Zone may be reduced to thirty feet (30'). All landscape development within this LDZ shall conform to Cal Trans standards. Extensive turf mounding will compose the primary character of_ this LDZ. The five foot, six inch (5'-6") sidewalk will meander to within ten feet (]0') of any hardscape edge. 0 PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELMES SPECIFIC PLAN N0.219/AMENDMENTNO.B (SpeClfic Plan SP-4) Page IV-43 fA ¢ W w ~~ W ~ ~ lA Y ~ U -~ ¢ w~ as cn O W J O Z W C~7 ~ H ¢ ~ W ~ p~ ~H ~ ZZ ~W Q ~ W Wm0 FQ ~V ~ W (n a~ a ~a Yt~ ~ W ~~Z ~ a w 00 m~ ~ ~ m = z ~ Oda ~ ZO WU W a ~ H 1=~Wy,O ~~!-W ~ ¢ z UO ~W Q z ~o> Z _.1 O~ Q f- } UJ Z OV O J ~U J OLL m ¢ H ¢W D ~~~ a~ o ¢LLY ~ Q J Z Q JQO J Z ~ ¢mz a~~ W U ~ V° W Z ~ O W UNa rQ >OQ N C ~ r V w e LL o ~ a ° ~~ "~ „: ~; ~"~ z5 p., S t ~ o is ~o ~H7d~ °~ Llo~ a rn v ~? a~ ~ E ;i 11 9` ~p 0 N n U y O ~I X Z g ¢ a J ~ I ¢ h ~ N ~"' O W ~ J U ~ 00 ~ ~ O W ~ W Fg ~ O i ~ ll. LL LL O~m oW~ ~ U ~ ~ W O m Q W O~Q U ~ u. owl T~w¢ i C F a a t a a C LL v LL C a w ~_ JU ¢~ W~ 00 ~~ w ~X i¢ ~n ~ w W H W J O z Y a w ~~-~I p~J ~!' d _~ _~ J U C7 Z a c7 W W h- H W W H J a O Z U W W ~ ~ ~ W WW >~ O~ ¢ ~.. OZ pW ~U OU ~ Q ~ ~_ U QO m = _p ZU ~o C7 = W~ W~ _J v I Q m O ~~~N WO~VO LL U~OZ U W U ~ OOpQ~ ~- Z ~- ~ ~~0~ ~YLL<A J li Q x W IL~Qp Ow~Zm O ~N W p ~U QQOYLL Z ~~ Q O ~ W ~ W U Opip~lai w ~ oa~~ ~ oo~oo NZ~.~ ~ ~ Q LL W, LL Q Y a w H LwL IL m W a Q U U p Z Q J J O W W H Z X Q p z LL H O O M H W Z W Q ~ J ~a ~w a }O ~ J Z~ Z ~ ~ OH U~ J Z Q Q U~ a ~- ~' W ~Z W W WU p O ZQ O Q~~ U W Z OVO JAY BUJ LL Om~ ~ W Z Q W ~ a~~ a~0 QLLY U O '~ ~ Q Z O y J ~ ~ J Q f n 4mQ W ~ ~ zoo O.~ w U N d W T p cA O Q ®_ _~ 9® 6 C~ -~~-~I 1~ ~ ~ N PP~~ VJ ~~ ~~-~I P~~ VJ 9_~ 6 p~ p~ k/ d ~~ N N v w J J O J ~ ry 8 o ~ 8' U E We ~~ 3~ ~~ $~ a ~<~o ~ ~~ ~a H ~~ ~~ ~c a rn;v `t a r~ ~ 6 13 ii ~4 i 0 N I ul J U W U Z W LL Z J O W ~ W In a ~ ~ Z ~ O ~p Op ~ J O w ~ O ~ ~° a ~~ x~ O w o ~ w fJ = Q m ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ Z~ ~yw ow ~o yyw0~ Z~ ~-~ WC7Q ~W ~ fq t~ ~~~ Y~~ ~~^ e l X ~~~ ~ W fn GNU ~Z ~' ~O~ ~"a ~ ~ ~ W ~U J O Q~ ~ 0;~~ ~~ a ~ ~00 ~ ~~~ ~~ F- Z W U D Q lL to O f- Y U mQ w ai N (V ~IO Q ~ X a W a 0 .p J CV LL O I- 2 4~ N (Jj OW ~N c~ wJ iS ~ W W ~ ~ mo U ~O ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ J M O J °Q 0 P/~/ap ~d (j n Si N N V O ~ $M w ~ 5 @ ~ R C <~ ~~ W 3~ "° H ~~ ~~ ~o a rn;v d,' v~ ~ 1~ b~ ~6 l + b N n W J V J J Q ~ O OW JU O Zo ~ W ~w OW O ~W = Y U~~ O J Q 1- Z~ m~'W w ~ O O mOC ~Q J ~t i ai- ~O U ~~ ~ U W Z W UW O~ ? m W~ ~ f- ~ ~ ~ 0 W z wc~7a Q W O z U I- Q ~~ p ~ -. c ~ ~ o ~ d M. F `. l O g m H~U 1000 ~W~W a U ZZ~LL W ~wZO QJQ~ z~ww OmYQ UI-Q~ o ~ w °o F-~h ~(AfnN {- W y W ~ Z ~- ~a ~ JO X ~~ a ~~ a OW LL ~ ~ ~ !Y Q W 1L O O as m0 ~ O CV CV CV P O 2 } ~ J m Z Z N O 0 a y I- Y v 0 ~ a a ~ U~ J Z w ~ ~"~ .& Om~ W ~?~~~ zw O QW .S J d H Q ~ a crv W~?~ Z a~ Q W W ~- O LL p ~ U O ~ ~ i cn Z ~~ ,~ Z _O Q ~ 10 J~¢ ~~ Jz~ O~ ~~ ~mw U~ ~ X a~. O W -i w Q wUa <U ~ U. 0 U~ N F- W O OUO~ }~ J r LL ~ SOH mcA ~ b N q T W J Q U N J n v ~~ ~ J _ ~> a i. 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W w~F-- ~QW (ajZ H~ fE ~~~ ~~:~ ~W to cn WOV ~e~ ~~ O p wC~7Q U~tA ~ ^ -aiug W I I I ~~I t V`Q~ t ~'. ~,~~ . 1N d ~ c ~ . ~ r~~'~ - V~~ 41f of ~~ r~ - ~ ~ -- ~__ ' Q. 0 ~ A ~ ~f ~~ ~~ m ~ U W ~ O m U ~~~_ ^_~IIII row ~~ ~ w z N Q ~ ~ ~ W ~ z a ~ ^ O z -- J ~ W w O Z Q W U W ~' C7 d Q ~ W~ _~ ~ J ~ ~Q O Z ~ W ip fA lA QQ ~ J Q ~' O O J Q H Z Q H p w C7 J W W 2 ~ W ~U I Z W M LL Q LL O H w C='3 ¢ o~ jl} D 0 N C ` tl [ 2~ y ~ 4 V n p, o ~ a r L ° ~ ~ 31 ~'^3~ ~ ~ i ~ i~~o a~ ~~ F. ~o X Q rn o ce;v, ~ v~ > Z O T v j' IV OC } Q iy j; W ~ SE ~ m Q ~ a ~ ~ (/~ ~ N :~ W J Q U J ® ~ J ® O ~ ~ z~ ~ O -~ ~~ ~U ~- C~ ®~ ~ ~~ ~ ® Q ~ J i ~ ~ ~ ~ U N N W ~~ ~~ j ~ A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U m~ gg ~i L~ m ~ a L' f a C v a C pa LL Q W~ Z~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ C W 0 ~~ W ~ W ~} ~ ~ J Y Q ~ ~ ~ ~ a O Z ~ C 0 Z U a 0 ~~ ui W N ~_ ~ ~ ~ oV M ~ Ow F- ~ W ~ V 0 ~U 0 ~ ~ W W [a V ~ `C` 4 `~ ~ U ~ W ~ ~ W N Z ~ d W Z W W J ~ a- y W W 0 W a 0 a a (n m Q' 2 N 0 J LL 7 H Q6e~ ~ ~ Y ~~~~p pp-wJ~ p l:~I pp~~ kY d ~. /~ V _® L~ a' 7 N y~ w O 3 ~~ U E W~ ~~~ "s~ ~~N,r. 3~ ~`~ G. 5<~0 Ca x5 ~o H a~ ~~ Q ~ 0 arnv '^ v c~ ~ 6 ap r~ ~i ~~ t 0 N :_ iil J U J O W O J v 0 0 O w Wa 0W a ~ ~ =N U~ ~ ~~ Z ~ o~ a ~~ p ~ ~ '~U Q U Q ~~ LL ~~ p ~p ~~ ~ ¢O O OC Z ~ O ~ ~ la I c ~ I `K . 3 e ~~i 9A; w~ ~~ . 1 _~ ~: e ~ ~~¢~ s,_. a 'w,; J Q U a } Y ~ Q ~ Y W ~ O Q ~ N LL ~ ~ I p H ~ W a O J p N LL w O O Y mQ W N N N p Q } m U N CO ~ ~ m } ~ p Q U ~ O . 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Next to Planning Areas 25 and 26, a twenty-two foot (22') LDZ can occur. Please refer to Figure 23C. h) Reference should be made to the Conceptual Landscape Plan for specific landscape development zone locations. The landscape development zone plant palette is as follows: 2) Landscape Development Zone Plant Palette. a) Deciduous Accent Grove Trees o Alnus rhombifolia -White Alder o Gleditsia tricanthos "Shademaster" -Thornless Honey Locust o Koelreuteria bipinnata -Chinese Flame Tree o Platanus acerifolia -London Plane Tree o Prunus cerasifera -Purple Leaf Plum o Pyrus kawakamii -Evergreen Peak b) Evergreen Background Grove Trees o Eucalyptus rudis -Desert Gum o Eucalyptus sideroxylon 'Rosea' -Red Iron Bark o Eucalyptus microtheca - Coolibah O o Brachychiton populneum -Bottle Tree o Pinus canariensis -Canary Island Pine o Pinus halepensis - Alleppo Pine o Pinus elderica - Mondell Pine c) Informal Street Tree Groupings o Margarita Parkway: Schinus mope - Califomia Pepper o Highway 79: Platanus acerifolia -London Plane Tree o Pauba Road: Schinus mope -California Pepper o Butterfield Stage Road: Schinus mope -California Pepper o Meadows Parkway: Koelreuteria bipinata -Chinese Flame Tree o De Portola Road: Koelreuteria bipinata -Chinese Flame Tree c. Project Streetscene The landscape development associated with the interior project streetscenes along Streets "A" through "E" and Campanula Way consists of: ~ Uniformly spaced linear street trees o Informal Evergreen background grove and deciduous accent trees ~ Community theme wall ~ Standard width turf parkway O n A hierarchy of formal project and neighborhood entry monumentation PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN NO.2I9/AMENDMENT NO.B t$pCCIfIC Plan $P-4) Page IV-57 1) The projectstreetsceneLandscapeDevelopmentZone(LDZ)variesfromaminimumtwenty-Four O foot (24') width to a thirty foot (30') maximum width on the flat areas. The LDZ width will increase more when slopes adjoin the streetscene. Housing product minimum setbacks and cluster configurations cause the variations in the LDZ. The twenty-four foot (24') minimum LDZ reflects a five foot, six inch (5'-6") concrete sidewalk ten foot (] 0') away from the face of a curb paralleling the street. This ten foot (10') separation is planted with turf. An additional eight foot, six inch (8'-6") landscape area to the community wall completes the minimum LDZ requirement. PROJECT STREETSCENE LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT ZONE: Plant Palette Street "A": Ulnus parvifolia -Chinese Evergreen Elm Street "B": Platanus acerifolia -London Plane Tree (Collector Loop Street) Street "C": Pistachia chinensis -Chinese Pistache Street "D": Platanus acerifolia -London Plane Tree (Project Entry Street) Q Street "E": Pistachia chinensis -Chinese Pistache Campanula Way: Ulnus parvifolia -Chinese Evergreen Elm Campanula Way: Fraxinus modesto -Modesto Ash Campanula Way: Fraxinus modesto -Modesto Ash d. Major Community and Project Entry Accent Trees 1) Evergreen Theme Trees: Cinnamomum camphora -Camphor Tree Cedrus deodara - Deodar Cedar Pinus pinea -Italian Stone Pine Pinus halepensis -Aleppo Pine Magnolia grandiflora 'Sammuel Sommer' -Southern Magnolia Sequoia sempervirens'Santa Cruz' -Coast Redwood 2) Foreground Flowering Accent Trees Entry Trees: Lagerstroemia indica -Crape Myrtle Prunus cerasifera 'ICrauter Vesuvius' -Purple Leaf Plum Pyrus kawakamii -Evergreen Pear PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN NO.219/AMENDMENT NO. H (SPCCICIC Plan SP-aJ IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES Page IV-58 0 The above accent trees are used at theme intersections throughout PALOMA DEL SoL. Specific locations include: Major and Minor Community Entry Monumentation Major Project Entry Monumentation Community Intersections The use of these trees are encouraged in order to reinforce points of project emphasis throughout PALOMA DEL SOL. 3) Collector Loop Stree[ and Neighborhood Entry Tree: Within the Collector Loop Streets, Neighborhood Tree Entries and Project Interior Streetscene Landscape Development Zones, the following trees are categorized as accent trees: Lagerstroemia indica -Crape Myrtle Prunus cerasifera'Atropurpurea' -Purple Leaf Plum Pyrus kawakami -Evergreen Pear Pistacia chinensis -Chinese Pistache As accent trees, the above trees are utilized at points ofproject emphasis throughout PALOMADEL SDL. Specific locations include: O o Recreation Centers: Washingtonia robusta -Mexican Fan Palm o Greenbelt/Paseo Entrances/Accents: Washingtonia robusta -Mexican Fan Palm o Neighborhood Tree Entries: Arecastrum romanzoffianum -Queen Palm o Points of Product Entry: Arecastrum romanzoffianum -Queen Palm The use of these trees are encouraged in order to rein force the continuity of the design theme of PALOMA DEL SOL in general. 4) Greenbelt Paseo Trees: a) Evergreen Background Grove Trees Brachychiton populneum -Bottle Tree Eucalyptus rudis -Desert Gum Eucalyptus microtheca - Coolibah Eucalyptus sideroxylon 'Rosea' -Red Iron Bark Pinus canariensis -Canary Island Pine Pinus elderica - Mondel Pine O PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. 8 (Specific Plan SP-41 1V. DESIGN GUIDELINES Page N-59 0 b) Riparian Accent Trees Platanus racemosa -California Sycamore Gleditsia tricanthos 'Inermis' -Thornless Honey Locust Nyssa sylvatica -Sour Gum Robinia ambigua'Idahoensis' -Idaho Locust a 0 5) Landscape Buffer Trees: Landscape Buffer Trees may be selected from the Green belt Paseo Trees and the Evergreen Background Grove Trees with Deciduous Accent Tree plant palettes. e. Plant Material Palette It is the intent of these guidelines to provide flexibility and diversity in plant material selection, while maintaining a limited palette in order to give greater unity and thematic identity to the community. The plant material lists have been selected for their appropriateness to the prof ect theme, climatic conditions, soil conditions and concern for maintenance. A limited selection of materials utilized in simple, significant composition complementary to adjacent common landscape areas while reinforcing the individual architectural and site setting is encouraged. Overall plant material selection for given proj ect areas, wherever possible, shall have compatible drought resistant characteristics. Imgation programming can then be designed to minimize water application for the entire landscape setting. The limited plant material selection for common landscape areas associated with PALOMA DEL SoL as described in the text is contained in the following palette. In addition, a wider variety of plant materials compatible with project theme and setting are listed for use for adjoining developments within PALOMA DEL SOL. BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Trees -Evergreen Arbutus unedo Brachychiton populneum Cedrus deodar Eucalyptus microtheca Eucalyptus sideroxylon 'Rosea' Eucalyptus viminalis Eucalyptus rudis Gejera parviflora Trees -Evergreen (continued) Laurus nobilis Magnolia grandillora Pinus canariensis Pinus halepensis & eldarica Strawberry Tree Bottle Tree Deodar Cedar Red Box Gum Red Iron Bark White Gum Desert Gum Australian Willow Sweet Bay Southern Magnolia Canary Island Pine Aleppo Pine PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. $ ($PCCi6C PI3I1 $P-4) IV. DESIGN GUIDELMES Page IV-60 Pinus pinea Podocarpus gracilior Quercus agrifolia Quercus ilex Quercus virginiana Rhus Lancea Schinus molle Sequoia Sempervirens Ulmus parvifolia 'Drake' Umbellularia calijornica O 0 Italian Stone Pine Fern Pine California Live Oak Holly Oak Live Oak African Sumac California Pepper Coast Redwood Evergreen Elm California Bay Trees -Deciduous Albizia julibrissin Alnus cordata Alnus rhombifolia Betula alba Frazinus velutina Fraxinus uhdei 'Tomlinson' Gingko biloba species Gleditsia triacanthos 'Shademaster' Koelreuteria bipinnata Koereuteria panniculata Sapium sebiferum Sophora japonica Robinia ambigua 'Idahoensis' Zelkova serrulata Pyrus callerana Pyrus kawakami Lagerstroemia indica Malus floribunda Morus alba 'Fruitless' Nyssa sylvatica. Pistacia chinensis Platanus acerifolia Platanus racemosa Salix baylonica Prunus cerasifera Mimosa Tree Italian Alder White Alder White Birch Modesto Ash Tomlinson Ash Maidenhair Tree Thornless Honey Locust Chinese Flame Tree Golden Rain Tree Chinese Tallow Tree Japanese Pagoda Tree Idaho Locust Sawleaf Zelkova Ornamental Pear Evergreen Pear Crape Myrtle Japanese Flowering Crabapple Fruitless Mulberry Sour Gum Chinese Pistache London Plane Tree California Sycamore Weeping Willow Purple Leaf Plum PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUNELINES SPECIrIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO.B (Specific Plan $P-4) Page IV-61 O BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Shrubs Abelia 'Edward toucher (S) Edward Goucher Abelia Acacia ongerup* (S) N.C.N. Acacia redolens* (S) N.C.N. Berberis species (SH) Barberry Camellia species (SH) Camellia Cocculus laurifolius (S) Snailseed Cotoneaster species (S) Cotoneaster Elaeagnus pungens (S) Silver Berry Euonymusfortunei (S) N.C.N. Euonymusjaponica (S) Evergreen Euonymus Feijoa sellowiana Pineapple Guava Ilex species (SH) Holly Juniperus species Juniper Leptosprmum scoparium (S) New Zealand Tea Tree Ligustrum japonicum (S,SH) Japanese Privet Nandina domestica & 'Compacta' (S,SH) Heavenly Bamboo Nerium oleander (S) Oleander Osmanthus fragrans (S,SH) Sweet Olive Photinia frazeri (S) Photinia Pittosporum tobira 'Wheelers Dwarf (S,SH) Mock Orange Podocarpus macrophyllus (S,SH) Yew Pine Prunus caroliniana (S) Carolina Laurel Cherry Pyrunus ilicifolia (S) Hollyleaf Cherry Pyracantha species (S,SH) Firethorn Raphiolepis indica species (S,SH) Pink Indian Hawthorn Ternstroemia gymnanthera (SH) N.C.N. Viburnum onus species Vibrnum Xyloxma congestum (S) Xylosma Sub-Shrubs Agapanthus africanus * (S,SH) Lily of the Nile Arctostaphylos species (S) Manzanita Herocallis species (S) Day Lily Juniperus species (S) Juniper Lonicera japnica 'Halliana' (S) Hall's Honeysuckle Moraea bicolor (S) Fortnight Lily Trachelospermum jasminoides (S,SH) Star Jasmine Escallonia fradesii * Escallonia Grewia caffra Lavendar Star Vine 0 PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. $ ~$PeClf C Plan SP-4) IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES Page IV-62 O BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME Ground Covers Baccharis pilularis 'Twin Peaks' (S) Duchesnea indica (S,SH) Hedera helix (SH) Hypericum calycinum (S) Lonicera japonica (S) Myoporum parvifolium (S) Potentilla verna (S,SH) Rosemarinus officinalis (S) Coyote Brush Indian Mock Strawberry English Ivy Aaron's Beard Honeysuckle Myoporum Spring Cinquefoil Rosemary * Will freeze in unprotected exposure area but will generally rejuvenate from undamaged parts. Use with caution. (S) - Tolerates sun in this planing zone. (SH) - Tolerates shade in this planing zone. Turf Grass -Seed Year-round Turf Grass Mix: 90% Festuca arundianaceae -Alta Fescue - ] 0 lbs. per 1,000 s.f. 10% Kentucky Bluegrass Suitable Seasonal Mixes: Common Bermuda - Cynodon dactylon Hybrid Bermuda The planting time will vary for these types as Bermuda grass should not be planted during its dormant season. O f. Planting Time Due to the climate extremes of the Temecula area, the installation of plant materials during the coldest wintermonths (December through March) and the hottest summer/fall months (July through September) can be difficult. Container plant materials not acclimated to the area can easily suffer from damage or sun/heat exposure resulting in partial or entire foliage loss even though such materials are perfectly suited to the temperature ranges once established. If planting must be done during these difficult periods, plant establishment may be difficult and require a prolonged period of time. PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN N0.219/AMENDMENT NO.8 (Specific Plan SP-4) IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES Page IV-63 g. General Landscape Requirements Q All areas required to be landscaped shall be planted with turf, ground cover, shrub or tree materials selected from the plant palette contained in these guidelines. Planting shall commence as soon as slopes are completed on any portion of the site and shall provide for rapid short-term coverage of the slope as well as long-term establishment cover per City standards. The developer shall provide a landscape bond to the City at the time that the landscape plan is approved. The bond is to guarantee the installation of interim erosion control planting in the event that the grading operation is performed and building constmction does not commence within ninety (90) days. The owners ofparcels which require landscape development shall assess any existing common landscape areas adjoining their property. Where feasible, landscape development shall reinforce or be compatible with such existing common area setting. Cut slopes equal to or greater than five feet (5') in vertical height and fill slopes equal to or greater than three feet (3') in vertical height shall be planted with a ground cover to protect the slope from erosion and instability. Slopes exceeding fifteen feet (15') in vertical height shall be planted with shrubs, spaced not more than ten feet (10') on center or trees spaced not to exceed twenty feet (20') on center or a combination of shrubs and trees at equivalent spacings, in addition to the ground cover. The plants selected and planting methods shall be suitable for the soil and climatic conditions. Refer to the plant materials palette for the list of community wide slope stabilization plants. Reference should be made to the City of Temecula for erosion control methods for slopes and other landscaped areas. h. Climate Constraints Plant material palettes for PALOMA DEL SDL contained herein are compatible with the climatic setting of the area. The utilization of some materials depending upon their site location, exposure and relationship to other influential factors may not be appropriate. As an aid to the most appropriate plant material selection, the following climatological factor summary is presented. 1) Temperature. Generally, the extreme summer temperature is 110 to 115 degrees Fahrenheit and generally the minimum winter temperature is 10 to 15 degrees Fahrenheit. The average summer daytime temperature is 90 degrees Fahrenheit with the average nighttime temperature being 58- 1/2 degrees Fahrenheit. The average winter daytime temperature is 65 degrees Fahrenheit with an average nighttime temperature of 38 degrees Fahrenheit. 2) Wind. The prevailing summer wind direction is northwest at an average mean of five knots and an extreme mean of 43 knots. The prevailing winter wind direction is northwest at an average mean of four knots and an extreme mean of 49 knots. Extreme seasonal wind velocities may exceed 50 knots at peak gust periods. 3) Rain. Average annual rainfall ranges from 12 to 18 inches per year. PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO.B 1$t1CCItiC Plan $P-4) Page IV-64 0 Horticultural Soils Test Requirements Soil characteristics within the PALOMA DEL SoL project maybe variable. The owners ofparcels which require landscape development shall procure a horticultural soils report in order to determine proper planting and maintenance requirements forproposedplantmaterials. suchasoilstestshallbeperformed by a qualified agricultural laboratory and shall include a soil fertility and agricultural suitability analysis with pre-planting and post-planting recommendations. Irrigation All landscaped areas shall be watered with a permanent underground irrigation system. Imgation systems which adjoin a separate maintenance responsibility area shall be designed in a mannerto insure complete water coverage between the areas. Proper consideration of imgation system design and installation in the climate extremes of the PALDMA DEL SOL area is critical to the success of the landscape investment. In particular, the combined summer elements of heat and wind must be carefully considered in proper irrigation design and equipment selection. Irrigation systems shall be designed with head to head 100 percent double coverage at a minimum. In O addition, irrigation controllers should have a minimum time setting of one (1) minute and be capable of providing multiple repeat start times. All irrigation heads adjacent to walks, drives and curbs (car overhangs) shall be of the pop-up type. Imgation backflow prevention devices and controllers shall be located with minimum public visibility or shall be screened with appropriate plant materials. k. Landscape Maintenance All landscape areas shall be maintained in accordance with the best industry standards for professional landscape maintenance. Such maintenance shall include watering, fertilization, mowing, edging, pruning, trimming, herbicide programming, pesticide programming, clean-up and other on-going seasonal programmed maintenance functions. Replacement of dead or diseased plant materials originally approved shall be accomplished on a routine basis. Irrigation systems shall be routinely inspected, repaired and maintained in an operating condition at all times. Al] walks shall be kept routinely free of litter and debris. 2. Community Elements a. Entry Monumentation Community entries, project entries, intersections and neighborhood entries consist of a thematic blend of construction features, landscape features, signage and specialty lighting that provides strong landmarks and reinforces the distinctiveness of PALOMA DEt. So[,. PALOMA OeL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. Z 19/AMENDMENT NO. 8 (ShCCIfIC PlaO SP-4J Page IV-65 O A hierarchy of community theme entries has been conceived which consists of the following: o Major Community Entry Statements o Minor Community En[ry Statements o Major and Minor Project Entry Statements o Community Intersection Entry Statements o Project Intersection Entry Statements o Neighborhood Intersection Entry Statements Please refer to the Entry Statement Monumentation and Theme Walls Plan (Figure 18) for specific locations. 1) Major Community Entry Statement (Figures 32, 33). Major Community Entries occur on Meadows Parkway at Pauba Road and Highway 79. The overall sense of entry is created by a harmonious blend of thematic features that include: a) 90' radius uniform curving community theme wall. b) Freestanding community identification signage pedestal. c) Formal curvilinear backdrop of evergreen specimen canopy accent trees. d) Formal foreground human scale flowering accent trees. s e) 90' corner cut-off landscape threshold. f) 12' turf median. g) Turf grass threshold introducing the streetscene treatment. h) Formal hedge row shrub treatment with a foreground flowering ground cover accent. i) Contrasting informal streetscene. . r 't/ PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN N0.219/AMENDMENT NO.8 (Specific Plan SP-4) IV. DESIGN GUIDELMES Page N-66 w a w ~ >W QQ OH Off- ZZ JW OU ¢U Yy VJ mj ZO N > O ~ W W ~ r W ¢ ti! Y J Q 3 y~ y ~ n d N O ~ 4 O y W J o r O N ~ 6 F Z U a _~ ¢ W W W ¢ F W U W W 2 ~ Y 6 > O U Z J O ~ ~ ? ¢ W O = O ~ ~ x ~ ~ O V O e 2 Y F ~ O Y >v Y a LL J IJi Z J ~ W O Q Z W ~ 6 > LL Z J ~ W O O Q o _W Y Y a LL J V F LL W LL N H 4 ., ~°M .. a'. '~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~ 1 ~ ~' ,I ~I. _~ 0 a N `~ M _~ c ~ ~ o ~ 8' W C ~~ 5tl ~ ,~ ~~ F ~~ ~~ 00 , a ce;v `° v ~ '~ ;i 1' S! ~' J ~\ O `/ ~^J In~'~ Y `p~ ® (\^J1 ~ J ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 0 M M Ll a w 0 p~ Y ~ Y 9~9 p~pS~p ICJ pp~ Y_ tl 99~ pp6~p LWJ ~_~~~-77 ~e O J ~. i O 2) Minor Community Entry Statements (Figure32). ThePALOMADELSOLMinorCommunityEntry O_ Community Entry Statement occurs at the four (4) community boundary corners on Pauba Road, Margarita Road, Highway 79 and Butterfield Stage Road. Minor Community Entry Statement areas duplicate the Major Community Entry Statement features itemized except as follows: a) The PALOMA DEL SOL Entry Monumentation signage pedestal, uniform curving community theme wall and 90' comer cut-off landscape threshold will be omitted. b) The median and landscaping does not apply. 3) Community Intersection Entry Statements (Figure 34). The four (4) corners at the intersection of Meadows Parkway and De Portola Road and the four (4) corners of the intersection of Meadows Parkway immediately to the south contain community intersection entry statements. The community intersection duplicates the Major Community Monumentation features itemized except as follows: a) The PALOMA DEL SOL Entry Monumentation signage pedestal and formal foreground human scale flowering accent trees will be omitted. b) The median and landscaping does not apply. c) 60' corner cut-off landscape threshold. O 4) Major Project Entry Statements (Figure 35). This entry is located off Margarita Road at Street "A". Project Entry Statement areas include and generally duplicate the Community Entry Statement features previously itemized except as follows: a) Freestanding project identification signage pedestal. b) Formal linear deciduous project tree entry. c) Entry access point leading to and focusing upon a major project recreation center. d) 20' turf median with a gentle 4:1 berm. 5) Minor Project Entry Statements (Figures 35, 36). Minor Project Entry Monumentations are located at four-way street intersections or project street entries off Meadows Parkway at de Portola Road, De Portola Road at Campanula Way and Butterfield Stage Road at "C" Street, "E" Street and de Portola Road. These entries shall convey the overall Mediterranean thematic project identity by repetition of significant PALOMA DEL Sot, Entry Statement features. Project Entry Statement entries occur in a formal, symmetrical configuration on both sides ofthe street. O PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELMES SPECIFIC PLAN N0.219/AMENDMENT NO. 8 ($pecifiC Plan SP-4) Page IV-ti9 (n N w' N U ~ a" c ~R 3~ <~ d~ a ~~ ~o ~ ~ ~~ s ~~ ~~ . E -- ~11~---- rr~~-- I--~o 0 c~ av ~ J GJ > v Q ~a ni ¢ f i _ MEADOWS 0 a 0 0 0 a 0 ~J O PARK WAY a 1 U Y H Q 2 j ~_ N ~ O LL ~ > > m 6 U U' ~+ ? a R 6 Q Q o m ° o z v u ~ a ' °m Q U D: •QI ?` N H.~~ 6 =W ~Q U cVA Y .~-~ d ~~p~pp ICI J ~ ~ 0 Inlo l~nl ~J 4SJ O ~ J 0 C w y a 'o V n 6 ¢ J ~ O m ~ 0 < ZW V~ ZF Fm >Q ~ ~m Er EO V6 i 6 > 0 a V Z¢ 2n yi ~u m6 ZN ¢0 Qp WV WO i w o y W U 2 ~ ~ ~+ Q i a O V' y m f O m I h ~ p ~ ~ = u w° ~ W ~ i ~ ~ ~ i J 3 O U W ~' O ~ ~ w 6 2_ Q O L~ rll (((5~~~ ~ U Q W O ~ = ¢ } O Q U w Q ¢ Z U ~ ¢ W V O LL ~ V Q 2 O ~ d N V ~ ~ O V T U N E ~ O V w LL 0 U a ~ w a a y U U ~ ~ ~ f 3 p W O F 6 j 6 y 6 6 ~ V 6 N Y W 6 ~ Y ; 6 ~ O -~ O F ~ V ~ ~ 2 > Q W O N Z j 2 ~ ~ U a a V 2 Z W E S y W i W O W 1 N 4 6 F U O G ~ r 2 = J U W v 6 6 ----Yy W 0 ~ W q ..y '.. ~ 6 Q ] ~ 6W O w~ 3 Id _ ~ 0`~V P ~ C W ~~ OpoO 00. e00e ~ (~ ~ i U ~ 2_ in V o j O G ~~ u ~ 2 ~ d ~ N x 6 O ~ U ~ W 6 ~ ~~ e W I~ ~~ ~ S i 2 ~ Z ~ LL < O W W u ; O LL ~ O W O i > ~ ~ f M ~ LL a ~ a z a o z ~~ a ~ ~ ~ w u ¢ i o W o i 0 o ~ ~ ~ ° u w o w a o $ ¢ a m P~ ¢ 6 v r O O m h ~ C y~ BN O ~ S U a R 5~ G ~ F 3 C ~ "'''<J ~5 '0 P. 3 ~ ~ O n~ ' ~~~ F. ~ ~~ a rrv ~ a c~ ~ ~~ i i r i ~/ " [ s ~Q J Pu~a~B tl O ~~~ ~~InI IJ P~a~ tl / O ~ J ~~InI U nn~In~n n IJ ~~ $~~ ~a~ f~ ~~~`-X5.5"~ ~""~ r,. ~ " ~ ~ `?~ ] ,..y 4.'~Sr+' 'ter f r' r° ~,` , ` t -v ,_~ ~ Y. _ 3 M~~ 4 h ~` ~_ ._ "~~ _~~ ._;~~~)„ ~'t. °' T'd ~y~.6 ^`. .. S G ~~ ~ ~ ~'~.`''Ki ~ Z ~ f~ i§' i r q W~ a Lm ~, y y. ~,~.. • ~ y. P ^~_ _~ _ ` ~\ :' . ~: ^ 1 F `. \ ~ S _ , ~,~,. ~ i ~ J - ~ ~) ~" ' ~ ,N~ ~ .,`~ _ ~c C -,VV.-- _ ~ _,~ - J (? A ~1~InI -~~`~ ~, ~ W ~~ o ~ 8 c ~~ ~F . a 5 ~ ~ ~~ H ~ ~o Li , 3~ ~a 0.l i S p~ ~~ N o my ~ a 6 ~g ~~ J W O J O a) 60' corner cutoff landscape threshold. b) 60' radius thematic community wall or flat zone at slope condition. c) Forma] planting of evergreen canopy accent trees placed a radius form. d) Shmb hedge row. e) Turf threshold introducing the streetscene treatment. f) Leading into a uniformly spaced rectilinear street tree planting pattern. g) Optional project identification graphics consistent with the overall PALOMA DEL SOL community thematic identity. 6) Project Intersection Entry Statements (Figure 38). These Project Intersections happen within the individual project at the joining of the entry access road, such as Streets "C" and "E" and the Loop Collector, Streets "B" and "D". All the features of Minor Project Entry Statement are duplicated except as follows: a) The individual project identification graphics will be omitted. b) An optional median island is allowed. 7) Paseo Entry Statements (Figure 39). Typical Paseo Entry Statements occur at select locations when a greenbelt or paseo connects directly with an Arterial, Major or Collector Street. 8) Neighborhood Entry Statements (Figure 37). Residential Neighborhood Entries occur at neighborhood entry intersections. These entries contrast with the aforementioned entries, but still retain the overall community thematic features as follows: a) Formal linear planting of flowering human scale accent trees. b) 10' turf median. c) 5'-6" concrete sidewalk along back of curb. d) 6' turf planting from edge of walk. e) 10' minimum landscape development zone from back of sidewalk to neighborhood theme wall. ~ Optional individual neighborhood identification graphics consistent with the overall community thematic identity. b. Walls and Fences 1) Introduction. Walls areamajorcomponentinachievinganoverallcommunitythemeatPALOMA DEL Sot.. A strong cohesive appearance is achieved through the use of "community walls" and general overall wall guidelines. PA[AMA DEL $OL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN NO.219/AMENDMENT NO. $ ($PCCIf1C Plan SP-4J Page IV-73 0 FORMAL NEKAIBORN000 TREE ENTRY - PROJECT TNEME ENTRY SIGN EVERGREEN BACKGPOUND GROVE TREE WRN DECIpUWS ACCENT TgEES LANDSCAPE SLOPE COMMUMTY THEME OPEN VEW FENCE TURF PAgKWAV- V TURF MEOIAN fLOWERWG ACCENT GROUNOGOVEP NEKiHBORH000 STREET TREE 6 MW. TNHF PAPKWAY <~ MN. W UE MEDGE ROW B'-B' SIDEWALK YTY THEME.SOID WALL TREE UNFOREI SPACNO Y V1~-~~I~JD DISd'®Y YD~A\Y®®® /p~ f~l~~'~lf SAY U~~~il~~l~ (P~• ~~I/ Q P A L O M A D E L S O L F[cuxs 37 MOGMFRO/AUITNERS ~ ~ qT&B Plamling Consulumts 9 °° ~w:~P..,.,,, ~a J 2~".'o m.w~ .»... IV_7d 0 ~\ ~A ~If~~ ~~~u ~lb~~~~i~ ~~L~-IP~i1~~'1~ P A L O M A D E L IF PAgN WAY EET TREE - UNIFOgM SPACING ' MEDIAN (OPTIONPL) -5'-S' SIDEWALK PARALLEL TO STREET -EVERGREEN BACKGRDUND GgOVE TREED WITH DECIDUOUS ACCENT igEES 'MINOR PROJECT PITERSECTION 80' CORNER CUT-OFF LANDSCAPE ENTRY 'CONCgETE MOW STRIP 'S' NEDOE ROW COMMUNRY THEME WALL LANDGCAPE BUFFER COLLECTOR LOOP STREET FIGURE 38 S O L ~ O ~ T&B PlMming ConsullmM p 0 aw"N,wcu v°nw..m tea ~ ~,a.~W:~~..... IV-75 0 _COLLECTOR ~~~.~ I A PASSIVE NECREATION /~ STREET ~~ ACCENT TREE LANDSCAPE BUFFEN PROJECT ACCENT TREE A' MIN PRIMARY PASEO PATH EVERGREEN GROVE ANp RPARNN PASEO TREES P A L O M A D E L S O L Figure 39 f,~ ~ ~ ' T&B %wting Canwinon 1 v ~ ~~ w ~ = ~ IV-76 O 2) Community Walls. All walls which adjoin perimeter community streetscenes shall be located entirely within the streetscene parcel allowing for common maintenance by future PALOMA DEL SoL Homeowner Association or TCSD. Such walls shall be termed "Community Walls" and shall be designed and installed substantially in accordance with the Community Wall elevations. Specifically excluded are: residential rear yard and side yard situations not adjoining a public street or common use area; single family front yard enclosure fencing; and perimeter fencing for multi-family product areas not adjoining a common maintenance area. Wall applications in these areas will be evaluated for appropriateness with the architectural setting. Refer to suggested fence and wall exhibits included elsewhere as builder guidelines in designing the interior wall system. These exhibits appear in the residential neighborhood interior wall/fence criteria and jurisdiction portion of these standards. a) Solid Wall Requirement (Figure 40). Where privacy or protection of common area view dictate, a solid masonry wall with pilasters shall be used. Pilaster construction of sixteen inch (16") square column block shall occur at all property lines, changes in vertical and horizontal direction and at other intervals appropriate to the length of wall run. When designated to be installed on the property line between two (2) residential properties, the centerline ofpilaster should be positioned on the property line with a one inch (1 ")square permanent marker denoting the property line location for homeowner fence alignment purposes. - b) Combination Wall Requirement (Figure 40). This is the most commonly used community O wall occurring along the perimeter streetscene. It occurs above eight foot (8') vertical high slopes where partial privacy is necessary but permits some view opportunity. This combination wall will also be used in lieu of the open view wall requirement along the exterior community streetscenes on Pauba Road, Margarita Road, Highway 79 and Butterfield Stage Road. A combination masonry foundation wall and tubular steel fence panels between pilasters shall be used. The pilasters shall match those described herein for the base requirement solid wall treatment inclusive of size, deign configuration and locations. c) Open/View Wall Requirement (Figure 40). Where view opportunity exists and where the visual protections from common maintenance areas is assured, an open or view wall may be used. In order to maintain the design integrity of the community theme wall, the open/view wall should not be used along the exterior community streetscenes on Pauba Road, Margarita Road, Highway 79 and Butterfield Stage Road. d) Low Block Wall (Figure 40). Where community or project theme walls terminate at entries or greenbelts, a low block wall may be used as a transition element.. 0 PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 21 ~/AMENDMENT NO. S ISPCCi FIC Plan SP-4J IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES Page IV-77 U 0 rv a FN- `~ 3 ~~ Uy u ~ 0 w m NQ ZO Z 0 0 ~~~tt ~ ~ tt~i ~i ~ ~ t1 ~~a~ j J ~ ~ ~ry~0iv J ~ m ~ 7 N ~ N F ~ OU fV O gY ~ J m m H ~ ~ Z ~~O _ W J ZZW ~ W J ~ W Q Z~ O~ QO Uw aW ~~ Q~ J Z m ~ Q W W J W. W ~ W ~U Z z~ ~z ~a 00 U ~- a `n U 0 v u] a U [s. J J Y U O J CD O J J U_ r wZ ~ O ~ ~. J O~ U~ 6 U aN O T wow az> 3y¢ s J ~aF¢ JU ljj Q LL ~ ~'Wz ~taq U Z F-w U W LL W ~ ~ LL ¢ Q <~a ¢a3 3~~ ~w¢ J V Z Q Q w J W J >J J O w w H Z O U J Q U a ~/ _~ ® O ~ J y n ~ O ~ 8y ~~~ sk °:s~ •~ ~ . $~ ~~ zb 0., 3~ «o ^~ ~a L~°~ 00 c~v ~ ~ ~ a 4 a# 1~ 8 J 3 ~~` ~i u b _~ e) Bridle Trail Fence Requirement (Figure 41). A two- or three-rail fence shall parallel and enclose the bridle trail. Openings shall occur at the Meadows Parkway street crossing and where necessary. f) Community Walls Finish and Color. Suggested community wall color should be similar to La Habra stucco color X073 Eggshell or equal. The stucco coat shall have an even medium sand finish. Tubular steel fencing color should be within the color range of Pantone Color Formula paint color #476C or 478C. 3) Project Walls a) Introduction. Project fences and walls (shown in Figure 41) shall be designed as an integral component and extension of the building design and surrounding landscape. Periphery walls may be integrated into the adjacent stmcture and extended into the landscape to help integrate the building into its environment. Walls and fences shall be constructed of materials, colors, and textures that are similar and harmonious with the architecture. Particular importance shall be given to railing and cap details. Walls and fences may be offset occasionally to avoid visual monotony. Variety in materials, design and height is encouraged. Fencing and walls shall be used to define the limits ofproperty ownership, as well as for the creation of exterior privacy. The following regulations shall apply to all walls, fences, and permanent screening structures in the PALOMA DEL SOL project area. a 4) Wall and Fence Locations. Fences or walls maybe constructed in the following areas provided that no wall or fence shall be constructed within the setback from a curbline of a fronting street. a) Interior Project Streetscene Walls. o Community theme fencing is encouraged to be used along traditional single family neighborhood bordering project streetscenes. o Patio homes,clusterhomes,courtyardhomesormulti-familydwellingunithousing walls adjoining any interior project Streetscene shall have a perimeter Streetscene solid wall treatment. o Perimeter Streetscene Solid Wall Base Requirement: A uniform solid wall designed to reinforce the architectural setting while remaining compatible with the previously described Community Perimeter Wall Program should be utilized at all residential corner lot side yards which parallel or area viewed from public streets. The visual integrity of the overall project and neighborhood Streetscene will, therefore, be protected. O PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN NO.219/AMENDMENT NO. 8 (Specific Plan $P-4) IV. DESIGN GUIDELMES Page IV-79 u ~o w; rja &~ $&$ ` ~`6 t ~ ~ ~~~ a m ~~ „~w ,_ dg ~~~ s 's J J } Z 0 Q H U W O a J Q U 4. F- J J _W U W -~ O a J Q U a O c~ ~ ~~ SS 0 0 ~~ ~i mm W U Z W LL _J Q Z Q W CJ W J U a J U ~ a o ~ ` ,~ ~ wo¢ ~ N "^ e Q Q 1 w ~ 3 ~~ 3 N Q ~ E 3e pz~ C ~~ ~~ ~Uw 3~z ww~ ~o ~ N` ?~w UWw W ~ ~ LL H G = O O ~ Z J 3 ~~ ~ i ~ ~w ¢aa ay w ~w¢ °a 1 ~ AP ~F ~ ~ V v' I 90 6 ® O J O o Open View Wall Base Application: Where interior lot view opportunities exist without a privacy conflict, an open view fence or wall may be appropriate. Such a view fence shall be compatible with the architectural setting. o Perimeter sfreetscenes or public streets occur on Streets "B", "C", "D" and "E" and Campanula Way. o Wood fencing shall only be allowed along the side yards and rear yards of single family dwellings. Project Walls shall be used along the side yards facing the street for comer Tots. b) Residential and Instittidional Uses. Fences and walls are permitted in any rear or side yard, and in the front yard, street right of way. Exception: Fences and walls may not be erected within the streetside side yard setback area of a corner lot. c) Commercial and Other Uses. Screen and security fences and walls are encouraged only in rear of side yards. Trash deposit areas shall be enclosed within a six foot (6') high gated trash enclosures wherever located. 5) Wall and Fence Heights a) Residential andlnstitutionalUses. The following wall heights are permittedprovidedthat no fence or wall shall exceed six foot (6'-0") in height. O b) Privacy walls should be a minimum of five foot, (5' -0") in height. o Front: No six foot (6') high wood fences should be located a the front property line o Two-sided fencing shall be used whenever visible from a public or private street. c) Commercial Uses o Front and streetside: Fences and•walls in the front,setback and streetside setback areas shall be no higher than three and one half feet (3'1/2') above grade. However, security fencing may be approved if there is a demonstrated need for security. The maximum height of this fencing shall be six feet (6') above grade. o Side and Rear: No fences or walls shall exceed a height of six feet (6'-0") 6) Wall and Fence Materials and Colors. All fences and walls shall be designed and constructed as part of the overall architectural and site design. All material shall be durable and finished in textures and colors complimentary of the overall architectural design. a) ProjectStreetscene and Neighborhood. Permitted Wall Materials: Stone veneer, stucco (including stucco covered block), masonry, brick, slump block, block and wrong iron ~\ combination, and wood caps trim are acceptable. ~ J b) Permitted Wood Fence Materials. Wood fence materials must be of sufficient quality to accent semi-transparent stains. PALOMA DEL SDL 1 V. DHSICN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. Z IJIAtiIENDMENT NO. S ISPCCI~C PI80 SP-'tl Pa°ye IV'S1 O c) Conditionally Acceptable Wall and Fence Materials. Glass and/or heavy break-resistant plastic are accept able for use in fences and walls when necessary to preserve views while providing protection against winds, etc. if used in conjunction with another materials such as wood, brick, masonry, or stucco. d) Prohibited Wall and Fence Materials. Barbed wire, wire, electrically charged fences, plain exposed concrete plastic materials, corrugated metal, chain link and grape-stake fencing are prohibited. e) Color and Special Wall and Fence Treatments. Walls and fences may be left natural or covered with stucco or paint, except for plain concrete block that must be covered with stucco. When painted, walls and fences, shall be painted in earth-tone colors. High contrast materials should be used only in select areas as accents. Brick or slump block walls may be painted or covered with stucco, if desired. Stone surfaces shall remain natural and unpainted. All wooden fences shall be treated with stain [o help prevent rotting and weathering; transparent stains are acceptable. materials, colors, texture and alignment of wall and fences shall be varied to relieve visual monotony. f) Open View Application Fence. Where interior lot view opportunities exist without a privacy conflict, an open view Fence or wall may be appropriate. Such a view fence shall be compatible with the architectural setting. 7) Special Wall and Fence Regulations a) A six foot (6') high masonry wall shall be constructed on each property line prior to development ofany commercial, industrial, or business related use that adjoins any parcel specifically zoned for residential use of designed for open space or as a school site. b) A six foot (6') high masonry wall shall be constructed on any project property boundary line where the adjacent property is zoned for a lower residential density than that zoned in which the project is located. c) All fences and walls shall be designed as an integral part ofthe overall architectural design theme. d) All fences and walls connecting two (2) separate residential dwelling units shall be constructed of the same color and material and shall be compatible with the color and material of the architecture. e) Long walls should be broken-up with landscaping -particularly vines and espaliered trees. When possible, an eighteen inch (18")minimum space should be lefr between paved areas and walls and fences to allow for landscaping. f) All fencing in commercial areas shall be planted with vines or screened by dense shrubbery. O g) Community Walls may be substituted for Project Walls at the developer's discretion. PALOMA DEL SOL SeECiric PLAN NO.219/AMENDMENT NO.B (SpBCIfIC Plan $P-4) IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES PaSe IV-82 O 3. Streetscenes and Conceptual Landscape Plans a. Residential Neighborhood streetscene 1) Residential Lot Street Trees. Per City of Temecula ordinance, each residential lot shall receive a minimum ofone (1), fifteen (15) gallon size street tree planted in the right-of--way. Corner lots shall receive a minimum of two (2), fifteen gallon size street trees also planted in the right-of- way. Tree variety shall be chosen from the PALOMA DEL SoL Tree Palette contained herein. Trees are clustered near property lines periodically to maximize their growing effect and streetscene impact. One (1) species of tree shall be selected and approved for each residential street to maximized visual neighborhood identity. Deciduous or flowering evergreen accent trees which contrast with the chosen street tree are encouraged at cul-de-sacs, knuckles and intersections to provide seasonal emphasis and interest. 2) Residential Front Yard Requirement. Seeded or sodded turfand a manual irrigation system shall be installed by the builder/developer in the front yard of each residential lot. The turf and irrigation shall be installed to a logical stopping point from the curb face to the front of the house and side yards. The turf may be held back four feet (4') to eight feet (8') from the edge of the house and from side yard property lines to allow for future homeowner landscaping and irrigation. Slopes over 3:1 surface gradient and five foot (5') in height should be planted with ground cover. Low slopes maybe graded to a less than 3:1 surface gradient and planted with turf. Q A minimum of two (2), five (5) gallon size trees shall be planted in the front yards of each residential lot. The trees may match the street trees planted in the right-of--way and located in proximity to said street trees in order to create a grove effect. The trees may also contrast with the street tree and form backdrop tree clusters. Overall, the front yard tree scheme shall create a streetscene appearance oftree grove clusters meandering through the project and across streets. 3) Interior Slope Landscape. All interior slopes occurring within the community theme wall envelope shall be landscaped and imgated per the City of Temecula landscape standards. The builder/ developer shall install all required slopes not designated as common area. Each builder should confirm the erosion control standards with the City. b. Commercial Use Landscape Requirements (Figures 42A - 42F) 1) Street Tree Requirements a) Uniformly space street trees at forty foot (40') on center will be required along Campanula Way. b) Evergreen Background grove trees should buffer the commercial site loading zones along Campanula Way integrating the site into overall community setting, especially screening service areas. c) Visual windows into the commercial project should be created by massing the grove trees O on perimeter Streetscenes. The LDZ along Highway 79 shall be installed in accordance with C.lb.l.f, Highway 79 LDZ Exception. PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN N0.219/AMENDMENT NO. 8 (SpeCIHC Plan SP-0) Page IV-83 ~ g F o ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ z ~ ~ ~ a 8~ ~ b,.' ~'o ~ ~ ~ o '~E . ~. F !iiiu~ny iii 4 ~~~ 0 W V z O O s $ g i W k' ~ i ~' v . ~ g ~ ~ g ` j o 'e ~ ~ ~ H a H ~ i ~ x ~a S 3 7~ o¢ °~ of 0 w ~ WQi~ ~ ~ ~ tai J o a N 7 U. w ~ n N q o ~ ah U E ~a ~~ 5 K W ~ ~ ~` r3 $~ J 2 G. 3~ ~o r~ ~o ~~ ~~ ~ ~O ~ a rn:v j a r~ - E 1° ~F ~~ O ~ ppp LEI s ~ ~ ,,p p~~ !d'd ~ ~ e ~ ~® y ~W ~ ; $ LS l ~ ~ ~ ~ ® o ~ J o ~ n n IJ G1 N C7 w ~~ ~. ~= ~. ~ -: x O U y~ en .~ y T _ _ a ;= as = ~ ' F'; i_ r. _ ~.~ .~ ~~I ,. , ~~ ,~ , ~~, ;:;; iii i,'~, ,I , f' „' f ` ui „ ~ ^ w .. u '~ L) ~ ~ ~ ~ .. i i i .I ~ l i ~~~ ~~~ -- ~: ~ <yy . ~, #~~ r ~..i • r ~, i~ ~~~~~ ~~ .~_!_~' ~' ~... ~~ ~ • ..~ r~ f ~ < r i : ~r ~~ ,~ b~ ~ r~~ i ~~ ~ key 8d • • • ~- ~ ~~i ~ ~~~ i •~~~~~~ ~i e • • • • ~~~, __ ___ __. 1, ~ ~,~ 1 ~1 Y ~~ ~~~ ~A 1 ~' ; ~u $i~ ~_7s i Z Q ~~ W Q U Z Q J J Q ~ ~ r F-- ~ ~ ~U ~ Z Q WU ~~ Q Q ~U Z~ - W Z~ Z ~ ~O ~U J 0 J W i~ Q J d z w w Q ~~ ~ ,~ w C ..„ v." ,°~~ C y U ~ tiro N Cry 0 eb V ~e ~i $ C p •C ~~ E 4 °~ °u y R e~ r °p W ~ ^' ¢~` C7 2 e ~2jag° I F~~I'T//C d # ISO ~O CO D ~A v~ O ~I LJLd ~~~/ I..lf~ 1.~..1 ~_ U l.Ll O O O ..J _~ I i i I.~ i ~ , ~ , i i ~ ~ ~ 1 i ~ i ~. ~ t f I I j I ~. 3~0' .` ~~ ~ \ ~ _ ~, - ~l/Df hLiLL y~ CoRN/L£ GN'nf° - GllG1t~ a/eR ! 3~r 3') - ~'GO k4V.L w/~,VE RCN G~fP y woos rE,eyo - oow~~fmNt~ (o,~oh~ ~weu. N/coc%rs ~ ~° f~AJOR COli~Ii~ERCIAL ENTRY SO~OPPINC~ CENTER I®ENTIFICATION .PLAN VIEVi/ a P a L o r a D E L S O L Figure 42D . ~ 1 TkH Manning ConwU.n~. II P O ~:..w.:a..~. v 1 c°w 4°r~"cuos°.~r ~V-87 N W I~ d' w ~r w~ ~.. ,~ Vl C CC ar ~+ > ;~_ O ~` U ~= en a .~ ~` ~` c~a - a. _ '__ ~ rr ~ __- E- ,~ ~: ~~ o0 ~~~ ~ . ~~ = w ~ J w Q C~ ~ ~ m UO ~ w z0 ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ w o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z O Q U ~ ~ ~ ~ Z Z W W J ~ Q ~ U w OC I- W Z ~ W ~ U O C~ U z_ ~ ~ 00 Q ~ Cn O J W D Q O J d Q., v w~ ~ ,~ w oea Y v O e`~ U~° ~ gC E xp EE ~C N' C ~ ~ N x~ S.~ F ~~ R~ ~ <e @~og I F~~I'M// € f L..~O ~ ~~A ~ v ~ '~ `V ~ J O U w L1JI Z w U C~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ U ~ uJ ~ ~ ~ O U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O ~ ~ O ~ U ...d O ...a Li.1 _~ d) Side yard and rear service yard use areas should be screened with a combination of a six foot (6') wall and dense landscape buffer. e) The formal neighborhood tree entry planting should be incorporated at the commercial site vehicular access points. 2) Minimum Landscape Requirements a) A minimum fifreen percent (15%} of the gross commercial site acreage shall be landscaped. A minimum of 10% if the net acreage at the Home Depot site shall be landscaped. b) All areas of the site not occupied by buildings, hardscape, or parking areas or otherwise utilized shall be landscaped with ground cover, turf or tree materials from the community plant list. 3) Parking Areas a) Parking area landscaping is required for the screening of large parking areas to limit their visual impact. One tree per every ten (10) parking stalls is the minimum requirement as shown on Figure 42. This condition is satisfied with alternating tree "Diamonds" and interim 6' landscaped stalls every 10 stalls. O b) Landscaped islands shall be provided at the ends of interior stall rows to break up parking areas. These islands are to provide a minimum of six foot (6') landscaped width to allow planting and mounding. Interim 6' landscaped islands every twentieth (20`") stall alternated with tree "Diamond" planting islands every 20`" stall along parking rows will serve to further reduce large expanses of parking and will provide additional shade for parked cars, as shown on Figure 42A. Creation of large planting islands (tree groves) is encouraged as opposed to small pockets of individual trees. c) The use of islands to create a series of smaller parking pockets within the total parking area is required. However, along Highway 79 South, shrubs for screening, trees and mounded turf shall be the primary landscape in accordance with C.l.b.l.f, Highway 79 LDZ Exception. d) When parking is located adjacent to a public street, a combination of landscaped berms and/or planting should be used to screen views of parked cars. e) Concrete tree well and planting edge curbs should be used in lieu of wheel stops. f) Wherever possible, pedestrian traffic should be separated from vehicular traffic by additional sidewalk. The parking lot should have crosswalks highlighted with decorative or varied texture paving. Q PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN N0. 219/AMENDMENT NO. 8 (Specific Plan SP-4) IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES Page IV-90 0 O 0 c. Very High Density and Medium High Density Residential Landscape Requirements (Figures 43 & 44) Landscaping is a critical element in achieving an overall quality of life inmulti-family density housing. The following criteria shall apply to the following: 1) Pedestrian and vehicular circulation shall be clearly defined with a landscape treatment. 2) Carports and parking stalls shall be screened and softened with landscape planters. 3) Project entry drives should be designed to provide and overview ofthe landscape and recreational facilities. 4) Trash bins should be fully enclosed with six foot (6') stucco walls and shall be screened with landscape buffers. 5) Trash bin locations should be conveniently located for ease of maintenance and trash location. Recommended locations include inside parking courts or at the end of parking bays. 6) Community streetscene criteria shall be implemented along the collector loop road. 7) Maximize turf areas and minimize shrub areas for ease of maintenance. 8) Provide a secondary paseo access to [he primary paseo path. 9) Provide social gathering stations, such as a tot lot or recreation amenity on the secondary paseo path. 10) Conform to City of Temecula Landscape standards. 11) All applicable general residential neighborhood streetscene requirements shall apply. 1 Z) Wherever possible, canopy trees should be utilized to shade and mitigate the summer heat. 13) Meandering or jogging sidewalks are encouraged. 14) All street frontages containingrow garages should have a minimum three foot (3') planting pocket located at a minimum of every two (2) cars. Allowance should be made for tree clearance of building overhangs. PALOMA DEL SOL $PECIEIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. $ (SPCCI fIC PI3n $P-4) IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES PagelV-91 y w w w w ~ > Z p E ¢ ~ C ~ ¢ z ~ ¢ m ~ z ¢ ¢ O ? U ¢ ^ ~ ~ Z ~ w ~ W ¢ ~~ w w u m a y 2 ¢ t~ ~w U~ Z~ 7Z w Oa Y UN m0 w~ U ~O WH >2 y W w O Q 2 N O Z U y 0 U o U 2 Z ~ W ~ Y ~ ~ O z ¢ m o a Y a p ¢p w Q ° ¢ z¢ ¢ a w ¢ w W U H 1- (~ Z a a O ¢wW fn ¢ y O U w0~¢ ¢ i i i > w J Q U a r i w ¢ O J U Z w 2 N a ¢ F m ~ ~, c '' ~ w N o ~ a ~ ~~ ~ ~R 3~ ~3~ J z~ a. S < o W S~5 ~a F a~ ~~ N o ce;v a r~' .-. 6 1~ i~ sc. 3~ r J La.J O O ~ y o a ~ O a z °z z cwi O Y ¢ a ai a J a z w a° ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ® NJ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ C~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J ~ ® ~ g ~ ~ g ~ q 6 -O O ~~®pp~~22~!!~ I~IppI~p~AAUp-II p®~~~~,~ppl~~~~e~,,~~eeUqq~LS~U®pISgN~I~~p~U~L~ ®N~I~LSP~I~'6^~L~ I~~q~l®o~~1.o6~P~ PILi`'`aU~l FIGURE 44 O P A L O M A D E L S O L p~ ~ ~. T&B Pluming Cansuluus l1a OJ ~~w..a.,..... I V-93 O d. Medium Density Residential Landscape Requirements (Figure 45) 1) All applicable general residential landscape requirements shall apply. 2) Plant material shall shade western sides of buildings, especially windows to reduce heat gain inside homes. 3) Plant material should form a smooth transition between neighborhood and streetscene landscaping. 4) Provide a secondary paseo path collector system in Medium only on the primary paseo path. 5) Pedestrian and vehicular circulation should be clearly defined by a landscape treatment with accent trees and parking lot grove trees. 6) Provide a social gathering station such as a tot lot or family group picnic barbecue area on the secondary paseo path. (Medium Density only.) 7) When parking is located adjacent to a public street, a combination of landscaped berms and/or planting should be used to screen cars. 0 0 PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELMES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. S ~SPCCIfIC Plan SP-4J Page TV-94 0 OPEN PLAY PgIMAgY PI PgGEO ALLI EXEgLISE Si PROJECT iMl PLASTEgS EVERGREEN igEES WITH TYPILpL FRONT YARp PARI(ING LOi /,/-~, LUISTER ALi ' 1 PROJECT iNE OPEN PLAY T FACILITY WITI (PASSIVE REL SLOPE PLANT SHRUBS, AND SELONOARYL NEIGHBORNOC F[cuxE 45 O PA L O M A D E L S O L Source : BALLEW and ASSOCIATES. INC- ~. T&B Pluuligg Consuluuts g no.NUwea.Rm ,,.R.,., ~., m. PM W.,.. Q 1 wfp.os~°°°n"u°.i0'XmvA"~."i...r IV-95. e. Parks and Recreation Amenities 1) Introduction. A variety ofrecreation opportunities and experiences are afforded within PALOMA DEL SoL. Master planned are five (5) active neighborhood park/recreation centers. Three (3) proposed elementary schools and a junior high school will supplement the active community recreation facilities on non-school hours. In addition, the greenbelt/paseo serves as a passive recreation corridor connecting the various active recreation amenities. 2) Neighborhood Park or Recreation Center (Figure 46). The Park or Recreation Center in Planning Area 19 is sited to provide a distinctive focal point as a part of the project entrance experience. Please refer to the typical Park and/or Recreation Center Plans. Typical facilities may include the following a) Swimming Pool b) Spa c) Sun Deck d) Two (2) Lighted Tennis Courts e) Community Building with the following: o Restrooms a Meeting Room o Office f) Adventure Playground O g) h) Sand Volleyball Court Open Play Area i) Family Picnic Area j) Group Barbecue Patio k) Off-Street Parking Lot 1) Shade Arbor 3) Neighborhood Park (Figure 47). A neighborhood park/recreation center is located in four locations (Planning Areas 12, 19, and 24, and 29) along the greenbelt and primary paseo, close to medium high density housing development for easy pedestrian access. These parks are 7.4, 7.7, 2.9 and 5.0 acres in size. Program elements planned may include the following: a) Family Picnic Areas b) Group Barbecue c) Shade Arbor d) Basketball Half-Court e) Sand Volleyball Court ~ Exercise Course g) Tot Lot h) Open Play Area O PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. 8 (Specific Plan SP-4) IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES Page IV-96 0 `, O rqy LV VCxG ~qeR- R.rro w~cROUq R.LReeoof nRURRV R.LSEO nRTN t ir+eoreoco Tref ~~~' i~ ~- 1 ~~ _ ~~ ~ ~/ - ~ y t . _ -~ ~ F __. i t i~COLLFCIOR LOOR SiPEEt r~ - Q Note: Planning Areas 12 and 19 may be developed as public or private active parks or recreation centers. _RR,Y.R.R.=fa --gRFNRL.. ,q.=swf gE~Rf.i,oN. _.q~FNi~RE qL.. ~fq~ o•OLLE VB.LLL ~'\' (~ SECONOPgy pRSEO nnM '~ _ _ -L.NOSURf scRffxwc VxirY RECRE.LrNIn lutpgG ~~ YRf SrgOOY 1 -MEET x6 RO0u OFi CE ERUS LOWr2 E[RELrgN uOxuMEMrRIroM1 WPLL SrgEEi igEE UMROqu WfCM Na fcogxFR-cur-ors LUnecuE - uoq ggorecT Eqrq. I~ECREA~°B®N ~~EA ®PTD®~ C®~I~EP~~A~ ~~~®SCAPE P~~~l O P A L O M A D E L S O L FtctmE 46 EOG.»APHM„19,5 . a q m&~~,.~~m~~W~~ da D~ ~:~~°r~. IV-97 O 4) Neighborhood Park (Figure 48). This neighborhood park (Planning Area 37) is located at the intersection of Campanula Way and De Portola Road. The park size is 9.5 acres. The park has been constructed and dedicated to the City of Temecula. Program elements completed include the following: a) On-site Parking b) Soccer Fields c) Baseball Fields d) Restroom Facilities e) Concession Facilities f. Greenbelt/Paseo 1) Introduction. A key element setting the character of PALOMA DEL SoL is the centrally located Green belt/Paseo path system. The Greenbelt/Paseo path system provides a unique pedestrian circulation feature which connects residential neighborhoods and active recreation centers and accesses all four (4) schools from east-west project boundaries and from Pauba Road south to De Portola Road. 2) Paseo Path Hierarchy 0 a) Primary Paseo. Primary and secondary paseos are the basic trail system hierarchy. Primary paseos are a minimum of eighty feet (80') wide. These paseos connect individual neighborhoods together along the green belt. A minimum of eight feet (8') wide primary paseo path provides opportunities for passive recreation activities, such as exercise courses. Vehicular crossing and conflict is minimized by linking at street intersections. One exception is the primary paseo crossing of Meadows Parkway that will be designated by special pavement treatment (Figure 49). b) Secondary Paseo. Secondarypaseopathsflowbetweenclusteredormulti-familyhousing groups within the individual neighborhoods, and thus accessing the overall community primary paseo system. The paseo sidewalks are a minimum of five feet (5') wide. The secondary paseo shall be a minimum of thirty-five feet (35') wide. Secondary paseos are envisioned as linking passive recreation nodes which function as social gathering stations within the neighborhood setting. Passive recreation program elements suitable are tot lots with adult seating, family picnic, horseshoes and group barbecue facilities. 0 PALOMA DEL SOL SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. 8 (SpeClflC Plan SP-4) IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES Page IV-98 ` z w U C7 U Z < U _ H a i = y ~ o ~ O < a a ~ z a ~ ~ < U y W N fi+ N ~ q o ~ S U E ~e oq~ 3~ _c „~ ~~ $~ z G. ~~ gg~o 60 rv3 ~~ ~~ [-. a rn;v °,` a r~- ~ °i i t S' ~F , ~ J J W W O r Z a > a ~ h W m iu w a ~ O O 0 S y ~ y m LL _N N ~ a ~ ~, C ~( C • a c c ~' $ ~, E ~ 8 ~A 3m~ m y m Z H ry ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ® ~ ~ ~~- ® ®g ~ V~ q~q ~ ~ CS q 6 g ~ ~ ly -R/ ° ~ q !~ ~~q~ E! V ~ ~ ® e ~yy ~ F~ ~ U w U "a ~ ~~ 5~ .~ N' ~` '<~ z ~ 0.' S2 Ju ~~ ry~ ~a ~b O O a rn:v - a c~ ~ J 0 J W Q O J Q 0 ~i ,~ O O c) Equestrian and Bicycle Trails System. Equestrian and Bicycle Trails system complete the unique active recreational amenities planned at PALOMA DEL SoL. A five foot (5')wide bicycle trail is located on both sides of all public streets except Margarita Road, Highway 79, and Butterfield Stage Road. Also an exception is that off-street bicycle trails are provided along Meadows Parkway and De Portola Road. Ten foot (10') equestrian trails parallel Pauba Road and de Portola Road. The equestrian trails connect to a larger regional community trail system. 4. Maintenance Responsibility Maintenance of common areas and streetscenes within PALOMA DEL SoL may be provided in one of two ways: The Maser Homeowner's Association should maintain the major community perimeter streetscenes adjoining Pauba Road, Margarita Road, Highway 79, Butterfield Stage Road, Meadows Parkway and De Portola Road. This will specifically include the area from back of curb to and including the community theme wall. Interior project collector streetscene may also be maintained by the Master Homeowner's Association. Streets "A", "B", "C", "D"and "E" and Campanula Way are categorized as collector streetscenes. A Master Homeowner's Association will maintain the recreation centers, greenbelts and primary paseo path system. TCSD will maintain the public parks. All secondary paseo path systems will be maintained by a homeowner's association. The Medium High and Very High Density parcels are to be maintained by their own individual sub- homeowner association. All residential street trees planted intheright-of--way will be maintained by the individual homeowners. 5. Outdoor Li2htine All streets and commercial developments in PALOMA DEL SoL shall have uniform lighting standards with regard to style, materials and colors in order to ensure consistent design. Each residential development may develop its own lighting standards, provided that the selected lighting fixture style is used consistently throughout the project. Lighting fixtures shall be well integrated into the visual environment and the appropriate architectural theme. All lighting fixtures in the PALOMA DE[. SOL project area shall comply with the following regulations and provisions: O PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUmELINES SPECIFIC PLAN N0.219/AMENDMENT N0.8 (Speci6C Plan SP-4) Page IV-101 0 AT-GRADE PEDESTRIAN CROSSING AT LOCAL STREET/MEADOWS PARKWAY INTERSECTION ADJACENT TO P:A 14 & 15. EVERGREEN CANOPY THEME ACCENT TREES --. EVERGREEN GROVE AND RIPARIAN PASEO TREES ' ~` ~ ~ ~ LANDSCAPE BUFFER ~.~ 8' MW PRIMARY PASEO PATH .~ - - r _{~ •~ NOTE: Trail crossing to be signalized or shall occur at a signalized intersection. 0 ~ ®yppppppy``~pl~~ 0 0 LL~ ~~ IppIII ~Ip'11 Il®ryppppppry``~pp~lI ~ ~ II p/G~l_~1 l~}~~ ~pI p P A L O M A D E L S O L FIGURE 49 ®~ ~ '"`~ ~ ~ \ T&B Planning Consultan¢ 9 :.°~.~ ,e~ow.,.,~. ~V-~~2 O a. All outdoor lighting, including spotlights, floodlights, electrical reflectors and other means of illumination for signs, structures, landscaping, parking, loading, unloading and similar areas shall be focused, directed, and arranged to prevent glare and illumination on streets or adjoining property; low intensity, energy conserving nightlighting is preferred. b. Lights shall be of unbreakable plastic, recessed, or otherwise designed to reduce the problems associated with damage and replacement of fixtures. Fixtures shall be vandal-proof, yet should not look institutional. c. Neon and similar types of lighting are prohibited in all areas of PALOMA DEL SOL excepting in retail commercial developments. d. All exterior lighting designs should develop a sense of hierarchy by varying fixtures and illumination levels. Proper lighting helps to define the organization of streets and plazas, and also distinguishes vehicular and pedestrian circulation patterns. Entry areas (both pedestrian and vehicular), public plazas, community facilities, and highly used recreation areas shall be creatively lit to develop a sense of place and arrival. e. All exterior lighting designs shall address the issue of security. Parking lots, pedestrian walkways, and building entrances shall be well lighted for security reasons. f All exterior lights should be shielded where feasible and focused to minimize spill light into the O night sky or adjacent properties. g. No freestanding lighting fixtures shall exceed 25 feet in height. In no case shall overwash occur beyond the property lines. h. Service area lighting shall be contained within the service yard boundaries and enclosure walls. No light spillover shall occur outside the service area. The light source is not to be visible from the street. The lighting concept of the entry monumentation features is to illuminate the sign graphics and to gently wash the walls and pilasters with light. Trees and other landscape features will be illuminated by ambient light bounding off the entrance walls. All electrical meter pedestals and light switch/control equipment shall be located with minimum public visibility of shall be screened with appropriate plant materials. k. The level of on-site lighting as well as lighting fixtures, shall comply with any and all applicable requirements and policies of the City of Temecula and Mount Palomar Observatory. Energy conservation, safety and security should be emphasized when designating any lighting system. O PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELMES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. 8 (Specific Plan $P-4) Page IV-103 O I~. VILLAGE CENTER IDESIGN ~iUIDELINES I. Introduction The Paloma del Sol Village Center is located in the southwest corner ofthe Specific Plan and is bounded by Margarita Road on the west, Highway 79 on the south, Meadows Parkway on the east and de Portola Road on the north. As shown on the Land Use Plan (Figure 3 in Section III), the Vi]]age Center contains a mixture of commercial, multifamily residential, single family residential and public park uses. The following guidelines are intended to provide planners and developers with standards and examples for implementation of the village center so that upon completion, the General Plan criteria for village centers will be fulfilled. 2. Village Center Design Guidelines a. Mixture of Uses The Paloma del Sol Village Center contains a mixture of uses including 45.5 acres ofretail commercial, including medical/dental and/or general offices, 34.3-acres (508 dwelling units) of high and very high density residential and a 9.5-acre neighborhood park. The SP Zone standards for the commercial planning areas allow office, civic and personal service uses in addition to retail commercial uses to provide for additional employment opportunities. Large scale commercial uses typically found in large regional and community retail centers have been limited in Planning Area 1(a), the village core area, but Q are allowed in Planning Areas 1 and 1(b). Planning Area 38 has been designed to accommodate small- to medium-sized retail and office uses. The neighborhood park, which is intended to be one of several community gathering places within the Village Center, has been constructed and is currently operated by the City of Temecula. Conceptual locations for community gathering places and the pedestrian linkages that join them are illustrated on Figure SOA, Village Center Pedestrian Linkages and Gathering Places. While Planning Areas 6A and 6B is intended to provide stand alone multi-family residential uses, Planning Areas 1, 36, and 38 have been zoned to allow both commercial and residential uses such that a vertical mixed use project could be implemented within al] or part of those planning areas. This allows the possibility of retail uses on the ground floor and office or residential uses on second and third floors if the market supports such a mixed use project in the future. Alternatively, these areas may develop as separate commercial and residential projects that are linked and integrated by pedestrian plazas or walkways. The primary commercial anchors for the Village at Paseo del Sol are expected to be a grocery store, home improvement store, fitness center, and restaurants. Civic buildings such as a branch post office or library are encouraged and should be located centrally within the Village Core adjacent to Campanula Way in order to relate strongly to the commercial plazas and gathering places of the Village Core . In this location, civic uses will be easily accessible by the pedestrian and transit systems shown on Figure SOA. PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUmELMES SPECIFIC PLAN NO.219/AMENDMENT NO. 8 (SpeClfiC Plan SP-4) Page IV-104 Q oom .~,w..~..... .~,w..~.o.., ~ .me„w„ ~,>~ VILLAGE CEItI°~ER PE®ES~1~9A~1 LIN6~AAGES ~ GA°fHERSNG PL;4CES P A ANiEiVDfViEiVT #8 L O M A D E L S O L Figure SOA • ~ q T&H PlamlaB CoocWuot v I x."ruu°'.~°v'...... R! Inc O b. Pedestrian-Oriented Desierl . The Village Center in Paloma del Sol will connect with residential planning areas by an extensive system of trails and bikeways that run throughout the Specific Plan. These trails are located within the greenbelt paseo system and within the expanded parkway areas adjacent to major project roadways. Pedestrian trails are planned adjacent to all of the major roadways surrounding the Paloma del Sol Village Center. Class I bike trails are planned along de Portola Road and Meadows Parkway. An equestrian trail runs along the north side of de Portola Road. When site plans are designed for the commercial and multifamily areas within the Village Center, pedestrian connections to these trails should be provided as shown on Figure SOA, Village Center Pedestrian Linkages and Gathering Places. A direct pedestrian connection between the multifamily uses in Planning Areas 6A and 6B and the neighborhood parkin Planning Area 37 should also be included in the design for Planning Areas 6A and 6B as shown in Figure SOB. Multifamily areas should be designed to create open space areas within the project that can accommodate private recreation facilities and trails. Controlled access to the project- wide trail system should be provided. Designs for commercial areas should accommodate pedestrian connections to adjacent residential areas. Figure SOC provides an example of such a connection. Parking lot design should incorporate pedestrian pathways through the lot. Pedestrian-oriented events such as art shows, sidewalk sales, entertainment, vendors and open air markets are encouraged. c. Building Scale and Desien The Paloma del Sol Village Center lies adjacent to suburban detached single family residential uses to the north and east and office and very ]ow density residential estates to the west. Building scale and O design should therefore be sensitive to the surrounding residential areas. Increased building heights are encouraged and allowed in certain areas of the Village Center as an incentive to vertical mixed use development and to encourage provision of public plazas and gathering places. Civic uses are allowed and encouraged within the commercial areas of the village center to attract people to public plazas and gathering places. Building heights in Planning Areas 6A and 6B are limited to two stories as a transition to adjacent single family residential uses. Increased building heights up to three stories are allowed in Planning Areas 1 and 36. Architectural features such as towers, arcades, atria, balconies and mezzanines are encouraged to provide a more dominant visual image. At the first floor level, architectural relief and articulation, color and material variation, benches and planter boxes create a pedestrian scale and character. d. Intensification Building heights up to 3 stories are allowed in Planning Areas 1 and 36 in order to encourage mixed use structures and provision of pedestrian plazas and innovative architectural and landscape design. Nevertheless, the number ofresidential units allowed maynot exceed the maximums shown for Planning Areas 6 and 38. 0 PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO.B (Specific Plan SP-01 Page IV-106 0 O SINGLE FAMILY .~. MULTI-FAMILY ~~PD~A~ P~®~~~~~~I~I ~~~~~~~ ~[E~fE[E~ RfES~®I~~l~'D~L ® ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Figure SOB O P A L O M A D E L S O L i O \ T&H Plmninm Consultm¢ 9 O ,wF.~.:~m.a.W~,. ~4 J n"^..~w°in'.var1°....r ~V-~~7 PEDESTRIAN GONI (TPIGAU \..~ SINGLE FAMILY IT'YPIC~a~ '~~~~~~~~~~ ~®Nf~f~C~~®f~9 ~~~'V~[~lE~I R~S~®~'hV~°8~~ A~® ~OMML~~~~~~ ~S[~S o PA L O M A D E L S O L Figure SOC . Q q r~s e~.m~e c~~wo~ pp A ~"~.a..~>. ll v ~ ~~°u ** :.:... IV-108 O e Parkine Designn Parking facilities should not be a dominant visual feature ofthe village center area. Expanded landscape setbacks along major streets (Highway 79, Margarita Road, de Portola Road, Meadows Parkway and Campanula Way) will effectively buffer parking areas from adjacent streets. Parking should be minimized by using shared parking where adjacent uses create peak parking demand at different times. Topographic orientation should be considered in siting parking since the residential uses in Planning Areas 6A and 6B will potentially overlook the parking areas for the commercial uses in Planning Areas 1 and 36. Therefore, parking areas in these planning areas should be oriented away from Campanula Way and de Portola Road. If possible, parking should be internalized or oriented to Highway 79 where a landscape buffer is required. Figure 42 depicts a typical site plan in which parking has been internalized. Parking lots should be well landscaped to avoid large expanses of asphalt. f Sienaee A comprehensive signage program within the commercial site will form the basis to assure a coordinated visual image in the Paloma del Sol Village Center. Basic signage guidelines are provided in Section IV.B.3.o.11) of the architectural design guidelines of this Specific Plan. Typical examples of signage are shown on Figure SOD. A detailed and comprehensive sign program is most appropriately developed at the time that detailed site plans are implemented. Signage within the multifamily areas should be complimentary and compatible with the signage program for the commercial area. g. Transit Provisions Provisions for bus/shuttle stops or turnouts should be made when development plans are approved for the Village Center areas of Paloma del Sol. The most logical location for a transit stop is centrally located on Campanula Way as shown on Figure SOA. As of September 1999, RTA has not set any potential bus routes in the area. h. Commercial Area Illustrative A preliminary site design for the commercial uses in Planning Area 1 is shown in Figure SOE. This illustrative site plan depicts one possible layout for the commercial area that embodies the village center commercial area design principles discussed above. It is expected that future development plan submittals for Planning Area 1 will incorporate the same village center design principles even though the exact placement of buildings, parking, pedestrian circulation, pedestrian plazas, access driveways and landscaping maybe different. 0 PALOMA DEL SOL IV. DESIGN GUIDELINES SPECIFIC PLAN NO. 219/AMENDMENT NO. 8 (Specific Plan SP-4) Page I V-109 -o ~:; ~:. ,.. -. 1\ .~,. i ' I~ PROJECTING Q UNDER CANOPY MONUMENT INTERNALLY ILLUMINATED D ,J 1 G ~~ ;~~~t~;l~'~l_I.l~ --_ -,-~, BUILDING MOUNTED BACK-LIT RAISED LETTERS WINDOW IDENTIFICATION o P A L O M A *NATIONAL RETAILERS AND RESTAURANTS MAY UTILIZE THEIR STANDARD . ~ ^1 T&B Pluming Cpnmpws SIGNS SUBJECT TO MAXIMUM SIZE ALLOWANCES ADOPTED UNDER THE A +"^~~~~a.W.~. SHOPPING CENTER SIGN CRRERIA. - ~ V OJ h»~°~.°<""w„",...'°,w,,, D E L S O L Figure SaD ~v-~ ~~ AWNING ~' BUILDING MOUNTED BACK-LIT RAISED LETTERS a~N~c- ~ c ~ O 'm ° a~ `~ 3 -c'E ~inw ~° $ a av ~ ~ 7._ N ~ ~ ~ ~ C C rn d0 aCQ N C d C Q m ~ 'C «• m f0 ~C Q d c W I C C c E'O ` N ' ~ O. ~ U a C c N O .4.1 C .: l6 -O N C O C d (0 N U •~.• N ~ N ~ N ~ ~ (0 OIU.- ~m~mad T ~ O > L c0 N >~ N C T m a~E ~~E m a m w ~~t N 6.0. ~ .O. 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