HomeMy WebLinkAboutTract Map 30682 Geotech & Compaction Results' -~ ~s~., Lj ~~a .~r~ ~.... -~_ ~-~--~-- ~a Dr ~ a- s~ • Sail Engineering an0 Consulling rvices Engineenng Geoloqy • CompacUon iesling `Y GEN Corporation 'InspeGions•ConstrutiionMa~erialsTesting•lahoatoryTesUng•Pe~colalionTes~ing ' • Gealagy • Wa@r Aesou¢e SNOies • Phase I 8 II Fnvimnmenlal Sile Assessments . ENVIRONMENTAL S~ GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING NETWORK 1 1 GEOTECHNICAL REPORT AND COMPACTION TEST RESULTS ' RQUGH GRADING QPERATIQNS Temecula Homeownership Project Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 922-053-004 through -011 ' Si~h Street and Pujol Street City of Temecula, County of Riverside, California Project Number: T2507-C ' May 19, 2003 ~ , ' LJ 1 ' R~CEt~fE JUN 1 9 Zp03 CITY OF TEMECU~ ' Prepared for: ' Affirmed Housing Partners - Temecula, LLC 200 East Washington Avenue, Suite 208 Escondido, California 92025 ~ . -, ,--, _ ~ / ~ -. __ ~~' /~" - -. ~ ~ _ _ ~_ ,.. _.._.w _ °._ _ _____ ._.__. _ .. .__ _ ___> ,. : ; . ~_ , ~_ , ~ ~ ~_ ~ , , _ --- ~- ~ --- ~. ; --- ~ ;; - - ~ - ~_ --- ~.-;-, - - ~~~,, ..-- ~~-,, , . , , , '~ , ~, - -, - _ - _ ~ _ .. -~ ~ - = , . , ~ . , , . . , , - ~ ' -- ~ __ ~ - _ _ ` ~ ' . _ _? -"" ~ --~_ ~ , . - .... -~ ~ ' -- ,_ - , . ; , .' __ ._~ .~~. , ~_, .---` ,~ ~~`. 1j i ~^~`~~~~ .~ ~r. .. ~. . ~I . , EOR . ATE ~EEIGE!~,7607 E te[pnse C~cle-N rt,~p3~ 1 Temecula, CA 52590 = phona.(~09) 29§,2230 • fax:190@) 296223'i~ .. . ,~ ~~~~' aRANGE COUNTI'_ I E:2$T507aRge A e ue, 9anta'Aoa, CA 92707 • phone: p14)~ ~46-4051 • faM: 1714) 5464052 ~ i i- B~ ITE wWw:en e corp.com • EMA7L: engencorp@engencorp com ' Affirmed Housing Partners - Temecula, LLC Project Number: T2507-C ' TABLE OF CONTENTS ~' SECTION NUMBER AND TITLE PAGE 1.0 SITE/PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION ......................................................................1 ~ ' 1.1 PROJECT LOCATION ........................................................................................... ...............1 1.2 SITE DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................. ...............2 ' 1.3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ...................................................................................... ...............2 2.O SCOPE OF WORK ............................................................................................... ...............2 ' 2.1 TIME OF GRADING .............................................................................................. ...............2 2.2 CONTRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT ........................................................................... ...............2 ' 2.3 GRADING OPERATIONS ....................................................................................... ...............2 3.0 TESTING ............................................................................................................ ...............3 ' 3.1 FIELD TESTING PROCEDURES ............................................................................. ...............3 3.2 LABORATORY TESTING ....................................................................................... ...............3 , 3.2.1 MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP TEST ..................................... 3.2.2 EXPANSION INDEX TEST .............................................................. ...............3 ...............3 3.2.3 SOLUBLE SULFATE TEST ............................................................. ...............4 ' 4.0 EARTH MATERIALS ............................................................................................ ...............4 5.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................. ...............4 ' 6.0 CLOSURE .......................................................................................................... ...............5 ' APPENDIX: TEST RESULTS ' QRAWINGS 1 1 1 1 ' 2 ' EnGEN Corporation , 'l ,~ "~ ~ / ~~~ GEN • Soi~l Enginee~ing an0 Consulting Services • Enpineering GeoloAY • Canpaclion Testing [; ~ Corporation 'NSttlions•ConsVUCtionMaletialsiestinA•~OoratoryTesling•PercolalionTes~ing ' • Geology • Wa~er Besource SNdies • Phase I& II Envimnmenlal Sile Asseumenls ' May 19, 2003 ' Affirmed Housing Partners - Temecula, LLC 200 East Washington Avenue, Suite 208 Escondido, California 92025 ' (760) 738-8401 / FAX (760) 738-8405 Attention: Mr. Jim Silverwood ' Regarding: GEOTECHNICAL REPQRT AND COMPACTION TEST RESUITS ROUGH GRADING QPERATIONS ' Temecula Homeownership Project Assessor's Parcel Numbers: 922-053-004 through -011 Sixth Street and Pujoi Street ' City of Temecula, County of Riverside, California Project Number: T2507-C ' References: 1. EnGEN Corporation, Geotechnical/Geological Engineering Study, Proposed Residential Structures, Vicinity of Pujol Street and Sixth Street, City of Temecula, County of Riverside, California, Project Number: T2507-GS, report ' dated March 1, 2002. 2. Masson & Associates, Inc., Precise Grading Plan, Cottages of Old Town Temecula, California, plans dated January 16, 2003. ' Dear Mr. Silverwood: ' In accordance with your request and signed authorization, EnGEN Corporation has pertormed field obsenrations, sampling, and in-place density testing at the above referenced site. Submitted, herein, are the test results and the supporting field and laboratory data. I 1A SITE~PRQJECT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATIQN ' 1.1 PROJECT LOCATION The subject site consists of approximately 2.2 acres, located on the eastern and western side of 6th Street between Felix Valdez Road and Pujol Street, in the City of Temecula, j, County of Riverside, California. ' ~ -,~.- ~ ,\'i /~ -- , ,, ~ ~ ~.,., _ ,._ ,.. _~-n---~ x. .~.--F__ _ ,~ ,-, ,, ~- ~~ ~~~ _ -, _ ,.,. , ~... - __ ,. ~ , , '_ , , ~~, -, ~ ~ ' I " I ~ '- ~ __ . . _ ' ' -J'"~ ' ~J ~II ~ ~ •~ __ ~ _ r, r t aL~ _ , Y37 _' _.. -. Cp-ORANGE~fO NTV ¢Ol I E 615 O a ge A e ue Sa a A ae CA 92 0725pho ne: (714) 546~ 4051 Zfax• (7145 46-40522~~ ~ . _... ; i':• -' i y ,. B SITE[~v3ww.en e corp.com-~• E-MAIL: engencorp@engencorp.com -_~ ~ _. , :~ . ;,~r..-~ . . . --`-~~rr.~~r ENVIRONMENTAI S~ GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING NETWORK ' Affirmed Housing Partners - Temecula, LLC Projed Number: T2507-C ' May 2003 Page 2 ' 1.2 SITE DESCRIPTION Prior to grading operations, overall topography and surface conditions of the site were ' relatively flat with surface drainage to the east at a gradient of less than 5 percent. 1.3 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ' It is understood that the subject site is to be developed with fourteen (14) single family residences as well as two (2) separate detached garage type structures with slab-on-grade , concrete floors supported on conventional continuous and pier footings, with associated driveway as well as hardscape and landscape improvements. ' 2.0 SCOPE OF WQRK 2.1 TIME OF GRADING , This report represents geotechnical observations and testing during the construction operations from March 31, 2003 through May 9, 2003. ' 2.2 CONTRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT The grading operations were performed by Lackey Grading, Inc. through the use of one , (1) CAT D8 dozer, one (1) CAT D6 dozer, one (1) CAT D4 dozer, one (1) CAT 963 track loader, one (1) CAT 950 front end loader, one (1) motor grader, four (4) to eight (8) belly ' dump trucks, and two (2) water trucks. 2.3 GRADING OPERATIONS , Grading within the subject site consisted of an overexcavation and replacement operation, as well as an import fill operation. Grasses and weeds were removed prior to fill ' placement. Fill material was generated from off-site sources and used to bring the building pad portions of the site to finish grade elevation. Removal of afluvium, slopewash, etc., ' was performed in the driveway areas to a minimum depth of 2-feet below finish grade elevation. Overexcavated earth material was stockpiled and later used as fill. Bottoms ' were observed, probed and found to be into competent al~uvial soil by a representative of this firm. The alluvial soil is considered competent based on the removals extending to the ' elevations recommended in the Referenced No. 1 Geotechnical Study. To mitigate for potentially hydrocollapsible ailuvium and potential hazards associated with liquefaction, ' overexcavation was performed throughout the building pads, including the detached garage structures, to a minimum depth of 6-feet below finish grade elevation and to a ' minimum distance of 10-feet outside the proposed structure. The exposed bottoms were ~ ' EaGEN Corporation ~ ' A~rmed Housing Partners - Temecula, LLC Project Number: T2507-C May 2003 Page 3 ' scarified and moisture conditioned to a depth of 12-inches then compacted to 90 percent. Fill was placed in lens thicknesses of 6 to 8-inches, thoroughly moisture conditioned to ' near optimum moisture content, then compacted to a minimum of 90 percent relative compaction. Moisture conditioning of the on-site soils was performed during the compaction process through the use of a water truck. ' The pad areas were generally graded to the elevations noted on the Grading Plan. , However, the actual pad iocations, dimensions, elevations, slope locations and inclinations, etc. were surveyed and staked by others and should be verified by the Project Civil ' Engineer. 3.0 TESrtNG ' 3.1 FIELD TESTING PROCEDURES Field in-place density and moisture content testing were performed in general accordance ' with ASTM D 2922-96 and ASTM D 3017-96 procedures for determining in-place density and moisture content, respectively, using nuclear gauge equipment. Relative compaction ' test results were within the 90 percent required for all material tested, which is an indication that the remainder of the fiil placed has been properiy compacted. Test results are presented in the Appendix of this report. Fill depths and test locations were determined ' from review of the referenced grading plans. ~ 3.2 LABORATORY TESTING The following laboratory tests were performed as part of our services during the grading of , the subject site. The test results are presented in the Appendix of this report. 3.2.1 MOISTURE-DENSITY RELATIONSHIP TEST ' Maximum dry density - optimum moisture content relationship tests were conducted on samples of the materials used as fiil. The tests were performed in general accordance with ' ASTM D 1557-00 procedures. The test results are presented in the Appendix (Summary of Optimum Moisture ContenVMaximum Dry Density Relationship Test Results). ' 3.2.2 EXPANSION INDEX TEST Three (3) soil samples were obtained for expansion potential testing from the building pad ' areas upon completion of rough grading of the subject site. The expansion tests were performed in accordance with ASTM D 4829-95. The materials tested consisted of brown ' siity sands, which have Expansion Indexes of 1 through 13. These soils are classified as ~ , EnGEN Corporation ' ~ Affirmed Housing Partners - Temecula, LLC Project Number. T2507-C ' May 2003 Page 4 ' having a very low expansion potential: The results are presented in the Appendix (Summary of Expansion Index Test Results). ' 3.2.3 SOLUBLE SULFATE TEST Based on this firm's familiarity with the soils used to construct the building pad, it is our ' opinion that soluble sulfates are not a concern, and as a result, normal Type II cement can be used on concrete making contact with the native soils. ' 4.0 EARTH MATERIALS The natural and imported earth materials encountered on-site generally consisted of brown ' to dark brown silty sand. 5.Q GONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ' No conditions were encountered which would cause a change in the previously provided design and construction recommendations. As a result, design and construction should ' adhere to the recommendations provided in the Referenced No. 1 Geotechnical Study. Based on the observations and tests performed during grading, the subject site, in the ' areas noted as test locations, has been completed in accordance with the Referenced No. 1 Geotechnical Study, the project plans and the Grading Code of the City of ' Temecula. The graded site, in the areas noted as graded, is determined to be adequate for the support of a typical residential development. Any subsequent grading for ' development of the subject property should be performed under engineering observation and testing performed by EnGEN Corporation. Subsequent grading includes, but is not , limited to, any additional fill placement and excavation of temporary and permanent cut and fill slopes. In addition, EnGEN Corporation should observe all foundation excavations. ' Observations should be made prior to installation of concrete forms and/or reinforcing steel so as to verify and/or modify, if necessary, the conclusions and recommendations in this ' report. Observations of overexcavation cuts, fill placement, finish grading, utility or other trench backfill, pavement subgrade and base course, retaining wall backfill; slab ' presaturation, or other earth work completed for the development of the subject site should be performed by EnGEN Corporation. If any of the observations and testing to verify site geotechnical conditions are not performed by EnGEN Corporation, liability for the safety ' and performance of the development is limited to the actual portions of the project observed and/or tested by EnGEN Corporation. ' ~ ' EnGEN Corporation ' ' Affirmed Housing PaRners - Temecula, LLC Project Number. T2507-C May 2003 Page 5 ' 6.Q CLOSURE This report has been prepared for use by the parties or project named or described above. It may or may not contain sufficient information for other parties or purposes. The findings ' and recommendations expressed in this report are based on field and laboratory testing performed during the rough grading operation and on generally accepted engineering ' practices and principles. No further warranties are implied or expressed beyond the direct representations of this report. ' ' ~ , Thank you for the opportunity to provide these services. If you should have any questions regarding this report, please do not hesitate to contact this office at your convenience. ' SRW/OB:hh Distribution: (2) Addressee ' (2) Allgire Contractors, Inc. , ' ' 1 C , ' FILE: EnGEN/Reporting/ClT2507-C Afirmed Housing, Rough Gretling ' EnGEN Corporation ~ ' ' 1 ' ' 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Affirmed Housing Partners - Temecula, LLC Project Number. T2507-C Appendix Page 1 APPENDIX: TEST RESULTS ~ EnGEN Corporation , ' ' ~ ~ ' ' ' 1 , I I ' , ' ' ' ~, ' ~ Affirmed Housing Partners - Temecula, LLC Project Number: T2507-C Appendix Page 2 FIELD TEST RESULTS (Summary of Field In-Place Density Test Results) (Nuclear Gauge Test Method) (S.G.) = Subgrade /(F.G.) = Finish Grade Test No. Test Date (2003) Test Locations Depth Elevation (FT) Soil Type Max Density (PCF) Moisture Content (%) Dry Density (PCF) Relative Compaction (%) Required Compaction (%) ~ 04-01 Building 7A 1013 A1 127.3 9.3 117.8 92.5% 90.0% z 04-01 Building 6A 1013 A1 127.3 10.2 117.9 92.6% 90.0% 3 04-01 Building 2A 1011 A1 127.3 10.5 116.1 91.2% 90.0% 4 04-02 Building2A 1010 A1 127.3 8.8 121.0 95.1% 90.0% 5 04-02 Building 6A 1014 A1 127.3 9.6 118.4 93.0% 90.0% g 04-02 Building7A 1015 A1 127.3 9.0 116.0 91.1% 90.0% 7 04-03 Building 3A 1006 A1 127.3 8.1 114.9 90.3% 90.0% g 04-03 Building 4A 1007 A1 127.3 9.0 120.1 94.3% 90.0% g 04-03 Building 5A 1009 A1 127.3 9.9 115.1 90.4% 90.0% ~p 04-03 BuildingBA 1011 A1 127.3 10.3 115.8 91.0% 90.0% ~ ~ 04-03 Building 7A 1016 A1 127.3 9.5 116.7 91.7% 90.0% 12 04-04 eui~ding2A 1012 A1 127.3 10.1 117.0 91.9% 90.0% 13 04-04 Building3A 1007 A1 127.3 9.2 116.1 91.2% 90.0% 14 04-04 Building 3A 1009 A1 127.3 10.7 117.8 92.5% 90.0% 15 04-04 Building4A 1009 A1 127.3 10.5 119.0 93.5% 90.0% 16 04-04 euilding eA 1013 A1 127.3 9.4 115.8 91.0% 90.0% 17 04-07 Building2C 1003 A1 127.3 12.6 113.7 89.3% 90.0% ~ g 04-07 Retest #17 1003 A1 127.3 12.1 115.8 91.0% 90.0% ~g 04-07 euilding 2C 1005 A1 127.3 12.2 119.5 93.9% 90.0% 2p 04-07 Building 2B 1002 A1 127.3 10.0 116.1 912% 90.0% z~ 04-07 euilding2C 1007 A1 127.3 13.1 109.6 86.1% 90.0% 22 04-08 Retest #21 1007 A1 127.3 12.5 115.3 90.6% 90.0% 23 04-08 Building3C 999 A1 127.3 9.9 116.0 91.1% 90.0% Zq 04-08 Bulding 3A 1010 A4 131.9 8.5 124.2 94.2% 90.0% 25 04-08 Building 3Al4A 1011 A4 131.9 9.1 125.0 94.8% 90.0% Zg 04-08 Building 3C 1001 A1 127.3 9.8 115.1 90.4% 90.0% 27 04-08 euilding 7B 1003 A1 127.3 8.9 116.8 91.8% 90.0% 2g 04-OS BWding4A 1012 A4 131.9 10.6 125.4 95.1% 90.0% 29 04-09 Building 5C 999 A3 124.8 10.4 116.7 93.5% 90.0% 30 04-09 Building4C 997 A3 124.8 9.4 114.9 92.1% 90.0% 3~ 04-09 Building 5A 1011 A4 131.9 9.5 122.1 92.6% 90.0% ~ EnGEN Corporation ' ' ' ' l_ l ~ ' , L.J ~ ~ ' ' ' ~ ' ' t ~ Affirmed Housing Partners - Temecula, lLC Project Number: T2507-C Appendix Page 3 FIELD TEST RESULTS (Summary of Field In-Place Density Test Results) (Nuclear Gauge Test Method) (S.G.) = Subgrade/(F.G.) = Finish Grade Test Na Test Date (2003) Test Locations Depth Elevation (FT) Soil Type Max Density (PCF) Moisture Content (%) Dry Density (PCP~ Relative Compaction (%) Required Compaction (%) 32 04-09 Building 3A 1012 A4 131.9 8.7 120.7 91.5% 90.0% 33 04-09 Building 2A 1014 A4 131.9 10.7 117.8 89.3% 90.0% 34 ~4-11 Building 7A 1018 A5 127.9 10.2 116.2 90.9% 90.0% 35 ~4-11 Building6A 1016 A5 127.9 10.5 117.8 92.1% 90.0% 36 Q4-12 euilding 5A 1016 A5 127.9 10.1 119.7 93.6% 90.0% g~ 04-12 Building BA 1017 A5 127.9 10.8 118.6 92.7% 90.0% 38 04-14 Building 6C 1000 A3 124.8 10.9 115.7 92.7% 90.0% 39 04-14 eui~ding 5C 1000 A3 124.8 10.5 114.2 91.5% 90.0% 40 04-17 Building 6A 1018 A5 127.9 10.6 117.1 91.6% 90.0% 41 04-17 Building 7A F.Ci. A5 127.9 11.0 117.2 91.6% 90.0% 42 04-17 Building 6A F.G. A5 127.9 10.8 118.6 92.7% 90.0% 43 04-17 Building 3A F.G. A5 127.9 10.1 119.5 93.4% 90.0% 44 04-17 Retest#33 1014 A4 131.9 9.2 124.2 94.2% 90.0% 45 04-17 Building aA F.G. A4 131.9 9.7 122.2 92.6% 90.0% 46 04-19 euilding 5C 1002 A3 124.8 13.2 116.5 93.3% 90.0% 47 04-19 Building 4C 1002 A3 124.8 12.9 115.9 92.9% 90.0% qg 04-19 Building 5C 1008 A3 124.8 11.9 114.7 91.9% 90.0% qg 04-19 Building 5C 1000 A3 124.8 13.1 115.2 92.3% 90.0% 50 04-19 Building 5C 1004 A5 127.9 12.9 119.4 93.4% 90.0% 51 04-19 euilding aC 1004 A5 127.9 13.4 118.7 92.8% 90.0% 52 04-21 Bui~ding6C 1006 A5 127.9 12.9 119.1 93.1% 90.0% 53 04-21 Building 4C 1006 A5 127.9 12.2 119.9 93.7% 90.0% 54 04-22 Building 7A F.G. A5 127.9 10.6 123.4 96.5% 90.0% 55 04-23 Building 9A Garage 1010 A1 127.3 11.5 120.2 94.4% 90.0% 56 ~4-23 Building 9A Garege 1012 A1 127.3 11.6 120.6 94.7% 90.0% 5~ 04-23 Building 18 Driveway S.G. A1 127.3 11.1 120.0 94.3% 90.0% 58 04-24 Building 6A F.G. A1 127.3 10.5 120.4 94.6% 90.0% 59 04-24 Building 5A F.G. A1 127.3 7.9 121.2 95.2% 90.0% 60 04-25 Building tB 1006.5 A1 127.3 9.0 122.2 96.0% 90.0% g~ 04-25 Building tB 1009 A~ 127.3 7.5 122.4 96.2% 90.0% 6z 04-25 Building 7A Garege 1011 A1 127.3 6.2 119.1 93.6% 90.0% ~~ EnGE1V Corporation Affirmed Housing Partners - Temecula, LLC Project Number: T2507-C Appendix Page 4 FIELD TEST RESULTS (Summary of Field In-Place Density Test Results) (Nuclear Gauge Test Method) (S. G.) = Subgrade / (F.G.) = Finish Grade Test No. Test Date (2003) Test Locations Depth Elevation (FT~ Soil Type Max Density (PCF) Moisture Content (%) Dry Density (PCF) Relative Compaction (%) Required Compaction (%) 63 04-25 BuildinglAGarage 1013 A1 127.3 7.4 121.5 95.4% 90.0% 64 04-28 euilding 4C F.G. A1 127.3 8.7 120.2 94.4% 90.0% 65 04-28 euilding 3C F.G. A1 127.3 9.1 121.2 95.2% 90.0% 66 04-28 Bui~ding 5C F.G. A1 127.3 8.6 119.6 94.0% 90.0% 67 04-28 Building 6C F.G. A1 127.3 8.3 116.1 91.2% 90.0% gg 04-28 Building 2C F.G. A1 127.3 10.9 114.9 90.3% 90.0% gg 04-29 Building tA Garage F.G. A1 127.3 8.3 120.9 95.0% 90.0% 70 04-29 Building tA Driveway F.G. A1 127.3 8.5 121.8 95.7% 90.0% 79 04-29 Building9AGarage F.G. A1 127.3 8.2 121.9 95.8% 90.0% 7P 04-29 Building 26 F.G. A3 124.8 9.6 113.5 90.9% 90.0% 73 04-30 Building 9A Driveway F.G. A1 127.3 9.3 122.6 96.3% 90.0% 74 05-01 BuildingslC-6CDriveway S.G. A1 127.3 7.9 117.5 92.3% 90.0% 75 05-01 BuildingslC-6CDriveway S.G. A1 127.3 10.2 118.9 93.4% 90.0% 7B 05-01 Building tB Driveway 1007 A1 127.3 8.6 115.1 90.4% 90.0% 77 05-01 euilding 1B 1009 A1 127.3 9.7 116.2 91.3% 90.0% 78 05-01 Building 16 1008 A1 127.3 10.1 115.9 91.0% 90.0% 79 05-05 Building 2A F.G. A1 127.3 6.9 121.9 95.8% 90.0% gp 05-05 Buiidings2A/SADriveway F.G. A1 127.3 9.8 124.2 97.6% 90.0% g~ 05-05 Buildings 2Al5A Driveway F.G. A1 127.3 9.3 123.0 96.6% 90.0% gz 05-05 Buildings 2C/3C Driveway F.G. A1 127.3 8.7 117.1 92.0% 90.0% 83 05-09 Building 2B F.G. A1 127.3 8.6 118.2 92.9% 90.0% 84 05-09 euilding is F.G. A1 127.3 9.1 117.8 92.5% 90.0% ~~ EnGEN Corporation Affirmed Housing Partners - Temecula, LLC Project Number: T2507-C Appendix Page 5 SUMMARY OF OPTIMUM MOISTURE CONTENT MAXIMUM DRY DENSITY RELATIONSHIP TEST RESULTS ASTM D 1557-00 Soil Description (USCS Symbol) Soil Type Maximum Dry Density (PCF) Optimum Moisture Content (%) Siity Sand, Dark Brown (SM) A1 127.3 8.9 Silty Sand, Dark Brown (SM) A3 124.8 10.8 Silty Sand, Brown (SM) A4 131.9 10.1 Silty Sand, Dark Brown (SM) A5 127.9 10.4 ~Z EnGEN Corporation A~rmed Housing Partners - Temecula, LLC Project Number: T2507-C Appendix Page 6 SUMMARY OF EXPANSION INDEX TEST RESULTS ASTM D 4829-95 Soil Dry Density Moisture Moisture Expansion Depth (FT) Condition Before Condition Type ~P~fl ~ndex Test (%) After Test (%~ E1 -1 115.0 9.7 16.4 13 E2 -1 116.4 8.2 16.8 10 E3 -1 112.3 8.8 14.8 1 ~`J EnGEN Corporation Affirmed Housing Partners - Temecula, LLC ' Project Number: T2507-C Appendix Page 7 , i , APPENDIX: ~ ' DRAWINGS ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ EnGEN Corporation